Captain america helmet pepakura

MCU Captain America vs Shin Kamen Rider Ichigo

2024.06.09 20:15 DoomCrusader500 MCU Captain America vs Shin Kamen Rider Ichigo

Rules: No outside help. No Mjolnir for Cap.
Round 1: In character, till one surrenders, is incap'd, or dies.
Round 2: Blood lusted, only fight till the death.
Round 3: Bucky and Shin Nigou join the fight
submitted by DoomCrusader500 to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:13 gnomzy123 The list so far…

There's been some talk on this. I don't know if I could classify this as a psychological effect but numerous reports have been coming up. People circulating random names citing them as lookalikes of the supes out there. These people are nowhere listed on the Internet. They are most likely completely fictitious names that have suddenly popped up inside our heads and I don't know if this is a multiversal glitch or something. Random and completely random names. The list so far (not exhaustive)…
  1. Iron Man (Tony Stark) - Robert Downey Jr.
  2. Hulk (Bruce Banner) - Mark Ruffalo
  3. Thor - Chris Hemsworth
  4. Captain America (Steve Rogers) - Chris Evans
  5. Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) - Scarlett Johansson
  6. Hawkeye (Clint Barton) - Jeremy Renner
  7. War Machine (James Rhodes) - Don Cheadle
  8. Falcon (Sam Wilson) - Anthony Mackie
  9. Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) - Sebastian Stan
  10. Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) - Elizabeth Olsen
  11. Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) - Aaron-Taylor Johnson
  12. Vision - Paul Bettany
  13. Ant-Man (Scott Lang) - Paul Rudd (Hank Pym) - Michael Douglas
  14. Wasp (Hope Van Dyne) - Evangeline Lilly (Janet Van Dyne) - Michelle Pfeiffer
  15. Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange) - Benedict Cumberbatch
  16. Spider-Man - Tom Holland (I mean how? We haven't even seen his face)
  17. Black Panther (T'Challa) - Chadwick Boseman (Shuri) - Letitia Wright
  18. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) - Brie Larson
  19. Shaun aka Bus Boy - Simu Liu
    Who are they? How did they come up inside our heads?
I researched a bit on this…
An Incursion occurs when a universe collapses upon one or multiple other ones completely distortioning or in some cases completely obliterating them. This is only a theory that I have. Not at all concrete in nature.
This has definitely something to do with the Multiverse. A universe where maybe these fictitious names are their alter egos. AND IT MIGHT BE COLLAPSING UPON US!!!! I am really perplexed and scared at the same time.
submitted by gnomzy123 to Earth199999 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:07 Strawberry_House Captain America: Brave New World reuses Agents of Shield Roxxon logo

This font has not been used anywhere else in the MCU or the comics. Might just be a reused asset or a nod rather than a true connection but still.
submitted by Strawberry_House to shield [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:10 Dannysunny I’ve always seen people assuming that Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Hulk were Marvel’s Trinity Pre-MCU… however, I found little evidence that they’re the og trinity.

I’ve always seen people assuming that Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Hulk were Marvel’s Trinity Pre-MCU… however, I found little evidence that they’re the og trinity.
When i did some digging, I found more evidence that Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor were Marvel’s Trinity, even before the MCU. From the Avengers Comics of the 80s & 90s having them usually having them around, to Hawkeye even calling them the Big Three. So no, there’s zero evidence that Spider-Man Hulk & Wolverine were Marvel’s Trinity. I did find some comics from the 2000s where Spidey Hulk & Iron Man were a trio, but that’s the closest thing we got. Hulk is technically the 4th member of Marvel’s Trinity, making them the Big 4 but aside from him, yeah Marvel’s Trinity was always Cap Thor & Iron Man.
submitted by Dannysunny to Marvel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:53 Matapple13 Julia Louis-Dreyfus talked about Thunderbolts* in a new interview for The New York Times

Julia Louis-Dreyfus talked about Thunderbolts* in a new interview for The New York Times
You’re in a new Marvel film at the moment. It must be a very different kind of set to be on. What’s it like?
It’s very well organized. Very methodical. And I don’t mean that in a negative way. Particularly on this film, they’re very much focused on, frankly, the human story, believe it or not. They’re trying to sort of go back to their roots, as it were. And so there’s a lot of focus on that. They’re trying to stay away from as much C.G.I. or whatever as possible, so that the stunts are, like, everywhere. And in fact, I had to do a couple.
What stunts have you done?
Well, I’m making this out to sound like I’m flying through the air like Captain America or whatever, but I’m not. It’s just a very, very, very, very brief stunt.
submitted by Matapple13 to MarvelStudios_Rumours [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:51 Matapple13 Julia Louis-Dreyfus talked about Thunderbolts* in a new interview for The New York Times

Julia Louis-Dreyfus talked about Thunderbolts* in a new interview for The New York Times
You’re in a new Marvel film at the moment. It must be a very different kind of set to be on. What’s it like?
It’s very well organized. Very methodical. And I don’t mean that in a negative way. Particularly on this film, they’re very much focused on, frankly, the human story, believe it or not. They’re trying to sort of go back to their roots, as it were. And so there’s a lot of focus on that. They’re trying to stay away from as much C.G.I. or whatever as possible, so that the stunts are, like, everywhere. And in fact, I had to do a couple.
What stunts have you done?
Well, I’m making this out to sound like I’m flying through the air like Captain America or whatever, but I’m not. It’s just a very, very, very, very brief stunt.
submitted by Matapple13 to MarvelStudiosSpoilers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:53 CDarwin7 Need help remembering comic book...

I'm trying to remember to comic book I read, where a man wakes up in the hospital. There are no superheroes, but he remembers certain golden age heroes like the Submariner, Captain America, The Human Torch (original). He starts telling someone about what he remembers and the book flashes back to the golden age. That's about as much as I can remember. I want to say it had the name Marvel or Marvels in the title. Please help, driving me crazy.
submitted by CDarwin7 to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:42 Hank_J_Wimbleton_69 Starlight, Kimiko, and Black Noir (Amazon's The Boys) vs Captain America, Winter Soldier, and Spiderman (MCU)

R1: In-character.
R2: Bloodlusted.
R3: The Boys team are bloodlusted, MCU team are in-character.
R4: The Boys team are in-character, MCU team are bloodlusted.
R5: Every 5 second of the battle 20 mutant bloodlusted silverback gorilla each weighs 600 lbs with 9 inch thick skulls and 2 ton lifting strength falls to the stadium out of clouds. The silverbacks are invincible until they land on the ground and silverbacks will gonna attack anyone that isn't one of them. Both MCU and The Boys team are in-character.
R6: R5 but both MCU and The Boys team are bloodlusted.
R7: both MCU team, The Boys team, and 500 mutant silverback gorillas (read R5) are againist GoW3 Kratos. Everyone is bloodlusted.
submitted by Hank_J_Wimbleton_69 to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:26 randomnegative5 ?

? submitted by randomnegative5 to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:21 ThatRandomRaichu111 KOF-styled Disney fighting game.

KOF-styled Disney fighting game. submitted by ThatRandomRaichu111 to makeafighter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:21 Shagrrotten FG Decades Tournament, the 2010’s: Round 2

Well here we are, FG, our first decades tournament, the 2010’s. Thank you to everyone who nominated movies, and let’s get right into it!
Results of Round 1
Results of Round 2
View Poll
submitted by Shagrrotten to IMDbFilmGeneral [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:56 GroundbreakingRent49 First Shelfie Sunday! (One year in)

First Shelfie Sunday! (One year in) submitted by GroundbreakingRent49 to OmnibusCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:55 SaraKatherine15 Captain America and Winter Soldier Collaboration

Captain America and Winter Soldier Collaboration
My friend and I collaborated to make these Captain America and Winter Soldier pieces! I made Bucky, she made Steve’s ☺️🇺🇸
submitted by SaraKatherine15 to Embroidery [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:29 TheBlack_Swordsman The ending of Wolverine #50 (2024) bugged me because it's lack of grief. Captain America #23 (2018) was a good showing of grief.

At the end of Wolverine's latest run, he somehow is happy and has a smile on his face. In this story arc, his son was literally ripped into pieces and left for Logan to find. I wasn't a big fan of how the ending was written. Logan should have still felt defeated and should have been dealing with grief.
It brought me back to another time an author handled grief better or acknowledged it. When Captain America lost his son, they had a panel of him crying about it. I was taken back by this because a lot of times comics handle it the Wolverine way and don't acknowledge these kinds of things. Almost forgetting it happened at all.
submitted by TheBlack_Swordsman to Marvel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:17 BeeDub57 Drinker's Chasers - MORE Captain America 4 Reshoots: This Film Is Doomed

Drinker's Chasers - MORE Captain America 4 Reshoots: This Film Is Doomed submitted by BeeDub57 to CriticalDrinker [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:00 sameed_a how to improve teamwork with design thinking?

In the wilderness of corporate America, I found myself steering a ship of designers, developers and project managers towards the eye of a hurricane, known as Project X. To make it more dramatic, we had one month to get there and all we had was an idea, a team, and a deeply ingrained fear of failure.
The team was a mixed bag of personalities, skills and preferences. Mike, the developer, had a deep-seated disdain for anything that wasn't coded in Python. Sarah, the graphic designer, was an alien from an abstract universe where colors and patterns spoke louder than words. And then there was me, the self-proclaimed captain of this ship, armed with nothing but a beat-up copy of ‘Change by Design’ by Tim Brown.
I knew I had to get the team to work together, to align our thought processes and work towards a common goal. But how? After many sleepless nights, gallons of black coffee and an existential crisis later, I stumbled upon a forgotten concept from my days at design school.
Design thinking, of course!
Design thinking is a creative problem-solving approach that encourages empathy, experimentation, and iteration. It's not just about making things look good, it's about understanding people, their needs and their motivations.
So, I set off on my quest to inject some design thinking into our workflow. I conducted a brainstorming session where Mike tried to explain coding to Sarah using colors and shapes, and Sarah explained abstract design to Mike using logic and algorithms. We used empathy maps to understand our potential users, sketched out journey maps to predict their interactions with the product, and built a myriad of prototypes.
It was confusing, chaotic, and absolutely amazing. We were no longer just a coder, a designer, and a manager. We were a team, united by our common understanding, empathy for our users, and our shared goal. We sailed through Project X, not just surviving the storm, but harnessing its power to propel us forward.
Design thinking didn't just improve our teamwork, it transformed how we approached problems and came up with solutions. It shifted our focus from the product to the people using it. It made us better professionals, and dare I say, better human beings.
P.S. Before you start fearing for my sanity – this post is purely hypothetical. Mike's real love is JavaScript and Sarah doesn't really live in an abstract universe (though she would definitely love to). And as for me, well the coffee addiction is real, but the book, ‘Change by Design’ is still in mint condition. But hey, it gave us all a good illustration of how mental models like design thinking can be applied to everyday scenarios, didn't it?
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:31 Rusted-1 ARK 8 Chapter 23-Unlucky

ARK 8 Chapter 23-Unlucky
To kill for yourself is murder. To kill for your government is heroic. To kill for entertainment is harmless. What is it to kill for religion? - Unknown
This fanfic is based on the fanfic The Isolationists, by Seeyouon_otherside, and a continuation of the stronger_together series. Constructive criticism is appreciated.
Time Since First Contact: Y:0 M:1 W:0 D:3
Memory Transcript Subject: Private Brolien “Lucky” Tiwond of the enforcers.
“Wait, the humans call you that? Why?” My buddy Rohan asked me as we patrolled the streets of the capital city of Finalshape under the night sky. You could actually see one of the aliens' ships flying overhead, which was fantastic. I felt like a kid watching them, just in awe at the technological marvels. Our power armor was clanking and clunking as we went about our day, heavy auto rifles in hand, a good breakfast this morning, kissed the kids and misses goodbye for today, promising little ones I’ll bring them back a souvenir of some kind. We walked through the snow that had to yet be cleared by the snow plows, and I just enjoyed the forever-green grass and trees. Just admiring the city that we lived in
“Yeah, I was on the plane next to the human ARK ship when I went down.”
“Wait, that was you?!” Rohan practically yelled, getting the attention of many people around us. “How come you’re still not in the Air Force anymore?”
“That crash rattled me pretty bad, So I stepped down for that position and took up a job as a trooper,” I respond casually. “It was fun for a while being in the Air Force, but now, with seven kids and a wife, I can’t take that risk anymore. I’d rather do something more laid-back to have a higher chance of survival. So I can spend more time with my beloved and see my little ones grow up.” I said. Then I revealed my trap card. “I also got a spot on the Land Tank.
“Yeah, I get that-YOU WHAT!?” He yelled.
I let out a hearty laugh as he began to freak out. “Yep! I will be one of the lead anti-air and anti-space gunnery commanders. The pay is fantastic. I’m going to spoil my family rotten.”
He made an odd noise and launched himself at me. “HOLLY SHIT DUDE! YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED A JOB ON THAT HUNK OF HISTORY! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!” He patted me on the back a few times and then let go. “But I get what you mean by anti-air, but what do you mean by anti-space?”
I sighed and looked around before switching to helmet-to-helmet communication so no one could hear us. "You're aware that Lord Lieutenant Commander Canilia Feral doesn't fully trust the aliens, right?”
Rohan nodded. I couldn’t see his expression under the heavy metal helmet, but we had known each other since we were kids, so I could tell he was somber. “Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of that. But that doesn't mean I don't understand it. The aliens are fun, lovely, adorable, and huggable. I can say a hundred other nice things about them, but I won't because I don't want to bore you to death. They are still a massive unknown; they've been sharing more and more information with us, and I know the one, Captain Leo, is preparing to hold some… not ceremony, what do you call it…I want to say it's a seminar about how they got here and their history. I'm going to it, but I don't know when it will be.”
I nodded in agreement. “ I am with you on every single one of those points. As amazing as they are, there are so many unknowns about them… which is why Lord Lieutenant Commander Canilia Feral has started a program meant to counteract the aliens' most powerful tools: their droids and ships.”
Rohan looked at me. I could tell from underneath his helmet he looked surprised. “Wait, weapons?”
It was my turn to be somber. “She says it's to prepare for if they turn on us. She made it very apparent that she hoped she would never have to use these weapons, but she wanted to be prepared.”
“Does Commander Fango Feral know about this?”
I scoffed at that thought. “Well, yeah, this project would have never gotten the green light anyway. Plus, we're talking about Lord Lieutenant Commander Canilia Feral here. Going behind her uncle's back is the last thing she would do."
Rohan nodded. "What do you know about the project?" He asked
"What little I know about the project is that I will be operating an ASRFC, an anti-space rapid-fire cannon. It’s designed to do what it sounds like: it shoots or, rather, assists in launching incredibly fast-moving projectiles, similar to missiles but different somehow. They should be coated in the specialized electricity designed to short out alien systems. She's also been developing handheld weapons to short out their droids.”
Rohan was silent. Then spoke. “Geez. That's… a lot. I'm just hoping the aliens don't find out.”
My shoulder sagged as I hated the thought of operating a weapon like that against two species that have been nothing but kind to us. “Same, we all share the same sentiment at the Land Tank. We are on our hands and knees, praying to the great protector that we never have to use these guns. Lord Lieutenant Commander Canilia Feral is probably the person who is hoping the most. However, I get the odd feeling that they would understand why we would make these weapons. I think they'd be mad, but they wouldn't be upset. They'd be understanding.” I looked over at my childhood best friend. “Honestly, considering your Borderline addiction to anything alien right now, I'm surprised you're taking this as well as you are.”
He shook his head. “I'm not really… it's hard making guns and weapons to kill a person who has been nothing but kind to you simply because you don't fully trust them. But I understand and support the logic behind it. However, it is comforting to know that everyone working on this project hopes and prays that they don't have to use them. Not much, but a bit.” Rohan sighed, and we walked in silence for a while. He perked up, his posture became slightly straighter, and he pointed to my chest. “What is that anyway on your chest? I’ve never seen a dialect or a plant like that,” he asked. I looked down and laughed.
“Yeah, that’s human dialect. I want to say it’s the one called English, but it could also be the one called Japanese or Russian. I really have no idea. It says, “Lucky, the falling star.” The symbol is of what they called a four-leaf clover, a type of plant back on the human homeworld that was considered lucky, surrounded by a star, and there are trails to the side of it, or to make it look like it’s falling.”
Rohan stopped for a minute, got the joke, and nearly busted a gut laughing. When he finally calmed down, he looked at me. “How the hell did Humans and Zeyzell convince you to get that painted on your armor!?” he asked through laughs.
“Well, I was at a drink stop, a bar as most of you normals call it, forget which one, when out of the blue, a bunch of humans popped up, and they recognized me as a pilot. I don’t know how, but they did.” I answered, “Ask me all sorts of questions like how I survived. How was I doing? Generally, they were good questions and warmed my heart that they were worried about me. It was nice, anywho, they were going on about this plant on the human home world called the four-leaf clover, and this represents luck or something. They asked if they could paint my armor with it. I had just gotten my shiny new power armor, so I was like, sure, go ahead and paint it. Then, they whipped out a bunch of little pups, or kids and kits, as the humans call them. As in little humans who are ADORIBLE, and they started painting my armor as I started talking to the adults. Two hours later, bam, you got this masterpiece painted all over my armor. I swear they took the little ones out of their pockets if I didn’t know better. After all that, I wanted it back to camp, and the paint had dried. I tried getting off, even though it was a nice gesture. I was kind of sad about it, but I don’t know what the void they used is. This stuff is not coming off. I scrubbed for a good hour, and it didn’t come off. So when I had to fall in with everyone at Camp and with everyone with their new hand-me-down E-10 power armor. I stood out like a sore thumb.”
“And you had petty officer Gotrom, didn’t you?” Rohana teasingly said. I shook my head in pain, causing him to laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Yep, I had him, the man of the petty ones. The moment he laid eyes on me. His eyes did the whole bleeding thing. I hate it when he does that and starts screaming at me. I mean, this dude is slightly above me in rank, but he takes his job too seriously. So, after five minutes of chewing me out, I thought he would pass out with the amount of hot air he was spewing. He asked me what my excuse was.”
“What do you say to him?” Rohan asks.
I laughed. “It was like the great protector had whispered exactly what I should say into my ear. “Interacting with the new locals, sir. Just letting them know that we are their friends, not their wardens.” And you won’t freaking believe this, he took it.”
“He what?! he took it as a valid answer?!” Rohan asked.
“I myself was still surprised that he took that as a valid answer, but yes, he did. Then he immediately brought me to the front of all three hundred troops and started to yell at them, tearing them a new one by telling them how I was the only one here who had made any attempt to meet with the alien. Even though we all know that’s not true, they found me. He patted me on the back, congratulated me, and sent me off to get some extra food.”
“By the old void, that guy gets stranger and stranger every time.”
I shrugged. “I honestly have no clue, and I think he was telling everyone to step up the game in greeting the aliens, but other than that, I have no idea. The Humans are super nice, and I often find them chatting with someone or petting someone. Void, I’ve even seen an entire group of humans swarm a giant and start petting it. It was cute to watch. The Zeyzell seem far more reserved than the humans, but you can have interesting conversations with them.”
We continued to patrol the streets in silence for a while after that, making a bit of small talk to break it, but nothing much, just observing people going about their business. That’s when we saw an out-of-breath Tiwond with a human gently helping him drink a bottle of water. A Zeyzell clung to the human's back, laughing his lungs out. “Everything all right over here?” I asked.
“Yeah,” the person said as he got up, swishing his tail as he did, “tried to beat my buddy here in a race after hearing about humans' high stamina. I lost by a large margin while he carried his fluffy ass on his back. The man said as he pointed to the Human and the Zeyzell. The Zeyzell just laughed while still clinging to the human's back.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” The Zeyzell said as the three laughed.
“All right, you three, stay safe. Bye now.” The group of three said their goodbyes, and I looked at the human. He just seemed so happy. It was such a pure and authentic expression that it warmed my hearts. “It’s so nice that we met the humans; everyone just seems happier.”
Rohan nodded. “Yeah, it’s like the mood has shifted, from the low to the high, it's nice. With the war, the terror that came after it, and the animals evolving and changing. Things were looking bleak. That’s not even mentioning all the giant refugees we've been getting, and well…him and them.”
I looked at Rohan. “Who and what?”
Rohan looked at me, confused. “You know? Viggo Scythelock?”
I nodded. The mention of his name made me slightly mad. “Oh, him…you think they will catch the guy?” I asked.
“Honestly, I hope so. He has caused so much pain to so many. The man is a psychopath, a monster. He used the war as an opportunity to harm so many.” Rohan looked down. “But honestly, it’s been over three years. I’m not sure if they will ever find him.”
“Yeah…I hope they find him and take him out. Also, who are "Them" you are talking about?”
Rohan looked at me, surprised. “You haven't heard?” he asked. He switched to helmet-to-helmet communications instead of talking out loud. This must be bad.”
“I’m almost afraid to ask…but no, I have not heard about them,” I responded also with helmet-to-helmet communication. “Who are you talking about?”
“The Cult of the Old God? You haven't heard what they have been up to?”
“You mean them assassinating high-ranking individuals, stealing supplies, their entire operation multiplying tenfold ever since the alien's arrival?”
I could tell he was surprised, and I could also understand that he was blinking and surprised underneath the helmet. That's how well we know each other. “How did you know?”
“It's common knowledge, and the higher-ups sent this documentation earlier this morning. Did you not read it? They're very transparent, and you know that I don't get all your conspiracies at everything, which is a conspiracy.”
“Oh, come on! The Aliens! Their rival was too perfect; just when we were getting worried that we were the only living creatures in the universe, pop! They show up. That can't be a coincidence!”
I rolled my eyes underneath my helmet. “You need help.”
“Not with my mental state, but definitely with my taxes.” I shake my head
We continued on our way. When we crossed one of the streets and took a left toward one of the shopping districts, we saw two dudes sitting in the snow, huddled around something. We approached to make sure everything was alright. “Everything alright?” I asked. The guys looked up at me and made the shhh motion with their fingers. Then they parted their bodies a little, and I saw a female human sleeping between them.
“We don’t want to wake her up,” the first said. I nodded my head and continued on.
Both of us then turned a corner into a more populated part of the district. We saw a human and what looked like a construction worker chatting there. “Thank you so much for taking us in. I think I can speak for my entire species when I say you have made us so happy.”
The construction worker raised an eyebrow and took another bite of the sandwich she was eating. “Anyone would’ve done it; it's just the right thing to do if they had a soul, at least.”
The human started to laugh a bit, and then it quickly stopped as a human just shook her head. “Guess the federation has no soul then, huh?”
The construction worker took another bite out of her sandwich. “Doesn’t sound like it.” The human leaned into the construction worker. “Eay, don’t worry. If those Federation things ever come here, they’ll get a big face full of Big Jim.” She then pulled out a massive [monkey wrench.] I smiled at that, knowing that so many were willing to protect the humans. I believe that made them feel more at home. We wandered past them on our patrol and continued deeper into the district.
“Hey, you know what I’ve noticed?” Rohan said.
“Hm?” I asked in return.
“I haven’t seen all that many little humans, you know, their pups, kids, children, whatever they call them.”
I was about to argue that I had seen quite a few children, but when I really thought about it. The only significant group of human children I had seen was when a bunch of them confronted me and painted the four-leaf clover and star onto my chest plate. Other than that, I’ve only seen a few. “Now that you mention it, you’re right. I’ve hardly seen any. Why do you think that is?”
Rohan thought for a minute. Then, he snapped his secondary jaw in realization or remembered something. “I remember a bit of talk about a lot of young ones being on a second ARK ship. I don’t know much about it. All I know is that most of their young population, as in newborns to tweens, was supposedly on an ARK ship called ARK Twelve. Other than that, I don’t know much.”
“Where did you hear that from?” I asked.
“One of my buddies works in intelligence gathering. We like humans, but the intelligence bureau doesn’t fully trust them like Lord Lieutenant Commander Canilia Feral doesn't. I can’t blame them. Again, Humans are still a big unknown, even though they are one of the cutest things I have ever seen.”
“He was pretty drunk when I asked him, but it was his reaction when he said out loud that really disturbed me. Normally he’s a pretty big drinker because you see some bad shit in intelligence gathering. I mean, there are some terrible people out there. But the second he mentioned ARK twelve, he got really really sad. And he didn’t even finish his drink, which was a first. He mumbled something about going home to spend time with the human he was taking care of. I don’t know what it was about the response, but I got a sense of pure dread from it.”
I nodded my head, and we continued. I felt like asking the next human I saw about ARK twelve, but I sensed it would be a bad idea. We saw a commotion in front of what looked like a jewelry store. Wandering over, there was a female tiwond Who seemed distressed. As we approached, she continuously asked strangers if they had seen someone. A lot of other people are starting to be concerned, too, for some reason. We approach to attempt to calm the situation. “Enforcers, what’s going on here?” Rohan asked. The woman turned around rather quickly. She was short and had that typical camo pattern fur that the people of the woodland area have, so she was most likely not a local. Then again, you can never be too confident in the city.
“I lost them! I can't find them! I don’t know where they are!” She almost yelled in what looked like fear and worry.
“Whoa, calm down, ma’am. What’s the problem?” I gently told her to try to get him to calm down. “Take four large breaths and clear all four of your lungs. Trust me, it helps.”
She took some deep breaths, seemingly calmed down just a little, and then spoke again. “I am in charge of two humans under my care for the exchange program. I had brought her and her kid here to the shopping district to see if they wanted anything before moving back to the Woodland cities. However, they vanished. I don’t know where they went. I am terrified of all the unknowns around here that might hurt them.”
“Thank you. Do you know where you last saw them?” I asked. I made a hand motion to Rohan to signal in an incident report and some backup. Rohan stepped away from the conversation and radioed a command using his helmet.
“This is Rohan. I'm reporting a case of a missing person. Yeah, two humans went missing. I’m currently with Brolien, and we’re patrolling the shopping district… Green Wyvern. Can you send a few more patrols down here to help? We can’t have two aliens going missing in the city. That's bad, AR. Also, and yes, I want to see them safe. I am not an AR asshole.”
"This is HQ, sending down an additional squad. Keep us updated."
"Yes sir." Rhoan responded
“Do you know which store you were in when you saw them last?” I asked.
“The jewelry store, the one just over there. About [10 minutes] ago. Their names are Jasper and Melinda.” She pointed to one of the higher-end jewelry stores, and I motioned to Rohan to follow me. I noticed a few Street cops coming over to see what the situation was about.
“What’s going on here?” one of the cops asked. I recognize this one, a retired Detective, I think.
“Missing persons, two humans last seen over there. We’re going to investigate now,” I quickly informed him. “Keep an eye on her, will you?” He nodded and walked over to the lady, with two others in tow. Rohan and I walked over to the building to inspect the area around it.
“If a human is missing here… I’m worried about who might’ve taken them. I know it’s pretty rare for kidnappings, but still.” Rohan said as he opened a dumpster and took a peek inside. “I mean, the humans are so frail. A good-sized hail storm will kill them.” Rohan said.
“Yeah, apparently it can. I’ve heard rumors that back on their home planet, it’s possible to die from things like that.” I responded.
“Unbelievable,” Rohan replied in disbelief, shaking his head. We started to search the area, calling out their names. We wandered past an ally—“Oh, protector, what is this?” I looked over to see Rohan had stepped in Something. I walked over and looked at it.
“Is that blood?” I asked him.
“No way too light to be blood. Look at how red it is. It’s not even a black color like ours. I bet you another copper wire melted. I can tell by the scent.” he replied as he shook the stuff off his boot. I took a closer look, put my hand in it, and brought it up to my face. It looked like blood. It flowed like blood. I used the scanning equipment in my helmet and…
…Oh shit.
“Rohan, this is human blood,” I said. I got up and turned the safety off my gun. Rohan follows suit, and we both enter the alleyway, guns drawn. There was a little more blood on the walls and a bit on the ground.
“This is enforcer Rohan calling enforcer HQ, and we have possible contact with an unknown that has seemingly taken two humans, one child, and one mother. Send backup, sending location.” Rohan called in as we quietly walked along the side of the alleyway. We are doing our best to make no noise. I’m so happy that we are wearing the newer power armor. They are so silent.
“Roger that Rohan, this is enforcer HQ. Reinforcements are inbound in two minutes.” The coms operator said
“Do you hear that? Sounds like chanting?” Rohan whispered. I strained my ears to listen and turned up the sensitivity on my power armor audio receptors. Chanting, I wonder…
“Do you think it could be…?” I trailed off, and he immediately knew what I was talking about.
“Cult of the old God? This far north? Hm… shoot to kill.” Rohan sternly replied. “This is Enforcer Rohan, possible contact with the Cult of the old god. I am requesting time for the arrival of reinforcements.”
“Reinforcements inbound in one minute.”
We both quickened the pace and turned the corner-“FUCK!” I yelled out loud. There were Six cultists in total. Two cultus whipped around to face me. One drew a pistol, and another a plasma pistol.
“CONTACT CONTACT! LIGHT THEM UP!” Rohan yelled, and we both started blasting into them. We popped bullet bullets into each of their heads and two hearts, taking them down instantly. “Cultus! Here! This far north! What the fuck?!” Rohan yelled. The three others drew their guns and aimed and opened fire at us as we took cover behind some old barrels. We were bullet and plasma-proof in our power armor, but I would rather not risk it. Rohan tossed a flash bang, and It blew up a second later. I heard screams a second later, and we got up and opened fire, our visors blocking out the flash. We both nailed the same bastard as his buddies dove behind cover. They would fire at us every few seconds, keeping our heads down. I looked at Rohan and made the hand single to get the shield. He reached behind himself and took out the heavy-duty shield. I had the battering ram, so I was not that useful. He got up first as I threw another flash, confusing and disorienting the cultists as it went off. We both advanced as Rohan swapped out his heavy rifle for an SMG; I took out the full-auto shotgun as we got closer. Rohan shield-bashed the first one and then blasted him with the SMG. I took out the second one with my shotgun. A bullet deflected off of the shield, and a small spread of bullets that Rohan could deflect with his shield came at us. Then they stopped, and we rushed to cover, Rohan still holding the shield. I peeked out from behind the cover.
“Were did..” I started when I heard a yell from behind us. Whipping around, the cultist had appeared and was now wrestling with me for my shotgun. In a split second, I shoved the shotgun into him as he pulled, disorienting him and knocking the wind out of him. I then grabbed the battering ram, which had already been turned on and was at full power, and bashed it into his chest. He immediately exploded from the pressure, and I was coated in his blood. Looking around, all the cultists were down just as reinforcements flooded the area.
Looking at the cultus robes, I noticed the same color of blood on them that I had looked at earlier. “Shit, I think these guys got the humans!” I told Rohan.
The human female was lying on what looked like a makeshift altar made of scrap metal, an old luxurious chair, and wood. Her entire chest and lower body had been torn open. Most of her major organs were removed, and her heart was speared with multiple little needles and placed on top of the altar. “This is bad. This is bad. If there is this far north, they have gotten bold.” Rohan spoke as he walked over to the human female and inspected her. “She died only a minute ago. It looks like she was in pain the entire time, too. Damn. FUCKING FANTIC SHITS!”
“Radio this in,” I ordered Rohan, and he immediately did that. I walked over to the human adult female's corpse and looked at it as a medic was handling her. Why didn’t she scream? Oh, that’s why. They sewed her mouth shut. Damn. I look at the cultists again and look at their golden medallions decorated with a skull. “Wait, Rohan. Weren’t there two?” We looked at each other and immediately split up in different directions to find the kid. It didn't take long for me to see him. “Aw…kid.” I gently bent down to inspect the little body. His lower jaw was gone entirely. His left arm seems to have been sawed off and taken. His eyes were closed, and he wasn’t moving. I looked up and noticed footprints taking off into the distance. A seventh cultist, it looks like we missed one. I cradled his head in my hand and took a pulse. Nothing…
“Oh, void.”
‘Oh, my young one…I am sorry.” the other enforcers said as we gathered around the child's corpse. One of the enforcers punched a wall out of anger as another just sat on an old couch, shaking her head.
“Looks like there was a seventh we missed. If I get my hands on that-.” Another one started.
“OH SHIT! ROHAN HE'S STILL ALIVE!” I screamed. Rohan immediately ran over and looked. As did the medic.
“By the protector he is!” The medic yelled as she began to administer human-friendly meds. “There is an ambulance outside. MOVE!” She yelled.
I picked up the kid and held him in my arms, carrying him as the medic did her work.
“You’ll be OK, you’ll be OK,” I told him to comfort him, although I felt it was more for my own sake.
“JASPER!” I looked behind me to see the female running to me and followed beside me.
"MISS IS MUST INSIST YOU MOVE-" The medic begins to yell.
"I'M HIS CARE TAKER!" she yelled back. "Shhhh, I’m here now.” Jasper reached up with a blood-soaked hand and began to grab at her fur like he was trying to hold onto life. She held him to her and then took something out of her bag. “I can use this to get the blood out of his lungs!”
“Do it!” the medic told her. She stuck the tube into the kid's chest, and blood came out, and he immediately began to breathe easier. He then latched himself to her chest and passed out.
“Don’t worry. I promised your mom I would take care of you if anything happened to her. I will take care of you.” She quietly told the sleeping child as she rocked back and forth, crying, holding the child as the ambulance came around the corner with more enforcers. They loaded both of them into the ambulance and took them away. I walked out and sat down on a bench in front of the alleyway. I just needed time to think. I sat there as the world around me continued. Just lost in thought. What if we got there sooner..?
I was broken out of the trance by Rohan. “You alright?”
I looked down. “No, we were supposed to protect them…”
“Yeah,” Rohan said. We just sat there. It was helping a little to have my buddy there. But…still
A human was…dead.
“And yet…we saved a human child.” He told me.
I nodded, looking up at the Alien space station that was now in orbit around our planet. “Yeah…we did.” We remained silent before he put an arm around me and hugged me. "I hope he survives."
"Me too, me too."
submitted by Rusted-1 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:15 WeeklyLengthiness7 Unproduced Marvel Screenplays

Since 2016, i search and colected many unproduced Marvel movie Screenplays, especialy a Marvel movie ones. some of them should be filmed, some of them deserved to be shredded. here are my collection. (Check my comment or check my profile)
Amazing Spiderman (2002) by David Koepp
Ant Man (1988) by Neal Ruttenberg
Black Widow (2005) by David Hayter
Captain America (1985) by Michael Winner
Daredevil (1995) by Chris Columbus
Daredevil: Blind Justice (1998) by Terrence J Brady
Dr. strange (1990) by Alex Cox
Dr Strange (2010) by Donelly and Joshua Oppenheimer
Dr. strange (1986) by Bob Gale
Dr. Strange (1997) by Jeff Welsch
Fantastic Four (1992) by Greg Jevius
Gambit (2015) by Joshua Zetumer
Ghost Rider (2001) by David S. Goyer
Hulk (1994) by John Turman
Hulk (1997) by Jonathan Hensleigh
Hulk (2000) by David Hayter
Iron Fist (2001) John Turman
Iron Man (1997) by Jeff Vintar
Iron Man (2004) by David Hayter
Luke Cage (2003) by Ben Ramsey
Magneto Origins (2004) by Michael Turner
Namor The Submariner (2004) by David Self
Nick Fury - Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1980s) G.J. Pruss
Punisher 2 (2005) by Jonathan Hensleigh
Silver and Black (2017) by Christopher Yost
Silver Surfer (1995) by John Turman
Silver Surfer (2000) by Andrew Kevin Walker
Spider-Man - The First Adventure (1989] by Scott Leva & Steve Webb
Spider-man (1999) by David Koepp (based on James Cameron treatment)
Spiderman (1993) by Barry Cohen, Ted Newson and James Cameron
Spiderman (1987) by Goldman and Puyn
The Wolverine (2009) by Christopher McQuarrie
Thor (2007) Mark Protosevich
Venom (1997) by David S Goyer
Wolverine and the X-Men (1991) by Gary Goldman
Wolverine and the X-Men (1995) by Laeta Kalogridis
X-men (1994) by Andrew Kevin Walker
X-men (1995) by Andrew Kevin Walker
X-men Fear The Beast (2016) by Byron Burton
submitted by WeeklyLengthiness7 to marvelstudios [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:13 curryseller What champs to invest into?

What champs to invest into?
Have 5* mystic, tech and generic AG. Currently CAV & act 5 fully explored.
submitted by curryseller to MarvelContestOfChamps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:00 PoisonPanc4ke The Talos Incident: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Hangar Bay 2

Six days had passed since Aurelian's return to the Imperator Somnium. His wounds, tended with relentless dedication by High Lady Avicenna Ibn Sina, his personal physician, were nearly healed. Avicenna’s skilful hands had worked tirelessly to ensure the Emperor’s swift recovery. Archamus Cadwalder, now High Lord and Master of the Seraphim, remained a constant presence, never more than ten paces from his Liege unless commanded otherwise.
Both Aurelian and Cadwalder were heading to the ship's hangar bay to greet the returning Seraphim. "My Liege," Cadwalder spoke, breaking the silence that had settled between them, "forgive me, but I’m not sure the other Seraphim will take kindly to my appointment above them."
Aurelian paused, his left hand resting on the pommel of his blade. He traced his fingers along the cold, rounded steel, contemplating Cadwalder’s concern. "They are your brothers and sisters, and have been for many years. Perhaps... they might surprise you. Regardless, it is my command, and they will obey."
They continued walking, Cadwalder a few paces behind. The journey to the hangar bay was long, and they were only halfway there. As they passed, the ship's crew saluted them, either raising their fists to their chests or dropping to one knee. Aurelian acknowledged them with nods and smiles but did not break his stride. Their walk was mostly silent, the hum of life aboard the ship the only sound accompanying them.
After nearly an hour, they arrived at Hangar Bay 2. The space buzzed with activity: personnel rushed about, fuelling ships, performing pre-launch checks, and unloading cargo. Sparks flew from welding torches, and the magnetic thrum of fusion reactors filled the air. Voices rose and fell, commands being barked out and acknowledged. This bustling scene was just one small part of the grand machine that was the Imperator Somnium.
Aurelian and Cadwalder moved towards an empty landing pad, the crew and pilots saluting their Lord before resuming their duties. They stood apart from the commotion, a stark contrast in their imposing presence.
Aurelian, standing at 1.93 units tall according to Avicenna's recent examination, was a formidable figure. His well-built frame, olive skin, and stern demeanour commanded respect. His dark brown hair, shaved at the back and sides and plaited on top, was tied with leather straps and gold rings, a style from his homeworld. His black armour and red and black fur-lined cloak added to his imposing aura.
Beside him, Cadwalder, towering at 2.13 units, was even more physically imposing. His pale face bore six scars running down the right side from ear to cheekbone and a burn scar on his left temple. His head was shaved bald, and his stern face seemed perpetually on the edge of anger. His giant left hand rested on the pommel of an enormous greatsword, while a modified multitool was strapped to his right thigh. His long, pitch-black cloak trailed behind him as they walked.
As they reached the landing pad, a giant troop carrier in the black and gold colours of the Seraphim touched down. With a mechanical hiss, the rear ramp descended, and the hangar bay fell silent. The sound of giant armoured footsteps echoed as six Seraphim strode down the ramp. Clad in identical black armour with gold accents, their cloaks billowing behind them, they made their way towards Aurelian.
"My Liege," one of them spoke, dropping to one knee along with the others. "Your will is done. We received reports of your wounding en route back to the Somnium. We have failed you."
Aurelian watched them in silence for a moment before speaking. "You have failed no one, Deimos Malleus. You were carrying out my will across the stars. You did nothing I did not bid you to do."
The Seraphim remained kneeling, their discipline unwavering. The hangar bay resumed its activity, though quieter, not wishing to disturb the meeting. "Cadwalder, remove your helm."
"Sire," Cadwalder replied, the helmet releasing with a hiss to reveal his scarred face.
"You know this man well. He has been your brother in arms for many years. You have fought and bled together on many worlds in my name. And you have heard to reports, so it will come as no shock to you that without this man I would not be standing here today. And so, I have named him Archon of the Seraphim. Your leader, your Captain. Honour him."
Aurelian bid his Seraphim rise. Deimos looked at Cadwalder for several long seconds before stepping forward, their breastplates almost touching. "Archamus Cadwalder," Deimos said, almost a whisper, "thank you for performing the duty we were not here to. We are in your debt. And we welcome your appointment. Hail Archamus, Archon of the Seraphim."
The two clasped hands and saluted each other. Aurelian turned to depart, heading towards the massive doors at the rear of the hangar. Just as they neared the door, a ship came crashing into the hangar bay, the sound of screeching metal cutting through the air. Aurelian recognized it as one of the transport craft abandoned aboard the Talos.
"Seraphim," Aurelian commanded, "surround that craft."
"My Lord," a voice said, so weak it was barely a whisper, "I tried to make it to extraction. I tried. But—" With a heavy thud, the body to whom the voice belonged hit the metal deck of the craft.
Aurelian stepped forward, his Seraphim following suit, but he waved them to remain where they stood. He knelt beside the thin, unconscious woman on the craft, recognizing her as the comms adept from his search party. "Take her to the med bay," he ordered. "Tell them to put her in quarantine for the time being, but do not panic her." Two of the Seraphim immediately moved to carry out his command.
"Quarantine?" Deimos inquired.
"Yes, Deimos," Aurelian replied. "Archamus will explain what happened aboard the Talos, and you will understand the necessity of my command. We'll confer more once we're on the bridge"
Aurelian and the remaining Seraphim made their way to the exit of the hangar bay, their heavy armoured strides causing the deck beneath them to tremble.
submitted by PoisonPanc4ke to NMS_AurelianEmpire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:25 axefaktor Everything I read on Marvel Unlimited: Week 23, June 2-8 New personal best!

Everything I read on Marvel Unlimited: Week 23, June 2-8 New personal best!
I pushed myself to read a ton this week, and was rewarded with a new personal best of weekly issues read for the year and some really phenomenal reads along the way.
My week was centered around "Avengers & X-Men: Axis," which is an event I'd never previously read and a major missing piece in my overall knowledge of the modern 616. I read more than half the tie-ins along with it, but skipped a couple runs that I hadn't started yet, and didn't want to put all the time in to catch up on just to read them as part of this reading order. I'll circle back for Deadpool, Nova and Wolverine & The X-Men at a later date.
"Axis" struggles. It has my respect for attempting something that could be very interesting. What if our heroes switched sides? Unfortunately, it makes for sort of unhappy reading. It's not a good feeling to watch someone as noble as Sam Wilson or Luke Cage act like a selfish jerk for most of the run.
Elsewhere, I've taken a dive into Brian Michael Bendis run on Daredevil (1998), which is phenomenal. There's some pieces of the run that aren't written by Bendis, and aren't quite as good, but even that stuff was enjoyable to read, especially as it relates to the modern take on Daredevil in the MCU.
Top 3 reads of this week:
  1. Daredevil (1998)
  2. Loki: Agent of Asgard (2014)
  3. X-Force (2019)
Here are the stats:
Week 23 issues: 84 (!)
Regular issues: 84
Infinity Comic Issues: 0
Total issues this year: 951
Weekly average issues per day: 12
Yearly average issues per day: 5.9
Here's everything I'm "current" on via Unlimited:
  • Captain America (2023)
  • Immortal Thor (2022)
  • Incredible Hulk (2023)
  • Invincible Iron Man (2022)
  • X-Force (2019)
Previous weeks: Weeks 17-22, Weeks 15 & 16, Week 14, Week 13, Week 12, Week 11, Week 10, Week 9, Weeks 7 & 8, Week 6, Week 5, Week 4, Week 3, Week 2, Week 1
submitted by axefaktor to MarvelUnlimited [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:53 iamkingsleyf 20 Richest Olympians in the World

You have probably wondered how much each of your favorite Olympians is worth and who will come out on top.
This is why we've compiled a list of the world's top 20 richest Olympians, complete with their estimated net worth and a few details about them.
Let's begin!

1. Caitlyn Jenner

The first on our list! Caitlyn Jenner is a retired Olympic gold medalist and American television personality.
Jenner won the 1976 Montreal Olympics decathlon and is widely regarded as the world's most outstanding athlete.
Caitlyn Jenner has a net worth of approximately $100 million, making her the world's wealthiest Olympian.

2. Ivana Trump

Ivana Trump is a former Czech businesswoman and model who was Donald Trump's first wife.
Trump was chosen as an alternate for the Czechoslovak ski team at the 1972 Winter Olympics and has been highly successful since then.
Ivana Trump has a net worth of $60 million.

3. Usain Bolt

Usain Bolt is a retired Jamaican sprinter who set world records in the 100 meter, 200 meter, and 4 x 100-meter relay events.
We can say Bolt is one of the greatest sprinters of all time. Usain Bolt's net worth is estimated to be around $60 million, placing him as the third wealthiest Olympian on the list.

4. Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps is a retired American swimmer who holds the record for being the most successful and decorated Olympian in history.
Phelps holds numerous swimming records and is one of the greatest swimmers of all time.
Michael Phelps has a net worth of approximately $55 million.

5. Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong is a former professional road cyclist from the United States.
Armstrong rose to prominence as a triathlete at 16 and was a 1989 and 1990 national sprint-course triathlon champion.
He is among the greatest cyclists of all time. Lance Armstrong has a net worth of $50 million, making him the fifth wealthiest Olympian.

6. Shane Warne

Shane is a former Australian cricketer who captained his country in one-day internationals.
In the 1994 Wisden Cricketers Almanack, he was named one of the 'Wisden Cricketer of the Year. Since July 2013, Warne has been retired from all forms of cricket.
Shane Warne is estimated to have a net worth of $50 million as of 2021.

7. Greg LeMond

Greg is a retired professional road racing cyclist from the United States of America who won the Road Race World Championship.
LeMond is widely regarded as the greatest American cyclist of all time.
Greg LeMond has a net worth of approximately $40 million, making him the world's seventh wealthiest Olympian.

8. Shaun White

Shaun White is an American professional snowboarder, skateboarder, and musician. White is also a three-time gold medalist at the Olympic Games.
In addition, he is the only snowboarder to have won multiple gold medals at the X Games and the Olympics.
Shaun White is worth an estimated $40 million as of 2021.

9. Alan Pascoe

Alan Pascoe is a former British track and field athlete who made a name for himself in the hurdles.
Pascoe has made a promising career for himself as an events marketing consultant and as a motivational speaker.
Alan Pascoe is the 9th richest Olympian globally with a net worth of roughly $30 million.

10. Scott Hamilton

Scott Hamilton was an Olympic gold medalist and figure skater who's retired.
In 1984, Hamilton won a gold medal in the Olympics, four United States Championships and four World Championships.
According to reports, Scott Hamilton's net worth is around $30 million.

11. Carl Lewis

Carl Lewis is an American Olympic athlete who has won nine Olympic gold medals and one Olympic silver medal.
One of only three athletes in the Olympic Games' history who have earned a gold medal in the same individual event in four straight Olympic Games is Lewis.
Carl Lewis is the 11th richest Olympian on the list, with a net worth of $20 million.

12. Chantal Sutherland

Chantal Sutherland is a Canadian tv presenter, model, and Thoroughbred horse racing jockey in North America.
Her best-known role is that of Jockey on Animal Planet's "Jockeys" show. Sutherland's net worth was estimated to be $20 million.

13. Eddy Merckx

He is widely considered the most successful bike racer of all time, especially on the road and track.
Throughout his cycling career, victories of his include 11 Grand Tours, 5 Monuments, and 3 World Championships.
The net worth of Eddy Merckx is approximately $20 million, placing him 13th among the world's richest Olympians.

14. Jan Ullrich

Jan Ullrich is a former professional road cyclist from Germany. At the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, he won gold and silver medals.
He retired in 2007 and has since established himself as one of the sport's greatest cyclists. Jan Ullrich's net worth is $20 million as of 2021.

15. Jennifer Katharine Gates

Jennifer Gates is the eldest child of Melinda and Bill Gates, the billionaire couple. She has competed professionally in several horse-riding tournaments.
Gates is an animal lover who frequently devotes a significant amount of time to animal welfare initiatives.
Jennifer Katharine Gates has a net worth of $20 million, ranking her as the 15th richest Olympian.

16. Mark Spitz

Mark Spitz is a former American swimmer who won nine Olympic gold medals. In 1972, Spitz set a new record in each of the seven events he competed in.
Mark Spitz is approximately $20 million.

17. Oksana Baiul

Oksana Baiul is a former figure skater from Ukraine. She won the World Championships in 1993 and the Olympics in 1994.
Baiul is independent Ukraine's first Olympic champion in any sport. Oksana Baiul has a net worth of $20 million, ranking her as the 17th richest Olympian.

18. Ray Bourque

Ray Bourque is a former professional hockey player from Canada. He holds numerous NHL records for the most goals, assists, and points by a defenseman.
Ray Bourque is worth around $20 million.

19. Zara Tindall

Zara is the daughter of Princess Anne and Mark Phillips. She is a British Olympian and the 17th in line to the British throne.
In 2012, she rode her horse Toytown to Cheltenham Racecourse to carry the Olympic flame.
Zara Tindall is worth roughly $20 million, ranking her as the world's 19th richest Olympian.

20. Brian Anthony Boitano

Brian Anthony Boitano is a Sunnyvale, California-based figure skater; he is a 1988 Olympic gold medalist and a 1985 – 1988 United States National Champion.
Brian is worth around $18 million.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]