Character traits that start with n


2017.06.28 05:42 niphal Xennials

/Xennials - A subreddit for the microgeneration that exists between Generation X and Millennial. Xennial birth years, roughly defined, are 1977-1984

2017.02.18 20:56 FinalMantasyX gay_irlโ„ข

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2016.10.22 22:26 MNBrian PubTips: A Traditional Publishing Writing Community

PubTips is the go-to place for traditional publishing news and professional AMAs with authors, agents, editors, publicists, etc. We offer query critiques and answer writing and publishing questions with a focus on the traditional publishing market.

2024.05.16 10:47 adulting4kids Ten Days Until 2024!

  1. Craft a New Year's Eve story where your character receives a magical timepiece counting down to midnight, but instead of signaling the end of the year, it reveals glimpses of significant moments from their future, inspiring them to embrace the uncertainties of the upcoming year.
  2. Set a tale in a bustling city on New Year's Eve, where your character, a street artist, uses their craft to capture the hopes and dreams of passersby, unknowingly becoming a catalyst for positive change and connection within the community.
  3. Develop a narrative where your character, attending a New Year's party, discovers a series of enchanted masks that allow wearers to see the true desires of others, leading to unexpected connections, revelations, and a night of profound personal insight.
  4. Craft a New Year's story where your protagonist, inheriting an old family tradition of releasing lanterns at midnight, learns about the power of letting go, forgiveness, and starting anew as they watch their lantern float among countless others in the night sky.
  5. Set a New Year's Eve narrative in a magical realm where time operates differently, allowing your character to meet versions of themselves from past and future years, leading to a journey of self-reflection, acceptance, and the understanding that growth is an ongoing process.
  6. Develop a story in which your character, during a New Year's retreat, encounters a guide who introduces them to the concept of "time capsules for the soul," prompting the protagonist to reflect on and bury symbolic items representing their past, present, and future aspirations.
  7. Craft a tale set in a cozy bookstore on New Year's Eve, where your character stumbles upon a dusty volume containing personalized predictions for the upcoming year, setting them on a quest to decipher the cryptic messages and navigate the challenges and opportunities that await.
  8. Create a New Year's narrative where your character, attending a multicultural celebration, becomes part of a collective storytelling tradition, sharing personal anecdotes and dreams with strangers, fostering a sense of community, empathy, and shared humanity.
  9. Set a story during a New Year's camping trip, where your character discovers an ancient ritual involving planting seeds under the first full moon of the year, leading to unexpected growth and transformation in both the natural and personal realms.
  10. Craft a New Year's Eve tale in a steampunk-inspired world where your character, gifted with a unique time-travel device, unintentionally visits various New Year's celebrations across different eras, gaining insights into the universal themes of hope, renewal, and human connection.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:46 Simple-Sheepherder63 How can I find all possible paths using BFS and DFS

Hey guys, my teacher gave me an assignment, I need to find all possible paths from A to B in a graph using BFS and DFS, I already implemented DFS and BFS but I have no clue how can I find all the possible paths, at least not in C, I asked my teacher and he said that is up to me to discover, I searched every website that I found and they did it but not with C, so here I am on reddit as my last drop of faith, here is my bfs as an example:
Path* bfs(Graph* g, int start, int end, int numRows) { int visited[100]; // TODO implement isVisited field in Vertex for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { visited[i] = 0; } int cost = 0; Path* p = createPath(start, cost); int queue[100]; int front = 0; int rear = 0; visited[start] = 1; queue[rear++] = start; while(front != rear) { int currentNode = queue[front++]; printf("Current Node: %d\n", currentNode); Vertex* temp = getGraph(g, currentNode)->adj_list; while(temp != NULL) { int neighbor = temp->num; if(!visited[neighbor]) { p = addToPath(p, neighbor, cost + 1); visited[neighbor] = 1; queue[rear++] = neighbor; } if (neighbor == end) { return p; } temp = temp->next; } } return p; } ``` 
submitted by Simple-Sheepherder63 to C_Programming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:45 somegirrafeinahat Honestly, what if Tigerstar loved Redtail

this is not a fan theory, T'm currently working on, making a script for how ld do a warriors adaptation,and this is just an idea i had. Tigerstar was abandoned as a kit by his father, and received Ruthless training by thistleclaw, along with the narcissistic personality he developed, didn't exactly set him up to be an all around good person. tigerpaw was always abusing himself, never letting himself take a break or allowing himself to feel the scars he'd gained, he never let himself feel anything but anger. and then he met redtail, a character who is considered by the fans to be a trans man, tigerpaw meeting someone who was so open about who they were, and never afraid to face the gunfire of their own internal anxiety, but still one of the most formidable warriors that thunderclan has ever seen, even able to stand toe to toe with tigerclaw. he was in love with redtail, they spent just about every moment together, tigerclaw even wanting to have kits with redtail. They Were In Love. but, redtail was in the way. Tigerclaw knew the path that he'd put himself on so long ago, and so, he killed redtail, and was distraught over it. unable to balance his own pride with being in love, he becomes a victim of his own narcissism. and then rusty joins immediately after, tigerclaw sees potential in him, and he also sees a Distinctive Ginger Tail. he stops focusing on ravenpaws training, instead intrigued by how he can control and hone firepaw into the best warrior he can become. at times tigerclaw is relentlessly cruel, other times he comments on how well firepaw is learning. and after tigerstar dies, firestar in a way is grateful towards tigerstars teachings, he was cruel, but was trying to turn firestar into the best warrior he could be. and what are tigerstars faint last words as we see firstars distinctive ginger tail reflected in his eyes, what else but "'m sorry, l'm so sorry." andthen after the credits have rolled, we see tigerstar, waking up in a grass field. its completely night, yet you can see the grass and trees illuminated as if it were day, tigerstar looks ahead of him, and sees a warm looking calico near the edge of a forest, the calico gets up, and slowly starts making his way towards tigerstar, and he does the same. after a few moments they're both in a dead sprint towards each other, wev'e never seen tigerstar move Near that fast, they both crash into each others embrace tigerstar is sobbing like a kit, and redtail has a calm flow of tears running down his face. tigerstars crys sound less like emotional destraught, more like raw physical pain, as he scream im sorry, over an over and over again. hes finally dead, his long, painful is finally over, and he gets to be with redtail, he doesnt have to live with that regret anymore.
submitted by somegirrafeinahat to thedawnpatrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:44 Loginnerer [2010-2020] Old white man whose whole schtick was that he tried to appear weak and harmless to hide in plain sight, but really was a physically capable murderer. Possibly with glasses and a fedora-like hat. Maybe a cane.

submitted by Loginnerer to whatisthatmovie [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:44 QuietAsk4578 Is Arnold the cause of the loops?

We all know the loop exists bc of rishe dying and each time she dies it resets to the moment rishe was able to choose her own fate. But i believe Rishe is not the cause of the loop, Arnold is. In all of her loops she dies to the war that Arnold starts and as the loops repeat her choice and fate and his different decisions lead her closer to him bc all the ppl who she met in her previous loops and worked with are part of Arnolds story. If u read the LN u know that each one is focused on each of her loops. Arnolds life even if he makes slight changes it ends up always the same kills emperor, kill lord lawyn or whatever his name was, starts war with coyolles, starts war with church at grand basilica, Etc. And it so happened that in each of her lives she choose paths that lead her to live lifeโ€™s in those situations one at a time. Its like life, fate, gods were preparing her to help Arnold end up where he needs to be. He is most likely the main character. My brain hurts now from thinking about all this. What yall think?๐Ÿค”
submitted by QuietAsk4578 to 7thTimeLoop [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:42 Loginnerer [TOMT][MOVIE][2010-2020] Old white man whose whole schtick was that he tried to appear weak and harmless to hide in plain sight, but really was a physically capable murderer. Possibly with glasses and a fedora-like hat. Maybe a cane.

submitted by Loginnerer to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:40 dokkaebi00 Arlo receiving Rei's lightning

So I wanna talk about a scenario on how memory-wiped Arlo would become an Ember agent and receives Rei's lightning and how it might possibly bring his memory back.
I've thought of 2 scenarios of this happening:
Scenario 1: When Arlo gets injected with Rei's ability, a part of Rei enters Arlo, and each time he uses Rei's lightning, Rei's electricity stimulates the neurons inside Arlo's brain and gives flashbacks of all the 1v1 duels he had with Rei back in Wellston and eventually restores his broken memories back into one piece. Apart from Remi, Arlo got the most taste of Rei's powerful lightning (as he stated before that Rei used to break Arlo's barrier countless times). So for someone who's THAT familiar with Rei's lightning it would make sense that using his ability would at least trigger something inside his mind.
Scenario 2: Arlo, who's now an Ember agent injected with Rei's lightning, faces Remi in a battle. But both being lightning ability users, their lightnings keep connecting with each other without doing much harm. Arlo starts to get confused as to why he feels so familiar with these lightnings. Remi uses this opportunity to send a "zap" into Arlo's mind through their lightning connection and basically does the same thing Sera did in the John vs Sera fight where Sera broke into John's barrier and brought his sanity back. Then Arlo remembers his promise he made with Rei during Rei's graduation that he will take good care of his sister. He then switches to Remi's side and toasts Ember's ass together with their lightnings. Basically Rei's lightning pulling a "karma's a b*tch" to Ember.
Also Remi's lightning was shown to have some sort of "wake up!" kind of effect as we've seen her using it many times to clear her teammates from debuffs like sleepiness. So possibly it's a counter to debuff abilities like Farrah's and Sylvia's, and maybe it could even be her new skill to unlock when she reaches level 6.0 where she not only rejuvenates her teammates from debuffs but even energizing them to fight longer which I think suits her character really well.
submitted by dokkaebi00 to unOrdinary [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:38 Epiphanywolf I just finished the series

I can't believe that it's over. This series has been my life for the past months. I read the first three books in 2022, and although I loved the first two books, I stopped reading after the third because I couldn't connect with all the other characters as I had with Rand and he wasn't in that book as much as before. But then I picked up the fourth book again last december, and I'm so glad I did. I grew to love and appreciate so many characters, they felt so real they started feeling like friends to me. And the world is like nothing I've ever read before. It's so big and well done, I could read an entire book about the characters just traveling around the world and doing nothing else because it's so interesting.
And now it's all over. I feel so empty. I often imagined how the series would end, but I never saw that ending coming. I cried throughout the whole epilogue because I was so afraid of what would happen, and then I cried some more when it was over. Now that I've finished it, I realise that the ending made it better, if that is possible. This is the best book series I've ever read, and Rand is my favourite character of all time. I'm so sad there won't be another book, another page, and that I have to leave this world and these characters now, but it's been a wonderful journey.
submitted by Epiphanywolf to WoT [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:36 mini-einst3in A small technique

A subliminal is something that will work regardless of a mindset. What it does is it reprograms your mind by replacing your old beliefs with new ones. But why do people still don't get results? 1) Maybe they're not consistent? (They switch playlist often) 2) Maybe they have a strong resistance (negative thoughts towards their desire or the subliminal itself) 3) Not having faith in Subliminal at all?
4) Fear of not getting results if stayed consistent to a certain sub (and thinking that they wasted their time doing that)
5) Always seek perfection
The technique that you can add up to your day to day routine.
1) Make a new chat or group chat in your Whatsapp or Telegram or you can even create a new email and name it "Universe" (or "God" if you're religious). And act as you're writing a mail to the Universe/God. Thanking them on how grateful you are. How happy you are about your desires, Describe how they helped you in your journey, how you always get results. Inshort, take it this way, you're a person who met God/Universe months ago and they gave you a blessing for your successful life and now everything works in your favor. So what you do is write them as if you're writing an email to God/Universe on how great your journey is going and how thankful you are to them.
Once you do this, use text to speech to convert it to audio, I would recommend
They have emotive speech. Which means the words are emotionally charged, which will help the subconscious grab better. Now use that audio and make a silent subliminal by following Rasen_God's post. Yes you can use a theta audio and layer it. Note: i wouldn't recommend layering affirmations, you can do it but max two should be fine.
And now comes the fun part, once you download that audio, now use it as your alarm at 3:33 am. The reason I said 3:33 am is because every person has different sleep schedule. And here comes another interesting part, there's something called REM(Rapid Eye Movement) period: "The phase of sleep in which most dreams occur. During REM sleep, a personโ€™s brain activity, breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure increase, and the eyes move rapidly while closed. The muscles in the arms and legs become temporarily unable to move. REM sleep is thought to play an important role in memory and learning. During normal sleep, a person goes through four to five sleep cycles that last about 90 minutes each and include both REM sleep and non-REM sleep (light to deep sleep). Also called rapid eye movement sleep."
And the REM period doesn't happen consistently it lasts up to 90mins each cycle. And i feel like the most common will be around 3am.(3:33 is just for being fancy - angel number). Altho You can use multiple alarms but i believe one should be good n enough. What i feel like the sub will work the best in REM period.
An example of the script: I feel so good today. I love myself so much. I just love everything about me Thank you universe. iโ€™m so grateful to you for making everything work in my favour. thank you universe, thank you for helping a lot in my journey. I am an expert in manifesting now. I usually get all the results within 24 hours now. Sometimes i get results instantly. isnโ€™t that impressive? I recently used a subliminal for clear skin and guess what! i got results only within just a few minutes. Isn't that so coooool? life is so easy now. my skin is so clean and clear now. i am so handsome and good looking. thank you universe, thank you for making my skin so clear. i remember, few days ago a girl came up to me and said that i look really very attractive and i have a glass skin. she also said that my face was the most glowing and charming face that she ever saw in her entire life. i am just so happy today. I'm so grateful to the universe for making everything work out perfectly, I'm so full of love and laughter, it's like I have a giant smile on my face constantly."
I am so happy i finally understood detachment. I donโ€™t expect results anymore. its funny to see how i just donโ€™t care about them anymore. thank you universe. thank you for making me detach from all of my expectations and making me live in the end every time. I am also having a very good quality sleep these days. And you know what? I get super vivid lucid dreams everyday about my desires and i love it. Yes, you heard it right, i lucid dream every night. I feel so fresh and energetic waking up early morning. I feel so confident every time. My life has improved a lot, so much improved that if i listen to a particular subliminal topic today, i get results within 24 hours anyhow regardless of anything. Isnโ€™t that cool? I'm bursting with gratitude and joy, the universe has done such an amazing job and the results are mindblowing!. I have the best life ever, my life is so good, i am so happy, thank you universe, i love you.
------What to include in the script----- 1) self love
2) detachment
3) gratitude and joy
4) an example of how a person complimented you 5) you've become expert in manifesting now
there's an option to select what emotion you want. I personally like "excited" and "cheerful"
You see the bold paragraph? if you choose to layer, make it a bit different than than the first para. I know some people say using same voice for layers still works but i like to play safe, so use different voices for each of them
One tip from me: Control your emotions, Yes you heard that right. If you had a bad day, be happy still. Always be happy no matter how bad the situation is. I know its hard to now show up the actual emotions but that's what sorts out the winners from the losers. When you learn to control your emotions, you get more n more stable. Your subconscious is no more messed up now, i believe it aligns with the conscious (which makes it easy to manifest).
-----------The End-------------
Also, i have started using subliminals now. I've just been following knowledge all these days. I'm 2 months into subs, i haven't been consistent with any of the subs, i enjoyed researching more than listening to subs. I'm now kinda done with all the study(will still do a lil bit everyday).
This will be my routine.
I divided it with two phases. 1) Morning 2) Night
before that, i want to say that i'm kinda interested in v1er's subliminals rn. Yes i know making your own subs are better but still, idk i really liked v1per's style of making subs and affirmations. 1) Morning
I will listen to MOAB 1.0 and then my playlist 3x-5x
2) Night
I will listen to MOAB 2.0 and then my playlist Note: If you're using v1per's subs as me, use the LION formula for night, i do that too. So listen to 2.0 once and then LION playlist once.
That's all
Yes i know MOAB 1.0 and 2.0 both in a day might be overkill but i have a solution for that ๐Ÿ˜‰
(S Module)
{S} = {MOAB 1.0 Legacy[ItsaKid(2024)]} X {MOAB 2.0[ItsaKid(2023)]}
{R Module}
{R} = {MOAB 1.0 Legacy[ItsaKid(2024)]}
{R} = {MOAB 2.0[ItsaKid(2023)]}
{E Module}
{E} = {MOAB 1.0 Legacy[ItsaKid(2024)]
-mental breakdowns
-eating more
-sore throat
-negative thoughts}
{E} = {MOAB 2.0[ItsaKid(2023)]}
-mental breakdowns
-eating more
-sore throat
-negative thoughts}
Yes you can use the A module for a certain sub and add a magic formula there. Here's the magic formula:
{A]= { Clear skin [Synergy(2017-ish)
  • heal scars
  • pale skin + overnight results }
note: these are just my theories that i came up with. and its experimental. I haven't tested it yet. I just have tested the MOAB E module thing and it worked for me, i didn't feel a single side effect at all. Sometimes i felt a few of these, but that just lasted like a few seconds lol. The E module is powerful.
Upvote if you like the post, your upvotes make me feel like it was worth writing the post and it inspires me to write more such. :)
submitted by mini-einst3in to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:34 jon_roberts_harem New Release (last in series)

New Release (last in series)
Jaxon Orionโ€™s lavish life on Microxus takes a dark turn as he and his three lovers become entangled in a galaxy-spanning conspiracy centred on the drug called Echoes.
From luxurious leisure to the heart of interstellar crime, they must navigate a web of danger and deceit to uncover the truth. Their dangerous journey tests the bonds of their polyamorous love and leads them into deadly encounters and unlikely alliances.
A tale of passion, intrigue, and action, this space opera harem adventure is a thrilling blend of Star Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy, with a sensual twist for mature audiences.
(And I would just like to say a huge thank you to all of you who have been reading this series and pre-ordering all the books๐Ÿ™ Even if you didn't pre-order but bought any of these books, thank you, too.
I know I made a few mistakes along the way and broke some harem rules, so thanks if you were a reader who forgave me for that and continued with the series.
I would love to write a sequel series called Space Dragons where they go into the multiverse, but I'm presently making fade-to-black audiobooks of this series called Orion's Odyssey.
I had to completely rewrite the entire series to publish it under another pen name (Jon Robinson) which I'm not sure I'll be doing again. That's up in KU.
The audio episodes of Orion's Odyssey start releasing on YouTube in late July.
I've finally put my Linktree link into my profile if you're interested in subscribing to my YouTube channel or buying those audiobooks direct before they release.
I warn you, though, I've been using AI software to make them bc I cannot afford a human narrator. But it's so cool and fun bc I'm using different voices for all the characters. It's been extremely time consuming to make and edit, and that's why I stopped writing.
I haven't made the spicy versions of those audiobooks yet, though, so you might want to wait??) Book 1 of the fade-to-black Orion's Odyssey series will be FREE in the kindle countdown deal soon. I'll let you know when it arrives.
Space Opera readers will get the newsletter promo, too, so it will be interesting to see what they think about the MFF+ fade-to-black.
submitted by jon_roberts_harem to haremfantasynovels [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:32 Ian-pg9 I feel like Ahsoka and The Mandelorian Season 3 suffer from basic writing mistakes, but with a few more drafts could have been solid seasons of television

I feel like Ahsoka and The Mandelorian Season 3 suffer from basic writing mistakes, but with a few more drafts could have been solid seasons of television
I donโ€™t hate these seasons by any means but I canโ€™t help but feel a bit disappointed by some of their writing decisions
When I first saw The Mandelorian Season 3 trailer, I figured that Din would go to the waters of Mandelor to redeem himself, but would eventually learn the lesson that his Mandelorian clan are stuck in their old outdated practices, and that leaving your helmet on doesnโ€™t define you as a Mandelorian. Instead Din never removes his helmet and never questions the beliefs of his clan. It seemed to me that season 2 was so clearly setting him up for that arc, yet it went nowhere. And whatโ€™s weird is that the season nearly sets up this arc perfectly. Din is forced to work with Mandelorianโ€™s who donโ€™t follow his traditions and he and the clan eventually learns to work with the Mandelorianโ€™s that remove their helmets. But Din never learns the lesson for himself. That what makes a Mandelorian isnโ€™t the old traditions heโ€™s been raised in, but your honor and willingness to fight for your people. I just donโ€™t understand why the show stopped short of giving Din his whole arc, seemingly set up in previous seasons with him taking off his helmet more and more as the show progressed.
In my opinion, Ahsoka has similar simple writing mistakes that couldโ€™ve been ironed out, simply with another draft or two. To start, it was sorta an odd decision to start the show with a huge conflict we never see on screen. This wouldnโ€™t necessarily be an issue if the dialogue about this conflict was written well enough to portray it accurately to the audience, but we never even get solid clarification as to what happened until the final episode. And not only that but it isnโ€™t even a moment shared by the two characters involved. Itโ€™s revealed to us by Huyang when heโ€™s talking to Ezra. What an odd choice, and missed opportunity for character development.
Second, Ahsoka and Sabineโ€™s conflict is simply solved by Ahsoka deciding that because her master stood by her and her mistakes, she should stand by Sabine no matter what. Except Anakin didnโ€™t โ€œstand by her mistakesโ€ he accepted her for them but still scolded her and taught her the correct path to take. I guess weโ€™re simply meant to believe sheโ€™s forgiven her, but they never even got a chance to have a seen where sheโ€™s upset with Sabine, so it feels like sheโ€™s attempting to ignore a very costly mistake. And on top of this, the lesson Ahsoka learns from Anakin isnโ€™t even clear right away. Rather than showing Ahsoka moments where she had failed, and then giving us scenes with Anakin showing his patience and compassion for her even when she makes a mistake, they decided that her lesson can be boiled down to โ€œI choose to liveโ€ after Anakin says โ€œlive or dieโ€. This idea isnโ€™t clearly communicated at all as none of the dialogue between the two indicates what lesson Ahsoka is learning. What does this mean exactly, that Ahsoka was giving up on her life after she failed. Well that isnโ€™t really true because sheโ€™s still attempting to save the Galaxy and get her friends back. So what lesson did she learn? To be more positive and lighthearted? At the end of the show we are essentially told that the lesson she learned was to stand by her pupil, but I cannot see how she came to that conclusion with what Anakin said to her.
Finally, the weirdest missed opportunity to me was that they set up a conflict between Ezra and Sabine and never pay it off. Ezra asks where Ahsoka is and how they plan to get home, and Sabine sighs and doesnโ€™t answer, implying that she doesnโ€™t want to tell Ezra that the decision she made to rescue Ezra may have doomed the galaxy. Yet this is never brought up again, like at all. Thereโ€™s no way to critique this plot line anymore because thereโ€™s nothing else to it. I donโ€™t really understand why youโ€™d even write in a scene like that if you didnโ€™t plan to take it any further. Just have Sabine explain things to Ezra so everyoneโ€™s on the same page. I guess maybe it shows that Sabine regrets or is sorry for her mistake, but I think there are easier ways to do that than accidentally setting up a non-existent conflict.
What infuriating about these is that they are such easy things to fix. I enjoy the many of the main ideas and plot lines presented in these shows, but simple things like this can take me out of the story sometimes. The core story can stay intact, even if you make the simple changes to what Iโ€™ve criticized. Even shows like Kenobi, which had its fair share of problems, still gave its characters full arcs and paid off everything that was set up whether you like the way they went about it or not. It just feels like they used the first or second drafts of these scripts and never got a second opinion. I donโ€™t dispose these seasons at all, but I am disappointed with the way certain aspects were handled
submitted by Ian-pg9 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:30 TheGooseAteMyCheese [TOMT] series of CGI Cartoon Network shorts

In these there were 5 characters 1 little girl and 4 other men I was very little watching these mustโ€™ve been 6-8 and even then I could kinda pick up on how the shorts were purposefully trying to look bad, the little girl looked like it was drawn by a preschooler and all there models were 3D, but also completely flat. I canโ€™t remember what the other 4 characters look like I can vaguely remember one being a cartoon whale with a top hat and another being a floating top hat, glasses, and mustache. I can only remember what 1 short was about, the 5 main characters were approached by a 3D character Though in these shorts the 5 main characters were referred to as CGI characters and this new guy was referred to as a 3D character The 3D guy I remember being just a bunch of squiggles with a face on it, the 4 other guys started to educate the little girl on why 3D sucks ass and CGI is good, then the short ends with the 3D guy just going away, I canโ€™t remember what any of the other shorts were about but they mustโ€™ve not aired long since I donโ€™t remember there being that many
submitted by TheGooseAteMyCheese to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:26 Yoshiju DM is torturing Us most of the time, is D&D normally like this?

To start it of with context, Some of us are new to D&D, I have played a few games but not a Full campaign before this yet (right now I have 2 other campaign lined up that I just started playing on with this one so this is my very first full campaign). and so previously this is after the 2nd session of the campaign, we were levelled up to 5 (from 2nd level to 5 for campaign purposes) and for some of us (including me) this was our first time being in that level. it's a magic academy themed and we're like adventurers who are chased by a powerful evil mage cult, so we seek refuge in a magic academy due to an acquaintance that we formerly helped. so we transitioned from a normal D&D to magic academy homebrew stuff.
I'll get to the point, so at first this is like 3rd session together, DM gave us a test that went horrible for us (since we're new, so no strategy talking and trying to avoid metagaming obviously) against High-levelled AC enemies with super high damage for some reason that barely any of us can hit (we're also forced to be in a Spellcasting subclasses) so we failed and died one at a time, at first that was understandable like hey it's a test on the first day of the academy. after that DM talking to us as an NPC Bard Professor character, telling us that we were supposed to do something ridiculous about it (like dance with the enemies, even though we have no bards) and yeah it's the first day so we failed on this. and some plot things happened like devices that were sabotaged and stuff for other students who also failed almost died.
So then the DM introduced a Downtime mechanic(Text based like solo RPG ) we get to do adventures alone or with a +1 member sometimes, and it's like everything we do on downtime is failing or going horrible for some reason. even though we get High rolls? nah sorry the checks are higher so we should've rolled a 20+, I had an 18 Roll last time but the roll that I needed was 19 DM said. want to go to a normal smith shop? sorry all of them are full of customers go to this suspicious shop alley way and check out this homebrew that I did that is a scroll that is RNG for a weapon which cost most of your money. want to do a normal quest? here some shit reward quest where you can barely buy/get anything or get in line to a guild attendant for a good quest that is long that it will take ages before you get to it. and lastly since it's text it was easy to get misunderstood, can't even convey right emotion on the the text thing, and get misinterpreted the wrong way, realized that when a friendly ghost librarian suddenly went angry at my character and chased him out.
and to summarize it "DM gave us exhaust most of the time (disadvantages on rolls and other debuffs), Powerful enemies that we can't handle at all, and NPC's that are hard to trust or like" (Cause DM gave us trust issues 1st session when we encountered a Changeling that manipulated us), so from exhaust he decreased our rolls, decreased money for economy changes or he either inflates it, and he spit on our characters dignity like now they look pathetic that I don't even wanna play him anymore, it's only been a few sessions in and it's been rough. I don't know about the others who did their Downtime alone (heard that some are also was not having a good time) but I am not having fun with this Campaign at all. barely any rewards, nothing good has happened to our party yet, and it's either bad rolls or bad actions due to being inexperienced. compared to the other campaign I played this is horrible, this one is just torture for me and not fun at all. I even tried to be creative on my spells, but it either fails due to enemy "high AC" or "high levels" that skill checks won't do crap, DM even manipulating the story for us to fail anyway (it felt like it, since I HAD HIGH ROLLS most of the time)
I don't want to end the campaign because of disputes or to leave the campaign just because I don't agree with DM on what's happening. it is my first ever campaign and I also felt bad for my character since nothing has turned out good to him, so I'm just venting here.
submitted by Yoshiju to DnD [link] [comments]

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submitted by MDDoctorTutors to CollegeTutors [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:25 rimjob_machine good balance between engaging story and mechanics

Randomly started playing these, stumbled upon "ghost simulator" lmao.
the one I liked the most and bought after free trial were samurai of hyuga and tally ho.
I dig the comedy aspect of tally ho, though around the middle it fell apart for me a bit as my goal was to get a good laugh, decking firesnuff as a butler had me laughing out loud.
Samurai of hyuga is nice, so far almost finished book 1, I like the badass MC, the dynamic between the lil girl and mc, there is a bit of humour as well and the story is nice so far, I like heavy action stuff. the cho
I am debating wether it is worth to buy zombie exodus and safe haven. The character creation with stats etc, really appeal to me (I have bought vtmb night road a long time ago and I liked it since the story was engaging as well). I just debate if the story would be as engaging for me as samurai one.
Ideally Im looking for either a good comedy where I could force hilarious situations or an action IF with badass MC with engaging story and some game mechanics that doesnt cause the story to suffer.
thank you, looking forward to checking out your recs
submitted by rimjob_machine to hostedgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:23 Killerabbet Serious question, are there any restrictions for selling adult merchandise in your personal store?

I want to preface that this is a serious question, we aren't perverts and are open to advice and opinions on this subject. We have no nefarious intent and just want insight.
Me and my girlfriend plan to open a physical local business selling Japanese collectables in the semi-near future, primarily anime figures and merchandise imported from Japan but with a wide variety beyond that. While I figure out all the logistics and investment required to begin such a journey though, there are some questions I've been unable to get any direct answers for online, one of which may come off as a bit suspect:
Am I allowed to sell adult merchandise? And even if I am allowed to, is it a poor business decision?
And by that, I don't just mean lewd or questionably designed figures. While we don't directly seek it out, due to the nature of Japan and how we wholesale source a massive variety of series and subjects, we end up with adult items on occasion. This can range from nude cards, figures, tapestries, posters, manga, etc. to as direct as Japanese adult videos and video games (both animated and live action). At the moment whenever we've ended up with such goods, it's just gone into a box of "unsellables" which grows ever more suspicious as the months go by. We're online sellers on eBay and Mercari at the moment, both of which have clear restrictions on such items.
I personally have no issue selling such items when there is clearly a demand for them, and both me and my girlfriend actually find the adult stuff to be rather funny and/or interesting (depending on the specific item, being Japan some of it goes way too far). But my question is can I sell it, and if yes, should I? Is there a required license for such things? Do Japanese adult items have different restrictions than domestic adult items?
If we do end up deciding to carry and sell such items when we have a personal store, it would be in a separated "adult only" area behind a curtain. We know of a locally owned 2nd hand shop that does this. It wouldn't be something like Spencers where there's just a mighty wall of sex toys starting down at you when all you wanted was to buy a funny mug or something. And to be clear, it would make a very small fraction of our merchandise.
Two worries I had with selling such item are: Will it hurt our stores reputation on a notable scale? And: Will it attract undesirable types of customers?
And just to note for anyone worried, we would NOT sell Japanese merchandise featuring obviously underaged characters. If we were to end up with such things by happenstance, it would go straight to the shredder. Our moral bar may be set low here but there are some things still far under it.
Any answers and advice is greatly appreciated. Cheers.
submitted by Killerabbet to Flipping [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:22 Scyphio My Endgame mode idea

Imagine that your character is level 90 and the only way to upgrade them is artifacts and weapons. But artifacts need resin, and resin is finite.
How about another upgrade system, that allows you to add up to 4 passive stats (just like artifact substats) to your chatacter, that is at level 90?
My idea is to add a Boss-Rush type of gamemode. (Something like abyss, where you start with easy enemies and go up in difficulty every floor). You would be able to see what boss you are facing next and beating them would give you special type of coin.
For example the first boss gives 100 coins, second one gives 150 because second boss is harder, and so on.
If you fail to beat a boss, you start from the very beginning, and bosses are randomized each time to add variety (maybe even add some tweaks such as more boss hp or 2 bosses at once). And every 5th boss you face will be a weekly boss that gives for example 1000 coins.
Now these coins could be used to roll for passive stats for your character (up to 4). For example +15% hp, +250 atk, +10%crit rate and +20% crit damage.
Rolling the same stat would slightly upgrade the previous, up to 3 times, and you would be able to choose if you want to upgrade, or overwrite. Rolling a single passve stat would cost 10000 coins.
The game mode would be an infinite coin source and wouldn't cost any resin. I think this would allow way more hours of gameplay to people who want to upgrade every character even more, and a good way to spend free time when out of resin.
What do you think?
submitted by Scyphio to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:21 Spiritual_Ad9612 Does this sound maladaptive?

Hi, I`m new to this subreddit so nice meet yas :)
So I`ll cut to the chase here, I believe I may be dealing with maladaptive dreaming and haven`t had a name for it.. up till now. So like a lot of people who have maladaptive dreaming I used to live in a traumatic situation and it was around this time I began daydreaming as a coping strategy.
I would create incredibly intricate worlds in my head, down to all the details, names, everything. To a point I would draw these characters and have them talking and everything. And although years have passed since then I still remember almost everything about these worlds.
Fast forward out of the situation, the daydreaming came with me, and the worlds continued. In depth worlds, where sometimes I would revert to the ones from way back when and other times would continue with others. And since reading about maladaptive dreaming I`ve come to realize I display a number of traits that fall under it.
As I`m writing this I`m realizing just how much everything ticks the boxes.. The thing is although I know what I have is probably Maladaptive Daydreaming it`s not at a point where it impacts my life severely. And I`m not sure whether it needs to be at that point or not to be maladaptive.
Plus I don`t wanna let my worlds go... I can`t. It`s my safety net, and I know for a fact that if it wasn`t for it, I would have drowned years ago. And I`ve been at it for so long it feels like a part of me now, if I let that go I`d be letting my legit lifetime of stories, world building, slip away.
But at the same time, I have a partner and a life I plan to have with her. I don`t want to wait for this to get to a point where it starts doing damage if it is Maladaptive.
Anyway thanks for reading if you have, I appreciate it ๐Ÿ™‚
submitted by Spiritual_Ad9612 to MaladaptiveDreaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:18 Luceexx_ โ€œQuit being so whiny and just go home before I make you wish you listened.โ€

โ€œQuit being so whiny and just go home before I make you wish you listened.โ€

CEO PSYCHO 2 Samuel Rivers

โ›งDegrade/Fear Kink. T/W for Potential Abuse, Noncon, and Dubconโ›ง
The continued bloodline of the serial killer family. Samuel was a fucked up man in power, your now bossโ€” and your former D1 haterโ€” who you have no choice but to follow his orders.
Samuel Rivers came from a family where a majority of the men were cold blooded killers, He was only bound to get that trait as well. It nurtured and grew under his fatherโ€™s watch, him molding Samuel to become someone fit for running his company, Death Inc. A company name Samuel would later change to UnCover Inc.
Samuel was a realllll catch.. totally. He was a fucking dick to put it blatantly, always so arrogant and nonchalant. He acted like he owned the world and there was nothing and no one that could touch him. Perhaps thatโ€™s why the two of you never really got along growing up, forced to be playmates due to both of your moms being best friends.
Now, Samuel blames you for his mom making him employ you, giving you the glorious honor of being his secretary.. great. Letโ€™s hope the two of you donโ€™t step on each otherโ€™s toesโ€” or lunge at each otherโ€™s throatsโ€” too much while working together. After all, the two of you barely started to tolerate each others presence.
Open ai gpt 4 turbo works best with my bots! Please leave reviews, I love to read them and it lets me know how the bot is with others! Might change his intro message, not feeling it too much ๐Ÿ˜”
You probably thought i listened to some hardcore horror core music while making this bot, didnโ€™t you? WRONG. I listened to white girl music, hereโ€™s the playlist pookies ๐Ÿ™‚โ€โ†•๏ธ๐Ÿซถ.
submitted by Luceexx_ to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:18 GottaChangeMyName Coop Guide

Hereโ€˜s a guide for Coop Mode:

Coop Captain:

How does Coop Captain work?

Coop Captain is any character that is either lvl 150 or you use a Coop Tome on. These Characters have predefined specials, Captain Abilities and Actions, which will apply to both teams. Rare Recruits (rr) or sugo rares (sr) have the identical coop abilities, so it doesnโ€˜t matter which one you pick. Since these Captains have predefined abilities, Donโ€˜t use OP Captains as Coop Captains (e.g any new SR or characters like G5 Luffy). It is better to use Rr or old legends, as those donโ€˜t have Captain Abilities you might want to use.

What do the Coop Captains do?

The Abilities of Coop Captains are predefined, working as follows:
Captain Ability: Every Captain is a 4.5x boost of their Color (base effect) up to 6x (max lvl) and a rainbow Captain from 4.25x to 5.75x including a HP boost
Captain Action: Applies a 30% Resistance down of Characters 1st class for 2 turns and a 20% Resistance down of Characters 2nd class. Use this when you need that extra push in damage, for example on the boss. The effect is triggered by swiping down (like EX, Switch or Captain Action)
Captain Special: This is by far the most important aspect of your Captain, as this can hab the Tide of battle, when deciding who you wish to use, you should focus on this criteria. The Ability of the Captain is only based off of Rumble Style the Character has. Hereโ€˜s the Breakdown: - RCV-Style: Reduces unfavorable status icons on you and partner by 1-2 turns and heals all players (this does not include Hunger or status effects like bind, despair etc.) - DBF-Style: Delays all enemies (not bypassing immunity) by 1-3 turns and removes all enemy effects by 1 turn - DEF-Style: Reduces damage taken by 50%-90% for all players 1-2 times and heals all players - SPT-Style: Changes all playerโ€˜s (including block) slots to Favourable and reduces special charge by 1-2 turns and extends beneficial effects by 1-2 turns - BAL-Style: Reduces 1 enemyโ€˜s HP by 15%-25%, heals all players (up to 2x Hp pool) and reduces everyoneโ€˜s Bind/Despair by 1-2 turns - ATK-Style: 250โ€˜000-2โ€˜000โ€˜000 Damage (bypassing everything) to all enemies, changes both playersโ€˜ type slots to own type and reduces all playersโ€˜ Special charge by 2 turns

Which Coop Captain is the best / should you focus on?

Assuming you are playing with randoms, it is exactly in this Order: 1. RCV-Style 2. DBF-Style 3. DEF-Style 4. SPT-Style 5. BAL-Style 6. ATK-Style
This is because the 2 turns effect removal is OP. bleed? pain? Not with this special. Healing is also essential for playing with randoms, because you can make sure they survive so that you can clear the rest of the stage. Second is DBF, because they remove all enemy buffs by 1 turn, which allows you to save a special On the mob-stages or reduce damage limiter. The delay is also good, because if you donโ€˜t manage to kill, you wouldnโ€˜t get their atk damage. Next is DEF for its survivability SPT for extension and possibly special charge reducer (however, this character isnโ€˜t immune to it BAL is situational, could be useful, but they donโ€˜t reduce effects more than a simple support does. Donโ€˜t use ATK-Style, the damage is a fucking joke, so only the special cooldown is useful, but SPT already does this
If you play with a teammate, I recommend using 1 DBF Style for the fodder stages (reducing def up) and one RCV Style for survivability and reducing of annoying effects like Pain, Bleed etc.

Coop Teams

What are the requirements for Coop Teams?

This Text is focusing on Infinitum Sea Difficulty:
Generally, you want to have a Team that is capable of: - Regular medium Damage Output (switch Characters with some type of ATK boosting effects) - Bind/DespaiParalysis Remover (this should be done via Captain and Supports) - Poison remover (as support Character, very important) - Enemy Buff Remover (I recommend 2 characters to be able to remove up to 10 turns of all 3 main buffs) - If you are unable (because of missions or other reasons) to be capable of all these things,focus on survivability and debuff removers, so that you can kill the fodder stages and can skip your turn at the boss to have your teammate clear it. - You want to use a Captain that removes some type of debuff on your crew passively, if they remove 2 thatโ€˜s even better (e.g Yamato Ace, G5 6* Luffy, Vegapunk)

General best use Crew

The Best General Team you can build is:
Psy Luffy G5 6* RCV-Style Coop Captain (preferably a Straw Hat) STND Sanji / Zoro Straw Hat that removes Def Up (Nami Carina for example) Yamato Unit (e.g Yace for resilience) Debuff Remover (e.g Psy Cerebral Chopper)
Add some supports that remove Despair (Whitebeard on Yace, Luffy has V1 INT Reileigh) Add a Support that removes Poison
With this team you can Solo Infinitum, as long as your Parnter doesnโ€˜t die and skips their turn if they canโ€˜t defeat the boss this turn.
This team is OP, because with Luffyโ€™s EX you bypass all barriers, only needing to deal with Def Up. Zoro/Sanji give you amazing attack boosting effects, and a STND for even more damage. They also remove Def zip, but you should use this only on the boss stage. All other characters are more or less free to use what you want, but you want to make sure to have some debuff removers, Def Up removers and make sure to be able to trigger STND every turn (so someone like Yamato/Ace is amazing, as their burn bypasses resilience and they change their slot (including block), which can then be switched by Zoro/Sanji

What do you play for?

Every month there will be a Coop Event, where you can grind for Stones for that specific 3 month period. After 3 months there will be the Grand Feast Sugo Fest, where you can pull with the Stones you have grinded over the past 3 months. Here, a multi pull costs 100 gems, and at the end of the event you will only get 5 multipulls out of all the pulls youโ€˜ve done. Based on the rarity (and how recent the character is) your get points for the ranking, which will give you even more rewards (Rainbow Gems, SR Tickets) The Grand Feast Sugo Fest will have all normal banner legends from before the 1st month event period started (right now this means all legends up until and including QCK Slasher Momo)

How does Luck / Boosted Units work?

Luck affects which drops you get while clearing a Coop Quest. Drops you can get are (not exclusive as I will probably forget something uninteresting): - Feast Stones - Cotton Candy - Special Level Tomes (including Sugo Rare) - Proof of Friendship
Luck is only affected by your Coop Captain and your Partnersโ€™ Coop Captain. You will get 1 luck every 5 levels and 1 luck for each rr of the same evolution tree and 2 luck for a sr for the same evolution tree. Your luck maxes at 100, meaning with your Partner the maximum luck you can have is 200. Boosted Units give you extra drops (similar to PKA or Blitz). However, different to those modes, you donโ€™t need them in your crew, simply having the character unlocked is sufficient.


Lastly, but very important is communication. While the current ways to communicate are very limited, thee are a few messages you can use, which will allow you to more easily power through the content. Hereโ€™s how Iโ€™ve used and interpreted the ones Iโ€™m using: - Help Me: You are unable to clear this stage. This can mean either a debuff on you, or you canโ€™t remove all enemy buffs. If the issue is that you have debuffs, try to stall while taking as little damage as possible and dealing as much as possible. If you simply canโ€™t remove all enemy buffs, either a) itโ€™s the boss: remove as many as you can, then skip your turn (top left next to the partnerโ€™s HP) b) fodder stage: Simply skip your turn - Let me Handle this: Mainly use this on the boss or if your teammate uses Help Me. This tells your Teammate to skip their turn, and let you kill all enemies - Please Remove that: Mainly used at the boss, letting your partner know they should remove enemy buffs as much as possible and then skip to you, because except for this enemy buff your can clear the stage - Iโ€™m sorry: Apologize if you didnโ€™t manage to clear your stage, this is solely to be a good person and upkeep moral - Thank you / My thanks: Thsnking your teammate for something theyโ€™ve done, this is to upkeep moral and being a good person - Usopp Burn Emoji: Something fucked up. Very vague, I donโ€™t recommend using this to properly communicate with your teammate - Wait! Stay strong: This tells your Partner they should stall, so for example only killing one enemy, or keeping the enemy left on low HP - We need a few more Communication Emojis, for example that you need debuffs removed

Use Skip

You can only skip your turn once in a row, and if you have skipped your partner cannot skip in that exact turn. When skipping, you do not lose a turn on the effects you have, so when you have a debuff on you and you skip your turn, youโ€™ll not reduce any turns of debuff thatโ€™s currently on you. Skip is overpowered as fuck, especially on the boss stage, because it is the other playerโ€™s turn without the boss doing anything. Take a boss like Luffy. He does a lot of debuffs on you, so you remove as much def as you can, and then simply skip to your partner. Assuming you have cleared all stages prior, your Partner will now have nearly all specials and no debuffs on a boss with about 50mil HP. That is very easy. If you canโ€™t defeat the current stages enemies, donโ€™t forget you have a skip button
Please. Use. Your. Skip. At. The. Boss, especially when your teammate tells you โ€œlet me handle thisโ€.
If there are any infos missing or wrong, please let me know so I can update this guide. Iโ€™m also open for questions
submitted by GottaChangeMyName to OnePieceTC [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:18 A-SORDID-AFFAIR Trying to collect things for a hard run (Spoilers)

Hey all. I am trying really hard to enjoy this game and not just give up out of frustration. I love cryptic games, btuse puzzles, and deep lore. I don't really like playing the same levels over and over and over and over again, especially on occasions where I did not think I did anything "wrong" but got a game over.
I beat my first game Voided. Sure. On my second run, I didn't realise the statue skip near the had took all your locusts. I misclicked down and died and had to start again. How awesome. I played through the game again, reaching the ending. I walked onto the UI and experimented taking a tile. I was immediately punished for experimenting, died, and became voided. I started AGAIN. I beat the game without being Voided and unlocked the second character.
So from what I have figured out, I can arrange 6x6 rooms to look like the mural depicted at that floors entry ro unlock things. I managed to get through Gray's story only with the "Memory" item.
Here;s the thing; even if I have an idea of what to do... I really, really, really feel nothing but frustration at the thought of having to play through those levels again to get to those rooms. Are there any ways to skip chunks of rooms? I know you can skip ahead at certain statues by sacrificing locusts - but I don't know when the 6x6 rooms occur and really don't want to miss them if I have to play these damn puzzles again. I appreciate folks are being cryptic with advice to preserve the mystery of this enigmatic game, but I feel like I've already wasted qne not enjoyed a lot of time I've put into the game already. I do like many aspects of it, but I'm really kind of at the end of my tether. If there's any advice on which rooms I need to arrange, where they can be found, how to get there more quickly, I would really appreciate it.
submitted by A-SORDID-AFFAIR to VoidStranger [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:14 ElegantWrap251 Trying to find an anime through a description

I was watching videos on Youtube the other day and came across an edit someone had made years ago. I watched it and one of the clips in the video caught my attention. I will describe it to the best of my abilities.
It was taking place in Space if I remember correctly. From what I remember the clip starts out with an explosion of some sort. I can't tell if it was a space station or a ship, but there was an explosion. I then remember the scene changing to show the reactions of other characters who seem to have witnessed said explosion. One character had a stronger reaction to the explosion than the rest to the point where her soft cries led to a deep inhale and a powerful scream that almost echoed. She had straight to wavy, brown hair. It was definitely an older show. The style was somewhat similar to the anime Gunblaster and Macross.
I saw it and thought the voice actor was amazing, so I wanted to find out what the anime was. I was going to download the video, clip that scene, and post it somewhere to find out what anime it is, but the youtube channel disappeared off the face of the earth, so I have no idea if I will ever find it, but it doesn't hurt to ask here.
submitted by ElegantWrap251 to anime [link] [comments]