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2024.05.16 14:05 Numbeermit Can’t decide between a Mercedes or Kia

So i want to buy a new car in januari, this still gives me time to think about what car i want and to save up a little bit more. My budget is around 20 - 25k euros. My current car is a 2016 vw golf 7 1.6 diesel and first i was thinking i want to go bigger but its not really necessary so it gives me alot of options. Right now i am looking at a Mercedes A200 from 2019, sedan or hatchback i like both. And i do want to switch to gasoline. But i have also seen a Kia Proceed 2019/20 which is a beautifull car with alot of options and i have no idea which one i like more. Are there people here who drive one of those cars that can give me some up/downsides ? Or even maybe give me other recomendations ? Thanks!
submitted by Numbeermit to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:04 No_Station_8274 Too many eggs.

Hello all,
Last year my wife and I decided to buy some chickens for the eggs.
Last year when they started laying we had the coop built into a storage shed that is attached to our house, and then made a pretty big run for them, we set them all up nice and cozy. They didn’t lay too many eggs, I would go out every other day and get about 4-6 eggs. I chalked it up to being our first time as backyard chicken owners.
This year we built them a proper coop, and run in the corner of our yard.
Also this year however, I accepted a high paying job in Charlotte, NC, which is an hour and a half away from where we live, I get off Wednesdays, and do not work weekends, so every Sunday, and Wednesday, I go out and collect the eggs, refresh food, water, the coop, and run.
In the old coop we had a small rodent problem that we were attacking, in the new coop we do not.
Now here is the problem, this year on the days I go out to the coop, I have an insane amount of eggs, to the point they are laying the eggs in the bedding after the nesting boxes are full.
I can’t give them away fast enough, and my storage is full.
Is there a reason for the sudden turn around of egg production?
When we started, we had 8 chickens, we had to rehome one that turned out to be a rooster, and we lost two under mysterious circumstances that we still can’t figure out (one ended up buried in our wood pile, and the other one just quite literally vanished but left behind a pile of feathers in the middle of our yard.) we do have 4 big dogs, but they couldn’t get into either coop or run.
Anyway my question is, is this normal? It was hotter last year, and the winter was mild, but still isn’t normal for the egg production to vary?
submitted by No_Station_8274 to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:58 somehow_marshmallow JNMIL is sabotaging her weekend with the grandkids, but blames me

JNMIL is sabotaging her weekend with our kids over her very old fashioned views on car seat safety, and of course blames me.
This ended up being much longer than I thought it would.
Background info: - we do not live in the US. Car seat standards are lax in this country compared to my home country (USA). - I’m an immigrant in the country I live in. I will apply for citizenship this fall. - my in laws don’t speak English. I can get by in their native language but am no where near fluent. My husband is fluent in both. - we do not own a car, we rent one when needed, and only have one car seat per kid.
We have a three day weekend coming up. My husband is neck deep in writing his PhD dissertation and had the idea of taking the kids (girls ages 5 & 2) to see his parents. He could write and work while they spend time with the kids. I would stay home and get some much needed deep cleaning done of the apartment and organizing, stuff I can’t do with kids around, and some alone time. I also don’t have a good relationship with my MIL and really limit my time with her.
My husband didn’t feel comfortable with driving three hours alone with the kids so he booked a train. He would not bring car seats as he would have the stroller, kids, a bag, etc. At first all was ok. Then this week five days before the long weekend, my MIL decided she didn’t want to take public transport with the kids and wanted them in her car. So unbeknownst to us, she set off on a quest to find car seats. She contacted a friend of ours who lives near her and has kids. They had two seats, one adequate for our 2 year old (I looked it up) and a dusty old booster that was over ten years old. I said, absolutely no way will my 5 year old be in that seat. I told my husband we need to just buy seats for his parents to keep on hand. He told his mother this. She exploded. She said she does not want us to buy car seats, she thinks we are over reacting and the seat is fine, that I (being foreign) am making a big deal of it. She said the culture here around car seats is different and that I’m being stupid. She said car seats are too expensive to waste money on. Now, husband and I live comfortably and can buy new seats without an issue financially. My in laws are much better off than we are, and have a lot a lot a lot of cash sitting in the bank. We never asked them to buy seats, nor did they ever offer, but the price of the car seats is a huge issue to my MIL. Where I believe the safety of my kids is way more important than money.
My husband is furious. He’s fed up with his mom and wants to cancel the entire weekend.
She’s now texting me, my husband, and the friend with the seats non stop to try to change our minds. (The friend is being very supportive and agrees with my views on the car seats).
She’s saying we can’t keep the kids from her over this issue. We said she’s welcome to come visit us. She refuses to do that as we can’t host them (very small apartment) and hotels are expensive. She blames me for my husband taking so long on his PhD and needing the weekends to write (we have two young kids and he works full time. He’s in year 6 of his PhD.)
I’m so annoyed. I was going to have a BREAK. 72 hours alone in my apartment. I had dinners with friends planned. My 5 year old was going to spend time with her favorite person, her Opa, my FIL. As usual, he’s been silent over this issue. My husband was going to have multiple blocks of uninterrupted time to work.
He will still get a full day in the library to work if we stay home. I won’t get my big cleaning projects done for a few more weeks. We will have family time and enjoy the nice weather.
And my JNMIL will fume while sitting in her ugly orange leather chair in her ugly orange and red decorated living room. And blame everyone but herself for ruining her weekend.
submitted by somehow_marshmallow to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:49 Hawk_Man117 I (21 Year old Autistic man) have been probably gaslighted ever since i was a child by my Mother and Grandmother.

I, My Sister, My Mother and My Grandmother live together in a big house. My Father left when i was 2, My Grandpa is alive but has never been in my life and my Grandmas Second Lover who i consider to be my grandpa died in 2011 to Lung Cancer.
So heres what hapened today. Tell me if ive been gaslighted or not but it sure feels like it:
My pet bearded dragon got a wierd lump on her upper lip that she flinches from whenever i touch it so its obviosly painful. I told my mother who said she whoudnt bring her to a vet because shes tired and it costs money. (Mind you ive told her many times in the past 3 months to take her to a vet). I told my grandmother and she just chucked about it and said shes fine and she whoudnt be doing it.
I offered to pay the vet fees and my Sister even offered to pay them but they still refuse.
We argued untill my grandma walked in. We spoke back and forth untill my Grandma insulted me. I insulted her back with a way less bad insult and then she called me a Moron and i called her stupid.
My mother came between us and looked at me and told that i had to stop even tho my grandma started it by insulting me first. Now both are angry at me and my mother told me im scary when im mad (even tho i havent even touched them in 4 Years when ive been mad and last time i did i just grabed my mother by her shoulders gently and said please lissen to me, i havent actually hit anyone in anger for 10+ years and im 21 yet im still too scary i guess) and my mother said i had to think about what i said. I asked what was the wrong thing i said. She dodged the question like 3 times and started to speak about someting else.
When she finaly answeared she said 'Do you think what you said will make things better or change someting?' I said 'I guess not.' (Since me and my grandmas fight end the same way everytime where my mother picks her side and im left on my own to make the whole thing be my fault). I told her 'How did my Grandmother insulting me help?' She said 'You shouldnt insult her and i should respect my elderly.' I said now in anger 'I dont respect her nor you right now and i cant believe what im hearing' she then left to the balcony to smoke like she allways does after these fights.
I was so angered and annoyed but then my Sister came to me and started calming me down and said she agreed me. We talked back and forth till i wasent as angry anymore and i just walked into the bathroom and cooled off there.
I hate these 2 women and how my mother is such a coward to allways take my grandmas side. ( Couple times she has spoken to me later to tell me she agreed with me and that she didint want to fight with her mother. But apearently her son isint off the limits even tho acording to her im scary when mad and when i told her so was Grandma she just said no she isint. So wtf. )
Not to mention my mother told me i ruined her day afterwards. Is this gaslighting? If it is its been hapening since i was a little kid.
I wonder what it takes for them to finaly go and bring her to a vet... they preasured me to get her in the first place. I said i wasent sure if i was responsible enough and that its an exotic pet that needs medical check ups. They told me that someone else was trying to buy her and that this might be my only change so i got her. Yet when i complained to them about that they both looled angry or very annoyed and refused to answear that.
I feel bullied due to my Autism and memory problems causing me to often forget things i or they said wich makes this even more annoying. I allways apologise for these since i see things better that way than us being mad at each other. My grandma even has said to me that if i fought with her like this again she whould leave. That was years ago so obviosly she wasent being serious but still.
This time? No i refuse to apologise i did nothing wrong. Mayby i shoudnt have insulted my grandma back but at that point them seemingly seeing my pet as some toy made me so angry i did insult her back. And now i remember what i called her and what she called me. She called me a Log-Head and i called her a Car Jack. After wich she called me a moron and i called her stupid. Thats how it went and that was the worst thing i did in this.
This isint the first time all this hapened. This is like the hundred time. My family well...
My Sister is Timid and doesent want to take part in these fights but she often messages to me or just tells me later that i was in the right when all is over. (i dont blame her for being timid, shes had a rough childhood in being depressed, bullied and loosing half her hearing to infection.)
My Mother is Scared of her mother clearly but even when our Grandma isint involved she never has said to me she was wrong. For example yesterday she said 'Coffee doesent corrode your teeth.' I called bs and googled and i was correct and coffee is acidic and can corrode your teeth. I told her to admid she was wrong like 5 times and she never did. This was a minor thing but upon reflecting now i dont think she has ever apologised for being wrong ever.
My grandmother if im being honest is a Hypocritical, Fuse-Headed, Short Minded, Self-Apathetic, Hard working old Woman. I love her and i care for her but shes just so infuriating. I often for fun mimic my Sister, Mother and Grandmothers speech to joke around but when my grandma hears me mimic them its okay, but if i mimic her im the bad guy. Worst of all shes mimiced me many times and ive not been offended by it.
So there. What do you think? Mayby it is really me whos the problem and in my autistic mind i just dont understand.
TL:DR: ( Too Long Didint Read)
My Mother takes my Grandmas side in everything even if its obvious shes in the wrong and they both gaslight me into thinking i was in the wrong in our fights and now i dont know what to do.
submitted by Hawk_Man117 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:49 Strapanasi89 Declined Tesco personal Loan, how can I ask clarifications?

Hi all, I was looking to sell my car and buy a new one. I did all steps to sell mine with motorway and applied for a personal loan of 14k (I earn slightly less than 70k year), I’m 34 no dependants, live with partner at her owned flat. I used clearscore and through the soft check I was told that Tesco loan (6% APR, the best I could see for now) had 95% chance approval. I did the application, I was told it was on review, a few hours after I received the information that I was unsuccessful.
I understand that having a 95% approval rate also means I had 5% chance of being rejected and here I am, what surprised me is that I didn’t receive any explanation. I never applied for something similar before, and I acknowledge my inexperience, but I though I would have been told why I was unsuccessful, so that I could work around areas to improve my access to credit.
I decided to postpone my car exchange as I don’t want to make another loan application, I will wait six months before reviewing the process, as based on what I read from clearscore, every hard search has an impact that lasts 6 months.
All I want I know is if whether someone has been in my situation, is it worthy to ask Tesco bank for a summary of my application, and who do I ask?
submitted by Strapanasi89 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:48 Dunksterp Life has completely fallen apart

I’m 40 years old, I’ve been with my now wife for 12 years. We moved to Spain from the U.K. a couple of years ago. While here she made the realisation that’s she’s gay.
I spent the last 12 years supporting her through college and university. Paying the lions share of bills and rent. So she could chase her dream career (which still isn’t going great). I’ve never been mega career minded so was happy to support her and her talent. The plan was for us to buy a house with some money her parents had for us and I’d pay the mortgage. Now I have nothing, no money and honestly no hopes.
She has now moved back to the U.K. I am living in free accommodation provided by a family friend but who knows how long for. I don’t have any real friends here or anyone to really talk to. I don’t really earn enough money. I’m not legal here due to Brexit.
If I go back to the U.K. I can go back into a trade I left but hated and maybe make 40k, but I know that that’s not enough to live and save for a mortgage on. So it looks like I’ll be renting for life. But what happens when I’m too old to work????
I’m honestly at a huge wall. I feel like my life has completely fallen apart and I don’t know where to go or what to do. I can’t afford therapy. All the security I had has been ripped away and I’m genuinely terrified for my future. It just looks so bleak. I have to work forever, and then what?
submitted by Dunksterp to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:47 forest-of-ewood Roaring Kitty tweet roundup 15th May - A humble apes opinion

Hello Apes,
Here's another review of Roaring Kitty tweets, if you wanna check out previous days then links are below:
13th May
14th May
To reiterate, the description of each tweet is to the best of my knowledge the references made to allow you to make your own view in context and the speculation is pure speculation on my part, this is just for fun and shouldn't be taken as any financial advice, make your own decisions, I just like the stock. If you have anything to add feel free to in the comments and I'll do my best to update the post but given the amount of tweets now i don't have lots of time.
8:00am - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790713748866371690
Description: This is taken from the film Easy-A and shows Emma Stone walking through school catching a lot of attention looking fine and what was an A sticker in the original clip has been replaced with the Gamestop play logo. The song is Sexy Silk by Jessie J
Speculation: The stock is sexy, particularly among the younger people. What was Easy-A is now Easy-Gamestop. Looking really great in the black.
8.15am - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790717515523658119
Description: First we have a scene from the movie Prestige, with a Michael Caine voiceover about a magicians magic trick of making something disappear. The quote is "The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back." Meanwhile a person with a gamestop logo is being electrocuted to life a little frankenstein like and then a Gamestop logo bursts through an explosion. We then go to a fight scene with the song "back in the saddle again" by Aerosmith playing.
Speculation: The quote from the Prestige in full talks about the different parts of making something disappear. In full " Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called "The Pledge". The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn". The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back. That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call "The Prestige"." The Aerosmith song also has some interesting lyrics, "Ridin' into town alone by the light of the moon" "I'm ridin', I'm loadin' up my pistol, I'm ridin', I really got a fistful, I'm ridin', I'm shinin' up my saddle, I'm ridin', this snake is gonna rattle"
8.30am - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790721293089964126
Description: Not sure what film this is from but essentially we have a group of people looking for someone who is messing with them, they come across the infamous meme of death looking for Gamestop and then they track down Roaring Kitty alongside 893489 CHIMP located in Boston. We then get a message of Prep mode and arm ready for transport, hold pattern until further notice and a message again on a watch saying the same with a Gamestop logo
Speculation: WS looking for DFV and just coming across more memes, not really understanding it. As pointed out by many, 893489 is the hexcode for purple https://www.colorhexa.com/893489 which could be a direct reference to people DRSing. Final message suggests it's a hold until further notice, potentially a gamestop announcement who knows?
8.45am - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790725065585439065
Description: We have a scene from Ozark where the wife of the money laundering family is alone in her bedroom reflecting to the sound of The Daily Mail by Radiohead. Some Gamestop logos on the wall which i think replace a picture of her family in the original clip. More reflection.
Speculation: Not sure about this one other than the family in Ozark were right on the line of legality when it came to what they were doing, essentially they were money laundering and in the end it cost them their family. SHFs messing with Gamestop to the point of legality could be what costs them their family of investors?
9.00am - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790728848226521547
Description: This is a famous scene from Star Wars where Han Solo takes them through the asteroid field despite C3-PO's cry that the odds are so greatly stacked against them, approximately 3720-1 to be exact! "Never tell me the odds" says Hans Solo. The Song Come Along by Cosmo Sheldrake comes on as the ship navigates it's way through.
Speculation: This play is a high risk play as we all know but DFV doesn't care about the odds, so many people have told him how crazy he is but that doesn't stop him absolutely nailing it. The song has some interesting lyrics to pick a few, "Don't let moments pass along, And waste before your eyes", "We'll be here when the world slows down, And the sunbeams fade away, Keeping time by a pendulum, As the fabric starts to fray" Full lyrics here
9.15am - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790732615022195139
Description: This is taken from The Chappelle Show "when keeping it real goes wrong". In this sketch Kitty replaces a lot of the words to relate to him and the scene ends with Wu-Tang being brought up.
Speculation: Really i think this is just DFV having some fun with this sketch, replacing the woofs for meows, it brings up Wu-Tang as well which was a talking point way back in the NFT marketplace chat.
9.30am - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790736391124774975
Description: We have a clip of Moon Knight from Fortnite alongside the song Day and Night by Kid Cudi. This is the official fortnite music video.
Speculation: The Moon Knight in fortnite is considered a rare character. In fact the last time the Moon Knight was in the fortnite shop was Nov29, 2023. With that, it's a very valuable and sort after skin. Also worth noting about the Moon Knight, "For a quick run-down: Moon Knight is actually a former mercenary named Marc Spector. One day, when he's left for dead in the desert, the ancient Egyptian moon god Khonsu revives him. Along with a new lease on life, Khonsu gifts Marc with god-like powers to fight evil". Take from that what you will.
9.45am - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790740164848861227
Description: Not 100% sure on the cartoon being shown but the rap is Mr. Niceguy by Will Smith.
Speculation: I don't think DFV is liking the public dissing he is getting from various media outlets but really he doesn't care that much as he can just nail some memes he has lined up like this. If you want the full lyrics to the song, you can find it here
10am - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790743946764644659
Description: This is the epic reveal in fight club and DFV has replaced a lot of the words. In the original scene, if you haven't watched fight club, the main protagonist has put the pieces together to realise that he himself is actually the same person as the other protagonist in the film and it was him alone that accidentally setup a sort of movement against the financial elite. In this clip DFV plays off the two characters between DFV and Roaring Kitty.
Speculation: Roaring Kitty was the twitter handle and Youtube profile for Keith Gill where he would speculate on the stock because he just loved doing it. DFV was the reddit handle where he is associated to that other sub i can't mention here but you know where i mean. I think that DFV is saying that what started as a fun speculation of the stock became something bigger than himself with his other channel in DFV on reddit. Now the wheels have moved and in the film it ends with the financial institutions being blown up, perhaps something similar metaphorically is already in place right now. It's actually a great analogy from DFV about his situation.
10.15am - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790747714440892825
Description: This is the scene in Breaking Bad where Walter comes clean to his wife Skylar about all the money he has made selling meth. Skylar sees him for who he really is in this scene and really it's the beginning of when Walter begins to really lose himself. There is a funny insert of Methamphetameme and a mention of Caroline who i believe is his wife in real life.
Speculation: I think this is just DFV having some fun and giving an idea of how nuts it probably was for him to talk to his wife about everything that has happened/is happening. I know to us DFV seems like some sort of oracle but to many people he would just seem like some of stock bro who is nuts, even his wife.
10.30am - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790751492451754012
Description: This is from the oceans 11 film again where the gang are discussing about what they are and how they have come to be. DFV inserts "the Cohen crunch" as what everything could be called and also says "One could make the argument that because it was in fact Cohen joining the board that seemed to kick things off maybe it should be...". DFV then has a big reveal of the reddit user u/ avocado-in-my-anus.
Speculation: Is this all about Ryan Cohen? Is it about DFV? Is it about the Squeeze? Or is it about Avocado in my anus!? - If you follow to that reddit user you will see 3 posts, all on October 29th of each of the last 3 years, all saying Happy Cat Day posted to 3 different subreddits, "never tell me the odds", "next fucking level" and "woah dude". Why is october 29th so significant? See for yourself here
10.45am - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790755264733626879
Description: First we have a clip taken from CNBC where they say "is Roaring Kitty the one running this company?". It then cuts to a classic superbad scene of lots of dicks being drawn.
Speculation: I would imagine CNBC's angle here is that in their opinion Roaring Kitty is the one helping the stock so much with his influence that he might as well be running the company. Judging by the fact we go to a load of dicks after that I don't think DFV agrees with that opinion...
11am - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790759048985612468
Description: This is taken from The Avengers Endgame and it's where Peter Quill and Thor are told they should fight one another for the honour of the leadership of the Guardians of the Galaxy. They reply they don't want to go against each other and then there is a little humored ambigurity over who is in charge.
Speculation: This could be about DFV and RC. Not 100% which one is which but DFV is saying they are on the same side and respect each other in their view on what is best for Gamestop. DFV conceding he isn't in charge here and sort of plays into the last meme.
11.15am - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790762813868175516
Description: This is a scene taken from Love Actually and you will most likely recognize Rick from The Walking Dead. In the original clip he is filming his best friend (and it turns out he actually is in love with his best friends wife in this film). It then cuts to some memes of Ryan Cohen and a clip from his stream about updating thesis regularly.
Speculation: I think this is summed up pretty well by u/ starhammer4billion. "In 2021, DFV was mad, that R.C. did not push the button/do the buyback and told us clearly that he did not like R.C. anymore with this meme. Now in 2024, he rewinds that meme and tells us, that he thought that at the time in 2021, but that the investment thesis evolved over time and he now sees R.C. as a supermodel. So basically he saw what R.C. was doing in 2024, which he did not in 2021 and he likes R.C. again now. Probably because R.C. pushed the button and also did some plan with loopholes and stuff that DFV may not have thought about."
11.30am - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790766591526735887
Description: Here we have a clip from the music video Gossip Folks by Missy Elliot. Some of the lyrics have been replaced by Roaring Kitty. It tells the story of DFV and then there is a ton of emojis that read 😳💩😿🥜🐸🍦🤢👍👊💀🥸👀🤩⚡️🎮🚀🍄💥🍏🤨😵‍💫💜🫂👌🤝⛺️😼🎯👀🐶🇺🇸🎤👀🔥💥🍻
Speculation: DFV is saying this is going to go down again 3 years later after it all went down last time. The emojis i think tell the story so far too and maybe what's to come. I'll try my best to elaborate - it's really tinfoil but why not.
11.45am - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790770363627921776
Description: We have a pizza being cut in too more and more slices and dubbed onto the pizza are reddit awards along with DFV's last position update post.
Speculation: The amount of awards that were constantly being given to this post got so out of hand i can't even think how many notifications and reddit coins DFV must have got back in the day. Definitely a joke on DFV's part and just a reminder to how funny it was the amount of awards he was getting.
12pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790774146994966570
Description: This clip is taken from Spiderman i think the one where Spiderman goes dark but i can't remember exactly. The music is The Black Swan taken from Swan lake and it cuts to the movie of Swan Lake with Natalie Portman as the Black Swan and Kitty being dubbed on her face as she transforms.
Speculation: Black swan events are defined as "A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected from a situation and that has potentially severe consequences". When GME does squeeze, it's going to have severe and brutal consequences for the market.
12:15pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790777913245421806
Description: First we have Snoop Dogg in his music video for Gin and Juice talking about drama in the GME then we cut to Scarlet Envy saying "is it me, am i the drama", "am i the villain?"
Speculation: Just DFV having fun with all the drama that is being caused through GME, through his memes and everything in a fun light hearted DFV meme of way.
12:30pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790781688848450012
Description: The first clip is taken from Oceans 12 where Ryan is bring the gang back together for an even bigger heist of casinos. Then we have part of the heist where he is stuck waiting in the dining cabinet and cannot escape until they let him out, then we cut to 2 people talking, "waiting", "for what?", "for this". Finally we cut to Batman, i think in the Dark Knight where the Joker is in the hospital and plans to blow it up.
Speculation: Bigger squeeze than last time, band back together, GME holders for the last 3 years could be like the guy in the box just let out in time by DFV, we say "where the fck you been?", he has been waiting, waiting for this.
12.45pm - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790785463118348420
Description: This is taken from The Dark Knight rises where Bane states "it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan", "no one cared who i was until I put on the mask", "was getting caught part of your plan?" "of course"
Speculation: This is taken online about Bane in this movie, "Everything that Bane did was never for himself, not really, we find out his real loyalty later and I think that is a big reason why he said who he is wasn’t important. He wasn’t there to impress the masses, he was there to execute a plan, to be the playmaker for a person he cared for. He wasn’t one who liked distractions and the concern over who he was, I took it as he saw as unimportant to what the plan was itself" DFV doesn't matter, the whole thing is bigger than him now, similar to the fight club tweet reference.
1pm - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790789242513433071
Description: This clip is the big reveal in The Usual Suspects. BIG SPOILER HERE TO THE FILM - The police chief realizes in the film that he has just been completely done by the person who actually committed the crime and he was right there all along in the station . In this clip the drawn sketch of the suspect is replaced with the 'ill do it again' meme.
Speculation: The mug has roaring kitty on it so I wonder if this really is DFV noticing a similar pattern to what is happening with the stock as to what happened before and has made that realization that it's time to come back and this is all on again. HF's digging the same hole for themselves.
1.15pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790793012936851665
Description: This is a clip showing Keith Gill and a narrator saying that investors were looking for someone to blame for losing big on Gamestop. Then it cuts to "shut up bitch" from The Rock in WWF.
Speculation: This is a lol meme and basically DFV saying people invest themselves it's not his problem. People did try to sue him if i remember so it's a bit of a fuck you to them.
1:30pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790796790360363016
Description: This is taken from Seinfeld and is about how George goes so far just to zing a guy. DFV replaces some words and makes this about the previous tweet, some more fun on his part.
Speculation: The episode i believe this takes place is called "The Money" and the episode in which George actually flies out is called "The Comeback", jokes aside that's some interesting references...
1:45pm - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790800562654691686
Description: This is taken from the Saturday Night Live sketch 'old friend'. It's about two old friends reconnecting, DFV expertly chooses this and only has to change the last name of the Keith in the sketch.
Speculation: Everyone thinks DFV is nuts, i mean the guy is posting a lot of memes and taking away my work mornings trying to understand them. Maybe he just loves memes, who knows?
2pm - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790804340673789978
Description: This is a video of beat saber to the song freaks by timmy trumpet and savage. "The bass and the tweeters make the speakers go to war", "the mighty trumpet brings the freaks out to the floor", "where the freaks at?". Big tune and then the vibing cat makes an appearance.
Speculation: Hard to say much about this other than it's a fun song and makes you vibe just like the cat. People are coming to twitter to see his memes and we are all vibing out off of it.
2.15pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790808112741630320
Description: Shows a man being followed around by a man in a suit with a red right hand. I'm not sure what this is taken from but the song is definitely Red Right Hand by Nick Cave and the Bad seeds. For me personally this song is most associated with The Peeky Blinders.
Speculation: The man could be anyone short on GME and the man following him making him scared could be DFV or whatever else is going to pound on those shorts. If you want the lyrics to the song then you can find them here
2.31pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790812277530034448
Description: Shows a bear on a pink recliner with a kitty sneaking in the background.
Speculation: This was a direct response to a Jim Cramer tweet who was essentially poking fun at DFV by saying he should make more memes as it's not working on helping GME. Worth noting that this doesn't look like a scheduled tweet and was probably not planned.
2:45pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790815662203617755
Description: Shows Jim Carrey not 100% which movie it is though i recognize it with a red graph overlayed showing the stock price going down. His smile deteriorates but he seems to have some sort of demented plan in a weird way.
Speculation: Stock might be going down and that might initially take the smile off but the creepy smile at the end shows that it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, they are going to get it by the end.
3:00pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790819440617033914
Description: This is taken from the Truman show where Jim Carrey plays a character who's whole life is a television show for everyone else to watch. He is unaware of this but starts to become more aware as the film goes on. This particular clip is where he is trying to get to the edge of the world to see behind the curtain and the director is trying to stop him with lightning strikes and storms and whatever else he can throw.
Speculation: They are doing everything they can to keep a lid on GME. Firing as many shots as they can but it's not working. Is this the best they have?
3.15pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790823211745063394
Description: This is a clip from Dunkey's best games of 2017 and here we see a game where it's just boss fight after boss fight and is really fun.
Speculation: This is a game for us, they can hammer down the stock and do what they want but GME holders just keep buying more and moving to the next level
3.30pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790826988019528035
Description: This is taken from Tenet and is about inverted bullets. It talks about being able to drop bullets and bring bullets back up and move bullets without touching them.
Speculation: I certainly don't understand even a little of what is going on with the stock, but you can still have a feel for what is happening with the stock and it feels good right now even with the dip. Could be something to do with inverse hedging but don't know enough about that to speculate.
3.45pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790830761542664192
Description: Firstly we have the Matrix where Neo is about to fight Morpheus and then we have Alice in Wonderland with Alice going down into the rabbit hole. (The rabbit hole is mentioned in the Matrix too when Neo is given the pill option).
Speculation: The scene where Neo fights Morpheus is really the first time we start to see Neo believe in his ability to be the chosen one but also understand the power being able to beat the matrix. With the Alice in Wonderland it's about seeing how far the rabbit hole goes, things will get more crazy for sure and we are going to find out just how deep this goes.
4:00pm - https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790834536403574936
Description: Here we have the music video for Karma police by Radiohead. A man is running from a car at a hobble speed and then stops turns around and there is a trail of fuel heading towards the car that has stopped. He pulls out a box of matches from his back pocket and is just before to set the car alight by dropping a lit match on the fuel.
Speculation: Another Radiohead song, you can find the full lyrics here but to pick a line out "this is what you get when you mess with us". Whilst being slowly chased down, there is going to be a flip reverse based on the trail left by the shorts only to blow it all up.
8:00pm - https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790894938277695671
Description: This is taken from the Shawshank redemption where the main protagonist has escaped from the prison after being wrongly imprisoned for many years. DFV has changed some of the narrators (Red) words in showcase his story of being wrongly accused in 2021 and having the flee out of the spotlight. He talks about pressure and time, he presents a lot of memes he has created over the years and then shows a particular screenshot of one of his streams.
Speculation: This tells DFVs story but also has some juicy parts. I think Red in this is a bit like the reddit crew (us) keeping tabs on his story but DFV is saying to escape like him it takes pressure and time (could be gamma squeeze, could be LEAPS, could be DRS, could be holding and buying, could be ALL of it) but all it takes is time and pressure. The memes he posted i wonder if some of those have found their way into various subs over the last 3 years without any of us knowing it came from DFV. The steam he screenshot has been spoken about a lot this morning but it seems to come from one of his youtube streams when GME last broke $30.
Hope you enjoyed these takes.
Love ya DFV
submitted by forest-of-ewood to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:44 ungrateful_person AITA for asking money to my childhood friend because it is been a couple of years since she owed me?

I’ve been best friends with someone since 6th grade, and we were very close until early 2024. Here’s some background: During the pandemic in 2021, while under ECQ, I had a side hustle and received financial support from online friends to help with my college expenses. I shared my problems with these friends, which included research costs and daily school expenses. I graduated with a degree in Hospitality Management, which involved a lot of cooking and drink preparation, all done online during the pandemic.
I told my best friend about my job and the generous support from my online friends. Sometimes I mentioned buying things I wanted, like clothes and shoes. One day, she told me she was going to inherit money from her late aunt but needed to process it. She hinted that she wanted the things I was buying, so I felt sorry for her and believed she would inherit the money. I ended up buying her things, thinking she would repay me once she got her inheritance.
In September 2022, she hinted again that she needed money to go to the city to claim her inheritance. When I asked how much, she said “a thousand.” I lent her the money, and we agreed she would repay me with interest once she got the inheritance. By December 2022, she hadn’t received the money because her aunt hadn’t updated the beneficiary, so it went to her cousins instead.
In March 2023, she was worried about her research project. She was an IT student about to graduate and needed to pay for code contributions from her classmates and an IT professional. She hinted again that she needed money, and I lent her another 1k, with the promise of repayment within a week. However, weeks turned into months, and by January 2024, she still hadn’t repaid me. When I asked for the money, she became cold and rude, claiming she didn’t have a job.
Her boyfriend got involved, blaming me for lending her the money. He sarcastically asked how much I wanted, so I said “50k for your girlfriend’s inconvenience and I’ll shut up.” He mocked me, saying he’d rather lose the money in a cockfight. I called him out on his claims of being a millionaire. My ex-friend then tried to guilt-trip me, saying she was pregnant and I was making her suffer because of her debt. I told her I only wanted my money back with interest.
She has barely messaged me since, seemingly trying to avoid repaying her debt. She used to say she’d pay me in full once she got her salary, but she still hasn’t paid and now says she’s helping her mother first. So, am I the asshole?
submitted by ungrateful_person to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:41 adalido Bye Zero sub

Sold my zero at a massive loss a few months ago and seeing zero posts on Reddit just stir up negative feelings so I gotta go.
Great community here and I really did love my zero! I had absolutely zero problems with the bike over the 2 years I owned it. It was also such a fun bike to ride. It was also an excellent city bike.
The Zero was my first motorcycle and I’m so glad it was. I have an ICE now and I’m sure I would have struggled so much more if I went straight to an ICE bike. It helped me focus on the road and only the road. If you’re new to riding and have any trepidation about riding a bike safely, I would highly recommend a zero as your first bike.
Just note, that zero is being dropped by a LOT of dealerships. When I bought my zero there were 4 dealerships within an hour of me. When I sold it, the closest one was 8hrs away!! This caused the value of my bike to tank. Bright side is that this opens a unique opportunity to get a zero 75-80% off if you’re willing to travel to buy your bike. Just check Facebook marketplace in major cities where no zero dealerships exist. If the seller is selling them for close to FMV, I would call a motorcycle dealer around them and see what they would get for their model (a lot of dealers won’t even buy zeros, but some will) so you know what they would get and then offer a little bit more than that to the seller and offer to pick it up and make it as hassle free as possible. I would bet most sellers know how fucked they are so if you were to offer just a little bit more, I bet most would take it.
Fortunately for you (and unfortunate for zero and zero and their owners), most major cities have lost all of their zero dealers so it shouldn’t be hard. I think the only states that have a solid zero dealer network left are Florida, Texas and California. Do your research though.
I hope Zero comes back from what seems like a downward spiral. I don’t think zero listens to their customers but if they do, I would strongly suggest you: - stop the pay to play shit - with such a limited dealer network, don’t make your bikes so difficult to work on. Provide docs on how to fix common problems and/or a hotline for technical help - build your goddamn dealer network or institute a buyback program
To this community and zero riders, enjoy and stay safe! ✌️
submitted by adalido to ZeroMotorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:30 TidyCompetition Gemini - Get a free $10 USD worth of Bitcoin when you buy $100 USD of Bitcoin - (Free instant deposits and withdrawals) - Available for users Worldwide

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submitted by TidyCompetition to freebitcoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:26 pachyfaeria Drainage vs No Drainage?

So I know colocasia don’t make the best indoor house plants but I didn’t realize that until after buying one. I ordered it, so it won’t be here until this weekend or Monday. We’re not gonna talk about that mistake, I thought it was pretty and couldn’t help myself at the time. I need to delete Etsy from my phone and stop browsing at midnight. 😂
Anyway, when keeping them as indoor houseplants is it better to keep them in a pot with or without drainage? I’ve read they like their soil moist. Speaking of potting mix I have coco coir, orchid bark, foxfarm ocean forest soil, perlite, and leca to choose from and/or mix with.
If it struggles I won’t be surprised but I’d like to at least give it a chance. Thankfully I didn’t pay too much for it so I won’t be too sad if it doesn’t survive.
submitted by pachyfaeria to Colocasia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:18 No_Imagination5513 AITA for ‘being heartless’ and ‘not allowing’ my ex best friend to be comforted by my family during a crisis?

I (21f) have an ex best friend (John-22m) who I’ve known for 15 years. We were incredibly close and my family took him in as his family situation was less than stellar. He went no contact with his remaining family in 2019.
Last year, he started dating his guy (Bob-20m) who immediately made me feel uncomfortable. He was constantly making weird jokes and had no boundaries. He would eat my food and use my stuff instead of buying his own or using John’s. At one point he took one of my t shirts out the dryer to wear because he spilled something on his own. When I told him to take it off because it’s mine, he had a tantrum and went on an hour and a half walk around our city, refused to talk to John and returned with booze and cigarettes as it was the ‘only thing to calm him down’. This behaviour quickly became a pattern. Whenever I said no to him, he’d get in a mood. On top of this, I noticed many red/orange flags in how he treated John which made me concerned. I tried to talk to John about it, but he dismissed it as ‘bob just has mental health issues, you don’t know him like I do’. It became such a point of contention that I began to despise Bob and John for still being with him.
Our friendship ended when I noticed Bob had stolen my cigarettes (he didn’t even try to hide it, my pouch was on the counter next to his bag) and I took them back. When he saw my stuff was missing, he got very angry and started shouting at me and it got physical (on his end).
John, to my surprise, was not on my side. He said I shouldn’t have messed with Bob's stuff and I deserved whatever happened. I ended the friendship then and there and it caused drama in our friend group (luckily, they were all on my side).
It's been 4 months and my family have basically iced out John completely but my mum still has his number as she was essentially a surrogate mother for 10+ years. She got a text from John a few days ago saying he had been fired from his job and couldn't pay his rent and had no where else to go. Him and Bob were also on the rocks. My mum came to me about the situation and asked how I'd feel about John staying for a few days. I said I never wanted to see John again especially as he hasn't apologised.
But now John is making tons of posts trying to find somewhere to live and being passive aggressive to me. And now people who I thought were friends are saying I'm being heartless.
I am admittedly a huge people pleaser so I can't tell if I'm being dramatic here or not. So, AITA for ‘being heartless’ and ‘not allowing’ my ex best friend to be comforted by my family during a crisis?
submitted by No_Imagination5513 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:18 Pin-Adept [Repost] Looking for a replacement for a 4th gen i5 dell work horse for PhD work- Mac Air and alternatives

Basically I have been planning to buy a new laptop for the remainder of my PhD term for writing, markup and massive PDF and Youtube use. I am currently using a 2015 model Dell 5550 8gb i5 4th generation model. The magnificent machine is still pulling some muscle, but it has seen its prime. I am basically clocking 7gb of ram on an average use in it. Pretty much this new laptop is to be my office space up until the first pay hike at job down the line. So I am quite serious about future proofing it. I've always wanted to make a move to apple after the M1 buzz, despite never getting around to it though. Moreover I have been putting this away for long that looking for an intel alternative is a bit overwhelming now. However I am open to considering all possible permutations and combinations. Total budget (in local currency) and country of purchase. : $1500 US (upper limit, can be lower too) Are you open to refurbs/used?- No How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life? Battery life, Robust build, light weight How important is weight and thinness to you? Highly Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A. around 15 inches Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run. Zotero, Visual coder, QGIS If you're gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want? nope Any specific requirements such as good keyboard, reliable build quality, touch-screen, finger-print reader, optical drive or good input devices (keyboard/touchpad)? everything must be able to take a beating. Leave any finishing thoughts here that you may feel are necessary and beneficial to the discussion. Is an m2 air with 16 gb 1tb storage a better deal than a M3 16gb 512gb storage? what are the intel, and, snapdragon alternatives to consider

submitted by Pin-Adept to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:17 PlutoniumDH I want to take advantage of the Clean Vehicle Incentive and Costco discount for a LRDM Polestar 2, but cannot purchase until June 10.

As the title suggests, I’m ready to lease a Polestar 2 (I’m trying to be frugal in my pursuit of a Polestar 2 and want to take advantage of the LRDM lease deal for about $300/month).
My spouse is concerned if I will be able to fit all three children in the backseat of the vehicle (two booster seats and a rear-facing car seat). We’re mildly confident these car seats will fit based on rear seat hip dimensions compared to my current vehicle, but I need to place the seats and my children inside a Polestar 2 before I pull the trigger (spouse’s very reasonable and logical requirement). I am so hyped about this purchase that I appreciate her grounded approach to make sure I don’t make a stupid purchase.
Currently, my family and I do not live anywhere near a dealership, but I am moving to a new city tomorrow that has a polestar dealer. However, my family will be delayed in arrival until June 10, so I cannot verify fit until then.
Does anyone have any recommendations for my situation? Is my best hope to visit the dealer and see if they can make it work, or do you think this type of deal is here to stay and I shouldn’t worry?
submitted by PlutoniumDH to Polestar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:13 SouthBreakfast803 How much mortgage is reasonable?

The main question here is do I keep mortgage the same level or increase borrowing to get our forever home.
We are looking to move soon and can stay at our current housing budget and find something livable but I could see us wanting to move again in 5 to 7 years, incurring moving fees again. If we increase budget by 200k we can get what would be more like a forever home. Downsides being stamp duty tax is very large and the increased borrowing.
Situation: Husband 38 earns 165k base salary with variable bonus between 0 and c.50%. Company contributes 16.5k pension. Husband contributes 43.5k to max annual pension tax free allowance.
Wife 34, out of work on maternity leave but due to go back as contractor in 6 months can earn around 100k.
Debt: No debt Mortgage is 480k outstanding on fixed rate of 1.2% until Dec 26 at which point outstanding balance will be 430k.
House: On the market currently and will go for 790 to 810.
Savings: 250k in ISA 150k in GIA 300k pension pot combined.
Each year we max ISA contributions for both of us.
Budget: We don’t do budgets because we live frugally and basically then buy what we want as we don’t spend money on expensive cars, holidays and going out. Saving and stability is our priority as we both got burnt in GFC and can’t let that happen again.
Mortgage payment currently is 2500 which is easily affordable for us. To get our forever home we would have to increase borrowing and dump most of our GIA savings into the house. Mortgage payment would end up around 3700 and debt between 600 and 700.
We are very comfortable at the moment with retirement plans and standard of living. We don’t want to be house poor, but also don’t want to undersell ourselves. We see lots of others borrowing for longer and also using the pension 25% tax free lump sum to pay off their mortgage later. It makes us uncomfortable to do that but equally we would get to live in a nicer town and property for 20+ years.
submitted by SouthBreakfast803 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:01 Usual-Fly-1434 Will a soft rack work with an NC hardtop?

Hey guys,
I'm in the market to buy an NC hard top miata, but I'm not sure if it'll work for me
Specifically, I surf quite a bit, and I've been using these soft racks on my current hatchback as a way to transport my board to and from the beach.
Does anyone here have experience using them on the NC? I really want the car, but also want to surf :/
Link to softracks here:https://thursosurf.com/shop/accessories/soft-roof-rack/
submitted by Usual-Fly-1434 to Miata [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:59 F-uPayMe ‼Important Message‼ by that Ein Man that Fachs (Mods take a look, you are needed).

Hello apes,
I bring you a sad news.
OG DD writer and appreciated member of the community ( that Ein Man that Fachs ) got perma-suspended from Reddit without a warning or a reason.
I tried to contact him and he asked me to write a post with something he wanted to let you all know - so here I go with accomplishing his desire:
This is Einfachman. Reddit completely suspended me [without notification/warning]. I’m done.
My last post telling Apes to be careful because we weren’t in MOASS yet and that I was seeing indications of a rug pull clearly pissed off SHFs, because around 24 hours after I made that post Reddit completely suspended my account…without any sort of notification, nothing.
This was the post in question I made about 24 hours before Reddit suspended me: https://www.reddit.com/Superstonk/s/KGfUJvD2Q0
I must’ve cost SHFs a lot of money with that post. It was at the TOP of SuperStonk that day when GME was around $50-$60 heading to $80 and SHFs were having MSM make it look like it was going to squeeze. I saw through the bullshit, and warned the community about how SHFs bought tons of calls conveniently before this rally, had MSM hype it up, and (historically) pushed Apes to buy call option YOLOS on shill controlled subs during runs like in March 2023 and June 2021, so that they could rugpull when euphoria hit its peak and scoop up *at least* hundreds of millions worth of call options premiums.
Hopefully, that warning saved Apes from jumping crazy on calls at the peak before the rugpull happened.
I made a DD in February this year showing what a real short squeeze was looking like. Another stock went from $3 to thousands per share in minutes because the computers bought up everything through ask, and shareholders refused to give their shares cheap. It was about to crash the system, FINRA/SEC freaked out and ordered a U3 Halt on the stock, reversed the trades, which Congress is now looking into a resolution for.
When MOASS actually happens, these guys won’t have the opportunity to play dumb tricks like what we saw this past week. The computers will be ordered to force buy everything through ask.
Anyways, Reddit has given me trouble in the past. I pointed it out in my Burning Cash Part II DD. I made a post on my own profile (not even on any sub) last year exposing a significant person with influence in Reddit that works for Citadel, and Reddit went through the trouble of going to my specific profile and removing that post.
I’ve had to tiptoe around in every post I made because of Reddit. Despite that, they still ended up suspending me without warning, and I am completely and utterly exhausted from it all.
My first account I deleted in 2021 due to threats for encouraging DRS in other subs. My second account now completely suspended by Reddit without warning. I’m not making a third account. Even if I wanted to, I most likely wouldn’t be able to make another account. Either way, I’m done.
Before I go, I want you all to know that it’s important that the Ape community have some solid backup when the day comes. Reddit’s restrictions on SuperStonk have been stronger than most (if not all) other subreddits. If you read the CoinTelPro Techniques, you know that SHFs are only ok with SuperStonk being active because Reddit’s strong restrictions allow them to have a good amount of control over the sub and what info flows through here. One day, when SHFs see that SuperStonk is too much of a threat or they can’t control it, they WILL remove this sub. And at that point, the community has to have some back up set up by then so that it’s not complete chaos.
Still holding my GME shares regardless. This is not how I wanted to go out. I wanted to be with you guys to celebrate the MOASS when the day comes, but I’ll still be with you all in spirit. MOASS will still happen, whether it be via a market crash, DRS, or some other way. SHFs cannot bankrupt GameStop. GameStop has $1 B cash on hand. It’s impossible for them to death spiral it like with other stocks. Hence, they will eventually run into a wall there.
Always love my Ape fam, and I’ll see y’all on the moon. 🦍🚀🌓
If mods can reapprove my old posts, would appreciate it. They disappeared from Reddit along with my account. I saw my last post was reapproved, so was hoping it could happen with my others, especially the Burning Cash Series and my interview with a former Citadel client.
=========== End of Message
Now, this is something I personally want to add: this what happened to him it's the last of many shitty things that happened during this saga. When the time comes, remember all these events, how people got abused and harrassed - and make them pay the RIGHT price (which is a cell and all they own and more). Because I will. Oh, if I will...
submitted by F-uPayMe to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:58 BrettRexB Best back-up spelling and grammar checking software

Long story short; around 6 months ago, I finally completed a novella that had been sitting on my wood pile for a couple years. After running it through two different human editors and Gramarly (not to mention past my own two eyes, but they are notoriously unreliable) I sent it off for a limited pre-sale print run.
My plan was to cover the initial printing cost with some signed Christmas presales (which worked) before dropping the lot online for public consumption earlier this year.
The bottom fell out my plan when, while setting up the ebook, I suddenly discovered error after error after error.
Besides the fact that it is embarrassing, I'm now sitting with a small pile of books that I feel too guilty to market. My new plan is to re-edit the MS for epub then offer free download coupons to whoever buys a print version; but here is my problem:
I sure as hell can't be relied upon to edit my own work, I've already had two human ditors (one QA professional and one published academic) give it the thumbs-up, and Gramarly insists that the doc is 100/100 no matter which settings I try.
My question: what is the strictest MS editing software out there that I can use to identify any-and-all real or potential errors in my MS?
Ideally, I don't want to spend too much as I am already paying for editing services, but I'm not adverse to paying for piece of mind. I have a new anthology I was planing on releasing later in the year and I want to avoid another expensive mistsep.
I'd rather the software identify a potential error and I reject it than risk another error making it to print.
submitted by BrettRexB to selfpublish [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:55 questionmillennium My Porsche App for 2017 Cayenne E-Hybrid

Had this car for a couple of years and I just realized that there is an app that can have you use remote features, however I don’t know what those features would be for a 2017 model. Does anyone here use the My Porsche app for their ‘older’ model, and if so, what features are there? Right now, it looks like I would have to register the car with a dealership but I wanted to see if it’s worth it.
submitted by questionmillennium to Porsche [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:54 hewmanxp Knocked a boomer down after he screams in my face for losing at pool

This just happened last night, my homie and I are in Thailand right now visiting friends and family.
Last week we discovered this small barestaurant and have been there nearly everyday since. Food is great, they got giant margaritas, and we’ve made friends with the awesome staff there.
Yesterday after getting matching “Shrimps is Bugs” tattoos we went to the bar to drink and eat. We’re playing pool, chilling with our waitress, she’s laughing at our stupid tattoos, and then this boomer comes up and asks my friend where he’s from. We start talking to him and he seems pretty cool, he told us he just moved back to Thailand a couple of weeks ago and his friend owns the restaurant we’re at.
He challenges the winner to get their ass kicked at pool, so I beat my bro and told Boomer to get over here as he’s next, and this is where he gets insanely obnoxious. He’s loud af, curses like he’s a kid who just learned bad words, and starts bringing up politics and libs destroying America. My buddy is laughing his ass off because he can tell I’m getting annoyed and after I lose the first game he invites Boomer to join our table to have drinks and to annoy me some more. (Here’s my bro asking him questions and Boomer starts talking nonsense about Trump being God)
Boomer buys a round of tequila shots for us and after we take them this group next to our table goes to play pool and Boomer jumps out of his seat yelling at them saying he’s the winner, its his table, wait their turn, etc. It was crazy rude and Thai people are so polite and non-confrontational they just apologized and sat back down. I went to them and asked if they wanted to play teams and they agreed.
Over the next 30 minutes my friend and I got to know the other group, they’re great people, and had to apologize to all of them over and over again because Boomer is the worst person to play pool with ever. He’s getting more drunk by the minute, talking all this shit, rude, obnoxious, etc. They end up not wanting to play anymore so I challenge him 1 more time to shut him up and this is where it all goes downhill.
He’s pissed off because I called a foul and ball in hand when he hits my stripe ball before he hits his solid. He says I’m just making up rules and its not a foul. Then he does it again when I’m on the 8 ball only, he hits the 8 ball without hitting his balls and I call a foul and pick up the cue ball. Boomer flips shit at this because its basically and instant win for me and he tries snatching the ball out of my hand. I’m just laughing my ass off at this point and tell him to stop crying and take his loss.
What does he do? He throws his pool stick across the table onto the floor, cusses me out, ragequits and walks back to our table. Our waitresses look scared and don’t know what to do so I go to him and the convo goes like this.
Me: Hey dude don’t disrespect this place or the staff here like that, you can’t just throw their things around that’s ridiculous.
Boomer: My friend owns this place I can do whatever the fuck I want to do.
Me: No you can’t, you can’t just come here disrespecting the staff, disrespecting the customers, its a fucking game you need to chill out.
Then he gets closer to my face and starts screaming and cussing at me even louder, telling me I’m a cheater and making up fake rules, he’ll do whatever the fuck he wants, his friend owns the bar, etc. While he’s yelling at me he’s got this entitled smug smile on his face and I just lost control and pushed him back away from me. It wasn’t a forceful push, I wasn’t trying to hurt the dude or anything, but fuck he’s a 60yo drunk boomer and lost his balance and fell onto the table of the people we played pool with and knocked it over.
I was mad embarrassed I didn’t mean for it to happen like that I just wanted him out of my face and to shut up. Our waitress grabbed me and led me outside. I’m apologizing like crazy and she and the other waitress are telling me and bro its okay, that dude is crazy, always causing problems, he’s friends with the boss so they can’t kick him out but they said I gotta leave right now and I can come back any other time after they talk with the boss.
Gonna head there again here in a couple of hours and make sure if I broke anything I’ll pay for it, hopefully everything is still cool between us and that place as we’re only here a few more days and planned on being there everyday.
submitted by hewmanxp to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:52 UntitledSink AITA for wanting to “abandon” my family?

I (17f) live in a one bedroom apartment with my mom. My sister (19f) moved out a while ago to live with her husband (23m). I will be turning 18 soon and I am seriously considering moving out and going lower~ contact, but there are some issues.
For context, up until two years ago, I lived with my mom, dad, and two sisters. My dad chose my sisters to be the favorites while physically and emotionally abusing me. My mom was sort of an enabler, just standing watching and then telling me “its a cultural thing”, “your dad is good”, and “you have it so good! other kids have it much worse”. We moved away from him (leaving my younger sister (12f) with him) because my dad cheated on my mom multiple times, and apparently its my fault theyre not together anymore for telling my mom the truth. Ever since, my mom has been forcing me to pay for everything in the home, my food and necessities, her food, my dog and what it needs, expensive gifts for her (like $700 for shoes), and at one point I had to pay rent. Both my parents have well paying jobs in IT, while I work part time and try to graduate, clean up the dumpster of messes my mother makes, and take care of my dog. My sister switched up completely. Also forcing me to pay for her stuff, and constantly yelling at me for no real reason. I always end up apologizing to get rid of conflict, even if I know its not my fault.
It would make sense to move out as soon as possible, but my mom has severe abandonment issues, and my sister is angry at me. Since I told them about my potential plans, they immediately said things like “you dont care about us” “what if it was a sick child you left” etc. And suddenly my mom wants to buy me a car. The thing is, I really do love them despite everything, and I would feel horrible leaving my mom lonely as she is very dependent on me. My friend says it would be good for me to just get out of here, but I dont know if its even right. I want them to be happy. All of my savings end up going to my mom and sister and for my and my dog’s necessities, and I would feel like Im abandoning someone who doesnt deserve to be.
AITA for wanting to leave?
submitted by UntitledSink to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:52 TheJokerRise I-485 Denied wife doesn't meet requirement for sponsor

So on may 15 my i-485 got denied and I looked at the denial and saw its due to my wife who's an US citizen not meeting requirement to be sponsor.
We knew she doesn't meet the requirement upfront BUT we own cows here and calfs and live on the land in a house bought for us by the rancher.
We wrote a letter and his daughter wrote a letter explaining we live rent free and bill free in this house and I'm being paid as a ranch hand and with our assets and bill of sale we were about 10k above requirement.
USCIS does not feel that way so I'm hoping my employer or his daughter will be joint sponsor wich I believe they will since they spend a 100k buying us a nice trailer house so we can live here even.
Problem is ! My wife quite working !! 10 freaking months ago !!!
This is bevause I make enough money to support a whole family, and we make about 10k a year extra on the calf sale too....
I'm aware this is not going to look good but BUT she never applied for unemployment so we got that going for us wich is nice i guess.
I am planning on sending a request to receive all my papers back from uscis so I can update them and file a new form , i will absolutely not leave 1 toe out of USA since officially i am staying unlawfully starting June 14 thats when the 30 days are over.
I-765 ( is this necessary since my work permit is valid till 01-31-2025 ?)
My question is will they be able to send all those documents back in time to me ? Has anyone ANY idea about this or am I screwed there ? I can aquire everything again but it's going to take a whole week and its thursday already !
Now i have to pay everytbingg OVER again..
Sorry for long post.
Anyone any idea if im doing the right thing or not ?
Also sorry for long post so here's a potato 🥔
EDIT : I JUST FOUND OUT I CAN FILE I-864A !!!! I AM THE INTENDING IMMIGRANT AND I MAKE MORE THAN 125% OF MONTANA FEDERAL POVERTY LINE !!! so happy with this. I will file everything either Friday morning or Monday morning with the fastest courier in the world and express mail it
submitted by TheJokerRise to USCIS [link] [comments]
