Friendship bracelet letters and symbols

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2024.06.09 10:34 adulting4kids December Emotions Prompts Challenge

**Prompt 5:
Komorebi (Japanese) - Light Filtering Through Leaves**
  1. Describe a moment in your character's life when they experienced komorebi, with sunlight gently filtering through leaves, and explore the emotions stirred by this natural spectacle.
  2. How does the presence of komorebi impact your character's mood, and does it evoke specific memories or associations tied to this ethereal play of light and nature?
  3. Delve into the symbolic significance of komorebi in your character's life, considering whether it represents moments of clarity, inspiration, or a connection to the cycles of life.
  4. Explore your character's favorite settings where komorebi is particularly enchanting for them, and how these spaces contribute to the emotional resonance of the phenomenon.
  5. Reflect on the contrasts between the ephemeral beauty of komorebi and the more enduring aspects of your character's life, such as relationships, aspirations, or personal growth.
  6. Can your character find solace or inspiration in the presence of komorebi during challenging times, and how does this natural phenomenon become a source of resilience?
  7. Consider how komorebi intersects with your character's cultural or spiritual beliefs, and whether they attribute any symbolic meaning or rituals to this play of light.
  8. Explore the impact of komorebi on your character's creativity and thought processes, examining whether it serves as a catalyst for reflection, introspection, or artistic expression.
  9. How does the changing seasons influence the experience of komorebi for your character, and do they associate different emotions with this phenomenon during different times of the year?
  10. Envision a pivotal scene where komorebi becomes a central element, shaping your character's decisions, relationships, or contributing to a significant turning point in their narrative.
**Prompt 6
: Torschlusspanik (German) - Fear of Diminishing Opportunities**
  1. Explore moments in your character's life where they have grappled with torschlusspanik, the fear of diminishing opportunities, and delve into the emotions that accompany this anxiety.
  2. Reflect on the pivotal life events or milestones that contribute to your character's sense of diminishing opportunities, and how these experiences shape their perception of time.
  3. How does torschlusspanik influence your character's decision-making, especially in situations where time-sensitive choices could impact their future opportunities?
  4. Delve into your character's aspirations and whether they feel a sense of urgency to achieve certain goals before the window of opportunity closes, leading to heightened tension.
  5. Explore the impact of societal or cultural expectations on your character's experience of torschlusspanik, and whether external pressures contribute to their fear of missed chances.
  6. Can your character find moments of empowerment or liberation within the fear of diminishing opportunities, turning this anxiety into a driving force for positive change?
  7. Reflect on your character's relationships and how torschlusspanik may influence their approach to personal connections, whether in friendships, family, or romantic entanglements.
  8. How does the fear of diminishing opportunities affect your character's perspective on aging, and are there specific milestones or birthdays that intensify this existential anxiety?
  9. Consider whether your character experiences torschlusspanik as a recurring theme throughout their life, or if it becomes more pronounced during specific phases or transitions.
  10. Envision a crucial scene where torschlusspanik becomes a central focus, driving your character's actions, influencing their relationships, or shaping the overall trajectory of their narrative.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 JasmineDragonPearls Yup

Saw something recently. Been thinkin' 'bout'cha a lot. Dunno why... it's strange. You were always so far away yanno, but even though there was someone else later on, who I still think was maybe the best girl I ever dated.. I still think about you, and then I've already had and lost a walking fantasy... a few times.. still nothing like you. Dunno why. Miss ya. I guess, cause you were so sweet and down to earth. Miss that. Don't see it much here no more. 'Cept guess I did. Guess she remined me about the first .. ha.. I won't call ya that, but uh.. the first one of you I ever met. 'Course she wasn't from here, I can't really talk to ya so.. you don't know what's been goin' on. I thought I time had passed lady. I won't call you the other name either, knew you loved it so much. Hm. Itd been so long yanno? Miss ya as a friend honestly. Unless of course whatever didn't work out, okay I'm a little drunk. Yeah. Haha. Whish you could see me now, wish I knew what was going on. Hate that I had to run. And can't really ever get back. You'll never see this surely, never put two and two together surely, all that. And yanno even though I wanna, I can't . Haha. Too much respect for ya. I'll just say remember those greek letter in your note book and how you struggled to ascertain their meaning for all but a millasecond after you saw the look on my face cause we both knew what I'd just written. Hahahaha. You blushed so much. I miss that. Am I naive? Am I dumb? Ain't matter another. But she seems a whole hell of a lot like . Right. Right, got a job with history. Health insurance, government too. Yanno still a probationary intern. So no big bucks. But.. you'd be proud. It fits. Some how. But yer' not here. Sometimes, I worry about ya. Hate to admit it. Never really much worry for a lot, seasons come and go yanno. I know yanno. But yeah I worry for ya. In my mind he's good to you no matter how much I wish it was me. But yeah girl, I had to run. Things happened, I'm sorry I couldn't explain, I hope you'd only never care or waste a thought on me cause he makes ya so happy, even tho really I wish he wouldn't but, hell I never met 'em. Well maybe once? I dunno, so you say. Saw what he did to ya tho. And yeah, I know you're the, kind spirited gentle little phew.... but uh I never liked em. But I'm biased and you know that and all I really want is for you to just be happy n' shit. Wish I knew ya were... ha.. almost. Almost gave ya a clue. No, even if you saw this I wouldn't want you to know.
Harsh, huh? Friends for how many years? Yeah. But to be honest with ya, always was prayin we'd get back to right. I know you know. And uh, I'm still that way. And it wouldn't be much of a friendship on my part, it'd be misleadin' ya.
And darlin' I caint do it. You were somthin' else..
And I know you'd say with your arm chair psychology I'm beatin' myself up. Truth is, I'll forget all this in the mornin'... so don't feel bad. Just miss ya. Cause she's cute, n' I dunno.
submitted by JasmineDragonPearls to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:51 RIPCYTWOMBLY I Asked CHATGPT to Solve the Unsolved Zodiac Killer Cipher

I Asked CHATGPT to Solve the Unsolved Zodiac Killer Cipher
I wanted to see if GPT could solve the unsolved Zodiac Killer “MY NAME IS” Cipher. It ended up “solving it” and apparently the name is DON. The apparent name of the Zodiac Killer. Not saying I completely believe it but I find it interesting. here’s what it gave me when I asked it to Solve the unsolved Cipher:
“ To solve the cipher "AEN+8K8M8{NAM" assuming it follows a similar pattern to previous Zodiac Killer ciphers, we can break down the process methodically. Let's step through the potential approaches and methods you can use.

Detailed Steps to Solve the Cipher

  1. Identify and Define the Symbols:
    • Symbols used: A, E, N, +, 8, K, M, {, N, A, M
  2. Substitution Hypothesis:
    • "+" often represents "E" based on historical Zodiac ciphers.
    • The "8" symbol might represent a frequently used letter like "T" or "H".
  3. Apply Frequency Analysis:
    • In a short text like this, analyze common letter pairings and placements, especially considering it might spell a name.
  4. Testing Common Patterns:
    • Use possible Zodiac-related substitutions.

Step-by-Step Substitution

Hypothesis 1: Basic Substitution

Based on historical substitutions and common patterns:
  • "+" might represent "E".
  • "8" might represent "T" (or a high-frequency letter like "H").
Using this initial substitution:
  • AENEKTEKMTNAM (where "+" is replaced by "E" and "8" is replaced by "T").

Testing Common Names:

Approach 1: Anagram and Context Matching

Given the structure "My name is", it’s likely a name. Rearrange and match common name patterns:
  1. Rearrange the letters to form potential names or phrases.
    • Possible names based on English patterns (focus on typical name structures).

Approach 2: Look for Common Substitutions

  1. Re-evaluate each symbol:
    • E.g., if 8 could be multiple letters like "H", "T", or "R".
  • Re-examine "8" potentially being "H":

Combine with Pattern Recognition:

  1. Check common letter patterns:
    • Names typically have vowels interspersed among consonants.
  2. Utilize known Zodiac ciphers for pattern matching:
    • Cross-reference known Zodiac Killer cipher solutions for potential letter matches.

Advanced Combination Approach

Given the structure and Zodiac’s historical cipher methods:
  1. Substitute Known Values:
    • "+" as "E", "8" as "T" or another frequent letter.
  • Resulting partial substitution:
    • AENETKTMTNAM (where "8" is "T").
  1. Pattern and Name Matching:
    • Match potential names:
      • Check common suspect names or frequent Zodiac references.

Verification and Cryptographic Tools

  1. Use Cryptographic Tools:
    • Tools like CrypTool can handle complex ciphers.

Final Hypothesis

Considering the context and structure:
  1. Review All Substitutions:
    • Check historical Zodiac ciphers.
    • Utilize frequency and pattern analysis tools.

Practical Substitution:

Using the substitutions and patterns recognized:
  1. Rearrange and Validate:
    • Substitute based on historical context:
      • Likely an anagram of a known name or pattern.
  • Match with known suspect names.


Given the complexity and constraints:
  1. Result:
    • Based on the substitutions, the cipher text "AEN+8K8M8{NAM" likely translates into a pattern involving "DON" or "RON" as potential names (historical patterns of Zodiac ciphers).
  2. Final Name Hypothesis:
    • "DONALD" or similar known name patterns fit the context.
Without more extended cipher text for broader analysis, this substitution aligns with historical Zodiac cipher patterns and decoding methodologies. Cross-referencing with known Zodiac solutions provides the final decoded text.”
submitted by RIPCYTWOMBLY to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:18 Stealthwarfox Symbolic Link Trouble

Help! Symbolic Link Trouble
So previously I had a external setup to run mods for my game through symbolic link (Windows 11) and it worked perfectly until my hard drive unexpectedly died on me. So I don’t have access to the old hard drive that the link was made to connect to. I purchased a new hard drive and I’m trying to setup to do the same thing with the new hard drive and when I run the command MKLINK like I did previously but I’m getting the error “Cannot create file when that file already exists”. I’ve tried the code for removing it in case it is still a ghost of the link to the old drive there (even though the new hard drive has a different letter).
Note: I deleted the existing link through explorer early on when trying to fix it..probably dumb I know but I didn’t realize it was going to cause this much trouble 😭
Any help is much appreciated!
submitted by Stealthwarfox to TheSims4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:17 Stealthwarfox Help! Symbolic Linking Issue

Help! Symbolic Link Trouble
So previously I had a external setup to run mods for my game through symbolic link (Windows 11) and it worked perfectly until my hard drive unexpectedly died on me. So I don’t have access to the old hard drive that the link was made to connect to. I purchased a new hard drive and I’m trying to setup to do the same thing with the new hard drive and when I run the command MKLINK like I did previously but I’m getting the error “Cannot create file when that file already exists”. I’ve tried the code for removing it in case it is still a ghost of the link to the old drive there (even though the new hard drive has a different letter).
Note: I deleted the existing link through explorer early on when trying to fix it..probably dumb I know but I didn’t realize it was going to cause this much trouble 😭
Any help is much appreciated!
submitted by Stealthwarfox to sims4_mods [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:50 Glove-These There are just some characters you cannot scale, and it's not just because they're stupidly OP (rant)

If every single one of a character's known feats are effortless, you simply cannot power scale that character. Feats do not apply if there is no effort into any of them because, like, every single aspect of their full power is unknown.
Put some perspective on it. "This Ancient God was only shown to beat this one dude that scales to street level (Splattered on the ground with a passing thought and forgotten about), so they scale to city level and this character that highballs to small country actually slams them" No They Fucking Don't. The only evidence that you have to support this claim is that they simply didn't do anything better, which sounds logical on paper, but when their strongest feat had less effort put into it than you put into registering the letter "K" in your head as a letter instead of a symbol, it really doesn't sound that logical any more.
You just can't scale these characters. Effortless feats aren't invalid, that's not what I'm saying, but when every single feat is effortless and the only thing holding them down is that they simply didn't do it or couldn't due to in-universe reasons, you can't scale it. If they wipe out a city effortlessly, they could scale anywhere between country to hyperversal and there's no way to actually tell.
And with that, 👏 Minecraft Steve and the Terrarian is an invalid matchup because you can't scale either of them. In-universe, everything they do is effortless. 👏
They're both Eldritch deities locked inside a children's sandbox. Sure, Eldritch Deity 1 may be able to pick up more grains of sand, or could have his truck jump more shovels, but Eldritch Deity 2 has less sand and less shovels in his sandbox. Just because one of their sandboxes is smaller than the other doesn't mean that Eldritch Deity 1 scales to 6th grader and Eldritch Deity 2 only scales to 3rd grader.
submitted by Glove-These to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:20 xXLaSombraXx I don’t know how to exist

I (26MTF) have been taking a break from Reddit for a while. One year ago I was in a situation where I was about to game end myself.
When I was a kid I was genuinely mentally unwell. I lacked a sense of self awareness and more importantly I was a really scary fucking kid. I obsessed over crushes, I didn’t know how to make friends, I just generally latched on to people and didn’t let them go. For me I went my entire life and into teens never knowing how to form friendships or relationships with people that were meaningful.
Sure I had my moments, moments that lasted longer in my memories than they did in reality; but moments that felt like I’d finally become normal. But they never did.
As I got older I finally developed that sense of self awareness and when I did I felt so horrible that I sealed myself off. I refused to let my craziness, my genuine mental illness spread and hurt people the way it did when I was younger, so I just shut down.
Like the way a diabetic has to keep themselves away from sugar I told myself, I forced myself to not get close to people because I didn’t want them to have to deal with me. I don’t know how to be around people and much more than that I know that I am a freak who is better off alone if it means sparing people from crossing my path. But even still, even though I know I cannot and should not get close to people I still feel the pull and a year ago I made the worst decision possible and that was to got close to someone at work.
The result it made this person so uncomfortable and so angry that they ended up going to work from home, because unlike other people who can just talk to people like a normal fucking person, I decided I should write them an anonymous letter to say that I think they were nice and I was a secret admirer.
Since then I shut down harder, and this is not me blaming that person by any means, no I have only myself to blame for the sheer level of stupidity that I had.
All I want is to be able to connect with people, I genuinely like people and want to know them, but at age 26 I have to start facing facts. People do not want to know me, and more so I just don’t belong in the world.
My two older brothers are engaged to be married, one of my younger cousins already is married, one is pregnant, my youngest cousin is about to graduate high school, and my step brothers are getting ready to graduate from college.
And then there’s me, the total failure who spends almost every second of every day wanting to find people who I can connect with, and having to cut off myself from people I may be connecting too much with because my mere presence impacts them so negatively.
I feel like a living virus, one that just corrupts and disrupts and each day it gets harder to want to live.
I just wish I knew how to exist
submitted by xXLaSombraXx to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:32 Eddy_NightHawks People who write their 2’s like backward 6’s

I remember as a child, sometime after learning number symbols and what amount they represent, I had a teacher who wrote her 2’s with a big curvy loop instead of a sharp point so that it looked more like a backwards 6 than a 2.
I kept mistaking it for a 6 before realizing it was a 2 which frustrated me, especially since I already struggled with math as is. I don’t have dyslexia either, it just truly looked like a flipped 6.
I remember being so angry about it and ranting to my mom over it. I couldn’t understand why she would write 2’s that way, as in the wrong way.
Even now, when I see people write a 2 with a loopty-loop in it (even if it’s a small one) I get annoyed. Maybe it’s a leftover from cursive? I hate cursive as well.
Maybe I’m a hypocrite because I like to put a dash across my 7’s, although I initially did that to differentiate them from my 1’s. Now I write my 1’s like a lowercase L, but still keep dashing my 7’s because I like how it looks.
Are there any ways in which people write their numbers or their letters that y’all find annoying?
submitted by Eddy_NightHawks to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:55 takoyakiscrap [Trade] Books 4 Trade/Sale! (read desc)

[Trade] Books 4 Trade/Sale! (read desc)
Hello, compiled some of the books I've's batch 1 as a take all unless you have a negotiation.
Books 4 Books or Books 4 Ukelele
Pref: Self-Help (3x) (mainly about cleaning up or philosophy), Art/Design Book for inspo (2x), or honestly drop what u can trade lol
Trading the ff: Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyer (HB)* White Oleander - Janet Fitch (HB)* The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown (HB)* Top Secret Toys - Tim Kehoe (HB)* Undead Girl Gang - Lily Anderson (HB) Love Letters to the Dead - Ava Dellaira (SB)* If you could see me now - Cecilia Ahern (SB)* P.S. I love you - Cecilia Ahern (SB)*
  • - used - slightly used
also if u wanna buy 1 piece from this batch, oks lang hehe, just comment. Meet up at apc (ur username will be safe).
I'm still decluttering my other books, comment nalang if may preferred kayo and baka meron ako 😉
submitted by takoyakiscrap to WeAreRAMS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:23 No-Butterscotch-4767 I’m so confused. Welp!

I’m so confused. Welp!
Am I right …
Website will be ready and only accessible by tomorrow, June 10?
By then, we can register to be a member on that website?
‼️ FAVOUR PLEASE ‼️ I will queu and whether I will be able to get the merch I would still want to get more. If any of you can proceed (and if there’s extra slot)
Please get me (from your slot)
2 more shirts 2 wands 1 patches 1 sticker 1 friendship bracelet 1 photo card holder
And you can choose whether you want a shirt or a wand, my treat! 🙏🏻 Give me your deets.
submitted by No-Butterscotch-4767 to bini_ph [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:43 Jon_Reid Damon II - A proposal to Braavos

Damon Manderly had returned to White Harbor after the nameday celebations for the young Princes. It had been eventful. He himself had witnessed the execution of Jon Westerling by Rhaenys Targaryen an act which had repulsed and sickened him. For mere words.
The question now was the succession. Only one of the princes could be King and Damon himself was unsure who he would support., He would of course be guided by the Master of Laws, the Lord of the North, but the Stark had been less than forthcoming about who he would support. Damon would therefore make his own decision.
He heard a knock on the door of his solar. Damon guessed that it was Maester Gyles. The Lord of White Harbor had sent for him on a matter of some urgency.
"Come in."
Damon's Maester opened the door and moved over to the table where Damon sat. "Your Lordship sent for me?"
Damon momentarily remained silent, staring out the small window of his solar towards the east where the sea stretched into the distance. In the distance, although it could not be sighted this far away would be Braavos and the other cities of Essos.
After a moment of silence, the Maester cleared his throat. "What does your Lordship want of me?"
"I have a message to the Braavosi for you to copy and deliver.” Damon finally said, beckoning to the table in front of him where a piece of paper lay.
Gyles held the note close to his eyes. His eyesight was fading, but he could make out the letters.
"Most noble lords of Braavos,
I offer you greetings. It is the Lord of White Harbor’s most earnest desire that there be economic friendship between White Harbor and the great city of Braavos. To that end I thereby request that you permit the bearer of this letter to meet with yourselves and any others that you choose at a place in Braavos, in order that we may discuss the question of concluding a trading deal between us. We are prepared to offer market value of 300 gold per moon for the Braavosi trade network to supply wood to White Harbor.
"Done this day at White Harbor by the hand of Damon Manderly, Lord of White Harbor, Warden of the White Knife, Shield of the Faith, Defender of the Dispossessed, Lord Marshal of the Mander, Knight of the Order of the Green Hand, Knight of the Order of the White Hand."
Damon leant back in his seat.
“See that it is copied on the most expensive parchment we have. Bring it back to me for sealing. And deliver the following with it.”
Damon deposited a small bag of gold on the table.
“A small gift for the Braavosi, as an opener.”
The Maester smiled knowingly, bowed took the note and the bag, then hastily excused himself. It would be done as his lord commanded.
submitted by Jon_Reid to IronThroneRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:39 Charity00 The Amazing Race 24 - Review

I’ve decided to rewatch every Amazing Race and rank them all.
SEASON 24 (ALL STARS) gets a 6/10
This is probably one of the most frustrating seasons! It looked like very little effort was put into the returnee cast, the route, the challenges, leg designs and even editing/storylines were inconsistent. However…it usually wasn’t boring! There was some drama (some of it a bit annoying though), there was the charm of seeing returnees (I do love the appeal of All Star seasons), and a season with Rachel Reilly is never boring! So I find it similar to the Family Edition in that it has lots of flaws but is generally entertaining enough to enjoy. So it gets a 6 because it was still enjoyable (but is obviously ranked near the bottom).
General Thoughts
Cast Ranking
1.Brendan/Rachel - they carried this season! Rachel started out as not wanting to be her old emotional self and was a lot less whinier than TAR20 (although I preferred her meltdowns honestly haha). She had a “heroic” edit where she prayed rather than getting stressed out - also supported Luke at the cocktails challenge and helped Brendan get through the plate spinning. However they are also responsible for the biggest drama of the season - U-Turning Dave/Connor and the “We hate the Brenchels” storyline. Once again Rachel has most of the cast hating her…and I love it! Rachel then reverted back to her old crying self in the last 3 legs with meltdowns at the bulls, crying at the Wellington toss and picking fights in the finale. So still crazy, still got her sequins, fell over a few times haha, bizarre lines (saying “I want to win to get a baby” over and over haha) and provided the drama and laughs that this season needed.
  1. Dave/Connor - the rivals of the Brenchels and made the next biggest impact! They seemed very sweet and relatable like at the disco “We’re just 2 Mormon boys from Salt Lake City” haha and I liked their sweet bond with Caroline/Jennifer where they let them step on the mat in front of them. But they also feel annoying and entitled. Dave mentioned his achilles A LOT, Dave complained about his age A LOT ("Yeah outrunning an old man", “U-Turning a 60 year old man” and “This is a young person’s game”), complained about Brenchels A LOT and they seemed very self righteous over the U-Turn. Their involvement in the Accidental Alliance came across as childish rather than noble, “That snotty woman! She’s scary looking!” So I'm not sure if they were meant to be likeable or not - they sort of sucked a lot of the fun out of the season honestly. But a decent redemption for them and they made a decent impact and got us talking.
  2. Leo/Jamal - still fun and likeable with some sneaky moments but more toned down than last time. A few cheeky moments like “We love you Connor, we love you Connor” when he finished the sewing (hoping for help), but then “I’m kidding, I don’t” after they left. Strategic again like when they wanted to lie to Jet/Cord at one stage but didn’t because they wanted to avoid the U-Turn this time. Made the smart decision rather than the emotional one when U-Turning the threats Jet/Cord. Unfortunately finished in 4th place again.
  3. Jet/Cord - the cowboys are “back in the saddle”! Another likeable team but I found Leo/Jamal more interesting. They were “threats” again, “We’re like butter, we’re on a roll” when coming in 1st haha and also worked alone again “We’re used to being the lone rangers”. I sort of liked how they didn’t join in on the Brenchel drama. Still find them a bit overrated but I know a lot of viewers enjoyed seeing them again.
  4. Caroline/Jennifer - were the sweethearts and underdogs who weren’t great racers but slid by each week (and saved by 2 non-eliminations). I thought they were likeable enough, “Who would u-turn Dave/Connor, they’re the sweetest guys…and have great hair” haha Were proud of their flirting again and used it to get an Express Pass off Jet/Cord…and were helped multiple times by Leo/Jamal and Dave/Connor. You don’t need to be a strong “girl power” team…the underdogs who get through by flirting are just as interesting haha But weren’t that great TV honestly….like last time.
  5. Mark/Mallory - a fascinating dynamic even though most fans didn’t like this hybrid. In a way it did damage the reputation of 2 fan favorites (Mark/Bopper and Gary/Mallory) because they were very negative to one another (Mark refusing to race without the backpack despite having everything he needed, and Mallory seemed uncaring and not taking responsibility) but I enjoyed their drama. I liked how Mallory joked about losing their passport on leg 1…and the foreshadowing. I prefer their messy dynamic rather than them just being nice and boring for 2 legs.
  6. Natalie/Nadiya - screamed at eachother through the whole 1st episode and I loved every minute they were on screen “It’s in Asian, I can’t read it!” haha They were such a hot mess in their 1 episode and possibly my favourite first boots! This season would have been so much better if we saw them involved in the Brenchel drama later, and I would have loved to see some more crazy moments and seeing them get to visit Sri Lanka.
  7. Margie/Luke - the last 4 didn’t really contribute much this season. These 2 are ahead because I always enjoy watching their dynamic with their sweet bond and occasional bickering (nothing bad, just normal healthy struggles). Luke’s sexuality was finally brought up (a nice scene where Luke explains his coming out to Margie) and I liked Margie saying that when Luke pulls her this time, he has to be gentler because she’s older haha Felt very likeable this time, like when they were reflecting on the train ride in Sri Lanka.
  8. Flight Time/Big Easy - they were fine but didn’t do much this season. They had a nice moment dancing with the locals in Borneo, joking about the Beekmans winning with roller bags, and talking to their wooden donkey when they couldn’t work out what they did wrong. So ultimately a few more fun moments than the 2 ranked below them. Didn’t feel like they wanted to be there as much as previous seasons.
  9. John/Jessica - didn’t do much this time. They were at the centre of lots of storylines in TAR22 but I think that was just “lucky circumstances” rather than them being big characters. They were just a generic nice couple here. It was nice though seeing Joey/Meghan and John/Jessica helping each other again like last time (and Brendan/Rachel having a random final 3 alliance with them haha). Their only moment here was them working with other teams thinking Caroline/Jennifer were behind them, and losing a footrace.
  10. Joey/Meghan - Also didn’t do much and the only difference is John/Jessica made it further. Joey just played up to the cameras like last time (screeching “White is not my color” at the wedding dresses) but they were still likeable enough. Their only storyline was Meaghan helping John despite the 2 of them being in last place. So not the smartest move but nice that they still have that friendship.
Leg Rankings
1.Leg 8 - Italy (F6 - Flight Time/Big Easy eliminated) - the most entertaining episode of the season! So much drama going on between all teams and great scenery. Brendan/Rachel U-Turning Dave/Connor…with Dave’s irrational hatred for the rest of the leg plus Brendan/Rachel disagreeing over who to U-Turn. Then Dave/Connor helping Leo/Jamal (despite U-Turning them too and calling it a “blessed u-turn” haha). Decent challenges - racing donkeys (teams falling off especially Rachel, and the donkey struggling with Big Easy haha), building a wooden donkey (teams not using the box as part of it, many switches) and writing the Ancient manuscript (dull but some teams still struggled and was made better with Dave not accepting an apology and later mocking Brendan/Rachel). Rachel was hilarious “They can’t get me in a place of worship” haha Also had Dave/Connor and Caroline/Jennifer working together (with Dave/Connor accidentally losing them just like Bates/Anthony did) and just a good mix of fun and drama! Not for everyone, but I liked it.
  1. Leg 4 - Malaysia (F8 - Non elimination) - fantastic, especially the Kuala Lumpur section at the end. The beginning in Kota Kinabalu had the trampoline challenge which had Jessica struggling and injuring her foot and Rachel having to take off her pantyhose because she was slipping haha But Kuala Lumpur had the Petronus Towers and Batu Caves, a night leg plus a fantastic Detour (if you ignore that it was impossible for Luke to do the DJ routine). Pouring the cocktails and the DJ routine had lots of teams struggling with placement shifts from the flights (one of my favorite Detours). Luke has a meltdown and smashes the glasses (Margie yelling like a mother to pick them up haha) and Rachel of all people calms him down. 3 hours later Brendan/Rachel pray and have a very positive edit and music (and don’t accept Margie/Luke’s offer for both to take a penalty) and a great ending between these 2. Loved the music and close up of Rachel’s cross haha Would be the best leg of the season if the whole leg was in Kuala Lumpur.
  2. Leg 2 - China (F10 - Mark/Mallory eliminated) - it looked like a cheap Covid leg but pretty exciting overall. Some great drama with Mallory forgetting Mark’s bag and arguing about going back for it, “People from Kentucky don’t act this way” and Mark being like “I don’t have much and I mean nothing to her”. A trainwreck but can’t stop watching! Jet/Cord walk for a long time and lose their 1st place lead and some okay navigation drama at the start. Building the toy car at “Chuck e Cheese on steroids” was fun - a little girl annoying Flight Time, Meghan helping her ally John (despite being last), and especially Caroline struggling and Jen managing to get the Express Pass off Jet/Cord, “I knew I’d get it off him” hehe. The featherball was also fun with all teams so close together, and Mark/Mallory just not working well together at all. No team chose the massage, and I don’t mind watching teams in pain haha but I prefer skill based challenges so I don’t mind. 7 teams then check in together at the pit stop together. Very fun and fast paced!
  3. Leg 11 - England/Wales (F4 - Leo/Jamal eliminated) - was decent and felt competitive enough but not as top tier as past final 4’s - mediocre tasks for a final 4 elimination and not many storylines but not too dull. Soccer task was ok but nothing special, shooting the clay pigeons/tossing wellingtons was terrible (still felt tense though at the end…and I guess it made Rachel crack), but I really enjoyed remembering the Welsh poem on the aqueduct (good scenery, cultural and challenging). The costumes and castle looked nice - “we’re in Downton Abbey” and Rachel finally has a TAR20 type meltdown when she picks the wrong size shoe and cries like a child (the foreshadowing at the start when Rachel says “I’m proud that I haven’t freaked out yet”). Placement shifts, self driving, Rachel meltdowns are always a positive for me, and actually had a strange positive edit where the final 4 were getting along. So still enjoyable overall and a sad ending for Leo/Jamal. Just needed a few better challenges, especially the Detour at the end.
  4. Leg 7 - Italy (F7 - John/Jessica eliminated) - a good enough leg but would rank higher if it had bigger moments or storylines. It had the Coliseum, many teams together at the final puzzle (Roman Numerals) which is always a plus (Flight Time hilariously having no clue how to do it, Rachel not helping teams, and Leo/Jamal strategically helping last place teams)…and a foot race for last with teams thinking Caroline/Jennifer were behind. However the challenges were embarrassingly bad - remote controlled chariots seemed so silly and out of place (feels very inauthentic to the Ancient Roman theme), the gladiator routine was silly, and counting the Spanish steps wasn’t that hard as long as a local could tell you the Roman Numerals. Finding the site of the “unhappy Roman holiday” had some difficulties, Rachel thinking the “eternal city” is Ethiopia for some reason haha and while the detours were silly, they had some funny struggles with Leo “I watched all 4 seasons of Spartacus”. And of course a very close finish!
  5. Leg 9 - Switzerland (F5 - Non elimination) - challenges were okay and nice Swiss scenery…but very big on the “We hate Brenchels” drama! I don’t mind it but can understand why some may find it annoying this episode. The “Accidental Alliance” is created on the train with teams mocking Rachel’s “I want to race around the world with my best friend” haha. And celebrate getting to clueboxes before Brendan/Rachel, helping one another “their family” and also complaining about them A LOT! Cleaning the room was okay as an attention to detail task and Jet was like “Now my wife knows I can clean”, and Helga “Figure it out!” was a great judge! Working out that the object is a drillbit for a tunnel plus the Mustang Puzzle were nice simple tasks - Rachel thinking it’s a wheel haha and Dave/Connor giving their allies answers. Delivering the milk through the snow at the end was a bit dull besides Brendan writing “TAR24 WINNERS BRENCHEL” on the gondola haha So just an okay leg but depends whether you like the “We hate the Brenchels” storyline.
  6. Leg 6 - Sri Lanka (F7 - Non elimination) - another “okay” leg. Started strong with the tuk tuk Road Block - Rachel was fantastic screaming “GREEN GREEN GREEN” but her colours being wrong (her ally John eventually helps her). Lots of fun chaos with everyone manhandling tuk tuks “I was booty bumping rickshaws out of the way” haha But then there’s a train equaliser and delivering logs with an elephant/make paper from elephant dung was boring (and arguably animal cruelty making the elephant do that). “You’re only as fast as your big fat elephant”. They’re okay cultural tasks but not that difficult or interesting besides a few bubbles when making the paper. Nothing much happens besides some foot races - Jet/Cord vs Leo/Jamal “It’s Indians vs. Cowboys! And the Indians are WINNING!” haha and also Dave whining that John/Jessica outrun him “Yeah beat the old man”. The tuk tuk segment was a highlight of this season and it’s unfortunate that there was an equaliser and that the 2nd half dragged.
  7. Leg 10 - Spain (F5 - Jet/Cord eliminated) - felt like a bit of a cheap and underwhelming final 5 elimination leg with some really silly challenges - shaving a balloon and running with bull costumes. A bit of the Brenchel drama (Dave saying the U-Turn was “kind of inappropriate” when it really wasn’t haha and “Dave/Connor are the sweetest guys on the planet”). Leo/Jamal decide to U-Turn Jet/Cord instead of Brendan/Rachel…but not that interesting “There’s only room for two cowboys on this race and it’s Leo and Jamal! Yeehaw!” Haha Shaving the balloon was terrible, nothing much from the flamenco dance, delivering the hams was a boring and generic Speed Bump, and the bull costumes were silly but at least had some fun moments - Rachel was hilarious as always getting knocked around like crazy saying the bulls were ”bullies”, Dave complaining “I’m an old matador”, Jet/Cord missing parts of the phrase, plus Jamal’s knee injury. It wasn’t necessarily too boring which is why it isn’t ranked lower.
  8. Leg 1 - China (F11 - Natalie/Nadiya eliminated) - was terribly designed! The challenges were finding the Chinese symbols on the band members (very quick and forgettable starting line task), finding wedding dresses (had an okay navigational element and the only decent task), the Canton Tower bubbles (luck based and terrible) and summersaults (terrible, impossible to fail, too tame of a height challenge for All Stars, Caroline “Flight Time looks like a sexy piece of spinning meat”). Natalie/Nadiya were fantastic entertainment and saved this episode from being terrible by yelling “YOU IDIOT” and “I TOLD YOU” over and over (and even argue over who is doing the Road Block). “Those are Chinese flags, not race flags you lunatic!” It also had Bopper’s medevac which was a dramatic start and it’s nice seeing all the returnees bantering with one another (Brenchel army at the airport and Natalie/Nadiya joking about Rachel’s crying). But not much content besides Twinnie craziness, Jet/Cord dominating, and teams struggling to find the wedding dresses.
  9. Leg 12 - USA (F3 - Finale) - for a finale, let alone the All Stars finale, the challenges were too easy - digging for a chest (boring), David Copperfield routine (impossible to fail and only designed to show off David Copperfield), putting lightbulbs in the Mirage sign (not challenging and only designed to show off Las Vegas) and looking for the neon sign in the helicopteskydive (didn’t look that hard to find). Very unsatisfying. But it wasn’t too boring with some minor drama with Brendan/Rachel and Caroline/Jennifer having a fight at customs (not caught on camera so just explained through talking) and there’s some arguing while digging for the chest (throwing sand in each other’s holes). Plus Brendan screaming at a taxi “We’re in a race so we can have a baby” haha plus Brendan/Rachel lost in a hotel that Rachel once worked at. And to be fair, it was very close between Dave/Connor and Caroline/Jennifer - sprinting to the final clue and waiting to see who skydived first. And a night leg in Las Vegas was a great idea…just terribly designed!
  10. Leg 5 - Sri Lanka (F8 - Margie/Luke eliminated) - unfortunately a dull leg because Margie/Luke were an obvious elimination. It did have some great airport scrambles which is always welcome in the modern era (Brendan/Rachel taking a risk on a short connection and Margie/Luke failing to get on standby). Sewing the t-shirt had potential to be a tough interesting challenge…but needed to have all teams together. Several teams struggled, teams worked together (Jessica and Brendan, as well as Connor helping a struggling Jennifer) and Big Easy really struggled “If I have to sew something I’ll just ask my fiancé or my mother…or just buy something new” haha and Flight Time just shows off his basketball skills. The fishing had to be one of the dullest challenges ever and balancing the plates wasn’t much better (although Rachel is the one telling Brendan to calm down here). Printing the t-shirts was also a boring Speed Bump. Margie/Luke are way behind and have a nice scene enjoying the Sri Lankan train ride, but not much excitement.
  11. Leg 3 - Malaysia (F9 - Joey/Meghan eliminated) - was terribly designed - boring challenges (repelling down a waterfall, delivering goods, blowdart) and separating the flights by 3 hours just didn’t make sense as there was little drama for the top 6…and then 3 teams far behind. And flight scrambles are always better than sign-ups. The top 6 just went through three tasks robotically, and even the bottom 3 had little drama or stress. I guess there was a bit of a storyline about the Brenchel army being the bottom 3 and facing the fact one of the friends will go. But Joey/Meghan are obvious boots after struggling to find a taxi. The only interesting parts were the rafts falling apart in the rapids and Rachel repelling in her underwear so her sequins don’t get wet “God forbid she lose some sequins along the way” haha The promos really hyped up the dangerous rapids and they were fine for that short segment but no drama came from them in the episode.
Not a great season but I feel gets unfair hate (just like the Family Edition which also had bad leg designs, bad route, drama that some found annoying). I don’t think it was terrible as most legs had things happening that made each one interesting enough. Everyone vs Brenchels was similar to Everyone vs Weavers (had some interesting aspects, better than nothing, but was a bit annoying at times). The cast, route and challenges were unsatisfying but entertainment is most important to me and this season was usually not boring. TAR8 and TAR24 had similar weaknesses/frustrations so I’m ranking them together. I enjoyed TAR24 slightly more but I could see TAR24 getting a 5 or less if it wasn’t a returnee season, as it had some similarities to TAR16 (many teams were compelling because of their history rather than things they did on this season).
So after each season I will place it on a ranking:
1.TAR5 - 10/10
  1. TAR3 - 10/10
  2. TAR12 - 9/10
  3. TAR17 - 9/10
  4. TAR18 - 9/10
  5. TAR2 - 8/10
  6. TAR7 - 8/10
  7. TAR20 - 8/10
  8. TAR11 - 8/10
  9. TAR13 - 8/10
  10. TAR6 - 8/10
  11. TAR10 - 7/10
  12. TAR22 - 7/10
  13. TAR14 - 7/10
  14. TAR1 - 7/10
  15. TAR9 - 7/10
  16. TAR21 - 6/10
  17. TAR15 - 6/10
  18. TAR23 - 6/10
  19. TAR4 - 6/10
  20. TAR24 - 6/10
  21. TAR8 - 6/10
  22. TAR19 - 5/10
  23. TAR16 - 5/10
submitted by Charity00 to TheAmazingRace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:31 clampert1 Should I get this Japanese word tattooed on me?

Should I get this Japanese word tattooed on me?
I already have a tattoo of a ghost on the underside of my wrist, and recently came with the idea of the writing "不気味な" written vertically below that, as from the research that I've done, it translates closest to "Spooky" (Other translations include "eerie" or "creepy" but the goal is that alongside the image of the ghost, if anyone who knows Japanese, they will read it as "spooky"). This would be my second ever tattoo and I just want thoughts if it may be a good idea, opinions on tattoos of Japanese words, and if this size and or placement is good, should I have more or less space in between the ghost and the word, or in between each Japanese letter? Below I have images of what it could potentially look like (I drew it with marker). Please note that if I drew the symbols itself slightly wrong or out of proportion that it wouldn't look like that if it were actually tattooed on me, I would send the tattoo artist the text and they'll make it accurate proportion and accuracy wise.
不 気 味 な
If not this tattoo, any replacement ideas of what could be a nice idea?
Close-up of the forearm with it alongside my (already) ghost tattoo.
Here's one where you can see my full forearm, so you can correctly reference the size/positioning in relation to my forearm.
submitted by clampert1 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:41 NoLimiteHater Brazilian first time watching Survivor Marquesas

Ok so no one responded to my Africa post lol but this is the only place that I have to talk about Survivor. My college is on strike so I've finished Marquesas much earlier than I though. Some people from Australia were interesting (found out a lot of them suck in real life), Africa was really good and Borneo felt the most real, almost in a found footage kind of way, but Marquesas was the one I had the most fun watching. Such a great season and in a beautiful place, geography has always been an interest of mine and I love to know more about the Pacific Islands in particular, it has such an unique scenary and culture
This cast was the most reality tv-ish, it was almost like Total Drama they seemed like caricatures of the people from other seasons, John was cartoonish villainous, Gabe talked like a 60s hippie, Neleh and Paschal were like Rodger and Elisabeth but Neleh is fun, Hunter wishing nothing but the worst to everyone, Peter and Zoe are the two strangest people to be on this show, Sean and Rob with personalities made for tv, also Rob has such a strong accent sometimes I couldn't understand what he was saying and Gina being constantly frustrated with everything. This isn't a complain, everyone on this season was memorable (except Patricia who I forgot was there), but it makes me a little apprehensive for the future seasons. On Big Brother Brazil after people saw how much having a good image could bring to them opportunities and money the new participants would start emulating popular players from other years and exagerate so much to the point that they didn't even act like a person anymore (what's worst is that people buy that they are like that in real life), and I hope that this will not happen to Survivor, it is a one two step for a show to prefer casting people who learned what appeals to the general public and put on a fake personality rather than authentic people, I think it will not because they don't depend on what the audience thinks to get further in the game. I really liked that they had a way different point of view of the morality of the game, it really surprised me, though for sure that they would maintain this mentality for a few more seasons. It had 4 key moments of "selfishly thinking" and winning 1 million dollars is more important than being loyal to this person I met 3 weeks ago: Rob and Sean voting out Hunter despite him being the "leader", Rotu voting out Gabe, even though he wasn't there to play the game, Neleh and Paschal not being content with 5th or 6th and going against their alliance and Vecepia making the deal with Neleh seconds after Kathy lost. I wanted so much for Kim Johnson last season or Amber on Australia to do something like that, go against the people you pledged loyalty when you know if you stick to them you will lose, and it frustrated me they didn't and this one had 4. The tribes too had a way more fun dynamic, I learned that I really don't care if a person is lazy or works hard on camp, as long as they are entertaining, last season I sympathized a lot more with the older Samburu members and now on Maraamu Sean, Rob, Peter, Sarah and Vecepia were way more fun. It still baffles me that they managed to lose every challenge, despite living on the beach with more food, having fire since the beggining and the tribe being physically stronger.
I think Vecepia is the best winner so far, she was so sneaky that she managed to be apart of three different tribes where she could survive at least a couple of eliminations, on Maraamu she wouldn't be eliminated before Gina, on Rotu before Rob and Sean and on Soliantu before Sean, Rob and Kathy, and after Neleh and Paschal betrayed Rotu she again was in no real danger until the top 4, Ethan had a similar path, I think he didn't even receive a vote to be eliminated, but it was easier for him, since he was in the majority the whole game, after the swap V was always out numbered and still found a way, also the betrayal on Kathy was so cold blooded I didn't even think she could pull something like that, it was the best decision, Kathy for sure would win, but doing it immediatly after Kathy lost she hadn't even sit yet, the best moment. One think that I though it was odd is the way they edited her, Richard was the only "main character" who won, but still Tina and Ethan appeared a lot and was always shown what they were thinking, nothing Vecepia was doing was shown, rather it was told by Sean or Rob in a confessional, I think she only started showing up after John was eliminated. This connects to another thing that it was so weird to me that everyone who was on screen a lot got eliminated early: Hunter, Sarah, Gina, Rob, John. After John is gone only Kathy and Sean had a lot of screen time and I though for sure it would happen just like Australia after Jerri is gone it becomes boring, but after they made like a "story for the episode" with Zoey trying so hard to pretend that she was never part of the alliance in the weirdest way with her friendship bracelets and telling Tammy she doesn't like her eyes, Neleh offering chewed gum to 6 starving adults and Kathy's decision of either siding with Neleh and Paschal or V and Sean, also I didn't understand the whole argument of Sean and Vecepia having an alliance, I got that they didn't but it was not like they would vote for each other, they just didn't say that but if it was up for Sean to vote against V or Kathy he would eliminate Kathy and V would do the same.
I only have two complans of this amazing season. The challenges still are boring, were they out of budget this time? On the other seasons the challenges were boring too but they always had some kind of structure for them, this one had flying kite, walking on stilts and making popcorn as challenges, which made me like a little for the absurdity, the slingshot, balance on the sea and coconut ones were fun. The other one is the new tiebreaker was so unfair to Paschal, not that I wanted him to win but it is unfair for him to be eliminated on a tribal counsil he didn't even receive a vote
submitted by NoLimiteHater to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:18 ricotito23 [USA-PR] [H] Switch,PS2,PS4,PS5,Xbox,Vita,3DS Games [W] PayPal

Selling my personal collection. Over 800 Games.
Sorry my bad english. Paypal ff.
Free Shipping over $100. More photos at request. Offers are welcome. Most of these Prices are based on Pricharting (and pricecharting price are inaccurate so sorry im lazy to put my prices for these 800 games) Offers are welcome Worst can say is no.There's a problem with letter T jumps to C in switch and vita to A. working on it. Also i have all 3 blaster master games. Want to sell them together with Slipcover.
Nintendo Switch
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim CIB+ 32.92 SOLD
1971 Project Helios New 15.41
AI: The Somnium Files CIB+ 60.5
ARMS CIB+ 30.5
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion New 25.68
AeternoBlade II New 35.5
Afterparty New 38
Aggelos New 38.22
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX New 18.98
Alwa's Collection New 25.62
American Hero New 40.49
Ancestors Legacy New 24.07
Annapurna Interactive [Deluxe Limited Edition Collection] New 230.00
Ape Out [Special Reserve] New 40.00
Ara Fell & Rise of the Third Power New 57.24
Arcade Spirits New 20
Archvale New 51.25
Ary and the Secret of Seasons New 12.52
Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore New 55.00
Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection CIB+ 17.48
Astalon: Tears of the Earth New 50.63
Astral Chain New 48.99 SOLD
Astronite New 19.48
Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy New 55.00 SOLD
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout CIB+ 49.5
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout New 60.1
Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle New 65.00
Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 New 48.5
Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack CIB+ 25.79
BUTCHER New 36.9
Balan Wonderworld New 11.77
Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Editions New 120.00 SOLD
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe CIB+ 32.61
Battle Princess Madelyn: Royal Edition New 52.88
Black Bird New 55.5
Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition New 48.72 SOLD
Blasphemous CIB+ 108.49 SOLD
Blaster Master Zero III New 34.5
Blaster Master Zero II New 40.49
Blaster Master Zero New 44.14
Blazing Beaks New 30.02
Blazing Chrome CIB+ 65.92
BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites New 40.49
Bloodrayne 1 & 2: Revamped Dual Pack w/ Slipcover New 100.47
Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon 2 New 28.49
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night New 21.23
Blossom Tales II: The Minotaur Prince New 46.48
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King CIB+ 150.47 SOLD
Blue Fire CIB+ 28.49
Blue Reflection: Second Light New 59.83
Bomb Chicken CIB+ 38.14
Boy and His Blob New 50.49
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling New 55.93
Bugsnax CIB+ 30.77
Burnout Paradise Remastered CIB+ 14.98
COGEN: Sword of Rewind & Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 Double Pack New 80.48
Cannon Dancer: Osman New 54
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker CIB+ 30.49
Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions
Card Shark Collector's Edition New 40.00
Carrion: Special Reserve Edition New 40.00
Castlevania Anniversary Collection New 40.00 SOLD
Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche New 40.97
Cat Quest + Cat Quest II: Pawsome Pack New 49.5
Cathedral New 66.91
Celeste New 62.39
Chicken Police - Paint it RED! CIB+ 13.25
Children of Morta CIB+ 22.09
Children of Zodiarcs New 44.77
Citizens Unite! Earth X Space New 29.49
Coffee Talk New 42.15
Collar X Malice New 30.49
Contra Anniversary Collection Konami Version New 55.00
Cooking Mama: Cookstar New 36.11
Corpse Killer: 25th Anniversary Edition New 42.7
Cosmo Dreamer & Like Dreamer: Double-D Collection New 25.00
Cris Tales New 13.99
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion CIB+ 25
Crossing Souls - Special Reserve New 40.00
Crystal Crisis New 31.52
Cthulhu Saves Christmas New 45.17
Cult of the Lamb [Special Reserve] New 72.48
DARQ: Complete Edition New 38.97
DISTRAINT Collection New 33.76
DOOM Eternal New 89 SOLD
DOOM: The Classics Collection New 50.5
DOOM CIB+ 28.9
DRAINUS New 63.39
Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition CIB+ 41.29
Dark Devotion New 45.49
Darksiders Genesis CIB+ 18
Darkwood CIB+ 108.46 SOLD
Dawn of the Monsters New 50.36
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania Edition New 32.01
Dead or School New 52.03
Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise CIB+ 16.77 SOLD
Deadly Premonition Origins New 38.03
Death Road to Canada New 40
Death end re;Quest New 41.97
Death's Door [Special Reserve] New 33.03 SOLD
Death's Gambit: Afterlife New 38.72
Demon Throttle [Reserve Edition] New 25.25
Demon Throttle [Reserve Edition] New 25.25
Demon Turf New 40.82
Demon's Tilt New 44.5
Deponia Collection New 83.14
Dex New 48.38
Digimon Survive New 20.95
Dimension Drive [Limited Edition] New 65.48
DioField Chronicle CIB+ 25.46 SOLD
Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories CIB+ 25.5
Disgaea 5 Complete New 39.5
Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and the Lion King New 18.29
Disney Tsum Tsum Festival New 26.55
DoDonPachi Resurrection New 55.38
Dodgeball Academia New 19.5
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! New 20.00
Doom 64 New 45.45
Double Dragon & Kunio-Kun Retro Brawler Bundle New 52.83
Double Dragon IV New 33.97
Double Dragon: Neon New 50.49
Double Switch: 25th Anniversary Edition New 55.89
Downwell [Special Reserve Edition] New 60.00
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set Used 25.00
Dragon Quest Treasures New 29.53
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition New 40.00
Dragon Star Varnir New 45.49
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen CIB+ 24.74
Dragon's Lair Trilogy New 144.25
Dreamscaper New 44.72
Dusk New 44.49
Eastward CIB+ 20.3 SOLD
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim CIB+ 35.31
Eldest Souls New 45.5
Elliot Quest New 28.48
Enclave HD New 52.67
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights New 55.00
Endling - Extinction is Forever New 25.76
Epic Chef New 15.57
Espgaluda II New 60.27
FAR: Lone Sails New 49.69
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force New 48.41
Falconeer: Warrior Edition New 18.88
Fast RMX New 71.73 SOLD
Fatal Twelve New 44.49
Fault Milestone One New 28.49
Fight'N Rage New 45.49
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age New 31.61
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes New 20.17
Flinthook New 45.49
Flipping Death CIB+ 28.39
Foretales New 19.29
Forgotton Anne CIB+ 35.49
Fran Bow New 111.48
Freedom Finger CIB+ 77.4
Freedom Planet New 57.39
Friends Of Ringo Ishikawa New 26.73
Furi CIB+ 48.64
Gal Metal: World Tour Edition CIB+ 17.69
Gato Roboto [Special Reserve Edition] New 40.00
Ghost 1.0 + Unepic Collection: Standard Edition New 30.00
Ghost of a Tale New 66.61
Going Under New 37.47
Golf Story New 82.75
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Grandia HD Collection New 82.51
Great Ace Attorney Chronicles CIB+ 30.98
GrimGrimoire OnceMore [Deluxe Edition] New 42.33 SOLD
Gunbrick: Reloaded New 24.68
Gunlord X New 90.00
Guns, Gore & Cannoli 1 & 2 New 140.00
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX New 84.5
Gyakuten Saiban 123: Naruhodo Selection New 41.49
Hades New 39.19
Haven New 45.49
Heaven's Vault New 32.15
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Heroland Knowble Edition New 18.63
Hollow Knight CIB+ 31.5
Horgihugh and Friends New 28.18
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Hotline Miami Collection [Special Reserve] New 40.00
ITTA [Steelbook Edition] New 50.00
ITTA CIB+ 35.00
Ib New 55.46
Ikenfell New 42.56
Immortals Fenyx Rising New 15.22
In Sound Mind: Deluxe Edition New 21.81
Indivisible New 19.41
Infernax New 50.5
Inscryption [Special Reserve] New 200.00
Ion Fury New 35.35
Ittle Dew 2+ New 43.45
Jamestown+ New 50.98
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf New 65.54
Katamari Damacy REROLL New 23.45
Katanakami New 42.3
Kaze and the Wild Masks New 32.44
KeyWe New 25.49
Killer Queen Black New 16.13
King's Bounty II New 17.85
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory New 20.59
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning CIB+ 19.98
Knights and Bikes New 45.49
Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa New 19.45
L.A. Noire CIB+ 29.99
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga New 20.48
LUNARK New 49.52
Lair of the Clockwork God New 39.13
Layers of Fear: Legacy New 147.86
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III - Extracurricular Edition CIB+ 31.77
Legend of Tianding New 45.00
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom New 47.46
Letter: A Horror Visual Novel [Limited Edition] New 73.75
Little Golf Journey New 29.62
Little Nightmares II CIB+ 20.75
Lonely Mountains: Downhill SRG#46 New 86.79
Loop Hero [Collectors Edition] New 40.00
Loop Hero CIB+ 25.00
Love Esquire [Limited Edition] New 90.5
LoveKami Trilogy New 35.00
Lumines Remastered New 32.5
MONARK Deluxe Edition New 37
Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope CIB+ 15.42
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order CIB 30.00 SOLD
Mato Anomalies New 19.73
Mega Man 11 New 20.48
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection CIB+ 24.5
Megadimension Neptunia VII New 45.5
Mighty Gunvolt Burst New 44.45
Mighty Switch Force! Collection CIB+ 45.49
Ministry of Broadcast New 26.72
Minoria New 50.47
Miracle Snack Shop [Limited Edition] New 35.00
Missing CIB+ 35.5
Moero Chronicle Hyper New 90.35
Moero Crystal H New 50.77
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight New 71.68
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate New 42.69
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin New 31.49
Monster Sanctuary New 58.46
Monstrum New 38.5
Mother Russia Bleeds [Special Reserve] New 45.00
Mother Russia Bleeds [Special Reserve] New 45.00
Ms. Splosion Man CIB+ 31.98
Mulaka New 60.00
Mummy Demastered New 57.71
Murder By Numbers Collectors Edition New 80.36
Mushihimesama New 60.7
My Friend Pedro [Special Reserve Edition] New 45.00
NEO: The World Ends With You CIB+ 20.5 SOLD
Narita Boy New 45.55
NeoGeo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1 New 43.06
Neon Abyss New 42.38
Neversong & Pinstripe CIB+ 37.5
New Super Lucky's Tale New 33.59
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe New 39.5
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch New 26.5
NieR: Automata - The End of YoRHa Edition New 39.5
Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition New 56.06
Night in the Woods New 59.92
Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection New 50.42
No Man's Sky CIB+ 26.25
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle CIB+ 35.92 SOLD
No More Heroes III CIB+ 15.5
No More Heroes CIB+ 40.5 SOLD
Ocean's Heart New 53.33
Octahedron New 45.43
Octopath Traveler II New 39.99
Octopath Traveler New 52.43 SOLD
Oddworld - Collection New 36.25
Okami HD New 32.99
One Step From Eden New 34.15
Oniken + Odallus Collection New 36.51
Opus Collection CIB+ 22.49
Ori: The Collection New 28.97
Othercide New 32.45
Outlast: Bundle of Terror / Outlast 2 CIB+ 250.00
Overlord: Escape from Nazarick New 35.97
Owlboy CIB+ 16.48
Oxenfree New 99.53
Panzer Dragoon New 40.5
Panzer Paladin New 48.13
Pathway New 27.6
Phoenotopia: Awakening [Premium Edition] New 114.25
Pikmin 3 Deluxe CIB+ 35.00
Pikmin 4 New 42.79
Piofiore: Fated Memories New 27.95
PixelJunk Eden 2 New 25.49
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined New 25.49
Pokemon Legends: Arceus New 41.19
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX CIB+ 40.5
Pokemon Sword CIB+ 30.26
Pokemon Violet New 44.5
Postal Redux New 25.5
PowerSlave: Exhumed New 55.00
Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 2 [Deluxe Edition] New 43.99
Prodeus New 40.67
Project Warlock New 67.14
Puyo Puyo Tetris New 17.5
Q.U.B.E. 2 New 51.32
Quake New 38.49
Radiant Silvergun New 58.09
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan New 23.82
Razion EX New 90.00
Red Lantern New 58.5
Republique: Anniversary Edition New 35.49
Return of the Obra Dinn New 58.18
Return to Monkey Island CIB+ 43.09
Return to Shironagasu Island CIB+ 28.5
Risk of Rain 2 New 14.7
River City Girls 2 New 50.5
River City Girls Zero New 44.49
River City Girls [PAX Variant] New 142.6
River City Girls CIB+ 80.23
River City: Rival Showdown New 30.49
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos CIB+ 30.00
Roki CIB+ 30.00
Rolling Sky Collection CIB+ 20.00
Root Film New 34.09
Rune Factory 3 Special New 23.41
Rune Factory 3 Special New 23.41
Rune Factory 4 Special [Archival Edition] New 90.00
SENSEs: Midnight [Limited Edition] New 47.43
SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy New 29.15
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin New 27.5
Sally Face [Deluxe Edition] New 224.81
Sam & Max Save the World New 43.5
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space Remastered New 44
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time New 70.48
Save me Mr Tako: Definitive Edition New 33.5
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition New 32.49
Sea Horizon [Limited Edition] New 42.49
Sea of Solitude: The Director's Cut New 20.00
SeaBed [Limited Edition] New 135.38
Seabed New 40.42
Senran Kagura Reflexions New 129.74
Senren * Banka New 70.00
Serious Sam Collection [Switch Reserve] New 50.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Shadow Man Remastered New 48.39
Shadowgate New 62.5
Shadowrun Trilogy New 45.00
Shadows of Adam New 34.49
Shadowverse: Champion's Battle New 21.95
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Box 49.62
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse New 381.21 SOLD
Shantae and the Seven Sirens New 50.2 SOLD
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero [Ultimate Edition] New 38.2 SOLD
Shantae: Risky's Revenge New 38.51 SOLD
Shantae New 39.34 SOLD
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn New 19.57
Shikhondo: Soul Eater New 34.44
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster New 25.5
Shin Megami Tensei V New 22.38
Shin Megami Tensei V New 22.38
Shining Resonance Refrain [Draconic Launch Edition] New 48.6
Silver Case 2425 Deluxe Edition CIB 25.00
Sine Mora EX New 23.02
Skelattack New 45.00
Slime-san New 43.74
Smile For Me New 30.00
Sol Cresta: Dramatic Edition New 45.48
Sonic Colors Ultimate CIB+ 15.48
Sonic Frontiers CIB+ 21.62
Sonic Mania New 16.51
Spiritfarer New 28.95
Splatoon 2 CIB+ 19.67
Splatoon 3 New 43.99
Star Wars Pinball New 19.72
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords New 59.79
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords New 59.79
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic New 60.49
Star Wars: Republic Commando New 26.45
Steel Assault New 48
Streets of Rage 4 New 33.45
Strife: Veteran Edition New 30.00
Subnautica + Subnautica: Below Zero New 32.49
Super Blood Hockey New 60.96
Super Bomberman R New 20.42
Super Mario Maker 2 CIB+ 30.48
Super Meat Boy Forever New 25.98
Super Meat Boy New 38.5
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania New 13.48
Supraland New 33.75
Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido New 12.17
Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythm Festival New 15.5
Tails of Iron [Crimson Knight Edition] New 42.89
TakeOver New 47.41
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition New 30.41
Talos Principle New 40.00
Tandem: A Tale of Shadows New 20.48
Terraria New 24.66
The Messenger [Special Reserve Games Edition] New 280.00 SOLD
There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension New 53.51
Thumper New 45.45
Time on Frog Island CIB+ 17.43
Timespinner [Limited Run] CIB+ 77.28
Tiny Barbarian DX New 33.97
To The Moon New 67.98
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! CIB+ 49.86
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore New 66.72
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore New 66.72
Touryst New 60.00 SOLD
TowerFall New 45.5
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes CIB+ 24.99 SOLD
Treasures Of The Aegean New 17.98
Trigger Witch - Limited Edition New 57.66
Trigger Witch New 34.59
Trover Saves the Universe New 37.76 SOLD
Turok / Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Double Pack New 180.00
Twin Blades of the Three Kingdoms New 30.00
Two Point Hospital New 26.5
UnderMine New 51.08 SOLD
Unravel Two CIB+ 18.35
Unreal Life New 39.15
Unsighted New 47.2
Untitled Goose Game New 22.45
Valfaris New 39.64
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection II New 50.5
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection New 70.61
Valkyria Chronicles 4 New 66.81
Very Very Valet New 17.77
Wandersong CIB+ 33.99
Warborn New 16.6
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus CIB+ 21
WarioWare: Get it Together! CIB+ 24.55
West of Dead New 39.1
Wizard of Legend New 55.00
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap New 39.14
Wonderful 101: Remastered New 23.5
World Ends with You: Final Remix New 53.95 SOLD
World Of Simulators New 45
Wreckfest New 25.5
Wulverblade New 68.83
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country Loose 30
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Loose 30
Xtreme Sports New 50.5
Yoku's Island Express CIB+ 35.5
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair New 35.5
Young Souls New 34.49
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution CIB+ 17.69
Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition (Elite Edition) New 45.49
Yurukill: The Calumniation Games (Deluxe Edition) New 20.73
Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol New 40.09
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition New 78.08
Armored Core Nexus CIB 105.33
88 Antarctica New 45.00
Antartica 88 [Variant Cover] New 185.5
Deadpool CIB+ 76.33
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Digimon Survive New 16.55
Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition New 71
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! New 21.17
Helldivers [Super-Earth Ultimate Edition] CIB+ 45.00
Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series - The Complete Adventure CIB+ 58.41
Outriders: Worldslayer New 18.48
Revenge of The Bird King New 31.99
Saints Row: The Third Remastered New 15.1
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal [At the Seams Edition] New 60.49
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal [Tailor Made Edition] New 47.99
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash (No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service Edition) New 71.5
Shadow Warrior 2 [Special Reserve Edition] New 235.52
Super Perils of Baking Special Edition [SEGA Outerbox] New 120.00
Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse [Special Reserve Edition] New 40.00
Tamashii New 450.00
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan CIB+ 40.00
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered Steelbook Edition New 30.45
2064: Read Only Memories New 67.97
88 Heroes New 40.6
99Vidas New 125.97
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault New 26.49
Akiba's Beat New 30.25
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed CIB+ 25.49
Alone With You New 38.5
Amazing Spider-Man CIB+ 64.75
Amazing Spider-Man CIB+ 64.75
Angry Birds Star Wars New 20.48
Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition New 40.49
Antiquia Lost New 34.75
Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX New 51.5
Army Corps of Hell New 23.99
Asdivine Hearts New 35.46
Astro Aqua Kitty [Limited Edition] New 64.7
Atari Flashback Classics New 60.61
Atelier Escha & Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (Limited Edition) New 168.49
Awesome Pea Collection [Limited Edition] CIB+ 40.1
Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition New 56.56
Back in 1995 [Limited Edition] New 191.4
Bard's Gold New 33
Bard's Tale: Remastered and Resnarkled New 50.49
Bastion New 64.16
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate CIB+ 23.67
Bit.Trip Limited Edition New 33.5
Bit.Trip Presents...Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien New 33.49
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon New 118.23
Borderlands 2 CIB+ 23.49
Breach & Clear New 308.01
Broken Age New 33.77
Bunny Must Die: Chelsea and the 7 Devils New 95
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified CIB+ 22.29
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Loose 18.98
Chaos;Child New 45.61
Chasm CIB+ 60.49
Child of Light CIB+ 24.56
Claire: Extended Cut CIB+ 35.17
Code:Realize - Future Blessings Loose 14.9
Code:Realize - Guardian of Rebirth New 25.5
Code:Realize - Guardian of Rebirth 14.2
Conga Master Go! [Limited Edition] New 51.83
Corpse Party: Blood Drive New 58.77
Cosmic Star Heroine CIB+ 43.25
Count Lucanor [Signature Edition] New 144.47
Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors CIB+ 74.09
Criminal Girls: Invite Only CIB+ 54.49
Croixleur Sigma New 40.49
Cursed Castilla EX [Limited Edition] New 60.5
Curses 'N Chaos New 38.72
Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka New 40.51
Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo New 41
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair CIB 19.41
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Loose 19.41
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls New 31.5
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony CIB+ 58.89
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc CIB+ 25.97
Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours New 47.38
Deadbolt New 42.44
Death Mark CIB+ 23.22
Death Tales [Limited Edition] New 40.4
Deemo: The Last Recital New 34.22
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten New 37.86
Demon Gaze II New 74.66
Demon Gaze CIB+ 25.81
Demon Gaze Loose 22.22
Demon's Tier+ [Limited Edition] CIB+ 55.49
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax CIB+ 25.5
Devious Dungeon - Limited Edition CIB+ 67.38
Devious Dungeon 2 [Limited Edition] New 84.5
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth CIB+ 65.9
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited CIB+ 25.49
Dokuro New 52.94
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice New 34.5
Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria New 40.49
Dragon Sinker: Descendants of Legend New 35.5
Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & The Monster Seal CIB+ 53
Dynasty Warriors: Next 16.66
EMMA: Lost in Memories [Limited Edition] New 52.49
Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space New 28.19
Exile's End New 39.65
Exist Archive: The Other Side of The Sky Loose 18.48
Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star Noble Phantasm Edition New 46.26
Fernz Gate New 30.69
Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster Loose 25.49
Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster New 61.19
Forma.8 New 32.5
Freedom Wars CIB+ 13.48
Furwind [Limited Edition] CIB+ 40.5
Futuridium EP Deluxe New 45.97
Gal*Gun: Double Peace CIB+ 32.34
Ghoulboy [Limited Edition] New 160.5
God of War Collection New 74.75
Grand Kingdom New 47.6
Gravity Rush CIB+ 44.5
Guard Duty [Limited Edition] CIB+ 47.38
Gundemoniums New 84.18
Gunhouse New 30.38
Habroxia 2 [Limited Edition] New 65.5
Habroxia New 129.94
Halloween Forever [Limited Edition] New 74.5
Hole New World
Home: A Unique Horror Adventure New 35.92
Horizon Chase Turbo [Limited Edition] New 76.81
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational New 26.19
Hotaru no Nikki - The Firefly Diary: Limited Edition New 59.25
House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Edition CIB+ 99.5
House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Edition M+B 40.1
Hue New 40.5
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart CIB+ 35.5
Hyperdimension Neptunia PP: Producing Perfection CIB+ 35.97
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 CIB+ 47.01
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 CIB+ 47.01
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation CIB+ 60.49
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation CIB+ 60.49
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation CIB+ 55.95
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation CIB+ 55.95
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed CIB+ 43.81
Iconoclasts New 96.5
Indigo 7 : Quest for Love New ?
Jak and Daxter Collection CIB+ 50.49
Jet Set Knights [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Jet Set Knights [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Just Ignore them + My Big Sister Collection New 60.49
Kawaii Deathu Desu New 45.5
Killzone: Mercenary CIB+ 32.68
Killzone: Mercenary Loose 24.49
King of Fighters '97: Global Match New 64.81
Knightin' + [Limited Edition] New 60.45
Knytt Underground New 128.14
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Losse 11.33
LEGO Jurassic World CIB+ 13.44
LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin Loose 17.12
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens New 28.75
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Loose 12.21
LEGO The Lord of the Rings Loose 10.49
La-Mulana Ex New 38.03
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (Lionheart Limited Edition) New 72.39
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II CIB+ 57.82
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel CIB+ 36.49
Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut New 42.49
Longest Five Minutes New 32.5
Lost Child New 56.03
Lost Cube [Limited Edition] New 50.49
Luckslinger [Limited Edition] New 60.41
Lumines: Electronic Symphony New 18.61
MUSYNX New 50.49
Mary Skelter: Nightmares CIB+ 92.87
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies New 37.58
MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death CIB+ 25.39
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition [Limited Edition] New 106.71
Metagal [Limited Edition] CIB+ 100.35
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection CIB+ 46.49
Metal Slug 3 New 115.48
Mind Zero CIB+ 20.48
Mooseman [Limited Edition] New 119.05
Mortal Kombat CIB+ 26.99
MotoGP 13 CIB+ 23.83
Muv-Luv Alternative New 66.95
Muv-Luv Complete Set New 90.5
Muv-Luv New 53.36
My Aunt is a Witch [Limited Edition] New 55.5
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics New 27.94
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - A Criterion Game CIB+ 20.32
Neurovoider New 35.5
Nicole [Limited Edition] New 48.22
Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition New 58.99
Nova-111 New 28.67
Nurse Love Addiction New 59.18
Nurse Love Syndrome New 50.49
Nurse Love Syndrome Loose 15.49
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas New 52
Octodad: Dadliest Catch New 46.36
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - New 'n' Tasty
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD New 52.5
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD New 69.73
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir CIB+ 72.45
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Loose 70.5
One More Dungeon CIB+ 60
Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines New 93
Papers, Please New 115.47
Pato Box [Limited Edition] New 73.23
Penny-Punching Princess New 45.41
Period: Cube - Shackles of Amadeus New 54.65
Persona 4 Golden New 61.12
Persona 4 Golden Loose 25.37
Persona 4: Dancing All Night - Disco Fever Edition New 145.5
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds New 53.5
Pix the Cat New 28.84
Plague Road New 43.4
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale New 31.74
Proteus New 36.49
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk New 51.5
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk New 51.5
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly CIB+ 33.57
Pushy and Pully in Block Land New 70.45
Rabi-Ribi New 93.59
Rainbow Moon New 44.89
Ratchet and Clank Trilogy CIB+ 72.77
Ray Gigant New 102.84
Rayman Legends CIB 17.37
Rayman Origins CIB+ 16.71
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Revenant Saga New 29.44
Reverie [Limited Edition] CIB+ 43.49
Riddled Corpses EX New 40.49
Risk of Rain New 38
Rock Boshers DX New 29.34
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution New 55.5
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken New 43.2
Root Double [Xtend Edition] New 53.5
Root Letter New 46.11
Rose in the Twilight New 192
Salt and Sanctuary New 100.49
Salt and Sanctuary New 100.49
Saturday Morning RPG New 50.49
Sayonara Umihara Kawase++ New 67.33
ScourgeBringer [Limited Edition] New 59.97
ScourgeBringer [Limited Edition] New 59.97
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus: Let's Get Physical Edition New 115.5
Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit! Full Course - Collector's Edition New 185.13
Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit! New 150.44
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus Endless Summer Edition New 115.48
Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story New 155.5
Severed [Limited Edition] New 100.81
Shakedown: Hawaii CIB+ 36.85
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero CIB+ 37.5
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen CIB+ 38.67
Shovel Knight New 96.49
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution 2+ CIB+ 76.26
Silent Hill: Book of Memories CIB+ 76.38
Sir Eatsalot [Limited Edition] CIB+ 53.08
Siralim 2 New 30.49
Siralim New 50.5
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore New 52.81
Sky Force Anniversary New 75.48
Slain: Back From Hell [Signature Edition] New 150.65
Sly Cooper Collection CIB+ 52.27
Smart as... CIB+ 9.67
Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype New 44.12
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed CIB+ 23.56
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God [Limited edition] New 80.5
Soul Sacrifice Delta New 105.5
Soul Sacrifice CIB+ 17.36
Spelunky New 70.5
Spy Hunter CIB+ 24.31
Stay [Limited Edition] New 130.5
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (Ultimate Edition) New 29.13
SteamWorld Dig New 55.72
SteamWorld Heist New 52.97
Steins;Gate 0 CIB+ 29.49
Steins;Gate CIB+ 30.58
Stranger of sword city limited edition New 63.57
Super Hydorah New 47.9
Super Meat Boy New 60.5
Super Mutant Alien Assault New 34.9
Super Skull Smash GO! 2 Turbo New 42.35
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls New 58.5
Swapper New 51.48
Swindle New 27.51
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment New 65.48
Synergia [Limited Edition] New 110.49
Tachyon Project Limited Edition New 55.35
Takotan [Limited Edition] New 51.59
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack New 50.24
Tales of Hearts R CIB+ 69.48
Tales of Hearts R 50.5
Task Force Kampas New 36.5
Tetris Ultimate New 70.47
Tetris Ultimate New 70.47
Thomas Was Alone New 33.5
Tokyo Xanadu New 49.32
Touch My Katamari CIB+ 33.72
Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure [Limited Edition] CIB+ 47.09
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 CIB+ 31.21
UnMetal New 163.32
Uncharted: Golden Abyss CIB+ 27.23
Uncharted: Golden Abyss CIB+ 27.23
Undertale New 66.38
Unepic [Limited Edition] New 274.98
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception New 72.27
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth - Launch Edition New 36.5
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth - Launch Edition New 36.5
VA-11 Hall-A New 79.91
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni CIB+ 66.81
Vasara Collection New 98.5
Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition New 63.05
Volume New 32.25
Walking Dead: Season Two - A Telltale Games Series New 22.61
Windjammers New 35.83
Winter's Daydream [Limited Edition] New 64.1
Wipeout 2048 New 31.24
World of Final Fantasy New 33.99
Xeno Crisis [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Xeno Crisis [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Xeno Crisis [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Xenon Valkyrie+ New 68.11
Xeodrifter New 44.2
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows CIB+ 33.71
Yomawari: Night Alone / htol#NiQ: The Firefly Diary CIB+ 40.5
Ys Origin New 56.4
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA New 72.34
Ys: Memories of Celceta CIB+ 25.99
Yumeutsutsu Re:After [Limited Edition] New 82.97
Yumeutsutsu Re:Master [Limited Edition] New 75.48
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward CIB+ 15.5
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma New 33.17
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma Loose 24.51
Aliens: Infestation Loose 45.00
Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition New 34.72
Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson (Double D Edition) New 70.5
Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson (Double D Edition) New 70.5
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse [Collector's Edition] New 89.39
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse [Collector's Edition] New 89.39
Xbox -Dead by daylight Nightmare edition CIB $25 -Fortnite Last Laugh NEW $50 
submitted by ricotito23 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:08 charli3dontsurf Connecticut State Flag: 8 Redesigns

Connecticut State Flag: 8 Redesigns
Five Stars: The five stars represent Connecticut as the fifth state to be admitted to the Union.
White Oak Tree: The white oak is designated as Connecticut's official state tree.
Grape Bunches: These symbolize the grapevines depicted on the original state flag's coat of arms, reflecting Connecticut's well-established wine industry.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Color Symbolism:
Blue: Represents Connecticut's coastal waters and blue skies, symbolizing strength and loyalty.
Purple: Signifies independence, happiness, and camaraderie.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Flag Design Elements:
Flags 4 and 5: These flags incorporate the letter "C," similar to Colorado's flag. In this context, the "C" stands for the name of the state, the Charter Oak Tree, the state constitution (referencing Connecticut's nickname "The Constitution State"), and the Connecticut River.
Charter Oak.
submitted by charli3dontsurf to vexillology [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:51 Solrawitch Having to go full parallel with yet another meta

This is gonna be a long one, so sorry in advance but I really can't TLDR.
General TW: mention of SA, mention of substance abuse
I guess I'm mostly just looking to vent. I've just been struggling with this a lot. I (f28) have been with my spouse NP (m30) M for almost 13 years. We are married, have a child (under 10), and have shared housing and finances. We were monogamous for the majority of that time but after years of discussing it and looking into Polyamory, had opened our relationship to be poly roughly 3-ish years ago. This is not an issue of poly-under-duress on either side, as non-monogamy of various natures was something we had been discussing after I had come to terms with my own bi-sexuality. (M has also identified as bi)
We have each had a handful of partners in this time, and I have tried my best to be a communicative and respectful partner and a cordial meta. We were originally practicing KTP and things were going well for a while. One issue came up with one of M's early partners- A. A had some problem and attitude with me right out of the gate. I just kind of brushed it off. I wasn't really worried about it till M had shown me what she had been saying to him about me, and it was all very disrespectful and childish. One thing that really stood out to me about these messages was that M didn't defend me at all in them. He just let her say horrible disrespectful things about me and apologized to her and begged her not to leave. I asked him why she was comfortable talking to him like that, and he said he did defend me, just in person. I don't understand why he'd allow someone to talk to him the way she did about anyone he cared about, (friends, family, spouse, whatever. This has never been an issue before) or why he'd beg a relationship that was only a couple of months old to continue.
Later M confided in me that A had done things like giving him the silent treatment for several days for not dropping everything to go to a weekend art festival with her and had pressured him into sexual situations involving her spouse that he wasn't comfortable with. after about 4 months of this and me saying I needed to be parallel for my own mental health after I blocked her, they broke up.
At the same time he was dating A, M was also dating S until S had a mental breakdown about how their same-sex relationship was a sin. He's had several other short-term partners since then but nothing really serious. I understand dating as a man is difficult, but I really didn't see this as some sort of competition to accumulate partners.
I have had a few different partners in the beginning, but formed connections with my two partners J (m37, 1.5 years), and T (m29, 1 year). I feel like M was jealous of my other relationships, but I made sure to set aside time specifically for him. no phones, just us. And I have done my best to communicate with him and make sure I am not doing anything that makes him feel uncomfortable especially in our shared home.
In November 2023 M had another connection fizzle out, and I knew he was feeling particularly down about it, so I made date night plans with him that week to stay in on a child-free night and make his favorite dinner together. I had work that day, and he stated he was going to be helping our mutual friend K with moving stuff around at her apartment. I had asked him to swing by the grocery store afterwards.
For context, F had reached out to me regarding K being SA'd while she had been sugar-dating and asked me to talk to her. K did not reach out to me, but I wasn't going to just not check on her after being told this because I know how traumatic it is. When I spoke to K she talked a little about the assault and vented about how she felt the need to purchase speed from her dad (who is her former SA abuser) in order to "ease the stress" of living with F. I told her she probably shouldn't be doing that, but she was convinced that because she was only micro-dosing and making a pill last a few days by mixing it into a 2L of soda that she had it under control. Afterwards I let her know she could reach out for help with whatever she needed. I told M how she was struggling and that I offered to help out and he said he'd offer help too. So it wasn't weird to me that he had offered to help move things around the house for her.
He had been sending me messages throughout the day and "helping her move furniture" was revealed over the messages to be getting dressed up, treating her to a moderately expensive lunch, going to a local bookstore, and walking around the mall to buy little treats.
We had always communicated about new partners before this point, and K was someone we had lived with previously and neither of us were really particularly happy living with her or spending a lot of time with her and her toxic behavior towards F in our space from what he had conveyed to me at that time (around 5 years ago). As far as I knew, we had only really maintained a friendship with K because of our longstanding friendship with her boyfriend F, who has been our friend almost as long as M and I have been together and would not break up with her despite his expressed displeasure in several aspects of their relationship he had come to M and I for advice on several occasions. (serious things like her weird attachment to her dad who again, had SA'd her, and how she had been threatening to move back in with him whenever F didn't meet her demands) So, you can see how I really didn't see this coming beforehand.
So I asked M point blank if this was a date with K, since he gave no indication of it beforehand. He said it was and that he thought he told me. I assured him he hadn't. He ended up cancelling our plans for the night by staying out with her till it was too late. I ate dinner alone and expressed to him how it was hurtful to have not communicated to me and then to have blown off our plans made in advance. He apologized and expressed to me how he would do better in the future.
That was roughly 7 months ago.
In those 7 months several additional hurts have been made.
-No communication before she started spending the night at our house and I had to hear them on multiple occasions having sex. One of these occasions being in the shower against the wall of my bedroom. (I didn't consent to that and it has seriously fucked me up in a huge way mentally. I have been clawing my way out of a massive depressive spiral since, and dealing with the death of my grandmother at this time did not help at all. This would occur 2-3 days a week, every week) He again apologized and expressed to me how he would do better in the future.
-I expressed not being okay with them having sex in the house and was expected to believe that all further noises I heard during her sleepovers that were still occurring on a weekly, and later reduced to bi-weekly basis were simply her normal bodily noises from her GERD. I included myself in this as well, if I had a partner over while M was home we would not engage in sexual activity.
-Every single sleepover involved her getting absolutely shit-faced drunk and/or high from MMJ edibles.
-He has left family gatherings and holidays for 45 minutes to an hour and a half at a time to go "talk" with her, In particular saying they were going to go get a drink from the gas station on thanksgiving.
-Kept me up late hours with the noise they make on nights when I had work, which again I am supposed to believe is all just normal passive bodily noises from her acid reflux, and the occasional instance of my cat knocking things over and definitely nothing sexual or her drunken stumbling.
-I expressed needing to re-connect and wanted a date with the two of us that didn't involve watching him text her. this turned into an expensive dinner with me listening to him talk about her.
-M had been leaving work early on a regular basis to drive her to things like doctor appointments and such. (1-2 times a week minimum).
-He forgot to get our kid up to school after I was already at work, and on multiple occasions just had a different family member pick her up so he could have more alone time with K.
-He lost his job. He says this is because of a technical error on one of the terminals he was assigned to wrecking his productivity on multiple occasions, so I was now the only income providing for our entire barely-middle-class no savings lifestyle.
-Asked my help in paying for an out-of-state trip with his best friend (using money I got from refinancing my vehicle. I had planned to use that money to pay off my credit cards and my lawyer I had needed for a recent legal problem involving a protective order, and to make repairs on our home) that later turned out to be a double date/ 4 day vacation. I was the only one working at this time. He swears he told me. He absolutely did not. He again apologized and expressed to me how he would do better in the future. (at this point we had a massive fight where I told him I am not a wallet for him to use to fund trips with his equally unemployed partner. I ended up moving all of my things into the spare bedroom and sleeping in there for several days)
-I have funded multiple dates through our joint bank account during his time being unemployed, despite expressing how I didn't appreciate it. (for reference, I work 60+ hrs a week and my check alone is barely enough to keep our household expenses afloat without paying for any dates- mine or his)
-She was constantly leaving laundry behind, like crop tops, bras, socks, etc that I was finding in my couch and mixed in with the household laundry. So I was literally washing her damn underwear.
-In April I blew up because their late night nonsense had prevented me from getting more than an hour of sleep before my 12 hour shift. I told him at this point that the sleepovers were over with with no amount of uncertainty and we fought about it again. I told him I needed something closer to garden party, I'm fine seeing her at holidays and birthday parties but that I really needed my space and the disrespect I had been enduring was not going to happen anymore. I included myself in this as well, my partners would not be spending the night anymore either. Even to the point that when T took me out for dinner and his car broke down I let him borrow my truck to get home rather than have him crash in the spare room because I'm not going to make a space where I can be accused of holding double standards.
After all of this occurred, I got a callback from HR at my job setting up an interview for a promotion I had applied for. Getting this promotion would mean roughly $4k more per year on my salary which would definitely ease the financial stress we were under as a single income household. Because we were no longer having sleepovers in the house when the other person was there, and my interview fell on one of my days off later in the afternoon we scheduled a date between myself and M for the day before. The plan was to have our date, M drop me off at T's apartment, M would pick up K to sleep over back at our house, K had work the next day at 10:30 (just got a new job) so M told me he would drop K off at 10:30am and pick me up from T's apartment afterwards- which was only 15 minutes away. This would give us time for the hour drive back to the house, and time for me to change clothes and drive to my workplace before my interview, about 45 minutes of elbow room in our time.
Communication was minimal that morning, which is normal for when we're with others, and it dropped off entirely after he said he was leaving the house so I just assumed he was driving. At about 10:40 I asked if he was nearby and if I should start heading downstairs, he hadn't sent me an update saying he was on his way like he normally would. he finally gets back to me around 10:45am letting me know that he had just dropped her stuff off at her apartment and was running late because her dogs needed to be walked and her NP, F, hadn't walked them before he left for work that morning. He still needed to drop her off at her job which apparently didn't actually start until 11. He did not pick me up until around 11:10am. we rode home in silence for the hour drive until we were pulling into the driveway and he said something about his tire needing to be checked on his way to get our kid from school. I ran inside, got dressed, ran back out and barely made it to my interview on time. (I didn't get it. Better luck next time I guess)
After the interview he had been in the next town over to get our kid from school and we were discussing over text how it absolutely wasn't okay to have changed plans without talking to me about it, and that someone elses dogs shouldn't have ever had priority over me or my time- especially since the interview for this promotion was going to make things better for all 3 of us as a family.
Well, during this argument I got a message from my sister in law C.
K had apparently blocked me but decided she needed to get the last word in. So she sent a message to C to give to me. It was around 10 paragraphs about how I am emotionally abusing M every time I've set a boundary and stood up for myself, asked for everything they put me through because of the open status of our relationship, am petty and jealous, imagining things, wished I'd have come to her instead of M (as if it was a meta problem and not him being a bad and uncommunicative hinge), and finished it off by talking about how she thinks I'm super hot and she hopes we can reconcile in the future.
I sent screenshots of it to M, asking what K knows about my marriage that I don't and it was the equivalent of pouring gasoline on a campfire. Our argument blew up bigger than it was originally, he dropped our kid off at the house after school and drove off. I was worried he was going to self harm after some of the things he said. He did eventually come home and talk to me. He apparently had no knowledge or input on her little letter to me, denied that he's ever called me abusive to her etc.
we ended up talking for about 4 hours and working things out that night. I let him know from that point on that I wanted full parallel, not garden party at all with her. this was a little over a month ago and I keep having nightmares where I'm forced into parent-trap type situations where he tries to force me to reconcile with her. I asked him for reassurance that he understood my boundary the other day and he did reassure me, but expressed how he was upset about it and doesn't really have time to see or talk to her as often anymore since he started his new job.
I'm in therapy.
I tried finding a couples therapy we could afford, but the few places I could find that would be affordable wouldn't see us, stating that my being in individual therapy is a "conflict of interest" for couples therapy. Which I've asked around on, and it's definitely BS, but I can't afford to get couples therapy till we get our financial situation ironed out.
We've been doing better over the past month, but I keep having this horrible anxiety like the other shoe is about to drop.
I'm sorry this is so long. I just don't feel right venting to my other partners.
I just miss actually feeling compersion.
submitted by Solrawitch to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:43 SmartPrimate There is a paradox between omniscience and omnibenevolence (proof ft. infinity and Turing Machines)

Was doing some semi mathematical/philosophical thought experiments, and of all the things I did not expect to stumble on a paradox between these two concepts so I thought I'd share.
I'm going to give the main idea, but at the bottom I'll share some preliminaries for those unfamiliar with the relevant concepts, as in I explain it all so this post is still self contained. So if you're feeling lost below, skip to the bottom first. Even if you don't care for this specific argument, I think it's worth thinking about or extrapolating from the concepts in preliminaries, since a lot of people talk about God's infinite nature but don't often confront the paradoxes that have to do with infinity and are mathematically sound but can pose problems (the first time I engaged with it was after learning Cantor's theorem, since that seriously seems to imply either God's infinity is not the biggest infinity, or somehow not remotely definable/it doesn't even mean anything). So I think this is overall good practice.
EDIT (can skip this and go on to actual paradox if you’re getting impatient): While reflecting, I realized a lot of readers might think I'm a crank for writing something this technical on something related to God. I promise everything I wrote however is technically sound and coherent. The reason it is this technical is because it has to be to construct a logically precise question which God can no longer answer, if He's generous enough to share (even if we restrict to only being after an eternity) all His knowledge to any one person. And that's what it takes to show the paradox between being "the most knowledgeable you can conceive" with "the most generous you can conceive." I'm not myself convinced any of this argument is overkill.
The Specific Paradox
Suppose human lives are infinite, which you believe if there’s an eternal afterlife, then consider the set of “all knowledge humans would obtain after infinite time”. Obviously this set can be enumerated, f(1), f(2), f(3),… etc. Now what I'm about to describe is a construct that cannot really exist physically, but it is perfectly definable in math, in a sense that you can ask questions about it that have objective truth values. Basically define a modified Turing machine, but one where there is a second head, and instructions for when the second head takes a step, such that each step of the second head is essentially enumerating that set we just named (so in a single step it will print a new element of that set on the tape, wherever the head is). Now for this new type of machine, each such machine can be encoded with a number just like Turing machines, and such that you can code one machine to be able to simulate others when given the corresponding encoding. Each such machine can either halt or not halt like a regular Turing machine, and just like regular Turing machines, you can prove that no such machine in this class can solve the halting problem for this type of machine. This also means that the set of “all knowledge humans would obtain after infinite time” cannot contain the solution to this class of machine’s halting problem, since if it did that would be a contradiction with the fact this machine can enumerate that set as a feature.
Now, we can define a set, the set of all encodings of machines in this class, such that those encodings correspond to halting machines in this class.
If God is the most knowledgeable that we can conceive of, He can decide this set, can take any number and say whether it’s in the set or not.
That would imply God has more knowledge than the set of “all knowledge humans would obtain after infinite time.”
On the other hand, suppose a person really likes knowledge, and asks for “all knowable truths but after infinite time.” Then if God is the most generous we can conceive of, it seems not unfair for God to grant this, especially since the person is asking after infinite time, it’s not like they're even asking for it all at once/will ever really have it at one point in time. So it seems more than fair to grant that request, especially if you belong to one of the monotheistic faiths that believes heaven is where you're granted "whatever the heart desires that's possible." And it isn't inconceivable some nerd would want this, but if it is granted to them then it would contradict God being “the most knowledgeable we can conceive of,” since the set of numbers we described above and deciding it (meaning you can name whether an element is in it or not) would not be encompassed by the set of all of God's knowledge, since that would lead to the earlier halting contradiction we described. So you end up having one or the other, either the most generous we can conceive of or the most knowledgeable we can conceive of.
Analysis (skip below if you need preliminaries)
So a couple things. I'd like to repeat that even this request is somewhat restricted, since you're not even asking to be granted all of God's knowledge, you're asking to be “granted it only if we consider the set union of my knowledge at all future points of time.” And in fact, in some people's minds, "the most generous we can conceive of" would already pre-emptively entail an agreement to share all possible knowledge, since sharing knowledge is good no? So an explicit request isn't even necessarily necessary for this paradox.
Some other points. All of this falls under the framework that all knowledge in existence (including God’s knowledge) is a countable infinity, obviously God might instead have an uncountable amount of knowledge, but my issue with that is once you allow it, it becomes a “where do we stop” thing, because for every set you can define the set of all subsets of that set which will always be bigger by Cantor's theorem. So either the “set of all of God’s knowledge” is not even meaningful to talk about, or there is a limit, specifically a certain size of infinity where we stop at, and if it’s the latter then it seems very humanly arrogant to assume it’s any one specific cardinality (cardinality just means size but rigorously generalized to include size of infinities). Even if it's some specific uncountable cardinality however, you can easily modify this paradox to work with that cardinality as well.
You could also alternatively even reject any infinity exists, which would imply God is not an actual infinity and therefore can’t solve even the normal halting problem, that is a legitimate possibility too. But the property of being “greatest [insert property] that we conceive of” for most people is usually taken to mean an actual infinity, so they have to reckon with this. You could simply opt for agnosticism on this point, but in that case you cannot then use infinite as an adjective freely.
Ultimately, in the case that one does believe God exists and has an infinite nature and/or really does have attributes of the form "greatest [insert property] I can conceive of" (which would be infinite in certain cases like knowledge, e.g. even the standard halting problem has a solution but you provably need infinite knowledge to be able to solve it for instance, unless it having a solution is not in the possible knowledge you can conceive of, though that seems absurd), then this paradox illustrates that one of three things must be true:
  1. God would grant the request of someone that desires “all possible knowledge given infinite time” but then God is no longer of the class of “the most knowledgeable we can conceive of” because there is a countable set of natural numbers we can even refer to that He cannot decide.
  2. God would deny that request, and thus all possible sets we can refer to are decidable by Him, but then God is potentially not of the class of “the most generous we can conceive of."
  3. God can’t grant that request to begin with because His knowledge is a greater cardinality than the natural numbers, and my usage of “infinite time” here was meant to be countable, although you could easily alter the paradox to include higher cardinalities in the request so this isn't really a point it just changes the goalposts.
I would like to know how those of you that believe in an omni[something] God and afterlife personally reconcile this paradox. As someone who does lean towards believing in a supreme monotheistic creator, I personally lean towards 2, that the knowledge precedes generosity, but I honestly don't have a philosophical justification yet.
Now, as I promised, here are some preliminaries:
Countable and uncountable infinity, turtles all the way down
One relevant concept I brought up that might be unfamiliar to people, that I think should be the most well known though it's not central to the argument, is that of sizes of infinity. Honestly, I'm a little lazy so I'm just going to link this 8 minute video that does a marvelous job at explaining it. I know 8 minutes is a tough ask but I promise it's worth, and the rest in this post is self contained.
No technical background needed, a grade schooler can understand it, and I think it's worth learning about regardless of who you are, since Cantor's theorem really is one of humanity's greatest intellectual achievements.
Note he goes into the specific example of a countable infinity (the natural numbers) and how the first uncountable infinity is bigger (using the real numbers as an example). However Cantor's more general theorem applies to all sets, saying the set of all subsets of that set will always be a bigger set, even when our sets are infinite. Stated differently, there is always a bigger infinity. If you haven't seen this theorem before, depending on who you are this is either surprising to you or not surprising to you, and in both cases I can guarantee whatever reasoning you're using is wrong, but to see why watch the video :)
The exact proof in the video is a proof by contradiction similar to the halting problem proof I'll do below. But for Cantor's more general theorem I just stated, the proof while in the same spirit is a little more abstract than the specific example in the video, so I won't explain it here but feel free to check it out on wikipedia if you're curious.
Turing Machines
So the most relevant concept is that of a Turing Machine. While this may sound fancy, it's actually not hard to understand at all. Imagine a mathematician who can only write one symbol at a time. Except the chalkboard he's using to write is infinitely long. Do you get that? Then congratulations, you now know what a Turing Machine is.
Why the exact details of Turing Machines don’t matter
Sometimes people will present it as more technical, as a head that moves along an infinite tape writing only 0's and 1's. But that is basically what we just described, minus the limitation to 0 and 1. But the reason people use 0 and 1 is to show that in fact, this simplicity where you only have a 2 letter alphabet, is still powerful enough that you can use this model still to simulate other models that have a bigger alphabet. So the point when people do that isn't that we're intentionally restricting to 2 letters, but that 2 letters is all we need, even to do stuff that requires more! Even other details like the number of tapes or the dimension of the tape don't matter, since they can all simulate each other. So the point really is just that we can get away with something as minimal as possible, and that in some sense the details really don’t matter.
Why Turing Machines philosophically matter
Really the more relevant point though is that a Turing Machine is simply philosophically codifying what was already intuitive to humans, namely the idea of any finite procedure. Like an algorithm, a recipe, etc. As long as you allow instructions for behavior, and that behavior is allowed to be unbounded (while loop), then you basically have a Turing Machine.
On the other hand if you have a programming language with programs that contain if statements ("if [this] do [this"), for loops (which is just specifying an action to be done a certain number of times, but not infinitely), but NOT while loops (while [this is true] do [this'), then this is not a Turing Machine, because the "while" is the key, the infinite chalkboard, since what that opens up is the ability to never stop. Which might seem like a flaw at first, and it is in certain respects, but opening up that possibility is actually what gives computers the expressive power they have in solving problems believe it or not.
Footnote on Turing Machine usefulness in real life (can skip to next section if you don’t care): An asterisk here is that in real life there is no infinite memory so computers will always eventually stop, but A. we obviously don't want programs to run out of memory because they would have needed infinite memory anyway, both cause it's bad to use all memory but also you'd ideally want to know to stop it short before it meaninglessly loops like that and B. In some cases programs are meant to run for long enough/as long as possible before hitting some constraint that it's more or less still useful to model them as functionally infinite. Regardless for the sake of this paradox and mathematicians, even if it wasn't useful the idea of algorithms that might not stop still represent perfectly definable mathematical objects we can meaningfully talk about which belong to "the set of all possible knowledge".
Universal Simulation
Turing Machines are encodable. Once you settle on the specifics of the machine, like what the alphabet is etc (which isn't that important), then there will exist a way to encode each machine as a single whole number. And in such a way that you can define a Turing Machine that can in fact parse this number in order to simulate the machine.
You can even define a machine that takes in the encoding of any other machine, and all it does is simulate it, essentially a universal computer which is conceptually like your laptop at home. Also you can define the encoding scheme to involve every natural number, simply by having non valid encodings (which can also be recognized by machines as non valid) represent by default a basic machine that just does nothing. So essentially all natural numbers are Turing Machines. From now on if M is a Turing Machine, will refer to the number encoding it.
Undecidability of the standard halting problem
Anyway so because we have the possibility of our programs never halting, the halting problem is quite literally to decide whether a Turing Machine will halt or not halt.
(More specifically you have a number, and you want to decide if that number represents a Turing Machine that halts. Technically it's if the Turing machine halts on a specific input, so you would need an input in addition to the number, however we can actually change our encoding so that every natural number encodes both a Turing Machine and input for it. If you do that, then the problem really does become equivalent to "you have this well defined set of numbers, each representing Turing Machine-input pairs, and you're trying to decide for any number if it's in that set, meaning it represents a Turing Machine-input pair that halts" which is how I prefer to think of the halting problem, I'm just abusing my language and will keep doing so for consistency, but it's not that important).
Now if the halting problem is solvable, by a mathematician, computer, whatever, we can represent that as a Turing Machine Q that takes in an encoding of a machine and an input x, (so we can represent it's behavior as Q(, x)) and tells us whether M halts on x or never halts. You can then easily construct a machine Q' where Q'() does the following:
Simulates Q, specifically running Q(, ) and thus checking if M halts on the encoding that represents itself.
If it does not halt, this program Q' halts.
If it does halt, this program Q' loops forever.
Now, what happens if we run Q'()? If Q' halts on itself then it loops forever, and if it does not halt on itself, then it halts, a contradiction. Yet this program is easily constructible if the halting problem is solvable, since it's built by simulating the program that solves that. Therefore that assumption must be wrong. So no program, no mathematician or anyone, can take in an encoding of a Turing Machine and some input, and tell us whether it halts or does not halt. The only way to do that would be if you have infinite knowledge, and I would assume most monotheists here upon learning about this problem really would believe "God can do it. God can solve the halting problem," thus implying God's knowledge is an actual infinite, since otherwise you would run into contradiction like this proof. In fact for some, this may even be used to reinforce why God must be of an infinite nature, that omniscience wouldn't be compatible with any fact to the contrary. The alternative is either believing He can't, or choosing agnosticism on such matters.
More turtles all the way down
Note that you can always define a new type of Turing Machine that's exactly the same but has an oracle that can solve the halting problem. Just like before this machine is also encodable. And just like the modified machine in the paradox this can't really exist remotely physically, even if we forgot finiteness constraints since we already showed the halting problem is unsolvable - this oracle is purely a theoretical construct. However, this new type of machine will have it's own halting problem that it can't solve for equivalent machines. And then you can define an oracle for that halting problem. But once again you'll just get an even higher level halting problem. So even if you can solve the halting problem there are higher level halting problems you still can't solve (google "arithmetic hierarchy" if you're interested, it's more general but basically quantifies how "unsolvable" a set is, yielding an infinite tower of classes, each containing sets "more unsolvable" than the last). Of course if you're like me, you would just shrug it off as God can solve all of these problems.
Just wanted to add you can also use the argument I presented to show that assuming the set of "all of God's knowledge" is a real infinite set (I argue in preliminaries why most who accept omniscience would agree it's infinite), you can always construct a question that's solution is not in the set, a paradox of omniscience alone since we can refer to a question that by definition can't be solved by God. To be fair this also runs into issues of epistemology itself, since you could use the same for the set of all knowledge in general, and therefore one could even argue that in some sense certain "truths" just don't exist/truth isn't definable. Which I guess has already been sorta established by folks like Tarski using other methods. In any case I presented the argument I'm giving as a generosity paradox, since once it's a question that is derived by being defined as unsolveable with respect to the set of all of a human's knowledge (which is what we're doing in some sense), that feels far more like intuitively it should have a solution by the being that's "the most knowledgeable we can conceive of" than a question that's specifically defined to be unsolveable with respect to all of just their knowledge (which again, defining it like that is what we're doing in some sense, though we need to do work to show it's well defined which is what the proof was). Maybe what I'm trying to say is, if omniscience alone can't deal with logical omniscient paradoxes, perhaps it should always at least maintain the hierarchy/superiority aspect of it, and that even that sorta goes into disarray if we allow a maximal generosity (in the context of this post, that being sharing all of one's knowledge, not necessarily all at once, I used a more relaxed condition, where it's in a way that they'd still get all of it given infinite time).
submitted by SmartPrimate to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:35 Dillon123 Mind is Buddha - Pt. 1

The Four Statements of Zen are:
Now this likely brings a few pertinent questions to... well, mind. (How fitting)
In Zen texts there are a lot of repeating "Mind is Buddha", and similar mind-pointing phrases. However, what is Mind?
I wish to use this post to discuss "Mind" (which will have to be the first in a series of 2, or 3 given the length required to simply dip one's toe in). I am going to use Chan master Guifeng Zongmi as a thread in this small series, so I thought it'd be beneficial to first provide this early paragraph from his work, the Source of Chan. It should help us understand what Chan is to Zongmi:
"[T]his true nature is not only the source of Chan but also the source of all laws (dharmas), hence it is called Dharma-nature. It is also the source of delusion and enlightenment in sentient beings, hence it is called the Tathagata-garbha (storehouse consciousness) . It is also the source of all virtues of Buddhas, hence it is called Buddha-nature . It is also the source of all practices of Bodhisattvas, hence it is called the mind ground . All practices fall within the six paramitas, with the Chan gate being just one of them, specifically the fifth. How can true nature be exclusively identified as a single practice of Chan?
Yet, the practice of Chan meditation is most wondrous, able to arouse the flawless wisdom inherent in one’s nature. All marvelous functions, virtues, and practices, including supernatural powers and illumination, arise from concentration. Therefore, practitioners of the Three Vehicles who seek the holy path must practice Chan; there is no other way. Even those who recite the Buddha’s name to be reborn in the Pure Land must practice the sixteen contemplations of Chan, the mindfulness of the Buddha Samadhi, and the Pratyutpanna Samadhi. Moreover, true nature is neither defiled nor pure, without distinction between ordinary and holy beings. Chan, however, varies in depth and stages.
Practicing with erroneous views and suppressing lower states to achieve higher ones is externalist Chan. Practicing with proper faith in cause and effect, with a desire for liberation, is ordinary Chan. Practicing with the realization of the emptiness of self and biased truth is Hinayana Chan. Practicing with the realization of the emptiness of both self and phenomena, revealing the true principle, is Mahayana Chan."
So Chan has its depths and stages, but we are told that proper practice with a faith in cause and effect is ordinary Chan. This surely follows what you may have read in recent posts on the "Wu" koan, and how Wansong offered a comment upon it saying, "...It's not just about whether the dog has Buddha-nature or not. It's about deliberately violating the knowledge of karma and its nature, being greatly aware of the past and cautious of the future, being careful at the beginning and guarding the end."
On top of "Mind", we also hear of a "No-Mind". So is practicing this No-Mind the same no-thing being spoken of when it's suggested one practices Wumen's No? (Zen masters do instruct to carry it all day and night).
How would one even practice Wumen's "Wu" or "No", anyways? Well, above Zongmi laid out that "practicing with the realization of the emptiness of both self and phenomena is Mahayana Chan." This seems to follow the sentiment of Master Miaoxi who said of the Wu koan, "It's not the 'no' of existence, nor is it the 'no' of true emptiness."
Let's return to Mind. There are two main principles, the immutable and the mutable. Hit it, Zongmi!
Just as true gold, when crafted by different artisans into rings, bracelets, bowls, or cups, does not change its nature to copper or iron, gold represents the principle, and its immutable nature under various conditions represents the teaching. If someone asks which substance does not change and which adapts to conditions, the correct answer is gold. This analogy helps to understand the principles and teachings of the entire collection of scriptures: it is all about the mind.
I would raise here a side dialogue about Gold, and Adornment, and the metaphors in Zen writings about this - but I need to wrap this post up. (Guifeng's work also points out that there are 8 types of minds, so our probing would need to go far too deep for what this post should cover).
The mind is the dharma, and all else is its significance. Hence, the scriptures say, "The immeasurable significances arise from a single dharma." However, these countless significances can be broadly categorized into two types: unchanging and conditioned. The scriptures only talk about how this mind, according to ignorance or enlightenment, conditions impurities, purity, mundane and sacred, afflictions, and enlightenment, with and without defilements. They also talk about how this mind, whether impure or pure, inherently remains unchanging and naturally extinguished, truly as it is. If someone asks, "What remains unchanging? What follows conditions?" The answer should simply be "the mind."
We know there is Buddha Mind and Buddha Demon. Linji said, "A moment of doubt in your mind is the Buddha demon. If you can realize that myriad phenomena have no origin, and mind is like an illusory projection, there is not a single atom or a single phenomenon anymore; everywhere is pure. Then there is no Buddha demon."
No origin? Well, Mind, like Gold, or Fire, transforms under conditions. Sometimes Buddha, sometimes Demon.
Let's end with an illustration from the Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Zhanran:
Zaobai said, 'With one thought of anger, millions of gates of obstacles open. Those who cultivate the bodhisattva path must be cautious not to arouse anger. If there's even a trace of anger, there will be a corresponding increase in the power of anger and demons. After death, there will be blessings that transform into the great powerful demon king, and one will fall into the three paths again. It's said that with the arousal of anger, one's cultivation may further empower demons.'
The teacher said, 'Indeed, there is. In the Avatamsaka Sutra, Bodhisattvas of the Ten Dwellings, Ten Practices, Ten Directions, and Ten Stages each possess the power and protection of a Tathagata. This is the meaning of their respective stages.'
'If this is so, then what is the difference between Buddha and demon fruits, and how can they provide such power to people?'
The teacher replied, 'They are not external things but the power of one's mind. It's just like how people use fire to burn houses, cook food, or refine elixirs. Each use of fire naturally has its accompanying wind power to assist, completing the task. Burning houses is evil, cooking food is righteous, refining elixirs is the Dao. Wind and fire do not discriminate, yet they can succeed or fail according to the task. Similarly, Buddha and demons do not discriminate, yet they follow the mind's judgment of right and wrong. By using the wind to ignite fire, actions are completed by the mind, which are not separate. Thus, if one doesn't guard the true nature of Reality, letting it mature naturally, people do not understand their own minds, often swayed by circumstances. Demons take advantage of this, leading them into evil paths, all due to not realizing one's inherent Buddha nature, lacking self-control, and being controlled by external influences. How can demons and Buddhas say the same? In this way, what you said about blessings being indispensable, whether it's believable or not, is something to be pondered upon.
submitted by Dillon123 to zen [link] [comments]


This is a comprehensive list of what I believe to be the most needed quality of life improvements for the players that still maintains the developers intended gameplay balance. If anyone has ideas of things to add, remove, or change to this list, sound off in the comments. I am not affiliated with Game Loft in any way and have no sway over their decisions, but maybe we can all make our voices heard and let them know what we want moving forward (after the latest bugs and crashes are fixed of course).
General Gameplay
  1. Not requiring villagers to be in your current area (valley/isle) in order to get their profession bonus
  2. Increase the surface area of tables (4 square tables shouldn't have a 1 square tabletop considering that the top is the widest part of most tables)
  3. No more limit on how many mannequins can be placed in a single room and the ability to place them outside
  4. Add a recycle function for all crafted items that costs dreamlight/star coins and gives you all your resources back, or is free but only partially refunds resources.
  5. Critter and villager schedules should be tied to an in game clock so people with fixed schedules don't lose access to certain characters/critters
  6. Every week should have a new quest that can earn you a furniture/wardrobe item so people who can't afford moonstones have a reason to log on every week (and give people who have finished all the quests ways to continue interacting with the villagers)
  7. Add a job board that allows you to assign villagers to gather one selected resource for you related to their profession (1 villager at a time per profession, the more valuable the resource you choose the longer it takes to generate it, can only gather up to a certain amount that depends on item value, can only gather resources related to their profession, and the items won't count toward your duties)
  8. Add a friendship level to all unlocked critter companions that can be increased by equipping, petting, playing with(with the play wheel or other critter toys), and feeding them (with food bowls). The levels of this friendship will unlock new features like the ability to gather items around you (as long as they are still highlighted blue), and place/pose them for all stances in photo mode (not just the critter stance); this would also apply to critters in companion homes, not just ones equipped in the wardrobe menu
  9. If a player is in range to interact with anything that isn't their critter, prioritize that over petting their critter
  10. All furniture with an animation should cycle indefinitely until toggled off by the player (especially fireworks)
  11. Give Daisy's challenges the same reset schedule as Scrooges shop instead of a 24 hour timer
  12. Allow feeding critters to count towards dreamlight duties even if you have already fed them that day
  13. No repeat memories.
  14. Alternative to no repeat memories is to have the repeats go into your inventory so that you can trade them with other players to help each other complete them
  15. You shouldn't be able to get nothing or a trivial amount of star coins from digging. Every time you dig you should get 1-3 resources or a small chance for a chest
  16. Add an option to switch off bonuses in the bonus menu (ex. you want to fish from white ripples or mine a gem vein when you're saving your pickaxe charges for stone or iron)
  17. Add an FOV (Field of view) Slider in the options menu
  18. Allow us to visually change the weather like the time of day (ex. make it rain without watering our crops for free or being able to catch fugu) and add a weather icon in the HUD so we know when it's actually raining even if we have rain turned off or fake rain turned on (HUD is only changed if we have manually changed the weather visuals)
  19. Allow skin color to be applied individually to our male and female avatars like every other aesthetic aspect in the wardrobe section
  20. Allow us to remove villager houses from the valley or make the valley bigger by expanding biomes or adding new ones. It has to happen eventually because you can't have infinite growth in a finite world (you would still have to place their house somewhere if you wanted to spawn them in to hang out or do their quests)
  21. Alternatively you could add a hotel run by some Disney/Pixar character (My vote is Snow White as the owner with the 7 dwarves as staff). You can upgrade the hotel to increase its capacity up to 10-20 rooms. You would then be allowed to remove up to that many houses, moving the occupants to the hotel. But you would first need to do a quest for every household that requires you to decorate a hotel room themed towards the house. You would be required to meet tag requirements that match the house such as traits that it has and the Disney universe it's from so the occupants feel at home (similar to Daisy's boutique challenge) IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Euraylie
  22. Allow players to reskin villager houses. Adding more ways for us to blend them with our valley builds IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Noggindrilln
  23. Save makeup to a mannequin along with clothes when editing it so we don't have to manually change our makeup every time we change our outfit
  24. Allow us to visually change large chests into other storage items we have unlocked, including TOM items (to allow players to make more creative and aesthetically pleasing storage areas)
  25. Stop making non quest items unsellable. They take up valuable space in your storage (ex. night shards, training manuals, etc.)
  26. Pathing fill button. Much like how we can hold a button to delete all connected pathing, we should be able to make a pathing outline and hold a button while selecting one of the outer pathing to completely fill the inner area
  27. Make smart transfer completely fill all stacks inside storage while leaving the remainder in your inventory (ex. don't leave a stack of 50 of an item in your inventory just because the storage can only hold 20 more. Put 20 in and leave 30 so we don't have to manually split the stack every time)
  28. Add a smart withdraw button so that you can transfer all items from storage that are already in your inventory
  29. Allow pathing to be placed 1 square at a time to allow closer placement to the edges of biomes and bodies of water
  30. Make craftable hedges that can be placed and extended like fences for custom sizing. Adding harvestable leaves that change with the real life seasons (Light green & flowery - spring, dark green - summer, Red/Yellow/Orange - autumn, snowy pine needles - winter) that can be used to craft the hedges along with wood and soil IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Literary_Lady
  31. Craftable bird nests that can be placed in trees and hedges for your flying critters IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Literary_Lady
  32. Allow players to flip the orientation of objects (ex. Assymetrical objects like the L-counters can be rotated, but the crook of the "L" always faces the same relative direction)
  33. Add a buyback function to Goofy's stall that allows you to buy back anything you may have sold accidentally within a certain time or item amount window
  1. Add submenus for colors and patterns so you don't have a bunch of retextures clogging up your wardrobe and furniture menus (ex. You click on foodie loafers in your shoes and then a dropdown menu appears where you pick the color you want)
  2. Add sort functions (alphabetical, newest, oldest, etc.) and search baalphabetical section index (the side bar with the clickable letters that bring you to that letter) for all shop/furniture/wardrobe/cooking/crafting menus IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - NotSoEvilQueen for the section index
  3. Add furniture categories (ex. lighting, decor, etc.) for the furniture section of the crafting bench
  4. Show all tags for selected items regardless of whether or not you are in the dreamsnap category (this includes scrooges shop and crafting menu)
  5. Have all selected filter tags sorted the same way the dreamsnap section is (items with the most matching tags at top and fewest at the bottom instead of only items that match all selected tags)
  6. Add 2 item counts for selected items in the crafting bench menu (1 for items in your inventory/storage and 1 for items placed in your valley) so you know how many items you already have before making more
  7. Reset the crafting menu to the item you just crafted after crafting instead of auto scrolling back to the top
  8. All items that show up as pathing and fences in your furniture menu should also show up in that category at a crafting table (ex. bumblestone fences, zircon tiles, etc.)
  9. Have the back button hide the currently selected item in the shop and crafting menus instead of taking us out of the menu entirely (ex. when you select an item, it brings up a window on the right for that item. You can change the item by selecting a different one, but the only way to remove the window is to exit the menu altogether and reenter it without selecting an item)
  10. Add a dropdown menu for all trees and underbrush that have multiple variations so you can actually select which one you want to place
  11. Add a menu for selecting which memory to put on a frame/TV to replace the repetetive toggle
  12. Add a button that you can press in furniture mode while your cursor is over an item that takes you to the item in your inventory so you can quickly add copies of an item you've already placed
  1. Add a section for restaurant orders in the cooking menu (only available when cooking in Chez Remy)
  2. Add an option to turn off cooking/meal animations to make cooking faster
  3. Allow us to select recipes from our history so we can autofill multiple copies of a dish with specific ingredients we've already used without having to manually select specific ingredients every time
  4. Add a toggle near the autofill button to use the most valuable non specified ingredients instead of the least valuable when auto filling (when cooking with the purpose of selling)
  5. Add an item counter so you know how many of a particular meal you already have in your inventory/storage before you make it
  6. Widen the cooking pot so that some of the longer food items don't get stuck at the top of the pot if dropped directly into the center (PC only)
  7. Classify almonds as dairy/oil like peanuts are instead of as a fruit
  8. Organize the "all meals" tab alphbetically (there are already tabs for each meal type, so the "all meals" tab doesn't need to be organized by meal type as well) IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - NotSoEvilQueen
Touch of Magic
  1. Every "Basic" item should have its own 50-100 TOM limit instead of having 50 for wardrobe and for furniture respectively. When entering the customize menu, you then have to select one of the basic items which takes you to a submenu where you can choose from your designs or a plus icon that you can select to create a new design for that particular item
  2. Remove the limit to how small and increase the limit of how large you can scale motifs
  3. Add the ability to scale length and width of motifs separately
  4. Remove the layer limit in TOM or at least increase it to 100
  5. Allow you to purchase TOM furniture from Scrooge with star coins, or make them craftable with resources, after you have purchased them from Daisy
  6. Add sign posts/billboards to daisy's shop
  7. Allow us to display multiple TOM items on a single mannequin. Or at least put generic clothes on the uncovered areas so I don't have a pantsless guy advertising my shirts
  1. Add a dialogue option to any character (must be level 10 friendship with completed main friendship questline) you're hanging out with to get them to stand still and stop following you. Then when they are in this mode you can talk to them again to return them to normal function or select one of their poses or animations. Because they are also considered as no longer following you, you can do this with multiple characters to set up intricate dreamsnap scenarios
  2. Illumination radius for all lighting fixtures should be increased to make night shots more viable (and to generally improve the night time atmosphere)
  3. Allow players to hold tools in pictures (give people an incentive to purchase tools from premium shop)
  4. Have all TOM items disappear when you are in photo mode so they don't disqualify your dreamsnap attempt if you're not aware they're in frame
  5. Alternatively just allow TOM in dreamsnaps. If you can share them in Daisy's shop, why not in dreamsnaps
  6. Add a quest from Vanellope that gives you access to a virtual valley. You access it through a portal or computer and it brings you to an empty valley (no furniture, buildings, trees, etc.) so that you can set up outdoor dreamsnaps in it without destroying sections of your valley just to have to rebuild them again. You can't get resources in this valley and it resets every week for the new dreamsnap. All furniture is returned to your inventory, but any inventory items you may have placed would remain (all items placed on tables would be moved to the ground). There would also be an extra category in the furniture menu for spawning virtual villagers (only up to 1 of each villager you have unlocked)
  7. Get rid of outfit challenges. Having tag requirements for your outfit makes it difficult to craft an outfit that looks good and fits the theme for the week. Plus everybody already puts together an outfit to match the decor challenge and most people add decor to match the outfit challenge anyway. Just have tags for decor and outfits both apply to the current challenge
  8. Game Loft needs to be clear on exactly how tags and votes affect our score so we know how much we need to prioritize having a lot of tags over making a bettecleaner image to garner votes with.
  9. Increase the voting moonstones to 10-25 a day instead of 50 a week to incentivize more voting and daily log ins
  10. Add a 10-15 second timer to votes so people don't just vote randomly and actually have a reason to analyze each photo (would also benefit complex submissions that aren't easy to digest in 1 second and reward players for putting in more effort)
  11. Prevent NPC dialogue boxes from opening up while you're in photo mode
  12. Add a toggle when riding attractions to make them visible/invisible in photo mode
  13. Remove blinking from all player, critter, and NPC stances in photo mode
  1. Add the ability to interact with all ancient machines instead of just the cooker
  2. Multiplayer dreamsnaps (Dreamsnaps can still only be submitted by host to disallow multiple people submitting the same dreamsnap). Outfit tags from guest players will not contribute to the host's tag count
  3. Host player can still access furniture menu
  4. All players should be able to talk to villagers and do quests
  5. Allow all players to enter the host's house so we can give house tours as well as valley tours
  6. Allow fast travel
  7. Allow us to feed critters in other players valley without counting towards the hosts daily feeding limit
  8. Allow players to remove the Multiplayer hub if they don't want it or add the functions of the hub to the plaza well since it is a permanent fixture, and it is already how every other character enters your valley anyway
  9. Allow scramblecoin requests between players
  1. Add an "Excavator" to the ancient machines in the timbending table that can remove respawning clutter (holes, rocks, mushrooms, etc.) and give you the resources.
  2. No limit on how many ancient gardeners can be placed in one biome at a time
  3. Give auto cookers and gardeners the ability to generate memories
  4. Give the trolley tracks a function by letting the trolley move along them (so long as the track it's on is a closed loop) and maybe even add a train down the line. And give players the ability to ride them like the attractions.
  5. Allow us to move or turn off the timebending orbs that spawn across the isle and valley
  6. Add a coin flip to scramblecoin to determine who goes first (shake up the strategy meta a little)
  7. Increase scramblecoin rounds to 6 or have gold coins start spawning on round 3
  8. Allow players to dismantle timebending resources directly from our storage instead of requiring them to be in our inventory
  9. Allow players to select seeds from our storage while interacting with an ancient gardener instead of requiring them to be in our inventory
submitted by Samwich_Ganja to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:46 Sea_Pomegranate1122 Flag/representation opinions/ideas!

Hey all!
I am going to have a booth at a local pride event this year and will be adding some bracelets in addition to some crochet items. I want to get some opinions on what identities you feel don’t get represented enough, or ones that you would like to see more of, or perhaps what you identify with. Any ideas for words for the letter beads?
Thanks for your ideas my friends!
submitted by Sea_Pomegranate1122 to LGBTQ [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:24 CompetitiveCarrot240 My obsession with the song Francesca 🖤

My obsession with the song Francesca 🖤
I saw Hozier on 5/17 for the first time and since then I have been absolutely captured by his song Francesca! After seeing an interview of him explaining the story behind the song I felt inspired to create a bracelet reminding me of the song and story combined.
In his interview Andrew explains Francesca is based off of Dante Inferno’s story Francesca.
Francesca was a noblewoman who fell in love with Paolo Malatesta, her husband's younger brother. For context her husband was not a good man and their marriage was a political one and not one for love . Francesca and Paola’s love affair began when they read the story of Lancelot and Guinevere together and succumbed to their own passions. Francesca's husband, Giovanni Malatesta, discovered the affair and killed both Francesca and Paolo in a fit of rage.
In the second circle of Hell, Francesca and Paolo are punished by being swept eternally in a violent storm, symbolizing the power of their uncontrolled lust. Despite their suffering, Francesca speaks to Dante with a poignant sense of sorrow and love, emphasizing the tragic nature of their doomed romance. Her story highlights themes of love, betrayal, and the consequences of succumbing to one's desires.
The bracelet is made of fire colored dyed agate and lava stone symbolizing the storm of fire experienced by Francesca and Paolo in the second ring and hell itself. The lava stone spells out Francesca’s name in Morse code.
I love it so much 🖤
submitted by CompetitiveCarrot240 to Hozier [link] [comments]