Cross platform comic


2014.08.01 11:07 natethomas Kodi

Kodi is an open source cross-platform software media player and entertainment hub for HTPCs.

2014.07.21 23:04 Vainglory - The no-compromise cross-platform MOBA.

This is the OFFICIAL subreddit for Vainglory, the no-compromise cross-platform MOBA. Outplay real opponents in this deep, uncompromising real-time MOBA. Fight with lightning-fast controls using powerful heroes. Destroy the enemy Vain crystal and claim glory!

2011.05.04 21:34 The cutest cross-platform application framework

This subreddit is currently closed in protest to Reddit's upcoming API changes that will kill off 3rd party apps and negatively impact users and mods alike. Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework for developers using C++ or QML, a CSS & JavaScript like language.

2024.06.09 16:21 KrawMire Any feedback on my MAUI app for budget control

Hello everyone!
Not long ago I started trying MAUI for cross-platform application development. The idea of my application is a 50-30-20 rule to plan my expenses for month. I used to do it in Excel to calculate it, but then I decided to make a mobile application for it. So, first launch you will be prompted to create your first profile with initial balance. Then system will calculate planned expenses for current month and you will be able to use the app: add categories, add transactions. That's all the logic.
I created it following DDD and Clean Architecture principles (DDD for designing domain model and Clean Architecture as overall architectural approach). For now, its is available at GitHub with apk installer for Android. Also, I want to place it at TestFlight for iOS.
I am new to mobile development (I am a backend developer), so I want you to give me some feedback about my application, if you are interested in it.
Link to project GitHub page
Thank you!
submitted by KrawMire to dotnetMAUI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:19 chinisan Can I download Brave on Kobo?

I’m contemplating between Boox Go Color and Kobo new colour range for my first e-reader.
My biggest deal breaker is access to my Brave browser. I know Boox can access it because it’s an android device. But I would greatly prefer Kobo!
I want to use Brave to read coloured web comics.. I don’t have much use for the Google play store because I will only download Brave + reading platform.
😭 does anyone know?
submitted by chinisan to ereader [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:12 Expensive-Alps-5438 Timeline apps?

Is there an app or function that sorts timelines for each contacts communication through platforms?
I generally have a hard time navigating in my emails, dms and messages without a overview. Since communication happens with same people mostly, but in so many platforms, I wish I could follow up by having a timeline for each contact that is created automatically.
Kind of like visually neat text bubbles, like iMessage, captured by date and time, but for all communication across platforms.
For instance, Timeline for Sarah: 1/4 emailed you xxxxx 2/4 Instagram dm:ed xxx 3/4 text message xxxx
As a creative worker my formal and informal networking are a bit fuzzy and many becomes friends along the line of different projects. Therefor meetings/brainstorming happens crossing all platforms and it drains my mind to always remember everything.
Is there such thing already?
submitted by Expensive-Alps-5438 to productivity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:51 octopusenjoyer12 21 [M4F] nerdy guy looking for nerdy gal!

Whats up!
My name is Casper, and im a nerdy guy from sweden! im looking for someone to talk to who shares my hobbies and wanna get to know each other! first ill tell you some important stuff, then the more fun about me!
ok so now to the more fun stuff!
so thats a bit about me! if i sound fun feel free to add me on discord! my tag is lyranium (just like that no caps or signs)
submitted by octopusenjoyer12 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 Quasar_123 Rail Replacement Service

September 2nd - 07:00 Service to London
The morning commute always felt too early for Simon. Now autumn was rolling in, and the night ate further into the morning, he could barely keep his eyes open. So when he saw it standing across the platform, he was happy to blink and rub his eyes until it was gone.
September 9th - 07:00 Service to London
The same platform, the same spot, shivering. Why had he been this stupid not to bring a jacket? Oxford station was as nondescript as you could get, for a city so beautiful and ancient, it stood out like a big grey concrete thumb. He stood under the canopy sheltering from the rain, sadly it wasn't doing much in the way of protection. Every gust of wind brought icy shards of rain scratching at his face. Looks like he wasn't the only one suffering.
Across from him stood a man. Drenched to the bone, his white shirt clung to him, a tie stained blood red cutting through his torso. With every gust he stood still. Not flinching. Not moving. His eyes locked on Simon. Simon scanned him from head to toe, like a mirror the man responded, tracing his every move. Feeling the rush of a train approaching, Simon took a step back and like a child discovering their legs for the first time, the man stumbled forwards.
Feeling anxious warmth flooded his face, Simon scrambled onto the train. He was safe here. He was safe.
September 16th - 07:00 Service to London
He approached the platform with caution today, yes last week was weird, but it was early and he was tired. When he looked up at the departures the bad mood started. 20 minutes delayed. It was as grey as usual this morning, not raining though, that was a bonus he thought. He stood endlessly scrolling through social media, head locked down. Then he heard it, a high-pitched whistle. His head shot up, and then across from him, there he stood. The same white and red clothed man staring. Simon could feel his heart beating in his throat, his stomach turning in knots. Dark cold eyes were tied to his from across the void of the platform, sucking the warmth from his body. Simon knew he couldn't move, he couldn't bear to watch the man copy him. Breathing heavily he dragged his eyes to the departures, not daring to move a single limb. 3 minutes. He had to hold out for three minutes. He was alone out there, the platform was a lonely headland out at sea, it was just him and the man.
They stayed eyes locked, standing stock still. Simon didn't dare to breathe too heavily. Time was moving, he knew that, but every second was an eternity. Out the corner of his eye he could see a faint light growing brighter and brighter. The train was coming. He would be safe. Then in a split second the man broke his gaze. He was running. His body moved in perfect symmetry flying along the platform, getting closer and closer to the passenger bridge. He can get me. He can get me! Simon's mind was screaming. Alarm bells ringing. The man was getting closer. There was a hollow thud of thunder as the man's feet stormed across the bridge.
The train was pulling in now, its brakes hissing as it glided to a stop. Simon slammed his hand against the button frantically waiting for the doors to slide open, and they did. Inviting him into the warm comfort of the carriage. The man arrived at the bottom of the steps, fixed his gaze on Simon and ran. Gaining on him, 10 metres, 5 metres, 1 metre. The doors slid shut. And the man slammed against them. Simon’s stomach clamped in on itself; he could feel the sour taste of vomit flood his throat and mouth, pouring out onto the floor. His eyes stayed fixed on the glass of the train door. He was looking at his reflection. But this was no trick of the light. The man had his face and he was smiling.
September 16th - 16:34 Service to Worcester
Simon spent his entire day scanning faces. Anyone who crossed his path was a potential threat. He made it through the work day, he would get home, call the police and get answers. Boarding the train with hundreds of other passengers he was shielded, nothing could get him. Every station they passed he checked every face twice. But his mind and body grew tired, he’d spent the day on high alert and he was feeling the effects. His breathing was slowing down, every thought came at half speed and his eyes drooped and drooped until he slipped into a dark dreamless sleep.
The thud of closing doors ripped him from his sleep. He was awake, alert, heart pounding. He could see a station by the window. Charlbury. He'd gone too far, three stations too far. He got up and looked around the cabin and not a single face turned to meet him. He was alone. It’s fine, he thought. He'd get off at the next station and turn around. He'll be home in no time. He sat there pushing every bad thought from his mind, humming a tune he didn't even recognise for comfort. Then in a matter of minutes they were pulling into a station. Standing at the door he surveyed the platform as they slowed. Empty. Completely empty. Then from the corner of his eye he saw it, a flash of white then red, and finally that face. His face. Shit. Shit. Shit. He had to hide. He ran back into the carriage and fell to the floor between two seats, making sure no part of him could be seen above the window. He heard the door hiss shut, and they were moving. He didn't dare to move. Was he alone? He sat still, not allowing a single muscle fibre to twitch. Then like rolling thunder the sound of heavy boots progressed down the carriage. Slow and methodical, they stopped at every row before moving to the next. Fuck it was coming. They were just inches from him. He craned his head up to look.
The eyes staring down at him were pure black. Obsidian marbles studded in the face he saw every day. He tried to scream but his throat clenched shut. A smile stretched across that familiar face. It was no smile he'd ever given. His breath felt like it was coming out in chunks. He couldn't think, couldn't speak, couldn't move. Then out of its pocket something glinted in the light. He saw his own cowering reflection in the blade. Tears streamed down his face. He knew the pain about to follow would be the last thing he'd ever feel.
submitted by Quasar_123 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:43 Silver-Honkler PayPal is a bona fide criminal conspiracy to harvest interest-free loans and is a weapon yielded by the rich to kill small businesses

Well, if you want to do a deep dive into PayPal/Venmo and their shady tactics, look no further than the PayPal and Venmo subreddits. It is an endless stream of people who opened small businesses, used these services within the scope of their TOS, and still managed to have their funds seized for an indeterminate amount of time. Alternatively, Google search results will also serve as an endless source of these claims.
I am a coin dealer. I've been doing it in a hobby capacity for the last 10 years and started getting serious about it in 2019. Even early on, I knew something was wrong with PayPal. Every now and again, some god-fearing Christian boomer who had used it for their coin business since their inception, would fly off the handle that their account got shutdown for no reason, their funds seized, and they struggled to get this money back to them. PayPal claims they only hold it for 180 days, but they almost never return this money to people.
Turns out, you can create obstacles for people trying to get their funds back. You simply toggle their account as fraudulent, or as running a money laundering scheme, or claim it is a national security issue or that it falls under some type of weapon, and you can even get the government involved to delay the return of funds even further.
In these high interest environments, these seized funds serve as 0% interest loans for PayPal.
Now I know what you're thinking. The government will surely step in. The problem is, most politicians who could change how PayPal operates own a sizeable amount of shares. Why would they ever go against their own best interests for a bunch of poor people?
Here's how the scheme works. You set up a legitimate small business on etsy or eBay and it takes off like a rocket. It doesn't make sense to pay fees listing on this platform anymore. You setup a private website and need a payment processor. PayPal has attractive fees so you sign up with them. You build a war chest of say, 10k, and wake up one morning to an email from PayPal that they're holding all your money for "180" days. You've somehow managed to fall into a terms of service violation by selling concert tees and handmade mugs.
You try to contact them but get automated AI prompts. If you ever reach a person, they have a loose grasp of the English language and can't help you anyway. In fact, they're not paid to help you at all. They're paid to frustrate you as much as possible so you give up and PayPal can keep the money.
You escalate and finally move it up a service level or two but get nobody helpful. They tell you that you can sue. However, it is expensive to get an attorney and sue someone, let alone a massive corporation with a warchest of everyone else's money. At the end of the day, they also crippled your source of income, so there's no recourse. You wait the 180 days, thinking PayPal will return your money.
Except they don't. I've met people who have been waiting a few years for their funds. PayPal can setup barriers every step of the way as an excuse to not refund them.
You're savvy so you think, you know, I'll just setup a Venmo account and take payments directly. Except, they're owned by the same company and all you've managed to do is jump from the frying pan into the fire. They collect your IP, name, address and social. You rebuild your business, build a 10k war chest, and "randomly out of the blue", your account gets banned and funds seized. You go through the same motions with them that you did with PayPal. You escalate up a level or two and finally get someone who can help. They inform you that they've cross referenced the data and discovered a banned PayPal account and they'll be keeping the funds for "180 days".
I know what you're thinking. Isn't this some type of fraud? Well, when you own the regulators and government and you're never held accountable, the chance of you ever seeing consequences for your actions is low. You toe the line of your terms of service and victim-blame every step of the way. In fact, you should take note the amount of victim blaming that goes on in subreddits and web forums when someone speaks out. Accusations of selling drugs, defrauding people, or working against America as some kind of terrorist come flying at you like a firehose until you delete your post and try to move on with your life.
And of course, nobody lives forever, so this money that is stuck in limbo sometimes belongs to people who pass away. It becomes part of their estate. Surviving family members (if there are any) would have no idea you even had this going on. PayPal pockets the money. It's pure profit.
I've been banned from web-based internet forums for pointing this out. I'm still banned or shadow banned from finance subs here on reddit. If you don't believe me you should go to some of them and start asking questions. Wallstreetbets will absolutely ban you. Turns out the moderators there have huge positions in PayPal.
Anyway, this is turning into a novel, but I think I've hit the nail on the head with this one. I hope I'm not banned here, too. It's really easy for these people to hide under the guise of money laundering, banking regulation, and foreign weapons sales while stealing your money legally and harvesting 0% interest loans from the working class. Baked into their money-grab is the side effect of killing small businesses. You can never have competitors if you kill every small business when it is still a babe in its cradle.
IMO, this is the largest bona fide, actual criminal conspiracy hiding in plain sight since FTX. Additionally, I think eBay got nervous about this in 2022, and is why they switched to eBay managed payments.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
submitted by Silver-Honkler to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:31 Turbulent-Ad1838 How to use short-form videos to turn followers into paying customers.

How to use short-form videos to turn followers into paying customers.
Howdy creators! If you’re not on the short-form video train yet, you’re missing out big time. Instagram Reels TikToks and YouTube Shorts are blowing up as you’re probably well aware, and they’re the perfect way to reel in those paying customers onto your preferred platform. Here’s a few suggestions on how to make it happen:
  1. Grab Attention Fast
Short-form videos are all about hooking people quick. With everyone’s attention span getting shorter, you gotta make those first few seconds count. Drop some teasers, behind-the-scenes stuff, or quick hacks that show off what you’re doing on your subscription platform. Keep it snappy and leave them wanting more.
  1. Drive Traffic to your payment links
Don’t forget those call-to-actions (CTAs). Tell your viewers straight up to check out your full content on (preferred platform). Something like, "Wanna see the full vid? Head over to my brand X profile!" or "Exclusive stuff on… – link in bio!" Make sure your link is easy to find in your Instagram and YouTube bios.
  1. Show What Makes You Special
Show off what makes you different and why people should pay to follow you on other paid platforms. Give a sneak peek of the exclusive content they’ll get by subscribing. Be real, be you – that’s what builds a loyal fanbase ready to support you with their cash.
  1. Jump on Trends and Challenges
Stay on top of the latest trends and challenges on Reels and Shorts. These are goldmines for getting noticed. Mix these trends into your content while giving a shoutout to your links. For example, jump in on a viral challenge and wrap it up with a CTA like, "Check out more exclusive content on Platform x!"
  1. Collaborate with Other Creators
Teaming up with other creators can skyrocket your reach. Find creators with similar vibes and make some killer short-form vids together. This cross-promo can introduce your paid links to a whole new crowd of potential subscribers. Win-win!
  1. Analyze and Tweak
Keep an eye on how your short-form videos are doing. See what’s getting the most love and driving the most traffic to your paid links. Use these insights to tweak your strategy and focus on what’s turning viewers into paying fans.
By nailing short-form video content on Instagram and YouTube, you can seriously boost your game and get more paying customers. Jump on these tips and watch your community grow and thrive. Let's get it! Let me know your thoughts and if anyone finds threads like this helpful ✌🏼
submitted by Turbulent-Ad1838 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:26 rob3342421 Crossplay?

Anyone else wonder whether Civ7 will be cross platform & cross play out the box?
submitted by rob3342421 to civ [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:14 mchaudry1234 Roast my resume! Looking for data science jobs in london

submitted by mchaudry1234 to resumes [link] [comments]


REBELLION PVE CROSS PLATFORM submitted by Jaded-L to ArkSurvivalAscended [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:28 fmlforveaaa Rabby Wallet Review

Rabby Wallet Review
Use Rabby Referral code "1000RABBYPOINTS" to claim your rewards!
I recently had the opportunity to try out Rabby Wallet, and I must say that I'm thoroughly impressed. The setup process was seamless, and I was up and running in no time. The wallet can be downloaded and installed from the official website, offering a hassle-free experience.
One of the standout features of Rabby Wallet is its ability to manage multiple cryptocurrencies from a single interface. This makes it incredibly convenient to track my digital assets. During the setup process, I was prompted to create a strong password and store it safely, which is used to encrypt my wallet and ensure that my funds remain secure.
The user-friendly interface of Rabby Wallet makes it easy to navigate, even for those who are new to crypto. I was able to send, receive, and manage my cryptocurrencies with ease. The wallet's features are streamlined, making it an ideal choice for both individuals and businesses.
It's essential to store your wallet address safely, as you'll need it to receive cryptocurrencies. With Rabby Wallet, I can rest assured that my digital assets are in good hands. Overall, I highly recommend Rabby Wallet to anyone looking for a reliable and easy-to-use cryptocurrency management solution.

Visit Rabby Wallet

Use Referral code 1000RABBYPOINTS

Key Features and Benefits
Rabby Wallet stands out from other digital asset management solutions with its robust feature set, including multi-cryptocurrency support and seamless DeFi DApp integration.
The user-friendly interface streamlines financial management tasks, allowing users to manage their crypto assets across multiple EVM chains, providing unparalleled flexibility and control.
One of the standout features of Rabby Wallet is its seamless integration with DeFi DApps, enabling access to a wide range of decentralized finance applications, making it easy to lend, borrow, and yield farm.
The wallet's support for multiple cryptocurrencies means users can manage their entire crypto portfolio from a single platform.
Rabby Wallet prioritizes security, ensuring that digital assets are safe and secure.
With robust security measures in place, users can have peace of mind knowing their crypto is protected.
The wallet's cross-platform compatibility allows users to access their assets from anywhere, at any time, making it an ideal solution for individual and business financial management endeavors.
Security and Protection Measures
Rabby Wallet's cutting-edge encryption, secure authentication, and robust access controls ensure that your private key is secure and protected from unauthorized access. The wallet's advanced encryption methods guarantee that your digital assets are safe from prying eyes, giving you peace of mind when managing your finances.
The secure authentication process verifies that only authorized access is granted, providing an extra layer of protection against potential threats. I was impressed by the wallet's ability to prevent unauthorized access, ensuring that your digital assets remain safe and secure.
Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with Rabby Wallet's ability to protect my crypto assets. The robust security measures in place give me confidence in the platform's ability to safeguard my digital assets, allowing me to focus on managing my finances with confidence.
Using Rabby Wallet for Crypto
Rabby Wallet is a game-changer in the world of cryptocurrency management. With its seamless integration into the DeFi ecosystem, this user-friendly interface streamlines the crypto experience, making it effortless to manage digital assets across multiple blockchains, including Ethereum and other EVM chains.
Rabby Wallet's intuitive environment allows users to focus on growing their portfolio without worrying about the complexities of cryptocurrency management. Sending, receiving, and storing multiple cryptocurrencies is a breeze, all within a secure environment that ensures assets are protected.
The wallet's robust security measures provide peace of mind, allowing users to explore the vast crypto landscape with confidence. Rabby Wallet's seamless integration with Ethereum and other EVM chains enables users to effortlessly swap tokens, participate in yield farming, or engage in other DeFi activities, all from the comfort of their wallet.
With Rabby Wallet, users are just a few clicks away from unlocking the full potential of crypto and DeFi. Overall, Rabby Wallet is an exceptional tool that simplifies cryptocurrency management, making it a must-have for anyone serious about crypto.
Advanced Wallet Features
I was impressed to uncover a suite of advanced features that empower users to take control of their cryptocurrency management.
One of the standout features is the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) integration, allowing seamless interaction with decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum network. This integration opens up a world of possibilities, giving users access to a vast array of DeFi protocols and services.
I found the features of Rabby Wallet to be designed to enhance the wallet experience, providing a robust and secure environment for managing digital assets.
The wallet extension, for instance, enables users to connect with multiple crypto platforms, expanding their reach in the crypto space. With Rabby Wallet, users can effortlessly switch between different blockchain networks, ensuring they're always in control of their assets.
As I delved into the advanced features of Rabby Wallet, I uncovered a range of tools and functionalities that cater to specific needs.
From customizable dashboards to real-time market analytics, every aspect of the wallet is designed to simplify the crypto path. By leveraging the full potential of Rabby Wallet, users will be able to optimize their cryptocurrency management, making informed decisions that drive growth and success in the crypto space.
Is there Rabby Airdrop?
One of the most exciting features of Rabby Wallet is its occasional airdrop events, which provide users with opportunities to earn free tokens.
To participate in these events, all you need to do is create a Rabby Wallet address, a unique identifier that allows you to send and receive crypto assets.
Once you've set up your address, you'll be eligible to participate in upcoming airdrop events, which are usually announced on Rabby's social media channels.
When an airdrop event is launched, you'll receive a notification, and you can claim your free tokens by following the instructions provided.
The tokens you receive can be stored in your Rabby Wallet, which offers robust security measures to protect your digital assets.
Rabby's airdrop events are an excellent way to get familiar with the platform and start building your crypto portfolio.
With Rabby Wallet, you can manage your digital assets efficiently, and the airdrop events provide an added incentive to discover the platform's features.
Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with Rabby Wallet and its airdrop events, which have helped me earn free crypto tokens and grow my portfolio.
I highly recommend Rabby Wallet to anyone looking for a reliable and rewarding crypto management platform.
What is the referral code for Rabby Wallet?

Use Rabby Referral code "1000RABBYPOINTS" to claim your rewards!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Rabby Wallet Available for Ios and Android Devices?
Rabby Wallet is readily available for download on both iOS and Android devices, ensuring seamless cryptocurrency management on-the-go, anywhere, anytime.
Can I Use Rabby Wallet for Non-Ethereum Blockchain Tokens?
Yes, you can! Rabby Wallet supports multiple cryptocurrencies, making it a versatile option for managing diverse digital assets beyond Ethereum.
Does Rabby Wallet Offer a Desktop Application Version?
Rabby Wallet, available at, offers a desktop application version, allowing users to manage their digital assets seamlessly across platforms.
Is Rabby Wallet Compatible With Ledger and Trezor Hardware Wallets?
Rabby Wallet's compatibility with Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets is a significant advantage. It seamlessly integrates with both Ledger and Trezor, providing elite security for your digital assets.
Does Rabby Wallet Provide Customer Support in Multiple Languages?
Rabby Wallet's customer support is truly exceptional, breaking down language barriers that often hinder progress. By offering multilingual assistance, users can rest assured they'll receive seamless support in their native language, ensuring they're never lost in translation.
submitted by fmlforveaaa to cryptoreferralcodesz [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:27 chillipanda77 [PS4] [PS5] [PC] [XBOX] UK clan ‘Your Callouts Are Wrong’ recruiting

[PS4] [PS5] [PC] [XBOX] UK clan ‘Your Callouts Are Wrong’ seeking to invite players into our clan and correct their callouts.
Cross platform clan ‘Your Callouts Are Wrong’ looking to add 10-15 players aged 25-50 to create a tight knit community. Want to keep game time similar for all so UK /EU preferred. Not seeking the very casual, more those inclined to challenge the PvE end game, chase and finish raid seals, complete missing challenges etc. Of most importance for those interested wud be that they are wholly decent people, those who know how to balance a healthy life around the game and are looking to make friends and develop friendships. If u don’t mind a dabble in PvP and trials etc that’s also kl coz we have a few like that. Any interest hit me up, thnx
submitted by chillipanda77 to DestinyClanFinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:05 Heavy_Efficiency_107 Ukrainian art collector scam?

So my parents just got a weird e-mail It talks about a ukrainian guy fighting In the war and wanting to move to my country with his family. He claims to be a 18th century ukrainian art collector and he want to flee with his money (approximately €550,000) hidden in a art piece. He's explaining how the process would go. He'd use the red cross to move his art piece full of cash and because the red cross is transporting it, it wouldn't get seized by any kind of customs and when it arrives at my adress he and his family will move to our country and end up giving us 10% of the money and buy our car ( btw he contacted my parents on a online car selling platform)
For those interested here's the bottom half of the email he send :
I will make a beneficiary of one of my antiques and use this means to hide my money in the box and you will receive it as a beneficiary. Don't worry it's risk free, i will explain more as soon as you respond.
I know you will be thinking how, I would send money to someone I don't know, I know you, because I found you from your advertisement on the site and I know that you are a real and genuine person, so I am not afraid and moreover i do not have any choice but to do this. The banks are not working so it's impossible to move this money out of Ukraine especially in times like this so this is the best opportunity for me to do this and I have to move my family to the Netherlands as soon as you receive this funds. I'll give you the breakdown of how this is going to happen once I get a response from you. I will offer you 10% of this funds for your help and also buy your car.
I am looking forward to your response. Best regards, Isai Bogomazov.
For some reason couldn't copy the full e-mail sorry about that.
What type of scam is this Thank you for reading this and have a wonderful day!
submitted by Heavy_Efficiency_107 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:02 BrianLSComics Seeking Volunteer Editors for Webcomic, "The Wild Blue"

I'm the creator of the webcomic "The Wild Blue" (ThWiBl for short), and I'm looking for some volunteers to help give me feedback on my story content and critique each new episode as I complete them. We would be using a discord server as the main communication hub.
The Wild Blue is a slice-of-life sci-fi comedy/drama following an ensemble cast attending The Cyrian Flight Academy, the top flight school in the galaxy. The cast all experiences their own forms of culture shock from life at the academy, and the way they've lived their lives up to that point is constantly being challenged in wacky and sometimes heartbreaking ways. Later on in the story, hints of corruption at the academy begins to paint a different picture of the formerly idyllic setting of the story, and that further exposes that the world of The Wild Blue may not be as utopian as it may have seemed. The story is commentary on high society, the dangers of blind loyalty to one's family and the worldviews given to you by your upbringing.
The world the story takes place in is sci-fi, but the ground-level setting of the comic is very contemporary to keep things relatable to the audience.
The art style for ThWiBl is primarily made from 3D assets to speed up production time, with characters created in VRoid studio. The characters' facial features are drawn over the models, to maintain a hand drawn feel. This has been a point of contention for some, but I spent 5 years drawing my last webcomic every day and I was pretty burnt out, so I needed to streamline the process this time around.
ThWiBl currently releases differently on different platforms. The story is released in chapters on platforms like Tapas and Webtoon, but on social media like Facebook and Instagram, the chapters are split into smaller episodes, labeled as subchapters, (eg chapter 13.2, chapter 13.3, etc), each made up of 8 slides and a title card. The episodes release every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but I complete new episodes on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
At the time of writing this, I'm currently working on chapter 62.8, which is the 313th episode, so there would be some catch up required if you're not already familiar with the series. I'm also very far ahead of schedule, so that early access can be given to my Patreon supporters. My goal is to reach the end of the story by chapter 150.
As an editor, I would be looking for story feedback, constructive criticism on the overall plot, character development, pacing, and dialogue, as well as a sounding board for future plotlines. I'll also be looking for detailed feedback on each individual episode, focusing on things like narrative flow, engagement, and any inconsistencies. Despite being silly and wacky on the surface, each character is fully fleshed out with their own perspectives and motivations informed by their childhoods and the traumas that they experienced therein, so someone who likes to look deeper into character motivations beyond what's on the surface would be preferred.
If you join me as an editor, you'll receive credit on my website and The Wild Blue's social media pages, you'll get to read episodes of The Wild Blue before they are released to the public, even before the highest tier Patreon members get them, and you'll get to work closely with me and influence the direction of the story.
You can take a look at the comic for reference here
And just as a content warning for those with reservations: ThWiBl has sparse elements of violence, sexual themes and dialogue, plot lines involving LGBT themes, and anthropomorphic characters, but none of these elements are the focus of the story. If you find any of this offensive, this role may not be for you.
Anyone interested, please send me a DM or an email to [](
Thanks for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you!
— Brian LS
submitted by BrianLSComics to ComicBookCollabs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:01 m97chahboun Eyes Care - An Open-Source Desktop App Built with Flutter to Protect Your Eyes

I recently discovered a really cool open-source desktop application called "Eyes Care" that's designed to help prevent digital eye strain. What's great about this app is that it's built using the cross-platform Flutter framework, making it available on multiple operating systems.
The key features of Eyes Care include:
Future updates planned for the app include:
What I really like about this project is that it's open-source, so the community can contribute and help improve it over time.
Download :
If you spend a lot of time working on a computer, this seems like a great tool to help take care of your eyes. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think! I'm curious to hear if any fellow Redditors have tried it or have ideas for improving the app.
submitted by m97chahboun to FlutterDev [link] [comments]


Dear Adventurers,
It is finally happening! Tarisland is to launch worldwide on June 21 and will be available on PC, Android, and iOS. We can't wait for you to have endless fun in this classic MMORPG. Now, buckle up, and let's embark on an epic journey through a vast, ever-expanding world brimming with rich storytelling, challenging dungeons and raids, and a diverse array of classes and specializations to explore.
Alongside the launch date, key details of Tarisland's formidable final boss, the Blight Dragon, have been revealed. Covered in impenetrable scales, with a wingspan nearing 200 meters, this beast is the first dragon hatched in the universe and an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Alongside this reveal, a captivating CG trailer has been released showcasing the game's epic scale and stunning visuals.
Know more about Tarisland:
●Diverse Classes & Specializations: Step into the 9 classes, such as Warrior, Mage, and Priest, each with unique abilities and two specialized paths to master.
The highly anticipated dual-gender classes will be available class by class, starting with Mages and Paladins in Season 0. The Arena and other PvP modes will be also available. Class balance, combat maneuverability, and arena experience will see major optimizations to bring you a brand-new experience.
●Flexible Talent System: Craft your distinct playstyle using Tarisland's unique talent tree system, allowing for cost-free adjustments to adapt to different combat scenarios.
Tarisland will allow you to train your characters strategically from various aspects, including their talents, equipment, skills, and control, so you will be able to create your own characters and playstyles by yourself.
●Challenging Raid Encounters: Join forces with fellow adventurers to conquer epic-level bosses and overcome unique game mechanics in intense cooperative raids.
In Season 0, there will be five dungeons, eight 10-player raid bosses, and multiple PvE modes including the Arcane Realm, Universal Hall, and Dark Invasion. Each dungeon has three levels of difficulty, so players with different preferences and devices can enjoy the thrill of conquering challenges.
●Vast Open World: Reveal the secrets of Tarisland's expansive realm, filled with puzzles, adventures, and unique gameplay experiences beyond traditional questing.
In Tarisland, you can build on your profession to establish a profitable social network and gain wealth through trading, or you can just kill time by exploring, fishing, or playing mini games in the amusement park. Here, you are free to choose your own adventure path.
●Cross-Platform Compatibility: Experience the thrill of raid progressions seamlessly across mobile and PC devices, with cross-platform data sharing for true gaming freedom.
With its detailed optimizations, Tarisland delivers a superb gaming experience on both PC and mobile, allowing you to embark on adventures with your friends anytime, anywhere.
To help players prepare for the vast world beyond, we also have a series of pre-launch events scheduled, including the "Guild Pre-registration Event" announced today and the H5 event, "Unveil Your Role: Class Quest in Tarisland". So rally your friends and be prepared!
It has been over a year since Tarisland was first introduced to you, and during this time, we've completed several playtests and conducted numerous adjustments and optimizations. Thank you all for accompanying us on this journey. Your enthusiasm and support have brought Planet Tarisland to life as it shines in the infinite universe, brimming with life. Finally, its official launch is approaching. Let's get together in Tarisland on June 21!
Visit the official site for the latest news about the game, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Discord.
submitted by Dvalin_DK to TarislandMMORPG [link] [comments]


Dear Adventurers,
It is finally happening! Tarisland is to launch worldwide on June 21 and will be available on PC, Android, and iOS. We can't wait for you to have endless fun in this classic MMORPG. Now, buckle up, and let's embark on an epic journey through a vast, ever-expanding world brimming with rich storytelling, challenging dungeons and raids, and a diverse array of classes and specializations to explore.
Alongside the launch date, key details of Tarisland's formidable final boss, the Blight Dragon, have been revealed. Covered in impenetrable scales, with a wingspan nearing 200 meters, this beast is the first dragon hatched in the universe and an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Alongside this reveal, a captivating CG trailer has been released showcasing the game's epic scale and stunning visuals.
Know more about Tarisland:
●Diverse Classes & Specializations: Step into the 9 classes, such as Warrior, Mage, and Priest, each with unique abilities and two specialized paths to master.
The highly anticipated dual-gender classes will be available class by class, starting with Mages and Paladins in Season 0. The Arena and other PvP modes will be also available. Class balance, combat maneuverability, and arena experience will see major optimizations to bring you a brand-new experience.
●Flexible Talent System: Craft your distinct playstyle using Tarisland's unique talent tree system, allowing for cost-free adjustments to adapt to different combat scenarios.
Tarisland will allow you to train your characters strategically from various aspects, including their talents, equipment, skills, and control, so you will be able to create your own characters and playstyles by yourself.
●Challenging Raid Encounters: Join forces with fellow adventurers to conquer epic-level bosses and overcome unique game mechanics in intense cooperative raids.
In Season 0, there will be five dungeons, eight 10-player raid bosses, and multiple PvE modes including the Arcane Realm, Universal Hall, and Dark Invasion. Each dungeon has three levels of difficulty, so players with different preferences and devices can enjoy the thrill of conquering challenges.
●Vast Open World: Reveal the secrets of Tarisland's expansive realm, filled with puzzles, adventures, and unique gameplay experiences beyond traditional questing.
In Tarisland, you can build on your profession to establish a profitable social network and gain wealth through trading, or you can just kill time by exploring, fishing, or playing mini games in the amusement park. Here, you are free to choose your own adventure path.
●Cross-Platform Compatibility: Experience the thrill of raid progressions seamlessly across mobile and PC devices, with cross-platform data sharing for true gaming freedom.
With its detailed optimizations, Tarisland delivers a superb gaming experience on both PC and mobile, allowing you to embark on adventures with your friends anytime, anywhere.
To help players prepare for the vast world beyond, we also have a series of pre-launch events scheduled, including the "Guild Pre-registration Event" announced today and the H5 event, "Unveil Your Role: Class Quest in Tarisland". So rally your friends and be prepared!
It has been over a year since Tarisland was first introduced to you, and during this time, we've completed several playtests and conducted numerous adjustments and optimizations. Thank you all for accompanying us on this journey. Your enthusiasm and support have brought Planet Tarisland to life as it shines in the infinite universe, brimming with life. Finally, its official launch is approaching. Let's get together in Tarisland on June 21!
Visit the official site for the latest news about the game, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Discord.
submitted by Dvalin_DK to TarislandTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:40 derrrrrrrrrrrr111111 21M, looking for someone that plays some fortnite with me

Heyy people, looking for people to play with and make friends (preferably female, because i don't really feel comfortable around guys).
I also play a lot of other things and I'm on PS5 (but fortnite is cross platform).
Thank you for reading and have a nice day❤
submitted by derrrrrrrrrrrr111111 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:40 rohitsangwan01 Listen to global Mouse/Keyboard events or inject input events globally with Flutter or Dart

Introducing UiohookDart , a Cross-platform Desktop keyboard and mouse hooking library, using libuiohook based ffi implementation
This library supports all Desktop platforms, and can run in Flutter as well as Dart VM
with this we can listen to Keyboard and Mouse events, Suppress specific events and also inject events to the system
it would be great to have some feedback and inputs
submitted by rohitsangwan01 to FlutterDev [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:40 derrrrrrrrrrrr111111 21M, looking for someone that plays some fortnite with me

Heyy people, looking for people to play with and make friends (preferably female, because i don't really feel comfortable around guys).
I also play a lot of other things and I'm on PS5 (but fortnite is cross platform).
Thank you for reading and have a nice day❤
submitted by derrrrrrrrrrrr111111 to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:39 derrrrrrrrrrrr111111 21M, looking for someone that plays some fortnite with me

Heyy people, looking for people to play with and make friends (preferably female, because i don't really feel comfortable around guys).
I also play a lot of other things and I'm on PS5 (but fortnite is cross platform).
Thank you for reading and have a nice day❤
submitted by derrrrrrrrrrrr111111 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:32 Dismal_Jaguar [Mac?][90s/00s?] Interactive fiction cyberpunk game

Platform(s): I was playing it on Mac OS X, but I don't think it was Mac-specific. It was probably a cross-platform thing like Glulx (or maybe Z-Machine, but idk if the UI would have been possible in that)
Genre: Interactive Fiction, Cyberpunk
Estimated year of release: Most likely 1990s or early 2000s. Couldn't have been after 2006.
Graphics/art style: This was interactive fiction, so all text, but it may have used line-drawing characters for the UI which seems somewhat atypical for IF
Notable characters: Don't remember
Notable gameplay mechanics: The UI differed from the typical Infocom-style parser interface. Rather than typing "INVENTORY" and it prints out a list of the items in your inventory, it had a separate screen showing your items and their descriptions. Other than that I can't remember much about it.
Other details: This game had a fairly standard cyberpunk setting/plot, you're a netrunner and there's a corporation you have to steal some kind of MacGuffin from, and there's concepts like decks and ICE and flatlining obviously inspired by "Neuromancer" and the like. There was an item (some sort of software that fries someone's brain) whose description included "I can see clearly now my brain is gone", which is the thing I remember most vividly, but Google hasn't been any help.
submitted by Dismal_Jaguar to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]