Original gangster cheat codes

Shovel Knight

2013.04.14 05:37 Shovel Knight

Shovel Knight is a sweeping classic action-adventure game with awesome gameplay, memorable characters, and an 8-bit retro aesthetic. If you love games with perfect platforming, beautiful art, infectious music, lovable bosses, humor and levity, and real heart… Shovel Knight is for you! Developed by Yacht Club Games.

2014.03.10 23:47 thewanderer888 Town of Salem Game

An unofficial community for players of the mafia-style online game Town of Salem and its sequel, Town of Salem 2. Community-run. Moderators are not employees of Blank Media Games.

2013.08.11 17:13 ReubenMcHawk_ Cookie Clicker

A subreddit for the popular cookie-clicking game.

2024.05.16 22:56 Same_Efficiency9832 Finally passed it

Hello guys,
I have recently passed the OSCP exam and decided to give something about my experience back to the community as I have always looked out for this kind of posts when I was learning. It took me around 8 months of almost every day learning.
Previous experience: 5 years of SOC experience, Comptia S+,N+,Pen+. Before security I was developing games in Unity with C# and GameMaker with it's proprietary language.
Learning materials:
Exam experiences:
1st attempt:
Had a fixation on the AD and could not find my way in for initial access.
After 10 hours of struggle getting it, I finally switched targets to a standalone, rooted it in 1 hour and something then went to sleep. I could find the entry in the AD in the last 3 exam hours. These were enough for me to get in, privesc, move laterally but I did not have time for the last privesc.
I was chaotic in my attacks, not having a solid methodology and doing the same thing multiple times due to not keeping track of what I already did.
Final score: 30 points (although I was a few commands away from passing)
At this point I had all exercises done, all challenge labs except skylark done + a few from Tj Null's list
I immediately started working on my methodology and the way I track progress and previous attempts. I then re-did OSCP A,B,C labs (not very helpful, it did not feel like I was doing them again for the first time) and fully completed the Skylark challenge lab.
2nd attempt:
I could find my entry into the AD quite fast but was stuck there before I could elevate my privileges on the first machine. After 10 or so hours I again switched targets to a standalone, rooted it in 1 hour and something and then went to sleep. Upon waking up I went back to the AD but could not make any further progress.
Final score: 30 points while being further away from passing than in my first attempt...
At this point I had done all challenge labs and all pg practice boxes in TJ Null's list
I must admit that this hurt me pretty bad since I had no idea what hit me. Being into this position, I decided that although I did not pass, I should submit the report that cointains what I could compromise and all attempts of advancing my attack into the AD, so I can get some kind of feedback of what I should do next.
I was then of course, told to re-read most of the pen-200 pdf's modules.
I took the advice since at that point I had no idea of what to do next. I read the guide again from page one to page 870+ to make sure I catch everything. It took 5-6 days. While reading it I could see stuff that I did not see while reading it the first time and these findings included possible solutions to my second exam's blocking point.
After finishing the guide again, I rooted all intermediate level boxes in the PG Practice platform. I even had a streak of 10 machines rooted without a single hint. I was quite pleased with that progress and scheduled my 3rd attempt.
3rd attempt: I got the same AD set as in my 2nd attempt. One of the possible solutions from my research worked and I got to advance my attack into the AD. I finished it 2 to 3 hours total.
It then took me another 2 hours to fully compromise a standalone machine. I was stunned at having 70 points in under 5 hours.
I took a big break to eat well and went back to try and get that 110 score. After 4 more hours I rooted another standalone. I then took another break and tried for 3 hours to get on the last one. I was getting somewhere but decided that it would be better to just go sleep for 5 ish hours and focus on good notes of what I did so far.
I could not sleep well due to having nightmares of bad stuff happening to my computer but it still helped. Drank my morning coffee then proceeded to revert and exploit everything from 0 while taking very detailed notes with screenshots and console input/output.
The report writing took around 10 hours total. I also used some of the report time to sleep better and do it as best as I can.
My advice:
I hope this will be of use for some of you, I wish you the best of luck in your learning journey.
submitted by Same_Efficiency9832 to oscp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:53 Total_anon1 Issues with passing variables when using sheets in Swift?

I am currently making a Calorie Tracking app using Swift, but am having some issues with how different views are presented using sheets when trying to pass a variable
I have 2 views - my CaloriesView:
import SwiftUI import Firebase import FirebaseAuth import FirebaseFirestoreSwift struct CaloriesView: View { @EnvironmentObject var viewModel: AuthViewModel @EnvironmentObject var calsViewModel: CaloriesViewModel @State private var shouldPresentSheet: Bool = false @State private var selectedCategory: String? = nil var body: some View { NavigationView { ScrollView { VStack(spacing: 20) { CurrentCaloriesView(viewModel: calsViewModel) mealSection("Breakfast", foods: calsViewModel.breakfasts) mealSection("Lunch", foods: calsViewModel.lunches) mealSection("Dinner", foods: calsViewModel.dinners) mealSection("Other Food", foods: calsViewModel.otherFoods) } .navigationBarTitle("Calories", displayMode: .inline) } } .onAppear { Task { await calsViewModel.fetchTodayMacros() await calsViewModel.fetchTodayFoodIntake() } } .sheet(isPresented: $shouldPresentSheet) { FoodListView(calsViewModel: calsViewModel) } } @ViewBuilder private func mealSection(_ category: String, foods: [(String, Double)]) -> some View { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) { Text(category) .font(.headline) .padding(.top) ForEach(foods.indices, id: \.self) { index in let food = foods[index] VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 8) { Text(food.0) .font(.headline) .bold() Text("Weight: \(food.1, specifier: "%.2f") g") } .padding(.vertical, 8) } Button(action: { Task { let currentDate = Date() // Use the current date let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid // Directly using the user ID as we're sure user is logged in do { let macrosDocumentExists = await calsViewModel.doesMacrosDocumentExist(userId: currentUserId, date: currentDate) if !macrosDocumentExists { try await calsViewModel.createMacrosDocument(userId: currentUserId, date: currentDate) } let foodIntakeDocumentExists = await calsViewModel.doesFoodIntakeDocumentExist(userId: currentUserId, date: currentDate) if !foodIntakeDocumentExists { try await calsViewModel.createIntakeDocument(userId: currentUserId, date: currentDate) } selectedCategory = category shouldPresentSheet = true } catch { print("Error creating documents: \(error.localizedDescription)") // Handle errors, perhaps by showing an alert to the user } } }) { Label("Add Food For \(category)", systemImage: "plus.circle.fill") .font(.headline) .foregroundColor(.white) .padding() .frame(maxWidth: .infinity) .background(Color.green) .cornerRadius(10) } .padding(.bottom) } } } 
And my FoodView:
import SwiftUI import Firebase import FirebaseAuth import FirebaseFirestoreSwift struct FoodListView: View { @ObservedObject var calsViewModel: CaloriesViewModel @ObservedObject var foodViewModel = FoodViewModel() @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode var body: some View { NavigationView { List(foodViewModel.foods) { food in NavigationLink(destination: FoodDetailView(calsViewModel: calsViewModel, food: food)) { Text(food.name) } } .navigationTitle("Select Food") .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) { Button("Cancel") { dismiss() } } } .onAppear { foodViewModel.fetchFoods() } } } } struct FoodDetailView: View { @ObservedObject var calsViewModel: CaloriesViewModel var food: Food @State private var weight: String = "100" @State private var showConfirmation: Bool = false @State private var errorMessage: String? @ObservedObject var authViewModel = AuthViewModel() var body: some View { VStack { TextField("Enter weight in grams", text: $weight) .keyboardType(.numberPad) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) .padding() if let weightAsDouble = Double(weight) { Text("Calories: \(Double(food.calories) * weightAsDouble / 100, specifier: "%.2f") kcal") Group { Text("Protein: \(food.protein * weightAsDouble / 100, specifier: "%.2f") g") Text("Carbs: \(food.carbs * weightAsDouble / 100, specifier: "%.2f") g") Text("Fat: \(food.fat * weightAsDouble / 100, specifier: "%.2f") g") } .font(.headline) } Spacer() Button("Add Food") { Task { let today = Date() guard let userId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { errorMessage = "Unexpected error: User ID is not available." return } do { let weightDouble = Double(weight) ?? 100 let mealType: MealType = .other // This should be determined or selected by the user print("Adding food with weight: \(weightDouble)") // Debug log try await calsViewModel.addFoodIntakeAndUpdateMacros(userId: userId, date: today, food: food, weight: weightDouble, mealType: mealType) showConfirmation = true } catch { errorMessage = "An unexpected error occurred: \(error.localizedDescription)" } } } .alert("Food Added", isPresented: $showConfirmation) { Button("OK", role: .cancel) { } } message: { Text("Your daily intake has been updated.") } if let errorMessage = errorMessage { Text(errorMessage) .foregroundColor(.red) .padding() } Spacer() } .padding() .navigationTitle("\(food.name) Details") } } 
Currently, in FoodDetailsView, the mealType variable that is being saved to the firestore document is hardcoded to be ‘Other Food’, so all of the food, no matter which of the 4 "Add Food For \(category)" buttons I click is being shown in the ‘Other Food’ category
I instead want the food to be saved into the Firestore document with the relevant mealType, depending on which section the button is clicked in
I have tried doing this by passing a mealType variable through when the “Add Food For \(category)" button is clicked, as you can see in the new versions of CaloriesView and FoodView below:
import SwiftUI import Firebase import FirebaseAuth import FirebaseFirestoreSwift struct CaloriesView: View { @EnvironmentObject var viewModel: AuthViewModel @EnvironmentObject var calsViewModel: CaloriesViewModel @State private var shouldPresentSheet: Bool = false @State private var selectedCategory: String? = nil @State private var selectedMealType: MealType? = nil var body: some View { NavigationView { ScrollView { VStack(spacing: 20) { CurrentCaloriesView(viewModel: calsViewModel) mealSection("Breakfast", foods: calsViewModel.breakfasts, mealType: .breakfast) mealSection("Lunch", foods: calsViewModel.lunches, mealType: .lunch) mealSection("Dinner", foods: calsViewModel.dinners, mealType: .dinner) mealSection("Other Food", foods: calsViewModel.otherFoods, mealType: .other) } .navigationBarTitle("Calories", displayMode: .inline) } } .onAppear { Task { await calsViewModel.fetchTodayMacros() await calsViewModel.fetchTodayFoodIntake() } } .sheet(isPresented: $shouldPresentSheet) { if let selectedMealType = selectedMealType { FoodListView(calsViewModel: calsViewModel, mealType: selectedMealType) } } } @ViewBuilder private func mealSection(_ category: String, foods: [(String, Double)], mealType: MealType) -> some View { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) { Text(category) .font(.headline) .padding(.top) ForEach(foods.indices, id: \.self) { index in let food = foods[index] VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 8) { Text(food.0) .font(.headline) .bold() Text("Weight: \(food.1, specifier: "%.2f") g") } .padding(.vertical, 8) } Button(action: { Task { let currentDate = Date() let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid do { let macrosDocumentExists = await calsViewModel.doesMacrosDocumentExist(userId: currentUserId, date: currentDate) if !macrosDocumentExists { try await calsViewModel.createMacrosDocument(userId: currentUserId, date: currentDate) } let foodIntakeDocumentExists = await calsViewModel.doesFoodIntakeDocumentExist(userId: currentUserId, date: currentDate) if !foodIntakeDocumentExists { try await calsViewModel.createIntakeDocument(userId: currentUserId, date: currentDate) } selectedCategory = category selectedMealType = mealType shouldPresentSheet = true } catch { print("Error creating documents: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } }) { Label("Add Food For \(category)", systemImage: "plus.circle.fill") .font(.headline) .foregroundColor(.white) .padding() .frame(maxWidth: .infinity) .background(Color.green) .cornerRadius(10) } .padding(.bottom) } } } 
import SwiftUI import Firebase import FirebaseAuth import FirebaseFirestoreSwift struct FoodListView: View { @ObservedObject var calsViewModel: CaloriesViewModel @ObservedObject var foodViewModel = FoodViewModel() @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode var mealType: MealType var body: some View { NavigationView { List(foodViewModel.foods) { food in NavigationLink(destination: FoodDetailView(calsViewModel: calsViewModel, food: food, mealType: mealType)) { Text(food.name) } } .navigationTitle("Select Food") .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) { Button("Cancel") { dismiss() } } } .onAppear { foodViewModel.fetchFoods() } } } } struct FoodDetailView: View { @ObservedObject var calsViewModel: CaloriesViewModel var food: Food var mealType: MealType @State private var weight: String = "100" @State private var showConfirmation: Bool = false @State private var errorMessage: String? @ObservedObject var authViewModel = AuthViewModel() var body: some View { VStack { TextField("Enter weight in grams", text: $weight) .keyboardType(.numberPad) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) .padding() if let weightAsDouble = Double(weight) { Text("Calories: \(Double(food.calories) * weightAsDouble / 100, specifier: "%.2f") kcal") Group { Text("Protein: \(food.protein * weightAsDouble / 100, specifier: "%.2f") g") Text("Carbs: \(food.carbs * weightAsDouble / 100, specifier: "%.2f") g") Text("Fat: \(food.fat * weightAsDouble / 100, specifier: "%.2f") g") } .font(.headline) } Spacer() Button("Add Food") { Task { let today = Date() guard let userId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { errorMessage = "Unexpected error: User ID is not available." return } do { let weightDouble = Double(weight) ?? 100 print("Adding food with weight: \(weightDouble)") // Debug log try await calsViewModel.addFoodIntakeAndUpdateMacros(userId: userId, date: today, food: food, weight: weightDouble, mealType: mealType) showConfirmation = true } catch { errorMessage = "An unexpected error occurred: \(error.localizedDescription)" } } } .alert("Food Added", isPresented: $showConfirmation) { Button("OK", role: .cancel) { } } message: { Text("Your daily intake has been updated.") } if let errorMessage = errorMessage { Text(errorMessage) .foregroundColor(.red) .padding() } Spacer() } .padding() .navigationTitle("\(food.name) Details") } } 
But doing it this way causes the sheet containing FoodListView to be presented as completely blank, containing not even the ‘Cancel’ button
The original code did not do this - any ideas why? Thanks
submitted by Total_anon1 to iOSProgramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:50 Thedreadedpixel Space Dogs of Zeta 9 chapter 3

Chapter 3: Dynamic Exist
Memory transcript : Farusl Archivist Tyka Date: 2277 August 21st [human standard time]
Tyka yawned, he had been monitoring several of the predator cages for a while trying to gauge their reactions, these were new catches from another region which was vastly different to the other side of the continent which by comparison was stable, these more eastern humans were almost all completely feral, ascribing totemic tribal practices with lethal weaponry, it was saddening.
“Terrifying creatures these humams….even the Arxur wouldn't be able to survive a total atomic annihilation yet these humans, who by all accounts are physically weaker than the Arxur, seem to have survived remarkibly well”
The calculating tone of the elder Officer Netly said peering over into the security monitor watching the newest catches, most of whome seemed to be violent marauders of some kind,and if the toxicology reports were to be believed extremely intoxicated prior to capture
“Well HC-1380 was clean….it why we've placed HC-2251 with them, they both passed with a clean bloodstream and 1380 seemed….mildly more docile than the other recent arrivals”
Tyka said as Netly raised her muzzle in contempt
“A predator is a predator, docile is not in there nature no matter how docile it may seem”
She said as Tyka openly scoffed
“I will admit many new acquisitions may be more feral than expected but the fact that we HAVE found humans who are not as violent should be seen as a boon, infact the nuclear devastation could be a benefit, they may be more willing to partake in the cure if it means that they can live out of the Wasteland”
“And how exactly would we do that, most of there genomes Are irreparable damaged by atomic Fallout and residual radiation, it would take decades to repair there existing genome let alone provide an appropriate Cure for eating flesh. Let alone there awful gaze” Netly spat indignantly, clearly insulted at the notion of a feral species could ever be uplifted to a proper sentient species is laughable
“Ahh But that's where you are misinformed Netly, you see her?” Tyka said tapping a paw to the monitor, it was the two new arrivals he had discusted eariler
“The scavenger and the pale one? What significant are they?” She asked confused as Tyka let out a slight smirk
“There genetic code suggests limited to no genetic damage, HC-2251 for example has no significant radiological degradation, she's as close as clean as you can get, And according to the lab, her UV intake, the thiny that gives humans bare skin there pigments? Its limbited suggesting a sheltered lifestyle, possibly one with a stable, equally pure gene stock of other untouched humans!”
Netly was shocked to say the least, from virtually every other predator they had captured they had all shown signs of genetic damage or severe mutation due to radiological exposure, of Tyka was correct…there was a possibility that the Original cure that was designed for humanity could be distributed
“If that is true, where could they possibly be located? We have satellites pointing All over the continent and wed be able to see a large, functional human tribe, like those desert tribes to the east” Netly said as Tyka nodded
“If they were on the surface, i postulate that they may be subterranean and i believe the answer likes in 2251s arm mounted computer. We plan on removing it after another checkup but the lab has had troubles devising a method of removing it without killing her since the device Is somehow attached to her by some biometric seals were having difficulties cracking but by her next interview”
Tyka said, and before Netly could respond a security alarm blamed, forcing the two to shift their focus away from there Conversation to the monitors, it was HC-2251 and HC-1380, the two were fighting, Tyka could only imagine it was for dominance, predators were such a precious bunch but at least they lacked claws, that was the thought until a trial of blood was seen spilling from 2251's nose!
“Ancestors! Netly send a security team to break that up and isolate 2251 as soon as possible, if she dies then we loose any lead on finding more undamaged human stock!”
Memory transcript: Abigail Nelson, vault dweller and current show fighter
The hits were all staged but every so often to get across the idea they Were real every other hit randomly connected with enough force to show it, that was Somah’s plan, make them think They were fighting for some reason, Somah had said that fights like these were was drew in security to stun them and break up the fight, which was also Why they didn't want to actually hurt one another, because if one or both of them got hurt they'd not only be separated and isolated like Somah was after her first attempt, and after getting socked In the face and giving her a light bloody nose. It worked as the door opened and in poured…..cocker spaniels? Chest-tall, wall eyed, cocker spaniels in rubber suits welding cattle prods.
In a flash Somah kicked up the metal tray that the measly alien veggies were delivered on, using it to bash in the muzzle of one, drawing the other three's attention away letting Abigail slam her bawled fisted into the temple of one of the aliens, causing it to slam into another causing them both to frankly…..easily drop to the floor, the lot of them whining and whimpering, clutching their heads as Somah grabbed one of their weapons, tossing one to Abigail as Somah made for the exit, having to brush off the shock of alien dog men she followed her new companion close behind.
“Were those…..dogs?” Abigail asked in surprise running along side Somah as the two raced down the hall as alarms blared overhead
“Yeah, I kinda forgot to mention that, didn't I? They look like Pre-War dogs with weird Brahman eyes,” she shrugged nonchalantly to Abbies confusion. The two suddenly stopped in a side room with an air vent, somah watched the corners and seemingly satisfied pulled Abigail in, and motioned her to be quiet. Before she could question why she heard the squeaking of booted paws run past them and somah only spook once the sound seemed sufficiently distant.
“Alright …..we're in the clear, are you ok-” Before Somah could continue she was meet with a smack across her face from Abigail
“That was for hitting me in my nose!” She spat rubbing her once prestigious white jumpsuit with her red viscous fluid leaking from her nose.
“Okay…I deserve that,” Somah admitted, rubbing her cheek “Honestly, I expected something worse, but I deserved it,” She says as Abigial noticed exactly where they were exactly. “Wait….are we in a alien supply closet”
Somah looked around, noticing the abundant sealed boxes written in alien script, one slightly open revealing some kind of rag or cloth That Abigail readily swiped to help stem her nose’s red trickle.
“Okay so, back on track, we need to find a way off this ship, last time I checked were still over Earth” Somah said as Abigail looked back at her
“How would we know?” She asked pinching her nose*
“Because you can feel when the ship moves, and they have announcements in English” She says which just made Abigail’s eyes go wide.
“They speak english?!” Abby said shocked as Somah nodded, “Then why the FUCK would they lock us up without saying anything?!”
She spat as Somah tried to get her to calm down “Honesty, I don't know, the only thing I do know is what I've heard from some of the guards, something about us being Acquisitions and a cure…I think there trying to collect us a labor force for whatever reason”
That reason resonated with Abigail in a disturbing way, the way the cells were arranged reminded her uncomfortably of Paradise Falls
“But why us?” She asked as Somah began looking around the small storeroom
“It makes sense to me, humans survived a nuclear apocalypse and they want a slave force for there homeworld, it's not like humans can fight back in any way, swoop down, suck up a town into your hold and zip away. They're probably checking to see what diseases we have to make sure we don't bring back any plagues and to inoculate us to theirs.”
The logic tracked, Paradise Falls had a rigorous system for assessing new….cattle to ensure they weren't feeble or lame, Just thinking that alone made her sick to her stomach.
“Alright, but we should stop them, force them to capitulate, somehow, and free everyone onboard!” Abby declared as Somah scoffed.
“And how exactly do we do that, Vaulty? “Ask nicely and hold out a flag of peace and tranquility?” She asked sarcastically as Abigail tried to rack her brain. What would Dad do in a situation like this…. This wasn't like the vault….but that's when it hit her. This alien ship…. Maybe it was like a vault, if it's so big and would need alot of…. Well, everything, to move from planet to planet. Maybe, like a vault, if they crippled certain systems, maybe, they could stop them.
“As a matter a fact, I do have a plan”

Abigail said with smirk, removing the now stained towel as Somah raised a brow to her as Abigail regained her plan to her scribe accomplice.

Chapter 3 is done and I feel pretty good about it but escape scenes Aren't my forte im afraid, as usual I adore everyone who reads and enjoys it, I'll have proper links set up to go back to previous chapters sometime later I hope yall enjoy!
submitted by Thedreadedpixel to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:50 slmiami Ultimate Swing Golf first impressions

I really enjoyed the Clap Hanz golf games on the PSP and PS Vita handhelds many years ago. There was an addictive quality to those games that made me play them over and over again. While I am really impressed with Golf+ for some reason I have not stuck much with that game since they removed the ”Pro Putt” mode that were the game play of original version; I mostly play Walkabout Minigolf for my golf fix.
Given this, it was an easy decision to try out Ultimate Swing Golf (“USG”). Happily, it very much feels like a great VR version of the handheld console classics. The physics seem fairly realistic in an arcade-like way and the graphics are lovely. All the game modes you would expect are there and seem solid. I played one online match against random players and everything worked perfectly and fluidly. You get all the slightly cartoony features you would expect; one feature I love is the reactive crowd which jump out of the way of errant shots and gleefully cheer when you raise your club. There is some customization of your avatar (an in-game one; not a Meta avatar) as well as selection of different rather chatty caddies and their outfits (fortunately my understanding is there is a switch to silence the caddies). There are even a couple of decent MR mini-games. This is really lovely for an initial version and I would certainly recommend it if you want a casual full swing golf game. If you already own Golf+, you may still enjoy adding this to your collection.
One feature I would love to see is a way to replay videos of your last shot.
PS - DM me if you are looking for a referral code.
submitted by slmiami to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:49 pintselton Black tie wedding June 29th

Black tie wedding June 29th
I am attending a black tie wedding the last weekend of June. I never wear formalwear and often miss the mark when it comes to events like this. I originally purchased a black, modest dress, but my sister is a bridesmaid and told me that the bride wants everyone to dress super glamorous. My sis helped me pick out this sage green dress, but I never wear anything like this and I feel lost when it comes to my appearance. I will be getting the dress hemmed and I’ll steam the wrinkles out of course, but is this okay for a “glamorous” black tie dress code? And how would one style this?
submitted by pintselton to Weddingattireapproval [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:48 VirtualClout [5-16] Equipment Discount Dump

Here are some Gym equipment deals i've found today on amazon.
I track deals everyday, if you would like to see daily updates, you can check out Doyouevensave.com. It took me 8 months to create and is now running automatically and out of my own pocket. If there's any equipment you would like me to track, please let me know. Thanks
Category: Weights Title: BalanceFrom Color Coded Olympic Bumper Plate Weight Plate with Steel Hub, 10LB Single Original Price: 38.48 Sale Price: 25.40 (34% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MN99MGF
Category: Weights Title: GIKPAL Bumper Plates, 2-Inch Olympic Weight Plates with Steel Hub, Rubber Weight Plates High-Bounce with Colored Fleck for Weight Lifting Strength Training,100lbs Original Price: 159.99 Sale Price: 139.99 (13% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZZDRMG2
Category: Barbells Title: CAP Barbell Classic 7-Foot Olympic Bar, Chrome - New Version (OBIS-85) Original Price: 78.99 Sale Price: 59.99 (24% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFZFJDSH
Category: Barbells Title: Holleyweb Olympic Training Barbells Curl Bar 300LBS/400LBS/700LBS/1500LBS Weight Capacity Available,Workout Barbell Super Suitable for Weightlifting, Hip Thrusts,Squats and Lunges (Black/20lbs) Original Price: 56.39 Sale Price: 50.36 (11% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S3N9NC1
Category: Barbells Title: RitFit Olympic Barbell 4FT, 2-inch Weightlifting Bar for Strength Training and Home Gym Original Price: 89.99 Sale Price: 79.99 (11% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08T1L5S13
Category: Barbells Title: Signature Fitness Cast Iron Standard Weight Plates Including 5FT Standard Barbell with Star Locks, 95-Pound Set (85 Pounds Plates + 10 Pounds Barbell), Multiple Packages, Bar Only, Black Original Price: 39.99 Sale Price: 34.79 (13% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098556WKQ
Category: Racks & Rigs Title: Mikolo Smith Machine, 2200lbs Squat Rack with LAT-Pull Down System & Cable Crossover Machine, Training Equipment with Leg Hold-Down Attachment Original Price: 1249.99 Sale Price: 1099.99 (12% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHRNWR4K
Category: Racks & Rigs Title: Major Fitness Power Rack Power Cage, Raptor F16 All-In-One Multi-Function Squat Rack for Home Gym(YELLOW) Original Price: 279.99 Sale Price: 249.99 (11% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CC9GJQ5F
Category: Racks & Rigs Title: papababe Power Cage, Squat Rack with LAT Pulldown(Power Cage Lat Pulldown) Original Price: 299.99 Sale Price: 249.99 (17% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JX3DC5Y
Category: Racks & Rigs Title: PRx Performance Wall Mounted Folding Power Squat Rack - Heavy Duty Adjustable Pull Up Bar, Space Saving Home Gym Equipment with Durable J-Cups, Ideal for Weight Lifting and Strength Training - Black Original Price: 599.99 Sale Price: 499.99 (17% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082L3M5GP
Category: Benches Title: Yoleo Adjustable Weight Bench for Full Body Workout; Foldable Bench Press Bench of Home Gym Strength Training; Incline Decline Flat Utility Workout Bench with Quick Folding& Fast Adjustment (Black) Original Price: 99.99 Sale Price: 79.92 (20% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B099JZT1WR
Category: Benches Title: FLYBIRD Weight Bench, Adjustable Strength Training Bench for Full Body Workout with Fast Folding-New Version Original Price: 149.99 Sale Price: 111.99 (26% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DNYSJ8W
Category: Benches Title: HulkFit Pro Series Flat Workout Bench - Black Original Price: 105.51 Sale Price: 74.96 (30% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B3JV392Z
Category: Benches Title: Keppi 1200LB Weight Bench, Heavy Duty Bench1000 PRO Adjustable Workout Bench Press Set for Home Gym Strength Training, Removable Foot Catch for Incline Flat Decline Sit Up Bench for Full Body Fitness Original Price: 289.99 Sale Price: 195.98 (33% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09ZNZ7X41
Category: Handles Title: RENRANRING Gym Exercise Handles, Replacement Handle Attachments for Cable Machine Pulleys, Resistance Band and Strength Trainer, Pull Down Workout Accessories, Home Gym Add On Equipment Original Price: 9.99 Sale Price: 7.95 (22% OFF) URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088NSW1RV
submitted by VirtualClout to GarageGym [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:48 MichiganMan2424 [US-CA] [H] Finalmouse: Air58 Ninja Mystic Blue x2, Ultralight 2 Capetown x2, Ultralight Sunset, Starlight-12 Last Legend Medium, Pwnage Stormbreaker, Logitech G PRO x Superlight, Gwolves Skoll SKL, Gwolves Hati HTM Classic [W] Paypal G&S, Local Cash, Trades

Local to 94551.
Prices reduced, again, more mice added.
All prices are shipped, OBO, CONUS ONLY, same day if possible. Happy to trade as well, list of mice and mousepads I am looking for is below, feel free to ask about items not on my list. Feel free to offer other mice and mousepads that are not on the list. About half the mice come with the box - if they come with the box, it's shown in the timestamp.
Will discount for bundles (larger discount for larger bundles). Will of course send more photos to interested buyers upon request.
Have >25 purchases, sales, and trades on mousemarket in the last 6 months.
I am simply thinning out my collection. All of these mice are duplicates for me (I have too many mice...), and in most cases I bought a sealed BNIB or open-box version of the mouse and am now selling the one I had before.
Pwnage Stormbreaker Black $100 - Like new, only used twice because I prefer the LE Nacho color. Has brand new and unused red Pwnage glass skates installed. Comes in box with dongle and cable, does not include screwdriver or grip tape.
Finalmouse Air58 Ninja Mystic Blue $130 each - No boxes. Both in excellent working condition. No yellowing or major cosmetic defects. One of them was only rarely used but comes with stock skates, the other was used more often (but not that much) and comes with aftermarket skates which I was told are FM-1 Hyperglides (they glide amazingly), so I have priced them the same.
Finalmouse Ultralight Sunset $95 - No box, mouse is in excellent working condition.
Finalmouse Ultralight 2 Capetown #1 $75 - Comes with the box, open-box minus the infinity skins. Was only used several times, and the infinity skins were removed for use on a different UL2 capetown.
Finalmouse Ultralight 2 Capetown #2 $60 - No box. Picked this up as part of a bundle only for a different mouse I wanted. Lightly used by the original owner, I never used it myself aside to verify functionality.
Finalmouse Starlight Pro last Legend Medium $155 - Almost no usage on the mouse, mouse is like-new. Stock skates have been replaced with dot skates. Does NOT come with centerpiece code or grips.
GWolves Skoll SKL $30 - Complete-in-box. Picked this up as part of a bundle only for a different mouse I wanted. Lightly used by the original owner, I never used it myself aside to verify functionality.
GWolves Hati HTM $30 (wired) - Complete-in-box. Picked this up as part of a bundle only for a different mouse I wanted. Lightly used by the original owner, I never used it myself aside to verify functionality.
Logitech G PRO x Superlight $50 - No wire or dongle, but has box and grip tapes. These seem to be going for $80 or so with dongle, and dongles which can be repaired seem to be $15-$20. Picked this up as part of a bundle only for a different mouse I wanted. Lightly used by the original owner, I never used it myself aside to verify functionality.
Mice and mousepads I am looking for:
Comment before PM please!
submitted by MichiganMan2424 to MouseMarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:46 CrushingPhotography What Cameras and Lenses Do Sports Photographers Use? (Across Various Price Points)

You may wonder:
And that’s exactly what I’m here to help you with today.
Here are the top 5 best cameras for sports photography (beginner and advanced folks) across various price points.
I'll also include the recommended lenses for sports for each of the camera body mentioned.
These options work for a variety of events/team sports:
Whatever camera you decide to choose, remember, for this photography genre, fast focusing and high frame rate is what you need to look for.
Alright, here's the roundup of the best cameras for sports photography.

1. Canon Rebel T6i

Type: Compact SLR Weight: 555 g Resolution: 24MP LCD: Fully articulated Touchscreen: Yes Weather-sealed: No ISO: Auto, 100-12800 (expandable to 25600)
While the Canon Rebel T6i (or 750D outside the US) is not ‘the latest and greatest’, it’s still a sweet choice in many ways.
Here are my 3 reasons why you should consider it:
The kit lens isn’t good for this genre though!
(The T7i is the newer model but it’s also a bit more expensive.)
Reasons to buy:
Reasons to avoid:
Best lens for action shots:
Most of the kits come with the 18-35 lenses but those are not long enough, so that’s why you should get 18-135mm lens for sports photography.
Moving on to the next camera.

2. Canon 7D II

Type: Mid-size SLR Weight: 910 g Resolution: 20MP LCD: Not articulated Touchscreen: None Weather-sealed: Yes ISO: Auto, ISO 100-16000
Canon EOS 7D Mark II is one of the most advanced APS-C sensor DSLRs at the moment.
In fact, it is one of the best affordable Canon cameras for sports on the market today.
It’s also one of the best DSLR cameras under $2000 budget (with the kit lens that you can use for this type of photography).
There is no abundance of secondary functions in it common for newer models, but everything a professional photographer or a videographer needs is always at hand.
This is a real workhorse with lots of capabilities.
It has excellent autofocus, both when viewed through the viewfinder, and when using the display. It also has the highest speed of continuous shooting and a large buffer.

Reasons to buy:

Reasons to avoid:

Best lens for action shots:
As I mentioned earlier this glass is a good one to get because it’s long enough for moving objects. If you’re on a budget, it’s always better getting a used 7D II body but absolutely do get that 18-135mm.

3. Nikon D500

Type: Mid-size SLR Weight: 860 g Resolution: 21 MP LCD: Tilting Touchscreen: Yes Weather-sealed: Yes ISO: ISO 100 – 51200 (expandable to 50 – 1640000)
The truth is...
Nikon D500 is one of the most amazing digital cameras ever produced by Nikon, equipped with a DX format sensor.
The Nikon D500 uses a new 20.9-megapixel CMOS sensor and a new Expeed 5 image processor. High burst rate (10 frames per second) and 153 points of autofocus, located throughout the frame area are an excellent offer for that kind of money!
It is complemented by an inclined touch screen, which makes it even more convenient. The D500 also has excellent video capabilities and allows you to shoot in 4K.
Keep in mind, this Nikon body is not for those who are looking to buy their very first DSLR.
All the charms of this camera will be appreciated only by an experienced photographer, meanwhile it will be difficult/frustrating to master for a beginner.

Reasons to buy:

Reasons to avoid:

Best lens for action shots:
If you use D500 with the Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 telephoto zoom, then you have an amazing combo to crush it in sports photography. This glass is at a relatively lower price-point.
The new ones are a bit better but the older one will be just a bit cheaper if you are on a lower budget. (Don’t worry you won’t see that much of a difference in the lenses overall).

4. Sony a9

Type: SLR-style mirrorless Weight: 673 g Resolution: 24 MP LCD: Tilting Touchscreen: Yes Weather-sealed: Yes ISO: Auto, 100-51200 (50-204800)
This one is one of the best mirrorless cameras for sports photography (and an official EISA Award winner).
Sony a9 is a high-speed full-frame mirrorless that’s designed to go head to head with Canon and Nikon’s flagship professional DSLRs.
The a9 presents a high rate of burst of up to 20 frames/s, and a large buffer of up to 200 RAW frames, as well as an impressive ISO performance.
Even though smart modes of autofocus (such as focusing on the eyes, Lock-on AF and priority in the recognition of faces) require some time getting used to, they can significantly facilitate your work.
The 5-axis stabilization in this hybrid camera works well (both for photos and videos).
I must say that it’s also great for video shooting:
There is 4K and slow-motion shooting of 100/120 frames/s in Full HD. There is only no support for S-Log profiles, however the rest of the traditionally wide range of features is preserved.

Reasons to buy:

Reasons to avoid:

Best lens for action shots:
Given that we are talking about sports, the best lens that’s recommended to buy along Sony a9 is Sony 70-200 GM fixed zoom lens.

5. Nikon D5

Type: Large SLR Weight: 1415 g Resolution: 21 MP LCD: Fixed Touchscreen: Yes Weather- sealed: Yes ISO: Auto, 100-102400 (expandable to 50-3280000)
Without a doubt...
Nikon D5 is one of the best DSLR cameras for any pro level photography, including sports.
Everything in this product, every little thing is set up to ensure a simple and guaranteed result when shooting in any conditions.
1) It’s not afraid of dust and moisture.
2) It easily, if not the best out of all cameras, deals well with the lack of light.
3) D5’s autofocus works so stably and quickly that you simply forget about it.
4) The speed of the continuous shooting and the large volume of the frames in RAW can guarantee you catching the right moment in any photo-shooting scene.
5) The resource of the battery makes it possible to shoot for a day without stopping or limiting yourself with the number of frames.
Nikon D5 is one of the best DSLRs for sports photography today.
It is an excellent choice for those photographers who really do shoot in difficult conditions and are required to guarantee the result

Reasons to buy:

Reasons to avoid:

.Best lens for action shots:
We now established what is the best DSLR if you are into sports.
If you decide to go with Nikon D5 instead of Sony a9 mirrorless, then go with the Sigma 120-300mm F2.8 Sports DG Lens. You'll be blown away.

Best Cameras for Sports Photography: Final Thoughts

All of the aforementioned products are absolutely great. Some of them are full frame sensor, a couple of them are APS-C sensor (so keep the crop factor in mind).
They are not all expensive cameras. You can find across various price points, whether you are looking for digital cameras for beginners under $1000 or under the $5000 price tag, or more advanced gear for professional sports photographers.
In fact, all of the products mentioned are used by the pros and it shows that the quality really is top-notch (especially Sony a9, Nikon D5, and Canon EOS R with advanced autofocus systems).
Let's have a discussion in the comments.
Leave your suggestions or questions on the best cameras for sports photography (for beginners too).
Do include the following:
And/or any other thoughts on choosing the gear for action shots!
For example:
What would you recommend to sports moms?
What do you think is the best camera for recording youth sports?
How about video cameras to record team sports like volleyball, basketball, soccer, or football games?
Share your thoughts in the comments below.
submitted by CrushingPhotography to CrushingPhotography [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:38 Venueum [CA-BC] [H] Lavender Mode Sonnet, PC Parallel Array, GMK Iceberg Novelties [W] PayPal, Local Cash

the Flame Patina accent in the timestamp has been sold. prices dropped as well as i'd like to have these offloaded by the end of the month. see individual embedded timestamps for condition pictures.
Item Description Price (USD)
Lavender Mode Sonnet Full build (minus switches + keycaps, build code V0D1H2H3A4B5B6A7B) in flawless condition — Lavender top, White bottom, Silver Mirror accent, Black Alu internal weight, Hotswap PCB w/ WS Stabs, Grey feet + plate caps, PE Foam, Plate Foam. Comes with an Alu plate and a custom PP (polypropelyne) plate made by HypeKeyboards, as well as all original accessories + screws + carrying case. Priced to account for the discontinued Lavender top + custom PP plate, but is OBO within reason. Will not part out unless I have a buyer for everything else, which admittedly, is unlikely. $295local, $315CAN, $325USA OBO
PC Parallel Array Black Alu weights, and a complete build with a custom PP Plate by HypeKeyboards, tuned TX Stabs, Hotswap PCB w/ HMX Hyacinth v2's, and 30A O-Ring. Also includes all original accessories, the 40A O-Ring, and a CF + Alu Plate. The extra four switches to make 70x are also included. Going off of this post for pricing. $175local, $185CAN, $190USA OBO
GMK Iceberg Novelties Unsealed and used for only a couple days before deciding I prefer the base only. Absolutely no shine at all, but please feel free to ask for more pics if you want. OBO within reason. $29local, $42CAN, $46USA OBO
if you're looking for a bundle for any of these items, please let me know and we can work out a discount.
please comment before PM and thank you for reading!
submitted by Venueum to mechmarket [link] [comments]


Day Pro Dancer Quote
1 Karina Smirnoff "Is there any reason why your head looks like a pigeon?"
2 Valentin Chmerkovskiy "Bro, you're one big wrong already."
3 Witney Carson "What do you need, a snack?"
4 Anna Trebunskaya "Some people say I'm a tough teacher. And I am."
5 Brandon Armstrong "I was born in '94..."
6 Cheryl Burke "So the name of the song is 'Call Me Irresponsible', remind you of anybody? I think it's perfect for you!"
7 Edyta Śliwińska "I'm wearing so much clothes that I got tangled in it!"
8 Artem Chigvintsev "Fine! I watched 'Fifty Shades of Grey'!"
9 Corky Ballas "Now we're doing the Mambo which originated in the '40s!"...
10 Chelsie Hightower "South America speaks Spanish?"
11 Derek Hough "I'm rough, I'm tough, I'm Derek Hough."
12 Charlotte Jørgensen "Get your heel up on your back foot, or I'll kill you."
13 Allison Holker "Team Rallison!!!"
14 Julianne Hough "I felt like you just had to phone it in so you could get back with Meryl."
15 Alec Mazo "Josie is deceptively unfit."
16 Alan Bersten "It's a little shaky in here!"
17 Jenna Johnson "ADAM! WE GOTTA QUICKSTEP!!!"
18 Ashly DelGrosso-Costa "It needs to be equal teamwork, and I can't play a tug-of-war anymore."
19 Gleb Savchenko "You look like a dancer when you're not moving."
20 Kym Johnson-Herjavec "I should never have made us try that stupid lift..."
21 Maksim Chmerkovskiy "With all due respect, this is my show, I help make it what it is."
22 Lacey Schwimmer "STEVE!!! How am I supposed to be in love with you if you keep farting all the time?!?!"
23 Mark Ballas “And you said habede habeduh de de. Daba da dip bah da be. That’s what you said when I asked you."
24 Lindsay Arnold "That salsa will get ya-every time!"
25 Louis Van Amstel "I was jealous of Mark on Season 5, but I got the girl now!"
26 Koko Iwasaki "You're a real Jersey party boy, and I need you to be a suave English gentleman for Bond Night."
27 Keo Motsepe "If Len gives a 10, I'm gonna run down and kiss him!"
28 Peta Murgatroyd Her scream after finding out that she and Tommy Chong had made the semi-finals.
29 Pasha Pashkov "You don't know who I am, but I've been praying I get you!"
30 Sasha Farber "If you wanna dance, you know it would be my honour. My main worrybis your health."
31 Jonathan Roberts "Let's take a commercial break."
32 Daniella Karagach "YEAH! OH SHIT!!!"
33 Dmitry Chaplin "I feel like I'm cheating on Jewel with another partner."
34 Sharna Burgess "I got to do the Backstreet Boys' move next to a Backstreet Boy, and I think it's kinda awesome!"
35 Tristan MacManus "And I got a 7. Hurt my feelins!"
36 Britt Stewart "Daniel!"
37 Rylee Arnold "Isn't that James Bond, not James Brown?"
38 Tony Dovolani
39 Emma Slater


A huge thank you to the lovely u/invader_holly who suggested the idea, and that I run this game here! 💕
How does it work?
Each day, I'll reshare this board. With each day is a new pro. Similarly to past games I've done like Dances of the Seasons, The Dancing with the Stars Alphabet, Favourite Dances Per Style, and The Pros' Most Memorable Dances, for every day, you can all comment a response. This time, the response would be a quote from the respective pro for that day! As with previous games, the comment with the most upvotes wins. At the end, I'll put together a video compilation together!
Yesterday's round was won by u/Alarming-Butterfly90 's suggestion!


submitted by IndigoWolf4711 to dancingwiththestars [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:26 Vicksin r/afkarena Post Flairs

Greetings Adventurers!

Along with our updated Rules and Guidelines, we wanted to take a moment to explain our Post Flairs.


This can be any discussion about the game, mechanics, features, and so on. This is the broadest flair for a reason, use it as needed as a catch-all.


Literally any question post you have about the game, whether that's in-game or on a larger scale. Please keep in mind that account-specific questions will be removed as per Rule 6, and belong in our weekly Questions/Advice Megathread.


A new feature to our Subreddit as of this post, if you make a Question post with the Question flair, you can type "!solved" or "!Solved" in the comments once you've received an answer to your question that you are satisfied with, and the Post Flair will automatically update to "Resolved" instead of "Question"


Memes are memes, straightforward enough!


The "Art" flair should be reserved for fanart of the game, it's characters, or otherwise. Posts are subject to removal if they do not credit the original artist as per Rule 9.

Test Server

AFK Arena's Test Server is about 5 days ahead of Global Servers, and offers insight regarding content that is not yet available on Global. This can include heroes and their skills, upcoming events and features, or otherwise.


This flair should be reserved for posts that provide new or not commonly known information, or research/studies pertaining to the game in some way. This does not include asking for information, which should be under the Question flair.
We have removed the "PSA" flair due to it being too similar to Info, and confusing players on what the difference is. Posts that could previously fall under PSA, such as reminders of long-term events ending or Redemption Codes can be posted under the Info flair going forward.


If you've made a guide, text-based, video-based, or visual, use this flair. If you're sharing a guide that isn't yours, be sure to credit the creator as per Rule 9. Again, this does not include asking for a guide - use the Search bar or Question flair for this purpose.


The Showcase flair can be used to show off your account when reaching notable milestones (x amount of time played, x chapter beat, etc), maxing specific heroes, or any other in-game achievement.
This does not permit the showcasing of RNG/Pulls, which should be posted in our monthly RNG/Pulls Megathread as per Rule 6.


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AFK Arena Staff actively monitors this flair - do not abuse it.
This is specifically for showing in-game bugs, whether it's a visual bug, potential gameplay bug, typos or mistranslations, or otherwise.

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AFK Arena Staff actively monitors this flair - do not abuse it.
If you have suggestions or feedback for the Developers to see, please share it here. We cannot promise implementation in the near or distant future, but we guarantee that the devs will see whatever is posted in this flair.
Historically, we have had several instances of Devs taking note and implementing suggestions from this flair, even as soon as the very next patch, based on various factors such as difficulty to implement and shared community sentiment.

AFK Journey

This flair is exclusively for posts primarily relating to our sister game, AFK Journey, within the context of and still relating to AFK Arena in any way. For example, "This hero from AFK Journey is really cool, I want them added to AFK Arena!"
This Subreddit and flair is not for posts entirely about AFK Journey with no relation to AFK Arena - please see our sister Subreddit AFKJourney for such posts.


Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with our post flairs!
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to voice your thoughts in the comments below.
As always, have a great day, and be good people!
submitted by Vicksin to afkarena [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:22 lost_library_book Sister-in-law told me my wife cheated while on vacation [You found *what* on the walls, now?]

I AM NOT OOP. OOP is u/ReverendMuddyGrimes
Originally posted on relationships
2 updates – short
Content warning: drug and alcohol abuse, waste of questionable origin
Original post - October 7th, 2023
Update 1 - March 17th, 2024
Update 2 - May 15th, 2024
Sister-in-law told me my wife cheated while on vacation
The players in this drama. My wife who for the purpose of this post shall be called Anne (female 47). My sister-in-law (female 40) who we shall call Shannon. SIL's cheating partner (male mid 40s) known hereafter as Tony. And myself (male, so close to 50 that I can reach out and slap it). We shall refer to me as "me". Usual disclaimers of cell phone and English is my first language, I just suck at it. So my wife had to travel to her step father's house. He is in very poor health, and she went there to help set up home heath. She was there for a week, and we were in constant contact. Her sister is a drunk and a drug addict. At several points during the visit, we were on video chat when "Shannon" came into the room where my wife and her father were. She was buck ass naked, raging drunk. In front of her father. I was mortified, and I'm sure he was too. Now "Shannon" is married, but separated. She has a live in boyfriend. "Tony" is my father-in-law's primary care giver. For the flight home, "Anne" missed her flight. "Tony" was driving her to the airport. There was an unusual amount of road construction, and they arrived late. She had to take a different flight. Not a big deal. After she was home for a few days, the following text exchange happened between me and Shannon. Shannon: they fucked. Me: who, and did you film it? We could make a fortune on pornhub! Shannon: I saw him leaving her room and smiling. You know she didn't miss her flight! He ain't denying it. Me: well, if they did, he's the luckiest man alive.
Now guys, I know that I have a better chance of creating a fart powered personal jet than this story has of being true. It's just not in her nature. That said, damn that woman to the depths of Detroit's South side for putting the idea in my head.
So, the question: how do I deal with a crazy drunk 80lb woman from 1000 miles away. I can't block her, because the rest of her family has. If something happens to the father-in-law while Tony is at work, I'm the only one she can contact.
Tldr: drunk SIL claims wife cheated. She didn't. I have to decide how to deal with her.
Tell Tony you are blocking Shannon and to please contact you directly with any updates he receives from Shannon while he's at work.
Block Shannon.
Call Dad daily.
Yeah, I had a former friend like Shannon: a heavy drinker, mental issues (no offense intended to people dealing with mental issues, but this was the main factor in that case), major liar who'd fixate on specific things to lie about.
I did block this person in every conceivable way but I can't think of anything else to do in your situation but ignore the behavior since you have to be in contact. OR, you and your wife could just talk to Tony about the father-in-law with the understanding that if Tony quits being the caregiver or breaks up with Shannon, he passes your contact info to the next caregiver. If something happens when Tony is at work, he'd still probably know before you.
Anyway, you have nothing to worry about with the wife anyway; you're too funny to dump.
\too funny to dump. I have a host of exes that would strongly disagree. Unless you meant funny looking. Then, they would come down solidly on your side*
Update 1
Several months ago my drunk of a SIL (f-40) told me (m-50) that my wife of 12 years (f-47) cheated on me while setting her her step dad's home health in Detroit. I, of course, didn't believe her. A lot has happened since then. First, we all went up for Christmas. While we were there, SIL (I called her Shannon in the original post) stormed in and claimed that my wife was having sex with her boyfriend "Tony" on the front porch. Two problems with that. 1) It's Detroit in December so it's cold as a well digger's ass outside. 2) my wife is in the chair next to mine. SIL ended up assaulting Tony right after I returned home. She ended up in jail where she was placed on a 3 day psych hold. Apparently being a drunken meth addict makes you crazy. Who knew? Mid January, my father-in-law passed away. This sent SIL into a spiral. Especially when she found out that she couldn't stay in the family home anymore as it had to be sold. She was given $35,000 from her father's retirement to get a new place and hold her over until the sale of the house. My wife and I drove up to prepare the house to go on the market. Y'all, I've been in nasty houses before, but not like this. My father-in-law kept this place immaculate. Now, in just 2 months, it qualifies for an episode of Hoarders. There is dog crap halfway up the walls in the den. I didn't even know dogs could poop that high! There were several empty bottles of $350 tequila in the living room. We figure that she will have drank her entire inheritance in six months. We had to rent a dumpster for me to shovel all of her garbage in to. Obviously, I changed the locks and garage door codes. Im a career garage door installer, so that part was easily done. Even more obviously, all those people who responded to the original post that my wife cheated were VERY wrong. Edit: the dog is a chihuahua. We assume that it did it's doggie business off the back of the couch, since we had to move the couch to find what was causing the smell. We can't take the dog because SIL refuses to see us. TLDR, Wife, who I knew didn't cheat even though her sister claimed she did, was exonerated because her sister is batshit crazy from meth and alcohol.
Sir, given that she is an alcoholic with a meth addiction, I would assume that that was not dog poop on the walls. Alcoholics tend to have issues with their digestive system and meth and alcohol mess with judgement and a person caring of they pooped on the wall.
Good luck with the house, and I'm sorry that your SIL is making things so much more difficult for you during the loss of your wife's father.
Elfich47 If she making meth in the house, you may need a decon team to clean the site up.
She doesn't make it, just uses. We know this by the amount of dealers that FIL had to chase off
Update 2
I mentioned in my last post that my Father-in-law passed away. From insurance and his retirement both of his daughters received $104k before taxes. We paid our taxes up front leaving us just over $80k. We really don't have much debt, so we put it all on our house. My SIL however chose to accept a lump sum. In the update, when she had gotten the first installment of $35k, I said she would have drank it all in 6 months. Apparently I am a very optimistic man. She has drank,shot up, and snorted the entire $104k in less than 3 months. Through most of the high times, she sent my wife incredibly awful texts claiming that her dad never loved her. Technically it was my wife's step-dad. One of the claims made was that if he loved her he would have adopted her. SIL was too young to remember, but he did try. Her birth father wouldn't sign off on it. Anyway, she is out of money. My wife is getting around a dozen slurred phone calls a day begging her to let SIL sleep on our couch. That is a giant HELL NO from us. We expect to hear any day that she has been found dead.
TLDR: SIL blew her entire inheritance on drugs and alcohol. Now after insulting my wife for months, wants to live with us.
Sounds like you have a head on your shoulders. SIL sounds like a nightmare. Money can wreck a family if it's not handled carefully, I've seen it happen several times. People live like there's going to be a big payout at the end, or like they deserve something.
Do you think in 3 months OP will be back on here cause Anne took the 80k and ran off with Tony?
80k is gone. It went on our mortgage. As for Tony, he disappeared when the SIL ran out of money.
Marked as concluded per OOP.
No brigading, no harassment.
submitted by lost_library_book to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:20 zaccwith2cs Help with misfire

About 6 months ago, my 2017 Sport (just under 100k miles) started misfiring on cylinder 2. Code pointed to ignition coil which I replaced. Issue went away. Fast forward to now…I was doing some routine maintenance and replaced my spark plugs. Misfire again on cylinder 2. Code again pointed to ignition coil. I replaced it again as well as the spark plug. It ran without issue for about 10 miles, and now it’s back to misfiring.
Has anyone experienced something like this before? Any recommendations? I try to do as much maintenance myself as possible, but this may be beyond me.
Reposted because original title was too vague
submitted by zaccwith2cs to GolfGTI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:03 Adorable_Choice_1576 4K code when digital HD already owned

Hey all, quick question. I just got the Mondo Guardians steelbook, and I want to redeem the code for a 4K digital copy but, I already own the movie in HD from when I bought the original Blu-ray. When I check all my copies in accounts linked to MA they say HD, but I’m worried since I own the movie the code won’t work/upgrade to 4K. Anyone have any experience with this kind of issue? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Adorable_Choice_1576 to 4kbluray [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:57 SistersAndBoggs Birmingham Service Industry Personnel Who Have Grievances With Your Employers

I lived in another state before Alabama and was a party to a multi-employee wage & labor dispute. Please know, I am not 'the guy who sues people'. This was a unique circumstance where we were approached by a lawyer who was representing another employee in our office, and it was explained to us clearly that our rights were being violated and legal wages owed to us were being withheld. It was not a class action claim (too few claimants), but the same lawyer represented each of us individually. Our claims ranged from misclassification (being illegally classified as a 'manager' so that we weren't eligible for overtime), unpaid breaks, and most importantly, major tip violations, where the employer was keeping our tips. The lawyer calculated each of our claims individually and sent separate demand letters. The employer then retained their own attorney who reviewed our claims against the state labor code (which our attorney had generously provided), and advised their client to promptly pay our claims so as to avoid a guaranteed loss in court + far greater attorney fees.
I say that to say this. I am constantly reading comments from workers both within this Reddit sub as well as the occasional google review of restaurants where a disgruntled current or former employee will anonymously outline ways in which they feel they were cheated. If you feel you have a reasonable wage or labor claim, I highly advise you to make note of any any all suspected violations, and contact a local wage & labor attorney. My claim was not in Alabama, and I have no allegiance to any local attorneys, therefore I am listing 3 that I found at first glance.
I am not an attorney and don't want to speak as one (super annoying when people do this) but I can tell you that if you are in the below criteria, you most definitely have a claim:
Did your boss or owner tell you at hiring, something along the lines of "The credit card tips at the cash register are too hard to keep up with, so what we do is pay everyone a higher hourly rate than anyone else around here, and it works out better for you that way" ? Not legal. All tips taken during a time frame are legally required to be properly accounted, and distributed to the employees classified as 'service' within that time frame. It can come later in the form of a check, and a % of it (roughly 3.5%) can be deducted for the CC fee, but this must be calculated and paid to the penny.
Did your boss convince you to waive your right to breaks and allow you to work 8 straight hours, eating at your desk so that you can "not have to take breaks and get off an hour earlier"? Not legal, you cannot waive this right even if you want to.
There are a slew of other wage and labor claims that your bosses or owners could be violating. During my ordeal, I personally read the labor codes of my state beforehand to try and see off the top of my head which ones had been violated. I counted 8. After meeting with the attorney and answering 100+ questions, they found 19 labor codes that had been violated. I liked his number much better.
If you are averse to attorneys, you also have the option of making a claim directly with the state labor board, who will investigate your claim and get you your money. It takes much longer.
The restaurant business is somewhat in shambles right now despite the lines you see out the door when you drive by. The cost of goods and services is at an all time high. Labor is at an all time high. Profit percentages are at an all time low. I have the deepest respect for the plight of the mom & pop restaurant owner. But the law is the law, and a local business owners rough tides cannot be stilled by the exploitation of workers.
Here are 3 wage & labor attorneys I found local to Birmingham:
submitted by SistersAndBoggs to Birmingham [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:47 Illustrious-Feed-343 Cheat code for prayer, 2 MILLION points; not patched yet!!😳😳‼️‼️

Cheat code for prayer, 2 MILLION points; not patched yet!!😳😳‼️‼️ submitted by Illustrious-Feed-343 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:41 dildobagginsmcgee Where do b2b leads come from?

In 2024, cold calling and door to door essentially.
I keep seeing people all over saying to go for jobs that are majority if not all inbound, and if you're in one of these roles that's wonderful, but for those of us laid off in the past year or so looking for new work, even the bigger more established companies that would provide at least some low quality leads to follow up with are now expecting reps to source all their own leads.
How do you do this? As someone who has gone down every rabbit hole, networking event, cold calling, door to door, cold email, etc. is that there's no secret or magic cheat code, you have to literally just get your offer in front as many relevant biz owners as possible, nearly impossible in todays market where everyone where wants you to fucking buy something.
Research? Lovely for warm leads and current customers you want to upsell to.
Cold? There's a decent chance your data is inaccurate or outdated so you gotta just brute force get out there and act like a literal human billboard, popup ad, flyer first, you are the outer most ring of the sales funnel, research is just a procrastination tool if you're going cold, save it for warm leads or better yet warm QUALIFIED leads.
Will there be ppl that succeed? Absolutely. But if you're not willing to essentially act as a business owner creating a book of biz from scratch right now, you should probably look into other work.
Part of what all this has taught me is that the glamorization of sales and entrepreneurship is just that, ppl say anyone can do it but if that was true everyone would and be rich and sexy and wonderful, but it simply isn't the case.
Pets.com was an 00's bust while chewy is a tech darling, a lot of it is timing and being in the right place, it's not dependable and your ability to go with the flow will determine how far you go in sales imho, but I'm just some Reddit rando so obvs take this all w a grain of salt
submitted by dildobagginsmcgee to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:36 ProjectCaffeinePills [osu!std and osu!mania] Ivaxa Possible Cheating and Multiaccounting

Ivaxa has been well known for his high BPM stream plays along with his obscene singletapping skills over the course of a few weeks at the time of writing. His most notable achievement is his S rank on Deceit [pishi’s Extra] +DT (Score) (Replay). However there is some unusual behavior that Ivaxa has that should be looked into. This thread will look into quite a few cases of these weird findings.
As of the current date, May 16th, 2024, we have collected enough information to submit our public review of Ivaxa’s activity. We are asking the osu! staff and other independent researchers to validate our information and proof-check every single aspect of it. If our findings would be proven to be incorrect and/or not substantial - that's completely fine. Our goal is not to just blindly accuse but to establish the truth.
This document contains currently collected information about Ivaxa, his scores, profiles, and potential connections to other “alt” accounts in the game. We, as an independent team, are trying to establish the legitimacy or lack thereof of said player.
As always, harassment of any of the people mentioned/involved in the report is inappropriate. Please be civil when partaking in the discussion.
Replays, and VODs can be found in a google drive at the end of the thread so you can investigate and see moments listed in the thread yourself.
But first, here's a few things to consider:
  1. Ivaxa’s mouse is a HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2, he allegedly plays on 800 DPI with a 0.62x sens multiplier on osu!. The only reason as to why it’s alleged is because of his recent streams, his sensitivity seems higher than it actually is.
  2. He plays with a Sayu O3C keypad that runs at 8000hz (Peripheral information can be found from Ivaxa’s Twitch channel.)
  3. He is able to singletap 191 BPM streams consistently.
  4. Ivaxa used to be a DT aim player, not much of a stream player until recently.
  5. The player does have skill, however he may be using some sort of outside assistance software-wise like aim assist or relax hacks.
  6. All replays in this thread were inspected using Circleguard.
  7. Most of the information down below was conducted in the empirical (perceived) sense, so take all of it with a grain of salt.

Section one: Replays

There are a few moments within Ivaxa’s recent replays that felt unusual or very strange; mostly unusual edge hits, but also weird UR bar behavior.
The Deceit +DT
There are a few things to mention about this score. The first is an unusual UR bar behavior from 91076 ms (~1 minute 31 seconds) to 93123 ms (~1 minute 33 seconds). The UR bar looks like this in the end. This type of UR bar behavior is often found in 125 hz keyboards with a map that has a BPM that is a multiple of 125 (125 BPM, 250 BPM, 375 BPM, etc.). However, Ivaxa doesn’t use a 125hz keyboard or keypad, he uses one that is rated at 8000hz. This is rather unusual since this type of UR is only found in this section of the map only. Also, if he were to play on a 125hz keyboard/keypad, the type of UR that was shown above would be all over the map since the Deceit with DT is mostly 375 BPM.
The second would be his aim, particularly at around 1885 combo, his cursor shakes at an abnormal magnitude from the rest of the map. This shake can be caused by nerves, tapping strain of the left hand, or a mix of both. But, Ivaxa’s alleged sensitivity is so low that the shake that has been shown in the replay is either really hard to do or impossible.
Gotta go Fast +DTSO
This score has one thing that is quite suspicious. at 47582 ms (~48 seconds) into the map, an awkward edge hit is found where he over-aimed and seemingly snapped back to the circle. This kind of edge hit is something that a normal osu! player wouldn’t be able to hit entirely, especially at the speed at which the map is being played at. Another edge hit can be found in the same map at 28852 ms (~29 seconds), where the cursor doesn’t naturally curve at the end, instead snapping to the edge of the circle. Both cases may allude to the usage of some sort of aim assist.
Metal Crusher +DT
There are two things to note about this score, the first is some unusual cursor movement at the ending section of the map. Ivaxa’s cursor slightly follows the slider at 59128 ms (~59 seconds), and another right after at 60400 ms (~one minute). Movement like this paired with the speed at which the map is being played at just seems unusual/suspicious.
There are also five edge hits within the map, four out of the five edge hits are at the very edge of a circle. The probability of hitting these types of edge hits is rather low, especially when there are four of them in one map.
Edge Hit #1: https://i.imgur.com/g3VlDoz.png
Edge Hit #2: https://i.imgur.com/vpTKuw7.png
Edge Hit #3: https://i.imgur.com/oQiEwVR.png
Edge Hit #4: https://i.imgur.com/nJyVbiq.png
Edge Hit #5: https://i.imgur.com/MN9MfwN.png
Sendan Life +DTHD
There is something to be said about some of the 100’s that Ivaxa is hitting. More specifically some 100’s within a few of the maps that have been observed so far are very near the barrier of being a 300 hit regardless of whether the note is early or late (https://i.imgur.com/cxFSdjf.png, https://i.imgur.com/bHLurZn.png). The sayu is precise enough to actually hit these types of 100’s, however it feels like these have occurred too often, so much so that this play has half of the 100’s in the map has these “edge 100’s,” for a lack of a better term. There are also two 100’s (100 #1 and 100 #2) that have been hit at exactly the same lateness/timing.
100 #1: https://i.imgur.com/KR4BhWe.png
100 #2: https://i.imgur.com/pzg7zMn.png
100 #3: https://i.imgur.com/z5qIocV.png
100 #4: https://i.imgur.com/pgEBsKK.png
100 #5: https://i.imgur.com/rQ50Uhs.png
100 #6: https://i.imgur.com/oMkQ3O5.png

Section Two: Twitch Streams

The two pieces of information down below are more focused on his single tapping skills, along with some weird/suspicious moments during his stream.
Stream title: #18 #2PL we back boys PL/ENG
At 15:37, Ivaxa is seen to be double tapping 270 bpm streams even though he S ranked the Deceit with DT around three days after said stream (390 BPM). At 49:15 mins of the same stream: he is seen to singletap 191 BPM streams, probably because he was warm when playing at his point.
Stream title: #17 #2PL Yomi yori 3 mod pass happening right now wtf,
On March 31st, 2024, on the VOD where he S ranked The Deceit +DT, at the end of the VOD at 2:58:42 Ivaxa is seen singletapping a 390 BPM burst. After which he paused the game and blamed Steam notifications. Despite the bottom half of his monitor being visible on stream through the webcam, where no steam notifications or pop-ups are visible, he then opened Steam to "change notifications settings.'' After allegedly changing the settings, his cursor trajectory on the visible parts of the monitor on stream tells us that he moved the mouse from the top most left corner, while usually Steam settings are located in a pop-up window at the center of the screen. Afterwards His stream allegedly "crashed."
To see the moment, play the following .mp4 file: 20240331 #17 #2PL Yomi yori 3 mod pass happening right now wtf Part 3 and go to the near end.
Stream title: #9 #2PL if i want to i'll farm req closed
On April 7th, 2024 Ivaxa showed on the osu! Game discord server that he is able to singletap 191 BPM (better picture of the graph), however six days later after the message, on his stream on April 13th, 2024 Ivaxa showed that he was able to singletap PoNo’s Yomi Yori 220 BPM streams at the end. This type of BPM jump in such a short amount of time can only be reasoned with by hardware abuse via rapid trigger. Either that, or some sort of relax hack that assists the player in tapping.

Section Three: Multiaccounting

There are many pieces of information that suspect that Ivaxa is multiaccounting, however there is currently no concrete evidence on whether or not he is indeed multiaccounting. Please keep this in mind when reading this section of the thread.
The Mulitiaccount & Play Count Graphs
Pipecat is the suspected multiaccount. First of all, both Pipecat and Ivaxa are placed 1st and 2nd on the osu!mania leaderboard in Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland (This is done by using osu! subdivide nations). Both play count graphs also seem to compensate for each other as of 2024, April 4th (the graph for Ivaxa has been warped in order to have a better visualization).
Time-pp Scatter Chart & Best Performances
The same thing happens with their Best Performance Time-pp Scatter Chart from ameobea/osu!track (Pipecat's Mania Chart and Ivaxa's Mania Chart non warped). Both graphs seem to compensate for each other, especially at around the month of March, as of 2024, April 5th (again, Ivaxa's chart has been warped for better visualization of score submissions).
Speaking of pp, both accounts have similar maps in their best performances list (Ivaxa is on the left, Pipecat on the right). If you want to see more, just check their mania profiles.
This may ask the reason as to why Ivaxa hasn’t played any vsrg (Vertical Scrolling Rhythm Game), and yet his performance in mania is abnormal for his time played. As seen from the play count graph from above, Ivaxa would’ve most likely played mania first on the Pipecat account, and then proceeded to play mania again on the other.
Names/Naming Scheme & Last Seen
Their naming scheme can also be taken into account as, Ivaxa’s name was inspired by Vaxei, and Pipecat was inspired by Whitecat.
It is also worth noting that Ivaxa and Pipecat’s Last Seen times are near each other, being more or less one hour apart from each other.

Section Four: Misc, additional “facts,” and Speculations

This section is dedicated to the additional miscellaneous information and our speculation formed from the data we discovered during the process of the investigation. These entries are not verbosely written due to us not finding enough evidence/information to make them included in the previous sections.
For ease of understanding the entry's level of absurdity, we marked them with color tags. The marking process for each entry was completely subjective so even the most absurd ones could be a potential aid for independent investigators/osu! staff as an additional lead where we “hit the wall.”
Fact: Could be used as a potential lead
Fact + Assumption: Not substantial enough to be included in previous sections/Assumption
Pure Speculation: Completely speculative fact/information
Fact: BayOfEvil (Ivaxa’s old username), does have an osu!report on it, although the report isn’t very helpful. One of the thread's replies includes a Discord recording with Ivaxa playing as “proof” of him being legit. This should be investigated further (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVQDdw1SSLs).
Fact: Ivaxa’s Mania score on Ne uchi +DT was set 22 days after his no-mod score.
Fact: In Pipecat's osu profile a discord server can be found (https://discord.gg/jkMydV3PTB), upon searching "Ivaxa" the only two mentions of the name is from the user Pipecat (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/577365869949354025/1225631393820708914/image0.jpg?ex=6621d52f&is=660f602f&hm=e3589cb93e9ffb2b7c0ef7ffbdedcc3b09df919a7082d11468035ff4f4f6e65e&).
Fact: Guitar to Kodou to Aoi Hoshi: Edge hit at the very edge at 202358 ms (~3 minutes 22 seconds) (https://i.imgur.com/PAWsyh7.png) Similar to the edge hit on FUCK YOU.
Fact + Assumption: FUCK YOU: Very erratic cursor movement at 4485 ms (~4.5 seconds) (https://i.imgur.com/mkRw4Ki.png) combined with his sensitivity and the map’s speed, this is basically impossible. Also he's been under-aiming a lot in this map but that might just be me. There is also an edge hit at the very edge at 60301 ms (~1 min) (https://i.imgur.com/GFxZctS.png), which can be questioned.
Fact + Assumption: Gotta go Fast HDDTHR: The UR bar is acting the same way that was observed with the deceit score from above (Gotta go Fast: https://i.imgur.com/ywA8XAu.png, Deceit: https://imgur.com/cbUtzya). With both maps being 375 BPM with DT, Ivaxa may or may not have used the same method of cheating if he is.
Fact + Assumption: Stream title: #18 #2PL we back boys PL/ENG, at 15:37 mins, Ivaxa is seen to be double tapping 270 bpm streams even though he S ranked the Deceit with DT around three days after said stream (390 BPM).
Fact + Assumption: A Thread created by sampierat on twitter: https://vxtwitter.com/sampierat/status/1775216723743875457?s=20
Pure Speculation: During a congregation, several people have noted/proposed that Ivaxa may or may not be using three keys in order to stream higher bpm’s, using a software that alternates the middle key (since he plays ring-index) between key 1 and key 2 to insure that nothing is suspicious with his tapping count.
Pure Speculation: We condone an anonymous survey inside the mania community, including some of the top players, regular 4k, 7k, and 8k players, and some tournament organizers. Most of the participants agree that Ivaxa’s progression and improvement curve is abnormal.
Pure Speculation: Stream title: #18 #2PL we back boys PL/ENG, within the first hour of the stream, Ivaxa is seen to have completely lost his aim (44:46 min), even though he nearly fc'd Brazil on Fiery's Extreme with HDHRDT ten days prior to the stream. Although this evidence may not be as substantial as the others because of retry spamming Brazil.
Pure Speculation: The earliest known screenshots of Ivaxa grinding The Deceit Pishi's Extra, was on 2023, December 22nd (https://twitter.com/Ivaxaosu/status/1738245663631024453, https://twitter.com/Ivaxaosu/status/1738268599129632811, He later achieved an S rank on 2024, March 31st. He would've grinded the map for the past 3 months, however his play count seems to not reflect the grind, only having 237 plays as of 2024, April 5th (https://i.imgur.com/dg4HdSl.png).
Pure Speculation: https://youtu.be/Isp233epRAA the hands, and tapping technique may be similar to Ivaxa.
Pure Speculation: Potential lead/connection between Ivaxa and Pipecat could be found via steam accounts.
Ivaxa’s has two steam accounts (Both Steam profiles were sent to aknzx at one point):
Pure Speculation: Additional platforms related to Pipecat:
Pure Speculation: Pipecat’s Windows username https://imgur.com/a/DCgtC82 (from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNTTpSl1hHo ) If it could be proven that Ivaxa’s real name is Krzys, it could be a potential lead (despite it being a very popular name in Poland).
Pure Speculation: Pipecat is recording videos on his Youtube channel using both a PC and a Laptop. The PC is running Windows 11, and the Laptop is running Windows 10. This Could be a potential lead.


Ivaxa’s single tapping speed is very abnormal, especially considering that he was able to stream 220 BPM in just six days, starting from 191 BPM, all singletapped. His aim on some maps feels weird, and some edge hits are questionable in terms of legitimacy. The incident on his stream on March 31st of this year also felt suspicious and weirdly timed, as if he was covering something up. And Pipecat’s graphs line up in such a way that it seemingly compensated for Ivaxa’s play count, and pp-scatter chart. From the information that was gathered about Ivaxa, there is a likelihood that the player is cheating, via aim assist, partial relax, or a mix of both.
It is suggested/encouraged that you look into this yourself.

Files and Documents

For Ivaxa stream mp4’s, each “part” is in one hour segments (because untwitch). So part 1 would be the first hour of a stream, part 2 would be the second hour of a stream, etc. There are some parts where it didn’t download the full hour, so be aware of that.
We’ve also included one of the “VOD analyzer” test result files, which includes cursor positions from an analyzed stream segment (#11 #2PL 1.3k pp achieved). It was a completely custom-coded solution that analyzed the video frame by frame but it wasn’t used during the investigation, so we are unsure about the accuracy of the cursor detection.
Input data:
Approximate osu! playfield area on a 1920x1080 monitor:
-Top left of playfield area: (384, 126) -Bottom right of playfield area: (1536, 990) 
Ivaxa's Approximate playfield area on stream:
-Top left of playfield area: (329, 120) -Bottom right of playfield area: (1283, 835) 
Analyzed segment: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UOceGo6udbGH0p7jbZKvst4wqsIVWIWF/view?usp=drive_link
Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LTDABXcFHSJnk5KNfHWdH1XPJwcdf4S1?usp=sharing
Streams Timeline
Date Stream Title VOD Links
March 20th 2024 we back boys https://drive.google.com/drive5/folders/1xFtwoU82d_qAKPyp7qEm2v4JVd8m-PDF
March 31st 2024 Yomi Yori 3 mod pass https://drive.google.com/drive5/folders/1PJQOhrao4CFsaeLg4wcwFPtBybdocAnB
March 31st 2024 1.3k pp achieved https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UOceGo6udbGH0p7jbZKvst4wqsIVWIWF/view
April 1st 2024 play game and then deceit farming https://drive.google.com/drive5/folders/1TsTmiNzDRIMpFn4lmUzwzS6n3AjyE3rY
April 9th 2024 Yomi Yori DT Farming Right now N/A
April 13th 2024 singletap practice N/A
submitted by ProjectCaffeinePills to osureport [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:36 Tevin_Bourne Is there a cheat/code to let you fly anytime in tooie?

Been trying to use game shark codes but the ‘fly at anytime’ code doesn’t seem to work
Here it is if you’re interested
81120010 240e 81120012 0001 81120014 2400 d1081084 0400 81120014 a08e 81120016 0605
Hold d pad up to activate
submitted by Tevin_Bourne to BanjoKazooie [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:32 Panda85m A/C Relay Mazda Protege 2000

A/C Relay Mazda Protege 2000
Hey Everyone, has anyone had come with a problem replacing the A/C Relay, I found that the original one from my car is B110 OF23 but I can only get the B110 IC26 / B110 4K04 / B110 4K09 do you know what the difference is, I did a little bit of research its seem a multipurpose relay but I cant find if there is any difference with the termination of the letters and numbers at the end of the relay.
Maybe someone had already the experience here that could tell me if the last terminations of the digits are only a registration code and there is no problem with that or if there is a specific use for that code registration
Thanks, everyone

submitted by Panda85m to MazdaProtege [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:32 rangeroler Got finnesed by seller

So I made a purchase of a chrome hearts shirt on Grailed. Made an offer, seller accepted and received tracking a few days later. Thought nothing of it. Few days later I track the item and it says “delivered”. I thought it was strange since I didn’t receive anything and my concierge also notified me that usps never came by that day. I have it a couple days and decided to my local usps office to investigate what happened.
The postmaster notified me that the tracking doesn’t match my address. Turns out the seller provided a tracking number that’s addressed to somebody else in a completely different address but just has the same zip code. In good faith I contacted the buyer and notified him of this and he said he will contact “the mediator” after the weekend to verify the tracking. Whatever that means. I asked him if he shipped this item himself, and he left me on read. Never responded in the days after. I decided to contact grailed which told me I have to contact PayPal. Ok…opened up a case, showed screen shot of the original label that USPS showed me the tracking belongs to and waited for him to respond.
He responds with a fake photoshopped delivery confirmation with my address, forged signature & tracking number. I just cannot believe the level of fraud this got to. Now I’m hopefull that PayPal will see right through the fraudulent document and actually investigate the tracking with usps. Has anybody been through this?
submitted by rangeroler to Grailed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:10 Mono_Amarillo Infatuation / Limerence (Only) With Unhealthy Individuals

TL;DR: I keep falling for toxic women, particularly ENFJs, and I'm not as attracted to healthier, more balanced women. Seeking insights into why this happens and advice on avoiding limerence towards the wrong people. Have you experienced this with ENFJs? What psychological causes might underlie this behavior? Any techniques, habits, or books to recommend?
Hi everyone! I'm opening this thread because after a few years of dating and actively pursuing girls I've noticed a pattern that doesn't look very positive: I seem to exclusively fall in love with women that are quite toxic and even sociopathic in some cases (an ENTP friend told me once: "the girls you like are usually quite sus lol"), These women have always been xNFJ. At the same time, I'm not so passionately attracted to other women that could be considered healthier and more balanced.
I would really want to understand what the explanation for this phenomenon could be.

Conditions to Fall in Love

I've identified these characteristics in all the women I've considered as potential soulmates.
This might explain the preference for toxic, unbalanced individuals. A toxic ENFJ would be one that is an Fe-Se loop, which apparently entails being extremely consciuos and responsive to other people's needs and feelings while constantly looking for new stimulating experiences such as doing aerobic sports, partying, or travelling.
I believe these two conditions explain why INFJs and, particularly, ENFJs can be so alluring to me (and perhaps to other INTPs): they tend to have top-notch social skills, are great conversationalists and know how to touch people in the right moment and at the right place to create a sense of connection.

Why Limerence Keeps Coming Back

The Women I Have Fallen in Love With

I want to describe four women I've gotten to know well and who ended up being quite crazy despite having initially awaken very strong feelings in me. I hope to show with that that I'm not the problem and that there is a grounded pattern that involves different types of women that only share their psychological type. I also got infatuated with 2 other ENFJ women, but that was temporarily (after sleeping with one, and after seeing the other in a few social gatherings) and couldn't know them on a deeper level. And I pursued an ENFP an ESFP as well (which, in their way, are also quite proficient with Fe). I'm not including them because the ENFP, although she is very toxic, I met her first online and couldn't see the whole picture, and the ESFP is in fact a decent human being, and we are still friends.
If you made it until the end, thanks for your time. I hope you enjoyed and also hope to read you in the comments 😊
submitted by Mono_Amarillo to INTP [link] [comments]
