1800 p90x diet

Home Workout

2013.01.04 21:39 Home Workout

Workout at home/outdoor with limited equipment

2015.01.10 10:24 somnodoc Pro-Health

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2024.06.09 08:43 _ilovepastaaa i need help losing weight

my weight loss journey has definitely been something. i’ve been overweight my whole life. im currently 15 but i’ve been on diets and trying to lose weight since i was 10. i do remember slimming down but once lockdown hit, i started starving myself and i lost 10kgs. i was congratulated and my mum gave me money to encourage weight loss and not long after, i put it back on. fast forward to the past year or so, i’ve been rapidly gaining weight. i’ve went from 62kg to almost 90kg in 3 years and it’s taking a massive toll on my mental health. my relationship with food is all over the place. i go from starving myself to binging and i don’t know how to stop. all i can think about is food and if i eat something ill say “i’ve already messed up, ill just start on monday” but i’ve been saying that for months. i have a thyroid problem (i forget if it’s hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism) and i also may have PCOS (unable to be diagnosed because of my age) and i know that’s not the main cause of my weight gain, it’s probably the overeating. i can’t just eat normal i always end up binging or late night snacking. i really need to lose weight because it’s gotten to the point where i cancel plans with family and friends because in embarrassed of how i look. i want to lose weight for myself. i want to feel good about myself when i look in the mirror or not be embarrassed when i see myself in a photo. i’m also scared for my health in the long run because right now i can’t breathe when walking up the stairs. i mean, i do have asthma but that’s obviously not an excuse. i also struggle with motivation. i really want to work out but i can never find the motivation to do so. and i also have like no self control when it comes to eating. i will finish everything on my plate or a whole bag of chips just because they’re there. i’ve tried to track my calories countless times but i don’t know how much i should be eating. sometimes i try to eat under 1000, or sometimes i set my goal to be 1450. i genuinely don’t know how much i should be eating because people say i should be eating 1800-2000 calories? but i physically cannot do that. even 1450 seems like so much. it all overwhelms me so much so i just stop tracking them so i have no idea how much im eating and that’s a bit of a problem aswell. anyways im done now but please please help me lose and maintain the weight. my goal is around 55-60kgs and i guess i dont care how long it takes but i do want to see a difference pretty quickly so it motivates me more. obviously i dont want it to take years and years but yk what i mean.
submitted by _ilovepastaaa to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:56 dystrogyal I don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore

Literally what the tittle says.
I was thin/normal when I was a kid, never had overweight issues during my childhood. I was also pretty active, did sports and ballet when I was little, and then was part of a sports team during high school and some of my time in college.
Then I got depressed, quit everything but was still walking 30/40 mins daily and eating pretty much anything I wanted. I had never actually diet until that point and was still at a normal weight.
Then real life and adulthood hit and being financially able to buy takeout more regularly and having an office job probably fucked me up. Went from 160 (with a good amount of muscle mass) and in shape to 230 (I'm a female, mid 20s, 5'4'') and after being at my heaviest ever I decided enough was enough.
Been actively trying since April to lose the weight, working out consistently 4-5 times a week and tracking calories with a recommended cal intake from a nutritionist (1600 - 1800 daily), in the first 2 weeks I was losing weight and losing body fat while maintaining the muscle mass and hit 220, but Ive been stuck in 220 for a month or so and it's so frustrating to be literally counting calories, keeping track of everything and not losing a single pound in a month. I also haven't seen any physical changes this past month other than being able to lift a little heavier.
At this point I'm willing to try anything, I've even thought (and discarded right away the thought) of just starving myself or going a completely different and unhealthy track just to see some changes in the weight. Hell, even some family members have asked if that diet I'm doing is even working at all and I honestly don't even know anymore. I stopped eating sugar, started eating more vegetables and been prioritizing protein but I don't know what's going on or why is it not working at all.
Maybe I just wanted to vent to someone so, sorry if the post doesn't fulfill the rules of the subreddit, but any advice is greatly appreciated, I'm really willing to try anything at this point.
That's all, thanks for listening (reading lol) to my Ted talk.
submitted by dystrogyal to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:22 New_Ad_1869 Terrible bloating/ blood pressure spikes 600mg/week

Hey guys, hoping to figure this out with some help! First I’ll start with stats and then move to the issues and what I‘ve tried. 6’0 215 lbs 27 M, higher body fat than I should have but my test has been crashed for 3-4 years before I went and had bloodwork done (showing 250 test level) , haven’t had blood prior to that since my last few cycles 5-6 years ago. I’ve been running 600mg of test E for about 6 weeks so far, pinning twice a week at 300mg per injection. Growth of muscle mass coming back from being a lot of flab from that 3-4 years of practically no test/depression/etc. Was prescribed TRT by docs but having run multiple cycles in the past decided to go my own way (cheaper without insurance, and wanted to blast up front to get back to a somewhat comfortable position with my body, then back down to a more sustainable TRT dose long term). Anyhow, my diet has been clean (chicken with minimal/no seasoning, steak, pork, etc… and greens) I try to consume less than 10 carbs a day, eating around 1800-2200 calories per day to try to lean some extra fat out. However, my bloating (water retention) is out of control. Weighed one morning at 211, noticed water come on around noon that day, very light day in eating, and that night was 225lbs and look like a whale. Stomach, arms, hands, and face are rediculous. Around a week and a half ago I had hit a 2 day period or so when I was sick with a head cold and layed in bed most of these 2 days, I was extremely lean, not bloated at all, no water on me hardly at all still drinking the same amount. Cannot figure out why, I was eating soups that were higher in sodium, which typically would cause more water retention? Also have noticed some spikes in blood pressure when I’m very bloated, (158/135) when I normally sit around 110/75 ish. So- what I’ve tried-
Arimidex - started at .25 for a week every other day- no change. Went to .5 every other day - no change. 1mg every other day- no change.
Water intake - drinking 3-4 liters of water daily
Sodium intake - around 3500-4000 mgs
Potassium intake - around 2500-3000 mgs (depending on what I eat)
Chewing magnesium gummies every day
Electrolyte intake should be good, all my 1L bottles are infused with electrolytes
Very few carbs.
What am I missing otherwise? Any help I will be greatful for! Tried doing plenty of research and trying different methods prior to posting of course. Would prefer not to lessen dosage currently if at all possible as I’ve got great gains and feel great at this point.
Thanks in advance gentlemen
submitted by New_Ad_1869 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:06 Druzztrak92 A hard plateau, and a way forward?

(CW 225 GW 175 SW 244 M24 5'8") Hello all. I've been tracking calories and losing weight relatively consistently for the past two months and have seen great progress, not just in the scale, but how I feel and my face especially. I've plateaued for about two weeks in a row now, I've eaten the same and within my calorie budget for those two weeks, and I've gained half a pound, only weighing once every saturday morning. I'm a home improvement contractor by trade, so not sedentary but not incredibly active either. I really enjoy eating the amount I do now, as I have a good routine built up, and don't want to have to remove more from my diet. For reference, I'm eating 2370 cal a day, or a little less (i.e. 1800-2000) if I'm not hungry. I do drink occasionally, and I track that as well. The only things I don't track are water and ultra low calorie veggies like salad greens and celery. Would adding even more physical exercise help me break this plateau, or anyone have any recommendations?
submitted by Druzztrak92 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:17 astemika Diet plan - recommendations?

I’m trying to find a provider / online site that can write a diet plan specific to my needs (high protein, around 1800-2000 calories a day)
I’m just so sick of meal planning and want to be given recipes that i can make and plan ahead!
Looking for recommendations- can be paid or free.
submitted by astemika to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:23 aware_nightmare_85 How much did you have to beg for Cushing's test?

I think that I may have Cushing's. I want to be checked but I know with how uncommon it is and will likely get pushback from my doctor. I'm expecting to get the ol "when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras" that the medical community likes to toss around. My thinking is my PCP fully brushed off my complaints about excessive fatigue and bleeding between periods since July 2023 (which turned out to be anemia and an endometrial polyp), so what else has she missed about my weight problem? She keeps pushing bariatric surgery on me, which I am not interested in for multiple reasons, namely my gut feeling is we should first do a thorough physical and hormonal workup to find the root cause of my weight gain before resorting to a serious surgery.
My suspected Cushing symptoms are:
submitted by aware_nightmare_85 to Cushings [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:38 Loud-Cat-6089 Week 14 ( Three calendar months on Mounjaro) its feels so good!

Male 52, 5ft 8, Highest Weight 255lbs SW Mounjaro 241lbs on 9/03/2024 Target Weight - Something sensible/not sure yet. Last Check in 4th May 2024 = 218 lbs Weigh in today 08/06/2024 = 209lbs. Total Loss on Mounjaro to date 32lbs
So I started my Mounjaro on 4 weeks of 2.5mg, I then did 5 weeks of 5mg Pen and my second 5mg pen (took my extra fee dose from the pen today)
I have had very few side effects sometimes a slight stomach ache or burps but nothing bad. I have not had any constipation this past month. The only other side effect I have is feeling cold all the time, and I am told that can be associated with losing weight and the body burning energy stores. I am consistently eating 1550-1800 calories. This is three meals a day without fail. I eat a lot of protein in my meals at least 40-50g a meal and either lots of salads or vegetables and pulses. My diet is not too carb heavy but I do not restrict any food type. I have never had a protein shake, I find them disgusting. If I ever feel like I want a snack, I turn to nuts, walnuts, peanuts and pistachio nuts, just a few to fit the pam of my hand.
So lets talk about food noise and not wanting to eat food. For me I have been lucky. I have only had maybe a few days whereby I have not wanted to eat, which is good. I would say I lost the thought of wanting to eat my go to snacks like crisps and chocolate within the first week of taking Mounjaro. To be fair I still don't have the desire to eat the crap I used to eat. My food noise is low. What I do find now with 5mg dose is that I "could" overeat if I wanted to. Even though I am eating slower it is taking a while for my brain to engage and tell me that I have had enough food. I now stop eating my meal at the half way point, have half a glass of water and wait a few minutes to see if I want to eat more. This does make it a bit risky for me but I am being conscious of what I am eating.
So what next? Well I lost 9lbs on my first 5mg pen, this second 5mg pen I have lost 8lbs in weight. I am a believer that if the dose is working for you, stay as low as you can. half a stone loss a month is 2lbs a week which is amazing. I want to be able to continue eating, so on that basis I am doing a third month on 5mg, even though my appetite suppression is not amazing on 5mg. The fact I don't want to eat the crap is good enough for me to continue on 5mg for another month.
Ironically I have already stashed two 7.5mg pens Expire dates 04/25) . I have been ordering every three weeks from MedExpress. I am disappointed that they have stopped offering discounts so I have changed supplier. I ordered with Rightangled as their overall prices are cheaper. You get a 10% discount on each pen when you subscribe. It is not a subscription like Voy, You can cancel at anytime and change to PAYG, you just don't get the extra 10% discount. You also get points for each pen purchased. If I order three pens I have enough points for 15% discount on the 4th pen purchased. The prices are very good at the 7.5mg,10mg and 12.5mg purchase point in my opinion.
I had to fill in an online form with Rightangled, provide a full length picture and they run a verification check with your driving licence or passport. They also want your Doctors surgery details. On the online form I indicated that I had used GLP1 meds within the past week. Within an hour a Customer service agent reached out to me on email asking for proof of my current supplier and dosage. I sent back the details and my order was authorised by the pharmacist and sent out the same day. To be fair, they have been as good as Med Express up to this point. The package arrived next day, I picked it up from the post office at 8am.However, The packaging that Rightangled send the medication is nowhere near as good as MedExpress. It had one cooler and it was in a type of aluminium pouch. I will see how it goes next month. That said the medication was intact and not wet. I put it straight in the fridge. The 5mg pen has a09/24 expiry date.
So that is my ramble, things are going well with a 32lb loss in three months, Mounjaro is working well for me and I do not think I need to titrate up to 7.5mg yet, so I will start my 3rd 5mg pen next Saturday. It helps to keep the cost down a little as well.
Enjoy you weekend everyone. :)
submitted by Loud-Cat-6089 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:49 Additional-Sir5200 Weight loss is frustrating

One thing that people who have lost a large amount of weight don't talk about is how absolutely maddening this process is.
I am doing everything I'm supposed to do every single day and in a dumb moment of frustration smashed my (very expensive) scale because it has been fluctuating between the same 2 pounds for weeks now. I'll take it as a sign that I need to take a break from the scale.
I meticulously count all of my calories by weighing everything that goes into my mouth.
I exercise 5 days a week - 50 minutes of intense cardio and 20-30 minutes of weights (I rotate muscle groups depending on the day)
I drink on average 100oz of water a day. Sometimes more sometimes less.
I'm active every single DAY. My body is actually sore all the time. I'm always up doing something.
I make sure to eat at least 130g of protein and my fiber intake ranges from 25-40g per day. I eat between 1600-1800 calories per day. My diet is largely fruits, veggies, and lean protein (chicken, 99% fat free ground turkey).
I just feel so defeated because up until now the scale has been dropping consistently.
I'm a 38 year old female. I started at 300 pounds in January and the scale has been bouncing between 247 and 249 for weeks.
Am I doing something blatantly wrong? Or is this just the point in the process where most people give up and I need to just push through?
submitted by Additional-Sir5200 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:00 lerotbot What to do when nothing is working?

Hi everyone. I want to preface this by first saying:
I have to put those things out there because i am so sick of the rude comments i get when i seek advice about this topic. People assume im just uneducated or not trying hard enough. This isn’t the case.
I desperately need help…I feel like failure to lose weight is taking over my life. I’ll add a TLDR because I really need to let my frustration out here.
I was a fat kid growing up. Like a really fat kid. And for reasons no one could figure out. I didn’t eat a lot (though growing up poor meant very poor food options) and my siblings were all very thin. My parents were thin growing up as well. I felt like an anomaly my entire life and I would go days without eating in middle school, hoping to correct it.
I used to weigh around 300 lbs, and began working really hard to lose weight after high school. Miraculously, without the stress of school, weight melted off. I got down to 160 and maintained a healthy lifestyle after. I wasn’t happy with 160 and wanted to keep losing weight. That in mind, I have been dieting consistently for about 8 years now. I do not experience a cycle of binging and I have insanely good self-control. I dedicated myself to a lifestyle change and I have upheld that promise for almost a decade. That’s why I’m really struggling here.
I maintained my weight until 2020 when I caught COVID on Christmas Day. I highly suspect it did something to my body, but I’ve been unsuccessful in finding anyone else with this experience. From that day forward, weight started piling on for no reason. In 1 year I gained 30 lbs with no change in diet or exercise. Covid did not disrupt my usual exercise routine, as I was already working out at home. I also didn’t order in much at the time. I was ordering groceries instead and eating a shit ton of tofu, iirr. Like I said, the dieting never stopped.
Yet I n one year, all my progress seemed to go out the window. I have been busting ass ever since. I have tried a 1800 cal diet, a 1500, and now I’m several months into 1200 with no results. I walk 5 miles a day and do an hour of weight lifting 4 times a week. I don’t use oils or butter to cook, and have been taking in over 100g protein a day. In total, since 2020, I have lost 5 whole lbs. and I look no different.
My body is tired. My digestive system is wack from all the protein supplements and hard boiled eggs. It is not a battle of will power; I am killing myself. I’ve tried keto, fasting, no sugar, no bread…I know there will always be others who don’t believe me, but I can confidently say I know how hard dieting is. I’ve done it. it was easier to lose half my body weight a few years ago than it is to lose 5 lbs now.
I guess I’m just hoping someone else has had a similar experience and can point me in the right direction. Everyone I talk to tells me different things. Eat more, eat less, exercise bad, exercise good.
I’m a 28 yo female and on state insurance so I can’t get a doctor to see me about this. Should I try decreasing Cal’s even more? Did I wreck my metabolism?
I just know if I saw even a little bit of progress, I’d be able to keep going. But I am tired guys, so so tired.
TLDR: Got fat after COVID with no change in diet or exercise, been busting ass to lose weight but nothing happens, I miss grilled cheese.
submitted by lerotbot to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:19 bethlolhelp No weight loss despite being in calorie deficit

I’m 22f and 5’10 and 240 lbs. I have been consistently in a calorie deficit for about 5 months now. I work out 4 times a week typically. I try to aim between 1800 and 2000 calories a day. I typically walk 5 miles a day and get somewhere around 10k steps. I also weight lift most days i work out. I meal prep all my meals and weigh everything out, i have been doing this since late January. All this time i have lost 2 lbs.
I recently went to the doctor and they did blood work, everything seems normal. It seems physically impossible for me to not lose weight, even a pound a month when I have been working so hard. I try to eat 3-4 cups of vegetables everyday, and aim to get 80g of protein as well (if i should go up please lmk). i don’t drink soda or even coffee, I only drink water and tea. I don’t really snack, I usually eat fruit or popcorn without butter.
My doctor recommended me see a dietitian but i’m not sure that would help, i already eat a very nutritious diet, and at this point i’m concerned i have some other issue. I am getting an insulin test to see if i’m insulin resistant, but i’m worried that the answer will not be so clear. Should i lower my deficit? I’ve tried to go lower to 1600 calories and haven’t seen much difference.
I have had successful weight loss in the past, but this time around i just cannot seem to change it. this is definitely the hardest i have worked for weight loss as well. Has anyone experienced this?
submitted by bethlolhelp to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:14 Objective-Warning-79 Inconsistency/Improvement

Leading up to my first classical tournament I reached my peak of 2089 (Rapid) (Chess.com). I dropped to 1800 pre tournament, I was consistent in my training. After the tournament I am currently rated 1889 fide. I am still stuck on 1800 Chess.com, and I am completly clueless as to why. I always seem to be super inconsistent in terms of raiting for no apparent reason. I am also at my absolute peak li chess puzzle raiting. (2655) Which is higher than I was when i was 2089. My current study plan is as follows: Puzzles: 35min, Analyze 2 games played, and study endgames/ review courses. My diet is really good, I am in good physical shape, My sleep is completly fine getting 6-8 hours of sleep. I drink on average 6l of water a day. Any recomendations of books, free courses, etc will be greatly appreciated, How do i structure a study plan, How do i study games? I always see people saying to study games, and never really understood how? Whose games do i study? What are good resources/ books? Is it just part of the game, and following the pattern Ill peak soon again? Do i just countinue regardless of raiting? Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!
submitted by Objective-Warning-79 to chess [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:07 Threeeeo Sean is sick of sitting on the sidelines.

Sean is sick of sitting on the sidelines. submitted by Threeeeo to FremantleFC [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:28 shockwavecybertron4 This dumb fuck needs his jaw broken

This dumb fuck needs his jaw broken submitted by shockwavecybertron4 to Soosh [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:54 Santa_Claus77 I’m actually losing weight…..and I feel amazing

For some context…32, Male, 5’7”, 212 lbs (started May 22nd). I honestly probably ate around 2200 to 3000 calories a day, straight junk. DoorDash’ed probably 6-8 times a month, actually went and got fast food about equally as much?? We would sometimes eat at home, but it was always a big steak dinner with almost no veggies. Lots of Diet Pepsi and maybe a regular soda or 2 every other day.
Cut it out cold turkey.
I’m eating around 1500-1800 calories a day, and running for 30min 6 days a week on the treadmill. Interval running, 1.5min at 4.5mph and 1min at 2.5mph for the full 30min. No more sodas, except maybe a Diet Pepsi 3-4x a week instead of 3-4x a day (I’m working on cutting it completely) and drinking a lot of water. Oh, and a bunch of fresh fruit and veggies added.
Today, I weighed myself and came out at 203.4lbs. I’m aiming for 2-2.5 a week, but I think this big amount is because of how drastic of a cut I began, plus…..being pretty overweight.
My goal weight is 160-165.
submitted by Santa_Claus77 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:21 Glittering-Fox-3073 [CW/Weight, diet] A lot of idols could be eating well and healthy

Note: Living and eating healthily is the most important thing and while I believe I don't promote anything here, if I am without noticing please ignore it even if it's not something bad because your healthcare provider would know better.
I don't understand why it's believed that almost all idols are constantly starving themselves or lying when they claim to be eating well. Sure a lot of them could be because there are multiple instances idols hinted that but my point in this post will be most of them could eat normal or a lot for a regular person if they want to.
These people are dancing or exercising at least 5 hours a week. They most likely have regular doctor visits and their meals are prepared by catering services that follow the guidance of idols' dietitians (especially for idols from big companies and relatively popular groups). I can't speak for how male bodies work to maintain their shape and calorie intake but for female idols who are very active, daily 1800/1900 calories should be enough to maintain their weight (according to a calorie calculator based on their assumed activity level, weight and height, also it depends on the person of course so it may differ) and one can eat multiple tasty and healthy meals with that amount. Since most of them aren't visibly toned, their body shape most likely would remain relatively unchanged. I'm not entirely certain if this would be considered healthy in the long term, given that they might be somehow underweight so it might be a problem but still they must take a lot of supplements for deficiencies along with eating healthy and doctor visits so it may not be that bad.
It's true heavy dieting may occur regularly but usually only for short periods of time like before mv shoots or magazine appearances which is not recommendable and imo bad but it's a common practice for multiple other professions like models, some athletes, actors, etc. Of course, there must be exceptions like some idols who are severely underweight or those with naturally bigger frames so their situations might be different and I know older gens was really bad when it comes to dieting but it is not impossible for most idols to eat good while remaining as thin as they are.
submitted by Glittering-Fox-3073 to kpop_uncensored [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 14:06 Whiitegurl Lost 180 pounds before having a baby. Gained 60 during pregnancy. Now I am struggling to lose the weight again. Any advice appreciated!!

I lost 180 pounds through diet & walking/hiking regularly. Kept it off for 2.5 years.
During pregnancy I struggled with increased appetite, prenatal depression, and drained energy. I didn’t maintain my mindful habits which led to the gain.
After I gave birth, my energy drastically increased even though I’m sleep deprived + appetite went back to normal. I started walking and counting calories.
I’m now 10 months postpartum and I’ve only lost 10 lbs in all my efforts. I’m proud of that but I feel like I could do better.
Right now I’m 230lb eating ~1600-1800 cals a day and going for 2 mile walks 5-6 days a week. I’m barely losing a 1 lb week. Before having a baby I would average 2-3 lb loss a week. Same method🥲😵‍💫
submitted by Whiitegurl to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 03:11 Supersusbruh Need a kickstart

I apologize in advance for how lengthy this post is.
I'm a 6' tall, 263 lb, male. I've started two years ago at 320 lbs. I'm 3 months post op from a heart valve replacement (not weight related but congenital). Prior to surgery, I ran my FIRST half marathon weighing in at 250 lbs. This was about a month prior to the actual surgery date.
Now, of course, I went into surgery fully expecting not to be in "half marathon shape" afterward. With some rhythm issues post-op and a sprinkle of depression, I slowly regained my health. Finally, 3 months post op, I can jog 3.5 miles at 5-5.5 mph. Things are looking up.
But right now, my issue isn't physical endurance. I know that will come with time. Right now, it's my stupid weight. Prior to surgery, my goal was to hit 220 lbs. Unfortunately, surgery came sooner than expected.
I'm fully aware there is no "magic diet." It's simple. Burn more calories than what you consume. But I'm having such a HARD TIME DOING IT. I need advice, I guess.
I have lost it premium. I set my goal to 2 pounds a week. I put my additional calories in as "slightly active" but don't count any exercise calories. I tend to eat a lunch that ranges from 200-400 calories. Usually, I'm left with 1600 to 2000 calories left to play with for the day.
Now comes dinner, I absolutely CRAVE that feeling of feeling full. I usually have a big meal that ranges from 1200 to 1800 calories and then have maybe a 200 calorie snack at night.
Here's where I fall, the weekends. For whatever reason, I do great (for the most part) ALL WEEK, but come the weekend, I become some insatiable animal and eat everything in sight. No regard to what the calories are or anything I just eat. I'm fairly certain this throws any potential progress I made through the week out the window. It may even cause me to gain weight.
I know the answer, I need to be more disciplined. I understand that's the answer, but I need help with it. How do you guys destroy cravings? Am I screwing myself by eating such a small lunch but then such a large dinner and snack? Is there anything I'm missing?
I need to add as well, I'm on a blood thinner and beta blocker for life. I know that beta blockers can sorta lessen your BMR, but regardless, that shouldn't stop me from losing some weight.
This is just really frustrating me, I want to get to my goal weight of 220. I want to be healthy, not only for me but for my family. I've put them through enough with just having heart surgery. I want to be there for them as long as I can, and I know being as healthy as I can is my best shot.
This sincerely depresses me, makes me angry, and just does not feel well. I'm not asking for anyone to do the work for me, I KNOW it comes down to discipline. But I need your guys' advice/help. Seriously, anything would be appreciated.
submitted by Supersusbruh to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 23:50 No-Hurry-212 Is my diet that poor? extremely deficiency in B9, and a bit of B12. any advice?

So i started going to the gym, its been 2 months.. i lost normal amount of weight, gained some muscle..
i felt kind of depressed whole of my life basically.. sometimes more, sometimes less.
i never checked those vitamins so i can't compare them.
doctor never checked them in my whole life..
So recently i got really bad insomnia,anemia and couldn't sleep more then 3-4 hours without waking up.. went to the doctor. did blood tests and got some scary numbers..
B9(Folic acid) - 1.7 nm/g ( twice lower than normal)
B12 - 355 nm/g
My diet is about 1700-1800 calories, with calculated nutrients, macros of protein ,fats, carbs:
  1. First meal: 2 eggs , 40g avocado and 2 slices of bread
  2. Second meal: 150g basmati rice or buckwheat 250g + 100-110g of meat. (Chicken breast) or some beef/veal..
  3. Third small meal: Protein shake, 10g cashew, 10g almond, 1 - 2 dates (from palm)
  4. fourth meal: salat with vegetables, tuna 1 pack, bulgarian cheese 50g, and 1 small 70calories snake(Corny)
  5. Fifth meal: Same as second meal, big meal with meat/rice/buckwheat
  6. Sixth meal: Yogurt with 20 protein, and a spoon of peanut natural butter.
Did i missed something? i suspect i was deficient whole of my life..
I started to consume B12 (Methylcobalmin) 1000ug, and Folic acid tablet of 5mg today (isn't methylfolat). i felt really broke and have a doctor appointment only next week..
All of the other numbers are fine..
i'm trying to understand why is that folic is so extremely low.
Suspected bad diet? or just genetic issue?
I want to order some supplements, but can't decide which will be good for my situation..
submitted by No-Hurry-212 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:03 melodieous Getting back on the bandwagon for recomp(?)

24F, 5’4”, SW: 215, CW:172, GW:135(?)
Been losing weight and tracking calories since June of 23. So, I’ve not stopped tracking, but about two months ago I started going to the gym anywhere from 2-3 times a week.
I’ve started lifting and I super enjoy it, I love lifting heavy things, working my body, and seeing progress with my lifts, but I’ve also increased my calorie allowance. My maintenance is about 1800 for my current weight.
Ideally I’d be eating close to 1500 calories and about 130g of protein a day to do some recomp.
Truthfully though, I’ve stopped being so strict with my diet and I’m getting stagnant. I’m consistently hitting anywhere from 200-400 calories above 1500. I’ve broken into the 160s once or twice but it’s been harder trying to stick to a 1500 calorie goal.
I know that the weight on the scale doesn’t matter quite as much when you incorporate lifting, but I think I’ve just gotten a little lazy tbh. Any tips from people who successfully have transitioned into consistency with tracking calories/protein and recomp? Or do I just need to really buckle down and start being strict again?
Thanks :)
submitted by melodieous to CICO [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:23 Last_Elderberry3974 Plateau - what adjustments to make?

Stats: - 22M - 171 cm - 65.9 kg - 3 full-body weightlifting sessions/ week, always trying to increase weight or reps (and tracking) - daily steps average 15k (iPhone based, no wrist tracker) - I’m a student, so other than the above, fairly sedentary (I do my own chores like washing dishes and cooking though) - tracking calories religiously on MFP, using a weight scale and tracking even 5 grams of a sauce when I have it - average daily calories are: 1829 for the past week, 1805 for the two weeks before that, 1798 for the week before that, 1672 the week before, 1753 the week before, 1780 the week before and 1872 the week before (that’s totals, for net they’re all around 1550) - I eat low carb to help me manage hunger (usually sub-80 net carb/day) and high protein to help muscle retention (at least 180 grams/day
I was losing about 0.7-0.9 kg a week before. In the past two weeks I lost 0.1 kg in the first one, and my weight went back up by 0.2 kg in the second one.
The main thing that changed was I substituted my dedicated cardio (20 minutes incline walk [15 incline, 3.5 speed] 3x/week) for more walking outside. I used to enter my cardio calories from the thread mill into MFP as 75% of what the thread mill was showing and eat them back. I now eat back whatever calories MFP says I’ve earned back through steps (though based on online calculators that should be less than 75% of what I’ve actually burned).
I have a few theories about what could be going on:
1) I’m actually burning way fewer calories through normal walking than I ever did through dedicated cardio, so cutting back on the latter is what has slowed/killed my progress.
2) My BMR and NEAT have adapted and my new maintenance is lower than 1800 calories/day (that would be discouraging because I don’t know that I can sustain a sub-1800 cal diet for life).
3) I just had two unlucky weigh-ins after a slightly higher carb day/worse sleep and I’m still losing weight.
What do people think? What adjustments should I make? The less time I spend on gym cardio, the better, as I’m preparing for exams. At least I can incorporate walking into useful activities like getting groceries or going to a library to study, etc.
submitted by Last_Elderberry3974 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:56 Naive-Luv I Need Help With Weight loss Calculations!

I'm a beginner when it comes to weight loss. I'm currently at my highest weight :( and been trying CINCO since January of this year. I haven't lost any weight. I realized that I was eating 2000 calories and computing my activity as "light activity" even though most days I'm at the office/work from home and am sedentary. By the time I finish work I'm EXHAUSTED. I think it's wise to just focus on diet. How many calories should I be consuming as sedentary and drop approx 1lb a week. I started doing 1800-1900 calories for about a couple of weeks now.
Feedback would be appreciated! :)
submitted by Naive-Luv to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:06 Bigbootylpver Hey guys I need ur help

Ok so my mother is severely obese she’s 116 kg ab 234ilbs and she’s 170 cm 5’8 she subscribed to a online losing weight thingy at the start I didn’t care tbh and I was happy for her but today I looked at the diet they gave her and here are the problems 1-they did not give her a personalized diet they have groups of people in a group chat with the same diet
2-my mothers bmi is ab 1800 cals the diet they gave her is BARLEY 900 cals and low in protein
3-the group she subscribed with don’t give her cheat meals (idk how) and it wasn’t cheap for her to subscribe to it
4-I canr seem to find a way to convince her she suffered from her weight a lot and most of my family are overweight that’s why she’s pushing her self so hard and from my knowledge these low cals have many risks since she’s old (shes 50) idk how to convince her can anyone help me sorry for writing to much
submitted by Bigbootylpver to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]
