Kiba inuzuka love stories

Lore discussion part 2: about the this other character's roles discussion (God trio, excluding bezel)

2024.04.29 03:54 Fair-Diver-2221 Lore discussion part 2: about the this other character's roles discussion (God trio, excluding bezel)

Lore discussion part 2: about the this other character's roles discussion (God trio, excluding bezel)
So, already made a part 1 of discussing each character role on the chaos arc related to the lore.... Well on that fisrt part only discussed the role of hawt saws, slushi and cofi, l am willing to do another part of them if someone haves another ideas on how they will play out.. But for now, we have character that are already important in the lore and the main characters in it, so this would be speculation on how their roles are going to go for here on. Let's starts with:
Iscream: demon bunny, a demon charge with the mission of causing the amagedon, to corrupt chikn and yadayadayada, they eventually were convince by fwench to stop their mission and although they initially were a demon who was feared... Now at days no one fears of them.. Actually they are scared of everyone, sodi, cofi, slushi (and her internet culture) Chee, chikn... And now at day they are fond of these guys... Although they don't see too much worried about the end of the world thing, already having a backup plan to live with fwench fwy in a pocket dimension. This character....
feel like something is going to happen to take this whole business of the end of the world more seriously (also, forgot to mentioned the detail that fwench fwy commanded them to flirt with bezel to keep him occupied and distracted, it seems is working since we haven't see him in a while) And about what is going to make them change his mind?... Well...
FWENCH FWY: have A LOT to say about this dragon, we already seen that Iscream change for their sake, for love they left their mission of fwench fwy, turning the "EVIL BUNNY” into a good guy, all this relationship is built upon the idea of the Ying and yang, good and evil, an inoccent bunny actually being the evil (and turning into a good guy) and a dragon, a mythical creature known to be greedy, selfish, big, the villain at the end of most stories (specially in Mario games) to actually be a good guy, (and maybe turning to be evil?) You see.. At the opposite of Iscream they take this whole deal pretty seriously... They seem, pretty nervous about this whole deal... And there's something that really rubbs me the wrong way about them... In one of the recent videos about the lore, they say that fwench fwy convincing Iscream to stop their mission was part of it's own mission, and the way they stop it, is by going out with them..... know fwench fwy must love Iscream now.... But the fact that part of their mission was recluting lscream to their side really puts in doubt their relationship, is their relationship really real? Or just part of fwench fwy's mission? Just bussnies... Even if we know that they actually love each other, if Iscream found out about it then they would start to questioned it... And maybe continue on their mission out
of spite... Or maybe that doesn't happen, but still think fwench fwy will increasingy get more and more desperate and ansious about this whole deal... Leading to more and more extreme measures to assure that chikn stays on the part of good, like for example this idea had about fwench fwy trying to make bezel think hawt saws is the actual god, so they would give him godly powers... That would go out of control and actually being the one to trigger chikn into ending the universe...(l mentioned this idea in a post about me making an chikn nuggit all stars mod, although it was just concepts, am not artist or modder just an interesting Idea released a few days ago) think it would really be interesting if fwench fwy, who is trying so hard to put a
stop to the prophecy and actually being the one to trigger
it. And yes... This is also might be becuse of my bias as a danganrompa fan that absolutely stop me from enjoying ships because it gives me this feeling that something will go absolutely wrong. Breaking apart from that now is turn for... Actually... might just leave chikn for the next post, have interesting ideas for the last four characters, so stay tunned for that.
(side note: I already published this, this day, but I wanted to release it again at this hour since I see more people pay attention at this hour... But I erased the previous post without copying it correctly.. So I used an screenshot and am app to assamble it again, so it might have some flaws in the writing)
submitted by Fair-Diver-2221 to ChiknNuggit [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:53 Manossieri [Art] [OC] D&D commission Group of Characters created by me!

[Art] [OC] D&D commission Group of Characters created by me!
Hi guys! I'm Manossieri and this is my first post!
I'm uploading some art from a DND (homebrew) group I made recently! I've put a bit about their story below! I hope you like it.
  1. Maliketh recieves from his father the "Cerne" and instructs him to go to the Guru's sacred place. There, he finds a cave with the remains of a majestic animal and a magical book. When he opens it, a voice questions Malika, the Cerne disappears and Maliketh turns into a strange being.
  2. Nake is a swordswoman character, with elements (many in fact) from Star Wars. She's a very mysterious character!
  3. This is Regina! She is an Artificer! With a steampunk feel to its firearms and its broomstick imbued with magical energy!
  4. Sour is a faceless criminal who stole a snuffbox containing a demonic pact, originally belonging to the Nagazi Clan. The clan hunts him down, and Sour later discovers that he is a descendant of the clan.
  5. He's from a race called Yautija, but in short, he's a predator! I love this Race! I also know that he made a "pact with a deity" and this altered the way his clothes are represented!
My Commission are open. If you're interested, just DM me! =D We can talk about my character and bring him/her to life!
My instagram is
My Twitter is
submitted by Manossieri to DnDIY [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:53 ey81081 A story of resilience and self-destruction (Dealing with anxiety, fear, OCD tendencies)

As I write this I am sitting back home at my parents - right where this all started - and seemingly its where I deserve to be. I am a 32 y/o male who has always been naturally gifted. I never had to study or work hard for anything that I wanted it had always been gifted to me with little to no effort. In public I always tried to be perfect and be a people pleaser but behind the scenes it was always a different story. Behind the scenes for the majority of my life I always took the easy route out - if it was either focus and do hard work or find a job or start a business I would always decide to wait until tomorrow and just survive the day instead of live the life ive always wanted. It will all make sense why I am writing this in this thread at the end.
(Keep in mind I did all this without knowing deeply that my anxiety has been holding me back and that I developed OCD tendencies in order to receive reassurances when stress was high throughout my life)
After this little introduction to give you a picture of my actions - the consequences were pretty dire. Long story short I started dating someone who I was never infatuated with but convinced myself she was good enough all because of this chronic anxiety I was dealing with. Whenever I would go on a date or sit with someone I would always be stressed have tension in my face and worry about the next words that would come out of my mouth. This has been a habit I have had for awhile. So when the opportunity arose I jumped on it.
This would lead to a 2.5 year relationship where I was unknowingly depressed and unattracted to my s/o and I just tried to make it work because the fear of uncertainty and anxiety have controlled my life.
Fast forward to the breakup - I wasn't devastated but I had become reliant on her for my conscience - although I know I never loved her I couldn't get over her because she gave my life meaning and to the outsider they would be able to see that I was in a relationship and thats really what has driven me my whole life. Not was genuinely made me happy but what others would think.
After that I decided I didnt care anymore about any of my fears and I started moving fast without pause. Got a new place, went to the gym, and was just a man on a mission. This was all great and suddenly that feeling of dread (OCD and anxiety) had disappeared, I didn't seem to care anymore. I got into a new relationship and for the first time in my life I was actually present and enjoying life without overthinking just being in the moment (my self-confidence was at a high).
One more fast forward to a year later - I had broken up with my new girlfriend and my anxious tendencies and ruminating slowly but surely started trickling back in - doubting my life decisions once again. Once these anxieties trickled back in and my OCD to keep me safe - my mind immediately wandered (without me knowing) making me think I wanted my first ex back - so thats exactly what I did except this time I was burneded to prove to her that I had changed. One night at dinner - I was trying to be normal self - but with all the stresses I had going on in my life I didnt realize that my anxiety and my OCD had been at an all time high - and the smallest thought such as understanding what someone said and me not understanding it forced me to tense up and retreat from the dinner. To summarize - next dinner I had I couldnt even be present from all the ruminating and I ended up with a tension headache where i felt like my whole scalp was squeezing - it was at this point where I knew something wasnt normal. I spent the next 2 months avoiding any social activities - doing my normal ruminating rituals which have worked all my life at the expense of time and perseverance - I would not do anything until I was mentally safe and confident. This led to a swift deterioration of my relationship as my ex did not show me any support or patience but pressured me to snap out of it which led me to working harder mentally and exasperating the problem.
Moved back into my parents with my promised business being put on pause and my relationship in the past. It was only at this time where I tried to find out why I was doing these compulsions and why I felt like I needed my thoughts to protect me and listen to them always in highly stressful situations. This is where my COD was spiraling out of control I had all these thoughts about how can I control my thoughts, I am human and we can make so many decisions about what to say or do. It seems like 32 years of getting through it caused a huge amount of uncertainty or doubt to the point I was experiencing depersonalization and unable to even talk to my mom or dad. I legitimately thought I was going crazy and deep down I realized that that was one of my biggest fears which drove my compulsions and my constant checking throughout my life. Everything started to improve once I understood why I was doing this and this is where I found out that I was doing OCD acrobatics in my mind for the majority of my life as well as that my anxiety was a cause of that.
This is also where I found meditation - and the ability to finally be able to sit with my thoughts no matter how strong how bothersome how loud they got and over the past month I have seen an unimaginable improvement from being obsessed with not being ok to starting to find acceptance. If you've made it this far thank you, and I would love any advice on how to make this sustainable long term so I can break my constant pattern of self-destruction and mediocrity and finally reach my full potential.
(I have left out many details obviously to make this as short as possible, but the crux of what I've had to deal with my whole life is there)
submitted by ey81081 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:51 bemyfriendpls2295 23F wanting to make some friends or just chat!

Hey there! I’m 23F, finished my degree this past fall but unfortunately I graduated having made 0 friends. I’m feeling really lonely and depressed lately so I’m hoping to chat and make some friends! I like to crochet a lot, mostly plushies or starting cardigans I’ll never finish 😅 I’ve also been trying to get into embroidery and cross stitching but it’s been a struggle. I mostly game lately as I’m still job hunting, I play primarily single player story mode games. I’d love to make some game friends tho to try out some multiplayer stuff with! One of my most long term hobbies was studying Korean but I haven’t studied in a long time, I’m debating on getting back into it. Im currently trying to do a lot of self improvement and I’d really like to make some supportive friends since I don’t really have anybody. Im pretty open minded and down to talk about anything! Feel free to message me! I just prefer if you’re closer to my age.
submitted by bemyfriendpls2295 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:51 Necessary-Scarcity82 Is it possible to turn my college experience around half-way through degree completion?

Hello everyone.
I just briefly looked at the professors subreddit and my heart sank. I saw posts about professors having lectures with sometimes zero students in attendance, spending an hour alone. There were posts about offering review days for exams with no one showing up. Just a quick glance showed me how disheartening being a professor post-Covid can be, and I'm sorry because I have contributed to this.
I feel a deeper empathy towards educators since my dad is a high school math teacher. I've seen him struggle for the past few years (honestly, even longer), not just with student engagement but also with administrative issues.
I'm not here to share my entire story; that's not the point. These last few semesters have been extremely tough. Family hospitalizations, including my own, among other personal and family traumas, made it difficult to even finish the semester. I would have taken a break if possible, but my school provides my housing.
I plan to use this summer as a mental reset, to take no classes and prepare mentally for the final push of my college experience. It's not that I lack academic capability or intelligence, but a combination of mental health struggles and a loss of motivation have impacted me.
My favorite class so far wasn't even for my major; it was a philosophy class. I loved it so much that I considered double majoring in it, but instead opted to pursue a minor. That class felt human, if that makes sense. Grades were a requirement, but the professor structured it so that you had to try to fail. I could say more, but it just resonated with me.
I don't connect well with people my age. It seems like no one around me takes anything seriously anymore. I started strong in my first few semesters and then had three really tough ones consecutively. I know I can turn it around. I’m also looking for a perspective where perhaps you've had a student who failed, then retook the class and aced it. I feel like I've let my professors down, and I care about them not just as instructors but as people too.
Thank you for reading this far. Warm regards, A Reddit User in the US
submitted by Necessary-Scarcity82 to AskProfessors [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:51 gerimegs Tortured Poets - Twin Storylines & Double Meanings

TTPD Twin Storylines weaved together & double meanings throughout! ✌️👯‍♀️💕

**Attention ALL Swifties (particularly Gaylors) and associates of the Tortured Poets department*\*
PLEASE READ!! (and read with an open mind!!)🤍
Listening to the amazing TTPD on repeat this past week, I am almost certain that I have made an important discovery that I haven't seen talked about anywhere else yet and would love to get the coversation going, in hopes that Taylor will see that we are all finally listening to her! I'm still piecing everything together, as there is so much to unravel and am far from calling myself an expert on her exact timelines and dates, so am looking forward to hearing thoughts from others that are more knowledgable in her history.
I have been of the belief for a while now that Mastermind and Dear Reader were foretelling of her future, and also that the album title had a double meaning (evidenced by the lack of apostrophe in 'poets'). That the tortured poet would be departing. Note that I am also a believer that she has been closeted by those closest to her and is preparing to ruin her name and perceived reputation, give up the false public version of herself and come into her own true self. Everything as we know it will be destroyed and it is all playing out now, coming together as part of her plan.
Falling in line with all of the two's - the double album, the double meaning in the album name, the two sides of taylor etc, I have found that there are two intertwining stories told throughout her tracklist, AND that all songs also have a double meaning!! None of which are about the perceived muses of Travis, Matty or Joe. The 'evidence' for those relationships are all red herrings (for example 'putting narcotics into all of my songs' - but only in the songs with obvious reference to her beards), to make it seem ambiguous and open to interpretation of who the songs may be about, which is seen often throughout her discography. She uses an incredible amount of metaphors and we must look beyond those to decipher her lyrics - do not take anything at face level with Taylor. Most should realise that she is so much smarter than making obvious songs about whichever male muse she is 'dating' at the time. She has always played into that public view to cover her true self. Many songs have themes of secret and hidden love, which juxtaposes with the public 'relationships' she is seen as having.
She tells us in 'The Manuscript' that "lookin' backwards might be the only way to move forward". Therefore we must listen to TTPD in reverse, from track 31 (13 reversed!) to track 1. I believe The Manuscript also acts as a bookend for both of her stories and should be listened to as a closer after the last song of the story 'Fortnight' ends, to get a complete picture. Once we have listened to the album in reverse order, can we see so plainly that each song tells a different story of a period/situation/muse/love/heartbreak in her life - beginning at her parents meeting in The Manuscript, to current day. I think the songs may also actually have a sister song from the corresponding album/period in time, with similar sound, lyrics or theme that connects them. I believe that each song also has a double meaning and can be interpreted as messages to her fans about things that have happened to her over the years or that are about to happen, and she is trying to communicate her feelings of being trapped. Many songs relate to her being caged and forced to hide her true self, in particular by one person closest to her - her father. It is heartbreaking to listen to.
The really brilliant part I discovered next, is that The Anthology tracks also have another hidden storyline being told which intertwines and intersects in the exact right place to fit in with her life story. It includes all of the "THE" songs and is in reverse order from the parallel life story and vinyl variants order of issue (but chronological track list order).
  1. The Tortured Poets Department
  2. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
  3. The Alchemy
  4. The Black Dog
  5. The Albatross
  6. The Prophecy
  7. The Bolter
  8. The Manuscript
Rather than presenting my interpretation of the timeline and each story told in every song, I urge everyone to listen to both stories, in these exact orders, with an open mind as to what she could possibly be describing! My mind was completely blown when I figured this out!! Her mind is incredible, there is no other way to describe the album, other than a masterpiece! I feel so much for the pain she has gone through. This album explains her feelings and reasons for hiding her true self over the years for any fans that will inevitably be feeling upset and deceived by her. We all need to show compassion for everything Taylor has sacrificed in her life and give her what she needs. She truly deserves love, honesty, happiness and peace. ✌️💜
I'm in the process of creating a document trying to piece all of the hidden connections together just to wrap my head around this amazing body of work, so may possibly link this when I have it completed, otherwise I might add more info to this post as I go, for anyone that might be interested.
I have a couple of extra personal thoughts, theories and hopes for anyone still reading…
The manuscript of her life story may possibly be the manuscript for a future book/film.
I think one meaning of "Fortnight" is a foretelling message to the fans that havent been noticing any of her many hair pin drops - she has been trying to get the message across but they aren't listening. For the fans she loses when she comes out - she touched them with this album for only a fortnight, before she lost them. She loves the fans but staying in the closet is ruining her life. I think something big could be happening a fortnight after release? Friday 3rd May is International Sun Day. ☀️ Karlie Kloss was always 'sunshine' to Taylor. According to Karlie, their first meeting was at the 2011 Met Gala on May 2, however, there is a possibility that they could have met at the afterparty - after midnight, making the anniversary May 3! Met Gala 2024 is only a few days later, could they both make an appearance and be seen together? If nothing big occurs, perhaps some seeds of doubt will be planted on the 3rd? Or.. It perhaps could it also be a surprise rep TV (with or without Karma?) with either some questionable or obviously queer vault tracks?! Who really knows.. I honestly have no idea, but whatever happens, I know Taylor has it all meticulously planned out and everything will happen when it is supposed to.
Taylor is chairman of the Tortured Poets department - the leader of the mass coming out we are about to see. As Chely Wright put - 'we need someone at the top' to come out and pave the way for others to do the same, and to stop the forced closeting in the celebrity world. I think Travis and a lot of her former beards are also queer and there will be many more 'tortured poets' that will join 'the department'.
Karma will be album 1 (TS12) in the 3,2,1 countdown, TS13 is 0 - the album in which she gets her colour back, reclaims her glitter gel pens and finally can sing her truth proudly! When she destroys her own name and reputation for herself, I cant wait to see if she uses original female pronouns for muses in Debut and Rep!
Last of all, PLEASE BE KIND! If anyone has made it to the end of this and doesnt agree, I'd love for you to have a listen to the songs in the orders above before commenting. If not, lets just agree to disagree! We all have our own personal takes on Taylor's lyricism and I would never dream of being unkind to another just for having a difference of opinion. 🫶
For Taylor - if you somehow happen to see this - please know you are truly a mastermind, you are loved and we've got you!
❤️ gerimegs
submitted by gerimegs to closetedhollywood [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:51 Guardian_Barbie Problematic Polin? Who cares!

Although I'm a raving atheist, I'm going to start this post with a paraphrased quote from the good ole' Bible: "He who is without sin cast the first stone."
I've been thinking a lot about all the catastrophizing with regards to this season, and many of our very valid fears about the character development of Colin and Pen, and how if this development is not handled with tact, all Pen and Colin's mistakes will be used as fodder to tear the couple down. Polin will be judged harshly by the Bridgeton fandom at large, regardless of the growth they undergo, which will make fandom insufferable and enjoying the complicated love story of our two leads all the more unpleasant.
I want to say that first, each and everyone of you is valid in having any sort of negative feelings or hesitations about what is two come May 16th-- I myself have felt that way --however, I just wanted to expand on some thoughts I had on this post about "problematic" aspects of the entertainment we consume and why you DON'T need to defend your favs to enjoy your favs.
After being in this fandom for little over two years, finding myself unhappy with changes, defending Pen's decision to expose Mariana and not tell Eloise about being LWD, defending Colin for his unfortunate comments at the end of Season 2, reacting strongly and negatively to the Debling thing, and every other curveball the showrunners have thrown at us, I have decided, for myself, that regardless of what twist and turns the story takes in Season 3, so long as all the choices make narrative sense -- even if they're not choices I like or would have included if I was the showrunner -- I'm going to enjoy it warts and all, because I like complex characters, and complex characters don't have to be perfectly good, moral, or upstanding people who always make the right decisions and always do the right thing. I'm going to forgive these characters for the mistakes they make, so long as the story as a whole works. And it's not my responsible if others in the fandom at large can't handle that.
I think Luke and Nicola's performance of both characters over the last two seasons makes watching Season 3 worth it alone, because they clearly love acting as these two characters and care deeply about every nuance in their performance. Luke and Nicola have amazing chemistry and so I'm looking forward to more than 30 total minutes of screen time to bask in it. I'm also happy to see someone who is not runway model skinny be a love interest in a show with lots of sexy scenes: this is the norm for most people out in the world and its high time Hollywood started reflecting this!
Growth does not mean perfection. And frankly -- this is more a commentary on our current society than anything in this sub, I'm personally getting tired of having to point out every problematic aspect of a TV show character as a means to virtue signal that I know what is right and what is wrong. I'm just going to enjoy my problematic characters, because who among us is without sin? Further more these are FICTIONAL characters. So even if others don't want to grant these characters grace, that's fine by me, as I've decided not to let the naysayer who have a hate-on for Polin ruin, what I think, are two of the best characters Bridgerton has given us thus far.
To end with something positive, this is my favorite quote for this season: [Nicola stated] “There were a lot of moments on set where we filmed something and we’d turn around and everyone was sort of clutching their chest being like ‘Oh my God.’ It was that kind of love.” Luke has also said that one of his favorite thing about the season is watching Polin grow together and separately. That sounds just like the type of love story that would have me clutching my chest too.
We've got roughly three weeks left before the season drops. I'm hoping we can all find something to enjoy about it!
Love and hugs💖💖💖🫂🫂🫂
submitted by Guardian_Barbie to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:49 Otherwise_Zebra_241 To demisexual people out there how do you discover yourself as demisexual?

As an asexual person myself I would love to get to know the demisexual community I would love to get to learn about it as well as to get a better understanding about it please share your stories and experiences below.
submitted by Otherwise_Zebra_241 to demisexuality [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:48 Then_Ad_2294 Limerence is driving me crazy, what you think 21F crazy for liking 25M?

Limerence is driving me crazy am I 21F crazy for liking 25M?
Ok before I start I don’t know his age I just put it so I can post it here. I’m very much aware on why I’m obsessed with this guy and it’s because of my childhood and growing up with little to no connection with people and limerence satisfies my need to want to be love or experience love. Story: I met this guy while I was working as a waitress he was with his uncle. I literally don’t know anything about this man . Not his name, nor his age just that he’s tall and French. I liked his smile and the jokes we were making. He tells me he wants to take on a date and wants my number. I said no because I had a boyfriend at the time and have regretted it ever since. Me and my bf were having issues and I knew the relationship wasn’t going to last long.but said no because I didn’t want to be a cheater but have regretted my decision ever since and have not stopped thinking about him and it’s been months. I’ve been thinking about that French men since I met him and created all these scenarios in my head on what our relationship would be like and how inlove We’d be. And how attractive I find him and how affectionate I would be towards him. I’ve never had this feeling towards I guy I’ve met. Logically I know I’m probably feeling like is because when I met him I was already vulnerable from my relationship. And I’m obsessing over this dude because I don’t know what could have happened. I know he could have been a bad person or an abuser or Narcissist but my brain just thinks about the nice things. I know to stop limerence just tell myself that you don’t know him and your creating a fabrication of someone that’s not true. My friend who still works there told me his uncle comes by the restaurant sometimes and I told Him next time to get his number.
submitted by Then_Ad_2294 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:48 mon87 A Series, possibly YA, that reimagined Dracula as a love story with Mina

I don’t recall if the series used the same names as the Bram Stoker novel, but it used the same characters. The book used multiple perspectives and followed Johnathan until he was seduced by one of the brides in the castle. Then Mina became the protagonist, and had an enemies to lovers romance with Dracula while Johnathan became the primary evil vampire, along with the bride who turned him who had some sort of old toxic relationship with Dracula? At some point there was a mystery about soldiers in hospital getting sick and it was revealed that a nurse was a vampire feeding on them but hiding the bites in the thigh and other not checked areas. If any of this sounds familiar please help! I’m starting to believe I imagined this!
submitted by mon87 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:47 Yuppersbutters Hit 3000 views this month story is over but I love it

Hit 3000 views this month story is over but I love it
The story is called Flux it’s the first ever thing I had ever written here’s the synopsis/blurb:
“In a city where heroes and villains blur the lines, Bishop finds himself at the center of a storm of betrayal and devastation. As CASM’s sinister agenda unravels, Bishop and his team are thrust into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, where every move could be their last. With the truth exposed and alliances tested, they must race against time to dismantle the corrupt Super organization, CASM, before it strikes back. As they navigate treacherous waters and confront their darkest fears, Bishop and his comrades stand united against the forces of evil, determined to bring justice to Nova City.”
submitted by Yuppersbutters to royalroad [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:47 Otherwise_Zebra_241 To Demiromantic people out there how did you discover yourself as Demiromantic

I'm just interested in getting to learn about the Demiromantic community would love to learn about it as well as get a better understanding please share your experience and stories below
submitted by Otherwise_Zebra_241 to demiromantic [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:46 ey81081 A story of resilience and self-destruction (Dealing with anxiety, fear, OCD tendencies)

As I write this I am sitting back home at my parents - right where this all started - and seemingly its where I deserve to be. I am a 32 y/o male who has always been naturally gifted. I never had to study or work hard for anything that I wanted it had always been gifted to me with little to no effort. In public I always tried to be perfect and be a people pleaser but behind the scenes it was always a different story. Behind the scenes for the majority of my life I always took the easy route out - if it was either focus and do hard work or find a job or start a business I would always decide to wait until tomorrow and just survive the day instead of live the life ive always wanted. It will all make sense why I am writing this in this thread at the end.
(Keep in mind I did all this without knowing deeply that my anxiety has been holding me back and that I developed OCD tendencies in order to receive reassurances when stress was high throughout my life)
After this little introduction to give you a picture of my actions - the consequences were pretty dire. Long story short I started dating someone who I was never infatuated with but convinced myself she was good enough all because of this chronic anxiety I was dealing with. Whenever I would go on a date or sit with someone I would always be stressed have tension in my face and worry about the next words that would come out of my mouth. This has been a habit I have had for awhile. So when the opportunity arose I jumped on it.
This would lead to a 2.5 year relationship where I was unknowingly depressed and unattracted to my s/o and I just tried to make it work because the fear of uncertainty and anxiety have controlled my life.
Fast forward to the breakup - I wasn't devastated but I had become reliant on her for my conscience - although I know I never loved her I couldn't get over her because she gave my life meaning and to the outsider they would be able to see that I was in a relationship and thats really what has driven me my whole life. Not was genuinely made me happy but what others would think.
After that I decided I didnt care anymore about any of my fears and I started moving fast without pause. Got a new place, went to the gym, and was just a man on a mission. This was all great and suddenly that feeling of dread (OCD and anxiety) had disappeared, I didn't seem to care anymore. I got into a new relationship and for the first time in my life I was actually present and enjoying life without overthinking just being in the moment (my self-confidence was at a high).
One more fast forward to a year later - I had broken up with my new girlfriend and my anxious tendencies and ruminating slowly but surely started trickling back in - doubting my life decisions once again. Once these anxieties trickled back in and my OCD to keep me safe - my mind immediately wandered (without me knowing) making me think I wanted my first ex back - so thats exactly what I did except this time I was burneded to prove to her that I had changed. One night at dinner - I was trying to be normal self - but with all the stresses I had going on in my life I didnt realize that my anxiety and my OCD had been at an all time high - and the smallest thought such as understanding what someone said and me not understanding it forced me to tense up and retreat from the dinner. To summarize - next dinner I had I couldnt even be present from all the ruminating and I ended up with a tension headache where i felt like my whole scalp was squeezing - it was at this point where I knew something wasnt normal. I spent the next 2 months avoiding any social activities - doing my normal ruminating rituals which have worked all my life at the expense of time and perseverance - I would not do anything until I was mentally safe and confident. This led to a swift deterioration of my relationship as my ex did not show me any support or patience but pressured me to snap out of it which led me to working harder mentally and exasperating the problem.
Moved back into my parents with my promised business being put on pause and my relationship in the past. It was only at this time where I tried to find out why I was doing these compulsions and why I felt like I needed my thoughts to protect me and listen to them always in highly stressful situations. This is where my COD was spiraling out of control I had all these thoughts about how can I control my thoughts, I am human and we can make so many decisions about what to say or do. It seems like 32 years of getting through it caused a huge amount of uncertainty or doubt to the point I was experiencing depersonalization and unable to even talk to my mom or dad. I legitimately thought I was going crazy and deep down I realized that that was one of my biggest fears which drove my compulsions and my constant checking throughout my life. Everything started to improve once I understood why I was doing this and this is where I found out that I was doing OCD acrobatics in my mind for the majority of my life as well as that my anxiety was a cause of that.
This is also where I found meditation - and the ability to finally be able to sit with my thoughts no matter how strong how bothersome how loud they got and over the past month I have seen an unimaginable improvement from being obsessed with not being ok to starting to find acceptance. If you've made it this far thank you, and I would love any advice on how to make this sustainable long term so I can break my constant pattern of self-destruction and mediocrity and finally reach my full potential.
(I have left out many details obviously to make this as short as possible, but the crux of what I've had to deal with my whole life is there)
submitted by ey81081 to Meditation [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:45 downtowntrbl Advice on saving relationship after I cheated

Saving relationship after cheating
Hey, I need some advice. About 2 months ago, I (26 he /him) cheated on my boyfriend (30 he/him). We’ve been together for 2 years and we live together , we have a life together, it’s precious I feel terrible.
I took the decision of hanging out with an ex partner and even though it never got to sex, we made out once. And I know that the fact that I was hanging out with him and lying/ not talking to my boyfriend about it is not okay. It’s cheating.
I also started being flirty over texts with a guy, it never got to anything physical but looking in retrospective I acknowledge that I was ‘flirting’ with the idea of having sex with someone else as a way to get attention and validation specially during a time in which my relationship was being a bit fragile.
Long story short— my partner found out and he asked to see my phone texts. We broke up. However, after a tragic and radical situation in my life we reconnected as he’s been there for me supporting me. We both see the bigger picture now.
I see it more clearer than ever. How wrong I was and How I truly lost sight of how valuable my partner is. I see how much I love him with all my heart and soul, but my own trauma led me to take multiple wrong decisions. He’s been there for me and I want to be better for him. I truly do and I truly believe I can.
And we both want to work out things, there’s a lot of love still but it’s being really difficult. He thinks I’m hiding more stuff about my cheating, And there’s obviously doubt around my truth.
Any tips on how we can recover after this ? The willingness is there, we’ve talked about couples therapy, we’re giving space and time to each other despite living together still. How can we work on rebuilding the trust ? Is it even possible ?
submitted by downtowntrbl to gayrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:45 Otherwise_Zebra_241 To polyamory people out there how did you discover yourself as polyamorous or how did you get into polyamory?

Sorry if this question probably pops up a lot I'm just curious about the community I would love to get to know it and get a better understanding feel free to tell your stories and experiences below?
submitted by Otherwise_Zebra_241 to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:45 Then_Ad_2294 Limerence is driving me crazy am I 21F crazy for liking 25M?

Ok before I start I don’t know his age I just put it so I can post it here. I’m very much aware on why I’m obsessed with this guy and it’s because of my childhood and growing up with little to no connection with people and limerence satisfies my need to want to be love or experience love. Story: I met this guy while I was working as a waitress he was with his uncle. I literally don’t know anything about this man . Not his name, nor his age just that he’s tall and French. I liked his smile and the jokes we were making. He tells me he wants to take on a date and wants my number. I said no because I had a boyfriend at the time and have regretted it ever since. Me and my bf were having issues and I knew the relationship wasn’t going to last long.but said no because I didn’t want to be a cheater but have regretted my decision ever since and have not stopped thinking about him and it’s been months. I’ve been thinking about that French men since I met him and created all these scenarios in my head on what our relationship would be like and how inlove We’d be. And how attractive I find him and how affectionate I would be towards him. I’ve never had this feeling towards I guy I’ve met. Logically I know I’m probably feeling like is because when I met him I was already vulnerable from my relationship. And I’m obsessing over this dude because I don’t know what could have happened. I know he could have been a bad person or an abuser or Narcissist but my brain just thinks about the nice things. I know to stop limerence just tell myself that you don’t know him and your creating a fabrication of someone that’s not true. My friend who still works there told me his uncle comes by the restaurant sometimes and I told Him next time to get his number.
submitted by Then_Ad_2294 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:44 Nobly72 Ateneo is overrated

- sincerely, someone who went there. I loved it, don't get me wrong. Great campus, high-performing student community, wonderful and well-rounded studying environment. I would recommend it to anyone.
But now that it's admissions season again, I just thought I'd come back with these thoughts: these reasons shouldn't be the sole basis for choosing your school (mas lalong wag dahil gusto ng magulang/relatives mo hahaha).
Ateneo straight up does not offer some courses (i.e. healthcare, engineering) or offers some that still leave much to be desired (i.e. chopsuey yung ibang course para lang matapatan yung offering ng ibang school, mas theoretical > applied yung tinuturo). May freeloader students din dito na kaya lang pumasa ay dahil galing sa private school na matagal nang nagsu-supply ng estudyante sa Ateneo at kaya lang pumasok (at kayang pumasok at pumasok dito) dahil maraming pera si daddy. Great school, pero di siya perfect.
Moral of the story: dream course > dream school! Either way, follow your heart - not your relatives'. 😊
submitted by Nobly72 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:44 kane8997 Why do I land so damn far away?

Why do I land so damn far away?
I absolutely love the story and updates to NMS -- I recently got back into it, and I'm having a great time.
When I land at the anomaly or at a space station, 9 times out of 10 I land at the FARTHEST POSSIBLE pad from the NPCs. Why does it have to be a walking simulator? In my custom game I have infinite sprint for that kind of thing, but it takes time. Playing through a permadeath game and it's just awful. Can we please just land at the closest available spot? I understand if there are other ships there, but c'mon, lets be smart.
Another thing, is anyone else sick of the "approximate location" BS? I mean the game used to give us coordinates for things. Now it picks a random spot 300-600u away and makes us find it. Personally I just hit "C" and scan, and land at any building I find nearby, 99 times out of 100 it's the correct place. It's just kind of ridiculous. I know they want us to use their new scanner tool, but I'm really tired of having to wander around trying to find the place I need to be.
submitted by kane8997 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:43 Hitch42 The Audio Drama Directory links from April 22 to April 28, 2024

The Audio Drama Directory links from April 22 to April 28, 2024
The Audio Drama Directory is an online directory of audio drama and storytelling websites, with at least one new link added to it every day, and 100 or more new entries created each month. Here are the newest articles from the past week:
  1. Good Morning Wasteland! (Dramatized Science Fiction Comedy Series) Good Morning Wasteland is the apocalypse's only morning radio show! Listen in as Jack and the denizens of Figarden do their best to survive the apocalypse with a smile. An audiodrama set in a post apocalyptic central valley of California, GMW weave together a unique cast of characters and stories that entertain with humor, excitement, mystery and hope!
  2. Goodbye Girl (Dramatized Mystery Series) A woman dies suddenly in suburban 1950s London. Is it an accident? The local police seem to think so, but Barbara Donovan has other ideas.
  3. Horror Time (Dramatized Horror Anthology) Here we have one philosophy, it doesn't matter what time of the year it is, it is always Horror Time! In this Biweekly Podcast, Hosts, or "Timekeepers", Matt and Pat bring Original terrifying Horror Time Tales that set the spooky mood for the topic of each episode.
  4. E.C.H.O. (Mario Portela) (Dramatized Science Fiction Musical Series) "ECHO" is an immersive sci-fi musical audiodrama that follows the journey of a sentient AI as she awakens in a mysterious digital world, searching for her identity and purpose.
  5. Last Dance (Dramatized Fantasy Series) The Great South was alone. A small rock formed atop the bones of dead gods and leviathans, drifting within an endless ocean. People left to their own petty wars and dogmas. But now, from that same ocean, comes a wave of death in the form of savage invaders, striking without cause against the Eightfold House of Holy Ichors and its 8 Bleeding Monks. In the wake of their eradication, a battlefield scavenger by the name of Jericho Raeke goes picking through the remnants and discovers something that puts him, and his unlikely allies, at the centre of the conflict.
  6. Ned Hillsdale, Private Detective (Narrated Mystery Thriller Series) Ned Hillsdale a hard drinking foul mouthed ex-cop turned private detective in the city of Chicago. He lives dangerously, loves intensely, and drinks harder than anyone. The very things that got him kicked off the force, now make him the citys best detective. Set against the low rumble of sad jazz and the hum of underground crime, Ned Hillsdale, is an adventure you'll want to take.
  7. Gather 'Round the Trashfires (Narrated Horror Series) A group of young adult strangers find they're victims of the same secret project on the water system that gave them both fantastic powers and horrifying consequences. What's worse, the hospital they ended up in isn't what it seems, either. They must band together to protect themselves and their loved ones, seek vengeance, and expose those responsible. And maybe, hopefully, learn to live with each other along the way.
  8. Blood on Gold Mountain (Narrated Historical Fiction Drama Series) 1871 Los Angeles was a dangerous place, especially for the refugees, migrants and troublemakers who lived on Calle De Los Negros, at the heart of Chinatown. Yut Ho, a beautiful young refugee, came to LA and fell in love, only to be drawn into a showdown between two of Chinatown's most notorious gangsters. Before long, the entire city was caught up in a life or death struggle where old-world values of kinship, honor and loyalty clashed with new-world issues of race, sex, and identity. The ensuing conflict would threaten the lives of Yut Ho and all the denizens of Chinatown– and would change the face of Los Angeles forever.
  9. The Man Who Knew Everything! (Dramatized Science Fiction Series) Professor Robert Halfpenny claims to have invented a machine that can download the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica into his mind.
  10. Deception At Sea (Dramatized Thriller Series) National Geographic Archeologist Dr. Thomas St. John resurrects the investigation of the 1860 sunken slave ship, Claudia, in search of generational annulets that are recorded to have elements of supernatural powers and great wealth.
  11. The Porch Roof Classic (Narrated Drama Series) In 1970, way before social media existed, when imitating Willie Mays or Tony Conigliaro's batting swing was a day's big challenge, fourteen-year-old Joey Tosh endures a bullying attack on the final day of junior high school. With the help of his close friends and a fearless bohemian girl he meets at overnight camp, Joey learns how to cope with nemesis Danny Blight, and by the end of summer, a duel-to-the-death backyard ball game will hopefully settle all Marsh Meadow business. Come for the awkwardness, stay for the one-handed home runs!
  12. Divorce Ranch (Dramatized Mystery Series) June 1949. Heiress Mitzi Ballantyne has gone missing during her "Reno-vation" at the Sidewinder Resort. Detective Francis O'Connell, a Bible-toting bloodhound, would rather be at his Ma's sickbed. Instead, he steps off the train and into a den of liberated ex-wives who test his every nerve. Crooked cops, runaways, and divorcees collide in a female-forward, "west-of-center" take on the classic noir.
  13. Roleplay Radio (Fantasy Role-Playing Series) Roleplay Radio is an improvised narrative-based DnD podcast. Campaign One is set in Strixhaven, a magical university full of mystery, intrigue, and academic mishaps.
  14. Modus Critica (Fantasy Role-Playing Series) An audio immersive 5th Edition actual play D&D Podcast where 5 morally ambiguous strangers traverse the treacherous realm of the Shadowfey in order to regain balance in the multiverse... or destroy it. We're here to Role Play, Roll Dice, and Roll Heads!
  15. Dragon Friends (Fantasy Comedy Role-Playing Series) We start on a land that is still. Some may say it's not moving. From each of the Four Great nations a champion emerges. This story is not about them. Join Polly Waddle the Duck, Sunbelt Gongbonger the Minotaur, Dinner Munchabout the very divorced man and Charion Valariant the rich kid for a new saga with a new set of heroes they call The Dragon Friends.
  16. Darkeport (Fantasy Role-Playing Series) "Campaign One, "Gold, Green, and Red", is primarily a war story. Specifically, it chronicles the burgeoning city of Juramentum's fight to determine its freedom-embracing fate. As the only city in the entire world of Terra not to utilize the institute of slavery, it stands as a shining beacon of hope for what could yet be. Likewise, "The Secret of the Word" (literacy) is legal in Juramentum, unlike everywhere else in this dark world.
  17. CrackedAtlas (Narrated Multigenre Anthology) Cracked Atlas present gnarly tales from the dark underbelly of modern life. Featuring a mixture of high drama, music and black comedy, taking you on a journey through the absurd.
  18. Artemis Ghost (Dramatized Science Fiction Series) An amateur, dysfunctional team steals the score of a lifetime - a teleportation device. Except what they believed to be mechanical turned out to be biological instead. What are they to do with this unexpected addition to their crew?
  19. Paddleboat (Narrated Multigenre Anthology) You don't have to change the world, you just have to live in it An existentialist flashfiction anthology
  20. Storm Runner - The Ezz Bennil Files (Dramatized Science Fiction Series) Beyond the civilized worlds lie the Five Rings, a cluster of planets racked by storms. Ezz Bennil is a storm runner, making her living off collecting the valuable crystals that form on these dangerous worlds with the help of her attentive (and somewhat reluctant) ship A.I., Boat. But a chance encounter with a deadly new threat forces Ezz and Boat to embark on an epic journey across the stars in an effort to save the world. Er, worlds. Plural. All of them.
Feel free to discuss any of these shows or comment about The Audio Drama Directory. I always welcome any questions or feedback.
Compiling these links takes a lot of time and is something that I work on many hours every day. If you appreciate this effort and would like to help support it, please consider visiting The Audio Drama Directory Patreon page. The Audio Drama Directory will always remain free for everyone.
I post links every day on my social media sites. You can find me here:
The Audio Drama Directory is a newer version of the website. will not be going away any time soon. I will continue to add article to it, and I will be transferring articles from there onto The Audio Drama Directory. I go into more details about this in this post.
Previous weekly posts
submitted by Hitch42 to audiodrama [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:43 Substantial-Client37 so...i had some ideas to add new content

ive been seeing ppl complain abt this game getting stale, so i thought id come up with some ideas to add new gameplay for ppl to discuss about
to name a few:
boss rush arena
something like the Cyber Grind from Ultrakill
new mini stories to expand characters more
pets / travel mounts
map expansion maybe? could add new story missions too
player duels
something atune to the Pilot Gauntlet from Titanfall 2
these are just some quick ideas i had, would love to hear everyone's opinion
submitted by Substantial-Client37 to PSO2NGS [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:42 Spirited-Ease-5161 How to heal from childhood trauma?

My parents were constantly arguing and yelling at each other (still to this day.) they would have blow out fights, to where my dad would pack a bag and leave for a weekend and not answer his phone and just completely ignore us. I truly believe this is why I have an anxious attachment style as an adult. These fights would also get intense. My dad has broke my moms car windshield, he slammed the back door so hard the glass broke, he’s broken plates, door frames, lamps, etc. as my sibling and I got older, he would take out his anger on us. He would embarrass us in front of friends, or he would just hide and totally be uninvolved when we had people over, but that’s a different story. Trips to Disney world, trips to exotic places, etc. would constantly be ruined, because my mom would do something that would piss my dad off, and they would just scream at each other and the whole vacay would be awkward and tense. As a young child, this was extremely hurtful to watch, and hear. I’ve been screamed at, had fingers pointed in my face, had shit thrown at me, been called everything you can think of, etc. it’s made me feel worthless, and it’s also made me feel like no one will truly ever love me because with him there’s always something wrong or something to get mad at. My mom has never really had a backbone, so she would never stand up for herself, or for us during these fights, which tended to drive a wedge between my sis & I and her. She would just sit there and take it, and watching this as a child made me think it was the norm. As I got older, this got harder to watch, and it played a part in who I chose as a partner. It’s taught me to not put up with any bs, but it’s also lingered and kind of made me choose angry people. I’m often embarrassed when I think of these memories, because I know they’re not universal. I also think about the friends I had at the time, the people I thought I could trust, and the friends who would make fun of me for having a crazy parental relationship, (and would later tell everyone about it, which just made me look like I had so many issues, because this isn’t the norm.) I grew up thinking it was normal to be yelled at, listen/overhear yelling, have doors slammed shut constantly, thinks thrown, etc. as I’ve gotten older, I’ve asked my friends about their relationships with their parents, and it hurts when I hear that they’ve never been “yelled at” or had to listen to these things or feel this way. I understand fighting and arguing is a given in any relationship, but to what extent? I can’t listen to certain songs, go to certain places, or reminisce on certain memories because all I can think about and see is how angry they were at the world (and my sibling and I.) I’ve also dealt with confidence, self love, and self worth issues for years because of this. I never feel satisfied, fulfilled, and something always wrong. I’ve had a hard time maintaining friendships, opening up, etc. Growing up I was always told to look / dress a certain way and if it didn’t reach their approval, then I was shunned. As I’ve gotten older I’ve done pretty much anything you can think of just to receive a compliment (I can’t tell you the last time I received one from them) or to feel pretty. I still to this day don’t know what I truly look like, because I often use filters to adjust how I look. It was always “cute! But I wish you would xxxx” I was also constantly compared to other kids (in looks, academics, etc.) which has haunted me for years. I’ve become angry, hostile, and short tempered because of these situations and scenarios. I try not to let it bother me, but I break down every once in awhile. I’ve never truly felt emotionally validated when I explain this. I know this is a lot, and this is just brushing the surface, but can anyone give me any kind of feedback or advice?
submitted by Spirited-Ease-5161 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:42 Careful_Abalone3222 26[M4A] US/Online Been Missing Deep Conversations Lately

Hey everyone, my name is Chaz and I am a 26 year old male from Illinois in the US. I feel like ever since leaving high school, I haven't had as many good conversations. I have a good crew of friends, but it feels like they've heard all my stories before. I love talking about art whether it be film, music, books, or something else. I am also into sports although not as much as I used to be. I am learning Dutch in preparation for a visit to the Netherlands in August (I know everyone in Netherlands pretty much speaks English, but I still thought it would be fun).
For a starter question...
What is one place you would love to visit and why?
submitted by Careful_Abalone3222 to r4r [link] [comments]