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2021.07.15 18:56 Successful-Wasabi704 Steam Deck

Steam Deck OLED Available Now! Make Your OLED Dreams Come True!

2015.10.02 21:28 gitfiddle: homemade musical instruments, plans & tips

gitfiddle, homemade musical instruments + makers, players and inventors.

2012.12.27 01:26 PabstyLoudmouth Eating healthy on a cheap budget

Eating healthy on a cheap budget

2024.05.14 18:19 TrackRunner99 retake mcat and application

Hello Folks. I am planning to apply this application cycle and find myself in a predicament after receiving my mcat results recently. To provide you context, I was a psychology major in college and completed all the standard pre-medical classes except for biochem which I self-studied for mcat prep. I went to a small liberal arts school where I had a GPA of 3.78. I generally did very well in my pre-med courses except for gen Chem where I struggled early in my college career. My mcat prep spanned a 6 month period with total hours studied at 760 hours. Below are my results of my practice exams in order:
11/18/23: Blueprint diagnostic: 502 ; 12/1: BP FL 1: 504 (126/125/125/128); 12/8: AAMC FL1 505 (124/127/125/129); 12/15: AAMC free scored: 502 (125/124/124/129); 12/29 BP FL 2: 505 (126/125/126/128); 1/5: BP FL3 504 (125/126/126/127); 1/19 AAMC FL2: 504 (125/124/126/129); 2/9 BP FL4 503 (125/125/125/128); 2/16: BP FL5: 505 (124/127/127/127); 2/23 Princeton demo 499 (123/125/123/128); 3/13 BP FL6: 502 (125/124/125/128); 3/22: AAMC FL 3: 509 (126/127/127/129); 4/5 AAMC FL4: 505 (126/125/125/129); 4/7 AAMC FL unscored: B/B (127 concerted), CP (127 converted)
Actual Mcat 4/12: 501 (127/123/125/126)
After each practice exam, I took the advice of many successful test takers and recorded the questions I got wrong and added new flashcards to the milesdown Anki deck. I also purchased the uplanet mcat q-bank and did every single question and re-did every question until I got 100% correct for all sections (except for orgo since I ran out of time). I generally studied like it was a full time job, around 5 hours each day over this 6 month period. Also, I did all the AAMC question packs. For section banks, I was around 65% for all 3. And for the bio volume 1 and 2 questions I was at high 70 % on both. For the independent Q's I got >80% on all sections. For chem and phys practice q's I was at about 70-80%.
My goal entering mcat prep was to study extremely hard to try to achieve my goal score of 515. I'm honestly shocked at my actual mcat score and don't really know where to go from here given how much time and financial investment I've devoted into preparing.
I am considering retaking the exam soon, but wanted to gauge opinions and when would be the latest I could retake with this current application cycle. I essentially have my primary finished already and was planning to submit in the first week of June once I got my mcat back. Thank you for any advice.
submitted by TrackRunner99 to MCAT2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 vishvicenta1 Used only JANKI Deck for 45 days and wrote NBME 9

Hello everyone. So, I finished my Step 1 in february 2024. I started JANKI deck (Uworld based) for STEP 2 around Mid-March. It was my only resource for Step 2 preparation until now. I didn't use anything else. The total cards are around 7000. Wrote NBME 9 last sunday and I got 221 on it.
I think it got me to a decent base-line. My plan now is to do AMBOSS Q-Bank and see how far I can go. Writing this post to encourage people who might be considering JANKI deck as a resource for Step 2 Prep.
submitted by vishvicenta1 to Step2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 OkIntroduction9149 Life planning, it's seems great but has some problems..

Hello friends, I hope you're doing well. Today, I need your help regarding a matter I'll explain shortly.
After my 19th birthday, I decided to abandon the habit of wasting my time aimlessly and instead fill it with more meaningful activities. I've been quite successful; a few months after my birthday, I began the unstoppable journey and I quitting smoking, and now, as I talk about it, it's been almost over 5 months.
During these months, I've listened to numerous podcasts, decided to learn web design, read books on self-improvement and discipline, as well as interesting novels. I even decided to learn Spanish, despite living in the Middle East and perhaps having slim chances of visiting that place one day.
But I've done all these things to avoid wasting my time on trivial matters and to be satisfied with myself. And now, as I write this, it's not because I'm tired of doing these things; I just feel like something is missing in my life.
Although maybe I shouldn't feel this way, if Mark Manson were here, he would strongly disagree with me (laughs). When I used to plan my days, my tasks were fixed. Every day, a book, every day, a podcast, coding and taking online courses occasionally. But I was sure that among these days, I would allocate time for myself, because after all, well, I also want to watch a movie, play games, or maybe just stare at the wall for a while.
But when I made this plan for myself, I didn't go to university, and now, the days I go to university, when I come home, I'm completely more tired than I can even relax. And well, with the story I've told you, my life is summarized either in my room or going to university. Even the times when I find some free time during my day, I pick up my phone and scroll through Instagram and Telegram, even when I could use that time to watch a movie or play a game, I waste it.
And yes, I said all this to finally come to the conclusion that what I've lost in my life is a form of recreation that I can't achieve by neglecting my routine tasks. And I don't know what to do. If I stop my daily tasks, I feel trash, and if I indulge in leisure, well, it still feels somewhat like being trash.
I don't have much more to describe my situation. If you have any thoughts and would be so kind as to write them to me, I would greatly appreciate hearing them.
Thank you for your attention ❤️
submitted by OkIntroduction9149 to Life [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:16 tbko97 Reno Warrior, no more!

Reno Warrior, no more!
My first win with this deck after about 8 tries, satisfying as it came against reno warrior but oh boy is this deck BAD. Do not let this image deceive you.
There was a discussion earlier this week about which decks are you confident that you play that nobody else does? And someone mentioned a deck where you bounce your hero power, hand buff it and then sinister soulcage it to OTK, and I thought it sounded so bad I had to try it. I don’t remember who brought this deck up but if you see this, thank you! (Feel free to take credit for it, idc)
submitted by tbko97 to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:15 Fit-Effective-9491 Storing away my mechanical keyboard

Hello everyone! Newbie here, I bought 2 mechanical keyboards and I'm planning to store one of it for a long period of time. You know, just put it in the box and let it rest there until this another keyboard tires out.. Thank you.


submitted by Fit-Effective-9491 to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:13 LoreleiWoods Occupation/age poll

Sooooo I am kinda caught up in the lifestyle and I am not planning to quit. However I do feel like age is closing in upon me, hence the poll :)
for some reason I can't add more poll options but feel free to comment below!
Also feel free to tell what field you are in if sugar is not your primary occupation <3 and if you have even run into colleagues from that occupation through sugaring
OBS option 3 is supposed to be 25-35 y.o. and option 5 is 35-45.. dyslexia doesn't have my back lol
View Poll
submitted by LoreleiWoods to SugarBABYonlyforum [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 Illustrious_Sock GPT-4o availability in EU?

Hi, I remember seeing yesterday that a lot of ppl from EU were able to use GPT-4o. I checked my account and even created a new account but it shows only gpt 3.5 (I'm on a free plan). It's frustrating because when loading for a moment it shows gpt4-o as a model (both in chat & playground) but then falls back to 3.5 lol.
I'm in Portugal.
submitted by Illustrious_Sock to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 Miserable-Schedule-9 Storefront Window Cleaning Questions

Hello! My friend and I are planning on cleaning windows for small local businesses to get experience and save up for better equipment to shift toward residential. I have a couple questions/concerns. Please keep in mind, I'm very new to window cleaning so some of these questions might have "obvious answers". Any help, suggestions, or thoughts would be appreciated!

  1. We do not have a formal business or insurance. We are high school students who are working with saved-up cash and are on a tight budget. We plan on sorting this out before moving to residential
  2. Do we need signatures/contracts for general work and monthly recurring customers? We are working with small local businesses so it might be possible to get by without this.
  3. For pricing, we would aim for $5-$6 per window with the average store having 5-10 windows. Also, we will offer a lower price for monthly recurring customers. Prices will likely be adjusted depending on our interactions with customers and the market prices. I'd just be curious to hear your thoughts on this pricing structure.
If anyone has any other tips/advice please feel free to leave it below!
submitted by Miserable-Schedule-9 to WindowCleaning [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 The_Flameee Help, my portals won't link or work at all like they should [java]

any portal i try to light and go through doesn't link at all, this leads to too much portals and could ruin my server, this isn't the obfuscation thing and im pretty sure its a mod i have.
here's a full list of my mods and the footage: Sky Structures
Dark Paintings Kotlin for Forge Easy Anvils [Forge & Fabric] Dungeon Crawl Konkrete [Forge] Dangerous Stone Cutter [Forge/Fabric] [Let's Do] API AutoRegLib Chalk AmbientSounds 5 [Let's Do] Beachparty Biome Music[Forge/Fabric] Savage Ender Dragon[Forge/Fabric] SuperMartijn642's Config Lib Extra Zombie Drops YUNG's Better Jungle Temples (Forge) Skeleton Horse Spawn Serene Seasons Name Tag Tweaks Radium Reforged Bookshelf Sooty Chimneys FullBright Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) Torch Slabs Mod WATERMeDIA: Multimedia API Tough As Nails Artifacts Cultural Delights CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ Just Enough Items (JEI) Night Lights Savage & Ravage Enchantment Descriptions Spelunkery Second Chance (Forge) Sit Naturally Spawning Vex Visuality: Reforged HT's TreeChop Make Bubbles Pop [Client] [Forge/Fabric/Quilt] Sophisticated Backpacks Pitch Perfect Not Enough Animations Better Allay [FABRIC/FORGE] [ETF] Entity Texture Features - [Fabric & Forge] Universal Bone Meal [Forge & Fabric] Another Liquid Milk Towns and Towers YUNG's Better Desert Temples (Forge) YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses (Forge) Death Knell Special Drops Portfolio Mouse Tweaks The Aethe Durability Tooltip Golems Are Friends Not Fodder Kiwi 🥝 (Forge) Double Doors Bedspreads (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) Toast Control Placebo Supplementaries Squared Abnormals Delight Clear Water Respiteful The Twilight Forest CreativeCore YUNG's API (Forge) YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge) MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy) Edibles Aquaculture 2 Chunk Sending[Forge/Fabric] Better Climbing Server Performance - Smooth Chunk Save[Forge/Fabric] Alex's Mobs Silveroak Outpost Chef's Delight [Forge] Ensorcellation Curios API (Forge/NeoForge) True Darkness Neapolitan Berry Good Supplementaries [Let's Do] Bakery Entity Collision FPS Fix Simple Shops Realistic Sleep Rare Ice (Forge/Fabric) Better Fog TerraBlender (Forge) Texels Paintings Cave Rats Buzzier Bees Chimes Stronger Snowballs Grabby Mobs Falling Leaves (NeoForge/Forge) Sophisticated Core Clear Lava and Water Alex's Delight Nyf's Spiders End's Delight CoFH Core Every Compat (Wood Good) Cupboard Another Furniture Carry On Farmer's Delight Drip Sounds (Forge) XP From Harvest Reworked Eating Animation [Forge] Path Under Gates Hourglass Cook your food Diet (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) Despawning Eggs Hatch YUNG's Bridges (Forge) Domestication Innovation Incubation Brewin' And Chewin' Extra Delight Beautify! Comforts (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) Snow Under Trees YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge) Variant Tools and Weaponry - More Weapons Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (Forge) SwingThroughGrass YUNG's Extras (Forge) Better Fullbright TheDirtyStuff Blueprint Clumps Neko's Enchanted Books Moonlight Lib YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge) Void Fog Framework More Mob Variants Villager Names CullLessLeaves Reforged (Unofficial) Lucent YUNG's Better End Island (Forge) Chat Heads Detail Armor Bar [Forge] AppleSkin Snowballs Freeze Mobs Food Effects YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (Forge) Iceberg [Forge] Mod Name Tooltip Architectury API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) Snuffles Snow! Real Magic! ⛄ (Forge) Naturally Charged Creepers Just Enough Effect Descriptions (JEED) Cat Jammies Biomes O' Plenty Super Simple Voice Radio Tumbleweed GeckoLib Pet Pass: Trade Your Pets Presence Footsteps [Forge] Starlight (Forge) [Let's Do] Vinery Citadel [Let's Do] NetherVinery [EMF] Entity Model Features [Fabric & Forge] Random Mob Sizes Better Fps - Render Distance[Forge] Puzzles Lib [Forge & Fabric] Fullbright UB Collective Nature's Compass Fresh Animations Smarter Farmers (farmers replant) Easy Shulker Boxes [Forge & Fabric] Simple Tomb Amplified Nether Copperized Advancement Plaques [Forge] YUNG's Better Witch Huts (Forge) Tax Free Levels (Fabric/(Neo)Forge) Boatload Camera Mod Simple Voice Chat Better Advancements Wool Tweaks Responsive Shields Carpet Trapdoors [Forge] Duckling Contact Nether's Delight Xtra Arrows Entity Culling Fabric/Forge Do a Barrel Roll Model Gap Fix Easy Magic [Forge & Fabric] MidnightLib Just Zoom [Forge] Catalogue Blur (Forge) Notes MrCrayfish's Gun Mod Farmer's Respite Iron Chests Twilight's Flavors & Delight Dynamic Lights Item Highlighter [Forge] Forgery
Dont mind the darkness, its another mod i just fixed
submitted by The_Flameee to MinecraftHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:10 Creepyportal Does the paranormal really exist? i always wondered until...

The unknown of the paranormal, does it really exist? It's something I've wondered about for years. I've never had any paranormal experiences that made me 100% believe in it, until last week, when I managed to have a conversation with one. Generally, I have always been quite skeptical about this subject. I have always tried to find an explanation for everything that happened to me, but sometimes not even science can explain certain phenomena.
Before telling you about the experience that changed my life, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Luca and I am a bit introverted. I have never liked to socialize with people, although luckily I still have some friends I've had since elementary school. Without them I would probably be completely alone; they are just as geeky as I am, so they have never judged me for my weird tastes.
April 7th came around, my friend Rick's birthday, and we decided to celebrate it at Mia's house, an old classmate of mine who had a pretty big house on the outskirts of the city, with a garden and a swimming pool. I met up with my friend Thomas (we call him Thom) to go to the birthday party together. The party was fine, nothing more. In the end, we were four lifelong friends tired of making the same plans every day.
It was getting dark, so I brought up the subject of the paranormal to scare them a little. I love seeing their shocked faces as they tell horror stories. Mia told us that her father is fascinated by this world and has sometimes done research on it. After a few hours of chatting and debating about the existence of the paranormal, we were so excited that we decided to go to an abandoned hospital near Mia's house. Before we left, Mia picked up a Spirit Box her father had from the investigations. I thought they hadn't taken the plan to investigate that hospital seriously, but in the end we all wanted to know the answer to a question that none of us knew the answer to.
We arrived at the hospital, and I must stress that it was a cold and silent night. We walked in and the four of us were quite frightened. We didn't dare go up to the second floor, as everything was in very bad condition and there were even dangerous holes in the floor. Mia turned on the Spirit Box to see if it would pick up any spirits. We started asking questions to see if any being from beyond would answer us, but nothing. After about 40 minutes with no answers, we plucked up the courage to investigate the hospital a little further. I noticed that there was a hole in the wall that led down a flight of stairs, as if there was a subway floor. I poked my head through the hole and saw a sign that said "Morgue" and a down arrow pointing to the stairs. I convinced everyone to go down to see if we could pick up anything paranormal in that morgue.
As we walked down those stairs, the cold increased so much that it made my skin crawl. When we got to some sort of completely trashed room, we turned on the Spirit Box. We started to say "Hello? Is anyone here?" and it didn't take long to get a response. From the device a voice began to be heard that seemed to mimic us, a deep voice that said "Who am I contacting?" and we replied, "We are Luca, Mia, Rick and Thom. Who are you?" the voice replied, with a somber echo, "I am he who dwells among shadows." We looked at each other in disbelief and fear, unable to process what we had just heard.
Rick, trying to remain calm, asked, "Why are you here?"
The voice was silent for a few moments and then said, "Because you called me."
The temperature dropped even lower, and I could see my breath in the air. Mia, her face pale, tried to unplug the Spirit Box, but the device continued to work. The voice continued, "I've been waiting...for a long time."
We were starting to get nervous. Thom, always the most rational of the group, tried to find a logical explanation. "This must be interference or something," he muttered. But even he seemed less sure than usual.
Mia, with a tremor in her voice, asked, "What do you want from us?"
"I want... freedom," the voice replied. "You guys must help me get out of here."
We began to hear footsteps, as if someone was approaching, though we couldn't see anyone. Suddenly, Rick gasped and fell to the ground, holding his head. "It's in my mind! It's trying to get in!"
We helped Rick to his feet, but his face reflected a terror we had never seen before. "He knows things about us," Rick muttered, "things we've never told."
We decided enough was enough and started backing toward the stairs. However, the voice didn't let us go easily. "You can't run away from me. We're connected now."
Mia, desperate, shouted, "What do you want from us?"
"I want... to be one with you," the voice replied with a ghoulish laugh. "I want to experience what you call life."
At that moment, something strange happened. I felt as if an invisible force was pushing me forward, separating me from the group. The others seemed to be experiencing the same thing. The darkness of the morgue seemed to envelop us, as if we were being absorbed by it.
Then everything went black.
When I woke up, I was in the garden of Mia's house. The others were there too, but something had changed. We looked at each other with a sense of strangeness, as if we were no longer ourselves. Rick had an expression on his face that was not his own, and Mia and Thom looked just as puzzled.
Suddenly, a voice spoke from inside my head. "We are now one."
I understood then: the spirit hadn't been trying to contact us. It had been trying to possess us. We had become the hosts of that entity.
Days passed, then weeks, and I began to realize that we were not the same. We had memories and thoughts that were not ours. Strange behaviors began to emerge, as if we were being influenced by an outside presence.
Finally, the truth was revealed. As we investigated more about the abandoned hospital and the Spirit Box, we discovered that the voice was not just any spirit, but an ancient entity seeking reincarnation in the living. And now, that entity was part of us.
Over time, we began to lose more and more control over our own bodies and minds. The entity was winning, and we were disappearing.
The real horror was not what we found in the hospital, but what we brought back with us. There was no escape. We were no longer ourselves, but mere fragments of an ancient darkness that had found its new home in our souls.
And so, the unknown of the paranormal was not only answered, but became our reality, a reality from which we could never escape.
submitted by Creepyportal to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:09 th4ntis Proton Acquisition and pricing

I currently use Joplin and encrypt my notes for syncing. I haven't honestly heard of StandardNotes but looking into it I really am sold on it. I haven't upgraded from the free plan yet though I am looking to because it does add some nice features, and I use Markdown formatting which is included in the "Super Notes" feature.
With Proton acquiring SN but also keeping it it's own entity, does anyone know if I will be able to use my paid Proton Subscription to access the additional features or will it stay as is?
submitted by th4ntis to StandardNotes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:09 Weztu Routenote free copyright

I uploaded an album using routenote free (planning on paying soon) to try out the service, thr album is currently on all platforms, i couldn't help but notice that when i upload one of the tracks manually on let's say YouTube, the copyright checks go through normally and it doesn't even verify if i own the music, can anyone rip my music from streaming platforms and upload them themselves for profit in this case??
submitted by Weztu to RouteNoteOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:09 RSChao My brother and my parents keep fighting because brother wants to change genders. I seriously dont know what to do.

Okay, so I think y'all are gonna need some context first. I (15M, a few months away from turning 16) have a brother (18M), let's call him Greg (obviously NOT his real name). 2 years ago, I accidentally saw Greg's twitter profile and questioned the fact that his pronouns were She/her, which unsurprisingly puzzled me as I had no idea why. After a quick conversation on discord, as to not raise hell from my parents (now 52M and soon-53F), he confessed to feeling like he wanted to be a woman. Now bear in mind, I respected it and didn't give two craps, I was never too close with my family (nothing extreme though) and couldn't care less. I think it was a few weeks later, 1 or 2 i think, my mother found out. I do believe he told her himself, maybe knowing she wasn't gonna be the first to realize what was going on. And here's where crap hit the fan, you could say, as it started a living hell.
Something people might not know about my parents is, they are VERY stubborn on their ways (a.k.a. their old-as-heck mindset), and my mother didn't exactly like the idea that my brother was trans (oh yeah, he later admitted that same day that he liked both genders, but nobody cared about it as much, Greg included). My mother did ask for my opinion but I said "I dont care what Greg does with his life, it means nothing to me. As long as you stay out of my way, I'm fine with whatever happens. Though, I do kinda get where he's coming from, I wont intervene", and proceeded to leave to my room as it truly meant nothing.
Or so I thought, because a few months later, Greg was bold enough to come to me, clearly stating he wanted me to give him my old phone (an old Alcatel that could barely use WhatsApp and didn't even have a touchscreen, that was my first phone before my actual iPhone 6s I got from backmarket). He intended to sell his iPhone 7 for money to get himself private health care (in my country, public health care IS free but my parents were in control), obviously behind my parents' backs, and he also tried selling me his laptop (which did just recently get passed down to me but for free AND better reasons) with a BROKEN BATTERY for $200. Guys, the damn battery fix costs, and Greg told me that himself, ANOTHER 50 DOLLARS. All I could think was "Is this moron effing joking?", but no he was not and he insisted, but he went back empty-handed and I had a cool threat under my belt in case I needed it. I thought of it like that mainly because of how paranoid I am, and I always like to prepare for the worst case scenario.
Coincidentally, that came like a month later when I was summoned to an exceptionally rare (and awkward ngl) family meeting discussing Greg's feelings and, after a year of me finding out, revealed the truth to my father. As a backup plan, I picked up the Alcatel and stuff it into my pocket just in case (and that, everyone, is why you need to have pockets in your clothes at all times). Sure, I didn't use it, but I was ready to. My father was pretty much mortified at the revelation. And while my father is a great manipulator and always says thing with the intent to trick Greg and me, I did empathize with him a fair bit, honestly.
After this day, we entered what I will call the Horror Year, filled with constant arguing between parents and Greg, and them venting it all out on me. Now before you comment how "you could've done the same", no I could not, my one and only best friend deserves WAY better than getting even slightly involved in this BS. So I ended up holding everything to myself, seeing how my brother cried and my parents yelled at him or even hit him on one occasion (boy was that loud, I heard that with my headphones on but thankfully wasnt a strong swing) and hearing them all vent their crap on ME, my brother telling me how "my parents should un-alive", or "how they suck and wont help me recover my mental health and study what I want" (he wants to get into gamedev in Japan) or even how "they'd rather buy me a car before helping me achieve my dreams" (both cost around the same according to Greg and his internet research bs), and hearing my parents say how "you both can do whatever you want here in your country better than abroad" (most likely false especially in gamedev, by the way) or how "he's just throwing a tantrum" and that "he's just an inexperienced brat who has no idea about life and how hard real life is". They are also the kinda parents that never understood things like us appreciating our videogame save files and considering games something more than a "just for a little bit of time" kinda hobby. That is especially true for me. They even say that nothing in my house is mine, but rather that all of it is THEIRS and THEY are letting us BORROW our computers and stuff, coz THEY paid for it so THEY own it and THEY should be able to use our computers (especially mine apparently) anytime they want it with or without our consent or knowledge. of course they cant as my user has a huge password LOL. But yeah, you get the idea of just how everyone here acts.
To be frank with y'all, I'm starting to lose it. A few days ago, my brother went to an appointment with the doctor to get his treatment and was told there were health risks (very low according to Greg, decently important according to my parents) and to also attend a psychologist (he cried cuz of all that, like LEGIT crying). Actually that all happened yesterday as of writing. Now, I'm losing my patience and told my mother to "not be surprised if one day my mind shuts down and I hurt someone here, coz I just might if you a**holes dont effing stop this BS". I seriously might just blow up, and I think my wooden katana I have for martial arts classes wont like it too much when I do blow up. Not only am I scared that my family dividing might affect me, but I also resent them all for making me suffer in a broken home, all by myself with NOONE to trust. I have the power to try and manipulate the situation a little bit but I dont know how. Cn anyone help me?
P.S.: I told my parents I wanted them to let Greg do it before his appointment with the doctor, mainly coz I want him to learn the hard way if he ends up regretting his choice just the same way I learnt from my own mistakes. Still dont care about his or my parent's feelings though.
TL;DR: My trans brother is causing hell in my family and they all vent on ME, now I'm stuck in a very annoying situation. What do I do now?
submitted by RSChao to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:08 Former-Complaint-336 Entertainment questions

Hey folks. Planning out my 2025 cruise on the radiance. Looking at all the entertainment options and I have a few questions.
I understand it costs money to play deal or no deal but is watching free? Carnival lists it as an extra cost.
The piano bar is marked as an extra cost. Is that just because cocktails aren’t included or is there some sort of cover to hang out in the bar? If so that’s wack. The comedy club and nightclub don’t say extra charge so I’m confused.
If we have 6:00 dining time will we make it to any shows we want to see? Will realistically probably only eat in the MDR one or two nights.
Thanks for any tips you can give!
submitted by Former-Complaint-336 to CarnivalCruiseFans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:07 Technical-Stretch473 Manager cutting hours for getting sick

I work as a casual at a retail job selling sunglasses. I had been put under probation to be promoted as the assistant manager, which I’m sure was bullcrap anyway, but I was getting the hours for an assistant managers position. My manager (been 2 months since she started) has very incompetent and still doesnt know how to work the POS system still, vapes in the back room, gives discounts to customers like free candy, calls one of the team members a fucking bitch, whenever she sees her, cash has gone missing.. and many other problems which I and the whole team have highlighted to the regional manager, with no solutions. I had basically been running the whole store at this point as we can’t work like that with her.
I had been sick from the flu (which I got from her cuz doesn’t want to wear a mask to work), it was pretty bad, I had fevers up to 101.5, chills and tonsillitis, cold cough and all. So I’ve been calling off work for the last week. I have been giving notice that I can’t work the next day with a cover to my manager. The last time I did it, apparently the cover I sought for worked too much and wasn’t allowed to work. There is no way for me to know this, all I can do is ask if they can work, and they said they could. So I informed my manager at 5:43 pm that I found a cover and my manager said the cover can’t work as it’s over her hours. She still managed to give the cover my shift not sure how. Either way the next day she asked me 2 times if I’m able to come to my next shift I said yes, but then she said, I can’t keep having late notice, people are planning their day, and I obviously need notice to give them notice. Now my problem is how am I supposed to know if I’m upto working the next day or not. In my opinion I still gave her plenty notice. I never once misled her and she herself has left shifts midday cuz she felt sick with no cover. Technically it’s not even my job to search for covers, it’s hers, but I still try to find someone so it’s easy on her. At this point I’m not even allowed to get sick.
After this, she started cutting my hours and even removed some of my shifts all together. I asked her why and she said oh I got an email saying the hours have been reduced, which is bull shit cuz when I went to work, her email is always open to download documents and there was no such email. I called the regional manager and apparently they’ve removed the assistant manager position all together, which they had basically put me on probation for.
Anywho, I know I need to find new work now, but it is just irritating how the management doesn’t see how much money they are losing employing such a person as a manager. I’m not even sure how she was hired as a manager in the first place.
submitted by Technical-Stretch473 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:06 Fun_Chef_1266 I passed the PMP in 4 weeks

I passed the PMP and scored T/T/AT.
So here was my testing experience:
I took my exam at a testing center so I wouldn’t have to worry about any interruptions from my neighbors 😂. The testing center was so quiet, you can literally hear someone’s thought lol. I flagged questions I was unsure about, but I made sure to answer them just in case. I also reviewed each question before closing the section. I had extra time to review because I was so nervous that I was going to run out of time. Even though I was exhausted at the final stretch, I made sure to review each answer because once you submit, there’s so going back.
The resources I used:
PMP Prep Course (35 PDU) - Andrew Ramdayal; I took the CAPM years ago so I didn’t need to take a course, but it was great refresher.
PMP application - Alvin the PMP; he provided a great template to use for the application. He also has a prep course if you’re interested but there are other resources as well.
PMP Test Prep - Andrew Ramdayal’s Prep Course AND his PMP Exam Prep Simplified; this actually helped me to understand the materials. The videos just scratched the surface. I am a reader so reading helped me cement the information.
David McLachan’s YT Videos; this helped me confirmed what I had read in AR’s prep book. Actually listening to how he would tackle questions helped me to understand my weak spots and learn more interactively because I became discouraged and low key bored lol.
And, though it was a pain, PMI Study Hall (plus) was the most annoyingly effective tool. It was difficult at first but like many others had suggested, I kept on going and felt more confident over time. I completed 4/5 mock exams scoring around 70-76 but I read that you can score lower and still pass.
Now if you made it to the end of this, thanks because this is a long post lol! But, my main takeaways were:
Okay, comment if you ever need encouragement or any tips. This channel has been so helpful as others have been sharing their stories 🤍!
submitted by Fun_Chef_1266 to pmp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:05 ColoDoc75 I am a little overwhelmed....

So, I am fairly new to the game. I played a couple years back when it was launched in NA and made a bard that I almost made it to 50 with, then I got distracted by the release of New World (Huge Disappointment) and it sort of soured my taste for arpg's and mmo's in general. But a couple years later and wanting something to fill my free time that isnt WoW or FF. So I picked the game back up, deciding I would play an Artist after probably too little research. I was planning on just rocking through the game, but when I made my character and got started up, I don't know how, but I was in possession of a Eglacia Powerpass. I figured "Hey, why not?" And sort of just sent it on my Artist. While I skipped a lot of content I would of had to repeat, when I finished the the powerpass lore flashbacks, and the basic tutorials for gems, combat, pets and the like.
I now find myself in Ereonnor and going through my Mokoko challenges and what I can only assume to be developer gifts to the player base I now have a full inventory of stuff I have absolutely no idea what to do with, and like 100 different chests that also have 100 different chests inside of them. So like, what do I do with all of this?
submitted by ColoDoc75 to lostarkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:04 kian_ananta [WTS] Parfums Vintage Pineapple Vintage Intense, plus decant/sample clearout (Amouage, Creed, Initio, Montage, Parfums Vintage, PDM, etc.) (Bottle)(Decant)

Clearing out my collection after falling down the fragrance rabbit hole in December 2023. Venmo accepted (you cover G&S), Zelle or Cash App preferred. Cont. US only.
Barely sprayed 100ml Parfums Vintage Pineapple Vintage Intense w/box: $110 shipped
level shown:
~50% full 100ml Bleu de Chanel EDT w/box: $60 shipped sold

Decants – Free shipping on $20 or more, otherwise add $4
Lightly used 10ml Creed Aventus Cologne twist travel atomizer: $23
level shown:
Lightly used 5ml Electimuss Imperium: $10 sold

<1ml Decants:
Amouage Reflection Man $3
Guerlain L’Homme Ideal Extreme $3
Guerlain L’Homme Ideal L’Intense $3
Guerlain L’Homme Ideal Platine Prive $3
Initio Musk Therapy $4
Initio Rehab $4
Le Labo Another 13 $4
Nishane Hacivat $3
Parfums de Marly Habdan $3
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif $2
Parfums de Marly Percival $2

<2ml/>1ml Decants:
Amouage Jubilation XXV $6
Amouage Opus XIV Royal Tobacco $7
BDK Gris Charnel Extrait $7
Dior Ambre Nuit $6
Fragrance One Office $5
Frederic Malle Musc Ravageur $6
Guerlain L’Homme Ideal EDP $5
Guerlain L’Homme Ideal EDT $5
Hermes Terre d’Hermes $5
Initio Blessed Baraka $6
Louis Vuitton On the Beach $6
Mancera Cedrat Boise $5
Marc-Antoine Barrois Ganymede $7 sold
Xerjoff Alexandria II $7

Parfums Vintage Samples:
Originally 2.5ml in 5ml sprayers. All have ≥2ml left except Imbue which has ~1.5ml (the labels go all the way around). Nine still have the sample card.
Emperor (Aventus clone) $5
Emperor Extrait (Aventus ‘’) $5
Emperor Napoleon (Aventus) $5
Emperor Maximus Extrait (Aventus) $5
Emperor’s Sunset (Aventus + Baccarat Rouge 540) $4
Emperor Cologne Intense (Aventus Cologne) $4
Evolution De L’Homme Soir (Roja Elysium) $4
Haciventus (Hacivat + Aventus) $4
Imbue (~1.5ml) (Gucci Pour Homme II) $3
Intense VI (Aventus) $4
Obsidian (Hacivat) $4
Rush of Unicorns Intense (Creed Millesime Imperial) $4
Sunset Extreme (Baccarat Rouge 540) $4
Utopia (Armani Acqua Di Gio Essenza) $4
Vanilla Intense (Aventus & vanilla) $4

Montagne Pineapple Classics Discovery Kit: $13 shipped
levels shown:
Originally 2.5ml each of Pineapple Royale (Aventus clone), Pineapple Intense (Aventus), Pineapple Musk (Aventus), Pineapple Bonbon (Aventus + BR 540)
submitted by kian_ananta to u/kian_ananta [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:03 Psychics4U_net The Fool Tarot Card Meaning: [The Complete Guide]

This complete guide on The Fool tarot card is brought to you by For more valuable information, insights and resources, visit:
What does the fool mean in the tarot cards? The fool is the most wild tarot card in the deck that you can ever get in a psychic reading. The meaning of the fool tarot card is all about new beginnings, a journey which is usually spiritual and fast change. It indicates that things are really going to go forward for you whether it’s love, relationship, money, work, career and health. But all of these good predictions will come true, only if you will believe in yourself and take calculated risks.
If you are interested in learning everything about the meaning of the fool’s journey tarot card, you came to the right place. Keep on reading till the end of this guide as you will find here lots of useful information regarding to:
  1. The fool’s journey tarot card description and symbolism.
  2. Personality traits.
  3. The meaning in love, relationship, money, work, career and health.
  4. Is the fool a good tarot card or is it bad?
  5. Does the fool tarot card mean yes or no?
  6. How to read the fool’s journey tarot card in upright and reversed position.
  7. The fool tarot card meaning in past, present and future.
  8. The meaning of the number 0 (zero) and 22.
  9. Interpretation of astrological zodiac sign.
  10. Meaning as feelings.
  11. The fool tarot card art and history.
The fool tarot card meaning: Description and symbolism
When we take a first look at the art of fool’s journey tarot card, we immediately notice the bright yellow sun light, the worm rays, the orange – yellow sky and the lite brown ground. The fool has loose and comfortable clothes with flowers patterns on them, mostly yellow which also matches the shoes` shade. Yellow symbolize enlightenment, happy feelings and positive energies.
The fool is ready to take the leap of faith – start a journey to the unknown territory. He doesn’t care if he will encounter obstacles down the road or dangerous situations in the way. He is ready to go no matter what will happen. In fact the fool doesn’t even think about the meaning these problems.
The fool doesn’t care too much about the material world. He collected just the necessary items and packed all his little possessions in a small bag, holding it with his right hand. On the left hand he is holding a beautiful white rose. It means the willingness to scarify and devotion to the spiritual path of life.
Look at his face directed forward and up to the sky, they are full of inspiration, vision and confidence in the current moment. He is free of fear but also innocence because he isn’t aware of the fact that bad things might happen during the unknown journey.
He is standing on the hill, one step before the deadly abyss, caught in the moment. He trusts the universe that everything will turn on the right and positive side. The white dog is barking and jumping, trying to warn him about the chasm. The snowy white mountains and hills from behind also represent a potential slippery outcomes.
The fool is in movement, he is not just standing there, he took the first step and willing to take many more steps in order to complete the journey. In the end he is seeking meaningful spirituality, to be developed to a higher self. However, right now he doesn’t know exactly how to achieve it. There is no plan, no logical calculations, not even knowledge nor experience. Just the element of fire – the burning desire to go forward.
When we look at the fool’s face we can’t really recognize if it’s a man or a woman. That interpretation means it has both the male and female energies, working together in symbiosis.
The fool tarot card meaning as Personality (Persona)
The fool is a free spirit that has no worries, doesn’t always aware of dangerous and the consequences of his action, too impulsive, acting before thinking. This is why the fool needs help when making big decisions.
He is just like a little kid who is very curious and loves to explore everything about the world. He knows he will make mistakes and it will hurt a lot. Yet it doesn’t stop him from taking an action. He likes the experiences of life whether they are good or even bad. He can learn from each situation and grow wiser and stronger. His main goal is to go after the possibility, even if it doesn’t look very clear or doable at the current phase.
The art of celebrating the joy of life. Admiring the beautifulness of the little things, very positive, optimistic and looking at the bright side.
Flexible, can adapt to most situation. He doesn’t have a solid philosophy or principle he must apply, other than been carefree. He still doesn’t have a strong personality and foundations. He is waiting to be shaped by the future experiences.
He is new to this world; he doesn’t always play by the social norms or cultural rules. Mainly because the fool doesn’t knows the meaning of most of them yet. But after the experience is gained the personality will be shaped on the positive way.
What does the fool card mean in love and relationship reading?
The fool card in love and relationships is meaning a huge surprise. You might encounter your lover in a sequence of events that you never would predict, out of the blue. For example, a new stranger that comes into town, new neighbour or new work colleague.
It can also indicate that there is a person that is close to you, but you haven’t really thought you two are compatible in terms of romance, or can go along together because you two have different personality traits. You will suddenly realise that it can happen.
When it comes to a new relationship there is a lot of excitement in the air, meaning fresh positive energy and optimism. While it might give you good feelings and joy, you also need to be caution a bit. You don’t see the whole picture and what you can’t see might hurt you.
There will be warning signs and it is advised to take in consideration every weird signal into consideration. Your friends and family might have an opinion about your new love relationship, please note that they are not jealous or want things to go wrong for you. They just care that everything will work on the good path.
Don’t be too much swept of your feet, in the end you will have to face reality. What you think about a certain man or woman and what is going on in real life are two different things. Once you encounter the polarity between the two, you might be very disappointed.
If what you are looking for is a long term relationship like marriage, than this is not a good tarot card. The fool’s journey tarot card is indicating the beginning but not the middle and the end. Things will change or develop. If you want this to success there is still a lot of work to be done. The person you are seeing right now is not looking for a commitment. Maybe in the future it will change.
If you are a woman the fool tarot card also stand for fertility. It might predict a pregnancy – start of a new life.
The fool tarot card meaning in work, career and money
New possibilities are coming in your way. This is the time to take action and do what you always wanted. Maybe you always wanted to change your career, maybe you want to work somewhere else or maybe to have your own business.
The main interpretation or meaning is that you need to go with what you believe in, even if there will be hard times during that period. Some people will not like what you are doing, they will try to stop you and change your mind. Situations like this need to be balance. On the one hand it’s good to listen to them, because they have other point of view and might teach you new perspective. On the other way don’t let it to discourage you from achieving the goal.
Understand that making a change related to work and money has its own risks. You can find yourself unemployed for a while or even loosing money. But when we are looking at the long term of the journey, in most cases there will be a success.
The fool tarot card meaning health
Regarding health, the fool tarot card meaning is good physical conditions.
If you were sick before, the interpretation is that the illness might begin to disappear and you suppose to feel much better.
Another possible meaning and interpretation is regarding to health is physical accident. As you may very well know by now, the fool is taking risks without thinking about them too much. The fool is on the verge of the cliff and if something will go wrong he will slip down.
Is the fool a good tarot card or is it bad?
Basically the fool’s journey is a good tarot card, as the main meaning is a new beginning. Usually when we have something new in our life, it is exciting, gives us good feeling and very interesting and intriguing. At this moment we pay attention only to the good and positive aspects of the event. We normally drawn to the situation, don’t think too much about it and we don’t want to ruin it, just flow with the current.
However, nothing is perfect and you also need to be aware of dangerous situations that are a head of you. There will be warning signs of bad energies. Therefore the best practice is no keep an eye on what is going on.
Does the fool tarot card mean yes or no?
The fool’s journey tarot card is usually neutral. The card is symbolizing something fresh and new possibilities. It can turn bad or good depending or the steps you take during your journey. More often than not it is interpreted as a yes card.
The fool’s journey tarot card upright meaning
Upright keywords: new beginnings, freedom, originality, foolishness, spontaneity, travel, adventure, leap of faith, careless, innocence.
The upright meaning of the fool tarot card is about taking risks in order to improve your situation and gain more of what you really want in life. Every one of us has certain desires and personal goals that we want to pursue. So if this card show up in a psychic reading than it is a good time to start a new adventure.
You have to be brave and face your inner demons and fears. Although the card is generally positive, the road to happiness is not easy and you will encounter some problems. From that reason it is very crucial that you will have faith and believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it, even if right now it is not very clear how, you will find the solution. Even if everyone around advice or telling you that you will fail, don’t listen to them too much and go only with your inner true.
Don’t look back on past experiences. Even if you had bad moments, don’t let them hold you from changing your situation. Remember the lessons you have learned and just keep on go forward all the way.
The fool’s journey tarot card reversed meaning
Reversed keywords: lack of direction, chaos, naive, reckless, lack of direction, poor judgement
When the tarot card is being spread upside down (reversed), it means that you jumped too far without thinking about the implications of your action, this might put you in trouble. As shown graphically in the fool tarot card, he is standing right before the cliff. Every big step or reckless movement can bring him to death.
Even if the fool tarot card is showing in reversed it still means a new beginning, but something is holding you back. For example it can be fear of the unknown future, failure and inability to make decisions.
The reversed meaning in love and relationship: if you are single than you are not ready for a long term relationships, you will not find term partner. If you are already seen someone that he or she doesn’t ready to make a commitment. They just want to have fun and fool around.
With money and career, when the tarot card is reversed, beware that no one is taking an advantage or you. For example someone can offer you a bad business idea or shady investment opportunity. And in the end you will lose lots of money.
The fool tarot card meaning in past, present and future
When we relate to the past, the meaning of the fool tarot card is that you have wasted lots of time and energies on people or work or relationships that you are no longer interested in. you had enough with all of this and you are looking for something different.
The present: right now you need a change, you don’t know if it will turn out to be good or bad. You are standing on a crossroad, you need to make a choice and just go for it. Things are looking too complicated right now, this is fine and you will have to address those issues but not right now. The most important thing is that you’ll move on to the desired direction.
The future: the fool tarot card is mainly concern about the present moment. But it can give us a little projection on the future as well. In the future you will have to invent yourself, adapt and be very flexible. When you will see a new opportunity, don’t hesitate and don’t go back to your old habits, which are holding you back.
The fool tarot card number meaning
The fool tarot card is a part of the whole 22 major arcana cards. It referred to key number 0 (zero), meaning the first in the deck. But it can also be placed at the end – key number 22. Because of that fact, the fool symbolizing the beginning and the end of a life cycle. Further more, the cycle is endless so in theory it goes in never-ending loop forever and ever, repeat itself to the eternity.
During our life, we will go through the 21 keys or elements of the fool’s journey. We will meet people who will teach us lessons about life. We will change our behaviour and feelings in order to continue with the journey. So in the end we will go back to the very first place that it was all begun, but now we are different in the way that we are wiser and stronger. It is more like spiritual voyage of self discovery.
The word fool in French language means a sack that is full of air, not with material objects. This is the reason why everything is possible even if it doesn’t seem so. It is also a symbol of triumph.
The number zero in numerology represents no limitation and lots of positive options to choose from. It is nothing and yet it is also everything together. The order of the numbers doesn’t apply to zero, as it all start afterwards. So there is no past for the fool, only future.
22 innumerology is great transformation energy. It is the ability to turn dreams and wishes to come true to the world of reality.
The fool tarot card astrological zodiac sign
The fool tarot card astrological zodiac signs are Aquarius and Pisces.
Aquarius is the 11th zodiac in astrology, mainly represents the element of water. Liquid flow that travel on earth. Strong current of water that can creates its own path by shaping rivers, lakes and the bottom of the ocean. Always on the move, looking for new adventure and can get bored really quick.
Pisces is a dreamer very much like the fool’s personality from the tarot card. They want to go somewhere, but they can’t decide what the right direction for them is. They have this conflict as depict in the zodiac sign – two fish, each one of them is swimming to another side. Pisces are also very emotional and control by their feelings.
In astrology the role of Uranus planet is to be like a clock, to awake us and get us doing things. This is very similar to the fool’s situation as described in the tarot card. There is some burning flame of fire inside of him that wouldn’t let him rest until he will find his answers. It is a call to take immediate action.
The fool tarot card meaning as feelings
As feelings, the fool’s journey tarot card gives us positive feelings. In most cases the answers to you questions are yes, there are good energies and positive vibes surrounding you. Even if the tarot card show in reversed it is still have bigger aspect of positivity with a minor challenge that stands in your way. In fact, it the ancient days of psychic reading the card was actually a joker – the most powerful item in the deck.
The fool tarot card art and history
Long time ago when tarot cards were used as a game and not for psychic reading, the fool’s card was the most powerful card in the deck. He was outside of the order and if you had it, you could protect and win the game.
Few hundreds year later the art of this tarot card was described more as someone who has unwanted personality in society, and therefore he lost all his magic and power. People didn’t want to associate themselves with this image. It was considered a negative energy and bad omen from the future. It symbolized unsuccessful life, misfortune and tormeneted feelings.
Later on, the fool’s image became a man of courage. Until that very day, the fool’s is still the hero card on the tarot deck. Although he is numbered 0 (zero) which mean nothing, he denotes new journey and possibilities, which is everything we need.
In many myths, legends and folklore story through history, the fool is actually the wisest person of all. He might look a little different or simple or even out of the common norms, but he knows better. Although at the beginning he didn’t had too much wisdom, his actions and failures through life, brought him new experiences and valuable lessons to learn from. All of this could happen just because of one thing: he wasn’t afraid to take the risk.
In fact, those who are dismissing him or don’t understand him, are the real fools because they don’t know how much wisdom he has to offer to the world.
Other names for the fool tarot card: joker, jester, clown, buffoon, folie, fov, il matto, le fou, and le mat.
Feel free to write your thoughts or questions in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you!
submitted by Psychics4U_net to freepsychicreadings4u [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:03 lastlaughlane1 Ordering of the tracks on CWPHF - Mustang should have been the opener

To me, Mustang is a clear album opener. It's a hit, and would have worked so well. The opening lines of just hearing Caleb saying "If you're free tomorrow don't make any plans" works so well to open the album. I also like the singles to be spread out on the album, and the back to back of Nowhere to Run and Mustang is fantastic but I feel they need more room to breathe.
Ballerina Radio is an excellent song but I just don't see it as an opener. It works perfectly as a second song, with that nice transition to Rainbow Ball.
Seen is an excellent closer and a great song, but I do think Split Screen works equally well as an album closer too. I'd probably directly switch both of those songs in the ordering.
What do you all think?
submitted by lastlaughlane1 to kingsofleon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:03 Unlucky-Clock5230 Roth 401k conversion and penalties

The original plan was to, upon retirement, convert a good chunk of my 401k to Roth 401k. But as I was looking at my 401k plan I came upon this little nugget:
What are Roth Contributions?
Unlike pretax contributions to the plan and related earnings, which are tax-deferred until you take a distribution, Roth contributions (and in-plan Roth direct rollovers) are taxable in the year made. However, both Roth contributions and earnings on those contributions are tax-free if paid to you in a "qualified distribution." A "qualified distribution" is a payment made both after you have attained age 59½ (or after your death or disability) and after you have had a designated Roth source in the plan for a period of at least five years (beginning on January 1 of the year of your first contribution to the Roth source).
So if I retire at say age 64, do the conversion then, does that means I'll get hit with a penalty if I touch the money before 5 years? Or does it means that if I do a token Roth 401k conversion now, I can then do the big conversion in 5 years and not worry about penalties?
submitted by Unlucky-Clock5230 to FinancialPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:02 What_A_Prick-Yo Pc Grafting stock with free shipping

Pc Grafting stock with free shipping
Healthy plump Pc for grafting stock. 11.5” long and average of 3” thick. Available in large flat rate boxes (8tips per box) for 100$ with free shipping. over 600 tips available. usually ships next business day. US only. Cshapp and vnmo accepted. Some of the very tips have some very minor earwig chew marks on them but it’s only cosmetic and it’s grafting stock so you cut the tips off anyways. Just wanted to be up front
submitted by What_A_Prick-Yo to sanpedrocactusforsale [link] [comments]