Women gang names

Pretty Women

2012.12.22 15:04 osirisx11 Pretty Women

Welcome to PrettyWomen! Submit photos/videos of women you think are pretty!

2012.11.14 04:42 Pro Revenge

Have a story of you or someone you know getting back at someone with pro revenge after being wronged? Post it here!

2014.04.17 01:53 skeletorbilly Think east of the river

For all of us east siders who live east of the river. The real Eastside. Post anything having to due with the East side. Personal attacks, gang affiliations, hate speech will be allowed. Do not post names, addresses, or any FB/Twitter posts revealing people's identities Anyone who breaks these rules will be banned.

2024.06.10 02:26 Distinct_Baby_1814 When to stay single

The male ego is very fragile and competitive. He will always resist the female.
If you are the type of woman that want to enter politics, climb the corporate ladder, own multinational brands, become a Big celebrity or name etc ..stay single.
Never commit to a man or wait till you have achieved ALL of that and enjoy it before you decide to marry.
Lots of married women are a downgraded version of themselves. If she succeeded even while married, it means she had to work twice as hard MENTALLY than her single counterparts and her nervous system will pay the price.
Masculine energy is toxic to the female. It will never let you thrive and if you thrive despite it, it can cut you short. He becomes competitive.
If you have dreams, aspirations, desires don't let a man or society cut it short. Go ahead and shine in your lane. It is just ONE life.. LIVE on YOUR TERMS .
submitted by Distinct_Baby_1814 to Divine_Goddess_254 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:25 YogurtclosetOk9226 3.0+1.0’s ending isn’t meant to indicate a romantic relationship between Mari and Shinji

i was looking through this post (https://www.reddit.com/evangelion/s/uS22JF3vyJ). it makes a great point about how Mari and Shinji’s interaction at the end is meant to signify that Shinji has moved on. he’s a grownup now, and Mari casually flirting with him doesn’t affect him the same way it used to. but the comments were obsessed over one thing in particular. them holding hands. now i admit, i had just binged the rebuilds that evening when i first watched 3+1 so maybe i’m missing something, but that final shot of Shinji and Marj is so obviously a callback to Rei’s question about handholding. Hikari’s response to that question of “Well, it's something we do hoping we can get along” isn’t meant to be a sentimental throw away line, that’s why it’s repeated again by Rei later on. the ending of 3+1 is a callback to this and is saying two things:
1) Shinji is comfortable around women (something that can’t be said about us eva fans), and as such casually flirtatious language and holding hands with a girl isn’t going to send him into a nervous breakdown or cause another impact.
2) it’s Shinji saying that he wants to finally develop a healthy relationship with someone. throughout the series Shinji never actually takes the steps needed to foster a healthy relationship with anyone in his life, with all of the good relationships (his friendship with Kensuke and Toji or Rei) all just kind of happening to him. in his fairness he is an awkward 14 year old who’s preoccupied with saving the world, the reason why he can do no wrong in my book (with the obvious exception of the hospital scene), but still he complains about Asuka not talking to him about her problems during instrumentality in eoe, yet he never asks or tells her about his own problems. this ending signifies him taking the first step to initiate a relationship.
Ultimately, whether that relationship develops into a friendship or a romantic one isn’t for us to know. that’s Shinjis life, that he gets to live, without the worries of the angels or evangelion. i understand why people dislike Mari even if i don’t, hell her name is one letter off making her a literal Mary Sue, but personally i think the hate for 3+1’s perfectly serviceable, bittersweet ending comes from fans worries about how it dangers their favourite Shinj ships. i can see why it’d be disappointing for longterm fans who had to wait 9 years for it, but at the end of the day the ending is all about letting go so why not let go of the hate you hold for this movie, it’s ending and Mari and instead appreciate the good things about those three things and the franchise as a whole.
sorry for the yap sesh, Shinji is my perfect wonderful boy and i love him so much and 3+1 ending was the happiest he’s been since at least 1997 if not his whole life, so i will god defend it with all my heart for ever and ever. have a nice day and remember to love yourself, for Shinji’s sake <3 :)
submitted by YogurtclosetOk9226 to evangelion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:18 BigDamnGamer [Online] [Pf2e] [Monday] [6PM PST] Looking for two players for a Actual Play of Rise of the Runelords.

Hello and good day my wonderful adventurers and DMs. Cant believe I didnt think of poating here sooner. We have a couple slots that opened up for our Actual Play series project.
We are looking for a couple people that are willing to make a good commitment to make this project happen with us. We will be streaming a Pathfinder 2E conversion of Rise of the Runelords on Fantasy Grounds, Mondays from 6-10 PM PST.
This will require you have a good microphone and camera so we can see your beautiful faces and hear your voice. Our main goal is to have fun but we want to put forth a fairly professional product as well. That means being on time, having great table etiquette and of course being a overall good player.
We aren't expecting professionals by any means but we do want folks that will take this as a serious thing. We however have absolutely no want for anyone of bigoted or hateful behavior. We are lgbtq friendly, women friendly, poc friendly and non binary friendly. We believe a diverse group makes for a more interesting group.
It also goes without saying that no matter what respect for your fellow player and DM is a must. We have a zero tolerance policy on any sort of harassment no matter the type. If you can't be respectful then you need to move on.
We are fine with any and all experience levels but just keep in mind that Pathfinder is a bit harder than DnD. Also we will be using Fantasy Grounds so if that will ruin your immersion then no need to apply.
The campaign has not started yet so no worries on being thrown in the middle. The way I've done things is to make sure people are a good fit for us and we are a good fit for them. We will be running a couple one shots to get to know one another after a voice interview in discord.
Those interested in applying please give us some basic info about yourselves such as:
Time Zone:
Experience Level (tabletops in general and vtts):
Why you think you would be a good pick:
Questions for us
So please go ahead and shoot in your applications if you are interested. Just please keep in mind everything I've said and know that this will be a long term campaign. It will be lots of fun I know it.
See ya Space Cowboys
submitted by BigDamnGamer to pathfinder_lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:16 Square-Salamander591 Bear Pirates Lookout OC

Bear Pirates Lookout OC
Ignore the nightmare wrought AI, it's just for reference.
Name: Blue Thorell
Race: Longleg Tribe
Age: 29
Role on the Ship: Lookout
Weapon: Martial Arts in combination with his DF
Haki: Profficient in Armanent and Observation Haki.
Devil Fruit: Kumo Kumo No Mi, Model: Burrowing Tarantula
Description: Thorell is a towering figure, standing at an imposing 10 feet tall due the characteristic legs of his people. His blue hair is tied back in a ponytail that reaches his waist, and he sports a formidable beard that matches the color of his hair. His muscular build is accentuated by his leathery skin, which has been tanned from years spent sailing the open seas. His long, gangly limbs are adorned with numerous battle scars and tattoos, including one that encircles his left leg, depicting a serpent coiled around an anchor.
Background: He left his home in search of adventure and joined a pirate crew as their lookout, it helps that his legs are powerful enough to leap into the crows nest in a single bound. His extraordinary height and keen eyesight make him an invaluable asset to the crew. Since joining the crew he has eaten a the spider spider fruit, which gives him the ability to transform into a tarantula at will. This power, coupled with his explosively powerful legs make him a formidable warrior.
Personality: Thorell clever and resourceful individual, always thinking several steps ahead of his opponents. He is fiercely loyal to his crew and will protect them with his life. As a longleg, he takes great pride in his heritage and uses his long legs to his advantage, often using them to intimidate enemies or scale tall structures. Despite his intimidating appearance, he possesses a gentle side and enjoys spending time with children, sharing stories of his adventures at sea. When he transforms into a tarantula, his personality changes drastically; he becomes more aggressive and cunning, using his newfound spider-like abilities to overwhelm enemies and protect his crew
submitted by Square-Salamander591 to OnePieceOCs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:15 JustNoGuy_ Should I try or start online ''dating'' as a 33m?

Should I try or start online dating? I'm a 33m, I have absolutely no idea what online dating is like and couldn't name one single dating site. I've never had a girlfriend or a date before, and I don't actually want to start dating or looking for a partner just yet, because I'm sorting a lot of shit out with my life right now.
The main reason I would like to try online dating is because I absolutely suck at talking to people, and I'm even worse at talking to women I find attractive, and I would like to try and find an attractive woman who would potentially befriend me and basically help me practise talking by having awkward conversations with me every now and then, preferably on the phone. Is that weird? Is there a place I can go for something like that? 🤣
submitted by JustNoGuy_ to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:11 PercentageUnusual982 AITA for telling my mom to kick out my father?

I 17M have recently told my mother 36 that she needs to kick out my father 38. My mother and father got a divorce 2 years ago. They got divorced because I caught my father cheating. My family and I live in a fairly wealthy neighborhood, both of my parents work high paying jobs and had amazing reputations. However during my mother's pregnancy with my little brother my father started cheating. He didn't have one affair partner, he was sleeping with every women in town. I caught him cheating 2 years ago when I was across the street my my girlfriend's house. My dad walked out of her parents bedroom with just his underwear on followed by her mom in his shirt. We both started freaking out and I called my mom to come over. My mom saw them through a window on the porch and took pictures and ended up serving him with divorce papers within the next 6 months. My girlfriends parents had a quicker divorce and her father ended up moving in with his parents who lived a town over. My mom let my dad live in the house for 2 years after their divorce! He moved into the guest bedroom and she stayed in her room. Around a year ago my girlfriend and I broke up and my mom started seeing her father. Her father who is 36 is going to be proposing to my mom next month. He moved in at the end of the last year and my mom is due to have have his child very soon. My father just gets in fights with my little brother and I and is basically estranged from us. He has always been a clean cut well kept man that I aspired to be like and now he has let his hair grow out he showers maybe once a week and has stains all over everything in his room he even got fired from his job. I graduated early and have just been accepted into my dream college that is a few states away from where I currently reside. I don't want my father around to ruin my families lives anymore especially when I won't be around to shelter my little brother from it. My mom's fiancé has complained about him being here because he doesn't pay any bills and just raids the fridge. My last straw with my father was when I cam home from work and saw all of the plates smashed in the kitchen and my mother's bedroom door ripped off the hinges. I had a screaming match with my dad and told him to leave but he continued to argue saying I have no authority over him and it is technically his house still. I've been saving money from my job and I am planning to give it to my mother to buy him out so he can officially be out of our life and when I turn 18 I plan to take my mother's maiden name or her fiancé's last name. My mother was hesitant but I ended up helping her buy him out and file for a restraining order. He was served with an eviction notice and I reached out to one of his affair partners who recently had his child and he is going to move in with her. My soon to be step-father and my mother are proud of me for wanting to protect my family but my father is still raging at me for getting him kicked out. AITA?
submitted by PercentageUnusual982 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:06 FoxNexus Hard to Admit, but have too.

Hello Girlies,
For the past 2-ish months I've been questioning my own gender. I (20 AMAB) have always dreamt what it would be like to be the opposite gender, ever since I was young. I never felt like I exactly fit into being a "guy", I always felt so different and found myself getting along a lot easier with girls my age than guys. Eventually those thoughts got buried deep but bubbled up in weird different ways, whether if be having an online persona as a woman or roleplaying as a women all the time. Wondering what it would be like to have tits, or to wear skirts and dresses, wanting to always cosplay but never wanted to cosplay any guy characters and wished I could cosplay the girl characters from anime or video games.
As these thoughts have taken over my mind more and more over these months it has driven me insane, as I felt I've lost all identity towards myself. I tried to supress it, but as I get called a guy or my name it feels like it doesnt fit. It bugs me and aches at me more and more, and recently even being a guy in a romantic relationship has started to just feel wrong to me. Lesbian relationships have just seemed so much better to me more than anything or even just being a girl in the relationship. Lately more and more of the puzzle pieces have begin to fit especially things im remembering that I used to do from my past, and things still have a long way to go. But, its probably time I admit to myself that I might be better suited as a girl, or that I am just a girl.
submitted by FoxNexus to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:01 SvenSvenkill3 RANT: I'm sick of people with blatant agendas commenting on YT clips (etc), making ill informed and false accusations about the creators having an "agenda" and "bias" (etc), whilst unashamedly doing the exact same thing themselves and yet never having actually seen the rest of the source material.

Earlier, I was scrolling down the YT shorts in my feed and came upon this 42 seconds long clip from the BBC show, 'Blue Lights', set in Northern Ireland -- it's probably a good idea to watch that clip before reading the rest of this rant.
Now, I've actually watched both seasons of the show and was pleasantly surprised with how it is pretty damn good, especially for a police procedural show, with excellent direction, pacing and editing, smart and nuanced writing, good character arks and progression, and brilliant performances from the entire cast.
And so, as I read the comments on that YT short, I wasn't surprised but still amazed at the amount of idiots who clearly hadn't watched the show but still had the audacity and confidence to comment on it and use the clip to push their misogynistic agendas and all whilst simultaneously accusing the clip/show itself of having an agenda.
Comments such as,
"They care more about his wife than him"
"What’s with people automatically assuming men [sic] did something wrong?"
"The funny part is I know this was made by a woman as he is showing every signs [sic] a woman should be scared of including talking about how they look good in this situation.'
However, apart from the fact that the clip itself, taken on its own, doesn't in any way do anything that justifies or validates such comments, there are two undeniable facts that make such comments completely redundant and expose them for what they truly are (ignorant, assumptive, biased and with a clear agenda of their own):
1 - Before the clip starts, the two policewomen (called to the address because of reports of a disturbance) arrive on scene to find the front door wide open, and they can see through the door and adjacent front window that there has been a violent disturbance of some kind, with a broken small glass coffee table in the hallway and pool of blood beneath it amongst the shards of broken glass, and a trail of blood on the floor leading deeper inside the house. And so the two policewomen pull out their batons and one goes into the house, following the trail of blood as she makes her way through the ground floor, while the other makes her way around the side of the house to the back yard (both of them calling out things like, "Police! Hello? Is anybody home? Is anybody hurt?"). They both then converge outside in the back yard to discover the scene we see in the clip, whereupon the blonde policewoman says to the obviously very inebriated man with blood on his arm and T-Shirt, "You all right? It's OK..." and then, as we see at the start of the clip, she asks him, "Is that your blood?" And THEN upon learning that he's burning his wife's clothes, she asks about his wife's whereabouts.
So yeah, the two policewomen demonstrably DO care about him AND his wife. There's no gender bias in their actions or the writing of all this whatsoever.
Oh, and side-note: the man's wife is fine and hadn't left him, and she appears on scene immediately after this clip ends, calling his name. "Gary! Gary!... What in the name of shite is going on here?" For it turns out that she'd merely stayed the previous night at her sister's place because, as we can see in the clip, her husband has serious mental health issues with alcohol, and he won't quit and/or seek help despite her pleas, and so she was simply completely and utterly exhausted with his shit and nursemaiding him every day for months and months, and she desperately needed just one night away.
Then, in a later scene inside the house, just after we see the wife finishing dressing her husband's arm wound, the blonde policewoman says to the wife, "I'm sorry, I have to ask you this, but has he ever hurt you?" To which the wife replies, obviously being totally sincere and completely honest, "God no. He's a good man. He'd never do that." And we learn that it seems his drinking escalated after he was let go as an English teacher and it's implied it was the drinking which made him lose his job in the first place, a job he absolutely loved ("The drink took everything from him"), and we even see a trophy, "Teacher of the year: Mr White" on one of their shelves -- and so, yeah, it's not as though this is some kind of two dimensional cliched misandrist plotline, you know? It's more nuanced than that. Indeed, in a later scene the husband/Gary/ex-teacheMr White is in the back of their police car and he talks about, "the stamp of nature" (which is the title of this episode), and the brunette policewoman explains to her blonde colleague that this phrase is from Hamlet and that, "It means... changing who you are is really feckin' difficult... But worth a try". For as I typed, this show is pretty damn good and far more nuanced than these right wing incels apparently could ever possibly understand.
2 - The show was created by two men who along with one female writer either collectively or individually wrote all the episodes. In fact, the actual episode this clip is taken from is solely written by one of those two men. I even pointed this out to one commenter who had replied to the second YT short comment I quoted above by answering that comment's question with this load of nonsense:
"Female writers, thats why theres two female officers on duty together, uk police tend to pair a woman w a man for safety n security reasons. [sic]"
However, his response to me replying to him and pointing out that this particular episode was actually written by a man was,
"And u think they have complete creative control of their work? anything aired on British tv nowadays is either pushing some sort of agenda or the writers are told what to make it about. cant make a "realistic" drama with no realistic features. [sic]"
i.e. he switched from there being fault/agenda on the part of "female writers" to some secret cabal in the BBC telling the writers what to write.
I also later pointed out to him that actually on mainland Britain and in Northern Ireland, women are NOT always paired with men and are often paired together, and there is no rule for or against doing so. Three hours later, he has yet to respond. What a surprise!
Anywhy, to conclude this rant, I see stuff like this ALL the time online: people confidently sharing skewed takes that aren't indicative of what is actually happening in the clip/video they're commenting on and demonstrating that they obviously haven't seen the whole scene/show/series/etc, and yet they STILL have no issue confidently and unfoundedly doing so and claiming there is some kind of "woke" agenda, etc, and all whilst pushing a sexist right wing agenda of their own.
It's absolutely mind-boggling and maddening.
submitted by SvenSvenkill3 to saltierthankrayt [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:54 Expensive-Bus2808 Some Keijo Changes

First off, I would like to say I have made a combination of my Keijo Milk and temporarily chest-growth technique idea. Players with flat chests are required to drink this special milk so whenever they desire, they can grow boobs like this for period of time. Science shows that the milk goes directly to your chest and chest muscles, and it causes your upper body to expand once mixed with your body energy. It requires a lot of concentration at first, but with enough practice, players can pull it off with ease and be able to increase your boobs for long periods of time.
Secondly, I have decided to add a weight limit to the sport. If you're overweight and chubby like Nagisa and Tae, you can't compete in regular Keijo. Instead, you are only allowed to compete in Butt-to-Butt Matches, where fat players (named Sumo Butts) use their buttocks to push each other off out of a sumo-ring like Land. They must lose weight if they seek to compete in regular Keijo. Keijo exercise programs will be provided.
Thirdly, men (and women, if they desire to) who want to become Keijo Engineers go to schools separate from Setouchi and Suruga where they compete a three-year program to become efficient Land designers. They also offer general studies to achieve a good education for those pursuing other interests. Back at the main schools, fat players take their place.
What do you all think?
submitted by Expensive-Bus2808 to Keijo [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:53 DBoaty ULPT Request: A local bar has announced this June is their inaugural 'Heterosexual Awesomeness Month'. How can I fuck with them?

Here is the article for the bar's announcement bringing attention to and celebration of heterosexuals for the month of June.
Their kickoff promotion is 'Hetero Male Monday' where any “heterosexual male dressed like a heterosexual male will receive a free draft beer.”
As a cis straight male I won't have any issues getting in and carrying out my fuckery.
Also, from the article:
Discounts and a free beer to straight couples and single men. It literally does not mention single women.
The bar said it is looking to hire someone at $15 an hour who will be the judge to determine if a man’s clothing is deemed heterosexual.
Accepting applications to be in charge of Ocular Patdowns, you say? Might be able to do something with that 👀😎 What are your thoughts?
submitted by DBoaty to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:50 Reasonable-Milk298 Season 10...

This is a long post but I'm sure some of you guys can relate
So after a long hiatus, I started to rewatch S10 today and I only got to the part where that fucking blue iroc pulls up to the gate, before I had to turn it off because of angeanxiety over all of the bullshit in this season. I'd love to say that the worst part of the season was where J-roc came back with that airheaded Mexican chick but that's wishful thinking. What's wrong with this season is... Well, many multitudes of things (mostly the idiot characters.)
Everyone acts like they've got a stick up their asses, starting with Lucy. I know she was plucked away from George Green's place where the floozy should have stayed tbh. She thought her ugly old ass could have another kid after she gave up her greasy cheeseburger baby that Randy put in her. She was even more of a bitch when Sarah came to stay "while she got her shit together." Even Ricky objected to Sarah barging into Ricky's home, and being a freeloading ass on Ricky's-no Jacob's-dime. She and Lucy think their shit don't stink by demanding that Ricky get a job, not them, of course, no doubt minimum wage, to support those two. I get that the baby's a lot of work, but I assume that's why Trin doesn't work-to take care of The motel, formally known as Ray...
Meanwhile, Lucy and Sarah expect Ricky and Jacob to support them while they refuse to get work and help out, Rick does a job or two because that's all he knew. Then they get pissed because they act righteous like Ricky's a loser, according to Sarah. With this Queen of Sheba attitude, Lucy thinks she had the right to tell Ricky that he was "out of the family" after the queens from hell (nm, that title is for someone else. More on that later...) find that safe in the trunk. When Sarah laughed and said "wow" to Ricky afterwards, I seriously wanted to slap the shit out of her.
What confused me is that at one point Lucy and Sarah wanted to go do a job with the boys, and were whooping and all gung-ho about breaking the law like Bonnie Parker, (from Bonnie and Clyde) but treat Ricky like an idiot when they use the winch idea to steal the rack of bicycles. Granted, that was a good idea, but damn. Then Ricky had to talk his way out of their situation with campus security, while the girls tossed their vests and just walked away..
Fast forward to the bitches from hell. Candy, Donna and the other broad.. Oh Barb. Those three should have gone back to prison where they belong for all the crap they pulled. Fuck, they were annoying. Candy alone was a cujo thundercunt from hell who I wanted to take that fucking pink bat and put it where the sun don't shine (although she'd probably like it lol.)
I felt so sorry for Lahey, who was getting his life back in order and getting as sober as possible (for him anyway) and finally living in peace and not bothering anyone. I honestly loved his quiet little place and it suited him well. It was hard to see Candy commit elder abuse by physically and emotionally assaulting Jim, by grabbing his manhood and demanding they stay at HIS place "as LONG as we want" (like how tf did she even fit in that little camper anyway...) And dumping their trash on Jim's head while thinking they were "too good" for the tent he bought.
Poor Jim was driven to drink by those bitches after they trespassed on his property, stole his chicken dinner, and fucking Donna taking his movie. Barb was a stupid looking crusty old wannabe biker skank, Donna was ugly as shit and Candy was so hideous that they were all walking salt peter. Oh and when Candy's fat blimp ass twisted Randy's tits and fucking bitch Donna (do I even call her that?) kidnapping and raping Randy with a fucking frozen fish. Just unbelievable.
Frig bitches caused Lahey to go off the deep end and force Leslie to drink at gunpoint before going to the park, and then was spray painted by a bunch of celebs who turned TPB into the national enquirer. Jimmy Kimmel. Fuck that asshole lol. It felt SO fake with bubbles talking to him and when the boys start fighting again, Bubbles apologized like * "I'm sorry Jimmy Kimmel"* before Bubs closed the laptop and started crying and whining like a detard. I wonder what clattenburg thought of these shit on a stick episodes, if he even cared to see them.
Lastly, snoop was cool and I appreciated Tom's enthusiasm and excitement, but it seemed fake and overkill. Him wanting to fuck LUCY of all women; then Julian and Sarah trying to take portions of Lucy's money for themselves. Tom wanted to give Trin the best wedding ever but it seems like Lucy just bought Trin's dress and nothing else. No formal reception, no bridesmaids, nothing. I get that her dad was in bad shape in the hospital, but it seemed like she deserved more for her wedding. Which told me that Lucy probably pocketed the remaining money without helping to get housewares or a car for Trin and Jacob, or to buy another trailer for her and Trin and Jacob, if she hated living with Ricky so much. That's what I would've assumed that a good mom would do.
Honorable mention goes to j-rocs dimple minded wife and that asshole kid. They both fit racial stereotypes for their races, especially when MC Flurry kept making "jokes" toward Hispanic and white people. It seemed more offensive than anything, and these racial slurs were supposed to be cute, but just pissed me off. Even Snoop got in on the racial slurs, calling j-roc John Denver and a liquid paper colored mah'fucka. But it's Snoop so he can get away with it..
Last but not least, once Barb and her bitch gang start shit and Lahey shoots Ricky, she turns all nice and caring while the other two slugs disappear into the abyss. And the asshole Colonel Dancer as well. Poor guy got himself back on track just to end up in jail (?) These broads should have been in jail for the shit they pulled and Barb covered her ass when becomes all buddy buddy with Lucy and Trin after she pulled the crap that nearly killed Ricky. Poor Trin couldn't even have her father walk down the hospital room aisle... I guess but maybe,, just maybe Julian's her daddy.
So my face went from 🤬 to 👺, the longer the season went lol. On the bright side, at least Ricky was with Lucy and not that skinny bitch Susan yet. Ugh..
Sorry for the rant, imma go smoke a joint.. maybe I have pms or something 🤣😡🥲
(p.s. fuck it would've been fun watching the bitch trio and certain aforementioned characters getting the living shit kicked out of them before getting Randy and Ted take them down..)
submitted by Reasonable-Milk298 to trailerparkboys [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:45 journeytotgesoul I pick the wrong men

I never ever thought this about myself. I had boyfriends since middle school. A serious one in highschool then met my ex husband at 18 together by 21. Before my marriage my relationships weren’t super long ones. I’ve been in love a few times. Which I guess is what anyone can ask for in a lifetime. Yes I was a tad promiscuous as a teenager.. If I didn’t see myself marrying them I’d end it very very early. Yup I didn’t really like the nice guys who liked me. I had a very nice guy interested in me in college and I ruined it. I played games afraid to get hurt and afraid he was too nerdy for me. I blew it. I thought my husband was a perfect mix not too nice but just enough. Welp he turned out to be a covert narcissist. Ya ya I know we all give them this name but I’m serious it’s been 15 years of it.
I haven’t dated in years. I just sat in the shower and realized I pick shit men. Men who really don’t love me. Trick me into it. My highschool boyfriend also had mommy issues. He went away to college and had orgys and traveled the world. Ya took me 5 years to get over him completely.
I’m just crying and realizing I can’t trust myself to pick a man. I thought my husband would love me forever. He prefers alcohol and guy hobbies and women who worship his every move.
I’m too scared to even go on a date. I don’t believe anyone. They are all liars. I pick bad men.
submitted by journeytotgesoul to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:42 Crescentbrush Rewriting Bobby coming out (because I despised how the comics did it)

As a gay man, I will loathe the way they made Bobby come out until the day I die. When the O5 X-Men come from the 1960s to the current time period, they go through changes--including Bobby realizing he's gay when Jean intrusively reads his mind and confronts him on it. I'm not here to argue whether he should or shouldn't have been retconned as gay (or how problematic it was to explain that his memory and feelings of this was locked away), but I did wanna say another way that they could've handled this. I'm not an X-Men expert, but people tell me it was coded for a while (whether deliberately or not), so let's explore that.
  1. Jean (young or current) is not involved. I hated her so much for her role in this. Reading his mind and then confronting him about it--whether in-character or not--was so disrespectful and out of line.
  2. It happens at different times and different ways for O5 Bobby and Present-Bobby. Let's start with O5 Bobby. During a heart-to-heart, Present-Bobby talks to his past self about his life and relationships up to this point, making O5 Bobby question his sexuality--though he doesn't immediately come out. Exploring 2010s New York as well as being exposed to a diverse group of people (in terms of race, religion, sexuality, etc.) makes O5 Bobby curious about exploring his sexuality, though this is made difficult since many aspects of gay culture would appear hypersexualized--and not just to us, but by his 1960's POV as well. It flusters Bobby and makes him even more concerned about coming out, worried about being seen as a degenerate. Eventually he musters up the courage to go out with a guy who can understand him wanting to take it slow (let's say Romeo) and they date until Bobby has to return to the future, rather than Romeo going through that portal and appearing to ghost O5 Bobby.
  3. Meanwhile, present-day Bobby sees his O5 self dating a guy, and it's jarring, to say the least. He suddenly feels self-conscious, and doesn't fully embrace his sexuality until after O5 Bobby is gone, having left behind a journal filled with advice and notes about how he felt in order to guide his present-day self. Similar to O5 Bobby, present-day Bobby still has jitters about gay dating--especially since he's been convinced that he was straight for a longer period of time and has even been in relationships with women. As annoying as him wanting to move across-country with Jonah was, I do like the idea that he was ready to move quickly in a new, healthy relationship, since I do imagine him going through even more trying times in the world of dating, namely because he's physically in his prime and has a reputation for himself, in contrast to his time-displaced counterpart.
And I was robbed of a true Daken/Iceman couple, but that's another post entirely. I'd like to see Bobby with Somnus or Pyro II again.
submitted by Crescentbrush to xmen [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:39 santinodemeo John Rosatti employed Judge Aileen Cannon's husband; Rossati is a reported member of the Colombo Crime Family; he was prosecuted & convicted of a felony years ago in the Eastern District of New York by AUSA Andrew Weissmann. Rossati has donated to trump's campaign.

John Rosatti employed Judge Aileen Cannon's husband; Rossati is a reported member of the Colombo Crime Family; he was prosecuted & convicted of a felony years ago in the Eastern District of New York by AUSA Andrew Weissmann. Rossati has donated to trump's campaign. submitted by santinodemeo to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:38 santinodemeo John Rosatti employed Judge Aileen Cannon's husband; Rossati is a reported member of the Colombo Crime Family; he was prosecuted & convicted of a felony years ago in the Eastern District of New York by AUSA Andrew Weissmann. Rossati has donated to trump's campaign.

John Rosatti employed Judge Aileen Cannon's husband; Rossati is a reported member of the Colombo Crime Family; he was prosecuted & convicted of a felony years ago in the Eastern District of New York by AUSA Andrew Weissmann. Rossati has donated to trump's campaign. submitted by santinodemeo to The_Mueller [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:36 onnake As rainbow flags fly at the LA Pride Parade, 'we’re going to continue to fight'

As rainbow flags fly at the LA Pride Parade, 'we’re going to continue to fight'
“Clutching a sash and crown next to a friend in paper wings, Maliyah Heaven Espinoza was rushing down Hollywood Boulevard on Sunday morning. She had a float to catch.
“The 32-year-old trans woman and human resource business partner, who was named Ms. LA Pride several weeks ago, was joining throngs of marchers and revelers in Hollywood on Sunday for the 54th annual LA Pride Parade, one of the oldest celebrations of LGBTQ+ culture in the U.S.
“’I was inspired by the trans women I saw growing up,’ Espinoza said. ‘So I’m glad that now I’m the person I looked up to and aspired to be. I hope to inspire the younger generation as well.’
“The colors of the rainbow shone out along Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue in spite of the June gloom, with parade-goers claiming prime real estate as early as 8 a.m., three hours ahead of the parade’s expected kickoff.
“Businesses were decked out in banners representing several LGBTQ+ groups, including rainbow, transgender and pansexual flags. The dinosaur atop Ripley’s Believe It or Not! was wrapped in a colorful scarf, oversize heart-shaped glasses and a sign displaying ‘Power in Pride,’ as anthems from queer icons like Donna Summer and Madonna blasted.
“Parade director Mariela Spirelli said about 5,000 people would march in the parade this year, including LGBTQ+ icon and former ‘Star Trek’ actor George Takei and Los Angeles Fire Chief Kristin Crowley, the city’s first female and first out fire department leader. The parade was expected to draw around 100,000 attendees, Spirelli said.”
submitted by onnake to transgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:35 Honest-Cockroach6942 And Elimelech Naomi's husband died; and she was left,

And Elimelech Naomi's husband died; and she was left, and her two sons.And they took them wives of the women of Moab; the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth: and they dwelled there about ten years
submitted by Honest-Cockroach6942 to u/Honest-Cockroach6942 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 Vitriolic_Shark Am I in trouble?

Some context: At the Meijer I work at we have bouquets and potted flowers. If they don’t get sold in a certain timeframe they get taken back and chucked into certain timeframe they get taken back and chucked into ‘the hole in the wall’ (the compactor). Some older women will take the flowers that are set for the compactor and use them to decorate the break room.
My story: I was done with my shift and my dad came to pick me up. I grabbed some flowers from the break room and walked out to see my dad. (Walked by my boss, holding the flowers from the break room. He didn’t say anything to me about them.) met my dad in the store and put the flowers in the shopping cart when we got to check out cashier came around to scan stuff in the cart. She asked me about the flowers. I told her she didn’t need to scan them. She asked why, I told her I got them for free from the break room. She said “oh sweet”. She quickly whispered something to someone. After than I had to walk back into the store because one of the items I bought, the price tag fell off. While I was gone, my dad had the cashier scan and buy the flowers. When I came back, a team lead came up and asked me “What’s your name? Who told you the flowers were free?” My dad quickly chimed in that we scanned and bought them and she can see the receipt if she wanted. She said alright and didn’t want to see the receipt and she left.
Am I gonna get in trouble for looking like I was trying to steal, even though technically I paid for them???
submitted by Vitriolic_Shark to meijer [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:33 Economy-Confidence82 AITA for telling my friend social media is rotting her brain when she called me a pick me?

I have a friend named Will that I hangout with a lot. I love him, as a person, and our dynamic is great. It's just friendship, no feelings on either side, but he's one of my best friends and means a lot to me.
But he is very... unforthcoming about how he feels? I'm sure he loves me, but he had never said it before. I say it to him when we hang up sometimes or when we're just having a good night or when he's stressed out, but he never says it back.
I am an affectionate person and when I tell all my other friends I love them they do say it back, but it's totally fine.
His affection is just a little harder to get. He likes to roast me a lot and I like to believe that is his way of showing he loves me and cares.
But we were hanging out with a group of our friends and he made a funny joke. I said you're so funny, I love you and I was shocked when he responded, "as are you. I love you too."
It took me a second for it to hit me because we've been friends for almost three years, see each other every weekend and multiple times a week, and that was the first time he said it.
I got super excited. My friends were like "omg, he said it" and I straight up jumped and said "I fucking knew you loved me" and he said "of course I do."
My other best friends were celebrating but when we walked home that night I was telling one of my friends that Will said he loves me and it took 3 years.
My other friend said she wanted to talk to me. She's just a casual friend, but she said she wanted me to know I was giving "pick me" girl vibes and a lot of women would be turned off. She said acting that way around a male friend screamed pick me, so I should chill out.
I told her that social media was scrambling her brain? Wtf does this have to do with being a pick me? It was nothing to do with gender, I'd be equally happy if a female friend said she loved me, finally, after years of friendship. I said she really killed the vibe. My friends agreed with me, at least. But I wanted to ask.. AITA? Is this pick me? I thought anyone would be excited that their friend said I love you for the first time.
submitted by Economy-Confidence82 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:31 bravevline Breakthrough with anima work!

I’m a 27 yo male and over the last year after learning about the anima/animus, I’ve learned a lot about myself from my anima and would love to share.
So as a young boy in school I feel like this was when girls were beginning to be encouraged to be more independent and lead their own lives, instead of becoming stay at home trad wives. Feminism was becoming very big.
Many of the girls bullied me, bossed me around, and were always looking for ways to get me in trouble with the teachers. One time one of the girls kicked me in the nuts on the playground, which laid me out crying, we were a small children. I can’t remember if she got in trouble or not, but it was super mean, and I remember the teachers who were women themselves always catering to the girls. For example, I’m pretty sure it was the girl that ball-shotted me, once said “My mom told me that every man needs a woman to keep him in line!” this maybe was when she got me in trouble once, maybe not I can’t remember very well, and the teacher responded “Well, [redacted name], I think your mother is absolutely right!”
I’ve always been very afraid of standing my ground with women that aren’t treating me well or otherwise bullying. I remember my mother got involved with drugs and some bad people during my early childhood and I went to live with my grandmother who I was primarily raised by.
My grandmother also was hyper religious and didn’t allow me to do things most of the other boys were getting into like Pokemon. She also didn’t usually like the idea of me doing any sports or other physical activities out of fear that I would get hurt.
Her and my grandfather lost their first born daughter, my mother’s big sister, in a lake when she was very small so I think that could have something to do with it.
Anyway, I feel like my anima is the type of woman who would be very feminist and independent, and wants to do things for herself. I can see behavioral patterns that would match such a profile in myself. I’ve always been a very emotional person, especially for a man, and again, afraid to ever stand my ground against women, maybe even to the point of having more respect for women than I should, a higher level of respect than I would for myself or other men, and I end up allowing women to dominate me in social situations. It’s like I’m controlled by what I’m afraid of, by outwardly, from by being bullied by female coworkers or in other situations and letting them assume a false position of superiority over me, and inwardly, by allowing my own anima to control me by making far more emotional than what I should probably be, and sensitive.
I don’t really want a girlfriend or a family, in fact I’m pursuing a path of celibacy in life, having to do with other spiritual beliefs I developed after leaving Christianity.
The question is what I should do moving forward.
submitted by bravevline to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:29 Throwaway9431501834 I feel like I've ruined my life

To expand on the title, I'm feeling pretty hopeless. I am young but have already have had a series of criminal charges. I have a couple assaults, a petty misdemeanor or two and a few criminal mischief charges. I am now facing a non-violent misdemeanor charges around a girl I was on/off dating and a felony MJ charge. Another girl that I was hooking up with attacked me recently one night at her house for "cheating on her" and not letting her go through my phone, which I felt was immature, and proceeded to attack me and hold my keys hostage. She went to post about it on social media like she was the victim, which really didn't help my situation at all. Socially, I feel demolished. I am at the point where I kind of just want to give up on life most days. The only thing that keeps me going is that I have perfect grades at school. I want to go to graduate school, but I'm scared to even apply at this point. I feel so awful for the mistakes I've made in my life, they consume my thoughts and have been socially mortifying. They have at times pushed me to the point of being even scared to go in public or get food locally. I have lost almost all of my friends, publicly at least, and I have a terrible reputation at the time being. I have plenty of friends, a lot of them women, who think that it's odd that I have continually been in trouble for things like this considering having knowing me for years and never seeing a glimpse of any behavior like this. I have been known to be funny and was socially was liked (to my knowledge) until these allegations. I still get invited places, but I notice my friends are not eager to take pictures and/or post with me. Someone I know took his life a couple day ago and it made me realize that it is just absolutely not an option. I also want to say these charges are not a representation of who I am, or how I behave. I love life, I love my community and I love giving back to the world and helping people around me when I can. I only want to be able to earn my spot back in my community without having to move or run away like I'm guilty or a terrible person, because I am not. I applied for a good job and got hired pending a background check, but I don't imagine I'll get the position. I guess I just really don't know if it's possible for me to ever come back from all of this. Is my name forever smeared? Can I ever have an authentic social life, family or a sense of community again?
submitted by Throwaway9431501834 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:28 mathanker My harem of daughter-wives. Already preparing the next generation of granddaughter-wives.

My harem of daughter-wives. Already preparing the next generation of granddaughter-wives. submitted by mathanker to ShitCrusaderKingsSay [link] [comments]
