Public gropped

My friends V(21F), D(21M), DE(20F) and E(24), they all made a group with other friends and left me out of it. They act like I did the wrong so I'm not sure about how to feel and I don't know what I did wrong either. I also don't know if my mom was right and it was bullying. What do y'all think?

2024.03.29 21:32 RoiReiMoon My friends V(21F), D(21M), DE(20F) and E(24), they all made a group with other friends and left me out of it. They act like I did the wrong so I'm not sure about how to feel and I don't know what I did wrong either. I also don't know if my mom was right and it was bullying. What do y'all think?

Hi, I (25F) became friends with a couple of girls N (22F) and V(21F) on the first year of college. We worked together on every project and talked about life, mostly me about my abusive ex bf. But I ended up loving our friendship because they were pretty intelligent, chill and good people in general. Now, the past semester we chose the same schedule (morning classes) and shared almost the same classmates, so everything was the same, the only difference is that I had started to clash with N and talked it out and decided that we won't spend so much time together because we didn't want to annoy the other. I still considered her my friend and felt grateful for her presence in my life and felt lots of admiration and respect. That semester however I felt pretty pretty happy because two other friends signed up for this schedule, so I got along with pretty much everyone there. The final month of that semester (forgive me, please English is not my first language so I can express myself that well) N's and V's old group started to play games when we had free time during classes and well, I was like cool for them, they laugh a lot and seem happy. I went to see if I can be with that group some times, but they were very physically close to each other and when I stayed I was a bit far away or just stayed there without anyone interacting with me. I was okay with that, but I'm a talkative person so eventually stopped going to their seats because I felt I had nothing to do there. Now, in that last month of said semester the group became complete (?). My bff D(22M), and other two friends DE(21F) and E(24M) entered that group, games, group chats and hang outs, and then I really started to feel excluded. They were all polite with me, I had had no incident with anyone really, except for the class president A (23F), who in my opinion, cared more about what the teachers may think about our class than about her classmates opinions/interests. One day I called her out when a teacher gave us assignments at 9pm going back and forth till 11pm. I started saying that I know she (this girl) didn't like me, but to please think about what I was goin to tell her: to stop giving the teacher excuses and to tell that teacher that it was disrespectful to do that at that hour. The next day this girl started crying before one class saying that she had so much in her plate and that if we didn't like her as class president we could vote and choose someone else. She said this in the middle of her group, legit they were always in a circle, and talked loudly enough for me to hear it. Her grop told her that no she was the best at her duty, that they all were all thankful for her, etc, etc. I know I didn't word my annoyance with the situation well, but I didn't either felt bad for telling her to stop listening and giving her nightime to the teacher. I thought whatever I said to her she would take it professionally, but I was mistaken. Just to clarify I didn't insult her, or tell her that she should step down and let other person be class president, or anything of that kind. So, back to the period I was talking about. That month the groups was completed and I started to feel pretty excluded, now, for real. Why? Because I used to do all classes assignments with V because we complemented each other very well, worked fast and got great grades. Then, suddenly she rejected me when I asked her if she wanted to do xyz assignment telling me that she had already decided to do it with someone from her friends group. I felt sad, but more than anything worried because all the people in that group were people I liked to work with and now I had no one. Other classmates also had already their groups so I had to ask person by person if they were in need of someone to work with. N started to ignore my greetings and say no to anything I asked for her, stupid little things like blush or toilet paper (yeah stupid, but she gave it to another friend that asked after me with no problem at all). So, ok, I got the memo. If I asked any of them to hang out with me or to do or go some place, they told me that they had already made plans with the group to do that exact same thing. If they HAD to do something with me I had to sit or wait on the sidelines for the group to finish whatever they were doing for that friend to go with me. About the chats: Well, I got to know about it because their voices were pretty freaking loud! And they talked about this or that thing mentioning what was said on the chat group. Sometimes they even went to the friends I sat with and started talking with them and of course I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about, so I couldn't like to try to be part of the conversation (for anyone who might tell that I didn't even try to be part of that group). Once or twice I said something, because again, they don't talk, they scream, and they were like oh yeah and kept talking to each other. Lol I felt and feel still really stupid and lame. They did fun things like matching their outfits with the same colour every day, making memes about each other, going to watch movies, going to their houses to make homeworks or spend time together, etc. A couple of times they made plans to celebrate someone's birthday and I, of course, didn't get included so the birthday person started to act cold towards me because I basically hadn't be there with them in their day, which again, how could I be when nobody invited me! Nor even told me that moment to go with them, with me putting anything to set up the party?! And it wasn't about gifts or verbal congratulations, they thought I didn't want to spend time with them so I didn't bother to go to their party.
I want to clarify that no one from that group was ever verbally rude or disrespectful to me. Like we all acted cordially.
I've had problems in my house for a couple of years because I couldn't find a job and at my mom's job they basically exploit workers, therefore I didn't have money to eat or sbuy anything at campus, nor even at home sometimes. I had had also a fling with a guy I really liked and he ended up treating me like shit, I felt down a couple of stairs and kept limping and complaining about my knee, my phone screen broke twice in the same semester and in general I struggle with depression and anxiety so I hurt my face a lot. This time so so much that I wore a face mask every single day because my face looked awful, so bad that my friends couldn't tell me anything to make feel good denying it or something like that. I felt awful every day and cried absolutely every single day. So when all my friends were together and didn't include me I lost it. I started crying at home with my mom every day, apart from the time I was in college. I was a complete mess. I started to stay in the classroom after the classes ended to not see them on my way home. I just didn't want to go to college anymore because I didn't want to see anyone and in general my health went to the ground. I just wanted to finish the semester, and consider what to do.
My mom listening to me told me that I didn't have to feel like that because I didn't need them, etc. You know, mom words to cheer her daughter up, but later told me that everything I told her about was basically bullying. And I think that's a pretty strong, serious word to use it lightly. I told her that no, that it was somethin that just didn't happen (me not being included). However I couldn't help feeling bad and cried all the time wherever I was, despite my mom telling me to stop doing that in public, in front of these people.
Whatever, I had a fight with DE because she was mad that I didn't want to date her bf's friend, and I told her that I appreciated the intention, but that that was not was I was looking for. She stopped me one day to talk and asked me to apologise to her. I was speechless and told her that I wasn't going to do what she considered I had to do and that she should understand and acknowledge that and that brat left the room saying out loud how I didn't appreciate her, etc. A couple of days later I told her that I felt she was disrespectful and also that I felt hurt because she being my friend never tried to include me in that group. She told me that I never asked her what they were talking about (when they clearly told me that it was private matters between the group only), that I never went to them and asked to be with them, that nobody told me because I didn't get along with the class president (thing that in my opinion wasn't the case... because I never attacked her as a person or anything, I called her out about her actions as the class president and thought that she wouldn't take it as something personal). Well, DE told me that she has distanced herself from me because I always had something bad going on in my life and that I thought she didn't have problems too. and that so much toxicity affected her (FAIR). That I didn't even remember what she had confided me (for real not even now remember to be completely honest, so this was really bad on my part). She told me that I had been ungrateful, something my bff (D) denied saying that I'm not like that, and well finished it up saying that I think I'm the center of the world. That I was self-centered thinking she and well all of them had to think how I felt when everyone I knew was invited to that group, but me. That she hadn't been in that group for that long, that it wasn't even up for her to tell me anything or to include me and... that I was the disrespectful one and that she was the one who had been waiting for and deserved an apology. My bff tried to make us agree to accept our faults and try to get along again, but DE said that she had nothing to recognize and left. At that point I had started bawling.
So, after we passed the semester V started to not reply to anything I sent her, stopped sending me vids or posts on ig and tt and well basically we didn't talk again. I made a video for her bday and also for christmas and new year telling her how much I appreciated her and wishing her well. But I had already decided to accept the situation of our friendship and leave it along with all the experiences I had that year. So 31st was the last time I exchanged text with her.
Now, I changed my schedule to the afternoon classes because I didn't want to be with that group again and feel lonely. I've liked it so far and feel better. I thought it would be the best for everyone, However, I feel bad that it's like basically I died for them.
One thing about me is that I get really upset with ill-mannered people... I say this because N and V have seen me a couple of times around at our campus and just elbowed each other, but didn't say hi or anything, ok. A couple of days back I went to the World March of Women and saw a dear friend of mine and rushed to hug her and well, they were in the way, I didn't want to confirm it so I didn't watch and bolted towards my friend, but decided to not act childish and turned to greet N and V but they completely ignored my presence. It stang particularly in V's case, because I loved our friendship of the past two years.
Now I'm mad because they all act like I did something wrong, bad towards them and acted without manners. I feel that I'm wrong thinking like that tho. Also, I can't get out of my head what my mom said about their actions being actually bullying because to me it doesn't seem like it, and I feel I would be playing the victim if I said they did bully me.
Am I being childish and playing the victim? and why?
P.S I mentioned E(24M) just to show that I had 4 close friends in that group of 10 people.
submitted by RoiReiMoon to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.02.04 01:31 johnny-wubrg Five-Color Green-Black Etrata French Vanilla Hill Giants

Went 1-2 so not my best showing but just the premise of this deck makes me so happy.
submitted by johnny-wubrg to mtg [link] [comments]

2024.02.03 14:20 WiseFisherman2942 Än mer Putinpropaganda i SD:s mediakanaler

För SD-grundade webbtidningen Samnytt, vars skribenter inkluderar både högt uppsatta SD-politiker och andra uppdragshavare för partiet, har jag tidigare uppmärksammat hur det återges propaganda rakt från Putins mun utan minsta ansats till källkritik eller nyansering. Tvärtom kommenterar artikelförfattaren Putins ord med länkar till proryska antivaxxare på Xitter.
Idag fortsätta jag i samma bana, och presenterar lite av senaste veckans proryska propaganda från SD-media.
Den första artikeln att titta på är ””Putin vill snabbare ”integrera” erövrade ukrainska regioner””. Det är ett reportage om Putins satsningar på ekonomi, infrastruktur, sjukvård och utbildning i ockuperade Ukraina. Redan här kan man fråga sig varför SD-media rapporterar mer om Putins välfärdssatsningar än om hans invasionskrig. Det är dock inte den detaljen som är mest talande. Artikeln avslutas nämligen såhär:
Zelenskyjs upprepade löften under 2021 om att ”återta” Krim, som av vissa tolkades som ett krigshot, var en av faktorerna som ledde fram till den ryska invasionen av Ukraina i februari 2022.
Det är ett absurt påstående, och väl i linje med det ryska narrativet om att västerlig aggression var den egentliga bakgrunden till Putins invasionskrig. Extra absurt blir det när man tittar närmre på dessa löften av Zelenskyj.
Speaking on Monday at the Crimean Platform, a summit in Kyiv designed to keep international attention focused on Russia’s 2014 annexation, Zelenskyy said Ukraine would use “all possible political, legal and first and foremost diplomatic means” to pursue its goal.
Att säga att man vill återta ockuperad mark med diplomati kan knappast tolkas som ett hot om krig, förutom möjligen av de mest Putinvänliga propagandisterna. Tyvärr hittar vi sådana även bland Sverigedemokraterna och deras mediekanaler.
Den andra artikeln som behöver uppmärksammas handlar om bondeprotester i EU. Den avslutas med ett antal Xitter-inlägg från högerradikala profiler. En av dem, som även varit anställd på då SD-ägda youtubekanalen Riks, skriver såhär:
BREAKING As the farmers are fighting for their livelihoods and our freedom outside of the European Parliament in Brussels, the Eurocrats just agreed to send another 50 billion euro to Ukraine.
They laugh at us. They despise us. They hate us.
Inte bara är det ett genomskinligt försök till att skapa spänningar och polarisering i Europa och fientlighet gentemot Europeiska Unionen, utan det är också ett tydligt försök till att vända personer emot det europeiska stödet till Ukraina. Detta presenteras i en nyhetsartikel, helt utan diskussion, kritik eller nyansering. Den nyttiga idiotin, eller nyttiga ideologin, är påtaglig.
Här följer några populära kommentarer från artiklarnas kommentarsfält:
”Globalistmedia (public service, Bonnier och Schibsted i Sverige) agiterar nu hårt för att motarbeta Ungern som på grund av sin ansvarsfulla politik i allmänhet är ett av de tryggaste länderna i Europa. Budapest utsågs nyligen till den tryggast huvudstaden i EU. Men nu vill man förstöra landet genom att försöka ta kontrollen över Ungern med hjälp av sanktioner, hot och mutor. Det är så globalistmaffian arbetar och det är därför den är så skadlig för alla som drabbas av den. Målet är att ta över Ryssland, men det kommer inte att ske så lätt. Det är därför globalisterna vill erövra Sverige och Finland och använda våra länder som utposter för deras kommande krig mot Ryssland.”
NATO och väst står med byxorna nere, dom har inte lyckats krossa Ryssland eller byta ut Putin. Den egna ekonomin är kraschad med dyra råvaror och höga energipriser som drivkraft.
Stackars väst - deras planer på att stycka upp Ryssland och exploatera naturtillgångarna gick om intet.
Det gamla talesättet "Den som gräver en grop åt andra faller ofta själv däri" har återigen besannats.
”Någon som fortfarande tror att Ryssland håller på att förlora kriget? Ser inte ut som att de kommer lämna tillbaka dessa områden i första taget. Nu vill vi bara se att de tar svartahavskusten också. Odessa är en fin gammal rysk stad.”
Det finns många fler liknande kommentarer.
Vad som står på spel i EU-valet är tydligt. Rösta på partier som inte ger SD fritt spelrum om du bryr dig om ett fritt Europa.
Artikel 1
Artikel 2
Utdrag om Zelenskyj löften om Krim
submitted by WiseFisherman2942 to svenskpolitik [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 06:51 EconomicsDesperate56 Second time shooting at 100 yards, how’d I do? Send tips/advice

Second time shooting at 100 yards, how’d I do? Send tips/advice
Had my first .270 rifle for about 3 months and just got to shooting it just over 2 weeks ago. As stated I was at 100 yards with my .270, I think for the second time shooting it I’m definitely getting the hang of it. Also learned that 150 grain shoots better than 130 grain out of my rifle.
submitted by EconomicsDesperate56 to longrange [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 11:34 Neo15w Hi..🙂

submitted by Neo15w to u/Neo15w [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 22:15 Deal_Breaker2 [M4GM] The Herald of The Storm (long-term, Chainsaw Man Rp)

[M4GM] The Herald of The Storm (long-term, Chainsaw Man rp)
You, meat bag, bare your eyes and listen well. I am the eye of the storm, the fury and destruction of the skies, and you human, you are dying. Soon you will bleed out and pass from this world, but that doesn't need to happen, I have a deal for you, the best deal you will ever have. You want to live, and I cannot exist in this world without a body. I will lend you my strength, just a portion of it, and save you from death, in exchange I get your body. I'll live in it and use you as a vessel to crush my foes. Agree to these terms or dead, human."
My eyes tremble at the mass in front of me, the storm demon, no one's ever seen the creature outside of it's host. Yet today, as I lay with a spear in my side and sword in my back, I watched as two Titans fought it out, ending with the storm demon's vessel being killed, ripped to shreds and left a pile of bone and gore on the ground, the winner marching away in triumph without even checking to see if the demon inside was dead. Now I lay before a god, its form radiating with power and authority, like it could kill me with just one glance of its eyes.
"Speak human! Do you agree?!"
Just then a rough patch of wind shakes the plane and wakes me from my dream. No long was I half alive on a bloody battlefield, surrounded by the bodies of my fallen kings men, now I was in the comforty cabin of a private jet heading eastbound towards Japan. Hard to believe, after all this time, I was still here. Storm believed I would only last a few months, a year tops. It's been 1,000 years since that day, Storm's consciousness faded into the back of my mind, leaving only me left in this body. It's a shame, eternity wouldn't have been a lot less lonely with them.
My train of thought was interrupted as the rather attractive flight attendant sets a drink down on the table in front of me. Her short skirt and tight uniform showing off her curves and long legs. She flashes a happy smile and rest her hand against my shoulder. "Here's your drink, we'll be arriving in 10 there anything I can do for you before we land? Anything?"
I smirk, my eyes immediately glancing down at her perfectly round rear, centuries spent on this Earth and only one thing remained the same, my lust. The need for instance gratification, my sex drive was actually the one thing I can relay on, always there for me on a bad or good day. I couldn't stop but how myself to her body, my hand roughly slapping against her ass and tightly gropping a feel. "Well, now that you mentioned it, I'm pretty stressed from the flight, a little...attention would be nice."
She lets out a surprised squeak and blushes, trying to regain her composure. "I-I, w-we're about to land!"
"In 10 minutes, that's all I need to make you purr." I say, giving her ass a firm pinch. "But if you want I can give you a little taste now and we can go your place after we land."
She bites her lips and nods slightly. "Well, if we're quick I'm sure the pilots won't mind-" The jet shakes again, this time a little too violent for turbulence, metal screeches as the roof of the plane is suddenly ripped away, air rushes into into the cabin and a mess of demonic red tentacles spilt into the plane. I push the attendant away towards the back of the cabin and stand up as this giant undead octopus spawns in front of me.
"What is that thing?!" The attendant screams.
"No, stop. How in the hell an octopus demon get 3000 feet in the air?" I immediately ask.
"WEll I-"
"Like if you were a bird demon or a plane demon I get it, but you're a literal octopus, what did you do? Flap your tentacles really hard? Or spin around like a helicopter until you started hovering?"
"Excuse me, you came on my plane, cock blocked me, and you don't even have the decency to use my name. I'm Hayden Blakee, I am the Harold of The Storm and you stepped on the wrong plane." I growl, lightning crackling around my hands.
I fire a bolt of lightning straight at the demon, the cabin flashing a bright blinding blue as the demon is cooked and ripped apart, chunks of seafood splattering every. "Octopus demon, how stupid." Hayden sighs as the plane suddenly starts dropping altitude.
I quickly hurry towards the cockpit, slamming the door open and staring down at the two panicked pilots. "We're going down!" One shouts, the shore of Japan within view.
"We're going to aim for the beach, brace yourself for impact!" The other adds.
"Don't worry, no matter what happens, I'll survive." I casually say before the jet rocks forward as it crashes into the sandy beach, civilians screaming and running for their lives, that was the last thing I remember before I was thrown through the windshield of the plane...
Hey there, I'm looking for a GM to run me through a Chainsaw Man rp. I'll be playing Hayden Blakee, a former crusader who cut a deal with the storm demon (dormant) for abilities. He's got the standard demon/human power set, enhanced strength, stamina, durability, etc, along with lightning and thunder manipulation, wind control, pretty much everything a storm can do. He's a bit morally grey and very much an ends justifies the means kind of guy. Maybe of he comes across an attractive demon or fiend doing something bad, he'll have no problem using them.
I should clarify that dispate being the GM, I won't leave you completely alone to do everything, I'll be helping you with the story and keeping themselves moving. We can throw around ideas and come up with something that works for the both of us. We can follow the CSM story or create our own, if you have any ocs or characters from other shows you want to add, I'm cool with that just let me know ahead of time. Also I don't expect you to be a novelist, 4-5 lines is good with me, just no one liners please (PLEASE), and I can also rp in third person as well.
As for my kinks, incest, public/hidden sex, mind break, ahegao, wholesome/romance, noncon, begging, dirty talk, blackmail, filming, orientation play, pet play, bleaching/raceplay, and cock shock. I get not all of these will mix well in a long term rp so we don't need to include all of them or find a way to use them in a way that works for everyone.
My limits are bathroom play, vore, gore in a sexual nature, femboys, lactation, musk, beast, futas, and feet.
I'm not sure what else to say so feel free to reach out, chat or DM which ever one you like. Please put a little effort on your messages, I don't need a whole book introduction but just an opener and an idea or two you have, plus your kinks and limits, any issues you have, etc. And finally Power > Makima. (Let me know your favorite waifu so I know you made it this long)
submitted by Deal_Breaker2 to u/Deal_Breaker2 [link] [comments]

2023.12.17 12:36 CMPTTV Murid Rajin Starterpack

Murid Rajin Starterpack submitted by CMPTTV to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2023.12.11 04:24 bakedfob77 Is it the arrow or the bowman?

Is it the arrow or the bowman?
Hi all, Cheeto finger here, I’m feeling a bit disappointed in my Bergara (b14 hmr 6.5 creed), I just can’t seem to get this rifle to group well, I’ve probably put 300 rounds down the tube by now. I was hoping in the “speed up” process it would group tighter but sub moa groups with this thing seem to be unattainable. Now I’m no super navy seal expert marksmen like some, but Im proficient enough to get my friends rifles to drive tacks.
I’ve sanded the overspray off the bedding blocks. Torqued the bolt to spec Had two vortex scopes on it Put match ammo in it All that and had it in the lead sled at the range to best remove me from the equation
The top left and bottom right were Hornady 147 ELD match factory ammo
The rest were some hand loads I’m working on If you care 140gr sierra match kings on top of 41gr StaBal 6.5, and I was testing seat depth.
The center top and center target I would disregard due to seat depth.
Just curious what your guys opinion is. I’ve heard nothing but great things about these rifles. Is this a me problem or should I send the rifle in to be looked at?
submitted by bakedfob77 to longrange [link] [comments]

2023.11.15 17:27 Liamari_3 The empty promise of Timothée Chalamet

The empty promise of Timothée Chalamet
I stumbled across this old article of him and I decided to read it again. I remember the first time it got published and silly old me thinking "wow. This is important. What an intelligent, mature guy".
Time proved me wrong.
This guy was named a "Next Generation Leader".
What a fucked up Generation, honestly.
All of his recent actions are a complete opposite of what he claimed so passionately in the interview (protecting the environment, using his platforms for good, not becoming some "vapid idol").
This is a "leader" who has:
-Willingly associated himself with a family that promotes damaging self-image standards to women, appropriate black culture (and exploit it), damage the environment, steal ideas and hard work from designers and artists, etc etc -Gropped a woman's ass in a public place (also ignoring non-smoke policies in public places and didn't giving a fuck about it) -Participated in a joke mocking suicide AND the current situation in Palestine -NOT used his platform to support ANY of the struggles his fellow actors community fought so hard for months -constantly promoted himself and his projects even when he couldn't do it to show solidarity to his community -associated himself and taking as "idols" fellow actors like Leo DiCaprio who is a creepy old dude sleeping with women WAY younger than him and Kid Cudi who had violence allegations against him by former partners -several anecdotes of him being someone really hard to work with, even being plainly rude to staff and crew members -collaborated with Woody Allen and only separating himself from it as a result of fear his chances of winning awards would get in risk. Same with the Hammer scandal. -constantly talked about how he mingles with the "Good Hollywood" when in reality, all the young Hollywood promises have avoided him like the plague in real life.
People think we hate this guy just because "he got a girlfriend". Don't be so naive. That's not the reason.
There was a promise in this guy. It truly was.
Unfortunately, that promise was always empty.
submitted by Liamari_3 to TimotheeChalametSnark [link] [comments]

2023.09.22 03:14 hornytacos45 Michelle’s first threesome

In college I was dating this girl Michelle who was in the sister sorority to my fraternity. She had an amazing body type. 5’3”, light brown hair, big green eyes, with DD boobs, toned stomach, and thick legs with a big ass. Not to mention she had a fuck you attitude which came off bitchy sometimes but made me want to fuck the attitude out of her more.
Her ass was so incredible I use to request fucking her in prone position most the time because it felt so much better to cum inside her while I could feel her ass pressed against my pelvis.
When she gave head, she would need breaks because she tried to use her throat like her pussy. She would go too fast and need to stop. Well she did use a lot of spit and would talk about how much she loved sucking cock. Not gonna lie it was a turn on to hear her even mention her enjoying sucking multiple cocks 😵‍💫. After she let me cum on her face, I’d have her ride me a little bit so she can get off. She looked so sexy riding with cum on her face. We took a lot of polaroids of it at the time which I’d love to post.
I couldn’t help but tease her in public about being “bad at giving head” because she would turn so red in front of my fraternity brothers 😂. The joke went on for weeks and my buddies would randomly bring up how Michelle was “Orally challenged”.
Well, one night after getting back from a Greek event, my friends Ben and Jonathan wanted to have a beer and watch the Mayweather fight. The guys sat on one couch while Michelle and I sat on a recliner together. She was obviously bored because it’s boxing and she’s only there to hangout. We were all bullshitting and talking about the shorts, shoes, and mouth guards of the boxers. Well, my buddy Jonathan made another joke about how Michelle should use a mouth guard when she gives head so that she doesn’t drag her teeth.
At this point the joke was less funny and she was just getting mad. So she got in front of me and said I’ll show you I can deepthroat with NO PROBLEM. At first she just looked around and everyone laughed but I told her “do it, you won’t, you’re so full of it”….. it wasn’t more than 5 seconds and she put her hand up my shorts, kissed my zipper, and then pulled my shorts to my knees. It was a little weird to be naked in front of my friends, but she put her mouth on my cock so quick they couldn’t even see me completely naked.
The guys immediately said “OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, WHAT IS GOING ON! They laughed, jumped on the couch, and said ok y’all obviously need your own room this is wild. Well Michelle finally had me rock hard and took her throat off my cock and looked at Jonathan and said “well don’t be weird, fuck me if you’re going to watch”. I told him to do it for the story.
“Jonathan it’s okay man I don’t care, it’s going to be a story. She’s really tight and loves getting fucked from behind”. Poor Ben was freaked out and said I’m going upstairs you guys can have fun. He at least confirmed that this actually happened to the rest of the guys. She stood up, took her shirt and bra off, pulled her sweatpants down and just had this small yellow thong. Jonathan pulled yup we panties down for her so she could get back to giving head.
Michelle loved having 2 cocks. She was so good at being a slut and pleasing men. She could barely focus on blowing me because Jonathan had a pretty big cock and was not gentle with her. He really wanted to cum and I don’t blame him. He ass is incredible and her moan is very loud. I think her heavy breathing was even more hot. I cheered on Jonathan to cum on this slut and she swore at him “you better fucking cum inside me”. I was basically just jerking myself off at this point because she was too busy. I pinched her nipples and stared into her eyes and told her she was a good girl for us.
Jonathan collapsed on her back and he came inside her and it was leaking out before he could even pull out. He was pretty tired and needed a break so he pulled out, rolled over on the floor, and leaned against the couch.
I pulled Michelle up and put her on the couch. Put my hand between her legs and could feel how wet she was from his cum. She was so turned on from having an orgasm and still getting to fuck. Usually her first orgasm only made her want cock more. So I put her on her back and started fucking her in missionary while I put my hand on her throat. She loveeeeed being choked. I had been hard for a while now and I wasn’t going to last long. She was SOAKED and her pussy was so tight from being turned on. The harder I fucked her the more I saw her pretty face turn red. Jonathan had a front row show to her cumming. He grabbed her tit while I had my hand on her throat. She had so many hands on her body PLUS a really hard cock fucking her.
I could feel my cum about to burst while pounding her. Watching her get gropped and used during sex was so hot. I pushed my pelvis into her as deep as I could so she felt the cum DEEP in her and didn’t even warn her. I could hear her moaning between breaths “thank you, please fill me, please I want it”.
After that she loved watching threesome porn with me and was hooked. She loved getting cum pumped in her by 2 guys back to back.
submitted by hornytacos45 to u/hornytacos45 [link] [comments]

2023.09.22 03:13 hornytacos45 Michelle’s first threesome

In college I was dating this girl Michelle who was in the sister sorority to my fraternity. She had an amazing body type. 5’3”, light brown hair, big green eyes, with DD boobs, toned stomach, and thick legs with a big ass. Not to mention she had a fuck you attitude which came off bitchy sometimes but made me want to fuck the attitude out of her more.
Her ass was so incredible I use to request fucking her in prone position most the time because it felt so much better to cum inside her while I could feel her ass pressed against my pelvis.
When she gave head, she would need breaks because she tried to use her throat like her pussy. She would go too fast and need to stop. Well she did use a lot of spit and would talk about how much she loved sucking cock. Not gonna lie it was a turn on to hear her even mention her enjoying sucking multiple cocks 😵‍💫. After she let me cum on her face, I’d have her ride me a little bit so she can get off. She looked so sexy riding with cum on her face. We took a lot of polaroids of it at the time which I’d love to post.
I couldn’t help but tease her in public about being “bad at giving head” because she would turn so red in front of my fraternity brothers 😂. The joke went on for weeks and my buddies would randomly bring up how Michelle was “Orally challenged”.
Well, one night after getting back from a Greek event, my friends Ben and Jonathan wanted to have a beer and watch the Mayweather fight. The guys sat on one couch while Michelle and I sat on a recliner together. She was obviously bored because it’s boxing and she’s only there to hangout. We were all bullshitting and talking about the shorts, shoes, and mouth guards of the boxers. Well, my buddy Jonathan made another joke about how Michelle should use a mouth guard when she gives head so that she doesn’t drag her teeth.
At this point the joke was less funny and she was just getting mad. So she got in front of me and said I’ll show you I can deepthroat with NO PROBLEM. At first she just looked around and everyone laughed but I told her “do it, you won’t, you’re so full of it”….. it wasn’t more than 5 seconds and she put her hand up my shorts, kissed my zipper, and then pulled my shorts to my knees. It was a little weird to be naked in front of my friends, but she put her mouth on my cock so quick they couldn’t even see me completely naked.
The guys immediately said “OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, WHAT IS GOING ON! They laughed, jumped on the couch, and said ok y’all obviously need your own room this is wild. Well Michelle finally had me rock hard and took her throat off my cock and looked at Jonathan and said “well don’t be weird, fuck me if you’re going to watch”. I told him to do it for the story.
“Jonathan it’s okay man I don’t care, it’s going to be a story. She’s really tight and loves getting fucked from behind”. Poor Ben was freaked out and said I’m going upstairs you guys can have fun. He at least confirmed that this actually happened to the rest of the guys. She stood up, took her shirt and bra off, pulled her sweatpants down and just had this small yellow thong. Jonathan pulled yup we panties down for her so she could get back to giving head.
Michelle loved having 2 cocks. She was so good at being a slut and pleasing men. She could barely focus on blowing me because Jonathan had a pretty big cock and was not gentle with her. He really wanted to cum and I don’t blame him. He ass is incredible and her moan is very loud. I think her heavy breathing was even more hot. I cheered on Jonathan to cum on this slut and she swore at him “you better fucking cum inside me”. I was basically just jerking myself off at this point because she was too busy. I pinched her nipples and stared into her eyes and told her she was a good girl for us.
Jonathan collapsed on her back and he came inside her and it was leaking out before he could even pull out. He was pretty tired and needed a break so he pulled out, rolled over on the floor, and leaned against the couch.
I pulled Michelle up and put her on the couch. Put my hand between her legs and could feel how wet she was from his cum. She was so turned on from having an orgasm and still getting to fuck. Usually her first orgasm only made her want cock more. So I put her on her back and started fucking her in missionary while I put my hand on her throat. She loveeeeed being choked. I had been hard for a while now and I wasn’t going to last long. She was SOAKED and her pussy was so tight from being turned on. The harder I fucked her the more I saw her pretty face turn red. Jonathan had a front row show to her cumming. He grabbed her tit while I had my hand on her throat. She had so many hands on her body PLUS a really hard cock fucking her.
I could feel my cum about to burst while pounding her. Watching her get gropped and used during sex was so hot. I pushed my pelvis into her as deep as I could so she felt the cum DEEP in her and didn’t even warn her. I could hear her moaning between breaths “thank you, please fill me, please I want it”.
After that she loved watching threesome porn with me and was hooked. She loved getting cum pumped in her by 2 guys back to back.
submitted by hornytacos45 to u/hornytacos45 [link] [comments]

2023.09.12 00:46 FearfulDivine Luz and her friends return to the human realm only for the world to be completely unrecognizable..... How far do they make it in this?

Luz and her friends return to the human realm only for the world to be completely unrecognizable..... How far do they make it in this? submitted by FearfulDivine to TheOwlHouse [link] [comments]

2023.07.24 15:26 NEOTHEONEE Is it energy ?

Idk how to really explain this so I’ll just be straight up and add as much detail as I can to properly paint a picture This might sound stupid, It might even sound like some sort of egotistical explosion; but I assure you it is not. I’m trying to figure out what it is about me, or what it is that I do, that causes the type of attention that I get, just in my life as a whole. Mainly this post is catered towards women, but it’s some men too. I guess it was always like this. Never noticed it until the last decade. But I find the amount of attention I get from women very weird, maybe I do not feel deserving of it ? But it just doesn’t make any sense to me. Let me explain why this “ attention “ is “ weird “
I have gone to food places, not even dressed nice, not shaved, I mean just ehh…… and I would get free food from a girl working, this has happened MANY TIMES. I have even gotten more expensive things for free. All women. Now, I do not mind this obviously. But this type of attention, causes issues with men. It also makes it difficult to have wholesome real friendships with men. It’s gotten to a point where it makes no sense. I’ve grown to expect it. I’ve had men make comments to me like “ dude I don’t get it …… what do you have some sort of magical charm ???? “ idk Dude I really don’t. I have been gropped, I have had my butt smacked, I’ve been cat called, I’ve had women walk by me in public and make comments like “ dude I will take my clothes off right here “ I mean I think I’ve heard it all. “ you’re a beautiful man “ comments about my back and shoulders, I’ve blatantly caught women staring at my crotch on numerous occasions. Yeah, I get special treatment at jobs if my manager is a woman especially. This causes co workers to treat me like shit. I’ve had a few friends gf’s come on to me. this to me is not normal …… at all. I’ve had women whom I was genuinely interested in, completely surprise me by just randomly taking their clothes off. Very rarely have I initiated sex. I don’t even have to approach women…… they do it for me. Why ? I have no idea. I’ve had women fight over me at a bar…. Had men insult me at a bar cause of obvious reasons, want to fight me cause idk that’s how some dudes are. I’ve gone into gyms have had women bump into me just to start a convo, or steal my machine …I have a best friend who doesn’t talk to me now and I don’t blame him. 2 of his gf’s have tried. One even straight up told me “ I want you to f me “ I told them all no ….. as I’m not that kind of person and never will be.
Then …. We have the dudes. Some cool some not. I’ve been called a pretty boy too many times to count. ( I honestly took as an insult for years ) have felt much guilt when friends would get upset saying things like “ there you go again taking all the girls “ or “ must be nice being you every girl wants you “ I literally feel guilt over this….. I know exactly how they feel… I’ve even avoided tickets. Once after blatantly running a red lliight in front of a female cop…. It’s like I smile and they decide to let me go. I’ve even had a woman spill her drink on my crotch and start cleaning me off in the middle of the bar, then it’s “ oh no…… looks like I’m going to have to take you home with me and wash your clothes Why? I have no idea. Now here is the dark side On many occasions I have had a woman try to ruin my reputation, or ruin my life. I had a girl ONE GIRL… ruin my Reputation in highschool. I didn’t want to be mean to her so I hung out with her and we were friends. She decided to go around telling every girl that she was sleeping with me ( a lie ) and I had a bunch of girls coming up to me saying “ ew YOU fked her ???? “ I’ve had a few girls say they have been with me. As if I’m some sort of trophy. I haven’t even HUNG OUT WITH THEM. Once again….. not normal…. Not to me at least. Then I had girls go around saying I slept with every girl in town. Then it was “ he has STD’s “ I mean dude it just idk man It just doesn’t stop it’s unreal. It’s so draining and Tiring. I have been arrested twice. Both cases. WOMEN. This makes me look bad…… as I am a man, and I’m not small man at all. So I can have an “ intimidating “ look as well. The first arrest was only because the girls neighbor was the cop. It’s dumb … don’t even ask me why … you won’t believe it anyway .. This shit has gotten really ridiculous. I had started going to therapy like 2 years ago. Therapist was a woman in her late 30’s early 40’s….. went to her once a week. I’m a very open person, so I hide nothing. Well eventually this went to shit as well. Eventually came a day where I was joking with a girl at the front desk and my therapist comes out flipping shit “ oh so you’re flirting with fran*** now ??!? “ ( do you see how fucking insane this is ? And no I don’t do anything sexual with any of these women ) this then caused the slow down fall to my therapy sessions. She then got my ( will call her HU For ** higher up ** involved, and manipulated my HU, into turning against me. ( I sound delusional right ? Oh I have proof of this …. ) so then I’d go to my HU, and she would make quick slick comments like “ oh well I mean you are cute, and charming …. “ even when we were leaving one time it’s “ oh I mean…. I might have to make a private at home visit soon “. This is the shit that causes me to think I’m hearing things or I’m being punked lol … But I’m not. My friends have heard this shit before. It’s insane. So then. My therapist and HU, WORK TOGETHER ( I WISH… I was MAKING THIS UP IM NOT ) to essentially idk set me up ? Or mess with me ??? They swapped out my urine with someone that had fentanyl and coke in their urine. ( I do not do any of those drugs, I can’t do any illegal drugs cause my job randomly drug test )
I record….. and screen shot EVERY… conversation I have with a woman now because of how ridiculous it gets. So yes this means I have the comments all recorded. Including the comment that was made after I said “ it’s not possible for me to have that in my urine “ and she goes “ WELL YOU WERE TRYING TO PIN US AGAINST EACH OTHER SOOOOOO “ and I’m like WTF !?!?! “ I have EVERYTHING….. needless to say. My dirty urine situation stopped in its tracks. I have to do this because no one will believe me. It’s fucking terrible. It’s a scary way to live your life. It’s not fun… it’s not fucking cute or flattering. I’ve gotten away from my therapist, which is good. Me and HU are fine now. I don’t plan on trying to get them in trouble, I’m just not that kind of dude. *Continued in comments *
submitted by NEOTHEONEE to spirituality [link] [comments]

2023.05.17 10:23 nopefoffprettyplease Why catcalling so is threatining

My and a group of friends tried to go out for drinks recently. It was a new country but the head of the program (man) told us it was safe. We were 6 young women.
It started with honking and flashing of car lights. Quickly turned into catcalling and hollering. We laughed it off in the beginning. Uncomfortable but dealing with it, which already sucked. Then we noticed a man following us. We got rid of him. But he was no the last. We noticed cars slowing down and turning around to follow us.
It started with catcalling but it never ends there. For 45 minutes we had to be afraid in public when all we wanted to do was blow off some steam after a long week. The entire time we were remembering the stories of our friends and our own. Only a month ago, my friend needed to send her location to a guy friend to save her. A man had been following her and when the guy friend showed up, the creep had begun actively chase her. Just over a month ago I had been gropped on a train. My friend had been yelled at for rejecting. I dealt with a panic attack at the doctor last week. Language barriers resulted in him trying to remove my bra without warning and then I had to sit there topless for 15 minutes as he touched my chest (medical reasons). We remember our SA stories, ranging from groping to full on r*.
For 45 minutes we are afraid that these things will happen (again). Then after we are so f*cking angry that we had to be scared and couldn't enjoy the night.
Of course we told the head of the progam, so he could warn the next group and prevent this. He seemed a bit confused and asked "were you guys touched?". He asked why we didn't call him? I asked him what he would have done? And he was stumped. He didn't understand why we were so upset and seemed suprised when we mentioned defense tools we sometimes carry ( pepperspray and knives).
He doesn't get it, because he cannot imagine being so afraid just waking down the street. The man has gone through his fair share of bad things, but just being afraid of the general public on a normal night out is not something he can imaginge.
Thank you for letting me rant.
submitted by nopefoffprettyplease to SAsurvivors [link] [comments]

2022.10.18 04:43 PinResponsible1499 improvements? feedback? thanks (my apush notes lmfao)

improvements? feedback? thanks (my apush notes lmfao) submitted by PinResponsible1499 to Handwriting [link] [comments]

2022.08.19 20:25 npm1 ExWife Situation

Hi, I've accepted a Non-Molestation order as of last year October 2021. I have lived in this area for almost 26 years of my life, grown up, and was schooled here.
I got married in 2018 Pakistan and brought my wife over through the traditional 5 year Visa Route.
The marriage wasn't easy, she undermined me every step of the way and acted as if she was still back home, she played up in front me playing the innocent card whilst behind my back she abused my mum asking to clean the toilet for example, and vocally abused me whilst my mum listened and tried to explain to things to her.
The sex life was weird everything about it was me performing for her, she never entertained me in that department i.e. numerous acts where i was submissive, it got to the point of me being shouted out after sex saying i cant afford a baby, or even at some points she tried locking my legs so that I couldn't pull out....this has had a long lasting effect on my sex life/libido. She never reached out for contraceptive methods such as the condom, or oils and that was something i had consistently reached out for during the act. She'd never commit to foreplay with me, though the acts of sex was always consented as she wanted and cried for the sensation, it even got to the point of me being criticized for not creating the sensation. I understood that she didn't want to take any pills or use coils which she explained nicely to me of the consequences, I respected the decision and took the responsibility of pulling out and avoiding conceiving a child onto myself. This part aside, the rest of the marriage felt one-sided, she wanted to rent for the rest of the life, whilst i wanted to work towards a mortgage. I did not in any circumstances wanted a child until we left private rental HMOs.
Long story short, due to me calling Simaritans one night, a scene happened in front another tenant thanks to the drama my mrs at the time created.
For the first time in that marriage I left her for a short break and stayed with my mum for a couple of days, on every occasion she found she saw herself traveling to her cousins/uncles house across London...
I wanted to have a shower so I decided to go back my place and have one there... due to the scene that was created and where I was practically ambushed by the tenent and her cousin...I froze on my way to that house and called the police for advise, the police asked me where would I like to go for the statement to be taken, I then said at my mums house.
The next few events moved very quickly, the police in front of my mum and brothers confirmed that I being called in for rape.
I went to the station with the police, next point the police dropped the charges for rape, and said that I was instead being charged for common assault, it was mere scratches on her skin according to the evidence even though in the same week she had and issue with a customer, the lawyer even wanted to laugh while questioning happened.
The police took my phone for 30 days, and said it could be longer, I also found out that the rape was put in on another day....I received my phone and with that the case for common assault was dropped.
​​​​​​​Next thing was the Non-Molestation Order which I'm here to question.
That order was given on the basis of me knowing that she lived across the other side of London.
I have lived in this area, with no changes but however in the last three months i have seen her.
The first time I saw her she was shopping with a group of members, I had just finished a gym session and went shopping, it so happened to be in the same supermarket.
I didn't think anything of it, and continued going as by this point she had filed the divorce and the divorce was finalized.
Instead the next time I saw her she had covered her eyes as I walked past her i recognised as I peaked under. She was walking with someone carrying a blue carrier bag, they conversed in conversation.
Again nothing of it, but only today did I see her again this time waiting for a bus by herself...
At all different occasions, she had shifted her self or covered herself... and at all times I walked the other way... only first time did i ask do i know you from somewhere, and she replied in her standard tone "no you don't know me"...
I am posting this after almost a year since I have gathered the courage and for the first i am addressing my libido with a GP.
She has potentially ruined my life and if anything of her lies came through i would have lost everything, with imprisonment, she didn't understand the gravity of what she's done.
My confidence has now been hit badly...This is the same girl that has told me that she laughs at inappropriate moments such as a funeral, where she would then be scolded by her mum, this is the same girl who said that our belief is the only religion that doesn't allow women to marry there dads, I replied calmly at that point that that if it wasn't for religion would she marry her dad.
I am now worried considering i have lived in this area practically all my life, never have I had criminal endeavours or taken drugs or played around with women not had a girl friend in my life, nor have I gotten into fights at school and strangers, or even stolen money or belongings of others.
I have no one to go to on this, i am questioning my reality where my approach to relationships is concerned. My family are telling me to move on and focus on myself. Which i am doing wholeheartedly. Despite the struggle, the ongoing and growing dept, and living by myself. I am working shifts, full time permanently and first time in my life have myself battling mentally in this way, especially being backstabed from someone I called my wife. Thanks to the job i've earned and worked hard for, they've supported through this turmoil.
A part of me is awaiting her next steps, everytime I see her I freeze in my tracks...
She came to me with 4 boxes and two suitcases, she had no CV, She walked with all the things I brought for our marriage i.e. for the long term basis, I am glad I didn't invest in her other round of visa or invest in a house or worse have kids with this lady.
She walked away with two jobs since she listened and shadowed me throughout the pandemic whilst i worked from home, and balanced everything I could. The month she got her first pay check she transferred cash over to my account, and made it apparent in her call with her sister from Pakistan, that was the last month of the marriage she'd then moved on and closed hers doors.
She accused me of wanting a puppet even though, i'd got her a mobile phone, her NI Number, and showed her how to travel in London from day one, I never asked her to cook, clean or do anything for me in timely manner, nor did I ask her to give me money without explaining the importance of saving for a deposit/mortgage. I was as per the religious agreement gave her £100s a month on top of buying her makeup,a home waxing kit and other items and garments. She was even paid to look after my niece, my brother paid her around 60-80s a day. When my mum on UC paid for her and herself to travel back home to Pakistan, I gave her alot of cash for the trip, she even wanted to by expensive presents for her nieces and nephew, on top of the spending money I gave her, she mistreated my mum while she was their even though it was a surprise that she'd be in Pakistan with my Mum, her family was happy to see her. My mum for rhe first time in her many tracels to Pakistan was ambushed by three women who doing her haircut, whilst my wife was meeting friends and others instead being with my mum. Due to covid the my mums and wifes trip was cut short, my mum ha asked her if she'd like stay with her family whilst she travels back, my instead refused and acted as if my mum was going to leave her there despite have a paid for return ticket. My wifes English was good she had no issues working in a charity shop or conveying complex sentences.
On each occasion when she wasn't earning she wanted me to send money back home, based on the amount of gold we had given her, rather than support us I had explained that in all our luck and misfortune no would do the same for us. She had used religion to misguide me of this and manipulate me into giving the cash.
The lst weekend we had together, after her finally starting her two jobs, she had outright asked me to buy her gold despite that day starting with an argument...
In all this I did my best, and despite my best I am under this predicament.
I hope this doesn't sound one sided.
The issue with the Non-Molestation Order was that there was no connective tissue between the case and the police proceedings.
She had also in her documentation for this order mentioned that she has now undergone medication despite the label of the Sertraline and whom's taking not being shown in the documentation.
She also at the time shared the same GP Surgery since me and my mum had signed her up for it, there is no knowing of her still being registered with the same GP surgery Thanks to GDPR.
She wasn't under medication during the 2.5 years of marriage, as i was alwats listening to her and explaining everything every step of the way. I never lied or brushed her off nor pointed her out on anything, however she did point a knife at me at one point in the first week of marriage, she did it innocently and I explained to her that we shouldnt do this in this country and went on to mock me saying that in her country kids play with blades and knifes.
I also said to her to be careful and vigilant on these streats and poeple are known to be attacked, robbed, knifed, acid attacked randomly... Again as a responsible adult I cant protect her, but I can let her of what to expect, I said this once but in the documentation she saw this as me threatening her and scaring her....At one point she was gropped in public by a random man whilst with my mum, She told of this and did even acknowledge what I said before only for this to be brought up in the documentation. Only recently an homecide/manslaughter happened outside a trainstation in broad daylight, and night time a girl was randomly attacked and murdered when coming back from work. At the same time in my area a random person wore a face covering and ran through the town center with a large knife.
submitted by npm1 to u/npm1 [link] [comments]

2022.06.24 14:41 Bubbly_Comfort_1252 When dating feels like a DLC you are IP blocked from buying it

Hello Healthy Gamers,
Hope you all have a fantastic day and find what I am about to type interesting ☺️ Please share your thoughts and opinions. Sharing my story and receiving feedback of different people really helped me through toughest times.
To start off, I am currently extremely conflicted with myself and cannot make consistent conclusions of my thoughts. Everyday seems like a roulette of my motivation, self worth, world view. I am 27M. Currently resigning job due to my current mental condition and being unable to have any focus at work. From Dr.K's videos I am aware how much childhood has affection to the current state of mind so I will share my story.
Since I remember I was very energetic and hot headed child. I couldn't control my emotions and was getting angry pretty fast. During my primary school days that trait of me was exploited by a group of classmates. Every single day from somewhere around first year of primary school for the next 8 school years i was consistently bullied by them. They found it extremely entertaining watching me getting angry. It all started from just provocative shouts towards me on school breaks. Like usual girls sat next to eachother, creating one group, while guys separated theirself at around 3 grops. One were the 4-6 typical backyard guys who resolved their conflicts with punchlines or actual physical violence. The second group were mostly the normal guys, acting good and having overall good grades Then there was the group I was in, outcasts, people who were generally disliked by everyone but we had each other. It wasn't just methaphorical groups that's how literally we were grouped during breaks. Provocations, throwing erasing gums, piece of paper covered in saliva, randomly grabbing me by ear with a hand covered in saliva, hiding or throwing somewhere my backpack. Moving my stuff from the desk to a completely different classroom on the different floor, following me on the way home, surrounding me and pushing me like a pinball between theirself. Deliberately aiming at me during PE, trying to hurt me with a ball in front of the teacher and acting like it was just an accident. If they hit me between my legs they had a laugh for the next few days. It wasn't not only coming from the bullies but the guys considered normal. It was school sport to make my day miserable everyday, and everytime I look back on it I sometimes wonder if someone else was in my place, would they be able to go through 8 years of torture. Not only at school, but colony trips, everywhere. Everywhere I went I was No.1 public enemy. At school it reached the point where school teachers called me a black lamb. They couldn't do anything about it because everyone at school was against me. On PE it was always just an accident, and if someone moved my stuff nobody saw anything. Stuff just teleported. If there was a gigantic fallus on the blackboard it was me who got framed, since if every guy at the class confirms to the teacher it was me then it was me who got scolded.
As I mentioned it continued for 8 years. The reason it stopped was because in middle school their bullying turned more physical. I was consistently punched on my shoulders and since I am not muscular guy they would easily overwhelm me were I to retailate. Trying to talk back at them only ended on getting worse. One day after school my mother noticed several bruises on both of my shoulders. It was around that time I was so mentally depressed and depleted the guys could just punch me and I made no reaction. I was so done with it all I didn't even felt the need to express the pain. I just stood there and took the punches with stoic face. Nothing have mattered. Whatever I did they were majority. Going to teachers never helped, they can't be around us all the time. If there was no teacher on corridor the bullying just continued. I have no idea how I managed to survive all of that mentally looking back at it. I want to think that escapism at home and playing games saved me from potential mental breakdown and self harm.
In my mother's action, every single parent at my class was aware of the bullying. During parents meeting she very brutally described what was happening and that she has noticed I am returning home full of bruises. It wasn't the first time it happened. She was mentioning that several times but this time she made a pictures and showed it to everyone in the meeting.
I don't know how it helped, but few weeks after that I felt that bullies changed my approach. So much so I even risked going to PE class again. My teacher didn't even forced me to attend it. So far I was allowed to sit on the side. He was aware of what was happening. When I took my t-shirt among them in the changing room then they said 'oh, there are those bruises everyone is talking about lmao' and one of the stronger guys started to defend me from other bullies.
It took 8 years for them to finally feel bad about what they have done to me. Ever since they just left me alone...
I think my past made me so wicked I'm completely unattractive. When other guys were hitting on their first girls and having their first date, first sex. I was crying in the bed, trying to somehow fall asleep and keep living the next day. When my colleagues started sharing their stories about their girlfriends, all I had were my parents and my PC with no connections outside of the internet.
I am a mental wreck of a person with no vision for the future, I have failed university, I have failed all my attempts for getting any girl attracted to me. I have no typical 'ammunition' hobby to present myself as an attractive guy. My only achievement is surviving life other people might have decided to end in my place.
And here we land on how I decided to title that. How even my friends talking about their relationships makes me extremely uncomfortable. Walking down the streets makes me feel like I just want to hide underground. That part of life is unavailable for me. I am not even loving myself, and nobody will love someone like that. I have no positives to think about myself i have only empathy to people who went through some stuff and that's the only environment I can thrive in. I constantly think: - 'why they were able to get along, they know each other for two weeks' meanwhile I just get friendzoned, or laughed at - 'why should I respect that the girl I liked could have slept before with however many guys' why they talk about like it's not a biggie, when I can't even get a single date
Why am I asked to give respect to people who had their romantic life different than me, but when I say I'm 27 and single, girls just instantly see me as 'just friends', and it kills all romantic tension, seeing me more like a depressed ball of sadness rather than a life partner... The older I get the more likely I am to encounter potential girls who had more success in relationships than me. Increasing expectations towards me, because the older you get the more you think of finding someone to build a family with, not to live with their emotional baggage. Let alone if potential partner has a child already. I can't accept it, it feels like part of their story, not 'our' story...
Even though the bullying ended, even though I know what do I have to work on to become attractive, it's just another day of survival. That's all I know. I don't need lots of money or big house. I don't need fulfilling job or within my expertise.
I just know survival, and I am desperately starved for someone to love me with all my mental luggage I am carrying with me, that I want to work on, but only to be bearable for that one person, i want to finally have a chance to show my care of someone
It is who I am, trying to force myself to train hobbies, have some big life plan is not 'me' thing to do. It's just what general populus asks me to do. Were I to do all that stuff and pretend I have no emotional luggage, and find girl attention. Would they really be into me me, or the image I created, to sustain it for around 2 years, just so that later the girl will feel sunk cost fallacy and have all memories together to somehow stick it on the toxic glue I've created. It's how 'the Game ' of dating works anyway. You advertise yourself as The Guy, make the other person feel chemical affection towards you, and using that 2y long chemistry to create something so that after they run off you both notice with who really you've spent all that time with and decide if you continue investing time or drop it.
submitted by Bubbly_Comfort_1252 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2022.01.03 22:03 Dazzling-Wear-454 No more benefit of doubt? Case of Jae and "kidspop"

I would like to open this discussion again cause I strongly believe that the clip shared was taken out of context as intent to defame and that the actual context of the clip changes it's meaning completely. This isn't first time it has happened to him either, there was clip claiming he is antivax and kpop stans jumping on him over, that happened just two months ago.
So the big topic of kpop fandom since new year has been Jae leaving Day6 and calling kpop on following stream kids pop? But maybe he didn't do that?
The stream was of him streaming public Rust February 2021 and talking to chat that mostly consists of Day6 fans (who can't be described as kpop hating incels). This was before whole "sugar daddy" incident and him having to stop streaming.
Now on the clip that was shared. Easiest and most credible way to rebuke this would be to find actual stream with chat and share it, however this is not possible as only people who downloaded it back then to their PC's would have a copy.
However, there is people who were present at the time and they have provided context for the clip as it was Jae answering to them (whats better way to make kpop fan to remember a moment?). Here is the explanation for it (following replys and qrts have more of people who were present):
- Jae's twitch mod told him he could get around twitch's DMCA by playing kidspop versions of kpop songs as they are covers. Just look at youtube, they exist.
- Jae didn't want to do that so he told chat to listen to their kpop and kidspop elsewhere.
- He said he didn't want to anger anyone cause one of his twitch chat's rules was to avoid talking about other kpop grops and if he played kidspop version of kpop songs- maybe the stans wouldn't rly liked that either?
Now the person behind the clip that was cut and presented in way like Jae was bashing kpop as music genre is actually same who took the "sugar daddy" clip from stream of Jae's friend and shared it on twitter. There is reason she posted this from almost year old stream the first day Jae is out of Day6. There is pretty large fandom drama going about her on twitter as she has been part of some of most damaging dramas about Jae. She changed her account name and protected it, but ofc the dmg is already done.
For now it seems impossible to retrieve the actual stream and maybe this explanation is hard to believe. But why not at least give him a benefit of doubt- hasn't the kpop fandom jumped on Jae because of maliciously edited clips before?
Edit : another source of explanation
Edit: Jae addressed this on stream today confirming that the clip was out of context, can be found here: at 19:00-19:35
submitted by Dazzling-Wear-454 to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2021.10.22 08:54 Numerous-Jicama-468 Vietnamese misunderstanding about Korea

Hello, I'm a Korean. Through this article, I will talk about the perception of Vietnamese people that you misunderstand. Although it is a small article, I hope this can promote friendship between the two countries.
  1. Not all Koreans think positively about the Vietnam War.
Conservatives and some of male recognize the Vietnam War as a war to protect South Vietnam from communism due to ideological education in army (all Korean men have to serve in the military) and propaganda in dictatorship, but baby boomers which is the largest age grop of korea have a great antipathy to dictatorship, so they think it's Korea's fault. for example , Moon Jae In, the current president of the Republic of Korea, described the Vietnam War as a victory of truth and justice in his autobiography, saying, "I was thrilled by the victory of North Vietnam."
  1. Koreans feel sorry for the pain Vietnamese women suffer. Vietnamese and other female migrants from the Indochina Peninsula are very interested in the intense discrimination. Examples include Korean literature and Korean culture (a good example, Wandeuk). although There are many cases of racism due to the bad prejudice Koreans have, but the mainstream view of school education and society is not.
The assault of a Vietnamese housewife by a Korean husband last time was also greatly highlighted by the Korean media, and public opinion was rampant that it was her husband's fault.
  1. Lee of Korea is never a descendant of Prince Lee of the Vietnamese Yi Dynasty.
    known as a descendant of the Vietnamese prince, is a fasan Lee, only a part of the total Lee . For example, my last name is Deoksu Lee. seeds are the same, but the main building is different. The difference in the main building means that it is not related to do with each other.
If you think there is something Korean people misunderstand about Vietnam, please leave a comment. Thank you for reading it.
submitted by Numerous-Jicama-468 to VietNam [link] [comments]

2021.08.21 17:29 OpalJade98 Consent is not only an In the Moment thing

For all the young women in this reddit, I want you to know that you can give and revoke you consent at any time. Yes any time. At breakfast, during a workout, over text, and, obviously, during the deed. Communication is key in any relationship and setting the boundaries ahead of time can be better for you and your partner.
If you have trauma of any kind, doing this is one way you can help to prevent unwanted experiences in the bedroom without having to deal with the "awkward moment." And remember, if you realize you're more/less comfortable than you thought you were, you can always give/revoke your consent when the time comes. This also goes for if you're uncomfortable with being gropped outside the bedroom, if you want to avoid making out in public, etc.
Anyone who consistently disrespects the boundaries you've set is not worth your time.
Here's a few phrases you can use to start the conversation: "I'm not into ... but as long as you ask, I'm okay with it." "... makes me uncomfortable and I don't want to do it. Please don't ask for it. (Optionally, "I'm not ready to/don't want to talk about why.")" "I'm totally comfortable with ... so feel free to go all in whenever!" "I have the right to change my mind at any point and I hope you'll respect that. If I say no, I mean it." "What are some things I should know about your boundaries?"
If something happened a week ago and it made you uncomfortable, talk about it! Who cares that it happened a week ago. Nothing will change if nothing is said. A good partner will listen to your concerns and adjust their behavior accordingly.
P.S. For all my teens who may be saving themselves for the right guy or marriage or find sex appalling, sex itself IS a boundary and you have every right to set it. Any boy who begs, pleads, complains, threatens, etc. is NOT WORTH YOUR TIME. Run like there's a fire under your butt. He's not gonna stay with you/love you if you have sex with him. RUN. Never look back.
submitted by OpalJade98 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2021.03.03 01:22 Additional-Agency-88 Need help!!

im a 20 year old college student and i need some input on where i am in life and how to improve my self. I grew up from a petty broken home (dad physically abused us, neglect (leave us alone in the summer with flees, went to bed with rats sometime, hungry all that =) but they were pretty good at forcing us to do well in school so it wasnt all bad. I went to a private high school (not because we had the mney obviously but because of bursaries) and i excelled academically. my peers came fom upscale neighborhood and i would still get top of the class despite having hurdles like only being able to use the computer until 8 pm when the public library closed and 5 pm on weekends and a whole host of challenges. when i got into university for the first time all those hurdels were removed. i had ascesss to good bedding and quality all you can eat food and i got an 88 average 4.0 at uoft when the class averages were low 70s high 60s. honestly i think it threw me off funny enough. fo the first time i was thriving in life because i wasnt constrained by disadvantages. but i got burned out the ssecond semester the firt time i had eve experienced burnout and i did not have any friend or anything outide of academics so i sort of just like over ate an watched alot of porn in my dorm. i still managed to get like 80s but i was burned out. then in 3rd year my life went to hell. i realzed that i essentially gropped my sister from the time i was lik 13- 16. obviously im not to hard on myself because i was nt young enough to know it was bad it just dawned on me but for some reason i countined that summer ( i slapped her butt a few times while having a boner). i honestly dont know what i was thinking but it didnt even occur to me as bd. i know that sounds fucked. i was 18 at the time and obviously old enough to know it was bad. i had health issues and actually a ptsd attack from that experienc (i apologized to her and she said that she was fine) but ti went from an A student to a b- c+ student that semester. i was admitted to the hospital and they gave me medication. now im gettting back into school taking care of my health exercisizing giving up porn probably indefinitely.
ive decided hat i want to focus most of my enery on my career till im 34. want to get a phd in cs from a school in cali and my career goal is to help give 100 million in foriegn aid assistance through entrepreneurship. i think i can do it.
i just feel a little wierd because i have this negative shadow thats lrking in my past. do i just suck it up and proceed though life. I still feel it has a grip over me. do i just move on despite all that advice? im also kind of annoyed that my grades slipped although it was because of health reaon. honestly i just want to help. i feel like im only as good as my last mistake in some sense. I also feel like when im sucsessfu i have a habit of self sabatoge. like i got a 4.0 ate well excerszed and i know that all i needed to do the second semster was the same thing but i chose to procrastinate overeate etc.
tldr: i have a negative past. do i just move on and try my best. do you have any advice on how to get over it/ transcend it? thanks and sorry for the typos
submitted by Additional-Agency-88 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2020.11.20 21:44 Belchfica What you are looking for is..... (Link in the Desc.)4

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