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Debian — The Universal Operating System

2008.03.20 10:41 Debian — The Universal Operating System

Subreddit to discuss all the Debian things, the Universal Operating System

2020.08.15 09:36 kisaiya SparkyLinux

SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution created on the top of Debian GNU/Linux operating system. SparkyLinux is fast, lightweight and fully customizable. https://sparkylinux.org/

2008.01.25 04:31 Linux, GNU/Linux, free software...

Welcome to /Linux! This is a community for sharing news about Linux, interesting developments and press. If you're looking for tech support, /Linux4Noobs is a friendly community that can help you. Please also check out: https://lemmy.ml/c/linux and Kbin.social/m/Linux Please refrain from posting help requests here, cheers.

2024.05.14 12:22 solidsolars Harnessing Sunshine: Solid Solar's Leading Rooftop Solar Plant Services

Harnessing Sunshine: Solid Solar's Leading Rooftop Solar Plant Services
Understanding the significance of transitioning to solar power is paramount for any business. Utilizing the sun’s rays for electricity production is an eco-friendly approach, marking a crucial step towards sustainability.
At Solid Solar, we ensure your transition to solar power is not only environmentally conscious but also financially rewarding. By implementing rooftop solar plants, we substantially reduce your electricity bills while providing innovative structural designs tailored to your needs.
Solid Solar Worker Installing Solar Panels On Roof Of House Maintenance
Our professional installation services guarantee optimal performance and a clean finish. Rooftop solar power systems consist of photovoltaic modules, mounting systems, cables, inverters, and other electrical components, seamlessly integrated into your building’s roof.
Here are some key benefits of rooftop solar power systems:
Reduced Electricity Bills: Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, significantly reducing ongoing electricity expenses. It’s a one-time investment with long-term benefits.
Space Efficiency: With rooftop installations, there’s no need for additional space allocation. The panels are strategically placed on your existing building structure, maximizing efficiency without compromising space.
Environmental Impact: Solar energy production minimizes environmental pollution compared to conventional energy sources. Solar panels operate silently and emit fewer harmful gases, reducing carbon footprints and promoting cleaner air.
Government Support: Government initiatives incentivize the adoption of solar energy. Tax credits and subsidies are offered to both residential and commercial installations, making solar power an economically viable choice. According to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, the government provides a 30% subsidy on installation costs.
At Solid Solar, we provide the best rooftop solar solutions, ensuring optimal returns on your investment. You can contact us at +91 82879 04423 for more information. We look forward to hearing from you. Join us in embracing a sustainable future powered by the sun.
submitted by solidsolars to solarenergy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:21 rweninger Nextcloud Upgrade fron chart version 1.6.61 to 2.0.5 failed

I am not sure if I want to solve this issue actually, I just want to vent.
iX, what do you think yourself when you print out this error message to a "customer"?
I mean your installation of Kubernetes on a single host is crap and using helm charts that utterly break in an atomic chain reaction that way doesnt make it trustworthy. I am on the way to migrate nextcloud away again from TrueNAS to a docker host and just use TrueNAS as storage.
I dont care about sensible data down there, at the time of posting, this system isnt running anymore. Sorry if I annoy somebody.
[EFAULT] Failed to upgrade App: WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /etc/ranchek3s/k3s.yaml Error: UPGRADE FAILED: execution error at (nextcloud/templates/common.yaml:38:4): Chart - Values contain an error that may be a result of merging. Values containing the error: Error: 'error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: invalid leading UTF-8 octet' TZ: UTC bashImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: bash tag: 4.4.23 configmap: nextcloud-config: data: limitrequestbody.conf: LimitRequestBody 3221225472 occ: - #!/bin/bash uid="$(id -u)" gid="$(id -g)" if [ "$uid" = '0' ]; then user='www-data' group='www-data' else user="$uid" group="$gid" fi run_as() { if [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then su -p "$user" -s /bin/bash -c 'php /vawww/html/occ "$@"' - "$@" else /bin/bash -c 'php /vawww/html/occ "$@"' - "$@" fi } run_as "$@" opcache.ini: opcache.memory_consumption=128 php.ini: max_execution_time=30 enabled: true nginx: data: nginx.conf: - events {} http { server { listen 9002 ssl http2; listen [::]:9002 ssl http2; # Redirect HTTP to HTTPS error_page 497 301 =307 https://$host$request_uri; ssl_certificate '/etc/nginx-certs/public.crt'; ssl_certificate_key '/etc/nginx-certs/private.key'; client_max_body_size 3G; add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload" always; location = /robots.txt { allow all; log_not_found off; access_log off; } location = /.well-known/carddav { return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav; } location = /.well-known/caldav { return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav; } location / { proxy_pass http://nextcloud:80; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; proxy_request_buffering off; # Proxy headers proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port 443; # Proxy timeouts proxy_connect_timeout 60s; proxy_send_timeout 60s; proxy_read_timeout 60s; } } } enabled: true fallbackDefaults: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce persistenceType: emptyDir probeTimeouts: liveness: failureThreshold: 5 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 5 readiness: failureThreshold: 5 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 2 timeoutSeconds: 5 startup: failureThreshold: 60 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 5 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 2 probeType: http pvcRetain: false pvcSize: 1Gi serviceProtocol: tcp serviceType: ClusterIP storageClass: "" global: annotations: {} ixChartContext: addNvidiaRuntimeClass: false hasNFSCSI: true hasSMBCSI: true isInstall: false isStopped: false isUpdate: false isUpgrade: true kubernetes_config: cluster_cidr: cluster_dns_ip: service_cidr: nfsProvisioner: nfs.csi.k8s.io nvidiaRuntimeClassName: nvidia operation: UPGRADE smbProvisioner: smb.csi.k8s.io storageClassName: ix-storage-class-nextcloud upgradeMetadata: newChartVersion: 2.0.5 oldChartVersion: 1.6.61 preUpgradeRevision: 89 labels: {} minNodePort: 9000 image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: nextcloud tag: 29.0.0 imagePullSecret: [] ixCertificateAuthorities: {} ixCertificates: "1": CA_type_existing: false CA_type_intermediate: false CA_type_internal: false CSR: null DN: /C=US/O=iXsystems/CN=localhost/emailAddress=info@ixsystems.com/ST=Tennessee/L=Maryville/subjectAltName=DNS:localhost can_be_revoked: false cert_type: CERTIFICATE cert_type_CSR: false cert_type_existing: true cert_type_internal: false certificate: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDrTCCApWgAwIBAgIEHHHd+zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgDELMAkGA1UEBhMC VVMxEjAQBgNVBAoMCWlYc3lzdGVtczESMBAGA1UEAwwJbG9jYWxob3N0MSEwHwYJ KoZIhvcNAQkBFhJpbmZvQGl4c3lzdGVtcy5jb20xEjAQBgNVBAgMCVRlbm5lc3Nl ZTESMBAGA1UEBwwJTWFyeXZpbGxlMB4XDTIzMTIxNjA3MDUwOVoXDTI1MDExNjA3 MDUwOVowgYAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRIwEAYDVQQKDAlpWHN5c3RlbXMxEjAQBgNV BAMMCWxvY2FsaG9zdDEhMB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSaW5mb0BpeHN5c3RlbXMuY29t MRIwEAYDVQQIDAlUZW5uZXNzZWUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCU1hcnl2aWxsZTCCASIwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKPRN3n5ngKFrHQ12gKCmLEN85If6B3E KEo4nvTkTIWLzXZcTGxlJ9kGr9bt0V8cvEInZnOCnyY74lzKlMhZv1R58nfBmz5a gpV6scHXZVghGhGsjtP7/H4PRMUbzM9MawET8+Au8grjAodUkz6Jskcwhgg9EVS5 UQPTDkxXJYFRUN1XhJOR4tqsrHFrI25oUF6Gms9Wp1aq0mJXh+FIGAyELqpdk/Q8 N1Rjn3t4m2Ub+OPmBLwHOncIqz2PHVgL574bT/q+Lc3Mi/gQsfNi6VN7UkNTQ5Q2 uOhrcw4gtjn41v0j7k9CsUvPK8zfCizQHgBx6Ih33Z850pHUQyNuwjECAwEAAaMt MCswFAYDVR0RBA0wC4IJbG9jYWxob3N0MBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMBMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQAQG2KsF6ki8dooaaM+32APHJp38LEmLNIMdnIlCHPw RnQ+4I8ssEPKk3czIzOlOe6R3V71GWg1JlGEuUD6M3rPbzSfWzv0kdji/qgzUId1 oh9vEao+ndPijYpDi6CUcBADuzilcygSBl05j6RlS2Uv8+tNIjxTKrDegyaEtC3W RoVqON0vhDSKJ3OsOKR2g5uFfs/uHxBvskkChdGn/1aRz+DdHCYVOEavnQylXPBk xzWQDVt6+6mAhejGGkkGsIG1QY7pFpQPA9UWeY/C/3/QdSl01GgfpyWNsfE+Wu1b IS3wxfWfuiMiDbUElqjDqiy623peeVFXrWlTV4G4yBG/ -----END CERTIFICATE----- certificate_path: /etc/certificates/truenas_default.crt chain: false chain_list: - -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDrTCCApWgAwIBAgIEHHHd+zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgDELMAkGA1UEBhMC VVMxEjAQBgNVBAoMCWlYc3lzdGVtczESMBAGA1UEAwwJbG9jYWxob3N0MSEwHwYJ KoZIhvcNAQkBFhJpbmZvQGl4c3lzdGVtcy5jb20xEjAQBgNVBAgMCVRlbm5lc3Nl ZTESMBAGA1UEBwwJTWFyeXZpbGxlMB4XDTIzMTIxNjA3MDUwOVoXDTI1MDExNjA3 MDUwOVowgYAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRIwEAYDVQQKDAlpWHN5c3RlbXMxEjAQBgNV BAMMCWxvY2FsaG9zdDEhMB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSaW5mb0BpeHN5c3RlbXMuY29t MRIwEAYDVQQIDAlUZW5uZXNzZWUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCU1hcnl2aWxsZTCCASIwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKPRN3n5ngKFrHQ12gKCmLEN85If6B3E KEo4nvTkTIWLzXZcTGxlJ9kGr9bt0V8cvEInZnOCnyY74lzKlMhZv1R58nfBmz5a gpV6scHXZVghGhGsjtP7/H4PRMUbzM9MawET8+Au8grjAodUkz6Jskcwhgg9EVS5 UQPTDkxXJYFRUN1XhJOR4tqsrHFrI25oUF6Gms9Wp1aq0mJXh+FIGAyELqpdk/Q8 N1Rjn3t4m2Ub+OPmBLwHOncIqz2PHVgL574bT/q+Lc3Mi/gQsfNi6VN7UkNTQ5Q2 uOhrcw4gtjn41v0j7k9CsUvPK8zfCizQHgBx6Ih33Z850pHUQyNuwjECAwEAAaMt MCswFAYDVR0RBA0wC4IJbG9jYWxob3N0MBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMBMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQAQG2KsF6ki8dooaaM+32APHJp38LEmLNIMdnIlCHPw RnQ+4I8ssEPKk3czIzOlOe6R3V71GWg1JlGEuUD6M3rPbzSfWzv0kdji/qgzUId1 oh9vEao+ndPijYpDi6CUcBADuzilcygSBl05j6RlS2Uv8+tNIjxTKrDegyaEtC3W RoVqON0vhDSKJ3OsOKR2g5uFfs/uHxBvskkChdGn/1aRz+DdHCYVOEavnQylXPBk xzWQDVt6+6mAhejGGkkGsIG1QY7pFpQPA9UWeY/C/3/QdSl01GgfpyWNsfE+Wu1b IS3wxfWfuiMiDbUElqjDqiy623peeVFXrWlTV4G4yBG/ -----END CERTIFICATE----- city: Maryville common: localhost country: US csr_path: /etc/certificates/truenas_default.csr digest_algorithm: SHA256 email: info@ixsystems.com expired: false extensions: ExtendedKeyUsage: TLS Web Server Authentication SubjectAltName: DNS:localhost fingerprint: 8E:68:9D:0A:7D:A6:41:11:59:B0:0C:01:8C:AC:C4:F4:DB:F9:6B:2C from: Sat Dec 16 08:05:09 2023 id: 1 internal: "NO" issuer: external key_length: 2048 key_type: RSA lifetime: 397 name: truenas_default organization: iXsystems organizational_unit: null parsed: true privatekey: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQCj0Td5+Z4Chax0 NdoCgpixDfOSH+gdxChKOJ705EyFi812XExsZSfZBq/W7dFfHLxCJ2Zzgp8mO+Jc ypTIWb9UefJ3wZs+WoKVerHB12VYIRoRrI7T+/x+D0TFG8zPTGsBE/PgLvIK4wKH VJM+ibJHMIYIPRFUuVED0w5MVyWBUVDdV4STkeLarKxxayNuaFBehprPVqdWqtJi V4fhSBgMhC6qXZP0PDdUY597eJtlG/jj5gS8Bzp3CKs9jx1YC+e+G0/6vi3NzIv4 ELHzYulTe1JDU0OUNrjoa3MOILY5+Nb9I+5PQrFLzyvM3wos0B4AceiId92fOdKR 1EMjbsIxAgMBAAECggEAS/Su51RxCjRWwM9TVUSebcHNRNyccGjKUZetRFkyjd1D l/S1zrCcaElscJh2MsaNF5NTMo3HIyAzFdksYTUTvKSKYzKWu7OVxp9MGle3+sPm ZXmABBRbf0uvFEGOljOVjbtloXXC7n9RZdQ2LZIE4nNCQkGmboU6Zi6O+6CQmEOQ 9iyYJ8NyXtjDT2sVOpysAj3ga6tdtSosG7SQuo41t20mw6hbl08LhQP9LfZJyKCR 0x1cYny+XHifB6JQAt8crzHYpKaJc2tZd4dXJ1xDnm2Aa/Au5uEA01P/L3hf41sI cUmBhVf1z5m9yBsyaZnW6LzaR5tQwpnPWPEcNfuwLQKBgQDM1o8vwKCo435shpGE zCdqbvK4+J0XYmbgEwHId8xr9rzZ852lAhs6VO2WQQVMGUoWRaH44B3z1Jv9N5Qa 4RUwnTb1MERfzEjRwUuIWjtz34yAXko0iU3M0FYpIxDuKVJNOEO1Doey0lTUcIYQ sfRUVxxJZ3hpDo7RhPSZpwyBtwKBgQDMu8PFVQ5XRb90qaGqg+ACaXMfHXfuWzuJ UqgyNrvF6wqd9Z0Nn299m7EonE6qJftUqlqHC62OCBfqRBNkwOw40s7ORZvqUCkP 7WsWuJu4HqhS2we8yKRuqj520VP537ZeqnK64mDxDKBvL9ttCujbxy01WFWcdwkO sSAViAK7VwKBgQCAeNG1kYsyYfyY9I2wTJssFgoGGWftkroTL9iecwSzcj1gNXta Usfg/gNFieJYqEPfVC0Sev5OP7rWRlWNxj4UD4a4oV1A+E9zv1gwXOeM9ViZ6omA Cd3R55kik+u6dBA6fl9433Qco+6wjyKGthYYD8qd/1d2DLtmjY0cEbm2YQKBgH4/ Zuifm5lLhFVPaUa5zYAPQJM2W8da8OqsUtWsFLxmRQTE+ZT19Q1S3br6MDQR+drq tapDFEHaUcz/L6pYoRIlRKvEFvI1fiy5Lekz66ptFUUKlcnfPC6VwrEIQi16u33C w77ka/0Y2THXJAsoyBEG0KTtlNVIPgiWRv+gAHc/AoGATOlO6ZVhf0vWPIKBhajM ijWTNIX/iCNOheJEjLEPksG4LVpU16OphZL2m0nIyOryQ0Fmt7GHUfl3CXFhTH/P G47PzH+mLCQLp5TUIeNRQWScWNGGsf9J+MtwpxHMzUymDJySR4aot0bH3fge0MO1 QccFxNbLODRmJuYbSQB1HZQ= -----END PRIVATE KEY----- privatekey_path: /etc/certificates/truenas_default.key revoked: false revoked_date: null root_path: /etc/certificates san: - DNS:localhost serial: 477224443 signedby: null state: Tennessee subject_name_hash: 3193428416 type: 8 until: Thu Jan 16 08:05:09 2025 ixChartContext: addNvidiaRuntimeClass: false hasNFSCSI: true hasSMBCSI: true isInstall: false isStopped: false isUpdate: false isUpgrade: true kubernetes_config: cluster_cidr: cluster_dns_ip: service_cidr: nfsProvisioner: nfs.csi.k8s.io nvidiaRuntimeClassName: nvidia operation: UPGRADE smbProvisioner: smb.csi.k8s.io storageClassName: ix-storage-class-nextcloud upgradeMetadata: newChartVersion: 2.0.5 oldChartVersion: 1.6.61 preUpgradeRevision: 89 ixExternalInterfacesConfiguration: [] ixExternalInterfacesConfigurationNames: [] ixVolumes: - hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/ix-applications/releases/nextcloud/volumes/ix_volumes/ix-postgres_backups mariadbImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: mariadb tag: 10.6.14 ncConfig: additionalEnvs: [] adminPassword: d3k@M%YRBRcj adminUser: admin commands: [] cron: enabled: false schedule: '*/15 * * * *' dataDir: /vawww/html/data host: charon.weninger.local maxExecutionTime: 30 maxUploadLimit: 3 opCacheMemoryConsumption: 128 phpMemoryLimit: 512 ncDbHost: nextcloud-postgres ncDbName: nextcloud ncDbPass: XvgIoT84hMmNDlH ncDbUser: ��-��� ncNetwork: certificateID: 1 nginx: externalAccessPort: 443 proxyTimeouts: 60 useDifferentAccessPort: false webPort: 9002 ncPostgresImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: postgres tag: "13.1" ncStorage: additionalStorages: [] data: hostPathConfig: aclEnable: false hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata ixVolumeConfig: datasetName: data type: hostPath html: hostPathConfig: aclEnable: false hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata ixVolumeConfig: datasetName: html type: hostPath isDataInTheSameVolume: true migrationFixed: true pgBackup: ixVolumeConfig: aclEnable: false datasetName: ix-postgres_backups type: ixVolume pgData: hostPathConfig: aclEnable: false hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/pgdata ixVolumeConfig: datasetName: pgData type: hostPath nginxImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: nginx tag: 1.25.4 notes: custom: ## Database You can connect to the database using the pgAdmin App from the catalog
Database Details
- Database: \{{ .Values.ncDbName }}` - Username: `{{ .Values.ncDbUser }}` - Password: `{{ .Values.ncDbPass }}` - Host: `{{ .Values.ncDbHost }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local` - Port: `5432``
{{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbUser" }} {{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbName" }} {{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbPass" }} {{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbHost" }} Note: Nextcloud will create an additional new user and password for the admin user on first startup. You can find those credentials in the \/vawww/html/config/config.php` file inside the container. footer: # Documentation Documentation for this app can be found at https://www.truenas.com/docs. # Bug reports If you find a bug in this app, please file an issue at https://ixsystems.atlassian.net header: # Welcome to TrueNAS SCALE Thank you for installing {{ .Chart.Annotations.title }} App. persistence: config: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/config subPath: config nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/config subPath: config type: hostPath username: null customapps: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/customapps subPath: custom_apps nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/custom_apps subPath: custom_apps type: hostPath username: null data: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/data subPath: data nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/data subPath: data type: hostPath username: null html: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html subPath: html nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html subPath: html postgresbackup: postgresbackup: mountPath: /nc-config type: hostPath username: null nc-config-limreqbody: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/limitrequestbody.conf subPath: limitrequestbody.conf type: configmap nc-config-opcache: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /uslocal/etc/php/conf.d/opcache-z-99.ini subPath: opcache.ini type: configmap nc-config-php: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /uslocal/etc/php/conf.d/nextcloud-z-99.ini subPath: php.ini type: configmap nc-occ: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /usbin/occ subPath: occ type: configmap nginx-cert: defaultMode: "0600" enabled: true items: - key: tls.key path: private.key - key: tls.crt path: public.crt objectName: nextcloud-cert targetSelector: nginx: nginx: mountPath: /etc/nginx-certs readOnly: true type: secret nginx-conf: defaultMode: "0600" enabled: true items: - key: nginx.conf path: nginx.conf objectName: nginx targetSelector: nginx: nginx: mountPath: /etc/nginx readOnly: true type: configmap postgresbackup: datasetName: ix-postgres_backups domain: null enabled: true hostPath: null medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: postgresbackup: permissions: mountPath: /mnt/directories/postgres_backup postgresbackup: mountPath: /postgres_backup type: ixVolume username: null postgresdata: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/pgdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: postgres: permissions: mountPath: /mnt/directories/postgres_data postgres: mountPath: /valib/postgresql/data type: hostPath username: null themes: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/themes subPath: themes nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/themes subPath: themes type: hostPath username: null tmp: enabled: true targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /tmp type: emptyDir podOptions: automountServiceAccountToken: false dnsConfig: options: [] dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst enableServiceLinks: false hostAliases: [] hostNetwork: false restartPolicy: Always runtimeClassName: "" terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 tolerations: [] portal: {} postgresImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: postgres tag: "15.2" rbac: {} redisImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: bitnami/redis tag: 7.0.11 release_name: nextcloud resources: NVIDIA_CAPS: - all limits: cpu: 4000m memory: 8Gi requests: cpu: 10m memory: 50Mi scaleCertificate: nextcloud-cert: enabled: true id: 1 scaleExternalInterface: [] scaleGPU: [] secret: {} securityContext: container: PUID: 568 UMASK: "002" allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: add: [] drop: - ALL privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: true runAsGroup: 568 runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 568 seccompProfile: type: RuntimeDefault pod: fsGroup: 568 fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch supplementalGroups: [] sysctls: [] service: nextcloud: enabled: true ports: webui: enabled: true port: 80 primary: true targetPort: 80 targetSelector: nextcloud primary: true targetSelector: nextcloud type: ClusterIP nextcloud-nginx: enabled: true ports: webui-tls: enabled: true nodePort: 9002 port: 9002 targetPort: 9002 targetSelector: nginx targetSelector: nginx type: NodePort postgres: enabled: true ports: postgres: enabled: true port: 5432 primary: true targetPort: 5432 targetSelector: postgres targetSelector: postgres type: ClusterIP redis: enabled: true ports: redis: enabled: true port: 6379 primary: true targetPort: 6379 targetSelector: redis targetSelector: redis type: ClusterIP serviceAccount: {} workload: nextcloud: enabled: true podSpec: containers: nextcloud: enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: nextcloud-creds imageSelector: image lifecycle: postStart: command: - /bin/sh - -c - echo "Installing ..." apt update && apt install -y --no-install-recommends \ echo "Failed to install binary/binaries..." echo "Finished." type: exec primary: true probes: liveness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 80 type: http readiness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 80 type: http startup: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 80 type: http securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN - DAC_OVERRIDE - FOWNER - NET_BIND_SERVICE - NET_RAW - SETGID - SETUID readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 hostNetwork: false initContainers: postgres-wait: args: - -c - echo "Waiting for postgres to be ready" until pg_isready -h ${POSTGRES_HOST} -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}; do sleep 2 done command: bash enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: postgres-creds imageSelector: postgresImage resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi type: init redis-wait: args: - -c - - echo "Waiting for redis to be ready" until redis-cli -h "$REDIS_HOST" -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG; do echo "Waiting for redis to be ready. Sleeping 2 seconds..." sleep 2 done echo "Redis is ready!" command: bash enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: redis-creds imageSelector: redisImage resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi type: init securityContext: fsGroup: 33 primary: true type: Deployment nginx: enabled: true podSpec: containers: nginx: enabled: true imageSelector: nginxImage primary: true probes: liveness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 9002 type: https readiness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 9002 type: https startup: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 9002 type: https securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN - DAC_OVERRIDE - FOWNER - NET_BIND_SERVICE - NET_RAW - SETGID - SETUID readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 hostNetwork: false initContainers: 01-wait-server: args: - -c - - echo "Waiting for [http://nextcloud:80]"; until wget --spider --quiet --timeout=3 --tries=1 http://nextcloud:80/status.php; do echo "Waiting for [http://nextcloud:80]"; sleep 2; done echo "Nextcloud is up: http://nextcloud:80"; command: - bash enabled: true imageSelector: bashImage type: init type: Deployment postgres: enabled: true podSpec: containers: postgres: enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: postgres-creds imageSelector: ncPostgresImage primary: true probes: liveness: command: - sh - -c - until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h localhost; do sleep 2; done enabled: true type: exec readiness: command: - sh - -c - until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h localhost; do sleep 2; done enabled: true type: exec startup: command: - sh - -c - until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h localhost; do sleep 2; done enabled: true type: exec resources: limits: cpu: 4000m memory: 8Gi securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 999 runAsUser: 999 initContainers: permissions: args: - -c - "for dir in /mnt/directories/; do\n if [ ! -d \"$dir\" ]; then\n echo \"[$dir] is not a directory, skipping\"\n continue\n fi\n\n echo \"Current Ownership and Permissions on [\"$dir\"]:\"\n echo \"chown: $(stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\")\"\n echo \"chmod: $(stat -c \"%a\" \"$dir\")\" \n fix_owner=\"true\"\n fix_perms=\"true\"\n\n\n if [ \"$fix_owner\" = \"true\" ]; then\n echo \"Changing ownership to 999:999 on: [\"$dir\"]\"\n \ chown -R 999:999 \"$dir\"\n echo \"Finished changing ownership\"\n \ echo \"Ownership after changes:\"\n stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\"\n \ fi\ndone\n" command: bash enabled: true imageSelector: bashImage resources: limits: cpu: 1000m memory: 512Mi securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 type: install type: Deployment postgresbackup: annotations: helm.sh/hook: pre-upgrade helm.sh/hook-delete-policy: hook-succeeded helm.sh/hook-weight: "1" enabled: true podSpec: containers: postgresbackup: command: - sh - -c - echo 'Fetching password from config.php' # sed removes ' , => spaces and db from the string POSTGRES_USER=$(cat /nc-config/config/config.php grep 'dbuser' sed "s/dbuser ',=>//g") POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(cat /nc-config/config/config.php grep 'dbpassword' sed "s/dbpassword ',=>//g") POSTGRES_DB=$(cat /nc-config/config/config.php grep 'dbname' sed "s/dbname ',=>//g") [ -n "$POSTGRES_USER" ] && [ -n "$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" ] && [ -n "$POSTGRES_DB" ] && echo 'User, Database and password fetched from config.php' until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h ${POSTGRES_HOST}; do sleep 2; done echo "Creating backup of ${POSTGRES_DB} database" pg_dump --dbname=${POSTGRES_URL} --file /postgres_backup/${POSTGRES_DB}$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).sql echo "Failed to create backup" echo "Backup finished" enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: postgres-backup-creds imageSelector: ncPostgresImage primary: true probes: liveness: enabled: false readiness: enabled: false startup: enabled: false resources: limits: cpu: 2000m memory: 2Gi securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 999 runAsUser: 999 initContainers: permissions: args: - -c - "for dir in /mnt/directories/*; do\n if [ ! -d \"$dir\" ]; then\n echo \"[$dir] is not a directory, skipping\"\n continue\n fi\n\n echo \"Current Ownership and Permissions on [\"$dir\"]:\"\n echo \"chown: $(stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\")\"\n echo \"chmod: $(stat -c \"%a\" \"$dir\")\" \n if [ $(stat -c %u \"$dir\") -eq 999 ] && [ $(stat -c %g \"$dir\") -eq 999 ]; then\n echo \"Ownership is correct. Skipping...\"\n fix_owner=\"false\"\n \ else\n echo \"Ownership is incorrect. Fixing...\"\n fix_owner=\"true\"\n \ fi\n\n\n if [ \"$fix_owner\" = \"true\" ]; then\n echo \"Changing ownership to 999:999 on: [\"$dir\"]\"\n chown -R 999:999 \"$dir\"\n \ echo \"Finished changing ownership\"\n echo \"Ownership after changes:\"\n \ stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\"\n fi\ndone" command: bash enabled: true imageSelector: bashImage resources: limits: cpu: 1000m memory: 512Mi securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 type: init restartPolicy: Never securityContext: fsGroup: "33" type: Job redis: enabled: true podSpec: containers: redis: enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: redis-creds imageSelector: redisImage primary: true probes: liveness: command: - /bin/sh - -c - redis-cli -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG enabled: true type: exec readiness: command: - /bin/sh - -c - redis-cli -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG enabled: true type: exec startup: command: - /bin/sh - -c - redis-cli -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG enabled: true type: exec resources: limits: cpu: 4000m memory: 8Gi securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 1001 securityContext: fsGroup: 1001 type: Deployment See error above values.`
submitted by rweninger to truenas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:21 dsquaredEFS Why Should You Have A Company Maintain Your Fire Alarm System?

Fire Alarm System Maintenance
When it comes to fire safety, there is no better way to protect your business than to have a company maintain your building's fire alarm system. Not only does regular maintenance ensure that your system is functioning properly, but it can also save you time and money in the long run.
Why Should You Have A Company Maintain Your Fire Alarm System?
Having a company maintain your system can save you time and money. If your system malfunctions or fails, it can be costly to repair or replace it. However, regular maintenance can help prolong the life of your system, meaning you wonʼt have to worry about costly repairs or replacements.
A properly maintained fire alarm system can also help you avoid costly fines and penalties. If your system fails to meet fire safety standards, you could face hefty fines and other penalties. By having a company maintain your system, you can help ensure that your building is compliant. Without a company to maintain your system, in the event of a fire and if the system does not operate correctly, you would be carrying all of the burden alone.
Does A Fire Alarm System Have To Be Monitored?
Maintaining your fire alarm system is essential to its proper functioning. Over time, dust, dirt, and other debris can accumulate in the system, causing it to malfunction or even fail completely. Regular maintenance can prevent these problems from occurring and ensure that your system is always working correctly.
submitted by dsquaredEFS to DSquaredInformation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:19 beingsadique iTop VPN Review: Pros, Cons, and Features

Welcome to our review of iTop VPN, a popular VPN service in 2024. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of using iTop VPN, helping you make an informed decision about whether this VPN is right for you.

Pros of iTop VPN

1. Enhanced Security: iTop VPN uses advanced encryption protocols to secure your online activities, protecting your sensitive data from hackers and other cyber threats.
2. Global Server Network: iTop VPN offers a vast network of servers located in different countries around the world. This allows you to bypass geo-restrictions and access content from anywhere.
3. Fast and Stable Connections: iTop VPN provides high-speed connections, ensuring smooth streaming, fast downloads, and uninterrupted browsing.

Cons of iTop VPN

1. Limited Free Version: While iTop VPN offers a free version, it comes with limitations such as a data cap and restricted server locations. To enjoy all the features, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan.
2. Compatibility: iTop VPN is compatible with major operating systems and devices, but it may not be available on all platforms. Make sure to check if it supports your preferred device before purchasing.
3. Customer Support: Some users have reported slow response times from iTop VPN's customer support team. If you encounter any issues, it may take a while to get a resolution.
Overall, iTop VPN offers solid security features, a wide server network, and fast connections. However, it's important to consider the limitations of the free version and compatibility with your devices. If you're looking for a reliable VPN service, iTop VPN is worth considering.
Click here to see iTop VPN plans and pricing.
submitted by beingsadique to u/beingsadique [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:14 New-Recognition-9414 Guide for Recovering Lost Data From Bitlocker Encrypted Drive

Guide for Recovering Lost Data From Bitlocker Encrypted Drive
Recovering Lost Data From Bitlocker Encrypted Drive
Are you worried about data security and looking for a reliable technique to retrieve data from a BitLocker encrypted drive? BitLocker, a sophisticated encryption feature on Windows operating systems, helps users secure their contents. This option offers additional security to prevent unwanted access to important data, making it a reliable alternative for data recovery. This article explains how to recover data from a BitLocker protected device, allowing you to confidently retrieve essential files.

1. Recovering Lost Data from Bitlocker

Data loss can be devastating. With proper procedures in place, you can secure and retrieve lost data. BitLocker, a Microsoft Windows service, protects users' data from accidental deletion or theft. Here's a step-by-step instruction for recovering deleted data with BitLocker.
  • Launch the BitLocker program on your device.
  • Enter your PIN/password.
  • Navigate to the Recovery and Unlock tabs.
  • Choose the data type you want to recover.
  • Press the 'Recover' button.
After recovery, store the data in a secure location, preferably off-site. To enhance security, consider encrypting data and using multi-factor authentication. Finally, create regular backups of your data in case of any unanticipated circumstances. By taking proactive precautions, you can prevent data loss or theft while maintaining access to critical information.

2. Learn about Bitlocker and its encryption system

BitLocker⁣ is a data encryption solution that protects your data on Windows systems. BitLocker encrypts your hard disk and only allows access to those with the encryption key. It encrypts all data stored on your computer, preventing hackers and unauthorized others from accessing your confidential info.
BitLocker offers superior security and a variety of functions. These features include:
Full Volume Encryption encrypts entire hard disk data, including folders, files, and applications.
Secure Boot prevents malware infection on your PC.
Multi-factor authentication: To access BitLocker-encrypted data, additional authentication methods such as PINs or biometrics are required.
BitLocker provides powerful and user-friendly security. The advanced encryption technology ensures data safety and security. BitLocker is the ideal solution for protecting important files and enhancing computer security.

3. Simple Steps for Recovering Data from a Bitlocker Encrypted Drive

Data loss is a terrible scenario for individuals and organizations. To recover data from a BitLocker encrypted device, you must follow precise steps. Here are simple techniques to safely and rapidly recover data from a BitLocker-encrypted drive.
Download and install the BLR BitLocker data recovery program. To begin, download and install a secure BitLocker data recovery software. Read reviews and check compatibility with your system. There are several options available, so select one that meets your needs.
Run the data recovery application. Once the data recovery tool is installed, launch it. The application will discover encrypted drives and scan for recoverable files. Depending on the amount of data on the drive, the scan may take several hours.
After scanning and analyzing the drive, the data recovery program will show you all recoverable files. Use the program's "Recover" mode to safely and securely retrieve your data.
Recovering data from a BitLocker encrypted drive can be a simple procedure with the right software and steps. Maintain backups of key files and documents to avoid catastrophic data loss.⁢ Hopefully, with the above steps, you will be able to recover without any issues.

4. Additional Tips to Prevent Future Data Loss

Set up regular backups, even if you don't expect to restore data. This ensures that the most recent version of your data is safely kept in case of an emergency. Save your backups on an external hard drive or cloud service.
Use Password Protection: Protecting your data with a password is crucial for avoiding future loss. Make sure your passwords are complex and not readily guessed. Consider changing your password often, using a combination of letters and numbers, and using two-factor authentication. Choose passwords that are at least 12 characters long.
  • Make regular backups of your information.
  • Make sure your data is password secured.
  • Change passwords on a frequent basis.
  • Create difficult passwords.
  • Implement two-factor authentication.
  • Use lengthier passwords.


Q1: What is Bitlocker?

Bitlocker encrypts disks and protects data on your PC. It helps to protect your data from illegal access.

Q2: How can data be recovered from a Bitlocker encrypted drive?

You can use one of several methods to recover data from a Bitlocker protected device. Options for data recovery include employing recovery keys, BitLocker Repair solution, or a third-party solution.

Q3: How can I use a recovery key to retrieve data from a Bitlocker drive?

To utilize a ‍recovery key, you must have saved it from the moment you ‍set up‌ Bitlocker. To unlock a drive and access its contents, locate the recovery key and utilize it.

Q4: What is the BitLocker Repair Tool?

The BitLocker Repair Tool can restore access to data on an encrypted drive that has been inaccessible. It fixes damaged data structures and alters parameters saved on the drive.⁢ If retrieving data from a Bitlocker encrypted drive sounds tough, don't panic - BLR Tools can help! ⁤BLR's dependable interface boosts user confidence in secure data recovery from Bitlocker encrypted drives.
BLR Tools' user-friendly tools and robust security safeguards make it simple to recover data from Bitlocker-encrypted drives. Create your blrtools.com account to safely recover data from Bitlocker protected disks.
submitted by New-Recognition-9414 to datarevivalsquad [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:11 Bonegirl06 Against Sunscreen Absolutism

Australia is a country of abundant sunshine, but the skin of most Australians is better adapted to gloomy England than the beaches of Brisbane. The country’s predominantly white population has by far the world’s highest rate of skin cancer, and for years the public-health establishment has warned residents about the dangers of ultraviolet light. A 1980s ad campaign advised Australians to “Slip, Slop, Slap”—if you had to go out in the sun, slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, and slap on a hat. The only safe amount of sun was none at all.
Then, in 2023, a consortium of Australian public-health groups did something surprising: It issued new advice that takes careful account, for the first time, of the sun’s positive contributions. The advice itself may not seem revolutionary—experts now say that people at the lowest risk of skin cancer should spend ample time outdoors—but the idea at its core marked a radical departure from decades of public-health messaging. “Completely avoiding sun exposure is not optimal for health,” read the groups’ position statement, which extensively cites a growing body of research. Yes, UV rays cause skin cancer, but for some, too much shade can be just as harmful as too much sun.
une 2024 Issue
SCIENCE Against Sunscreen Absolutism Moderate sun exposure can be good for you. Why won’t American experts acknowledge that?
By Rowan Jacobsen Tanned skin with pale smiley face drawn on it Illustration by Gabriela Pesqueira. Source: Dimarik / Getty. MAY 10, 2024 SHARE & GIFT SAVE Listen to this article
Listen to more stories on Curio
Australia is a country of abundant sunshine, but the skin of most Australians is better adapted to gloomy England than the beaches of Brisbane. The country’s predominantly white population has by far the world’s highest rate of skin cancer, and for years the public-health establishment has warned residents about the dangers of ultraviolet light. A 1980s ad campaign advised Australians to “Slip, Slop, Slap”—if you had to go out in the sun, slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, and slap on a hat. The only safe amount of sun was none at all.
Explore the June 2024 Issue Check out more from this issue and find your next story to read.
View More Then, in 2023, a consortium of Australian public-health groups did something surprising: It issued new advice that takes careful account, for the first time, of the sun’s positive contributions. The advice itself may not seem revolutionary—experts now say that people at the lowest risk of skin cancer should spend ample time outdoors—but the idea at its core marked a radical departure from decades of public-health messaging. “Completely avoiding sun exposure is not optimal for health,” read the groups’ position statement, which extensively cites a growing body of research. Yes, UV rays cause skin cancer, but for some, too much shade can be just as harmful as too much sun.
It’s long been known that sun exposure triggers vitamin D production in the skin, and that low levels of vitamin D are associated with increased rates of stroke, heart attack, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, depression, osteoporosis, and many other diseases. It was natural to assume that vitamin D was responsible for these outcomes. “Imagine a treatment that could build bones, strengthen the immune system and lower the risks of illnesses like diabetes, heart and kidney disease, high blood pressure and cancer,” The New York Times wrote in 2010. “Some research suggests that such a wonder treatment already exists. It’s vitamin D.” By 2020, more than one in six adults were on that wonder treatment in the form of daily supplements, which promise to deliver the sun’s benefits without its dangers.
une 2024 Issue
SCIENCE Against Sunscreen Absolutism Moderate sun exposure can be good for you. Why won’t American experts acknowledge that?
By Rowan Jacobsen Tanned skin with pale smiley face drawn on it Illustration by Gabriela Pesqueira. Source: Dimarik / Getty. MAY 10, 2024 SHARE & GIFT SAVE Listen to this article
Listen to more stories on Curio
Australia is a country of abundant sunshine, but the skin of most Australians is better adapted to gloomy England than the beaches of Brisbane. The country’s predominantly white population has by far the world’s highest rate of skin cancer, and for years the public-health establishment has warned residents about the dangers of ultraviolet light. A 1980s ad campaign advised Australians to “Slip, Slop, Slap”—if you had to go out in the sun, slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, and slap on a hat. The only safe amount of sun was none at all.
Explore the June 2024 Issue Check out more from this issue and find your next story to read.
View More Then, in 2023, a consortium of Australian public-health groups did something surprising: It issued new advice that takes careful account, for the first time, of the sun’s positive contributions. The advice itself may not seem revolutionary—experts now say that people at the lowest risk of skin cancer should spend ample time outdoors—but the idea at its core marked a radical departure from decades of public-health messaging. “Completely avoiding sun exposure is not optimal for health,” read the groups’ position statement, which extensively cites a growing body of research. Yes, UV rays cause skin cancer, but for some, too much shade can be just as harmful as too much sun.
It’s long been known that sun exposure triggers vitamin D production in the skin, and that low levels of vitamin D are associated with increased rates of stroke, heart attack, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, depression, osteoporosis, and many other diseases. It was natural to assume that vitamin D was responsible for these outcomes. “Imagine a treatment that could build bones, strengthen the immune system and lower the risks of illnesses like diabetes, heart and kidney disease, high blood pressure and cancer,” The New York Times wrote in 2010. “Some research suggests that such a wonder treatment already exists. It’s vitamin D.” By 2020, more than one in six adults were on that wonder treatment in the form of daily supplements, which promise to deliver the sun’s benefits without its dangers.
But sunlight in a pill has turned out to be a spectacular failure. In a large clinical trial that began in 2011, some 26,000 older adults were randomly assigned to receive either daily vitamin D pills or placebos, and were then followed for an average of five years. The study’s results were published in The New England Journal of Medicine two years ago. An accompanying editorial, with the headline “A Decisive Verdict on Vitamin D Supplementation,” noted that no benefits whatsoever had been found for any of the health conditions that the study tracked. “Vitamin D supplementation did not prevent cancer or cardiovascular disease, prevent falls, improve cognitive function, reduce atrial fibrillation, change body composition, reduce migraine frequency, improve stroke outcomes, decrease age-related macular degeneration, or reduce knee pain,” the journal said. “People should stop taking vitamin D supplements to prevent major diseases or extend life.”
Australia’s new guidance is in part a recognition of this reality. It’s also the result of our improved understanding of the disparate mechanisms through which sunlight affects health. Some of them are intuitive: Bright morning light, filtered through the eyes, helps regulate our circadian rhythms, improving energy, mood, and sleep. But the systemic effects of UV light operate through entirely different pathways that have been less well understood by the public, and even many health professionals. In recent years, that science has received more attention, strengthening conviction in sunlight’s possibly irreplaceable benefits. In 2019, an international collection of researchers issued a call to arms with the headline “Insufficient Sun Exposure Has Become a Real Public Health Problem.”
submitted by Bonegirl06 to atlanticdiscussions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:11 subins2000 We archived IT@School GNU/Linux operating systems, available now via Internet Archive

We archived IT@School GNU/Linux operating systems, available now via Internet Archive submitted by subins2000 to Kerala [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:09 jonezytown After update I don't have the options for installing different kernels or drivers

I used to have the options for installing kernels and open source drivers in the system settings, after doing the large update today I don't seem to have those options anymore, have they moved the location?
Operating System: Manjaro Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.1.0
Qt Version: 6.7.0
Kernel Version: 6.8.9-3-MANJARO (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Processors: 16 × AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor
Memory: 31.3 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT
Manufacturer: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.
Product Name: MS-7C91
System Version: 2.0
submitted by jonezytown to ManjaroLinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:53 apps-1 Modernizing Enterprise Applications with Low-Code Platforms

Enterprise applications are the backbone of modern businesses, supporting critical functions such as customer relationship management, supply chain management, and financial operations. However, many legacy enterprise applications struggle to keep pace with the rapidly evolving technology landscape, hindering organizational agility, innovation, and competitiveness. Low-code development platforms offer a compelling solution for modernizing enterprise applications, enabling organizations to accelerate the pace of innovation, improve user experiences, and drive digital transformation. In this article, we'll explore how low-code platforms can be leveraged to modernize enterprise applications effectively.

Understanding Enterprise legacy Application Modernization

Enterprise application modernization involves updating and transforming legacy applications to meet current business needs, technological requirements, and user expectations. Traditional approaches to application modernization often involve extensive rewriting or refactoring of code, which can be time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to ongoing operations. Low-code platforms offer an alternative approach, allowing organizations to modernize legacy applications rapidly using visual development tools, pre-built components, and automation capabilities.

Key Benefits of Modernizing Enterprise Applications with Low-Code Platforms

  1. Speed and Agility: Low-code platforms enable rapid application development and deployment, allowing organizations to iterate quickly, respond to changing requirements, and deliver new features and functionalities to end-users at a fraction of the time and cost.
  2. User-Centric Design: Low-code platforms prioritize user experience and design, providing intuitive visual interfaces and drag-and-drop tools that empower developers to create modern, user-friendly applications that meet the needs of today's digital workforce.
  3. Integration and Interoperability: Low-code platforms offer robust integration capabilities, allowing organizations to seamlessly connect with existing systems, data sources, and third-party services. This enables smooth data exchange, process automation, and collaboration across the enterprise ecosystem.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility: Low-code platforms are designed to scale with the needs of the organization, supporting applications of varying complexity, size, and usage patterns. Whether building simple departmental apps or mission-critical enterprise solutions, low-code platforms offer the scalability and flexibility to support diverse use cases.
  5. Empowering Citizen Developers: Low-code platforms democratize application development, allowing business users, domain experts, and citizen developers to participate actively in the development process. By empowering non-technical users to build and customize applications, organizations can accelerate innovation, drive business agility, and foster a culture of digital innovation.

Strategies for Modernizing Enterprise Applications with Low-Code Platforms

  1. Assessment and Planning: Start by conducting a comprehensive assessment of existing enterprise applications to identify pain points, technical debt, and modernization opportunities. Develop a clear modernization strategy that aligns with business goals, prioritizes initiatives based on impact and feasibility, and establishes metrics for success.
  2. Selecting the Right Platform: Choose a low-code platform that aligns with your organization's requirements, technical capabilities, and modernization goals. Evaluate factors such as platform features, scalability, security, vendor support, and total cost of ownership (TCO) to select the platform that best meets your needs.
  3. Incremental Modernization: Adopt an incremental approach to enterprise legacy application modernization, focusing on iterative improvements and phased migration to modern architectures and technologies. Start with low-risk, high-impact initiatives, such as user interface (UI) modernization or integration with cloud services, and gradually expand legacy application modernization efforts to cover the entire application portfolio.
  4. User-Centric Design: Prioritize user experience and design throughout the modernization process, soliciting feedback from end-users and stakeholders to ensure that the modernized applications meet their needs and expectations. Leverage the visual design capabilities of low-code platforms to create intuitive, engaging, and responsive user interfaces that enhance productivity and satisfaction.
  5. Integration and Interoperability: Pay close attention to integration requirements and interoperability considerations when modernizing enterprise applications with low-code platforms. Ensure seamless integration with existing systems, data sources, and external services, leveraging APIs, connectors, and middleware to enable data exchange, process automation, and collaboration across the enterprise ecosystem.


Modernizing enterprise applications is essential for organizations looking to stay competitive, innovate, and adapt to changing business requirements and user expectations. Low-code platforms offer a powerful solution for modernizing enterprise applications rapidly, efficiently, and cost-effectively, enabling organizations to unlock new opportunities for innovation, growth, and digital transformation. By embracing low-code platforms as part of their modernization strategy, organizations can accelerate the pace of innovation, improve user experiences, and drive business agility in today's dynamic and competitive business landscape.
Read more:
Wave maker
Rapid application development platform
Low-code Enterprise application development platform
Low code application development platform or Low code development platform
What is Low code app development platforms
Composable low code isvs
Java-based low-code platform
Composable isvs
RAD studio-Rapid application development software platform
APAAS-application platform as a service
Cloud application development platform
Legacy application modernization services
React-native cross-platform mobile application development platform
Compare Wavemaker vs Outsystems vs mendix vs power apps — low code alternatives and its pricing
New application development platform
Rapid application development model
Low-code for consumable Banking and financial Low-code platform solutions
Internal api vs external apis
Rapid application development vs SDLC
Custom application development platform
Embedded banking and Finance, Low-Code and the Emerging Face of Adaptability
BAAS-Banking as a service
Composable Low-code banking solutions
Telecom low code platform
Alternative to Xamarin and Cordova
Legacy application modernization platform
Cross-Platform React Native Mobile App Development
submitted by apps-1 to customapi [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:44 cheinyeanlim OpenAI unveils GPT-4o, a multi-modal model for real-time audio, vision, and text reasoning.

OpenAI unveils GPT-4o, a multi-modal model for real-time audio, vision, and text reasoning.
OpenAI has unveiled GPT-4o, its latest AI model equipped with text, vision, and audio capabilities. The "o" in GPT-4o stands for "Omni," signifying a comprehensive upgrade designed to facilitate much more natural human-computer interaction. This development is aimed at enhancing ChatGPT's functionality, making it a more effective digital assistant.
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The Details:
  • Enhanced Human-Computer Interaction: GPT-4o represents a significant advancement towards achieving seamless and natural interactions between humans and computers.
  • Versatile Digital Assistant: The new model transforms ChatGPT into a versatile digital assistant capable of real-time conversation and visual content analysis, including photos and documents.
  • Performance and Intelligence: OpenAI states that GPT-4o matches the intelligence level of GPT-4 but operates at a faster speed, featuring improved personality and conversational skills.
  • Real-Time Applications: In demonstrations, GPT-4o showcased its ability to translate speech in real-time, solve math equations, and even attempt to detect human emotions from selfies.
  • Broader Access and Applications: OpenAI plans to launch a ChatGPT desktop app featuring GPT-4o and will make its capabilities available to developers through the GPT Store, which is now open to everyone.
  • Limited Free Access: Free users of ChatGPT will have limited access to GPT-4o before the system defaults to GPT-3.5.
Why It Matters:
  • Revolutionizing Digital Assistance: GPT-4o's capabilities mark a shift towards more intuitive and efficient digital assistants, potentially transforming various industries that rely on AI for customer service, education, and more.
  • Advancements in AI Interaction: The enhanced real-time conversation and visual content analysis features of GPT-4o highlight significant progress in AI's ability to understand and respond to human needs, bridging the gap between human and machine interaction.
  • Broadening AI Accessibility: By making GPT-4o available through a desktop app and the GPT Store, OpenAI is democratizing access to advanced AI technology, allowing more developers and users to leverage its powerful capabilities for diverse applications.
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2024.05.14 11:44 leqi_ai_0509 PDFtoPDFf.ai: Compress Your Documents with One Click! Make PDF Editing Easier and More Efficient

PDFtoPDFf.ai: Compress Your Documents with One Click! Make PDF Editing Easier and More Efficient
In the digital age, PDF documents have become an indispensable part of our work, study, and daily life. However, traditional PDFs often come with limitations. Imagine receiving a PDF hundreds of pages long only to find it's too large, loads slowly, and makes it hard to quickly find the information you need; or when you want to edit a PDF but find yourself hindered by format restrictions—it, it can be quite frustrating.
To address these issues, we introduced pdftopdf.ai—a PDF document processing tool leveraging advanced OCR technology. It not only compresses documents with a single click but also enables editable features in PDFs. Whether you're dealing with books, documents, or newspapers, pdftopdf.ai can accurately recognize text and extract key information.
In the upcoming articles, we will detail the features and advantages of pdftopdf.ai, as well as its applications across various fields. We believe that by understanding the powerful capabilities of pdftopdf.ai, you will be able to effortlessly tackle the challenges of PDF document processing, making your work and studies more efficient and convenient.

PDF Compression: Smaller, Faster, More Efficient

pdftopdf.ai's compression feature uses a unique OCR technology, different from traditional methods. Traditional PDF compression often involves reducing image quality and size, which can sacrifice clarity and readability. pdftopdf.ai, however, uses a more intelligent approach—text-based compression.
  • Core logic of text-based compression involves converting the image and text information in PDF files into editable text formats, then compressing and optimizing the text. Through this process, pdftopdf.ai maintains clarity and readability while significantly reducing file size. This method is not only effective but also highly efficient, making your PDFs lighter in an instant.
  • Advantages of text-based compression Firstly, in terms of storage, a smaller file size means you can save more storage space, whether on personal computers, servers, or cloud storage. Secondly, for transmission, a smaller file size can significantly shorten transfer times, reduce network bandwidth consumption, and enhance work efficiency. Whether shared via email, instant messaging tools, or cloud drives, compressed PDFs allow for quick and easy sharing and collaboration.

Tutorial: One-Click Compression and Text Recognition

Using pdftopdf.ai to convert PDFs to text and compress them is a simple and straightforward process. Here are the detailed steps:
Step 1: Visit the official website and upload your file
First, open your browser and visit pdftopdf.ai's official website. On the homepage, click the "Upload File" button and select the PDF file you wish to convert.
Step 2: Convert after file upload
Once the upload is complete, the system will automatically start using OCR technology for text recognition and compression processing. This process may take some time, depending on the file's size and complexity.
Step 3: Pay and download
Depending on your needs, you can choose between two accuracy levels for OCR—pro (99.5% accuracy) and standard (99% accuracy). After payment, you can immediately start downloading the newly generated PDF file.
The entire tutorial requires just three steps and no complex operations. pdftopdf.ai is committed to providing a convenient and efficient PDF processing experience, allowing you to easily meet all your PDF file processing needs. Whether for study, work, or daily life, pdftopdf.ai is your reliable partner.


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2024.05.14 11:42 HoldX_Coin Building Smart Homes on Mars by HoldX

Building Smart Homes on Mars by HoldX
The dream of human habitation on Mars is becoming more tangible thanks to advancements in technology and the visionary efforts of companies like HoldX. Known for their innovative solutions in smart home technology, HoldX is now at the forefront of developing intelligent living spaces for the Red Planet. These smart homes are designed to not only ensure the survival of humans in the harsh Martian environment but also to provide a comfortable and efficient living experience that mirrors, and even surpasses, that on Earth.
HoldX envisions a future where smart homes on Mars are the norm, providing astronauts and settlers with a safe, comfortable, and technologically advanced habitat. The company’s approach integrates cutting-edge IoT (Internet of Things) technology, AI-driven systems, and sustainable building practices to create self-sufficient homes. These homes are designed to address the unique challenges of Mars, including extreme temperatures, radiation, and limited resources.
One of the key features of HoldX’s Martian smart homes is their ability to function as self-sustaining ecosystems. These homes utilize advanced hydroponic systems to grow food indoors, reducing the need for supply missions from Earth. Water recycling and air purification systems ensure that vital resources are continually replenished, while solar panels and other renewable energy sources provide a steady supply of power. The homes are also equipped with smart energy management systems that optimize consumption and minimize waste.
HoldX’s smart homes on Mars are equipped with sophisticated AI systems that manage various aspects of daily life. These AI systems monitor the health and well-being of the inhabitants, providing real-time feedback and alerts if any issues arise. They also control environmental conditions within the home, such as temperature, humidity, and oxygen levels, ensuring a stable and comfortable living environment. Automation extends to routine tasks, with AI managing everything from cleaning and maintenance to food preparation, allowing residents to focus on exploration and research.
Given the harsh conditions on Mars, the construction of these smart homes requires materials and techniques that can withstand extreme temperatures and radiation. HoldX employs advanced materials like carbon fiber composites and aerogels, which offer superior insulation and durability. The homes are constructed using modular designs, allowing for easy assembly and scalability. This modularity also means that as more settlers arrive, additional units can be seamlessly integrated to expand the living quarters.
Staying connected is crucial for the success of any mission on Mars. HoldX’s smart homes are designed with robust communication systems that ensure constant connectivity with Earth and other Martian habitats. High-speed data links and satellite communication systems facilitate real-time video conferencing, data sharing, and remote operation of equipment. This connectivity is not only vital for mission control and scientific collaboration but also for maintaining the mental health and morale of the inhabitants through regular communication with loved ones back on Earth.
Safety is a paramount concern in the design of HoldX’s Martian smart homes. The homes are equipped with advanced security systems that protect against both external and internal threats. Radiation shielding and meteorite impact-resistant materials safeguard the inhabitants from environmental dangers. Inside, AI-driven monitoring systems ensure that any signs of structural weakness or system failures are detected and addressed immediately. In case of emergencies, the homes are equipped with escape protocols and life-support systems to ensure the safety of the residents.
HoldX is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of its Martian habitats. The smart homes are designed with sustainability at their core, utilizing renewable resources and minimizing waste. The closed-loop systems for water and air ensure that these vital resources are reused and recycled efficiently. The homes also promote a lifestyle of conservation and sustainability among the inhabitants, encouraging practices that are essential for long-term survival on Mars.
The construction of smart homes on Mars by HoldX represents a new frontier in human habitation. These homes are not just shelters but sophisticated living spaces that integrate the latest technology to provide a safe, comfortable, and sustainable environment. They are a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of exploration and innovation. As we look to the future, the efforts of companies like HoldX bring us one step closer to making life on Mars a reality, opening up new possibilities for humanity's expansion into the cosmos.
submitted by HoldX_Coin to HoldX_Coin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:41 Sachiya_steel Quick Release Coupling Manufacturer in India

Sachiya Steel International is a trusted name in the industry for manufacturing and exporting Quick Release Coupling. The offered coupling is used in various industries including aeronautics and auto-mobiles. It is robust, resistant to high pressure, non corrosive and dimensionally accurate. This coupling ensures hassle free operations of the air assisted sprayers and prevents leakage of fluids.

Quick Release Connectors Suppliers in Mumbai at low price according to -40* C TO 300*C media temperature

Quick Release Hose Couplings at times improve the efficiency of the application due to their custom design and compact size. The design of Pressure Washer Quick Release Coupling is such that the male end fits into the female socket that creates a secure and leak proof seal. high pressure Quick Release Coupling is used for hydraulic wrench, emergency cutting tools, construction equipment, and industrial machinery. Quick Couplings are used in machinery that displays high pressure and vibration. Quick Disconnect Coupling that is designed to work under high pressure has a flat face design with a patented locking sleeve. Qrc needs to be connected between the locking pin and the release notch. Push Pull Couplings are made up of plastic or metal and are said to be light in weight. They can be produced in disposable material for cleanliness and hygiene purposes.

​Quick release couplings are fitting are used to mate fluid lines with system equipment that requires frequent connecting and disconnecting. They are used in both pneumatic and hydraulic applications to build or discontinue the connection of a fluid pipeline. ​

It is well known as quick coupler, quick coupling or quick connect coupling. Quick coupling can be made of stainless steel SS316, carbon steel and brass material for practically every application contingency. ​The fittings size is available from 1/4” to 2”. The working pressure will be determined depending on the body size.

Hydraulic Quick Release Coupling is found in air, water, steam, and vacuum distribution system. The disconnection of lines leads to a rapid loss of fluid and hence they are connected with Qdc Coupling to prevent the rapid loss during disconnection. Stucchi Italy Quick Release Coupling is used to speed up the work and reduce cost. Din Couplings have made it easy to connect electrical equipment for operation. Holmbury Uk Couplings are well known to increase the output and reduce the downtime of the application. Nitto Interchangeable Series Qrc has eliminated the need for valves and screws in the pneumatic and hydraulic system. Female X Female Qrc is known to prevent the loss of expensive hydraulic fluid.

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submitted by Sachiya_steel to u/Sachiya_steel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:40 Amithist223 What to upgrade next

This PC can not really run things like Minecraft and I dont know why need help with about $400 budget
Flash Memory Installed Size ‎128 GB
RAM memory maximum size ‎8 GB
Ram Memory Technology ‎DDR4
Hard Disk Description ‎SSD
Operating System ‎Windows 10
Processor Type ‎Core i7
Hardware Interface ‎HDMI
Graphics Card Ram Size ‎8 GB
Graphics RAM Type ‎Geforce GT 1030
Scanner Resolution ‎3840 x 2160
Connector Type ‎Wifi
Form Factor ‎Tower
submitted by Amithist223 to pcbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:36 Business-Badger-9545 Radiant Enterprise: Illuminating the Logistics Landscape in Kolkata and Beyond

In the bustling streets of Kolkata, amidst the cacophony of commerce, one name shines bright like a beacon of reliability and efficiency: Radiant Enterprise. As the premier logistics company in Kolkata and a trailblazer in the Indian logistics sector, Radiant Enterprise has carved a niche for itself through its unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
From the labyrinthine lanes of Kolkata to the farthest reaches of the nation, Radiant Enterprise has established itself as the go-to solution provider for all logistical needs. But what sets this company apart from the myriad of competitors in the industry? How has Radiant Enterprise managed to attain and retain its position as the best logistics company in India? Let's embark on a journey through the corridors of this illustrious enterprise to unravel the secrets of its success!
A Glimpse Into the Radiant Legacy
Radiant Enterprise didn't achieve its esteemed status overnight. Founded with a vision to revolutionize the logistics landscape in Kolkata and beyond, the company embarked on its journey with humble beginnings. From its inception, Radiant Enterprise prioritized integrity, efficiency, and innovation, laying the foundation for its meteoric rise in the industry.
Innovating the Logistics Paradigm
In an industry characterized by constant flux and evolving demands, innovation isn't just a buzzword; it's a necessity. Radiant Enterprise has always been at the forefront of innovation, leveraging cutting-edge technology and avant-garde methodologies to streamline operations, optimize efficiency, and deliver unparalleled service quality.
From state-of-the-art tracking systems to AI-driven predictive analytics, Radiant Enterprise harnesses the power of innovation to anticipate customer needs, mitigate risks, and ensure seamless logistics solutions. By embracing technological advancements and embracing a culture of continuous improvement, Radiant Enterprise stays ahead of the curve, setting new benchmarks for excellence in the logistics domain.
Putting Customers First: The Radiant Promise
At the heart of Radiant Enterprise's success lies its unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. Unlike other logistics companies that treat clients as mere transactions, Radiant Enterprise views every interaction as an opportunity to foster long-term partnerships and exceed expectations.
From personalized service offerings to round-the-clock support, Radiant Enterprise goes above and beyond to cater to the unique needs of each client. Whether it's a small-scale shipment or a complex logistical challenge, customers can rest assured knowing that Radiant Enterprise is dedicated to delivering solutions with speed, precision, and professionalism.
Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers
Logistics isn't just about moving goods from point A to point B; it's about building bridges and forging connections. Recognizing the importance of connectivity in the modern business landscape, Radiant Enterprise has invested heavily in infrastructure development, expanding its network across the length and breadth of the nation.
With a comprehensive network of warehouses, distribution centers, and transportation hubs, Radiant Enterprise has the logistical prowess to facilitate seamless movement of goods across diverse geographies. Whether it's navigating the labyrinthine alleys of Kolkata or traversing the vast expanses of rural India, Radiant Enterprise ensures that no destination is out of reach.
Sustainability: Pioneering a Greener Future
In an era marked by environmental consciousness and sustainability, Radiant Enterprise is leading the charge towards a greener future. Recognizing the ecological impact of logistical operations, Radiant Enterprise has implemented eco-friendly initiatives aimed at reducing carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices.
From eco-friendly packaging materials to optimized route planning, Radiant Enterprise integrates sustainability into every aspect of its operations. By minimizing waste, conserving resources, and embracing renewable energy solutions, Radiant Enterprise demonstrates its commitment to environmental stewardship while setting new benchmarks for sustainable logistics.
Radiant Enterprise - Lighting the Way Forward
As we draw the curtains on our exploration of Radiant Enterprise, one thing becomes abundantly clear: this isn't just a logistics company; it's a beacon of excellence, innovation, and customer-centricity. From its humble beginnings to its lofty perch as the best logistics company in Kolkata and best logistics company in India, Radiant Enterprise has exemplified what it means to lead by example in a dynamic and ever-changing industry.
Through innovation, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, Radiant Enterprise has illuminated the logistics landscape, guiding businesses towards success and prosperity. As the sun sets on another day of logistical triumphs, one can't help but marvel at the radiance of Radiant Enterprise, casting its glow on the path ahead, lighting the way forward for generations to come!
submitted by Business-Badger-9545 to u/Business-Badger-9545 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:28 Jyotikashyap Fastening Elements in Electric Vehicles

In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicles (EVs), every component plays a crucial role in shaping their performance, efficiency, and safety. Among these often overlooked components are fastening elements, which serve as the backbone of EV assembly. From securing intricate electronic systems to supporting structural components, fasteners are essential for ensuring the reliability and longevity of electric vehicles. Let's explore the significance of fastening elements in the realm of EVs.
1. Lightweighting for Efficiency:
Weight reduction is paramount in electric vehicle design to maximize driving range and energy efficiency. Fastening elements, such as lightweight bolts and screws, contribute to overall weight savings without compromising structural integrity. Bossard's expertise in lightweight materials and designs aids EV manufacturers in achieving optimal weight distribution and performance.
2. Thermal Management Solutions:
The thermal management of electric vehicle components, including batteries and power electronics, is critical for maintaining optimal operating conditions. Fastening elements with thermal conductive properties help dissipate heat efficiently, preventing overheating and prolonging component lifespan. Bossard offers a range of thermal management fasteners designed to meet the demanding thermal requirements of EVs.
3. Vibration and Noise Control:
Electric vehicles are renowned for their quiet and smooth operation, requiring effective vibration and noise control measures. Fastening elements equipped with vibration-dampening materials and precision assembly techniques help minimize unwanted noise and vibrations, enhancing the driving experience. Bossard's solutions excel in reducing noise levels and ensuring a comfortable ride for EV occupants.
4. Corrosion Resistance and Durability:
EVs are subjected to various environmental conditions, including moisture, salt, and temperature fluctuations, which can accelerate corrosion and degrade components over time. Fastening elements with corrosion-resistant coatings and materials are essential for ensuring long-term durability and reliability. Bossard's corrosion-resistant fasteners provide robust protection against environmental factors, ensuring the longevity of critical EV components.
5. Streamlined Assembly Processes:
Efficient assembly processes are essential for scaling up production and meeting the growing demand for electric vehicles. Bossard's expertise in assembly line optimization, automated fastening systems, and ergonomic tools helps streamline manufacturing processes, reducing assembly times and costs while maintaining high quality. Their solutions empower EV manufacturers to achieve greater efficiency and productivity in production.
We are the experts for all fastening technologies in electric vehicle applications.
The EV sector is characterized by a rising demand for reliability, speed and punctuality. To make vehicles faster and more economical, lightweight materials are used increasingly. In addition, short throughput times in production and lean maintenance of the cars should be ensured. We understand these trends as well as the resulting challenges, and provide fasteners that meet the highest safety and quality standards, helping our customers increase their efficiency and productivity
Many leading manufacturers of electric vehicles trust in solutions and consulting from Bossard.
Get in touch with us!
You will find a detailed overview of our solutions for the electric vehicle market in our brochure.
View product details in the E-Shop.
submitted by Jyotikashyap to u/Jyotikashyap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:25 nova-heat-pumps Heating and Cooling Solution in Kentville, Nova Scotia

Heating and Cooling Solution in Kentville, Nova Scotia
When considering a heating and cooling solution in Kentville, it's essential to check several factors such as climate, energy efficiency, installation costs, maintenance requirements, and available rebates or incentives. Consulting with a qualified HVAC professional can help you choose the best option for your specific needs and budget.
Heat pumps are highly efficient heating and cooling systems that extract heat from the air, ground, or water outside your home and transfer it indoors during the winter months for heating. In the summer, they operate in reverse, removing heat from indoors and transferring it outside for cooling. Heat pumps are the popular heating and cooling solution in Kentville due to their energy efficiency and versatility.
Nova Heat Pumps & Air Conditioning is a preferred contractor of Nova Scotia Power and an authorized Mitsubishi Electric dealer with over 40 years of combined residential and commercial HVAC experience. They specialize in the installation of mini-split ductless & ducted heat pumps as well as air-to-water heat pumps. They offer a wide range of heat pump services in Kentville, NS such as brand-new installation, repair, and maintenance packages. To learn more about the services they office in Kentville, NS, and surrounding areas, please visit their website: https://www.novaheatpumps.ca/service-areas/kentville
submitted by nova-heat-pumps to u/nova-heat-pumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:23 webmarketinginfo How do the Starbucks Partner Hours Work?

How do the Starbucks Partner Hours Work?
🌟 Ever wondered how Starbucks Partner Hours work? Here's a quick guide! ☕
Starbucks Partner Hours is a system designed to offer flexibility to Starbucks employees, known as partners. It allows partners to swap shifts with colleagues, pick up extra hours, or even trade shifts between stores within their district. This flexibility is crucial for partners to balance work with other commitments or preferences.
To access Partner Hours, partners typically use an online platform or mobile app provided by Starbucks. Here, they can view available shifts, request time off, and communicate with their colleagues. When picking up shifts, partners can choose based on their availability and desired hours, making it convenient for them to create a schedule that suits their needs.
Additionally, Starbucks encourages a collaborative environment among partners, fostering teamwork and support. Partners can rely on each other for shift coverage, ensuring smooth operations at the store.
Overall, Starbucks Partner Hours empowers partners to take control of their schedules while fostering a sense of community within the workplace. It's a win-win for both partners and the company! ☕👥Visit our website (webmarketinginfo) for more information.
#Starbucks #Partner #Hours
submitted by webmarketinginfo to u/webmarketinginfo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:21 AdmiralStone96230-A MURDER DRONES: Fall of Earth -Chapter XII: Reunions and Relishing in Calm-

Wade took a breath as he picked up his old duffel bag, now loaded with his DD uniform and a few other items from the Ceres mines as he slotted it to his side, with the large band handle around his neck. Having gathered his belongings, he joined Tina, who was waiting near the ship's open bay door as he walked over to her. The couple watched several of the other troopers inside marching out as well, some carrying crates of supplies and items out of the craft as they departed for the base outside. Kelly was one of the last ones still on board, checking on a section of the cargo bay as she did what Wade presumed was some maintenance work.
With the way now clear, Wade and Tina stepped off the transport, glancing at the massive base around them as they touched the roughened pavement. Throughout the large landing port were several more chameleon dropships, their crews disembarking with similar items and loads of rescued drones aboard. Beyond the ships were several hangar bays and fighter craft, mostly A-20s and their space-borne cousins docked in lines going across the pad. And beyond the landing zone, towering over several buildings at the base, were the few cruisers docked to the large clamps holding them in place.
Walking ahead with Tina, Wade observed some of the departing Coalition troops as they neared one of several tents stationed near an inactive group of planes, the military personnel interacting and exchanging the crates with the Coalition officers upon reaching each other. Hearing a low roar of engines from afar, the lover drones looked upward to see the large USN warship that was present at the factory earlier, having followed the transport convoy home and now was beginning to descend for landing. Wade gave a silent gasp as he caught a glimpse of the ship's name and SIC number at the side, remembering it from the ship he and Ron saw while returning to Earth.
"Always a wondrous thing to see, isn't it Wade?" Tina said as she and her boyfriend watched the ship slowly come lower to the unoccupied dockyard clamps below it.
"Sure is, wonder how they built those babies?" Wade replied as the two looked upon the landing starship, the former worker drone smirking as he added, "I could've swore I saw that same exact ship over Henderson when Ron and I came back, before we got mugged earlier."
Tina glanced to Wade with surprise as she spoke up on his claim. "Really? Well, that had to be the one that helped our friends here back at the factory. I think I saw the same name on it too!"
"Wouldn't surprise me, seeing all that's happened today." Wade replied as he chortled a bit, Tina doing the same as the former spoke further. "I wonder, what kind of ship is the... Vickers again? You know?"
"Autumn class, dear. A heavy destroyer variant, not as strong as those enormous Yamato dreadnoughts or Adelaide battlecruisers, but she'll put up a good fight for whatever comes at her." Tina explained as she held back another chuckle, thinking of her education on various USN craft as she teased Wade lightly. "You know, I may just have to grab one of those ship roster tabs when we get in the base. I'd love to show you all they got in their arsenal."
Wade chortled again as he gave his thoughts on the idea. "Well, it wouldn't be bad to have a little more knowledge in ship-story."
Tina almost burst out laughing at his crude pun, Wade smiling at her as F and Nathan jogged over to the two, the latter carrying his own backpack behind him as he spoke. "Well, not a bad place, huh? You guys heading to the clearance station?"
"Oh yes, we were just admiring the ships around us while we walked." Tina said with a stifled laugh, easing herself as she chatted with her new friends. Wade, however, was quickly overcome with panic as he remembered something. Checking his pockets, his fears were confirmed as he failed to find one of his key possessions: his ID card. Wade felt he must have lost it when he was stripped of his old clothing while in the factory.
Oh no, guys? I don't think I can pass through." Wade said with greenish-yellow circles for eyes as Tina and the others looked to him in concern, the drone feeling through his pockets once more before stating his issue. "My ID, they must've taken it off me when they turned me into a disassembly drone!" Wade began to hyperventilate lightly as he grew fearful of the potential outcomes when they reached the security gate ahead. "Oouuugghh, if I don't have my ID, they'll have to keep me lo-"
"Wade, Wade... it's okay. I'll have them make a pass for you, surely we can get them to after getting them to understand what's happened." Tina stated as she put her hand to Wade's chest, who eased his panic as he looked to his girlfriend.
"Yeah, and besides Wade, those people over there went around gathering what ever items the company stole from the drones during their conversion. I'm sure that once they find it, they'll have it sent off to be given back to you!" Nathan said as F nodded in agreement, shunting Wade's panic out of him with their words as he replied to the hopeful responses.
"Right, yeah, they should do that. Sorry." Holding Tina's hand, Wade spoke to her once more. "Lead the way."
Tina nodded to Wade before the two began to walk over to the security gate nearby, several people, drones and humans alike, already in the line as they checked themselves in to the base to relax after the hard-fought battle. Once they reached the line, the four stood together as they waited for the line to slowly go up, more troops and rescued drones coming over to add to the long line. During the wait, a loud, mechanical 'SLAM' erupted through the air, prompting Wade and Tina to glance over to the direction of the noise. The two felt at ease once more as they saw the Vickers finally landed at the base, the loud clang being the docking clamps attaching to the ships hull just moments ago.
As the line moved up further to the gate, Wade and Tina caught sight of a pair of A-20 aircraft passing over them, the two watching as the planes slowed down while descending onto the runway nearby. The four drones' collective viewing of the fighters landing ceased as they caught sight of J, who took flight as she departed the transport nearby before flying over to the tents near the hangar bays.
"Huh, wonder what she's over there for?" Nathan said as he observed J landing onto the ground in front of one of the tents.
"Probably checking on the drones we got back, or meeting up with one of those commanders there." F said as she motioned an arm towards the tents, J walking under one as she made her way to one of the soldiers coming over to her. "Seems like the latter, from the looks of it."
Wade shrugged as he responded to the group's pondering over J's actions. "Well, she'll be here with us if we need her, right? Shouldn't be much to worry about."
Returning their focus to the line ahead, Wade and his team waited as the line moved up over the next few minutes, moving impressively fast as the people in front cleared themselves in one at a time. Eventually, the four of them were up, Tina stepping up to show her ID for clearance. "Hello, it's been a busy day, hasn't it?"
The security agent smirked at Tina's small-talk. "Hah, not too busy here until you all showed up."
As the guard finished scanning Tina's ID, she handed the card back to her as she raised a finger to begin her request. "Oh, um, there's a little issue we need to resolve." Putting a hand to Wade's arm, Tina explained her boyfriend. "This is my dear friend Wade, Wade Carter. We both managed to escape that blasted factory with the help of those Coalition folks there." Wade gave a pleading look as Tina continued. "Unfortunately, Wade was converted into a disassembly drone before he was rescued, and it seems those people at the company took all his belongings he had on him, including his ID. Do you think there's... anyway you could write up something to let him by?"
Stepping forward, F gave her end of the story. "I can vouch for him, Ma'am. Wade and I we're among the teams helping in getting the worker drones out of the factory during the operation." The disassembly drone pulled out a pair of cards as she finished her explanation, one of them being her company-issued Disassembly Service Passcard, which resembled a normal civilian ID in appearance, save for the 'JCJenson (In Spaaace!) Logo on the top left and hazard markings around the rim of the card. As for the other card, it was a well worn, still legitimate ID card, showing F as how she appeared when she was a worker drone. At the side of her picture was a name with an initial. "FELICITY A LEE"
Taking the two cards in her hand, she looked them over and scanned them as Nathan tried to back Wade up as well. "So can I, Ma'am! I helped there too, when he was under the company's control. We all got him out of the factory so we could get him back in order." Pulling out his own ID, Nathan handed it out as the guard returned F's IDs to her.
The guard accepted Nathan's ID as she spoke over what to do with Wade. "Well, normally it takes clearance from higher ranked personnel here to allow someone inside without a legitimate form of identification. We can't just take someone's word on things like this, after all." Tina seemed to frown in disappointment as the guard explained her protocols, Wade looking down at the ground as he felt his worries were about to be proven correct. Going over Nathan's ID further, she gave an intrigued expression at the card before continuing. "Huh, interesting. Got two veteran folks here, I see?" She glanced to Nathan and F as she said that, taking into account their former military background as the former spoke up.
"Three, actually. My pal Kurtis is somewhere back there, I think. He should be heading down here later this evening." The guard glanced back at Nathan's ID as she took in the veteran drone's reply, sighing as she decided to make a slight amendment to the issue put before her and the four friends.
"Well, seeing you two here, I believe I can write something up. The Major won't be happy with me for this, but I think I can trust you with appropriate behavior." Taking a small sticky name-tag, the woman pulled out a pen before starting to write on it. Initially, she glanced to Wade, who stated his name again before she began to write his name on the tag. Once she was finished, the guard gave the tag to Wade, who slapped it onto his jacket before she spoke to him. "You should be fine to enter for the most part, just stick close to your friends and don't cause any trouble. Understood?"
Wade gave a stern salute to the security officer, who held back a chuckle at the honest, yet amusing effort the disassembly drone showed to her. Giving a simple nod and a flick of her hand, she permitted Wade and his friends entrance to the base, the four walking past the walkway barricades as they made their way past the gate.
Wade let out a heavy sigh of relief as he thanked his allies. "I owe you both so much for this, thanks!"
"Don't mention it, Wade." F said warmly as she and Nathan laughed at his joyful face.
"Yeah, just doing what any good friend should." Nathan said as Tina wrapped an arm around Wade, holding him tightly as the two walked together.
Looking to his girlfriend, Wade spoke to Tina about what to do next. "Well, since we're in, you wanna go fi-" He ceased his words as he remembered that there was someone else they needed to find amongst the base. "Oh, I almost forgot about her,"
"Jasmine!" Tina and Wade said aloud together as the former remembered her sister, Wade's words snapping her mind to Jasmine in an instant. "We should look for her, you think she might be here somewhere?"
"Probably. If they got Ron after they captured me, they have to 've picked her up too." Wade stated, Nathan raising a hand as he offered to help.
"I could go looking for her! You know what she looks like?" Readying a holo-projector, he tried to display an image of Jasmine from one of his many memories of her. The picture was, while pixelated and under a blue hue, incredibly well-detailed. And for Nathan, that was all he needed to see to note Jasmine's appearance in his memory. Nodding, he spoke again to his friends. "Got it! I'll see if she's around!" Then, turning to run down one of the paths leading to a nearby base facility, he stopped as he asked one more question. "Oh! One more thing, you got a smartcomm on ya, Wade?"
Readying one from his holo-projector hand, he nodded as he spoke into it. "Seems so, though I don't seem to have all my contacts added in."
Running back over, Nathan pulled out his own smartcomm before putting it up against Wade's hand one, allowing the two devices to exchange information. Upon the devices beeping, Wade and Nathan nodded to each other, the former ignoring a pop-up that stated, "New Contact Added" while the latter spoke once more. "Okay, I'll call you once I spot her!" With that, he began running down the path once more, intent on finding Tina's sister at the base, wherever she could be.
"Fowley! Her last name's Fowley!" Tina said aloud to the departing Nathan, hoping he heard her words before turning away from the miner drone and facing Wade and F again.
As Tina sighed in partial relief, Wade put his own arm around her before asking the question he tried to ask before. "So, uh, with that out of the way for now... You wanna go look for one of those ship tabs?"
Putting a hand to Wade's chest, Tina smiled as she replied. "Oh, certainly." Then, as the three began walking down a different path that Nathan hadn't taken, the pilot drone continued with a chuckle. "I hear they have a place here that sells model kits too!"
Jasmine sat in silent sorrow as she took another gulp of her glass of Proxi-Vodka, a tasty, but heavy alcoholic beverage produced at the colony of Proxima 2... and one of Jasmine's preferred drinks to have when she wasn't in a good mood. When she awoke after being stunned by the station guards, she found that she was just recovered by a group that called themselves the 'United Earth Coalition', and that her drone friend, Tina, was unfortunately taken by the JCJenson corporation to be turned into one of their horrid disassembly drones. While the people that saved her offered to help her find Tina, so far there had been no luck in doing so. No successful calls, no response from Wade nor Ron, nothing.
The whole situation widdled at her like scrapes to her form, slowly draining any bit of hope that she had in finding her sister. And once the mission at that factory was over, the ship began heading back to the Nellis Base to escort the recovered drones back to a safe area. Unfortunately for Jasmine, Tina's presence was not given confirmation. Alone, she walked off to one of the bars down at the base, specifically Drexler's Cantina, one of the more popular bars down at the military starport. Thankfully, though she didn't openly exhibit feelings of wanting to be alone in her wallowing, she was glad the place was nearly barren of patrons, with only a few at a couple of tables within the bar.
The stage at the back of the bar also had a few singer drones performing aloud, the lead singer girl reciting the words of a quiet, yet exciting song that, instrumentally, consisted of a strange mix of bass, techno, and a hint of opera. The song itself was one Jasmine had heard a good many times before in her life, known as, 'You Complete My World' by a decades old Earth band by the name of HeartStar. The song, as Jasmine and many others who'd heard it interpreted it, was about someone who described their world like a puzzle, and that the one whom the main singer cared for beyond all was the only thing that could keep their world from shattering into ruin before them.
An oddly fitting tune, given what had just happened on the JCJ Central earlier. For all Jasmine knew, Tina was either alive beyond her knowledge, hopefully searching for her wherever she could, or, the answer Jasmine feared... Dead.
Not wanting to even consider the thought, the human pilot took another swig of the colonial Vodka, relishing in its taste before forcing herself to swallow, almost gagging from the strength of the drink. Easing herself, she glanced out to one of the windows of the bar, taking the faint glimpse of night into her eyes. Then, looking to the clock at the wall ahead of her, she saw the time was about a little over an hour to 10 pm. Jasmine gave a sigh to herself, certain she would be alone for the rest of the night.
Unbeknownst to her, however, Jasmine had been spied upon a little while ago. Nathan, in his search for the woman Tina called Jasmine Fowley, had spotted a woman matching the physical appearance of the target. Knowing Jasmine wouldn't know who he was if he tried to talk to her himself, Nathan immediately went looking for Wade, easing his return to his team by calling the former worker drone and signaling him about his findings.
Deciding to check on the news, Jasmine slowly pulled out her smartcomm, resisting her urge to press the contacts button as she tapped the news app. Looking through it, she spotted a recent story that was posted just over an hour ago, titled, "JCJenson 'Recall' effort sabotaged by joint Government/Militia forces! The Truth Exposed!" Above the article was a video, a play button in front of it teasing Jasmine. Curious over this sudden development, she pressed the button, her attention in complete focus on the video as it began to play.
After the news station's logo appeared on-screen for a short few seconds, the current host for the story, Mrs. Tiffany Joy, appeared at her seat before beginning the story. "Good evening, this is Nevada-78, I'm your host, Tiffany Joy. Tonight, we start with a rapid development for the 'drone recall' incidents propagated by the business conglomerate JCJenson In Space. Throughout the afternoon up to now, several advanced factories under the ownership of the corporation have fallen under violent assault by various militarized forces, ranging from official United Nations operatives to private militia groups with varying goals." The small screen to Joy's left shifted to show the state of Nevada, zooming into it to show a portion of the Mojave desert as Joy continued her story.
"Among these facilities, one such factory based right here in southern Nevada has recently succumbed to the successful efforts of the USN Defense Force and a group by the name of the United Earth Coalition, an alliance consisting of humans and automatons working to create a unified world for both species." The screen shifted again to show the logo for the UEC, which appeared as one half of a human head outline and another of a drone's, along with two arms behind the heads belonging to both beings pictured. "With the attack having concluded just hours ago, we have reporters gathering at the New Nellis Staryards near Henderson City to bring you the aftermath of the conflict. We go to Mr. Jelico, on the scene in five."
The camera shifted after the countdown of five to show Mr. Jelico in front of the camera, the cameraman filming a large tent housing several worker drones being tended to by the base soldiers. "Alright, Jelico here, we're on station at New Nellis. What you're all seeing here are some of the recovered worker drones, many of them were pretty spooked by the events that unfolded in that factory earlier." As the camera panned over the lot of drones, some of them looked to the camera, curious at the news crew filming them as Jelico continued. "A few of them are real glad to be here, Joy. Seems like they feel safe here, as far as I can tell."
As the camera moved to show Jelico again, a plane could be seen taking off as he spoke. "Yeah, these people did them quite a service. The staff here are working to find their original owners and families, it'll probably be a little bit before they can get them all home." The camera switched once again to another view of the base, the lights of various buildings illuminating the night as the news story continued.
At the entrance, Nathan pushed open the door to the bar, the chime failing to catch anyone's attention as he, Wade, F and Tina stepped inside. Carefully pointing at Jasmine, he whispered to Tina, "That's her, from the looks of it. She's been here for a good minute!"
Taking another drink of the Proxi-Vodka, Jasmine listened further to the story. "The authorities didn't just recover a majority of the worker drones taken into the factory, however. A recent update provided by Mrs. Yuka, shows her interviewing a disassembly drone who claims to be among the unfortunate drones the assault force failed to save before their conversion."
"Jasmine!" Tina called out, the voice instantly grabbing the woman's attention as she paused the news story. Swiftly turning her head, her heart began pounding with immense excitement as she saw her drone sister, who grinned upon seeing her face.
"Tina!" Jasmine said aloud, somewhat weakly from her previous wallowing as she tried to run over to her sister, landing on her knees as the two embraced in a flush of emotions. Wade and his friends stood behind the two girls as they hugged each other, clinging onto one another as tightly as they could give. Jasmine seemed to erupt with a pained cough as she allowed some of her sorrow out of her heart, Tina carressing her back in a comforting manner as she held back her own tears. The sisters held the hug for a long moment, not daring to let go of one another for fear of losing each other again. Eventually, however, they did, the two sisters taking heavy breaths as Jasmine spoke up while wiping her face. "I thought I'd lost you."
"Can't say I didn't feel the same way, love." Tina replied as she broke out in light laughter, glancing to Wade before continuing. "But, fortunately, those Coalition boys helped out quite a bit. Though, not as much as my knight in his new armor."
Standing herself up, Jasmine took Tina's helping hand as she looked to the one her sister spoke of. A grateful smile formed on Jasmine's face as she saw Wade, standing in front of her and Tina as he returned the expression. Looking upon her family friend, Jasmine noticed something... different about Wade. He was taller now, his arms were shaped like white cones rather than the silver bendy tubes he and Tina normally had. As for his face, his pure green eyes were replaced with a set of greenish-yellow ones, and above his forehead was a band holding five yellow bulbs that she didn't know the function of.
While the pieces started to click together in her head, Jasmine took Wade's held out hand as she spoke to him. "Wade, I'm so glad to see you! You look different, too. Did something... happen to you?" She already guessed it by this point, but feigned confusion as she opted to hear Wade's take on the matter.
"Yeah, I hope you don't mind your sister dating a vampire from now on." Tina chortled in amusement at Wade's comment at himself, Jasmine raising an eyebrow in confusion at the former worker drone as he returned his expression to a more sincere smile. "The company got me too, and unlike the workers we got out... they managed to turn me into a disassembly drone. From now on, I'm gonna need to take in more oil than I usually did before I was turned. My cooling system's not as good as it should be, from what I've heard." Pulling out his two full canteens, Wade finished his partial explanation. "Don't worry, though. I've got some to keep me down."
Jasmine took in the news with immense surprise, noticing the hazard stripes at the rims of Wade's arms as she replied to her friend. "Oh... Well, if Tina's fine with it, then I see no problem with that, Wade." Admittedly, she was a bit unnerved by the change, concerned for both him and Tina's safety due to this supposed oil coolant issue. Trying to sound as nice as she could on the matter, Jasmine hesitantly asked Wade, "Though... I am a bit concerned with that bad cooling problem you mention. You... don't think you would-"
"Hurt Tina?!" Wade assumed, understanding Jasmine's concern as he gave a horrified glance to the two sisters. Standing with his fists to his hips, he gave his answer to Jasmine's presumed question. "Don't even say such a thing, Jasmine. I'd rather overheat than dare strike her."
Admittedly amused as well as concerned for Wade's selflessness, Tina chuckled at him before speaking up on the matter. "Now now, Wade. It won't be so bad. We'll manage."
Jasmine nodded as she agreed with her sister's optimistic view on the problem. "Indeed we will, we always do." Then, taking notice of the other two drones in the room, Jasmine smiled at them before speaking again. "Ah, I see you brought some friends too."
Wade and Tina glanced over to Nathan and F upon Jasmine's statement, the two friends smiling pleasantly as Wade spoke up. "Oh, yeah. These are some of my work buddies from Ceres, Jasmine. This is Nathan, I first met him when Ron and I came to the mines, showed us around a bit too." Putting a hand on F's shoulder, Wade introduced her too. "And this is Serial Designation F, or, just F. She was one of the guards keeping watch on the place while we worked."
F seemed to blush out of embarrassment as she remembered her and Wade's first meeting. "I... did come off a little rough on them when they first came in, though. Stopped Nathan's touring run too. Just following colony protocol."
Nathan patted F's back as he tried to ease F's guilt. "Oh, it's nothing F. We had to start work in a few minutes anyway. Besides, it's a bit more fun exploring the place yourself without a guide." He winked at the others as he finished his praise. "Trust me, it really is."
Wade, Tina and Jasmine all chuckled at their friend's amusing words, F joining in as she replied to Nathan's encouragement. "Alright, alright."
Walking up to the two, Tina put her hand onto Nathan's as she gave her own praises. "And they may not look like it, dear, but Nathan and F were both formerly in the military, from what Wade's told me."
Jasmine gave a proud smirk at the two as she responded to her sister's claim. "Well, that's quite something. Did she tell you we used to fly for them some years back?"
"Oh, she did, Mrs. Fowley." Nathan replied as he chuckled lightly, F giving a smile of her own as she added her own part to the story.
"Yeah, and given what's happening now, maybe they might call you back for service again. Wade told me you two were excellent pilots."
It was now Jasmine's turn to blush as she chuckled from the compliment, knowing Wade's high praise for her and her sister's flying as she replied. "Well, I can't say that's wrong, Tina saved the day during the flight back here. We ran into an asteroid cluster while in the middle of a jump."
Wade patted Tina on her back as he quietly cheered his love on. "That's what I'm talking about, she's a wonder among the stars, I'm telling you!"
The group fell into an excited fit of laughter at the conversation, a few of the bar patrons taking notice of the bunch as they eventually ceased their joyful moment.
As everyone calmed down, Jasmine spoke up, intending to bring the discussion to another place. "Well, with all that said, it feels great to see you all here. It was such a terrible day after all those company folk showed up." Then, as she scanned the group of friends around her, she noticed someone else missing from this puzzle. "Hey, uh... is Ron here? Did he head off somewhere?"
The mood was quickly put down to a mournful aura as Wade and Tina glanced to the floor in sadness, Nathan and F giving uncomfortable postures as they awaited for someone to speak up on the matter.
Eventually, Wade was the one to open his mouth, breathing steadily as he tried to speak to Jasmine. "Um, Jasmine? Things, uh... really took a nose dive after we got captured. You think we could find a place to sit? It's a lot to talk about."
Looking to the four drones with concern, Jasmine eased her returning fear as she nodded to Wade in agreement. "...Sure, there's plenty of space at the table here." Pointing her arm to the table, which was surrounded by a U-shaped seating bench, Wade and his friends began to move to the table as Tina spoke up.
"I can get us some drinks for the talk, you all want anything?"
"Just some oil, thanks. "Wade answered as F and Nathan gave their own nods to Tina, the drone girl walking over to the bartender near the stage as she went to purchase some beverages.
Sitting down, Jasmine picked up her smartcomm from the table, glancing to it as she spoke up on her half-finished drink. "Heh, and to think I was drowning myself in this drag of a drink before. Probably have to find a different glass."
"Proxi-Vodka? Haven't seen you touch that since we lost Aunt Susan." Wade said solemnly as he examined Jasmine's drink, sighing as he reluctantly continued. "Well, maybe it can go for a few more sips."
Looking to the vodka, Jasmine nodded as she put her smartcomm in her pocket. "I figured, I didn't think this was gonna sound good."
"I wish it did." Wade replied as Tina walked back to the table, a plate of three oil glasses resting on her careful hand as she set it down.
After delivering the drinks, Tina took a seat next to Wade, holding his hand as Jasmine spoke up. "So, where do we start this terrible story?"
Wade gulped a bit as he began to recount the events that transpired today. "Well, it all started when Ron and I came back from the mining colony."
submitted by AdmiralStone96230-A to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:03 AP00calyps Can a pure plutocratic government align profit with public good?

I was working on a story set in a medieval government where in the past a stressed king, wanting an easier life, came up with an idea where he shifted all decision-making responsibilities onto someone else and abdicate. His plan was to divide his political powers into shares and auction them off and offered the nobles who supported his decision the chance to participate in the auction to reach a consensus. I wanted my main characters to be born a few centuries later in this government, giving them reasons to oppose the exploitative system, similar to a cyberpunk story set in medieval times. I also aimed for some realism in the economic aspects affecting the story even though my knowledge of economics is limited. However I discovered something intersting and that would cause problems to my story.
In a system where wealthy individuals invest in political power, there's a strong incentive to maximize returns on that investment. The government would operate much like any other business but while imposing rules over its territories and generate profits through taxes. These profits would impact the value of the shares so shareholders would naturally want to extract the maximum taxes with minimal effort. This lead to a dilemma: while growing the economy increases tax revenue and share value, preventing people from enjoying the prosperity hampers tax collection. Furthermore, owning more shares grants more influence but also exposes one to greater impacts from decisions, balancing profit-seeking with potential losses. Externalities, like damages reducing productivity, also affect share value. Implementing human rights would not only boosts productivity but also attracts more people from which collect taxes. Similarly collecting rents from monopolies without distorting markets optimizes profits basically for free. Lastly the government will essentially become the supplier of services like justice because people would demand it and the quality of this services will be direcly impacted by the willingness of people to pay for it (something like an LVT would accomplish something similar).
Exploring this system revealed many incentives seemingly aligning with the public good. However my questioning led me to this: assuming perfect rationality (obviously without it there could be differences) would such a system truly align profit with the public good? Could I have overlooked obvious counterpoints due to my limited understanding of economics?
submitted by AP00calyps to AskEconomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:59 Moodfoo I'm unable to back up all the files, using File History with Windows 11

After I ran File History and it indicated all files where copied I checked the properties of the original folders and those on my external drive, in D:\FileHistory\[username]\[computername]\Data\[initial]\Users\[username]. The folders in FileHistory are consistently indicated to be smaller in size and contain fewer files and folders than the original ones. I have the same after running the backup again and after deleting the backup and running it from scratch. Going through the files I find that it seems to skip folders and files seemingly at random. For instance, in only folder mostly containing pdfs, it only copied 268 out of 336 files. In other folders it copies everything.
Looking in the device manager at the external HD it tells me under Disk drives the HD is working properly, but in section for Portable devices there's a notification saying: "this device cannot start (Code 10)". Yet, the disk is actually running and I can access it. The driver is updated to the best driver.
I don't know if it matters, but I'm storing other files (that aren't on the laptop) on the external HD, alongside the Files History. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with these files.
I'm not sure if there's anything wrong. Maybe the missing files are backed up elsewhere or differently? Or is the back up utility or the HD broken?
Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 3
AMD Ryzen 7 7730U with Radeon Graphics 2.00GHz
16 GB RAM (13.8GB usable)
64-bit operating system, x64-base processor
External HD: WD Elements 6TB
submitted by Moodfoo to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:57 AP00calyps Can a pure plutocratic government align profit with public good?

I was working on a story set in a medieval government where in the past a stressed king, wanting an easier life, came up with an idea where he shifted all decision-making responsibilities onto someone else and abdicate. His plan was to divide his political powers into shares and auction them off and offered the nobles who supported his decision the chance to participate in the auction to reach a consensus. I wanted my main characters to be born a few centuries later in this government, giving them reasons to oppose the exploitative system, similar to a cyberpunk story set in medieval times. I also aimed for some realism in the economic aspects affecting the story even though my knowledge of economics is limited. However I discovered something intersting and that would cause problems to my story.
In a system where wealthy individuals invest in political power, there's a strong incentive to maximize returns on that investment. The government would operate much like any other business but while imposing rules over its territories and generate profits through taxes. These profits would impact the value of the shares so shareholders would naturally want to extract the maximum taxes with minimal effort. This lead to a dilemma: while growing the economy increases tax revenue and share value, preventing people from enjoying the prosperity hampers tax collection. Furthermore, owning more shares grants more influence but also exposes one to greater impacts from decisions, balancing profit-seeking with potential losses. Externalities, like damages reducing productivity, also affect share value. Implementing human rights would not only boosts productivity but also attracts more people from which collect taxes. Similarly collecting rents from monopolies without distorting markets optimizes profits basically for free. Lastly the government will essentially become the supplier of services like justice because people would demand it and the quality of this services will be direcly impacted by the willingness of people to pay for it.
Exploring this system revealed many incentives seemingly aligning with the public good. However my questioning led me to this: assuming perfect rationality (obviously without it there could be differences) would such a system truly align profit with the public good? Could I have overlooked obvious counterpoints due to my limited understanding of economics?
submitted by AP00calyps to u/AP00calyps [link] [comments]
