How to make fake pregnant ultrasound on the computer

Baby Bumps

2010.11.27 19:56 hersheykiss7761 Baby Bumps

A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. Not the place for bump or ultrasound pics, sorry!

2008.03.24 02:19 Computer Science: Theory and Application

Computer Science Theory and Application. We share and discuss any content that computer scientists find interesting. People from all walks of life welcome, including hackers, hobbyists, professionals, and academics.

2011.11.16 11:47 PalermoJohn AskNetsec

Dedicated to those passionate about security.

2024.05.16 16:13 Electrical-Ad1820 Why champs do and don't get skins

So it's fair to say that skins aren't distributed evenly with Atlas having less skins (no matter what metric yoy use) than Rei who's existed for dramatically less time than him, so what makes a skin viable to developers?
In general there's 3 big metrics other elements do come into play occasionally and I'll talk about that later, but the big ones are as follow:

This is your TLDR as well as the image sumise what you will, be angry at the devs for not giving Dredge a skin.





Certainly it comes as no surprise that having an idea for skins are more important than just about anything else, if there's a will there's a way and the biggest thing is there's even concept of a skin it's hard to slam say Androxus into something new without some sort of idea of what you want.
Of course they still do this for champions and their first skins, which is how you end up with stuff like Pirate Io, and fish Saati, of course at varying levels of success, at the same time a champion might not need a entirely new concept as their first skin, take for example Imani who's steelforged skins come from one of her concept designs, and so fits rather well, the same with Azaan and his only skin Dark Drake.
Of course some champions skins come naturally to, a cool ass flying guy, with a revolver, a pertinence for punching, and some magic barrier? Well you can reflavor all that surprisingly easy, let me do it right now: Ghost pirate captain with water powers, Revenant cowboy using dustdevil magic, Jet boots wearing cyberpunk Bounty Hunter, Psychic gun weilder using basically PI powers, Bootleg revolver ocelot with ghost powers, Witchking ripoff, Detective of some form, cursed living gun controlling someone, Hellrider knockoff, Hellboy knockoff
That's just after 5 minutes. But the same can't be said for Barik, you see Barik is a dwarf, with rocket boots, and turrets, and a shield all of this is rather high tech which means sometimes it doesn't naturally mesh well with certain aesthetics. And the ideas that come with him have either been made already here or on Paladins Strike. The issue with Barik is he's kind of pigeonholed into a specific role being dwarf, something needs to work with this or needs to be at least not jarring, this mixed with his meh popularity, and apparently his animation rigs are fucked up it makes making a skin for him kind of a perfect nightmare if it weren't for the fact it'd look cheap I'd have put him in all 3 "issue" slots.
The one idea I could come up with for Barik is space dwarf, which can be recoloured for any other flavor of futurism, otherwise the rest are just more flavors of what Barik already is.


Naturally popularity of a character will do well to help any skins they have sell, so even if the devs don't have a idea, these characters can be tied up with the Meta, accomodating a gaming demographic, or just has a history of successful skins because while Imani is definitely complex to make skins for, and some of the ideas they pull are far fetched to say the least, they do seem to manage to sell rather well even against her own personal popularity being mediocre until recently.
Certain characters also get squandered because relativism, a few characters to be unable to outpreform or match selling value their peak skins (Pepper for Pip), and the inverse happens more often where a character just has a Dumpster tornado fire of a skin (Think Sugar Plum Willo) there's also just characters who've started to exhaust the amount of themes they can run, or have concepts that only work as one shot skins, not everyone fits cuddley for example. So the devs wait to pair these skins up.
Of course on the other end of things there's characters like Cassie and Sha Lin who are just a bit boring gameplay wise to wow people with skins, like yeah you just shoot more, or differently, Cassie still manages a odd end skin, but both lack the dramatic scale of Imani or Bomb King or the whole feeling of something like Tyra, Viktor, Vivian aka"The Gunners" Which might make for a topic of it's own but avoiding a tangent let's continue.
Sometimes characters could easily nail concepts, and aren't even complicated Torvald, Octavia, and Atlas. Torvald is a goofy old guy there's very few power fantasies you get with him, but if they managed to keep making more "cool" skins like the Barbarian and Revenant recolour he could do well.
Octavia is kind of a oddball she should be popular but she's first of all too complicated for new players to latch onto her like they can for the others, and unlike Torvald she's not particularly meta or really needed for any comp in any sense.
And finally, Atlas is just not popular, and that's because he's clunky and he's hard, and unlike say Evie, or even his offtank peirs he's not really doing montage worthy plays, or clipable plays outside of bullying someone, which is really not hard and is easily replicatable for most people while the actual meat of the kit is the hard part, it's like doing accurate midevil nail blacksmithing, it's a dying art without any of the flashiness. And if nothing else Atlas is so unpopular I couldn't find a non gold version of his model online without a background.


Sometimes a character's base animations are just too complicated for the returns the less moving parts and complexity attached to a champion the easier it is just to slap a skin on them, in relativity that is.
Viktor is a guy with 5 parts and some move some don't, the guy, the gun, the magazine, binoculars, and a Grenade, and really the magazine, Grenade, and Binoculars don't move in too complex ways if at all. But we can get even simpler even faster, Rei has no weapon instead a crap ton of particle effects that they put more effort into to justify Of course Lian is pretty simple like very simple, like so so simple it's not funny I mean to the point they remove her complex bits and she doesn't even need animation on a few of her guns just some slightly different glowing particle beams.
On the other end we have Dredge, Moji, and Willo, with them mentioning multiple times now they're often with multiple high detail bones, and rigs for their weapons and themselves, of course it seems that Willo has forsaken overcomplicating her weapon too much in favor of making them static in full or in part, compared to the moving flower, but she still has the wing going on which also moves dramatically differently, of course with Will.0 and the Yellow Jacket Recolour they feel more confident in not overdoing these complex details when making her skins when they consider making skins for her since she is noticably more popular now.

Extra Reasons for skins to be received.

Sometimes when crossovers come in you get people, real people who want to make sure they're represented in ways they like so they choose who they like, or characters from other media like RWBY where they more or less just naturally fit with a champion via weapons or abilities, that's why Chase was layered over Viktor.
Sometimes skins come from extra assets being made, such as the two fake bomb kings or the Cultist Vatu skin which more or less just comes from the ease of needing a base model to use for animations.
submitted by Electrical-Ad1820 to Paladins [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:09 ImaginationStatus184 11yr old bugs and annoys all day

My sister is a single mother to an autistic child who is 11 years old. He’s on the spectrum due to anxiety issues, but other than that he’s just fine. Very smart, capable of handling tasks on his own, etc.
I am 35 and live next door to them and I work from home full time and my sister works in an office during the day, but he was expelled from the last 2 weeks of school before she really had a plan for what to do during the summer and I conveniently had this time frame off of work so I offered to help watch him to make sure he is safe, but it’s not a true baby sitting deal as I told her that he would need to mostly watch himself and I could keep my eye on things just in case there is an emergency but I have several things going on preparing for the next couple months of my job that I would NOT be able to watch him constantly.
I’m starting to realize that he’s a major pain in the ass. He’s overweight and over eats so his mom has to severely limit everything that he eats, but he doesn’t seem to understand the word “no” because he constantly asks for more and more and more to eat all day long. And I seriously mean every 5 minutes. He’s also grounded because he got expelled and this kid has no clue how to entertain himself outside of electronics. Any hobby or artistic suggestion is shot down because it’s “too hard” and he’s “not good at it” so he bugs the shit out of me ALL DAY.
He follows me around like a puppy, he constantly wants to have conversations about cartoons and stuff that I have no clue what he is talking about. For instance “did you know that in episode 3 of season 2 of Steven universe that bustly had an appearance of her actual nose for a split second and then the next frame it had her fake nose? What do you think was going through her head?”
It’s just not a conversation that I can participate in and I’ve tried explaining that or saying things like “I really don’t know anything about what you’re talking about” and he says “well I’m gonna tell you anyway”
If I stand up and walk into the kitchen and he’s nearby he stands up and walks into the kitchen and then proceeds to stand way too close to me all the time. Everytime I turn around he’s RIGHT THERE. I have to ask him to move ALL THE TIME.
Next week I have to start working all day again. I had to ask him today to try and start “getting used to not being around me constantly”
Today, I’m staying in my place and camera watching him from their place in the apartment next door. I just can’t handle the all day annoyance anymore.
He just refuses to entertain himself and I can’t think of any other way to try and FORCE it
submitted by ImaginationStatus184 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:08 ExpressionPretty36 AITA for not helping my sister with her pregnancy?

Long story short…my older sister (30yo) was married and having an affair, divorced her husband and left him for the other man. She left that man too, and then met someone else and was intentionally trying to get pregnant with this other guy after knowing him for a month or so.
A little back story…this is not uncommon actions and lack of morals for her…she is a broken record and wrecks lives all around her. She has hurt me more times than I can count throughout my life, she’s a pathological liar. She’s the type of person I would steer clear of if she weren’t my sister. But she also craves my approval and attention more than anything…you can see the pain on her face when I’m not returning the affection she wants from her little sister. My role in our childhood as 2 girls and an abusive single dad was the youngest of the family that had my head on straight, almost like the glue of the family.
I’m 27 and happily married with no kids, I own a business and run it 7 days a week. I live about 2 hours from her.
When she told me she was pregnant, I was disappointed in her that she would get pregnant intentionally knowing we came from an unstable home. She acts almost as if she’s getting a new pet…like she doesn’t grasp that this is a human life. But she claims that God did this and she was supposed to get pregnant.
She’s not with the baby daddy…he lives several hours away. He’s a nutcase too. So she’s a single mom about to give birth in June. I know she’s in over her head, I’m very concerned for the baby. But it’s not my responsibility to take care of her baby. Like I said, I’m married and have a business to run. My husband is just as frustrated as I am, because he sees how upsetting my sister and I’s relationship is. There’s lots of back story, too much to tell here.
My Question… She just asked me if I would stay with her for a few days after the baby is born. I DO NOT want to do that. AITA?? I have a business trip around the due date also, so not sure about that one. Imagining her struggling alone when she gets home from the hospital does break my heart, but she also did this to herself. She’s going to have many days that are hard, beyond the first week of her baby’s birth.
So AITA? I’m tired of my sister using me and lying to me about the dumbest things. I told her a couple months ago that I am not raising her baby. She wants me to be around the baby’s life…but honestly I can’t hardly stand to be around my sister. Her and I are like day and night. She should be having kids with her husband, not a random guy. She intentionally did this to herself. I’m not trying to punish her, I’m just stating the facts. My sister’s poor decision making can’t interrupt my life. I have given her money I don’t have, I’ve listened to her cries even when she knowingly crosses boundaries. I’m just tired of feeling responsible for her when she tells me I’m all that she has.
submitted by ExpressionPretty36 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:06 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 15 2024

DAY: MAY 15, 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:06 Reasonable-Might-377 Theory: Caine will die if someone leaves the Digital Circus

Since the second episode for digital circus came out, I keep seeing a lot of theories regarding where Caine is hiding the exit inside the "game" and why. But I believe differently, Caine isn't hiding the exit just so he can keep the beta testers in the game.
He is doing it because once someone "exits" the game that means it will entirely shut down and kill him until someone turns it back on. We know that digital circus is some sort of computer application that works similarly to VR chat based off Pomni's hallucinations in the pilot. The exit is supposed to represent a X out option that you will usually have in the right top side of your application.
The void that Caine also accidentally put Pomni in is supposed to represent the outskirts or control panel for the game, possibly like a small options menu for the application itself. Caine doesn't want anyone to stop playing the game because once the application closes and shuts down he goes away with it.
Another theory to add onto this is that the beta testers are not actually themselves, they are ai copies of the people who played the game which is why they can't leave. They are literally NPC's who are sentient. Just like Gumigoo and the other NPC's we saw in episode 2. I believe that once the real versions of the beta testers put on the headsets they just played the game normally and were able to leave BUT the headset basically duplicated them and made sentient robot clones who are unaware of what they actually are.
It makes even more sense why at the end of episode 2, Caine says that he wouldn't be able to keep track of who is a NPC and not in the circus. It is because they are all NPC's which are not being controlled by people. The company making this game used the minds of real people and replicated them to give their game more interactive and lively NPC's. Its a test to see how far the company can go when it comes to making their NPC's more human.
Which finally explains another reason why Caine doesn't want anyone to leave the game, because not only is he going to die but everyone else inside the game will die once it shuts down. They are all going to perish if they try to leave so Caine is distrcating them as much as possible to keep them away from the exit. Pretty dark.
submitted by Reasonable-Might-377 to theamazingdigitalciru [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:04 Super_Connection6943 I hate and get angry at being thanked or complimented

I just really hate thanks aimed at me, no matter the reason or if it’s deserved. I just don’t wanna fuckin hear it, and I, quite frankly, don’t care how grateful the person on the other end is. I do nice things because I want to. From something as simple as holding open a door to helping organize a community cleanup, I just want to do my piece and I don’t wanna hear anything from anyone unless I’m doing something wrong. Being thanked honestly makes me regret doing whatever I do.
I don’t think I have low self-esteem, I used to, but I give myself credit where it’s due. I know what I’m worth. I can also tell when a compliment is fake or real, because I do get fake compliments and I hate them. I’m sped, I grew up being able to detect that. I don’t assume the thank yous or compliments are disingenuous, but I still don’t want to hear them at all, no matter how genuine.
Sadly, I don’t know how to express “Shut up and let me do my thing” without sounding rude. And I’m a bit of a hypocrite in that I thank people for basically everything. I believe in treat people how you want to be treated, but I also don’t want to stop thanking people, because I’m grateful for every sliver I’m given.
I also don’t mind insults or criticism. Criticism, unlike compliments, can actually feel helpful, and insults can at least be funny, especially considering I’m not easily offended. And I really hate sugarcoating, if you have something mean to say to me I want it said, I’d rather not be kept in the dark about how you really feel.
I dunno why I felt the need to post this. I just wanted to.
submitted by Super_Connection6943 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:01 West_Clue7701 Career advice

I just graduated May 3rd and have my FE. I currently work at a utility company on a track to get my PE. I have been planning on attending Auburn University for quantum/classical computing. This would involve nanofabrication, microwave, cryogenic circuits, and a few other things. I have been dead set on getting the masters degree in this field as I expected to make a lot more money after graduating and would qualify for jobs at Google, Apple, IBN, etc. The degree will be paid for through fellowship and a research assistantship and my professor I will be working with has direct connections to Google. I will probably only make enough money to barely scrape by and that worries me.
Recently I have been feeling more and more like attending Auburn isn’t as good as it seems on paper. If I go to Auburn I will probably never finish getting my PE, and I assume I will have to move to a very specific location to do my specialized work. I’ve also considered maybe the huge pay increase will be due to a much higher cost of living at one of these big companies.
My current job has offered me an $80k salary if I choose to stay here. The cost of living in this area is $31k so I feel this salary is very impressive. They also have amazing insurance benefits and I am in the process of checking how much they match 401k. Overall, the company seems solid and has a very healthy work environment that I enjoy.
I am mostly worried about how much I am limiting myself to grow my salary if I choose to stay in power. I would probably leave utilities and move on to a higher paying position.
If you all could give me some insight on what you all would do given these choices that would be great. I have been worried to death I will come to a standstill on growth in my career without a masters but am now starting to think maybe places don’t care as much about that anymore and I could be making just as much with my current degree.
I am pretty burnt out on education but if the Auburn offer is worth the return I will do what is necessary.
submitted by West_Clue7701 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:54 johntangus Samsung Refrigerator stuck in Sabbath Mode?

Samsung Refrigerator stuck in Sabbath Mode?
I posted this in appliancerepair also - hoping to find the right set of eyes.
Our bottom ice maker stopped making ice a few months ago, so I finally decided to tackle that problem last weekend. Following a youtube video, I took the drawers out, the bottom door off, unplugged the ice maker and water tube heater. Upon close inspection, i saw one wire from the water tube heater had broken - so I ordered a new one. It was going to take a few days, so I moved all the food to the beer fridge and unplugged the fridge until I got the part - so maybe 36-48 hours.
When the part came in, i installed it and had no issues getting the ice maker back in, drawers and door back together. I turned on the water and plugged it in.
Immediately, all the lights on the front of the ice/water dispenser are on (water, ice, crushed, lock) and no lights on the inside (control panel and interior lights). There is cool air coming into both freezer and fridge. I press the reset on the ice maker and it fills the trays with water. I look up how to reset these models (RF27T5241SAA) and try holding down the top two buttons (Fridge and Power Cool) for 6 seconds, and the display flashes four times and goes dark again.
Thinking it may be in Sabbath Mode, I hold down the bottom two buttons for 6 seconds (WateIce and Door Alarm) it dings like it's turning on. Pressing and holding them again makes a ding like it's turning off. No change in the lights. I left the fridge on overnight and it got to temp in both fridge and freezer and both ice makers made ice! The bottom one's ice was like crushed ice though, which is strange.
I have googled this in a million different ways and have not been able to find a way to get the lights to come on. Is there a different reset method on these models (RF27T5241SAA)? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I feel like it's something simple. But then again I wouldn't be surprised if the shorted tube heater didn't jam up the computer or something.
submitted by johntangus to KitchenAppliances [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:53 amnamch New to this Journey - feeling very overwhelmed and lost

My son is almost 21 months old. We have been in EI since he was 15 months old, and through that speech therapy and OT. We still don’t have any words, and while I was offered the MCHAT at 15 months old, I wanted to wait a bit to see if he made any progress in speech therapy or displayed any other signs of being on the spectrum. At the time, the only sign he displayed was a severe speech delay. Since we’ve been in speech therapy for 5 months, we not only don’t have any words still, but he does not want to mimic any signs or sounds either. His speech therapist says he’s doing great because he is interested in speech. I.E. he looks at you when you talk, he watches your mouth, he can follow simple directions when shown (he does not seem to be able to understand when you just tell him to do something, which I’ve noticed but speech therapist doesn’t bring up)
Things I’m wondering as I’m due with baby #2 any day now and feeling extremely overwhelmed and anxious for his future :
1) original plan was to get him in preschool around other kids his own age to see how he interacts with them and if it prompts speech. This happens in August, he turns 2 on September 20th. If he didn’t show any signs of at least moving toward speech by then, I was going to go ahead and start the process of screening and diagnoses and whatever that entails. Is this a good plan, or am I delusional in thinking this can make such a big impact? He’s not around other kids really ever, as we don’t have any around us and he has no family members close to his age either.
2) How important is it to get an actual diagnoses at this age? He’s already in several different therapies, what exactly would change with an autism diagnosis rather than just a speech delay? Here are some more things he’s started doing since we started EI : •hand flapping when excited •toe walking • walking around tilting his head back and forth • spinning in circles
It’s not a TON that he’s doing these behaviors (except for hand flapping when excited…he does this a lot every day.)
3) what should we be looking for in speech therapy at this age? I’m wondering if we should try a different therapist. They have a good bond now, but it seems very repetitive and no real strategies or goals happening. I know it’s a lot of play based learning at this age - I’m just not sure if there should be more going on than literally just playing with our toys that we already have, a lot of the same things every time she comes over. For instance, putting play eggs in a bowl and mixing. In, out. Flash cards. Reading our books that we have. In other words, the exact same things that I do with him. Every time she says he had a great session today, to me it seems there is literally no progress going on and maybe we should try something different at this point.
We’re getting to the age where he’s throwing tantrums now as well, and he gets VERY frustrated because he just cannot communicate what he wants. I’m feeling like I need to do more for him than what we’re doing.
Thank you for anyone who takes the time to read this. When we got pregnant with #2, it was right before he turned 1 and we had no idea obviously that we’d be on this journey. Now that our 2nd is almost here; I’m feeling very guilty that I can’t give him 100% of my attention. He is such a bright, sweet, eager little boy and I want to make sure that he gets everything in life he deserves and I set him up with the tools and best opportunities to do that.
submitted by amnamch to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:52 Regular-External-898 Really sad. But also minor issue.

16 weeks pregnant due November 1
I feel so unphotogenic that I can’t bring myself to take any pregnancy pictures by myself or with my husband.. I know this is a minor issue compared to other people on here but it just makes me sad seeing all the cute “announcement” posts and the cute little things y’all did to tell people you love that you’re pregnant. I’ve had body dysmorphia for almost my entire life and I don’t know how to get over it. I take a picture and I’m disgusted with the way I look. I don’t know what to do. I got married and we did it at the courthouse but I’m going to have a wedding eventually and I don’t know how I’m going to take pictures then either. I feel like an ugly Fck to be honest. I see all my flaws and I literally think everyone looks better than me. I can’t take any good pictures to save my life. I know this is a stupid issue but I really wanted to have memories for my baby girl when she gets older and I don’t know how I’m going to do that if I hate every single picture I take. Sorry to all the moms going through really hard stuff.. just wanted to rant and my husband doesn’t wanna hear it right now.
submitted by Regular-External-898 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:52 Friendly_Hyena AITA for refusing to greet my cousin's new GF?

Hear me(32F) out. My cousin, Ryan (30M) has been married for a year and a half to Sara (29F), Sara and I have been friends for 16 yrs + and they've been together for 8 yrs.
Sara has never been welcomed in our family, because she is a very straightforward person and speaks her mind.
Ryan is a Police Officer and has had a lot of misbehaviour towards Sara other the years. He's been hitting her, been abusive verbally and physically and has been unfaithful on multiple occasions.
He's been a total douchebag (no one knows about this) but I do because Sara told me over the years. She made me promise not to tell anybody she just needed someone to talk to and to be there for her. I advised to leave him even though he is my cousin and I was disgusted but I couldn't do anything... I strongly campaigned for Sara to leave and she almost did but she got pregnant, she had miscarried before so this baby was important to her.
When the baby arrived Ryan went MIA and revealed to Sara after a week that he was dating and in love with a girl Nadia (30F).
Sara's world was shattered and she couldn't believe it. She had to face the challenges of being a new mom alone for the past 4 months. She got depressed to the point of her body breaking down but with a baby she had no choice to be brave and strong. Ryan has been cruel to her saying he wasn't happy with her, saying how much he loves Nadia and so on. He even became violent to Sara's mom at one point.
Sara met with Nadia to try to talk her out of the relationship and make sense of everything happening to which she responded that Ryan was happy with her. She even brought people to intimidate Sara at the meeting. And they were more than cruel to her.
Ryan seldom's participates to his child's life be it physically or financially. He never comes to visit. He is an absent father. I have spent more time with his baby than him at this point. Baby is now 5 months old and they are still married legally just live separately.
We're a Mauritian family where we value good manners and part of our culture is to greet people by kissing on the cheeks (which is very personal to me)
So this week when we went to a birthday party I was surprised to see Ryan and Nadia invited to one of the most important events of the year in my family. I was fuming with rage so I greeted everyone and just ignored Nadia. I litterally said hello to everyone around her and avoided her completely. I knew perfectly well what I was doing, this was a calculated move on my part. I wanted to hurt her.... I sat for a few minutes at the party but after some time I had to leave because my kraken was awakening.
My other cousin (40F), the host was unhappy with my attitude and said I was rude and that this was very inappropriate. I stood by my ground we had a fight and I went back home. Many people including Ryan think I was harsh and said they expected better from someone as smart as I am. Needless to say that I still don't agree and I'm thinking of cutting all of them off from my life...
Even my mom says I should have at least said hello because it's impolite and it's not Nadia's fault only Ryan's.
I'm far from being objective at this point I hate Nadia 😒...
So AITA ?.
submitted by Friendly_Hyena to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:50 CompetitionExtreme36 Middle manager wants to replace his coworkers with AI? I'll let him throw the first stone.

I own a managed service provider (MSP) firm which provides cloud computing services to clients. Business is good enough to pay my employees a respectable wage, while offering them a good work-life balance.
I have never had to lay off a single employee yet.
I hired a senior IT technician as a middle manager, let's call him Harry. Harry seems to have gone off the rails about AI. He has started to micromonitor our coworkers to an unacceptable extent, and he has kept on pesturing me to investigate how I could use ChatGPT and other AI technologies to reduce employee costs.
Frankly, this rubbed me off the wrong way. Harry does not have a stake in any of his coworkers losing their jobs, and his constant micromonitoring had become an issue.
Plus, I have had a look at ChatGPT and there is simply no way it could replace any of my technical employees. ChatGPT has no agency, nor can it can't deal with clients, nor it can't see the computer screen to troubleshoot jackshit.
However, ChatGPT could easily replace a middle manager, assuming someone else takes on some additional responsibility daily. You see ChatGPT has certain plugins and a Code Interpretor mode (which can do calculations and process spreadsheets as input/output). This can decimate the workload of a middle manager (at-least in our firm), allowing their responsibilities to be absorbed by another senior employee (me in this case).
I kept this in mind and have been shadowing Harry's job for the past few months. A stellar employee retired last week. I approached Harry and told him that I took his suggestions to heart, and have decided to automate his role with AI.
I told him he could accept his redundancy package or be retrained in Azure. He chose to be retrained in Azure.
Unfortunately for Harry, he'll lose the comfy priveleges being a middle manager entails. Fortunately for our coworkers, they will have an impartial AI making decisions. Fortunately for me, I won't have to pay for a redundant role.
submitted by CompetitionExtreme36 to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:49 djminger007 CKB and BTC L2

How CKB's Public Blockchain Tech Accelerates Bitcoin's Orthodox Layer 2

by [Nervos CKB]()


1xRead by Dr. OneAudio Presented by

When I first heard about Nervos Network's dedication to building a BTC Layer 2, I wasn't surprised. That's because the CKB public blockchain technology not only matches but also goes beyond BTC. It not only maintains BTC's native UTXO features but also allows for more complex programmable extensions. While surpassing BTC may seem challenging for CKB public chain, aiming to be a top-notch BTC Layer 2 seems like a smart choice. Why? Let's delve into my take on CKB.

The current BTC Layer 2 market is constrained by the mainnet’s limited validation capabilities, resulting in diverse alternative solutions. The simplicity of BTC's scripting language, combined with its near-zero computation and validation power, has created significant opportunities for market innovation.
As of now, aside from limited transaction validation and multisig functionalities within UTXO unlocking conditions, the BTC mainnet is incapable of directly handling more complex transaction logic involving data validation, state changes, etc. It relegates BTC to an asset settlement layer, relying on extending through a powerful public chain for local consensus and computational validation capabilities.
This leads to a lack of uniform standards or 'orthodoxy' for BTC Layer 2 solutions, making it challenging to rank them.
However, distinctions can be made based on the community's perception between narrow and broad interpretations:
Narrowly defined, only solutions like the Lightning Network state channels and the one-time seal approach of RGB qualify as truly 'orthodox' BTC Layer 2s. They effectively utilize BTC's limited script validation capacity without relying on or minimally depending on external local consensus.
In a more general sense, any extension chain that gains acceptance for its local consensus, along with a cross-chain bridge solution that ensures the safe migration of assets, can theoretically serve as a BTC Layer 2. This includes contemporary Ethereum EVM chains, Solana with its high-concurrency capabilities, and others.
Clearly, the BTC Layer 2 market is divided: on one end are highly-specific solutions like the slowly evolving Lightning Network and RGB, facing substantial challenges; on the other end are broadly defined solutions, where any performance chain capable of securely interacting with the BTC mainnet qualifies as a BTC Layer 2.
But is there a 'middle-of-the-road' option? Yes, and it lies in the Nervos Network, which adheres to the UTXO model at its core, enhancing its performance. Notable features include:
The CKB Network aligns closely with BTC, sharing the same 'UTXO model and mining consensus mechanism,' unlike the account balance model of mainstream public blockchains like Ethereum. The UTXO model has distinct advantages in transaction privacy, flexible transaction structuring, and parallel processing capabilities to prevent double-spending, which may be one of Satoshi Nakamoto’s most brilliant inventions. This is why post-Ethereum projects like Sui and Aptos have also adopted similar UTXO models. Bitcoin's capacity and block speed may be constrained by its era, but the UTXO model is remarkably forward-thinking. CKB adopts this UTXO model, evolving it into the 'Cell model', which preserves the pure transactional nature of Bitcoin’s UTXO model while also supporting the data states found in account models like Ethereum’s.
To simplify: In the Bitcoin UTXO model, the creation and destruction of coins resemble a continuous minting and melting process. The Cell model, however, omits the destruction aspect, focusing on verifying and persistently storing states. Each Cell includes Capacity and Data: Capacity measures the balance in bytes, similar to UTXO, while Data holds any kind of information, including the history of transaction states. Thus, the Cell model can accurately represent balances and manage asset transfers, and also handle a variety of complex smart contract states.
In summary, the Cell model is a more persistent and flexible transaction model that greatly broadens the scope of the UTXO model. It is crucial for CKB’s ability to maintain the security of the BTC mainnet while offering a 'speed boost' to slower Bitcoin expansion initiatives like the Lightning Network and RGB.
For instance, the recent rollout of RGB++ by CKB illustrates this. In the BTC ecosystem, developing a mature RGB solution involves challenges that are not so much about the one-time sealing process of the BTC mainnet, but rather the communication, coordination, and mutual state maintenance among off-chain client validation nodes, particularly in a decentralized setting. In simpler terms, RGB's theory might seem straightforward, but its practical implementation is hindered by foundational infrastructural limitations and various barriers. Recognizing this, CKB integrates these off-chain client validation nodes into its on-chain public validation process. This approach significantly accelerates the intended UTXO client extension pathway that RGB aims to achieve. Complex P2P consensus among off-chain nodes is notoriously challenging, fraught with complexity and obstacles such as potential data synchronization delays or inconsistencies, and susceptibility to fraud and attacks. Transposing this process onto the blockchain can simplify these issues.
With the increasing discussions around RGB++, let’s also look at CKB's Open Transaction data format, showcasing the chain's forward-thinking features. Open Transaction allows multiple participants to collaboratively build and aggregate different transactions over time. It supports partial construction, amendability, and incremental build-up and aggregation. For example, Alice initiates an Open Transaction to exchange a certain amount of Token A for Token B with Bob. The transaction, once started, remains in an editable state. Bob, upon agreeing to the transaction terms, can then add his Token B and finalize the conditions.
It might initially seem abstract. Take cross-chain scenarios as an example: Alice and Bob could independently execute asset trades on various distinct chains, significantly boosting the CKB chain's cross-chain interaction capabilities. In the realm of complex DeFi transactions, where market-driven dynamic adjustments are often necessary, Open Transaction allows contract participants to adapt trading conditions fluidly during the contract's execution. This undoubtedly enhances the ability to manage transactional complexities.
From my perspective, Open Transaction mirrors the UTXO transaction unlocking conditions, capable of amalgamating intricate unlocking conditions, multi-party signatures, and complex transactional environments. This represents an evolutionary and valuable innovation that builds on the foundational principles of the BTC main chain.
Interestingly, Jan Xie, a core developer from the Ethereum team, chose to embrace the BTC UTXO model for his inaugural major project. Despite the broader application of Ethereum's smart contract model, Jan and his Nervos team decisively chose to expand and refine the BTC UTXO model. This choice reflects a deep respect for Satoshi Nakamoto’s simplistic UTXO transaction model and also subtly lays the groundwork for its transformation into a native BTC Layer 2.
In conclusion, I am quite bullish about CKB’s potential as a BTC Layer 2. In the short term, it certainly has the potential to expedite the implementation of projects like the Lightning Network and RGB within UTXO-based chains, offering valuable insights for these 'orthodox' expansion solutions on the BTC mainnet. Looking long-term, the inherent features of CKB's chain and its innovative architectural compatibility may enable it to excel in the complex and standardless arena of BTC Layer 2s.
Note: There’s much more to explore regarding the technical nuances and standout features of CKB, which I plan to analyze in greater depth later. It's fascinating to see how BTC Layer 2 not only provides a platform for new chains to rise but also opens up endless possibilities for rejuvenation within established chains.How CKB's Public Blockchain Tech Accelerates Bitcoin's Orthodox Layer 2
submitted by djminger007 to NervosNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:48 Friendly_Hyena AITA for refusing to greet my cousin's new GF?

Hear me(32F) out. My cousin, Ryan (30M) has been married for a year and a half to Sara (29F), Sara and I have been friends for 16 yrs + and they've been together for 8 yrs.
Sara has never been welcomed in our family, because she is a very straightforward person and speaks her mind.
Ryan is a Police Officer and has had a lot of misbehaviour towards Sara other the years. He's been hitting her, been abusive verbally and physically and has been unfaithful on multiple occasions.
He's been a total douchebag (no one knows about this) but I do because Sara told me over the years. She made me promise not to tell anybody she just needed someone to talk to and to be there for her. I advised to leave him even though he is my cousin and I was disgusted but I couldn't do anything... I strongly campaigned for Sara to leave and she almost did but she got pregnant, she had miscarried before so this baby was important to her.
When the baby arrived Ryan went MIA and revealed to Sara after a week that he was dating and in love with a girl Nadia (30F).
Sara's world was shattered and she couldn't believe it. She had to face the challenges of being a new mom alone for the past 4 months. She got depressed to the point of her body breaking down but with a baby she had no choice to be brave and strong. Ryan has been cruel to her saying he wasn't happy with her, saying how much he loves Nadia and so on. He even became violent to Sara's mom at one point.
Sara met with Nadia to try to talk her out of the relationship and make sense of everything happening to which she responded that Ryan was happy with her. She even brought people to intimidate Sara at the meeting. And they were more than cruel to her.
Ryan seldom's participates to his child's life be it physically or financially. He never comes to visit. He is an absent father. I have spent more time with his baby than him at this point.
We're a Mauritian family where we value good manners and part of our culture is to greet people by kissing on the cheeks (which is very personal to me)
So this week when we went to a birthday party I was surprised to see Ryan and Nadia invited to one of the most important events of the year in my family. I was fuming with rage so I greeted everyone and just ignored Nadia. I litterally said hello to everyone around her and avoided her completely. I knew perfectly well what I was doing, this was a calculated move on my part. I wanted to hurt her.... I sat for a few minutes at the party but after some time I had to leave because my kraken was awakening.
My other cousin (40F), the host was unhappy with my attitude and said I was rude and that this was very inappropriate. I stood by my ground we had a fight and I went back home. Many people including Ryan think I was harsh and said they expected better from someone as smart as I am. Needless to say that I still don't agree and I'm thinking of cutting all of them off from my life...
Even my mom says I should have at least said hello because it's impolite and it's not Nadia's fault only Ryan's.
I'm far from being objective at this point I hate Nadia 😒...
So AITA ?.
submitted by Friendly_Hyena to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:46 johntangus Samsung Refrigerator stuck in Sabbath Mode?

Our bottom ice maker stopped making ice a few months ago, so I finally decided to tackle that problem last weekend. Following a youtube video, I took the drawers out, the bottom door off, unplugged the ice maker and water tube heater. Upon close inspection, i saw one wire from the water tube heater had broken - so I ordered a new one. It was going to take a few days, so I moved all the food to the beer fridge and unplugged the fridge until I got the part - so maybe 36-48 hours.
When the part came in, i installed it and had no issues getting the ice maker back in, drawers and door back together. I turned on the water and plugged it in.
Immediately, all the lights on the front of the ice/water dispenser are on (water, ice, crushed, lock), won't dispense water - and no lights on the inside (control panel and interior lights). There is cool air coming into both freezer and fridge. I press the reset on the ice maker and it fills the trays with water. I look up how to reset these models (RF27T5241SAA) and try holding down the top two buttons on the control panel (Fridge and Power Cool) for 6 seconds, and the display flashes four times and goes dark again.
Thinking it may be in Sabbath Mode, I hold down the bottom two buttons for 6 seconds (WateIce and Door Alarm) it dings like it's turning on. Pressing and holding them again makes a ding like it's turning off. No change in the lights.
I left the fridge on overnight and it got to temp in both fridge and freezer and both ice makers made ice! The bottom one's ice was like crushed ice though, which is strange.
I have googled this in a million different ways and have not been able to get the lights to come on. Is there a different reset method on these models (RF27T5241SAA)? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I feel like it's something simple. But then again I wouldn't be surprised if the shorted tube heater didn't jam up the computer or something.
submitted by johntangus to appliancerepair [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:39 flomily I subconsciously forgive the people who have hurt me

I think this is mostly because my memory has gone to shit. But i don’t hold grudges, i can’t hold grudges even if i wanted to. My parents for example, the biggest thing my parents have done to hurt me is lie to me about my biological dad, created a whole fake scrapbook to keep up with the lies, with false dates and names. I would not have found out the truth if The biological father (who i don’t have in my life because i chose not to) hadn’t found me and told me the truth himself. My parents made this all about them, my mom made excuses for herself and my dad felt betrayed and ignored me for weeks when the truth came out, he expected an apology from me. I never had a good relationship with my dad, i thought i hated him he was always angry at everyone, he was verbally abusive and strict af, i couldnt breathe around him. My mom stopped defending me because he would just yell at her and then she would yell at me saying she would never defend me again. Every terrible argument i had with my parents ended with me telling myself “remember this feeling remember how hurt you are-remember their words dont forgive them for this” But i always forgive even without an apology. I moved out almost 2 years ago and i feel safer, im not used to arguing and being yelled at anymore, but now ive become more sensitive to everything, i still see my parents from time to time and when they yell or bicker with me in the slightest i cry and i kind of start to tweak out. They look at me like im crazy and tell me i dont know how to handle discipline i dont need to cry over everything. I dont want to fucking cry but i cant help it and knowing that im making a fool of myself just bawling my eyes out makes me more angry with myself and my reaction to things. My mom has put me in mental hospitals just because she didnt know what to do with me anymore. After my first and only attempt to take my life she became reliant on mental hospitals to just take me away whenever things got bad. And that brought more trauma, so mucb happened to me in those places and she swore it was meant to help me. Then i was in a residential treatment center for 2 months, i had to live there, i didnt see the outside world at all. Thats when i got diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and thats when i started to hate myself more. Theres so much i could say this isnt even half, now all i will ever be is my trauma its made me into such a complex person and i cant deal with myself anymore. I dont feel a strong love for my parents, i could move to a city far away and never talk to my entire family ever again and i would be fine, except my little siblings ofc id miss them. No matter what i can forgive my parents which is without saying because they’re all i have. But even past boyfriends , past friends who have destroyed me i can still talk to them because i dont remember the hurt i felt only the action, and i do forget sometimes, so people take advantage of that, the people in my life know that they can walk all over me and i wont hold it against them for too long. Because im used to being hurt and betrayed, and i feel like its whats i deserve
submitted by flomily to BPDsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:35 Pooooog Collected information about season 24 25


He loves gossiping about brawlers to make them fight each other... He's the Love Swamp's resident cupid-turned-mosquito. He buzzes around the canals looking for lovebirds to dazzle with his irresistible charm, even if those require a little extra, pointy incentive.

Angelo voice lines

There are only a few strange voice lines like, "Take a deep breath", "Just keep breathing" "And breathe!"


She is a K-pop singer. Popular karaoke singer at Starr park and has some mood swings. Sometimes sweet and delicate as a rose and sometimes harsh as it's thorns... When it comes to Karaoke, Melodie shows no mercy. Armed with her kawaii looks and devilish set of pipes, she never fails to steal the limelight... In her song she says that she is built to be a K-pop singer, which means that she is a human experiment for Starr Park. I want to remind you that Max energy drink is called Max cuz it belongs only to Max. I think that she is also a human experiment.

Conections to other brawlers:

Poco, Janet, Frank, Chuck he is musianist sick beats modifier, they all removes stuns slows etc.

Melodie voice lines

I was watching a lot of videos about her lines, but not many people know how to translate, and what ever she says in Korean is not meaningful, like: Let's go! Are you ready?, are you crazy? Are you new here? etc. "Reload, reline, keep this moment on my mind"; "Dreams come true" ; "you'll remember this melody forever".


1) A mosquito touched a random gem first, and then Angelo (when he was a normal guy) touched the same gem second, and now he is 50% mosquito and 50% man. You may think that he just touched the gem. But gems give you the ability that you dreamed of, really like or love, or just make you go insane. I don't think Angelo was dreaming of being a mosquito. But now that he has cupid arrows, did he dream to be a Cupid? Possibly idk. The same thing you can say about Willow I guess. That explains all of the non-human, non-robot brawlers like Ash, 8-Bit, Rico, etc. So maybe it is important who touched the gem first, which doesn't make sense in the Crows situation. Well, I think that Crow is much more complicated, cuz he is the only one that we truly can't explain, cuz Crow just stole the clothes from Sign Man, that man wasn't fused with the crow.
2) An angry Scottish man put the gem in the bin and now Ash has a Scottish accent, and is always angry. 2. A mean girl touched a gem, threw it in the swamp, and Willow touched it. 3. R-T was initially built to be an info kiosk, but Rik put a gem on top and now R-T is a male robot. Some robots have been built by someone (like Pam) with reasons, and it is written on their descriptions, but some robots, don't have reason to be built in their descriptions. 4. Which means that Piper put a gem on top of her cookie oven and now Pearl is a female robot cookie oven with a "warm" nature. Same thing you can say about many brawlers. I don't believe that criminals would build a cookie oven, even to distract people, but it isn't written in her description.
3) Her title is Fearless because she can't be scared. she spawns monsters notes, maybe she has close connections with monsters. Maybe monsters wont scare her.
4) Music is for mindcontrol and brainwashing. I will have a closer look at it. Not instantly brainwashing, but if you constantly listening to it, you might forget some stuff.
5) Starr park can control time, by just making clocks go backwards. you will talk and move backwards. As we saw it in I.V. and in Brawl talk.
5) In "The legend in the ocean" video we saw , that El primo was bitten by a shark and after that he could breathe in water. Does it mean that if you want to go to Otis you need to be bitten by a shark?


1) I think to explain who is the legend in the ocean from the Baby shark video, we need to wait until Otis trio is completed.
2) there are a lot of K-pop songs (19) in WKBRL, but they sing in Korean and I don't understand it. I will try to translate, and hope to hear something meaningful. You know how Google translate works not good.
3) There are 4 Morse codes but they all translate to ES: 1) One on the Spike drop tower, in Ranged Ranch. 2) On the speaker in Basketbrawl 3) On the antennas of a TV in Kits cartoon environment, 4) in on a computer in Mega pig environment. If WKBRL Morse code was found from Jessie's radio that was hinting about the radio stream in YT, then ES was found on electronic devices, that should hint at the blue prints of those electronic devices or Electronic Systems (ES) ? Idk it's just a thought.
4) Why is her name Melody? so her parents already knew that she will be K-pop singer? Do their parents choose their names or Starr park does?


1) Why does Angelo have a fork and knife in his angry pin? 3) Why does Angelo say to take a deep breath when using his super. 4) Why is the Swamp of love closed, for maintenance? 6) What does the rewind message mean in Brawl talk?
submitted by Pooooog to BrawlStarslore [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:35 Smart-Friend-1456 I had an abortion at 23. I have absolutely no sex drive now.

I am a 23 year old female living in Massachusetts, USA. I got pregnant about 6-7 months ago, and I had my abortion at 12-14 weeks. I had the Paraguard IUD, which they found out after I received a positive pregnancy test that the IUD was misplaced (I had just gotten it in about 4 months prior).
Being pregnant was incredibly uncomfortable and brought on a major depressive episode. The choice to get an abortion was not easy but I am in graduate school and work full time and do not have to financial ability to raise a child at this time.
I was under anesthesia for the abortion and it went fine with no complications. However, the mental toll it took on me before the procedure was immense. Immediately after the procedure, it felt like the whole thing was a dream and it never happened. I am in school for psychology so I am well aware the experience I am having is trauma, and I am in therapy at this time.
I have absolutely no sex drive now, and it has been almost 6 months since the abortion. I am on 37.5mg of Effexor which does lower sex drive, but i was on this medication before my abortion and still had slightly less than "normal" libido. I believe my already slightly low sex drive and the trauma of my abortion has completely gotten rid of my libido. I do not have the urge to masturbate, have sex with my boyfriend, or even perform sexual acts on my boyfriend. The idea of sex makes me incredibly anxious and scared.
My boyfriend is a big support for me, but he is not the best at the subject of abortions or trauma. He was "pro-life" before this happened to us, even though he acted very pro-choice. He was nothing but supportive and gentle during the process and allowed me to make the decision on my own with no pressure. I believe he's pro-choice now, even if he has a hard time accepting that his views have changed now that it happened to him and someone he loves. (Usually how it goes lol).
All of this has really worsened my depression and anxiety. I feel like this will never go away, and I do not know how to begin to heal from this.
If anyone has similar experiences, tips, or just kind words, please share. I feel really alone with all of this.
submitted by Smart-Friend-1456 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:34 flomily I subconsciously forgive the people who have hurt me

I think this is mostly because my memory has gone to shit. But i don’t hold grudges, i can’t hold grudges even if i wanted to. My parents for example, the biggest thing my parents have done to hurt me is lie to me about my biological dad, created a whole fake scrapbook to keep up with the lies, with false dates and names. I would not have found out the truth if The biological father (who i don’t have in my life because i chose not to) hadn’t found me and told me the truth himself. My parents made this all about them, my mom made excuses for herself and my dad felt betrayed and ignored me for weeks when the truth came out, he expected an apology from me. I never had a good relationship with my dad, i thought i hated him he was always angry at everyone, he was verbally abusive and strict af, i couldnt breathe around him. My mom stopped defending me because he would just yell at her and then she would yell at me saying she would never defend me again. Every terrible argument i had with my parents ended with me telling myself “remember this feeling remember how hurt you are-remember their words dont forgive them for this” But i always forgive even without an apology. I moved out almost 2 years ago and i feel safer, im not used to arguing and being yelled at anymore, but now ive become more sensitive to everything, i still see my parents from time to time and when they yell or bicker with me in the slightest i cry and i kind of start to tweak out. They look at me like im crazy and tell me i dont know how to handle discipline i dont need to cry over everything. I dont want to fucking cry but i cant help it and knowing that im making a fool of myself just bawling my eyes out makes me more angry with myself and my reaction to things. My mom has put me in mental hospitals just because she didnt know what to do with me anymore. After my first and only attempt to take my life she became reliant on mental hospitals to just take me away whenever things got bad. And that brought more trauma, so mucb happened to me in those places and she swore it was meant to help me. Then i was in a residential treatment center for 2 months, i had to live there, i didnt see the outside world at all. Thats when i got diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and thats when i started to hate myself more. Theres so much i could say this isnt even half, now all i will ever be is my trauma its made me into such a complex person and i cant deal with myself anymore. I dont feel a strong love for my parents, i could move to a city far away and never talk to my entire family ever again and i would be fine, except my little siblings ofc id miss them. No matter what i can forgive my parents which is without saying because they’re all i have. But even past boyfriends , past friends who have destroyed me i can still talk to them because i dont remember the hurt i felt only the action, and i do forget sometimes, so people take advantage of that, the people in my life know that they can walk all over me and i wont hold it against them for too long. Because im used to being hurt and betrayed, and i feel like its whats i deserve
submitted by flomily to Borderline [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:34 Unfathomable_Gloom AITA for telling co-workers I'd abandon a baby?

Alright I know, slightly clickbaity title.
I (26F) was having a conversation with some co-workers when the subject of mothers day came up, I get asked "when are you having kids?" I smile politely and reply, "never. I don't want kids"
This is where things start to escalate; I work with all women and they all seemed shocked, even horrified by my statement. The fact is I do not want to have children, ever. Period. End of. The conversation flows as follows (as close to word-for-word as I can remember) from various women, about 5 individuals all older than 40.
"But what if your husband wants kids?" "Then I'd get a new husband"
"You're almost 30 you should think about these things" "But I never want children, even at 30"
"What if you get pregnant accidentally?" "Well then I'd get an abortion"
"Well, a lot of states aren't allowing that anymore, what will you do then?" "I guess... give it to someone who wants it"
"You'd change your mind once you held it" "No, I would not want to hold it. I would ask them to take it to an adoption center"
"I don't think they'd let you give it away for adoption, you're fit to be a mother - you wouldn't just abandon your baby!" "Yes. I would. If I had no choice I'd dump it on church steps if I had to"
The rest of the day (which thankfully was only a few hours) was so awkward, with them muttering and talking about how they couldn't understand how someone like me (idk what they mean by that, maybe cause I'm a white, working class, healthy woman?) couldn't POSSIBLY want to have children. When talking with my mom later she said I should have just tried to change the subject and was the asshole for taking it that far but I was just being honest about what I'd do - I do not want children, even if that means having to go through the trauma of pregnancy I'd still give it away at any cost.
I would like to clarify, I do not hate kids nor do I want to harm them - I just do not want to have one of my own and instead of accepting that they kept trying to create scenarios to make me admit I'd keep it.
So, am I the asshole?
submitted by Unfathomable_Gloom to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:31 flomily I subconsciously forgive the people who have hurt me

I think this is mostly because my memory has gone to shit. But i don’t hold grudges, i can’t hold grudges even if i wanted to. My parents for example, the biggest thing my parents have done to hurt me is lie to me about my biological dad, created a whole fake scrapbook to keep up with the lies, with false dates and names. I would not have found out the truth if The biological father (who i don’t have in my life because i chose not to) hadn’t found me and told me the truth himself. My parents made this all about them, my mom made excuses for herself and my dad felt betrayed and ignored me for weeks when the truth came out, he expected an apology from me. I never had a good relationship with my dad, i thought i hated him he was always angry at everyone, he was verbally abusive and strict af, i couldnt breathe around him. My mom stopped defending me because he would just yell at her and then she would yell at me saying she would never defend me again. Every terrible argument i had with my parents ended with me telling myself “remember this feeling remember how hurt you are-remember their words dont forgive them for this” But i always forgive even without an apology. I moved out almost 2 years ago and i feel safer, im not used to arguing and being yelled at anymore, but now ive become more sensitive to everything, i still see my parents from time to time and when they yell or bicker with me in the slightest i cry and i kind of start to tweak out. They look at me like im crazy and tell me i dont know how to handle discipline i dont need to cry over everything. I dont want to fucking cry but i cant help it and knowing that im making a fool of myself just bawling my eyes out makes me more angry with myself and my reaction to things. My mom has put me in mental hospitals just because she didnt know what to do with me anymore. After my first and only attempt to take my life she became reliant on mental hospitals to just take me away whenever things got bad. And that brought more trauma, so mucb happened to me in those places and she swore it was meant to help me. Then i was in a residential treatment center for 2 months, i had to live there, i didnt see the outside world at all. Thats when i got diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and thats when i started to hate myself more. Theres so much i could say this isnt even half, now all i will ever be is my trauma its made me into such a complex person and i cant deal with myself anymore. I dont feel a strong love for my parents, i could move to a city far away and never talk to my entire family ever again and i would be fine, except my little siblings ofc id miss them. No matter what i can forgive my parents which is without saying because they’re all i have. But even past boyfriends , past friends who have destroyed me i can still talk to them because i dont remember the hurt i felt only the action, and i do forget sometimes, so people take advantage of that, the people in my life know that they can walk all over me and i wont hold it against them for too long. Because im used to being hurt and betrayed, and i feel like its whats i deserve
submitted by flomily to u/flomily [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:30 Arby2295 How's my first Ever VGC team?

Sorry I don't know how to make a nice team preview!
Charizard is non-negtioable because I'm just that basic and want one in the team haha. It actually does a surprising amount of work currently just because it's unexpected too!
Main points:
Koraidon @ Clear Amulet
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 100 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 208 Spe
Adamant Nature
Charizard (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Solar Power
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
Raging Bolt @ Assault Vest
Ability: Protosynthesis
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 196 HP / 100 Def / 100 SpA / 52 SpD / 60 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 20 Atk
Tornadus @ Mental Herb
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 92 Def / 4 SpA / 132 SpD / 28 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
Incineroar (M) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 140 Def / 76 SpD / 36 Spe
Careful Nature
Walking Wake @ Leftovers
Ability: Protosynthesis
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 SpA / 8 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
submitted by Arby2295 to VGCRateMyTeam [link] [comments]