Slogans for hs elections

For connoisseurs of alternative democracy

2017.01.22 19:15 For connoisseurs of alternative democracy

The concept of fascism is a 4-Chan hoax and the CIA is falling for it.

2024.06.09 03:18 ClassroomLow1008 Hot Take: The DNC and Biden have dropped the ball on campaigning

I don't care that the General Election is in November. 2024 is the election that will make or break our democracy, and that needs to be hammered home till kingdom come, every day. We live in the era of vibe-based politics. None of the voters (at least none of the ones that matter), will bother to read a 50-100 page document outlining all the policy achievements of the Biden administration. They have a short attention span, and don't really care for the finer details. I'm not happy about it...but it is what it is. We need soundbites, catchy slogans, and a constant reminder of just how awful a GOP regime (yes I'll call it that) would be.
This is precisely what the GOP does very well. They play to the fear in the voter base excellently. Fox News, The Blaze, The Daily Wire, and the slew of other YouTubers who push right-wing propaganda like Benny Johnson, basically do this. They realize that "vibes" matters more than anything right now, so they create content that gives Trump and the GOP the right "vibes." They make Trump look like a badass, and make Biden look weak, incompetent, and senile. It's not a correct representation of Biden, but the average voter doesn't really care. They just see someone getting "owned" on screen. People used to make fun of Trump for campaigning even during his presidency, but it's part of what solidified his voter base's support for him. He kept hammering home the message into their brain that he was the right guy for the job. So, it was very effective in covering up his ineffectiveness and overall incompetency.
Waiting until September is like waiting until the night before to study for a final exam. This is a serious election, and the Dems have dropped the ball on campaigning. There is so much material they could work off of:
  1. Project 2025
  2. Trump's court cases
  3. All the former cabinet members who've spoken out against him
  4. Former GOP congressmen/congresswomen who have spoken out against him
Yet I hear radio silence...that is...I hear nothing. It's going to come back to bite Dems in the rear come November.
submitted by ClassroomLow1008 to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:04 AmericaRepair MMW Traitor will chicken out, and won't show up for sentencing in NY.

I was going to use his name in the title, but there's a rule against it.
I thought he would flee to another country, but that's too pedestrian, and implies some kind of respect for normal law and order. So he'll likely just continue campaigning as a convicted fugitive, in states where his brainwashed minions call the shots. He likes the idea of being the strongman who is stronger than the law.
He's a self-entitled, rotten rich kid. He uses up other people, even those who want to help him, and drops them like a hot rock. He hires corrupt or incompetent attorneys who will indulge his eagerness to break laws. His slogan "Law and order" means nothing when it's a law (or woman) that he wants to violate.
He summoned a mob from far and wide to congregate in DC, for the purpose of stopping the constitutional election process. He judged the crowd to be a quarter million people. Then he read for over an hour a list of grievances, mostly lies. He used the word "peace" only once, in part of the word "peacefully," as a disclaimer, to avoid liability for the crimes they were about to commit. He said "we have to get rid of the Liz Cheneys," and he would have to be an idiot to think that statement wouldn't put Cheney's life in danger. (But an enormous mob can't hear as well as you can watching TV, so surely some rioters missed these nuances.) Interrupting congress to "make your voices heard" was never an acceptable thing, but that's what the president told them to do. If his coup had succeeded, he wouldn't be continuing as president, he would be an illegitimate dictator.
His despicable actions caused police officers to die. The lady who was shot for breaking into a space containing congressmen was killed by his lies. Many others have died. Immeasurable grief has been caused by the most notorious liar in American history, and it's not over yet.
The leader of American fascism is a terrible candidate. For the love of Jesus Christ, tell your Republican representatives to grow a spine and make the Republican convention pick someone else. There must be a way. There are certainly other candidates, ones who could actually win.
submitted by AmericaRepair to MarkMyWords [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:52 Limp-Grocery-7067 Chance me, SIGNIFICANT upward trend

GPA: 3.166 UW, school has not published rank/weighted yet SAT: 1580 (800 Math, 780 Reading), only took once (March 2024)… taking ACT in Fall
Demographics: white (of Arab origin), female, middle class [Edit] Type of school: large public school (~2500 students), 1 or 2 a year go ivy, I would say majority go to lightly selective in-state colleges.
Course work
-failed first 3 years of honors hs courses (7th-9th grade)
-no academic history for 10th grade
-3.437 UW GPA in 11th grade -> 6 remedial courses, 2 non remedial (all standard); took 6 additional classes online that I did not include in that GPA (2 remedial: Alg 2 honors [A], chem 1 honors [A], and 4 non remedial: Pre-Calculus honors [A], physics honors [A], ASL 1 & 2 [A, A]).
-as for 12th grade, I will be enrolled in AP Bio, AP Calc BC, AP Macro, AP Physics, AP Stat, AP US Gov/Politics, dual enrollment English, dual enrollment (mandatory) “SLS” elective, and possibly a dual enrollment math (College Algebra/liberal arts math), although I might drop that to take an intern class, to assist teachers with intellectually challenged students.
-didn’t participate in any ecs for 9th or 10th
-self taught coding, developed learning platform designed to produce personalized learning plans for Florida high school students taking state EOCs, includes data reports for teachers -> will either sell the prototype or participate in congressional app challenge (I have a few weeks of coding left to do, wrote all material for the site myself)
-created a networking hub for students in my city, currently in developmental stages, phase 1 begins in August (I will be using data from this project to write a research paper I’m working on), very elaborate in design; will connect students with others from across the city with similar goals/initiatives to engineer more passion projects, will also aid in college/internship/job applications
-math tutor (paid), working with students of various ages (6th grade-12th grade)
-worked with professor of education at local university to write a research paper on the dwindling condition of the American education system and how to construct an ideal classroom, pending publication
-participating in essay contest, philosophy paper.. pending results
I’ve already begun writing my common app essay, which will be about a setback I faced that impacted me in a profound way. The essay is extremely personal to me, yet is written in a way that is sure to remain relatable and motivate the reader.
As for letters of recommendation, I will be (hopefully) receiving one from a remedial English teacher of mine (volunteered for class job, wrote extensive essay critiques + improvement plans for 12 students in class, maintained straight As in class, demonstrated determination and respect + excellent communication skills). I will be receiving another from a remedial math teacher who gave me the opportunity to work one-on-one with intellectually challenged students in their class (which changed my life and ultimately set me on the right path, helped me discover my passion for strengthening numeracy skills in high school students). I have a couple other teachers in mind to ask, but I want to see how I connect with my senior year teachers first.
I plan on majoring in mathematics, and later double majoring in either cognitive science or neuroscience (I don’t think I’ll apply anywhere as a double major though). Career-wise, I want to go into curriculum development/academia. I’ve done my research and I believe either Northwestern or UChicago are my best fits. Btw, I live in Florida. I also want to apply to MIT, Boston Univeristy, Boston College, UF, UIUC, UW Madison, UMich, Georgetown, Penn State, UVA, and my local college. So if someone could chance me for those, but also maybe recommend more target schools/schools I may have overlooked as it pertains to my career goals. Thank you.
Questions are welcomed. I don’t want to pay for an admissions advisor, so I’d love to give all you generous people whatever context you need. (Edited for formatting issues. Sorry, not used to posting.)
submitted by Limp-Grocery-7067 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:00 MyGenerousSoul How likely do you think it is that there will be a state liberal leadership challenge to John Pesutto following new polling showing the likelihood or a labor 4th term?

How likely do you think it is that there will be a state liberal leadership challenge to John Pesutto following new polling showing the likelihood or a labor 4th term? submitted by MyGenerousSoul to melbourne [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:17 idealhuman1 Regarding GOAT sacrifice in Tamil Nadu with Annamali's Face

I've seen a lot of raging debates on that incident, I wanted to make many things clear and thus I wouldn't have to explain each and everything to every other comment on this sub.
Firstly, we all can agree the place of the sacrifice and the photo of annamalai on the goat is bad. ( No comments) Calling it barbaric is insulting a culture. (Especially subs in the north where the debate about TN India speaks etc.. )
Second, Goat sacrifice is part of the tamilnadu 's culture and thus insulting it is nonsense ( especially calling us barbaric and we are good for nothing uneducated), saying it's an innocent life ( like every other animal in this world except for humans) is delusional. And Annamalai on the interview stating that why are you guys killing an innocent GOAT, is hypocrisy ( he himself has accepted that he has performed GOAT sacrifice for temple functions) I don't condemn him for doing it but then being a hypocrite about it is wrong.
Third, TN hates DMK and their atrocities only because DMK won 40/40 technically doesn't mean people like it, It means that they Hate BJP even more. DMK will face its consequences at the assembly elections.
Fourth, All the north Indian calling us illiterate and barbaric, are also the people who fight Hindu Muslim and riot for that. Coming to teb point that they say TN elects Uneducated people, an IAS officer who joined Congress in TN almost annamalai age (younger IG) has won with record margins he is Sasikanth Senthil. How is this possible, he didn't have vadakku bots helping him or God(bro can't even do an unscripted interview with RaGA and calls himself GOD)being the face of this campaign and future PM slogans during his campaign.
We the people of TN know who to vote and not vote. (All the northies we don't need your advice) we are a much developed state that you guys ever were without the support of center.
Thanks have an healthy argument
submitted by idealhuman1 to kuttichevuru [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:00 BruhEmperor US Presidential Election of 1904 American Interflow Timeline

US Presidential Election of 1904 American Interflow Timeline
The 30th quadrennial presidential election in American history took place on Tuesday, November 8, 1904. After 12 whole years of being ran by the Custer administration and the subsequent Custerite Society built, America shifted in ideology to an administration that fundamentally opposed that one that preceded. President Adna Chaffee’s administration swore to start dismantling the Custerite Society and reform it into a new more efficient civilization. However, the society sired by the new government was not that distinct from the society it tried to replace, retaining much of the social “Custer Generation” culture and the transformation of America into a truly industrialized and urbanized nation. Where Chaffee’s policy starts to pivot regards foreign policy and military and economic handling. Embracement of American imperialism and hawkish interventionism defined government action and the “Chaffean Policy”. The American occupation of Fujian resulted from the American demands of concessions to the Qing after the Boxer Rebellion. The Pacific Fleet stood off before the German East Asia Squadron in a show force to protect the Filipino Republics from the invasion of the German Empire. American interests in Manchuria caused a near war-causing incident with the Russians. The US backed Argentine President Costa by crushing protests against his elections. Domestically, the most eyecatching policy was Edward Carmack’s “War on Crime”, seeing a massive persecution wave by the BPS that sought to jailed all accused of crime by strongman force— especially with the use of the Hancockian Corps— with rates never seen since martial law. Monopolies would also be strongly regulated, funding for small business through “Market-by-Market”, and the fiat-ization of currency by abandoning metallic rates would be ordered. After these 4 years, American head to the polls and see if they support President’s Chaffee’s policies. Or will it be his time to lay down arms and wave a white flag?
The Patriotic Party
The Hero of the Rio de la Plata, now dubbed the “Hero of American Patriotism” by his supporters. One quote was constantly uttered, with the reactions acting almost like the most serene hymn was sang: “…America’s Place Under the Sun”. To President Adna Chaffe, America had already found its place under the sun, and it could only stay in its rightful place if re-elected to anchor it. Though many would say Chaffee clearly lacked the outlandish charisma and unique hyperactive charm worn by President Thomas Custer during his first term in office, Chaffee made up for it by his near-celebrity military status and his authoritative non-nonsense demeanor. The Chaffee campaign stand by their handcrafted “12 pledges”, promising once again to propel America into greater heights than where it always flew. The Patriots would portray the other parties as systematically corrupt, discriminatory, and incompetent, unable to run a country so tailored to the new Patriotic administration. The budget surplus achieved by the government through their massive cuts in the bureaucratic system created by Custer, the stable transition from bi-metallism to the new “paper dollar”, and the success of the projecting of American power abroad were shown as the sign of the right for the continuation of the Chaffee government. Perhaps in move to please the progressive-minded, Chaffee would shockingly state he would be open to supporting legislation for allowing married women to vote in elections and the direct elections of senators, dastardly mortifying the party’s reactionaries. Yet in character, Chaffee would remain steadfast all promises he say during his campaign— although he knows if he didn't, it would shatter the persona he shows to the public.
\"Our Right Place In The Sun\", a campaign song based of Chaffee's famous slogan
The Reformed People's Party
Ascends the “South’s Big Boss” as the standard-bearer of the RPP after defeating the moderates and radicals that once dominated the party. Once the party that espoused the “South American Goodwill” of Alvey A. Adee and the Catholic “Archbishop of Labor” James Gibbons, Texan Representative Edward M. House saddled as the nativist equestrian and courtier of a new “Progressive Era”. House had transformed the southern RPP into a grand nativist and progressive vehicle with his machine vetting who gets elected or not. Crowning themselves the title of the “poor man’s party”, the House machine would ally with poor farmers and industrial workers called rednecks in a movement that will "curb the elites". Extreme regulations and harder worker protectors were demanding through all the party to curb the still massive influences of big business. House would advocate for extreme welfarism-progressivism, including an income tax, elderly pensions, doubling mandatory holiday days, tying the national minimum wage to inflation rates, the direct elections of senators, and re-directing private investment into America’s poorer areas. House would advocate for a “pure home-made America”, decrying immigrants from those in South America, Europe, and Asia as negatively impacting American culture, compromising national security, and jeopardizing jobs from the native citizen. Critics would mention how House held Anglophilic and Germanophile tendencies, example of this being his advocacy for strong ties with the two empires. Though not from House’s public mouth, rumors of a mass deportation plan between influential nativists would be spread throughout the election campaign. Rumors even went so far as a possible barring-era style community segregation of immigrant populations.
Nativist cartoon depicting the rapid inflow of immigrants into the US causing danger to American ideals
The Commonwealth Party
The Custerite Society Lives!”, proclaims the banners carried by Boston Custer Society— usually numbering in the tens of thousands— during former Attorney General Jesse Root Grant’s usually festive rallies. Serving former President Thomas Custer’s administration as his “Iron Attorney General”, Grant was canonized as a faithful saint crowned with the halo of the Holy Buffalo of the Custerite movement. Grant propelled Custerism once again to the heights of the party with his nomination, shoving aside the still prevalent Bryan and Russell cliques. Renowned for his effective persecutions of the Communards and Revelationists during the Second Radicalization Era, Grant’s would assert himself as a strong-willed figure who would back down facing a treacherous battlefield. The Grant campaign would promise to restore the old institutions that defined the Custerite Society, such as restoring the Chaffee-axed bureaucracy that effectively handed the nation’s problems, an end to the staunch imperialist foreign policy and a return to “intervention-only-by-provocation”, rapidly modernizing the armed forces, free trade, and a return to state-sponsored public works programs. Grant would pivot from his old boss by embracing the anti-monopoly sentiment that grows in popularity day-by-day. Grant would introduce a “business-friendly nation” scheme in his campaign, encouraging internal, and most notably foreign, businesses to enter the United States to do business and promising to loosen foreign business restrictions in the nation. This move would disgruntle nativists, who despised any sort of foreign influences entering the nation. Alas, as long as Grant retains the support of the former president, the crowds will continue to cheer, though accusations of puppetry by Custer have already been thrown against him.
Photo of a Boston Custer Society meeting supporting the election of Grant— though the former president's name was certainly said more as his face drapes the entire hall
The Freedom Party
…we need to foster an environment where innovation thrives, where hard work is rewarded, and where every citizen has the opportunity to succeed. We must not rest on our laurels while there are many still suffering under injustices.”, spoke Senator Henry Cabot Lodge in his expected masterful oratory ability. Lodge’s blatant support of imperialism and interventionism is widely known and almost his trademark to many. Lodge tried to start a motion to economically punish the Germans and the Russians for the confrontation in the Philippines and the KVZhD-ACCEC incident, almost escalating his demands to near military intervention. Lodge famously called the US the “Prince of the World”, with an enthusiasm for imperialism described by his running mate Senator James R. Garfield “…that not even President Chaffee nor President Custer could ever amass. ”. Beyond his foreign policy, Lodge would also embrace the anti-monopoly cries and demand further regulations and “trustbusting” for these businesses, a world that would uniquely be Freedomite in diction. Lodge would call for reform to bring “equal opportunity for all”, calling for the loosening of requirements to achieve government support, including homeless as enough to receive government aid. Lodge would embrace adherence the gold standard and protectionism, which have long been abandoned since the Custer and now Chaffee years. Though personally supportive of the BPS’ actions, Lodge would back down from supporting them in the campaign trail in fear of the anti-BPS sentiment in his own party. Progressive-influenced reforms such as the direct election of senators, curtailing of powerful local machines, even a progressive-wing plan to give total suffrage to homeborn women would be pushed. would be called too. Nevertheless, Lodge’s campaign would be embedded with his own personal nationalism, draped with the trademark progressive conservatism of the Freedomites.
Henry Cabot Lodge, the \"Freedomite's Billpasser\"
The Independence Party
Fueled by a sense of saving the nation, celebrity status, and a boatload of corporate cash, the Independence Party would only field two candidates nationally for this election. In New York 13th district runs John D. Rockefeller Jr., attempting to take William Sulzer’s seat. Rockefeller Jr.’s run is mainly seen as a giant middle finger to William Randolph Hearst in his home state, who has criticized the Rockefeller and their business practices for many years. Nationally runs the King of Business himself, founder of the Standard Oil Company, John D. Rockefeller Sr. would run in opposition to the growing anti-monopoly movement. Rockefeller would be vocal in his promotion of “nation-wide philanthropy”, meaning funding major improvements in the education, health, technological, infrastructural, and business sectors. Addressing the Housing Crisis, Rockefeller would advocate tax reform, promising to cut taxes all around and improve housing costs in major cities affected, speaking of "Prosperity at home, no pocket left empty!". Rockefeller would decry the BPS and Edward Carmack, even going as far as calling for its abolition entirely, even questioning the constitutionality of their existence. Through his own personal religious devotion, Rockefeller would emphasize equality and goodwill in his campaign, in which he would tour the United States donating heavy sums of money to charities and church around the nation. Abstaining from alcohol himself, Rockefeller would go and support the prohibition movement, promising to sign any bill that would enact prohibition if elected. Rockefeller would be shrewdly described as the “least nativist individual in the contest”, even calling for the end of the persecution of immigrant and re-loosing of immigration requirements. Most of Rockefeller’s ventures were obviously funded by his mega-corporation, which is officially the largest single conglomerate in the United States, a fact that critics seem to never let go of.
\"The King of the Combinations\", the emperor of monopolies John D. Rockefeller Sr.
Write-In Only Candidates
The Single Tax Party - Formed out of looming Housing Crisis and demanding for the implementation of Henry George Sr.’s “single tax” philosophy, the Single Tax has achieved quite the standing from a small movement. Attaining the New York Governorship through Henry George Jr., the party has nomination George as their presidential nominee after George’s announcement he not seek gubernatorial re-election after the RPP would abandon their alliance in favor of nominating William Randolph Hearst for governor, as per his deal with the nativists. With ballot access in 22 states, George and his running mate Wisconsin Representative John R. Commons once again advocates of the Land Value Tax, the “single tax” that drapes the party’s name. Unable to widely implement his tax as New York governor, George calls for this as the chance to implement Georgism nationwide. Though Governor George’s name may draw more attention for the party, their lack of wide-spread ballot access makes it nearly impossible to win.
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submitted by BruhEmperor to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:13 kksingh1 Enver Hoxha Speech in Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party of Labor of Albania and the 44th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution TIRANA, NOVEMBER 7, 1961 (Excerpts)

Dear comrades,
We are celebrating the 20th anniversary of our Party in new international conditions very favourable to the forces of peace, democracy and socialism. Twenty years ago, when the Albanian Communist Party was founded, the world was ruled by the capitalist system – a system of oppression and wild exploitation of peoples. The Soviet Union, the first country of victorious socialism, was at that time encircled on all sides by capitalist countries. Whole continents were suffering under the colonial yoke of imperialism. The most reactionary forces of bourgeoisie, the fascist and militarist states, incited by the most aggressive circles of international imperialism, had unleashed the Second World War, they had put under their yoke whole nations and, like wild beasts, they were rushing against the offspring of the great October Socialist Revolution – the Soviet Union.
Today, after 20 years, great radical changes have taken place in the world. Owing to the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet peoples, in the first place, there was achieved the historic victory over fascism; the Soviet Union became the liberator of the enslaved European peoples. New states broke away from the capitalist system and embarked on the road of socialism. The people's revolution triumphed in China; this is the greatest historic event after the October Socialist Revolution. Socialism came out of the borders of a single country and became a world system stretching from the Adriatic coasts to the coasts of the Pacific Ocean; this is the greatest historic victory of the international working class.
The world socialist system, which includes in its fold over 1 billion people with a big economic and military potential continually growing at unprecedented rates, has become today the decisive factor in the development of the world history. It exerts a tremendous influence on the world; it has become a great attractive and revolutionizing force.
The world socialist system is showing with every passing day its indisputable superiority over the capitalist system. It has become the shield of all the progressive forces of the world, the impregnable bulwark of freedom and peace, democracy and socialism.
The irresistible development of socialism and the upsurge of the national-liberation struggle of the peoples inevitably led to the collapse of the colonial slavery system of imperialism. Forty-two new states with a total population of more than 1 billion and 200 million have won freedom and national independence. While after the first world war the countries enslaved and controlled by imperialism made up more than 77 per cent of the territory of the world and accounted for about 70 per cent of the world population now such countries occupy only over 10 per cent of the area and account for about 3 per cent of the world population. The dissolution of the colonial system of imperialism is the second greatest event after the establishment of the world socialist system.
As a result of the establishment and consolidation of the world system of socialism, and of the dissolution of the colonial system of imperialism, the sphere of domination of imperialism has been greatly narrowed, its general crisis has further deepened, all its internal and external class and national contradictions have sharpened. Today imperialism is no more the only ruler and all-powerful ruler in the world. It can no more lord over it. Its laws do not operate everywhere in the world. In front of the capitalist system which is heading towards its inevitable doom, there stands powerful and invincible the world system of socialism round which there have rallied and continue to rally all the revolutionary and anti-imperialist forces which are striving for the national and social liberation.
Such is the reality of our days and this reality convincingly shows that the ratio of forces in the world today has radically and definitely changed to the advantage of socialism and to the detriment of imperialism. The forces of socialism, the forces of national liberation, peace and democracy are superior to the forces of imperialism, colonialism, war and reaction. All these things have created in the world a new situation, very favourable conditions to carry out even more successfully the struggle against imperialism, for peace and for the accomplishment of the socialist, national-liberation, democratic and people's revolutions.
The Party of Labor of Albania recognizes and understands the deep changes that have taken place in the world, the new conditions and phenomena that have arisen. But we reject all and every attempt being made by the present-day revisionists who, under the slogans of the "creative interpretation of Marxism in the new conditions", are spreading their false and opportunistic viewpoints; they are seeking to sell them as a further development of Marxism, and they hasten to stigmatize as dogmatist, sectarian and adventurer anyone who goes on record against such viewpoints. These are known tactics. There is nothing new, nothing original in this. An the revisionists and opportunists, beginning with Bernstein and ending with Tito, under the guise of the "changes in the situation" and of the "new phenomena", have denied the basic principles of Marxism. As V. I. Lenin used to say, by always masking themselves under the slogan of the fight against dogmatism, using "the catch-word: dogmatist", they have risen against Marxism.
From the changes that have occurred in the world, there must be drawn correct, revolutionary, Marxist-Leninist conclusions: there must be drawn such conclusions as not to create reformist and pacifist illusions and weaken the struggle against imperialism, but to strengthen ever more this just struggle: there must be drawn such conclusions as not to alienate the peoples from the cause of revolution, but bring them ever closer to it, not divert them from the struggle for their national liberation, but raise this struggle to an ever higher level.
Let us take the problem of war and peace. Does it mean that the change in the balance of power to the advantage of socialism has brought about also a change in the nature of imperialism, that imperialism has been tied up hands and feet, that it is unable to do anything, to unleash wars and undertake various aggressive actions? Such a conclusion is not only erroneous, but also very harmful. The underestimation of the forces of the enemy and the overestimation of our own forces weakens our vigilance and pushes us into dangerous adventures, just as the underestimation of our own forces and the overestimation of the forces of the enemy leads to unprincipled concessions, to mistakes and opportunist attitudes. Proceeding from the real balance of forces in the world today, our Party has pointed out and continues to point out that in the question of war and peace both eventualities must be considered and we must be prepared for both, for war being prevented, as well as for it being unleashed on the part of the imperialists. Our deep conviction that at the present time a world war and other aggresive wars which imperialism unleashes can be prevented is by no means based on the "good intentions" of the leaders of imperialism, but on the tremendous economic, political and military power of the mighty socialist camp, on the unity and struggle of the international working class, on the resolute efforts of the peoples of the whole world against the imperialist war mongers, on the unity and compactness of all the peace-loving forces.
During all the years of the existence of the people's power, the Government of the People's Republic of Albania has resolutely and consistently pursued a foreign policy which has fully met the interests of our people and country, the interests of freedom and national independence, as well as the interests of the whole camp of socialism and of the cause of peace and progress of human society. The foundation of the foreign policy of the Party of Labor of Albania has always been and remains to be: constant strengthening of the relations of friendship, fraternal cooperation and mutual support and assistance with the countries of the socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union; support for the national-liberation, anti-imperialist and anti-colonial struggle of the oppressed peoples and nations, as well as for the revolutionary struggle of the working people in the capitalist countries; efforts to secure relations of peaceful coexistence of the People's Republic of Albania with the capitalist countries especially with the neighbouring countries; efforts for the preservation and consolidation of peace in the world and in the Balkan and Adriatic area; exposure of the policy of war and aggression pursued by the imperialist powers headed by the United States of America and their partners and tools round our country, such as the Italian imperialists, the Greek monarcho-fascists and the Yugoslav revisionists.
In the foreign policy our Party and Government have always marched hand in hand with the other socialist countries in their efforts for the preservation and strengthening of the world peace. They have always approved and energetically supported the general line of the foreign policy of the Soviet Union and all the other socialist countries for the settlement of the most important international problems. And this foreign policy of the People's Republic of Albania has always met with the full approval of the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries which have always considered it as a correct policy to the advantage of our common cause.
But of late, N. Khrushchev and company turned their coat and are accusing us at times of being "adventurists and warmongers" and at times of a "rapprochement" with imperialism. Those who are accusing us, besides slanders and inventions, have no argument, not a single fact to prove that the foreign policy of the People's Republic of Albania has changed. Nothing has changed in our foreign policy. Our attitude also has not changed either in regards the questions of war and peace, or in regards our relations with the other States, and especially with the neighbouring States, or in regards the struggle against imperialism and for the exposure of the Yugoslav revisionists.
Twenty years of life and revolutionary struggle of the Party of Labor of Albania reject all these base slanders and inventions which have caused a profound indignation to and have irritated our people who have heroically fought and continue to fight against imperialism and its henchmen. Those who accuse and slander the Party of Labor of Albania and its leadership are unable to adduce even a single fact that could prove their allegations, while we are in a position to present many documented facts clearly showing their estrangement from the positions of Marxism-Leninism and of the struggle against imperialism. We have never cherished illusions about our enemies, we have not embraced and kissed them, we have not flattered them and we have not caressed them, we have never bowed to them. Our Party and Government have always maintained a firm, principled, Marxist-Leninist stand towards the enemies of peace and socialism; they have sharply and constantly exposed the imperialists, whether U.S. or British, French or Italian, and their policy of war and aggression; they have been irreconcilable with and have energetically and unreservedly supported the just cause of the peoples who have risen in struggle against imperialism. They have rendered all their support to the fraternal Algerian, Cuban, Congolese, Laotian and other peoples in their sacred struggle against imperialism, resolutely condemning all the aggressive attempts of imperialism.
For all this "good" which our Party has done to imperialism during these 20 years, it has been rewarded by it and its tools with a fierce and relentless fight which they have carried out against the People's Republic of Albania through continuous plot and provocations, through diversion, blackmail and successive slanders.
They accuse us of being afraid of imperialism, of being afraid to assume responsibility for the settlement of important international questions. By this they mean the conclusion of a peace treaty with Germany and the settlement of the West Berlin problem. The Party of Labor of Albania and the Government of the People's Republic of Albania have not feared and never fear imperialism; they have not feared and never fear their responsibility as a socialist country and as a member of the Warsaw Treaty and they have honourably and strictly fulfilled their internationalist tasks. The attitude of the Party of Labor of Albania and the Government of the People's Republic of Albania towards the German issue is known to the whole world, it is contained in many publicly known documents. The Party of Labor of Albania and the Government of the People's Republic of Albania have always supported and continue to resolutely support the efforts of the Soviet Union and the German Democratic Republic for a peaceful settlement of the German problem. The viewpoint of our Party and Government has been and remains that the conclusion of a peace treaty with Germany and the solution on this basis also of the West Berlin problem are indispensable measures, long since ripe and in the interests of the People's Republic of Albania, of the German Democratic Republic, of the other socialist countries, in the interests of peace and security in Europe. We have stood and stand for the earliest possible settlement of these problems because any procrastination is only to the advantage of our enemies. The declaration of the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania concerning the German question publicly stated that "in any situation and at any dangerous moment we shall fight to the end alongside with the Soviet Union and the other fraternal countries; irrespective of any sacrifice on every occasion and as always we shall solidarize with them to the end and honourably discharge our duty". Such has been, is and will remain the stand of our Party and our Government.
Then the question arises: Who fears indeed, who is afraid of the responsibility for the settlement of the German issue, who is dragging it on? We that have stood and continue to stand for its earliest possible solution or our accusers who have backed out on this question and have dragged it out from year to year?
Or let us take the disarmament problem. It is a matter of common knowledge that our Government has supported the Soviet Union's proposal for a total and complete disarmament because as long as the arms exist and the armament race is being conducted, as long as a total and complete disarmament is not effected, there is no security for peace. The Soviet Government, jointly with our Government, have forwarded the proposal to convert the Adriatic and the Balkans into a peace area, without bases for atomic weapons land rockets. But the proposals of the Soviet Union and the socialist countries for a total and complete disarmament and for the creation of peace areas have been rejected by the imperialist powers. In such conditions our Government has supported and fully supports the Soviet Government's decision on the resumption of the nuclear weapon tests as a very important and indispensable measure for the security of the Soviet Union and the whole socialist camp, for bridling the imperialist powers headed by the United States of America and the Bonn revenge-seekers, who have intensified to the maximum the frenzied armaments race and the feverish preparations for a new world war. We are aware that disarmament is a difficult problem. To force its solution upon the imperialists, great efforts must be made as well as resolute struggle must be waged by the socialist countries and all the peace-loving forces. But N. Khrushchev, instead of pursuing such a correct path, is seeking to disarm a socialist country such as the People's Republic of Albania, which is encircled on all parts by enemies. By weakening the defensive might of the People's Republic of Albania he damages not only the interests of our country, but also those of the entire camp of socialism. And all this is done at a time when the U.S. 6th fleet is roaming about like a monster in the Mediterranean, when U.S. rocket bases have been established in Greece and Italy, when the NATO forces are feverishly continuing their armaments race, when the imperialists and revenge-seekers of West Germany are sabrerattling and seriously endangering the world peace. The Albanian Government was not guilty of and bore no responsibility for this. But, at any case N. Khrushchev should by no means go to such lengths as to openly incite the imperialists and various reactionaries against a socialist country such as the People's Republic of Albania. However the defense of the Albanian borders is fully ensured.
In conditions when there exist in the world states with different social systems, the only just principle to govern the relations between them is the principle of peaceful coexistence, a principle outlined by Lenin and implemented also by Stalin. Our Party of Labor has always thought and thinks that the policy of peaceful coexistence meets the vital interests of all the peoples, both of the socialist and capitalist countries; it meets the aim of the further strengthening of the positions of socialism and universal peace. Therefore, this principle underlies the relations of our socialist state with the other non-socialist states.
It is absurd to accuse our Party and socialist State of allegedly standing against peaceful coexistence. This slander is refuted by the entire practical activity of our State in the field of foreign policy. We are not opposed to the principle of peaceful coexistence, but we do not agree with some opportunist viewpoints of N. Khrushchev and his followers who consider the peaceful coexistence as the general line of foreign policy of the socialist countries, as the main road to the victory of socialism on a world scale, who for the sake of peaceful coexistence renounce the struggle for the exposure of imperialism, who negate almost completely the ideological and political struggle against the Yugoslav revisionism under the pretext that in some foreign policy issues Yugoslavia supports the Soviet proposals. Such an interpretation of peaceful coexistence is erroneous and anti-Marxist because it leads to the denial of the class struggle. The correct implementation of the policy of peaceful coexistence, implying also the exposure of imperialism and its policy of war and aggression, must promote the development of the struggle of the working class of the capitalist countries, as well as the national-liberation movement in the colonial and dependent countries. On their part, the successes of the revolutionary class and national-liberation struggle, by narrowing and weakening the positions of imperialism, promote the cause of peace and peaceful coexistence. The communist parties in the capitalist countries, parallel with the struggle to force the policy of peaceful coexistence on the bourgeois governments of their countries, are waging at the same time the class struggle for the overthrow of the bourgeois power, for the transition to socialism according to the specific conditions of every country.
As regards the forms of transition to socialism, N. Khrushchev badly complicated this question, too, at the 20th Congress and later. He almost raised to absolute the peaceful way of the seizure of power by the working class, and thus the illusion was created that allegedly the working class and its communist party would be able to take power in their hands only by securing a parliamentary majority. Such theses were approved only by the revisionists and various opportunists who used them to justify their anti-Marxist viewpoints. We, the Albanian communists, have never been and are not a priori opposed to the peaceful way. But the teachings of Marxism-Leninism, the historical experience and the reality of the present days teach us that, to secure the victory of the cause of socialism, the working class and its party must prepare themselves simultaneously for both eventualities – the peaceful way and the non-peaceful one. To take one's bearings only from one of these eventualities it means to embark on an erroneous path. Only by getting well prepared, especially for the non-peaceful way, the chances grow also for the peaceful way.
This is how we understand the peaceful coexistence and its connection with the class struggle. This is how we understand and implement the policy of peaceful coexistence with the other non-socialist states, and in the first place with our neighbours.
It is strange that Nikita Khrushchev and his followers demand from us that we should put into effect the peaceful coexistence with our Greek neighbors. They accuse us of not marching along the same road with them as regards the proposals for the disarmament of the Balkan countries, they accuse us of not making efforts "for a Balkan understanding"; they join the chorus of Tito and Karamanlis that we are allegedly the"warmongers of the Balkans" at a time when Greece continues to consider herself in a "state of war" with Albania, when she advances territorial claims towards our country and is plotting to attack Albania, when monarcho-fascist Greece has become a fortress armed to the teeth by the American imperialists against our socialist countries. The charges of our criticizers are groundless, for no reasonable man can think that little Albania, encircled as she is by wolves which for 17 years in succession have sought to swallow her alive, does not stand for peace and disarmament.
How much monarcho-fascist Greece disarmed and to what extent the hopes of those believing in such a thing were realized, this is a matter of common knowledge, it is shown by life, but that we should avoid criticizing Nikita Khrushchev (and this criticism was made by us in a comradely way) when he gives hopes to Sophocles Venizelos for an "autonomy of South Albania", this would be a treason on our part. Nikita Khrushchev did not like our just criticism. This is the least evil. But he turned our criticism into a countercharge, accusing us of allegedly slandering the Soviet Union, which has liberated us and is defending us. This, of course, is machiavellian. But later the devil showed again his horns. At the time when the Americans, Greeks and Turks were carrying out their large-scale military manoeuvres around the borders of Albania and Bulgaria, N. Khrushchev, in his statement to the "New York Times" reporter, Sultzberger, on September 10th, 1961, textually said: "You (Americans) have established bases also in Greece and you are threatening from there our ally Bulgaria". Has not perhaps monarcho-fascist Greece installed rockets also against Albania? How long is it that Nikita Khrushchev has decided that Albania should be no more an ally of the Soviet Union? This is monstruous. Are these unimportant questions? Is it permissible to the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Prime Minister of the Soviet Union even if he and socialist Albania were at daggers drawn, to openly tell the Greek reaction that socialist Albania is no more an ally of the Soviet Union and inform president Kennedy that "the relations between the Soviet Union and Albania have deteriorated"?
It is we, therefore, according to some, that view things as "sectarian nationalists", while others, who speculate on the interests of our people, are Marxists. Tomorrow, these same criticizers may hold us responsible also for the losses in election of the Greek progressive party – EDA. Do perhaps these selfstyled Marxists think that we should hand the keys of our country to the Greek monarcho-fascists so that "their line of peaceful coexistence" may win or the seizure of power in Greece "in a peaceful and parliamentary way" may be achieved? No, they should not expect this from us. These selfstyled Marxists should not forget that the Party of Labor of Albania and the Albanian people have shown their great internationalism by saving tens of thousands of heroes of the Greek people and of the Greek Communist Party who, we are certain, do not spit the horse after having crossed the river.
Such is the foreign policy that has been pursued by our Party and our Government. Such are our viewpoints about the problems of the present day world development. It is precisely for these attitudes and these viewpoints that we are criticized, it is for this that N. Khrushchev attacked us at the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In this way, he first, unilaterally, made public our disputes, providing weapons to the enemy and assuming thereby a heavy historic responsibility as a splitter of the unity of the international communist movement and of the socialist camp. Our Party of Labor has never publicly expressed our differences; it has dwelt on them only at party meetings, but now that N. Khrushchev made them public, our Party, too, is obliged to state openly its viewpoints.
N. Khrushchev, accusing our Party in his speeches at the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, said that the Albanian-Soviet relations were spoiled for the fault of the Albanian leaders. It is well known that the 20 years of revolutionary activity of our Party are 20 years of a tremendous work for the promotion of friendship between the Albanian people and the Soviet peoples, for the establishment of closer fraternal ties between the People's Republic of Albania and the Soviet Union; they are 20 years of exemplary cooperation between our Party and the glorious Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Twenty years of the activity of our Party are 20 years of sincere faithfulness, of great fraternal love of our Party for Lenin's great Party which has always been, is and will remain for us a source of inspiration and experience, from which we have learned and shall learn how to work and strive for the good of our peoples, for the cause of socialism and communism. Twenty years of the activity of our Party have been years of an unspared and allround assistance by the Soviet Union to the Albanian people, of a fraternal internationalist aid, which our Party and Government have rightly utilized for the economic development of our country, for the up-building of socialism in Albania, for the improvement of the living standards of the Albanian people.
In such conditions it is absurd and incredible to everyone to allege that it is the Albanian leaders who "without any reason" and with "an amazing quickness" have changed their attitude towards the Soviet Union, towards the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Incredible is also the monstruous slander that the Albanian leaders have allegedly linked themselves to imperialism and have allegedly sold themselves to it for 30 pieces of silver. Such "discoveries" may be believed by those who are fond of tales and detective novels, but by no serious man, for every honest person who knows somewhat the twenty-year old history of our Party can not fail to see that such a slander is not justified by any stand of our Party, by any action of its leaders. The Party of Labor of Albania, during its entire revolutionary path, has always fought and continues to fight with determination against imperialism and its agents; never in the past, at present and in the future has it stretched, is stretching or will stretch its hand to anybody for pittance, and less so to imperialism and its allies. It has received and receives from its friends and brothers of the countries of the socialist camp not alms, but only internationalist aids in credit and it will continue to receive in the future, too, only from those socialist countries which will desire to offer to it such an aid. We ask for alms, from nobody. If N. Khrushchev and his followers, for one or another reason, do not like to help us, they are expecting us in vain to address ourselves to the imperialists and their allies for "alms". Our people have friends and comrades in the socialist countries who have not abandoned and will not abandon them. But, regardless of this, we tell N. Khrushchev that the Albanian people and their Party of Labor will live even on grass, if need be, but they will never sell themselves for 30 pieces of silver, for they prefer to die standing and with honour rather than live with shame and knelt down.
Why then did the Soviet-Albanian relations deteriorate? This is clear and well-known to N. Khrushchev himself and to the international communist movement. Khrushchev knows the cause, for he himself is the culprit. We shall say only this: that the June 1960 Bucharest meeting was the starting point.
Differences had existed between our Party of Labor and the Soviet leadership even prior to June 1960 on some questions of ideological and political nature; however they have not exerted any negative influence on the relations between our two socialist states, between our two Marxist-Leninist parties.
The Party of Labor of Albania has always declared, and declares now, too, that the experience of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the experience of its congresses, including here also the 20th and the 22nd Congresses, have been, are and will always be a great help on our road for the up-building of the socialist and communist society. However, as regards some special theses of principle of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union our Party has not been and is not of the same opinion with the Soviet leadership, just as it is not also at present as regards some special questions of the 22nd Congress or of the new programme of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union approved by the 22nd Congress. Is not our Party entitled to this? Is this not consistent with the teachings of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism? Can this be considered as an anti-Soviet attitude, as they are trying to accuse us?
(Part I /V)
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2024.06.07 04:57 Prestigious-Shop5027 Can somebody fix this?

Can somebody fix this?
For almost all the us presidential elections the wiki shows the campaign slogans for all nominees until the 2016 and 2020 elections the campaign slogans haven’t been added on
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2024.06.07 02:12 ar_david_hh Deputy army commander talks army reforms, West, OODA \\ Armenia's new National Stadium & 2 smaller ones; FIFA World Cup U20 in Armenia \\ y no inmates? \\ Flood efforts & aid \\ Bug Bounty \\ Inflation & births \\ Explosion \\ more

11 minutes of Armenia coverage by Transcaucasian Telegraph. Follow for regular updates.

from the Thursday Government session

• Additional funds were allocated for provinces to complete infrastructure projects, bringing the total allocated this year to ֏10B ($25M).
• The Government will use eminent domain, compensate the owners, and appropriate an abandoned area in Kapan that's currently owned by several entities. Upon registering it under state ownership, it will become possible to renovate the infrastructure and build a new sports center that will include a soccer stadium and other sports venues.
PASHINYAN: This started in 2018 after my visit to Kapan, where the residents asked to do everything possible to "bring football back to Kapan". The issue was with the complex legal ownership of different parts of the stadium and adjacent structures. Various owners had disputes, and there were disputes with the soccer club as well. The sport was interrupted in Kapan. We negotiated and pleaded with various entities to resume the games and eventually, it became possible to restore the games to a degree, and two soccer clubs have since been formed in Kapan: Gandzasar and Syunik. Gandzasar FC has been performing well and continues to climb up the ladder, which led to another problem for us: Kapan's soccer stadium does not meet the league standards necessary for Gandzasar. Since the legal issues persist with various owners of various parts of the venue, it's practically impossible to convince them to invest in the stadium; nobody wants to invest in a property belonging to someone else. Վերջը. We decided that the best solution is to declare the problematic areas as state properties and draw a plan for their future management. Gandzasar FC is already in a higher league and if Syunik FC also makes it, this will become a whole new story.
MINISTER: We are building 4 soccer schools in provinces and Yerevan as part of our comprehensive program to develop the sport.
PASHINYAN: Last year during a meeting in Batumi, the Prime Minister of Georgia and I reached an agreement to submit a joint bid to host the 2029 FIFA World Cup for [under-22] youth. I'm glad this process is advancing. This is a great opportunity for us to build 3 additional soccer stadiums with international standards. One of them must have 35,000 capacity, and the other two - 10,000.
MINISTER: We are discussing the construction of the two small stadiums in Vanadzor and Ijevan. The existing stadium in Vanadzor could be rebuilt and upgraded; the preliminary work is underway. As for the large stadium, it will be located in the Academic City and it must be ready by 2029 [the Academic City will be built gradually].
PASHINYAN: Yes, we recently visited the Vanadzor sports field. We had an "emergency landing" there [jokes]. The only issue there is with logistics because you have to travel through district roads but I'm told it's a solvable issue. Under "international standards" we always think of the stadium itself but there is also the logistics and adjacent infrastructure part of it. You need capacity for cars, parking space, etc.
GOVERNOR: As for Ijevan stadium, the new one will be built on a 3.5-hectare land plot not far from the existing one. They will be separated by one road. It can become a cluster.
PASHINYAN: The third one is the bigger National Stadium. It was recently discussed as part of the work around the Academic City. Our German colleagues will submit the final master plan in July, followed by the launch of the implementation phase and decisions on how to finance and manage. //
• Armenia is in touch with international partners to launch a restoration of infrastructure damaged by the floods in the north. Several countries have shown interest in rebuilding bridges. Armenia is currently building smaller and temporary bridges for pedestrians and small cars before the construction of the main infrastructure. Pashinyan administration also seeks financial assistance to compensate the residents for lost property.
• The health ministry has been taking water samples in flooded areas and making regular visits to the newly cleaned-up areas to evaluate the possible risk of the spread of diseases. No major issues have been uncovered, no breakouts.
source, source,

over 2,000 volunteers help/ed clean up and restore the flooded zones

A Polish guy moved to teach English in Alaverdi. The floods struck the following day. He had a new mission...

Open Government Partnership: EU for Integrity Programme for the Eastern Partnership forum was held in Yerevan

State officials and civil society groups from several EP states participated in the forum in Yerevan.
Pashinyan's Chief-of-Staff Arayik Harutyunyan thanked the EU for assisting with reforms. He said it's necessary to form a unified front to defend democratic values and combat information warfare and other challenges.
A representative of USAID spoke about cooperating with Armenian partners to increase transparency and accountability.
Eastern Partnership representative Peter Varga said there are extensive reforms in Armenia, including in the anti-corruption and governing system. Varga said PM Pashinyan "has shown dedication" which is "very encouraging" and they are "very optimistic" about Armenia's future.

deputy commander of the Armenian army Zhirayr Amirkhanyan participated in EU's forum in Yerevan where he spoke about cooperation with West and army reforms

REPORTER: What can you tell us about the principles of the army reforms and the goals?
AMIRKHANYAN: Our adversaries prevented us from focusing on peacetime reforms over the last 3 years by their actions, but in any case, there were structures tasked with unrooting the shortcomings of our system. If we set aside the military aspect, we have serious cultural problems in Armenia. The bureaucratic runaround is a major problem - the "red tape". There is too much circulation of paperwork before something is approved and addressed. There are not enough horizontal connections and too many vertical connections.
REPORTER: Is this an issue with the design of the management system?
AMIRKHANYAN: Yes. You could say this is inherited from the Soviet times but we haven't done enough to fix it over all these years. Our planning system is outdated and doesn't meet the Western standards. We need to set priorities. We don't have a good system of strategic planning. The reforms began immediately after the war, and by 2022 we were mainly focused on two things (1) establishment of a new model for professional sergeant staff, (2) a delegated control system, which we referred to as task management. [With it] We authorize our forces, our commanders, to orient and act more independently without waiting for orders from above because those orders can arrive with delay. Of course, the upper echelon is required to supply them with appropriate resources.
REPORTER: Was that one of the lessons from the 2020 war?
AMIRKHANYAN: Yes. By late 2023 and early 2024, we understood that those two reforms could not be accomplished without a revamp in law, financing system, procurement system, and all of those required deep-rooted reforms. With the help of our friendly states of the US, France, and others, we launched a process that we call a "comprehensive transformation of the defense sphere".
By taking into account the existing and potential threats, we must, and we already have, decide what the main objective is. The main objective is as follows: how to confront an incursion by an aggressive neighbor or neighbors in a fragmented terrain without having allies or under isolation from friendly states, all without having strategic depth. In other words, we are taking into account our geographical punishment, geography's revanche. The newly transformed Armenian army must be capable of carrying out maneuvers while relying on strong engineering structures while channeling the adversary to make them easy targets, with the use of proper firepower, self-sufficiency, and freedom to act. With a proper OODA loop (Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action) even small forces can counter a bigger force; a decision dominance can give you the edge.
REPORTER: The US and France have expressed readiness to assist, and Armenia's army commander visited Western states on numerous occasions and agreements have been reached. The press wrote that the US is providing advisors to Armenia. What can you tell us about the level of their involvement? Can they help us transition from the Soviet model to NATO standards?
AMIRKHANYAN: Not just the US and France, but we have close ties with Greece and Poland as well, and also Germany. But the main partners are the US and France with multi-layer cooperation. Regarding the US, we have a separate cooperation program with the [United States] European Command.
We have separate cooperation with various scientific research centers in the US. For example, the Institute for Security Governance is helping us with the aforementioned transformation.
There is a separate cooperation with the Kansas National Guard.
Yes, the US and France are going to appoint resident advisors who will bring the best international experience.
France is mostly focused on Armenia's tactical level: special forces, mountainous forces, armored vehicles, etc. They will send tutors soon to train on the ground. We are very satisfied with the cooperation with France and we have decided to import those radiolocation devices in addition to the vehicles.
The US legislation is still, you know, they call it "non-lethal" weapons and allow us [to have something], but I think you can't last a long time without lethal weapons in our neighborhoods [smiles]. But we are satisfied with the cooperation, especially since their attitude is not "this is all we can offer, you either take it or you don't". Instead, the demand pulls the wagon; we tell them what we need. For example, we want to improve the strategic training of our ranking officers.
REPORTER: How much time will the advisers spend in Armenia and where will they work, at the defense ministry or the army general staff office?
AMIRKHANYAN: The Ministry and CoGS office are quite integrated and we are flexible. We will help them study our flaws and cooperate with them.
REPORTER: Is there a need for new military academies?
AMIRKHANYAN: The Vazgen Sargsyan Academy is being improved. There was a time when the number of applicants was in the tens. A zero was added after some improvements. Today if you enter a classroom you don't see the standard Soviet-era setup; now it's a round table for more interactive learning. It's a cultural change that introduced a feedback loop.
REPORTER: [Opposition parties] claim the delimitation in Tavush has collapsed our defenses there. Is this true?
AMIRKHANYAN: No. The old line of contact, which was just a կահավորված trench, was dangerous for our soldiers. The new engineering structures are much better.
REPORTER: What will the Armenian army look like? Where are we headed to?
AMIRKHANYAN: We are headed to a professional army model, and by professional I don't mean exclusively contractors. The state hasn't yet finalized the grand strategy on who the enemies, friends, and neutral parties are. Until that's clarified, we will preserve conscription but I think it will be shortened. Perhaps soldiers will spend their time training instead of holding the front lines. So by professional, we mean a drastic increase in preparedness. Today the [conscript's] training lasts 6 months, which is nowhere near enough.

PM Pashinyan is not expected to attend the COP29 climate change conference in Baku


US envoy Bono discussed the AM-AZ peace process during a visit to Turkey


Moscow says it won't downgrade diplomatic relations with Yerevan and that its Ambassador Kopyrkin will soon return to Yerevan after a recall for consultations


Russia continues to upgrade relations with Azerbaijan

PUTIN: Support for the Russian language in Azerbaijan indicates the importance of ties with Russia. I know that President Aliyev greatly supports the teaching of the Russian language. This is visible in all vectors. This means that the leadership of Azerbaijan assumes that the Russian language will be useful for the citizens of Azerbaijan. //
Putin spoke with satisfaction about the relations between Moscow and Baku, stressing that Russian-Azerbaijani relations are developing "successfully, reliably, very pragmatically".
PUTIN: We feel the desire by the leadership of Azerbaijan to build interstate relations on the basis of mutual interests and, I would even say, with a certain sympathy for each other. There is no other way to explain the presence of three hundred Russian-language schools operating in Azerbaijan.

US State Department urges Azerbaijani authorities to release political prisoners

MR MILLER: We are deeply troubled by the continued arrest of members of Azerbaijani civil society. Those who exercise their fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, should not face arrest for doing so. And we continue to urge the Azerbaijani Government to immediate release – immediately release all individuals who are unjustly detained and to respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all.

another Azerbaijani 2020 war veteran commits self-immolation

Adalet Ismailov poured gasoline and set himself on fire. He was transported to a Baku hospital. This brings the number of known suicides to ~80, with another 50 failed attempts. Several Azerbaijani veterans complained about mistreatment and neglect by the state after the 2020 war.

Pashinyan, Modi attach importance to the further development of Armenia-India cooperation

Pashinyan congratulated Modi on the election victory. Modi expressed condolences after the floods.

the other controversial friend of protest co-leader Bagrat Galstanyan


"Nikol, Prime Minister!", "Turk, Turk, you are a Turk"

A group of ARF-led protesters marched in Yerevan with demands for Pashinyan's resignation when a passerby chanted a slogan in support of Pashinyan. It caused the protesters to use vuvuzelas as a sign of disapproval, while others accused the man of being a "Turk".

Armenia among countries with the lowest prison incarceration rates – Council of Europe

Turkey 408 per 100,000
Georgia 256
Azerbaijan 244
Moldova 242
Armenia 79

... total number of inmates including pre-trial detainees

Turkey 348K
Azerbaijan 24.7K
Georgia 9.6K
Moldova 6.1K
Armenia 2.5K

... Armenia's prison population rate from 2013 to 2023

2013: 155
2014: 137
2015: 129
2016: 130
2018: 119
2019: 76
2020: 75
2021: 66
2022: 72
2023: 79

... other inmate stats

6% of inmates were foreigners
There was 1 minor
53% were untried detainees and 47% were sentenced
Average number of inmates per cell: 3
Prison population per 100 places: 52 (Azerbaijani prisons are almost full and Georgia is getting close)

... average length of imprisonment

Azerbaijan 27.2 years
Moldova 25.3
Armenia 18
Switzerland 2.1
source, source,

births and deaths in January-April

10,547 births (-8% YoY)
9,265 deaths (+6% YoY)
55% died from circulatory problems, 19% cancer, 10% respiratory, 5% digestive, ...

Armenia records inflation in May after deflation in Q1

January -0.4%
February -1.7%
March -1.2%
April -0.7%
May +0.3%
World Bank projects 3% inflation this year. Armenian government projects 4%.
source, source,

Azerbaijani pro-democracy activists have lobbied the US to sanction 30 Aliyev regime officials, with another 14 names added to the list at the request of Armenians: Azeri activist in exile Arif Yunusov

The US continues to pressure Azerbaijan, says Yunusov. Citing his sources, Yunusov said there was an actual threat of major clashes earlier this year before the launch of the border delimitation process.

massive explosion at a gas station located on Yerevan-Sevan highway: VIDEO

The explosion damaged the vehicles on the highway. 7 people were hospitalized. Some of them are in critical condition. There is a threat of another explosion. Developing.
video, video, video, video, video, video, source, source,

an Armenian border guard was injured from a landmine explosion near the newly delimited section of Voskepar

Doctors said there was no danger to his life.
source, source,

video shows newly renovated backyards in Yerevan's Malatya district

From զիբիլնոց to a hangout place. New irrigation systems. A new playground and asphalted roads are underway. New manhole lids.

Armenians suddenly care about weather forecast

Another one is coming, folks. The cyclone will arrive from the Black Sea and bring rain from June 8-11. The rain will be intense in certain regions. Expect hail. The temperature will drop by 6-10 Celsius.

wild tramway accident in Russia

A passenger of a tramway smelled burnt rubber and warned the conductor about it but the warning was ignored. Moments later the tramway's brakes failed and the driver instructed everyone to get down but most passengers had earphones and couldn't hear. The tramway made a sharp turn at a high speed, causing some passengers to fly out of the cabin onto the incoming traffic. The tramway stopped only after it smashed into another one. Passengers say it saved their lives because if it wasn't for the other tramway, their wagon would have proceeded to fall off the bridge. 1 dead, over 100 injured.
video, video,

a Bug Bounty contest was held in Armenia by white hat hackers

Over 50 cybersecurity experts attempted to crack into systems used by public agencies and ACBA Digital. The organizers gave a list of systems to hack, the rules, and offered a reward.

Armenia to acquire American software to supervise crypto transactions

The State Revenue Committee of Armenia will acquire Chainalysis Reactor software to supervise crypto transactions and fiat exchanges. The goal is to combat money laundering.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 19:26 ClassroomAway9970 white nobody cooked for rice, uw, uva, cwru, tamu, and others? 🤓☝️

please chance me for rice specifically 😭😭 i’m applying early decision in the fall and just need to know if i’m a strong enough applicant to hold out hope lmfaooo especially since i have basically zero awards unrelated to dance
Demographics: Gender, race/ethnicity, state, type of school, and hooks (URM, first generation, legacy, athlete, etc.): AFAB, Non-binary, White, Arkansas resident, poor public school (>50% on free/reduced lunch, 62% matriculation to college) Jewish convert
Intended Major(s): Biology on premed track or political science (plan to attend medical school but i just have a passion for polisci and that’s a big theme in my ec’s)
ACT/SAT/SAT II: 34 superscore, 32 composite both times I’ve taken the test lmfao. first: 21M 36S 35R 35E. second: 28M 30S 36R 35E. gonna clutch up and take it again on saturday, aiming for a 35 superscore since most of the schools on my list superscore in some form.
UW/W GPA and Rank: 4.0 UW, 4.2 W. 8/395
Coursework: AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores, etc: 12 APs by graduation, 4’s on AP Psych or World His, no 5’s yet :(( Few DE (precal/trig, bio)
Awards: AP Scholar, National Rural/Small Town Recognition, some miscellaneous dance awards like invitations to join national teams (only took one offer from Triumph) 💀💀
Extracurriculars: Include leadership & summer activities
i have an ec list google doc so some of these r gonna be more tryhard desc’s than the others just cuz i copy and pasted them over💀
Essays/LORs/Other: Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances: Not done yet, but my LORs will likely be strong and my essay will be good. Prob gonna do something about my love for Judaism and how its affected me. or maybe how my love for horror movies sparked my interest in becoming a doctor
Schools: List of colleges, ED/EA/RD, etc - safeties: university of arkansas, texas a&m - targets: cwru (sorta target-ish), university of washington - reaches: rice (plan to apply ed1), tulane, bu, emory, vandy, wustl, harvard, yale, brown, dartmouth, cornell, princeton, upenn, uva (will likely narrow this
anyways please help i really wanna go to rice and i’m just so anxious bc dec 15th is this year and that’s so scary 🥲
submitted by ClassroomAway9970 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:45 frenchfry705 How feasible is an MS in CS IIIT Hyderabad with a non-cs background

My qualifications are: currently pursuing a btech in aero from Manipal Institute of Technology, but I want to switch to cs. I have spent the last 1.5 years learning ai and am doing an internship related to aws over summer. I have taken a dsa elective class that i got an A+ in (this is not a flex, alot of algos was skipped). I also have a decent-ish cgpa.
I am not very interested in applying to a cs masters in the usa because the job situation there for foreigners is not looking great. I am also from hyderabad and studying at iiit hyderabad would be the best option financially too.
I know that iiit-h's ms cs program is open to all branches and has an entrance test, but I wanted to know how realistic it is to get accepted being from a non-cs domain.
Also are placements after ms at iiit-h good? (assuming i'm capable of even getting admitted)
submitted by frenchfry705 to iiit [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:40 frenchfry705 How feasible is a MS in CS IIIT Hyderabad with a non-cs background

My qualifications are: currently pursuing a btech in aero from Manipal Institute of Technology, but I want to switch to cs. I have spent the last 1.5 years learning ai and am doing an internship related to aws over summer. I have taken a dsa elective class that i got an A+ in (this is not a flex, alot of algos was skipped). I also have a decent-ish cgpa.
I am not very interested in applying to a cs masters in the usa because the job situation there for foreigners is not looking great. I am also from hyderabad and studying at iiit hyderabad would be the best option financially too.
I know that iiit-h's ms cs program is open to all branches and has an entrance test, but I wanted to know how realistic it is to get accepted being from a non-cs domain.
Also are placements after ms at iiit-h good? (assuming i'm capable of even getting admitted)
submitted by frenchfry705 to Indian_Academia [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:16 Agee4You EU election posters not giving away very much Election slogans like "Efficiency instead of bureaucracy" or "Reason instead of ideology" don't exactly help voters to understand what parties stand for. Especially if they have never even heard of the party.

EU election posters not giving away very much Election slogans like submitted by Agee4You to wirtschafts_news_de [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 11:06 Guilty-Grapefruit427 If we want things to change, we should vote

Sbah elkhir,
I've never voted in my life, but I'm doing it this time. I think anyone who wants change should vote, no matter who they vote for. Here's why:
Think of it like starting a football league in a country that doesn't have one. At first, the level will be really bad with mediocre players. If people don't care about it, it'll stay that way because there's no reason for change. But if people start following it, it'll grow and get better over time. It'll take a while, but it will improve.
Politics is the same. Boycotting and staying away from politics is the best thing that can happen for the corrupt people in charge. Like it or not, we're partly responsible for this void. Right now, we:
The result is an almost empty political scene, and anyone who starts a party or express his willingness to participate is seen as a joke. The question is, what are we looking for? If you're waiting for the perfect candidate to magically appear from nowhere and take control of things and click reset the system button, forget it.
Look at the hirak, at first it was great, but we didn't know what to do afterwards, what we should've done was looking for elections and help decent people to step up and backing them, instead we were lost and let a counterproductive slogan like "yetnahaw ga3" control us-
I'm not saying that by voting we'll get someone who will make everything better or even giving the chance to your candidate win, but in the long run, it will help create a political ground that can improve and let competent people step up and get voted in. The goal is that people need to be interested again in politics and stop expressions "Khatini lPolitik".
But as long as we're doing nothing and just waiting and complaining, nothing good will happen.
submitted by Guilty-Grapefruit427 to algeria [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 10:14 traderpat "On the American heritage of disintermediation" speech - Erik Voorhees keynote at Coin Center's 10th Anniversary [transcript]
I have the honor of introducing tonight's keynote speaker. I'll keep this short. Erik Voorhees is a rare breed. He's a true believer in the principles behind crypto. He's been here the whole time, always guided by the same vision. Now, at this moment of great change for our community, I am personally very much looking forward to what he has to say. So please join me in welcoming Erik Voorhees.
Alrighty. So over at my table, Riva offered to donate $1000 to Coin Center if I came up here and made the sound of a cat. She didn't think I would do it. "Meow"
Jerry, spend that money wisely. Alright, alright, so...
[Erik's talk begins at 1:26]
I'm Erik Voorhees, two-time SEC award winner. I've been to most of the Coin Center Galas. I remember being at the first one years ago in New York at the plaza hotel. And I remember back then, being a little awed at the extravagance. It was the first gala I had been to. And I was hoping back then that one day I would have the opportunity to give the keynote at such an event. To stand in front of all these people that I respect and to speak from my heart about this movement for which I care so deeply. So it is now the 10th anniversary of this event, and it is an honor to be here, and I am grateful.
And it's also an election year. It's an election year, isn't that great. Democracy's divine providence now rests squarely once again on our shoulders. Friends, fellow citizens, over the coming months through our considered debate, through our thoughtful reflection, through our nuanced application of 2,000 years of Western philosophical tradition. We hold the standard bearers of our democracy: Joseph Biden Jr and Donald John Trump. These two illustrious men have risen to prominence yet again from our great nation of 350 million people.
And as Americans, the decision in front of us is an important one. For who will we choose to lead us in spending the next $10 trillion dollars? Half of which will come out of the pockets of our own children. To help us decide on which path to ruinous bankruptcy we prefer, over the coming months we will enjoy a succulent onslaught of political messaging. We will consume hyperbole and sophistry on a grand scale. We will be seduced with promises. We will be compelled toward hatred of one class or another. And then we will be comforted that those institutions that have never solved our problems before will, with magic solve them this time.
But it is easy to be cynical, and the cynic builds nothing. So before going too far down that cynical path toward the city never constructed, let's take a moment to be grateful for the world that is actually around us. For the world that has actually been built. And we should ask ourselves, "How did this come to be? How did we get to this state of relative abundance which across every thankful day we get to enjoy?" Well, the past left us messages to show what humans are capable of. There are clues in our history if we look.
Months from now, when the inauguration of the new president is televised, I want you to notice what adorns that ceremony. Flags, symbols, sacred inscriptions, sacred oaths, procedures and traditions hundreds of years old, many of which date back to earlier than our nation's founding. And there's a reason that the government rituals are imbued with these symbols of America's founding. It invokes those virtuous principles upon which this country was built, and associates them with the current administration. But to accept this association is to permit a form of kleptocracy to occur, for even our history may be stolen from us. Indeed there is a strange irony in today's immense Federal bureaucracy invoking the symbolism of America's birth. What was this founding actually about? And we should consider this origin more often than we do. Drinking from the spring of history can be a rejuvenating antidote to the cynicism.
Let's remember that America's birth in 1776 was not the founding of a government at all. But rather it was the establishment of a people as independent from government. It was an historic moment of declared freedom. Of secession from empire. It was not a pledge of allegiance. It was a protest against it. And anyone who loves this country must acknowledge and reflect on the fact that our genesis was one of rebellion. Of course that rebellion was not merely illegal. It was actually treason. Strong words. Treason carries a heavy stigma. And yet - and yet, I doubt there's a person here tonight that views the actions of those American founders as wrong. In fact, and consider this point carefully, I bet even most of those who work in the government today believe in the same virtue of that founding. If you polled every politician, every regulator, every staffer on The Hill, and asked "Do you believe that America's Declaration of Independence was virtuous or sinister?" I bet nearly all would say it was virtuous. And yet, it was an explicit rebellion against the very type of centralized authority that they have chosen as their career path.
But, let's not dwell on that contradiction. Indeed they certainly haven't. Instead, let's appreciate that here, deep down in America's history, we actually uncover some common ground. For even though politics feels divisive, we do have the shared belief in our genesis. And Bitcoiners of all people should understand how important a genesis can be.
Surely, as the crypto community, we should build upon this common ground to make the moral case for sound money and open decentralized finance. And this moral case is an extremely powerful one. It stretches back deep into our societal history, on a journey that predates America's founding, and transcends politics altogether. It is a journey which if we look closely even connects us with the divine. Let's reflect that over a couple hundred years prior to independence, prior to secession, a culture of liberty emerged in what was then a set of remote British colonies.
Rothbard wrote a 4-volume set - A history of this period titled, "Conceived in Liberty." To pull on but one thread of that master work, this early culture of individual liberty was influenced by the Protestant ethos, of the individual man having a direct relationship with God. Of removing, or at least ignoring, the intermediary of an institutionalized Church. God was no less important to the Protestants. But in their view, the human intermediaries navigating the relationship with God were unnecessary at best, and often corrupt and self-serving. The Catholic Church as intermediary was more focused on compliance with its rules, and in the rent-seeking that such enforcement invited, than it was in serving the spiritual needs of its people. Those needs, it turned out, needed no intermediaries at all. Emerging largely from that Protestant tradition, the early American colonists were in a new land, a new frontier. They enjoyed a physical distance from Old World institutions, making enforcement of prior norms more difficult. In such an environment, a radical culture of free-thinking and individualism emerged. There was a skepticism of central authority. And this was no belligerent adolescent protest. This was a considered, philosophical position among men of character, and men of mind. Builders on a new frontier with a skepticism of central authority. Does this sound familiar to any of you?
Today, "Crypto" expresses a very similar ethos of the individual man having direct relationship, this time not with God, but with money. And before you dismiss matters of money as perhaps trite or inelegant, we can at least agree that its influence is similarly potent. Both God and money are among the greatest influences of individuals, of families, and of entire civilizations. The Protestant struggle was with the Catholic Church as intermediary to God. The early colonial struggle was with the British Crown as intermediary to governance. Our struggle is with the Central Bank as intermediary to money. And just as the Protestants stepped aside their intermediaries and so obtained a truer relationship with God, so too do we now step aside our intermediaries and obtain a truer relationship with money. Both acts virtuous. Both acts heroic. And in both cases, the rebels that sought disintermediation were condemned as sinners and criminals. Their crime? Having an individual relationship with God, and having an individual relationship with money.
The revolution back then was the Bible kept by the bedside. The revolution today is the Bitcoin kept in the seed phrase. Private and permission-less in both cases. But should man have a right to either? Then, as now, those in power say no. And let's remember that the Protestant effort to bypass the intermediary of their day was wickedly controversial. Wars were fought. Many died. Many were tortured. Many lives were ruined and immense suffering occurred as that institution demanded a continuation of its control. We should be grateful that the treasury department has not yet resorted to such degree of barbarism as it loses its own.
And yet, the separation of Church and State is no longer controversial. Each of you is permitted whatever relationship with God you desire. You can facilitate your own religious activities by yourself, or with others, without license, without restriction, and without persecution. There is nothing to comply with. For in this, you are free.
With time and with the efforts and sacrifices of those in this room, the separation of Money and State may appear similarly benign. Each of you may be permitted whatever relationship with money you desire. Facilitating your own financial activities by yourself, or with others without license, without restriction, and without persecution. May there be nothing to be comply with. And then here too, you will be free.
And despite the violent protests of the intermediaries, the world will be just fine. Not only can society can handle this freedom, it will thrive upon it. But first, a grand struggle for the disintermediation of money. And I think many of you will agree with me on this next point. That it is in America that the struggle must occur. I know Jerry agrees with that. I know Ryan Selkis agrees with that. I know Hester Peirce agrees with that. It is in America that this struggle must occur. There is nowhere else with sufficient philosophical heritage. There is nowhere else that has so loudly in the past proclaimed unequivocally the virtue of the individual over the collective. Not every battle must be won here. But the war will end here, for better or for worse. And there is reason to be hopeful.
America's great gift to the world was an unapologetic and radical expression of a certain philosophy: That of the individual and her innate sovereignty. It's the idea that there is a sacred sphere around the individual which is appropriately beyond interference. Laws may be created, sure. But only up to the doorstep of the sovereign individual. There is a threshold there that in a just world, neither the tyranny of kings, nor the tyranny of the voter, may violate.
This was a truly radical idea and it was wholly American. Previously, the individual had always been under the omnipotent yoke of a ruler, and made subordinate to the collective without limit. It was the natural way of things for most of human history. And surely, most reasonable people assumed that it always would be. And while we can debate how necessary it was for man to pass through these stages of political development, a bunch of wild and romantic East coast colonists in the 18th century dared to suggest a better way. That suggestion—of the sanctity of the individual and her freedom from institutionalized coercion—was America's gift to the world. No other country has ever expressed it with resolute commitment. That is why the fight will end here. And to be sure, America has lost much of this commitment, succumbing to all the seductive ills of collectivism over the past century. Sadly, 1984 and Atlas Shrugged were not works of fiction. But the principle of the sacred individual, which arose from deep within our history, is indelibly woven through our culture even if we have forgotten it. And with great effort, perhaps, it can be reanimated.
"Crypto" for so many of us has reanimated this principle. And when trying to find common ground, remember that most people, even in the government, would agree that America's inaugural Declaration was virtuous. Our work is only to demonstrate that "Crypto" represents a Declaration of the very same kind, one of independence.
As we reflect on our history, we should recognize that the very same DNA which has previously inspired American independence now runs in our blood. We must honor this heritage. Jerry, Coin Center's work deeply honors this heritage.
So, my dear friends. Do not let the intermediaries convince you that they are essential. Do not acquiesce to their presumed authority. Do not let those who blight the land with paper and propaganda sit for even a moment on the moral throne. They are pretenders and those who are just will walk around them. If the Protestants can shake off the Catholic Church, and the colonists can shake off the British Crown, perhaps... perhaps with great fortitude and conviction we can shake off Warren and her Potemkin army. Harder fights have definitely been won. But as our cause grows, so will the battles. And before we move into that fog that awaits us, I want you to take a look at the faces around you at the table. Take a look right now at everyone around you. This room, this room is an expression of the beauty of market forces. This gathering exemplifies the magic of spontaneous order and of what can be achieved by committed individuals in civil society. And we are winning.
Remember that we are building out of nothing and without permission an entirely new foundation for the economic action of man. We are building the most robust mechanism of virtuous capitalism ever conceived. We are enabling man to have a direct relationship with his own economic value and that of his fellows. We offer it peacefully. We impose on no one. We demand nothing. Ours is a project of virtue and we must complete it. So after tonight, after the wine and the wonder of a special evening together, we will enter that fiery forge once more. We will endure that heat of our creation. Many in this room have been on this journey for over a decade. Many have been persecuted for daring to dis-intermediate. And many are understandably weary. But, my friends, we are winning. And I want you to take comfort, for we have at our backs the warm winds of American liberty.
"Crypto" is after all, an expression of this country's greatest ideals. An open and objective financial system, for an open and objective society. It is not a system which will be permitted in China. It is not the system that will be permitted in Russia. But it must be permitted in the United States of America. Our heritage demands it. So it is here in America that we will fight. And it is for American principle that we are fighting.
From John F Kennedy, "The cruelties and obstacles of this swiftly changing planet will not yield to obsolete dogmas and outworn slogans. They cannot be moved by those who cling to a present that is already dying. Who prefer the illusion of security, to the excitement and the danger that come with even the most peaceful progress."
I want to thank Coin Center for bringing us together tonight. A toast to history, to bravery, to peaceful progress, and to the fiery heat of American creation. Cheers.
submitted by traderpat to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 01:53 Hetakuoni Trump is a communist plant sent to destroy the American dream

Saying he’s friends with senile old Putin and fatty Kim isn’t the flex you think it is. It’s not that they’re afraid of him. It means he’s one of them.
The Russian election bots were saying how the democrats were the root of all evil. If they were doing that, then why weren’t they trying to make trump out to be the bad guy??? Because he’s one of them!
He asked for a list of informants after going to dinner with Putin and afterwards our people were imprisoned and executed in record numbers. Identities of those agents were found in the mar a lago raid.
He’s a communist spy who wants to destroy the American dream and make us just as corrupt and bloated as the Russians.
Remember the old slogan! Better dead than red and the Republican Party is dripping in it now by siding with a dirty fucking commie traitor!
submitted by Hetakuoni to u/Hetakuoni [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:06 Firemommy56 Technical schools during HS

Ive tried searching the group but haven't seen anything. How do colleges look at trade/ technical schools during HS? is it considered your electives?
Point of this question: Daughter Just finished Jr. year with a not great GPA for the major core classes at HS but has been acing the college/ career related classes at the technical school. 4 years of what she plans to major in by the time she graduates. would be the equivalent of 10 college credits if she went to a college accredited with the technical school but the colleges she's looking at are not accredited with the technical school.
anyone ever have a similar situation???
submitted by Firemommy56 to CollegeAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:41 kittehgoesmeow What A Day: Drawn And Bordered by Crooked Media (06/04/24)

"Melania needs to leave him." - Stormy Daniels, saying the quiet part out loud about Donald Trump's inexplicable marriage.

No Asylum

Biden issued an executive order limiting migrants’ access to asylum in the U.S. on Tuesday, in the most aggressive border crackdown of his presidency.
The move was met with mixed reactions.
Meanwhile, as the political process churns on, some migrants who should qualify for asylum will have a much harder time claiming protection.

Look No Further Than Crooked Media

In Message Box, Pod Save America's Dan Pfeiffer cuts through the usual media noise to bring you a clearer understanding of the 2024 campaign landscape. Dive into the latest news and implications of Trump's THIRTY-FOUR felony convictions, with issues of the newsletter sent directly to your inbox. Sign up today at:

Under The Radar

There’s a reason why folks say MAGA stands for Making Attorneys Get Attorneys. Ask the Trump lawyers who just caught a fresh criminal case in Wisconsin.
State prosecutors accused them of trying to help Trump make off with the Badger State’s electoral college votes in 2020. Attorneys Kenneth Chesebro and Jim Troupis, as well as ex-Trump aide Mike Roman, were charged with forgery over their alleged involvement in the Wisconsin fake-electors scheme.
This is a second election indictment for Roman and also Chesebro, the lawyer nicknamed “the cheese” in college due to his Wisconsin roots and, well, of course, his silly name. Both were first charged in Georgia’s sprawling racketeering case against Trump and his goons. Chesebro struck a plea deal in Atlanta last October. As for Troupis, he isn’t just a lawyer — he’s also a former judge. Hopefully the judge overseeing this case has a better understanding of the law than Troupis.

What Else?

Attorney General Merrick Garland fired back at House Republicans threatening to hold him in contempt of Congress over access to records relating to President Biden’s classified-docs investigation. “I will not be intimidated,” Garland told a raucous hearing. And for good reason: a contempt citation would mean asking the nation’s top law enforcement official to arrest himself. Fun to see them try it!
President Biden denied being too old for the Oval Office by, uh, threatening to fight a Time reporter for asking about his age. “I can do it better than anybody you know,” the 81-year-old commander-in-chief said. “You’re looking at me, I can take you too.” Okay pal, let’s calm down and save that energy for the debates.
House and Senate Democrats are coordinating a legislative push to guarantee access to contraception, which is nearly certain to fail thanks to GOP opposition. The move forces Republicans to (once again) put themselves on the record opposing birth control — a risky bet during an election year in which reproductive rights are a top issue for many voters.
Hunter Biden’s wife called ex-Trump aide Garrett Ziegler a “Nazi piece of shit!” outside the courtroom where her husband is on trial for felony gun charges. “You have no right to be here,” she said, according to NBC News. Hunter Biden is suing Ziegler over his alleged role in publishing pictures and other materials from Hunter’s infamous laptop.
Republicans are preparing for the possibility, however remote, that Trump might have to accept the GOP nomination from a jail cell. RNC chairman Michael Whatley told Newsmax that the committee “will make whatever contingency planning we need to make.”
The Colorado Republican Party called for the burning of all Pride flags in a social media post, and blasted out a mass email titled “God hates pride,” to mark the start of Pride Month. What — and we cannot stress this enough — the fuck is wrong with these people.
Jon Stewart slammed the media for failing to call out Republicans’ lies about the 2020 election and other falsehoods, like Trump’s preposterous claim that he didn’t say Hillary Clinton should be locked up — despite literally running on the “lock her up” slogan for an entire election cycle.
A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted against recommending MDMA, the drug known as ecstasy or molly, as treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, arguing the risks outweigh the benefits.

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Light At The End Of The Email

Rep. John Rose (R-TN) was upstaged by his 6-year-old son, Guy, after Guy was caught making hilarious faces behind his dad on the House floor. See? Even kindergarteners know nobody wants to watch Republicans run their mouths.
Ireland expanded its Free Contraception Scheme to include people up to age 35. The measure, first introduced in September 2022, initially covered people from ages 17-25. “Gender should not be a barrier to healthcare, and I firmly believe that the Free Contraception Scheme is a landmark initiative that empowers women, enabling them to make choices about their reproductive health without any financial burden,” said Ireland’s Minister of Health, Stephen Donnelly. Okay, Ireland, we get it! You’re better than us!


alex on Twitter: "literally needs no explanation look at this diva"
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:46 Daniel_Young2019 A Leading Water Chiller Supplier with Robust Capabilities

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With 22 years of experience in designing, manufacturing, and selling industrial water chillers, TEYU S&A Chiller has established itself as a leading global chiller manufacturer and chiller supplier. Our robust capabilities span various aspects, including product quality and performance, certifications, after-sales service and technical support, customer feedback and reputation, delivery time and logistics, pricing and payment terms, and customization capabilities.
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Customization Capabilities Our strong customization capabilities allow us to deliver tailored cooling solutions based on specific customer requirements. Users can choose their desired water chiller model and color, and design their logo, slogan, and other information on the sheet metal to showcase their unique brand image.
In summary, TEYU S&A Chiller is undoubtedly the best choice for your water chiller purchase. Our comprehensive capabilities ensure exceptional service, reinforcing our leading position in the global water chiller market. Our strong supply capabilities will provide you with high-quality chiller products, perfect services, and a worry-free experience. If you're looking for reliable water chillers for cooling your industrial or laser equipment, please feel free to send an email to We'll try our best to provide a tailored cooling solution that meets your exact needs and helps you maximize the performance of your equipment.
TEYU S&A Water Chiller Supplier with 22 Years of Experience
submitted by Daniel_Young2019 to u/Daniel_Young2019 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:36 Physical_Claim_ Mexican here to explain what chat was arguing about in the latest upload

Two things to clarify before I start: obligatory apology for mess ups I’ll have and secondly, a lot of what I’ll say about Claudia’s work as mayor will be from other sources, since I don’t like in the capital where she governed.
• AMLO puppet: This complain I can divide in 2: first, on the campaign trail she openly stated that her government would continue with what AMLO started, and second, on the party nominations she won over the (from what I’ve seen more liked former Mexico City mayor) Marcelo Ebrard (you could see his name when Vaush was looking at her Wikipedia).
•Authoritarianism: One of the most common and consistent forms of criticism against the current government is that AMLO moves and acts in an authoritarian way, which is somewhat correct, but over exaggerated in some instances. It’s true that he complains about the media in the same way trump does, but it’s also important to say that for a long time those in the media where funded by people in the current coalition against Morena (our main left wing party where AMLO and Claudia are), but there have been instances of him attacking some reporters, which has been controversial since being a reporter in Mexico is really dangerous. Another example is the current package of reforms that showed interest in making INE (our autonomous government agency that regulates the elections) more dependent on the government, getting rid of our pluronominal deputies(TLDR; deputies not directly elected by the people), changing the structure of the Supreme Court to reduce the amount of people there and making them democratically elected, and making other autonomous institutions merge with the government to “protect the interest of the Mexican people”. This is the most valid concern, since it puts at risk agencies that need to be autonomous as another part of the state, which can lead to very bad things if the opposition comes to power again.
•Laughing at massacres: In one of his morning live streams, it’s shown a newspaper that reported on the deaths of 48 people, which AMLO JOKINGLY said “there are the massacres they talked about” (another big point against him is the fact that he overlooks the deaths in this Six Year term)
•Responsibility about the current death count: AMLO’s biggest proposal in his campaing and in his presidency is combating crime in a more pacifist way, with the slogan “hugs not shots” (abrazos no balazos), which tries to stop it in the root, making education more accessible so that people don’t have to resort to joining the cartel. This has been divisive, since yes, it’s been the highest in recent memory, but it’s also been the one to show a decline in deaths. And the opposition’s plans were the exact same as our previous presidents, which saw a humongous spike in deaths.
•Morena: Morena is our popular party (for now), and is basically heavily influenced and dependent on AMLO, since he is one of the founders and one of our most liked leader in recent memory (averaging around 65%, a 40% increase over the guy that came before him), so when people criticize Morena they are referring to the fact that they heavily enable AMLO to direct it (like I previously said in the puppet segment). Plus, the party has started to show a lot of the same tendencies most political parties here show (corruption, not clear ideals, accepting anyone who shows a decent amount of respect for them, etc)
•Expanding on the infrastructure issues: Like stated in the video, there have been 2 big accident under her watch, both from before and during her tenure. Some reports saying that there were clear signs and recommendations given to her so that neither one of them collapsed, which she ignored. So while the collapses themselves aren’t her fault, there is a certain level of responsibility that hasn’t really been shown.
•COVID: This is coming from a report I saw a while back, that said that in the packages for COVID she gave the capital, there was an experimental drug (might have been the horse thing Joe Rogan talked about a while back, I’m not really sure), and the fact that it was our most affected state in terms of deceased. However, keep in mind that what I said about horse thing is SPECULATIVE, not definitive
•”Narco elected”: Like said in the VOD, Mexico has a very messy history with crime, which extends to the presidency. Where almost all presidents since the 64 have been in some way accused of corruption, this one included. Doesn’t help that there’s a video in which AMLO seems to shake hands with El Chapo’s mother, though I don’t know if he knew who she was or not we don’t know.
So, a basic TLDR to finish: there have been issues that would seem to continue with her as president, but to the extent that people have claimed to is not true. At the end of the day, we can only know for sure when she assumes office this September 30th. Thanks for reading if you did, and any other questions you guys might have feel free to ask!
submitted by Physical_Claim_ to VaushV [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:20 Optimal-Lychee3150 New Course Offering

I am teaching (HS) a new elective course next year called Warfare and Battle Tactics. The idea is to look at World History through the lense of warfare and conquest to increase student engagement. Each unit will include a battle simulation depending on the time period. So far the units and simulations are:
  1. Dawn of Civilization-Capture the Flag with scattered groups (using foam weapons built as part of the unit)
  2. Expansion and Conquest- Organized Capture the Flag "armies" that reflect ancient civilizations and weapons (Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, etc.)
  3. Siege Warfare-pairing with science department to build desk sized trebuchet and catapult and calculating velocity and speed .
  4. Industrial warfare- using Amazon purchased laser tag kits to replicate rifle warfare, Trench Warfare, guerilla warfare, etc.
  5. Modern Warfare- Cold War espionage CIA vs. KGB, Proxy Wars, Cyberattack/Drone Warfare, Urban Warfare (we are a 4 day school so we would come in on our off day and have a Capture the Flag game in the school with laser tag).
I have units and simulations planned out but am looking for ideas on individual lessons and resources to utilize as a build up to simulations.
I intend to focus on the shifting elements of warfare through world history. How they have changed over time, motivations for conflicts, and the overall impact on societies (conquerors vs. Conquered, invaders vs. Invaded, colonizers vs. Colonized, etc.) I am looking for various perspectives and primary sources as well as secondary sources that help explain the conflicts and time periods.
OP EDIT: I left out quite a bit of course information as I did not anticipate the initial criticism, or questioning of my motivations as a teacher. Here are some clarifiers.
This is not entirely an original idea, it is based off of a course at colorado state university that was offered while I was a student there many years ago. It is meant to teach change over time (history standard 1 in Colorado) through a thematic approach. There are a total of 5 days in the semester in which students will participate in these simulations, the rest of the course is direct instruction and primary/secondary source analysis.
The class is not meant to dehumanize war but to use it as a lens to view changes throughout history: Bronze Age, Iron Age, fall of Rome and Medieval Period, Industrial revolution, etc. Students in my Geography class don't even blink when we discuss current issues such as Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, etc. Because it has already become so dehumanizing. I think this class will show how conflict has changed from personal and ever-present to being distant and far removed (for many of us in the U.S.) through changes in technology.
I have had this course approved by the counseling department, administration, board of education and have received positive peer and parent feedback. I am looking for primary and secondary sources to use in class. I am in a district that focuses on Project Based Learning and has flirted with CBE. I am a big fan of podcasts like Fall of Civilizations by Paul Cooper and Hardcore History by Dan Carlin. Thank you for your feedback.
submitted by Optimal-Lychee3150 to historyteachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:16 RelatableRedditor1 Opposition deserves some appreciation...

Finally after a long time we saw the election which is not completely 'One-Sided' and anything can happen...
For this opposition deserves a bit of praise for the way they planned their campaign and gave equal 'Reaction' to government's 'Action'.
What impressed me the most is how they countered 'Abki baar 400 paar' slogan with 'Consitution in danger ' slogan. Honestly this was the best strategy one can adapt and hats off to strategist 'Sunil Kanugolu ' and other politicians coming up with it
The way MAHARASTRA AND UTTAR PRADESH changed the game, hats off to Sharad pawar, Uddhav thackeray , Akhilesh and all the other politicians. Sharad Pawar impressed me the most by giving one of his best electoral performance. I mean even after his party broke, Guy is leading in 8 out of 10 seats his party is contesting in !!
And last but not least 'Arvind Kejriwal ' set up a pitch brilliantly by exposing BJP's 'loophole' of retiring at 75 years and indirectly pitted Yogi and Shah( two of the powerful politicians considered after Modi) with each other. He even predicted exit poll data is to influence share market which is what exactly happened !
So overall opposition gave a good fight irrespective of who is going to form the government
Tl:Dr:- opposition played thier part really well and especially 'SAVE THE CONSTITUTION ' slogan by them worked really well
submitted by RelatableRedditor1 to india [link] [comments]