
The ethical treatment of disaster clean up crews

2011.11.16 20:01 Stonedthunderdick The ethical treatment of disaster clean up crews


2015.02.18 05:18 noochking /r/WaterTreatment: A subreddit for any, and all types of water!

Need help with something water related? We're here to help! Whether it'd be whole house filtration systems, Softeners, under the sink Reverse Osmosis units, Well pumps, Wells, and supporting equipment. Ask away!

2024.01.13 04:00 Cimbem RoyalTreatmentPlant

Use this subreddit to talk about all things royal treatment plant !! have fun

2024.05.16 11:04 openintegrative Just read "Brain Energy" by Dr. Christopher Palmer. Thoughts on diet affecting mental health?

Dr. Palmer argues that many mental health issues are closely tied to our metabolic health, influenced by diet and lifestyle. He suggests practical changes to enhance brain energy. Anyone else read this? What do you think about the metabolic approach to mental health treatment?
Read Review
submitted by openintegrative to u/openintegrative [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:02 sb1914 STI anxiety

Long story short - developed an itch 48 hours after intercourse. Also came on my period. The sex was very dry.
Tested negative on full STI panel 2 weeks after contact. Also completed 1 week of doxycycline as a precaution. Had some light white watery discharge which cleared after fluconazole.
Itch has gone - I did take a second fluconazole after finishing the antibiotics.
Would my tests be considered accurate now since I waited until the 2 week window period for bacterial infections (I know others take longer) or should I test for chlamydia/gonorrhea again in a few weeks? I probably will for peace of mind.
Could the doxycycline give a false negative? I tested the day after completing the course of treatment.
NOTE - I started to experience pelvic pain intermittently (still have it now) after completing antibiotics but no obvious discharge or other UTI symptoms. I do have PCOS so could be cyst pain just unfortunate timing.
Advice appreciated TIA x
submitted by sb1914 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:00 AutoModerator That didn't go well... Thursday

Welp. Here we are. Applied too much fertlizer. Fertilizer striping. Too much weed killer. Scalped the lawn. Mowed over the neighbor's Azaleas. What did you screw up? Talk about it here to get a good laugh at yourself and help other learn from your mistakes.
Recurring Threads:
Daily No Stupid Questions Thread Mowsday Monday Treatment Tuesday Weed ID Wednesday That Didn't Go Well Thursday Finally Friday: Weekend Lawn Plans Soil Saturday Lawn of the Month Monthly Mower Megathread Monthly Professionals Podium Tri-Annual Thatch Thread Quarterly Seed & Sod Megathread
submitted by AutoModerator to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:56 SincerelySasquatch Newly straightening my hair, loving my Paul Mitchell products.

Newly straightening my hair, loving my Paul Mitchell products.
Have 3b curls and have been straightening with a flat iron lately. I love these Paul Mitchell products. I'm using the treatment like a leave-in conditioner. I air dry and my hair is drying a lot faster, and my hair is staying straight way longer in the Florida humidity, and my hair is so soft and so much less frizz. It still has body and isn't weighed down. I'm also using a heat protectant by another brand but will be switching to Hot off the Press by Paul Mitchell, it's a heat protectant/hair spray combo. No water so would be good for touchups I think, and I have been looking for a hair spray so we'll see. Also going to get the Paul Mitchell clarifying shampoo to use before Olaplex, and potentially the anti-frizz sulfate-free shampoo.
submitted by SincerelySasquatch to Hair [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:55 PretendSk1n Need Advice for Confrontation

I am seeing my nmother tomorrow to have a discussion about her treatment of me and my siblings, amidst a couple other topics. I know that I cannot trust her to be fully honest as recent conversation with other family members has revealed. My main goal is to have one last conversation for myself to determine whether I'm closing the door or leaving it wide open as having it in-between has been very stressful. For reference, I am the ex-golden child used to drive away my black sheep sister and any other perceived threat to my mother.
While I am awake and aware of nmoms use of manipulation, I am scared that I will meet with her and fall back into her trap. Nmoms signature guilt move for confrontation is crying as soon as the conversation starts and it is the biggest hurdle for me anytime I've tried to speak to her in the past. If anyone has any advice on how to redirect conversation or on how to not get too emotional I will gladly take it. As well as anything else that might be helpful! Thank you!!
submitted by PretendSk1n to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:53 advancellsindia Stem Cells For ALS Or MND Treatment

Is someone you know living with MND? If yes, then it is disheartening to see them struggling with the daily routine. it is even more difficult to see them breakdown in front of you because they are unable to perform a task that they used to do with pride. We still do not know the reason why this condition manifests and disrupts a person's life. Know more about it.
Learn more:
submitted by advancellsindia to u/advancellsindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:53 Agile-Reception1524 Genioplasty for better lip seal?

In my Country this procedure isn't so expensive and i can afford it. I have "high angle" jaw but it doesn't look too bad and i can have orthodontic treatment with a bit of uplift and forward slide of the jaw (special for my case with jaw joints) i have no other issues (even not breathing one) and doctor said i am not candidate for orthognatic surgery.
What i have in mind is my lip seal isn't great because of my chin being a bit down (i have trained face muscles with tounge but i think this isn't enough).
Is here a person who did sliding genioplasty to have better lip seal?
submitted by Agile-Reception1524 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:52 Pangobon I think Garrote Rogue should get tnt treatment

Tired of having to clear board every turn only to receive 40+ dmg out of nowhere
Shuffling it into your opponent's deck would limit the otk potential, but still allow it to force some chip damage for your opponent
submitted by Pangobon to wildhearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:50 postmastern Растительный вирус подавил рост метастазов различных типов опухолей

Растительный вирус подавил рост метастазов различных типов опухолей
Ученые представили результаты применения вируса мозаики коровьего гороха против различных метастатических опухолей от меланомы до рака кишечника. В доклинических моделях лечение показало мощный терапевтический эффект — наночастицы вируса успешно подавляли вторичные очаги рака, а также предупреждали развитие рецидива.
Команда из Калифорнийского университета в Сан-Диего уже несколько лет изучает противораковые свойства вируса мозаики коровьего гороха — растительного и безопасного для человека вируса из группы комовирусов. Ранее они добились 100% выживаемости при раке кишечника. В новой работе ученые представили успешные результаты применения наночастиц вируса против опухолей толстой кишки, яичников, груди и меланомы.
Попадая в организм, вирус воспринимается чужеродным, вызывая мощную иммунную реакцию. Ранее ученые вводили его непосредственно в опухоль, чтобы сформировать сильный иммунный ответ в ее микроокружении. Новые эксперименты показали, что наночастицы вируса не обязательно направлять к опухоли. Оказалось, что они способны вызывать системный иммунный ответ, улучшая выживаемость и подавляя рост метастазов.
Важно отметить, что лечение также обеспечивает долгосрочный противораковый эффект. В экспериментах по повторному введению клеток рака животным лечение снижало риски рецидива и повышало выживаемость животных.
В настоящее время ученые подробно исследуют все молекулярные механизмы, приводящие к подавлению роста рака. После этого они намерены начать работу по подготовке пилотных клинических исследований. Растительный вирус подавил рост метастазов различных типов опухолей.
submitted by postmastern to Popular_Science_Ru [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:50 Any-Pick4980 The Bionics Institute is working on a treatment for nerve damage

In case you missed it:
submitted by Any-Pick4980 to tinnitus [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:49 infowebsite Adenoids in Kids: Child’s mouth breathing can be a sign of adenoid disease, know its symptoms and treatment

submitted by infowebsite to Infowebsite [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:46 vi0l3t-crumbl3 Risperidone and other meds

My 12 yo NB (he/him pronouns) started risperidone about a month ago. He's had a lot of trouble socially since he was a toddler and as puberty is starting his aggressive behavior and tendency to see others as attacking him has gotten worse. He was diagnosed as level 1 but the specialist said she almost chose 2; in our experience he goes through cycles where for a few weeks he's doing well and then for a few weeks he's not. I think the risperidone is working but it also could just be a good phase in the cycle.
I'm curious about how risperidone has affected your kids. What changes have you observed?
I'm also curious about other meds you feel have been effective. More precisely, anti anxiety treatments. Due to problems at school about a month ago, his phobias and anxiety attacks, which were managed pretty well for a couple of years, have flared up significantly.
He sees a therapist and has a group every week but it's not doing much for his anxiety. He expresses how much it makes him suffer. I'm on prozac and can relate but it's my understanding that SSRIs aren't advisable for people who are still growing. However in a recent post someone mentioned that their 10 or 11 yo is on Lexapro?
Anyway, I'm wondering if there are options out there and I'm not very educated about them.
submitted by vi0l3t-crumbl3 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:46 Dranoopjhurani Benefits of Hip Surgery and Longevity of Joint Replacement

Benefits of Hip Surgery and Longevity of Joint Replacement
Hip surgery, particularly total hip replacement, offers significant benefits for individuals experiencing hip pain and mobility issues. Dr. Anoop Jhurani, a renowned specialist in hip replacement surgery, emphasizes the importance of considering this option when conservative treatments have proven ineffective. Let's explore the benefits of hip surgery and address concerns regarding the longevity of joint replacements.
Benefits of Hip Surgery:
1. High Rate of Success: Total hip replacement surgery boasts a high success rate, with the majority of patients experiencing significant pain relief and improved mobility following the procedure.
2. Long-Term Results: With advancements in surgical techniques and prosthetic materials, hip implants can provide long-lasting results, allowing patients to enjoy an active lifestyle for years.
3. Pain Relief: One of the primary goals of hip surgery is to alleviate chronic hip pain, allowing individuals to perform daily activities without discomfort and improve their overall quality of life.
4. Improved Hip Mobility and Performance: Hip surgery restores joint function and mobility, enabling patients to move more freely and engage in activities they may have previously avoided due to pain or limitations.
5. Enhanced Quality of Life: Hip surgery can significantly enhance a patient's quality of life by eliminating hip pain and restoring function, allowing them to enjoy a more active and fulfilling lifestyle.
6. Peace of Mind: Knowing that hip surgery can effectively address hip pain and mobility issues provides patients with peace of mind, enabling them to focus on their recovery and future activities without the burden of chronic discomfort.
Longevity of Joint Replacements:
While hip implants are designed to be durable, their longevity can vary depending on patient age, activity level, and implant materials. With advancements in surgical techniques and implant materials, modern hip replacements can last for several decades. If a joint replacement becomes damaged or worn over time, revision hip replacement surgery can be performed to address issues and restore function.
Hip surgery, particularly hip replacement, offers numerous benefits for individuals struggling with hip pain and mobility limitations. Dr. Anoop Jhurani's expertise in hip replacement surgery ensures that patients receive optimal care and achieve successful outcomes. By understanding the benefits of hip surgery and the longevity of joint replacements, patients can make informed decisions about their treatment options and look forward to improved mobility and quality of life. If you're considering hip replacement surgery in Jaipur, India, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Anoop Jhurani for expert care and personalized treatment.
Best knee replacement in Jaipur
submitted by Dranoopjhurani to u/Dranoopjhurani [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:44 infowebsite Cardiophobia: You also feel the fear of having a heart attack, know the symptoms, causes and treatment of cardiophobia.

submitted by infowebsite to Infowebsite [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:44 NilsPsyc Looking for participants for a study at the University Hospital Bonn (compensation for full participation is 200 -220€ & Versuchspersonenstunden for psychology students)

Looking for participants for a study at the University Hospital Bonn (compensation for full participation is 200 -220€ & Versuchspersonenstunden for psychology students)
We are the Section for Medical Psychology at the University Hospital Bonn and we are researching innovative methods for the treatment of motivational disorders!
We are keen to investigate what influence the vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) has on the willingness to work for rewards and how it relates to depression.
We are looking for participants who are interested in supporting psychological research and have the resources take part. If you are interested, send us an email at []( We look forward to your participation!
If you want to find out more, please check out our website: where you find all our current projects!
  • You are between 18 - 55 years old
  • BMI between 18.5 - 30
  • People with diagnosed depression who are physically healthy
  • People without diagnosed depression who are physically healthy (never received a diagnosis for MDD in their life)
Please be aware that our compensation is not equivalent to hourly wage and is calculated based on funding and guidelines.
submitted by NilsPsyc to Bonn [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:43 alphamensmedic Why to Meet a Sexologist or Andrologist for Erectile Dysfunction Challenge

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) stands as a most common yet often unspoken challenge that affects countless men worldwide. Despite its widespread occurrence, discussions surrounding this intimate issue remain in silence. The reluctance to address sexual health concerns, coupled with a lack of accessible information, leaves many individuals grappling with ED feeling isolated and uninformed.
In today’s digital age, the internet serves as a vast repository of knowledge on a myriad of topics. However, when it comes to ED, there is a noticeable scarcity of reliable resources aimed at fostering awareness and understanding. This lack of readily available information enhance the stigma surrounding sexual health discussions, discouraging individuals from seeking the help they need.
As a result, a significant portion of those grappling with ED foregoes the option of consulting with a qualified professional such as an Andrologist or sexologist. The hesitation to seek professional guidance stems from a combination of societal taboos, misconceptions, and the perceived stigma attached to discussing sexual health matters openly.
In this article, we delve into the importance of consulting with a sexologist or Andrologist for individuals facing the challenge of ED. By shedding light on the benefits of professional guidance and debunking common misconceptions, we aim to empower individuals to take control of their sexual health and pursue effective treatment options with confidence and clarity.
To learn more about the concept visit:
submitted by alphamensmedic to u/alphamensmedic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:41 LemonDaddddy Can someone tell me what type of Korean hair treatment this is?

Here’s a picture of what looks like mini pool noodles in his hair and then also a pic of the after. Results look like a perm. Is that what this is just a different way of doing it and if so what’s it called?
submitted by LemonDaddddy to KoreanBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:41 Sweet-Count2557 15 Fun Things to Do in Long Branch

15 Fun Things to Do in Long Branch
15 Fun Things to Do in Long Branch Looking for some fantastic fun in Long Branch? Look no further! We've rounded up 15 fabulous activities and attractions that are sure to keep you entertained during your visit.From beach activities that will make a splash, to dining and shopping options that will tantalize your taste buds, there's something for everyone.And that's not all - we've got thrilling entertainment, outdoor adventures, and historical sites that will transport you to another time.But wait, there's more! We'll even give you the inside scoop on the Oceanfest Celebration, the Long Branch Public Library, Wave Resort & Spa, and Lezamas Pizza.So get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through Long Branch - the fun awaits!Key TakeawaysLong Branch offers a beautiful beach with over 2 miles of coastline.Pier Village is a great spot for dining and boutique shopping along the boardwalk.There are various entertainment options including free summer concerts at Pier Village and family-friendly performances at the New Jersey Repertory Company.Outdoor activities such as playing at Tonys Place playground and taking a stroll on the Long Branch Boardwalk are popular options for families.Beach ActivitiesWhen it comes to beach activities in Long Branch, there's no shortage of fun and excitement for everyone to enjoy. With over 2 miles of beautiful beach, Long Branch offers the perfect setting to relax and play in the surf and sand. One popular destination is Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park, where you can indulge in various beach activities. Build sandcastles with your kids, take a refreshing dip in the ocean, or simply soak up the sun while enjoying the breathtaking views.But the fun doesn't stop there. Long Branch also offers a vibrant dining and shopping scene. Along the boardwalk at Pier Village, you can explore a variety of eateries and boutique shops. Treat yourself to some coastal cuisine with the kiddos at Surf Taco, or try one of the 220 varieties of omelettes at Amy's Omelette House. And if you're craving a juicy burger, head over to Jrs, which is considered the best on the Shore. Don't forget to satisfy your sweet tooth at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory or indulge in a delicious ice cream cone at Nicholas Creamery or Coney Waffle.For entertainment and shows, you'll find plenty of options in Long Branch. Axelrod Performing Arts Center offers children's programming, while Pier Village hosts free summer concerts. In August, don't miss the annual Long Branch Jazz and Blues Festival. And if you're up for some friendly competition, challenge the kids in skee ball at the Boardwalk Fun and Games arcade.Long Branch also boasts outdoor activities that the whole family will enjoy. Take the little ones to Tonys Place playground at Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park, or go skating at Skateplex, which is open year-round and free of charge. And of course, a leisurely stroll on the Long Branch Boardwalk is always a great way to spend time together.With its rich history, Long Branch offers some fascinating historical sites to explore. Visit the historic Church of Presidents, where seven presidents spent time, and learn more about its significance.Throughout the year, Long Branch hosts various events that are perfect for families. Experience the annual Oceanfest celebration on the 4th of July, filled with fun activities and fireworks.When it comes to family-friendly attractions, Long Branch has you covered. Take your little ones to enjoy storytime at the Long Branch Public Library, where they can immerse themselves in the joy of reading.After a day filled with beach activities and exploration, you'll need a comfortable place to rest. Consider a beachfront stay at Wave Resort & Spa or Ocean Place Resort & Spa, where you can rejuvenate and unwind.And for those craving some mouthwatering pizza, make sure to try the renowned pizza at Lezamas on Broadway. And if you're in the mood for some delicious fries, Windmill has got you covered with their award-winning fries, voted the best in the state.In Long Branch, there's truly something for everyone. Whether you're looking for beach fun, delicious food, entertainment, or historical sites, this vibrant city in New Jersey has it all. So pack your bags, gather your loved ones, and get ready to create unforgettable memories in Long Branch.Dining and ShoppingAs we explore the vibrant dining and shopping scene in Long Branch, prepare to indulge in a delightful array of culinary delights and discover unique boutiques along the boardwalk at Pier Village.Long Branch offers a variety of dining options that will satisfy every craving. Whether you're in the mood for coastal cuisine or a mouthwatering burger, you'll find it here. Surf Taco is a popular spot for families, where you can feast on delicious tacos while enjoying the ocean breeze. For breakfast lovers, Amy's Omelette House is a must-visit, with over 220 varieties of omelettes to choose from. And if you're in the mood for the best burgers on the Shore, Jrs is the place to go.After satisfying your taste buds, it's time to explore the unique boutiques along the boardwalk. Pier Village is a shopper's paradise, offering a wide range of shops to suit every style. From trendy clothing boutiques to artisanal chocolate stores, there's something for everyone. Indulge in chocolates, candy, and caramel apples at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, or treat yourself to a delicious ice cream cone at Nicholas Creamery or Coney Waffle.As you stroll along the boardwalk, you'll be captivated by the lively atmosphere and the stunning views of the ocean. Take your time to browse through the shops, and don't forget to stop by the local artisans selling their handmade crafts. From unique jewelry to one-of-a-kind artwork, you'll find treasures that will make your visit to Long Branch truly memorable.Entertainment and ShowsGet ready to be entertained and delighted with an exciting lineup of shows and activities in Long Branch. Whether you're a fan of music, theater, or family-friendly events, Long Branch offers something for everyone.One of the highlights of the entertainment scene in Long Branch is the Axelrod Performing Arts Center. They offer a variety of children's programming, including theater performances and workshops. It's a great opportunity for your kids to explore their creativity and develop a love for the arts.If you're a music lover, you won't want to miss the free summer concerts at Pier Village. These concerts feature a wide range of musical genres, from rock and pop to jazz and blues. It's the perfect way to spend a summer evening, enjoying great music with the ocean as your backdrop.For jazz and blues enthusiasts, the annual Long Branch Jazz and Blues Festival in August is a must-attend event. This festival brings together talented musicians from all over the country for a weekend of soulful performances. It's a celebration of the rich musical heritage of Long Branch and a great opportunity to dance and groove to some amazing tunes.If you're looking for some family-friendly fun, head to the Boardwalk Fun and Games arcade. Challenge your kids to a game of skee ball or try your luck at the various arcade games. It's a great way to bond with your family and create lasting memories.For theater lovers, the New Jersey Repertory Company is a must-visit. They offer a range of family-friendly performances that are sure to captivate audiences of all ages. From comedies to dramas, their shows are known for their high-quality performances and engaging storytelling.In addition to these activities, Long Branch also offers Bands by the Beach in West End Park on Sunday evenings. It's a great way to relax and enjoy live music in a beautiful outdoor setting. And during the summer, you can catch family-friendly movies on the beach with Movies at the Pier.With such a diverse range of entertainment options, Long Branch truly has something for everyone. So get ready to be entertained and have a great time exploring all that this vibrant city has to offer.Outdoor ActivitiesNow let's shift our focus to the exciting world of outdoor activities in Long Branch, where you can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery while engaging in fun and active pursuits.Beach Activities:Long Branch offers over 2 miles of beautiful beach where you can soak up the sun and play in the surf and sand at Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park. It's the perfect spot for a day of relaxation and beach games with family and friends.Outdoor Recreation:If you're looking for some active fun, head to Tonys Place playground at Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park. This playground is a paradise for kids, with slides, swings, and climbing structures that will keep them entertained for hours.Skateplex at Seven Presidents is a haven for skateboarders and rollerbladers. It's open year-round and free to use, so grab your board and show off your skills on the ramps and rails.Long Branch is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, offering a wide range of activities to satisfy your adventure cravings. Whether you prefer relaxing on the beach, playing in the sand, or getting active with playgrounds and skate parks, there's something for everyone.Soak up the sun, breathe in the fresh air, and let the freedom of the outdoors invigorate your spirit in Long Branch.Historical SitesLong Branch is home to several historical sites that offer a glimpse into the rich history of the area. One of the must-visit sites is the historic Church of Presidents. This beautiful church has a unique connection to American history, as it was frequented by several U.S. presidents during their time in office. It's a fascinating place to explore, with its stunning architecture and peaceful atmosphere.Another site worth visiting is the location where seven presidents spent their time. This area isn't only historically significant but also offers a beautiful view of the ocean. Imagine standing in the same spot where these influential leaders once stood, contemplating the decisions they made and the impact they had on our nation.As you wander through these historical sites, you'll be transported back in time, imagining what life was like during the eras of these presidents. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the rich history that shaped Long Branch and the United States as a whole.Visiting these historical sites isn't only educational but also a way to honor the past and appreciate the sacrifices made by those who came before us. It's a reminder of the freedoms we enjoy today and the importance of preserving our history for future generations.EventsAs we continue our exploration of Long Branch, let's turn our attention to the exciting world of events that take place in this vibrant city. Long Branch is known for its lively atmosphere and there's always something happening to keep you entertained. Here are some of the top events that you don't want to miss:Annual Oceanfest Celebration: Long Branch knows how to throw a party, and the annual Oceanfest celebration on the 4th of July is the perfect example. This event draws thousands of people each year with its live music, delicious food vendors, and spectacular fireworks display. It's a true celebration of summer and freedom.Free Summer Concerts at Pier Village: Imagine sitting on the beach, listening to live music and feeling the cool ocean breeze. That's exactly what you can experience at the free summer concerts at Pier Village. From local bands to nationally recognized artists, these concerts offer a wide range of musical genres that will have you dancing all night long.Long Branch Jazz and Blues Festival: If you're a fan of jazz and blues music, then mark your calendar for the annual Long Branch Jazz and Blues Festival in August. This festival brings together some of the best local and national talent for a day of soulful music and good vibes. Grab a blanket, relax on the grass, and let the music wash over you.Movies at the Pier: During the summer months, Long Branch offers family-friendly movie nights on the beach. Bring your beach chairs or blankets and settle in for a night under the stars, watching some of your favorite films. It's a unique and memorable way to enjoy a movie with your loved ones.Bands by the Beach: Every Sunday evening, West End Park comes alive with the sounds of live music as part of the Bands by the Beach series. Grab a picnic blanket, bring some snacks, and enjoy the tunes while the sun sets over the ocean. It's the perfect way to end the weekend and start the new week on a high note.Long Branch is a city that knows how to have a good time, and these events are just a taste of what you can expect. Whether you're a music lover, a film buff, or simply enjoy being part of a lively crowd, there's an event for you in this vibrant city. So grab your friends, embrace the freedom, and get ready to make some unforgettable memories.Family-Friendly AttractionsWith an abundance of family-friendly attractions, Long Branch offers an array of options for entertaining and enjoyable activities for all ages. Whether you're looking for outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, or simply a day of fun at the beach, Long Branch has something for everyone in the family.To make it easier for you to plan your family outing, here is a table highlighting some of the top family-friendly attractions in Long Branch:AttractionDescriptionSeven Presidents Oceanfront ParkPlay in the surf and sand at this beautiful beach park, perfect for picnics and building sandcastles.Pier VillageEnjoy dining, shopping, and entertainment along the boardwalk.Surf TacoFeast on delicious coastal cuisine with the kids.Boardwalk Fun and Games arcadeChallenge the kids in skee ball and other arcade games.Long Branch Public LibraryEnjoy storytime for toddlers at this welcoming library.At Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park, you can spend the day playing on the playground at Tonys Place or go skating at Skateplex, which is open year-round and free. The Long Branch Boardwalk offers a leisurely stroll with beautiful ocean views, perfect for quality family time.For those looking for cultural experiences, the Axelrod Performing Arts Center offers children's programming, and the New Jersey Repertory Company features family-friendly performances. You can also catch free summer concerts at Pier Village or attend the annual Long Branch Jazz and Blues Festival in August.Long Branch truly knows how to entertain families, with events like Movies at the Pier, where you can watch family-friendly movies on the beach during the summer. Bands by the Beach in West End Park on Sunday evenings is another great option for enjoying live music with the family.With so many family-friendly attractions to choose from, Long Branch guarantees a memorable and enjoyable experience for all. So pack your bags, gather the family, and get ready for a fun-filled adventure in Long Branch!AccommodationsFor a beachfront stay in Long Branch that offers both relaxation and luxury, look no further than Wave Resort & Spa and Ocean Place Resort & Spa. These accommodations provide the perfect escape for those seeking a peaceful retreat by the ocean.Wave Resort & Spa:Nestled on the shores of Long Branch, Wave Resort & Spa offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. With its modern design and upscale amenities, this resort is the epitome of luxury. Indulge in a rejuvenating spa treatment or soak up the sun by the infinity pool. The resort also offers a variety of dining options, from a beachfront restaurant serving fresh seafood to a rooftop bar with panoramic views.Ocean Place Resort & Spa:Situated on a pristine stretch of beach, Ocean Place Resort & Spa is a haven for relaxation. The spacious rooms and suites feature elegant decor and plush furnishings, providing a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. Take a dip in the outdoor pool or unwind in the whirlpool spa. The resort also offers beach cabanas and a beachfront bar, allowing guests to fully enjoy the coastal ambiance.With their prime beachfront locations, Wave Resort & Spa and Ocean Place Resort & Spa offer the perfect accommodations for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether you're seeking a romantic getaway or a fun-filled family vacation, these resorts provide the ultimate blend of relaxation and luxury. So pack your bags and get ready to experience the freedom and tranquility of a beachfront stay in Long Branch.Best PizzaWhen it comes to finding the best pizza in Long Branch, prepare your taste buds for a mouthwatering journey through the renowned flavors of Lezamas on Broadway. This beloved pizzeria is a local favorite, known for their delicious pies that are sure to satisfy any pizza lover's cravings.Lezamas on Broadway offers a wide variety of toppings and crust options, allowing you to customize your pizza to your liking. Whether you prefer classic toppings like pepperoni and cheese or more adventurous options like buffalo chicken or barbecue pulled pork, Lezamas has got you covered. Their crust is the perfect balance of crispy and chewy, providing a satisfying bite with every slice.But it's not just the pizza that keeps people coming back to Lezamas on Broadway. The cozy and inviting atmosphere makes it the perfect place to gather with friends and family for a casual meal. The staff is friendly and attentive, ensuring that your dining experience is top-notch.In addition to their delicious pizzas, Lezamas also offers a variety of other Italian dishes, such as pasta, calzones, and salads. So if pizza isn't your thing, there are still plenty of options to choose from.Whether you're a local looking for your go-to pizza spot or a visitor in search of a memorable meal, Lezamas on Broadway is a must-try. So grab a seat, indulge in a slice (or two), and experience the mouthwatering flavors that have made this pizzeria a beloved staple in Long Branch.Best FriesAfter savoring the mouthwatering flavors of Lezamas on Broadway's renowned pizza, it's time to indulge in another culinary delight that will leave your taste buds craving for more: the delicious fries at Windmill, a local favorite voted as the best in the state.Perfectly Crispy: Windmill's fries are a crispy masterpiece. Each fry is cooked to golden perfection, with a satisfying crunch that will have you reaching for more. Whether you prefer thin and crispy or thick and hearty, Windmill has you covered. These fries are the ideal balance of soft on the inside and crispy on the outside, making them the perfect accompaniment to any meal.Irresistible Seasonings: Windmill takes their fries to the next level with their irresistible seasonings. From classic salt and pepper to bold and flavorful options like garlic Parmesan or Cajun, there's a seasoning to satisfy every craving. Each bite is bursting with flavor, elevating these fries from ordinary to extraordinary. You won't be able to resist the urge to keep reaching for more.Generous Portions: At Windmill, you definitely get your money's worth. The portions of fries are generous, ensuring that you won't leave hungry. Whether you're enjoying them as a side to your burger or as a standalone snack, you'll be impressed by the amount of fries you receive. It's no wonder they've been voted the best in the state.Local Favorite: Windmill's fries have gained a loyal following among locals and visitors alike. Their reputation for serving up the best fries in the state has made them a must-visit spot for food enthusiasts. The friendly atmosphere and incredible flavors make Windmill a favorite among both young and old. Don't miss out on the opportunity to taste these fries for yourself.Indulging in Windmill's delicious fries is an experience you won't want to miss. With their perfect crispiness, irresistible seasonings, generous portions, and local popularity, these fries are truly the best in the state. So, make sure to stop by Windmill during your visit to Long Branch and treat yourself to a fry-tastic experience. Your taste buds will thank you.Church of PresidentsLocated in Long Branch, the Church of Presidents holds a rich historical significance as the place where seven presidents spent time. This beautiful church, officially known as the St. James Episcopal Church, stands as a testament to the important role Long Branch played in American history. As you step inside, you can't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence for the presidents who once graced these very pews.To give you a glimpse into the remarkable history of the Church of Presidents, here is a table showcasing the seven presidents who visited this hallowed place:PresidentYears Spent in Long BranchUlysses S. Grant1869-1877Rutherford B. Hayes1877-1881James A. Garfield1881Chester A. Arthur1881-1885Benjamin Harrison1889-1893William McKinley1897-1901Woodrow Wilson1913-1921Imagine sitting in the same space where these influential leaders sought solace and found inspiration. The Church of Presidents not only offers a glimpse into the past, but it also serves as a reminder of the enduring values that have shaped our nation.When visiting Long Branch, make sure to carve out time to explore the Church of Presidents. Whether you have a deep appreciation for history or simply want to experience a place that has witnessed the presence of greatness, this iconic landmark is a must-see. As you walk through its doors, you'll be transported back in time, connecting with the spirit of the presidents who once graced this sacred space.Oceanfest CelebrationEvery year, Long Branch comes alive with the vibrant and exciting Oceanfest Celebration. This annual event celebrates the 4th of July in the most spectacular way, drawing people from near and far to the beautiful shores of Long Branch. Here's why you don't want to miss out on this unforgettable celebration:Fireworks Extravaganza:The highlight of Oceanfest is undoubtedly the breathtaking fireworks display. As the sun sets, the sky becomes a canvas of vibrant colors, illuminating the ocean and creating a magical atmosphere. It's a spectacle that will leave you in awe and remind you of the freedom we cherish.Live Music and Entertainment:Oceanfest offers non-stop live music and entertainment throughout the day. From local bands to renowned artists, the diverse lineup caters to all musical tastes. So, grab a blanket, find a spot on the beach, and let the music move your soul as you celebrate freedom with fellow revelers.Delicious Food and Refreshing Drinks:Indulge in a wide array of culinary delights at the Oceanfest food vendors. From mouthwatering barbecue to fresh seafood, there's something to satisfy every craving. Sip on ice-cold beverages, tropical cocktails, or even a refreshing beer as you enjoy the festivities and embrace the carefree atmosphere.Oceanfest Celebration is the perfect way to experience the freedom and joy that Long Branch has to offer. So mark your calendars, gather your loved ones, and join us for a day filled with laughter, music, food, and, of course, fireworks. Let the spirit of freedom ignite your soul at Oceanfest Celebration in Long Branch.Long Branch Public LibraryIf you're looking for a place to dive into a world of books and knowledge, the Long Branch Public Library is the perfect destination. Located in the heart of Long Branch, this library is a haven for book lovers and knowledge seekers of all ages. As you step inside, you'll be greeted by the cozy atmosphere and the inviting scent of books.The library offers an extensive collection of books, ranging from classic literature to contemporary novels, non-fiction to poetry. Whether you're into mystery, romance, or science fiction, you're sure to find something that captures your interest.But the Long Branch Public Library isn't just about books. It also provides a range of services and programs that cater to the needs and interests of the community. From book clubs and writing workshops to children's storytime and technology classes, there's always something happening at the library. The knowledgeable staff is always ready to assist you in finding the perfect book or answer any questions you may have.In addition to the impressive collection and programs, the library also offers a comfortable reading area where you can curl up with a good book and lose yourself in its pages. The peaceful ambiance and natural light streaming through the windows make it the ideal spot to relax and enjoy a quiet moment of solitude.Wave Resort & SpaWhen planning a beachfront getaway in Long Branch, one can't resist the allure of Wave Resort & Spa. Nestled along the Jersey Shore, this luxurious resort offers the perfect blend of relaxation and excitement. Here's why Wave Resort & Spa should be at the top of your list:Unparalleled accommodations:Stay in spacious, modern rooms with breathtaking ocean views.Indulge in ultimate comfort with plush bedding and state-of-the-art amenities.World-class dining options:Savor delectable cuisine at the resort's signature restaurant, serving fresh seafood and farm-to-table dishes.Enjoy casual dining at the beachfront grill, where you can feast on juicy burgers and refreshing cocktails.Exciting activities for all ages:Dive into the sparkling infinity pool and soak up the sun on the expansive deck.Pamper yourself at the luxurious spa, where you can indulge in rejuvenating treatments and massages.Keep the kids entertained at the resort's kids club, offering a variety of fun-filled activities.Wave Resort & Spa provides the perfect backdrop for a rejuvenating beach vacation. Whether you're looking to relax by the pool, indulge in gourmet dining, or explore the vibrant Long Branch area, this resort has it all.Lezamas PizzaLezamas Pizza is a hidden gem in Long Branch, offering mouthwatering slices that will satisfy even the pickiest of pizza connoisseurs. Located on Broadway, this local pizza joint is a must-visit for anyone craving a delicious and satisfying meal.When you step inside Lezamas, you'll be greeted by the aroma of freshly baked pizza. The cozy and inviting atmosphere makes it the perfect place to gather with friends or enjoy a meal with your family. The friendly staff are always ready to take your order and make sure you leave with a smile on your face.One of the things that sets Lezamas Pizza apart is their attention to quality. Each slice is made with the freshest ingredients, from the homemade dough to the flavorful sauce and generous toppings. Whether you prefer classic cheese, pepperoni, or a specialty pizza like the BBQ chicken or Margherita, you can trust that every bite will be bursting with flavor.Not only is the pizza at Lezamas delicious, but they also offer a variety of other menu items to satisfy any craving. From crispy chicken wings to hearty pasta dishes, there's something for everyone. And if you're in the mood for something sweet, don't forget to try their homemade desserts like cannoli or tiramisu.Lezamas Pizza isn't just a place to grab a quick bite to eat, it's an experience. So next time you're in Long Branch, make sure to stop by and indulge in a slice of their mouthwatering pizza. You won't be disappointed.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some Other Popular Beach Activities in Long Branch Besides Playing in the Surf and Sand at Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park?There are plenty of other popular beach activities in Long Branch besides playing in the surf and sand at Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park.You can take a leisurely stroll on the Long Branch Boardwalk, go skating at Skateplex at Seven Presidents, or enjoy the playground at Tony's Place.And if you're looking for some outdoor fun, check out the annual Oceanfest celebration on the 4th of July.Long Branch has something for everyone to enjoy by the beach!Are There Any Family-Friendly Events or Shows Happening at the Axelrod Performing Arts Center in Long Branch?Yes, there are family-friendly events and shows happening at the Axelrod Performing Arts Center in Long Branch. You and your loved ones can enjoy a variety of children's programming at this venue.It's a great way to introduce your kids to the world of performing arts while having a fun and entertaining time together. Whether it's a play, a musical, or a dance performance, the Axelrod Performing Arts Center offers something for everyone in the family to enjoy.Where Can I Find a Playground for My Kids to Play at in Long Branch?You can find a playground for your kids to play at in Long Branch at Tonys Place, located in Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park.This playground offers a fun and safe environment for children to enjoy. They can climb, slide, and have a great time while you relax and soak up the beautiful beach views.It's the perfect spot for some family fun in Long Branch!What Are Some Other Historical Sites to Visit in Long Branch Besides the Church of Presidents?There are a few other historical sites to explore in Long Branch, besides the Church of Presidents. One interesting spot is the location where seven presidents spent their time. It's a fascinating piece of history to discover.Additionally, you can visit the Long Branch Public Library for storytime for toddlers. It's a great way to engage with the little ones and foster a love for reading.These historical sites and family-friendly attractions add depth to the city's charm and offer something for everyone to enjoy.Are There Any Other Annual Events or Celebrations in Long Branch Besides Oceanfest?There are indeed other annual events and celebrations in Long Branch besides Oceanfest.One exciting event is the Long Branch Jazz and Blues Festival in August, where you can enjoy live music and soak up the vibrant atmosphere.Additionally, Bands by the Beach in West End Park on Sunday evenings offers fun for the whole family.And don't forget about the family-friendly movies on the beach during the summer with Movies at the Pier.Long Branch has something for everyone!ConclusionIn conclusion, Long Branch offers a plethora of fun-filled activities and attractions for the whole family.From enjoying the beach activities and indulging in delicious dining options to experiencing thrilling entertainment and exploring historical sites, there's never a dull moment in this vibrant coastal town.So pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Long Branch, where you can make lasting memories with your loved ones.Don't miss out on the excitement and charm that this town has to offer!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:41 wtfisgoingon651 Am I the narcissist?

I feel like I'm losing my mind, I am constantly drained and I have lost all my desire to live, I just do it from inertia. I've read about narcissists and I started thinking that my partner may be one, but now I am so confused and I am starting to believe that maybe I am the narcissist, maybe I am the problem and I can't think straight.
I nag a lot about things that he refused to do, even if I asked him multiple times. And I'm referring to basic things for an functional adult - taking out the trash, cleaning after himself, washing his clothes. If I don't tell him to do it, he doesn't do it, if I tell him maybe he will do it but afterwards he would complain that I am always so negative (because I told him again to wipe off his piss from the bathroom floor), that I am always giving him chores (I do my part of household chores, I often do his part too). When I'm asking for help and I complain that I'm always taking care of the house on my own, and I'm so tired of repeating everyday the same things, I become this vile person -his words- who only wants to control him, who is always negative and upset, who is always nagging, who wants to destroy his mental health. He starts screaming, yelling, cursing me and my family, he tells me that he can't stand me anymore, that I should find another man, that he doesn't want me anymore and so on.
The next day he acts like nothing happened, like he did not verbally abuse me, like it is my fault and he is entitled to be mad at me. He expects me to say that I'm sorry and apologize profusely, even if he would not apologize for the things he says.
When we are in public after a fight -with friends or family, he acts very kindly towards me, and when we get home, his behavior shifts and he is giving me the silent treatment, or he is stonewalling me. It's like he is an entirely another person in public.
He often says mean things to me, and after 5-10 minutes he says no that's not the truth, I never said that. He denies all the things he does or tells and he is lying about what I do and tell. He would say that I sent him messages and called him names, and when I show him the conversations and ask him to show me when and where did I do that (because he lies), he shifts the conversation to another accusation, and he returns to the first accusation after a while (the name calling one), and then bounces back to another false accusation previously discussed, and he does that, throws false accusations at me, over and over again, until I am literally dizzy and too tired to defend myself and I give up.
He started a fight in front of his parents (after I told him that his behavior indicates that he is a narc) telling them that I am not normal, that I abuse him by saying that he is a narc, that I want to manipulate him by making kim think that he is a narc. He basically told them that I said that he is manipulative and abusing, without telling them that he doesn't allow me to speak, that he starts to yell at the slightest inconvenience, that he is cursing me and my family over the smallest things, that he sometimes wouldn't let me work, he would stay next to me and yell at me during my working hours (we both work from home), he wouldn't do anything for me, for our home, for our relationship, if I don't ask for it, and when I ask him, there's a big chance that he wouldn't do it and start a fight.
We unfortunately share a home and a mortgage. He threats me that he will leave, I says ok please do, and he doesn't do it. I want to break up with him, sell the house, pay the mortgage and split the remaining money, but he doesn't want it, even if when he is arguing to me he says ok let's sell it. When it comes to a serious discussion, he backs down. I feel stuck in this home with him, he doesn't want to leave/sell his part to me/sell the whole house. He only threats me with this because he thinks that this way I will shut up my mouth.
I think that he genuinely enjoys the conflict, the yelling the cursing. It's like fuel for him. He plays the victim card but the next day he rises and shines, he is literally unbothered by anything, he gives me the silent treatment, while I'm thinking, crying, trying to speak to him, trying to communicate, trying to find ways to talk about our relationship. Neah, nothing touches him.
I feel like everyday I'm running on a hamster wheel, everyday the same loops, nothing changes, nothing gets better. We fight, he hurts me, I cry and overthink about the fight, he acts normal, he would maaaybe buy me flowers and cook dinner, and the next time I bring up something that hurts me we start all over again. And so I began asking myself if I'm the problem, maybe all of it is in my head, I started doubting my actions and my words, I started thinking that maybe I'm mentally ill, but in the middle of the fights, when I hear how he speaks, how he curses me, how he makes fun of my parents I am convinced that this is not a normal response to my "please do the laundry". But after the fight he would deny that he said or spoke those words He would tell me that I have the blame for the way he is acting, and if I want him to be nice to me and not curse me, I shouldn't tell him negative stuff such as reminding him about house chores. After a fight I am so drained I cannot think straight, I cannot work, I cannot eat, I cannot do anything besides stare at the walls and cry.
submitted by wtfisgoingon651 to TrueNarcissisticAbuse [link] [comments]


SAY GOODBYE TO BACTERIAL INFECTIONS/ RIFE FREQUENCY TREATMENT BINAURAL BEATS 🦠 submitted by Infinite-Reaction735 to generatesocsbinaural [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:36 No-Customer-9172 What conditions can be treated by a Laparoscopic Surgeon?

Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, can be used to treat a variety of conditions across different medical specialties. Some common conditions that can be treated by a laparoscopic surgeon include:
  1. Gallbladder diseases, such as gallstones or inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).
  2. Appendicitis, where the appendix becomes inflamed and requires removal.
  3. Hernias, including inguinal, umbilical, and hiatal hernias.
  4. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), often treated with laparoscopic fundoplication.
  5. Endometriosis, a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus.
  6. Ovarian cysts or tumors.
  7. Uterine fibroids, noncancerous growths in the uterus.
  8. Ectopic pregnancies, where the embryo implants outside the uterus.
  9. Colon conditions such as diverticulitis or colorectal cancer.
  10. Kidney conditions, including kidney stones or tumors.
  11. Pancreatic conditions, such as pancreatitis or pancreatic cysts.
  12. Obesity, through procedures like laparoscopic gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy.
  13. Liver conditions, such as cysts or tumors.
  14. Splenic conditions, such as splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) or splenic cysts.
These are just some examples, and the range of conditions that can be treated with laparoscopic surgery continues to expand as technology advances and surgeons gain more experience with minimally invasive techniques. Always consult with a medical professional for specific information and advice regarding your condition and treatment options.
submitted by No-Customer-9172 to u/No-Customer-9172 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:35 DualityDrn Update 0.8.1 and a new game mode: 4-Player Brawl!

Note I'm not a developer, just transcribing the patch notes here for visibility and discussion.
Hello Commanders! Tomorrow, May 16th, at 12:00 UTC, we'll release the 0.8.1 update, focusing on the new 4-Player Brawl game mode, but also introducing a number of balance changes and improvements. Let's dive into some details!

4-Player Brawl

4-Player Brawl offers a new way to play, that stands as a compliment to already established Mechabellum meta. The mode is a combination of a Free For All battle with PvE elements. You'll face off against three other players, while also contending with an NPC faction located in the middle of the map. The players' objective is to accumulate points for eliminating your opponents, while also destroying Supply Ships in the middle of the map to afford more units and upgrades in each round. The player that gets the specified amount of points first, wins the whole match.
But be careful! Being in the lead all the time isn't always beneficial. The neutral AI will pay extra attention to the best performing player each round and will set up its defenses specifically to counter their army.
The 4-Player Brawl isn't as hardcore or demanding on micromanagement as the 1v1 or 2v2 modes, and requires a different type of strategy than the usual Mechabellum match. Think in more macro terms, know when to give ground and surrender your lead, and set yourself up for the final victory!

A few words about ongoing performance improvements

The 4 Player Brawl is demanding on player hardware, due to a much larger number of units compared to classic game modes. Currently, the performance in this iteration of the mode isn't where we want it to be by the time of the full release. Players playing on high-end hardware should already have a satisfactory experience, but we want to be upfront here and it's likely that those of you playing on more mid- or low-range PCs will experience a varying degree of lag, especially in the later rounds of the 4 Player Brawl.
Improving the performance will be one of our priorities for the coming updates, so expect your performance and experience to only improve going forward. In the meantime, we want to thank you for your patience!

Balance Adjustments

Over the years of development we've had many questions regarding how we approach balancing units, production, and tech. From this update onward we'll try to address balance changes with additional notes on why a change was made in hopes to be more transparent with you all! Not every post or a hotfix we make might get that treatment, but we'll try to do this as frequently as our time allows.

Production Techs

Now all production Tech have a maximum production amount. Note: In the past, production Techs were too powerful in 2v2. This change has almost no impact on 1v1 battles, but it may limit the role of production Tech in 2v2 and our new 4-Player Brawl.


Splash range increased from 12 meters to 15 meters.
Note: After the Vulcan's unlocking cost increased from 100 to 200, the Vulcan's overall winning rate has been significantly lower than other units. This change aims to further enhance Vulcan's effectiveness against small and medium-sized units.

Melting Point

[Energy Absobtion] price decreased from 300 to 250.


The ATK reduction value of [High Explosive Ammo] has been decreased from 40% to 30%, and the price has been increased from 150 to 200.

Steel Ball

[Energy Absobtion] price decreased from 300 to 200. Note: We hope that a cheaper [Energy Absorbtion] Tech can help Steel Ball fight against the buffed Vulcan.


[Quantum Reassembly] has been adjusted: the time required for reassemble is reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds, and the maximum number of reassemble is reduced from 2 to 1. The reassembled Phoenix is calculated as a quarter of the original score at the end of the round.
Note: In the past, [Quantum Reassembly] was weak in 1v1 and strong in 2v2. This change aims to balance the strength of [Quantum Reassembly] between different modes.


ATK increased from 9661 to 10047 (4% increase).
Range decreased from 110 to 100.
[Siege Mode] has been adjusted: In siege mode, the attack interval of the Scorpion is increased by an additional 1.5 seconds, and the ATK reduction value of the Scorpion is decreased from 40% to 35%.
Note: Although the win rate of the Scorpion is not high, the relatively long range and high health of the Scorpion have made it difficult for many players to find a suitable counter. Therefore, we decided to shorten the range of the Scorpion. We hope that this change will give more units the opportunity to fight against Scorpions more effectively.

Fire Badger

HP increased from 5703 to 5931 (4% increase).
ATK increased from 26 to 27 (4% increase).
Movement speed increased from 9m/s to 10m/s.


ATK increased from 5455 to 6000 (10% increase).
Movement speed increased from 7m/s to 8m/s.


HP decreased from 10785 to 10030 (7% decrease)
The base HP of [Protective Barrier] has been decreased from 11000 to 10000.


Fixed many UI related issues.
Fixed some English translation issues.

Wrapping up

One last thing we want to mention here is that there are no new units added with this update. As you all probably noticed in our new keyart, new units are on the way, and we plan to add some still in our Early Access program, a little bit later!
As always, thank you for supporting Mechabellum and helping us along in our Early Access journey! We hope you'll like the new 4 Player Brawl mode and will share your feedback with us!
submitted by DualityDrn to Mechabellum [link] [comments]