Meth recipie easy

... and I saw an angel coming down from Heaven, holding in his hand a great "e-mail chain."

2016.12.21 00:46 rndaxs ... and I saw an angel coming down from Heaven, holding in his hand a great "e-mail chain."

Discussion and "the two-minute hate" predestined, apparently by Adam himself. Oh right, I should stop talking about my other self in the third person--people are going to think "I'm strange." #You know, **when *I'm* strange**, people remember my name. ##[Adam Marshall Dobrin]( ##[](http://about.messiah)

2017.03.20 06:24 DrewzDrew A place to post without fear of harmful critism.

Mission Statement: This is a sub I created at first for myself nevertheless in the middle of the creation process. I decided it should be for everyone! This a place for the Arts, a place where people, (who are afraid of harmful criticism) can come and post to get CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.Be it a: drawing/painting, essay, drama piece, or anything else that can be considered ART.

2024.06.09 06:14 careerquestions2022 Day 16- my tonsillectomy experience—basically painless!

The entire recovery was very easy for me.
I’m on day 16. I spent 7 hours at a festival today and feel great. I still have some white scabs, but hardly any. It’s uncomfortable to yawn.
I’m almost 30. I’m a woman. Never given birth, but I have experienced 10/10 back pain. I’m fat (250lb/5’5) and exercise. Perfect lab work and no other issues.
What I did:
My pain level was a max 3/10 one time upon waking. I experienced more discomfort than pain. Most of the time my pain was a 0-2.
I took medicine every 3 hours switching between oxycodone and dissolvable Tylenol (1000mg) with a liquid lidocaine magic mouthwash at the same time as the Tylenol. When I felt a slight increase in pain, I upped my oxy from 5 to 7.5 and then to 10 (and back down 10 to 7.5 to 5 to 2.5 to 0.)
I had ice from sonic all day. I tried to do 3 ice tumblers (16oz tumbler) a day on top of water (at least 60oz). I had 1 aloe drink (16oz) every time I took my medicine for the first few days after surgery with water in between. I had an ice cup at my bedside that I’d use when I woke. I drank 20oz of water throughout the night during my nighttime medication times.
I slept with 2 humidifiers aimed at me. I slept at a 45-60* angle from day 0-day 10.
My scabs never fell off suddenly. Once, I had ice and had a small piece that I spit out. They just sorta slowly disappeared.
I had hardly any mucus. I ate no diary.
I had a couple popsicles mostly because I bought so many lol.
I ate eggs, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, cream of wheat, lunch meat, watermelon, and French toast. I had vegan Mac and cheese and protein chickpea pasta.
I would add soy milk to everything. French toast too hard? Drench in soy milk.
I had honey with the oatmeal.
I ate every 6 hours with my oxy to avoid nausea. I also had an anti nausea patch.
I had a wrap around head ice pack that I’d use throughout the day.
I used lidocaine ear drops which worked great for my ear pain.
I had a heat pad and hot water bottle that I used for my ear pain.
I did not use cepacol cough drops or throat spray but I did purchase them, I never felt the need!
This was easier for me than strep (which I’ve only had a few times). The hardest part was the mental fear of pain. I didn’t sleep one night because I was so afraid I’d wake up in 10/10 pain!
My medical history:
I got my tonsils out due to recurrent tonsillitis which was always pretty painless just gross. I had grade 2 tonsils. I had tonsillitis every year 2-6x a year. I’ve been sick pretty much every 2 weeks since Christmas until I had surgery in May.
The most shocking thing for me is how much room is in my mouth now. And, my uvula is a normal size again but I’m very aware of it now and it tickles me a bit.
Day 10/11 was a real turn around for me as far as feeling capable enough to get back to life.
I took two weeks off work just in case but honestly could’ve worked my very easy, slow, work from home job the whole time.
I’m thankful for my very supportive husband who waited on me hand and foot the entire surgery, waking every 3 hours to ensure I take my medicine, and making me all my meals. I’m sure recovery was easier for me because I had someone to do everything for me. :)
I never felt the stabbing, the swallowing knives, the horrific pain that people talk about here. I was prepared to. But it never happened. I also never take pain medicine, so I think my body probably had 0 tolerance to it.
My back pain experience a couple years ago was far worse. I’ve had 10/10 pain before, the kind of pain that despite financially/emotionally supporting a close relative through detox and recovery from meth/heroin/fentanyl, I would’ve in my 10/10 pain episode taken anything anyone offered me. My younger brother could’ve handed me a needle and I would’ve used it, despite never having done any drugs (even weed) and knowing the horrifying reality of drug addiction. That’s 10/10 pain for me.
I wish they had given me oxy for that! I really really needed it then, and it upsets me that I got it for this surgery but not for my back pain episode!
Anyways, for all those with surgery ahead, you’ve got this! Stay moist! 😅
submitted by careerquestions2022 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:35 tempmailgenerator Sending Emails via Gmail with libcurl in C

Exploring Email Dispatch with libcurl

Utilizing libcurl for sending emails directly from a C program offers a robust and flexible method to interact with email servers, including Gmail. This approach leverages the comprehensive capabilities of libcurl, a library famed for its support for various protocols and its ability to handle complex network communication tasks efficiently. When attempting to send emails through Gmail using libcurl, developers often encounter a common hurdle related to SSL/TLS configuration, which is pivotal for securing communications between the client and Gmail's servers.
Addressing the SSL error requires a nuanced understanding of libcurl's options for SSL/TLS, as well as the proper configuration of the environment in which your C program operates. This includes setting the correct SSL certificate paths and ensuring your application is authenticated correctly with Gmail's SMTP server. The complexity of these settings can sometimes lead to errors, such as the ones related to SSL peer certificates or SSH remote keys, pointing towards the intricate dance of security and accessibility in modern email communication.
Command Description
curl_easy_init() Initializes a CURL session
curl_easy_setopt() Sets options for the CURL session, such as URL, authentication, and payload data
curl_easy_perform() Executes the configured CURL request
curl_slist_append() Adds a new string to a CURL slist
curl_easy_cleanup() Cleans up and frees the CURL session

Navigating SSL/TLS Challenges in libcurl for Email Communication

When integrating email functionality into a C program using libcurl, particularly for services like Gmail that require secure connections, developers often encounter SSL/TLS-related errors. These issues stem from the strict security measures employed by email providers to protect user data and ensure the privacy of communications. SSL/TLS protocols play a crucial role in encrypting the data transmitted between the client and the server, thereby thwarting potential eavesdropping or data tampering. However, correctly configuring libcurl to use SSL/TLS can be a daunting task, requiring a detailed understanding of both the library's API and the underlying security protocols. This challenge is compounded by the need to properly manage certificates, as misconfigurations can lead to errors indicating that the SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK, or issues related to the local SSL certificate.
To successfully send emails via Gmail using libcurl, it's imperative to ensure that the library is up-to-date and configured to use the correct version of the SSL/TLS protocols. Additionally, specifying the right path to the certificate authority (CA) bundle file is essential for validating Gmail's SSL certificate. This process involves setting the CURLOPT_CAINFO option to point to the CA bundle that contains the trusted certificates. Addressing these aspects can mitigate common SSL/TLS errors, but it also highlights the importance of understanding the nuances of secure email transmission. Furthermore, developers must also consider the authentication process with Gmail's SMTP server, which involves specifying the correct username and password, and may require enabling less secure app access or setting up an app-specific password depending on the account's security settings.

Initiating Email Transfer with libcurl

C Programming Context
#include  #include  int main(void) { CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "smtps://"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM, ""); struct curl_slist *recipients = ; recipients = curl_slist_append(recipients, ""); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT, recipients); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERNAME, ""); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, "password"); // Additional setup code here curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } return 0; } 

Resolving SSL Certificate Errors

C Language Implementation
#include  void setup_ssl(CURL *curl) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USE_SSL, CURLUSESSL_ALL); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "/path/to/cacert.pem"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1L); } int main(void) { CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { // Initialize CURL session and set options setup_ssl(curl); // Execute and clean up curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } return 0; } 

Enhancing Email Security with libcurl

One of the pivotal aspects of sending emails through libcurl, especially when using Gmail's SMTP servers, revolves around the implementation of secure connections. This necessity arises from the stringent protocols Gmail enforces to safeguard user data and maintain confidentiality. The complexity of establishing a secure connection lies not only in adhering to Gmail's security standards but also in navigating the SSL/TLS configurations required by libcurl. These configurations are integral to encrypting the data transmitted between your application and Gmail, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected against interception or tampering. Understanding and implementing the correct SSL/TLS settings in libcurl is paramount, as any misconfiguration can result in transmission errors, compromised data integrity, or complete failure to connect.
Moreover, the dynamic landscape of internet security and the continual evolution of SSL/TLS protocols necessitate regular updates to your application's security measures. Keeping libcurl and its SSL/TLS certificates up-to-date is essential for maintaining compatibility with Gmail's servers and ensuring the highest level of security. Additionally, developers must be vigilant about the authentication process, which involves securely storing and handling user credentials within the application. This often requires implementing additional layers of security, such as encrypted storage or environment variables, to protect against unauthorized access or leaks. Addressing these challenges head-on is crucial for developers aiming to integrate email functionality into their applications with libcurl, especially for applications requiring a high degree of privacy and security.

Frequently Asked Questions on Sending Emails with libcurl

  1. Question: Can I use libcurl to send emails through Gmail?
  2. Answer: Yes, libcurl supports sending emails through Gmail using the SMTP protocol, but it requires proper SSL/TLS configuration.
  3. Question: What is the common SSL error when sending emails with libcurl?
  4. Answer: A common error is "SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK," which typically indicates a problem with the SSL certificate verification.
  5. Question: How can I fix SSL certificate errors in libcurl?
  6. Answer: Ensure you're using the correct CA bundle path with CURLOPT_CAINFO and that your libcurl is up-to-date.
  7. Question: Do I need to enable "Less secure app access" in my Gmail settings?
  8. Answer: Yes, for libcurl to send emails through Gmail, you may need to enable "Less secure app access" or use an app-specific password.
  9. Question: How can I include attachments in emails sent with libcurl?
  10. Answer: Attachments require encoding the email body in MIME format and manually constructing the email headers and body to include the attachment data.
  11. Question: Is it possible to send HTML emails with libcurl?
  12. Answer: Yes, by setting the Content-Type header to text/html in your email headers, you can send HTML emails with libcurl.
  13. Question: Can libcurl handle SMTP authentication?
  14. Answer: Yes, libcurl can handle SMTP authentication by setting the CURLOPT_USERNAME and CURLOPT_PASSWORD options.
  15. Question: How do I debug SMTP communication issues in libcurl?
  16. Answer: Enable verbose mode with CURLOPT_VERBOSE to get detailed logs of the SMTP communication, which can help in debugging.
  17. Question: Can libcurl send emails to multiple recipients?
  18. Answer: Yes, you can specify multiple recipients by appending them to the CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT slist.

Securing Email Transmission with libcurl: A Reflection

Sending emails through Gmail using libcurl embodies a significant blend of ease and complexity, reflecting the nuanced demands of modern secure email communication. This journey from setting up a libcurl session to troubleshooting SSL/TLS errors underscores the critical importance of security in the digital age. Ensuring encrypted connections, correctly managing certificates, and navigating authentication hurdles are pivotal to safeguarding email communications against vulnerabilities. This exploration not only highlights the practical steps required for successful email dispatch using libcurl but also emphasizes the ongoing need for developers to stay abreast of security protocols and Gmail’s ever-evolving requirements. As the digital landscape continues to shift, so too must our approaches to secure communication. Through diligence and continuous learning, developers can harness the power of libcurl to enhance the security and reliability of their email applications, contributing to a safer online environment for all.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:19 Double_River9046 5 days post hair transplant Fuecapilar - Dr. Turan

5 days post hair transplant Fuecapilar - Dr. Turan
I wanted to post some pictures of before and after hair transplant. I’m on day 5 post transplant and from the little I know about these things, I think I’m looking good so far. Any comments/thoughts on quality/healing are appreciated. Donor and recipient area.
I also wanted to give a review of my experience for anyone looking into going to the same doctor.
My experience with Fuecapilar, Dr. Turan, and his staff - was great.
Upon arrival to the Istanbul airport it was easy to find the van that would be picking me up. I learned my first word in Turkish - door. Lots of buttons in the fancy van and I was pushing them to figure out what they all did. Kapi means door. And the sliding door opened while we were traveling full speed down the highway. 😂 The driver pulled over and gave me a rundown of the buttons the best that he could as he spoke 0 English. We had a good laugh.
Arrival to the hotel and check in was great. They were ready for me and the room was nice. I did 2 additional nights beyond the 2 nights included in the package and they only charged $50 for each of those extra nights.
I would suggest eating at the restaurant on the top floor. Good food and a beautiful view of the area and Lake Kucukcekmece.
The hotel is just a few blocks from the hospital. I walked over to the Pelican Mall about a block away to get food and see the area I was in. Check out WestMix! The hotel is not in the touristy center of the city so walking around I was the only American I saw. Which I thought was nice. A decent amount of people speak fluent English and most speak enough to take your order or help you find something.
Surgery day was great. The staff is kind and accommodating. Upon arrival you’re met by a translator who stays with you throughout the day. They do give you a space to hang your shirt and put your shoes. And they offer you a safe that you create your own code for like at a hotel. This way you can store your cash and other valuables you may have on you.
The gentelman who does the extractions has 10 years experience and I could tell he knew what he was doing. Dr. Turan does the implants himself which made me feel very secure about the whole thing. He has a ton of experience! I brought cash with me so I wouldn’t pay atm fees or a card fee if I paid the hospital with a card. The cost was right on par with what they had quoted me from my online consultation months ago. You pay before the surgery after the in person consultation and drawing of your hairline. They ended up doing 2,700 grafts after I had paid for 2,500. They did not charge me extra afterwards.
They extract from one half of the head and then implant half the head. Then feed you lunch and do the other half of extractions and implants. They do give you a Xanax to take which was very nice! The extractions go fairly quickly but the implantations take more time. I actually fell asleep for both sessions of implantation.
The only pain were the anesthesia shots. And when I say pain, it was quite a bit of pain. Imagine numbing shots you get in your mouth at the dentist and times that by 5. That’s how the shots on the donor area feel. Then take that amount and times it by 2 for the amount of pain on the forehead area. They were not offended by any choice words I yelled out.
The second round of shots for second session after lunch did not hurt as bad as the area was more numb at that point.
After the procedure they bandage ya up and take you to the hotel. Be sure to ask for the pads that you can put on the pillows while you’re at the hospital. They did not give me these until I went the next day for the first wash. These keep blood from getting into pillows and sheets. They do provide you with a quality neck pillow right after the transplant.
The wash day (next day) they came and picked me up and took me in. Wash was great and they explain in great detail your after care and give you foam lotion, shampoo, and some medications. I did not need the pain pills at all. They also will walk you down to the pharmacy where you can purchase some things. I bought a year supply of fin and min as the price was much better than in the US.
I chose to stay an extra night at the hotel after the wash, which I’m glad I did. But my ride left the next morning at 2am for my 6am flight. I was greatful that they got me to the airport very early so I could check out all of the duty free shopping. The Istanbul airport is incredible. This timing was also good because I was sleeping 7am-2pm on non surgery days. My body never adjusted to the time change since I was only there a few days. This put my sleeping schedule in line with my flight. 💤
I had a great experience with Fuecapilar from the first message 5 months ago on WhatsApp all the way until I got home to the US. My only complaint was the cigarette stench in the van that takes you from the airport to the hotel. It was overwhelming but everyone in Turkey smokes so be ready to smell it everywhere. I don’t see that as a big deal though in the grand scheme of things.
Dr. Turan and his staff are very great at what they do! Looking forward to my results in the coming months/year.
submitted by Double_River9046 to Hairtransplant [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:22 Roach_Queen12 How to get ice cream to have the texture of store bought???

Title. I have a kitchenaid ice cream maker and I've made ice cream a good amount of times, but it ends up coating my tongue (i think because of the fat content), unlike store bought, and it just doesn't scoop the same. It's not as airy and easy to scoop when frozen. Does anyone have tips or recipies?
submitted by Roach_Queen12 to icecreamery [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:19 IncidentNecessary491 Being sexually assaulted ruined my life

It wasn't even that bad, but the post traumatic stress from it had severe cognitive changes. I've been abusing opiates and I can't see images in my head anymore, I went from hyperphantasia to aphantasia. The trauma reduced my intelligence and I am less self aware, I don't feel emotions physically anymore right after. I have become super impulsive, and my drug use is daily..pregablins and morphine.
I grew up in a garbage dump..I was severely neglected as a child and sexually assaulted many times. I was so ugly. I was known for how ugly and stinky and poor I was. All the adults saw me and were embarrassed of me and were humiliated and abused me too. Including teachers. I was always so hard to love, I remember as a child I arrived to be kind and empathetic, but accepted there was inherently a deep evil in my heart that made everyone hate me. I haven't had friends in years, and. Went mute for a long time.
As an adult people hate me for being weird and awkward and stupid, I am autistic. I wish I wasn't so hard to love, I was always hated. But I was always kind, so non judgemental. I have so much patience. I am a pushover and accept hate and unkindness because it's all I've ever received, I always expect it and I never stand up for myself because I know I deserve it and I just pathetically go "well, what else do you expect." When I receive kindness I always believe I am receiving too much of it.
I was born from an opium poppy, and many morphine and heroin filled nights. My brain the result of methamphetamine (I was sexually assaulted by someone under the influence of meth, my parents opiate addicts ) I am the opiate crisis. I will never be like my parents, but everyone is ashamed of me for abusing opiates. I want to die. My sexual assault ruined my life.
I left my boyfriend after it happened because the mental changes made me fall out of love. I will never be the person I was before it, no trauma I've been through has ruined me cognitively and personality wise. Except for this one. I don't have the ambition and drive like I used to, I lack self awareness and my thinking dramatically changed after it. I'm considering oding on heroin. I didn't deserve any of this, I hate my life so much. The cognitive and intellecrual changes are too severe. I don't do anything anymore except get high. The chronic boredom is so much worse. I am so unloveable. So easy to get mad at. I always have been. I hate being autistic.
submitted by IncidentNecessary491 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:29 RedditPrisonShower The type of people Mormons are

In the business of receiving donations as all cults do requires a certain mind set. In Utah towns such as St George, Hurricane, La Verkin, Colorado City and Toquerville, this mind set always follows the same type of function as it requires one to be filled full of judgement and hate towards anyone who isn't part of the Mormon cult-club or is of a darker skin color as the Mormons are extremely openly racist/no filter what so ever.
I asked a normal Christian preacher one day, what is the point of Christianity? His answer was to be as "Jesus like" as possible. I read the bible to see what sourcerer-Jesus was trying to get across and found 10 very simple commandments/rules to follow. What I understood from the bible is that since Jesus practiced magick/sorcery, if one could follow these simple rules would in turn create the same peace loving resonance in their own lives. The same message found in all paths to enlightenment. The most important of those instructions was to "Love thy enemy", and my personal favorite "thou shalt not murder". If this is what is a Christ like person is supposed to be like, and these are the instructions given in every bible, then why are the Mormons so openly racist and have no problem murdering/slaughtering/massacring Native tribes and even their own kind for land and riches?
The psychological mind snares that are required to allow a cult to function are all based in fear. Fear is the fuel to the fire that keeps the Mormon religion going. Fear if put in the right context will make anyone do whatever the cult leaders tell them to by simply scaring them into action.
Owning guns: As long as the people agree that there is a threat from the outside creates a fear that is willing to pull a gun on any supposed threats to them in an instant. These individuals become mentally unstable while owning many fire arms as Mormon's live in constant fear as the idea of easily pulling a trigger will solve all of their problems as it did in the past, not realizing we live in the now times where it isn't as easy to get rid of dead bodies as it used to be.
The Mormons point of view: We are pioneers who settled an un-tamed land. Lie
Reality: We are all gun owning racists addicted to free-base Meth Amphetamine and alcohol who are here on Native American Tribal territories to steal the land while murdering and raping whoever gets in our way. Truth
submitted by RedditPrisonShower to MormonHistoryExposed [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:05 candice_lees Baby Girl ~ 07/06/2024

And out of the blue and from nowhere... there you were.. You came fast and very unexpectedly into my life. We started at first with random visits here and there and then it was every chance we got. We had to see one another. The more time I started spending with you I noticed feelings started to develop for you.
When I had closed my heart off to love and to not love someone ever again, it was as if you had had the key that could open the door to my heart.
The moment I realized that I was in love with you was the day we were driving in the car to go and have a braai by your sister them as it was their daughters birthday. It was my first time meaning them.. I was so so nervous that day, but you held my hand so graciously through it..
From beginning to the end we never had things easy, but after each storm we faced together and we swam through together we would still always choose us at the end. And so there it was.. Our last and final storm that we faced. This storm was like no other.. Nope, this storm was set on one course and one only.. TOTAL DESTRUCTION. There was no warning signs.. Nothing at all and by far our biggest storm ever and also our last and final storm that we would face together.
I will never forget our time together. Our memories will live forever within me and stay close to my heart. At the end of all of this.. Please know one thing. I have no regrets about us even through the last few weeks that led up to our ending and even still today it hurts me inside and it is painful for me. This is by far not easy..
You and Us come with no regrets for me.. I'd do us again and again, over and over again. I wouldn't change a thing.
I only ask one more thing from you.. And this would be it.
Don't close your heart off to love, in loving someone again and allow the next person to love you. You have so much love to give someone don't keep it to yourself. Love the next person you meet as you have loved me unconditionally.
I had to let you go in the end not because I stopped loving you.. NO.. I had to let you go and I needed to be fair towards you. Even if it meant me breaking my own heart in the end at least I know you won't see or be a part of what is coming to me now. I was not and still am not prepared to have you be part of my.. This darkness (Crystal Meth Addiction) . You wanted to always know my dark side.. this is it Baby Girl...
My road to recovery right now is not going to be an easy one for me. It is hard to stay clean and sober because all I want is it. I am fighting my own demons right now and i am at war with myself right now.. Its been very very hard and comes with a lot of ups and downs and emotions aswell for me. Its like Crystal Meth is my first love.. A love like no other but it is not love.. There is nothing good about Crystal Meth. In the moment when using its amazing but in time you start loosing your soul to it. You have 3 kids that I aldo needed to consider in all this.
Will this unsent letter to you ever reach you. I don't know..
I hope that someday you will understand why I left, and it was not because I didn't love you NO.. I love you this much and had to let you go and have you no part of my crystal meth addiction recovery.
~ I Like You ~ ~ I Love You ~
I will never forget you and us.. I will miss our Eskimo kisses we would always do with our noses..
submitted by candice_lees to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:55 MrMisterSirMan Laorwong Afro Hair Transplant - Day 1 to 10

Laorwong Afro Hair Transplant - Day 1 to 10
Age: 26 Graft Count: 3377 primarily in hairline, some in crown
Photo Order: 1. Pre Hairloss 2. Pre Transplant With Fibers 3. Pre Transplant Cut Shorter (fibers REALLY help) 4. Post Op Hairline 5. Post Op Crown 6. Post Op Donor 7. Day 3 Hairline 8. Day 5 Hairline 9. Day 10 Hairline
My concerns when picking a surgeon were the following:
  1. realistic hair pattern
  2. high density
  3. excellent donor management
These three are the essential criteria when selecting a surgeon, especially number 3 for my brothers with curly - should our hair transplants fail you want to know you can still rock a buzz cut. It is not an overstatement when I say I have seen EVERY Laorwong case across FB, HRN and Reddit. Out of the many cases available I could only find 3 with less than desirable results, all of which he rectified free of charge. He is a doctor of high integrity. People are correct when they say he is a man of few words but don’t mistake this for him being unapproachable or unfriendly. He answered all of my questions willingly although his work speaks for itself.
Aftercare: Absolute Hair Clinic offer excellent aftercare to get through the critical first five days. I received PRP and did the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for 5 days post transplant. On day 3 I sweated excessively waiting in the heat while two taxi drivers canceled on me in a row. I called AHC and explained this and they said they’re happy for me to come in for a second time that day while they wash my scalp and re-bandage my head. Again, excellent aftercare. I strongly recommend sleeping on a beanbag with a neck pillow post surgery also. It is very easy to sleep on your back comfortably this way.
Difficulties: Due to the medications provided in the first week and Laorwong and co’s precise work I can say my pain during and after the hair transplant has been minimal. Occasional pain and itchiness resolved with Tylenol and antihistamines.
Considerations: We often see the results of a transplant and think it is solely a reflection of the doctor who did the work. not true. Did the patient do the aftercare themselves? Did they sleep in such a way to mitigate graft loss? Alcohol. Smoking. Hygiene. Sweating. Etc. I’ll admit to having had a few drinks after the first week (day 8 onwards) as well as not having gotten excellent sleep on day 8 & 9. I’m hoping this will not negatively impact my results but in the spirit of offering an accurate account I mention this here. It’s worth considering the weather at the time of your hair transplant. It’s critical that your recipient area remains hygienic - minimal sweating. This is a hard task in Thailand at this time of year. With the clarity of hindsight I’d have chosen to go in a cooler season.
Medication: I have been taking oral finasteride for 1 year I discovered that Dr Thiago Blanco Leal offers his patients Cialis, Viagra and Arginine for 6 months post HT to assist with blood flow to the newly implanted grafts. His patients and other patients who have adopted this protocol all seem to have excellent results and so I am following this protocol also. I have zero side effects from this. I took the oral minoxidil prescribed by Laorwong for the first week but I do not tolerate this well. Even if I did however I do not wish to be on topical/oral minoxidil for a lifetime anyway as we know this is merely a bandaid solution and correlates with heart side effects for many.
I will continue to update my results as time progresses.
All questions welcome.
submitted by MrMisterSirMan to HairTransplants [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:12 yummycakenoida4 Order and send cakes and flowers combo from Yummy Cake

Order and send cakes and flowers combo from Yummy Cake
Birthday Cake
No special occasion in our life can be celebrated without a cake, obviously cakes that are made with flour, milk, butter, sugar, and the most amazing flavours are the most delicious dessert ever for any special get-together moments. And, it’s obvious that everyone wants them in all types of celebratory moments such as on:
  • Birthdays,
  • Anniversaries,
  • Valentine's Day,
  • Mother's Day,
  • Father's Day,
  • Friendship Day,
  • New Year,
  • Christmas,
  • Promotion Party, etc.
However, when the cakes are accompanied with beautiful and fresh flowers or something else like chocolates or teddy bears etc. then they can make the gift even more impressive and memorable. Well, at YummyCake we understand this feeling and therefore, we are here with some of the most amazing cake combos for you to send to your loved people.
In these combos, we have combined some beautiful & pretty flowers with the most amazing and delectable cakes. However, the cakes that you can find here in the combos have many varieties like:
  • Black forest cake,
  • Chocolate truffle cake,
  • Pineapple cake,
  • Butterscotch cake,
  • White forest cake,
  • Strawberry cake,
  • Vanilla cake, and
  • Red velvet, etc.
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Well, you can order cake and flowers combos for your loved ones on different occasions because we have cake combos for all the occasions such as for birthdays, for anniversaries, for festivals like Diwali and Holi, New Year and Christmas, etc.
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The gift combos by us provide them with more moments of making their dear ones happy, so surprise someone with a beautiful valentine combo gift or any other combo gift by Yummy Cake. You can buy the cake and flower combo online from our online cake shop through a hassle-free process.
submitted by yummycakenoida4 to u/yummycakenoida4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:25 Stage-Piercing727 Best Eyeball Gummies

Best Eyeball Gummies
Hey there, gummy lovers! Want to hear about something that's both scary-cool and delicious? Introducing Eyeball Gummies! These creepy yet tasty treats are perfect for your next Halloween party or any spooky occasion. In this article, we'll dive into the world of gummies, focusing on the fun and creative designs of Eyeball Gummies. So, grab your favorite Halloween outfit and get ready to be mesmerized by these eye-catching treats!
Eyeball Gummies are the perfect sweet treat for those who love a little scare with their sugar fix. These gummies come in various colors and designs, adding a unique twist to the classic gummy bear. The article will explore the different types of Eyeball Gummies, their flavors, and even some fun DIY ideas for your next Halloween party. So, sit back, relax, and let your taste buds indulge in some creepy eye candy!

The Top 7 Best Eyeball Gummies

  1. Eyeball Gummy Candy for Halloween Party - Delight in the eerily delicious fusion of sour and sweet gummies with Fusion Select's Halloween Eyeball Gummy Candy, featuring spine-chilling designs perfect for spooky season treats and parties.
  2. Peach Filled Crazy Eye Gummy Candy Ball - Spooktacular jelly-filled gummy eyeballs, featuring a delightful 30mm size, bursting with delicious lychee flavor and individually wrapped for your convenience! Perfect for all your Halloween celebrations.
  3. Sharp Eye Gummy - 30 Gummies for Eye Health and Antioxidant Protection - Elevate your eye health with our potent and delicious Desi Nutri Eye Gummy containing 30 gummies, fortified with essential nutrients and antioxidants to safeguard your vision from harmful rays and toxins, and promote overall eye wellness.
  4. Eyeball Gummy Rings for Kids - Eye Candy Ring" - A delightful and edible jewelry collection for children that comes in four vibrant colors and flavors, making it an unforgettable treat for any Halloween party.
  5. Eyeball Gummy Vitamins for Kids and Teens - Introducing SAM+LEO Eyes+ Gummy Vitamins for Kids and Teens – the tasty, sugar-free solution to protect eyes from blue light damage and support overall eye health, making screen time safer and healthier.
  6. Crazy Eye Gummy Candies - These eye-catching, lychee-flavored jelly-filled gummies are the perfect Halloween treats, beautifully designed and individually wrapped for a playful and stylish candy experience.
  7. Trolli Glotzer - Spooky Red Eyeball Gummies - Introducing the Trolli Glotzer: 60 pieces of spooky, 3D fruit gum-shaped eyeballs with a sour twist for an unforgettable party experience. Perfect for the adventurous snack lover.
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🔗Eyeball Gummy Candy for Halloween Party
As a big fan of Halloween, I decided to give the Fusion Select Eyeball Gummy Candy a try. I was intrigued by the spooky designs and the prospect of having a sweet and sour treat that could be enjoyed all night long.
Firstly, I appreciated the varying sizes available. The bite-size bag was perfect for when I wanted a quick snack, while the larger party pack meant there was always enough to share with friends during our Halloween parties.
However, it's worth noting that the gummies are unwrapped, which makes them a bit difficult to use for trick-or-treating. But they did prove to be a hit among the kids who loved the taste.
Another thing that stood out to me was the versatility of these eyeball gummies. We used them to create edible Halloween garlands and filled our party bags with them, making them excellent pinata fillers and stocking stuffers.
But it's not all good news. Some users have reported that the price is a bit high for the quantity you get. And I agree, the number of eyeballs in the packet was quite disappointing.
Overall, I think these gummies are a fun and festive addition to any Halloween party. But be prepared to compromise on the quantity and pay a little extra for the unique design.

🔗Peach Filled Crazy Eye Gummy Candy Ball
I remember attending a Halloween party last year, and boy, was I delighted to discover these Eyeball Gummies! Their generously sized jelly-filled treats, filled with peach jam, offered a chewy texture and mouthwatering lychee flavor that stood out from the crowd. Not to mention, the vibrant colors and individually wrapped packaging made them the perfect treat for any spooky soiree.
The large size, just shy of an inch and a half, ensured that each bite was a satisfyingly delightful experience. It's like having your favorite jelly-filled pastries in candy form! I couldn't get enough of them. The only downside was the fact that they were primarily targeted towards adults, leaving no options for the younger trick-or-treaters.
Nonetheless, these Eyeball Gummies are the ultimate Halloween treat that will surely cast a spell of enjoyment and nostalgic flavors over anyone who tries them.

🔗Sharp Eye Gummy - 30 Gummies for Eye Health and Antioxidant Protection
I recently tried these eye gummies from Desi Nutri and I must say, they have become an essential part of my daily routine. As someone who spends a considerable amount of time in front of screens, my eyes needed some extra care and that's exactly what I got with these vision boosters.
One aspect I truly appreciated about these gummies was their potency. Just a single gummy a day has been providing my eyes with the required protection from harmful rays and toxins. Additionally, the antioxidants included in the formula have significantly improved the overall health of my eyes.
The taste, as some might worry, is not an issue at all. These gummies are quite yummy in fact, making it a joy to swallow instead of a chore. However, the only minor con I noticed was the lack of variety in flavors. It would have been nice to have more options to make it feel less monotonous.
All in all, I've been quite satisfied with the eye gummies from Desi Nutri. They've made a noticeable difference in the health and protection of my eyes, and I would definitely recommend them to anyone who, like me, finds themselves needing a little extra help in keeping their eyes healthy in this screen-obsessed world.

🔗Eyeball Gummy Rings for Kids
I recently tried out these "Eyeball Ring" treats and boy, were they a hit at my kids' Halloween party! These edible rings come in four different eyeball-shaped gummy flavors and colors that the kids absolutely adored. They're the perfect bite-sized treat for those looking to add a spooky twist to their celebrations.
The best part about these rings is their fun eyeball design which made them all the more appealing to the little ones. Not only do they taste great, but they also look super cool and definitely up the fun factor. Plus, they're small, easy to eat, and can be handed out as party favors to the kids after the party is over.
However, one downside is that they're quite small, so some kids may finish them off in just a few bites. But overall, they've been a big hit with both my kids and their friends. If you're looking for some creative treats for your next Halloween bash, these eyeball rings are definitely worth checking out!

🔗Eyeball Gummy Vitamins for Kids and Teens
As a parent, I'm always on the lookout for products that can help support my kids' health and well-being. That's why I was excited to try SAM+LEO Eyes+ Gummy Vitamins for Kids and Teens. These delicious gummies are designed specifically to support eye health and protect against the harmful effects of blue light damage.
The first thing that stood out to me was how tasty these vitamins are. Unlike other supplements that can be hard to swallow, SAM+LEO Eyes+ Gummy Vitamins are made with natural flavors that make them a pleasure to eat. And with no added sugar, I don't have to worry about my kids' sugar intake.
Another highlight was how effective these vitamins are at supporting eye health. I've noticed a significant difference in my teenage son's eye strain since he started taking them. He spends a lot of time in front of screens for school and gaming, but I feel confident knowing that SAM+LEO Eyes+ Gummy Vitamins are helping to protect his eyes from the negative effects of blue light exposure.
The only drawback I've noticed so far is that the gummies are a little bit sticky, which can make them difficult to separate from each other. But this is a small inconvenience compared to the numerous benefits my kids have experienced from taking SAM+LEO Eyes+ Gummy Vitamins.
In conclusion, I highly recommend SAM+LEO Eyes+ Gummy Vitamins for Kids and Teens. These tasty, sugar-free gummies are an easy and effective way to support eye health and protect against blue light damage. Give your kids the gift of healthy eyesight with SAM+LEO Eyes+ Gummy Vitamins!

🔗Crazy Eye Gummy Candies
I remember when I first saw these jumbo sized gummy candies, I couldn't help but exclaim "Wow! " Their gargantuan size and jellied peach jam filling caught my eye instantly. Each piece is wrapped individually, making them perfect for sharing at parties or tossing into a Halloween piñata.
What stood out to me was their unique eye-shaped design that adds a fun twist to classic gummy candies. Despite their creepy appearance, they're actually quite tasty with a sweet lychee flavor that leaves you craving more. And at 1.18 inches in size, they're definitely not your average candy!
However, one thing to note is they're a little difficult to chew due to their substantial size. But hey, nothing a glass of water can't fix! Overall, if you're looking for a standout treat for your next Halloween bash or simply want to indulge in something unique, these Crazy Eye Gummy Candies are definitely worth a try.

🔗Trolli Glotzer - Spooky Red Eyeball Gummies
As a product reviewer, I've been trying out Trolli Glotzer and they have quickly become a staple in my snack game. The first thing that grabbed my attention was their unique, eye-shaped design. These 3D fruit gums not only look eerily close to real human eyes, but their cherry and sour flavors make them a surprisingly delicious treat.
One feature that has truly impressed me is how these gummies are soft and easy to eat, without being sticky or overly chewy. However, one downside I must mention is that these pop eyes can be quite substantial, so you might need to pace yourself when indulging in them.
All in all, Trolli Glotzer's fun design and enjoyable taste make them a must-have for those looking to add a unique twist to their festivities or everyday snacking routine. Just be prepared to enjoy them alongside a glass of water, as their sour filling can pack quite a punch!

Buyer's Guide

Eyeball gummies are a type of candy that resemble creepy, lifelike eyes. These gummies often contain a mix of flavors and colors. Besides their appealing appearance, they can also provide a fun and unique gift or treat to family and friends, especially during Halloween or other holiday events.

Important Features
  1. Appearance: The look of an eyeball gummy is key. Most eyeball gummies have a realistic-looking eye design, with a brightly colored center and a semi-translucent outer layer. Some will even have bloodshot or veiny patterns on the white part, making them eerily convincing.
  2. Taste & Flavor: Eyeball gummies can come in a variety of flavors, often including fruity options like cherry, grape, or orange. When buying, ensure the product is labelled with the flavors you or your recipients prefer.
  3. Texture: Eyeball gummies should have a soft and chewy texture. Some may have a harder outer layer. Both styles have their fans, so choose the one that you or your recipients prefer.
  4. Packaging: Eyeball gummies are usually packaged in small, single-serving bags or larger bulk bags. Depending on your needs, choose the quantity and style of packaging that suits you.

Considerations Before Buying

  1. Age Appropriateness: Eyeball gummies can often have a creepy appearance that might not be suitable for younger children. Check the packaging or product description for age recommendations.
  2. Dietary Requirements: Some eyeball gummies may contain major allergens such as wheat, soy, or nuts. If you or your recipients have specific dietary requirements, make sure to check the ingredient list.
  3. Expiration Date: As with any food product, make sure to check the expiration date before buying, especially for bulk purchases.

General Advice

  1. Presentation: Eyeball gummies can make a great addition to a Halloween treat bag, or as part of a unique gift basket or charcuterie board for a spooky gathering.
  2. Storage: Store your eyeball gummies in a cool, dry place to maintain their freshness and soft texture.
  3. Serving Size: While they might be tempting to eat all at once, remember to enjoy eyeball gummies in moderation, especially for young children.
Remember, while this guide gives you some vital information about eyeball gummies, be sure to read the product label or description for precise information about a specific product. This will ensure you are purchasing a product that meets your needs and preferences. Enjoy your creepy, delicious treats!


What are Eyeball Gummies?

Eyeball Gummies are a unique type of candy designed to look like creepy, creepy eyeballs. They're soft and chewy, often featuring a gooey center, and come in a variety of flavors from sour to sweet. Perfect for Halloween parties or anytime you want a spooky treat!

How are Eyeball Gummies made?
Eyeball Gummies are typically made by heating up sugar, corn syrup, and other ingredients until they reach a specific consistency. Flavorings and colors are then added, forming a gummy candy mix. This mixture is poured into molds shaped like eyeballs, chilled to set, and then packaged for distribution.

Where can I buy Eyeball Gummies?

You can find Eyeball Gummies at most major grocery stores, convenience stores, and online retailers specializing in candy. Some specialty shops might also carry them seasonally, especially around Halloween.

Are Eyeball Gummies safe for kids?

Yes, Eyeball Gummies are safe for children to consume. However, like any other candy, they should be eaten in moderation and not given to children under three years old due to the potential choking hazard.

How long do Eyeball Gummies last?

While Eyeball Gummies can last for several months if stored properly, they tend to dry out over time. For optimal freshness, consume them within one to two months of purchase or consider storing them in an airtight container.

Do Eyeball Gummies have any nutritional value?

Eyeball Gummies are primarily a source of simple sugars and lack significant nutritional value. They may contain small amounts of artificial flavorings and colors, so it's best to enjoy them as a treat in moderation.

Can I make my own Eyeball Gummies at home?

Yes, you can make your own Eyeball Gummies at home by following a recipe that contains sugar, corn syrup, gelatin, water, flavorings, and colors. Use an eyeball-shaped silicone mold to create the distinctive design.

How do I store Eyeball Gummies?

To keep Eyeball Gummies fresh and prevent them from drying out, store them in an airtight container at room temperature away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

Do Eyeball Gummies come in different flavors?

Yes, Eyeball Gummies come in various flavors, including sour apple, strawberry, and blue raspberry. Some brands may offer other unique flavors as well. Always check the label for specific flavor information.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:20 xkingramses ZkSync: A Breakthrough in Scalable and Secure Blockchain Transactions

ZkSync is a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that aims to improve transaction speeds and reduce gas fees. It is based on zkRollup technology, which uses zero-knowledge proofs to bundle multiple transactions into a single transaction on the Ethereum blockchain.
Here are some key features and benefits of ZkSync:
  1. Scalability: ZkSync can process up to 2,000 transactions per second, which is significantly faster than the Ethereum blockchain's current capacity of 15 transactions per second. This makes it much more practical for real-world use cases, such as payments and decentralized applications.
  2. Reduced Gas Fees: By bundling multiple transactions into a single transaction, ZkSync reduces the amount of gas fees required for each transaction. This makes it more affordable for users to transact on the Ethereum blockchain.
  3. Security: ZkSync uses zero-knowledge proofs to ensure that transactions are secure and private. This means that transactions are verified without revealing any sensitive information, such as the amount being transferred or the sender and recipient addresses.
  4. Interoperability: ZkSync is compatible with Ethereum smart contracts, which means that developers can easily integrate it into their decentralized applications. This makes it easier for developers to create scalable and secure applications on the Ethereum blockchain.
  5. User-Friendly: ZkSync is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.
Overall, ZkSync is a breakthrough in scalable and secure blockchain transactions. It addresses some of the key challenges facing the Ethereum blockchain, such as scalability and high gas fees, and provides a practical solution for real-world use cases. With its focus on security, interoperability, and user-friendliness, ZkSync is poised to become a key player in the blockchain ecosystem.
submitted by xkingramses to u/xkingramses [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:40 TwatWaffleWhitney Neck Beard Double Take

I know Reddx is trying to move away from neckbeard stories, so I decided to finally submit my short NeckBeard encounter in the hopes that our humble lord Reddx would grace my scribbling with his melodious voice.
A quick warning that this contains attempted schmexual assault.
This story takes place ten years ago, two months after I turned nineteen. I had spent the previous year interning with a well-known horse trainer. (To this day, it's the coolest thing I have ever done.) I left home for the year-long internship a healthy 112lb at 5’1” and returned 105lb. I also had brown hair down to my waist, and my eyes appeared large in my too-thin face, and I was mistaken for 13 or 14 on a regular basis. I think I could have been considered beard-bait
Now, back living with my parents, I needed employment. My options were limited in our small town. I didn’t fancy trying to work at one of the crumbling fast food joints, so I applied for our local cleaning company. Being a maid sounded perfect! It combined my love of cleaning and my intense curiosity in the lives of strangers. I loved the idea of peeking into people`s homes and getting a glimpse of what took place behind twitching curtains.
After convincing the owner that I was indeed an adult and not a small child with a fake ID, I was hired. The owner placed me with two senior maids who we will call, Laverne and Shirley. Lavern and Shirley were former chain-smoking meth Muppets that now resembled shriveled craisins in their mid-forties. They had given up smoking for vaping; specifically, banana nut bread vape.
Laverne and Shirley had one other notable idiosyncrasy. Laverne would say something apropos of nothing, like “yesterday was too sunny for me” and finish the thought with a sing song “♪Ya know♪.” And then Shirley would repeat “♪Ya know♪.” This would continue the whole drive, between puffs of banana nut bread vape. To this day, I can’t hear someone say ‘ya know’ without muttering a ‘♪Ya know♪’ under my breath.
One fateful Tuesday, I pulled into work, hopped out of my 1993 Skylark, and into our cleaning van just like I had done for the past three weeks.
Shirley: Hey there TwatWaffle, we’re goin’ to a new house today. It’ll be our first time there. We might be there longer than usual.
Laverne: Hopefully you packed a good lunch. We can't stop today, ya know
Shirley: ♪ YA know ♪
OP: Oh, cool! I love cleaning new houses. Yeah, I packed lunch.
We were off on a new adventure. The light babbling of Laverne and Shirley’s inane chattering belied the utter horror that waited for me. Laverne turned into a housing development of McMansions, huge houses with two square feet of lawn, all built about five feet apart. We unloaded our equipment, swung open the door, and revealed… a beautiful, almost immaculate home. Sweet, this should be an easy, quick job. We all took a brief tour of the house to snoo- I mean, familiarize ourselves with the layout.
Shirley: The order says downstairs kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Upstairs bathroom and basement bathroom.
OP: Do you know how to get to the basement?
Laverne: No, this is our first time here too ya know
Shirley: ♪Ya know♪
So, we continued to familiarize ourselves by opening every door in the house to find the basement. After opening doors to pantries, bedrooms, closets, and an office, Laverne finally found the door that led to the basement.
Leverne: TwattWaffle! Shirley! Over here!
The door Laverne found opened to cement stairs that disappeared into a dark abyss. Shirley pushed past us and flicked on the light. The stairwell, now illuminated, led to a brightly lit exercise room. We all made our way down and surveyed the numerous and expensive pieces of workout equipment as we wandered deeper into the basement.
The basement was narrow but seemed to run the full length of the house. An opening to another hallway was at the opposite end of the exercise room. The hall was lit by a dull bulb, which cast a yellow light on the awful carpet it oversaw. The center of the carpet was a deep brown, and the edges a sad dusty pink. The carpet’s pile had long since had its will crushed and now laid flat. Stains of all shapes and viscosity made parts of the brown depressed carpet even darker and crustier. To the left were two closed doors; the first door had light leaking out around its poorly fitted frame, and the second was completely dark.
The gym room smelled musty and a little sweaty but nowhere near bile-inducing. However, the smell emanating from the hall threatened to steal my breakfast. Laverne and Shirley stood at the entrance to the hall, not daring to step on the carpet.
Shirley: TwatWaffle go open the first door.
OP: Sure
On tiptoe, I went to the first door, grabbed the greasy knob, turned it, and pushed. A wave of ammonia slapped me like a-pimp-named-slick-back and face fucked my nose raw dawg. I stepped back into the hall, trying to get a fresh-ish breath. But it was too late; opening the door let the full force of rank smell gush into the hall. So, instead, I pulled my shirt over my nose, which acted like a condom against the assault on my olfactory senses.
Leverne and Shirley had been watching, but when I reeled back, they both came forward to chastise me for being dramatic.
Shirley: Come on, it can’t be that… Oh hell
Leverne: Stop being a pus… Fuck me sideways.
The smell had finally wafted to them as they came forward, and they, too, pulled their shirts over their faces.
The three of us stood in the doorway, surveying the horror. A sink to the left is covered in black, something… Mold? Dust? Curiosity made me take a step forward; peering at the sink, I saw hair. Short black hairs, curly black hairs, and long strands of black hair covered the sink in a fine layer. I looked at the ground and saw that it, too, was covered in an assortment of hairs. I willed myself to look up at the mirror which hung over the sink. The mirror was so thickly speckled with white and pinkish spots that I could hardly see my face. My stomach lurched and rolled; I knew too well what those milky spots were from.
Then, I went to the porcelain throne that was once a functional toilet but had become a biohazardous receptacle some time ago. Brown sludge filled the entire bowl. Thick yellow-brown stains colored the outer rim and ran down the base, pooling at the bottom. This sight and the overpowering stench finally got me, and I wretched.
Laverne: OK! I’ll knock out the upstairs pot, Laverne, you start on the kitchen, and I’ll help you when I’m finished. TwatWaffle, get started here.
Spinless people pleasing me croaked
OP: Yeah, okay.
Laverne and Shirley quickly walked away and booked it back upstairs. I went to my cleaning caddy, opened the bottle of bleach, and inhaled deeply. The bleach burnt in my nose, but it also gave me a little relief from the putrid smells gang banging my nose. Next, I pulled on my thick rubber gloves, summoned all the willpower I possessed, and headed back to the toilet. I pushed the handle, hoping to flush the fecal McSlurry, but nothing happened. I took the top off the tank and found that the pull chain had come undone. The chain reattached, I pushed again. Water rushed into the bowl, and the liquid butt fudge began to rise. Sheer panic ripped through my heart as I contemplated having to mop old stagnant shit off the floor. The slurry came level with the rim of the bowl when suddenly I heard a glop glop. Air from the pipes escaped, and slowly, the sewage oozed down the toilet drain and away from the rim of the bowl.
One crisis averted, I decided to start on the sink while the toilet’s tank refilled. It was going to take two or three more flushes to get it all down. I began scrubbing and wiping, letting myself get lost in my own head as I performed the familiar task. After about five minutes of ferocious cleaning, a sound cut into my consciousness—a heavy sort of breathing. I looked up and caught in the mirror a form filling the doorway. I jumped and spun around to face The Thing.
I hastily babbled
OP: Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. You scared me. Hi, I’m TwatWaffle, I’m here with Local Cleaning Company. Did you need to use this bathroom? I’ll be done shortly if you can wait.
The Thing stood silently, his mass filling the doorway. A light grey shirt with dark stains under each arm struggled and failed to contain the bulk of his abdomen. I could almost hear the cries of agony from the threads of fabric that made up his tortured navy sweatpants, which were being stretched to their limit. The flesh was so abundant on his face that it rendered it almost featureless. Angry red pimples dappled the entire landscape of his skin.
OP: I can step out now, if you can’t wait.
The Thing just stood there, staring. By this time, I had huffed enough bleach that the bathroom smells were bearable. But The Thing’s body odor had Billy Cosby-ed my defenses and was having its way with my piriform cortex. As nonchalantly as possible, I brought my bleached, soaked rag up to my face, like wiping sweat from my brow, and took another whiff of bleach. We stood just staring at each other for a long, awkward minute.
OP: Okay… Well, if you need the bathroom, let me know.
I turned and went back to cleaning. I flushed the toilet for a third time. Now, the toilet water was just cloudy with sediment. I scrubbed at the left-over streaks that had crusted and clung to the bowl. A fourth and final flush had the toilet looking as good as it was ever going to look again.
I might have been looking at this disgusting commode, but all my attention was on the figure lurking in the doorway. As I got on my knees, intent on cleaning up the thick, viscous yellow puddles, I heard The Things breathing increase and then fade. I dared a glance over my shoulder; The Thing was gone.
Finished with the toilet, I turned my attention to the shower. A glance at the drain revealed that, to Ramtides's query, The Thing was a waffle stomper. Clearly, with the toilet out of commission, The Thing had been using the shower to relieve themself. Hair was also sprinkled liberally over it all.
Giving myself a little pep talk.
OP: Okay, I’m almost done. I can do this. I’m almost finis-
Then, from the doorway, a voice gurgled
The Thing: Hello M’lady.
I whip around, slightly less startled this time but twice as confused. The Thing is talking? And it changed clothes? It now wore a black shirt and cargo shorts, which fit him only slightly better than his previous attire.
OP: Hi, Do you need the bathroom now? I’m pretty much finished; just need to wipe down the shower. I fixed the toilet, so it flushes now.
The Thing: Ahh, clever and beautiful. May I know M`lady’s name?
I was a little confused, considering I told him my name about fifteen minutes ago. But then I also struggle remembering names sometimes.
OP: I’m TwatWaffle, with Local Cleaning Company.
I noticed movement over The Things' shoulder, another shape in the dim hallway. And that is when everything clicked. I remembered seeing pictures lining the upstairs hall—pictures of a Mom, Dad, and two identical cherubic little boys—twins. This then was Thing2, and I had previously met Thing1. Dear god, basement-dwelling twin neckbeards.
Thing2: TwatWaffle, a lovely name for a lovely lady. M’lady, I need your assistance; I accidentally kicked my computer mouse under my bed. Neither I nor Thing1 can reach it. Perhaps M’lady would be willing to retrieve it.
OP: I’m not supposed to do anything that’s not on our cleaning order.
Thing2: But I’m not asking you to clean anything. I’m simply requesting that you do something for me as a favor. Surely, helping your client reach something isn’t against your rules. It’ll only take you a minute.
OP: I guess not, just let me spray down the shower and then I’ll help you.
Thing2: Excellent…
Thing2 lumbered back to their room. Thing1 stood for a moment longer in the hallway, staring before waddling after its brother. I finish up the shower, gathered the trash and used cleaning wipes, and put my supplies back in the caddy. I unscrew the bleach bottle one more time and inhale the fumes before walking to the next room and entering The Things’ nest.
What hit me first this time was a sweaty, musty smell, underlined by a salty, stale smegma. Then, as I stepped forward, the unmistakable stank of rotting food came edged in, joining the bukaki of smells in my nose. This room was also narrow and long. On the right and left sides against the wall were desks, each had two large monitors. LED gamer lights were hung on the wall, but the thick layer of dust that coated everything in the room dimmed their rainbow-light pattern. The only other lighting in the room came from a narrow window set high up in the wall and the glow from the monitors.
But scant light clearly illuminated dishes, pizza boxes, cans, and assorted bottles filled with suspicious liquids that lay in heaps around the desks. Stray bits of trash were scattered everywhere else. Beneath my feet was brown-crusted flooring that might have once resembled a carpet. On the back wall were two full beds set end to end. Thing2 sat on the right bed, and Thing1 sat in a chair, staring at something on one of the monitors.
Thing2: Here M’lday, it’s under my bed.
Holding my breath, I walked forward, knelt on the hard, stiff carpet, and peered under the bed. The mouse lay right there at the edge. Surely, Thing2 could have reached that far himself? I picked it up and held the mouse out to him.
Thing2: Thank you. You’re so kind and helpful. Perhaps you can sit with me for a moment and talk. It’s so rare that I get to meet such a beautiful lady.
OP: You’re welcome, but I have to go. Shirley and Laverne are waiting for me, and we have more work to do.
I turned to walk away when I felt something I will never forget. A pudgy, soft, and clammy hand gripped my wrist. It was so soft, like a baby's hand that had been enlarged. I’d never felt someone's hand before or since that was so fleshy and uncalloused. Sometimes, as I fall asleep, I feel that hand gripping my wrist again.
I froze and looked at this monstrous beast that grasped me. His fleshy acne riddle face smirked back at me in the dimness. I heard a groan and creaking metal as Thing1 exited his chair and stood behind me. Fear now engulfed me to my bones. I had been too distracted by the disgusting state of everything to consider Thing2 might have ill intentions. Or maybe I had inhaled enough fumes from cleaning supplies to cloud my judgment.
Thing1 took a step toward us as Thing2 began pulling me towards him. I braced myself, but the floor was slick, and I slid closer to Thing2. I wanted to scream, I wanted to say something, but fear had gripped my throat as hard as Thing2 gripped my arm.
Shirley: TwattWaffle! TwatWaffle! Where the hell are you, girl?
Shirley called from the hallway. Her raspy smoker's voice sounded like an angel's call to me, and her call gave me the strength to finally speak.
OP: Shirley! I’m over here!
Thing1 plopped back into his chair, and Thing2, startled by the sound of another person, loosened his grip enough that I could yank myself free. I picked up my cleaning caddy and ran from the room as Shirley’s head peaked around the door.
Shirley: Come on, lazy girl. We’ve been done for ten minutes already. You’re making us late. I’ve told you; you've got to go faster, girl.
OP: Yes, ma’am, sorry.
Back upstairs, I shakily helped load all our cleaning things back into the van, and we left. A week later, I quit and found better employment. Before that day, I had been rather naive, but I would never allow myself to get into another situation like that again.
I know my story is short and neckbeard-light, but I hope you found some entertainment in it anyway. Reddx, if you read this, thank you! And if you don’t, thank you for the hours of entertainment you’ve given me.
submitted by TwatWaffleWhitney to ReddXReads [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:21 thiabrown Exhibit Professionals Conference Fellowship @AMM_2024 - Apply by tonight!

Hello museum friends! Today is the LAST day to apply for the Exhibit Professionals Conference Fellowship for the Association of Midwest Museums, supported by Museum EXP! If you are a #proudmuseumperson (any career stage) looking for professional development that will further your exhibits-focused career, this is for you. Applying is easy, and one lucky recipient will get:
👉 an all-inclusive access to #AMM_2024 July 31st-August 3rd in Columbus, OH 🤝 a chance to connect with Museum EXP team members and other outstanding Midwestern exhibit people 👏 an opportunity to highlight a project you love through a feature article or presentation
(psst... everyone who applies will receive a special offer for #TheWayForward. It's totally worth it to try!)
Learn more and apply today:
submitted by thiabrown to MuseumPros [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:19 unitherapythrowaway Can therapy help me? How?

I need to change my life.
Hi to anybody reading. I'm 21 and a uni student in the UK. I'm new to therapy, it isn't as much of a thing here as it seems in the US, I'm on my second therapist of the year and third in the last year (last year's being an NHS one that was doing a DBT booklet with me). I've had several sessions with this new therapist, generally we talk about ADHD and medication or my week or maybe tiny bits of how childhood affects me, stuff like that. I'm aware I probably intellectualise, I can detach and talk about things like my childhood, some hard things I have to hold back tears to get through. I don't know if I'm making tiny improvements but I'm not happy with my life and I never have been. It needs to change, I just don't know how or how much is realistic.

My life right now

I've been through 2 years of university. I bombed the second year so I've applied to retake it. I already felt behind my peers, I had to come back to take my A-levels and I think I started first year at 20 instead of 18. I was diagnosed autistic in first year and then with ADHD just before second year. I wanted to go to uni and become a teacher, that seemed like a decent career path that would fit my skills and interests. I felt a bit disenchanted when teachers started striking and I just kept hearing negative things about the job. It's been a struggle. I struggle to study, 'make friends', and generally be without an externally imposed routine. My course is based on little teaching hours with the expectation that the student reads during the week. I suck at starting reading, staying focused, and finishing the reading while having little contact hours means I lack structure and I've felt really lonely and isolated. On top of that, my peers will be going into their third year and writing dissertations while I'm redoing a year and I won't share any classes with the few faces I do know. When I can get essays submitted, my grades are good. I enjoy writing and I like what my degree is about. But I think I came into second year recently being diagnosed ADHD - knowing that my struggles weren't just autism or depression or not trying hard enough but I'm yet to find a medication/dose that helps enough, so when the novelty of the semester wore off (happens every semester), when I couldn't keep up with readings and I couldn't get myself to go to uni and I was becoming overwhelmed with assignments I just gave up and said future me, hopefully medicated, will deal with that.
I stayed in halls for the first year with introverted LGBTQ flatmates but my partner moved to my city a few months in, I moved out and we now live together near my uni. That means I can't just up and move to a different university if I wanted to. I haven't had any contact with my parents since I came to uni, I cut them off. My partner and I have been together for a few years and have a healthy relationship, I've struggled with anxious bouts of "why are you with me?" and currently feeling uncomfortable that due to ADHD I both struggle with housework and with university work, usually avoiding both. We are both neurodivergent and struggle to make friends or have a social circle, and normal things drain us quite easily.
When I tell people I struggle with loneliness or making friends, they tell me to go to societies. I've struggled to find things I'm interested in, and even when I find something I can sign up, but when the time comes I'm not interested or at least not enough to combat the anxiety and disgust at leaving the house to be in an unfamiliar place with strangers. It's just easier to stay home. When I had a meeting with my academic tutor about retaking second year, we agreed that I shouldn't sit in the house doing nothing this summer, that I should find a part time job or volunteer. The idea of applying for jobs, engaging in the work of updating a CV or finding openings or dealing with the anxiety of interviews and the first week with unfamiliar people and places fills me with dread. This week I applied through my uni to volunteer at a cat shelter where you sit with a cat for an hour but they didn't get back to me, and part of me overwhelmingly didn't want them to anyway so I could have a reason to not go. It is literally a road away from me and it's just sitting with a cat and sitting with a cat sounds nice. Why can't my brain deal with that? I think I've just become accustomed to "oh this thing sounds nice" > "there's a negative or a chore you have to do for it" > "oh never mind i'll live without it", instead of wanting it enough and pushing through the difficult thing.
For years I've been waiting for the silver bullet, for the advice or the pill to treat me or cure me. I've always been a perfectionist and a dreamer, I have so many ideas and things I want. I thought if I took antidepressants I could be normal but I've had a handful and the best one did was make me slightly less anxious. Then I figured out and was diagnosed autistic, and thought if I manage my boundaries and expectations that I could live an okay life. Then I got diagnosed ADHD, and I've been trying medications on and off for 6 months. I don't know how much of a difference treating the ADHD will make. What if it's still not it? Do I try antidepressants again? Is there a therapy that could help me? What if some days I still can't get out of bed? What if I still can't tidy the house or get myself to lectures or a job? What if I still feel dread and cancel things even though days before I signed up for it cus I felt fine and said I'd deal with it?
I've been diagnosed with autism and ADHD and there are times I question them, but I've never even been formally diagnosed with depression or anxiety. Is it even depression and anxiety if it was hopelessness from being stuck as a child in a house of abusers and dreading any interaction from them? I wouldn't say I'm clinically depressed, mildly at worst, but I recognise anxiety symptoms in me - worrying about jobs, worrying that I'm not good enough for my partner, worrying about my ADHD symptoms like being late or forgetting something, worrying that people can tell I'm different or off-putting because I'm autistic, and feeling my heart race and my body shake if I speak up in a class. Is it not normal? People around me complain about things, about lectures or working, but they still get by.
I don't want to repeat years. I don't want to basically never leave the house. I don't want to avoid people or returning something to a shop or applying for a job. I don't want to sign up for something and then cancel on the day. I don't want to get uncomfortable when people message even when they're complimenting me because I'm worrying about when to reply and what to reply and feeling like I owe them something for being nice to me. I don't want my partner to basically take care of me, I don't want to do so little around the house. I don't want to sign up for a gym class and have to use so many tricks to get myself out the door (spoiler, I stopped going).
I want to leave the house on a sunny day because I love being in the sunshine, not sit indoors feeling guilty for 'wasting' it. I want to be an equal to my partner and have valuable contributions to him and other people. I want a pet like a parrot and be able to afford their care and be able to train them and clean up after them. I want to have kids and be able to raise them healthily, get them to places on time, not forget important events or appointments, and engage in their hobbies. How do I do it?
Thank you to anyone that reads any of this. I feel lost. I've been wanting to fix myself for so long.

Background on my life

warnings for content on child abuse, violence, sexual abuse, suicide, self harm, homelessness, medical neglect
>! I've thought something was wrong and/or different with me since I was about 10. I struggled with boredom, lying awake at night, and quitting hobbies early, I had interests but I just couldn't stick something out long enough to get good at it like a foreign language or the guitar. I was always a shy child and not gregarious, I found school easy and was in the gifted programme with some classmates but generally pretty unremarkable in primary school, I got on with my work, teachers liked me, it was noted that I wouldn't put my hand up and at times I struggled to get along or fit in with other classmates. !<
>! I grew up with two parents and a slightly younger brother, and when I was around 10 a second brother was born. I think as an older empathetic sister I was parentified. I'd often watch over the baby and I had my own interests in things like psychology and parenting. My views contradicted my parents and they still do. I didn't believe in yelling, name-calling, threats, or physical violence. I remember my mother not approving of my dad physically punishing my brother when he was less than a year old. Often I was stuck in the middle. I have traumatic memories of my brother as a baby or toddler crying, usually from my parents, and feeling heartbroken and powerless, going to pick him up or comforting him while being told not to encourage his behaviour, or times when he would be in a highchair and he would be choking on his food because my parents would be forcing him to eat. I've suspected pretty confidently that my brothers have a moderate to severe case of ARFID. My little brother became one of my best friends and I miss him. My other brother was often I guess abusive. When we were left alone, I mean 15 minutes, not hours, he would torment me (then my young brother when he was born) and there was often physical violence - at times I would have to shut myself in a room and I remember him thanking or recognising that I had to lock one of us in the bathroom to keep him away from me. I'm not a violent person, I wasn't before and I'm not now, but that was a violent period of my life. I could tell my parents when they got back, I'm sure sometimes I did and sometimes I didn't, it was conflicting. I could tell them and they could groan for us to leave each other alone, or someone could have been the recipient of screaming, maybe 'corporal punishment' too, I don't remember much. I remember having to make choices around what my parents' reactions would be, and if it was going to be worth the possibility of seeing a sibling screamed at, berated, hit. !<
>! My home felt unpredictable, scary, and unsafe. One time I was on a website of a child protection service and I went on the chat service and I'm pretty sure I mostly or only talked about my brother and his violence/outbursts, I didn't give them my name or address but the police showed up anyway from it and talked to us. They decided to do nothing. I can't describe to you the atmosphere of the house for a while after that, as if I had betrayed my parents and brought shame to my family. My mum would go on to make jokes about it for years after. I struggled with anxious worries and feelings, suicidal ideation, self harm, and feelings of being trapped. I remember getting out of bed as a child and being too afraid to cross the living room my parents were in to use the toilet and just standing frozen because I didn't want them to interact with me. Late childhood-early teens I would think about suicide and I remember wrapping a cord around my neck in bed. I came to realise a fair amount, the self harm or the horrible moods, would come from home outbursts - times my mum would scream at us or decide she just didn't like us or the berating and threats from my dad and the house would be uncomfortable for days until it was swept under the rug and forgotten. I booked myself an appointment to see the doctor, asked my best friend to come along, and I told my mum I was going to the park. I conceptualise myself as around 10 or 11 years old then, it could have been 12. The doctor agreed. I would go on over the years to have referrals for mental health help denied, sitting in rooms telling professionals through tears about how I was struggling to be denied. Even at 17 I was still being told I was too young for antidepressants. !<
>! My grades dropped in high school. I couldn't wake myself up in the morning, I would get detentions from being late. I was never rude, violent, disrespectful, but I think I was struggling and feeling hopeless. Any grades I would get would be mediocre, my work was unfinished, and at break times I would sit with my phone maybe with earbuds in. When exams came I struggled to study, sometimes only studying in the queue for that exam. I finished school with Cs, Ds, a B. I think years before I was predicted Bs and As. My head might have been on the desk from fatigue or I might have been messaging online friends that were adult men that used 4chan and I would be up at 3am talking to them. I would often seek validation from men. I'm glad Omegle is gone now. I feel a sense of badness when that or something related is brought up, maybe fear and shame and disgust. Anyways. After GCSEs I went to do my A-levels and didn't get through a year without switching classes, subpar homework or grades, being maybe bullied by my friends, spending 2hrs to get ready and then not going, leaving early or spending the day in town on buses so my parents would think I did go. I would be walking outside in a dissociated state, one time I was at a park standing in front of a body of water when I had an exam, my college tutor emailing me asking where I was. !<
>! I left college, had a couple little jobs and worked in an office under an apprenticeship scheme for 8 months during lockdown. I didn't want a job or apprenticeship or anything but my parents made me so they could get tax breaks or something. It was during this period of working that my mum kicked me out for a night, it was something about jeans and not paying her rent. I remember my legs shaking the first week I was at that office job. My commute one-way took 2 buses and like 90 minutes. I would fall asleep on the bus and for seconds at my desk. I quit to go back to school, I hated it there. I emailed my resignation with no notice on a Friday when my boss had already left because I was scared of their reaction. I got through my A-levels again, this time without really anyone from my high school. I got along with people, but I didn't make any 'real' friends, and it was difficult after the first semester as the novelty wore off. I think I came out with something like BCC in my 3 subjects. And that takes us to university now. !<
submitted by unitherapythrowaway to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:16 TrueMight My Dys-Dain for profiteers of pseudo-scientific trash

I somewhat like pharmaceuticals! It's a very interesting and inviting proposal to give in to urges of viewing the body through a totally reductionist lens, just another bit of machinery that we can tweak and manage, that we can manipulate at our whim, make it serve us in the way we feel is gratifying right now. Not the way biological and environmental pressures determiner how it should react.
Unlike the biologically constrained view, this viewpoint is fun, because it feels empowering! It enables the delusion that we actually have even the slightest fucking idea what is going on in the brain and what we are doing. Now, we are creatures of habit, and that is because our body is so dead set on returning to homeostasis and is really good at it. But we are not a kitchen appliance. We don't have 5 dials and 3 buttons. The amount of cross-interactions and ways shit could possibly go wrong randomly is unimaginable.
SSRIs. SNRIs. Antidepressants in general. They hailed in the waves of Depression diagnoses - in that temporal relationship. And I believe causal. We've been handing them out for so many decades now, yet that the production site of Serotonin was located in the gut, that was something we only found Out in the last decade. Look at our antipsychotic medication, our line of defense against psychosis - just fucking block dopamine I guess. Yeah you feel miserable as fuck with your Mesolymbic system blocked - have some antidepressants with them maybe? Why not go for Venlafaxine. Cause that ones fucking easy to get off of and certainly isn't a massive disruptor.
Blocking Dopamines effects; That's our BEST swing at schizophrenia, after a century. Yet.. everyone is under the impression we already have this figured out apparently. Really? Did I miss the Party?
It I recall correctly, psychotic states can have a plethora of causes, and it's often difficult to find any substantial reasoning as to why they wouldn't be considered to be 'hallucinating stimuli that aren't present in material reality'. Let's look at BPD: Borderliners are permanently parapsychotic, meaning their reality testing is impaired constantly, and they like to lose that grip entirely in a state of what is essentially a right hemisphere mini-stroke. They will start confabulating nonsensical, illogical, contradictory and straight up just untrue garbage ad infinitum, no matter how much evidence they are presented to the contrary - they will make it fit in, and they really believe in it, it doesn't vanish afterwards. Do we give those people anti-psychotics? Why not?
When are you clinically depressed because of an imbalance, versus should get your fucking life in order? When is it a disorder that impairs your social life, versus you refusing to leave your god damn basement?
Maybe we should feel a bit bad about ourselves sometimes. No, I'm not saying it anyone should be left unhelped or should "man up". Maybe a pill is NOT gonna solve our horrible hygiene, or lack of interests. Maybe reviewing our life without self-deceiving might do the trick. Maybe not. Even if it's the capsule, you know the drill, only effective after a few weeks of daily intake (and we don't know why it exactly works either lol). It seems weird for human physiology to just have completely, utterly and collectively shat the bed in such a brutal manner, affecting so many people simultaneously, with such growing number within decades, if at all.
To go on a tangent, have you ever played a PC game and used cheat engine? There's values you can search for and change within the rapid access memory that your PC has allocated somewhere for whatever memory the game is actively constantly using. There's a lot of games where you could find the value of the level you have in some skill and change that - yet nothing happens. Actually, the number you changed is only a display number for the player, so besides being informative for you it serves no function. So it has to be some other value, maybe an XP counter which just starts at 0 and goes up to 99999999, or maybe that one is dependent on others as well. Maybe it's randomized at every playthrough which combination of values determines it? We certainly know changing the displayed number doesn't really do that much. Actually it might be counterproductive if you think you're higher in that skill than you really are, put less effort into leveling it.. That's what Antidepressants were to me.
Now, higher Serotonin concentrations are clearly correlated with higher levels of.. Well that depends what you're searching for, doesn't it. You can just take the easy route and say "Happyness". Huh. What the fuck does that mean? Because you could also say the funni peterson lobster thing, that it's got a very strongly correlation with the hierarchical status, which would also not be wrong. So the translation for humans seems to be the "socioeconomic dominance hierarchy", heard that one before. Well that's another very simple, easy, onedimensiomal concept to unpack, isn't it. So does that disqualify me if I don't score high here ? It doesn't seem to, I feel pretty good. Oh - correlation, NOT causation. True, just a thing we happened to observe.
Such statements and observations only maybe might make sense and be of limited use if they are used to make inferences about each other, maybe arrive at a sudden absence of correlation between relationships, but only so long as they are using using identical definitions and rulesets as their playground boundaries.
So what are these boundaries, who sets them? First, lets look at real science.
With formal sciences, we adhere to laws of the fabric of space and time, and we test for ideas, hypotheses if you might, in a way that tries to actually show we're wrong, in order to find the least wrong, least unnecessarily complex theory, that can nonetheless give us reliable capability to predict future events, allowing us to plan and strategize. You try to prove you're wrong because you can't prove anything als definitely right by "Always" being correct. What does Always mean? The next trillion tests? Until the end of the universe? Alright, see you then. It can be correct any number of times - if it fails a SINGLE time to be applicable, or completely misses the mark with a prediction it makes about the future, it needs to be revised or replaced.
Now, join the imaginary realm of arbitration and conjecture. The social 'sciences'. We have merely an imaginary and conceptualized space, it's constraints and the it's contents and what that space deems to be in the range of normalcy.. Range of normalcy...
I guess we do that by what we agree is normal? Or what we're like on average? Kinda hard to find a measurement that takes everything into account. Oh right, we are stupid and gullible.
Psychological & Psychiatric associations and doctors determine what's normal, correct and right. Based on what THEY determine scientifically as normal or abnormal. Follow the science. Today you're a junkie tweaker on meth, tomorrow you might be a performance-enhanced enjoyer of hedonistic short-term pleasure. Doctors know best. If they say you need Adderall, you're not a speed addict with a dependency - you're receiving medication for your attention deficit disorder. Today you have Gaming Disorder, tomorrow it might go up to a HAZARDOUS gaming disorder (sadly not making this up).
But back to this experimental space. One of 'knowledge' - that has as 0 external validity. Whatever is posited or discovered within this conjecture, its gotta be a result of working inside that conjecture and it's rules. That means we have to accept the premises required as existing at least, and the rules wholesale.. Because otherwise we never would've been able to discover anything about that space, it would've been a different space, one that you don't have anyone to discuss anything with. So we have a hypothetical space, and it's boundaries must be accepted as existent, if not true, if we are to work with it. But we can prove the premises and true afterwards for the ones coming later?
No, they cannot help to prove themselves, are just accepted upon. But we always need a framework to guide us. Otherwise, there is nothing to find out, because you can do nothing inside of nothing. If there are no bounds or limits to a space, then you have failed to define a space. If you define a space, then you can differentiate between what content is contained in it, and what is outside of its confines.
You change the frame, you automatically change the space, you reframed. New things might be included, others disappear, others have to be revisited (like malignant self love, narcissism revisited) and refined, with whatever had to be changed for any number of reasons, rarely ones of health. Because honestly, all in all there's only few major psychoactive substance classes, and those dictate the approaches, obiously. And that's my entire point with this. We have to use conceptual frameworks and systems, yet people seem to think that just because it's been designated, it therefore has any physical manifestation in reality.
They have NO, and absolutely cannot ever have ANY truth-value, absolutely nothing that would allow them to ever enter the methodological realm of hard truths. They have no intrinsic value that would ever qualify them to be be user for confident inferences, deductions, statistics or anything constituting true scientific theory. This is important to know.
People that are psychotic just, in waves reporting they see Santa Claus, that wouldn't be put in as a comorbidity, right? Science doesn't work like that.. Right? Right guys? We don't try to just immediately integrate any behaviors that pop up outside of a more and more narrow definition of normal, with a more and more broad definition of mental illness, and begin to call these people sick and suffering from "pathology", right? We're a.. science?
If you set up deductive hypotheses and formulate tjem in a manner that positivistically attempts confirm what it's maker has already observed / desired on as a recurring or noteworthy phenomenon, like a distinct characteristic of a mental illness, it's already been established as a prototype, and he WILL find what he wants. And it's nonreplicable too. A lot of people behave a certain way. And it's similar enough that we thought we might give it it's own label to better treat it. That's the only reason something gets it's own label. We the distinction we made between X and Y was made possible not because Y was always there, waiting to emerge. It's because we added it.
Only need enough same-ish results in that group, and voila: Have 'Gender Dysphoria'. And before I get beaten to death, it's because it's the most twisted example. This is no stance of valuation. But there was no reason that 'body dysmorphia' could not encompass this phenomenon - but when enough people appear, then yeah. It becomes somewhat necessary, they have so similar disturbances in identity, and perception. Well, and the perception part is not what it used to mean, the patient misperceiving and such. Reframed that, cause that insinuates delusion. And nobody wants to be delusional. Weirdly accommodating, I wonder why?
Contagion? Absolutely possible according to their studies, denied for ages, by all psychological metrics confirmed beyond doubt not too long ago (not specific to this matter).
But.. from a profit oriented perspective, the prospect of these people.. The treatment is gonna be lifelong with a lifelong hormone therapy.. and whatnot because they are fixing an issue of identity with purely sexuality, so antidepressants and a BPD diagnosis are also for the taking.. and oh man the surgeries are treasure trovee no matter how they go.. in fact the less effective they are, the more dependent on the sector the person becomes.. Meaning more. Fucking. MONEY.
Fuck it, get the gears turning boys, we gotta get the news out, and weaponized Compassion (previously: enabling) is the tool again, as always. Its a distinct clinical entity, they are born in the wrong body, which is one hell of a claim in general, but alright. And this is everyone that's diagnosed. They wouldn't be diagnosed if they didn't have it. How does one get diagnosed you ask?
You're unhappy in general, anxious about socializing in some way, and have this deep feeling of being uncomfortable in your body but in a certain way. A conviction that you have an incongruence of gender assigned at birth. A strong belief that you always had.
Anybody can claim that conviction. That's not a marker. If that's ALL you diagnose with, at the end of the day "No you don't." is not really something you are able to say to one person while treating the other.
If both are completely convinced and made up their mind, they will probably display the same behavior too. You can never truly distinguish, because your category has no criteria that can't be emulated, there is nothing to distinguish with - just personal opinion. And because the person wears a lab coat and has seen similar people as well as studied for a time, their opinion is no longer personal, but professional - thus becoming gospel and truer? At least that's how it feels like the diagnosis is talked about. Ignorant to a simple fact: a true deep conviction can look identical to, a self-deceptive delusional state that persists. And whether it is a construction worker that does the judging or the white coat glasses man, fundamentally they both have to say yes to both these cases, if going purely by the psychiatric criteria by the book - provided they truly did forego personal opinion. That is the case for every inner conviction of course. Yet there is no other conviction-based purely mental ailment for that we would consider cutting someone up and readjusting them, while having no proof at all of actual efficacy, making a probably already anxious and possibly traumatized person go through a traumatic surgery that has no recourse. That's not help, that's preying on the vulnerable. And in the most twisted way imaginable, because its not only permanently altering the body of someone, whom I would argue has slightly reduced ability to consent due to warped perception; it also weaponizes their identity disturbance and loyalty to group identity LGBTQ+, an often toxic replacement for peers and family, drawn towards because they doesn't question anything except dissent in their ranks, encouraging narcissistic shared victimhood, rendering outside world a constant threat. And these people suffer so much, and I agree, but because it's affirmative care, only a fucking monster would ever object to the wishes of the suffering person; worst of all denying or discouraging the helping hands of the surgeons, endocrinologists and psychiatrists - they are your friends. Your best friends. They do science. Just let yourself get cared for. And as early as possible. I don't know man, we've been going for a while with these surgeries yet we are severely lacking in even these shitty studies that would give a clue of at least a unrealistic clue because of environmental pressures or reactivity etc.. People just get lost post surgery and especially the ones that went through with it before puberty keep not being checked up on.
Unlucky, guess it's just luck of the draw that nobody cares about whether THIS very tempered measure for a mental state that seems to sometimes subside or be tied to trauma is actually an effective treatment, you know in improving lives. I mean they gave all this affirming care these friends of us, so everyone should affirm, so better shut the fuck up. And no you're not getting funding for long term follow-up studies, actually if you try, we'll make it as hard as possible to follow up on these people by not changing their records appropriately for them to be found. I think 12 without parental approval would be a good starting age?
This is the most extreme example, but you can apply this to so many conditions and treatments. This shit is totally circular. It's begging the question. Everyone loves it because it is so awesome. It's terrible how people might not love it, so therefore we should act against such people, right?
In a perversion of science so disgusting it needs a name of its own, Psychiatry is a disgrace, and we throw Neuroscientific and Biomedical observations into the same pot with a questionnaire about 'what you feel like?' and 'how intense from 1 to 10 would you rate it?'
Depends on the context. Maybe my 5 is a hellish nightmare for others. Maybe everyone actually feels way shittier by default than it seems. Maybe seeing people happy online nonstop makes me feel like I should be happier, so simultaneously I become less happy and I would rate my happiness as lower. Sounds like a reasonable measure to me. Very Accurate too.
So now, we find out how we can get SSRIs approved and distributed uhhhmmm I mean, find out what might be wrong and how we could treat it. This melancholy of yours uhhh I mean Major Depressive Disorder you pathologically suffer from.
Olay so fuck it, it keeps in Serotonin, let's get a "measurement of the number of instances of neurotransmitter x in synaptic cleft y" in there. A physically existing amount of a defined thing in an area at a time; which therefore, given our tool of measurement has 100% precision, would have to yield as it's value a single, natural number, with a truth value of absolute for at that exact instance of designated spacetime. That is very important, because it very clearly prevents the possibility of any other value that isn't identical to have been ALSO true at the same time, so it is falsifiable. Or rather, it was - that instance is gone, the measurement cannot be replicated, we could make reading mistakes, but we could demonstrate that multiple measurements reliably deliver quantities that are inside of a possible range. Convenient for us if we maybe aren't entirely honest. Now we did the SCIENCE THING. We got a fucking NUMBER man. That sexy, empirical, numerical value, gained by observing material reality and measuring for a quantitative value. Let's get a few more of those measurements.
Now get your lab coats ready again guys:
We take those numbers.. And we start to just aggressively smash, beat, and contort them in whichever way necessary, so that they can 'support the findings' and neatly 'fit into the presumption' of whatever bias-riddled, pseudo-scientific theory we are trying to posit. Graphs are good - just numbers, statistics, math, anything to make it look formal. We do the research on this, so we are the experts, so we declare us the authority to distinguish between expert and lunatic. on this. Also since our research is science, it has to follow good lab practice. That only costs you a few dozen million to accommodate. Nothing a cooperative partner can't pay.. provided you're doing the right kind of studies.
Also, for the last time guys, follow the science, okay? You might claim that we just see and name behaviors that are abmormal, same-ish and cause discomfort, then might claim that studying whether the people we put in the study because they exhibit that abnormal behavior we grouped are suffering from the label we gave that abnormal pattern (they are, it's bad) is a bit pointless - but trust us, we're always like "Wooooow, the result was exactly what we expected! The descriptions fit like a glove!". We may be unable to make reliable, statistically relevant predictions about the behavior of even 1 person, not even for a few minutes - but rest assured, our statistics are all corrected for, any environmental or external variables or reactivity, and I mean it's 10 people, how much more do you need, 50? Remember, we don't pathologize, we treat and care with methods, like sending you to these people that, you know uhm, talk, and all that kind of shit.. Anyway, lifelong pharmacological and/or surgical interventions are often necessary.
You say 0 truth value again - we say take your medicine patient, cause you're starting to look preeeeettttyyy Antisocial. You got some sort of conduct disorder huh.. guess a callous unemotional type.. not showing any emotional correlate. Hello? Is he just playing dead?
Okay. That's it. He has ODD, it's obvious. That's clearly a case of the oppositional defiant disorder. Do we have a med for that? Mmmhmm ... yeah... okay alright thanks.
How about some Venlafaxine?
submitted by TrueMight to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:15 unitherapythrowaway Can therapy help me? How?

I need to change my life.
Hi to anybody reading. I'm 21 and a uni student in the UK. I'm new to therapy, it isn't as much of a thing here as it seems in the US, I'm on my second therapist of the year and third in the last year (last year's being an NHS one that was doing a DBT booklet with me). I've had several sessions with this new therapist, generally we talk about ADHD and medication or my week or maybe tiny bits of how childhood affects me, stuff like that. I'm aware I probably intellectualise, I can detach and talk about things like my childhood, some hard things I have to hold back tears to get through. I don't know if I'm making tiny improvements but I'm not happy with my life and I never have been. It needs to change, I just don't know how or how much is realistic.

My life right now

I've been through 2 years of university. I bombed the second year so I've applied to retake it. I already felt behind my peers, I had to come back to take my A-levels and I think I started first year at 20 instead of 18. I was diagnosed autistic in first year and then with ADHD just before second year. I wanted to go to uni and become a teacher, that seemed like a decent career path that would fit my skills and interests. I felt a bit disenchanted when teachers started striking and I just kept hearing negative things about the job. It's been a struggle. I struggle to study, 'make friends', and generally be without an externally imposed routine. My course is based on little teaching hours with the expectation that the student reads during the week. I suck at starting reading, staying focused, and finishing the reading while having little contact hours means I lack structure and I've felt really lonely and isolated. On top of that, my peers will be going into their third year and writing dissertations while I'm redoing a year and I won't share any classes with the few faces I do know. When I can get essays submitted, my grades are good. I enjoy writing and I like what my degree is about. But I think I came into second year recently being diagnosed ADHD - knowing that my struggles weren't just autism or depression or not trying hard enough but I'm yet to find a medication/dose that helps enough, so when the novelty of the semester wore off (happens every semester), when I couldn't keep up with readings and I couldn't get myself to go to uni and I was becoming overwhelmed with assignments I just gave up and said future me, hopefully medicated, will deal with that.
I stayed in halls for the first year with introverted LGBTQ flatmates but my partner moved to my city a few months in, I moved out and we now live together near my uni. That means I can't just up and move to a different university if I wanted to. I haven't had any contact with my parents since I came to uni, I cut them off. My partner and I have been together for a few years and have a healthy relationship, I've struggled with anxious bouts of "why are you with me?" and currently feeling uncomfortable that due to ADHD I both struggle with housework and with university work, usually avoiding both. We are both neurodivergent and struggle to make friends or have a social circle, and normal things drain us quite easily.
When I tell people I struggle with loneliness or making friends, they tell me to go to societies. I've struggled to find things I'm interested in, and even when I find something I can sign up, but when the time comes I'm not interested or at least not enough to combat the anxiety and disgust at leaving the house to be in an unfamiliar place with strangers. It's just easier to stay home. When I had a meeting with my academic tutor about retaking second year, we agreed that I shouldn't sit in the house doing nothing this summer, that I should find a part time job or volunteer. The idea of applying for jobs, engaging in the work of updating a CV or finding openings or dealing with the anxiety of interviews and the first week with unfamiliar people and places fills me with dread. This week I applied through my uni to volunteer at a cat shelter where you sit with a cat for an hour but they didn't get back to me, and part of me overwhelmingly didn't want them to anyway so I could have a reason to not go. It is literally a road away from me and it's just sitting with a cat and sitting with a cat sounds nice. Why can't my brain deal with that? I think I've just become accustomed to "oh this thing sounds nice" > "there's a negative or a chore you have to do for it" > "oh never mind i'll live without it", instead of wanting it enough and pushing through the difficult thing.
For years I've been waiting for the silver bullet, for the advice or the pill to treat me or cure me. I've always been a perfectionist and a dreamer, I have so many ideas and things I want. I thought if I took antidepressants I could be normal but I've had a handful and the best one did was make me slightly less anxious. Then I figured out and was diagnosed autistic, and thought if I manage my boundaries and expectations that I could live an okay life. Then I got diagnosed ADHD, and I've been trying medications on and off for 6 months. I don't know how much of a difference treating the ADHD will make. What if it's still not it? Do I try antidepressants again? Is there a therapy that could help me? What if some days I still can't get out of bed? What if I still can't tidy the house or get myself to lectures or a job? What if I still feel dread and cancel things even though days before I signed up for it cus I felt fine and said I'd deal with it?
I've been diagnosed with autism and ADHD and there are times I question them, but I've never even been formally diagnosed with depression or anxiety. Is it even depression and anxiety if it was hopelessness from being stuck as a child in a house of abusers and dreading any interaction from them? I wouldn't say I'm clinically depressed, mildly at worst, but I recognise anxiety symptoms in me - worrying about jobs, worrying that I'm not good enough for my partner, worrying about my ADHD symptoms like being late or forgetting something, worrying that people can tell I'm different or off-putting because I'm autistic, and feeling my heart race and my body shake if I speak up in a class. Is it not normal? People around me complain about things, about lectures or working, but they still get by.
I don't want to repeat years. I don't want to basically never leave the house. I don't want to avoid people or returning something to a shop or applying for a job. I don't want to sign up for something and then cancel on the day. I don't want to get uncomfortable when people message me even when they're complimenting me because I'm worrying about when to reply and what to reply and feeling like I owe them something for being nice to me. I don't want my partner to basically take care of me, I don't want to do so little around the house. I don't want to sign up for a gym class and have to use so many tricks to get myself out the door (spoiler, I stopped going).
I want to leave the house on a sunny day because I love being in the sunshine, not sit indoors feeling guilty for 'wasting' it. I want to be an equal to my partner and have valuable contributions to him and other people. I want a pet like a parrot and be able to afford their care and be able to train them and clean up after them. I want to have kids and be able to raise them healthily, get them to places on time, not forget important events or appointments, and engage in their hobbies. How do I do it?
Thank you to anyone that reads any of this. I feel lost. I've been wanting to fix myself for so long.

Background on my life

warnings for content on child abuse, violence, sexual abuse, suicide, self harm, homelessness, medical neglect
>! I've thought something was wrong and/or different with me since I was about 10. I struggled with boredom, lying awake at night, and quitting hobbies early, I had interests but I just couldn't stick something out long enough to get good at it like a foreign language or the guitar. I was always a shy child and not gregarious, I found school easy and was in the gifted programme with some classmates but generally pretty unremarkable in primary school, I got on with my work, teachers liked me, it was noted that I wouldn't put my hand up and at times I struggled to get along or fit in with other classmates. !<
>! I grew up with two parents and a slightly younger brother, and when I was around 10 a second brother was born. I think as an older empathetic sister I was parentified. I'd often watch over the baby and I had my own interests in things like psychology and parenting. My views contradicted my parents and they still do. I didn't believe in yelling, name-calling, threats, or physical violence. I remember my mother not approving of my dad physically punishing my brother when he was less than a year old. Often I was stuck in the middle. I have traumatic memories of my brother as a baby or toddler crying, usually from my parents, and feeling heartbroken and powerless, going to pick him up or comforting him while being told not to encourage his behaviour, or times when he would be in a highchair and he would be choking on his food because my parents would be forcing him to eat. I've suspected pretty confidently that my brothers have a moderate to severe case of ARFID. My little brother became one of my best friends and I miss him. My other brother was often I guess abusive. When we were left alone, I mean 15 minutes, not hours, he would torment me (then my young brother when he was born) and there was often physical violence - at times I would have to shut myself in a room and I remember him thanking or recognising that I had to lock one of us in the bathroom to keep him away from me. I'm not a violent person, I wasn't before and I'm not now, but that was a violent period of my life. I could tell my parents when they got back, I'm sure sometimes I did and sometimes I didn't, it was conflicting. I could tell them and they could groan for us to leave each other alone, or someone could have been the recipient of screaming, maybe 'corporal punishment' too, I don't remember much. I remember having to make choices around what my parents' reactions would be, and if it was going to be worth the possibility of seeing a sibling screamed at, berated, hit. !<
>! My home felt unpredictable, scary, and unsafe. One time I was on a website of a child protection service and I went on the chat service and I'm pretty sure I mostly or only talked about my brother and his violence/outbursts, I didn't give them my name or address but the police showed up anyway from it and talked to us. They decided to do nothing. I can't describe to you the atmosphere of the house for a while after that, as if I had betrayed my parents and brought shame to my family. My mum would go on to make jokes about it for years after. I struggled with anxious worries and feelings, suicidal ideation, self harm, and feelings of being trapped. I remember getting out of bed as a child and being too afraid to cross the living room my parents were in to use the toilet and just standing frozen because I didn't want them to interact with me. Late childhood-early teens I would think about suicide and I remember wrapping a cord around my neck in bed. I came to realise a fair amount, the self harm or the horrible moods, would come from home outbursts - times my mum would scream at us or decide she just didn't like us or the berating and threats from my dad and the house would be uncomfortable for days until it was swept under the rug and forgotten. I booked myself an appointment to see the doctor, asked my best friend to come along, and I told my mum I was going to the park. I conceptualise myself as around 10 or 11 years old then, it could have been 12. The doctor agreed. I would go on over the years to have referrals for mental health help denied, sitting in rooms telling professionals through tears about how I was struggling to be denied. Even at 17 I was still being told I was too young for antidepressants. !<
>! My grades dropped in high school. I couldn't wake myself up in the morning, I would get detentions from being late. I was never rude, violent, disrespectful, but I think I was struggling and feeling hopeless. Any grades I would get would be mediocre, my work was unfinished, and at break times I would sit with my phone maybe with earbuds in. When exams came I struggled to study, sometimes only studying in the queue for that exam. I finished school with Cs, Ds, a B. I think years before I was predicted Bs and As. My head might have been on the desk from fatigue or I might have been messaging online friends that were adult men that used 4chan and I would be up at 3am talking to them. I would often seek validation from men. I'm glad Omegle is gone now. I feel a sense of badness when that or something related is brought up, maybe fear and shame and disgust. Anyways. After GCSEs I went to do my A-levels and didn't get through a year without switching classes, subpar homework or grades, being maybe bullied by my friends, spending 2hrs to get ready and then not going, leaving early or spending the day in town on buses so my parents would think I did go. I would be walking outside in a dissociated state, one time I was at a park standing in front of a body of water when I had an exam, my college tutor emailing me asking where I was. !<
>! I left college, had a couple little jobs and worked in an office under an apprenticeship scheme for 8 months during lockdown. I didn't want a job or apprenticeship or anything but my parents made me so they could get tax breaks or something. It was during this period of working that my mum kicked me out for a night, it was something about jeans and not paying her rent. I remember my legs shaking the first week I was at that office job. My commute one-way took 2 buses and like 90 minutes. I would fall asleep on the bus and for seconds at my desk. I quit to go back to school, I hated it there. I emailed my resignation with no notice on a Friday when my boss had already left because I was scared of their reaction. I got through my A-levels again, this time without really anyone from my high school. I got along with people, but I didn't make any 'real' friends, and it was difficult after the first semester as the novelty wore off. I think I came out with something like BCC in my 3 subjects. And that takes us to university now. !<
submitted by unitherapythrowaway to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:44 PLpro12 How do I protect my Amazon FBA account from fraudulent activity or hacking attempts?

Implement Strong Password Practices

Create a Complex Password

A strong password is your first line of defense against unauthorized access. Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information such as names, birthdays, or common words.

Regularly Update Your Password

Change your password periodically to reduce the risk of your account being compromised. Aim to update your password every three to six months and avoid reusing previous passwords.

Use a Password Manager

Managing multiple complex passwords can be challenging. A password manager can help you securely store and manage your passwords, ensuring that you always have strong, unique passwords for your accounts.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

What is Two-Factor Authentication?

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring not only your password but also a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your mobile device.

Setting Up 2FA on Amazon

  1. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  2. Navigate to the ‘Account Info’ section.
  3. Select ‘Two-Step Verification’ and follow the prompts to enable it.
Using 2FA significantly reduces the chances of unauthorized access, even if your password is compromised.

Monitor Your Account Activity Regularly

Review Account Notifications

Amazon provides notifications for various account activities. Ensure that your email and phone number are up-to-date so you can receive these alerts promptly. Pay attention to any unusual or unauthorized activities.

Check Login History

Regularly review your account's login history to identify any suspicious logins. If you notice any logins from unfamiliar locations or devices, change your password immediately and report the activity to Amazon.

Secure Your Email Account

Email as a Gateway

Your email account is often the gateway to your Amazon FBA account. Securing your email account is crucial to preventing unauthorized access.

Implement Strong Security Measures

Be Cautious of Phishing Scams

Recognize Phishing Attempts

Phishing scams are fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information by disguising as a trustworthy entity. These can come in the form of emails, messages, or phone calls.

How to Protect Against Phishing

Keep Your Software Updated

Importance of Updates

Software updates often include security patches that fix vulnerabilities. Keeping your software, including your operating system, browsers, and applications, up-to-date is crucial for maintaining security.

Enable Automatic Updates

Whenever possible, enable automatic updates to ensure that you are always protected by the latest security measures.

Use Secure Networks

Avoid Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi networks are often less secure and more susceptible to hacking. Avoid accessing your Amazon FBA account over public Wi-Fi. If you must use a public network, use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your connection.

Use Trusted Networks

Access your account from trusted networks where you have control over the security settings. Ensure that your home or office network is secured with a strong password and encryption.

Regularly Backup Your Data

Importance of Data Backup

Regular backups ensure that you can quickly recover your account information and data in case of a breach or technical issue.

How to Backup Your Data

Use secure cloud services or external hard drives to backup your important data. Schedule regular backups to ensure that your information is always up-to-date.

Educate Your Team

Training and Awareness

If you have a team managing your Amazon FBA account, ensure that they are aware of security best practices. Regular training sessions can help reinforce the importance of security and keep everyone updated on the latest threats.

Assign Roles and Permissions

Limit account access to essential personnel only. Assign specific roles and permissions based on job requirements to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.

Utilize Amazon’s Security Tools

Amazon’s Security Features

Amazon provides various security tools and features designed to protect your account. Familiarize yourself with these tools and utilize them to enhance your account security.

Seller Central Security Tools

Responding to a Security Breach

Immediate Actions

If you suspect that your account has been compromised, take immediate action:
  1. Change your password.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication if it is not already enabled.
  3. Review recent account activity.
  4. Contact Amazon support for assistance.

Report the Incident

Reporting the incident to Amazon is crucial. They can help you secure your account and investigate the breach. Additionally, report any fraudulent activity to local law enforcement if necessary.

Utilizing Amazon Seller Tools

Jungle Scout can be instrumental in protecting your Amazon FBA account from fraudulent activity and hacking attempts. This powerful software provides detailed insights into market trends, competitor analysis, and product performance, which helps you make informed decisions. By using its comprehensive data, you can avoid risky products and sellers, reducing the likelihood of engaging with fraudulent entities.
The tool's keyword research and tracking features allow you to optimize your listings, making them less vulnerable to malicious attacks. With accurate data on keyword performance, you can maintain a strong presence in the marketplace, which deters fraudsters looking for easy targets. The software's alerts and notifications system also keeps you updated on any suspicious activity, enabling you to respond swiftly to potential threats.
JS offers inventory management and sales analytics, which help you monitor your account's performance and detect any unusual patterns that might indicate fraud. By staying on top of your inventory and sales data, you can quickly identify and address discrepancies. The combination of these features ensures that your Amazon FBA account remains secure and your business continues to thrive.


Protecting your Amazon FBA account from fraudulent activity and hacking attempts requires a proactive and comprehensive approach. By implementing strong security measures, regularly monitoring your account, and staying informed about potential threats, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Stay vigilant and prioritize your account security to safeguard your business and reputation.
Jungle Scout - 35% OFF Discount (Limited Time)
An all-in-one Amazon seller tool to easily find, list, and sell 10K+/month products! Disclosure: I get a small kickback if you click through. Thanks for reading! DM if you have any questions :)
submitted by PLpro12 to newamazonsellers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:17 DLizzy000 Knock down drag out euphoric burnout

Hi, just sharing my most recent experience. 1 month of talking to this guy.
Met a guy online, we hit it off right away, texting & eventually received a phone call (the next day) as I told him I was taking my daughter fishing. So…I asked him how often does he have his 2 children etc just to get an idea of how available he would be. He calls & explains that one of his kids mothers (that is originally from out of state) lives with him temporarily until she can get her own place. He went to jail for a year bc of a DUI so due to her taking care of their daughter alone he felt obligated. I told him I wasn’t interested & that we should just wait until she is gone. He persisted & told me she would be gone in probably a week. Kept exclaiming how badly he wanted to go fishing. I wasn’t expecting him to want to be with myself & my daughter so fast but he pushed his way into coming with us. I was expecting to not have a connection & just go from there, let him down easy afterwards. He shows up, as expected almost a little dressy for fishing. Brought a rose, etc. I wasn’t expecting. It actually went very well. We took a really long walk around the trails, holding hands just talking & I had 0 bad vibes about this guy. Upon leaving, we did about a 5 minute deep hug, like we both felt some kind of want/need & it was a good hug.
Fast forward, he ends up not having to keep his daughter over night as expected, his child’s mother took her with her to a celebration for the night so he called & asked to come over. We had a good night. I was surprised when he asked Me what My intentions were with him bc that gave me the assumption that he had been mistreated or used in the past. So we had a good night. Anyhow, it progressed Very fast. (Even after I expressed my second thoughts on the situation several times that he just completely ignored) He brought his 4 year old to my place & the mother called cursing him saying we haven’t been dating very long etc which is understandable. (Too much drama) screaming on my balcony afraid my neighbors were going to call the police.
Fast forward again, he brings her over again, both times of which he didn’t even tell me prior. He has now gotten comfortable enough to get into my liquor on his own & proceeds to drink & drive home with his 4 year old which is what did it for me. I was So scared for this little girl that it made me resent him. He was already talking about having kids with me & I got prescribed birth control yesterday but was afraid of the hormones making me even More crazy that I just went ahead & ended it today. Bringing up meeting families at some point was never reciprocated, I mentioned being irresponsible, the drinking, etc & I got a “so you’re saying you’re done, you don’t want to do this anymore, that’s fine, take care.”
Moral of the story, fastest euphoric, sloppy, messy, drastic, burnout I’ve ever had in my life. Not to mention 5 days ago (after taking his daughter home drunk) (a month into talking) he comes back at midnight (on a work night - I was asleep) high on meth. Don’t trust Anyone. Stop dating. lol jp. But that is the advice I would give to myself bc I would have never suspected until it actually happened & it all happened so freaking fast.
submitted by DLizzy000 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:01 tempmailgenerator Automating Feedback: Sending Google Form Responses via Email

Getting Started with Automated Feedback Collection

In the digital age, collecting feedback and responses through Google Forms has become a staple for businesses, educators, and event organizers alike. This method not only simplifies the data collection process but also enables the efficient gathering of insights from various stakeholders. However, the journey doesn't end with collecting responses. The real challenge lies in efficiently extracting this data and ensuring it reaches the right hands, such as through email, for further action or analysis.
Addressing this challenge requires a blend of automation and integration tools that can seamlessly connect Google Forms with email services. This process involves setting up a system where responses from Google Forms are automatically fetched and formatted into an email, then sent to specified recipients. This not only streamlines the feedback loop but also significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data handling, allowing for real-time response management and enhanced communication workflows.
Command Description
Google Apps Script A scripting platform developed by Google for light-weight application development in the G Suite platform.
sendEmail(recipient, subject, body) Sends an email with the given subject and body to the specified recipient.
FormApp.openById(id) Opens a form by its ID and allows you to interact with it, like getting responses.
getResponses() Retrieves all responses for the form.
getItemResponses() Gets the responses for every item in the form.

Harnessing Automation for Efficient Data Management

Extracting answers from Google Forms and automating their dispatch via email represents a pivotal enhancement in data management and communication strategies. This process not only streamlines the collection and analysis of information but also ensures timely and organized dissemination of responses. Google Forms, a versatile tool within the G Suite, offers an intuitive platform for creating surveys, quizzes, and feedback forms. When integrated with Google Apps Script, it unlocks powerful automation capabilities, allowing users to manipulate form responses and automate tasks such as sending emails. This synergy is particularly beneficial in educational, business, and research settings where large volumes of data are collected and require efficient processing.
The practical application of automating email notifications based on form responses involves scripting in Google Apps Script—a cloud-based scripting language that provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products. By writing a custom script, users can automatically parse through responses received from a Google Form, format them as needed, and send this compiled information to specified email addresses. This automation can be scheduled to run at specific intervals, ensuring that recipients are promptly informed about new submissions. Such a setup not only saves valuable time but also enhances the responsiveness of teams or individuals managing the data, allowing them to act swiftly on the information received.

Automating Feedback Collection

Scripting with Google Apps Script
function sendFormResponsesByEmail() { var form = FormApp.openById('YOUR_FORM_ID'); var formResponses = form.getResponses(); var emailBody = ''; formResponses.forEach(function(formResponse) { var itemResponses = formResponse.getItemResponses(); itemResponses.forEach(function(itemResponse) { emailBody += itemResponse.getItem().getTitle() + ': ' + itemResponse.getResponse() + '\\n'; }); emailBody += '\\n\\n'; }); MailApp.sendEmail('', 'Form Responses', emailBody); } 

Streamlining Email Communication through Google Forms

Google Forms has become a vital tool for collecting information from a wide audience, whether it's for feedback, registrations, or surveys. The power of Google Forms extends beyond mere data collection; it offers a seamless way to automate responses and interact with other Google services, such as Gmail, to streamline workflows. This integration can significantly enhance productivity and ensure that the information collected is utilized effectively. For instance, automatically sending form responses via email can help in promptly addressing feedback or inquiries, thus improving communication efficiency. The process involves leveraging Google Scripts, a robust platform that connects different Google applications through simple coding.
By using Google Scripts, users can create custom functions to automate tasks such as parsing form responses and sending them as email notifications. This not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of human error, ensuring that all responses are accounted for and properly communicated. Such automation can be particularly beneficial for educators, event organizers, and businesses that rely on timely data collection and feedback. The versatility of Google Forms and its integration capabilities demonstrate the potential of cloud-based tools in enhancing digital workflows and facilitating efficient communication strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions about Google Forms and Email Integration

  1. Question: Can Google Forms automatically send email responses?
  2. Answer: Yes, by using Google Apps Script, you can automate Google Forms to send email responses upon submission.
  3. Question: Is programming knowledge required to set up email notifications?
  4. Answer: Basic programming knowledge is helpful, especially in Google Apps Script, but there are many tutorials available to guide you through the process.
  5. Question: Can I customize the email content sent from Google Forms?
  6. Answer: Yes, the content of the email can be fully customized using Google Apps Script to include specific form responses or additional text.
  7. Question: How do I ensure that emails are sent only to intended recipients?
  8. Answer: In your script, you can define the recipient's email address to control who receives the email notifications.
  9. Question: Can I send email notifications to multiple recipients?
  10. Answer: Yes, you can modify the script to send emails to multiple recipients either by specifying the addresses directly in the script or by including them in the form responses.

Streamlining Feedback and Data Communication

In the digital age, the ability to swiftly gather and utilize data can set organizations apart. The integration of Google Forms with email systems through scripting offers a powerful tool for automating this process. This method not only saves valuable time but also enhances the accuracy and efficiency of data communication. By automating the extraction of Google Form responses and their distribution via email, organizations can ensure timely feedback, improve engagement, and foster a data-informed culture. This process underscores the importance of leveraging technology to enhance communication flows within and outside organizations, highlighting a practical application of Google's suite of productivity tools. Ultimately, adopting such automated solutions can significantly benefit educators, researchers, and businesses by optimizing their data collection and dissemination strategies.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:05 ConcentrateOk5204 #merveleemyers MAPS @kingscollegehospital #imposter with #Nurse Betty ar...

Dear Ms Myers,

My name is Gayle Lewis, and I am a Patient Complaint Officer at King’s College Hospital. My reason for contacting you is to introduce myself and to confirm we are taking the concerns you raised about your recent experience at King’s forward through the formal complaints process. The Trust aims to have investigated your concerns within 40 working days. Once our investigations are complete we will send you a formal response in a letter from one of our Executive team. If at any stage we find we need more time to complete our investigations we will contact you to inform you of this.

I have read your account of what happened and apologise that this led to you raising a complaint.

To aid our investigation into your concerns, I have listed key points that you have asked us to respond to.

· Complainant arrived to witness Mr Tomlinson falling out of bed, the nurse accompanying the complainant did not notice this
· Complainant decided to video events as wanted a record of the incidents that took place
· Complainant states that nursing staff were abusive towards her and not caring for her husband appropriately
· Security staff were called and ejected (roughly handling her, causing her fingernail to break) her from the building – she asked for her coat which was returned with money missing from the pocket.
· Was safeguarding in place for complainant’s husband

To ensure we understand the key points within your complaint that you would like answered and to ensure a thorough investigation takes place, I want to ensure that I have accurately presented your key concerns. It would also be helpful to understand the outcome you are seeking. Typical outcomes from raising a complaint would be:

• An official explanation in the form of a written response.
• An apology for a poor experience.
• Process improvements to help ensure a similar occurrence does not happen in the future.
• Potential retraining for staff, if identified through the course of the investigation.

I would be grateful if you could confirm this is a fair reflection of your concerns for our investigation. If this is not correct, or you have additional issues you would like us to investigate, then please contact me to confirm these points.

If you need communication support such as an interpreter or information in another language, audio, Braille, Easy Read or large print, please let me know. If there is anything you wish to discuss about your case, please either email or contact Olivia on 0203 299 4515.

With kind regards

Gayle Lewis

Gayle Lewis
Patient Complaints Officer
Patient Complaints
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Chat with me on Teams

Direct line: 020 3299 4501 Switchboard 020 3299 9000 Ext 34501
Email: or

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submitted by ConcentrateOk5204 to u/ConcentrateOk5204 [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:03 ConcentrateOk5204 6 June 2024

Dear Ms Myers,

My name is Gayle Lewis, and I am a Patient Complaint Officer at King’s College Hospital. My reason for contacting you is to introduce myself and to confirm we are taking the concerns you raised about your recent experience at King’s forward through the formal complaints process. The Trust aims to have investigated your concerns within 40 working days. Once our investigations are complete we will send you a formal response in a letter from one of our Executive team. If at any stage we find we need more time to complete our investigations we will contact you to inform you of this.

I have read your account of what happened and apologise that this led to you raising a complaint.

To aid our investigation into your concerns, I have listed key points that you have asked us to respond to.

· Complainant arrived to witness Mr Tomlinson falling out of bed, the nurse accompanying the complainant did not notice this
· Complainant decided to video events as wanted a record of the incidents that took place
· Complainant states that nursing staff were abusive towards her and not caring for her husband appropriately
· Security staff were called and ejected (roughly handling her, causing her fingernail to break) her from the building – she asked for her coat which was returned with money missing from the pocket.
· Was safeguarding in place for complainant’s husband

To ensure we understand the key points within your complaint that you would like answered and to ensure a thorough investigation takes place, I want to ensure that I have accurately presented your key concerns. It would also be helpful to understand the outcome you are seeking. Typical outcomes from raising a complaint would be:

• An official explanation in the form of a written response.
• An apology for a poor experience.
• Process improvements to help ensure a similar occurrence does not happen in the future.
• Potential retraining for staff, if identified through the course of the investigation.

I would be grateful if you could confirm this is a fair reflection of your concerns for our investigation. If this is not correct, or you have additional issues you would like us to investigate, then please contact me to confirm these points.

If you need communication support such as an interpreter or information in another language, audio, Braille, Easy Read or large print, please let me know. If there is anything you wish to discuss about your case, please either email or contact Olivia on 0203 299 4515.

With kind regards

Gayle Lewis

Gayle Lewis
Patient Complaints Officer
Patient Complaints
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS

Chat with me on Teams

Direct line: 020 3299 4501 Switchboard 020 3299 9000 Ext 34501
Email: or

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i) inform the sender that you have received the message in error before deleting it; and
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NHSmail is the secure email, collaboration and directory service available for all NHS staff in England. NHSmail is approved for exchanging patient data and other sensitive information with NHSmail and other accredited email services.
For more information and to find out how you can switch visit Joining NHSmail – NHSmail Support


submitted by ConcentrateOk5204 to u/ConcentrateOk5204 [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:01 FancyBurtholeMuncher Meth has been easier to quit than alcohol

Quitting meth has been easier than quitting drinking. I've been drinking for the past 15 years or so and have had a few stints of sobriety here and there.
In 2018 I started to dance with meth because of life reasons. So then I spent the next year or so ingesting massive amounts of meth. It created extreme problems for health, marriage, and mental health. I spent at least 4 months in psychosis, which was fucking terrible.
I ended up meeting a new partner where we left the state. I still was using. Finally I managed to quit due to extreme relationship problems. It was tough, but I managed to do it.
I was clean for about 3 years and last fall I relapsed and went into a 4 month binge. Once again, issues with my partner and I decided to stop. The day I ran out I quit. And it was super easy. I just slept a lot and got through the withdrawls pretty easy.
But I can't seem to kick drinking. I have tried multiple times and still struggle really with it. The addiction is so much harder to deal with than anything else I've ever tried.
I think the main reason is this. (I neither condone, nor will I give any information regarding this).
I order all my drugs online. Have been doing this for a long time and has always worked for me. But it's kind of a whole ordeal. Have to purchase and wait for it to come. Takes anywhere from 3days to a week.
And that is a deterrent. Since it's a whole deal. And that makes it more of a very conscious decision to make. There was even a time when I ordered meth when I was blackout drunk and when it came in, I realized what I did and had my partner know and get rid of it. So the cravings have to be so much that I make the decision to go online and do the whole thing.
I have a store just 2 miles from my house that I can literally go at anytime before midnight and get my fix. Takes me 15 minutes with the drive time. It's just so fucking acceptable. I feel like if I had to order it and go through the hassle of buying it, it would be so much easier to deal with.
So yeah, that's one piece of my story. It just sucks how accessible it is.
Anyone relate to this at all? If not, thanks for coming to my TED talk
TDLR: title
submitted by FancyBurtholeMuncher to stopdrinking [link] [comments]