4 girls finger pain video

Parents are just really fucking stupid sometimes

2018.05.08 14:26 Parents are just really fucking stupid sometimes

A subreddit based on KidsAreFuckingStupid.

2015.07.13 09:42 no_soul_or_heart Girls in crop tops

For fans of girls in crop tops, tube tops, short shirts or tank tops, or anything like that that shows off a sexy tummy, belly, or midriff. No nudity. Please read the rules and be kind and positive.

2017.02.22 17:12 PeterPorky Felt Good Coming Out

I bet that felt good coming out. newfastuff.com

2024.05.16 15:34 Pot8obois I (M 30) immediately developed feelings for my new roommate (F31) and feel awful about it

tl;dr New roommate moved in and I felt chemistry with her instantly, it's been hard to manage my emotions and I'm trying to deal with it in a healthy way that does not make the living environment she just moved to negative for her.
So about two weeks ago my old roommate left and a new roommate replaced him. I am a man, she's a woman. We're about the same age. I lived with a woman like this before with no issue. I had talked to her a few times but did not know her all that well before she moved in. Keep in mind she moved from a far distance, so there are layers of reasons why setting boundaries, keeping what is going on to myself, and making sure she' feels comfortable and safe in this new environment is important.
When she moved in we talked a lot. Our conversations got so deep so fast, and I felt a instant connection. After a week I thought the feelings would subside, but they didn't. These feelings have turned painful in the way one does when you're just upset that you feel that way in the first place. I feel so dumb feeling this way. I feel like a bad person. I worry I can't keep what is going on to myself and that it is obvious. I'm scared she's going to see what's going on and get weird and distant with me and that the rest of our time in this apartment is going to be awkward. I am afraid I will fail to have created an environment where my roommate feels comfortable. We get along pretty well, and I'd hate to ruin that as well. It's a positive thing to feel you can have a positive platonic relationship with your roommate and honestly just want to find my way back to that.
I know eventually she might start seeing people and bringing them home, and the thought of that is actually painful now. I know how pathetic I sound, which is why I am venting this nonsense to people that have no clue who I am.
I am trying to find a way to shift my feelings away from her, perhaps to someone else. It has been 4 years since I dated. I just graduated so my time is open. I downloading dating apps, but I just feel so empty on them. I match with someone and just feel nothing about it. I hope in a few weeks this will blow over. I just can't believe I allowed this to happen to me.
Let me share my perspective on why I feel this way.
This woman moved to a different state with a man she does not know well, already taking a bit of a risk. She's in a new place and doesn't know many people here. Let's say that I tell her what I'm feeling. I would be surprised if the feeling is mutual. A good connection does not equate to romantic feelings. I am a man she has not known for very long... she may spend the rest of her time living with me uncomfortable in her own home. I would never want to do that to someone, especially a woman who just moved here. I feel this would be a selfish thing to do and could leave her feeling really uncomfortable.
It's generally an assumed boundary that you don't cross with roommates. It sounds nice on paper for two roommates to fall in love but in reality it can be very uncomfortable and bad for a lot of reasons.
submitted by Pot8obois to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:33 DueCourage3975 Considering a romantic relationship with a long-time friend (20M) despite compatibility concerns (20F) but unsure if it would be the right move?

Throwaway account because I need advice before I go mentally insane. There's a guy that I started to talk to in high school. I didn’t know him but he seemed like my type (same religion/spirituality, same ethnicity, tall, good vibes) and so we started to talk because I wanted to get to know him better.
Fast forward to a couple weeks after we start talking, he tells me he loves this other girl that we both know (we all go to the same school). He tells me all of his issues with her and how he’s depressed about her not liking him back and I'm like oh. I never knew he felt this way about her. He said that he would always love her and he just has a feeling that they will end up together.
In my head, I was friendzoned and honestly I was okay with it because we only talked for like 2 weeks before he told me about his past situationship with that girl. We kept texting though and we ended up getting really close (he wasn’t in a situationship during this, he was just grieving the fact that she didn’t like him back).
Fast forward 5 months, we're super close now. But then he completely disappears, no calls, no texts and right before he disappeared he told me he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. That broke me. Then a month later he comes back out of nowhere and apologizes about what he did and says he was in a bad mental state and he just needed to be alone. I was so hesitant to let him back in because I still felt broken from that last conversation. But he apologized so much so I caved and said I guess we can be friends. We went to the same school too, so I'd see him every day regardless, including when he completely stopped talking to me. He also has mental health issues and has been told by doctors to get properly diagnosed but he hasn’t done it.
Then we start talking again and 6 months later he tells me he loves me. I was shocked, because remember he spent the first couple weeks of us talking telling me about how he'd always love that other girl and they were destined to end up together. So in my head I'm like "uhh...are you sure about this?"
We had our big final exams coming up too, so I wasn't trying to start anything romantic that could mess with my studying. I already knew he was capable of sending me on an emotional rollercoaster, and I didn't need that affecting my academics. So I told him I didn’t feel the same way about him, leaving him heartbroken. We still saw each other every day for the next 2 years at school and would text on and off. He told me he would be willing to wait till we were older, but I didn't want to give him false hope and told him I cannot guarantee him anything.
We ended up both graduating and are now at university and at this point, I thought he had moved on. We spoke 4 or 5 times during our freshman year and they were 8+ hour long calls or full days of texting. Now we are in our sophomore year and he tells me he still loves me. I don’t know what to do. I legitimately thought he was over me and moved on. I feel like I'm just shattering his heart into a million pieces at this point, because sometimes when we talk he seems so emotionless, like he's just numb from the pain. Now we speak occasionally every few months and sometimes every few weeks. He just texts me out of the blue or calls me.
But he thinks I don't love him back. The thing is I don't want to let myself love him back, because he has never given me a sense of stability. Since I met him he has always acted on very strong emotions, gets very upset and very angry and that has rubbed onto me. Whenever he would get sad, I would get sad and I felt like I had no control over my own emotions when I was around him. If I was in a happy mood and he was upset about something, he would get angry at me for being happy while he was upset. I also feel like he has no goals in life. He's just cruising along whereas I want someone who's very goal oriented and has a stable job because I am very goal oriented. I have done a lot better than him academically speaking as well. Sometimes I think it is my fault for him not trying because I broke his heart by saying I didn't love him back, but I think that’s a stupid thought and I'm not responsible for him acting the way he does and slacking off.
I also realized that despite him being the same ethnicity, he isn't in touch with his background at all which is very different to me. And due to this, I 100% know that my family will not be fond of his family and my family will not be happy with me dating him. They are aware of him though and know that we used to be close friends. He is also not religious/spiritual. I would say I'm 100 times more religious/spiritual than him. I have met other guys who do align with my goals in terms of stable careers and hardworking, enjoys traveling, and has the same religion/spirituality. But I just have not known these guys as long as I have known him. I feel like we both either have attachment issues or a trauma bond or we are just some dysfunctional soulmates.
A part of me wants to give him a shot, but I don't want to end up trying to mold him into who I want him to be. I don't want to nag him about studying harder at university or tell him to travel just because that's what I'm into. If I do that, he may grow to resent me down the line because he would have only made those changes because I pushed him, not because it's what he genuinely wanted for himself. The truth is, he just doesn't seem to have any goals of his own right now.
Another part of me thinks that if we try to make it romantic, it could completely ruin the relationship we've built over all these years. We're still at a point where we can reach out to each other for help when we really need it. I don't want to risk damaging that bond by giving a romantic relationship a shot, only for it to backfire and make us end up resenting or even hating each other.
I also feel like I'd be doing myself a disservice by giving him a chance. There are certain non-negotiable qualities I need in a partner, and he just doesn't display those. I feel like I'd be settling if I committed to him. I don't want to spend my life having to constantly manage his emotions and push him to take action. I don't want to mother him - I already felt that way when we were very close before.
After all these years, I still have an emotional bond with him though. And he still says he loves me. I have tried no contact multiple times, the longest being around a year. But it just hasn’t worked. The other girl he mentioned in the first two weeks of us talking many years ago is long gone by the way. It's been just me and him in that sense for a long time now. And we have so many mutuals and know the same people, which makes fully separating impossible. But I don’t know if taking the risk and giving him a shot is the way to go or if leaving things as they currently are is the better option.
submitted by DueCourage3975 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:32 no_period_ How to hold down a job when it’s the cause of my IBS? (stress induced IBS)

I’m pretty sure I’ve had IBS basically my entire life. I have memories from as young as around 4 of flare ups. At some point I realized that my flare ups happened around heavy stress periods of my life. Since I had pretty consistent IBS episodes (maybe once or so a month give or take a few weeks extra) for most of my memories, that meant I didn’t realize what a pain free life was like until I became a housewife and basically had no flare ups unless stuff got really stressful but being a housewife wasn’t stressful.
Now that I’ve experienced a life without constant or frequent IBS it makes work very difficult because I hate working and that’s a source of stress from the simple fact of work even if I like my job.
I have a job right now that I love and enjoy and it’s been 3 weeks and I’ve had 2 big pain flare ups and a week of feeling like I was going to shit myself at any moment. That’s pretty much a consistent IBS attack my entire duration of working. Before this job I was a housewife for almost a year with some breaks in between.
I don’t have a degree or any certs to I’ve only been able to work low wage jobs like front desk/reception/fast food/retail/restaurant and while the trades aren’t exactly low wage as a whole in general, I didn’t get paid more than 12$. These jobs are all stressful and I’ve been told that college and careers tend to be even more stressful than some of these jobs and if my reception job is causing me to have imma shit myself feeling and 2 big flare ups, how will I handle a big girl job?
My husband has told me that due to my health and mental health that I really should just stay a housewife but I want to know what y’all do if your IBS is stress induced. Diet doesn’t affect me that I’ve noticed/know so there’s not much to be done there.
submitted by no_period_ to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:32 United_Job_1549 Should I cut ties?

I grew up physically and emotionally abused by my parents, in particular, my dad. I should preface this by saying my dad was stressed from working night shifts in the factory. And his parents didn’t like myself or my mom (dad married my mom who is a different Asian race) and growing up in Australia I never spoke my grandparents native language or either of my parents’ languages - mainly English, hence the disapproval. So it’s safe to say my dad was quite stressed at this time.
When I was 7 years of age, I had problems sleeping and my dad used to work night shifts. When I couldn’t sleep I would go to my parents room and tell them I couldn’t sleep. This was always followed by: “go to sleep, just lay there and you will sleep”, which I would try and follow, but after several hours of laying in bed, I would go back to my parents room to tell them I couldn’t sleep, for some reason I always felt very anxious when I couldn’t sleep as a kid. When I went back to their room it as always horrible for me ….
trigger warning*
My dad would then beat me really bad. He would hit me across the face to the point where I would go to school with a large bruise on my face. It was always hitting and punching my head or my arms (from trying to block my face). There were days I couldn’t move my arm because when I tried to block his strike, my arm would take the hit and it would be so painful. He would break down my door to get into my room after I would run into it to escape his beating. He would tape my arms and legs so that I couldn’t defend myself, and would spit on me and kick my stomach while I was taped and on the floor. He would strangle me so hard I begged him to stop multiple times. He would lock me out of the house in the middle of the night and tell me I can scream all I want, and that even if the police came, they wouldn’t be able to help me because going into foster care would be worse than what I was experiencing. I was so messed up. My mom would try to help me but eventually gave up because of dad’s force. He has never beaten my mom or my brother, just me. I was also emotionally abused if I forgot something when we were out shopping in the mall - if I spoke out of line and told him to lower his voice he would yell even louder and call me stupid. This is just the surface of what I went through…and it went on for about 8-9 years. Not everyday but most days. Their excuse was that my dad was the sole income earner, he was stressed and he was earning money to provide me with an education and better life. This is their way of showing “love”. My mom constantly reminds me that his actions were in the past and I should be appreciative of his care.
In my 20s, I had developed severe depression and anxiety and had to seek help from medical professionals to stop suicidal tendencies. Since gaining financial independence and moving away from them, it has helped my relationship with them and we are now cordial.
Fast forward and I’m now 34, happily married to a Caucasian and have a 3 year old together. Both my husband and I work full time and can only afford to place my daughter in childcare 4 days per week. One day per week we ask my parents to help us look after her while we work. They don’t like my husband, they judge my marriage and the way I parent my child. They constantly tell me that “white men” are no good and that my husband can’t offer me security. I do see they love my daughter but it feels like it is a huge burden for them to look after her. They claim they love taking care of her but then they say they have busy lives and don’t have time for themselves when they look after her. They constantly complain on the day they look after her.
Recently my daughter has been unwell with croup. We have taken her to 4 different doctors and they have all advised us to give neurofen or Panadol for discomfort and fevers. When my dad asked me what medication I give her, he said “don’t you know neurofen fu%ing causes coughing?” And I said that’s what the doctors advised and that there’s no evidence to his claim. I asked if he knew more than the doctor and he told me to “get out of my fu%ing sight”. Additionally my daughter vomitted on their carpet from being so sick, it was sudden and there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent her from vomitting on their carpet. May I remind you she’s only 3. My parents were more concerned about the carpet than my daughter!
My question is… is this normal? I feel like I have reached my limit and want to cut out the toxicity and cut ties. My daughter loves them both but I just feel it is so unhealthy being around them. Thoughts??
**I have tried talking to them about it without any success.
submitted by United_Job_1549 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:31 DueCourage3975 Considering a romantic relationship with a long-time friend (20M) despite compatibility concerns (20F) but unsure if it would be the right move?

Throwaway account because I need advice before I go mentally insane. There's a guy that I started to talk to in high school. I didn’t know him but he seemed like my type (same religion/spirituality, same ethnicity, tall, good vibes) and so we started to talk because I wanted to get to know him better.
Fast forward to a couple weeks after we start talking, he tells me he loves this other girl that we both know (we all go to the same school). He tells me all of his issues with her and how he’s depressed about her not liking him back and I'm like oh. I never knew he felt this way about her. He said that he would always love her and he just has a feeling that they will end up together.
In my head, I was friendzoned and honestly I was okay with it because we only talked for like 2 weeks before he told me about his past situationship with that girl. We kept texting though and we ended up getting really close (he wasn’t in a situationship during this, he was just grieving the fact that she didn’t like him back).
Fast forward 5 months, we're super close now. But then he completely disappears, no calls, no texts and right before he disappeared he told me he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. That broke me. Then a month later he comes back out of nowhere and apologizes about what he did and says he was in a bad mental state and he just needed to be alone. I was so hesitant to let him back in because I still felt broken from that last conversation. But he apologized so much so I caved and said I guess we can be friends. We went to the same school too, so I'd see him every day regardless, including when he completely stopped talking to me. He also has mental health issues and has been told by doctors to get properly diagnosed but he hasn’t done it.
Then we start talking again and 6 months later he tells me he loves me. I was shocked, because remember he spent the first couple weeks of us talking telling me about how he'd always love that other girl and they were destined to end up together. So in my head I'm like "uhh...are you sure about this?"
We had our big final exams coming up too, so I wasn't trying to start anything romantic that could mess with my studying. I already knew he was capable of sending me on an emotional rollercoaster, and I didn't need that affecting my academics. So I told him I didn’t feel the same way about him, leaving him heartbroken. We still saw each other every day for the next 2 years at school and would text on and off. He told me he would be willing to wait till we were older, but I didn't want to give him false hope and told him I cannot guarantee him anything.
We ended up both graduating and are now at university and at this point, I thought he had moved on. We spoke 4 or 5 times during our freshman year and they were 8+ hour long calls or full days of texting. Now we are in our sophomore year and he tells me he still loves me. I don’t know what to do. I legitimately thought he was over me and moved on. I feel like I'm just shattering his heart into a million pieces at this point, because sometimes when we talk he seems so emotionless, like he's just numb from the pain. Now we speak occasionally every few months and sometimes every few weeks. He just texts me out of the blue or calls me.
But he thinks I don't love him back. The thing is I don't want to let myself love him back, because he has never given me a sense of stability. Since I met him he has always acted on very strong emotions, gets very upset and very angry and that has rubbed onto me. Whenever he would get sad, I would get sad and I felt like I had no control over my own emotions when I was around him. If I was in a happy mood and he was upset about something, he would get angry at me for being happy while he was upset. I also feel like he has no goals in life. He's just cruising along whereas I want someone who's very goal oriented and has a stable job because I am very goal oriented. I have done a lot better than him academically speaking as well. Sometimes I think it is my fault for him not trying because I broke his heart by saying I didn't love him back, but I think that’s a stupid thought and I'm not responsible for him acting the way he does and slacking off.
I also realized that despite him being the same ethnicity, he isn't in touch with his background at all which is very different to me. And due to this, I 100% know that my family will not be fond of his family and my family will not be happy with me dating him. They are aware of him though and know that we used to be close friends. He is also not religious/spiritual. I would say I'm 100 times more religious/spiritual than him. I have met other guys who do align with my goals in terms of stable careers and hardworking, enjoys traveling, and has the same religion/spirituality. But I just have not known these guys as long as I have known him. I feel like we both either have attachment issues or a trauma bond or we are just some dysfunctional soulmates.
A part of me wants to give him a shot, but I don't want to end up trying to mold him into who I want him to be. I don't want to nag him about studying harder at university or tell him to travel just because that's what I'm into. If I do that, he may grow to resent me down the line because he would have only made those changes because I pushed him, not because it's what he genuinely wanted for himself. The truth is, he just doesn't seem to have any goals of his own right now.
Another part of me thinks that if we try to make it romantic, it could completely ruin the relationship we've built over all these years. We're still at a point where we can reach out to each other for help when we really need it. I don't want to risk damaging that bond by giving a romantic relationship a shot, only for it to backfire and make us end up resenting or even hating each other.
I also feel like I'd be doing myself a disservice by giving him a chance. There are certain non-negotiable qualities I need in a partner, and he just doesn't display those. I feel like I'd be settling if I committed to him. I don't want to spend my life having to constantly manage his emotions and push him to take action. I don't want to mother him - I already felt that way when we were very close before.
After all these years, I still have an emotional bond with him though. And he still says he loves me. I have tried no contact multiple times, the longest being around a year. But it just hasn’t worked. The other girl he mentioned in the first two weeks of us talking many years ago is long gone by the way. It's been just me and him in that sense for a long time now. And we have so many mutuals and know the same people, which makes fully separating impossible. But I don’t know if taking the risk and giving him a shot is the way to go or if leaving things as they currently are is the better option.
submitted by DueCourage3975 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:30 CS2_PostMatchThreads MOUZ vs Virtus.pro / BetBoom Dacha Belgrade 2024 - Group A Winners' Match / Post-Match Discussion

MOUZ 🇪🇺 2-1 🇷🇺 Virtus.pro

Dust2: 13-4 Vertigo: 13-16 Mirage: 13-2

Map picks:

MOUZ MAP Virtus.pro
Nuke X
X Anubis
Inferno X
X Ancient

Full Match Stats:

Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇭🇺 torzsi 67-33 95.0 80.3% 1.63
🇮🇱 xertioN 50-40 96.2 83.6% 1.34
🇫🇮 Jimpphat 38-36 74.2 80.3% 1.12
🇸🇪 Brollan 37-40 67.5 73.8% 0.98
🇵🇱 siuhy 38-44 70.0 78.7% 0.93
🇷🇺 Virtus.pro
🇷🇺 FL1T 38-45 80.8 65.6% 1.03
🇷🇺 fame 40-47 74.7 67.2% 0.97
🇷🇺 Jame 39-43 64.9 65.6% 0.94
🇷🇺 n0rb3r7 40-45 69.1 65.6% 0.94
🇷🇺 electroNic 35-51 54.1 60.7% 0.76

Individual Map Stats:

Map 1: Dust2

Team CT T Total
🇪🇺 MOUZ 8 5 13
🇷🇺 Virtus.pro 4 0 4
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇭🇺 torzsi 22-6 100.8 88.2% 2.02
🇮🇱 xertioN 19-9 128.2 100.0% 2.01
🇸🇪 Brollan 11-6 64.4 88.2% 1.26
🇵🇱 siuhy 12-11 73.8 82.4% 1.13
🇫🇮 Jimpphat 7-12 71.5 76.5% 0.92
🇷🇺 Virtus.pro
🇷🇺 fame 10-14 74.4 64.7% 0.93
🇷🇺 Jame 10-14 57.6 64.7% 0.90
🇷🇺 electroNic 11-14 53.5 58.8% 0.80
🇷🇺 FL1T 9-14 72.6 58.8% 0.76
🇷🇺 n0rb3r7 3-15 18.9 58.8% 0.38

Dust2 detailed stats and VOD


Map 2: Vertigo

Team T CT OT Total
🇪🇺 MOUZ 7 5 1 13
🇷🇺 Virtus.pro 5 7 4 16
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇭🇺 torzsi 29-21 99.8 75.9% 1.41
🇫🇮 Jimpphat 17-18 68.4 79.3% 1.06
🇮🇱 xertioN 19-23 84.1 72.4% 0.98
🇸🇪 Brollan 15-25 65.2 65.5% 0.76
🇵🇱 siuhy 17-23 56.6 75.9% 0.76
🇷🇺 Virtus.pro
🇷🇺 n0rb3r7 33-17 117.7 82.8% 1.68
🇷🇺 FL1T 21-19 85.2 69.0% 1.23
🇷🇺 Jame 19-18 73.5 75.9% 1.05
🇷🇺 fame 19-20 77.0 72.4% 1.02
🇷🇺 electroNic 18-24 58.4 65.5% 0.86

Vertigo detailed stats and VOD


Map 3: Mirage

Team CT T Total
🇪🇺 MOUZ 12 1 13
🇷🇺 Virtus.pro 0 2 2
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇭🇺 torzsi 16-6 79.0 80.0% 1.62
🇫🇮 Jimpphat 14-6 88.4 86.7% 1.54
🇮🇱 xertioN 12-8 83.5 86.7% 1.33
🇸🇪 Brollan 11-9 75.4 73.3% 1.12
🇵🇱 siuhy 9-10 91.5 80.0% 1.06
🇷🇺 Virtus.pro
🇷🇺 FL1T 8-12 81.3 66.7% 0.97
🇷🇺 fame 11-13 70.8 60.0% 0.96
🇷🇺 Jame 10-11 56.3 46.7% 0.83
🇷🇺 electroNic 6-13 46.5 53.3% 0.58
🇷🇺 n0rb3r7 4-13 32.0 40.0% 0.36

Mirage detailed stats and VOD

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team. If you want to share any feedback or have any concerns, please message u/CS2_PostMatchThreads.
submitted by CS2_PostMatchThreads to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:30 Temporary_Coast_7728 Need advice and clarity from Malaysians

I might mention race and cultural differences in this post, if you might find it offensive please don't read ahead.
I'm a Sri Lankan Indian Muslim (Sri Lankan National with Tamil Ancestry). Grew up in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India and did my schooling undergrad there. Moved to Malaysia for my postgrad studies in KL. I have a crush with a Chindian girl (Chinese Punjabi mix, Malaysian National). Her family is Christian Chinese cultural mixed.
We both have common classes in uni and meet up every class we have, chat general stuff on WhatsApp and slight jokes (This is what we call puppy love in our country). I don't want to go out on a date or develop more feelings for her if things are going to be hard for me and her in the future if we were to get married because of several racial issues that I've heard in this subreddit. Moreover my family has only one criteria for me that is the girl if were to love is to be a Muslim and all other factors don't matter to them. And to marry early is what they prefer instead of getting into Haram things (muslims might know what I mean). I've asked her indirectly a lot of questions and we both have quite a lot of doubts that I'll list down.
Now coming to my questions.
  1. If we were to marry her in Malaysia officially, will she be forced to convert to Islam by the authorities ? (Cuz she prefers to stay in Malaysia)
  2. I'm not well versed with Chindian culture and their traditions, considering the fact she's a Christian mix. How well would it work out between our families ? (We might prefer to live separately from our family if there's so much of a hassle and nag from each other)
  3. Assuming she converts to Islam just for namesake, does the moral police in here force her to wear covered dress, not allow her to eat during Ramadan and so on and so forth in public places ? (She doesn't have the Muslim look if you're gonna ask this and modest clothing is her choice)
  4. What about children born out of our wedlock here in Malaysia ? Their struggles, religion, customs and traditions ? Issues with both family sides.
These kinda questions make me not move ahead though I like her a lot. As a fellow Malaysian what's your take on this ? This is not dating advice that I'm asking but a concern if these were to happen in the future cuz I don't wanna hurt her and struggle later on.
submitted by Temporary_Coast_7728 to malaysians [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:29 Suspicious-advice49 Advice on structured online learning

I know there are posts in the wiki about online learning but I have a specific question so please bear with me. Thanks.
Okay. I haven’t been here for a long time and I need some advice. First off, im 75 and just a bit beyond beginner as in I can play some open string chords. I’ve had guitars throughout my life but didn’t really apply myself.
Until last week, I hadn’t picked up my guitar for a year. Health issues, mental issues, and motivation. I really want to get back into it but I know I need a structured approach. No personal teachers available here so I have to do online.
I had used JustinGuitar in the past but I can’t now because when I go to the site, I recall some stuff from before and seem to blow through the lessons without working on them. Im not listening to the whole video. I did try.
Can you recommend another “structured“ online approach? I’m interested in classic rock and blues. I don’t mind paying for a course. I have an acoustic and electric but I’m focusing on the electric.
While I’m asking, is there somewhere that I can learn correct thumb and finger placement for electric guitar? I think this is a major issue for me.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Suspicious-advice49 to guitarlessons [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:29 SkullietheWitch My sibling is disabled, and they are still expected to run in gym

Edit: this isnt much of an AITA post, but I feel like I can get decent advice from here
Ok, so I (17f) and my sibling (15f, who we will call Jade) both attend the same school, and one of the classes we have to take is gym. We have two coaches, one for the boys, and one for the girls. Both Jade and I have taken this class, and had the same coach, and I speak for both of us when I say the coach is a bitch (I will refer to our coach is Ms Ass)
Ms Ass is notorious among the students for not doing her job and her favoritism for the kids who play softball. There were plenty of times where the two girls in my class who did softball were told to go out to Ms Ass' bus to get something for her, and she always treated them better than the rest of us. When I took her class, she never even taught us anything. She had us watch videos a few times, and whenever we went to the gym, she just told us to find something to do, and we would oftentimes just go sit in the corner together and play on our phones if we had snuck them out of the locker room. That, or we were made to walk all the way up to the college tennis courts, and usually got fussed at if we just sat in the corner like usual even though there were no open courts and we didn't know anything about tennis.
Now, the school year is almost over, and my sibling had Ms Ass for the last semester, and their experience has been even worse. Jade has a disability, which basically makes it extremely painful for them to run, and they are also almost legally blind in one eye. Jade first started coming to our Nana and Dad about a few minor problems, like constantly not doing much of anything in gym, but it's been a lot worse for the past few months.
At one point, the entire class had to go out to the baseball field and picked grass with their hands, which I can't give many details on, but the way Jade described it, it was torture for them and all of their classmates. There was one time where all the girls were forced to stay in the locker room so Ms Ass could go talk to the other coach (which left the entire class alone in the locker room), and got in trouble when they all were playing hot potato with a basketball. They were just expected to sit and do nothing until Ms Ass came and got them. Jade has been bullied before in the class by one of the other students when she was begging to go on a different team when playing basketball, and her excuse was "everyone on this team is useless", even though no one actually knew hoe to play and Jade quite literally couldn't shoot the ball because of their vision, and they have had to play volleyball before too even though they can't see, but a few days ago was the final straw for everyone.
Since the end of the year is so close, everyone has been taking exams, which included gym class and the FitnessGram tests. A few days ago, Jade's class took the tests, and that included a mile long run. As you can imagine, Jade couldn't do it, but they were told to do it anyway. They ended up texting our Nana and Dad during lunch because they were in so much pain after doing it, and Nana told me that Jade was struggling to even walk with how bad it was. The nurse even carried Jade's bags until Nana got there because of the amount of pain they were in.
Our Dad also called and immediately asked for the principal, so the principal knows about it, but according to him we had to fill out a 504 form for Jade for their disability, which we were never told by anyone to do.
Everyone in the family has agreed that the coach needs to be fired, but idk if we can actually do anything. What do we do?
submitted by SkullietheWitch to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:29 dangrankeyi My Precious The Series [Episode 9]

My Precious The Series [Episode 9]
This is the on-air discussion thread for My Precious The Series [Episode 9].
The series is available on GMMTV YouTube channel. Here are the links:
  • [Eng Sub] My Precious The Series Ep.9 [1/4]
  • [Eng Sub] My Precious The Series Ep.9 [2/4]
  • [Eng Sub] My Precious The Series Ep.9 [3/4]
  • [Eng Sub] My Precious The Series Ep.9 [4/4]
This is the series version of the movie My Precious (2023), which itself is a remake of Taiwanese movie You Are the Apple of My Eye (2011). The following summary is from mydramalist.com
Set in 1999, sixteen-year-old Tong and his friends Dong, Bank, Mai, and Pao regularly wreak havoc at school, giving the teachers headaches. As punishment for his prank, Tong has to sit in front of Lin, the smartest and cutest girl in his class, leading to the beginning of first love that is impossible to forget.
Cast Members:
  • Nanon as Tong
  • Film as Lin
  • Neo as Mai
  • View as Ja-Oh
  • Ohm as Dong
  • Chimon as Bank
  • Euro as Pao
Related Links:
Previous Episodes
submitted by dangrankeyi to GMMTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:29 QuantParse Long Seat Depth needed - seeking recommendations

Am 6’ 3” / 275 pounds. Would like to buy an office chair that has a long seat depth. Have used HM Original Aeron size C in the past and currently have the HM Remastered Aeron Size C w/aftermarket headrest.
The current chair pretty good but there is a 4-5 finger gap between the back of my knees and the front edge of the chair. Lately that has been giving me discomfort in the hamstrings. Also the side edges of the seat pan tilt up. I am looking to get a chair that has more seat depth , and as a bonus if the seat pan is flat or flatter.
Anyone have any recommendations or experience with good ideas or ones to avoid? Basis numbers the Haworth Zody 2 without lumbar seems to have a lot of seat depth (20” possible) but then on here I read that there is a big uncomfortable gap at your butt if you actually move it forward. That said people seems fairly negative on the Zody build quality and actual comfort for tall users. Seems it is smaller than avg or avg sized users who like it. Anyone have experience with it who is 6’ +?
Are there chairs where the seat depth adjustment actually makes the seat surface area larger rather than just shift it forward? Some kind of waterfall expansion?
Any other chair ideas? I was specifically also looking at the HM Embody gaming. In the stats it doesn’t seem to have a big seat depth. But the pictures of it next to other chairs make the seat depth look big. I have no back issues and don’t care what type of back it is, so won’t mind whatever the back thing is.
One person here mentioned big and tall chairs from BTOD (ergocentric aircentric 3 and the sitmatic good fit. But I could find no other info about them.
Anything else i should consider from Crandell or Steelcase ? Thanks so much.
submitted by QuantParse to OfficeChairs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:28 Nice-Willingness3012 Is this appropriate, or is it abuse of a position of trust? Ex priest (M33) contacting a young girl (F20) because she asked for guidance on a catholic forum here seems to have gone too far or had other motives?

So, my friend is deeply religious and after her break up with her boyfriend she posted in catholic groups on here asking for advice and looking to reconnect with Jesus. A guy reached out to her, explaining that he is a soon to be ex priest, currently on leave of absence (he has showed her a letter from his bishop saying this was granted so he could find a woman and start a family). He contacted her on the basis of helping her to find comfort in religion etc and their conversation moved from reddit to discord.
However, after just a few days of asking her basically every insecurity and vulnerability she has, he started sending her videos of himself singing, and calling her regularly. In less than a week he asked for her address to send her a gift, and when she declined, he asked for her email address to send a voucher. She declined again, but he sent her a voucher code anyway, to 'cheer her up'. She has abandonment issues, and felt her ex didn't give her as much attention as she needed. She told him as much, and he started calling her 3 or 4 times a day and sending more videos of him singing, and picking her flowers (which he would always say he would happily send to her if she gave her address). He calls her every morning, to wake her up because she mentioned she had trouble waking up in the morning. On my advice she asked him to stop doing that, and he laid quite a guilt trip on her, with 3 minutes of pleading voice notes. At the beginning of the second week, he sent her an unsolicited picture of himself (attached) to 'show his weight loss'. I can't imagine why any man would send a photo like that without sexual motives??
Am I right in thinking this is all red flag territory? He maintains that he wants to help her reconnect with Jesus, and that he has no ulterior motive, but then leaves long voice notes saying he cherishes her and he would speak to her on the phone 24/7 if he could. He even said he would like to be on the phone listening while she talks to her parents, which struck me as weird. He calls her every day to pray with him, and then in a separate call every day to read the bible with him. Its been 4 weeks now and he has been asking for her phone number.
Is it just me? Am I worrying too much, or is this a concern? My friend is very trusting, and when he says his motives are pure she believes him, largely because hes a man of god. I worry that his approach was never genuine, and he is trawling catholic groups for vulnerable young girls to take advantage of.
submitted by Nice-Willingness3012 to u/Nice-Willingness3012 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:28 gritz62 Pain in upper left back and left pec when taking a deep breath?

I keep getting random sharp cramping pain in my upper left quadrant/chest. It’s actually quite painful and it’s been going on for about 4 days. At first I thought it was GERD. But it’s not going away. It hurts with movement or breathing. If I’m still it doesn’t bother me as much
submitted by gritz62 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:28 Bratmomjad Need advice on my girl

Ok my girl is just shy of 2 and she’s showing some odd behavior. She will get to playing with her sister who is just shy of 1 and all the sudden pee in the middle of play like she was mortified it came on all the sudden. This of course happens in the house. What would cause this? Is this normal? She’s not in pain she’s not sick. Any ideas?
submitted by Bratmomjad to labrador [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:27 lazymentors Social Media & Marketing News you should care about today

1/ Google rolled out AI overviews in US with planned expansion in other countries.
2/ Threads App has launched a recent tab for search feature.
3/ X’s Gork AI expands to all premium users in Europe.
4/ Snapchat announces Partnership With Datahash on CAPI Integration.
5/ Netflix shares its ad-supported plan now serves 40 million monthly active users globally. Plus, It’s building Internal AdTech platform.
6/ Expedia announces Romie, a generative AI travel agent. Plus, new travel media network launching a shoppable store front for creators.
7/ Reddit adds new tools to streamline Ask-Me-Anything aka AMA post creation process.
8/ Instagram is testing notes on Feed Posts and Reels.
9/ Google launched a new “Web” filter to get text-only search results.
10/ OpenAI announced ChatGPT-4o, which also lead to Duolingo’s stock falling 3.5%.
11/ Warner Bros. Discovery unveiled new AdTech features at UpFronts: Shoppable Ads, search ads and more.
12/ IKEA creates a “Pet Streaming Network” for TikTok Livestreams.
13/ Amazon Prime roasts Netflix’s ad network by sharing their ad-tier reaches 115 million monthly viewers in the US.
14/ GA merges US & Latin operations under April Quinn.
15/ Bumble apologies for their celibacy ad creative.
16/ Meta to shut down Workspace enterprise platform.
17/ X offering advertising discounts worth $500 on $250 ad spend.
18/ TikTok is now testing 60-minute video upload, after 30-minute went live few weeks ago. 🫨
19/ Instagram is testing a “Peek” feature, It’s similar to Be Real. One-click image to send your friends.
The Version with links goes out on Sunday as usual: https://thesocialjuice.substack.com
submitted by lazymentors to u/lazymentors [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:27 Quirkyasfok Falling Asleep Standing Up and Shocking Awakenings

So, a few months ago I started having issues of falling asleep while doing things. Like, one incident I was trying to cook and cutting with a knife. I get in these episodes where I just keep nodding off, and sure enough one second I'm mid cut and the next I'm jerking back awake with the knife handle slipping from my grasp.
Another episode I actually hit the ground. I was trying to organize my pills for the next day. I was standing up with my pill bag on my bed. I was determined to finish as it's hard to move in the morning (I'll explain in a second). I kept begging myself to stay awake and finish, but I kept having to redo my pills because I kept messing up. For the most part I startle awake right as I begin to fall. Other times I'd startle awake as I hit the bed, one time I slammed headfirst into my pill bag. And then it happened. After months of always startling awake I finally slammed into the ground. The good news is, though it hurt, I fell on my butt. The bad news is I have a spinal cord stimulator and was terrified I messed it up as it's in my right butt cheek (it was supppose to go in my back but thebsurgeon said I had more meat down there 😅🤣). The scary news is one more inch back and I would have slammed into my shelves, which would have very likely knocked my max melter over and poured hot wax on myself.
Lastly, when I startle awake it always hurts. Like, it could be spasms, but I have condition where my hands shock me (espically when I'm tired and it feels like one of those joke shocking pins) and my sleep shocks feel very siniliar but full body. I'm honestly not sure and I wonder if anyone can clear that up a bit.
Oh, and I also shake my head a lot involuntary, or I feel it is. My vision will start to blur and then blacks and I'm shaking my head rapidly side to side. Or I'll start to feel the sleepy sensation beginning to come over me, and then I'm shaking my head.
So a few things to note about me:
  1. I suffer from Severe Fibromyalgia . I say severe as that it's what one of my pain doctors said when after two years we got to their last treatment option. Four years of constantly seeing health professionals, and it just feels like I've only gotten worse. Fibromyalgia for those who don't know is a neurological condition where your brain is no longer interrupting certian signals right anymore. It's locked in fight flight mode and thinks the body is hurt. Fibromyalgia also affects the way a person sleeps, as we don't get as much deep sleep. I think the average person gets like two hours. We get five minutes... on a good day 😑. Deep sleep is where the brain heals.
  2. I do have untreated anxiety and have been diagnosed. We started treating it in hope it would help the Fibromyalgia as anxiety fuels fibro, but we tried a different type of med right after our first attempt had failed and I had a bad reaction so we're now trying to fix that
  3. I also do have diagnosed insomnia. We went to some sleep professionals about my falling asleep standing thing and they just told me I have insomnia and that they only treat sleep apnea.
  4. I've had a bad sleep schedule going on for like 17 years now. I explained it to my eye doctor as we were discussing my migraine issues and he brought up the studies about how if one person was not allowed food and the other person sleep the sleep person would die first. And how lack of sleep was a type of torture, and I am infact torturing myself 😅
So, yea. That's pretty much the main gist of it. If anybody could help, or give any sort of anything I'd appreciate it. Like, what could be going on, or something to do. Anything, because this scares me more than any of my other health issues (and I didn't even mention them all 😅🥲), and I just want some sort of help, or just someone who gets it (i actually perfer you not get it, cuz this sucks, but it's also nice to not be alone.
P.s. I am actively trying to fix my sleep schedule. My eye doctor said to think of it like an addiction. I've been this way for years, so it will take time to fix it. Also, to be easy on my self. Mistakes will happen. There's always another night.
Thank you!!
submitted by Quirkyasfok to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:26 lo-lo-loveee Talking, talking, talking...

Hello everyone. Today is a not so bad confession, but it's still something that gets on my nerves exponentially. I have no one to talk to, so Reddit is my only hope.
I have this friend. I can't remember exactly when, but I believe we became actual friends in 7th grade. We were always in each other's classes, but shit happened and she just joined my friend group.
Now, it's 8th grade, and she's the only person that I consider a true friend. Everyone else is just someone I "know." I hang out with her all day, everyday at school. All was going just fine, until I started having a very specific problem with her. I don't think it's friendship-ending, but it does get on my nerves a lot.
It's the fact that she's pretty boring. And by boring, I mean she can't talk for shit. We can spend an entire period just sitting in silence because I am tired of talking, and she doesn't want to talk either. That wouldn't be a problem if I didn't mind the silence, right? Right. But I do mind it. It's a very awkward silence. Everytime we get to our usual spot at school, I usually start the conversation by talking about a video I watched, a show I'm currently watching, or something that happened to me. Sometimes, she can jump in and add more to the conversation, which is good. Sometimes, though, one of us has to break the silence by saying... "What do you want to talk about?"
I don't know what bothers me about that phrase, but it just does. It really gets on my nerves how I'm always the one who talks the most. There are days where I actually force her to talk. I say, "You talk this time." Or something along those lines. Here's how it goes sometimes:
"... Nope, you talk this time."
"Okay, fine. So... did anything happen to you?"
She never lasts long before I have to jump in and start a conversation. A conversation we can both contribute to. I absolutely hate the silence it causes just because she can't hold a conversation. She does do things such as drawing, and listening to music. Sometimes, she watches a show or movie, so that cuts me some slack from having to talk all the goddamn time. Sometimes, it feels as if she's embarrassed to share what she enjoys with me. Maybe that's the cause to this weird can't hold a conversation thing. Or maybe she's just incredibly awkward. Or both.
I'm sorry, I know how mean this is going to come off to some people. I guess I'm just tired of always talking, and talking, and talking. It's just tiresome, and I really wish she could talk as much as me. I also really wish that, when there is silence between us, it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. If there's going to be silence between us, I want it to be the kind of silence where it's relaxing in a way, not so painfully awkward where jumping into a pond of radioactive liquid would be better than sitting there.
submitted by lo-lo-loveee to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:26 ThrowRA-Soggy2780 I'm (21F) in love with my guy best friend (22M). If you were the friend, how would you want me to handle the situation? Please HELP!

We became really close friends and started talking every day 2 years ago. But about a year ago I realized I like this guy. I always wanna see him, he's the only friend I miss every day, even just his presence in a room makes me so happy, whenever he comes over I cook his favorite meals and I buy him shirts and expensive perfumes (my love language is gift giving so i buy most of my friends perfumes and stuff but i never cook for them lol and esp never buy stuff for a guy before as i usually don't even befriend them lol). He dated and broke up with three other women during the course of our friendship and it always killed me to see him with them or talk about how much he loves them. I know he doesn't like me back because when he was single I flirted with him sometimes (without even trying really i just liked him so much the flirting wasn't very intentional) and he didn't really respond back to that. Also, whenever he talks about liking someone I get my hopes high and when it's not me (DUH DUMBASS) I get depressed. Today for example he sent me this video of an anime where the guy and the girl are close friends and he said "guess who this makes me think of" and I said "umm idk you tell me" and he said his ex 💀 and stuff likes this genuinely breaks my heart and I wanna give him the cold shoulder or smth but that's not fair because he never asked for my feelings. I also sometimes felt creepy only because it's a one sided think and he doesn't even know i like him he just thinks we're friends and trusts me and I never wanna disrespect him, I just feel bad. I don't wanna be one of those friends that was into you the whole time, you know? In the long run I know it wouldn't work out because we're moving to different cities in 2 years when we finish school (we're both gonna do masters). But i still can't move on. If you were the guy in this situation how would you want me to handle it? Should I stop being friends with him cause it's so painful but i don't wanna lose his friendship. Should I move on? SOMEONE HELP IM GONNA PUKE
submitted by ThrowRA-Soggy2780 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:25 lazymentors Social Media & Marketing News you should care about today

1/ Google rolled out AI overviews in US with planned expansion in other countries.
2/ Threads App has launched a recent tab for search feature.
3/ X’s Gork AI expands to all premium users in Europe.
4/ Snapchat announces Partnership With Datahash on CAPI Integration.
5/ Netflix shares its ad-supported plan now serves 40 million monthly active users globally. Plus, It’s building Internal AdTech platform.
6/ Expedia announces Romie, a generative AI travel agent. Plus, new travel media network launching a shoppable store front for creators.
7/ Reddit adds new tools to streamline Ask-Me-Anything aka AMA post creation process.
8/ Instagram is testing notes on Feed Posts and Reels.
9/ Google launched a new “Web” filter to get text-only search results.
10/ OpenAI announced ChatGPT-4o, which also lead to Duolingo’s stock falling 3.5%.
11/ Warner Bros. Discovery unveiled new AdTech features at UpFronts: Shoppable Ads, search ads and more.
12/ IKEA creates a “Pet Streaming Network” for TikTok Livestreams.
13/ Amazon Prime roasts Netflix’s ad network by sharing their ad-tier reaches 115 million monthly viewers in the US.
14/ GA merges US & Latin operations under April Quinn.
15/ Bumble apologies for their celibacy ad creative.
16/ Meta to shut down Workspace enterprise platform.
17/ X offering advertising discounts worth $500 on $250 ad spend.
18/ TikTok is now testing 60-minute video upload, after 30-minute went live few weeks ago. 🫨
19/ Instagram is testing a “Peek” feature, It’s similar to Be Real. One-click image to send your friends.
I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. Follow for more.
submitted by lazymentors to SocialMediaMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:25 Weekly-Dream-9384 Oh Wow!!

My rating dropped after going up for quite awhile. I know exactly who is responsible.....the Korean woman/girl who replied "Oh wow" to EVERYTHING I said but could barely speak otherwise. Of course she had no idea what she wanted to do, so I opened a lesson and she had a very hard time with it even after I gave clear examples. I guess the lesson was too hard because she's one of those who sounds fluent but actually can't speak beyond the basics. Oh wow! So now I'm sitting here not getting calls because my rating dropped from 4.86 to 4.83. The same week I had another Korean woman who I taught 3 lessons and after that she continued booking and never showed up.....Oh Wow!! She did this for 4 lessons and never replied to my messages. I'm not on Cambly a lot, but this kind of crap combined with the rating system makes me want to be here much less. Oh wow!!! Still no calls 24 min into my PH! And I skipped yoga for this...Oh WOW!!
submitted by Weekly-Dream-9384 to Cambly [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:25 weapon-a Can neither get back up nor get out.

I’m an Early20s(M) in Asia. Have completed my undergrad and a UK-based professional accounting course (ACCA). I received a job offer at bulge bracket Investment Bank in a compliance role after graduating but I quit few months into it as the work was just mind-numbing and copy pasting. Something, I’d have to do for 4 years before I could get a promotion.
After writing the original draft, I realised It could be a small Book about a guy whose Fortune has been working against him no matter how hard he tries for the last 8 years.
The summary is that I’ve been bullied everywhere till middle school. But puberty and sports made me into a guy not to be messed with. The bullying just turned psychological from everyone at home and school.
Covid year messed me up but I got back on my feet. Really liked a girl who liked me too. But my seniors didn’t like that and they did some mudslinging enough to throw me out of all societies and get all students and few influential professors against me.
College was hell after that but I managed to do good internships, get some extracurriculars under my belt and got good grades. I was also one of the very few students to complete the professional degree alongside with it.
But the girl I liked ended up dating my school bully (rich guy) and it really broke my heart, lol
However, I had realised I was getting hit with the memories and pain of all these experiences together and became numb. I can’t get out of bed, brush my teeth, etc. I decided to get therapy and got diagnosed with clinical depression.
The thing is I have lost 3 job opportunities in 3 different cities due to miscommunication, lay off and final interview-round rejection. All 3 were prestigious high-paying jobs that could’ve given me a new shot at life. Now, there are no job openings. I’m sitting at home last 4 months unable to do anything for the life of me. Relatives are poking their nose, wondering what I’m doing at home. Recently, our water supply got polluted due to a sewage leak and I’m just done, lol.
I know I’m just Early20s and life gets better, yada yada yada. But seriously, wtf is this shit, lol. I wouldn’t wish this life on my worst enemy.
submitted by weapon-a to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:24 lazymentors Social Media & Marketing News you should care about today

1/ Google rolled out AI overviews in US with planned expansion in other countries.
2/ Threads App has launched a recent tab for search feature.
3/ X’s Gork AI expands to all premium users in Europe.
4/ Snapchat announces Partnership With Datahash on CAPI Integration.
5/ Netflix shares its ad-supported plan now serves 40 million monthly active users globally. Plus, It’s building Internal AdTech platform.
6/ Expedia announces Romie, a generative AI travel agent. Plus, new travel media network launching a shoppable store front for creators.
7/ Reddit adds new tools to streamline Ask-Me-Anything aka AMA post creation process.
8/ Instagram is testing notes on Feed Posts and Reels.
9/ Google launched a new “Web” filter to get text-only search results.
10/ OpenAI announced ChatGPT-4o, which also lead to Duolingo’s stock falling 3.5%.
11/ Warner Bros. Discovery unveiled new AdTech features at UpFronts: Shoppable Ads, search ads and more.
12/ IKEA creates a “Pet Streaming Network” for TikTok Livestreams.
13/ Amazon Prime roasts Netflix’s ad network by sharing their ad-tier reaches 115 million monthly viewers in the US.
14/ GA merges US & Latin operations under April Quinn.
15/ Bumble apologies for their celibacy ad creative.
16/ Meta to shut down Workspace enterprise platform.
17/ X offering advertising discounts worth $500 on $250 ad spend.
18/ TikTok is now testing 60-minute video upload, after 30-minute went live few weeks ago. 🫨
19/ Instagram is testing a “Peek” feature, It’s similar to Be Real. One-click image to send your friends.
I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. Follow for more.
submitted by lazymentors to socialmedia [link] [comments]
