Lipitor side effects

Minoxidil Side Effects

2021.05.25 15:27 FlexMissile99 Minoxidil Side Effects

A subreddit to share experiences of suspected and verified side effects and adverse reactions from the popular hairloss drug Minoxidil. If you have suffered Minoxidil side effects or an adverse reaction, please join the subreddit and post your story. You can also report them to the FDA (via this link: For resources, please visit our wiki or our newly created website,

2009.10.20 20:17 Welcome to r/Cholesterol!

Welcome to Cholesterol! This subreddit is to discuss anything ranging from advice, support, treatments that have worked for you, questions, discussions on dietary and lifestyle changes, and much more! Many general questions can be answered in this subreddits wiki

2022.03.20 08:23 PlatypusMassive7571 PrednisoneSideEffects

This community is a discussion around the side effects people experience on the drug prednisone, and people can also share their tips on handling side effects with others.

2024.05.14 05:32 SnooGrapes9628 Question About Shot Location

Here’s something crazy and I think I just figured out what it may be.
I take my 4th shit wed, 2.5
Shot 1: right side of belly button. It worked really well. Hunger suppression through 7 days etc.. albeit it WAS my first shot.
Shot 2: Reading how I should alternate, this one I took on left side of belly button. It worked for a couple days but seems to wear off fast. Like say 5-6-7 I coulda ate a lot more!! I was frustrated thinking I needed 5 and supply is non-existent.
Shot 3: Right side of belly button again. So far it has worked awesome!!! Day 5 today and suppression still strong.
Could just moving sides of my stomach cause this much effectiveness variance?
Can I just keep doing my right side of my belly button?
submitted by SnooGrapes9628 to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:30 Pretend-Buy-5109 I don't understand why GERD causes bloating and other questions

So it feels like every woman I know has this or has gone through this, but I am having really bad early satiety, distention, pain/pressure mostly under my left ribs, reflux, and frequent burping. My doctor put me on omeprazole which is helping with the reflux and is supposed to help with the bloating too but it isn't really. And now I'm just really curious about why I'm having upper GI bloating at all and why a PPI would help. I guess the distention is from gas because I'm burping so much but where is it coming from? I'm not having gas pains or passing gas in my lower GI, or having diarrhea or constipation. I don't think I'm swallowing extra air. Why will lowering the stomach acid decrease the gas in my stomach? Is the early satiety because there's gas taking up space in my stomach?
I was trying low fodmap for this for a while and it didn't seem to help much, but I also was having trouble adhering to it perfectly. But I am also wondering if it even makes sense because the idea is that fermentable sugars cause bacteria in the gut to produce a bunch of gas and lead to digestive problems - but in that case wouldn't I also expect lower GI symptoms? Does that logic make sense, or could there be something going on in the lower GI that is affecting my upper GI?
Lastly, this all started around the time I started an SSRI and has gotten progressively worse over the last few months. This led me to think that the dyspepsia could possibly be a side effect. My doctor is telling me that SSRIs don't cause dyspepsia and I'm just having anxiety and told me to double my omeprazole and my SSRI. My gut is telling me (no pun intended) this is not good advice and I don't like that she is not considering any other possibilities. I'm also extremely drug sensitive and it was incredibly hard for me to adjust to the current dose I'm on, and I'm already having other bothersome side effects to the SSRI. I also don't really get why the dyspepsia would keep getting worse as the anxiety has significantly improved. I tried to ask for some nutritional advice because I'm worried I'm not getting enough calories, let alone fiber, protein, etc. and was told "maybe this is a fun excuse to eat some calorie dense foods." So I honestly have no idea what to do right now. I feel like this isn't the right forum to ask for advice about what meds to take, but like, I'm not being crazy right? My doctor should be giving me better guidance than this right? And does anyone have advice on what I should be eating so that I can keep functioning at work, etc.?
submitted by Pretend-Buy-5109 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:30 CosmicGunman ANALYSIS of Four Corners: Ruthless Pursuit (2024) The Chinese Secret Police in Australia Saga

ANALYSIS of Four Corners: Ruthless Pursuit (2024) The Chinese Secret Police in Australia Saga
Following up from my last post
From the Article, quoting below
Last month, Safeguard Defenders released a report documenting more than 280 cases of foreign citizens and residents being repatriated to China. The individuals are accused of committing economic crimes.
There were at least 16 successful individual extrajudicial returns from Australia between 2014 and 2023, according to the report, which relied on Chinese state media. Four of those returns took place last year.
"These successful operations — or even the attempts at operations that turn out not to be successful — are a clear violation of Australia's sovereignty," Ms Harth said.
I watched the full Four-Corners episode.
The phenomenon is real, however is the usual kernal of truth being framed as PRC evil subversion. The 1st Bureau cooperated with Australia at first, only for Australian Federal Police to get upset when one of the financial criminals were extradited to China which circumnavigated an agreed-upon process. The interviewees from the Australian side in the clip (including lawyer) said they cannot assume every single target was just innocently targeted, but the primary issue (correctly) is abusing sovereignty. Famously some things intelligence apparatuses never do /s. Genuinely there would be greater trust if relations were not Cold War coded.
The reporter is Echo Hui and some of her professional background as a journalist
Some things to note:
The former agent who speaks out (called Erik) was originally a member of (by the own reporter's admission) "was a member of a u.s-based pro-democracy organisation" known as the China Social Democratic Party (CSDP). He was one day called for questioning by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) First (1st) Bureau: Political Security Protection Bureau (PSPB). He was questioned about the organisation and given an "opportunity for redemption" (left ambiguous, were there charges?), and offered to become an agent for the MPS's 1st Bureau, to becoming an informant on his former u.s-backed organisation). All of this comes from the mouth of Erik and Echo narrating. Unlike later in the episode; where we (eventually, after sufficent fear-mongering) get the China side.
On that note: The glossed-over "financial crimes" are significant. One of the "dissidents" was Edwin Yin. He was charged with Fraud in China, and Australian Courts ordered him to pay 700,000 AUD (3,345,451.83 CNY) due to "an alleged foreign exchange scam" Four-Corners talked to alleged victims which confirm yes Edwin Yin had scammed them and others. Edwin claims he is being framed by the CPC. In the clips he was also obsessed with Xi Jinping's illegitimate sons? And harassing his daughter online?
Now another of the "dissidents" is a "Everyday Chinese Marketing Guru". Wang Liming, AKA: Remon Wang, Pseudonym: Rebel Pepper (originally "Abnormal/Perverse Pepper.".). Political satirist, and left China to Japan to continue his anti-government satire cartoons. In 2012 he depicts the CPC as an angler fish which has hyponitised a smaller fish, representing the people of China. Compares Xi to an Emperor, and compare's the death toll of Mao to Islamic State. In 2017 he joins Radio Free Asia (RFA), and is the sole contributor to the cartoons column. In 2018 he founds the Shanghai National Party, in New York. A national-conservative, secessionist movement. Organised and attended anti-china protests in the Queens alongside Falun Gong and Uygher-American Association. In 2018, the Shanghai National Party hosted a "Acceleration of Chinese Collapse" award ceremony in Times Square. 😐 During the Shanghai lockdowns in 2022, he claimed the quarantine methods were an attempt at genocide of the Shanghainese.
Gonna share a quote.
He tweeted the ultimate goal of the Shanghai independence movement was to destroy the concept of a unified China. He wrote: "We must not only fight against the Communist Party, but also win more Chinese people to abandon the shell of "China."
This is sourced from: https://www.rfi.fcn/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD/20180812-%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7%E6%B0%91%E6%97%8F%E5%85%9A%E5%9C%A8%E7%BA%BD%E7%BA%A6%E6%88%90%E7%AB%8B-%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%80%E8%A6%81%E6%B1%82%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7%E7%8B%AC%E7%AB%8B
English Translation of the Webpage:
The "Shanghai National Party" was established in New York to oppose communism and demand the independence of Shanghai
A party called the "Shanghai National Party" is believed to have been established in New York, the United States. The specific date of founding the party may be July 18, but it was only announced in the United States yesterday by Twitter. The party's demands are to oppose unification, require Shanghainese to govern Shanghai, and promote Western democratization across the board. According to sources, those who pushed for the establishment of the "Shanghai National Party" were dissidents. Apple Daily reported today that in addition to facing Xinjiang and Tibetan independence, the Chinese government is now crying out for "Shanghai independence." Recently, a number of dissidents established the "Shanghai National Party" in New York State, USA. Their main demands are: "Oppose unification, Shanghai people ruling Shanghai, and total Westernization."
According to the Chinese dissident cartoonist "Abnormal Chili Pepper" yesterday announced on Twitter the first founding meeting of the "Shanghai National Party" (referred to as the Shanghai Democratic Party), and introduced in a newspaper advertisement that the party was established on July 18 this year. And successfully registered in New York on the same day.
"Abnormal Chili Pepper" tweeted that the Shanghai Democratic Party was established to completely subvert the concept of China as a unified country. He also said that the path they took was bound to be more difficult than the traditional democratic movement. He wrote: "Anti-communism is the first step, and it is also necessary to eliminate the soil for the survival of the CCP: the false concept of China. Therefore, the independence movement is definitely not a shortcut. We must not only be enemies of the CCP, but also become the enemy of all people who think that they are Chinese. Among them are the enemies of the traditional democratic movement. The independence movement is very difficult. We must not only fight against communism, but also win more Chinese people to abandon the shell of "China."
Throughout all this. There is ominous music and a sense of omnipresent surveillance. Echo also interviews FBI agent and Canadian Intelligence Agent to get their counter-intelligence perspective on these matters. The FBI agent says it was initially positive that PRC authorities wanted to cooperate to catch criminals on overseas soil, followed by saying "but then they get a foothold" to target people. Meanwhile; Echo says Xi Jinping using anti-corruption as a cover to silence and kidnap dissidents. Then later she asks to the Erik the former agent:
"So you were effectively helping the secret police track down people who were innocent of any crime. Do you feel any guilt for your involvement?"
To which Erik responses with:
"I'm an idealist but I'm also a pragmatist. I'm aware of the outcome one might face in China if you refuse to work with the secret police."
The exposé ends with Erik saying:
"They [PRC] may deny this story. They may mobilise some agents on the ground or send people to Australia [to] take measures against me, possibly getting physical. It's even possible that some agents on the ground may attempt to kidnap me. When they deal with a target like me, they may have to be more patient, smart, wait for an appropriate time to act. I'm definitely safer in Australia than in China or South-East Asia. But my safety eventually is determined by the Australian Government."
"But to some extent, for all those who oppose the CCP and Xi Jinping, the day that we can truly feel safe is after the CCP falls, after China becomes more free and democratic. Only then can we be free and safe.
Credits roll.
Honorable mentions:
• While operating in Cambodia, Erik's cover was being employed with Prince Real Estate, under Prince Holding Group. He was using this to eventually pursue Rebel-Pepper. Echo introduces them near the end and they share a hearty and jolly video call as they're now both "dissidents" in Melbourne.
• While operating in the countryside, he larped as a anti-CCP milita (as in making videos) to get close to this other dissident, who agreed with him. Though this dissident fled to Canada, and died kayaking in a town in Canada. Erik's first reaction is that this was an extrajudicial killing, followed by saying there is no way to know for sure, since he was not personally involved in Canada operations.
• FBI agent claims Xi is using diaspora for political aims, while Echo says Xi's anti-corruption portfolio was a cover to gain more power and "dissent is not allowed".
submitted by CosmicGunman to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:27 Wakeup_Sunshine Do probiotics ruin your gut biome?

I know it can, but does it always ruin your gut biome? Probiotics have given me SIBO and I have to take antibiotics to get rid of them. I avoid it like the plague. But is it really beneficial to a person with a normal stomach? I feel like it causes more harm than good. Especially because they feel better on it, so they keep taking it, causing long term side effects in the future.
submitted by Wakeup_Sunshine to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:26 DistinctRazzmatazz38 DELTA 8 Ontario OCS CART Red Pill 510 cart

Recently, I bought a Delta 8 cartridge from OCS. Delta 8 is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant in small amounts. It has the same psychoactive high as the original Delta 9, the cannabinoid everyone currently smokes, basically normal weed. But the difference is astounding: you get the same high but with a lesser chance for any side effects of normal cannabis, like anxiety or paranoia. You basically get the high without the bad effects, though the high is not as strong or euphoric. It's very functional; you can almost function in work settings and such. It was a great test. Do your research on Delta 8 in Canada, as right now it's not as regulated, but not just the products being distributed, but the study of it, where it's cannabis with fewer side effects. People can enjoy the benefits of cannabis without the scare of side effects. Some people call it in-between CBD and normal THC (Delta 9), where you get the feelings people wanted with CBD but didn't. That's how the product feels. This is a Sativa; I hate Sativa, always get anxiety, but this Delta 8 Sativa is something much lighter. It's pretty cool. I did it as an experiment. Same words, just fixing the grammar. Basically, I'm promoting Delta 8. Tried it just now.
submitted by DistinctRazzmatazz38 to OntarioCannabisStore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:23 ebonywilliams0930 Can I mix edibles and fluconazole?

So I was prescribed 1 dose of 150mg of fluconazole. I like to take edibles at the end of my work week (10 mg thc and 10 mg cbd). I was wondering if it would have any side effects.
23 year old female, about 5'4 and 170 lbs. I am a type 2 diabetic. I take 30 unites of insulin a night..As well as 1 unite of Ozempic a week. I actually took my ozempic yesterday. I also like to take supplements but I'm not consistent with them. I haven't taken them in over a month. The edibles I like to take are 10 mg of thc and 10 mg of cbd.
submitted by ebonywilliams0930 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:21 InlineSixOverboost Side effects of taking pygeum supplements for prostate health. Interesting! Random spontaneous orgasms occur!

Side effects of taking pygeum supplements for prostate health. Interesting! Random spontaneous orgasms occur! submitted by InlineSixOverboost to u/InlineSixOverboost [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:21 bluetiki596 First time IVF

My husband and I are doing our first round of IVF in 2 months. We are going overseas for 6 weeks and starting as soon as we come home. We have been trying for 20 months and just found out we are dealing with MFI (low morphology) and low AMH.
Just looking for any tips and tricks, things you wish you knew before starting and anything useful to know! I’m very anxious about side effects/how horrible stims and retrievals will be and how I will handle going to work and dealing with all the blood work, appointments and travel (we are 50 minutes from our clinic)
Any stories and tips appreciated!
submitted by bluetiki596 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:21 Left-Confusion-992 Can minoxidil alone is Just enough to stop further hair loss?

Guys how long does minoxidil will stay effective? I'm 25 I'm just want to maintain my hair for about 10 years after that I don't care about that shit and I'm afraid to take fin because of its sides does minoxidil alone helps to maintain my existing hair for 10 years? My doctor said you have to use minoxidil for the rest of your life so that I won't lose hair but lot of people in reddit saying minoxidil only stay effective for 3 to 4 years after that u will lose all the gains . Does minoxidil will helps me to stop my hair loss for 10 years
submitted by Left-Confusion-992 to HairTransplants [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:21 InlineSixOverboost Side effects of taking pygeum supplements for prostate health. Interesting! Random spontaneous orgasms occur!

Side effects of taking pygeum supplements for prostate health. Interesting! Random spontaneous orgasms occur! submitted by InlineSixOverboost to u/InlineSixOverboost [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:20 Hdacey Tips for a beginner!

Hi all!
So I was on semaglutide awhile back but am now getting on tirzepatide!
On semaglutide I had some side effects of bad acid reflux and also some digestion issues, and my hair thinned out a bit which I know happens with weight loss!
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to make this journey easier? Any products that have helped you? Diet plans? Etc!
submitted by Hdacey to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:20 InlineSixOverboost Side effects of taking pygeum supplements for prostate health. Interesting! Random spontaneous orgasms occur!

Side effects of taking pygeum supplements for prostate health. Interesting! Random spontaneous orgasms occur! submitted by InlineSixOverboost to u/InlineSixOverboost [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:20 ebonywilliams0930 Can I mix edibles and fluconazole?

So I was prescribed 1 dose of 150mg of fluconazole. I like to take edibles at the end of my work week (10 mg thc and 10 mg cbd). I was wondering if it would have any side effects.
submitted by ebonywilliams0930 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:19 InlineSixOverboost Side effects of taking pygeum supplements for prostate health. Interesting! Random spontaneous orgasms occur!

Side effects of taking pygeum supplements for prostate health. Interesting! Random spontaneous orgasms occur! submitted by InlineSixOverboost to u/InlineSixOverboost [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:16 lnc25084 Convince me not to quit Kyleena after a week

I’m not happy with Kyleena.
I went to the GYN last week (8 weeks after having my 3rd baby) to get the non hormonal Paraguard IUD. I have never been thrilled with any hormonal birth control I’ve tried and wanted something non-hormonal but reliable.
As it turns out my uterus is too small for Paraguard, so they offered me Kyleena. I had done a lot of research and know many people like it but I wasn’t sure about it. I decided I might as well try it though because my other options are very limited due to breastfeeding (basically progesterone only pills which I’ve taken before and didn’t love, or condoms which honestly my husband and I weren’t great about using reliably - meet out 3rd baby 🙃)
As I mentioned i’m breastfeeding and the last two times I’ve breastfed I was lucky enough not to ovulate/get a period again for over a year. So I do feel any form birth control is out of an abundance of caution, but also our risk tolerance is quite low at this point; we don’t want any more children. I should also mention my husband has been out of the country for the last 6 months and will not return for several more month however I will get to see him for 2 weeks very soon.
So insertion was fine and I had bleeding like expected. Then I went several days with nothing. And now I’m having increasingly heavy spotting. And I am really very unhappy about this. I know it’s not my “period” because I’m not ovulating. It’s just these hormones or the device irritating my body. I only got this thing so I could have stress free sex with my husband for the first time in months, and now I’m realizing it’ll probably be at least 3-6 months of dealing with this. I know in the grand scheme of life that’s not a long time but one of the perks of breastfeeding for me is that I don’t bleed from my vagina at all while I’m doing it. Now it looks like I’m going to spend all those months breastfeeding, still bleeding, AND my husband won’t even be here to get me pregnant. So it’s like all these side effects for literally no reason. I’m actually crying right now because I hate birth control and this is why we were doing FAM and condoms. But now I can’t really trust those.
I’ve got an appointment to check placement in a few weeks; my husband will be gone after his visit by then and I’m tempted to just have them take it out and try something else when he gets back home for good. Am I being dramatic?
submitted by lnc25084 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:15 BonthanSpy Honor Bound Bug

I am experiencing a bug towards the end of the first real quest of the game 'Honor Bound' that just has me super bummed. To put it lightly.
I just bought the game for PC and after freeing my crew they will not leave the long house and help me fight to the longship. The enemies will follow me into the long house but my crew will not attack or go outside.
I fought my way to the ship and once taking control it forced the rest of my crew on board. The long lasting effects however are that any time I'm fighting more than 2 enemies I hear this sort of foot rustling, running sound off to the side where there isn't anyone running or stomping around. It's obviously a bug and it is persistent. It's very loud and so immersion breaking.
I have seen others talk about the bug of their crews not joining in on the fight after being freed or following out to the ship.
How can Ubisoft be "done" with this game and updates? There's a serious bug at the immediate beginning of their game that needs a fix.
Vent over.
submitted by BonthanSpy to ACValhalla [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:14 jdpandme Itchy red hands, is this a side effect?

I am on week two, took my second shot 4 days ago. Today my palms are very red and my hands are itchy. I havent been outside because I was fighting nausea in bed all weekend, so I know I didnt touch anything in the yard. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
submitted by jdpandme to SemaglutideFreeSpeech [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:08 ThickRequirement8710 Human rights are not two sided (a reflection on when to hear people out and when it's bs)

I went to a city council meeting tonight to help support a resolution to support local libraries amidst censorship laws, laws which are especially being made to target queer and POC books. It was a really beautiful experience and I was impressed that 70% of the speakers were above 50 and EVERYONE who spoke on the resolution was in support of it, even people who weren't there for it mentioned their support briefly before talking about what they were there for. This is in a city that is under 50,000 people and is the second biggest city in a two hour radius (the other one is only like 2,000 people more) so I expected at least one person there to be an asshole but there were none. It was great.
But why I am writing this is because I sat through the entire public comment sections out of respect for the speakers in the room and so I heard people talk on issues that I had no idea about. I always knew that human rights could never be a two sided issue, there is no way to be against human rights in any form that is valid or sensible because it is pure hatred (this is not to say there aren't plenty of people who are mislead and just need to have their lightbulb moment, just speaking generally here). This meeting helped me fully understand what a REAL "two sided" issue looks like. There were economics and building projects and other things that I could sit and understand why people were each concerned one way or another and it had logic and there was dignity in the conversations. I could understand how compromises could be logically formed from it. There IS room for hearing the other side of an issue out but seeing situations where it actually applies vs where it doesn't helped finally put to rest my anxiety of being ignorant for ignoring conservatives on human rights issues. I highly recommend watching sane humans of differing views speak if you're used to the internet extremes. It is very enlightening as a young person who has been surrounded by internet discourse all their life to see healthy debate. It gives me faith as well that most people are good even in extremely red states, people do care even if it doesn't effect them because injustice is injustice no matter how it is framed.
If nothing else, I encourage you no matter your age (there were high schoolers speaking at this meeting so there is no age requirement from my understanding) to get involved in your community policies. Your voice matters most on the local scale and it has effects that go up the chain to make the bigger things happen.
submitted by ThickRequirement8710 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:08 Emergency_Welder_979 🌌 Unique Global Method Male Enhancer 🌌

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submitted by Emergency_Welder_979 to growthmatrixUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:07 EJC28 Panthers 2024 Draft Analysis Compilation

Round 1, Pick 32 - Xavier Legette, WR, South Carolina:
NFL: Legette, who had a terrific final season at South Carolina, is physical and a big-time vertical threat. This addition should be a big part of Bryce Young’s development in Year 2.
CBS Sports: B+. They have to get weapons for Bryce Young, so landing him makes sense. He is a player who plays physical and runs better than you think. He’s only done it for one year.
ESPN: Coach Dave Canales said it best: Legette brings versatility. The Panthers absolutely fell in love with Legette's ability to make plays all over the field, from catching passes to jet sweeps to kick returns. That versatility at a skill position is something Bryce Young didn't have last season, so this adds a unique weapon to take pressure off the second-year quarterback. He is also big (6-foot-1, 221 pounds) and fast (4.39 40), unlike any other Carolina receiver. He's a perfect fit for what Canales wants to create with the pass and run games.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Can’t believe he is about to fulfill his dream of being picked in the 2nd round.
Round 2, Pick 46 - Jonathon Brooks, RB, Texas:
NFL: Had Brooks not suffered a torn ACL in November, he might have been a first-round pick. He's a shifty, speedy back who can hit the hole and go, and he should be Carolina's starter before long. I thought they might go center here, but Brooks makes sense for a team that lacked offensive juice.
CBS Sports: B-. Fun, three-down RB without much mileage on his legs. Can win between the tackle or on the perimeter and has feature back size. Elusive but not ridiculously in that regard. Fills a need but maybe a touch early. May not be 100% by September.
ESPN: As much as Canales has said he's excited about backs Chuba Hubbard and Miles Sanders, he obviously believed the running game needed an upgrade. You don't take a back in the second round unless you plan to use him, although Brooks may need time to fully recover from ACL surgery that caused him to miss the final three games last season. He's a playmaker who has a nose for the end zone (10 touchdowns on 187 carries last season), and general manager Dan Morgan said he was looking for guys who can score.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Mixes the milk and cereal in his mouth, one bite and drink at a time.
Round 3, Pick 72 - Trevin Wallace, LB, Kentucky:
NFL: A late addition to my top 100 prospects list, Wallace is a top-tier athlete who finally seemed to find his groove last season -- on special teams but especially on defense. He's capable of covering tight ends and running backs and should impact all four downs, but Wallace is young and could use a redshirt year before he's ready to be featured on defense.
CBS Sports: C. Stocky, springy off-ball LB with speed to the football but one of the least-effective block-defeaters/avoiders I’ve scouted at the position. Not around the football much in coverage but fluid zone drops and has the athleticism to run with TEs. Very good tackler. Just unique strengths/weaknesses.
ESPN: Morgan entered the draft looking for "dawg mentality'' and he got that in Wallace. "Dawg mentality means you don't care if you go hurt somebody,'' Wallace said. "You don't go in there soft. I want you to be scared of me.'' Wallace isn't necessarily a long-term replacement for 30-year-old Shaq Thompson, but his ability to cover the field side-to-side and with speed gives him the potential to do that. Give him a year or so behind Thompson and Josey Jewell and he could prove to be a Day 2 steal.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Enjoys going to the park to make faces at little kids, making them cry.
Round 4, Pick 101 - Ja’Tavion Sanders, TE, Texas:
NFL: Sanders is a fascinating athlete who remains in the developmental stage. He's not a quality blocker yet but has some untapped receiving skill. This is a worthy risk by general manager Dan Morgan and Co. as their hunt for playmakers continues.
CBS Sports: B. Big recruit who produced at Texas and is a smooth mover. Good, not amazing YAC and not a pure speed type. Minimal blocking chops. Reasonable weapon for Bryce Young but lacks burst so will have to get schemed up to get most of his catches in the NFL.
ESPN: Definitely an upgrade at a position that quarterback Young could have used some help from during his rookie season. Canales has spoken highly of Tommy Tremble, but he's not the dynamic pass-catching tight end that Sanders can become. Sanders had 99 receptions in three seasons, tops for a tight end in Texas history. He could pose problems for defenses, like Greg Olsen did during the development of quarterback Cam Newton. This was a no-brainer at this point.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Insists he can distinguish between 50 shades of beige.
Round 5, Pick 157 - Chau Smith-Wade, CB, Washington State:
NFL: Smith-Wade opened eyes with a solid week at the Senior Bowl, consistently showing up around the ball and disrupting passes. His length almost certainly makes him a nickel only on defense, but there's some potential here if CSW develops.
CBS Sports: B+. Agitating CB who played outside but will have a home in the slot in the NFL. Plays more athletically than his testing. Lightning quick feet. Because of his smaller size, he tends to opt for diving tackle attempts more than wrapping up. Speed is a concern but could be masked inside. Up for any challenge.
ESPN: A definite need for depth at a position where injuries have hurt the past few years. Smith-Wade will be a backup and special teamer at best this season. He offers speed (4.54 40) and nose for the football that GM Dan Morgan wants. He's coming off a soft-tissue injury that forced him to miss the final five games and is more of a project at this point. Nickel, where he had two interceptions in the Senior Bowl, may be his future in the NFL.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Thinks being a scrum master sounds kinda cool.
Round 6, Pick 200 - Jaden Crumedy, DT, Mississippi State:
NFL: Being 300-plus pounds and running a sub-5.0 40-yard dash gets you drafted. Crumedy doesn't have sterling production, but his maturity and experience should give him an edge in a fight for a roster spot in Carolina.
CBS Sports: C+. Older, very experienced interior rusher who won from multiple alignments in the SEC and has smooth athletic traits. Production never matched how fluid he is as an athlete and his hands. Needs to have a pass-rush plan more often. Has long stretches of invisibility. Plays hard every snap.
ESPN: This is totally a depth move. His ability to push the pocket is what Carolina will look for out of him in its 3-4 scheme. He likely won't be a threat to start, but he has the flexibility and size (6-4, 301) to play inside or out. Depth behind a solid starting three is key here.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Once put together a 50,000 piece puzzle. It was a picture of a cloud.
Round 7, Pick 240 - Michael Barrett, LB, Michigan:
NFL: Punishing hitter in a sawed-off frame. Barrett's poor length will be tough to overcome, but his forceful play style is inspiring.
CBS Sports: C+. Has a nice blend of traits - - power, burst, coverage skill - - but not always the quickest to read where the ball is going. Quicker than fast and needs to get better beating or avoiding blockers on the way to the football.
ESPN: Barrett is undersized at 5-11, 233 pounds, but he has a nose for the football and brings a physicality to the game that makes up for his lack of size. Barrett should get a chance to contribute immediately, at least on special teams.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Nursed a baby goat back to health after he hit it with a car.
submitted by EJC28 to panthers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:07 gomeowzz My mother can't approve of my boyfriend (Long Post)

Hi! My first post here.
To cut to the chase, I have a mother who always wants to find something wrong with my life. Ever since I was a child, she found the smallest things to be mad at me for, such as doing a chore just slightly incorrectly, and every single time she'd call me "useless". She constantly compared me to other children, and still does the same now and my big age of 19. Apparently, I'm not independent enough, and I don't care about her enough, even though I'm constantly going out of my way to prove that she's wrong. She's my mother, I would do anything for her. But she doesn't see that at all. Once, I told her I didn't like it when she called me worthless, and she told me that she said it because I am. She never apologized. Trust me, there's loads of things she's done to me that many of my friends feel like would justify me running away, but I'm not going to be too morbid.
At the same time, she's my best friend. I'm an only child who grew up with little friends, so the person I interacted with the most was her. We share a lot of the same interests and gossip about family drama. It's at those times, I feel like I'm wrong about her. But this time, she did something I feel I can't forgive her for.
Last July, I finally got a boyfriend. It seems like we're soulmates...we met on dating app but found that we have so many friends in common and also that we used to go to the same school as children. He's more than I could ever ask for. He travels to where I am by train for more than 2 hours every week (so a total of 4-5 hours). Once, he travelled more than 3 hours (a total of 6 hours) to see me in my university campus because I was feeling depressed about my assignments.
He indulges in my passions and interests. He doesn't have much money but sometimes scrimps on his meals throughout the week so he can afford to get me a small treat like ice cream when we see each other. He bought me roses on Valentines. He buys me meaningful gifts whenever he can. He understands me on a super deep level and we talk about everything. I could call him at 3am with a problem and he'd pick up. He never gets mad at me, and we've never had an argument because we always sort out our issues by communicating effectively. Heck, he even follows me to church sometimes because he wants to show me that he's interested in the things that matter to me and because he wanted to make a good impression on my mom-who married someone who never took interest in anything she did or liked let alone follow her to church every other week.
He's the most amazing guy I could ever want, and his family loves me (he jokes that they love me more than him). It's just that I haven't met them yet, since there's the distance to take into account, and because both his parents work so they're constantly busy. Also, they wanted to respect the fact that my mother might not let me go all the way to their house because of how far it is. Still, he always tells his family about me, and I often speak to his 3 sisters on the phone as they're younger than me and sometimes like hearing my advice.
My boyfriend, though, has met my mother on multiple occasions and she told me she loved him. My dad on the other hand, is actively avoiding meeting him (example: we were supposed to follow my dad to the temple for a special occasion, but at the last minute he backed out. He would never back out from that kind of thing).
If you're wondering, this is where the issue starts. My mother thinks it's incredibly suspicious that I haven't met his family yet (even though I told her I'm meeting them on the day my boyfriend graduates from pre-university). It was never really a big deal to me, since I have met his close friends and spoken to his sisters-and the fact his parents knew about me and liked me was enough. I understood that they are both busy working people and they live quite far from me. But yesterday, all this blew up in my face.
I asked my mother if she'd be okay with me taking a trip with my boyfriend, just for a couple of days, to celebrate our first anniversary. I wasn't expecting a yes or no, really. Just asking. Initially she yelled at me about how I haven't even met his parents yet and how he hasn't met my dad yet (which was entirely his fault) and said we should do it in September instead. I said okay.
Then, when I got back to campus later that night, I called her again to check up on her and she brought this up again. She said my dad disapproved of the trip and went on for 15 minutes about many things. I'll summarize in a list about what she said.
As you can see, none of these are true. The last one made me especially angry because I go to what is known as a "smart kid school" in my country and it's very hard to get a distinction on our assignments! However, a condition on my student loan says if I get first class honors, they will cancel my debt completely. So my mom kept burdening me with how I dug a hole by myself for choosing to be in a relationship with him during university life (EVEN THOUGH, she wanted me to date around in university before. The difference is, she wanted me to basically be a playboy...playgirl? I don't know. When my mom was young she was exactly that. Had tons of boyfriends and cheated on a lot of them. She even told me to join a speed dating event).
I had never been so hurt in my life! What happened to "don't worry about money just focus on getting your degree"? Anyway, my boyfriend never complains when I tell him I need to be by myself on that day because I need to study and do my work...I'm one of the hardest workers in my class and he knows how much my studies mean to me. It's not my fault I'm not getting distinctions.
Now I'm a mess. I want her to love my boyfriend, and I want my dad to love my boyfriend. But he's truly done as much as he can to get their approval but he's depressed himself knowing that none of his efforts have been seen by them. He has a life, a curfew, and a worrying mother too...he can't always be accommodating to me (his mother initially didn't like me because she felt like he was spending too much time and money coming to see me but came around eventually), so I accommodate to him whenever by choosing a convenient location for us to meet up and meeting up at a later time. Because of this, my mother says I'm doing too much because distance isn't an excuse (it kind of is).
Anyhow, my question is, how in the world do I deal with this? Or at least, I need some comfort...this is the best relationship I'm honestly ever going to have but my mother wants me to date around because that's what she thinks having fun means. She thinks I'm sacrificing everything when the truth is, I'm having loads of fun in university with my new friends, I still see my old friends, and I have more than enough time to focus on my studies. He's not distracting me from everything.
How do I convince such a stubborn woman to be on my side?
submitted by gomeowzz to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:06 DippityDawg69 Can mild chronic gastritis worsen?

Last year I was diagnosed with mild chronic gastritis. For the first two months I was medicated with PPIs but eventually opted out due to side effects. I was mostly okay, a flare every now and then. But now it’s been non stop symptoms. Can this condition worsen?
submitted by DippityDawg69 to Gastritis [link] [comments]