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2024.05.16 17:26 snus_eu Want to buy? Link in profile. Don’t forget about the promo code!! QXXQ

Want to buy? Link in profile. Don’t forget about the promo code!! QXXQ submitted by snus_eu to u/snus_eu [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:26 MycologistNo3500 How much more could he possibly take from me

Just pissed off and destroyed beyond belief honestly. After all these years, all the ddays and the lies and everything- I’m left here an empty, broken shell and he gets everything he could’ve ever wanted.
The trauma of his addiction has taken everything from me. My identity, my interests, my friends, my health. I’ve developed chronic disabilities from this, my autonomic nervous system has been in hyperdrive for so long that it can’t function anymore. I’ve had to wave goodbye to my childhood dream of being an archaeologist (after getting my degree and everything) because I can hardly walk without mobility aids at times, so a career in extreme elements and fieldwork is no longer possible.
I grieved, I transitioned, I adapted and went to grad school to find a new future for myself. And this pos is ripping it away from me- again. Last dday was finals week. His addiction has consumed me so completely, I’ve fallen into a depression so deep I don’t know if I will be able to crawl out of it. I’ve had to file for an incomplete grade because I can’t finish my work, I was supposed to start my research position by now. I was supposed to be starting my thesis. I was supposed to be making friends and living the life I wanted. Instead, I don’t know if I have it in me to do anything anymore. I can hardly get out of bed. School will probably pull my funding and I will have to drop out. That has never been something I allow for myself. I’ve always pulled through to complete my studies with high marks, even if it meant sacrificing my own well-being. But not this time, this time I have nothing left to sacrifice. No baseline of myself to give. I know it’s not healthy, but I’ve always been the type to derive my worth from grades so this is a loss that’s buried in my core (in addition to the betrayal).
Best part? He just got a raise. He has an amazing job he loves with great people. He has tons of friends that love and support him even MORE now that he’s told them about his addiction. He has so many resources to pull from in his recovery, and at every turn, his self-worth is reinforced through positive means.
I worked so incredibly hard my entire life to be here. I’ve been fighting for these things since I was a toddler, this was what I was supposed to do on this earth and he took that from me. He took everything from me. The only thing that I have left in this world are my dogs, and I’m clinging to them for dear life because losing them will kill me.
It’s not fair. I don’t deserve this. But it doesn’t even matter because there’s nothing I can do to stop it.
submitted by MycologistNo3500 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:25 snus_eu Want to buy? Link in profile. Don’t forget about the promo code!! QXXQ

Want to buy? Link in profile. Don’t forget about the promo code!! QXXQ submitted by snus_eu to u/snus_eu [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:25 jsun Is the “Load more comments” update intentional?

As of today, I only see the top comment or two, then am forced to expand more comments. Comments and discussion are one of the primary things I want to look at when I click on… comments.
Previously, this functionality only seemed to exist when landing on a post from a web search. Now it is affecting me when I am logged in. I thought that this might just be from the /all feed, but it also occurs when viewing a posts’ comments from an individual subreddit.
I don’t understand the logic here. It’s making Reddit more cumbersome. There doesn’t seem to be an option to change it.
This seems to be part of an update that caused some other issues for me as well. For example, yesterday my entire view was the desktop view on my mobile device. I could not get the mobile view until I changed a setting (which seems to be gone completely now, so I can’t reference) related to opting in/out of “new reddit”.
It almost feels like someone didn’t understand the codebase and implemented changes that would have never been made intentionally. The “load more comments” existing as an exception for views coming from search engine results was only okay because it gave Reddit an opportunity to promote other content types to potentially new users. This should not be the case for people already using Reddit, especially for those who are signed in. I am viewing comments to engage, and I find it insulting that I am having other content promoted to me as a method of engagement. I already have a way to find content. The entire site is built to find and discover content. The content shouldn’t try to take you away to other things right away. It’s illogical for this platform.
submitted by jsun to help [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:25 Euphoric_Extent_4979 How do I [36M] communicate to my wife [31M] that her relationship with her brother [30M] is damaging our marriage, and my career?

Before I dive in, know that I love my wife and I want to fix this. I’m posting in RelationshipAdvice for a reason. It will be a lot, but please don’t read it like an AITA post and pass judgment. I need some honest advice, and I’m miles away from my real-life support network.
The TL; DR is that my wife has (re)developed a bunch of conversational habits from hanging out with her brother. These habits leave me feeling excluded, stressed, and are messing with my work. Trying to address them has opened a whole can of worms, mainly that my wife hates my entire problem-solving style.
I’m keeping details vague in case she stumbles upon this post. Please, if you think my story doesn’t add up, or you think you know where I am and want to offer real estate advice or whatever, keep it to yourself.
We got hitched and moved in together right before before Covid hit. Started off great, but after six months of lockdowns and masks, we realized we could live anywhere in the country without paying through the nose for coastal housing. For context: I work in tech, and my wife is a performer. We met in a bar, and honestly, Covid was the wake-up call that my career hadn’t lived up to my potential, probably due to alcohol. So I accepted the reality that maybe my career isn’t going where I hoped, and isn’t likely to – and instead of chasing after it, we should downsize our expenses. I counted my blessings for having a wonderful wife instead.
I negotiated permanent remote work. We aimed to move to the low-cost state she grew up in. Her brother, who I like way more than my own family, hooked us up with a place to rent near his house. Bigger than we needed, but I was okay with it because it had space for a home office. We boxed up our lives into a truck and moved.
Here’s where it gets complicated. My wife has always been talkative, and she can be pretty dang loud. Not sure how much of this I didn’t fully realize before. When we were dating, we only saw each other a couple of days a week, and in our first place together, we never had visitors thanks to the pandemic. But when she's with her brother, she talks like she's trying to command a room full of first-graders. She also doesn’t adjust her volume when she’s close to me. I have tinnitus, and she has literally made my ears ring by talking while leaning on me
Next up. I feel like a jerk saying this, given what I know about the word ‘shrill’, but hear me out. If the two of us are in the same room, she’ll use a tone of voice that seems intended to be impossible to ignore.
Third, if I try to join the conversation, my wife will interrupt me and steamroll right over me. Part of this is because she has a strange conversational rhythm where she seems to be done talking but then BAM! She jumps back in at an even higher volume, after the pause. So if you think it’s your turn to speak, you get interrupted. She does this even when no one else is talking. She will interrupt me to finish my sentences, nearly always incorrectly. She will interrupt me to tell me I’m wrong about something, ruining my flow. She will interrupt me to take over telling a story, telling it worse by missing key facts and rambling at higher speed.
Fourth, she doesn't seem to organize her thoughts before speaking. At all. Couple with what I just mentioned, you've got her cutting off anyone who dares to chime in until she's “talked out” the subject with everything she can think of. By then, everyone else is bored and over being interrupted when they try to jump in. So, the topic just fizzles out, and she covers that up with nervous laughter.
Fifth, if I try to ask questions to follow along, she gets mad that I’m interrupting her or ruining her flow. So I’ve given up on questions. If I lose track, I either catch up or I don’t. I can’t zone out because of her volume and tone.
Sixth, after she’s been around her brother, she maintains this kind of conversational energy when it’s just us. Her brother can be just as loud, and raises his voice and talks over her right back in the moment. But when we’re in any group that does not include my wife, he’s back to an energy I can converse with. She does not switch back, not unless she hasn’t seen him for at least a week.
Seventh, their parents’ first language isn’t English, and they immediately switch to it as soon as I leave the room. If you know the language I mean, it makes every conversation sound like a fight. I figure, if they’re not including me anyway, why talk in English while I’m around? Why can’t I just leave you guys to talk? No, because then my wife gets mad that I’m a bad host, that I “hate” her brother, or calls me a “rude teenager”.
Eighth, 90% of their what they talk about are their opinions, mostly of family members, reality TV, or random AITA stuff. They just keep regurgitating the same views about people, social issues, capitalism, America, over and over. When I do get to throw in my two cents, they often react with anger. It feels like a low-effort bonding activity: like we’re constantly reaffirming the group values – and verbally punishing transgression – rather than discuss anything new. Her brother isn’t like this away from her.
However I slice this, it’s incongruent. If they want me involved by speaking English, why not let me chime in? If they think they're entertaining me, why not make sure I'm following? And if I'm supposed to zone out, why use a tone and volume that's impossible to ignore?
The impression I get is that my wife thinks my role is to be her passive audience, plain and simple.
There’s more about my job, but first, how I’ve failed to address this so far.
First, the loudness. According to both of them ‘that’s just the way we are,’ so it ain’t changing.
I haven’t addressed the tone, I can’t figure out how to without starting a fight.
Interruptions. My wife has had four levels of reactions when I have brought this up. First, she straight-up ignores it. Second, she acknowledges it, but with an eye roll like I'm just being petty. Third is to get mad, call me an asshole, or accuse me of silencing her. Fourth, she blows up and yells all kinds of crap (“you’re evil,” “you just hate my brother,” and incongruently, “you two are douche-bros together”), which after she’ll say she didn’t mean. She’ll then start crying about losing me, or even making her brother hate her. She’ll make me swear to keep reminding her. But in the moment, when she’s not upset, she’s back to eye rolling.
Rambling. My wife’s response is that I do the exact same thing, and that when I do it, it’s extremely boring. What she means is that if I’m excited by or trying to explain anything technical, she tunes out as soon as she hears a word she doesn’t understand, and stares right through my head until I stop talking. Apparently, this is ‘polite’. Asking questions, saying I'm not interested? Just rude.
How she changes her behavior around her brother. Raising it makes her mad. She has straight-up told me, “I will always pick my brother over you.” In her more honest moments, she’s admitted the thought of me developing a beef with her brother is one of her worst nightmares, so her anger is really for of that outcome, directed at me. She gets that this is counterproductive, sometimes. But this conversation is tough.
Switching in English. They forget this and slip back to ‘politeness’ rules. I have to be careful how I word ‘I have no interest in this conversation’ or ‘You don’t need to talk in English’ or they both say I’m rude and get mad.
My wife has also said she hates the way I solve relationship problems, calling it ‘patronizing hippy crap’. For instance, I ask people what their goal is in saying or doing certain thing (“What’s your intention in talking so loud?”). This immediately makes my wife mad, like she thinks I’m playing sociology professor and using brains to outsmart her. Thing is, she will say a LOT of things she doesn’t mean in an argument, and I tend to take things literally, so I need to check that she doesn’t actually mean “You’re evil”, otherwise the argument escalates for other reasons.
I feel like she retaliates for feeling like I’m trying to impose some kind of intellectual superiority over her by trying to impose some kind of “social intelligence” superiority over me. “Of course people don’t mean everything they say in fucking arguments, are you retarded?”. She’ll misinterpret what I’m saying in a way that implies I’m real dumb, then moves the conversation on before I can defend myself. All of which is exacerbated by how her habits push me out of the conversation.
Onto work problems. My job requires two things from me: hard problem-solving which needs long periods of uninterrupted focus, and rapid incident response. Being interrupted/talked to while I’m deep in work disrupts both of those. Neither my wife nor her brother (who’s a contractor) stick to regular office hours, and they both like to knock back a few during the day. Now, I have no issue with that, but I do have a problem when he comes over, starts drinking with my wife, they have loud conversations which I can hear from my office. Often from one room to another.
My wife doesn’t appreciate me complaining about this since she “should be free to enjoy her own home” and I “can easily get another job.” I’ve tried explaining to her that no, I can’t easily get a job that pays the same in this state. Either I’d have to hunt for increasingly scarce remote work, or we’d need to suck up downsizing and potentially moving away from her brother. She refuses to entertain any of this.
Things have improved slightly since I started composing this post, but only after a chaotic incident. She stormed into my office to look for something, mid-argument with her brother. In frustration, I took off for a drive to clear my head. Of course, there was an incident while I was out, I missed the notification, and got written up for it.
I’ve tried talking to her brother one-on-one. He’s a realist. Rent a private office, and get ourselves into couples therapy. My objection is straightforward: the cost of commuting, office rent, couples therapy (no cheaper here, lower quality by all accounts), on top of our current expenses, exceed what we were paying before we moved. All this because my wife won't adjust her behavior to accommodate my needs, or respect my job.
They often invite me to drink with them during lunch and sometimes suggest blowing off the rest of the day. Despite my repeated refusals, they persist, considering it polite. I find it rude and disrespectful to keep pushing. They've even labeled me as "boring”. But what really grinds my gears is when they invite me out and I decline, they think they've got a right to grill me about why. A few times, when I've had enough of their pestering, I’ll state my position more firmly, and then they’ll get real mad that I’m being “judgmental”, and think I’m better than them. So now if they invite me anywhere, I just shut it down with a simple "no" and zero explanation. Which bugs them, but at least it keeps the peace.
There are a ton of other emergent/secondary annoyances I could get into, but let's cap it at three.
One, since I’ve said they’re both being hypocritical about me being ‘judgmental’ (even though I wasn’t) in refusing to join their plans, when the majority of their conversations are judging other people: it has become a game to them to point out every time they think I’m a hypocrite. I answered my wife from another room once. She brings it up as my ‘hypocrisy’ whenever I mention she’s yelling to her brother in another room, and she’s right next to me.
I think it’s different: her yelling in the house upsets me, but my ‘hypocrisy’, she enjoys that. We aren’t trading vices. If I realize I’m upsetting my wife, I stop doing whatever it is that’s upsetting her. She seems to be telling me that she doesn’t care to adjust her behavior to stop upsetting me. And that the real problem is that I keep talking about it, rather than just quietly suffering through it.
Two I've likely developed obnoxious habits just to maintain some space in conversations with my wife, such as speaking louder to overcome interruptions.
Three, my wife will talk to me at any time, without paying any attention to what I’m doing or even whether I’m wearing noise-cancelling headphones. She’ll interrupt me whilst I’m holding a mop, vacuum, trash bag to remind me to mop, vacuum, or take out the trash. She’ll interrupt me while I’m tackling a chore to give me instructions. I don't understand them, she'll take over, do it the exact same way I was, then huff about it. She’ll interrupt me whilst I’m getting ready to remind me to take my wallet, throwing off my train of thought and making me forget what I was looking for. Which I’ll then forget. She’ll interrupt me while driving, for random observations (‘look, a cute dog!’) no matter how many times I tell her it’s dangerous.
It’s hard to explain how much more restrictive this makes my life feel. I avoid tasks that will take over 20 minutes unless my wife is out. My wife and brother both mock me for traits (lousy memory, lack of focus, disorganization) which they exacerbate with their behavior.
When my wife is away from her brother, she returns to her usual self, the woman I fell for.
My gut tells me her family has a toxic way of communicating (the rest of her family are borderline abusive), and she learnt to town down of those tendencies while away from them. She is more at ease with that way of speaking with her brother, and she falls back to it with him – and is trying to force me to adapt to it. There’s probably a side order of some history of feeling sidelined in male-dominated groups, so she’s acting out on that trauma and making sure out-talks us both. She’s got zero patience for boredom, which is why she butts in and won’t take extra time to make sure I understand – and why she thinks my ‘long rants’ are way longer and more boring than hers.
Her view is that conversations are boring unless people are excited, and excited people interrupt and talk over each other constantly. I hate that, because a conversation just feels like a constant fight to participate. It’s draining and I’d rather not socialize at all.
She describes the way I’d rather talk – back and forth – as “pompous, like you think you’re a king who can’t be interrupted”.
I don’t have a support system here since everyone I know here is through them, and everyone back home still believes I successfully rode off into the sunset. So, Reddit, how do I better communicate my needs to my wife? Both to not lose my job, and to enjoy conversations with her?
submitted by Euphoric_Extent_4979 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:25 IndependenceNew2476 Mobile Coffee Cart?

Anyone in this group located in the United States with barista experience and have any interest in running a mobile coffee cart? I have a coffee account with a social media following of 500k+ and want to purchase a coffee cart to for content/live streaming but I don’t want to be the one working it. I already have all the coffee equipment needed but haven’t yet purchased the cart from Simple Cart Systems. Reach out if interested.
submitted by IndependenceNew2476 to LaMarzocco [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:23 MolokoBespoko The unsuccessful search for Moors Murders victim, Keith Bennett, on Saddleworth Moor between September and October 2022

This story has been gaining some small online traction over the past couple of days, and Russell Edwards has been namedropped again by Keith Bennett’s brother, Alan Bennett, on social media. I want people to be in no doubt about what Edwards did back in 2022, and I want to make sure that the following ranks near the top of Google searches too so that people can easily find information that discredits this complete and utter charlatan.
Header photo description and credits: Greater Manchester Police employing a drone in the excavation of the site searched for the remains of Keith Bennett on Saddleworth Moor, 2nd October 2022. Manchester Evening News

Who is Russell Edwards?

Edwards is a self-proclaimed “amateur detective”, who has for many years invested a lot of his own time and money into trying to get to the bottom of numerous infamous unsolved cases. He has claimed to have identified Jack the Ripper as a Polish barber named Aaron Kosminski, and wrote a book about his “findings” called “Naming Jack the Ripper” - which have since been called into question along with the credibility of both Edwards and the forensic scientist he collaborated with in regards to both Jack the Ripper and the Moors Murders, Jari Louhelainen.

The known facts of Keith Bennett’s disappearance and murder

Keith was walking to his grandmother’s house on the evening of 16th June 1964 when he was abducted by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. According to their accounts, he was driven up to Saddleworth Moor and endured sexual assault before he was strangled to death and buried in a shallow grave. There is a detailed and extensive write-up on Brady’s and Hindley’s conflicting accounts linked here. Tragically, to this day Keith Bennett remains the only one of the couple’s victims whose remains were never recovered.
I would strongly encourage everybody to read these FAQs around the search for Keith too. I wrote these up a while ago, and Alan himself has been kind enough to contribute to them as well after the fact.

The 2022 “findings”

First off, here’s where exactly Edwards made his “discovery” in relation to where the other bodies were found. I should state that this area consists of plenty of gullies and peat soil. If you click on the 2022 Search on Saddleworth Moor flair, you‘ll see everything we discussed in this subreddit as the search was being carried out. But I will recap what happened anyway.
In a statement published on 30th September 2022, GMP Force Review Officer Martin Bottomley said:
“At around 11.25am on Thursday 29th September 2022, Greater Manchester Police was contacted by the representative of an author who has been researching the murder of Keith Bennett, a victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. Following direct contact with the author, we were informed that he had discovered what he believes are potential human remains in a remote location on the Moors and he agreed to meet with officers yesterday afternoon to elaborate on his find and direct us to a site of interest.
“The site was assessed late last night and, this morning, specialist officers have begun initial exploration activity. We are in the very early stages of assessing the information which has been brought to our attention but have made the decision to act on it in line with a normal response to a report of this kind.”
It was first reported in the Daily Mail that a “skull” had been found, although the same article then went on to say that “detectives are preparing to exhume a particular area where suspected skeletal remains have been found including what experts believe to be a child’s upper jaw with a full set of teeth”. It was also reported that a small piece of blue and white striped material, and potential samples of body tissue (although this was later discredited as a probable mixture of vegetation and muddy water), had been found.
Edwards had claimed he and his team had conducted extensive soil analysis of the area, which they had discovered 4 weeks before. There were high levels of calcium, which can indicate the presence of human remains (but the team did not mention that it also indicates the presence of limestone or another high calcium natural material). Describing the dig, he said “the smell hit me about 2ft down. Like a sewer, like ammonia. I worked as a gravedigger when I was 19. It hits you, that smell of death. It is distinctive.”
Alan Bennett later stated that the smell was probably methane - of which there are pockets containing it across the moor. Edwards also falsely stated that everything was left in situ - more on that in the paragraph after the next one.
On Saturday 1st October, Greater Manchester Police issued a statement saying that “no identifiable human remains have been found” - despite what several tabloid and local newspapers had been reporting. It was confirmed that drones were being used in the search on the 2nd October, and a statement issued by GMP later that day confirmed that excavation of the site will continue for the foreseeable future.
Edwards and members of his team started posting on Facebook and declaring that Keith Bennett had already been found. On 2nd October, Jari Louhelainen, a Senior Lecturer in Molecular Biology at Liverpool John Moores University and a member of Edwards’ team, posted a photo of himself analysing what he suspected was a “bunch of hair” from the dig site. He later confirmed in the comments of his post (after being called out for posting it in the first place) that it was a “look-a-like plant material”.
On 4th October, Detective Chief Inspector Cheryl Hughes, of GMP’s Force Review Unit, said: “Forensic Archaeologists and Forensic Anthropologists have now completed a methodical archaeological excavation and examination of the area previously dug and refilled by the member of the public. No bones, fabric or items of interest were recovered from the soil.
“These accredited and certified forensic experts are now continuing with a methodical and controlled excavation of the area immediately surrounding the original site to provide a higher level of assurance of the presence or absence of any items of interest. Further soil samples have been taken for analysis, but at this time there is no visible evidence to suggest the presence of human remains. The scene examination is ongoing.
“A report of possible human remains is always treated with seriousness. As such, we have deployed police search advisors who can support our scenes of crimes officers – this will result in more visible and high profile tactics, such as officers walking in lines to identify any potential sites of focus.
“GMP is committed to providing Keith’s family with answers following this report, both from the physical excavation and subsequent analysis of samples. This will take some time but we will keep the family updated at every stage and request that their privacy is respected.
“We have seen the outpouring of support since this news broke so know how our communities feel about this case but we are asking members of the public not to travel to the area and can assure them that we will provide timely and appropriate updates.”
At 2pm on 7th October 2022, Greater Manchester Police announced that they had closed the scene on Saddleworth Moor after finding no evidence to indicate the presence of human remains. “At this time, there is no evidence of the presence of human remains.”
Assistant Chief Constable Sarah Jackson, portfolio holder for crime, said: “We have always said that we would respond, in a timely and appropriate manner, to any credible information which may lead us towards finding Keith. Our actions in the last week or so are a highly visible example of what that response looks like, with the force utilising the knowledge and skills of accredited experts, specialist officers and staff. It is these accredited experts and specialists who have brought us to a position from where we can say that, despite a thorough search of the scene and ongoing analysis of samples taken both by ourselves and a third party, there is currently no evidence of the presence of human remains at, or surrounding, the identified site on Saddleworth Moor. However, I want to make it clear that our investigation to find answers for Keith’s family is not over.
“We understand how our communities in Greater Manchester feel about this case, the renewed interest in it and the shared desire to find Keith. Much of Saddleworth Moor is private land so we would ask that members of the public, in the first instance, report any perceived intelligence to their local police service. The discovery of suspected human remains must be reported immediately to enable the use of specialist resources to investigate appropriately.”
Senior Investigating Officer Detective Chief Inspector Cheryl Hughes said: “The investigation into Keith’s disappearance and murder has remained open since 1964 and it will not be closed until we have found the answers his family have deserved for so many years. We are thankful for their continued support of our ongoing enquiries. This has been a distressing time for them and we ask that their privacy is respected.
“We understand the confusion which may have been caused to Keith’s family and communities across Greater Manchester by reports to the contrary. We hope that by giving this detailed update today, we provide reassurance that GMP are committed to finding accurate answers for Keith’s family.
“In response to the report made on Thursday 29 September 2022, officers met with the member of the public who later provided us with samples and copies of the photographs he had taken. He also took officers to the location from which he had obtained these and provided grid references.
“In the days since, independent accredited forensic archaeologists and certified forensic anthropologists, together with GMP’s Crime Scene Investigators, have completed a methodical forensic archaeological excavation and examination of the identified area and beyond. An accredited forensic geologist also took a number of soil samples – analysis of which is ongoing.
“The items given to us by the member of the public have been examined by a forensic scientist and though this hasn’t yet indicated the presence of human remains – more analysis is required. With regards to the photograph, we have sought the assistance of a forensic botanist. We are now utilising the knowledge and skills of a forensic image expert to put a standard anthropological measurement to the object to assist with identification. At this stage, the indications are that it would be considerably smaller than a juvenile jaw and it cannot be ruled out that it is plant-based.
“The excavation and examination at the site is complete and, to reiterate, we have found no evidence that this is the burial location of Keith Bennett.”


It was discovered that two of Edwards’ team members, Lesley Dunlop (a geologist) and Dawn Keen (a forensic archaeologist) were not accredited professionals in their respective fields. Alan Bennett clarified in a Facebook post on 5th November 2022, in reference to Keen:
“Any professional archaeologist would ask for a scale in any pictures or video taken at a scene [in reference to the fact that police confirmed the object found was too small to be a juvenile jaw], that was not the case here and the reason police had to call in a photographic specialist to determine the scale of the supposed jawbone..which turns out to be too small for a child from what I've been told so far and, of course couldn't be found anyway and could only have been vegetation if anything at all.”
I am not entirely sure what the “blue and white striped fabric” turned out to be - I assume that nothing was found.
Alan has since posted evidence that Russell Edwards had been planning the “discovery of Keith’s remains” as part of a stunt to promote his upcoming book on the case - a book that Edwards has been radio-silent about since all of this controversy.
Edwards has refused to apologise to Keith’s family and despite being proven wrong, and him and his team being called out for the charlatans they are (with even him admitting that his own reputation is in tatters), as of December 2022 he stood by his actions and his claims that he believed he had found Keith’s body.
To my own understanding (though I do not speak on behalf of Alan Bennett or on behalf of anybody who was involved in this whole debacle, let me be clear), there has been complete radio-silence on news of Edwards’ book since this date.
submitted by MolokoBespoko to MoorsMurders [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:23 AtMan6798 Replicator buff

Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but what are peoples thoughts on allowing support characters to get two items from a replicator so we could craft a batt and then banners if the worse happens? I just replied on another post how I don’t tend to use replicators as it’s better I keep my one go free to craft banners
submitted by AtMan6798 to miragemains [link] [comments]

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2024.05.16 17:23 abby4mayor Where can Garage sale signs be placed in town?

I checked the city page on ordinance and code and anything on signage wasn’t very helpful or clear … where can I put yard sale signs? Thanks!
submitted by abby4mayor to SiouxFalls [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:23 thedudemightapprove 302, 327, or 350?

302, 327, or 350?
Casting numbers 3892657 all fall under a 67 307,327,350. But the issue is it has a small journal 327 crank shape, but doesn’t have the “327 web” above the passenger side water pump mount holes. Also this was advertised as a 283. Got the motor for free so I’m trying to figure out what this really is?
submitted by thedudemightapprove to EngineBuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:22 DiscountDebbie Kitsch - Hair & Body Care - 15% Off: KATHLEENDOUGHERTY15

Hair & Body Care — From hair accessories to bottle-free beauty. Feel confident when purchasing our products no matter your hair type, style, or budget. Eco-friendly.
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submitted by DiscountDebbie to PromoCodeShare [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:22 ComfortableYard3478 Robotic commode chair concept ( 18 y/o or older , uses a wheelchair )

Hi all!

Would you please help me by taking my survey? I'm looking for a general audience (anyone 18 years or older) that use a wheelchair , it is also open to caregivers of wheelchair users. The study takes 5 minutes and isa bout transferring on to the toilet from a wheelchair. This survey is to provide data and statistics to back up my concept design for a robotic wheelchair that is able to move the user onto the toilet without any difficulties, which is a lot more safer and makes them feel more independent.
Thank you!

PS. The survey contains a code at the end which gives you free survey respondents at
submitted by ComfortableYard3478 to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:22 Newbosterone Epoch Times: Remote Workers of the World, Unite

Opinion from the Epoch Times:
Walmart, which remains America’s largest employer despite Amazon’s rise to the status of world’s largest online seller, announced on May 14 that it will let go hundreds of its corporate staff and require the majority of those of its 1.6 million employees working remotely to return to the office, some four years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
... Nevertheless, no one should imagine that Walmart is tightening its belt out of being faced with lean times. As an “essential business,” no one fared better under the lockdowns than Walmart, whose net sales, for instance, grew by 10.5 percent in the first quarter of the pandemic in 2020, its e-commerce sales skyrocketing by 74 percent. The overall retail market, by comparison, declined by nearly 3 percent in that period. Walmart, in fact, was the only retailer with net income growth during the first quarter of 2o2o.
Its new personnel decision means that most Walmart employees in Dallas, Atlanta, and even Toronto will be required to relocate to Bentonville, Arkansas, the firm’s birthplace and headquarters, where a 350-acre complex is being constructed featuring a child care center, a hotel, a 360,000-square-foot health center and gym, a dining hall, and a 37-mile walking-and-biking trail.
But some 82 percent of American workers said during the lockdowns that after the pandemic they wanted to work remotely at least once a week, preferably half the time, while only 8 percent didn’t wish to work at home frequently; 19 percent wanted to work at home all the time, according to a survey of 1,100 by the Global Workplace Analytics consulting firm.
Further findings show that if not permitted to work from home after the pandemic, 54 percent would remain with that employer but would be less willing to “walk the extra mile,” while 46 percent would seek another job, according to a 2020 survey by Massachusetts-based videoconferencing firm Owl Labs. In 2016, Gallup found that 35 percent of employees would be willing to change jobs in order to work from home full time, 37 percent if it was to work remotely some of the time. Owl Labs found in 2019 that more than a third of workers would take a pay cut of 5 percent to work from home some of the time while a quarter would take a 10 percent pay cut and 20 percent of employees would take an even bigger reduction in salary. Employers oftentimes may only be hurting themselves by denying their employees’ strong, justifiable preference to work remotely.
Interesting because the Epoch Times is an explicitly right wing, free enterprise friendly newsroom.
submitted by Newbosterone to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:21 throwaway8435216 I had an emotional affair.

I emotionally cheated on my partner of 5 years, with a friend I’d met online and have known for 1 year. My BP and I have been in a non-monogamous relationship for a while, but I had only started talking sexually to my friend for about 4 months. I am bisexual, and part of the purpose of our arrangement was to let me explore my sexuality before we get older. We are all in our early 20's. BP has also had the option to pursue other people. It has only been about 3 days since DDay.
I pursued my AP with my BP’s knowledge, but my relationship with them wasn’t exclusively sexual. I’d known I had been catching feelings for a while, and I was fully aware of what I was doing, even though I found it hard to admit: I was being very affectionate with them, texting with them almost as soon as I woke up, making plans to meet up with them IRL… I even started hiding Discord notifications so that BP wouldn’t see them when I received messages from them. I used pet names, possessively, and I told them I love them.
I unwittingly revealed the emotional affair to BP as I was trying to covertly manipulate my way into having the AP as a labeled partner. This is not the first time I’ve tried to change the rules of our arrangement to fit my selfish needs. I have had a pattern of unfaithfulness that I try to couch with my guilt and shame after facing my BP’s (deserved) anger and hurt.
Right now, the consequences of my actions have sent both my BP and AP into depressive episodes: both of them have talked about suicide ideation, and I myself have not stopped crying since the day my BP discovered the EA.
One of the conversations my BP and I had about our arrangement was about how I struggle with the idea of being sexually attracted to anyone that I don’t have an emotional attachment or connection with. But I know that this is but another rationalization, because one of the only concrete rules we had for our arrangement was to not fall romantically for anyone other than BP.
I have also had long standing issues with my self-esteem, and I was thrilled with the affection I had been giving and receiving from both my BP and AP.
My BP and I aren’t perfect. We have had problems throughout our 5 years, mainly with our communication. At the moment, we have also been finding it hard to schedule time for each other. BP is in college, while I have essentially dropped out and have the luxury of free time. I’ve spent a majority of that free time within that emotional affair.
None of these issues excuse my actions, however.
I genuinely care for both of them, but I am acknowledging that I acted on selfishness and a lack of respect for my BP. I know that nothing I’m feeling right now compares to what they are feeling.
I stepped out of the bounds of our relationship because I was confident that my BP would not mind/would not leave me. I rationalized that I was simply going along with the blurry boundaries of our non-monogamous relationship, that love was hard to define in the first place, or that I could be polyamorous, and this might be something I needed to pursue.
I know what I’ve done is incredibly wrong. I have put two people in harm’s way with my decisions, decisions I’d always (even subconsciously) known were going to lead to this. I had grown too used to compartmentalizing parts of myself/my feelings from my BP, I feel that this made it easier for me to hide my feelings for AP as well.
I am still honestly struggling with the idea of having to cut my friend off, even if it was the only ultimatum that my BP gave me when they discovered the affair. The fact that I hesitated, and wanted to give them closure, and stay friends with AP, hurt them even more.
Despite BP’s pleading, and despite my desire to completely prioritize BP, AP is in a very, very bad place, and begs me to stay their friend even though we can’t be romantic. We have had two very emotional phone calls about the situation even when I have been asked to go completely NC. I told them I loved them, and I do think my feelings are genuine, and I do not want them to die, but I believe a friendship between us would stay unhealthy due to everything. They live in another country and I don’t have many options besides reaching out to AP’s IRL best friend to try and help them through this, but I can’t emphasize enough how scared I am for AP due to other circumstances in their life.
I know, however, that I am most frightened by the idea of losing BP. I truly love them, and I see a future with them. We are LC right now, and I have had time to think about our relationship, and I’m certain that I am not just afraid of ending up alone. I want to make things work with them. But I have to accept that they may very well leave me, and it’s not just about what I want anymore. I must prioritize their mental and emotional health above all else, and find a way to make amends for what I’ve done.
BP deserves better. I have to give them full transparency, tell them the truth about my actions, how I felt about everything, and why I had done the things I did. I’m willing to hear how I’ve affected them as well and bear the brunt of their emotions. I have damaged their self-esteem, I have violated their trust again and again. I do not deserve to be loved the way that they do. I no longer want to save face or compartmentalize. If they hate me, if they find me disgusting, I will fully accept it.
I have to grow and change, and put an end to the harmful patterns that put the people in my life at risk. I’m scared, and I feel paralyzed, and I can’t afford therapy or counseling (and BP does not believe in couple’s counseling) but I’m not sure what else to do. I know it’s big talk, but I don’t want it to just be that forever.
I’ve been lurking on this sub since DDay and I’m welcome to hear anything from anyone, really. I know that subs like this one and AOAI are primarily occupied by people who have been married for decades, but I'm hoping it wouldn't hurt for someone like me to post about my situation. I'm hoping there is hope.
Thank you so much for reading this far.
submitted by throwaway8435216 to SupportforWaywards [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:21 WhichRadio6124 Vave Casino - The Provision of Amazing Experience and Bonuses for All Gamers

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submitted by WhichRadio6124 to Casino_Slots [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:21 so_sick_of_flowers How do I speak up?

TW: transphobia
I’m at a loss. My “friends” are all so insanely transphobic. It’s really painful. I grew up in a republican town in a republican county. So all of the people I grew up with, my friends and family, are bigots. I hurts to hear the things they say. I’m in a group chat with bunch of guys who always send offensive and outright bigoted memes and messages. I would just block the messages, but I don’t want to be alone and I don’t want to get outted. Here’s an example of message sent TODAY:
Friend: sends news article of Peru classifying trans people as “mentally ill” with the message “Moving to Peru!”
Followed shortly by this disgusting message: “Nvm I think they are giving them free medical attention because it's a mental illness. I thought we were gonna ship them to camps. Moving back to America for now”
Three of the people I the group reacted with laughs and likes. This is so distressing. I want to say something but I don’t want anyone to know yet. I’m so sad. Why do they do this? Why am I such a coward? I should say something but I can’t.
submitted by so_sick_of_flowers to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:21 master_batter69 IMSI messages

My father is betting IMSI messages even when there is no SIM card inserted. When the mobile is connected to home WiFi he is getting the same IMSI messages from unknown numbers with some kind of codes. What is this ? Is this concerning?
submitted by master_batter69 to IsThisAScamIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:20 Oz347 Red rocks venue code?

Is there a venue code for today? Signed up for their news letter and poked around on the website but couldn’t find anything
submitted by Oz347 to prettylights [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:20 A940forever My Forced life Chapter 1 : My Messed up Family

Every day I walk by looking down because im always anxious. People’s stares, People’s voices speaking in my head. Hugh, I’m gonna puke. Unlike my brother my parents consider me average, why well because my grades are in the 80’s for all subjects, my looks are plain and my hobbies are bothersome to my parents. For me even though I have to work hard for my stuff, my brother gets everything for free. My parents spoil him because he is “cute” and has 90,s in all subjects. He even is good with the ladies, I mean I can’t even talk to one. But life is unfair and one day my life changed for the worse. “Son you are disowned” said my father. I couldn’t process the words and then I said ……… ”Why would you do this to me?”, “After everything I did: cleaning the dishes while you watch tv, Bought gifts for your Birthday, Studying at night and getting 80’s while you ate at fancy restaurants with my little brother.” And finally I said “What did I ever do to deserve all this?!”. Then my mother spoke “You don’t deserve any love no more!” And ……… “You’re a disgrace to this family, your brother deserves everything.”. The final blow was done by my dad who said “You’re just a ‘useless’ and ‘futureless’ extra.”, “So getting packing and out!”. In that moment my heart broke…………
submitted by A940forever to My_forced_life [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:19 JuliusMatt Lens recommendation for D3000?

Hello, I just received a D3000 for free from a relative and now I’m looking to buy some lenses.
I do shoot portraits and landscape a lot so I think a wide angle lens would be nice.
The reason I’m asking is that I know the D3000 can only use AF-S, and since I’m totally new to Nikon (used Sony before), I don’t know which lenses worth the investment.
I would prefer lenses that could use in later model as I want to upgrade the body later in the new future.
Thank you 🙏
submitted by JuliusMatt to Nikon [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:19 johntenuto Don’t allow someone beliefs or religion to define you! Keep a free mind - The Common Point philosophy is just about that – Common Point asserts that you hold immense power within yourself. By recognizing your own existence, you become what you are, and through the inherent powers you possess, you

submitted by johntenuto to MotivationalQuotes [link] [comments]