Seroquel to help with vicodin withdrawl

I'm recovering from amnesia related to autism. It's an incredible, positive, profound change. Also I'm not sure I can work anymore.

2024.06.07 20:30 some_kind_of_bird I'm recovering from amnesia related to autism. It's an incredible, positive, profound change. Also I'm not sure I can work anymore.

I lost my job recently after a profound, positive change in me and I don't know where to go from here. I'm not sure what I've written flows well so bear with me. I'll start with what the job was.
I had a really flexible, accommodating workplace. If I couldn't handle something I didn't usually have to do it. If I really needed a break I got one. I had good, supportive coworkers who tolerated my quirks and even compensated for them. It doesn't go as far as I like but it's related to my interests. I had a consistent schedule. There's only a few employees there, which I can usually handle socially. Abuse from customers wasn't tolerated.
I also didn't really find work the regular way. I was basically offered the job because I was friends with the then-manager. I was lucky I didn't get fired when I started because I had to ask things so so so many times and lost things and took ages to do anything quickly or adapt. I've seen other people start and it's not the same at all.
I don't know if I can find something like that again, and while I became good at it truth be told I was often in a haze and underperformed. It was very chaotic, by my measurement. You had to do things "when there was time" and it was constantly juggling eggs. I have a phone phobia and while it's not too bad in that context once I had a ton of practice, I still had to make myself do it. I varied a lot in how well I could do, and sometimes I was so stressed I could barely stand. By the end they usually let me stick to a task instead of juggling as much as everyone else. Perks of being the veteran.
Even if it's out there, I lucked out and was offered this job. I have tried and it's so hard even applying for jobs. Interviews are so fucking terrifying. I just can't do it, at least on my own.
Meanwhile at home I'm a fucking disaster. Work was the only thing I got right. I have ADHD and everything is a soup of misplaced objects. There's trash everywhere, kitchen counters covered in dishes, nothing is clean. A couple times a year I have to learn the lesson that if I don't take showers regularly I'll get painful sores on my head and my scalp feeling weird is what prompts a shower. Laundry is a matter of how long I can go before the embarrassment kicks in. I couldn't make appointments unless it's an emergency if I don't, even if I need it, and I still had to ask for help sometimes or put it off so long I'd have a gap in meds. When I started working at a different location and didn't go to the grocery store almost every day it became very difficult to go, even when it's for the pharmacy. I have to do something constantly to keep doing it, especially when there's social anxiety. It used to be that I couldn't go anywhere by myself at all, and now I only probably can't.
I was sometimes happy, but never really ok. Indulging in my interests helped a lot.
Here's where it gets VERY interesting. I lost that job when I couldn't go for too long. I couldn't go because I've had a bit of an "event" to put it mildly. To vastly simplify it, basically it turns out I masked SO hard I forgot I'm autistic, like FORGOT not in denial. I was diagnosed at 2 and I just found out at 31. Trauma around it, obviously. I'm recovering from that amnesia and the sheer amount of information is absurd. I've called people to verify the memories and yeah they're the real deal. There's like a merger of personalities kinda with my old memories. Autism explains SO much and I'm figuring out what unmasked me looks like. Apparently I'm a proper autism creature lol. I act so strangely now. I'm so much happier. I can't describe it.
My approach is so completely different now. I don't feel like I have to justify every single action. I've resolved trauma and it's like I can breathe for the first time. Normally there's so many gaps in time during the day, all staccato, but now it's more continuous. For a little while I had to stop myself from adding "man" to the end of every sentence because that's how I used to talk lol. Honestly trying to summarize it is impossible. Everything is different. I think I'm still the same person, but also not. It's beyond profound.
I'm kinda scared of masking again, too. It's not what it is, I think, but I'm ngl Dissociative Identity Disorder is looking a bit too relatable rn. What happens when I put my mind in that state? What's going to happen to me? I'm probably over-worrying, but I don't think it's an unreasonable concern. They aren't separate things exactly, like I've been able to link everything up, but it's a different subjectivity/perspective and set of habits and I want to be really careful that it stays conscious. I'm certainly not going to try until I'm ready and I'm sure I can make it back to this. Maybe it's better to try re-learning how to mask instead? I think I want to re-visit it eventually.
Another important development is that after what just happened to me I'm VERY keen on being nobody but myself at this point... so I'm reducing or maybe getting off of quetiapine(Seroquel). I'm sure I'll still take it sometimes, but I can't think deeply in a particular way that really matters to me, and it sort of "smears things out" in a way that's hard to describe.
It comes at a cost, though. Before the quetiapine my meltdowns were absolutely debilitating. I don't know how I'll be this time because I'm healthier now, and who the fuck knows what's up with my brain, but before I was on it I basically developed a fear of any stressor. I had to constantly isolate myself. Someone suggested to me that it'll be ok and I just need different meds, but tbh I really doubt I'll find something as good as quetiapine. It's almost perfect. I feel like the part of me it blurs is the same thing that causes meltdowns to happen. There's no fixing this.
Don't worry btw; I'm tapering and seeing how it goes. I'm being decisive but not reckless. With quetiapine I'm confident in how it works for me.
I was going to move far away anyway in a few months and have enough savings to coast, so now's kind of a big opportunity to fix shit. The move is my found family reuniting and trying to take care of each other. They mean the world to me. They're all disabled in various ways too and things were already looking shakey tbh. I don't know how things will develop from here, but it's been in planning for years.
More good news is I started vyvanse and it's great. It's a little dangerous because it enhances my hyperfocus and I'm having trouble drinking enough water because of that, but I can plan around that and I'm actually getting some shit done and making a routine. I still need to ask for help a lot, but for me it's life changing. I wasn't as worried before because I'm a disaster anyway but it seems like I'm actually establishing a routine and I'm so so so so scared of losing that with the move. If I have sufficient support and a few months I think I'll be ok, but tbh the amount of help I need before staying on top of things on my own might be more substantial than I have access to, and I might always need someone to check on me. I'm kinda realizing the extent of my disabilities and I can't believe I've gone this long.
Overall I'm doing really good and I think I might be coasting on hypomania rn which isn't a bad thing, but the routine isn't established yet and it's not easy to start. The new whiteboard and talking to myself helps. When I look at everything though, it's honestly just a completely unprecedented scenario. My new psychology is so much healthier, but it's new to me and I don't know how stable it is; I know I'll be changing a lot for a long time. I've still got this constant trickle of memories. Hypomania always ends eventually and I hope I don't crash into depression. I stim a LOT more than I used to and sometimes even that's not enough and I become overwhelmed. I'm in almost the best possible scenario trigger-wise. I feel like I'm on top of the world, but I'm not naive. If I don't make a routine and fix shit now it could go very badly. If I add in a couple stressors it could go very badly.
I should probably mention a relevant development. I made another post about it if you want the full story, but basically I decided to protect my hearing on a (evidenced) whim. Then all my defenses dropped and now I'm hypersensitive and need to wear earplugs, probably permanently. I feel better but yeah it's making some things difficult. With the level of dissociation I was on it's hard to tell how much sound was affecting me before, but it's certainly affecting me now. There's some changes in my sight too. Either I've become aware of something profoundly affecting me or I've just made myself more disabled. It's hard to say. It is beautiful, though, if overwhelming. I'm calmer. I think I'm glad it happened. Sight's a bit different, too. Not too bad so far.
Given the sensory changes and the dissociation changes and the amnesia I should probably talk to a neurologist or something too, huh? I think this is all psychological in origin but it seems like a good idea anyway. Also my tic changed from a brief shudder to a small grunt/shout so that's "cool." Adult-onset tic disorders are super rare but that's what the neurologist said it was when it started a few years ago. I'm not sure it's a normal tic tbh but I won't get into it unless someone's curious.
There's this government assistance case manager thing I'm trying to get set up on. I have a therapist now I see twice a week. Hopefully they can help me. I don't have insurance but the COBRA thing is in the mail, I'm told. I have a couple of friends that can help me now and then.
Oh I should mention that while I am diagnosed, I don't have the documentation. I tried looking into psychological testing but appointments go out beyond my move date, at least where I checked. At the start of this I became very interested in autism and there's really no question, but yeah it's not documented.
To review: Earth-shattering batshit amnesia autism thing happens; I've lost my job but am safe for a while; I'm happier and healthier than I've ever been but also more vulnerable and there's a LOT of unknowns; I've got a time limit of a few months before moving and I can't really handle moving. Any thoughts or insights or advice or questions or even a "wow that's whack" are welcome.
submitted by some_kind_of_bird to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:49 lolmythirties Crazy suggestion?

have tried about everything under the sun in terms of medication and lifestyle changes and finally have my depression and anxiety somewhat well under control.
I have still been struggling immensely with insomnia and none of the regular meds (trazodone,doxepin, remeron, seroquel, and rozerem, Zyprexa, dayvigo , gabapentin and others Ive forgotten) have worked without horrible side effects.
Insomnia I’ve had all my life and treated with very good success for some periods of time but a rare instance of absolutely no luck.
I’ve had blood and hormones checked and nothing abnormal
I am on vyvanse but took a month long trial off to see if it would help with insomnia and no difference.
I’ve done all the lifestyle suggestions and two rounds of CBT-I. Very negligible difference barring staying out of bed and eye mask and no media
No indication of sleep apnea.
On a good day I get six hours of sleep. Other days it’s more like 4 or 5. I was told I needed to have “realistic expectations” and maybe “5.5 could be the goal”
My psychiatrist I sense is very anti z-drug and benzo and has recently suggested the following to treat insomnia
Clompromine, topamax, geodon and depakore
I am not bipolar or have any condition that these treats
Is it just me or are those suggestions… insane?
After countless psychiatrists and more than 20 years on meds I’ve never heard of any even trialed for off label meds.
I fired the psych because these suggestions seem to put little faith in his prescribing. Only explanation he gave was that “they make a lot of people drowsy”
submitted by lolmythirties to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:39 Ah1293 Medications that promote sleepiness (sedation) vs sleep induction...

My last post of the day (I'm spamming at this rate I know).
I know enough from my own experience now to share the following.

There is a difference between sleepiness and sleep induction.

Consider antidepressants - ie mirtazipine and amitryptiline etc. They are used off label for insomnia, however they are used for insomnia because at low doses they are sedatives (they induce feelings of sleepiness/drowsiness).
Then there's Z drugs (zopiclone etc)/benzodiazepines (Lorazepam/Ativan). These actually induce sleep - akin to how a general anesthetic would.
There's also off label antipsychotics such as seroquel (quetapine) - these have similar sleep inducing effects as opposed to mere sleepiness/drowsiness.
I believe those who have insomnia due to stress/anxiety (ie a psychological causes) almost always will respond to an antidepressant and get better sleep. These people will then share what worked for them with someone else who's root cause maybe entirely different and give hope to someone that an anti depressant might help them when it doesn't.
Those who have physiological/neurological causes to their insomnia will almost always respond to Z drugs and benzos.. Because these actually induce sleep like say an general anesthetic does. These will of course also work for those with anxiety or depression as a cause as well.
Then there's antipsychotics for those with genuine mental health disorders such as bipolar and adhd who have extremely and abnormally overactive minds/chemical imbalances which the antipsychotics help with.
In my case, I am tired/sleepy when I get into bed at night - I am yawning away without any medications and usually sleep deprived from the night before, however for some reason whatever has gone wrong with me over the past 6 weeks, it feels genuinely physiological and I'm lost as to how to fix it.
I've just come off low dose mirtazipine after a month. It didn't work because it's just an antihistamine at a low dose and antihistamines do not induce sleep, they induce sleepiness. Big difference.
The only thing that works to give me solid unbroken sleep is a benzo (8hrs undisturbed sleep). This sucks because benzos are more harmful than antidepressants in terms of side effects and withdrawal. I genuinely wish an anti depressant worked for me.
I just wanted to share my thoughts on the difference between meds that induce sleepiness vs inducing actual sleep (an artificially induced sleep if you will).
Also if you truly believe your insomnia is from a psychological cause ie stress or anxiety - do try an antidepressant before you try a sleeping med or benzos, it may just save you from more problems.
That being said, is there anyone here who tried an antidepressant that didn't work for them and then tried another with long term success?
submitted by Ah1293 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:45 ConfidentTruth2070 low-education informed consent hell

I started estradiol during my third semester at college. I used planned parenthood telehealth and had no car, job, etc. I was funding this with my savings from a high school job and thought i'd be fine so long as i just was patient and stayed healthy. I even worked hard to reverse my sleep and eating problems to prepare myself for it (although i stopped trying to gain weight a few months before i planned to start to make it easier to build feminine fat deposits) They explained to me i could use pills, which were "slow, expensive, and had lots of side effects" or "use injections, which carry no risk of side effects from AA, are more natural, etc. You just gotta be brave, you're good with needles, right?"
I was happy with whatever sacrifices i made for this path. I got on E quick and cheap and didnt get outed, so why should i complain! They started me on 5mg/7 days Estradiol Valerate injections and told me just to wait a few months as estrogen became my dominant sex hormone.
I didn't really care about my transition or my health at the time. I mentally treated the EV as a "puberty blocker" and just focused on school and having a good time with my girlfriend. I didn't know that injection monotherapy wasnt foolproof and is typically recommended for people who already completed a few months of AAs at the time.
later i started to take my transition more seriously after experiencing mild breast growth and a few weeks of pelvic tilt. I started to suddenly want to get as many changes as i could... I read that people who start with AAs can quickly and reliably kill their testosterone in weeks as doctors slowly introduce estrogen to gently take over, and that you don't NEED high doses of estrogen to experience feminization! now that im Estrogen-dominant, why do i need such high doses? I'm so scared....quick google searches revealed that EV had a half life of 5 days, not 7...oh god is that why i had low energy those days?
Its been 7 months on and off now, often i run out of needles and have to go weeks to months without HRT... The months i could be consistent with it, i didn't have consistent bloodwork (the bloodwork i COULD get did indicate my T was suppressed well though) and have only experienced a few (often quick and painful) changes. I wish i went slower. My health declined pretty badly as soon as i realized i didn't do HRT the "normal" way. It became hard to motivate myself to eat, my sleep become irregular again, etc. I was not very mentally well before HRT and the initial weight gain and feminization i saw in the mirror and the feeling of "progress" helped my motivation and mental state a lot, so maybe by doubting it i hurt myself?
I get pills and spiro have more risks but everybody does them and those risks don't matter if you're only on them for a year, right?! all of the studies and science is about pills and AA, even Will Powers says to start low and slow on pills and AA. I feel like i failed every single coin toss. People who start low on pills and titrate up have the medical establishment, have the fringe establishment, have the psuedoscience, and have the outdated science on their side. Every doctor knows how to take care of someone who started on pills, knows the side effects of them... What do i do? I just got planned parenthood to send a referral to a good endo that takes my insurance and then went back into giving up. planned parenthood also told me i could use 200mcg patch monotherapy to "Get your body used to gentler, more consistent doses" and i feel fucking awful on it, why did i let them prescribe me estradiol without an AA YET AGAIN???
The 45 pounds of weight gain i experienced in the first 4 months of estrogen is holding on hopefully but i feel like im losing weight weekly and its hard to eat...The uncertainty of the patches combined with the lack of bloodwork data and withdrawl from the injection is driving me stressed nonstop and if someone talks to me i break down crying. will i be able to function at my job?? im scared.
submitted by ConfidentTruth2070 to 4tran4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:28 Alternative_Fan_2397 Am I being stupid for reconsidering my decision on leaving my bpd ex?

I (21M) recently broke up with my ex (19M) who suffers with bpd. I have such conflicting, back and forth feelings about the situation. It was an extreme rollercoaster relationship, characterised by very high highs and very low lows. When we were good it was so good. We had so much in common personality wise, had so much physical attraction to eachother and had so much chemistry in every way. He showed me so much love and affection and always told me good things about myself. We have similar interests also. However the bad parts of the relationship have caused me to have trust issues and built up resentment. My ex was in active addiction throughout most of our relationship. Before I knew it was an addiction I thought he smoked just for fun. I had to remind him not to smoke while in my presence because it made me feel like he didn’t enjoy my company sober. He didn’t understand that it seemed rude until I went further in depth. However once I knew how it was I was okay with him smoking to eat, sleep or when he wasn’t with me if it helped him in doing those things. On numerous occasions he would lie to me about being sober, he would sneak a smoke if I had went to the bathroom or he would be high when I arrived to see him, before dates or on the way to nights out. He also told my friends that he did this behind my back. The constant lying really broke my trust for him. I didn’t enjoy being in his presence when he was high as he was a different person than he usually is. He would be zoned out and would ignore me when I talked about issues or give me halfass responses. He also called me controlling for having these boundaries in place (even tho I was very lenient and adjusted them for his sake) and would express how he would feel guilt for doing it in any of the ways I let him. He also wouldn’t understand why I lost my trust and would get annoyed at me for being stuck on the past. He told me I haven’t gave him praise for “getting sober” but I found out he was using when he wasn’t with me, which is fine but that meant he wasn’t sober. He would also take his frustrations out on me while going through withdrawls. Multiple times he went through the withdrawls and stopped, but then would start using again randomly. Also in arguments he would belittle me and call me insulting and degrading names or say he hates me. When I told him to stop he would say “I say how I feel at the time”. There was emotionally abusive tendencies and manipulation. Especially when I brought up issues, he would say “if I’m so bad just leave” and would threaten breakups and push me away, but when I didn’t fight he would say how it’s so easy for me and I don’t even put up a fight or say I’m horrible for throwing it away. There was also a lot of criticisms to my character and held me to unrealistic standards about how I should treat him even though he didn’t even do those things himself. He would also say how I’ve gone quiet and I’m so boring and depressing to be around, but wouldn’t understand why. One of his friends also said to him I should’ve never went back to him when he lifted his fist at me one time. It’s hard because he didn’t take much accountability for months but eventually did, and took accountability for everything once I left, said I didn’t deserve any of it and said he would change and get help. I want to believe it so bad but he’s made so many empty promises or else said he can’t change certain aspects or said change doesn’t happen overnight, so how is he now so adamant that he will change. It’s just not ideal that I was taken for granted and it took for him to lose me to realise how I deserve to be treated. I can’t tell if we’re soul tied or trauma bonded. I’m not perfect either but I do take people into consideration before doing or saying something that could possibly hurt them. I miss him so much and haven’t stopped from the moment I left and feel so undesirable to everyone else. He was the first person to show me love but also hurt me so badly so I feel lost. He said to me he is going to rehab and is going to get help, he was in therapy but hadn’t been diagnosed for bpd yet, I’m trying to get into therapy too but the wait list is weeks long and idk what to do with myself. The drugs stopped but the talking down etc didn’t, so I feel like sometimes I’m stuck on the past and I want to make things right so bad but I’m scared
submitted by Alternative_Fan_2397 to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 11:34 Kwyjibo__00 First Week

So in the first week of seroquel. I’m finding actually I have lost my appetite, as food isn’t really enjoyable anymore - I don’t get satisfaction from it.
Also went up a little (very small but I’m super sensitive) in dose yesterday, and today feel really weird/dissociated and out of it. I feel tingling in my head/headaches, very bad brain fog and extremely bad working memory.
I also go to sleep quickly with it, but find it hard to oversleep now and wake up a lot during the night with very intense dreams. Before I could sleep forever, now I sleep a normal 8hrs and can’t keep going once I’m up.
Seems like all my symptoms are opposite to a lot of other people’s or what is typical.
Has anyone had this? Especially with upping dose?
I’m taking an extremely low dose to aid with severely changing moods (psychiatrist suggested BPD and PMDD) and extremely severe terropanic attacks - which it seems to actually be working.
I don’t plan on staying on it, but I was in such a pit anything to help was a necessity.
submitted by Kwyjibo__00 to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:56 goodbyebean Getting off HBC for the first time in 10+ years… what’s “normal?”

Hi everyone. A lot of yalls post are reassuring to me so I wanted to share my experience to see thoughts/opinions as well.
I have been off HBC for about a month now and just had my first period. It was only 4 days long, and kind of thick dark brown dry blood the whole time. but the PMS and mood swings were insane. I had felt the angriest I had ever remembered feeling in a long time. I’ve also had no appetite, loose stools, constipation, some nausea too.
I was really excited to get off the pill because I gained a lot of weight from HBC (IUD + Pill) but so far I’ve been having lots of bloating. Some days I feel lighter and other days I’m sooo swollen. My anxiety has been pretty bad along with depression but I will say the HBC worsened this, so I think this could just be my “natural” self?
I’ve been cycle tracking, using spermicide, withdrawl method, and abstinence when needed. I tried to ask my doctor for a diaphragm and she said it was not main stream though and prescribed me the nuvaring. I got it filled as a back up if this ends up not going well. She did not seem to have much advice for non hormonal methods. I was curious if anyone had a link to a cervical cap or diaphragm?
The last time I really felt like “me” was before I started BC when I was in high school. I was really excited to try this but so far I have really felt more lost. I keep trying to trust the process and hope this will help me get back in tune with the real me and my emotions. It’s been so long since I’ve felt like my old bubbly self and my birth control really decreases my quality of life for how terrible I felt on it for years.
submitted by goodbyebean to gettingoffHBC [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:26 yorelly Anti-anxiety

What medication helps with your anxiety? I have bi polar and have had numerous manic and depressive episodes this year.
I’m currently on 200mg of Lamotrigine, 20mg of Seroquel at night am very slowly weaning off Duloxetine as instructed by a psychiatrist.
I’ve been super duper anxious for the last few months for no apparent reason. I’ve previously been on antidepressants (SNRI’s and SSRI’s) for depression and anxiety however I’ve been told I can’t go back on them as they can make mania worse.
I do see a psychologist regularly but I really feel that I need something more. What kinds of anxiety meds have been working for you with bi polar?
My general practitioner wanted me to have Seroquel in the morning as well however 10mg put me to sleep within the hour and I obviously can’t drive with this.
Six month wait currently to revisit the psychiatrist🥲
submitted by yorelly to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:24 yorelly Anxiety meds

What medication helps with your anxiety? I have bi polar and have had numerous manic and depressive episodes this year.
I’m currently on 200mg of Lamotrigine, 20mg of Seroquel at night am very slowly weaning off Duloxetine as instructed by a psychiatrist.
I’ve been super duper anxious for the last few months for no apparent reason. I’ve previously been on antidepressants (SNRI’s and SSRI’s) for depression and anxiety however I’ve been told I can’t go back on them as they can make mania worse.
I do see a psychologist regularly but I really feel that I need something more. What kinds of anxiety meds have been working for you with bi polar?
My general practitioner wanted me to have Seroquel in the morning as well however 10mg put me to sleep within the hour and I obviously can’t drive with this.
Six month wait currently to revisit the psychiatrist🥲
submitted by yorelly to Lamotrigine [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:37 Ice_Pressure_4503 Endo problems

So I’ve been suffering with endo for awhile now. 6 years to be exact. It’s gotten to where Vicodin and Percocet don’t even help the pain. I tried orilissa for 2 months and had severe hair loss and immediately stopped it. Birth controls of different types don’t help at all and only made it worse for me. My obgyn says the only option now is a hysterectomy because ablation wouldn’t really help anything. But the hysterectomy may not solve the issue of pain due to my nerve endings being messed up from endo. And that my endo will still come back. I’m at a loss with this because I’m sick and tired of the pain and nothing helps nor can truly get help. What do I do at this point?
submitted by Ice_Pressure_4503 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:36 spaghetti000000s Slight rant: When a new doctor wants "Proof" + anxiety medication issues (warning med talk)

I moved to California with my family when I was 6years old, in 2004. And finally my mom started finding answers to my unusual behavior. Within a year, or at least 2 years, I was diagnosed at the UCSD Autism Center of Excellence in La Jolla, CA. Diagnosis being, high functioning Autism with a focus on Asperger syndrome. I am female (naturally) and other women in my family have diagnosises of Bipolar, Schizophrenia, along with Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
As a child I found myself shunned whenever I opened up and communicated to peers that I have hf Austim and Asperger's. I think that's all I need to explain on that... because if you have experienced it, then you know. So I hid that part of myself. As hard as I could for 15years. Now a days they call it "masking", a totally new and open conversation of which I am grateful people are having.
Since entering adulthood I have mentally, spiritually, and thus emotionally struggled and changed. A bad psychotic episode a few years ago sent me to the ER, and then the hospital shot me up wite Thorzine (I lost count after 3 honestly) and sent me to a Mental Health Clinic for a week where I started Lithium Carbonate, Lorazepam (Ativan), and Seroquel (the sleeper starter, I found it nearly impossible to wake up from). There, I got diagnosed with Bipolar 1. I've used an anti-depressant before, but this medication game has been harder and more difficult to get care/support/help. And genuine, smart help is missing most of the time. Often I get lumped into the group of Pill Chasers due to being on the Ativan (a controlled substance, of which professionals love to remind me is controlled). No professional told me I should not be using it for an extended period of time (I used it for 3 years). I had a psychiatrist in Isreal, they left the office in December (thankfully I was anticipating that), but having to see new doctors at every appointment who have never seen me before, I find myself arguing and fighting to convince them of my diagnosises. One asked for proof of my ASD diagnosis and I could tell them exactly where the office is and the name they use now and the name it use to be with puzzle pieces in logo. But it seems like that was not enough and doctors want a physical paper document, rather than ME. I have grown and learned and adapted and crumbled and had to start over. I no longer have a trusting relationship with my parents due to their choices in the past. My mother has all possible records about my initial diagnosises, if they are still in her files... I am not even aware of a paper document of proof even existing from 2004-2006.
Medication stuff: Since losing my doctor from Israel, trying to refill a controlled substance has been a nightmare of anxiety, stress, panic, and a multitude of phone calls (specifically a difficult task for me). The previous doctor made sure I would have enough by writing 2 prescriptions, one I could use insurance for and the other I could pay for. I viewed it as that doctor watching my back. Ultimately it confused and concerned the pharmacies so much that they started to refuse to give me the medication, because it is controlled. The next doctor reduced my medication without me permission/approval. So I was forced to use less than I need for all of April. And last month, May, a few days before being out of the incorrect Rx, I inquired and tried to place a refill. I was rejected, both the doctors office and pharmacy claiming I could refill the Rx in 14 days. That is 14 days without any of a medication that people develop physical dependency from. They told me I would experience withdrawals, but that nothing could be done or refilled until the 7th of June. They only explanation I have gotten from these doctors and nurses and call center support staff has been them blaming the Opioid crisis and specifically Fentanyl. Saying how no one wants to lose their licenses over malpractice. How is my small Lorazepam (Ativan) that I was taking 3x a day 1mg each time anything like or related to Fentanyl? It is in the Benzodiazepine category and has a physical dependency development issue, that answer I can come up with. And their solution is to get as many patients off the medications as quickly as possible? Because the staff is scared of Fentanyl and people dying? Yes. So the only options for patients is to start new meds, struggle and got to the ER staff for their time and resources or go to the streets for help and pray/cross their fingers/etc in hopes of the Oxy or Xanax or other substitute they found is NOT fentanyl. What are the odds these days it'll be Fentanyl? Not in your favor from the personal accounts I have been told and news articles I read. The staff used fear tactics to persuade until I gave up, was placed on Buspirone (no physical dependency and not controlled) for the first time, and I conceded to cope on my own. Casualties are inevitable, yes. Why encourage casualties in the group of people genuinely trying to better their mental health and follow the system as it requests?
I know my dates and when I can ask the pharmacy for a refill based on the law. I know if I ask the day of I can easily be SOL (shit outta luck) if that day is Friday or Saturday. And the other option from the office is to go to the emergency room and beg. Last time I went to the emergency room for a psychiatric emergency I was taken by cop car, shot up with I don't know how many injections of Thorzine to keep me calm... only to wake up out of the fog 3 days later in a town nearly 3 hours away in a facility I know nothing about and nor what my rights are in that facility. At that time, all I wanted was to hold and go back to my dog and my partner.
Am I now lumped into the category of pill chasers and the 2020s ASD bandwagon???
submitted by spaghetti000000s to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:10 Greedy_Clerk6890 Just started using Quivivq

I've had terrible insomnia for years, but it's been espcially bad over the last month or so. Seroquel used to work for me, but now it doesn't, so in addition to it, I've now been on Quiviviq for 8 nights. The first couple of nights I slept a lot better, maybe 4-6 hours whereas before I was getting 0-3 hours. I'm finding that I'm having trouble staying asleep though, so I'll take it at 9pm, fall asleep by 9:30pm - 10pm, and then wake up at 1am - 2am and I'm not able to fall back asleep after that. I'm starting CBT-I next week but I know it might take a while for my sleep to improve.
Does anybody have a similar experience? Will the Quiviviq start to work better with time? Can I cut my 50mg Quiviviq in half and take 25mg when I go to sleep and then the other 25mg when I wake up at 1am-2am? Is it okay for me to take the Quiviviq and then a Xanax when I wake up at 1am-2am? Any general advice to help Quivivq work better in general with staying asleep?
submitted by Greedy_Clerk6890 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:32 HonestAthlete3062 Trazadone for weed withdraw

I’m 3 weeks clean from smoking. I’ve had horrible withdrawals. Night sweats, severe anxiety, rapid heartbeat. Lots of crazy symptoms. Last week I started on trazadone. I take it at night to help me sleep. I’ve been on for about a week. When I take it I feel like I’m high. I feel so freaking weird. It is helping me sleep. I’ve actually been sleeping through the night this past week for the first time since I quit smoking. I’ve been pretty shaky and feeling really weird. Vision had been kind of blurry. Now I don’t know if it’s effects from Trazadone or still withdrawl related. Has anybody had similar experiences with Trazadone?
submitted by HonestAthlete3062 to WeedWithdrawalSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:58 Alternative_Fan_2397 Am I being stupid for reconsidering my decision on leaving my bpd ex?

I (21M) recently broke up with my ex (19M) who suffers with bpd. I have such conflicting, back and forth feelings about the situation. It was an extreme rollercoaster relationship, characterised by very high highs and very low lows. When we were good it was so good. We had so much in common personality wise, had so much physical attraction to eachother and had so much chemistry in every way. He showed me so much love and affection and always told me good things about myself. We have similar interests also. However the bad parts of the relationship have caused me to have trust issues and built up resentment. My ex was in active addiction throughout most of our relationship. Before I knew it was an addiction I thought he smoked just for fun. I had to remind him not to smoke while in my presence because it made me feel like he didn’t enjoy my company sober. He didn’t understand that it seemed rude until I went further in depth. However once I knew how it was I was okay with him smoking to eat, sleep or when he wasn’t with me if it helped him in doing those things. On numerous occasions he would lie to me about being sober, he would sneak a smoke if I had went to the bathroom or he would be high when I arrived to see him, before dates or on the way to nights out. He also told my friends that he did this behind my back. The constant lying really broke my trust for him. I didn’t enjoy being in his presence when he was high as he was a different person than he usually is. He would be zoned out and would ignore me when I talked about issues or give me halfass responses. He also called me controlling for having these boundaries in place (even tho I was very lenient and adjusted them for his sake) and would express how he would feel guilt for doing it in any of the ways I let him. He also wouldn’t understand why I lost my trust and would get annoyed at me for being stuck on the past. He told me I haven’t gave him praise for “getting sober” but I found out he was using when he wasn’t with me, which is fine but that meant he wasn’t sober. He would also take his frustrations out on me while going through withdrawls. Multiple times he went through the withdrawls and stopped, but then would start using again randomly. Also in arguments he would belittle me and call me insulting and degrading names or say he hates me. When I told him to stop he would say “I say how I feel at the time”. There was emotionally abusive tendencies and manipulation. Especially when I brought up issues, he would say “if I’m so bad just leave” and would threaten breakups and push me away, but when I didn’t fight he would say how it’s so easy for me and I don’t even put up a fight or say I’m horrible for throwing it away. There was also a lot of criticisms to my character and held me to unrealistic standards about how I should treat him even though he didn’t even do those things himself. He would also say how I’ve gone quiet and I’m so boring and depressing to be around, but wouldn’t understand why. One of his friends also said to him I should’ve never went back to him when he lifted his fist at me one time. It’s hard because he didn’t take much accountability for months but eventually did, and took accountability for everything once I left, said I didn’t deserve any of it and said he would change and get help. I want to believe it so bad but he’s made so many empty promises or else said he can’t change certain aspects or said change doesn’t happen overnight, so how is he now so adamant that he will change. It’s just not ideal that I was taken for granted and it took for him to lose me to realise how I deserve to be treated. I can’t tell if we’re soul tied or trauma bonded. I’m not perfect either but I do take people into consideration before doing or saying something that could possibly hurt them. I miss him so much and haven’t stopped from the moment I left and feel so undesirable to everyone else. He was the first person to show me love but also hurt me so badly so I feel lost. He said to me he is going to rehab and is going to get help, he was in therapy but hadn’t been diagnosed for bpd yet, I’m trying to get into therapy too but the wait list is weeks long and idk what to do with myself. The drugs stopped but the talking down etc didn’t, so I feel like sometimes I’m stuck on the past and I want to make things right so bad but I’m scared
submitted by Alternative_Fan_2397 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:57 Alternative_Fan_2397 Am I being stupid for reconsidering my decision on leaving my bpd ex?

I (21M) recently broke up with my ex (19M) who suffers with bpd. I have such conflicting, back and forth feelings about the situation. It was an extreme rollercoaster relationship, characterised by very high highs and very low lows. When we were good it was so good. We had so much in common personality wise, had so much physical attraction to eachother and had so much chemistry in every way. He showed me so much love and affection and always told me good things about myself. We have similar interests also. However the bad parts of the relationship have caused me to have trust issues and built up resentment. My ex was in active addiction throughout most of our relationship. Before I knew it was an addiction I thought he smoked just for fun. I had to remind him not to smoke while in my presence because it made me feel like he didn’t enjoy my company sober. He didn’t understand that it seemed rude until I went further in depth. However once I knew how it was I was okay with him smoking to eat, sleep or when he wasn’t with me if it helped him in doing those things. On numerous occasions he would lie to me about being sober, he would sneak a smoke if I had went to the bathroom or he would be high when I arrived to see him, before dates or on the way to nights out. He also told my friends that he did this behind my back. The constant lying really broke my trust for him. I didn’t enjoy being in his presence when he was high as he was a different person than he usually is. He would be zoned out and would ignore me when I talked about issues or give me halfass responses. He also called me controlling for having these boundaries in place (even tho I was very lenient and adjusted them for his sake) and would express how he would feel guilt for doing it in any of the ways I let him. He also wouldn’t understand why I lost my trust and would get annoyed at me for being stuck on the past. He told me I haven’t gave him praise for “getting sober” but I found out he was using when he wasn’t with me, which is fine but that meant he wasn’t sober. He would also take his frustrations out on me while going through withdrawls. Multiple times he went through the withdrawls and stopped, but then would start using again randomly. Also in arguments he would belittle me and call me insulting and degrading names or say he hates me. When I told him to stop he would say “I say how I feel at the time”. There was emotionally abusive tendencies and manipulation. Especially when I brought up issues, he would say “if I’m so bad just leave” and would threaten breakups and push me away, but when I didn’t fight he would say how it’s so easy for me and I don’t even put up a fight or say I’m horrible for throwing it away. There was also a lot of criticisms to my character and held me to unrealistic standards about how I should treat him even though he didn’t even do those things himself. He would also say how I’ve gone quiet and I’m so boring and depressing to be around, but wouldn’t understand why. One of his friends also said to him I should’ve never went back to him when he lifted his fist at me one time. It’s hard because he didn’t take much accountability for months but eventually did, and took accountability for everything once I left, said I didn’t deserve any of it and said he would change and get help. I want to believe it so bad but he’s made so many empty promises or else said he can’t change certain aspects or said change doesn’t happen overnight, so how is he now so adamant that he will change. It’s just not ideal that I was taken for granted and it took for him to lose me to realise how I deserve to be treated. I can’t tell if we’re soul tied or trauma bonded. I’m not perfect either but I do take people into consideration before doing or saying something that could possibly hurt them. I miss him so much and haven’t stopped from the moment I left and feel so undesirable to everyone else. He was the first person to show me love but also hurt me so badly so I feel lost. He said to me he is going to rehab and is going to get help, he was in therapy but hadn’t been diagnosed for bpd yet, I’m trying to get into therapy too but the wait list is weeks long and idk what to do with myself. The drugs stopped but the talking down etc didn’t, so I feel like sometimes I’m stuck on the past and I want to make things right so bad but I’m scared
submitted by Alternative_Fan_2397 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:56 ElenoirMiro Need advice. Feeling better with lamictal but almost fainted because of Seroquel.

Hello As I said in previous posts I am in a depressive episode. I am now taking 150 lamotrigine and since I reached this dose I did feel slightly better with depression. Or I thought I did. But I also take 200 seroquel and since the last week when the temperatures started to be higher and being so hot outside well I feel near faint everyday . My blood pressure is so low and I am sedated and feel weak daily and I have to invent reasons to leave work. I want to reduce seroquel I did in the past and for a year I was on only 50 and had no mania or psychosis. But this time the last time I tried abruptly to get down to 50 It was bad. So at least I want to try to reduce to 100 mg. But I cannot take more because its just a nightmare to feel faint every day from orthostatic hypotension. I have to choose between feeling faint and more depressed and tired and feeling better but with a slight more or less hypomania. I was hoping that lamictal would help to not slip into hypomania . What is your seroquel dose for preventing mania? Thanks.
submitted by ElenoirMiro to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:55 Alternative_Fan_2397 Am I being stupid for reconsidering my decision on leaving my bpd ex?

I (21M) recently broke up with my ex (19M) who suffers with bpd. I have such conflicting, back and forth feelings about the situation. It was an extreme rollercoaster relationship, characterised by very high highs and very low lows. When we were good it was so good. We had so much in common personality wise, had so much physical attraction to eachother and had so much chemistry in every way. He showed me so much love and affection and always told me good things about myself. We have similar interests also. However the bad parts of the relationship have caused me to have trust issues and built up resentment. My ex was in active addiction throughout most of our relationship. Before I knew it was an addiction I thought he smoked just for fun. I had to remind him not to smoke while in my presence because it made me feel like he didn’t enjoy my company sober. He didn’t understand that it seemed rude until I went further in depth. However once I knew how it was I was okay with him smoking to eat, sleep or when he wasn’t with me if it helped him in doing those things. On numerous occasions he would lie to me about being sober, he would sneak a smoke if I had went to the bathroom or he would be high when I arrived to see him, before dates or on the way to nights out. He also told my friends that he did this behind my back. The constant lying really broke my trust for him. I didn’t enjoy being in his presence when he was high as he was a different person than he usually is. He would be zoned out and would ignore me when I talked about issues or give me halfass responses. He also called me controlling for having these boundaries in place (even tho I was very lenient and adjusted them for his sake) and would express how he would feel guilt for doing it in any of the ways I let him. He also wouldn’t understand why I lost my trust and would get annoyed at me for being stuck on the past. He told me I haven’t gave him praise for “getting sober” but I found out he was using when he wasn’t with me, which is fine but that meant he wasn’t sober. He would also take his frustrations out on me while going through withdrawls. Multiple times he went through the withdrawls and stopped, but then would start using again randomly. Also in arguments he would belittle me and call me insulting and degrading names or say he hates me. When I told him to stop he would say “I say how I feel at the time”. There was emotionally abusive tendencies and manipulation. Especially when I brought up issues, he would say “if I’m so bad just leave” and would threaten breakups and push me away, but when I didn’t fight he would say how it’s so easy for me and I don’t even put up a fight or say I’m horrible for throwing it away. There was also a lot of criticisms to my character and held me to unrealistic standards about how I should treat him even though he didn’t even do those things himself. He would also say how I’ve gone quiet and I’m so boring and depressing to be around, but wouldn’t understand why. One of his friends also said to him I should’ve never went back to him when he lifted his fist at me one time. It’s hard because he didn’t take much accountability for months but eventually did, and took accountability for everything once I left, said I didn’t deserve any of it and said he would change and get help. I want to believe it so bad but he’s made so many empty promises or else said he can’t change certain aspects or said change doesn’t happen overnight, so how is he now so adamant that he will change. It’s just not ideal that I was taken for granted and it took for him to lose me to realise how I deserve to be treated. I can’t tell if we’re soul tied or trauma bonded. I’m not perfect either but I do take people into consideration before doing or saying something that could possibly hurt them. I miss him so much and haven’t stopped from the moment I left and feel so undesirable to everyone else. He was the first person to show me love but also hurt me so badly so I feel lost. He said to me he is going to rehab and is going to get help, he was in therapy but hadn’t been diagnosed for bpd yet, I’m trying to get into therapy too but the wait list is weeks long and idk what to do with myself. The drugs stopped but the talking down etc didn’t, so I feel like sometimes I’m stuck on the past and I want to make things right so bad but I’m scared
submitted by Alternative_Fan_2397 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:47 Alternative_Fan_2397 Am I being stupid for reconsidering my decision on leaving my bpd ex?

I (21M) recently broke up with my ex (19M) who suffers with bpd. I have such conflicting, back and forth feelings about the situation. It was an extreme rollercoaster relationship, characterised by very high highs and very low lows. When we were good it was so good. We had so much in common personality wise, had so much physical attraction to eachother and had so much chemistry in every way. He showed me so much love and affection and always told me good things about myself. We have similar interests also. However the bad parts of the relationship have caused me to have trust issues and built up resentment. My ex was in active addiction throughout most of our relationship. Before I knew it was an addiction I thought he smoked just for fun. I had to remind him not to smoke while in my presence because it made me feel like he didn’t enjoy my company sober. He didn’t understand that it seemed rude until I went further in depth. However once I knew how it was I was okay with him smoking to eat, sleep or when he wasn’t with me if it helped him in doing those things. On numerous occasions he would lie to me about being sober, he would sneak a smoke if I had went to the bathroom or he would be high when I arrived to see him, before dates or on the way to nights out. He also told my friends that he did this behind my back. The constant lying really broke my trust for him. I didn’t enjoy being in his presence when he was high as he was a different person than he usually is. He would be zoned out and would ignore me when I talked about issues or give me halfass responses. He also called me controlling for having these boundaries in place (even tho I was very lenient and adjusted them for his sake) and would express how he would feel guilt for doing it in any of the ways I let him. He also wouldn’t understand why I lost my trust and would get annoyed at me for being stuck on the past. He told me I haven’t gave him praise for “getting sober” but I found out he was using when he wasn’t with me, which is fine but that meant he wasn’t sober. He would also take his frustrations out on me while going through withdrawls. Multiple times he went through the withdrawls and stopped, but then would start using again randomly. Also in arguments he would belittle me and call me insulting and degrading names or say he hates me. When I told him to stop he would say “I say how I feel at the time”. There was emotionally abusive tendencies and manipulation. Especially when I brought up issues, he would say “if I’m so bad just leave” and would threaten breakups and push me away, but when I didn’t fight he would say how it’s so easy for me and I don’t even put up a fight or say I’m horrible for throwing it away. There was also a lot of criticisms to my character and held me to unrealistic standards about how I should treat him even though he didn’t even do those things himself. He would also say how I’ve gone quiet and I’m so boring and depressing to be around, but wouldn’t understand why. One of his friends also said to him I should’ve never went back to him when he lifted his fist at me one time. It’s hard because he didn’t take much accountability for months but eventually did, and took accountability for everything once I left, said I didn’t deserve any of it and said he would change and get help. I want to believe it so bad but he’s made so many empty promises or else said he can’t change certain aspects or said change doesn’t happen overnight, so how is he now so adamant that he will change. It’s just not ideal that I was taken for granted and it took for him to lose me to realise how I deserve to be treated. I can’t tell if we’re soul tied or trauma bonded. I’m not perfect either but I do take people into consideration before doing or saying something that could possibly hurt them. I miss him so much and haven’t stopped from the moment I left and feel so undesirable to everyone else. He was the first person to show me love but also hurt me so badly so I feel lost. He said to me he is going to rehab and is going to get help, he was in therapy but hadn’t been diagnosed for bpd yet, I’m trying to get into therapy too but the wait list is weeks long and idk what to do with myself. The drugs stopped but the talking down etc didn’t, so I feel like sometimes I’m stuck on the past and I want to make things right so bad but I’m scared
submitted by Alternative_Fan_2397 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 13:35 AccomplishedFun4615 Seroquel and Anti Migraine Medication is not a good idea

Hello everyone,
so i suffered from extreme visual disturbances yesterday, and took an Anti Migraine medication against it, which now seems was a horrible idea. I suffer from these disturbances related to Mental illness i believe, because no doctor found anything which might lead to them on the physical aspect. I suffer from psychosis coming from c-ptsd and depression. So they sometimes come from stress relating to it, and sometimes just randomly. For psychotic episodes and insomnia relating to it i take 25-75 mg Seroquel everyday.
That being said I took sumatriptan yesterday, after i didn‘t find anything about it being bad when mixed with Seroquel. I had bad headaches, i was feeling sick, my body was feeling like it burns and my whole body was itching. After it came down a bit, i still had visual disturbances and was incredibly tired. I fell asleep soon afterwards after i took seroquel again and slept from 6pm to 1 pm. Now I still feel quite wobbly and still have visual disturbances. I‘m not too sure if it was the mix of it, general unwellness right now (because i felt like a major psychotic episode would be starting) or just seroquel itself, as i‘m not taking it for too long now. What do y‘all think about this and what should my next steps be? Thanks in advance for help.
submitted by AccomplishedFun4615 to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 09:25 Pipacakes The anger

So I grew up with a chip on my shoulder. My father has been in prison for 32 of my 38 years of life and my mother was a drug addict that kept me home from school telling me I was sick because she was dope sick. Fed me Vicodin when I had a headache and in my crazy brain started this entire slippery slope I’m trying to climb up. But I’m not looking to place blame on anyone but myself at this point.
But enough bullshit, y’all aren’t my therapists. Those of you with anger issues, does it ever go away? The anger was always my biggest trigger. I want it to go away. I’m working on getting back into therapy. I was taking abilify for awhile and it seemed to really help calm me down. Any advice is welcome discussion. I just don’t want to be this miserable angry man anymore. Queue the emo music of your choice. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Pipacakes to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 09:19 Alternative_Fan_2397 Am I being stupid for reconsidering my decision on leaving my bpd ex?

I (21M) recently broke up with my ex (19M) who suffers with bpd. I have such conflicting, back and forth feelings about the situation. It was an extreme rollercoaster relationship, characterised by very high highs and very low lows. When we were good it was so good. We had so much in common personality wise, had so much physical attraction to eachother and had so much chemistry in every way. He showed me so much love and affection and always told me good things about myself. We have similar interests also. However the bad parts of the relationship have caused me to have trust issues and built up resentment. My ex was in active addiction throughout most of our relationship. Before I knew it was an addiction I thought he smoked just for fun. I had to remind him not to smoke while in my presence because it made me feel like he didn’t enjoy my company sober. He didn’t understand that it seemed rude until I went further in depth. However once I knew how it was I was okay with him smoking to eat, sleep or when he wasn’t with me if it helped him in doing those things. On numerous occasions he would lie to me about being sober, he would sneak a smoke if I had went to the bathroom or he would be high when I arrived to see him, before dates or on the way to nights out. He also told my friends that he did this behind my back. The constant lying really broke my trust for him. I didn’t enjoy being in his presence when he was high as he was a different person than he usually is. He would be zoned out and would ignore me when I talked about issues or give me halfass responses. He also called me controlling for having these boundaries in place (even tho I was very lenient and adjusted them for his sake) and would express how he would feel guilt for doing it in any of the ways I let him. He also wouldn’t understand why I lost my trust and would get annoyed at me for being stuck on the past. He told me I haven’t gave him praise for “getting sober” but I found out he was using when he wasn’t with me, which is fine but that meant he wasn’t sober. He would also take his frustrations out on me while going through withdrawls. Multiple times he went through the withdrawls and stopped, but then would start using again randomly. Also in arguments he would belittle me and call me insulting and degrading names or say he hates me. When I told him to stop he would say “I say how I feel at the time”. There was emotionally abusive tendencies and manipulation. Especially when I brought up issues, he would say “if I’m so bad just leave” and would threaten breakups and push me away, but when I didn’t fight he would say how it’s so easy for me and I don’t even put up a fight or say I’m horrible for throwing it away. There was also a lot of criticisms to my character and held me to unrealistic standards about how I should treat him even though he didn’t even do those things himself. He would also say how I’ve gone quiet and I’m so boring and depressing to be around, but wouldn’t understand why. One of his friends also said to him I should’ve never went back to him when he lifted his fist at me one time. It’s hard because he didn’t take much accountability for months but eventually did, and took accountability for everything once I left, said I didn’t deserve any of it and said he would change and get help. I want to believe it so bad but he’s made so many empty promises or else said he can’t change certain aspects or said change doesn’t happen overnight, so how is he now so adamant that he will change. It’s just not ideal that I was taken for granted and it took for him to lose me to realise how I deserve to be treated. I can’t tell if we’re soul tied or trauma bonded. I’m not perfect either but I do take people into consideration before doing or saying something that could possibly hurt them. I miss him so much and haven’t stopped from the moment I left and feel so undesirable to everyone else. He was the first person to show me love but also hurt me so badly so I feel lost. He said to me he is going to rehab and is going to get help, he was in therapy but hadn’t been diagnosed for bpd yet, I’m trying to get into therapy too but the wait list is weeks long and idk what to do with myself. The drugs stopped but the talking down etc didn’t, so I feel like sometimes I’m stuck on the past and I want to make things right so bad but I’m scared
submitted by Alternative_Fan_2397 to BPDPartners [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 08:11 freshly_ella Health doesn't Have to tank on seroquel. My story. Hope this can help a few people fight back against the negative side.

With seroquel "and other psych meds" there is (as always) a lack of distinction between correlation, causation, and possibility or probability of avoidance. Also with method of avoidance when it comes to side effects.
Yes, it is known that people on quetiapine generally have higher triglycerides and weight. It is known that the dosage can in ways predict the outcome. To an extent.
However, there are people like myself that throw an almost completely fact/ theory wrench in the entire knowledge base.
Studies suggest that quetiapine can and usually will result in: Hormone fluctuations that are clinically negative. Weight gain. Increases in appetite. Decreased metabolism. A higher than baseline chance of diabetes. Here's the issue.
I've been on quetiapine for almost 2 years. From 12.5mg up to 200mg. I'm currently on 25mg after 6 months of 50-75. 18 months ago I weighed 271 lbs. I now weigh 207. My triglycerides were (total=very high. "Bad"= very high. "Good"=low) all out of range. My triglycerides are now all on the good side of normal. I was pre-diabetic. Had been for 3 years. I'm no longer pre-diabetic. I had insulin resistance. I had very low testosterone. High estrogen and cortisol. That's all gone. I had reactive hypoglycemia. That's gone. So what happened?
Well. I started gaining weight on the med but it was the only thing that helped me. I was desperate to not be faced with mental health or physical health determining how short my life would be. Not having to choose that is. So I talked to my doctor for 2 hours. He told me what the drug does. Why these side effects happen. And what it would take if someone was dead set on staying on the med while fixing their poor physical health.
So here's what I did. I first started chugging a large coffee to clear the seroquel fog when I woke so I could go for a two hour hike, 30 minute walk minimum every day. I now do this 3 or so times a week. I downloaded a free calorie counting macro app. I chose My Net Diary. I tracked what I ate and when. Results? I was consuming 3,500 calories a day, 1,500 of it at night, only 40 grams of it was protein, and about 750 of it came from sugar. New paragraph for easy reading.
I changed that to 1,900 calorie a day. Split. I'd eat 1,000 a day and save 900 for the night binge. 150 grams of protein daily. But when I completely cut added sugar and fast carbs from my diet, the night binge eased. So I now allow myself 1,600 during the day and save 300 for night time. Seroquel blocks dopamine. It stops us from getting satisfied while eating. So many need a food that takes a while to eat while being low calorie. Easy. Every night I make a huge bowl of butter free popcorn in a cheap rotary popcorn maker. That's 250 calories. Nothing. Takes me a half hour to eat it.
So the first few months of the med, I was having every "unavoidable" side effect you can have. The next 12 months I stopped getting worse. In the last 4 months I've reversed diabetes, fixed high cholesterol, my hormones became "average", and lost 65 pounds. Hope this helps someone. BTW: this is as difficult for me to admit as it will be for some to read. I've been on psych meds for 20 years. And been fat and miserable the whole time. But if it isn't avoidable... how did a 45 year old reverse every single psych med side effect while still on 3 of the worst 5 meds known to cause them?
submitted by freshly_ella to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]