Bart simpons having

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2023.03.17 18:19 Aurora_Wizard I seriously think this would be a really good concept.

I seriously think this would be a really good concept. submitted by Aurora_Wizard to MandJTV [link] [comments]

2022.07.27 17:04 Pretty-Entrepreneur3 Why operator==/operator> overloads didn't work

Hello People,The two operator overload functions don't work, and I have tried to fix it for hours. But I was never able to fix it, it was so frustrating. Is there anyone who can help me? It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide some advice!
Source code: code
main.cpp: bool operator==(FullName fn, const char* lastname); bool operator>(FullName left, FullName right); 
Sample output should be:
Simpons Family: Abraham Simpson Bart Simpson Homer Simpson sorted.txt---------------------------------------- 1: Kumiko Albertson 2: Jasper Beardly 3: Comic Book Guy 
But now :
Simpons Family: (operator== didn't work I think) sorted.txt---------------------------------------- (operator> didn't work I think) 1: Abraham Simpson 2: Agnes Skinner 3: Akira Kurosawa 
submitted by Pretty-Entrepreneur3 to cpp_questions [link] [comments]

2019.12.24 09:10 PhillyPhilmore Tennis The Menace - The Moment Where The Simpsons Died (For me)

Tennis The Menace - The Moment Where The Simpsons Died (For me)
I've been rewatching The Simpsons on Disney Plus, and it's so fascinating watching the decline of the show. Sad...but fascinating. I recently re-watched Tennis The Menace, and I can say, without a doubt, that it is one of the worst Simpsons episodes I've ever seen. A lot of people pinpoint Season 9 Episode 2 as the day the Simpsons died for them, but I only see that episode as the start of the decline.
For those of you who aren't familiar, this episode revolves around The Simpon family getting a tennis court and taking part in tournaments to up their social status. Marge gets overly competitive though and decides that she doesn't want Homer on her team, after losing game after game. She enlists the help of Bart instead, and, together, they become an unstoppable pair. To get back at them, Homer enlists the help of Lisa, causing an obvious divide amongst the family.
Now, on paper, this sounds like a really great idea for an episode. It puts the family in pairs that we've never really seen before. Homer and Lisa versus Marge and Bart is a really interesting rivalry. In old Simpsons (Seasons 1-8), it probably would have ended in a really heartwarming moment where the family realizes that the love they have for one another is far greater than any petty rivalry (think Lisa on Ice). In this episode though, it simply ends with a couple of celebrity guests telling the family members one by one that they're replacing them. I think that's a really good way to sum up modern Simpsons honestly. Celebrity guest stars sidelining the family members and their core values. The episode simply ends with the family watching the game on the bench while Homer says: "You know, there's a lesson here to all of's better to watch than to do..."
That's it. No real resolution. No nothing. Marge simply has a throwaway line where she says she's not mad at any of them in the most emotionless way possible.
I'm not sure why this episode was the one that bothered me so much. The cracks were beginning to show as early as season 9...I think this was the episode that turned them into a crater though. It was the moment The Simpsons died for me.
submitted by PhillyPhilmore to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]

2019.11.07 23:50 ZenyatasBalls96 The Simpons have been around for so long, Maggie, Lisa and Bart have been kids in 3 generations - Generation X, Millenial and Generation Z.

submitted by ZenyatasBalls96 to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]

2019.03.22 13:00 wabispecial [USA][H] Large NES lot ( Mega Man / Metal Storm included )

Here is a list of games I have for sale. All prices were determined using ROUNDED DOWN TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR (ie: if the game was trending at $5.99 I listed it as $5)I did however added a couple of bucks if the game has a manual. But with something like Mega Man I had to see what manuals were going for on ebay and make a guess what the value might be combined with cartridge.
I’m obviously not going to pay to ship games that are cheap as heck because I’d esseintaly be paying you to take them. So, I think the best format for something like this is purchasing brackets.
I think fair brackets are:
$1-$30 buyer pays shipping
$31-$65 I will split shipping with you
$66+ I will pay shipping
Good question, Do you have any idea how long it takes to take pictures of EACH game? If you’re interested I’ll take pic of what you want and add it to the table.
Everything will be shipped via USPS flat rate boxes ( if possible ) wrapped in foam or bubble.
I Will update the table if and when games sale
I accept PAYPAL
Title Extras Price Available? Photo
Astyanax no $3 yes n/a
Bad Dudes no $3 yes n/a
Baseball Stars no $6 yes n/a
Batman DAMAGED $4 yes n/a
Batman Return of the Joker no $30 yes n/a
California Games no $3 yes n/a
Captain Skyhawk no $1 yes n/a
Double Dare no $6 yes n/a
Dragon Warrior no $4 yes n/a
Festers Quest no $3 yes n/a
GOAL! Manual $3 yes n/a
Golf no $2 yes n/a
Iron Sword Wizards and Warriors II no $2 yes n/a
Jackal no $7 yes n/a
Jurassic Park no $9 yes
Little League Baseball Champion Series Manual $8 yes n/a
Marble Madness no $3 yes n/a
Mario Bros / Duck Hunt no $3 yes n/a
Metroid ( Yellow label ) no $13 yes n/a
Milon’s Secret Castle no $3 yes n/a
Mission Impossible no $2 yes n/a
NES Play Action FOOTBALL no $2 yes n/a
Pinball no $2 yes n/a
Renegade no $6 yes n/a
Skate Or Die Manual $5 yes n/a
Snakes Revenge no $7 yes n/a
Snoopy’s Sports Spectacular no $6 yes n/a
Star Tropics Box and Manual ( no letter from the doctor ) $30 yes n/a
TaleSpin no $10 yes
Temco Super Bowl no $15 yes n/a
Tetris no $5 yes n/a
The Simpons Bart Vs the Space Mutants Manual $4 yes n/a
Tiger Heli no $2 yes n/a
Top Gun no $1 yes
Wheel of Fortune no $1 yes n/a
XEXYZ no $7 yes n/a
I am at work so I can take pictures when I get home.
FULL DISCLOSURE I DO NOT HAVE A TV OR NINTENDO TO TEST THESE However they have been in a storage container in a dry basement
submitted by wabispecial to GameSale [link] [comments]

2013.04.24 17:54 DannySeel [USA] [H] [System] Retron3 Hyperion System, N64 [Games] NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, XBOX 360, PS1, PS2, PS3, list [W] NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Tiger Woods '14 [XBOX 360], list, offers

As you can imagine, more **** indicates a more difficult trade for me, but a * in my wants is a game I would likely give up more for it. Games in bold are not really up for grabs, but I will still check out offers
I'm up for any offers for systems that I currently have or a Wii console and games. I have little interest in any other systems.
Retron3 Hyperion (Comes with the two wireless controllers, AV cables, S-Input, and power source. Like new)
XBOX 360
WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR, but I'm up for anything (actively looking for a Wii console with the basics)
Wii (don't have console yet, but will actively pursue games if price is right)
XBOX 360
submitted by DannySeel to gameswap [link] [comments]

2013.04.17 04:03 DannySeel [USA] [H] Gamecube, PS1, PS2, PS3, XBOX 360 [W] NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, PS2, PS3, XBOX 360

EDIT: I though I would add more specifically what I was looking for just so you guys can have a little more input on what I'd be more bargaining for. However, with that said, please don't be afraid to offer anything. I have began to recollect, but have always been a gamer, so nostalgia may hit once I see a game I haven't thought about since I was a kid. Also, thanks so much for all the offers so far. I'm really happy to have got this going and will continue to expand on my collection. Good luck with the offers and hope we can make a deal.
Retron3 Hyperion - Comes with the two wireless controllers, AV cables, S-Input, and power source. Like new
XBOX 360
WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR, but I'm up for anything (actively looking for a Wii console with the basics)
Wii (don't have console yet, but will actively pursue games)
submitted by DannySeel to gameswap [link] [comments]

2012.09.18 06:58 tabledresser [Table] IAmA: Jay Kogen Here. Long past SIMPSONS writer. I created many of your favorite and least favorite characters with the help of the original Simpson writers.

Verified? (This bot cannot verify AMAs just yet)
Date: 2012-09-17
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Link to my post
Questions Answers
Who was your favourite celebrity guest and any good stories about celebrity guests? Weirdest was Micheal Jackson who wouldn't let us use his name and we had to hire a guy to sing for him because he wasn't allowed to sing. He asked for 20 cases of evian water and a room full of room heaters and he never drank the water or went to the room.
What is your all time favorite Simpsons joke? Also thank you for doing this. We had to fight hard for Homer falling down the canyon in Bart the Daredevil and it worked well. My favorite was getting put in the ambulance then it crashing and him falling down again.
Was there any thought after Phil Hartman died to continue his characters? What was it like when everyone heard about his passing? Phil was a pal of mine from the Groundlings improv group in L.A. I saw him the night before he died. It was a tragedy. Horrible. Phil's voice is pretty distinctive. Hard to replace. Easy to make new characters so, we just let it go. (I created Lionel Hutz)
Did you ever work with Conan O'Brien? Any interesting stories about him? On Conan's first day a pigeon flew threw a window and died in his office. I tried to convince him that somehow that was good luck.
How would you end The Simpsons? I'm talking a series finale. What would your story be? What would your final scene be? They are timeless. I would parody all the ends of shows like mash and the sopranos but keep the simpsons alive and well at the end.
What characters did you create? Which one is your favorite? I wrote (with my partner Wallace Wolodarsky) the episodes that introduced OTTO, BURNS, SMITHERS, ABE SIMPSON, KANG AND KODOS, HIBBERT, NICK RIVERA, FRINK, and hundreds more. My favs are Kang and Kodos because I drew them.
When you created Smithers, was it your intent from the start to make him gay or was that something that evolved? Originally he was gay and black. And we actually drew him purple in his first show. But we thought it was too much so we just kept him gay.
What's your favorite moment from in the Simpsons writing room? What's your most memorable? My partner Wally threw a cup of mashed potatoes onto the ceiling tiles and they stuck as a clump there. The potatoes remained there for many many years.
When I was growing up, a lot of my friends had parents that wouldn't let them watch the Simpsons because they considered it too raunchy/(im)mature/inappropriate. There were also a lot of other concerns, such as how Homer was such a poor father figure and how Bart, the one most kids identified with, kept causing trouble and made it look fun. Did you and the other creators have any idea that this would be the reception of The Simpsons? Over the years, have you tried to foster or quell this perception? We went in thinking the show is FOR ADULTS and kids under 5 should NOT be watching. We were fine with parents not letting their kids watch. We made it for ourselves and didn't think that Homer or Bart SHOULD be role models. They are simply characters. Flawed characters. But they do have good qualities but anyone basing their parenting style on a cartoon has bigger issues than our dumb show.
On the Itchy & Scratchy CD-ROM, is there a way to get out of the dungeon without using the wizard key? Hah! I hope not.
What do you think of Family Guy? It's amazingly funny. Not as warm and real but very funny. Sometimes it's mean for no reason but I do laugh alot when I watch.
Family Guy is great. The folks at the Simpsons think it's a ripoff of our show but it's not. It's a ripoff of many things but mostly it's very funny and different from our show. I have watched many episodes. Aside from being too mean, it's very dark and funny.
Whose idea was the chalkboard scene/Simpsons opening? Do you have a favourite one? What was the worst idea you've ever heard in the writer's room? When you watch Breaking Bad, do you still sometimes see him as Malcolm's dad running a meth lab? I think the chalkboard came from Sam Simon or Matt. They worked hard to make that opening cool and have elements that were different for each episode like the chalk board and the coach gag.
What is your favorite show to watch that you have not worked on? Which shows would you work on if you got the opportunity? I loved Seinfeld, Modern Family, Curb your Enthusiasm, Daily SHow and many more. I love Community too.
My question makes a nice follow-up: why do you think the series went downhill in general, and do you think they could have done anything differently? Thanks a lot for doing this! Nothing tops the classic episodes of the Simpsons! I do not agree it's gone downhill. It has changed but alot has gotten better. The animation is better for one. But anything that exists for 25 years is going to change. Some people hate change. I embrace it (since as a realist I have no choice. )
When you were writing "Last Exit to Springfield" did you guys know that it was going to be regarded by most as the greatest Simpsons episode ever? What was the atmosphere surrounding writing the episode? No idea that people would like it so much and I'm still not sure why they do but I'm glad.
Any funny stories of a young Conan? Conan was never young. He'd admit to being a worried old man mentally.
How's the atmosphere in the writers team? The writers room is work. Sometimes fun, sometimes boring. We tend to work as a team. It's not competitive. If you hear a great joke from someone else you laugh. The more good jokes that you get, the faster you get to go home to your family.
What do you think modern television needs more than anything? I think modern TV is pretty good. Better than the movies. Breaking Bad and Boardwalk Empire plus really funny shows like Community and Daily show. I don't think it's ever been better. What we need more of is just people putting their hearts into it. But most of us do.
If you could base an entire episode around one historical figure who would it be and why? Weird Al Yankovich and I think we did it.
What do you think of the current show? Do you think it has gotten better or worse? Also did you ever work with Conan? I did work with Conan. He came on after me. but left before I did. We work on the same lot now at Warner Bros. and occasionally have lunch. The show is still amazing. Makes me consistently laugh. Shocking it's still so good.
Did you get to choose to parody To Serve Man for the first Treehouse of Horror? Where did you get the idea for Kang and Kodos? We did get to choose the parody. We pitched it. We wanted to spoof the Twighlight Zone. Kang and Kodos were named by Jon Viti who's a star trek fan. They are all Trek names. I actually drew the aliens. My only drawing on the show. The artists couldn't figure out what our description of a one eyed octopus with fangs and a space helmet looked like. so I drew it. Loved that. have it hanging in my house.
What was it like working with Brian Cranston? No one works harder or has a better attitude about work. if you wrote an episode where he'd have to pogo stick for a week, where as most actors might complain, he'd get excited and start practicing right away. He's simply the best.
Favorite and least favorite character and was there any episode you regretted? In every episode there are moments and jokes that simply don't come out right and when I watch them now I still cringe. But when I watch the ones I had nothing to do with I can't see the mistakes. Just the joy.
Hint- click "Reply" under the question you want to answer and type in the box that appears. Are the treehouse of horror (Halloween) episodes more fun to write? They've always been my favorites. Wally and I (and Matt Groening) helped to create the Treehouse of horror! Most of the others didn't want to do it. But we pushed it through. LOVED THEM. Fantasy is great and in a cartoon you can do anything. I'm really proud of that.
What is Matt like? Matt is a great great guy. Smart and funny. He helped shape the tone of the show and gave some of the details that gave the world it's "reality." he and Sam Simon really tried to make the show smart and interesting and it's own unique thing. I'm thrilled he got famous and rich from the show. He's a great guy.
How did the success of the Simpsons alter your life and the lives of those involved? Was there ever a low point; if so what? There are many low points in any life. They hard part is getting back up know more low points are on the way. That's what is called courage. My career has had a few lulls. My personal life has had problems. None of the caused by the simpsons. Most of them caused by me.
What is your most memorable moment while working in The Simpsons? Wow, this is odd but I really remember being in a Hollywood Christmas parade as a Simpson writer and thinking that we very strange but amazing.
What plans do you have in the future for the series? Will there be another movie? I'm not there anymore but they are making another movie. The series will go on until they just refuse to make anymore. Fox needs the show and the people who work there like it so... let it continue forever.
Do you like birds? :) In general? The kind that fly? Sure. They're alright.
Which of your artistic creations most closely resembles you physically? What about psychologically and behaviorally? Otto looks like Wally. None of them look like me. I'm alot like Homer on my worst days.
Who's your favorite Simpons character? Homer is by far the funniest because he's a borderline moron only saved by the love of his family
Where did you get the inspiration to create the characters? From life and from the TV shows we saw. That's what makes The Simpsons so good. It's from our shared American experience.
Best episode you made in the Simpsons? I liked BART THE DAREDEVIL.
Did any of the characters develop in ways that surprised you? I think Ned Flanders has more depth to him than I thought we'd ever give him. Love that character.
Armand Tamzarian. What the hell happened there?
How did you get involved in writing for a seriously amazing tv series like this? I got lucky! I was working on the Tracy Ullman show and the simpsons were bumper cartoons to our show. When they decided to make a show out of the simpsons, Wally and I jumped at helping.
Whats the best and/or worst advice you have ever gotten? Best advice: "Don't be afraid to fail." Worst advice "It's not gross, eat it! Can the entire continent of Asia be wrong?
What's your favorite Mr Burns quote? I weigh as much as my clothes and my keys.
Did you suggest any characters that were rejected, and why were they rejected? I can't think of any that were rejected but I'm sure I pitched stories that were rejected that had characters attatched. I don't hang on to my rejects. It just gets me down.
Can you tell us any secrets that you put within the show? Hmm. Everything is out there to see. I did create a character named Samantha that Bart falls in love with after my niece Samantha. Jeff Martin told his wife they named it after their daughter but I gave them the picture on my niece to draw the character. Ha!
Can you describe how you and Wally Wolodarsky collaborated on Simpsons scripts? Coming up with general ideas, individual scenes and lines, drafts -- how did the two of you work together on each level? Thanks for some amazing episodes. We wrote in a room together going over each idea and line. basically like one person writing. We'd fight about what was good and only put in what we both liked which often sucked because we didn't always agree. But Wally is one of my very best pals and it was a great way to start writing.
If you had only primitive weapons, and had to fight a dinosaur to the death in a "Dinosaur Death Match", what is the biggest dinosaur you think you could defeat? You don't have to give a specific dinosaur, just give us a general size. Also you can't set traps. Can I use the time machine that brought me back to the time of the dinosaur?
Can you tell us something about Mr. Burns that we don't know? He is my favorite and thank you for helping create him. He was supposed to be pure evil like a bond villain. He's more than lived up to that. My fav Burns bit is his massive thanksgiving dinner than he doesn't eat and then pours bleach on to make sure the homeless don't eat it. Evil. George Meyer wrote that joke I think.
Is there any chance that you might return? Things are a little different now. When I go back it's like going back to high school except everyone is 20 years older. It's weird. I'd go back but they don't need me. Too many talented folks there. And I have my own show to work on, Wendell and Vinnie.
Which characters are heavily based on real people that the creators knew? The simpsons family is kind of based on Matt's family and Matt is Bart.
How do you feel about the quality of the writing on the show today? I feel as if the current writers are trying to rely on zany antics and celebrity guests as opposed to writing deep, emotionally touching episodes. I must say I find the show still great. Every episode still has heart but after 23? years they are still kicking ass. Al Jean and Matt Selman and the rest are great.
If you could change any of the characters on the show, who would you change and why? Skinner mom bugs me. Not sure why.
My favourite joke was when Dr. Nick brought out the gravestone of Edgar Allan Poe to clean on an infomercial. His voice saying 'Edgar Allan Poe' is amazing. Who came up with that? Not sure. Wasn't me.
Who is your least favourite character, either one you created or not? I created Lou and Eddie and Sherry and Terry. None of them have blossomed into anything too special. They serve the show I guess.
Got to ask, how did you come up with Professor Frink and his 'characteristic' voice and musings? Basically Hank Azaria decided to do his Jerry Lewis impression after we created the insane scientist character.
1) Were you there when the show made the decision to shift from Bart-centric to Homer-centric? What were your impressions/recollections of those discussions? Also other notable changes like Homer's voice and characterisation from grouchy to goofy, and the change from shaky animation to smooth? It wasn't a decision. The writers just wrote more for Homer because he was a funnier character and it's hard to write for Bart. Mischief only goes so far.
2) Was Conan O'brien there at the beginning? No Conan came a few years into the run of the show.
3) Do the voice actors get along with each other? Were any of them more challenging to work with than others (I know you wouldn't work with them directly so much but you'd probably know.) I think most of them do get along.
4) Matt Groening: Discuss. As I've said, Matt is a funny man. He was never like a writer on the show but more of a guy who gave us a tone and a feeling. The show is a creation of the collaboration of Matt and Sam and Jim Brooks. Matt ran quality control on many things like animation and products and story. He's a great man and I'm happy he got famous and rich from the show.
Did you ever think the Simpsons would become so god damn huge? Not when we were first writing the show. Not at all. people warned us not to work on a cartoon. They said it would ruin our careers.
How do you feel about the show going on as long as it has? Being part of the longest running TV show EVER has got to be a major "I'm awesome" feeling every day. It doesn't feel so awesome. It feels odd. Like time is standing still back at 20th century fox. But it's great for the people who still work there.
Are you the creator of Frank Grimes? If not who created Frank Grimes? What do you think about Frank Grimes in general? Personally i think Frank Grimes is one of the best characters the world has ever seen ... Not ever sure who that is. But I did not create Frank Grimes.
What is the process to creating these characters? More specifically, in regards to the voice actors. I understand Dan Castellaneta and Harry Shearer perform majority of the characters in the show (Harry doing majority of the ones you created). Do you create these characters with the talents of these voice actors in mind, or do the voice actors have a lot of input in the developing process? Never think of the actors that will play the characters. Only the characters and how they are needed in the story. The ones that stick come back. Hank Azaria does a ton of voices too. We assign the characters after the show is written. Sometimes people switch up.
I wrote a research paper in college about the types of humor used in the simpsons and I used the most memorable scene in Bart the Daredevil with Homer falling down the gorge. I thought it was a perfect example of the humor used. What made you decide to have him fall down the second time? As I just wrote, i just thought going through that long bit again was pure joy.
In your opinion are people born funny, or can anyone learn to be funny? You must have worked with some really hilarious writers. Do all the writers agree that someone is either funny or not funny? You can learn funny. Writer Dan O'Shannon just wrote a book about it. Buy it on Amazon! But you then need a lifetime of practice to get it right.
How was it working with the cast of Malcolm in the Middle ? They were amazing. I didn't work with them much but they were amazing. The writers got to go home while the actors spent 17 hours a day making the show. single camera shows are hard on actors, easy on writers.
Thanks for making childhood rule! On behalf of the many many writers and artist who made that show, you are welcome.
D'Oh. Aye Carumba. Don't Have A Cow. El Barto. Okaly Doakly (Flanders) Sam Simon did "annoyed grunt" Aye Caraumba? Not sure. Jon Viti did "Don't have a cow." not sure about the rest.
My partner Wally threw a cup of mashed potatoes onto the ceiling tiles and they stuck as a clump there. The potatoes remained there for many many years. I also remember pitching a joke for one of the treehouse of horror episodes where Burns is taking Homer's brains out of his head and puts it on his own with the brain stem hanging down and says "Look at me! I'm Davey Crockett!" and then laughing at my own joke(which I never do and is not considered good form) for five minutes, falling on the floor and possibly farting. Embarrassing but true.
Why doesn't Disco Stu advertise?
In every episode there are moments and jokes that simply don't come out right and when I watch them now I still cringe. But when I watch the ones I had nothing to do with I can't see the mistakes. Just the joy. I love Krusty and I wrote alot for him. I feel like I helped give him that good old comic feel. Least favorite? Sherry And Terry. We created them and nothing much came of it.
Homer is by far the funniest because he's a borderline moron only saved by the love of his family He's the easiest character to write and the one all the writers enjoy the most. We tended to deal with Homer and Bart and less with Lisa and MArge.
You can thank Al Jean and his group for being such good care takers of the show. James L. Brooks set a tone where characters matter. That helped too.
Last updated: 2012-09-21 23:44 UTC
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