Spring math ideas kindergarten


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2024.05.29 06:34 microscopic_butthole I’m worried about my daughter, day three of no sleep.

My daughter was recently diagnosed with severe torticollis, we saw a neurologist yesterday plus have 5 other specialists seeing her this week. She’ll be having an MRI, bloodwork, CT and physiotherapy.. on top of other appointments I can barely remember at the moment.
The thing is, I’m so beyond worried because the neurologist is advocating hard for her brain scans to be done as he saw an issue when he assessed her, and said he needs to look at her scans because it’s clear something is wrong. I don’t know what it could be and I don’t even want to speculate until the professionals take a look. I almost feel numb to it all.
I am doing everything I can to help her, I left my job to help her (and also because I was being bullied for taking PTO for her appointments from my coworkers.) I chose to take the loss of income to give her balanced meals, even if that means I eat less. I’m not complaining, I’ll eat my ramen happily if it means she’s happy and healthy. I want her to go to kindergarten and have meals she enjoys and are healthy for her.
During physio today I was told by her provider that I am doing a lot for her given all of the specialists involved, plus ordering her medical brace for her neck to even see if that remotely helps. I sold all of my possessions to pay for it.
But somehow, in my mind, it tells me I’m not doing enough. She said Im doing a lot to help my daughter, but my mind defaults to not believing it.
I don’t know why I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. I can’t even shower right now because I want to crawl out of my skin.
I had instructions given to me comprising of a multitude of tests/assessments before the CT and MRI and it felt like they were talking gibberish. I asked for clarification because I was overwhelmed and she said “what don’t you understand?”
Nothing, I understand absolutely nothing. I don’t understand myself and why I feel this way, and I certainly don’t understand medical jargon. She made me feel like a total idiot.
I don’t know, I know I’m not making sense. I have bipolar disorder as well so I am trying to stay strong. I came from homelessness so I know I have a lot of fight in me, but this is a different level of dread. I was hearing things in the night too but my psychiatrist wouldn’t adjust my medication. It’s not little things either, I hear someone kicking in my door only to go downstairs and no one is there. Then it’s gone for a week and comes back when another adversity comes up.
Thanks for reading, I hope I can sleep tonight. I’m fighting the urge to take more than my prescribed amount of valium because that’s just not a smart idea.
Anyway, just a rant. I’m just really scared. I talk to crisis counsellors when I feel like I can’t regulate, but I’m up late tonight again just thinking, thinking and thinking. If anyone has any methods to try to sleep Id appreciate that as well.
submitted by microscopic_butthole to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:31 Ok_Charity6783 Replacing magazine catch

Bought a used polymer (PSL model) Jericho, and the magazine catch is faulty - needs replacing. I have the part but am wondering whether or not to try it myself: have never taken guns apart before, but am pretty handy mechanically. The issue is that to remove the catch I need to get to the trigger bar plunger, which means removing the trigger bar. From what I can see this means removing the hammer as well. On the polymer model, the hammer spring is shorter, and from what I've been told I would need special clamps to remove the hammer safely and then to compress the spring and push it back in. Would be glad to hear from anyone who's taken apart a PSL - would it be silly idea to try it myself...
submitted by Ok_Charity6783 to Jericho941 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:11 Writer_8888 LOUD noise and leak at faucet when it's turned partially on

When we turn on the outdoor faucet near the front of our old 1914 house, there’s a VERY loud, continuous machinery-type noise like a loud engine, until the water is turned off. There are no problems with vibrations, noises, or sputtering on any other faucets in our house. No pipe in that area of the basement is visibly vibrating.
The only unusual thing going on at that faucet is that a large leak started there at some point since last summer. (I’m disabled so I’m giving you a secondhand report from the person helping me with this, who also knows nothing about plumbing, so I also don’t really know when the leak or the noise started.) It looks like the large leak isn’t between the hose and the faucet but is between what we think is an anti-siphon valve and the faucet. No idea how long ago that was added to the faucet. Not in the past few years.
The leak and the noise stop when the water is turned all the way on or off at the faucet. The leak and noise happen when the faucet is turned partially on.
My helper says the faucet itself vibrates when the noise happens. It’s possible the pipe leading to it does, too, where it is closest to the faucet. It’s hard for her to see.
The main line coming into the house doesn’t seem to be making any noise, and the pipe coming out of that that later makes its way across the ceiling and then to the faucet ism’t making noise either. Close to the faucet it may.
We use a hose on that faucet, but when we tried it without the hose, the same noises happened in the same way. We turn off the water to the outside faucets in the winter and turn them on again in the spring.
I’m going to have to have a plumber come put in a new faucet here and at the back of the house but if there’s anything I can do first to save money (fix air in pipes?) and if I could know a little before hiring a plumber I don’t know, that would be great. Our great plumber retired.
I would be so grateful for any helpful advice about this.
OUTSIDE: yellow arrow points to where the leak in the faucet is.
INSIDE: red arrow points to the main pipe bringing water into our house. Yellow arrow points to the pipe that goes from there, across the ceiling where it goes out to the faucet outside.
submitted by Writer_8888 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:04 2cool4ashe Riot Games decides to commemorate top player Faker's 10 years of playing League of Legends professionally with...a purchasable $500 USD champion skin. Players react. A lot of players.

If you've never played League of Legends (abbrev. to LoL) before, there's just a few things you need to know:
  1. It's a 5v5 team game
  2. The playerbase is notoriously TOXIC as hell
  3. 'Faker' is the best LoL player Esports has ever seen, and even though he's played professionally for 10 years, he continues to get better and better
  4. A 'Skin' is an alternate appearance for a Champion (playable character) that you can buy with real money (but first you need to buy ingame currency called RP), or possibly get for free through freebie rewards from playing the game
  5. The average price of a Skin is $10 USD (1350 RP)
  6. Faker does not equip his Champion with a skin, opting to only use the default (free) appearance
Things begin 6 days ago when Riot Games posts a teaser trailer for a documentary film about Faker, titled "Hall of Legends: Faker', and it's set to release on the League of Legends Youtube channel June 14th. As part of the hype, 4 days ago, another Hall of Legends teaser video was released, this time showing a brand new Skin for the Champion Ahri, titled, 'Immortalized Legend Ahri'. It should be known that Ahri is one of the most popular Champs in the game, and Riot Games has continued to capitalize on that fact by producing more and more Skins for her.
Before this announcement, Ahri had 17 skins. Now, she will have 20, because this new Immortalized Legend Ahri skin has 3 variations, priced as 3 different bundles. Yes, this means, if you want any of these Skins, you have to buy one of the bundles that come with a bunch of other stuff, oh and the Skin too. Riot has also announced that 30% of the proceeds of this Skin line will go to Faker. So here are the prices:
Risen Legend Ahri Bundle (Basic): 5430 RP (~$40 USD) Immortalized Legend Ahri Bundle (Fancier): 32,430 RP (~$240 USD) Signature Ahri Bundle (Amazing!!!): 59,260 RP (~$500 USD)
How does leagueoflegends react? Let's take a look at the top thread as of this post: (Commenters will be C1, C2, C3, etc.)
C1: The way i thought 59k rp was a typo lmfaooo C2: i had to go look, then check the store, then go look again, then check the store again, and im still not completely sure this is actually real. i hope zero people buy the skins C3: My first thought was they wanted me to tell us we would get 59.620 RP of "value" from buying the battle pass C4: $500? Yeah no thanks lmao. Faker doesnt even use skins anyway. C5: If you wanna be like faker, don't buy a skin 💯 C6: For that kind of money I almost expect Faker himself to deliver me a code to the bundle C7: I would expect him to come home and play the next 10 matches for me and also go in a date together
One Redditor points out the irony of having the most expensive Skin in the game in honor of Faker, who doesn't use Skins:
C1: "Let's celebrate the face of our e-sport (who famously doesn't even spend money on skins) by absolutely overcharging the fuck out of his event skins." What the hell Riot lol C2: how ironic is that Faker himself is against using skins and they give him the most expensive skin ever made lol C3: Why is he against using skins? C2: He said before he sees skins as a waste of money and that the base skins are good enough for him, he has numerous world skins under his name but he used them less than 5 times in a 11 year career C3: The game is free, how else would it generate income if not for cosmetics? In its early days at least, I have no clue if the professional scene generates enough income to make it sustainable. [gets downvoted] C4: The comment above is straight up false information. Faker growing poor and couldn't afford skin and it became a habit of him so even with alot of money now he still don't buy skin. C3: What does he even spend money on? Doesn't he play league 24/7? [more downvotes] C5: Food, housing, and his future. Why would he spend money on a free game when he can save it and be 100% financially stable for the rest of his life. It's pretty pointless to spend money on league. C6: Pretty sure [T1, the team he plays for] covers his food and housing already lmao C3: [to C5] I'm sure that faker buying skins here and there would bankrupt him. C5: You're missing the point. People who grow up in poverty are generally going to avoid spending on things like that. It's not that it's going to bankrupt him, you're twisting my words in bad faith.
Several Redditors do the math to help themselves visualize the price of the most expensive bundle:
C1: $500 for a skin, that's a real signature move by Riot. C2: "most generous bundles" (40$ 💀) C3: Elden Ring´s DLC is cheaper C4: This is giving me real "pride and accomplishment" vibes lol C5: Would you rather have a) A couple of skins and some useless bs like icons and emotes b) A Steam Deck with a dozen of the best indie games ever made C6: c) rent money C7: Almost half my monthly wage 💀💀 C8: 3rd world country mfs got hit harrrd This shit is 2.5x my monthly 9 to 5 wage And I mean the full thing, no rent no food no bills nothing 2 and a half months of ice soup if I wanted to buy this lmao C9: This is like, 10 months worth of rent for me what the fuck C10: This is what I earn in a month (working 10h) 💀 I can decide between food and league skin
The comments keep coming in, so get popcorn ready, because there's more threads to read after that!
The Hall of Legends event was never about celebrating Faker, it was to use him to make money.
Almost every League player loves Faker and we would have loved to to own the Ahri skin dedicated to him. Riot putting the full skin behind 600$ paywall is the biggest insult imaginable to us. Riot chose to exploit our love for Faker for their own gain.
Meanwhile, in AhriMains, the Fox lovers are alternating between cope memes and boycott ideas:
I Blame the Whales for this.
Easy way to counter Riot's prices
The best way to rebel is to boycott Ahri herself
I think it’s atrocious that riot is pricing a skin bundle that costs half my paycheck for an entire month. I say let’s protest in a way that forces riot to the negotiating table. All we need to do is ban Ahri every single game. The whales will never get to enjoy the skin if they cannot play the champion, and then riot will be forced to lower prices. Similar strategies worked for ryze. Let’s work to get Ahri banrate to 100%. Edit: Big brain idea, link this post in every pre-game lobby and ask them to also do the same in their next game. Exponential spread. Also send this message below to all your friends and ask them to do the same, without the parenthesis. Grassroot movements need commitment. "Discourage riot from 500$ skin. Send to friends. https://old.reddit.com/AhriMains/comments/1d2rsi5/the_best_way_to_rebel_is_to_boycott_ahri_herself/?sort=top"
Reminder to not piss in the popcorn.
submitted by 2cool4ashe to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:00 microscopic_butthole Day three of no sleep, I think I’m losing my mind. Worried about my daughter’s medical concerns.

My daughter was recently diagnosed with severe torticollis, we saw a neurologist yesterday plus have 5 other specialists seeing her this week. She’ll be having an MRI, bloodwork, CT and physiotherapy.. on top of other appointments I can barely remember at the moment.
The thing is, I’m so beyond worried because the neurologist is advocating hard for her brain scans to be done as he saw an issue when he assessed her, and said he needs to look at her scans because it’s clear something is wrong. I don’t know what it could be and I don’t even want to speculate until the professionals take a look. I almost feel numb to it all.
I am doing everything I can to help her, I left my job to help her (and also because I was being bullied for taking PTO for her appointments from my coworkers.) I chose to take the loss of income to give her balanced meals, even if that means I eat less. I’m not complaining, I’ll eat my ramen happily if it means she’s happy and healthy. I want her to go to kindergarten and have meals she enjoys and are healthy for her.
During physio today I was told by her provider that I am doing a lot for her given all of the specialists involved, plus ordering her medical brace for her neck to even see if that remotely helps. I sold all of my possessions to pay for it.
But somehow, in my mind, it tells me I’m not doing enough. She said Im doing a lot to help my daughter, but my mind defaults to not believing it.
I don’t know why I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. I can’t even shower right now because I want to crawl out of my skin.
I had instructions given to me comprising of a multitude of tests/assessments before the CT and MRI and it felt like they were talking gibberish. I asked for clarification because I was overwhelmed and she said “what don’t you understand?”
Nothing, I understand absolutely nothing. I don’t understand myself and why I feel this way, and I certainly don’t understand medical jargon. She made me feel like a total idiot.
I don’t know, I know I’m not making sense. I have bipolar disorder as well so I am trying to stay strong. I came from homelessness so I know I have a lot of fight in me, but this is a different level of dread. I was hearing things in the night too but my psychiatrist wouldn’t adjust my medication. It’s not little things either, I hear someone kicking in my door only to go downstairs and no one is there. Then it’s gone for a week and comes back when another adversity comes up.
Thanks for reading, I hope I can sleep tonight. I’m fighting the urge to take more than my prescribed amount of valium because that’s just not a smart idea.
Anyway, just a rant. I’m just really scared. I talk to crisis counsellors when I feel like I can’t regulate, but I’m up late tonight again just thinking, thinking and thinking.
submitted by microscopic_butthole to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:53 sourpatch_grown-up Zona 7a, Full/mostly sun, I think Euonymus fortunei "silver queen" or something similar. Trying to find cause for drooping.

Zona 7a, Full/mostly sun, I think Euonymus fortunei
The situation and timeline is explained in details on the on the photos. Started some spring time sprucing up and noticed this area in the hedge was drooping considerably, which I have never seen it do before. My first guesses are frost damage, trimmed too closely last year, or needs fertilizer (its my bf house and I don't think he has added anything to the soil in 5 years, besides mulch). But honestly I have no idea so...help?!
submitted by sourpatch_grown-up to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:47 GuiltlessMaple Best 22 Scope

Best 22 Scope

Are you on the lookout for the perfect scope to elevate your outdoor adventures? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top 22 scopes on the market, designed to provide you with breathtaking clarity and accuracy. From hunting to target shooting, these scopes have got you covered.

The Top 15 Best 22 Scope

  1. Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting - The Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring 1.5-5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope empowers hunters with precise targeting and crystal-clear vision in low-light conditions, making every shot count.
  2. Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination - Experience ultimate clarity with Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 IR-E Crossbow Scope Black, boasting a multicoated 1-inch mono tube construction and fast focus eyepiece - the perfect companion for your crossbow laser sight adventure.
  3. High-Quality 25-75x70 Spotting Scope with Phone Adapter - Enhance your outdoor experiences with the SVBONY 3X Spotting Scope, featuring a 25-75x70 magnification and waterproof design, perfect for hunting, target shooting, and stargazing.
  4. UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses - The Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope delivers unparalleled clarity and precision, making it the perfect choice for birding enthusiasts and precision shooters alike.
  5. Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope - High-Performance, Fully Multi-Coated Waterproof Sc scope - The Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope brings professional-level spotting vision with its superior quality optics and protective features, making it an ideal choice for any outdoor enthusiast.
  6. Affordable Budget Spotting Scope with Advanced Features - Experience top-notch hunting adventures with the Athlon Talos Spotting Scope 20-60x80 Green - featuring K9 glass prisms, fully multi-coated lenses, and advanced waterproofing for optimal clarity and durability.
  7. Affordable Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 Angled Spotting Scope with Fully Multi-Coated Optics - Experience crystal-clear views with the Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 angled spotting scope, featuring advanced features, durability, and affordability for a superior optical experience.
  8. Portable 150X Astronomical Telescope with 360° Rotation and Multiple Eyepieces - Dive into the wonders of the cosmos with the Dartwood Astronomical Telescope, featuring 360-degree rotation, multiple eyepieces, and a durable tripod for an unparalleled stargazing experience.
  9. Vortex Razor HD Straight Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Ultra-Sleek Design - Experience unmatched clarity and sharpness with the Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65wa Straight Spotting Scope, perfect for hunting in low lighting conditions.
  10. Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope: Premium HD Glass, Fully Multi-Coated Lenses, and Versatile Angled Design - Boost your outdoor viewing experience with the Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope, offering unmatched optical excellence, premium high-density lenses, and advanced features for a comfortable, immersive experience.
  11. Portable 72mm APO Refractor with 10:1 Dual-Speed Focuser and Aluminum Case - The Sky-Watcher Evostar 72mm APO Refractor offers exceptional portability, precision, and flexibility for wide-field astrophotography and fast observation sessions, making it a top choice for LPVO enthusiasts.
  12. Waterproof 8x22 Golf Scope with Intrinsic Range Finder - Experience clear visibility on the golf course with the Barska 8x22 Waterproof Blueline Golf Scope, featuring a 50-200 yard range and durable, waterproof design for a lasting golfing companion.
  13. Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope with Hard Case - Experience unmatched optical performance with the Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope, designed for ultimate durability and comfort on your outdoor adventures.
  14. TrailSeeker 100 Spotting Scope: Versatile & High-Performance 22-67x Magnification Optic - Capture the perfect moment with the Celestron TrailSeeker 100, featuring a 22-67x zoom eyepiece and optimized optical capabilities, for unparalleled performance in any weather condition.
  15. Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope - Ideal for Planetary Observation - Experience superior planetary observation with the Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope, featuring an advanced optical path for high-contrast views of stars, clusters, and lunar surfaces.
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🔗Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting

Using the Killer Instinct MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope has been quite an experience. The scope has made hunting much more enjoyable for me, thanks to its amazing abilities to lock onto and track moving targets from vast distances.
One of the features that really stood out is the durability of the metal case. This thing has a real tank-like feel to it, resisting impacts and harsh weather as if it was made for it. The spring-loaded covers on the lenses also proved to be quite reliable, keeping the lenses safe and scratchless until I was ready to hunt.
The built-in Speed Ring is another aspect of the scope that has impressed me. Making adjustments for my crossbow's speed has been a breeze, and the illuminated reticle is a big help when it comes to sighting in low-light conditions. I particularly appreciate the contrast the red/blue illumination provides.
However, there was one downside that I found a little disturbing. The scope came in a condition that made it apparent that someone had used it before. I was not happy with this fact, especially considering I had paid for a brand new product.
Overall, the MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope is a product that I would recommend, even with its minor fault. It certainly helped me become a better hunter, and it would do the same for anyone looking to enhance their hunting experience.

🔗Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination


I recently had the opportunity to try out the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. This black 1021 model was a great addition to my hunting gear, providing exceptional clarity thanks to its multicoated optics and 1-inch mono tube construction. The fast focus eyepiece is a game-changer, allowing me to quickly adjust my sight even when on the move.
One feature that stood out was the illuminated cross-hair reticle, which came in both blue and red. It was perfect for low-light situations, making it easier for me to spot my target. I appreciated the adjustment click value of 0.5 inches at 100 yards, as it gave me accurate and consistent shot adjustments.
However, there were a few downsides to this otherwise great scope. The exit pupil was smaller than I would have liked, making it a bit more challenging to see the cross-hair reticle at times. Additionally, the scope's weight was lighter than expected, which might not have been ideal for everyone.
Overall, I'm happy with my experience using the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. It's a quality product with some small drawbacks, but its pros certainly outweigh the cons. If you're in the market for a reliable crossbow scope, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗High-Quality 25-75x70 Spotting Scope with Phone Adapter

In my pursuit of a new spotting scope that could enhance my wildlife viewing and target shooting experiences, I stumbled upon the SVBONY SV28 Spotting Scopes. From the moment I opened the package, I was impressed by its sleek exterior and sturdy construction.
One feature that stood out to me was its range of magnification capabilities - the SV28 allowed me to adjust the magnification according to my target distance, providing crystal clear image quality. The lens was exceptionally sharp, making it perfect for both target shooting and observing nature. Another aspect I appreciated was the ease of focus adjustment, ensuring that every detail was visible no matter the distance.
However, I have to say that the tripod that came with the unit seemed a bit lackluster compared to my usual tripod. I ended up using my own sturdier tripod, but it was still nice to have the option included in the package. Additionally, while the phone adapter was a nice addition, I felt it could have been more user-friendly.
Overall, the SVBONY SV28 Spotting Scopes exceeded my expectations, offering outstanding clarity and exceptional value for its price. Though there were a few minor quibbles, I would definitely recommend it to others in search of a reliable, affordable spotting scope for their outdoor adventures.

🔗UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses

In the world of optics, the Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Straight Spotting Scope has made a name for itself. It's not just for the birders spotting variances in plumage from far away or for the precision shooters who aim for targets at 1,000 yards, the scope's extra-low dispersion glass provides vivid clarity and resolution in a full-size spotting scope.
Athlon has cleverly designed it to be lightweight although strong, making it comfortable to carry and use for long periods. The aluminum alloy chassis adds to its strength without making it too heavy. With its twist-up eye-cup, it allows you to set the eyecup to the perfect eye relief for your eyes, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience.
Its ESP Dielectric Coating gives you an advantage in viewing with an image that has little or no chromatic fringe for the clearest and sharpest image. The UHD Glass in the lens helps in converging refracting colors into one focus point, producing greater contrast, sharpness, and color definition.
Reflecting over 99% of the light to your eyes, the scope brings you a clear, bright image and accurate color reproduction, thanks to the BaK4 Prisms coupled with advanced fully multi-coated lenses. It produces perfect brightness and color across the entire light spectrum, making viewing under different lighting conditions a breeze.
And when it comes to durability, the scope doesn't disappoint. It comes with an extra protective layer coating that keeps the exterior of the lens free from dirt and scratches. It's also Argon Purged and Waterproof, ensuring weatherproof performance even in harsh conditions. Purging allows for better waterproofing/fogging, making sure your scope doesn't fog up when you switch environments.
Overall, it's a joy to use this spotting scope. It's not just about viewing in high detail but also the ease it offers in using it. You won't be disappointed with its performance and features.

🔗Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope - High-Performance, Fully Multi-Coated Waterproof Sc scope

I recently got a chance to use the Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope, and I must say I was quite impressed with its performance. To begin with, the scope is surprisingly lightweight, which makes it perfect for outdoor use. Its waterproof feature is an added bonus, allowing me to use it in harsh weather conditions without any worries.
One of the standout features of this spotting scope is its fully multi-coated lenses, which provide incredible light transmission, resulting in bright and clear images. This feature is particularly useful for birdwatching or spotting objects in the distance.
The K9 glass prisms with the silver coating help reflect a lot of light to your eyes, creating a bright image. Combined with the multi-coated layering, you get optimal brightness, making it easier to spot your target.
The Talos scope is perfect for my needs, whether I'm shooting at the range or observing nature. Its fog-proof construction ensures that my images will always be crisp and clear, no matter the conditions. The included tripod is a great addition, providing a stable platform for comfortable and easy viewing.
However, the rotating ring could have been more comfortable and easier to adjust. But overall, the Athlon Optics Talos 20-60x80 Spotting Scope is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality spotting scope at an affordable price.

🔗Affordable Budget Spotting Scope with Advanced Features

The Athlon Talos Spotting Scope has been a game-changer for my hunting trips. With its fully multi-coated lenses, the scope has breathed life into the game, allowing me to see the smallest details on my targets. It has a solid build with a waterproof and fog-proof body, perfect for the unpredictable weather conditions of nature.
One of the first things that caught my attention was its adjustable rotating ring, which allowed me to position the scope in the most comfortable angle for observation. This gave me a sense of control and comfort while I was out in the wild.
However, one aspect that could have been improved was the tripod, which felt a bit flimsy. But thankfully, I was able to replace it with a more robust one as per my preference.
Despite its minor drawbacks, the Athlon Talos Spotting Scope has been a reliable companion on my hunting expeditions. It has provided me with clear, bright images, allowing me to make accurate shots and successfully bag my targets. It's the perfect tool for the avid hunter who's looking for a good-quality scope without breaking the bank.

🔗Affordable Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 Angled Spotting Scope with Fully Multi-Coated Optics

I recently got my hands on the Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 spotting scope, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my outdoor hobbies. The 20-60x zoom eyepiece is a fantastic feature that provides incredible clarity and detail, especially in low light conditions. One of the things that stood out to me was the single wide focus knob, which is incredibly smooth and easy to adjust. It truly feels like a premium scope, yet it doesn't break the bank.
The Diamondback 20-60x80's exterior lenses are protected by the scratch-resistant ArmorTek coating. This has been invaluable when I've taken the scope on various outings where it might be exposed to dirt or other elements. The fact that the scopes are waterproof and nitrogen-purged is a great bonus as well.
One of the best features of this spotting scope is the fully rotatable mounting bracket. It's incredibly convenient, allowing me to get the perfect position regardless of where I'm set up. The spotting scope is more versatile than I had imagined, and it has proven to be quite a valuable addition to my outdoor gear.
While the product does have a few drawbacks, such as slightly coarser focus control at higher magnifications, overall I am beyond thrilled with my purchase. The Vortex Diamondback 20-60x80 spotting scope has provided me with an exceptional experience, and I couldn't recommend it enough for anyone looking for a great spotting scope at a budget-friendly price.

🔗Portable 150X Astronomical Telescope with 360° Rotation and Multiple Eyepieces

The DARTWOOD Astronomical Telescope is a dream come true for stargazers of all levels. Its impressive range of magnification allows for breathtaking views of celestial bodies, while the interchangeable eyepieces ensure a precise adjustment for optimal viewing. I particularly love the 360-degree rotational mount, which makes finding the perfect angle a breeze.
Additionally, the strong tripod with locking leg braces provides excellent stability - perfect for outdoor use. Setting up is a cinch, too. All you have to do is open the tripod, attach the telescope, and select your chosen eyepiece.
The DARTWOOD Telescope is an incredible tool for exploring the night sky, and I highly recommend giving it a try.

🔗Vortex Razor HD Straight Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Ultra-Sleek Design

Imagine a crisp, clear morning at your favorite shooting range. You unbox your brand new Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Straight Spotting Scope. It feels sleek and sturdy, ready for action. You hold it up to the sky, and your eyes quickly adjust to the viewfinder. The HD lens elements showcase a remarkable, edge-to-edge image with remarkable clarity and color accuracy. The angled body design is comfortable and intuitive, even for those who are new to spotting scopes.
As you focus on your target at various distances, the fully multi-coated XR lenses provide maximum light transmission, making it effortless to spot and evaluate your game, even in low light conditions. The spotting scope's lightweight design, coupled with its waterproof and fog-resistant features, adds convenience and durability to your experience.
Using this Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Straight Spotting Scope has been a game-changer for my shooting range sessions. It's been an excellent partner on my hunting trips, allowing me to spot game from a distance, making my outdoor experiences even more enjoyable and successful. With this spotting scope, you can truly observe the world in high definition, and it's all thanks to Vortex's commitment to quality and innovation.

🔗Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope: Premium HD Glass, Fully Multi-Coated Lenses, and Versatile Angled Design

The Vortex Razor HD spotting scope has become a faithful companion on my outdoor adventures. With its angled body design, it offers a comfortable viewing experience, even on extended use. The 65mm objective lens is a game-changer when it comes to providing a clear picture, making it perfect for early morning or late afternoon sightings.
The powerful 22-48x magnification has been a real highlight during my time spent outdoors. It has enabled me to spot even the smallest details at a distance, leaving nothing out of sight. The spotting scope's ability to capture bright, clear, true-color images is truly impressive. The premium high-density glass delivers unparalleled edge-to-edge sharpness, making it an exceptional choice for bird watching or wildlife observation.
One of my favorite features is the fully multi-coated lenses, which increase light transmission and reduce glare. The dielectric prism coatings provide true-to-life color fidelity, making it easier for me to identify and appreciate the intricate details of my surroundings.
The sleek, rugged design of the scope, with its die-cast aluminum alloy construction and rubber armor, has proven to be durable and weather-resistant. It is waterproof and fog resistant, ensuring that it continues to deliver great results in any condition.
In summary, the Vortex Razor HD spotting scope is a high-quality, versatile, and user-friendly tool for those who enjoy spending time outdoors. Its exceptional features make it an invaluable addition to my outdoor gear collection.

🔗Portable 72mm APO Refractor with 10:1 Dual-Speed Focuser and Aluminum Case

Imagine the Sky-Watcher Evostar 72 APO Refractor as your trusty companion for stargazing adventures. It's not just a telescope; it's a portable travel size designed to make your celestial journeys seamless and hassle-free.
One of the standout features of this refractor is its 10:1 dual-speed Crayford-style focuser. It makes finding focus a breeze, whether you're using an eyepiece or a camera. No more frustrating adjustments; just smooth, accurate focus every time.
But what about the accessories? The Evostar 72 comes complete with an aluminum case, tube rings, and a Vixen-style dovetail. Everything you need to start exploring the cosmos is right there in the box.
However, there's always room for improvement. The scope is a bit heavy at 11.25 lb, which might be a drawback for some users. Also, the Vixen-style dovetail plate could be longer for better compatibility with various mount heads.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Sky-Watcher Evostar 72 APO Refractor offers tremendous value for its price. Its portability, ease of use, and excellent optics make it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced astronomers alike. So, next time you're planning a stargazing trip, consider bringing this reliable companion along.

🔗Waterproof 8x22 Golf Scope with Intrinsic Range Finder

As someone who's enjoyed using the Barska 8x22 Waterproof Blueline Golf Scope, I can say it has been a handy tool on the golf course. With its crystal clear perspective, I've appreciated the ease of gauging distance between the ball and the pin. However, I must note that accuracy can be a bit challenging if the flagstaff is partially obstructed, often requiring some strategic alignment and calculation.
The rubberised coating and waterproof design have proven to be reliable even in unfavorable weather conditions. I've received compliments from fellow golf enthusiasts for the neat leatherette pouch that accompanies it. It's been a compact yet practical companion on the course, slipping easily into my golf bag.
One downside I encountered was the absence of an electronic range finder, which required me to rely on calculations from the distance scale. This did call for a bit of math, but once you get the hang of it, it's not a deal-breaker.
Overall, the Barska Blueline 8x22 Golf Scope has served me well, offering a cost-effective and portable alternative to digital range finders. Its crystal clear vision and waterproof construction have been highlights of my golfing experience. While it requires a bit more calculation than a high-tech range finder, it's been a reliable companion that's added convenience and precision to my golf game.

🔗Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope with Hard Case

I recently had the opportunity to use the Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope for an outdoor adventure, and let me tell you, it has truly exceeded my expectations. The spotting scope's magnification range of 25-75x allows for some incredible depth perception and detail while observing nature from afar. The 25x setting is perfect for bird-watching, while the 75x setting is ideal for spotting your favorite animals at a greater distance.
One of the features that stood out to me is the shock-absorbing armor on the scope, ensuring that it remains durable and resistant to damage during transport. The scope also comes with glare-reducing sunshades, making it perfect for outdoor use in various lighting conditions. Additionally, the included tripod with micrO-adjustable altitude is a fantastic touch, providing a stable and easily adjustable platform for your spotting scope.
Overall, I am extremely pleased with the Barska Blackhawk 25-75x100 Angled Spotting Scope, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality, versatile optic solution for their next outdoor adventure.

🔗TrailSeeker 100 Spotting Scope: Versatile & High-Performance 22-67x Magnification Optic

I recently had the chance to use the Celestron TrailSeeker 100 spotting scope, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. As a birdwatcher, I was looking for a reliable and affordable option to enhance my viewing experience, and the TrailSeeker provided just that.
One of the standout features of this spotting scope is the versatile 22-67x zoom eyepiece. It allowed me to explore everything from wide landscapes to the tiniest details, giving me a full range of possibilities. The image quality was exceptional, with the Celestron's proprietary XLT fully multi-coated optics delivering crisp, high-contrast images.
The rotating tripod mount was another highlight, as it enabled me to adjust the scope's position effortlessly and catch the perfect shot. Its 360-degree rotation provided unparalleled flexibility, allowing me to enjoy the view from any angle.
However, there were a couple of aspects that could have been improved. The focus mechanism, while functional, could have been smoother, and the carrying case could have been more durable.
Overall, the Celestron TrailSeeker 100 spotting scope was a great addition to my birdwatching kit, offering an impressive range of features without breaking the bank.

🔗Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope - Ideal for Planetary Observation

I recently had the chance to use the Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope, and I must say, it did not disappoint. This telescope was a breeze to set up and use, thanks to its lightweight design and user-friendly features.
One of the standout features of this telescope is its fully multi-coated optics, which made for some truly stunning views of the night sky. The 102mm aperture size allowed me to observe celestial objects like stars, galaxies, and clusters with remarkable clarity and detail.
While setting up the telescope, I found the Vixen-style dovetail plate to be a nice touch, making it easy to attach the scope to a variety of mounts. The included 1.25" visual back also came in handy when swapping out eyepieces for different levels of magnification.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I encountered during my experience with the Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope. Firstly, the narrower field of view when compared to similar Schmidt models took some getting used to. Additionally, the telescope required regular collimation, which could be a minor inconvenience for some users.
In conclusion, the Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrain 102mm Telescope is an excellent choice for those looking to explore the night sky in detail. Its portable design and exceptional optical quality make it an ideal grab-and-go option for stargazers of all skill levels. Though the narrower field of view and occasional collimation may be minor drawbacks, the overall experience was undeniably rewarding.

Buyer's Guide

The 22 Scope is a popular choice for shooters, hunters, and target enthusiasts due to its accuracy, reliability, and versatility. Before making a purchase, it's essential to consider various factors, such as caliber, barrel length, and cost. This buyer's guide will help you make an informed decision and get the most out of your 22 Scope.


The most common caliber for 22 Scope is the. 22 Long Rifle (LR). However, there are other options like the. 22 Magnum (Maj) and. 22 WMR (Winchester Rimfire). When choosing a caliber, consider factors such as recoil, velocity, and bullet type. The. 22 LR has the least recoil and is suitable for beginners or those who prefer a more gentle firing experience. The. 22 Magnum offers greater velocity and energy, making it ideal for hunting or long-range shooting.

Barrel Length

The 22 Scope barrel length can range from 16 inches to 26 inches. The shorter barrels offer more maneuverability, especially in tight spaces or for use in a defensive setting. Longer barrels provide increased accuracy and velocity. For hunting or target shooting, a 20-22 inches barrel is generally recommended, providing a good balance between accuracy, velocity, and maneuverability.


The action of a 22 Scope can be bolt-action, semi-automatic, or pump-action. Bolt-action rifles offer a reliable, easy-to-use mechanism and are suitable for hunting or target shooting. Semi-automatic rifles provide faster follow-up shots, making them a popular choice for competitive shooting or hunting where a rapid shot sequence is desired. Pump-action rifles are also known for their reliability and quick follow-up shots, often preferred for self-defense purposes.


Other Features to Consider

  • Stock material and design
  • Sight options (such as iron sights, open sights, or scopes)
  • Trigger pull weight
  • Safety features
  • Finish and overall build quality

Maintenance and Storage

Regularly maintaining and storing your 22 Scope can extend its lifespan and ensure reliable performance. After each shooting session, clean the rifle thoroughly, checking for any damage or wear. Store the rifle in a secure, dry place away from extreme temperature or humidity fluctuations. Regular cleaning and proper storage help maintain accuracy and prevent corrosion.
The 22 Scope is a versatile and reliable choice for various shooting activities. By considering factors such as caliber, barrel length, and action, you can select the best 22 Scope for your specific needs. Always prioritize safety and accuracy, and with proper maintenance, your 22 Scope will provide reliable and enjoyable shooting experiences for years to come.



What is a 22 scope and how does it differ from other scopes?

A 22 scope is a type of rifle scope designed specifically for use with. 22 rimfire rifles. It offers a more compact and lightweight design compared to traditional scopes, making it ideal for hunters and target shooters who prefer a lighter rifle setup. Its smaller size and weight also make it a popular choice for beginners and recreational shooters.

What are the key features of a 22 scope?

  • Adjustable objective lens for focus and clarity
  • Variable or fixed magnification options
  • Rugged construction for durability and weather resistance
  • Parallax correction for accurate long-range shooting
  • Low-power options for close-range shooting and hunting


What is the best 22 scope for hunting?

The best 22 scope for hunting will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Factors to consider include the scope's magnification range, reticle type, and overall durability and weather resistance. In general, a 22 scope with variable magnification and a reliable reticle such as the Mil-Dot or Duplex is a popular choice among hunters.

What is the best 22 scope for target shooting?

When it comes to target shooting, a fixed-power 22 scope with a higher magnification range (such as 4X or 6X) can be a great choice. This allows for increased accuracy and precision at extended distances. Additionally, a scope with a mil-dot or BDC reticle can be helpful for making accurate distance calculations.

How much does a good 22 scope cost?

The cost of a 22 scope can vary depending on the brand, features, and quality of the scope. On average, a good quality 22 scope can range from $200 to $500. However, there are affordable options available for those on a budget, as well as more expensive models for serious hunters and shooters.

Can I use a 22 scope with other types of rifles?

While a 22 scope is designed for use with. 22 rimfire rifles, it can potentially be adapted for use with other rifle types by changing the mounting system or installing an appropriate adapter. However, this may not always provide the best performance or accuracy, so it is generally recommended to use a scope specifically designed for the rifle you are using.

What are the most popular brands of 22 scopes?

  • Leupold
  • Nikon
  • Vortex Optics
  • Bushnell
  • Burris
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:45 _xDMK_ How strict are the assist.org course requirements for software engineering major?

Like the title suggest, I wanted to know how strict are the assist.org requirements for admission? As in, you need to complete every course listed on the website to be considered for admission or if thats not the case. I'm currently a second year cs student at my local cc and pretty much got rejected from most of the schools I applied to transfer to, sjsu included. I did hear that sjsu does spring admissions for software engineer majors according to last year's admissions which I'm planning on doing. According to assist I still have two physics courses, the engr courses, bio, and discrete math which I know I can't completely fulfill before the spring admission deadline but I know my GPA should be around a 3.8(3.7 at worse) around that time. Thanks in advance!
submitted by _xDMK_ to SJSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:45 Menlisan 40% OFF Teachers Pay Teachers Coupon

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Teachers Pay Teachers is a vibrant online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials, fostering a community of educators. Here are the top three coupons available:
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submitted by Menlisan to hotdealspromocodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:44 j_a_reyes [WTS][ON] FMA FAST helmet, replica gear (chest rigs, plate carriers)

Hey all, doing some spring cleaning and getting rid of gear I never use.
All prices are OBO, shipping is on the buyer. Will absolutely consider a package detail if anyone wants to take multiple things, would actually be preferable.
Located in the GTA.
Pics at the imgur link below:
Item 1: FMA Fast helmet, tan, size M/L - $90 OBO SOLD
Shell is on the thicker side, pads are the non-lux liner type. OCC dial is the actual dial type, not the worm gear that I found to be kind of annoying. Changed out the old shroud to a copy of the Wilcox shroud. Also upgraded the velcro from the old pattern to the newer, more broken up pattern (better coverage).
Item 2: Riggers belt + replica TACO pouch - $20
Riggers belt and TACO pouch, TACO will comfortably hold M4 mags, will probably be fine with AK mags. I don't believe it's really meant for bigger mags like 417 or SCAR-H mags.
Item 3: Replica Haley Micro Chest Rig, Multicam, $55 OBO SOLD
Comes as an X-Harness.
Item 4: Replica Spiritus Systems Mk4 Chest Rig, Multicam, $90 OBO
Comes as a H-harness. Has a stretch kangaroo insert to hold 3x M4 mags. Also has the two radio pouches on the sides.
Item 5: Replica PlateFrame, Multicam, Med Plates - $125 OBO SOLD
Comes with the hard swimmer plates + multicam plate covers. Has the S&S Precision style triple mag pouch, and the cummerbund radio pouch. Also comes with the soft foam backers (flotation backers).
Item 6: Replica Slickster, Ranger Green, Med Plates - $125 OBO SOLD
Replaced the cummerbund with an elastic cummerbund that uses tubes. Original elastic cummerbund will still come included. As well, Slickster currently has a triple mag G-hook style placard on the front. It will also come with the kangaroo+MOLLE G-hook placard pictured as well.
Item 7: Replica JPC, Multicam, Med Plates - $125 OBO
JPC has the cummerbund replaced with an elastic cummerbund. Comes with the dangler pouch, and has the old school hard plastic triple mag kangaroo insert. Shoulders are that nicer rubbery material, not fabric.
Item 8: Replica SPC, Multicam, Med Plates - $200 OBO
Spent some time putting this kit together and really tried to like it, but it just doesn't fit me well - decided to stick with an FCPC.
SPC is multicam, never fielded and completely clean. Comes with medium cardboard plates to hold the shape. Also comes with the side plate pouches, which are filled with foam. It will include the original front flap, which currently has the stretchy fast mag pouches. It will also come with the AXL advanced placard adapters, and the attached triple M4 mag placard. Will also throw in the quad SMG mag pouch.
Biggest thing to note for this SPC is that the cummerbund has been modified. I didn't like the original tab + flap combo, so I cut the flap and replaced it with a tab + cobra buckle combo. The mod is not reversible, so if you don't like the idea of a cobra buckle for this carrier, be warned now.
Thanks for looking
submitted by j_a_reyes to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:30 caenne waterloo math coop or utsg math

Hi, I’m struggling to decide between waterloo math coop or utsg math. The main reason that would convince me to choose loo math is the coop part. However, I’ve heard a lot about the coop rates dropping due to the current market:
  1. Are the coop rates significantly higher amongst math students in the upper years compared to first year math students with undeclared majors? Because I saw that the coop rates are pretty low for first year math students and I really hope to know if it gets much better in the upper years or not.
  2. I’m worried that i might get kicked out of the coop stream into regular math if I go into math coop and have difficulties landing coops. Is this a relatively common concern for current math students? Are there a lot of ppl who dropped out of the coop stream in recent years? Or if this is very uncommon?
  3. I’m still unsure if I wanna apply for grad school or if I would prefer working right after undergrad, but I’m currently open to learn more about either one. I’d really like to know if it’s worth it to go into loo math coop with the current market situation, or if going to utsg math then apply for grad school sounds more like a good idea?
Any answers/advice are appreciated!
View Poll
submitted by caenne to uwaterloo [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:29 LieFuzzy6012 Texto para copiar: fnaf jota

Para entender la historia de Five Nights at Freddy's hay que olvidarse que estos son juegos y quiero que tomen realmente a esta saga como lo que es. ¿Terror? Sí, pero sobre todo, ciencia ficción. Antes de comenzar, quiero decir que esta cronología la realizamos entre 3 youtubers conocidos de Five Nights at Freddy's y yo. Por lo tanto, agradecería que si les gusta el contenido de este juego vayan a visitar sus canales. Ahora sí, empecemos. ¿Qué pasaría si dos amigos se abren una pizzería? Esa es la primera pregunta que hay que plantearnos. Lo normal sería que todo vaya medianamente bien con algún tipo de problemas, pero nada saldría más allá de eso. La pregunta cambia completamente si nos preguntamos ¿Qué pasaría si Henry y William abren una pizzería? ¿Quiénes son estos personajes? En un principio, grandes amigos. Henry, por un lado, era un ferviente y talentoso mecánico que cuidaba a su única hija, Charlie. No sabemos nada de su esposa, ni siquiera si tiene a alguien más en su familia. Y por el otro lado, William Afton. La familia de Afton estaba compuesta por 5 miembros. William, una persona con mucho dinero y con buena capacidad para la mecánica. Su hija menor, Elizabeth. Este pendejo que no sabemos el nombre, pero llora todo el tiempo, así que vamos a ponerle Crying Child. Michael Afton, su hijo mayor y su esposa, de quien no se sabe nada. Estos dos personajes unieron sus capacidades de mecánicos y con el buen capital que tenía William ahorrado, entre los dos abrieron un restaurante. Así fue como entre los años 1980 a 1982, supuestamente, Fredbear Family Dinner abrió sus puertas. La principal atracción de este lugar eran los animatrónicos. ¿Qué son? Bueno, básicamente eran robots que podrían ser controlados tanto por ellos mismos como por personas o por almas. Estos animatrónicos habían sido desarrollados por los dueños del restaurante, pero Henry destacó un poco más debido a que hizo un complejo sistema de resortes que permitía a la persona usar estos trajes. Solamente que tenía que ser extremadamente cuidadosa, ya que de lo contrario el mecanismo del mismo se activaría y la persona que esté dentro seguramente quedaría lastimada. Estos trajes híbridos darían a luz en un principio a su principal éxito, Fredbear y Spring Bonnie. Dos animatrónicos que durante esos años 80s habían hecho furor y tan bien les estaba yendo a estos dos amigos que la competencia empezó a llegar. Y es por eso que a unos pocos meses de la salida de Fredbear Family Dinner llegaría su competencia, Fazbear Entertainment, pero que esta no sería relevante hasta en un futuro. En paralelo a estos hechos, empezaban a haber roces entre la dupla principal, ya que William no solamente había abierto el restaurante para comer, sino que detrás de sus intenciones había algo mucho más oscuro, matar gente. Es por eso que en una fecha que desconocemos, William creó un nuevo local, Circus Baby Pizza World, y es en este donde presentaría sus nuevos animatrónicos, los Funtime. Estos animatrónicos estarían hechos bajo la empresa Afton Robotics, que como podrán imaginar, esta empresa era de William. Aunque los Funtime no eran animatrónicos normales, si bien tenían características muy innovadoras con respecto a los primeros trajes híbridos, estos Funtime estarían creados específicamente para matar. Una inteligencia artificial muy avanzada, poder abrir diferentes partes de su cuerpo y la posibilidad de hablar. Claramente no tenían una buena intención, pero a William se le volvería todo en contra cuando el mismo día de la inauguración de su local, a pesar de sus advertencias a Elizabeth, esta entró igual al cuarto donde estaban los animatrónicos para ver si estaba su robot favorito, Baby. Y luego de que este animatrónico le ofreciera un helado para hacer que se acercara a ella, la mata. O bueno, no tanto. Mientras a todo esto, recordemos que William pensaba que ya todos los niños estaban capturados dentro de los animatrónicos, debido a que la apertura de su local había sido completamente exitosa. Entonces alerta a toda la gente de una fuga de gas para que así tengan que evacuar el local y él poder ir a ver su recompensa. Cuando William va a ver si sus animatrónicos habían capturado niños, sí, así es, habían capturado niños. Que eso lo sabemos debido a que en los planos de los animatrónicos aparecen cuerpo dentro de estos robots. Pero también William se daría cuenta de que su animatrónico principal había matado a Elizabeth. O en realidad, su hija estaba tomando el control de Baby debido a que los ojos del animatrónico pasarían de ser azules a como los tenía su hijita, verdes. Por supuesto que William al enterarse de todo esto no sabe qué hacer y es por eso que decide encerrarla en Circus Baby Entertainment, un lugar ubicado debajo de Circus Baby. Tras el cierre de Circus Baby y la incertidumbre de lo ocurrido con su hija menor, estas cosas empezarían a afectar a William Afton, dando comienzo a su declive. Por eso, luego del fracaso de Circus Baby, éste vuelve a pedirle ayuda y trabajo a Henry, que a pesar de todos los problemas que había tenido con su anterior socio, le da trabajo de administrador o mecánico, por eso se lo puede ver colocándole la cabeza de Fredbear a uno de los empleados de Fredbear Family Dinner. Durante estos meses, de un año que suponemos que es 1883, Henry creó y anunció otros animatrónicos por la televisión, que serían Freddy, Foxy, Chica y Bonnie. Por supuesto que William, al ver que había creado más animatrónicos, haría crecer la tensión con su nuevo jefe, pero lo que realmente llevaría a William a ponerse de un tono violeta sería la muerte de su hijo menor, el pendejo que llora, Crying Child. ¿Se acuerdan de Mike, el hijo mayor de William? Bueno, este personaje asustaba de manera sobre medida a Crying Child y mientras ésta atormentaba a su único hermano chico, William protegía de sobre manera a su hijo menor, poniendo cámaras por toda la casa y dándole un peluche creado por él mismo para que pueda hablarle y sentirse cómodo. Todo esto, a pesar del comportamiento psicópata de William, serviría para vigilar a su hijo menor y así que no se escapara a ver a los animatrónicos debido a que a Crying Child le fascinaban. Pero William, al haber creado con Henry los dos primeros trajes sabían lo que podían hacer y lo danino que eran, por eso las medidas de sobreprotección. Pero ahora vamos a remontarnos a una teoría entre Five Nights at Freddy's 4 y The Twisted Ones, el primer libro. Supuestamente, Five Nights at Freddy's 4 ocurriría en las pesadillas de Crying Child, pero la verdad es que no, las pesadillas esas que ve son reales y no un mal sueño de este niño, ya que son parte de un plan muy macabro de su padre. Verán, en la novela de The Twisted Ones, William crea un disco que hace tener alucinaciones con animatrónicos, exagerando su forma, su tamaño, etc. Algo así como la película de Batman donde el espantapájaros tiene un spray que te hace sobredimensionar tus miedos. ¿Y cómo se relaciona esto con el juego? El tema de las alucinaciones, no Batman, no tiene nada que ver Batman acá. Bueno, tenemos que remontarnos a Five Nights at Freddy's Ultimate Custom Night, en donde los animatrónicos Nightmares aparecen en este juego, pero en este juego controlamos a William, entonces es imposible que William logre saber con exactitud cómo son estos animatrónicos si es que en realidad son las pesadillas de su hijo menor. En otras palabras, ¿cómo sabes exactamente las pesadillas de otras personas? Con lo cual, si volvemos al primer libro, nos introducen que William creó discos ilusorios para hacer creer a la gente cosas que realmente no hay, y esto lo utilizaría con Crying Child para hacer que se aleje definitivamente de los animatrónicos. Por eso es que tampoco nunca lo vemos regañar a su hijo mayor por maltratar a su hermanito, debido a que este le estaba generando un trauma con los animatrónicos, cosa que a William le servía, aunque el error de William fue confiar demasiado en Michael, porque este no sabía dónde estaba el límite de la broma, ya que Mike asustaba a su hermano solamente por diversión, y el problema se desataría en ese año 83, en el lugar donde había comenzado y terminado todo, Fredbear Family Dinner. Mike y sus amigos llevan a Crying Child por la fuerza al restaurante para seguir molestándolos con los animatrónicos en el día de su cumpleaños, y siguiendo con la broma, lo ponen en la boca de Fredbear simulando que se lo iba a comer, y desgraciadamente no solo simuló eso. Como había dicho en un principio, el sistema de resorte de Henry era sensible, por lo que al introducir un niño dentro de la boca, el traje se cerró en la cabeza de Crying Child, que luego de eso, el mini Afton entra en un estado de coma donde están todos los animatrónicos que él conocía y el peluche que le había regalado William, donde en esta pantalla se da a entender como que su padre le está dedicando las últimas palabras a su hijo, pidiéndole que lo perdone, y diciendo dos frases que quedarían para muchísimas teorías. Vos estás roto, yo te reconstruiré. Por supuesto que esto lo dice debido a que a partir de la muerte de Elizabeth, él sabía que de alguna forma los animatrónicos lograban tomar el alma de la persona y adaptarla a su cuerpo, o por lo menos ahí alma y animatrónico convivían en un solo cuerpo. Una curiosidad de esta parte de la historia es que como estamos en 1983, si recorremos la casa de los Afton, nos vamos a encontrar con un cuarto que da a entender que es de una niña, y quién era la única niña que tenía la familia Afton, Elizabeth Afton. Por lo tanto, antes de ese 1983, la hija de William ya estaba dentro del cuerpo de Baby.Debido a la mordida del 83, las muy malas reputaciones y rumores que despertó que un animatrónico había matado a un niño, la gente había dejado de ir a Fredbear Family Dinner. Pero el problema de Henry no solamente estaría en su restaurante, sino que tenía un problema aún mayor con William, que seguramente le iba a culpar a este de la muerte de su hijo, ya que recordemos que el sistema de resorte de estos trajes había sido obra de Henry principalmente. Y aparte, William no solamente había sufrido un daño mental increíble por la muerte de sus dos hijos menores, sino que había comenzado un plan de venganza y de investigación del remanente. ¿El qué? El remanente, una sustancia que segregaba al animatrónico si se prendía fuego una vez que tenía un alma dentro. Como sea, el remanente se podría extraer de los animatrónicos y colocar en otros, por eso la única forma de destruir a un alma dentro de uno de estos robots es destruyendo todo el remanente. Por más de que si el remanente de una persona estaba en tres animatrónicos distintos, con que se destruya solamente uno, el alma de esa persona seguía quedando en los otros dos. Creo que se entendió, el temor de Henry por su vida y la de su propia hija estaba muy justificado y es por eso que crea un animatrónico especializado en proteger, Puppet. Pero por más animatrónicos que haya, si a este lo encierran en una caja de regalos, no serviría para nada. Y es por eso que un día entre los años 1983 a 1985, William tendría la oportunidad de vengarse de su ex amigo y una vez que se encuentra con Charlie a las afueras del restaurante, este la mata. Luego de que Puppet pudiera escapar de donde estaba encerrada, sale a buscar a Charlie a pesar de que la lluvia obviamente dañó todos sus circuitos. Pero ya era demasiado tarde y este animatrónico decide pasar los últimos momentos de Charlie a su lado abrazándola. Pero esto aparte de ser un simbolismo, lo que está haciendo Puppet es que el alma de Charlie vaya a parar dentro de este animatrónico, por lo que sí, Puppet tiene mitad animatrónico, mitad Charlie. Henry, al enterarse de la muerte de su hija, empezó una investigación judicial que nunca pudo llegar a nada, ya que William, o mejor dicho, Purple Guy, había logrado salirse con la suya y debido a esto, Henry desaparece por completo vendiendo todos los animatrónicos a Fazbear Entertainment, la empresa que había estado esperando todo este momento para tener animatrónicos, ahora salía a la luz. Mientras todo esto pasaba, si bien la investigación de la policía no había llegado a ningún puerto, dudaban de William y es por eso que este se alejaría un tiempo de situaciones de peligro, ya que no quería ser atrapado. Por eso le cuenta a Mike que su hermana seguía viva dentro del cuerpo de un animatrónico y que tenía que ir a buscarla, que estaba en el subsuelo de Circus Baby. Mike no entendió absolutamente nada de lo que su padre le dijo, pero aún así le hizo caso ya que él se sentía culpable por la muerte de su hermano más chico y haría lo que sea para salvar a su hermana. Es por eso que este baja a las profundidades de Circus Baby Pixar World y se encuentra con lo que su padre le había dicho, su hermana era un animatrónico. Desde ya que Mike tenía las mismas dudas que su padre en cuanto a cómo sacar a su familiar de ahí, pero eso lo resolvería Baby sola, porque tras seguir al pie de la letra todo lo que le decía su supuesta hermana, los animatrónicos Funtime se fusionarían en uno solo dando lugar a una nueva entidad, Ennard. Y este da a entender que la única manera de salir de Circus Baby Pixar World era hacerlos todos juntos, pero en el cuerpo de Michael. ¿Y cómo harían esto? Bueno, recordemos que este lugar también es el laboratorio de su padre y acá es cuando Michael descubriría la Scooper, una máquina que serviría para extraer el remanente de los animatrónicos. Bueno, esa misma máquina le inyectaría Ennard a Mike y tras pensar que estaba muerto, se confirma que claramente no. Lo que pasaría en las siguientes horas es que Mike expulsa todos los animatrónicos de su cuerpo debido a que no aguantaba toda esa cantidad de remanente. Y luego de que se desmayara al borde de la muerte, una voz, la voz de su hermana, le dice... Esto hace que Mike se levante y pueda estar vivo debido a que todavía en su cuerpo tenía remanente. Y como habíamos dicho, el remanente solamente puede destruirse si estaba todo junto, por lo que Mike y los animatrónicos Funtime estaban directamente relacionados. A pesar de esto, su hermana escapa junto con Ennard por las alcantarillas para luego dar paso a que la pantalla se apague y empieza a sonar un mensaje de Mike dirigido a su padre, terminando con la frase... Iré a buscarte. Volviendo a Fazbear Entertainment, ¿se acuerdan que esta empresa con la partida de Henry había comprado todos sus animatrónicos? Bueno, ahora en Freddy Fazbear Pizza, un local que cronológicamente debió haber estado hasta 1985 debido a que en una llamada de Fungi en Five Nights at Freddy's 2 durante la quinta noche hace referencia a que un restaurante había cerrado hacía un par de años, dos o más, un par. Y si sabemos que el restaurante de Five Nights at Freddy's 2 se funda en 1987, es muy fácil la cuenta que hay que sacar. Pero tampoco puede ser antes de 1983, ya que primero tiene que morir el hijo de William para que éste pierda completamente la cabeza y pase todo lo de Charlie. Por lo tanto, el primer Freddy Fazbear Pizza tendría que estar ubicado entre los años 1983 a 1985. Pero en este lugar pasarían una de las peores cosas. Luego de que suceda el incidente de dos empleados lastimados por usar los trajes híbridos, tanto a Fredbear como a Spring Bonnie los encierran y los dejan abandonados. Y aunque la empresa Fazbear Entertainment pudo encubrir este hecho, no pudieron tapar el incidente gigante que vendría. Debido a que estos dos empleados se lastiman, el local tiene que contratar más personal y es acá donde William aprovecharía para meterse como guardia de seguridad, buscar el traje de Spring Bonnie y en uno de los tantos cumpleaños de ese lugar, un 26 de junio de un año desconocido, este personaje deja de ser William para convertirse completamente en Purple Guy, asesinando a cinco niños. Cinco inocentes niños que debido a que la policía jamás pudo encontrar sus cuerpos se llamarían los niños perdidos o The Missing Childrens. Pero no es que estaban perdidos, sino que Puppet no iba a dejar que esto pasara de nuevo y por eso pone las almas de estos niños dentro de los animatrónicos y así podrían vengarse del hombre detrás del sacrificio. Estos niños serían Gabriel, Fritz, Susie, Jeremy y por último Cassidy. Luego de la supuesta desaparición de estos niños, el primer local de Fazbear entraría en una etapa de remodelaciones y tendría su gran apertura en 1987, el lugar donde transcurre Five Nights at Freddy's 2. En esta reapertura de Fazbear, entraría en juego un nuevo personaje, Jeremy Fiskeral, un guardia de seguridad que el juego lo hace pasar como el protagonista, pero el protagonista acá no es nada más ni nada menos que Fungi. Una persona misteriosa que no se sabe quién es, pero sí sabe todo lo que sucedió anteriormente, desde la muerte de los niños hasta que los animatrónicos persiguen a los guardias de seguridad, pero el chico del teléfono trata de decirte esto de la manera más liviana posible. A este restaurante vamos a llamarlo Freddy Fazbear Pizza 2. Tenía mucho más lujos que los anteriores, era más grande, más espacioso y sobre todo los animatrónicos eran distintos. Ahora ya la empresa tenía un conjunto de dos animatrónicos, los cinco viejos, los dos trajes híbridos y cuatro nuevos que serían los animatrónicos toys. Estos eran reversiones más chicas de Freddy, Bonnie y Chica, pero también estaban Mangle y Balloon Boy. Tenían el objetivo de ser mucho más amigables y contaban con el reconocimiento facial para identificar criminales. Es por eso que el asesinato de los cinco niños tiene que ocurrir antes de este segundo local, porque si no, ¿qué lógica tendría? Por supuesto que la empresa Fazbear Entertainment gastó una buena cantidad de plata en este lugar y no les saldría muy redituable este restaurante. A lo largo de las noches, Fungine nos va revelando ciertos acontecimientos y de la primera noche que tiene una voz calma o tranquila, llegamos a la última noche, donde su voz empieza a sonar de una manera mucho más nerviosa y preocupada. Jeremy entra un 8 de noviembre a trabajar en este restaurante y se va un 13 de noviembre, pero acá viene lo interesante. Recordemos que Puppet era Charlie y esta sabe que William había matado a cinco niños. Entonces decide devolverles la vida para que así puedan vengarse de su asesino y es acá donde entra el minijuego, en donde podemos ver a Freddy, Puppet y Purple Guy, los tres en una misma habitación y Purple Guy estaba ahí por una sola razón, robarse los trajes. Cosa que podemos deducir cuando la grabación de la última noche, Fungine dice esto. Por lo que ahora tiene más sentido y capaz que a Fungine se lo escucha tan agitado porque recordó lo que había pasado ese 26 de junio cuando alguien había entrado con el traje de Spring Bonnie a matar a cinco chicos. Sea como sea, en este restaurante pasa el hecho más confuso de todos, la mordida del 87. No se sabe bien cuál fue la razón o a quién, pero se supone que luego de que Fungine le diga ya que no se había matado a los cinco niños, se le ha dado cuenta de que el traje de Spring Bonnie pero se supone que luego de que Fungine le diga a Jeremy que si podía trabajar durante el turno de día, este fue mordido por algún animatrónico, cosa que nos enteraríamos recién cinco años después. Pero antes que cerrara este restaurante, la noche que Jeremy estaba trabajando en el día, a la noche no había nadie y es por eso que contratan a un tal Fritz Smith, que no es nada más ni nada menos que Mike, el hijo de William.Pero este es expulsado debido a que manipuló los animatrónicos y por su olor, que recordemos que era porque el cuerpo de Mike técnicamente estaba en descomposición, por eso se ve de esta manera. Luego de que cerrara este local y que Fazbear destruyera los animatrónicos Toys debido a la mordida del 87, tras cinco años de inactividad, los animatrónicos clásicos volverían al ruedo en un nuevo restaurante de Fazbear Entertainment, uno que sería mucho más chico que el anterior debido a que se habían gastado todo el presupuesto y es por eso que pasamos de un local gigante a una especie de cabina claustrofóbica. Acá van a estar solamente los animatrónicos clásicos, Freddy, Chica, Bonnie y Foxy, pero ocasionalmente también aparecería Golden Freddy, el personaje más misterioso de toda la saga. Por suerte se descubrió que este personaje es Cassidy, uno de los cinco niños asesinados por William el 26 de junio, ya que esto lo revelaría el Survival Book de Mike, que lo escribió durante las noches mientras trabajaba de guardia en el restaurante de Fine Nuts a Freddy's 1. Dentro de este libro, a través de muchísimos códigos, llegabas a la conclusión de que el desenlace de toda esta actividad, el único propósito de esta guía de supervivencia es descubrir un nombre, el nombre de Cassidy. Pero no solamente eso, encontrabas el nombre en una página donde la mayor palabra que se repetía era It's me, lo que claramente da a entender que Cassidy es Golden Freddy. Siguiendo con la historia, ahora tocaría el turno de que Fungi sea el guardia de seguridad, debido a que como Fazbear Entertainment no tenía más presupuesto, pusieron justamente a esta persona. Él, sabiendo lo que le iba a pasar, llega a grabar cuatro noches en una cinta para hacer que el siguiente guardia de seguridad pueda evitar a los animatrónicos. Graba solamente cuatro cintas porque después es atrapado por los animatrónicos y muere. Al morir este, Fazbear busca personal y Mike ve en el diario un aviso de Buscamos Trabajador. Sin dudas, este va, ya que podía ser que ahí esté su padre o que su hermana Baby haya vuelto a ser parte de las atracciones animatrónicas. Por supuesto que no estaban ninguno de los dos. Solamente aparecía a cada tanto Golden Freddy tratándose de comunicarse con él, diciéndole It's me. Acá hay dos teorías, una es que Cassidy es la hermana de Mike, o sea, una hija perdida de William que no sabemos nada y por eso dice esta famosa frase. O la que es mucho más simple es que el alma de Cassidy se confundió a Mike con su asesino, William, ya que tienen una apariencia muy similar y le está diciendo soy yo, recordándole que él la había matado. Mike sobrevive todas las noches y vuelve a manipular a los animatrónicos. ¿Con qué razón? Muy probablemente para que los destruyan, ya que recordemos que tenías que destruir todo el remanente de los animatrónicos para que el alma pueda descansar en paz. Pero de nuevo es encontrado y despedido, haciendo que ahora esté completamente solo, sin su hermana, hermano y sin su padre, al que seguiría buscando durante 30 años más. Pero antes de eso, William seguía con la idea de robarse los trajes animatrónicos, un rompepelotas total. Por eso que entra una vez más al local ya abandonado de Freddy Fazbear, solamente que esta vez no contaría con la misma suerte que antes. Debido a que el alma de Golden Freddy se la parecería y este, aterrorizado, corrió a meterse en el traje donde comenzó todo y terminó. Ya que los resortes de Spring Bonnie hacía años que no tenían el mantenimiento adecuado y es por eso que provocó lo inevitable, la muerte de Purple Guy. A todo esto se puede deducir que el alma es la de Cassidy o Golden Freddy porque aparecen todos los animatrónicos desmantelados y porque Golden Freddy tiene la habilidad de aparecer en distintos lugares y es por eso que al principio del minijuego aparecemos en un lugar al azar para luego ir en busca de Purple Guy. Ahora sí, 30 años después, luego de que Fazbear Entertainment cierre, estos crearían Fazbear Fright, dejando el negocio de la comida para meterse de lleno en el negocio del terror. Mike entra a trabajar en esta empresa debido a que él seguía buscando a su padre y es acá que luego de encontrarse con Springtrap, o como se llamaba hace 30 años, Spring Bonnie, logra identificar al que era su padre, William, Purple Guy haya estado 30 años en un traje animatrónico. Y una vez que lo encontró, Mike decide hacer lo que hace mucho tiempo quería, él prende fuego toda la atracción y así de una buena vez por todas su padre podría descansar en paz. Pero en contra de lo que pensaba, los fundadores de esta atracción lograron rescatar todo justo a tiempo, incluyendo a Springtrap. Y acá aparecería el personaje que terminaría todo, este vuelve a la escena para acabar con lo que alguna vez fue su mejor amigo. Vuelve Henry. Él entendería toda la situación que veníamos contando hasta este momento, desde los cinco niños, el remanente, los planes de William, todo. Por eso que hace un plan para acabar con los animatrónicos que estaban libres, Henry iba a mandarle un mensaje que atrayera al alma dentro del robot, un mensaje dirigido a la persona que alguna vez fuese animatrónico. Así fue como logra reunir a todos, desde Springtrap hasta Baby. Pero faltaba uno, Puppet, que por alguna razón este no quería volver a la pizzería. Henry sabía que ahí adentro estaba el alma de su pequeña niña, Charlie. Así es como crea a Luffy, un animatrónico específico para capturar a Puppet y traerlo hacia él. Henry llama a Mike para trabajar juntos en esto y mientras el primero hace todos los preparativos para su Freddy Fazbear Pizza Simulator, Mike trabaja en la búsqueda de los animatrónicos y es quien hace las entrevistas para confirmar que los animatrónicos seguían teniendo las almas de sus seres queridos dentro. Pero Henry no le cuenta un detalle importante a Mike y es que todo esto era un plan para no solamente terminar con la vida de sus familiares, sino que la de ellos mismos también.Así es como Mike incendia todo el local dejando encerrados a todos los animatrónicos y aunque su idea no era matar a Mike, este se queda porque sabía que no iba a poder tener otra forma de morir debido a que como él había dicho hace tiempo, si algo está malo conmigo, debería estar muerto. Henry en menos de un par de meses logró acabar con toda esta historia, solamente que no con toda, porque este es el final bueno. En el final malo, Golden Freddy también es reclutado a ese Freddy Fazbear Pizza Simulator, captura a William en su traje y lo condena a pasar toda la eternidad dentro suyo, dando lugar a los acontecimientos de Ultimate Custom Night, donde estamos viendo como William es torturado por sus propias creaciones y por las que alguna vez construyó su mejor amigo. La historia de Five Nights at Freddy's es muy confusa, llena de huecos, cosas que no se entienden y mil argumentos que no tienen una explicación certera, pero por suerte acá termina esto, ¿no? ¿No? ¡Oh, Dios! ¡No!
submitted by LieFuzzy6012 to FNaF [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:25 ZanaZamora KLR story time! This is lengthy war story so TLDR months ago I posted having found something in oil screen, soon after engine blew , I replaced the motor and have just now opened the old one and have confirmed that it was a piston circlip from previous owners big bore kit

KLR story time! This is lengthy war story so TLDR months ago I posted having found something in oil screen, soon after engine blew , I replaced the motor and have just now opened the old one and have confirmed that it was a piston circlip from previous owners big bore kit
As title says, This isnt a cautionary tale so much as a war story for the sake of it and to add to the wealth of knowledge on these bikes a story of… a curious thing that happened. XD That’s to say this isn’t a thing many will ever encounter, nor something one should ever worry about, but something that might make you say “hmm… neat” 😂
That being said this is a story of how I killed the unkillable, or I guess at least gave a KLR a heart transplant after complete cardiac arrest. The interesting journey of what happened, but I do not truly know how. So maybe some more seasoned KLR surgeons can offer additional insight into the how. I had considered breaking this up into the story and just the mechanical aspects for those not interested in the story, but the motivation here is the story and so that’s the read, enjoy 😀
About 8 months ago I bought a ‘09 KLR as my first bike. I’m an over the road truck driver and have always dreamed of putting a motorcycle on my rig, and decided at a fork in my life that it was time. It had 28k miles on it, amazing shape, very few mods, all ones that I considered valuable as I would have done them myself. Crash bars, metal skid plate, panniers with very nice Givi cases, Sargent seat, etc. The curious bit was a big bore up to 683. I did not ask what mileage it had been bored at or if it was done for maintenance reasons or just performance. In retrospect I would have asked these questions but that’s out of curiosity not because I believe to any degree the seller was misleading me. I do not believe they had any idea the events that followed would conspire and I accept them as just bad luck. What did follow is in the first 3 weeks I put nearly 900 miles on it and had only encountered a single issue which was the clutch slipping too easily under heavy acceleration. As one does with a KLR I had already ordered and done a slew of other personalization so I added new clutch plates and heavier springs to the list. Job went smoothly, the old clutch plates were worn but not to any degree that alone would warrant the slipping so the weak springs were the culprit as my research had strongly suggested. But new “performance” clutch plates sounded fun so I installed them as well 😀
This is where things get interesting. As some may know, on the right side of the engine there is an oil screen, a fine metal mesh that acts as a filter to catch larger particles. Definitely something to clean if you’re ever in there, as it’ll tend to have any gasket material and other manufacturing run off in it that over time could choke oil flow. In mine I found the expected gasket gunk, suggesting it had not been cleaned since birth but frighteningly I also found 2 mysterious metal pieces that appeared to be the greater part of a metal ring. Reference the 1st photo. They had been chewed up slightly suggesting they made their way through the engine less than smoothly but not catastrophically obviously as the motor ran fine with no signs of any problems. I spent the better part of the day digging through any and every resource I could find for an answer on what this ring could be and the further I dug the more and more confident I grew in my initial suspicions that it was a piston circlip… but this just didn’t make sense, how did it get there? How was it not more destroyed? How was the engine still running with zero indication of damage? The sun was setting and I had to be on the road in the morning so after weighing all the possibilities I decided to button it back up, hope for the best, and tell myself if it was fine before it’s fine now. As the alternative was tearing apart the engine which meant going back out on the road with no bike, and no idea where to even start weeks later when I returned. Of the many theories the one I convinced myself of was that this was indeed a piston circlip but not one from the current piston but from the original one. That the mechanic that had done the big bore had either snapped it when removing the original piston and it fell down in the engine to never be fished out, or maybe it had been the reason for the bore. 2 days later I get it out for the first time since the quick 5 mile test ride after putting it back together and my theory is proven wrong, violently. About 80 miles later I was enjoying the bite of the new clutch, accelerating hard through 50mph and bam instantly the rear wheel locks up. At this point I had just under 1000 miles under my belt on two wheels, no MSF completely self taught…. Holy shiet that was a bad thing nearly gone horrible. I don’t know how I had the muscle memory at that point to instinctively grab the clutch but I did fractions of a second before I went down, hard. As I coasted to a stop on what little shoulder there was my thoughts were “holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshit….Ohhhhhhhhh it was a piston circlip” before I even stopped 😂😂😂 Sure enough I look back to a trail of oil behind me, dismount and out of the front of the block I see a very displeased connnecting rod peeking out. Well, there’s your problem. I took a gamble and initially I was feeling like I had lost, but after not getting taken out with the engine, I was pretty okay with the situation. I rolled the bike into a church parking lot a couple blocks down the road and helplessly called for ride after ride on Uber to no avail. I was states away from anyone I knew and too far from any civilization to find luck with any ride share or cab service. As it started to get dark the 6 mile hike back to my truck in Mx Boots was not a great outlook but I was out of options. Just as I had buttoned up what I could on the bike getting ready to start walking I noticed an older couple sit down on their porch enjoying what was, to anyone else, admittedly a very pleasant evening. I’m shy as hell and absolutely terrified of being imposing, especially when it’s a true need… but these boots were brand new, zero flex, damn near knee high… just from standing there I was on the fence of what would be worse, boots or socks. So I mustered up the will power to make my way to their front yard and explain that my motorcycle had broken down and that I had no way to get back to my truck to come back and get it, if they’d be willing to give me a ride I’d happily pay for the trouble. They happily obliged and were the nicest folks you could have met, asked me about my travels and wished me luck in getting it back together, wouldn’t even accept my money. They drop me off, I get my rig back over there and load up the bike. They waved me off from their porch and that was that. I know that bit doesn’t pertain to the mechanical endeavor but I wanted to share it as well as an appreciation of just how much generosity can change the outlook in things. I had bought this bike at a critical moment in my life, during a separation, unsure what direction I was going, and it by all means was my coping mechanism. Sitting there stranded, the adrenaline started to wear off and the dread and hopelessness started to develop… the 6 mile walk back, nothing by my thoughts torturing myself for the dumb decisions I made would have left me feeling defeated and lost. But instead I got to share a tiny bit of my story, that it was still chaos but I was… proud of myself for chasing after my dreams not letting it consume me. And it was because of that moment of pride that I had the fuel to tuck tail and accept my circumstance, that I had indeed known this was a possibility and that it was not the end of my journey, just a different path. I believe without that I would have easily accepted the loss and dropped the bike off at home to gather dust and that would have been the end of my motorcycling experience. But I was determined. So I spent every minute of free time I had researching what I needed to rebuild it, what it’d cost, how hard it’d be, and if it was even something I could do over the road. As I added things up it was indeed doable but it’d leave the bike out of commission at best for well over a month… and I had a fire under me to get back on it… so I started digging through marketplace, eBay, Craigslist, etc searching for doner bikes or full engines. Scrounging up every penny I had, I booked a load and made my way all the way to Kansas City where I had found a salvager with a 2009 with just 1300 miles on it that was willing to take $1300 for the whole engine if I’d help him pull it. My determination was unwavering. I showed up at his house as early as I could after my delivery, about noon. My semi truck left on the street where it clearly did not belong 😂 It was a two lane and the right lane was conveniently closed, so I moved some cones and it worked out perfectly but was still a funny sight. He gathered bikes from auctions and had them scattered around his yard, and so while he gathered some stuff he pointed me to two other KLRs to see if there was anything I wanted from them. Ended up pulling a full yoshimura exhaust from one that he tossed in for cheap. Before I had gotten there he had already stripped the most of the bike with the doner engine down so it took us a little under an hour to pull it. Yet another really positive experience that I’ll never forget, really nice older guy who genuinely enjoyed wrenching on the bike with me, not just trying to get it done and get paid. Offered me any small bits like the rubber tank picks that would easily get lost for no charge. And even gave me an old Milwaukee battery charger he had laying around as I had lost my charger at some point and my last battery died while we were working on it. We had it out by 2pm and I heaved the enormous hunk of steel into my chest high passenger floor board of my semi truck to be on my way. And by on my way I mean 7 miles away to a Walmart parking lot where I then unloaded my bike and started the transplant. I gathered my tools while waiting for a Milwaukee battery to charge, caught my breath, and started the operation around 3pm. I was definitely a bit of a spectacle. Not everyday you see someone doing an engine swap in a Walmart parking lot. The semi truck parked alongside definitely added a layer that invoked enough curiosity for people to inquire about what they were looking at as they passed by. I enjoyed the conversation and that sense of pride grew ever stronger as I worked through it. Early on in the process another rider had briefly stopped by and asked if I needed help, I declined understanding he was inquiring if it was an emergency not if I needed a wrenching buddy haha. Over the course of the next 4 hours he passed by another 2 times, giving a nod of approval at my progress. I was fired up. So excited to get it all done, feeling like I’d be too tired to do anything else but driven just to know it was ready to ride whenever I was. All and all it took about 5 hours to get done, a few stuck bolts there, a few how the hell does this come out there, and a good bit of how does one finagle this thing back in here by themselves(ps lay it on its side right side and just set the engine down into the frame, stand up and then align it) and it was done. I had done some mechanical work on cars and what not in the past but honestly changing the clutch on the previous motor was the most invasive thing I had done prior to this. But my confidence was in the clouds, and rightfully so, because while it took some convincing with the starter this stagnant motor awoke with not a cough or a sputter, but with an immediate healthy growl! My excitement was immeasurable and my little KLR, now much more aggressively singing through the Yoshimura exhaust, seemed just as excited as me. The sun had set, I was exhausted and against my recommendation they had already booked me a load picking up early the next morning. But I couldn’t not sing through the streets with joy, so a quick ride I told myself…. I was gone for hours, returning well past midnight. Ripping around Kansas City, sobbing with joy, with what felt like the loudest exhaust I’d ever heard 😂😂😂 A true menace, she was alive and god damnit I was too.
Exhaustion catching up with me I loaded my precious back on to the truck and realized I still had an entire engine to deal with. So I opened one of my side bins, at chest height just as the floor board was earlier in the day loading the new engine. If I didn’t look like a maniac riding around I certainly did trying to get that motor up and into the truck 😂 I was too happy to be upset or anything but it was just about all I could muster to get it up to that height after the day I had had. 2am and I’m screaming, crying, and laughing simultaneously as I blew out every single part of my body trying to get this absolute brick of an engine into the side bin. While I know at that point I was significantly more worn out I still find it very funny that my sheer will power made that new engine effortless to lift into the truck, but the old one was an inch shy of being impossible 😂 Over 7000 miles later and that new motor is still singing happily ❤️
So… the old motor… it rode around in my side bin for 7 months till last week I was at home and finally had the free time to unload it and crack it open. Motivated by the interest of pulling the new clutch plates and springs I had put in it that’d only have about 80 miles on them, and the curiosity of figuring out if the seemingly obvious cause for its demise was indeed due to the piston circlip… breaking? This is where any KLR surgeons may be able to chime in, if they made it this far xD Because I pulled the motor down to just about as many pieces as one could so I could take the bits that may be useful to have on the road with me and have the less likely to fail ones ready to go if I needed them at home, and all of the evidence seems to suggest that one of the circlips did indeed get ingested. The piston is definitely missing one of the circlips, and… the entire part that would house it lol. The broken pieces found in the oil screen visually match the remaining circlip, and I never found any parts of the circlip if those pieces in the oil screen were not it. So… I have full confidence the circlip did indeed end up in the oil screen. The fact that I found it was complete coincidence and had I not changed the clutch out it likely would have failed just as it did, meaning that circlip could have been there for… lord knows how long… which raises the questions, how did that happen? How long could it have feasibly been there? And was this just a ticking time bomb bound to happen without warning at any time or did maybe the stress of a more aggressive clutch bite upset it? And also just… how does this happen in the first place? Improper install or weak components? I know the kit they used is from Schnitz Racing and I was told 683 but I’ve never seen a 683 kit, only 685 so I would assume maybe that, regardless not cheap parts so, just a curiosity.
Final notes, the new engine with 27k less miles absolutely feels more powerful than the bored out one did, that’s seat of the pants and inexperienced rider mixed with intense emotions but I still to this day think it’s more peppy. Have not installed the new clutch on the new motor yet but I’m curious as hell as I don’t think I had enough experience to really appreciate the difference for the 80 miles I got to use it lol.
Oh and as a trinket to remember this entire experience and to show my KLR is on its second heart I polished up the blown piston and hung it on the tail ❤️
Thank you for coming to my TED talk, stay safe out there!
submitted by ZanaZamora to klr650 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:17 midnightbui Help..Lawn keeps getting hardpan

Help..Lawn keeps getting hardpan
Hi guys, I have a couple sections that keep getting hard where I cannot even stick a screwdriver in more than half an inch if that. Its been two years that ive tried to fix this but it comes back. In the fall I would dig up the hardpan area and fill it with topsoil and level it then I would aerate my whole lawn and add seed. At first when it starts germinating and grows it looks great going into winter. But then when it gets warmer the ground in that area gets hard. I can take my manual aerator and easily push it down the soil in my other areas but the one shown on the pictures is hard. Last year I thought maybe I didn't water it much so this year from spring until now I've been watering it every day and it's still hard does anyone have an idea what it can be please help thanks in advance
submitted by midnightbui to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:58 CupBackground6385 ChanceMe: (Junior) First Gen, Journalism & Education- Howard, UHManoa, NYU, Spelman, UMiami, etc!!!

Demographics: * Gender: Female * race/ethnicity: African American * state: Missouri * First-gen * type of school: Large public school with ~1,600 students (no class rank) * Hooks: First-gen, Extremely Low Income, (hopefully) filing FAFSA as independent, lives in single guardian (sibling) household
Intended Major(s): * Major in Journalism * Minor in Elementary Education * (possibly minor in Spanish)
ACT/SAT/SAT II: * Not to self-deprecate but the scores are pretty bad. * ACT * 26 Composite * Math : 22 * Science : 25 * English : 28 * Reading : 30 * Will take SAT * PSAT=1210, English strengths
UW/W GPA and Rank: * GPA * 3.7 weighted , N/A unweighted
APS * World History - 5 * U.S. Gov & Poli (junior) - ? * English Lang & Comp (junior) - ? * Human Geography (next year)
Awards: * nothing really * ‘Superstar’ award (best student) from math teacher. * Cheerleading: 3rd place (in our division) in the state. * (Hopefully certificate of bi-literacy next year 🤞🏽 )
Sports * Varsity Cheer (2 years) * JV Cheer (1 year) * Varsity Girls Track & Field (1-2yrs) * Varsity Girls Wrestling (1 year)
Other Extracurriculars * Varsity Scholar Bowl (2 years) * Student Council (3 years) * Yearbook Staff (2 years) * 4 years of Spanish Courses
Leadership Roles * NHS (National Honors Society : 1-2 yrs) * Student Council Chair * Student Rep Chair (2 yrs) * Social Media Chair (1 yr) * Quill & Scroll (Journalism Honors Society) * 1-2 yrs * Black Student Honor Society (3 yrs) * Social Media Advisor (1yr) * Scholar Bowl Social Media Advisor (1yr) * (Attempting to create a Spanish club during senior year, will be the president)
Summer (educational) Programs: * ~ 10-day long educational trip to Australia during summer before junior year (through school district) * (Applying for NSIL-Y for the 2nd time this coming fall with the hopes of getting into the Korean or Indonesian summer programs) * (Fall) Yearly HBCU college fair in Virginia (attempting to apply in person to Howard & Spelman there next year). * (probably doesn't count) UCA Cheer camp over the summer (2 yrs)
Essays: N/A (honors student yet I suck at writing about myself)
Recommendation Letters: Haven’t requested them yet, but planning on… * Math Teacher :) - Have him currently, he’s a thorough writer (theater kid), chose me as his student of the year, also my scholar bowl coach. * Journalism/Yearbook Teacher - Love him, teacher for 3 years, has worked with him through yearbook camps & college visits, connections at MIZZOU. * 1 of my school’s 5 principals - Known her for 3 years, Black Honors Society & BSU sponsor (I’m in both & she’s a fellow black woman), she’s currently going to an HBCU (would be good for Howard & Spelman), will most likely go on an HBCU trip with her next spring.
Schools: * University of Hawaii, Manoa (DREAM) * Howard (HBCU DREAM!!) * Spelman College * Mizzou * NYU (extreme reach but dream reach) * UCLA (reach)
Schools (I haven't researched thoroughly): Richmond American University (London), NYU (Bueno Aires Campus), Saint Louis University (Spain Campus)
I know I'm not doing any cool/exceptionally competitive majors (like comp sci or engineering), so with college I'm more interested in the environment. Help me out! 🤍
submitted by CupBackground6385 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:57 Makiro_Lad_Demon1979 [TOMT][EDUCATIONAL WEBSITE][2000s][2010s] There is a Website I Used in Middle School that I Want to Know the Name of After All These Years

I'm attempting to find a website that I remember using in Middle School in the United States between the approximate years of 2007 and 2013. It was a website that hosted multiple education games under the website's theme, which was an american city with skyscrapers at night (or had a dark blue theme overall). The games were designed with a set line of recurring characters that appeared in the games, and were consistent throughout the website's games.
Here's the information as I remember it:
submitted by Makiro_Lad_Demon1979 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:55 bigindiansextoy Useful tips for CSE 310

Taking this class online for the summer since I’m transferring in to start this Fall, and I’m bricking it. I took 240 in the spring and barely hung on cause of other stuff, so seeing stuff like C++ and Linux come back heavily is a bit challenging. I’m going back over the 240 stuff, but was wondering if anyone has any idea has any useful tips for the class.
submitted by bigindiansextoy to ASU [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:49 killedurfaceson Wonky Heart

I was born with a not so correct heart that beats irregularly. That coupled with an ED isn't the best combination, especially lately. I've been struggling a lot with food intake due to recent trauma and the family drama that ensued because of it. I've eaten a full meal a total of 9 times since March 15th (when it happened) and just ate one yesterday. Of course the act of eating the amount I'm supposed to made my heart act up. It was only one meal, and it was a salad and some pasta. Any ideas on some alternatives that still have a good amount of taurine and vitamin b but aren't so heavy? Being the end of spring in California definitely doesn't help (๑•﹏•)⋆* ⁑⋆* I can never eat a lot during fire season without getting nauseous ( )
submitted by killedurfaceson to BodyDysmorphia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:39 BroForceTowerFall Love for the Borderline

You, the embodiment of beauty and enigma, captivated my heart from the moment we met. Your jeweled eyes held galaxies within them, drawing me into your enchanting world where you were my everything. Somehow, you craved all of my body and soul, as the Sirens craved Odysseus. You were my duchess, and I was your man.
The intensity that drew us together eventually became the force that pulled us apart. In public, I was your Achilles; at home, I was merely his heel.
You convinced me that you were a damsel in distress, shackled by the morals of your family. When I whisked you away, my heel became all you could see. Your depression was yours to bear, but affected me so deeply for so long, that it became my burden. You wanted all of me, my constant attention and adoration most of all. With so many burdened demands of perfection, how could I always keep my eyes on you?
You found your favorite tool for the seasons. Love and joy for Summer and Winter, the threat of divorce every Spring and Autumn. Each threat was an explosive planted at my foundation. I began to pull away. Each time, you cut another thread of our connection. You hated that I couldn’t adore you with every ounce of my being at every moment. I was willing to do anything for you, to give you the life you dreamed of, but it was never enough to fill the void you felt inside.
I hated transitioning from your lover to your caretaker, but I didn’t know how else to save you from yourself while protecting my idea of love and passion. As happens, you came to hate your caretaker. When it was too much, I weakened, and you became my caretaker, and I became frustrated with you. This is the true “cycle” we struggled within. The woman I adored, who once brought light to my life, slowly became a shadow of herself, consumed by her internal battles—and blocked the light in me that she treasured most of all.
You knew every pore of my heel by the end, every fear. I trusted you as Hafiz trusted his god. When you left, you inflicted every wound that I ever feared. For months, you let me blame myself for everything I could and more.
I thought too much about how you exited stage left instead of right. You never would have told me about him if I hadn’t guessed. You would have let me torture myself forever. You told him a similar story—you were a damsel in destress, and I was your captor. How could I blame him for believing your same beautiful performance I fell for?
I never thought I could become nothing to you. Just a resource, a reason that drives you through the your own ‘Prodigal Child’ story that you treasured so dearly. Who do you want to be there waiting to hug you at the end? You suddenly find my arms revolting. You will waste your beauty and our treasures until you must return, broken, to the embracing arms of the very father you ran from. You know the path you are creating will be filled with turmoil; take the shortcut for everyone's sake, my Gemini.
How can I get closure from a cryptic prophetess? How can I hold onto the memory of the girl I fell in love with? How can I see her instead of the stranger that left me in the most cruel, cold, cowardly way? How can the girl who made me laugh overshadow the girl who laughed at my tears? How can the girl who shared our dreams wake me from this nightmare she crafted?
I may rise like a Phoenix, but you stole half my ashes. Will you ever give them back?
submitted by BroForceTowerFall to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:37 OutlandishnessWrong I don’t understand the math, am I an idiot. Please send help

I’ve recently started playing factorio and while I’ve got a basic idea of supply chain to production of items, I haven’t been able to grasp how to work out the math for producing X items per sec/ minute etc.
I found satisfactory so easy in comparison because everything is based on a per minute interval but machines in factorio are X per second or crafting speed Y, belt move Z per second. It feels simple but when I try to work it out on paper, ends up confusing me, any help explaining would be so appreciated.
submitted by OutlandishnessWrong to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:32 Waste_Lychee6052 Graduating college, but lost on what to do for career.

After 8 years of mostly doing nothing, I'm finally graduating from college. I've learned very little in college, I actually don't think I deserve the degree (I suspect that there is a strong incentive by the university to pump out as many grads as possible, but I don't know). Apart from that, I've done no internships during college and I have no research experience. My only work experience is working for about 3 months in 2022 at a McDonald's and I left because I felt like I couldn't keep up with the school work. I don't believe I left on the best of terms since I was seen as more of a subpar worker (I couldn't really keep up with the rush) and because I left before the end of my two weeks notice. I'm too embarrassed to work with my school's career center because I don't have any work experience to put on my resume and because I don't have any notable school related (or personal) projects or achievements (my GPA is a 2.6). I also don't have a good relationship with any of my professors, so I don't have anyone to vouch for me there.
I've spent so much time in college, and wasted so much of that time, that I've forgotten almost all of what I supposedly learned and I think I would seriously struggle with even the basic stuff freshmen are learning right now. I've picked up no skills that could be used for work. I'm a physics major, but I've picked up on very little programming (just a level above "Hello world!") and my math is extremely weak for a STEM major. I'd even go as far as to say that my obtainment of a degree is farcical, but I won't be the one to reject that sheet of paper.
Anyways, I'm looking for career advice. I've given the background so as to provide context on why I'm looking for advice: I'm an extremely weak grad from a comparably strong (and respected) undergraduate program that cannot possibly qualify for any positions that a typical graduate should qualify for. Embarrassingly, I also have no idea what I want to do; I know that this stuff should be sorted out in college, but I'm leaving college even more unsure of myself than when I started. I do know for a fact that I don't want to return to a minimum wage job, I don't want to work retail or customer service or go anywhere near the service/hospitality/food industry; certainly not for the long haul (at the moment, I recognize that I don't have much of a choice). I also know that my degree puts me in a position that is better than it would be if I had no degree (although I also recognize that undergrad degrees are becoming increasingly less useful for improving job prospects).
What positions or fields would you recommend I look into? I'm really looking from some sort of job where I would be allowed the time to learn something interesting, but that is probably unrealistic.
This post is very incomplete, but I cannot think of much else right now. Please, do ask questions.
submitted by Waste_Lychee6052 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:29 Krixwell Homebrew Outsider: Mannequin

"I want to pick *points* this player and *points* that pl— oh wait, that's just a mannequin in similar clothes."
Mannequin (Outsider): Once per night, when a player chooses a player, they might register as choosing you instead, if legal. You then learn the real chosen player.
The Mannequin quietly takes the place of one player in up to one choice each night.


I don't know why you'd do this as an ST, but the Butler ability doesn't work unless the Butler knows who they're choosing and why, so it needs a jinx.


The Monk chooses to protect the Fortune Teller. The Mannequin is protected instead, and learns the Fortune Teller's name.
The Fortune Teller chooses the Imp and the Soldier. The Fortune Teller receives a no. The Mannequin wakes to learn the Imp's name.
If the picker chooses multiple players, the Mannequin only replaces one of them, and only learn the one they replaced.
The Vigormortis chooses to kill the Sage. The Mannequin dies instead, and does not learn the Sage's name.
The second part of the ability never resolves because the Mannequin lost the ability partway through.
The Alchemist Poisoner chooses to poison the No Dashii. The Mannequin is poisoned instead, and may or may not learn a player's name.
This poison does not undo the "choice" of the Mannequin instead of the No Dashii. The poison does however come into effect before the Mannequin would be told who was really picked, so they may learn the wrong player or nothing at all.
The Alchemist Devil's Advocate chooses the Poppy Grower. The Mannequin is protected from execution. The next night, the Alchemist Devil's Advocate chooses themself. The Mannequin cannot replace this, because the ADA would have chosen them two nights in a row. (The ADA could also legally have chosen the Poppy Grower.)
"if legal" prevents the Mannequin from being "chosen" by a character that shouldn't be able to choose them tonight.
The Lunatic chooses to "attack" the Ravenkeeper. The Mannequin learns the Ravenkeeper's name. The Lleech learns that the Lunatic chose the Mannequin. The Lleech follows suit and kills the Mannequin.

Why does it learn?

Even working only once per night, this seems like it would be a rather destructive form of misregistry, likely enough that most players with this ability would self-nominate day 1.
But I also want getting rid of the Mannequin to be a valid option for the good team, for the same reason. Thus, no "even if dead".
So how do we keep it from being unfun to stay alive longer than necessary?
The information part of the ability is a carrot for the Mannequin. If the Mannequin can work out who was affected, it can be used to reverse engineer how and why the ability was used, and facilitate some amount of confirmation between the Mannequin and players whose abilities were redirected.
It also acts as a balancing measure against STs using the ability in certain overly punishing ways.
For example, imagine you're the Mannequin in the Fortune Teller example above, and you manage to connect with the Fortune Teller. Hmmm, kind of interesting that the Storyteller used the ability to redirect an FT's pick away from the Imp player, isn't it? That's arguably more suspicious than an FT yes on its own, considering the existence of the red herring mechanic and the ambiguity of which of the two players is giving off the yes. But only if the FT and the Mannequin are able to trust each other.
This also makes it potentially useful for ST's to occasionally use the Mannequin ability even when it wouldn't actually change the result, for evil players to bluff having picked the player the Mannequin is claiming to have learned, or for Minions to bluff being the Mannequin (wouldn't recommend it for Demons without a backup life).
In short, I think the Mannequin learning who they replaced is far more interesting for everyone involved, including the Mannequin themself. It gives the Mannequin something to do while alive and a chance to mitigate or even utilize the damage their ability does without necessarily sacrificing an execution and a good player's democratic powers.


Many Minion interactions are more likely to be relevant to an Alchemist than to the actual Minion, because this is an Outsider and should ideally be used to interfere with good more than evil. As such, I will treat the Minions below alignment-agnostically unless otherwise noted, with good ones probably being Alchemists.
Demons in general (with a couple exceptions) can have their kills redirected to the Mannequin. This is mostly useful if they were about to kill a landmine character.
Most Travelers can't be affected by the Mannequin because they either don't make picks or pick in the daytime.
submitted by Krixwell to BloodOnTheClocktower [link] [comments]
