Halloween costumes for teacup chihuahua


2008.09.19 17:02 Halloween

Subreddit dedicated to the holiday Hallowe'en

2012.09.14 14:03 ninilu Halloween Costumes and Clothes

This community is for everything regarding Halloween costumes and Halloween clothes! Post your look, ask for advice, anything regarding Halloween costumes goes.

2013.10.31 02:26 I_UPVOTE_PUN_THREADS For Exchanging Halloween Costumes

**For exchanging Halloween Costumes!**

2024.06.09 17:29 George-Dubya-Bush I was your huckleberry for Halloween last year. Need another good costume utilizing the stache this go-round. Any ideas?

submitted by George-Dubya-Bush to Moustache [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:56 Musclegirlfantasy Muscle-Bound Sassenach Smashes Pumpkin in Halloween Costume!: Sassenach commemorates her Halloween using her muscles and strength for some pumpkin-crushing action. #musclegirl #musclegirllove #femalemuscle #femalemuscles #featsofstrength #MuscleCrush #StrongAndStunning #Powe

Muscle-Bound Sassenach Smashes Pumpkin in Halloween Costume!: Sassenach commemorates her Halloween using her muscles and strength for some pumpkin-crushing action. #musclegirl #musclegirllove #femalemuscle #femalemuscles #featsofstrength #MuscleCrush #StrongAndStunning #Powe submitted by Musclegirlfantasy to u/Musclegirlfantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:08 trash_games2008_v2 Vs Sonic.EXE My take (again)/Vs Sonic.exe PLUS

“sorry for cutting off what you were watching, however, today we have some head-exploding news... everyone must know the classic sonic, you know, the naked blue hedgehog that runs at the speed of light, recently we had a couple disappear due to a of these games, a supposed tape sould by a soul, demon, alien, something like that, which supposedly captured a blue-haired boy and the daughter of the famous daddy dearest, we talked to the father himself to find out what could have happened, not However, he says they had this tape around for about 3 years now, asking SEGA about it, they just said they would never sell something like that, follow our networks to find out more news…”
Story Mode
Too slow - Sonic.exe Vs Bf (there will be an angel island session, where the entire style of the mod remains as it was in V1)
You can’t run - Sonic.exe Vs Bf (in the green hill section the mod is in the style of sonic advance (just for a change), and sonic.exe is in its faker form)
Trible trouble - Xenofanes and his souls Vs Bf (nothing much in the song, but at the end where Bf escapes from sonic.exe through a giant ring, running away, for now…)
Sound Test
Lord X week
Cicles - Lord X Vs Bf AND TAILS (yes, in this song, Bf will be accompanied by tails, and there will be a stake with Gf's head, there was a section where Lord X will be in his False form)
Hellbent- Lord X Vs Tails (Hellbent will be played by Tails because Bf is killed by Lord X, leaving Tails alone, who takes the microphone from Bf's remains, and fights in his place)
Majin week
Endless US - Majin sonic vs Bf (same song)
Endless JP - Majin sonic Vs Bf (An EPIC remix, this version is just playable in Freeplay)
Endeavors - Majin sonic and Batman sonic Vs Bf (the mechanic of future and past will continue)
Tails doll week
Sunshine - Tails doll Vs Bf (the song starts with tails doll on the ground, then he gets up and continues singing, besides, the song stays the same)
Soulless - Tails doll Shorts Vs Bf (you must know, that version of soulless DX)
Fleetway week
Chaos - Fleetway super sonic Vs Bf (have more lazer mechanic)
Metal sonic kay Week
Metallic madness - Metal sonic kay Vs Bf
Starved week
Prey Bad future - furnace and Starved eggman Vs Sonic (for music, as it is inspired by sonic cd, in the beginning there could have been a cutscene like the one in the original game, you know, those beautiful ones)
Fight or Flight - Starved eggman Vs Tails (nothing new)
Prey Good Future - Furnace and Starved eggman Vs Sonic (nothing new here again, just a warning, it's just a fun remix, not the true ending)
Fatal error week
Fatality - Fatal error sonic Vs Bf (same Thing)
Needlemouse week
Round-a-bout - Needlemouse Vs Bf
Fnas week
Trapped - Salvage sonic Vs Bf
Secret history week
Mania - Secret History tails Vs Bf
Ashura Week
Terminal - Ashura, Ciborg Tails and Wechnia Vs Bf
Spirits of hell week
Extinction - Exeller vs Bf and Pico
Sharpy showdown - Exetior vs Bf
Nazo Week
Unleashed - Nazo Vs Super Bf
Mephiles week
Darkness - Mephiles Vs Pico
Possessed amy week
Possession - Possessed amy Vs Bf
Tails diary week
Don’t read - Tails dark diary Vs Cream
Hallowen Week
Polite - Undead tails Vs Halloween costume Sonic
Bratwurst week
Gods will - Bratwurst.exe Vs Gf
Metal virus week
Infection - Infected sonic Vs Amy and Bf
EL pendrive azul week
Epileptic - sonic pendrive (vibingleaf version) Vs Bf
Hacked cartridge week
Truth - sally Vs Bf
Chinelin week
Torture - Chimera Vs Sonic
2011 week
Genesis - 2011x Vs Bf
Sunky week
Milk - Sunky.mpeg Vs Bf
Cereal - Sunky and sally Vs Bf
Sanic.exe week
Too fest - sanic.exe Vs Bf
Bootleg week
Wingardium leviosa - obama sonic 10 Vs Bootleg Bf
EXE week
Faker - Faker Vs Bf
Black sun - EXE Vs Bf (near the end, he hits Bf in the eye, leaving him blind in one eye)
Godspeed - EXE Vs Bf and Gf
Final Act
Final escape
Xenofanes got tired of you, and now, in the destruction of everything, he gathers all his forces (becomes hyper sonic.exe) and is ready to KILL YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND
and… you dye… yeyyy
Nostalgia Weel:
Too slow Legacy - Sonic.exe Vs Bf
You can’t run Legacy - YCR Sonic.exe Vs Bf
Execution - Lord X Vs Bf
Endless OG - Majin Sonic Vs Bf
Vannila Milk - Sunky.mpeg Vs Bf
submitted by trash_games2008_v2 to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:06 MokaMoosey I'm so dumb

So in March of 2022, I listed a Halloween costume on Poshmark. After almost a month, I kinda just gave up because no one bought it and I deleted the app because I didn't really use it (I had no patience back then LOL).
It's now June of 2024 and I decided to redownload the app because I'm looking for some vintage clothing. I'm on my profile and I see that my listing got sold in April...of 2022...
uh oh- I completely forgot to take down the listing. I'm so dumb. If only I had the patience for someone to buy my costume.
I feel so bad for the person that bought my costume because they said they needed it ASAP 😭
submitted by MokaMoosey to BehindTheClosetDoor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:02 thegunnersdream Need some help understanding the paint requirements of the mortal realms

I'm not super familiar with AoS and still fairly fresh to mini painting in general, but my LGS is having a painting competition and the theme is painting a Stormcast eternal in the style of one of the mortal realms. I am participating in the competition because it sounds fun, but idk wtf would be completely off limits for any mortal realm.
Chamon seemed in line with the theme of the mini but does that mean everything needs to be a metallic color? I guess what I am asking is is there like a definitive color scheme I need to stick to or can I just research a realm and feel like xyz colors match what I think the theme is? The LGS doesnt state any color rules for the competition so I think it is more an in universe question. As far as Im aware, there is no prize and im doing this totally for fun, I just want to make sure Im not going to have to do that thing you do on halloween where no one understands what your costume should be.
Thanks yall!
submitted by thegunnersdream to ageofsigmar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:11 GamingInPink Need advice on costume portfolio

Just graduated with my bachelor’s and taking a year or two off to work on myself and my portfolio. I’m interested in going to UC Irvine Costume design MFA program but I don’t have much of a costume portfolio. What can I do to add to it. As of right now I’m working on a show as a costume assistant but I’m not doing much because of the designer has everything cleared. What can I do to add to my portfolio? Thank you again for your time.
Right now I have some designs and ideas on costumes I did before. One of them being a Halloween event and another was for a theater festival but it was theoretical.
submitted by GamingInPink to techtheatre [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:43 JTartaro04 Dead by Daylight Licenced Content Wishlist

Theses are just some of my wants for Dead by Daylight. Let me know below anything I missed or anything you'd like to add.
submitted by JTartaro04 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:09 I_Am_Dixon_Cox The Haunted Hairpiece

Hannah's hunt for a Halloween costume led her to an obscure vintage shop, "Ethereal Elegance," hidden in the heart of her town. The shop's sign was weathered, its paint peeling like ancient skin. Inside, the air was thick with dust and the scent of old leather. Shelves lined with antique curiosities beckoned her deeper into the dimly lit store.
Among the faded dresses and tarnished jewelry, one item stood out—not for its glow, but for its quiet elegance. It was an intricately designed hairpiece adorned with delicate lace and tiny, intricate pearls. Despite its age, it was in perfect condition, almost as if it had been waiting for her.
The shop owner, an old woman with piercing eyes and a voice like crumpled paper, watched her with an unsettling intensity. "That piece has a history," the woman croaked, her gnarled fingers clutching the counter. "Are you sure you want it?"
Hannah, intrigued by the hairpiece's delicate beauty, shrugged. "What kind of history?" she asked, half-expecting a mundane tale of previous owners.
The old woman sighed deeply, her eyes narrowing as if deciding how much to reveal. "It's a tragic tale, filled with jealousy, betrayal, and death," she began, her voice dropping to a whisper. "It once belonged to a woman named Helena, a Victorian-era socialite known for her beauty and charm."
"Helena was the envy of many, but none more so than her closest friend, Marguerite," the shop owner continued. "Consumed by jealousy and dark desires, Marguerite sought the help of a notorious occultist, Victor Blackwood, to curse Helena. The curse was cruel and insidious. Helena's life began to unravel. Her beauty faded, her mind fractured, and she was haunted by nightmarish visions. Desperate to escape, Helena sought solace in death, hanging herself with the very hairpiece that had once been her pride."
The old woman paused, her eyes glistening with a strange light. "But death did not bring peace. Her spirit, twisted by the curse, remained bound to the hairpiece, a vengeful wraith seeking revenge on anyone who dared to wear it."
Hannah raised an eyebrow, a skeptical smile playing on her lips. "Oh really? A cursed hairpiece?" she said, her tone mocking. "Isn't that a bit clichéd?"
The shop owner did not smile. "Believe what you will," she said. "But Helena's spirit remains bound to it, seeking revenge on anyone who dares to wear it."
Despite the chilling tale, Hannah's skepticism remained. "I'll take it," she said, her voice firm.
The shop owner gave her a long, searching look before wrapping the hairpiece in faded silk. "Be careful," she warned. "Helena's spirit is restless."
Hannah left the shop, her prize in hand. At home, she couldn't resist trying it on. As she fastened the hairpiece to her head, a chill ran down her spine. She felt a slight pressure, as if unseen hands were adjusting it. The room seemed to darken, the shadows growing longer and more menacing. She shrugged off the sensation, attributing it to nerves.
That night, as she prepared for bed, Hannah placed the hairpiece on her dresser. She was about to turn off the light when she noticed a shadow move across the room. Heart pounding, she turned back to see the hairpiece slightly tilted, as if it had been touched. Dismissing it as a trick of her imagination, she went to bed, but sleep eluded her. Whispers filled the room, unintelligible yet insistent, ebbing and flowing like a distant, sinister chant.
The following days were a descent into madness. The whispers grew louder, the words still unintelligible but filled with malice. Hannah began to see fleeting glimpses of a ghostly figure in the mirror—an ethereal woman, her face obscured by darkness, her eyes two hollow voids. The hairpiece seemed to move on its own, always appearing in different places around the house. One night, Hannah woke to find it on her pillow, mere inches from her face.
Desperate, Hannah returned to Ethereal Elegance, but the shop was gone. In its place was a vacant, crumbling building, its windows boarded up and the door hanging off its hinges. Inside, the dust lay thick and undisturbed, as if no one had been there for decades.
Terrified, Hannah tried to destroy the hairpiece. She burned it, drowned it, and buried it, but it always returned, unscathed and dripping with malice. The hauntings intensified. Helena's presence was no longer a mere shadow. She manifested fully, a grotesque specter of malice, her ghostly hands reaching out for Hannah. Each night, Hannah felt herself growing weaker, her life force seemingly drained by the vengeful spirit.
In a final act of desperation, Hannah sought out a local medium, Madam Seraphina, rumored to have dealt with dark spirits. Seraphina's parlor was filled with the scent of incense and the glow of candlelight, the air thick with mysticism. She listened to Hannah's story, her eyes narrowing with recognition.
"This spirit is bound by a curse most foul," Seraphina said. "We must confront it head-on."
That night, Seraphina performed a cleansing ritual in Hannah's home. As she chanted in a language long forgotten, the hairpiece trembled violently, emitting an unearthly wail. The spirit of Helena appeared, her face contorted with rage and sorrow. Shadows writhed and twisted around her, the room growing colder with each passing second.
"You cannot be rid of me!" Helena's voice echoed, a chorus of torment and fury. "I am bound to this world by the blood and betrayal of Marguerite!"
Seraphina's chants grew louder, her voice a beacon of light in the darkness. With one final, ear-piercing scream, Helena's form disintegrated, and the hairpiece crumbled to dust. The oppressive atmosphere lifted, the house feeling lighter than it had in weeks.
Exhausted but relieved, Hannah thanked Seraphina and returned to her now peaceful home. Yet, as she climbed into bed, she noticed a single pearl from the hairpiece on her pillow. Her heart froze as the whispers began anew, more menacing than ever.
Helena's curse was not so easily broken.
submitted by I_Am_Dixon_Cox to ArtificialFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:21 sad-incognito I’m struggling with my gender identity a lot.

I’m 26 and born female (hence the posting here). Not long after 2020 I started getting curious about other gender identities and slowly I started second guessing mine. I always pushed it to the side and chalked it up to social conditioning. But lately it feels like a costume, it feels like I can’t just take everything off at the end of the day and be completely comfortable in my skin. I don’t hate the costume I just don’t want to wear it 24/7. At the same time, I don’t hate being a female, I like feminine things just as much as masculine things. And I don’t get this debilitating sense of body dysmorphia outside of my chest area.
Last summer I cut my hair really short out of necessity for work, always intending on growing it back out. Looking back I don’t think that’s what I really wanted, I loved the feeling the short hair gave me and I liked it a little more when I tried binding tape for the first time for Halloween.
For a while I thought I was transphobic, as the idea of trans people (particularly trans men) gave me this weird sickly pit in my stomach. I now wonder if that feeling is jealousy.
I’m stuck in a grey area between what I’ve always known and a curiosity that keeps growing. And I don’t know what stopping me from exploring this potential part of me.
My sense of identity seems to be crumbling away underneath my feet.
I feel very lost and alone in this.
submitted by sad-incognito to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:29 Femboy_thoughts My Halloween costume for this year :3

My Halloween costume for this year :3 submitted by Femboy_thoughts to Femboy_Dreamland [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:19 Gaming_Dude2024 Cheap Freddy costume will do the trick for Halloween

Cheap Freddy costume will do the trick for Halloween submitted by Gaming_Dude2024 to u/Gaming_Dude2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:13 GOOPREALM5000 "In 2062, the Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit costume was released to retailers just in time for Halloween. Its popularity was so overwhelming that stores couldn't keep up with the demand."

submitted by GOOPREALM5000 to furry [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:01 TakerlamaCostume #Takerlama Pirate's life for me, and for you too! 😏👻✨ This Women's Pirate Halloween Costume is everything and more!

#Takerlama Pirate's life for me, and for you too! 😏👻✨ This Women's Pirate Halloween Costume is everything and more! submitted by TakerlamaCostume to TakerlamaCosplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:42 mound_maker H: Hundreds of items to trade. W: Uny/Str/Cav Uny/AP/Cav raider/metal pieces. And certain AA or B or V + SS or PAD + Str or 25AP Melee weapons (listed)

Am open to light or sturdy raider pieces with the same stats as those listed on my Wants list; however prefer heavy so won’t value them as high.
If you have absolutely nothing on my wants list and still want something: Would consider Apparel, GB3, or Leader offers. I’m not that guy who that’s all I want; but if you have nothing I want – I’m open to them since they can get me things I want.
Unyielding Heavy Raiders Chest Str Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raiders Chest AP Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raiders Left Arm Str Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raiders Right Arm Str Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raiders Right Arm AP Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raider's Right Leg Str Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raider's Right Leg AP Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raider's Left Leg Str Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raider's Left Leg AP Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Metal Chest Str Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Metal Chest AP Cavalier's
Anti Armor Sheepsquatch Club FSS AP
Vampires Sheepsquatch Club FSS AP
Vampires Sheepsquatch Club FSS Str
Anti Armor Power Fist FSS AP
Bloodied Power Fist PAD Str
Vampires Power Fist FSS AP
Vampires Power Fist FSS Str
Anti Armor Deathclaw Gauntlet FSS AP
Anti Armor Deathclaw Gauntlet FSS Str
Vampires Deathclaw Gauntlet FSS AP
Vampires Deathclaw Gauntlet FSS Str
Anti Armor Grognak Axe FSS Str
Bloodied Shishkibab FSS Str
Bloodied Shishkibab FSS AP
Vampires Shishkibab FSS AP
Vampires Shishkibab FSS Str
Anti Armor Super Sledge FSS AP
Anti-Armor Super Sledge FSS Str
Vampires Super Sledge FSS AP
Vampires Super Sledge FSS Str
Bloodied Tenderizer PAD Str
Anti Armor Tenderizer FSS AP
Anti-Armor Tenderizer FSS Str
Vampires Tenderizer FSS AP
Anti-Armor 10mm Pistol Exp 15crit
Anti-Armor 10mm SMG 25ffr 25ap
Anti-Armor 50 Cal 50vhc 15r
Anti-Armor Assault Rifle exp 25ap
Anti-Armor Auto Grenade Launcher 50vhc 15r
Anti-Armor Bolt-Action Exp 15crit
Anti-Armor Combat Rifle exp 25ap
Anti-Armor Combat Shotgun 25ffr 15crit
Anti-Armor Combat Shotgun 25ffr 25ap
Anti-Armor Double Barrel Exp 15crit
Anti-Armor Dragon 50vhc 15r
Anti-Armor Dragon exp 15crit
Anti-Armor Dragon Exp 15r
Anti-Armor Dragon exp 250dr
Anti-Armor Dragon Exp Break
Anti-Armor Elder's Mark 50crit 90w
Anti-Armor Enclave Plasma Pistol 50crit 15r
Anti-Armor Enclave Plasma Rifle 25ffr 90w
Anti-Armor Fixer 15ap 15r
Anti-Armor Fixer 25ffr 15crit
Anti-Armor Fixer 25ffr 90w
Anti-Armor Fixer 25ffr Break
Anti-Armor Fixer 50crit 15r
Anti-Armor Fixer 50crit 25ap
Anti-Armor Fixer 50vhc 15r
Anti-Armor Fixer 50vhc 25ap
Anti-Armor Fixer Exp 90w
Anti-Armor Fixer limb 25ap
Anti-Armor Gatling Plasma 25ffr Break
Anti-Armor Handmade 50crit 15r
Anti-Armor Handmade 50vhc 25ap
Anti-Armor Hunting Rifle 50vhc 25ap
Anti-Armor Hunting Rifle Exp 15crit
Anti-Armor Laser Rifle 50vhc 25ap
Anti-Armor Lever Action exp 15r
Anti-Armor Light Machine Gun 25ffr 15crit
Anti-Armor Pump Shotgun Exp 15crit
Anti-Armor Railway 50crit 25ap
Anti-Armor Railway 50vhc 15crit
Anti-Armor Submachine Gun 50crit 15crit
Anti-Armor Submachine Gun exp 15r
Anti-Armor Tesla 50vhc 15r
Aristocrats Combat Shotgun 25ffr 25ap
Aristocrats Fixer Exp 15crit
Bloodied 10mm SMG 50vhc 15crit
Bloodied 50 Cal 15ap 25ap
Bloodied 50 Cal 25ffr 15crit
Bloodied 50 Cal 50vhc 15r
Bloodied 50 Cal exp 90w
Bloodied Alien Disintegrator 15ap 25ap
Bloodied Broadsider 50vhc 90w
Bloodied Combat Rifle 50crit 15crit
Bloodied Combat Rifle 50crit 15r
Bloodied Combat Shotgun 15ap 25ap
Bloodied Combat Shotgun Exp 25ap
Bloodied Double Barrel 50crit 15crit
Bloodied Dragon exp 90w
Bloodied Elder's Mark 25ffr 15crit
Bloodied Fixer 15ap 25ap
Bloodied Fixer 50crit 90w
Bloodied Fixer 50vhc 15crit
Bloodied Fixer 50vhc 15r
Bloodied Fixer 50vhc 25ap
Bloodied Fixer Exp 15r
Bloodied Handmade 50crit 15r
Bloodied Handmade 50vhc 15r
Bloodied Handmade 50vhc 25ap
Bloodied Hunting Rifle 50vhc 15r
Bloodied Hunting Rifle Last Shot Reload
Bloodied Pipe Revolver 50crit 15crit
Bloodied Plasma Rifle 50vhc 15crit
Bloodied Western Revolver 50crit 25ap
Bloodied Western Revolver Exp 15r
Bloodied Western Revolver Exp 25ap
Executioner's Railway 25ffr 25ap
Furious Fixer exp 15r
Instigating Combat Shotgun exp 15crit
Instigating Combat Shotgun exp 15r
Instigating Dragon 50crit 15crit
Instigating Dragon 50vhc 15crit
Instigating Fixer 50crit 15crit
Instigating Handmade 50vhc 25ap
Instigating Lever Action exp 90w
Instigating Railway exp 15r
Junkies Fixer 25ffr 25ap
Junkies Fixer 50crit 25ap
Junkies Fixer Exp 15crit
Junkies Fixer Exp 15r
Junkies Radium Rifle Exp 25ap
Mutant's Elder's Mark 50crit 25ap
Quad 50 Cal 50vhc 25ap
Quad 50 Cal exp 15crit
Quad Assaultron Head 50crit 90w
Quad Broadsider 50vhc 15r
Quad Combat Shotgun 15ap 25ap
Quad Combat Shotgun 25ffr 90w
Quad Combat Shotgun 50crit 15crit
Quad Combat Shotgun 50vhc 15crit
Quad Combat Shotgun 50vhc 15crit
Quad Combat Shotgun 50vhc 25ap
Quad Double Barrel Exp 25ap
Quad Enclave Plasma Rifle 50crit 25ap
Quad Fixer 15ap 15r
Quad Fixer 15ap 15r
Quad Fixer 50vhc 15r
Quad Fixer 50vhc 90w
Quad Fixer Bash 25ap
Quad Fixer Last Shot 25ap
Quad Fixer limb 25ap
Quad Gatling Gun exp 15crit
Quad Gauss Rifle 50crit 15crit
Quad Handmade 50crit 15r
Quad Handmade limb 25ap
Quad Lever Action 25ffr 15crit
Quad Light Machine Gun 25Aim 15r
Quad Light Machine Gun Exp 15r
Quad Plasma Rifle 50crit 25ap
Quad Pump Shotgun 50crit 15crit
Quad Railway 25Aim 25ap
Quad Railway 50vhc 90w
Quad Ultracite Laser 25ffr 15r
Two Shot 50 Cal 25ffr 15r
Two Shot 50 Cal 25ffr 25ap
Two Shot Alien Blaster 25ffr 25ap
Two Shot Combat Rifle exp 15r
Two Shot Combat Shotgun 25ffr 25ap
Two Shot Fixer 25ffr 25ap
Two Shot Fixer 50vhc 15r
Two Shot Handmade 25ffr 15crit
Two Shot Handmade 25ffr 25ap
Two Shot Handmade 50crit 25ap
Two Shot Handmade 50vhc 25ap
Two Shot Light Machine Gun Exp 15r
Two Shot Pump Shotgun 25ffr 15r
Two Shot Pump Shotgun Exp 15r
Two Shot Railway 50vhc 15r
Vampires 10mm Pistol exp 25ap
Vampires 50 Cal 25ffr 15r
Vampires Alien Blaster 25ffr 25ap
Vampires Combat Rifle 50vhc 25ap
Vampires Combat Shotgun 25ffr 15crit
Vampires Combat Shotgun 25ffr 15r
Vampires Combat Shotgun Exp 25ap
Vampires Double Barrel 50crit 15r
Vampires Double Barrel Exp 15r
Vampires Fixer 15ap 25ap
Vampires Fixer 50vhc 15crit
Vampires Fixer 50vhc 15r
Vampires Fixer 50vhc 25ap
Vampires Gauss Rifle 50crit 15crit
Vampires Handmade 50crit 25ap
Vampires Handmade 50vhc 15crit
Vampires Laser Rifle 25ffr 15crit
Vampires Laser Rifle 50vhc 25ap
Vampires Lever Action 50vhc 15r
Vampires Light Machine Gun exp 15r
Vampires Pipe Revolver Exp 25ap
Vampires Plasma Rifle 50crit 15r
Vampires Plasma Rifle 50vhc 25ap
Vampires Pump Shotgun exp 15v
Vampires Railway 25ffr 15r
Vampires Railway 25ffr 25ap
Vampires Railway 25ffr 90w
Vampires Railway 50crit 15r
Vampires Railway 50crit 25ap
Vampires Railway exp 25ap
Vampires Railway exp break
Vampires Submachine Gun 25ffr 15r
Vampires Tesla 50vhc 15r
Vampires Ultracite Laser 50vhc 15r
Vampires Western Revolver 50crit 25ap
Aristocrat's Combat LL (Light) AP Sentinel
Assassin's Civil Engineer LA 1cha Sentinel
Assassin's Civil Engineer LL PoisRes Cavalier's
Assassin's Marine Chest AP Sentinel
Auto Stim Combat RL (Light) AP Sentinel
Auto Stim Combat LL (Heavy) AP WWR
Auto Stim Marine RL AP WWR
Auto Stim Raider RA (Light) AP Rad Recov
Auto Stim Combat LA (Sturdy) FireRes Sentinel
Auto Stim Wood RA AP Sneak
Bolstering Marine LA AP Sentinel
Bolstering Civil Engineer AP WWR
Bolstering Raider LA (Light) AP Sentinel
Chameleon Civil Engineer Chest 1str Sentinel
Chameleon Civil Engineer Chest RadRes Sneak
Chameleon Civil Engineer LL 1Int Sentinel
Chameleon Forst Scout LA AP Sneak
Chameleon Robot LL (Light) 1str Cavalier's
Chameleon Trapper LL PoisRes Sneak
Chameleon Leather Chest (Light) AP Cavalier's
Cloaking Raider Chest (Heavy) PoisRes Cavalier's
Cloaking Combat Chest (Sturdy) 1Str AWR
Exterminator's Civil Engineer LL AP Sentinel
Exterminator's Combat RL (Sturdy) AP Sentinel
Ghoul Slayer Civil Engineer RL AP Cavalier's
Life Saving Leather RL (Heavy) AP Rad Recov
Life Saving Wood RA AP WWR
Mutant Slayer's Civil Engineer LA AP AWR
Mutant's Civil Engineer RA AP WWR
Overeater's Civil Engineer Chest RadRes Cavalier's
Overeater's Civil Engineer LA FireRes JWR
Overeater's Civil Engineer LL AP PoisDam
Overeater's Trapper RA AP Rad Recov
Overeater's Civil Engineer RL RadRes Rad Recov
Regenerating Wood RL AP Sentinel
Unyielding Civil Engineer Chest PoisRes Sneak
Unyielding Civil Engineer LA 1int LockPick
Unyielding Civil Engineer LL CryoRes Sentinel
Unyielding Civil Engineer RL 1agil Sneak
Unyielding Civil Engineer RA H&Tslower FireDam
Unyielding Metal Chest (Heavy) CryoRes Sentinel
Unyielding Metal LA (Light) AP -
Unyielding Robot RL (Heavy) FireRes Cavalier's
Unyielding Metal LA (Light) FireRes JWR
Unyielding Robot RA (Light) AP JWR
Unyielding Robot LL (Light) H&Tslower Cavalier's
Unyielding Marine RL AP JWR
Unyielding Wood RA CryoRes LLD
Unyielding Wood RA RadRes Cavalier's
Vanguard's Civil Engineer LA AP Limb
Vanguard's Civil Engineer LL AP CryoDam
Vanguard's Civil Engineer RL RadRes Sentinel
Vanguard's Robot Chest (Heavy) AP Sneak
Weightless Civil Engineer LA AP Rad Recov
Weightless Trapper RL AP Sentinel
Alien Blaster Cryo Mag
Alien Blaster Poison Mag
Alien Corpse Bed
Alien Stash Box
Alien Tube
Antique Globe of Mars
Bloody Curtain Door
Bloody Rug
Blue Devil Plushie
Blue Ridge Scout Outfit
Bottle Bot
Brahmin Grill
Burning Barbed Sheepsquatch Staff
Cappy Clapper
Cattle Flour Billboards
Chainsaw Skptikill Paint
Chally The Moo-Moo Backpack
Civil War Era Top Hat
Cryptid Hunter Boonie Hat
Cryptid Mobile
Cultist Adept Hood
Cultist Adept Robes
Cultist Backpack
Cultist Enlightened Hood
Cultist Enlightened Robes
Cultist Incarnate Helmet
Cultist Neophyte Hood
Cultist Neophyte Robes
Decoy Ducks
Double Display Shelf
Dried Wildflower Bouquet
Electrified Shepherd's Crock
Enlightened Lantern
Fluttering Moths
Fossilized Megalonyx Left Arm
Fossilized Megalonyx Left Leg
Fossilized Megalonyx Right Arm
Fossilized Megalonyx Right Leg
Fossilized Megalonyx Skull
Fuzzy Enlightened Plushie
Fuzzy Mothman Plushie
Getaway Wagon
Ground Meat Plushie
Gulper Rug
Halloween Skull Mask
Herdsman's Bell
Herdsman's Bell Display Rack
Honeycomb Paper Blue Mothman
Honeycomb Paper Brown Mothman
Honeycomb Paper Green Mothman
Honeycomb Paper Mothman Globe
Honeycomb Paper Red Mothman
Kids Brahmin Clock
Meat Cleaver
Meat Tenderizer
Megalonyx Display Rack
Megasloth Pelt Rug
Mutant Hound Diagram
Nuka Launcher Model
Nuka-Cade Poster
Ogua Curtain Door
Ogua Egg
Ogua Hunter Hood
Ogua Plushie
Paddock Gate
Pepper Shacker
Pappered Tenderizer Mod
Plastic Fruit Wreath
Rib Plushie
Sacred Mothman Tome
Salty Tenderizer Mod
Scorchbeast Queen Beer Stein
Spiked Electro Enforcer
Spiked Sheperd's Crook
Straw Goat
Super Mutant Diagram
Swarm of Flies
Taxidermy Mutant Hound
Toothed Sheperd's Crook
Track Lighting
Wasteland Hunter Backpack
Weenie Wagon
Wise Mothman Throne
With Costume
Zenith Alien Blaster Paint
Brahmin Mask
Buffoon Mask
Crazy Guy Mask
Deathclaw Mask
Fiend Mask
Blue Devil Mask
Glowing Scorchbeast Queen Mask
Hag Mask
Loon Mask
Raven Mask
submitted by mound_maker to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:49 TSMagnum007 LF: (all Shiny) costumes Pikachu - e. g. from Bali (see below), Nidorino/Ratticate/Wobbuffet with party hat, Chingling, Mantyke, unowns, Eevee with hat (Winter 2022, Safari Zone), Dia de Muertos Cubone, [Cherubi]*, Cherrim and more see below - FT: see below

LF: (all Shiny) Pikachu with different hats and caps (see below), Nidorino/Ratticate/Wobbuffet with party hat, [Chingling], Mantyke, unowns, Eevee with hat (Party hat, Winter 2022, Safari Zone), Slowpoke with 2020 glasses, Pikachu/Vulpix with Halloween costume/Dia de Muertos Cubone, Rotom, Lapras with Bow (Blanche), Elekid from Spark, Ponyta from Candela, Psyduck with Christmas hat, [Cherubi] (all Shiny)
LF: costume Pikachus (Shiny) - all Shiny: Pikachu with ... witch hat (OctobeNovember 2017), [detective hat (May 2019)], red party hat (February/March 2020/February 2024) , Charizard cap (May 2020), Rayquaza cap (May 2020), libre Pikachu, Holiday Pikachu (December 2020), Pop star Pikachu, Rock star Pikachu (Go Fest 2021), [Safari Zone (November 2022 with two green balloons)], Eevee with Red Party hat, [Pikachu Go Tour 23: Hoenn With black white beanie (Brendan Hat)], Blue Citrus Shirt Pikachu (Jeju Island, South Korea July 2023), World Championships Pikachu (August 2023), Tricks and Treats Pikachu with Pumpkin costume (October 2023)
FT: all regionals like Comfey, unowns (non Shiny), CDay mons, (Ekans, Growlithe, Rattata), Hitmonlee, Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Meowth, Alolan Marowak, purified Koffing, Sentret, Marill, Snubull, Sneasel, Torchic, Volbeat, Feebas, Wailord, Kricketot, Bronzor, [Audino], Minccino, Makuhita, Larvitar, Seadra, Sudowoodo, Scyther, [Cyndaquil], Absol, Rufflet, Burmy green, [Panpour], Woobat, Buneary, Go Fest Pikachu August 2022, Inkay, Shellos, Lickitung, Woobat, Hisuian Avalugg, Helioptile, Hisuian Typhlosion, Wyrdeer (all Shiny), Spinda No. 9 from Valentines Day, unown G, Surskit, Galar Stunfisk
(Non-Shiny) all Regionals like Pikachu with Okinawan Kariyushi Shirt, Comfey and different non-Shiny unowns
Shiny Legendary/Mythical: Registeel, Regice, Mesprit, Uxie, Palkia, Heatran, Cresselia, Terrakion, Ho-Oh, [Kyogre (special attack)], Groudon (special attack), [Cobalion, Virizion], [Tapu Fini], [Tapu Koko], Tapu Bulu, [Kartana]*, Latios (all Shiny), Armored Mewtwo
Shiny Costumes: [Lapras with scarf], [Snorlax with Cowboy hat, Go Fest Pikachu with scarf (2022)], Cubchoo with bow, bulbasauCharmander with party hat, Pikachu with jewels (Red, green, yellow), Pikachu with white headscarf (Lumias hat) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Please dm me.
PS: Maybe we can do shiny trades at the same time from your alt to my main and vice versa. My alts have Shinies too. DM me for more informations.
*[ ] means: maybe saved for another trading partner; just ask how it is the status quo.
submitted by TSMagnum007 to spoofertrades [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:57 omar5361 Tags with more than 20 words ? ?

Hello, can anyone explain how my competitor manages to use tags with more than 20 words? Is that even possible?
submitted by omar5361 to EtsySellers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:32 Big-Bicycle6840 I (17M) was sexually harassed by a staff member at my high-school (Early 30's F)

All the good stuff, throw away account, names have been changed, Intentionally vague details. Also this story happened to me 10+ years ago.
This is a story that to this day I've only told parts of to a handful of people. However, enough time has past that i feel it would do me some good to get the full story off my chest. Also sorry about the wall of text, It looks like I’ve spilled the tea and kettle.
TL;DR - Back in the early 2010's I (Then 17 M) received, and subsequently did not accept, sexual advances from a (Then early 30's F) married, pregnant, teachers assistant. I then spent the rest of the school year diffusing the situation.
It was my senior year of high-school in a very small rural town. When i say small i mean that the entire high school consisted of less than 50 students. Julie was the school's new computer lab tech (not sure of actual job title). She was in charge of maintaining the schools computers. Whenever we had a class that we needed to use the computers for, she would help the teacher to monitor us students and make sure no one was playing flash games, or checking social media, etc. Julie had a very "flirtatious" vibe. She would regularly have playful conversations with all us students. This was not sexual by any means, more so teasing and poking fun. She acted more like a fellow student with us than a superior. In general, this made lots of students (myself included) enjoy our classes with her as she wasn't as strict and classes weren't boring. Julie was also a mother of 2. Her and her husband (lets call him Dave) moved to town where she found this job and her husband worked in a manual/skilled labourer job. Julie became pregnant shortly into the school year and began showing by the time second semester came around. Little did i know, that that was around the time her opinion of me started to change.
Hindsight tells me that the catalyst for Julie's newfound lust was probably during a "gender swap" day the school had during one of the regular "spirit weeks" they would put on. The premise of this day was for guys to show up dressed as girls, and vise versa. (I know, very gender binary.) I didn't dress any different but a few did. Julie showed up that day with several very feminine costumes that she had (Think "sexy" Halloween costume type of clothing). during breaks she was bugging the male students to show some spirit and put them on. Most of the guys where too cool/embarrassed to oblige. I however, thought that it would at least get a laugh out of Sophie, a good friend. So, I grabbed the skimpiest top and went to the change room. I came out in a very tight, pink, sleeveless, corset style dress with jeans underneath. I went up to George and did a "Bro, can you do up my corset?" bit and it got a couple laughs. The memory that sticks in my mind the most from that day is Julie saying something to the effect of "Wow, you have a strong muscular back". I guess it's true what they say about giving a guy a compliment and he will remember it for the rest of his life because i still remember the joy that compliment gave me to this day. At that time I was skinny like a string bean having lost a bunch of weight due to puberty and a change in activity so complimenting my defined back while in a tight corset truly was flattering. Anyways, I feel like this was the first comment Julie made to me that crossed a line and possibly planted a seed in her mind. However, at the time i thought nothing of it and just took it as a nice compliment.
Awhile later, Julie began to question me about my current on again/off again relationship with Isabella a fellow student. Now, even from Julie’s outside perspective it was probably very easy to see the signs of a bad relationship. Isabella would regularly string me and other guys along. Julie picked up on this and at an opportune time when i was alone with her, She simply ask “What’s up with you guys?” When i didn’t have a good answer she said something along the lines of “You deserve better” and left it at that. From there, she would proceed to make small remarks like passing her in the hall she would say something like “Hey during chem class i noticed Isabella flirting with Roy.” My oblivious ass still didn’t raise any suspicion or think it was odd that a Staff member was concerning themselves this heavily in high school dating life drama. I thought she was simply looking out for me. One day, my group of friend was in the computer lab over lunch and Julie began complaining about having ordered take-out from the local restaurant but having to walk all the way there and back to get it. I happened to have drove myself to school that day and thought nothing of offering to give her a ride. After all, she was pregnant and i seen it as nothing more than a friendly favour. So we went off school property, just the two of us (I know) and got her lunch. It wasn’t till the return trip when once again she brought up Isabella. I ended up opening up to her a bit about knowing that she’s not right for me but not wanting to hurt her. We pulled back into the school lot as Julie was telling me that I’m “too nice of a guy” I shrugged it off as she turned to me while opening the door and said “You know, nice guys always finish last”. I can’t say for certain what it was about how she said that it, but there was a certain smoulder in that last line. It was at this moment when I began to question the way Julie felt about me. I still didn’t believe it though, Because “of coarse she isn’t in to me”. I once again rationalized this interaction as just her looking out for me which aside form the sexual innuendo, was genuinely relationship advice that i needed to hear at the time.
The next couple weeks pass as normal, aside from me making an effort to distance myself form Isabella. I guess the advice sunk in. One day, during last period I was in the computer lab working on a paper. I was trying my best not to notice Isabella at the far side of the lab. She was sitting next to Roy with her legs across his lap, giggling, and making no effort to hide their new relationship. I had Facebook tabbed and was catching up on my timeline as any kid that wanted to fit in did at the time. I made minimal efforts to hide what I was doing, as Julie was the only one supervising at the time and i knew she was cool about computer use. Out of nowhere, I get a FB message. It’s from Julie who I wasn’t even friends with on the site. She messaged “God, what a bitch” clearly in reference to Isabella. I remember looking over to Julie and her giving a friendly smirk. I responded simply, “Haha, yea” thinking that would be the end of the interaction. It wasn’t. She proceeded to carry on with the conversation. Not wanting to be rude I responded, but was unsure why she was continuing on. Once school ended and I was now home, Julie’s tone became very complimentary as if to butter me up. She then asked me if I’ve ever watched Billy Madison. Having seen the movie, time almost came to a stop as I began to speculate what she was going to say next. She then said something in reference to the hot for teacher plot and how she enjoyed it. My stomach physical churned and i instantly broke out into a cold sweat. I felt sick, I felt wrong, I felt like every molecule of my being was violently rejecting the message I had just read. At this point, it was clear to me. Julie fantasized about having sex with me.
I proceeded to freak out. I wanted nothing to do with any of this. It was wrong to me on so many levels, and worst of all I didn’t know how to get out of it. Through my sheer blindness to pick up on any of the signs, I had let Julie get far to comfortable and get the wrong idea. I was scared to turn her down, as I didn’t know how she’d handle the rejection. Would she not take No as an answer? Would she get scared that i would tell someone and try to get ahead of it by telling Dave(her husband) that I made a move on her? Would she force herself on me, to try and keep me from talking? I just didn’t know. I felt powerless to stop this as I felt that she was the adult here and it would be her word against mine. I couldn’t tell anyone else either. If this ever got out I was sure that cops would get involved and possibly the news. I didn’t want any of that attention. Not to mention, I began to get increasingly scared about Dave. He gave off the vibe of the type of guy that would have no problem resorting to violence upon hearing about his unfaithful wife. Also, I didn’t want to break up a family. What would that do to the kids? I needed a plan of how to best dodge all these bullets, while also protecting myself. I knew that in case things did go bad, what i needed was concrete evidence. While the meaning behind Julie’s message was clear to me, she didn’t outright admit to her intentions. It made me sick to think about, but I knew I had to keep this conversation going until she said something clearly explicit. I began to respond using as few words as i could, also making no comment to say that I agreed or consented. She just kept going eventually saying something along the lines of “I want you to be my muse” and then finally “God, I could just jump you right now”. Felling that this was enough and not being able to handle this conversation anymore, I simply ghosted. I now had my smoking gun.
For the next couple weeks, I made myself scarce. I avoided all interactions with Julie, not even making eye contact. I knew there was safety in numbers, and as long as I stayed in a group of friends she couldn’t try anything. I became very anxious about knowing what my classmates plans where over lunch and breaks to try and keep myself surrounded. My main goal was to let her come to the realization that I wasn’t interested on her own hoping that it would lessen her urge to want to escalate. I also felt that the time might make her come to her senses and realize what she was thinking was wrong in the first place. It didn’t seem to be working, as Julie tried a few times to message me again. My fear was warranted.
I had a class that I took through online correspondence, and so needed to use a computer. I opted to go to the computer lab in the attached elementary school. This is something that a handful of high-schoolers did during periods that the elementary didn't have it booked, and I began to as well since Julie stayed in the high-school lab. It was only myself and a few other classmates at the time when Julie came into the lab and began to hand out flyers for the next school event. I had my chair pushed away from the table and was slightly reclined into it. As she passed behind me instead of placing the flyer on the table by the computer, she reached over my shoulder placing the flyer in my lap. She then let her arm almost go limp and she traced a finger up my chest and slightly tugged at my shirt. I felt utterly scandalized. Not only was I wrong about feeling safe around others, but she clearly wanted to keep pursuing me. I knew i couldn’t avoid her at school.
At this point, I was heavily considering telling my friends. If for no other reason then the fact that I just couldn’t handle the stress. The moment came on a school field trip in which Julie didn’t attend. I was sitting with a small circle of friends and the topic of Julie came up, and not being able to take it anymore I told them my story. I was terrified of getting a bad reaction, of one of the guys trying to down play it or think it was cool, or of someone else urging me that I needed to tell the authorities. The main reaction I had got was skepticism, to which I had the proof. I remember pleading with the group that this secret can’t get out right before showing them the messages. I then watched as my phone got handed around and one by one people realized I was telling the truth.
For the next few days, I was on pins and needles. As you could expect this story travelled like wildfire and before we were even back from the field trip, the whole high-school knew. I didn’t know what to expect. I thought that surely someone was bound to tell their parents, but no one did. I think that everyone came to the same realization of just how nuclear this secret would be if it came out and so it just became a group secret. From then on, it seemed like everything had changed. Any class that I had to be in the computer lab for, I’d notice my friends closer around me. Some of the guys began looking for more opportunities to chat and try flirting with Julie, while I feel that the girls in my grade kept a closer watch on her with judgmental eyes. I’m sure that this change was noticeable enough for Julie to realize what had happened and, realizing that the whole high-school secretly knew, she didn’t make anymore advances towards me.
I don’t know if this is the most satisfying ending to this story, but it’s how it ended non the less. To this day, I don’t think anyone outside of my fellow alumni ever found out. Julie and Dave Stayed together for a few years before divorcing over what I can only assume was his drug problem as he’s been in and out of jail for drug relate crimes ever since.
submitted by Big-Bicycle6840 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:04 Gullible_Flan_3054 California Business Casual

Do jeans and a Hawaiian shirt qualify as business casual in California?
Edit: I started at this company 20+ years ago, one of the draws was a lack of dress code. I cut up my last suit for a Halloween costume after my probationary period ended and haven't owned a long sleeved collared shirt or tie or slacks or a jacket or any of that since.
Fast forward, current management is hosting a retreat for all employees, with travel and board provided. Signed up to attend 2 months ago. 4 days before traveling for the event they send an email saying that the dress code will be business casual. Best I can do is dark jeans and a black/grey Hawaiian shirt, what normally wear to a wedding or nice restaurant.
submitted by Gullible_Flan_3054 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:24 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Fake Knife

Best Fake Knife

Get ready to dive into the world of pretend danger, because we have compiled a list of the best fake knives out there! Whether you're looking for a prop for your next action movie or simply wanting to add some excitement to your home decor, our roundup of the top fake knives has got you covered.

The Top 18 Best Fake Knife

  1. Halloween Ends Officially Licensed Knife Prop - Bring the chilling essence of Halloween Ends to life with this officially licensed, molded-from-film knife prop, casting a realistic and detailed shadow over your costume.
  2. Authentic Halloween Michael Myers Knife Prop - Add a touch of horror to your Halloween decor with this officially licensed, hyper-realistic Butcher Knife Prop, complete with a collectible box.
  3. Pirate Sword and Gun Set for Adventure Play - Embark on thrilling adventures with our versatile Pirate Sword and Gun Set, featuring a realistic flintlock pistol and intricate details on the sword, perfect for cosplay or themed events.
  4. Smiffy's Bloodied Knife - Perfect for Halloween Costume Ensembles - Elevate your Halloween costume game with the Smiffy's Bloodied Knife, an accurate adult prop, featuring a black handle with skull and cross bones and a red-stained, silver blade, perfect to scare your friends and add thrill to your outfit!
  5. Michael Myers Fake Butcher Knife - Halloween 1978 Edition - This officially licensed foam butcher knife from Halloween 1978 looks just like the real deal, with a stunning stainless-steel finish and a detailed wooden hilt.
  6. Authentic Look Knife with Horror Sound Effect - Bring terrifying horror to life with the Paper Magic Knife, complete with a bloodcurdling sound and 2 AA batteries included.
  7. Shocking Fake Knife Toy Trick for Adults - Unleash harmless fun at your next event with the Wendy Mall Plastic Knife Toy - the perfect addition to any Halloween costume, trick, or joke!
  8. Realistic, Lightweight Fake Machete Knife Prop - Bring your costumes and role plays to life with this realistic yet safe machete prop, perfect for those seeking a unique and captivating costume accessory!
  9. Realistic Foam Knife for Halloween or Costume Play - Transform your haunted house with Skeleteen's realistic 12" fake kitchen knife prop, perfect for a Halloween or cosplay accessory, featuring a non-toxic, wood-like handle.
  10. Frightening Bleeding Machete Prop for Halloween Costumes - Splatter some spooky scares with the realistic, fake-blood-filled 21-inch Bleeding Machete prop - perfect for adult costumes and Halloween parties!
  11. Realistic Foam Machete Prop - Feel like a medieval hero with the Foam Machete Knife by Medieval Collectibles - a realistic foam machete prop that offers a safe and durable experience for cosplayers and survivalist enthusiasts alike.
  12. Ghost Face Halloween Chef's Knife - Bring the terror to your kitchen with the GhostFace Chef Knife - a spooky addition to any Halloween costume!
  13. Glow-in-the-Dark Pirate Knife Toy - Embark on a glowing pirate adventure with this durable plastic Morris Costumes Pirate Knife Toy, featuring a 12-inch long, glow-in-the-dark blade!
  14. Disappearing Trick Knife: Retractable Fake Plastic Blade for Halloween Pranks - Incorporate the Skeleteen Disappearing Trick Knife into your costume for an unforgettable prank with a retractable, harmless blade perfect for Halloween or April Fools.
  15. Nightmare Knife 34 cm - Realistic Fake Knife for Halloween and Haunting Décor - Add a touch of spine-chilling horror to your Halloween decorations or costume with the Amscan 4.5-rated Chrome Horror Knife, a realistic 13-inch soft blade perfect for thrilling fun.
  16. Halloween Fake Knife with Movie Poster Accuracy - Experience the horror with this officially licensed Halloween knife, featuring a realistic electro plated blade and measures 17 inches in length. Perfect for any Michael Myers fan!
  17. Realistic Michael Myers Fake Knife for Halloween - Bring spooky autumn vibes to your Halloween costume with this authentic plastic-made Michael Myers knife, perfect for stage and outdoor events.
  18. Official Halloween Michael Myers Butcher Knife Prop - Experience the chilling thrill of Halloween with this officially licensed Michael Myers Butcher Knife Prop by Trick or Treat Studios!
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🔗Halloween Ends Officially Licensed Knife Prop

In my quest for a realistic Halloween prop, I stumbled upon the Halloween Ends Knife Prop. This prop was an absolute game-changer, as it brought a touch of authenticity to my costume. Its molded design, based on the exact knife featured in the film, added a layer of realism that I hadn't seen before in a fake knife.
The weathered details on the prop added an extra layer of realism and a sense of history, making it stand out from other plastic props in the market. While I appreciated the hand-wash-only maintenance, it felt like a minor inconvenience compared to the overall design and quality of the product.
Despite its slightly smaller dimensions compared to the realism I aspired for, the prop still managed to convey the right image, and it remained sturdy and reliable throughout the season. My friends and family couldn't tell the difference, and I left a lasting impression on them.
While there were a few minor drawbacks, such as the plastic texture and the limited availability of licensed props, these were outweighed by the prop's design, build, and the excitement it brought to my Halloween experience. Overall, the Halloween Ends Knife Prop proved to be a worthwhile investment, and I highly recommend it for anyone looking to add a touch of realism to their costume this Halloween.

🔗Authentic Halloween Michael Myers Knife Prop

I've always been a fan of horror movies, and this Halloween Kills Butcher Knife Prop is no exception. The hyper-realistic paint job and intricate details really make it stand out - it's almost like holding a real weapon.
However, this prop can be a bit intimidating, so be prepared if you have kids around. Despite not being suitable for actual use, it makes for a great conversation starter and adds a creepy touch to your Halloween decorations.
Just remember, it's all for show - and don't forget to hand wash it! .

🔗Pirate Sword and Gun Set for Adventure Play

This adventure gear combo is the perfect find for anyone seeking a thrilling experience. I've used it during pirate-themed parties, and it really gets the party started! .
The sword comes with stunning decorative details that add a touch of class to any decor. The gun's putt-putt sound effects truly immerse you in the action.
This set has been my trusty companion for countless adventures, from school stage shows to Disney cruise adventures. Whether for personal use or as a birthday gift, it's always a hit! .

🔗Smiffy's Bloodied Knife - Perfect for Halloween Costume Ensembles

Recently, I stumbled upon Smiffy's Bloodied Knife Adult Prop. As a fan of Halloween, I couldn't resist giving it a try. The first thing I noticed was its impressive 42cm length and silver, skull and crossbones handle. The red-colored blood on the blade added an extra touch of authenticity to the prop.
Despite the prop's intricate design, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss with it. During my first use, the blade shattered, rendering it unusable. Although I can appreciate the product's unique appearance, its durability left a lot to be desired.
Smiffy's is known for their extensive history and commitment to providing top-notch costumes, wigs, and accessories. However, their Bloodied Knife Adult Prop fell short of expectations. A more reliable and sturdy build would have made this prop a true showstopper.

🔗Michael Myers Fake Butcher Knife - Halloween 1978 Edition

I was pleasantly surprised by the Halloween 1978 Foam Butcher Knife Prop. This prop knife is made from high-quality polyurethane foam, making it surprisingly sturdy and realistic in feel.
The stainless-steel finish and wood-finished hilt look almost too good to be true, which adds an intimidating aura to the prop. It stands at 17½ inches from hilt to point, making it almost life-sized, and the packaged product includes an illustrated cardboard, adding to the authenticity.
Overall, this foam butcher knife prop is a great addition to any Halloween costume or decoration, and I would definitely recommend it to others looking for a realistic-looking prop knife.

🔗Authentic Look Knife with Horror Sound Effect

Imagine you're at a Halloween party, dressed to the nines in spooky attire. The night is filled with chilling sounds of mysterious creatures lurking in the dark corners, and it feels like the living dead is just around the corner. As the tension builds, you pull out the Deluxe Butcher Knife with Sound - it's not only a replica of an old-fashioned meat cleaver, but it also has a blood-curdling sound attached to it.
The Deluxe Butcher Knife with Sound is a perfect addition to any Halloween decoration. It's made with meticulous attention to detail, giving it a realistic feel. Simply press the button on the handle, and the knife suddenly springs to life, with an eerie, blood-curdling sound that sends shivers down your spine. Don't worry, the sound doesn't last too long - just enough to give you a spine-tingling chill.
The knife measures 19 inches in length, 14 inches in width, and just 4 inches high. It's easy to handle and maneuver, making it a great accessory for scare tactics and party games. And with its convenient size, you can take it anywhere without worrying about storage.
However, despite its realistic appearance and spine-tingling sound, the knife has a small flaw. You have to hold it loosely in your hand, so your fingers aren't covering the speaker. While it's not a deal-breaker, it might be a minor inconvenience for some users.
Overall, the Deluxe Butcher Knife with Sound is a fun and unique addition to any Halloween party. Its realistic look, combined with its blood-curdling sound, makes it a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of suspense and excitement to their costume.

🔗Shocking Fake Knife Toy Trick for Adults

I got a hold of these fun little plastic knives for my Halloween costume party, and let me tell you, they were a hit! . The retractable blades make it a playful trick to surprise your friends and give them a little jolt without actually hurting anyone.
The plastic material is perfect for that spooky, novelty touch, and they come in a pack of 3, so you can pass them around at your party or give them as fun gifts for the festivities. However, do be mindful that these knives aren't suitable for children under 14 thanks to their small parts. Overall, these fake knives added a touch of excitement to our Halloween festivities! .

🔗Realistic, Lightweight Fake Machete Knife Prop

As an avid cosplayer, I've always been on the lookout for realistic and high-quality accessories to elevate my costumes. When I stumbled upon this Seasons Realistic Machete Knife Prop, I knew it was something I just had to have in my collection.
What caught my attention at first was the knight's dream of having a 26-inch machete at his disposal. Not only is it a size that would fulfill that wish, but it is also made of lightweight and sturdy plastic – perfect for my costume-making needs.
Holding the machete, it felt more accurate and authentic than I expected. Its realistic appearance was undoubtedly a major part of my satisfaction with the product. The only downside I encountered was that, while the blade was non-sharp, it didn't exactly feel sturdy when handling.
One thing I quickly discovered was its versatility. This machete was the missing piece I needed, making my Davy Crockett costume that much more convincing. But this prop proved to be so much more than just a weapon for my cosplay endeavors – it could also easily pass as a theater prop or even a prop for role-playing and dress-up events.
Overall, this unique fake knife from Seasons has proven to be a game-changer for my cosplays. Its realistic appearance and the right balance of lightness and sturdiness make it an impressive accessory, perfect for creating the ultimate costume.

🔗Realistic Foam Knife for Halloween or Costume Play

I recently stumbled upon the Skeleteen Kitchen Knife Costume Prop, and it has been a fun addition to my home decor. The 12-inch fake toy knife has a vividly realistic looking blade and a wood-like handle, making it perfect for setting up a spooky atmosphere.
It's become a great accessory for my haunted house setup and even adds a touch of menace to our Halloween costumes. Although I do worry about my young nephew accidentally getting frightened by it, the knife's foam material ensures it's completely safe for playtime.
The Skeleteen kitchen knife prop has certainly added some unique personality to my home and become a conversation starter among guests.

🔗Frightening Bleeding Machete Prop for Halloween Costumes

As someone who loves horror movies and Halloween costumes, I was excited to try out the Bleeding Machete Prop. The 21" long knife was perfect for adding an unsettling touch to my costume, and the fake blood inside the clear plastic case looked realistic.
However, I noticed that the machete was a bit fragile - it started leaking fake blood after just a day, and I had to be careful not to bump it against anything. Despite the occasional issue, this machete made for a great prop and a fun Halloween accessory for teens and adults alike.

🔗Realistic Foam Machete Prop

When the apocalypse strikes, you'll want a reliable and practical weapon nearby. The Foam Machete Knife from Medieval Collectibles is the perfect choice, making sure you're prepared for anything. With its realistic design and safe foam material, this machete is both functional and visually appealing.
One of the most impressive aspects of this machete is how lightweight it is. Despite weighing next to nothing, its sturdy construction ensures it's easy to handle and wield. Don't let the foam material fool you, though; this machete can hold up to anything the apocalypse throws your way.
Adding to its appeal is the ergonomic handle, designed to give you a comfortable grip. The brown handle with a wood-like finish not only adds to its realistic look but also makes it easy to hold onto in all sorts of situations.
I've tested this Foam Machete Knife in various scenarios, from cosplay events to impromptu zombie survival drills. It has always been a trusted companion, thanks to its lightweight nature, reliable construction, and visually striking design. Though it might not be for everyone, it's an excellent choice for those who value practicality and visual appeal in their apocalypse-ready tools.

🔗Ghost Face Halloween Chef's Knife

I've always been a fan of Halloween, and this year, I decided to spice up my costume with a little extra flair. That's when I came across the Graphic Blade Ghost Face Chef Knife - a fantastic addition to any horror enthusiast's attire. This knife truly captures the essence of the iconic Ghost Face character, making it the perfect accessory for any thrill-seeking ghost hunter or movie buff like myself.
One of the most striking features of this kitchen knife is its high-quality design. The attention to detail is truly impressive - from the intricate etching on the blade to the realistic weight and balance in my hand. It adds a level of authenticity that I've never seen before in a prop knife, making it perfect for a convincing costume.
However, while the Ghost Face Chef Knife is undoubtedly a winner in terms of style and design, it does have some drawbacks when it comes to functionality. As a genuine kitchen knife, it's not exactly suited for everyday use, and its sharp edge can be a bit of a nuisance for everyday tasks. But then again, that's not really what this knife is designed for, so it's a trade-off worth making for the sake of a good fright.
All in all, I'm glad I went for the Graphic Blade Ghost Face Chef Knife to enhance my Halloween costume this year. It's definitely a hit with fellow horror fans, and I can't wait to see what other spooky props they have in store in the future!

🔗Glow-in-the-Dark Pirate Knife Toy

This glowing pirate knife is a playful addition to any pretend pirate adventure. Made of sturdy plastic, it measures 12 inches long and adds a touch of excitement to any child's imagination. The best part? .
The blade glows in the dark, just like a real pirate's weapon! . While it may not be the real thing, it certainly looks and feels the part.
The only downside is that it might be a little too realistic for some parents. Overall, it's a fun and durable toy that can add an extra dose of adventure to any playtime.

🔗Disappearing Trick Knife: Retractable Fake Plastic Blade for Halloween Pranks

Skeleteen's Disappearing Trick Knife is an exhilarating addition to any Halloween costume, ready to pull off some hilarious pranks. The knife features a chrome-colored plastic blade that disappears into the handle when it comes into contact with something. Measuring 7.5 inches long, with a 3-inch blade, this prop is perfect for a spooky prank that will leave your friends shocked and asking for more.
While its novelty and unexpected nature make it a popular gag, there have been reported issues with its durability, with some knives breaking after a few hours of use. Overall, the Disappearing Trick Knife offers a fun experience for Halloween lovers, but it's essential to handle it with care and be aware of its potential flaws.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the buyer's guide for fake knives! Fake knives are a great option for training, props, or even as a self-defense tool without the risk of causing serious injury. In this guide, we will discuss important features to consider when purchasing a fake knife, along with general advice on how to choose the right one for your needs.


The material used to make a fake knife is a crucial factor to consider. Many fake knives are made from rubber or flexible plastic, while others are made from metal alloys. Metal alloy knives offer a more realistic feel, but they may be harder to handle during training sessions or self-defense scenarios.


Durability is another important aspect to consider when purchasing a fake knife. A high-quality fake knife should be able to withstand regular use without breaking or wearing down quickly. Rubber or flexible plastic knives tend to be more durable than those made from metal alloys, as they are less likely to chip or crack.

Blade Length

Blade length is another feature to consider when buying a fake knife. Training knives and self-defense knives usually come in various lengths, from short to long. Choose a blade length that suits your needs and abilities, as a longer blade may be harder to control during training or self-defense situations.



Handling and grip are important factors to consider when purchasing a fake knife. A well-designed handle should provide a comfortable grip and enable you to control the knife effectively during training or self-defense scenarios. Look for knives with ergonomic handles that fit your hand comfortably.


The weight of a fake knife is also an essential factor to consider. Heavier knives may provide a more realistic feel, but they can be more challenging to handle during training or self-defense situations. Opt for a knife that is neither too heavy nor too light, offering a balance of control and realism.


Price is another factor to consider when buying a fake knife. High-quality fake knives can be costly, but they are often worth the investment due to their durability and realistic feel. Consider your budget when choosing a fake knife, but be prepared to invest in a high-quality product that will last for years.
In conclusion, when purchasing a fake knife, consider features such as the material, durability, blade length, handling, weight, and price. By taking these factors into account, you will be able to find the perfect fake knife for your training, self-defense needs, or as a prop.


What is a fake knife?

A fake knife, also known as a replica knife or a look-alike knife, is a non-functional version of a real knife. It is designed to resemble a real knife while being completely safe to use.


Why would someone want to buy a fake knife?

  • As a collector's item: Some people enjoy collecting replica knives and displaying them in their homes or offices.
  • For training purposes: A fake knife can be used for training purposes, such as in self-defense courses or simulations.
  • As a prop: Fake knives are often used as props in plays, movies, and television shows.

What are the features of a good fake knife?

  • Realistic appearance: A good fake knife should look as close to a real knife as possible.
  • Safe and non-functional: The knife should be completely safe to use, with no sharp edges or blades.
  • Durable: It should be made of high-quality materials that can withstand frequent use without breaking or wearing down.

Can a fake knife be used for self-defense?

No, a fake knife cannot be used for self-defense. Its purpose is to resemble a real knife and serve as a training tool or prop. If you need a self-defense tool, it is always recommended to use a non-lethal, legal alternative such as pepper spray or a stun gun.

What materials are fake knives made from?

Fake knives can be made from various materials, including plastic, wood, metal alloys, and even foam. The choice of material depends on factors such as appearance, durability, and weight.

How do I clean and maintain a fake knife?

To clean a fake knife, use a soft cloth or sponge and mild soap or dish soap. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these could damage the knife's surface. Store the knife in a dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent oxidation and keep it looking its best.

Where can I buy a fake knife?

Fake knives can be purchased from a variety of sources, including online marketplaces, specialty stores, or even at some toy stores. Make sure to do your research and purchase a high-quality, safe replica from a reputable seller.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:23 mound_maker H: Hundreds of items to trade. W: Uny/Str/Cav Uny/AP/Cav raider pieces. And certain AA or B or V + SS or PAD + Str or 25AP Melee weapons (listed)

Am open to light or sturdy raider pieces with the same stats as those listed on my Wants list; however prefer heavy so won’t value them as high.
If you have absolutely nothing on my wants list and still want something: Would consider Apparel, GB3, or Leader offers. I’m not that guy who that’s all I want; but if you have nothing I want – I’m open to them since they can get me things I want.
Unyielding Heavy Raiders Chest Str Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raiders Chest AP Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raiders Left Arm Str Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raiders Right Arm Str Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raiders Right Arm AP Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raider's Right Leg Str Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raider's Right Leg AP Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raider's Left Leg Str Cavalier's
Unyielding Heavy Raider's Left Leg AP Cavalier's
Anti Armor Sheepsquatch Club FSS AP
Anti Armor Sheepsquatch Club FSS Str
Vampires Sheepsquatch Club FSS AP
Vampires Sheepsquatch Club FSS Str
Anti Armor Power Fist FSS AP
Anti Armor Power Fist FSS Str
Bloodied Power Fist PAD Str
Vampires Power Fist FSS AP
Vampires Power Fist FSS Str
Anti Armor Deathclaw Gauntlet FSS AP
Anti Armor Deathclaw Gauntlet FSS Str
Vampires Deathclaw Gauntlet FSS AP
Vampires Deathclaw Gauntlet FSS Str
Anti Armor Grognak Axe FSS Str
Vampires Grognak Axe FSS AP
Vampires Grognak Axe FSS Str
Bloodied Shishkibab FSS Str
Bloodied Shishkibab FSS AP
Vampires Shishkibab FSS AP
Vampires Shishkibab FSS Str
Bloodied Super Sledge PAD Str
Anti Armor Super Sledge FSS AP
Anti-Armor Super Sledge FSS Str
Vampires Super Sledge FSS AP
Vampires Super Sledge FSS Str
Bloodied Tenderizer PAD Str
Anti Armor Tenderizer FSS AP
Anti-Armor Tenderizer FSS Str
Vampires Tenderizer FSS AP
Vampires Tenderizer FSS Str
Anti-Armor 10mm Pistol Exp 15crit
Anti-Armor 10mm SMG 25ffr 25ap
Anti-Armor 50 Cal 50vhc 15r
Anti-Armor Assault Rifle exp 25ap
Anti-Armor Auto Grenade Launcher 50vhc 15r
Anti-Armor Bolt-Action Exp 15crit
Anti-Armor Bow 50crit 25ap
Anti-Armor Combat Rifle exp 25ap
Anti-Armor Combat Shotgun 25ffr 15crit
Anti-Armor Combat Shotgun 25ffr 25ap
Anti-Armor Double Barrel Exp 15crit
Anti-Armor Dragon 50vhc 15r
Anti-Armor Dragon exp 15crit
Anti-Armor Dragon Exp 15r
Anti-Armor Dragon exp 250dr
Anti-Armor Dragon Exp Break
Anti-Armor Elder's Mark 50crit 90w
Anti-Armor Enclave Plasma Pistol 50crit 15r
Anti-Armor Enclave Plasma Rifle 25ffr 90w
Anti-Armor Fixer 15ap 15r
Anti-Armor Fixer 25ffr 15crit
Anti-Armor Fixer 25ffr 90w
Anti-Armor Fixer 25ffr Break
Anti-Armor Fixer 50crit 15crit
Anti-Armor Fixer 50crit 15r
Anti-Armor Fixer 50crit 25ap
Anti-Armor Fixer 50vhc 15r
Anti-Armor Fixer 50vhc 25ap
Anti-Armor Fixer Exp 90w
Anti-Armor Fixer limb 25ap
Anti-Armor Gatling Plasma 25ffr Break
Anti-Armor Handmade 50crit 15r
Anti-Armor Handmade 50vhc 25ap
Anti-Armor Hunting Rifle 50vhc 25ap
Anti-Armor Hunting Rifle Exp 15crit
Anti-Armor Laser Rifle 50vhc 25ap
Anti-Armor Lever Action exp 15r
Anti-Armor Light Machine Gun 25ffr 15crit
Anti-Armor Pump Shotgun Exp 15crit
Anti-Armor Railway 50crit 25ap
Anti-Armor Railway 50vhc 15crit
Anti-Armor Submachine Gun 50crit 15crit
Anti-Armor Submachine Gun exp 15r
Anti-Armor Tesla 50vhc 15r
Aristocrats Combat Shotgun 25ffr 25ap
Aristocrats Fixer Exp 15crit
Bloodied 10mm SMG 50vhc 15crit
Bloodied 50 Cal 15ap 25ap
Bloodied 50 Cal 25ffr 15crit
Bloodied 50 Cal 50vhc 15r
Bloodied 50 Cal exp 90w
Bloodied Alien Disintegrator 15ap 25ap
Bloodied Broadsider 50vhc 90w
Bloodied Combat Rifle 50crit 15crit
Bloodied Combat Rifle 50crit 15r
Bloodied Combat Shotgun 15ap 25ap
Bloodied Combat Shotgun Exp 25ap
Bloodied Double Barrel 50crit 15crit
Bloodied Dragon exp 90w
Bloodied Elder's Mark 25ffr 15crit
Bloodied Fixer 15ap 25ap
Bloodied Fixer 25ffr 25ap
Bloodied Fixer 50crit 90w
Bloodied Fixer 50vhc 15crit
Bloodied Fixer 50vhc 15r
Bloodied Fixer 50vhc 25ap
Bloodied Fixer Exp 15r
Bloodied Handmade 50crit 15r
Bloodied Handmade 50vhc 15r
Bloodied Handmade 50vhc 25ap
Bloodied Hunting Rifle 50vhc 15r
Bloodied Hunting Rifle Last Shot Reload
Bloodied Pipe Revolver 50crit 15crit
Bloodied Plasma Rifle 50vhc 15crit
Bloodied Western Revolver 50crit 25ap
Bloodied Western Revolver Exp 15r
Bloodied Western Revolver Exp 25ap
Executioner's Railway 25ffr 25ap
Furious Fixer exp 15r
Instigating Combat Shotgun exp 15crit
Instigating Combat Shotgun exp 15r
Instigating Dragon 50crit 15crit
Instigating Dragon 50vhc 15crit
Instigating Fixer 50crit 15crit
Instigating Handmade 50vhc 25ap
Instigating Lever Action exp 90w
Instigating Railway exp 15r
Junkies Fixer 25ffr 25ap
Junkies Fixer 50crit 25ap
Junkies Fixer Exp 15crit
Junkies Fixer Exp 15r
Junkies Radium Rifle Exp 25ap
Mutant's Elder's Mark 50crit 25ap
Quad 50 Cal 50vhc 25ap
Quad 50 Cal exp 15crit
Quad Assaultron Head 50crit 90w
Quad Broadsider 50vhc 15r
Quad Combat Shotgun 15ap 25ap
Quad Combat Shotgun 25ffr 90w
Quad Combat Shotgun 50crit 15crit
Quad Combat Shotgun 50vhc 15crit
Quad Combat Shotgun 50vhc 15crit
Quad Combat Shotgun 50vhc 25ap
Quad Double Barrel Exp 25ap
Quad Enclave Plasma Rifle 50crit 25ap
Quad Fixer 15ap 15r
Quad Fixer 15ap 15r
Quad Fixer 50vhc 15r
Quad Fixer 50vhc 90w
Quad Fixer Bash 25ap
Quad Fixer Last Shot 25ap
Quad Fixer limb 25ap
Quad Gatling Gun exp 15crit
Quad Gauss Rifle 50crit 15crit
Quad Handmade 50crit 15r
Quad Handmade limb 25ap
Quad Lever Action 25ffr 15crit
Quad Light Machine Gun 25Aim 15r
Quad Light Machine Gun Exp 15r
Quad Plasma Rifle 50crit 25ap
Quad Pump Shotgun 50crit 15crit
Quad Railway 25Aim 25ap
Quad Railway 50vhc 90w
Quad Ultracite Laser 25ffr 15r
Two Shot 50 Cal 25ffr 15r
Two Shot 50 Cal 25ffr 25ap
Two Shot Alien Blaster 25ffr 25ap
Two Shot Combat Rifle exp 15r
Two Shot Combat Shotgun 25ffr 25ap
Two Shot Fixer 25ffr 25ap
Two Shot Fixer 50vhc 15r
Two Shot Handmade 25ffr 15crit
Two Shot Handmade 25ffr 25ap
Two Shot Handmade 50crit 25ap
Two Shot Handmade 50vhc 25ap
Two Shot Light Machine Gun Exp 15r
Two Shot Pump Shotgun 25ffr 15r
Two Shot Pump Shotgun Exp 15r
Two Shot Railway 50vhc 15r
Vampires 10mm Pistol exp 25ap
Vampires 50 Cal 25ffr 15r
Vampires Alien Blaster 25ffr 25ap
Vampires Combat Rifle 50vhc 25ap
Vampires Combat Shotgun 25ffr 15crit
Vampires Combat Shotgun 25ffr 15r
Vampires Combat Shotgun Exp 25ap
Vampires Double Barrel 50crit 15r
Vampires Double Barrel Exp 15r
Vampires Fixer 15ap 25ap
Vampires Fixer 50vhc 15crit
Vampires Fixer 50vhc 15r
Vampires Fixer 50vhc 25ap
Vampires Gauss Rifle 50crit 15crit
Vampires Handmade 50crit 25ap
Vampires Handmade 50vhc 15crit
Vampires Laser Rifle 25ffr 15crit
Vampires Laser Rifle 50vhc 25ap
Vampires Lever Action 50vhc 15r
Vampires Light Machine Gun exp 15r
Vampires Pipe Revolver Exp 25ap
Vampires Plasma Rifle 50crit 15r
Vampires Plasma Rifle 50vhc 25ap
Vampires Pump Shotgun exp 15v
Vampires Railway 25ffr 15r
Vampires Railway 25ffr 25ap
Vampires Railway 25ffr 90w
Vampires Railway 50crit 15r
Vampires Railway 50crit 25ap
Vampires Railway exp 25ap
Vampires Railway exp break
Vampires Submachine Gun 25ffr 15r
Vampires Tesla 50vhc 15r
Vampires Ultracite Laser 50vhc 15r
Vampires Western Revolver 50crit 25ap
Aristocrat's Combat LL (Light) AP Sentinel
Assassin's Civil Engineer LA 1cha Sentinel
Assassin's Civil Engineer LL PoisRes Cavalier's
Assassin's Marine Chest AP Sentinel
Auto Stim Combat RL (Light) AP Sentinel
Auto Stim Combat LL (Heavy) AP WWR
Auto Stim Marine RL AP WWR
Auto Stim Raider RA (Light) AP Rad Recov
Auto Stim Combat LA (Sturdy) FireRes Sentinel
Auto Stim Wood RA AP Sneak
Bolstering Marine LA AP Sentinel
Bolstering Civil Engineer AP WWR
Bolstering Raider LA (Light) AP Sentinel
Chameleon Civil Engineer Chest 1str Sentinel
Chameleon Civil Engineer Chest RadRes Sneak
Chameleon Civil Engineer LL 1Int Sentinel
Chameleon Forst Scout LA AP Sneak
Chameleon Robot LL (Light) 1str Cavalier's
Chameleon Trapper LL PoisRes Sneak
Chameleon Leather Chest (Light) AP Cavalier's
Cloaking Raider Chest (Heavy) PoisRes Cavalier's
Cloaking Combat Chest (Sturdy) 1Str AWR
Exterminator's Civil Engineer LL AP Sentinel
Exterminator's Combat RL (Sturdy) AP Sentinel
Ghoul Slayer Civil Engineer RL AP Cavalier's
Life Saving Leather RL (Heavy) AP Rad Recov
Life Saving Wood RA AP WWR
Mutant Slayer's Civil Engineer LA AP AWR
Mutant's Civil Engineer RA AP WWR
Overeater's Civil Engineer Chest RadRes Cavalier's
Overeater's Civil Engineer LA FireRes JWR
Overeater's Civil Engineer LL AP PoisDam
Overeater's Marine LL AP Sentinel
Overeater's Trapper RA AP Rad Recov
Overeater's Civil Engineer RL RadRes Rad Recov
Regenerating Wood RL AP Sentinel
Unyielding Civil Engineer Chest PoisRes Sneak
Unyielding Civil Engineer LA 1int LockPick
Unyielding Civil Engineer LL CryoRes Sentinel
Unyielding Civil Engineer RL 1agil Sneak
Unyielding Civil Engineer RA H&Tslower FireDam
Unyielding Metal Chest (Heavy) CryoRes Sentinel
Unyielding Metal LA (Light) AP -
Unyielding Robot RL (Heavy) FireRes Cavalier's
Unyielding Marine LL CryoRes AWR
Unyielding Metal LA (Light) FireRes JWR
Unyielding Robot RA (Light) AP JWR
Unyielding Robot LL (Light) H&Tslower Cavalier's
Unyielding Marine RL AP JWR
Unyielding Wood RA CryoRes LLD
Unyielding Wood RA RadRes Cavalier's
Vanguard's Civil Engineer LA AP Limb
Vanguard's Civil Engineer LL AP CryoDam
Vanguard's Civil Engineer RL RadRes Sentinel
Vanguard's Robot Chest (Heavy) AP Sneak
Weightless Civil Engineer LA AP Rad Recov
Weightless Trapper RL AP Sentinel
Alien Blaster Cryo Mag
Alien Blaster Poison Mag
Alien Corpse Bed
Alien Stash Box
Alien Tube
Antique Globe of Mars
Bloody Curtain Door
Bloody Rug
Blue Devil Plushie
Blue Ridge Scout Outfit
Bottle Bot
Brahmin Grill
Burning Barbed Sheepsquatch Staff
Cappy Clapper
Cattle Flour Billboards
Chainsaw Skptikill Paint
Chally The Moo-Moo Backpack
Civil War Era Top Hat
Cryptid Hunter Boonie Hat
Cryptid Mobile
Cultist Adept Hood
Cultist Adept Robes
Cultist Backpack
Cultist Enlightened Hood
Cultist Enlightened Robes
Cultist Incarnate Helmet
Cultist Neophyte Hood
Cultist Neophyte Robes
Decoy Ducks
Double Display Shelf
Dried Wildflower Bouquet
Electrified Shepherd's Crock
Enlightened Lantern
Fluttering Moths
Fossilized Megalonyx Left Arm
Fossilized Megalonyx Left Leg
Fossilized Megalonyx Right Arm
Fossilized Megalonyx Right Leg
Fossilized Megalonyx Skull
Fuzzy Enlightened Plushie
Fuzzy Mothman Plushie
Getaway Wagon
Ground Meat Plushie
Gulper Rug
Halloween Skull Mask
Herdsman's Bell
Herdsman's Bell Display Rack
Honeycomb Paper Blue Mothman
Honeycomb Paper Brown Mothman
Honeycomb Paper Green Mothman
Honeycomb Paper Mothman Globe
Honeycomb Paper Red Mothman
Kids Brahmin Clock
Meat Cleaver
Meat Tenderizer
Megalonyx Display Rack
Megasloth Pelt Rug
Mutant Hound Diagram
Nuka Launcher Model
Nuka-Cade Poster
Ogua Curtain Door
Ogua Egg
Ogua Hunter Hood
Ogua Plushie
Paddock Gate
Pepper Shacker
Pappered Tenderizer Mod
Plastic Fruit Wreath
Rib Plushie
Sacred Mothman Tome
Salty Tenderizer Mod
Scorchbeast Queen Beer Stein
Spiked Electro Enforcer
Spiked Sheperd's Crook
Straw Goat
Super Mutant Diagram
Swarm of Flies
Taxidermy Mutant Hound
Toothed Sheperd's Crook
Track Lighting
Wasteland Hunter Backpack
Weenie Wagon
Wise Mothman Throne
With Costume
Zenith Alien Blaster Paint
Brahmin Mask
Buffoon Mask
Crazy Guy Mask
Deathclaw Mask
Fiend Mask
Blue Devil Mask
Glowing Scorchbeast Queen Mask
Hag Mask
Loon Mask
Raven Mask
submitted by mound_maker to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:07 tcl33 Sam's Vision for University Reform

And I can say with confidence, that the first good schools to accomplish a hard reset here—admitting that they have lost their way, purging the DEI bureaucracy and theocracy that they built over decades where the best of intentions grew malignant and metastasized… the first universities to fully reboot a commitment to Enlightenment values—No more money from Qatar, you idiots. No more stealth Islamism in your departments of Middle Eastern studies. No more reverse racism against Asian and White applicants. No more identitarian victim culture. No more dowsing for racists. No more whinging about halloween costumes. No more intersectional arsonists pretending to put out fires that they started. Just great books, and great teachers, and real research, and no more fucking apologies… The first elite schools to do that, will win so much support and good will, and an avalanche of applications and donors, they’ll solidify their reputations into the next century.
Sam Harris
EDIT: Audio
submitted by tcl33 to samharris [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:33 Ok_Writer2734 AIO that my boyfriend asked his old crush for half-naked photos?

Am I overreacting that my boyfriend asked his old crush for half-naked photos? For context, my boyfriend (M31) and I (F29) met modeling. We hit it off and started dating pretty soon after. From the beginning he started to mention another girls name, we’ll call her Sue, and talking about how smart and funny she is to me randomly. She happens to be a model as well, but an OF model. I thought it was weird but I was like whatever….no big deal. She seems to be mutual friends with some other people as well.
Then I started noticing that he was texting her a lot, and whenever we had parties and it would be all our friends that were couples but he would invite her over. He would spend so much time talking to her. Last year, he invited her to our Christmas party. She shows up, they talk all night, the next morning when she leaves he gives her the biggest hug picking her up from the ground and squeezing her while she giggled. She barely hugged me. That’s when I started getting weird vibes, so I asked him straight up. He said they had not hooked up, but he had tried several times and asked her out and she did not want to. They are just “close friends” now.
I go to his instagram and he is following like 4 of her “private” and risqué pages and liked ALL of her basically nude and sexually posed pictures. I ask him how he thinks this is appropriate especially asking her to all our parties and introducing me to her? I feel so embarrassed. Especially because his friends group KNOWS their past and no one cared to tell me. He just expected me to be totally oblivious to his attention towards her? He proceeds to unfollow her sexual pages but still follows 2 of her private accounts.
I get upset and ask to see his phone to see their message thread. I found that he had been sending her sexual memes, and even asked her on a date a week before we made it official….. while we were “dating”.
Worst of all, the first month of our relationship he asks her to send him photos of her costume on Halloween, which she had explained to him was VERY minimal if you know what I mean. The picture sent me off because why are you asking pictures of any girl but also one you wanted to date and who is basically nude??When you just got into a relationship? He has never once asked me for a photo. He even responded to Sue’s photos with “Wow you’re almost completely nude in this one”.
Soooo, I get pissed and he starts defending himself saying it’s not that bad and that he hasn’t done anything wrong. He also defends that he can separate his feelings for Sue now that we are in a relationship. He made it so much worse by saying “Well it was the beginning of our relationship” and “I wasn’t in love with you then”. Continuously saying he was not in the wrong and defending himself with things that made me even more upset. He even told me it was my fault because he didn’t know if we were going to last initially…but he asked me out??? And I felt everything was GREAT in the beginning. He also said it’s not a big deal because he hasn’t asked her since and “if he wanted to he could but he hasn’t”. He even told me I was insecure, and that I have posed nude before and how does that make him feel that other people can see that? But he literally got into a relationship with me in this industry?
This isn’t the first time I have talked to him about women and his obsession with porn, girls he’s hooked up with in his life, and keeping them close. And recently he has asked me to move in with him, I just don’t feel comfortable. I just feel so embarrassed and taken advantage of…if he thinks this is ok, what will he think is ok in the next 5 years? I don’t know am I overreacting about Sue and him? Should I give him a chance to have actual boundaries as he said he will no longer text her and deleted her off Instagram or should I kick him to the damn curb.
submitted by Ok_Writer2734 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]
