Happy face symbols for myspace

A happy place for the happy face

2012.08.02 06:37 A happy place for the happy face

Post happy faces you've found out in the world, either intentional or accidental

2008.06.20 20:42 Outdoors

Outdoor recreation: keeping humans fit, fed and happy for thousands of years. The sun on your face, the wind in your hair: all this and more could be yours to experience... if you ever get off reddit and go outside for once! Outdoors is for all outdoor experiences, not limited to any specific interest. Caving, mountain climbing, cycling, bushcraft, gardening, sailing, plants, birds, trees, going for a stroll -- it's all on topic here!

2008.11.18 03:38 Faces

This is the wholesome place to post your face. SFW pictures of human faces.

2024.05.16 10:43 princessbride86 Most likely an uncommon, maybe not Asked in here before kind of question.

Having a conversation with something,
And one thing is crazy people who are New to being rich, New money, cant handle it or know what to do yet, just love spending money and showing of too much, or just have more money than brains,
And some things I have come over that those people might throw some money on to get.
And that is a bottle of champagne, where the bottle has 3000 diamonds set in gold prongs all over the bottle,
a gold lable with the letters in the name that has a dot over it, has a swarovski crystal applied by hand,
how the hell did they get the small delicate prongs, and the diamonds on then? Is there a machine that can do that?
And why is he bosting and making so much hubbubb like 2-4 small manmade glass "crystals", almost more than the diamonds that there are like 3000 of and not labgrown?
The people who has tasted the champagne inside,
which the maker was talking up as one of the best ever, like he had filled the bottle with some vintage, extra good year, of some Dom or something,
the people tastings's verdict of "the best champagne ever " , didn't taste the greatest,
is that Nice wineexpert talk for: shittiest champagne I ever tasted? 🤣
And what kind of cash you would have to own this bottle?
Just the small sum of 2,75 millon USD.
Then the guy has a vodka in the same line,
With the same 3000 diamonds set in gold prongs, gold lable with swarovski, and fancy kork as the champagne.
But since the dude making this is russian, making some good russian vodka,
he had to get a little oligark walking outside as it's 20 degrees celsius or more, and gave it a little furcoat with a hood,
foefur by all means, the maker is also a member of PETA..
he says he has made the best russian vodka with all the best ingredients, like crystal clear springwater,
and what gives the little extra, making it the very best russian vodka EVER,
is that , in one of the steps of his top secret filtration system, the vodka runs over even more diamonds!
Normal people from russia, who knows vodka,
and not being pretensious or trying to seem like they have refined, expensive tastes,
and trying to impess other rich people in the room,
just saying it like it is, saying what they realy feel.
Said it was ok, drinkable ,
tiered the same as the cheepest, worst, russian vodka I have ever had,
and what I could afford of vodka when I was young and started Drinking for real, was 0,5 liter bottle of Kalinka,
bottom tier stuff,
but it got me unconsious every time, so it did what it was supposed to I guess,
why I would ever start my drinking with Downing half a liter vodka, with less and less OJ for every drink as a mixer, I willi never know,
these days the hardest liqour i touch is some rum when I want some strawberry daquirys, guess I learned my lesson,
But the vodka they compared this "best vodka in the world, filtered through real diamonds " to was even worse than the kalinka,
but that is my personal opinion,
the vodka they compared to, was Jeltsin, dont know if anyone here has tried that one..
And the price of this wonder of the world, it's even worse than the champagne, because it's 3,75 million USD!
And if you have some spare change after dropping a cool 6,5 mill on a bottom tier champagne, and a bottom tier vodka in some iced out bottles,
Feel like you smell a little musty from the pre gaming, and want to smell like a rich duche when hitting the club?
Don't worry, for in the same line as the bad rich duche alcohol you dropper more money on than some make an entire lifetime,
There is also a perfume in the same obnoctious iced out bottle,
with a little foefur coat on,
and it comes in a wooden boxs with Black castiron hinges,
smells like au de rich duche,
and could be yours, having you smelling duchy in no time ,
the very attractive and sexy, but very golddigging,
women with botox and fillers and other plastic in all the right places,
5kg makeup, but very nicely done,
half her head is fake hair, the color isn't hers,
but with all the fake, she does fake the way that looks real , and hot,
looking like a perfect trophy girlfriend, could turn perfect trophy wife, or a Nice younger, hotter, trophy second wife,
if you wear our perfume, they can smell you from a mile away, and come running,
not to make the first move, but standing in some seductive, flirty pose, hot girls can do,
girls like me didn't even get invited to watch the video on how to do it, it was on the invite only, hot girls exclusive youtube Chanel 😪😅
And to make this happen, what you need to do is easy, just drop another 2,25 millon USD, and it's yours.
And the next thing that's coming in the line?
There was no info yet , so I dont know how they are going to ice out the tin,
but do you agree with my guess,
that it's either the real deal of that Coffee that is the most rare and expensive in the world,
Kopi Luvak or something.
that is made by the civet, that I thought was in the feline family,
but it's actually a carnivorous mammal,
so our cat looking very very very distant cousin,
but by marriage,
so just a stepcousin,but still in the family 😅
And the civet eats the fruit the Coffee beans are inside?
Just the pods with beans?
Don't know,
But some, a little disgusting people, goes around picking through every civet poop they can find,
pick out the partialy digested beans that didn't turn to poop,
hopefully washes them very well,
roast them,
and boom worlds most expensive Coffee,
which is just poop Coffee!
Or did he just pick up some typicly russian Coffee at the supermarked,
Made a fancy iced out tin to put it in,
and if we look at the price of the other things,
Is going to slap a price like between 1,25 and 2 millon USD on it? 🤣
The reason for this very long post, it does have a point and it has to do with wine , you have now heard this insane things about champagne, vodka, perfume and Coffee.
But I tried using the Google machine myself, but the Google machine is a lot of the time not my friend, and I didn't find an answer..
Are there, or has there been anything like that with wine , red or white, rose or sparkling, any wine?
That the wine is ok or so , not the best, but has an insane bottle and other packaging if there are any, and has an insane price?
Doesn't have to like the BS i found, that the price is in the millions,
but something crazy only rich people could or would drop on a bottle of wine,
not from a top winyard,
from a good or better year,
a rare bottle of one of the best ever vintages of that wine,
or something else spectacular,
so if an event big enough to open such a special bottle doesn't happen,
it's gone up in value if you sell it years later,
or could make a valuble and Nice piece to make a family heirloom,
especialy if you have a kid or grandkid that turns out to just a big a winenut as you..
just a big ass amount of money,
on a meh bottle of wine,
for the cool, or bling bottle?
Anyone know of?
If you know stuff about the same, around other types of alcohol, like tequila, cognac, or anything, i would love to hear them all.
Sorry for the very long post,
and Sorry if I made grammatical mistakes in anyway in the text,
english isn't my first language,
and I have insomnia,
and im well into my third 24 hour a day awake,
so I passed 50 hours a while ago,
so not on my A game, for sure.
And the reason for the text being 549 miles long?
I'm sorry, but you had the misfortune of stumbling on to, and becoming a victim to one of my adhd hangup posts,
They tend to become way to long, i haven't learned any ways to stop myself yet , new to the whole diagnose thing,
I have been struggling with it since like the end of kindergarten ,beginning of school, without knowing what it was.
And when I was to old for non stop hyper all waking second of the day,
I was so scared of being weird and fit in even less than I did, and scared to do something at home, so they would start thinking i was weird and not like me either..
So I hid it as best i could, i took everything that came with that and pushed it as far down and hid it as i just could managed , had some small outlets when I was alone at home, and the times i cracked at home, it was either against my Brothers, and because of lack of selfregulation, it was either exploding with anger, crying hystericly, screaming as loud and as long my lungs and voice would let me from irritation or frustration, or having the same extremes with positive feelings, they most likely thought i was a normal part bipolar, part psychopath, part spoilt rotten daddys little Princess who gets everything she wants, never gets in trouble, and can get us in trouble with just one cry or one word, and part sweet, happy , Nice littlesister, you know the kind of babysister every big Brother, most of the time, have? And it's normal for a kid to be a hyper sometimes, but I had a childhood being scared to be me, tummyaches all the time for the stress and work, physical and mental symptoms getting slowly worse with time, and buhu, i had it so bad, millon kids had it a millon times worse, but it still wasn't plesant and 10/10 would not recomend! It's been about 20 years since I had the lightbulb moment what might be going on with me, had no idea how to move forward, thought it cost a lot of money to get it checked out, didn't have any money, now, at the end of my 30's i get it, so not learned how to stopp the long rants, but it get here some day, maybe when I get on the medication, start testing soon, which I look very much forward too. The moment i went from wondering if I had it, to knowing without knowing, if you get it, was one night after way to much alcohol, and a supersurge in inpulsivity, have it all the time, but it usually just make me online shop to much or buy something unhealty stuff to eat , and waaay to much of it, I want chips, candy, chocolate, some cookies or baked goods, and some full fat soda, and eat everything today? Sure go ahead, no worries,
But that night i did that one illegal thing, that if someone with adhd do it, their reaction to it is almost polar oposite of normal people?
It was the best few hours of my life, I hade peace and quiet , and a lot of the unvolentairy movements took a little break for the first time that I could remember,
It was the best thing I ever did, and that scared the shit out of me, and I kept away after,
that peace and quiet could had me addicted if I got to have it one to many times,
could most done a few times before stopping, but it was better to be safe than sorry,
and I have not felt peace since, that is what 18 years ago,
so even if I know the medication wont be the same, anything resembling something less than now will be 1 millon times better..
So now dont just a 500 mile long post, but a bonus 450 mile long explenation about the 500 mile post, so if you actually took the time to read it all:
Congratulation on getting to the very end of the 950 mile long post, i hope it wasn't all the worst time Reading, but I give many thanks for the time and effort you took , and I bid you a good day ❤️
(And if I just spent over 2 hours writing this, and run into the same as i did last time, and cant get it to post ,
i will be very angry, maybe even make an angry sound out loud.
Well, here we go, cross my fingers, cross my heart, and hope for the best, hopefully i will see you on the other side,
and I need a very long youtube short break, that is what I use to be stimulated non stop, but they are short and switch all the time,
so I don't have to keep my fokus , attention and keep track of everything and remembering things like with movies and shows,
and they don't make me overstimulated,
the sound keeps my volume att 11 kaos more easy to handle,
once every leapyear i even get so into things on the shorts,
i ignore my kaos a little, just some minutes like around 5 or so at the most, but its Nice,
that is where I'm headed, and I'm not coming out for hours.
Have a Nice day my friend,
peace, love, knowledge, understanding, friendship,
and everything else positive that your heart might be longing for in the evil times, and violent world we are living at the moment,
for you and all your loved ones❤️
Remember that even if evil screams the loudest, takes more room, is more in your face, visible and easy to notice.
Good is wispering it's warm, calm, and comforting message of everything good, from the shadow of evil,
But even from the shadow, the warm, loving , and welcoming little light from the good will always be shining in the darkness under evil, guiding you, showing you the way home,
And you can always find it if you look for it ❤️
submitted by princessbride86 to wine [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:43 TheMadDanny First kit I've fully painted trying to colour correct

First kit I've fully painted trying to colour correct
Very happy with how this has turned out, bar the blue and yellow being off. Need to figure something out for the power symbols on the legs and might look for some decals but still love how it looks now compared to it's basic form.
submitted by TheMadDanny to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:42 penelope_procrasts Living with regret

I (18F) lost my dad (57M) to pancreatic cancer on August 9th, 2015. He was diagnosed when I was five and held on far longer than the six months he was expected to, for my sake.
I wish I had more memories. I wish I asked him more questions. I wish I wasn’t forgetting his face. I wish we had more pictures and videos. I wish my parents hadn’t divorced because then I would’ve had more than just weekends with him. I wish I hadn’t been so focused in stuff like toys and the iPad he gave me when he entered hospice. I wish I had payed more attention to him. I wish I hadn’t been so fascinated by YouTube. I wish I had been less self-absorbed. I wish I hadn’t sometimes cancelled visiting him in hospice for selfish and/or unimportant reasons. I wish I had snuggled with him more. I kind of wish I was told about his death when it happened so I could have the chance to say goodbye, even just to his body—I wasn’t told for a week, because I had a sleep away camp trip planned the day after he died and my mom decided to let me enjoy that and tell me after picking me up when I got back. I don’t even remember much from it and what I do remember aren’t great memories. I wish I spent more time with him. I wish he wasn’t so stubborn and prideful that he refused to use a wheelchair, fell, hit his head and accelerated his death.
The regret I think about most often though, is one I actually could have gone my whole life without knowing… if my therapist at the therapeutic boarding school I went to a few years later didn’t randomly decide to do a stupid “and how does that make you feel?” with something my mom told her in confidence:
I blew off the scheduled visit that would have been the last one before his death.
I hate knowing this. My mom was furious when I told her a year or two later that my therapist had shared it. I cry when I think about this. I’m very aware that I had no way of knowing it would have been the last time, but I still hate my younger self for this. I was his only blood relative; excluding my mom, his ex-wife whom he shared a kid with, I was his only family.
I don’t remember what my last interaction with him was. I don’t remember the last goodbye. For all I know, I could left the room after a quick hug and wave and rushed out so I wouldn’t hear him and my mom talking. For all I know, I might had the iPad with me and had been more focused on it than him. I don’t know if it was a happy or sad goodbye. I don’t know anything about his death. Only as I’m typing this did it it occur to me to wonder how he must have felt when I cancelled on him, not just the last time but every time I did. It can’t have been too many times but still. I hate imagining it.
I have insomnia and once my mom has gone to sleep a couple times every month or so I spend a while quietly sobbing. When I think about this. When I think about how he’ll never get to walk me down the isle or meet a grandchild, whom I’m sure he would’ve loved so, so much; he had an awful childhood and had been determined to make sure I had the best one he could give, and I bet he would’ve done the same with a grandchild.
My advice for anyone, cancer or not, patient or family, would be to make as many memories as possible and document it when you can. But probably most importantly, treat every single goodbye as if it’s the last one you’ll ever have, because there’s always a chance it is. Hug your loved ones as long as they’ll let you. Remember how their body feels when you hug them, the scratchiness of beard stubble, the chemo port under their skin standing out because they got thinner. Cup their face in your hands and look at it, really taking it in, memorizing every feature. If it’s the last time you see them, you’ll remember how they looked, and if it’s the last time they see you, they’ll think back on how you held and studied their face before goodbyes and feel the love you had for them in how you tried to commit their face to memory.
That’s all from me. My eyes hurt from crying and my throat hurts from sobbing. I have class tomorrow (aka later today), to make art he’ll never get to see. I don’t know what comes after death. I try to believe there’s something, anything. If there is, and it’s miraculously something that lets me meet him again, I won’t turn it down this time. I want to apologize. I want him to know me and me to know him.
I love you, Myeh. Forever and for always.
submitted by penelope_procrasts to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:39 SpunPrincess My last goodbye

I decided to try to write you a letter.
A final letter.
I’m really beginning to believe that you have been playing me for a sucker. Either on purpose or not, either way. I have to go. You have put me through so much. More than I know you remember….so while my actions seem weird or extreme to you, that’s what trauma and years of abuse does….that’s what lying does….that’s what giving someone a safe space only for that to be turned around on them when they are vulnerable. Yeah, I know those things happened to you and it wasn’t right then either but I had no control over that.
So why me? All I ever did was try to help, try to love you and ask for very little in return, if anything. I consistently see you being so nice and polite to strangers and treat me like I fucked up your life or something. When you know damn well that isn’t true. You sold me a false hope and have strung me along on that same hope that that guy would return but I have finally faced the music and accepted that you don’t love me. I don’t know if you ever did. But what you did love was the way I loved you. There’s nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for you…..
I have always been the same with you but had to prove my loyalty time and time and time again. I wouldn’t put my worst enemy through what you put me through. But you know what the kicker was, finally realizing that you actually think I’m stupid because I allow your stupid antics. You think I can’t hear you texting late at night with the cover over your head. Or I don’t see the look on your face when your phone goes off and you want to grab it but I’m right beside you so you escape to the bathroom to quickly return the text. You think I can’t feel your arm move? Or hear the sound of your phone dropping on the metal table? Seriously? That I don’t hear the click from your nails on the screen while you lay there and insult my intelligence by fake snoring…..yeah yeah I know. I’m crazy. You aren’t doing nothing right? You don’t have time for all that? Bad thing is, I honestly don’t know what the fuck you are doing and I’m tired trying to figure it out. I’m tired of feeling alerted when I’m around you because I feel like I’m waiting for the final blow. You slowly chipped away that the 100% trust I had in you in the beginning. You have yourself to blame for that.
You told me every time I get upset like this, I am dead ass right there is something going on. So why can’t you be a man and stop this stupid shit? These are boys games. Men don’t conduct themselves this way. What do you get out of acting like I can’t see you texting? Or jumping to switch the screen every time I move? Or acting like I can’t see your fingers texting while you act like you doing something else. You are so dumb and make it so fucking obvious so that I wouldn’t think you would be stupid enough to do that but you are. Fuck everyone who thinks about playing with you but you always play with others, including me…….I’m so stupid to believe that you lie to everyone on the planet except for me? Wow? Really? The one time I asked you why me? What about me made you want to be with me. I bet you don’t even remember your response……that you fuck with the people you fuck with for whatever reason…….wow. Don’t make me feel too fucking special. I might smile or something.
So ya know, I’m done. I love you so much but I am miserable. I have been lying to myself that it will be okay and my knight in shining armor will return and we will be happy together but sadly, no. It won’t. It isn’t. I put on a smile and act like everything is great and cry myself to sleep almost every night. You shattered my fractured heart. Something you promised you would never do…..but you did. Over and over and over. Now I have to go because I choose to be happy even if I am alone…..
what you did to me has changed me forever and I can never go back to the way I was before. I didn’t ask for any of that. I didn’t ask to be taught lessons. All I wanted was you, how you portrayed yourself to me. Someone to keep me safe from the awful things out there, not knowing the worst threat was beside me……so I am choosing to leave before I hate you. Before the silent resentment starts because I do love you…..but I can’t do this anymore. 5 years of my life and I go to sleep looking at your back as you turn away from me and text under the blanket on your phone. I lay there and fight tears because I feel so rejected by you…..you want me around when I’m useful to you. But when was the last time you were useful to me? When was the last time you did something you didn’t want to do, selflessly, for me? You don’t treat me like you see my value…..sometimes, I believed you just didn’t know any better but you just let me make excuses for you…..and I have nothing left to give you and anything I ask for from you feels forced, you almost can’t even look me in the face. When was the last time you looked in my eyes and told me you loved me? When was the last time you held me or just wanted to be close to me? Yeah I don’t know either…..and this is why it’s easier to keep my mouth shut because i don’t like saying hurtful things but fuck it. You certainly have no problem hurting my feelings, spouting off the most asinine, dishonest things, putting me in a chokehold and causing me to get a knot on my head never asking if I was okay or even apologizing……Serves you right you hurt your knee. That’s what happens to bad people, karma will eventually get you and if she doesn’t, God will.
but 🤨violators get violated right? So what happens to you when your violators come to violate you?
I hope you find what you are looking for in life and always remember me.
submitted by SpunPrincess to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:39 Sad-Company2177 Just listened to the Tim Miller Episode. Can I ask an earnest question to Jewish listeners?

I just find it really hard to relate to Zionism. I’m Chinese American. I technically have an ethnostate, Mainland China, but…I don’t feel at home there as a member of the diaspora. (Even if they didn’t have an evil totalitarian government) It’s a classic “third culture kid” situation - I don’t fully belong anywhere. I consciously choose to live in a diverse area in the coastal United States. That’s where I feel safe and like a full part of the community.
I don’t want to have an argument about who is persecuted more. But it’s a fact that change people have faced plenty of adversity and persecution - head tax, genocides in Southeast Asia,war crimes, hate crimes etc. I live every day as a visible minority, which is not the case for many American Jews. There are many places in the US where I feel unsafe. Despite all this, I choose to live in a multicultural society and find happiness here.
Living in my own ethnostate would not make me happy. If given the option to displace an existing multi generational household so I could live in China or a special country for “Chinese Americans” or “Chinese diaspora” I truly don’t see myself taking that option. Upholding apartheid is not worth it for whatever purported utopia, you know?
I’m sorry if this is offensive, but I really don’t get it. I realize that now that Jews are there, it’s not fair to displace them, either, but even if that weren’t the case Tim and Lovett make it sound like they are morally entitled to the concept of Israel or the concept of a Jewish ethno state.
And I just don’t think that anyone is entitled to an ethnostate and they’re not that great anyway. What am I not getting here?
Sorry about the rant. Appreciate any good faith discussion here.
(Edited grammar)
submitted by Sad-Company2177 to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:36 mini-einst3in A small technique

A subliminal is something that will work regardless of a mindset. What it does is it reprograms your mind by replacing your old beliefs with new ones. But why do people still don't get results? 1) Maybe they're not consistent? (They switch playlist often) 2) Maybe they have a strong resistance (negative thoughts towards their desire or the subliminal itself) 3) Not having faith in Subliminal at all?
4) Fear of not getting results if stayed consistent to a certain sub (and thinking that they wasted their time doing that)
5) Always seek perfection
The technique that you can add up to your day to day routine.
1) Make a new chat or group chat in your Whatsapp or Telegram or you can even create a new email and name it "Universe" (or "God" if you're religious). And act as you're writing a mail to the Universe/God. Thanking them on how grateful you are. How happy you are about your desires, Describe how they helped you in your journey, how you always get results. Inshort, take it this way, you're a person who met God/Universe months ago and they gave you a blessing for your successful life and now everything works in your favor. So what you do is write them as if you're writing an email to God/Universe on how great your journey is going and how thankful you are to them.
Once you do this, use text to speech to convert it to audio, I would recommend https://www.dupdub.com/text-to-speech
They have emotive speech. Which means the words are emotionally charged, which will help the subconscious grab better. Now use that audio and make a silent subliminal by following Rasen_God's post. https://www.reddit.com/useRasen_God/comments/z5r7iu/how_to_create_a_subliminal_audio_requires_pc/ Yes you can use a theta audio and layer it. Note: i wouldn't recommend layering affirmations, you can do it but max two should be fine.
And now comes the fun part, once you download that audio, now use it as your alarm at 3:33 am. The reason I said 3:33 am is because every person has different sleep schedule. And here comes another interesting part, there's something called REM(Rapid Eye Movement) period: "The phase of sleep in which most dreams occur. During REM sleep, a person’s brain activity, breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure increase, and the eyes move rapidly while closed. The muscles in the arms and legs become temporarily unable to move. REM sleep is thought to play an important role in memory and learning. During normal sleep, a person goes through four to five sleep cycles that last about 90 minutes each and include both REM sleep and non-REM sleep (light to deep sleep). Also called rapid eye movement sleep."
And the REM period doesn't happen consistently it lasts up to 90mins each cycle. And i feel like the most common will be around 3am.(3:33 is just for being fancy - angel number). Altho You can use multiple alarms but i believe one should be good n enough. What i feel like the sub will work the best in REM period.
An example of the script: I feel so good today. I love myself so much. I just love everything about me Thank you universe. i’m so grateful to you for making everything work in my favour. thank you universe, thank you for helping a lot in my journey. I am an expert in manifesting now. I usually get all the results within 24 hours now. Sometimes i get results instantly. isn’t that impressive? I recently used a subliminal for clear skin and guess what! i got results only within just a few minutes. Isn't that so coooool? life is so easy now. my skin is so clean and clear now. i am so handsome and good looking. thank you universe, thank you for making my skin so clear. i remember, few days ago a girl came up to me and said that i look really very attractive and i have a glass skin. she also said that my face was the most glowing and charming face that she ever saw in her entire life. i am just so happy today. I'm so grateful to the universe for making everything work out perfectly, I'm so full of love and laughter, it's like I have a giant smile on my face constantly."
I am so happy i finally understood detachment. I don’t expect results anymore. its funny to see how i just don’t care about them anymore. thank you universe. thank you for making me detach from all of my expectations and making me live in the end every time. I am also having a very good quality sleep these days. And you know what? I get super vivid lucid dreams everyday about my desires and i love it. Yes, you heard it right, i lucid dream every night. I feel so fresh and energetic waking up early morning. I feel so confident every time. My life has improved a lot, so much improved that if i listen to a particular subliminal topic today, i get results within 24 hours anyhow regardless of anything. Isn’t that cool? I'm bursting with gratitude and joy, the universe has done such an amazing job and the results are mindblowing!. I have the best life ever, my life is so good, i am so happy, thank you universe, i love you.
------What to include in the script----- 1) self love
2) detachment
3) gratitude and joy
4) an example of how a person complimented you 5) you've become expert in manifesting now
there's an option to select what emotion you want. I personally like "excited" and "cheerful"
You see the bold paragraph? if you choose to layer, make it a bit different than than the first para. I know some people say using same voice for layers still works but i like to play safe, so use different voices for each of them
One tip from me: Control your emotions, Yes you heard that right. If you had a bad day, be happy still. Always be happy no matter how bad the situation is. I know its hard to now show up the actual emotions but that's what sorts out the winners from the losers. When you learn to control your emotions, you get more n more stable. Your subconscious is no more messed up now, i believe it aligns with the conscious (which makes it easy to manifest).
-----------The End-------------
Also, i have started using subliminals now. I've just been following knowledge all these days. I'm 2 months into subs, i haven't been consistent with any of the subs, i enjoyed researching more than listening to subs. I'm now kinda done with all the study(will still do a lil bit everyday).
This will be my routine.
I divided it with two phases. 1) Morning 2) Night
before that, i want to say that i'm kinda interested in v1er's subliminals rn. Yes i know making your own subs are better but still, idk i really liked v1per's style of making subs and affirmations. 1) Morning
I will listen to MOAB 1.0 and then my playlist 3x-5x
2) Night
I will listen to MOAB 2.0 and then my playlist Note: If you're using v1per's subs as me, use the LION formula for night, i do that too. So listen to 2.0 once and then LION playlist once.
That's all
Yes i know MOAB 1.0 and 2.0 both in a day might be overkill but i have a solution for that 😉
(S Module)
{S} = {MOAB 1.0 Legacy[ItsaKid(2024)]} X {MOAB 2.0[ItsaKid(2023)]}
{R Module}
{R} = {MOAB 1.0 Legacy[ItsaKid(2024)]}
{R} = {MOAB 2.0[ItsaKid(2023)]}
{E Module}
{E} = {MOAB 1.0 Legacy[ItsaKid(2024)]
-mental breakdowns
-eating more
-sore throat
-negative thoughts}
{E} = {MOAB 2.0[ItsaKid(2023)]}
-mental breakdowns
-eating more
-sore throat
-negative thoughts}
Yes you can use the A module for a certain sub and add a magic formula there. Here's the magic formula:
{A]= { Clear skin [Synergy(2017-ish)
  • heal scars
  • pale skin + overnight results }
note: these are just my theories that i came up with. and its experimental. I haven't tested it yet. I just have tested the MOAB E module thing and it worked for me, i didn't feel a single side effect at all. Sometimes i felt a few of these, but that just lasted like a few seconds lol. The E module is powerful.
Upvote if you like the post, your upvotes make me feel like it was worth writing the post and it inspires me to write more such. :)
submitted by mini-einst3in to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:31 omegaMKXIII 31 [M4F] Austria/Europe - Looking for my forever lady

I am looking for a lady between 25 and 35 years old, for a committed monogamous childfree relationship. My goal is to become a true team, supporting each other, caring for each other, nurturing each other and helping each other grow and realise our goals and dreams as much as possible. I'm hoping to find someone that values a relationship as much as I do and takes it seriously. It's not the only thing my life revolves around, but it's also not just something 'nice to have' for me.
I am 186cm tall, slim/fit built, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Both my arms are tattooed (full sleeve), as are my calves and the areas above my ankles. Regarding pictures see below. I am a runner, training multiple times a week. I'm also vegan. My love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. While I am mostly securely attached, withdrawing from me triggers anxiety and I have made a horrible experience with an avoidant partner in the past, so that is something I fear I cannot deal with again.
I am also an atheist.
I am a very warm, soft and sensitive person, I think I am humorous, I am self reflecting a lot and I can also be really passionate and romantic. Those are traits that also are really important to me in a woman.
I can be quite social, I am a good talker, but also love to listen to really get to know someone on a deeper level. I can enjoy an evening out with friends just as much as the silence of sitting at the shores of the river and watching the sunset in solitude (although I've been craving to watch it together with a partner for a really long time now). I can be out in a pub, at a rave, a metal show or at a football game and have the time of my life, but I cannot do these things every day; I need recharge time (on the sofa, in the woods for a run, a lazy Sunday staying in bed etc.). This should give you an idea; basically, I am a homebody that thoroughly enjoys going out in moderation.
I won't say too much about hobbies; suffice it to say I am into the dark, the obscure, the macabre, the occult, the mysterious, the erotic. It won't surprise you that I had a gothic phase in my youth, bonus points if you did too!
What I'm looking for
Although similar hobbies and interests are a plus, emotional and intimate compatibility are more important to me. I am a very sensitive and emotional person (I do cry easily and by this point I don't think I'll ever be able to change that, sorry), so if you're too, we will definitely understand each other. I need someone who I can open up to (which I do rather quickly, anyway), be myself, bare my soul to and I need these things from you, too. I've had my share of emotionally unavailable women who were afraid of intimacy so I know I can't deal with that again because of the way how those things affect me. I am always emotionally invested with the woman I pursue and in those cases that was to my detriment. But my ability to feel so deep is also something I wouldn't want to change because as of yet, although it's getting harder, I haven't given up on finding someone.
With those emotional needs come two requirements that I found to be vital over the years: First, being able to be silly and cutesy together and to accept each other's inner child and care for it. I am not talking about having to deal with another person's immaturity or inability to perform basic adult skills, rather with the way sadness, hurt, anxiety and being overwhelmed manifests for me (and maybe for you, too?). I need someone who is able to comfort me, to hold me, to allow me to be weak and needy for a while until I've calmed down, and I'm more than ready to offer the same. Your inner child can come out for a while, no problem (: Also in a positive way: Thankfully, today everyone seems to be understanding of the cuteness overload cats (or any animal baby, really) can cause; I need that with a partner. I also still have plushies as comfort animals and ideally, you do too.
Apparently in every relationship, one person is the stronger one. In the past, I have been with women who obviously were stronger than me, but that doesn't mean they always had to be strong, far from it. I certainly need to be able to feel protected, but it's not like I'm a particularly needy partner, like everyone, I have my ups and downs, but I can pull my weight and have been told by past partners that I am very caring and that they felt safe and understood with me, and providing that for my partner is really important for me as well.
Second, intimate compatibility. I am rather insatiable and love to experiment when it comes to the bedroom, so you should, too, in order that we can explore and enjoy together. I found out how fulfilling living out those fantasies can be after years of never being able to try and in a relationship, this kind of fulfillment for both partners is a must for me. I found the term 'filthy best friends and partners' to be a perfect description.
I'm looking for a balance between healthy independence and being emotionally present. A relationship where we 'get' each other; we're both each other's number one and treat each other like royalty. Where a disagreement leads to more intimacy between us as we understand better, not to resentment. Where we're comfortable baring our souls to each other, becoming a safe haven and secure base for each other. I don't like the modern notion that you 'should never feel too safe in a relationship' because that sounds like running from the mafia (and believe me, I love mafia movies); you should always put in effort, yes, but safety is one of the things I always want to experience and provide in a relationship. We shouldn't fear that a disagreement leads straight to breakup. I know ‘self-sufficiency’ is trending right now, but I feel like as partners, we’re partly responsible for each other and not our own but also each other’s happiness. Being dependant and dependable at the same time is important; making each other’s wellbeing a priority. If you’re not able to healthily depend on someone and their support while you’re having a hard time, look elsewhere. If I have to be afraid you’ll run at the first major problem that surfaces, even if it’s a ‘you’-problem, it’s not going to work. I think that all things can and need to be talked about. If you think ignoring someone for days is a form of communication, please look elsewhere.
I am looking for someone real. We all have our problems, I don't want or need a 'perfect' person. You don't have everything figured out or 'all your shit' together. Be imperfect. Admit when you feel sad and angry, lonely, hopeless or even helpless – it's all relatable. Don't hide it. Be quirky, be dorky, be witchy, opinionated, be yourself. Don't pretend.
I'm looking for someone to share romance with. Not great gestures, but small, meaningful ones. Poems for each other, expressing our feelings; cards with heartfelt messages that we put our perfume/cologne on, and a symbol that means something to us only, the print of your lips with lipstick, the way I sign and seal my letters for you.
Just as important to me is agreeing on living a healthy life, staying in shape both for ourselves and for each other, regularly working out and eating healthy. I am drug and disease-free and expect the same of you. I do drink as I love a good beer or glass of wine, rum or whiskey, but I've never really been drinking much and especially during the past year have further reduced it. One vice I have is that I enjoy a couple of cigars a year, but I can definitely accommodate you in this regard.
Another important point is aligned life goals: I value safety more than adventure. I want to build a home together with my partner, a safespace for the both of us, where we always feel loved and protected, a place that we create together, make it cozy together so we just love to get back home there wherever we might have been, a home we decorate together for Halloween (my favourite holiday) or Christmas or Springtime, as we live in tune with the seasons, enjoying nature on a walk or the rain outside, reading in our cozy home. I value stability and harmony.
Appearance-wise, I am into ladies on the smaller side), so I'm looking for someone petite/slim/skinny/healthy-fit. Likewise, I am not really muscular and don't have visible abs; like I said, I'm a runner, so if you're more into the gym-type, I'm not a good fit.
I’d prefer to move from text to voice calls, videochat and then meeting up, all of that rather sooner than later. Not that there’s a need to rush anything, but I’d rather see earlier if we’re compatible or not; as someone who catches feelings fast I need to protect myself.
If you're interested, feel free to message me and include some pictures of yourself and I will reply with my own. Have a nice day (:
submitted by omegaMKXIII to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:27 omegaMKXIII 31 [M4F] Austria/Europe - Looking for my forever lady

I am looking for a lady between 28 and 35 years old, for a committed monogamous childfree relationship. My goal is to become a true team, supporting each other, caring for each other, nurturing each other and helping each other grow and realise our goals and dreams as much as possible. I'm hoping to find someone that values a relationship as much as I do and takes it seriously. It's not the only thing my life revolves around, but it's also not just something 'nice to have' for me.
I tried to be as concise as possible while still providing what details I think are crucial to know; I realise this post turned out very long, but I prefer those because I can get as good an idea as possible with detailed descriptions, bar actually talking to the person, and find that very valuable, so if that also applies to you, that would be awesome.
I am 186cm tall, slim/fit built, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Both my arms are tattooed (full sleeve), as are my calves and the areas above my ankles. Regarding pictures see below. I am a runner (ranging from 5k to full marathon), training multiple times a week. I'm also vegan. My love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. While I am mostly securely attached, withdrawing from me triggers anxiety and I have made a horrible experience with a fearful avoidant partner in the past, so that is something I fear I cannot deal with again.
I am also an atheist.
I am a very warm, soft and sensitive person, I think I am humorous, I am self reflecting a lot and I can also be really passionate and romantic. Those are traits that also are really important to me in a woman.
I can be quite social, I am a good talker, but also love to listen to really get to know someone on a deeper level. I can enjoy an evening out with friends just as much as the silence of sitting at the shores of the river and watching the sunset in solitude (although I've been craving to watch it together with a partner for a really long time now). I can be out in a pub, at a rave, a metal show or in the stadium watching football and have the time of my life, but I cannot do these things every day; I need recharge time (on the sofa, in the woods for a run, a lazy Sunday staying in bed etc.). This should give you an idea; basically, I am a homebody that thoroughly enjoys going out in moderation.
I won't say too much about hobbies; suffice it to say I am into the dark, the obscure, the macabre, the occult, the mysterious, the erotic. It won't surprise you that I had a gothic phase in my youth, bonus points if you did too!
What I am looking for
Although similar hobbies and interests are a plus (and there have to be at least a couple things we have in common), emotional and sexual compatibility are more important to me. I am a very sensitive and emotional person (I do cry easily and by this point I don't think I'll ever be able to change that, sorry), so if you're too, we will definitely understand each other. I need someone who I can open up to (which I do rather quickly, anyway), be myself, bare my soul to and I need these things from you, too. I've had my share of emotionally unavailable women who were afraid of intimacy so I know I can't deal with that again because of the way how those things affect me. I am always emotionally invested with the woman I pursue and in those cases that was to my detriment. But my ability to feel so deep is also something I wouldn't want to change because as of yet, although it's getting harder, I haven't given up on finding someone.
With those emotional needs come two requirements that I found to be vital over the years: First, being able to be silly and cutesy together and to accept each other's inner child and care for it. I am not talking about having to deal with another person's immaturity or inability to perform basic adult skills, rather with the way sadness, hurt, anxiety and being overwhelmed manifests for me (and maybe for you, too?). I need someone who is able to comfort me, to hold me, to allow me to be weak and needy for a while until I've calmed down, and I'm more than ready to offer the same. Your inner child can come out for a while, no problem (: Also in a positive way: Thankfully, today everyone seems to be understanding of the cuteness overload cats (or any animal baby, really) can cause; I need that with a partner. I also still have plushies as comfort animals (some of which in quite a litteral sense as they make for really amazing pillows) and ideally, you do too.
There is a saying that in every relationship, one person is the stronger one. In the past, I have been with women who obviously were stronger than me, but that doesn't mean they always had to be strong, far from it. I certainly, like I said, need to be able to feel protected, but it's not like I'm a particularly needy partner, like everyone, I have my ups and downs, but I can pull my weight and have been told by past partners that I am very caring and that they felt safe and understood with me, and providing that for my partner is really important for me as well – this just to put the picture I'm (somewhat haphazardly) trying to paint into perspective.
Second, sexual compatibility. I have a high libido and I have kinks, so you should, too, in order that we can explore and enjoy them together. I found out how fulfilling living out those fantasies can be after years of never being able to try and in a relationship, sexual fulfillment for both partners is a must for me. Someone on here has coined the term 'filthy best friends and partners' which I have no shame to be stealing because it's such an apt description.
I'm looking for a balance between healthy independence and being emotionally present. A relationship where we 'get' each other; we're both each other's number one and treat each other like royalty. Where a disagreement leads to more intimacy between us as we understand better, not to resentment. Where we're comfortable baring our souls to each other, becoming a safe haven and secure base for each other. I don't like the modern notion that you 'should never feel too safe in a relationship' because that sounds like running from the mafia (and believe me, I love mafia movies); you should always put in effort, yes, but safety is one of the things I always want to experience and provide in a relationship. We shouldn't fear that a disagreement leads straight to breakup. I know ‘self-sufficiency’ is trending right now, but I feel like as partners, we’re partly responsible for each other and not our own but also each other’s happiness. Being dependant and dependable at the same time is important; making each other’s wellbeing a priority. I love the relationship model outlined in Stan Tatkin’s ‘Wired for Love’ and you should, too. If you’re not able to healthily depend on someone and their support while you’re having a hard time, look elsewhere. I know codependency is the latest thing everyone’s afraid of, but experiencing someone you’ve grown very attached to just bailing because they’re counterdependent and can’t stand working on themselves while simultaneously letting you in is something I’d rather not go through again. If I have to be afraid you’ll run at the first major problem that surfaces, even if it’s a ‘you’-problem, it’s not going to work. I think that all things can and need to be talked about. If you think ignoring someone for days is a form of communication, please look elsewhere. If you think’s it’s okay to lovebomb someone and then leave after a couple of months with the minimum amount of information and no proper conversation because you’re not ready to own up to what’s happening to you emotionally, please look elsewhere.
I am looking for someone real. We all have our problems, I don't want or need a 'perfect' person. You don't have everything figured out or 'all your shit' together. Be imperfect. Admit when you feel sad and angry, lonely, hopeless or even helpless – it's all relatable. Don't hide it. Be quirky, be dorky, be witchy, be opinionated, be yourself. Don't pretend.
I'm looking for someone to share romance with. Not great gestures, but small, meaningful ones. Poems for each other, expressing our feelings; cards with heartfelt messages that we put our perfume/cologne on, and a symbol that means something to us only, the print of your lips with lipstick, the way I sign and seal my letters for you.
Just as important to me is agreeing on living a healthy life, staying in shape both for ourselves and for each other, regularly working out and eating healthy. I am drug and disease-free and expect the same of you. I do drink as I love a good beer or glass of wine, rum or whiskey, but I've never really been drinking much and especially during the past year have further reduced it. One vice I have is that I enjoy a couple of cigars a year, but I can definitely accommodate you in this regard.
Another important point is aligned life goals: many childfree people seem to be adventurous, but that is a trait I don't associate with myself at all. I value safety more than adventure. I want to build a home together with my partner, a safespace for the both of us, where we always feel loved and protected, a place that we create together, make it cozy together so we just love to get back home there wherever we might have been, a home we decorate together for Halloween (my favourite holiday) or Christmas or Springtime, as we live in tune with the seasons, seeing them change around us, enjoying nature on a walk or the rain outside, reading in our cozy home. I value stability and harmony.
Appearance-wise, I am into ladies on the smaller side (albeit not regarding height), so I'm looking for someone petite/slim/skinny/healthy-fit. Likewise, I am not really muscular and don't have visible abs; like I said, I'm a runner, so if you're more into the gym-type, I'm not a good fit.
The natural progression for me would be to move from text to voice calls, videochat and then meeting up, all of that rather sooner than later. Not that there’s a need to rush anything, but having my heart broken because I already developed feelings due to a longer timeframe and then everything unexpectedly turning to shit is not something I want to have to live through again. I’d rather see earlier if we’re compatible or not; as someone who catches feelings fast I need to protect myself, I unfortunately had to learn that
Caveats/Possible red flags
If you're interested, feel free to message me and include some pictures of yourself and I will reply with my own. Have a nice day (:
submitted by omegaMKXIII to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:27 Balsssuperfan I think y’all would like my OC + rant about my bf

I think y’all would like my OC + rant about my bf
Her name is Bonnie and she’s straight and GNC cuz I really wanted to have a character like this. Also I’m so happy to find this, literally so much posts that describe my feelings perfectly. Before meeting my bf and figuring things out with him (it took many years for us both to heal our traumas and be free in our identities), I was really pissed off that people only see a girl being a top in a relationship as a dominatrix, but that’s not my case at all! I also love to look feminine sometimes but I’m a total service top! And I remember how I was complaining to a friend that I want to wear my pink skirts and stuff but still be a “man” in a relationship, and they were like “well, I think when you wear female clothes you look more like a top, it’s easy to imagine you holding your bf on a dog leash”. AND I tried so hard to explain that I’m the one on a dog leash and people just can’t understand itttt and I’m so happy to find this subreddit. I remember when I was 12 yo I got my first boyfriend and I liked him because he had a beautiful chubby curvy body, and he wore glasses and had cute bangs and was a nerd so I had a crush, but I was so sad that he was trying to be a gentleman for me, I remember how I was begging him to let me walk him home and open doors for him and shit, and he was like well that’s not right. And my mom was saying that I don’t let him bloom his masculinity. Oh god. I turned out to consider myself a trans guy for many years because it was easier for me like that but I kept returning to be a girl every once in a while because I’m not actually trans, I just couldn’t fit my identity into being a girl because society taught me that it’s not normal. To others when a girl is somehow gnc it implies that she’s either a power bottom, a dominatrix or a lesbian. But I’m neither!!!!! And I’m so glad to have my bf we will marry soon and I love him so much he sits on my lap and slaps my face like a lady when he’s angry at me and oh my god I love him. We had so many discussions about him always having crushes on lesbians and failing to date classic women and me dreaming about a boy like him. I have short hair and I’m a fan of 2000s fashion so I enjoy both female and male clothes, my bf usually just dresses in regular clothes because he doesn’t really care about fashion, but his attitude is so… wow… he can be a silly nerd sometimes and then all of a sudden he’s a “dark fem” seductive hottie and I want him both ways. I’m just so happy. Also I always was into fat/chubby guys because they are the curviest. Even on pictures where my bf was skinny he still has that sexy waist and broad hips and shoulders like hourglass figure but male. Damnnnn.
submitted by Balsssuperfan to GNCStraight [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:25 GunslingerEX Basingstoke Comic Con releases statement on their disasterous event

Basingstoke Comic Con releases statement on their disasterous event
Statement from Basingstoke Comic Con posted on their website / Facebook:
BASINGSTOKE COMIC CON STATEMENT, 16 MAY 2024 The Basingstoke Senior Team are heartbroken by the events of this weekend.
Having spent over 10 months putting the event together, we were hit by the perfect storm of problems that led to an event causing people to feel let down. It also left two members of staff physically attacked, some physically threatened, and almost all verbally abused. We truly apologise to everyone, whether a customer or staff member, who came away from the weekend unhappy.
So, what happened? The vast majority of the problems we have heard loud and clear and came down to the fact that we unexpectedly lost 30% of our staff. We don’t use volunteers; all our staff are paid. We expect natural fall out and losing 10% of our staff in the week running up to the event was manageable, however on the day another 25% just didn’t turn up. They didn’t email or call to advise us of this, they just simply didn’t turn up. I am not one for conspiracy theories, but it was so odd as anyone who runs events know losing 35% of staff unexpectedly is the perfect way to damage any event. On top of this, with what the staff faced on Saturday, a number couldn’t face returning on Sunday.
We ran Sunday on the barest minimum of staff that we thought was safe and I am so proud of them, as they faced overwhelming odds as we had to juggle and firefight throughout the day for the event, we had worked so hard for. Yes, there were members of staff who didn’t know things, but most likely they had been pulled from the areas they had been trained for, to deal with areas they didn’t. Because we had lost so many key team members such as runners, radio operators and actor handlers’ people had to move to other areas to interface with visitors.
Thank you to everyone who has messaged us with positive feedback about our staff. I know they all greatly appreciate it.
QUEUING COMMUNICATION Communication is key, and we hear you loud and clearly. We had a communication plan in place to manage queues and give people the chance to enjoy other areas of the event rather than spend time queuing. As you may have seen every ticket was numbered, except for the ones which were brought on the day and they were, for example, 1-50 Orange VIP or 51-251 for the Stargate VIP. Our intention was to call people in batches. We were planning to accomplish this by the Tannoy system, the stage, and staff carrying white boards with the latest information who would also be able to deal with queries and questions. They would cover all the areas which the speaker system didn’t including the marquee. With the lack of staff, we lost the ability to do this.
AUTOGRAPH QUEUING People who attended our event last year will remember we had a huge area for autographs. Some visitors commented they felt it was just too big. So based on the feedback we received we tried to make better use of the arena and clearly made the mistake of going the other way and unfortunately making it too small. This smaller area for groups of 50 plan, not the amount who ended up queuing. Added to that the barriers were laid out incorrectly and I am currently investigating to see how that occurred. It all amounted to a gridlock in the autograph area. With hindsight, we should have cleared the whole area, sent everyone away with times for each group to come back, but again because we were lacking the staff, we did not make this happen.
We know people queued for hours and were hot and squashed and we are so deeply sorry. It was absolutely not the plan and devastating for us. The very last thing we wished to see is people who have looked forward to an event, saved for it and travelled long distances not having an enjoyable time.
We are also aware the queue sizes led to far from ideal accessibility, something we take seriously. After the problems on Saturday, we created room by reducing the space of Artisan Alley, but this could not solve the problem by itself.
On Sunday, because we had so few staff, we were very limited in what else we could put in place. Staff members were having to fulfil a dual role of actor handler and queue management. And because of the events of the day before, people were fearful of getting their autos, which I completely understand, and it meant many people were not prepared to leave the queue and come back later which led to more crowding and people standing for long hours. Please do not feel like we are blaming anyone here, I understand why. Losing the ability to communicate with attendees and each other made things incredibly challenging as it meant we were unable to respond quickly to issues as they happened.
THE HEAT We watched the forecast, and we planned for warm weather and some rain. What we didn’t expect was for it to be 25c plus. I am aware that people were complaining that we didn’t provide water until later in the day and the simple explanation was, we didn’t have any. The hotel was unable to provide us with any, so we went out to buy bottled water and also tried to fill the gaps with jugs of water. We went out and brought fans and tried to think of every way we could to improve things for people with the event space we had available.
I would like to give my absolute assurance that we were not ignoring people’s issues and concerns and we felt so bad that there were times when we just couldn’t give people the answers which they wanted.
MORE I wish to address other points we have been receiving with the same openness and honesty. Not for sympathy or as an excuse, but I believe everyone deserves to know the truth.
We had to sack two members of staff, one was behaving improperly with guests and the other, well I don’t know where to start. This person stole items and lied about his presence at the event, getting photos and autos when he should have been working. The same person is now spending time in Reddit spreading lies and misinformation. We will be taking action against this person.
Regarding Richard Dean Anderson, we were advised in advance of the event that he was a slow signer and as such we limited the number of autos sold and calculated his signing time based on that. What we didn’t expect was for him to take 4/5 mins per auto. It would take him over 13 hours to sign 200 autos. Based on his actual signing time we should have only sold 45 autos a day which would have left many fans upset. We also did not force him to stay and asked:
Could he sign faster If he’d like us to cut the queue and. If he was happy to continue at current pace and we would find the staff and security willing to stay while he continued signing. Regarding Jason Momoa, we have read a number of comments left by people saying Jason said that we changed his attendance to one day and also that we messed up his flight so he couldn’t stay two days. This is completely untrue; we would have loved Jason to attend two days.
Also, if other actors made negative comments regarding the event, none of them came to me and wished that they had, so I would have been able to address it directly.
Some people commented that they saw the Police attend the event and speculated that it down to us, this is incorrect. The reason why they attended was because people were walking around Basingstoke Town Centre and swords. These weapons may have been fake, but members of the public didn’t know that, and they rang the Police worried and concerned. We spoke to the police and addressed this immediately via social media and Tannoy announcements.
People have also speculated about numbers and said that we oversold, this again is incorrect, as while some areas were overcrowded due to queues, others were completely empty.
When we put the Stargate VIP ticket on sale, it only had 7 actors on it and people were happy to purchase it at the advertised price. We should not have added so many guests as we now realise it created a logistical problem for people to get them all. We also should have dictated which day people went for autos rather than leaving it at the attendee’s choice.
REFUNDS If you have a ticket stub for an auto you were unable to get, please send a photo of that auto with your details and an order number to info@basingstokecomiccon.com to accelerate replies and make refunds as efficient as possible so we can get money back to you.
If your auto was part of the Stargate package, you will get a percentage refund based on the number of tickets included in the pass.
We will not refund those who missed flights, had visa issues, or were delayed getting to our event as per our terms. We have detailed records of which tickets belonged to whom and who did and didn’t attend.
All other refund requests will be considered on their merits, and we will be replying to those as quickly as we can in the coming days and weeks.
We aim to complete this process by the 30th of June and will not respond to chaser emails, or those trying to FastTrack any request via other channels as we want to be fair and diligent in our replies to everyone. We are aware that some people are encouraging people to get a chargeback, and while they are entirely entitled to do so, it does complicate things and may delay any refund request.
FINAL WORDS We are deeply sorry that people didn’t get the experience they deserved.
This was not the Comic Con we planned to run.
To all those who have sent messages of support via email and social channels, it means the world to me, and we’ll be back stronger and better next time.
submitted by GunslingerEX to Stargate [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:14 meggylovescookies Why does my mother utterly hate me?

Okay so this happened a couple months ago around mid-March. I posted what happened in another subreddit, but a couple of people mentioned posting it in this one too. I keep rehashing it over and over and yeah… here is what I said in the original post:
I can’t deal with my mom anymore. My whole life I was always afraid to talk back or stick up for myself. And then when I do, she just continues to berate me. Here is the story…
I don’t know what to make of this situation. It would be a long story if I tried to explain it all so I will attempt to make it brief. So, a couple weeks ago my mom started talking down to me.
My memere has been dying. And my mom told me my “priorities are skewered” and “it’s quite underwhelming, honestly” “your memere is the opposite of good health.” She said this because I told my mom that I would visit memere later in the week.
Keep on my mind my mom kept going back and forth on this matter. She would tell me I should go and see my memere. Then a day later she would say I shouldn’t because my memere isn’t herself. Then she would tell me I should call my memere. Then she would tell me I shouldn’t because of how my memere isn’t in her right mind.
So, my mother spoke down to me by lecturing me about how my priorities were skewered and whatnot really pissed me off. I replied, telling her not to talk down to me and telling her how rude and condescending her comments are. That just prompted her to tell me to not scold and tell me I all i do is think about myself and sleep all the time. She followed that with, "There, I said it." Like she's so proud and happy to get that off of her chest.
Keep in mind that I never discuss myself with my mother. But, she does know I'm in college. So how the heck does she know what I do behind my closed door? I could be studying, reading, listening to music etc. But no, she just slaps me with the "all you do is sleep and think about yourself."
Every conversation we have is either about my memere as of lately, or my mother will discuss things going on in her life.
And any other time I’ll just take it and deal with it (my mother being rude or whatnot) But this time I didn’t. It resulted in me eventually deleting the app we converse on. I told her to leave me alone and that I didn’t want anything to do with her. I knew it wasn’t worth going back and forth, and I didn’t want to say anything I would regret.
I ended up reaching out to her a week later saying “sorry memere is in hospice.” Since then we have been getting along.
Fast forward to today, I was searching for something in our conversation when I stumbled across her messages to me (from before I blocked her). I hadn’t read some of them yet because I didn’t want to. But then I saw she called me a “selfish, self-absorbed twat.” And that, “it takes a special kind of someone. Remember that.”
Keep in mind I don’t call her names. I decided to confront her about it. It didn’t turn out well. She just threw in my face about how she is going through a rough time because of her mother and also threw into my face how she has been here for me at my lowest points and that I put her and my dad through hell (I assume she is referencing my alcoholism, which I have been sober from for almost 2 years). She also said “and I stand behind the selfish twat comment.”
So I ended up saying, “and you’re a bitch.” Which prompted her to saying how I’m a despicable woman and that she would never talk to her mom like that.
I just don’t understand how she thinks it’s okay for her to call me names, but when I dish it right back to her she continues to try and bring me down, or throws in my face how she was there for me at my lowest points. It makes it seem like she is trying to guilt trip by bringing that up (from when I was suffering from alcoholism which caused my parents to be worried for me and stuff).
I understand her mother is dying. But does that really give her the okay to treat me this way? I blocked her. And I honestly do wish I had kept my cool. I did initially the first time around when I removed her. But this second time around I let the situation get the best of me.
Okay so now for an update…sadly my memere ended up passing away :’( Ever since then, things haven’t felt right between my mother and I. After that whole debacle, she texted me a couple weeks after telling me that she loves me and also said, “I apologize for my choice of words. I reacted and I reacted badly.” All I said back was “I love you too.”
I felt like her apology was crummy. It seems like she isn’t even really taking responsibility for her actions but almost placing the blame on me. Acting like I’m the one who caused her to lash out.
Since then, we haven’t talked much. Honestly I just feel uncomfortable regarding the whole situation. It’s hard to move past it. I don’t know if I’m overreacting by still being affected by it. A week ago my dad texted me letting me know to not forget about my mom for mother’s day…which I had already planned to visit her.
So, on Sunday I went to go see her and gave her flowers because it felt like the right thing to do. But every time I think of her and when I saw her, I just keep replaying all of what happened. I just don’t know what to do anymore. As I said, I don’t know if I’m just overreacting and if I should just try and get over it and forget about it.
submitted by meggylovescookies to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:10 KlutzyNeedleworker84 Advice for child with ocd?

My son just turned 11 and the symptoms have only just started to show. Up until that point he was such a happy and carefree child and it's breaking my heart to see this happen. I always had a feeling having children would mean passing this on and now I can't cope with the guilt I'm feeling. I just wanted to write this down somewhere with people that understand, I always felt isolated with mine and even with the doctors I never wanted to explain my symptoms in case they thought I was crazy and should be locked up. It's a long road ahead for my son and I don't know how to continue, I don't know what treatment will be like at his age because I was never diagnosed until 17. I would love to chat to other parents that faced the same situation as I'm in now? Tia.
submitted by KlutzyNeedleworker84 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:05 Existing-Area-9093 Baradwaj Rangan's interview of Iraivi (lengthy, with spoilers)

Spoilers ahead…
Dear Karthik Subbaraj,
Congratulations on yet another interesting movie, and for resisting the impulse to name this one, too, after a food item. Iraivi is an unusual feminist film, in the sense that it’s seen entirely through the prism of sympathetic male characters. Your men aren’t monsters who drink or cheat on their wives or subject them to torture. They do these things, yes, but… differently. Arul (SJ Surya) drinks, but only to drown out his sense of failure – he’s a director and his film is in the cans, being held hostage by a sadistic producer. Michael (Vijay Sethupathi) has sex with Malarvizhi (Pooja Devariya), and he continues to lust after her after his marriage to Ponni (Anjali) – I love that all your women have names that suggest classical heroines, including Arul’s wife Yazhini (Kamalini Mukherjee) – but it’s a marriage he committed to in a hurry and he still hasn’t reconciled himself to it. He’s being a bastard, certainly, but he’s not a one-note villain. And the torture they inflict isn’t the stubbing-a-cigarette-into-the-wife’s-bare-arm variety. It’s more mental than physical.
So we get women who are collateral damage – and I include Arul’s comatose mother (Vadivukkarasi), and the nurse who’s not allowed to do her duty – of men being men. They’re being babies, really. Yazhini tells Arul that he should get on with his life, write another story, make another movie. He says it’s like her trying to have another child while still pregnant with their daughter. (Yes, all these men end up with girl children.) He’s a wallower – but maybe all artists are. You like to do that, don’t you Karthik? Even in a film like this, you deliver a commentary about filmmaking and the artist. Why, even Arul’s father is a sculptor, and though we never see him ill-treating his wife (thank you for sparing us the clichés of raised hands and raised voices), we’re informed that he’s responsible for her state. His son’s following the father’s footsteps. Maybe you’re trying to say that the wives of obsessed artists are doomed to become collateral damage. Your films make us think, Karthik, so thank you for that.
All your stories have at their centre a filmmaker, or at least (in the case of your first film, Pizza) a storyteller. And through them, we seem to hear your voice. “Works of art should not be in places where they are not respected.” “Namma padam pesanum, naama pesa koodadhu.” You compare masala movies to a massage with a happy ending. (I laughed, but please don’t judge me when I say I rather like massages with happy endings – I refer to masala movies, of course.) We even get a line of dialogue about Dolby Atmos. (What will the B/C-centre audience make of this, Karthik? But then you don’t really give a shit, do you? More power to you.) And you like your insider jokes. That crass, egoistic producer who does not care about art – he reminded me of the crass producer from your earlier film, Jigarthanda. You like Rajinikanth too. You referenced Thillu Mullu in Pizza, Thalapathi in Jigarthanda, and now you have Arul singing Malayala karayoram, Michael singing Oorai therinjikitten.
Or is that more of an Ilayaraja homage? You like to keep the audience guessing, right? When the Bobby Simha character in Jigarthanda said he was a Shankar-Ganesh fan, it appeared that you were mocking the endless Ilayaraja nods in Tamil cinema, but here you are, doffing your hat to the maestro. “Raja Raja dhaan.” Arul says this… twice. (By the way, which is that nightclub which plays Maanguyile poonguyile? Do let us know.) And the reuse of Unnai thaane – first in a scene between Michael and Malarvizhi; later in a scene between Michael and Ponni – is the kind of Easter egg we come to your films for. Let me list some others, though I’ll probably need to watch the film a second (or third) time to get them all. The name of the bachelors’ quarters is Ambal Mansion – it goes with your theme and title. I didn’t get the bit about the windmills (something connected to the gust of wind that makes the row of cycles fall over in the first scene?), or why you showcased the book of Shanta Shishunala Sharif’s poems. (I confess. I Googled up that name. I can’t remember the last time a Tamil film made me Google something up. Madras, maybe.) And despite your note at the beginning that Iraivi is inspired by the works of K Balachander (he made female-centric films, but I don’t know if I’d call them feminist films), this is really more of an ode to Mani Ratnam, isn’t it? Specifically, Aayidha Ezhuthu. The three men, one of them – the impulsive one – named Michael. The film starting out as Arul’s story, then becoming Michael’s story, and finally Jagan’s (Bobby Simha) story. The finale with the woman on the train. Plus, the arc of the Madhavan-Meera Jasmine plot was essentially about being easily misled (in the case of the man) and becoming collateral damage (in the case of the woman.) And yes, the rain. All that rain. As though the skies were weeping for these women.
Am I digressing, Karthik? If I am, I’m just following your style, which is the opposite of simple and linear. As a result, I find your films longer than they need to be. (You may feel the same about my reviews.) For instance, I did not care for the scene in the nightclub where a director is felicitated. I realise it was there as a last straw for Yazhini, but it felt redundant. But I suppose they couldn’t be any other way, because you like these shaggy-dog stories that you then embellish with novelistic detail. I love the way you introduce your characters, the time you take with them. Our films lay out characters and their relationship to each other the minute we set eyes on them, but you make us wait to know how Arul is related to Jagan and where Michael fits in and so on. And when it appeared that a semblance of a plot was kicking in (something about Arul needing money to buy back his film), I dug out my phone and checked: it was a whole hour into the movie. Borrowing an image from Malarvizhi’s profession (oh wait, she’s an artist too; she’s literally an artist), it’s like daubs of paint slowly forming a bigger picture.
And you really like an expansive canvas. Not only does the crass producer have a brother, you also bring in his wife later on, to conclude a deal he began making. These segments practically form a mini-movie, with another woman left reeling by the actions of her man. Your films have this… density. They’re packed – with characters, with complications, with information doled out in bits and pieces. (A character says, “Un kitta onnu sollanum.” And instead of hearing what he has to say, we cut to someone else.) Take the scene where Michael asks Arul for money he is owed. You just need to get Michael to Arul’s antiques shop, so the next part of the plot can be staged. Arul could have told Michael to collect the money at the shop. Instead, this is what we get. Arul tells Michael to wait for a week, when he can get the 50 lakhs he is owed. Michael says he wants only 10 lakhs. Arul says he has only 8 lakhs, he’ll give the remainder later. Michael goes to Arul’s father, in the hospital. He has only 5 lakhs. And he directs Michael to the shop, to get the remaining 3 lakhs. Your signature intercutting adds to this texture, Karthik. Shots of Michael and Arul’s father in the hospital are intercut with shots of Arul hunting for booze. Shots of Michael and Jagan outside a courtroom are intercut with shots of Arul being consoled by his father. Happenings are stretched and meshed the way they would be in real life, and not compacted according to the page-per-minute requirement of screenplay-writing textbooks.
I could never predict where the film was going (win!), what these people were going to do (again, win!) –though I must admit I found this to be the weakest of your “twists.” The subplot about stealing sculptures, too, I found rather conceit-y, something half-heartedly cooked up to fit with the title and the theme, rather than something plausible, something these people would do. When Michael, here, commits murder, with a hammer, I went, “This mild-mannered chap? Really?” But then, even in Jigarthanda, I wasn’t quite convinced that the characters would do the things they did. They seemed to be puppets of a screenplay rather than credible human beings, whose actions evolve organically from who they are (or at least, who they seem to be).
But even if I am not convinced by the overall trajectory of your characters, I love how fleshed-out they are on a moment-to-moment basis. I loved the scene where Arul barges into Yazhini’s house, after their separation, on the day of her engagement to someone else. In a lesser film, she would have asked him to get out, and he’d have dug his heels in, and she’d have cooled down and… But here, she rushes straight into his arms. And you make us see why. She was frustrated, fed up with him. But she’s also confused. Was she hasty in abandoning this man? Should she move on with another man? Does she even need a man? With just this one scene, you’ve compensated for the underwritten heroine of Jigarthanda. The story arc may be Arul’s, but Yazhini registers as a fully formed character. Similarly, Michael’s arc allows for the delineation of Ponni and Malarvizhi, and through Jagan, we get glimpses of his mother, and possibly of all womanhood as viewed by a compassionate man. And then you say that women don’t need even this compassionate man (poor chap!), that they have to emancipate themselves instead of looking for a penis-wielding emancipator. What delicious irony, given that you begin the film with women talking about marriage, tying themselves to a man!
Or not, in the case of Malarvizhi, who is easily the film’s most interesting character. Her husband is dead, and she doesn’t want love anymore – only sex. When Michael buys her a diamond necklace, she gives it back to him – she can buy her own trinkets, thank you very much. But the character feels shoe-horned into the film, Karthik. I felt betrayed – and I bet she did too – that after a point, she was used simply as a plot device to get Michael and Ponni together, and also to illustrate Michael’s (who is now standing in for all of mankind) hypocrisy. I felt she deserved more. And yet, I appreciated your generosity in fleshing her out like all the others, without judging her. She gets to be the rare woman in Tamil cinema who dumps the man, and the way she lets go of Michael is echoed in the way Arul lets go of Yazhini, with a heavy heart and some playacting. A side effect of the Malarvizhi subplot is the reassurance that Vijay Sethupathi is still interested in making cinema, rather than just massy entertainers targeted at the box office.
Ponni gets a better deal (and Anjali is terrific, raw and expressive in a way she has never been). In a great scene – rather, a set of book-ending scenes – Michael tells Ponni that he was forced to marry her, and she’s going to have to “adjust” to this if she wants to be with him. Much later, she throws the “adjust” word back on his bearded face when he asks her if she slept with someone else. In a different kind of movie, we’d be invited to see this symmetry, stand up and applaud. But you’re too subtle for that, Karthik. Iraivi is your subtlest film. Which is why I winced at the melodramatic lines about men and women, most of which came towards the end. Aan, using the long-sounding vowel, versus penn, with the shorter one – for such a visual filmmaker (this is another outstandingly shot film, less showy than Jigarthanda and probably richer for that), do you really need the crutch of linguistic special effects from another era of filmmaking? Also, when the rest of your film is so allusive, isn’t there another way you can explain the twist without having a character resort to such an inelegant information dump?
And why is it that your films come together more in the head than in the heart? Why are they easier to admire than love wholeheartedly? I used to think it was because your characters are essentially deceitful, self-serving and unsympathetic, so though we were invested in what they did, we didn’t really warm up to them. But here, you have Ponni and Yazhini and Malarvizhi – and they’re still remote. But perhaps this is bound to happen when there are so many people, so many strands, when we don’t follow one person’s simplistic “you go, girl” journey like we do in, say, 36 Vayadhinile? But when the parts are so well-crafted, we don’t complain as much about their sum not adding up to a satisfying whole. I am sure that you will, one day, make that wholly satisfying film, but for now, thank you for these parts. Thank you for the ambition. I felt there were too many songs (some good work by Santhosh Narayanan), but thank you for ensuring that they don’t break character, the way songs usually do when a character speaking in his or her voice suddenly segues into the playback singer’s voice. Thank you for giving us SJ Surya, the actor – I never dreamed he had such a capacity to hold a scene, to hold the screen. Thank you for continuing not to sell out. Thank you for trying to do so much, even if not all of it needed to have been tried. And thank you for making me fight with myself, for not making it easy to decide if you’ve made a “good” film or a merely “okay” film. For now, Iraivi is a fascinating film, and that’s enough.
Sincerely, etc.
submitted by Existing-Area-9093 to kollywood [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:49 clauuubauu My husband it's acting weird but in a good way.

So my husband has been acting strange lately and doesn't want to come to the Kingdom Hall anymore, he prefers to join on zoom. We haven't been to the Kingdom Hall for a week, neither for the Sunday talk nor the midweek one, last week. We entered Zoom and honestly we weren't paying much attention and sat on our phones.
The thing that shocked me was that my husband wants to skip the midweek meeting, which is today. He goes to the gym 3 times a week, he made this schedule so he can be free for the midweek meeting (I think his parents asked for that). So yesterday he was at the gym and today he was supposed to come home after work for the meeting, but last night he told me that he is going to the gym again and if his parents ask why he is not arriving anymore, I should tell them that I don't know anything and maybe he is staying late at work. I don't know what the reason for his choice is, but it makes me happy, even if they are small steps and maybe it means nothing, I feel that it can change, slowly but it can change.
My glory will be when my husband tells his parents to their face, loud and clear, that he no longer wants to have anything to do with their religion. Because it feels like he doesn't really want to make progress towards baptism and prefers to lie in bed and do nothing rather than come to a gathering of hypocritical people and sit for 2 hours on a chair. If he ever gets baptized, he will do it for the happiness of his parents, but I honestly don't think it's worth destroying your PERSONAL life and your future family for a selfish mother who wants to control you all the time and a father who doesn't care about your feelings.
I sincerely wish that my future children have a normal life and choose their own way of life, and for my husband to be there and to enjoy the family that we have created and to have no regrets.
submitted by clauuubauu to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:45 Lazy-Comfort7438 Finally some more moonstones

Finally some more moonstones
This was not the final picture because of the face but what I posted was similar. But I finally had some more moonstones! 2500! Thanks to everyone who gave me tips for a better picture.
Maybe next time will be even better, but really happy with the results ☺️
submitted by Lazy-Comfort7438 to Dreamsnaps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:42 Worldly_Basis3139 My(20F) boyfriend (19M) needs space after an argument but i dont handle it well. How do I make sure my boyfriends gets what he needs while also taking care of my mental well being? (very long)

My boyfriend (19M) and I (20F) have been together for a year and a half. In the beginning, when any problem arise, we'd waste no time in talking to each other about it and we'd make sure we both don't go to bed upset. The conversations would be really understanding gentle and empathetic. He'd hold my hand and wipe my tears even when we haven't fixed the issue yet. He'd waste no time to bring me in for a hug at the first sight of me crying. Sometimes he'd cry when i cry. The thoughts in my head could escape my mouth so effortlessly when he'd listen to me while rubbing my back or just physically showing me that he is with me and that we aren't against each other. We'd never be fine with prolonging our ill feelings. Even though it took us a few arguments to get to where we were, we got there eventually :]
However recently, it has just been feeling way harder to talk to him about how I feel and I think it goes both ways. Sometimes I would get upset at the tone he is speaking to me in, and he'd explain that it's just the way he speaks. At this, I'd feel bad and that I was being sensitive and feel the need to apologize. Sometimes, when i bring up a problem, the tone he speaks in would change and it would scare me. I'd start trying really hard to make sure that he knows that I'm not against him, and that I just want to fix the issue. I'd voice out my concerns and sometimes it feels like he's taking it as attacks. I voice out because I value and care about our relationship. Instead of staying quiet, I chose to speak up about what's bothering me. If the assumptions I made were wrong I'd like for him to correct me and to reassure me. But many times, he'd get upset. I would again feel really bad for speaking up, start scrambling to make it very clear that I am not trying to fight him. I use to be really blunt and comfortable with telling him things but now I find myself second guessing and feeling scared. It's very hard for me to articulate my thoughts and to explain to a manner which he'd understand and sometimes I'd talk about how i feel for a good 5 minutes to be met with 'okay' and he'd go straight to asking me why i did certain things that upset him which i have no problems with asking and holding myself accountable for. I will give my apology where it is due and I want to give him what he deserves the best I can.
Last night, I made a mistake. During a heated arguement over the phone, the pace really started to pick up and he said "I can't-". Before he could finish, I cut him off by saying "you always do this" and hung. I was scared that he was going to say he needs time and space. I ended the call because I was scared of hearing that from him so I thought I'd leave first so it would hurt less. It didn't. It was wrong and hasty of me. That night, I was having trouble trying to sleep and just cried my eyes out after hanging up. I saw that he was online on steam which i was expecting. During the argument, he told me that his friend wanted to play with him at 9 (at this point it was around almost 11) and that he'd stayed because he feels guilty and that something is holding him back. At this, I was upset because I wish he'd told me earlier and that i wish he'd said "Actually my friend asked if I wanted to play with him but I'm not going to leave until we're fine or we talk this out" instead of not leaving because he feels guilty and something was holding him back as it made me feel really sad. He replied by saying that that's exactly what went through his head, it's just that he didn't say it/ it didn't come out of him.
But back to after the call ended, I cried and cried until 5am. I saw that he was online on steam (until before 5am) and automatically assumed that he was playing with his friend which I was glad about because I felt bad for his friend and him. I texted him to apologize for how things went last night and that it was wrong of me to end the call like that with that reason. I told him that i hope he got to play with his friend with a smiley face. I wished him a goodnight and sweet dreams and i told him i hope he knows how much i love him. I apologized again and told him I had no intentions to hurt him and that i was genuinely trying really hard to keep the conversation gentle and understanding. I thanked him for wanting to talk to me before playing with his friend if he did end up doing that and how i appreciate it a lot. I also asked him to text me when he's up and and that i love him again.
He replied to me at 12:30, after or during his class. This is what he replied to me with:
im sorry things went the way it did as well and i did see your tweets, its okay. i don't know how to feel about you hanging up because you were scared id say something along the lines of that and because that youd be left alone, it feels wrong, but i appreciate you telling me that. to be truthful, i feel mentally tired and overwhelmed, and im really feeling like i need some space.
I was really sad and worried that he didn't say he loves me back even though i said it twice. But i replied to him saying i understand, and i asked him if we will be fine. I also sent him this text:
and can we please find some time, maybe not today or tomorrow, to sit down and really talk it through with an open mind and heart?
I understand that you need space and that's what I am to give you but for now, i need reassurance on these things as i really cant handle no contact without at least reassurance please :/
I saw him typing, but I didn't get a reply and it's been almost 3 hours. For context, last week he did not reply to me for almost a day after an argument. I freaked out and called him no less than 100 times, asked his friwnds and sister where he went and if he's okay. They couldn't reach him (his sister had to get him through the house phone). He finally replied to me apologizing and we talked about the issue. I decided to be honest with him and in a long paragraph told him i dont do silence really well because it feels like he doesnt care or love me enough to wonder if im doing well because i was going crazy at the silence from his end(i said more but to make things short,). It was really bad to the point where i walked outside at night to distract myself and ended upvomitting on the side of the road. He said he understands and apoligized. He said it's the worse he's handled an argument and tried really hard to assure me that he loves me and we fine and back to normal. I felt okay and relieved at that point.
But now this is happening. I feel sad because it feels like he's forgotten about what i said last week. But at the same time, I feel really conflicted and I want to give him what he needs. I would do anything for our relationsip to be better. I want him to be happy. I'm trying my very hardest to be the best partner for him. I care about and value our relationship so much, and he still hasn't given me the reassurance i need in order to feel slightly fine about the distance. I do not know why and I'm spiralling worrying about why he hasn't replied to me.
I reallly want this relationship to work I love him so much and I know he loves me too. I acknowledge that things arent the same anymore and he might need different things now. I feel the key to this is to find a balance which we're struggling with. He is my best friend and makes me feel the most comfortable. I love being in my presence and he is my best friend. I wish to spend my whole life with this boy. Please help I tried so hard to keep myself together today and broke down in class :(
submitted by Worldly_Basis3139 to ToughLoveAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:34 Worldly_Basis3139 My(20M) boyfriend (19M) needs space after an argument but i dont handle it well. How do I make sure my boyfriends gets what he needs while also taking care of my mental well being? (very long)

My boyfriend (19) and I (20) have been together for a year and a half. In the beginning, when any problem arise, we'd waste no time in talking to each other about it and we'd make sure we both don't go to bed upset. The conversations would be really understanding gentle and empathetic. He'd hold my hand and wipe my tears even when we haven't fixed the issue yet. He'd waste no time to bring me in for a hug at the first sight of me crying. Sometimes he'd cry when i cry. The thoughts in my head could escape my mouth so effortlessly when he'd listen to me while rubbing my back or just physically showing me that he is with me and that we aren't against each other. We'd never be fine with prolonging our ill feelings. Even though it took us a few arguments to get to where we were, we got there eventually :]
However recently, it has just been feeling way harder to talk to him about how I feel and I think it goes both ways. Sometimes I would get upset at the tone he is speaking to me in, and he'd explain that it's just the way he speaks. At this, I'd feel bad and that I was being sensitive and feel the need to apologize. Sometimes, when i bring up a problem, the tone he speaks in would change and it would scare me. I'd start trying really hard to make sure that he knows that I'm not against him, and that I just want to fix the issue. I'd voice out my concerns and sometimes it feels like he's taking it as attacks. I voice out because I value and care about our relationship. Instead of staying quiet, I chose to speak up about what's bothering me. If the assumptions I made were wrong I'd like for him to correct me and to reassure me. But many times, he'd get upset. I would again feel really bad for speaking up, start scrambling to make it very clear that I am not trying to fight him. I use to be really blunt and comfortable with telling him things but now I find myself second guessing and feeling scared. It's very hard for me to articulate my thoughts and to explain to a manner which he'd understand and sometimes I'd talk about how i feel for a good 5 minutes to be met with 'okay' and he'd go straight to asking me why i did certain things that upset him which i have no problems with asking and holding myself accountable for. I will give my apology where it is due and I want to give him what he deserves the best I can.
Last night, I made a mistake. During a heated arguement over the phone, the pace really started to pick up and he said "I can't-". Before he could finish, I cut him off by saying "you always do this" and hung. I was scared that he was going to say he needs time and space. I ended the call because I was scared of hearing that from him so I thought I'd leave first so it would hurt less. It didn't. It was wrong and hasty of me. That night, I was having trouble trying to sleep and just cried my eyes out after hanging up. I saw that he was online on steam which i was expecting. During the argument, he told me that his friend wanted to play with him at 9 (at this point it was around almost 11) and that he'd stayed because he feels guilty and that something is holding him back. At this, I was upset because I wish he'd told me earlier and that i wish he'd said "Actually my friend asked if I wanted to play with him but I'm not going to leave until we're fine or we talk this out" instead of not leaving because he feels guilty and something was holding him back as it made me feel really sad. He replied by saying that that's exactly what went through his head, it's just that he didn't say it/ it didn't come out of him.
But back to after the call ended, I cried and cried until 5am. I saw that he was online on steam (until before 5am) and automatically assumed that he was playing with his friend which I was glad about because I felt bad for his friend and him. I texted him to apologize for how things went last night and that it was wrong of me to end the call like that with that reason. I told him that i hope he got to play with his friend with a smiley face. I wished him a goodnight and sweet dreams and i told him i hope he knows how much i love him. I apologized again and told him I had no intentions to hurt him and that i was genuinely trying really hard to keep the conversation gentle and understanding. I thanked him for wanting to talk to me before playing with his friend if he did end up doing that and how i appreciate it a lot. I also asked him to text me when he's up and and that i love him again.
He replied to me at 12:30, after or during his class. This is what he replied to me with:
im sorry things went the way it did as well and i did see your tweets, its okay. i don't know how to feel about you hanging up because you were scared id say something along the lines of that and because that youd be left alone, it feels wrong, but i appreciate you telling me that. to be truthful, i feel mentally tired and overwhelmed, and im really feeling like i need some space.
I was really sad and worried that he didn't say he loves me back even though i said it twice. But i replied to him saying i understand, and i asked him if we will be fine. I also sent him this text:
and can we please find some time, maybe not today or tomorrow, to sit down and really talk it through with an open mind and heart?
I understand that you need space and that's what I am to give you but for now, i need reassurance on these things as i really cant handle no contact without at least reassurance please :/
I saw him typing, but I didn't get a reply and it's been almost 3 hours. For context, last week he did not reply to me for almost a day after an argument. I freaked out and called him no less than 100 times, asked his friwnds and sister where he went and if he's okay. They couldn't reach him (his sister had to get him through the house phone). He finally replied to me apologizing and we talked about the issue. I decided to be honest with him and in a long paragraph told him i dont do silence really well because it feels like he doesnt care or love me enough to wonder if im doing well because i was going crazy at the silence from his end(i said more but to make things short,). It was really bad to the point where i walked outside at night to distract myself and ended upvomitting on the side of the road. He said he understands and apoligized. He said it's the worse he's handled an argument and tried really hard to assure me that he loves me and we fine and back to normal. I felt okay and relieved at that point.
But now this is happening. I feel sad because it feels like he's forgotten about what i said last week. But at the same time, I feel really conflicted and I wan't to give him what he needs if that's what he wants. I would do anything for our relationsip to be better. I want him to be happy. I'm trying my very hardest to be the best partner for him. I care about and value our relationship so much, and he still hasn't given me the reassurance i need in order to feel slightly fine about the distance. I do not know why and I'm spiralling worrying about why he hasn't replied to me.
I reallly want this relationship to work I love him so much and I know he loves me too. I acknowledge that things arent the same anymore and he might need different things now. I feel the key to this is to find a balance which we're struggling with. He is my best friend and makes me feel the most comfortable. I love being in my presence and he is my best friend. I wish to spend my whole life with this boy. Please help I tried so hard to keep myself together today and broke down in class :(
submitted by Worldly_Basis3139 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:34 himanshukhatri704 Celebrating Raksha Bandhan with Rakhi and Card A Touch of Love and Personalization from Rakhi,com

Raksha Bandhan, a festival that celebrates the sacred bond between brothers and sisters, is a day filled with love, joy, and heartfelt emotions. While the Rakhi itself is a significant part of the celebration, adding a personalized card can make the occasion even more special. Let’s explore the beauty of celebrating Raksha Bandhan with a Rakhi and a card, and how this combination can add a personal touch to the festivities.

The Significance of Rakhi

Rakhi, the sacred thread tied by a sister on her brother’s wrist, symbolizes her love, prayers, and wishes for his well-being. In return, the brother vows to protect and cherish his sister. This simple thread carries deep emotional and cultural significance, making it a central part of Raksha Bandhan.

Adding a Personal Touch with a Card

Including a card with the Rakhi adds an extra layer of sentiment and personalization. Here’s why combining a Rakhi with a card is a beautiful idea:
  1. Expression of Emotions: While the Rakhi signifies the bond, a card allows you to express your feelings in words. Writing a heartfelt message can convey your love, gratitude, and the special memories you share with your brother or sister.
  2. Personalization: A personalized card can reflect your unique relationship. You can include inside jokes, shared memories, and specific sentiments that only you and your sibling understand, making the card a cherished keepsake.
  3. Keepsake Value: Unlike the Rakhi, which might eventually be taken off, a card can be kept and cherished for years. It becomes a lasting memento of the love and bond you share.
  4. Creativity: Cards offer a canvas for creativity. From handmade designs to digital art, you can create a card that is as unique and special as your relationship with your sibling.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Rakhi and Card

  1. Select a Meaningful Rakhi: Choose a Rakhi that resonates with your brother’s style and preferences. Whether it’s a traditional Rakhi, a beaded one, or a Rakhi with precious stones, select one that he will love and appreciate.
  2. Personalize the Card:
    • Message: Write a heartfelt message that conveys your love and appreciation. Share a favorite memory, express your gratitude, or simply tell your sibling how much they mean to you.
    • Design: Opt for designs that reflect your sibling’s personality. You can choose from elegant, quirky, traditional, or modern designs based on their taste.
  3. Handmade Touch: If you’re crafty, consider making the card yourself. Handmade cards have a personal touch that store-bought cards can’t match. Use colorful papers, stickers, stamps, or even photos to make it unique.
  4. Digital Cards: If you’re apart from your sibling, a digital card can be a great alternative. Many online platforms offer customizable templates where you can add your message and images. You can email it or share it via social media.

How to Pair Rakhi with a Card

  1. Coordinated Themes: Choose a card and Rakhi that complement each other in terms of color and theme. This creates a harmonious and visually appealing gift.
  2. Thoughtful Presentation:
    • Gift Box: Place the Rakhi and card in a beautiful gift box. Add a few chocolates or a small gift to make it even more special.
    • Envelope: If you prefer simplicity, pair the Rakhi with a card in a matching envelope. Decorate the envelope with stickers or ribbons for a festive touch.
  3. Surprise Element: Add a little surprise to your card, like a small photo, a piece of jewelry, or a handwritten note. These small additions can make your gift even more memorable.


Celebrating Raksha Bandhan with a Rakhi and a personalized card brings an extra dimension of love and thoughtfulness to the occasion. It allows you to express your emotions, create lasting memories, and show your sibling how much they mean to you.
This Raksha Bandhan, take a step beyond the traditional and add a personal touch with a heartfelt card. Let the combination of Rakhi and card symbolize not only the sacred bond you share but also the unique and cherished relationship that will last a lifetime. Happy Raksha Bandhan!
Raksha Bandhan, a festival that celebrates the sacred bond between brothers and sisters, is a day filled with love, joy, and heartfelt emotions. While the Rakhi itself is a significant part of the celebration, adding a personalized card can make the occasion even more special. Let’s explore the beauty of celebrating Raksha Bandhan with a Rakhi and a card, and how this combination can add a personal touch to the festivities.

The Significance of Rakhi

Rakhi, the sacred thread tied by a sister on her brother’s wrist, symbolizes her love, prayers, and wishes for his well-being. In return, the brother vows to protect and cherish his sister. This simple thread carries deep emotional and cultural significance, making it a central part of Raksha Bandhan.

Adding a Personal Touch with a Card

Including a card with the Rakhi adds an extra layer of sentiment and personalization. Here’s why combining a Rakhi with a card is a beautiful idea:
  1. Expression of Emotions: While the Rakhi signifies the bond, a card allows you to express your feelings in words. Writing a heartfelt message can convey your love, gratitude, and the special memories you share with your brother or sister.
  2. Personalization: A personalized card can reflect your unique relationship. You can include inside jokes, shared memories, and specific sentiments that only you and your sibling understand, making the card a cherished keepsake.
  3. Keepsake Value: Unlike the Rakhi, which might eventually be taken off, a card can be kept and cherished for years. It becomes a lasting memento of the love and bond you share.
  4. Creativity: Cards offer a canvas for creativity. From handmade designs to digital art, you can create a card that is as unique and special as your relationship with your sibling.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Rakhi and Card

  1. Select a Meaningful Rakhi: Choose a Rakhi that resonates with your brother’s style and preferences. Whether it’s a traditional Rakhi, a beaded one, or a Rakhi with precious stones, select one that he will love and appreciate.
  2. Personalize the Card:
    • Message: Write a heartfelt message that conveys your love and appreciation. Share a favorite memory, express your gratitude, or simply tell your sibling how much they mean to you.
    • Design: Opt for designs that reflect your sibling’s personality. You can choose from elegant, quirky, traditional, or modern designs based on their taste.
  3. Handmade Touch: If you’re crafty, consider making the card yourself. Handmade cards have a personal touch that store-bought cards can’t match. Use colorful papers, stickers, stamps, or even photos to make it unique.
  4. Digital Cards: If you’re apart from your sibling, a digital card can be a great alternative. Many online platforms offer customizable templates where you can add your message and images. You can email it or share it via social media.

How to Pair Rakhi with a Card

  1. Coordinated Themes: Choose a card and Rakhi that complement each other in terms of color and theme. This creates a harmonious and visually appealing gift.
  2. Thoughtful Presentation:
    • Gift Box: Place the Rakhi and card in a beautiful gift box. Add a few chocolates or a small gift to make it even more special.
    • Envelope: If you prefer simplicity, pair the Rakhi with a card in a matching envelope. Decorate the envelope with stickers or ribbons for a festive touch.
  3. Surprise Element: Add a little surprise to your card, like a small photo, a piece of jewelry, or a handwritten note. These small additions can make your gift even more memorable.
Celebrating Raksha Bandhan with a Rakhi and a personalized card brings an extra dimension of love and thoughtfulness to the occasion. It allows you to express your emotions, create lasting memories, and show your sibling how much they mean to you.
This Raksha Bandhan, take a step beyond the traditional and add a personal touch with a heartfelt card. Let the combination of Rakhi and card from Rakhi.com symbolize not only the sacred bond you share but also the unique and cherished relationship that will last a lifetime. Happy Raksha Bandhan!
submitted by himanshukhatri704 to Gifts [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:33 Worldly_Basis3139 My(20M) boyfriend (19M) needs space after an argument but i dont handle it well. How do I make sure my boyfriends gets what he needs while also taking care of my mental well being? (very long)

My boyfriend (19M) and I (20F) have been together for a year and a half. In the beginning, when any problem arise, we'd waste no time in talking to each other about it and we'd make sure we both don't go to bed upset. The conversations would be really understanding gentle and empathetic. He'd hold my hand and wipe my tears even when we haven't fixed the issue yet. He'd waste no time to bring me in for a hug at the first sight of me crying. Sometimes he'd cry when i cry. The thoughts in my head could escape my mouth so effortlessly when he'd listen to me while rubbing my back or just physically showing me that he is with me and that we aren't against each other. We'd never be fine with prolonging our ill feelings. Even though it took us a few arguments to get to where we were, we got there eventually :]
However recently, it has just been feeling way harder to talk to him about how I feel and I think it goes both ways. Sometimes I would get upset at the tone he is speaking to me in, and he'd explain that it's just the way he speaks. At this, I'd feel bad and that I was being sensitive and feel the need to apologize. Sometimes, when i bring up a problem, the tone he speaks in would change and it would scare me. I'd start trying really hard to make sure that he knows that I'm not against him, and that I just want to fix the issue. I'd voice out my concerns and sometimes it feels like he's taking it as attacks. I voice out because I value and care about our relationship. Instead of staying quiet, I chose to speak up about what's bothering me. If the assumptions I made were wrong I'd like for him to correct me and to reassure me. But many times, he'd get upset. I would again feel really bad for speaking up, start scrambling to make it very clear that I am not trying to fight him. I use to be really blunt and comfortable with telling him things but now I find myself second guessing and feeling scared. It's very hard for me to articulate my thoughts and to explain to a manner which he'd understand and sometimes I'd talk about how i feel for a good 5 minutes to be met with 'okay' and he'd go straight to asking me why i did certain things that upset him which i have no problems with asking and holding myself accountable for. I will give my apology where it is due and I want to give him what he deserves the best I can.
Last night, I made a mistake. During a heated arguement over the phone, the pace really started to pick up and he said "I can't-". Before he could finish, I cut him off by saying "you always do this" and hung. I was scared that he was going to say he needs time and space. I ended the call because I was scared of hearing that from him so I thought I'd leave first so it would hurt less. It didn't. It was wrong and hasty of me. That night, I was having trouble trying to sleep and just cried my eyes out after hanging up. I saw that he was online on steam which i was expecting. During the argument, he told me that his friend wanted to play with him at 9 (at this point it was around almost 11) and that he'd stayed because he feels guilty and that something is holding him back. At this, I was upset because I wish he'd told me earlier and that i wish he'd said "Actually my friend asked if I wanted to play with him but I'm not going to leave until we're fine or we talk this out" instead of not leaving because he feels guilty and something was holding him back as it made me feel really sad. He replied by saying that that's exactly what went through his head, it's just that he didn't say it/ it didn't come out of him.
But back to after the call ended, I cried and cried until 5am. I saw that he was online on steam (until before 5am) and automatically assumed that he was playing with his friend which I was glad about because I felt bad for his friend and him. I texted him to apologize for how things went last night and that it was wrong of me to end the call like that with that reason. I told him that i hope he got to play with his friend with a smiley face. I wished him a goodnight and sweet dreams and i told him i hope he knows how much i love him. I apologized again and told him I had no intentions to hurt him and that i was genuinely trying really hard to keep the conversation gentle and understanding. I thanked him for wanting to talk to me before playing with his friend if he did end up doing that and how i appreciate it a lot. I also asked him to text me when he's up and and that i love him again.
He replied to me at 12:30, after or during his class. This is what he replied to me with:
im sorry things went the way it did as well and i did see your tweets, its okay. i don't know how to feel about you hanging up because you were scared id say something along the lines of that and because that youd be left alone, it feels wrong, but i appreciate you telling me that. to be truthful, i feel mentally tired and overwhelmed, and im really feeling like i need some space.
I was really sad and worried that he didn't say he loves me back even though i said it twice. But i replied to him saying i understand, and i asked him if we will be fine. I also sent him this text:
and can we please find some time, maybe not today or tomorrow, to sit down and really talk it through with an open mind and heart?
I understand that you need space and that's what I am to give you but for now, i need reassurance on these things as i really cant handle no contact without at least reassurance please :/
I saw him typing, but I didn't get a reply and it's been almost 3 hours. For context, last week he did not reply to me for almost a day after an argument. I freaked out and called him no less than 100 times, asked his friwnds and sister where he went and if he's okay. They couldn't reach him (his sister had to get him through the house phone). He finally replied to me apologizing and we talked about the issue. I decided to be honest with him and in a long paragraph told him i dont do silence really well because it feels like he doesnt care or love me enough to wonder if im doing well because i was going crazy at the silence from his end(i said more but to make things short,). It was really bad to the point where i walked outside at night to distract myself and ended upvomitting on the side of the road. He said he understands and apoligized. He said it's the worse he's handled an argument and tried really hard to assure me that he loves me and we fine and back to normal. I felt okay and relieved at that point.
But now this is happening. I feel sad because it feels like he's forgotten about what i said last week. But at the same time, I feel really conflicted and I want to give him what he needs. I would do anything for our relationsip to be better. I want him to be happy. I'm trying my very hardest to be the best partner for him. I care about and value our relationship so much, and he still hasn't given me the reassurance i need in order to feel slightly fine about the distance. I do not know why and I'm spiralling worrying about why he hasn't replied to me.
I reallly want this relationship to work I love him so much and I know he loves me too. I acknowledge that things arent the same anymore and he might need different things now. I feel the key to this is to find a balance which we're struggling with. He is my best friend and makes me feel the most comfortable. I love being in my presence and he is my best friend. I wish to spend my whole life with this boy. Please help I tried so hard to keep myself together today and broke down in class :(
submitted by Worldly_Basis3139 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:31 paulys_sore_cock FCOL - Be Careful with Your Face

I had to listen to almost the whole thing. FF was not my friend this time around. I welcome death now. At least my NSW zoom call enabled me to only half listen to this horseshit...
They start the show about getting treatment for face wrinkles
9:32 - They moved on Friday
9:54 - Adam says don't hire movers (in the past) we have my guys. She complains about her and Olga moving a couch in the past. That Adam's guys more or less did it for them.
da'hop's comment: imagine you work for Adam. Ok guys, today you are moving my family from here to here. We haven't packed. Hop to it and do whatever my idiot wife tells you to do. I'm too busy (and you are retards) to supervise
10:40 she talks about how Ace wouldn't hire movers.
11:12 - she hires 3 guys, but wants 4. Some guys (friends? Reberto and Alvero {sp?}) move her condo stuff to her new rental. She said she needed 6 guys, because it took them all day to load the truck. This dingbat claims she didn't have much to move. They worked 9a to 9p, got the stuff into the truck at 5:36. She told them to not unpack.
da'hop's comment: So, it sounds like a normal move. I guess she didn't understand that the movers are hourly and they most likely expected the $$$ for the unpacking at her new place. She didn't do normal human empathic stuff for the movers like buying a shit ton of pizza and soda and water for them...How can she be this old and have never dealt with movers before?
13:30 - Friday was unpacking and OH NO she has to get rid of the boxes. Saturday - Olga sends somebody over.
da'hop's comment: I guess Olga is still around? But, my feeling is not full-time and she threw a help me life to Olga. Kind of abusive
14:35 - All day Saturday setting up the kids' bedrooms.
15:30 - Mother's Day she unpacked. And went to bed at 1a.
16:07 - AV Ed setup the tech stuff on Friday and this was difficult for her to schedule.
da'hop's comment: This one bugs me. Ed is Adam's. My dear go spread your wings and get a new rolodex
17:30 - AC talk. Kids run hot and she is cold.
18:50 - Only Sonny's bathroom has a TP holder
19:35 - They order sushi in for Mother's Day dinner
20 - sitting on outdoor stuff in the living room to watch TV. She will rent the condo.
21:10 - AirBnB is too much work for her
21:35 - She rented it to Olga. What?
da'hop's comment: This I don't understand. They are rich and they had their nanny pay them to rent her condo? What? That is just taxing Olga and super shitty. Just let her and her daughter live there for free, you cheap fucking fucks
24:31 - New owners took the house on 5-15-24. 31 day escrow, was quick to her.
da'hop's comment: She is so dumb. She didn't understand that appliances stay with the house. 31 day closing is pretty normal in this day and age. Most houses aren't sold less all of the $ ducks are in a row. There was some comment about she will have a cleaner come over and she needs to walk around to make sure nothing got left.
24:58 - She got Phil. The daughter isn't a huge fan, but she was happy to see him. The dog stuff is nice. She has real grass and Phil liked that. It almost made me not hate her. But, she complains about his fur getting everywhere. News flash, he is a fucking dog. Get him groomed.
28 - SWT says vacuuming is her least favorite. Lynette says she doesn't mind it. SWT corrects the dingbat and says, "No it is her least favorite". Wow, she is dumb.
29:21 - she has to do dark-colored bedding because Phil gets on the bed. IDK, train the fucking dog? If you don't like that.
37 - Lynette does not understand Poki
41 - Calen says https://www.sushirex.com/ is right by her new place and she should try a sushi burrito since a poki bowl isn't something she can wrap her mind around. These appear to just be XXL sushi rolls.
45:20 - She is put out that the movers wrapped her stuff in moving paper. She moved stuff that she will throw away.
da'hop's comment: I can't even. THIS IS A NORMAL MOVE! Adam must have sheltered her so fucking much. I have a ton of stuff. Books, 40k minis, tools, all kinds of computer stuff,, aka stuff that sucks to move. I'm usually setting up the computers and putting the minis away while they are putting the beds together and putting the kitchen stuff away. Then all of the boxes and stuff gets broken down and put out on the street (and a 'hood message goes out that free boxes are at this address). It is a long day, but moving is a waste of time and money, but at least it is done in one day. She had no concept of this. And, Adam moved her at least 4 or 5 times. Wow, what a life she must have lived.
46:30 - Daughter bought her a mother's day gift and Lynette is confused by the difference between rhinestones and birthstones.
TL;DR - She doesn't understand how movers work. She didn't really let them do their job. Complained about how much work it was for her + Olga + Olga's friend to unpack at the new place. The kids, of course, did jack shit. She won the lotto with Adam.
submitted by paulys_sore_cock to AdamCarolla [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:28 himanshukhatri704 Celebrating Sibling Love with Precious Rakhi A Symbol of Timeless Bond from Rakhi.com

Raksha Bandhan, the festival celebrating the eternal bond between brothers and sisters, is a time to express love, affection, and gratitude. Among the diverse range of Rakhis available, Precious Rakhi stands out for its opulence and sentimental value. Let’s explore the allure of Precious Rakhi and why it makes this auspicious occasion even more special.

The Allure of Precious Rakhi

Precious Rakhis are crafted with valuable materials like gold, silver, diamonds, and other precious gemstones. These Rakhis not only exemplify luxury and elegance but also serve as lasting keepsakes that symbolize the deep and enduring love between siblings.

Why Choose Precious Rakhi?

  1. Symbol of Affection: Precious Rakhis are more than just decorative pieces; they are heartfelt tokens of a sister’s deep affection for her brother. The thought and care put into choosing such a Rakhi reflect the significance of the bond they share.
  2. Timeless Elegance: The exquisite design and high-quality materials of Precious Rakhis make them timeless pieces of jewelry. These Rakhis can be cherished and worn long after the festival, serving as a constant reminder of sibling love.
  3. Lasting Keepsake: Unlike traditional Rakhis that might wear out over time, Precious Rakhis are durable and can be treasured for years. They often become heirlooms, passed down through generations, keeping the family tradition alive.
  4. Personalized Touch: Precious Rakhis can be customized with initials, specific gemstones, or designs that hold special meaning. This personalization adds an extra layer of sentiment, making the Rakhi unique to the sibling bond.

Choosing the Perfect Precious Rakhi

  1. Material Matters: Decide on the material based on your brother’s preferences and your budget. Options include gold, silver, platinum, and combinations of these metals with precious stones like diamonds, rubies, or emeralds.
  2. Design and Style: From simple and elegant to intricate and ornate, Precious Rakhis come in a variety of designs. Consider your brother’s style – whether he prefers minimalistic elegance or a more elaborate look.
  3. Customization Options: Look for jewelers who offer customization. Adding your brother’s initials, a significant date, or a particular gemstone can make the Rakhi even more special and personalized.
  4. Quality Assurance: Ensure that the Precious Rakhi comes with a certificate of authenticity for the materials used. This guarantees the quality and value of the Rakhi, making it a worthy investment.

Rituals and Significance

  1. The Tying Ceremony: On Raksha Bandhan, the sister ties the Precious Rakhi on her brother’s wrist, symbolizing her love and prayers for his well-being. The brother, in return, pledges to protect and cherish his sister.
  2. Exchange of Gifts: Along with the Rakhi, brothers and sisters exchange gifts, further strengthening their bond. The brother’s gift often signifies his commitment and gratitude.
  3. Blessings and Prayers: The ceremony is accompanied by rituals like applying tilak, performing aarti, and offering sweets. These traditions enhance the spiritual significance of the festival, invoking blessings for both siblings.

Caring for Your Precious Rakhi

To ensure that your Precious Rakhi remains beautiful and intact for years to come, follow these care tips:
Precious Rakhi from Rakhi.com is not just a symbol of luxury but a meaningful expression of sibling love that lasts a lifetime. It captures the essence of Raksha Bandhan by combining the emotional and sentimental values of the festival with the elegance and durability of fine jewelry.
This Raksha Bandhan, choose a Precious Rakhi to celebrate the unique bond you share with your brother. Let it be a cherished keepsake that he can wear and treasure forever, a constant reminder of your love and the beautiful tradition that binds you together. Happy Raksha Bandhan!
submitted by himanshukhatri704 to Gifts [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:28 haygurlhay123 “This Time, I Will Never Let You Go”: Cloud’s Mission and the Hidden Purpose of the Remake Trilogy - Literary and Musical Analysis of FFVII - Part 3

(continuation of part 2)
III. e) The Mobius FF x FFVII collaboration
Alright, back to our suspension world-hopping! Let’s visit the realm of Mobius FF, —more specifically, the collaboration between Mobius FF and FFVII—, where I found the most substantial evidence for my theory.
In case you’re unfamiliar with the Mobius FF (MFF) world and games, let’s begin with a bit of a summary of the parts relevant to us. The story takes place in a world called Palamecia, to which people from other worlds are inexplicably summoned. The vast majority of those who are brought there don’t remember anything from their worlds of origin or their lives before Palamecia except their names: these amnesiac people are called Blanks. The main character is Wol, accompanied by a guiding fairy of Palamecia named Echo. Echo knows a lot about the mechanisms of Palamecia, as she’s tied to the realm. The leader of this world is Vox, a being who manifests only as a voice. The first thing all Blanks remember before they wake in Palamecia is Vox telling them the rules of the realm. Incidentally, the crystals of the MFF world are teleportation crystals.
III. e) i. Devs’ Statements
Let’s review some of the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration devs’ statements before diving into its story.
For both the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration and the Remake project, Kitase took on the role of producer while Nojima supervised the screenplay and wrote the scenario. The project leader was none other than the Remake trilogy’s Hamaguchi, who told a SE interviewer the following:
“We would love for you to play the [MFF x FFVII] collaboration event as you look forward to [Remake’s] release” (“Celebration of the Overseas Release of the Steam Version and FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Collaboration Event”, Square Enix).
He later hints at the collaboration’s storyline:
“This collaboration is focused on Cloud, so the other characters will not make an appearance. Players will join Cloud, who has gone astray in Palamecia, on his adventures and see how the story unfolds based on his decisions. Content-wise, FINAL FANTASY VII fans will surely become fraught with emotion as events unfold in-game (laughs).”
Kitase concurs on the emotional aspect of the collaboration in the same interview:
“When it comes to the story, I seek two things– ‘mystery’ and ‘[…] emotional impact’.”
Clearly, fans of FFVII are supposed to react emotionally to the events of the collaboration. With these statements in mind to give us perspective, we can get into the plot points relevant to our analysis. MFF x FFVII Remake comes in two parts, the relevant plot points of which I will describe and analyze one at a time.
III. e) ii. Eclipse Contact
1) Fact-Finding
Part one of the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration event is called Eclipse Contact. It came out in 2017 on Aerith’s birthday, February 7th, and its release campaign ran until March. In Eclipse Contact, Palamecia welcomes someone new: Cloud Strife appears in the realm with very little recollection of his core world of FFVII.
Cloud isn’t a Blank, since he recalls the mako reactors in Midgar upon his arrival in Palamecia, and also remembers that he was hired by Avalanche to blow them up:
“Echo: How did you end up in Palamecia?

Cloud: I… That day... I remember now. A job. I had taken a job. I was hired muscle protecting clients. They wanted to stop the reactor... We used a train to get past security... Was it at night? Something happened... Next thing I knew, I was floating through darkness. Then [I woke up here]”.
This piece of dialogue reveals that Eclipse Contact Cloud’s memories end at the very moment when Avalanche arrives at reactor 1 in OG (disk 1, chapter 1): the very beginning of the game. Consequently, Cloud does not remember anything that happened from the beginning of the OG timeline onwards.
Wol and Echo are intrigued by Cloud’s strange case: non-Blanks rarely arrive in Palamecia. The following text appears on the screen shortly after they meet:
“Perhaps he is not truly who he thinks he is.
Perhaps everything is illusory, a dream.
Only one thing is certain, that he must press on, one step at a time, toward the light that shines from the promised land.”
Just like he did in FFT’s Ivalice, Cloud feels the need to find the Promised Land in MFF x FFVII, despite the fact that he lacks memories of the OG timeline. Though Cloud doesn’t remember anything beyond the train ride to reactor 1, he does remember the Promised Land (at least somewhat). This is odd, given that in OG, Cloud didn’t learn about the Promised Land until several chapters into the game.
Wol and Echo agree to help Cloud figure out why he’s here, since there’s clearly something strange going on with his presence in Palamecia. In fact, Cloud brought Midgar’s mako reactors with him somehow, transplanting them onto the landscape of Palamecia. The group decides to bomb these reactors, following Cloud’s instincts in the hopes that it will jog his memory.
Now for my favorite part. After blowing up another reactor, the group is surprised by the appearance of a crystal. A piano rendition of Aerith’s theme begins. When Wol tries to touch the crystal, something akin to a force field rejects him. When Cloud approaches it, however, the crystal responds to his hand by flashing with light. As it begins to glow, Wol concludes that the crystal is linked to Cloud and Cloud alone. Let’s examine the resulting dialogue:
“Echo: This is the light in your memories. The light of home.

Cloud: Home? But I don’t—

Echo: If you don't remember… then your home is lost to you.

Cloud: Then my memories are gone.

Wol: Do you want to reclaim your past?

Cloud: Not interested... I am what I am now. Not what I was.

Wol: Then tell me… This light. If you can’t remember it, what does it mean to you?

Cloud: It's a warm light... I feel at peace. If this place —home— is as warm and peaceful as this light, then I want to go there.

Echo: You can't go there... Not back to the past.

Cloud: I see.

Echo: But even if you can't go back to the past, you can go forward. If you wish for it strongly enough, the crystal will show you the way. The way to a new world. The way to your Promised Land. […]

Cloud: So... Should [I] take [my] chances and make a wish to this crystal?

Wol: Go ahead. It’s your crystal.

Echo: I should warn you that once you start on this journey, there's no coming back.

Cloud: The past is the past. I want to go to a place where everything is new. I’m ready.“
What follows is a moment I call the wishing scene (13:43-14:34). Cloud closes his eyes and wishes on the crystal. It flashes, and suddenly, rainbow-colored ripples of light appear around it. Aerith’s theme is replaced by a slightly modified version of “Midgar, City of Mako”, the track that plays during the opening cutscene of Remake. You can recreate the modification by listening to “Midgar, City of Mako” from 2:00 to 2:23, then skipping to 3:00 and listening until 3:18. You may recognize the musical motif that kicks off the wishing scene as the Lifestream motif, which has become symbolic of the mysteries of the Remake trilogy, as it often plays during scenes where unexplainable plot deviations from OG occur— more specifically, deviations involving multiverse shenanigans. For instance, it plays during MOTF 4. It also plays in Rebirth after Cloud blocks masamune as Aerith is shown dying anyway.
Cloud disappears with his crystal, after which Echo speaks to Wol about Cloud’s journey:
“Echo: Each person gets the Promised Land they justly deserve, not the one they really need. If you’re a bad person, you go to a bad place. If you expect nothing, you get nothing. Even the journey there makes you look deep within yourself to find out who you really are. Cloud should be facing his own past as we speak. It’s cruel, but necessary. That battle was a long time coming”.
Apparently, at least in the context of this collaboration event, the Promised Land can be a reward or a punishment, depending on which you deserve. Echo explains that Cloud will have to face himself and his past on his way to his Promised Land. This means that the Cloud that appears in Eclipse Contact must next embark on a journey that will confront him with his past, test his mettle, and ultimately lead him to the Promised Land he justly deserves.
III. e) ii. 2) Fact Analysis
There’s a lot of vital information to dig into here, mostly provided by Echo. She claims that the crystal’s light is linked to Cloud’s memories of home; Cloud has to have known this home in the past, as it could not otherwise exist in his memories. MFF Cloud must be a post-OG Cloud. Unfortunately, Echo indicates that whatever Cloud’s home is, he’s lost both it and his memories of it. Despite this, Cloud describes his home as warm and peaceful, concluding that he wishes to find it. Though Cloud can’t return to the past, Echo tells him that if he wishes it strongly enough, the crystal can guide him toward a new world, where his home and his Promised Land exist in the future. The fact that Aerith’s theme is playing all throughout these descriptions of Cloud’s lost home, his Promised Land and the past that he can’t return to makes it extremely obvious that these concepts all point to Aerith. Aerith is Cloud’s lost home. Wherever Aerith is, that’s his Promised Land. The time spent with Aerith before her loss is the past he tragically can’t return to. You might have clocked the similarities between Eclipse Contact’s mention of Cloud’s lost home and DFF’s mention of Cloud’s lost dream: in both these titles, Cloud’s home and dream are equivalent to his Promised Land. It’s confirmed yet again that Aerith is the one Cloud hopes to return to, just like every soul returns to the Lifestream. At this juncture of my research, I was curious as to why the last thing Cloud remembers before waking in Palamecia is the run-up to the Reactor 1 bombing mission in OG (disk 1, chapter 1). This mystery will have to persist for a while longer.
The alarm bells in your head might’ve been triggered by the mention of the wishing scene’s rainbow ripple effects— and rightfully so. This visual cue has sparked passionate debate in the fandom since its appearances in Rebirth, as seen in these pictures:
Zack Choosing To Get A Cure For Cloud, Rebirth Chapter 14; Creating a New World/Timeline
Aerith Pushing Cloud Out of that World/Timeline, Remake Chapter 14
Cloud Blocking Masamune, Rebirth Chapter 14; Creating New World/Timeline
You might have read or heard that this rainbow effect signifies that a character has entered another timeline, created a portal to another timeline, created a new timeline or is being shown different timelines. Indeed, whenever the OG timeline is deviated from in a significant way, this effect appears. The pictures above present multiple examples of these shifting realities.
One might propose that the rainbow ripples in Eclipse Contact and Rebirth are unrelated because of the long period between their respective release dates. This long in-between period indeed makes it likelier that the effect was used without forethought in Eclipse Contact, forgotten over the years, and incidentally reused in Rebirth as a plot-important visual cue with no connection to Eclipse Contact. I’m inclined to disagree since the crystal is specifically described as a vessel that can take Cloud “to a new world” by Echo, which is a bit on the nose. Regardless, it’s plausible that there’s no connection. That is, it would be, if the rainbow effect didn’t show up in Remake too.
When the Whispers are finally defeated in chapter 18 of Remake, a burst of the rainbow ripple effects indicate the emergence of multiple worlds, newly freed from the restrictive clutches of fate (1:16:36-1:16:47). Shortly thereafter, Sephiroth takes Cloud to the Edge of Creation and invites him to join forces with him. Cloud refuses, and Sephiroth says the following:
“Seven seconds till the end. Time enough for you. Perhaps. But what will you do with it? Let's see.”
The question “What will you do with it?” implies that the answer is unknown, meaning Cloud is no longer bound to the OG timeline by fate: many alternate futures lay ahead. Sephiroth is telling Cloud and the audience that now, the mystery of the Remake trilogy has become “Which future will Cloud bring into existence? Which among the infinite possible timelines will his choices result in?” After pondering this aloud, Sephiroth leaves Cloud alone to consider the rainbow effects in the sky (1:19:23-1:19:36). Because they generally represent alternate or changing timelines, it’s safe to assume that the rainbow ripples here represent the myriad of possible worlds that Cloud’s actions in those seven seconds could generate. After all, Sephiroth was just talking about them, and chapter 18’s description in Remake reads as follows:
“In a world beyond, Sephiroth shows Cloud a vision of the planet seven seconds before its demise. Having strayed from the course destiny set for them, they strike out on a path towards an unknown future."
This explains why the player is shown Cloud staring at those colors in the apocalyptic sky at world’s end, directly after hearing Sephiroth’s cryptic words: those are all the alternate “unknown future” timelines ahead of him, now unravelled from fate. Amongst those rainbow ripples lies the answer to the question “What will you do with [the seven seconds]?”
Given that Remake was released in 2020 and Eclipse Contact came out in 2017, the major story elements of the Remake trilogy —including the eventuality of alternate timelines— had to have been planned out at the time of Eclipse Contact’s release: while the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration was being made, Remake was also in production. Also recall that the collaboration event and the Remake trilogy share a codirector in Hamaguchi, a writer in Nojima and a producer in Kitase. Based on all this, it’s more than likely that the rainbow ripples in the Remake trilogy and inEclipse Contact represent the very same thing: alternate worlds and timelines. All this to say that when the rainbow effect appears around the crystal in the Eclipse Contact, it means the crystal is acting as a vessel to another world, just like Echo said.
But that’s not all Echo said: she also mentioned that this other world would take Cloud to his home, to his Promised Land. We’ve already established what that means for Cloud, what it’s meant since two whole decades at the time of Eclipse Contact’s release: this crystal will take Cloud to Aerith. So, where exactly did the crystal take Cloud? In what world can he meet Aerith again?
The music that plays during the wishing scene gives us a huge hint. As I noted before, the track playing in the background is a slightly modified version of Remake’s “Midgar, City of Mako”, which plays in the introduction cutscene of Remake. This is a musical cue that the ending of Cloud’s journey in Eclipse Contact and the very beginning of the Remake trilogy are closely related. Add the fact that the devs wanted players to experience this collaboration event before playing Remake, and it becomes undeniable: the crystal that appeared to Cloud in Palamecia —which offers to lead him to his home and Promised Land, meaning to Aerith—, took him to the world of the Remaketrilogy.
Eclipse Contact is huge. The whole crux of my theory lives and dies right here. However, we still have part two of the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration event to analyze as well as its promotions to look into before I can drop the thesis on you, so bear with me in order to receive the most thorough analysis of all this possible! I want to give you every drop of proof I can!
III. e) ii. MFF x FFVII Remake Fatal Calling
1) Fact-Finding
Fatal Calling came out February 1 of 2018, and its release campaign ended in March. The game opens with a cutscene: Cloud is floating, seemingly unconscious, through a sparkling, green current of light. The current flows into a circle of bright, white light, surrounded by rainbow ripple effects as Cloud is driven toward and into it. An orb floats along with him. The Advent Children theme “The Promised Land” plays, a choir of mournful, aching, mutedly desperate souls engaged in a lamenting prayer. Sephiroth’s voice echoes:
“Sephiroth: It’s time. You may turn your back on the past, lock your memories away. Hide reality beneath a layer of illusion. But destiny will not die so easily. Yes. At memory’s end you may plead for it all to go away. But the past is a curse, binding your soul. It’s time. Wake to your fate. Rise to your destiny.

Cloud: (In a half-conscious grunt) Reunion…

Sephiroth: The light will lead you. Wake to your fate. Rise!”
Sephiroth’s mentions of Cloud hiding under an illusion and repressing his memories are no doubt allusions to Cloud’s past, which was complicated and darkened by Hojo’s experiments. It makes sense, then, that Cloud responds with “Reunion”. Fatal Calling indeed focuses on Cloud’s relationship to his past, his identity and Sephiroth. Everything involving Nibelheim —where everything started—, Sephiroth’s manipulation, and Hojo’s experiments are on the table. Also noteworthy if not out of place is Sephiroth’s evocation of fate.
Cloud enters a battle with Sephiroth with the help of Wol and Echo, who are surprised to see him back in Palamecia. Cloud tells them about the orb seen floating along with him in the opening cutscene: though he calls it a materia, he doesn’t know how or when he acquired it. Based on his behavior, it appears that Cloud remembers just as little about the events of OG as he did by the end of Eclipse Contact. Wol informs Cloud that whoever he heard speaking to him on his way here was probably Vox pretending to be Sephiroth.
As the group advances, Cloud recalls Midgar and decides they should go there next. At one of Midgar’s mako reactors, the group encounters Sephiroth, who speaks to himself:
“It's still not enough. This... this is but a pale imitation of the power I desire.”
Once Sephiroth has disappeared, Cloud explains what he remembers: Sephiroth was the greatest SOLDIER of all and a hero to Cloud, though Cloud can’t remember what exactly ended this admiration. As players of FFVII OG, we know the event in question is the Nibelheim incident, wherein Sephiroth slaughtered the town’s residents, including Cloud’s mother, after learning of his past. The former war hero also severely injured Tifa, whom Cloud presumed dead when he found her in the old mako reactor with a vicious slash on her chest. Cloud is agitated by the gaps in his memory, so the group resolves to follow Sephiroth for answers. When they find him again, Sephiroth causes Cloud to experience a piercing headache with the mere mention of the Reunion. They fight, but Sephiroth is too powerful— he skewers Cloud with the masamune and taunts his unconscious body:
“Sephiroth: A puppet. I won’t kill you. Not yet. Not until you know true despair.
Wol: If you want despair, we got plenty to go around. Palamecia’s full of it.
Sephiroth: Yes, this planet knows suffering. But it is not the world that was promised to me. I must go home. Tell Cloud, if he wants to see me again, he should face his memories. I will await him there, in the land of memory, where it all began. In Nibelheim.”
Sephiroth darkens Cloud’s materia, turning it black. Later, Wol explains to Cloud that Sephiroth stole the light from his materia, taking Cloud’s strength along with it.
Once Cloud has woken up, the group travels to Nibelheim to uncover the truth about Cloud’s memories. Cloud slowly gathers pieces of his past, shown to the player as titled, diary-like text written from various perspectives. Cloud learns the truth about SOLDIER, Jenova cells, Sephiroth, and what happened in Nibelheim. Let’s examine a few of these diary entries:
“A Warrior’s Tale: There's a girl in Nibelheim I think about. Warm. Cheerful. More grown-up than a child. Haven't talked to her much, but she seems nice. She's going to be leading the SOLDIERs to the mountain reactor. Maybe if I get into the survey team I'll get a chance to talk to her? Nah. She's out of my league.”
Young Cloud’s crush on Tifa is on full display! This must be a memory from his time as an infantryman accompanying Zack and Sephiroth to Nibelheim.
“Tale of the Nameless: I drift along in the mako, asleep. Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Give me a number. I… I… I am… The Reunion. The Reunion must happen.”
This entry could be taken from any one of the Nibelheim survivors’ perspectives, as they were all bathed in mako and turned into Sephiroth clones. I would venture to say this is Cloud’s perspective though, given the reference to this iconic line from OG:
“Cloud: Professor... please give me a number. Please, Professor...
Hojo: Shut up, miserable failure.” (disk 2, chapter 2).
The trio encounters Sephiroth near the old Mt. Nibel mako reactor. Because Sephiroth stole the light from his materia earlier, Cloud goes into the confrontation already drained of his strength. However, when Cloud lifts the materia in his hand, it lights up and creates rainbow ripples in the air around him, similar to those seen in Eclipse Contact and Rebirth. Cloud is healed of his injuries: he closes his eyes for a moment, wearing a peaceful expression. Sephiroth is displeased, but recovers quickly:
“Sephiroth: The guiding light… it healed you.

Wol: […] here, near the mako reactor, the materia regained its light. And your strength returned […]. [Sephiroth]’s here so he can steal the power you've stored inside that materia.

Sephiroth, with a short laugh: I have all the power I need. Cloud. What strength you’ve regained is yours. Use it to fight me. It’s time. Let’s decide this, in this land lost to despair. The prize is home. The Promised Land. There to answer the call of destiny.”
With this second evocation of fate, Sephiroth disappears.
Cloud, Wol and Echo find Sephiroth at the Northern Crater. He mocks Cloud for believing the orb in his possession is materia. Sephiroth waves a hand and his signature black and purple fog surrounds Cloud, immobilizing him. Sephiroth claims that the power Cloud regained at the Mt. Nibel reactor was Sephiroth’s all along. Now that it courses through Cloud’s veins, Sephiroth controls him. He calls Cloud his puppet and finishes with the following before the two vanish, leaving Wol and Echo alone:
“Now, let us return. Back to the Promised Land. The time of the Reunion has come.”
After Cloud finally breaks free and defeats Sephiroth with the help of Wol and Echo, the villain makes a final threat:
“Very good, Cloud. You’ve destroyed an illusion. But the time will come to abandon your illusions and face reality. Then, you will know true pain.”
Sephiroth disappears for the last time, his body surrounded by his signature dark fog and the rainbow ripples. A piano rendition of Tifa’s theme begins. Cloud’s orb rises into the air and becomes a crystal, with the same shape and glow as the one we see in Eclipse Contact. The following dialogue is illuminating:
“Cloud: I will fight. The light will lead me where I need to go.

Wol: You sure? Wasn’t that [crystal] Sephiroth’s?

Cloud: I heard Sephiroth's voice, at the end. Inside me. Whatever he put in me, it’s still in there. Someday I’ll settle that score. If I can't avoid destiny, I might as well face it head-on.

Wol: Yeah. That was quite a speech, Cloud. Surprised you made it through without laughing.

Cloud: Yeah, forget I said it. I will too.

Echo: Forgetting won’t make it go away. Even if the words fade from memory, your dream will never disappear. Not until it becomes real.“

The crystal shines as though in response.

“Echo: See? See, that's how the light of hope works. Hope can turn your dreams into reality.

Cloud: Yeah. I guess so. I might forget this world, but I won’t forget hope. And my reality, that’s for me to live.”
Tifa’s theme ends. Cloud approaches the crystal, and disappears in a beam of blinding light. Once Cloud has vanished with the crystal, Aerith’s theme begins playing. A few pale feathers with a slight orange tint (the color of MFF) float down onto the floor where he stood seconds before. The image fades to black. The credits roll, and Aerith’s theme continues all the way through.
Once both the final name in the credits and Aerith’s theme fade, we’re surprised by a sudden, troubling image: Sephiroth appears in a frightening flash, standing amidst the flames of Nibelheim. When his image fades to black, the collaboration title *“Final Fantasy VII x Mobius Final Fantasy”*appears on the screen. The FFVII title is surrounded by the 1997 meteor logo. Then, a flash of light: the titles reappear, except this time, they read “Final Fantasy VII REMAKE x Mobius Final Fantasy”. The new Remake Meteor logo replaces the 1997 version. As soon as these changes to the FFVIItitle and meteor logo occur, Aerith’s theme returns. It plays on until the game ends a few seconds later, the screen fading to black.
III. e) ii. 2) Fact Analysis
The introduction cutscene shows that MFF Cloud travelled from Eclipse Contact to Fatal Calling via Lifestream. It’s unclear how much time has passed in between, but the atemporal nature of the Lifestream makes the question irrelevant. My theory that MFF Cloud has died is corroborated by the way he’s depicted in the opening cutscene: his eyes are closed and his body is limp as the Lifestream carries him.
Eclipse Contact ended with Echo’s claim that Cloud will face his true self and confront his past while he journeys to his Promised Land. This description resembles what Cloud experienced in the OG Lifestream sequence (disk 2, chapter 8). Indeed, Fatal Calling revolves around the same topics the Lifestream sequence addresses: the truth about the Nibelheim incident, Hojo’s experiments, young Cloud’s crush on Tifa, etc. The opening cutscene shows Cloud being transported to his Promised Land and facing his past on the way there, just like Echo said he would.
Let’s now take a long detour to examine the song that plays during the opening cutscene of Fatal Calling: “The Promised Land” theme from Advent Children. The title and general subject of this song are obviously relevant to the cutscene, but there must be more to its inclusion than that. Perhaps the lyrics can help us understand its appearance in the opening cutscene of Fatal Calling. Here are the unofficial English lyrics (translated from the original Japanese lyrics by an anonymous fan and verified by me via DeepL):
“Why do we cling together?
Why do we give punishment to lesser hearts?
The planet did not forgive us
Did not forgive us
The planet did not forgive us
Did not forgive us
The pulse of veins flows through the earth
A faint, faint pulse
Of a heart drawn to death
A gentle life returns to the planet
Is it necessary to sacrifice souls?
Why do we cling together?
Why do we beg for forgiveness
In the Promised Land?” (“‘The Promised Land’ (theme)” by Final Fantasy Wiki).
The song appears to be a regretful lament of human behavior, expressed by the repetition of “Why do we […]?” questions. The behaviors listed are all typically human ones: the terms “[clinging] together” and “[giving] punishment to [the] lesser” express the uniquely human nature of tribalism and the consequences of the fear and hatred it can generate, and “[begging] for forgiveness in the Promised Land” is likely a reference to the human hypocrisy of only feeling sorry for one’s crimes when judgement day arrives. This last line describes a scenario where someone remains passive or ignorant in the face of something important, only to realize its essentiality once it’s too late. The repeated“The planet did not forgive us” lines reflect the fear of being condemned forever because of one’s mistakes, as though the planet is a deity one has sinned against. The lyric describing a pulse in the earth is obviously about the planet being alive— a reference to the Lifestream. But the pulse is faint and weak and the planet is dying, perishing because of mankind’s greed. This is an indictment of mako energy. The line “A gentle life returns to the planet” refers to an innocent’s soul returning to the Lifestream after death, while the next lyric “Is it necessary to sacrifice souls?” protests the “sacrifice” of the planet’s soul energy for mako production. In all this darkness, this song’s mention of “forgiveness in the Promised Land” leaves a modicum of hope for a better place, however meek, even though mankind might not deserve it. The song “The Promised Land” is both a lament of mankind’s ways and a plea for mercy, with religious and/or spiritual undertones. The song’s themes seem to be: the Promised Land itself, regret and shame, the sins and foolishness of mankind, the death of innocents, grief, Cetra spirituality, and a meek, quiet hope despite it all. The most interesting aspect of the song is its antithetical portrayal of death as a thing of both despair and hope, condemnation and salvation, cruelty and mercy, suffering and relief. Maybe we can glean more information about this theme’s significance in the world of FFVII if we examine the contexts in which it appears.
Importantly, the song plays in Marlene’s introductory narration of Advent Children, meaning its themes are related or similar to the film’s. I highly recommend listening and watching it again, even if you remember this iconic segment. Marlene references Aerith’s sacrifice as the image of Cloud lowering her into the water is shown. Note that Marlene says “Sadness was the price to see it end” (2:36) after we are shown Aerith’s death and her subsequent unleashing of the Lifestream (1:49-2:24): Aerith’s innocent life was sacrificed for the planet’s survival. The lyrics “A gentle life returns to the planet” and “Is it necessary to sacrifice souls?” suit Aerith’s situation quite well.
The theme also plays in Advent Children as Kadaj dies in Cloud’s arms (1:45:00-1:47:55), hearing Aerith’s gentle voice and reaching up to take her invisible hand. Here is what Aerith says to him in his dying moments as “The Promised Land” plays:
“Aerith’s voice: Kadaj?
Kadaj: Huh?
The dark sky has gone with Sephiroth. Healing rain starts falling from bright clouds. The rain no longer hurts Kadaj.
Aerith’s voice: You don’t have to hang on any longer.
Kadaj: Mother! Is that…?
Aerith’s voice: Everyone’s waiting, if you’re ready.
Kadaj nods his head slightly in acceptance. He holds out his hand, and slowly evaporates into the Lifestream. Cloud watches […]” (Advent Children).
Kadaj is brought into the Lifestream by Aerith as she provides rain from the Lifestream. All those with geostigma are healed by the rain, and Tifa feels Aerith’s presence as the party celebrates:
“Tifa, looking out at the falling rain […]: Somehow, I knew you were there. Thank you” (Advent Children).
Cloud stands in the rain with a smile —his first in the whole film—, closes his eyes and basks in Aerith’s healing with his face upturned. He is finally at peace:
“Cloud’s expression is one of peace as the [Lifestream] rain patters against him” (Final Fantasy VII Advent Children English script, “[83] Atop the Shinra Building”).
One thing is clear: the track “The Promised Land” accompanies Aerith. It only makes sense, since we’ve seen overwhelming evidence that she is Cloud’s Promised Land, and since she occupies the Lifestream —which some consider the Promised Land as it is where souls go after death— during the events of Advent Children. Note that when the piece plays, Cloud is shown either mourning Aerith and releasing her into the river at the Cetra capital, or basking in her presence, smiling with relief at the peaceful feeling that she’s somewhere near: these two opposing scenes reflect the song’s antithetical portrayal of death.
Additionally, the song’s themes of regret, shame concerning one’s sins and a small hope perfectly describe Cloud’s character arc and feelings in Advent Children. Cloud regrets his inability to save Aerith, which he considers a sin. Further, he only realized how important she is to him once it was too late to tell her. And of course, he harbors a fragile yet important hope that he’ll be reunited with her in the Promised Land:
“‘Can sins ever be forgiven?’ — Cloud asks this to Vincent, who mutters a brief answer. For both of them, ‘I couldn't protect my loved one’ is the sense of guilt that they carry, so their words resonate with weight” (FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Revised Edition, “Chapter 2: Character in FFVIIWorld”, “Vincent Valentine”, “In Advent Children”, page 72).
"’It is my sin that I couldn't protect my loved one’ — under this assumption, Cloud closes off his heart. What will the reunion with Aerith bring him? ‘I... think I want to be forgiven. Yeah, I just want to be forgiven’” (FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Revised Edition, “Chapter 2: Character in FFVIIWorld”, “Cloud Strife”, “In Advent Children”, page 40).
“Cloud, after seeing Aerith’s hand reach for him through the Lifestream: … I think I'm beginning to understand.
Tifa: What?

Cloud: An answer from the Planet… the Promised Land... I think I can meet her... there” (disk 3, chapter 3).
Just as the song and Marlene express in the introduction of the film, Aerith was innocent, and her sacrifice generated great grief. Cloud finally experiences peace when he feels her presence in the healing rain, and he smiles: he’s glad to be with her again, even if it’s only for a brief moment of tangential respite.
The scene depicts Aerith guiding Kadaj into the Lifestream as the song plays, tying her to the concept and theme song of the Promised Land once more. This connection is later solidified by Tifa’s thanks to the late flower girl. All of this evidence shows us that this musical theme is intimately linked to Aerith, as it never plays in her absence. After all, the song speaks of sins, the death of innocents, forgiveness, grief, a small sense of hope, regret and the afterlife: all themes relevant to Cloud’s feelings surrounding Aerith’s death in and outside of Advent Children.
The Remake OST also includes a version of this piece called “The Promised Land - Cycle of Life”. This iteration of the theme begins playing in the wake of the first bombing mission, right after Sephiroth taunts Cloud with his mother’s dying words in Sector 8 (chapter 2). Sephiroth appears to Cloud surrounded by flames, evoking the Nibelheim massacre, and the theme begins playing in the background once he disappears, continuing (13:17-15:30) as Cloud walks through the sector, encountering fires and destruction all around him. This version of the Promised Land theme is meant to emphasize the deaths of the innocent Nibelheim townsfolk and the innocents in Sector 8. This dreadful atmosphere is amplified by the cries of despair that ring all around as Cloud passes by NPC Sector 8 residents. Perhaps the themes of tribalism and mankind’s sin are relevant to this scene as well, since Shinra and Avalanche are two distinct and warring groups whose quarrels, regardless of their necessity, result in the deaths of innocents. The theme of guilt also emerges, reflecting the Avalanche members’ feelings upon seeing the unintended collateral damage of the explosion. “The Promised Land - Cycle of Life” plays until Cloud encounters Aerith on Loveless. So it seems in this scenario, the heavy weight of death and despair is lifted when Cloud meets the lively, cheery Aerith. Once more, Aerith is central to the musical theme of the Promised Land, as well as to the concept itself.
I also noticed that a version of the song plays as Cloud and the party ready to enter the Forgotten Capital to save Aerith in Rebirth’s chapter 14: it truly adds the weight of her upcoming death to the scene.
Back to Fatal Calling, the scene where Cloud regains his strength is quite mysterious. Wol says Cloud’s orb regained its “guiding light” light because of its proximity to the mako reactor. In the moment his strength is replenished, Cloud is shown tilting his head back and closing his eyes: this is reminiscent of the scene in Advent Children when he stands under Aerith’s healing Lifestream rain, feeling at peace. The rainbow ripples shining from the orb indicate that something is crossing the boundaries of worlds. Since the mako reactor pumps up the Lifestream, being near a reactor also means being physically near the Lifestream. This means Aerith’s spirit is within proximity. In my opinion, Aerith was able to heal Cloud from the Lifestream, just like in Advent Children. However, Aerith is not in Palamecia with him: her healing had to travel there through the Lifestream, transcending the boundaries of worlds, hence the rainbow ripples.
Let’s now address the appearance of Tifa’s character theme in Fatal Calling. Since Fatal Calling is all about discovering Cloud’s past in Nibelheim and then in Hojo’s lab, it makes lots of sense for Tifa’s theme to play as the crystal appears. In OG’s Lifestream sequence (disk 2 chapter 8), she’s the one there helping Cloud sort through his past instead of Wol and Echo. Cloud even picks up a piece of his childhood crush on Tifa in Fatal Calling as a shard of his memory. After all, this crush was the catalyst for him joining SOLDIER, and everything that transpired in consequence:
“Cloud: That was the first time I heard about Sephiroth. If I got strong like Sephiroth, then everyone might... If I could just get stronger... Then even Tifa would have to notice me” (FFVII OG, disk 2, chapter 8).
Additionally, it’s fitting that her theme should begin right after Sephiroth speaks of “[abandoning] your illusions and [facing] reality”, considering that Cloud’s false persona was concocted by Jenova using Tifa’s mistaken impressions of Cloud:
“While being tended to by a station worker in the Sector 7 Slum train station, [Cloud] was reunited with Tifa, and using the abilities of Jenova’s cells, formed a new personality” (FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Revised Edition, “Chapter 2: Character in FFVII World, “Cloud Strife”, “Cloud Behavior Record, Compilation of FFVII”, page 40).
“(Image caption:) A new personality takes shape the moment he sees Tifa” (FFVII Story Playback, “Story Check: Tifa’s Flashback”).
“Tifa (to Cloud): Deep down, you're a pretty nice guy. Didn't see it when we were kids, but...” (Remake, chapter 14).
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