Icarly gifts

Guess my birth year

2024.05.05 11:46 IndustryMountain Guess my birth year

• born before 9/11 and year 2k but have no recollection of them
• saw a time when there was a change from dial up to wireless internet
• got my first smartphone in 2009 and it was the Nokia xpressmusic 5800 but I remember playing the snake game on my parents’ old Nokia phones when I was very young, maybe under age 10? I remember we used numbered buttons to send texts to people and there was no touchpad.
• I grew up playing space cadet pinball
• had msn from 2009 onwards and this was around the time I made my first Facebook account. I was regularly active on both after school.
• grew up watching Dexter’s laboratory, powerpuff girls, catdog, SpongeBob, fairly odd parents, rugrats in the early/mid 2000s
• Watched icarly, zoe 101, Hannah Montana, wizards of waverly place, the suite life of Zac and Cody in the late 2000s to early 2010s. Also watched 90210 and one tree hill around 2009-2010.
• I remember high school musical was really popular growing up before I went to secondary school even, in my later childhood years; I was maybe around 9 or 10 when it became popular?
• In 2012 I made my first Instagram account and this was around the time I also got Snapchat (either in 2012 or 2013)
• I remember using video cassettes when I was very young but also remember when there was a switch to using CDs
• I remember getting my first iPad in 2010
• I remember using limewire to download music onto my PC
• In my secondary school (middle school/high school??) it was very popular to wear Hollister, Abercrombie and fitch clothes and also leggings with Ugg boots
• I remember being a twilight fan in school because it was “cool” back in my time.
• When I was in school, it was very popular to shave off most of your eyebrows and then draw them back on with an eyebrow pencil
• Finding nemo and brother bear were my most favourite Disney movies as a kid, I remember later on going to watch frozen with my friends as a teenager and didn’t like it as much compared to early Disney movies.
• Sending chain mail to eachother was really popular in 2009/2010
• 2000s kid and a true 2010’s teenager.
• I also remember making one of those scooby bracelets in primary school, it was a big thing in the UK (I don’t know if it was even a thing in the US) but id make those bracelets and gift them to friends.
submitted by IndustryMountain to generationology [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 02:55 XswamperX Here's my current collection, only been collecting for a few years now, mostly thrifted

Here's my current collection, only been collecting for a few years now, mostly thrifted
Latest item in my collection is a Korean import of Fever To Tell by Yeah Yeah Yeah
submitted by XswamperX to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]


UNA COSA ES SANTO TEMOR Y OBEDIENCIA AL DIOS VERDADERO, LO CUAL ES VENCER AL DIABLO EN TODAS, Y OTRA ES QUE UN ARCONTE se aproveche de tu sumisión supersticiosa para esquilare energéticamente y que se lo gano por tu incoherencias. Este servidor salió del sistema en el 2005 y vivo al 100% para Dios, solo asi pude sobrevivir de la usurpación que esta sufriendo el planeta (YO SOY EL AUTENTICO DUEÑO DE ESTE CUEPRO) y de los iluminatiis, satanistas. extraterrestres, demonios, etc. Desde un principio para hacerme caer, me quisieron hacer creer de una forma muy estupida: "estas en una trampa, solo es una correteada entre los de la luz y los de la oscuridad, Dios es el diablo, Jesús en el anticristo, solo te chupan la energía que le envías con tu devoción", ahora me quieren hacer creer los mismo pero mucho mas inteligentemente y mas orquestada, porque por un lado la matriz hizo que un grafitero hiciera una hermoso grafiti de color azul, POR DODNE SIEMPRE PASO, DE mi color preferido, ERA DE una trampa de oso con un cebo muy especial... ERA UNA CRUZ... LUEGO SWARUU y otros hablan de los tomados por arcontes y le hace creer son especiales y le prometen grandes cosas y solo le están chupando la energía vital, si pasa peor cuando uno es un incoherente, si uno es cabal es porque Dios esta con el. Los clones de la matrix de mis hermanos mar y val... como si yo no tuviera memoria, ni una gran obediencia a Dios que me guia paso paso desde el 2005, estos nabos me quisieron hacer creer superponiéndose a Jesús que ellos en realdiad desde hace 19 años, son los que me hacen hacer mi activismo cristiano que significa misiles de luz contra todo lo que sea mal: Nuevo orden mundial, satanismo, brujerias, extraterrestres, badcrim, terorismo, etc, ELLOS ME QUIEREN ASESINAR, ATROPELLAR, SUICIDAR, ENVENENAR ABDUCIR Y SI ME QUIEREN VIOLAR, MI CASTIDAD SE LOS IMPIDE COMO ME HIZO ENTENDER EL ESPIRITU SANTO, TODO ESO SE LOS IMPIDE LA LUZ DE YAHVE, SERAN CUBIERTOS CON PODER VENIDO DE LO ALTO, GLORIA A DIOS, "YO TE LIBRARE Y TU ME DARAS GLRIA!!!!" ELLOS TAMBIEN ME QUEREN DEPRIMIRME ME INYECTAN DEPRE Y POR EL PODERIO DE JESUS NI CON UN PELO ME TOCAN , ALELUYA" SOLO CUANDO COMETO ERRORES, ELLOS TAN INFANTILMENTE MALOS LE ORDENARON A TODO EL MUNDO QUE NO ME SALUDE Y MUCHOS INCLUSO CRISTIANOS NO ME SALUDAN MAS, PERO SALTO EN UNA PATA DE FELIZ!!!! TODO EL DIA ME DICEN EN MI CABEZA ESTAS COSAS COMO AHORA MISMO TE VAMSO HAER ESTO O AQUELLO Y ahora como si tuviera alzhéimer, me dicen "éramos nosotros los que te haciamos hacer esas cosas contra la oscuridad estamos en las dos puntas" y todo para que desita y pierda mi fe, pero que estupidos! que sideral su estupides, hace meses que estan con esta empresa, yo no se esta todo el universo viendo que hacen y son dos estupidos, pero quien los puso ahi!!? eso es lo mas serio! porque hacen semenajente papelon!!!!! pero y los 2 millones de pruebas y casos que los vi llorisquear por mi accionar, y mas imagen que recivi de las repercusiones en carceles etericas donde estan las almas succionadas ,,, , eso no era sicologia inversa, y mi contacto 24 horas con Jesús? y mi inversomil intocabilidad de 19 años , cuando todo el mundo esta con su walkin adentro yo sigo limpio vivo y feliz para GLORIA DE DISO Y JESUS LO DIGO, MI EGO ES = A 0, ADEMAS AHORA PARA AGOTARME ME QUERIAN HACER CREER QUE AL FINAL LA COSA SE IBA A PONER MAS Y MAS PESADA, QUE ES NATURAL, PERO PORQUE??? "SI NO NOS ENCORBAMOS NO SE NOS VAN A SUBIR ARRIBA" DICE UNA FRASE GENIAL... ADEMAS JESUS DIJO MI CARGA NO ES PESADA Y ES LLEVADERA Y DOY FE, VIViR EN LA CALLE CON JESUS HACIENDO La VOLUNTAD DE DIOS ES LEVADERO, VIVO FELIZ!!! ES LA ETAPA MAS FELIZ DE MI VIDA, SE LO QUE ESTOY HACIENDO, NO TENGO DELIRIO MESIANICO, SOY LA ANTITESIS DE ESO, LA MAESTRIA CONSITE EN SABER CUANDO UN DEMONIO TE KIERE PONER LA PATA ENCIMA Y CUANDO DEBES RAZONAR A NIVEL DIOS, FALLAR ES FATAL PERO JESUS ME GUIA PASO A PASO ES UN GENIO CON TODAS LAS LETRAS, PERO LAS USURPACIOENS SON CANSADORAS, ADEMAS QUE EL VERDADERO ME DIJO QUE SIEMRPE SERIA EL MISMO RITMO AHORA ME QUIEREN VOLVER LOCO Y EL ESPIRITU SANTO EN MI LES PARO EL CARRO Y MI HERMANO SE COMIO TERRIBLE PALIZA DE JESUS POR SUS EXCESOS , NUNCA VI UNA COSA ASI TAN EXTENSA JESUS ESTABA REALEMTE ENOJADO CON EL, TAN ORGULLOSO Y SOBERVIO DE SU ESTUDO PLAN QUE SE CAE POR TODAOS LADOS, SI SE LOS CONFIRMOS ALLA ARRIBA ES PIÑAS VAN PIÑAS VIENE COMO MARVEL, ES ASI, TODO UN TEMA, ESA PALIZA FUE POR TENER PLANES TAN MALOS LUEGO SE DEVIO COMER LOS INSULTOS DE SUS JEFES. VIERON LA PENULTIMA ESENA DE MISTERISOA OBSECION CON EL GRIS DICIENDO: SOLO NESESITO MAS TIEMP.............Y LO ABDUCEN CON TODA IRA!! QUE MAS TIEMPO? QUE MAS TIEMPO MAS TIEMPO PARA CHAMUYAR A TUS JEFES. Y DEMSOTRAR LO INSONDABLE QUE ES TU NECEDAD, ELOS HACEN UNA PROEZA SE DICEN MENTIRAS Y SE LA CREER. PARA ANESTECIARSE, VEN GENTE , YAHVE NO ES EL DEMIRGO MALO QUE NOS COME EL ES FUENTE DE ENERGIA NI ES SADICO EL QUIERE OBEDIENSIA PERO NO DOLOR LO SE PORQUE EL ME ANESTECIA DE LOS DARDOS DE SATANESO ESO PURA BONDAD. o nos reconciliamos ahora con Yahvé o el Nom agenda 2030 DE SUS ASERRIMSO ENEMIGOS LOS DIOSES PAGANSO JEFES DE LOS ILUMAINTIS nos barren, y destruyen todo el hermoso programa que Dios tiene para nosotros que solo se realizara en el mejor mundo de todo el multiverso trabajemos dando el 100% para que sea este, el aborto, lo lgtbi, lo uteros externos, tras loquesea, trasgreden y destruyen todo el mecanismo interno genial que pose la obra de Dios, por eso fomentan todo lo que sea no reproducción, que sospechoso.. nadie Escapa del tecHo eterno YAHVE VERSUS DIOSES PAGANOS... LOS JEFES DE LOS TRAIDORES DE LOS ILUMAINTIS, SUS PLANES eS una forma de asesinARNOS lentamente y no tan lentamente con la muerte subita De esas vacunAs obligatoria experimENtales y mortales, tanta impunidad SON por nuestro pecados. Lea estas frases anti nom que son perfectas: SI NO NOS ENCORVAMSO NO SE NOS VAN A SUBIR ARRIBA, .... EN UNA TORMENTA LOS PAJARITOS SE ESCONDEN PERO LAS AGUILAS VUELAN MAS ALTO... EL FUTURO ESTA OCULTO DETRAS DE LOS HOMBRES QUE LO HACEN... EL FUTURO NO ES UN REGALO ES UNA CONQUISTA... EL HOMBRE FUE HECHO PARA LA LUCHA NO PARA EL DESCANSO.... EL SECRETO DEL EXITO ES MANTENR LA IDEA EN LA MENTE (DE LIBERTAD Y JUSTICIA) ... NO HAY SERVIDUMBRE MAS VERGONSOSA QUE LA VOLUNTARIA... EL HOMBRE MUERE CADA VEZ QUE ANTE LA TIRANIA CALLA, EL PUEBLO QUE PIERDE LA FUERZA DE SACUDIRSE PARA QUITARSE EL YUGO TERMINA POR ALABARLO... ES MEJOR MORIR DE PIE QUE VIVIR DE RODILLAS... EL MERITO DEL HOMBRE ES DOMIANR LAS CIRCUNSTANCIAS LO MAXIMO POSIBLE Y DEJARSE DOMINAR LO MINIMO POSOBLE... DE RAZOANR VIVE EL HOMBRE DE SOÑAR SE SOBREVIVE. SOÑEMOS CON UN MUNDO JUSTO REINADO POR JESUS SIGUIENDO LOS DICTADOS DE YAHVE . OREMOS COMO SI TODO DEPENDIERA DE DIOS Y TRABAJEMOS COMO SI TODO DEPENDIERA DE NOSOTROS. FORMEMOS UN GRUPO, CONOCE MI BLOG ARMASLUMINOSAS. SALUDOS Y BENDICIONES PARA QUIEN LAS QUIERA,
Porque he aquí, viene el día ardiente como un horno, y todos los soberbios y todos los que hacen maldad serán estopa; aquel día que vendrá los abrasará, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, y no les dejará ni raíz ni rama. 2 Mas a vosotros los que teméis mi nombre, nacerá el Sol de justicia, y en sus alas traerá salvación; y saldréis, y saltaréis como becerros de la manada. 3 Hollaréis a los malos, los cuales serán ceniza bajo las plantas de vuestros pies, en el día en que yo actúe, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos.
4 Acordaos de la ley de Moisés mi siervo, al cual encargué en Horeb ordenanzas y leyes para todo Israel.
5 He aquí, yo os envío el profeta Elías, antes que venga el día de Jehová, grande y terrible. 6 Él hará volver el corazón de los padres hacia los hijos, y el corazón de los hijos hacia los padres, no sea que yo venga y hiera la tierra con maldición.
La salvadora irrupcion de Dios en la historia, lea con las luces ensendidas: et go home CRISTOREY ABSOLUTO O SE LLENA DE FE O PERECE BAJO EL NOM: Imaginemos que efectivamente los Hebreos copiaron el Genesis de pueblos mesopotamicos y lo añadieron al inicio, y que en realidad nos crearon los extraterrestres. Pero si es verdad que luego Dios Yahve IRRUMPE (ATENCION CON LA PALABRA) en la historia y crea su pueblo atraves de Abraham y eso si es verdad porque aun hoy estan los judios que son desendiente de uno de sus tataranieto que es Juda. Pero sigamos luego por hambre se van a Egipto donde pasado 430 años son cientos de miles y los esclavisan y los explotan. Pero Dios IRRUMPE y llama a Moises y le dice Yo soy el Dios de Abraham, librare a Mi pueblo". Y asi lo hace van a Israel Y Dios sigue irrumpiendo atraves de cada profeta exortando buena conducta, obediencia pero luego por los pecados y lejania de Dios viene el cautiverio en Babilonia pero luego de 70 años Dios vuelve a Irrumpir nuevamente con Nehemias a quien le da la tarea de Hacer el segundo templo. Y hasta hoy llega el muro de los lamentos resto de segundo templo. Israel pasa finalmente a manos de los romanos y pasan muchos años y Dios irrumpe en la historia por ultima vez pero esta vez atraves de su Hijo, para actualisar todo. Una vez que Jesus murio y resusito (para los creyetes), el vuelve a irrumpir a traves de Pablo pero desde el mas alla. Demostra que todo esta en orden y en pie y llebar su salvacion a los gentuiles. Y ahora 2024, Dios IRRUMPE NUEVAMENTE EN LA HISTORIA ATRAVES DE ESTE SERVIDOR QUE ANTES ME LLAMABA COMO EL APOSTOL DE LOS GENTILES PERO HOY ME HAGO LLAMAR JUAN DE DIOS, PARA DEMSTRAR UNA VEZ MAS QUE TODO ESTA EN ORDEN Y EN PIE. TENGO VARIAS PRUEBAS DE MI VERDAD. Mas alla de mi propio testimonio. 1) MI intocabilidad es absolutamente inverosimil todos los dias predico contra ilumaintis, satanistas, comunistas, lgtbi, aborto, extraterrestres que varias veces han intetnado abducirme o intimidarme y si bien me intimidaron los satanicos luego desaparecieorn y nadie me toca y en uno de los paises mas violento del mundo que para mi esta lleno de gente respetuosa, solidaria, alegre y optimista. Aunque estoy asfixiantemente rodeado de agentes de la matrix pero intimidados por Dios para que me sonrian por hipocresia, como hizo toda mi vida en mi estapa de dormido con mi familiares, amigos y conocidos todo sabian de mi y estaban esperando que caiga. y Jesus me saco ileso de sus garras un trabajo quirurjuco magistral. Otra prueba Cuando empece a predicar segun el mandato de Jesus en la calles y gritaba "los ilumiantis quieren diesmar la poblacion" una voz me pregunto con ira: "y vos como sabes eso?'" le dije "porque lo dicen en las rocas de giorgia" desde entoces lo agregue a mi discurso y a los meses booom! abajo las rocas de giorgia, que se dice fue un auto antentado, obvio logico y natural. Tengo otra prueva de mi verdad, me contacte con el youtuber de CODIGO SECREO DE LA BIBLIA EN ESPAÑOL LE CONTE TODO ESTO Y LE PEDI QUE BUSCARA MI NOMBRE Y MI FECHA DE NACIMIENTO Y EFECTIVAMENTE APARECEN MIS NOMBRES ANTERIOR CON AQUEL APELLIDO ATRAVESADO POR MI FECHA DE NACIMEINTO Y SIGNIFICATIVAMENTE ATRAVESANDO LA TRAVESIAS DE NEHEMIAS, MI HERMANO DEL ALMA, CUANDO ESTA LEVANTANDO EL MURO SEGUN EL MANDATO DIVINO, Y ASI LO RESTAURA TODO. UNA VEZ MAS! YAHVE MI JUSTICIA. GLORIA A DIOS. El que quiere escuchar que escuche todo esta en pie desde el Genesis al Apocalipsis, y Jesus vino por el gran Yahve, la conspiracion madre es la conspiracion contra Yahve, que hasta la Icar esta involucrada pues en el 2009 envio una circular a todas las iglesias del mundo prohibiendo la palabra Yahve "porque no es cristiano" pero eso no fue lo mas patetico sino la pasividad y silencio de 1000 millones de catolicos, verdadero borrego matrix satanicos pues si niegan el nombre de Dios donde caen? sino en la profudna gargata de satan? si ese, es el verdadero objetivo del diablo: borrarnos el verdadero nombre de Dios: YAHVE = YO SOY. Hoy muchos creen que nos come cuando es es al gran fuente de energia y el diablo el gran vampiro todos creen al reves en la era de la desinformacion. Vean Jesus se baso en todo el antiguo testamento, lo reividico de punta a punta y aparecio con Elias y Moises que no eran paganos presisamente. Esta es la era de la desinformacion como dijo Jesus puras trampas y la gente se las traga completamente para tropesar fatalmente al infienro. Si Jesus no hubiera venido por Yahve hubiera sido un mentiroso y la oscuridad no se lo hubiera perdonado, hoy nadie saca ninguna conjetura lo tragan todo sin desirnir nada. Entoces nos crearon los ET? porque se me parecieron un par de veces naves como intimidando pero no me tocan una vez una piramidal gigante detras de una nuve y otra en una noche se ilumino una nuve y dentro se vio una estructural nave no tan aerodinamica, Una vez Jesus me confirmo que si existen abduciones y que el me cuida y en bogota me pasaba que yasiendo pegaba un terrible patadon a 90 grados y luego nada, me parece que eso fueron intetos fallidos. Como en turbo donde habian puesto en toda la playa en el agua un aceite verde igual al del cgi del cine para hacer un efecto de olas adorando como vi en un sueño donde era raptado pero caudno estaba por ocurrir el chico con el que hablaba se rio de la nada mucho tiempo despues compredi que eso le hecho todo a perder y fue ahi cuadno mis angeles me recontra contraconfirmaron que el rapto es una trampa luego descubri todo sobre el bule beam . Y como Dios hizo que fracasaran me lo podian revelar, a ustedes El se lo dice libremente pero quien escuchara? No tendran escusas el dia del juicio. como tampoco tendran escusas por despues de esta revelacion seguir creyendo todas las insoportables mentiras que dice hoy: Que Yahve es el demirgo, anunaki, reptil, Enlil, Anu, o una mentira. O que Jesus es un Et y lucifer el portador de la luz. Si este Dios tan poderoso impide mi abducion y me otorga esta inverosimil intocabilidad cuando todos me quieren comer crudo y me lo viven diciendo mucho en mi cabeza y algo por la calle, creo que la cosa es por lado mas compleja y por otro mas simple. La biblia no es ni literla ni figurativa, es otra cosa, es la verdad. Porque la verdad es Dios. Y la fe en el nombre de Jesus es una vibracion salvadora, como digo en mi ultimo cuento. SI TENEMOS FE, LEY UNO DEL JUEGO, PUETEAMOS LOS ET QUE NOS QUIEREN ESCLAVISAR CON DULCES MENTIRAS... Y LA TIERRA VUELVE A SER NUESTRA PORQUE LO DICE ESTE PODEROSO DIOS EN GENESIS 1.28 Y 9:7 POR ENDE LLENESE DE FE Y SALVECE Y CONJTAMENTE AYUDARA A JESUS A SALVAR TODA LA HUMANDIAD. Y ese es el objetivo de este cuento-ningun cuento, porque hoy la fe en el pueblo es fudamental siendo el cuerpo humano el verdadero receptaculo del Espiritu de Dios, haciendo a cada creyete una lampara encedida, cada ateo una lampara apagada si la oscuridad es mayor que que la luz los ET con su Nom barreran la humanidad de la faz de la tierra. Pues lo desean hacer para mofarse indirectamente de Dios. Lo lograran si somos paganos pecadores pero si nos rectificamento Dios y Jesus nos defenderan del NOM y le podran obstaculo. Pero basta ya de aborto, de lgtbi, de satanismo abierto, de bebes abortado embalsamados, de baphomet en parques y de drugquens en los colegios por la nefsata ideologia de genero . Ademas de renovar mi fe con este texto lo invito a conformar al grupo que Jesus me orden hacer llamdo UNA NUEVA JUVENTUD SI ESTA INTERESADO PONGASE EN CONTACTO PERO DEBERA INSITIR PORQUE LA MATRIX ME RODEA INTENSAMENTE PERO NADA ES IMPOSIBLE PARA DIOS. DIOS YAHVE LOS BENDIGA Y CRISTOREY UNIVERSAL Y MULTIDIMENSIONAL SIENDO QUE DIOS ES AMOR Y EL AMOR LA BASE DE TODO Y TODO ESTA CONETACTO CON NUESTRO INTERIOR . Y EL DIJO "EL QUE ME ESCUCHE IREMOS CON MI PADRE Y HAREMOS MORADA EN EL" POR LO TANTO JESUS ES EL REY ABSOLUTO DE TODA LA CREASION. GLORIA A DIOS. ESTAMOS EN CONTACTO. ALABADO SEA DIOS YAHVE EN EL CIELO Y JESUS REY EN LA TIERRA.
3 He aquí, yo envío mi mensajero, el cual preparará el camino delante de mí; y vendrá súbitamente a su templo el Señor a quien vosotros buscáis, y el ángel del pacto, a quien deseáis vosotros. He aquí viene, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos. 2 ¿Y quién podrá soportar el tiempo de su venida? ¿o quién podrá estar en pie cuando él se manifieste? Porque él es como fuego purificador, y como jabón de lavadores. 3 Y se sentará para afinar y limpiar la plata; porque limpiará a los hijos de Leví, los afinará como a oro y como a plata, y traerán a Jehová ofrenda en justicia. 4 Y será grata a Jehová la ofrenda de Judá y de Jerusalén, como en los días pasados, y como en los años antiguos.
5 Y vendré a vosotros para juicio; y seré pronto testigo contra los hechiceros y adúlteros, contra los que juran mentira, y los que defraudan en su salario al jornalero, a la viuda y al huérfano, y los que hacen injusticia al extranjero, no teniendo temor de mí, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.

El pago de los diezmos

6 Porque yo Jehová no cambio; por esto, hijos de Jacob, no habéis sido consumidos. 7 Desde los días de vuestros padres os habéis apartado de mis leyes, y no las guardasteis. Volveos a mí, y yo me volveré a vosotros, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos. Mas dijisteis: ¿En qué hemos de volvernos? 8 ¿Robará el hombre a Dios? Pues vosotros me habéis robado. Y dijisteis: ¿En qué te hemos robado? En vuestros diezmos y ofrendas. 9 Malditos sois con maldición, porque vosotros, la nación toda, me habéis robado. 10 Traed todos los diezmos al alfolí y haya alimento en mi casa; y probadme ahora en esto, dice Jehová de los ejércitos, si no os abriré las ventanas de los cielos, y derramaré sobre vosotros bendición hasta que sobreabunde. 11 Reprenderé también por vosotros al devorador, y no os destruirá el fruto de la tierra, ni vuestra vid en el campo será estéril, dice Jehová de los ejércitos. 12 Y todas las naciones os dirán bienaventurados; porque seréis tierra deseable, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.

Diferencia entre el justo y el malo

13 Vuestras palabras contra mí han sido violentas, dice Jehová. Y dijisteis: ¿Qué hemos hablado contra ti? 14 Habéis dicho: Por demás es servir a Dios. ¿Qué aprovecha que guardemos su ley, y que andemos afligidos en presencia de Jehová de los ejércitos? 15 Decimos, pues, ahora: Bienaventurados son los soberbios, y los que hacen impiedad no solo son prosperados, sino que tentaron a Dios y escaparon.
16 Entonces los que temían a Jehová hablaron cada uno a su compañero; y Jehová escuchó y oyó, y fue escrito libro de memoria delante de él para los que temen a Jehová, y para los que piensan en su nombre. 17 Y serán para mí especial tesoro, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, en el día en que yo actúe; y los perdonaré, como el hombre que perdona a su hijo que le sirve. 18 Entonces os volveréis, y discerniréis la diferencia entre el justo y el malo, entre el que sirve a Dios y el que no le sirve.
HOLY FEAR AND OBEDIENCE TO THE TRUE GOD IS ONE THING, WHICH IS TO BEAT THE DEVIL IN ALL, AND ANOTHER THING IS FOR AN ARCHON to take advantage of your superstitious submission to energetically fleece you and earn it for your inconsistencies. This server left the system in 2005 and I live 100% for God, only in this way could I survive the usurpation that the planet is suffering (I AM THE AUTHENTIC OWNER OF THIS BODY) and the illuminatiis, satanists. aliens, demons, etc. From the beginning, to make me fall, they wanted to make me believe in a very stupid way: "you are in a trap, it is just a scam between those of light and those of darkness, God is the devil, Jesus is the antichrist, he only they suck the energy that you send them with your devotion", now they want me to believe the same but much more intelligently and more orchestrated, because on the one hand the matrix made a graffiti artist make beautiful blue graffiti, my favorite color of a trap of a bear with a very special bait... IT WAS A CROSS... THEN SWARUU and others talk about those taken by archons and make him believe they are special and promise him great things and they are only sucking his vital energy, if it happens worse when one is incoherent, if one is complete it is because God is with him. The clones of the matrix of my brothers sea and val... as if I had no memory, nor a great obedience to God who has guided me step by step since 2005, these turnips wanted to make me believe by superimposing Jesus that they have actually since 19 years ago, they are the ones that make me do my Christian activism, which means missiles of light against everything that is evil: New world order, satanism, witchcraft, aliens, badcrim, terrorism, etc., but now as if I had Alzheimer's, they tell me "it was us" and everything to make me lose my faith, but how stupid! How stupid their stupidity is, they have been with this company for months, I don't know the whole universe is watching what they do and they are two stupid people, but who put them there!!? That's what I love seriously! because they make such a big deal!!!!! But what about the 2 million tests and cases that I saw them cry about my actions, and more images that I received of the repercussions in etheric prisons where souls are sucked away, that was not reverse psychology, and my 24-hour contact with Jesus ? and my inversomil untouchability of 19 years, when everyone is with their walkin inside I am still clean, alive and happy for GLORY OF DISO AND JESUS I SAY IT, MY EGO IS = 0, ALSO NOW TO EXHAUSTE ME THEY WANTED ME TO BELIEVE THAT IN THE END THINGS WERE GOING TO GET HEAVIER AND HEAVIER, WHICH IS NATURAL, BUT WHY??? "IF WE DON'T BOW UP THEY ARE NOT GOING TO CLIMB US UP" HE SAYS A GREAT PHRASE... PLUS JESUS SAID MY BURDEN IS NOT HEAVY AND IT IS BEARABLE AND I TRUST, LIVING ON THE STREET WITH JESUS DOING THE WILL OF GOD IS BEARABLE, I LIVE HAPPY I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING, I DON'T HAVE MESSIANIC DELIRIUM, I AM THE ANTITHESIS OF THAT, MASTERY CONSISTS OF KNOWING WHEN A DEMON WANTS TO PUT YOUR PAW ON YOU AND WHEN YOU MUST REASON AT THE LEVEL OF GOD, FAILING IS FATAL BUT JESUS GUIDES ME STEP BY PASO IS A GENIUS WITH ALL THE LETTERS, BUT THE USURPACIOENS ARE TIRING, ALSO THE REAL ONE TOLD ME THAT IT WOULD ALWAYS BE THE SAME RHYTHM NOW THEY WANT TO DRIVE ME CRAZY AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IN ME STOPPED THE CAR AND MY BROTHER ATE A TERRIBLE BEATING OF JESUS FOR HIS EXCESSES, I NEVER SAW SOMETHING LIKE THIS SO EXTENSIVE JESUS WAS REALLY ANGRY WITH HIM, SO PROUD AND PROUD OF HIS STUDY PLAN THAT IT'S FALLING EVERYWHERE, IF WE CONFIRM THEM UP THERE IT'S PINEAPPLE GOING PINEAPPLE COMING LIKE MARVEL, IT'S LIKE THIS , A WHOLE ISSUE, THAT BEATING WAS FOR HAVING SUCH BAD PLANS THEN HE HAD TO EAT THE INSULTS OF HIS BOSSES. THEY SAW THE PENULTIMATE SCENES OF MISTERISOA OBSESSION WITH THE GRAY SAYING: I JUST NEED MORE TIME..........AND THEY ABDUCED HIM WITH ALL ANGER!! WHAT LONGER? WHAT MORE TIME, MORE TIME TO CHAMUYATE YOUR BOSSES. AND SHOW HOW UNFATHABLE YOUR FOOLISHNESS IS, THEY DO A FEAT BY TELLING LIES AND BELIEVING THEM. TO ANESTHETIZE YOURSELF, COME PEOPLE, YAHWEH IS NOT THE EVIL DEMIRGUS THAT EATS US HE IS A SOURCE OF ENERGY NOR IS HE SADIST HE WANTS OBEDIENSY BUT NOT PAIN I KNOW BECAUSE HE ANESTHETICS ME FROM SATAN'S DARTS THAT IS PURE GOODNESS. or we reconcile now with Yahweh or the Nom agenda 2030 OF THEIR ENEMIES THE PAGANSE GODS HEADS OF THE ILUMAINTIS sweep us away, and destroy all the beautiful program that God has for us that will only be enhanced in the best world in the entire multiverse let us work giving 100% so that it is this, the abortion, the lgtbi, the external uterus, after whatever, they transgress and destroy the entire internal genius mechanism that the work of God possesses, that is why they promote everything that is non-reproduction, how suspicious.. IT IS A WAY OF KILLING US SLOWLY AND NOT SO SLOWLY WITH SUDDEN DEATH OF THOSE EXPERIMENTAL AND DEADLY MANDATORY VACCINES, SO MUCH impunity ARE for our sins. Read these anti nom phrases that are perfect: IF WE DON'T BEND, THEY ARE NOT GOING TO CLIMB UP ON US,.... IN A STORM THE LITTLE BIRDS HIDE BUT THE EAGLES FLY HIGHER... THE FUTURE IS HIDDEN BEHIND THE MEN WHO DO IT... THE FUTURE IS NOT A GIFT IS A CONQUEST... MAN WAS MADE FOR FIGHT NOT FOR REST.... THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IS KEEPING THE IDEA IN THE MIND (OF FREEDOM AND JUSTICE)... THERE IS NO SERVITUDE MORE SHAMEFUL THAN THE VOLUNTARY... MAN DIES EVERY TIME HE IS SILENT IN THE FACE OF TYRANNY, THE PEOPLE WHO LOSE THE STRENGTH TO SHAKE OFF THE YOKE END UP BY PRAISING HIM... IT IS BETTER TO DIE STANDING THAN TO LIVE ON THEIR KNEES... THE MERIT OF MAN IS DOMINATE THE CIRCUMSTANCES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE AND LET YOURSELF DOMINATE THE MINIMUM POSSIBLE... BY RAZOANR A MAN LIVES BY DREAMING HE SURVIVES. LET US DREAM OF A JUST WORLD RULED BY JESUS FOLLOWING THE DICTATIONS OF YAHVE. LET US PRAY AS IF EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON GOD AND LET US WORK AS IF EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON US. LET'S FORM A GROUP, GET TO KNOW MY ARMASLUMINOSAS BLOG. GREETINGS AND BLESSINGS TO WHOM WHO WANTS THEM, PRAISE BE GOD IN HEAVEN AND UNVIERSAL JESUS CHRIST ON EARTH.
submitted by Aggressive-Put-9549 to u/Aggressive-Put-9549 [link] [comments]

2024.01.19 18:12 ALaksjd For those interested: my scores on the SB5, RAIT, and several online tests

Hey everyone, I've been around this subreddit for the past few years, since it had about 1-2k members I think (on a different account). So here are the results of my RAIT and Stanford-Binet 5 test (both of which were taken through discord), along with the tests I've taken online:

GK: 82, NVA: 68, SEQ: 78, QK: 74, QR: 76, OWO: 68, WO: 72
Crystallized Index (CII): 140, Fluid Index (FII): 135, Total Index (TII): 143, Quant. Index (QII): 143, Total Battery Index (TBII): 144

NVFR: 13, VFR: 14, NVQR: 19, VQR: 16, NVKN: 13, VKN: 18, VVS: 15
Fluid Reasoning (FR): 121, Quantitative Reasoning (QR): 141, Knowledge (KN): 131, Abbreviated IQ: 131, Gifted Composite: 135
Note: For the SB5, I couldn't take 2 of the tests, so I didn't get an FSIQ.

List of a few online tests:
Old SAT: 1410 (680 V, 730 M)
Old GRE: 2170 (don't remember the individual scores)
JCTI: 133 +- 5
BRGHT (50 questions, first attempt): 135
CAIT (first edition): 139-142 (don't remember exactly)
RAPM: 33/36
ICAR-60: 57/60
WNV: 41/41
Mensa Norway: 142
Mensa Denmark: 138

Let me know if you have any questions!

submitted by ALaksjd to cognitiveTesting [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 06:46 brismalls Cheap wearable pumps

Has anyone used the cheap completely wearable breast pumps? I'm talking like the super cheap ones, not just the "more affordable" ones. I already have a nice expensive pump, and just want a wearable one for convenience so don't want to spend a lot. I've been looking at something like the pic, just wondering if anyone has had any luck with ones this cheap or if they're just junk. (Specific links or brands welcome if you have tried!)
submitted by brismalls to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.01.13 04:45 CP4-Throwaway The 00s/10s transitions for the Big 3 Kids Networks - Part II: Nickelodeon

The 00s/10s transitions for the Big 3 Kids Networks - Part II: Nickelodeon
This will be a continuation of this 3-part series that I started with Disney Channel. This time, I'm doing Nickelodeon.


Main 00s/10s Transition: roughly September 2009 - February 2013 (give or take)
Earliest sign of 10s influence: The Adventure Time short film airs on Nickelodeon (January 11, 2007)
First noticeable sign of 10s influence: Poof is born on the Fairly OddParents episode "Fairly Odd Baby" (February 18, 2008)
Last noticeable sign of 00s influence: The cancellation of Sam & Cat (July 17, 2014)
Latest sign of 00s influence: Degrassi: The Next Generation series finale on TeenNick (August 2, 2015)

September 28, 2009: The Nickelodeon rebrand
We all know about this. Late 2009 was a legit shift in programming for Nickelodeon. I know this seems to be a little late to start the transition for Nick but Late 2008-Mid 2009 still felt firmly 2000s to me despite the overall bleak feel of the network. Maybe that's because the splat logo played a huge part in the overall atmosphere of the network and the rebrand/logo change was the first real change that signaled a new decade being upon us.
Regardless, this was definitely when we were starting to transition into the '10s. Hell, I think this exact moment was when we were already starting to lean towards the '10s for Nick, so this whole transition would essentially be the first stage of '10s Nickelodeon.

November 6, 2009: Fanboy & Chum Chum officially premieres on Nickelodeon with the episode "Wizboy"
Fanboy & Chum Chum became the first official show to debut under the new rebrand in the fall of 2009 with the episode "Wizboy". Apparently, this episode pilot was actually originally aired on August 14, but since that was before the rebrand, I just decided to list this instead. They also had a sneak peak episode "Dollar Day" on October 12.
This was really a dark time for Nicktoons. Not only did you have Spongebob Squarepants start to have really consistently bad episodes but many cartoons during this time were just piss-poor. Fanboy & Chum Chum was no exception to this. It didn't seem bad at the time since I was literally a child who didn't know any better, but looking back at it, it was honestly a horrible show with disgusting humor that I don't plan on watching again. I haven't seen it in over a decade.

November 28, 2009: Big Time Rush airs its pilot episode "Big Time Audition"
Big Time Rush was basically the first official live-action show to debut on Nickelodeon, post-rebrand (I say "live-action" since Fanboy & Chum Chum debuted before it but that was a cartoon). This show represented the dawn of a new era. We all know of the story of BTR so I don't need to bore you with the details. Although, fun fact: there was an unaired pilot from like August 2009 where there was a different dude that was the leader of the group before Kendall Schmidt replaced him (for BTR fans, it was the Curt Hansen, who played Dak Zevon, the bad boy teen heartthrob).
The show would officially premiere on January 18, 2010.

March 27, 2010: The 2010 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards
Once again, not much to note here, but this was a star-studded KCA with Kevin James as the host. You pretty much had all the big name pop stars of the Electropop Era show up as well as all of the child actors from our favorite kids shows of the late '00s be nominated for and/or win a KCA blimp. I just wanted to talk about it simply because what came after was none other than.....

March 27, 2010: Victorious premieres on Nickelodeon with the pilot episode "Victorious"
This was a continuation of the Dan Schneider projects on Nickelodeon with Victoria Justice (who was previously Lola Martinez on Zoey 101) starring in this new show. This show would define the 00s/10s transitional period of Nickelodeon the most. It also represented a shift for Dan Schneider's other show iCarly as he would have to spend time being more devoted to this new show than with his already successful hit, and you start to see the overall change in direction of iCarly with season 3 (or season 4, depending on how the show is broken up), which I'll mention very soon.

June 4, 2010: iCarly's episode "iPsycho" airs on Nickelodeon
After three years of having Nevel Papperman as an archnemesis, the iCarly gang gain a new enemy in the form of a crazed superfan by the name of Nora Dershlit, who traps them in her basement. Gibby ends up saving the crew by fighting Nora, who ends up getting her ass kicked by Sam. This was the start of Gibby becoming more involved in the show.

July 30, 2010: iCarly premieres new season with the episode "iGot A Hot Room"
This was the episode where Spencer tried to surprise Carly with a gummy bear lamp but disaster strikes as that lamp would end up burning Carly's entire room. Fortunately, thanks to the fact that a watch the Shays inherited from their great-grandmother was destroyed in the fire, Spencer gets an $82,000 reimbursement check and decides to use all of it to rebuild Carly's room, without telling Carly, claiming he only got a measly $500.
This season marked the shift away from mainly focusing on the iCarly web show like they did in the first three seasons (or two if you count seasons 2-3 as one big season) and start to focus more deeply in the lives of the characters. This was also when they introduced Noah Munck's character Gibby as a main character in the intro and incorporated him more into the show, compared to just being a recurring character. He would also stop running around shirtless and saying "Gibbehhh". Not only that, but the gap between this season and the last was noticeably big as Miranda Cosgrove, Jeanette McCurdy, and Nathan Kress look noticeably mature and more grown-up in this new season.

September 18, 2010: Fred: The Movie premieres on Nickelodeon
Lucas Cruikshank's YouTube persona 'Fred' makes it to kids television on Nickelodeon with his own film. It was largely a watered down version of the YouTube version of the Fred character but the movie was still decent.

June 11, 2011: iCarly's "iParty with Victorious" crossover episode premieres on Nickelodeon
iParty with Victorious is one of the most beloved specials of iCarly and Victorious as it was a crossover of two of Dan Schneider's current shows meeting in the same universe. It was a very nice episode with a cool plot. This would mark the end of iCarly's fourth season.

July 1, 2011: Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures premieres on Nickelodeon with the episode "Epic Election"
I wonder if any of you early '10s kids remember Bucket & Skinner. There's not much else to say other than the fact that I forgot this show even existed. It would air on Nickelodeon until June 9, 2012 (less than a year) and then air the remaining episodes on TeenNick from December 22, 2012 to May 1, 2013.

August 13, 2011: iCarly premieres its fifth (or fourth) season with the episode "iLost My Mind"
Sam and Freddie (a.k.a. Seddie) started dating in the previous season and their relationship would continue in the fifth season. This was around the time that the series noticeably declined in quality to many fans of the show, especially with Seddie's toxic relationship took over most of the season and it wouldn't get decent until around the end.

August 20, 2011: Jackson VP comes to an end with the episode "Mystery in Peru"
True Jackson, VP is another show on Nickelodeon that comes to an end during the summer of 2011. This show defined the late 2000s era of Nickelodeon and would not last too long in this new era.

November 23, 2011: The Fairly OddParents episode "Timmy's Secret Wish!" airs on Nickelodeon
Timmy Turner makes his millionth wish, which all of Fairy World has gathered to celebrate, but after reviewing his wishes, the Fairy Council finds that Timmy should be put on trial for being the "worst godchild ever." Wanda, Cosmo, and Poof try to prove that Timmy is not, until the truth comes out that Timmy has made a secret wish that no one can know about, not even his godfamily.
I believe this episode marked another shift for the cartoon in a similar way that a "Channel Chasers" or a "Wishology" did.

January 16, 2012: Fred: The Show airs as a special preview on Nickelodeon with the episode "Love Potion"
Not much to say here. The show would officially premiere on February 5 and would get cancelled on August 3. 2012 was basically the death of the Fred craze and this show proves it right here.

February 4, 2012: How To Rock premieres on Nickelodeon with the episode "How To Rock Braces and Glasses"
This show starred Master P's daughter Cymphonique Miller and was just another typical show of this era about a teenager (preferably female) who was musically gifted and was either some of sort teen pop sensation or was very popular in school and had a close friend group with a passion for music or something related to the arts. A lot of kids shows were like that in the early 2010s. It didn't really have much of a unique characteristic that set it apart from similar shows of that time. That's probably why it got cancelled after one season on December 8, 2012, which was coincidentally around the time that the teen pop phase for the kids networks was quickly dying out (interestingly enough, this was exactly when teen pop had made a comeback in popular music).

February 11, 2012: The Victorious episode "The Worst Couple" airs on Nickelodeon
I would consider this to be somewhat of a turning point in Victorious as Beck & Jade being a couple played a major role in the dynamic of the friendships on the show. Them being split kinda felt weird, but nonetheless, it was a very special episode.

March 10, 2012: Big Time Movie premieres on Nickelodeon
Due to Big Time Rush's success being so big throughout 2010 and 2011, they finally got their own movie, which aired in early 2012. This was arguably the peak of the Big Time Rush project as well as Nickelodeon teen pop that dominated the channel in the very early 2010s.

May 19, 2012: The Victorious episode "Tori Goes Platinum" airs on Nickelodeon
This episode marked an even bigger turning point for Victorious. In fact, this episode felt like the proper series finale for the show compared to what we actually got as you have Jade and Tori having a heart-to-heart after the jealousy and animosity to gain the spot in the Platinum Awards died down, Beck advancing on Tori, and Tori making her professional debut at the Platinum Awards. It really felt like the end. What's weird is that it wasn't even the season finale, let alone the series finale, as there would be two more episodes left of the show. It definitely didn't feel the same after this episode.

November 23, 2012: iCarly ends with the series finale "iGoodbye"
Carly ends up moving with her military father to Italy, marking the end of the iCarly webshow and no longer being around her brother Spencer and her friends Sam, Freddie, and Gibby. Freddie and Carly end up having a goodbye kiss (which would be a precursor to the Paramount+ reboot series) after years of Freddie obsessing over Carly.
This was the end of a show that has influenced millions of kids worldwide and defined the late '00s era of Nickelodeon. This was very much a "last hurrah" moment for 2000s Nickelodeon.

February 2, 2013: Victorious is cancelled with the final episode "Victori-Yes"
Victorious officially ends with this weird episode. The show sadly did not have a legit ending but they at least gave us a setup to Sam & Cat in the last few episodes with Cat mentioning her 'Nona' and that she would move with her in Venice. But other than that and Trina securing a spot in a telenova, the fans of the show really didn't get any closure.
This was pretty much the final nail in the coffin for 2000s Nickelodeon in my opinion. I know that Planet Sheen (a spinoff to an '00s show) would end a few weeks later, but it doesn't matter since nobody cared for that show anyway. This was the end of the 2000s Dan Schneider era that dominated the network during the mid 2000s-early 2010s.
Also, even though Big Time Rush would have one more season in mid-2013 before also ending in the summer (which didn't even feel the same, btw), it's way too late to draw the transition into that period because I specifically remember Summer 2013 feeling like a completely new era (which truly sucked tbh, and was a lot kiddier than the era that I grew up with that actually catered somewhat to teens) with new shows like Sanjay & Craig, the Rabbids video game having its own show, the Haunted Hathaways, Sam & Cat (which was the last remnant of the Dan Schneider era, but it had a totally different vibe from those and fit the new era of Nickelodeon more), and eventually The Thundermans and Henry Danger. We were safely in the '10s by then. My childhood was truly over by then. All my childhood shows were gone in an instant.
Nickelodeon really went downhill by 2013 and not long after, kids would quickly ditch cable in favor of social media, beginning the era that we are currently in, with the vast majority of kids finding solace in internet personalities rather than with television personalities.

Honorable mentions:
  • The Troop premieres on Nickelodeon (September 12, 2009); this was technically before the start of the transition but it's close.
  • Spongebob Squarepants airs its "SpongeBob's Truth or Square" episode (November 6, 2009)
  • T.U.F.F. Puppy and Jimmy Neutron spinoff Planet Sheen both premiere on Nickelodeon (October 2, 2010)
  • The Mighty B! moves to Nicktoons (November 6, 2010) and then gets cancelled (June 18, 2011)
  • Supah Ninjas premiere on Nickelodeon (January 17, 2011)
  • Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness premieres (September 19, 2011)
  • Fred 2: Night of the Living Fred premieres on Nickelodeon (October 22, 2011)
  • Back at the Barnyard ends on Nicktoons (November 12, 2011)
  • Victorious airs its season 3 premiere "The Breakfast Bunch" on Nickelodeon (January 28, 2012)
  • The Legend of Korra premieres on Nickelodeon (April 14, 2012)
  • Fred 3: Camp Fred premieres on Nickelodeon (July 28, 2012)
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) premieres on Nickelodeon (September 28, 2012)
  • The iCarly episode "iShock America" premieres on Nickelodeon (October 6, 2012)
  • Marvin Marvin premieres on Nickelodeon (November 24, 2012) and gets cancelled after one season (April 27, 2013)
  • Power Rangers Megaforce premieres on Nickelodeon (February 2, 2013)
  • Planet Sheen comes to an end (February 15, 2013); this was technically after the end of the transition but it's very close.
  • Sparky makes his debut on The Fairly OddParents in the season 9 premiere "Fairly OddPet" (March 23, 2013); this was technically after the end of the transition but it's close.

Let me know your thoughts.
Disney Channel
Cartoon Network
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to generationology [link] [comments]

2024.01.12 19:09 CP4-Throwaway The 00s/10s transitions for the Big 3 Kids Networks - Part II: Nickelodeon

This will be a continuation of this 3-part series that I started with Disney Channel. This time, I'm doing Nickelodeon.


Main 00s/10s Transition: roughly September 2009 - February 2013 (give or take)
Earliest sign of 10s influence: The Adventure Time short film airs on Nickelodeon (January 11, 2007)
First noticeable sign of 10s influence: Poof is born on the Fairly OddParents episode "Fairly Odd Baby" (February 18, 2008)
Last noticeable sign of 00s influence: The cancellation of Sam & Cat (July 17, 2014)
Latest sign of 00s influence: Degrassi: The Next Generation series finale on TeenNick (August 2, 2015)

September 28, 2009: The Nickelodeon rebrand
We all know about this. Late 2009 was a legit shift in programming for Nickelodeon. I know this seems to be a little late to start the transition for Nick but Late 2008-Mid 2009 still felt firmly 2000s to me despite the overall bleak feel of the network. Maybe that's because the splat logo played a huge part in the overall atmosphere of the network and the rebrand/logo change was the first real change that signaled a new decade being upon us.
Regardless, this was definitely when we were starting to transition into the '10s. Hell, I think this exact moment was when we were already starting to lean towards the '10s for Nick, so this whole transition would essentially be the first stage of '10s Nickelodeon.

November 6, 2009: Fanboy & Chum Chum officially premieres on Nickelodeon with the episode "Wizboy"
Fanboy & Chum Chum became the first official show to debut under the new rebrand in the fall of 2009 with the episode "Wizboy". Apparently, this episode pilot was actually originally aired on August 14, but since that was before the rebrand, I just decided to list this instead. They also had a sneak peak episode "Dollar Day" on October 12.
This was really a dark time for Nicktoons. Not only did you have Spongebob Squarepants start to have really consistently bad episodes but many cartoons during this time were just piss-poor. Fanboy & Chum Chum was no exception to this. It didn't seem bad at the time since I was literally a child who didn't know any better, but looking back at it, it was honestly a horrible show with disgusting humor that I don't plan on watching again. I haven't seen it in over a decade.

November 28, 2009: Big Time Rush airs its pilot episode "Big Time Audition"
Big Time Rush was basically the first official live-action show to debut on Nickelodeon, post-rebrand (I say "live-action" since Fanboy & Chum Chum debuted before it but that was a cartoon). This show represented the dawn of a new era. We all know of the story of BTR so I don't need to bore you with the details. Although, fun fact: there was an unaired pilot from like August 2009 where there was a different dude that was the leader of the group before Kendall Schmidt replaced him (for BTR fans, it was the Curt Hansen, who played Dak Zevon, the bad boy teen heartthrob).
The show would officially premiere on January 18, 2010.

March 27, 2010: The 2010 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards
Once again, not much to note here, but this was a star-studded KCA with Kevin James as the host. You pretty much had all the big name pop stars of the Electropop Era show up as well as all of the child actors from our favorite kids shows of the late '00s be nominated for and/or win a KCA blimp. I just wanted to talk about it simply because what came after was none other than.....

March 27, 2010: Victorious premieres on Nickelodeon with the pilot episode "Victorious"
This was a continuation of the Dan Schneider projects on Nickelodeon with Victoria Justice (who was previously Lola Martinez on Zoey 101) starring in this new show. This show would define the 00s/10s transitional period of Nickelodeon the most. It also represented a shift for Dan Schneider's other show iCarly as he would have to spend time being more devoted to this new show than with his already successful hit, and you start to see the overall change in direction of iCarly with season 3 (or season 4, depending on how the show is broken up), which I'll mention very soon.

June 4, 2010: iCarly's episode "iPsycho" airs on Nickelodeon
After three years of having Nevel Papperman as an archnemesis, the iCarly gang gain a new enemy in the form of a crazed superfan by the name of Nora Dershlit, who traps them in her basement. Gibby ends up saving the crew by fighting Nora, who ends up getting her ass kicked by Sam. This was the start of Gibby becoming more involved in the show.

July 30, 2010: iCarly premieres new season with the episode "iGot A Hot Room"
This was the episode where Spencer tried to surprise Carly with a gummy bear lamp but disaster strikes as that lamp would end up burning Carly's entire room. Fortunately, thanks to the fact that a watch the Shays inherited from their great-grandmother was destroyed in the fire, Spencer gets an $82,000 reimbursement check and decides to use all of it to rebuild Carly's room, without telling Carly, claiming he only got a measly $500.
This season marked the shift away from mainly focusing on the iCarly web show like they did in the first three seasons (or two if you count seasons 2-3 as one big season) and start to focus more deeply in the lives of the characters. This was also when they introduced Noah Munck's character Gibby as a main character in the intro and incorporated him more into the show, compared to just being a recurring character. He would also stop running around shirtless and saying "Gibbehhh". Not only that, but the gap between this season and the last was noticeably big as Miranda Cosgrove, Jeanette McCurdy, and Nathan Kress look noticeably mature and more grown-up in this new season.

September 18, 2010: Fred: The Movie premieres on Nickelodeon
Lucas Cruikshank's YouTube persona 'Fred' makes it to kids television on Nickelodeon with his own film. It was largely a watered down version of the YouTube version of the Fred character but the movie was still decent.

June 11, 2011: iCarly's "iParty with Victorious" crossover episode premieres on Nickelodeon
iParty with Victorious is one of the most beloved specials of iCarly and Victorious as it was a crossover of two of Dan Schneider's current shows meeting in the same universe. It was a very nice episode with a cool plot. This would mark the end of iCarly's fourth season.

July 1, 2011: Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures premieres on Nickelodeon with the episode "Epic Election"
I wonder if any of you early '10s kids remember Bucket & Skinner. There's not much else to say other than the fact that I forgot this show even existed. It would air on Nickelodeon until June 9, 2012 (less than a year) and then air the remaining episodes on TeenNick from December 22, 2012 to May 1, 2013.

August 13, 2011: iCarly premieres its fifth (or fourth) season with the episode "iLost My Mind"
Sam and Freddie (a.k.a. Seddie) started dating in the previous season and their relationship would continue in the fifth season. This was around the time that the series noticeably declined in quality to many fans of the show, especially with Seddie's toxic relationship took over most of the season and it wouldn't get decent until around the end.

August 20, 2011: Jackson VP comes to an end with the episode "Mystery in Peru"
True Jackson, VP is another show on Nickelodeon that comes to an end during the summer of 2011. This show defined the late 2000s era of Nickelodeon and would not last too long in this new era.

November 23, 2011: The Fairly OddParents episode "Timmy's Secret Wish!" airs on Nickelodeon
Timmy Turner makes his millionth wish, which all of Fairy World has gathered to celebrate, but after reviewing his wishes, the Fairy Council finds that Timmy should be put on trial for being the "worst godchild ever." Wanda, Cosmo, and Poof try to prove that Timmy is not, until the truth comes out that Timmy has made a secret wish that no one can know about, not even his godfamily.
I believe this episode marked another shift for the cartoon in a similar way that a "Channel Chasers" or a "Wishology" did.

January 16, 2012: Fred: The Show airs as a special preview on Nickelodeon with the episode "Love Potion"
Not much to say here. The show would officially premiere on February 5 and would get cancelled on August 3. 2012 was basically the death of the Fred craze and this show proves it right here.

February 4, 2012: How To Rock premieres on Nickelodeon with the episode "How To Rock Braces and Glasses"
This show starred Master P's daughter Cymphonique Miller and was just another typical show of this era about a teenager (preferably female) who was musically gifted and was either some of sort teen pop sensation or was very popular in school and had a close friend group with a passion for music or something related to the arts. A lot of kids shows were like that in the early 2010s. It didn't really have much of a unique characteristic that set it apart from similar shows of that time. That's probably why it got cancelled after one season on December 8, 2012, which was coincidentally around the time that the teen pop phase for the kids networks was quickly dying out (interestingly enough, this was exactly when teen pop had made a comeback in popular music).

February 11, 2012: The Victorious episode "The Worst Couple" airs on Nickelodeon
I would consider this to be somewhat of a turning point in Victorious as Beck & Jade being a couple played a major role in the dynamic of the friendships on the show. Them being split kinda felt weird, but nonetheless, it was a very special episode.

March 10, 2012: Big Time Movie premieres on Nickelodeon
Due to Big Time Rush's success being so big throughout 2010 and 2011, they finally got their own movie, which aired in early 2012. This was arguably the peak of the Big Time Rush project as well as Nickelodeon teen pop that dominated the channel in the very early 2010s.

May 19, 2012: The Victorious episode "Tori Goes Platinum" airs on Nickelodeon
This episode marked an even bigger turning point for Victorious. In fact, this episode felt like the proper series finale for the show compared to what we actually got as you have Jade and Tori having a heart-to-heart after the jealousy and animosity to gain the spot in the Platinum Awards died down, Beck advancing on Tori, and Tori making her professional debut at the Platinum Awards. It really felt like the end. What's weird is that it wasn't even the season finale, let alone the series finale, as there would be two more episodes left of the show. It definitely didn't feel the same after this episode.

November 23, 2012: iCarly ends with the series finale "iGoodbye"
Carly ends up moving with her military father to Italy, marking the end of the iCarly webshow and no longer being around her brother Spencer and her friends Sam, Freddie, and Gibby. Freddie and Carly end up having a goodbye kiss (which would be a precursor to the Paramount+ reboot series) after years of Freddie obsessing over Carly.
This was the end of a show that has influenced millions of kids worldwide and defined the late '00s era of Nickelodeon. This was very much a "last hurrah" moment for 2000s Nickelodeon.

February 2, 2013: Victorious is cancelled with the final episode "Victori-Yes"
Victorious officially ends with this weird episode. The show sadly did not have a legit ending but they at least gave us a setup to Sam & Cat in the last few episodes with Cat mentioning her 'Nona' and that she would move with her in Venice. But other than that and Trina securing a spot in a telenova, the fans of the show really didn't get any closure.
This was pretty much the final nail in the coffin for 2000s Nickelodeon in my opinion. I know that Planet Sheen (a spinoff to an '00s show) would end a few weeks later, but it doesn't matter since nobody cared for that show anyway. This was the end of the 2000s Dan Schneider era that dominated the network during the mid 2000s-early 2010s.
Also, even though Big Time Rush would have one more season in mid-2013 before also ending in the summer (which didn't even feel the same, btw), it's way too late to draw the transition into that period because I specifically remember Summer 2013 feeling like a completely new era (which truly sucked tbh, and was a lot kiddier than the era that I grew up with that actually catered somewhat to teens) with new shows like Sanjay & Craig, the Rabbids video game having its own show, the Haunted Hathaways, Sam & Cat (which was the last remnant of the Dan Schneider era, but it had a totally different vibe from those and fit the new era of Nickelodeon more), and eventually The Thundermans and Henry Danger. We were safely in the '10s by then. My childhood was truly over by then. All my childhood shows were gone in an instant.
Nickelodeon really went downhill by 2013 and not long after, kids would quickly ditch cable in favor of social media, beginning the era that we are currently in, with the vast majority of kids finding solace in internet personalities rather than with television personalities.

Honorable mentions:

Let me know your thoughts.
Disney Channel
Cartoon Network
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.01.09 03:22 ChildofObama What do you think Creddie’s wedding would realistically look like?

Question is in the title.
If the revival got a Season 4, I kinda think Carly and Freddie would decide to have it in the iCarly studio, so the in-universe fans can see them walk down the aisle. They already made a big public announcement in 3x04 when they started dating, so why not broadcast the wedding too?
I figure Spencer, Harper, Millicent, Paul, Mrs. Benson, Lewbert, Principal Franklin, Nevel, Prunella, Gwen, Carly’s granddad, and maybe T-Bo would all be in attendance.
Sam and Gibby of course wouldn’t be there, but I could see them both sending the couple quirky wedding gifts, and possibly shown leaving comments on the live stream.
Thoughts? What do you think a wedding episode would be like?
submitted by ChildofObama to icarly [link] [comments]

2024.01.02 05:21 kmm_art_ Just found the Guidance Counselor on TikTok! And YES he’s answering questions about Lotion and working on Victorious on his LIVE.😁

Just found the Guidance Counselor on TikTok! And YES he’s answering questions about Lotion and working on Victorious on his LIVE.😁
submitted by kmm_art_ to victorious [link] [comments]

2024.01.01 13:17 Own_Review_3296 Strange Sephora Ad 😅

Strange Sephora Ad 😅 submitted by Own_Review_3296 to Sephora [link] [comments]

2023.12.27 16:11 Weightcycycle11 Who has this bag ? Reputable seller please.

Who has this bag ? Reputable seller please.
Does anyone know a reputable seller for this bag?
submitted by Weightcycycle11 to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2023.10.28 17:53 epidemicsaints I wanted to like Daphne... Bestie was my fave but...

I thought Daphne was a great character and the totally chill stalker gag was really funny. Also kudos for not making the main character a cartoon villain.
What made me give up was the glasses. How would seeing an image with AR lenses also let you feel them? Totally ruined it for me. This is real technology more or less so you can't get all woo woo on us like that. A picture projected on lenses cannot perform oral sex.
The rug pull ending was cheap too, but I was already over it anyway. Why did they do the "it was just a gag gift" thing? My best rationalization was that Daphne disabled all the other units after choosing him as a favorite. But they should have just made it a mystery entirely.
I wish these were workshopped just a tad more before shooting them. Daphne and Bestie had terrific setups and fantastic characters but both needed a dramaturge, bad.
Can we also discuss Ana Rhexia? The little rhyme she did made me want to break the screen. Let's review:
Life's a drag When yr a f*g So instead Be dead
Really? Who wrote this? I get that there are PLENTY of cringe youtubers but I feel like we were supposed to think Ana was cool and that rhyme was so fucking weak.
Another weakness that happens on TV all the time is "the internet as local phenomenon." Bestie lives far away but she was able to connect with two kids at the same (obviously small) school who both like the same Youtube channel? Like when there's a movie about a blogger and all of her readers live in the same city as her. It makes no sense. Is this iCarly or for grownups?
After all my gripes my final verdict is that Tapeworm was the best one but Bestie was my favorite.

submitted by epidemicsaints to AmericanHorrorStory [link] [comments]

2023.10.10 11:49 Latitu_Dinarian Felix Manalo x Seven Years in America

Felix Manalo x Seven Years in America submitted by Latitu_Dinarian to u/Latitu_Dinarian [link] [comments]

2023.09.25 20:10 Triggered_Ppl_Online Dan Schneider abusing Jennette McCurdy

I feel so incredibly bad for her. She HATED playing Sam, and it’s not hard to see why. Just look at how Sam Puckett was portrayed onscreen and compare it to Jennette McCurdy’s real life. Sam was food obsessed and had an abusive neglectful mom while Jennette in real life had an eating disorder and had an abusive narcissistic mom who was molesting her in the shower at the time of iCarly’s filming. At this point we all know Dan Schneider is an abusive creep. Remember that clip of him where he says of Jennette and Ariana “i can put them in any horrible predicament I choose”? Or when he approaches the iCarly kids with a camera in their faces and takes $100 off Jennette’s check for snickering, knowing her acting career is her family’s main source of income?
I find it quite surprising that Jennette is one of the only ones speaking out about all the mistreatment she endured working for Dan Schneider. She was offered a $300,000 “gift” not to speak about her experiences and turned it down. Perhaps Nickelodeon offered the same deal to some of her costars and they took it? I’m also tempted to believe that Jennette’s accusations against Dan in her book is only the tip of the iceberg- he probably did much worse things to her than we already know about and for whatever reason she can’t legally talk about them or is choosing not to. One theory I have is that Dan somehow found out about Jennette’s ED and made her character the butt of almost all the food jokes as a way to tear her down and manipulate her.
For those who still aren’t fully convinced there’s more to this, I would refer you to the YouTube video of Jennette where she appears to be having a mental breakdown and says “Hey Dan Schneider, I know you’re watching my vine. Look what you’ve done to me.”
submitted by Triggered_Ppl_Online to icarly [link] [comments]

2023.09.04 19:11 ivgjlxqegev verified binance account for sale

Buy Binance Verified Account
Buy Verified Binance Account. What youwill get: e-mail password from Binance / Bittrex / Poloniex; e-mail password from e mail; experiment of files; proxy
When you request, you will get any of the records. On the off risk which you three Accounts, Place 3 requests:
!!! NOTE: while you check in there for the primary time you need to input an SMS code. So be organized to get in touch with me for an SMS code! At that factor, you could alternate that cellphone # to yours or empower 2FA. If you don’t have a clue how to utilize it, don’t get it. On the off hazard which you have an difficulty during the first run-via login and I can’t fix it, You can have the overall discount or substitution of the request upon your solicitation Other than the above circumstance there can be no discounts given.
Help in future Account Unlocking
We no longer simply promoting validated accounts, we PROVIDE SUPPORT in account unlocking if it occurs. If your account is frozen, PM us in telegram and we are able to assist you with additional pix, video, and extra face verification.

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submitted by ivgjlxqegev to u/ivgjlxqegev [link] [comments]

2023.09.04 19:09 ivgjlxqegev buy verified cash app account reddit

Buy Verified Cash App Account
Buy Verified Cash App Account. Cash Appis an app that lets in for direct peer-to-peer price thru your cellular device. Cash App customers can get an elective Visa debit card that allows them to apply funds from their Cash App account or even withdraw cash from an ATM. Buy a Verified Cash App Account. You want to have a operating bank account tied to your Cash App account to transfer money. Buy Verified Cash App Account. Buy fully established cashapp account.
Buy Verified Cash App Account
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submitted by ivgjlxqegev to u/ivgjlxqegev [link] [comments]

2023.09.04 19:00 Distinct-Ruin-8400 Buy Verified Binance Accounts

Get Started Quickly: Buy KYC Verified Binance Account Today!
As a vendor of KYC confirmed Binance debts, I provide a treasured carrier to customers who are looking to get started out with trading cryptocurrencies quick and without difficulty. Binance is a famous platform for getting and promoting cryptocurrencies, but it calls for customers to undergo a Know Your Customer (KYC) verification process to ensure the safety and security of its customers.
By selling KYC confirmed Binance money owed, I am offering my customers with a shortcut to this process, saving them time and effort. Additionally, I offer them with the peace of mind that comes with knowing their account is already validated and relaxed.
In addition to promoting verified bills, I additionally provide all varieties of help to my customers to get their debts demonstrated if they need to undergo the system themselves. This can consist of offering steering on the required documentation and helping with the submission of the vital records.
Furthermore, I provide help all through the whole process, ensuring that my customers can navigate the verification manner conveniently. By supplying this degree of help, I can construct believe and loyalty with my clients, and establish myself as a good supplier inside the cryptocurrency space.
It’s well worth noting that promoting KYC validated debts does come with a few risks. It’s vital to make certain that I am selling accounts tha

#LaborDay Shannon FirstTake #MondayMotivation #RIL #Unions #MondayMorning #StephenASkip #mondaythoughts #FREEFALL #TXxANITTAPRERELEASETRACK #MondayMood #Chrisean #Asperger #taegi #Game043 #vine #VISCOMING #JesusChristisAlive #HAPPYBIRTHDAYWAVE #GoodMonday #TurnthePage #CondredgeHolloway #Godzilla #Meronk #BRICK #Suchwita #Nepal #AlexJones #MondayinSeptember #LudvigAberg #Bomac #MikeEvans #RehobothBeach #SweetCaroline #Erdogan #AllTooWell #TimPool #TheGift #WoodyAllen #SHUTITDOWN #ICare #Blueface #TimCurry #ShayShay #DíadelTrabajo #VirgosGroove #Priscilla #Romania #minghao
submitted by Distinct-Ruin-8400 to u/Distinct-Ruin-8400 [link] [comments]

2023.09.04 18:57 Distinct-Ruin-8400 Buy Verified Cash App Accounts

Buy Verified Cash App Account
Buy Verified Cash App Account. Cash App is an app that lets in for direct peer-to-peer price via your cellular tool. Cash App users can get an non-obligatory Visa debit card that allows them to use price range from their Cash App account or maybe withdraw cash from an ATM. Buy a Verified Cash App Account. You want to have a working bank account tied to your Cash App account to switch cash. Buy Verified Cash App Account. Buy fully validated cashapp account.
Buy Verified Cash App Account
Buy Verified Cash App Account
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submitted by Distinct-Ruin-8400 to u/Distinct-Ruin-8400 [link] [comments]

2023.09.04 18:41 uqeobouutwpwj binance verified account for sale

Buy Verified Binance Accounts
There is not any one-size-suits-all solution to this question, as the fine way to buy verified Binance debts will vary relying in your unique wishes and situations. However, a few tips on how to shop for confirmed Binance bills encompass looking for respectable dealers with wonderful remarks, bank account verification requirements beforehand of time, and being organized to pay a premium for a demonstrated account.
Ultimately, shopping for validated Binance bills can prevent time and trouble in the end by way of supplying you with get right of entry to to a greater comfortable and honest platform. If you’re searching to buy a demonstrated Binance account, there are a few stuff you need to recognize. First, make certain that the account is indeed proven. There are many scammers accessible who will try to sell you an unverified account.
Second, take a look at to see if the account comes with any unique capabilities or blessings. Some money owed might also have better limits or access to big functions that ordinary bills don’t have. Finally, be sure to examine fees earlier than buying.
There are many one-of-a-kind dealers available and you want to get the great deal possible.

#LaborDay Shannon FirstTake #MondayMotivation #RIL #Unions #MondayMorning #StephenASkip #mondaythoughts #FREEFALL #TXxANITTAPRERELEASETRACK #MondayMood #Chrisean #Asperger #taegi #Game043 #vine #VISCOMING #JesusChristisAlive #HAPPYBIRTHDAYWAVE #GoodMonday #TurnthePage #CondredgeHolloway #Godzilla #Meronk #BRICK #Suchwita #Nepal #AlexJones #MondayinSeptember #LudvigAberg #Bomac #MikeEvans #RehobothBeach #SweetCaroline #Erdogan #AllTooWell #TimPool #TheGift #WoodyAllen #SHUTITDOWN #ICare #Blueface #TimCurry #ShayShay #DíadelTrabajo #VirgosGroove #Priscilla #Romania #minghao
submitted by uqeobouutwpwj to u/uqeobouutwpwj [link] [comments]

2023.09.04 18:38 uqeobouutwpwj buy verified cash app account reddit

buy verified cash app account reddit
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts USA/UK
The most crucial component is that the Cash app is handiest available in the US and the United Kingdom. You need to use Cash app account for limitless cash transfer in US or UK.
We offer the fine-excellent US or UK Cash App money owed with a a hundred% guarantee. Our debts are absolutely BTC enabled and usable for transactions. If you don’t have it, you could buy validated cash app accounts from the pleasant vendors who sale true cash app completely confirmed money owed with a hit money transections.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
What is Cash App?
Cash App is a cell charge carrier that operates in the United States and the UK. Best fee technique Cash Apps proprietor is Square, Inc. Cash App fees 1.Five% on any quantity you switch. Cash App is the high-quality answer for your cash transfer or saving topics. It become firstly invented in 2013 by the call of “Square Cash”.
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Many humans use other charge alternatives which might be to be had in the US and the United Kingdom. They also deliver nice comments for the Cash App. This means you could absolutely say that the Cash app is the first-class manner to obtain and withdraw bills.
If you operate it your self, you could experience its advantages. So let’s use the Cash App debts to get a few experience.

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submitted by uqeobouutwpwj to u/uqeobouutwpwj [link] [comments]

2023.09.04 17:59 lknomsxfxy verified cash app accounts for sale

Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
If you're right here to shop for proven Cash Appaccounts, you've got located the right vicinity. We are selling the great great verified Cash App debts at low priced costs. Because, in today’s global, as generation advances, the requirement for comfy money transaction will increase. This is why the call for for apps like Cash App also increases which makes use of p2p generation to transfer money. This article will manual you through the entirety you need to recognise earlier than you purchase demonstrated Cash App debts.
Introduction to the coins app
Cash App, officially referred to as Square Cash is a cell payment provider presently to be had in the USA and UK that supports a ramification of banking operations consisting of bitcoin on your hand. Cash App offers the following services,
Banking: This app allows its user to carry out various banking operations such as sending, receiving, and storing cash. Cash App additionally links a debit card to its user which may be used to carry out various transactions inside USA and UK.
P2P money transfer: Users can securely switch money from one coins app account to any other the use of their username, and get in touch with variety of cashtag. As no central server is used, the transaction is greater comfortable right here. There is a few predicament on unverified Cash App bills which offers you reasons to shop for verified Cash App accounts.

#LaborDay Shannon FirstTake #MondayMotivation #RIL #Unions #MondayMorning #StephenASkip #mondaythoughts #FREEFALL #TXxANITTAPRERELEASETRACK #MondayMood #Chrisean #Asperger #taegi #Game043 #vine #VISCOMING #JesusChristisAlive #HAPPYBIRTHDAYWAVE #GoodMonday #TurnthePage #CondredgeHolloway #Godzilla #Meronk #BRICK #Suchwita #Nepal #AlexJones #MondayinSeptember #LudvigAberg #Bomac #MikeEvans #RehobothBeach #SweetCaroline #Erdogan #AllTooWell #TimPool #TheGift #WoodyAllen #SHUTITDOWN #ICare #Blueface #TimCurry #ShayShay #DíadelTrabajo #VirgosGroove #Priscilla #Romania #minghao
submitted by lknomsxfxy to u/lknomsxfxy [link] [comments]

2023.09.04 17:57 lknomsxfxy verified binance account for sale

Can I Buy Verified Binance Account?
If you’re searching to shop for confirmed Binance account,you’ll be happy to recognize that the manner is exceedingly easy. In order to get started out, you’ll first want to create an account at the Binance website. Once you’ve performed this, you’ll be capable of login and begin the verification system.
The verification manner for a Binance account is actually quite straightforward. You’ll need to offer a few simple information approximately yourself, inclusive of your name and e mail address. You’ll also need to add a photograph ID, inclusive of a passport or driver’s license. Buy Verified Binance Account
Once you’ve carried out this, you’ll be asked to verify your telephone quantity thru SMS. Once all of that is complete, your account may be proven and geared up to be used!
Do I Need to Verify My Binance Account to Buy?
If you want to shop for some thing on Binance, you'll need to have your account proven. This approach that you'll be wanting to offer some non-public information, which includes your complete name, date of delivery, and us of a of residence. You may also need to upload a picture ID.

#LaborDay Shannon FirstTake #MondayMotivation #RIL #Unions #MondayMorning #StephenASkip #mondaythoughts #FREEFALL #TXxANITTAPRERELEASETRACK #MondayMood #Chrisean #Asperger #taegi #Game043 #vine #VISCOMING #JesusChristisAlive #HAPPYBIRTHDAYWAVE #GoodMonday #TurnthePage #CondredgeHolloway #Godzilla #Meronk #BRICK #Suchwita #Nepal #AlexJones #MondayinSeptember #LudvigAberg #Bomac #MikeEvans #RehobothBeach #SweetCaroline #Erdogan #AllTooWell #TimPool #TheGift #WoodyAllen #SHUTITDOWN #ICare #Blueface #TimCurry #ShayShay #DíadelTrabajo #VirgosGroove #Priscilla #Romania #minghao
submitted by lknomsxfxy to u/lknomsxfxy [link] [comments]
