Sample letter to stop wage garnishment

Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

2014.09.14 12:21 daiyuesen Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

Student Loans Defaulters

2024.06.09 15:45 Kirsten-Swore The Guardian's assault on trans rights continues

Latest anti-trans piece by the Guardian / Observer:
The law on single-sex spaces is a mess. It needs fixing, not political point-scoring
I've been asked a few times why I will archive links to the Guardian. This is the eleventy billionth example of their heavily transphobic bias. Sodha, in particular, is not subtle:
But she has begun to worry whether excluding all men – regardless of how they identify – might put her at risk of legal action.
Here's where Sodha calls trans women, men and relegates us to 'identifying'. Of course, the implication is that we're predators and not people who get sexually assaulted / raped at the same levels as cisgender women.
I put her in touch with an expert to explain the law in this area. The upshot: it isn’t clear exactly when it is lawful to operate female-only services, and that ambiguity means she is right to consider the risk of being sued. For a freelancer it could ultimately be catastrophic. She has been agonising about this since and may stop running the retreat.
The law is quite clear and, of course, Sodha could have just linked her imaginary friend to the guidance. yes you can exclude us, but weirdly enough, the vast majority of orgs don't because we're not monsters.
This has been the case for 25 years (previously, there was no law and trans people would still use the facilities of their acquired sex).
I won't carry on, as it's just another vehicle for Sodha's hate. It's sickening that this awful 'newspaper' gets to post this utterly misinforming and transphobic nonsense. I know of no trans people who have managed to get a letter published pushing back against the misinformation (personally I've tried seven times) and the Guardian / Observer will prioritise responses from anti-trans groups over trans groups and women's groups.
The Guardian's transphobia has been a problem for a long time and far longer than the current deranged content from shitrags such as the Telegraph and DM, but because they're considered 'left of centre' they get a pass.
I would ask you to consider, when posting an article from the Guardian, to consider changing the URL from to so that their hideousness is not rewarded.
Thank you x
submitted by Kirsten-Swore to LabourUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:38 yourmomdotcomsays AITA for making me and my ex-bestfriend hate each other?

Background Info:
Me: 15 Male. My ex-bestfriend: 15 Female.
lets call her Maria. (not her actual name)
Here's the situation: Me and Maria were childhood best friends for 9 years, went trick-or-treating, went to theme parks together, hung out constantly, the whole nine yards. I have always been poor and my family has never had a car, o she was kind and her family commuted me everywhere that was relevant to her. When were were on an outing together and my family surprised me with enough money to go to kings island and buy food and drinks for me, one of my other friends decided to go too, she asked for lots of things like a stuffed animal, to play a carnival game, to have my food etc. because she spent her money on a shirt, and carnival games, even though I warned her that she shouldn't spend her money on games before food. We went back into school after summer break was over and we got 3/6 of the same classes together. We were so ecstatic and we sat by each other in every class since my and her last names have the same first 2 letters.
Randomly in art class I was scooting up next to Maria and she says "stop that!" in a joking voice, I chuckled and continued to scoot forward (mind you she was to my left hand side) and she screamed that I was sexually-assaulting her and had me removed from being near her in any classes. I came up to her separately and she said I was ignoring her at kings island, I stole all her money I was manipulative and she said I corned her and was being weird, none of which I recall doing, and all of this seems out of character for her, she then said I made her cry every night since a year ago and said we aren't friends anymore.
submitted by yourmomdotcomsays to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:34 Kanes-Observation Advice Needed

I have never had stomach issues or pain in my entire life until four months ago. I am praying someone has had similar symptoms because nobody knows what's happening.
I'll start from the beginning. I started eating healthy and exercising. I included oatmeal, grilled chicken, blueberries, greens, brown rice, healthy fats from virgin olive oil and almond butter, and eggs in my diet. My food macros were on point. After about two weeks, I started getting a dull ache under my right ribs. I didn't think much of it, but it started to get worse over the next few weeks and would radiate to my back.
I went to the ER. They did blood work and a CT scan with contrast but found nothing wrong. I noticed my stools were slightly lighter. Over the next few weeks, the pain worsened, and I felt fatigued and terrible. They checked my gallbladder, ran more blood work, and did an MRCP to check my pancreas; all came back good. They checked me for Celiac disease. I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, both of which came back amazing.
I finally asked the doctor to check my vitamin levels because I felt like I was deficient in something. Everything came back okay except my vitamin D, which was extremely low, which isn't normal for me. They did a stool sample and said everything was fine. I started taking vitamin D3, and my joints started feeling better. At this point, I got extremely depressed. I was still in pain and kept being told I was fine.
I stopped eating healthy and started eating poorly because I was so depressed. Here is where it gets strange. Over the course of six weeks of eating complete garbage, I started feeling better. My stools looked great in size and color. I still had that pain on my right side, right under my ribs, but it became just a slight dull ache that I lived with.
For three weeks, I started eating healthy again, and bam, two weeks into it, my symptoms were in full swing. The pain is bad and always hurts much worse when I am sitting, like I am squashing something inside. My stools look different, like they have grains in them, which is new. I can't figure out for the life of me what's wrong with me, and neither can any doctor I have seen. But something serious is happening, and I am just so lost.
I am praying someone knows what's up
submitted by Kanes-Observation to pancreatitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:27 Mockkoo Persistent phantom "haze/hangover" symptoms after a long period of chronic pain and depression, tried all docs but no one seems to find a clear explanation?

Hi, 26M here.
In 2018 I started to develop very intense chronic sinusitis (which seems to have been triggered by a sudden hardcore allergy to dustmites/dust)
I started desensibilization to help with the allergy, but treatment takes around 2/3 years.
Other sinusitis medications didn't really helped with the symptoms because I always came back to some kind of "baseline" of being exhausted all the time with very intense and constant migraines/headaches.
So my life was basically put on pause between 2018 and 2020 were I kind of "waited" for it to pass, living with the headache / eye pain almost all the time and sleeping 13h a day.
The pain stopped at the end of 2020, and was happily followed by 2 years of intense depression, depersonnalisation and derealisation due to me "coming back to life" and dealing with the trauma of those 2 years of intense pain and lost time.
Today I'm better (following years of different kinds of therapy and self care), have built a life I'm happy with and caught up on the missed years.
I got surgery (meatotomy) and had confirmation and proof that I had no structural issue in that area, my sinuses are healthy and I can breathe normally.
I've also done every medical checkup you could think of (blood sample, scanners...) and nothing is wrong.
However... Something is still f** wrong.
Doesn't matter how good my sleep, life, physical activity, social life is, It feels like there's a strong physical "haze" in the area of my eyes and forehead, as if I was hungover or jetlagged. This is often couple with overall fatigue and a lack of energy.
It is especially present when i'm outside in the sunlight, where every stimulus feels like it's too much and overwhelming, even though i've been back in real life and the outside world for 2 years
I've explored many forms of medicine, from conventional to alternative, (nutrition, sport, shrink, wim hof method, breathwork, ifs, mindbody medicine...) but nothing seem to really work in the long term and I get lost in the different 'paradigms' of seeing the problem
I used to think it was a symptom of depression, but the haze is always here even when I feel good and happy, and I feel anxiety and depressive mood whenever i'm having this haze instead of the other way around (for example when i'm outside and having a good time with friends, I will fill the haze kind of ruining the moment, and my body seems to just want to rest and close his eyes instead of being present here and now)
Obviously I'm still working and trying differents forms of treatments and therapies to understand what is happening, but i'm urious to have some feedback from you guys ;)
Thanks a lot
submitted by Mockkoo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:27 tomesandtea [Discussion] Mod Pick David Copperfield by Charles Dickens Chapters 1-5

Welcome to our first discussion of David Copperfield! This week, we will discuss Chapters 1-5. The Marginalia post is here. You can find the Schedule here. The discussion questions are below.
One reminder - although this is a classic novel that has been adapted many times over, please keep in mind that not everyone has read or watched already, so be mindful not to include anything that could be a hint or a spoiler for the rest of the book or for other media related to this novel! Please mark all spoilers not related to this section of the book using the format > ! Spoiler text here !< (without any spaces between the characters themselves or between the characters and the first and last words).
Links of Note:
Chapter Summaries:
Chapter 1 - I Am Born: David Copperfield launches into the retelling of his life story with that famous line that questions whether he or someone else will turn out to be the hero of his life…but we’ll just have to read the whole thing to find out! Immediately we are let in on the unusual circumstances of David’s birth, which is suffused with superstition, causing the town gossips to speculate wildly. He was born on a Friday night near midnight, which of course means that he’ll have an unlucky life and be visited by ghosts and spirits. (I mean, would this even be a Victorian novel without some ghosts? David assures us that he’s yet to be haunted, though.) He was also born with a caul (inside the amniotic sac) which means he’ll be safe from drowning. This is apparently such great news that they advertise the caul for sale after his birth, but only get one hit on Victorian Craigslist, so they hang onto it until they can put it up for a raffle several years later. David says he remembers that raffle and found it super weird to watch a piece of himself get sold off, which, fair! He does note that the old lady who won the caul died in bed and not by drowning, so I suppose it was worth it?
Anyway, back to David’s birth! His father had been dead for six months on the night of his birth, and his mother was a terrified teenager living alone with Peggoty, her servant-girl, so called because they share the same first name. One Friday afternoon in March, his mother was hanging out by the fire and pondering the likelihood of dying in childbirth, when a formidable woman named Betsey Trotwood showed up at her door. Miss Betsey was his father’s aunt and she loved Mr. Copperfield, but hated her abusive husband, who she paid off to go to India and leave her alone. It worked - he died there! On the night in question, Miss Betsey literally pokes her nose into Mrs. Copperfield’s window and then demands that the pregnant lady get up to let her in. Being a force of nature, she takes charge of the room right away, criticizing the Copperfields’ choice of home (a rookery with no birds?) and making somewhat disparaging remarks about Mrs. Copperfield’s history as an orphan and a nanny. She also declares that the baby will be a girl and demands to be the godmother and namesake so the new Betsey Trotwood (Copperfield) can undo all the mistakes of Great Aunt Betsey’s life. Mrs. Copperfield goes into labor and Miss Betsey stays by the fire, plugging up her ears with cotton. She spends some time mildly abusing Ham Peggoty (the servant’s nephew who was hanging around the house to carry emergency messages) and generally ignoring the doctor. Said doctor, Mr. Chillip, is a gentle man but speaks so slowly that Miss Betsey almost throttles him. When he congratulates her on the birth of a BOY, she smacks him upside the head with her bonnet and leaves immediately, never to darken the Copperfields’ door again! Welcome to the world, David!
Chapter 2 - I Observe: David Copperfield relates some of his early impressions of life: his memories of creepy pantries, stuffy parlors, boring church services, and a loving home. His mother is young and beautiful in these memories, and Peggoty is beautiful to him in her own way (though she insists she is not). One day, Davy's mom shows up with a stranger who walks her home and - gasp! - touches her hand! Davy immediately dislikes this black-bearded, dead-eyed interloper and Peggoty seems to like him even less. He falls asleep while his mother is swooning over her new admirer, but when he wakes up his mom and Peggoty are having a big fight. Peggoty says the new man is bad news and Mr. Copperfield would never approve, while Davy's mom says Peggoty is being unfair and heartless. When all she does is sacrifice for Davy, doesn't she deserve some attention and excitement?! All three of them end up crying, and things are never quite the same between the trio again.
Davy's mom continues to see this man, Mr. Murdstone, who rides up one day and invites Davy to take a little trip with him to see a yacht. Peggoty gets him ready in a huff, and you can just tell this is the Victorian era version of riding on the irresponsible boyfriend's motorcycle without a helmet. Davy gets to meet some friends of Mr. Murdstone and watch them do a bunch of paperwork on the yacht. They also make fun of him, comment on how hot his mom is, and make him drink brandy. Since Davy is a little kid, he thinks they're having a grand time. When he later tells his mom they complimented her looks, she is quite thrilled. And then a few months later, Peggoty invites Davy to go with her to visit her brother for a fortnight. She talks up the trip so Davy will be excited, but it's clear she's worried. Davy wonders how his mom will fare all alone, but Peggoty assures him she will stay with a neighbor. (Lies!) Mr. Murdstone is there to see them off and he has … opinions … about how emotional Davy's mom is during the goodbyes. I'm with Davy when he wonders why it's any of this guy's business in the first place. In retrospect, Davy reflects that he wishes he had known he was leaving something behind forever and he is glad that he and his mom had a touching moment full of love as his carriage pulled away.
Chapter 3 - I Have a Change: Davy endures a very boring journey across flat countryside towards the sea to get to Peggoty’s family in Yarmouth. When Davy complains, Peggoty defends her hometown, as a proud Yarmouth Bloater. (Here's some bonus reading: a Victorian-era article about bloaters.) Davy is won over when they reach the busy fishing town and he gets to see the Peggoty home: it is a boat that has been converted for living, and he thinks it is pretty perfect. It turns out to be a full house due to the generous nature of Mr. Peggoty (original Peggoty's brother). Just don't mention said generosity because it makes him super mad. Mr. Peggoty has taken in the orphaned children - Ham and Em'ly - of his drowned brothers, as well as Mrs. Gummidge, the widow of his fishing partner. Davy's fortnight with the Peggotys is full of happiness. He explores the seashore with Em'ly and falls in love with her. They bond over never knowing their dads, although Em'ly wishes she were a lady in the same class as Davy. Davy reflects that given what he knows of her future life, it might've been better if Em'ly drowned that day by the sea. Dark! Mrs. Gummidge often has melancholy moods where she cries all day and declares she has it worse than everyone else, but the family kindly chalks it up to mourning for her husband and assures her they don't want her to go off to the poorhouse and die.
As the visit draws to a close, Davy realizes he has quite forgotten to miss his home and becomes eager to see his mother and Blunderstone Rookery. Yet when they arrive, Peggoty pulls him into the kitchen nervously. She really botches the delivery of her big news because Davy first thinks his mother may have died and then, when she tells him he has a dad, imagines Mr. Copperfield may have risen from the dead. But she brings him to the parlor to greet his new step-dad: it's Mr. Murdstone, of course. Mr. Murdstone proves himself to be a real downer, kicking things off by correcting Davy's mom (who we discover is named Clara) for jumping up too enthusiastically at her son’s arrival. Davy sneaks away to find that his house has completely changed and the yard has acquired a mean, black dog that snaps at him.
Chapter 4 - I Fall Into Disgrace: Davy has fallen asleep crying after the discovery of his mother’s marriage, and when Clara and Peggoty wake him, his mom blames both Peggoty and Davy for his despair. Mr. Murdstone comes up and dismisses them both so he can be alone with Davy. He explains that if he had a stubborn animal, he’d beat it until it obeyed, strongly implying that Davy had better change his attitude or else. Things get pretty grim for Davy after this. He is kept isolated from both his family and neighborhood children. Mr. Murdstone’s sister, Jane, comes to live with them and immediately takes over Blunderstone. Clara is given no say in household matters: even the keys are kept by Miss Murdstone and, when Clara protests and weeps at being pushed aside, the Murdstones manipulate her into apologies and submission. When the family goes to church, Peggoty is no longer invited and the Murdstones keep Davy and his mother apart; Davy also notices that the family seems to be the subject of much whispering and staring from the community.
Davy’s days are miserable. He is often locked up alone in his room, where he loses himself in his father’s old stash of novels and uses this escape as a survival mechanism. (This collection of novels was taken straight from Dickens’ own childhood, according to his biographer John Forster.) When allowed out of his room, Davy endures lengthy, difficult lessons in the parlor. He suspects the lessons are meant as much to teach his mom the Murdstone tradition of firmness tyranny as they are to educate him. No matter how hard Davy tries, he cannot seem to remember the lessons under such severe supervision. Davy is belittled as stupid for his mistakes and boxed on the ears with his books by Mr. Murdstone. When Clara tries to help Davy at one point, Miss Murdstone catches her, and both Clara and Davy are in a good deal of trouble. Clara is chastised, Davy is removed from the room, and the next day’s lessons are overseen by Mr. Murdstone with a cane and switches. This goes about as well as you would imagine: in his terror, Davy makes more mistakes than ever and is dragged from the room by Mr. Murdstone. To her credit, Clara does protest and try to run after them (unsuccessfully). Mr. Murdstone wields his cane and switches, but Davy bites his hand in an attempt to wriggle away. He then beats Davy severely and leaves him locked in his room for five days. During his imprisonment, Davy sees only Miss Murdstone who brings him meager meals and allows him short walks in the garden each morning and family prayers in the evening, before locking him away again. At the end of this punishment, which feels like years to Davy, Peggoty sneaks to his room to whisper through the keyhole that he will be sent to boarding school in the morning. She tells him his mother isn’t very angry with him, only disappointed, and begs him to remember her and her love for him. She promises to look after Clara and they both vow to write to each other. Davy asks to be remembered to Em’ly and the other Peggotys.
The next morning, his mother expresses her disappointment in his behavior and her hope that boarding school will reform him; Davy seems to realize she has been coached to believe the worst of him. He chokes down a little breakfast before his coach arrives, and Clara steals one unsupervised moment with him to say goodbye affectionately. Then, they are parted, and Davy is on his way to boarding school. It’ll surely be a harmonious and supportive learning environment. Right? Right?!?
Chapter Five - I Am Sent Away From Home: Mr. Barkis, the carrier driving Davy on the first leg of his journey to school, pulls over not too far away from the house. Who should appear out of the bushes but Peggoty! She silently hugs Davy until she pops some buttons of her dress (one of which Davy keeps), hands him some cakes, and slips him a note from his mother that includes two half-crowns. Davy shares a pastry with Mr. Barkis, who asks a lot of questions about Peggoty’s relationship status and cooking skills. He asks Davy to write Mr. Barkis is willin’ in one of his letters to Peggoty, which Davy does at the next stop. As he waits in Yarmouth for the stagecoach to London, Davy eats lunch at a hotel restaurant where he is grifted by the waiter. This unscrupulous man tricks Davy into giving him his ale, most of his food, and some of his money. The rumor goes around that Davy has the appetite of a boa constrictor, making him too nervous to eat at the next stop for supper. Wedged between two men and with a woman’s luggage stuffed underneath him, Davy spends an uncomfortable night in the stagecoach as it approaches London. He finds it strange the next morning, after all the snoring and moaning he witnessed, that the adults insist they were unable to sleep a wink!
Upon arriving at the station in London, there is no one to collect him. Waiting in the office, Davy begins to worry that he will be turned out of the station at night, run out of money and starve, get lost walking home, or have to offer himself as a soldier or sailor (though he knows he is too small for that). Finally, a rather scrawny man - who Davy assumes is the Master of Salem House School - arrives and takes Davy the rest of the way. Weak from lack of food and sleep, Davy begs to stop so he can buy breakfast, and the man takes him to the home of a poor woman (presumably his mother) to cook the provisions they purchase. The man plays the flute very badly as Davy begins to eat, but soon Davy has fallen asleep. He wakes to hear comments of “delicious” which he assumes refers to the man’s music, but I bet indicates they were eating Davy’s breakfast. They continue on to Salem House, where a man with a wooden leg lets them in and throws old boots at Davy’s escort, who turns out to be Mr. Mell, an employee of Mr. Creakle, the school proprietor. Salem House is dilapidated, dirty, and deserted. Davy wonders where everyone is and Mr. Mell informs him that Davy has been sent to school during the holidays as punishment. Another punishment: Davy must wear a sign on his back identifying him as a biter, which makes him increasingly paranoid that someone is always behind him reading it. (Probably not.) He also worries that the students, whose names he can read carved in the doorpost, will all make fun of him for it when they return. (Probably true!) Mr. Mell, an odd man with various ticks, doesn’t pay much attention to Davy, but neither is he mean. We get another ominous reference to the future in that Davy says he dreads the return of boys like J. Steerforth and the presence of “the awful Mr. Creakle”.
submitted by tomesandtea to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:16 Standard_Shoulder146 My dad, 73 years old, has been a permanent resident since 2015. His SSI stopped after 7 years in 2022. He reapplied for Medicaid in 2023 and was approved. In May 2024 Medicaid stopped because he is not receiving SSI. Feels like a scene from the movie Groundhog Day. What might be the reason for this?

The Medicaid was stopped after receiving a letter from the SSA notifying Texas Medicaid to stop the benefit. There has been no change in his earnings or financial situation. He has reapplied, but it still shows as received. He really needs Medicaid to go through surgery in July and is on multiple medications for blood pressure and diabetes.
submitted by Standard_Shoulder146 to Medicaid [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:16 k1lazept The things fans are doing on social media made me stop supporting #FixTF2

An open letter and hashtags would have sufficed. But putting negative reviews on other games and vilifying and shaming people who don't support the movement is downright a dick move.

SaveTF2 while it didn't solve the bot crisis, it gave us the Summer update. All these protest are just straight up looking really dumb to the point I don't wanna support this movement anymore.

All I see is manchildren roaming around social media crying over a 17-year old game. I'd be happy to just let this game die if it means this kind of bs stops.
submitted by k1lazept to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:12 Standard_Shoulder146 My dad, 73-years old, Permanent resident since 2015, the SSI stopped after 7 years in 2022 ,reapplied for Medicaid in 2023 and was approved. In May 2024, got a letter that Medicaid will be stopped because you are not receiving SSI. So it reminds me of Groundhog Day movie. What might be the reason?

So the Medicaid was stopped after receiving a letter from SSA that has notified Texas Medicaid to stop the benefit. No earning, no change in financial situation. He has reapplied but still showing received. He really needs it to go through surgery in July, and he is on lots of medications for BP and diabetes.
submitted by Standard_Shoulder146 to u/Standard_Shoulder146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:08 Verrgasm The Glob

“It’s bird shit,” Bill began, squatting down closer to the strange milky glob in the middle of the old parking lot. The other kids in the circle didn’t seem so sure. “Or… I don’t know, candle wax, maybe?”
“Who’d bother dumping a melted candle in the middle of an abandoned lot, genius?” Mumbled Steve, particularly irritable as he was that day. Things weren’t good for him at home. They never were.
“Well, gee, asshole, I’m not quite sure. Where was your mom last night?” Bill’s quip failed to land, and he couldn’t help but feel like an idiot in front of the girls as Steve cocked his head, taking some offense despite the dumbness of the remark.
“What does that even mean?” Steve had begun to laugh, picking up on Bill’s embarrassment.
“It means ‘shut up’. That’s what it means…”
Bill had stood again reflexively with the regrettable insult but had stooped down to inspect the mysterious glob once more. It had started to pulse minutely, a vague shimmering incandescence rising from within.
“Ew, what’s it doing?” Said one of the girls who’d shown up to see why the pair of pre-teens had gathered there in the lot across the street from her house. Her friend was visibly trying not to gag.
“Spiv, quick, gimme your pen…” Bill reached a hand out to Steve, eyes never moving from the ground.
“No way, it’s not going in that... And I told you to stop calling me, ‘Spiv’, for fuck’s sake. It’s-”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just hand it over, Steve. Please. I’ll buy you a new one if it means that goddamn much to you.”
Steve grimaced as he pulled the black Sharpie from his jacket pocket, eyeing it forlornly as if it somehow held some unsaid sentimental value to him. He tossed it over to Bill, who immediately began poking at the glob softly. It seemed to react to the prods, as if alive, and in pain; a slight heat detectable beyond the plastic instrument, creeping its way up his arm.
“Woah…” Bill was fascinated by it. Football fanatic that he was known as around school, Bill secretly harbored a natural scientific curiosity that he’d never dare tell the others about. He was just about to get back to his feet and run home for a Tupperware dish in order to take a sample when one of the girls vomited on the jagged, broken concrete.
“I think… I think we should go tell an adult…” She managed to croke after the last of it had escaped her. “I think we should-”
The glob shifted violently, awakened, as it started to crawl its slug-like mass towards the horrified girl’s vomit pooled in the cracks by her feet. She took off running, screaming, as did her friend. Steve also fled, leaving Bill there alone as he called after them.
“Wait!” He yelled, but they were already gone. “Shit…”
The glob had begun to feast on the vomit with long, pulling sucks. Bill had to think fast.
“Don’t you move, lil guy…” He broke into a sprint, running the distance home in record time as he frantically yanked various plastic and glass vessels from his kitchen cupboards, but by the time he returned to that spot there on the old vacant lot, the glob had disappeared. There was no trace of it to be seen anywhere. Bill sighed, letting the plastic container, gloves and the pair of tongs he had brought fall to the ground as he sat, legs in a basket, wondering what had just happened and if anybody besides his friends would ever believe him.
He cursed them for running away. They should have stayed to keep watch, but, in the pit of his gut, Bill knew that he couldn’t really blame them all that much. It was uncanny, after all. But Bill hadn’t been afraid. He was curious. Intensely so. Even now, all these years later, Bill still finds himself going back there whenever he comes to town to see his folks and those friends who have all but forgotten what they saw that day. He sits there, legs crossed as the sun sets over the distant hills, and he waits. He waits for the glob, hoping that, somehow, he might see it again; so that he can finally know for sure that it wasn’t all just some crazy dream.
submitted by Verrgasm to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:01 ibid-11962 Worldbuilding and Touring [Post Murtagh Christopher Paolini Q&A Wrap Up #10]

As discussed in the first post, this is my ongoing compilation of the remaining questions Christopher has answered online between August 1st 2023 and April 30th 2024 which I've not already covered in other compilations.
As always, questions are sorted by topic, and each Q&A is annotated with a bracketed source number. Links to every source used and to the other parts of this compilation will be provided in a comment below.
The previous post focused specifically on inspirations and other media. This installment will focus on Worldbuilding and Touring, how Christopher constructs his worlds, and how he goes about promoting them on tours. The topics aren't actually linked, but they both fill up around half a post and so are being joined here. The next and final post will focus on miscellaneous questions about the real world.


Creating Magic Systems
Did you have a research process when you were writing the Inheritance Cycle? I put a fair bit of thought into the story itself of the Inheritance Cycle, and then some general stuff as to the society and just kind of where things were in the world before writing it. I put a medium amount of thought into the magic system before I started writing, and then as I wrote the implications of it became much more apparent to me, and I really sort of dove deep into it. In retrospect, were I to create a fantasy world from scratch now, I would really put a lot of attention into that magic system and the society beforehand, just to have a good feel for that before I even start chapter one. I would put more restrictions on the magic too. I think the more restrictions, the more interesting, even the more realistic in some ways. [3]
If I were designing a magic system from scratch nowadays I would put way more restrictions on it because I find that the limitations are useful, I don't want the characters getting overpowered, but also just from a storytelling standpoint, incantations, rituals, spells, prayers, potions, all of those mechanical things are just kind of interesting and of course they give lots of opportunities for things to go wrong if you don't follow the correct steps. So I think if I were designing magic from scratch right now I'd put a lot of restrictions and rituals associated with it. So costs, more costs. [25]
What kind of hacks do you have to developing a magic system? Once I have a general idea of the setting, whether science fiction or fantasy, the first question I ask myself is how does it diverge from physics as we know it? Because that is a fundamental question that's going to determine what is possible in this world. It might determine what's possible with warfare, with politics, with industry, manufacturing, travel times, it could affect everything depending on what type of divergence you have. In the World of Eragon, the divergence is that living creatures have the ability to directly manipulate energy using their minds. The reason for that is kind of handwavy, although I have an explanation for it, but that is the divergence and then I tried to be as consistent and physically possible with it at every step of the way past that. When people play games you always get people who are looking how to exploit it. "What's the most I can get out of this game? What's the most I can do?" That's basic human nature. Science is a speedrunning nature I think. So the same sort of thing. You assume that if magic existed there's going to be someone sitting in their basement who's absolutely obsessive about it and is going to figure out every single advantage that that divergence gives them. And you have to be realistic and work that into your world and say "Well people aren't stupid. They are going to figure this out and use it in this way, and what are the implications, socially, physically, and everything else?" Once I have that then you can think about society and culture and everything else, but that basic physical difference from our reality is just to me fundamentally important to understand before I even begin to write. [25]
With standalones you're not dealing with continuity or what rule did you break or things like that. That's interesting, because I would say that writing a sequel for me is faster than writing a standalone. At least for me, the more I know the characters and the world, the faster, like I don't have to do the groundwork of creating a magic system, creating a society, creating the gods and the history. All that's done for me, so I can just slip into it like slipping on an old glove. [33]
Creating Religions
A socio-political religion in your world helps drive characters or stories or die-hard fanatic characters forward. How do you go about developing those? Have the courage to let your characters actually believe the things that they are supposed to believe. If you look back historically people really did truly believe these different religions and different systems. Too often I think with modern stories we have people only giving lip service to the supposed belief and instead having very modern attitudes toward it which perhaps doesn't always work. That's understandable if you want a character to be relatable to a modern reader, but there are so many examples of interesting belief systems throughout the world. To me that's something fascinating to write about. But the main thing is just accept that when people truly believe something they're genuine about it and then you can follow that from a logical and storytelling standpoint. What I'd also say is, if you're writing about something that is very different from your own belief system, assuming it's not like completely evil, to try to approach it with a sense of charity. With the understanding that everyone is searching for meaning and understanding. I've always had a soft spot for the old television show Babylon 5, because although I don't believe that the creator J. Michael Straczynski is religious, he writes all of his characters with great sympathy and understanding, he's never cynical about it, and he's not putting up straw man arguments or criticizing any of the characters. He's like "They're searching for meaning. They're struggling with the great questions as we all do, and each one is trying to solve those questions in their own way." And I always really appreciated that he wasn't being cynical about it or really shallow. [25]
Creating Languages
Did you think of the ancient language, not just as a mechanic, but also as a parable of our own language? I was thinking about how language itself feels like magic to me. You can write a story, you can convey information. Language in many ways is our greatest tool and makes us human along with, I would argue, our hands, our ability to manipulate objects and use actual tools. But one without the other wouldn't really work and wouldn't allow us to be a technological species. We could have language with no ability to handle tools, and then we wouldn't be what we are now. But I find language fascinating and I find the function of language incredibly interesting. And there is this idea in the real world going back to the beginning of time, that to name something is to understand it, and gives you a certain amount of power over it, whether that's a person or a physical object. And the ancient language is just taking that idea seriously. And I'm not the first author or tradition to do that, but is it a parallel? Is it a metaphor? I don't know if I'd go that far, but it definitely ties into the use of language and my ideas about it. What's crazy to me is there is a theoretical arrangement of words right now that would give us a massive breakthrough in science and physics. There's a theoretical arrangement of words that were I to write it or anyone else would influence how people think about the next presidential election to such a degree that it might actually changed the election. These are all theoretically possible and you can think of many many other things that you could do with language. We just lack the knowledge of what those arrangement of words are, and so we're constantly clawing our way toward new knowledge and new uses of language. [19]
The languages that you were playing around with in The Inheritance cycle, they were Germanic, Anglo Saxon based? The ancient language, the magical language, is based very strongly on Old Norse, which of course is Germanic or related to Old High German. The Dwarven language was invented pretty much from scratch although it is an agglutinative language like German is. And then the other languages have not appeared very much in the series. They're just little scraps here and there. To be clear, I am not a linguist, and I have not devoted the time and energy to developing these in a formal or rigorous way, the way that Tolkien did. Tolken was a linguist and that was his forte. I got far enough down that path while working on the Inheritance Cycle that I really began to appreciate how every word has a history and that history is inexorably tied to the history of the land. It's often said that Tolkien created Middle-earth just to explain his languages, as a setting for the languages. Which isn't entirely true, but there is truth to that. That's what I was encountering and I was realizing that I could spend 20 years, 10 years, just working on the languages and building this out. It might have been a worthwhile venture, but the tradeoff would have been no more books published during that time. I want to tell a story. [28]
What I would do these days, or what I did with other languages, is come up with a couple of words that sort of had a general feel that I liked and then extrapolating from those invented words, figuring out what consonants and vowels and clusters thereof that I wanted. Come up with some more sample words based off that and then start working out some grammar. Grammar is probably my weakest spot since at the time I wasn't really aware of non-English grammar systems and I've put some more attention in that since then. [34]
The language and culture that you describe in the books seem very real. How do you start inventing a language? You shamelessly steal from Germanic mythology and Scandinavian mythology, just like Tolkien did. But I'm no linguist, I did my best, I have a copy of the Nibelungen up on my shelf along with the Eddas, and I based one of my languages on Old Norse, which gave it a nice sound and feel. So the main thing is picking things that make sense for your world and then trying to be internally consistent. [2]
Creating Maps
At what point in your writing process do you start creating the map? I've created the maps at different times in different books. At first I thought I didn't need a map because I thought that a good book should be perfectly understandable without a map. You shouldn't need to rely on anything outside of the text in order to enjoy it. And I still think that's generally true, but a map can add a lot. So for Eragon, I did it partway through the book. If I were to do a stand-alone fantasy novel, I would definitely want to work out the maps and stuff before writing it. [12]
The map for Eragon, the original black and white map, I did about halfway or a third of the way into Eragon. My idea was, and I still kind of believe this, that a well-written book shouldn't need a map in order to understand the story. You should be able to keep your bearings just based off the text. What I ran into though was that I was getting lost in the world myself with the amount of places and things after a certain point. And so I drew a map. [34]
For me I think if you're creating something in the real world obviously that gives you certain constraints and certain advantages but if you're starting with something from scratch, I find creating a map right up front is really helpful because your story is not going to visit every square inch on your map so by filling in those other details on the map you're going to get more story ideas and also ideas for potential conflicts, travel distances. It all feeds into the realism of the story as well as potentially future stories. It's fun stuff. The downside is you could spend your whole life worldbuilding. There's a there's a book from World War Two called Islandia, and the guy just spent his whole life creating this island and its culture to the point of working out the actual layers of geography of stone in the island. I've never actually read the book, I don't know if it's any good, but I know it was fairly popular when it came out. [25]
What hacks do you have for for creating geography and points of interest within your world? When I was creating the map for Alagaësia I actually used a old National Geographic Atlas and traced over various coastlines and then distorted them and pasted on top of each other in order to get sort of a natural feeling coastline. Please don't compare the island of Vroengard to the outline of Greece. Please don't do that. And then you have Robin Hobb who just turned Alaska upside down for her map which I always love because I've lived in Alaska twice. I think she told me that she never actually expected the book to get published, but then she got stuck with that because everything was tied to the geography that she started with. [25]
I think that a good map ought to have lots of points of interest, and the tricky bit is, without getting so detailed that it becomes cluttered. You see that sometimes with real world maps, like atlases and stuff, where there's a ton of place names, city names, river names, road names. All of which are useful and necessary, but it can actually visually get in the way of the art, perhaps the artistic effect that you would want a fantasy map to have in a book or a movie or even a game. [12]
There are world generators that you can just click through. It's really easy nowadays with technology to build worlds just by snapping your fingers. Even with those tools, if you have the time and inclination, I think there is some benefit to redrawing or painting the maps in your own style. I don't know about you, I love seeing when the maps are from the author themselves. I remember Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams. Tad did all the maps himself, and I love that. Even if it's imperfect or a little amateurish it just gives it a really nice feel. I love Tolkien's original art for the same reason. [25]
Creating Dragons
You are the creator of your own world. Do you feel that you have follow certain canons of fantasy worlds, for example, dragons have four legs and wyverns have two? Or do you feel that you can practically do whatever you want because it's fantasy and you create everything? Yes and no. No because I have already established rules and traditions and precedence in The World of Eragon, so I have to be consistent with that. But if I were writing a new fantasy, I would not feel beholden to any tradition. If I wanted to write a world where the dragons have three legs or feathers or something like that then I would feel free to do that. That's the great thing about speculative fiction is it gives you the freedom to write and create whatever you want to. The thing is when you have a genre where anything is possible it actually reveals the limitations of your imagination. And there are very few authors, myself included, who really make full use of that. But at the same time, limitations can make your fiction more interesting. I think it's important to pick some limitations and that will help actually improve the quality of your work. [7]
Why did you decide to have your dragons have a saddle? I was around horses growing up. And the thought of actually physically being on a creature with very hard scales was rather terrifying if thought about in a practical sense. And so it just seemed to me that there had to be some protection. [33]
When you're writing fantasy and you include dragons, especially a dragon rider fantasy, depending on how many there are there, it's actually quite a difficult thing to not solve all your problems with dragons. I think the solution to that is you focus on the problems that dragons present, which balances out the advantages. And of course people are smart, whether we're talking about humans or elves or dwarves or any other invented species. If dragons were real, you'd come up with counters to them, whether it's a bunch of giant ballistae on your walls, or building domed fortresses, or building underground. You would come up with solutions and it would negate those advantages. And that's always my issue with writing fiction with dragons in the real world. If it's a slightly more modern, then you have to ask, well, why isn't everything different in history? Like if dragons were a constant part of our world, architecture would be different, warfare would be different, politics would be different. Well, no, politics would be the same. What am I saying? [30]
I'm sure all of us have seen the fantasy paintings of like a knight in armor with a lance on a horse facing off against a dragon. Now, to be fair, a lance moving at a decent speed at a horse galloping will have enough kinetic energy behind it to punch through just about anything. It could do a lot of damage. But any decent sized dragon would move so fast and be so strong, you wouldn't have a chance with a lance. You'd need a giant crossbow. That'd be your only choice. The size of a dragon, intelligence of a dragon. Until you get to projectile weapons, you have no chance. [30]
We all know what any creature gets when they bond with a dragon. They get a dragon. But why would a dragon create that bond? Why would they do it? Is it the bond, is it their nature? I think for me, having other species bond with the dragons was essentially a way to keep the dragons from getting wiped out. Because dragons are such a huge threat. If you imagine in the real world, we don't suffer giant predators to be constantly predating and disrupting our world. We remove that threat. Especially if there's magic involved, the ability to remove that threat gets even bigger. So in a way I viewed the bond between rider and dragon as essentially self preservation for the dragons, if not the other species as well. Without some sort of symbiotic relationship, coexistence becomes very, very difficult. That, or the dragons have to be smart enough to just essentially remove themselves from the world and live off in the far off places. But that gets really difficult when you start considering how much they need to eat. I remember reading the Live Ship Trader series and I remember the end of that spoiler alert where it's become clear that true dragons have returned now. And it really was kind of an oh crap moment because you start thinking about what that actually means for there to be dragons in the world again. It's kind of like Reign of Fire. [30]

Promoting The Books

Touring Hazards
How did you do on your book tour? It was a lot. It was a lot. I did 50 days of touring last year between Fractal Noise and Murtagh. Obviously the majority of that was for Murtagh. And of course I had a couple other trips in there as well. I went to New York Comic Con. I had one or two personal trips. So there was a lot of travel last year. My goal is to not have as much travel this year. In general, the book tours were awesome, great crowds for the Fractalverse, enormous crowds for World of Eragon/Murtagh. I don't normally talk about this stuff, but since we're past it, it doesn't matter. I started touring for Murtagh November 6th and then got home for good on December 16th. But there's always a risk of getting sick while you're traveling. And I did pretty well in the US leg of things. And then over in Europe between the jet lag and not sleeping- I had a really amazing dinner, one of my publishers took me out to a three star Michelin restaurant. The problem was the dinner started at 8pm and didn't finish till midnight. And there were two or three desserts, and the last dessert was full of coffee, and I didn't realize it. Absolutely full of coffee. And I did not get to sleep until like four in the morning. And I only had three hours of sleep that night. So I think I got sick the day after as a result. I got so sick on the European tour that at one of my stops I had to call paramedics to my hotel room at 2 a.m. because I couldn't breathe. Ended up with bronchitis for the first time in my life. But I'll have you know, I did every event. I didn't miss a single event. I managed to do all my presentations and made it through in one piece. I've never, never backed down from doing an event, even while bleeding. Can you tell us a little bit about the time that you were bleeding in an event? Well, I was in Europe. I was touring for Inheritance, I'd already toured North America, and then I started in Europe, went to UK, and then I went to Australia and New Zealand. But first country was Germany, and I think I did Munich and Cologne, and then I ended in Berlin. And in Berlin, they had me in this wonderful theater that's like over 100 years old, which is very rare in the city, considering all the bombing during the war. And I'm backstage, which meant down in the basement of this theater. And there's like 500 people out waiting for me to make an appearance and there's someone introducing me and they say my name and everyone starts clapping. And of course you want to get on stage before the applause dies down. And the way you got onto stage in this theater was through a set of stairs. And it really wasn't even steps. It was almost like a ladder and it was wood. And the steps were so old that they were basically hollowed out from all the people that have gone up and down it over the years. So I'm scrambling up this and about halfway up, my right foot slipped off the edge of one of the steps because it was hollowed out and full speed, full strength, full weight, I slammed my shin into the edge of one of the steps, stumbled forward two more steps and did it a second time. But momentum, adrenaline, I keep going, I get up on stage, I waved to everyone. And fortunately for me, because I was speaking to a foreign audience, they had me sitting at a table with a translator and a presenter. So I got to sit down and the table kind of hit everything from view. And I start the presentation, start the event. And after about, I don't know, five minutes, I'm thinking to myself, okay, I've banged my shin before. We've all banged our shins before, but this really bleepin' hurt. So I looked under the table and the whole front of my jean leg on my shin is soaked with blood. There is blood dripping onto the floor and my sock is soaked with blood. So I poked my translator, the presenter next to me that I was doing a couple of events with, and I said, "Hey, look at this". And he glances under and his face just goes white. And I'm colorblind and I saw his face go white. And he said, "Do we need to call an ambulance?" And I'm like, "No, no, we're going to do this." So I did an hour-long presentation. And then I got up and managed to quickly limp over to a signing table. And no one really noticed that I wasn't feeling so hot. And I got behind the signing table, and I signed books for 400 or 500 people. And the funny thing is, I was traveling with this foreign rights agent publicist for Random House named Jocelyn, who was just an absolute beast of a woman. I love her to death. You have to understand, she did a European book tour with me while eight months pregnant. The woman was and is just very impressive. But she grew up on a farm. German family in the US, grew up on a farm. So I showed her my leg when I was sitting down to sign and she just looked at me and she said, "You need to go to the hospital?" I said, "Nope". She said, "I knew you were country. Good man." Slapped me on the back. So I finished signing and then I went back to the hotel and I had to get into a tub of water to soak my jeans off because the blood had dried and glued them to my shin. And the problem was I had a dent all the way down to the bone. And I really should have gone to a hospital because, sorry for the gory details, but what happens is when you get a dent like that, you lose the fat under the skin between the skin and the bone and it doesn't come back unless you get an injection to help it puff out and heal. And I didn't do that because I was on tour, there was no time. So the next day I had to fly to pretty sure it was Barcelona for the St. George Book Festival, which is a walking festival. So you have to walk from bookstore to bookstore in the city and do signings. But that was a bit rough. That actually took over a year to heal properly. I still have that dent. Stuff happens. I've heard some crazy stories with other authors. I'd rather it's my blood, not the fan's blood. [32]
Touring Difficulties
We've got blood and sweat, any tears from tour? On occasion. The biggest one is just being away from home. And if anything is a bit off for whatever reason, you can't just pop home and hold someone or do this or do that. It's just difficult to be that far away from home for so long. [32]
If you're not familiar with book tours, the way it often works is that you fly to a city, you get to your hotel room, you have a little bit of time to freshen up, maybe get some food and then you go to the bookstore and you do your event. And it has to be after people get off from work, so it tends to be a later evening event. If you have a large number of people show up, that means that that time spent talking and signing pushes fairly late in the evening. You go back, you get dinner, and if you're a semi-introvert like so many authors tend to be, you need some time to decompress, which means you probably stay up a little too late reading or writing. And then in the morning, you got to go get another airplane flight and go to the new city. All of which is fine, but going to the airport, doing those flights, with the time it takes to go through an airport these days, it means that the schedule has very little time in it. When I toured for Fractal Noise, the publisher one of the days had me fly from Tampa to Portland and I still had to do an event that day. Which I agreed to. It was my own fault because they had everything on the East Coast and I said, "Well, what about the West Coast? You know, I have readers on the West Coast. They need to get a chance to get a signed book." It was my own fault. But that can get rough when you're doing it for weeks on end at a certain point. You just can't recover. A day off? What's that? But it's a good problem to have. That people want to see you and want to read your books. It's an awesome career to have. [1]
I'm also a big fan of coffee naps. So I will drink a cup of coffee, usually my second cup of coffee, and then I'll go take a nap, and I will nap for about 30 minutes, because after 30 minutes the coffee wakes me up. And I find that 15 to 30 minutes is the perfect length of a nap for me, and if I go past that, I need to sleep for about three hours, because otherwise I get into the middle of a REM cycle, and if I wake up in the middle of a REM cycle, I'm just like groggy and drugged, and I feel worse than if I hadn't napped at all. And then of course, if you're on book tour, the way I have been for a while, you gain the ability to just close your eyes at any point and take a 10 minute nap 15 minute nap anywhere, and it at least helps you stay upright. [19]
Meeting Fans around the World
You just got back from the U.S. leg of your book tour — who’s making up the crowd? The readership is broad and probably older than it was back in the day. There are still a lot of 8-year-olds, but now there are grandparents, too. I’ve even met some kids who’ve been named after the characters, which is pretty amazing. Because people have been reading the series for so long, I tend to get a mix of incredibly detailed, hyper-focused, deep-dive questions about some of the lore, but also some more general ones about Eragon’s name. [16]
I'm sure you hear personal stories all the time especially at your readings and your your appearances. It must be lovely, and I guess overwhelming to connect with your fans. That's a good way of putting it: lovely and overwhelming. Everyone has their own personal history with these books. I have people showing up who named their children after the characters, or who've gotten tattoos. Oh my goodness, what's the one you get? Multiple Saphiras, Aryas, Rorans, a couple of Eragons. As a writer, you want people to read your stories, enjoy them, be affected by them. If they're affected so strongly they name their children after your characters, you feel pretty good about it. [28]
Are your European fans different from your American fans? I actually haven't met any children here who are named after characters from my books. That seems to be an American phenomenon. The language barrier sometimes makes it a little more difficult to talk to European fans. But the love for Eragon is just as strong in Europe as it is in the US. This is not your first time on tour in Europe. Is there something you're missing here? I actually noticed that hotels in Europe usually don't have ironing boards or irons. This is standard equipment in America. [24]
My great-grandmother was from Sicily and then my grandfather was from Bologna. I just found out recently that my grandfather as a child was tutored by Fellini's wife. [7]
My grandfather was the stereotype of an elderly Italian gentleman. He had a mustache, he cooked spaghetti and he made the most amazing red sauce for the spaghetti. He used too much profanity. He was quite the character. [35]
Amsterdam is a beautiful city, but if I had grown up here I would probably still have written fantasy, but it would probably have influenced the type of fantasy I write. [23]
I was just in Stockholm on book tour for my latest book. And I've sold a really large number of books, proportionally in Sweden, and I'd never been there before. And I was kind of curious what their thoughts and feelings were on it, given the fact that I have shamelessly pillaged, Anglo-Saxon Scandinavian mythology for my own work. And they said native Swedish authors don't write using their own mythology, they go into the more literary veins and they import and translate other authors who are writing about Scandinavian mythology and they enjoy it immensely, but it doesn't seem to be a homegrown thing for them, which is rather odd, I think. [30]
Old Norse is not so far from German, do you speak a little bit of German? I understand a fair bit. When I've done presentations in Germany, I've had children ask me questions in German, and I can sometimes understand the entire question without translation, but I only speak a few words. [Host 2]: Let's try it. Can you ask the next question in German? Of course. Oh dear. [speaking quickly] Herr Paolini, wie viel von ihrer Vision für die ganze Serie hat sich mit der Zeit verändert? Hat es sich überhaupt verändert? Denn wenn man sich die frühen Werke anguckt, erkennt man, dass sehr viele Sachen aus den frühen Werken in den späteren wieder auftauchen. So dass es eigentlich unmöglich sein kann, dass sie das nicht von Anfang an komplett geplant haben? Translation please. That was not fair. But funny. Yeah, I was just asking, when you started writing the book, and it became not just one book, it became a whole world, it became a series, and I don't want to spoil anything, but if you read the first books and you read the later books, stuff comes up again, and it seems like you actually knew where it was going when you started writing, which is again insane because you were 15. Is that something you just got lucky, or did you really plan for a whole series when you started writing the first one? I planned because I tried writing some stories before Eragon, and I never got past the first five or ten pages because I didn't have a story. I would only have an inciting incident, like a young man finds a dragon egg in the forest. Well, fun, awesome, but that's not a story. So Eragon and the series as it was, was a writing exercise for myself to see if I could outline, plot, and then write at least the first book of a series. So yes, if you read the first book, Eragon, there's actually a scene, a dream sequence in the first book. And it is the very last scene of the last book. And I did that specifically so that I could point to it and say to my readers, "See, I knew what I was doing." But of course, it isn't the last book now. [2]
Before he finished signing them all he asked if I read Fractal Noise, I said yes. He then asked how I liked it. I said I liked To Sleep far more. And to be fair I did. But I could've been a little more less brunt about it. All in all I'm sorry Paolini. I hope you see this. Dude -- No need to apologize! I was the one who put you on the spot. I was just curious about Fractal Noise as it's pretty different from what I normally write. That said, I'm a big boy, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest if someone prefers one book over another. [R]
Have you been on TikTok? How do you find it? I have an account that my assistants post content on for me because I don't have the time and I don't want it on my phone, but it has been a really useful way to connect with readers, and I had a lot of people who came up during my book tour end of last year, who said that they found out about the events I was doing from the posts on TikTok. [33]
Outside of the tour, did you do anything to personally celebrate the release of Murtagh? No. Not to sound blase, but this isn't my first book I've released. Going on the tour is the celebration. Getting to meet the fans. It's an enormous expenditure of energy, time, effort, and it's very joyous and touching and meaningful for me. And I think for a lot of the readers. So that's the celebration. My team and I, we all kind of take a moment to pat ourselves on the back every time a book comes out and then it's back to the grind a bit. Also, I got to celebrate my 40th birthday while on book tour, and I got to celebrate it with my editor, my publicist, my former publicist who's been with me since the beginning. So that was really nice. [32]
Being an author is like the best kind of semi-celebrity, because nine times out of ten, no one knows who you are, you can live a nice quiet life, and then you get to go out and meet people who like your work. And that's a real treat. I grew the beard partly to keep people from recognizing me. But then I've had it for so long that it doesn't work anymore. And I got tired of shaving. But the problem is the beard takes so much time and effort to take care of it, it doesn't save me any time. [1]
Did your hat end up getting fixed post-tour? Yup. Fixed it myself with a rivet. [T]
Any advice on how to wear a pirate's hat without it being weird? It's very simple. There's one ingredient. You wear it with confidence. That's all. [36]
Signing Books
People people don't maybe don't realize what an endurance race it is, especially when when books are this big and successful. Like the amount. I once did 9,280 books in an afternoon and a half at a warehouse. I had nine people helping. I stood. I find that if I stand, I don't use my wrist. I can isolate the arm. And I just had someone shove it under me, someone pull it out for me, and everyone else was boxing, unboxing and flapping. But it hurt. It really hurt. I dropped my first name this past year. For the first time in a 20 year career, I finally dropped my first name. Did you feel defeated? Yes. But I have kids now and I just could not afford the time and the strain on my body. I actually got two typewriters. I got really bad inflammation in my right thumb from all the signing and I find that typewriters alleviated that. Also heavier like mechanical keyboards seem to help. So I know like Robin Hobb has suffered some severe problems with her hands with the amount of typing she's done over the years. So yeah, it is an occupational hazard. [33]
I have to say, signing 30,000 sheets is SIGNIFICANTLY harder than mining or placing 30k blocks in #Minecraft. Lol. [T]
Do you have a PO Box or something? I’d pay shipping both ways to have you sign my books. P.O. box is listed on Just include return shipping, please. :D Alternatively, you can arrange signed copies through Conley's Books & Music in Livingston, MT. [R]
If I send a book to a P.O. Box and pay for shipping there and back, would you sign it? Yup. Address is on [T]
submitted by ibid-11962 to Eragon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:44 thuriasunia "RESPONSE TO INCOMING ID124 WARNING"

To all Lasallians there, this is thuria; the one being accused of running a server that promotes an unsafe environment. First of all, these admins you mention of which is iloveapex and thuria are not underaged and we don't work with students that come from DLSU SHS. We don't promote doxxing on the server; a fact which can be proven by our members. About you mentioning the server becoming unsafe and us blaming it on users who chat on the server, we do not promote such acts. Yes, though I do admit that I have said questionable things on the server, that issue lies within me only and not in the server or anybody in the server. We, in no way, shape or form, promote this kind of behavior. As for countless incidents you've mentioned, such as allowing friends of the admins to pose as other students using their offer letter, identity theft, bullying, below the belt jokes, and other forms of immature behavior, this could not be farther from the truth.
The first thing that happened on the server was the Chae incident; that thrust the server into chaos. Chae has given herself up and acknowledged her mistake and left the server for good. As for older students being allowed in the server. Yes, we allow them to reside in our server as they serve as seniors who lend their experiences to guide the incoming ID 124s. I apologize for the questionable things I have said, and I very well admit I made those jokes, but that doesn't mean we employ and promote these kinds of behaviors.
"Primary-Ad5145", Mr./Ms. Anonymous, we have never threatened people in the server, you should stop spreading misinformation. We encourage everybody to cover their respective QR codes, application numbers, full names, and any other important information during the verification process in order to maintain the privacy of our members. We do not distribute or save the offer letters you have shown us as we know this goes against someone's privacy. As for you mentioning other members who are friends with admins posing as someone they are not. We have received proof from that very person that she is an actual student. Most of us on the server are aware he/she is an ID123 and this incident has only happened once although some people edit their nicknames to silly ID numbers for fun, as expected from a community server with a comfy and welcoming environment. As for you mentioning threats. I have no clue as to what you may be referring to, as there have been no such incidents. Though we are open to entertaining the accusation if you can provide proof of it even happening, only then will we provide a proper response, appropriate to the severity of the case. As for the verification system we provide, I have proof that another server employs the same process of verification as we do; though unlike theirs, we encourage everyone to hide their important personal information for the sake of their privacy. It must also be noted for transparency’s sake, that we recently had an incident involving a group of people bullying someone, and yes, we responded to their misdemeanor by administering appropriate punishments for their infraction in a quick and timely manner; a testament to our goal of creating an inclusive and fun environment for our fellow ID 124s As all the false allegations you claimed have now been explained, this is my final verdict. I don’t know where some of these false allegations are coming from, and you’re the one coming out making damaging claims. I also apologize in advance for the questionable things I've said on the server, but I assure you, I don't engage in such behaviors and are purely only words. I will change for good if this attitude is very concerning to most people.
We in no way promote harmful behaviors inside our server. If you have raised this concern to SDFO, we are willing and prepared to cooperate and explain everything that has happened in detail in order to reach a just conclusion.
submitted by thuriasunia to dlsu [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:41 No_Marzipan_1230 Industrial Mage: Modernizing a Magical World Chapter 10 – Holden Affairs & Numbers Going Up!

An engineer from earth blends science and magic to achieve greatness in another world where skills and levels reign supreme.

Ethan was just a plain old engineer, but everything changed when he was reborn into a world of skills, levels, and magic. With his advanced knowledge far ahead of the time period he finds himself in, this new reincarnated life will be much different than his last, especially because he can construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct runes—something no one else can do.
But with royal politics, looming tax collectors, a mountain of debt, dungeon incursions, cults, and hostile fantasy races mixing together into a cocktail of bullshit that threatens to bury his dreams; Ethan must bridge the gap between steel and sorcery to grow stronger. — What to Expect:
- Weak to very strong progression with a Sword & Magic MC that kicks a whole lotta ass. - Fast pacing. A balance of action galore, politics, kingdom building, and slow-burn runecrafting. - Fun, satisfying moments. An extra shot of happiness when reading. Hardcore wish fulfillment. Hyper competent MC. - MC will trigger an industrial revolution, abolish slavery, revolutionize magic, modernize agriculture, communication, commerce, textile production, education, transportation, sanitation, weapons manufacturing, leisure & entertainment, and medicine. - Dark truths of a medieval-esque society going under change.
Join my Discord Server to have chat, bother me, ask me questions, or just genuine fun really -
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Chapter 10

Ethan surveyed the men before him, schooling his expression. Cedric was one of his advisors, a lean man, taller than the average in Holden, and wiry, but with the unmistakable long and callused fingers of someone well skilled with a bow. It was odd to see such features, but Ethan wasn’t one to point it out or talk about it. A perpetual worried crease etched between his brows; he shuffled a stack of parchments.
Beside him, Roland stood with a hand on the pommel of his sword—a habit Ethan had grown accustomed to. Leaning back, Ethan opened his mouth.
“Alright, gentlemen. Let’s get through this.”
Cedric cleared his throat. “First, my lord, the harvest report.” He unfolded the top parchment. “The rains were late this year, my lord. We’re looking at a significant shortfall in barley and oats.”
Ethan frowned. “Roland,” he switched focus. “The scouting report on the bandits? Has Sir Thomas revealed something? What about the brigands?”
“Sir Thomas has been tight-lipped. The brigands have been bolder, my lord. Spotted them harassing farmsteads near Holden’s western border.
“Have we identified the culprits?”
“No, my Lord. But they seem organized, well-equipped. Too well-equipped, I might say.”
Ethan drummed his fingers on the desk. This wasn’t your typical ragtag group of cutthroats, that much was clear. “Some sort of a group, then.”
“Mobilize a patrol. Set a few archers down range. Kill the bandits on sight, we can’t have them acting bolder.”
Roland nodded, his chin bobbing, face emotionless.
“Any other news? Have we received word from the neighboring barons regarding the proposed trade agreement?” Ethan asked.
“Yes, my lord. Sir Jack informed me that one of his ravens returned this morning; he says they spotted two men bearing the crest of the crown—”
“Tax collectors,” Ethan interrupted. “They should already be in Siez by now, then.”
Siez was a city two weeks’ ride from Holden.
“Well then, we must do something about the harvest,” Ethan murmured. He had some ideas, but all of them would require money.
“As for trade... Everyone has denied, like usual. Lord Ashton has been with Holden since Lord Baelgard’s death, but even he appears hesitant now. Cites concerns about the quality of our goods.”
“Hmm. Excuses.” Ethan sighed. “He doesn’t want to work with us anymore. He’s likely receiving pressure; I don’t blame him. I’ve offended quite a lot of nobles in my... teen years.”
Ethan cleared his throat. “We’ll send another sample,” Ethan decided, his voice firm. “Along with a personal letter outlining the benefits of trade with Holden, only this time, including soap; I’m sure he’ll latch onto the opportunity if he has some foresight.”
Ashton was playing politics, but they couldn’t afford to alienate their only potential trading partner.
The rest of the morning was spent in a similar vein—discussing minor squabbles amongst the populace, a few dead bodies that were reported, potential repairs needed on the crumbling town walls, and other matters regarding Holden.
Ethan entered the space sectioned off by iron grills inside the quarantined house in the outskirts of Holden. Covering his in a mask, he stepped over the grills, into the open hall with rows of beds lining both sides. He was here to take a look at the patients and if they were getting treated. They were. Undoubtedly. Some even showed signs of recovery. They stood up spotting him, then bowed.
“Lord Theodore! What an honor!” A woman said, then burst into tears holding onto her daughter’s hand. “Thank you for letting me live, Lord.” She sobbed as she buried her face on the sleeping child.
Ethan frowned, feeling uncomfortable. They hadn’t gone past their third stages of the disease. They weren’t even on their second one. That was why it’d been easier to treat them.
“Yes, my lord,” a man joined them, speaking. “You’re the only noble that’s spared us peasants a glance. Truly, thank you.”
Feeling even more uncomfortable, Ethan gently placed a hand on his shoulder. “I only hope you all get better.”
They smiled as he smiled back through the mask. Ethan quickly made his way out, then furrowed his brows as he met Miller outside. “Miller, why have you not pulled out those that have recovered? Letting them stay inside would only get them infected again or cause their condition to worsen.”
Miller’s face turned white. “My—my lord, but—but we cannot just remove them!” He took a deep breath. “If we let them go, they could infect others in Holden. If those infected catch wind of their neighbors recovering, wouldn’t they try to force their way into quarantine just to get healed and recover?” His eyes turned shifty, showing some sort of apprehension and panic.
Ethan glared. “Miller, you’re smart, are you not?” He narrowed his eyes. “Get them out of here, as soon as possible. I ordered everyone infected be brought in, logistics be damned! I’m paying it out of my pockets! You need not worry about those that might be infected. What do you even mean? We’re constantly on the lookout, if we found someone, they’d be here already.”
“Yes, about that, my lord,” Miller said nervously, looking away. “People fear. Many would rather stay quiet than let others know if they’re infected. Plus, it’s easier said than done. My men would get attacked. Anyone can get killed easily, they’re not Classed. or a large horde of desperate people might push forward in an instant.”
Ethan didn’t say anything. Gulping, Miller continued.
“And, my men are too few. There are not enough men to patrol and get the affected. Not to mention people would riot against it, fearing their loved ones are getting slaughtered for some ritual and that there’s no salvation. Especially given that a few dead bodies have been found recently,” Miller bowed, swallowed. “Forgive me for saying this, my lord, but people do not trust you.”
Miller slumped against his chair, staring at the ceiling. Ethan silently took his seat, thinking over what Miller had said. In the end, he could only sigh. “Get every infected here, do not worry about aurums.” It costed a lot of money—aurums—to get people treated. However, it wasn’t that much. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Ethan changed the subject. “Miller,” Ethan said. “How’re tests going?”
Miller frowned, a finger on his chin as he hummed thoughtfully. “We’ve encountered an issue; mostly with the later stage tainted. We’d expected it, too, however, we need some kind of a solution.”
“What issue?”
“Their skin is rotting; we cannot just have them use soap and hot water to keep clean. There needs to be something to address their wounds directly, first.” Miller sighed. “A [Healer], perhaps. But they’re expensive, my Lord. I am not sure if that is what you would want. Not to mention, another issue is that Sir Jack has yet to build something he calls nexus—he says you would know what that is. He’s currently using himself as said nexus, but says he would need to talk to you on that matter later to figure out some solution.”
“Is that so?” Ethan hummed, reclining back into his chair. Hiring a [Healer] would indeed be a pain. He was already paying Jack quite the sum each day, not to mention the [Beast Tamer] he’d had to hire to take care of Wynd. If he were to hire a [Healer] now, it would make a dent on his pockets that he wouldn’t be able to recover from. Not to mention, he needed to worry more about the financial situation now—the tax collectors would be arriving sooner or later, and the Merchants Guild would want their debt paid with interest. He couldn’t be stuck in a rut of indebtedness forever.
That said, soap would be excellent for the majority of the populace, the only time there would be an issue would be when someone’s already at the stage where their flesh starts to rot. If there were something, he had to consider it*... Are there alternatives?*
Ethan took a breath, then leaned back into his chair, steepling his hands. What do I currently need?
Money. Money would solve a lot of his issues. Ethan hummed, stood up, then turned on his heel and walked out. Before getting out, however, he looked over his shoulder. “Tell Jack to keep working on updating the base spell. Make it more efficient, if possible. Leave the rest to me.”
I’ll figure something out...
He needed to—he wanted to.
Roland stood outside the carriage, and as he saw Ethan approaching, he turned to him. “My Lord.”
“Roland, let’s go,” Ethan said, grabbing the carriage’s handle, pulling the door open, and climbing inside. “We have work to do.”
“As you wish, my Lord.”
Reclined against the cushioned seat of the carriage, Ethan hummed. The solution to getting more money was rather simple.
My masterpiece needs to hit the market. Ethan smiled.
Ethan settled into a routine; he’d wake up with the first rays of sunlight filtering through his window. He’d stretch, and feel the satisfying pops in his back before heading outside to find Wynd already waiting for him, tail wagging excitedly. They’d take a brisk run through the dewy field. Ethan would spend a good hour playing with Wynd. The [Beast Tamer] Grandma Millie had a natural connection with Wynd, and Ethan was learning to understand how to handle a wolf under her guidance. Ethan knew that Wynd wasn’t quite a normal magical beast, heck, he was sure that Wynd would sooner or later hit some kind of magical puberty that’ll sky rocket his intelligence and allow him to speak or whatever, but regardless of everything, learning how to handle him was a good move. He was, after all, quite like a pet right now.
Regardless, he’d practice the [Elemental Spells] he knew: fire and water.
One day, he finally leveled it up.
[Elemental Spells] — Lvl 9 -> Lvl 10!
Warning: Level cap for [Elemental Spells] reached; satisfy the conditions to upgrade [Elemental Spells].
Interesting. Ethan thought, rubbing his chin. However, given that there was no information, he was confused so as to how to satisfy said conditions. I will figure it out, he shrugged, for now, I need to learn the other elements first.
Aside from that particular day’s highlight, his routine would continue as usual. After a satisfying breakfast, it would be time to get down to business. He’d perfected the basic soap recipe, and now it was time to ramp up production. With the success in making the first batch of soap, and the thought of making money, quick, in his mind, he’d started working extra hard to get more soap made. He found himself busier than ever. He’d sit in there for hours and create rune motes after rune motes. One by one, they’d materialize on top of his palms, swirling tiny fireflies.
Just like usual, one particular day, he was creating rune motes.
Ten… twenty… thirty… his brow furrowed in concentration.
Forty… fifty… and then, sixty rune motes. [Basic Rune Creation] skill leveled up, too, and a satisfied grin spread across his face the two times it did level up.
[Basic Rune Creation] – Lvl 5 -> Lvl 6!
[Basic Rune Creation] – Lvl 6 -> Lvl 7!
The number of motes he could create and the speed at which he did it had noticeably improved after each level. It drained his mana reserves daily. He’d often find himself with a dull ache behind his eyes, but he’d pushed on regardless, ignoring the beginnings of a headache and sometimes it’d blow into a full-blown migraine due to his stubbornness.
One such afternoon, as he slumped, massaging his temples, an idea struck him.
“Meditation,” he murmured. Perhaps focusing his mind inward, like calming a churning lake, could help manage his mana pool. It was usually like that in those novels he used to read back in middle school.
The first few days were frustrating. He sat cross-legged on a cushion, eyes closed, trying to clear his mind, but his thoughts kept flitting back to the ever-growing pile of soap base and the dwindling supply of rune motes (Jack hadn’t disappointed him, after all; the man was fast and his money’s worth, if not more. In fact, Ethan found it harder to keep up). Just as he was getting frustrated, a warmth bloomed within him, a gentle hum that resonated deep within something he could only describe as a core. He cracked open his eyes, a surprised gasp escaping his lips.
A notification appeared before him.
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submitted by No_Marzipan_1230 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:25 Hot_Animator_4520 Steer CLEAR of North Quincy's DAngelos!

I went inside to pick up my pre-ordered online purchase and was standing just 2nd in line when a man came in and stepped right in front of me??
I said "Excuse me?" and he said "Picking up." I said "Yeah so am I, there's a line." He said (broken english) "No no Doordash." I said "I don't care. You're here to pick up an order and so am I. This is the line."
At that point a male D'Angelos employee (AfrAm, thin, 30-ish) at the register seemed to get angry at me(??) stopped serving the man at his register and says "No! Doordash goes before you!" while going over to the sandwich prep section and grabbing Doordash's order and handing it to the man??
I said "Excuse me!? We're both here picking up online orders. Why is he allowed to cut in front of me?! Are you the manager?!"
To which this employee says "There's no manager." (??)
So I asked for the contact info for the manager.
To which he says "No. I'm not giving you that." (!!)
Stunned, I said "Then who is the owner!?"
He says "I don't know.", at which point I can see "Manager" written in small letters on the man's shirt!
I say "Waitasecond your shirt says "Manager". You're the manager!?"
He says "Yes I'm the manager, I'm John."
Me: "And as manager you don't know who the owner is?? Who do you report to??"
Him "I don't know." as he walks away to the back of the store and I leave, having been handed my order by another employee. On top of all this, my order was totally incorrect and not even close to what I had already paid for!
If D'Angelos gives priority to delivery services over equally-paying customers then they should have an entirely different section with proper signage for Doordash, Grubhub, etc. and not leave things confusing/unfair with drivers thinking it's just ok to cut other customers waiting in line...and managers supporting this happening!
I contacted DAngelos Customer Service and was told "If this location does not meet your expectations you should try a different DAngelos."(!!!)
submitted by Hot_Animator_4520 to QuincyMa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:21 Dry-Bell-7560 I (22M) am afraid someone will take my boyfriend (23M) - I thought I was overthinking but now...?

Hi! I start by saying that I love and trust my boyfriend completely. We've been together for 2 years now. We live in different cities, 3h drive. We meet 2-3 times a month, but text almost every half hour and both are still very in love with each other (maybe even more than before). It's my first real relationship and I've never felt so happy in my life.
In the past I've been hurt (emotionally) by a few guys - they told me I'm theirs only and then later I found out that they secretly sent pics and flirty texts with many other guys (and went to gay bars and found people there etc etc, you all know the basic cheating thing...)
My boyfriend is a cute nerd, a bit shy and doesn't go out much. Now he's starting going out with work friends (girls) and to gay clubs to dance and have a drink. We have Snapchat live location ON (he suggested that so I wouldn't worry). That's all fine, I'm glad he's socializing.
But since I've been hurt in the past and an emotional guy then now I've become quite jealous and a big overthinker... What if my bf is actually sexting with other guys he found at a gay club or what if he's secretly on Grindr, what if there's one dude who knows how to charm etcetc. I feel so stupid...
Now a few days ago he went to sleep and forgot his phone unlocked. Now I'm a jerk for doing this next thing but... I checked his phone. No Grindr, no dating apps. On Messenger there were chats with family and friends. Same with Snapchat. Until... I found that he was texting two guys time to time (they're gay, I saw both of them on Grindr years ago) on Instagram, reacting to their storys (which is fine) but then also sending them some gay memes/content (ex: Romeo & Liam playing around on Insta, some top-bottom jokes) and the other way around. And I scrolled up and saw this message from one of the guys to my boyfriend: "I know you're in a relationship. But if u ever wanna fool around, u can turn to me." My bf replied: noted, but I have a boyfriend (and no more messages that day/night). I also found that same guy replying to a hot gay joke my bf sent him: "You know how I feel about you, I would drool" or something. And a few weird things like that as well. But they also chatted about some video game and some random normal stuff, nothing flirty.
I asked my boyfriend in the morning who is that guy and if they're talking on Insta (didn't tell him I looked through his dm's...). He said that this dude has tried hitting on him but my bf told him to calm down and stop. Which was all true. So basically my boyfriend told me that yes there is this guy and they don't meet irl and text few times a month (but actually few times a week, very little conversation tho, but still enough to make lose my mind...).
So now I'm really broken... My overthinking has gone worse. I'm scared when he's going out in the future. I... I don't know 😣 I can't ask him to stop texting people, I don't want to be that controlling toxic boyfriend. I'm afraid of losing him and you know what they say: "If you keep thinking about something it might eventually happen if you think enough..." It scares me...
What should I do, how should I control my thoughts, should I ask my bf something? I beg for advice, please, how can I calm myself down?
TL;DR;: This is a sample summary of the TLDR rule, all things are bold. Is this going the right way?.
submitted by Dry-Bell-7560 to CheatingGF [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:14 TheKruszer Is There Really No Way to Reach TD Bank's Legal Department? (On ODSP, trying to prevent seizure of my dental fund savings by Quebec court mandate)

The TD Branch manager, their customer service department... they all say there's no way to contact TD's legal department and that they'll only deal with the courts. Is this true? I've got a letter from a lawyer stating that ODSP funds cannot be garnished or seized. But there seems to be no way to get the information to TD that I'm on ODSP and that the mandate from the Quebec court to seize the entirety of my dental fund savings is therefore not valid. Any direction on this would be appreciated, as the funds are to be garnished Tuesday and over the past 15 days, I've not been able to secure a Quebec lawyer to fight back.
For backstory: A Quebec court order resulted in my bank account being frozen 13 days ago, they're two days away from garnishing all the funds I've been painstakingly saving up for dental implants after losing nearly all my teeth to a lifetime of poverty and health issues.
I live in Ontario but have a debt with the Quebec government from back when I lived across the river and received welfare. At the time, I was trying to start a non profit organization and received a few thousand dollars from friends and acquaintances who believed in my goal to eventually get off assistance by starting something that could eventually lead to gainful employment. I was nowhere near the point of even covering the organization's expenses (much of which I paid out of pocket or put on my credit cards) but I received a few thousand dollars over several years, from friends and acquaintance who believed in my vision. These were funds given to me in trust for the explicit use of activism, recruitment materials, and travel to conferences to generate further interest in the project.
Unfortunately, the Quebec government claimed that these funds were "undeclared income". They claimed I was therefore not eligible for government assistance during the months I had "too much income" and they demanded those months of welfare support back. It goes without saying that if I had used the funds for my own personal expenses, as the government claims I should've done, that I would've betrayed the trust of those who donated to my vision. But I couldn't convince the government of that.
After they combed through several years of bank statements, the government came up with a amount of more than $5000 that they wanted to reclaim for months they considered me ineligible for assistance. In many instances their calculations were flawed, claiming amounts that I had already declared and received legitimately (for instance an honorarium plus flight reimbursement that they claimed I didn't report, in spite of several letters back and forth proving the contrary). In other cases, GST and tax rebate checks were counted against me when these are supposed to be exempt!
I never got my day in court. Due to disability, I missed my 2022 court date at the Tribunal Administrative du Quebec (TAQ) and a decision was rendered against me in my absence. I didn't know that my legal aid lawyer could've requested a new date, given that it was disability related absence, nor that I had the option to protest the decision at a higher court within a "reasonable delay" (considered to be 30-60 days). I felt the frustration at never having had the chance to clear my name and prove I'd done nothing wrong, but I thought that so long as I lived in Ontario, the undeserved debt with the Quebec government would stay in Quebec.
It wasn't until 2 weeks ago, when I discovered my groceries were no longer showing up, that I learned my account had been frozen and that the Quebec government plans to seize more than $10,000 (nearly double the principle in interest fees and court fees!) which I had been painstakingly saving for future dental restorations over many years.
On ODSP we're allowed to receive gifts/loans up to $10,000 per year and having up to $40,000 in savings. I'm well below those limits. The problem is that while ODSP funds (hopefully) can't be garnished, gifts and loans might not be exempt. I also received some federal student grants (yet another fruitless attempt at improving my state in life) which I may not have entirely spent down, as I was holding off on big expenses for school, like a new computer and still have courses I need to retake. I'm going to need at least $30,000 or $40,000 to replace what a lifetime of undiagnosed disabilities and on-off homeless cost my teeth, so I can't afford to lose any of this $10,000!
I have had 15 days to try to find help with all this. On the Ontario side I now have the aforementioned letters from a probono lawyer and from my ODSP worker that I have no means of delivering to anyone in power at the bank. On the Quebec side, I'd hoped Legal Aid Quebec, whom I finally had an appointment with Friday, would file a motion with the Quebec court to oppose the seizure. Instead, they told me they can't help me cause I have "too much funds in my account to be eligible for legal aid". That's right, the account that's bloody FROZEN and about to be DRAINED by Quebec if nobody intervenes is preventing me from getting legal assistance! While it's frozen I can't even access bank transcripts to prove my income and expenditures. But I'm supposed to somehow use that non-accessible money to hire a lawyer at the 11th hour?!
It hasn't escaped my notice that both the Quebec government and now Legal Aid Quebec are perpetuating the same injustice. The latter wants me to take funds GIVEN IN TRUST for medical reasons, to fight a claimed debt that I incurred as a result of funds GIVEN IN TRUST for a nonprofit startup a decade ago. In both cases, those funds weren't mine to use on anything other than their specific stated intent.
This is what it's like to try to navigate life and finances with a disability, all while trying your hardest over several difficult decades to improve your lot in life. Justice isn't blind, she's just too prejudiced to see disabled people as anything other than criminals who deserve a life sentence of absolute poverty.
Thank you in advance for any helpful information!
submitted by TheKruszer to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:14 Dry-Bell-7560 I (22M) am afraid someone will take my boyfriend (23M) - I thought I was overthinking but now...?

I start by saying that I love and trust my boyfriend completely. We've been together for 2 years now. We live in different cities, 3h drive. We meet 2-3 times a month, but text almost every half hour and both are still very in love with each other (maybe even more than before). It's my first real relationship and I've never felt so happy in my life.
In the past I've been hurt (emotionally) by a few guys - they told me I'm theirs only and then later I found out that they secretly sent pics and flirty texts with many other guys (and went to gay bars and found people there etc etc, you all know the basic cheating thing...)
My boyfriend is a cute nerd, a bit shy and doesn't go out much. Now he's starting going out with work friends (girls) and to gay clubs to dance and have a drink. We have Snapchat live location ON (he suggested that so I wouldn't worry). That's all fine, I'm glad he's socializing.
But since I've been hurt in the past and an emotional guy then now I've become quite jealous and a big overthinker... What if my bf is actually sexting with other guys he found at a gay club or what if he's secretly on Grindr, what if there's one dude who knows how to charm etcetc. I feel so stupid...
Now a few days ago he went to sleep and forgot his phone unlocked. Now I'm a jerk for doing this next thing but... I checked his phone. No Grindr, no dating apps. On Messenger there were chats with family and friends. Same with Snapchat. Until... I found that he was texting two guys time to time (they're gay, I saw both of them on Grindr years ago) on Instagram, reacting to their storys (which is fine) but then also sending them some gay memes/content (ex: Romeo & Liam playing around on Insta, some top-bottom jokes) and the other way around. And I scrolled up and saw this message from one of the guys to my boyfriend: "I know you're in a relationship. But if u ever wanna fool around, u can turn to me." My bf replied: noted, but I have a boyfriend (and no more messages that day/night). I also found that same guy replying to a hot gay joke my bf sent him: "You know how I feel about you, I would drool" or something. And a few weird things like that as well. But they also chatted about some video game and some random normal stuff, nothing flirty.
I asked my boyfriend in the morning who is that guy and if they're talking on Insta (didn't tell him I looked through his dm's...). He said that this dude has tried hitting on him but my bf told him to calm down and stop. Which was all true. So basically my boyfriend told me that yes there is this guy and they don't meet irl and text few times a month (but actually few times a week, very little conversation tho, but still enough to make lose my mind...).
So now I'm really broken... My overthinking has gone worse. I'm scared when he's going out in the future. I... I don't know 😣 I can't ask him to stop texting people, I don't want to be that controlling toxic boyfriend. I'm afraid of losing him and you know what they say: "If you keep thinking about something it might eventually happen if you think enough..." It scares me...
What should I do, how should I control my thoughts, should I ask my bf something? I beg for advice, please, how can I calm myself down?
TL;DR;: This is a sample summary of the TLDR rule, all things are bold. Is this going the right way?.
submitted by Dry-Bell-7560 to DatingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:05 Heavy_Silver9845 Should I?

Long story short - I attended a local co ed sport event hosted at a school field, the parking lot at the school was for some reason was closed which forced me to park on a street near by. As I parked - I seen a beautiful lady pull out of her driveway and past me( I don’t think she saw me). Now I can’t seem to stop thinking about her. (Obviously, I know absolutely know nothing about her ) I’m wondering if I should “shoot my shot” by writing a little letter nd leave it on her car or something? Or just leave it alone nd move on because tht might come across as creepy ?
submitted by Heavy_Silver9845 to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:05 EndlessEire74 (M18) venting about relationship w (F18)

So me (18m) and my gf (18f) have been going out since december last year, this being my first 'serious' relationship and for the first while everything was going great but in the last ~3 months its not been so good and im not quite sure what to do.
I've always tried my best for her because i really do love her but lately its been feeling one sided for me. Whenever i would buy her smth, write a love letter or even just a paragraph, plan a virtual date night or smth for her all i get is an "aw thats cute" or things along those lines, I never get any of those things in return so its getting harder for me to keep going with things like that (which i still do) which shes told me makes her feel like i dont love her as much.
Theres also this thing where she says she loves me one week but then the next it can be "idk how i feel" and every so often she says we should break up but when i ask why or whats wrong she says she doesnt have the energy to talk abt it and then a few hours everything is suddenly fine, it fucks with my head so bad and it ends up making me feel like absolute shit and like im not worth anything or that im not good enough. She says she never wants to talk abt it because shes "broken" after bad experiences w ex bfs and her really shitty childhood (bullied, father left, groomed) and thats why shes kinds fucked she says.
Im just not sure what to do now, last night she pulled the "i wanna break up thing" in the middle of my 2 weeks of finals after we had previously talked about how it made me feel when she did that and after trying to fix whatever was wrong (again, wouldnt tell me). I messaged her multiple times but she didnt respond for 5 hours until it was 1 am just saying "hi" and when i asked what tf was wrong earlier and what made her say that she just said "nothing" and changed topics. Both her and her friend that ik say that im the healthiest bf shes had and that shes always been like this but i really dont know
I honestly dont think i have it in me to talk her back into staying next time she pulls this, its so draining and ive lately just been having thoughts of inadequacy about myself non stop. Is this normal? I have no idea what im doing here (first ever serious relationship) so ig im just looking to vent and maybe for advice if anyone can give it, im also good to answer any questions if someone needs more info
submitted by EndlessEire74 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:59 idiotgirl420 TFL charged me with a criminal offence even though I had paid for my ticket

Hi everyone,
Back in April, I went on a day trip to Brighton. It was my first time traveling there via railway services, as I arrived in London very recently from my home country. On my return to London, I showed my return ticket at the Brighton train station entrance. As I arrived at the station in London, I realized I needed to tap out in order to exit. I tried finding a member of the staff to let me through, as I did not tap in because I was coming from the railway station and did not want to get charged the full fare for a trip I already had a ticket for. I was unable to locate any staff members and needed to find a way out quickly as I was suffering from serious stomach cramps. My desperation got the best of me and I decided to tailgate behind someone exiting before me. My lack of experience with London's transportation system made me feel as though I had no other choice. Immediately as I walked out, a police officer stopped me and I explained to him the situation. He took my information and told me to send an email to TFL detailing what had happened once I received a letter from them, which I did.
Last week i got an envelope, with various papers, saying that i've been charged with a criminal offence. I have to make my plea in 10 days. The letter says i breached Byelaw 9(2) for passing through the ticket barrier in an incorrect manner- EVEN THOUGH I paid for my ticket. Should I plea guilty or not guilty? The forms also say I have the choice to go to the court hearing or not, but I'll be leaving the UK at the end of the month for good so I don't even think I would be here for it. Could it be possible for them to block my passport?
please help i dont wanna go to jail im just a girl!!!
submitted by idiotgirl420 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:54 Dry-Bell-7560 I (22M) am afraid someone will take my boyfriend (23M) - I thought I was overthinking but now...?

Hi! I start by saying that I love and trust my boyfriend completely. We've been together for 2 years now. We live in different cities, 3h drive. We meet 2-3 times a month, but text almost every half hour and both are still very in love with each other (maybe even more than before). It's my first real relationship and I've never felt so happy in my life.
In the past I've been hurt (emotionally) by a few guys - they told me I'm theirs only and then later I found out that they secretly sent pics and flirty texts with many other guys (and went to gay bars and found people there etc etc, you all know the basic cheating thing...)
My boyfriend is a cute nerd, a bit shy and doesn't go out much. Now he's starting going out with work friends (girls) and to gay clubs to dance and have a drink. We have Snapchat live location ON (he suggested that so I wouldn't worry). That's all fine, I'm glad he's socializing.
But since I've been hurt in the past and an emotional guy then now I've become quite jealous and a big overthinker... What if my bf is actually sexting with other guys he found at a gay club or what if he's secretly on Grindr, what if there's one dude who knows how to charm etcetc. I feel so stupid...
Now a few days ago he went to sleep and forgot his phone unlocked. Now I'm a jerk for doing this next thing but... I checked his phone. No Grindr, no dating apps. On Messenger there were chats with family and friends. Same with Snapchat. Until... I found that he was texting two guys time to time (they're gay, I saw both of them on Grindr years ago) on Instagram, reacting to their storys (which is fine) but then also sending them some gay memes/content (ex: Romeo & Liam playing around on Insta, some top-bottom jokes) and the other way around. And I scrolled up and saw this message from one of the guys to my boyfriend: "I know you're in a relationship. But if u ever wanna fool around, u can turn to me." My bf replied: noted, but I have a boyfriend (and no more messages that day/night). I also found that same guy replying to a hot gay joke my bf sent him: "You know how I feel about you, I would drool" or something. And a few weird things like that as well. But they also chatted about some video game and some random normal stuff, nothing flirty.
I asked my boyfriend in the morning who is that guy and if they're talking on Insta (didn't tell him I looked through his dm's...). He said that this dude has tried hitting on him but my bf told him to calm down and stop. Which was all true. So basically my boyfriend told me that yes there is this guy and they don't meet irl and text few times a month (but actually few times a week, very little conversation tho, but still enough to make lose my mind...).
So now I'm really broken... My overthinking has gone worse. I'm scared when he's going out in the future. I... I don't know 😣 I can't ask him to stop texting people, I don't want to be that controlling toxic boyfriend. I'm afraid of losing him and you know what they say: "If you keep thinking about something it might eventually happen if you think enough..." It scares me...
What should I do, how should I control my thoughts, should I ask my bf something? I beg for advice, please, how can I calm myself down?
TL;DR;: This is a sample summary of the TLDR rule, all things are bold. Is this going the right way?.
submitted by Dry-Bell-7560 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:48 ThrowAwaySmores Unplanned update and advice needed.

Original post with an update:
Related Post:
I wasn’t planning on updating again until after the baby was born, but a lot has happened since I last posted.
I found a very nice couple to adopt my unborn baby. They have two sons and one daughter already. My dad and lawyer did background checks and everything. They’re a nice family who want a large family. They have two biological children, but can no longer have any more, so, they want to adopt as many as they’re allowed. But unless I get their permission, that’s all I can tell you about them right now. I don’t know how much they want out there. But they said they would give their daughter any letter or note write to her once she reached fourteen or fifteen depending on when they think she’s ready and can comprehend everything.
I know a lot of people have been getting on me because I say uncle and aunt instead of aunt and uncle. I think someone even corrected me on that. I get aunt and uncle may sound better, but I say uncle first because he’s my dad’s brother and my aunt married in. If my aunt were my dad’s sister, I would say aunt first. Maybe that’s wrong, but that’s how I put it.
But getting to them. My uncle is in jail for getting drunk and then getting into a verbal fight with my dad and a physical fight with some people in public. My aunt is in a psychiatric ward after threatening suicide after I continued to deny her my unborn baby. It only got worse when she found out I found a couple.
My grandpa had a mild stroke and was temporarily placed in a different home than grandma. He sincerely apologized for saying everything he said and did, but still thinks I’m being ungrateful. Still, he said he supports my decision and won’t stop me.
My grandma apologized to dad but refused to look at me until a few days ago. She said she was sorry and that she understood that being a mother at fifteen is difficult. But that was why I should have let my uncle and aunt have my unborn baby. However, I’m going to be sixteen in two weeks, so I’ll be sixteen when my baby is born. So, seeing as I will be sixteen, I should be able to handle being a mother. Not only that, but this may be my only chance to have a baby. And that got me thinking about what if she’s right. What if this was my only chance? But I also know I’m not ready and that I would feel awful if I backed out of the adoption when I really liked the couple. So, my grandma is back to refusing to have anything to do with me.
I decided that if this was the only chance I got to be pregnant, then it’s just not meant to be. If I can’t have any babies in the future, I’ll get plenty of ice cream and maybe some more cats, dogs, hamsters, or whatever. I would love to be a mom in the future, but whatever happens, happens.
I’m just starting to become comfortable and my therapist says keeping the baby could throw everything off. But she also says it’s my choice.
I must be blind or really stupid because I didn’t realize my dad was gay (or bi) and that his best friend who is always over helping is actually his boyfriend. I didn’t know and just thought he was a very good friend. I accept them because they seem very happy together. And I believe love is love. However, I really wish I didn’t find out the way I did.
Short version: it was late at night and I got up to use the bathroom. I heard noises coming from my dad’s room that I didn’t recognize, so I went to investigate. And that’s where I’m leaving that.
My dad’s teaching assistant came over a few weeks ago and I met him. He’s very, very nice. He just turned nineteen. He knows I was attacked and that I’m putting the baby up for adoption. He also knows that certain family members are against it, but he doesn’t know any personal details. He asked me out on a date last week. Dad said fine, but it had to be supervised. My friends and their partners were supposed to go with.
The date was supposed to be Friday afternoon. However, I became sick and it only became worse as the days went by. Dad finally made me go to the ER Thursday night. I have two blood clots: a small one in my chest and a medium-sized one next to my right lung.
So, I’ve been stuck in the hospital since then. And I will be stuck here until they say the clots are manageable outside of the hospital. However, the nurses and one doctor recommended that because I am pregnant and am due soon, I should just stay in the hospital until after she is born. I don’t know how I feel about that. I don’t want to stay in the hospital any longer than I have to.
Originally I was told I was due at the end of July or beginning of August. Now they’re saying most likely July.
Please, can someone give me any advice because everyone I know is telling me to listen to the doctors.
My cats are still kittens and would destroy the cords, so they can’t be here. I feel like I’m losing my mind.
submitted by ThrowAwaySmores to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:34 I_am_here_for_help Narcissistic family might have locked me up in this country forever

Long story short: after I escaped my narcissistic family and moved to another country, my family managed to convince the police to give me a travel ban so that I can never leave this country and I stay here for the rest of my life, unless I choose to travel back to my family. I don’t know how they convinced the police to do that to me. I live in the middle east and the law is fucked. I have tried everything to lift this travel ban and free myself. And finally when the embassay acknowledged my letter and replied, a consul reached out to me and said he could help. But it’s taking so, so, so long to fix the issue and I’ve been stuck in this country with this travel ban for more than a year now. I had a feeling my family are behind this, so I contacted the consul and asked are you sure you’re working on this? Why is it taking too long? He said he’ll let me know why later. Now I’m getting paranoid. I feel like I escaped a prison to another. Only this time it’s a bigger prison with no walls. Like my escape after 27 years of abuse (physical and sexual abuse, death threats, assaults, punishments, and not being allowed to leave the house) didn’t mean anything and I might as well have stayed in that same hell. They managed to lock me up here even after escaping them, I’m still under their control, just leaving wasn’t enough. Am I supposed to speak to someone else? The police aren’t helping either. So I don’t know. Should I get a lawyer? Any advice or guidance would help. I refuse to give up. I’ll do anything to get the fuck out of here. I’ve already come a long way so I’m not stopping now.
submitted by I_am_here_for_help to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]