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2024.05.15 18:30 Shot-Walrus2788 My husband cheated on me with his old high school teacher and continues to talk to him

First off I am a bad writer so I apologize. My husband has a weird obsession with his high school teacher. He is a 25 M and I am a 23 F . We are a transgender couple and both identify as the opposite gender we were assigned at birth. Meaning he is female to male and I am male to female . And slept with him in the past before I knew my husband. I knew this going into the relationship. But they hadn’t talked and a while and he was so loving and caring that I overlooked it and didn’t affect us at all other than he talked about him all the time at first. A few months back he started to talk to him again. Which bothered me some because my husband is obsessed with him and they have slept together before . I have met and never trusted this teacher. My husband even introduced us one time and the teacher pressured me to drink and got me and my husband drunk and lured him to his bedroom. He got on top on my husband and made advancements on him. I was drunk and angry and ended up hitting him in the face and we left. My husband continued to talk to him through calls and text after that night even when I asked him to stop . Well I was suspicious and read their text messages one morning. And what I saw shattered my heart . My husband offered to sleep with his old teacher . Not just that but offered me up to him to join them in like a threesome since the teacher also finds me really attractive and has made sexual comments about my body many times. And calls me hot all the time apparently. I confronted my husband about it and he tried to make up lies and excuses for it but he knew he was caught red handed. I almost left him but couldn’t bring myself to do it . I figured it wasn’t physical cheating so I should just give him another chance . Especially since he’s never done anything like this before. I also feel like I should mention that my husband is diagnosed with an obsession disorder. I don’t know if that excuses the actions or not . So I begged him to stop talking to him to and he refused to stop saying he can’t make himself do it because of his mental illness. But what’s worse is that when I got depressed from it and just wanted to sleep a lot after I found the messages for like a month . He got mad at me for being super depressed and just wanting to sleep and I told him why I was sad . And we talked about it few times . And on two different occasions he looked me in the eyes and told me he loves both of us!! I don’t like that I have to share my husband’s heart with someone else! Also o should also mention that the teacher has charges against him for grooming and trying to sleep with one of his stu who are underage and is currently doing court stuff with that!! My husband later said he didn’t mean any of it and that at the time he was just mentally sick . The teacher moved away due to the charges to get away from the town but my husband still talks to him through calls and texts even after begging him to stop. I don’t know if I should leave him for not respecting me or my marriage? What do yall think I should do?
submitted by Shot-Walrus2788 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:14 prickly_569 WIBTA for wanting to rehome my dog?

I have 2 dogs and I love them both very much. The issue is I never was supposed to have 2 dogs on my own. I got these dogs with another person and we parted ways leaving me with 2. They are both sweet and well behaved but the male needs a lot of attention as he is more hyper. For months this was fine until I met my long term partner and moved in. He has a dog as well who was a stray in a pack. This means she can be sensitive to body language and not tolerant of his ping pong energy. This has caused a horrible situation where we have to juggle the dogs because his hates my male. Mine does not understand to leave her alone and playing hot potato with 3 dogs has gotten overwhelming. Historically the females have been fine around eachother. I also have some left over anger that I have 2 dogs and not enough of me to give both what they need. Does that make me the AH for wanting to rehome the male? I feel as though I would be harshly judged because I chose to get both dogs.
submitted by prickly_569 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:12 Kind_Net_2042 The controversial truth about Mina and similar femininity gurus: Their teachings are designed to enrich themselves while ultimately ruining your lives

I have called Mina out on multiple occasions for changing her message to her own convenience at the expense of her audience. It still remains controversial for whatever reason. See related posts:
A common pattern is how she will say one thing to grow her audience and then turn around and switch things up on them and gaslight them about it. That's because the truth is that her teachings are inherently flawed. They are riddled with manipulated half-truths that appeal to your lower self.
These femininity gurus appeal to your most toxic traits and your own vanity to reel you in and then use it against you:
Mina explains that what the feminine brings is \"energetic\"
While this may sound nice on the surface, be careful consuming “femininity” content that teaches that what you contribute is “intangible” or “mysterious”… you are making it okay for her to be "feminine" to you and thus you are agreeing to be scammed. It's like what I said in this post: It's all a game to her, and she played us (many of us)... Everything you think she's teaching you how get from men, she is actually getting from YOU
Notice how she describes what the masculine brings versus what the feminine brings. You as her customer are literally her masculine. You are bringing the money while she is bringing the “honey”. The only person that really benefits from such teachings is the teacher. When most of her students actually carry this mindset into their other relationships, it does not work because most healthy people do not like entitled, selfish, or self-absorbed people- male or female. At best people will just avoid you, at worst you can actually attract high level predators. (Almost like what happened with the Tinder Swindler)
Mina can try to act like this is not what she teaches, but this hyper-entitled "I am a goddess" "i get paid to exist" mindset is literally the mindset she uses to attract her audience. Mina for example has expressed a clear aversion to housework. Mina from the beginning went out of her way to make it clear that her full provider also does bulk of the cooking and cleaning. She made it clear that his provision was not in exchange for house work or child care. That her sheer feminine energy in itself was enough.
This messaging was like porn for women. She was able to grow her audience like wildfire. She was able to sell her overpriced courses like hot cake.
Her teachings always seemed a little "unrealistic" to me, but I figured that I had too many "limiting beliefs". Clearly her teachings were working right? Look at all her testimonials? ....Well that right there is the catch.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Mina is NOT delivering for her clients. Even in this forum when people try to push back on my critiques of these teachings, rarely does anyone actually say "it worked for me". "I have a full provider who is happy to do all these things and I don't lift a finger". Most of it is just more along the lines of "I still believe this is possible" or "i believe this is how it should be"
Women in these spaces are very quick to call any man who doesn't fully align with Mina's model of a relationship "effeminate" or "broke" or a "loser". That may be true, but if most men or even a good proportion of men today are effeminate or broke, then how useful are these teachings anyway? That means that most women will not end up in the type of relationship that Mina is promoting. It doesn't matter if they spend $88,888 on her VIP coaching package. That is the cold hard truth.
So I guess that's why Mina changed her tune and at some point started telling us to be realistic started looking at "the data". The truth is that Mina's teachings do not add up. That is why she often contradicts herself.
She actually used to encourage women to wait to get married. She used to say that a a 24-year-old woman who had never lived alone or never held a job and jumped straight into marriage would be a "disaster". She actually even encouraged women to wait till their 30s to settle down. Mina used to teach women that providers come in stages. And she talked about a "king provider" stage that was around when a man was in his 40s and above.
But now she is telling girls to forget pursuing a serious degree that they can get a job in, and to forget pursuing a serious career. That they should put all their focus on getting married once they turn 22. She is pushing for an age gap which would make them marry men who are also in their 20s. What percentage of American men are ready to be full providers in their 20s?
Her teachings are all over the place. They are not grounded in reality. She doesn't care how many people she leads astray.
She doesn't know anything about "rotational dating". She never used it herself. She has pulled out a "blueprint" completely out of her behind that she herself didn't follow just so that she can sell books. She is a charlatan and it is so sad that women are taking anything she says seriously. Girls are basing major life decisions and even choosing their college majors based on the nonsense that comes out of Mina's mouth.
Mina's teachings are not designed to make sense. They are designed to make dollars. For herself. Millions of them. (Pun intended)
P.S. It's not even just her relationship content. I would caution against doing business with any trainee of Mina, sorry. I just know that a major selling point for her business and coaching courses is that she can help you "get paid to exist". It is really just a greedy ego trip. It's not about actually providing quality service to people. Maybe that is why one of them has recently gone out of her way to make it clear that she gives her all to her students.
submitted by Kind_Net_2042 to scammedByMinaIrfan [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:12 xirlafemme My body’s just wasting away….

25YO female, 5'4, 93 pounds (formerly 120lb) albuterol. no prior history before 2020.
Got COVID-19 in 2020, pre vaccine. Hospitalized. When I 'recovered' I had newly developed asthma and no white blood cells. They never returned to any normal level. I don't remember exactly numbers but the chart of blood draws over 1.5 years looked exactly like this: 📉
I get sick all the time post 2020 if anyone around me is sick; flu, covid, etc. I always catch it. Last month I was only healthy 1 week out of 4.
I've gotten covid 9 times.** I've been told by friends that thats unusual, maybe? Right now rashes cropping up all over my body. The cells on my tongue died one night few days ago and turned my whole tongue black. Im currently spitting up bits and pieces of the dead cells the inside of my mouth and cheeks that are shedding. I dont knowwhy. My lymph nodes are swollen and never stop being swollen.
I get woken up every single night with hot flashes of mild fever up to 101-2. then goes away. Affects my ability to sleep. I start seeing things in the corner of my eyes by day 3 of no sleep.
I'm extremely dehydrated and no amount of water will do it. I've had almost 2.5 liters, Feels like drinking sand, and my lips Crack and Bleed. I look so ugly. I look like a ghost. sunken eyes, gray skin, blistered mouth
Doctor won't run other tests or treatment other than more antibiotic
I don't know what I should do or look for. Or what I should ask my doctor to do next. Please let me know if there are any recommendations
I just want my weight back. I don't want to look like a ghost haunting a manor. I want to hang out with my friends. Thank you. Feel free to tell me it's hopeless and I should start meditating
submitted by xirlafemme to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:00 hoggersbridge Engines of Arachnea (Chapter 20: The God Speaks)

Link for all the chapters available for free here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
Deep in the groaning halls of sinew and bone he awaited his audience with the god. At a wave of his hand the ribs which held up the ceiling contracted, tendons shifting within the pink walls of the chamber as the jagged, calcareous spurs that composed the doorway sank back into the spongy masses of tissue, revealing a passage curving down and out of sight.
Menash stood before the yawning portal and considered eternity. This was no an idle thought: here in the Dawning Chamber, the concept was very real. His father, Yulan, had stood in this exact spot times beyond count. When he was struck down in his prime by the Night Weaver and her Leaper offspring, torn limb from limb as he fought to defend Chthonis from a raiding party, Menash’s uncle, Aqavarr, had carried his broken remains over that grinning threshold to join the hosts of the dead, never to return.
A hot and heavy exhalation rattled up out of the depths, wafting in the acrid scent of the bonding pools and the wet slithering sound of the rebirthing canals. Menash felt a crackle of static in the corners of his mind before the signal sharpened and he heard It whisper distinctly:
The familiar dread crept its way up the small of his back, and he gave a little shiver. No matter how many times he had communed with the Vitalus, he’d never been able to shake the feeling of his utter insignificance. But he persevered, walking bravely down the slurping passage, past the rows of broad antechambers lining either side of the hallway. Each one held a slumbering shape immersed in a cryogenic bath, towering hulks of muscle encased in ribbed and riveted plates of chitin. No two were alike in size or physiology, but all seemed to emanate the same primeval aura of dread that tickled Menash’s fight-or-flight-instinct, skewing it very much towards the latter response. These were the Hollowores, soulless avatars of the Vitalus, each one a tool capable of eradicating an entire species. As Menash approached, one of the living weapons stirred to life. A pronged, anvil-shaped head emerged from the bath, umbilical feeder tubes detaching from its armored flanks as the rest of its bulk followed, its mauve exoskeleton as sleek and shiny as amethyst. The Hollowore extended legs as thick as grown pine trees and lifted itself above him, its pairs of crushing pincers dripping amniotic fluids as it herded him towards the central room.
Bundles of white gossamer filaments spread all across the floor, encircling steaming pools of pus and acid. He saw arms and legs, sensory organs and entire exoskeletons being knitted before his very eyes, the amino acid chains being stitched on a layer at a time, the weeping pus evidence of microphages fighting off possible infections as the Vitalus did Its work.
These were the next generation of exomorphs, yet to be assigned to their hosts. It was here that Vitalus constantly improved the only thing that could ensure the continued survival of Menash’s subspecies. Exomorphs were bonded to Gallivants at birth, the organisms supplying their hosts with the means to breathe an atmosphere they was never meant to endure, and the strength to fight in a world that was red in tooth and claw. They were as swift as the summer wind and could multiply their host’s muscular power by up to twelve times their natural output.
But for all their God-given might, Gallivants were still mortal. They could and often did perish in the endless struggle for existence that the Vitalus called the Great Game. But even in death they could still commit their essence to posterity, passing down their defining traits through the malleable genetic code of the gilt helix. It was the Vitalus’ greatest boon; through the gilt helix a single individual could become a progenitor of an entire generation, becoming at one stroke the father of whole nations and peoples.
One day he too would prove worthy of the honor that Yulan had earned with his life. But he was not alone in that ambition. Menash was annoyed to find the crimson-clad Vezda and the cowardly Racek waiting for him inside, standing next to a large ball of filaments that hung from a tonsil-like growth hanging from the walls.
This node pulsed, emitting a small storm of bioelectric activity, networks of fungi conveying commands in the form of oscillating voltages to their communities of symbiotic bacteria, the latter containing greigite mineral crystals aligned in the shape of electromagnetic coils. Other networks hidden in the walls modulated and amplified the signals, and the three Gallivants steeled themselves for the onrushing flood of information as the Vitalus tapped into their minds.
He was a candle before the raging heart of the thunderstorm. For an instant Menash touched a fraction of Its intelligence, the divisions of time and space rolling back as they joined the ocean of shared consciousness, becoming one with the living systems of Arachnea. From the tiniest aeroplankton floating above the waves of the golden coastlines, to the herds of ultrapods munching their way through swathes of trees in the savannahs. Menash felt himself pushing up out of the soil, longing and lusting and reaching for the sunlight with a trillion green fingers uncurling, alive with the furious movement of life.
But what was that flicker of orange to the east? That searing heat, that prickling pain spreading like a cancer down his side?
The Vitalus scooped them up and hurled them headlong into hell itself. A roaring wildfire was sweeping into the heart of the eastern rainforests. Menash tasted ash and ruin, felt pieces of himself wither and burn, his branches tongues of fire, wood cracking from the intense blaze, sap boiling instantaneously upon contact and rupturing, splitting him right down the grain. He fled in terror, running, slithering, digging, swimming, flying away in crazed panic from the walls of red death closing in on him. As his skin flaked off in clumps of charcoal he looked back and saw it towering over the treetops, the epicenter of this howling vortex of destruction: the grey behemoth. Its burnished metal hide gleamed like copper, reflecting the fury of the conflagration burning well into the night.
Menash pulled his mind away before it was lost forever in the storm of electric potentials. He saw Racek and Vezda swaying on their feet, breathing hard and fast.
“Heart of the World,” he managed to gasp, “What is your bidding?”
The Hollowore maneuvered itself until it was facing him directly. Tiny beady eyes fixed him in their blank gaze. The node emitted a blue pulse and the creature shuddered as it received the signal. It opened a maw powerful enough to chew boulders into gravel and rumbled:
“This one is the alpha which survived first contact with anomalous variable. It will tell Us what occurred, and from whence this threat emerged.”
“It came from the karst mountain range, where the yellowjacket Amit live,” Menash replied, “It was destroying the largest mound in that area, massacring its inhabitants. It brought the mountain down on them—we’ve never seen anything like it. Zildiz was the first on the scene. She warned us not to approach, and that it was dangerous, but some of us,” here he cast an angry look at Vezda, “Some of us went ahead and tried to scavenge from the bodies of the dying. Then the behemoth ignited the air and burned scores of us to cinders.”
“Irrational. Why did you do this?”
“W-we thought that you had spawned the grey behemoth,” Menash stammered, embarrassed to say the least, “That it was the newest addition to the Great Game, another species of ultrafauna that would help perfect Arachnea.”
“Not so. It was made by an evil far older than the All-In-One,” replied the Vitalus, “It is called a Divine Engine. In cycles past, this evil sought to undo this world and all that inhabit it. In that, it almost succeeded.”
Menash felt his blood run cold at those words.
“Is it the only one of its kind?” Racek piped up. Menash and Vezda both bristled at his interruption; subordinates were only supposed to speak when spoken to.
“There were several deployed here in Our infancy. We had thought them all destroyed in the War of Creation.”
“Your Munificence,” Racek went on, heedless of the venomous looks he was getting from the other two, “Most of us survived because Zildiz persuaded us to dive into the river. She saved all our lives! But as I washed up on the riverbank, I saw the behemoth casting a seedpod into the skies. I did not see where it landed, but it was travelling in a high arc due east. Is this the behemoth’s method of reproducing? If so, then how many offspring can it generate from this one seed?”
The Vitalus met his questions with a minute of silence. Menash had never known It to take so long to respond to a query, and felt another stab of unease in his gut. Unless he was imagining things, the Vitalus seemed genuinely disturbed by the scenario that Racek has raised, enough to convince Menash that the danger was far from hypothetical.
“That is a distant possibility,” It said somewhat cryptically, “Regardless, We cannot allow the Engine’s continued existence.”
“Then it must be destroyed,” Vezda said, her barbed tail eagerly perking up.
“We are not certain that it can be,” the Vitalus said, and Menash heard Racek audibly gulp at the admission.
“But Your Omniscience, you alone are the arbiter of growth and decay,” Vezda said in disbelief, “Surely you can unmake this monster as well?”
“Perhaps. The Divine Engines were built to withstand the extremes of temperature, gravity, atmospheric pressure, acidity and irradiation found on semi-inhabitable exoplanets. Worlds of bareness and desolation, glassed by thermonuclear bombardment or infested with alien microorganisms. In the wars of Our youth, the Betrayers used tungsten-alloy warheads fired from space platforms to crack their bulkheads. Not even Our vessels, the Hollowores, could damage them in any significant way. We will need time to gather the raw materials and fabricate the weapons needed to end this threat.”
“What must we do?” Menash asked.
“If this variable is not dealt with, it could upset the delicate balance We have sacrificed so much to achieve. Already the wildfire it has caused will release close to 400 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and destroy 2.3 million acres of forest before Our countermeasures can stop it. Time is our limiting factor. If the Engine cannot be destroyed now, it must be restrained.”
“It hasn’t moved an inch since we last saw it,” Vezda said brightly, “Maybe it has already died?”
“Yes, and maybe your mother was a horka toad,” Racek said snidely. Vezda scowled and took a step towards him, then stopped as she remembered that she trod on hallowed ground.
“Not so. It has merely gone dormant. Having expended its fuel, it is now running on the bare minimum of its reserves. My children, you must ensure that it does not wake again. Establish a quarantine zone around the Engine and let none approach, on pain of death. The Leaper kindreds will secure the ground while the Gallivants patrol the skies.”
Vezda and Menash exchanged troubled looks. Nobody wanted Leapers establishing a foothold in what was essentially a buffer zone between their subspecies. Once allowed to settle in a habitat, it would not take long for them to adapt and become masters of their new territory. Ousting them would become a battle of attrition, and given the lower birthrates of Gallivants, it was not one they could long afford.
“Respectfully, we do not require assistance from our brother kindred,” Menash ventured, “We are more than capable of safeguarding the area ourselves.”
The node throbbed again, the bioelectric flashes taking on an angry purple hue. With a sound like the grinding of a millstone the Hollowore clashed its claws together impatiently. All three of the mortals took a hasty step back.
“The alpha will obey, or another will be found that can,” the Vitalus growled at them, “All subspecies will observe a general truce during this period. This is a temporary addition to the Great Game. Those that serve Us well shall be rewarded. We shall also enlist the aid of your terrestrial cousins, as well as the Cataphract clans to replenish the soil, and lone Saints who shall rove beyond the quarantine zone.”
Menash’s unease deepened. The Vitalus was bringing together four different kindreds, some of which killed each other on sight, in a move that reeked of desperation. The kindreds had worked together before, of course, on complex projects such as altering rainfall patterns and husbanding struggling species, but never so many at once. This was bound to end in bloodshed.
“Those that break the truce shall be chemically neutered, and their gilt helix purged from the existing gene pool,” the Vitalus continued, “You will maintain this quarantine until We have dealt with the Engine.”
“It is understood!” Menash and Vezda said at once.
“But what about Zildiz?” Racek blurted out, again risking his entire lineage by speaking out of turn, “She might still be alive out there!”
“He’s right,” Menash found himself agreeing despite his dislike for Racek, “She’s our alpha, after all. It would be a shame to lose her helix. Do we have your leave to send out a party to recover her?”
The Vitalus pondered the request for a moment, then crushed his hopes when it said:
“Regrettable, the loss of the female. Valuable stock for the breeding program. But it has not responded to Our signals—it is unlikely to have survived. The female Vezda shall take up its duties as alpha.”
“But Your Benevolence—” both men cried out in unison.
“It is decided. She has risked the Great Game, and must abide by its outcome. To speak more on this would risk Our displeasure,” the god warned.
“We can’t spare the manpower anyway,” Vezda pointed out, trying not to look too pleased at Its decision. She darted a quick look at Menash, long enough for him to see the selfish desire festering in her heart. He turned away from her in disgust, baring his blades by the slightest of margins to let her know what he thought of her, then asked the Vitalus:
“But what of the Engine’s seedpod? Should we search for it?”
“Negative!” the Vitalus boomed, its node reinforcing the word with a spike of activity that sent needles of pain spearing into their heads, “We shall complete this task. It is dangerous and can be entrusted to no other.”
The Hollowore angled its massive head towards the cavernous ceiling, armored flaps on its back sliding aside as it unfurled sets of rigid sixty-meter wings. A wide sphincter on the roof gaped open and Menash saw the evening sky awash with the stars in their milky multitudes. The Hollowore took a deep breath through the spiracles lining its thorax and abdomen, pumping air through a pair of hollow tube-like protuberances under either of its wings. Menash and the others quickly scampered to a safe distance. Seconds later there was a scream of chemical combustion and the Hollowore rose into the evening skies, leaving behind a long trail of superheated gases, the backwash almost knocking Menash off his feet. They watched as the Hollowore gained altitude, making straight for the columns of billowing smoke on the horizon, a sweeping shadow blotting out the light of the heavens.
The Vitalus’ mental presence receded with it. When it did not return, they took it to mean that they were dismissed and likewise took flight and headed for Chthonis. They were hardly out of the Dawning Chamber when Vezda seized the scrawny Racek by his wings and anchored her feet right up against his back.
“Funny little man, are you? Crack jokes at my expense again, and I’ll see to it that you’ll never fly again!” she snarled, yanking hard. Racek yelled as his wings threatened to pop out of their sockets.
“Stop!” Menash said, ramming his shoulder into her and knocking the smaller male out of her grip. Vezda rounded on him, blades out and her tail aquiver with rage.
“As for you! No one should speak to the Vitalus like that!” she shrieked, “Much less gainsay It! Are you trying to get us all killed? It is the source and continuance of life itself—”
“But the Vitalus doesn’t always consider the individual scale of things,” Menash reasoned, controlling his rising anger as he tried to defuse the situation, “Its scope of thought is beyond ours. Therefore it is up to us to look after each other. None of us can win the Great Game alone. We need people like Zildiz for the species to prosper.”
“Your logic is flawed,” Vezda spat, “Empathy is a sham devised by the selfish action of the gene, which seeks only to preserve itself. At least I am honest enough to look after my own interests. Your obsession with that whore is misplaced. Heed my words, Menash. What happened today marks a change in the Great Game. Only the ruthless will reap the rewards of this era. Think on that, and act accordingly.”
The female darted off in another direction, leaving the two behind.
“Thanks,” Racek said, rubbing at his sore shoulders, “My, my. She’s really taking her promotion very seriously, isn’t she?”
“This doesn’t make us friends,” Menash said shortly, “We share a common interest, that’s all.”
The two flew together in silence for a time, the dark canopy unrolling below their feet. Racek had always been a bitter rival for Zildiz’s affections. In the mating seasons he and Menash had flown the damsel-dance against each other countless times, racing and dogfighting at top speed through the dense bamboo thickets in an effort to impress her.
But each time she had always chosen Menash. Naturally. He was the stronger, the braver, the son of the Scourge who had slain hundreds on his lightning raids into Leaper territory. Their pairings had been brief and passionate, yet she had always laughed at the end and gone on her merry way, a rose petal borne on a scented breeze, the dalliance as meaningless to her as other concerns like eating or breathing.
But not to him. Right now, all that mattered was her. And Racek was the only one in the whole wide world who knew exactly how he felt. Did that mean he could be trusted? Menash considered the enormity of what he was about to do, and wavered. Then he saw her face in the darkness of his home, the face she wore when they were all alone together, and he took a deep breath before breaking the silence, saying:
“I’ll be in charge of the quarantine. I can arrange for you to disappear for a few days. I can have one of the younglings mimic your magnetosynaptic signal, make it seem like you’re with the rest of us.”
“You’d do that? For me?” Racek said in astonishment.
“Hah. Not for you,” Menash laughed softly. He looked Racek straight in the eyes and continued: “What’ll it be, then?”
If he so much as hesitates, I’ll have to kill him here and now, Menash told himself.
“Why, yes. Yes, of course!” the little brown male said vigorously.
“Good,” Menash sighed with relief, “She’ll be very grateful to whoever brings her home. I’d do it myself, but as an alpha I can’t risk being seen as disobedient.”
“Then why give me this chance? After all that’s passed between us?”
“I should have thought that was obvious,” Menash replied. Racek digested that for a bit, then out of nowhere said:
“If I find her—when I find her—I’ll tell her exactly who it was that sent me.”
“That won’t be necessary.”
“Bah! Just so we’re even, that’s all,” Racek grinned, his mouthparts slanting askew.
“Thanks, I guess. I’d…I’d appreciate that. You do understand what we’re risking here, right?”
“Sure. We’ll be total genetic write-offs if we’re caught. But it’s not like I wanted to see tiny ugly Raceks running around the house anyway. What about you, though? Why are you putting your neck on the chopping block?”
“You know why,” Menash said quietly, his thoughts still lingering on her face.
“Yes,” Racek agreed with a wistful air, “Yes, I suppose I do.”
And the pair spoke no more until they reached Chthonis.
Link for all the chapters available for free here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
submitted by hoggersbridge to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:59 constantly_frosty60 I’ve been confused about my sexuality for ages now I’m thinking I might be demisexual.

I’m female I considered myself straight up until about 14 when I watched oitnb and thought the lesbian relationships were hot. I then started finding women hot and thought I was an attracted to them too but as time went on I have become unsure about my sexuality.
I have a boyfriend and know I’m attracted to him. I look at him and I want to have sex with him. We have had this conversation a few times where he will point out a girl is hot and I asked him if he just noticed random women on the street are hot and wants to have sex with them and he said yes. This is fine with me but when I told him I never really notice hot guys when out or imagine having sex with them he almost didn’t believe me, he was like “yeah sure” but I don’t.
Sometimes I will notice a guy and think “oh yeah he is nice” but if think about even touching him I feel uncomfortable. I also check out women a lot but it’s more in a way of “yeah she looks nice I like her curves” then again imagining being with them I’m not interested. I will however imagine hot people I see having sex with other people just not me.
When I have fantasied about people in the past it’s been characters of tv shows or ones I have made up. If I fantasied about the celebrity I’m uncomfortable. I would normally create a whole story and think mostly about the parts leading up to the sex than the actual act. I have watched porn in the past but over time found it made me uncomfortable so stopped and prefer my imagination which is usual just thinking about my boyfriend. I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 20, my boyfriend when we were getting to know each other didn’t even mention sex and think that helped. I was desperate to lose it but then again had loads of chances before and never did. I put it down to social anxiety but now thinking about it I just don’t think I’d ever have a casual thing, even though sometimes I feel like maybe I could or I missed out.
So yeah I don’t know I stay awake at night sometimes thinking about it all and wondering if there is something wrong with me.
submitted by constantly_frosty60 to demisexuality [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:51 PasTaCopine Curious brothers only having male children

Edit: Wrong title! I meant female children
Quite a random post, but here is the gender breakdown of my Curious dynasty so far:
Pascal (3 daughters) 1 alien daughter and 2 human daughters by Mary Gavigan
Lazlo (2 daughters) by Erin Beaker
Vidcund (3 daughters, 1 son) 1 alien son, 2 daughters by an NPC bartender, another daughter by Bianca Monty
and wait for it... Vidcund's alien son Apollo just had 2 kids and both are girls as well!
Is the Bene Gesserit at play here?! Why can't the Curiouses hold a male heir?
submitted by PasTaCopine to sims2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:00 AJillSandwich__ Berserker face

They should really update the female berserkers face, i really like the one she has when using maskless variants but any headpiece with a mask of some sort on has such an ugly face it doesn’t even look real. and i really want to use some of the maxed head pieces but i can’t get over how she looks. maybe its dumb because you dont even see your own character when fighting but to me it ruins the whole look of the character and its not even i want her to look hot or anything its just the masked versions actually look like a first draft of the character its just not great. idk if the male version has this problem but if he does it should be fixed too
submitted by AJillSandwich__ to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:51 MrBigNorre I 27M feel controlled by my 24F gf, what should I do?

Me 27M and my gf 24F have been together for a year now and I really like her as a person and I think she’s smoking hot, but she has a lot of rules, she thinks that when you are in a relationship you can and should be only attracted to your partner. Like in every way. Her rules are • not looking at other girl • not thinking about other girls These two are a little “duh” in a relationship but she feels the need to state them
• not giving other girls compliments( I can only say nice shoes, anything and everything else is wrong cus I then think about them in a “attracted way”
• not watch corn(I have no issue with that idc) • not romance female characters in rpg games( I’m not talking about corngames just like actual games) • I can’t hang with one of my best friends alone(cus she is a girl) only in group, and I’ve known her for 10 ish years • I can’t give my SISTERS compliments(I have 3) • not liking or watch other girls insta and such • I can’t say that her friends look good or look at their direction if we are at the beach • I can’t go shopping with a female(even if it’s a sister) because that’s a “relationship” thing but I can with my guy friends (I’m colorblind so I have to kinda have someone with me)
I’ve tried to talk about this with her and she gets mad instantly, and she thinks that me and my friends are weird for thinking that you can think that other people are attractive and it has nothing to do with your relationship, and that you can have a friend that is the other gender.
And she not “ugly” or anything. She objectively looks good and guys always try to pick her up(bar or at her job) i can’t understand where this is coming from and I think it will break our relationship but I want us to get past it without destroying my friend cirkle etc
I feel like I’m controlled and can’t be with my friends and be myself with people I have known for years
Are we too different or is this a couple counseling thing?
submitted by MrBigNorre to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:10 YeaSpiderman Kitchen sink sprayer hose connection problem

Kitchen sink sprayer hose connection problem
I have a sink (it’s ugly). I was told the kitchen sprayer came off. Under the sink I see the line in for cold and hot and for the dishwasher. There is one spot with an connector piece that is sitting by itself with nothing attached to it (the ? Mark in photo 1).
My hose does not want to screw onto the wall piece.
The female connector part of the hose looks to be the slightly too small to connect to the male portion that comes out of the wall (the ? Mark).
I see no other connection points for the hose so this has to be it.
What is my issue?
submitted by YeaSpiderman to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:03 Burrito_Bubby Here are some really spicy hot takes.

  1. I don’t like the seekers sharing the same body. It just boring to me. I’m fine with Skywarp, thundercracker, and Starscream sharing the same body. But for the rest it’s just lazy to me. I’ve also just never been a fan of the “Let’s have all the soldiers look the same because of UNITY” explanation for why they all look the same. Similarly, I didn’t like the Vehicons in prime.
  2. I don’t like sympathetic Megatron, I want an evil tyrannical ruler not Mr. Misunderstood.
  3. So this is probably not a hot take but I have to say it, CAN WE PLEASE STOP GIVING ALL THE FEMALE TOYS THE SAME GOD DAMN BODY DESIGN. I swear every time a female toy comes out it’s always a deluxe with back kibble.
  4. I don’t like the 13 primes. Like I’m fine with there being more primes before Optimus, they could even be some of the 13 primes. I just don’t like the idea of there being 13 “divine” transformers.
  5. Just keep the origin of the transformers ambiguous. I just don’t like there being a creator god primus, and I also don’t like the Quintesson origin.
  6. I don’t like organic beast modes. I’m fine with robotic beast modes. It’s just I like robots better.
Can’t wait to get downvoted!
submitted by Burrito_Bubby to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:57 ExperienceDeep7473 I'm getting fucking fed up of this girl.

tl;dr: I have a female classmate who is really SUS and still super popular
copied from one of my earlier comments:
haha yessss that explains it. after seeing your post I did some research on google on this girl who is SUPER popular and is "a genius" . But guess what , she is conventionally attractive so her popularity is explained by the other boys want her to suck their d**ks (like seriously she has less character than most computers I used, my computer has a friendly UI, she is less friendly than a MacBook with soldered on components is repair-unfriendly, not to mention she uses gay and down and cancer and that sort of shit as swear words) and WOULD YOU GUESS WHAT, her parents are very successful, not the Steve Wozniak kind of successful, but the "had rich family inheritance and does corrupt bullshit" (in fact they had been tried for corruption but the expensive lawyer got them out of it) kind of successful. so I wouldn't be surprised if THEY were pulling some strings to make her "seem smart". You know what, I know a person with Down syndrome, and they are more emphatetic than her. serious, fuck pretty people, and especially fuck pretty people with more money than their brain the size of a Meteor Lake IO die (New Intel processor) can comprehend. and especially fuck pretty people who misuse their money with their pea sized brain the size of Meteor Lake IO die. as a computer enthusiast, it pains me to have to deal with such shitty Apple sheep who defend soldered on SSDs (I say that as a huge Mac fan, I can appreciate Apple and criticize their decisions without being a mindless Apple hater). As a science buff, it pains me to have to deal with someone who doesn't appreciate the beauty of science and just pimps it to SEEM smart (while not knowing what the difference between a up and down quark is). As someone with a sense of humor, it pains me to have to deal with a douche who goes and claims laughing at a suggestive joke is "misogynistic". Like guys, why make this douche popular when in reality she belongs in hell, sitting on a 14900KS with no cooling (14900ks runs really hot).
p.s. : she won an art competition. seems sus?
P.S.S: I asked ChatGPT for its opinion and it agreed she is a douche( not litterally called her a douche but OK)
yeah pretty much that, but I want too reiterate that people like her belong in hell once again. like today we got a surprise test back, the average was like 9 percent. I got 20 percent, a really smart guy got 33 percent, but guess what, she got 96 percent. like legit this douche was the only one to get anything above 60 percent. I really wanted to solder her onto my Macs empty NAND pads when I saw that. What is the reason for her like never having a bad test, ON A FUCKING SURPRISE TEST. I sit in the class with by far the highest average in the school, the school wide average is 68 percent, in my class that jumps to 81 percent, so its not like my class is filled with dumbasses or anything, ALL of us got into the schools gifted students program. Oh god would I like to jam her into a black hole (a supermassive black hole to prolong the torture.
submitted by ExperienceDeep7473 to school [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:46 harlowslows Year on T

One year review: 9/10, would do it again.
Caveat emptor: I’m mid-30s. I have a liberal family and live in one of the good countries. I passed 50-50 before T, had PCOS and I’m pretty sure there was something else going on with my hormones. So take this with a grain of salt and YMMV as always.
The good: - I got top surgery before starting T and started passing as a teenage boy from day one post-op. By now, I pass as my age as much as I ever did pre-T (I looked like 25 pre-T and look like 25 now). - I can grow a full beard. It’s still a bit see-through on my cheeks, but I’ve been wearing it short for a few months already. I think it will probably be full enough to grow out in maybe 6 more months if it carries on like it has. - Stomach is covered in fur. Chest hair is coming in. Leg and arm hair is disappointing. - I was X-shaped pre-T (shoulders and hips equally wide). My shoulders and back blew out and fat redistribution slimmed my hips, even though I haven’t been exercising much because of health issues. I went marginally Y shaped in under 3 months and am now at a point where the Y is quite pronounced. Clothes fit like they’re supposed to now (shirts and jackets used to be 1-2” too long and a tad too tight around the hips, but no more; pants are still 1-2” too long lol). Even if I got no further fat redistribution, I’d be satisfied with what I’ve got. - I grew about 1 cm (measurable, not noticeable), 1 shirt size, 1.5-2 shoe sizes, 1 glove size, and couple of links to my watch wristband. I’m now a very averagely sized dude, if a bit vertically challenged. - I got facial changes quite quickly too, but it took almost the entire year until I started seeing myself in the mirror. I’m starting to look almost exactly how I hoped I would though. - Voice dropped quickly: I went from a tenor to a baritone in just a couple of months and I’m now a bass. - Menses stopped early on: I got one period on T and then nothing. - T cured my depression. I’m shocked how big a difference it made. Pretty much every mental health complaint I had is either completely gone or manageable enough it’s mostly not an issue. - T cured my menopause symptoms. The first noticeable effect was the cessation of hot flashes and sweating. - Family’s been mostly brilliant and my transition has been a non-issue. There’s one member whose main source of information seems to be TikTok though, and I’ve had to lay down a boundary that I don’t discuss trans issues with them. - I’ve experienced close to zero transphobia IRL. That might be down to being cis-passing, but the worst I’ve encountered where my trans status has been known is some rude customer service, which could’ve been just your regular rude customer service and not transphobia. - My dysphoria is 90% gone. There’s some lingering discomfort which is half adjusting to changes and half mentally lagging behind them. It takes a while for one’s internal body image to change, for example. Genital dysphoria is still there, but it’s actually a bit easier to deal with than it was pre-T, rather than harder.
The bad: - Still haven’t figured out a T dosage that would consistently put me in male the range, so menopause symptoms return between shots. - Atrophy set in at around 3 months and it’s barely manageable with local estrogen. I’m now actively looking into getting a hysterectomy + vaginectomy asap. - Acne wasn’t too bad, about the same as in my first puberty. The worst seems to have passed or else I’ve just figured out the skincare routine that works for me now (which is completely different from what it used to be). Bacne is still happening though. - Places where I removed hair pre-T have not filled in; I broke out the minoxidil about month ago and am seeing some progress. - Voice problems (hoarseness, tiredness, not being able to raise my voice, etc.) are much worse than I expected. I think I might have to seek voice therapy. - Cholesterol went up; it’s marginally high now. My lab values overall aren’t the best, but it’s probably related to pre-existing issues. - I had a post operative infection after my top surgery. Not exactly fun, but I still honestly preferred dealing with it to dealing with tits. 😂 - Bottom growth is disappointing: I got an early burst than then nothing further. Pre-T I was set on phalloplasty, but with the rest of my dysphoria treated, I have actually gotten around to considering metoidioplasty instead. But with the growth I’ve gotten so far, that’s probably not gonna be a satisfactory option for me. - Libido was uncomfortable for maybe months 2-4; I’ve worked out how to deal with it now and it’s not a problem. - Accessing healthcare is just as much of a hassle as I thought it would be. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, but what a ridiculous circus. 3/10 would not do it again if it was a choice. No one’s been actively transphobic, but god damn the system is not set out to be helpful either. - Updating my legal gender was easier than expected; updating my new social security number at various offices (bank, healthcare, etc) has been a hassle. I’d rather attribute it to incompetence than malice, but at this point it’s definitely something. - Nobody’s been transphobic to my face, but the society absolutely is still transphobic and it hits harder now that I can’t pretend to be cis.
The neutral: - I’ve had to buy new shirts and jackets and replace all of my shoes. My shoe size is now one of the most common ones, which means it’s the first one to be sold out. 😅 I’m a penny-pinching bugger so I’m a little miffed even if it’s at most a temporary downside, and more of a change in which size to buy in the future. - With my dysphoria treated, I went from 5/6 to 4/6 on the Kinsey scale. I guess I’ll have to start calling myself bi/pan instead of gay. 🤷🏻‍♂️ - Men don’t flirt with me as much. :( Women flirt with me more. :) It’s about 90-10 to 10-90 change. - I’m treated fully as a guy socially. It’s different from being a gal that’s “one of the guys.” There’s both male privilege I’ve gained and female solidarity and pretty privilege I’ve lost. - Many things have had a bit of a learning curve, and the beginning is awkward just like in the first puberty. Dealing with awkwardness and learning to navigate new challenges is orders of magnitude easier than it was on the first go around though, because I’m dealing with them as an adult with adult coping skills.
Bottom line:
Overall, the upsides were much better and the downsides were much less of a problem than I expected. I should’ve gotten over myself and my fears and done this 20 years ago. It’s not perfect, but few things are in practice even when they’re overwhelmingly good.
submitted by harlowslows to FTMOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:45 accawaythrow1 Could I be going through an early menopause?

I'm a female 30 years old from the UK
Trying to get a GP appointment is reaching impossible now and was just wondering if someone could give me some feedback on my symptoms before trying again
So I haven't had a period since the 28th Feb I've had negative and positive pregnancy tests and at a pregnancy unit I got a hcg blood test which confirmed it was negative.
My in laws had me a bit worried because they think I'm going through an early menopause?
I don't think I have any symptoms of it, sometimes I do feel a bit hot but that's because of the temperature?
I am tired all the time though and I've been having some pregnancy symptoms such as breast tenderness and backache (again not pregnant) but also no period
I tried getting a GP appointment they were meant to phone me back but never did, I've got so many things going on at once including work.
It's getting quite concerning as my hubby and I are trying for a baby and I'd hate to be told I can't have kids.
What do you guys think about these symptoms? I'm not looking for a diagnosis just some feedback
submitted by accawaythrow1 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:39 Strict-South1824 Female, Empathic, Ambivert, with a lot of interests, seeks global simpatico connections.

Welcome! Please, have a seat. CAVEAT: THIS IS LONG.
Comfortable? Want something to eat or drink? What streaming services do you enjoy? Here's the remote. Help yourself while I get rustle up some vittles.
Well now… where to begin? I am a Female Empath Ambivert with a lot of interests. Oh… I said that already.
Hmmmm… what else? I'm a professional chorister, I 'sing' eight languages, including Hebrew, Czech, and Russian, have sung at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and Madison Square Garden and have sung American and World Premieres.
-I am a Britophile and also appreciate Japanese, Korean and Chinese cultures.
-I own several Sarees as formal wear—my favorite ensemble is ivory, fuschia and orange, with matching hat, shoes and handbag.
-I LOVE dubbed anime (sorry, but I am allergic to subtitles).
-I have practiced Kundalini Yoga for over ten years.
MAJOR ACHIEVEMENT—Over the last four years, my dress size and weight used to begin with a two—NOW, I AM A SIZE SIX and have maintained this since 8/2023. I love fashion! I'm purging my dressing room like crazy but have a talented tailor who perfects my investment pieces.
An interesting tidbit: I used to wear a size 10 shoe. Now I'm a 9-9 1/2. Less pressing into my shoes. I've had to donate/sell 90% of my collection. For every pair of shoes donated to DSW Shoe Warehouse each week, I earn 50 points toward a future purchase. I donated over 25 pairs of shoes, one-two pairs a week. Interested? All you have to do is bring your shoes to any DSW store each week and drop them in the Shoe It Forward box. You'll earn 50 points for every weekly donation made. To receive your points, make sure you let a store associate know you are donating and provide them your DSW VIP member number.
I play FREECELL, SOLITAIRE AND CASTLE on my phone. I'm an advanced beginner techie and watch my favorite techhead, Marques Brownlee, on YouTube. I also watch Bernadette Banner, Karolina Zebrowska, Nerdforge, Rachel Maksy, ZHC Crafts, Girl With The Dogs 2, Tina Yong, Charlotte Dobre, Haute LeMode, Understitch, Underskin, Micarah Tewers, Michel Janse, Jon Solo, Mrwhostheboss, and a few others. I only watch one hour of news a day.
I enjoy pencil sketching and seek watercolor classes during summer, 2024. I enjoy the arts in general, and I am a model and voice actor.
•Air Sign? Earth Sign? Fire Sign? Water Sign? (Fire, with a lot of water and earth elements)
•Passionate Hobby/Avocation/s (Choral Music, learning different languages)
•An accomplishment you're proud of (Sang with Andrea Bocelli at Madison Square Garden in December, 2023)
•Favorite Movie(s) or Genre(s) (I love anime, movies from the 1930s and 1940s, musicals and the Marvel Universe franchise)
•Favorite Cuisine(s) and Foods (Mexican, Middle Eastern and Japanese; I enjoy a corned beef sandwich and a pastrami sandwich on a Kaiser roll with three slices of tomato, mayo and brown mustard on the side)
•Languages you speak/sing (I sing eight languages including Hebrew, Czech and Russian; I speak very, very little Cantonese, Spanish, German, French and Japanese)
•Two dad/corny/ knock knock jokes (Knock knock. Who's there? Amos. Amos who? A mosquito bit me. Knock knock. Who's there? Andy. Andy who? And he bit me again.)
•Dream Car, color (White Bentley)
•Dream House, style, square footage, decor, special features, acreage (10,000 square feet, Japanese inspired design, privacy windows where people can't see in, on 100 acres, with guest house, fitness facility, theatre, Japanese style house for sauna-hot tub-swimming pool)
•Country you'd like to like to live in for a year (Japan, Singapore, South Korea, New Zealand, France, Italy, Seychelles)
•Dream vocation (Running a global women only rejuvenation station. Education program, curriculum including, but not limited to, 21st century minded skillset, but knowing what a dial telephone is; pro Bono legal eagles; pro Bono CPAs to crunch 1-2-3s; grant writing gurus; wardrobe wizardry; social services superstars; medical and mental health mavericks/mavens. One building, multiple floors, like an Apple, Google, YouTube campus, only vertical, up to code, fully licensed, low carbon footprint, solar energy, biodegradable waste, ethically sourced supplies/vendors, recycling champions, funded by grants and angel venture capitalists. Empathetic, Ethical, Progressive Board of Directors with deep pockets and at least 500 contacts similarly equipped.)
I earnestly seek transparent, authentic, empathetic souls who resonate with me. If you've been nodding, smiling/laughing as you've read this… TAG, HONEYBUNCH. YOU'RE IT! PM ME, PLEASE.
Out of breath? Here. Sit down, sit down. Here's some water and a towel. Thanks for keeping up. I really look forward to enjoying your well organized, massive missive, loosely following my format as an introduction.
Thank you.
Sending you peace, prayers and gratitude, Bella
submitted by Strict-South1824 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:20 Radton AITAH for ending a relationship of 5 years because my girlfriend really wants to sleep with a Doctor during her rural practice?

So I know this will be pretty long but I think some context is needed We where both our first serious relationship and our first sexual partners. We both study medicine and had an extremely stable relationship, barely any fights, and where both happy and satisfied (or so I thought). A year ago she once mentioned before a trip i was going to have that if I found someone I could get with them since it was an opportunity out of nowhere. That lead to a serious discussion where in summary I said that I would never want and open relationship and that if she needed that we had to go our separate ways. She apologized for jeopardizing the relationship and we carried on as normal.
During our studies we have to go to a small rural town for 6 weeks where we work in a rural hospital in various services. Those rural practices have kind of a reputation for being very dangerous for relationships and the Doctors over there for being all over the students that arrive. A lot of stories of them having sex with the new female students and stuff. Its very common
So my girlfriend went to have her practice and the first 2 weeks where fine, we saw each other every weekend and it was as good as it has always been. She then said that she went to have dinner with the hospital doctors but that she stayed longer with one of them until very late in the night talking with him. She told me she knew that looked very badly and she knew the stories and she was a little ashamed about it but thought she did nothing wrong since they just talked. I agreed and said she didnt cross any lines but that it indeed looked wrong and she shouldnt have done that. She then said that he invited her to jog the two of them alone the other day and that she accepted. I told her if she knew the stories and the stigma that those student-doctor relationship have why would you carry on like this. She said she wanted someone to just hang out and that if he showed interest in her it would make things uncomfortable and she would not lead him on and she would have her guard up
The next day she tells me they didnt jog because it rained. I told her that i really didnt like that she was playing with fire. She told me I was right and that she reconsidered since thinking about it a bit more she found the Doctor attractive and it would be dangerous to carry on. She said his intentions where still not clear but she would be flattered and feel good if he did try to make a move on her
Since all of this was happening I brought up what we talked about before about the open relationship. She had some time to think and when we talked again se said that it was something that interested her, that she would like to try it someday, that she tought it was something that could work. I said very clearly that I would NEVER agree to that. So she said it was fine and that she would never ask me to open the relationship and that it was just a fantasy she had in her mind
Cut to 4 days later when we see each other again. She says we need to talk. She told me that the Doctor was now really hitting on her and was clear that he wanted to have sex with her and that she also really wanted to sleep with him. She said the rural practice was the perfect oportunity to try something else and to sleep with someone else. She said she wanted to explore that part of her and the Doctor was the perfect chance to do so. She was attracted to him (she said it wasnt a big deal, she just found him kind of attractive) and that, well, its very rare for her to recive the attention of another man so she wanted to explore new things. I said that I thought she was crossing a line, that she constantly moved boundaries and that my mindset was clear and I would never agree but your desire was so strong that you felt the need to ask again. She said okay so we can continue the relationship as normal and I would respect it and not keep going with the Doctor, she said she loved me and was happy with us.
The next day we again talked and she again expressed how much se wanted to fuck him and how important it was and that she didnt know when she would have another chance to fuck someone else
Later that day I went to her house and finished the relationship. She was absolutely furious, said I ended thing over a stupid matter, that I didnt fought for the relationship, that I coulndt handle her having the hots for another man, that she was willing to fight and not be with the doctor and try to carry on as normal. Basically said I was an asshole and gave up on us for a little matter
Im so sorry for this being so damn long but I thought context was needed
Update? I dunno how this works on reddit but I wanted to thank all the people who gave meaningfull insight on the situation and good advice on moving on and on why I made the right call
As you could probably guess english is not my first language (overused excuse I know) and i am rusty as hell so please forgive the grammatical errors.
Also I guess I just needed to vent. I know reddit aint the best of therapists but I love my friends and they are the best at many things but I know they fucking suck at talking feelings and stuff like this and my family isnt very availaible either.
I guess I didnt realize just how crazy the whole situation was. And believe me, if you told me we would break up over this grays anatomy looking ass bullshit I would have laughed at your face but here I am. With my heart broken because she meant the world to me
A part of me really did felt like an asshole and that I maybe jumped the gun by breaking up and didnt made the effort to try and make things work again. But that part is gone or at least is in the process of doing so
Thank you all
submitted by Radton to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:04 Necessary_Good4645 Conlang showcase: Lioparaviçha

Hello, my conlang is based on French and please rate it 0 out of ten or not:
(Plural-P, Singular-S, Male-M, Female-F)
Lioterèla uses the basic word order "SVO". For instance:
Ivo seiuso lo crossini (S M) Translation: I am the croissant
Lioterèla adopts a gender-neutral approach to objects, where the dominant gender in the sentence determines the gender reference. For instance:
"Ivore sertìere le maison" Translation: "We are the house," (with "le" adjusting based on plurality rather than gender, considering "maison" as feminine in this example.
When pluralizing objects, Lioterèla follows a simple rule: if the noun ends in a vowel, it becomes "re," and if it ends in a consonant, it becomes "er." For instance:
"Ilacia avoirez crossinire" translation: "She has croissants" (while "Ilerio avoirez maisoner" means "He has houses." If the noun already ends in "er" or "re," such as "Portegère", just put another one.)
In Lioterèla, adjectives come after the noun in a sentence. For example:
"Un livre Intéressant sureço lere oiseare" translate:"A book interesting about birds" (showcasing the placement of the adjective after the noun.)
Negation in Lioterèla involves placing "ne" before the verb and "pas" after it. However, in informal conversation, the "ne" can be dropped. For instance:
"Ivo ne seiuso pas lo crossini" (formal) and "Ivo seiuso pas lo crossini" (informal) both mean "I am not the croissant."
-Vocabulary (and numbers):
Ivo - I (Singular) (Male) Iva - I (Singular) (Female) Ivore - We (Plural) Tuvè - You (Singular) (Male) Tuvà - You (Singular) (Female) Tavore - You (Plural) Seiuso - Am (Singular) (Male) Setùsa - Am (Singular) (Female) Sertero - Are (Singular) (Male) Sertera - Are (Singular) (Female) Sertíere - Are (Plural) Dã - A (Singular) Duore - A (Plural) Ilerio - He (Singular) (Male) Ilacia - She (Singular) (Female) La - The (Female) (Singular and Plural) Lo/Le - The (Male) (Singular and Plural) Mone - My (Male) (Singular) Mona - My (Female) (Singular)
De - Of Par - For Qouite - What Quanote - When Qù - Where Ni - Nor Non - No Qui - Yes Jorè - Or Dorõ - So Sureço - About Et - And Ne - Not (works only with "pas") Pas - Not Danire - In
Managère - To eat Boriéne - To drink Dormirè - To sleep Veojar - To want Parlète - To speak Écouter - To listen Regardér - To watch/look Allez - To go Venièr - To come Faire - To do/make Aimèr - To love/like Cherchére - To search/look for Trouvér - To find Penser - To think Savoir - To know (facts/information) Apprendre - To learn Comprendre - To understand Partir - To leave Rester - To stay/remain Arrivèr - To arrive Avoirez - To have Utiliser - To use Lire - To read
La Maison - The house La Verèla - The road Lo Chièno - The dog Lo Crossini - The croissant La Chambre - The room Lo Võrture - The car La Magasína - The store Lo Aéroport - The airport Lo Livre - The book Lo Literé - The bed La Lortãre - The library Lo Portegère - The door handle La Tazze - The cup Lo Mivote - The mirror La Chajerè - The chair La Tabretère - The table Lo Linguitique - The linguistic La langue - The language La Histoirègere - The history Lo Exeremple - The example La Sacere - The sacred La Caca - The poop La Arbã - The tree La Rara - The apple La Arbãrara - The pineapple Lo Oisea - The bird La Amidère - The friends Lo Morja - The wall La Excavatrice - The excavator Lo Morentagero - The mountain
Intéressant - Interesting Laive - Ugly Bizarre - Weird Bellisa - Beautiful Grandèl - Big Petitara - Small Vieuro - Old Nován - New Impàrno - Important Fortu - Strong Faiblo - Weak Rapído - Fast Lento - Slow Chauda - Hot Fròsto - Cold Heureva - Happy Trista - Sad Juvino - Young Amìco - Friendly Malico - Mean Intelira - Intelligent Betta - Silly Pervers - Pervert
Lo Brunero - The brown La Roúge - The red Lo Oranga - The orange La Jauno - The yellow Le Vert - The green Lo Bleuro - The blue La Sarcelle - The teal Lo Violeto - The purple La Rose - The pink
Unere - One Deux - Two Toisè - Three Qúatre - Four Cinq - Five Sixa - Six Sept - Seven Huite - Eight Neuf - Nine Dixère - Ten
Consonants inventory:
-Stop Voiceless Bilabial Stop: p Voiceless Alveolar Stop: t Voiceless Velar Stop: k Voiceless Palatal Stop: tj Voiced Bilabial Stop: b Voiced Alveolar Stop: d Voiced Velar Stop: g
-Fricative Voiceless Labiodental Fricative: f Voiceless Alveolar Fricative: s Voiceless Post-Alveolar Fricative: ʃ Voiceless Palatal Fricative: ç Voiceless Pharyngeal Fricative: ħ Voiceless Dental Fricative: θ Voiced Labiodental Fricative: v Voiced Alveolar Fricative: z Voiced Post-Alveolar Fricative: ʒ Voiced Velar Fricative: ɣ
-Nasal Bilabial Nasal: m Alveolar Nasal: n Palatal Nasal: ɲ
-Approximant Palatal Approximant: j Labio-Velar Approximant: w
-Lateral Approximant Alveolar Lateral Approximant: l
-Rhotics Uvular Trill: ʁ
Vowel inventory:
Close Front Unrounded Vowel - i Close-Mid Front Unrounded Vowel - e Open-Mid Front Unrounded Vowel - ɛ Open Front Unrounded Vowel - a Close Front Rounded Vowel - y Close-Mid Front Rounded Vowel - ø Mid Front Unrounded Vowel - e̞ Open-Mid Front Rounded Vowel - œ Close Back Rounded Vowel - u Close-Mid Back Rounded Vowel - o Open-Mid Back Rounded Vowel - ɔ Open Back Rounded Vowel - ɒ Close Front Unrounded Nasal Vowel - ɛ̃ Mid Front Unrounded Nasal Vowel - ɛ̃ Open Front Unrounded Nasal Vowel - ã Mid Back Rounded Vowel - o̞ Close-Mid Back Unrounded Vowel - ɤ Open-Mid Back Unrounded Vowel - ʌ Open Front Unrounded Nasal Vowel - õ Open Back Rounded Nasal Vowel - ɒ̃
submitted by Necessary_Good4645 to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:58 Strict-South1824 Female Ambivert Seeks Global Connections.

Welcome! Please, have a seat. CAVEAT: THIS IS LONG.
I seek transparent, authentic, empathetic souls who resonate with me. If you're nodding, smiling/laughing as you read this, TAG, HONEYBUNCH. YOU'RE IT! PM ME, PLEASE.
Comfortable? Want something to eat or drink? What streaming services do you enjoy? Here's the remote. Help yourself while I get rustle up some vittles.
Well now… where to begin? I am a Female Empathic Ambivert with a lot of interests.
Hmmmm… what else? I'm a professional chorister, I 'sing' eight languages, including Hebrew, Czech, and Russian, have sung at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and Madison Square Garden and have sung American and World Premieres.
-I am a Britophile and also appreciate Japanese, Korean and Chinese cultures.
-I own several Sarees as formal wear—my favorite ensemble is ivory, fuschia and orange, with matching hat, shoes and handbag.
-I LOVE dubbed anime (sorry, but I am allergic to subtitles).
-I have practiced Kundalini Yoga for over ten years.
MAJOR ACHIEVEMENT—Over the last four years, my dress size and weight used to begin with a two—NOW, I AM A SIZE SIX and have maintained this since 8/2023. I love fashion! I'm purging my dressing room like crazy but have a talented tailor who perfects my investment pieces.
An interesting tidbit: I used to wear a size 10 shoe. Now I'm a 9-9 1/2. Less pressing into my shoes. I've had to donate/sell 90% of my collection. For every pair of shoes donated to DSW Shoe Warehouse each week, I earn 50 points toward a future purchase. I donated over 25 pairs of shoes, one-two pairs a week. Interested? All you have to do is bring your shoes to any DSW store each week and drop them in the Shoe It Forward box. You'll earn 50 points for every weekly donation made. To receive your points, make sure you let a store associate know you are donating and provide them your DSW VIP member number.
I play FREECELL, SOLITAIRE AND CASTLE on my phone. I'm an advanced beginner techie and watch my favorite techhead, Marques Brownlee, on YouTube. I also watch Bernadette Banner, Karolina Zebrowska, Nerdforge, Rachel Maksy, ZHC Crafts, Girl With The Dogs 2, Tina Yong, Charlotte Dobre, Haute LeMode, Understitch, Underskin, Micarah Tewers, Michel Janse, Jon Solo, Mrwhostheboss, and a few others. I only watch one hour of news a day.
I enjoy pencil sketching and seek watercolor classes during summer, 2024. I enjoy the arts in general, and I am a model and voice actor.
•Air Sign? Earth Sign? Fire Sign? Water Sign? (Fire, with a lot of water and earth elements)
•Passionate Hobby/Avocation/s (Choral Music, learning different languages)
•An accomplishment you're proud of (Sang with Andrea Bocelli at Madison Square Garden in December, 2023)
•Favorite Movie(s) or Genre(s) (I love anime, movies from the 1930s and 1940s, musicals and the Marvel Universe franchise)
•Favorite Cuisine(s) and Foods (Mexican, Middle Eastern and Japanese; I enjoy a corned beef sandwich and a pastrami sandwich on a Kaiser roll with three slices of tomato, mayo and brown mustard on the side)
•Languages you speak/sing (I sing eight languages including Hebrew, Czech and Russian; I speak a little Cantonese, Spanish and Japanese)
•Two dad/corny/ knock knock jokes (Knock knock. Who's there? Amos. Amos who? A mosquito bit me. Knock knock. Who's there? Andy. Andy who? And he bit me again.)
•Dream Car, color (White Bentley)
•Dream House, style, square footage, decor, special features, acreage (10,000 square feet, Japanese inspired design, privacy windows where people can't see in, on 100 acres, with guest house, fitness facility, theatre, Japanese style house for sauna-hot tub-swimming pool)
•Country you'd like to like to live in for a year (Japan, Singapore, South Korea, New Zealand, France, Italy, Seychelles)
•Dream vocation (Running a global women only rejuvenation station. Education program, curriculum including, but not limited to, 21st century minded skillset, but knowing what a dial telephone is; pro Bono legal eagles; pro Bono CPAs to crunch 1-2-3s; grant writing gurus; wardrobe wizardry; social services superstars; medical and mental health mavericks/mavens. One building, multiple floors, like an Apple, Google, YouTube campus, only vertical, up to code, fully licensed, low carbon footprint, solar energy, biodegradable waste, ethically sourced supplies/vendors, recycling champions, funded by grants and angel venture capitalists. Empathetic, Ethical, Progressive Board of Directors with deep pockets and at least 500 contacts similarly equipped.)
Android or iPhone?
YES, YOU'VE SEEN THIS BEFORE. I earnestly seek transparent, authentic, empathetic souls who resonate with me. If you've been nodding, smiling/laughing as you've read this… TAG, HONEYBUNCH. YOU'RE IT! PM ME, PLEASE.
Out of breath? Here. Sit down, sit down. Here's some water and a towel. Thanks for keeping up. I really look forward to enjoying your well organized, massive missive.
Sending you peace, prayers and gratitude, Bella
submitted by Strict-South1824 to loneliness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:53 OwnedSilver Dirty Dog

We have a female GS we have had since she was 8 weeks old. She is now 2. She has had accidents (both pee and poop) since we've had her. Usually on a daily basis. We both work from home so she gets let out every 1 1/2 hours and we even get up at night to let her out. Checked out by 2 vets (because we wanted a second opinion) and she is perfectly healthy, including bloodwork and stool/urine samples. We give her high praise when she goes outside, and scolding, a firm no or bad girl when she has accidents. You can tell she knows she has done something wrong. But yet she keeps doing it. Our floors are ruined. We cannot make her a full time outside dog. It's too hot in Florida. No other behavior problems or what appear psychological problems. It seems to be all behavior of going inside the house. We are at the end of our rope with this dog. Trainer said they don't do problems like that. Any suggestions? Plenty of walks and exercise daily.
submitted by OwnedSilver to germanshepherds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:25 JumpMaleficent5817 My mom got in a crash and my dad showed his true colors of how he feels about me.

I female age 15 was living in a camper in Rhode Island with my mom age 31 and my dad age 33 along with 2 siblings my mom got into a car crash. Which gave her a concussion so I had to take care of my family and was like a house wife every time I got off from school. My dad didn't help unless it involved my siblings with his game console or with nothing other than steal my mom's stuff to go through it to make sure she didn't catch him cheating on her. Which she did but I hid it all which he had a suspicion of, but my mom was acting like a child at the time.
I wasn't focused on the remarks my dad would make. Whenever i was In shorts he would talk about how my butt looked like mom's but bigger, and how I was better than her. While my mom was getting better my was about to be 15, but something I did notice. While my dad made dirty remarks he was reading a online book, and I caught him multiple times. In my parents bedroom alone rocking his stick, and why I mentioned this. Is because that book he was reading was my whole bathroom situation, but with Mafia people in his book. While this was going on my mom was mostly recovered by the week before my birthday.
But my dad gas lighted her that I did nothing while he did everything, and my mom believed him. For 2 days before he tattled on himself about looking through her phone, and finding some evidence of him cheating. Which made them fight and argue which they were doing before the crash. During the week before my birthday I got a road rash which will be a scar. Forever a reminder of how my dad was able to look at me in the camper. The shower doors were made of glass and if the temperature was lukewarm then you could see everything on the other side. I turned 15 on the day of my road rash I got into the shower around 8:00 p.m. while washing my wound my father went in there and didn't say a word. Just started brushing his teeth and looking towards the mirror which at the time was not looking my way.
I was okay with it at first cuz I thought it would just be for that day, but the next 3 weeks. It went to a transition of him looking at the mirror then to him leaving the bathroom door open lean on the wall towards the shower staring. Playing toxic masculinity podcast of how young women should do what men tell them. I wasn't on social media a lot so I didn't know what "alpha" male ment, but women would refer them as that or they would refer them selfs as that. But then to every couple of days during those three weeks was like him pushing boundary after boundary to the point where I can't handle it. Cuz he tried to touch the doorknob to open the glass doors.
I told him that I wasn't comfortable two times along with my younger siblings telling him to get out because they saw him in there because the door was open. Which he told them that it was okay, that he was my dad, and if anybody deserve to be in there it was him. During the third day of the first week of this happening I wanted to prove to myself that my father wasn't like his stepfather. Which was a S A @bus€r of mine when I was 4 through 6. Because I thought it was because of my schedule of me getting in the shower late, so I changed my schedule throughout the last 2 weeks. During the time of him pushing boundaries I would change the times where it would inconvenience my mother . During her naps or whatever she needed to do to get better cuz she had appointments, or she would be like dead asleep. She would need me to watch my siblings, but I was busy in the shower.
They were messing with her while she had a headache, and my father was complaining about the hot water for dishes and other women chores. I need or my mother needed to complete, but the part that makes it the most messed up is that when it was 20 minutes of me being still in the shower. He would walk out and I would hurry up and get out and he would go back to his game console, smoke a cigarette, and not go to bed for a couple of hours. On the last day of the third week my mom asked me about it cuz she was finally starting to be aware of everything. I told her to wait and I would get in the shower as soon as I got home. He will be in there, and she didn't believe me.
But once I got home, and got in there he was in there with the door open. My mom grabbed him by his shoulder, and ripped him out and yelled at him and told him if he ever did that again that she would go get her shotgun. Cuz now she's more aware than she has ever been after the crash. His excuses that I was taking a shower late, then maybe I should be taking showers so late, then maybe I should be using all the hot water, and that I'm his daughter he changed my diapers so if he wants to be in there he can be in there. if i want the door open for some air he can have it open cuz he also pays the bills and owns everything and that I should be grateful. Which made my mom come up with a plan to start secretly moving after that day. I called my aunt and my uncle who did not believe me and thought there was a better explanation, but they did see my point of view but still thought I was being dramatic.
They question my father and he lied and said it was for 3 days more arguments started, and one day when I had a school day off. My dad as soon as he found out stayed home while my mom had to be at a appointment. She thought he already left but instead he went to chilled some where, and came back to have a conversation with me. Told me that I was delusional, and that if I was uncomfortable I should have told him. When I told him I did and that he didn't say a word he said that he must have not heard me. Once I told him that I said it loud and clear, and that all he did was sigh. Along with looked like he was about to cry and was mad. He said that I'm just like my mother, and that we deserve each other. Then went on to if he had to have boundaries with me, then I have to have boundaries with my mother and we can't get changed in front of each other.
Because we are both bisexual, and then proceeded to tell me that I don't know what's going on. Then told me that I should be ashamed because I don't know how it feels to feel like a predator in your own home. Which left me speechless because I know what it's like to have predators around you every corner, and he knows this and when I told him that. He told me to grow up, and that my hormones should be kicking in. I should have already forgotten about his stepfather already. My mom came home and my dad said he wanted a divorce which my mom says working on it. Then took me for a drive, I told her all about it, and then a couple of days later.
I woke up to my mom crying and naked because my mom had sex with my dad. When he was done and he got her done he kicked her out of the room. When she was wondering why he said she was more convenient then to go get a stranger and do it in the back of a truck. My mom told me to go back to bed and I did at the time not fully knowing what was going on till that day. That my mom going back on her word thinking she needed him. Telling me not to break up the family, and that if he agrees the counseling we're staying even if I said no and don't like it. Which he didn't of course, and also I told her that I would kill her and him and that I have thought about it. Was in their room multiple times with a weapon think about killing them both because of the things they do. Which made my mom understand that she needed to grow up and leave him now. Which is sad for me to say, but we finished up packing. We got a U-Haul and before we left my mom thought it would be fair to him if my siblings had a board game night with him.
Which later I left cuz I couldn't handle that my siblings get a perfect dad. While I always got a cursing, child beating, lying, and disciplining me for no reason father. Couldn't handle that my mom didn't leave them for a military, hasn't killed my father, or believe me on many occasions. Or didn't do anything because of him, and because of her always needing him. He went to go find me a hour later and talked with me said the same things as the other conversation. When I brought up multiple predators in my life and how he did nothing. For example, I had a high school boy threatened to r@p€ me in the third grade, and him and his friends chase me around and has kissed me and touched me multiple times for 2 years. He said that he couldn't because that high school boy was a friends son, but told him to stop but this friend was a mistress of his.
Which later to find out that it would have been 4 years of harassment if my mother didn't threaten to burn his house. Which again shows that my father is a liar and my mother even proved it to me by showing me pictures of text between the high school boy, his mother, and her. At the end of the conversation a dark side of me popped out, and just went to try to go grab the nearest gun to shoot him. cuz my father did was lie, gaslighted, manipulated, and acted like a brick wall. He thought we had a great dad and talk even though I was still crying. I guess he thought I was like my mom and I would given up. My mom stopped me and told me that I shouldn't go to jail, and that we are moving tomorrow.
She will make sure of it no more delays, no more of letting me down we move to Texas where we're originally from. While living with a relative my little siblings could talk to our father, which slowly broke the relationship. Because he would always try to bring up me, and how he wanted to talk to me. He couldn't stand not talking to me, and that he stopped paying child support until I talk to him. In between breaking the relationship with my siblings slowly they started seeing the dad that I saw. During staying here with my relative my mom got some console, and help but at the time my dad was paying for child support. But there wasn't enough to get me help which my family thinks I desperately need.
But when child support stopped her console stopped cuz she can't afford it. Then drama started happening with the relative we were with, and we've been moving ever since. But now my mom is on the road making a lot of money to make up for no child support. Until the child support office is gets their affairs in order because my dad gave them 27 different addresses. We are living with relative to relative that will take us in, and watch us. But my mom will be coming back soon to get a rent house, so that we can finally settle down. After a whole year of dealing with all this without him. I'll be 16, and I don't know how to feel cuz it marks the anniversary of a scar physical, emotional, and mental at my worst. But it is the same day as my celebration of birth. Which I sometimes wish never happened.
submitted by JumpMaleficent5817 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:02 stickman024 How can I (31M) get my wife (30F) to be okay with nudity in shows?

We usually try to avoid shows that obviously might have sexual or nudity scenes. But recently, when we both caught Three Body Problems on Netflix, we didn’t know there was a scene with some female nudity and my wife got extremely angry at me when I didn’t turned the show off fast enough.
Now, we have had this problem for awhile and I know the reason this happened is because she was sexually cheated on really badly in her previous relationship and so anytime there’s a “attractive or hot” female body she will try to make me look away.
While I’m personally fine with avoiding the shows (I’m not a huge TV consumer anyway), a little part of me also feels like I may have missed out really GOOD shows like GOT etc.
How can we try to work together to resolve this together, or do I need to come to a consensus to live with for the rest of my life?
submitted by stickman024 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:02 Accomplished-Will407 Just read boy parts and idk how to feel

This was recommended this to me after i’ve said countless times that female main characters similar to the main character from My Rest and Relaxation and A Certain Hunger are bad for my mental health and leave me feeling like shit. But it’s one of my friends favorites and she said it was “different” so I gave it a try. Before I give my criticism, I want to say that I think the book was objectively good, well written, a page turner so if you’re into this type of stuff read it. But why did no one tell me that Irina, main character, was a rapist and a sexual sadist. I’m not sure why but reading about rapist raping people feels not right. I know if it was a man’s perspective I would have NEVER read it but bc it’s a girl it’s okay??? And i’m a girl’s girl but i don’t get why this book is so popular and recommended constantly. Also im tired of reading books when the main character doesn’t eat and is hot because of it. When i read the reviews i felt like no one was saying this so lmk if im crazy
submitted by Accomplished-Will407 to books [link] [comments]