Janda janda bugil


2020.05.15 13:46 aussie_petrolhead BigPigglyJanda

A second Subreddit for BigJigglyPanda in case bigjigglypanda goes down.

2018.07.13 16:55 Gaylord-Felcher jandan 煎蛋


2024.05.11 12:38 DankuBot 2meirl4meirl

2meirl4meirl submitted by DankuBot to dankmemesdaily [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 06:48 step6666 2meirl4meirl

2meirl4meirl submitted by step6666 to 2meirl4meirl [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 11:45 CookLiving Tell me where you at?

Tell me where you at? submitted by CookLiving to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 11:22 jacobcrackers14 I thought omi is more to janda?

I thought omi is more to janda? submitted by jacobcrackers14 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:27 Lans__ “Perempuan yang haram dikahwini”

It's basically a syllabus for Form 5 students in the Pendidikan Islam subject. Let me recap what I found outstanding about this topic...
Macam mana pulak dengan syllabus tentang lelaki yang haram dikahwini? Tajuk ni tak mention pulak kahwin dengan budak perempuan ni haram? Pegang tangan dengan perempuan yang bukan mahram tu haram tapi kahwin sampai 4 tu moral pulak? Kenapa lelaki je boleh kahwin 4, perempuan tak boleh? Takut jadi beta cuck ke? 😂
I find this syllabus to be extremely one-sided, unfair, misogynistic and highly weird...
submitted by Lans__ to MalaysianExMuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 01:14 ermeson01 é

é submitted by ermeson01 to 171brazil [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 06:01 Flaky-Opposite328 How many of these were implemented by "mudu rangula janda" Anna??

How many of these were implemented by
Hyderabadies how many of these schemes were implemented guys I saw this ad on front page of hindu so wanted to ask folks
submitted by Flaky-Opposite328 to hyderabad [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:43 jon-in-tha-hood [Randip Janda] Officially from Rick Tocchet: Arturs Silovs is the starter tonight

submitted by jon-in-tha-hood to hockey [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 20:11 PaperMoonShine [Randip Janda] Officially from Rick Tocchet: Arturs Silovs is the starter tonight

submitted by PaperMoonShine to canucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 08:37 whusler Kulup Bagi 85% Diskaun pada janda muda dan anak dara

Kulup Bagi 85% Diskaun pada janda muda dan anak dara submitted by whusler to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:36 Hazoola [Janda] Canucks practice power-play unit of Daniel Sedin, Henrik Sedin, Rick Tocchet, Sergei Gonchar, & Mark Friedman scores.

[Janda] Canucks practice power-play unit of Daniel Sedin, Henrik Sedin, Rick Tocchet, Sergei Gonchar, & Mark Friedman scores. submitted by Hazoola to BobCorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 21:38 wheresgarycooper [Janda] Canucks practice power-play unit of Daniel Sedin, Henrik Sedin, Rick Tocchet, Sergei Gonchar, & Mark Friedman scores.

submitted by wheresgarycooper to hockey [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:07 jacobcrackers14 Sorry but Georgetown in unesco 🥴

Sorry but Georgetown in unesco 🥴 submitted by jacobcrackers14 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 21:43 Glad_Speed_9684 Just leave the bloody house!

Just leave the bloody house!
A filmmaker and her friends spend a few nights in a house where exorcisms use to take place, all in an attempt to prove demons exist.
Another frustrating film with a mediocre climax. It started off well enough but the closer it got to the end, the more lazy it became. The fact that the characters stayed in the house for as long as they did after saying several times that they need to leave was easily the most annoying part about this movie.
Where the movie lost me especially - SPOILER: our main character who is recording everything sees one of her friends with solid black eyes and black liquid running from her mouth, and doesn't say or do anything! What's worse is later on she checks up on her, AGAIN black shit all over her, black eyes and this noob still dares to ask "are you okay? I feel like you aren't okay"... lawd have mercy. 😑
But all is not lost, there were some moments I did enjoy, so it wasn't a total waste of time. So check it out if you want.
You can watch it here:
submitted by Glad_Speed_9684 to foundfootage [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 14:01 Nervous-Badger9295 Birth certificate verification

Guys I need your help with mero birth certificate verification stuff verification ko lagi ( Institute of Foreign Affairs ) ma janda k k documents chainxa like mom dad ko citizenship ani mero citizenship vaye pugxa ki or do I need some other doc as well if any of you know please help me out
submitted by Nervous-Badger9295 to Nepal [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 06:59 ComfortableBusy4634 Puraniya yaada , kis de ghar vich hje v ne? and ki keha janda hai?

Puraniya yaada , kis de ghar vich hje v ne? and ki keha janda hai?
eh cheez,bhut virliya dekhan nu mildiya h ajkall.
submitted by ComfortableBusy4634 to punjabi [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 21:01 cloctor 萧美琴3月访欧爆遭拒入境德国 德总理萧兹挨轰舔中辱台

萧美琴3月访欧爆遭拒入境德国 德总理萧兹挨轰舔中辱台
萧美琴访欧欲绕道德国 德总理为访中急拒
华府智库马歇尔基金会(GMF)2日发布巴尔金(Noah Barkin)撰写的《在欧洲看中国》(Watching China in Europe)时事评论,分析德国对中国政策,文中揭露今年3月萧美琴访问欧洲时,曾有意取道德国南部,德国方面不顾萧美琴仍是一般公民身份而予以拒绝。
巴尔金在文章中特别点出,5月下旬才会正式就职的萧美琴,欧洲之行造访比利时、捷克、立陶宛和波兰等国,欧洲议会及中东欧国家政要均公开予以接待,然而计划在4月访问中国的萧兹(Olaf Scholz)内阁,则拒绝了萧美琴入境取道的要求。
德「乞讨」台积电设厂 得逞后转身背刺萧美琴
捷克智库「欧洲价值安全政策中心」(EVC)主任杨雅喾(Jakub Janda)转发巴尔金的文章指出,当中欧国家正式欢迎萧美琴到访,并且在政府机构公开与之互动之际,德国却以不同意过境来羞辱她,「因为德国总理要飞去北京向中国独裁者下跪」,外界可以明白看到德国「对中战略的愚蠢绥靖和贪婪」如何发挥影响力。
德国舔中辱台 与欧洲抗中立场渐行渐远

萧兹在访中期间,将高层会谈重点放在改善与中国的经济往来,不仅未曾提及近来西方着重的对中「去风险」(de-risking),更一再强调「不脱钩」(No decoupling)。尽管萧兹有意摆出低姿态,但德国对中政策并没有太大进展,中国仍拒绝撤销对德国猪肉的进口限制,德国和中国签署汽车合作协定也破局;另一方面,欧洲也不再视德国为应对中国「团结阵线」的一份子,在对中路线上,德国与欧洲其他国家的隔阂显然日渐加大。
习近平6日抵法 萧兹拒绝与马克宏一同晤习邀约
中共总书记习近平将于5月5日至10日访问欧洲,6日抵达法国进行国事访问。这是2019年以来习近平首次访问欧洲;然而萧兹已经拒绝与法国总统马克宏(Emmanuel Macron)的邀请,一起在巴黎与习近平会谈。
上报 2024 / 05 / 04 仇佩芬
submitted by cloctor to 4832 [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 11:17 achik1990x Look how they massacred my boy :'(

Look how they massacred my boy :'( submitted by achik1990x to facepalm [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 10:54 sumiyaya Can't believe they renamed Batang Berjuntai

Can't believe they renamed Batang Berjuntai submitted by sumiyaya to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 20:44 mieraseksi Janda

Janda submitted by mieraseksi to videomanhwa18 [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 23:37 Nothatcreative55 Community Crossover King Of Fighters Day 4: Team Analog Horror, Team Avatar & Team Pink Destroyers have Entered (Read The Rules Before Submitting)

Community Crossover King Of Fighters Day 4: Team Analog Horror, Team Avatar & Team Pink Destroyers have Entered (Read The Rules Before Submitting)
1.No downvoting
2.Only send One Team of 3 characters from different series, they Must fit with the concept in the team
  1. Your only allowed one Team after that you will not be allowed to submit another team after
  2. Dont try and bribe people, You can ask for a trade like You upvote somebody's team and they upvote yours But that's it (Offering art pieces For Upvotes as Example is not allowed)
  3. Don't Publicity Shame peoples ideas for teams this is a friendly community project the first time it happened and should remain as such
6.Have Fun & I will be choosing the 3 most upvoted teams tomorrow
7.Since people keep asking Use the template to submit Your team Or make a Makeshift picture that shows the characters of your team
submitted by Nothatcreative55 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 01:08 Nothatcreative55 Community Crossover King of Fighters Day 3: Team ScatterBrained, Team American Gods & Team Time (huh) have Joined (Read description for rules before submitting)

Community Crossover King of Fighters Day 3: Team ScatterBrained, Team American Gods & Team Time (huh) have Joined (Read description for rules before submitting)
1.No downvoting
2.Only send One Team of 3 characters from different series, they Must fit with the concept in the team
  1. Your only allowed one Team after that you will not be allowed to submit another team after
  2. Dont try and bribe people, You can ask for a trade like You upvote somebody's team and they upvote yours But that's it (Offering art pieces For Upvotes as Example is not allowed)
  3. Don't Publicity Shame peoples ideas for teams this is a friendly community project the first time it happened and should remain as such
6.Have Fun & I will be choosing the 3 most upvoted
submitted by Nothatcreative55 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]
