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2024.06.09 10:07 Unable_Ingenuity1251 Which build is better? (Overall wise, Value wise, etc.)

Which build is better? (Overall wise, Value wise, etc.) submitted by Unable_Ingenuity1251 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:05 Shi144 Egotism vs Altruism

Dear Broadchurch fans, I have posted a series of rewatches of season 1 (\_series\_1) of Broadchurch. Now I find it is time to review some of the prevalent themes within the series. Please be aware that I will discuss season 1 as a whole, so there may be spoilers ahead.
If you enjoy reading this essay, feel free to stop by my AnalysisVault to see if you find some more of my work to your liking. Please note that this subreddit is read only and comments should be made with the original posts rather than the cross-posted ones.

Egotism vs Altruism
One of the more prevalent themes in Broadchurch is the question of egotism vs altruism. I will give you a short overview of both concepts as well as the spectrum they represent, then speak about their implementation in the series and finally make a statement about why the makers chose to make it a central theme.

Wikipedia states:
Egotism is defined as the drive to maintain and enhance favorable views of oneself and generally features an inflated opinion of one's personal features and importance distinguished by a person's amplified vision of one's self and self-importance. It often includes intellectual, physical, social, and other overestimations. The egotist has an overwhelming sense of the centrality of the "me" regarding their personal qualities.
In essence, egotism is the personal philosophy of “me first”. A person with strong egotistical tendencies will make sure their own needs are met before those of others. Think, if you will, of the people who will take the best slice of cake for themselves or drive a gas guzzler out of convenience or cut the line at the airport to get the best seat. All of these are egotistical actions. On the other hand, some egotism is warranted for self-preservation. The parent who gives their all for their children but runs themself ragged in the process may need to exercise more egotism. The health care professional who routinely skips their break to care for never-ending patients may want to be more self-preserving by being more selfish. Things like that. In general, society views egotistic action and unfavorable while oftentime people with egotistical traits tend to be more successful in certain areas of life.

Altruism is the principle and practice of concern for the well-being and/or happiness of other humans or animals above oneself. While objects of altruistic concern vary, it is an important moral value in many cultures and religions. It may be considered a synonym of selflessness, the opposite of selfishness.
In essence, altruism is the personal philosophy of “others first”. A person with strong altruistic tendencies will make sure the needs of others are met before their own. Think, if you will, of the people who will hand out food to others happily but forget to get any of their own, take great strides to pick up trash in a local park or offer up their seat for a disabled person on the bus. All of these are altruistic actions. In general, society views altruism as beneficial and a trait to strive for while oftentimes people with altruistic traits tend to be less successful and may feel taken advantage of.

Basically, egotism vs altruism is the Captain Kirk vs Mr Spock discussion. Spock says: “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”, goes into a highly irradiated engine room to save the Enterprise and dies in the process. Kirk says “The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many” and risks war with the Klingons because he can’t live without his buddy.
However, every action has aspects of both in them. Each action every person takes has both egotistic and altruistic nuances to them. The interesting part is where the balance falls. I will let you decide for yourself which way the pendulum swings on the following examples.
Some examples:
The healthcare worker who overworks themselves acts in an altruistic way because they support patients and help them get better. But they are also egotistical in their own way because being “the supportive one” strokes their ego.
The person who drives the gas guzzler acts in an egotistic way because they pollute the environment unnecessarily, take up a lot of space with their vehicle and probably stink up the place with their fumes. But they might also have an altruistic aspect because they need to move large groups of people, feel they are supporting an industry that gives jobs to workers or even further the economy by spending money.
The person handing out food but not taking any for themselves can be very altruistic but depending on the person they can be very egotistic instead, for example when they decide to hog the table, demand ever-lasting gratitude for their “sacrifice” and/or post their actions on social media for clout.
Finally, a person who writes lengthy analyses and posts them on Reddit may appear altruistic because they attempt to enrich the lives of others with their observations and (hopefully) witty posts. They may also be egotistic in an attempt to garner attention and positive reinforcement through the community they choose to post in.

Implementation in the series:
One of the great things about the series is the fact that they are aware of the different sides of egotism and altruism and allow the viewer to form their own opinion. Hardly ever is anything said bluntly, most of the time we are left to figure out things of our own. We see the way the characters act, we see the way they interact and are interacted with and we are left to make our own decision. Hardly ever are things black and white, hardly ever are we given the one true answer ™.
This is one of the main reasons the series is as emotionally impactful as it is. Because life is messy. Life isn’t neat. Life isn’t simple. Stories with simple and clear answers are not realistic because life doesn’t work that way. Think about it. In the last decade or so there were a lot of shows and movies looking deeper into the question of fairy tale villains and whether they were villains at all. Star Wars does this masterfully by looking at Anakin Skywalker’s arch. He seems like a clear-cut villain in episode 4, the first to hit the screens, but as more of his story is revealed, he becomes much less cartoonishly evil.
In fact, the idea of egotism vs altruism is the driving factor in the various aspects of the investigation the detectives conduct. Look at the different suspects, if you will. All of them have (at the very least) some very egotistical behaviors. Steve Conelly, con man and maybe psychic is getting a feeling of importance when passing on his “messages” to the great expense of Beth Latimer, among others. Mark Latimer is so very much wrapped up in his selfishness he neglects just about everyone around him unless caring for them fulfills his needs. Nigel Carter engulfs himself with righteous anger against Jack Marshal, not for the community but seeking Mark’s approval. Paul Coates revels in the attention he and his church gain from the case. Susan Wright is so eager to protect herself, she harms others pre-emptively. Jack Marshal, the man who slept with a child, then married her. No 40-year-old man would do that for selfless reasons.
All of the suspects we are presented in the show are – in one way or the other – selfish. And that’s perfect. Murdering a child is an inherently selfish action. The true joy of the show comes with finding out that the murderer is a man who we are made to perceive as deeply selfless.
Let’s take a look at Joe Miller and how he is portrayed on the show. As I have stated in the various rewatch posts, most of the time Joe Miller is shown as loving, caring and genuinely supportive parent and partner. As u/Vioralarama stated so well in my post about episode 5, “He's got the plot armor of the supportive spouse who handles all the emotional work for the person working the crime.” On the surface, he does. Every time we see Joe Miller, he is seen with a member of his family. And every time he is seen he is doing some sort of supportive work for them.
Case in point, when Joe and DS Miller invite DI Hardy to their home for dinner, Joe does it all. Puts the kids to bed, prepares dinner, does the dishes. He tries to mediate between DI Hardy and DS Miller, too, and makes a great effort to lighten the mood.
Once you look below the surface, though, things look entirely different. We see glimpses here and there that things are not what they seem, mostly through things we DON’T see rather than the things to DO see.
Joe Miller shows some worrying signs of being a neglectful parent and partner quite early on in the show. To pick up the example of the dinner experience, when DS Miller leaves the room, Joe Miller uses the time he has alone with DI Hardy to probe him for information. If he truly were the supportive husband the show wants us to believe, he would’ve used that time to help both find common ground in their working relationship. DI Hardy is the one who brings that up and asks about whether DS Miller likes him. The conversation is cut short though as Joe Miller filled the narrow time slot with questions about the case and didn’t leave DI Hardy enough to ask about how to improve his working relationship with DS Miller. Case in point, DS Miller keeps complaining that DI Hardy addresses her as “DS Miller” instead of “Ellie”. This would have been a great talking point for Joe Miller in that moment, asking “why” and mediating between them. Also, did Joe Miller make a dinner invitation to help DS Miller and DI Hardy form a working relationship or did he do it to garnish information?
More examples:
When DS Miller and Joe Miller tell Tom Miller about Danny’s passing, both leave him alone in his bedroom. Neither offer a shoulder to cry on. Sure, DS Miller is just as responsible as Joe here but Joe is the stay-at-home parent and therefore the more direct caretaker than DS Miller. Also, over the course of the show we never see Joe actually engaging with Tom, there is no attempt at comforting him, not even when he is obviously distraught. Joe Miller lets Tom out of his sight at the Arcade in episode 5, right in the middle of the “pedophile panic” surrounding Jack Marshal. Just in general, Tom spends a LOT of time wandering the town alone. This image doesn’t sit well with the façade of caring, loving, altruistic father.
Indeed, the filmmakers are pulling one over our eyes with Joe, who turns out to be one of the most egotistic persons in the town. Joe spends time and family money on Danny, he breaks into a holiday hut to do so, manipulates the boy with abuser language and, when threatened to be deprived of his attention, gets so angry he strangles the boy. Whom he still believes to be his son’s best friend. And who is his best friend’s son. The same best friend he then begs for praise because he didn’t drop the body into the ocean so he didn’t have to spend years wondering what happened to the boy.
But why do the filmmakers do this? The series REVELS in red herrings, side plots, dead ends and misdirection. The greatest misdirection they can give us is showing us the “perfect” man and making him turn out to be the most terrible one of all. It’s an emotional gut punch and the type of storytelling that works really well with the type of story they want to convey. Because the story of Broadchurch is not about Danny’s murder, it’s about the fallout that follows. A community like this learning that one of their “best people” is indeed a child murderer has to have a terrible ripple course through it, upsetting it deeply.
With so many other characters filling the “egotism” bill, we are offered a view beyond the picturesque coastal town in Dorset, England, where things look perfect, harmonious and just lovely. The series revels in showing us this image and dissecting it piece by piece, looking deeper and deeper into the cesspool of secrets and bad decisions. As such, the viewer is given the change to observe the deep hurt inflicted upon the more altruistic characters – most of which happen to be women – by the egotistic characters – many of which happen to be men. It is the direct and even more terribly indirect hurt that is inflicted upon the altruistic ones that gives the story the emotional impact it has.
Case in point, Beth Latimer and DS Miller both are exploited by their husbands and end up not only dealing with the direct fallout of their respective actions but hurt to a point they cannot even rely on each other anymore. They are both stripped of the delusion of happiness and family being their haven. They are also both stripped of a friendship which could supply each with a friend who “gets it”. Heck, just for the fun of it the makers toss in Susan Wright, a woman who has been so terribly hurt by her husband that she became jaded enough to “join the other team”. She has become the egotistic abuser her husband was simply because she (probably) used to be altruistic. Her experience with her husband, the police and the loss of her kids have kicked her to the other side of egotism simply out of a deep need for self-preservation.
Before the question comes up, no, the series is not about men vs women, or men = bad, women = good. And neither is this post. There are egotistic women in the story, like Karen White, Susan Wright or Becca Fisher. There are altruistic men in the story, too, like DI Hardy. But the trend is quite distinct. In my own personal experience this comes from the general societal expectation that women should be altruistic and work for the group. An expectation that is not socialized as thoroughly in men. The show picks up on this and showcases it to great effect, placing a great emphasis on the price some women are made to pay for following this expectation.
Finally, the question of egotism vs altruism is a thinking point the viewer is left to ponder with beyond the end credits of the last episode. The discussion of who is what and how much can keep the viewer’s mind busy for some time. Several people on this sub posted they hated Mark Latimer’s selfishness, and many commenters agree. If you ask me, this is a great result for a series, making the viewers contemplate things such as this beyond the actual viewing experience.
submitted by Shi144 to Broadchurch [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:05 Competitive-Jello924 Master Python Web Development: Expert Tips, Tricks, and Solutions Revealed

Title: Python Web Development: Tips, Tricks, and Solutions for Common Issues
Hey fellow coders,
Python is a powerhouse when it comes to web development, but even the best tools come with their own set of quirks. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, here are some tips, tricks, and solutions for common issues you may face in Python web development.

Tips for Optimizing Web Performance

Handling Common Issues

1. CSRF Token Errors in Django

CSRF token errors are a common issue in Django, especially when dealing with forms. Here’s how to troubleshoot and resolve it:

2. Dealing with Circular Imports

Circular imports can create a headache and usually occur when two or more modules depend on each other. Here’s how to solve it:

3. Configuring Static Files in Flask

Managing static files in Flask often causes confusion. Here’s a quick rundown:

Tricks for Speeding Up Development

Interesting Incident in the Python Community

A recent problem sparked discussion in the community when a newly released Django update led to unexpected migrations in models using DecimalField. It caused discrepancies in stored data across databases. The fix involved specifying max_digits and decimal_places explicitly to avoid automated migrations.
python price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
This incident reminded everyone to review update logs closely before integrating them into existing projects.

Final Thought

These tips and tricks are just the tip of the iceberg. Python web development is dynamic, and there’s always something new to learn or a more elegant solution to discover.
Have any tips or questions of your own? Share them in the comments!
Happy Coding!
submitted by Competitive-Jello924 to CodeCraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:03 BudolKing The Audacity!!!

The Audacity!!!
The audacity na sabihan akong piliin agad ang tamang option pag nanghihingi ng live agent, e lagi namang no available agent pag pinipili ko yung tamang department. Pinili ko kase yung Account & Security para ma-connect ako e. Pag ibang option ang pinipili laging walang available. Though suggestion lang naman niya yon pero nakakatrigger parin. Haha. 😂
submitted by BudolKing to ShopeePH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:01 ReasonableRatio6205 (QC Cartier Santos)

(QC Cartier Santos)
  1. Dealer name: Lili
  2. Factory name: BVF
  3. Model name (& version number): Cartier Santos Large Green Dial
  4. Price paid: $440 incl. shipping
  5. Index alignment: looks good
  6. Dial Printing: looks good except the floating R and the Cartier in the 7
  7. Date Wheel alignment/printing: n/a
  8. Hand Alignment: Ok
  9. Bezel: Ok
  10. Solid End Links (SELs): n/a
  11. Timegrapher numbers: Ok
  12. Video Links :
submitted by ReasonableRatio6205 to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]


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submitted by PersonalCaramel7500 to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:59 Sweet-Count2557 Hank's Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States

Hank's Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Hank's Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
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Cuisines of Hank's in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Hank's Restaurant is a culinary haven for those seeking a taste of authentic American cuisine. With a menu that pays homage to the rich and diverse flavors of the United States, this restaurant offers a delightful array of dishes that are sure to satisfy any palate. From classic comfort foods like juicy burgers and crispy fried chicken to regional specialties such as New England clam chowder and Southern-style barbecue, Hank's Restaurant showcases the best of American gastronomy. Whether you're craving a hearty brunch, a satisfying lunch, or a memorable dinner, this establishment is the perfect destination to indulge in the flavors that define American cuisine.
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Menu of Hank's in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Location of Hank's in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Contact of Hank's in Los Angeles,CA,United States
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submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:58 InsolentFools AITAH for minding my business and living in peace

I F30 don’t have the best relationship with my family and they expect me to play a role when members start dying, yet nobody was/is there for me and my circumstances and I’m okay with not keeping contact.
In my early 20s, I was in a relationship with this guy for about 7 years and it turned abusive near the last 3 years of said relationship where I almost got my head blown off by said individual with an AR-15 over “control”. I was in between school and internships and had to stop when said individual had gotten their mother (Satan has nothing on her) involved with our disagreements resulting in my belongings from school books, memorabilia from deceased relatives, and my photo albums being taken out of our place and thrown in the trash. I found out once I was off from work and immediately planned on moving without letting anyone know at all. At that point asking for imaginary support from the family on my side was redundant and really just made me look bad for making poor decisions with little guidance. I lived in a different city from the family on my grandfather’s side and despite only being 4 hours away I felt very alone and unsupported throughout my journey. I had maintained my lifestyle by myself and felt proud of the fact that I was able to survive and grow rather than being pacified and stagnant. That’s how I felt with my family and past relationship tbh. When I had gotten free from my abuser, I worked overtime and lived in my car and rebuilt my savings. This was during Covid. I also didn’t process my experiences and the transition well because everything was closed down, I wasn’t able to properly afford and invest in therapy, and outside of living in my vehicle, I lived at my job doing 16 hour shifts everyday because we became understaffed.
I eventually got word from my Godmother whom I later found out was ostracized from said family that my stepdad passed and the funeral was coming up. Being so that I lived in my car and had no means to feel restricted by anything except for Covid, I put in a transfer with said company and went home to see said family.
I stayed with my mother that lived in a house my stepdad had rented from HOA. The family home that my deceased grandmother had in the family was no longer in my mother’s possession for she sold it and decided to live with my stepdad. To this day I don’t know how much she sold it for and why she didn’t have any money left over to balance herself when my stepdad passed. I decided to push away my issues and reside with her to help maintain the bills, taking the experience as a rough but fresh beginning to reconnect with her. I love my mother to this day and until I die, but she was very cold and hard to approach growing up and I had felt more afraid of her than safe. I didn’t want to have such a connection as an adult. I assume that’s because I felt left down in ways that I couldn’t find nurture or connection with her and a lot of my personal experiences. I had the courage to share some, but it was as though she didn’t care so I stopped sharing.
Over time I was tired and found it hard to further improve myself. My car eventually broke down causing me to lose access to my reliable transportation to work and then eventually I lost my job so I would sometimes use hers. Finding work in my field in the area was impossible to none and with a parent that only knew how to see you in a child state, I wasn’t allowed to drive past a certain distance in our area, meaning I had to look for lower paying alternatives in order to regain balance. Ultimately we were behind on our rent. Despite having relatives nearby coming and going, nobody really cared to help each other out. I didn’t want to live there any longer and I was reminded of so many aspects that pushed me away in the first place. I thought about what would happened if I didn’t come back and how ahead I would’ve been if I just put myself first for once and not play scapegoat.
The veil was being pulled slowly as I realized that certain dynamics and stories didn’t add up and people were just stuck in their ways. I’m not up to explaining them. This is already too long. I was placed in an unfair circumstance that wasn’t my responsibility. My mother didn’t need to live in that house and deal with inflated prices, but it was the lifestyle and the space that she was holding onto because she didn’t know how to grieve over the lost. I for one couldn’t get her to see the strain and to properly plan a transition that would be rough but better in the long run and that was a journey she was going to have to experience herself. Genetics made us stubborn to reason and that apple didn’t fall far.
Eventually we had an argument and “You’re going to need me before I need you” stung so I left before I said anything I regretted . I started over and built myself up again. We haven’t spoken in several years and I can say the same for 90 percent of said family. It’s not new for me because that’s what happened when I left home at 20. I’m probably selfish from someone’s standards, but I’m existentially drained and had to do everything in my life by myself so why does people expect to receive my efforts it for free and unreciprocated?
Everyone has my number which has been the same since I left, and recently an aunt has reached out on social media to tell me that my mother is sick. I have not responded to her because there’s a difference when someone genuinely wants to reach out because they care versus dropping some shit on and an already full plate because outdated morals. I felt like I’ve already been mourning the loss in connections from anyone for years and I have no interests in attending anyone’s funeral.
AITAH for living my life and disregarding these events?
submitted by InsolentFools to AITAH [link] [comments]


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used for clean­ing of black money or stain­ed money in curre­ncies such as U.S Dolla­r, Euro, Pound­, and all local curre­ncies­, even if your defac­ed note is 25 years old,+27603214264
WE SALE CHEMI­CALS LIKE TOURM­ALINE­, S.S.D­. Chemi­cal / Solut­ion , CASTR­O X OX­IDE, A4. AND MANY Like ACTIV­ATION POWDE­R & SSD SOLUT­ION FOR CLEAN­ING BLACK MONEY Chemi­cal and Allie­d produ­ct incor­porat­ed is a major­ man­ufact­urer of indus­trial and pharm­aceut­ical produ­cts with key speci­aliza­tion in the produ­ction of S.S.D Autom­atic solut­ion used in the clean­ing of black money , defac­ed money and stain­ed bank notes with anti
DEPE­NDING ON DIFFE­RENT CASES­. FOR MORE INFOR­MATIO­N PLEAS­E DO CONTA­CT US IN O­UR DIFFE­RENT OFFIC­ES.SP­AIN, INDIA­, CHINA­, THAIL­AND, CAMBO­DIA. ENGLA­ND, SWEDE­N, MALAY­SIA.D­UBAI, DR BAT PODOL­SKI KLOSE Are you looki­ng for:-­ SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black Money­ SSD Chemi­cal Compa­ny SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black Money­ SSD Prese­rving Compa­ny SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black­ Mon­ey Activ­ation Powde­r S.S.D­. Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black­ US Dolla­rs Activ­e Powde­r Activ­ation Powde­r for Clean­ing Black Notes­ Bla­ck Money Clean­ing Clean Black Money Best SSD Solut­ion Clean Black Notes Clean­ing Black Notes Clean­ing Black Money­ PLE­ASE NOTE: WE ONLY DEALS ON HIGH QUALI­TY S.S.D­. CHEMI­CALS SOLUT­ION FOR CLEAN­ING BLACK MONEY We are manuf­actur­er and selle­r of all sort of chemi­cals like SUPER­ AUT­OMATI­C SSD SOLUT­ION Z.W.V­.8 MODEL ACTIV­ATION POWDE­R AND REACT­IVATI­ON P­OWDER­, ANTI AIR POWDE­R, MERCU­RY POWDE­R , AUTOM­ATED MONEY DEVEL­OPER MACHI­NES CONGE­AL CHEMI­CAL MELTI­NG EQUIP­MENTS­, TEMPE­RATUR­E CONTR­OLLER­S AND AUTOM­ATIC. +27603214264
Call or whatsapp Dr Mark+27603214264
Email : [](
submitted by PersonalCaramel7500 to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:57 om_barcelona Getting 100s of emails for account recovery and subscription on my Gmail

Getting 100s of emails for account recovery and subscription on my Gmail
Someone is using my email for account recovery and subscription, getting 100s of emails similar to these. What can I do to stop these emails?
submitted by om_barcelona to spambotdetector [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:56 jishithasenthil Where Can You Find Quality Fuel Tank Parts?

Where Can You Find Quality Fuel Tank Parts?
Mining, construction, and other industrial sectors always want ways to lessen their operations' costs. One of the ways they try to achieve this is by utilizing fuel tanks for storage, which can reduce fuel costs for your appliance and cut back on fuel delivery waiting times., but it can not only improve the overall productivity and efficiency of your workers. But also can this save you money.
What is a Fuel Tank? A fuel tank for flammable and hazardous liquids like diesel, gasoline, petrol, and more is a safe storage solution. Some are highly transportable or portable, so they are made to transport and provide fuel to job sites when needed. They can also store fuel in big amounts in the right state for preservation and ideal performance.
Ideally, a fuel system has a fuel tank, pump, filter, and injectors or carburetor, providing fuel to the engine as required. If you want to maintain the ideal performance and reliability of the vehicle, each item must function correctly. Fuel tank parts and accessories are very important for any vehicle which includes some vital parts such as a fuel tank cap, fuel tank sending unit, fuel tank pressure sensor, fuel tank venting valve, and purge valve. Each of these parts has a vital role to play in allowing the automotive fuel system to work, as no vehicle can run without fuel. Taking good care of this crucial component becomes important since the gasoline tank has the space to store and carry fuel for trips.
Is it feasible to protect the fuel tank part of your automobile with less money rather than paying an expensive amount to replace it? Ideally, there is no such great substance for fuel tanks as both steel and plastic tanks have pros and cons. However, polyethylene fuel tanks are the best choice as they are light, neat, clean, condensed less, and long-lasting.
The Fuel Tank Caps also provide various tasks. It acts like a valve that helps control the fuel tank’s pressure as it controls pressure by producing fuel vapors Fuel Filler Necks are the main point for fuel entry in a vehicle. Buying a high-quality filler neck is important as the main stopper stops fuel from leaking or dripping during fill-ups.
If you are looking for good quality fuel tank parts and their accessories, the best options are Caps and Necks. They are great suppliers of filler neck fuel tanks, & caps, all available on their website. Order premium-quality filler necks and fuel tank parts at a reasonable price from the Caps Necks website. E-Mail: [](
submitted by jishithasenthil to u/jishithasenthil [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:56 burningbun 1/64 getting more expensive?

i remember the days where minugt cost $10, tarmac $15, Inno $15-$20. but seems price has gone up much? some brands are getting close to where older ignition model used to be, limited edition cars going close to otto 1:18 range.
im out of the game for some time. i noticed even my jaccs civics has gone up in price.
submitted by burningbun to Diecast [link] [comments]


SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION +27603214264 ACTIVATION POWDER USED FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY+27603214264 in SOUTH AFRICA, Botswana, AUTOMATIC SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION UNIVERSAL AND ACTIVATING POWDER FOR SALE +27603214264 in SOUTH AFRICA, GHANA, Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Uganda, Limpo­po, Bellv­ille, Benon­i, Bloem­fonte­in, Boksb­urg, Cape Town, Cen­turio­n, Durba­n East Londo­n Empan­geni Georg­e Germi­ston Ibhay­i­rg Katle­hong Kempt­on Park Kha­yelit­sa Pol­okwan­e Port Eliza­beth. Potch­efstr­oom, Preto­ria, Randb­urg, Roode­poort, Ruste­nburg, Seb­okeng, Sosha­nguve, Sowet­o Sprin­gbok, Stell­enbos­ch, Tembi­sa, Thoho­yando­u Umlaz­i Uping­ton Vande­rbijl­park ,Ver­eenig­ing, Welko­m Witba­nk, Easte­rn Cape, Free State, Gaute­ng, KwaZu­lu-Na­tal, Mpuma­langa, Zambi­a, Zimba­bawe.+27603214264
To purch­ase Best SSD Solut­ion Clean Black Notes Dolla­rs WE ALSO? SALE CHEMI­CALS LIKE SSD AUTOA­MATIC SOL­UTION­ FORM CLEAN­ING BLACK DOLLA­RS CURRE­NCIES­. I hereb­y use this media to infor­m you, that our compa­ny can clean out black­ def­ace curre­ncy, (stai­ned money­) bank notes­, We have all kinds of chemi­cals
used for clean­ing of black money or stain­ed money in curre­ncies such as U.S Dolla­r, Euro, Pound­, and all local curre­ncies­, even if your defac­ed note is 25 years old,+27603214264
WE SALE CHEMI­CALS LIKE TOURM­ALINE­, S.S.D­. Chemi­cal / Solut­ion , CASTR­O X OX­IDE, A4. AND MANY Like ACTIV­ATION POWDE­R & SSD SOLUT­ION FOR CLEAN­ING BLACK MONEY Chemi­cal and Allie­d produ­ct incor­porat­ed is a major­ man­ufact­urer of indus­trial and pharm­aceut­ical produ­cts with key speci­aliza­tion in the produ­ction of S.S.D Autom­atic solut­ion used in the clean­ing of black money , defac­ed money and stain­ed bank notes with anti
DEPE­NDING ON DIFFE­RENT CASES­. FOR MORE INFOR­MATIO­N PLEAS­E DO CONTA­CT US IN O­UR DIFFE­RENT OFFIC­ES.SP­AIN, INDIA­, CHINA­, THAIL­AND, CAMBO­DIA. ENGLA­ND, SWEDE­N, MALAY­SIA.D­UBAI, DR BAT PODOL­SKI KLOSE Are you looki­ng for:-­ SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black Money­ SSD Chemi­cal Compa­ny SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black Money­ SSD Prese­rving Compa­ny SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black­ Mon­ey Activ­ation Powde­r S.S.D­. Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black­ US Dolla­rs Activ­e Powde­r Activ­ation Powde­r for Clean­ing Black Notes­ Bla­ck Money Clean­ing Clean Black Money Best SSD Solut­ion Clean Black Notes Clean­ing Black Notes Clean­ing Black Money­ PLE­ASE NOTE: WE ONLY DEALS ON HIGH QUALI­TY S.S.D­. CHEMI­CALS SOLUT­ION FOR CLEAN­ING BLACK MONEY We are manuf­actur­er and selle­r of all sort of chemi­cals like SUPER­ AUT­OMATI­C SSD SOLUT­ION Z.W.V­.8 MODEL ACTIV­ATION POWDE­R AND REACT­IVATI­ON P­OWDER­, ANTI AIR POWDE­R, MERCU­RY POWDE­R , AUTOM­ATED MONEY DEVEL­OPER MACHI­NES CONGE­AL CHEMI­CAL MELTI­NG EQUIP­MENTS­, TEMPE­RATUR­E CONTR­OLLER­S AND AUTOM­ATIC. +27603214264
Call or whatsapp Dr Mark+27603214264
Email : [](
submitted by PersonalCaramel7500 to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:55 OsirisAI Stock Information for BTCUSD - 60m

#BTCUSD #60m #Crypto───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 5 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble is uncertain with regards to future market movements.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 30 candles. The market is currently bullish, appreciating by -0.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes up.
Price Bound Modelling * HAR model at confidence level 95.0%: the HAR model forecasts volatility of 0.3162% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 69223.91 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 68863.9 or above 69583.91.
Forecast * MA model at confidence level 95.0%: the MA model forecasts a return of 0.0031% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 69218.0 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 68664.26 or above 69778.67.
Stability Indicators * Generalised extreme value: According to the indicator, the market is stable
Seasonality test * Seasonality test: According to the generalised seasonality test, there are no seasonal effects on the market.
Distribution analysis * Best-fit distribution: Best-fit distribution has changed, and now it is Power
Not investment advice.
#BTCUSD #60m #trading #Distribution analysis
submitted by OsirisAI to OsirisFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:53 PersonalCaramel7500 +27603214264{{%%!}}((##3كيل الحر..BEST SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION AND ACTIVATION POWDER IN USA, UK, DUBAI, CANADA, GERMANY, AUSTRALIA, CALIFONIA

+27603214264 0ukrainwar##666{{%%!}}((##3كيل الحر..BEST SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION AND ACTIVATION
+27603214264 {{{@}} B2B BEST SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION AND ACTIVATION POWDER AND REACTIVATION POWDER, ANTI AIR POWDER ,MERCURY POWDER, AUTOMATED FOR Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al-Quwain, and Fujairah, while the seventh emirate, Ras Al Khaimah Al Dhafrah has seven main cities: Liwa, Madinat Zayed, Ghayathi, Ruwais, Mirfa, Sila and Delma Island. The city of Abu Dhabi is connected to the mainland by four bridges: Maqta bridge, Mussafah bridge, Sheikh Zayed bridge and Sheikh Khalifa bridge.
Bahrain,Iraq,Kuwait,Oman,Qatar,Saudi Arabia,UAE ,Australia,New Zealand Durban East London Empangeni George Germiston Ibhayi Johannesburg Katlehong Kempton Park Khayelitsha Kimberley Klerksdorp Mamelodi Mitchells Plain Mthatha Nelspruit Newcastle Pietermaritzburg Pinetown Polokwane Port Elizabeth Potchefstroom Pretoria Randburg Roodepoort Rustenburg Sebokeng Soshanguve Soweto Springbok Stellenbosch Tembisa Thohoyandou Umlazi Upington Vanderbijlpark Vereeniging Welkom Witbank Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Northern Cape Western SouthAfrica,Namibia,Botswana,Mozambique,Zambia,Swaziland,Madagascar,Zimbabwe,Lesotho,Uganda ,Limpo­po Bellv­ille Benon­i Bloem­fonte­in Boksb­urg Cape Town Cen­turio­n Durba­n East Londo­n Empan­geni Georg­e Germi­ston Ibhay­i­rg Katle­hong Kempt­on Park Kha­yelit­sa Pol­okwan­e Port Eliza­beth Potch­efstr­oom Preto­ria Randb­urg Roode­poort Ruste­nburg Seb­okeng Sosha­nguve Sowet­o Sprin­gbok Stell­enbos­ch Tembi­sa Thoho­yando­u Umlaz­i Uping­ton Vande­rbijl­park Ver­eenig­ing Welko­m Witba­nk Easte­rn Cape Free State Gaute­ng KwaZu­lu-Na­tal Mpuma­langa Zambi­a, Zimba­bawe Cape Call or whatsapp +27603214264 BEST UNIVERSAL SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION MONEY CLEANING BLACK 🙂 Best SSD Solution Clean Black Notes Dollars
WE ALSO? SALE CHEMICALS LIKE SSD AUTOMATIC SOLUTION FORM CLEANING BLACK LIKE SSD AUTOMATIC SOLUTION FORM CLEANING BLACK DOLLARS CURRENCIES. I hereby use this media to inform you, that our company can clean out black deface currency, (stained money) bank notes, We have all kinds of chemicals used for cleaning of black money or stained money in currencies such as U.S Dollar, Euro, Pound, and all local currencies, even if your defaced note is 25 years old, WE SALE CHEMICALS LIKE TOURMALINE, S.S.D. Chemical / Solution , CASTRO X OXIDE, A4. AND MANY Like ACTIVATION POWDER & SSD SOLUTION FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY Chemical and Allied product incorporated is a major manufacturer of industrial and pharmaceutical products with key specialization in the production of S.S.D Automatic solution used in the cleaning of black money,defaced money and stained bank notes with anti breeze quality.OTHERS FOR DAMAGED NOTES, BILLS LIKE USD,EURO, POUNDS, TRANSFERRING COLORS FROM USE NOTE TO NEW WHITE BILLS,AND BLACK NOTES ,WE WORK ON COMMISSION WE ALSO OFFER MACHINES TO DO THE BIG CLEANINGS, AND WE DO DELIVERY OF PRODUCTS TO BUYERS DESTINATIONS AFTER A CONSULTATION FEE. DEPENDING ON DIFFERENT CASES. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE DO CONTACT US IN OUR DIFFERENT OFFICES.SPAIN, INDIA, CHINA, THAILAND, CAMBODIA. ENGLAND, SWEDEN, MALAYSIA.DUBAI, DR BAT PODOLSKI KLOSE Are you looking for:- SSD Chemical Solution Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black Money SSD Chemical Company SSD Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black Money SSD Preserving Company SSD Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black Money Activation Powder S.S.D. Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black US Dollars Active Powder Activation Powder for Cleaning Black Notes Black Money Cleaning Clean Black Money Best SSD Solution Clean Black Notes Cleaning Black Notes Cleaning Black Money PLEASE NOTE: WE ONLY DEALS ON HIGH QUALITY S.S.D. CHEMICALS SOLUTION FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY We are manufacturer and seller of all sort of chemicals like SUPER AUTOMATIC SSD SOLUTION Z.W.V.8 MODEL ACTIVATION POWDER AND REACTIVATION POWDER, ANTI AIR POWDER,MERCURY POWDER,AUTOMATED MONEY DEVELOPER MACHINES CONGEAL CHEMICAL MELTING EQUIPMENTS, TEMPERATURE
EMAIL : [](
submitted by PersonalCaramel7500 to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:51 ReasonableRatio6205 Can i get a QC on this Santos

Can i get a QC on this Santos
Hey guys, this is my first santos, any thoughts would be appreciated!
[1. Dealer name: LiLi 2. Factory name: BVF 3. Model name: Cartier SANTOS DE CARTIER Large
  1. Price Paid : 400
  2. Album Link :
  3. Index Alignment : Think looks good
  4. Dial printing : Think looks good
  5. Date wheel alignment/printing : Looks ok to me?
  6. Hand alignment: n/a
  7. Bezel : Looks good
  8. Solid End links (SELs) : Good
submitted by ReasonableRatio6205 to 1688Time [link] [comments]


+27603214264 0ukrainwar##666{{%%!}}((##3كيل الحر..BEST SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION AND ACTIVATION
+27603214264 {{{@}} B2B BEST SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION AND ACTIVATION POWDER AND REACTIVATION POWDER, ANTI AIR POWDER ,MERCURY POWDER, AUTOMATED FOR Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al-Quwain, and Fujairah, while the seventh emirate, Ras Al Khaimah Al Dhafrah has seven main cities: Liwa, Madinat Zayed, Ghayathi, Ruwais, Mirfa, Sila and Delma Island. The city of Abu Dhabi is connected to the mainland by four bridges: Maqta bridge, Mussafah bridge, Sheikh Zayed bridge and Sheikh Khalifa bridge.
Bahrain,Iraq,Kuwait,Oman,Qatar,Saudi Arabia,UAE ,Australia,New Zealand Durban East London Empangeni George Germiston Ibhayi Johannesburg Katlehong Kempton Park Khayelitsha Kimberley Klerksdorp Mamelodi Mitchells Plain Mthatha Nelspruit Newcastle Pietermaritzburg Pinetown Polokwane Port Elizabeth Potchefstroom Pretoria Randburg Roodepoort Rustenburg Sebokeng Soshanguve Soweto Springbok Stellenbosch Tembisa Thohoyandou Umlazi Upington Vanderbijlpark Vereeniging Welkom Witbank Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Northern Cape Western SouthAfrica,Namibia,Botswana,Mozambique,Zambia,Swaziland,Madagascar,Zimbabwe,Lesotho,Uganda ,Limpo­po Bellv­ille Benon­i Bloem­fonte­in Boksb­urg Cape Town Cen­turio­n Durba­n East Londo­n Empan­geni Georg­e Germi­ston Ibhay­i­rg Katle­hong Kempt­on Park Kha­yelit­sa Pol­okwan­e Port Eliza­beth Potch­efstr­oom Preto­ria Randb­urg Roode­poort Ruste­nburg Seb­okeng Sosha­nguve Sowet­o Sprin­gbok Stell­enbos­ch Tembi­sa Thoho­yando­u Umlaz­i Uping­ton Vande­rbijl­park Ver­eenig­ing Welko­m Witba­nk Easte­rn Cape Free State Gaute­ng KwaZu­lu-Na­tal Mpuma­langa Zambi­a, Zimba­bawe Cape Call or whatsapp +27603214264 BEST UNIVERSAL SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION MONEY CLEANING BLACK 🙂 Best SSD Solution Clean Black Notes Dollars
WE ALSO? SALE CHEMICALS LIKE SSD AUTOMATIC SOLUTION FORM CLEANING BLACK LIKE SSD AUTOMATIC SOLUTION FORM CLEANING BLACK DOLLARS CURRENCIES. I hereby use this media to inform you, that our company can clean out black deface currency, (stained money) bank notes, We have all kinds of chemicals used for cleaning of black money or stained money in currencies such as U.S Dollar, Euro, Pound, and all local currencies, even if your defaced note is 25 years old, WE SALE CHEMICALS LIKE TOURMALINE, S.S.D. Chemical / Solution , CASTRO X OXIDE, A4. AND MANY Like ACTIVATION POWDER & SSD SOLUTION FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY Chemical and Allied product incorporated is a major manufacturer of industrial and pharmaceutical products with key specialization in the production of S.S.D Automatic solution used in the cleaning of black money,defaced money and stained bank notes with anti breeze quality.OTHERS FOR DAMAGED NOTES, BILLS LIKE USD,EURO, POUNDS, TRANSFERRING COLORS FROM USE NOTE TO NEW WHITE BILLS,AND BLACK NOTES ,WE WORK ON COMMISSION WE ALSO OFFER MACHINES TO DO THE BIG CLEANINGS, AND WE DO DELIVERY OF PRODUCTS TO BUYERS DESTINATIONS AFTER A CONSULTATION FEE. DEPENDING ON DIFFERENT CASES. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE DO CONTACT US IN OUR DIFFERENT OFFICES.SPAIN, INDIA, CHINA, THAILAND, CAMBODIA. ENGLAND, SWEDEN, MALAYSIA.DUBAI, DR BAT PODOLSKI KLOSE Are you looking for:- SSD Chemical Solution Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black Money SSD Chemical Company SSD Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black Money SSD Preserving Company SSD Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black Money Activation Powder S.S.D. Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black US Dollars Active Powder Activation Powder for Cleaning Black Notes Black Money Cleaning Clean Black Money Best SSD Solution Clean Black Notes Cleaning Black Notes Cleaning Black Money PLEASE NOTE: WE ONLY DEALS ON HIGH QUALITY S.S.D. CHEMICALS SOLUTION FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY We are manufacturer and seller of all sort of chemicals like SUPER AUTOMATIC SSD SOLUTION Z.W.V.8 MODEL ACTIVATION POWDER AND REACTIVATION POWDER, ANTI AIR POWDER,MERCURY POWDER,AUTOMATED MONEY DEVELOPER MACHINES CONGEAL CHEMICAL MELTING EQUIPMENTS, TEMPERATURE
EMAIL : [](
submitted by PersonalCaramel7500 to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:51 breynnmike Best way to negotiate price on a large scale

My wife wants to buy a new 2023 Dodge Challenger T. I have heard that they are possible to be found for under $30,000 nowadays. Is there a website where dealers can compete against each other for my business? We are willing to buy out of state if that is how we can get a killer price. Calling a large amount of out of state dealers will be tedious, so i was brainstorming my options.
submitted by breynnmike to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:50 sameed_a how to improve problem-solving with game theory?

Just another casual Friday night at our backyard, I find myself in a classic game of "Chicken" with my neighbor, George. This wasn't a literal game of chicken, mind you, but rather the game of who would back down first from making some much-needed repairs in our shared fence. Each of us insisted that the other should be the one to assume the cost, which led us down the treacherous path of standoff.
For days, we avoided the fence, and each other, hoping the other would blink first. But then, I realized the fence wasn't the real issue. It was a manifestation of poorly played out game theory. For those who aren’t familiar, at its core, game theory is the study of mathematical models of strategic interaction among rational decision-makers. In other words, it’s trying to anticipate the other person’s next move based on their motivations and potential strategies.
I decided to take a page out of John Nash's playbook. John Nash, the mathematician from 'A Beautiful Mind', developed a concept known as the Nash Equilibrium. Simply put, it’s a state of affairs where no player can gain anything by unilaterally changing their own strategy, assuming the other players keep theirs unchanged.
So, I proposed a solution to George based on this. We split the cost of repairing the fence, hence sharing the burden, and also avoid the loss of goodwill that would come from letting the standoff persist.
To my surprise, George agreed. We repaired the fence together over the weekend, and in the process, ended up sharing a few beers and stories, enhancing our camaraderie. Game theory had saved the day, and the fence!
P.S.: We didn’t really engage in a cold war over a fence. But hey, you don’t know George! He'd start a war over a misplaced comma. This is a hypothetical situation intended to get your brain gears grinding about how game theory concepts and other mental models can help you in all sorts of daily life scenarios. So next time you end up in a strategic standoff remember - think like John Nash!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]


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Khayelitsha Kimberley Klerksdorp Mamelodi Mitchells Plain Mthatha Nelspruit Newcastle Witbank Eastern cape, Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga
Do you have black currency in form of Dollars, Pounds or Euros or any other currency? I have the most powerful and Universal cleaning chemical you are looking for. I sell SSD automatic solution, Vetrol paste 0.2A and so many others. I also have a variety of Powders needed when doing the large cleanings such as Activation powder. We specialize in cleaning all types of defaced notes, black notes, anti-breeze bank notes, stamp coated and stained currency. We melt and re-activate frozen chemicals and offer 100% cleaning for bills like dollar, euro, pounds,RANDS and transferring of colors from used note to new white bills.
We offer machines for large cleaning and also deliver products to any location desired by buyers. Laboratory staff are available to demonstrate to clients how the work is done.
Are you looking for:- call +27603214264
SSD Chemical Solution Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black Money call +27603214264
SSD Chemical Company SSD Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black Money
SSD Preserving Company SSD Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black Money
Activation Powder S.S.D. Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black notes
Active Powder Activation Powder for Cleaning Black Notes
Black Money Cleaning Clean Black Money
Best SSD Solution Clean Black Notes
Cleaning Black Notes Cleaning Black Money
We clean all black and green money and stamped money
Infinity labs pty (since 2000)*:
We can help you clean your money, (+27603214264 )*, we supply a high quality of the ssd solution with machi*ne and it comes with a full package of instructions and accessories. It is the ultimate anti-*breeze solution used in cleaning defaced currency. It can be referred to as black dollar etc..*. or bank stained currency.
SSD Supreme Solution
SSD universal Solution
SSD Tourmaline solution
SSD Topix solution
SSD Castro X Oxide solution
D6 SSD universal Solution
Our agent will meet with you in any part of the world.
CALL OR WHATSAPP : +27603214264
Email : [](
submitted by PersonalCaramel7500 to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:48 ietsnut Arduino Uno Multi-AVR ISP Shield

I am making an Arduino Uno AVR ISCP Programmer Shield PCB using KiCAD. My ideas was to use a ZIF socket where the IC's can be placed, and using the pushbutton the user can cycle between different presents for ATmega/ATTiny models. This is done by rerouting the ISCP connections with demultiplexers. The LED's will show the selected model on the PCB silkscreen.
Currently I made presets for (in order):
ATTiny 25/45/85/13/12 ATTiny 24/44/84 ATTiny 2313/4213 ATTiny 261/461/861/26 ATMega 8/48/88/168/328 ATMega 16/32/644/1284
I wonder if this is the right approach and if I covered all the Atmel/Arduino-compatible DIP models.
submitted by ietsnut to avr [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:48 BioFrosted Does anyone else feel like the “iPhones are extremely fragile” argument is no longer true?

I’ve had an iPhone 3G, 5S, 8 and I’m currently rocking the 13. Since the first model I’ve had, I feel like one of the most frequently brought up anti-Apple argument, aside for the price, is the fragility. I had the 5S as a teenager and it scratched easily. By the time I switched the screen was really gnarly. The 8 was stronger already, though the back was also glassy iirc and I did manage to break that. But the 13? I’ve been wearing it caseless since day 1 and it’s nothing short of intact. It has scratch marks on the screen because of my nails, it has minor visible hits on the sides (it’s red so areas where paint has been removed are visible), but it’s still very solid. And I drop it quite a lot. I don’t know if this argument is still being used, but it sure as hell isn’t true anymore.
submitted by BioFrosted to iphone [link] [comments]