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Pao must resign

2015.06.11 03:01 MrDerpsicle Pao must resign

This is a subreddit dedicated to bringing ~Chairman Mao~ *cough cough* Ellen Pao, to her knees. We believe that she is not only the worst CEO that Reddit has ever had, but is also a horrible person in real life. Her promotion of "safe discussion" has infringed on the free speech that Reddit was once a shining example of..We will not rest until Ellen Pao officially resigns as the CEO of Reddit.

2016.11.28 20:55 Saskatchewan Politics

Discussions about politics and life that interest Saskatchewanians.

2015.04.07 02:19 hansolo580 Button News

A place for reporters to provide short summaries of the events surrounding the Button, and its affiliated subreddits.

2024.05.29 06:04 kyouryokusenshi Is this normal for a comms position?

Is this normal for a comms position?
I just received an invitation for an assessment, this is for a private school. This is the first time I've been asked to complete an assessment as a Communications professional. This position is fairly entry level as well, so I'm trying to determine if this is worth the time. A 2-2.5 hour assessment before any actual interview? I applied only because it's close to me, but it would be a step down in job title (I have many other prospects right now) but I figured it might be worth a shot, but not for an in person 2-2.5 hour assessment. Thoughts?
submitted by kyouryokusenshi to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:03 Benev0101 Seeking Advice on Breaking Out of a Rut and Transforming My Life

Hey Reddit,
I’m a 21-year-old who finished high school four years ago. I got into a university but didn’t attend because it just didn’t feel right for me. Since then, I’ve basically been at home, spending most of my time on my computer. I’ve managed to make some money online, but I don’t have a traditional job. It’s starting to feel really wrong to just stay inside and in my hometown forever.
I’m looking for ways to break out of this cycle and transform my life. Here are some ideas I’ve been considering:
  1. Moving Abroad: I’ve thought about moving to a different country. It seems like a fresh start could be what I need, but I’m unsure about where to go or how to start this process.
  2. Finding Like-Minded Friends: I feel it might be easier to take this step if I had friends with similar goals. Maybe finding a group of people who are also looking to change their lives and moving abroad together?
  3. Scholarship and University Abroad: I’m interested in a lot of subjects, especially computer science. As a self-taught developeengineer, I’ve considered applying for a full scholarship at a university abroad. This could be a way to gain more knowledge and open up new opportunities.
  4. Moving Out and Finding a Job: Another option is to simply move out of my parents’ place and find a job in a different city or country. This could help me gain independence and new experiences.
  5. Starting Gym/Sports: On a more local level, I’ve thought about joining a gym or starting a new sport to break out of my routine and meet new people.
I’m really open to any suggestions or advice on how to proceed. What would you do in my situation? Has anyone gone through something similar and come out the other side with some good insights to share?
Thanks in advance for any help or advice!
TL;DR: 21-year-old stuck at home for the past 4 years. Considering moving abroad, finding like-minded friends, getting a scholarship, moving out, or starting a new sport. Looking for advice on how to break out of this rut and transform my life.
submitted by Benev0101 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:02 Interesting_Owl9522 Accepting Teaching Experience Outside of Certification

Hi! I was just wondering if anyone knew if one's outside employment (at let's say out of state school districts) would count for salary steps if it was for a different age group. For example, you get a job as an early childhood teacher at the DOE, but some of your teaching experience would be under Grades 1-6(like teaching 3rd grade). Thank you for any guidance!
submitted by Interesting_Owl9522 to NYCTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:02 Direct-Caterpillar77 I'm a gaming widow

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/WanderingWifie
I'm a gaming widow
Originally posted to TrueOffMyChest & Marriage
TRIGGER WARNING: addiction, physical violence
Original Post Apr 20, 2024
How is it not me? Help me understand as a gaming widow
My(38f) husband(34m) spent $1800 in 3 months on a mobile game. He recently started purchasing google play cards behind my back so it's not apparent on the bank statement. I caught him because I found it in our truck under the seat. Now he asks for google play cards...except I'm too scared to say no..he's so mean and cold and the walls have holes from it.
I started going to therapy because he's forced us into living almost below paycheck to paycheck. Ofc we've had multiple convos and he knows he may lose me.
I asked my therapist, "How is it not my fault when the kids and me are his life he's trying to escape?" . My therapist kept repeating, "I promise it's not, this is something within him".
I hate her answer.
Can you help me see it from his view? I feel like he doesn't want to be a father to our kids (2m, 7f). Maybe he doesn't want a life with me and can't admit it? Is therapist trying to coddle me? Like is she worried if she says, "WanderingWifie, you are a shit mom. You are a shit partner. You are a shit person. This is your fault because you're a SAHM and he hates living with you in the life you've created together!" That I'll never come back or hurt myself?
He tells me, "at least I'm here. I could be doing (xyz event away from home)after work". At this point I might as well consider him a "cardboard cutout that's glued to the chair". No, really. Our 2yr son got all the way out the door when I was in the backyard letting the dogs out.
I miss my husband so fucking much. We don't go to bed together anymore. He goes to bed at around 130am. I'm never his focus after the kids go to bed. He thinks he's "present" but I doubt he could tell you the plot of any movie or show we've watched lately. He's glued to it for all but maybe 1-2 waking hours...that's me being generous and counting all total points he briefly engages with us. He gets angry when I ask for help putting the kids to bed because it's in the middle of one of his battle raids.
Please please be brutally honest. I don't want to fight for someone to stay in a life they hate.
My MIL is trying to save me from her own son Apr 21, 2024
It just hit me this morning as I sat processing my most recent appointment. It was at her insistence that I saw a therapist that worked closely with women's health. My MIL is the one that briefed the therapist on the situation with her son and his addiction.
My therapist asked, "Does your MIL know how bad the situation at home can get?".
For a moment I didn't answer and the pieces slowly came together as I spoke, "I didn't need to. She saw the holes in the wall and now the shattered glass in the cabinet. I didn't even have a conversation about the cabinet. She texted me after that she was booking me with you and that a wife should never fear her husband. But I never said I was afraid. She knew.."
I cannot imagine how hard this must have been for my MIL; accepting her son is capable of evil and knowing the therapist would guide me into seeing the addiction and abuse wasn't normal, knowing it would leave to me putting plans in place to leave him. She did this knowing the divorce will be nasty and I will have main custody of the kids.
This woman stood up for other woman over her son and I don't know how to begin to thank her.
Edit: info: FIL & MIL grew up in physically abusive households they are not abusive.
My husband is verbally abusive. The concern is it transferring from holes in the walls/smashed glass to my face being met with his fist. For those that don't see holes in walls as are blind the way I can turn on a dime, it's a question of when. I had become so used to it preaddiction that it no longer phased me as "not normal". The addiction has ramped his anger issues up. I do not feel safe saying no when he asks to spend money on it.
Edit 2: I promise to continue to update and make posts. It's hard for me to not delete because this addiction...and what it's done...not only is it not talked about (on the rise according to my therapist and WHO has classified it as a disorder similar to gambling) but people that "don't get it" are like "WHAT A LOSER". Please understand this is a 13 year relationship (married for 9 of them) and he was not always like this. I loved the man I married. I do not love this man that has replaced him.
He said something really mean but it's true Apr 27, 2024
"At least I haven't wasted 30K on an education that resulted in nothing".
We've been fighting a lot...mostly about the mobile game addiction. I don't want to get into it here but it's a lot of money and time. My post history talks more about it.
I started crying on the spot when he said it. It was a low blow for many reasons.
  1. I tried several different majors in my 20's but bad mental health got in my way and I failed.
  2. I graduated last summer from a medical trade there are no jobs for.
  3. I got fired in Jan (2 weeks from the 90 day probation) from my last job and it devastated me because I tried my hardest at it...I guess I'm just garbage at admin work.
  4. I've been feeling very lost in life and wondering my purpose. Should I go back to my career I had before the kids? I was just a dog groomer...average at best..I tried to break away with a career change but that you can see.
He has tried to apologize but I'm too hurt. I don't feel like I have the right to be mad because what he said is true.
I was supposed to start volunteering at the animal shelter and groom strays for free as per my therapist's hope to "get me out there". Instead, I'm sitting with my daughter watching movies... not wanting to see the light of day.
Update: My MIL is trying to save me from her own son May 22, 2024
Well...It's been over a month... and a lot happened. He blew up my chance to volunteer at the animal shelter. He did not like it when I got strong and said, "I'm not nothing without you; I have rights, you will owe my alimony, half of the house for starters". So he went after the therapist who also mainly runs the shelter... whatever he said made her not respond to my emails or messages. I believe he accused her of purposely ruining a marriage and probably some legal threat from his response. I'm really sad and feel like I can't trust therapists after this...I worry that maybe I'm too damaged... mostly I wonder what was said. I feel freaking abandoned but I don't want to unpack that in this post tbh.
Last night all hell broke loose and I said the words out loud, "I want a seperation- I'm done". I was/am done with doing all the house chores; (laundry, dishes, all & any house cleaning, pet feeding/walking/poop clean up, all the emotional labor of helping 7f with school & teachers, taking on all the finances because he can't be trusted not to spend stupidly & selfishly). I was/am tired of doing all the potty training with 2m and 95% of diapers. I was/am tired of feeling embarassed to let people in the house because of the holes in walls.
I bet you can guess how well it went. New wall holes. Hooray. I went into the laundry room, locked it, and screamed, "No! You don't come in here! This is my safe space. I will fucking call the cops.".
I stayed there for two hours. He kept trying to get me to come out and talk. I said, "I do not feel like we can have a conversation without fighting. " each time. Then I went to bed and pretended to sleep as he got ready for work (omg I was so happy he got called in).
In the morning I texted my mil that it was over and I was leaving at the end of the month. I asked her to make sure he has support during this time...because...I still love him and don't want him to anything dumb. She responded with simply "We (meaning my fil as well) love you ". Omg I cried. I cried because, as a mother myself, I cannot imagine how painful this is for her.
Later on my husband called me. I listened to that canary sing like his life depended on it. He said he would delete the game or not spend anything on it. He said he would create a chore sch with me so I wouldn't be doing everything.
My heart so badly wanted to believe it. I knew I couldn't give in...he needed to feel the gravity of his fuck ups; the almost 3k he spent on a game in 4 months, preventing me from going to therapy, ruining my chance to restart my former career (dog groomer), and just everything.
So that's all for now...I'm sitting midnight...nervous for when he comes home tomorrow (he's gone 12-48 hours at a time for his job).
Ps. My dad is doing his second round of chemo and so far-so good. They did find cancer in his lymph nodes after yes it spread but not as bad as it could be. Thank-you to the redditor's that said such kind things.
OOP when asked why she is still talking to her husband and doesn't take the kids and leave
It's a funny thing. This is someone I've been with for 13 years. The major shift in everything happened 4 months ago when he found the game. It's not so easy when you've been a sahm for 7 years esp in this job market.
I used to say the same thing as you when I heard of people in abusive situations. All I can say is unless you've been in a situation similar you do not and cannot possibly understand.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:01 Choice_Evidence1983 I (25f) was left millions of dollars by someone I use to casually date

I am NOT OOP. OOP is u/Onceuponaclimb
Originally posted to offmychest
I (25f) was left millions of dollars by someone I use to casually date
Trigger Warnings: death, stroke
Original Post: October 19, 2022
So, I am still in shock writing this post and I haven’t told anyone yet, not even my husband. I think the first thing I need to do is speak with my husband and then decide what we want to do. I am not sure how he will feel about this. I’m going to go on a whole ride here because this is still so unbelievable.
I (25f) was left millions of dollars by an older guy I use to date. Back in 2017 when I was in college, I went to Florida to spend the summer with my uncle. I use to frequent the Las Olas area and one evening while I was out with some friends who lived in Florida, I met an older gentleman. I was 20 at the time, not a lot of experience with men or anything really.
This guy was in his early 60s but definitely looked 45 max. We started dating and mostly, I would just attend these high end events with him like galas and yacht parties and travel around the states a lot. At this time, his wife had just passed on a year ago and during the summer I met his son casually at a dinner party at his place. I would run into his son whenever I was at his place and we had a good relationship.
Dating this guy was super refreshing, like, a finer kind of life I was never really use to. It was just a fun time and all throughout this time, we never slept together once. We would kiss and cuddle but he never initiated sex. It was just great conversation, he told me about all his life experiences and how he made his money, he was into real estate, investing, and the hotel industry. He gave me a lot of advice about money etc. In the back of my mind, I knew he had money ofc but I didn’t realize he had this much money. Anyway, I was in college for Nursing (I am now an CVICU nurse) and at the end of the summer I had to go back to the North for school. A few days before I left, he actually sat me down and asked me if I really wanted to finish school. He basically was asking me to quit school and move to Florida with him and just kind of be his trophy girl. (Which honestly is what I was during the summer) I thought about it and even though it seemed easy, I honestly didn’t know a whole lot about this man, and I never saw myself as that person. I wanted the career, and the degree, and to make my own money. I never ever asked him for money or for anything at all. I just genuinely enjoyed his company.
I wanted to continue to date him however, but he said he couldn’t do the long distance and if we were going to date he would want me to live with him. For me, it was just all too soon. And the huge age gap I wasn’t sure this was something I wanted long term. We ended up going our separate ways but we still kept in touch. Checked in on each other every couple of months. Just hi and bye. I eventually got married. I of course told my husband about that relationship because it did mean a lot to me and I did care about him. The last time I spoke to him was about 3 months ago.
Well, the executor of his estate contacted me a few days ago. A few hours later his son also called me and we talked for a long time about him and how he passed. Honestly, at first I didn’t believe that it was real but after talking with his son. Wow. His son told me this guy talked about me so much and that he told him I pulled him out of depression and sadness after his mom died. His son told me I meant a lot to him because the time I came into his life was a really rough time and I made it better.
I feel so many emotions because I never knew our relationship meant so much to him. I am very grateful he thought of me and I am still not sure if I should accept this money. I am a nurse and while nurses don’t make millions, I make good money to live a comfortable life. My husband also has a great job as well. I will be talking with my husband about it soon. I don’t really know a lot about money but yea… I’m still in shock. I never thought I would ever have this amount of money my entire life.
Tldr; I got left millions of dollars by someone I use to casually date. I am now married.
Relevant Comments
OOP on how she was asked out by the older guy for dates
OOP: Not romantic or filmy at all. Just a regular way people meet. We were at a restaurant that had a bar, I went up to the bar to grab some drinks for us and he was there and offered to pay for them. He asked me to sit at the bar with him and I told him I was already out with some friends. We decided to exchange numbers and he called me. We chatted for a few days and then he asked me out to lunch. Our relationship wasn’t like, romantic or dreamy or anything of the sort. It was just a good time.
When he asked me to move to Florida he just explained he really enjoyed my company and spending time with me and he wanted to explore where this might go. It wasn’t like, “I’m inlove with you and I want to be with you forever” type thing. Thats part of the reason why I am kind of stunned.
AnotherAnimeNerd: Aside from talking to your husband, I'd talk to the son as well. You're in a spot where you and your family can live comfortably (granted, not making any bad financial decisions).
Take a month off and enjoy life, do things he enjoyed. Take his son and just reminisce.
OOP: I talked to his son a few days ago. He wanted to be cremated so his son is going to do that and its just him, his friends, and a couple of extended family members. I will speak with my husband to see if he would be okay with going. If he is, then we will attend.
OOP on speaking with an attorney on how to deal with this properly, don’t tell anyone else until she has decided on the steps on how to protect money should she accept the inheritance
OOP: Thank you for the advice. I for sure will not be telling anyone about it. I have sat on it for a few days alone and haven’t told anyone at all. I will be telling my husband this evening. And we will decide where to go from here.
OOP on if she knew how the older guy has passed on
OOP: His son told me he had a stroke. Was declared brain dead at the hospital and a day later they turned off life supporting measures.
Update – posted within the original post: October 20, 2022 (next day)
———-Update: So I spoke with my husband yesterday and he said the choice of whether to accept it or not is entirely up to me. He said money like that could forever change our lives of course, but at the end of the day, if I’m not comfortable accepting it then I shouldn’t. So, I have decided to accept it. Just thinking about being able to retire my parents gives me so much joy. Thanks for all the advice and input! I appreciate it all! ————
Relevant Comments
clowntown777: Be willing to talk to and be flirtatious with men older than your parents. Sometimes possibly even sleeping with them. Boom, get rich.
OOP: Sometimes good companionship is more meaningful than sexual escapades. Not saying we both weren’t attracted to each other but it was more than that. And also, you can form lasting relationships with people your own age. There are a lot of high value men in their 30s who will give you the world if they can and not abuse and take advantage of you, but of course you should treat them the way you want to be treated. Just be genuine. I have dated men who are way well off in their 20s. There is nothing wrong with wanting to date someone who is financially capable, society makes it seem like there is something wrong with that. I’ve never asked any man I’ve ever dated for money or other things. You become your environment and the people you hang around. I’ve learnt a lot about investing and real estate just by being among this crowd. Sometimes that knowledge is way more important than anything else. And if they happen to be 20, 30, 40 years older than you… so what? My husband isn’t a millionaire ofc, but he makes good money and he for sure is a high value man that will take care of me in many ways, and I will do the same for him.



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:00 microscopic_butthole Day three of no sleep, I think I’m losing my mind. Worried about my daughter’s medical concerns.

My daughter was recently diagnosed with severe torticollis, we saw a neurologist yesterday plus have 5 other specialists seeing her this week. She’ll be having an MRI, bloodwork, CT and physiotherapy.. on top of other appointments I can barely remember at the moment.
The thing is, I’m so beyond worried because the neurologist is advocating hard for her brain scans to be done as he saw an issue when he assessed her, and said he needs to look at her scans because it’s clear something is wrong. I don’t know what it could be and I don’t even want to speculate until the professionals take a look. I almost feel numb to it all.
I am doing everything I can to help her, I left my job to help her and chose to give her balanced meals, even if that means I eat less. I’m not complaining, I’ll eat my ramen happily if it means she’s happy and healthy. I want her to go to kindergarten and have meals she enjoys and are healthy for her.
During physio today I was told by her provider that I am doing a lot for her given all of the specialists involved, plus ordering her medical brace for her neck. I sold all of my possessions to pay for it.
But somehow, in my mind, it tells me I’m not doing enough. She said Im doing a lot to help my daughter, but my mind defaults to not believing it.
I don’t know why I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. I can’t even shower right now because I want to crawl out of my skin.
I had instructions given to me comprising of a multitude of tests/assessments before the CT and MRI and it felt like they were talking gibberish. I asked for clarification because I was overwhelmed and she said “what don’t you understand?”
Nothing, I understand absolutely nothing. I don’t understand myself and why I feel this way, and I certainly don’t understand medical jargon. She made me feel like a total idiot.
I don’t know, I know I’m not making sense. I have bipolar disorder as well so I am trying to stay strong.
Thanks for reading, I hope I can sleep tonight. I’m fighting the urge to take more than my prescribed amount of valium because that’s just not a smart idea.
Anyway, just a rant. I’m just really scared.
submitted by microscopic_butthole to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:58 Active_Anything1719 TPH legal services

Hi! Can anybody please guide me regarding this situation. I got an email yesterday from TPH legal services regarding a debt I had from couple years ago and when I told them I can pay but I need sometime, they told me that I have to right away or to hire a lawyer and ask them to negotiate on my behalf and told me they can’t give me any more time and I would have to pay it right away or they will take me to the court.
Without prejudice Your delinquent account is due payable in full, according to the applicable laws governing your contractual obligation. Unless we receive payment by certified funds within 5 days from the date of this letter, you will leave us no alternative but to consider all legal remedies and actions that could be taken against you. This may include, but may not be limited to, commencing legal action for judgment against you for the amount owing, interest and all costs recoverable by law.
With a Judgment, it will be our client's right to garnish your bank account(s) and to give instructions to the Sheriff to seize and sell your assets and property. The costs for performing such enforcements will be added to your existing debt, with interest, until paid in full.
submitted by Active_Anything1719 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:58 Feeling-Ad6999 9 years Purchasing Officer experience

Ask ko lang sana what career path I can take when I have 9 years of experience as a Purchasing Officer for a well -known restaurant in Tomas Morato? They have closed during the pandemic season and I haven't been employed since. Lately, nahihirapan ako mag hanap ng work, it's either they won't respond sa mga applications ko or ghino-ghost ako after doing some interviews. Just need some advice lang. Thank you!
submitted by Feeling-Ad6999 to JobsPhilippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:57 PinkPengin [Thank You] While majorly procrastinating

I really, really, really need to do a thing for this certification class I'm taking through my job, and I really, really, really don't want to, so I am doing any card thing I can find instead.
But a good thing is, there are cute cats hanging out with me, and I'm actually accomplishing a lot, which isn't... nothing? Even if they're not the 100% most right things?
Thanks today to these fun card pals, who filled my mailbox after the long weekend.
u/bridgewires (x3) - Well, wow! It was great to get so much mail love from you! I love the vintage Ronald McDonald card (and Grimace! Grimace is my fave!) for the Meta characters swap (and I loved hearing about your dad's way of standing up for your food choices). I also enjoyed getting your letter (and will write back about the things in there soon), and I especially enjoyed your awesome handmade mushroom hello!
u/brittybear94 - Wow! It was super-great to hear from you, and I'm honored you thought to send me one of your amazing magnets. That is going on my fridge today! It made my day.
u/KoreWrites - Thanks for the cool postcard of the Thayer Mansion - I'm glad you're enjoying your respite!
u/Reasonable_Ad1688 - Thank you so much for the great Lantern Press Washington map postcard! That one is perfect - not only did I not have it, I had never even SEEN it before!
u/SatanekoChan - Thank you so much for the great lemon clip card for the Meta Send a Card to a Friend challenge, and for the great washi and notepaper!
u/SweetyDarlingLulu (x6) - I got two separate mails from you today, and 6 cards total, and WOW! Thank you for the Orlando-themed Pride postcard, for the bevel-edged notecard and your updates, for the three amazing Big Hero Six postcards, and for the amazing glittery Pride dragon postcard! I'll write again soon.
submitted by PinkPengin to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:56 Fillasophical Need hope

For about 2 years I have done nothing. I have been unemployed and have had an income through government supports which i no longer have and have lost my house my cats and my girlfriend. In December I stopped taking my medications because I was sure they were causing my issues. It seems like all my issues sky rocketed once I took risperidone for a few months. I feel like I have no personality, no thoughts, no feelings, except rage and distress. My life feels like a constant state of being in agony in my mind. I read and read and read and all I come to find is that apathy is permanent and you can't get rid of it. If this is the case why should I keep on living. What life is this? I can't do anything because I don't know what to do or rather I think why do anything. If my existence as a human is lacking the part what makes it a human experience then why do I exist. My whole life ive been babied. Mother paying my bills when I cant and making appointments for me and what not.
Ive spent so much time on NPD or ASPD or schizoid or AvPD that I'm convinced I have some sort of cluster b personality disorder and all I can think of is why would I even try to live my life when I am nothing more than a walking pathology and don't really have a personality just a brain that works off IF statements like a line of code.
People get to experience life without having to second guess themselves all the time but that's the only thing I can do, to the point where i simply don't do anything because I'm not really doing anything I'm just acting.
I cold turkeryed lamotragine, sertraline and this other medications for sleep, I can't even remember what I was on and now I feel like I have brain damage. I can't think I can't enjoy anything I cant feel love for anyone, but I also wonder if I ever did. And it's debilitating, I constantly wonder If I ever was someone with a "soul" or if I have always been just a robot with a reactionary function to the world. If this person says this then say this back. Everything seems so fake and unreal and I honestly think I have a block in-between my brain and reality.
When I got evicted I moved into my friends parents place where he stays and now I'm stuck and can't stand it anymore. Was he even my friend though or just someone who also partied alot. I don't want to be around people I don't want to have to explain to these Christians that I can't just go to church and be cured and that my depression is a choice. For the past 2 years I've been stuck in some purgatory state and it doesn't make any sense how any living being could even feel this way. It's literally hell on earth.
I cant move out because I don't have an income and I can't get an income because in all honesty If I had a job I would quit after a week. 1 year ago I almost had a job and I did an interview and the first day of work on the way there I turned around went home and blocked all the phone numbers associated with it.
I cant get supports because by the time I'm half way through the process I realize nothing matters reality isn't real my thoughts are fake I'm a psychopath anyway so why would I bother. I applied in December and didn't follow up and just did it again. 2 weeks ago.
When I graduated in 2019 I was drinking every weekend and in 2021 started trying drugs with my best friend, we did mushrooms and acid a couple times and a few times molly on the weekends. I've been drinking since grade 9, not every weekend but any chance I could, every party, every family event and holiday. Around 2020 I became a pothead and I would smoke insane amounts of weed, some days I smoked 3.5 grams a day some days I smoked 7 grams a day but more or less from 2020 to 2023 I would smoke non stop with no breaks unless around peopoe who disaproved, waking up in the night to smoke ,sometimes twice. I also took shrooms every like 3 months for a year or so and would be able to say that I've done them 3 times a year atleast from 2020 to 2023. All while being on these meds that I have been convince are neurotoxic and designed to give you brain damage. Oh and I've tried cocaine 3 times in the last year aswell. Never did much of it tho.
So I've lost all hope in living a life that is human. I feel void of myself I don't know who I am, I constantly feel like I'm pretending and acting to be human and can't connect with anyone and they would never know I feel this way.
The past 2 years I have don't nothing but sit at home with my blinds closed and hope no one is going to knock on my door as I sit for I hours a day staring at my phone googling and resding reddit and coming to the conclusion that I have some sort of psychosis or skitzophrenia or paranoia. My friends will call and I'll watch it ring until it stops and won't reply to my family. Because whats the point in trying to be human when I am no longer a human thanks to the cognitive issues I have to face.
And there's no hope online. You have anhedonia? It's the same everywhere I look, people replying to other people's posts or articles with "same here been 20 years now." So what's the point. How am I to know if it's depression or ASPD or NPD or Permanent Apathy from being chronically staring at my phone since I was 14 and watching gore and porn since I was that age. There's no knowing, there's no certainty in my own cognition or personality, not that i have one anymore. It's like do I have this cluster b? Who knows because if I did I wouldn't let a therapist know because I'm scared I do so I don't touch on it. Everything is a loop and a pardox of mental illnesses. I should have never read anything and I could have just been like "yup I'm depressed" now I have to worry if I should even try.
I moved to this place I'm in in december and just threw all my belongings in a room and I walked over everything until a couple weeks ago I threw out thousands of dollars worth of stuff because it's in the way and I dont have my own place anymore so things don't have a designated place. Threw out my computer, my tv, my model cars and all the model building supplies I had, airbrushes compressors hundreds of paints and brushes and clamps and just so much shit because those are people things let alone the human aspect of putting them somewhere.
Now I have cloths and a phone so running away will be easier. But where to go? Food costs money, I'm just tired of not feeling like a human and realizing everything I owned was just part of the act anyway. I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything. It's all that goes through my head all day long even if I did I wouldn't know it because I'm too far gone and it would be second guessed. I've now hyperfocused on the fact that laying down and staring at my phone for 2 years straight has, if not amplified, solidified my brain damage beyond repair. Because I feel nothing all day I just stare at my phone. But I can't do that anymore because now I'm expected to be a human in this household that I no longer want to be in. I'm completely isolated and I prefer that but I don't but I do but I don't but I do. It's like I want to be able to have friends and connect with someone but that's impossible because I'm just some empty emotionless husk with pure apathy and so I don't know what to do anymore.
I could get back on meds but isn't that the cause of this. The chemical lobotomy at its finest, causing you to need more of itself.
I dont see any hope anywhere because I want to be someone who has emotions but I have none and I want to be someone who has a human experience but I am not one. What do I do? Suicide? No there's ways to cope. I don't want to cope. What the fuck? You think coping with hell on earth is better than dieing? Why would I cope when all I have then is to look around at the world going "oh look that person feels this, thats something I can't do" because that's all that goes in inside.
I just say what I think someone is expecting to hear and then I think we'll isn't that what everyone is doing? Their all saying the same shit anyway but then I think we'll no they say what they say because they feel a certain way. Something I can't do, feel. Because im a sociopath. Being out if this household could help I'm sure but that's not even fathomable. Even with supports at max I can't afford a ppace of my own. I'd have to rent a room with a stranger, but it's funny because even those who aren't strangers are strangers now.
I shower once a week because why would I shower that's a human thing. I am not human anymore. I am void of humanity.
23 and dead. Who would have thought.
No one understands any of this so I just say I'm depressed and they think i shoukd try therapy and meds. Whats that going to do? Give my sociopathic brain the ability to not be a sociopath? If only they knew what distress and pain I feel every second of every day.
Ontop of all that even I was able to come back to myself it's just constant ocd of where should I place this and when or what or where should I do and what's the most optimized way to do this or that and why is that there instead of here and how do I know if here or there is better.
So now I guess I'll go back on ssris, and go back to thinking I'm poisoning myself and then repeat this cycle until death.
I'm just gonna run away and start stealing to eat because nothing matters anyway
submitted by Fillasophical to anhedonia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:56 SaltyAqua77 So here's how much I paid to get my motorcycle fixed, what lessons should I learn moving forward?

So I bought a 2007 vstar 1100 with less than 7k miles on it cash for 3k. Insurance is $100 a month. Registration less than $250.
So far I changed both tires, first one needing to tow for $300. I don't remember how much but probably close to $1000 for both tires. I also changed the brakes.
Then apparently the fuel pump went bad which supposedly also cause some electrical issues to happen which my mechanic says I got lucky the bike didn't go into flames.
So, towing bike to mechanic: $150 + fuel pump $190 + labor $500 = $840. That a lot of money. I would feel more comfortable if everything ended up being around $340. I don't know how honest the mechanic was. He said electric work took 3 hours, another work 5 hours, it should be around $800-900 but I will just charge you $500. I think he might have played me to not bargain but there's not much I can do anyway.
I'm new to adulting, so how should I view this emergency? Shrug off the $840 as consequences of life and "this is why I work, to roll through emergencies like this" (108k salary, is the $840 still bad?). If I shouldn't shrug it off, what should I do next time? I felt the need to get it towed right away, felt pressed for time because I have a full time job without much free time, I would never figure out what happened to the bike on my own (I spent 2-3 hours just trying to start up the bike already, and exhausted).
I'm going to go ahead an accept that $500 possibly was reasonable for labor because they figured out what was wrong. But I'm also already he tricked me and it was a minor cleaning thing and he made me buy a new fuel pump to pretend. And maybe it was a 5 minute fix I couldn't figure out?
I jut need life advice. Hopefully this $840 issue was a rare thing and these type of things don't happen often with bikes. I don't know. But now I feel like things will keep happening but thankfully I am safe.
submitted by SaltyAqua77 to motorcycle [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:56 Fillasophical Need hope

For about 2 years I have done nothing. I have been unemployed and have had an income through government supports which i no longer have and have lost my house my cats and my girlfriend. In December I stopped taking my medications because I was sure they were causing my issues. It seems like all my issues sky rocketed once I took risperidone for a few months. I feel like I have no personality, no thoughts, no feelings, except rage and distress. My life feels like a constant state of being in agony in my mind. I read and read and read and all I come to find is that apathy is permanent and you can't get rid of it. If this is the case why should I keep on living. What life is this? I can't do anything because I don't know what to do or rather I think why do anything. If my existence as a human is lacking the part what makes it a human experience then why do I exist. My whole life ive been babied. Mother paying my bills when I cant and making appointments for me and what not.
Ive spent so much time on NPD or ASPD or schizoid or AvPD that I'm convinced I have some sort of cluster b personality disorder and all I can think of is why would I even try to live my life when I am nothing more than a walking pathology and don't really have a personality just a brain that works off IF statements like a line of code.
People get to experience life without having to second guess themselves all the time but that's the only thing I can do, to the point where i simply don't do anything because I'm not really doing anything I'm just acting.
I cold turkeryed lamotragine, sertraline and this other medications for sleep, I can't even remember what I was on and now I feel like I have brain damage. I can't think I can't enjoy anything I cant feel love for anyone, but I also wonder if I ever did. And it's debilitating, I constantly wonder If I ever was someone with a "soul" or if I have always been just a robot with a reactionary function to the world. If this person says this then say this back. Everything seems so fake and unreal and I honestly think I have a block in-between my brain and reality.
When I got evicted I moved into my friends parents place where he stays and now I'm stuck and can't stand it anymore. Was he even my friend though or just someone who also partied alot. I don't want to be around people I don't want to have to explain to these Christians that I can't just go to church and be cured and that my depression is a choice. For the past 2 years I've been stuck in some purgatory state and it doesn't make any sense how any living being could even feel this way. It's literally hell on earth.
I cant move out because I don't have an income and I can't get an income because in all honesty If I had a job I would quit after a week. 1 year ago I almost had a job and I did an interview and the first day of work on the way there I turned around went home and blocked all the phone numbers associated with it.
I cant get supports because by the time I'm half way through the process I realize nothing matters reality isn't real my thoughts are fake I'm a psychopath anyway so why would I bother. I applied in December and didn't follow up and just did it again. 2 weeks ago.
When I graduated in 2019 I was drinking every weekend and in 2021 started trying drugs with my best friend, we did mushrooms and acid a couple times and a few times molly on the weekends. I've been drinking since grade 9, not every weekend but any chance I could, every party, every family event and holiday. Around 2020 I became a pothead and I would smoke insane amounts of weed, some days I smoked 3.5 grams a day some days I smoked 7 grams a day but more or less from 2020 to 2023 I would smoke non stop with no breaks unless around peopoe who disaproved, waking up in the night to smoke ,sometimes twice. I also took shrooms every like 3 months for a year or so and would be able to say that I've done them 3 times a year atleast from 2020 to 2023. All while being on these meds that I have been convince are neurotoxic and designed to give you brain damage. Oh and I've tried cocaine 3 times in the last year aswell. Never did much of it tho.
So I've lost all hope in living a life that is human. I feel void of myself I don't know who I am, I constantly feel like I'm pretending and acting to be human and can't connect with anyone and they would never know I feel this way.
The past 2 years I have don't nothing but sit at home with my blinds closed and hope no one is going to knock on my door as I sit for I hours a day staring at my phone googling and resding reddit and coming to the conclusion that I have some sort of psychosis or skitzophrenia or paranoia. My friends will call and I'll watch it ring until it stops and won't reply to my family. Because whats the point in trying to be human when I am no longer a human thanks to the cognitive issues I have to face.
And there's no hope online. You have anhedonia? It's the same everywhere I look, people replying to other people's posts or articles with "same here been 20 years now." So what's the point. How am I to know if it's depression or ASPD or NPD or Permanent Apathy from being chronically staring at my phone since I was 14 and watching gore and porn since I was that age. There's no knowing, there's no certainty in my own cognition or personality, not that i have one anymore. It's like do I have this cluster b? Who knows because if I did I wouldn't let a therapist know because I'm scared I do so I don't touch on it. Everything is a loop and a pardox of mental illnesses. I should have never read anything and I could have just been like "yup I'm depressed" now I have to worry if I should even try.
I moved to this place I'm in in december and just threw all my belongings in a room and I walked over everything until a couple weeks ago I threw out thousands of dollars worth of stuff because it's in the way and I dont have my own place anymore so things don't have a designated place. Threw out my computer, my tv, my model cars and all the model building supplies I had, airbrushes compressors hundreds of paints and brushes and clamps and just so much shit because those are people things let alone the human aspect of putting them somewhere.
Now I have cloths and a phone so running away will be easier. But where to go? Food costs money, I'm just tired of not feeling like a human and realizing everything I owned was just part of the act anyway. I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything. It's all that goes through my head all day long even if I did I wouldn't know it because I'm too far gone and it would be second guessed. I've now hyperfocused on the fact that laying down and staring at my phone for 2 years straight has, if not amplified, solidified my brain damage beyond repair. Because I feel nothing all day I just stare at my phone. But I can't do that anymore because now I'm expected to be a human in this household that I no longer want to be in. I'm completely isolated and I prefer that but I don't but I do but I don't but I do. It's like I want to be able to have friends and connect with someone but that's impossible because I'm just some empty emotionless husk with pure apathy and so I don't know what to do anymore.
I could get back on meds but isn't that the cause of this. The chemical lobotomy at its finest, causing you to need more of itself.
I dont see any hope anywhere because I want to be someone who has emotions but I have none and I want to be someone who has a human experience but I am not one. What do I do? Suicide? No there's ways to cope. I don't want to cope. What the fuck? You think coping with hell on earth is better than dieing? Why would I cope when all I have then is to look around at the world going "oh look that person feels this, thats something I can't do" because that's all that goes in inside.
I just say what I think someone is expecting to hear and then I think we'll isn't that what everyone is doing? Their all saying the same shit anyway but then I think we'll no they say what they say because they feel a certain way. Something I can't do, feel. Because im a sociopath. Being out if this household could help I'm sure but that's not even fathomable. Even with supports at max I can't afford a ppace of my own. I'd have to rent a room with a stranger, but it's funny because even those who aren't strangers are strangers now.
I shower once a week because why would I shower that's a human thing. I am not human anymore. I am void of humanity.
23 and dead. Who would have thought.
No one understands any of this so I just say I'm depressed and they think i shoukd try therapy and meds. Whats that going to do? Give my sociopathic brain the ability to not be a sociopath? If only they knew what distress and pain I feel every second of every day.
Ontop of all that even I was able to come back to myself it's just constant ocd of where should I place this and when or what or where should I do and what's the most optimized way to do this or that and why is that there instead of here and how do I know if here or there is better.
So now I guess I'll go back on ssris, and go back to thinking I'm poisoning myself and then repeat this cycle until death.
I'm just gonna run away and start stealing to eat because nothing matters anyway
submitted by Fillasophical to anhedonia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:55 microscopic_butthole Day three of no sleep, I feel exhausted but yet I feel wide awake. I think I might be losing it.

My 5YO daughter was recently diagnosed with severe torticollis, we saw a neurologist yesterday plus have 5 other specialists seeing her this week. She’ll be having an MRI, bloodwork, CT and physiotherapy.. on top of other appointments I can barely remember at the moment.
The thing is, I’m so beyond worried because the neurologist is advocating hard for her brain scans to be done as he saw an issue when he assessed her, and said he needs to look at her scans because it’s clear something is wrong. I don’t know what it could be and I don’t even want to speculate until the professionals take a look. I almost feel numb to it all.
I am doing everything I can to help her, I left my job to help her and chose to give her balanced meals, even if that means I eat less because food is so expensive. I’m not complaining, I’ll eat my ramen happily if it means she’s happy and healthy. I want her to go to kindergarten and have meals she enjoys and are healthy for her.
During physio today I was told by her provider that I am doing a lot for her given all of the specialists involved, plus ordering her medical brace for her neck. I sold all of my possessions to pay for it.
But somehow, in my mind, it tells me I’m not doing enough. She said Im doing a lot to help my daughter, but my mind defaults to not believing it.
I don’t know why I can’t sleep, I can’t eat.
I had instructions given to me comprising of a multitude of tests/assessments before the CT and MRI and it felt like they were talking gibberish. I asked for clarification because I was overwhelmed and she said “what don’t you understand?”
Nothing, I understand absolutely nothing. I don’t understand myself and why I feel this way, and I certainly don’t understand medical jargon. She made me feel like a total idiot.
I don’t know, I know I’m not making sense. I have bipolar disorder as well so I am trying to stay strong.
Thanks for reading, I hope I can sleep tonight. I’m fighting the urge to take more than my prescribed amount of valium because that’s just not a smart idea.
Anyway, just a rant. I’m just really scared.
submitted by microscopic_butthole to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:55 Cute_While3413 Want to share

Hi this is my first ever post or thread? di ako nagpopost dito sa reddit, lurker lang talaga ako. I wanted to share how my 4yr old crush ended. Kung andito ka man nagbabasa okay lang itatago nalang kita. PERO SANA WALA KA DITO
Disclaimer: Baka ayaw niyo ng napaka habang post or story, then step away. Also di po ako magaling sa grammar, babarilin ko mag-correct sakin.
So ito na nga mga Bhie,
It started when I was in college 2nd year, pandemic that time, we had online classes that time. Hindi kami close, so pano kami naging close? nung 1st year college magkaklase kami pero no interaction whatsoever. Then nung nagkapandemic nag enroll lahat online, kaming dalawa lang yung magkakilala. Siya yung unang nag chat sakin about sa assignment na ipapasa. Then we got to know each other sa mga chikahan saka kwentuhan(hindi ko na ilalahat kasi di ko na maalala.)
Then nagpapakita na siya ng hints, like nag sesend na siya ng pictures niya, nung una hindi ko masyado binibigyan ng pansin. Then nakikita ko din na nagshashare siya ng posts like mga pang banat or parinig na memes. Then that was the time na I started liking her back, because of the vibes, same kasi kami ng vibes. lagi na kaming late night naguusap, sabay nakikinig music sa discord server (typical teenage scenarios paginlove haha).
Late ko na na-realized na I'm giving too much attention, like too much. I was love bombing her, wala kasi ako experience pag-dating sa mga ganitong scenario. Dun ko din na-realize na ayaw pala talaga ng mga babae na masyadong clingy, di ko naman nilalahat girls ah.
Nagiging cold na siya sa mga chat niya, I forgot to mention na nag-lalaro din kami ng ML(Mobile Legends) that time, then I would invite her everytime na makikita ko siyang online but one time inivite ko siya, she declined the invitation. It started to confuse the shit out of me. Dumating pa sa point na iniistalk ko na yung mga kalaro niya.
Taposssss.... nahihirapan na ako mag-understand kung anong nangyari that time, so I mustered up my courage to confess, I wrote a letter dun ko ini-explain kung ano yung nararamdaman ko sa kanya, then I hit send. Syempre ito na yung mga long message, di ko na maalala yung lahat pero ang context ng whole conversation namin non, she lost the feels. then she would see me as a friend lang.
Thennnn, Semester break na non, with 2 months vacation I think, di ko na talaga maalala. 2 months without contact bago kami nag face to face ulit. Siya parin yung kaklase ko non. Akala ko naka move on nako pero hindi, bumalik lahat.
(I'll skip past to 4th yr) Requirement for our graduation is the internship, we had internship in this large company, I invited her to apply para sama sama na kaming mga friendship, na assigned kami sa 2 different schedule. I had the freedom to join her schedule, pero hindi ko ginawa. Maybe the worst or best decision that I've made. Minsan nalang kasi magkita during those intership, gawa nga nung different schedules so 2 araw lang lahat papasok ng interns sabi ni management. There was one guy na nakakasama niya lagi sa schedule niya. But even Before that nung sabay sabay lahat pumasok ng interns, sabay kami ni girl lumabas nung building pababa, pero one time, nung pauwi na hindi na siya sumabay sakin, kundi dun na sa guy.
I was silent the whole time, sa likod lang nila naglalakad pinagmamasdan sila. Then everytime na may picture taking kaming nsa management, humahanap ako ng paraan para mag tabi kami sa picture, pero yung guy lagi niyang hinahanap. Syempre gotta let out that forced smile.
so as I've said before, maybe the worst or best decision that I've made, worst kase nakahanap na siya ng iba. Best kasi di ko masyado silang nakikita. 4 months internship nun e, edi 4 months ka-ding patay sa selos.
Then graduation came, last day with her. I did enjoy every bits of it. I even gave her gift as my farewell gift. Time to apply for a job na, every time na makakahanap ako ng job, I would think of inviting her to apply as well. But di ko na ginawa, then no contact na kami for almost a few months now. ito lately nalang nagkaroon,
Here's present, nag-chat ulet kami lately, then the conversation eventually lead to infatuations, na delulu na naman ako, hoping for all these times. But I was wrong again. Sabi ko sa sarili ko di nako mag-confess ulit, pero di ko nagawa e, she likes someone else na pala.
Yun lang chika ko for today.
P/S: always shoot your shot peeps para di kayo matulad sakin na umasa ng ganong katagal. If you can't do it because you're scared, then DO IT SCARED.
submitted by Cute_While3413 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:53 HarshBhasin1 Need advice

So.. I am joining in Fedex as a Cargo Loader on 31st. Just wanted to ask if you guys have any advice regarding my situation or just for the job in general.
My shift is 5 to 9 in the morning, but I’m a student and don’t have a car, so I’m gonna use transit for the travel. And the last transit from my place goes at like 12 midnight, and I’ll reach the warehouse at like 2-3. So do I just go in early? Should I talk to my manager, when I meet them, about some schedule changes or something like that? Idk… I’m pretty confused with this situation.
Can anyone explain what I should do? Thanks.
submitted by HarshBhasin1 to Fedexers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:53 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches

Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches
Are you in search of a reliable and efficient way to carry your 22LR magazines while on the field or range? Look no further as we've gathered the best options available for you. Our roundup of 22Lr Magazine Pouches offers a variety of designs and features tailored to suit your individual needs. Explore the latest offerings and discover the perfect solution to keep your magazines secure and accessible during your next shooting excursion.

The Top 5 Best 22Lr Magazine Pouches

  1. Duty Double Pistol & Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch MOLLE-Compatible USA-Made - High-speed, adjustable-retention Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch with black finish, ideal for carrying various equipment and accessories.
  2. Rapid Access Open Top AR Magazine Pouch for 308 Magazines - The RangeMaxx Open Top AR Magazine Pouch provides secure and rapid access to 5.56 or 7.62 AR rifle magazines, perfect for any shooting enthusiast.
  3. Stick Magazine Pouch for M4 Triple Stacker - Multicam - The Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch offers ultimate versatility, holding six M4 magazines and featuring adjustable bungee retention cords, fully Molle compatible design, and six button snap webbing straps for seamless attachment.
  4. Compact and Versatile 22LR Magazine Pouch - The PHLSTER Ascent rifle pouch offers a sleek, slim, and versatile solution for IWB concealment, with an ultra-high-strength flexible polymer textile for structure and compatibility, making it a top pick for 22Lr magazine pouches.
  5. Blackhawk 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch - Secure and Adjustable - Secure and sturdy, the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch provides a snug fit and easy access to your magazines, while offering the versatility of MOLLE attachment and adjustable shock cord options.
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🔗Duty Double Pistol & Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch MOLLE-Compatible USA-Made
As an avid shooter, I've tried numerous magazine pouches over the years. However, the High Speed Gear Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch has quickly become my go-to choice. This sleek, compact pouch not only securely holds most rifle and pistol caliber magazines but also offers the flexibility to fit a variety of other items such as radios, shotgun shell trays, and multitools. Its unique design, featuring an open top and tapered, protruding brackets, ensures quick and easy access to your equipment, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor activities.
One standout feature of this pouch is its compatibility with both MOLLE and belts up to 2 inches wide, thanks to the new HSGI Universal Clips. Not only does it provide versatility in its attachment options, but it's also built with heavy-duty nylon laminate, shock cord, and polymer brackets to provide adjustable retention and durability. This pouch has endured rigorous use and continues to perform flawlessly.
The only downside I've noticed is that the pouch is quite narrow, which can make it difficult to fit larger items like some shotgun shell trays. However, this minor issue has not detracted from my overall satisfaction with the product. If you're in the market for a high-quality, American-made magazine pouch that offers both functionality and versatility, I wholeheartedly recommend the High Speed Gear Duty Double Pistol / Rifle Taco Magazine Pouch.

🔗Rapid Access Open Top AR Magazine Pouch for 308 Magazines
When it comes to finding the perfect magazine pouch for your AR-type rifle, the RangeMaxx Open Top has proven to be a great option for many. This pouch is perfect for those on a budget or for those just starting out in the shooting world. Constructed with rugged 1,000D polyester, the pouch is built to last. The metal grommet drain hole on the bottom allows water to escape, keeping your magazine intact even in wet conditions.
My experience with this pouch has been fairly positive. It effectively holds AR-type rifle magazines securely and provides rapid access when needed. The elastic band and bungee cord with lock keep the magazine in place, preventing it from falling out unexpectedly. Its ability to fit belts up to 1-3/4" adds versatility to its design.
However, I did find a few drawbacks. The pouch seems to struggle with fitting slightly larger magazines, such as those for 308 rifles. I also encountered some resistance when trying to insert larger, AICS magazines. It's important to note that the packaging might be somewhat misleading in regards to the range of magazines this pouch can accommodate.
Overall, the RangeMaxx Open Top AR Magazine Pouch is a reliable and budget-friendly option for carrying AR-type rifle magazines in the field or at the range. While it may not be the best choice for those seeking a more robust or versatile pouch, it does an adequate job for most shooting enthusiasts.

🔗Stick Magazine Pouch for M4 Triple Stacker - Multicam
I recently had the chance to try out the Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch in Multicam, and I must say, it's a game-changer for any combat enthusiast. This pouch is built to last, with a rugged and durable construction that can withstand even the toughest conditions.
One of the most impressive features of this pouch is its capacity to hold six 30-round M4 magazines in a triple row, double-stacked pattern. This means you can easily store a complete combat load of ammo, giving you the extra firepower you need when you need it most.
The open top design of the pouch is also a major plus. In a high-stress firefight situation, the last thing you want is to struggle to get to your ammo. With the Shellback Tactical pouch, you can quickly and easily access your mags, thanks to the six open top slots.
Each slot also features adjustable bungee retention cords with pull tabs, ensuring your magazines stay securely in place. This attention to detail is what sets this pouch apart from similar products on the market.
Fully Molle compatible, this pouch also comes with six button snap webbing straps, making it easy to attach to any gear with PALS webbing. Whether you're heading into the field for a training exercise or prepping for a real-life combat situation, this pouch has you covered.
While there are no major drawbacks to this pouch, one thing to note is its weight. At 0.6 lb, it might be a bit hefty for some users. However, given its durability and capacity, I believe it's a small price to pay for the added security and convenience it provides.
Overall, I highly recommend the Shellback Tactical Triple Stacker Open Top M4 Mag Pouch for anyone looking to upgrade their ammo storage. It's a solid investment that will last you through thick and thin.

🔗Compact and Versatile 22LR Magazine Pouch
The Phlster Ascent rifle pouch is a game-changer in the world of concealed carry. It combines the best features of both elastic and rigid pouches while addressing their limitations. Made from an ultra-high-strength flexible polymer textile, the pouch maintains its slim profile without sacrificing its structure. The threaded shock cord allows for customization, providing a perfect fit for a wide range of magazine widths and lengths.
I've personally used the Ascent pouch with my trusty AR-10, and it has made carrying my magazines with ease. The low-profile attachment also ensures a comfortable, snag-free experience when wearing the pouch on my belt. The versatility of the shock cord allows it to be used with other essential gear like flashlights or multitools, making it a must-have for any serious gun enthusiast.
However, it's not without its drawbacks. The price point is a bit higher than some of its competitors. Additionally, some users might find the learning curve to properly adjust the shock cord to be a bit of a hassle. Despite these minor grievances, the Phlster Ascent rifle pouch has become an indispensable part of my daily carry routine, offering unmatched performance and versatility in one convenient package.

🔗Blackhawk 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch - Secure and Adjustable
In my line of work, being well-equipped can mean the difference between success and failure. That's why I've come to rely on the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch. This durable little gem holds two SR25/AR10-sized magazines securely in place, thanks to the adjustable shock cord. The elastic body molds to the shape of your magazines for a snug fit, and the draw is as smooth as a perfectly executed routine.
For added versatility, you can even attach smaller pouches to the outside using the included MOLLE strip. It's a feature I didn't think I'd use, but when I needed a quick holster for my sidearm, it saved the day.
But, as with everything in life, there are a couple of downsides. First, it's designed for SR25/AR10 magazines, so it might not be the best fit for all your needs. And secondly, while the shock cord can be removed for faster access, it's not as quick as a simple flap toggle.
Overall, though, the Blackhawk Foundation Series 7.62 Double Magazine Pouch is a handy tool to have in your arsenal. It's built to last and offers a level of organizational help that's been greatly appreciated in my line of work. It's definitely worth considering, especially if you're in a role that benefits from the careful arrangement and easy access of your gear.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to outdoor activities and shooting sports, having the right equipment and accessories can make a significant difference in your overall experience and performance. One such essential accessory for shooters is a 22Lr magazine pouch, which is designed to securely hold and carry extra magazines for your 22LR firearm. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss important features, considerations, and general advice to help you choose the perfect 22Lr magazine pouch for your needs.

Materials and Construction

When selecting a 22Lr magazine pouch, it's essential to consider the materials and construction. High-quality pouches are typically made from durable and weather-resistant materials such as nylon or ballistic nylon, which can withstand harsh outdoor conditions and provide long-lasting durability. Look for pouches with strong stitching and reinforcement at stress points to ensure they maintain their shape and functionality over time.

Size and Compatibility

It's crucial to select a 22Lr magazine pouch that is the right size and compatible with your specific firearm magazines. Check the manufacturer's specifications to ensure the pouch will properly hold your chosen magazines, and consider features such as adjustable straps or clips that allow for a custom fit on your belt or gear.

Carry Options

There are various ways to carry a 22Lr magazine pouch, including belt loops, clips, velcro straps, or attach-to-pack options. Consider your personal preferences and desired carry method when selecting a pouch. Also, be sure to check if the pouch can be worn on either the right or left side, depending on your dominant hand.

Retention and Security

A reliable 22Lr magazine pouch should securely hold your magazines while also allowing for quick and easy access when needed. Look for pouches with retention features such as adjustable tension straps, buckles, or locking mechanisms to prevent accidental magazine drops or spills. It's also essential to choose a pouch with a secure closure system, such as zippers or snaps, that keeps your extra magazines protected and stored properly.

Additional Features to Consider

When shopping for a 22Lr magazine pouch, consider whether you need additional features such as a built-in magazine loader, compatibility with other ammunition types, or camouflage patterns. These features may not be essential for everyone but can enhance your overall experience and convenience.

Brand Reputation and Reviews

Choosing a high-quality 22Lr magazine pouch is crucial for the longevity and performance of your accessory. Research the brand and read customer reviews to ensure you're investing in a reliable and trusted product. A good brand should offer a warranty or guarantee on their products, indicating confidence in their manufacturing and design.

Price and Value

While price should not be the only factor when choosing a 22Lr magazine pouch, it's essential to consider your budget and find a pouch that offers good value for its price point. Be cautious of extremely low-priced pouches, as they may be of lower quality or may not offer the features and durability you need.
By considering these factors, you will be well-equipped to select the perfect 22Lr magazine pouch for your shooting sports or outdoor activities. Remember to always prioritize safety and comfort when using any gear or equipment.


What is a 22Lr Magazine Pouch?

A 22Lr Magazine Pouch is a carrying case designed to hold multiple 22 Long Rifle (22LR) ammunition magazines securely and conveniently. They are commonly used by hunters, shooters, and firearm enthusiasts to keep their ammunition organized and within easy reach.

What is the difference between a 22Lr Magazine Pouch and a regular ammunition pouch?

The main difference between a 22Lr Magazine Pouch and a regular ammunition pouch is the size and shape of the magazine pockets. A 22LR Magazine Pouch is specifically designed to accommodate 22LR magazines, while a regular ammo pouch is typically more versatile.

How many 22LR magazines can a pouch hold?

The capacity of a 22Lr Magazine Pouch varies depending on the model and size. Some pouches can hold as few as three or four magazines, while others can accommodate six, eight, or even ten. It is essential to check the specific pouch's dimensions and capacity before purchasing to determine if it meets your needs.

What materials are 22Lr Magazine Pouches made of?

Most 22Lr Magazine Pouches are made of durable synthetic materials, such as nylon or polyester. Some higher-end pouches may be constructed from more premium materials like ballistic nylon or Cordura.

Do 22Lr Magazine Pouches have a retention system to secure the magazines?

Yes, many high-quality 22Lr Magazine Pouches come with some form of retention system, such as elastic bands, Velcro, or buckles, to help hold the magazines in place. This is particularly important when engaging in vigorous activities or when wearing the pouch in an inverted position.

Can 22Lr Magazine Pouches be worn on the belt or worn as a chest rig?

Most 22Lr Magazine Pouches come with a variety of mounting options, including belt loops, MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment) hook-and-loop panels, or straps that can be worn as a chest rig. It is essential to choose a pouch that is compatible with your intended mounting method.

How do I ensure my 22Lr Magazine Pouch is durable and long-lasting?

  • Inspect the pouch for any signs of wear and tear during the initial inspection.
  • Opt for pouches made from durable materials, such as ballistic nylon or Cordura.
  • Check the stitching and material for any fraying or weak spots.
  • Ensure the retention system is secure and properly functional.

Are 22Lr Magazine Pouches waterproof?

Not all 22Lr Magazine Pouches are waterproof, but some high-end pouches may have water-resistant or waterproof coatings to protect the contents from moisture. It is essential to check the specifications of the pouch you are interested in to determine if it has these features.
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2024.05.29 05:52 TrueMetalSmiths Top 9 Plastic Injection Molding Companies

Top 9 Plastic Injection Molding Companies
Are you stuck in the thought of “Where is the molding companies near me?” that can help to streamline my production process? Choosing the right one is essential for businesses looking to enhance manufacturing efficiency.
With years of experience in the plastic injection industry, I’ve analyzed countless manufacturers to guide you toward the most reliable partners.
After thorough evaluation of various companies, it’s clear that Beska stands out as the premier choice. Their commitment to quality and precision in plastic injection molding is unmatched.
In this review, we’ll dive deep into the capabilities and specialties of the top 9 plastic injection molding companies. You’ll learn how each company aligns with the needs of your business operations.
Discover the leaders today!

1. The Plastek Group – Best for High-End Brands

Country & City: USA, Pennsylvania
Established Date: 1956
The Plastek Group has evolved significantly from its origins as a tool-making company. Today, the company is recognized for its sophisticated approach to plastic packaging, particularly in high-end markets such as personal care and beauty. They are committed to innovation and quality, maintaining a robust global presence while serving top-tier clients with complex demands. How amazing the 1st manufacturer, right?
Key Services: Injection Stretch Blow Molding and Assembly Decorating
Takeaway Note:
The Plastek Group is ideally suited for businesses seeking upscale, innovative packaging solutions. However, their specialized focus might not align with the needs of companies looking for more basic or economical packaging options.

2. Seaway Plastics Engineering – Best for Innovation

Country & City: USA, Florida
Established Date: 1991
Seaway Plastics Engineering is celebrated for its leadership in prototype injection molding. With a strong emphasis on versatility and technical prowess, the company supports a wide array of industries, including medical and consumer products. Wait, that’s not all. Their approach is tailored to foster rapid development from concept to production.
Key Services: Prototype Injection Molding and Ultrasonic Welding
Takeaway Note:
Seaway Plastics Engineering are ideal for companies prioritizing innovation and rapid prototyping. However, they may not be the best fit for firms requiring large-scale, cost-effective production runs.

3. Beska – Best for Overall

Country & City: 30 N Gould St Ste N, Sheridan, WY 82801
Established Date: n/a
Beska has built a strong reputation in sectors like automotive and aerospace, thanks to its extensive CNC machining and fabrication capabilities. Their dedication to quality and client success is evident in every project they undertake, delivering top-tier results. Their commitment to excellence is further validated by their ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949:2016 certifications, ensuring adherence to the highest international standards.
Key Services: CNC Milling and Injection Molding
Takeaway Note:
Beska is the go-to provider for any industry requiring precision and reliability. I am amazed how this company is offering their comprehensive service range and commitment to excellence to ensure they meet diverse client needs without compromise.

4. Britech Industries – Best for Custom Extrusions

Country & City: USA, Florida
Established Date: 1984
Britech Industries has been at the forefront of rubber and plastic extrusion technology for decades. Their adaptability and growth in product offerings have been driven by a commitment to meeting customer-specific needs. On top of that, the company’s expansion into custom molded rubber parts and dies has solidified its position as a leader in both the rubber and plastic manufacturing sectors.
Key Services: Rubber Extrusions and Injection Molding
Takeaway Note:
Britech Industries excels in providing custom extrusion solutions tailored to client specifications. However, for those seeking projects that require lower volumes or quick turnarounds, the company might not be the best choice.

5. Marjowynn – Best for Locally-Made Products

Country & City: Philippines
Established Date: 1994
Marjowynn thrives on delivering high-quality, locally-made plastic products. They focus on safety and sustainability. They cater to a wide range of sectors, including educational and food service industries. The company strong presence in national retail chains highlights their dedication to accessibility and consumer trust.
Key Services: Plastic Injection Molding and Manufacturing Food Containers
Takeaway Note:
Marjowynn specializes in high-quality, locally-made plastic products, emphasizing safety and sustainability. However, they may not be suited for businesses needing advanced technical specifications. So what I am trying to point? Potential clients should assess whether this company focus on local and safe consumer products aligns with their technical requirements.

6. Ironwood Plastics – Best for Engineered Materials

Country & City: USA, Michigan
Established Date: 1979
Ironwood Plastics has been recognized for pushing the boundaries of plastic technology. As a matter of fact, they are known for their work with engineered materials and insert molding. The company offers solutions that cater to high-specification industry requirements. Their commitment to quality and innovation is evident in their state-of-the-art facilities and experienced management team.
Key Services: Insert Molding and Manufacturing with Engineered Materials
Takeaway Note:
Ironwood Plastics is recognized for its expertise in engineered materials and high-specification molding solutions. However, their services may not align well with the needs of those seeking basic or cost-effective alternatives.

7. Hi-Tech Mold and Engineering – Best for Full-Service Supply

Country & City: USA, Michigan
Established Date: N/A
Hi-Tech Mold & Engineering epitomizes the essence of a world-class full-service supplier in the plastics industry. Their focus on high-quality results and high-performing teams underpins their capability to meet diverse customer expectations effectively. The vision of the company to continuously improve operations ensures they maintain competitive across various metrics.
Key Services: Full Service Tooling and Plastic Injection Molding
Takeaway Note:
Hi-Tech Mold & Engineering is best suited for businesses looking for a comprehensive partner in the plastic and tooling industry. However, their sophisticated services may not align with the needs of smaller, less complex projects. I suggest looking for another manufacturer who can offer basic services.

8. Alcami – Best for Integrated Manufacturing Services

Country & City: Thailand
Established Date: 2001
Alcami has grown to become a reliable subcontractor known for its integrated manufacturing services across diverse industries. Their capacity to blend different manufacturing techniques, backed by a skilled engineering team, ensures seamless production from start to finish. Their strategic versatility is key to their global service reach.
Key Services: Injection Molding and CNC Machining and Sealing
Takeaway Note:
Alcami is the ideal choice for companies needing diverse manufacturing capabilities. However, their extensive approach may be overly comprehensive for businesses only seeking simple production services. Just a friendly tip, smaller firms should evaluate whether the broad scope of company matches their specific needs.

9. Fowmould – Best for Cost-Effective Mold Solutions

Country & City: China, Zhejiang
Established Date: 1978
Fowmould specializes in designing and manufacturing high-quality molds with a focus on cost-effectiveness and global reach. But wait, there’s more. Their extensive experience in the industry has fostered a robust network that supports clients worldwide, emphasizing scalability and comprehensive support.
Key Services: Mold Design and Plastic Injection Molding
Takeaway Note:
Fowmould is perfect for businesses prioritizing cost efficiency in mold production. However, their focus on large-scale operations might not cater well to those needing small-scale or highly specialized production runs.

4 Tips to Consider When Choosing the Best Plastic Injection Molding Company

The market size of plastic injection molding companies is continuously evolving, according to Precedence Research it was expected to reach USD 266.1 billion by 2030. With this growth, choosing the best company is crucial. To get you guided in choosing your business partner, here are 3 specific tips to consider:
  • Geographical Proximity: Consider the geographic location relative to your operations. A manufacturer located closer to your facilities can reduce shipping times and costs, as well as facilitate easier site visits. I think it is an advantage to always keep in mind the thought of “Where is the plastic injection companies near me”.
  • Geometry Customization Abilities: Determine if the company offers customization and how well they handle complex designs. For example, if you need parts with complex geometries, the manufacturer should demonstrate proficiency in creating detailed molds.
  • 1-2 Weeks Rush Orders: Inquire if the company offers expedited services and what the associated lead times and costs are. For example, a manufacturer might be able to expedite an order within 1-2 weeks for an additional fee, which could be critical if you need to meet a tight deadline for your business operations.
  • Advanced Robotics and Automation: Check if the company employs the latest technology in plastic injection molding. A business that has advanced robotics and automation in their production line can lead to higher precision and faster turnaround times.
The following table provides an overview of common issues affecting wire surface quality and the solutions to address these problems, particularly relevant for applications in electronics and fine mechanics:

Surface Defect Type Possible Causes Recommended Solutions
Scratches and Abrasions Mechanical damage during drawing Employ advanced lubrication techniques
Surface Impurities Contaminants in metal stock Use cleaner, higher-quality metal stock
Oxidation and Corrosion Exposure to moisture and oxidizing agents Implement controlled environments and anti-corrosion agents
Discoloration Chemical reactions during manufacturing Optimize chemical processes and use protective coatings
Geometric Imperfections Inaccurate drawing tools and techniques Enhance precision of drawing tools and process monitoring


Choosing the right plastic injection molding companies is crucial for your manufacturing success, ensuring high-quality products and efficient production processes. At Beska, we specialize in offering top-tier plastic injection molding services that cater specifically to the needs of the metal fabrication industry. Our advanced technology and expert team ensure that we deliver precision and quality consistently.
We hope this blog has illuminated the path to finding a trusted partner for your injection molding needs. If you are a business owner seeking to enhance your production capabilities with reliable and precise plastic injection molding, choose Beska. Let’s achieve great results together. Contact us today!
submitted by TrueMetalSmiths to BeskaMold [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:51 EnglishTutor2023 Understanding cultural differences on Cambly

One of my regulars is a really lovely Chinese girl who has great English and is always very respectful to me. She's always on time and has never said anything which annoyed me.
Recently, she told me that she had called a tutor a few times and each class seemed to be fine. But today, the tutor looked a bit tired, so my student asked "Are you feeling a bit tired today?", and then the tutor said" Thanks for asking a question like that! That's very rude!" and hung up on her. My student was feeling quite upset and surprised, wondering what she did wrong.
In Chinese culture, it's normal to ask questions like that. She legitimately didn't mean to insult or annoy the tutor and didn't expect that it would upset her so much. As people tutoring students from different cultures, I think we need to be more understanding and accepting of different cultures. If someone says something which seems a bit rude or strange from your perspective, it might just be a cultural difference and they didn't have any bad intentions. Obviously there are some things that are just completely out of line and require a blocking (flirting, flat out insults etc) but we should be more patient with our students. I think hanging up on this nice girl was a really nasty thing to do, and if the tutor who did that is reading this, I don't think working with foreigners is the right job for you.
submitted by EnglishTutor2023 to Cambly [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:50 its_me_pg_99 3 FINRA and 2 NASAA Tests taken down in 5 months. You can do it too!

Hi everyone,
I'm a brand-new brokeinvestment adviser rep just starting out, and having gone through multiple exams and passing them all on the first try, I thought I'd give my 2 cents on how you can pass them, hopefully in a quicker time than me! I'll go through each test and my personal experience, then I'll explain the methods I actually used and how you can customize them to your needs.
SIE - I literally had zero experience in the securities industry when I started studying. I wasn't sure what to think after the first lesson, but I found it interesting! It took me a little over 2 months to prepare (I used Kaplan for all my tests). I studied for about 2.5 to 3 hours each day, and made sure to take plenty of notes. I found the real test was actually easier than the Final and Mastery Exams. Lots of questions of options, the primary/secondary markets, investment companies and the Acts; overall a good mix.
Series 6 - Immediately started prepping the day after passing the SIE; passed it about a month later. Suitability was the key point of emphasis; I memorized the suitability chart that they gave in the textbook and that helped a ton. Real test had a lot more scenario based questions asking you to pick the right type of investment for a customer. Tbh I was feeling a little nervous for this one since I had failed the second Mastery Exam, and this was three days before my test date. The key difference between this one and the SIE was that the latter had a broad amount of material, while the 6 asked you how products actually worked. I'd say this was the second hardest for me.
Series 63 - Again, started prepping the day after passing the 6. I'm being 100% honest here, it was almost pure memorization. I memorized the exempt transactions/securities, as well as the exemptions and exclusions for broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers, and investment adviser reps by writing them down over and over again (on my laptop to save trees lol). Also, knowing the legal terms was key, because this was a state law exam by NASAA (so don't confuse their rules with FINRA's). The Mastery Exams were a breeze, and the real test was definitely the easiest out of the bunch for me.
Series 26 - Here's where things start to get tougher. The info that I'd learned from the SIE and 6 (they're prerequisites for this one) came back to me, and I had to remember that it was important to look at it from a supervisor's POV, because a lot of questions were going to be based on this (i.e. "A rep commits X, what should the principal do to handle this situation?") The material itself was stuff that had already been drilled into me, but being a 110-question test, I had to time myself to keep pace on the practice tests. On the actual test, I was able to answer all the questions within 2 hours, and that gave me enough time to do a second-run through. Not too bad all in all; for me it was a tad bit easier than the SIE.
Series 65 - Oh boy. Let me tell you guys something that'll save you a ton of headaches later on: DO. NOT. TAKE. THIS. TEST. LIGHTLY. I just passed it last week, and if it hadn't been for the countless hours of studying I'd put in, I most likely would've failed. This literally had all of the material from the previous tests, including the entirety of the 63. On top of that, it also had federal laws that needed to be recognized from the state-level ones. The Kaplan course had 24 units to cover all the material, and a little over 4200 QBank questions. A huge mistake I made was not using all of them up. After taking the 2nd Mastery and all of the practice tests, I had answered around 3000 questions. After some debating on whether I should study some more or schedule, although I was still shaky in a few areas, I decided to go for it. The real test started out easy, and by questions 30-40, I was feeling like I might fail. But I stayed calm and focused on doing my best. I was super grateful for knowing those formulas, as a couple of questions didn't ask for calculations, but simply what they were. The ones that did ask to calculate tripped me up a bit, but I made my best picks/guesses. After answering all the questions with about 50 minutes left, I changed 2 answers; one because I didn't read the question properly and the other because I found another question that helped to answer. As you can imagine, this test was easily the toughest out of them all. I was more than thankful to see that "Pass" appear after clicking "Submit".
So there's my story! Sorry for the long paragraph on the 65; I actually cut out some more sentences to try and shorten it as much as possible. To cap everything off, I'll go through the main strategies I used, and how you can customize them to your will (Although I used Kaplan, they can probably work for other programs as well).
1) Do many practice tests. After each practice test, read the explanations throughly. Understand why you got the question right or wrong. The real test will almost certainly have different wording than the prep course you're using, so understanding the concept allows you to answer correctly regardless of how the question is asked. When I was using the QBank questions, I made sure to set the custom quiz to pull unused questions from the pool, so I didn't know what would appear next.
2) Make acronyms/phrases. They can be about absolutely anything (a movie, a life experience, etc). Anything that you can connect a group of bullet points or a concept to make it easier to remember is a good thing. For instance, I was having trouble with SEP IRAs, and it kept mentioning that only the employer contributes to this type of IRA. So to help me remember, I made the phrase "Solely Employer Puts In" (the first letter of each word makes SEP and I for IRA). Any silly way to hammer that point in means you won't forget come test time.
3) Record yourself saying concepts and phrases, and put it on loop. I started doing this a bit for the 26, and a LOT for the 65. Try to say what you want to say in a minute or less (absolute max of 1min30s). Once you put your recording on loop, you can listen to it over and over again, and this actually forces the info into your brain without you having to think or work too much. After listening to each recording however many times you like, try to write down what you heard. If you can't remember, just keep playing the recording until you've got it memorized.
4) Watch YouTube videos. Please be careful with this one, and make sure you use videos that are up to date (some videos were created years ago and thus pieces of info may not be current). Series7Guru with Dean and PassMasters with Suzy Rhoades are two excellent channels to look into. You never know, these videos may just help you snag an easy point or two on your real test ;)
If you're still here after getting through this humongous post, I wish you best of luck in not just your tests, but your future careers! Take care!
submitted by its_me_pg_99 to Series7 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:50 SamePlatform9287 Skills needed to be a VA - beginner and no experience

Hi! I currently have a full time job as a Payroll in a small size company here in PH. Been working here for 8 years na kaso company is close to going bankrupt so might lose mg job anytime soon so I am trying to look for a new job. I’m planning to try VA jobs as a side hustle first habang di pa ako natatanggal, and ituloy ko na as a full time pag mawalan na ako ng work.
Ask ko lang anong skills ang maganda or in demand when looking for a job as a VA? Anong websites or YT channels maganda kumuha ng new skills?
The only skill I have is i know excel pero I would not say I am an expert. I mostly know the basic stuff kasi yun gamit namin sa office. Pero I’m willing to learn more naman din. Marunong din akk mag canva pero I don’t know if it’s helpfull skill lol.
The thing is, I wanna expand my skills too. Gusto ko din matry mag web design and learn mag code. Or do I need to go through a 2 / 4 year course to learn that?
Thank you po in advance!
submitted by SamePlatform9287 to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:50 merrderber Stay Safe, Girlies! 🌟 Your Ultimate Guide to Online Security

Hello everyone! 🌟

I was watching the Pokimane episode, and she said something that really hit home about the need for online security information, especially for women. She mentioned how scary it is to deal with stalkers, tracking devices like AirTags, and the lack of adequate stalking regulations. This really hit home that we need to be vigilant.
As a normal girlie, I've had people try to hack my accounts and make fake profiles using my photos. It's a bit much. The law hasn't quite caught up yet, so we need to stay vigilant! Here are some tips to keep us all safe online:
This will be a long guide but it's so important to stay informed.

🌐 General Online Safety Tips

Use Strong Passwords:
Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):
Be Cautious with Personal Information:

📧 Email Security

Beware of Phishing Scams:
Use Secure Email Providers:

🔒 Social Media Safety

Adjust Privacy Settings:
Limit Location Sharing:
Be Selective with Friend Requests:

🛡️ Device Security

Keeping our devices secure is just as important as online safety. Here’s how to make sure your gadgets are protected:
Keep Software Updated:
Install Antivirus Software:
Use a VPN:

💬 Communication Safety

Use Encrypted Messaging Apps:
Be Wary of Strangers:

💖 Mental Health and Safety

Seek Support:
Remember, your safety is paramount. I could yap all day about this, but for all of us (the girls, the gays, the theys) who are more susceptible to harm, the law doesn't usually catch up until tragedy strikes. So let's stay vigilant! 🌟💖
submitted by merrderber to justtrishpodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:49 anonomonomoly Part II AITAH for leaving my boyfriend in another state?

Hey Reddit,
To start, thank you all for your kind words and support during this time. For the many of you that saw my last post and have been patiently waiting for an update wait no more. Please know that the part 2 really isn’t all that exciting.
After leaving my boyfriend in Florida while on vacation, he started blowing up my phone with insults and insane claims trying to get me to fund his trip back to California. He gave me various demands all circling around getting him on a flight that day back to California. I informed him that I don’t take demands from men that look like Benjamin Franklin.
He was very concerned with what I was going to be doing back in California without him and I replied “other people”. I told him that he should be happy now since he doesn’t have to worry about his ex girlfriend getting in the way of finding his hot Miami wife. He was shocked when I mentioned that I was now his ex. He went on a rant about how I can’t do anything on my own and that I need him to take care of me. I was confused by what he meant by that as I’m the one that has taken care of him.
After my lack of response for 2 hours, his mom started to call me multiple times, as fast as she was calling I was declining her calls even faster. She started texting insults letting me know how she really felt about me. I let her know that she failed her son by raising him in a way that would allow for him to lose his financial safety net by being ungrateful.
She let me know that she actually agreed with him. “If you tried to make yourself pretty for him, he wouldn’t have needed to start an argument”. I responded “if you didn’t try to put other women down your whole life, you wouldn’t be a washed up divorced trophy wife”. Then the real insults started coming in. I must have struck a nerve. I finally texted her back after her rapid firing of insults about my appearance that if she wanted him back in California, it’s her job to support her bastard son. She sent multiple more messages after that but I stopped reading them as I said my part.
I received multiple voicemails from my ex begging for forgiveness. All of a sudden, he wants to change, he finds me attractive, he doesn’t want to lose our relationship, etc. This is all too bad considering the great thing that he had going on prior to his negative outburst. He kept texting begging to come back and be able to make things right with me in person. Eventually he gave up texting.
His mom ultimately had to put him in a cheap motel for a couple of days so she could figure out how to get him home (to Ohio) so that she could take care of him the way that I apparently couldn’t. She got him back home this morning all while making multiple Facebook posts about me being a terrible person for leaving her sweet baby boy by himself in “an alligator infested swamp covered state”.
Anyways, I’m still curious AITAH?
submitted by anonomonomoly to AITAH [link] [comments]