Madness teh ultimate mod

Dying Light Mods

2015.02.14 20:00 vinchinator Dying Light Mods

A place for discussion about user modifications of Dying Light by Techland.

2024.06.09 16:12 GamynTheRed [DIPLOMACY] The Rebel Path - Opening the Islamabad All-Bandung Congress

Official Pact Theme Song
Jan/Feb 2074

Official Invitation to All Bandung Pact Leaders for an All-Pact Congress in Islamabad

President Daoud Tareem of the Undivided Republic of India extends an official invitation to the members of the Bandung Pact for an official All-Pact Congress in the city of Islamabad, the birthplace of the Indian Spring and hopefully the Spring of the World.
The Bandung Pact was created by middle powers in Asia, Africa, and the Americas to counter the hyperpowers in the north, namely Japan, the UNSC, and Alfheimr. Now that the Third Brothers War between Alfr-backed Caliphate and the U.A.S.R has ended in African victory, we are left with what I would go out of my way to call a sham deal. The Caliphate, defeated with millions of African lives and trillions in Pact resources, now stands divided between a UNSC "nation-building project", a puppet government of Japan led by mad "Kings" which we can only compare with the "Kings" who ruled the Union of South Asia throughout its existence, followed lastly by two rump states with either the old regime or no regime in charge. So, it is without question that the liberation of the Middle East is not complete, much less the liberation of the world. While the Bandung Pact now serves the role of a defensive alliance of the global south, we must urge Pact members to realize the dark future that will befall not just our nations, but all of humanity should this alliance's potency and vigilance ever be impared, and keep that future in mind as we proceed to discuss strategy and objective in this upcoming Congress.
India would like to propose these following points for discussion and potentially voting:

Item 1: Pact Middle Eastern and North Africa Policy.

The MENA region remains the main theatre for our pact, with the active Bandung Occupation Zone and independently formed BLA as our most pressing issues (which officially will be the reason of this Congress as well). We welcome any discussion on strategies and consideration regarding both the Occupation Zone and the larger MENA region as well, specifically the rogue Triarch state. Our position is in preference of a continued push for FULL LIBERATION of the Middle East under a democratic and humane state or alliance of states that will ensure the oppression currently dealt out by its mad rulers are stopped. In terms of strategy, we believe that a confrontation between India and "the Slayer" will likely occur whether we like it or not, given their reputation as a rogue state and their already aggressive rhetoricing. India feels adequately prepared for such a conflict due to years of Pact build up of our military assets but would much prefer to fight the war as a defender and pledge not to instigate a hot war with the Slayer regime unless national security absolutely requires it. In short, we expect aggression and even outright war from the Slayer over Pakistan, and ensures the Pact that we will remain vigilant and on the defensive side at war's outbreak.

Item 2: Pact European Strategy.

We identify the Second Roman Republic as a potential target to bring into the sphere of the Pact, given their current position as a fortress state against Alfheimr and their newfound rivalry with the Triarchy's Turkish portion regarding Constantinople. Pulling the SRR into our economic sphere, military industrial complex, and ultimately alliance can prove to be the gateway to the liberation of Europe as well as an anchor against the Slayer in the Middle East. We would be keen to hear our pact allies' opinion on the SRR as well as the Liberation of Europe as a long-term Pact objective.
Further on the liberation of europe, we feel the Japanese takeover of Alfheimr (which is our view of Kyoko's ascension to Aesir), has shifted the goalpost of the secondary superpower of the global North: the UNSC. Although a firm ally of Japan through GIGAS their rivalry with the Aesir is not well-hidden and we believe a potential realignment can be on the cards with the objective of removing Japan/Alfheimr from mainland Europe.

Item 3: Pact American Strategy.

We find the Pact's premier concern should be contact and understanding with the New Alfheimr Republic, which has clearly broken from their European branch. With democratic institutions still in place in a distinctly Alfr state it is imperative the Pact gather and share intel on their intentions, capabilities, and attempted communications with the rest of the world.
Secondly, regarding increased Brazillian concern over the South American front of a potential Bandung-Japan conflict, we find an approach of soft power and covert action might secure the Pact's position well before such a war can occur, we suggest our intelligence agencies begin cooperation to undermine the far-flung Argentinian, Mexican, and Pacific regimes of Japan and instill anti-colonial struggles in these regions. Whatever should local Pact members prefer, we find that inaction in peace is the surest way to defeat in war.

Item 4: Pact Pacific Strategy.

Although two of our biggest members lie in Asia, this is the region the Pact is weakest in, being well within the domain of the Empire of Japan. Nevertheless, the collapse of the relatively pro-Japan Tian Dynasty in Indochina presents an opening into the region. If this new "eccentric" leader of the region can be contacted and potentially wooed into the alliance ahead of Tokyo the balance of power can change significantly. Outside of that any Pact-Japan conflict in the Pacific would most likely come down ot a struggle over Nusantara's Malacca Strait. For now we suggest no change to our current strategy which is deterrence through force, and believe the current size of the Pact's Indian Ocean Fleet is enough to deter aggression and contest the IJN in the case of Global War.

Item 5: Pact Production and Arms Standardization

We are very glad to hear of the Pact's decision to kickstart Su-60 production in India, and would take all steps necessary to secure our facilities. Our planners expect a 2075 roll out for a small first batch for our Air Force. While Pact supply chains and production are well established in the U.A.S.R, Nusantara, and India, we feel it might be time to expand this production capacity to American member states like Brazil and (if possible), Atlantic Russia and Houston. It goes without saying that continued Joint-Exercises and interoperability upgrades are our armed forces' number one priority and we expect the Pact to function as a highly efficient international army. Speaking of which we would also like to gauge opinions on the sponsorship and officialization of the Bandung Liberation Army.


M: All nations of the Bandung Pact are invited to Islamabad for an all-Pact Congress, please comment with who you are sending if at all and join the discussion on any of the 5 topics/create your own topic.
submitted by GamynTheRed to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:59 noticeable_umbrella Port: Court filings allege years of domestic violence by expelled former ND lawmaker
MINOT — On March 4, 2021, the North Dakota House of Representatives stopped its busy legislative schedule to consider harassment accusations against state Rep. Luke Simons of Dickinson.
The claims against Simons spanned years and included not just staff at the Bismarck Capitol and news media members but also some of his fellow lawmakers, such as Grand Forks Rep. Emily O'Brien and Casselton Rep. Brandy Pyle, both Republicans. Ultimately, the House made the unprecedented move of voting to expel Simons, something that had never happened before in state history.
That expulsion has become one of the fault lines in the North Dakota Republican Party, dividing traditional conservatives from an ascendant faction of MAGA populists closely aligned with former President Donald Trump.
Many outspoken members of the populist faction — including former lawmaker Rick Becker, who is currently seeking election to the U.S. House of Representatives and opposed Simons' expulsion during floor debate in 2021 — have claimed that Simons was removed improperly and wasn't afforded due process.
Now Simons, who has stayed active in politics, including providing a recent defense of a Williston-area Republican lawmaker who has refused to resign after berating law enforcement officers with homophobic slurs during a DUI arrest, is accused of a years-long history of mental and physical abuse against his wife and children. That's according to court documents in a divorce proceeding his wife filed in June 2023. The filings, in which she is the plaintiff, indicate that the two have been separated since October 2021.
Forum Communications Company does not typically name the survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.
"Throughout our marriage, Luke has a history of assaulting myself and our children," states a declaration filed in the case by the plaintiff on March 1, 2024. "Social service reports exist that document Luke has beat our children with a 2x4, extension cords, and also used a crowbar for spankings. He has run into me with a 4 wheeler, attacked me until I was on the floor, punched my nose and broke my glasses and phone."
"Luke punched the walls of our home and choked me until I passed out," the declaration continues. "We have been separated following a significant domestic violence incident in October 2021, in which Luke assaulted me and bit one of our daughters, requiring the intervention of Luke's father and our church."
The filing includes photos of the bite wound. The plaintiff alleges that Simons bit another of their children after becoming frustrated while teaching that child to drive.
One exhibit in the case is a testimonial from Simons' wife dated November 2021, just months after Luke Simons' expulsion from the Legislature. Titled "My Story," it contains allegations of abuse by Luke Simons against his wife dating back to their wedding night in 1999.
Describing it as "such a happy, scary, time for a young lady," the plaintiff indicates that she "did something wrong or said something wrong and made him upset" at which point "he pushed me out of bed and I slept on the floor" with "no clothes and no blankets."
She also alleges that Luke raped her in the basement of his parent's home after a Wednesday church meeting, and that he perpetrated physical abuse against her — everything from kicks to punches to choking and slaps — during the more than 18 years they lived together on their ranch. "I found out that chains really hurt and even leave chain shaped bruises," she wrote.
She claims that Luke accused her of being deficient in her "Bible studies" because she was "missing the part about wives being submissive to their husbands." She says Luke claims she was talking "with a bad attitude just like liberal Democrats."
Under a section of the document titled "Reasons to get away," the plaintiff wrote, "I don't remember the last time I felt 100% safe and secure in my own home." She also wrote that she wants to "get away from Luke and his weird ideas about women and girls and their proper place."
In his own court filings, Luke Simons doesn't dispute that abuse occurred in the marriage.
"Plaintiff alleges Defendant was abusive throughout the parties' entire relationship," a pre-trial brief filed by Luke Simons's legal counsel states. "Defendant does not deny that abuse occurred but does deny that it occurred to the extent Plaintiff claims. He admits that he has made mistakes in the past and has sought counseling to overcome his issues."
At least one member of Simons' own family also acknowledges that abuse occurred in the relationship. One of the exhibits in the plaintiff's filings is a text message sent by Ben Simons, brother to Luke Simons, to the couple's children in which he refers to "wrong" perpetrated by his brother even as he opposes the divorce.
"Your mom is still proceeding with divorcing your dad," he wrote in the Aug. 10, 2023, text. "There is not one spiritual leader in her life that has condoned this. Your mom is being wrong. I know your dad has been very wrong for a lot of your growing up years but now it's your mom that is in the wrong."
"I wished so bad that your whole family would've not covered up the wrong that your dad did and maybe your family could've been helped sooner," Ben Simons, a former Republican candidate for the Legislature, continued. "I was so mad at your dad when I found out, I couldn't even talk to him. Now I don't want to cover up what wrong your mom is doing."
I sent a list of questions to Jamie Haynes, attorney for Luke Simons in this proceeding. I asked him which specific allegations of abuse Luke Simons denies.
Haynes told me his client declined to answer. "This is a private family matter that involves children. Luke won’t defend himself. He loves his family and hopes that this can be reconciled in the future."
Sandra Kuntz, an attorney who is representing the plaintiff in these proceedings, declined to comment on behalf of her client.
submitted by noticeable_umbrella to northdakota [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:52 thoma599 🌟 Titan RP 1.5 AllowList Grand Opening! 🌟

🌟 Titan RP 1.5 AllowList Grand Opening! 🌟
Titan RP 1.5 AllowList Grand Opening!
New Features:
Dynamic EMS System: Respond swiftly to emergencies with our new interactive EMS system.
Enhanced Graphics: Experience realism like never before with server-sided graphics mods.
Revamped Police Station & System: Uphold the law in style with our brand-new police facilities and improved systems.
More Updates to Come: Stay tuned for exciting additions and improvements to elevate your gameplay experience.
We're recruiting for various roles including police, medical services, and more - join our team today!
Join our flourishing community and help shape our vibrant, economy-driven city.
Key Features:
Varied job opportunities tailored to your passion.
Unique custom heists for an added challenge.
Personalized vehicles to navigate our bustling city.
Stylish custom clothing options to express your unique style.
Key Highlights:
Unparalleled customization with personalized attire and heists.
Uncover a city filled with intriguing storylines and endless adventures.
Dedicated to delivering the ultimate roleplay experience to every player.
Exclusive events and rewards await our first 25 dedicated players!
Join us today and embark on an unforgettable roleplay journey in Titan RP 1.5!
join our discord server to get the role
Discord server:
Secure your spot for the exhilarating Grand Opening events - become a part of the action!
submitted by thoma599 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:09 epicrogue121 EpicWarZ FreshWipePCUSANewServer1PP5-ManPVPKOTHAIRDROPLOOTCRATES100KStartBPP


🌟 Welcome to EpicWarZ - The Ultimate DayZ Adventure Awaits! 🌟

Join our Discord community for updates, events, and camaraderie:

Are you ready for the ultimate survival experience? Our server offers custom gear, thrilling events, and an immersive world tailored to your needs. Join us for our first-ever raid weekend and experience the excitement firsthand! Our dedicated admins are committed to listening to the community, ensuring a fun and engaging environment for everyone. Don’t miss out – your adventure starts here!

🚀 Key Features Include:

  • Vehicles
  • Helicopters
  • Boats
  • Traders
  • Koth
  • DNA Key Cards
  • Airdrops
  • More Guns
  • Loot Chests
  • More Gear
  • Custom Gear
  • Virtual Garages
  • 5 Man Groups
  • Base Building Plus
  • Custom Oil Rig

🎮 Server Info:

🛠 Mods:

  • Airdrops
  • KOTH
  • CJ187 LootChest
  • DNA Key Cards
  • Paragon Gear and Armor
  • SNAFU Weapons
  • CannabisPlus
  • Breaching Charge
  • And more!
🔫 Playstyle: PVP
👀 1pp/3pp: 1PP
submitted by epicrogue121 to DayZServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:46 Metal_Boxxes r/TheUnforgiven 4.0 update and moderator recruitment

Hello everyone!
It's been about 2 years since the last subreddit update, and we've been due some fixin'.


I'm honestly not very happy with having eleven rules. It looks imposing, and I don't want engaging in the subreddit to feel prohibitive. But a lot of them are mostly just expressing pretty obvious stuff. I'm of the opinion that such things need to be codified in writing and accessible so moderation is kept transparent and predictable to users. I struggle to justify removing any of them for this reason, but it does leave me unsatisfied.
Other than that: I'm quite pleased, and I hope you will be too. Feel free to lay down any feedback or suggestions in the comments.


It's also been 3 years since I came on as moderator. My aim was to be active and responding to issues, as well as improve the style and usefulness of the subreddit (both of which were pretty lacking at the time). For these 3 years, I've been working 99,99% alone. I've been happy with that situation, because it meant I could run a very tight and maneuverable ship. I believe the subreddit is pretty much "complete" after this update. I've done what I set out to do. We are now essentially 100% in maintenance-mode and there isn't much benefit in "tight and maneuverable" any more.
I'm also getting a bit burnt out. We had 6,000 users 3 years ago. There's 30,000 now. You guys are mostly good at taking care of yourselves, so even with the increase in numbers there isn't much intervention needed. But I still need to keep an eye on things, and there is a difference in keeping tabs on 6,000 users vs 30,000 users.
In addition, we're seeing quite a lot of repeat posts. I have to be honest, that gets annoying to me. Firstly because I have to keep tabs on the community, so I see all of them. Secondly because I am of the school that believes that one should expend some effort in searching for solutions before asking for help, and also treat communication as something important and collaborative. Redditors in general just don't use Reddit that way. To many, Reddit is the new Google, where you input the bare minimum, get an answer, and move on. Thirdly because I've expended no small amount of effort in supplying a vast amount of accessible and helpful resources here. I've done that of my own free will, and nobody owes me anything for that. It still gets to me when someone doesn't read any of it and just posts the same repeat question that's already been answered many times before.
But I'm just the janitor, here to keep the place clean and grease the wheels. There's nothing inherently wrong about basic repeat posts. It's also a very natural thing in a large community that caters to newcomers and beginners. If that's how redditors reddit, then moderators must join or die. This place exists to serve its users, and they are ultimately the ones to decide how that is to be done (within the confines of Reddit terms of service, etc). It's not for moderators to enforce their preferences on the community.
Finally, I'm getting kinda bummed out by warhammer in general. The release cycle is way too tight for me. There's no time to breathe, or settle. It's mostly become just a source of stress and FOMO, not excitement and fun. It doesn't help that the last two editions worth of DA codices plus associated material have been utterly pathetic in terms of flavor. It's so obvious to me how little care and effort has gone into that side of things that I'm left wondering why I myself should care or exert any effort at this point.
For the above reasons, I feel it's time to step back a bit and take on some fresh hands.
My thinking is that I'll leave recruitment open for about a month, so let's set Monday, July 8th, 12:00 BST as the limit. I've never done this before, so I'm going to be winging it like mad. The following should give a rough idea of what I'm looking for.
If you are interested and believe yourself qualified to help out, please reach out via modmail.
I'll maintain contact with anyone interested for the duration, and start making final decisions once the deadline is up. How exactly that will be done will depend on how many people respond, and if any relevant community input on the matter comes in during the recruitment period.
My intent is to then remain on board as support, final arbiter, and keep charge of the technical details (wiki, rules, etc). My hope is that the daily maintenance can be taken care of by the fresh recruits.
If the new moderators have any suggestions for improvement or changes, I'd be happy to hear them out, but it would pretty much be up to the new moderators to implement and maintain them.
submitted by Metal_Boxxes to theunforgiven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:43 Particular_Cat_8154 Need Help Organizing Load Order i give up


This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.

+XEdit Output
-Tool Outputs_separator
+B42 Loot
+Armed to the Teeth - Redux
+Clothes HD - Brotherhood 2K
+Clothes HD - Kids 2K
+Clothes HD - Unique 2K
+Clothes HD - Great Khans 2K
+Clothes HD - Powder Gangers 2K
+Clothes HD - Gamblers 2K
+Clothes HD - Kings 2K
+Clothes HD - Prewar 2K
+Clothes HD - Wasteland 2K
+Clothes HD - Workers 2K
+Some UI Sounds (SUS)
+Better Hacking
+B42 Descriptions
+B42 Interact
+B42 Notify
+Micro Clutter
+Pip-Boy 2500A v2 (Armband)
+1_FNV Clean Animations - Anniversary Edition
+New Vegas Redesigned 2 Revised
+Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered
+FNV Clean Animations - Grenades Pack
+Realistic Headshots V
+MAPMO - Main and Pause Menus Overhaul
+FOV Slider
+Color Inventory Ycons
+ySI - Sorting Icons
+Animated Player Interactions (No Plugin)
+Hit B42 Inject - Random 1
+Hit - B42 Inject - Meat Anims
+Hit - B42 Inject Anim Pack - Season 1
+B42 Inject
+Hit - B42 Inject - Sunset Sarsaparilla Animations
+Hit - B42 Inject - Water Anims
+Hit - B42 Interact Animation Pack
+Hit - B42 Inject Anim Pack - Season 1 - JSawyer Ultimate Patch
+M.U.X. Series - Interface Overhaul
+Enhanced Camera 1.4c
+Better Character Creation
+Extra Mods (NOT VNV)_separator
+Extended Finish_separator
+Climate Control - 3D Rain
+Climate Control - Rain
+3D Rain
+Interior Rain
+Cloud Upgrade
+High Resolution Bloom
+Desert Natural Weathers NV
+Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - EVEM Patch
+Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - FNV - YUP
+A Little More Lamplight
+More Consistent Vanilla Rock Textures
+Wasted Rocks Normals
+Landscape Texture Improvements
+Contrasted LOD Noise 1k
+High Resolution Water Fog
+NVCS Vanilla Weights
+B42 Optics NV Patches
+B42 Optics
+B42 Inertia V1.2
+Smooth True Ironsights
+Iron Sights Aligned
+FNV Clean Animations - Anniversary Edition
+Anniversary Anim Pack
+Viewmodel Shading Fix - NVSE
+Muzzle Flash Light Fix
+FaceGen Tint Fixes for NV
+Better Brotherhood
+The Living Desert Main File
+Essential DLC Enhancements Merged - JSUE Patch
+Essential DLC Enhancements
+FPGE - EVEM Patch
+Functional Post Game Ending
+Misc Content Restoration - UW (VNV) Patch
+Misc Content Restoration - YUP Patch
+Misc Content Restoration - NV
+Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - EVEM Patch
+Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - Vigor Patch
+Uncut Wasteland
+Harder Barter Faster Stronger
+Trap Tweaks NV
+EVEM - Vigor Patch
+EVEM - YUP Patch
+Vanilla Enhancements Merged
+Vigor - SMIM Patch
+Simple Vigor Config
+Vigor - VNV Edit
+Bad Touch NVSE - Minimalist Preset
+Bad Touch NVSE
+Save Manager
+Faster Sleep Wait
+lStewieAl - Cookable Grenades
+Better Caravan
+Leveled DLC Delay
+Follower Tweaks
+Immersive Recoil 2.4.1
+Enhanced Movement - VNV Configuration
+Enhanced Movement
+Clean Just Assorted Mods (JAM)
+JLM Grab Tweak
+JAM - VNV Configuration
+JAM - Just Assorted Mods
+No Exit to Main Menu
+Consistent Weapon Mod Descriptions
+Sleep Wait Hardcore Needs
+JIP Improved Recipe Menu ESPless
+lStewieAl - Menu Search
+Faster Start Menu
+High Resolution Screens
+High Res Local Maps
+Clean Companion Wheel 256x256 Edition
+Clean Vanilla Hud
+Vanilla UI Plus Dialog Background Addon
+Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas)
+MCM BugFix 2
+The Mod Configuration Menu
+User Interface_separator
+Fog-based Object Culling
+Slideshow FOV Fix - ESPLess
+Swiming Creatures Fix
+Strip Lights Region Fix
+ExRB - Extended Roombounds
+Depth of Field Fix - NVSE
+External Emittance Fix - NVSE
+Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks
+Aqua Performa - Strip Performance Fix
+ActorCause Save Bloat Fix
+Elijah Missing Distortion Fix
+Assorted Voice Popping Fixes
+Climate Control NVSE
+Pip-Boy Shading Fix NVSE
+Improved Lighting Shaders
+Doc Mitchell's Window Sunlight Fix
+Items Transformed - Enhanced Meshes (ITEM)
+Meshes and Collision Totally Enhanced Nifs (MAC-10)
+PipBoyOn Node Fixes SMIM
+skinned mesh improvement mod
+New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod
+3rd Person Animation Fixpack
+IS Control Enabler and Ironsights adjuster
+Viewmodel Shake Fix - NVSE
+VATS Lag Fix
+Combat Lag Fix (NVSE)
+Stewie Tweaks - VNV INI
+Stewie Tweaks Essentials INI
+IStewieAI's Engine Optimizations
+Stewie Tweaks
+Navmesh Overhaul
+Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus
+YUP - Base Game and All DLC
+Bug Fixes_separator
+KEYWORDS (Main, v1.01)
+Basic Console Autocomplete
+Console Paste Support
+Improved Console (NVSE)
+Yvile's Crash Logger
+MLF (Main, v3.1)
+UIO - User Interface Organizer
+kNVSE (Main, v20.0)
+NVTF - Texture Modding Preset
+NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix
+ShowOff INI (Optional, v--)
+ShowOff xNVSE (Main, v.180)
+JohnnyGuitar NVSE - All Tweaks Preset
+JohnnyGuitar NVSE
+JIP LN Settings INI
+Fixed ESMs

This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.

YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
fixy crap ue.esp
Leveled DLC Delay.esm
Bad Touch.esm
Vanilla Enhancements.esm
Uncut Wasteland.esm
Functional Post Game Ending.esm
Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch.esm
Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Wasteland Patch (VNV).esp
Better Brotherhood.esm
Landscape Texture Improvements.esm
Better Character Creation.esm
Main And Pause Menus Overhaul.esm
New Vegas Redesigned II.esm
Landscape Texture Improvements - YUP Patch.esm
Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp
YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
Vanilla UI Plus.esp
M.U.X. Series - Interface Overhaul.esp
Enhanced Movement.esp
Follower Tweaks.esp
Simple Vigor Config.esp
Vigor - SMIM Patch.esp
EVEM - YUP Patch.esp
EVEM - Vigor Patch.esp
NVR2 - YUP Patch.esp
NVR2 - Vigor Patch.esp
NVR2 - UW NPCs Patch.esp
Trap Tweaks.esp
Uncut Wasteland - YUP Patch.esp
Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - Vigor Patch.esp
Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - EVEM Patch.esp
Misc Content Restoration.esp
Misc Content Restoration - YUP Patch.esp
Misc Content Restoration - UW (VNV) Patch.esp
FPGE - EVEM Patch.esp
DLC Enhancements.esp
Essential DLC Enhancements Merged - JSUE Patch.esp
Better Brotherhood - YUP Patch.esp
Better Brotherhood - FPGE Patch.esp
FNV FaceGen Fix.esp
Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered v1.2.esp
Better Hacking.esp
realistic headshots.esp
Little More Lamplight.esp
Strip Lights Region Fix.esp
Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks.esp
Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - EVEM Patch.esp
Interior Rain.esp
CC - Rain.esp
CC - 3D Rain.esp
submitted by Particular_Cat_8154 to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:36 tierneyhowell Evap coil freezing, but tech had to remove refrigerant?

Evap coil freezing, but tech had to remove refrigerant?
We moved into this house in October '23 and the a/c worked great. We had it set to 69° and all was well. This summer it's having trouble cooling the house. Blowing lukewarm air and not blowing as hard as last summer. I noticed the evap coil inside froze up so I let it thaw and checked filters(clean, changed monthly), then I cleaned the evaporator coil and the condenser outside. Both fans are running and compressor is functioning. A tech came out and the only readings he discussed were the pressure in the outside unit around 450, and the subcooling, which read around 30. He cleaned the unit outside again and the pressure came back down around 320, but subcooling was 21. All the data he kept entering into his phone prompted him to remove refrigerant? He didn't think that was the solution, but said he would give it a try. Within minutes the a/c was blowing hard and cold, so with that, he left. That was 4 nights ago. The first day it blew cold and hard, but didn't maintain 69°, it stayed around 73° the hottest part of the day. Temps have been in the mid 80s in GA, so I thought maybe insulation since it was blowing great. It seems to be having more trouble keeping up with each day that passes. It got up to 76 yesterday evening despite it blowing cold and hard. I woke up this morning and the thermostat read 72, so I ran to the evap coil and yep, completely frozen over again. When he was diagnosing the other night, he said it may be the txv or even because we have an N coil and are supposed to have an A coil. This is a modulamobile home with the original condenser the home was built with in 2016, but the evaporator coil was replaced in 2022. There is a gap underneath the unit that allows air to flow around the coil instead of through it(photo attached). Could this be the issue? Or have you ever had to remove refrigerant? Why wouldn't that have been an issue last October? I know ultimately I'll need a tech out again, but I'm on a very tight budget and don't have many more darts to throw. I guess this is mostly for my curiosity, this has been driving me absolutely mad.
I appreciate your time!
submitted by tierneyhowell to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:36 senpaigaitonde Myco-lingo: The Fungi Lexicon you need to know.

Hello Fellow Mycophiles:
Welcome to Myco Lingo, the ultimate fungi lexicon! If you're diving into the magical world of mushroom cultivation, get ready for an adventure. Here are the top 10 hot terms in mushroom growing:

1. Mycelium:

2. Substrate:

3. Spawn:

4. Inoculation:

5. Fruiting Conditions:

6. Pinning:

7. Sterilization:

8. Contamination:

9. Flush:

10. Casing Layer

Growing mushrooms is like conducting a magical, scientific experiment in your own home. Got questions or fun tips to share? Let’s chat in the comments!
Mush Love 🍄☮️
submitted by senpaigaitonde to gaitondesenpaii [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:15 Celtic_Revenant Mod for Doom II that reduces the ammo cap?

I'm running Doom II, modded so that the player and the monsters both deal and take increased damage (using Ultimate Custom Doom & Universal Gameplay Tweaker). However, neither mod has a setting to reduce the player's ammo cap, which I need to do in order to balance the increased damage dealing.
Anyone here know of any mods that would allow me to set the ammo cap lower?
submitted by Celtic_Revenant to Doom [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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submitted by glupschipup to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:06 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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submitted by glupschipup to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:06 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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submitted by glupschipup to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:07 Baird81 Crushed ores, Chunks, Mineralized Water, Acids, Rare Ore Sluicing

Crushed ores, Chunks, Mineralized Water, Acids, Rare Ore Sluicing
My last post showed my different mineral sludge setups. So I tried to train mineralized water and it absoluted destroyed my network. From past runs, I knew it was a pita to try and capture all of it but I underestimed the challenge, and I'm still a long long way from ramping up.
The water problem also revealed congestion issues with my train network so I went back to the drawing board and completly scrapped all bobs ore production and I reconfigured my train intersections.
For the amount of hours between this and the last update, not too much forward progress has been made but I think reworking everything will make future builds much better.
Mineralized water and Acids
My mineralized water block can handle 750,000 mineralized water per minute and its not overbuilt. Crushed and chunked ore is made to the immediate left and right and instead of putting all that water on a train, I used the ducts from "fluid must flow" to handle to crazy amount of fluid. The station still requests water from my sludge production and it keeps most of my trains busy. Once I really ramp up I'lll have to deal with water on site.
I can handle enough acid for all of my floaters. It spits out usefull materials like lime for oil and sodium hydroxide for various things in addition to the acid needed for the next tier of bobs ores.
Sulfur based ore
Directly to the right of acids and water are the sulfur based chunks. You can see the large duct that collects mineralized water. Also pictured are the new 4 way intersections that feature much better throughput. After I build the bobs ore blocks, I'll try to stagger the intersections.
Non Sulfur Chunks
All the non sulfur based chunks have their acid precursur added to the train network to be processed with the rest of the acids.
Sand Sluicing
My sand sluicing setup from one of Mad Clowns crazy complexity mods (nuclear I think?). I love getting the trickle of platinum for catalysts and extra copper never hurts. These stations are set as priority so they get picked up before catalyst sorted ore.
Map view of my progress at 100 hours. Sand sluicing far let, mineral sludge below, ore productions in the middle with the mall below the centerline. The old ore production and bus you can see poking up by the mall.
Not going to win any speed records but its looking pretty
submitted by Baird81 to Seablock [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:59 Dry-Exercise-3446 YOU MUST CHOOSE THE RIGHT NICHE TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCE OF TIKTOK SUCCESS [especially as a beginner it’s the most important decision you will make]

HI guys , I know many of you are having some difficulties when it comes to choosing the right Niche. It will be a Long Article but if you want to grow on TikTok it’ll save you Time you would waste working on the wrong Niche.
I started Tiktok 1 year ago, I tested a lot of different things in the process. In this post I'll share you:
Finding a good Niche is very Important for your TikTok success. If you put your Effort in the wrong place it’s a waste of time. I know people who spend 1-2 hours making a video and get 5K views but others take only 20 minutes and get 1 Million views only because of the wrong Niche.
1 How To Choose The Right Niche
To find niches, you need to scroll through your TikTok FYP.
  1. Find content that is faceless, performs very well & easily could be automated.
  2. Engage with the content when you've found a potential topic, such as AI content.
TikTok will start feeding you more similar content, and then you’ll start to find niches you’ve never seen.
  1. Take all those ideas of new content and narrow it down to one.
PROTIP: Common Mistake I see from beginners (I’ve done it when I started a year ago) is trying to reinvent the wheel. After 1 year on Tiktok what I really understand is people at the top of the game don’t do this. Instead take inspiration from others top performing videos and create your video by adding your touch. (Trust me it will save you huge time )
2 How to check if the Niche is a good Niche
When deciding on your niche, it's important that it meets specific criteria:
3 Top 3 Niches You Can Start Making Videos Right Away
Based on the method I told you above , I researched top Niches that are proven to get you high views. If you remember what I said earlier: Niche should have some videos that are getting high views. This simply proves that Niche is worth making a video because it’s already working for others.
Get 7 More Niches
If you are serious about TikTok & see the potential it has. This list won’t be enough for you. As you know I can’t post multiple links here[the Mods will be mad 😔] But yo*u can access the full list of my TOP 10 NICHES with Example *for each Niche in more structured way using the link below. It will save you time you would spend on researching. Also the Guide covers:
submitted by Dry-Exercise-3446 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:34 WingProfessional4758 Why is r/batman have sticks up their butt's? Are they stupid?

Why is batman have sticks up their butt's? Are they stupid? submitted by WingProfessional4758 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:11 stockfish100 Is Valorant the better game right now?

Now I know this will get a lot of hate - but hear me out guys. I went to the "other side" for 2 weeks now, and I am deeply impressed by the game.
There's no cheating problem. Sure, there are probably a few of them around. But I didn't notice in around ~80 matches. No spinbotters seen for sure.
Strategic depth - Among > 20 Agents you can choose from, you can choose one that either fits your play style / personality or who fits in the current team you're in. Sova, for example, comes with a revealing arrow that can reveal enemy positions without you getting VAC-banned. There's even an agent that can revive you on her Ultimate. And one that can revive herself (or should I say themselves??)
Toxicity - has been seen less since Riot will punish you severely for rude behavior /AFK-ing / trolling etc.
Map Pool - smartly thought by the developers. 10 Maps in total with only 7 in rotation in ranked so you don't have to learn new maps every half a year or so.
Gender Attraction and Balance - way more girls playing Valorant than CS.
Communication in game - You can request someone to buy you so you don't have to wait in spawn. Pings can be made in different variations (Danger, Need Support, Watching Area, "Going B", "Rush them")
Generally said, it feels like RIOT is putting a lot of mental capacity into their project. They are basically doing everything right what CS has done wrong or is still doing wrong. I had mad fun playing it. It has to be said, though, that graphicwise and especially the mechanical aspect of the game has to improve.
Other than that, I really can't complain too much. Yes, some agents can be OP in Ranked and some are trash, they need to balance them out more. But really, I think the CS community has spitted on this game too much for no good reason. I will continue to have fun with it while Gaben is busy stuffing his mouth with golden hamburgers and not addressing the cheating problem.
Have a nice day, y'all.
EDIT : Please don't just say yes or no give a simple explanation. Thanks.
submitted by stockfish100 to cs2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:34 light_bolb I desperately need to be pretty :)

Y'know... I am mad as hell right now.
I spent all of this time, in front the mirror and I'm still so ugly ughhhhh
I'm just really going through it because I just so badly want to not look like a disaster, but I'm just so genetically misfortunate. Like, I just wish I was never born at this point.
I spent time, learning how to dress, how to do my nails, make up hair but some how, I guess I didn't learn enough because I look like a freaking BEAST.
I legit cannot go on like this because I absolutely need to be pretty.
I would feel 1000 x better about myself if I was, and honestly, it's my last line of defense because my personality has been shot and buried due to mental illness
I see the way my sister is treated in comparison to me and because she's pretty, everyone overlooks the fact that like she can be yell and say really mean things or hit people a lot and I need that fr. Not that I want to do any of those things!! It's just that, unfortunately to other people I come across as strange and weird because i am mentally unwell and the people I meet are not nice because of it, or they try their best to tolerate me, but ultimately vanish after some time. I wish I wasn't like this, and i hate myself for it sometimes fr I'm so sorry for anyone who has to interact with me lol, i am like,,,,,, a total freak.
I just can't help but cry my eyes out because I have no idea what else to do... I am tempted to just give up and rot in my room so I no longer have to disgrace anyone with my presence... :)
submitted by light_bolb to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:21 XenomorphOmega My right nipple itches almost constantly.

I officially started HRT legally March 24 of this year. Previously I had taken Estradiol pills and Progesterone shots liberated from a fate of non-use from a formerly pregnant wife. But they were used on a very chaotic and sporadic course over the previous year and perhaps a few months. Unfortunately, I cannot remember exactly.
Anyway, since I started my regular dosage of Estradiol 5mg x2 daily (only), my breast growth has been....just amazing. I know it has not been a long time, it has surprised the ever-living-*uck out of me, but also made me as giddy as the school girl I never got to be. But there is one problem. OK, full disclosure, there are two problems.
They are not coming in anywhere near even. I know, and fully understand, this is a normal thing that pretty much is a universal truth, but I have zero obligation to like it; so it stays on the complaint filed.
The new cells that started growing just before my official start date of April 24 [EDIT: Sorry, March 24] had started accumulating right away. Like literally stupid-crazy-fast right away. My right nipple tingles, tickles and ultimately itches to the point of almost madness at times, akin to the kind of tickle one will occasionally get in the part of the ear that is only accessible by things one is not supposed to use to access said area of the ear to take care of that particular kind of problem. Depending on how one would analyze the situation, the possible up side to this phenomena is, that it is amazingly sensitive now. Not just the nipple though, the entire breast is sensitive to touch now, and not just sensitive to pain from bumping into things, which can sometimes hurt, but not as bad as I have been told by others. I know breasts often get sensitive and can be painful, but mine are not that. Not really. The left one is pretty much a non-issue, it has gotten a little bigger, but only perhaps half the size of my right breast, and does not have any of the more firm tone of new growth material right under the aforementioned nipple.
I have told my doctor about it, and she says that it is fine, common and nothing to worry about, but I have my reservations thinking that perhaps she simply hears enough lambasted remarks she has become somewhat immunized to hearing actual problems from patients. Though I don't think, (hope really), that this is the case, I really need to ask people that have been through it or currently going through it,
Am I the only one????
Sorry if this is hard to read or is too confusing at any point. I am really struggling to stay awake atm, but if I don't get this out now, I may never. I have put it off far too many times as it is and I just NEEDED to get it out there.
submitted by XenomorphOmega to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:15 RecommendationDry973 Modding for characters

Will modding smash bros ultimate specifically for characters we don't have get you banned? Cuz I wanna play as Alucard but I'd rather not risk getting my account banned I'd rather get 2nd switch and mod that one if that's the case
submitted by RecommendationDry973 to smashbros [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:08 AChillOrange What Mods to Use For a Stable FNV?

Hey so I've been using a few different mods for Fallout New Vegas and I've still been getting more than a few game crashes and game continue infinite loading screens. What mods are y'all using to play Fallout New Vegas with more stability?
These are the mods I've been using:
JSawyer Ultimate Edition (mostly for the interesting gameplay difference and the fix for one of the perks).
submitted by AChillOrange to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:08 trash_games2008_v2 Vs Sonic.EXE My take (again)/Vs Sonic.exe PLUS

“sorry for cutting off what you were watching, however, today we have some head-exploding news... everyone must know the classic sonic, you know, the naked blue hedgehog that runs at the speed of light, recently we had a couple disappear due to a of these games, a supposed tape sould by a soul, demon, alien, something like that, which supposedly captured a blue-haired boy and the daughter of the famous daddy dearest, we talked to the father himself to find out what could have happened, not However, he says they had this tape around for about 3 years now, asking SEGA about it, they just said they would never sell something like that, follow our networks to find out more news…”
Story Mode
Too slow - Sonic.exe Vs Bf (there will be an angel island session, where the entire style of the mod remains as it was in V1)
You can’t run - Sonic.exe Vs Bf (in the green hill section the mod is in the style of sonic advance (just for a change), and sonic.exe is in its faker form)
Trible trouble - Xenofanes and his souls Vs Bf (nothing much in the song, but at the end where Bf escapes from sonic.exe through a giant ring, running away, for now…)
Sound Test
Lord X week
Cicles - Lord X Vs Bf AND TAILS (yes, in this song, Bf will be accompanied by tails, and there will be a stake with Gf's head, there was a section where Lord X will be in his False form)
Hellbent- Lord X Vs Tails (Hellbent will be played by Tails because Bf is killed by Lord X, leaving Tails alone, who takes the microphone from Bf's remains, and fights in his place)
Majin week
Endless US - Majin sonic vs Bf (same song)
Endless JP - Majin sonic Vs Bf (An EPIC remix, this version is just playable in Freeplay)
Endeavors - Majin sonic and Batman sonic Vs Bf (the mechanic of future and past will continue)
Tails doll week
Sunshine - Tails doll Vs Bf (the song starts with tails doll on the ground, then he gets up and continues singing, besides, the song stays the same)
Soulless - Tails doll Shorts Vs Bf (you must know, that version of soulless DX)
Fleetway week
Chaos - Fleetway super sonic Vs Bf (have more lazer mechanic)
Metal sonic kay Week
Metallic madness - Metal sonic kay Vs Bf
Starved week
Prey Bad future - furnace and Starved eggman Vs Sonic (for music, as it is inspired by sonic cd, in the beginning there could have been a cutscene like the one in the original game, you know, those beautiful ones)
Fight or Flight - Starved eggman Vs Tails (nothing new)
Prey Good Future - Furnace and Starved eggman Vs Sonic (nothing new here again, just a warning, it's just a fun remix, not the true ending)
Fatal error week
Fatality - Fatal error sonic Vs Bf (same Thing)
Needlemouse week
Round-a-bout - Needlemouse Vs Bf
Fnas week
Trapped - Salvage sonic Vs Bf
Secret history week
Mania - Secret History tails Vs Bf
Ashura Week
Terminal - Ashura, Ciborg Tails and Wechnia Vs Bf
Spirits of hell week
Extinction - Exeller vs Bf and Pico
Sharpy showdown - Exetior vs Bf
Nazo Week
Unleashed - Nazo Vs Super Bf
Mephiles week
Darkness - Mephiles Vs Pico
Possessed amy week
Possession - Possessed amy Vs Bf
Tails diary week
Don’t read - Tails dark diary Vs Cream
Hallowen Week
Polite - Undead tails Vs Halloween costume Sonic
Bratwurst week
Gods will - Bratwurst.exe Vs Gf
Metal virus week
Infection - Infected sonic Vs Amy and Bf
EL pendrive azul week
Epileptic - sonic pendrive (vibingleaf version) Vs Bf
Hacked cartridge week
Truth - sally Vs Bf
Chinelin week
Torture - Chimera Vs Sonic
2011 week
Genesis - 2011x Vs Bf
Sunky week
Milk - Sunky.mpeg Vs Bf
Cereal - Sunky and sally Vs Bf
Sanic.exe week
Too fest - sanic.exe Vs Bf
Bootleg week
Wingardium leviosa - obama sonic 10 Vs Bootleg Bf
EXE week
Faker - Faker Vs Bf
Black sun - EXE Vs Bf (near the end, he hits Bf in the eye, leaving him blind in one eye)
Godspeed - EXE Vs Bf and Gf
Final Act
Final escape
Xenofanes got tired of you, and now, in the destruction of everything, he gathers all his forces (becomes hyper sonic.exe) and is ready to KILL YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND
and… you dye… yeyyy
Nostalgia Weel:
Too slow Legacy - Sonic.exe Vs Bf
You can’t run Legacy - YCR Sonic.exe Vs Bf
Execution - Lord X Vs Bf
Endless OG - Majin Sonic Vs Bf
Vannila Milk - Sunky.mpeg Vs Bf
submitted by trash_games2008_v2 to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:02 Kubocho Marvel Snap roadmaps and developers are not serious just a clown fiesta.

Ok, more than one year ago on the first roadmaps ever shared was “in concept” the first edition badges, after months when SD shared their next roadmap there was no mention to that first edition badges, questions asked on discord were automatically deleted by discord mods, eventually some dev said that badges still under development but was TOO DIFFICULT to implement. After that radio silence.
Second thing which actually was “coming soon” was the ultimate variant improvements, they moved from “coming soon” to “in concept” on roadmap later, now there is no mention about those ultimate variants.
Character mastery is scrapped because again, too difficult, well this is literally impossible, you know I think that mastery is already implemented, paid cuatom borders soon with tokens are the thing that was supposed to be unlocked through mastery, maybe some of them.
The last roadmap is a joke, coming soon, technical performance??? That should not be considered a new feature the game worked just fine at the begining
submitted by Kubocho to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]