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The Futurist Party

2012.09.20 22:55 Xenophon1 The Futurist Party

This sub has gone private to protest the API changes. Will it be back? Will Reddit survive? Who can say? Until then, have you tried reading a book? My book recommendation today is the Vaults of Lore - Agicalia Volume One: Magic's End! No lie, its very long. Like Cryptonomicon long! By the time you finish, you'll probably wonder how many books you could have just read instead of scrolling through Reddit.

2016.09.26 17:00 functional analysis


2024.05.17 01:16 alpacasonice How often do you communicate with your friends?

I’m namely thinking of close friends but feel free to add on to that if you want.
I’m in my late 20s and while I knew it’d be harder to keep in touch with people after college (especially since I moved out of state), I’m surprised by how little others seem to communicate compared to me. Part of it definitely could be that I’m just a chattier person. But I joke that if I send my friends a text, (for some of them) it’ll take 3-5 business days to get a response - regardless of whether it’s something serious, a funny TikTok, whatever. Personally, unless I have a really extenuating circumstance, I make sure I respond to everybody the same day they reach out to me, even if it’s to say “hey, I’m busy right now, I’ll get back to you!“ And before anybody says “they’re busy“ – I have kept that rule throughout times that I have had a full-time job, side gigs, and grad school all at the same time. Out of my friends, I’ve got some who work a full-time job (no side gigs), a full-time student, and a SAHM. Yet they are all pretty similar in terms of communication.
And it’s not that these friends don’t care about me – I know they do because they show it when we do actually interact. But am I expecting too much? Is this what it’s like for everybody, or did I just happen to make friends with a slew of people who have completely different communication preferences to me?
submitted by alpacasonice to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:15 TheDrippySink Please add a Support Weapon stat screen and a "Demolition" tag for weapons for weapons that close bug holes or break fabricators.

I feel like both of these things would be excellent QOL additions that will also only become more useful as the game moves forward.
I would really like to be able to compare the stats of weapons like the Stalwart, MG, and HMG. Perhaps this could be its own page in the Armory, since that's where Primary, Secondary, Grenades, and Armors can be compared.
More weapons will be added, and as they are, more specifics will be necessary to understand and define. Now is the best time to get a leg-up on this kind of thing while the weapon pools are at their smallest.
The "Explosive" weapon tag currently seems to function as a catch-all for weapons that have any form of explosive property, whether that be AoE on impact, a change in armor penetration due to the round detonating, the type of damage the weapon actually does, or if the weapon can or cannot interact with destroyable objects. I think the quality that is likely most often sought is the "interacts with destroyable objects," primarily Bug Holes and Bot Fabricators.
I feel like having a tag for weapons that is only applied to them if they can be used to shoot and destroy those enemy structures would save a lot of people time and confusion.
What do you guys think?
submitted by TheDrippySink to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:14 Imaginary-Eye7634 I feel like my 18m girlfriend 18f is verbally abusing me and I feel trapped by love for her

I posted this to another forum a couple days ago, and a lot of people keep telling me its abuse. I know its not nearly as awful as some of the scenarios here, but I would love some opinions on whats going on. Thank you everyone <3
For context, I am in University about 50 miles from where she and my parents live, so I commute every weekend and most weekdays to see her. I love her. Plain and simple, in so many ways. We used to work together until she got a better job recently. Yesterday was her birthday. I made her some cookies common in the continent she's from, and baked them into heart shapes. I also got her 25$ of lottery tickets, flowers, her favorite energy drink, and a handwritten card with a lot of writing and drawings of us and her cat. I dropped it off to her in the morning after an all-nighter (going through it with finals and papers right now) and drove to the University to work my full shift. First she texted me thanking me for the gift, then asked me "what the fuck" those cookies were and that she choked on them. I was sad, told her what they were, and she told me I shouldn't have cooked something as a gift since I'm a bad cook. (I am, but I've made other stuff that she liked in the past). She also complained that the whole point of buying lottery tickets is to buy them, not to scratch them (I disagree?). She texted me that I shouldn't have gotten her anything if it was just going to be low effort.
I saw her later that night after she got out of work, and she was mad at me. She said I ruined her birthday by giving such a low effort gift, and that I didn't care about her. She brought up that I ruined her birthday last year too (by not immediately stopping our text conversation about some other girl and wishing her happy birthday the minute it got past midnight). Anytime I responded that I did put effort into the cookies, she would just deny it. Incredibly frustrating since I know how much effort I put in. She was mad the flowers I got her were not in a boquet, only loose, which didn't make it seem like a special occasion. At the heart of it she was mad that my gifts weren't special? To me the card and cookies were plenty special but she just says that it was stuff I've given her other days. She started calling me ret*rded, to which I responded "You're mean to me and I don't like it". I don't remember much of what she said (I'd had 4 hours of sleep in the past 2 nights), but she doubled down and continued calling me a wide variety of hurtful words, from ret*rded to stupid to childish and immature. I was already long sobbing, and in the middle asked her to just hit me instead. She obviously refused. She asked if I even wanted to go on our trip this upcoming weekend. I responded yes, and she replied that maybe I don't if I don't care about her enough to get her a decent gift.
She's horrifically depressed, and I know she has some specific trauma in response to people not caring about her birthdays. I think that explains part of it. Still, I tried. I am also depressed myself. I've tried bringing it up to her a few times and she responds that I'm "always b*tching too much" because my life is so perfect. Compared to hers its way better, yes, but that doesn't mean I need a reason to be depressed. She's also acted distant the entire Spring semester. I rarely spend time with her, and even more rarely is it time that isn't just "okay we can see each other for 5 minutes but I have to go in". We havent' had sex since January, or cuddling. I very much miss both of these things, and we've had (rare) opportunities for them shes missed because shes too busy sleeping (I'm not allowed in her appartment to join her, mom discovered we had sex).
At the end of being yelled at when she denied me a hug and told me essentially to go away, I had a nervous break. Honestly I've been working too much and I'm overwhelmed with needing to find a new second job and the immense weight of finals and final essays ,things breaking on my car, and now this. I sped off, her and her mom heard my tires squealing and uninvited me from the trip. I drove recklessly for about 2-3 minutes on backroads while scream-crying about killing myself and fighting the urge to drive into a tree. Not proud of it. But I am devastated about missing the trip. She backed out on us living together, and promised we could have time to cuddle on the trip. I honestly don't feel like I have anything to look forward to.
I do a lot for her. I drive two hours round trip every time I want to see her, sometimes even for 5 minutes to drop off some food before going back. I've spent the past academic year working to support our long-standing plans of moving out together (This past weekend was my first time having more than one day off in a row since accompanying her to her surgery in October). I bring her flowers weekly, at work I do all of the hard stuff for her and massage her shoulders if she feels sore. I bring her food from my University and any treats she wants from the surrounding stores. I always ask if she wants anything. I have never said anything hurtful to her. She apologizes when she hurts my feelings too much and she realizes it, like last night. I spend thousands on her, whether jewelry (the most expensive ring she lost), buying her contacts or paying big bills when shes strugglign like drivers' ed or her wheel bearing replacements.
She texted me that shes sorry I'm not going and that she hurt me but I need to control my emotions better. That she loves me so much and regardless of our fights she will always love me so much. I responded that I felt like an unappreciated chore and didnt want to get yelled at. She replied that I'm not a chore she just hasnt had time and has been too depressed to make time for me. We texted a bit and I slept a few hours until my final/work today. She clearly didn't like me defending myself by saying that if i got a present i didnt like i wouldnt call my partner a "worthless ret*rd" by responding "i never called you worthless dont put words in my mouth...i sent you messages apologizing and being worried and your response is victimizing and arguing more...not happy with ruining my birthday? had to go further and ruin the day after?"
We've been texting each other throughout the day happier things. She's been sending me recipes to be a better cook and wants me to see her for 5 minutes after work in about 2 hours from the time of writing. I want to be with her. I love her, I've done so much, I will continue. But I feel like I'm being verbally abused. And I don't know how to stop it. I'm so overwhelmed with everythign in my life and I really just need someone on my side. I think i'll just first establish a rule of not interrupting/yelling and then telling her how hurt and lonely I feel. That I love her and I can totally work with her on managing time for me and depression but that I cannot tolerate verbal abuse.
TLDR: Gave girlfriend cookies for her birthday. She didnt like them and called me a ret*rd. I had a nervous break from other combined stressors, made a scene with reckless driving, got uninvited to a trip with her and her mom. She is texting me recipes and being nice to me today. I will see her in a few hours. I am hurt and overwhelmed with life and just want to be treated like I'm loved.
Thank you readers
EDIT: I would appreciate some more input. I'm so confused and torn. She picked me up today for our talk. I hoped for a long, communicative drive about our relationship and how we can make it better for both of us. She decided we were going to Target and we "might drive around a little" after. It started off wonderful. She said I was mature in a lot of aspects, thanked me for putting up with her, saying she knows its difficult and she appreciates me sticking around with her. It seemed like well-desired clarity for me. I loved it. I thanked her, it validated me. We agreed that we should be there for each other above everything and that communication was important. She gave me the tip of telling her to "think about what you're saying" next time she yells at me and she will stop, and mentioned that we will have a lot more time together when her school ends in "a few weeks". I asked her if she was happy in our relationship and she said absolutely, that if she wasn't she would have already left me (I believe it). She apologized for snapping at me, but said that "if I asked her to cuddle one more time she would" (I've been bringing it up and she keeps telling me when she gets time. Weeks pass, I ask again, she gets mad that she always says the same thing)
We went to Target, and things were good. We talked about other things. She very quickly shifted the conversation. I'd read about avoidant personalities in relationships and brought it up to her in the car that she might be one. She said that stuff was fake and meaningless. I also read that it might be best to approach it with compassion and more "these things make me feel good" as opposed to "this makes me feel bad". She interrupted me and told me to stop because it was annoying me saying "I love you so much". Not what I was going to say. It ended up as another argument, or at least for her. I kept saying that it was important for us to communicate, and that I felt like the problem would come up again if we didn't finish. She said we communicated too much and "why did I have to bring it up" because we moved past it and it ended on a high note and I just had to keep repeating myself and causing an argument and bring it into a negative note. I told her I wasn't arguing she was, and that there was no such thing as "too much" communication for me. For her, she said there was, and that by not shutting up about it I was making little things that she would nitpick and get mad at me for.
I said the lack of communication and connection was stressing me out, she said that I'm always stressed. That she was stressed too, tired with a headache and needing to pack for the trip I was uninvited from. I said maybe we should both go to a psychologist, she replied that she already did and was "fixed" and was waiting on me to finally go.
Since she didn't want to talk about it, I tried to change the subject, but she was silent. Still gave me an "I love you" and told me I'd see her in a week.
Parents are telling me to run away that she's toxic and manipulative. Same with you people here. I deeply appreciate the advice, its just really really hard to think of it this way. I thought I would marry her. I still hope she can change and I can, but it just seems increasingly unlikely. It's heartbreaking, I love so much about her, miss so much about her, and being alone is terrifying. I fear if I did leave as everyone is suggesting I may not find another person like her that I love as much.
My current plan, I'll just focus on myself and kind of "clock out" of the idea that she is the only person I am capable of loving and that she treats me perfectly while still being supportive of her for the next few weeks. I still have some hope that she'll be better in the weeks shes free. I don't know, I'll just focus on my life and put her on the same priority she puts me.
submitted by Imaginary-Eye7634 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:04 Marxist-Grayskullist Souls, A Primer

An old research paper reprinted in cheap textbooks:
Tibius Magdorus
Skingrad School of Julianos
4E 357
The nature of the soul has been a matter of debate among scholars and priests for millennia. However, recent research has brought us much closer to the truth of such matters, at least as the soul pertains to the old “white” and “black” divides. Indeed, many misconceptions must be rectified, and that is the purpose of this paper. First, however, some history needs to be established.
The original divide between white and black souls was devised by Vanus Galerion (2E 581) in order to combat the Order of the Black Worm by establishing legal “white” souls trapped from non-sapient beings and illegal “black” souls harvested from sapient beings. This has remained the “common knowledge” of souls even to this very day. It is, however, a purely political construct which bears little similarity to actually existing modern research. After all, Galerion’s old system of soul trapping defined the souls of Minotaurs as “white,” which would no doubt disturb our friends from Sancre Tor.
In modern terminology the “color” of a soul is not a matter of size or humanity, but content. White souls are raw Anuic creatia, formless and easily shaped by the psychomancer. All souls are white at birth; research performed by scholars at the University of Kragenmoor (Rallon et al., 4E 355) found that the souls of feti are not significantly different in substance from the soul of an ox or a goat, often weaker. Black souls are dense with psychic substance: as mortal souls absorb mythic pollution in the form of memories, emotion, knowledge, belief, daedrons, magicka and so on, the density increases, the soul becoming “darker.” This process is a spectrum, however, not the crude binary dated literature might lead you to believe. The most common “black” souls in usage, those of condemned prisoners, are not as dense as the souls of great mages; size is also known to be variable, mammoths and very old trolls often have souls as large as an average Dunmer or Nibenean (Adair et al., 4E 250).
In the past, necromancers erroneously believed black souls were inherently superior to white souls. Today enchanters and psychomancers have noted that both souls have drawbacks. White souls are generally useful for any kind of task, but are weak and therefore require a larger quantity for any given product. In contrast, black souls are much stronger but are specialized. Argonian souls, for example, produce more reliable water-breathing amulets and war veteran souls are more useful in combat-enhancing enchantments. Otherwise they are only about as powerful as a “grand” level white soul, sometimes weaker (see again, Adair et al., 4E 250).
Perhaps the most recent controversy in soul science has been the issue of “souldust,” the residual soul particulates which are emitted from ingenium workshops. They seem to have negative effects on overexposure; the Benevolence of Mara in Bravil (4E 356) reporting incidents of patients gaining memories of other lives, imbalanced emotions, dissociated identities, increased agitation, disturbing dreams, insomnia, and mental fatigue. A similar report found this “soul sickness” is disrupting natural ecosystems, killing plants and causing abnormal behavior in animals (Elisgan and Cassa, 4E 341). Counter arguments from the Chorrol Academy and the University of Skywatch refute this, insisting such diseases are more complex and souldust is a negligible variable (Doran, 4E 347; Larethal, 4E 350). May future research endeavor to clarify these mysteries and unlock the true potential of the soul.
Adaire, V., Gaien, L., N’Thula, & al-Rihad, J. (4E 260). Variations of soul productivity in arcane engineering. Journal of Psychomancy, 9(1), 28-40.
Benevolence of Mara, Bravil. (4E 346). Modern soul-sickness in Tamriel. Benevolence of Mara Health Reports.
Doran, U. (4E 347). A refutation of the Benevolence of Mara’s ideological warfare on modern industry. Chorrol Academy Press.
Elisgan and Cassa. (4E 341). Souldust pollution in Woodhearth and environs. Republic Ecology Review, 10(1), 50-91.
Galerion, V. (2E 581). Guild Memo on Soul Trapping. Collected Texts of the Mages Guild, pp. 399*.*
Larethal, K. (4E 350). Souldust pollution re-examined. University of Skywatch Magazine.
Rallon, Z., Hlaalo, C., Sadryon, A., & Gulas, T. (4E 355). An analysis of stillborn souls. Kragenmoor University Press.
submitted by Marxist-Grayskullist to PGE_4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:47 birdandsheep The Qingjing Jing, Part 2

Hello again friends. I wasn't kidding when I said this was a slow process for me. Plus the end of the semester and life getting in the way, I have not had anywhere near enough time for studying. But it's summer now! So I expect to make some quicker progress.
Today I have the next section of this seemingly underappreciated Daoist text along with my amateur translation, which I'd like to present for your enjoyment and feedback. First part is here.
Those which Dao are clear, are opaque, are active, are still. ^1
Male is clear, female is opaque. Male is active, female is still ^2.
Descending from the beginning, flowing to the end ^3 , and all the myriad things are born.
Clarity is the origin of opacity.
Activity is the root of stillness.
When people are always able to be clear and still, heaven and earth will certainly revert. ^4
Comments and Questions:
  1. I don't think "those which Dao" is a completely natural way of speaking, but I found it hard to capture what this means. I venture to guess it means something like "act in accordance with," or "act as" in the same way that in English you can say "horsing around," but you don't literally mean being a horse. You mean acting as a horse acts. This is something like "Dao-ing," or so. Rouzer's book has taught me the character 順 for "to act in accordance with," or maybe more concisely, just "follows, "but this is not what the text says. I won't speculate on why the author chose what characters they were, but I found it interesting to not say "follows the Dao." Dao is not a monarch you obey.
  2. I've read Dao De Jing (DDJ) in English in college, and I've seen many antilogies presented in the text as conceptual opposites. I think this is more of these. If so, then we might stretch some of the meanings of these characters. I picked "opaque" for 濁 but I think really it literally means like "muddy." The opacity of water that is polluted. But since it's in contrast with "clear," which could be either literally clear like transparent or also conceptually clear, I just picked the broadest English word I could find that could handle all these usages.
  3. This sentence has no subject?
  4. I'm not sure I've got this part completely right. I just had to make up the word "when" for the beginning because I couldn't make sense of it otherwise. I'm also not sure about the word "certainly." My dictionary tells me that 悉 means "in all cases" or "to know," and 皆 means "all" or "everyone." So it seems a little redundant to have them both, but I interpreted the relationship between the two uses of 悉 to be sort of like when you know P is true because one of either A or B is true, and they both imply P. Does that make sense? Like when you know something because it's true no matter what. If that's right, then I think "certainly" might be a good fit, but I'm guessing.
I'm pretty sure "revert" is right here. In DDJ, you see references to reversion to one's original state, seeing one's true nature, going back to being undifferentiated, etc.
So how did I do? I crossed 100 characters while studying these and I feel like I'm improving, but the road ahead is very long, and I appreciate guidance from everyone more experienced than me.
submitted by birdandsheep to classicalchinese [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:44 muhelen Understanding Vallinam Consonants in Tamil: Preserving the Integrity of Our Language

Tamil, one of the oldest and most classical languages, is rich in its phonetic and scriptural structure. One of the key aspects of mastering Tamil is understanding its consonant classifications: வல்லினம் (Vallinam), மெல்லினம் (Mellinam), and இடையினம் (Idaiyinam). This article focuses on the வல்லின மெய்யெழுத்துக்கள் (Vallinam consonants) and their significance in preserving the purity and integrity of the Tamil language, especially in the context of transliteration and foreign word adaptation.
What are Vallinam Consonants?
Vallinam consonants, or hard consonants, are a fundamental part of the Tamil alphabet. These consonants are pronounced with more force compared to their mellinam (soft) and idaiyinam (medium) counterparts. Tamil comprises six vallinam consonants:
• க் (k) • ச் (ch) • ட் (ṭ) • த் (t) • ப் (p) • ற் (ṟ) 
These consonants are crucial in maintaining the phonetic structure of the language.
The Importance of Proper Transliteration
When incorporating words from other languages, it is essential to adapt them correctly to fit Tamil phonetics. Improper transliteration not only distorts the pronunciation but also affects the readability and aesthetic of the language. Here are some common mistakes and their correct forms:
1. Starting with Consonants: • Incorrect: ப்ரீத்தி (Preethi) • Correct: பிரீத்தி (Preethi) • Incorrect: ப்ரேமா (Prema) • Correct: பிரேமா (Prema) 2. Ending with Consonants: • Incorrect: கிரிக்கெட் (cricket) • Correct: கிரிக்கெட்டு (cricket) • Incorrect: கோர்ட் (court) • Correct: கோர்ட்டு (court) 3. Class and Glass: • Incorrect: க்ளாஸ் (class) • Correct: கிளாசு (class) • Alternatively, use Tamil words: வகுப்பு (for class), கண்ணாடி (for glass) 4. Words Should Not Start or End with Consonants Alone: • Avoid starting words with a standalone consonant. • Avoid ending words with a vallinam consonant without a vowel sound. 
Examples and Corrections:
To further illustrate, here are a few more examples of proper usage:
• ப்ளான் (plan) should be பிளான் (plan) • ப்ரொஃபசர் (Professor) should be புரொபசர் (Professor) or better, பேராசிரியர் 
Adapting these words correctly ensures they align with the natural flow and pronunciation of Tamil.
Why Should We Care?
Preserving the integrity of Tamil script and pronunciation is not merely an academic exercise; it is about maintaining the cultural and historical richness of the language. Every language evolves, but it is crucial that such evolution respects the foundational rules that define its uniqueness. By adhering to proper transliteration practices, we:
• Maintain phonetic consistency. • Enhance readability for native speakers. • Preserve the aesthetic and structural integrity of Tamil. 
Understanding and correctly using vallinam consonants is a vital aspect of writing and speaking Tamil. Whether you are a native speaker, a learner, or someone involved in transliteration of foreign words into Tamil, being mindful of these rules helps preserve the language’s purity and richness.
In conclusion, let us embrace the responsibility of safeguarding our language by adhering to these simple yet significant guidelines. By doing so, we honor the beauty and complexity of Tamil, ensuring it continues to thrive for generations to come.
submitted by muhelen to tamil [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:40 LasengerX Is T-Mobile officially cheaper than Metro?

Is T-Mobile officially cheaper than Metro?
Am I missing something? it seems like new customers are way better off with regular T-Mobile unless there is something else to it.
Who even is the target audience? If you want to spend you don't go with metro, but now if you want to save you don't come here either. I don't get it.
submitted by LasengerX to MetroPCS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:37 Galaxy_the_nightwing First Impressions part 76

First Previous Next

{Sorry for the late post. I had some trouble with my scheduled summer semester pop up so I wasn't able to write this out as much as I wanted last weekend. Anyways, enjoy the domestic fluff of Damian and his newly expanded flock :) }

"The next one's simple. Say their name then (sit). Like this: Braxton, (sit)." As Damian said the command he raised his hand to around shoulder height and snapped. The Great Dane in question slowly sat with his usual amount of sass. Ree cooed in awe and Scales' eyes sparkled. Damian smiled as he pats the large dog's head with praise.
"(Good boy). Ok, you two. Your turns. Make sure to say the commands in English. I haven't taught them Common yet." He motioned to the dogs Damian picked for the two to learn the commands with. It took Damian a bit of trial and error figuring out what commands each dog knew and what ones had different commands for the same motion. Then it took even longer to retrain them to all follow the same commands. He kept in mind the 'specialized' commands for a few of the dogs and didn't try teaching them to the whole group. Ree tried the command he was teaching them first, his dog being Diesel.
"Trii-cheiu, (sit)." Ree raised his wing-arm, though he couldn’t snap he still did the gesture. The boxer he was talking to blankly tilted his head. Damian chuckled and helped out the bird, knowing they all tend to have problems pronouncing new words without a chirp to them.
"You pronounced his name wrong, he doesn't know you're talking to him. It's more like 'Dee-sell'. The 's' is sharp enough it is almost pronounced as a 'z'." Ree practiced a few times as Scales took her try. She pronounced her dog's name a bit slow, but it was recognizable.
"D-ing-oh, (sit)." The stocky dog hesitated, glancing at Damian for a few seconds, but eventually plopped down then panted in a smile imitation. Scales' tail wagged violently, and she wordlessly cooed and trilled happily. Dingo didn't yet understand that was praise so Damian jumped in really quick to let her know she did good.
"Good girl, Dingo! Good girl!" He made sure to over exaggerate his excitement and made wide happy gestures before smothering the dog in pets and scratches. Dingo goes wild. She jumps up, bounces around a few times, then bolts into excited zoomies. A few of the other dogs joined in on the zoomies. Ree tried again on his command.
"Dee-zell, (sit)." The boxer's cropped ears perked and he promptly sat. Before Damian could, Ree copied his bigwing's previous praising and flared his wings. "Good! Good boy!" He praised, overly happy. Diesel's whole body perked up and he jumped up, landed in a playbow, then spun a few times before joining in on the zoomies with a butt-tuck run when Damian smooched at him. Damian laughed at the zooming dogs and shuffled over to be closer to his chicks, just in case the dogs tried to do fly-bys.
"Good job, you two. We're almost completely through the basic commands. I didn't think we'd get through them this quickly." His chicks cooed, trilled, and wiggled happily at the praise. Damian chuckled and rubbed their feathered heads, making a few bits of baby-fluff fall off as he drew back. He played with the few bits stuck to his fingers and watched his chicks play with the dogs as they started to wrestle. All of the dogs were bigger than them, if only slightly, but they were gentle when letting the chicks join in.
As they played he looked over them. They had changed a lot in the last month or so since the disaster of their first flying lesson. In that time, they had a few more lessons and were almost completely capable of flight, they still had a bit of supervision when they did though. They had lost almost all of their baby-fluff and their adult plumage was sported on the vast majority of their bodies. They still had to shed the last bits of fluff and a few of their baby-scales but that wouldn't take much longer. Damian was still taken with their coloring and patterns. And often found himself studying them over and over like he used to with their parents when he first got here.
Ree was a slightly grey-tinted shade of green with his scales slowly getting darker the higher they went. His stomach was a dirt brown color with a more red-ish clay spot on his chest. All his plumage was a light orage-ish brown color and he had speckles of more pastel green under his right eye and in a clump on his left jaw. His beak took the coloring of Blueberry's, a near-black color, but had the shape of Ruby's. His ears took after Violet's, long and pointed like a stretched fox's. His feathers and fur were more pressed down and made him look slimmer overall. His eyes changed from their baby brown-gold color to a beautiful sky blue.
Scales, on the other hand, had the coloring more towards a bumble bee (from what he remembered anyways). Her main coloring was a bright sunshine yellow that slowly grew more towards orange towards her underbelly and beak. On her chest was a splash-like clump of pink feathers. Her scales were less than her brother's and were a deep brown-ish color. The feathers and fur edging them were a deep enough brown to basically be black. Her plumage reminded him somewhat of Ruby and Sky's. It had a gradual fade towards the end like Sky but the pink-ish color of Ruby. She had near-neon yellow speckles too, like her brother, but the clumps were a bit larger. She had them ending on her wing-forearms like Violet's and a big clump scattered around the left side of her face. Her feathers weren't quite as fluffy as Sky's but was pretty close. Her beak had the shape of Violet's and the near-white tan color of Ruby's. Her eyes had a beautiful dual color in each eye. The top majority was a hot pink/magenta color while the bottom and inside edge was more of a petal/pastel pink.
Both were gorgeous and made Damian wonder how the genetics of their species worked to allow that vast difference in coloration and patterns when compared to all four of their parents, who tended to be different shades of the same color throughout. Ree had finally slowed his quite concerning growth rate and was starting to level out around Damian's upper thigh/lower hip, exceeding the taller of his fathers by quite the margin. All four of his parents telling him that Ree was probably one of the largest of their species in multiple generations. Scales was now barely a third of her brother's size, if that, having evened out just barely shorter than Damian's knee. Apparently that was a bit shorter than average for the species with Ruby being more towards the upper part of the average size and Sky being borderline short.
A demanding snort drew his attention away from his chicks and to the window he claimed as 'his spot' so long ago (was it really only just over one of his years since he was brought here?). There he found Casper lazily curled and dozing on the floor with Ares propped up against her where Damian had set him to nap while he taught his chicks. Said child was no longer asleep though. He was very much awake and staring Damian down with an expression demanding to know why he thought it was a good idea to even dare to set him down and walk away. Nevermind Damian wasn't even ten steps away. Ares snorted demandingly at him again and glared harder at the human's amused snort back. Damian did walk over though and picked up the child when he raised his arms at him. Ares had changed a bit too over the month Damian had him. He'd filled out to a more healthy-looking weight, though he was still a bit thin, and Damian had finally managed to memorize how to properly trim the toddler's hooves and brush out his fur.
Ares still had the bird-like plush and brought it nearly everywhere with him. Said plush was now being whacked into the side of Damian's head. Apparently, Ares decided being held wasn't good enough and wanted something else. Damian tried blocking the hits or holding the toy, but the little brat only started using his hooves in his growing tantrum. Getting tired of being hit with no explanation, Damian took the advice of one of the texts he'd read about taking care of a Grongri child and yanked Ares away from him by his scruff to hang in mid-air. The toddler wiggled and squirmed to try and hit him more but eventually the tantrum dimmed, and he went limp, a small pout on his face.
"You ready to tell me what's wrong now?" He asked the child before he cradled him again. He'd only made that mistake once. He still had the bruises to prove it. Ares glumly flicked his right ear down (which he's learned is a non-verbal yes), pout still present. Damian finally cradled the toddler to his chest again and let him sniffle and bury against him in self-comfort until he was ready to talk. Damian glanced back at his chicks to see them flopped on the ground with the other dogs, all panting and exhausted by the play. Damian chuckled at them, earning an irritated crow from Scales. Damian snorted in amusement but let them be. Ares was finally willing to tell him what was wrong.
"Want learn too." Ares' understanding of both Common and English has come a long way in the past month. He still can't string a proper sentence together, but Damian can't tell if that is because of a lack of knowledge or just because he's a toddler. He has adjusted to the flock a bit too. With it being so different from the usual Grongri Sounder structure it is understandable. He does have a few hiccups here and there but now he mostly just watches the chicks' reaction to things when he is unsure.
"'Learn too'? You wanna learn how to command the dogs too?" Damian questions, making sure he had the same idea. Ares' ear flicked again while he nodded. Damian hugged him a bit closer.
"You're a bit too small for the dogs to obey you immediately but I can introduce one to you and have you start trying. How about that? Will that work?" Ares was quiet for a bit longer but eventually agreed. Damian smiled and praised him with a few pets, receiving a few happy rumbles in response. Damian glanced around at the dogs, trying to pick one for Ares to start working on. He doesn't think any would follow the commands without his own help but if he worked on one long enough it would eventually cave. His eye landed on Casper, who was still in the same curled position as before. She was the most maternal of the group and was the one who took to the children the easiest and quickest.
"Ok, little piglet. Let's start easy." He said as he set the runt down on his hooves. As he did he got Casper's attention and called to her. "Casper. (Stand)." The large white wolfdog looked at him then crawled to her paws. He praised her softly then turned back to Ares.
"Ok. We'll start with (come). Say her name, Casper, and tell her to (come)." He said as he sat down next to where the toddler stood. Ares' little hooves stomped a bit in his excitement, but he tried. He tested out the new word before he did. What he settled on wasn't the right pronunciation, but it was close. He could mostly pronounce the command correctly too, though with a pretty heavy accent.
"Gas-prrrr. (Come)." Casper tilted her head at the child and sniffed at him. She looked at Damian and he looked to Ares then back. Casper followed and glanced, then back. Ares deflated eventually when she still didn't approach so Damian thought up something quickly.
"Maybe she doesn't understand your accent. Try this," He patted the ground, "when you say it. She knows that gesture." Ares perked back up again.
"Okie!" He turned back to Casper and tried again. "Gas-prrrr." He crouched down and clumsily patted the ground like only a toddler could. "(Come)." Casper's ears perked but she still hesitated for a second before slowly padding over and stopping right in front of the child. Ares squealed in excitement, tail going wild and hooves stomping. Damian made his chuff-imitation as praise for the child as he pets Casper to do the same. Child happier now, he figures he could take the kid away for lunch without protest. Scooping up the toddler he received no complaint.
Looking to his chicks he clicked his tongue. He learned that was a good way to gain their attention with zero hesitation, no matter what they were doing. He found out by complete accident, to be honest. He was clicking at the dogs from a habit that hasn't broken despite the years away from the farm he grew up on. Sure enough, just like every time before, both chick's heads immediately whip up to look at him. Both still looked groggy like they had just woken up. They probably had.
"C'mon, you two. Lunch time." The two groaned but climbed to their feet. Damian smiled and them and patted them as they passed. Once they were well on their way, he called the dogs and gathered them as he left behind his chicks. The dogs happily trailed after, excited after they heard the word 'hungry' when he asked. He entered the flock's kitchen, pack in tow, only a handful of minutes later. He had to take a slightly more roundabout way over since some of the dogs hadn’t quite figured out the ladder-like walkways and ramps yet and he didn't want them to fall through and get hurt. His birds greeted him with their usual trills and Untruthful with their latest attempt at teasing.
"So, the Pack Master finally decided to grace us with his presence!" Damian let them know it was a good one by sending a tease back.
"I see you haven't gotten any less spikey yet, walking pincushion." Untruthful's eyes slowly shut in a smile and Damian sent one of his own back, momentarily closing his eyes in an imitation of them. Untruthful looked surprised then they eye-close-smiled harder, spike-crest wiggling their excitement. Damian chuckled at them and set down Ares in his make-shift baby seat.
He chatted with Violet as he grabbed and rationed out the dogs' small lunch. He ignored the protesting whines, grunts, and half-barks urging him to 'go faster already'. Violet advised him to use one type of meat instead of another because of both better nutrients for the dogs and there being more of it. He thanked her and did as told. The dogs' lunch wasn't that big, more of a snack than anything, but it kept them from pouting and begging when everyone else ate. It also had helped him give them meds when they were still healing. They were mostly fine now, apparently Galactic Standard medicine works faster than the stuff he remembers. Finishing with the dogs' food he picks up the bowls, stacking a few to do so, and turns around. He walked past the dogs, chuckling at the excited spins, bounces, and tippy-taps they did as they followed him. He glanced back at them once he made it to the wall the flock had designated as their eating area.
He gave them a stern look and waited. They all eventually sat down, some more slow and reluctant than others. Once they did he placed down the bowls in the designated spots. Braxton and Casper had two stepstool-stand things he placed their bowls on because of how big they were. Once all the bowls were down he turned to look at the dogs. He waited in silence for a bit, snapping or humming warningly whenever one tried to shuffle forward. Once he deemed it long enough he gave the sort-of-command he was on the tail end of teaching them.
"(Ok)." When he said that all six dogs ran over to their bowls and started to eat. Damian strode back over to the counter and helped his birds move some plates to the table then settled cross-legged in his usual spot, Ares immediately crawling into his lap and Scales fluttering to perch on the shoulder opposite the side her brother sat on. The flock started to grab food and eat as they chatted with each other. Damian grabbed a little more than a double portion of fruits, beans (or maybe they were berries?), and a few crunchy finger foods he thinks may be cooked or specially prepared insects. He grabbed roughly more than a single portion (for someone his size anyways) of meats, the few root vegetables presented, and what he thinks may be foods made of bone pieces.
Once his plate was full he placed it down in front of him he reached over to grab a smaller plate and started making that one with tiny portions, letting his three kids have free pickings of his plate as he did. When he finished that plate he sat it in front of mini, receiving a grateful squeak before she dug in. He then propped his arms on the table, completely ignoring both his plate and the children stealing from it as he chattered on with his flock. By the time everyone finished his kids had their fill and were starting to fall asleep like usual after eating.
As his flock started gathering their dishes and the extra food on the table, Damian glanced at what was left of his plate. He made a mental note of how there weren’t as much leftovers as before and to grab bigger portions for dinner. As his flock started to disperse he looked to the dogs and said one of the first new commands he taught them.
"(Pups)." He got their attention. "(Take)." He ordered as he lifted up the half-asleep toddler on his lap. The dogs made whisper-boofs to show they heard and the largest three walked over to pick up the kids by their scruffs. Casper (the biggest, though not my much) grabbed Ree, Braxton grabbed Ares, and Dingo walked over to carefully lift Scales from his shoulder. Once they had a firm grip, they looked to Damian for further instruction.
"(To bed)" He directed as he pointed out the door they came from. The pack turned and left him alone in the room. He sighed to himself once he couldn't hear them anymore and looked back at the leftovers on the plate before him. It was maybe under half a portion for his size, probably less. He glanced at the counters and saw all the leftover food was already put up. He could go grab more but even half a portion for him would be nearly three or four large portions for his flock. No. It wasn’t worth it. He'll just grab more tonight.
He ate the leftovers in silence. Since he's got the dogs his head has been a bit quieter, though not silent. Apparently he was still enough for the building to register the room as empty, and the lights cut out. He blinked and paused at the sudden darkness but there was barely a second of blindness before some of his voices put their hands on his mental controls, giving his eyes a boost of minor night vision. It wasn’t much better than his natural amount of it but it helped. He decided not to go turn on the lights again and continued to eat his food as he peacefully listened to the soft chattering of his voices.
submitted by Galaxy_the_nightwing to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:34 Intern-Entire First attempt a writing / feedback appreciated

Title: None (suggestions welcome) Genre: Sci-fi Word count: 2694 Feedback desired: general impression
Chapter 1: The boy and his mother
1.1 The farm
Hagr stood at the edge of the farm, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of Zandarius stretching out before him. The sky above was a canvas of swirling purples and blues streaked with the faint glow of distant stars. A cool breeze whispered through the air, carrying with it the enticing scent of Heyla flowers.
With a sigh, Hagr set down his mechanic wheelbarrow, the last of his chores for the day completed. He began to make his way back towards the farm, his footsteps crunching softly against the rocky terrain. As he passed through the pink and green garden, the aroma of his mother's porridge drifted towards him, tempting his hunger.
Despite eating the same meal every day, Hagr's stomach grumbled with anticipation. The suuka porridge was all he needed right now, its warm, comforting embrace promising to chase away the chill of the evening.
Arriving at the farm, Hagr took in the familiar sight of their plascrete igloo. Half of the structure was comprised of little octagon windows, through which the warm glow of a fire emanated from the chimney. It was home, humble yet comforting in its simplicity.
Entering the igloo, Hagr found his mother, Altha, bustling about the kitchen, preparing dinner. "Hagr, dear, could you set the table?" she called out, her voice gentle yet firm. Hagr nodded, a small smile playing at his lips as he arranged the mismatched dishes in their usual places. Each plate was different, yet they always ended up in the same spot, a testament to the routines of their daily life.
Once the table was set, Hagr ignited the moonlamp, casting a soft yellow glow across the igloo walls. Altha emerged from the kitchen, carrying a steaming pot of suuka porridge. "Careful, Hagr," she warned as she placed the pot on the table. "It's hot." Hagr nodded as he heard this many times before, his mouth watering at the sight and smell of the hearty meal before him. They ate in silence, the only sound of the clinking of spoons against bowls as they savored each mouthful.
After a moment, Hagr broke the silence, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Do you ever wonder what's beyond Zandarius, Mumu?" he asked. Altha hesitated, her expression guarded. "I don't know, Hagr," she replied softly. "But we have everything we need right here on the farm." Though disappointed by her response, Hagr nodded in understanding. Perhaps someday they would have the chance to explore together. Altha caught his eye and winked, a small glimmer of hope in her gaze.
As they finished their meal, Hagr and Altha moved to the small kitchen area to wash the dishes. The kitchen was cluttered yet cozy, with shelves overflowing with pots, pans, and utensils. Beyond the kitchen, the interior of the igloo was a snug retreat from the harshness of the outside world. A small cupboard, crafted from Zandarius rare Bennam wood, stood in one corner, its doors closed tight to conceal its overflowing contents. Nearby, a plush couch with pillows offered a comfortable spot to relax after a long day's work. Opposite the couch, a large hammock hung from the ceiling. Above it, a smaller hammock swayed gently in the breeze, providing a cozy nest for Hagr during the night. Every inch of space was utilized to its fullest, creating a sense of warmth and intimacy within the cramped confines of the igloo.
As the hour grew late, Altha reminded Hagr of their upcoming journey to Kihar. With a yawn, Hagr climbed into his hammock, gazing up at the stars through the little octagon windows above. "Goodnight, Hagr," Altha whispered, her voice soft in the quiet of the night. "Goodnight, Mumu," Hagr replied, his eyes closing as sleep overtook him. And with that, he drifted off, thoughts of tomorrow's journey fading into the comforting embrace of dreams.
1.2 The Trip
Hagr awoke to the gentle light filtering through the little octagon windows of their igloo. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he glanced around and noticed that his mother's hammock was empty. Mu-mu?" he called out, but there was no response.
Curiosity piqued, Hagr peered outside and spotted his mother tending to the kikkamoos, their pig-like creatures with reptilian legs and Fluffy tails. With a swift motion, he leaped out of bed, his movements practiced from years of experience. After quickly dressing himself, he hurried outside, calling out to his mother. "Altha!" he yelled, using her full name in his urgency. His mother turned towards him with a warm smile. "Haggie!" she called back, using his pet name.
Hagr wasted no time and dashed off to fetch Tsjoopa, their trusty mechanical unicycle cart already loaded with goods for trade. As he returned with the cart, he found his mother waiting back at the farm. "Ready to go, Hagr?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Absolutely!" Hagr exclaimed, brimming with energy. And so, they set off on their journey to Kihar, the nearest town for trading.
The road ahead seemed endless, traversing through vast and barren plains broken only by occasional patches of vegetation. Sparse woods flanked the roadside, offering concealment but little wildlife, a testament to Zandarius' unforgiving environment.
After a few hours of travel, they finally reached a landmark known as the Sharp Knives, a crossroad marked by sharp rocks jutting out of the ground. "We’re here, the Sharp Knives," Altha remarked, her gaze sweeping over the rugged terrain. "We're halfway there, Hagr." Hagr nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon. "Already? Time flies when you're in good company." A mischievous glint sparkled in Altha's eyes as she reached into the cart. "Speaking of good company, I brought something special for our halfway mark." Hagr's interest was piqued. "What is it?" With a dramatic flourish, Altha revealed a small container of sosuuka, a sweeter version of yesterday's porridge. "Sosuuka!" Hagr exclaimed, trying to sound enthusiastic despite his familiarity with the dish. Altha chuckled at his feigned excitement. "I thought it might be a nice treat for our journey." Hagr grinned, playing along. "Absolutely! Thanks, best mumu on Zandarius." Lost in thought, Altha gazed into the distance, her attention drawn to the gathering ominous clouds on the horizon, a harbinger of stormy weather to come. "We might have some rough weather ahead," Altha remarked, her voice tinged with concern. Hagr glanced up at the darkening sky. "Should we stop and wait it out?" Altha shook her head. "We need to keep moving. We can't afford to delay our journey." Guess we'll have to save the view for another time," Hagr sighed, reluctantly agreeing with Altha's decision while she nodded in understanding. "But, after all," Hagr declared, puffing out his chest with a hint of pride, "at ten years old, I'm practically a grown man! I can handle anything, even eating sosuuka on the way without spilling a drop." Altha burst into laughter at his boast. "Sosuuka without spilling? I'd sooner believe kikkamoos could fly!" Hagr joined in her laughter, the sound echoing across the desolate landscape as they continued on their journey to Kihar.
1.3 Arrival in Kihar
As Hagr and Altha approached Kihar, the plascrete town sprawled out before them, its streets winding like intricate mazes through the heart of the city. In stark contrast to the barren landscape of Zandarius, Kihar was a vibrant tapestry of life, with lush vegetation adorning every corner. Hagr’s eyes roamed over the cityscape, taking in the sight of the bustling alleys and the constant mist of smoke that hung in the air. Despite having visited many times before, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe at the bustling energy of the tradetown.
As they ventured deeper into the heart of the city, the tantalizing aroma of food mingled with the sounds of chatter and laughter, tempting Hagr's senses and reminding him of the porridge-filled days back on their farm. Finally, they reached the local market, a bustling hub of activity where traders hawked their wares amidst the thick scent of spices and exotic foods. "First stop, Old Taramor's," Altha announced, her voice carrying above the din of the market. Hagr's thoughts drifted to Taramor, the old, grumpy trader who had been a fixture in Kihar for as long as he could remember. Despite his rough exterior, Taramor was one of the few honest traders left in the city, and Hagr had always respected him for it. "Sounds good to me," Hagr replied, his tone positive.
As they approached Old Taramor’s, Altha hopped off the Tsjoopa and turned to Hagr. "Hagr, could you fetch a crate of Heyla bottles from the back of the cart?" she asked. Hagr nodded silently, already moving to comply.
Entering the shop, they found Taramor snoozing behind his counter, the cluttered shelves and dusty displays a testament to his lack of care for his surroundings. Altha hesitated, reluctant to disturb the old trader, but time was of the essence. "Taramor," she whispered, her voice barely audible. No response. Again, a bit louder this time “Taramor”. Still no response. Growing impatient, Hagr couldn't help but raise his voice. "Taramor!" Startled awake, Taramor shot upright, his eyes wide with surprise. "What the hell's going on?" he grumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Oh, it's just you two," he muttered, recognizing Altha and Hagr. Altha gestured to Hagr to take a look around while she spoke with Taramor. Hagr nodded and wandered through the cluttered shelves, his curiosity piqued by the assortment of strange and exotic items on display. In the background, a television played the news, and the volume turned low but still audible. A news reporter's voice cut through the air, reporting on the recent assassination of a high-ranking official. The military had already neutralized one suspect, but two others were still at large. The camera footage showed two figures cloaked in dark red and black, their faces obscured. Zooming in on one of the suspects, the reporter noted a tattoo of a three-headed monster on their neck, linking them to the notorious syndicate known as the Three-Headed Beast. "People are urged to remain vigilant," the reporter concluded, "and to report any sightings of the suspects to the authorities." "Hagr," Altha called out, pulling him from his thoughts. Quickly, he set down a strange-looking coffee maker he had been inspecting and hurried over to join them.
Outside, Hagr turned to his mother, concern etched on his face. "How did the trade go?" Altha hesitated before answering, her tone guarded. "It wasn't as successful as we had hoped, but we'll manage." Trying to sound confident, Hagr responded, "No need to worry, Mumu. We'll make it work."
As they made their way back through the bustling market, Hagr glanced at his mother. " Can we get some Uja skewers now?" Altha smiled warmly. "Absolutely, Hagr. Let’s grab some delicious Uja," she said, turning on their trusty, albeit rusty, Tsjoopa.
1.4 No place like home
As Altha and Hagr made their way home in the fading light, a bird soared above them, its silhouette dark against the dusky sky. They were nearing their farmstead, the exhausting trip almost at an end. Hagr turned to Altha, his curiosity piqued. “What is coffee?” he asked, stumbling over the unfamiliar word. Altha pondered for a moment before responding, “I’ve heard of it. It’s some sort of black drink. Similar to Puggatree juice, they say it gives you energy.” Hagr wrinkled his nose in distaste. He had never been fond of Puggatree juice, finding its thick texture and slimy consistency unappealing. With a shake of his head, he decided he didn’t want to try coffee after all.
As they chatted, unaware of the figure watching them from afar, the landscape growing darker with each passing moment, they finally arrived at the farm.
Altha unloaded the traded goods from the Tsjoopa, and with a nod to Hagr, she motioned for him to stow it away in the barn. Hagr complied, placing the Tsjoopa in the barn, where sturdy plascrete walls and reinforced wooden beams protected it from the harsh winds. With the task done, he made his way back to the igloo. As he approached, he noticed that the interior was unusually dark, the comforting glow of the moonlamp absent. With a sense of unease gnawing at him, he entered cautiously.
To his horror, he found himself face to face with a cloaked figure in dark black and red, his alien eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. Before he could react, he spotted his mother on the floor, tears streaming down her face, with another figure standing over her, a scarred human face, and a sinister three-headed beast tattoo on his neck. “Mumu!” Hagr screamed in terror. The figure with glowing eyes uttered incomprehensible words, while the scarred man cursed, "We can't leave any witnesses, Deskva.” Altha whispered urgently, "Hagr, stay calm. Everything will be fine." Hagr looked at his mother in disbelief, his heart pounding in his chest. "What's going to happen?" his voice trembled with fear. The scarred human scoffed, "We can sell the boy on the black market, but the woman? She's too old to bother selling. Not worth the hassle, Des." With brute force, Deskva grabbed Hagr, who fought against his captor with all his might. "Please, let me go!" Hagr pleaded, his voice desperate as he struggled against Deskva's grip. As Hagr cast a desperate glance at his mother, tears welling in his eyes, the scarred man turned his attention to Altha, deeming her of no value. Without hesitation, he drew his pistol, aimed, and fired, the shot piercing through Altha’s skull with a sickening thud echoing through the silent igloo. Hagr’s world shattered as he watched his mother fall, tears blurring his vision, bile rising in his throat. Before he could comprehend what was happening, a brutal blow to his head sent him spiraling into darkness.
submitted by Intern-Entire to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:15 ThrowRAsugarr I (23F) am extremely insecure in my relationship with my boyfriend (25M). How do I deal with it and improve?

I (23F) have been dating 25M for 10 months now. I am so scared I am going to sabotage this relationship because of my insecurities. I am just comparing myself endlessly with his ex and his ex-FWB, and even random girls.
It’s almost like I want to make myself feel anxious and insecure. Information, pictures or texts that I've found through lurking (which I try to stop doing) hurts my feelings but have burned themselves into my head. For example, the summer we started dating he was frequently liking his ex-FWB pictures on IG - some revealing, some not - last one he liked was from a couple of months back, a very revealing one where she had taken a picture from above, angle looking into her tanktop, her tongue was out, nipple piercings visable through her shirt, very suggestive. Him liking provocative pictures of a woman he used to have sex with makes me uncomfortable. He hasn't done it for months now, but I fear it could return around summer when she wears revealing outfits again.
I've also recently realized in a group chat with his friends he added me to, you can look back at messages before you were in the GC. That led me to look way back and see some things from months before we started dating, that still bothers me. Messages about his ex-FWB, how hot she is, how hot it is that she is a masochist (I'm not one), etc. I even saw pictures he had shared in the GC of many, many nudes she had sent him and pictures he took while they were having sex, in many different positions (with her consent, she's into it). It bothers me it looks to be using the same BDSM equipment he uses on me, the same positions he likes me in, etc. It makes me paranoid he's thinking about her when he's having sex with me. From the pictures it was apparent she is more sexually confident than I am, which makes sense given she has a much bigger sexual history than I do, he only just took my virginity, but still, it makes me scared he wishes I was more like her. This thoughts show up in my head almost any time we do anything sexual together, it's horrible.
I also saw a message he sent in the GC 8 days after him and I had met: “I asked \ex-fwb* if she wanted to fuck just now, she's online she’s ignoring me lol”.* This was 8 days after we met, 8 days after he sent a message to that same GC about how he met a cute girl and he thinks that she likes him (me). We weren't official, didn't become so until 5 days after he sent that ex-fwb message, but still, it kind of hurts he wishes to hook up with her once more even after we had met, we had had our first date at that point. Especially also because he has told me multiple times that having sex with her reassured him that sex just as a means to get off wasn't for him, and that it was the emotional intimacy that made it important to him, he said he didn’t even enjoy it, wasn’t even attracted to her body type, etc…. yet he wanted to do it again? I fear he lied to me.
There were also some messages from the past about his ex. He send various different texts various different occasions about how he loves how extremely outgoing and sociable she is and that they can have such intelligent discussions. I feel like him and I never discuss things back and forth. I also am very, very much the opposite of "sociable", I am very quiet and subdued, I like to observe more than anything and talking to strangers makes me nervous. He also send a comment about how his ex, at the time when they were dating, had "perfect big boobs", which makes me insecure since mine are much more on the smaller side.
This is me being insecure. I am aware of that, fully. I want to fix it. I am in queue for therapy, but for now I’m doing my best with what I can do. It is absolutely exhausting, the way everything makes me second guess myself. I've considered breaking up multiple times, even though I love him and really can see myself having a family with him in the future, just because it is so draining and I feel much more insecure now than I ever did before we were dating. The little insecurity that I do show, he will go on to reassure me a tonhe's very loving, supportive and reassuring that he loves me for how I am, he's called me more attractive, trustworthy, more compatible, etc, that any girl he had a relationship with before, so it's not as if he is trying to make me insecure or anything. It's all in my head.
TL;DR: I'm struggling with insecurities in my relationship with my boyfriend of 9 months. I find myself comparing myself to his exes and feeling inadequate. I've discovered past messages about his ex-FWB and ex-girlfriend that exacerbate my anxiety, from before we were dating. In these messages he is calling her hot to his friends, seeing the GC nudes she sent him, graphic pictures from when they had sex, which makes me extremely insecure and worried that he prefers her, or is thinking about her when we do stuff.
Also about his ex, about how he thinks she's so amazing for being sociable and outgoing and I am the completely opposite. I worry that he wishes I was more like her.. I feel jealous and uncomfortable with the fact that he has liked his ex-FWB provocative IG pics last summer and I worry he will start liking her pictures again this summer when she starts to wear less clothing again, despite them seemingly not having been in contact since she ghosted him. I'm aware of my insecurities and seeking therapy, but it's not readily available. My boyfriend is supportive, but I fear my insecurities may damage our relationship. How do I repair my insecurities?
submitted by ThrowRAsugarr to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:02 Gabe120107 Recommendation for PC monitor for productivity and gaming, 34'' ultrawide possibly

Hello everyone...
I am looking for a monitor that can meet my needs. Currently I am using Lenovo Legion 7 laptop, 1600p, and the screen is STUNNING. But when you're looking at the screen all the time, and it's a small one, it can be ANNOYING. Reading numbers and texts can make you tired, since it's all small and fluffy.
So I am looking for something good that would meet my needs and that won't take more than 600 euros from my pocket. I would take an ultrawide monitor, 34 inch probably. But, since i am most of the time in a darker room, the contrast ratio of IPS worries me, yet VA panel doesn't seem too good for colors or whatever. So i am not really sure what to buy. Can someone recommend me something good, please? I am playing games from time to time, but not really FPS competitive games. Mostly MMOs and so on, so some wild refresh rate isn't to important to me. I am doing data analysis, writing papers, data science and, yeah...
I was thinking about buying LG 34GN850P-B since it's really praised in many ways, but since i am spending a lot of time in a darker room, the contrast ratio worries me. SO, i would love to hear your opinion too.
Thank you in advance and i appreciate your advices.
submitted by Gabe120107 to buildapcmonitors [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:57 danieldeubank IBC Quarterly Report ending March 31, 2024 has been released
Company Sets Several Financial Performance Records as it Releases its Financial Results for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024**_________________________** Highlights of the Quarter and Trailing 12 Months (Unless otherwise noted, all financial amounts in this news release are expressed in U.S. dollars.)IBCCompanyTSX-V: IB; OTCQB: IAALF1 1 CONSOLIDATED RESULTSCOPPER ALLOYS DIVISIONENGINEERED MATERIALS DIVISIONMD&A WEBCAST SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY 20, 2024 MEASURESOPERATING INCOME (LOSS) ADJUSTED EBITDA go here"Mark A. Smith”** [1] IBC reports non-IFRS measures such as “Adjusted EBITDA,” “Operating Income,” and "Free Cash Flow." Please see information on this and other non-IFRS measures in the "Non-IFRS Measures" section of this news release and in IBC’s MD&A, available on # #IBC Advanced Alloys’ Reports Record Quarterly Profits FRANKLIN, Ind. (May 16, 2023) – IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. (“ ” or the “ ”) ( ) announces its financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2024. IBC recorded its highest ever quarterly net income in the quarter of $1.36 million, or $0.01 per share, on sales of $10.2 million. Both net income and sales revenue set new quarterly records for the Company. Consolidated sales of $34.3 million on a TTM basis and sales of $27.0 million in the nine-month period ended March 31, 2024 also were the highest ever recorded. Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA rose to $2.5 million, a Q/Q increase of 325%, while YTD Adjusted EBITDA rose to $4.5 million. Consolidated operating income of $2.1 million was 24.4% higher Q/Q and flipped to a positive $3.2 million YOY. Net income for the nine months ended March 31, 2024 was $1.14 million ($0.01 per share) on sales of $27.0 million compared to a loss of $2.92 million ($0.03 per share) on sales of $21.2 million in the comparative period, representing a marked turnaround. This record performance was driven largely by increased sales and stronger gross margin performance in IBC’s Copper Alloys division, coupled with higher sales revenue from the Engineered Materials division of beryllium-aluminum products used in defense markets, and the recovery of an onerous contracts provision booked in the prior year. The Copper Alloys division also achieved near-record quarterly sales of $6.6 million, eclipsed only by sales of $7.1 million in the preceding quarter. A portion of the division’s sales over the preceding two quarters was driven by the completion of two special non-recurring projects. “The IBC team worked tirelessly to achieve some fantastic numbers and historic gains in the third fiscal quarter, which continued the strong sales and gross margin performance of the previous quarter," said Mark A. Smith, Chairman and CEO of IBC. “I like the momentum that we are generating, particularly with the leading performance of our Copper Alloys division. While market conditions have triggered closure of our Engineered Materials division sometime this summer, that team is striving to generate substantially to IBC’s bottom line as Engineered Materials completes contracts on hand.” IBC expects to incur a charge to operations in respect of its April decision to close the Engineered Materials division and is negotiating with suppliers and the building landlord to minimize such costs. Sales increased for the quarter and nine-month period ended March 31, 2024, mostly due to increased demand from customers in the defense and power generation sectors. Gross profit was positively impacted by improved material yield but negatively impacted by higher subcontract costs. Sales increased for the quarter and nine-month period ended March 31, 2024, largely due to more favorable prices for the division’s products in the commercial and defense markets. Full results can be seen in the Company’s financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis (“ ”), available at and on the Company’s website at . IBC will host a live investor webcast on Monday, May 20, 2024 at 11 a.m. Eastern featuring Mark A. Smith, CEO and Board Chairman, and Toni Wendel, Chief Financial Officer. They will discuss the Company's financial results for the quarter and nine-month periods ended March 31, 2024. Participants can join the webcast by going here at the scheduled start time: To call into a listen-only phone line to the webcast, please the toll numbers listed here: • +1 719 359 4580 US • +1 253 205 0468 US To supplement its consolidated financial statements, which are prepared and presented in accordance with IFRS, IBC uses “operating income (loss)” and “Adjusted EBITDA”, which are non-IFRS financial measures. IBC believes that operating income (loss) helps identify underlying trends in the business that could otherwise be distorted by the effect of certain income or expenses that the Company includes in loss for the period, and provides useful information about core operating results, enhances the overall understanding of past performance and future prospects, and allows for greater visibility with respect to key metrics used by management in financial and operational decision-making. The Company believes that Adjusted EBITDA is a useful indicator for cash flow generated by the business that is independent of IBC’s capital structure. Operating income (loss) and Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered in isolation or construed as an alternative to loss for the period or any other measure of performance or as an indicator of our operating performance. Operating income (loss) and Adjusted EBITDA presented here may not be comparable to similarly titled measures presented by other companies. Other companies may calculate similarly titled measures differently, limiting their usefulness as comparative measures to IBC’s data. Operating income (loss) represents income or loss for the quarter, and year-to-date, excluding foreign exchange loss, interest expense, interest income, other income (expense) and income taxes that the Company does not believe are reflective of its core operating performance during the periods presented. A reconciliation of the quarter and year-to-date loss to operating income (loss) follows: Adjusted EBITDA represents the Company’s income (loss) for the period, and year-to-date, before interest, income taxes, depreciation, amortization, and share-based compensation. A reconciliation of the quarter and year-to-date loss to Adjusted EBITDA follows: For more information on IBC and its innovative alloy products, . On Behalf of the Board of Directors: Mark A. Smith, CEO & Chairman of the Board Net income of $1.36 million, or $0.01 per share, in the quarter on sales of $10.2 million – a new quarterly record. Sales of $34.3 million on a trailing 12-month (“TTM”) basis and sales of $27.0 million in the nine-month period ended March 31, 2024, also were the highest ever recorded. Copper Alloys division sales of $6.6 million were higher by 11.9% quarter over quarter ("Q/Q"), and Engineered Materials division sales were higher by 97.5% Q/Q. On a TTM basis, Copper Alloys sales of $24 million set a record for a 12-month period for the division. Consolidated adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (“Adjusted EBITDA”)\1]) rose to $2.5 million, a Q/Q increase of 325%. Year-to-date Adjusted EBITDA rose to $4.5 million. Consolidated operating income of $2.1 million was 24.4% higher Q/Q and flipped to a positive $3.2 million year-over-year (“YOY”). Company to host live investor webinar to discuss results on Monday, May 20, 2024 at 11 AM EDT. SELECTED RESULTS: Consolidated Operations ($000s) Quarter Ended 3-31-2024 Quarter Ended 3-31-2023 Nine Months Ended3-31-2024 Nine Months Ended 3-31-2023 Revenue $10,241 $7,755 $26,958 $21,178 Operating income (loss) $2,105 $83 $3,243 $(1,138) Adjusted EBITDA $2,486 $585 $4,507 $315 Income (loss) for the period $1,361 $(509) $1,139 $(2,919) SELECTED RESULTS: Copper Alloys Division ($000s) Quarter Ended 3-31-2024 Quarter Ended 3-31-2023 Nine Months Ended 3-31-2024 Nine Months Ended 3-31-2023 Revenue $6,627 $5,925 $18,614 $16,035 Operating income (loss) $1,293 $1,290 $2,766 $2,231 Adjusted EBITDA $1,436 $1,426 $3,205 $2,645 Income (loss) for the period $915 $980 $1,680 $1,669 SELECTED RESULTS: Engineered Materials Division ($000s) Quarter Ended3-31-2024 Quarter Ended 3-31-2023 Nine Months Ended 3-31-2024 Nine Months Ended 3-31-2023 Revenue $3,614 $1,830 $8,344 $5,143 Operating income (loss) $1,230 $(855) $1,618 $(2,793) Adjusted EBITDA $1,417 $(613) $2,232 $(1,976) Income (loss) for the period $1,018 $(1,004) $1,101 $(3,046) Quarter ended March 31 2024 2023 ($000s) ($000s) Income (loss) for the period 1,361 (509) Foreign exchange (gain) loss 6 (13) Interest expense 710 629 Loss on disposal of assets 29 - (Gain) loss on revaluation of derivative - (11) Other income (4) (16) Income tax expense (recovery) 3 3 Operating income 2,105 83 Nine months ended March 31 2024 2023 ($000s) ($000s) Income (loss) for the period 1,139 (2,919) Foreign exchange (gain) loss 7 (5) Interest expense 2,130 1,862 Loss on disposal of assets 29 - (Gain) loss on revaluation of derivative 1 (70) Other income (70) (12) Income tax expense (recovery) 7 6 Operating income (loss) 3,243 (1,138) Quarter ended March 31 2024 2023 ($000s) ($000s) Income (loss) for the period 1,361 (509) Income tax expense (recovery) 3 3 Interest expense 710 629 (Gain) loss on revaluation of derivative - (11) Depreciation & amortization 374 413 Stock-based compensation expense (non-cash) 38 60 Adjusted EBITDA 2,486 585 Nine months ended March 31 2024 2023 ($000s) ($000s) Income (loss) for the period 1,139 (2,919) Income tax expense (recovery) 7 6 Interest expense 2,130 1,862 (Gain) loss on revaluation of derivative 1 (70) Depreciation & amortization 1,120 1,233 Stock-based compensation expense (non-cash) 110 203 Adjusted EBITDA 4,507 315 Contact: Mark A. Smith, CEO and Board Chairman Jim Sims, Director of Investor and Public Relations IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. +1 (303) 503-6203 Email: []( Website: u/IBCAdvanced $IB $IAALF #copper ABOUT IBC ADVANCED ALLOYS CORP. IBC is a leading advanced copper alloys manufacturer serving a variety of industries such as defense, aerospace, automotive, telecommunications, precision manufacturing, and others. At its vertically integrated production facility in Franklin, Indiana, IBC manufactures and distributes a variety of copper alloys as castings and forgings, including beryllium copper, chrome copper, and aluminum bronze. The Company's common shares are traded on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "IB" and the OTCQB under the symbol "IAALF". Cautionary Statements Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Certain information contained in this news release may be forward-looking information or forward-looking statements as defined under applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information and forward-looking statements are often, but not always identified by the use of words such as "expect", "anticipate", "believe", "foresee", "could", "estimate", "goal", "intend", "plan", "seek", "will", "may" and "should" and similar expressions or words suggesting future outcomes. This news release includes forward-looking information and statements pertaining to, among other things, the Company’s expectation of further growth in revenue and market demand, and the ability of the Copper Alloy division to increase its production capacity, reduce unit costs of production, expand its product portfolio and expand into new markets, the closure of the Engineered Materials division and the expected charge to operations in connection therewith, and the completion of existing contracts by the Engineered Materials division. Forward-looking statements involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the Company's control including: the risk that the Company may not be able to make sufficient payments to retire its debt, the impact of general economic conditions in the areas in which the Company or its customers operate, including the semiconductor manufacturing and oil and gas industries, risks associated with manufacturing activities, changes in laws and regulations including the adoption of new environmental laws and regulations and changes in how they are interpreted and enforced, increased competition, the lack of availability of qualified personnel or management, limited availability of raw materials, fluctuations in commodity prices, foreign exchange or interest rates, stock market volatility and obtaining required approvals of regulatory authorities. As a result of these risks and uncertainties, the Company's future results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements. All statements included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on assumptions made by the Company based on its experience, perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. Please see “Risks Factors” in our Annual Information Form available under the Company’s profile at, for information on the risks and uncertainties associated with our business. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information and statements, which speak only as of the date made. The forward-looking information and statements contained in this release represent our expectations as of the date of this release. We disclaim any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking information or statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities laws. Copyright © 2024 IBC Advanced Alloys, All rights reserved.
submitted by danieldeubank to IBC_Advanced_Alloys [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:51 mr_boizoff Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED Earphones Review

Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED Earphones Review
A job change and all sorts of other adventures made me take some time off from the reviews. But, as the saying is, "Don't count on it!" — there will be a lot of them in the short run, and they will be interesting, well balanced and spot on!
In short, let's talk today about the in-ear wired earphones Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED (or just RED later on), which I purchased for about $55 you know where.
By the way, my old camera broke down, so I bought a new one, that's why the pictures will be even more unbelievably brilliant now. Come on and get a look, all the pictures are clickable, as always.

Truthear in a nutshell

Truthear, a Chinese company, has just turned 2 years old, but they have already released 5 models of earphones and one portable DAC. The company was allegedly founded by one or more Moondrop people. With all the trimmings of modern Chinese fashion, Truthear has a mascot, which is an anime girl named Shiroi, weighing 45 kg, 170 cm tall and... I have no idea why I say all this.
Their partner in the field of 3D printing technology is HeyGears, whose equipment or capacities, I believe, Truthear uses to produce its devices (at least, earphones).

What's included

The proud owner of this top-quality cardboard box will find in it as follows:
1. the earphones themselves;
2. a cable with a 3.5 TRS connector;
3. an adapter with an additional load of 10 Ohms (I'll tell you why we need it later);
4. a set of 7 pairs of eartips;
5. a fair-to-middling cover made of faux leather;
6. a pile of papers with the image of Shiroi.
The box, I will repeat myself, is perfectly made, I've never seen anything like this. I'm totally cool with the set, it's a good one.

Technological features, build quality

RED use a less common structure 'a larger dynamic driver + a second smaller dynamic driver'. The first one is responsible for the subbass and bass up to 200 Hz and has a diameter of 10 mm, and the second one plays the rest of the range and has a diameter of 7.5 mm.
The manufacturer talks about the 'CCAW voice coil', that is, about the fact that the driver coil is made of copper-plated aluminum wire. Usually, when it applies to headphones, this is made to reduce the weight of the driver's mobile system. This technology is not new: for example, it is also used in Moondrop Aria Snow.
Besides, 'DLP', or 'Digital light processing', 3D printing technology is mentioned. This is a three-dimensional printing process, characterized by high accuracy and the ability to correctly reproduce extremely small details.
And the last but not the least, the earphones are optimized for use at high volume (over 94 dB) and configured in accordance with the 'IEF Neutral 2023' curve by Corin Ako (better known as Crinacle), but with some adjustments in the bass and subbass sections, giving the sound of RED more weight and physicality.
So, RED are earphones printed on an industrial 3D printer, based on a 2-driver scheme. And Crinacle, a well-known reviewer and owner of the largest IEM measurement database, is responsible for tuning RED.
The earphones have a simple but distinctive design. The enclosures are completely glossy and slightly transparent on the inside. On the outside, there are mildly glaring red inserts under a coat of varnish.
You can discern bass speakers inside at a definite angle.
The grids of the sound ducts are neat, inserted smoothly.
There is one compensation hole per each earphone, located in close proximity to a 2-pin connector. L and R are marked in bright golden letters. Small edgings for fixing the eartips were made, too.
Overall, they are quite good and even stylish. The only issue is microscratching that affects the enclosure right off the bat. But it's not really perceptible to the eye.
On top of that, the earphones act as a magnet to fingerprints.
The cable is just decent. It doesn't get too tangled, and the earholders are made at the right angle. The metal splitter is solid black, with the company logo printed on it.
The very same cable comes with Truthear HEXA and Zero earphones.
The case is made decently, too, but it does not have any internal compartments or partitions. I already wrote about how an adequate case should be designed 5 years ago – no one has released anything alike yet.


The geometry of the RED enclosures turned out to be perfectly compatible with my ears. They don’t have any strange concavities, bulges, or sharp edges, the sound ducts are positioned at a natural angle, the dimensions of the enclosures are... ordinary, only a little thick. Just put them in and listen to music. And they don't have much weight at all.
I'll assume that the sound ducts may turn out to be uncomfortably large for owners of small ears, because, let's be honest, these are not sound ducts, they are simply muzzles. Probably, when you get a first taste of these earphones, you will want to change your favorite eartips for the same, but smaller ones.
The flipside is the noise insulation — RED's one is above average because the earphones fit in tightly.
As for the 10-Ohm adapter, it is not convenient to use it on the go: a few centimeters long, thin rigid structure will stick out of the player audio output, which can easily damage the connector if stressed accidentally.

Quick specifications overview

  • Design: in-ear closed-back.
  • Drivers: 2 dynamic drivers.
  • Impedance: 18 Ohms.
  • Sensitivity: 117 dB.
  • Connectors: classic 2-pin, 0.78 mm.
  • Weight: 6 g (each earphone).

Subjective sound impression

RED sound great: balanced and new at the same time. Imagine that a 'top-up' of a very weighty and fast subbass was added to neutral sound delivery, which never overlaps the bass for a moment, not a iota, let alone the mid-frequency range. What's more, a lot of well-articulated high frequencies were poured in (we're talking about the 3-10 kHz range), but not those that get sandy, filled with sibilants that grate on the ear. They are just heard very well. This is, you know, sort of 'a joy of a HF-phobe who still wants a lot of HF'. With this in mind, the middle range is perceived to the utmost, there are no dips and curbs there, and it is just excellent.
The result is a 'smooth', but vibrant and simultaneously informative sound delivery with a stable low-frequency basis, perceived as 'dynamic' and 'detailed'. It is ten kinds of cool, simply brilliant tuning that retains its uniqueness and accuracy far beyond the price category of these earphones.
Against the background of the high frequencies delivered in this fashion, RED have a clear and wide virtual sound stage with a clear localization of instruments. It could be better, but in a very, very different price bracket.
Why the RED sound might not work for someone:
  • The sound is not 'thick'. And that's exactly how a normal bass, separated from the subbass, not affecting the midrange, sounds like.
  • "I hear something that's out of place". When mixing, the authors decided to make the recording 'brighter' or simply did not handle the sound very carefully, having thought that no one would hear the nuances. If this was the case, RED will let you hear weird synthetic glide sounds, abrupt high-frequency sounds etc. To cut it short, you will hear a lot of blatant defects in the music poorly recorded and mixed, as well as a lot of new and amazing things in the well-recorded and -mixed one.
  • There's not enough subbass. And here comes the 10-Ohm adapter included. Upon its connection, the bass and subbass are raised by 3 dB (see the next section). Even if everything is fine with your subbass perception, when using RED in an urban environment, the low-frequency range being masked with external sound sources may require the usage of this adapter.
  • The ultra-high frequency range (from 10 kHz and above) could be more delicate. Actually not, it couldn't because the earphones cost 5,000 rubles and not 50,000.
  • To sum up, in terms of frequency balance, the RED sound is truly unique and one of a kind. For me, RED have become the first in-ear headphones in a month of Sundays that made me freeze on the spot when listening to music that I've been familiar with for a lifetime.


The earphones were connected to the RME ADI-2 DAC (IEM output). A measuring rig conforms to the IEC60318-4 standard. The provided eartips were used for measurements. The smoothing is indicated on the graphs. For the info about rigs, graphs and headphones measurements, refer to my article.
Frequency response:
Keep your eye out for the dashed green line – this is the target curve conventionally named Crinacle Neutral Target 2023. This target curve was proposed by Ako in April 2023 as an alternative to the Harman curve, which is appreciated by far from everyone. The diffuse field curve measured at the Type 5128 rig manufactured by Brüel & Kjær was used as a basis, which was then transferred to the IEC711 rig and 'tilted' clockwise. Why it was done and why this way – I will try to answer these questions in detail in another article on the theoretical part of measurements, but I won't go deep at the moment.
What matters is that this is not just a tuning. This is a very specific tuning that has been contemplated on for quite a while.
To put this in perspective and see something more common, here is the frequency response of RED and the most current Harman curve:
And the situation here is very interesting:
  • up to 200 Hz, the RED frequency response corresponds to the Harman curve in shape;
  • 200 Hz are 'sunk', and this is what gives a feeling of elastic, full-fledged subbass;
  • at low frequencies and in the middle, there is a smooth addition of up to 2 dB at maximum;
  • the midrange rise is shifted from 2.7 kHz slightly to the right;
  • peaks after 13 kHz are most likely aberrations of the rig, I personally do not hear them.
Does such sound tuning have a right to life? My ears tell me that yes, more than that.
As a reminder, there is a 10-Ohm attenuator included.
When it is connected, the left part of the frequency response graph rises predictably, and the sound becomes more 'common':
The left/right volume balance is not ideal, but acceptable:
Nonlinear distortions (these are measurements that should not be 100% trusted because my equipment is far from perfect):

Sound source choice

For my listening tests, I've connected the earphones to the following devices.
  • PC + RME ADI-2 DAC fs (IEM output) – unbalanced connection
  • PC + RME ADI-2 DAC fs ('High Power' mode) – unbalanced connection
  • Hiby R6 gen 3 ( Gain – High, Amplifier Operation – Class AB/A)
The sources were switched by a mechanical input switch.
With Hiby R6, the earphones' sound is a little more bassy and solid. I didn't hear any other difference in the sound of RED when using various sources.

Eartip choice

I didn't like the eartips provided.
Three left pairs have a clearly smaller diameter compared to one of the sound duct and are just difficult to pull on. The right pairs fit the sound ducts easier, but just like the left ones, they're not really soundproof.
As for foam eartips, I just don't like them.
In short, I tested RED with TRI Clarion, and the same I recommend to you. The fit is comfortable, deep and tight enough.


PLEASE NOTE: everything I say below is only applicable to the earphones from the point of view of comparison to other models, nothing more!

RED vs. Truthear HEXA

The Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED and Truthear HEXA frequency response graphs compared:
Subjective difference in sounding
  • RED are much bassier as compared to HEXA.
  • HEXA have a more pronounced middle range and less accentuated upper frequencies.
  • However, the upper frequency range of HEXA is less even, so the peak of nearly 7.5 kHz is perceived more clearly with HEXA.
Compared to each other, RED's sound can be called 'V-shaped', with their sound delivery more versatile, whereas HEXA are more 'reserved' and 'neutral'.

RED vs. Moondrop May

I'd like to note that comparing RED earphones and, in fact, DAP+earphones, which is what May is, is incorrect. Therefore, below we will talk only about the sound. May were connected via their standard DSP cable, and the equalizer was set to 'Standard'.
The Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED and Moondrop May frequency response graphs compared:
Subjective difference in sounding
  • May highlight the range of about 6 kHz in a stronger manner, their sound is more sonorous and sharp.
  • The voices in May's interpretation sound noticeably closer.
  • May give the sound a little more 'physicality' and 'dirt'.
Compared to each other, RED's sound can be called more 'neutral' and even 'intelligent', whereas I would characterize May's sound delivery as 'rougher', less 'balanced', more 'subjective'.


The Chinese economic ramp-up, the development of manufacturing technologies for drivers and enclosures, as well as the development of knowledge about sound in in-ear headphones let us buy a product for $55 in 2024, for which sound they would have charged us good $550 without batting an eyelid and turning a hair 10 years ago, although it seems questionable to me that someone would have been up to such tuning at that time.
And I'm quite agreeable to give credit to Crinacle: while I honestly wrote in the KZ Zex Pro review that the earphones were frankly poorly tuned (whether through Crinacle's fault or not, I have no idea), RED is a completely different story. This is just an example of how to proceed from competence in the field of headphone measurements to successful headphone production.
I am not inclined to believe, of course, that this was a sole effort of Crinacle — everyone sang in harmony, both him and Truthear as the immediate manufacturer.
In general, everything is both clear and complicated about RED at the same time: these are earphones with a universal fit and eminently calibrated tuning, combining neutrality, detail, weight, dynamics and lack of listening fatigue in equal measure. Top it off, there is a 10-Ohm attenuator included for those who 'starve for the lower section'.
To buy or not to buy: to buy, at least just for the fun of learning what kind of tuning is this!
submitted by mr_boizoff to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:51 lazy_potat_in_a_farm How do others with BDD deal with their partner watching porn?

It is my biggest trigger. My (32F) partner (31M) have been together for almost 9 years with some rough patches, break ups. Im diagnosed with ADHD, form of autism and more recently body dysmorphia, which Im getting treatment for.
My previous relationship was highly toxic and this one has some bad aspects too, Im not the most easy lover. Partly due to me being how I am and my past experience. Porn has always made me extreme insecure, but its like its increasing now Im getting older and the porn actress seem to have everything I want bodily wise. Even m
My boyfriend only watches it like once a week or less, when Im not around to have sex with.He assured me like a 100 times its only to get off, he doesnt compare me and he thinks Im super hot and his number 1, he even said one time getting jealous about a porn actress is like getting jealous at a superman movie bc you can't fly-he knows its fake. I get so anxious, anger and full panic when he has watched it. Every time I go crazy to him like WHY DO YOU CHOOSE PORN OVER ME? WHAT DID YOU WATCH, SHE IS SO PERFECT! I WANT TO GET PLASTIC SURGERY etc and I cry and want him to. ' prove' that he still gets horny from me. But screaming or sending crazy texts is not making him horny and I go like 'SEE YOU LIKE PORN GIRLS WAY MORE, I understand you since my body looks so weird.'
the think is also, why he gets so angry at my freak out, Ive cheated on him 1 time, we worked lot on it, i did everything to make it up, couples counseling and he also admitted he made mistakes to me. But me getting a freak out about porn, he is NOT having that , he wants to break up with me in a moment like that. How dare I get angry at a movie.and I completely understand and I feel so ashamed of my reactiob. Both my therapist and boyfriend have said If I just say what my fear is in a calm proper way after I learn he watched porn, I can get the re-assurement that I need so badly. But I get triggered so badly, its like I go to another world for a moment.
How do other people with body dysmorphia go about porn their partner consumed??? How do deal with the feelings? How to react calm??? Any advice or similar stories are welcome
submitted by lazy_potat_in_a_farm to BodyDysmorphia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:49 HarryPudding careldindiabloleague

Cisco Router Security
What are the two access privilege modes of the Cisco router?
User EXEC Mode: This is the initial access mode for a router. In this mode, the user can access only a limited set of basic monitoring commands.
Privileged EXEC Mode: This mode provides access to all router commands, such as debugging and configuration commands. It requires a password for access to ensure security.
What is the approach for password for the privileged mode of the router?
enable secret [password]
uses hashing algorithm so that the password is not in plain text but encrypted
How to ensure that all passwords in the router are stored in the encrypted form?
service password-encryption
What is the difference between the Cisco router’s startup and running configurations?
How to save the running configuration into start up configuration?
Startup Configuration: Stored in the NVRAM, this configuration is used to boot the router. It remains unchanged until an administrator explicitly saves the running configuration to it.
Running Configuration: Held in the router’s RAM, this configuration is active on the router. Changes to the router’s configuration are made here and are effective immediately.
Know and be able to configure all aspects of the Cisco router covered in class. For example,
configuring the router interfaces, setting the router OSPF ID, etc.
configure terminal
hostname MyRouter
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
no shutdown
interface Serial0/0/0
ip address
clock rate 64000
no shutdown
router ospf 1
network area 0
enable secret mysecretpassword
line console 0
password myconsolepassword
line vty 0 4
password myvtypassword
crypto key generate rsa
ip ssh version 2
ip ssh time-out 60
ip ssh authentication-retries 2
ip route
access-list 10 permit
access-list 10 deny any
Practical Routing, OSPF, and Security
What is the difference between static and dynamic routing?
Static Routing: Involves manually setting up routes in the router's routing table through configuration commands. These routes do not change unless manually updated or removed. Static routing is simple, secure, and uses less bandwidth but lacks scalability and flexibility.
Dynamic Routing: Automatically adjusts routes in the routing table based on current network conditions using routing protocols. This approach allows for more flexibility, scalability, and fault tolerance, but consumes more resources and can be complex to configure.
What is the difference between link state and distance vector routing?
Distance Vector Routing: Routers using distance vector protocols calculate the best path to a destination based on the distance and direction (vector) to nodes. Updates are shared with neighboring routers at regular intervals or when changes occur. This approach can lead to slower convergence and issues like routing loops.
Link State Routing: Each router learns the entire network topology by exchanging link-state information. Routers then independently calculate the shortest path to every node using algorithms like Dijkstra’s. This results in quicker convergence and fewer routing loops.
Distance Vector Routing: Each router computes distance from itself to its next immediate neighbors. (RIP, EIGRP, & BGP)
-Does not build a full map of the network
-Focuses more on the next hop towards the destination
Link State Routing: Each router shares knowledge of its neighbors with every other router in the network. (OSPF and IS-IS)
-Builds a full map of the network
-Each router shares information
-Maintains a database of the entire network.
Give an example of the distance vector and link state algorithms.
Distance = RIPLink State = OSPF
What type of protocol is Routing Information Protocol (RIP)? Be able to understand
examples and solve problems.
Example of a distance vector protocol
dynamic protocol
-shares routing info with neighboring routers
-an interior gateway protocol that operates within autonomous system
-oldest of all dynamic protocol; RIPv1
-widely used open standard developed by IETF
-a distance vector routing protocol
-limited to maximum 15 hops;
 how rip works -rip sends regular update message (advertisements to neighboring routers) 
-every 30 seconds that resets after each successful ack
-route becomes invalid if it has not received a message for 180 seconds
-RIPv1 (obsolete) uses broadcast, while RIPv2 uses a multicast address -Update message only travel to a single hop
downside : limitations, each router in its table can only have one entry per destination. Have to wait for advertisement for an alternative path, cannot reach hops 15 paths away, little to no security.
What type of protocol is Open Shortest Paths First (OSPF) protocol? Be able to under-
stand examples and solve problems.
-a link state routing protocol
 intra as routing with RIP 
What is the Link State Advertisement (LSA) in OSPF? What is the Link State Database
-LSA contains data about a router, its subnets, and some other network information.-OSPF puts all the LSAs from different routers into a Link-State Database (LSDB)
The goal of OSPF is to be able to determine a complete map of the interior routing path to be able to create the best route possible.
The way this is done is that OSPF finds all the routers and subnets that can be reached within the entire network. The result is that each router will have the same information about the network by sending out LSA.
How does each router in OSPF create a map of the entire network?
Step 1 : Acquire neighbor relationship to exchange network information.
Step 2: Exchange database information, neighboring routers swap LSDB information with each other
Step 3: Choosing the best routes, each router chooses the best routes to add to its routing table based on the learned LSDB information.
What is the process for two OSPF routers to become neighbors?
A. a neighbor sends out a Hello packet including the router ID along with subnets that it routes to the given multicast address to a given OSPF area ID.
this is also a way for routers to tell neighbors that they are still on and good to go. 
B. Once other routers receive this packet, they run some checks. The neighboring routers must match the following requirements:
-area id needs to be the same (also used when scaling up OSPF)
-the shared or connecting link should be on the same subnet.
-The Hello and dead timer must be the same.
-the dead timer is having enogh time before the sending router assumes that the neighbor is down.
-this timer is typically 10 secs for point-to-point and broadcast networks.
C. If all is fine, the receiving router will go into Init stage and sends a hello message of its own. This Hello packet list its own network info along with the known neighbor R1. This puts R1 into a 2-way communication status.
D. R1 sends another Hello message to R2 with the information as a known neighbor. This allows the R2 now with a 2-way communication status as well.E. We now have a 2-way neighboring routers
What is the difference between point-to-point and multi-access networks? How does OSPF
handle each case?
Point-to-Point: A network setup where each connection is between two specific nodes or devices. OSPF treats these links with straightforward neighbor relationships since there are only two routers on each segment. 
Multi-Access Networks: Networks where multiple routers can connect on the same segment, such as Ethernet. OSPF uses a Designated Router (DR) and a Backup Designated Router (BDR) on these types of networks to reduce the amount of OSPF traffic and the size of the topological database.
DR selected by the highest OSPF prio.
Be able to configure OSPF routing given a topology.

Consider a topology with three routers R1, R2, and R3. The routers
are connected R1 =⇒R2 =⇒R3 =⇒R1.
R1 has interface f0/0 connected to the
interface f0/0 of R2. R2 has interface f0/1 connecting to the interface f0/0 of R3.
Finally R3 has interface 1/0 connecting to the interface 1/0 of R3. Assuming all
routers are Cisco 7200 routers, configure them to use OSPF to dynamically route in
this topology (you will be given the Cisco router manual for such questions).

configure terminal
hostname R1
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
no shutdown
interface FastEthernet1/0
ip address
no shutdown
router ospf 1
network area 0
network area 0
write memory
configure terminal
hostname R2
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
no shutdown
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
no shutdown
router ospf 1
network area 0
network area 0
write memory
configure terminal
hostname R3
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
no shutdown
interface FastEthernet1/0
ip address
no shutdown
router ospf 1
network area 0
network area 0
write memory
How does OSPF authenticate packets to protect against packet spoofing and tempering?
Be able to enable it a Cisco router.
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) can authenticate packets to protect against packet spoofing and tampering using several methods. The two main types of authentication are:
Plain Text Authentication: This is simple and provides minimal security. It sends the password in clear text.
Message Digest 5 (MD5) Authentication: This provides stronger security by using cryptographic hash functions to authenticate OSPF packets.
Plain textenable
configure terminal
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
ip ospf authentication
ip ospf authentication-key cisco123
no shutdown
router ospf 1
network area 0
area 0 authentication
write memory
configure terminal
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
ip ospf authentication message-digest
ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 securepassword
no shutdown
router ospf 1
network area 0
area 0 authentication message-digest
write memory
Network Defense Fundamentals

What is IP spoofing? Explain.
-The ip packet contains the source and destination Ip addresses.-Is it straightforward to modify the ip address of the packet.
-IP Spoofing: sender chagrin his source address to something other than his real address.
How can IP spoofing be used in security attacks?
-If the attacker sends an Ip packet with a spoofed IP, they will not receive a response form the destination: the machine with the IP matching the spoofed IP will receive the response.Ip spoofing operation - the sender spoofs the source IP address to point to another target. The receiver system replies to the spoofed IP.

What are the countermeasures to IP spoofing?
Ingress and Egress Filtering: Network operators should implement filtering rules on routers and firewalls to block packets with source IP addresses that should not originate from those networks. Ingress filtering blocks incoming packets with a source IP address that is not valid for the network, while egress filtering blocks outgoing packets with an invalid source IP address.
Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF): This technique ensures that the incoming packets are received on the same interface that the router would use to send traffic back to the source. If the path does not match, the packet is discarded, preventing spoofed packets from passing through.
IPsec (Internet Protocol Security): IPsec can be used to authenticate and encrypt IP packets, ensuring that they come from legitimate sources and have not been tampered with. This makes spoofing attacks significantly more difficult.
How can IP spoofing be used to perform DoS attacks?
IP spoofing is often used in Denial of Service (DoS) attacks to obscure the attacker's identity and to overwhelm the target with traffic from what appears to be multiple sources. One common type of DoS attack that utilizes IP spoofing is a Smurf Attack. In a Smurf Attack, the attacker sends ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo requests to broadcast addresses of networks, with the source IP address spoofed to that of the victim. The devices on the network respond to the echo requests, sending replies back to the victim's IP address. This amplifies the traffic directed at the victim, potentially overwhelming their network and causing a DoS condition.

Know how to use
for performing ping floods.
Using hping3 to perform ping floods involves sending a high volume of ICMP Echo Request packets to a target to overwhelm it.basic ping floodsudo hping3 -1 --flood [target_IP]
Using spoofed source ipsudo hping3 -1 --flood -a [spoofed_IP] [target_IP]
Controlling the Packet Sending Rateo hping3 -1 --flood -i u1000 [target_IP]Combining sudo hping3 -1 --flood -a -i u1000
What is a firewall?
a filtering device on a network that enforces network security policy and protects the network against external attacks.
According to NIST SP 800-41, what are the characteristics of a firewall?
NIST standard defines the possible characteristics that a firewall can use to filter traffic.
-(IP Address and Protocol type) filtering based on source/destination IP address/ports, traffic direction and other transport layer characteristics.
-(Application Protocols)controls access based on application protocol data
-(User identity) controls access based on user identity
-(Network activity)
What are the limitations of the firewall?
Firewall capabilities: -Define a traffic chokepoint in the network and protects against IP spoofing and routing attacks
-Provide a location for monitoring the security events -Provide non-security functions: loggin internet usage, network address translation-Serve as platform for VPN/IPSec
Firewall limitations:-protect against attacks bypassing the firewall, connections from inside the organization to the outside that do not go through the firewall.-protect against internal threats such as disgruntled employees.
What is a packet filter firewall? Be able to write and interpret rules and to spot configu-
Packet filtering firewall : applies a set of rules to each packet based on the packet headers.Filters based on: source/destination IP, source/destination port numbers, IP Protocol Field:defines the transport protocol, Interface : for firewalls with 3+ network interfaces, the interface from which the packet came from/going to

What is the difference between the default and allow and default deny policies? Which
one is the more secure one?
-when no rules apply to a packet, a default rule is applied: default deny : what is not explicitly permitted is denied default forward : what is not explicitly denied is allowed
default deny is more secure, you dont have to identify all of the cases that needs to be blocked, if one is missed, default deny will deny it.
Port 0-1023 reserved
1024-2**17 ephemeral
source port used by the system initialiatizng a connection is always chosen from the ephemeral ports
Be able to configure the packet filtering functions of iptables.

Write iptables rules to block all ICMP traffic to and from the system.
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp -j DROP
Write iptables rules to block all traffic on port 22
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP

Write iptables rules to block traffic to host
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dest -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --src -j DROP
What are the limitations of the packet filter firewall?
-does not examine upper layer data : cannot prevent attacks that employ application specfic vulnerabilities or functions.cannot block application specific commands.

What is the stateful firewall and how does it compare to a packet filter?
A stateful firewall is a network security device that monitors and tracks the state of active connections, making decisions based on the context of the traffic. Unlike a simple packet filter, which examines individual packets in isolation based on predetermined rules, a stateful firewall keeps track of connections over time, distinguishing between legitimate packets that are part of an established session and potentially malicious ones. This contextual awareness allows it to block unauthorized connection attempts and prevent attacks such as spoofing and session hijacking. While packet filters, or stateless firewalls, operate faster and consume fewer resources by applying static rules to each packet independently, they lack the sophisticated traffic pattern handling and enhanced security provided by stateful firewalls.

What is the application-level firewall? What are its advantages and limitations?
An application-level firewall, also known as an application firewall or proxy firewall, operates at the application layer of the OSI model. It inspects and filters traffic based on the specific application protocols (e.g., HTTP, FTP, DNS) rather than just IP addresses and port numbers. limitations : increased communications overhead due to two separate TCP connections
 and not transparent to the client 
Application-level gateways are also known as application-level proxies.
-act as a relay for the application-level traffic.
-runs at the application layer, and examines application-layer data
Supported ProtocolsFTPSTMPHTTP
What is a circuit-level firewall? What are its advantages and limitations?
-Similar to the application-level gateway, but only tracks the state of the TCP/UDP sessions.
-Does not examine application data , simply relays TCP segments
-Allow/deny decisions based on whether a packet belongs to an established and trusted connection
Advantage of circuit-level firewall -do not filter individual packets(simplifies rules)
-fast and efficient 
-do not filter individual packets -require frequent updates: traffic is filtered with rules and policies that need regular updates for new threats and risks -the vendor needs to modify the TCP/IP implementation for thor applications to use the circuit-level proxy. 
What are the different approaches to basing the firewall?
-stand-alone machines -software modules in roosters, switches, or servers, or pre-configured security appliances. 
What are the host-based firewalls?
Host-based firewalls: a firewall software module used to secure a single host.
What are the network device firewalls?
Network device firewall = routers and switches often have firewall functions, like packet filtering and stateful inspection, to check and filter packets
What are the virtual firewalls?
-in a virtualized environment, servers, switches, and routers can be virtualized and share physical hardware. The hypervisor that manages the virtual machines can also have firewall capabilities.
What is the DMZ? How is it used for securing networks?
A Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in network security is a physical or logical subnetwork that contains and exposes an organization's external-facing services to an untrusted network, typically the internet. The primary purpose of a DMZ is to add an additional layer of security to an organization's local area network (LAN). By isolating these externally accessible services, the DMZ ensures that if an attacker gains access to the public-facing systems, they do not have direct access to the rest of the network.
How the DMZ Secures Networks
Isolation of Public Services: Services that need to be accessible from the outside, such as web servers, mail servers, FTP servers, and DNS servers, are placed in the DMZ. These services are isolated from the internal network, which helps protect the internal systems from attacks that may exploit vulnerabilities in the public-facing services.
Controlled Access: Firewalls are used to create boundaries between the internet, the DMZ, and the internal network. The firewall rules are configured to allow only specific types of traffic to and from the DMZ. For example, incoming web traffic might be allowed to reach a web server in the DMZ, but not to access internal systems directly.
Minimal Exposure: Only the necessary services are exposed to the internet. This minimizes the attack surface, reducing the number of entry points that an attacker can exploit. Internal systems and data remain protected behind the additional layer of the firewall.
Layered Security: The DMZ provides an additional layer of defense (defense-in-depth). Even if an attacker manages to compromise a server in the DMZ, the internal network is still protected by another firewall, making it harder for the attacker to penetrate further.
Monitoring and Logging: Activities within the DMZ can be closely monitored and logged. Any suspicious behavior can be detected early, and appropriate actions can be taken to mitigate potential threats before they impact the internal network.
Traffic Filtering: The firewalls between the internet and the DMZ, as well as between the DMZ and the internal network, can filter traffic based on IP addresses, ports, and protocols. This filtering ensures that only legitimate traffic is allowed and that malicious traffic is blocked.
-if attacker compromises a server on the network, they will be able to pivot to other systems on the network.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of having the two DMZ firewalls be from
different vendors?
Using different firewall manufacturers for the two firewalls maybe a good idea, avoids possibility of both having the same vulnerability but introduces more complexity and management overhead.
Be able to write pfSense firewall rules
Penetration Testing

What is penetration testing?
-legal and suthorzied attempt to locate and exploit vulnerable systems for the purpose of making those systems more secure.
pen testing, pt, hacking, ethical hacking, whitehate hacking, offensive security, red teaming 
What is the objective of the penetration testing?
Use tools and techniques used by the attackers in order to discover security vulnerabilities before the attackers do. 
What is the BAD pyramid?
The purpose of a red team is to find ways to improve the blue team, so purple teams should not be needed in an organization where the red/blue teams interaction is healthy and functioning properly. 
red attack
purple defender changes based off attack knowledge
blue defend
green builder changes based on defender knowledge
yellow build
orange builder changes based on attacker knowledge
Why are the penetration tests conducted?
-a company may want to have a stronger understanding of their security footprint.
-system policy shortcomings -network protocol weaknesses -network/software misconfigurations -software vulnerabilities 
What is the difference between penetration testing and vulnerability assessment?
-two terms often incorrectly ,interchangeably used in practice.
-vulnerability assessment : review of systems services to find potential vulnerabilities-penetration testing: finding an exploiting system vulnerabilities as proof-of-concept
What is the difference between black-box, white-box, and grey-box testing.
Black-Box Testing
Tester Knowledge: The tester has no knowledge of the internal structure, code, or implementation details of the system.
-lack knowledge of system
White-Box Testing
Tester Knowledge: The tester has full knowledge of the internal structure, code, and implementation details of the system.
-very thorough , but not completely realistic
Grey-Box Testing
Tester Knowledge: The tester has partial knowledge of the internal structure, code, or implementation details of the system.
What is the difference between ethical and unethical hackers?
-penetration testers, with proper authorization of the company, help improve the security of the company.
-unethical hackers, personal gain through extortion or other devious methods, profit, revenge, fame, etc. No authorization to conduct the attacks
•Ethical vs unethical hacking, penetration testers: obtain the authorization from the organization whose systems they plan to attack unethical hackers: attack without authorization.
Know the stages of penetration testing and the importance of following a structured ap-

Planning and Reconnaissance:
Planning: Define the scope and goals of the test, including the systems to be tested and the testing methods.
Reconnaissance: Gather information about the target, such as IP addresses, domain names, and network infrastructure, to understand how to approach the test.
Purpose: Identify potential entry points and vulnerabilities in the target system.
Methods: Use tools to scan for open ports, services running on those ports, and known vulnerabilities.
Gaining Access:
Purpose: Attempt to exploit identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to the system.
Techniques: Use techniques like password cracking, SQL injection, or exploiting software vulnerabilities.
Maintaining Access:
Planning and Reconnaissance:
Purpose: Ensure continued access to the compromised system to understand the potential impact of a prolonged attack.
Methods: Install backdoors or use other methods to maintain control over the system.
Analysis and Reporting:
Purpose: Document the findings, including vulnerabilities discovered, methods used, and the level of access achieved.
Report: Provide a detailed report to the organization, highlighting the risks and recommending steps to mitigate the vulnerabilities.
Gaining Access
Purpose: Address and fix the identified vulnerabilities to improve the security of the system.
Action: Implement the recommended security measures from the report to protect against future attacks.
Maintaining Access
Purpose: Verify that the vulnerabilities have been successfully remediated.
Process: Conduct a follow-up test to ensure that the fixes are effective and no new issues have been introduced.
Importance of Following a Structured Approach
Consistency: A structured approach ensures that each stage is systematically followed, making the testing thorough and reliable.
Comprehensiveness: Following each stage helps identify and address all potential vulnerabilities, leaving no gaps in the security assessment.
Documentation: A structured method produces detailed documentation, which is crucial for understanding the security posture and for future reference.
Effectiveness: It ensures that the penetration test effectively mimics real-world attack scenarios, providing valuable insights into how an actual attacker might exploit vulnerabilities.
Risk Management: By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, organizations can proactively manage security risks and protect their assets from potential attacks.
What is the difference between the passive and active reconnaissance?

Passive Reconnaissance
Definition: Gathering information about the target without directly interacting with the target system or network. The aim is to collect data without alerting the target.
Publicly Available Information: Searching for information that is freely available on the internet, such as social media profiles, company websites, and news articles.
DNS Queries: Looking up domain registration information (WHOIS data), DNS records, and IP address ranges.
Network Traffic Analysis: Capturing and analyzing network traffic without sending packets to the target (e.g., using tools like Wireshark in a non-intrusive manner).
Search Engines: Using search engines to find information about the target, such as employee names, email addresses, and technical details.
Low Risk: Minimizes the chance of detection by the target because no direct interaction occurs.
Stealth: Suitable for the early stages of reconnaissance when the goal is to remain undetected.
Limited Information: May not provide as much detailed or specific information about vulnerabilities or configurations as active reconnaissance.
Active Reconnaissance
Definition: Actively engaging with the target system or network to gather information. This involves direct interaction, such as sending packets or probing the target.
Network Scanning: Using tools like Nmap to scan for open ports, running services, and network topology.
Vulnerability Scanning: Running vulnerability scanners (e.g., Nessus, OpenVAS) to identify known weaknesses in the target systems.
Social Engineering: Directly interacting with individuals (e.g., phishing attacks) to gather information.
Probing and Enumerating: Sending specific queries or packets to the target to elicit responses that reveal information about the system (e.g., banner grabbing).
Detailed Information: Provides more detailed and specific information about the target's vulnerabilities, configurations, and active services.
Identification of Weaknesses: More effective in identifying exploitable vulnerabilities that can be used in subsequent attack phases.
Higher Risk: Increases the risk of detection by the target, which could alert them to the reconnaissance activity.
Potential Legal Issues: Unauthorized active reconnaissance can lead to legal repercussions if done without permission.
Passive Reconnaissance: Involves gathering information without direct interaction with the target, resulting in lower risk of detection but potentially less detailed information.
Active Reconnaissance: Involves direct interaction with the target to gather detailed information, but carries a higher risk of detection and potential legal consequences.
Both types of reconnaissance are essential in penetration testing to understand the target's environment and identify potential vulnerabilities while balancing the need for stealth and detailed information.
Be able to use the penetration testing tools discussed in class
nmap -sS -sV -O -A Perform a stealth SYN scan.
-sV: Detect service versions.
-O: Detect operating system.
-A: Perform aggressive scan (includes OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute).
submitted by HarryPudding to u/HarryPudding [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:41 Deviljhosbizarreacc A criticism of Mahito Vs DIO (Jujutsu Kaisen Vs JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

A criticism of Mahito Vs DIO (Jujutsu Kaisen Vs JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Hey guys, JhoJho here, today I’m here to “criticize” the matchup of Mahito(Jujutsu Kaisen) Vs DIO(JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)(I’m avoiding saying “debunk” cause that’ll bring the usually crowds and drama) mainly due to its incredibly lackluster connections and mid fight potential. So let’s get into it!
Two powerful monsters (a cursed spirit and a vampire, respectively) who serve as the arch-enemies to young heroes (Yuji and Jonathan), who in some ways they mirror (Mahito figuratively mirrors Yuji’s reasoning, and DIO literally mirrors Jonathan because he stole his body).
Wow we are off to a horrible start here! Firstly comparing them as “monsters”, not only are Cursed Spirits and Vampires vastly different, to the point where comparing something more original in existence like a Cursed Spirit to a classic monster archetype like a vampire is dumb, but they both are still technically monsters, …that would be the most generic thing in existence since wonderbread.
They are approaching levels of hatred not seen since the Reverse Flash.
They are both extremely wicked and cruel, being downright sadistic in their nature. They have no regard for human life and take great joy in killing them, but this is for the better world they want as well (Mahito wanting a world where curses are humans, and DIO wanting his own version of heaven).
…while the first half is technically true(still generic as fuck), trying to compare Mahito’s goals of a world for curses(which correct me if I’m wrong as I haven’t watched/read JJK Season 1/2 in a while but wasn’t this more Jogo’s thing?) to DIO’s heaven plan which for one only needed 36 sinners, not genociding all of mankind, but also wasn’t even really DIO’s true intentions, he wanted the power to control that world and gain more power alongside that ‘happiness’
When needed, both act calm and peaceful, but on a dime, they can show their more cruel nature. They can also be weirdly philosophical at points when they wish.
Basic as fuck but technically not wrong
They are known to taunt and toy with their opponents.
This is getting so generic that I could honestly make a white people joke at this point
They would both manipulate and lie to those around them, particularly a young man (Junpei and Pucci) they would use to help carry out their plans.
Whooper whopper whopper whopper grooming minors-
But fr though comparing Pucci and Junpei is dumb asf cause Pucci actually meant more to DIO’s goals and ideals rather than Mahito just using Junpei like a tool.
These young people use their powers to cope with their heavy emotions after losing a family member (Junpei would use the shikigami gifted to him by Mahito to take revenge on who he thought killed his mother, and Pucci used gravity to cope with any grief he felt for losing his sister).
Another moment of technically right but weird comparison.
Both are very selfish people and don’t acknowledge what they do as wrong. Yet, despite all of this, they do have actual people they care for and are even friends with (The Disaster Curses and Pucci).
deep breath in
They both join families (The Disaster Curses and The Joestars), and while these families care for them, they have contrasting relationships with (Mahito and the disaster curses had mutual care for one another, while the Joestars' care for DIO was ultimately one-sided as DIO hated them).
Ah yes, horrid connections masked by even worse contrast, my beloved.
Are we seriously comparing DIO abusing George’s kindness to try to get richer to what mahito did?
Their arch-enemies (Yuji and Jonathan) become almost full-on obsessions in their lives, someone they feel a need to one-up and kill.
Somewhat true, but like I’ve said before DIO’s more about fate rather than the joestars, fate just happens to favor that bloodline a lot, kinda, ya know, one of the primary themes of JJBA?
Also calling Jonathan DIO’s “Arch Enemy” is dumb, the Joestar bloodline in their entirety is DIO’s “Arch Enemy”
They are also the reasons for many of the major events and villains happening, at least in some way.
More generic ass connections
Both obtain ancient and powerful artifacts (The Prison Realm and Stone Mask), and while one is used to seal away a god-like being, the other would create a god-like being (Gojo and Kars).
[Repeat my joke about Joestars and Disaster spirit comparison here]
They are betrayed by an old person who played a very prominent part in their lives (Kenjaku and Dario).
H-huh? Correct me if I’m wrong but at least within the anime version of Phantom Blood, DIO is the one to kill Dario via poison, not be betrayed by his father.
Both kicked off an entire slaughter of mass destruction (The Shibuya Incident and The Burning Of The Joestar Mansion) that was against a group that they hated a lot (Jujutsu Sorcerers and the Joestar family). But they would ultimately end up defeated by their arch-enemy even if they didn’t finish them off and their death came a bit later with someone related to the one who defeated them here (Kenjaku would eat and destroy Mahito and Jotaro killed DIO)
Once again we are comparing a literal massacre(The Shibuya incident) to something in comparison, is a lot smaller scale(Joestar Manson burning down), sure DIO absolutely brutalized those cops and killed George but Mahito by just fucking around in that train had a higher kill count then the entirely of that arc in the mansion.
2nd once again relying on the “Jonathan is DIO’s arch nemesis” connection which I already talked about, but comparing Yuji getting his kill stolen right at the last minute as apart of Kenjaku’s plan, to DIO waiting 100+ years to get killed by Jotaro, a descendant of Jonathan and also the main fucking protagonist of part 3
Now, I’ll keep the fight potential segment shorter, you know that one scene in DIO Vs Alucard where after DIO gets swept away by the blood tsunami, he fights off a bunch of Alucard’s weird soul zombies? Take that part, and put it on loop. That’s all that happens in Mahito Vs DIO, Mahito has no way to really play off DIO’s stand or timestop and DIO can’t really do anything against Mahito’s idle transfiguration, as he can’t heal from it.
I don’t really have a good way to end this so if you actually read this whole thing say…maple syrup in the comments or smth idk.
submitted by Deviljhosbizarreacc to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:39 Syrinth Help understanding the use of admin and proper database structuring

Sorry for what's probably a dumb question but I'm hoping someone can help explain to me how to structure things and the use of admin vs forms.
So in order to get some experience with Django, I decided to convert my video game's database editor. In my database I have multiple Items with different needs, mandatory fields, etc. In my personal database I enforce almost nothing except for mandatory Item types and Subtypes which are represented as enums.
At first, I as using Multi Table Inheritance and with different Models to represent the different types of Items, but that quickly becomes a lot to manage since I have a lof of different Item types. So I figured ok, single Item Model, ManyToMany field of charfields for just the data unless it is a data type that needs an enum, like for example the item type.
As an example, we have Type:Merchandise and MerchType:Potion. I wanted to make it in the Item Model such that selecting the Type would enforce the TextChoices of the respective charfield in the admin but after a lot of googling it appears that that's something as opposed to an Admin?
Is the admin just supposed to be full administrative control over an object as opposed to a form which is used by a user basically?
I'm hoping this post makes some sense and someone can help me demystify the right way to go about things.
submitted by Syrinth to django [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:38 VisualizerMan How fly neurons compute the direction of visual motion

How fly neurons compute the direction of visual motion
Mar 4, 2024
I thought this video was good for multiple reasons, and would be good for readers here for multiple reasons.
For one thing, this research illustrates what I mentioned before, about the need to guess the method that real neurons are using to do their amazing feats, and then with that hypothesis and model, to search for real neurons that fit that model. I was especially impressed at 13:03, where T4 and T5 cells were found that match the model proposed by Hassenstein-Reichardt for visual detection of motion. I love how components of the proposed model match up exactly with real neurons that do the proposed computations. This type of guess-then-confirm approach is science is much faster than bottom-up research. In contrast, imagine the amount of work it would take to go in the other direction, testing each of those complicated neurons and trying to figure out how they worked together and what they collectively computed.
This is the type of research I believe neural networks researchers should be doing, but are not doing to any great extent.
For another thing, this research demonstrates that neural networks have predetermined *structure*, in contrast to being identical layers of identical neurons, as are used in most current artificial neural networks. It stands to reason that if you know part of what your neurons will need to learn, and if you supply that capability a priori then your network will have less work to do, which means it will learn the essential parts of desired mapping faster. And as we all know, "faster is gooder" in computing. :-)
submitted by VisualizerMan to agi [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:35 StNikolai Had my first bad boomer run in

Went to the movies the other night to see the new planet of the apes movie. While the trailers were going on the three boomers next to me were talking full volume. Now I don’t expect people to be silent during the trailers (even though it still bothers me) but I let it go.
The lights go down and the opening starts and I still hear a bit of chatter but I figure that was them finishing their conversation. The first frame of the movie is some exposition. The man boomer starts READING THE TEXT OUT LOUD AND ASKING QUESTIONS I assume to his wife. WHO ANSWERS THEM.
I was like nope I’m going to shut this down before they feel like they can do this the whole time. I lean over and say “would you please not talk during the movie.” The woman next to me gives me a confused look but then I see her lean over to the other two boomers she’s with and points at me while saying “he says to stop talking.”
Fine they stop for maybe 10-15 minutes and then the chitter chatter starts again at a very low volume. I kind of accept my fate that I’ll be annoyed through the whole movie and keep thinking if i say something again or go grab an employee to back me up. I end up doing neither until the final moments of the movie. No spoilers but during the resolution of the film, important moment in any movie, they’re back to talking full volume. I’m livid at this point because I was really invested in the story. So i lean over and loudly shush them. The woman closest to me looks disgusted for a second then shushes me back and says “oh you go shush yourself!”
At this point my hearts racing cuz I am not a confrontational person, just really passionate about not having people talk during movies lol. I know this is nothing compared to some of what yall have experienced I was just stunned at the audacity. If I ever bothered someone in public and they asked me to stop whatever it was that bothered them I would just sink into myself so self conscious and feeling bad and embarrassed. Rant over lol.
submitted by StNikolai to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:34 Forsaken-Map8502 Finding out I was second choice..

Hey all.. I’m a teacher let’s call me Sarah and another capable teacher friend Brenda. So I’m a fifth grade special educator and I’m tenured. My capable teacher friend Brenda is not tenured just yet in a fourth grade bridge class. We are good friends. Not upset with her at all.
Today morning my admin had moved my punch card from my slot and had kept it in the main office. I went to go and find it and the middle school assistant principal smiled at me and said I was to go to another school for a professional development. I said okay but I was overwhelmed as is because it is nerve wracking as is to find parking and to have to jet to another place so early in the morning, leave my coteacher behind with my 28 kids with special needs. Anyways she tells me I am to go with the elementary school assistant principal to the pd. I text my elementary assistant principal and ask if we can go together and she says yes. While waiting for our Uber she looks noticeably stressed and not really paying attention to my commentary or anything while speaking. She was frazzled which isn’t her norm. I attend this meeting with her where it’s just me and her at a meeting for assistant principals regarding curriculum for the next school year. After the pd I asked her why I was notified last minute about it and she said that she was only supposed to go to it initially. Regardless, she asked that I start on some planning which I knew would be in the hands of my friend Brenda. When I see Brenda for lunch, we talk and she tells me she was supposed to go to this PD and that was kept behind for Nysst test. Only someone with certification can test those kids.
I’m not upset with my friend. I’m disappointed to be a second choice. If you didn’t want me as your first choice, why bother asking me at all. My classroom is important and the structure for my sped students is important.
I feel shitty for being a second choice.. I fell like a nobody.
Why choose me at all if it was directed to assistant principals and I wasn’t even a first choice?
Thanks for helping me out.
Not jealous, just sad
submitted by Forsaken-Map8502 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:34 louvveniafisher How to Get A Car Shipping Quote for a New York to Florida Vehicle Transport

How to Get A Car Shipping Quote for a New York to Florida Vehicle Transport
When planning to transport a vehicle from New York to Florida, the first thing you need to do is get a car shipping quote. This quote provides an estimate of the cost involved in moving your vehicle and helps you budget accordingly. Understanding how these quotes are calculated can save you time and money.

Factors Affecting Car Shipping Quotes

Several factors influence the car shipping quote you receive. These include:


The distance between the pickup and delivery locations is a significant determinant. For a New York to Florida transport, the distance is approximately 1,200 to 1,300 miles, impacting the overall cost.

Vehicle Type

The size and weight of your vehicle play a critical role. Larger and heavier vehicles, like SUVs and trucks, cost more to transport than smaller cars due to the space they occupy and the extra weight.

Transport Type

There are two main types of transport: open and enclosed. Open transport is more common and less expensive, but it exposes your car to the elements. Enclosed transport offers more protection but at a higher cost.


The time of year affects car shipping rates. During peak seasons, such as winter when snowbirds migrate to Florida, demand for car shipping services increases, leading to higher prices.

Delivery Speed

Standard delivery times are the most economical, but if you need expedited shipping, expect to pay a premium for the faster service.

Pickup and Delivery Locations

Urban areas usually have more competitive rates due to higher demand and easier access to transport trucks. In contrast, rural locations might incur additional costs.

Steps to Get a Car Shipping Quote

Research and Select Reliable Car Shipping Companies

Start by researching reputable car shipping companies. Look for companies with positive reviews, proper licensing, and insurance. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) website is a good place to verify a company’s credentials.

Request Quotes Online

Most car shipping companies offer online quote forms on their websites. Fill out these forms with details about your vehicle, desired transport type, pickup, and delivery locations. It’s a quick way to get an initial estimate.

Compare Quotes

Gather quotes from multiple companies to compare prices and services. Ensure that you’re comparing similar services – for instance, open transport versus open transport – to get an accurate comparison.

Contact Companies Directly

After reviewing online quotes, contact the companies directly. Speaking to a representative can provide a more tailored quote and address any specific needs or questions you have.

Evaluating Car Shipping Quotes

Review Inclusions and Exclusions

When evaluating quotes, check what is included. Some quotes may cover door-to-door service, insurance, and taxes, while others might have hidden fees. Clarify these details before making a decision.

Check for Insurance Coverage

Ensure that the quote includes adequate insurance coverage. Your vehicle should be insured against potential damage during transit. Ask for specifics about the coverage limits and any additional costs.

Look for Discounts

Some car shipping companies offer discounts for various reasons – military personnel, students, multi-car shipments, and more. Ask about any available discounts to reduce your shipping costs.

Finalizing Your Car Shipping Plan

Schedule the Pickup

Once you’ve chosen a company, schedule the pickup. Provide the necessary details and confirm the date and time. Ensure that someone is available to hand over the keys and complete any necessary paperwork.

Prepare Your Vehicle

Before shipping, prepare your vehicle. Remove personal items, check for any pre-existing damage, and ensure the gas tank is less than a quarter full. These steps help protect your vehicle and streamline the shipping process.

Track Your Shipment

Most car shipping companies offer tracking services. Use these to monitor your vehicle’s progress from New York to Florida. Stay in contact with the company for updates and estimated delivery times.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them


Shipping delays can occur due to weather, traffic, or logistical issues. To mitigate this, schedule your shipment with some buffer time. Keep communication lines open with your shipping company for updates.

Damage During Transit

While rare, damage can happen. Ensure that you have adequate insurance and thoroughly inspect your vehicle upon delivery. Document any damages with photos and report them immediately to the shipping company.
In conclusion, getting a car shipping quote for transporting your vehicle from New York to Florida involves understanding the factors that influence costs, comparing quotes from multiple companies, and finalizing your shipping plan carefully. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and cost-effective car shipping experience. Whether you’re moving permanently or seasonally, the right preparation can make your vehicle transport stress-free and efficient.
submitted by louvveniafisher to u/louvveniafisher [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:32 bdehora Back after 8 months

Back after 8 months. Some thoughts as a PS5 player.
  1. It has levels to know where you're at. I dropped off kind of pre Rennala in an NG+ (I know only because I left a note in an Obsidian file). I get and agree why the game and the genre has the lore doctrine it has, but obscurity by design fights against just picking things up again. I feel like this is why online discussion and support is a core part of playing and understanding the game meaningfully. I believe there are folks who really do figure things out by axiom, whether its completion paths, combinations, stacks, buffs, scaling, builds, hidden areas, while believing it's not a game philosophy that works without an internet, and to be frank without the highly centralised iteration of the internet we have today. I think we should encourage players to look at guides from the get over just do it yourself alone. In much the same sense we don't tend to recommend people experience a country or a city without a bit of groundwork.
  2. It's a beautiful, beautful game. Even more than I remember or appreciated. I don't just mean the art style or that ray tracing was added. It's things like level of detail, extreme use of color, particle effects, and especially, high contrast. It's all very painterly, but brush brave and stroke precise in a Sargent/Rubens/ElGreco sense, or in the sense of how great mini painters emulate insane realism in 25mm. Some main things I don't love are the washed out distance fog. I get it, but it creates a flatness than undermines (imo) one of the most beautiful, awesome, worlds ever designed in video games.
  3. Menus could make it an even more beautiful game. I'm left wondering the extent FromSoftware understand what some of us are doing when we play this game and spending time in the world. Me? I'm spending a lot of time in menu and using the hud constantly. The tea drenched sepia smol boxes does little good here. I would love for the menus and hud part to get the same level of game attention as core mechanics. I feel like this is the more important criticism than saying menus are spreadsheety. Ans seriously, things are just too small. The items I'm looking at have beautiful, intricate designs, with such lore. They deserve more visual real estate and even animation (why not play the gesture or provide a show action when you select it?). I also feel like item cycling lacks slickness compared to main combat, but both matter in fights. Subjectively, I tend to get killed when trying to pick the right flask more than timing a roll. And so I think menu is underserved as part of combat.
  4. Sound design is out there. I hadn't realised the extent Elden Ring imprinted its sound on me, especially combat effects and character actions. This is Nintendo / 80s Arcade levels of imprint. I would say also the audio helped me attune to combat that much faster: the game sound literally tells you if you're playing and timing well. The VAs, to be clear, are excellent imo, and I wish we knew more about them and celebrated them more as actors the way other games are doing (I'm there for the Ramon Tikaram as Godrick podcast), but the direction and writing is missing—something—somehow trapped in the era that Demon Souls was made. That said, I just did come back from months of BG3, which is the high bar here.
  5. Physicality. I think the audio effects can't be underestimated to help lend weight, but when you try and swing that blasphemous/gargoyle two hander thing you have going on, you really do feel their heft, whereas when I was a moonveil spammer on my first run, it was whip fast. While being a tad critical of how the game hides its mechanics, they do matter, impressively so, in the sense of gameplay. That glove vs that glove can be night and day. And what makes this amazing is how those choices really affect your overall game approach. It's so meaningful and it feels like you're playing a different game each time. And that leads me to—
  6. —Length. I'm torn. On the one hand, in the last decade,I'm playing and loving games that lean to longer play throughs (AC:O/A, HFW, BG3, Elden Ring, RDR, Rogue Trader, at a push TLOU2). On the other hand, Dungeons, Field bosses, etc, start to get repetitive and even gimmicky (oh, this rune bear also has shout, ok then). I wonder if there's an Elden Ring that cuts the game to a half or even a third such that I could play through more times. BG3, the game I'm coming off, to be clear, has the same problem, even worse, but also the same potential. I feel your build choices make the game spectacularly different, not just minimaxing on a load out. Playing as a mage over a knight over a samurai means playing a different game. This evening for example, I ended up by accident beside a crayfish in Liurnia. I had to fight, freaking out, but because of the current build a toe to fight was a reasonable thing to do. The freak out was they were so formidable in other playthroughs—because of the builds. So I'm left wondering, would a shorter game I complete more times be 'better' than a longer game I complete fewer times?
So: yeah, I'm thinking I'm back. One of the greatest games ever made.
submitted by bdehora to Eldenring [link] [comments]