Ghost follows the car

「攻殻機動隊」Ghost in the Shell

2011.11.11 05:04 Fraktul 「攻殻機動隊」Ghost in the Shell

「攻殻機動隊」Ghost in the Shell A futuristic, police/noir thriller, set around the mid-21st Century, dealing with the reality of corporate power structures, and cyber terrorism, against a backdrop of technological advancement, and transhumanist cyberisation, in a Neo-Japanese state.

2020.09.24 21:35 CaptainBoomOfficial TheGhostAndMollyMcGee

The Ghost and Molly McGee follows Molly, an optimistic 13-year old, who lives to make the world a better place, and a grumpy ghost named Scratch, whose joy comes from spreading misery. When one of Scratch’s spells backfires, he finds himself forever cursed in Molly's presence.

2013.11.22 17:35 Take My Survey

Post and take surveys!

2024.06.09 19:21 wildgamer223 romance RP long term

romance RP long term
so I'm looking for a long term werewolf rp where I'm a female werewolf in one of these situations
one so your a human which suchs humans are forced to follow the werewolf hierarchy but are automatically considered Omegas which is the weakest and get paid less and overall struggle more while werewolves get greater benefits and privileges I'm the princess of the werewolves and your my secret human lover (preferred)
your a vampire prince/princess I'm the queen of the werewolves you lost the war so to protect there people and kingdom your parents offered you to me as a gift begging for mercy however i don't take as much advantage of this as you think even though i can do whatever i want with you
please i ask you start with a ref and don't ghost me i use rp to cope and destress especially with a recent break up that i won't go into detail with please DM me if your interested
submitted by wildgamer223 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 Lucid-DreamerOwl The Whispering Pines

It was supposed to be a weekend of fun and ba relaxation. A group of four friends—Emily, Jake, Sarah, and Mark—decided to escape the hustle and bustle of city life by camping in the secluded depths of Whispering Pines National Forest. They packed their gear, loaded their cars, and set off with laughter and excitement.
The forest greeted them with the scent of pine and the rustling of leaves. They found a perfect clearing near a calm, sparkling lake. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow over the water as they pitched their tents and built a campfire.
Night fell, bringing with it a chill that seemed to seep into their bones. The fire crackled, and they shared stories and roasted marshmallows. As the night grew darker, the forest around them seemed to come alive with the sounds of nocturnal creatures.
"I heard this place is haunted," Jake said with a mischievous grin, breaking the silence.
"Oh, come on," Sarah replied, rolling her eyes. "Not this again."
"No, seriously," Jake insisted. "They say people hear whispers in the night, voices calling their names. And some campers have disappeared without a trace."
"That's just a story," Mark said, though his voice lacked conviction.
The group laughed it off, but as the night wore on, an uneasy feeling settled over them. One by one, they retreated to their tents, seeking the comfort of their sleeping bags.
Emily was the first to wake up. A strange noise had pulled her from her sleep—a soft, almost inaudible whisper. She sat up, straining to hear. The whispering grew louder, more insistent. It sounded like her name.
"Emily... Emily..."
She unzipped her tent and stepped outside. The moon cast an eerie light over the campsite, and the fire had burned down to glowing embers. She saw nothing but shadows and heard nothing but the whispering.
"Jake? Is that you?" she called out, but there was no answer.
The whispering continued, drawing her towards the edge of the forest. She hesitated, glancing back at the tents, then took a deep breath and walked into the trees. The air grew colder, and the whispers grew louder, more frantic.
"Emily... help us... Emily..."
Panic set in, and she turned to run back to the campsite but found herself disoriented. The trees seemed to close in around her, their branches like skeletal hands. She stumbled and fell, her heart pounding in her chest.
Back at the campsite, Jake woke up to a scream. He bolted upright and saw that Emily's tent was empty. He shook the others awake, and they quickly realized she was missing. Grabbing flashlights and calling her name, they plunged into the forest.
"Emily! Where are you?"
The forest seemed to swallow their voices, and the whispering grew louder, echoing in the darkness. The friends huddled together, fear gripping them as they pushed deeper into the woods. They found Emily's flashlight lying on the ground, its beam pointing towards a narrow path.
With growing dread, they followed the path until they reached a clearing. There, standing in a circle of moonlight, was Emily. Her eyes were wide with terror, and she seemed to be in a trance.
"Emily!" Sarah cried, rushing towards her.
But Emily didn't move. She was staring at something in the shadows. The friends followed her gaze and saw figures emerging from the darkness—ghostly apparitions of lost campers, their faces twisted in anguish.
"Help us," they whispered. "Free us from this place."
The friends stood frozen in horror as the apparitions surrounded them, their whispers growing louder and more desperate. Emily snapped out of her trance and screamed, "Run!"
They turned and fled, the whispering chasing them through the forest. Branches scratched at their faces, and roots seemed to grab at their feet. Somehow, they made it back to the campsite, breathless and terrified.
They didn't waste a moment packing up their gear. As they drove away, they could still hear the whispers, faint but persistent, following them until they were miles from the forest.
None of them spoke about that night again. They never returned to Whispering Pines, but the memories haunted them. And sometimes, in the dead of night, they could still hear the whispers calling their names.
submitted by Lucid-DreamerOwl to u/Lucid-DreamerOwl [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 AubreyHazeOfficial I need help

I've been with my partner for eight years in an open relationship. He's not only my dream partner but also the author of an insightful book on relationship dynamics. Despite my recent jealousy, I strive to prove myself as his best friend, longing for open communication. However, I'm confused and hurt by his dismissive attitude towards my emotions.
We both practice Tantra and collaborate professionally, which has been fulfilling. I was inspired by him and started doing couples clients with him and taking my own clients. It’s been a good partnership. He’s taught me so much and makes me feel loved a lot of the time. I’ve been his biggest fan and he has been mine. (We have been sexless for over a year, however, nobody really initiates it, but I touch him intimately when we watch movies. I have complained about it a few times but I don’t wish to coerce.)
But the reason I need advice - I find myself questioning his intentions with a new colleague and his shockingly sudden pattern of lies. Despite his denying it, I feel like I'm being replaced, and I am frustrated that he lied to me, amplifying my insecurities.
It began with him scheduling a 1-hour session with a client named "Jenny." I assisted in tidying up the space and then waited quietly in my room as usual. However, I ended up staying in my room for 3 hours while they conversed in the living room and then went into the massage room much later.
Only after I pressed him for an explanation did he admit it was actually a "training session." This revelation concerned me, as I have been his go-to partner for couples and four-hands for the last 8 years aside from when I’m not available he would have a backup. I overheard him giving her a copy of his book on open relationships. She’s also very attractive and his type (skinny and blond as seen on the Ring camera) I can’t help wonder why he wouldn’t have told me it was a training session in the first place. I asked if she inquired first or he offered and he said the former but I wonder if that’s a lie too.
The next day, he mentioned he was going out to buy a phone, confirming it was for her. This was unusual, as he had only purchased phones for me in the past that I had to reimburse (just so I didn’t have to partake in the transaction.) So this is some serious mentorship.
Later that evening, he had a solo session with a couple, but afterwards, he spent 4 hours at his favorite Thai restaurant which is rare. I’m betting it was the girl he was dining with (“Jenny”) I found her real name on his Instagram following, and it appears she’s married as of last year. When he returned, he claimed it was his clients who took him out and the leftovers he offered me were all cold. I suspect he was covering for her and that it was a business meeting or they did a couples together. I screenshotted her profile, sent to him and said I thought he may be out with her. He didn’t deny it, when he came home, he said it was his couple clients taking him out. I feel like I can tell when he lies now, like he’s just so happy to share but it’s really not sharing and doesn’t care if I’m suspicious.
We didn’t interact much that night, but before bed he abruptly moved to his bedding to his room, citing that he can no longer tolerate the disorganization of mine although it’s been a longstanding arrangement. I reacted poorly, expressing frustration at his sudden disengagement and suggesting I might get my own place after my tummy tuck recovery. He dismissed my concerns, attributing them to emotional manipulation and urging me to sleep it off.
The next morning, he texted me about a 2-hour client appointment at 7 pm listed as “Morgan” I inquired if it was with his new partner or a training session, to which he denied. However, while outside waiting, I noticed on the Ring camera that it was the same woman holding my massage oil bottle (he must have given it to her the night prior) They shared an intimate greeting. When I confronted him, he claimed it was her client and a four-hands session and that she didn’t have an incall location so it’s here, quickly updating the calendar to reflect it as “Morgan incall 2 hour with her client Jenny”. His nonchalant lying was alarming, especially given his usual transparency.
He even greeted the client "Jenny" alone, as if she were his regular client, and later in our argument he referred to her as “his client” I suspected he arranged the appointment for her, knowing it would upset me because it means he chose her instead of me when I was home and available (and truthfully struggling financially since I was in a car accident a few days ago and I have an upcoming tummy tuck)
I went up to my room after their client left (I said I don’t know why I need to remain hidden and outside of my living space if she’s not a client), he said she’s coming back up to take photos for her website. I refused to hide in my room and was in an emotional rage, insisting on meeting her if she comes up and making her aware that I exist. He tried to calm me initially, even saying “she’s not at all my type” which I know to be untrue and saying I’m doing all this over a girl he’s not even romantically involved with. I used harmful words calling him a pimp and groomer. He sent her home before she came back up.
He remains indifferent, denies any wrongdoing, and insists I stop emotionally manipulating him (which I have agreed to and want to demonstrate) but his refusal to address my concerns leaves me feeling gaslit and unconsidered. He also said he’ll never do business with me, so I suppose I am replaced. It's a heart-wrenching situation, leaving me questioning our future together.
Sometimes we just go back to normal after arguments, no closure other than he will just do as he pleases and I have to deserving of his sharing any information with me, which obviously I’m not deemed worthy of anymore.
I’m honestly having trouble not crying every few minutes and it’s the next day (I haven’t slept), I’m scared this is really the end of my usually dreamy life and I’m struggling with thoughts of self-harm. How can I redeem myself and address how I feel to him? Should I just let things play out and do my best to be loving despite how hurt and disappointed I feel?
submitted by AubreyHazeOfficial to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:12 Conscious-Dingo4463 1961. Lincoln Continental 4 door

1961. Lincoln Continental 4 door submitted by Conscious-Dingo4463 to classiccars [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:12 fearless_cowgirl How do I get over him please help me it’s been years

I am 24F I dated this guy when I was 22 and he was 24M
He ghosted me. It was built up for 2 years and it lasted maybe 6 months and he ghosted me. I have cried and died inside.
I have dated another guy, studied, walked in evenings, found hobbies, built upon my friendships. I have tried everything. I still think about him All day and it’s breaking me on the inside. We haven’t spoken since oct 2022. I had a crush on him when I was in school. He had hit me up when I was in college and I was a goner. I wouldn’t say I was in love because this toxic shit is not love. But I WANT TO STOP thinking about him sm.
Pls tell me how to get over this. Pls this is my last straw. I broke down and sent him a follow request. I don’t wanna start conversing and lose all respect. He doesn’t care he won’t care he never cared man
submitted by fearless_cowgirl to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:12 Conscious-Dingo4463 1961. Continental 4 door

1961. Continental 4 door submitted by Conscious-Dingo4463 to lincolnmotorco [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:09 katie0104 Is this a scam?

Hi all! So I found this car on Facebook Marketplace and I can’t tell if it is a scam or not. His profile only shows that he has one active follower, however he has posts and has been very upfront with me. We arranged a day for me to see the vehicle, and he gave me his address. On his profile it also shows that he works at a used car lot, however this used vehicle in particular isn’t on the website. His current city and job match his facebook “about me” description. I told him I would consider putting down a small deposit, and he told me that he would prefer venmo/cash app or zelle under his son’s account. It’s a 1965 Mustang Fastback for 7k which sounds too good to be true and it has been listed for a day. After we made an agreement, he said that he would draft up a bill of sale.
So, does this sound sketchy or should I trust going forward?
submitted by katie0104 to FacebookMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:04 lnwildeagle85 Classic Corrie

Classic Corrie
As Christmas arrives in Classic Corrie, it's the run up to a festive wedding as Ashley & Claire get married, but nothing goes according to plan - as it does. Mind you Tracy & Karen didn't get an invitation as both women battle it out for Round 2. Ding ding. After Karen suffered a miscarriage last week, she furious to learn that Liz told the news to every resident on the Cobbles. So what does she do, speeds off in a prize car - unaware Tracy has just strapped young little Amy into the back seat (shouldn't have left her unattended & the door unlocked). As Tracy & Steve rush to the Red Rec, Karen said she has left the car, but the vehicle blows in a ball of flames with both nowhere to be seen. Actress Suranne Jones (Karen) bowed out this week, in an hour long Xmas ep. her & Tracy face a showdown on the factory roof with poor Steve in hot pursuit! Her exit the following episode sees her an emotionally charged parting with Steve. After she leaves, Tracy has her chance to get closer to Steve. Elsewhere, Deirdre arranges a meeting between Shelley & Bev, and look out for young Adam Barlow as Ken brings his Grandson as the residents welcomes in to 2005.
submitted by lnwildeagle85 to coronationstreet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:00 SpillFanta My take on the whole “tiktok fans” and otherwise controversy of the newer fans

TLDR at bottom
alot of the older fans of the boys tend to forget the bigger picture of $b’s journey from ~2014-now. Its a bit of a hot take, but in my opinion $B was meant to blow up on tiktok and even go as far to say that it was meant to be there path to a higher tier of fame.
Imagine you’re 13 yr old me, its 2015, and you open vine to see 7 second vine edits whether it be Spongebob, cars or sports. There were alot of artists who’s music would find themselves in these edits, $uicideboys$, joined by others such as Shakewell, Xavier Wulf & the late XXXTENTACION, were amongst some of them. So obviously, people like 13yr old me who mainly liked metal and hiphop, looked it up on youtube and atleast knew about them and who they were.
Now obviously, $B qnd the others around this time from 2014-16 did have an established small cult following. Id seriously say the $B fanbase around 2015 was 100k-300k people, these guys were underground considering all the other great stuff catching people’s attention.
But of course as you all know vine, a key player in $b getting their name out on the internet, shut down.
So when we get to 2017-2019 this is an era where music popularity was more reliant on image/clout antics to get popular, while just quality, addictive music was only working as well for well established artists. $B are obviously not rappers that are more concerned with playing into image/clout, which lead to them being overshadowed by people like boonk gang and lil pump. Still, they managed to find some substantial growth despite taking a long break after IWTDINO
So now we get to 2020 and beyond, when the pieces put themselves together, people are on lockdown, and tiktok is this new social media on the block, and its a similar structure to vine. Similar to vine, you had the short form video-content that was fed to you in the fast paced, rewarding manner. What really sweetened the deal for $B? Tiktok was all about making it the norm (and east) to add any* song to your video, and presumably dance to it or whatever.
If you understand how $B was able to get in the building when Vine, a less music-based platform, was around. Then you can see how this was a gold mine for them.
This made people complain about a “cringe” fanbase or even “$b was better 2015” but the truth is that not only is cringe a prominent thing on tiktok thats unavoidable in almost every corner of it, but the $B are a story if you ask me (like many rappers ofc) but between their origins and their discography, $B are a story that i think every kid in this generation should be somewhat hip to (like slipknot, chief keef, lil wayne etc). $B is one in a trillion as far as a discography goes and truly packaged an era of underground rap into an experience.
If youre a new fan reading this, not only are u welcome in my eyes (and ofc $b’s) you were also expected.
TLDR: $b’s music was always literal ear candy for vine, similar to TT. There music would often appear in sports or car edits, but it didnt last long cause vine shut down, so when TT started poppin $B had front row seats to the show. And ofc millions love what they wish they just simply heard earlier
submitted by SpillFanta to G59 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:56 redrosesuah How do I stop the self pity?

I feel like I am angry and bitter due to my life circumstances and I can’t shake this sense of self pity that I have. I would like to but I don’t know where to start…
The why~ Right now my family is in a difficult position. My dad didn’t save enough for or prepare for his retirement well, and he was the main bread winner. After he retired my family has been through it with getting a home but we did (it was hard cause his credit is shit) only now my family is house poor. My dad gets a stipend from the church he used to work at and social security, but my mom has to work a ton of hours to help make ends meet. I have 3 sisters too and we’re expected to help out with bills even though my younger sister doesn’t make enough nor does she have a car. On top of this my dad has a shopping/hoarding issue and our house is full of crap, and it stresses everyone out due to the wasted money and the stress of having the items.
That has been going on for the last 3 years or so, and personally I’ve been going through it. I’ve had 2 manic episodes (before I knew that it was) and I got diagnosed with bipolar type 1 last September. My family is religious and do not believe that mental health disorders are real so I get no support from them. In addition to that the majority of my friends either don’t believe or understand the disorder, I have one friend who has depression so she understands where I’m coming from but everyone else? Makes me feel like a stranger in my own body. This has also made me feel bitter towards the church too and I’ve had a hard time following religion as well.
Currently, I have a lot of credit card debt due to a bad financial decision encouraged by my mom (I was encouraged to use the cards to pay for school and rent instead of dropping out like I wanted to), but I thankfully have a good paying full time job and I am taking 2 classes for free at the community college. Id be lying though if I said I wasn’t overwhelmed by this, on top of the things I listed earlier..
TL;DR- Basically I’m in this loop where I feel angry and bitter at my circumstances but also just mad at the world in general. I’m having a lot of thoughts of feeling suppressed like I can’t get ahead and really other thoughts as well. How can I stop it?
submitted by redrosesuah to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:56 Joola421 Best way to prep paint before diy PPF?

I plan to ppf the rocker panels and hood myself. I live in an apartment so I can't do a full on hand/spray wash. I was planning to do the following instead. The car is brand new.
  1. High pressure wash at coin car wash with their foaming cleanser
  2. Drive home and wash again with ONR
  3. Clay bar
  4. Adam's surface prep
  5. Install PPF
Is this sufficient?
submitted by Joola421 to Detailing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:56 unimatrixq Would love someone doing my concept for a horror short film!

The Night Walk
A man's night walk through a surreal, deserted town becomes a terrifying descent into his own repressed memories, culminating in a chilling confrontation with the skeleton of his past.
Ethan - A middle-aged man, introspective and burdened by unspoken anxieties.
Skeleton - A skeletal figure representing Ethan’s guilt and past
Scene Breakdown:
Act 1: The House (5 minutes)
Ethan sits in his dimly lit living room, a book in his lap, but not reading. His face is drawn, lost in thought.
The camera pans to a dusty old photo frame on the mantelpiece, revealing a blurry image of a young couple, their faces obscured by shadows. Ethan's reflection briefly appears in the glass, his eyes filled with an unsettling mix of fear and longing.
A faint creaking sound from the attic, followed by a muffled thump. Ethan looks up, momentarily startled.
The camera lingers on a loose floorboard in the living room, its shadow stretching ominously across the wall.
Ethan rises, grabs a worn coat, and heads out the front door.
Act 2: The Empty Town (15 minutes)
Ethan walks through an eerily silent town, the streets devoid of people, cars, or even streetlights. The camera follows Ethan as he passes by:
A bakery with its window displays frozen in time, showcasing perfectly preserved loaves of bread that appear to be breathing.
A park where trees sway violently, their branches contorting into grotesque shapes, while a lone swing set rocks back and forth on its own.
A run-down movie theatre with flickering neon signs that spell out impossible words like 'Never Forget' and 'Always Remember.'
The camera zooms in on Ethan's face, showcasing his growing unease and confusion.
He encounters a single, lone figure – a man with a bright red balloon floating behind him. The man walks in reverse, never looking back, his face obscured by the red balloon.
Ethan tries to speak, but his voice is swallowed by the silence. The man disappears around a corner, leaving Ethan facing an empty street, a sense of dread washing over him.
Act 3: The Cellar (5 minutes)
Ethan descends into his dark, dusty cellar, the air thick with the smell of forgotten things.
The camera focuses on a pile of boxes, one of them slightly ajar, revealing a faded photograph - the same one from the mantelpiece, but this time with the couple's faces clearly visible. It's a younger Ethan with a woman, her face suddenly turning skeletal.
A sudden, harsh rattling sound comes from the far corner of the cellar.
Ethan turns, his eyes falling onto the skeletal figure. The skeletal figure, emaciated and ghastly, slowly rises, its red glowing eyes burning with an empty, hateful fire.
Ethan screams, but the sound is drowned out by a chilling silence as the skeleton lunges towards him, its bony fingers grasping for his throat.
The Ending
The camera lingers on the photograph, the couple's faces contorted in a silent scream, as the cellar floor is stained with blood.
The film ends with a lingering shot of Ethan's house, bathed in an eerie moonlight, leaving the audience to grapple with the implications of the chilling encounter and the unanswered questions surrounding the town, the skeleton, and the buried secrets of Ethan's past.
submitted by unimatrixq to ShortFilm [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:55 GNGVir Search for Ghost telemetry in strike The Disgraced in the Cosmodrome Destiny 2

You can see Search for Ghost telemetry in strike The Disgraced in the Cosmodrome Destiny 2 following this video guide
submitted by GNGVir to YoutubeGameGuides [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:53 VaporLizard Why do spiders keep visiting me my entire life ?

Hello people of reddit, I have a question that I’m sure has many answers.. I’ve heard from different people that spiders have a connection to the spiritual realm,, I believe this which is why I’m coming here. My ENTIRE life I have been followed by spiders, I was never the kid to be playing with them though. I was absolutely and unbelievably terrified everytime. The fear of the spiders stems from when I was a child and EVERYDAY when I took a bath a GIANT spider ( different type everytime) would crawl out of the faucet after the tub had already been filled and I was sitting in the water. When I was a kid they were more frequent but as I’ve gotten older I only get the typical spiders here and there that you get in your house.
But! In the past two weeks I’ve had multiple different breeds of spiders just show up around me. So far it’s been a giant white/clear spider on my friends side mirror of her car( on the side I got in on ) there have been three different giant spiders that have showed up in my shower. The one I saw in my shower last night truly seemed like it was trying to crawl out of the tub to get me. ( boyfriend said that one was probably the bigger type or wolf spider)
I genuinely just want to know if there’s a spiritual reason why they maybe around me so much lately. I am on a very deep cleanse of myself and just trying to find my own; no longer allowing myself to be caught up in others; but caught up in myself.
If anyone has any insight at all it would mean a lot, if not then maybe my house is just really really old 😭
submitted by VaporLizard to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:50 Still-Mirror3544 Booking Issues

I have tried to reach out to two artists and have had trouble getting responses. It's my first tattoo and I will admit I sent some questions but I also don't feel like I bombed them with unnecessary questions. The first offered a consulted twice on two different dates and she flaked both times (I drove an hour each time) I finally quit trying as I heard she stole a someone's deposit. Found a guy I liked a lot better, he responded to my inquiry that I submitted per his site instructions. Told me he wouldn't do the text because he felt like it would ruin the design and told him I was fine with that. He told me his rates, offered to send me his cash app details for deposit if it worked for me and he'd get me on the books. I was like great and sent some questions about his design process so I would know what to expect and POOF crickets since Tuesday but he was responding within a day previously. Am I running them off? Am I expecting a response too soon? I really want to book with this guy but am afraid to follow up with him too soon so I can pay him a deposit.. I guess because I work in customer service I feel like I should have at least been told, hey I don't think we're a good fit instead of ghosting. Thoughts?
submitted by Still-Mirror3544 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:41 No_Form9728 My best friend ghosts me often and jokes about my death

I don't even know if I should be calling her a best friend. Tbh, it's been a struggle to introduce her as one.
For some context, she has been in a shit workplace, where she was working overtime almost every weekend and late on Fridays. We currently live in the same house. I have been trying my best to give her advice, but she wouldn't take any of it and would end up learning it the hard way. I realized later that she doesn't ever really listen to me. She doesn't take any of my advice seriously. It was a bit disheartening, but I let it go because I understood the stress she was under. Once she finally realized she had to quit because the work was too hard on her body, she ending up staying extra and worked overtime for it (she didn't get paid for it). All because she felt bad for her colleague? I questioned her for it, and she ghosted/gave me the silent treatment for a few days. She does this often whenever I question or bring up something she did. It's always a mind battle for me. She even once ghosted me for 2 whole months all because she jumped to conclusions about a misunderstanding and couldn't even wait till morning to talk to me.
Now that she is free from work, her body is crashing from days of no sleep. I wanted to encourage her to meet a friend who is leaving in a week, and she has agreed to it before. But after I managed to get her out of the house and meet our friends, she has been treating me badly again. I don't understand when this is what she wanted me to do. She would openly joke about wanting me dead, to fall off a mountain, or to crash into a car. Even if she was doing this from sleep deprivation, to only treat me like this was so heartbreaking. And this isn't the first time she's joked about my death. She used to say that she would dream about beating me up. I brought it up to her before and all she did was laugh it off saying it was a joke. But is this what a joke should be like? Even if it was dark? She knows I wasn't in a good mental state the past year. She only ever talks to me properly if I help her with work projects.
I don't want to sound like I'm being ungrateful, but as much as I love the times we do get along, a lot of resentment builds up when she plays mind tricks on me like this. No matter who I bring this up to, no one takes me as seriously as I need them to. It's eating me away. I can't help but post this here, I am desperate for some advice. Thank you for reading if you've made it this far through my ranting 😭
I will probably delete this soon.
submitted by No_Form9728 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:34 MatyasDoktor Other Ubisoft games still have hit reg issues

Devs please don't let Xdefiant follow this trend for Ubisoft. For example Rainbow 6 Siege still has hit registration issues and the game is NINE YEARS OLD. There are plenty of clips online.
I'm having loads of fun but occasionally have to turn off the game when the issues are bad due to frustration and I'm not one of the angry gamers either. After playing for an hour with ghost hitmarkers, ghost shots, all hits registered but dealing no damage and getting killed a full second or more after taking cover, a person can only take so much.
This is the most fun I've had in a shooter in a long time and I want to see this game thrive. Y'all nailed everything else and are working to adjust some of the issues so fast it's great! But if the hit registration does not get fixed even the more sensible and calm gamers will leave.
submitted by MatyasDoktor to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:33 throwfaraway898989 Confusing Myself

I'm wanting others' outside opinions. Sometimes I go back and forth between whether my parents are narcissists are if I'm actually the bad guy. For context, I was the golden child and my older sister was the scapegoat. Over the last 2-3 years I've realized how their raising of me (and infantilizing of me) has affected me to now I just feel like I was only ever a 'project' to them, not an actual person, and that they still and will always see me that way. Here are some reasons I think they may be narcissists:
This is a lot but is by no means all. I've read how, in the long run, the golden child is often the most damaged. I can see that now in my life, how I was never allowed to mature or given real emotional support, my usefulness to them extends only insofar as I reflect positively on them. As far as my being a real person with scars and issues and needs, they basically left me to myself. As my dad literally told me, "you were just so smart I thought you didn't need any advice or help. I thought you could just do it on your own."
submitted by throwfaraway898989 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:33 KxngFunkeeOfficial 21M /// Lf an online fellow homie to IRL hangout arc

I'm not gonna bs. Look, I don't know what it is, but I only have like one real super close friend in real life, and even they take a long time to stay in touch. No one I meet nowadays wants to reciprocate the kind energy I give out so it's made me resort to drastically reduce my outgoing tendencies, because everywhere I go - college campus, bars in town, my part-time job - reminds me of being socially excluded. Trade follows on social media, never interact with my posts but I sometimes like theirs - and they like and comment on everyone else's - then in real life, when I thought everything was cool between us, my friendly smile and wave means next to nothing while they glare at me judgingly for whatever snobbish arrogant reason they're entitled to being initiated with first so they can feel popular. I just want a homie I can text or hear from every day, play Valorant with and maybe even get close enough to hang out IRL. It's hard to make friends for me even when I feel like I've tried everything. The fake niceness I feel like I'm constantly surrounded by is crazy.
If you made it this far, thanks. A little about me: I'm from NA East, I'm studying Criminology in college, I'm a punk rockstar rhythm guitarist with an album that came out in April and a summer single that just released June 7th (I'm also looking for musical friends too to collab with, that would be a plus), I know a decent amount about cars. I'm also a gaming content creator that has the socials for that set up as well...with of course, not a huge following cuz people are people.
Ok. Thanks for reading if you did, just know I really appreciate any consideration. My discord is justfunkii.
TLDR: This post isn't for you if you looked down here.
submitted by KxngFunkeeOfficial to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:32 Old-Put5468 What to do if you was the one who messed up so she left.

I starred NC thinking I could reset myself and give her space then get her back. but I had an epiphany during NC that I was not my best to her in some very important ways. That was a fleeting moment for me and not me as a whole but it was enough to lose her. I'd love some advice bc realizing that I'm to blame is killing me. I feel so hard. I was convinced she was the one. I'm sure you all will agree why she left me when I explain. We met while I was still living with my ex/BM (I fully intended to leave but meetingv her sped things up.. too much. But she stuck around. I cut out many people and things just didn't move out right away bc I was being threatened of losing my daughter. Then I got hospitalized and recovered for 5 months. In this time I feel into a depression. Got to daily binge drinking and it all concluded with a massive drunk breakdown with her... it was bad... (no hitting or violence) but enough to make her scared it could go there. I knew I fd up so I laid it on thick to fix things. That only pushed her away and after she found out I spent a day with my BM trying to get he car fixed. She text me it won't work then ghosted me. Please some advice to fix this would be greatly needed. I do not want to let this one go that easy.. she's worth the fight.
submitted by Old-Put5468 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:32 throwfaraway898989 Confusing Myself

I'm wanting others' outside opinions. Sometimes I go back and forth between whether my parents are narcissists are if I'm actually the bad guy. For context, I was the golden child and my older sister was the scapegoat. Over the last 2-3 years I've realized how their raising of me (and infantilizing of me) has affected me to now I just feel like I was only ever a 'project' to them, not an actual person, and that they still and will always see me that way. Here are some reasons I think they may be narcissists:
This is a lot but is by no means all. I've read how, in the long run, the golden child is often the most damaged. I can see that now in my life, how I was never allowed to mature or given real emotional support, my usefulness to them extends only insofar as I reflect positively on them. As far as my being a real person with scars and issues and needs, they basically left me to myself. As my dad literally told me, "you were just so smart I thought you didn't need any advice or help. I thought you could just do it on your own."
submitted by throwfaraway898989 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:32 Magostera [Fanservant - Elden Ring] Mogh, Lord of Blood

[Fanservant - Elden Ring] Mogh, Lord of Blood

Caster Class Servant: Mogh, Lord of Blood
Class: Caster
True Name: Mogh
Alias: Luminary Mogh
Gender: Male
Region: Lands Between
Attribute: Earth
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Height: 476 cm


Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills

Territory Creation A
Mogh can construct a “Temple”, superior in potency to a typical “Workshop”. Besides giving him a powerful home advantage, within this bloody temple dwell many foul creatures that once inhabited his underground lair: blood tainted albinaurics, putrescent slimes, bleeding and shambling corpses, and lastly the faithful sanguine nobles. While none of these minions would defeat even a middling Servant on their own, the exhausting battles waged to get past them greatly ease the ability of Mogh to deal with the intruder afterward.
Item Construction B
Even in his childhood, the Lord of Blood demonstrated a certain resourcefulness in crafting to survive the Shunning Grounds he grew up in. By using his accursed blood as a catalyst, Mogh can create numerous items or imbue existing ones with mystical properties, most often related to spilling more blood.
Magic Resistance A+
Mogh beast a superb Magic Resistance due to his divine blood and the blessing of the primordial Crucible within him. Moreover, his contract with the Formless Mother granted him an even greater resistance to fire, adding another rank against magecraft and attacks aligned with this element.

Personal Skills

Blessing of the Crucible A
Mogh was born with the blessing of the primordial Crucible, a manifestation of primal vitality granting the bearer characteristics of a great many forms of life. Unlike his twin brother, Mogh embraced his mutations and appropriated the power they contained, increasing his physical parameters as well as allowing him to temporarily obtain the physical characteristics of other natural lifeforms.
Divinity B+
As a firstborn of Marika the Eternal, Mogh is a powerful demigod and inherited a Great Rune when the Elden Ring shattered. His acceptance of the Crucible and its blessing, which was seen in primitive culture as a sign of the divine, further increases that divinity.
Magecraft (Bloodflame) A+
After entering in contract with the Outer God known as the Formless Mother, Mogh’s blood became host to a burning flame. He soon learned how to harness that flame and created an entire now school of magic based upon that ability, transmitting it to his faithful followers. The accursed blood burns and consume flesh. Blood stricken by that flame will ignite in turn. The Formless Mother care not from where the blood flows, only that it does.
Stalking A
While the Lord of Blood may have originally gravitated toward the eternally youthful Empyrean only to obtain the power of a god’s consort, he soon was possessed by a lustful obsession for his half-brother that is much deeper and far more disturbing than any kind of filial love. No matter where, no matter when, Mogh will always be able to track Miquella down.

Noble Phantasm

Bloodboon Ritual B — Anti-Unit~Anti-Army
The massive trident owned by the Lord of Blood. A sacred spear blessed by the Formless Mother, meant to symbolize the new dynasty Mogh was trying to build. It’s function as a weapon is secondary to its nature as an instrument of communion with the Outer God. The Formless Mother exists beyond the mortal realm, unseen and intangible, its presence imperceptible and unreachable, yet existing everywhere, much like the formless love permeating the universe in Hindu myths. But with the accursed blood she bestowed upon Mogh, her power can be forced upon reality.
To activate this Noble Phantasm, Mogh raises his weapon and pierce the intangible body of the Formless Mother. While the rain of Bloodflames it causes around Mogh is very dangerous by itself, the true danger of the Bloodboon Ritual is that it will impose the power of the Formess Mother upon all those in the area. The blood in the body of all victims erupt into flame and attempt to force itself violently and explosively escape their body. The area of effect is originally quite small, but through prayers and preparations Mogh can expand it dramatically, changing it from an Anti-Unit to an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. A Magic Resistance of at least A rank (or a secret ritual known to a select few) is necessary to at least mitigate this secondary aspect of the Bloodboon ritual. It should also be noted that only beings possessing blood can be affected: mechanical creatures, ghosts, or other creatures possessing either no body or blood will only take damage from the rain of accursed flames.


Sadistic, bloodthirsty and power-hungry, Mogh is a deranged tyrant relishing in the absolute worship he receives from his followers. Having been shunned and ostracized by the Golden Order from birth, he decided to overthrow and replace it by founding his own dynasty under the patronage of another Outer God. Through coercion, promises of power and manipulation, he amassed a small army of cultists and slaves with the purpose of preparing war against the rest of the world. He kidnapped the Empyrean Miquella, his own half-brother, and forced him into an unholy union, so that Mogh could obtain the power and authority given to a god’s consort. No matter how evil, there is no low he will not reach for the sake of his ambitions.
Though a vile and massively self-centered person, Mogh is not entirely devoid of empathy or ability to respect others. As one who have been shunned from birth for his nature, he harbors no prejudice or discrimination. If they demonstrate the ability, the bloodlust and subservience towards him, anyone is welcome to become one of his Bloody Finger and gain a place in his new kingdom. And despite rejecting the Golden Order, he still holds his full-blooded brothers in some form of esteem: beside Morgott who shared his traumatic upbringing, his dynasty was to be named Moghwyn in the honor of his deceased brother Godwyn.

Motive / Attitude toward the Master

When summoned as a Servant, Mogh will immediately boast his importance and attempt to force the so-called Master to recognize his station as Lord of Blood and ruler of a prestigious dynasty. Should the summoner refuse for one reason or another, then the relationship with Mogh will be immediately and irremediably soured. The Lord of Blood will not do something so crass as killing his Master, but he will bide his time until the opportunity for treason becomes right, his cunning ensuring his victim will not realize the danger until too late. On the contrary, a Master willing to accommodate the Omen inflated sense of self-importance will find out that for all his narcissism, sadism, bloodthirst and generally evil ways, Mogh is very much capable of holding himself in check for the sake of his ambitions. A Master capable of proving their abilities and their determination may gain his trust, perhaps even his respect, even if their respective moral compass are in complete opposition.
The establishment of a great empire ruled by a powerful dynasty. Mogh is an assumed tyrant, whose whish to become an immortal god-king is as clear as day. That he died achieving nothing is barely worth mentioning: the Moghwyn dynasty will rise. Mogh will obtain the affection of his half-brother Miquella. His delusions and almost zealotry toward these goals are the catalyst of the only use he would find for the Holy Grail: to defile it with his own accursed blood, before offering it to the sleeping Empyrean. Persuaded that with such an offering, Miquella will finally awake and make him his consort, to rule together for a new age of Blood…

Connection to Other Characters

Godfrey, First Elden Lord
The powerful progenitor of the Omen Twins, who could only spend so much time with them before he was banished with his Tarnished warriors. Despite Mogh’s hatred for the Golden Order, that hate does not extend to Godfrey, who he recognized was powerless to contest the decision of his god. He also knows the true nature of his father, the bloodlust and desire for carnage hidden beneath the regal persona, and in that the Lord of Blood knows he is a true son of the First Elden Lord.
Godwyn, Prince of Death
His younger brother, the pure and perfect prince of the Golden Order, now reduced to a malformed abomination, worshipped by those living in death. Mogh snickers at the cruel irony of fate, but at the same time he cannot find true joy in what has become of the brother who came deep in the sewers, all the way to the Shunning Grounds, to check on him and Morgott many times. Naming his dynasty after Godwyn is his way of expressing his last respects.
Miquella, Sleeping God
The target of his obsession. The subject of his affection. The tool to grant him absolute power. The divinity he would forever bond with. Nothing will ever change Mogh’s mind. Miquella is his, and his alone.
Jacques de Molay (Foreigner)
A proper kingdom must have a working and profitable treasury. With this ambition in mind did Mogh conscripted Jacques de Molay to his service to work as a capable and unscrupulous secretary. Despite the Foreigner already belonging to another Outer God, such things are of little importance to Mogh whose relation to the Formless Mother is merely one of mutual benefit. Moley herself is very pleased with the arrangement, having found a benefactor sharing her evil nature and whose disinterest with mere monetary matters would allow her to satisfy her own selfish desire aplenty. As long as coins flow in the treasury of the dynasty, who care how much is used by the secretary?
Ashiya Douman
After a several hours long exposition given by the Lord of Blood, complete with diagrams and numbers, alongside many passionate speeches of lust, passion and admiration. After having endured the mad rantings of desires, disappointments, hopes and dreams, the litany of plans, projects and designs the demigod had for his dear Miquella. Finally, after closing the door to Mogh’s room, Ashiya Douman looked upon the massive stacks of notes in his hands. At last, he would start to understand what this thing called “love” was. At last, someone as repulsive and abhorrent as himself was present to help him surpass the last obstacle between him and his ambition of Beasthood. And if lesson one did not suffice, the Lord of Blood had been all too happy to program several more to share his experience on the subject…
The two can be seen sharing “delightful” conversations between bloodthirsty nobles. The blood countess finds Mogh’s honest malevolence and sadistic streak a pleasure compared to the self-justifying heroes or kings. While he is not such a torture technician as Carmilla, the Lord of Blood shares with her a profound love for inflicting pain, a great dramatic flair and a twisted sense of devotion. Deep down, they also have in common a terrible phobia of being imprisoned and locked up, stemming from their childhood and death respectively. In an unsurprising turn of event Carmilla humored the notion of becoming a sanguine noble, though rejected it for now. She has yet to see the kingdom the Omen keeps ranting about.
submitted by Magostera to grandorder [link] [comments]