Mom daughter kiss video

Stanley Kubrick's "Reddit"

2011.07.05 06:06 Stanley Kubrick's "Reddit"

A sub for fans to discuss the work of Stanley Kubrick

2024.05.15 18:24 Ok_Caterpillar6735 Murder of Teresa Sievers

I'm a busy mom so I don't have much TV time but I love true crime so last night I randomly clicked on a Hulu show and the episode was covering the murder of Teresa Sievers. I was shocked that I hadn't heard of it before! Granted, it is a relatively new case from 2015. But it is a truly wild story. I feel terribly for Teresa's daughters.
submitted by Ok_Caterpillar6735 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:24 tkziggity Was my privacy violated by QVC related to MIL shopping addiction?

My husband and I have been to hell and back in the past six months trying to get his parents into assisted living. His dad recently diagnosed with Alzheimers and has several different types of cancer. His Mom is showing signs of dementia but all parties in solid denial. We had to pay for their move in to an assisted living facility which was almost $50k out of our pocket after discovering they had over $50k in high interest credit card debt and had run through all of their savings. Their only asset was a home with some equity (that they regularly borrowed against to buy art, jewelry and entire rooms full of QVC clothing and make up purchases that were never opened). We found receipts for over $200k in purchases while cleaning out their home and had to donate over a ton of clothes and household items that had no value. We found over 300 handbags - most never opened. They flooded their home (dementia related) just before agreeing to move out which meant house was not immediately able to be sold with $50-$100k in damages and an insurance agent refusing to pay. Only sharing because financial burden to me and my husband was substantial.
In laws signed a POA just before moving so we could help them. Upon discovery of their dire financial situation and MIL shopping addiction I contacted QVC to ask them to close her account. Husband talked to his Mom who agreed to try to stop shopping (but obviously cannot). QVC asks for POA which I send them and close her account. She calls next week and opens a new one. I contact them again, explain she has shopping addiction and we are financially responsible party and they need to close her account. They do. She opens a new one. We close again. This goes on 5 times. We shut off her credit cards, block phone numbers, block website, take channel off her TV. She still finds a way. They claim they can’t block an address, I just have to keep contacting them to close accounts.
MIL this week reaches QVC and throws a tantrum to someone on the phone about her difficulties purchasing. They turn over all the correspondence I’ve had with them notifying them of her addiction. She calls my husband incredibly upset that her daughter in law would do this to her and threatens to cancel POA because of it - which would make a lot of things harder for us.
My legal question - shouldn’t QVC have held the communication I sent to them as private? Do I have any rights to privacy for the communication that was shared with them? Do I have any legal recourse with them?
submitted by tkziggity to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:22 Hungry-Painting-8081 What are your opinions on this situation/event that occurred between a 33F and 36M that aren’t married and have been broken up for the past 3 months after 3 year relationship? 36M has been trying to work things out, but can do nothing right. Analyze both people in this situation please.

In this situation, the roles have been reversed in an attempt to get the 33F to see the 36M point of view. This is the text that was sent to the 33F recounting the events from the 36M point of view but again with roles reversed.
I know it’s impossible to see things from a point of view different than you’re own but humor me a little here and let’s take a look at yesterdays events/situation and see how someone in my position may be upset about how the day/night unfolded.
You and I have dated for 3 years. We recently broke up around 3 months ago. You made some mistakes and realized those mistakes and have been trying your best every day since to show me that you can be a better person, that you’re sorry, that you love me, etc… Some days it works, other days it doesn’t. But you don’t give up despite the ups and downs, the challenges, the mixed signals. There’s been times you’ve wanted to give up but there’s just something in you and something you see in me that will not let you do that. So you continue to try and try, explaining every little thing, overexplaining, trying to change my mind of you. Because my mind is made up, I don’t believe anything you say, I don’t trust you, and I believe that your every action is of ill intent and only out to hurt me. Fast forward to yesterday. Things aren’t going great but things aren’t going as bad as they have in the past. We don’t talk much during work but you’ve still texted me multiple times throughout the day but I’ve not read them or responded in quite some time. You walk into my office and I’m looking at my phone and laughing. You immediately get upset because you feel as though I didn’t have enough time to read and respond to your text which would take all of 5 seconds of my time but yet here I am phone in hand, texting other people, and laughing. You call me out on it, I immediately get defensive and angry with you. We text and argue about the situation for the next little bit. You notice that my location has been turned off on Life360. I deny having turned it off and am not sure why that would happen. After work, you come to my house to get a package that has been delivered. My kid asks if you’d like to stay and play. You tell them to ask me and I agree that it’s okay. You play with my kid for a bit until you get tired. During this time, your mom is on one of her text rants and is blowing up your phone. While resting, you look at your phone to see what the fuss is about and to respond in hopes of ending the onslaught of messages. I’m in another part of the house and haven’t really talked to you since you’ve been inside. I walk in and see you on your phone in that one moment and make a snarky remark about how I’m not allowed to be on my phone but here you are at my house on your phone. You try to explain what’s going on, but I’m not hearing any of it. Feeling unwelcome and rather than continue an argument, you decide to leave. We continue to text and you’re trying your best to clear up the situation as usual, over explaining, trying to prove to me that although it does seem a certain way, it wasn’t you’re intentions. Get to a point where you text me a couple of long paragraphs. I read them but don’t respond. You have an awards banquet to go to for your kid. After the banquet you text me some sweet things about how all you know is that you love me, want to be with me, yadda, yadda… no response. You try to break the silence with a suggestion of giving me a massage. I act interested asking if you’re serious. You say yes but I don’t respond. You then ask if that’s a no. I then tell you no, that I have plans with “someone” to eat dinner and discuss a job I’ve been talking to this person about all week. I never mentioned it to you at all throughout the day and coincidentally this person wants to meet exactly at the time you asked me to hangout. Having flown from Washington all the way to shitty little Middlesboro at this exact moment to meet with me about this job. You respond and bite your tongue, wanting to just let it go, and wish me luck. But the coincidences of it all cause you to respond with a smart ass remark. You’ve been turned down so many times before you felt obligated to say something. But then you wish me well and let me know that you have I don’t get raped or murdered. Sort of a joke but also not because it is a possibility. I am meeting a stranger that I’ve only spoken to for 2-3 days that’s coming from another part of the country just to talk to me. But okay whatever. Then I go completely silent. Location is still turned off so you have no idea where I’m going, who I’m with, so your mind starts thinking do the worse things imaginable and doesn’t stop. Each thought getting worse and worse. You continue to text me and I ignore you completely, not even reading your messages. You try to call, but I don’t answer and send you to voicemail. You go home to try and brush it off and just stop worrying. That’s going pretty good. Then your friend Kacy asks what you’re up to and wants to know if you’d like to go have a few drinks. Sure, that sounds great. Will keep you distracted and give you something to do plus you enjoy hanging out with Kacy when you can. You guys meet at Ike’s. As soon as you walk in, you see me and one of the hottest girls on the planet sitting at the bar. Just the two of us having drinks, laughing, talking, etc… You’re stomach knots up and you honestly feel like pumping, walking over and saying something, or just walking away. I’ve continued to ignore you. I’m clearly having a great time with this person and to you and it looks more than just a professional type meeting. He’s in street clothes, you guys are drinking at a bar, there are no sort of documents, folders, etc… that would indicate any type of production or project pitch is taking place. We’re finished here. We get up and we walk right by you. I see you out of the corner of my eye, smirk, and walk on out. We then disappear out of sight briefly before reappearing at my car. You’re closely watching to see if we hug, kiss, shake hands, etc… before going our separate ways. But what’s this?? She gets in my car and we drive off. So you try to text and call me. Ignored. You sit there with Kacy, watching every car pass by wondering where we went, what we were doing, maybe I’m just dropping her off at her car. But I never come back by and you know in order for me to go home, I’d have to drive by. You finish the evening out with Kacy having a couple more drinks until the bar closes and you’re forced to leave. You drive by my house just to see if maybe I was at home and you were just freaking out over nothing. Nope, I’m not home. Again you’re texting me and I will not respond. You drive around for a bit to clear your head, try to pull yourself together, and because you don’t want to go back to your parents and just sit and worry. You continue to text but at this point the messages aren’t going through. You try to call and it goes straight to voicemail. So you’re thinking that I’ve either blocked you or you’re somewhere with no service. But where could that be? It’s after 10pm at this point. Everything is closed on a Tuesday. Especially anywhere that would be proper for a professional job meeting. So your mind goes into overdrive thinking of every scenario in which I’m fucking this girl, I’m being murdered, or drugged, or God knows what. You drive around hoping to see that I’m safe. Eventually you see my car parked at Walmart but we’re not in it. Maybe we’re in Walmart. You go in cause you have to pee anyway and do a lap or two. No sign of us. So now, it’s assumed that I’ve gotten into a car with this person and could be absolutely anywhere at this point. So the anxiety, fear, insecurity kicks it up to overdrive. You’re freaking out. You’re texting me trying to get some sort of reaction, calling on every outlet possible, but no response, no answer, straight to voicemail. You continue to drive around aimlessly just hoping to catch a glimpse of me somewhere so you’ll know I’m safe. You sit at Walmart close to my car to see if I ever come back. The minutes turn into hours and it’s now after midnight. Where could I be with this girl? Definitely a hotel room or parked up somewhere. Has to be. Every attempt at contacting me goes unanswered. Messages have gone through at times so you know I didn’t block you but I must not have good service. Which makes things worse. Have I been kidnapped? Have I been drugged? Have I been left out in the middle of nowhere left for dead? You don’t know so you drive around and drive around and return to my car multiple times. Still there. Still no response. You drive by my house multiple times. Maybe I’ve been dropped off? Nope, nothing. At this point you’re convinced I’m either dead somewhere or I’m 6” deep inside of this girl in her hotel room. You can’t take it anymore and decide to just go home and try to get some sleep hoping that at some point you’ll hear from me. During this ordeal, you come off as a crazy person because of the way you’re acting. You know that you’re ruining every opportunity you might’ve had of ever getting back with me, or forgiving you, or showing me that you can do better. But during that time, you don’t care because all you care about is finding out if most importantly I’m still alive, and secondly if you’ve been lied to, betrayed, and believing that I truly care nothing about you. Begging for some sort of sign, or a stake through the heart, just so you can take your loss, feel the pain, and somehow realize that no matter how bad you want this, no matter how much you love me, and want to be with me, and want to do better for me, that it will never happen and that I’ve officially moved on so now it’s time to lick your wounds and move on as well. But that never came. You’re left in a state of panic with a million different possibilities and unknowns running through your head a million miles an hour realizing that you’re greatest fears are coming forth and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it but continue to drive around, text, and call just hoping that I’ll have a little compassion for you’re wellbeing and give you something to just ease your worries so that maybe you can go home and get some rest.
submitted by Hungry-Painting-8081 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:20 moosqa +/- {Plus/Minus} - Calling Off the Rescue

+/- {Plus/Minus} - Calling Off the Rescue
“Calling Off The Rescue” is a standout track by the band +/- (Plus/Minus) from their album "Further Afield." The song masterfully fuses futuristic pop with electronic elements and traditional rock instrumentation, creating a unique and captivating sound.
The lyrics of “Calling Off The Rescue” are introspective, exploring the complexities of relationships and self-discovery. The song delves into themes of neglect and the struggle to salvage what seems lost. It uses the metaphor of a search being called off to describe the state of a neglected relationship, conveying feelings of being unseen and unheard, and touching on the absence of love.
Musically, the song features a strummy acoustic tune with a melancholic undertone. Band members Patrick Ramos, James Baluyut, and drummer Chris Deaner experimented with various arrangements, drum beats, and chord progressions before settling on a combination that resonated well with the song’s themes. They found a chord progression reminiscent of The Smiths that fit seamlessly with the original intro and chorus. Notably, the song includes a sample from Ramos’ daughter’s high school treble chorus, adding a personal touch.
The music video for “Calling Off The Rescue” offers an intimate look at the band’s dynamic live performances. Shot in black and white during rehearsals with phones mounted by the band members, the verité style video captures the escalating intensity of the song, providing a raw and authentic glimpse into the band’s creative process.
The song is a prime example of +/- (Plus/Minus)’s signature style, blending futuristic pop with electronic and rock elements. The melody is dynamic, taking listeners on a journey that builds to a cathartic finale, complementing the song’s wistful lyrics perfectly.
“Calling Off The Rescue” is released under Ernest Jenning Record Co., contributing to the band’s distinct and innovative sound within the label’s diverse catalog.
Patrick Ramos shared the song’s backstory, revealing that the idea for the song had been around since 2016. Initially, the song had an intro and chorus but lacked a verse. After several attempts and years later, the band discovered a fitting chord progression during a rehearsal, which completed the song. This progression, with its minor key reminiscent of The Smiths, was the missing piece that brought the song to life.
In summary, “Calling Off The Rescue” by +/- (Plus/Minus) is a beautifully crafted song that combines introspective lyrics with innovative musical elements. The band's collaborative efforts and experimentation resulted in a track that resonates deeply with themes of neglect, self-discovery, and the complexities of relationships.
+/- (Plus/Minus) – “Calling Off The Rescue”
submitted by moosqa to u/moosqa [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:19 yourcandidamy AITA? I (27F) am thinking to break up with my BF (23M)

I'm sort of going though a lot and would love for all to be kind. Thank you.
So, It's been about 3 months things are going this way. He moved to a new place i.e., his brother's friend's house where he lives with about 8 other guys. He hasn't told this brother about us because he is very conservative/orthodox. Even my boyfriend is similar in that context which I love and hate both. He has told his family though - Mom, Dad, Sister and brother in law. So I wasn't really concerned about this cousin brother but somehow he respects this brother more than anyone else. He can do anything for the brother and I don't have a problem with that, Infact, I appreciate it in him.
Now the thing is, at first he was able to talk.
He would talk to a limit though. Then, even after his brother went back to his country, he didn't talk much. Slowly, it changed to when he would get a chance to. Multiple fights later, it has settled on - when he thinks I should hear from him + one update in either pic/text/video. So, he used to talk at every chance he got and now he doesn't do that ever. I blame myself because I did sort of push him away with my constant "You don't talk to me" arguments.
This all has been feeling more like a formality to me now. If I'm sick.. he is not concerned. He is not concerned where I am. He is not concerned who I am with..How my day was.. It's all gone. All I get from him is - some updates (as I said the "formalities") and one or two calls with him telling me where he is.
From about a month, I'd tell him I don't wanna be in this relationship. He'd change for like 2 days then everything goes back. But he has been really very busy in his work.
The latest one was that ' my brother's best friend is suspicious that I have a girlfriend so I can't talk for few days.. don't even text me because I cannot let my brother know. I have an image in front of him that I don't talk to girls '. Which is true. He has been a shy guy. He has never talked to girls. I am his first. He never even looks at girls. He is loyal and truthful to me. I know that when he updates me he is with his friends.. he is with his friends. I have tried and tested all that..
Just this lack of conversation due to one or the other reason has sort of put me off.. his unavailability.. him not being curious about my life, his not being concerned about anything about me, his manner of talking is making me feel that maybe he doesn't love me anymore.
And I am honestly stuck. We had out anniversary recently, for which he was not excited at all about. I know he was busy collecting/earning rent but I would have appreciated a 'happy anniversary' text. We fought on our anniversary. Now it almost feels like... he is not concerned if I get angry/upset. He does his thing, doesn't let me go and honestly, I don't wanna let go either... I want him back but I know I have tried a lot. I have communicated this to him, argued with him and what not.
Now I am more concerned because the brother is coming back in 10 days. And I feel stuck, I know the little conversation we have is going to stop.
Also, I feel it's enough. I've been the one understanding his busy schedule, him being with the guys, his waking up late after I've slept already and not being able to talk, him being busy during his nights (my mornings). For context I'm in India and he is in Canada.
I don't feel like talking to him because I know it won't last even a minute before he says he has to go. I am not excited about his texts. I don't feel I love him while I know I do. I am so confused.
I am not sure if I should break up or not.
I am.. just not feeling anything. Just leave anything. A suggestion, an advice, an experience you had..Anything to tell me that this might be normal. If not, just tell me if I am okay breaking up.
Just be kind, please.
submitted by yourcandidamy to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:17 br1ghts1de89 Faceless Figure In a White Hoodie

When I was 12, my family was living in a suburb of Nashville, TN. It was a typical summer morning where I ran downstairs to shove some breakfast in my mouth before running down the street to my friend's house to hang out. As I'm eating breakfast and telling my mom where I was going, she was acting very strange and asking a lot of questions about wanting to know specifically where I was going to be, who I was going to be with, and to call her when I got there. She was never this particular about knowing the specifics of my whereabouts, and I could tell something was bothering her, so I asked why she was acting so weird.
She first tries to brush it off, but my mom and I were pretty close so I kept prodding. She finally shares with me that she just feels off because of a nightmare she had the night before. The details of her dream are below from my mom's perspective:
I "woke up" in our house and our dog was downstairs whining and scratching at the front door as if she had to go to the bathroom. So I put on my robe, walked downstairs, and opened the front door so Emma (the dog) could go out into the front yard and do her business. As I was standing on the front steps of the house waiting for Emma to finish, I looked down our street and saw a person in a white hoodie and dark jeans walking up the street towards our house. Every time they would walk under one of the street lights, the light would go out, leaving the rest of the street behind them in darkness. I scooped up Emma and went inside. I locked the front door and went upstairs to look out the window to make sure this person kept going past our house. This person just stopped right in the middle of the street in front of our house, looking directly towards the window as if it knew I was there. I couldn't see his face under the hoodie, but I felt so unsettled and unsafe; like it was staring right at me and almost into me. Then I woke up.
After my mom shares this story, I just brush it off as a weird dream and reassure her that I will be with my friend and will call her when I get to his house. Fast forward to later that afternoon, my friend and I walk down to the front of our neighborhood where an elementary school is. The back part of the playground had a chain link fence that you could hop over to go into the woods. If you followed the steep slope down through the woods, you would eventually end up at a creek that we would often hang out to find arrowheads, weird bugs, stuff like that. As we were hiking our way down through the woods, we stopped at a halfway point that was a long clearing for a four-wheeler trail that ran pretty far left and right and was just a straight path down. As we stopped for a moment in this opening, my friend and I both saw something white, very far down the path, dash uphill between the tree lines going extremely fast. Way too fast with how steep the hill was and how densely wooded this area was. From what we thought we could tell, it looked to be about the size of a small deer, but we really weren't sure.
Seeing that blurred movement of something white in the distance set off the memory of my mom's dream that she told me earlier that morning. I didn't tell my friend anything about it, but I felt a little freaked out and just said we should go the other direction down the four wheeler trail to get back to a spot of the fence at the playground so we could leave the woods and just go play video games at his house. So we leave the woods, go about our day, and say we'll see each other tomorrow.
The next day, my friend and I meet up again and want to go back to the woods and down to the creek. As we're walking across the school's playground towards the fence line to hop back over into that four wheeler path, we see something hanging on the fence. As we get closer, we see that there is a white hoodie hanging on the fence at the exact spot that we left the woods the day before. I never told my friend exactly why, but from that day on I never went back into those woods.
This event happened over 20 years ago now. I never really shared it with anyone until a couple nights ago with some friends and my wife, and their reactions have sent me on a bit of a journey trying to research if anyone else has reported something similar. I've never tried to put this experience into writing, so hopefully this all is easy to follow. If anyone else has had experiences with being followed or watched by a figure in a white hoodie or something like this, I would love to hear your stories.
submitted by br1ghts1de89 to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:14 yourcandidamy I (27) am thinking to break it up with my bf (23)



I'm sort of going though a lot and would love for all to be kind. Thank you.
So, It's been about 3 months things are going this way. He moved to a new place i.e., his brother's friend's house where he lives with about 8 other guys. He hasn't told this brother about us because he is very conservative/orthodox. Even my boyfriend is similar in that context which I love and hate both. He has told his family though - Mom, Dad, Sister and brother in law. So I wasn't really concerned about this cousin brother but somehow he respects this brother more than anyone else. He can do anything for the brother and I don't have a problem with that, Infact, I appreciate it in him.
Now the thing is, at first he was able to talk.
He would talk to a limit though. Then, even after his brother went back to his country, he didn't talk much. Slowly, it changed to when he would get a chance to. Multiple fights later, it has settled on - when he thinks I should hear from him + one update in either pic/text/video. So, he used to talk at every chance he got and now he doesn't do that ever. I blame myself because I did sort of push him away with my constant "You don't talk to me" arguments.
This all has been feeling more like a formality to me now. If I'm sick.. he is not concerned. He is not concerned where I am. He is not concerned who I am with..How my day was.. It's all gone. All I get from him is - some updates (as I said the "formalities") and one or two calls with him telling me where he is.
From about a month, I'd tell him I don't wanna be in this relationship. He'd change for like 2 days then everything goes back. But he has been really very busy in his work.
The latest one was that ' my brother's best friend is suspicious that I have a girlfriend so I can't talk for few days.. don't even text me because I cannot let my brother know. I have an image in front of him that I don't talk to girls '. Which is true. He has been a shy guy. He has never talked to girls. I am his first. He never even looks at girls. He is loyal and truthful to me. I know that when he updates me he is with his friends.. he is with his friends. I have tried and tested all that..
Just this lack of conversation due to one or the other reason has sort of put me off.. his unavailability.. him not being curious about my life, his not being concerned about anything about me, his manner of talking is making me feel that maybe he doesn't love me anymore.
And I am honestly stuck. We had out anniversary recently, for which he was not excited at all about. I know he was busy collecting/earning rent but I would have appreciated a 'happy anniversary' text. We fought on our anniversary. Now it almost feels like... he is not concerned if I get angry/upset. He does his thing, doesn't let me go and honestly, I don't wanna let go either... I want him back but I know I have tried a lot. I have communicated this to him, argued with him and what not.
Now I am more concerned because the brother is coming back in 10 days. And I feel stuck, I know the little conversation we have is going to stop.
Also, I feel it's enough. I've been the one understanding his busy schedule, him being with the guys, his waking up late after I've slept already and not being able to talk, him being busy during his nights (my mornings). For context I'm in India and he is in Canada.
I don't feel like talking to him because I know it won't last even a minute before he says he has to go. I am not excited about his texts. I don't feel I love him while I know I do. I am so confused.
I am not sure if I should break up or not.
I am.. just not feeling anything. Just leave anything. A suggestion, an advice, an experience you had..Anything to tell me that this might be normal. If not, just tell me if I am okay breaking up.
Just be kind, please.
submitted by yourcandidamy to LDR [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:14 Beautiful-Fly-7746 Taking baby out by myself for the first time.

If you struggle with postpartum anxiety, you're not alone! I was a stay at home mom the past 10 months, and I feel like being home a lot definitely made it worse. I still take my daughter out. We just usually go to visit family, friends, and I take her to the park once or twice a week. Places I'm comfortable with! Lol if we go to a store or the mall, I always have someone with us either my husband, a family member, or a friend.
I've always been anxious about going to stores alone with her because I just don't trust people. A million things run through my mind like what if we get followed in the store, what if someone tries to take her?
But I've been working again 4-6 hours 3-4 times a week for the past month, and I think getting out of the house has definitely made me feel A LOT better. I have to go pick up my check today, and I work at a Baskin Robbins in a big shopping center, so I figured me and her could get ice cream and go on a target trip.
I know this seems so stupid and small, but this is huge for me. I'm excited to have a little girls day just me and her, and I'm really happy that I don't feel anxious or scared about it. 🥲
submitted by Beautiful-Fly-7746 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:14 Solid_Lab_4690 I captured a guys Mom and Daughter!

I captured a guys Mom and Daughter! submitted by Solid_Lab_4690 to prisonarchitect [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:14 Throwawaynomyannul AITA for refusing to apologize for not telling my ex son in law about our family's history of mental illness?

My (60F) son in law (43M) and daughter (43F) had a very ugly divorce that has resulted in their kids (18M, 15F, 10M) no longer speaking to their dad and my ex SIL's side of the family no longer speaking to us, and refusing to attend any holiday or birthday event for the grandkids if we are involved in any way.
My son in law spent time in jail for screaming at the judge handling the divorce case calling him " a piece of human trash" and " enabler of deception" and bragging about writing rants about the judge online.
My daughter was diagnosed with schizophrenia a few years into her marriage. Now her ex demands that my husband and I apologize and pay him damages because he claims we should have told him before the wedding 22.5 years ago that our family has a history of mental illness.
At the time of their wedding my daughter did not show symptoms. My mom, who was already deceased at the time, had schizophrenia. A few relatives in the generation before her also may have had it but they were in a time where it was hushed up.
My husband and I did not have any mental health issues. My daughter gets married and a few years into it she shows symptoms and gets diagnosed with schizophrenia. Her ex knew this and continued to be married to her and signing up for fatherhood with her.
My daughter found it hard to keep employment, and was stifled in her marriage. She filed for divorce and only then did her mental health become an issue with her ex.
He posted rants that he wanted an annulment because he was lied to and he wouldn't have married her if he knew she was going to be " insane." A lawyer friend told him he did know for years about the family history after my daughter got diagnosed and didn't ask for an annulment for nearly 2 decades, and California rarely grants them, very few lawyers do them.
The judge implied my ex SIL's vocational experts and he himself were untruthful about my daughter's employment prospects and ruled for alimony that had the potential to be renewed indefinitely since this is a long term marriage by CA standards. My SIL is furious at having to pay that and that it's insulting he has to be given a legally mandated amount to send his children. He claims there was never a marriage to begin with.
Now he says we are the real villains because we knew and should have made sure he knew, and not just assumed he knew that our daughter could become mentally ill. He said as compensation, we needed to pay for his lawyers and support our daughter so his alimony is 0 because the judge hates him now because of my lie and will likely extend her alimony forever as they are past 10 years of marriage in California.
I told him I'm not apologizing for not revealing privileged medical information that wasn't mine to reveal. AITA?
submitted by Throwawaynomyannul to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:13 EquivalentCandidate3 They are upset they will have siblings…

Step daughters are upset they will have siblings because they favor their dad and they want siblings that look like their mom and have their mom’s features. I can’t lie, this one hurt!
submitted by EquivalentCandidate3 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:10 ZemFireStorm My boyfriends turning 21 at end of lease, exact day. And throwing me n children to wolves.

I female 22, have been in a relationship with my parter m(20) since August of 22. I was living with my mom when we got together. He moved in for 22 days then had to start college n I saw him every weekend. Come November, I miscarried, I was 8 weeks, periods were always spot on, have a 2 year old, so when my period was late n late n late, I put it together, by end of December, we were pregnant again, she is now 9 months. My boyfriend is an alcoholic. I've kinda wondered if he was only with me for the perks of I can buy his alcohol but I always just threw it over my shoulder.. yk oh no he's with me bc he loves me.... he turns 21 the exact day our lease ends... I'm torn to pieces. My oldest daughter's father, I pissed him off one night, was straight forward with him, he didn't like it, told me to pack my shit. Verity was only 2 months old. Evalyns 9 months.. and here I go... having to raise children by myself... AGAIN. I feel so betrayed.. my boyfriends mom, bought a house n we were supposed to rent it together. I've put 15 hours of MY time to paint the entire place. After work 8-5 everyday whilst taking care of kids between paint coats.. I know that I can take care of them both. I have the funds for it but.. it hurts like he'll. N he was gonna make me move back in with my mom knowing damn well she physically abuses me as well as emotionally and mentally. He's seen her physically abuse me... his mom is beyond upset n hurt, I went to her bc I can't tell my mom anything. She bad mouths me, she was tryna dcf me when I got dropped on my ass with my oldest.. so.. idk this brings up a whole buttload of emotions but I wanted to get it out and I can't really tell a whole Lotta people right now, so... if you've read and left me a comment. Thank you, I appreciate it.
submitted by ZemFireStorm to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:09 throwawaythrowtodae Do 4.5 year olds know the difference between right and wrong with body parts?

I am babysitting a 4.5 year old boy and I have a few young children at home, the youngest being 1. One incident I walked around the corner and he had pulled her pants down and was touching her butt. I explained to him what was wrong about that and we continued on. Today I walked around the corner again and he was talking about her butt, and when I asked him for clarification on what he was saying he wouldn’t repeat it. My other child repeated what he said, and he said “I don’t know what he’s talking about”.
While nothing happened today physically, the fact that he sort of hid and accused my other child of lying tells me he has to realize it’s not appropriate right? I mean, he wants privacy when he uses the washroom so he should know what privacy is no?
I do plan to speak with his mom. She’s difficult to get ahold of, and sit down with.
ETA: he’s only done this with my daughter and when I’m not in the same room
submitted by throwawaythrowtodae to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:03 KamchatkasRevenge Out of Cruel Space Side Story: Of Dog, Volpir, and Man - Bk 6 Ch 18

The next day finds the military part of the Bridger family waiting in one of the larger cargo bays. Paladin company and Shark Platoon are on hand, all in full power armor except for Makula, with the exception of Jaruna who's standing next to Jerry in a family uniform with her shotgun and sword slung over her back. Jerry had also elected for a dress uniform today, though he'd paired it with a 'ceremonial' curaiss that could still take a hit from a plasma cannon or two... and concealed a small shield generator. Mixed with his cloak and the Crimsonhewer war ax on his belt, Jerry thought he looked every bit the barbarian warlord... if a bit too clean cut for a Hollywood depiction of such.
The situation reminded Jerry of a similar reception back on Serbow... but this one was a bit less ceremonial and a bit more... dynamic. They didn't have any formal bonds with Clan Karchara, or their Khan, Komugai. So as a meeting of two new to each other factions, things could get... exciting. Which considering they were talking about Cannidor meant that things could potentially get very violent, very quickly.
They usually didn't. Not any more. Yet... it never helped to play it safe, even with a clan that had a decent reputation like the Karchara. More cut throat clans had been heard to disguise themselves for meetings like this for meetings so they could ambush their targets after all. Plus as always, there was tradition to observe and satisfy. Tradition which could be best summarized as 'Offer one hand, but arm the other.'. The Cannidor were ready to fight a war naked among any people but their own. They were beyond dangerous. So an armed society wasn't so much a polite society as the unarmed were likely mentally infirm, and to be politely left to their own devices.
A sharp whistle from the 1MC draws Jerry from his thoughts.
"Now hear this! The Clan Karchara envoy is arriving!"
The Karchara drop ship slides into view out of the black and makes it's way towards the docking day with all the leisurely grace of a terrestrial shark swimming towards a coral reef. Whoever's piloting it is clearly a hot hand on the stick because the ship moves as smooth as anything Jerry had ever seen out of Cruel Space, extending it's landing gear and coming to a halt with nary a hint of a bounce in it's suspension and shock absorbing gear.
"Hmmm. The Karchara..." Jaruna rumbles. "An interesting contact in Cannidor space to be sure. So to recap what we talked about, they're somewhat on and off again allies of my old clan. Decent types for the most part. No idea who the Khan is now, and a little searching online didn't turn anything up. Don't think the intelligence weasels had anything either. Save that they've been having some internal structural changes. Seized a new planet too, lighting raid, unconventional tactics, whatever that means. Gives them complete control of... ten decently populated and industrialized star systems I think. They're firmly in the middle of the power band for the Khans by that measurement, exact position depends on the number of warriors under arms they can bring to the Golden Khan's muster."
"Right. Well. Guess we'll have to see what Khan Karchara wants to chat about, and hear about this plan of hers."
The Karchara drop ship settles onto it's landing gear, and it's flight crew leaves the engines running. Tradition. You never knew if a reception was actually friendly after all, and it was also a mark of respect for the hosts. You might be asked to fuck off after all.
The forward assault ramp drops, and the honor guard warriors of the Khan march out, in power armor, but with their helmets off, fanning out to cover their leader. The lack of helmets was very much a declaration of intent, the human equivalent of open palms for a Cannidor in power armor.
Jaruna's brow instantly furrows as she scans the faces of the honor guard.
"...Wait. I know some of those girls. One of my aunts, Norkath is there on the left, and that's... but that."
Jerry can hear Jaruna's brain crunching that information.
"...Komugai. You said the Khan's name was Komugai? Not Jelvuna?"
"Definently Komugai."
"...Unless she changed her name... but then would Aunt Norkath join the Karchara proper without her...?"
Jaruna mutters to herself, clearly trying to puzzle whatever's eating at her out, when the sound of heavy boots on the assault ramp sound, and an utterly massive Cannidor woman starts to come into view. She cuts an imposing presence. Her uniform not too far off from Jerry's, a mix of barbarian warlord and modern dress uniform. The massive war ax over her shoulder tipping the scales on the barbarian - modern officer scale towards barbarian. It was easy to miss her other various weapons in the sheer scale of her. Her stark white fur, the three brutal scars across her muzzle, and another two over her left eye, which had a cybernetic replacement.
Khan Karchara stands for a moment, surveying the room silently... and before anyone can say anything, Jaruna breaks the silence;
Khan Karchara cuts loose with a booming laugh that reminds Jerry of Khan Isuras, and if this is indeed Jaruna's mother, he can immediately see exactly why the two women cut palms and swore sisterhood. He wouldn't be hard pressed to believe they were actual sisters.
"Heh. Glad to see all that time on Centris hasn't dulled your powers of observation! Always said you were a sharp one."
There's no sarcasm there, a little maternal teasing perhaps, but she's not mocking Jaruna. Anyone with eyes can tell Khan Karchara is damn proud of her child.
"And this'd be my son in law... bit small but hell just from your first date with my little girl I know you're a first class head kicker, plus you already gave me four grandbabies to spoil! Hahah. I suppose these bigguns here are the older girls? I... say. I thought there was three of you."
Karchara points at Makula.
"You're a bit old to be Hippolyta considering she was born a couple weeks ago. Who are you, girl?"
"Makula Sa'Bridger, I was adopted a few days ago. Honored Matron."
Karchara grins, her numerous teeth gleaming in the light of the hangar.
"Matron? Not Khan?"
"You are my mother's mother, standing in my family's clan hold. To refer to your title by right of blood is most appropriate."
Another bark of laughter.
"Well drilled and whip smart I see. You know the ways of our kind well, granddaughter." Karchara smirks, looking smug before turning to her honor guard.
"See girls? Five now! Haha! What a stud of a bull!"
Khan Karchara turns back to Jerry and Jaruna.
"Ah but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's get the formal bit done so we can go jaw a bit and then hopefully I can visit with my eldest daughter, my son in law and these fine young ladies."
She quickly shifts her body a bit, drawing herself up to her full, imposing twelve foot height.
"I am Komugai, Khan of Karchara. I come to broker peace and fellowship between our clans, to join them in a bond of steel that will stand the sword storm for all time."
Jerry nods slowly. More than they'd expected actually. That was laying out intent to conduct some very, very serious negotiations.
"I, Jeremiah, Khan of Bridger, Admiral of this fleet, lord of these proud warriors before you, bid you welcome, Komugai of Karchara, bring your banner among ours, that they might rest together while we discuss the business of peace, and of wars yet to come."
"Well spoken indeed... and the steel in your eyes." Komugai nods slowly. "Yes, I see what you see in him, Jaruna, well past his considerable combat skills. All the better my dear son-in-law that you have already begun working on my grand design... but come, let us dismiss our warriors that they might go and eat, drink and enjoy themselves. We need only you, Jaruna, and perhaps my granddaughters for this business, so that they might learn the ways of leadership."
"I think we can accommodate that." Jerry says before turning and pulling the ax off of his belt and raising it high, an ancient Cannidor signal for attention from the leader of a warband to their warriors.
"Warriors, we walk with friends, show them to the promenade, that they might share our table while we discuss business."
Jerry and Jaruna guide Komugai to the conference room they'd prepared, while Joan and the girls quickly hustle to get their armor stowed and get their tails to the same spot. None of them wanted to miss a minute of this!
Still, the tension in the room's fairly heavy when the door closes, and Jaruna turns on her mother.
"Alright. We got a couple minutes till the girls get up here. What the hell, mom? You changed your name? Took over the Karchara? What the heck is going on?"
Komugai settles herself in a Cannidor scale chair, grinning all the while.
"You should be happier, daughter. This was inspired by you after all. When you left our band. Left the old clan... I knew you were right. We won't speak of that business, but we were obligated... and I should have been brave enough to refuse, but I lacked the standing... and perhaps the courage. So I did what any good Khan worth her blades would do and crammed it down their throats. Broke that clan, took them in, then subsumed the Karchara with my new band. They've got the older name, so I became Khan Karchara instead of remaining Khan Jormuntide. Your Aunt's got the title now. I'd offer it to you, but you've got your own clan now."
"So Jormuntide remains at least." Jaruna shuts her eyes for a second and lets out a slow breath. "You really did all this because of my idealistic and childish temper tantrum nearly a century ago?"
"Hardly childish. Idealistic? Absolutely. There's something to be said for actually trying to live up to our own ideals though. Especially as warriors. However, that is personal business, and we have business to discuss for the Undaunted first."
Komugai turns to face Jerry square on.
"Admiral Bridger, I'm prepared to offer two things to the Undaunted. One. I want to ally myself and my clan formally with the Undaunted. Second, I prepared to gift an entire star system to the same from my holdings. It is populated, but sparsely across three habitable worlds. Ripe for ongoing colonization and industrialization. To keep things fair, people within my clans will be given a chance to move to or from as they please if for some reason they don't wish for Undaunted citizenship. The Undaunted will then have the standing to select a Khan for your Cannidor population, both in Cannidor space, and Undaunted wide. A non voting position at first, but as the clan grows you will achieve that status quickly I believe."
Jerry stops dead. "...Did you just offer us a star system with three habitable worlds?"
"...Okay, I'm on board, but why?"
"Simply put, the worlds are marginal. They need investment. They need settlers. You need worlds. A strong alliance with humanity... and being the first Cannidor clan to extend that hand formally, even having your realm within my space... only benefits me. As I grow my own territory I might even cede another system to the Undaunted. If the Undaunted Khan helps me in those battles I damn sure will." Komugai chuckles. "We'll see how many Khans are stupid enough to try to fight me in the next few decades of course. The other thing I'm trading on is Undaunted naval power. As you just learned, we don't really do navies. I want a professional navy, the Undaunted have agreed to help me get it... and help secure my space once we secure them my end of the bargain, that, Admiral, is where you come in."
Jerry arches an eyebrow and gestures for Komugai to continue.
"Simply put, you need to do what you just did with that border bandit Khan Irgalas, but across Cannidor space. This isn't a done deal. It's up to the Grand Council and I'm but one vote. You already have an in with some of the other Khans, and the Undaunted are doing business with Cannid Solutions. That's an excellent start, and you just made a stellar formal introduction of yourself to Cannidor space. A flawless orbital and ground fight like that'll make sure word gets around that the Undaunted are here... and as dangerous as their rep says they are. I got a little list of the other movers and shakers you need to press the flesh with to win over key parts of the council. You make the rounds, and I'll be doing the same on my end. We meet on Canis Prime for the council meeting, and then we either have a huge brawl to make our point or toast victory with some top quality booze."
"You make it sound pretty simple." Jerry says, clearly not believing there's all there is to it.
Komugai shrugs. "It is simple in its concept. Pressing the flesh and winning the various Khans over won't be. They'll all have their little tests and challenges for you to get the measure of both humans and the Undaunted. We've seen a lot on the trivid as a species. A lot of us have heard stuff in the news or from kin. This is your chance to just straight up show people who you are and what you're about. Because now you're here, and therefore 'real'. If that makes any sense. Cannidor don't really care much about shit happening on the other half of the galactic disk. Undaunted, Humans, being here? Now? Now people will really start paying attention besides idly seeing if there's some interesting amateur porn or more combat footage available."
The Khan points over at Joan, Boudicca, Khutulun and Makula. "These four will likely be very critical to the warrior house's opinion of you... your next generation of warriors, your daughters. How are they treated? How are they trained? What's their mettle like? If they're strong, and worthy, you will impress the khans in a very good way. If my granddaughters are found wanting, they'd question a great many things... and could cause trouble when the Grand Council meets to discuss my little proposal, among other orders of business."
Jerry looks over at Joan and the girls, all four of them are suddenly looking very tense, especially Makula. "I have every confidence in all of my daughters to deal with anything the Khans can throw at them. Even Hippolyta if a trial suited for an infant is on hand."
That gets a chuckle from the girls, relaxing them a hair.
"Still. We'll burn that bridge when we get there. No sense borrowing trouble that hasn't come yet."
Komugai nods. "Wise words. Your diplomats have already approved this plan on their end, they'll send you the itinerary and all the fussy details shortly. Unless you have other questions for me?"
"I've heard there's a grand council of patriarchs too. Would getting in good with them help?"
That gets a full on shrug from the massive warrior woman. "Yes? I mean. Probably. No good way to arrange that though beyond asking my hubby, and I have. He said their council will handle things if it's deemed appropriate, and I don't need to fuss about it too much, and I know a polite way to be asked to fuck off when I hear one... so keep your head on a swivel on that one Jerry, I'm sure the patriarchs are well aware of the Undaunted... and are looking at a possible way to make warriors out of their sons without making their wives piss their frilly panties."
The khan's brilliant white teeth glitter in the room. "Back when we were the more traditional kind of savages back on our homeworld, the bulls did a lot of the leading and the fighting on an individual basis. Women however have always fought the wars. As we grew as a species, developed power armor, space travel, had our population bloom, a bull fighting another in single combat became less practical, and the other traditional male roles of shaman, guide, and brain trust came to the forefront. The council of patriarchs is an old body Jerry. Pre space flight. One of our first forms of international diplomacy between the khans. The matriarchs hold all the power... but when the council of patriarchs speaks, people know to shut up and pay attention."
Jerry nods slowly. Seemed like he'd just have to wait and see... and make sure he made a good impression when the opportunity presented itself.
"Well. I think that concludes everything we need to talk about professionally. Unless you have something else Khan Karchara?"
"Aww, just call me Mama like my big fuzz ball over here used to when we're not working! I've heard a bit about this little fortress of yours, could you all give me the tour? I'd like a chance to talk to all my new granddaughters after all."
Jerry shrugs. "Sure, we'll head up to the Den for a bit, then head down to the promenade to join the girls for some drinks and skewers. Our Cannidor eatery's got the best skewers in wild space whenever we're there."
"Don't I believe it, get to try some more Earth meats too! Bought a little sampler pack from a friend and good goddess, if you start exporting that bacon stuff in bulk, I'm going to invest in a chain of gyms, because there's going to be a lot of girls fighting to keep their girlish figures!"
First Last (SFW) Last (NSFW)
submitted by KamchatkasRevenge to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:02 wlflwrr i have been feeling very unwell lately because of my childhood but i couldn’t remember why until now. do you think this could be the reason?

my parents were always very dismissive about my emotions and i was ashamed of having them. nothing ever counted as good enough to cry for and whenever i was sad or felt love towards a friend or a partner, i got made fun of. my father was never a nice person to me, he was never physically absuive though. i got constantly told throughout my childhood that nobody will love me if im not pretty and always got made fun of for my weight. my father wanted for me to be perfect for the boys, while at the same time not giving a single f about my life. he would often work and we would have good times about once a week. sometimes he would not be home for months because he had a job and we barely had any contact during these times. i was raised by my grandmother and mother. layer i found out that my father was married to another woman a month before she had me, they then married a year later. i would often live with my grandparents during the summer where the local children taught me about sex, we would practice on different items and watch porn together. when i was 8, we had a big love to the states where i was almost always happy, but felt dissociated from my parents because i constantly read pornographic material and constantly bullied at school for my weight . we moved many times after that and my father became distant and secretive again. he would constantly say insults to my mother, which hurt me. i have been self harming since i was a teen, but my parents didn’t believe in depression so said i was doing it for attention. but recently i rememebered an event from my younger years, my mother was friends with a woman who she would leave me with whenever she needed to go soemwhere, the woman had a daughter about two years older than me. (i was seven she would be nine) and her father was an alcoholic. the girl constantly did things that i didn’t like such as cutting my hair or coloring my face with markers. she would take me to a dark spot in my room and make fun of of me saying that im her doll. i would reel my mom but she would brush it away. one time when we were there her dad was drinking and she grabbed me and turned the light off in the room and grabbed me by my waist and i said no i don’t want and she was lying on me and kept saying that in her teddy bear and and that she would squeeze me to death. she would then ask me if i knew about sex, i was uncomfortable but i w was a child and couldn’t say anything. i then remebwr she kissed me on the lips. i don’t remember anybting after hardy i think she just let me go and we went our own ways and i never thought anything of it at the time., but now it makes me a bit uncomfortable.
submitted by wlflwrr to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:02 bignaturefan I may be getting a cat. What do I need to know?

My daughter (almost 6) had been obsessed with cats forever. She really wants one. My husband grew up with cats but never “took” care of them. His mom did.
I have always had big dogs. (Same with my hubs). I have been taking my daughter to the humane society about once a month to play with the cats, “help” clean and care for them and generally expose her to the different cat personalities.
I’m allergic but am willing to get shots and I hear you get used to your own cat.
Here are my fears… I have met cats I LOVE and cats I did not like. For example I like most dogs I meet but cats that I like are like 1 in 5. But the cats I like, I’m crazy about.
I have heard absolute horror stories of my friends or family whose cat decided to be a dick and pees on the bed, pillows, clothes when they don’t like that their food changed, they went out town etc. (yes they were checked and cleared of diabetes, uti or other health concerns, cat was just an asshole). I do not think I could tolerate an intentional repeated offense like this. Obviously, I can tolerate an animal who is sick or had an accident but these cases were long term asshole cats.
I like social cats. I have personally watched my friends’ cats grow up for the last 13 years. They went from social cats to never leaving from under the bed. Years and years of the cats being terrified to leave a room. They did move in that time buts it’s been 4 years and they still never come out.
How do I prevent that “cat” smell? You know, you go over to a friends house and it absolutely reeks but they have no idea because they are used to it? I have other friends who have cats but their house doesn’t smell. They didn’t really have advice when I asked.
Anything special I should know? How do you pick your cat? What kind should I look for?
Thanks in advance. If we do this, I want to be a good cat owner.
submitted by bignaturefan to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:55 Glittering-Towel-655 I (31f) am concerned about my boyfriend’s (27m) work wife. Am I over reacting and just trust him?

TL;DR boyfriend sexted his girl work friend the day after we split up for two weeks. They still communicate now that we are back together. She also hit on him while we were together. He says he doesn’t have feelings for her but the texts exchanged with each other say otherwise.
My bf and I have been seeing eachother for a year now. We were previously struggling and decided to break up. It only lasted two weeks. We have be going solid for 4 months after our break up.
Backstory: Recently, I noticed my boyfriend frequently discussing his female friend who helped him land a job. I asked if they ever had a thing, he said he used to have a crush on her when they first met 5 years ago, they hooked up once and have remained friends ever since. One day he showed me a video the girl sent him. It was the girls mom saying that she should go for matty and she wrote DTF?
That alarmed me but I suppressed the feelings for a while until she helped him get a job. During this time, they were conversing a lot more and he was very thankful of her, as he should be.
However it still was bothering me how much they were texting and that he I couldn’t stop thinking about that video.
So I when through his phone. I discovered sexual texts from him to her saying he wanting to sleep with her the day after we break up.
I also found texts from her to him while we WERE together saying “break up with her and date me” and “ I want to kiss you” “I’m prettier than her”. He joked with her and said they would be drunks together (I guess they used to party together). He was sending her the same pictures he would send me, and sometimes calling her pet names similar to what he would say to me (not honey or love but other cute names).
I confronted him about it. He said I can’t be mad because we were broken up at the time . He also dismissed it as drunken loneliness. he said he doesn’t have feelings for her and she has a bf now. I asked him why he joked around with her when she told him to date her and not say no he is with me. He said he didn’t want to upset her.
They still text often and make plans to hang out but never do. However now they work together and go to lunch.
Him and I are still together, happy. Except for this. These texts happened more than 3 months ago and I’m just seeing them now. I’m hurt he didn’t tell me about this, what else he might hide from me and if something will progress from just friends as now they work together.
He insists on their continued friendship because she did him a favor and got him this job. I told him I don’t feel comfortable if they hang out alone. He said he wouldn’t but it’s almost impossible since they work together now.
He also was furious I went through his phone. He said I was mentally ill for invading his privacy, said I’m the one who has issues, that I create my own miserable and paranoia, that I make up things in my head that aren’t true.
He then brought up all the shitty things I did in the relationship and said it’s not fair. We both were Unfaithful in our relationship in the early months but now we have been dating for a year. We are practically sober as these occurrences and the majority of our problems were created from booze. We are doing well at work, talking about moving in together and starting a family.
But this is really eating me up. I feel disrespected.
He says he doesn’t have feelings for her but it’s hard to believe when both parties showed interest and now work together, still communicate everyday.
He is upset with me for these accusations and has been distant. He said I need to get over it or leave. He says the only thing that is pulling us a part is me.
I don’t know if I’m over reacting like he says but I’m hurt and angry on how defensive and anger he got about this. He says I need to get off my meds because I’m delusional.
Should I just believe him and let them carry on? Or is this a ticking time bomb? I need a third person view here please help.
submitted by Glittering-Towel-655 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:49 Lumpy-Macaroon-5266 AITAH for telling on my mom and possibly ruining her relationship with my sister?

I've read a lot of these posts, but I've never made one before, I'm sorry for formatting. Names changed for anonymity.
I (21f) and my mom (50f) have a weird relationship, as do my sisters (26f) and (19f). This post is mainly about me, Sis (19f), and Mom.
A little background: I love my mom, but she's a little crazy. A hardcore Christian who thinks the rapture is near, that yoga opens you to demons, and a bunch of outlandish things. She also has a hard time taking accountability. Most of her apologizes are not real apologies and lack accountability. I.E 'I'm sorry you felt that way... I was young and thought I knew everything too... I'm sorry you think I'm a terrible mother...etc' None of us have ever called her a bad mom, she raised all of us alone and wasn't around a lot because she was working two jobs. I recognize that struggle, I appreciate it everyday because I am who I am because of it, but it doesn't give her a free pass to act the way she does.
Now onto the main issue: Mom enjoys 21+ drinks a little more than most people do, but I don't know if I'd classify her as an alcoholic. She's not getting drunk EVERY day, but it's enough that we've (me and Sis) have noticed an uptick in the number of drinks and the amount of days that she drinks. Sis, doesn't live at home anymore, but I do now since school is out for the summer. When my older sister, we'll call her L, was visiting the weekend before last, Mom got drunk at home. We went out to dinner the following night and she got drunk again. And again the next night. When Mom drinks, she gets loud, doesn't know what personal space is, and doesn't really have a filter, and I know that happens with most people. But this is like turned up to a hundred for Mom.
All three of us (me, Sis, and L) were annoyed, but L ignored it, I tried to keep Mom calm, and Sis was more vocal. When dinner ended we went back to Sis's house and played with the cats, but I'm allergic and hadn't take any allergy medicine, so we had to leave shortly after getting some group pics. When me and L got back to Mom's, we had to pour her into bed, which is normally a job left to me. Convince Mom to not sleep in her jeans, get her water with ice, and make sure the fan is on in her room so she can sleep well. Mom also likes to get up and then lay back down a couple times until she's finally out. L and I went to bed after going through old family pictures and keepsakes.
After L left back for her home in a different state the Monday morning after "the drunk weekend", so it was just me and Mom in the house. Well Monday night mom went to her friend's house and I was home just watching TV when she came in at around 10:00 pm. I came down to the kitchen, where she was unloading the dishwasher and asked her how her night was. She was slurring her words a little bit, so I figured she was just a little tired cause drunk driving was not my first assumption. It should've been.
The conversation as follows: Me: "Are you drunk?!" Mom: "Duh." Me: "Please tell me you're joking." Mom: "No, but I waited until I wasn't REALLY drunk."
We then got into a screaming match, mostly me yelling at her and I did call her stupid, which I feel a little guilty about. Not enough to feel THAT bad though. After I'd said my piece, I went up to my room and locked the door because I know Mom's MO from previous fights. You think it's done, but five minutes later she'll open the door and start arguing again. Which is exactly what she tried to do. She told me to unlock the door but I refused, so she yelled through the door. She tried to make herself into the victim and said she knows that we all (me and sisters) hate her, think that she's a disappointment, and so on and so forth. (I took a video in case she tried to come in.)
When I tried to talk to her through the door, I didn't get an answer and went to her room to find her lying down in the dark. I reiterated that what she did was stupid, that she could've killed someone or even herself. I told her that if she ever did it again, I'd call the police myself. Then I asked her why she didn't call me. She said she didn't want her friend to be right, that she was gonna need me to pick her up. I got even more angry and texted my sisters. I didn't send them the video, but I did send it to my best friend.
That's where I might've messed up. I know Sis, she holds grudges worse than any of us. But I was so angry and felt like they had the right to know.
Well, Mother's Day rolled around, L FaceTimed Mom, I was home, so I gave her the gift I'd gotten her. Sis never contacted Mom and I guessed the drunk driving incident had something to do with it. Mom kept contacting Sis even after I told her not to, because Sis is also the type that needs to cool down before she comes around. I felt guilty because I knew that what I told them was probably what caused this whole mess.
This morning, my mom came into my room sobbing and woke me up by yelling "You told Sis! That's why she isn't talking to me!"
I said I was sorry, that I didn't mean to cause trouble, but they had the right to know. She was close to hyperventilating, so I told her to sit down and breathe. I looked at the messages and Mom has been texting and calling Sis for three days straight multiple times a day. Which is what I told her NOT to do. Nowhere in the messages did Sis say she she was no longer speaking to Mom, all she said is she is changing her number and she will call her when shes ready. I wont be giving Sis's new number to Mom, nor will I be defending Mom's actions to her. But I feel like a major AH because if I hadn't texted my sisters, everything would be fine.
I don't know what to do or how to fix this, and I can't be the reason Mom loses contact with Sis. That guilt will eat me alive. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thank you
submitted by Lumpy-Macaroon-5266 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:49 Glad_Lobster_6261 AITAH for demanding safe eating practices

TLDR: I asked my mom (my baby’s caretaker while I’m at work) to follow a few rules for introducing first foods to my baby, and she got upset saying that I need to “give her more credit” and trust her more.
My baby is 5 months old as of Sunday. I work full time (4 10’s). My mom told me that while I’m at work, he’s not interested much in a bottle at her house. When I’m with him I don’t see this side of him, he breastfeeds/nurses when I’m there and takes a bottle for my husband well. However, my mom seemed really concerned and saying that he’s ready for solids. I told her I would rather wait until he can sit up better on his own/closer to 6 months based on research I’ve done… but I trust her opinion, she’s raised 3 babies and ran an in home daycare previously. So, on my day off yesterday I tried some mashed avocado with him. He did okay, it mostly made a huge mess but I think he did swallow some of it and seemed to like it. Last night, I messaged her with some of my concerns/stipulations to follow with introducing solids. Here was my exact text to her:
“A few things before we dive straight into solids, it might sound silly to you but I need to make sure we're on the same page. I've done a lot of research and I just want what's best for his safety 1. Please don't introduce a new food without me or at least run it by me first. 2. I want you to take a basic infant cpr class. I'll pay for it if I can't find a free one. Just in case he would start choking. 3. His main source of nutrients still needs to be from breastmilk until at least 1 year. Always offer milk first and then purees if he's acting hungry. 4. He's still not sitting up on his own & not hit all of the milestones for readiness although I agree he is ready in other aspects, but I still want to take it slow & not rush anything. I hope you understand this.”
Her text back said “I’m not getting cpr certified. I’ll refresh myself. Is Adam (my husband) or David (my husbands dad who rarely watches him) certified? They are the worry, not me. I’m more educated on babies than most. If you can’t trust my care with him, maybe we need a new plan for his care. I’ve been way more up front with you than a daycare would be. Give me more credit. I’m his grandma, not just some childcare provider. Took that tougher than I expected. Luckily for you.. I’ll get over it quickly. You might need to reign in your “first time mom” feelings a bit. Give me more credit”.
I agree that a full cpr class is a little excessive, I more meant a refreshea simple video. However, I don’t think the others are asking too much. I don’t think it’s fair that she threw it in my face that she’s doing us a favor by watching him. She is, but she also was the one who volunteered/wanted to watch him and I tell her all the time how appreciative I am about this. AITAH or is she completely disregarding my feelings/safety concerns?
submitted by Glad_Lobster_6261 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:47 turnsscarlet 2.5 year old struggling with part time daycare--would love advice/thoughts

I would love any advice from parents who have been in a similar boat to us (I work part time but till now my mom has watched my 2.5 year old daughter while I work. I stay at nana's while I work remotely, so am always available for cuddling or nursing. Recently, mom expressed she was getting overwhelmed, so we found a part time daycare.)
My daughter started attending daycare a couple weeks ago (she goes twice a week from 8-12:30 both days). She started out confident and excited about the playground and kids--she didn't even want to hug me goodbye the first day! But now going into week 3, she seems to really be missing me/home.
We chatted with the teacher yesterday and she mentioned our daughter is good at expressing how she's feeling ("ready for mommy") and asking for a hug because she's sad--and that this is happening about every 30 minutes! This morning as we were getting her ready to go, she started to cry heavily about not wanting to go to school, and as we buckled her into her carseat, she was sobbing so hard that she threw up her breakfast all over her shirt/seat. At this point, I was tearing up too, and I just took her out and said we'd stay home together.
I am wondering if anyone has tips for easing this separation? Thank you in advance!
submitted by turnsscarlet to AttachmentParenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:47 harleyrider696 Child support on an 18yo

My youngest daughter turned 18 and wasn’t in school from 16 to 18. A month before she turned 18 my ex enrolled her into EPIC Charter Schools. My daughter is not doing the school work and was living out of state with her new boyfriend and both of them moved back in with my ex. I have been blocked by my ex from accessing her school records and my daughter lies to me so her mom can keep getting child support. Child support enforcement won’t help me either. What can I do?
submitted by harleyrider696 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:42 sockonthetable could i be 9w8?

hi! im pretty new to enneagram and so far i think i might be a 9w8. i filled out the questions in the intro. im hoping to get some help or closure on typing myself. im sorry for the long text in advance lol.
• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself. Im 15 and a girl, ive doubted my gender few times though i dont really "feel" like a girl or anything and i like it when people mistake me for a man, i mostly identify as i girl cause its the easiest for me. im a pretty average student. i used to be "gifted" or something like that but now im just average (im ok with that). i have a few friends and thats pretty much it.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow? no i did visit a psychologist a few times. i stopped because it didnt really help me and i saw no point in it.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it? My biological father was mostly absent from my early childhood (since i was 3) and doesnt live with me. pretty soon my mom got a boyfriend and they got married so ive had a step dad since i was 3. im not very close to either of my parents. we dont really show affection much to each other and so on. both of my parents are atheist and my grandparents on my moms side are also atheist. my grandma is a jehovas witness and used to bring me to "church" with her when i was little. i was always very curious about it and i used to think a lot about whether or not god was real and if i should convert. i always came to the conclusion thats hes not real and im atheist. i vividly remember that when i was little my grandpa asked me if he should be christian or not and i asked him if he had time to go to church to which he replied no so i came to the conclusion that he should be atheist too.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed? if i could send my friends videos and texts sometimes then yes. i dont really mind being alone and i can take care of myself. i can entertain myself on my own. i wouldnt feel lonely or refreshed really since being alone is sort of the norm for me. i spend most of my free time in my room alone.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities? i like crafty activities like knitting, crochet, sewing and embroidery. i also like reading, learning about stuff im interested in. this can be pretty much anything, music, film, fashion, philosophy, religion and so on. im not really good at sports. i can still enjoy them though if its with friends and its not too serious or competitive. im not a very competitive person and i dont like the pressure people can create in team sports. i enjoy cycling because its more individual and i can go at my own pace, i dont have to rely on anyone and no one has to rely on me.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate? im curious but i usually dont ask people many questions, i can satisfy myself with the answer they give. especially if its something personal, if they dont want to answer or are vague theres probably a reason and i dont want to bother them and make them uncomfortable. i have a lot of things i want to do, such as getting better at playing guitar reading and so on. i usually dont really act on this. not for any particular reason i just cant bring myself to do it. im mainly curious about thing like art and fashion history, philosophy and theology, i also find drugs and their side effects and such interesting. i dont really have many ideas. if they are they are usually conceptual such as songs and paintings.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be? i dont really like leadership. i cant imagine myself doing it long term, i wouldnt be able to put up with people that long. i dont like when people complain or ask many follow up questions so that would drive me crazy. although if theres a project or something and no one else wants to lead im willing to do it since stuff still needs to get done. if i was a leader my leadership style would probably be pretty permissive, as long as stuff gets done im okay with pretty much anything.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity? id like to think in somewhat coordinated. although i can be clumsy at times. i like working with my hands. i play guitar and i like to knit and crochet.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer. I like music a lot, i listen to it a lot and it means a lot to me. ive always found comfort in it. when i was younger i really liked melanie martinez and it was basically all i listened to. now i listen to and im open to many different genres. my favourite genre is probably emo and rock though. i also play guitar and enjoy it a lot. sometimes i write lyrics to song too. i used to draw since i was 6 but when i was 13 i stopped because i started comparing myself too much and it didnt make me happy anymore.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them? i dont really care much about the past. whats done is done and i cant do anything to change it. its a waste of time to dwell on it too much. of course it is good to reflect and think about your actions once in a while. i dont really care much about the future either. well not mine specifically. i dont have a specific plan or goal for myself. im just gonna see what life brings me mostly. although i do think it is important to think about the future as a society in terms of climate change and similar issues. i care the most about the present since its what i have the most direct impact on. as cheesy as it might sound i sort of just "live in the moment".
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so? depends on if i can do it and if i like the person. if its something like giving them a napkin or something else thats simple then sure why not. if its something like explaining i usually say no because im not really good at explaining and i often dont understand things myself. if i would help someone its usually because i dont have a reason not to. i think its better to be nice if tou can even you don't necessarily like the person cause you can avoid unnecessary conflict that way.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life? not really. i dont care for things being logical and i dont think everything needs a reasoning or to be logical.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?im not really efficient or productive myself, so i guess not really. of course if something is urgent ill do it as fast as i can. but otherwise i think there are more important things than that. i think the actual of process of doing something can be enjoyable not just what comes out of it.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that? i dont if i control others, im not aware of it at least. i dont think i have that big of an influence on someone else.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them? I like to play guitar because i like music and the feeling of being to engage with it more deeply. i also like to sing. i like reading because i think there are many interesting stories to tell.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses? my learning style is mainly verbal. i like to write things down and say then out loud. i usually explain things to myself or i pretend im presenting or explaining what im learning to someone else. i sometimes have trouble with things involving a lot of math and sometimes even logical thinking. i often times cant grasp these concepts cause i cant imagine it in my head. i struggle with learning environments that have a lot of distractions. but i cant focus if its completely quiet i like to play some kind of background noise such as white or brown noise. i like classes involving creativity the most since i can just do anything i want. i dont have trouble with coming up with new things and creative things to do.
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go? I usually put off things till the last minute so i dont really have time to strategize most of the time. i just do and think of things as i go. usually this works for me and it doesn't stress me out. i do tend to make plans to be "productive" and break up my work into smaller parts this doesnt really work out for me most of the time though.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally? i dont have many aspirations or goals. just standard things like to get into college and stuff i dont really know what i want to do yet. im leaving it up for myself in the future to decide what i should do that will fulfill me. my main goal is just to be happy with myself and where i am in life, nothing really specific.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why? my fear is being completely alone for the rest of my life. and not being happy with myself. although i dont really seek out people and their presence i still like affection and fitting in. i really value my friends and i want to have them along my side. i want to accept myself and who i am. i want to be a version of myself that i like. physical touch makes me uncomfortable, and also verbal affection such as compliments too. i often dont know how to respond. when people hug me i often just stand there and if someone touches me i often immediately try to get away. i dont know how to respond to compliments and verbal affection well, partially because i dont really believe it. i hate dishonest people who cant be themselves and try to be someone else to please others. its very sad for me to watch and i just dont like it in general, it can also get annoying.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like? to be honest i dont think ive ever had a "high". most of the time i just feel mostly neutral. the only "high" i have when im laughing with friends or something.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like? i usually lay in bed all day and dont do anything. i cant even bring myself to shower, eat or brush my teeth. if i eat its usually just plain bread or something that requires no effort. i do have some phases where i cry very often, almost every day. i try to hide either usually and cry when im alone but sometimes its too much and i just cry in front of people. when they ask me if im ok i say yes and i try to deny anything being wrong.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so? i daydream very often. almost every day. if im bored and have nothing to do (i dont have my phone) ill daydream. im aware of my surroundings to some extent. usually im also listening to music while doing this. when i daydream i tend to walk around my room in back and forth. even when im reading a book, watching a film or a tv show i often envisipn myself there and stop watching/reading to imagine myself there and insert myself into the story.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about? i would probably sing to myself and daydream. i dont think i would think about many things to be honest.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it? i havent made many important decisions, but i usually take some time to think it through. i might change my mind afterwards but not do anything about since i already decides and dont want to complicate things. i would probably tell myself its meant to be that way.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life? i usually dont really let my emotions out unless its happiness. emotions are quite important to me. i often base my decisions around them. because i want to be comfortable.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why? usually if i disagree i just dont say anything. i dont agree or disagree. if i dont agree and dpnt want to talk to that person then ill just try to politely exit the conversation. i dont feel the need to please others with what i have to say. people have different opinions and thats ok. if im talking about something friends and i disagree im not afraid to say it though. i do try to be polite about it though to avoid conflict.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why? I dont really break rules. i dont feel the need to. at least i dont do it deliberately. i think authorities should be challenged if theyre unfair and oppressive. if i break rules its because ultimately i can do anything i want. i try to be smart about it and not get in trouble though. if breaking the rules would hurt someone i wouldnt do it.
submitted by sockonthetable to EnneagramTypeMe [link] [comments]