Regions of the body diagrams

/r/Dance: The Art of Movement of the Body

2008.04.08 18:07 /r/Dance: The Art of Movement of the Body

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2013.03.03 16:50 iamdestroyerofworlds ОДНА З НАС! ОДНА З НАС! ГУБЛЬ-ГУБЛЬ !

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2014.11.11 17:28 flounder19 draw the rest of the fucking owl

For instructions that are less than in depth.

2024.05.16 18:14 LowAd6457 [AP Physics: Hard]

[AP Physics: Hard]
Is my free body diagram correct? (Look at the first to photos for the context of the question and the last picture for my FBD).
submitted by LowAd6457 to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:07 Abject-Airline-6777 Legal Validity of Digital Wills: A Matter of Location

The legal landscape surrounding digital wills, also known as e-wills, is constantly evolving. While traditional paper wills remain the most widely accepted format globally, the convenience and accessibility of digital wills are prompting discussions for their wider adoption. However, the legal validity of digital wills varies significantly depending on your location.
Here's a breakdown of the current situation:
What to Consider if You Want a Digital Will:
For more details click here visit our will registration page
submitted by Abject-Airline-6777 to u/Abject-Airline-6777 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:04 informative_person AR2 Infection lore theories

In 2023 i made a post about pre-apocalypse factions and groups in AR2. Although the various groups and their goals were mostly cleared up the question of how the virus took over the islands. How did the United States military fail with the containment? Why are there Soviet armed forces soldiers and officers at the bunkers and the mansion? Why are there crashed black helicopters with unidentified personnel on Mackinaw?
When i asked other players about what they thought they gave a variety of theories on how the virus came to the islands and what all the different factions were trying to do.
Here are all the theories i have heard from players.
Mackinaw gem smugglers
Throughout a variety of locations including the prison's warden's office and party bus events you can find crates with gems. On Mackinaw, not far away from the airstrip, you can find a mine where gems can be found inside its tunnels and rocks. A theory came to mind that the virus originated from Mackinaw and that the smugglers either intentionally or unknowingly spread the virus to other parts of the archipelago. As their crates and gems were smuggled into the prison or to wealthy clients they became infected. This might also be a hint as to why the 'Rogues' can be found on Mackinaw, possibly trying to stop the smugglers or study the virus.
The virus, being a virus, is organic meaning gems cant be infected with it. There are also no signs of the gems being cursed or having some form of anomaly. The airstrip shows no signs of an contamination or an experiment that went wrong and an pilot getting infected. Its posssible the 'Rogue's brought the virus to the smugglers but as long as their intentions or goals are unknown this can't be confirmed.
Campground's mad doctor
In a basement underneath one of the wooden buildings at the campground you can find surgical equipment and monitors. An infected doctor carrying an Walther P38 and a number of infected civilians can be found inside. This has led to the theory that the doctor was responsible for creating the virus through experimenting on humans. Its likely one of the patients broke free and infected the mad doctor and the campground residents.
Due to the isolation of the campground it remains unexplained how the virus could have spread further from there to the other islands. Its possible one or more hikers got infected whilst visiting the camp and then infected the farmers at Salem or residents of Eden. However both infected hikers are located in the middle of Barkley's forests, away from houses.
Ashland hospital
Inside the hospital you can encounter yellow hazmat infected and a morgue. There are also signs of something going wrong at the hospital including turned over furniture and an malfunctioning lift. This led to the theory that the infection came from an experiment at the hospital or one of the bodies in the morgue had the virus. From there the virus infected Ashland, the biggest city in the archipelago, and then the farmlands.
Outside the hospital in the middle of Ashland is a military camp and there are also military crates inside the hospital itself. This indicates that the soldiers who brought the equipment were well aware of the virus. This in turn means that Ashland hospital is not the origin of the virus as otherwise the military wouldn't have brought crates inside and set up an open camp in the middle of the city. All the hatches of the morgue are closed and no scientific equipment for experiments and tests can be found indicating that everything was well under control.
Regional airport
In many movies and games airports, train stations and harbors are locations of mass outbreaks and attacks. The Regional airport, being the biggest and only public airport in the archipelago, is major location when it comes to bringing visitors and goods from abroad. There exists the possibility that a plane might have brought the virus to the islands either one of its passengers or its cargo.
The only planes at the airport are small civilian planes, private jets and military cargo planes. No actual commercial cargo planes are seen at the airport nor do any of its aircraft appear to be quarantined. There are police cruisers of the local sheriff's department at the main entrance but they appear to have been responding to a fanatic hostage crisis rather than an outbreak. There is also an fanatic inside the control tower with a revolver which might mean that the ATC communications were unattended when everyone became infected. There is also a well fortified military camp on the grass pad in front of the tower and military sleeping mats, crates and cans inside the terminal and tower which indicates the port was safe for the army to dig in at the time they arrived.
Beaufort and Salem cults
Beaufort: Underneath the Beaufort church there is a cave where an infected white plague doctor and his fanatic operatives can be found. There are several steel cages and an altar where prisoners were held and preachings were done respectively. It appears the cult was both fully aware of and prepared for the outbreak and tried to use mystical powers to protect its members. There is also a more darker side to the cult which is that they might have been doing experiments on their prisoners in order to bring armageddon to the world and cleanse the archipelago. In this way they could have brought the virus to the citizens of Halsey and caused further chaos by sending fanatics to the airport.
Salem: Inside the Salem church you can encounter a black plague doctor and a number of fanatics wearing vests and masks. The Salem fanatics tried to hide inside the church with the hope that they would be safe from the infection. There is a rumor that the Salem cult might have called upon dark powers to curse those not part of the group or engineered the virus biologically to gain more influence among paranoid and superstitious citizens.
Beaufort: In one of the bigger buildings of Beaufort you can find olive/green sleeping mats and military equipment. Inside the sheriff's office infected SWAT operatives armed with assault rifles and shotguns can be encountered. This might indicate that soldiers arrived at Beaufort before it got infected and the police were preparing for action. Its also unknown how the infected could have left the cave through the heavy wooden hatch at the tunnel entrance.
Salem: Its unknown if the plague doctor had any connections to dark powers and there is no equipment that can be used for working with biological matter. There is also an well prepared police blockade next to the church on the bridge which might mean the virus was not active in Salem when it was set up.
The Soviets/militia
There is a significant presence of the militia and their Soviet allies throughout the entire archipelago. The game is set in the late 80's and early 90's during which time the Soviets and Americans were political and military rivals. On virtually every named island you can find a sign or equipment of the Militia and loosely affiliated smugglers. Meanwhile at the coastal bunkers, mansion, Lulu chapel and various camp and ATV events you can encounter well armed Soviet soldiers from both the army and the Spetsnaz. From any of these outposts and holdouts the communists could have easily spread the virus to sabotage American interests in the archipelago. Nuclear, chemical and biological warfare were used by both sblocks during the cold war.
During the late 80's soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev ended the afghan war and cooled down tensions with the west. Its unlikely he would have authorized an biological attack on US soil. Militarily an attack on the archipelago wouldn't have been very profitable in terms of strategy as the virus knows no allegiance to anyone and is can easily infect any human not wearing a full body suit and a gasmask. Politically an attack against the USA with biological weapons would have been met with heavy reprisals and criticism by the international community if the truth were to be found out. There are also no signs of biological weapons usage at any militia or Soviet locations.
Volcano helicopter crash
The helicopter wreckage and infected soldiers and hazmat suit wearing responders raises questions what the helicopter could have been transporting. There is also no sign of the police or the military responding to the crash site as their vehicles are absent. There is the chance that the helicopter might have been transporting the virus and crashed at the volcano where its infected occupants attacked the responders and scientists at the geological research site.
The isolated location of the crash site and research station raises questions on how the infection could have spread from the mountain to the surrounding towns and communities. There is also an fire watch tower with armed militia soldiers on the other side of the volcano whom might have been able to fight against the infected whilst also staying isolated and away from civilians. Its possible the virus could have infected hikers and some militia members who then spread it elsewhere (female hiker -> Salem farmers, male hiker -> campgrounds and surrounding houses, militia scout -> junkyard and mansion).
My opinion: I think the most believeable infection location from where the virus could have spread is the volcano's heli crash. This heli crash is the only crash confirmed to have happened at the start or before the outbreak as its location is permanent. There are also military police blockades on the bridges from the other islands to Barkley which look like they have been built to stop traffic from going to and from the island. Then we have also the lack of dedicated military camps and sites around Barkley. It appears the military primarily wanted to secure the power plant to maintain electricity for the archipelago. Compared to the other islands the civilians of Barkley seemed to be less well prepared for an conflict or any kind of attack as there are no gun shops at major locations like Lockport and Salem and there is also no police station, hospital or fire station. As to how the helicopter got the virus on board is unknown but many crates lay scattered around the crash site and vehicles with special equipment and hazmat infected are nearby.
What theory do you think is the most likely to have brought the virus to the islandsor do you have a theory of your own?
submitted by informative_person to ApocalypseRising [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:57 Connect-Heron-401 Hawthorn

Habitat and cultivation Hawthorn trees grow along roadsides throughout the scrub and fields of the British Isles and in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It can be propagated by seed, but it takes 18 months to germinate, so it is often propagated by cutting. The inflorescences are picked in late spring and the fruits are harvested in late summer and early autumn. Main functions Strong heart Promote circulation Lower blood pressure Antioxidant Scientific research Hawthorn, a flavonoid, has been extensively studied. Its main effects are due to flavonoids and anthocyanins, which relax and relax arteries, especially coronary arteries, thereby increasing blood flow to the heart muscle and relieving angina. Flavonoids and anthocyanins have antioxidant functions, which help to prevent and reduce vascular aging. Heart Disease Several clinical trials have explored the blood-pressure lowering and cardiotonic effects of hawthorn, and there is strong evidence that the herb is safe. Practical application Ancient Usage In Europe, hawthorn was traditionally used as a diuretic to treat kidney and bladder stones. It is currently used to treat circulatory diseases, which originated from an Irish doctor who successfully used hawthorn to treat such diseases in the late 19th century. Heart Treatment Hawthorn is used today to treat angina and coronary artery disease. It improves heart function and has a therapeutic effect on congestive heart failure and arrhythmias. Like many herbs, the effects of hawthorn need to be coordinated with the body's own physiological processes and take time to change. Blood pressure hawthorn is considered to make bloodpressure positive.One of the best drugs for normalization. It lowers high blood pressure, and when it gets low, it returns it to normal. It can enhance memory. The principle is that hawthorn can improve the blood circulation of the head, thereby increasing the oxygen supply to the brain.
submitted by Connect-Heron-401 to u/Connect-Heron-401 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:53 thomasmfd After cleaved fanfic (treaty of earthni) by thomasmfd

Occupation of Southern California, L.A. County: Former Lands, realms and kingdoms of Mewni Treaty
In recognition of the unique circumstances prevailing within the occupation zone located in Los Angeles County, formerly known as the Land of Mewni, this treaty aims to establish guidelines for the governance and administration of the said area, ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of its inhabitants.
Article 1: Freedom of Movement
1.1. All individuals residing within the occupation zone shall have the right to freedom of movement within the designated area.
1.2. Citizens of the occupation zone shall be granted unrestricted access to exit and entry, subject to applicable laws and regulations.
1.3. Non-citizens seeking to leave the occupation zone must obtain a valid pass from the relevant authorities.
1.4. Exceptions to the freedom of movement may be imposed for reasons of security or public safety, as determined by the governing body of the occupation zone.
Article 2: Education and Mobility
2.1. Residents of the occupation zone shall have access to educational opportunities without discrimination, irrespective of their citizenship status.
2.2. Individuals who have acquired sufficient education and skills shall be eligible for exemptions from certain restrictions on movement, as determined by the educational authorities of the occupation zone.
2.3. The governing body of the occupation zone shall facilitate programs and initiatives aimed at enhancing educational attainment and skill development among its residents.
Article 3: Representation, Governance, and Cooperation
3.1. Each kingdom or district within the occupation zone shall be entitled to representation in the governing council, ensuring equitable participation in decision-making processes.
3.2. The kingdoms within the occupation zone shall cooperate with each other and with the governing body to maintain peace, stability, and prosperity in the region.
3.3. Garrison of troops may be stationed within the occupation zone to uphold law and order, subject to the approval and supervision of the governing body.
Article 4: Martial Law and Establishment of Government
4.1. Martial law shall be declared in the occupation zone effective 2019, granting the governing body necessary authority to maintain security and public order.
4.2. During the period of martial law, the governing body shall work towards establishing a functioning government structure representative of the interests of the inhabitants.
4.3. Once the period of martial law has ended, the governing body shall proceed to establish a permanent government in accordance with the principles of democracy, rule of law, and human rights.
Article 5: Implementation and Review
5.1. The provisions of this treaty shall be implemented and enforced by the competent authorities of the occupation zone.
5.2. Regular reviews and assessments shall be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of this treaty, with necessary amendments made as required.
5.3. Disputes arising from the interpretation or implementation of this treaty shall be resolved through peaceful means, including negotiation, mediation, or arbitration.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized representatives of the participating parties, have signed this treaty on [date], in Los Angeles, in the English, Waterbubble, Demon Tongue, and Low Mewman languages, all texts being equally authentic.
submitted by thomasmfd to StarVStheForcesofEvil [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:22 Connect-Heron-401 Wormwood

Habitat and cultivation Wormwood is a common roadside plant native to Europe, now widely distributed in Central Asia and the eastern United States, and widely cultivated in temperate regions. Wormwood is propagated by seeds sown in spring, or by roots in autumn, and the aerial parts can be harvested in late summer.
Main functions Stimulate bile secretion Anti-inflammatory Relieve stomachache Mild antidepressant Antibacterial Insecticide
Practical application Absinthe Absinthe is the raw material for making absinthe, a drink popular in France in the 19th century. Vermouth is flavored with Artemisia oil containing thujone, which is toxic and banned in many countries. Stimulate digestion Wormwood can improve digestive function by stimulating digestion. It promotes digestion and absorption by increasing the secretion of gastric acid and bile, and has therapeutic effects on many diseases, including anemia. Wormwood can also relieve abdominal flatulence. If the tincture is taken regularly, it can slowly improve the digestive ability and restore the vitality and health of the body after a long illness. Expelling parasite Wormwort is often used by pharmacists and dieticians to treat intestinal infections, including parasites, dysentery, and Shigella infections. Insect prevention Wormwood is a good way to kill and prevent insects.
submitted by Connect-Heron-401 to u/Connect-Heron-401 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:37 PetrZitskiy Exploring Seneca Casino Experiences

Exploring Seneca Casino Experiences
[ Exploring Seneca Casino Experiences ]
Seneca Casinos are renowned for offering top-tier gaming experiences, luxurious accommodations, and diverse entertainment options. Located in the beautiful regions of Western New York, these casinos provide a unique blend of modern amenities and rich cultural heritage. In this article, we'll explore the different facets of Seneca Casino experiences, from gaming and dining to entertainment and relaxation.
The Seneca Nation and Its Casinos
Operated by the Seneca Nation of Indians, Seneca Casinos have become a staple of entertainment in New York State. The Seneca Nation, with its rich history and cultural heritage, has successfully created a casino brand that combines traditional values with contemporary appeal.
Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino
Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino in Niagara Falls is one of the largest and most popular gaming destinations in the region. It boasts a vast gaming floor with over 2,500 slot machines, including classic favorites and the latest video slots. The casino also offers over 80 table games, such as blackjack, roulette, and craps, along with a dedicated poker room that hosts regular tournaments and events.
The resort features luxurious accommodations with stunning views of Niagara Falls or the surrounding landscape. Guests can choose from a variety of rooms and suites, each equipped with modern amenities and elegant décor.
Seneca Niagara offers a diverse array of dining options to suit every palate. From fine dining at The Western Door Steakhouse to casual fare at Thunder Falls Buffet, there’s something for everyone. The resort also has several bars and lounges where guests can relax with a drink.
Entertainment is a key part of the Seneca Niagara experience. The Seneca Niagara Events Center hosts top-name performers, concerts, and shows, while the Bear’s Den Showroom offers a more intimate setting for live performances.
Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino
Located in the scenic foothills of the Allegany Mountains, Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino provides a thrilling gaming experience with over 1,700 slot machines and a wide selection of table games. The casino’s high-stakes area caters to those looking for a more exclusive gaming experience.
Seneca Allegany features a AAA Four Diamond Award-winning hotel with beautifully appointed rooms and suites. Guests can enjoy breathtaking views, plush bedding, and first-class service.
The resort’s dining options include The Western Door Steakhouse, Patria serving authentic Italian cuisine, and the casual atmosphere of Thunder Mountain Buffet. There are also several bars and cafes offering a variety of drinks and light bites.
The Seneca Allegany Events Center hosts a variety of entertainment options, from concerts by famous artists to comedy shows and cultural events. The casino also features live music in its lounges and bars.
Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino
Situated in downtown Buffalo, Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino offers an exciting urban gaming experience. The casino features over 1,000 slot machines and a range of table games, including blackjack, roulette, and craps.
Dining options at Seneca Buffalo Creek include Phillips WD Bar & Grille, known for its mouthwatering seafood and steaks, and the Creek Stop, which offers quick and delicious bites.
While Seneca Buffalo Creek is more focused on gaming, it also provides entertainment with live music and special events that attract both locals and tourists.
Cultural and Community Involvement
Seneca Casinos are deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of the Seneca Nation. The casinos often host events and exhibitions that showcase the history, art, and traditions of the Seneca people. Additionally, the Seneca Nation is committed to giving back to the community through various initiatives and charitable activities.
Spa and Wellness
For those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, Seneca Niagara and Seneca Allegany Resorts offer world-class spa facilities. Guests can indulge in a variety of treatments, including massages, facials, and body therapies, designed to provide a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the casino floor.
Seneca Casinos also provide a shopping experience with various boutiques and gift shops offering a range of products, from high-end fashion and jewelry to unique souvenirs and local crafts.
Seneca Casinos offer a comprehensive entertainment experience that goes beyond gaming. With luxurious accommodations, diverse dining options, world-class entertainment, and a deep connection to cultural heritage, Seneca Casinos provide a unique and unforgettable experience. Whether you’re a gaming enthusiast, a food lover, or someone looking to relax and unwind, Seneca Casinos have something for everyone. Plan your visit today and explore the world of Seneca Casino experiences.
submitted by PetrZitskiy to BestCryptoCasinosUS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:44 aptechvisa-india Australia PR for Nurse from India

Australia PR for Nurse from IndiaIf you are looking for Australia PR for a Nurse from India then there are several options available to a registered Indian nurse seeking permanent residency in Australia. The General Skilled Migration program, which encompasses the Subclass 189 Skilled Independent visa and the Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa, is one popular route. These visas are point-based and require the fulfilment of certain requirements, such as age, English language competency, skills evaluation, and character and health standards.
Employer sponsorship, such as that provided by the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) or the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186), is another possible route. A qualified employer must sponsor the nurse for a post in Australia to obtain one of these visas.
To successfully negotiate the complexities of Australian immigration law, the nurse must thoroughly investigate, comprehend, and apply for each pathway. They should also get expert counsel or assistance from an immigration consultant.
Why is AUSTRALIAN REGISTRATION – Nursing and Midwifery Board needed for Australia PR for a nurse?
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Board (NMBA) has to have registered you as a Registered Nurse for you to be able to work in Australia and apply for Skills Assessment. In addition to deciding on issues about registration, endorsement, notation, and compliance for nurses, midwives, and students, the NMBA also establishes policy and professional standards for the nursing profession. The following viewpoints are included in the registration standards:
• Past Criminal Records
• Fluency in the English language
• Professional indemnity insurance policies;
• Recent Practice;
• Ongoing Professional Development
Which skill assessment body is required for Australia PR for Nurse?
You need to take a skills evaluation to qualify for a permanent resident visa. The Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) is the authority for assessing skills for registered nurses. It can evaluate internationally qualified nurses or international students who have completed their nursing degree program in Australia and are registered there, as well as those with an equivalent qualification and registration in New Zealand. The following list of three primary eligibility pathways:
Full Skills Assessment: You are eligible for a full skills assessment if you are not registered in Australia and have a degree in Nursing from outside Australia. For example: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.
Australian Visa Application for Registered Nurses (Nurse Visa Australia)
A variety of visas are available for Australia PR Visa from India. Registered Nurses to apply for immigration to Australia, including the following:
Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189): For skilled professionals subject to a points system who wish to live and work in Australia and apply for permanent residency on their own, the visa (subclass 189) is a permanent residence permit. These days, applicants must score substantially higher on the Points in order to be invited, due to the government's limited allocation of spots for this category and the fierce rivalry among applicants
Skilled Nomination Visa (Subclass 190): For skilled professionals who meet certain requirements and wish to work and settle in Australia, the visa (subclass 190) is a permanent residence permit. An Australian state or territory government agency must nominate the application. The need for nurses in Australia is high and is expected to remain so, particularly during and after the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic. If their profession is listed as a state occupation, qualified registered nurses may be eligible to seek for a nomination to the Australian state.
Skilled Work Regional Provisional visa (Subclass 491): Itis a temporary residency permit for skilled professionals who meet the requirements and wish to work and reside in Australia. An Australian state or territory government agency must propose the applicant, or a qualifying relative must sponsor them. After the necessary requirements are satisfied, the holders of this visa may then apply for the subclass 191 Skilled Regional (Permanent) visa.
The Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482 visa): It permits foreign workers whose designated occupation is on the approved occupation lists to be hired on a temporary basis by an approved business sponsor. The visa validity period for jobs involving registered nurses may be up to four years. If the necessary requirements are met, the visa may be renewed. After meeting the necessary requirements, sponsored nurses may submit an additional application for a permanent resident visa under the 186 Employer Nomination Scheme.
Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186): workers who wish to work in Australia and apply for Permanent Residency through their employment opportunity can do so using the Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186). An authorized Australian employer must nominate a candidate for this visa in the first phase, and the candidate must then apply under the nominated stream. It is a component of the program for permanent employer-sponsored visas. If their employers are prepared to help them, sponsored nurses may be able to apply straight for permanent residency through this route.
How to apply for Australia PR for Nurses from India?
There are usually multiple steps involved in becoming a registered nurse and moving to Australia from India. This is a broad synopsis of the procedure:
Step 1 : Verify Your Eligibility: The first step is to determine if you are qualified to practice nursing in Australia. To make sure your credentials fit Australian requirements, you will need to have them evaluated by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC).
Step 2. English Language Proficiency: You must take an authorized English language test, such as the PET or IELTS, to establish your English language Proficiency Score.
Step 3. Apply for Registration with AHPRA: After fulfilling the requirements for eligibility, you can apply to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) for registration. In Australia, becoming registered is required to practice nursing.
Step 4. Skill Assessment through ANMAC: The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) must evaluate nurses' skills. This evaluation confirms that your credentials and abilities meet Australian requirements.
Step 5. Submit your Expression of Interest (EOI): The first step in applying for a points-tested visa is to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via the SkillSelect system. Once submitted, you must wait for the Invitation to apply (ITA).
Step 6. Submit the documents and visa fee: Once an applicant receives his or her ITA then they need to submit their documents along with the Visa fee.
Step7. Wait for your Australia PR: Once the Australian immigration authorities process your documents and application and approve them you receive your Australia PR.
Because immigration rules and procedures are subject to change, it is advised that you speak with a registered migration agency or immigration consultant for the most recent information and advice about your situation
How will Aptech Visa help with Australia PR for Nurses?
1. Aptech Visa helps the applicants with documentation.
2. Aptech Visa also helps the applicants with gaining the required license.
3. We will get the nurse registered under AHPRA.
4. Prepare the portfolio as per the requirement.
5. Enroll with NCLEX
6. Get your skill assessment
7. Help the applicant throughout the process.
For more information, you can refer to and you can also connect with our Australia Immigration Consultants at 9289289006, 7503832132.
submitted by aptechvisa-india to u/aptechvisa-india [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:30 elearningcnp Benefits and Uses of CBSE Education for Schools -Digital Teacher

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Learn about the Central Board of Secondary Education’s (CBSE) past. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), established in 1952, has expanded its presence to include PAN India and has 141 affiliated schools in 21 countries. The government has recognized the importance of education in today’s complex world, and CBSE is a key apex body in India, providing the highest level of education and skill sets to face multicentricity challenges.
CBSE Educational Institutions:
CBSE Schools cater to government service personnel who are constantly moving and prefer not to change schools, offering a suitable channel for students who wish to enhance their confidence when joining schools in new locations.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) system was established in India to provide uniform, high-standard education to students across the country. Initially, it was only used in Rajputana, Gwalior, and Central India. However, in 1929, the government suggested expanding to other regions like Ajmer, Marwari, Chandigarh, Andaman, and Nicobar Islands, making it an indispensable resource for students seeking high-quality education in India.
These schools are self-financing, relying on admission, examination, and affiliation fees to meet their financial needs, without any government grants or other resources.
CBSE Syllabus — Digital Teacher
For more About CBSE Education Visit: CBSE Schools Digital Teacher
submitted by elearningcnp to u/elearningcnp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:18 katesteel_1210 How to Enjoy a Memorable Kerala Homestay Experience in Wayanad with a Pool

How to Enjoy a Memorable Kerala Homestay Experience in Wayanad with a Pool
Nestled amidst the lush greenery of Kerala's Wayanad district lies a gem waiting to be explored - the quintessential Kerala homestay experience, elevated with the addition of a serene pool. Wayanad, renowned for its scenic beauty, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, offers an ideal setting for a memorable retreat. For travelers seeking an authentic immersion into the local way of life, a homestay experience provides a perfect blend of comfort, culture, and relaxation. Add to that a refreshing pool to beat the tropical heat, and you have the recipe for an unforgettable getaway.
Embrace the Essence of Kerala Hospitality
One of the most enticing aspects of opting for a homestay in Kerala is the opportunity to experience the famed hospitality of the region firsthand. Unlike conventional accommodations, a homestay allows guests to become part of the family, sharing meals, stories, and traditions. In Wayanad, homestay hosts open their doors with warmth and sincerity, ensuring guests feel welcome and cherished throughout their stay. From traditional Kerala cuisine prepared with love to guided tours of nearby attractions, every aspect of the experience is imbued with a genuine sense of hospitality.
Immerse Yourself in Nature's Embrace
Wayanad's natural beauty is unparalleled, with its verdant forests, cascading waterfalls, and meandering rivers captivating visitors at every turn. A homestay tucked away amidst this idyllic landscape offers a front-row seat to Mother Nature's grandeur. Wake up to the melodious chirping of birds, take leisurely strolls through spice plantations, and breathe in the crisp, rejuvenating air. With a pool at your disposal, you can indulge in leisurely swims while surrounded by lush greenery, allowing the stress of everyday life to melt away amidst nature's embrace.
Discover the Charms of Wayanad
Beyond its scenic vistas, homestay in wayanad with pool is steeped in history and culture, with a plethora of attractions waiting to be explored. From ancient temples and archaeological sites to wildlife sanctuaries and tribal villages, there's no shortage of experiences to enrich your journey. Engage in conversations with locals, partake in traditional art forms, and savor the flavors of Wayanad's cuisine. After a day of adventure and discovery, return to your homestay oasis, where you can unwind by the poolside, reminiscing about the day's adventures under the starlit sky.
Relax and Rejuvenate
A homestay experience in Wayanad isn't just about exploration; it's also about relaxation and rejuvenation. After a day of sightseeing and cultural immersion, retreat to the comfort of your homestay and take a dip in the refreshing pool. Feel the tension ebb away as you float lazily, surrounded by the sounds of nature and the gentle rustle of palm fronds. Allow yourself to be pampered with traditional Ayurvedic therapies and massages, ensuring both your body and soul are revitalized. With no distractions except the soothing sounds of the countryside, you'll find true tranquility in this oasis of calm.
Tips for a Memorable Homestay Experience
  1. Choose Your Homestay Wisely: Research different homestay options in Wayanad, considering factors such as location, amenities, and reviews from previous guests.
  2. Communicate with Your Host: Reach out to your host before your arrival to discuss any special requirements or preferences you may have. Clear communication ensures a smooth and enjoyable stay.
  3. Immerse Yourself in Local Culture: Take advantage of opportunities to engage with your hosts and learn about Wayanad's rich cultural heritage. Whether it's participating in cooking classes or joining in traditional festivities, embrace the local way of life.
  4. Respect the Environment: While enjoying your homestay experience, be mindful of your impact on the environment. Conserve water, minimize waste, and support sustainable practices whenever possible.
  5. Disconnect to Reconnect: Use your homestay experience as an opportunity to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with yourself and your surroundings. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the present moment, embracing the serenity of Wayanad.
In conclusion, a Kerala homestay experience in Wayanad, complemented by a pool, offers a unique blend of cultural immersion, natural beauty, and relaxation. By choosing to stay with local hosts, guests not only enjoy comfortable accommodations but also gain insights into the heart and soul of Kerala's vibrant culture. So, pack your bags, leave your worries behind, and embark on a journey of discovery and rejuvenation in the picturesque landscapes of Wayanad. Your oasis of tranquility awaits.
submitted by katesteel_1210 to u/katesteel_1210 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:50 Downtown_Zookeeper Final Update - MLM and Plexus party in my work locker

Hello friends!
Over the last few weeks I posted about my coworker who decided to throw out my personal items from my locker and replace it with Plexus garbage.
For those of you wanting more context start here:
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of cancer, eating disorders and body dysmorphia.
Part 1:
Part 2 :
So on to the finale!! It’s a long one!!
Quick recap: I am a night shifter security guard and have struggled with EDs the majority of my life and am very self conscious about my body and how I look. I keep crystal light and some snacks in my locker for when I need a little pick me up mid shift or if I want some juice instead of water. My personal items were removed from my locker and thrown out and replaced with Plexus weight loss garbage.
Buckle up everyone, here we go!!
I was paid back for the stuff she threw out. She handed me the money in front of our manager who for the record was not impressed she had to be on site at 8pm to make sure it was done. Our manager is a no-nonsense Slavic woman who hails from the same region I do - so I’m very familiar with the attitude 😂. So needless to say, having to show up at site on a Tuesday at 8pm when she’s an early to bed early to rise type was already a bad thing.
If there’s anything I can say as a take away for anyone in a similar situation at their workplace - be brave and be confident in reporting it. Document everything in relation to the MLM crap - paper trails are your friend. If you’re unsure of how to approach the topic with a manager find someone you trust and are comfortable with (preferably an outside source. Eg: mom or dad, sibling, friend) and have a mock-manageemployee-conversation with them about the situation. I know not all managers are good and some are absolute crap - report it and then send an email to them with a “just to recap what we spoke about on _______ date at _____ time.” If that goes nowhere, most companies have an anonymous whistle blower hotline - call them if you’re comfortable doing so.
Good luck to anyone dealing with this!
submitted by Downtown_Zookeeper to antiMLM [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:05 Legitimate_Ad927 Cpps? IC? Hernia? Ibs? Anyone have any clue?

Really trying to understand what’s going on inside of my body, for around 3-4 weeks now, what started with a sharp stabbing pain after a cough in my pubic region, I started to feel pressure on my bladder over those coming days and just a general feeling of not feeling to great in the pelvic area, I’ve experienced quite a few different symptoms from a bloated belly with pressure, increased frequency to go toilet (urine) to sharp stabbing pain (moderate) in my perenium, which comes and goes, I have tingling in my testicles along with dull aches, weakness in my groin which again isn’t overly painful, I get shooting pains in my genitals, full aches in my stomach mainly towards right side but sometimes left too, when I sneeze it’s almost like my pubic area gets let up like an electric shock like I really don’t understand it at all I’ve got blood test booked for tomorrow, I’ve done my own urine test which did show some wbc was present but very low trace, no nitrates, in general I can still move around do what I need to do, not without feeling uncomfortable the pain comes and goes but generally always feels like it’s there either in my lower abdomen or tingling into my genitals, really just wanted to see if anyone knew or had any idea or advice on this?
submitted by Legitimate_Ad927 to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:59 ExplorerWithABag Constant level of discontent

When there are no distractions, things to get done or think about, "I" can clearly feel this nagging sense of disconent. It seems to underlie every conscious experience.
It manifests in a feeling of discomfort in my upper body region and when I focus fully on it, it seems to flee my attention to lower regions. I engage with it fully like "is this all you can do" and that seems to make it move even more. It really feels like some alien presence, that does not want to be discovered.
It is accompanied by thoughts about dukkha, that everything is impermanent and in the end unsatisfactory. I lable those thoughts as what they are and consciously mark them as empty too. Still I'd like to have a "a little bit better experience" of the here and now anyway.
I seem to be between stages 5 and 7, most of the time in stage 6, meditating for 25mins (working on it) at least one time a day, moreoften twice. Any hints?
submitted by ExplorerWithABag to TheMindIlluminated [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:52 Yurii_S_Kh Pascha; a Reminiscence from the GULAG

Pascha; a Reminiscence from the GULAG
Should at any time we feel ourselves to be alone, or for the secular world to be so overwhelming and powerful as to render spiritual life redundant, we can reflect on the difficulties of our predecessors and be inspired by their cheerfulness and joy in the face of tremendous privations.
As mentioned before, the mid 1920’s was a period of ferocious attacks upon the Church by the Bolsheviks, both clergy and laity. Many of the faithful were executed or imprisoned in the Gulag for extended periods on nonsensical charges. The Solovetsky Island concentration camp (Solovki for short), formerly a remote monastery on an island in the White Sea region of Russia’s far north, was reserved for particularly “recalcitrant” prisoners, in particular priests from throughout the Soviet Union, including the newly annexed Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic. Conditions were brutal and fatalities commonplace.
This letter from Bishop Maxim of Serpukhov, a Russian priest, is a moving testament to the resilience and cheerfulness of interned clergy during tremendous oppression. The Paschal context of his letter is poignant for us this week.
At Solovki we had several secret Catacomb “churches,” but our “favorites” were two: the “Cathedral Church” of the Holy Trinity, and the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The first was a small clearing in the midst of a dense forest in the direction of the “Savvaty” Assignment Area. The dome of this church was the sky, The wails were the birch forest. The church of St. Nicholas was located in the deep forest towards the “Muksolm” Assignment Area, It was a thicket naturally formed by seven large spruces. Most frequently the secret services were conducted only in the summer, on great feasts and, with special solemnity, on the Day of Pentecost. But sometimes, depending on circumstances, doubly secret services were celebrated also in other places. Thus, for example, on Great Thursday of 1929, the service of the reading of the Twelve Gospels was celebrated in our physicians’ cell in the 10th Company, Vladika Victor and Fr. Nicholas came to us as if for disinfection. Then, catacomb style, they served the church service with the door bolted. On Great Friday an order was read in all Companies informing that for the next three days no one would be allowed to leave the Companies after 8 p.m. save in exceptional circumstances and by special written permit of the Camp Commandant.
At 7 p.m. on Friday, when we physicians had just returned to our cells after a 12-hour workday, Fr. Nicholas came to us and told us that a Plashchanitsa (burial shroud with the image of Christ) the size of one’s palm had been painted by the artist R. The service-the rite of burial–was to be held and would begin in an hour. “Where?” Vladika Maxim asked. “In the great box for drying fish which is closest to the forest, next to Camp N. The password: three knocks and then two. It’s better to come one at a time.”
In half an hour Vladika Maxim and I left our Company and started out for the indicated “address.” Twice patrols asked for our permits. We, as physicians, had them. But what about the others?–Vladika Victor, Vladika Ilarion, Vladika Nektary, and Fr. Nicholas? Vladika Victor worked as-a bookkeeper in the rope factory. Vladika Nektary was a fisherman; and the others weaved nets. Here was the edge of the forest. Here was the box, about nine yards long, without windows, the door scarcely noticeable. Light twilight, the sky covered with dark clouds. We knock three times and then twice. Fr. Nicholas opens. Vladika Victor and Vladika Ilarion are already here… In a few minutes Vladika Nektary also comes. The interior of the box has been converted into a church. On the floor, on the wails, spruce branches. Several candles flickering. Small paper icons. The small Plashanitsa is buried in green branches. Ten people have come to pray. Later another four or five come, of whom two are monks. The service begins, in a whisper. It seemed that we had no bodies, but were only souls. Nothing distracted or interfered with prayer… I don’t remember how we went “home,” i.e., to our Companies. The Lord covered us!
The bright service of Pascha was assigned to our physicians’ cell. Towards midnight under various urgent pretexts arranged by the section, without any kind of written permit, all who intended to come gathered, about fifteen people in all. After the Matins and Liturgy, we sat down and broke the fast. On the table were Paschal cake and cheese, colored eggs, cold dishes, wine (liquid yeast with cranberry extract and sugar). About three o’clock we parted.
Control rounds of our Company were made by the Camp Commandant before and after the services, at 11 p.m. and 4 a.m. Finding us four physicians headed by Vladika Maxim, on his last round, the Commandant said: “What doctors, you’re not sleeping?” And immediately he added: “Such a night…and one doesn’t want to sleep!” And he left.
“Lord Jesus Christ! We thank Thee for the miracle of Thy mercy and power,” pronounced Vladika Maxim movingly, expressing our common feelings.
The white night of Solovki was nearing its end. The delicate, rose-colored Paschal morning of Solovki, the sun playing for joy, greeted the monastery-concentration camp, converting it into the invisible city of Kitezh and filling our free Souls with a quiet, unearthly joy.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:01 astrobabag Unveil the mystical world of Vashikaran Mantra Bengali

Unveil the mystical world of Vashikaran Mantra Bengali
Vashikaran Mantra Bengali
Vashikaran mantra is a powerful, but ancient, form of mantra which has been used for years to bring about positive changes in people’s life. It is believed to have the potential to control the mind of people and make their actions go along with their intentions. Vashikaran is a Sanskrit word that indicates 'control' or 'to allure', and Bengali is a language spoken in West Bengal region of India and Bangladesh.
Vashikaran is the Bengali mystical practice that has been a part of the culture since time memorial. It is a medium which people frequently employ to handle different problems in their lives, including relationship and love dilemmas, financial difficulties, career problems, health issues, and more. The line seems to be the bearer of the power of positive energy, bringing good fortune and success in all spheres of life.
Various kinds of Vashikaran mantra Bengali are meant to be used for different reasons.
  1. Mohini Mantra: By constantly repeating this mantra, one can draw to them the person they are in love with. It is thought to hold the power to awaken the person you are attracted to, by making them feel attracted and in love with you.
  2. Kamdev Mantra: This saying is used to enchant and add excitement to a relationship. It is thought to help in building the love and the intimacy of the two peoples and also in building the bond between the two of them.
  3. Sarva Rog Nivaran Mantra: It is for that purpose that health issues and illnesses are treated. The fact that it is considered to have the power to cure the body and mind and to bring about a condition of good health and equilibrium is what most believe in.
  4. Vashikaran Mantra for Success: This mantra is to appeal for success and make life prosperous. We believe this god makes opportunities and good fortune come to people and enables them to fulfill their goals and desires.
  5. Vashikaran Mantra for Wealth: This belief system is incorporated in order to generate fortune and wealth. It is said that it can grant success to its owner and bring wealth, happiness, and generosity in their lives.
Vashikaran mantra in Bengali is generally recited in a certain pace and at a particular time so as to produce desired outcomes. One is believed to get the positivity through constant chanting the mantra in the light of faith and purpose. Many of the users who tried the Vashikaran mantra in Bengali reported that there were positive transformations in their lives, like having better relationships, getting more financial success, and experiencing health improvements.
On the other hand, it is also of great importance to keep in mind that Vashikaran is a form of mystical art and it should be used carefully. It is necessary to consult with a skilled astrologer prior to using any Vashikaran mantra because it can influence you as the one using it and also the person that the spell is being casted on. Furthermore, it is crucial to have positive intention when putting the mantra in the work and not to use it for causing others’ damage or creating manipulation.
To summarize, the Bengali Vashikaran mantra is an impactful and age-old principle that has been employed for generations to make people’s life better. It is believed to be the source of the power to manipulate and control the human minds and to create the effects of positive energy and success. I charge up the mantra with a strong belief in its power and dedicate myself to using it to attract love, success, wealth and prosperity into my life. Yet, the mantra ought to be practiced with care since it is also a potent tool that can greatly affect those who use it and, at the same time, the target of the mantra.
Online Free Consultation With Baba Ji Please Visit:

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submitted by astrobabag to u/astrobabag [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:23 BlyatBoi762 (QUESTION) Lower Egyptian Irrigation

Hi all,
I'm currently in the process of making a small Minecraft map of a typical Lower Egyptian village, from the Middle Kingdom period. The problem I am currently facing, is that of irrigation and canals. However, I am unable to find any descriptions or diagrams of how Irrigation was utilized in the Nile Delta region, as most online sources seem to focus on the form of basin irrigation used in Upper Egypt.
On a side note, how were Ancient Egyptian agricultural communities/villages located in relation to the Nile? Were they built along the banks of the Nile, or more in-land?? Where were Cemeteries built in the Nile delta; In Upper Egypt from what I can find, cemeteries were generally built in the desert outskirts.
Any help regarding any of these questions would be much appreciated. Thank you all.
submitted by BlyatBoi762 to ancientegypt [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:41 schematical The Magical `terraform console` Command

I was lurking in /Terraform on Reddit as I tend to do when I discovered someone commenting about the Terraform Console I had not heard of that previously so I started digging in. It comes bundled with the Terraform cli by default. And allows you to browse the current state of your various resources and modules.
aws_api_gateway_rest_api.api_gateway { "api_key_source" = "HEADER" "arn" = "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1::/restapis/psnflsr6ha" "binary_media_types" = tolist([]) "body" = "{\"info\":{\"title\":\"example\",\"version\":\"1.0\"},\"openapi\":\"3.0.1\",\"paths\":{}}" "created_date" = "2023-06-12T15:07:34Z" "description" = "" "disable_execute_api_endpoint" = false "endpoint_configuration" = tolist([ { "types" = tolist([ "REGIONAL", ]) "vpc_endpoint_ids" = toset([]) }, ]) "execution_arn" = "arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:368590945923:psnflsr6ha" "fail_on_warnings" = tobool(null) "id" = "psnflsr6ha" "minimum_compression_size" = "" "name" = "schematical-terraform-v1" "parameters" = tomap(null) /* of string */ "policy" = "" "put_rest_api_mode" = tostring(null) "root_resource_id" = "q3jlr1ea55" "tags" = tomap({}) "tags_all" = tomap({}) }
Interesting enough when I go to get the state of an entire module it prints out just the variables passed to it. Probably more valuable than trying to print out all the sub resources included in that module:
module.dev_env { "api_gateway_base_path_mapping" = "" "api_gateway_stage_id" = "ags-psnflsr6ha-dev" "api_gateway_stage_name" = "dev" "cloudfront_domain_name" = "" "cloudfront_zone_id" = "Z2FDTNDATAQYW2" }
Not life changing by any means but a nice little tool to keep in your arsenal.
submitted by schematical to u/schematical [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:08 Total-Mastodon-6888 Best Immigration Consultants in Bangalore

For many Indians seeking to embark on an immigration journey, the process can seem daunting. Navigating complex regulations, visa requirements, and application procedures can be overwhelming. That’s where experienced immigration consultants like Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore
come in. This blog post acts as your guide, helping you understand the value of immigration consultants and equipping you with the knowledge to choose the best fit for your needs:
Why Choose an Immigration Consultant?
The immigration landscape is constantly evolving, with intricate procedures and ever-changing regulations. Here’s how an immigration consultant like Adric can make your journey smoother:
The Benefits of Professional Guidance:
Choosing an immigration consultant goes beyond simply filling out forms. Investing in professional guidance can significantly increase your success rate and save you valuable time and resources.
Choosing the Right Partner: Qualities to Look For in an Immigration Consultant
With numerous immigration consultants in Bangalore, selecting the right one is crucial. Here are some key qualities to consider:
The Adric Advantage: Why We Stand Out
At Adric Immigration Consultants, we believe in building trust and long-term relationships with our clients. Here’s what sets us apart:
Building Your Immigration Dream Together:
At Adric Immigration Consultants, we understand that immigration is a life-changing decision. We are dedicated to guiding you through each step, from initial assessment to a successful outcome.
Contact us today for a free consultation and let Adric Immigration Consultants be your trusted partner on the path to achieving your immigration aspirations. Together, we can turn your dream of living and working abroad into a reality.
Beyond the Self-Serve Approach: The Risks of Going Solo
While the internet offers a wealth of immigration information, navigating complex processes alone can be risky. Here are some potential pitfalls of a self-serve approach:
Investing in Your Future:
Choosing an experienced immigration consultant is an investment in your future. The guidance, expertise, and support provided can significantly increase your chances of a successful immigration journey.

Conclusion: Taking the First Step Towards Your Immigration Goals

By understanding the value of immigration consultants and knowing how to choose the right partner, you empower yourself to navigate the process with confidence and clarity. At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we are more than just consultants; we are your advocates and allies on the path to achieving your immigration dreams.
We invite you to schedule a free consultation with our team today. Let’s discuss your goals, assess your eligibility, and tailor a personalized immigration strategy that brings you closer to your aspirations. Together, we can turn the complexities of immigration into a smooth and successful journey.
submitted by Total-Mastodon-6888 to u/Total-Mastodon-6888 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:02 ontheballoot A Day in Politics: Shah's Kashmir Visit, Kejriwal's Punjab Roadshow, and More

A Day in Politics: Shah's Kashmir Visit, Kejriwal's Punjab Roadshow, and More
In the dynamic world of Indian politics, every day brings new developments, strategies, and campaigns. Today, we witnessed key political figures making significant moves across the country. Let’s delve into the highlights of the day:
While Union Home Minister Amit Shah is likely to chair a security review meeting in Kashmir, Arvind Kejriwal will be leading a rally in Amritsar.
Amit Shah’s Kashmir Visit: Union Home Minister Amit Shah is set to embark on a two-day visit to Kashmir, where he plans to engage with various stakeholders, including BJP leaders and representatives from the Pahari community and trade bodies. This visit holds significance amidst ongoing political dynamics in the region and signals the government’s commitment to engaging with all sections of society.
Kejriwal’s Punjab Campaign Kickoff: Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi and the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), launched his campaign for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls in Punjab with a spirited roadshow. This marks a crucial step in AAP’s electoral strategy, as they aim to make significant inroads in the state’s political landscape.
Modi’s Rallies in Uttar Pradesh: Prime Minister Narendra Modi shifted his focus to Uttar Pradesh, where he addressed rallies in Jaunpur, Bhadohi, Pratapgarh, and Lalganj. With a substantial number of seats yet to vote in the state, Modi’s rallies aim to mobilize support and energize voters ahead of the remaining phases of polling.
Kharge’s Campaign in Odisha: Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge led the party’s campaign efforts in Odisha, holding events in Bhubaneswar and Kandhamal. As the Lok Sabha polls progress, the Congress party is leaving no stone unturned in its bid to connect with voters and secure electoral victories.
Post-Poll Violence in Andhra Pradesh: The Election Commission (EC) took note of post-poll violence in Andhra Pradesh and summoned the state’s chief secretary and director general of police to explain the administration’s response. This development underscores the importance of maintaining peace and security during the electoral process.
As the political landscape continues to evolve, each day presents new opportunities and challenges for political parties and leaders. Stay tuned for more updates as the Lok Sabha elections unfold, shaping the future trajectory of Indian politics.
submitted by ontheballoot to u/ontheballoot [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:57 harshaljaiswal27 Green Coffee Market Size, Share and Forecast

The global green coffee market size was valued at USD 34.03 billion in 2020. The market value is estimated to increase from USD 35.40 billion in 2021 to USD 47.22 billion by 2028 with a CAGR of 4.20% during the forecast period. The market is gaining momentum from the rising consumer awareness toward various health benefits of the product among consumers. The product is also gaining popularity in nutraceutical products and dietary supplements. Fortune Business Insights presents this information in its report titled “Green Coffee Market, 2021-2028."
Green coffee has gained tremendous popularity across the world over the past few years. Its demand is increasing due to growing consumer inclination towards functional foods & beverages and plant-based dietary supplements. Specialty coffee varieties such as green coffee beans are attracting an enormous consumer base worldwide. With increased disposable incomes, consumers are increasingly spending on premium-quality food & beverage products. These factors will work in favor of the market expansion during the forecast timeline.
~Information Source -~
Based on type, the market is bifurcated into Arabica and Robusta.
On the basis of end product, the market is divided into roasted coffee, green coffee bean extract, and instant/soluble coffee.
Geographically, the market is split into North America, South America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East & Africa.
~Report Coverage-~
The report offers:
~Drivers & Restraints~:
Growing Use in Nutraceuticals & Dietary Supplements to Boost Market Growth
The green coffee market growth is primarily driven by the increasing awareness towards the various health benefits of the product among consumers. Green coffee beans are a major source of chlorogenic acid, which is an antioxidant that can be absorbed in the body readily. High antioxidant content has thus increased the product popularity significantly. Studies have also shown that the beverage can aid weight loss. This factor is driving its adoption among obese and overweight individuals.
Attributed to the aforementioned health benefits, green coffee is being increasingly used in nutraceutical products and dietary supplements. Increased focus over healthy and immunity will thus help the market proliferate over the projected timeframe.
However, price volatility of green coffee beans could hamper the market growth to some extent.
~Regional Insights~:
Europe is expected to lead the global green coffee market share during 2021-2028. The region is witnessing a notable uptick in product adoption for further processing in instant coffee and roasted coffee products. Specialty coffee products are gaining popularity among health-conscious consumers across Germany, Spain, and Italy.
North America will witness growth owing to the thriving nutraceutical sector. The region is witnessing heavy usage of nutraceutical products and dietary supplements. Rise of the fitness sector and presence of major players such as Starbucks will drive the regional market forward.
Meanwhile, the market is Asia Pacific will record notable growth during the analysis period due to rising disposable incomes of consumers and increased spending on premium-quality coffee products.
~Competitive Landscape~
~Industry Development:~
June 2021: Neumann Kaffee Groupe partnered with Advanced Coffee Equity to conduct a quality control-focused training to capitalize on the growing green coffee trend in the U.S.
List of Key Players Profiled in the Report:
submitted by harshaljaiswal27 to u/harshaljaiswal27 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:56 Organic__monk Organic Farming Certification Requirements: A Comprehensive Guide

Organic Farming Certification Requirements: A Comprehensive Guide


Organic farming has seen a significant rise in popularity over the past few decades, driven by increasing consumer demand for healthier and environmentally sustainable food options. Certification is a crucial aspect of organic farming, assuring consumers that products meet established organic standards. This blog will delve into the requirements for organic farming certification, covering key factors such as eligibility, standards, processes, and benefits.

Understanding Organic Farming

Organic farming emphasizes using natural processes and inputs to enhance soil fertility and crop productivity. It avoids synthetic chemicals and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and relies on crop rotations, green manure, compost, biological pest control, and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil health and productivity. The goal is to create a sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural system.

Why Certification Matters

Certification serves several critical purposes:
  1. Consumer Trust: Certification assures consumers that their products are genuinely organic and produced following stringent standards.
  2. Market Access: Certified organic products often have access to specialized markets and can command premium prices.
  3. Environmental Impact: Certified organic farming promotes environmental sustainability by minimizing chemical usage and enhancing biodiversity.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Certification helps farmers comply with national and international organic farming regulations, facilitating trade.

Key Certification Bodies

Various certification bodies exist globally, each with specific standards and processes. Some of the well-known certification bodies include:
  • USDA Organic (United States Department of Agriculture)
  • EU Organic (European Union)
  • IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements)
  • Soil Association (United Kingdom)
  • JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standard)
Each body has its criteria and standards, but there are commonalities in the principles they follow.

Steps to Obtain Organic Certification

The process to obtain organic certification generally involves several steps:
  1. Preparation and Eligibility
Before applying for certification, farmers must ensure their practices align with organic standards. This involves:
  • Converting Land: Fields must undergo a transition period, typically three years, during which synthetic chemicals and prohibited practices are phased out.
  • Training and Education: Farmers should educate themselves about organic farming practices and standards. Many organizations offer training programs and resources.
  • Documentation: It is essential for certification to keep detailed records of farming practices, inputs used, crop rotations, and field histories.
  1. Application Process
Once prepared, farmers can apply to a certification body. The application typically includes:
  • Application Form: Detailing farm size, location, crops grown, and management practices.
  • Organic System Plan (OSP): A comprehensive plan describing how the farm will comply with organic standards, including pest management, soil fertility practices, and use of organic inputs.
  1. Inspection

A crucial part of the certification process is the on-site inspection:

  • Scheduling an Inspection: They will schedule an inspection.
  • Inspection Visit after applying: An inspector visits the farm to verify that the practices described in the OSP are being followed. This includes examining fields, storage areas, and equipment and reviewing records.
  • Sampling and Testing: Inspectors may take soil, water, and crop samples to test for compliance with organic standards.
  1. Evaluation and Certification Decision
After the inspection, the inspector submits a report to the certification body. The certification body reviews the report and decides whether to grant certification. The decision is based on:
  • Compliance with Standards: Ensuring all practices align with organic standards.
  • Record Keeping: Verifying that the farmer maintains accurate and comprehensive records.
  • Corrective Actions: If minor non-compliances are found, farmers may need to implement corrective actions before certification is granted.
  1. Ongoing Compliance and Renewal
Certification is not a one-time process but requires ongoing compliance:
  • Annual Inspections: Certified farms undergo yearly inspections to ensure adherence to organic standards.
  • Record Maintenance: Farmers must continue to keep detailed records of all farming activities and inputs.
  • Updates to OSP: Any farming practices or management changes must be updated in the Organic System Plan and reported to the certification body.

Common Organic Farming Standards

While specific standards can vary by region and certification body, there are common principles and practices in organic farming:
  1. Soil Fertility and Crop Nutrient Management
  • Prohibited Inputs: Synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, and GMOs are prohibited.
  • Permitted Inputs: Use organic compost, green manure, crop residues, and approved mineral supplements.
  • Soil Health: Practices to maintain and improve soil health, such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and minimal tillage.
  1. Pest, Weed, and Disease Management
  • Prohibited Inputs: Synthetic pesticides and herbicides.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) involves Using biological pest controls, mechanical and physical controls, and organic-approved pesticides as a last resort.
  • Preventative Measures: Crop rotation, habitat enhancement for beneficial organisms, and maintaining soil health to prevent pest and disease outbreaks.
  1. Crop and Seed Management
  • Seed Use: Preference for organic seeds and planting stock. Non-organic seeds may be used if organic seeds are not available, but they must not be treated with prohibited substances.
  • Genetic Engineering: Using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is strictly prohibited.
  1. Livestock Management
  • Living Conditions: Animals must have access to outdoor space, clean water, and organic feed. Confined conditions are restricted.
  • Health Care: Use preventive health care practices, such as rotational grazing, a balanced diet, and clean housing. Antibiotics and synthetic hormones are prohibited.
  • Breeding: Natural breeding methods are preferred. Artificial insemination is allowed, but cloning is prohibited.

Benefits of Organic Certification

  1. Market Advantages
Certified organic products often command higher prices and have access to domestic and international niche markets.
  1. Environmental Sustainability
Organic farming practices promote biodiversity and soil health and reduce pollution, contributing to overall environmental sustainability.
  1. Consumer Confidence
Certification provides consumers with assurance about the quality and authenticity of organic products, enhancing trust and loyalty.
  1. Health Benefits
Organic farming reduces exposure to harmful chemicals and pesticides, providing safer food options for consumers.

Challenges in Obtaining Certification

  1. Cost and Financial Barriers
The certification process can be expensive, including application, inspection, and annual renewal costs. Small-scale farmers may find these costs prohibitive.
  1. Record Keeping
Maintaining detailed records and documentation can be time-consuming and requires diligent management.
  1. Transition Period
The required transition period can be challenging for farmers, as they must adhere to organic practices without the immediate benefit of selling their products as certified organic.


Obtaining organic farming certification is a rigorous process that requires dedication, detailed record-keeping, and adherence to strict standards. However, the benefits of accreditation, including market advantages, environmental sustainability, and consumer trust, make it a worthwhile endeavour for many farmers. By understanding the requirements and committing to sustainable practices, farmers can successfully navigate the path to organic certification and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable agricultural system.
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2024.05.16 08:39 Acrobatic-Two9496 Herbal Health: Nature's Healing Remedies

Herbal Health: Nature's Healing Remedies
If you're seeking relief from a Doctor for arthritis in Prayagraj, consider exploring herbal health remedies. Nature's Healing Remedies offers a holistic approach to managing arthritis symptoms, incorporating herbs known for their anti-inflammatory properties and joint support. Consult with a qualified herbalist or healthcare professional in Prayagraj to discover personalized herbal solutions for your arthritis needs. Understanding Herbal Medicine Herbal medicine, also known as botanical medicine or phytotherapy, involves using plants' seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. This ancient practice dates back thousands of years and is based on the belief that plants contain compounds that can promote health and treat various ailments. Unlike synthetic drugs, herbal remedies aim to work with the body's natural healing processes. If you're seeking relief from a Doctor for arthritis in Prayagraj, consulting a doctor specialized in arthritis treatment in the region ensures personalized care and guidance tailored to your specific needs. Choosing the Right Herbs Choosing the right herbs is essential for harnessing the benefits of herbal medicine. Whether you're aiming to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, or boost overall Choosing the right herbs is essential for harnessing the benefits of herbal medicine effectively. Whether you're looking to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, or support overall wellness, selecting the appropriate herbs is crucial. If you're specifically seeking herbs for neuro-orthopedic concerns, such as nerve-related pain or musculoskeletal issues, it's advisable to consult a doctor for neuro-ortho in Prayagraj. This expert guidance ensures that you choose herbs that align with your unique health needs and complement any ongoing treatments or therapies effectively. By partnering with a knowledgeable healthcare professional, you can navigate the vast array of herbal options available and create a tailored herbal regimen that promotes optimal neuro-orthopedic health and well-being.
Incorporating Herbal Remedies into Your Lifestyle Incorporating herbal remedies into your lifestyle can significantly contribute to your overall well-being. Whether you're seeking relief from arthritis or aiming for general wellness, Prayagraj offers access to knowledgeable healthcare professionals. Consulting a Doctor for arthritis in Prayagraj can provide personalized guidance on integrating herbal remedies into your daily routine. With their expertise, you can explore natural solutions that complement conventional treatments, promoting holistic health and vitality.
Safety Considerations While herbal medicine is generally safe when used correctly, it's essential to be aware of potential risks and interactions, especially if you're taking prescription medications. Some herbs can interact with certain medications or may not be suitable for individuals with specific health conditions. Always disclose your herb use to your healthcare provider. If you're dealing with Doctor for slip disc in Prayagraj, seeking guidance from a doctor specialized in treating spinal conditions ensures proper diagnosis and tailored treatment options to alleviate pain and restore mobility.
Embracing Herbal Health Herbal medicine offers a natural and gentle approach to supporting overall health and well-being. By understanding the basics of herbal remedies and incorporating them into your lifestyle responsibly, you can experience the benefits of nature's healing power. For those seeking a Doctor for cervical in Prayagraj, consulting a doctor who specializes in cervical treatments ensures comprehensive and tailored support for your specific needs. Conclusion Herbal health is a fascinating and time-tested approach to wellness. From soothing herbal teas to potent tinctures and capsules, there are numerous ways to incorporate herbal remedies into your daily routine. Remember to choose herbs wisely, seek expert guidance when needed, and approach herbal medicine with patience and respect. By embracing herbal health, you can tap into nature's bounty and enhance your journey towards holistic well-being.
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