Def: -domain general-

About Echos and WHY I think WuWa`s system is MUCH better than Genshin/HSR.

2024.06.09 17:31 Little_Dingo_4541 About Echos and WHY I think WuWa`s system is MUCH better than Genshin/HSR.

So, I saw all that *doomposting* for Echo system in recent days and decided to change mood a little bit, There are several points that I want to make.
  1. WuWa lets you farm Echos and fish for mainstats how much you want, (run out of mobs in your world? - jump in friend`s world). So there is reason for you to play, have fun and so one even if you got all done. And it feels great to explore map getting while 5 star Echoes constantly.
  2. Probability to get good/perfect Echo. So, there are 13 substats. Flat ATK, DEF, HP obviously trash in long run, ATK%, DEF%, HP% - you need one of those depending on scaling, ER - generally always needed, maybe less, maybe more, Basic/Heavy/Skill/Liberattion DMG% - need 1 or 2 depending on character, and CCD - always wanted.
Disclaimer: I assume they all have same weight in probability distribution
So, what do we have here? 5-6 GOOD substats, which you need to roll only ONCE and you are good to go. So, with rough estimate - about 30% of your Echos will have 3 useful substats. "WE NEED CRIT" - fine, there are 5 rolls for 13 substats, so probability will be 11/13*10/12*9/11*8/10*7/9*100%=~36% to NOT get a single crit line, so chance there will be crit somewhere are 64%. Don`t you all think its pretty good? Yes, double crit is a bit rougher, lets say you fished 1st line crit, there will be: 11/12*10/11*9/10*8/9*100%=~67% to NOT get a 2nd crit, but 33% is good enough for me. And lets calculate probability of getting perfect artifact, assumming we use 6 subs as useful: 6/13*5/12*4/11*3/10*2/9*100%=~0,45%. In a long run, I call it great, really.
  1. For RNG with good/bad rolls - its average most times, and it`s fine. Comparing to Genshin/HSR. We need there to 1st: roll mainstat with limited resourses. 2nd - get good substats here (and hit 4 lines instead of 3 if we want *perfect*). THAN ROLL IT to f****ng get substats we want. I`m playing Genshin since release and almost all days I spent resin(mostly for artifacts) and can tell you what is this pain...
4, Adressing 3 cost Echos (I think it will be the most controversial on this post, but...). Game had out free Echos for everyone for rouguelite gamemod, event and I think it will continue, and casuals will have decent results with them (imagine Genshin threw 5 star goblets with right set/mainstat back in 1.0, lmao), while gamers with free time can farm.
  1. And, finally, It`s 1.0. We DON`T have info of late game tacet fields drop rates yet, afaik on UL 40 there are 15 tuners, 4 gold echos(I assume 50/50 for 3 cost), and 2-3 gold + 6 purple EXP. I assume later we will have at least 20 tuners, which is 80 a day, aside from what we getting in events/monthly shops etc. Thats fine for me, no?
So, in conclusion, what do we have? Ability to guarantee mainstat given time Ability to fish for early good substats (and reason to play overworld) given how much time you have No pressure for more *casual* play (with less time investment more correct I guess) - you WILL get decent artifacts with this system
Thanks for read, if you went this far and share your opinion.
P.S. Feel free to correct my math - I may be mistaken.
submitted by Little_Dingo_4541 to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:13 sweetbabyhey [US to Worldwide]13X8.5 DEF Elongated Radiant in 14k Yellow Gold Ring, Size 9.5, $395, New

[US to Worldwide]13X8.5 DEF Elongated Radiant in 14k Yellow Gold Ring, Size 9.5, $395, New
[FS)][US to US or Worldwide]13X8.5 DEF Elongated Radiant in 14k Yellow Gold Ring, Size 9.5, New
REDUCED to final price [FS)][US to US or Canada]13X8.5 DEF Moissanite Elongated Radiant in 14k Yellow Gold Ring, Size 9.5, $395, reduced to eliminate negotiation. Price is firm
Body of Post
Item Details: 13X8.5 DEF elongated radiant cut moissanite in 14k gold. The band mm is 1.8mm and the thickness 1.9mm so it's sturdy. It's set in an East West Gem Co Inspired Harper Setting (it is made by Provence). The cut is crushed ice, but it almost looks like a mix of crushed ice and brilliant to me. It's gorgeous and inspired me to buy a diamond just like it, which is the only reason I am selling it. It's new
Verification Photo: (bottom of post)
Source: Provence
Proof of Purchase: (bottom of post)
Selling Price: $395, paid $502, new
Shipping Cost & Method: $15 in US via USPS, Worldwide, we will have to estimate together
What is Included: Ring itself
Condition of the Item: New
Not your size? as a general rule, rings can be sized up and down 2 sizes with no issue whatsoever. Please check with your local jeweler if you intend on resizing as I am not liable for their work. Source:
submitted by sweetbabyhey to MoissaniteBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:52 Punk-in-Pie Python tech lead, thinks SOLID/DRY is mostly bad.

To be clear, I have a lot of respect for my lead, and I'm not coming here with an axe to grind, even if he is off-base here. He does good work and leads his team well. However, he does have a different perspective on programming design principals than what I have come to know as best-practices and I'm looking for outside perspectives. This is my first corporate programming job, and I do have a tenancy to over-complicate things so I don't have the experience needed to accurately judge. I'm not looking for advice regarding how to proceed since that's pretty obvious. He's my lead, so it's his call, but more toward if he's "right". I can write code to fit his needs, but I don't want to learn bad habits if his style is poor.
Part of the difficulty in the position has been that there haven't been any real concrete style guidelines, and I have received critiques for code not following the team's style when that "style" isn't documented anywhere. The thing I like about my lead is that he's pretty good about getting his ego out of the way when I voice a concern and after a few critiques from him along these lines I pointed out that following an unwritten style guideline is setting me up for failure. He took that well and though I didn't get him to actually document anything I got some concrete examples out of him that were more than nebulous critiques like "this is too fancy" or "this is doesn't fit our style".
I agree in general with his programming philosophy which is very pythonic and has its roots in "explicit is better than implicit" but some of the details are what I take issue with. Here are some specific examples:
1: Context Mangers are too fancy.
example: a redis lock for avoiding race conditions. It seemed like a perfect place for a context manager to handle acquiring and releasing the lock, but he thought this was "too fancy" and thus harder to maintain.
u/asynccontextmanager async def redis_lock(lock_id: str) -> RedisLock: lock = await get_lock("id") yield lock await lock.release() async def main(): async with redis_lock("lock_id"): await avoid_race_condition() 
He preferred it to be explicitly called every time and not use a handler:
async def main(): lock = await get_lock("id") await avoid_race_condition() await lock.release() 
I can kind of see his point here, but want another perspective.
2: Never use Dependency Injection, decorators, or AbstractBaseClass.
This seems to violate the D in SOLID. Here's an example of something he would hate:
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod class PaymentHandler(ABC): @abstractmethod async def process_payment(customer: dict) -> bool: pass class CreditPaymentHandler(PaymentHandler): async def process_payment(customer: dict) -> bool: ... # business logic return True async def start_service(customer: dict, handler: PaymentHandler = CreditPaymentHandler()) -> bool: if not await handler.process_payment(customer): return False ... # business logic return True 
Keep in mind that this is a pretty contrived example, but imagine using these concepts in a much more complex application and you get the idea.
I am also very well aware of the "keep it simple, stupid" rule and try to follow that as well. I see no problem with writing code that ignores SOLID/DRY in basic scripts and simple apps, but I'm writing tens of thousands of lines of code to architect our services, don't feel that these techniques are over-complicating things. I feel it makes it easier to maintain, but I really want a reality check if that's not the case. I can provide more examples if needed.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Punk-in-Pie to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:24 ireallylikecatsty Boyfriend dumped me because I considered OnlyFans. I know I seriously fucked up.

Yeah I'll let those who judge the title first judge just by the title. I don't mind.
I know I screwed up and heck I'm not blaming anyone. This is all me I just want to put this somewhere. Not asking for validation or anything like that. Just need somewhere to rant.
My boyfriend broke it off with me after I mentioned using OF as a starter platform for VTubing. Honestly I heard about OF's "reputation" but didn't know how serious it was. My brother had mentioned that OF was used for other things besides the mainstream pornographic content - and hearing about how much people make on OF I started having this TWISTED ahh conception that I could do VTubing there and hopefully gain more attention than on Youtube or Twitch. Let me make this clear; I would never sell my body for money and all I wanted to do on OF was play music on the ukulele, sing, and draw. That was it. (note: I've wanted to be a VTuber for a long time. Even before I met my ex. Originally considered Twitch but thought maybe OF would be cool. Obviously I was wrong on so many levels and yeah I know that very well by now. I really don't know wtf I was thinking.)
Mentioning my idea to my ex was a huge mistake on my part because he broke up with me immediately and told me he didn't care what my intentions were - he cannot think about his potentially life-long partner considering OF in any shape or form. Regardless of whether I was selling my body or not. I went against those terms and I acknowledge it.
I love this guy a lot. A LOT. I would never think about cheating on him or selling my body. I seriously love him. Would do just about anything for him. We never had sex but I cared about him through and through. I loved him even while we were still friends in the beginning (imo love means caring for someone and being there for them as much as possible - my love for him turned romantic when we started dating). We talked about a future and everything went so well. He embraced most of my flaws. He gave up a lot of things for me and there was never a day in our romantic relationship that he didn't tell me he loved me. I love him for every single thing he did for me no matter how small. I told him everyday that I loved him.
Though now he's told me that maybe the whole thing wasn't even love - just a chemical reaction between two animals. That broke something in me. Then at the same time I refuse to think it wasn't love. It was just me fucking things up and I made him stop believing in our love. (or maybe he's right - who knows.) He's wanted to be "single and alone" for the rest of his life until he met me. And now seeing his new Spotify playlists, I think he's back to that again.
After the breakup message I asked him what exactly it was (besides the obvious) that he hated so much about OF. And he told me it was people selling the only real thing they own and not respecting themselves enough.
Thinking about that made me feel like yeah, even though my intentions on OF were not of selling my body but putting OF aside, I felt like I still don't respect myself as a person. The day he first asked to break up I was throwing myself at him, crying, apologising, and begging him to take me back and that I would be willing to throw out my own dreams as a content creator for him if it would keep him. I told him I would rather have him over fame. I would rather have him over my own dreams. And those were actually true. I was even ready to give him my passwords to all my socials. Shit, it all seemed like the end of the world that day.
And that was a huge mistake. I was confirming to him that I was a desperate, self-disrespecting, and needy person who was tossing my own life aside just to keep someone with me. Throughout the relationship, I was usually the "rational calm one" and he told me many times he has no idea how I manage to put up with his shenanigans and still love him despite everything he's ever said or done. In reality, I was just constantly keeping all my upsettedness away from him because I didn't want him to think he wasn't good for me and then break up with me as a result of it. Even though I had good intentions - still self-disrespecting AND disrespecting HIM.
Anyway, in the end, I surrendered. We wished each other good luck and allat, I told him (SHOULD NOT HAVE SAID THIS PROBABLY) we could talk again as FRIENDS after a while of space and he appeared to wholeheartedly agree, and then after some back and forth heart emote spamming (which is something we do to end most conversations or end the day), we stopped talking. Didn't unfollow or block each other on any socials, just didn't talk. (besides that one time 2 days after the NC initiated I accidentally added a reel to our shared save folder on insta and apologised and he texted back saying it was alright and added that I was in his dreams n asked me to get outta his dreams 🙄)
It's been about 2 or so weeks since the breakup. I've been going no contact with him, turned my socials statuses to invisible and used my socials less. Thinking of maybe contacting him after 2 or more months (when I'm ready to face the fact that he may not ever want to get back together). Hopefully I'll be able to get over these weird yoyo-ing thoughts and emotions. And I hope he's doing okay too.
Dam I still miss him. He was a seriously unique and amazing person and I know I ruined my romantic relationship with him.
Thinking again, maybe I don't really mind him being just a friend. Idk sometimes it swings this way and that. We were pretty good friends before the whole thing - inside jokes, personal rants and all. Maybe I'm not even ready for any romantic relationships at all. Yeah. Given my reaction to the breakup, I am and was definitely not ready. If I genuinely do love him, I'd just let him do whatever he wants to do. Should be doing that. But in all honesty, I still wonder if I ever have a slightest chance of getting him back in the far off future. Maybe yeah maybe no. I mean I did fck up badly with the OF thing and I will definitely need to wait for a long time before I'm ready for any romantic relationships at all.
Post-breakup note; I can eat normally now, crying less, and can do certain things I loved doing again but my thoughts and feelings regarding him and the whole thing is still all jumbled up. I still whisper-talk to myself imagining I'm talking to him (I do this a lot even before the romantic relationship), yapping about all the stuff I wished I told him or just as a convo in general and it always ends with the final thought, "I fucked up. Would have been able to tell him all this/actually have this convo with him if I didn't ever think about OF." It's hard to stop thinking about him. And yeah I def deserve this after all I did ngl.
I'm so sorry if this rant long and a tad bit disorganised and strained your eyes 🙏 Have a good one.
PS: After the whole thing, regardless of how the breakup went, I absolutely refuse to start an OF. And I don't really want to VTube anymore either. Just reminds me of the breakup.
submitted by ireallylikecatsty to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:50 Excitium Fixing the echo system. My take on the grind.

I think we can all agree that there are too many layers of RNG involved with the echo system.
Drop an echo, get a golden echo, get the right set, get the right main stat, get the right sub stats, get high rolls on the sub stats.
It's too much, something needs to give.
And yes, I'm aware that farming echoes is supposed to be the main end game activity since people need something to work towards which in this case is the ideal echo sets.
But when you have to farm hours upon hours just get the right main stat combination, just to then end up rolling terrible sub stats, it feels completely terrible and demotivating to even attempt to get a good echo set let alone an ideal one in my opinion.
Buffing the acquisition rate of echo xp and tuners isn't gonna fix this issue. What's the point of getting more materials when I can't even use them because I only drop a usable main stat combination once in a blue moon.
So here's my take on how to fix the system and make it more rewardable.
Once you reach Data Bank lvl 20, purple echoes should not drop anymore. It's already bad enough that not every kill drops an echo. Just remove the purple ones. Even early in the game, there was pretty much no use for purple echoes. They just serve to pad out the farming time by adding a useless drop to the loot table. Just get rid of them. There's nothing worse than seeing that purple pop up in the bottom left corner when absorbing an echo.
Remove sub-state weighting. I'm actually not sure if this is a thing, but based on the 80 or so times I have tuned echoes so far and being able to count the amount of crit rate and crit damage I have rolled on one hand, I think it's save to assume that there's some kind of stat weighting going on.
Someone who cares more about statistics and numbers can probably weigh on this topic.
Sub-stat range. I think it's fine that the ranges exist, but they shouldn't be this big. One some of the stats, the highest roll is twice the lowest roll. Even if I get a "god roll" echo in terms of sub-stats, it might still be terrible if I roll low sub-stats compared to an echo that only has 2 good sub stats but rolled really high values on those.
Either reduced the range or just remove it completely and make the values fixed.
4* Echoes
The main stat RNG is fine here, what's not is the acquisition rate. First of all the 1 minute spawn CD on these echoes should be reduced, maybe even completely removed. Just let us interact with something to spawn the boss on demand.
Second of all, the 100% drop rate from Databank lvl 20 should apply to all 4* echoes. That way you get an echo for every kill but still have to deal with the main stat rolls. Keep the sub-stats as they are (assuming no stat weighting). Being able to get 4* echoes at a higher rate, combined with the echo xp and tuner acquisition rate buffs in 1.1, I think rolling for sub-stats should be fine going forward.
3* Echoes
Just remove the useless set + elemental damage combinations.
I don't see why I would ever need a Void Thunder echo with Havoc Damage main stats. Unless there's already plans to release some kind of dual elemental unit in the future, there should never ever be a reason why this combination should exist. 3* echoes should only be able to roll between the relevant elemental damage, energy regen, atk, def and hp. Anything else seems non-sensical.
Sub-stats are fine again (assuming no stat weighting).
1* Echoes
I think they are fine as they are (assuming no stat weighting).
I think these changes would go a long way in making the echo grind more enjoyable. There's still gonna be a lot rng involved in getting the ideal echo, but this way it doesn't feel like you need to hit the 1 in a million jackpot in getting a decent echo. This would also allow us to experiment more with different builds and different units because right now when I get a half decent echo for a slot, I'm just done with it and don't want to bother grinding out even more or different ones to try other builds or play styles.
submitted by Excitium to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:48 QuarterCircleBackHS Yanqing is better than he's given credit for being

I've had him since 1.2 and got JL in 1.4. I didn't get her to replace him or anything; I'd invested in them both and used them to mostly clear the same content. I actually wanted to use them together and thankfully her siphon doesn't turn off Soulsteel Sync. I've found the gap between their performance to be overall negligible thus far. I'm not saying there are no differences. This is gonna be a little long and the first part of what I'll write prolly could go to the general sub but it kinda explains how I look at things/am approaching this. I'll be using Lv.10 Traces in any skill examples for the sake of simplicity.
Before I go further I want to outline a few things:
With that in mind I'm saying the following to make a few points, not to be a definitive baseline:
Low investment is often a baseline barometer in Live Service games, MMOs, and even some RPGs when it comes to various aspects of community discussion. It's good for early game due to resources being more limited and even beyond that as a way to judge opportunity cost. Some individuals would even opt to do a low investment challenge. All of that is fine but general discussion oftentimes is heavily imbibed with the consideration of "low investment" as a baseline to the point it can and does detract from discussion of a character's kit/utility. It tends to breed a mindset along the lines of "Why invest in U when I have J?" but w/o necessarly considring what "U" brings to the table.
Again just stating this to get the ideas across.
About YQ:
I think some of the exaggerated negativity is in part due to March and Gepard not being viewed as highly as other sustains despite their capability to solo sustain even outside of YQ. Aven isn't exactly a FX but the fact he just works w/o too much input adds a level of comfort that makes YQ more appealing to use for some.
March's general build is ~80-100% EHR and ~3000 DEF which allows her to freeze pretty much anything w/o Freeze Resist & a 2470 health shield assuming she has exactly 3000 DEF and isn't on 4p Purity (which would be 2964). I use her as the example b/c her Freeze being on Ult means she's used the same way "Welt Sustain" is while also actually enbling YQ's E1. I admittedly only invested in her beyond lv60 earlier this year because I was using Welt to do her job and get some damage amp at the same time via his Vulnerability debuff & Resolution & don't have YQ's E1 but her FUA was useful for recent Cycle Buffs and a rececnt PF. Still March is a bit easier to use than Welt to some degree due to her FUA giving her extra energy even at E0.
YQ and JL:
Element, role, Base ATK, preferred supports, wanting to stay in a stance, and buffing crit; they are extremely similar with a few caveats. So "Why is their damage so similar in single target?" and "Why does YQ lead by 5-10% in single target?"
This is because they achieve the same-ish endgoal in slightly different ways. I'm using 135+ SPD JL on I Shall Be My Own Sword and 135+ SPD YQ on In the Night for my main comparisons. (127+ from subs lets YQ hit 160 w/ TY E1 + his A1 but SPD boots allow for better substat distribution than getting ~7-9 speed subs.)
Jingliu * At E0 JL's talent can convert siphoned HP to 180% of her Base ATK. * This is 2174.4 with Aeon and 2269.8 with her Signature. * Tends to use Rutilant Arena for the DMG% * 135 SPD JL tends to have ~2200-2400 ATK on the character menu depending on subs. * This means JL has ~4400-4600 ATK for her 250% skill and 300% ult modifier.
Yanqing * Planar Set depends but Galmoth is the angle with ItN usually. * A2 adds a 30% ATK modifier as a bonus hit to any damage he deals to ice weak enemies. * This makes his modifiers effectively 130%, 250%, 380% and 80%. * When his FUA triggers that correlates to 210%, 330%, and 460% from using the basic, skill, or Ult respectvely. * His E1 works the same (afaik) using the frozen status as the conditon check for a hit of 60% ATK. * ~2700-3100 ATK w/ SPD boots
I guess I can't use tables for this? * Attack used E0 non-Ice Weak E0 Ice Weak E1 Frozen E1 Ice Weak + Frozen * Basic 100% 130% 160% 190% * Skill 220% 250% 280% 310% * Ult 350% 380% 410% 440% * FUA 50% 80% 110% 140%
His FUA is slapped on to the end of whatever he does so his E1 is effectively +120% ATK modifier whenever it triggers vs a Frozen enemy. A lot of videos where he is E1+ the people using him didn't even attempt to freeze via Break or Debuff (March) directly before his turn so I had to scrounge around and watch ~8h of gameplay at x0.5 speed to double check this.
A lot of abilities use damage splits so yes I counted hits manually. A2 was fine since I could do it myself. So his A2 and E1 add 1 hit individually and 2 if triggered at the same time.
His E2 on its own seems underwhelming but has very relevant impact.
Tl;dr is TY gives 60 @ E6 so he only needs to provide 90. Ult, 2 Skill, and 1 FUA is (5 + 30 x 2 + 10) or 75. 75 x 1.1 = 82.5 so 2 kills (TY E2 5 x 2) or a second FUA (11) will let him hit 90 energy to get topped off.
The important thing to glean from this is his effective mods being so high closes the gap & his self buff on ult is usually what drags him ahead a little. I've used them with mostly the same combinations of buffers, 2 harmony (often Bronya & TY) with a sustain or Welt/Pela, and running them on their own + each-others gear. While there 100% are differences, like JL's easier SP management w/ Bronya, they aren't anything that actually makes him feel bad. At most he takes some extra thought. And if that's a reason some don't opt to use him I completely understand.
I get some of the frustrations with his kit too. I wish his FUA was 70%+ because the 10% would make a big long term difference for resets & consistent toughness damage but I also kinda understand it's likely not 70%+ b/c thats a 42.9% Freeze roll against 40% RES enemies if Pela is on the team or he otherwise has 10% EHR. Many enemies that aren't ice weak don't resist Freeze so across 3 FUA you statistically have a 78.4% cumulative chance to freeze them 1+ times.
  • As a consequence of all his raw mod stackiing his E4 is better than it looks on paper.
  • I still wish his E6 was elsewhere in his kit but thinking about it last year led me to the PoV of looking at his Ult like a failsafe & guiding line. If you have 50% CR Soulsteel brings you to 70% CR which is decently consistent. If you lose Soulsteel post Ult and need to basic or whatever you'll be at 100% still b/c getting hit doesn't remove the Ult buff.
  • My biggest gripe about him at this point is the fact his "Sig" feels like bait even if you look at it like "it's supposed to offset ult uptime".
  • Needing a shield to safely gain energy when he inevitably does get hit is a fair point to raise & a minor annoyance but, again, heavily overblown as a downside imo.
I think the craziest parts of sitting down to get all this out has been the insistence I've seen in various places that March can't solo sustain both in general & for YQ specifically. That YQ is "carried by supports" that get used for the same/similar clears w/ JL or other dpses. JL is straight up more synergystic w/ Bronya than most chars on some level b/c you aren't going -2 sp nearly every time you Bronya skill & like I said at the start supports do the heavy lifting that allow us to push characters further no matter who the character is. So this is an odd form of downplay when we could objectively acknowledge the SP thing as an issue the YQ team will face w/o undermining it.
Aside from that I didn't have Gepard till losing Sparkle's 50/50 & despite being able to hyperbuff YQ w/ triple harmony he's still been a very comfortable to use support in the 4th slot that's allowed me to do ~3-4 cycles just as well. I'm sure he'd feel better if he had more speed and an EHR chest so I could freeze on skill more often even at E0. I don't have RM (failed 50/50), Aven, or Robin (both skipped for now) but I've used YQ w/ everyone else not named Yukong thus far and it's been fine. Different teams for YQ may req some stat tweaking and a few more gamplay considerations than whacking stuff w/ JL but nothing all that frustrating or infuriating really cropped up imo.
EDIT: Now I've QCed this I'd like to say this took me a week or so to post b/c I scrapped it 3 times. I know people enjoy these games "casually" but my messing w/ numbers and thinking about stuff like this is my "casual" b/c that's how I engage. So I redid this every 2 days or so b/c I wanted to make it more digestable. I probably didn't do that but hey.
I also made this b/c someone told me a JL w/ the same investment as my YQ would perform better and I hit the moyai emoji irl for reasons I hope are already clear at this point. Unless AoE REALLY matters the diff in clearspeed is negligable.
submitted by QuarterCircleBackHS to YanqingMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:20 WearyBullfrog618 Why?!?!

Can anyone advise me please? I’m not new to the game and previous saves have gone rather well for me after just a few seasons. On this save I won the Bundesliga first season in with Dortmund and lost the Semi Finals of the CL to Real Madrid now I’m entering the pre-seasons of my second season and drawing to clubs considerably worse than me. Tactics weren’t the greatest last season but were fairly consistent. Any advice please?
submitted by WearyBullfrog618 to Soccermanager [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:24 Slickgohan47 Advice for futuretards as a failed 24 tard

To all the 25 and 26tards reading this, I think if you go through the recent posts of this sub you can understand our situation, even if we ignore the general fuckups nta did, we have to accept there is mad inflation in general, every year no of candidates is increasing and the quality of candidates will also continue to increase as people get access to good free resources on yt or cheap online coaching like pw,
This year in jee adv people got 11k rank at fucking 140 marks and dont even get me started on the neet inflation, even if you see jee mains you can understand 96-97 percentilers are getting literally nothing, forget jee also even state exams, comedk and other pvt exams like met,vit,srm whatever have more candidates writing this year, if you go on the manipal subreddit you can see the situation of people who wrote met and this year even for vit so many people applied for counselling and booked a seat because of the how unsure they were for other exams
I myself also had dreams for iits and nits in 11th and even 12th, I remember in mid 12th I thought 150 would def give 98 percentile, at the end I got 90.44 percentile at 117 and now Im most probably going to vit vellore, yes the one college I used to make fun of with others in this sub itself
Now I defenitely woudnt say its impossible to crack or that jee has become upsc or something, but all Im saying to 25 and 26tards to grind as hard as you can and not keep any guesses for x marks at y percentile and all, give it your 100%, because trust me when they get the results many people are going to wish they wrote in 2024, dont have some ego or overconfidence thinking any exam is easy,
Whenever you feel too lazy think about what happened on jee adv 2024 results day I think that itself should be more than enough to give motivation to study, right now I have bitsat remaining but Im sure cutoffs will massively increase there also , anyways all the best to future tards, do work as hard as you can to not end up in the same situation as me and many others
submitted by Slickgohan47 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:07 Mr_Tektite I've got a question for anyone who have played the games past ttyd

So... I got a few questions and a statement. Ill start with the statement.
I'll be honest I stopped at paper mario ttyd and never played any of the following paper mario games (this was more because I just didn't have the console to play them. it didn't have anything to do with not wanting to play them per say)
how ever I remember there not being near as much hype over any of the following games so I also didn't make any effort to get them once i was older (I was not even out of grade school yet when ttyd came out so its a child hood game I cherish greatly)
All that said. For anyone reading this. Is it worth playing any of the games that followed ttyd? Is there anything about them that make you say "oh dude there not as great as this game but def worth playing one after another" or even half heartedly "ya you can skip this one or this one but this ones a must play" (word it this way cause everyone generally agrees the ttyd is the best of the paper marios)
Ttyd is what I consider a stand alone gem. You don't have to play the first paper mario game to enjoy it.
are the games after the ttyd the same? I've never even seen any gameplay footage of them or anything.
(I will note I did play super star saga and partners in time much later. I note this cause they also had rpg elements but again it stops there. I only ever got a dsi after getting an xbox360 in 2005 ish so tbh... I never really played any new games past that unless they were on pc.)
submitted by Mr_Tektite to papermario [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:24 nusfie12345 just got scammed by the weapon banner today, can i consider this an upgrade?

just got scammed by the weapon banner today, can i consider this an upgrade?
lost prayer seems to be better in general, but it seems to mess with my rotations a bit. are there any tips to fix this issue?
submitted by nusfie12345 to NeuvilletteMains_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:22 Big_Fur Another New Heroes Banner, another Grail Project. How’s this one look?

Another New Heroes Banner, another Grail Project. How’s this one look?
Obviously something like Luin would be better, but I’m just basing this off the stuff I currently have (minus 8 other Jarod’s for dupes, just wanted him to look more “complete”). Anyway I can improve this? And are there any inheritable lances that would suit him better?
submitted by Big_Fur to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:05 thwitter Designing a calculator for college and branch chances based on last year’s cutoff.

JEE Calculator Design

To design an Excel-based calculator that determines the chances of securing admission, follow these steps:
  1. Data Setup:
    • Create sheets for different data categories: Main Cutoffs, Advanced Cutoffs, and College-Specific Cutoffs.
  2. Input Fields:
    • Rank (JEE Main/Advanced)
    • Category (General, OBC-NCL, SC, ST, EWS, PwD)
    • Preferred College and Branch
  3. Calculation Logic:
    • Use VLOOKUP or INDEX-MATCH functions to compare the entered rank with the cutoffs.
    • Define thresholds for classification (Guaranteed, Very High, High, Moderately High, Moderate, Hard, Very Hard, Impossible).
  4. Output Criteria:
    • Based on the comparison, classify the chances as:
      • Guaranteed: Rank within the top 10% of closing rank.
      • Very High: Rank within 20% of closing rank.
      • High: Rank within 30% of closing rank.
      • Moderately High: Rank within 40% of closing rank.
      • Moderate: Rank within 50% of closing rank.
      • Hard: Rank within 60% of closing rank.
      • Very Hard: Rank within 70% of closing rank.
      • Impossible: Rank beyond 70% of closing rank.

Example Excel Formula Implementation

excel =IF(B2<=C2, "Guaranteed", IF(B2<=C2*1.2, "Very High", IF(B2<=C2*1.3, "High", IF(B2<=C2*1.4, "Moderately High", IF(B2<=C2*1.5, "Moderate", IF(B2<=C2*1.6, "Hard", IF(B2<=C2*1.7, "Very Hard", "Impossible") ) ) ) ) ) ) Here, B2 is the user's rank, and C2 is the cutoff rank for the specific category, branch, and college.

Example Layout

  1. Sheet 1: Main Cutoffs
    • Columns: Category, Cutoff Rank
  2. Sheet 2: Advanced Cutoffs
    • Columns: Category, Subject Min, Aggregate Min
  3. Sheet 3: College Cutoffs
    • Columns: College, Branch, Category, Opening Rank, Closing Rank
  4. Sheet 4: Calculator
    • Input fields: User Rank, Category, College, Branch
    • Output field: Admission Chances
If you want to make a website, here are some steps:

Step 1: Planning

  1. Define Requirements: Determine what features you need. For this project, you need input fields for rank, category, preferred colleges, and branches, as well as an output section to show admission chances.
  2. Technology Stack: Choose the technologies you'll use:
    • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    • Backend: Python (Flask/Django) or Node.js
    • Database: SQLite, PostgreSQL, or MySQL

Step 2: Designing

  1. Wireframe: Create a wireframe or mockup of your website layout. Tools like Figma, Sketch, or even paper sketches can be used.
  2. UI/UX Design: Design the user interface with tools like Adobe XD or Figma, focusing on user experience.

Step 3: Setting Up the Development Environment

  1. Install Required Software:
    • Code editor (VSCode, Sublime Text)
    • Python or Node.js
    • Git for version control
    • Database management tool (e.g., pgAdmin for PostgreSQL)

Step 4: Frontend Development

  1. HTML: Create the basic structure of your website.
  2. CSS: Style your website using CSS or a framework like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS.
  3. JavaScript: Add interactivity to your website. You can use plain JavaScript or frameworks like React.js or Vue.js.
HTML Example: ```html JEE Rank Calculator

JEE Rank Cutoff Calculator


Step 4: Frontend Development

HTML (Continued)



Create a styles.css file to style your form and result display.
```css body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 20px; background-color: #f4f4f4; }
h1 { text-align: center; }
form { max-width: 600px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 20px; background: #fff; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); }
label, input, select, button { display: block; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px; }
button { background: #5cb85c; color: white; border: none; padding: 10px; cursor: pointer; }
button:hover { background: #4cae4c; }

result {

max-width: 600px; margin: 20px auto; padding: 20px; background: #fff; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); text-align: center; 
} ```


Create a scripts.js file to handle form submission and perform the calculation.
```javascript document.getElementById('calculator-form').addEventListener('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault();
const rank = document.getElementById('rank').value; const category = document.getElementById('category').value; const college = document.getElementById('college').value.toLowerCase(); const branch = document.getElementById('branch').value.toLowerCase(); const cutoffs = { 'iit bombay': { 'cse': { 'general': 70, 'ews': 20, 'obc': 58, 'sc': 27, 'st': 10 }, 'ee': { 'general': 500, 'ews': 133, 'obc': 388, 'sc': 195, 'st': 90 } }, 'iit delhi': { 'cse': { 'general': 120, 'ews': 34, 'obc': 105, 'sc': 49, 'st': 24 }, 'ee': { 'general': 590, 'ews': 161, 'obc': 456, 'sc': 220, 'st': 74 } } }; let resultText = 'College or Branch not found'; if (cutoffs[college] && cutoffs[college][branch]) { const cutoff = cutoffs[college][branch][category]; if (rank <= cutoff) { resultText = 'Admission Chance: Guaranteed'; } else if (rank <= cutoff * 1.2) { resultText = 'Admission Chance: Very High'; } else if (rank <= cutoff * 1.3) { resultText = 'Admission Chance: High'; } else if (rank <= cutoff * 1.4) { resultText = 'Admission Chance: Moderately High'; } else if (rank <= cutoff * 1.5) { resultText = 'Admission Chance: Moderate'; } else if (rank <= cutoff * 1.6) { resultText = 'Admission Chance: Hard'; } else if (rank <= cutoff * 1.7) { resultText = 'Admission Chance: Very Hard'; } else { resultText = 'Admission Chance: Impossible'; } } document.getElementById('result').innerText = resultText; 
}); ```

Step 5: Backend Development

  1. Choose Framework: Use Flask for Python or Express for Node.js.
  2. Setup Server: Create routes to handle form submission.
  3. Database: Store cutoff data in a database.

Example with Flask

  1. Install Flask: bash pip install Flask
  2. Create App: ```python from flask import Flask, request, rendertemplate, jsonify app = Flask(name_)
    @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html')
    @app.route('/calculate', methods=['POST']) def calculate(): data = request.json rank = int(data['rank']) category = data['category'] college = data['college'].lower() branch = data['branch'].lower()
    cutoffs = { 'iit bombay': { 'cse': { 'general': 70, 'ews': 20, 'obc': 58, 'sc': 27, 'st': 10 }, 'ee': { 'general': 500, 'ews': 133, 'obc': 388, 'sc': 195, 'st': 90 } }, 'iit delhi': { 'cse': { 'general': 120, 'ews': 34, 'obc': 105, 'sc': 49, 'st': 24 }, 'ee': { 'general': 590, 'ews': 161, 'obc': 456, 'sc': 220, 'st': 74 } } }
    result_text = 'College or Branch not found'
    if cutoffs.get(college) and cutoffs[college].get(branch): cutoff = cutoffs[college][branch][category] if rank <= cutoff: result_text = 'Admission Chance: Guaranteed' elif rank <= cutoff * 1.2: result_text = 'Admission Chance: Very High' elif rank <= cutoff * 1.3: result_text = 'Admission Chance: High' elif rank <= cutoff * 1.4: result_text = 'Admission Chance: Moderately High' elif rank <= cutoff * 1.5: result_text = 'Admission Chance: Moderate' elif rank <= cutoff * 1.6: result_text = 'Admission Chance: Hard' elif rank <= cutoff * 1.7: result_text = 'Admission Chance: Very Hard' else: result_text = 'Admission Chance: Impossible'
    return jsonify({'result': result_text})
    if name == 'main': ```
  3. Update Form Action: html
    form fields

  4. JavaScript AJAX Request: ```javascript document.getElementById('calculator-form').addEventListener('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault();
    const rank = document.getElementById('rank').value; const category = document.getElementById('category').value; const college = document.getElementById('college').value.toLowerCase(); const branch = document.getElementById('branch').value.toLowerCase();
    fetch('/calculate', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ rank, category, college, branch }) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { document.getElementById('result').innerText = data.result; }); }); ```

Step 6: Deploying the Website

  1. Choose a Hosting Service: Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean.
  2. Deploy:
    • Heroku: bash heroku create git push heroku master heroku open

Step 7: Testing and Maintenance

  1. Testing: Ensure all features work as expected and handle edge cases.
  2. Maintenance: Regularly update the cutoffs and improve the UI/UX.
By following these steps, you can create a functional and user-friendly website to help students determine their chances of admission based on their JEE ranks.
submitted by thwitter to NSUT_Delhi [link] [comments]


Just a quick update on charts in regards to "Gold Stocks vs. Gold Bullion" ....
This is follow-up info to a prior post titled; "The Huge Disconnect between the Gold Spot Price & Gold Stocks" ... which can be found here .....

The charts below are "ratio charts" that show whether Gold stocks (the GDX) are "under-performing" or "out-performing" the Gold bullion price.

* (1.) ... a shorter term 1 year ratio chart showing the Gold Stocks (GDX) vs. the Gold spot price,
* (2.) ... a longer term 5 year ratio chart showing the Gold Stocks (GDX) vs. the Gold spot price.

  • on a short-term basis the GDX has been out-performing the Gold bullion price as can be seen in the short-term up-trending channel below,
  • the recent bottom in the short-term up-trending channel occurred on Feb 28th,
  • the current up-trending channel for the GDX is a fairly short term trend - measuring just barely over 3 months .....

  • the Gold stocks (GDX) are still in a longer-term down-trending channel vs. the Gold spot price ... however, the Gold Stocks are currently near a key potential pivot point,
  • the Gold Stocks (GDX) are currently in the area of hard resistance on the upper down-trending channel vs. Gold Bullion,
  • the Gold stocks must break the upper down trending line (the upper blue line) where circled in the 5 year chart to signal Gold Stocks are breaking their multi-year trend of under-performing Gold Bullion .....

In my opinion; the momentum needed for Gold stocks need to break above the resistance line on the 5 year down-trending channel they've been stuck in is .....
  • for the Gold spot price to rise into the $2,500 USD plus range soon, ie; within aprox. the next several months ...
  • if the Gold price move above $2,500 USD is "delayed" - and "doesn't" happen for another 2 to 5 years, then Gold stocks on average will likely continue to under-perform Gold bullion, or trade weakly against it.

Since the Feb 28, 2024 GDX-to-Gold Bullion ratio low ... the GDX was/has .....
  • the GDX hit a low of $25.67 on Feb 28th ...
  • the GDX hit a high of $37.47 on May 20th ... for a maximum potential gain of 45.9%
  • the GDX closed at $33.54 on June 7th ... for a current potential gain of 30.6%
The real star performers for the biggest percentage gains during this period has been in the micro-cap space ... research shows ....
  • Avino Silver & Gold - TSX "ASM" ..... 61c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of $1.53 on May 28th ... a max. potential gain of 150.8% .....
  • Bear Creek Mining - TSXV "BCM" ..... 17.5c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 49c on May 21th ... a max. potential gain of 180% .....
  • Defiance Silver - TSXV "DEF" ..... 10c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 54c on May 16th ... a max. potential gain of 440% .....
  • Endeavor Silver - TSX "EDR" ..... $1.94 low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of $5.50 on May 30th ... a max. potential gain of 183.5% .....
  • GoldQuest Mining - TSXV "GQC" ..... 9.5c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 26.5c on June 6th ... a max. potential gain of 179% .....
  • GOold Resource - NYSE "GORO" ..... 25c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 71c on April 4th ... a max. potential gain of 184% .....
  • Impact Silver - TSXV "IPT" ..... 15c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 38c on April 8th ... a max. potential gain of 179% .....
  • Newcore Gold - TSXV "NCAU" ..... 12c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 38.5c on May 24th ... a max. potential gain of 220% .....
  • Omai Gold Mines - TSXV "OMG" ..... 7.5c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 18.5c on April 2nd ... a max. potential gain of 146% .....
  • Oravana Minerals - TSX "ORV" ..... 12.5c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 29c on April 12th ... a max. potential gain of 132% .....
  • Pantera Silver - TSXV "PNTR" ..... 5c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 23.5c on May 16th ... a max. potential gain of 370% .....
  • Santa Cruz Silver - TSXV "SCZ" ..... 18c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 48c on May 30th ... a max. potential gain of 166% .....
  • Torr Metals - TSXV "TMET" ..... 5c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 19.5c on May 30th ... a max. potential gain of 290% .....
  • Treasury Metals - TSX "TML" ..... 11.5c low on feb 28th ... charts to max. price of 26.5c on May 28th ... a max. potential gain of 130% .....

  • Even though the micro-cap stocks have been the biggest percent gainers since the recent Feb 28th GDX-to-Gold ratio low ... these stocks are generally suited more towards smaller trading accounts & smaller trades .....
  • Micro-cap stocks often have very limited liquidity ... which generally means you can't come in/out of these stocks with huge size without being exposed to substantial liquidity risks.

I do not give investment advice ... I am not an investment advisor ... i do not have a securities license ... i am not getting paid by a mining company or 3rd party to disseminate this information ... I am basically just publishing my own opinions & observations based upon my own research & chart work.
Why do i follow the Precious Metals market closely? ... because I believe fiat money is flawed in it's ability to hold purchasing power ... i also own one of the larger known single undeveloped Placer Gold deposits in the south-central interior of British Columbia.
submitted by DudeSun_AG to GoldSilverStocks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:47 zixmanroll What are the different use cases for rune crossbow vs hunter's sunlight crossbow?

Hello! Early-mid level iron approaching the necessary fletching level, and I was just wondering when I should be using each, and also how they compare with one another in general? My understanding is that hunter's is used for general slayer and low def monsters while RCB is for bossing and high def monsters; is that right? And if not, please correct me. Thanks!
submitted by zixmanroll to ironscape [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:41 Hot-Farmer-2064 How to store bathroom items (combs, beauty products, etc?)

So my bathroom has small cabinets behind the mirrors but there is limited space and usually they are meant for meds and stuff. currently I have them filled with all my beauty products, floss, toothpaste and even q tips. However, there isn't enough room so things like my comb, other beauty product that are large such as facial wash, toothbrush and generally everything else is laying around my sink causing a huge mess.
I throw the rest of the stuff underneath the sink such as detergent, floor cleanser stuff, shaving stuff, hair blowdryer etc.
I try putting them in a basket but that doesn't really work because every month or so it gets all sticky and things just decay and don't look fresh anymore due to it being out in the open.
Anyways I would like ideas for something that can make things more organize and easier for me. Something like a circular stand that have holes big enough to put my toothbrush and other tools like my comb, but space is even enough that they don't contimanite each others. Like I never understood how people store their comb when it is used on their head which has oil grease , bacteria, etc. Do you need a lid to enclose it still to prevent that?
Any help or lead would be very helpful. Links would most def be appreciated. Thank you for your time!
submitted by Hot-Farmer-2064 to minimalism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:40 Hot-Farmer-2064 How to store bathroom items (combs, beauty products, etc?)

So my bathroom has small cabinets behind the mirrors but there is limited space and usually they are meant for meds and stuff. currently I have them filled with all my beauty products, floss, toothpaste and even q tips. However, there isn't enough room so things like my comb, other beauty product that are large such as facial wash, toothbrush and generally everything else is laying around my sink causing a huge mess.
I throw the rest of the stuff underneath the sink such as detergent, floor cleanser stuff, shaving stuff, hair blowdryer etc.
I try putting them in a basket but that doesn't really work because every month or so it gets all sticky and things just decay and don't look fresh anymore due to it being out in the open.
Anyways I would like ideas for something that can make things more organize and easier for me. Something like a circular stand that have holes big enough to put my toothbrush and other tools like my comb, but space is even enough that they don't contimanite each others. Like I never understood how people store their comb when it is used on their head which has oil grease , bacteria, etc. Do you need a lid to enclose it still to prevent that?
Any help or lead would be very helpful. Links would most def be appreciated. Thank you for your time!
submitted by Hot-Farmer-2064 to beauty [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:40 Hot-Farmer-2064 How to store bathroom items (combs, beauty products, etc?)

So my bathroom has small cabinets behind the mirrors but there is limited space and usually they are meant for meds and stuff. currently I have them filled with all my beauty products, floss, toothpaste and even q tips. However, there isn't enough room so things like my comb, other beauty product that are large such as facial wash, toothbrush and generally everything else is laying around my sink causing a huge mess.
I throw the rest of the stuff underneath the sink such as detergent, floor cleanser stuff, shaving stuff, hair blowdryer etc.
I try putting them in a basket but that doesn't really work because every month or so it gets all sticky and things just decay and don't look fresh anymore due to it being out in the open.
Anyways I would like ideas for something that can make things more organize and easier for me. Something like a circular stand that have holes big enough to put my toothbrush and other tools like my comb, but space is even enough that they don't contimanite each others. Like I never understood how people store their comb when it is used on their head which has oil grease , bacteria, etc. Do you need a lid to enclose it still to prevent that?
Any help or lead would be very helpful. Links would most def be appreciated. Thank you for your time!
submitted by Hot-Farmer-2064 to homeimprovementideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:39 Hot-Farmer-2064 How to store bathroom items (combs, beauty products, etc?)

So my bathroom has small cabinets behind the mirrors but there is limited space and usually they are meant for meds and stuff. currently I have them filled with all my beauty products, floss, toothpaste and even q tips. However, there isn't enough room so things like my comb, other beauty product that are large such as facial wash, toothbrush and generally everything else is laying around my sink causing a huge mess.
I throw the rest of the stuff underneath the sink such as detergent, floor cleanser stuff, shaving stuff, hair blowdryer etc.
I try putting them in a basket but that doesn't really work because every month or so it gets all sticky and things just decay and don't look fresh anymore due to it being out in the open.
Anyways I would like ideas for something that can make things more organize and easier for me. Something like a circular stand that have holes big enough to put my toothbrush and other tools like my comb, but space is even enough that they don't contimanite each others. Like I never understood how people store their comb when it is used on their head which has oil grease , bacteria, etc. Do you need a lid to enclose it still to prevent that?
Any help or lead would be very helpful. Links would most def be appreciated. Thank you for your time!
submitted by Hot-Farmer-2064 to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:37 icedcoffeeprincesa Dizziness worse at night?

Anyone else notice their dizziness increases after dinnearound bed time? I was feeling decent today like 75% normal maybe but then after dinner I was sitting in bed and felt really dizzy and off. Idk why this tends to happen at night for me and I just get more dizzy/feel off. Now I’m feeling anxious which never helps. It’s been 7 months for me (since November 2023) after a week of horrible panic attacks. I’ve improved a lot and def am not as bad as I was back in winter. I notice it most after my car stops and I’m parked/sitting in my car or just sitting still in general. This feeling isn’t new since it comes when I had anxiety or panic for years, this time is just stuck around and I think I traumatized myself when it first started by thinking it was something severe or permanent and read that PPPD is for life which is a lie. Anyone else relate? Sending healing to everyone ❤️
submitted by icedcoffeeprincesa to pppdizziness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:17 bowdowntopossums Buspar lower eye twitches

Hey! I’m taking Buspar 5 mg three times a day. I just hit a month taking it. For the last week, I have had an under eye muscular twitch (maybe vein twitch?) for the last week. It was just the morning the first two days, and now it’s most of the day. It hasn’t been crazy obvious but I’ve noticed it and it’s annoying. I upped my morning dose to 10 mg and it’s def gotten more pronounced.
Has anyone had this and had it go away? Or have any of you had it and got feedback from your prescriber that it was benign or something to be concerned about? I’ve seen eye twitching in the side effects list but nothing noting seriousness. But also dyskinesia (involuntary muscle twitching) is shown on the rare concerning side effects list, but eye twitches are listed separately so I don’t know. I also saw this website that said eye twitches are common the first month and seems to drop off after that but I’m just at a month now and it’s more obvious.
My naturopath who prescribed this to me - I’m the first person she’s ever put on it so I don’t know if she’d know if it’s a concern or not if I reach out. I really don’t want to stop taking it unless it’s an actual danger - it’s helping a lot with my anxiety. And I know eye twitching can just happen as a symptom of anxiety but it’s never happened to me before, and it being consistent now makes me think it’s the med.
Hx about me: lifelong general anxiety disorder, ulcerative colitis, IBS, daily cannabis and CBD user, currently on the week before my period when my hormones go insane. Not sure if maybe any of that can be contributing factors.
Thanks for all your insight!
submitted by bowdowntopossums to BusparOnline [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:29 momof2under2 Recently Adopted

Hi all - I recently adopted a 5 year old goldendoodle. It’s literally been 24 hours since we got him. He’s F1b so one parent was a goldendoodle and the other was a poodle. He’s a former stud and came house trained but I feel like we’re having a slight issue with general dog manners, so I want to see if I’m overreacting (I’m totally ok with me being the actual problem here) or if it’s not over the top for me to want to do a course at petsmart or with a trainer.
  1. Recall is like zero. We got him yesterday and I’ve been taking him out on his leash to go potty. He won’t poop on the leash so we let him off leash and my husband had to chase him down. He found is way home (hilarious to me because at least he knows I’m his new dog mom? He went one house too far until I called him lol). Do I need to give this more time? I don’t want to go off leash again to be quite honest but my fence is still in progress (fencing in an entire acre), but I don’t want him not pooping because it’s clear he’d rather die than go inside (which I reallyyyyy appreciate because I can’t do not potty trained).
  2. If I start to ball up a blanket to lay down, he’s trying to hump. Is it too late to get him fixed?
  3. My husband came home at 4am this AM (from work) and Hudson had a fit. I had to call him off and go get physically get him so he could calm down. My husband is the dog person in our home, he says this is totally normal and in fact he was happy about it because it shows he is def more of a guard dog. My husband then took him outside and was able to show him that he lives here etc, and now all is well. Again, is this problematic? I don’t really know, I’ve not been raised around dogs at all.
  4. Hudson has a tendency to pretty much drag me across the yard when he’s on leash. He is very strong. He does not do this to my husband so we’re thinking he knows who the alpha is (hint hint it’s not me even though I’m more of security to him because when I leave he whines). I’ve been told how to mitigate this (keep the leash short, stop when he pulls) but again, I’m thinking training would help reinforce this?
Overall, I’m pretty satisfied with his behavior. He only barks to let us know someone unfamiliar is coming. He doesn’t drool all over and he doesn’t get on furniture unless he’s invited up. House trained and really good with my kids, which was the absolute most important thing for me. I really like that he can wonder around the house without either eating/tearing shit up or using my house as a restroom.
Would yall do an obedience course or do we need more time to adjust? Again it’s been 24 hours so I know I could really be overreacting here but I want to get in front of anything.
submitted by momof2under2 to Goldendoodles [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:07 Wrong-Ad3247 As a sci captain, switch Solonea def for colony?

As a sci captain, switch Solonea def for colony?
I mean, I know the colony is not upgraded yet, but I can't imagine it will be THAT much better.
I recently did a Rate My Build, and one thing I was told to do was switch my gold Solonea for the Colony def, for it's "huge amount" of crit. But I'd be dropping like, 50 EPG! I dunno man.. even if I were to wait for an ult up for the colony, making it epic, is it worth it for a sci cap to switch to the colony?
P.S. As a sci, and to all sci caps out there, what is your best choice for the Epic Prize?
submitted by Wrong-Ad3247 to sto [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:03 BOfficeStats BOT Presale Tracking (June 8). Lord of the Rings Re-Releases aiming for a nice opening. Thursday previews: Inside Out 2 ($11.46M), A Quiet Place: Day One ($4.20M), Deadpool and Wolverine ($27.27M), and Twisters ($3.64M).

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 31
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Quorum Update (June 7)
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp using TheFlatLannister's Florida comp: $11.46M
The Bikeriders
A Quiet Place: Day One Average Thursday Comp: $4.20M
Deadpool and Wolverine Average Thursday Comp: $27.27M
Despicable Me 4
Twisters Average Thursday Comp: $3.64M
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated June 6):
Presale Tracking Posts:
May 11
May 14
May 16
May 18
May 21
May 23
May 25
May 28
May 30
June 1
June 4
June 6
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:25 Annual-Ordinary4107 TBR 2024

Hi! New to MCAT here, what's the general consensus for using Berkeley review in 2024-2025? I hear it's not great for PS or CARS, but what about BB and CP? I have both TBR and Kaplan, and TBR def looks way more dense/harder to get thru, but still has lots of practice. So if TBR BB and CP are actually good I'll grind it out (I'm not in any time crunch), but if its not representative then I wont.
Thank you sm!
submitted by Annual-Ordinary4107 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:30 beazu4 I'm upset

This will sound pathetic (i know). So i was extremely bullied when i was in middle school. High school wasn't great either. I had issues with people from my previous job and i don't have any good friends in college either. I do have a lot of aquantainces but i genuinely do find it hard to make good friends, i always feel like i'm bothering people with my existence and that i will say the wrong thing or like i have to completely please them just so they would pay attention to me or love me. I just always had problems with people around me and i feel like i really do attract negative people in general. So in conclusion and all in all, i do have low self esteem. One month ago, i connected with a guy my age through my old random account dedicated to music and he is someone who seems really sweet and we have so much in common and he litterally talks like me and he will come to see me next month and we've been chatting like a lot and it's a very supportive communication, it's not toxic, it's not like we are talking 24/7 (there were some days when we litterally were) but we do inform how we are doing and we usually share new music of the artists we love so yeah, it's been amazing and i'm really happy that i met someone like him, he made me feel good through online on some days when i felt low. So i've had couple of online friends i guess but it was litterally never anything serious and i can't remember when i felt this connection with someone online and i def never met an online friend in real life which will happen soon with him. So he will come to see me soon and even tho i'm nervous to see him in real life, i do think he is def worth to meet. When we started talking, he told me he met a lot of good people online and he even met one in real life too and i was like ok whatevs but i did told him i'm not really an online girl. After a month of knowing each other, he posted some cute friendship photos on IG tagging me and it was a really cute post and i felt honestly like a pretty special person to him online. And i noticed he never posted something like that to anyone. We both said to each other that we feel like we know each other a lot longer then just one month and we can't wait to see each other. Couple of days later, he posted also a cute post dedicated to another online person and it was really beautiful. I noticed he does have a lot of friends in real life too, he's a very social person. But anyways, i started to feel incredibly jealous, insecure and extremely stressed out for some reason. I felt really guility for feeling such negative emotions over such a stupid thing. It felt stupid but like i genuinely felt special for being the only person that he posted and he pretty much gave a very similiar speech to another friend. I also noticed that they started to interact just couple of days when we started talking for the first time so he started talking to both of us at the similiar time. So litterally every negative experiences with my previous toxic, short-term friends kept haunting me in my head. "You are the most negative person i've ever met" (this happened when i told a person i thought was my friend that i have depression and suicidal thoughts), "She's more special and better than you, that's why i will always choose her" (toxic trio)...etc. It's so stupid and immature for me to say this but i felt extremely upset over that. And it is def not his fault. He seems like a very respectful and cool person who is just more friendly with others and i know i def have issues with my head. After that, we still talk a lot and i genuinely love talking to him and he wants to talk to me too and i did told him litterally on the same day he posted a cute friendship post to that girl that i'm someone who feels insecure with friendships due to my past and he was even respectful with that. Before that, he kinda thought that i'm more like him when it comes to friendships. But he was really sweet and he litterally told me that i can always talk to him and count on him and that i will def not feel alone when he comes this summer and he told me that he was also a pretty lonely kid in middle school too and it was really amazing of him to say everything he said but i still felt upset. I feel like i wanted him to just tell me that i'm special and that he needs me, not the other way around. I still felt horrible (even tho he genuinely said all the good things) but i keep feeling like the other people are probably more fun in his life rather than talking to my depressing ass. I keep feeling like this one month of online friendship didn't really mean much to him like it did to me. Like he already said he met a lot of online friends and maybe the other person is more special to him or like he doesn't give an f when he already has a lot of good friends in real life too. He did said i can talk to him about anything but i def don't want to tell him like "oh i just want to be special to u." I keep feeling anxious and insecure talking to him after that like i don't know what's wrong with me. And like i'm def overreacting over such a stupid thing but i keep feeling self-conscious and i keep feeling worse and worse at the thought of meeting him. I feel like i will disappoint him with my behaviour, i feel like i will maybe bother him or like he would just strongly dislike me after meeting me. Litterally him posting something to that other online friend triggered some demon in me. I kept crying over this yesterday cause it's like no wonder you have no friends when you keep feeling upset over such stupid shit. And we always have such fun and amazing conversations and today i felt anxious to talk to him, even tho he was his good old self. I feel like i'm gonna tell him that i need an online break of like 5 days so i can figure myself more. Like maybe i should do that? He will come to see me in like 2/3 weeks but idk, i have no idea how i will survive that when i have such horrible thoughts that everything is gonna go wrong. I'm scared that i will ruin something special due to my ass. And i still feel like i probably don't mean shit to him while here i am, feeling like i litterally met someone who could be my actual best best friend even tho we are yet to actually meet. I'm sorry for such a long post i don't know why i'm so bothered tf
submitted by beazu4 to Advice [link] [comments]