Purple place game


2022.04.03 01:19 Atzenator PurpleBoisPlace

Our goal as a small indepent group is to create a cool purple pattern, that´´´s visible from a more further place! We wanted to participate in that awesome art reddit project, but didn´´´t wanted to join big groups or be on our own. That´s why we just aim for a small place, roughly 12-30 pixels to maintain, until the end. We hope you all have fun and stay PURPLE <3

2022.04.02 03:43 ThatMikeGuy429 PlacePurpleHeart


2009.08.12 08:27 surfwax95 TOMT: When you can't remember that…thing…

For finding the un-googleable things that are on the tip of your tongue... That word... The name of that song... That movie...

2024.06.09 21:39 Chatterbox1991 What do you call AAAA Fantasy Art and why does it look so garish? (Dragon Age 4 announcement)

Speaking a long time Dragon Age fan and sufferer who defends 2 and Inquisition, the tragedy of the art style shift from 1 to 2 to 3 to now 4 cannot be understated. People used to complain that Dragon Age looked too generic ALA Demon's Souls generic knights and dragons ect. But the artstyle it's using now I feel is so overused and unoriginal that Veilguard actually looks more generic now than anything in the older games. Even Inquisition, which had a similar, one might say embryonic form of that artstyle, at least was in a realm that style was novel.
I don't know why but I feel like Veilguard's art is something ive seen replicated in every other Xbox showcase game ive ever seen; All i ever see in games like Forspoken among others is a parade of garish gold highlights and green smoke and glowing purple cube crystals. My cousin referred to it as 'off-brand marvel' art and i'm inclined to agree.
submitted by Chatterbox1991 to TwoBestFriendsPlay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:39 Sure-Caterpillar-301 SCP-XXXX

Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX instances are to be contained in a 100m x 100m x 50m containment area that replicates the environment of the television show "Teletubbies." This area, designated Site-██, includes a central dome structure, artificial sunlight, and a grassy terrain with artificial hills and flowers.
Each instance of SCP-XXXX (designated SCP-XXXX-1 through SCP-XXXX-4) is to be under constant surveillance. A minimum of three personnel must maintain direct visual contact with each instance at all times. Personnel assigned to this task are to rotate every two hours to prevent cognitive fatigue. In the event of an SCP-XXXX breach, non-lethal means are authorized to subdue the instances. Should these measures fail, termination is authorized.
SCP-XXXX-1 through SCP-XXXX-4 are humanoid entities visually identical to the characters from the children's television show "Teletubbies." Despite their outward appearance, these entities exhibit behaviors and abilities inconsistent with their fictional counterparts.
SCP-XXXX-1 ("Tinky Winky"): The largest of the instances, SCP-XXXX-1 is approximately 2.5 meters tall and purple in color. It displays significant strength, capable of lifting and throwing objects weighing up to 500 kg. SCP-XXXX-1 emits a low-frequency hum that induces anxiety and disorientation in individuals within a 10-meter radius.
SCP-XXXX-2 ("Dipsy"): Green in color and approximately 2.3 meters tall, SCP-XXXX-2 possesses the ability to manipulate electronic devices. It has been observed interfering with surveillance equipment and communications systems within Site-██. SCP-XXXX-2's antenna functions as an electromagnetic disruptor.
SCP-XXXX-3 ("Laa-Laa"): Standing at 2.1 meters and yellow, SCP-XXXX-3 exhibits extreme agility and can move at speeds up to 60 km/h. It uses its agility to evade containment efforts. SCP-XXXX-3's laughter has a cognitohazardous effect, causing auditory hallucinations and irrational behavior in subjects who hear it.
SCP-XXXX-4 ("Po"): The smallest at 2.0 meters, SCP-XXXX-4 is red and displays pyrokinesis. It can generate and control fire, often using this ability to create distractions or barriers during escape attempts. SCP-XXXX-4's presence causes a significant increase in temperature in its immediate vicinity.
Additional Entities:
SCP-XXXX-5 ("The Sun Baby"): A large, animate, infant-like face that appears in the sky above Site-██. SCP-XXXX-5 emits intense light and heat similar to that of the sun. It has been observed altering the emotional states of those who observe it for prolonged periods, inducing euphoria or despair.
SCP-XXXX-6 ("Noo-Noo"): An animate vacuum cleaner that patrols the containment area, SCP-XXXX-6 appears to assist in maintaining the environment. SCP-XXXX-6 has shown hostility towards personnel attempting to alter or damage the environment, using its hose to suffocate or bludgeon threats.
Incident Log XXXX-A:
On ██/██/20██, SCP-XXXX-3 breached containment, resulting in a lockdown of Site-██. MTF Eta-10 ("See No Evil") was deployed to recontain the entity. During the breach, SCP-XXXX-3 caused ██ casualties due to its cognitohazardous laughter. SCP-XXXX-3 was eventually subdued using tranquilizer darts and recontained after 3 hours. Post-incident analysis revealed a need for increased auditory protection for personnel.
Addendum XXXX-1:
Dr. ████ has recommended the installation of additional barriers and surveillance enhancements to prevent future breaches. Containment procedures have been updated to include the use of Class-C amnestics for all personnel exposed to SCP-XXXX instances for more than 30 minutes.
Note: All research and interactions with SCP-XXXX must be approved by Level 4 personnel. Any unauthorized attempt to interact with or modify the containment area will result in immediate disciplinary action.
Date of Last Review: ██/██/20██
Research Lead: Dr. █.
Addendum XXXX-2:
Observation Log XXXX-B:
Date: ██/██/20██
Observer: Dr. █
Notes: Detailed observations of SCP-XXXX-1 through SCP-XXXX-4 over a 24-hour period.
09:00 - SCP-XXXX-1, -2, -3, and -4 exhibit typical behavior, mimicking activities from the "Teletubbies" show. Instances are seen interacting with artificial flora and each other in a non-aggressive manner.
10:30 - SCP-XXXX-5 rises in the sky. Emotional state of personnel monitoring SCP-XXXX shifts to mild euphoria. Visual records show SCP-XXXX instances appear more active and engage in synchronized movements, possibly a ritualistic behavior.
12:00 - SCP-XXXX-6 emerges from the central dome structure, commencing its cleaning routine. SCP-XXXX-2 attempts to interfere with surveillance equipment but is deterred by SCP-XXXX-6. Interaction between SCP-XXXX-2 and SCP-XXXX-6 appears antagonistic.
14:45 - SCP-XXXX-3 initiates a high-speed run around the perimeter of the containment area. Monitoring staff report auditory hallucinations consistent with SCP-XXXX-3's cognitohazardous laughter. Personnel are rotated to mitigate effects.
16:00 - SCP-XXXX-4 demonstrates pyrokinesis, creating small controlled fires which are extinguished by SCP-XXXX-6. SCP-XXXX-6 exhibits protective behavior over the environment, neutralizing threats posed by SCP-XXXX-4.
18:30 - SCP-XXXX instances gather in the central dome, seemingly entering a dormant state. Monitoring shows a significant reduction in anomalous activity.
22:00 - SCP-XXXX-5 sets, reducing light and heat levels. Personnel report a return to baseline emotional states. SCP-XXXX instances remain inactive.
02:00 - SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-3 briefly reanimate, exhibiting signs of agitation. Security personnel increase vigilance. Instances return to dormant state without incident.
Addendum XXXX-3:
Interview Log XXXX-C:
Date: ██/██/20██
Interviewer: Dr. █
Interviewee: Subject D-7832 (Exposed to SCP-XXXX-5 for prolonged period)
Dr. █: Can you describe what you experienced while observing SCP-XXXX-5?
D-7832: It was... it was like the sun was smiling at me. I felt really happy at first, like nothing could go wrong. But then, I started seeing things. Faces in the flowers, shadows that shouldn’t be there. It was like the whole place was alive and watching me.
Dr. █: Did you notice any changes in the behavior of SCP-XXXX instances?
D-7832: Yeah, they started acting strange. Tinky Winky was humming louder, and Laa-Laa wouldn't stop laughing. It felt like they knew I was scared and they liked it.
Dr. █: How did SCP-XXXX-6 interact with you?
D-7832: That vacuum cleaner... Noo-Noo, it followed me around, like it was making sure I didn't mess up anything. When I got too close to the flowers, it tried to push me away with its hose.
Dr. █: Thank you. That will be all.
Addendum XXXX-4:
Containment Breach Incident Report:
Date: ██/██/20██
Summary: At 13:00 hours, SCP-XXXX-2 and SCP-XXXX-4 initiated a coordinated breach attempt. SCP-XXXX-2 disrupted the electronic locks on the containment area while SCP-XXXX-4 generated multiple fires as a distraction. MTF Eta-10 was dispatched and successfully recontained both instances after a 45-minute engagement. Casualties included 3 MTF personnel due to burns and electromagnetic shock.
Actions Taken: 1. Enhanced electronic security measures and backup power systems implemented. 2. Fire suppression systems upgraded in containment area. 3. Additional training for MTF personnel on handling SCP-XXXX breaches.
Notes: Dr. █ has proposed psychological evaluations for personnel assigned to SCP-XXXX monitoring to assess long-term exposure effects. Further study on SCP-XXXX-5's influence on both SCP-XXXX instances and human subjects is ongoing.
Date of Last Review: ██/██/20██
Research Lead: Dr. █.
SCP-XXXX Containment Team Rotation Schedule:
Time Team A Team B Team C
00:00 - 02:00 Monitoring Rest Patrol
02:00 - 04:00 Patrol Monitoring Rest
04:00 - 06:00 Rest Patrol Monitoring
06:00 - 08:00 Monitoring Rest Patrol
08:00 - 10:00 Patrol Monitoring Rest
10:00 - 12:00 Rest Patrol Monitoring
12:00 - 14:00 Monitoring Rest Patrol
14:00 - 16:00 Patrol Monitoring Rest
16:00 - 18:00 Rest Patrol Monitoring
18:00 - 20:00 Monitoring Rest Patrol
20:00 - 22:00 Patrol Monitoring Rest
22:00 - 00:00 Rest Patrol Monitoring
Note: Any deviation from this schedule must be approved by Site Director ██████.
Addendum XXXX-5:
Incident Log XXXX-D:
Date: 07/██/20██
Incident Summary: At approximately 15:30 hours, SCP-XXXX-1 displayed unprecedented aggression, breaching containment and causing a major security event. The entity demonstrated the ability to emit a high-pitched scream, disorienting nearby personnel. MTF Eta-10 engaged SCP-XXXX-1 with non-lethal force, but the entity resisted and inflicted serious injuries on four team members. SCP-XXXX-1 was eventually subdued using a combination of tranquilizer darts and physical restraints.
Actions Taken: 1. Reinforced containment barriers with sound-dampening materials. 2. Increased frequency of psychological evaluations for personnel exposed to SCP-XXXX. 3. Updated containment protocols to include immediate sedation procedures for SCP-XXXX-1 upon signs of agitation.
Notes: Dr. S███ has been assigned to lead a specialized research team to investigate the causes of SCP-XXXX-1's aggression and develop more effective containment strategies.
Date of Last Review: 07/██/20██
Research Lead: Dr. S███.
Psychological Evaluation Report:
Evaluator: Dr. S███
Subject: MTF Eta-10 Personnel
Personnel exposed to SCP-XXXX instances, particularly SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-3, exhibit symptoms of acute stress disorder. Common symptoms include anxiety, hallucinations, and sleep disturbances. The emotional influence of SCP-XXXX-5 exacerbates these conditions, suggesting a need for more stringent mental health monitoring and support.
Recommendations: 1. Implement mandatory weekly counseling sessions for all Site-██ personnel. 2. Rotate staff assignments more frequently to minimize prolonged exposure. 3. Develop and distribute cognitohazard-resistant auditory equipment to mitigate the effects of SCP-XXXX-3's laughter.
Approved by: Dr. S███
Date: 07/██/20██
Containment Breach Incident Report:
Date: 08/15/20██
Summary: At 02:00 hours, SCP-XXXX-3 and SCP-XXXX-4 orchestrated another breach attempt. SCP-XXXX-3 used its speed and agility to distract guards while SCP-XXXX-4 set multiple fires as diversions. MTF Eta-10 responded quickly, utilizing new containment procedures to re-secure the entities. During the breach, SCP-XXXX-5's influence caused heightened euphoria among personnel, complicating response efforts.
Actions Taken: 1. Installed motion sensors and automated turrets in containment area. 2. Enhanced fire suppression capabilities with remote activation features. 3. Updated training protocols to include simulations of SCP-XXXX-5's effects.
Notes: Dr. S███ and Dr. J███ have initiated a study on the collective behavior of SCP-XXXX instances to better understand their coordination during breach attempts.
Date of Last Review: 08/15/20██
Research Lead: Dr. S███, Dr. J███.
SCP-XXXX Containment Team Rotation Schedule:
Time Team A Team B Team C
00:00 - 02:00 Monitoring Rest Patrol
02:00 - 04:00 Patrol Monitoring Rest
04:00 - 06:00 Rest Patrol Monitoring
06:00 - 08:00 Monitoring Rest Patrol
08:00 - 10:00 Patrol Monitoring Rest
10:00 - 12:00 Rest Patrol Monitoring
12:00 - 14:00 Monitoring Rest Patrol
14:00 - 16:00 Patrol Monitoring Rest
16:00 - 18:00 Rest Patrol Monitoring
18:00 - 20:00 Monitoring Rest Patrol
20:00 - 22:00 Patrol Monitoring Rest
22:00 - 00:00 Rest Patrol Monitoring
Note: Any deviation from this schedule must be approved by Site Director ██████.
End of Document.
submitted by Sure-Caterpillar-301 to SCP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:38 oJBun Twilight Masquerade $56

Twilight Masquerade $56
I’m not going to lie, I was one of the skeptical people about TikTok deals but man I couldn’t pass this up when they gave me a new user coupon. Happy hunting yall!
submitted by oJBun to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:38 OutcastSpy M27, F26 Girlfriend with social issues - What can I do?

M27, F26
I’m experiencing this situation with my partner; we’ve been living together for 6 months and have been together for almost 2 years.
I am not the most social person, but I do enjoy talking with neighbors, eating with them, and freely chatting with my friends and former colleagues. I am somewhat shy socially, but I always think that if I want to improve myself, I need to connect with other people. Sometimes, I enjoy solitude by playing games, browsing the internet, or taking a trip to Costco alone.
On the other hand, my partner, whom I brought from a nearby town, is quite antisocial. She has her friends, but unless it’s someone close, she doesn’t talk much. I understand her and don’t push her too much, but sometimes it frustrates me that she can’t even eat outside (in the common area of the complex we rent) with the other neighbors. She feels uncomfortable and prefers to stay in the apartment. I bring food to the apartment since I’m not going to cook, and she gets upset with me because she feels embarrassed and thinks she doesn’t deserve the food they made.
Sometimes, I get frustrated with her because she feels uncomfortable making a phone call to change a medical appointment, and in other cases, she believes that once a task is done, she can forget about it until it comes back to haunt her due to a lack of follow-up.
She is a good, caring, hardworking person, and I understand that I took her out of her comfort zone and a bit far from her family (35 minutes away). However, I can’t live in fear that if I leave her alone for a few hours, she will feel lonely, sad, or get upset because I didn’t tell her where I am or where I was going.
She is considering seeking mental health help, and her primary doctor believes she has burnout issues.
To clarify, she likes going out, traveling, and discovering new places. The problem arises when she has to socialize or solve a problem. She still has a level of dependency from when she lived at her parents’ house.
What can I do? I’m writing a bit angrily in case I didn’t explain myself well.
I know she’s going to blame me for not listening to her, but it’s hard when the person is difficult by nature.
submitted by OutcastSpy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:37 izall4 Help Starting One-Product E-Commerce Website

I just started a US based company that makes one product -- a new kind of lawn game -- and need some guidance, please. I've never started a business or built a website.
So far I've started an LLC, got tax ID and state/local licenses, and other basics. I have a manufacturer and they will start making the product in a few weeks (I just approved the final prototype), and I will receive the first shipment by about October.. The product will cost the customer $125 (includes free shipping). I only intend to sell in the US for now, because I want to keep it as simple as possible to start. I'm learning how to do everything via google and YouTube, and figured this sub could help with a couple of questions. Appreciate any input!
  1. For now, I plan to only sell the product on my own website. (Maybe place it on Amazon and shopify soon, too.) I bought a domain name and hosting through SquareSpace. Now I need to build the website and include payment processing. Please suggest the best services to do these things, for my particular situation. I've never built a website, and I'm working on a tight budget, so easy and inexpensive are priorities. The site doesn't need to be fancy...it'll mainly have some text/photo blocks and videos covering all aspects of the game, and the option to purchase it.
  2. I live in a state with no sales tax. If a customer from a state with sales tax orders a game, do I have to charge them for sales tax and pay their state tax collectors? If so, does the payment processor manage that, or do I have to do it separately?
I'll probably be back with more questions soon. Thanks!
submitted by izall4 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:37 juniusbrutus998 Trophy Wife Did Nothing Wrong

You’re probably trying to remember who Trophy Wife is, so a quick recap. She’s a minor villain in From Within, who joined Slashley in looting during the evacuation of the City. Now obviously this is bad, but that’s not the focus right now. What I do care about is her other “major” crime, poaching.
Of course IRL poaching is bad, but Gimel is a pristine world with such a massive amount of animal life that Bitch’s main job is hunting buffalo herds and shipping off the meat to the City. Conservation isn’t a concern for Gimel, and considering people have been starving during the winters, I can’t see anyone complaining about another person setting up hunting operations.
Enter the government to stop her. From Within 16.4;
The park territories were tracts of forest multiple acres in size, which the government had contracted out to companies and groups of people who agreed to provide the city a scheduled allotment of game meat, wood, and other natural resources. So long as they provided that, they had the excess to use as they saw fit. Most subcontracted, to fill criteria, and most also subcontracted to hire the Huntsmen to protect their ends of the deal
I’m sure the contracting process was entirely fair and unbiased with who would receive these plots. After all, they would have been established before any actual judicial system and oversight was put in place. We even see from this description that there is no concern about overharvesting, the companies have free reign over these lands provided they give a portion to the City(and some of the profit to their buddy in the lands commission)
Can you blame a Rogue for using their powers to help feed and clothe the masses of the city? I say no, she was merely another survivor trying to earn a living. In closing, Trophy Wife did nothing wrong and fuck the City

As a sidenote, I don’t think Wildbow realized how small an acre is in this section. A tract requiring subcontractors to functionally harvest would be several hundred or thousand acres. Saying that they are “multiple acres” implies these tracts are fairly small and would be manageable for a single family or small group.
submitted by juniusbrutus998 to Parahumans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:37 fatm6en How PVZ 2 ruined my life over my grandpa shitting so badly, that satan had to banish him to tartarus.

It's been 30 days, 12 hours, and 23 minutes. I still can recall what happened at that scandalous day, I still have nightmares about it, and I've been on prozac mixed with cat piss for over a month now, but yet nothing can stop me from remembering this truly horrifying experience, I went to my buddy Zellic and he told me to go fuck myself, and so I did, it helped me for about 30 minutes, but I felt more miserable than ever. And yet still, I remember this as day 1. The day god himself destined upon me and my PVZ account.
May 23rd, 2017. My grandpa took such a big shit, that satan himself opened a literal wormhole from the ground and crawled out of it with his servants, and told him "What the fuck do you think you're doing? Nobody shall beat one's sinner's score, perish fucker!" and so, he was brutally fucked to death by satan himself, during this I was playing Plants vs Zombies 2.
I remember I unlocked the Stone Age period that day, and the prehistoric pea-shooter was quite op. My parents walked up to my room and said "Well kiddo, your old man jenkins got ye fucked!" And I thought they referred to Crazy Dave, and so I shouted "Why? BECAUSE IM CRAAAAZY!" over and over again, until my dad took out his belt and beat my fucking ass.
Pure RAGE was seeping through my veins, I instantly thought of the zombies that I have killed with the pea-shooters that I placed, and I instantly saw Zomboss in my dad. I brought back my gorilla glue high grade weed, in order to generate some suns to spawn in the CPS, but in the end, the police touched my ass and now I've been on probation ever since, EA Games then banned my account for downloading the modded version with infinite suns and gems, I was depressed ever since that incident took place, and soon PVZ 3 will be released, but because of me ruining the hash that I grew illegally, me calling a false CPS report,I got banned irl and from PVZ forever.
submitted by fatm6en to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:37 Ostron1226 First time player paranoid about minion overload

I've been playing for almost 100 hours now and I'm building stations and sending ships around to facilitate all those stations doing their thing.
One worry I have; in several places and posts I've seen people mention the game slowing down significantly when you end up with "too many ships". What kind of threshold do you have to cross before that becomes a concern? Hundreds of ships? Thousands?
submitted by Ostron1226 to X4Foundations [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:36 Remove_Extra i have nothing else to do (thats a lie i have so much to do but im procrastinating)

i have nothing else to do (thats a lie i have so much to do but im procrastinating)
im lazy so im just gonna use someone else's image where they crossed out the nsfw ones bc i dont really want those either so
submitted by Remove_Extra to BisexualFrogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:36 dthol69 A new guy on a softball team I manage sent a racial slur to the group chat

I “manage” co-ed rec league softball team and next season we’re losing one of our guys, who is moving back to his hometown. Another guy (let’s call him Bob) who a few people on the team know has subbed a bunch for us, so we asked him to take the place of the guy who is leaving.
Well at 1 am on Friday morning, Bob (who is white) sends a single word message to the softball team that is a racial slur for a black person. It’s not responding to anyone (no one sent anything since our last game), but it gets responded to by one of the teammates who knows Bob telling him to stop being dumb and go to bed.
I woke up, saw the message, removed him from the group chat, and then sent a message to the team letting them know that Bob is off the team. I immediately got a message from Bob’s friend saying how dumb he is and that he was really drunk on Friday and he shouldn’t be on his phone when he’s drunk. I told her that I don’t really give a shit if he was drunk - if he sent that message I don’t want him on the team. From my perspective, he’s a new guy on the team that showed his true colors and we could easily find someone else to take his place.
Bob sent me separately what felt like a genuine apology and owned up to the mistake. I didn’t respond immediately and he sent a follow up saying he understood if I didn’t want anything to do with him. I responded that I just don’t know what to say and don’t understand it, but I appreciate the apology and will pass his message on to the team. I screenshotted his apology and sent it to the team with a message saying basically that I don’t think he should be invited back on the team but if anyone disagrees or wants talk about, please text me separately.
The team, by the way, is nearly entirely white, except for 1 person who is black. The responses from the team generally agreed he shouldn’t be invited back, especially the 1 person of color, who thanked me for stepping up and saying something. I thought that was it but then 2 people on the team who have known Bob for a while called me saying that Bob knows he fucked up, is trying to own up to it, and they don’t think 1 mistake should cause him to kicked off the team. They said that Bob is from East Texas and is just dumb, and is really a sweet guy. They also pointed out that we often have hip-hop playing in our dugout that uses this word frequently (obviously not the same thing). Also, others on the team say questionable things all the time, so it seems unfair to single Bob out for this.
From my perspective, there is absolutely no reason in the world why someone would send that and should not be taken lightly. I can only imagine how singled out the 1 POC is on the team.
What do you think? How would you have handled this situation?
submitted by dthol69 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:36 sedilis Getting your friends to Pribyslavitz [spoilers for From The Ashes]

Minor spoilers for From The Ashes and major spoilers for side quests (Gallow Brothers/A Rock and A Hard Place) ahead. This was on PC in June 2024 - not sure if its the same on all platforms.
For anyone else struggling to get Fritz and Matthew to join you in Pribyslavitz and not wanting to try several combinations like I did for the past few hours, this is how you can do it.
TLDR: You must frame Andrew for the robbery in Gallows Brothers.
Having come back to the game a few years after my first play through, one of the things I wanted to do was have my friends join me in Pribyslavitz. I vaguely remembered I couldn't the first time, so carefully read the walkthrough to make sure I didn't miss out this time. I tried the "Most Moral Choice", where you steel the quarry works coin but replace it with 3k of your own, before agreeing to help Matthew, and without talking to Andrew. This means Gallow Brothers never starts and you complete A Rock and A Hard Place as soon as you return to Matthew, agree to help him and tell him you already stole the money.
At first glance this seems to work. Both Matthew and Fritz agree to come join you in Pribyslavitz (as long as you have build the tavern) and you get the achievement. They ride off on their horses, presumably to take up their new life drinking at your expense. But after a hour IRL, and a couple of in game days, I still couldn't find them round the town. I'd read they could get stuck back at the Inn on the Glen, but they weren't there either. I reloaded a save before ending the quest and this time followed them when they rode off from the inn. They look to be heading to Pribyslavitz, but turn off at the quarry and take up watch on the cliff as if they are still doing A Rock and A Hard Place. You can not get them to move from here.
After reloading a few other saves I finally got it to work by:
1. Talking to Matt and saying I would help - starting A Rock and A Hard Place.
2. Talking to Andrew - starting Gallows Brothers.
3. Telling Matt that Andrew plans to betray them - getting the option to frame Andrew.
4. Going to Talmberg and stealing the coins.
5. Retuning to the Inn on the Glenn and placing the sack to frame Andrew.
6. Returning to Talmberg to tell Sir Robard Andrew did the robbery.
7. Meeting Matt and Fritz on the cliff above the quary and giving them their share of the heist.
8. Riding with them (very slowly) back to the Inn on the Glenn - This might not be necessary.
9. Observing Andrews hanging body - completing Gallows Brothers
10. Talking to Matt and Fritz and inviting them to Pribyslavitz
11. To be sure they were going the right way, I again escorted them (very slowly) to Pribyslavitz.
You might be able to skip the escort parts. They ride at slower than walking speed so it is quite painful to do. All in all it took 12 in game hours to get from the quarry to the inn and then to Pribyslavitz.
I hope this helps save someone the 3-4 hours I just spent on figuring out what is, lets face it, something completely inconsequential. Jesus Christ Be Praised!
submitted by sedilis to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:34 kudos27o Good/Bad Ending Doodles

Finishing a drawing has been hard for me, so, I've been doodling instead. I didn't mean to add shading or lighting to these doodles. I got bored and Portia looked do good with a bit of color, so I had to do the rest. Feel free to skip the rest of this cause Ima be yapping as per usual.
I really enjoy the good endings, but I tend to enjoy the bad endings more. There's more ideas that interests me that can be navigated through the reversed endings than the upright. A World that relied on magic suddenly disappearing? A World where chaotic magic/monsters collides with the mundane in one moment? Being completely separated from humanity and unknowingly trapped into a personal paradise? Much more interesting ideas to unravel the consequences of those choices. Of course, I do like some slice of life content though so... I can't really have cake and eat it too if I want both hehe
Or I can! Beauty of imagination, huh? In general, my apprentice's (Keongon) character arch deals with his independence. Keongon seeks self-reliance and he has to decide to either put his wants to the forefront or to account for other people in his life. Very Fool like of him. I'll explain Keongon's good and bad ending, since we all know about Portia's, Muriel's, and Asra's. (I would hope lol).
Keongon's good ending shows that he found a balance between doing what he wants and having others alongside him. (Placing a spoiler tag for his backstory cause parts of it has bits of in-game lore spoilers). Being able to move forward in his life without anyone holding him back is something he desperately wanted in his youth. Through his Aunt, he was able to leave his hometown and live in Vesuvia. There he bonded with Asra and became super close and later romantic. Thereafter, he realized the importance of a community and had a hard time grappling with his want of freedom and his love for his community. Through his apprenticeship with Julian, he ultimately decided to stay. Those two developed a deep bond, but not before long, Keongon died of the plague. Later got revived - yada yada, game starts. Keongon's... I guess "route" is similar to Asra's route which completes his character arch!
Keongon's bad ending sees him putting himself first above everyone else. He decided to strike a deal with the Devil, trading his humanity (to rid of his relationships) for power. Thus, becoming a powerful demon that can travel between realms. Or in the Devil's new fused World since the Devil would have won if Keongon agreed to his terms. I think Keongon would have a BLAST traversing the Devil's new World. He wears his hometown garments and is actively toying with other people's lives. I'm still workshopping his demon form, but I like his human (disguised?) form. Regardless, fun stuff!
All in all, I wanted his endings to not only connect to the main story, but his previous life in an odd way. Anyway, thank you for your time. I'll be back when I have more yapping to do!
submitted by kudos27o to TheArcana [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:32 HaroldSax Some Gripes With The Game.

So before I even get into this, I do want to say that I am enjoying the game quite a bit. There is much more content than I expected it to have and the ideas the devs have (even if implementation isn't always ideal) are good. A part of this is to see if others agree, if others may have information to assuage some of these gripes, or see if the developers have addressed complaints somewhere. Their roadmap isn't very specific that I could find.
Before this goes on too long, again, the game is super enjoyable and the actual shenanigans during recovery day is fun. The whole structure of the game is, at the very least, a solid base. There's nothing in game that actively pisses me off, just things I could see be improved or hope get improved.
submitted by HaroldSax to OutpostInfinitySiege [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:31 Own-Newspaper-6212 Luka Doesn’t Play Parley

This is my Luka doesn’t play parlay! lol
submitted by Own-Newspaper-6212 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:31 2fuckingbored Xbox series S, Constant disconnects.

Just got internet at my new place. I played around around 10 games with no problem, and for some reason every time I load in now i disconnect after 2-5 mins. I tried port-forwarding. Still DC.. Any fixes to this? I see that it is a common problem.
submitted by 2fuckingbored to HellLetLoose [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:31 Plenty-Technician764 Nintendo Harry Potter Lego question

Nintendo Harry Potter Lego question
Couldn’t find a specific subreddit for this game so asking here 😬. Is it just me or did there used to be a pole you’d leviosa into place here?
submitted by Plenty-Technician764 to harrypotter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:30 Vera_Verse More details on Gears of War: E-Day

More details on Gears of War: E-Day submitted by Vera_Verse to TwoBestFriendsPlay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 pursuitofhappiness46 thankful to be a mod 💫

becoming a moderator for ScudiTV back in October was a game-changer for me. It wasn't just about the role; it was a lifeline that pulled me out of a dark place. being part of this community has been like finding a second family. the support, camaraderie, and shared passion for what we do have been incredibly uplifting. It's not just about the tasks; it's about the people and the sense of belonging they've given me. i’m very thankful i’ve got the opportunity to be apart of the nebula, wouldn’t trade it for anything 🙏🏽💕💫 so excited to continue seeing how far scudi will go cause this is just the beginning!
submitted by pursuitofhappiness46 to scudi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 sfgbot POSTGAME THREAD: Giants @ Rangers, 6/9. Join the Giants game / baseball discussion and social thread!

Postgame Thread 6/9/2024

Final Score: Giants 2, Rangers 7
Purpose of this thread


Description Length
Bullpen availability for Texas, June 9 vs Giants 0:07
Bench availability for San Francisco, June 9 vs Rangers 0:07
Fielding alignment for San Francisco, June 9 vs Rangers 0:11
Bench availability for Texas, June 9 vs Giants 0:07
Fielding alignment for Texas, June 9 vs Giants 0:11
Starting lineups for Giants at Rangers - June 9, 2024 0:09
Breaking down Marcus Semien's home run 0:13
An animated look at Marcus Semien's home run 0:11
Measuring the stats on Mike Yastrzemski's home run 0:13
An animated look at Mike Yastrzemski's home run 0:11
Breaking down Keaton Winn's pitches 0:04
Keaton Winn's outing against the Rangers 0:23
Breaking down Nathan Eovaldi's pitches 0:04
Nathan Eovaldi's outing against the Giants 0:23
Nathan Eovaldi begins his outing with a K 0:07
Wyatt Langford's two-run single 0:30
Adolis García steals home on the double steal 0:23
Marcus Semien's two-run home run (11) 0:30
Keaton Winn strikes out Leody Taveras 0:06
Patrick Bailey's RBI single 0:11
Mike Yastrzemski's solo home run (7) 0:25
Marcus Semien's smooth backhanded stop 0:29
Ezequiel Duran's two-run single 0:19
Adolis García's sliding grab 0:30
Kaeton Winn strikes out seven after IL stint 1:26
Nathan Eovaldi's solid outing 1:02
Nominate your Player of the Game (POTG). Upvote your choice if it's posted, or add your own!
For more off-topic fun, check out /SFGSocial!
submitted by sfgbot to SFGiants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:28 ThatKidSpud29 Sasha Waybright VS IHY Luigi(Amphibia/Super Mario World: I HATE YOU) (Connections)

Sasha Waybright VS IHY Luigi(Amphibia/Super Mario World: I HATE YOU) (Connections)
Warning:spoilers for the Amphibia series and the Super Mario World I Hate You Creepypasta, this is a bit of a joke matchup though it does have connections and yes I have seen people say stuff like connections don't always make a matchup good also I came up with this matchup when I was looking at Disbelief Papyrus VS IHY Luigi.
CONNECTIONS: Both are Human deuteragonist's that reside in world's that are filled with anthropomorphic animals and is ruled by a king/princess that contrast (Princess Peach and King Andrias) They have a grudge against the main character of the game/cartoon that they used to have a good friendship/brotherhood with (Anne Boonchuy(and Marcy Wu) and Mario) due to something that was caused by them or the main character (Sasha being controlling and manipulative of Anne forcing her to do bad things that she didn't want to do and Mario getting all of the spotlight) due to this (Anne got tired of being pushed around by Sasha and Luigi got jealous of Mario always getting the spotlight and everyone loving him)
They both have teamed up and joined forces with a big anthropomorphic animal that are different species and have a big army and helped them to rule the world that they reside in (King Koopa/Bowser and Captain Grime) and since then they have become much better fighters and gotten skills they didn't have before and while they did pretend to be on the main characters side they begin fighting at the castle belonging to King Koopa for Luigi and Captain Grime for Sasha Waybright however the main character does end up winning to the deuteragonist falling (Luigi falling into lava and Sasha falling off the top of toad tower) though they managed to live (Luigi becoming a living burnt skeleton and Grime saving Sasha from falling)
At one point they did realize what they were doing was wrong and did redeem themselves(Sasha realizing how cruel she was to Anne and Marcy and changed once she found out about king Andrias’s plan and Luigi not killing Mario in the Ignited Hatred Red Path)
while in the place where they revealed their betrayal(Sasha betrayed Anne again but this time with Marcy Wu in King Andrias’s castle and Luigi revealing to Mario about betraying him to join Koopa’s side in Bowser's Castle) at the last moment the one connected to the color Red watches the one connected to the color green suffer a terrible fate (Sasha watching Marcy get stabbed by King Andrias and Mario watching Luigi fall into Lava) at first it looked like they died from it but the one connected to the color green eventually came back (Marcy recovering from the stab and getting freed and Luigi coming back as a burnt skeleton)
Contrasts Sasha is a Woman while IHY Luigi is a Man
Sasha is a Teenager (before the series finale) while Luigi is an Adult
Meta Connections
Both characters are connected to the color of the person they betrayed (Sasha being connected to the color Red like Mario who Luigi betrayed while Luigi is connected to the color Green like Marcy who Sasha Betrayed)
Lastly Amphibia has made some Mario references in the show and in the canon Mario games Luigi along with Mario and peach and toad has a frog power up and has faced frog based enemies such as Wart.
submitted by ThatKidSpud29 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:25 MentallyNotReyt Ignored totally by MIL

Hi All,
I'm really struggling emotionally with the whole situation. I've been through my fair share of struggles in life but this one is really kicking me down. I apologise for the length in advance!
I've been with my partner for 4 years, though we were best friends for years before this.
Before we were together, my partner's mother would actively encourage him to pursue me and was overall very positive. He would always share with me that his family could be "toxic", stories about how they often revolved around starting drama with one another etc. I'm fully aware that my partner was very honest with me and I shouldn't be shocked whatsoever, if I'm honest myself, I think I was quite naive and wanted to think positively about the situation.
The issues began once he moved in with me, I already had a place big enough that suited both of us, he has a WFH role so location wasn't an issue and ultimately, we were both happy with the situation. He is from a city around 30 minutes away, so not terribly far, just for context.
The moment we decided, she switched from being "friendly", to cold but not towards me, towards my partner more so. She hurried along the date of us moving in together as she wanted to "get rid" of his belongings as she had already made plans to turn his room into a study and would frequently repeat to him, "if it doesn't work out, you aren't coming back here."
This is where it really started to devolve.
My partner found himself separating himself from her as every conversation was met with animosity. Every call, visit, text would be littered with comments about his appearance, the town we live in, that we have cats, his career, everything you could think of, she had an insult for it. It was incessant. When he would push back on these comments, she would tell him, "I don't know where you've got that idea from, it's in your head, I don't have a problem with either of you." She has cartoonishy scoffed about my family, my upbringing, my tattoos etc. It's even gone as far when he was working away for a few days (a few cities over) she was texting us BOTH at the same time trying to cause drama, essentially trying to make out that we were lying about what we were doing, i.e, that he wasn't in his hotel room, I wasn't at home etc, even though we had literally had a video call five minutes before she tried pulling this stunt.
This behaviour has continued and escalated for years now, she will make random, strange comments such as, "well, you haven't bought a house yet so you're in debt", minimised my partner's past depression by saying, "He can't have been depressed when he was a teenager, I always bought him designer clothing, he had everything" and yes, I can't believe that's an actual quote either lol. They actively avoid any opportunities to visit them, have made no effort to get to know my family, they won't visit us at all - the closest she's got is standing in our car park and wouldn't even look at me directly. Makes constant digs about my partner spending time with my mum or siblings, she somehow seems to believe we spent all of our time with my family even though we both have incredibly busy jobs and barely have enough to see anyone half of the time!
We are now at the point of planning our wedding.
Despite all the bad, my partner still wants his family present and it's always been his dream to have his father as his best man. His father has never behaved the same as his mother towards us but he has never made any attempt to resolve any of it either.
When we got engaged, they ignored the announcement completely. We tried to reach out to them personally but it was ignored consistently but it got to the point where we had to announce it via a group chat. The first time my partner was able to speak with his mother, her response was, "yeah, I expected it." When my partner tried to engage further, she kept repeating, "You do what's best for you, it's not my life" is this weird, demeaning tone.
Since then, my partner has attempted to discuss the wedding further multiple times. His mother does not address it at all and his father will immediately change the subject to asking about my partner's job. They won't even provide us with their address to send invitations, it's just all met with silence. My partner is devastated, he tried to bring up the subject of his dad being his best man and that one day in the not so distant future, they'll have grandchildren around, all of which again - No response, simply a deflated, "yeah, yeah."
I know I should be above all of this, that it shouldn't upset me but it really is stressing me out beyond belief. Seeing my partner so upset is heartbreaking, he will go around in his head and sometimes I'll find him having a cry and asking me, "what have I done?"
And I have no answer. We, by no means, are perfect people. We are respectful, responsible, have a healthy relationship and keep out of any drama as much as humanly possible.
And I wonder, is that why? Because we refuse to be like them and play mind games and get involved with petty feuds?
His mother has treated her brother's wives the exact same way and they've been in their marriages for 15+ years. Always ostracised them, would call around other family members starting drama and lies about them, just basically attempted to make their lives as difficult as possible for the crime of... Marrying into the family, I guess?
My partner says she's always been disrespectful about his ex girlfriends too. Commenting about their appearance or weight, referring to them as, "that thing you're dating" etc.
I've come across toxic MILs before but in my experience, only those who have obsessed over their "little boys" and took all their anger out on the women. This is almost all directed towards my partner, I get a portion of it sure but he's her main target.
I don't know what to do or how to process it all. I do feel very overwhelmed and again, I know I should just rise above it etc but it does break me every now and then. I don't tend to be a hateful person but I find myself resenting them totally, even the idea of being near them makes my skin crawl. I think it's unfathomably cruel that they're treating my partner this way, they won't even be direct and address it, which bothers me more. It comes across to me like her way of keeping "control" is by making him question everything, I truly believe that's why she won't just tell him what her problem is.
submitted by MentallyNotReyt to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:24 sorbetsprinkle First Dwarf - Star Drifters - open world adventure set in a fantasy world of floating islands with lots of building and crafting

Hi, Reddit!
Do you remember First Dwarf? Let us remind you of our upcoming colony survival! First, we’d like to tell you what has happened recently and what we’re up to…
One of the most important things is that… The First Dwarf Demo is available to download for FREE for everyone! Go to our Steam page and become the First Dwarf!
If you took part in our Playtest some time ago, you may notice some important changes. The greatest example being the new voices of our main duo: Tru and Ragna! We took your suggestions to our hearts and decided to go with a “classic” dwarven voice. We hope that you’ll like it!
Thank you for all the feedback you gave us during our Playtests, thanks to you we can make our game even better!
List of changes and fixes can be found in our steam Announcement about our Demo:
During the recent Future Games Show Summer Showcase on June 8th we had the pleasure of showing everyone our new trailer and launching our Demo! But that’s not all, we saved a BIG SURPRISE for this occasion and finally revealed… our Early Access release date! Which is June 19th. See our article with new trailer and community challenge here:
Pretty soon, right? We hope that you’re as excited as we are!
In our game, you can control a Mech, a Dragon and a Dwarf, each of them with unique abilities to explore and upgrade. You can also play with your friend through our online and local co-op mode!
Take on the role of Tru and save your dwarven clan from starvation! Use your mana-powered mech and explore the world of floating islands with your dragon friend, Ragna. Obtain powerful weapons and fight your opponents engaging in close combat, but remember, you should prepare for dangerous enemy waves by placing defensive structures, like turrets and walls, around your settlement. Gather resources, craft and build a safe, new home for your settlers and bring honor to your family.
If you want to learn more about our title, watch recent Pixel Pitch with Asmongold where we had the pleasure of showcasing First Dwarf, or 15 minute gameplay posted by IGN!
We also recommend joining our First Dwarf Discord server, where we can chat together!
See you at tomorrow’s Steam Next Fest!
submitted by sorbetsprinkle to Games [link] [comments]
