Congratualtion sayings


2024.05.04 15:07 Ekansh-S Surprised

I'm a surprised boy, I thought this reddit post would be the exact same as the COTE reddit, with random characters being shipped there, however here (aside from a few exceptions) I have seen nothing sus with Komi-san and Tadano, or any character for that matter or anything sexualized. (I'm shocked because I expected ppl to do something with that one panel from CH 412 and that lap pillow one as well.).
I joined this reddit last to last week after watching the anime ( I have finished the manga now so don't worry) and have noticed nothing wrong except ( a few inappropriate closeups of ship ki-...smooches).
That's all I have to say. So congratualtions!!! This reddit is more kid friendly that the actual manga!!!
I understand that the subreddit has a nsfw tag ( no idea bit I suppose it means sus content) but I am glad that the creator has done this. And to everyone who respects this rule!!
submitted by Ekansh-S to Komi_san [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 01:42 brokencad Mean Girls 2024!

I always love listening to the Mean Girls Broadway songs ever since it came out as well as watching the hilarious original movie. I recently watched the new Mean Girls 2024 movie and let me just say this movie is SO GOOD! Whenever movies do reboots/remakes it isn’t always the best in my point of view and doesn’t have the spectacular movie feeling but Mean Girls is probably one of the best remake movies in my opinion. The camera quality and angles were on point as well as the transitions were amazing. I love watching the part where Regina is singing “World Burn” while all the students are being animals. The camera going between each fight and moving down the hall is so good! I love the breaking the fourth wall aspect as well with everyone looking at the camera. The singing is amazing and the cast does a great job! I wish they could’ve had the original cast members tho from the original movie besides Lindsey Lohan. They could’ve added Lindsey congratualting Cady which could’ve been cool to see. Overall, love this movie and now I’m going to tell all my friends to watch it haha!
submitted by brokencad to u/brokencad [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 20:38 SnooBananas8024 [Please Upvote] Meta Mondays 3/4/2024 [Please Upvote] #floatgang

Bla Bla Bla heres the meta news for the week. *************************************
I'm very sad to say this, but it appears that floaters have been nerfed. they are way easier to contest, i have footage of this on stream. its super easy to get a light contest, and even knocked out of your floater animation if your not careful. Its a sad sad day for the floatgang. However floaters are still 100% when green so theres that atleast.
Defense auto follow speed been nerfed. People have been getting off shots because contesting has been nerfed, on help defense its damn near always a light contest... but i have a suprise for you guys.

>>>> you can switch who your defending by tapping the defense button twice <<<< >>>> you can switch who your defending by tapping the defense button twice <<<< >>>> you can switch who your defending by tapping the defense button twice <<<< >>>> you can switch who your defending by tapping the defense button twice <<<< >>>> you can switch who your defending by tapping the defense button twice <<<<

some of you may know this, i only found out yesterday... after almost a thousand games played.. funny.
yes spam the defense button while away from your man and it will allow you to help defense someone else... crazy how they didn't put this into the game

************************************* (number means optimal position)
Tier list for the week
Toxic Tier: (anyone notice its mostly bigs in this list?)
  1. Karl Anthony towns (3)- his price has shot up to a clean 500k and now hes hard to get, congratualtions.
  2. Giannis (2) - busted on the defensive end, forget it if he has the mechanics to euro dunk consistently
  3. Curry (1) (rookie & legend) - Behind the back, screens, and double screens, accurate shooter if your shot is open...
  4. Anthony Davis (2) - hes blocking everything and theres not much you can do about it, the dude is toxic
  5. Embiid (3) - very hard to put embiid under anthony davis after seeing a max rank embiid be an absolute monster. most people aren't good with embiid, but embiid masters are hella toxic. the post move spam is an absolute joke, and hilarious if the embiid is on your team. ( anyone see that japanese max rank embiid with the orange skin, that guy is tuff i have him on film
*************************************** Rising stars
Bogdonavich is seeing a rise in popularity due to his ridiculous shooting. I personally see him as a defensive liability cause hes not going to stop giannis or zion at the 2. however, this guy gets an extreme amount of buckets. For context, a Max rank bogdonavich is around 2 million gold for rank7, shoots better then my r7 paul george and 89 kyrie.
Thats not all, hes a great shooter, but what many new bog users are failing to do, is take him into the lab to learn how to do his special shift step back. its a special step back he can only do after recieveing a pass. Its very weird and very fast and hard to contest... and even harder to contest with the way they nerfed the defense button again
Exclusive ability : Shooting Groove : While performing a pump fake after catching a pass, drag the joystick and shotstick in the same direction (regular step back) to release exclusive step back shot
Bogdonavich's ability also says field goal% increases every second he's left open up to 4 stacks this means he gets up to 12% bonus field gold from the 3, and upto 16% from the 2
to counter this, you have to stick to him like glue, and his step back will still eat you alive. this becomes even more op if he recieves a pass from lamelo or joker. or really any point guard that increases shot bonuses, there are alot of under used passing point guards in this game... cause... you guys dont like to pass ;) not my readers ofcourse
**************************************** Solo Queue Vs Team Queue
3v3 Ranked, stuff you may not know.
Theres a different queue for people that play by themselves and a queue for 3 man teams. literally every 3 man team i play against is a try hard, sweaty sweat sweat, coordinated team w/ teamwork, you get the drift. its extremely competitive to win high ranked 3v3 cause theres so much effort involved, its kind of fun but tiring at the same time when you just want an easy game.
Dont believe me? Try it out for yourself for 10 games and tell me if you notice the difference. Alot less passing on both teams, people not holding the ball while they're ahead, just to turn over and lose, all the nightmares happen in solo queue, yet the games are alot easier, especially if your a good player.
Now this is all stuff i've just noticed over the weekend. I cant say whats what for sure, I haven't even read the latest patch notes, but i'm pretty sure these things are true and you can try them out for yourselves.
I think as a solo queue player you'll ocassionally go against a full team though :( its not perfect
3v3 Ranked Composition meta - The Holy Trinity
The holy trinity has been around since RPG games were invented, this game is no different. Sub conciously most teams (especially the most toxic ones) are running holy trinity compositions. What is the holy trinity? you have 3 positions the 1 , the 2 , and the 3.
The holy trinity consists of a
1) carry - playmaker with the ability to score and consistently the majority of the points for his team if able
2) support - the all round player the can do everything is needed to help the carry get open, or to help the carry get a passing option (pick and roll). he also helps the tank because most likely the tank will be stretched out, so he is able to get rebounds, protect the rim, and score at will (giannis)
3) tank - must be an elite rebounder and rim protector. must also be able to space the floor giving the room for the carry and support to work. in order to space the floor he must land his 3s (karl anthony towns/lopez)
the holy trinity works best if your playing good basketball, you cant just ball hog and play on auto pilot. i've literally screened bigs using kyrie, screens are broken you guys should all be screening for eachother. i had a streamer chew me out, i wasn't mic'd up but i had my sound on and he was streaming and he was like why is this guy trying to screen me all the time...i would've said to get you to stop shooting contested shots but i just brushed it off. getting a good screen is essentially a free bucket. and its super toxic, abuse it. moving on.

I highly recommend if your playing with the same group of people and have chemistry to practice the holy trinity and optimize it or figure out a way to beat Kat/Giannis/Lillard with those double screens and kat step backs .____. & dame time... i get sick just thinking about it.
My personal team desires : I like to play the 1, so if I could play anyone at the 1, it'd be
1) LebronJames Legendary (his elite passing, and ability to raise everyone on his team's stats by 10%, will always draw attention driving to the basket for a perfect kick out. Theres nothing I dont like about him besides his price and how bad everyone plays him.
2) Anthony Davis - I personally like anthony davis more then giannis, because he counters giannis and pretty much any other person dumb enough to attack the paint with him around.
3) Towns - I'm pretty sure you've already seen the toxicity from this guy. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets nerfed, but they haven't nerfed curry either so who knows.

I'm also seeing team use 2 centers, which is ridiculous if it works for them sure. *************************************************************************
Why are bigs so strong?
Well... ever since the block patch bigs have been swatting everything out of the sky with an obviously glitch animation. I've gotten the block animiation in response to a pump fake before. it was the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen. And it lets me know that the programming in this game is seriously flawed. they're doing the best they can but this game will never be as smooth as 3v3 allstar (on appstore/android)
Ever since this patch, the dunk meta has been completely erased, once strong dunkers like LBJ (both), Donovan Mitchell, Green, and all the other crazy dunkers save giannis have felt the crushing demoralizing animation cancel on their dunks despite having the proper momentum, space, and already a half second into the animation, just for it to cancel and turn into a layup, you cant even pass out of the animation its always a turn over, i will bait out drive attempts just to get the animation cancel on their dunk and get the ball.
With the dunk meta being so booty, and shooting in general still being booty, what left is there to do? grab the rebounds from all those missed shots. the game turns into who gets more rebounds. and if your team only has 1 big thats going to get stretched out, what are your options?
Because of this, Ballers like BAM & Embiid are becoming even more useful. I've heard the meta in South Asia is (TOWNS/BAM/PAUL GEORGE).
I cant think of anything else to say... i'm pretty sure the higher you get in rank the more of the toxicity you will see that is the current big meta.
Possible counters to the current meta?
see why the meta is so hard to counter now? : the team i can possibly see defeating the meta is Lamelo / Bogdonavich / Joker. why? you have 2 passers that increase shot percentage and movement speed when passing. these bonuses are both critical and synergistic with the ballers kits and compisition.
Example, Joker starts off with the ball, recieves a screen from bog while bog is recieveing an off ball screen from lamelo, joker passes the ball to lamelo and runs to off ball screen bog, bog at the same time comes of recieveing the screen from joker dashes to the farthest 3 point line, an open lamelo at this point has so many options, but sending a perfect pass to bog will ultimately result in the ball always going in. a big team cannot keep up with all this movement, and they're terrible at avoiding screens themselves. and if they some how catch bog, he has options, he has bonus movement speed from the pass or his shifty step back, or he can pass out and offball screen until he's open.
this kind of chemistry requires selflessness and a desire to win and theres no guarantee this would win in an actually game, its mostly theory. however this type of ball movement absolutely destroys most players regardless of what comp they are. its hard enough getting people to stick to their man, especially with toxic screens, but ball movement, and off ball movement that isn't just randomly running around in circles or back and forth is definitely a difference maker.
Closing thoughts
I'm not telling anyone how to play, just offering ways to win. Let me know if you guys want TierList Tuesdays for a complete tierlist of every character. Idk if i could get that done by tomorrow ill try but if not we can do tier list thursdays.
I had way too much on my mind for meta mondays to actually do a video and edit it, so I will pretty much be going over this exact same information on my live stream later tonight.
I find myself releasing brand new relevant content before anyone else, and then other youtubers coming out with the same content days later, ofcourse multiple people can come up with the same idea, but what makes me scratch my head is that if I had the information out a day or 2 earlier why am I getting 30 views compared to their 300 views? :c

submitted by SnooBananas8024 to NBAInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 16:16 vibrantcomics Florians quest chapter 14

Chapter 14
Day 1
As I stood there with bated breath waiting for Master Micheal to start talking, doubt and confidence filled my heart. Hands firm and legs shivering. Breathing slowly my finger began twitching. He cleared his throat before starting.
"It's simple really. Until we get to Braavos there won't be any sword training. You will have to wake up early in the morning and do exercise, do some tasks around the ship and help Barn. That's all. Learn to relax a little bit."
Well I be damned. On the one hand I felt my finger relaxing, the hard part was yet to come. I could enjoy myself. Yet now there was nothing much to do for the next two months! My chest tightened as I chided myself for even relishing the thought of taking it easy. To be a hero one has to be absolutely certain and ready to invite hardship. Not giggle when it runs away from them.
Dragging my feet of his room, I was met by the scorching sun once more. Yet this time it didn't hurt. It reminded me of my drive to become a hero.
Then a cloud came and obscured the sun. For a second my sweat cooled and breathing slowed. A brief reprieve. It made me think. Was everything going too fast? Should I even be a hero? But these thoughts were useless and wrong. Of course I wanted to be a hero! Just like the araliya sea would I want to wither and die by diverting my efforts elsewhere?
The rest of the day went by without much event. In the night I struggled to eat the stiff salf beef. And when Barn reminded that all the fresh fruits and meat have ran out it reminded me that being on ship isn't a fantasy.
Oh well it isn't too difficult to control a groaning stomach is it?
Day 2
I woke up early today. Groaning and moaning. Dragging my feet through the door I started doing strectches feeling my snoring muscles snoring themselves up into activity. Then I took my sword and did some basic drills and slowly I felt the blood flowing through my body. Afterwards I made my way to the deck where Barn was addressing the crew.
It was the second shift at sunrise. I made it there and found everyone else standing in a circle. Listening with ritual attention to him. I walked up to them but they didn't move and give way. Barn stopped and saw me. He just wiggled his finger and motioned me to come inside the circle. Then he bent me over and struck me again and again on the back. Jolting through my body the pain replaced drowsy brain fog with petrified astonishment at Barn's rude awakening.
Then he pulled me by the ear as I winced and screamed.
"No one here will be spared if they are late, not even the merchant's son." He then kicked me onto the ground as I hit the ground, bruising my chin. It began to itch and burn. After struggling to get up and falling down I finally managed to get back up, my feet still shivering.
"GO STAND IN LINE!" I made my way and stood among the sailors.
Day 6
After that whooping I became more regular. On this day I managed to make it five minutes ahead of time. I got a little sad when Barn didn't congratuale me for being early.
I made my way to Fredrick and shared my experiences. He let out a chuckle and told me.
"No one's going to congratuale you for being early."
"God I don't even know why I volunteered to work on the ship and do the chores."
"Nothing can be done about it man." Fredrick wheezed, "You have got to push yourself and congratualte yourself! You have not gotten a beating and Barn has lost a beating. In merchant terms you are 1 beating in the clear. That's a profit, work on it."
"A profit you say?"
Day 9
I took Fredrick's words to heart and began to work more on myself. Eating the disgusting food to me fullest. Walking up early and exercsigin before going for watch. I feel like I am alive and glowing. I have got to keep going and go ahead.
Yet I feel weird from time to time. Doubting myself. Feeling bad at every mistake, and it rekindles old wounds. The beatings and discipline just like the academy.
However I must go on and not stop.
Day 13
This day I had a mental breakdown. As I stood watch I felt some great pain travel from my chest to the end of my left hand. The whole world went black and I fainted on the deck.
Afterwards I woke up on the bed. Flanked by Barn and Master Micheal. A concerned Barn told me to avoid coming to work on the ship and that it was hurting my health and that I was too tender. But I refused and told I would be coming. The argument went back and forth for a few minutes before Master Micheal intervened.
"Listen you need to rest. You looked at this pressure and when you took it in you collpased. Just learn a few of a ship tasks that's all but don't push yourself too hard. I advise you to stay off morning watch for a few days, go with evening watch instead."
And I begrudignly nodded.
Day 17
I stood on evening watch and saw the sun go down. Then afterwards I enjoyed dinner with the crew. They still call me boy and merchant son but they also respect me. No one else could have even been happy to put their ass on the line. We played a nice game of poker and went to sleep.
In a way I felt relieved. It was nice to wake up early but not too early. I felt good enough to not mind the pit in my stomach as I dozed to bed.
Things were finally alright.

submitted by vibrantcomics to Randomtales960 [link] [comments]

2024.01.30 18:33 PlateMagnate Quick Guide To Know If You're Attractive. [Experience]. If You Are Not STOP Saying GAME>LOOKS. You Are Coping.

I'm 28 and a little under 6'0 (~5'11.5"). Through my experience, I can tell some of you dudes don't have friends because there’s no way you can go through life not understanding the importance of looks in dating ( You cannot be attractive and a virgin if you show up to college for a semester).
I have also been fat for a short period of time due to a medical issue I had around the pandemic, so I can clearly see the difference in how women treat me when I'm chubby .
I can honestly go all-day, but you get the point. In each of these scenarios,Ii've gotten pussy.
To somebody who doesn't have this experience, they would probably say I'm lying because it makes me sound like a celebrity, but that's just the experience of how girls act around handsome dudes. (These scenarios are too niche to make up on the fly in my opinion)
I didn’t even want to make this post because it feels like I'm bragging, but it really was my experience when I was college age. ( I'm a home body now lol )
Older women are more subtle. But If you're an attractive young dude, this is how girls will act if you're "cute"
I have a friend that is more handsome than me and he has never cold approached in his life. His body count is in the triple digits. (He's 5'10")
Please tell me how you can be a virgin under these circumstances. And how does being ugly and having game give you an upper hand over someone like this?
It's not possible without money, clout, or drug dealer maxxing.
I do believe charisma and being the funniest guy in the room(Elite Social Skills) can give you an upper hand though but I think that's way different than this concept of "game" you speak of and is very "situational".
Change my mind.

submitted by PlateMagnate to LengfOrGirf [link] [comments]

2024.01.09 20:17 IllustriousRain7996 I'm a fourth-year pharmacy student, graduating in May, & have a crush on IM MD PGY3 resident.

ok, so I was on my IM APPE in the summer and rounded with this cute senior resident. I didn't think much until I'd catch him staring at me and always standing next to me during bedside rounds. After my APPE, I ended up doing my other rotations at the same hospital. We'd say hi in passing or "how are you" at the hospital library. Fast forward 4 months, his junior resident tells me he's trying to match into oncology felllowship and I revealed I had a crush on him. Jr resident squealed & thought it was adorable. I added him on Insta and he followed back within 3 hrs! Too bad he has 0 posts. Anywho, he matched and I congratualted him & he said "Thanks (my name)" with 2 hearts. He's liked some of my posts and stories (especially when i honored a oncology APPE). It's been a month & he just watches my stories. I decided to send him a mug to his hospital that says "World's greatest oncologist, Dr. (hisname)" I was in the holiday spirit. Now, I'm freaking out if I did the wrong thing. He hasn't gotten the mug yet, it arrives later this week. Help!?
submitted by IllustriousRain7996 to u/IllustriousRain7996 [link] [comments]

2023.11.14 00:41 Glum-Fortune1342 Rebooking Every WWE PPV From WrestleMania 1 to WrestleMania 40 Part 66 (Revived)

NXT Takeover Fatal 4 Way
Date: September 11th
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Attendance: 400+
Commentators: Renee Young & Tom Phillips
NXT Tag Team Championships
Lucha Dragons vs The Ascension (c)
Baron Corbin vs CJ Parker
NXT Women's Championship
Charlotte Flair (c) vs Bayley (After Charlotte turned on Bayley to join Sasha Banks & Summer Rae in the BFF's earlier in the year, Bayley swears she will defeat Charlotte to become the new women's champ. Charlotte says Bayley is just a naive little girl who she'll easily dismiss)
Corey Graves vs Hideo Itami
Fatal 4 Way for NXT World Championship
Tyler Breeze vs Sami Zayn vs Adrian Neville (c) vs Tyson Kidd (all four men have been battling for most of the summer in hopes of becoming the NXT Champion. William Regal makes this match to give all four men their chance to walk out as champion. Towards the end of the match, Zayn hits Kidd with the helluva kick and is about to win when Neville pulls the ref out of the ring. The Man that Gravity Forgot throws Zayn into the barricade and hits the Red Arrow on Kidd to retain)
Night Of Champions 2014
Date: September 21st
Location: Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tennessee
Attendance: 11,000
Commentators: Michael Cole & Booker T
Unified Tag Team Championships
Cody Rhodes & Stardust vs Wyatt Family (c)
United States Championship
Rusev vs Sheamus (c)
Intercontinental Championship
Dolph Ziggler (c) vs The Miz W/ Damien Mizdow
Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho (Orton says he will punt Jericho right into a tour with Fozzy. Jericho says hell break Ortons legs and triple H wont be able to save him)
Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns (by forfeit) (Reigns cant compete due to getting a hernia days before the PPV so Rollins makes the ref count to ten and declare him the winner. Ambrose doesnt return here after getting his head curb stomped through cinder blocks on Raw weeks before)
Ryback vs Alberto Del Rio
Fatal 4 Way for Women's Championship
Paige (c) vs Nikki Bella vs Brie Bella vs AJ Lee
Triple Threat for World Heavyweight Championship
Cesaro vs John Cena vs Brock Lesnar (c) (Brock and Heyman gloat about Summerslam. Cesaro cashes in his rematch clause and say this time will be different. Cena just wants to be champ again. Towards the end of the match, Cesaro is put through the announce desk whilst Brock and Cena are in the ring. The match ends when Rollins comes down and curb stomps both men. He tries to cash in but Ambrose comes out through the crowd and hits him with the Dirty Deeds. Brock gets up and hits Ambrose with a huge F5. Cena tries to fight Brock but also gets put down with an F5 to end the show)
Halloween Havoc 2014
Date: October 26th
Location: American Airlines Arena, Dallas, Texas
Attendance: 15,303
Commentators: Michael Cole & Booker T
Triple Threat for Intercontinental Championship
Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler (c) vs The Miz W/Damien Mizdow
Zack Ryder vs Bo Dallas
Unified Tag Team Championships
The Wyatt Family (c) vs Big Show & Mark Henry
Paige vs Nikki Bella
#1 contender match for shot at WWE Championship
John Cena vs Randy Orton (These two eternal rivals meet again. Orton wants to end this on off again rivalry for good. Cena says Orton used to be a psychopath but is just the Authority's bitch nowadays. The next night on Raw, Orton is kicked out of the Authority and written off TV after a curb stomp onto the MITB briefcase)
Women's Championship
Brie Bella vs AJ Lee (c)
United States Championship
Cesaro vs Rusev (c)
Hell In A Cell
Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose (Rollins wants to rid himself of Ambrose once and for all. Ambrose wants to destroy Rollins. No interference from Wyatt. Instead, Ambrose goes to bash Rollins Head in with a cinder block but Kane breaks through the cell door and takes it from Ambrose, who hits him with a dirty deeds. Rollins gets up but then eats a dirty deeds onto a chair)
Survivor Series 2014
Date: November 23rd
Location: Scottrade Centre, St Louis, Missouri
Attendance: 12,000
Commentators: Michael Cole & Booker T
Fatal 4 Way to determine #1 contender for tag team championships
Los Matadores vs Miz & Damien Mizdow vs Stardust & Goldust vs The Uso's
Fandango vs Adam Rose
Tyson Kidd vs Cesaro
Survivor Series Elimination Match
The anti-divas (Paige, Natalya, Emma, AJ Lee & Naomi) vs The Divas (Bella Twins, Layla, Cameron and Summer Rae
Eliminations: Natalya pins Summer Rae, AJ Lee Pins Cameron, Nikki pins Emma, Paige pins Layla, Brie pins Naomi,Paige pins Nikki and Brie is counted out
Sole survivors: Paige, Natalya & AJ Lee
Bo Dallas vs Mark Henry
Survivor Series Elimination Match- if The Authority win, The Union is fired; if The Union win the Authority is banished
The Union (John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose, Ryback & Big Show vs The Authority (Seth Rollins, Rusev & The Wyatt Family) (After Halloween Havoc, Cena and Ambrose say they have had enough of the Authority and challenge them to this match. The Authority accept)
Eliminations: Rusev submits Big Show in the Accolade, Rusev is counted out, Bray pins Ryback, Ambrose pins Bray but he then comes back in the ring and hits Ambrose with the Sister Abigail allowing Harper to pin him, Rollins pins Cena after a briefcase shot to the head behind the referee's back, Ziggler gets a lucky roll-up on Rowan, Ziggler gets a lucky roll-up on Harper & and Sting returns taking out HHH at ringside, allowing Ziggler to hit the zigzag on Rollins for the win
Sole Survivor: Dolph Ziggler
NXT Takeover: R Evolution
Date: December 11th
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Attendance: 400+
Commentators: Jason Brennan, Alex Riley & Corey Graves
Kevin Owens vs CJ Parker
NXT Tag Team Championships
Lucha Dragons (c) vs The Vaudevillians
Baron Corbin vs Tye Dillinger
Women's Championship
Charlotte Flair (c) vs Sasha Banks (Sasha ends the BFF's in shocking fashion when she attacks Charlotte and stakes her claim to becoming NXT Women's Champion. Charlotte vows revenge)
The Ascension vs Hideo Itami & Finn Balor
NXT World Championship vs career match
Sami Zayn vs Adrian Neville (c) (after months of not being able to get the job done, Zayn beats Kidd in a #1 contender match, sending Kidd back to the main roster in the process. Neville, who is teasing a heel turn, says Sami wont be able to get the job again, Zayn says if he cant beat Neville he'll leave NXT for good. After the match, the whole locker room comes out to celebrate with Zayn. Neville looks like he is gonna attack him but hugs him instead. Newly debuted Kevin Owens walks up the ramp with Zayn after everyone has gone, until he attacks Zayn and powerbombs him on the ring apron, completing his own heel turn)
Starrcade 2014
Date: December 14th
Location: Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio
Attendance: 14,000
Commentators: Michael Cole & Booker T
Stardust & Goldust vs New Day
United States Championship
Rusev (c) vs Ryback
Tag Team Championships
The Uso's vs The Wyatt Family
Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt (Wyatt interupts an Ambrose promo the night after Halloween Havoc and saracastically congratualtes him on his big victory. He says while he may have conquered his greatest foe, he hasnt conquered his greatest fear. He says he knows Dean has some dirty secrets in his past but he can save him. Ambrose says he doesnt want saving and he doesnt want to join Wyatt's little cult either. The mind games ramp up after Survivor Series with Wyatt getting further into Ambrose's head. Ambrose wants to destroy the Wyatt family)
Women's Championship
AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella (c)
Ladder Match with winner getting added to the WWE Championship match at the Royal Rumble
Seth Rollins vs Dolph Ziggler (after Survivor Series, Rollins says Ziggler took everything from him and now he wants to kick his arse. Ziggler says that Rollins is going to have stand on his own two feet now that the Authority aren't around to help him and challenges him to this match. Rollins accepts)
submitted by Glum-Fortune1342 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2023.10.28 05:00 JhonatanOrj Firestorm 129: Book Chris Jericho’s retirement angle (Max Two Parts)

Oh man, back to the Chris Jericho prompts as in the JEM times. Anyways, we all know Chris Jericho, a living legend, but personally think he has been declining in his in ring performance, however, his big contribution to AEW is undeniable.

Following his really tough loss to Powerhouse Hobbs in a dominated position, Jericho takes some time off. Meanwhile, Don Callis' Family, Konosuke Takeshita, Sammy Guevara and Powerhouse Hobbs get in a rivalry with Los Lucha Brothers, alligned with Eddie Kingston, ahead of a trios match at Full Gear.

Full Gear 2023
Konosuke Takeshita, Sammy Guevara and Powerhouse Hobbs VS Lucha Brothers & Eddie Kingston
That naming was long, and the match is cool, very hard hitting, intense and fast paced by times, really physical when Hobbs and Kingston get on. At the end, Kingston is rather close to winning, having Hobbs in a really bad position, but Judas hits, it's Chris Jericho! Who walks to the stage in smiles. Kingston gets mad and yells at Jericho for this, who advices him to focus back on the ring, audible insults by Kingston are heard as he leans on the ropes, but then, Callis distracted the ref, superkick from Sammy to Eddie, Hobbs picks him up and ends him with a Powerbomb, 1, 2 and 3!!!
Powerhouse Hobbs pins Eddie Kingston in 15:23

Build to Battle of The Belts
Chris Jericho appears on Dynamite ready to explain himself, but as the fans stop singing his song, Eddie Kingston comes out unannounced and walks right to Jericho's face, who tries to chill him up, but Kingston right away slaps him and trashtalks him for Full Gear, Jericho can't explain as Eddie shoves him down, Chris explodes, gets back up and we get a brawl that has to be pulled apart.
On Collision, Jericho denies any alliance with Don Callis, he wasn't there for them, he's there, and is here for himself, before he can continue, again Eddie Kingston shouting out loud, several staff comes with him to stop any fight, Jericho says if he's a man, he'll meet him in the ring next week, no contact, just talk.
Chris Jericho has a special time on Dynamite, has a nice set up in the ring, a table with two chairs, a waiter with some champagne, some background music, he does a special introduction for Eddie Kingston mentioning all his achievement and current titles, Kingston comes in mad looking, Jericho tells himself to feel at him, but Eddie is to talk business, he wants to know what the hell happened, Jericho chills him down, and wants outside chat, tells the waiter to get him a glass, he does, while Eddie drinks in, Jericho talks on his return and puts the video on screen, but Eddie is losing his mind, he wants to know what's up now, Chris sends him another cup, but Eddie pours it on the waiter's eyes, smashes him on the head with the sheet and flips the table, Jericho looks legit scared and backs away, Kingston follows him, Chris says he can't talk with him and motions to leave but in last second turns around and hits the Judas Effect on Kingston! Jericho gets down to Kingston and says he came back to get him, and get his title.
Next Dynamite, Jericho, in a secret locker room, explains he hasn't forgot of Revolution 2022, when Eddie Kingston defeated him, he wants to get his past back, get back on track, and it'll start with Kingston.
On Collision, Eddie Kingston comes out in rage, he wants to get Chris Jericho right now, Chris obviously doesn't walk out, some security comes, Eddie deals with them, Jericho appears on the big screen, in a luxurious room, and tells him to take a chill pill, says this isn't like in the hood, he's a star, a wrestler, and despite he'll waste his time beating his ass, it won't be tonight, it'll be at Battle of The Belts, if he wants him then, put both titles on the line! Kingston says he's on and will beat the hell out of him.
On Dynamite we get a vignette from Chris Jericho, answering the question of why do he do it, why return then exactly, why after Eddie Kingston, why, why why, why? because Jericho is the best in the world and he can do whatever the hell he wants, and what he wants to do right now is regain his ROH World Title, go back to Japan as champion, and prove he's the best.
On the final Dynamite before BOTB, Chris Jericho comes surrounded by a big security team, he gets in the ring, and tells Eddie Kingston this is his chance to be in the same ring with him, Kingston comes in a rush really agressive, Jericho sends some security after him, but Kingston plants him one by one, Jericho seems frightened, Kingston enters the ring, Jericho has like 8 guys with him and sends them at the same time, initially dominate Eddie, Chris brags about it on the mic, but with all his resources, aka eye pokes, low blows, backhands, Eddie deals with them, Jericho tries to cheap attack with a Judas Effect, but Eddie moves, Jericho hits the last security guy accidentally, Kingston hits Jericho with a backfist to the future and sends him rolling out.

Battle of The Belts IX
NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship & ROH World Championship
Eddie Kingston VS Chris Jericho
Jericho starts off cowardly, he doesn't want anything to do with Eddie, even left the ring, grabbed the belts and pretended to go, but Kingston nailed him with a DDT on the ramp, sent Jericho back to the ring, and right away went for the backfist, but Jericho ducked, wanted a Codebreaker, but Kingston stopped him, and tried an inverted cloverleaf, Jericho had to fight for about a minute until making it to the ropes, Jericho probably exagerated the pain and complained to the ref, but Kingston didn't bought it, and pulled him by the legs back into the middle of the ring, Jericho got a MMA cover, but Kingston didn't cared and stiff slapped Jericho in the face, Jericho gets dizzy, gets up with the ropes, but gets slapped again, and falls, looks knocked out, the ref checks on him, does the arm-fall test, but Jericho gets it up midway, however, insists, he's really bad, Kingston grabs him by the hair, but Jericho surprises with a roll up, 1, 2... kickout, The Walls right on, it was a set up. Kingston struggles, but Jericho keeps the lock tight in, Kingston manages to turn around and slaps Jericho, who gets mad and slaps him back, another one from Eddie, but Jericho right away drops himself over Kingston with an elbow to the face, and repeats with more, he gets Eddie up, wants the Judas Effect, shoots but misses, belly to belly suplex from Eddie, and second rope frog splash, 1, 2, kickout, Jericho kneels, Kingston sets it up, and hits the American D! 1, 2 and 3!!!
Eddie Kingston retain on Chris Jericho in 14:20

Following the loss, Jericho disappears for a couple weeks of the wrestling world, all until night two of Wrestle Kingdom 18, held in the Yokohama Arena, as he attacks The Intergalacit Jet Setters after their match. In the press conference, Chris interrupts and says he's back, Kushida and Kevin Knight walk in seeking for trouble, Jericho pours a water bottle on their heads, and they have to be pulled apart.
In the tour for New Beginning, Jericho fights several tag matches against The Intergalacit Jet Setters, exchaging wins and loses, but not really finding a partner he suits with, until a tag match is set for the first night of the event in Sapporo.

NJPW New Beginning in Sapporo
The Intergalatic Jet Setters VS Chris Jericho & El Phantasmo
Jericho got a fellow canadian, here we get Jericho and ELP combining rather well, brings out Chris' old time classic heel stuff, he's a complete villain and the hero here is Kushida, they seem to engage for most part of the match and work on each other, Kushida softening him for the Hoverboard Lock, while Jericho hurts his back trying to work him for The Walls, at the end, they take it to the next level, while none has the tag, Kushida jumps on Jericho and locks the Hoverboard, Jericho runs to a ringpost, but Kushida refuses to let go, same against the guardrail, finally they run out of scene. In the ring, El Phantasmo berates at Jericho to get back, loses the focus and Kevin Knight takes advantage of him to hit the Knightfall, 1, 2 and 3! Bug win for Knight.
The Intergalatic Jet Setters defeated El Phantasmo & Chris Jericho in 14:18
In the press conference, Jericho shows some backstage footage on what happened, showing him running straight to a wall, then a staff box and finally hitting Kushida in the head with a bat. He only says he wants Kushida in Osaka.

NJPW New Beginning in Osaka
Chris Jericho VS Kushida
Here both want to continue the work they did on the last event, they go intensely at each other, with Jericho using all of his tricks, Kushida does a serious work on his arm all trough the match, Chris seems lost, and as time goes by, he seems to be lacking stamina, Kushida locks the Hoverboard, but Jericho bites Kushida's face! He's instantly released and complains to the ref, turns around right in time for a Judas Effect, and 1, 2 and 3.
Chris Jericho defeats Kushida in 11:43
Jericho flips the bird to the camera and leaves.

After weeks of no being seen, he's suddenly announced to be back at Dynamite.

Chris Jericho returns to AEW, fans sing along his song, and he gets a mic, he wants to remind them all what he has been up to lately, after losing his last AEW match, he went back to Japan for another stint, and he's proud of it, he shows clips of some of his matches, specially showing how he defeated Kushida, he adds it'd have been a nice 2-0 on the New Beginning, but the dumbass of El Phantasmo crashed it down and made them lose in Sapporo. But whatever, that win was his new beginning and things will only get better for him from there.

In between the week, El Phantasmo posts a video online, trashtalking Jericho, and saying he'll eventually get him.

Jericho answers to that in Rampage, calling ELP a loser and challenging to tell him all that in his face on Collision.

Jericho comes out in Collision, says he's ready and for his surprise, El Phantasmo's music plays! Jericho motions him to come out, but from the entrance nobody comes out, fans get noisy and on the ring ELP got by Jericho's back and hits with a loaded Superkick just as he turns back!!! Phantasmo gets excited and poses over Jericho fallen.

Build to Revolution 2023
Chris Jericho is on Dynamite backstage, irate about the cheap attack, he wants to find El Phantasmo, but everybody tells him he isn't there, Jericho goes to talk with Tony Khan right away, and complains on the lame security team and how an outsider attacked his biggest star, Khan confirms Jericho to be really mad and want a match, and ends up setting it up for Revolution!
Chris walks down to the ring, he does a formal invitation to ELP to get in the ring and face him like a man, Phantasmo does show up but on stage, with a mic, and starts taunting Jericho, saying he used to be cool, but now is just a shame of himself, adds that if he was great still, would recognise talent as it hits his face, but last week his talented boot hit Jericho right in the face and the only thing he saw was darkness, because he knocked his ass out, Jericho fake laughs and says he gets him now, he's a youngster, who's funny, and goes around the world as a star, oh wait, all of that are lies and ELP is only the next name in the list of victims of Chris Jericho, El Phantasmo seems fired up and says they'll see on sunday.

AEW Revolution 2023
Chris Jericho VS El Phantasmo
Match early on the card, ELP keeps on escaping from Jericho, who initially gets really frustrated but ends up grabbing ELP, and working on the mat, Chris shows he still has some skills, slows the pace of the match, but ELP continues to fight and gets advantage with his high speed, he takes action to ringside, but a missed dive sends the control of the bout to Jericho, who, in mockery, uses Phantasmo's moves and tricks against himself, ending with a loaded Superkick of his own, throws him into the ring and goes after, but then ELP smacks his head with a superkick of his own, Jericho falls flat on the mat, 1, 2... kickout! Jericho is still alive, Phantasmo is in disbelief, he tries to get Jericho up, take him to a corner, wants a superplex, gets him up there and goes up, but Jericho bites his face, ELP goes to complain to the ref, but Jericho gets down and surprises him with a Judas Effect, 1, 2 and 3!
Chris Jericho defeats El Phantasmo in 17:40

Build to Double Or Nothing 2023
Chris Jericho does a celebration for his win, and talks on being on a streak, he wants it to continue, he wants more and more to come, more to fall to the best in the world, he's interrupted by Sonjay Dutt, who congratulates him for his win, and adds that he should join them, Dutt talk on how he revamped Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett's careers, he's key in Satnam Singh's outstanding rise, and he can do the same with him, Jericho invites him to the ring and they look happy, Jericho offers him a glass but pours the liquid in his eyes, followed by a Judas Effect and Jericho leaves.
The next week, Jericho talks about what happened backstage, he mocks of it, and says nobody is better to push his career than himself, he has done it for 30 years and will do it yet again, he doesn't need anyone, but then Dutt shows up, Jericho mocks him and asks if he wants anotehr JE, Dutt, with a bruised eye, only smile as from Jericho's back come Lethal, Jarrett and Singh, the latter picks him up by the neck against the wall, Dutt tells him to never mess with them again, and they leave, sike, Dutt says they are not warners, and JJ smashes a guitar on Jericho's head.
On Rampage, Jarrett & Lethal mock Jericho's moves all trough a tag match.
Back in Dynamite, Jericho talks about last week, he says his wishes are orders, and the next victim showed up, well, four actually, he doesn't care who's first but he wants any of them next week.
On Rampage, Dutt refuses to reveal who will be the opponent, but the challenge is accepted and Jericho will get a hard beatdown.

Chris Jericho VS Jay Lethal
Jericho gets real trouble as it has a lot of interferences from Singh, Dutt and Jarrett outside, every time Chris gets some momentum going, he's interrupted and stopped dry, he had to fight hard, but at a moment, Dutt threw a shoe inside the ring, while the ref tried to take it away, Jarrett tried to hit Jericho with a guitar, but Jericho ducked and took the guitar and he did smashed the guitar on JJ's head! Jericho celebrates but turns around right for a Lethal Injection, no, Jericho hits the Judas Effect almost in the air, right for the 1, 2 and 3!
Chris Jericho defeats Jay Lethal in 11:32
Jericho celebrates his win while the villains pick their stuff up and leave. But his music is interrupted by Bryan Danielson! Who just walks to the ring, and says Jericho has been doing great, but he wants to correct his past, and they have unsettled business, he's there to challenge him as a wrestler, Jericho just laughs and says "no", and leaves.

Next Dynamite, Danielson complains on Jericho refusing his challenge, he calls him a coward, and says however he isn't done, he still wants that match, it's personal for him. And won't stop until he gets what he wants.
Next week backstage, Jericho says he has nothing to prove, he's just to show how great he is, and he doesn't need to kick Bryan Danielson's ass again for it.
On Collision, Danielson issues an invitation for Jericho, to meet him in the ring next week.
Jericho shows up in Collision and wants to know what the hell does Bryan wants, Danielson comes out, and again issues his challenge, offers a handshake, Jericho takes it, but laughs right in Danielson's face, and rejects again, Danielson just nods and says he tried to do things right, and lariats Jericho! Bryan doesn't let his hand go, and kicks Jericho in the chest, until hitting one in the head and making him fall, Danielson laughs, goes out, gets Justin Roberts in the ring, and a still chair, he gets back in the ring, and nails Chris in the back with the chair, as he tried to get up, Jericho grabs both hand and starts stomping Jericho right in the head, he yells at Roberts, who holds the mic for him, and after about five stomps, asks Jericho if he accepts his challenge now or not, orders Roberts to lower the ring to Jericho, who yells no, Danielson continues with the stomps, asks Jericho again, he wants to talk but only spits blood and says no with his head, Danielson laughs and says he won't stop until he get what he wants, hits stomps more and more violent, Jericho's face has become a bloody mess, he spits something, Danielson can't hear and demands him to say it louder as Roberts gets down, Jericho barely talks to say it's on, Danielson laughs, and thanks Jericho.
The final week before the PPV, Chris Jericho is announced to be out for being in poor shape, Danielson backstage says he isn't proud of what he did, but it was what had to be done, he apologises to Jericho, for what he did, and for what he'll do on sunday.

AEW Double or Nothing 2023
Bryan Danielson VS Chris Jericho
It's even doubt if Jericho will be fit to compete, but he does show up, however, has some bruises on his face, plus bandage on his nose. Danielson is smiley but as the bell rings he gets serious, but Jericho is pure rage here, he starts violently attacking Danielson all in and out the ring, Jericho dominates for a good minutes, wants to end it with a Judas Effect, but Danielson turns it into a suplex, starts stomping Jericho and hitting kicks on the chest, until Jericho stops one and puts Danielson in the mat, gets on him with some grappling, but Bryan counters, locks in the LaBelle Lock in the middle, Jericho seems to be fading away but at last second fights back to the ropes, Danielson wants to start with the stomps to the face, but loses a bit of time taunting the fans, so Jericho pulls him by the arms and Bryan hurts his neck on the ropes, Jericho suplexes him, and hits the Judas Effect!!!, but doesn't pins, he wants another one but loses some time with trashtalk, as he looks for the move, Danielson ducks, bounces and hits the Busaiku Knees on Jericho!!!, Danielson loses no time, stomps his face again, and locks in the LaBelle Lock, Jericho tries to crawl, but Danielson pulls him back to the middle of the ring, the ref does the arm check but it hits the mat, Danielson wins.
Bryan Danielson defeats Chris Jericho by submission in 21:51

Jericho takes two weeks off, he eventually returns at Dynamite, and says Double or Nothing was a disappointment, not because of the result itself, but for the way it happened, he takes the loss, and recognises Danielson as a tough son of a b*tch. But he wants to get some momentum back and in the mean time help the new faces to emerge. He announces an open challenge for next week.
Here are some match ups for Jericho in the next weeks:

Fox uses his high speed to get some advantage, but Jericho is successful in lower the pace of the match, take it to the mat and end getting a nice win in 5:28.

VS Dralistico
The mexican makes Jericho go back to his Corazón de León times in México in the 90s, he does some lucha moves to show he still got some, and ends up with another win in 9:11

VS Action Andretti
His challenge is answered by an old face, Andretti who had a win over Jericho, Jericho actually shows some respect for him for that, and in similar fashion, Andretti is close to get a shocking win, but Jericho counters it and gets the W in 12:41.

VS Daniel Garcia
Yet another well known face, back from the JAS times, Garcia makes a good work and actually makes Jericho look bad, tires him rather quickly, but at the end, none is able to get the win, as Jericho, pretty beaten down, hits a Judas Effect on Garcia, that sends both over the barricade and onto the crowd, both fail to get in the ring in time, it ends in double count out. Both get up, Jericho offers a handshake but Daniel doesn't take it and walks away.
Build to All In London 2024
The next week on Dynamite, Jericho is interviewed, he says he respects Daniel Garcia and thinks he's the future of wrestling, he would have like to get his handshake last week, but he gets it, Garcia might had bad feelings for him last week, however, as sports entertainers, they must honor their name and do it in the ring, one man has to win, he wants a rematch.
On Rampage, Garcia, with Parker & Mennard behind him is undecided on whether to accept or not, they side give him some tips, Garcia thinks hard and will give an answer but suddenly a hand grabs him by the shoulder, it's Don Callis!!! Who says Garcia needs his services.
On Collision, we see a backstage clip, Garcia walks into Don Callis' office, Hobbs guards the door and says Mennard & Parker can't get in, Callis welcomes Garcia with all kind of luxuries, and talks on all his achievements as manager, all the great ones he has led, and says Garcia can be next, he advices Garcia to take the rematch, he'll win it for sure, Callis tells something to Garcia in his ear, who seems not so keen to the idea, says he wants some, while he points at the AEW International Championship Title held by Sammy Guevara, Callis sends the camera out.
On the next Dynamite the match is set to happen, and it's announced that the winner will challenge for Sammy Guevara's International Title at All In London!

Chris Jericho VS Daniel Garcia
Garcia tells Mennard & Parker to stay out in his entrance. Jericho offers the handshake and Garcia does shake it, they have a respectful bout but still letting all out, they want to win, it's much better than their last match, in the final moments, out come Don Callis and his family, but Garcia surprisingly yells at them to get out, Callis tries to meddle, the match continues, Callis distracts the ref, Guevara goes to hit Jericho in the head with his title belt, but Garcia defends Jericho! He argues with Guevara, they push each other, Guevara slides the title in, it lands on Jericho, who doesn't attack Garcia, but hits Sammy!!! Garcia doesn't wastes much time and right away hits a DDT, Dragon Sleeper, Jericho in trouble, but manages to get up and pin Garcia, 1, 2, kickout, Jericho wants the Judas Effect, but Garcia ducks, kick the gut, hits a Bloody Cross! Jericho kneels, Daniel looks defiantly at Callis & Guevara and hits Jericho with a Judas Effect!!! 1, 2... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANIEL GARCIA DID IT, HE DEFEATED CHRIS JERICHO!
Daniel Garcia defeats Chris Jericho in 18:29 Garcia will challenge Guevara, right away Takeshita, Hobbs, Guevara and Callis get in the ring, Sammy pushes Garcia again, he pushes back and they argue, Callis tries to meddle, they have a goal, to destroy Chris Jericho, Hobbs restrains Jericho, Callis hands Garcia Jericho's bat, and wants him to hit right in the head, Garcia enrages himself and hits... Sammy Guevara! Callis is in disbelief, Hobbs goes after Garcia but is hit in the guts, Takeshita grabs Garcia, but Jericho hits him, Jericho and Garcia double lariat Hobbs out, Callis escapes off the ring, Garcia yells at Guevara, Jericho agressively turns Garcia by the shoulder, they face off but Jericho raises Garcia's arm!

All In London 2024
AEW International Championship
Sammy Guevara (C) VS Daniel Garcia
Great match between these great wrestlers. Guevara ultimately gets help from his family, but the crowd explodes as Judas hits, and out comes Chris Jericho, he evens the odds, takes out the outsiders, and hits Callis with his bat, he argues with Guevara, Garcia hits the Judas Effect on him, followed by the Dragontamer, Guevara has no choice left and watching Jericho to his face, he taps out!!! Daniel Garcia is your new AEW International Champion. Jericho gets in the ring with the title, and puts it around Garcia's waist and lets him celebrate.

Build to All Out 2024
Chris Jericho appears on the ring, he congratualtes Garcia and says he'll be a great champion, he's faced by Sammy Guevara who doesn't even comes agressive, he only asks what happened to Chris Jericho, recaps all his AEW history, but now has decided to take a step aside and help other people, they used to run this place together, but this Jericho sucks, Jericho says the first person he helped here was Sammy, there would be no Sammy Guevara without him, and he's proud to say that, Guevara says Jericho's time in running out, and he being let behind, Jericho accepts it, he has had a great career, but he starts to feel he's actually being part of the past, he got that a couple weeks ago and decided to help younger talent, Sammy sees an opportunity and challenges Jericho to put his career on the line, to go all out as the name says, Jericho says he would be please to put his career on the line against a young star, but Sammy can go screw himself, if he wants him to go all out, he has to go to, it's career vs contract, if Sammy Guevara loses, Don Callis will be out of AEW! Sammy doubts, Jericho starts a coward chant, the fans push up, even Don comes out yelling "no!", but Guevara accepts!!!

All Out 2024 - Held in Canada
Sammy Guevara VS Chris Jericho
We know that the history ends here, Jericho has a great time in front of his people, but sadly, and almost in replication of the first ever Dynamite, close to the end, Sammy offers a handshake, just like he did to Cody moments before Jericho attacked him, but Jericho refuses the double middle finger for him, Sammy in shock, Jericho tries the Walls, but Sammy crawls to the ropes, Jericho refuses to let go, Sammy grabs on one turnbuckle pad, Jericho pulls him and he exposes the turnbuckle, the ref returns it in place, Sammy taps, Jericho lets go thinking he has won, but Sammy low blows him, tells him to go to hell, picks him up, GTH, pats the ref, 1, 2.... 3, Chris Jericho's career is over.
Sammy Guevara defeats Chris Jericho in 21:38

That was it, hope you liked.
submitted by JhonatanOrj to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2023.10.24 19:16 Basic_Schedule6794 Passed CISSP Yesterday with 175 Questions

I am very glad to inform this community that I have passed CISSP on 23rd Oct with total 175 questions. In my preparation this community has played vital role. Started preparation somewhere in mid may however, due to job role change could not concentrate much initially, but never left the studies. Always tried to study for at least one hour.
I have used following study material in my stud plan.
1. Official Study Guide 9th Edition (9/10)
Used this as primary study material and always used to refer for drill down. I must say I have gone through whole book 2 times and skimmed Exam essentials and other important area where I felt weak. I used to refer to this book where I have got any questions wrong during practice tests. This must be in study material who is preparing for CISSP exams. One will also get Wiley Test Bank with Physical Copy/Online copy where you can get additional 920 questions (however some of question are common in LearnzApp)
2. LearzApp (10/10)
This is awesome practice test by ISC2. You will get approx 2.2-2.3K questions. My final readiness score was 86% and had readiness score above 86% in all domains. I have used this primary tool for practicing. After completing the domains, I have done all the questions for that domain and bookmarked the questions which I have got wrong and lacking in concepts. Later on, worked on those areas. I used all the practice test before moving to other practice test. Practice Test No., 8 I had used one day before the exams. Score range for all the practice test were between 80-88%. Gone through the explanations for wrong answers and used to bookmark those answers. Since, you may get reptitive questions in different practice, actual score does not matter. Only important thing is to cover topics wherever you were not comfortable.
3. CBK 6th Edition (8/10)
used this book as secondary book and I must say I have gone through whole book once and used to refer which topics are not covered in OSG. There are few topics which are well elaborated in this book e.g. few topics of Domain 8 (DevOps, Agile), TPM Module etc.
4. Thor Videos & Practice Tests on Udemy (6/10)
Inspired from other successful candidates purchase Thor's all domain's video as well as Easy/Mid & Hard questions sets on Udemy. However, materials are not upto mark. One can better go for Pete's videos on YouTube. With regard to Practice Tests I didn't found practice tests very useful. Somehow managed easy/mid questions but after 2 sets of Hard questions never touched them again. wordings of questions are not proper, in some questions answers are also weird. Tries two sets of hard questions and scored 59 & 58% respectively.
5. Gwen's Bettwy's Practice Test on Udemy (10/10)
Total 470 questions are covered in 4 practice tests (2 sets of 175 questions and two rapid tests of 59 & 20 questions). One must include these practice tests in his preparation and should try these questions in last 10 days of preparation. Her questions are near to real questions and are mostly scenarios based.
6. Prabh Nair's Coffee Shots (10/10)
Awesome small videos on various topics along with questions sets which he used to call coffee shots. I must say, he has contributed a lot in my preparation.
7. CISSP Concise guide by Muhammad Waleed Khaliq (9/10)
This guy has truly helped a lot by making this concise guide. Awesome guide for last minute review, even you may refer this book as 2nd/3rd reference book. Very well explained by way of pictures.
8. Mind Map Videos (10/10)
Awesome videos for last minute review. I must say day before exam I have all domains videos which helped me a lot in last moment preparation.
Exam day : I have booked for morning slot from 8 AM IST. Woke up around 5:30 in the morning had light breakfast, during my breakfast and journey to test center I have watched video by kelly henderson cissp mindset. I must say due to her video I have correctly answered 7-8 questions. I was slow initially as people say that good amount of time must be devoted on initial questions. Initial few questions were easy however, hardness increased after 5th questions. After completion of 2.5 hours I have reached 125 questions and submitted in the hope exam will end. However it didn't. Anyways expected that it will end around 140-150 but it only ended at 175 (LOL) with 20 minutes remaining.
After submitting the last question I was told by TA that you may collect your result from reception, went directly to reception submitted by ID proof and turned back for picking up my stuffs from locker room. Once I came back saw only one page of paper, turned the paper i could only see " Congratualtions". After making few phone calls, I again checked the paper just to confirm. Anyways meanwhile mail from ISC2 also came which given me confirmation that " Yes ! I did it"

submitted by Basic_Schedule6794 to cissp [link] [comments]

2023.10.10 02:26 navylow impermanence

heres a little rant for you people doubting shifting. BASICALLY impermanence means shifting isnt incremental. you are shifting realities right now to an ever changing metaphysical state of things. we just refer to shifting as changing alot of things where you would consider it a different universe. manifestation is just a better cr than people have.
reality shifting has been respected by religions probably buddhism but idk its just a way of acknowledging you only view things as consequential and thats why you have doubts in shifting. you believe every “movement of atoms” has to have a reason for changing a state.
for example you experience looking up into the sky and see an airplane. from a myopic perspective you would explain that as an engine and a pilot with other people to fly it in the air hours ago from some other country. but really each metaphysical state of that airplane and everything around it is individual. each phase of it moving in the air is only related to you choose to shift to a reality where it is at a certain position. when you shift you dont really go anywhere because time and space is an illusion. any “law of attraction” or “law of assumption” are not only specific to one strain of thought (reality) but there just you trying to make sense of the universe. infinite realites literally means everything has the potential to exist. EVERYTHING. any science you reference or “that defies the laws of physics 🤓” YOU MADE ALL THAT UP. why would any pure universe or nature have specific rules it has to follow unless it gaslights itself into operating that way.
a common rebuttal people say is a person could shift to a reality to find the cure for cancer or predict the future at any time and come back but that hasnt happened. but heres the thing. YOU decide whether or not you find about shifting (not everybody is awake), YOU decide to shift to a reality whether shifting is a common practice, YOU decide whether other people shift or decide to tell you about their experiences. you arent your body youre an awareness. you cant prove something is aware of another person in your reality. your awareness cant affect the reality because it can only affect which one it is in. there isnt a set number of awareness constantly floating across the multiverse experiencing various different bodies because it is all one collective consiousness.
also many people forget this isnt a beginning of their awakening. you have always existed and you specifically came here for a reason and congratualtions you can consiously do it now. everything is a dream, you cant prove your not in a simulation. there is literally zero difference whether or not a bag of million dollars is in your hand or not. you just actively think thats “impossible”. there is a reality where your body’s entire life up until this point is a tv show somehwere else. shifting is instantaneous you are the universe nothing is permanent nothing is stopping you. anything you could ever dream of experiencing has existed forever, go shift stop plagueing yourself with work or school in this reality when you shift you will think why didnt i consiously do this sooner, BECOME AWARE OF ANYTHING GO REALITY SHIFT
submitted by navylow to realityshifting [link] [comments]

2023.07.10 15:20 daboyy3 Is a loan a good move

Hello guys, So I might end up deleting this post eventually cause its embarassing. I'm 24 years old and graduated with my degree in software. I have been homeless for 6 years living with a family friend. Recently he has asked me to move rather quickly as he thinks that since I have my degree I should be fine. So I had to quickly find a place and move fast. It took alot more money than I had saved up and ended up being in severe credit card debt to help pay for it. My last 2 jobs have been contract jobs that I have lost due to the economy. Both of my supervisors congratualted me on my work but ending up terminating my position all together. I have been searching for the past 2 months for a new job preferably something in my field. Yet no call backs and dead ends. I even been applying to fast food chains to make ends meet yet it seems the managers avoid me when they say they are available. At this point I was thinking of getting a personal loan to help tie me over until I can find something. Yet it makes me uneasy to think about. I worked very hard on my credit through college and possibly taking a hit does not feel good. Do you think the personal loan would be a good idea? Sorry I don't have family to really ask this question at all
submitted by daboyy3 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2023.06.02 03:59 septicbro1005 MY PARENTS ARE STARTING TO USE MY NAME!

I've been going by Ev (short for Evan) publicly for about two or so years now. My parents have known this since September.
My mom has grown up Catholic her whole life and she's really Republican, almost to the point of being conservative. She says low key homophobic and high key transphobic suit all the time.
Last night, I told them I was still going by it publicly and that everyone in my school (including teachers and administrators) refer to me that way. My mom reluctantly said last night that she'd "have to get used to it."
My dad has been working on the pronouns and slipping up, which is fine (I told my parents I used they/them a while ago and now I feel like I should tell them that I prefer he/him more) and he started to try using the name last night after he saw how stressed out I was getting.
I'm also real into theatre, so I came home from our opening show tonight (they couldn't come tonught but they're coming tomorrow) and what did I get? "Nice job, Ev. I'm proud of you." "Way to go, Ev." "Congratualtions, Ev."
Y'all, I'm gonna sob /pos
It wasn't condescending or anything, it was genuine. I'm so happy.
submitted by septicbro1005 to ftm [link] [comments]

2023.05.10 14:35 thevoiceofalan Does not accepting approved credit look bad on a credit history?

Long bit, probaly worth skipping:
I recently applied for a credit card and after a week I hadnt recieved any email communications but then on day nine recieved a text to say my application has approved and to look out for an email from one of the digital signing companies. A few days later I phone them to see whats happening and I am told "Congratualtions your application has been approved. We will resend the xyz" I know you texted me... I added a second email just in case. Move forward another week I phoned back to ask this be delivered snail mail. I got off the phone and wished I signed up for the other bank now, as I am a month furthyer along and still no application.
Short bit:
If I apply for a credit card the search is on my record/history, but I dont sign the forms after approval does not accepting approved credit look bad on a credit history? Future searches will see the reference to the background check but no credit on file.
submitted by thevoiceofalan to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2023.04.22 02:35 Queenbreha Season 5 Episode 14 You've Been Gilmored

Lorelai comments on how civil everyone is being after last week's Friday Night Blowup. Richard asks about Yale, Emily says she didn't know they were allowed to talk about Yale. Richard wants to make a list about what else he can't discuss in his own house. Lorelai suggests they start again. Richard repeats what he said and Lorelai said we don't need the same conversation. Richard gets angry and raises his voice to Emily because he can't do it to the guilty parties Emily asks about Luke. She is wondering she hasn't gotten a Save the Date card. Emily doesn't know if she's invited or if she needs a dress. Lorelai says June 3rd. Emily thinks it's very soon. They haven't seen Luke in a while. Emily wants him to come to dinner on Friday Lorelai tries to make an excuse about why he can't come next week. Emily says if he would refuse to come to his inlaws is this the kind of man you want to be Rory's stepfather.

Lorelai is eating at her house because she didn't eat at her parents. Lorelai doesn't want to tell her parents that June 3rd isn't the wedding anymore. Lorelai is wondering what is going on with Christopher. She wonders if Rory has heard from her.

The team at the Yale Daily News says Paris is out but she won't come out of her bunker. Rory volunteers to tell Paris. She goes into the bunker and Paris is making soup on a hot plate. Rory tells her the board voted her out. Paris goes out and pretends she is resigning. Everyone cheers when she leaves.

Luke doesn't want to go to dinner with Emily and Richard. Lorelai tells Michel Luke is going to fix things instead of the handymen. Michel wants to make a list with Lorelai.

The paper crew can't come to a consensus between three candidates. They all decide that Gilmore is a good name and feels consensussy they make her the Editor. She goes home and Paris has put all her things in hall. Paris is upset about Rory getting the Editor position. Rory wants to explain. Paris mentions all the things that Rory said to her about what a lousy job it was when she got fired.

Michel is critizing Luke for parking his truck in guest parking and shouldn't wear his hat indoors. He is upset that Luke gave a guest directions.

Rory calls Logan about no single dorms being left and she is stuck in the hallway waiting for the movers. Logan invites her to move in with him. Rory accepts his offer.

Lorelai wants to talk to Michel about the fight with Luke. Michel says he used to yell at Parker all the time. Michel does not like Luke's system. Michel wants them to go to Westin's once a month and get coffee and cake and she never tells anyone he eats the cake. Lorelai invites him to Westin's for red velvet cake.

Rory is walking around campus with Christopher. Girls are checking him out, she says it's the same with Mom. She hates having hot parents. Chris wants to see Rory's place. She is uncomfortable but she brings him to Logan's place and she admits that she is Editior but got kicked out of her apartment and now she moved in with Logan. She reminds Chris he is the guy from the vow renewal. She introduces Logan to her father. The two men talk about TVs and then boarding schools they got thrown out of, they have so much in common.

They go out to dinner and Rory tells Chris she hasn't told Mom yet, so let her do it. They have a list of eighty five things for Luke to fix.
They are eating at the Gilmores. Lorelai is trying to set up them leaving early. Emily talks about if Lorelai's house is big enough for them. She is renovating. Richard wonders about their insurance. He asks Luke about his insurance. Richard tells about schemers, no record of earthquake coverage. Luke says he has been dealing with his insurance guy on the phone for years. Richard mentions another scheme. Emily says they have significant assets. Homes, business, real estate holdings. Richard says his daughter coming out of left field, right when Luke is marrying a woman of means. They question about the DNA test. They want to protect everyone's assets.

Luke is wiped out by all the stories and con men. Lorelai says they have been Gilmored. She needs to talk to her home owner policy and Luke needs to talk to his guy. He says the story about April is weird but he trusts his gut. Luke asks why did she say June 3rd and Lorelai is evasive.

Chris calls Lorelai to tell her that Rory is living with Logan. Chris likes Logan. He wonders if he's supposed to hate him. Lorelai says he can have his own feelings. Rory calls on the other line. She tells Lorelai she was made Editior and was evicted so she moved in with Logan. Lorelai asks about his place. Rory figures out Chris told her, because she didn't call her Hester Priyn. Lorelai has never lived with a guy and she hates to think it was because of a housing shortage. So she congratualtes her.
submitted by Queenbreha to WholesomeGilmoreGirls [link] [comments]

2023.03.31 12:40 throwaway_6348 I was seeking help and they shoved more abuse: reaching my breaking point

UPDATE: I have housing now. Housing suddenly produced a room out of thin air after lying to my face for several months that they have no vacancies. I was made homeless in a residential college that mandates students to live in dorms.

My Nparents used to tell me I'm too broken to go to college. They said I'll be thrown into a mental hospital and be forced to withdraw (I found out this is legal. It's called a 5150 hold). I was terrified because I had traumatic experiences in therapy and psychiatry.
They said they were "worried they won't be able to help [me] if that happens." But then they were talking about dumping me in a mental hospital behind my back.
I still went to college (I'm betting on my guess that Nparents wouldn't want to miss a bragging ticket) because I needed an opportunity to be physically away from Nhome
When I was a first year at college, I reached out to an RA and talked about my mental state (my roommate abruptly left me and I was freaking out because I suspected it was because of my trauma symptoms). She called Campus Security on me, who appeared in front of my dorm door and forced a wellness check on me. It was traumatic. I confronted a college dean twice about this but got no closure because he adamantly defended this decision. I even had professors (who were otherwise helpful to me) defend this shit. I never felt safe using any kind of support resource at college since this happened. I regret reaching out to this RA and college administration in general. I think I should have kept my mouth shut about my mental state but I don't think it would have been possible. I was overflowing with pain by the time I started college and I didn't know how to communicate it to people who don't understand trauma. Now I know better but I suspect my initial attempts to seek help already got administration prejudiced against me.
I was recently approached by a campus security officer for no clear reason. I froze with trauma. This officer approached me several times before (it was very late night so he was patrolling and I was in an academic building). He always forced a conversation and I complied out of fear that something like the wellness check would happen again (I was also confused because he claimed he was trying to be "approachable" and didn't intend to make me uncomfortable. I managed to stand up for myself and told him I wasn't comfortable having conversations with him and did not want to be approached. But he ignored this and approached me again. I was taking a video I had to submit to a competition. I missed the deadline because he interfered. The competition granted me a late submission but I was so angry that campus security stomped over my boundaries on the pretense of "making sure I was okay." This is bringing up the trauma the wellness check gave me.
I asked for help to grow out of my abusive upbringing but college administration is giving me abuse, just in different forms. I'm bogged down to the point I'm seriously worried I'll break down. I had to drop several extracurricular activities (or tune my participation down to the minimum) because BS from administration is wearing me out. I'm so mad that I'm missing out. Sometimes I look at friends and feel like I'm stuck in an invisible crack while they get to make the most out of college life.
I had to sleep at academic buildings for several months because Housing neglected an uninhabitable dorm situation since Summer 2022. Last Friday the dept head of the building I was sleeping at sent me an email saying I couldn't sleep there from this week. He threw me out without a safe alternative and I was alarmed because a bunch of deans were cc'ed in the email. I wasn't given any kind of forewarning that this could happen.
Mind you, this is a department I had a great experience at and was planning to major in. Now I'm left wondering if the dept head even considered me part of the academic community. It's beyond destabilizing. My mind's telling me somehow the deans will dig up this reddit post and trace it back to me (even though I know this is probably nonsense). I have to work on midterms but this destroyed my ability to study this week. I feel stuck. I had no idea my college would mistreat me to the point they'd threaten my basic needs like this. I applied to transfer to a different college but it might not work out because I have to make Nparents aware if I actually want to transfer.
I'm falling back to my pre-college mental state. Part of me started telling me I should go back to Nparents. It says their abuse wasn't as bad as I make it to me. It says I exaggearate. I know this is nonsense. I don't want my resolve to break. But I'm afraid this part of me will win. I know this is what Nparents wanted. They set me up for failure. They set me up to be dependent to them and their abuse. They want me to fail and crawl back to them so they can kick me when I'm down. I don't want to let this happen but I'm not sure how long I can endure this sort of bullshit.
I'm close to the second anniversary I left Nhome. I'm congratualting myself for that but I'm in such a low point right now. I want to push through and have a life but I'm overwhelmed. If anyone else has experience pushing through BS after leaving Nparents I'd appreciate your advice. Thank you for reading.
submitted by throwaway_6348 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2023.02.03 12:24 JuliaCarat17 I heard my dad talk about me behind my back

I recently graduated highschool with nearly perfect grades (I live in Germany and 1.0 is the best you can have and the higher the number the worse it is, it goes up to 4.0 and if it was higher than that you would fail, mine was 1.1 which is considered pretty good). What I always wanted since a very young age was to become a doctor, I wanted to study medicine so bad which is obviously the reason to why I worked so hard my entire life.
But, you see, there is this stupid probelm in Germany which is that there are not nearly enough places for everyone who wants to study medicine which is why they have limitations such "you need to have a score of 1.0 or a maximum of 1.05-1.1" and these limitations vary slightly is between states and from year to year but they are mostly consistent. I was not accepted in any of the 39 universities I applied too and apparently, even people that I know with a perfect score (1.0) weren't accepted because all of the universities were already full.
One other thing you could do to get in is to take something like an entrance exam, an extremely hard one, which could improve your chances in getting accepted in most German universities and I studied hard for around the 3 months and took the exam and scored 132/150 which is considered above average (the average is 90-100) and I was quite proud of myself.
I applied again but for the winter semster there are less universities who offer a place to study medicine (just 10 whereas in the sommer you have 39) but again I was rejected since all places were already full with students who have been waiting for years to get in and were on the waiting list.
I was pretty devasteted because I really have no other goals or dreams, all I want to do is study medicine. My father, however, thought that it was appropriate to make it harder on me.
I am an only child and most people think that we are spoiled and loved a lot by pur parents however nobody ever talks bout the pressure that is put on us to succeed in life because are our parents' only hope. Nonetheless my father was always a very gentle and kind person while my mom was the stirct parent. Both of them knew about my love for medicine and they always supported me which I am thankful for.
But ever since I was rejected the first time, my father started changing. He suddenly started ignoring me and yelling at me for every little thing (for example, he once saw me writing which is one of my hobbies and started yelling at me and said that I was wasting my time on a hobby instead of working hard to enter med school, as if I wasn't working hard enough studying all day every day for the last year or so both for highscool and then the entrance exam).
Then, on my birthday, he was literally giving me the death glares all day, didn't even congratualte me or anything and instead started yelling at me, saying things like "I am disappointed in seeing my daughter sitting around all day and doing nothing" which was barely a week after I took the entrance exam. I cried that day and stopped talking to him ever since but he continued trying to pick fights with me all the time.
2 days ago was when everything was just too much, I left the living room for a few minutes to go to the bathroom and when I came back I overheard him talking to my mom and they mentioned my name and I couldn't resist the urge to listen to what they were talking about. He started whisper-telling her that I was just so stupid and such a failure and that I was behaving like a little girl who doesn't have any plans or goals for the future and that he is utterly annoyed by seeing me use my phone or watch TV (which is something I do for like an hour a day or something, it is not like I can do much right now when I have to wait for the next semster to re-apply).
He never spoke to me like that, never, he was a very gentle and caring person in the past but he was turning into a person I can't even recognize. I didn't talk about it to any of them and just cried all night and woke up sick today with a fever and a stomach bug or something. I started randomly crying and I guess my mom couldn't overlook that and asked me about it and I told her that I overheard their converstaion, she tried to cover it up by telling me that I got it all wrong and that they were talking about someone else and I acted like I believed her and told her to forget about it. During her converstaion with dad she continuosly tried to defend me, bless her, but that didn't really make me feel any better.
I am still sick and my dad is acting like he is very concerned (just like he used to do before I graduated whenever I got sick), he tries to talk me softly while calling me by my nickname (again, just like he used to do) but I seriously don't believe anymore, it feels like it is fake carr or fake love.
I don't know what to do, I don't want to confront my dad about it but at the same time, I can't help but feel like I don't like him anymore, as if he turned into a completely new person that I don't know and don't want to be around not to mention that I am also feeling like a failure and like I am worthless and stupid just like he said, considering that he is my dad, he must know me better than myself right ? What would you do if you were in my shoes ? Sorry for the long post but if you continued reading until the end, thank you.
submitted by JuliaCarat17 to Advice [link] [comments]

2023.02.02 14:46 LostHoldenCaulfield A lot of jawboning from the Fed but it chickens out again. (F*ck reddit for not allowing direct ZH links to be posted. It's a crucial source of information)
Talk is cheap as they say. Why people still believe Powell is beyond my comprehension. There should be a saying: "As clueless as the Fed". It, as always, is scared to do anything against the stock market. QE Infinity is coming.
Japan's 10Y is rising again in spite of record buying. What a shitshow, what a shitshow. The only thing these idiots (or psychos) know is money printing.
Gold smells it and has broken through $1950, ready to attack all time high. People are worried and the price of gold reflects it. Our silver horse seems to be readying to slice through $24,5.
We are winning guys, they seem not to be able to contain gold any longer. Panic into PMs will ensue once gold establishes a new record.
Goldbugs, congratualtions. Silverbugs, wait just a little bit longer.
submitted by LostHoldenCaulfield to SilverDegenClub [link] [comments]

2023.01.01 14:18 xUGOx Tower of Fantasy made 140-150 Million Dollars (Mobile) In 2022 and 7 Million Dollars (Mobile) on the month of December.

Tower of Fantasy made 140-150 Million Dollars (Mobile) In 2022 and 7 Million Dollars (Mobile) on the month of December.


*THE 130-140 Million dollars USD IS MOBILE ONLY, NOT PC.*
There seems to be a bug in sensor tower as the k supposed to say M.The 1st Icon is 2M
2nd icon is 500k
3rd icon is 300k
4th icon is 4 M
5th icon is 1M
6th icon is 100k
7th icon is 60k

when looking at this chart realise that:
> 2M = 2M- 4,999,999 M dollars
> 5M = 5M - 9,999,999 M Dollars
>10M = 10M -19,999,999 M Dollars
>20M = 20M - 49,999.999 M Dollars
>50M = 50M - 99,999,999 M Dollars

ToF Global - 85Million Dollars
Tof Cn - 50 Million Dollars
ToF TW - 10 Million
Revenue last 30 days
Revenue In 2022.
1st chart 18th October 2022
2nd chart 2nd November 2022
3rd chart 19 December 2022
All ToF Awards. Tower of Fantasy won 5 awards in 5 months.
Tower of fantasy reached 10 Million in 11 days in launch, most of these downloads came from pc. This making it the most popular launch of a gacha game in 2022.
ToF Global exceeded past 5 million downloads in iOS and Android
> 5million downloads = higher than 5M, lower than 10 M
estimated to be around 7-8 million downloads.
you can say that PC is where most of people is playing on.
You can also say that their revenue could be a 1.5-3x(yearly and/or monthly) on pc than Mobile but that is just not confirmed.
Tof was the 16th Most popular game on Bilibili on their Anniversary. Tower’s of Fantasy is the most popular game for PWG.
Overall congratualtions on the Month of Decemeber as they got a rerun and a double banner on December, This year Was a success to tof global and cn. Tower of fantasy is the most popular game for PWG as they make millions upon millions. This game survived this year by blantant people from other games, other subreddit, doom posters, bomb reviewers, liars etc. This game survived during the depths of people wanting this game to be dead, This game should be called "a game with 9 lives".
Cn tower of fantasy with their bugs, their mismanagement and more on December 2021 really took an effect on their side, but with the recent updates, this game is striving in an exceeding rate, congratulations to them!.
Tower of Fantasy global published by Tencent, a greedy company, milked the hype of this game, making the game to suffer, hotta may be in this too who knows, but now with the players decreasing, the only ‘hope‘ i can say that when the game syncs with cn, each charcahter will be more hype, engaging many people, rather than waiting for weeks for a character while the hypes dies down. With the recent speculations of global syncing with cn around febuaray to march, we may officially sync around 3.0 (around April) which will be better. Anyways Happy New Year, and hopefully ToF strives better than 2022!.
submitted by xUGOx to TowerofFantasy [link] [comments]

2022.12.02 18:59 EvilStreamer007 T’is the season to be jolly!

🎵 C’mon on up now 🎵 🎵 aandd get them awards 🎵
This is sort of like the Reddit raffle posted by the subs mods.
You have to just leave a comment and a short description of what is something you’re grateful for or want to share some sort of appreciations. It can be anything just a short descriptions of how you feel!
In 7 days, I will randomly pick a comment (this will be based on your luck and the level of efforts put into your comments) in the end it’ll come down to as I’ll be using an online generator to pick a user, but to be eligible content must be there!
Optional but appreciated - If you’d like to sponsor this please feel free to donate some coins/ awards to me, as as of now I only have 250 coins , thanks to u/WarmPursuit - Thanks to u/PesceGufo for giving me another 250 coins! - Thanks to u/Rbmui13 for gifting me ‘a pot of gold’, 800 coins!! (Big dono = triple entry) Side note, they do not wish to enter the giveaway, and just wanted to give back to the community, quite generously I must say - Thanks to u/DefiantEvidence4027 for gifting me a PLATINUM award in my award cabinet.This donation was made after seeing this ongoing giveaway (they get triple entry for big dono 😃)
At the end I request you to thank all the donators for making this possible!
Donators will get multiple entries, as my way of expressing gratitude 🙃
NOTE - if you plagiarise any comment you will be disqualified! - Also it’s not certain that I’ll be giving away coins only it will depend if I am fortunate enough to get awards from other users
Enjoy and have a great day ahead!
Congratualtions to u/DefiantEvidence4027 for winning reddit gold [500c]! If you wish to keep it for yourself DM me, or let me know who you wish to give it to!
u/lipuss was selected by Defiant to get the gold award!
The wheel used
submitted by EvilStreamer007 to TernionGiveaways [link] [comments]

2022.11.17 19:49 tacohead1000 Lost in the discussion over title of Mark Porch's New Movie - Unofficial Sequal or Tip of the Cap?

Lost in the discussion over title of Mark Porch's New Movie - Unofficial Sequal or Tip of the Cap?
Is Mark Porskch's role as Zookeeper in the movie Babboon an unofficial sequel to the Popcorn Classic "We Bought a Zoo" (2011, 124 minutes)?
Reaprising a role founded by Hollywood Royalty Matt Damon (star of Stuck on You, 2003, 118 minutes) is quite a coupe for Mark. Congratualtions are in order.
I smell Oscar for the man who brought the living OScer to life!
Tip of the Cap? Or unofficial sequal? What are buffs saying?
submitted by tacohead1000 to OnCinemaAtTheCinema [link] [comments]

2022.09.11 04:12 TheComment future messages to the person with bpd who will inevitably be in my friend group

Edit: To be completely clear, this isn’t real. The idea of how to handle a situation like this has been rolling around my head for a couple months now, and I finally got it down as a sort of creative writing exercise. I know it’s very fawning; that’s meant to be like that, the realization that even when setting boundaries, the messenger is engaging in these behaviors. It was helpful to me to see it in this format, so I thought I would share it, but I did not make it clear enough that that’s what it was. Live and learn.
Hey! Thanks for taking the time to talk to me. I know you have the whole job drama right now. (i hope that gets resolved btw, i mean all that is ಠ_ಠ)
i think carty had the best advice about that lol
staaaaaaaaap XD u know he's not here to defend himself
ok ok serious time now, sorry
u have bpd, right?
i wanna thank u for being so open about that. It's a really difficult thing to deal with, and I wanna like, congratualte you for doing the work to take care of yourself.
Ok this is gonna be kinda long, sorry-- I typed it up beforehand so i could get all my thoughts out without like, putting my foot in my mouth lol

Thank you for sharing that you struggle with BPD. It's a very stigmatized illness that's hell to live with. This disease does not make you inherently unlovable, it does not make you fundamentally broken, it does not make you a less worthy person.
However, I was raised in an abusive family, and my main abuser has BPD. I was raised to enable this behavior: While I'm working on it, it's been drilled into me literally since I was born. In the past, whoever I've had relationships with people who have BPD, I have, without exception, falling into patterns of enabling that behavior. Even when they haven't been abusive or even assholes, I find myself Fawning and constantly checking on their mood. I've felt myself having fawn instincts over you before I learned you had BPD, even. So when I say this next part, understand that this is very much a me problem, and it's not something you did wrong, or that you could've done to make things better.
I wanted to talk today because I do not think a closer relationship would benefit either of us. While I think you are cool and have a lot to bring to a friendship, I cannot allow myself to have a close relationship with someone I know has BPD.
Again, this isn't because you or anyone else with BPD is bad. It means that my past behavior around people with BPD has led me to the conclusion that I cannot engage healthfully in those relationships. Plus, Monica pointed out to me that my enabling might mean a backslide on the progress you've made with your illness. I would feel like SHIT if I were the reason your mental health deteriorated.
I'm not going to cut you off. I'm not going to make our friends choose between us. I'm not going to badmouth you behind your back, I'm not going to treat you any differently in the group chat, I'm not going to be hostile towards you. However, I am going to keep some distance between us.
Again, you seem like a genuinely cool guy. Like, everyone likes you because you're a likeable person. Our needs just don't match up at this time. I'm sad about that, but I need to do this before we get emotionally enmeshed or worse.

That's a lot more words than I thought it was. sorry for dropping a novel at 9 in the morning 💀
No pressure to respond right away, okay? I know that's a lot. I'll be around to answer questions for a bit, but I have to go at noon, so I might respond later in the day if you message me around then.

This is something that's been floating around in my head for a while, so I thought I'd share. I hope you found it valuable.
submitted by TheComment to raisedbyborderlines [link] [comments]

2022.08.10 21:11 LeadershipUsed201 How long does it take to get confirmation?

Today (Aug 10) I received a "PSLF Qualifying Payment Update" letter from FedLoan saying that I have made 120 qualifying payments. On the FedLoan dashboard it says "Congratualtions!" and tells me I qualify for Pslf but that I should keep making payments until I receive confirmation. Anyone have an idea how long that should take? For background: I submitted an application in March (when I first had 120 qualifying payments), got a denial in June, but shortly thereafter the denial was rescinded because they did not certify my employment for that time period, and now I have this.
submitted by LeadershipUsed201 to PSLF [link] [comments]