Creative ways to text goodnight to your boyfriend

Unethical Life Pro Tips

2016.03.01 20:50 adamdavenport Unethical Life Pro Tips

An Unethical Life Pro Tip (or ULPT) is a tip that improves your life in a meaningful way, perhaps at the expense of others and/or with questionable legality. Due to their nature, do not actually follow any of these tips–they're just for fun. Share your best tips you've picked up throughout your life, and learn from others!

2014.11.19 17:54 WalleB Starterpacks

Home of starterpacks!

2011.05.25 22:03 rybuns Organizational ideas for keeping your life tidy

Home base for people who are organised and for people who want to be organised. No organisational idea works for everyone, but it is useful to see what works for other people so you can tweak their ways for your own use. Remember, not everyone is in the US, organisation and organization are used interchangeably around here.

2024.05.16 23:51 lazy_potat_in_a_farm How do others with BDD deal with their partner watching porn?

It is my biggest trigger. My (32F) partner (31M) have been together for almost 9 years with some rough patches, break ups. Im diagnosed with ADHD, form of autism and more recently body dysmorphia, which Im getting treatment for.
My previous relationship was highly toxic and this one has some bad aspects too, Im not the most easy lover. Partly due to me being how I am and my past experience. Porn has always made me extreme insecure, but its like its increasing now Im getting older and the porn actress seem to have everything I want bodily wise. Even m
My boyfriend only watches it like once a week or less, when Im not around to have sex with.He assured me like a 100 times its only to get off, he doesnt compare me and he thinks Im super hot and his number 1, he even said one time getting jealous about a porn actress is like getting jealous at a superman movie bc you can't fly-he knows its fake. I get so anxious, anger and full panic when he has watched it. Every time I go crazy to him like WHY DO YOU CHOOSE PORN OVER ME? WHAT DID YOU WATCH, SHE IS SO PERFECT! I WANT TO GET PLASTIC SURGERY etc and I cry and want him to. ' prove' that he still gets horny from me. But screaming or sending crazy texts is not making him horny and I go like 'SEE YOU LIKE PORN GIRLS WAY MORE, I understand you since my body looks so weird.'
the think is also, why he gets so angry at my freak out, Ive cheated on him 1 time, we worked lot on it, i did everything to make it up, couples counseling and he also admitted he made mistakes to me. But me getting a freak out about porn, he is NOT having that , he wants to break up with me in a moment like that. How dare I get angry at a movie.and I completely understand and I feel so ashamed of my reactiob. Both my therapist and boyfriend have said If I just say what my fear is in a calm proper way after I learn he watched porn, I can get the re-assurement that I need so badly. But I get triggered so badly, its like I go to another world for a moment.
How do other people with body dysmorphia go about porn their partner consumed??? How do deal with the feelings? How to react calm??? Any advice or similar stories are welcome
submitted by lazy_potat_in_a_farm to BodyDysmorphia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:50 SALVAGEDATA_ How to Choose the Right Backup Medium in 2024

How to Choose the Right Backup Medium in 2024
Photo galleries, client records, company financials, documents, databases, etc. Every type of data needs at least three things: storage space, security, and backups. And to ensure these you must choose the right backup medium for your data.
Sensitive information is constantly vulnerable due to the fragile nature of external drives and the unreliable nature of the internet our systems entirely depend on. This means that whatever main storage medium you choose, you need a different backup medium to safeguard against data loss and ensure data redundancy.
Regular backups are essential for any business and individuals and should be a primary concern.
Source: The 2022 Backup Survey by Backblaze.
2018 Backup Awareness survey

Common backup medium

When backing up your files, you must decide the device medium that best fits your needs. The question here is, “What kind of data are you storing?”. The answer will tell if you require a self-encrypt drive, a fast drive, or one with a lot of space.
As the future of data storage is not yet available to everyone, defining a goal is the only way to find the right backup device medium.
Once you define your goal, you can check each type of storage device available and define the best option for you.

Online backup services and Cloud drives

A file syncing service with a good amount of free storage is a great option to start with when a lot of your most important information is placed on computers.
A huge advantage of online services is flexibility. You can scale the capacity of storage to meet your requirements. Finally, this option is also very affordable (it doesn’t include purchasing any hardware, and you only pay for the space in use).
In order to provide maximum security to your cloud account, make sure you use strong passwords and change them regularly. Also, it’s indispensable to encrypt all the sensitive files before putting them in the cloud.
This method is advantageous for both businesses and individual users.


From one of the oldest ways to store data to one of the most recent. Solid-state drives are fast, reliable, and portable, and you can randomly access the data on them.
However, SSDs have a high cost per gigabyte. Meaning that the more data you need to back up, the more you’ll spend on an SSD.
This drawback of solid-state drives makes them not the best backup medium for businesses, but individuals can trust their photos and files to this technology.
If you’re a business, then you can try to use your RAID with SSD as a backup option.
Also, their high read/write speed makes SSDs the best choice for creative professionals and gamers.

Hard drives

Hard drives are made of moving parts, which makes them more delicate and prone to physical damage than SSDs.
But, they cost less per gigabyte than solid-state drives. Also, modern hard drives have a high read and write speed, although still inferior to SSDs. But, HDDs are a good data backup medium for businesses and individuals. Also, you can find several options for self-encrypting hard drives, which adds an extra layer of protection to your data.
As a backup medium, you can use external hard drives or a RAID system. Although, we do recommend that you keep the last option as an off-site backup.

Magnetic Tape

Magnetic tape backup remains an option since it can store a large amount of data at very little cost.
It is important to keep in mind, however, that tapes are better suited for backing up or restoring an entire system in one go. That’s because magnetic tapes store data linearly, meaning you can’t randomly open files.
However, you can find magnetic tapes with up to 580 TB storage capacity for those who need a lot of data space for their backups. Meaning, businesses can have a better use for tape backup than individuals.

Flash Drive

Flash drives are small, portable devices that allow you to store data locally. They have a smaller cost in comparison with other backup medium technologies, making them a popular choice.
The drawback is that USB flash drives are a not-so-trustful device for permanent data storage. That’s because they are more susceptible to damage. Besides, you can easily lose them due to their size.
One more con for USB drives is that they don’t have much larger capacity options. Then, again, this would be an option for individuals trying to keep their files and photos safe and at hand.
Especially because USB drives have a great advantage, which is how practical they are when you need to transfer a small amount of data from one physical place to another.

Backup methods

Although backing up to one of the above mediums is not very different from backing up your computer to an external hard drive, you still have to decide which method to use.
For example, you can clone your entire system (system backup), or you can select files and folders to back up (partial backup).

The 3-2-1 backup strategy

The 3-2-1 backup strategy is a way specialists found that can increase your data protection.
The method is:
  • 3 copies of your data
  • Stored on 2 different storage media
  • With 1 copy off-site
The three copies of the data are the original and two backups. These backups must be updated. The best way would be to schedule regular backups. You can, for example, have automatic backups of your system into your cloud service.
Once you use at least two different mediums, for example, SSDs and tape, you minimize the chances of errors and failures. And when you put one of these in an off-site place, you increase your data security. This way, if anything happens to your building, such as a fire or flood, you still have a copy of the data in second place.

Quick Summary

Choosing the right backup medium is important to guarantee your data is secure. Also, it can prevent you from investing in a storage device that doesn’t fit your needs.
Unfortunately, disasters happen and a storage drive fails. If even after taking every precaution and using the 3-2-1 backup strategy you discover missing files, you can contact SalvageData experts for an emergency data recovery service.
submitted by SALVAGEDATA_ to u/SALVAGEDATA_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:49 wesleytentia about Dean...

I hate how he makes Rory feel when Lidsay finds the letter and kicks him out. For the record, I am in no way saying that only Dean was wrong here. Both Rory and Dean behaved awfully, but after the letter and kicking Dean outta the house, Dean treats her as if it was all Rory's fault (when it takes two to tango). Then they get together (big mistake, Rory, we all knew how it was gonna end up), it seems like everything goes well but then Emily and Richard's party happens. And I really REALLY hate Dena here. Because Rory never said anything about their worlds being different, never said anything about him working at Doose's or having different jobs. I get him being insecure, I really do, but going to pick Rory up and being like "I don't belong here cries" like ???? sorry but that's a quick nope. He didn't even know why she was with those boys, he never even cared to read what she wrote, how was Yale, NOTHING (remember he said he did read but obviously didn't). If he only listened or cared enough he would've known that his girlfriend was with those boys because her grandparents were basically auctioning her while she was saying to those friends that she actually had a boyfriend. And also, when Luke's helping Taylor with Old Twickham's house, when they were gathering their stuff and isn't talking to Luke and Dean says "they want more, more than us, and you can only give her [Lorelai] this [referring to Stars Hollow]". Like??? I'm so sorry what??? I get that you're hurt, but this time it wasn't Rory, Lorelai or whoever's fault. It was Dean that got himself in that situation. And it really hurt as a viewer to see him talk about Lorelai and Rory that way when he was soooo happy with both of them just a few months ago. Anyway, sorry, I just wanted to rant a little because this has been in my head for a couple of days (I've been rewatching the show) and I just couldn't not make a post and rant. If you want to voice you're opinion please do it nicely and I'm always happy to see different points of view!!
submitted by wesleytentia to GilmoreGirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:49 favp456 My friend has been hurting me and my friend group for a long time, so no we are kicking him out.

I (17f) am a sophomore in high school, I've been with my current friend group since freshman year and we all get along for the most part. The group I am currently in has been there for me since my last group kicked me out for drama and incidents that had happened with my ex boyfriend and I basically became a social outcast in my grade. But my friends have been there for me every step of the way and have always been able to make me smile, laugh and happy. But one of the guys in my group named Destin has been getting on mine and my friends nerves. For context, Destin has always been the social butterfly and is always outgoing much to everyone's annoyance. He is always trying to outsmart everyone in our classes, the teachers and everyone. He always wants to prove us that he can do anything and when he doesn't get to do it or he gets upset very quickly he will put his head down and pout about it for the rest of the day and ignore us. He also intends to always says stuff that he doesn't need to say especially to me and my friends. Whenever I get a boyfriend he always wants to say stuff to me that I don't want to hear. Like in freshman year when I was with my boyfriend at the time Jason, Destin wanted to be in a poly relationship with me and Jason because he was Destin's ex boyfriend and I said no because I had just gotten out of a bad relationship before and I wanted to make it work and whenever I said no to Destin he wouldn't stop asking and I cried to most of my friends about it and when me and Jason eventually broke up, Destin took advantage of the situation and got with Jason. I didn't mind that they were dating but it broke me knowing Destin would do this to me when he knows my troubled past. And when I got with my new boyfriend in sophomore year I showed Destin a picture of him since he was curious and he said he was cute and he looked like a guy he would date (btw Destin is gay) and I didn't mind that but what he said next truly hurt me. He said "if you ever f*ck him you can go first and I'll f*ck him after you" and when he said that I was about to scream at him and I told him to stop saying that but he wouldn't stop. So when I got our friend group to back me up he didn't even apologize to me he just walked away like a pussy and ignored us the rest of the day. This was before spring break but after break he apologized and I thought that was the end of it I was wrong. A couple of weeks ago rumors started going around about my ex boyfriend Xavier and the rumors were that he was apparently "sexually harassing" the girls in our class and when me and my friends heard about the rumors we felt sorry for him and we were mostly talking about how we can help Xavier and clear his name. But we didn't include Destin because we knew he would go around our grade telling everyone about it and making Xavier's life more worse than it already was. But when he did hear us talking he mistook it for trash talking and when we wouldn't stop talking he yelled at me saying we were becoming the people who started the rumors. He yelled that at me in front of our entire history class and I almost had a heart attack and my friend Emmett was over near our table and he almost beat Destin for saying that to me since my boyfriend broke up with me that day and he just made it worse. And he didn't even apologize again and kept ignoring us and making our days bad and my friend Holly sent me a screenshot of her texts with Destin and he said he was never going to apologize to me or my friends and I tried moving on from there but the next day he acted like he didn't do anything wrong and we all were so mad at him and we tried kicking him out but he wasn't getting that message across and we all have been ignoring him ever since but he acts like we are still friends with him even though we weren't. And he always asks me for snacks and when I tell him no he starts pouting and begging me and then I have to give it to him to shut him up. But me and my friends are going to officially tell him at the end of the year that we are no longer friends with Destin. We know he will probably start problems with us during junior year but after everything that he has said and done to everyone in our class nobody will want to be friends with him. Do you guys think we are being to harsh on him or are we in the right to kick him out?
submitted by favp456 to u/favp456 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:48 Landslime My (24F) boyfriend’s (24M) roommate (25M) has a very messy bedroom

Just like the title says: my boyfriend’s roommate is really messy, to the point where it is clearly depression-related. He is our friend, but has never had many friends before meeting us, so he seems uncomfortable with being close to others. He but doesn’t open up much to us and makes it very difficult to understand him or what’s been bothering him, so we’ve never felt comfortable giving advice or offering help. He’s clearly been depressed for some time, and lost his job some months ago and never really explained why; we’ve felt very caught between being concerned and interested friends, and seeming like we’re prying insensitively. At this point, we’ve grown rather concerned — including about the state his bedroom, as there is no way for someone to live like that and feel good about themselves. While obviously his bedroom is not the cause of his depression, it seems like something that maybe we could help fix and alleviate some of his stress about if we offered to help him clean it, and it wouldn’t put him on the spot about his emotions, which clearly makes him uncomfortable. However, he does not know that we’ve peeked into his room to see it, and we aren’t sure how he’ll react to us potentially overstepping to offer. Would we be bad friends if we offered to help him clean his bedroom (should we just mind our business)? If any of you are depressed like this and also not very open with your emotions, what might make you feel better and more supported?
Tl;dr, my boyfriend and I want to be helpful to his depressed roommate and think that offering to clean his room could be a good idea, but we want feedback on if that’s weird or invasive, or other suggestions for how to help him.
submitted by Landslime to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:48 Honeybunny1826 How to handle rejection/ suddenly switched up. Left in a state of shock

I matched with this guy on tinder & from the jump conversation was great. 1st date he took me out on a picnic and he was the sweetest ever! Immediately we parted way he texted me how he had an amazing time can’t wait to see me & he asked me out on date 2 the same night.
We kept talking nonstop, he was communicating so well, talking about how he’s so comfortable with me blah blah.
The day before date 2 arrives & he’s planned nothing, he’s saying he hasn’t made plans but he’s open to suggestions and his excuse was he’s new in the country but he swears he’s amazing at planning dates. (He’d been in the country for 2 weeks)
I gave him the benefit of the doubt but didn’t involve myself in the planning & he planned the date.
We were to grab food, shopping and then do an activity. We did the 1st two and then when it was time to do the activity & he didn’t want to, he seemed to hint at going back to his place. I was reluctant and then coincidentally it started HEAVILY raining and it’s been bad, so we went back to his place (it was 5 minutes away) it was safer to be there than out on the streets because the floods were trapping people.
We didn’t hook up but while we were hanging out I noticed a HUGE shift so I decided to go home.
Even when I left usually he’d text and say he’s sleepy and doesn’t wanna fall asleep before saying goodnight. This time he didn’t text until morning then in the morning left one text then mute until 3pm & said his social battery was low & he was taking a break.
So I didn’t say much until later in the night & I told him I feel like things have become weird and he said he feels like he committed too soon & he feels like there’s no romantic connection.
And I started wondering what commitment, all we did was go on dates and talk ?!
So initially when we matched his profile said he wanted a short term relationship but open to long term . I deleted my account cause it was having issue and when I saw his account again it said he was looking for short term fun.
Usually I understand that people don’t have that spark but I don’t know why I’m having a hard time with this one
And I’m currently doing my own healing & one of my biggest fears is being abandoned so I think that switch up has seriously left me in a state of shock!!
I can’t even begin to explain how COLD he became.
I don’t know how to just take it like a champ. It’s been 2 weeks since and it’s still eating at me.
submitted by Honeybunny1826 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:47 Whoisthatme How do I kick my roommate and her guest (boyfriend) out ? knowing that their names are not on the lease and I live in NY.

My roommate asked me back in March 10th, that her bf got a new job in our area and will be staying in her room for a while until he finds an apartment. The bf originally live in NJ with his family and was visiting once in a while before which was fine. One red flag, SHE DIDNT ASK ME if I was okay with him staying with us on a term but She just told me.
At the time, i just wanted to help and she is my friend so it was like nothing until i realized that she was abusing of my kindness. Second red flag, when she asked me back in March she was still on a trip so I asked her if she would be coming with him but she said no that she is coming the next day which was the 11th. I FOUND THAT WEIRD because that day I was half asleep when i heard someone opening the door and I checked her location she was still in another country.
At first, i was annoyed that she gave the key to her bf without letting me know and that guy could have come in anytime which he has in the past at a beginning of her trip. So she came the following day from her trip, and not even 2 weeks after that she told me that she lost her cousin back home so she would go if her mom buys her flight ticket but wont say for more than a week if so. Surprisingly, the next day she left without letting me know and I knew that because i checked her location. 2 days, 3 days , 5 days goes by and eventually a week, the bf is still staying in the appartement lol and she is still not back from her second trip.
So that’s when I decided to let her know that I am NOT comfortable with her bf staying over especially when she was not physically in the appartement. She didn’t take it well even tho I said super nicely. ME: “ I understand that it's nice to have your boyfriend over while he’s looking for an apartment. I wanted to chat with you about something that's been on my mind because I feel a bit uncomfortable having guests of the opposite gender over for that long especially when you’re not here It's just about maintaining that sense of privacy and security for us. I know emergency happens that’s why you’re not here but I wanna avoid this situation again. I hope you understand where I'm coming from. Let's talk more about it when you’re back”. She replied with “okay” which I found super rude.
After that like promised I was waiting for her to return and the guy was still in until she finally returned in the 15th of April, now she stopped talking to me so I decided to text her again (since she is ignoring me around the apartment) to let her know that he has to go because I don’t feel comfortable and I’m excepting my parents to visit my new apartment when they come in NY for my graduation but I can’t if her man is walking around the place like he owns it and don’t participate in the rent. 30 days passed for me to kick him out legally so PLEASE I NEED HELP AND ADVICES TO KICK THEM BOTH OUT ASAP because they’re planning to move out together suddenly without letting me know so I can get stucked paying the full rent myself.
submitted by Whoisthatme to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:46 deleting_account123 I'm in love with my cousin

Umm hello, please don't judge me harshly, I'm seeking advice. I am aware I'm fucked up badly. I will not be using real names in this. My cousin (M22) and I (F20) have been through a lot together. From abusive parents to being SA'd by another relative of ours. If my parents were abusing me he'd step in and fight them off or take the punishment with me. Not long he started lashing out at everyone and he became a trouble maker so they shipped him off to a military boot camp, that was the moment I knew I loved him. It was when I thought I'd never see him again. When he left my family used me as their punching bag, mentally and sometimes physically. So without his uplifting words or his distractions I started to find different alternatives to cope with the adjustment of his departure and the cruel things that continued to happen to me. In the span he was gone I tried attempting to off myself 7 times before I just called it quits (because I gaslit myself into him getting out and thinking we would runaway together)and started cutting and burning myself instead. Needless to say when he got out he changed so much. He didn't smile, he didn't look at me, I ran up and hugged him and he didn't react at all. He picked up habits like smoking and drinking. His physical appearance changed. He was stronger, buffer, and he had a sharper jawline. The man was handsome. After a week of him being back home he didn't come to see me and he didn't allow me to see him. If he did he'd be around the cousin he knew hurt me sexually. If he saw me get hit or degraded he wouldn't do anything but stare at them while I stared at him. What hurt most is when my mother made us all go to church and the pastor called me out because I wrote suicide notes to each of them and I had a failed attempt to off myself through her diabetic medication but for some reason I lived again. I remember taking the whole bottle and still waking up the next morning by my mother yelling at me for being depressed and tired. Anyway she took us to church and the pastor read the letters out loud and I was forced to kneel in front of the entire church and beg for an apology. My cousin just stood there staring at me again. He didn't react until my rapist started laughing under his breath so he let out a laugh that didn't sound like his regular laugh. This day I never forgot, the embarrassment the humiliation I felt. So I decided to run away that same day but didn't make it far because I got caught by my cousin, he didn't tell anyone but he made sure to keep a close eye on me. Half my family decided to move to California including his immediate family but he decided to stay I still don't know why. Years later (today's time/2 weeks ago) he confesses to me he is in love with me and he has loved me since we were children. For some stupid reason I believed him because those were words I've wanted to hear all my life. Even from back then he changed, he no longer looked at me, he just laughs or join in with their criticisms or insults. But at least no one hits me now. I decided to give this relationship thing a try and it was great, he even started to stick up for me again a little but he doesn't want to get me in more trouble with us being related and in love with each other. Or so I thought. He has a high sex drive and I thought it was normal because he is a guy and according to my mother men in this family does. The first time we had sex together he was rough, he didn't listen to my request or if I yelled at how painful it was, and I didn't even want to finish due to how much pain he left me in. I'm pretty sure it's my fault because I believed his lies still hold on to who he was before he was forced to leave all those years ago. He also didn't use a condom when I asked him to bring them. We got in a argument after and he said something that I don't believe he would ever do. The argument was because my guy friend from college texted me hey (despite me finding over 5 women in his phone) and I never answered him back because I know this guy friend wanted more than to be friends. So after he threw my clothes at me, called me a whore despite him being my first, and stormed out of my room I followed him to clear up what was going on. The words stung but I brushed them off. He was sitting in the living room and I sat beside him trying to get my point across until he said "We are fucking related, its not like we are in a real relationship anyway." That shut me up completely. My heart hurt and I cried on the spot. So I yelled at him for the first time (I said: What do you call this then, this was your first and last time with me you will never have access to me or my heart again) and he got madder. I have never seen him move so fast it was scary. He got on top of me and pinned my hands above my head and slapped me. The look in his eyes terrified me he said I belonged to him and he didn't need my permission to have his way with me. After he said that he kissed me roughly when I didn't respond to his kiss he bit my lip hard and I screamed in pain while he inserted his tongue in my mouth. The only reason he left me alone was because my phone started ringing and it was my mother who was calling to see if I cleaned her house, after I hung up the phone he started crying and begging for me to forgive him. I did. He still reminds me of who he was until he went to that boot camp. I still see it in him. Now its been a week since this happened and he has went back to his old ways of a high sex drive. He still doesn't like wearing condoms so he doesn't. He doesn't pull out though I tell him to and sex is still painful for me. After sex today he told me that I wanted it. He wanted me to have a baby for him, he wanted to trap me with him. I don't understand. I feel disgusted, used, and heart broken. I watched him get dressed and walk out the door with a smile on his face. I'm afraid if I resist his advances he'll take it without my consent and I'd see him just like every other abuser in my family. I'd rather it this way then seeing him as an evil person. I don't want to see him differently he's the only one I have. Is there any advice you can help me with? I'm almost done with my degree and it's not even in a career I want this is my mothers dream job. But I'm going to use it because I worked for it. At the moment I have no job and I don't think going to the police would help anything. What should I do here?
submitted by deleting_account123 to u/deleting_account123 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:46 annual-enrollment I love you

I met you and at an instant, I knew you were different.
I longed to recall this familiarity, I knew you before this reality.
After you hugged me so intensly, I knew I loved your immensely.
I searched to understand my feelings, intense like our energies bouncing off the ceilings.
You gave me a hug that changed my life, a bond realized so thick, it couldn't be cut with a knife.
I needed to understand what it all was, wanted to explore what it all does.
We continued on, but became more distant, but you were always there every instant.
My love increased for you so much, I was so embolden by your touch.
It grew stronger and stronger, as we felt the pull, it kept us anything but dull.
Without even knowing you, I knew I was in love, I wanted to give you everything and above.
I always knew a lot more than I would say, I never wanted to scare you away.
I worried about boundaries that shouldn't be broken, so I tip-toed around the token.
Intensity increased so much, I knew I would fold under your touch.
No matter what, I loved you, for you, and it enough that it was overdue
Ups and downs, we went through a lot, we got to the cusp of giving it a shot.
Then chaos flipped it for us, which I found a little sus.
So many people trying to intervene, what did it mean?
You stopped your replies, I sit here crying as my soul dies.
Not knowing what really happened, I am sure I am to blame on the back end.
However we both have fault in this, we both knew it was going to take time before bliss.
You questioned my goals, when all it was for us to connect our souls.
I didn't worry about the little things, I didn't really worry about if it had strings.
My joy was to bear it with you, if you only knew how much love I have for you.
I wasn't worried about attachments or labels, I just wanted to spend time with you like the fables.
Whether we became friends or eventually lovers, I wanted to be with you, even under the covers.
My intentions were always truthful, but I was guarded because you were so youthful.
I will always love you so much, I would never be able to view anyone else as such.
I am completely out of tears, because somehow I managed to produce my worst fears.
I wish you would talk to me and clear any misinformation, we both know there is some miscommunication.
I hope you can forgive whatever I have done, having you in my life has been so much fun.
I see posts all over the place, some sound so much like us, but its always a different face.
I gave up on the post, because you can text back like we boast.
If you decide to part ways, know I will always love you until the end of days.
I want you to keep my heart and key, because I will no longer need them for me.
Things are going to change in place, I am dropping my social circles at record pace.
Alone is better if not with you, so I will just adapt to make do.
I have so much love for you, I will continue to preach it until I am blue.
I would always love to see it where it goes, but day by day, because nobody knows.
I never wanted to rush, we could have just relaxed in the brush.
I was always honest and loyal, I am not sure why you thought it was going to foil.
I wanted every part of you because of your soul, no manipulation for any part of the whole.
It was all 100% you and with all your flaws, I have them too so let's not pause.
I love you for you, but never got the chance, you have taken up this defensive stance.
I am sorry for what ever it is, but we need to communicate before it turns to fizz.
I would love to spend the rest of our lives together, watching sunset in fields of heather.
I love you more than any thing, I was willing to sacrifice a lot to make us sing.
True love is so rare, lets not waste this connection we share.
No one will ever be you, so what do we do?
submitted by annual-enrollment to Poems [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:44 Admirable-Shine-1597 He said it all meant nothing

I was in a “situation” where the guy and I decided to have intercourse- but be also be actual friends… tbh he did boyfriend like things, appeared that he was interested (dates, great communication, caring) and then he just stopped… He stopped calling, texting, and stopped asking to hang out. Of course- at this point I liked him and thought maybe it was mutual.
I mentioned his behavior to him and that things were weird between us. Eventually we stopped communicating because he never did treat me better. We stopped talking for a few months.
We recently reconnected & he basically told me that he was “unaware” that his actions towards me came off as affectionate/ boyfriend like and that he did those things unconsciously. He said he did not mean to give off the impression that he liked me romantically & that he would treat anyone that way… Ouch
So he wanted to try this situation again, but this time make sure that I knew he was going to give me nothing but would “try” to do better. We slept together 5 days ago… he has not called, barely responded to text (typical). I will hold myself accountable for that one.
I am actually more upset about the fact that he never liked me…. More sad that the reality is, he never will.
submitted by Admirable-Shine-1597 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:42 cmariemi My (23F) friend found my boyfriend (23M) on Grindr. How do I bring up the conversation we need to have after putting it off for weeks?

A few weeks ago a friend texted me in the middle of the night, and told me she saw my boyfriend of ~7 months on Grindr. After sitting in my bed for hours I worked up the nerve to wake up my sleeping boyfriend and confronted him. He was very apologetic and the reasoning he gave me was that essentially he is confused about his sexuality and wanted to find someone to talk to about it — basically he is attracted to trans woman. He obviously did not feel comfortable talking to me about this and I get it. However, I don’t care about his sexuality and I expressed this to him. I pressed further and asked why he didn’t just find people to talk to on Reddit or discord about this, and he said essentially he wanted to see if he was attracted to everyday trans women or if it’s just like the trans women who look like the “top 0.1% on onlyfans”. This comment kind of rubbed me the wrong way tbh, and I asked if this was more like a fetish and I didn’t get a clear answer.
I was very upset and it was 3 am, so I said I wanted to talk about it later. He offered to let me go through his phone and the app — I didn’t look, but he claims he was just having conversations with people and didn’t even upload photos to his profile. He also said that I can look through his phone whenever I want and that he wouldn’t do something like that again. I said if this was innocent curiosity about himself, I could forgive him. We went a week without talking about it because this all happened during my finals week of last semester, and I just wanted to focus on that. He brought it up again, and tried to get me to talk about it with him, but I pretty much shut down the conversation again. I know I probably should have just talked to him about it already, but I wanted to have a clearer head.
So now 2 or 3 weeks have passed & I’ve had a lot of time to think about the situation and it’s honestly negatively impacted how I view myself. I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this (although I should probably just talk to him). I get being confused about your sexuality as I’ve struggled with this as well. Obviously dating apps were not the appropriate solution to his problem, but he said he didn’t view was he was doing as malicious. Also, I guess I’ve never encountered someone who expressed specifically being attracted to transwomen. I read some other stuff on the internet that this might be indicative of a porn addiction — like not being satisfied by the stuff you see from strangers and trying to get more “personal” content. I don't really know how to feel about this whole situation or what to make of this.
How should I bring this conversation back up so I can get these things off my chest? how do I approach this situation without seeming like I'm attacking him?
TL;DR: my boyfriend got caught using Grindr and said he was confused about his sexuality. I put off the conversation for weeks. Now I’m confused on what to do and how to approach the situation.
submitted by cmariemi to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:41 maxparagon The Severed God - Elysia’s Awakening

The Severed God - Elysia’s Awakening
“The fantasy series unfolds with Elysia, a mortal woman tethered to a benevolent deity, as she reawakens to a drastically different world after 500 years. Grappling with foreign landscapes and a fragmented memory, she embarks on a quest to reverse the corruption that has taken root by another mortal-bound god.”
This is the first book in the series that I have been cooking up for a couple of years now, and finally mustered the courage to share it.
If you like adventure/fantasy with a female protagonist, I hope this finds its way into your reading list.
*currently, my release schedule is once a month, eventually increasing to twice a month in the future.
*I am a novice writer, constructive criticism is very welcome, I only wish to be good enough to creative a compelling and enjoyable story. 🙏🏽
Hopefully you check it out and thanks for even looking at this shameless self promotion!
submitted by maxparagon to royalroad [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:40 AssociationStrong628 I wish you hadn't text me. You didn't have to.

Almost a month of no contact. We had broken cleanly. It was beautiful, it was heartbreaking, it was as perfect as we could make it. I was moving on. The only thing I had to wait for was a letter. One last gift, your last words. Your goodbye. I'm not patient, but I am for you. I was ok waiting and working on myself. Living my life with you as a beautiful memory. You didn't have to text me. You didn't have to tell me you're still writing, that I still have to wait. I love you, I always will. I trusted you, easily, almost as soon as we got to know each other. Our love was built on that trust. I wish you didn't have that chip on your shoulder. That demon you carry that tells you that in any way I would refuse you, resent you, forget you. That you need to be sorry for being you. As if I didn't know you or what you needed. How we knew each other, felt each other's emotions from any distance. That's never going to go away, Love. I know you need time. You didn't have to tell me. I wish you didn't. I wish this wasn't as hard as it was, and I'm sorry I can't tell you this, but you texting me is making it harder
submitted by AssociationStrong628 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:34 salientsyrup Leaving it behind

Came to rant slightly, but also to celebrate the closing of a chapter. Also, feel free to lmk if I sound like the asshole…
I made the mistake of signing on to a 1 year lease with someone I had only one, 10 minute FaceTime call with who is 3 years younger than me and had never lived on her own before.
In this FaceTime call she not only blatantly lied to me, she also failed to disclose several serious details.
  1. She told me she had a car. Upon her moving in I not only discovered that she didn’t have a car, this girl didn’t even have a license, nor any sort of desire to obtain one.
We moved into a neighborhood that absolutely requires one to have a car to be able to navigate. It’s isolated and anything but walkable. We have a bus stop by our house but she had also never done a long list of basic things, like stepping foot on any form of public transport.
  1. She failed to disclose until the lease was signed and we were moved in that she has (self diagnosed) agoraphobia. If you don’t know what that is, it’s basically a crippling fear of everything beyond the front door, where a person is terrified and intensely avoids public places and most people so much they avoid going out all together.
  2. Neither of those things would’ve mattered to me but she also lied to me about being consistent in working and going to school. She premised us moving in together by telling me she had active hobbies, spent the majority of her time outside of the house working and going to classes. Leading me to believe I was moving in with someone who had a similar lifestyle to me. = alls to say she is a shut in. She’s been employed maybe 4/10 months of the time we’ve lived together and besides work leaves the house for nothing. Has stopped going to her classes even literally never leaves the house.
I quickly discovered that she does not function like a normal person and is a textbook hermit. She’s paranoid of everything, smokes weed every day and is unexposed to basic things in society. Things like calling our maintenance company or having a friendly conversation with our neighbors were out of the question. Her rude, paranoid and closed off conversations with our neighbors caused all of our neighbors to basically hate us.
She didn’t once take initiative in the apartment, I’ve had to explain VERY basic cleaning and maintenance things to her which she received as ludicrous and condescending.
She’s called me bossy and stubborn meanwhile begging me to direct her to basic household duties.
The first few months when I tried to befriend her she shot down every single one of my invitations, attempts to connect or hang out and then later accused ME of lying upon move in when I said I was also hoping to be friends with my roommate. She went months without asking me a single personal question as she used me as her own sounding board to spill her fears/ complaints and paranoia to since the only people she actively speaks to are me and her boyfriend. Then she accused me of being judgemental and critical when I offered her constructive advice on very basic complaints she’d come to me every single day with. She later explained that she wasn’t ever looking for advice but for someone to say boo hoo poor you.
She is a prisoner of her own mind and exploited me as 1/2 of her only inmate visitors.
I’ve sat down for hours, on several occasions trying to help her find / access a therapist some sort of help despite how she treats me and she’s come up with every single excuse in the book as to why she will not pursue therapy (she is studying to become a therapist, yet doesn’t believe it is going to help her situation). I’ve tried to offer her help, guidance and friendship but have been rejected at every turn.
She’s ignored me for weeks at a time despite the two of us sharing apartment together then pointed her finger at ME for not being friendly.
She has walked by me at school WHILE texting me and avoided speaking to me. Almost exclusively texts me from her room while we our both home and my door is wide open.
All I have to say now as I’m moving out and breaking my lease early is I’m so damn excited to leave this person behind. She will learn that others will not be nearly as easy to live with and hopefully she learns the hard way.
None of these things are inherently problematic but if you live with someone else should be disclosed upon move in. She lied so hard, both explicitly and by omission of these critical lifestyle details. I have never cared about how others choose to live their life but when it conflicts with mine in a shared environment, that is when it becomes a problem for me.
I’m so damn excited to live with someone who is friendly, communicative and occasionally leaves their room to engage with the outside world! Including me!
Pls let this serve as a warning/ lesson to not move in with someone you’ve never met. Also not to believe them.
submitted by salientsyrup to roommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:32 don-cheeto AITAH for not wanting my hand touched or held by my mother?

⚠️ TLDR: My mom doesn't like when I don't want to hold hands with her, but I don't because it makes me uncomfortable.
(No actual SA described in detail here but I tagged it just in case...)
When I'm (23F) in a good mood, I don't mind it too much. It does irk me a tiny bit. But occasionally I'll go ahead and do it for her. When I'm in a bad mood or in my thoughts and listening to music, I don't want to be bothered.
My mom (43) will be driving sometimes, and randomly lightly slide her hand over the top of my forearm/hand to grab it, which for some random reason makes me uncomfortable. (May slightly, possibly, have a tiny chance of being due to the fact that I was molested by my cousin when I was in my single digits.) I hate when she does it because I'm in my thoughts and I'm suddenly being slid out of them with a weird feeling. Which is a good thing when said thoughts are depressing, but with the way she does it, it's like light feelings of electricity going through your arm hairs and I hate it. I hate being bothered when I'm just coming off of work or I'm in a bad mood.
But every time I say to stop doing that, she keeps doing it anyways, as if she's trying to piss me off, even though she says it's because she wants to hold hands with her own kid. She says she doesn't understand what the issue is, and I try to make up scenarios that she might understand, but she always finds a way to (seemingly on purpose) misunderstand them.
I understand that, because I used to love cuddling with my siblings when they were babies. But I'm not a baby anymore, so I can't have as many relaxing girl-talk moments with my mom when we sit in her bed, and she and I stopped cuddling as I grew up.
I don't cuddle with my 5 yr old brother anymore because I love him but kids in general annoy me with how easy they start bouncing off the walls. I hate when anyone besides my boyfriend randomly touches me, and even then I'm surprised. I hate handshakes too. And I've randomly touched people before but I had a situation in a job where a guy a few years younger than me disliked how I ruffled his hair twice to say hi, and brought it to my boss. That's one situation that got me to understand physical boundaries.
Today, the same hand-holding thing just happened 15 minutes ago, and I mentioned the context of personal space and boundaries to her in the "adult conversation" we just had, but her response was, "Right, as if I invade your personal space every day." I assume she said that because as soon as she, my brother, and I get home, I go straight into my room, change clothes, and relax in bed. And that's every single day.
I made the mistake of slamming doors and cursing to myself, but out loud. I have bad anger issues, which I'm trying to fix before I lose my job, but occasionally the anger drops like a bomb. I told her that I'm sorry for slamming doors, and she explained that it's her home, her sanctuary that shouldn't be damaged. I agree with that, even if I do pay her almost $700 a month. The lease is under her name, not mine. I just wish she would understand that not everyone has the same immediately positive mindset as her. I can be optimistic, but I have to dig my way out of the pessimism first.
I went outside, smoked for a sec, thought about an alternative method, and thought of her holding her hand out to me instead of randomly touching me. She was fine with that. And she acknowledged that I definitely am working on my anger with the big gap of time between now and the last time I slammed doors and threw a hole in the drywall.
I suppose we're all good and stuff now, I just wish it hadn't escalated the way it did. I could've just went straight to, "Ma, can you hold your hand out instead of randomly sliding yours onto me?" And then it be all good.
submitted by don-cheeto to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:29 coaxialcity [A4F] What if the Demon Lord won?... [Medieval Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic, Romance?]

It's been a year since the war.
The war where the heroes lost, the demon king won, and the entire land was plunged into darkness and despair. How haughty the humans and their allied were, proud of their chosen ones, light-blessed and equipped with the finest swords and armor. Only to receive the news that their entire party was wiped, their heads displayed as trophies on poles. Speared through the mouth, a grim reminder of the fate of the world.
The mighty walls that once stood tall, fell fast to siege. Morale amongst the kingdom and their pact nations quickly eroded into despair. The elves retreated into the forests, withdrawing to the protection of the Yggdrasil, the World Tree's blessing fading to the corruption of darkness. The dwarves quickly jumped ship, their talents in forging and smithing becoming easily translatable into a tool for the demonic forces. The merfolk withdrew their relations from the terrestrial, knowing that the sea at least would offer them a haven that the demons could not invade, at least not yet.
The demons were an absinthe on a sugar cube, quickly dissolving human society.
But there were those that stood against the overwhelming darkness. Small outposts of humanity attempted their best to survive in this era, scavenging what remained of the world before, under the hazed red skies of the demon king's rule. Those who still wielded magic and blade, dreaming of a day where races that didn't thrive on cruelty and evil to flourish yet again...
Hello! And yet another prompt from yours truly. This is a medieval fantasy roleplay, with main themes of post-apocalyptic and survival, along with possibilities of things like enemies-to-lovers, adventure, romance, and more! It very much depends on how we decide to write it, as the world is pretty expansive! Please note that this roleplay will have some dark themes.
Please note that I'm comfortable playing either role! Some prompts within the world the demon lord rules:
About myself: I'm 25+, and I can only promise you lots of imagination and creativity in a roleplay. I prefer 3rd person, with about 2-7 paragraphs of detail and action in every reply. I'm usually able to reply a few times a day, depending on your timezone (I live in PST). I write female/male/non-binary, play a multitude of characters. I prefer using Discord.
About you: 21+, literate, and can write at least two paragraphs per reply. Preferably can reply one to a few times a day. Can play a multitude of characters as called for, and loves world-building! Preferably uses/prefers anime style face claims. Be willing to provide a writing sample, please.
Looking forward to exploring this wasteland with you!
submitted by coaxialcity to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:29 Swanzig First Impressions: Gallivant Perfumes

Gallivant are a London based perfumery creating ‘fragrance for urban explorers’. Their fragrances are all named after and inspired by big cities.
They currently have their 12 scents available as a sample set called the Nomad Discovery Set for £35, which includes credit for a full bottle. I read through all their scent descriptions and didn’t actually want the full set, so I only ordered 4. However, I’ve been sent a 10-sample set that doesn’t include Accra and Abu Dhabi. Probably extra stock of an older set so fair enough.
Their 30ml FBs are £70, and their 100 mls are £150.
These first four reviews are for the 4 fragrance samples I originally ordered (i.e I am more likely to enjoy them based on their notes and description)
I can't pick out invidual notes here, but I DO get the warmth on the skin vibes they are after! It’s gentle and soothing - I think there’s a faint vanilla in there. I wouldn’t call it ‘fizz on an urban playground’, more like a sunny balcony overlooking the street. It continues to be soft and gentle the whole way through wear, it’s very cuddly and I’d wear it to snuggle with my boyfriend. Compared to the others, it’s warm without as much incense.
Definitely on the skin scent side, but I don’t mind for how intimate it feels. It lasted on my skin past lunchtime, and my mom adored that it lasted all day on her clothes. This already feels hard to top.
Sister thinks it smells generic, but our baseline is mom’s perfume collection (she likes powdery scents). I guess it’s more like, it smells of mom in a good way. Like a comforting way.
I wore Brooklyn as my SOTD on the 8th May - a couple sprays on my left wrist. It's not a strong projector but it was still on my wrist after 6 hours.
Los Angeles.
I definitely get all three of these layers to the scent. An evening out on holiday. Classy, fun, little black dress and heels and having a night out on the town by the beach. It will cool you in a heatwave and warm you when there’s an evening chill. It doesn’t match me personality wise, but it’s still a nice scent! I will keep this sample for a night out.
Tel Aviv
Lovely florals! Definitely on the rosy side. Sweet (but not overly so!) and sunny. This projects a bit more than the other three I picked. Once the citrus fades out we’re left with an almost soapy floral mix.
Sis: smells like febreeze.
I’m hoping to visit Tokyo sometime not too far away, and the initial spray is kind of how I’d imagine it would smell? Once it hits the dry down it reminds me of a scent from Oud Attar - warm, woody, incense like. It’s not bad but not really my thing.
The following reviews are for the rest of the set (I.e. I wasn’t particularly drawn to them based on description, and would be surprised to get a hit out of these)
Rosy, woody and leathery for sure! I wish the cucumber stuck around, that was really refreshing? What a cool and gritty scent. I get a ton of leather (I’ve never smelt leather in a fragrance, but I used to work in a shoe store and once the association clicked I was like WOAH, back room, men’s shoe shelves smell?? ). It’s not for me, but it really makes me feel like I’m one of the cool crowd, earning enough to live in London. (I realise I could say this about any other big city, but as a Brit and not a Londoner it was what I felt in my soul.)
Sister didn’t like it - it gets points for being accurate to London, but loses points for being London, haha!! Reminds her of dad’s colognes though...?
Incense and patchouli really bring a warm and spicy feel forward here. It’s a touch aquatic too. There’s citrus in it, but I don’t really get it, unfortunately.
I have no idea what’s goin on here but I’m surprised to find that I like this. A warm floral feel. Not something I’d like on myself though!
We are discovering sis’ licorice note she doesn't like is possibly cardamom.
It is what it is. Just as described, not really standing out. Sis says it smells discordant. The top notes are great, but the rest not so much.
sis says it’s a hotel reception smell. I say it’s like a hotel with a spa in it. Then she says it develops into a an orthodontist waiting room.
an autumnal scent. I don’t really have much to say about this one! For many of these scents it's just been a lot of incense and there's only so many ways I can tell you I'm not a fan.
Sister's ranking:
  1. Gdansk
  2. Los angeles
  3. Naples
  4. London
  5. Tel aviv
  6. Tokyo
  7. Berlin and istanbul
  8. Brooklyn
  9. Bukhara
Overall - Their blends seem to be gentle enough to my nose (I.e, I wasn’t immediately repulsed by any). My sister felt that the scents transitioned much faster than other sets we tried. It smells as if there’s incense in many of them to give that warm and spicy feel, which I don’t tend to like in fragrances at the moment. But I can understand how, with their goal of travelling via scent, incense becomes a realistic and homely and cultural link.
As a set, it’s like the opposite of the Saltworks Company Fresh Experience set (cool and fresh vs warm and spiced). It’s less a holiday, less touristy and more backpacking across the world to meet new people and broaden your horizons. It’s the smells you get when you don’t stay in a hotel but are welcomed into someone else’s home. You’re not wearing these for beast mode projection, but because it’s reminding you of something nice. They do last well, over 6 hours on me for quite a few of them.
FB worthy? As of now I’ve actually bought a small bottle of Brooklyn for my mom and I to share as we loved it so much. Neither of us have been to Brooklyn, though.
Next on my trial sets to try is Floral Street. At some point soon I'll have to destash my samples (if you're UK based... 👀)!
Let me know if you've tried this brand! What other sets would you suggest for me to try next?
submitted by Swanzig to fragrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:27 Prudent_Bug_1350 🚨🇵🇸BREAKING — In a vote by nearly 20,000 workers across the University of California, UAW 4811 has authorized a strike defending the right to protest for Palestine.

🚨🇵🇸BREAKING — In a vote by nearly 20,000 workers across the University of California, UAW 4811 has authorized a strike defending the right to protest for Palestine.
The decision to call for a strike authorization vote was made by the union in response to the brutal state-sanctioned assault on the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at UCLA, where a mob of Zionists assaulted a peaceful gathering of students and workers with tear gas, mace, explosives, and blunt objects.
Various law enforcement agencies stood by for hours as the attack continued unabated, only to conduct a violent sweep on the encampment the following day, firing rubber bullets and flashbangs at protestors.
Over 200 students, workers, faculty and community members were arrested for exercising their right to free speech and protest.
At the University of California, San Diego, dozens of students and workers were also attacked and arrested by law enforcement during a peaceful encampment protest on May 6.
The authorization of a strike in defense of workers rights to protest in support of Palestine is a major step forward for the U.S. labor movement and its ability to take clear anti-imperialist positions. Palestine is a moral issue, yes, but the actions and words of UAW 4811 show clearly that it is a worker’s issue as well.
➡️Read the full article on
Image Transcription
[Bold Uppercase] Breaking [Bold Uppercase] UAW 4811 authorizes strike across UC campuses defending right to protest for Palestine
On May 15, 2024 — the 76th anniversary of the Nakba — UAW 4811 members across the University of California took the historic step to authorize a strike in defense of workers’ rights to peacefully protest in support of Palestine.
Image Source:
Palestinian Youth Movement
Get SMS texts with actions you can take in real time. With so much censorship on social media, this is the fastest way you can find out about new action alerts.:*1255jsg*_ga*MTU0NDg0NzA0OS4xNzAxOTIxODUw*_ga_V3XSVFXGN5*MTcwMTkyMTg0OS4xLjEuMTcwMTkyMTkxMC4wLjAuMA..
BDS Movement:
National Lawyers Guild:
On Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism and Dangerous Conflations:
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook:
Why Are Democrats Funding The Far Right?:
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism:
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy":
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements:
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor.
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to InformedTankie [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:27 GovTech A Brogue Guide

Note: This guide contains minor spoilers.
Brogue is a challenging game and many players never manage to “beat” it, despite months or even years of attempts. This guide is intended as a framework for optimizing your gameplay so that you too can join the ranks of glorious heroes who’ve ascended the Dungeons of Doom with the Amulet of Yendor held high.
Part 1: Mindset
In his book Outliers, the journalist Malcom Gladwell makes the case that plane crashes aren’t usually caused by a single event, but an accumulation of small factors that eventually become unmanageable for the pilots. This is a useful analogy for dying in Brogue.
In most cases, a monster won’t simply walk over and kill you. Rather, you’ll use an unidentified potion that causes you to catch on fire and in the course of walking to the water, you’ll trip over a confusion trap and end up getting stung to death by eels and toads. Things start off fine, a minor accident happens and then problems pile up and suddenly you’re dead. How did this happen?
Most deaths in Brogue can be attributed to underestimating the dangers that surround you and not having contingency plans ready. Winning, therefore, is largely a matter of isolating threats and dealing with each individually, while meanwhile collecting as many contingency plans as possible. It’s much easier to kill a single pink jelly by backing yourself into a nook, for instance, than it is to stand in the open and fight eight of them at once. Your odds of survival are much greater if you have several weapons and means of escape at hand.
As you play, constantly assess how much danger you’re in. You should do this each time you descend to a new level, but also periodically throughout each level. It helps to be somewhat familiar with the game’s monsters and other hazards and to know on which levels they typically appear. By the time you reach depth 6, for instance, there’s a good chance you’ll start encountering ogres. Don’t wait until one is standing in front of you to come up with a means of killing it. Have as many plans as possible ready before you can even see her.
Tip: A common place people die is around depth 7 or 8. It’s by this time that, barring some great luck in early gear, you’ll need to begin committing to a build. The first few levels of the game will forgive a player who wanders around without much of a plan, but around depth 8, more difficult enemies appear and you need an efficient way to kill or avoid them.
Upon each descent to a new level, ask yourself, “How much am I risking by keeping this item unused in my inventory? Will using this now keep me alive on this level or am I simply wasting something that could be put to better use later?” Greedily hoarding six enchant scrolls because you still haven’t found the perfect weapon is a common precursor to death. Always just trying to stay alive for one more level is an ideal strategy if you can sustain it deep enough.
This leads us to the most underrated asset a player can wield in Brogue: information.
Part 2: Information
Like many roguelikes, Brogue is made more challenging because the player has incomplete information about his surroundings. The map is dark. There are hidden traps and enemies. Items and equipment are not identified. They could be cursed or harmful. And even if you know which items are harmful and which are helpful because you’ve used a detect magic potion, if it’s the first time you’ve encountered an item, you still won’t know precisely how it’s helpful or harmful.
Mere information is enough to keep you alive in many situations. That you could easily die with an unidentified teleport scroll in your inventory is evidence of this. The difference between being overcome by a group of furies or jackals and easily dispatching the group is knowing just where they are on the other side of that door. Waiting a few moments might save your life, if only you know well enough to do so.
You should not attempt to kill every monster in the dungeon. If you can clearly see that you can kill a monster and you’re sure that no other monster will approach during that fight, it’s generally a good idea to kill it so that it doesn’t later happen upon you at an inopportune time. But if there’s a dragon alone in a small room, it’s generally a good idea to leave him alone.
Scrolls of magic mapping, rings of awareness, rings of clairvoyance, telepathy charms and detect magic potions are incredibly valuable. Awareness gives your character free searches with each move, reducing the chance of stepping on a trap that could trigger a fatal chain reaction of events. Clairvoyance ensures you won’t miss hidden rooms and gives you advance notice of monsters. Telepathy shows you the locations and movement patterns of enemies. Detect magic ensures you won’t read a cursed scroll or equip a piece of equipment that could weaken your character long enough to kill him. Magic mapping ensures you and your allies don’t step on traps and it helps optimize your route, saving on food costs and aiding in tactical awareness for fights.
Your goal with regard to information should be a complete view of everything. This is not possible, but recognizing how much you can’t see and know is a useful step toward mitigating the risks that those information gaps present.
Tip: If you don’t have gear to help you detect hidden things, search often. (But not too often or you’ll run out of food and starve, perhaps the most ignominious of all Brogue deaths.) Clairvoyance and awareness rings are underrated — strongly consider taking them from vaults unless there’s a regeneration ring, which is perhaps the most powerful, or a ring you need for your build, like stealth or wisdom.
Part 3: Gear
Flexibility is key to survival in Brogue, because the environment is chaotic. Fires spread, clouds of noxious gasses unexpectedly fill the rooms and enemies grow greater in number as the player descends. Whatever your gear preference, the best way to survive is to decide on a build based on what’s available. Stubbornly clinging to the hope a broadsword will appear could mean an early death if you fail to use what gear is actually available.
A wide range of builds are viable. The key is to experiment, iterate and constantly assess how your selected loadout is faring against the dungeon’s threats.
Some seeds contain altars that allow the player to swap the enchants of one item to another, allowing the player to use one build in the early game and another for later levels.
Broadly, there are two strategies for gearing up. One is to put most or all enchants into a single item. The other is to spread the enchants around. Both can be viable depending on the seed.
Going all-in on a teleportation charm is a viable strategy with a bit of luck, and made more viable by armor that blocks dragonfire.
Fully enchanting a regeneration ring works best if the seed also happens to contain powerful weapons and armor with some level of innate enchantment.
Putting most or all enchants into a stealth ring can work if you have a war hammer, which is a slow weapon and otherwise difficult to use.
Many of the staves work well as the centerpiece of a build, as well.
There’s a table online that shows the amount of damage each weapon does. Consulting this can reveal tradeoffs in putting yet another enchant into your weapon versus diversifying and putting some enchants into a staff or ring, instead. It’s generally not worth enchanting armor unless it has a runic you’re using in your build.
Part 4: More tips to win Brogue
Even those who are good at Brogue die a lot. The No. 1 tip is to not give up. Replay each death, either in your mind or literally using the game’s recording function, to figure out what you might have done differently to survive. Eventually, you will prevail. It’s tough, but far from impossible.
There’s a lot more to know, but the fun of the game is figuring these things out yourself and maybe even trying item combinations others haven’t considered.
submitted by GovTech to brogueforum [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best Pizza in Grapevine Tx

Best Pizza in Grapevine Tx
Best Pizza in Grapevine Tx Welcome to our guide on the best pizza in Grapevine, TX! We've done the legwork to bring you a handpicked selection of the top pizzerias in this lively city.From Fireside Pies to Grimaldis Pizzeria, Wise Guys Pizzeria to Palios Pizza Cafe, we've got a diverse range of options, whether you're craving a wood-fired masterpiece or a loaded thin-crust delight.Join us as we delve into signature dishes, recommended orders, and insider tips for each spot.Let's embark on a mouthwatering journey through Grapevine's pizza scene!Key TakeawaysFireside Pies, Grimaldis Pizzeria, Wise Guys Pizzeria, Palios Pizza Cafe, Taverna Rossa, SauceD, Armends, i Fratelli Pizza, and Chelsea Pizza are some of the popular pizza places in Grapevine, TX.Each pizza place offers unique and delicious pizzas with a variety of toppings and flavors.Big Brother is a recommended pizza place known for their loaded pizzas and the option to build your own pizza with your preferred toppings.Sbarro is another popular pizza chain with over 600 locations in 28 countries, specializing in Italian fare and known for their fresh flavors, quality dough, and mozzarella.Fireside PiesWe should try Fireside Pies because they offer wood-fired pizzas and build-your-own-pie options. Fireside Pies is known for their unique toppings that add a burst of flavor to their delicious pizzas. They've a variety of options for everyone, including gluten-friendly options at Grimaldis Pizzeria. At Fireside Pies, you can choose from classic pizzas or get creative and build your own pie with your favorite toppings.One of the standout pizzas at Fireside Pies is the Hawaiian pizza with balsamic roasted pineapple and prosciutto. The combination of sweet and salty flavors is simply irresistible. Another popular choice is the Organic Mushroom Pie, which features a blend of fresh mushrooms and creamy cheese. For those who love a good pepperoni pizza, the Triple Roni Pie is a must-try. It's loaded with mozzarella, fire-roasted pie sauce, pepperoni, and basil toppings.Not only does Fireside Pies offer mouthwatering pizzas, but their wood-fired cooking method adds a unique smoky flavor to each bite. The pizzas are cooked to perfection, with a crispy crust and gooey cheese. Whether you're looking for a classic pizza or want to try something new, Fireside Pies is the place to go. With their wide range of toppings and build-your-own options, you can create a pizza that suits your taste perfectly.Grimaldis PizzeriaLet's head to Grimaldis Pizzeria and try their signature White With Garlic Pie, known for its mouthwatering combination of mozzarella, garlic, and olive oil on top. Grimaldis Pizzeria is a Brooklyn-based pizzeria that offers a unique coal-fired oven technique, resulting in a delicious and distinct flavor. They also have gluten-friendly options available for those with dietary restrictions.To give you a better idea of what Grimaldis Pizzeria has to offer, here is a table that highlights some of their menu items:Menu ItemDescriptionWhite With Garlic PieMozzarella, garlic, and olive oil on topMargherita PizzaFresh mozzarella, basil, and tomato saucePepperoni PizzaClassic pizza topped with pepperoniBuild-Your-Own PizzaCustomize your pizza with your favorite toppingsGluten-Friendly OptionsVarious pizzas and crusts available without glutenGrimaldis Pizzeria's unique coal-fired oven technique ensures a crispy crust and a perfect balance of flavors in each bite. Their commitment to providing gluten-friendly options also makes it a safe and inclusive choice for those with dietary restrictions.Now, let's transition to the subsequent section about Wise Guys Pizzeria, known for their mouthwatering specialty thin-crust and loaded pizzas.Wise Guys PizzeriaWise Guys Pizzeria is a must-visit for pizza enthusiasts looking for unique and delicious flavor combinations. Their specialty thin-crust and loaded pizzas push creative boundaries, offering mouthwatering options like the Wise Gals BBQ Pie with tortilla chip and roasted corn toppings, or the My Honey Pizza with mozzarella, goat cheese, and hot honey coating.The staff at Wise Guys Pizzeria truly knows how to satisfy adventurous taste buds.Tasty Specialty Pizza OptionsWhile Wise Guys Pizzeria offers mouthwatering specialty thin-crust and loaded pizzas, we can't help but be intrigued by their unique flavor combinations.The pizzeria not only delivers on taste but also provides tasty pizza crust options and unique pizza toppings that will satisfy any pizza lover's cravings. From their thin-crust pies to their loaded creations, Wise Guys Pizzeria offers a variety of crust options to suit different preferences. Whether you prefer a crispy thin crust or a thicker, chewy crust, they've it all.And when it comes to toppings, they go beyond the traditional pepperoni and cheese. With options like tortilla chips and roasted corn or goat cheese and hot honey, their flavor combinations are truly one-of-a-kind.Creative Flavor CombinationsWe are amazed by the wide range of unique flavor combinations Wise Guys Pizzeria offers on their pizzas. They truly excel in creating innovative and delicious pizzas that satisfy a variety of taste preferences. From their thin-crust specialty pies to their loaded creations, Wise Guys Pizzeria pushes the boundaries of traditional pizza toppings. They skillfully combine unique ingredient combinations to create a flavor fusion that's both exciting and satisfying.One of their standout creations is the Wise Gals BBQ Pie, topped with tortilla chips and roasted corn for a delightful crunch and smoky flavor. Another crowd favorite is the My Honey Pizza, featuring a mouthwatering combination of mozzarella, goat cheese, and a hot honey coating that adds a hint of sweetness.With their commitment to creating bold and inventive pizzas, Wise Guys Pizzeria is a must-visit for pizza lovers seeking unique and delicious flavor combinations.Speaking of unique pizzas, let's move on to Palios Pizza Cafe and explore their gourmet offerings.Palios Pizza CafePalios Pizza Cafe is a neighborhood eatery in Grapevine, Texas known for its superb gourmet and specialty pizzas. They offer a craft-your-own-pie option, allowing customers to customize their pizza with their favorite toppings.Some of their popular specialty pizzas include the King Pizza with sausage and bacon toppings for carnivore foodies, and the Quattro Formaggio Pizza with a four-cheese blend on a soft dough for cheese lovers.Let's discuss the specialties of Palios Pizza Cafe and share our recommendations for the best toppings to try.Palios Pizza SpecialtiesWhenever we visit Grapevine, we make sure to try Palios Pizza Cafe for their delicious gourmet and specialty pizzas. Palios Pizza Cafe is known for their unique pizza creations that are sure to satisfy any pizza lover's cravings.From Taverna Rossa's Tex-Italian fusion to SauceD's Texas style thin crust, Grapevine offers a variety of pizza options that cater to different tastes. Armends' authentic New York style pies and i Fratelli's meticulous pizza making process ensure that you'll have a truly authentic and delicious pizza experience.For a family-friendly option, Chuck E. Cheese's offers not only tasty pizzas but also kid-friendly entertainment. Sbarro's fresh flavors and quality ingredients will leave you wanting more, and Chelsea Pizza's time-tested family recipe will make you feel like you're eating a homemade pizza.With so many options to choose from, Grapevine's best pizza places are definitely worth putting on the map.Best Toppings at Palios?At Palios Pizza Cafe, we can't resist the mouthwatering combination of pepperoni and mushrooms on our favorite pie. The crispy pepperoni adds a savory kick, while the earthy mushrooms bring a subtle richness to every bite.But when it comes to the best toppings at Palios, our customers have spoken. Here are the top choices, based on customer reviews:Fresh Basil: The fragrant basil leaves not only add a pop of color but also enhance the overall flavor profile of the pizza. Its herbaceous notes complement the tomato sauce and cheese perfectly.Feta Cheese: For those who crave a tangy and creamy element, feta cheese is a popular choice. Its salty and slightly briny taste adds depth to the pizza and pairs well with a variety of other toppings.Black Olives: With their bold and distinctive flavor, black olives provide a delightful contrast to the other ingredients. They bring a touch of saltiness and a hint of bitterness, creating a well-rounded pizza experience.Pair your favorite Palios pizza with a glass of red wine, such as a smooth Merlot or a rich Cabernet Sauvignon, for the ultimate dining experience. And don't forget to check out the customer reviews to discover other fantastic topping combinations that our loyal customers swear by.Taverna RossaWe often recommend trying the delightful Tex-Italian pies at Taverna Rossa in Grapevine, as they're stacked with fresh ingredients and never disappoint. This pizzeria is known for its fusion of Texan and Italian flavors, creating a unique and mouthwatering culinary experience. One of the highlights of Taverna Rossa is their craft cocktails, which perfectly complement their delicious pies. From classic favorites to inventive creations, the cocktail menu offers something for everyone.When it comes to the pies at Taverna Rossa, one must-try option is the Local Goat & Fig. This delectable pizza features a creamy cheese coating, tangy goat cheese, and sweet figs, creating a perfect balance of flavors. Another crowd favorite is the Teriyaki Chicken & Cashew, which combines tender chicken, crunchy cashews, and a savory teriyaki sauce for a heavenly taste sensation.Taverna Rossa takes pride in using only the freshest ingredients and their commitment to quality is evident in every bite. Their Tex-Italian fusion pies are made with care and attention to detail, resulting in a pizza experience that's both satisfying and memorable.Now, let's move on to the next section and explore the delicious offerings at 'sauced'.SauceDLet's try the unique folding technique and garlic butter layering at SauceD, it adds a delicious twist to their Texas-style crust pizzas. At Sauced, they've perfected their craft of creating mouthwatering pizzas that are sure to satisfy any pizza lover. Here are some pros and cons of Sauced compared to other local pizzerias in Grapevine, TX:Pros of Sauced:Unique folding technique: Sauced takes their Texas-style crust pizzas to the next level by folding the dough in a way that creates a perfect balance of crispy and chewy textures.Garlic butter layering: The garlic butter layering adds a rich and savory flavor to the crust, elevating the overall taste of the pizza.Attention to detail: Sauced pays great attention to every aspect of their pizzas, from the quality of the ingredients to the precise cooking time, ensuring a consistently delicious pizza every time.Cons of Sauced:Limited menu options: While Sauced excels in their pizza offerings, their menu is relatively small compared to other pizzerias in the area. This may limit the variety of choices for some customers.Longer wait times: Due to the popularity of Sauced, it isn't uncommon to experience longer wait times during peak hours. However, the wait is worth it for the exceptional quality of their pizzas.Limited seating capacity: Sauced is a smaller establishment, which means that seating can be limited, especially during busy periods. It's recommended to plan ahead or consider takeout options.When comparing Sauced to other pizza places in Grapevine, it stands out for its unique folding technique, garlic butter layering, and attention to detail. While it may have some limitations in terms of menu options, wait times, and seating capacity, the overall experience and taste of the pizzas at Sauced make it a top contender for the best pizza in Grapevine, TX.ArmendsArmends offers a variety of classic Italian pizzas, and their Neapolitan, Italian Special, and Stromboli pies burst with flavor.The Neapolitan pie features a thin and crispy crust topped with fresh mozzarella, basil, and Armends' famous Vodka sauce. It's a delightful combination that brings out the authentic taste of Italy.The Italian Special pie is a meat lover's dream, with generous portions of pepperoni, sausage, ham, and bacon. Each bite is packed with savory goodness.And for those who enjoy a bit of spice, the Stromboli pie is the perfect choice. It's loaded with spicy pepperoni, jalapenos, and a blend of cheeses, creating a tantalizing burst of flavors.When it comes to the best toppings at Armends, there are plenty of options to choose from. Some popular choices include fresh mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, and black olives. These toppings add a burst of freshness and texture to the pizzas.For those looking for a unique twist, try adding grilled chicken, bacon, or even pineapple for a sweet and savory combination. With such a wide variety of signature pies and delicious toppings, Armends is a must-visit for pizza lovers.Now, let's transition into the subsequent section about i Fratelli Pizza.I Fratelli PizzaI Fratelli Pizza offers a wide variety of thin pizzas and craft-your-own-pie alternatives, ensuring that there's something for everyone's taste. Here are three reasons why i Fratelli Pizza stands out in the Grapevine, TX pizza scene:Unique pizza toppings: i Fratelli Pizza takes pizza toppings to the next level with their creative and delicious combinations. From traditional favorites like pepperoni and sausage to more adventurous options like artichoke hearts and feta cheese, there's a topping for every palate. The unique toppings elevate the flavor profile of each pizza, making every bite a taste sensation.Secret recipe for dough: One of the secrets to i Fratelli Pizza's delicious thin crust is their carefully guarded recipe for dough. Made fresh every day, the dough is hand-tossed to perfection, resulting in a thin and crispy crust that provides the perfect base for the flavorful toppings. The secret recipe ensures that every pizza from i Fratelli is consistently delicious.Commitment to safety: i Fratelli Pizza places a strong emphasis on safety and cleanliness. With multiple locations across Dallas, Texas, and Houston, i Fratelli Pizza follows strict health and safety protocols to ensure that every customer can enjoy their pizza with peace of mind. From the moment you walk in the door to the moment you take your first bite, you can trust that i Fratelli Pizza is dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable dining experience.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Prices Like at These Pizza Places in Grapevine, Tx?Prices at these pizza places in Grapevine, TX vary depending on the pizza toppings and specialty pizzas you choose. Each restaurant has its own pricing structure, but they strive to provide value for money. You can expect to find a range of prices to fit different budgets.It's always a good idea to check the menu or contact the specific pizza place for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.Do Any of These Pizza Places Offer Gluten-Free Crust Options?When it comes to gluten-free crust options, several of the pizza places mentioned offer them. Fireside Pies, Grimaldis Pizzeria, Wise Guys Pizzeria, and Palios Pizza Cafe are known to accommodate gluten-free diets.As for the best pizza toppings, it really depends on personal preference. Some popular choices include pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, and bell peppers.Ultimately, the best pizza is the one that satisfies your cravings and dietary needs.Are There Any Vegetarian or Vegan Pizza Options Available at These Restaurants?There are several pizza places in Grapevine, TX that offer vegetarian and vegan pizza options. These restaurants understand the importance of catering to different dietary preferences and have created delicious pizzas to accommodate those who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.You can find unique toppings such as fresh vegetables, plant-based meats, and dairy-free cheese alternatives at these establishments. Whether you're looking for a classic Margherita pizza or a creative vegan creation, these pizzerias have got you covered.Can You Make Reservations at Any of These Pizza Places in Grapevine?Making reservations at pizza places in Grapevine, TX can be a convenient option for those looking to secure a table ahead of time. While not all pizza places in Grapevine may offer reservations, it's always recommended to call ahead and inquire about availability.Additionally, if you have dietary restrictions such as needing a gluten-free crust, it's advisable to inform the restaurant when making your reservation to ensure they can accommodate your needs.Do Any of These Pizza Places Offer Delivery or Take-Out Options?Delivery or take-out options are available at several of these pizza places in Grapevine. Customers can enjoy the convenience of having their favorite pizzas delivered to their doorstep or opting for take-out. It's always a good idea to check with each individual restaurant for specific details and availability.Customer reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into the quality and reliability of their delivery and take-out services. Ensuring a safe and enjoyable dining experience is a top priority for these establishments.ConclusionAfter exploring the vibrant pizza scene in Grapevine, TX, it's clear that the city offers a variety of options to satisfy any pizza lover's cravings.From Fireside Pies and Grimaldis Pizzeria to Wise Guys Pizzeria and Palios Pizza Cafe, each establishment brings its own unique twist to the classic dish.Whether you prefer a wood-fired pie, thin-crust pizza, or loaded with mouthwatering ingredients, Grapevine has it all.So, next time you're in town, be sure to dive into the delectable world of pizza in Grapevine, TX.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:26 Prudent_Bug_1350 🚨🇵🇸BREAKING — In a vote by nearly 20,000 workers across the University of California, UAW 4811 has authorized a strike defending the right to protest for Palestine.

🚨🇵🇸BREAKING — In a vote by nearly 20,000 workers across the University of California, UAW 4811 has authorized a strike defending the right to protest for Palestine.
The decision to call for a strike authorization vote was made by the union in response to the brutal state-sanctioned assault on the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at UCLA, where a mob of Zionists assaulted a peaceful gathering of students and workers with tear gas, mace, explosives, and blunt objects.
Various law enforcement agencies stood by for hours as the attack continued unabated, only to conduct a violent sweep on the encampment the following day, firing rubber bullets and flashbangs at protestors.
Over 200 students, workers, faculty and community members were arrested for exercising their right to free speech and protest.
At the University of California, San Diego, dozens of students and workers were also attacked and arrested by law enforcement during a peaceful encampment protest on May 6.
The authorization of a strike in defense of workers rights to protest in support of Palestine is a major step forward for the U.S. labor movement and its ability to take clear anti-imperialist positions. Palestine is a moral issue, yes, but the actions and words of UAW 4811 show clearly that it is a worker’s issue as well.
➡️Read the full article on
Image Transcription
[Bold Uppercase] Breaking [Bold Uppercase] UAW 4811 authorizes strike across UC campuses defending right to protest for Palestine
On May 15, 2024 — the 76th anniversary of the Nakba — UAW 4811 members across the University of California took the historic step to authorize a strike in defense of workers’ rights to peacefully protest in support of Palestine.
Image Source:
Palestinian Youth Movement
Get SMS texts with actions you can take in real time. With so much censorship on social media, this is the fastest way you can find out about new action alerts.:*1255jsg*_ga*MTU0NDg0NzA0OS4xNzAxOTIxODUw*_ga_V3XSVFXGN5*MTcwMTkyMTg0OS4xLjEuMTcwMTkyMTkxMC4wLjAuMA..
BDS Movement:
National Lawyers Guild:
On Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism and Dangerous Conflations:
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook:
Why Are Democrats Funding The Far Right?:
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism:
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy":
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements:
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor.
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to socialism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:25 AccountantSudden4313 Possible Job Scam!

Possible Job Scam!
i was browsing indeed & linkedin, and applying to every job i seen i fit for.
i received a handful amount of text messages and emails, this one in particularly stood out.
“Hello [Name],
After reviewing your application for the Administrative Assistant role at Hampton Village Apartments, LLC on Indeed, we're genuinely impressed with your qualifications. We're excited to move forward and arrange an official interview on Microsoft Teams. If you're still interested, could we talk about your availability for the interview? Your ongoing interest in becoming part of our team means a lot.
Best regards, Robert Saland”
I tried to search through my indeed to find this job that i had “applied” to but couldn’t.
so being curious & giving it the benefit of doubt, i continued to text them.
they wanted us to schedule an interview on Teams, to which i agreed. of course, i was expecting it to be a face-to-face/Zoom interview… it was a CHAT-ONLY. 🚩
now, with that, i immediately looked up the name, the business, and the phone number. I found a match: Robert Saland, Landmark Companies CEO. the phone number, on the other hand, did not match to the business number(expected) nor did it come up on
during the interview, they stated that the office is temporarily “unmanned” & they are looking for someone to hire to “help out while they’re away”🚩
Once completing the interview, they sent me a Docusign from “”.🚩 the Docusign was pretty long, talked about the company, the policies, and expectations. i read thoroughly through the ‘employee handbook’ as you see in slide 1, i was skeptical on filling out the information. ps. i only provided an address and my name
i received a text today, asking to hop on Teams so we can discuss an update (slide 2) i’m guessing they will send a fraudulent check for me to deposit on my bank account.
Anyway! anyone else got this job offer?
submitted by AccountantSudden4313 to jobs [link] [comments]