Star letters for myspace

We are the BEST team in the NBA

2011.10.26 00:43 GrahamDouglas We are the BEST team in the NBA

A community for Milwaukee Bucks discussion, news and deer friends!

2013.02.02 05:11 DoctorTrogdorMD AlBundy

Al Bundy- Father, Husband, Family man and Shoe Salesman. We all share together in our love of Al Bundy. Al Bundy is the greatest man alive and deserves recognition as the great american hero he is. Al Bundy has inspired countless artists in the renaissance period as well as many modern minstrels.

2011.11.18 20:19 DFWPhotoguy News and Discussion about Politics in the Lone Star State

A place for news and discussion about politics in the Lone Star State, with more politics than /Texas and more Texas than /politics.

2024.06.09 16:21 Warm-Attention9821 Made a post here a few days ago looking for help with the transcription for this brazillian letter…

Made a post here a few days ago looking for help with the transcription for this brazillian letter…
it happened that nobody either knew Portuguese or wanted to help, so I’m gonna post this again but this time with what our team managed to transcribe if anyone still wants to challenge themeselves, so good luck and have fun for those who try it :D
(Also if anyone calls me lazy again, I just wanna say that we wanted help to compare transcriptions, but that’s my fault for not elaborating on that on the last post)
Anyways here’s what we got until now, line per line (line 91 and forward is the vertical part of the letter in the start):
Blue Star Line 2 S.S. Almeda 3 31/7/28 4 Minha Titita querida 5 Não pude te escrever como te 6 promettera no dia 24, porque 7 como era de esperar de um 8 marinheiro de terra enjoei 9 terrivelmente na terça e quar 10 ta, tive uma grippezinha, um 11 pouco de febre, mas quinta 12 ja estava boa. 13 Minha Tita tenho tanto 14 para te dizer que não sei 15 pelo que começar: meu 16 anjinho tenho muitas sauda- 17 des tuas, queria que estives 18 ses aqui commigo; cada coisa 19 engraçada que acontece 20 cada divertimento que tenho 21 me lembro de ti,... queria 22 que o apreciasses commigo 23 que estivesses aqui para rirmos 24 juntos das graças do Sr Ezcur 25 -ra um peruano que parece 26 ter sido palhaço na outra ge- 27 ração ou nesta; Pyrra e eu 28 o achamos a cara de al- 29 -gum palhaço de circo; enfim, 30 minha Tita cada dia que 31 se passa, cada vez que vou 32 me distanciando mais da 33 nossa querida terra, dahi 34 onde meu coração deixou 35 tanto affectos, penso mais 36 em ti nas irmazinhas, na 37 querida mamãe, em ma- 38 drinha, que tanto têm feito 39 por nós. 40 Titazinha como irão passando 41 as irmazinhas, todos os nossos 42 dahi? 43 A vida a bordo é muito 44 divertida, imagina que só 45 vão 36 passageiros; Dr Ribeiro 46 e Sra um collega de tio Mar- 47 sillon, - 2 moças Uruguayas 48 com os paes muito boasinhos 49 e pandegas, - Mr Holmes que 50 conheceu papae, o tal Sr 51 Ezcurra, um casal inglez-ar- 52 gentim cuja a moça é filha 53 de Maria do S.C de Buenos-Aires 54 taes são os mais sympaticos 55 passageiros. 56 O comandante tambem 57 merece menção, é um bom 58 velhinho primo ou por outra 59 avô do Chaby - 60 Toma-se banho de piscina, 61 dança-se, ha cinema 2 vezes 62 por semana, joga-se ping-pong 63 outros jogos; ontem ouve uma 64 interessante comida de (auto) ca- 65 vallos; pela manhã fomos vizi- 66 tar a casa das machinas, 67 um primor de limpeza, um 68 calor..... 50 gráos - pouco depois 69 passamos para o compartimento 70 de frigorifico 15° abaixo de 0.... 71 imagina.... 72 Titazinha o que é triste é 73 o mar só mar e nem 74 uma paysagem para repousar 75 a vista....;desde que chega- 76 mos a altura de Bahia começamos a 77 sentir calor; salvo hoje esses 78 ultimos dias por causa da 79 atmosphera pesada não tenho 80 passado bem senão á tarde; depois 81 do almoço o sonno ou por outra a 82 sonnolencia é tão forte que adormeço 83 conversando..... não tenho tido annimo durante 84 o dia para nada. 85 Meu anjinho querido, hoje a noite va- 86 mos chegar a S. Viscente é lá que porei 87 esta cartinha a primeira e uma das 88 unicas que vou escrever pois fora tia Regina 89 Carmimdinha tambem 90 as irmazinhas, e Para a todos só vou man- 91 dar cartões; minha Tita não repara na letra o vapor jus- 92 tamente agora está 93 trepidando muito 94 si tu não fosses 95 minha Tita que 96 rida eu recomeça 97 ria esta carta. 98 As florezinhas 99 que me deste 100 duraram muito 101 mesmo. 102 São quase 6h - 103 hora de fechar 104 a mala mil bei- 105 jinhos para a 106 mamãe,Juca, Nenem 107 e para Ti. Helôma 108 Um affectuoso abraço para madrinha 109 de nós todos Da tua sempre Helômar
submitted by Warm-Attention9821 to Transcription [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:12 heat_box000 Like no other 2 "talking"

Rika stared at her hand, at the backside of her palm, her skin color is that of an overripe and sweet sapodilla. She doesn't know what that thing is, but that's what her dad used to call it, apparently some sort of fruit, but she doesn't know what fruit is either. it’s slightly blue now, stained by the blood of a… thing. She looked at it, the… she doesn't know what to call it, pink thing… pink… pinky? Sounds good enough for her, she looked at pinky.
Pinky is… weird? She's seen some weird things in her life, an irradiated wasteland can always hold a surprise, but this is… peculiar. In a way she couldn't really put her finger on, more so because she can't touch pinky for too long because they are really cold. But she wants to touch pinky, pinky is interesting. Pinky has four eyes, no hair, and a beautiful skin, she's almost jealous.
Her curiosity took over and she scooted over to where pinky is, laying on her bed, with bandages on their tummy. She's honestly not sure why she instantly knows that pinky is bleeding, when she found them in that fire pit, created by that blue light that came from the clouds. Actually, she remembers it quite fondly. She remembered her dad coming back home, bleeding from his tummy, and asked her to fetch some bandages. He told her it was done by bad guys.
“Pinky? Are you awake?”
He told her bad guys don't like her, or dad, and want to kick them out. Dad said don't listen, and fight back, since then she really hates bad guys, and thought everyone but her and her dad are bad. She got a lecture for thinking that, and her dad told her not everyone is bad, some people are good, friends he called it, Rika never had friends before but she would love to have one someday.
As Rika continuously poked Pinky, she wondered if Pinky is a bad guy or friend, or maybe they got hurt by a bad guy, are there bad guys in the clouds?. Pinky looks nice, they don't look like bad guys, but who knows, once her dad said that bad guys sometimes lie and make themselves look like friends.
Pinky’s skin is cold, very cold, it hurts if she touches it too long, but if she touches it for just a few seconds, it’s actually comfortable. So Rika did just that, occasionally putting her palm on Pinky, and enjoying the cold. But suddenly Pinky doesn't feel as cold anymore, she was wondering why when Pinky woke up, and slapped her.

“AHH! Get away from me!”
Ciro’s not having it today, she just woke up, and expected maybe the white and yellow of her ship’s medical bay, the feeling of a soft bed on her back, hoping maybe all that she saw before is just a very long and weird dream.
“Shoo! Shoo!”
It isn't, unfortunately. She woke up to the brown and black of a cave, and the feeling of what barely passes as a bed laying on rough sand and pebbles on her back, it is not in fact a very long and weird dream. It is, in fact, reality, reality is terrifying as they say and she would agree, as she immediately sees the creature again the very next second of her eyes opening.
“Shoo! Get out of here! D-d-don’t hurt me!...”
It spoke…? In language she doesn't recognize, it seems… confused? She's not sure if whatever the creature is doing with its face counts as an expression. But it does seem… curious, undeniably so, it tilted her head at her, and looked at her with its curious brown eyes before leaning forward. That, of course, scared the soul out of Ciro.
“Eek! Stay away!”
Now it looks surprised, kind of. It backs away slightly, with their back facing the entrance of the cave, a harsh ray of sunlight peered through the cave’s mouth and some violent wind can be heard. It still stared at her, with that… admittedly… beautiful brown eyes, she's never seen it before. She found herself locking gaze with the creature, feeling a strange sensation as she did.
“Uhm…….. hi”
She suddenly strangely relaxed, as if she didn't just experience ejecting out of her exploding ship and meeting a foreign alien right after. But it got her mind calm, and more rational, now that she is, she should probably stop calling it creature, it's undoubtedly sapient. It had clothes, a terrifying helmet as she recalls, and clearly some decent technology, looking at… gnarly looking weapon resting on the wall next to them.
“π¥! ¥# £¥¢@!”
It- no… they spoke again, it kind of sounds like an introduction, but it's not like Ciro knows what it means so who knows, could be a threat. They kept staring at her, rather inappropriately. Their eyes wandered to somewhere on Ciro’s lower body, and pointed at it with one of their five clawed fingers. She was about to think about the predatorial implications that the claw gave her, but she's too busy panicking about the wound on her stomach right now.
“Oh God…”
It’s patched up, neatly and appropriately, but also rather tightly. The moment she became aware of it the pain came rushing through like a busted dam. She held her stomach as she curled to a fetal position, tears coming out of her eyes.
That's when a hand grabbed her shoulder, she looked up to see the… she should really give it a name, the first thing to come out of her pained mind is critter, and she stuck with it. Critter was staring at her, they seemed to be worried, Critter looked around, before getting up and running towards a dark green colored backpack. Critter rummages through it, before finding what they were looking for, signified by them going what Ciro assumes to be “AHA!”
They ran up to her and presented it in their hands, an assortment of what look like pills, they're giving her medication?
“I… i can't, i don't know what's in it, it can- ergh!... Mmph… it can kill me…”
Critter insisted, all the while looking at her with all the worry in the world, for a second she wanted to question why it’s so… passionate? The amount of compassion shown to someone they probably have never seen before, it’s kind of sweet. She would appreciate it, if she's not in great pain right now, with a shake of the head she refused the pills, leaving Critter confused and even more worried.
“Sorry… i can't”
Ciro closed her eyes, maybe if she can get her mind away from it the pain would recede. She got nothing, even though her kind is known for how well they can handle their own minds she can't seem to suppress it. But when something touched her head she calmed down, it felt warm, and comfortable, and soft. She opened her eyes again to see Critter…
Are they…. Are they petting her? They are, and it… it feels good, oddly so.

Rika caressed Pinky's, they seemed to be in pain and when she offered them painkillers, they refused, she was at a loss at how to calm them down, until she remembered something. When she was little, she found a stray kitten that wandered near her home. It was crying and she had no clue how to calm it down, until she touched the kitty’s head and petted it.
“Okay? Are you okay?”
Her dad didn't like kittens, made him go achoo achoo, he calls it… al… ler… gi…? Something like that, she's not very good at spelling. Doesn't matter though, Pinky looks to be enjoying it, they're not crying any more, that's good if you ask her. A couple of minutes pass, filled with nothing but oddly awkward silence and the sound of someone being petted.
When she was done Pinky had completely stopped crying and holding their tummy. At the same time they seemed to snap out of a trance, and looked at her, she replied with a smile, after remembering that Pinky doesn't speak like her.
She tried anyway, surely anyone knows what a "hi" is right?. Surely, as sure as the lightness in her head, she felt it suddenly, it was unpleasant and it felt like someone was poking the inside of her head.
“Ow…. That hurts”
She laid down on the cave floor, and wondered why she's like this all of a sudden. She looked at dust carried by the wind outside. It might be that the air can be kind of funky sometimes, she should really cover the cave with a tarp. She did just that, though making sure the tarp’s color can blend in with the surrounding is a little hard when she can barely even focus from all the lightheadedness.
“There… set and sound… ow…”
She's still feeling it, even more severe now. Probably because it already got to her, oh well, what can she do? It should pass soon enough, she's been through more, a headache is not going to take her down, maybe. She sat down next to her rifle and sighed, messaging her head as she did, it relieved some of the pain, but didn't make it go away.
Maybe she should go back trying to talk with Pinky, maybe that can calm it down-

One thing Qo’kvells can do other than telepathically communicate with each other is… look into the mind of a non-Qo'kvell. Unethical, dishonorable, despisable, medically problematic, since it hurts anyone who isn't mentally capable, which everyone who is not a Qo’kvell. But… it can help, in some things. Like… knowing the ill intentions of others, or a problem in their mind, or getting to know them, or… learning their language.
And she has never seen a language so complicated it hurts her head just thinking about it. Not until she probed Critter’s head, to see if there's a way to communicate, it visibly affected them, but they handled it far-far better than anyone else, most would pass out in the first 3 seconds, Critter seems mostly unfazed. From it, she knows a lot, but understands few, she did learn Critter is a she, so hey, fellow girls at least.
“Mmh… oh… I shouldn't have done this…”
And her intent is well, she's trying to help her, the pills she offered were painkillers, and she saved Ciro from her pod’s burning wreckage. She suppose she can thank her, but learning a language takes some time and brain effort, and it certainly hurts, so she holds off for now. Critter’s memory is hazy, and hard to reach, it’s almost like her brain is actively fighting against her telepathy.
Maybe I should say something… hmm… this is… a word for introduction right? I hope, please don't be a slur or something’
‘did it work?’
From Critter's memory, she learned that waving her hand seems to be some sort of introductory gesture, so she did that. She was expecting shock, but what she got was a very happy Critter, who seemed to instantly forget about their headache.
“you can talk!”
“A… small-”
‘wait, no that's wrong’
“Me… mean… little?”
‘That's also wrong, what in the lands below is this language?!’
“Who are you? What's your name? I'm Rika! I’m friend!”
She can barely understand that wall of words, she did hear a name… Wi… no, Ric… e? No, wrong again, Ri… ka…? Sounds… correct-ish. She also noticed she was being asked her name, she tried her best to piece it together using the strange letters of Rika’s language.
“am… Ce… ehm, no… Ci… Ciro”
“Ciro? Oh man… Pinky is not right at all”
She has no clue what Rika is talking about, and it’s probably best she doesn't question it. But now she has to ask the important questions. She tried her best to form a sentence in her head before trying to speak. She could just try and probe again, but her head’s not having it so neither does she.
“When… no, me mea- no… I mean… Where… am… i?”
“Hmmm? oh, we’re in a cave”
“I… know… I mean… what place?”
“What? Uh… Oh! Yes, you’re not from here, sorry, we’re in a desert! My dad calls it wasteland, i don't know why, i don't a see a lot of trash out here”
Wasteland? Desert wasteland? Ciro was curious, what kind of species prefers to live in a desert? Wasteland no less?
“The whole world is like this, dad calls it end of the world, i don't see anything ending out here, so i don't really know”
End of the world… Ciro realized the grim implications of that sentence and frowned, with a bit of pity towards Rika.
“”stranded in post apocalyptic planet, great””
“What? You speak weird again”
“Oh… apologiz- uh, i mean, sorry, it is n-native… mouth”
“Oh, i’ve heard of that, dad used to tell me other people can speak another way, can you teach me?”
Rika’s eyes light up, she seems oddly innocent and childlike in… well… apocalypse, for gods know how long. She suppose education isn't as strong as it used to be in that condition, but shouldn't Rika be a bit more… aware?
“N-no, it… hard”
“Aww… it’s fine, you can speak like me anyway, how do you do it?”
She's not sure what to say, Rika probably doesn't know what telepathy is, or maybe and she does, Ciro’s got nothing on her culture.
“Just… special… thing, i can do”
“Ooh!... What is it?”
“Difficult… explain… t-to explain, i mean”
“It’s okay… are you good? You’re wounded, i took care of it but you were still hurt”
“Am… fine”
She's really not, but she's functional which is good enough, Rika’s work on her wounds was surprisingly exceptional.
“Great!... Hmm… do you want to go with me?”
“Hold on! Let me get it!”
Rika ran to her bag again, and took out some sort of… square? It unfolded to a large rectangular shape, is it made of… paper?
‘Her species still uses paper?’
She was a bit confused, if they can make advanced medicine then shouldn't they be way past that? Then she was reminded by the sound of the violent wind outside.
‘oh yeah… apocalypse’
She ran back to him all excited, Ciro can practically taste the thick naivety of this girl as she spoke with the largest smile she has ever seen.
“We’re here, not too far away from my home, but that's not where I'm going! I wanna go here! Look!”
She pointed to a drawing that resembles a mountain.
“It’s a really tall mountain! My dad’s been there before! He said it looks very pretty!”
“What… for?”
“To meet someone! My dad said there's someone very special there! That I should meet them! He said it’s important for everyone too… but he wanted to tell me first!”
Rika kept mentioning this “”dad””, and Ciro is going to go out on a limb to guess this dad is her parent.
“Is… dad mother?”
“Wha? No! My dad is a man! Strongest man ever!”
‘so a father?’
“Where is… dad?”
All the light in Rika’s eyes disappeared, replaced with something that made Ciro uneasy. Even when only partially connected, she can feel a strong feeling of sorrow from Rika, if she was probing her head Ciro probably would have been dead or atleast incapacitated from the sudden emotional overload.
“I…. Sorry”
“It’s okay… but he told me to go here, he gave me everything he has, and taught me everything, he said it can save me, everyone, i don't know what he means… but i’ll do it, for him, it’s all he always wanted”
Her voice wasn't as energetic as before, far from it. Ciro noticed that Rika glanced at the terrifying looking weapon on the wall, it seems it's more than just a tool of self defense.
“Ah… anyway, do you want to come with me?”
Ciro weighted her choices, she doesn't know this planet, she doesn't know how it is like after whatever happened to it, she doesn't know if others of Rika’s kind are as friendly as her, or if they even consider her approachable at all, she doesn't know how to survive, she's not that kind of person. At this point, she's not even worried, she nodded in response to her question, and perhaps, in a pleasant turn of event, Rika lit up once again, back to how she was.
“So you want to be friends?!”
‘that feels regrettable in the long run’
“Yeeee! First friend! Uhm… oh, i forgot to ask, where are you from? Why are you riding that light?”
“I save you, from a burning pit, light from the sky landed there, are you from up there? Why are you here?”
Ciro decided it doesn't hurt to just tell Rika, she would probably be more impressed and excited than terrified that there are other civilizations out there.
“Am from… uh… space, above sky, i am a…. Ko’k ehm… Q… Qo’kvell…”
“Above the sky? In the stars?”
Ciro was right, she looks absolutely excited.
“Yes… my kind… explore stars, am explorer”
“Oh! Are you exploring down here? What is it like up there?”
“Hard… to explain, explain… later”
“Aww… okay… let's go now should we? Storm is smaller now, we can go”
Rika was right, the wind outside had calmed down.
“Shure… S-sure, i mea- AHH!”
Rika pulled her up from her sitting position, and tore through cover protecting the cave from the winds outside. Outside was… bright, and hot, unpleasant, they seemed to be in a valley between two mountains. All Ciro can see is a dry landscape where trees used to be, hinted by the dry stumps barely poking out of the gravel and sand. A complete terraformation is she has to guess, something hit this planet hard.
“Wait here! I'll go get my stuff first!”
Ciro wondered how Rika managed to survive all this, but the more time she spent with her the more it seems to her Rika grew up in all of this, not forced into it.
‘how long has it been?’
“Let's go! We’re still far from it!”
Rika came out of the cave, bag on her back and weapon in hand.
“Where… is… vehicle?”
“Oh! It’s right here!”
She walked up to a large rock and pointed to it, Ciro was confused until Rika grabbed it and it turned out to be some sort of camouflage cover. It was nearly invisible, blending in with everything else, and it's clear why that is, her vehicle isn't the most discreet. Two wheels, all black, armored plates for the front and rear were welded to a long metal pole which itself is bolted on the vehicle’s side, acting as a mount for the armor.
“Cool right? My dad made it himself! He said it can’t ever go down!”
“Good… protection”
The mostly rubber wheels are slightly spiky, and have large ridges, probably to get better grip on smooth sand, and spikes for snow maybe?. It has two seats, one in front, one in the rear, surprisingly comfy looking seats despite all its brutal aspects. Rika got on it, and inserted a metal key, and the vehicle let out a fearsome roar. A mechanical Ignition tells Ciro that Rika’s kind probably isn't incredibly advanced.
‘no offense Rika…”
“Come on up! Another storm is probably coming soon! We don't want to get stuck!”
She got up on the back seat, it’s apparently leather, she wondered what kind of animal it came from.
“Ye- EEK!”
Rika accelerated without warning, causing Ciro to almost fall off, she held onto Rika by hugging her, it felt inappropriate, but she seems fine with it. Ciro’s fine with it too, she's oddly comfortable to hold, maybe it’s just the heat from her body, she noticed that in the cave when she was being… petted, Rika's kind must be hot blooded.
Sigh… stranded in a wasteland planet, with a species never encountered before… How lucky am i?’
It would be any star mapper’s wet dream, that's for sure, she just wishes it went a little different, less explosions and less being stranded.
‘if only you’re here, mom’
submitted by heat_box000 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:08 TriviaWithDad EP #56 (Aliens, Letter M)

You vs a combo of kids! Score to Beat: A measly 3 points is what they did. Typically you destroy them, this week will you may triple their score.
Round 1: Aliens. Three Military veterans were in the news testifying to congress about a multi-decade reverse engineering program of recovered vessels. Hard to get concrete questions about aliens, because the government is so good at covering it up!!!
  1. What state is “Area 51” in?
  2. Which planet is so bright that it is often mistaken for a UFO?
  3. What does the abbreviation ET stand for?
  4. Which planet in our solar system is often compared to Earth for its potential to support life?
  5. What is the name of the 1996 Looney Tunes movie starring Micheal Jordan where aliens steal NBA basketball players' talents?
Answers: Aliens
  1. Nevada. Secret facility that everyone knows about 90 miles north of Vegas.
  2. Venus. Mercury is closer to the sun, but Venus is hotter because it has a much denser atmosphere to trap the heat.
  3. Extraterrestrial - “of or from outside the earth or its atmosphere.”
  4. Mars - I guess because there is water on mars, mostly frozen.
  5. Space Jam. They made a sequel with Lebron.
Round 2: Letter "M"
  1. What person's name is also the ‘rights’ given by the police before an interrogation?
  2. What is the name of the young boy raised by wolves in the Jungle Book?
  3. Ray Croc is responsible for which restaurant chain's success?
  4. In what Saudi Arabian city was the prophet Mohammad born?
  5. In Mathematics, what is the name given to the most common number in a data set?
Answers: Letter "M"
  1. Miranda. Ernesto Miranda was arrested for stealing $8.00 from an Arizona bank worker. After two hours of questioning, Miranda confessed to a bunch of others crimes. It was a landmark case and now suspects must be informed of their right against self incrimination. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.”
  2. Mowgli - I wanna be like yooouuuu...
  3. McDonalds. He purchased McDs in 1961 from the McDonald Brothers in San Bernardino, CA.
  4. Mecca. The Kaaba (first house of worship) is located in the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca and universally considered by Muslims to be the most sacred spot on Earth.
  5. Mode. You remember Mean, Medium, Mode and Range!
Have a great week!
submitted by TriviaWithDad to trivia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:29 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Op-Ed] - Letter: Biden responsible for major U.S. hardships Honolulu Star-Advertiser

[Op-Ed] - Letter: Biden responsible for major U.S. hardships Honolulu Star-Advertiser submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:37 Impasia [F4M] Taking a Rich Girl On a Picnic [Friends to Lovers] [Confession] [Reluctant Romance] [Tsundere] [Shy]

Note: This script is fine for the recorder to monetize and edit genders or other words. I will only ask for script credit, thank you!
() is for sound effects or actions
\Italics** are for emphasis/tone when speaking
... is for a pause, usually when it's the listener's turn to "reply" to a line.
Summary: You invite your rich best friend to a picnic. She is pretty reluctant at first, but after a moment bonding together, it convinces you to go out with her in an actual relationship.
Script Below:
(Speaker knocks on door)
Open up, it’s me.
(Listener opens door)
What was so important that you couldn’t go to my place? My hou- I mean, my mansion has everything you could possibly need. And don’t give me some silly excuse like your place is “homey” so you prefer it. I’ve heard it all before, and it never makes any sense.

You want to bond with me? As in, you’re finally asking me out after all this time? I was worried for some time that you wouldn’t, since most boys are completely head over heels for me. I’m glad you’ve finally succumbed to your urges. So do you have a love letter for me to read or did you already mail it?

That look of confusion on your face is quite romantic, too. Oh wait, you’re not confessing to me at all, you’re actually just confused. Forget what I said, then. What do you have me doing here?

\mocking laugh** Honestly, I think you’ve finally lost your mind. Why would I go on a picnic with you? That’s so… archaic.

Mhm, you’re very traditional. Good for you. But that doesn’t mean you have to rope me into it.

Because wealth means that I don’t need to be traditional. I can do whatever I want, however I want. I can take any approach I want and succeed.

Well, my approach to bonding would start with it being like… fun? Cooking isn’t fun. It’s some chore that people have been doing since the Stone Age. I prefer sleeping, or reading books, or playing games, or literally anything other than cooking. I believe it’s boring since I have a chef. You’ve met him. Five star meals all the time. Basically anything you can imagine, he can make.

Stop talking, you sound ridiculous. It’s food… What could possibly be fun about that? There’s not much to it aside from eating. Setting up a picnic doesn’t sound entertaining at all. It’s beneath me.

Getting my hands ‘dirty,’ as you say, is weird to even think about. If I cut my finger in an accident, then I have to begin a lawsuit with the knife manufacturer. I’d win, of course, since my family’s lawyers are always worked to the bone on cases, but it’d be such a hassle.

So what if cooking is a life skill? I’m rich, remember? Fine, look. I’ll try my best to assist you with this, but then we’re going to my place. Deal?

Good. Now, where do we start?

I don’t really know how to make sandwiches… You’re going to have to teach me.

It’s not funny, don’t laugh at me. I never learned how to make food. I never needed to learn. If my personal chef isn’t around, those are usually the days I ask to hang out with you. You’re like a pack of rations to me.

Wait, I didn’t mean that in a bad way. I meant like… you’re always there when I need you. You’re basically my go-to for anything I might have trouble with. Right now, for example, I’m having trouble making a sandwich, so you’re going to show me how to make one.

Okay, let me check the fridge. Hm? What kind of bread is this? This isn’t like the stuff I have at my house.

It’s… normal bread? If you say so. What else do we need? Lettuce, tomatoes, meat, and some cheese. Oh, are you going vegan, by the way? I could remove some stuff if you don’t want it. I think I saw some tofu back here.

Alright then, so here’s everything we need. It’s actually simpler than I thought to put this together.

Wait, can I slice the sandwich? I saw this cooking show in my personal theater the other day, and they always cut their sandwiches in half. It looked more presentable, you know?

No, I don’t just watch cooking shows because I’m jealous of their skills. They’re only a little interesting, that’s all. Like, have you ever watched Iron Chef and thought; “hey, this would be fun to make?” That’s how I feel sometimes. I know my chef would make it, but I don’t know, it feels better when you’ve gotten inspired from a show.

Hm? I’m not rambling. Not every word I say is nonsense, you should know that better than anyone.

Let’s finish up these sandwiches and put them in the picnic basket.
(Brief pause, listener is teaching speaker how to use a knife)
And here it is. Two decent sandwiches, evenly cut. Thanks for teaching me how to use a knife, by the way. I know I don’t say that often, but I really do appreciate your kindness. Sometimes I feel like I should say nicer things to you, but my pride gets in the way.

Just because I’m rich doesn’t mean I understand how people feel. I thought that was obvious when you first met me. I was such a moron. I don’t know why I thought I could tease you by flaunting my net worth. But, at least it’s in the past. I’m much more comfortable to be with you now.

Anyway, before this gets any more embarrassing for me to talk about, I’m going to put in some snacks and drinks. What else do you think we should add to this basket?

I haven’t had fruit salad in a while. Don’t make the whole thing without me though, I want to help.

Alright, making a picnic basket is a little fun, I’ll give you that. I thought it’d be far less interesting. I’m a bit impressed with how low-budget this can be, too. I can’t believe picnics can be this cheap to set up.

W-well yeah, I know not everything needs to be expensive. Duh. I’m just not used to it being… not expensive at the same time. That doesn’t make me spoiled, by the way. I simply haven’t gotten the time to be as cultured or whatever as you are. I think it’s because you’re really cute, so it helps me learn faster.

What’s wrong? I’m just telling you how I feel. I did say that I should start trying to say nicer things to you. You’re cute, so I ended up admitting it!

I don’t know why your cheeks are all red, but at least we’re done with the fruit salad. Is it alright if we go to the picnic spot? For once, I don’t feel like calling up my chauffeur. If it’s close, maybe we can walk together.

Oh, good, it’s just down the street. You’re carrying the basket, though. I can’t be seen touching such a thing in public.

Wait, hold on. Don’t be upset with me. I don’t want to cancel this picnic. I’ll carry it, alright? God…
(Brief pause, listener and speaker are walking)
Out of all the picnic baskets you could buy, why’d you pick this color? It’s so embarrassing. Did you see that old lady call me “princess” on the way here? I feel really awkward for once.

Shush. It wasn’t funny. It wasn’t “adorable” either. I feel like I lost some of my confidence.

That’s-that’s not a good thing! Please just help me set everything up on the picnic blanket instead of taunting me. Thank you.

So… are you happy now? You convinced me to actually hang out here with you. The scenery is a little romantic, and it’s at least up to my standards. \sigh** I’d love to get a boyfriend to see this kind of place with.

Mm, finding the right person is hard. They can’t be a complete idiot for starters. They need to be charming, and pretty, and a lot of other stuff. Rich girls like me have a lot of preferences. It'd be great if they were someone like you. It’s so annoying that you’re not into me, though. If you were, I’d be all over you, and this could be a date.

Of course I want you. I’d give up every bit of money I had just to be closer to you! What made you think I wasn’t in love? I know sometimes I can give off mixed signals, but I still was hoping that you’d be willing to… court me?

If this means you’d give me a chance, then yes. I promise to be a bit more humble from now on. That means more picnic dates like this, right? Or that one time you wanted to go to the museum with me but I declined. I’m up for things like that now. I might like them as much as I enjoyed being out here today.

Now, can we go to my mansion? There’s this new film we got for the theater that I’d really love for you to watch with me…
submitted by Impasia to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:04 VIKING21081 [H]Games [W]Specific games listed

I'm looking for the following games, most from Humble or Fanatical:
Knights of Honour II
En Garde
Streets of Rogue
Turok 3
Monster Hunter: Rise + Sunbreak
Fallout 4 GOTY
Star Wars Collection
Field of Glory 2 Medieval
Field of Glory Empires
Strategic Command: WW1
Resident Evil Village
Any Steam Deck verified games

I have:

Killing Floor 1
Killing Floor 2
Smoke and Sacrifice
Idle Champions Celeste's Starter Pack
Surgeon Simulator
Talisman: Digital Edition
Death Stranding: Director's Cut
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey
Small World
Evan's Remains
One Step From Eden
Cultist Simulator
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Raji: An Ancient Epic
Metro Exodus
Crying Suns
Popup Dungeon
Drawful 2
Amnesia: Rebirth
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Kingdom Two Crowns
West of Dead
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Iron Danger
Fury Unleashed
Slinger VR
Telefrag VR
Say No! More
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
The Amazing American Circus
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Corridor Z
Draw Slasher
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Go Home Dinosaurs
Warhammer 40000: Gladius - Relics of War
Youtubers Life
Blood: Fresh Supply
We Are Alright
Going Under
Yoku's Island Express
Orbital Racer
Lust for Darkness
Broken Age
Counter Strike: Source
Dino D-Day
Spacebase DF9
Hack n Slash
Don't Starve Together
Operation Tango
Windjammers 2
Builder Simulator
Behind the Frame
The Invisible Hand
Shotgun King
Kraken Academy
Merchant of the Skies
Deceive Inc.
The Forgotten City
Patch Quest
Who pressed mute on Uncle Marcus
Autonauts vs Piratebots
SCP: Secret Files
Two Point Campus
Aragami 2
The Red Lantern
Hell Pie
Twin Mirror
Love Letter
Amberial Dreams
Small World
Small World - A Spider's Web
Small World - Royal Bonus
Small World - Cursed!
Gloomhaven - Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges
Terraforming Mars
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
Blood Rage
Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace
LOTR: Adventure Card Game
Saints Row
Black Skylands
The Callisto Protocol
Fasion Police Squad
Symphony of War
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow Account with : Ryza Roads, Pigsaw, Eroico and Rusty Lake Hotel
submitted by VIKING21081 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:17 starting_to_learn Revisiting The Lover Diaries x ME! in a Post-TTPD World

Revisiting The Lover Diaries x ME! in a Post-TTPD World
Recently, Taylor has been using the phrase “dear diary” to describe her music on the Eras tour. Prior to the release of TTPD, she was using language like “excruciatingly autobiographical” and “live-streamed public autopsy” - which, in retrospect, seems like a hint towards the concept of TTPD as a “post-mortem.” In changing this language, it stands to reason that she may be hinting at something new.
I started to wonder if she might be pointing us back towards the Lover diaries. She’s also been mentioning the number 4 - “Dear Diary, I felt a feeling for 4 seconds” - and how many Lover diaries are there? 4! Taylor Nation also recently posted about the Lover diaries. (Credit to u/Different_Hedgehog16 for sharing the screen shot in the megathread!)
There have also been theories swirling that we might get a redo of the Miss Americana documentary, like this post. I’d argue that the diaries and documentary, as longer story-telling mediums, were essential to the fabric of the Lover era as a vehicle for a coming out. And if she were to re-do that coming out, she might also revisit those same story-telling mediums she attempted to use during Lover.
So, I decided to take a look back at the Lover diaries in a post-TTPD world to see what we can glean. There are quite a few interesting things, but what struck me first and foremost were connections to ME! and how those connections intersect with our current position on the road to "meet me at midnight." So, that is what I am going to largely focus on in this post.

Intro: Significance of the Lover Diaries

Taylor’s music has long been branded “diaristic.” But it’s one thing to write diaristic music; it’s another thing to release your diary. Sharing your diary signals a new level of confession, unveiling something that is typically kept private under lock and key.
Of course, the diaries she released are not her literal diary. They are a curated selection of entries she chose to release and potentially edited for public consumption. These diaries are art pieces, packaged together as an accompaniment to the album. And as art, it doesn’t matter how literally “true” the diaries are. What matters is the meaning they convey. I’d argue that these diaries can tell us a lot about the Lover era.
As a concept, the first and most obvious thing the very existence of the diaries tells us is that the Lover era was intended as an era of authenticity and confession. This won’t shock anyone in this corner of the internet, but I think the very fact that she included her diaries to accompany the album lends credence to the failed coming out theory.

Opening the Diary Drawer in the Lover Era

Taylor has never used the word “diary” in a published song, but she did use the word in her poem for reputation, If You’re Anything Like Me:
If you’re anything like me,
You never wanted to lock your door,
Your secret garden gate or your diary drawer
Didn’t want to face the you you don’t know anymore
For fear she was much better before…
But Darling, now you have to.
Here, she describes how she never wanted to lock her diary drawer - never wanted to have to hide parts of herself from the world behind a locked (closet?) door, behind a gate in a secret garden. It’s telling, then, that with her next album release, she unlocks the diary drawer. This signals an intention to step out from behind the door and into the daylight.
The next few lines of the poem are relevant here, too. She describes not knowing herself anymore and not wanting to face herself - a self who she fears was much better “before.” Before what? Before she became estranged from herself, perhaps? But now she must face this self she is estranged from. The implication seems to be that after she locks the door, she is alone with herself - and then she must face herself. This idea of facing herself in isolation is reinforced in the next stanza where she speaks of her “own little golden prison cell” and says, “But Darling, there is where you meet yourself.”
She describes meeting herself behind a shut door on reputation. And Lover, in opening the diary drawer, represents an invitation for the world to meet her, too.
Of course, it doesn’t happen, and she finds herself shutting the door again. In that light, it’s interesting that this conception of what it means to meet yourself seems quite opposite to how she describes it in the Midnights foreword: “For all of us who have tossed and turned and decided to keep the lanterns lit and go searching - hoping that just maybe, when the clock strikes twelve…we’ll meet ourselves.” On Midnights, she isn’t shutting the door to meet herself. She is stepping out with lanterns lit to search for herself. And her hope to meet herself is directly tied to an invitation for the audience to meet her, too: “Meet me at midnight.” This shift might suggest a realization that the isolation of the closet is in fact not a place where one can truly encounter themselves. You don’t meet yourself in a prison cell; you lose yourself. To find yourself, you have to open the door. The diary drawer.

Lover as a Return to Herself, Through the Lens of the Lover Diaries

The diaries are a central part of the Lover foreword, the very first thing she mentions. She seems particularly drawn to the diaries from her childhood and teen years; she writes, “What shocked me the most was how often I wrote about the things that I loved.” This becomes her central inspiration for the concept of the album, as she goes on to explain it: “This album is a love letter to love itself.” And further, it serves as the inspiration for a decision she describes making about how she wants to define herself and her identity: “I’ve decided that in this life, I want to be defined by the things that I love - not the things I hate, the things I’m afraid of, or the things that haunt me in the middle of the night. These things may be my struggles, but they’re not my identity.” These words are so central to the thesis of the album that they bookend it: opening the album in the prologue and closing it in the outro of Daylight. And these words are rooted in the spirit of the young Taylor she describes encountering in the pages of these old diaries.
Lover Foreword
This is especially interesting when we think about the death of the “old Taylor” in reputation. Lover was an era of rebirth - not of the Taylor Swift personas she killed off in the reputation era, but of her original self. It was a return to her roots. A return to herself. Consider this quote from Rolling Stone where she says she’s never “leaned into the old version of myself more creatively than I have on this album.” (Credit to u/courtingdisaster for this find!)
This proves out when examining the contents of the diaries. The entries she chose to include are primarily from her youth. There are 51 total entries across the four diaries, spanning 2003-2017. Of these, over half (51%) are from her teenage years. Another 45% are from her early 20s (ages 20-24). Only two entries are from age 25+.

The Lover Diaries and ME!

Looking at the contents of the diaries, the first thing that jumped out at me was the quote she included on the first page of Diary #1 and signed “Me!”
Opening Page of Lover Diary #1
It seems reasonable to think that the concept for ME! was inspired, at least in part, from this process of combing through her old diaries and facing the person she once was. These first pages from age 13 represent a celebration of herself. Her pride in her doodles, branding them “Taylor designs 2002.” Her belief that she would be a big star, that her signature might be worth money someday (hehe). Defiance in the face of anyone who would tell her she “[doesn’t] deserve what [she] want[s].” And a celebration of her words, featured right alongside Kenny Chesney’s. There’s a youthful wisdom in these words that she seems to return to in ME!, a song about celebrating everything that makes her who she is.
There are also visual parallels between the diaries and the ME! lyric video. The ME! lyric video is stylized as handwritten; we actually see her hand writing these words, and she is writing on paper with a Taylor Swift letterhead to boot, leaving no doubt about whose words these are. This in and of itself feels noteworthy, given it’s not a typical style for her lyric videos. The handwritten ME! lyrics tie the song directly to the diaries, also handwritten.
ME! Lyric Video
Additionally, the lyric video is full of sweet childlike doodles that also parallel the diaries - hearts, stars, smiley faces. Some of the imagery from her diary doodles also makes it into the ME! music video.
Left: Young Taylor in the Lover Diaries Right: ME! Lyric Video
If you’re in this corner of the internet, you likely understand ME! as deeply meaningful to the Lover rollout. And these ties to the Lover diaries, which Taylor made central to the thesis of the album in the foreword, lend further credence to ME! as one of the most important touchstones of this era. ME! as a self-love anthem inspired by and dedicated to her younger self, who once wrote: “The world is as big as you make it, never be shameful to fly.”
\"Never be shameful to fly.\" - Taylor Swift in the Lover Diaries, age 13

Connections to TTPD

The Lover era was characterized by a handwritten aesthetic - in the diaries and beyond, most notably in the ME! lyric video. This handwritten aesthetic is not typical for Taylor's work, but where do we see it pop up again? On TTPD, of course. The summary poem is specifically printed to look handwritten, but with none of the flourish of the Lover era. The color has been drained out.
TTPD Summary Poem
We also have a call-back to the Taylor Swift letterhead from the ME! lyric video in the TTPD era's "From the Desk of Taylor Swift." The fonts are not identical, but similar enough to suggest a connection. Both albums come directly from the desk of Taylor Swift.
Left: ME! Lyric Video Letterhead: \"Taylor Swift, Born in 1989, Loves Cats\" Right: Letterhead from TTPD Journal (Merch): \"From the Desk of Taylor Swift\"
These are of course not the first call-backs to ME! and Lover that this community has noticed on TTPD. This is an addition to a long and growing list of connections. I'd argue this is a noteworthy connection because, fundamentally, the excavation of the Lover Diaries - a central part of the fabric of the album and especially of ME! - represented a return to her most authentic self, before she learned civility, and an invitation for the public to encounter that authentic self emerging from her unlocked diary drawer. The Midnights foreword suggests we might now be on a mirrored journey towards "meet me at midnight," and TTPD might represent a pit stop on that journey. (If you're interested in more thoughts on this journey and how it connects to diaristic confession, I wrote this post about it!)
And if that's the case, if Taylor is coming back for herself, it just might mean coming back for the Lover Diaries and the 13-year-old girl found in their pages, who once wisely said, "May you never be scared of goodbye." Judging by a recent mash-up, perhaps Taylor is preparing to take her advice: You're on your own, kid, you always have been. So, take a deep breath as you walk through the doors.
submitted by starting_to_learn to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - June 09, 2024

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submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:29 pennylanebarbershop Letter to a Christian

If a Christian tries to make me feel stupid for not believing, I direct them to this letter written by Dan Barker:
Dear Believer,
You asked me to consider Christianity as the answer for my life. I have done that. I consider it untrue, repugnant, and harmful.
You expect me to believe Jesus was born of a virgin impregnated by a ghost? Do you believe all the crazy tales of ancient religions? Julius Caesar was reportedly born of a virgin; Roman historian Seutonius said Augustus bodily rose to heaven when he died; and Buddha was supposedly born speaking. You don’t believe all that, do you? Why do you expect me to swallow the fables of Christianity?
I find it incredible that you ask me to believe that the earth was created in six literal days; women come from a man’s rib; a snake, a donkey, and a burning bush spoke human language; the entire world was flooded, covering the mountains to drown evil; all animal species, millions of them, rode on one boat; language variations stem from the tower of Babel; Moses had a magic wand; the Nile turned to blood; a stick turned into a snake; witches, wizards, and sorcerers really exist; food rained from the sky for 40 years; people were cured by the sight of a brass serpent; the sun stood still to help Joshua win a battle, and it went backward for King Hezekiah; men survived unaided in a fiery furnace; a detached hand floated in the air and wrote on a wall; men followed a star which directed them to a particular house; Jesus walked on water unaided; fish and bread magically multiplied to feed the hungry; water instantly turned into wine; mental illness is caused by demons; a “devil” with wings exists who causes evil; people were healed by stepping into a pool agitated by angels; disembodied voiced spoke from the sky; Jesus vanished and later materialized from thin air; people were healed by Peter’s shadow; angels broke people out of jail; a fiery lake of eternal torment awaits unbelievers under the earth … while there is life-after-death in a city which is 1,500 miles cubed, with mansions and food, for Christians only.
If you believe these stories, then you are the one with the problem, not me. These myths violate natural law, contradict science, and fail to correspond with reality or logic. If you can’t see that, then you can’t separate truth from fantasy. It doesn’t matter how many people accept delusions inflicted by “holy” men; a widely held lie is still a lie. If you are so gullible, then you are like the child who believes the older brother who says there is a monster in the hallway. But there is nothing to be afraid of; go turn on the light and look for yourself.
If Christianity were simply untrue I would not be too concerned. Santa is untrue, but it is a harmless myth which people outgrow. But Christianity, besides being false, is also abhorrent. It amazes me that you claim to love the god of the bible, a hateful, arrogant, sexist, cruel being who can’t tolerate criticism. I would not want to live in the same neighborhood with such a creature!
The biblical god is a macho male warrior. Though he said “Thou shalt not kill,” he ordered death for all opposition, wholesale drowning and mass exterminations; punishes offspring to the fourth generation (Ex. 20:5); ordered pregnant women and children to be ripped up (Hos. 13:16); demands animal and human blood to appease his angry vanity; is partial to one race of people; judges women to be inferior to men; is a sadist who created a hell to torture unbelievers; created evil (Is. 45:7); discriminated against the handicapped (Lev. 21:18-23); ordered virgins to be kept as spoils of war (Num. 31:15-18, Deut. 21:11-14); spread dung on people’s faces (Mal. 2:3); sent bears to devour 42 children who teased a prophet (II Kings 2:23-24); punishes people with snakes, dogs, dragons, drunkenness, swords, arrows, axes, fire, famine, and infanticide; and said fathers should eat their sons (Ez. 5:10). Is that nice? Would you want to live next door to such a person?
And Jesus is a chip off the old block. He said, “I and my father are one,” and he upheld “every jot and tittle” of the Old Testament law. Mt. 5:18 He preached the same old judgment: vengeance and death, wrath and distress, hell and torture for all nonconformists. He believed in demons, angels and spirits. He never denounced the subjugation of slaves or women. Women were excluded as disciples and as guests at his heavenly table. Except for hell he introduced nothing new to ethics or philosophy. He was disrespectful of his mother and brothers; he said we should hate our parents and desert our families. Mt. 10:35-36, Lk. 14:26 (So much for “Christian family life.”) He denounced anger, but was often angry himself. Mt. 5:22, Mk. 3:5 He called people “fools” (Mt. 23:17,19), “serpents,” and “white sepulchers,” though he warned that such language puts you in danger of hellfire. Mt. 5:22 He said “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword.” Mt. 10:34 (So much for “Peace on Earth.”) He irrationally cursed and withered a fig tree for being barren out of season. Mt. 21:19 He mandated burning unbelievers. Jn. 15:6 (The Church has complied with relish.) He stole a horse. Lk. 19:30-33 He told people to cut off hands, feet, eyes and sexual organs. Mt. 5:29-30, 19:12 You want me to accept Jesus, but I think I’ll pick my own friend, thank you.
One of Jesus’s many contradictions was saying good works should be seen, and not seen. Mt. 5:16, 6:1-4 One of his mistakes was saying that the mustard plant has the smallest seed. Mt. 13:31-32 The writers of Matthew and Luke could not even get his genealogy straight, contradicting the Old Testament, and giving Jesus two discrepant lines through Joseph, his non-father!
I also find Christianity to be morally repugnant. The concepts of original sin, depravity, substitutionary forgiveness, intolerance, eternal punishment, and humble worship are all beneath the dignity of intelligent human beings and conflict with the values of kindness and reason. They are barbaric ideas for primitive cultures cowering in fear and ignorance.
Finally, Christianity is harmful. More people have been killed in the name of a god than for any other reason. The Church has a shameful, bloody history of Crusades, Inquisitions, witch-burnings, heresy trials, American colonial intolerance, disrespect of indigenous traditions (such as American Indians), support of slavery, and oppression of women. Modern “fruits” of religion include the Jonestown massacre, the callous fraud of “faith healers,” recent wars and ethnic cleansing, and fighting in Northern Ireland. Religion also poses a danger to mental health, damaging self-respect, personal responsibility, and clarity of thought.
Do you see why I do not respect the biblical message? It is an insulting bag of nonsense. You have every right to torment yourself with such insanity — but leave me out of it. I have better things to do with my life.
submitted by pennylanebarbershop to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:25 Trash_Tia Mom just received a letter confirming an abortion. I had no idea she was even pregnant.

I had no idea Mom was pregnant.
I felt bad. I mean, we had a huge argument the day before.
According to her, I was a failure, while my siblings were shining stars.
Which was crazy, because my brother was secretly a junkie, and my sister fucked her professor to get passing grades. Which made me the better sibling.
Not in Mom’s eyes.
If I wasn't in college like the rest of my class, I was nothing.
“I hate you.” I told her. I scared myself with my own words because I felt like I meant it. “I wish you were fucking dead.” I spat, before running upstairs to my room and slamming the door.
I heard her burst into tears downstairs, and I wanted to comfort her. I wanted to tell her I was sorry, and that I loved her.
I just wanted to see the world.
Harry, my best friend, wanted the same. I figured he'd gotten his wish.
I went to see him, but his mother had cleared out his room and stubbornly told me she had no idea who Harry was. Now, that was next level disowning.
I stayed with my boyfriend for a while, just to put some distance between us.
When I stepped into the house a week later, armed with Mom’s favorite flowers, I stepped on a letter.
It was pale blue, and held together with a red ribbon.
Dear Mrs Cartwright,
We spoke on the phone, but I just wanted to send paper confirmation of your abortion booked for 06/09/24 at 12:15pm. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to call the number on the reverse side. We look forward to meeting you.
Caroline Lockhart.
That was today.
June 9th.
Mom was pregnant?
And she didn't tell me? Fuck. I did my best to clean the house up, and then my messy bedroom, when Mom came through the door. The first thing she did was hug me. Her tears soaked my jacket. “I had no idea.” I managed to choke out.
"Mom, why didn't you tell me?"
Mom didn't speak, backing away from me.
She turned to a shadow in the doorway.
“Elizabeth, this is a friend of mine.” Mom said, “She's going to help you with that… loose tooth you've been having problems with.”
I nodded slowly. “Like a home dentist?” I sat down on the couch, allowing the woman to adjust my head.
The shadow filled a syringe, and I flinched.
“Wait. You're putting me to sleep?”
She nodded, smoothing down my arm. “Yes. It'll just be a prick. Stay still for me, all right?”
I nodded, biting my lip when the needle slid into my skin.
My mind started to fog. I blinked slowly.
“How long will it take?”
There was no answer, only deep, confusing silence.
I felt my body go limp, my thoughts drifting.
“Mom, what's going…on?”
submitted by Trash_Tia to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:25 HyderNidPryder 500 o Ferfenwau / 500 Welsh verb-nouns with verb stems (Set 4)

Berfenw / Verb-noun Ystyr / Meaning Bôn y ferf / Verb stem
acennu to accentuate, to stress acenn-
achredu to accredit; accreditation achred-
adalw to recall, to summon back, to revoke, to repeal adalw-
ad-dalu to repay ad-dal-
ad-drefnu to reorganise, to rearrange ad-drefn-
adfeddiannu to repossess, to regain afeddiann-
adleoli to relocate adleol-
adlynu to adhere adlyn-
adsefydlu to rehabilitate; to re-establish, to reinstate adsefydl-
aduno to reunite adun-
adwerthu to retail, to resell adwerth-
afradloni to waste, to squander, to spend extravagantly afradlon-
angori to anchor angor-
ailadeiladu to rebuild ailadeilad-
aildrefnu to rearrange, to reorganise, to restore aildrefn-
ailddarganfod to rediscover ailddarganfydd-
ailddatblygu to redevelop ailddatblyg-
ailddefnyddio to reuse ailddefnyddi-
ailddosbarthu to reclassify; to redistribute ailddosbarth-
ailenwi to rename ailenw-
ailethol to re-elect ailethol-
ailfeddwl to rethink, to change one's mind, to reconsider ailfeddyli-
ailgartrefu to rehouse, to rehome ailgartref-
ail-greu to recreate ailgre-
ailsefydlu to re-establish, to rehabilitate ailsefydl-
ailstrwythuro to restructure ailstrwythur-
ailwampio to revamp ailwampi-
allbynnu to output (in computing) allbynn-
allforio to export allfori-
alltudio to deport, to exile alltudi-
allyrru to emit, to give off allyrr-
amaethu to cultivate amaeth-
amgodio to encode (computing) amgodi-
amgryptio to encrypt amgrypti-
amgylchynu to surround, to encircle, to encompass amgylchyn-
amharchu to disrespect amharch-
amlinellu to outline, to sketch amlinell-
amseru to time, to date, to take your time amser-
andwyo to spoil, to ruin andwy-
anesmwytho to become or make uneasy, anxious or restless, to disturb, to disquiet anesmwyth-
anfarwoli to immortalize anfarwol-
animeiddio to animate (make an animation) animeiddi-
anweddu to evaporate, to vaporize, to produce steam anwedd-
anwylo to cuddle, to caress, to cherish, to endear anwyl-
apwyntio to appoint apwynti-
aralleirio to paraphrase, to reword aralleiri-
arallu to make changes, to alter; to alienate, to estrange arall-
arddweud to dictate (for transcription) arddywed-
aredig to plough ardd-
arolygu to survey, to inspect arolyg-
asesu to assess ases-
atafaelu to confiscate, to seize, to distrain atafael-
atalnodi to punctuate atalnod
atgyfodi to resurrect, to revive atgyfod-
atodi to append, to attach (document etc.), to add to atod-
awdurdodi to authorise, to empower awdurdod-
awyru to air, to ventilate, to aerate awyr-
baldorddi to talk nonsense, to babble, to prattle baldordd-
beichio crio to sob beichi-
betio to bet (money) beti-
bigit[i]an to provoke, to annoy, to pick a quarrel, to nag (De Cymru)
bipian to bleep, to beep bipi-
blaguro to form buds, to put out shoots, to sprout blagur-
blaseiddio to flavour, to season blaseiddi-
blingo to skin, to flay bling-
blysio to crave blysi-
bod gan rywun to have, to possess
bod wrth eich bodd yn / gyda to love, to be in one's element (doing / with)
bod yn edifar gan rywun to regret
bod yn well gan rywun to prefer
boddhau to please boddha-
boneddigeiddio to gentrify; to ennoble boneddigeiddi-
botymu to button botym-
braenaru to fallow, to prepare for cultivation braenar-
bragu to brew (with malt) brag-
brechu to vaccinate, to inoculate brech-
bridio to breed bridi-
britho to go grey (of hair or beard), to dapple, to speckle, to fleck, to mottle brith-
brodio to embroider brodi-
bronfwydo to breastfeed
buddioli to benefit, to profit buddiol-
bwrw cenllysg to hail (weather) (Gogledd Cymru) bwri-
bwrw cesair to hail (weather) (De Cymru) bwri-
bwydo ar y fron to breastfeed
byddaru to deafen, to become deaf byddar-
byrddio to board byrddi-
byrhau to shorten, to abbreviate
byseddu to finger bysedd-
bywhau to animate bywha-
bywiocáu to enliven
cadwyno (wrth) to chain (to) cadwyn-
caethiwo to enslave, to addict caethiw-
cafflo to cheat (De Cymru) caffl-
calchu to lime calch-
camdreiglo to mutate incorrectly (grammar) camdreigl-
camgymryd to mistake camgymer-
camsefyll to be offside (in football, rugby etc.)
camymddwyn to misbehave, to commit misconduct camymddyg-
canlyn to follow; to court canlyn-
canoli to centralize, to focus, to mediate canol-
carco to care, to take care of, to mind; to be thrifty (De Cymru) carc-
cardota to beg (for alms) cardot-
carthu to purge, to clean, to muck out animal dwelling carth-
castio to cast (especially in an acting part); to play tricks casti-
catalyddu to catalyse catalydd-
cefnu ar to turn one's back on, to forsake cefn-
cenhadu to propagate (message / faith), to conduct a mission, to proselytise cenhad-
cenhedlu to reproduce (offspring); to conceive (offspring) cenhedl-
ceulo to clot, to coagulate, to congeal ceul-
ciwio to queue ciwi-
clatsio to strike, to hit (De Cymru) clastsi-
clatsio ymlaen to crack on, to persevere (De Cymru)
clau to clean (De Cymru)
clocsio to clog dance; to make or repair clogs clocsi-
clochdar to cluck, to cackle, to boast
clodfori to praise clodfor-
cloffi to become lame cloff-
cloncan to chat, to natter, to gossip, to prattle (De Cymru) clonc-
clustnodi to ear-mark clustnod-
clwydo to roost clwyd-
clytio to patch clyti-
cnoi cil to ruminate (chew cud, also figurative), to think over cno-
coethi to refine, to purify coeth-
colledu to cause loss to, to damage colled-
conan to grumble, to complain (De Cymru)
condemnio to condemn condemni-
costrelu to bottle costrel-
creithio to scar creithi-
cribddeilio to extort, to plunder, to take by force cribddeili-
cribinio to rake (Gogledd Cymru) cribini-
crisialu to crystalize crisial-
croeshoelio to crucify croeshoeli-
croesholi to cross-examine, to cross-question croeshol-
cronni to amass, to collect, to gather (together), to accumulate; to dam up cronn-
crosio to crochet crosi-
crychu to wrinkle, to crimp crych-
crygu to stammer, to grow hoarse cryg-
cuddio rhag to hide from
cwmpasu to encompass, to circumscribe cwmpas-
cwnnu to raise, to put up, to rise (= codi, o cychwynnu) (De-ddwyrain Cymru)
cwrcwd to squat, to crouch cwrcyd-, cyrcyd-
cydlynu to cohere, to stick or cling together, to form a whole cydlyn-
cydweithredu to co-operate cydweithred-
cydymffurfio to conform cydymffurfi-
cyfannu to make whole or entire, to unite, to integrate cyfann-
cyfanwerthu to sell wholesale cyfanwerth-
cyfeddach to carouse (b) [unusually, this verbnoun is feminine]; carousal
cyfeilio to accompany (with music) cyfeili-
cyflyru to condition cyflyr-
cyfodi (form of codi) to lift, to rise, to raise cyfod-
cyfosod to place together, to juxtapose, to combine cyfosod-
cyfrodeddu to intertwine, to twist together cyfrodedd-
cyfrwyo to saddle (horse) cyfrwy-
cyffesu to confess (especially religiously) cyffes-
cyhwfan to wave, to flutter, to heave cyhwfan-
cylchdroi to rotate, to revolve cylchdro-
cymedroli to moderate, to temper cymedrol-
cymodi â to reconcile with cymod-
Cymreigio to make (more) Welsh Cymreigi-
cymudo to commute (travel) cymud-
cymynnu to bequeath cymynn-
cynllwynio to conspire cynllwyni-
cyplysu to couple cyplys-
cysegru to consecrate cysegr-
cysodi to type-set cysod-
cysoni to regularize, to harmonize cyson-
cystuddio to afflict cystuddi-
cywasgu to compress cywasg-
c[y]weirio (S) to mend, to put in order cweiri-
chwerwi to become bitter chwerw-
chwilfriwio to smash to pieces, to shatter chwilfriwi-
chwyldroi to revolutionize chwyldro-
chwyrlïo to whirl chwyrlï-
dadbacio to unpack dadbaci-
dadlaith to thaw [out] (De Cymru) dadleithi-
dadlennu to uncover, to unveil, to reveal, to expose dadlenn-
dadrithio to disillusion, to disenchant, to restore to original shape or form dadrithi-
dallu to blind, to become blind dall-
damsang (ar) to trample (on) (De Cymru) damsang-
darfudo to convect (heat in physics) darfud-
dargludo to conduct (electricity, heat in physics) darglud-
dargyfeirio to divert, to redirect, to diverge dargyfeiri-
datganoli to decentralize, to devolve datganol-
datgarboneiddio to decarbonize datgarboneiddi-
datglymu to untie datglym-
datgoedwigo to deforest datgoedwig-
datgomisiynu to decommission datgomisiyn-
datgymalu to dislocate, to disjoint, to take to pieces, to disassemble datgymal-
datsgriwio to unscrew datsgriwi-
dedfrydu to sentence (in court) dedfryd-
deddfu to legislate, to enact, to decree deddf-
dengid (= dianc) to escape (Gogledd Cymru) dihang-
deigrynnu to shed tears deigrynn-
delfrydu to idealize delfryd-
deor to hatch (egg etc.), to hatch out; to brood, to incubate deor-
deud (= dweud) to say (Gogledd Cymru)
diarddel to expell, to excommunicate, to disown diarddel-
diarfogi to disarm diarfog-
diasbedain to resound diasbed-
dichon (= gallu) to be able (formal) dichon-
diddyfnu to wean diddyfnu-
diengyd (= dianc) to escape (Gogledd Cymru) dihang-
difrïo to revile, to denigrate, to disparage difrï-
difwyno to spoil, to mar, to defile, to pollute difwyn-
differu to differentiate (calculus) differ-
diffygdalu to default (on debt repayment) diffygdal-
digolledu to recompense, to indemnify, to compensate digolled-
diheintio to disinfect diheinti-
dihoeni to languish, to pine, to fade away, to wither dihoen-
dihysbyddu to drain (liquid from), to empty, to exhaust dihysbydd-
dinoethi to strip, to make bare dinoeth-
diosg to take off (clothes / shoes), to undress, to strip; to divest, to cast off diosg-
diota to imbibe, to booze, to tipple
diraddio to degrade; to dismiss diraddi-
dirprwyo to deputize, to appoint a deputy; to act as a delegate, deputy or representative dirprwy-
distewi to be, keep or become silent, to silence, to hush distaw-
distrywio to destroy distrywi-
distyllu to distil, to drip, to fall in drops distyll-
diweddu to end, to conclude, to finish diwedd-
diwydianeiddio to industrialize diwydianeiddi-
dodwy to lay eggs dodw-
dogfennu to document dogfenn-
dreifio to drive dreifi-
dryllio to break to pieces, to shatter, to wreck drylli-
dweud y drefn wrth rywun to tell someone off
dyddodi to deposit (layer of sediment, fat), to precipitate dyddod-
dyfeisio to invent, to devise dyfeisi-
dyfnhau to deepen dyfnha-
dyfrio to water, to irrigate dyfri-
dylunio to design dyluni-
dylynu wrth to adhere to, to cling to dylyn-
dynesu to approach, to draw near, to come nearer dynes-
echdynnu to extract echdynn-
eilio to plait, to braid, to interweave; to compose (song or poetry) eili-
eilio to second eili-
eilunaddoli to idolise eilunaddol-
eneinio to anoint eneini-
enllibio to slander, to malign enllibi-
eplesu to ferment eples-
euogfarnu to convict, to find guilty euogfarn-
euro to gild eur-
ewyllysio (i) to will ewyllysi-
ewynnu to foam ewynn-
ffansïo to fancy ffansï-
ffieiddio to abhor, to detest, to loathe, to hate; to be digusted at, to be revolted by ffieiddi-
ffromi to be angry, to rage, to fume ffrom-
ffrwtian to splutter (also of engine) ffrwti-
ffrwythloni to fertilize (impregnate), to become or be fruitful ffrwythlon-
ffyrnigo to become angry or enraged, to grow fierce ffyrnig-
gaeafgysgu to hibernate gaeafgysg-
galarnadu to lament galarnad-
gefeillio to twin gefeilli-
geirio to express in words, to word geiri-
gellwng to allow to go, to let, to permit, to leave to, to release gellyng-
glasu to turn blue glas-
gloddesta to revel, to carouse, to feast; (g) revelry, carousal, feasting
glynu (at) to stick (to), to glue glyn-
godinebu to commit adultery, to fornicate godineb-
goddiweddyd to catch up with, to catch fugitive, to overtake goddiwedd-
gogoneddu to glorify, to extol gogonedd-
gohebu to report, to correspond goheb-
goleddfu to slope, to slant; to modify (in grammar) goleddf-
goresgyn to gain possession of; to overcome, to defeat goresgyn-
gori to brood, to sit on eggs gor-
gorlenwi to overfill gorlanw-, gorlenw-
gorweithio to overwork, to cause to overwork gorweithi-
gorwneud to overdo, to exaggerate
graeanu to grit (road etc.), to spread gravel over graean-
grilio to grill (food) grili-
grymuso to strengthen grymus-
gwamalu to be frivolous, to waver gwamal-
gwangalonni to lose heart, to become discouraged; to discourage gwangalonn-
gwarafun (i) to forbid, to prohibit; to prevent, to hinder, to deny; to begrudge, to resent gwarafun-
gwarantu to guarantee (a product etc. by agreement) gwarant-
gwastatu to level, to make level or even gwastat-
gwawrio to dawn gwawri-
gwelwi to grow pale gwelw-
gwersylla to camp gwersyll-
gweu to weave, to knit gwe-
gweud to say (= dweud) (De Cymru) gwed-
gwledda to feast, to revel gwledd-
gwreichioni to spark, to emit sparks gwreichion-
gwrteithio to fertilize (with manure, compost etc.) gwrteithi-
gwrthdystio to protest, to remonstrate; to give counter-evidence gwrthdysti-
gwrthryfela to rebel, to revolt gwrthryfel-
gwrychio to bristle gwrychi-
gwyngalchu to whitewash gwyngalch-
hadu to sow, to produce seed had-
haeru to insist, to assert, to allege haer-
halltu to salt hallt-
hamddena to spend time at leisure, to relax, to take respite hamdden-
haneru to halve haner-
hunanasesu to self-assess; self-assessment hunanases-
imiwneiddio to immunize imiwneiddi-
impio to graft; to implant; to (cause to) bud / sprout impi-
inswleiddio to insulate (in a technical sense) inswleiddi-
integru to integrate (calculus) integr-
israddio to downgrade, to demote israddi-
labelu to label label-
llabyddio to stone (cast stones at) llabyddi-
llaesu to slacken llaes-
llafnrolio to rollerblade llafnroli-
llafurio to toil, to labour, to strive llafuri-
llanw (=llenwi) to fill (De Cymru) llanw-
llawenhau to gladden, to make cheerful; to rejoice, to be cheerful llawenha-
lleisio to voice lleisi-
llên-ladrata to plagiarize llên-ladrata-
llesgáu to languish, to become feeble, to feel faint llesga-
llethu to overwhelm, to swamp, to stifle, to crush, to overpower lleth-
llewyrchu to shine, to give light, to gleam; to be successful llewyrchu
llochesu to harbour, to shelter lloches-
lloffa to glean lloff-
lluniadu to draw (in a technical sense) lluniad-
llurgunio to distort (facts, the truth), to mangle, to disfigure, to corrupt llurguni-
llwydo to turn grey, to go mouldy llwyd-
llwyfannu to stage (theatrical or musical performance); to appear on stage llwyfann-
llwyo to spoon out, to ladle out llwy-
llyfnhau to make smooth, to level, to polish llyfnha-
llyfnu to harrow; to smooth llyfn-
llythyru to correspond by letter, to write letters llythyr-
maglu to snare, to trap magl-
magu pwysau to put on weight
malurio to smash (to bits), to pulverize maluri-
manwerthu to retail manwerth-
marchogaeth to ride a horse marchog-
martsio to march (to make a marching movement) martsi-
masnachu to trade masnach-
medi to reap, to harvest med-
meddalu to soften, to become soft meddal-
meddyginiaethu to medicate, to treat medically meddyginiaeth-
meiddio to dare, to venture, to presume meiddi-
meindio to mind, to care meindi-
meintoli to quantify meintol-
meiriol to thaw, to melt meiriol-
melynu to become yellow; to make yellow or golden melyn-
melysu to sweeten melys-
melltithio to put a curse on, to curse melltithi-
mercheta to chase wowen, to womanise, to flirt merchet-
merlota to go pony trekking
methdalu to be bankrupt, to be insolvent; bankruptcy methdal-
mewnfudo to immigrate mewnfud-
moduro to motor, to drive modur-
modylu to modulate (in physics) modyl-
moelyd to overturn (turn vehicle etc. upside down), to topple (De Cymru) (from "ymhoelyd") moel-
moli to praise (in worship / adulation) mol-
morgeisio to mortgage morgeisi-
morio to voyage by sea, to sail mori-
morthwylio to hammer morthwyli-
mudferwi to simmer mudferw-
mudo to move, to migrate, to move something from one place to another mud-
nadu to prevent, to hinder, not to allow nad-
naddu to shape with a sharp tool, to chip (at), to hew, to whittle, to trim, to carve nadd-
negyddu to negate negydd-
nodweddu to characterize, to be characteristic of, to distinguish nodwedd-
nychu to become weak or feeble, to waste away, to pine; to make weak, to enfeeble nych-
nyddu to spin (wool, yarn), to wind, to twist nydd-
odi to snow (Gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru) od-
odli to rhyme odl-
olynu to succeed, to follow (in succession) olyn-
optimeiddio to optimize optimeiddi-
paldaruo to talk nonsense, to blather (Gogledd Cymru) paldaru-
parablu to utter, to say, to speak, to babble parabl-
parlysu to paralyse parlys-
paru to pair par-
pasteureiddio to pasturize pasteureiddi-
peillio to pollinate peilli-
perffeithio to perfect perffeithi-
picedu to picket piced-
pilio to peel pili-
piltran to potter about, to fiddle (Gogledd Cymru) piltr-
pistyllio ['r glaw] to pour with rain pistilli-
plagio to plague, to afflict, to annoy, to pester plagi-
pledio to plead (in law), to offer as excuse or justification pledi-
plicio to peel, to pluck (feathers), pluck stringed instrument plici-
plisgo to shell, to peel, to exfoliate plisg-
plismona to police, policing
plymio to dive, to dip, to sound (for depth), to plunge (into); to plumb plymi-
poblogeiddio to popularize poblogeiddi-
pontio to bridge, to span ponti-
portreadu to portray, to represent portread-
prinhau to become scarce, to diminish; to make scarce, to restrict, to curtail prinha-
priodoli to attribute, to ascribe priodol-
prisio to price; pricing prisi-
puro to purify, to refine pur-
pwrcasu to purchase pwrcas-
pwyllgora to hold, frequent or attend committees
recriwtio to recruit recriwti-
rhacanu to rake (De Cymru) rhacan-
rhagdalu to prepay rhagdal-
rhagfynegi to predict (in a technical sense) rhagfyneg-
rhaglennu to program; programming rhaglenn-
rhamantu to romance; to romanticize rhamant-
rhechain to fart rhech-
rhefru to babble, to rant, to scold, to complain rhefr-
rheibio to seize by force, to ravage, to plunder; to bewitch, to cast a spell on rheibi-
rheoleiddio to regulate (control indirectly through rules, processes or effects) rheoleiddi-
rhicio to score (a scratch or notch), to notch, to groove rhici-
rhincian dannedd to gnash / to grind teeth (especially from rage) rhinci-
rhoid (= rhoi) to give, to put, to place (Gogledd Cymru) rhodd-, rhoi-
rhwydo to net rhwyd-
rhychu to crumple, to crease, to wrinkle, to become rumpled; to cut trenches / furrows / grooves rhych-
rhyfela to wage war, to war rhyfel-
rhynnu to suffer from cold, to freeze; to cause to be freezing cold rhynn-
saernïo to fashion, to construct, to build (as an artisan; also figuratively) saernï-
samplu to select or capture samples (in a technical sense) sampl-
sarnu to trample on, to spoil, to spill sarn-
sboncio to bounce, to spring sbonci-
sbrotian to rummage, to nose about sbroti-
seboni to soap, to lather; to soft-soap, to flatter sebon-
segura to idle, to laze segur-
sengi (ar) to tread (on), to trample on sang-
Seisnigo to Anglicize Seisnig-
selio to seal seli-
serennu to shine like a star, to sparkle, to twinkle, to shine brilliantly, to dazzle serenn-
sganio to scan (in a technical sense e.g. with a machine) scani-
sglefrfyrddio to skateboard sglefrfyrddi-
sglefrolio to roller skate, to rollerblade sglefroli-
sgleinio to gleam, to shine (be or make shiny), to polish sgleini-
sgrinio to screen (for disease etc.) sgrini-
sgriwio to screw sgriwi-
sgwrio to scour (clean / polish by rubbing), to purge sgwri-
siffrwd to make a rustling sound, to shuffle (cards etc.) siffryd-
sleifio to wriggle, to steal past, to slink, to creep sleifi-
sleisio to slice sleisi-
smentio to cement smenti-
snorclo to snorkel snorcl-
sodro to solder, to fix firmly in place, to place firmly sodr-
steilio to style steili-
stelcian to skulk, to stalk, to prowl, to lurk stelci-
stido bwrw glaw to pour with rain (Gogledd Cymru)
stilo to iron (De Cymru) stil-
straffaglio to struggle straffagli-
stryffaglio to struggle stryffagli-
stwna to potter about, to fiddle about
suro to sour sur-
swatio to crouch, to squat; to cuddle, to snuggle (up) in bed swati-
sychlanhau to dry clean sychlanheu-, sychlanha-
syflyd to budge, to move, to stir syfl-
syfrdanu to stun, to stupefy, to amaze, to astound syfrdan-
syrffedu to suffer from a surfeit, to feel fed up, to overindulge, to be bored stiff syrffed-
taeru to insist, to assert, to argue, to disagree taer-
taflunio to project (an image) tafluni-
taranu to thunder, to sound with thunder taran-
teilwra to tailor teilwr-
teneuo to thin (out), to dwindle teneu-
tirlenwi to landfill tirlenw-
tonni to undulate, to form waves, to oscillate, to surge up, to fall in waves (of hair) tonn-
traddodi to deliver (verdict, speech, sermon); to hand down, to hand over, to transfer traddod-
traethu to talk, to narrate, to relate, to speak (publicly) traeth-
trafaelio to travel; to labour trafaeli-
traflyncu to guzzle, to gobble up, to devour traflync-
trawsgyweirio to change key, to transpose, to modulate (in music) trawsgyweiri-
treiglo to mutate (grammar); to roll treigl-
treio to ebb, to drain away trei-
tresio bwrw glaw to pour (thrash) with rain
tresmasu to trespass, to encroach, to infringe tresmas-
troedio to tread, to step troedi-
trosleisio to dub, to do a voice-over trosleisi-
trydaneiddio to electrify trydaneiddi-
trydar to tweet, to chirp, to twitter trydar-
tryledu to diffuse (in physics and chemistry) tryled-
trysori to treasure trysor-
twrio to rummage, to burrow (= tyrchu, turio) twri-
tyllu to make a hole or holes [in], to dig, to bore, to drill, to perforate tyll-
tyrru to pile up, to amass, to throng tyrr-
tystio to testify, to witness tysti-
unioni to straighten, to put right, to redress union-
wado to beat, to strike (De Cymru) wad-
wyna to give birth to lamb, to lamb
ymbarchuso to make oneself respectable, to become respectable ymbarchus-
ymbellhau (oddi wrth) to distance oneself (from), to go further away ymbellha-
ymdoddi to integrate (into society); to melt, to dissolve, to merge ymdodd-
ymdrochi to immerse oneself (in water, or figuratively), to bathe ymdroch-
ymdynghedu to swear an oath, to vow, to pledge ymdynghed-
ymddiddan to converse, to chat, to speak ymddiddan-
ymfudo to emigrate, to migrate, to move (house) ymfud-
ymgeleddu to care for; to cherish, to succour, to provide shelter / comfort / food ymgeledd-
ymgodymu to wrestle, to grapple ymgodym-
ymgolli to lose oneself ymgoll-
ymgreinio to grovel, to prostrate oneself, to wallow ymgreini-
ymgrymu to bow, to stoop ymgrym-
ymgyfarwyddo to get acquainted with, to familiarise oneself with, to get used to ymgyfarwydd-
ymgynnull to assemble, to congregate, to gather together ymgynull-
ymhél â rhywbeth to be involved with something ymheli-
ymhelaethu to elaborate, to expand on ymhelaeth-
ymlwybro to make one's way, to wander ymlwybr-
ymofyn to seek, to desire, to want ymofynn-
ymrafael to differ; to disagree, to quarrel, to wrangle ymrafael-
ymresymu to reason, to think logically, to argue ymresym-
ymryson to compete, to contend, to quarrel ymryson-
ymsefydlu to establish oneself ymsefydl-
ymsuddo to sink, to submerge, to immerse oneself ymsudd-
ymwrthod to abstain (from), to refuse, to reject, to forsake ymwrthod-
ysgafnhau to lighten (load, weight) ysgafnha-
ysglyfaethu to prey upon, to plunder ysglyfaeth-
ysgwyddo to shoulder ysgwydd-
ysigo to sprain, to buckle (distort) ysig-
ystreulio to rinse ystreuli-
ystwytho to make or become supple ystwyth-
submitted by HyderNidPryder to learnwelsh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:16 Thirust Reverse Chance a Rising Junior that's trying to turn their life around.

Aspiring Major: Mechanical Engineering
Demographics: White, Out-Of-State, Mid-Low Income ● Hooks: First-Gen, ROTC, Underrepresented State, Rural Resident, <50% Race at School
Stats: - 11 APs: Psych, Seminar, Lang, Push, World, Physics, Lit, Calc BC, CSP, Research (Capstone), American Gov (Possible Self-Study PreCalc, Stats, CSA to make 14, or 15 w/ Physics CMech) by graduation - 3 CCs: Elementary Spanish I, PreCalc, Stats (Possibly taking INFO#### (PreReQ), Java I w/ AP CSA, CPP I & II to make 7 CCs by graduation) - 12 Honors by graduation - GPA: 3.75UW / 4.5W - PreACT (Freshman): 29Math/30Sci/30Eng/24Read - MAP Math/Read (Freshman): 282/255 - ALEKS Math Placement (Sophomore): 85%
Extracurriculars: - ● Instruments & Composition: - Passionate Multi-Instrumentalist (Drum Set, Piano, Guitar, Cello) and Composer - Wrote, led, and performed a Marimba Duet that won 1st place and an "Outstanding Ensemble" award at local Solo-Ensemble Festival, and a Superior Rating (I) at a District Music Contest, being recognized and commended by judges. - 1x Music Letter (only offered at prior school), Percussion Section Leader, teaching incoming Freshman instruments and nurturing their abilities - Jazz Drummer and Pianist, awarded "Outstanding Solo" on each at State Jazz Festival. Also played guitar and bass guitar in Jazz Band. - Attended, auditioned, and performed at a Jazz Camp at [college], a reputable college with an international jazz program endorsed by many legendary jazz figures/groups such as The Count Basie Jazz Orchestra, Gordan Goodwin's Big Phat Band, and The Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra. - Freelance Musician and Composer for various online projects, primarily in the video game industry. - Music used in two indie films, with one being presented at [state] State Thespian Festival, and winning an award with recognition. - ● TheateMusical: - Inducted Honor Thespian to the National Thespian Society - Played notable supporting roles in Plays and Broadway Musicals, as well as filled tech positions primarily in the design aspect of the production (graphics/publicity, scenery) - Improv Team that competed at State - ● VEX Robotics: - State Finalist Freshman Year - Nationals Runner-Up
Activities: - ● Community: - Speech Campaign: spoke at 6 Schools across the state, 500+ listeners. Posters put up at each, advocating for a break in social norms. Surveyed school and gathered all data for a presentation and medalled at state for an FCCLA STAR Event. - Gave a motivational speech on MLK Day about chasing your dreams that was televised and recognized by the Mayor. - The Pink Lemonade Project: Indie Film+Book project where I created the music as well as designed the videography + video editing, lighting, locations, Characters, and assistance in Story and script writing. This project aimed to expose a local summer camp and the effects of a toxic authoritarian system via abuses and etc. - ● General: - Volunteered at a company that designs, creates, and tests Brewing Machinery internationally - CPR and AED Certified - I intend to commit to the military w/ ROTC Scholarship on a 4-6 year contract following graduation/obtaining desired degree - Non-Competitive Powerlifting, 300 Wilks Score - ● Programming & Roblox: - Self-Taught Luau/Lua5.5+, Python, C/C++, Type/Javascript, Haxeflixel, CSS, very minor html - At the age of 10, I had my own business that operated on Twitter, creating 3D Graphics (via Blender, Photoshop, and After Effects) for individuals and games, such as wallpapers, profile icons, and thumbnails. I then transitioned to a broad spectrum of skills acquired through the passion of game creation on Roblox - Formerly a Lead Developer for an indie game studio known as '[studio]', which was a project known for creating fun games for children, that gathered 1 million group members, and over 75 million game plays through a platform known as Roblox. These games generated a collective $70KUSD over the course of their popularity combined (20% of revenue was cycled back as advertisement funding). Through this community that was developed, we were able to raise over $6.5KUSD to help fund small indie projects from other smaller development groups. - Among many other games I created music for, one in particular is worth noting: 'Doors', amassing 4.9 Billion plays since 2021, has reached the screen of nearly every kid that is playing video games today. - Collaborated with popular online celebrities (YouTube, TikTok) on making games and experiences for their communities, some of which have billions of views and millions of followers. - I am a contributed developer to other popular games and projects with 2.6 Billion collective plays. I fulfilled various roles in these projects, such as game design, Front and Back-End programming (Luau/Lua 5.5+ & Typescript), 3D Artwork/Video Animation (using programs Blender, Photoshop, Premiere Pro/Sony Vegas, and After Effects), Music Design, Character & Object Animation, Architecture, and Voice Acting. Many of these games are a major source of income for the developers involved, such as "My Restaurant!" (of which I did 3D & 2D graphic design for), a game with ~800M plays, created by a studio known as BIG Games, which is the highest grossing development group on the platform. I connected to these groups and Studios through the Roblox Dev Forum, a company known as "Hidden Developers", Twitter, and my personal website. Through these projects, I nurtured my passion to create, and developed several solo passion projects for my own personal enjoyment. - Bug Tested various other games over several years, solving issues for experiences that went on to have hundreds of thousands of concurrent players. I am also a former member of the Official Roblox QA Team (before it was disbanded), which tested upcoming features to the platform. I have since been very active on their Developer Forum, helping all creators (young and old) solve issues and create awesome games. - Although my game development has slowed, I am currently working on a large game that will show the hardship of Schizophrenia and Social Outcasting through intricate storytelling. I intend to release this game on multiple platforms, such as Steam. - Created a Roblox Plug-in that detects Backdoors and vulnerabilities within games, preserving user data and game integrity. This plug-in has been used by nearly 300 developers thus far. - Created my own file syncing program using C++ via Visual Studio Code, that analyzes computer folders for identical information and can delete it or sync data from one folder to another (if not identical). This program has been used by my friends, but I did not publish it online. - Created a Discord Bot with custom commands for the Interbyte Studios Community server (18k members). This application allowed the community to interact and have a recreational token and minigame system for engagement and bonding. This bot was initially created in Python, but was then completely revamped in Javascript via Node.js (with some minor html for some special features.) - Created a customized theme for Canvas and Roblox using the "Stylish" extension, coded in CSS. - Utilizing BetterDiscord, I created my own lock screen for the Discord application to protect my computer from siblings and/or any environment I am working in. This came with a customized theme among other features, such as a built-in Spotify controller (play/pause, skip, and tuning into what others are listening to), and it synced up with my Discord Bot in my own server, allowing me to see the statistics (account age, user ID, etc.), and possible rule infractions of a given user within the community. This was coded in Javascript (Node.js), CSS, and HTML (for embedding purposes). This served to speed up the moderation and disciplinary side of my community, but also improve the efficiency of the Discord application.
Awards & Honor Groups: - x2 Academic Letter, Top PreACT at School - Outstanding Solo-Ensemble Award w/ 1st Place for self-composed, led, and performed Marimba Duet - Superior (1) Rating at District Music Contest for Marimba Duet - x1 Music Letter (only offered at former school) - Outstanding Jazz Soloist Drum Set at State - Outstanding Jazz Soloist Piano at State - Nominated Ambassador of Music (International Program) - All-City Percussion - All-State Jazz & Concert Band Acceptance (Committed to Jazz) - [College w/ International Jazz Program] Jazz Band Performer - State Finalist VEX Robotics (Freshman) - Nationals Runner-Up VEX Robotics (Sophomore) - Honor Thespian
In essays I hope to write about my aspirations to create The Iron Giant and how Robotics is an art. I am also planning to write about how my downfall in Freshman and sophomore years re-shaped the way a school district functions forever, and my recovery and discovery of ambition.
I'd like to know what colleges would accept me (I really want a shot at T30 or so) and what would be good for me. I would also appreciate any and all advice.
submitted by Thirust to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:29 Extra_Swordfish1917 Heartwarming Steve McNair story

When I was a kid in like 2001 I wrote Steve McNair a letter to his house asking if I could get his autograph on a football card I had of him. Didn’t hear back but I’m sure after a week I forgot about it. Fast forward to 2006, I get a letter in the mail. I open it up and there is my football card and in addition to the card a letter from Steve McNair’s wife apologizing for the delay saying that the letter had gotten lost but in their move to Baltimore or something they had found it and had Steve sign it and then sent it back to me. Just such an incredibly kind thing for anyone to do, much less an NFL star.
submitted by Extra_Swordfish1917 to Tennesseetitans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:28 _HGCenty Season 4 v Season 7

One of the popular theories floating around the fandom which I think has a lot of merit is the reboot theory. Namely this says Tim Minear was using Season 7 to get the characters back to where he left them at the end of Season 4 when he stepped away as showrunner, and then tell the stories in Season 8 that he wanted to tell in Season 5 onwards. Although I'll admit it feels a bit odd to effectively undo two entire seasons and still have the showrunner for those seasons (Kristen Reidel) still on the writing team.
If this is true, one important consequence is that it pushes back against the narrative that Tim is chaos and didn't have a destination in mind as he was writing the season. It would suggest the season was more planned than what fans are saying based on how rushed they found the finale. Nevertheless, the finale was still incredibly rushed filming wise, with the show wrapping less than 2 weeks before the finale was due to air, and the crew being made to work crazy shifts at that. Furthermore, cast members were getting scripts for critical scenes the night before and Tim even said he was "laying the tracks as the train was coming".
In this post I'm going to compare where the main characters have been left off at the end of Season 4 compared to Season 7, and my own personal opinion as to how much their arcs in Season 7 felt planned or improvised. Sit down, get comfortable, this is going to be a long post!
Bobby and Athena
Of all the characters that give credence to the Season 7 finale is rebooting from Season 4 finale, it's Bobby and Athena. They are the characters whose finale bears most similarity to Season 4:
Given then Bobby and Athena were the main A plot in over half the episodes of the season (7x01 - 7x03 and 7x08 - 7x10), their story arc must have been the core plot that underpinned writing of the season. Also, given that Peter and Angela are Executive Producers of the show, these are the characters that Tim has least ability to mess around in terms of last minute rewrites or filming date changes.
This makes me think the entire arc, along with Amir, was planned out long ahead of time and that the season was always going to end with Athena being an action hero against the cartel and Bobby recovering from his injuries. But it felt like Tim took on too many other storylines and they ran out of time and so had to force Athena chasing the cartel into the finale in a way that absolutely felt wrong pacing wise. All in all in felt like both bookends of the Bathena story was at least half an episode too long and in a ten episode season, using six to tell their story made it difficult to satisfyingly tell many other characters' arcs, even if Bathena's was completely planned from the start.
Hen and Karen
Hen and Karen are probably the characters with the next most similar endings in Season 7 compared to Season 4. The key difference though is at the end of Season 4, Nia is reuinted with her birth mother and further Henren contact with her is uncertain whereas Mara is with Maddie and Chimney and therefore we know Henren will still be in close contact. Furthermore, Season 7 leaves Hen with a cloud (Ortiz) in a way she didn't have at the end of Season 4.
The issue though is that to get to a similar place as in Season 4, Tim had to essentially rehash the same fostering storyline for Season 7, making the entire season for Hen feel a little stale and a sense of "we've seen this before". It's also telling that Tim quickly jettisoned the ending Kristen gave Hen in Season 6 of adopting a baby and had them adopt a girl of roughly the same age as Nia, had she continued to Season 7. That Tim was willing to do that makes me think if the reboot theory is true, Tim had wanted to have Nia and her mum return in Season 5, which never happened, and he's putting Mara in Madney's care to ensure they do find a sibling for Denny this time.
Again, the fact Tim used the same storyline he had done previously suggests that this was probably planned all along for this season. Tim also said in interviews he wanted more Hen and Maddie interactions, noticeable in the cruise ship arc, and this fostering arc also allowed for the Madney and Henren moments.
It is widely speculated that Tim had wanted to make Buddie happen with the Season 4 sniper arc finale but the storyline was canned by someone above him at the studio, and that this contributed to Tim stepping away from showrunning OG 9-1-1 for Lone Star. Therefore there's two versions of the end of Season 4 Tim could have aimed for: the actual end and the ending he originally wanted.
With Buck coming out as bisexual, Buck is certainly closer to Tim's original ending. Ignoring the gender of his love interest, Buck is actually in a very similar situation (having just started a relationship with Taylor in the Season 4 finale and being early into a relationship with Tommy at the end of Season 7). Buck also in both seasons had a heart to heart moment with Eddie, with Chris being an important topic.
However, it also feels like Buck coming out is the only thing that happened to Buck this season and thanks to the atrocious Season 5 and 6 writing for Buck, it is weird to think that end Season 4 Buck is basically end Season 7 Buck but swap the love interest. This feels less like it was planned and more just neglectful writing for Buck. Unfortunately it still feels like Tim doesn't know what to do with Buck as a character still.
Moreover we know Bi Buck wasn't planned until the third episode of the season and was also a result of a bunch of serendipitous circumstances: Lucy and Natalia's actresses being unavailable whilst Marisol's actress being always available, and Ryan feeling the Eddie and Tommy storyline wasn't right for this season. Speaking of which...
It's probably a stretch to compare being shot by a sniper to cheating with your dead wife's doppelganger but somehow Tim has left Eddie more broken at the end of Season 7 than at the end of Season 4. Eddie finished Season 4 recovering and deciding to put Buck in his will, he was still in a relationship with Ana and Chris was around. This suggests, in Eddie's case at least, we're not quite in Season 4 finale reboot and Tim is somewhat bringing Season 5 Eddie into the mix or at least jumping ahead half a season.
We also know from Devin's interview that when she came back to read Shannon's letter as a ghostly flashback for Chris that she didn't know she was going to be back again as Kim. This suggests to me that Tim rewatched Vertigo after the season had started and the bizarre doppelganger plot was not conceived originally for the season.
I feel like of all the characters, Eddie was the most unevenly written in Season 7 with his characterization from 7x04 onwards being utterly bizarre and inconsistent and suggesting multiple writers, rewrites and frankly a season arc that most resembled Tim's "laying the tracks as the train was coming" comment. Eddie's story was chaos, and I don't even think Tim quite knows where he's ended the season with Eddie other than he's lost Chris which I don't feel was planned for at the start of the season. If it was, they really shouldn't have had it fight for screen time with the end of Bathena arc.
Maddie and Chimney
I've left Maddie and Chimney to the end so I don't have to write everything else angry having revisited their wedding and my ever increasing anger at the worst writing decisions the show has made in 7 seasons, namely making the Madney wedding a silly angst filled, Doug filled episode where Maddie is barely a main character and is relegated to damsel in a wedding dress in distress. The same Maddie who previously was badass enough to single handedly fight off her abusive husband, turn the tables on her hostage taker using an epipen and also professionally direct the emergency whilst her fiance was involved in the bridge collapse.
(Tim managed to slightly salvage the season for Madney fans the next episode by giving us a heartwarming moment with the Hans and Maddie being seen to be an wonderful mother to Jee-Yun but I wonder how much of that was fanservice from Tim knowing he was going to upset Madney fans with the wedding.)
Anyway, rant aside, the wedding was long planned for this season but what with the Bathena arc being this season, it seemed like Tim couldn't make the wedding the finale like with Tarlos, nor could he make it the 100th episode because the cruise ship arc and logistics with that, it meant the wedding couldn't be filmed in time for 7x04. This scheduling conflict felt like it was never resolved going into the season and it left Madney in limbo this season.
As for where Tim has left Madney, it's certainly not Season 4 ending since that ended with Madney starting the PPD arc as they knew JLH was pregnant and would be gone for most of S5A, which isn't the case here. So Maddie and Chimney are thankfully not where they were at the end of Season 4, which I don't think is where Tim really wanted them to be anyway but I worry Tim doesn't actually know where he wants them other than "just happily married" and doesn't have a plan yet for Season 8.
As unfortunate as the news is that Grace may not be appearing in Season 5 of Lone Star, I wonder if Tim should recycle some of the ideas he originally had for Grace and Judd and use them for Madney in Season 8. Only the heartwarming ideas though please Tim.
Conclusion (or too long didn't read bit)
I think going into this season Tim had a very clear idea for Bobby and Athena and wanted to bring them back by the end of Season 7 in the same place as the end of Season 4 (up to Michael being gone). I also think he wanted to the same for Hen's fostering journey with Mara being the new Nia. But I don't think that was the case for the others.
However, Bathena's story took up so much of the season, it didn't leave enough time for a satisfying Madney wedding, which was also planned for. And alas it feels like Tim's lack of endgame vision for Buck and Eddie and his penchant for chaos meant those two got the last minute, spur of the moment story arc decisions that led to ultimately very unsatisfying season arcs.
submitted by _HGCenty to 911FOX [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:14 LeKamiso not specifically mcr related but look what i bought from the library

not specifically mcr related but look what i bought from the library
bless ur heart courtney 🙏
submitted by LeKamiso to MyChemicalRomance [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:39 RubmanForever Why Would My American Great Uncle Have Vichy Francs?

I know this is going to sound weird, but I was looking through my great uncle's steamer truck a couple years ago and found some really interesting stuff that doesn't seem to add up (unless he was either a spy or a nazi).
Hoping someone here might be able to help me come up with a plausible explanation.
Basically, my Great Uncle Steve appears to have been an Air Craft Mechanic who spent time down in Panama (I assume after the construction of the Panama canal?). I don't know too much about him other than he was a super kooky, eccentric guy — one of those folks in the 20's and 30's who would have random correspondences with movie stars and orchestra performers (this guy has a million signed portraits from random old celebrities I don't recognize lol).
I know that he lived in the French Mediterranean for some years in the '60s and possibly the '70s and that he "lived" at a hotel in Nice for at least a couple years during this time period.
My parents always used to joke that Great Uncle Steve always gave them international man of mystery vibes, and from the photos I've seen of him, he was just a really suave fella with exceptional taste in sunglasses.
ANYWAY, in this steamer trunk were letters between my Great Uncle Steve and the U.S. government. Great Uncle Steve said he'd like to contribute to the war effort and that he'd like to re-enlist.
These letters went back and forth — from around 1937/8 (give or take), up until I believe 1941 or 1942. And then they just stopped. The last letter is essentially folks from the government saying they've received his letter and would pass it on to interested parties
Ordinarily I wouldn't think too deeply into it but also in his steam trunk are dozens of Vichy coins from 1942/43.
From what I understand, these coins were only in circulation for a few key years during Nazi occupation.
Mind you, my great uncle, though he stayed in France for a couple years much later after the war, was NOT french and 100% lived in the U.S. before the war. I can't remember the exact details of his letters, but I remember them coming off as extremely patriotic. So, I don't think he would have returned to the motherland or whatever to fight alongside the germans.
Is it ACTUALLY possible that my Great Uncle could have been in France during the war, before the U.S. officially had boots on the ground? Is this an incredibly dumb question? Is it more likely that my Great Uncle just had some kind of post-war fascination with Vichy France?
I know it's vague and I'm sorry I can't give more details, but I'm genuinely curious. I didn't really give it much thought originally because I didn't connect the dots, but ALL of these coincs are dated between 1942 and 43 (and I believe a couple 44?)
Any thoughts or discussion would be appreciated!
submitted by RubmanForever to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:18 ricotito23 [USA-PR] [H] Switch,PS2,PS4,PS5,Xbox,Vita,3DS Games [W] PayPal

Selling my personal collection. Over 800 Games.
Sorry my bad english. Paypal ff.
Free Shipping over $100. More photos at request. Offers are welcome. Most of these Prices are based on Pricharting (and pricecharting price are inaccurate so sorry im lazy to put my prices for these 800 games) Offers are welcome Worst can say is no.There's a problem with letter T jumps to C in switch and vita to A. working on it. Also i have all 3 blaster master games. Want to sell them together with Slipcover.
Nintendo Switch
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim CIB+ 32.92 SOLD
1971 Project Helios New 15.41
AI: The Somnium Files CIB+ 60.5
ARMS CIB+ 30.5
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion New 25.68
AeternoBlade II New 35.5
Afterparty New 38
Aggelos New 38.22
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX New 18.98
Alwa's Collection New 25.62
American Hero New 40.49
Ancestors Legacy New 24.07
Annapurna Interactive [Deluxe Limited Edition Collection] New 230.00
Ape Out [Special Reserve] New 40.00
Ara Fell & Rise of the Third Power New 57.24
Arcade Spirits New 20
Archvale New 51.25
Ary and the Secret of Seasons New 12.52
Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore New 55.00
Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection CIB+ 17.48
Astalon: Tears of the Earth New 50.63
Astral Chain New 48.99 SOLD
Astronite New 19.48
Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy New 55.00 SOLD
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout CIB+ 49.5
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout New 60.1
Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle New 65.00
Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 New 48.5
Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack CIB+ 25.79
BUTCHER New 36.9
Balan Wonderworld New 11.77
Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Editions New 120.00 SOLD
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe CIB+ 32.61
Battle Princess Madelyn: Royal Edition New 52.88
Black Bird New 55.5
Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition New 48.72 SOLD
Blasphemous CIB+ 108.49 SOLD
Blaster Master Zero III New 34.5
Blaster Master Zero II New 40.49
Blaster Master Zero New 44.14
Blazing Beaks New 30.02
Blazing Chrome CIB+ 65.92
BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites New 40.49
Bloodrayne 1 & 2: Revamped Dual Pack w/ Slipcover New 100.47
Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon 2 New 28.49
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night New 21.23
Blossom Tales II: The Minotaur Prince New 46.48
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King CIB+ 150.47 SOLD
Blue Fire CIB+ 28.49
Blue Reflection: Second Light New 59.83
Bomb Chicken CIB+ 38.14
Boy and His Blob New 50.49
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling New 55.93
Bugsnax CIB+ 30.77
Burnout Paradise Remastered CIB+ 14.98
COGEN: Sword of Rewind & Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 Double Pack New 80.48
Cannon Dancer: Osman New 54
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker CIB+ 30.49
Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions
Card Shark Collector's Edition New 40.00
Carrion: Special Reserve Edition New 40.00
Castlevania Anniversary Collection New 40.00 SOLD
Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche New 40.97
Cat Quest + Cat Quest II: Pawsome Pack New 49.5
Cathedral New 66.91
Celeste New 62.39
Chicken Police - Paint it RED! CIB+ 13.25
Children of Morta CIB+ 22.09
Children of Zodiarcs New 44.77
Citizens Unite! Earth X Space New 29.49
Coffee Talk New 42.15
Collar X Malice New 30.49
Contra Anniversary Collection Konami Version New 55.00
Cooking Mama: Cookstar New 36.11
Corpse Killer: 25th Anniversary Edition New 42.7
Cosmo Dreamer & Like Dreamer: Double-D Collection New 25.00
Cris Tales New 13.99
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion CIB+ 25
Crossing Souls - Special Reserve New 40.00
Crystal Crisis New 31.52
Cthulhu Saves Christmas New 45.17
Cult of the Lamb [Special Reserve] New 72.48
DARQ: Complete Edition New 38.97
DISTRAINT Collection New 33.76
DOOM Eternal New 89 SOLD
DOOM: The Classics Collection New 50.5
DOOM CIB+ 28.9
DRAINUS New 63.39
Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition CIB+ 41.29
Dark Devotion New 45.49
Darksiders Genesis CIB+ 18
Darkwood CIB+ 108.46 SOLD
Dawn of the Monsters New 50.36
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania Edition New 32.01
Dead or School New 52.03
Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise CIB+ 16.77 SOLD
Deadly Premonition Origins New 38.03
Death Road to Canada New 40
Death end re;Quest New 41.97
Death's Door [Special Reserve] New 33.03 SOLD
Death's Gambit: Afterlife New 38.72
Demon Throttle [Reserve Edition] New 25.25
Demon Throttle [Reserve Edition] New 25.25
Demon Turf New 40.82
Demon's Tilt New 44.5
Deponia Collection New 83.14
Dex New 48.38
Digimon Survive New 20.95
Dimension Drive [Limited Edition] New 65.48
DioField Chronicle CIB+ 25.46 SOLD
Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories CIB+ 25.5
Disgaea 5 Complete New 39.5
Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and the Lion King New 18.29
Disney Tsum Tsum Festival New 26.55
DoDonPachi Resurrection New 55.38
Dodgeball Academia New 19.5
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! New 20.00
Doom 64 New 45.45
Double Dragon & Kunio-Kun Retro Brawler Bundle New 52.83
Double Dragon IV New 33.97
Double Dragon: Neon New 50.49
Double Switch: 25th Anniversary Edition New 55.89
Downwell [Special Reserve Edition] New 60.00
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set Used 25.00
Dragon Quest Treasures New 29.53
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition New 40.00
Dragon Star Varnir New 45.49
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen CIB+ 24.74
Dragon's Lair Trilogy New 144.25
Dreamscaper New 44.72
Dusk New 44.49
Eastward CIB+ 20.3 SOLD
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim CIB+ 35.31
Eldest Souls New 45.5
Elliot Quest New 28.48
Enclave HD New 52.67
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights New 55.00
Endling - Extinction is Forever New 25.76
Epic Chef New 15.57
Espgaluda II New 60.27
FAR: Lone Sails New 49.69
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force New 48.41
Falconeer: Warrior Edition New 18.88
Fast RMX New 71.73 SOLD
Fatal Twelve New 44.49
Fault Milestone One New 28.49
Fight'N Rage New 45.49
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age New 31.61
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes New 20.17
Flinthook New 45.49
Flipping Death CIB+ 28.39
Foretales New 19.29
Forgotton Anne CIB+ 35.49
Fran Bow New 111.48
Freedom Finger CIB+ 77.4
Freedom Planet New 57.39
Friends Of Ringo Ishikawa New 26.73
Furi CIB+ 48.64
Gal Metal: World Tour Edition CIB+ 17.69
Gato Roboto [Special Reserve Edition] New 40.00
Ghost 1.0 + Unepic Collection: Standard Edition New 30.00
Ghost of a Tale New 66.61
Going Under New 37.47
Golf Story New 82.75
Gotta Protectors: Cart of Darkness New 45.35
Grandia HD Collection New 82.51
Great Ace Attorney Chronicles CIB+ 30.98
GrimGrimoire OnceMore [Deluxe Edition] New 42.33 SOLD
Gunbrick: Reloaded New 24.68
Gunlord X New 90.00
Guns, Gore & Cannoli 1 & 2 New 140.00
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX New 84.5
Gyakuten Saiban 123: Naruhodo Selection New 41.49
Hades New 39.19
Haven New 45.49
Heaven's Vault New 32.15
Hero Must Die. Again New 56.5
Heroland Knowble Edition New 18.63
Hollow Knight CIB+ 31.5
Horgihugh and Friends New 28.18
Hot Wheels Unleashed New 22.03
Hotline Miami Collection [Special Reserve] New 40.00
ITTA [Steelbook Edition] New 50.00
ITTA CIB+ 35.00
Ib New 55.46
Ikenfell New 42.56
Immortals Fenyx Rising New 15.22
In Sound Mind: Deluxe Edition New 21.81
Indivisible New 19.41
Infernax New 50.5
Inscryption [Special Reserve] New 200.00
Ion Fury New 35.35
Ittle Dew 2+ New 43.45
Jamestown+ New 50.98
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf New 65.54
Katamari Damacy REROLL New 23.45
Katanakami New 42.3
Kaze and the Wild Masks New 32.44
KeyWe New 25.49
Killer Queen Black New 16.13
King's Bounty II New 17.85
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory New 20.59
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning CIB+ 19.98
Knights and Bikes New 45.49
Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa New 19.45
L.A. Noire CIB+ 29.99
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga New 20.48
LUNARK New 49.52
Lair of the Clockwork God New 39.13
Layers of Fear: Legacy New 147.86
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III - Extracurricular Edition CIB+ 31.77
Legend of Tianding New 45.00
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom New 47.46
Letter: A Horror Visual Novel [Limited Edition] New 73.75
Little Golf Journey New 29.62
Little Nightmares II CIB+ 20.75
Lonely Mountains: Downhill SRG#46 New 86.79
Loop Hero [Collectors Edition] New 40.00
Loop Hero CIB+ 25.00
Love Esquire [Limited Edition] New 90.5
LoveKami Trilogy New 35.00
Lumines Remastered New 32.5
MONARK Deluxe Edition New 37
Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope CIB+ 15.42
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order CIB 30.00 SOLD
Mato Anomalies New 19.73
Mega Man 11 New 20.48
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection CIB+ 24.5
Megadimension Neptunia VII New 45.5
Mighty Gunvolt Burst New 44.45
Mighty Switch Force! Collection CIB+ 45.49
Ministry of Broadcast New 26.72
Minoria New 50.47
Miracle Snack Shop [Limited Edition] New 35.00
Missing CIB+ 35.5
Moero Chronicle Hyper New 90.35
Moero Crystal H New 50.77
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight New 71.68
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate New 42.69
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin New 31.49
Monster Sanctuary New 58.46
Monstrum New 38.5
Mother Russia Bleeds [Special Reserve] New 45.00
Mother Russia Bleeds [Special Reserve] New 45.00
Ms. Splosion Man CIB+ 31.98
Mulaka New 60.00
Mummy Demastered New 57.71
Murder By Numbers Collectors Edition New 80.36
Mushihimesama New 60.7
My Friend Pedro [Special Reserve Edition] New 45.00
NEO: The World Ends With You CIB+ 20.5 SOLD
Narita Boy New 45.55
NeoGeo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1 New 43.06
Neon Abyss New 42.38
Neversong & Pinstripe CIB+ 37.5
New Super Lucky's Tale New 33.59
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe New 39.5
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch New 26.5
NieR: Automata - The End of YoRHa Edition New 39.5
Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition New 56.06
Night in the Woods New 59.92
Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection New 50.42
No Man's Sky CIB+ 26.25
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle CIB+ 35.92 SOLD
No More Heroes III CIB+ 15.5
No More Heroes CIB+ 40.5 SOLD
Ocean's Heart New 53.33
Octahedron New 45.43
Octopath Traveler II New 39.99
Octopath Traveler New 52.43 SOLD
Oddworld - Collection New 36.25
Okami HD New 32.99
One Step From Eden New 34.15
Oniken + Odallus Collection New 36.51
Opus Collection CIB+ 22.49
Ori: The Collection New 28.97
Othercide New 32.45
Outlast: Bundle of Terror / Outlast 2 CIB+ 250.00
Overlord: Escape from Nazarick New 35.97
Owlboy CIB+ 16.48
Oxenfree New 99.53
Panzer Dragoon New 40.5
Panzer Paladin New 48.13
Pathway New 27.6
Phoenotopia: Awakening [Premium Edition] New 114.25
Pikmin 3 Deluxe CIB+ 35.00
Pikmin 4 New 42.79
Piofiore: Fated Memories New 27.95
PixelJunk Eden 2 New 25.49
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined New 25.49
Pokemon Legends: Arceus New 41.19
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX CIB+ 40.5
Pokemon Sword CIB+ 30.26
Pokemon Violet New 44.5
Postal Redux New 25.5
PowerSlave: Exhumed New 55.00
Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 2 [Deluxe Edition] New 43.99
Prodeus New 40.67
Project Warlock New 67.14
Puyo Puyo Tetris New 17.5
Q.U.B.E. 2 New 51.32
Quake New 38.49
Radiant Silvergun New 58.09
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan New 23.82
Razion EX New 90.00
Red Lantern New 58.5
Republique: Anniversary Edition New 35.49
Return of the Obra Dinn New 58.18
Return to Monkey Island CIB+ 43.09
Return to Shironagasu Island CIB+ 28.5
Risk of Rain 2 New 14.7
River City Girls 2 New 50.5
River City Girls Zero New 44.49
River City Girls [PAX Variant] New 142.6
River City Girls CIB+ 80.23
River City: Rival Showdown New 30.49
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos CIB+ 30.00
Roki CIB+ 30.00
Rolling Sky Collection CIB+ 20.00
Root Film New 34.09
Rune Factory 3 Special New 23.41
Rune Factory 3 Special New 23.41
Rune Factory 4 Special [Archival Edition] New 90.00
SENSEs: Midnight [Limited Edition] New 47.43
SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy New 29.15
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin New 27.5
Sally Face [Deluxe Edition] New 224.81
Sam & Max Save the World New 43.5
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space Remastered New 44
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time New 70.48
Save me Mr Tako: Definitive Edition New 33.5
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition New 32.49
Sea Horizon [Limited Edition] New 42.49
Sea of Solitude: The Director's Cut New 20.00
SeaBed [Limited Edition] New 135.38
Seabed New 40.42
Senran Kagura Reflexions New 129.74
Senren * Banka New 70.00
Serious Sam Collection [Switch Reserve] New 50.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Shadow Man Remastered New 48.39
Shadowgate New 62.5
Shadowrun Trilogy New 45.00
Shadows of Adam New 34.49
Shadowverse: Champion's Battle New 21.95
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Box 49.62
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse New 381.21 SOLD
Shantae and the Seven Sirens New 50.2 SOLD
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero [Ultimate Edition] New 38.2 SOLD
Shantae: Risky's Revenge New 38.51 SOLD
Shantae New 39.34 SOLD
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn New 19.57
Shikhondo: Soul Eater New 34.44
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster New 25.5
Shin Megami Tensei V New 22.38
Shin Megami Tensei V New 22.38
Shining Resonance Refrain [Draconic Launch Edition] New 48.6
Silver Case 2425 Deluxe Edition CIB 25.00
Sine Mora EX New 23.02
Skelattack New 45.00
Slime-san New 43.74
Smile For Me New 30.00
Sol Cresta: Dramatic Edition New 45.48
Sonic Colors Ultimate CIB+ 15.48
Sonic Frontiers CIB+ 21.62
Sonic Mania New 16.51
Spiritfarer New 28.95
Splatoon 2 CIB+ 19.67
Splatoon 3 New 43.99
Star Wars Pinball New 19.72
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords New 59.79
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords New 59.79
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic New 60.49
Star Wars: Republic Commando New 26.45
Steel Assault New 48
Streets of Rage 4 New 33.45
Strife: Veteran Edition New 30.00
Subnautica + Subnautica: Below Zero New 32.49
Super Blood Hockey New 60.96
Super Bomberman R New 20.42
Super Mario Maker 2 CIB+ 30.48
Super Meat Boy Forever New 25.98
Super Meat Boy New 38.5
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania New 13.48
Supraland New 33.75
Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido New 12.17
Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythm Festival New 15.5
Tails of Iron [Crimson Knight Edition] New 42.89
TakeOver New 47.41
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition New 30.41
Talos Principle New 40.00
Tandem: A Tale of Shadows New 20.48
Terraria New 24.66
The Messenger [Special Reserve Games Edition] New 280.00 SOLD
There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension New 53.51
Thumper New 45.45
Time on Frog Island CIB+ 17.43
Timespinner [Limited Run] CIB+ 77.28
Tiny Barbarian DX New 33.97
To The Moon New 67.98
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! CIB+ 49.86
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore New 66.72
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore New 66.72
Touryst New 60.00 SOLD
TowerFall New 45.5
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes CIB+ 24.99 SOLD
Treasures Of The Aegean New 17.98
Trigger Witch - Limited Edition New 57.66
Trigger Witch New 34.59
Trover Saves the Universe New 37.76 SOLD
Turok / Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Double Pack New 180.00
Twin Blades of the Three Kingdoms New 30.00
Two Point Hospital New 26.5
UnderMine New 51.08 SOLD
Unravel Two CIB+ 18.35
Unreal Life New 39.15
Unsighted New 47.2
Untitled Goose Game New 22.45
Valfaris New 39.64
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection II New 50.5
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection New 70.61
Valkyria Chronicles 4 New 66.81
Very Very Valet New 17.77
Wandersong CIB+ 33.99
Warborn New 16.6
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus CIB+ 21
WarioWare: Get it Together! CIB+ 24.55
West of Dead New 39.1
Wizard of Legend New 55.00
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap New 39.14
Wonderful 101: Remastered New 23.5
World Ends with You: Final Remix New 53.95 SOLD
World Of Simulators New 45
Wreckfest New 25.5
Wulverblade New 68.83
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country Loose 30
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Loose 30
Xtreme Sports New 50.5
Yoku's Island Express CIB+ 35.5
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair New 35.5
Young Souls New 34.49
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution CIB+ 17.69
Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition (Elite Edition) New 45.49
Yurukill: The Calumniation Games (Deluxe Edition) New 20.73
Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol New 40.09
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition New 78.08
Armored Core Nexus CIB 105.33
88 Antarctica New 45.00
Antartica 88 [Variant Cover] New 185.5
Deadpool CIB+ 76.33
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Digimon Survive New 16.55
Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition New 71
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! New 21.17
Helldivers [Super-Earth Ultimate Edition] CIB+ 45.00
Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series - The Complete Adventure CIB+ 58.41
Outriders: Worldslayer New 18.48
Revenge of The Bird King New 31.99
Saints Row: The Third Remastered New 15.1
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal [At the Seams Edition] New 60.49
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal [Tailor Made Edition] New 47.99
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash (No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service Edition) New 71.5
Shadow Warrior 2 [Special Reserve Edition] New 235.52
Super Perils of Baking Special Edition [SEGA Outerbox] New 120.00
Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse [Special Reserve Edition] New 40.00
Tamashii New 450.00
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan CIB+ 40.00
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered Steelbook Edition New 30.45
2064: Read Only Memories New 67.97
88 Heroes New 40.6
99Vidas New 125.97
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault New 26.49
Akiba's Beat New 30.25
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed CIB+ 25.49
Alone With You New 38.5
Amazing Spider-Man CIB+ 64.75
Amazing Spider-Man CIB+ 64.75
Angry Birds Star Wars New 20.48
Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition New 40.49
Antiquia Lost New 34.75
Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX New 51.5
Army Corps of Hell New 23.99
Asdivine Hearts New 35.46
Astro Aqua Kitty [Limited Edition] New 64.7
Atari Flashback Classics New 60.61
Atelier Escha & Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (Limited Edition) New 168.49
Awesome Pea Collection [Limited Edition] CIB+ 40.1
Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition New 56.56
Back in 1995 [Limited Edition] New 191.4
Bard's Gold New 33
Bard's Tale: Remastered and Resnarkled New 50.49
Bastion New 64.16
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate CIB+ 23.67
Bit.Trip Limited Edition New 33.5
Bit.Trip Presents...Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien New 33.49
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon New 118.23
Borderlands 2 CIB+ 23.49
Breach & Clear New 308.01
Broken Age New 33.77
Bunny Must Die: Chelsea and the 7 Devils New 95
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified CIB+ 22.29
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Loose 18.98
Chaos;Child New 45.61
Chasm CIB+ 60.49
Child of Light CIB+ 24.56
Claire: Extended Cut CIB+ 35.17
Code:Realize - Future Blessings Loose 14.9
Code:Realize - Guardian of Rebirth New 25.5
Code:Realize - Guardian of Rebirth 14.2
Conga Master Go! [Limited Edition] New 51.83
Corpse Party: Blood Drive New 58.77
Cosmic Star Heroine CIB+ 43.25
Count Lucanor [Signature Edition] New 144.47
Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors CIB+ 74.09
Criminal Girls: Invite Only CIB+ 54.49
Croixleur Sigma New 40.49
Cursed Castilla EX [Limited Edition] New 60.5
Curses 'N Chaos New 38.72
Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka New 40.51
Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo New 41
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair CIB 19.41
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Loose 19.41
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls New 31.5
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony CIB+ 58.89
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc CIB+ 25.97
Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours New 47.38
Deadbolt New 42.44
Death Mark CIB+ 23.22
Death Tales [Limited Edition] New 40.4
Deemo: The Last Recital New 34.22
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten New 37.86
Demon Gaze II New 74.66
Demon Gaze CIB+ 25.81
Demon Gaze Loose 22.22
Demon's Tier+ [Limited Edition] CIB+ 55.49
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax CIB+ 25.5
Devious Dungeon - Limited Edition CIB+ 67.38
Devious Dungeon 2 [Limited Edition] New 84.5
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth CIB+ 65.9
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited CIB+ 25.49
Dokuro New 52.94
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice New 34.5
Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria New 40.49
Dragon Sinker: Descendants of Legend New 35.5
Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & The Monster Seal CIB+ 53
Dynasty Warriors: Next 16.66
EMMA: Lost in Memories [Limited Edition] New 52.49
Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space New 28.19
Exile's End New 39.65
Exist Archive: The Other Side of The Sky Loose 18.48
Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star Noble Phantasm Edition New 46.26
Fernz Gate New 30.69
Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster Loose 25.49
Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster New 61.19
Forma.8 New 32.5
Freedom Wars CIB+ 13.48
Furwind [Limited Edition] CIB+ 40.5
Futuridium EP Deluxe New 45.97
Gal*Gun: Double Peace CIB+ 32.34
Ghoulboy [Limited Edition] New 160.5
God of War Collection New 74.75
Grand Kingdom New 47.6
Gravity Rush CIB+ 44.5
Guard Duty [Limited Edition] CIB+ 47.38
Gundemoniums New 84.18
Gunhouse New 30.38
Habroxia 2 [Limited Edition] New 65.5
Habroxia New 129.94
Halloween Forever [Limited Edition] New 74.5
Hole New World
Home: A Unique Horror Adventure New 35.92
Horizon Chase Turbo [Limited Edition] New 76.81
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational New 26.19
Hotaru no Nikki - The Firefly Diary: Limited Edition New 59.25
House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Edition CIB+ 99.5
House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Edition M+B 40.1
Hue New 40.5
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart CIB+ 35.5
Hyperdimension Neptunia PP: Producing Perfection CIB+ 35.97
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 CIB+ 47.01
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 CIB+ 47.01
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation CIB+ 60.49
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation CIB+ 60.49
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation CIB+ 55.95
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation CIB+ 55.95
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed CIB+ 43.81
Iconoclasts New 96.5
Indigo 7 : Quest for Love New ?
Jak and Daxter Collection CIB+ 50.49
Jet Set Knights [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Jet Set Knights [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Just Ignore them + My Big Sister Collection New 60.49
Kawaii Deathu Desu New 45.5
Killzone: Mercenary CIB+ 32.68
Killzone: Mercenary Loose 24.49
King of Fighters '97: Global Match New 64.81
Knightin' + [Limited Edition] New 60.45
Knytt Underground New 128.14
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Losse 11.33
LEGO Jurassic World CIB+ 13.44
LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin Loose 17.12
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens New 28.75
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Loose 12.21
LEGO The Lord of the Rings Loose 10.49
La-Mulana Ex New 38.03
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (Lionheart Limited Edition) New 72.39
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II CIB+ 57.82
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel CIB+ 36.49
Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut New 42.49
Longest Five Minutes New 32.5
Lost Child New 56.03
Lost Cube [Limited Edition] New 50.49
Luckslinger [Limited Edition] New 60.41
Lumines: Electronic Symphony New 18.61
MUSYNX New 50.49
Mary Skelter: Nightmares CIB+ 92.87
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies New 37.58
MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death CIB+ 25.39
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition [Limited Edition] New 106.71
Metagal [Limited Edition] CIB+ 100.35
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection CIB+ 46.49
Metal Slug 3 New 115.48
Mind Zero CIB+ 20.48
Mooseman [Limited Edition] New 119.05
Mortal Kombat CIB+ 26.99
MotoGP 13 CIB+ 23.83
Muv-Luv Alternative New 66.95
Muv-Luv Complete Set New 90.5
Muv-Luv New 53.36
My Aunt is a Witch [Limited Edition] New 55.5
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics New 27.94
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - A Criterion Game CIB+ 20.32
Neurovoider New 35.5
Nicole [Limited Edition] New 48.22
Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition New 58.99
Nova-111 New 28.67
Nurse Love Addiction New 59.18
Nurse Love Syndrome New 50.49
Nurse Love Syndrome Loose 15.49
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas New 52
Octodad: Dadliest Catch New 46.36
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - New 'n' Tasty
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD New 52.5
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD New 69.73
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir CIB+ 72.45
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Loose 70.5
One More Dungeon CIB+ 60
Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines New 93
Papers, Please New 115.47
Pato Box [Limited Edition] New 73.23
Penny-Punching Princess New 45.41
Period: Cube - Shackles of Amadeus New 54.65
Persona 4 Golden New 61.12
Persona 4 Golden Loose 25.37
Persona 4: Dancing All Night - Disco Fever Edition New 145.5
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds New 53.5
Pix the Cat New 28.84
Plague Road New 43.4
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale New 31.74
Proteus New 36.49
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk New 51.5
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk New 51.5
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly CIB+ 33.57
Pushy and Pully in Block Land New 70.45
Rabi-Ribi New 93.59
Rainbow Moon New 44.89
Ratchet and Clank Trilogy CIB+ 72.77
Ray Gigant New 102.84
Rayman Legends CIB 17.37
Rayman Origins CIB+ 16.71
Retro City Rampage DX [Re-Release] New 35.00
Revenant Dogma New 35.36
Revenant Saga New 29.44
Reverie [Limited Edition] CIB+ 43.49
Riddled Corpses EX New 40.49
Risk of Rain New 38
Rock Boshers DX New 29.34
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution New 55.5
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken New 43.2
Root Double [Xtend Edition] New 53.5
Root Letter New 46.11
Rose in the Twilight New 192
Salt and Sanctuary New 100.49
Salt and Sanctuary New 100.49
Saturday Morning RPG New 50.49
Sayonara Umihara Kawase++ New 67.33
ScourgeBringer [Limited Edition] New 59.97
ScourgeBringer [Limited Edition] New 59.97
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus: Let's Get Physical Edition New 115.5
Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit! Full Course - Collector's Edition New 185.13
Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit! New 150.44
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus Endless Summer Edition New 115.48
Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story New 155.5
Severed [Limited Edition] New 100.81
Shakedown: Hawaii CIB+ 36.85
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero CIB+ 37.5
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen CIB+ 38.67
Shovel Knight New 96.49
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution 2+ CIB+ 76.26
Silent Hill: Book of Memories CIB+ 76.38
Sir Eatsalot [Limited Edition] CIB+ 53.08
Siralim 2 New 30.49
Siralim New 50.5
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore New 52.81
Sky Force Anniversary New 75.48
Slain: Back From Hell [Signature Edition] New 150.65
Sly Cooper Collection CIB+ 52.27
Smart as... CIB+ 9.67
Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype New 44.12
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed CIB+ 23.56
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God [Limited edition] New 80.5
Soul Sacrifice Delta New 105.5
Soul Sacrifice CIB+ 17.36
Spelunky New 70.5
Spy Hunter CIB+ 24.31
Stay [Limited Edition] New 130.5
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (Ultimate Edition) New 29.13
SteamWorld Dig New 55.72
SteamWorld Heist New 52.97
Steins;Gate 0 CIB+ 29.49
Steins;Gate CIB+ 30.58
Stranger of sword city limited edition New 63.57
Super Hydorah New 47.9
Super Meat Boy New 60.5
Super Mutant Alien Assault New 34.9
Super Skull Smash GO! 2 Turbo New 42.35
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls New 58.5
Swapper New 51.48
Swindle New 27.51
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment New 65.48
Synergia [Limited Edition] New 110.49
Tachyon Project Limited Edition New 55.35
Takotan [Limited Edition] New 51.59
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack New 50.24
Tales of Hearts R CIB+ 69.48
Tales of Hearts R 50.5
Task Force Kampas New 36.5
Tetris Ultimate New 70.47
Tetris Ultimate New 70.47
Thomas Was Alone New 33.5
Tokyo Xanadu New 49.32
Touch My Katamari CIB+ 33.72
Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure [Limited Edition] CIB+ 47.09
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 CIB+ 31.21
UnMetal New 163.32
Uncharted: Golden Abyss CIB+ 27.23
Uncharted: Golden Abyss CIB+ 27.23
Undertale New 66.38
Unepic [Limited Edition] New 274.98
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception New 72.27
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth - Launch Edition New 36.5
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth - Launch Edition New 36.5
VA-11 Hall-A New 79.91
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni CIB+ 66.81
Vasara Collection New 98.5
Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition New 63.05
Volume New 32.25
Walking Dead: Season Two - A Telltale Games Series New 22.61
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2024.06.08 23:15 Right_Trick_5848 [H] 60-70% Most Payments [W] Amazon GC UK/DE/FR/ES Steam Wallet: Any UK/GBP: Most Gift Cards e.g ASDA, Argos, Tesco, Currys, John Lewis etc ...

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2024.06.08 23:15 Right_Trick_5848 [H] 60-70% Most Payments [W] Amazon GC UK/DE/FR/ES Razer Gold UK/GBP: Most UK Gift Cards e.g ASDA, Argos, Tesco, Currys, John Lewis etc ...

***My Impersonators (DO NOT TRADE WITH): Right-Trick-5848, righttick_5848 Note the misspellings, note the dash "-" instead of the underscore "_", always verify it is me in PMs
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Star.bucks: Any currency @ 50%
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gift codes one 4 all tk maxx
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2024.06.08 23:08 charli3dontsurf Connecticut State Flag: 8 Redesigns

Connecticut State Flag: 8 Redesigns
Five Stars: The five stars represent Connecticut as the fifth state to be admitted to the Union.
White Oak Tree: The white oak is designated as Connecticut's official state tree.
Grape Bunches: These symbolize the grapevines depicted on the original state flag's coat of arms, reflecting Connecticut's well-established wine industry.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Color Symbolism:
Blue: Represents Connecticut's coastal waters and blue skies, symbolizing strength and loyalty.
Purple: Signifies independence, happiness, and camaraderie.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Flag Design Elements:
Flags 4 and 5: These flags incorporate the letter "C," similar to Colorado's flag. In this context, the "C" stands for the name of the state, the Charter Oak Tree, the state constitution (referencing Connecticut's nickname "The Constitution State"), and the Connecticut River.
Charter Oak.
submitted by charli3dontsurf to vexillology [link] [comments]


This is a comprehensive list of what I believe to be the most needed quality of life improvements for the players that still maintains the developers intended gameplay balance. If anyone has ideas of things to add, remove, or change to this list, sound off in the comments. I am not affiliated with Game Loft in any way and have no sway over their decisions, but maybe we can all make our voices heard and let them know what we want moving forward (after the latest bugs and crashes are fixed of course).
General Gameplay
  1. Not requiring villagers to be in your current area (valley/isle) in order to get their profession bonus
  2. Increase the surface area of tables (4 square tables shouldn't have a 1 square tabletop considering that the top is the widest part of most tables)
  3. No more limit on how many mannequins can be placed in a single room and the ability to place them outside
  4. Add a recycle function for all crafted items that costs dreamlight/star coins and gives you all your resources back, or is free but only partially refunds resources.
  5. Critter and villager schedules should be tied to an in game clock so people with fixed schedules don't lose access to certain characters/critters
  6. Every week should have a new quest that can earn you a furniture/wardrobe item so people who can't afford moonstones have a reason to log on every week (and give people who have finished all the quests ways to continue interacting with the villagers)
  7. Add a job board that allows you to assign villagers to gather one selected resource for you related to their profession (1 villager at a time per profession, the more valuable the resource you choose the longer it takes to generate it, can only gather up to a certain amount that depends on item value, can only gather resources related to their profession, and the items won't count toward your duties)
  8. Add a friendship level to all unlocked critter companions that can be increased by equipping, petting, playing with(with the play wheel or other critter toys), and feeding them (with food bowls). The levels of this friendship will unlock new features like the ability to gather items around you (as long as they are still highlighted blue), and place/pose them for all stances in photo mode (not just the critter stance); this would also apply to critters in companion homes, not just ones equipped in the wardrobe menu
  9. If a player is in range to interact with anything that isn't their critter, prioritize that over petting their critter
  10. All furniture with an animation should cycle indefinitely until toggled off by the player (especially fireworks)
  11. Give Daisy's challenges the same reset schedule as Scrooges shop instead of a 24 hour timer
  12. Allow feeding critters to count towards dreamlight duties even if you have already fed them that day
  13. No repeat memories.
  14. Alternative to no repeat memories is to have the repeats go into your inventory so that you can trade them with other players to help each other complete them
  15. You shouldn't be able to get nothing or a trivial amount of star coins from digging. Every time you dig you should get 1-3 resources or a small chance for a chest
  16. Add an option to switch off bonuses in the bonus menu (ex. you want to fish from white ripples or mine a gem vein when you're saving your pickaxe charges for stone or iron)
  17. Add an FOV (Field of view) Slider in the options menu
  18. Allow us to visually change the weather like the time of day (ex. make it rain without watering our crops for free or being able to catch fugu) and add a weather icon in the HUD so we know when it's actually raining even if we have rain turned off or fake rain turned on (HUD is only changed if we have manually changed the weather visuals)
  19. Allow skin color to be applied individually to our male and female avatars like every other aesthetic aspect in the wardrobe section
  20. Allow us to remove villager houses from the valley or make the valley bigger by expanding biomes or adding new ones. It has to happen eventually because you can't have infinite growth in a finite world (you would still have to place their house somewhere if you wanted to spawn them in to hang out or do their quests)
  21. Alternatively you could add a hotel run by some Disney/Pixar character (My vote is Snow White as the owner with the 7 dwarves as staff). You can upgrade the hotel to increase its capacity up to 10-20 rooms. You would then be allowed to remove up to that many houses, moving the occupants to the hotel. But you would first need to do a quest for every household that requires you to decorate a hotel room themed towards the house. You would be required to meet tag requirements that match the house such as traits that it has and the Disney universe it's from so the occupants feel at home (similar to Daisy's boutique challenge) IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Euraylie
  22. Allow players to reskin villager houses. Adding more ways for us to blend them with our valley builds IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Noggindrilln
  23. Save makeup to a mannequin along with clothes when editing it so we don't have to manually change our makeup every time we change our outfit
  24. Allow us to visually change large chests into other storage items we have unlocked, including TOM items (to allow players to make more creative and aesthetically pleasing storage areas)
  25. Stop making non quest items unsellable. They take up valuable space in your storage (ex. night shards, training manuals, etc.)
  26. Pathing fill button. Much like how we can hold a button to delete all connected pathing, we should be able to make a pathing outline and hold a button while selecting one of the outer pathing to completely fill the inner area
  27. Make smart transfer completely fill all stacks inside storage while leaving the remainder in your inventory (ex. don't leave a stack of 50 of an item in your inventory just because the storage can only hold 20 more. Put 20 in and leave 30 so we don't have to manually split the stack every time)
  28. Add a smart withdraw button so that you can transfer all items from storage that are already in your inventory
  29. Allow pathing to be placed 1 square at a time to allow closer placement to the edges of biomes and bodies of water
  30. Make craftable hedges that can be placed and extended like fences for custom sizing. Adding harvestable leaves that change with the real life seasons (Light green & flowery - spring, dark green - summer, Red/Yellow/Orange - autumn, snowy pine needles - winter) that can be used to craft the hedges along with wood and soil IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Literary_Lady
  31. Craftable bird nests that can be placed in trees and hedges for your flying critters IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Literary_Lady
  32. Allow players to flip the orientation of objects (ex. Assymetrical objects like the L-counters can be rotated, but the crook of the "L" always faces the same relative direction)
  33. Add a buyback function to Goofy's stall that allows you to buy back anything you may have sold accidentally within a certain time or item amount window
  1. Add submenus for colors and patterns so you don't have a bunch of retextures clogging up your wardrobe and furniture menus (ex. You click on foodie loafers in your shoes and then a dropdown menu appears where you pick the color you want)
  2. Add sort functions (alphabetical, newest, oldest, etc.) and search baalphabetical section index (the side bar with the clickable letters that bring you to that letter) for all shop/furniture/wardrobe/cooking/crafting menus IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - NotSoEvilQueen for the section index
  3. Add furniture categories (ex. lighting, decor, etc.) for the furniture section of the crafting bench
  4. Show all tags for selected items regardless of whether or not you are in the dreamsnap category (this includes scrooges shop and crafting menu)
  5. Have all selected filter tags sorted the same way the dreamsnap section is (items with the most matching tags at top and fewest at the bottom instead of only items that match all selected tags)
  6. Add 2 item counts for selected items in the crafting bench menu (1 for items in your inventory/storage and 1 for items placed in your valley) so you know how many items you already have before making more
  7. Reset the crafting menu to the item you just crafted after crafting instead of auto scrolling back to the top
  8. All items that show up as pathing and fences in your furniture menu should also show up in that category at a crafting table (ex. bumblestone fences, zircon tiles, etc.)
  9. Have the back button hide the currently selected item in the shop and crafting menus instead of taking us out of the menu entirely (ex. when you select an item, it brings up a window on the right for that item. You can change the item by selecting a different one, but the only way to remove the window is to exit the menu altogether and reenter it without selecting an item)
  10. Add a dropdown menu for all trees and underbrush that have multiple variations so you can actually select which one you want to place
  11. Add a menu for selecting which memory to put on a frame/TV to replace the repetetive toggle
  12. Add a button that you can press in furniture mode while your cursor is over an item that takes you to the item in your inventory so you can quickly add copies of an item you've already placed
  1. Add a section for restaurant orders in the cooking menu (only available when cooking in Chez Remy)
  2. Add an option to turn off cooking/meal animations to make cooking faster
  3. Allow us to select recipes from our history so we can autofill multiple copies of a dish with specific ingredients we've already used without having to manually select specific ingredients every time
  4. Add a toggle near the autofill button to use the most valuable non specified ingredients instead of the least valuable when auto filling (when cooking with the purpose of selling)
  5. Add an item counter so you know how many of a particular meal you already have in your inventory/storage before you make it
  6. Widen the cooking pot so that some of the longer food items don't get stuck at the top of the pot if dropped directly into the center (PC only)
  7. Classify almonds as dairy/oil like peanuts are instead of as a fruit
  8. Organize the "all meals" tab alphbetically (there are already tabs for each meal type, so the "all meals" tab doesn't need to be organized by meal type as well) IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - NotSoEvilQueen
Touch of Magic
  1. Every "Basic" item should have its own 50-100 TOM limit instead of having 50 for wardrobe and for furniture respectively. When entering the customize menu, you then have to select one of the basic items which takes you to a submenu where you can choose from your designs or a plus icon that you can select to create a new design for that particular item
  2. Remove the limit to how small and increase the limit of how large you can scale motifs
  3. Add the ability to scale length and width of motifs separately
  4. Remove the layer limit in TOM or at least increase it to 100
  5. Allow you to purchase TOM furniture from Scrooge with star coins, or make them craftable with resources, after you have purchased them from Daisy
  6. Add sign posts/billboards to daisy's shop
  7. Allow us to display multiple TOM items on a single mannequin. Or at least put generic clothes on the uncovered areas so I don't have a pantsless guy advertising my shirts
  1. Add a dialogue option to any character (must be level 10 friendship with completed main friendship questline) you're hanging out with to get them to stand still and stop following you. Then when they are in this mode you can talk to them again to return them to normal function or select one of their poses or animations. Because they are also considered as no longer following you, you can do this with multiple characters to set up intricate dreamsnap scenarios
  2. Illumination radius for all lighting fixtures should be increased to make night shots more viable (and to generally improve the night time atmosphere)
  3. Allow players to hold tools in pictures (give people an incentive to purchase tools from premium shop)
  4. Have all TOM items disappear when you are in photo mode so they don't disqualify your dreamsnap attempt if you're not aware they're in frame
  5. Alternatively just allow TOM in dreamsnaps. If you can share them in Daisy's shop, why not in dreamsnaps
  6. Add a quest from Vanellope that gives you access to a virtual valley. You access it through a portal or computer and it brings you to an empty valley (no furniture, buildings, trees, etc.) so that you can set up outdoor dreamsnaps in it without destroying sections of your valley just to have to rebuild them again. You can't get resources in this valley and it resets every week for the new dreamsnap. All furniture is returned to your inventory, but any inventory items you may have placed would remain (all items placed on tables would be moved to the ground). There would also be an extra category in the furniture menu for spawning virtual villagers (only up to 1 of each villager you have unlocked)
  7. Get rid of outfit challenges. Having tag requirements for your outfit makes it difficult to craft an outfit that looks good and fits the theme for the week. Plus everybody already puts together an outfit to match the decor challenge and most people add decor to match the outfit challenge anyway. Just have tags for decor and outfits both apply to the current challenge
  8. Game Loft needs to be clear on exactly how tags and votes affect our score so we know how much we need to prioritize having a lot of tags over making a bettecleaner image to garner votes with.
  9. Increase the voting moonstones to 10-25 a day instead of 50 a week to incentivize more voting and daily log ins
  10. Add a 10-15 second timer to votes so people don't just vote randomly and actually have a reason to analyze each photo (would also benefit complex submissions that aren't easy to digest in 1 second and reward players for putting in more effort)
  11. Prevent NPC dialogue boxes from opening up while you're in photo mode
  12. Add a toggle when riding attractions to make them visible/invisible in photo mode
  13. Remove blinking from all player, critter, and NPC stances in photo mode
  1. Add the ability to interact with all ancient machines instead of just the cooker
  2. Multiplayer dreamsnaps (Dreamsnaps can still only be submitted by host to disallow multiple people submitting the same dreamsnap). Outfit tags from guest players will not contribute to the host's tag count
  3. Host player can still access furniture menu
  4. All players should be able to talk to villagers and do quests
  5. Allow all players to enter the host's house so we can give house tours as well as valley tours
  6. Allow fast travel
  7. Allow us to feed critters in other players valley without counting towards the hosts daily feeding limit
  8. Allow players to remove the Multiplayer hub if they don't want it or add the functions of the hub to the plaza well since it is a permanent fixture, and it is already how every other character enters your valley anyway
  9. Allow scramblecoin requests between players
  1. Add an "Excavator" to the ancient machines in the timbending table that can remove respawning clutter (holes, rocks, mushrooms, etc.) and give you the resources.
  2. No limit on how many ancient gardeners can be placed in one biome at a time
  3. Give auto cookers and gardeners the ability to generate memories
  4. Give the trolley tracks a function by letting the trolley move along them (so long as the track it's on is a closed loop) and maybe even add a train down the line. And give players the ability to ride them like the attractions.
  5. Allow us to move or turn off the timebending orbs that spawn across the isle and valley
  6. Add a coin flip to scramblecoin to determine who goes first (shake up the strategy meta a little)
  7. Increase scramblecoin rounds to 6 or have gold coins start spawning on round 3
  8. Allow players to dismantle timebending resources directly from our storage instead of requiring them to be in our inventory
  9. Allow players to select seeds from our storage while interacting with an ancient gardener instead of requiring them to be in our inventory
submitted by Samwich_Ganja to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:20 Sharp-Put4724 Holly vs. Kendra: A lead-up to the 2015 tweets

Holly vs. Kendra: A lead-up to the 2015 tweets
I won’t be linking to Kendra’s tweets about Holly after her book came out. I think we all know about them and they’re on Google. This is a timeline on the backstory leading up to the 2015 tweets detailing their feud up to that point. Basically, I feel that there has been a long history of covert, subtle bullying from Holly to Kendra.
For starters, look at the book recaps with quotes both Holly and Kendra made toward each other.
Kendra’s book comments about Holly
While Holly and Bridget were aghast calling Kendra’s book ‘lies’, a lot of what they called out as lies were either a matter of interpreting her retelling of events from her perspective, or have some plausibility.
Like her ‘lie’ about not sleeping with Hef before moving in. If you read the excerpt from her book, it’s just a matter of when Kendra officially became a girlfriend after what was essentially a ‘trial run’.
She was still with her boyfriend the night of the party (the same one who sold her sex tape and 'pissed' she left for Hef, so I can see her trying to smooth it over given what happened later) where she was a painted lady, but admits to sleeping with Hef 'a couple of days later' after attending Casablanca night, then a club night, sleeping with Hef on the third date:
On the ride home one of the girls asked me if I wanted to go upstairs into Hefs room with everyone once we got back to the Mansion. In my head I could hear my mom's voice: You know they have orgies up there
Her big 'lie' was to be off by a few days.
Or the idea of Hef asking her to move in the first night without a ‘casting couch’ situation—Playmate and ex-girlfriend Stephanie Heinrich describes a very similar courtship
Holly and Bridget were taken aback at the ‘lie’ that Kendra felt lost at the mansion and wandered around, but in the commentary both things happened—Kendra was overwhelmed and Bridget helped. The retelling doesn’t make it a lie. Or that Kendra said they didn’t re-wear outfits when they did, and Izabella spoke about the pressure to always have new, non-repeat outfits for promotional/press events and Kendra didn’t specify the difference.
Any comments about Holly in ‘Sliding into Home’ basically boil down to ‘we weren’t close at first, her focus was Hef, our interests were different, but we grew closer over the course of the show’.
But in her ‘retaliation’ through her book, there are nonstop digs at Kendra, both subtle and explicit. To name just a few: a loudmouth, entitled, lazy person who fried her brain with drugs.
Holly’s book comments about Kendra
Seriously, she goes in on Kendra.
During the course of the show, there are some revealing moments in the form of passive-aggressive digs at her over the commentary here and here
And a couple out of so many examples of Holly changing the topic on any Kendra-relates scenes to not have attention on her here and here
This article cites reporting from Page Six about the end being near for GND and that Holly and Kendra are fighting:
“Holly and Bridget hate her,” a friend of Wilkinson told Page Six. “They’re totally jealous. She has her own empire now. She’s got a clothing line, a modeling career and an exercise empire. They’re just sitting there hangin’ with Hef.” The friend expounds, “Kendra was never really Hef’s girlfriend. She was cast for the show [E!’s ‘The Girls Next Door’] because Bridget and Holly are old, and they needed a young hot girl for Hef. She was selected from a bunch of Playmate wannabes.” Madison is 28, Marquardt, 34. Wilkinson celebrated her 21st birthday last year. Wilkinson is said to be eyeing her exit from “The Girls Next Door” and the famed mansion next season. “She’s definitely out,” her friend said. “There are too many rules and Holly and Bridget want her gone. They’re so mean to her.”
Holly responded on her MySpace that the article was a lie, and she and Kendra get along fine with no jealousy, only to make a bunch of digs at her expense:
“The latest Page 6 story is especially dumb. Saying I am jealous of Kendra because she has an "empire" and I'm "just sitting around with Hef"? What "empire"? I guess because I have a real full-time job aside from The Girls Next Door (excuse me for having a brain and having something REAL going on in my life as opposed to following in the footsteps of the socialite-of-the-week) means I am "sitting around" doing nothing. I guess having people announce clothing lines and workout products that never come to fruition means you are doing something.”
In Kendra’s 2011 book ‘Being Kendra’ she wrote:
Of course I’d had relationship with people like Holly Madison and Bridget Marquardt in the past, but they were really just roommates, not close friends. We shared a boyfriend, we shared the spotlight, but now that I’m a mom we’re all just in different places. I just changed. I think it’s something that just happens naturally when you become a mom. You just grow up. Someone like Holly has a different lifestyle from me. I love her but I don’t know the people she hangs out with—they are more on the party scene, and I’ve put those days behind me. We still talk (she always gave me amazing words of encouragement during Dancing with the Stars and sent me fun little notes) but being a Vegas showgirl and constantly on the prowl for a new boyfriend . . . that’s her world, not mine. When it came to the baby, people like that just weren’t around. I was very alone.
[this 2015 article](RadarOnline › photos › h...holly madison kendra wilkinson feud hank baskett ...) goes into their falling out—basically that Holly called Kendra fake, and her husband Hank wanted her to distance herself from Playboy:
"He wanted no ties to anyone from her Playboy lifestyle even though that's how Kendra and Hank got together," the friend claimed.
"A lot of it has to do with the fact that Kendra lacked a father figure," the friend claimed. "She just sought father figures in the relationships that she was in."
I would have expected some empathy from Holly towards Kendra on this one; Holly has admitted to losing herself in relationships trying to please her partners, and she also went through a period where she was trying to distance herself from Playboy completely.
Shaded Kendra in this 2013 interview:
Wilkinson herself has a 3-year-old son, yet the 33-year-old Madison has revealed that she still talks to Bridget Marquardt, but not Wilkinson or Hugh Hefner. Madison explained that: ''Bridget and I are still friends, but I don't talk to anyone else. I moved on from the whole Playboy thing five years ago and really never looked back. I'm not one of those girls who goes back to all the parties and things.''
“I tried to be friends with her. I’ve known about three different Kendra’s since I met her.”
“Here was a rookie who had just gone all the way with an old dude and her only concern was how big her room was going to be”
And finally, the nail in the coffin for the ‘we were never really friends’ tweet. Before, there had been a couple of years of Holly vague-tweeting where a couple of fans asked if she was talking about Kendra (screenshots attached)
In her book, Holly wrote:
The next thing I heard from her was a headline she retweeted: Kendra reveals why she is no longer friends with Holly and Bridget!
The actual tweet is that they ‘no longer talk’, but Holly changed it to the harsher ‘no longer friends’.
And the big, damning quote from Kendra was: "We've all found our own little roads to go and that's just the way it goes,"
According to her book, it was actually Holly that lashed out first and insulted Kendra via text, who then replied ‘we were never friends’
I retweeted her post, saying: Thanks for letting me know, Kendra! Of course I wasn't going to stoop to her level and address this only on social media, so I decided to text her how I truly felt: that she was a coward and that she tried to act like the "real" girl on TV, but she's the fakest person I've ever met -and that if she had a problem with me, she should have confronted me like an adult instead of just going silent. This time Kendra responded and the exchange went something like this: Girl, I don't have a problem with you. I just don't like it when people think we are friends, she texted. Do you even have a clue how rude that sounds, what you just said? I replied. WHO ARE YOU????? I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU! WE WERE NEVER FRIENDS. IT WAS ALL JUST WORK! she responded in all caps. Wow, I'm sorry I was stupid enough to think we were really friends. Have a nice life, I finally texted. After that, I deleted her number from my phone. Kendra and I haven't spoken since, and I have to say, I don't miss her.
In the screenshots attached, although I can’t source the original tweets, it seems that more than once she was vague-tweeting messages that fans wondered if they were about Kendra; enough for Holly to have to clarify that she has ‘never tweeted anything mean about Kendra’
Finally, in 2013 tweeted about Kendra being ‘on the payroll’, yet again putting her down for making her own way.
—————————————- So for all of this lead-up, a constant, steady stream of covert bullying since the inception of the show, by the time Kendra read about how Holly portrayed her, she’d had enough.
And this is just going off of information that is publicly available.
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