Sad alt codes

Rage comics

2009.11.23 14:18 Rage comics

Rage Comics RageComics rage comic ragecomic 9gag Fu F7u12 Ffuu fffuuu Ffffuuuu Fffffuuuuu Ffffffuuuuuu fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu f7u12 Rage ragecomics Rage comics

2018.07.21 01:49 ONLYUSEmeFEET Nintendo Wifi Connection Revival

WFC Revival is a subreddit dedicated to playing DS and Wii games online through private servers. Check out our Discord and join us online!

2021.06.03 05:43 LokiTheTrickstr your_bootstraps

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps is a dogwhistle to the MAGA chugging, alt-right morons that think poverty is eliminated with hard work alone.

2024.06.09 15:36 Ryvertz The RNG and progression systems they showed for T4 are much better than what we currently have and people don't give them enough credit

I've seen a big sentiment of people going "lmao they just added more rng and gold sinks...this is trash and doesn't fix anything...T4 is a mistake!" and to me it seems like these people don't realize that not all RNG and progression is created equal and there are good ways and bad ways to implement RNG and progression and what they showed with T4 so far looks very promising and does indeed fix a lot of things. I am not saying the new systems are perfect and they completely fixed Lost Ark...there are still some big L's in the new system which I will get to aswell but I wanna try and make a somewhat unbiased showcase of what changes these new systems will actually bring and why it is better than what we currently have.
Let's start with one of the big L's that they didn't really fix. Honing has always been an annoying system where the gap of progression between lucky and unlucky people was too big and considering it is mandatory to do to access new content it felt like the most painful system since it is always the number 1 thing you are forced to focus on in terms of progression whereas the power increase for all the investement is very little.
They now introduced an improved honing system with Echidna that is far better and had the chance for T4 to make it the standard system and instead it seems like both systems will exist in parallel which is definitely sad.
If you wanna hear my cope take for honing: The big problem for the old honing usually only starts at the higher levels where honing chances go down to 5% and below. Beforehand honing usually goes relatively fast and the gap between lucky and unlucky isn't that bad yet. If they increase the amount of ilvl that is available through Echidna honing in T4 there is potential that you only need to go up to +16 to +18 with old honing and can then solely engage with Echidna honing for ilvl progression and accessing new content and the remaining 20-30 ilvl from old honing system is just there for whales that wanna flex and don't have to be used by normal players.
Lets go from the biggest L to the biggest W when it comes to progression systems. Atm books are a mandatory system for engravings that are completely useless until you reach 20/20 legendary books creating a massive paywall especially for new players but also alt enjoyers. You can also only use books for 2 out of 5 engravings and the other 3 have to be bought again for each new character through stones and accessory.
With the new system you now get a massive free baseline (I use Grudge as example since we have pictures of that) of 15% from blue and purple books (since you get tons of those from events etc. and they will always be cheap on the AH). And then you get slow 0.75% increments of power for each 5 extra legendary and relic books you buy. This means new players will instantly have access to a decent amount of the power and then have a slow and steady progression instead of having to face a giant paywall for all 20 books at once.
The books now also apply to ALL 5 engravings meaning they turned engravings as a whole into a ROSTERWIDE RNG FREE SYSTEM where the investement on your main also benefits all your alts making alts much cheaper aswell as balance updates hurting way less if your class suddenly gets a new build.
Obviously in the short term it is a new gold sink with relic books and lego books you dont have yet but the gold you spent into this system has 0 RNG involved and it will benefit every single character you will ever create which to me makes it probably the best progression system they have in the game.
Atm stones are a mandatory system for your engravings that can be a massive gold and pheon sink depending on RNG since you are forced to get a 7/7 and anything below is useless on each new char which sucks for new and old players.
With the new system suddenly a 7/0 stones is also totally usable for new players and alts since the difference between 7/7 and 7/0 is only 3% dmg which nobody will ever gatekeep you for.
Yes obviously once you start maximizing your chars you wanna go for 7/7 stones again and the RNG of the whole system is the same as before but the big difference is that you aren't forced into doing it anymore to just make your char playable with engravings. It is now a minor dmg increase that you can come back to at any time once you have the ressources for it.
Everyone seems to be worried that you now have 5 new bracelets to roll and everything got worse than before but if you think about it current accessories are much worse RNG. You have base stats, quality and engravings on them and only a single shot per accessory to get a useful roll and it is again very binary where it is either completely useless or extremely good. With the new system you have multiple chances and the progression is much more linear where you can go for small dmg increases first and only once you maxed out other systems come back to improve your dmg with them.
Also the biggest change in this system compared to bracelets is that you can roll and then still sell AFTER the rolls. This means if you don't like the RNG part of this new system you can completely ignore it and buy finished accessories on the market for fixed prices.
This makes the system identical to its current form of just buying the right ones for you on the market with the difference that you now have options and can choose how much you wanna invest depending on how much power you want/how much gold you have to spare. It's again an amazing system for alts and new players who will be MUCH cheaper than before and even for your main it is a nice RNG free (unless you choose otherwise) gold sink system with more freedom compared to before.
And for anyone arguing "you are actually forced into upgrading all these systems instantly cuz of gatekeep" you won't. I feel like people overestimate the amount of effort people go into when it comes to gatekeeping. The order of operations for most people when it comes to gatekeeping goes: Roster Level -> Title(if asked for) -> Class(depends on the person of course) -> Ilvl -> Transendence+Elixir -> Engravings -> Gems And if there are no red flags along this path they will most likely accept. Nobody checks stuff like quality, bracelets etc. and people won't start with it here by going over every single accessory or whether someones Grudge deals 1.5% more dmg etc. And the few people that are cringe enough to go to these lengths in gatekeeping you don't wanna be in the party anyways.
Now overall all these changes give two big things: Flexibility and very cheap baseline power levels. The cheap baseline is absolutely amazing for new players who can instantly get their main and alts going without having to spend hundreds of thousands of gold on these system just to get a playable char in terms of engravings. It is also amazing for vets when it comes to trying out new alts because you don't have to wait and commit to a class with each new Express pass and instead can create a functional good alt for almost no gold and try them out in T3 raids before deciding whether or not you wanna commit to them. Your build is now much more flexible than before since you can easily swap out engravings for others and at worst loose 3-6% dmg and in most cases since books are rosterwide you loose no dmg at all. This can allow you to experiment with new builds, adjust to balance patches more easily, have PvP builds, swap between both Class engravings of your class without any extra cost and so on.
Now one limiting factor of this flexibility that I haven't adressed yet and is my 2nd L of these new systems is gems.
When you change around engravings you often also change around abilites which means you also have to change Gems in a lot of cases but it is not realistic to just have spare high lvl gems laying around for each ability but you also can't reroll with silver everytime you change around your build. I think one change they should have introduced here is that instead of getting gems like in T3 currently you unlock a gem slot of the respective level and can then apply this gem slot to any skill and change the skill around whenever you want. If you wanna be extra nice make the gem slots rosterwide progression but that would probably be too much hopium to ever happen. But in general if they somehow make gems changeable in an easy way so you can easily switch builds it would just really compliment all the other changes they seemingly made with the goal for more flexibility.
Now the whole Lvl 10 -> Lvl 8 gems for T4 I don't think is that problematic. Gems have always been an extremely solid RNG free progression system (if we exclude the Lvl 10 dmg vs CDR roll) that people don't mind investing gold into and since in Korea the system is just maxed out for a lot of players raising the ceiling is just a nice way to give these players a way to invest into this system again. For an average player in the west not much changed by them raising the ceiling of won't suddenly get gatekept because your gems are Lvl 6-8 again because guess what...everyone around you also only has Lvl 6-8 gems and very few people will instantly go back to 10 again. The same way how a year ago nobody expected you to have Lvl 10 gems in the West nobody will expect gems above Lvl 6-8 in T4 for a long time.
Those 2 systems are obviously not ideal considering how massive the power increase is for them which forces players to engage and finish them asap if they dont wanna get gatekept. I don't think just removing them in T4 would solve the problem since it would first of all just create massive short term problems of these systems being obsolete very soon while being massive powerspikes right now and since so much power is tied to them you would have to just introduce a new system that compensates for the power loss in T4 so your char isn't suddenly weaker than before so instead of hating the current Transendence/Elixir system people would hate on the new system in T4 instead.
Still the good part about these systems is that they have a clear finish point at which you are done with them and don't have to engage in them anymore and by reducing the cost and time to get there by 50% they still did quite a big improvement on those 2 systems.
Quality taps:
Only got a small change by introducing a pity system to it which is obviously a great addition to make it so even unsuccessful taps give you some form of progress in the form of pity meter. I don't think this is a problematic RNG system because getting to a solid 70-80 quality baseline is very easy and nobody will ever gatekeep you for lack of quality on your pieces so tapping above 80 is mostly something you do at your own pace whenever you got some spare gold and not something you are forced to do.
Probably the worst RNG system in the game but the good thing is that you don't really have to engage with it all the much if you dont want to. Its fairly easy to get a 6-7% dmg bracelet and nobody will ever gatekeep you for not having a 10+% bracelet. The reason why people invest so much into bracelets is mostly personal pride of wanting to have a god bracelet on your main but realistically if you dislike this system you loose at best 3-4% dmg from not going all out on it.
It's hard to say how big the changes are for the T4 bracelets...perhaps with the new options it's much easier to get good bracelets compared to before and the preview of being able to choose if you want the old or new values will definitely help too. But this system probably is still not gonna be that great but it's arguably an improvement to the current version.
So as a summary when it comes to the changes of RNG and gold sinks for T4 here nothing got worse compared to before and a lot of things just got a lot better by making the RNG cheaper or less mandatory in a lot of places while making the progression of systems much more linear compared to being a binary perfect/useless that it is right now while also giving new players and alts very cheap baseline powers in a lot of these systems.
Massive buffs:
Small/Medium buffs:
Just as bad as before:
submitted by Ryvertz to lostarkgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:31 angelpixies Amsterdam resell tickets

Hello! I haven’t posted anything on reddit so I’m not sure if I’m doing this right so please let me know otherwise!
I don’t know how concerts like these worked before (never went to a concert out of my country before) but I got selected last year for Amsterdam pre-sale and got tickets! Sadly, something else happened so I can’t make it to n1 (which i originally bought) so the friend I was going with found someone else to go with! I’ve been a swiftie for the longest time so I still want to go to n3 and I don’t quite understand how the resell/resale (?) process works.
I don’t know if I’m in the right subreddit to ask so I thought I still might give it a chance! Is there going to be a resell on ticketmaster? I’ve read somewhere that people who have the presale code will get a chance to buy remaining tickets a week (or so) before on ticketmaster but I can’t find anything official! If anyone has any information it would be really helpful💗
submitted by angelpixies to erastourtickets [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:16 LonelyTechnician-27 26/M UK/Europe - Cuddly nerd looking for a long term thing with someone cool!

I've been single for 6 years and I've decided to do something about it! I've tried a couple of dating apps in the past and quite frankly they suck. I've posted on here a lot over the last few years and met some cool, and some not so cool, people so now here I am rewriting my post again to see who else is around!
I'm 26 and from South East England. Physically, I'm fat (cuddly 😛) I've got short brown hair, blue/greyish eyes, a nose, 2 arms, 2 legs, and all that usual stuff. I'm also 6'3 so if you fancy sitting on my shoulders and seeing what the weather's like up here then I'm definitely up for it! I'm pretty strong as well so even if you're "cuddly" I'll still most likely be able to get you up there 💪 I wouldn't say no to you doing the same for me either, but there's a 110% chance you'll be crushed if you try so I'll definitely have to make you sign a waiver or something 😛
Pictures are available on request, although if you're the type to ghost immediately after seeing my face then I will spend the evening sad in bed so don't do that 😒
Personality wise, I'm pretty shy and quiet in person until I get to know someone well. The MBTI test says I'm an INTJ and the description seems to fit fairly well, although it also says I have the same personality as Gandalf so I guess it could definitely be worse. Relationship wise I can be quite dorky and weird when I'm with someone I know well enough. I'm also a massive fan of cuddles so hopefully you like them as much as me!
In my free time, I do quite a lot of gaming, although not as much as I used to. I've got a massive box of films and TV shows that I'm gradually working my way through. It's mostly horror and sci-fi films at the moment, and I could definitely do with someone else to cuddle up and watch them with! I'm also into Warhammer 40k, but I haven't built or painted anything for ages so I've mostly got a cabinet full of grey plastic at the moment... I would like to do some travelling to tick things off my bucket list, but travelling alone is never as much fun as having someone to go with! I'm currently looking into a trip to Svalbard, but a lot of the activities have a minimum of two people so it'd be even less fun to travel there alone!
For other discussion topics, I've got a soft spot for anything paranormal or conspiracy theory related, anything science related, or pretty much anything else you can think of!
So who am I looking for? Well;
If you've made it this far and like the sound of me, congratulations! Come and message me for a free cookie!
submitted by LonelyTechnician-27 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:16 LonelyTechnician-27 26 [M4F] UK/Europe - Cuddly nerd looking for a long term thing with someone cool!

I've been single for 6 years and I've decided to do something about it! I've tried a couple of dating apps in the past and quite frankly they suck. I've posted on here a lot over the last few years and met some cool, and some not so cool, people so now here I am rewriting my post again to see who else is around!
I'm 26 and from South East England. Physically, I'm fat (cuddly 😛) I've got short brown hair, blue/greyish eyes, a nose, 2 arms, 2 legs, and all that usual stuff. I'm also 6'3 so if you fancy sitting on my shoulders and seeing what the weather's like up here then I'm definitely up for it! I'm pretty strong as well so even if you're "cuddly" I'll still most likely be able to get you up there 💪 I wouldn't say no to you doing the same for me either, but there's a 110% chance you'll be crushed if you try so I'll definitely have to make you sign a waiver or something 😛
Pictures are available on request, although if you're the type to ghost immediately after seeing my face then I will spend the evening sad in bed so don't do that 😒
Personality wise, I'm pretty shy and quiet in person until I get to know someone well. The MBTI test says I'm an INTJ and the description seems to fit fairly well, although it also says I have the same personality as Gandalf so I guess it could definitely be worse. Relationship wise I can be quite dorky and weird when I'm with someone I know well enough. I'm also a massive fan of cuddles so hopefully you like them as much as me!
In my free time, I do quite a lot of gaming, although not as much as I used to. I've got a massive box of films and TV shows that I'm gradually working my way through. It's mostly horror and sci-fi films at the moment, and I could definitely do with someone else to cuddle up and watch them with! I'm also into Warhammer 40k, but I haven't built or painted anything for ages so I've mostly got a cabinet full of grey plastic at the moment... I would like to do some travelling to tick things off my bucket list, but travelling alone is never as much fun as having someone to go with! I'm currently looking into a trip to Svalbard, but a lot of the activities have a minimum of two people so it'd be even less fun to travel there alone!
For other discussion topics, I've got a soft spot for anything paranormal or conspiracy theory related, anything science related, or pretty much anything else you can think of!
So who am I looking for? Well;
If you've made it this far and like the sound of me, congratulations! Come and message me for a free cookie!
submitted by LonelyTechnician-27 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:16 LonelyTechnician-27 26 [M4F] UK/Europe - Cuddly nerd looking for a long term thing with someone cool!

I've been single for 6 years and I've decided to do something about it! I've tried a couple of dating apps in the past and quite frankly they suck. I've posted on here a lot over the last few years and met some cool, and some not so cool, people so now here I am rewriting my post again to see who else is around!
I'm 26 and from South East England. Physically, I'm fat (cuddly 😛) I've got short brown hair, blue/greyish eyes, a nose, 2 arms, 2 legs, and all that usual stuff. I'm also 6'3 so if you fancy sitting on my shoulders and seeing what the weather's like up here then I'm definitely up for it! I'm pretty strong as well so even if you're "cuddly" I'll still most likely be able to get you up there 💪 I wouldn't say no to you doing the same for me either, but there's a 110% chance you'll be crushed if you try so I'll definitely have to make you sign a waiver or something 😛
Pictures are available on request, although if you're the type to ghost immediately after seeing my face then I will spend the evening sad in bed so don't do that 😒
Personality wise, I'm pretty shy and quiet in person until I get to know someone well. The MBTI test says I'm an INTJ and the description seems to fit fairly well, although it also says I have the same personality as Gandalf so I guess it could definitely be worse. Relationship wise I can be quite dorky and weird when I'm with someone I know well enough. I'm also a massive fan of cuddles so hopefully you like them as much as me!
In my free time, I do quite a lot of gaming, although not as much as I used to. I've got a massive box of films and TV shows that I'm gradually working my way through. It's mostly horror and sci-fi films at the moment, and I could definitely do with someone else to cuddle up and watch them with! I'm also into Warhammer 40k, but I haven't built or painted anything for ages so I've mostly got a cabinet full of grey plastic at the moment... I would like to do some travelling to tick things off my bucket list, but travelling alone is never as much fun as having someone to go with! I'm currently looking into a trip to Svalbard, but a lot of the activities have a minimum of two people so it'd be even less fun to travel there alone!
For other discussion topics, I've got a soft spot for anything paranormal or conspiracy theory related, anything science related, or pretty much anything else you can think of!
So who am I looking for? Well;
If you've made it this far and like the sound of me, congratulations! Come and message me for a free cookie!
submitted by LonelyTechnician-27 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:54 lei_la_ bro code

I've had my best friend for over a year now. and I even considered him as my father ever since. I've been comfortable with him, and so does he. I've helped him countless times with his past ex during their tough times, and what he did to me was.. shocking. during the last month with the relationship with my ex, I've stared noticing that my friend was getting mentioned by her or by the topic we were having. at one point, she even told me that he used to be her crush back when they were still classmates. and ever since she told me that, I've been noticing something fishy. and after a while, me and her broke up. few weeks have gone by, WEEKS! and I'm starting to see them being w/each other, whether it's irl or in social media. I asked my friend about it, and he told me the otherwise that I was assuming. and lately, I've confirmed that they were actually together. it hurts, not because I miss my ex, but because of what he did. oh, and not to mention that he already did this for the second time. he dated my first ex a while ago, and now my second. goddamn. at first, I was sad. but now all I feel about him is just anger. did he even consider my feelings or what was gonna go through my mind? he broke the bro code twice, without even feeling any remorse whatsoever.
submitted by lei_la_ to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Reminder: Rules and FAQ - June 09, 2024 (Now with updates!)

Below you will find a weekly reminder of our Rules and partial FAQ. It's definitely a long read, but it's worth your time, especially if you are new to the community, or dropping by as a result of a link you found elsewhere. We periodically revise our rules, this weekly notice will help keep you informed of any changes made.
NOTE: These rules are guidelines. Some moderation discretion is to be expected.

Community Rules

1. Kindness Matters

Advise, don't criticize.

2. No Drama

This is a support sub.

3. Report, Don’t Rant

No backseat modding.

4. No Naming & Shaming

No userpings or links.

5. No Platitudes

Nobody knew what they were getting into.

6. No Trolling

We have zero tolerance for trolls.

7. No Personally Identifiable Information

Use discretion when posting.

8. No More than 2 Posts per 24 hours

Use the daily threads.

9. Follow Reddiquette

Remember the human.

10. No Porn, Spam, Blogs, or Research Studies/Surveys Without Mod Approval

Just don't.

11. Disputes in Modmail Only

Don't argue with the mods on the sub.

12. Moderator Actions

We aren't kidding.

13. Ban Procedure

These actions are at moderator discretion.

FAQ - About the Rules

What does Kindness Matters mean?

What about being kind to the kids?

Why is this sub such an echo chamber?

Why can't I tell OP that they are an asshole?

But OP asked if they were an asshole?!

What is a gendered slur?

Seriously? You are the language police now?

What does No Drama really mean?

What is thread derailment?

But what if they didn't answer my question?

Why am I being silenced? I'm just asking for a back and forth!

Why can't I look at someone's post history and comment about it?

Why can't we crosspost stuff to other subs?

What if it's my own post?

What is "brigading"?

What is this whole Report, Don't Rant thing about?

What if I see an obvious troll?

What if they are being really mean in comments?

What if they are harassing me in private messages?

What do you mean by No Naming & Shaming?

I can't link to other subs?

I can't ping other users?

What does No Platitudes mean?

Why don't you people understand it's a package deal?

Why can't you just love them like they are your own?

What do you mean by No Trolling? I was just...

What does "concern trolling", "gish-galloping", and "sealioning" have to do with stepparenting? This isn't a debate sub, why are you using debate terms?

What is "Concern Trolling?"

What is a "Devil's Advocate"?

"Gish-galloping?" What does that even mean?

And "sealioning?" What's that?

Who gets to define what is considered asshattery?

FAQ - Sub Questions

Posting Guidelines for Stepparents

Posting Guidelines for Bioparents

Guidelines for Stepkids

What the heck are all these acronyms? I'm confused!

Why aren't my posts or comments showing up?

Why was my comment removed?

This comment/post is really offensive! Why is it still up?

I've received a hurtful/unwanted PM from someone about my recent post. What should I do?

What are the general moderator guidelines?

I've been wrongly banned/Why can't I comment here?

Why was I banned without warning?

submitted by AutoModerator to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:00 MrTKila My Tower of Alloy Program on custom architecture

My Tower of Alloy Program on custom architecture
I was building some custom architecture the last couple days and was testing it with the Tower of Alloy level.
And now I wanted to share how the result looks.
The architecture should mainly have two added features: 1) Variable instruction length. (Moving value from A to B only requires OP-CODE A B, instead of OP-CODE A *unused* B ).
And 2) I wanted to be expand on functions a bit:
-the option to call (or return) a function with arguments
-functions using local variables if wished
For my solution I am using regular registers 10 to 17 and 'local' ones 20 to 23. The later ones essentially feature the local variables. They get automatically saved in a stack when a function is called (and the values returned at the end) and also get filled (however I like to) by the values from reg 10 to 17.
Sadly I can't call a function with inputs from the local variables themselves.
For this reason I have to always save the local variables into the regular ones (see line 33, command LocVarLoads, the next line simply detemrines what i save where) before calling another iteration with arguments (line 16, callwArg, similarly the next line detemrines what is loaded where). Nonetheless I do think the program is much more convenient than my old one with the "default" architecture.
In case people are actually interested I can try and explain what I have done (not that it is complex, but formulating thoughts into words can be tough sometimes and my architecture looks absolutely hideous).
submitted by MrTKila to TuringComplete [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:37 sahiltodankar Quality Doubleshot PBT & ABS Keycaps Range In New SA Concave Profile and Cherry Profile Now Ready to ship on

Quality Doubleshot PBT & ABS Keycaps Range In New SA Concave Profile and Cherry Profile Now Ready to ship on submitted by sahiltodankar to mkindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:05 Lacrima-The-Second mysql "UPDATE WHERE" updates all entries in my php code

EDIT: Thank you everyone, I made it work by submitting a form and reading the IDs from there! Now to work on the prepare statement. Thanks again to everyone for their input!!
Hey everyone. I'm posting here because I think that my issue has something to do with my PHP code. All the relevant lines of code are further down.
ISSUE: I want to update a certain entry in my database when I check a box. For this I paste the value, which is the ID from the entry in the DB, into a function. This function calls the UPDATE. The code works, it updates the value. But for ALL entries.
What I tried:
  1. When I console.log($data), it outputs only the corresponding ID. But the UPDATE, for some reason, applies to all.
  2. Could it be because of the while-loop going through all the checkboxes? That would explain why when
  3. I tried hard coding an ID for testing, it worked normally and the correct ID got updated.
I have my doubts for number 2, because the console.log only outputs ONE number, and not multiple times or all of them for that matter.
id name surname ... incorporated
1 Bob Ross ... unchecked
2 Fred Rogers ... checked
Here is the mysql call:
function updatedb($data) { $sql = "UPDATE customers SET incorporated = 'checked' WHERE id = $data"; mysqli_query(Connect(), $sql); } 
My while loop for creating the table in php:
 fetch_assoc()): ?>    

submitted by Lacrima-The-Second to PHPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:42 XellosGaming An over the top Loot Spreadsheet

So, I made an over the top Loot Speadsheet for my Static for the upcoming tier and I thought I would share it with everyone. I know there are other spreadsheets out there and they all have their purpose. But they lacked some things that I wanted. Some also required waiting for others to update them to be current (something I wasn't keen on)
Specifically, this spreadsheet uses no scripting and requires no special knowledge of google sheets or excel to be able to use. There is very little setup and a lot of it is optional :)
It's compatible with all Savage Tiers without having to wait for me to update it!
If you would like to use the Spreadsheet for yourself, you can make a copy here: LINK
It's pretty Straight Foward - You just make a Copy of the Spreadsheet: LINK
Not really sure if I missed anything, but I believe this should cover most peoples needs, It definitely covers ours! I hope this helps somebody. I know it's over the top. I know there is a lot better looking sheets out there and I know there isn't a one size fits all option.
submitted by XellosGaming to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:36 kojaky5599 Presale codes

Sad KCON cancelled my ZB1 m&g on me. So I'm selling my KCON LA presale codes for $25 each
unavailable to purchase w my code: - day 3 (Sunday) concert ticket - zb1 m&g
Everything else is available.
Accepting Venmo, Zelle, or PayPal F&F
DM if interested.
submitted by kojaky5599 to KCONLA2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:14 Throwra-girlsnight My (23f) lies caught up to me, ex-fiancé (28m) broke up with me and just dropped me and my stuff off at a temporary apartment - is there anything I can do to win his trust back?

I have been going out clubbing on girls night about once a month, and it morphed into me sitting on the couch while my friends flirted and made out with guys. I would talk to the 'spare' guy, but absolutely no flirting, kissing or touching.
I know two of the girls in the group from uni, and the rest of the girls are friends of friends. We would go clubbing (where I live has quite the night life, and my city is a bit of a tourist destination, so it's always busy), have a few drinks and dance, then head home. The last few times I went with them (I usually only go once a month, but most of them seem to go every week, or even twice a week), my friends have been meeting guys rather than just dancing, and then going back to someone's place to flirt and make out. One of the group, who I have dubbed Barracuda (she honestly scares me and totally gives off that vibe) lives with her bf, but when he was away for work was when the girls would invite guys back to her house. Barracuda has been doing a lot of flirting with the guys who come back with our group, and more than once she has gone to one of the bedrooms with a guy for an hour or so. I'm honestly a bit naive and always assume the best of people, but even I'm guessing she has cheated on her boyfriend. She doesn't kiss or make out with anyone in the public areas of the house where I can see, but what else would they be doing in a bedroom for that long?
It gets a little worse. My girl friends never wanted me to bring along my fiancé, because he'll "cramp their style" for what's basically become making out with guys. I get pretty bored sitting around waiting for my friends to finish flirting or kissing these guys, so I would sometimes sit and talk with the 'spare' guy who wasn't paired up with one of my friends. I felt super guilty about hanging out with these guys when my fiancé is waiting for me at home, but I also feel guilty about leaving these guys sitting there waiting on their friends. I never flirt or touch them or kiss them, but the thought of my handsome, kind, generous fiancé sitting at home while I'm chatting to guys had me twisted up with guilt. I don't know exactly how I got into this situation, but my fiancé has gently pointed out to me a couple of times that I can be a bit of a people pleaser, so there's that. 🥲
So based on many comments on my first two posts, and some hard thought on my end, I decided to claim I was busy (not hard since we are part-way through my exam block for uni) and not attend the next girls night, until I could figure out how to tell my fiancé what was going on. In my last two posts, I got some good advice on how to broach the topic, so I was just figuring out the best one to suit me.
I told my fiancé that I wasn't going out for girl's night this weekend because some of the girls made me uncomfortable, but he just nodded and didn't say anything, staring off into the distance. I was kinda bummed because I was hoping that would prompt some questions which would lead to a conversation in a natural way. I tried again by telling him I was cutting contact with the girl group, but he didn't really react to that either.
Frankly, he seemed kind of out of it all week, really distracted and giving short answers, staring off into the distance a lot. He hadn't rejected me when I hugged him or snuggled or kissed, but he never initiated this last week, which isn't normal. I figured he was stressed from work, but his behaviour kinda weirded me out.
Come the night of girls night, I was sitting in the lounge room watching some reality TV (trashy, I know, but I was really on edge and needed a distraction) and idly going through my notes for my upcoming exams. My fiancé had been in his study all day (catching up on work even though it was a Saturday) when he finally emerged. He stopped dead, his expression surprised, and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was waiting for him to finish work so we could spend some time together. He got this really weird expression on his face, and didn't seem to know what to say. I reminded him that I had decided not to go to the girls night out, and had told him earlier in the week. He still didn't seem to know what to say, and didn't ask any questions.
Eventually, he told me that a friend of his needed some help, and he'd be gone a few hours. I asked if he'd like me to come, and I swear his face got an almost terrified expression on it. I told him I could change if he needed me to (I was dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt), but he said it would be best if I didn't get involved. Which was a super weird thing to say, but this week has been super weird all up. He then left, and I took the opportunity to finish writing my thoughts out and prepare for how to tell him. An hour or so after my fiancé left, I started getting weird text messages from a couple of my girl friends. Apparently, Barracudas bf came back in a surprise visit, and caught her red-handed. I got some accusatory text messages asking if I set her up or something. I texted back for more details, but then I think I got blocked.
At first, I thought I was lucky I hadn't been there, but it gets more complicated.
My fiancé came home around midnight, and I rushed to the door to give him a hug and let him know what was going on with my girl friends (at least what I could figure out). But he held me at arms length, which really hurt. I asked what the hell was going on, in a fairly straightforward manner (not usual for me), and he looked startled, but asked me to come with him to the lounge room. We sat down, and he dispassionately told me about Barracudas bf installing a door cam, and figuring out his gf was cheating on him. He'd planned to catch her in the act by pretending to fly to work the day before and stay in a hotel, but he also contacted my fiancé since I was the only other attached girl in the situation. My fiancé planned to turn up and catch me in the act if I was cheating as well.
At this point, I burst into tears because I don't handle confrontation well, and I couldn't get any words out between sobs. I was an absolute mess - this wasn't a couple of tears and glimmering eyes like in the movies. It was an ugly cry with snot and my entire face blotchy. I couldn't explain myself and just shoved the paper I'd been writing my thoughts out on at him while blubbering incoherently.
He found me a box of tissues, and I tried to clean myself up while he read through my somewhat disjointed notes. In the end, he asked me point blank if I had ever cheated on him, and I remember shaking my head vehemently, and trying to deny it through tears. He nodded, saying some of my girl friends there that night has vouched for me, though they seemed convinced I had ratted Barracuda out to her bf. He asked me if I had known what Barracuda was up to, and my tears had subsided enough that I was able to explain that I suspected what she was up to, but hadn't seen anything myself.
He rolled his eyes at that, looking exasperated, and asked me what would anyone think at that point. I started crying again, but managed to get out that I hadn't felt it was any of my business, but that I had wanted to tell him, and that's why I had drafted the notes.
My fiancé raised his voice at this, and started shouting about how he would want to know if he was being cheated on, and people who know about cheating and don't say anything are almost as bad as cheaters. His voice was still loud as he told me he was really angry at my lack of boundaries, and staying there to talk to guys had violated his trust. I was shocked at this point. My normally quietly assertive fiancé was shouting, and I couldn't recall that ever happening before. Sure, we'd had some arguments in three years of dating, but we rarely even raised our voices and always kept things civil. This time, his jaw was clenched and veins were standing out in his neck and forehead. His eyes were wild, and I admit I got this little tingle of attraction that I couldn't explain. I should have felt worried because I'd never seen him so angry, but I still felt totally safe with him.
He calmed himself down pretty quickly, and I thought maybe we'd start sorting things out. But then he looked at me, and it was really sad, combined with some betrayal and a tiny bit of contempt. He'd never looked at me like that before, and suddenly I knew we were NOT okay. I started sobbing again, and he told me he was sleeping in the guest room, and we'd talk more in the morning.
I honestly think I was still in shock and reacting slowly, because before I knew it, my fiancé had collected his pillow and phone charger, and the guest room door was locked. I pounded on the door a bit, and begged him to talk to me, but he ignored me. I eventually went to sleep in our usual bed, wearing his favourite hoodie that smelled like him. In the morning, my fiancé was waiting for me in the kitchen/informal dining area.
He told me that I had broken his trust by hanging out 1-on-1 with guys instead of having him there, and not reporting what was happening in terms of cheating. What really sucks is that he wasn't even a tiny bit wrong. I know that now, and my guilt earlier kinda told me I knew earlier as well. I apologised profusely, saying I would never do anything like that ever again. I asked him what I could do to earn his trust back, and his answer had me flabbergasted. He said I needed to move out, "get my crap together", get some counselling, and build better boundaries. After that, he might be able to trust me again, when he'd seen that I'd made some big changes, but it wasn't an automatic thing, and we might not get back together.
I felt like I was in an alternate universe. I managed to stammer out that I didn't have money for counselling, or enough to pay for food, petrol, and bills, let alone rent. Couldn't I stay here and make it up to him?
He refused, saying I needed to move out on my own and go to counselling. That it would be an important first step in building some proper boundaries. I burst into tears again at this point, and begged him not to break up with me and kick me out, that I loved him and wanted to be with him. He said he loved me too, but it hurt to look at me right now, and he needed space.
It took me a couple of minutes to calm myself down. Once I could talk coherently again, I told him I understood, and wanted to give him that space, but I had nowhere to go. I know there's a worldwide housing crisis, and many fellow Redditors will be familiar with the problem of finding housing. Where I live, it's a common practice to outbid others on rent by simply offering to pay more. Apparently, there's some legislation coming soon to my state to fix that, but it sure ain't here now, and finding affordable housing at short notice is practically impossible. I am also halfway through my exam block (which I've been studying hard for, but still have two exams left), and this was going to be incredibly disruptive to my studies. Honestly, I was trying not to hyperventilate - my fiancé was breaking up with me, I had to move out with zero notice, couldn't think of anywhere to live, I was halfway through super stressful exams for my Masters, and I wouldn't be able to pick up more work shifts with my current study load for at least another week.
My fiancé said he'd organised some short term accommodation for me, and I needed to pack some bags. I was in shock. He walked to the bedroom and pulled out my suitcases as I followed him on autopilot, then we packed almost silently together. It was the most surreal feeling as I watched most of my belongings make their way into my luggage. I realised just how much my fiancé had bought for me over the three years we were together - clothing, shoes, make-up. My phone and laptop had been gifts, as he wanted me to have the best to do well at uni. He'd bought me entire outfits so I could feel beautiful while helping him schmooze at his business parties. My smart watch, that I really only wore at the gym. Some noise cancelling headphones so I could focus on uni assignments and exam prep. He'd even bought me the luggage we were packing in, for a couple of overseas holidays we'd gone on over the years. I managed to sneak his pillow in place of mine, and I was still wearing his hoodie from sleeping in it.
Before I knew it, all my stuff was in the backseat of my little hatchback, and he took one look at me and said he'd drive me to the temporary accommodation. He gently pushed me in the passenger side and did up my seatbelt, then got in the driver's side and started driving. He drove north a few suburbs, getting closer to my university, and pulled into some underground parking for high rise apartment buildings. He parked, we got some of my luggage out, and took the lift without saying a word. I was still trying to process everything, but suddenly realised I was about to lose my perfect fiancé over stupidly keeping my mouth shut when I shouldn't have. I managed to get my arms around him, and clung on like a baby koala and wouldn't let go. I was blubbering that I loved him and would do anything, even wearing all the lingerie he had bought for me. 🫣 He was blushing at that, but managed to push my luggage out of the lift, and then lumbered down the hallway with me clinging on him with both my arms and legs wrapped around him. A family with young children was coming out of their apartment and saw us, watching shocked as I clung to him, blubbering and making wild promises of all the things I would do to him in bed, as he tried to open the door to my temporary accommodation. He got it open, and then the husband of the little family helped him get all the luggage from the lift and inside the door as I continued crying and begging him not to break up with me. He thanked the man, then got the door closed, and waddled with me into the bedroom. We flopped back onto the bed together, and I started kissing his neck and giving the little nibbles he likes on his neck and ears, although the effect was kinda ruined as I'd been crying a lot, and was snotty again at this point. He got me some tissues from the night-stand next to the bed, and I cleaned up, but still had my legs locked around his waist. He managed to disentangle me, then stood up. I was about to grab him again, but his face was kinda cold, and I shrank back, feeling humiliated.
He asked for the engagement ring back, and the waterworks started again as I struggled to get the ring off my finger with shaking hands. I managed it, then threw it at him in a pique of anger. That beautiful diamond and white gold ring hit him in the chest, but he just caught it on the rebound, and it didn't even hurt the heartless man at all. He said he'd text me all the details I'd need for where I'm now staying, and that I should reach out to my work to see if I could get more shifts to make ends meet. I was just getting angry at this point, and told him to get lost. And with that, he left, the door banging shut behind him.
It's mid-afternoon, and so much has gone down in such a short time. The entire course of my life has changed in what amounted to one evening and a morning. Less than 24 hours. I'm sitting on the tiny balcony that this one bedroom apartment has, huddled in my ex-fiancé's hoodie to keep warm from the stiff sea breeze, about ten floors up and looking out at the blue-grey sea. True to his word, he texted me the address of where I'm staying, details on how to pay the rent and bills (he was careful to say twice that I didn't need to pay any rent for the next two weeks due to my studies), details on the included parking space and the code for the parking lot gate. He must have got all this ready during the week leading up the night I'm now referring to as 'Operation Barracuda'. No wonder he was standoffish.
Ugh, I can't start crying again. My eyes hurt, but my heart hurts more. I just completely blew up my life with some lies of omission, and destroyed my ex-fiancé's trust in me. At least I have a counselling session to look forward to. He texted me the details of my first session, which he carefully booked around my uni classes and exams. He said the first dozen sessions are already paid for. He's broken up with me, but still looking after me. Dammit, I'm crying again.
So, Reddit, is it really over with my ex-fiancé? Is there anything I can do to get back together with him, or is it truly over? I know I need to focus on my studies, especially since I'm partway through my exam block, and I need to pick up a lot more work shifts when my vacay starts in mid-June. I have counselling lined up. What else should I be focused on? What pieces of my life do I try and pick up? Do you think there's anything constructive I can do with my ex-fiancé?
TL;DR I had been going out clubbing on girls night about once a month, and it morphed into me sitting on the couch while my friends flirted and made out with guys. I would talk to the 'spare' guy, but absolutely no flirting, kissing or touching. My fiancé found out from another girls bf, who was being cheated on. I had hesitated to tell my fiancé about it, as I had previously felt it wasn't any of my business. I had plans to tell my fiancé, but he found out first, felt I had poor boundaries, then broke up with me and kicked me out with less than a day's notice.
submitted by Throwra-girlsnight to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:48 PepperoniFire Do you all hit deep sleep regularly? How?

Note: already have a doc appointment but want to talk about this more casually.
So, as the title says, do you all hit deep sleep regularly? Or is it a more restless sleep? Pre-30 I could sleep like a baby, even if I was stressed or hungry or full or happy or sad or whatever.
Now deep sleep is the exception and I can’t ever recreate it when I get it. I’ve tried no caffeine, no sugar, same hours on weekends and weekdays, reading before bed/not reading before bed, no screens beforehand.
Melatonin is fine but even sometimes that won’t help, and then it’s hard to wake up. Magnesium is meh.
Is this just how it is now? Did this change happen to anyone else? I’m 37 now and still can’t crack the code. I’ve always been a night owl and struggle in morning (like, muscle tightness and stomach aches) even when waking up at consistent times.
Edit: I’m not a total teetotaler but I barely drink. I have antianxiety meds. I exercise 5-6x days a week.
submitted by PepperoniFire to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:25 babaj_503 How hard would it be to upload documents to a healthcare providers homepage via python and can you give me pointers?

I am somewhat able to write code in python and wanted to try and automate an everyday task of mine but this goes further than anything I ever did before so I am at a loss if that is something that I as a beginner can reasonably achieve and if yes what I'd have to look at/up.
I am certainly not asking for any code writing assistance just a pointer cause I have no idea at all how it could be done.
I currently have to every now n then upload documents to a health care provider I do this by making a photo of the document with my phone within their app and then upload it (ios), alternatively they offer ways to login to a homepage and drag and drop/upload documents from pc. They do not accept the documents via mail (sadly as that would be easy..)
So I need to find a way to access any of these input points. My plan was to manually scan the documents in bulk via my printer have them ordered in folders on my pc automatically (no issues here), and then throw these files at their homepage, but I am at a total loss how I could even access that one via script.
Would that even be possible? Would I need the healthcare provider to give me an access port (which obviously they wont which would kill the whole idea in its tracks).
Thanks for any input.
submitted by babaj_503 to AskProgramming [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:05 vanessabaxton All the questions and answers to the Stuart AMA - 2024/06/06 - 1/2

Number Question Answer Topics Answer Link
1 Can we expect a collaboration with an Anime series or a cartoon ? Is there any particular series you'd love to see us collaborate with? Anime Collaboration
2 When will u make more archer queen skins with the feet out There's a wonderful deco we have coming out in July I think you'll love! AQ Feet Decoration
3 I'm actually really curious about this one.. whats the reason behind the decision to implement such game changing balance changes in the middle of cwl? We wanted to get the balance changes out before the June update but we ran late on getting them finished. It's unfortunate and we'll try and avoid this in future. Balance Changes Timing
4 What does the future of builder base look like?It seems we went silent yet again after rework. Also now that versus battle has been removed, is there any scope for clan based event for builder base? Although we're proud of the work we did with the BB2.0 update and made its core gameplay much more fun, I think we still didn't answer the question of what is the Builder Base is for and why couldn't we just do the cool stuff there in the Home Village. And that's something we need to figure out still. In the meantime we felt the focus on Builder Base and Clan Capital in the last few years had come at the expense of long overdue improvements on the Home Village, so we decided to focus this year just on the Home Village. Builder Base and Clan Capital
5 Will there be something new in Builder Base or Clan Capital related to Main village that will urge players to play more Builder Base and Clan Capital. Currently we have - Builder Base - Gear Up,Gem Mine Clan Capital - Raid Medal for Reinforcement and Trader shop We're not sure on the team if this is really the right way to proceed. We don't want players to play BB and CC just to get a benefit in the Home Village. That's not respectful of your time and it's unclear if it's better for the game. We're still thinking about how these three parts should relate in future. Builder Base and Clan Capital Integration
6 Hey Stuart! Im a th15 strategic rusher and I was wondering: -are going to be ways to catch up with ores if you missed out on events in the past? I got back to playing clash about 3 month ago, just after fireball equipment so I used my saved up gems to buy gg fa and fb. -is it possible to add all epic equipment in new events so that people that missed out could get them without spending 1500 gems? Make them the same price as the new epic so that you can catch up by buying the pass or extra event resources. Hey welcome back! For making equipment available, we have talked about having a selection of epic equipment for medals as you described. But the pricing and when we haven't decided yet. Catching Up with Missed Events
7 Hi Stuart, Apologize if some of these have been already asked. Feel free to answer any or all: 1: Any plans to address that annoying "Clan name covering up inferno mode glitch"? There's workarounds for regular wars but in legends and when attacking you really need to zoom in and even then it's hard to tell. 2: Any possibility of changing replays so that they show the real time relative to the attacker? For example, if my clanmate clutched out an attack with 1 second left the replay won't really show that (unless you're counting the full 3 minutes from the start) 3: Continuing on with replays, is there any possibility of an updated UI to show which hero equipment are being used? This is moreso for when you're on youtube or some other media player and can't click on the hero to see. This would be a great addition for spectators of esports for clash 4: Will there be any more updates for the tutorial levels? Those could go a long way for some of the newer players. They could even teach "fundamentals" rather than full-on attacks. 5: Last question, more of a curiosity: What is the tiebreaker for war weight when 2 players are the exact same. Subsequently, what is the tiebreaker for when 2 clanmates both have 4,000 clan games points, and also when they both have the same number of stars/destruction for cwl? Cheers! Not sure it exactly solves your problem but we have a feature coming up in the June update that maybe helps a bit with your annoyance with Clan names. It'll let you tap on anything to see its range, level and mode more clearly. Clan Name Covering Glitch
8 Will there be new Perks for Clan Levels? Like Level 20 Clan having Perks of donation level +3. We're extremely unlikely to introduce new functional perks but possibly some cosmetic perks might come at some point. Clans
9 Will there be any member space increase for Clans? May be 60/70? Probably not. Clans
10 Hi Stuart! More and more communities are growing around clash of clans, from clan families/alliances to community esports groups. Being heavily involved in both, are there any plans to help expand and support these types of communities? Recent QoL changes have been great on both fronts (updated chat, friendly wars during regular wars). Just curious if anything else is on the horizon. Very excited for an update on in-game recruitment as well. Current systems outside of the game are difficult to navigate as a large group. On families/alliances. We still want to focus on the individual Clan experience with more changes and improvements before thinking about how families/alliances might work. On recruitment I answered that in another question. Clans, Alliances
11 I just looked at the image you posted a bit closer and the posters in the background seem to be from the clash fest mini games :0. Is there any chance those games will return at some point? I personally really liked them, especially the kart one Let's see what we do for our next big anniversary when we turn 15 in 2027! Clash Fest Mini Games
12 Star Wars X Clash of Clans collab possible? Which Star Wars character would you want to see each Hero skinned as? Collaborations
13 Hey Stuart, how do you see the competitive scene shaping up in Clash this year at Worlds? Will we see similar 3 star rates? In another post I talked about the Hard Mode we're introducing. We'll work with the competitive scene and others to tune the difficulty there so we have a Worlds as exciting as last year. Competitive Scene
14 Are Supercell affiliated content creators with creator codes allowed to speak their mind about Supercell games? I've always wondered if they are allowed to cover certain issues and say negative things about Supercell games. Yes, and lots of our creators do bring up issues they hear from their audiences and it's always super useful to us when they do. Content Creator Freedom
15 Is there any consideration towards giving the Air Sweeper new levels that are either purely cosmetic to match the base, or perhaps have a very minor hit point upgrade and a new cosmetic design? It matches pretty well with TH16 currently, but not with multiple town halls before that and probably not with most future town halls. Yeah we've had considered the cosmetic/HP only Air Sweeper levels a few times on the team but it always felt like an unsatisfying upgrade. We also briefly experimented with giving the Air Sweeper an extra damage effect BUT we didn't find something that was meaningful without killing certain air strategies. Cosmetic Upgrades
16 What's the big update team is working on? Like Clan War League,Clan Capital was being worked on since long time. Currently we're working on a mix of more medium sized things than another megaproject like Clan Capital. That's working better for us to bring y'all improvements and cool things steadily. Capital took about two years of development and that was a bit much, especially given how small the team was then. Current Projects
17 Hello Stuart, I have 2 questions I want to ask you about CWL. Is there a reason why in CWL there can only be 15 people or 30 people at once participating in rounds? And is there plans to make options for 20 to 25 people participating in CWL (Below champions league), to be a thing in the future? It basically comes down to making sure we have enough Clans at different sizes in each League for things to behave sensibly. That's the reason we didn't extend the 30 size group into Champions League. It's something we've talked about making more flexible but no concrete commitment yet sorry! CWL
18 Hi Stuart, are there plans to add more leagues above Champions 1 to CWL, like Titan 3 etc? Also, any plans to add tiers on the Legend League based on trophies? More CWL leagues and multiplayer leagues is something we've discussed doing but there's no concrete plan for when that might happen. With Legends League there's many different reasons people are there and it currently isn't so well serving all of those needs from folk seeking the best competition, to folk who are just very active ending up there. We need to think how this could work better for everyone. CWL, Multiplayer
19 when will we get epic equipment for Royal Champion? Soon! Epic Equipment for Royal Champion
20 Hi! I believe this will be a great opportunity to ask this question! For the future of Clash of Clans, since there are now many event troops added to the game, will there be a possibility to add a barrack for those troops? As bases gets more and more complex throughout the updates, having a bigger variety for attacks would not only encourage players to play more, but also to have a crazier and more amazing attacks to watch in the pro scene! I do understand that some event troops may be OP, so some could be reworked/nerfed and it could work similar to the super troop barrack, where you can only activate a certain amount of those troops One of the things we like about event troops is that they're only around for a short while. That lets us go a bit wilder and weirder sometimes than if something was gonna be in the game forever. Sorry to disappoint but it's very unlikely we'd let people use event troops "out of season". Maybe if we had the equivalent of a "creative" mode we could let players try out all the chaos though? Then there's no worries about balance. Event Troops, Game Modes
21 yo nice to see you chatting with the public whats your fav hero? Currently it's the AQ but I think some of the new hero concepts we've playtested have the potential to dethrone her. Favorite Hero
22 Can we have Final Fantasy theme including all heroes’ skins? Which Final Fantasy characters would you want to see skins for each Hero as? Final Fantasy Collaboration
23 Is archer queen freaky? Not as freaky as the way some of you out there talk about her feet 🙈 Freaky Archer Queen
24 Hi Stewart! Few Q’s for you, appreciate whatever you’re able to get around to answering. State of the game: How do you envision the state of esports going forward & how do you plan to tackle the current state of balance - for example are there any plans to create a separate balance state for players competing in leagues / tournaments & how far would this extend to everyday areas of the game? i.e cwl / legends / war Both wars & legend league have remained largely unchanged since their inception & whilst they’re both still enjoyable cornerstones of the game, they’ve grown to become repetitive / stale in their current format at times - does the team have any plans to breathe new life into these modes? QoL: Obstacles that have been previously moved with a shovel but are not currently stashed are required to be re-placed every time you open a new layout through the link feature. Would it be possible to change this so that they remain fixed in position by default? Any plans to revamp donating to make it less awkward so that you’re not required to manually retrain & drag & delete your army every time you donate? i.e some sort of auto-queue feature Could we see more skin randomiser customisation options / presets in future? i.e a day / night scenery randomiser & a toggle for matching hero skins & sceneries? Any plans to finish pre-existing skin lines? eg. clockwork champ I’d love to have the option to listen to the ambient scenery background sounds unique to each scenery w/o the scenery music, is this something you’d consider implementing if feasible? Furthermore some of the older sceneries lack custom scenery music - is something you plan to extend to the rest of them? So many questions. I'll answer the first one! We're planning to introduce an optional Hard Mode that can be used for Friendly Challenges and Friendly Wars. This will be introduced in our June update. The exact settings of what that mode will be are still TBD and the plan is to make further adjustments to it based on community feedback. It would be used for the world finals this year. We'll think about if and how we might use this in other areas of the game. The skill gap in our players is extremely wide. Some are wanting a really tough experience while others, who are still very loyal active players are looking for something more chill. It was clear from TH15 that we overshot the mark on what that more casual audience were looking for. We're hoping to give players more choice in difficulty and their experience in future. Friendly Challenges, Competitive Play
25 Hello Stuart. How come your team has decided to nerf the defence at th10-th15 even when the game has already been made easier in December 2023? Surely with the new hero equipment which gave a massive boost to the heroes the game didn't need to get any easier right? I am asking since there was a big backlash after the first wave of defence nerfs so nerfing the defences for a second time wouldn't that make the game too easy for those who are looking for a challenge? Lastly, will there anything be added to clash of clans in the future to those who would like a challenge? Like a challenge mode to clan wars (one attack clan wars or clan wars that remain the same but with buffed defence or restricted cc etc). Thank you so much for hosting this AMA Stuart and I wish your team the best when it comes to developing clash of clans in the future. We have set targets on the 3 star rates we'd like to see at different Town Halls. As we add more Town Halls and speed up the progression, what used to be the endgame hardest content ends up actually turning up pretty early in player's time with the game. Town Hall 12 actually had the 2nd lowest 3 star rate for a while recently. So we will always need to go make adjustments to get things back on track. Part of the long-term solution here is also to build better tools for players to learn better strategies. The game actually does a terrible job of making that discoverable right now without going outside of the game and watching creator videos. We'd definitely want to improve on this and happy to hear people's ideas on what might work here. I've posted elsewhere about our Hard Mode idea we're testing out for those looking for a harder challenge. Hopefully this lets players tune their experience better, and we hope in the long-run we can help more players level up their skills and enjoy the game's full challenges. Game Balance, Competitive Play
26 Do you like the way the game is going? Yes. I wish I could time travel a few years in the future to bring you back all the cool stuff we've been talking about on the team. But unfortunately that's not possible. More than doubling the size of the team last year was tough and it gave us a bunch of issues. Unfortunately some of those spilled out to you all in the form of more bugs/oversights than we would have wanted. But we've improved our processes and the bigger team is needed for us to improve the game. I think we are doing more at once than we've managed in the past so we can bring you that dream future version faster. Thanks for the patience bearing with us while we get there. Game Direction
27 Why isn't there a mechanic that incentives game time or time on app? As an active player, I am almost always ONLY waiting for builders and almost always with full storages (or close enough that there's zero point doing anything). It actually incentivizes me to play less or not at all. Why not a small builder boost per attack star earned (relative to league placement)? Eg. if you 3 star a base in Titan, you get a 10 minute builder boost or something. Seems counterintuitive to voluntarily limit play time and time on app. There should be some reward, even small, for wanting to play more. Our timers are too long and we are working to bring them down. We agree too often active people get blocked with nothing to do by timers. But we also don't want those active players to run out of things to upgrade and are playing for. So we want to introduce more systems to the game that let us add more to do and play for. It'll take time to build those systems but as we have more of them our average timers will shrink. At the same time at Supercell we don't believe infinite play time is healthy for players in the long run either. So having timers and similar mechanics is needed somewhat. We don't want Clash to be a game where people feel they have to play X hours a day, as that discourages people from even trying it. Game Timer Balance
28 How are you I'm pretty good. Thanks for asking. It's been fun answering questions. How are you? General Well-being
29 Why did you remove the little grass overlay from th16 buildings? They look like they float now. This is what it looks like in buildings for th15 and below. Can you bring it back please? The grass overlays looked really odd on those smoother floored sceneries (Shadow Scenery). But the floatiness on grass sceneries without em isn't ideal. We're trying to figure out a technical solution that won't involve having double the download size of all our buildings. Grass Overlay Issue
30 Can you colab with gundam please? Maybe a mecha PEKKA? Gundam Collaboration
31 I just came to say hello. 👋 Hello
32 Are there or any plans at all to improve heroes? Like I wanna be able to still use heroes whilst they're upgrading. I think that speeds up or atleast makes the process feel just a bit better. Yes. We've got a plan to try something out in the summer. Hope you like it! Heroes, Quality of Life
33 Why Archer Towers,Cannons are not getting new level in Th16? We plan to eventually merge them all away into Multi-Archer Towers and Ricochet Cannons. But we didn't want to drop the number of buildings too much from TH15 to TH16. So it might take a bit. Apologies to those disturbed by the disharmony in the aesthetics! Home Village
34 As per latest report, coc would be releasing new townhall level after every 12 month. Even though there are curs being made at cost or time for upgrades, for low level townhall catching up sure seems impossible. And walls after th14 is a nightmare unless the game has already been beaten. How would this be addressed? 2. Due to the limited size of home Village, with new Townhall levels, there will be limited building that can be added, there's not much fun in it, if new buildings or elements don't come in from time to time right? How will this be addressed We will keep up with cost and time cuts to upgrades in order to help lower level folk catch up. We have quite a big set coming in our June update. I agree Wall costs are a bit silly and we should probably think again. Originally they were a bit of a stretch goal for loot to get sunk in. But maybe the game doesn't need that now there's more things to do. Our plan is to use merging more in future to keep the number of buildings in the Village reasonable. That gives us the space to introduce more new buildings with future Town Hall releases. Our current thinking is new defenses are exciting for a few Town Halls and then become less interesting. So your village should always be filled with relatively new and interesting defenses, even if that means sadly waving goodbye to that first Cannon you upgraded way back when you started. Home Village
35 Hi Stuart, Any hints/clues you could give the community for TH17? And how is the progress going on with the TH17 project, have you decided a theme, signature defence, possible new hero etc...? Thank you! We've decided on the theme. And we're maybe 80% sure we're gonna merge the Eagle Artillery into the Town Hall so we move on from infernoy beams after 4 Town Halls with that. But don't worry, we'll come up with something new and signaturey (though we don't know what is yet) Home Village
36 Hi Stuart! Thanks for the Q+A, I had a few questions myself. Is merging required to upgrade to TH17? is this the plan from now on when creating new THs? That everything has to be merged to get new buildings? Clash thrives on a social battlefront, and I knew I have more fun in clans with my friends, it can make any grind less tedious. But it has always felt like it was lacking that little bit EXTRA you know? Some possible updates that my friends have made up were: Self Clan Wars: Start a quick war within your own clan to practice without the stress of needing a 3 star every time. It could be a separate tab, similar as to how you can see prep day for the following day in CWL. An auto-Donate replacement feature (can be toggled on and off), where the troop you donate is instantly remade and shuffled to the front, would be a nice QoL change This sounds really stupid, but like, maybe a friendly mode where you can attack with modifiers to spice it up. IE: Defenses do 1.5x damage BUT you have 10 xtra spell slots, or the defensive targeting is switched. just stupid crap like that can bring a little life into an attack. I'm so glad you are doing this Q+A and if you get around to reading mine, thank you so much. We all love your game and are excited to see what's to come! Hey! Yes, merging all possible buildings will be an upgrade requirement for TH17 and beyond. So all of you out there, get upgrading those rushed archer towers and cannons. We have talked about letting players do more weird stuff with custom modifiers to create your own ridiculous scenarios to goof about with (or get super serious and keep cranking the difficulty higher and higher) Home Village, Quality of Life
37 Where is ice wizard [ Removed by Reddit ] Ice wizard
38 I would like to be a part of clash of clans or to be precise, I would like to work for supercell. I am a product designer ( not UI ). Where should I start Check out to see if there's anything that sounds like it matches your skillset and our company social media accounts share new job openings. Job Opportunities
39 When can we expect the june update ? We're aiming for June 17th. The team's working on bug fixes at the moment and plans can always change. So if it's later please don't come by with pitch forks. The last time I think we confirmed a date we had to postpone, that was April 1st 2019 when we were planning to launch Season Challenges. But we found a last minute bug and had to re-submit for the next day. And of course nobody believed us that we were really postponing/really planning to release on April Fool's day. June Update Timing
40 Hi Stuart, Could Legends League get a little love? E.g, first eight attacks count towards trophies but you could still attack after that for loot but no trophies are gained for those attacks. Legends League base are for the trophy attacks and home village base for the ’loot attacks’. This would make ’fake legends farming’ pointless. Thanks! It would be pretty unbalanced since you couldn't lose any loot. Legends should be mostly about competitive trophy pushing but a whole ton of people are there for loot. It's more likely we will make multiplayer looting better throughout the game + split out Legends to be more focused on competition. Legends League Changes
41 Is there a chance for a collaboration with lego? I would love to see clash sets and lego skins! I own far, far too much Lego and would absolutely love to do a collab with them. Lego Collaboration
42 What about the geared up archer tower and cannon? Will they get their own new levels? Maybe we'll mash em together into a geared up monstrosity? Who knows what Builder will think of next. New Defense Ideas
43 Are you going to add new villages to the game? Develop the game in this direction? We're pretty unlikely to add any more permanent villages. This is already a huge game and there's a lot already for players to do across Home Village, Builder Base and Clan Capital. And there's a ton for our team to do still in those three areas. New Features
44 Hi Stuart! First off thank you for helping keep Clash of Clans alive for so long, it’s my favorite game personally. I wanted to know if at some point we could have customizable goblin maps to share with our clan mates to attack, or if anything like that might be in the works for the future? Yeah we've talked about a creative mode/custom challenge level creator feature. It'd be cool to see what sort of wild things you'd all cook up with it. New Features
45 Do you think it is a good idea to do a new townhall every year.wont it be hard on the people in lower townhalls. I think it's good for it to be something that players know when to expect, rather than being quite arcane speculation. I would like us to be much more transparent with our roadmap and timings in future, and we'll get there eventually. We are also in control of how quickly people can catch up. And we will keep making improvements so more and more of our players can enjoy the fun of being at the latest hall. New Town Hall Frequency
46 What do you have in mind for the general direction that the game is going in? Can we expect any new fundamental addition (i.e. another system like ores)? We've got a few ideas in early stages of being thought about. My fave is troop mastery where by completing quests using a troop well you could unlock some extra abilities/buffs to that troop. It'd be a nice way to encourage players to try out different troops and let folk go deeper on the troops they really enjoyed. But important disclaimer it's not my decision and if the people doing the work think of something better they'll do that instead! New Troop Mastery System
47 Which troop is getting the Super troop next?:9416: It's maybe Yeti Next Super Troop
48 y u no wear clash merch ???? but seriously those posters look dope! what else do you have in your office which our eyes would probably never see ! We've been seriously negligent in ordering new team merch recently 😅 A ton of whiteboards with secret upcoming things, stats, dates, plans. Lots of cool statues. Our office is incredible and we're very lucky to work here. Every time people visit for the first time they're amazed and I hope I never get used to how cool it is. Office Decorations
49 What should I eat for lunch today? Something that makes you go "now that was a good lunch" Other
50 How has player numbers changed since you started implementing monthly events and equipment into the game? ⬆️ Player Numbers
submitted by vanessabaxton to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:04 Individual_Stretch_7 First Keyboard

First Keyboard
Galaxy 80, Gateron Milky Yellows, some random XDK Keycaps, I also Did Force Break Mod and Tape Mod for PCB. I have attached a YT Vid which is the sound test, and I would like to know what I could do to make the space bar sound better, Its thew 3rd key I pressed a lot. I would like to make it sound like the backspace which is the first key I pressed a lot after just typing. Any tips would be useful. Thanks!
submitted by Individual_Stretch_7 to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:59 Human_Holiday_4758 Deathcore / Metalcore - Best One Song by Any Band Playlist (Please copycat with your own favorite subgenres!)

Hey folks, I'm not just sharing this to show you the list. I also hope some of you might consider copy-catting the idea! Do a classic metal version, or Black Metal, or whatever, and share with us!
The YouTube Music Playlist can be found here:
And here's the text version of the list:
  1. 100 Demons – Forsaken
  2. Aborted - Dreadbringer
  3. Abbie Falls - Pitch Black
  4. Across the Sun – May Silence Keep You
  5. Aftershock – Prelude to Forever
  6. After The Burial - Behold The Crown
  7. A Hero A Fake – I Know I
  8. All Out War – Into the Killing Fields
  9. Allt – Paralyzed
  10. All That Remains - This Calling
  11. Alpha Wolf - Akudama
  12. alt. - BACK TO EARTH
  13. A Mourning Star – A World Beyond
  14. Angelmaker- What I Would Give
  15. Annalynn - Closer to the Edge
  16. Annisokay - Coma Blue
  17. Any Given Day – Savior
  18. Architects - These Colors Don’t Run
  19. As Blood Runs Black – In Dying Days
  20. As I Lay Daying - The Sound of Truth
  21. Asking Alexandria - A Single Moment of Sincerity
  22. Atena – Oil Rigs
  23. ATLVS – Comethazine
  24. Atreyu – Crimson
  25. Attack! Attack! – Killing for Sport
  26. Avenged Sevenfold – Unholy Confessions
  27. Aviana – Rage
  28. August Burns Red - White Washed
  29. AVOID - Whatever
  31. Before I Turn – Aglaeca
  32. Being as an ocean - the hardest part is forgetting those you swore you would never forget
  33. Bleed from Within - Alive
  34. Bleeding Through - Revenge I Seek
  35. Bloodywood - Machi Bhasad
  36. Bodysnatcher – Exterminate
  37. Botch – One Twenty Two
  38. Boundaries – I'd Rather Not Say
  39. Breakdown of Sanity – The Storm
  40. Bring Me the Horizon - Shadow Moses
  41. Bullet for my Valentine - Four Words (To Choke Upon)
  42. Bury Tomorrow – Choke
  43. Caliban – Memorial
  44. Carnifex - Die Without Hope
  45. Caskets - The Final Say
  46. Chamber - Replacing Every Weakness
  47. Chelsea Grin – Cheyne Stokes
  48. Chimaira – Pure Hatred
  49. Classic Jack – LAG
  50. Code Orange - Forever
  51. coldrain - 2020
  52. Conquer Divide - Afterthought.wav
  53. Converge – A Single Tear
  54. Counterparts - Whispers Of Your Death
  55. Crimson Eyes – Serenity
  56. Crown the Empire – The Fallout
  57. Crystal Lake - Apollo
  58. Currents - Better Days
  59. Daedric - Alchemy
  60. Dance Gavin Dance – Chucky vs. The Giant Tortoise
  61. Dark Divine - The Fear
  62. Darkest Hour - Goddess of War, Give Me Something to Die For
  63. Darko US - Pale Tongue
  64. Dal Av & Jackson Rose – Insanely Illegal Cage Fight
  65. Dead Crown – Joker
  66. Dealer – Crooked
  67. Defocus – Crooked Mind
  68. Demon Hunter - Cross to Bear
  69. Disembodied – 7 Stitches
  70. Downswing – Bound to Misery (feat. AVOID)
  71. Dying Wish - Enemies in Red
  72. Earth Crisis – Forced March
  73. Eighteen Visions – Reality Killer
  74. Elwood Stray - Half Life
  75. Emmure - When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong
  76. Enterprise Earth – Reanimate // Disintegrate
  77. ERRA - Lunar Halo
  78. Esprit D’Air - Ocean’s Call
  79. Every Time I Die - Map Change
  80. Fallstar – When Justice Cracks the Sky
  81. Fit for a King - Backbreaker
  82. Fit for an Autopsy – Under a Serpent Sun
  83. Flames of Betrayal – The Rain Reeks of Heaven
  84. Foreign Hands - Separation Souvenir
  85. For the Fallen Dreams – Sulfate
  86. For today - Break the Cycle
  87. Get the Shot – Deathbound (feat Rob Watson)
  88. Ghost Iris – My Dear Rat Kings
  89. Gideon -- Bite Down
  90. God Forbid - To the Fallen Hero
  91. Great American Ghost – Ann Arbor (Be Safe)
  92. Greyhaven - Kappa (River Child)
  93. Guilt Trip – Eyes Wide Shut
  94. Hanabie - Otaku Lovely Densetsu
  95. Harm’s Way – Become a Machine
  96. Haste the Day – 68
  97. Hatebreed – Own Your World
  98. Heart of a Coward – Hollow
  99. Heaven Shall Fall – Hunters Will Be Hunted
  100. Holding Absence - Monochrome
  101. Humanity’s Last Breath - Labyrinthian
  102. Ice Nine Kills – The American Nightmare
  103. If I Were You – System Failure
  104. Imminence – Chasing Shadows
  105. Impending Doom - There Will be Violence
  106. In Heart’s Wake – Survival (The Chariot)
  107. I Prevail - Deadweight
  108. I See Stars - Running With Scissors
  109. InChaos - Butterfly Effect
  110. Ingested – I, Despoiler
  111. Invent Animate - False Meridian
  112. Jesus Piece - Fear of Failure
  113. Job for a Cowboy – Sun of Nihility
  114. Johnny Booth - The Ladder
  115. Killswitch Engage - My Last Serenade
  116. Kill The Lights - Dead From The Start
  117. Knocked Loose - Deep in the Willow
  118. Kublai Khan - The Hammer
  119. Lamb of God - Descending
  120. Left to Suffer – Overwhelming Power
  121. Length of Time – Love Your Enemies
  122. LVNDMARKS - False Reality
  123. Light the Torch - Die Alone
  124. Like Moths To Flames - Dissociative Being
  125. Loathe - Aggressive Evolution
  126. Lorna Shore – Of the Abyss
  127. Make Them Suffer - Uncharted
  128. Misery Signals - Luminary
  129. Malevolence – On Broken Glass
  130. MAYFLOWER – Misery
  131. Maylene & the Sons of Disaster – Caution: Dangerous Curves Ahead
  132. MIRE – Inside
  133. Miss May I – Hey Mister
  134. Monochromatic Black – False Kings
  135. Morning Again – Dictation of Beauty
  136. Motionless in White – Disguise
  137. Mouth for War – Saturate Me
  138. Mugshot – Egodystonic
  139. Myka Relocate – Hide the Truth
  140. Norma Jean - Sword in Mouth, Fire Eyes
  141. Nora – I Should Have Sent Flowers
  142. Novelists FR - Souvenirs
  143. Of Mice and Men - The Depths
  144. Ocean Sleeper - Your Love I'll Never Need
  145. Opal In Sky - The Blight
  146. Orthodox - Cave In
  147. Overcast – Bleed into One
  148. Paleface – Lights Out
  149. Paria - The Absurdity of Solace
  150. Parkway Drive – Dark Days
  151. Patient Sixty-Seven - Hibbertia
  152. Periphery - Stranger Things
  153. PERN – Gasping for Air
  154. Phinehas – I Am the Lion
  155. Piecemeal – Proclamation
  156. Poison the Well - Nerdy
  157. Polaris - The Remedy
  158. Prayer for Cleansing – Feinbhas a Ghabhail
  159. Pupil Slicer - No Temple
  160. Reflections - Help
  161. Reliqa – Tyrant
  162. Renesans - Labor of Hate
  163. Reprisal – Get Ready for War
  164. Rings of Saturn - Senseless Massacre
  165. Sail’s End - The Sound of Silence 3: Three
  166. Sanction – The Prophet Who Saw Fire
  167. SAVE US – Distance
  168. Scarlet Horizon - Seed
  169. Sea of Treachery – Unleash the Serpents
  170. Serration – Simulations of Hell
  171. Shadow of Intent – The Prelude to Bereavement
  172. Shadows Fall – The Light that Blinds
  173. Shai Halud - Solely Concentrating on the Negative Aspects of Life
  174. Shorebreak – From the Path of Survival
  175. Silent Planet - Antimatter
  176. Signs of the Swarm – Amongst the Low and Empty
  177. Silverstein - Your Sword vs My Dagger
  178. Sion – More than Just Myself
  179. Slaughter to Prevail - Viking
  180. Sleep Token – The Summoning
  181. Snapcase – Harrison Bergeron
  182. Spite – led
  183. Spiritbox - The Beauty Of Suffering
  184. Spiritual Chaos - End
  185. Suicide Silence - Unanswered
  186. Sunami – Mind Your Business
  187. Sworn In – Snake Eyes
  188. Tenside - Come Alive Dying
  189. The Acacia Strain - The Impaler
  190. The Afterimage – Secrets
  191. The Amity Affliction – Pittsburgh
  192. The Black Dahlia Murder – What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse
  193. The Browning - The End of Existence
  194. The Chariot - David De La Hoz
  195. The Devil Wears Prada - Danger: Wildman
  196. The Dillinger Escape Plan - One of Us is The Killer
  197. The Empire Shall Fall – Voices Forming Weapons
  198. The Ghost Inside – Aftermath
  199. The Gloom in the Corner – Bleed You Out
  200. The Human Abstract – Vela, Together We Await the Storm
  201. The Ongoing Concept - Feel Again
  202. The Plot in You - Crows
  203. The Zenith Passage – Deus Deceptor
  204. Thornhill - Nurture
  205. Throwdown – This Continuum
  206. Thrown - on the verge
  207. Thy Art is Murder – Holy War
  208. Times of Grace – Medusa
  209. To the Grave – Terrorist Threat
  210. Trivium - Down from the Sky
  211. Undying – Echoes
  212. Unearth - This Glorious Nightmare
  213. Upon a Burning Body – Extermination
  214. Varials – Anything to Numb
  215. VCTMS – Pull From the Hurt
  216. Veil of Maya - Outsider
  217. VEXED – X my <3 (Hope to Die)
  218. Vision of Disorder - D.T.O.
  219. Wage War - The River
  220. Walls of Jericho – Forever Militant
  221. War of Ages – Collapse
  222. We Are The Empty – Carcass
  223. We Came As Romans - What I Wished I never Had
  224. Whitechapel - I Will Find You
  225. While She Sleeps - You Are We
  226. Within Destruction – Void
  227. Within the Ruins – Gods Amongst Men
  228. Wolves at the Gate – Deadweight
  229. World of Pleasure – Carbon Copy
  230. Xibalba – Death Threat
  231. Zao - Resistance
submitted by Human_Holiday_4758 to HeavyMusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:10 MajorBudget8556 Someone stole my account.

Earlier I was playing anime defenders and wanted to join people to do raids. I went to the official discord and joined someone. However, it was a little different as when I clicked the link they sent me it didn't automatically have me join but made me log in. Then about 20 minutes later I got error code 273 and couldn't join back into the account. Now its been 30 minutes since then and whenever I try to put a code to use for the authenticator app it says invalid code. I went to an alt account and noticed my main wasn't a friend anymore. I searched up my username and saw the display name was different. On that account I didn't even have anything valuable like limiteds or robuxs the only good stuff I had was in some games. PLEASE someone tell me how I can get this account back because I will be devastated if I permanently lose it forever or its banned.
(Edit: I just looked at my email that is connected to the account and everything has been changed, and 2 step authenticator has also been deactivated.) But if 2 step authenticator has been deactivated then how come It still asks me to put in a code for the authenticator when I try to join.
submitted by MajorBudget8556 to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:43 readysetdragongo Issue resetting pc

Grandma bought an Asus G75VW laptop model somewhere around ten years ago (don't ask, the guys at the shop she went to somehow convinced her to spend too much money). She just replaced it with something much better for her, and I'm trying to reset it.
Relevant background: sadly, Grandma developed some memory issues (physically in her brain, not the pc) and she has clicked on every malware link on the planet. Another family member downloaded software that I think removed all of the malware and whatever else was on the PC, but it's hard to check, you'll see why in my problems, listed below.
The OS is currently Windows 10 (I'd have to check which update) but I know it came with 8.1. 64bit
I can boot up the laptop. It has both UEFI options from using shift+reset and I can press escape when I start it up to access the legacy BIOS/setup options. I'm told this is standard now, whatever.
I can log in to my grandma's account, she gave me the password so I could erase everything. This is where the problems start.
If I try to do more than 1) try to reset the computer, 2) do a quick Internet search, 3) change a few settings, or 4) just restart the computer, I get the ":( your computer needs to restart, don't worry, we'll restart it for you" blue screen. And it restarts.
I've tried A) resetting and keeping the files
Result: "no changes were made, we cannot reset the computer" B) resetting and deleting everything (the ideal option for me) Result: "no changes were made, we cannot reset the computer" B.5) yanking the battery and leaving it sit without power overnight, then doing step B again. Result: same as step B C) repair startup issues from the Windows recovery environment options Result: "your computer needs to be repaired, we cannot repair startup issues" D) booting from a flash drive with a clean version of Windows 10 generated from the Microsoft resources online and I made it from my other laptop, which works just fine. Result: more of the sad restart blue screen E) booted back from the computer's hard drive just fine after that (well, comparatively) F) tried to reset the computer from said flash drive Result: "no changes were made, we cannot reset the computer" G) used chkdsk command on just the laptop, and also looked into whether the laptop was reporting any hardware issues. I found no reported issues.
H) I saw on the Internet, some guy suggested making a second, local, admin account and trying everything. I tried steps A-G and experienced the same results, though during step F, the computer gave me error code 0xc0000221 before crashing.
I just want to reinstall a clean version of Windows without paying a bunch of money. Is there any way I can do that still? My grandma has offered to throw it in the pond at her house if not. Thanks!
submitted by readysetdragongo to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:30 imthedrama1 30 [F4M] South Carolina or USA - You left the light on when I had a broken heart

PLEASEEE be over your ex before messaging me.
PLEASE be 28 or older. Do not send pointless messages saying "Good luck" or "I wish I were single". Do not message me if you're taken.
Facts about moi:
* I work with smol humans for a living.
* You don't have to WANT kids of your own. But, if you don't like're not for me.
* One of my favorite past-time activities is trying to put together legos high.
* Listening to music high is also an experience (I do Delta since that’s what’s legal. If you’re anti-weed, then we aren’t a match. I don’t do it allll the time. I’m too broke for that life).
* Seriously, doesn't music sound different when you're high?
* Green Day used to be one of my favorite bands. I started listening to them when I wad ten.
* The obsession was real. My ten-year-old self had a binder about the members with all the facts and pictures of Billie (Yes, I was a weird child). I don´t listen to them much anymore. That was practice for my obsession with Panic! at the Disco. I only like one album, though.
* Now my obsession is more towards bands like AVOID, Dayseeker, The Used, etc. I'll listen to the same songs over and over until I can't stand it. I even have a Playlist for that. I recently found a band called Dark Devine, and I dig them.
* I love going to concerts. So, it'd be cool if you liked them too.
* I love love love traveling.
* Please don’t be a giant grouch on vacations. Coworkers complain about their spouse being a shitbird on trips. No thanks.
* I also like staying in, of course! But I’m not a homebody. I struggled during the COVID shutdown. Being cooped up SUCKED. I do not want to beg you to get out of the house. Again, I am NOT a homebody. If you are, we are not a match.
* I have a spicy brain.
* I’m super duper ADHD. Fun times! I’m also like an anxious puppy. Woop woop.
* The most organized thing in my life is this list
* The Office and Parks and Rec are two of my favorite shows. I also like Bob’s Burgers and Avatar The Last Airbender.
* I don't watch a whole lot of TV, ADHD brain enjoys the short videos on Tiktok.
* I talk to myself out loud in public.
* I promise I'm only a little crazy...depends on who you ask.
* I like things like tarot (NO I cannot do a card reading for you. I don't know how, I just think it's cool!My friend does readings for me) and other spiritual stuff. If you're into that too, cool!
* I like men with facial hair. I also like men who are more alt-y (think piercings and tattoos...singer of Dark Divine)....but that isn't a requirement! It's just bonus points.
Why you should date me:
* We can listen to emo bands together whenever you want
* Emo music can mean many things and I’m OK with that.
* You won’t get food poisoning from my cooking
* I can make more than Hamburger Helper and frozen pizzas. Though, the ranch burger hamburger helper is my fave.
* The velveeta skillets are better, though.
* I’m suuuper short. So, if you’re insecure about your height, I gotchu. I’ll make you feel tall..or taller!
* I don’t care about height and it makes me sad that people feel insecure about something they can’t change.
* I’m a great small spoon…but I guess if you REALLY insist, I can be a jetpack. Buuuuutttt it isn't my first choice...but please don't cuddle all night. I want my space and I need to sprawl out and become a blanket burrito...with one leg out because otherwise, I'll get too hot! We just can't have that.
submitted by imthedrama1 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:44 NeonShadow13 Discord Quest Code?

Does anyone know if you’re able to get the discord quest through Xbox? Sadly I only play console and I don’t even believe my Laptop can run CoD along with Discord at the same time; if anyone has a spare code to throw that would be awesome!
submitted by NeonShadow13 to ModernWarfareIII [link] [comments]