Funny school team names

funny fantasy football team names

2013.08.26 22:44 obieibo funny fantasy football team names

need to think of a funny fantasy team name for your league using player names? post your roster or some of your players and we'll see what happens.

2019.06.06 21:49 Mr_Contraversial Team names for fantasy premier league

Post your funny/creative team names for fantasy premier league here

2017.04.15 15:12 BraveReddit Meme_Battles

in terms of meme battles we are out of meme battles

2024.05.16 01:47 froststomper anyone here ever try to grow “dutchman’s breeches”? Tell me about your experience! Did you start with a seed/root? Did it survive? Do you cut them back before winter? etc. I just love the name and think they’re so funny would love to try growing them!

anyone here ever try to grow “dutchman’s breeches”? Tell me about your experience! Did you start with a seed/root? Did it survive? Do you cut them back before winter? etc. I just love the name and think they’re so funny would love to try growing them!
photography by Latecia Almeida
submitted by froststomper to flowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:47 lupinecreature KCU-Joplin VS PCOM-Georgia

Here we go again. FL resident. Already placed my deposit for KCU but got an II for PCOM-GA. The PCOM-PA campus is amazing but I haven't heard much about their other campuses and was wondering if they're still worth it.

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submitted by lupinecreature to Osteopathic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:47 Anonymous-4550677 WIBTA if I reach out to a dear childhood friend who I used to perve out on?

I (28m) used to be best friends with this girl, “S” (29f) from grade 2 until I was 22 years old (that was when we last saw each other). Her parents ran a Korean restaurant, and I have so many fond memories of eating there with her. S and I were close enough that when we were really young, we promised to marry each other when we got older lol. It was that kind of relationship.
Starting from when I was in high school, until around my second year of college, I became a bit of a creep. I knew that it was wrong to touch girls without their consent, but I just thought it was “mildly” wrong, rather than being a genuine, disturbing violation. I didn’t think it was wrong to ogle girls, I thought I was being “funny” when I said sexual things to them, etc etc. I don’t know how, but I just happened to fly under the radar; between the ages of 14-18, when I was REALLY acting out, I still don’t remember getting any warnings or getting into trouble from my authority figures and teachers. And unfortunately, I took out a lot of my perversions on S during this time. I only remember one time where I touched her; it was during my freshman year of college, and I groped her breast. The rest of the time, I simply stuck to leering at her and making sexual comments about her. It's important to note, however, that I didn't do this to her nearly as much as I did to other girls, because I thought she was too dear to me to treat her that way on a regular basis. The last communication she had with me was 6 years ago, when she asked me via Facebook “yo…are you okay?” I didn’t respond to that message.
I grew up A LOT ever since I went to college. With all that being said, I admit that I am still sexually attracted to S, and I look up her Facebook photos frequently (not that it really hurts her; what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her). I miss her so much, and I still remember that silly childhood marriage promise that we made with each other. She never posts anything angsty on her Facebook or social media, which I’m hoping means that she’s not as traumatized as I fear she is. If I reach out to her and ask her out for some coffee, would that be a good idea?
submitted by Anonymous-4550677 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:47 Fun-Reporter8913 KINDERGARTEN MADNESS - 20 students with adhd

I am a teacher aid at a pre-school. This would be my third year working there. My previous classes have been manageable and nothing out of the ordinary. So my new class has been a real challenge.
I have 3 kids with diagnosed autism. One has a personal teacher that stays with him at all times. The other two don´t. I also have to mention that my school is a "rich-ish people school" they accept any student and it has the reputation to accept kids that have been kicked from other schools (they just care about the money pretty much). The school has never offered training on dealing with special needs children or anything of the sort. Only two girls in the pre school have a degree in psychology the other don't. I personally graduated in Language education. We have 1 child psychologist who is never there. It´s frustating that te school does nothing to help these kids and doesn't do anything on pushing the parents on taking action. I have learned from videos and blogs on education for kids with learning disabilities but I just feel like it´s not enough. Besides my three students that have a hard time at school already the other 17 are all hyperactive, not well behaved and with a pretty much non existant attention span. I know that with kids you have to go overboard, use music, dance, interactive activities. But I swear nothings seems helpful for this group.
The head teacher has bad classroom management and it is chaos everyday. My throat hurts from screaming their names 20 times whether its to call them to get in line or call their attention. Circle time is absolute madness, they start running around, teasing each other, yelling, shouting, standing up, circling on their seats. I have talked to the teacher on what can we do for this to get better. When she is explaining the class I have to constantly tell everybody to sit proper, stop hitting your friend, put that toy in the backpack. Please just help me with advice on this. Anything is helpful. I swear I have never been this stressed.
submitted by Fun-Reporter8913 to kindergarten [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:47 Smart-Ad5789 My friend turned me into a name soundalike... this is NOT FUNNY!! 😡

submitted by Smart-Ad5789 to lies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:45 Otherwise-Gate9490 Were we wrong for this?

So tomorrow (Thursday) is kindergarten graduation (finally omg!) We still have assigned school days on Friday and Monday. The majority of parents have been frustrated by this because they don’t see the point in bringing them those last two days after graduation. They’re planning trips and want to celebrate with family and friends. My team and I agree! There’s nothing for them to do anyway. Grades were due last Wednesday, report card comments have been turned in, we finished all curriculum, got every student MAP tested, submitted RTI paperwork, finished ABC Countdown— we’re done!
So rather than answering the same question a million times, we wrote a ClassDojo letter together stating that, “Per conversations with families, we understand that many students will not be returning after graduation. We are preparing to formally say goodbye to teachers and friends the morning of graduation. Friday and Monday will be spent cleaning out our classrooms for summer break. Students present those days will be together in one of our Kinder classrooms so they aren’t alone. They’ll be playing with centers and doing small activities with that teacher. We wish everyone safe travels and happy summer break!”
Well, here’s the drama: a parent, in my class of course, called the office this afternoon complaining that “the kinder teachers are saying there’s no school on Friday and Monday.” That’s simply just not true. I had admin call me angrily and then rush to me asking to see the post on Dojo. My AP scoffed and said that it’s illegal to post things like that and say there’s no school when there is. I asked her to read it again and to show me where we said that. She wouldn’t. She kept going on about it being illegal. She did make all of us remove the post though. Whatever, that’s fine, no big deal. I get it. Then, after talking to all of us individually she sends out an email to all of us in Kinder saying that we need to apologize and rectify the situation. Rectify what???
Now I’m pretty pissed because 1) that’s not what we said in the first place. 2) we already removed the posts, and 3) what are we even apologizing for????!!!!
Were we in the wrong for writing the letter?
submitted by Otherwise-Gate9490 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:43 Bike_Positive People baffle me. Yes this is actually how you kill Zarya. Support in question was ana with only 900 damage.

People baffle me. Yes this is actually how you kill Zarya. Support in question was ana with only 900 damage.
I wish I could name and shame these people. Yes they all got reported for the things they said.
See the reason I dont play tank is not because it's unplayable or anything like that... it's because it means I'm not on support. And get support like this who dont bother dealing damage. Think that you should just allow a zarya to run around constantly getting her bubbles back by waiting them out.
Yes. Shooting a bubble charges Zarya's gun. But once her bubbles are gone, she wont be alive long enough for it to matter. So yes. You shoot the bubble.
And dont use mental illness as an insult. That's lame and unoriginal.
Tagged as humour because it's funny how oblivious people are to their own shortcomings.
submitted by Bike_Positive to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:42 Dull-Date-9313 dont know what to do anymore

Sorry this is so long but i would appreciate it if you read it.
I'm new here and i dont even know where to start. reddit is the absolute last place i would ever come to say something but i have given up all hope at this point. for context, i'm 15f and have never had any history with mental health issues. it started all fairly recently in like February. i dont even know where to begin. i have many friends and everyone thinks that im so funny but honestly i truly hate myself and this world. i've never told anyone about my problems, not even my parents, but they know i cry a lot. they always ask me whats going on, if its anything at school, if its a guy, or if im getting bullied, but its truly none of that. my problem is that every single day is the same exact thing but while everyone is living it im just simply here existing. i know that i am capable of so much more than this but i feel so trapped in this life where im just supposed to go to school, do my sports and my homework and im not allowed to be just mentally exhausted by the end of it. and yes, i know everyone has this problem and this is just how life works but i honestly i guess im too weak or something and just cant handle it. i feel vulnerable talking about this all so just stay with me. i feel like people think im someone who im really not, and in their defense i dont show anyone the real me. i just act stupid for laughs so naturally everyone thinks im just an idiot. i dont feel smart but at the same time i know i also could be, and honestly wish i was. i dont want my life now to define me and who i am. off topic but i also wish i was prettier. im skinny and got bullied a lot for it but really never cared. ive always never really cared about what people think, and around my friends im an extremely confident person. ive never had a bf but ive also never needed one, and i dont find purpose in dating in my generation, i think im too young and id look for someone who deeply understands me. ive never cared about what a guy has thought of me, or what anyone has for that matter. ive never cared about anything until recently and have been feeling extra numb lately. i know i need purpose in life but im sick of trying to figure out who im truly meant to be and what im "destined" to do. ik, sounds cliche. i just want to be who i am when im alone. recently everything has gotten worse. ive tried so hard to fix it, but ive lost all motivation. i like to learn new stuff, so ive just been doing that. i never liked to read but ive started that lately. ive also eaten healthier and worked out because i thought it would make me feel better. i took a break from all of that lately because im just too tired to do it and have doubts about it fixing anything. i just wish i was perfect and actually happy. ive started to isolate myself from everyone and just stay in my room and cry, watch something, or be alone. many of my friends have asked me to hang out recently and every time i blew them off saying i was busy when really i needed to be alone. i dont want to lose them, they make me laugh and forget about my problems but a lot of the time, especially my closer ones. i really do love some of them, the ones who i can truly be myself around, the ones who dont judge me. ive never confided in them about my problems because i feel too vulnerable, and im also just afraid of pushing them away. i dont want this to define me because its not who i am at all, i just think im just too mentally drained. i would blame everything on my phone but my screen times only a few hours, although i have come to realize i am slightly addicted and rely on it a lot. i guess my main point is: i just feel like lots of things in life are inevitable and i cant truly fix whats going on, even though ive tried. a lot of the time i cry because i know that tomorrow is going to be just like today. im sick of living in this simulation and just want to be happy. lately, ive been losing hope and dont know if i can do it anymore. there are many reasons i dont want to die, but many more reasons i do. i dont even want to kill myself, i just want this period to end. I dont think my life is awful, in fact, i have a really nice life for the most part. i just cant escape the thoughts, and i dont want my "mental health problems" to define me. i want a future. i want to live in a nice house with a nice husband and beautiful kids, but i just know its not going to work. i just have no idea what to do from here.
i dont expect anyone to read this and honestly just came on here to say something. ive come on here to read things and honestly it looks like a lot of people are in the same position as me, a surprising amount.
maybe i just need to wait for summer
submitted by Dull-Date-9313 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:41 Lower-Lion-8487 How do I fill out a job application?

I am almost 17 and i've been out since 12 and I want to get a job but i'm worried about being discriminated: misgendered, outed, deadnamed, ridiculed. For the most part I like to remain stealth (as much as possible) but i don't have a name change and i would have to tell my employer my deadname and agab, and im worried they either 1. won't hire me because I'm trans 2. will hire me and claim they will respect my name pronouns and privacy, and then not do that (this has been most of my experience in all 3 schools i've been to)
How do i go about this? What do other people do? What jobs do you recommend and not recommend for someone like me?
submitted by Lower-Lion-8487 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:40 Turbulent-Tonight975 The All Quiet On Set documentary (on Nickelodeon) is a hit piece against Dan Schneider and is unfairly presented

I watched several parts of the documentary All Quiet On Set that was released recently and it absolutely stunk as a ridiculously unfair hit piece against Dan Schneider.
The documentary discusses the experience of many childhood actors who starred in a variety of Nickelodeon shows. It talks about the 'toxic' environment and how these kids were not protected and so on. The whole piece feels like a joke that goes out of its way to blame everything on Dan Schneider in ways that are not fair or intellectually honest.
Much of the documentary talks about moments in the shows that seem to be inappropriate for children with adult themes that are implied, or that the child actoactress is sexualized. The documentary does a great job of implying that Rob is responsible without giving real context or perspective. The documentary is literally taking tens of thousands of hours of programming from shows that appeared over 20 year period and shows many moments that from an adult perspective seem inappropriate.
The documentary fails to actually put it in terms of the perspective of the audience watching these shows. I watched these shows and as an 11 year old I didn't even know what a c**shot was, someone getting 'slimmed' was just funny. I'm guessing that the young audience watching probably didn't have a clue what any of the dialogue that was questionable actually meant either BECAUSE WE WERE KIDS. Its such a load of crap showing these few cherrypicked moments form thousands of hours of content and viewing it from an adult perspective the way nobody seemed to car about doing for 20 years until now.
Even better is how the documentary implies that Dan is the one responsible. All the scripts were written by writers, reviewed by other people, reviewed by executives, then brought to set where the parents (or guardians) of the minors were present and could form objections. That is 4 or 5 levels to get to the point of shooting these shows and it is all Dan's fault that some potentially inappropriate dialogue got to that point? Not the writers, or Nick executives, or review groups, or the parents of the actors on scene; none of these hold any responsibility? The documentary sure thinks so, that Dan should have been rewriting the scripts on set when all the groups that failed to excise the inappropriate dialogue all failed numerous times by the time it even got to Dan.
Even better is Dan being difficult to work with and unprofessional. You mean to tell me that a guy who produced so many high quality and successful shows was sometimes difficult to work with because of the standards he had? Sorry to break it to the snowflakes of the world but most successful people are difficult to work with because they demand quality and won't accept mediocre. There is a reason Dan's shows were highly successful. Most successful people in business and entertainment are difficult. Look at director James Cameron. The guy directed Titanic, Avatar series, Terminator series, and Alien. He is also notoriously difficult to work with demanding a lot out of the actors in his movies. Like Dan, James Cameron demanded quality and pissed off many people who worked with him. Maybe the success of both men had something to do with their ability to be adequate and made very successful shows and movies.
Also the 'unprofessionalism' attacks on Dan seem a little over the top. You mean a guy who demands quality professionally can be temperamental and say insensitive things on set at times? Go to any high pressure workplace and the same thing happens. The difference is that people there handle it. He also got 'shoulder massages' on set from adults. GASP!!!! Give me a break.
The part of the abuse from Drake Bell is a very sad part that happened. The documentry could have cared about the truth that Dan didn't hire the people that did the abuse, and kept them out as soon as it was known. Dan did what he could. Because the documentary is a hit piece, these details to exonerate the character of Dan Schneider get ignored.
The documetary and former child actors and actresses should have been honest with a little more perspective that in 20 years of making award winning series, things happen. They could look more in to the writers, executives, review boards that looked at scripts. They could look at how the child stars had parents and guardians ON SET yet seemed to never say or do anything when it came to these supposedly horrible experiences. They could blame the parents for putting these young kids in these difficult acting roles at such young ages. Those won't happen because it is easier to blame Dan for every shortcoming of an entire multibillion dollar company and system that led to the final product that was the shows.
The attacks on Dan seem like something made by his enemies that is absolutely unfairly biased against him, and makes little attempt at intellectual honesty. It goes along with this woke world we live in where everyone wants to be the victim and has to find fault in anyone who is in a position of authority or control. Dan just happens to be the guy in position so blaming it all on him is easier than having any sense of nuance and looking at all parts that went into this at every level of Nickelodeon and especially the parents of these children who performed on set. Maybe the question of how things should be for child actors generally is a question that needed to be asked more.
It really felt like it just wanted to make Dan into the boogieman in all of this when in reality, I don't think very many people if they were put in his position of doing award winning shows for 2 decades with thousands of hours of content, and involvement of that many people and production- could have done any or much better. Most people never have any position of responsibility that puts them in charge of so many people and so many high level situations or high level projects. I'm sure anyone who produced that amount of content under the same circumstances would have a few things they could cherrypick out that were questionable in the thousands of hours of content over 20 years.
I don't know Dan and I never met the guy, I am just tired of hearing him get dragged through the wringer in ways that seem completely unfair by the cancel culture mob. The system had failures at all levels and making him the fall guy is not fair. He apologized for his shortcomings in professionalism and how he could have treated some people better. People talking about him like an abuser he never was, and dragging his name through the mud seems unreasonable form all I saw. It feels like the guy did the best he could in such difficult situations, and more to the point, I don't think all those maligning the guy could have done any better themselves. Its very easy to attack someone when you don't have the same responsibilities because of course the person can imagine doing a perfect job knowing what we know now and having 25 years of hindsight- the hindsight Dan and everyone there didn't have.
submitted by Turbulent-Tonight975 to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:40 I_Am_Awesome_yes_yes AITAH for calling my ‘friend’ a bitch?

Alright so me and a girl who I’ll call Lily are in our freshman year of highschool.
We first met about halfway through the first semester of school when I grouped up with some of our mutual friends in gym to do our group dance. She was totally fine with me and honestly we got along pretty well.
Then as the semester switched, she began randomly being rude to me. In our French class, whenever I try to partner with her for a little activity, she always rudely and quite publicly rejects me. Not because she has other friends in the class, in fact she usually has to get the teacher to partner someone with her because she doesn’t know anyone. So it’s literally just me, no other reasons.
And in our ADST rotation (the rotation consists of Textiles, Marketing, and Food studies.) she’s been really rude and annoying. I didn’t sit near her in textiles, but when we moved onto marketing, all our friends sat at one big table. This is where she really started being rude to me. Anytime I opened my mouth to speak, she would tell me to shut the fuck up. I usually didn’t retaliate, but if I did, literally everyone would take her side. This pissed me off, especially when my best friend since kindergarten would take her side.
Anytime lily looked at me she would glare at me, she randomly kicked me, both under the table and out in the open, and say nasty things about my looks.
She also says I breathe loudly?? Wtf does she want me to do about it.
Anyways, she’s been super rude and it’s not like she’s hiding it at all. Yet my best friend still chooses to hang out with Lily. It pisses me off and once during lunch, my best friend texted me to tell me that she would be hanging out with lily during lunch. Tbh I didn’t care that much but when I told our other friend that, me and him got into a long conversation about all the rude things Lily has done and said to us. It lasted a while.
And everyone thinks I’m an asshole for some reason. Lily is obviously very insecure about herself. She always makes jokes about how she’s fat and her eating disorder. And she doesn’t keep it a secret that she self harms. One day my friend noticed lilys self harm on her wrist and pointed it out. Everyone at our table started giving their sympathy to her, except me who couldn’t care less.
Obviously I don’t want something terrible to happen to her, but like why is it my problem if she cuts herself? She makes me feel like shit about myself so why tf should I care.
So then after class my friend asks me why I didn’t say anything to comfort lily, I straight up told her I didn’t give a shit. I knew that she had witnessed Lily doing all these things to me, so I assume she would kind of understand, at least enough to not get upset. But she said I was an asshole. Yeah, maybe I sounded like one but I meant what I said.
Anyways so today in food studies I just lost it at Lily. Today was the second class of food studies and we had to make groups that we would be working with for the rest of the class.
To me, this was a no brainer. The teacher said the groups could either be 3 or 4 people. There’s six of us. Two groups of three, simple. I didn’t want to risk being put with Lily so I suggested that me, my best friend, and this other really funny girl be in one group, and Lily and the others can be in the other. The teacher came around to write down our groups, and I thought we had all agreed, but apparently Lily had not. She told she teacher we weren’t sure about our groups yet. I was annoyed but it didn’t seem like that big of a deal.
Then Lily began towing me I should leave the table and go be in a group with the rude, obnoxious boys. I told her no and she told me to stfu and kept insisting, saying no one wanted me here anyways. All with this stupid fucking smirk on her face.
I got upset but keeping a calmish, ‘don’t fuck with me’ tone, I whispered to her “stop telling me to shut the fuck up, I have never done anything wrong to you so can you stop acting like a bitch and shut your mouth.”
Pretty much all of our friends heard, saying shit like “Jesus.. calm down..” and stuff. My best friend kept saying I was grumpy all day. But I didn’t care what they thought, I cared what Lily thought.
She went quiet for the rest of class and every time I looked over she would cover her face, obviously very upset. I was satisfied. It might’ve not been the best comeback but it did the trick.
So AITAH? I need to know and also some advice on what to do since this might’ve shut her up this time, but soon she’ll be back at it again. Ty for reading!!!
submitted by I_Am_Awesome_yes_yes to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:39 Mo_the_Goat99 I want to rank data, but keep getting duplicate values

I want to rank baseball stats to see, for example who hit the most homeruns in a single season for my team. In my sheet where I want my ranked stats, I have 1,2,3,4,5... in column A, I want the player name in column B and the stat in column C.
My raw data is another sheet, where the player name are column C, and home runs in column L. Here's what my formula for the B column looks like (the one where I want the ranked stat), to see who hit the most home runs:
INDEX('Batter Stats'!C:C,MATCH(LARGE('Batter Stats'!L:L;A1),'Batter Stats'!L:L,0))
Here's the formula I have to see the actual stat:
XLOOKUP(B1,'Batter Stats'!C:C,'Batter Stats'!L:L,"",0,1)
Here's what happens with my current formulas:
  1. O'Neil Cruz 93
  2. Jared Triolo 65
  3. Bryan Reynolds 43
  4. Nick Pratto 40
  5. Alec Bohm 33
  6. Alec Bohm 33
  7. Ke'Bryan Hayes 31
Here's what I would want it to show:
  1. O'Neil Cruz 93
  2. Jared Triolo 65
  3. Bryan Reynolds 43
  4. Nick Pratto 40
  5. Alec Bohm 33
  6. Nick Gonzalez 33
  7. Ke'Bryan Hayes 31
So how to I get it to look for Nick Gonzales, or two different players when 33 home runs is tied for 6th place ? Currently I have to manually look for the other player at 33 home runs and manually enter it.
Can someone help me ? If you need anything else, let me know in the comments!
submitted by Mo_the_Goat99 to excel [link] [comments]

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submitted by douglaskeisenman to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:38 daphne_119 me when i realized i shouldve built good relationships with my stem teachers not only my humanities teachers

so it's letter of recc asking season and idk who to ask. this is stressing me out so bad so any advice is appreciated
my options:
  1. advisor for a humanities club i have a pretty high leadership position in -> he's known me since i was a freshman and almost all seniors in this club ask him for a recc so he's like expecting it
  2. my english teacher- super great guy, loved this class, except everyone else also loved this class so everyone will be asking for a recc -> but trust he likes me more than everyone else bc he knows what i do outside of class and i participate
  3. apush teacher - she hates our class but she likes me a little, i rlly enjoyed what we learned in this class
  4. math teacher from sophomore year - i like talked a little and did my work sometimes but i gave her a sweet card at the end of the year and she always says hi to me and stuff so idk
also i rlly like my calc class but I haven't really built a relationship w my teacher outside of class and i just hate my science class and never talk and idt my teacher knows my name!!
my major is prob finance or econ and I'm 95% sure I'm asking my club advisor but idk who the other teacher I ask should be. my English teacher rn is awesome but i feel like if i pick him and my club advisor I show this very clear spike in writing (and idk if that's good??)
but some schools "recommend" a stem teacher and a humanities teacher... is this recommendation for real or can i bypass it and pick two humanities teachers????
submitted by daphne_119 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:37 Cold_Midnight_6985 My wife shows no gratitude.

I am 55 my wife 37. I have two boys. My eldest passed away when he was 16. My youngest son is 30. I have a 3 year old grandson. My wife has a 10 year old son. My wife was a widow having lost her husband when my step son was a baby so she has had a rough time along with my step son obviously.
Both my wife and step son have adhd. They were diagnosed after I insisted they seek treatment as their behaviour is very challenging.
I have put a lot of effort into helping them having been financially responsible for them both. My wife does not help me pay the bills despite my request that she does. I have coached my step sons soccer team, take him places, pay for his education etc etc. I have tried my hardest to build a relationship with him.
I have currently taken long service leave and I am responsible for the school runs so my wife can work. My step son can be difficult in the mornings because of his ADHD. It can be hard motivating him.
I have worked out a system that if he gets up and gets ready for school, eats his breakfast etc etc he can have 10 to 15 minutes of play station.
This is a system that has worked very well with little difficulty. I have sat and watched my wife get him ready and it is chaos. It is frustrating to watch. I have worked out what works and what doesn’t.
My wife one morning without my knowledge or any discussion with me decided that she didn’t want him playing the game in the morning as it damages his brain. Mind you I only give him max 15 minutes on it. I discussed it with her and explained my routine with him and how he is rewarded for good behaviour and this system works best. She apologised and agreed with me.
The next morning she did the exact same thing followed by more discussion and she did it again a third day in a row. I had a heated discussion with her and told her if she doesn’t like my parenting she can either get a baby sitter or take him to school herself I am not here to be her bitch. She apologised and I thought it was over and settled. She did it again and this time I let fly and told her she is interfering in my relationship with my step son and she is undermining me. Again if you don’t like my parenting do it yourself. Her only answer was that I must have found someone else. Even writing this I am getting a headache.
When she said this I walked into my room to calm down and of course she followed me. I kept telling her to leave me alone until I calm down. Anyhow she thinks she is the victim. She told me playing the play station will damage his brain I said undermining me and allowing him to be disrespectful without any recourse will damage his brain.
Mind you her brother 44 years old lets him stay up all night playing it and that is ok.
She has done this sort of things numerous times and it does my head in. I have told her if a man comes along and is willing to treat your son like his own child you do not show disrespect you should be grateful.
I was a single father and raised my boys only to lose my eldest. I am no stranger to grief or parenting.
I have told her I am not interested if she is going to continue to disrespect and undermine me. She can do it herself. I am over it.
The sad part is my step son will lose a father for a second time and my wife is blind to it.
submitted by Cold_Midnight_6985 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:36 Adam787DreamlinerTPA Publix job application.

Hello everyone today I come here on Reddit to bring up a problem I have been facing, I have applied at my local Publix store since December and I have not got one phone call or email. Every month I update my job application and I have gone to the store to speak with the hiring manager and customer service manager, I was greeted by a rude worker who said leave your name and phone number on a sticky pad. They will call you. I’ve done that at least three times in a month and it’s always the same route worker who has me write down my name and phone number, and I have not gotten any reply back. I was really excited to join the public family because I have been going to the location since I was born. I have been going for about 17 years multiple times a week. The workers know me by faith and I also know many of the workers I have noticed that they have hired at least 10 new people since December when I sent my application does anybody have any suggestions on what I can do? I’m planning to go to the manager when school ends in about three weeks and talk to him about this hopefully a lot of people will quit to go on summer vacation, if anybody can give me advice ho, if anybody can give me advice, I would greatly appreciate . Store information ⬇️ Northwood Plaza Store number: 1117 2514 N McMullen Booth Rd Clearwater, FL 33761-4150 Have a blessed and wonderful day.
submitted by Adam787DreamlinerTPA to publix [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:35 tedy1312 Roommates wanted!

24yo she/her looking for roommates! 1000$ MONTHLY MIN MID AUG-SEP 1 MOVE IN Going to SAIC for my masters in architecture! Need somewhere to live by the time classes start. Ideally nearby the school or subway stops, would like a half hour max commute to school. Ideally would like roommates I can be friends with since I don’t know anyone! I’m pretty artsy and love music, anime, going out and cats. I have a pet gecko named Satchmo. Don’t really care about gender or sexuality (but I ’m a bi cis woman if you do.) Please DM if you want to talk more!
submitted by tedy1312 to chicagoapartments [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:35 Kaosu_ First time getting a funny name lich

First time getting a funny name lich submitted by Kaosu_ to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:34 adriftnaimless Suggestions on moving without employment

I'm in my early 40s and feeling lost, and irritated with myself for allowing myself to end up here in the first place. I'd like to move somewhere that is more gay friendly in the U.S. I currently reside in my small hometown in rural TN. Options here for romance, friends, or employment are sparse. A key part in this equation is that I recently left the career field I'd spent over a decade entering due to overwhelming unhappiness with it. I refuse to go back to it.
My question is essentially this: how does one move to a new place without employment already lined up? I don't imagine anyone willing to allow me to rent a place without income verification, even if I could pay upfront for at least 6 months. As for employment itself, I have no idea where to look as I'm not qualified for anything outside my degree'd field and again, I refuse to return to that misery.
If I remain where I am, I will continue to be alone, not just in terms of romance which I'm pretty ok with, but also without friends. My family that remains is a bit of a lost cause - they are full fledged Q-Anon followers, rabidly religious, and many barely tolerate me. I was kicked out of a family business after I came out in my mid 20s, which prompted a long and arduous journey of going back to school and entering a field that I thought I would love but ended up despising to my core. The only reason I returned to my hometown was to care for 2 terminally-ill family members (who were good to me and didn't care that I was gay). I cared for them until they died. I inherited nothing from them, but did not expect to; I didn't do it to get something in return, it was rather to repay them for the kindnesses they showed me when no one else did. I have nothing to my name except debt for school and an older vehicle I own outright. There is a small possibility that I might inherit a substantial sum if I remain for the next 20 years or so, from a parent who previously turned their back on me, but has since made efforts to re-establish a relationship after they saw how I cared for the 2 family members that passed. They have apologized, sort of, and made some attempts to make amends. This inheritance could allow me to retire at 67 instead of working until I die. I suspect if I leave to try and begin a new life elsewhere, I will be written out of it - my brother will work nonstop to see he inherits it all if he can.
In any case, that's my current situation. If I leave, I don't know how I will start over - where to go, what to do to earn a living, no guarantee of new friends, romance, or not ending up homeless. If I stay, almost guaranteed that I will die alone, no friends, no partner, no family I will ever truly trust, and maybe an inheritance that will allow me to retire at the projected age instead of working until I'm dead. And that's a big maybe.
Starting over in your 40s from scratch is no joke. Any advice from fellow gays to another gay who doesn't have a lot to bargain with, but would like to somehow have a life that doesn't continue to be a complete disappointment? Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
submitted by adriftnaimless to AskGaybrosOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:32 ISaidGoodDaySir0990 HIStory 3:MODC episode 10 explained/opinion

I always look at MODC as episodes 1-9 are actually flashbacks and episode 10 is present day instead of a 6 year time skip. Since ML1 was leaving for the states for school he got more and more into his feelings because he felt like he was leaving ML2 behind (forgot both names at the moment). That's why all the other characters felt so indifferent about his death. The one classmate basically said she forgot about him until she saw ML2. The bestfriend cried a little but nobody had such an extreme reaction to him being gone because in their minds he had been gone for 6 years but from the viewers standpoint he was just cooking dinner. I still hate the episode lmao. I feel like his death, the way it was presented to the viewers and ML1 closure to it was all handled in a jacked up way. The ML1 really pulls you in with his acting that episode from the way he was so short toned and isolated from everyone else but the way he released his emotions when thinking about ML2. I think it could've been a beautifully tragic ending like "The Notebook" if it was handled right. By the end of the movie you were happy she remembered their life together but then sad that they died and then at peace because they went together. I think if the Aunt would've gave him ML2 ashes and he spead them on his last hike before leaving and vowing to begin to really live again but never forget him would've been much more impactful. It just seem like ML1 just decided that he would live instead of grieving out of nowhere except for a the mom and Sun saying that he should. Nothing really prompted the change so it seems disjointed.
submitted by ISaidGoodDaySir0990 to boyslove [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:32 Ok-Definition-5291 School name ideas

Hey guys, I have no idea what to name my school in HHP? Help pweaseee🥺
submitted by Ok-Definition-5291 to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:31 Fun-Reporter8913 KINDERGARTEN MADNESS - 20 students with adhd

I am a teacher aid at a pre-school. This would be my third year working there. My previous classes have been manageable and nothing out of the ordinary. So my new class has been a real challenge.
I have 3 kids with diagnosed autism. One has a personal teacher that stays with him at all times. The other two don´t. I also have to mention that my school is a "rich-ish people school" they accept any student and it has the reputation to accept kids that have been kicked from other schools (they just care about the money pretty much). The school has never offered training on dealing with special needs children or anything of the sort. Only two girls in the pre school have a degree in psychology the other don't. I personally graduated in Language education. We have 1 child psychologist who is never there. It´s frustating that te school does nothing to help these kids and doesn't do anything on pushing the parents on taking action. I have learned from videos and blogs on education for kids with learning disabilities but I just feel like it´s not enough. Besides my three students that have a hard time at school already the other 17 are all hyperactive, not well behaved and with a pretty much non existant attention span. I know that with kids you have to go overboard, use music, dance, interactive activities. But I swear nothings seems helpful for this group.
The head teacher has bad classroom management and it is chaos everyday. My throat hurts from screaming their names 20 times whether its to call them to get in line or call their attention. Circle time is absolute madness, they start running around, teasing each other, yelling, shouting, standing up, circling on their seats. I have talked to the teacher on what can we do for this to get better. When she is explaining the class I have to constantly tell everybody to sit proper, stop hitting your friend, put that toy in the backpack. Please just help me with advice on this. Anything is helpful. I swear I have never been this stressed.
submitted by Fun-Reporter8913 to Teachers [link] [comments]