Thanking you note for promotion


2012.11.21 19:40 DanezTHEManez Huzzah!

opposite of /BritishProblems

2010.03.05 23:39 777kog Samsung

Community run sub for all things Samsung

2011.08.22 04:14 ForgottenPhoenix A hangout for lab nerds!


2024.06.09 12:57 topazZz1105 "You don't think I know what you've done," a story about two marriages that had seemed (almost) perfect, and one affair that (almost) ruined everything

Infidelity focused story with no HEA for anyone and an open ending.
It's completed with 14 chapters and around 36k words. It's rated E for sexual content and has some triggering topics, such as pregnancies, fertility issues, miscarriages potentially caused by magic, kinks that lean into the humiliation and degradation category, past addiction and of course, infidelity.
If you're interested in something not very happy and fluffy, but hopefully still engaging, with a heavy dose of reality and punishments for wrong choices, I think you might like this one. But please, check the tags and the note before you chose to read it.
Thank you!
submitted by topazZz1105 to Dramione [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:56 Scope_fox03 OPINION ON CONTRACT NEEDED

Hello everyone, I, 19M have applied to an agency of respectable size and work, and received a contract to sign on the same day. Some of the points on the contract included the following, I would like to have a second opinion on this:
500 Euro fee that I have to pay upon signing for promotional costs
I have to pay 10% of my revenue to exit the contract (which is of 3 years)
They will use their best efforts to pay me within 30 days of my invoice. (Here I think the term best effort doesn't give me guarantee of pay, or I don't know, it sounds pretty questionable)
I waive my rights to seek injunctive relief.
The rest in the contract is ok but these points arise some concerns. Do you think these are normal?
Thank you to everyone in advance
submitted by Scope_fox03 to MODELING [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:55 the_designer_tk [Portfolio] UX/UI, Web & Graphic Designer

🌟 Hello, I'm Tea, a UX/UI Designer! 🌟
Are you seeking to elevate your digital presence? Look no further!
I specialize in:
I offer 40 hours a week of dedicated service at an hourly rate of $25, or a flat rate for a larger project.
Curious to see my previous work and LinkedIn profile? Check them out!
Feel free to drop me a message at []( Let's bring your vision to life!
Thank you and have a wonderful day! 🌿
submitted by the_designer_tk to WebDevJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:55 the_designer_tk [For Hire] UX/UI, Web & Graphic Designer

🌟 Hello, I'm Tea, a UX/UI Designer! 🌟
Are you seeking to elevate your digital presence? Look no further!
I specialize in:
I offer 40 hours a week of dedicated service at an hourly rate of $25, or a flat rate for a larger project.
Curious to see my previous work and LinkedIn profile? Check them out!
Feel free to drop me a message at []( Let's bring your vision to life!
Thank you and have a wonderful day! 🌿
submitted by the_designer_tk to WebDeveloperJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:55 the_designer_tk [For Hire] UX/UI, Web & Graphic Designer

🌟 Hello, I'm Tea, a UX/UI Designer! 🌟
Are you seeking to elevate your digital presence? Look no further!
I specialize in:
I offer 40 hours a week of dedicated service at an hourly rate of $25, or a flat rate for a larger project.
Curious to see my previous work and LinkedIn profile? Check them out!
Feel free to drop me a message at []( Let's bring your vision to life!
Thank you and have a wonderful day! 🌿
submitted by the_designer_tk to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:54 the_designer_tk [For Hire] UX/UI, Web & Graphic Designer

🌟 Hello, I'm Tea, a UX/UI Designer! 🌟
Are you seeking to elevate your digital presence? Look no further!
I specialize in:
I offer 40 hours a week of dedicated service at an hourly rate of $25, or a flat rate for a larger project.
Curious to see my previous work and LinkedIn profile? Check them out!
Feel free to drop me a message at []( Let's bring your vision to life!
Thank you and have a wonderful day! 🌿
submitted by the_designer_tk to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:54 the_designer_tk [For Hire] UX/UI, Web & Graphic Designer

🌟 Hello, I'm Tea, a UX/UI Designer! 🌟
Are you seeking to elevate your digital presence? Look no further!
I specialize in:
I offer 40 hours a week of dedicated service at an hourly rate of $25, or a flat rate for a larger project.
Curious to see my previous work and LinkedIn profile? Check them out!
Feel free to drop me a message at []( Let's bring your vision to life!
Thank you and have a wonderful day! 🌿
submitted by the_designer_tk to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:51 IllegalSandwich123 What’s the term for a bass transitioning to a chord with a half step up/down?

An example of what I mean is in jazz where you half a typical chord progression, and at the end of each chord, the bass moves whatever note they played up or down a semitone to add a transition or slight bit of dissonance right before the next chord.
Is there a specific term for this? Or do I just have to explain this specific thing every-time?
(Also I’m not really sure if this is a notation question or a chord progression question, so, sorry if I put the wrong tag.)
submitted by IllegalSandwich123 to musictheory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:51 wonderland541 Relationship and Am Bipolar

Hi all, was wondering how you navigate ways with relationships wile being with a partner who is bipolar. I am the partner with bipolar and have been trying my best to make notes of triggers etc. I've relapsed about 4-5 times now which isn't good and very exepneksce for hospital bills. And im stressing on how to cope and stop that. My new partner just experienced me having a manic episode and it's very hard on out relationship and we both still want to be together.
Some educational advice would be nice if you've had struggles you faced with your partners. I've been searching for education proved evidence but alot are very catered towards strict planning and very stress inducing of the possible realities and was wondering if that's true as well. Thanks!
submitted by wonderland541 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:50 coffeeandtbr Why do some men pursue reconnection after years of breakup, and still remain dishonest?

This is not meant to generalize a gender or be accusatory. I was with my ex for 4 years, it was toxic, he would talk with his female friends for hours at night and accuse me of overeacting, did not stand up for me when one of his female friends blocked me after knowing we were together and ridiculed me instead. initially he pursued me and persistently tried to convince me into it, but never made the effort to make me feel secure once we got together, I left after years of begging to consider my feelings, eventhough I still loved him (i will never understand why, or what's wrong with me).
He kept asking me to come back, like the hundred times earlier, but i just didn't have it in me to repeat the cycle. I wanted to stand up for myself, unless he came back with a genuine understanding of my concerns. but he only accused me of betraying him by leaving, and cursing him - it broke my heart to know that after years of putting up with his disrespect, he thought i intended to torture or curse him, while i was still wishing him well. since none of the conversations after i broke up went well, i maintained no contact (talked once after a year, and no contact for 3 years while he tried to reach out with vague texts and calls).
i for some reason blamed myself for leaving him and not talking to him after some emotionally manipulative texts, and harboured guilt, but felt like i needed to protect myself from gettung hurt again. i couldn't move on or make the effort to be in a relationship again, but was pretty happy on my own and worked on self love.
3 months ago, we reconnected, and i would have been happy to know that he was doing okay. But instead, he cared for me regarding my spinal cord issue, and showed me more affection than he ever did before, lead me on, implied that he has been single like me, brought up things from the past when i insisted i moved on and acted detached, acted hurt that i hated him, and pleaded me to consider meeting him, called me everyday and was not his earlier toxic self. he was kind, and acknowledged his mistakes and apologized. i really thought he got better, he seemed a lot better. we met, he held my hands, read my notes on phone about me being always in love with him but never wanting to admit it, held my hands multiple times after that, and just when i opened up about getting attached to him again but not expecting anything, he said "you feel this way because u r physically and emotionally weak at the moment". and then, turned completely cold. This was just in a month.
I am just trying to understand, why?? what would have been the motive behind this all? how can he be so cruel, and trigger me, when he knew i didnt want anything to do with this? why is this bothering me so much more than the times he touched me, kissed me, or forced me to have sex without my consent? why do i feel so humiliated for thinking i could trust him, after stabding my ground for 4 years? Why wpuld he do this now, when he acted so desperate to talk and meet a month ago? I am just trying to understand, also waiting for my next therapy session, feeling powerless, and could use some help to gain more perspective on this.
why would he disrespect such loyal love then, act desperate, apologize, cry about how immature he was, and still destroy me now? all i needed was for him to be honest, and not act like i misunderstood his behaviour this time, because it cannot be categorized as friendship. I am sorry, dor being so volatile. I have never felt more broken before, i just dont know what to do with myself. I have sent him many emotional texts exolainimg why him triggering again me was the reason i feel so restless, but i just dont feel better. I want him to know how he traumatized me, and didnt deserve the kindnes and dignity i have him this time, but just feel so worthless and powerless, while he was the one who gave up on loyal love. Thank you for reading, i just dont know where to stop, i feel broken. I just want to understand and do better next time. I want to stop feeling like a loser or monster, for still feeling like i was the one who was never enough, or i was the one who gave up on him. i just feel sick of myself. i never needed his support financially or in anyway, he is the one who still owes me money, all i needed was honesty and loyalty. but why am i sitting here, feeling like a failure, about to turn 30 in 6 months, after wasting years on a guy who didnt deserve it, acting like i am happy being single, but wanting a companion who understands me because i have so much love to give? i have been overwhelmed and exhausted with my my anxiety and depresssion (recently diagnosed with Adhd), and have grown apart from friends who only contacted me when they needed to feel better about themselves. so i have very few friends now, i love them, and was very happy with where i was at life, until he came back this time and i am having second thoughts about everythung i did and chose, like i am running out of time and have ruined my life and feel lonely.
submitted by coffeeandtbr to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:47 VicksVap0Rub [WTS] Arisaka offset optic mount w/ Plate 14: Holosun 509t

Timestamp: (6/09/2024)
Accept Paypal Goods and Services only.
Please, Absolutely no notes of any kind with payment.
Please call Dibs if interested.
Thank you.
submitted by VicksVap0Rub to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:41 WardensWillGame Warden's Will β€” Elyzio β€” Roguelite Movement Shooter with Bullethell Combat and Co-op

Hi, thank you for checking out Warden's Will! a third-person, co-op movement shooter with bullet hell combat, and roguelite progression. The game is about stopping an Evil Force from destroying the galaxy. Either solo or up to 3 players.
Please, do wishlist Warden's Will on Steam if you like what you see here. We're also featured in the upcoming Next Fest that will start tomorrow! You can try the demo already!
Also, thank you moderation for this space. For folks who don't know the indie gaming scene, these little showcase opportunities may seem small and unattractive but they help us massively.
Note: You can ask questions here, I'll make sure to respond as openly as I can. I'm very active on Reddit.
submitted by WardensWillGame to Games [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:37 Chrissant_ Hard time believing in God

Note: I'm going to be writing this at approx. 3 am MST. So I wont read responses until I wake up, so expect me to reply either 12pm or later
Now this has been on my mind for a while now. As there are some things that have happened to me and my family that is either lottery winner luck, or divine intervention to make sure they are alive and well to birth and raise me. But the latter seems more likely.
But then there are definitely some concerning questions I raise about his existence.
For starters, the idea that you send yourself to hell by not believing in him, and that it's a choice or something you wanted prior.
First off, if someone believed in hell, why would they want to go? They're fed these ideas of hell being this horrible place that lasts forever for their entire lives since consciousness and all of a sudden it's their choice and that they wanted to go when they died?
Second off, how is it a choice to believe, and how can other things like homosexuality be a choice either? From what I know, there aren't any credible cases of conversion therapy that actually show it as possible. And how could belief, a strictly immutable characteristic be a choice? Why would God create someone that goes directly against his image? I believe that Jesus was a real entity and a very kind hearted person who believed what he was saying, but I can still have trouble believing that he was the son of God. (If you think belief is a choice, take a political opinion, and 'choose' to believe the exact opposite, you can't. Its either there to stay, or it naturally develops/withers away over time and exposure to new content, without your say)
Why would God give creation to those he knows will grow up to not believe? Why would he create anyone at all knowing they go to hell anyway?
I understand the all fair (even though making a belief a requirement despite no choice in it, and hereditary homosexuality aren't fair at all) and all just part, but how in any way is that all loving? And I too understand and incorporated the 'chose the decrease of power for humanity's free will' bit too, but that wouldn't answer my questions, as its just a coverup that makes no sense for trying to convince me.
That brings me onto another thing, if belief is a choice, and Christ is the only way, why would anyone need convincing to begin with? Can't they just choose to believe?
Now here's some other things I can't really get. The beginning of Genesis.
God created the heavens and the earth. Created the tree of life and knowledge. Divided the day and night and created Adam, Adam then named all of Gods other creations. God took his rib and created Eve. Awesome.
Now here's the things I don't get.
  1. God then created the serpent as a test, what for? Free will wasn't a thing. That's why Adam and Eve never realized they were naked until eating the apple.. from the tree of.. well.. knowledge. And how/why would they even fall for the serpents tricks if free will wasn't a thing? The bible even says that by eating the apple they have damned his creation forever, im assuming by implying free will. Now you can say biting the apple was the creation of evil and sin. If so, why would God create something that leads to bad? Why would God help in the creation of Sin by creating the thing that helps create sin?
  2. Why would all of humanity be damned from the apple? Why not just Adam and Eve? God has the power to do that obviously, and he loves us.
  3. This just came up as I finished writing 2, but why would God send Jesus down to rise Adam and Eve and all of the others from hell? Why Adam and Eve? They're literally the reasons for everything bad.
Now those are some of the things I can think of right now, but in certain circumstances I can definitely think of a few others.
Now please don't tell me to repent, because what good will that do? Why would God listen the prayers of a non-believer? And how would repenting help anyway if I don't believe in it?
I don't mean to be hostile, I just get a little worked up regarding this topic and a lot of sense of unjust or unfairness from God is usually boiled down to the responses of "how can you question God?" or "God is good lol" when it doesn't answer any skepticism and possibly rejects someone from converting to Christ.
Well this was my little rant for now. If I have any other thoughts or updates, I might put it down in an edit. Either way, if you read my hogwash, thank you lol. I hope you all have a good night.
submitted by Chrissant_ to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:35 Uhduh_08 soap opera situation

My PM is giving me a non-renewal and has kicked other tenants out ( I assume because she had a stack of these letters and half of the people in my part of the building are gone since receiving the letter in April)
I'm having a hard time finding an apartment. I trashed my credit due to bipolar disorder and constant job loss due to my illness. I have been in this cycle of paying them off when employed and running them up and becoming delinquent when unemployed. I admittedly listened to bad advice a couple of years ago at 24 to file for ch 7 as this isn't the first time I've been in financial ruin. so I now have a bankruptcy and a trashed credit score.
I also have the issue that I had to live with my sister due to illness and it was her first time renting and she wasnt good at paying her part so we had many times where the rent was late. I recently combed through our ledger and it seems as thought we had a running balance the entire 3 years (although, im not sure because the PM definitely said she was renewing this year because we were never late last year) There is also no way to see who paid what besides combing through bank statements.
ALSO my sister may have to live with me that may cause some problems. Our brother committed fraud in her name. He got evicted from an apartment in her name, ran up peoples gas, and comed. so her credit is wrecked and she won't even do anything about it!
But, The good thing is I have gotten a subsidy for those with mental illness, but my adverse credit/score is getting in the way with big companies. Is there anyone who can recommend companies ,private landlords etc who will rent to someone like me? NOTE: I used to work as a housing specialist for a similar subsidy and I know there are neglectful PM/landlords when people have subsidies. I don't remember what companies they used but I do know that I want to avoid Cagan as they were notoriously hard to get a hold of.
Is there someone you know of that will overlook credit/bk if they know the rent will be paid for an entire year? Also, I'm looking in Uptown, Edgewater, I may even go to rogers Park or West RP (these areas specifically because my sister goes to loyola and I was worried about the trains and coming back down to Lakeview and looking for more diversity) If there are any other neighborhoods that are easy to get to and from loyola as a woman safely and easily by public transit and diverse I would appreciate any suggestions!
I'm desperate a there is a time crunch of August 31st. It just always seems when things go right something goes wrong πŸ˜• This is causing serious stress while trying to do graduate school myself and regaining how I used to feel prior to diagnosis with meds and extremely good therapy! I have realized the traps of credit and what NOT to do when manic to not have this happen again and working on keeping a job through crisis😊
*** sorry for the sloppiness typed fighting through ambien 🀣🀣
*** I am currently unemployed but looking for a job preferably that could pay for school as a current grad student as I'm running out of aid. or I am attempting to apply for SSI or AADB (if anyone knows any tips for this I would appreciate it as well!!!!)
Thank you for any of your help and advice, and guidance πŸ™πŸ½ anything mentioned will be researched and pursued like a bloodhound 🀣
submitted by Uhduh_08 to chicagoapartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:23 Spirited_Clothes459 I need help from Democrats to educate me on political view of Biden!

Note: I genuinely want to understand your point of views with the utmost respect. I’m here to learn, not debate. Thank you very much for your time!
  1. Democrats have so many better candidates to nominate, why Biden? Let assume I agree with his policies, but his health is clearly not suitable to be in this position.
  2. I was trying to find an interview of Biden to see what his plan to help the country if he win the next election, but I could not find any. If there is no interview, what are the reasons he doesn’t have any long and in depth interview to convince people to vote for him?
  3. So many people from Democrats claim that Trump created the border crisis. Why Biden didn’t do anything to fix it? Does he have the power to do it? And if he did, please tell me how effective it is compare to the reality? This is clearly the critical problem that affects my vote.
submitted by Spirited_Clothes459 to JordanPeterson [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:20 Uhduh_08 Apartment Help

My PM is giving me a non-renewal and has kicked other tenants out ( I assume because she had a stack of these letters and half of the people in my part of the building are gone since receiving the letter in April)
I'm having a hard time finding an apartment. I trashed my credit due to bipolar disorder and constant job loss due to my illness. I have been in this cycle of paying them off when employed and running them up and becoming delinquent when unemployed. I admittedly listened to bad advice a couple of years ago at 24 to file for ch 7 as this isn't the first time I've been in financial ruin. so I now have a bankruptcy and a trashed credit score.
I also have the issue that I had to live with my sister due to illness and it was her first time renting and she wasnt good at paying her part so we had many times where the rent was late. I recently combed through our ledger and it seems as thought we had a running balance the entire 3 years (although, im not sure because the PM definitely said she was renewing this year because we were never late last year) There is also no way to see who paid what besides combing through bank statements.
ALSO my sister may have to live with me that may cause some problems. Our brother committed fraud in her name. He got evicted from an apartment in her name, ran up peoples gas, and comed. so her credit is wrecked and she won't even do anything about it!
But, The good thing is I have gotten a subsidy for those with mental illness, but my adverse credit/score is getting in the way with big companies. Is there anyone who can recommend companies ,private landlords etc who will rent to someone like me? NOTE: I used to work as a housing specialist for a similar subsidy and I know there are neglectful PM/landlords when people have subsidies. I don't remember what companies they used but I do know that I want to avoid Cagan as they were notoriously hard to get a hold of.
Is there someone you know of that will overlook credit/bk if they know the rent will be paid for an entire year? Also, I'm looking in Uptown, Edgewater, I may even go to rogers Park or West RP (these areas specifically because my sister goes to loyola and I was worried about the trains and coming back down to Lakeview and looking for more diversity) If there are any other neighborhoods that are easy to get to and from loyola as a woman safely and easily by public transit and diverse I would appreciate any suggestions!
I'm desperate a there is a time crunch of August 31st. It just always seems when things go right something goes wrong πŸ˜• This is causing serious stress while trying to do graduate school myself and regaining how I used to feel prior to diagnosis with meds and extremely good therapy! I have realized the traps of credit and what NOT to do when manic to not have this happen again and working on keeping a job through crisis😊
*** sorry for the sloppiness typed fighting through ambien 🀣🀣
*** I am currently unemployed but looking for a job preferably that could pay for school as a current grad student as I'm running out of aid. or I am attempting to apply for SSI or AADB (if anyone knows any tips for this I would appreciate it as well!!!!)
Thank you for any of your help and advice, and guidance πŸ™πŸ½ anything mentioned will be researched and pursued like a bloodhound 🀣
submitted by Uhduh_08 to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:18 Manushreshtha account recovery problems

account recovery problems
i applied for my hacked account and got this result. this account is not mine and has been changed . please help on how to change the email .
submitted by Manushreshtha to GenshinHacked [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:15 stillhereandkickin New here

Cystoscope last Thursday. My chart notes stated,”flat papillary carpeting on right lateral wall to dome”. My biopsy is scheduled for July 3. Anybody out here have anything similar? Feel free to tell me anything, I can take it. Thank you in advance.
submitted by stillhereandkickin to BladderCancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:12 EveryTypeofPain I am so tired of DPD

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I don't know where else to post though.
Twice. Twice the same DPD driver has failed to deliver an expensive package on a weekend marking it as "Sorry we missed you" and adding a random picture of wherever he couldn't be bothered to drive over from. It's so unprofessional and I really wish that DPD would actually do something about it but I know they won't so now I have to figure out how I will be able to get it tomorrow when I'm not home and there's no safe place to leave it or appropriate neighbour to leave it with.
At least I didn't pay a premium for weekend service this time, unlike last time.
Either way, thanks for that "T", you're a great delivery guy, you really deserve all those positive reviews.
Side note - Anyone know how to leave a review for specific DPD drivers?
submitted by EveryTypeofPain to deliverydrivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:11 oderviart PC doesn't detect my tablet's screen

Hello, I have been using Huion Kamvas 13 for a long time. But one morning I woke up and my computer stopped detecting my tablet's screen. The tablet works, there is no problem with that. However, when you bring the pen closer to the tablet, the mouse cursor moves on the computer screen instead of the tablet screen. I tried things written on the internet but it didn't work.
I hope I was able to explain my problem. I'll be happy if you can help me. Thanks in advance.
NOTE: I'm using Windows10. The tablet driver is also up to date.
submitted by oderviart to huion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:11 Timely-Ad4118 How to recognize a SCAM in music promotion? ( Scammer music promo)

Scams can come in many forms, but all are designed to get hold of your money. In the music promotion field, they do this by offering you a service where your song will be added to different playlists, but the results the artists will get will be completely fake and potentially will get artists banned.
But how to separate the good guys from the bad guys quickly? Here I want to share the best way to do this, thanks to what I've learned during many years of experience in this field, so you don't waste too much of your time. Here I go:
The main thing you should focus on. They don't let you check the playlists in advance. But why is this so important? By checking the playlists in advance, you can:
Check when the playlist was created (scammers get their playlists taken down many times, so they always have to create new ones)
Check constant spikes and drops (if the playlist has such characteristics since it's creation, then there is a red flag. However, a playlist could also be attacked within different periods of its creation).
Many people complain about them and the owner never replies, they are like ghosts. Nobody is answering and trying to fix the situation.
Check the duration of the playlist. 12 hours-24 hours playlists are just a waste of time. You don't want to be featured there, too many different artists, too many different genres. It will damage your profile if you even get one stream.
It's important to know how to recognize a scam, so you can protect yourself from fraudsters and don't let go of a potential good opportunity, because there are also good people doing great things for artists. ​ Good work can always be recognized. Even if someone attacks them, they will always try to find a solution to fix any issue. You can see there is someone worried and doing the work. ​ Be careful also about random artists posting about success for broke artists. These people run bot farms. They will also bring their bots to Reddit to push their posts, but you cannot find them anywhere on social media because Instagram and Tiktok erased their accounts due to fraudulent activities. If someone comes here giving advice, check their social media first. ​ I hope this information will be useful for many artists.
submitted by Timely-Ad4118 to musicmarketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:04 Chrometo Could my day possibly get any better?

For a small bit of context, I work in a small (but relatively well-known) shoe brand in Australia as a keyholder (i.e. I have a key to the store and so can do stuff like opening and closing shifts). On Sundays (like today), we are open 10 am - 6 pm, so a pretty good 8 hours. Here's the story of how my day just kept getting better thanks to 3 different customers (apologies in advance for the length!)
\1. I got to work at around 9:55 this morning, leaving just enough time to do my start-of-day cash count, maybe opening like 2 minutes late. We had a new person do all day yesterday, and it was her first time doing EOD duties, so she wasn't too sure about the full procedure when it came to banking, so she left a note asking me to finish it off for her. No problem, meant I'd probably be opening about 5 minutes late. At this point, I noticed an old man in maybe his 70s standing outside our front door taking a phone call, which whatever, people stand outside our store for all sorts of reasons all the time, especially given our proximity to the escalators and the toilets
I finished fixing up last night's banking and EOD slip and got onto my SOD slip and cash count, at maybe about 10:03 at this point. I had all the cash out on the register, clearly visible through the windows (doors locked of course), so it's obvious I am doing important stuff. Old guy starts knocking on the front door, however I just ignored him as I counted the cash. He realises I won't look up from my count and comes around to the side door and starts knocking on that. Once again, I don't respond, just keep counting and writing down what I need to on my slip. He does this a few more times, back and forth between the doors and knocking, increasingly louder while I'm counting cash, during which time I realise I've miscounted (off by around $4), as a result of him trying to get my attention
By this time, it was around 10:07. I start checking increasingly smaller amounts starting at $2 coins, emptying the pre-counted bags to make sure I've counted properly, in full view of anyone going by. Old guy is STILL knocking. I eventually got my SOD all figured out and got the POS area ready for trading and started approaching the door at like 10:10. At this point, old guy has stopped knocking and is instead gesturing at his wrist, asking "what time do you guys open?" to which I give a vague "I just had some admin stuff to do". He looks at our shoes for about 30 seconds before asking if we have any belts to which I inform him we do, just next to the counter. Has a quick look before asking if we have anything similar to what he was wearing, which we didn't. He says he bought it at a store in the city (great, we live about 25 km south of the city so that's not helpful). I just apologise and recommend either [nearby menswear stores T and C] or [nearby department store M]. He walks off at 10:12. Why did you wait a whole 10 - 15 minutes for me to open, just to be disappointed that we don't sell what you're after (which by the way, our belts are also visible through the window)
  1. Sometime after coming back from lunch, I had these two sweet customers (mum and daughter) come in and start looking around at shoes they wanted to wear for an upcoming holiday. I grab them the ones they were after and make sure the sizing is fine. Just before they came to pay for them, they wanted to quickly try on a pair from our clearance rack, so I suggested that we have several pairs under $50 there (for reference, our women's generally range from $100 - $300 and our men's around $150 - $250). They picked up a pair of the $38 heels we have which we just so happened to have in their size. In the end, the mother ended up buying a pair of sandals as well as some shoe care (very thankful for due to stupid $30 daily target). The daughter got two pairs of shoes, which meant I got a little shout-out from the owners for a "multi" sale. Overall they were very sweet and we had a good chat about their holiday plans :)
  2. Around 4:45 pm at this point, a well-put-together man in his 30s comes in and just wants to try on a pair of European-made boots, which I grab for him while I help other customers. Eventually, he tells me he needs a replacement for another pair of boots of ours which he has owned in the past and so I start suggesting some options, going through maybe 5 or 6 different styles to find a few he liked. I grab those for him to try on and the whole time checking how each pair fits, and what he does and doesn't like about each pair. He ended up picking one of these pairs to get as well as the initial pair he came in for. At this point I thought the transaction was nearing the end, but he suddenly asked if I had one of the styles in any other colours too, to which I responded we had the tan and dark brown and got those to show him. He ends up trying on the tan and liking it, decides to get that and the original black pair which he wasn't too sure on. At this point now he is getting 4 pairs of shoes
For a bit of additional context, we have a "multi competition", essentially sell $800+ worth of shoes in one transaction ($500+ if you work at the outlet store) and get a $300 visa gift card! As I'm packing away the shoes I'm thinking "is this $800??" I knew a few of the pairs were just under $200 but wasn't sure of their exact prices. I get everything up to the counter and scan it all. $830. I was practically shitting myself at this point as I never thought the day would come were I would win the multi prize. I inform him of his total and ask if he is a member, which he is, so get that all put in. At the end of the transaction, I send him off wishing him an excellent evening before giddily sending off an email to the owners to let them know I'd hit the target! I was just so elated and shocked simultaneously, like "did I seriously just win this?!" That confirmation email practically made my night, to the point where I just stopped being mad at the customer from that morning, as this basically doubles my pay for the week
I honestly just cannot believe how amazing my day has been and how it's been able to go from a terrible start to a surprising but exciting end! It's days like these that I think make the job worth it, especially as a broke 1st-year uni student
submitted by Chrometo to retailhell [link] [comments]