Graphing functions worksheet

Need help making a circle gauge/ring graph please.

2024.06.09 23:44 Logansfury Need help making a circle gauge/ring graph please.

Hello everyone,
I am piecing together various conky widgets into a horizontal array, and I wanted some stand-along half circle graphs showing the values of cpu core temps, gpu temp, cpu load etc.
I have looked around a lot on google and youtube, but I cannot find any tutorials for this. I have tried taking an existing conkyrc and deleting sections to get just gauge info, but I keep breaking the files.
Is there anyone here that is experienced in making these ring graphs that can help me create a gauge template with the mimimum required entries to allow it to function?
If anyone knows of a good beginners tutorial video or webpage I would love a link to check it out and see if it can do this by myself.
Thank you for reading,
submitted by Logansfury to linuxmint [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:49 carotids Please help. Constant crashes after 220 hrs. No mods.

Long term addict, I mean player. I've been expanding my world to try to get the golden nut before 1.0. Suddenly the game has been crashing. It's in a similar place and similar time which makes me wonder if it's item related. Is there a way to see if a piece has been placed somewhere that is causing the error? My steam files are validated. I'll update my video drivers, but I don't think that's it. Thanks in advance!
== Dump file below ==
Version: 273254, IsEditor: No, IsPerforceBuild: No, BuildConfiguration: Shipping, Launcher: Steam, NetMode: Listen Server, IsUsingMods: No, IsSaveGameEdited: No
Assertion failed: parentComponent [File:C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\FactoryGame\Source\FactoryGame\Private\FGCircuitSubsystem.cpp] [Line: 401]
FactoryGameFactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!AFGCircuitSubsystem::RebuildCircuit() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\FactoryGame\Source\FactoryGame\Private\FGCircuitSubsystem.cpp:401] FactoryGame_FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!AFGCircuitSubsystem::Tick() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\FactoryGame\Source\FactoryGame\Private\FGCircuitSubsystem.cpp:176] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!AActor::TickActor() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Actor.cpp:1497] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!FActorTickFunction::ExecuteTick() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Actor.cpp:215] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!FTickFunctionTask::DoTask() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\TickTaskManager.cpp:280] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!TGraphTask::ExecuteTask() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Async\TaskGraphInterfaces.h:1315] FactoryGame_Core_Win64_Shipping!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Async\TaskGraph.cpp:648] FactoryGame_Core_Win64_Shipping!FTaskGraphCompatibilityImplementation::WaitUntilTasksComplete() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Async\TaskGraph.cpp:2123] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!FTickTaskSequencer::ReleaseTickGroup() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\TickTaskManager.cpp:560] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!FTickTaskManager::RunTickGroup() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\TickTaskManager.cpp:1595] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!UWorld::Tick() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\LevelTick.cpp:1518] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!UGameEngine::Tick() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\GameEngine.cpp:1795] FactoryGame_FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!UFGGameEngine::Tick() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\FactoryGame\Source\FactoryGame\Private\FGGameEngine.cpp:15] FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!FEngineLoop::Tick() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\LaunchEngineLoop.cpp:5873] FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!GuardedMain() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Launch.cpp:188] FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!GuardedMainWrapper() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:107] FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!LaunchWindowsStartup() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:244] FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!WinMain() [C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:284] FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!_scrt_common_main_seh() [D:\a_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288] kernel32 ntdll
submitted by carotids to SatisfactoryGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:28 Ramietoes [10 YOE] [Senior Software Engineer] – Looking for feedback on Resume for Backend Engineering positions.

[10 YOE] [Senior Software Engineer] – Looking for feedback on Resume for Backend Engineering positions.
Admittedly, I have not been 'on the market' for long ~2 or 3 weeks, but I'm looking for feedback on my resume. I have applied to maybe 20 or 30 places, and have had only automated responses so far. I am a Backend Senior Software Engineer II . I am looking for remote roles, but am open to working hybrid/local positions. I am currently employed.
Re:, from the submission rules: Is there a particular section on your resume you’d like feedback on?
I am wondering if I am not being explicit enough regarding what I'm doing with backend development. I might be listing things that are more 'achievements', than actual backend development work. I'm honestly not sure if I'm striking the right balance there. Also, I noted that the Resume Wiki instructs to "use a single-column layout", but I personally thought that the way I have mine structured is good. Is what I have a bad idea and I'm being too stubborn?
I'm open to all and any feedback. I appreciate you all <3 thanks :)
submitted by Ramietoes to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:49 pharmtutor_ Daily NAPLEX_Prep Study Resources- How to Improve your retention

Daily NAPLEX_Prep Study Resources- How to Improve your retention

Steps to Implement the Pomodoro Technique for NAPLEX Study:

  1. Identify Study Tasks:
    • Break your NAPLEX Each chapter into smaller, manageable sections e.g. Anticoagulation: Pharmacology, Prophylaxis Dosing, Monitoring, Treatment Dosing, Exceptional Circumstances, Storage/Compounding/Dosage Form consideration
  2. Set the Pomodoro Timer:
    • Use a timer to set 25-minute intervals. Each interval is dedicated to studying a specific topic or section without interruption.
  3. Focused Study Session:
    • During each Pomodoro, focus solely on the task at hand. Avoid all distractions by turning off your phone and notifications. If you think of something else you need to do, write it down and get back to it later.
  4. Take a Short Break:
    • After the timer goes off, take a 5-minute break. Stretch, move around, or engage in a relaxing activity. This break helps your brain to absorb the information and recover before the next session.
  5. Review and Repeat:
    • After four Pomodoros, take a longer break of about 15-30 minutes. This longer break can be used for a more extensive mental reset, perhaps with a quick walk or a snack.
  6. Regular Assessment:
    • Every few days, review what you’ve learned to reinforce the material. This could be done during one of the Pomodoros or as a separate session.
Pomodoro Apps: Digital tools like "Forest" or "Focus Keeper" can help you keep track of your Pomodoros and breaks on your smartphone or computer.
Note: You could also just use your phone as a timer.
submitted by pharmtutor_ to NAPLEX_Prep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:34 tempmailgenerator Resolving Facebook OAuth Permissions for Ruby on Rails Applications

Overcoming OAuth Challenges with Facebook Integration

Integrating Facebook Login into a Ruby on Rails application can significantly enhance the user experience by streamlining the sign-in process and providing a seamless way to connect users' social profiles. However, developers may encounter challenges when configuring OAuth permissions for new applications. Unlike the straightforward process experienced in previous setups, certain permissions like 'public_profile' and 'email' now require additional verification steps. This shift reflects Facebook's ongoing efforts to tighten security and privacy measures, ensuring that applications accessing user data have legitimate business reasons to do so.
When faced with the message "Your app has standard access to public_profile. To use Facebook Login, switch public_profile to advanced access. Get Advanced Access," developers might feel confused, especially if their other applications didn't encounter such hurdles. The requirement for "verification required" even for standard permissions like 'email' and 'public_profile' marks a new compliance level. Understanding these changes and how to navigate the verification process becomes crucial for implementing Facebook Login successfully. Two days post submission of the necessary company documents can see the revival of Facebook Login functionality, indicating the importance of compliance with Facebook's updated policies.
Command Description
OAuth integration Process for allowing the app to authenticate via Facebook, granting permission to use Facebook Login.
Business Verification The procedure required by Facebook to verify the authenticity of a business to grant advanced permissions like email and public_profile.

Navigating Facebook Login Integration Challenges

Integrating Facebook Login into a new application often presents unique challenges that developers need to navigate. A common hurdle is meeting the stringent requirements set by Facebook for accessing user data, such as email addresses and public profiles. Unlike in the past, Facebook now requires business verification for apps that wish to utilize Facebook Login for authentication purposes. This verification process is designed to protect user data and ensure that only legitimate businesses can access sensitive information. The process involves submitting various documents that prove the authenticity of the business, including legal documents, business licenses, and other formal identification that can verify the business's legal status and operational integrity.
Once the verification process is initiated, developers may find themselves in a waiting period where the functionality of their Facebook Login integration is limited. This period can be frustrating, as it directly impacts the user experience and the app's ability to gather important data for user profiles. However, it's important to note that this is a standard procedure, and patience is key. Typically, within a few days to a few weeks, Facebook completes the verification process, and upon approval, apps gain advanced access to the necessary permissions, such as email and public_profile. This advanced access enables developers to create a seamless login experience for users, leveraging Facebook's vast user base to simplify the login process and enhance user engagement with the application.

Configuring Facebook OAuth for Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails framework specifics
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :facebook, ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_ID'], ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET'], scope: 'email,public_profile', info_fields: 'email,name' end 

Verifying Your Ruby on Rails App with Facebook

Using Rails and Facebook's Graph API
graph = profile = graph.get_object('me?fields=email,name') puts profile['email'] puts profile['name'] 

Navigating Facebook OAuth Challenges for Web Applications

Integrating Facebook OAuth into web applications has become a common practice for developers looking to streamline the user authentication process. This approach not only enhances user experience by reducing the need for multiple account credentials but also allows applications to access valuable user data with permission, fostering personalized interactions. However, the process is not without its hurdles, especially for new applications. Developers often encounter challenges related to Facebook's rigorous access permission protocols, which now require business verification for accessing email and public_profile information. This verification process, while crucial for maintaining user privacy and security, can be a significant bottleneck for developers eager to implement Facebook Login functionalities.
The evolution of Facebook's API and its access policies reflects a broader industry trend towards tighter security measures and increased scrutiny of app permissions. For developers, this means adapting to a landscape where user trust and data protection are paramount. Successfully navigating this process involves a thorough understanding of Facebook's documentation, a meticulous approach to application setup, and a proactive stance on compliance with Facebook's policies. Additionally, developers must be prepared for the verification process by having all necessary business documents in order, which, once approved, can significantly streamline the integration of Facebook OAuth and enhance the application's user engagement strategies.

FAQs on Facebook OAuth Integration

  1. Question: What is Facebook OAuth?
  2. Answer: Facebook OAuth is an authentication method that allows applications to interact with Facebook's API, enabling users to log in with their Facebook account.
  3. Question: Why do I need business verification for Facebook Login?
  4. Answer: Business verification is required to ensure the security and privacy of user data, granting applications access to email and public_profile information.
  5. Question: How long does the business verification process take?
  6. Answer: The process can vary, but it typically takes a few days to a few weeks, depending on the completeness of the submitted documents and Facebook's review queue.
  7. Question: Can I use Facebook Login without verifying my business?
  8. Answer: No, business verification is mandatory for accessing email and public_profile permissions essential for Facebook Login functionality.
  9. Question: What documents are needed for Facebook business verification?
  10. Answer: Required documents can include business licenses, tax files, utility bills, and other official documents proving the legitimacy of your business.

Wrapping Up Facebook OAuth Integration

The journey of integrating Facebook OAuth into a web application encapsulates the evolving landscape of digital authentication and user data access. This process underscores the importance of adapting to stringent access permissions and privacy protocols to leverage Facebook's vast user base for enhancing user experience. While the requirement for business verification presents an additional layer of complexity, it is a necessary step towards ensuring the security and privacy of user data. The successful navigation of this process not only unlocks the potential for personalized user interactions but also aligns with broader industry trends towards data protection and privacy. As developers and businesses continue to evolve in this dynamic digital environment, understanding and complying with such requirements will be crucial for leveraging social media platforms to drive engagement and growth.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:07 Excellent-Ad-9799 Roast my resume

Hi all, I been applying to internships and haven’t received an interview. Idk if it’s because I applied too late or if it’s my resume. Does my resume look ok? Is there anything I can change? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
submitted by Excellent-Ad-9799 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:07 titi2402 Rename the tabs

I am proposing a functionality, which is to rename the tabs. Rather than seeing the pairs, we could rename the tab itself (for example, if we take a buy position / we spotted a buy setup on this chart we could note it in the title ( "Long EURUSD" for example)). So if we check EURUSD on 4 different timeframe or that we have messy graph we could use one to spot Buys and an other one to spot sells.
submitted by titi2402 to TradingView [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:03 XMarksTheSpot987 Are X And Zero A Calculus Reference?

This thought came to me maybe a year or two ago. One of the main themes of X1 is Zero telling X that he (X) will one day be as powerful as he (Zero) is. We know that Doctor Light named him X to represent the fact that X has limitless potential. Zero's name can have few meanings, based on what Dr. Wily's goals were, and the secret that Zero contained.
Anyway, to fit X and Zero into the calculus reference, I was thinking something like: "As X approaches Zero, p(X) approaches infinity", where p(X) = power of X. I'm not sure if that is a valid limit function, and if it is, I cannot visualize what it would look like on a graph.
submitted by XMarksTheSpot987 to Megaman [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:33 KatarnLorex Time for a new learning.

It's a new moon, a good time for a fresh learning. (the question is, what's in it for me..? Will you hold Isildur's dead body and still think I'm "the one"..?)
So I'm going to put aside the fact- that I've already given up on this community (for it is full of ESFJs, ISFJs, ESFPs, ESTJs, ISTJs, and INTPs.)
The ISFPs and ISTPs have blind-Ne, they cannot be found. There is zero scenario where they see an opportunity, it is the point of least resistance.
regarding inferior Fe :
this article is a long read, but it's pure profession teaching.
Fe-dominant Types (Ti-inferior) : Sensitivity to others’ welfare. Comfortable ignoring logic.
(Ti-dominant) Fe-inferior Types : Logic emphasized to an extreme, detached from relationships.
By "logic emphasized to an extreme", Simon Cowell is an example of ISTP. I guess Tom Cruise is nicer.
"estp but distant, isfp but blunt, istj but unreliable, intp but cool."
only when those four combinations match fully, is the person truly the type Virtuoso.
If, the more they don't know me, the better,
Then, why would I be telling random people on internet subs much about myself, if anything, at all?
Yep, I don't.
and there is no such thing as "we".
I mean it in a long-suffering, humble manner, of course. There is "our lot",
but there is no "we" in valedictorian, and there can only be one highlander...
According to this graph, Explorers see each other as badasses, Sentinels see Explorers as troublemakers. Analysts see Explorers as vagrants, and Diplomats see Explorers are stuntmen.
Last but not least, I've a friend who's busting some espionage somewhere...
It's a professional study sub, not like the other subs, therefore refrain from saying anything.
The Adrift Operation : SeriousMBTI
(Part 2)
I sense the vibe that you want more pure info. Okay, let's exercise putting those 4 combinations together.
If, isfp (artist-like) but blunt + istj (officer-ish) but unreliable + estp (entrepreneur-sort) but distant + intp (scientist-like) but cool.
the image looks like this :
Since, "a picture is worth a thousand words".
And, 'show me, don't tell me'.
Also, that image, because :
A. Heliophobia
B. This grid must be accurate of "goth-jock".
C. Kinesthetic Ability is very high.
(I'll help you build your dreams come true... I won't throw a tomahawk at you...
D. "Please, ignore me." (are you able to...)
Yet if you can't... our lot, has a secret gathering of sorts...
It is a humble abode, (apply if The Manual of the Covenant pinpoints that you were born ISTP truly) when you're sad, they have games to entertain you...
(no more female redditors however, that sub has too many so far...)
'Shy and passive', right?
Looks chill, is chill, almost too frosty... (and must be craftsman-capable).
The heart frequency of an ISTP is very similar to an INTJ.
As a matter of fact, only 3 types are doing it correctly, having their hearts password protected.
Only Isildur and Sauron are in that square. I'm sorry, the rest cannot deal with that ring...
Geez... have you had enough?
This chart (of introverts only), shows you the "capacity" size of the function-slots. Demonic-Fi, is the equivalent of dominant-Fi, however the 8th function is 'locked'.
Finally, this is the test that will tell if you're mistyped.
IF the result on it shows ISTP or ISFP highest, then you are correctly typed.
You will still need to prove it. And if you were born this type, you must have proven it for 20+ years, right?
Any further queries, "feel" free to PM...
I bite, and you'll like it too. (hope not)
Good luck, have fun...

submitted by KatarnLorex to istp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:17 tempmailgenerator Customizing Excel VBA Macros for Outlook Email Selection

Optimizing Email Dispatch through VBA

Automating email processes through Excel VBA can significantly enhance productivity, especially for those who regularly send out a multitude of emails. This technique allows for a streamlined approach to email distribution, leveraging Excel macros to interact directly with Outlook. The primary convenience lies in automating repetitive tasks, such as sending weekly reports or notifications to a broad audience. However, a common hurdle encountered by many involves customizing the macro to select a specific sending address within Outlook, especially when multiple accounts are configured.
This challenge arises from the need to personalize emails sent from specific accounts to ensure they align with the sender's identity or the email's purpose. The ability to automate the selection of a 'From' email address directly from Excel VBA not only saves time but also adds a layer of professionalism to the communication. Unfortunately, despite numerous tutorials, the integration of this feature often appears elusive, leading many to resort to manually selecting the sending address for each email. Addressing this issue not only optimizes the process but enhances the overall efficiency of email management.
Command Description
CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Initializes an instance of Outlook.
.CreateItem(0) Creates a new email item.
.Attachments.Add Adds an attachment to the email.
.Display Displays the email before sending for review.
For Each...Next Loops through a range of cells.

Enhancing Email Automation with VBA

Automating email tasks using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in conjunction with Microsoft Outlook offers a powerful way to enhance efficiency and accuracy in email communication. This approach is particularly beneficial for users who need to manage a large volume of emails or send personalized communications to multiple recipients regularly. The core of this automation lies in the ability to programmatically control Outlook from within Excel, enabling the sending of emails based on data contained in an Excel worksheet. This functionality can significantly streamline operations such as weekly newsletters, marketing campaigns, or status reports, by automating what would otherwise be a tedious and error-prone manual process.
The challenge, however, comes in personalizing the 'From' field when sending emails from different accounts configured in Outlook. This is a common requirement for users who manage multiple email identities for various roles or departments. The default behavior of VBA scripts is to use the primary Outlook account, which may not always be appropriate for every email sent. By modifying the VBA script to allow the selection of the 'From' address, users can ensure that each email is sent from the most suitable account, enhancing the email's relevance and credibility. Moreover, this customization can contribute to better organization and segmentation of email communications, leading to improved engagement and efficiency.

Integrating 'From' Email Selection in VBA Macros

Written in Visual Basic for Applications
Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0) With OutMail .SentOnBehalfOfName = "" .To = "" .Subject = "Subject Here" .Body = "Email body here" .Display ' or .Send End With 

Advanced Techniques in VBA Email Automation

Mastering email automation through VBA in Excel opens up a world of efficiency and personalization for users who need to send out bulk communications but wish to maintain a personal touch. This is particularly important in scenarios where emails need to be tailored to individual recipients or sent from specific accounts to match the communication context. Advanced scripting in VBA allows users to dynamically select the 'From' email address in Outlook, circumventing the limitations of manual selection and the default account restrictions. This capability is crucial for users managing multiple departments, roles, or identities within their professional landscape.
Moreover, the integration of Excel and Outlook through VBA extends beyond just sending emails. It enables the automation of entire workflows, such as generating personalized email content based on Excel data, scheduling emails, and even handling responses. This level of automation ensures that communication is both consistent and efficient, reducing the potential for human error and freeing up valuable time for more strategic tasks. However, navigating this integration requires a nuanced understanding of both Excel VBA and Outlook's object model, highlighting the need for clear guidance and best practices in implementing these solutions effectively.

FAQs on VBA Email Automation

  1. Question: Can I send emails through Excel VBA without Outlook?
  2. Answer: While Excel VBA is typically used in conjunction with Outlook for email automation, alternative methods can involve SMTP servers or third-party email services APIs, although these require more complex setups.
  3. Question: How do I automate sending emails from different Outlook accounts?
  4. Answer: You can specify the 'SentOnBehalfOfName' property in your VBA script to send emails from different accounts configured in Outlook, provided you have the necessary permissions.
  5. Question: Can attachments be added dynamically in VBA automated emails?
  6. Answer: Yes, the '.Attachments.Add' method can be used within your VBA script to add attachments dynamically based on file paths specified in your Excel sheet.
  7. Question: Is it possible to schedule emails using Excel VBA?
  8. Answer: Direct scheduling is not supported through VBA, but you can script the creation of calendar appointments in Outlook with reminders to send emails, effectively scheduling them indirectly.
  9. Question: How can I ensure my automated emails do not end up in the spam folder?
  10. Answer: Ensure your emails are not overly promotional, include a clear unsubscribe link, and maintain a reputable sender score. Sending from recognized accounts and limiting the number of identical emails can also help.

Mastering VBA for Efficient Email Management

As we delve into the intricacies of automating email processes via Excel VBA, it becomes clear that this technology offers a potent tool for enhancing communication efficiency. The ability to customize the 'From' email address directly from Excel not only streamlines the email sending process but also opens up a realm of possibilities for personalization and professionalism in email communication. Despite the initial challenges in script modification and understanding the Outlook object model, the benefits far outweigh the efforts. Through careful implementation and continuous learning, users can significantly reduce manual email management tasks, ensuring that emails are sent timely, from the correct account, and with a personalized touch. This exploration underlines the importance of embracing VBA automation in modern business communications, advocating for its role in optimizing workflows and fostering more meaningful interactions in the digital age.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:48 doanworks [For Hire] Full Stack Software Developer With a Background in Accounting and Business Management

Hi, my name is Jay and I'm currently located in Oklahoma (CST/GMT-6).


With a degree in accounting and roughly a decade of full-time experience managing businesses ranging from startups to publicly traded corporations, not only do I come with a better understanding of your product needs outside of just the code, but I can help you plan your project in a way that makes sense for you or your business, including:

Skills and Experience

I have been programming for 9 years, freelancing for 8, and working full-time as a Software Engineer for 6. All skills listed come from successful professional experience and represent technologies I'm fully comfortable building from scratch and deploying (in no particular order).

Work and Availability

I can work with any time zone (located in US Central) and offer both hourly rate contracts and fixed-quote contracts.

Contact Me

You can reach me here on Reddit, through my website, or by email at
submitted by doanworks to Jobs4Bitcoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:07 tempmailgenerator Solving Attachment Issues in Kiota MS Graph SDK for PHP

Overcoming Attachment Challenges with Kiota for PHP

Integrating email functionalities into applications has become a cornerstone of modern software development, enabling seamless communication within numerous digital solutions. Kiota, the Microsoft Graph SDK for PHP, presents an efficient pathway for developers to incorporate these capabilities, including sending emails directly from their applications. However, as with any sophisticated tool, certain challenges can arise, particularly when dealing with email attachments. The ability to attach files to emails is crucial for a wide range of applications, from automated report sending to sharing important documents among team members.
Recently, developers using Kiota MS Graph SDK version 2.3.0 for PHP have encountered a perplexing issue: email attachments are being received as empty files, regardless of their original format. This problem persists across various file types, including JPG, PNG, PDF, and Office documents. Despite the attachments appearing correctly within Outlook, saving them to the desktop reveals that the files are zero bytes in size. This has prompted a deeper investigation into the SDK's attachment handling mechanisms, highlighting the need for a robust solution to ensure the reliable delivery of email attachments through applications.
Command Description
newFileAttachment() Initializes a new file attachment object.
setName() Sets the name of the attachment.
setContentType() Sets the MIME content type of the attachment.
Utils::tryFopen() Tries to open a file and read its content.
base64_decode() Decodes data encoded with MIME base64.
setContentBytes() Sets the content of the attachment in bytes.
Utils::streamFor() Converts the resource into a stream.

Troubleshooting Attachment Issues in Kiota SDK

When integrating email functionalities using the Kiota Microsoft Graph SDK for PHP, particularly for sending attachments, developers might encounter a few hurdles that can hinder the process. One common issue is that attachments are sent as empty files, a problem that can disrupt the flow of communication within applications that rely on these features. The underlying cause of this issue could be traced to the encoding and handling of the attachment files. In Kiota, attachments are encoded in base64 format to ensure their integrity during the transmission process. However, if the encoding or the subsequent setting of the content bytes is mishandled, it could result in the attachments being received as empty or zero-byte files. This issue is not limited to a specific type of file, as it has been reported with various formats including JPG, PNG, PDF, and Microsoft Office documents.
To address this challenge, developers need to ensure that the file content is correctly read and encoded before setting it as the content of the attachment. This involves verifying that the file reading operation is successful and that the base64 encoding is accurately performed. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that the SDK version used is up to date and that the application has the necessary permissions to access and send files as attachments. By thoroughly testing with different file types and sizes, developers can identify any potential gaps in the attachment handling process and apply the appropriate fixes, thereby enhancing the reliability of their email communication features within their applications.

Correctly Encoding and Attaching Files in Kiota

Implementation in PHP syntax
setName($emailAttachment['fileName']); $attachment->setContentType(mime_content_type($emailAttachment['fileLocation'])); $fileContent = file_get_contents($emailAttachment['fileLocation']); $attachment->setContentBytes(base64_encode($fileContent)); $this->attachments[] = $attachment; ?> 

Advanced Solutions for Email Attachment Issues in Kiota SDK

Delving deeper into the challenges associated with handling email attachments in the Kiota Microsoft Graph SDK for PHP, it becomes evident that a nuanced approach is required to address these issues effectively. The primary concern revolves around attachments being sent as empty files, which could severely impact the functionality of applications that rely on email communication. This problem underscores the importance of correctly handling file encoding and attachment processes within the SDK. A thorough understanding of how Kiota processes attachments, including the encoding to base64 format and the manipulation of content bytes, is crucial for developers aiming to resolve these issues. Moreover, developers must also consider the size limits imposed by email protocols and the Microsoft Graph API on attachments, as these could also contribute to problems when sending larger files.
Additionally, the correct setup of permissions within the Microsoft Graph API is paramount to ensure that the application has the necessary access to send emails and attachments on behalf of the user. This involves configuring the appropriate API permissions within the Azure portal and ensuring that the application’s authentication flow is correctly implemented. Developers should also stay informed about any updates or changes to the Kiota SDK and the Microsoft Graph API, as these could affect how attachments are handled. Regularly updating the SDK and testing with various file types and sizes can help in identifying and mitigating issues early in the development process.

FAQs on Managing Email Attachments with Kiota SDK

  1. Question: What types of files can be attached using Kiota SDK?
  2. Answer: Kiota SDK supports a wide range of file types, including JPG, PNG, PDF, and Microsoft Office documents.
  3. Question: Why are attachments sent through Kiota SDK arriving as empty files?
  4. Answer: This issue usually stems from incorrect file encoding or handling during the attachment process, leading to zero-byte files upon receipt.
  5. Question: How can I ensure file attachments are not empty?
  6. Answer: Ensure that files are correctly encoded in base64 format and that content bytes are properly set before sending.
  7. Question: Are there size limitations for email attachments in Kiota SDK?
  8. Answer: Yes, the Microsoft Graph API imposes size limits on attachments, which developers need to consider when sending large files.
  9. Question: How do I update permissions for my application to send attachments?
  10. Answer: Update the necessary API permissions within the Azure portal, ensuring your application has consent to access and send emails on behalf of the user.

Final Thoughts on Resolving Kiota Attachment Challenges

Throughout the exploration of attachment issues within the Kiota Microsoft Graph SDK for PHP, it's clear that developers face a multifaceted challenge. Successfully sending attachments requires a deep understanding of the SDK's capabilities, attention to detail in implementation, and awareness of the underlying infrastructure of email services. By focusing on correct file encoding, mindful of API permissions, and staying updated with SDK revisions, developers can mitigate the risks of empty file attachments. This journey underscores the importance of comprehensive testing across various file types and sizes, ensuring that applications remain robust in their email functionalities. As developers navigate these complexities, the community's collective insights and the evolving nature of the Kiota SDK provide a foundation for continuous improvement and success in integrating advanced email features within PHP applications.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:03 tempmailgenerator Utilizing Microsoft Graph SDK v5 to Update Email Read Status

Exploring Email Management with Microsoft Graph SDK v5

Transitioning applications to newer frameworks and technologies often presents a unique set of challenges, especially when it involves complex functionalities like email management. In the realm of software development, upgrading services that interact with mailbox activities—such as marking emails as read—requires a deep dive into the capabilities of the tools at hand. Microsoft's Graph SDK stands out as a powerful interface for interacting with Microsoft 365 services, including email operations. However, developers migrating to .NET 8 and considering the Graph SDK v5 encounter a notable hurdle: the apparent limitation in modifying the read status of emails through the SDK.
This issue becomes particularly pressing when upgrading systems that rely heavily on email interactions, such as customer service platforms or automated alert systems. The Graph SDK v5's seeming restriction against modifying emails outside of drafts poses a significant problem. Such a limitation not only impacts the efficiency of email processing but also raises questions about the flexibility of the Graph SDK. Developers are thus faced with the task of finding workarounds or alternative solutions to maintain the functionality of their applications within the constraints of the new environment.
Command Description
GraphClient.Users[EmailAddress].MailFolders["Inbox"].Messages.GetAsync(config => {...}) Retrieves messages from a specified user's inbox with the option to apply configuration settings for the request.
email.IsRead = true Sets the IsRead property of an email object to true, marking it as read.
GraphClient.Users[EmailAddress].MailFolders["Inbox"].Messages[email.Id].PatchAsync(email) Updates the properties of a specific email message in the user's inbox.

Deep Dive into Email Status Management with Graph SDK v5

When dealing with email management through the Microsoft Graph SDK v5, developers are navigating a terrain that's both powerful and complex. This SDK provides an interface to a wide range of Microsoft 365 services, including but not limited to, email management within Microsoft Exchange. The core issue at hand involves the limitation perceived by developers when attempting to mark emails as read. This functionality is crucial for applications that require automation in email processing, such as customer support systems, notification services, and automated workflows. The challenge arises from the SDK's perceived limitations, particularly around modifying the state of emails that are not in draft form. This situation underscores the need for a thorough understanding of the SDK's capabilities and possibly, its limitations.
Exploring potential solutions or workarounds becomes essential. One such avenue is the direct use of the Graph API for actions not supported by the SDK or where the SDK seems restrictive. The API provides a more granular level of control, allowing developers to craft custom requests that can bypass these limitations. Understanding the Graph API's capabilities in conjunction with the SDK can unlock more advanced functionalities and workarounds for developers. This approach requires a solid grasp of both the Graph SDK and the underlying Graph API, necessitating a deeper dive into the documentation and community resources for insights and strategies to overcome these challenges.

Marking Email as Read with Microsoft Graph SDK

C# Programming Example
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authProvider); var emailId = "YOUR_EMAIL_ID_HERE"; var mailbox = "YOUR_MAILBOX_HERE"; var updateMessage = new Message { IsRead = true }; await graphClient.Users[mailbox] .Messages[emailId] .Request() .UpdateAsync(updateMessage); 

Navigating Challenges in Email Automation with Graph SDK

The integration of email automation using Microsoft Graph SDK v5 introduces a blend of opportunities and obstacles for developers. The primary allure of utilizing the Graph SDK lies in its seamless connectivity to various Microsoft 365 services, streamlining operations such as email management within applications. Yet, the crux of developer frustration often stems from limitations encountered when attempting to mark emails as read or modify their status programmatically. This challenge is not trivial; it directly impacts the efficiency and functionality of automated systems designed to interact with email services. These systems range from customer support ticketing applications to workflow automation tools that rely on email status to trigger specific actions.
To effectively navigate these challenges, developers must leverage a comprehensive understanding of the Graph SDK alongside the more flexible Graph API. This dual approach may offer a pathway to circumvent SDK limitations, enabling the execution of operations like marking emails as read. Delving into the Graph API documentation, engaging with the developer community, and experimenting with API calls can provide invaluable insights. These efforts can uncover alternative strategies and best practices for achieving desired email automation functionalities, ensuring applications remain robust and responsive to user needs.

Frequently Asked Questions on Email Management with Graph SDK

  1. Question: Can the Microsoft Graph SDK v5 mark emails as read?
  2. Answer: Yes, but with limitations. Direct modifications to non-draft emails might require using the Graph API directly.
  3. Question: Is it possible to modify an email's properties using the Graph SDK?
  4. Answer: Yes, properties like the read status can be modified, though for non-drafts, direct API calls might be necessary.
  5. Question: How can developers work around the SDK's limitations for email modification?
  6. Answer: Leveraging the Graph API directly allows for more granular control and overcoming SDK limitations.
  7. Question: Are there any community resources for dealing with Graph SDK limitations?
  8. Answer: Yes, Microsoft's developer forums and GitHub repositories are excellent resources for community support and solutions.
  9. Question: Can automated workflows include email management tasks with Graph SDK?
  10. Answer: Absolutely. The SDK and API together provide the tools necessary for integrating email management into automated workflows.

Wrapping Up Email Automation Insights

In conclusion, mastering email automation within the Microsoft Graph SDK v5 environment requires a nuanced understanding of its capabilities and limitations. The journey from encountering the initial challenge of marking emails as read to exploring potential solutions underscores the complexity and power of working with Microsoft's extensive suite of developer tools. By leveraging both the SDK and the Graph API, developers can overcome hurdles related to email management, enhancing the functionality and efficiency of their applications. This exploration also highlights the critical role of community engagement and documentation in unraveling the SDK's intricacies. Ultimately, the ability to navigate these challenges successfully opens up a realm of possibilities for automating and optimizing email-related workflows, driving forward the efficiency and effectiveness of digital communication strategies.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:31 Jumpman55 Resume Review

Resume Review
Career changer looking for advice. Highly motivated and dedicated to pursuing the actuarial profession. Are there any open actuarial or analytical roles at your company? A connection on LinkedIn would be helpful.
submitted by Jumpman55 to actuary [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:23 Federal-Risk-1720 Find mistake and improvement in resume

submitted by Federal-Risk-1720 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:38 Saas-builder What coding questions should I ask, to compare Claude Opus and GPT-4o

What coding questions should I ask, to compare Claude Opus and GPT-4o submitted by Saas-builder to ChatGPTCoding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:59 Laval2772 Continuous Derivative

(Apologies for the very long post, and many thanks to those who read it in full)
Around a month ago, I make a post regarding the possibility of a continuous extension of the Taylor series, which garnered some insightful responses. In my pursuit of an answer myself, I had an idea of a so-called “continuous derivative,” and was wondering if it was possible and/or already explored. The following post does not require any look into the previous post, and the important information is restated in this post:
(Refer to image 1)
Despite the function resulting from the original Taylor series already being continuous, I mean to extend the sum itself, allowing for the domain of n to be all non-negative real numbers, rather than simply integers. I knew that the gamma function was an extension of the factorial, so my only question was that of the numerator.
I know that integer-order derivatives are obviously very well defined in mathematics, but I found that there are multiple definitions of a fractional-order derivative. Furthermore, I like to think of fn(c) in the continuous version of the Taylor series as being a continuous derivative, due to the fact that it accounts for all real non-negative values to infinity. Due to this, I decided to attempt a definition of my own.
(Refer to image 2)
As you can see, my interpretation of a fractional derivative uses a graphical approach, treating the x-axis as the xth derivative and the y-axis as the value of that derivative at a point (0 was used in the example I provided). I decided to utilize the sine function for my example due to its cyclical nature with its derivatives.
The first step is to plot enough integer derivatives on the graph until a pattern can be found, then interpolate between these points with a smooth function. In the example provided, the function is y=sin(x*pi/2). With this smooth function intersecting every point on the graph, we can now look at fractional values of x to see the associated value for that derivative at the point (again, using 0 in this example).
While I like this definition for being visual, the one issue I found was that it can only be evaluated at a single point for the entire graph. This would not work for the continuous Taylor series, as it relies on the nth derivative of f being taken at a point c, not a specific value like 0. (When evaluating the Taylor series, you do indeed use a specific value for c, but I am seeking a generalized definition.) To account for this, I decided to add another axis to the original graph.
(Refer to image 3)
The z-axis represents the value at which the derivative is being taken (in this case that is c). I call this the derivational continuum, due to the continuous nature of the derivatives that are being taken across the non-negative reals for the x-axis and all reals for the y- and z-axes. (I also think the name sounds very cool.) After using my technique for finding a smooth function that interpolates between integer-order derivatives, you then do this across the z-axis, interpolating between the functions themselves to create a plane-like structure in 3D space.
One issue I have noticed but believe is not an issue that that of using this technique on ex. Disregarding the z-axis, evaluating every derivative of the function ex at 0 results in 1. This is represented as y=1 at every non-negative integer value on my graph. Despite the most logical interpolating being y=1 to smoothly connect each value, both the functions y=sin(pi(x))+1 and y=sin(2pi(x+0.25)) also smoothly interpolate between each point. However, I learned that overfitting is when a graph smoothly interpolates between a dataset but does not accurately reflect what the data means, and I believe that is what is happening in this case.
I am seeking guidance regarding this idea I had, as this all is based on my original definition of a fractional derivative, which I believe is different from current definitions, despite still reflecting the idea of a fractional-order derivative (at least I think).
submitted by Laval2772 to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:11 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
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2024.06.09 06:11 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
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Discord: jperez
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submitted by Jh0nPerez to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:10 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
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Discord: jperez
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submitted by Jh0nPerez to Essayprowriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:10 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
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Discord: jperez
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submitted by Jh0nPerez to examhelprz [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:09 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
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submitted by Jh0nPerez to AcademicHelp_net [link] [comments]