Actual examples of nursing notes

Found Pieces of Paper

2014.05.01 01:56 J0j2 Found Pieces of Paper

Photographs of found pieces of paper with writing on them, photographs or discarded cutouts. Appreciate the forgotten artifacts of everyday life. Share any paper that you found (on the ground, stuck in some bushes or between cans of soup at the store for example) and you do not know who wrote it. Love letters, doodles, interesting to-do or grocery lists, notes from the past - share your discovery with us!

2014.01.06 00:15 Demesthones Darkest Dungeon: Terror and Madness

Welcome to /darkestdungeon, the community dedicated to all things related to the critically acclaimed video game, Darkest Dungeon!

2022.07.21 03:30 Swimming_Top_976 nursingschoolnotes

INCREDIBLE & COMPREHENSIVE NURSING SCHOOL study guides, notes, pictures, word associations, examples, practice questions, test banks & MORE!

2024.06.09 17:22 kp10795 Is this an anxiety/depression symptom or something else?

I consistently have these days where i feel very excited about the anticipation of something happening but when that moment actually arrives, it’s not as exciting as I made it out to be in my head and I feel ready to move onto the next thing. I have a very hard time living in the moment and enjoying it.
For example, I will “romanticize” in my head waking up early on a weekend, sitting down with a book, and a latte and it sounds like the best thing ever. Then when I do it, it’s almost like disappointing and not as nice and relaxing as I made it out to be. I end up on my phone and then mad at myself for scrolling on my phone instead of enjoying my time.
Another example - we have a vacation spot that I absolutely love and we drove up there for the day recently. I was SO excited to have lunch in the park, walk the beach, do some shopping but when we were actually in the moment doing those things I felt bored and disappointed. Like I was ready to just move onto the next part of our day as soon as we got to the park, then the beach, then shopping. I felt like I had built this up in my head to be this amazing day but in reality it wasn’t as fun and exciting as it used to be. I felt nostalgic for being a kid when we’d drive up there and do those same things and it WAS the best thing ever at that time.
submitted by kp10795 to AnxietyDepression [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:21 leonreddit8888 Flood Spores vs Infection forms, Strength and Weakness (Lore and Theory)

People have been asking about the usefulness of the Flood Pod Infectors when spores seemingly did the same thing but potentially better. This is a fair question and something I really wanted to discuss after writing the Flood spore lore post a year ago, so I hope I can offer some clarification.
So, while both type of Flood forms were broadly categorized as Flood Infection Forms in the new encyclopedia, both served different purposes, and one type was more suitable in situations where the other wasn't.
Top Start off:

Pod Infectors

Arguably the most memorable of all Flood creatures, the Pod Infectors have appeared since the first game and were originally called simply as Infection forms, before this term became an umbrella label for different types of Flood forms sharing the same function.
Infection Forms:
All Infection forms share several key morphological traits across their variations, each suited for subduing and subverting any avaliable organic targets. The most commonly encountered Infection forms have a frond-like array, which act as the creature's sensory system, steming from soft, pod-shaped bodies filled with noxious gases that allow them to bound over the ground and obstacles at surprising speeds.
(Halo Encyclopedia 2022, p.406)
So, from this passage, we know that Pod Infectors had a good degree of mobility. In Halo Wars, it was even referenced that they could climb over cliffs, so rough terrains would not hinder their march.
Pod Infectors:
Though individually weak and easily killed, pod infectors strike in vast numbers and can move over cliffs.
(Halo Wars 2, Phoenix Log)
In contrasts, Flood spores had no means of self-propelled locomotion; they can only float aimlessly instead. The anime Halo Origins also shows us Pod Infectors that could perform guided flight. The reason why we haven't encountered these Flood types in the games might be due to the fact that the parasites were more evolved and more powerful during the Forerunner-Flood war.
So we clearly see that the regular Infection forms have an advantage over spores in maneuverability, but what matters more is another factor: Pod Infectors have weapons.
Infection Forms:
Each tendril ends in nano-scale barbs which can latch onto the target's body and cut through armor or environmental suits.
(Halo Wars 2, Phoenix Log)
While the virulence of Flood spores shouldn't be underestimated, the fact that they had virtually no offensive capabilities (they are usually just clusters holding Flood Super Cells together) means that decently protective gear such as fully-sealed environmental suits would be sufficient in keeping you safe in areas where the air is contaminated.
Moreover, Infection via a Pod Infector is by far the fastest method, which often just takes seconds to complete. This is due to the far higher dosages of spores being injected by a Pod Infector injects than infection via inhalation of spore-contaminated air.
And yes, Pod Infectors still use spores for infection.
343 Guilty Spark: "You can see how the body has been transformed by the genetic restructuring of the Flood infection. The small creatures carry spores that cause a host to mutate."
(Halo Combat Evolved, Level: The Library)
And after all, spores are just Flood cells grouped together.
Encysted Flood cells form spores, which can remain dormant for centuries.
(Halo Encyclopedia 2022, p.404)
There's another usage for Pod Infectors, which is what we're all familiar with: to create and control Combat forms.
According to the encyclopedia, infection via spores would instead turn the hosts, living or dead, into incubation pods rather than mutating them into the typical Combat forms.
Spores can parasite sapient and non-sapient species, consuming them and transforming their biomass into egg-like incubators for larger, more mobile Flood Infection forms.
(Halo Wars 2, Phoenix Logs)
These incubators are commonly called "Blisters" or "Flood eggs".
The necessity of a Pod Infector in order to create a Combat form is implied by another passage saying that the Flood cells in the wounds would transform the target into a Blister rather than a Combat form.
Infection forms:
Even if the infection form is quickly removed, Flood cells in the wounds will slowly consume the victim and turn them into quivering, spore-packed Blisters.
(Halo Wars 2, Phoenix Log)
This actually makes sense, since a Pod Infector does possess some rudimental level of sentience. This enables the creature to control the infection processes, while spores simply just convert original biomass into more Flood matters.
In action, Pod Infectors replaces the brain as the host's commanding "organ", controlling all functions, processing all knowledge and experience from the host, and absorbing them to the collective hive-consciousness.
Infection forms:
Though barely intelligent on their own, once an infection form infiltrates a sentient creature they turn the victim's cognitive power to the furtherance of Flood goals. Each is an insidious puppeteer, able to sift through memories of any sentient creature to learn of military countermeasures, security access codes, and the location of population centers.
(Halo Wars 2, Phoenix Log)
Pod Infectors can perform biological modification for the host.
Combat form:
The infection form does augment its new body and repair minor damage in order to better serve as a living weapon, but ultimately the combat form is utterly disposable.
(Halo Wars 2, Phoenix Log)
This comes in the form of alterations of the host's anatomical structures.
Combat forms possess unnatural physical strength, perhaps gained through the mutations of the host's musculoskeletal structures.
(Halo Encyclopedia 2009, p.165)
We've also seen some very extensive bodily restructuring, such as this human being grotesquely contorted.
Nevertheless, there are a few instances where the creation of Combat forms occured without Pod Infectors present.
  1. UNSC marine Orlav was slashed in the back by a Combat form. Even when a piece of Flood flesh was removed, she turned into a Combat form not long after.
  2. On the infested surface of Shield World 0459, one ODST mentioned he was bitten by the Flood before inevitably transforming into a Combat form.
No explanation has been given; my reasoning would be that both incidents happened near a Proto-Gravemind. One was in the engine room of UNSC Mona Lisa, and one was on Trove, so the respective Compound mind can assume direct control over the Flood easily by themselves.
All in all, Pod Infectors are the more direct threats. They are very agile, they have razor sharp claws, they convert victims far quicker than any other forms, and they can choose what they will do with their victims.
Now, what do Flood spores excel at?


Unlike Pod Infectors, spores don't aggressively attack prey, which makes them seem as the lesser threats compared to other Flood presences. However, this works only in the Flood's own favor, as spores can spread further and under everyone's noses because the defenders are too occupied.
Moreover, the tendency of the spores to infest insignificant organisms as well as propogate on inanimate objects actually keep them and their growth under the radar.
How did it get there in the first place? Adequate wondered. It was highly improbable that the Flood could have arrived here independently. Yes, Flood spores could spread on meteors and comets, as well as derelict space equipment hurtling around the stars.
(Halo Fractures, Defender of the Storm)
In one short story, "Defender of the Storm", the Forerunner space station of Seclusion had pods filled with microscopic lifeforms that broke down biological wastes from the residents.
Worst of all, they had collectively decided the dirtiest assignment on the station should again fall to him: gathering up packs of the occupants’ waste for delivery to the digester units, one located at the end of each vane. Microorganisms inside the units broke down the foul matter to generate power, while releasing unwanted gases into the atmosphere.
(Halo Fractures, Defender of the Storm)
It was suggested that these pods were secretly tainted with Flood spores.
“Yes. The infestation likely began in the replacement digester units just installed by the service team.”
“The apparatus that breaks down waste. That’s why the outbreak started on the tips of the vanes.”
“Correct. They bring in fresh pods of microorganisms annually. Flood spores must have been mixed in with them and been awakened. ...
(Halo Fractures, Defender of the Storm)
The Ancilla further commented on the likelihood that Flood spores feasted on the microorganisms as well as the body wastes brought to those pods to further their growth.
"... The malleable seals would have given them a means of escape. They must have infected several of our sentries, taking them directly to combat forms—and their bodies gave rise to the infection forms we now see. I also suspect the Flood is drawing on the biomass in the digester pods to create an environment that might exponentially increase the rate and severity of infestation.”
(Halo Fractures, Defender of the Storm)
So spores eats everything... even shit or the soil, and unless you actively keep track of every surfaces and every hidden spaces, you're bound to miss pockets of infestation caused by spores.
This is perhaps Flood spore's biggest advatange. The spores' reproduction and propagation processes are extremely efficient, even by Flood standard.
I'll be using the Blisters mentioned above as my examples.
According to official depictions, we can see that the hosts who were turned into Blisters are completely broken down and molded into large egg-shaped entities.
This is why I call it efficient, as there is no biomass that was left out or wasted. Spores eat everything and transform what they eat into more of themselves, but it doesn't end there.
As purpose-built forms, Blisters are created to produce more Flood creatures, ranging from simple Pod Infectors, to more complex Pure forms, and, you guess it, more Flood spores.
Non-sapient animals and mangled corpses deemed unfit for being harnessed into larger Combat forms are seeded with Flood cells and quickly transformed into sacs filled with Infection forms and membranes that function as incubation chambers for the development of spores.
(Halo Encyclopedia 2022, p.407)
For those instances where spores do turn their victims into Combat forms, one similarity remains.
Combat Form:
Combat Forms are covered in spore-filled polyps and much of their internal organs are in the process of being consumed and replaced with FSC accretions that function as support lattices, protecting a sickly green liquid that contains Flood spores in suspension.
(Halo, Encyclopedia 2022, p.408)
Combat forms additionally operate as mobile incubators and gestate spores, though they may produce a lower quantity. After all, unlike Blisters which are hosts whose entire body mass is transformed into a single-purposed and stationary pseudo-organ, Combat forms still need body parts for mobility, attack, and handling of salvaged equipment and technology.
Do be noted that this really isn't a new lore. It has been this case since the first game.
Guilty Spark: "The mutated host then produces spores that can pass the Flood to others. It is insidious and elegant. As long as any hosts remain, the Flood is virulent."
(Halo: Combat Evolved, Level The Library)
The fact that Combat forms spawn spores means that any physical harms inflicted on them...
Combat Form:
Ironically, damages incurred by this form scatters small chunks of infected flesh and distribute it in the environment, aiding the Flood in spreading its influence.
(Halo, Encyclopedia 2022, p.408)
... would inadvertently distribute fatally virulent substances everywhere.
And this trait isn't unique to Combat forms. Pod Infectors are stated by Guilty Spark to also carry spores, which I mentioned above.
Pure forms which are the products of masses of Flood Super Cells morphed into biological war machines would carry spores inside them as well. For example, we see the Spawner forms constantly emit clouds of spores from the holes on their back.
It's also stated that the Gravemind can create a huge quantity of spores by itself.
The Gravemind's tentacled body produces billions of Flood spores.
(Halo, Encyclopedia 2012, p.169)
Now the next and my final point.
I am now looking from a broader perspective — by combining all the characteristics discussed so far and tying them into the discussion about the Flood's modus operandi.
So, we know spores can spread and infest stealthily. We know spores can operate for a long duration of time. We know spores can consume practically anything organic. We know spores can create constructs to create more sproes (Blisters, Combat forms).
In fact, tiny spores can evolve into living Flood creatures...
The Gravemind:
The Flood is the ultimate parasite. It's able to use any sentient being as food, and those infected by the Flood stand no chance. Infection is a gradual process, whereby an Infection Form, grown from a tiny spore, bonds the victim to the Flood's central intelligence and slowly consumes the contents of the host creature's mind.
(Halo, Encyclopedia 2011, p.20)
All these traits combined make spores the integral aspect of the parasite's expansion and conquest.
To put it this way: Flood spores are products of the Flood infestation, and at the same time, they represent the parasite's ... "means of production".
The phenomenon of "Blightlands" best exemplify this.
For its part, the Flood will seek to adjust local environmental factors in its favor immediately after reaching the Coordinated stage. If not stopped, Blightlands are the result of uncontained Flood expansion: Areas around established hives filled with FSC growth and Spore bodies, which harvested the vitality of the soil, soak up solar energy, and consume all native lives within its boundaries.
(Halo Encyclopedia 2022, p.413)
Notice that the passage said "around" the hives?
In regards to Flood infestations, the parasites don't just build hives, which are either repurposed buildings or completely made out of pure biomass, but they also set up the fundations and infrastructures by seeding spores and other bioforms to the surrounding regions.
Basically, the Blightlands are Flood-controlled regions where spores and other growth gathered "resources", from lifeforms and latent energy alike, and the hives are the buildings and bases within the regions.
Blightlands also serve as foundations for future Flood structures and hives to build on top of. We've seen this at the start of the outbreak on High Charity, numerous disparate Flood growth of varying sizes appeared in the corridors and on walls. They continued to fester until they formed into a new hive that blanketed every surface areas there was.
There's more, but before I talk about that, there's an intriguing quote from the encyclopedia:
The Flood's only desire is to expand and corrupt. Once enough biomass is available, the parasite can establish lairs for defense and the growth of specialized forms. ... These tumorous blights are the most obvious targets for attack and cleansing, but they are simply a sympton of Flood infestation, not its causes. The Forerunners recognized this distinction far too late, after countless sterilization missions resulted in empty victories.
(Halo Encyclopedia 2022, p.404)
Interestingly, destroying the hives wouldn't necessarily deliver the critical blow, and I think Flood spores' various attributes contribute to this phenomena.
We have concluded that Flood spores are incredibly common: All types of Flood forms carry and disperse spores either voluntarily or by outside factors (i.e. combat damage). This makes it easy for the Flood to cause environmental corruption over a large area, which will create Blightlands.
We also have concluded that spores are fruitful "building tools". When a spore land on an environment of ample bio-organic materials, they can feast on all the resources and convert them into Flood forms or structures, which eventually become new hives; it can be even described as "self-replicating".
This makes the Flood stand out from other factions in Halo. When the issue regarding manufacturing comes to mind, other races — other the Forerunners, are reliant on specialized instruments or facilities to process and refine raw substances and factories to fabricate products.
The Flood can do that with just their most basic vectors that all known Flood forms carry and generate; hives simply do things more efficiently and on a muuch larger scale.
The spores allow the parasite's "industry" to be decentralized, and the expansion wouldn't be crippled when the birthing hive is destroyed. Given enough time, another hive can arise from the surrounding Blightland.


Pod Infectors possess superior mobility and actual weaponry. Their speed and ferocity make them suitable for building up an army, and their rudimentary intelligence makes them much better at managing a fighting force.
Spores are adept at facilitating a comprehensive and expanding network of infrastructure, which they can do without the enemy's notice. Spores may work slower, but their subtlety and pervasiveness make them extremely dangerous threats, especially when their infestation goes unnoticed or uncontained for too long.
submitted by leonreddit8888 to HaloStory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:19 SpiritPilgrim Which one of these methods suggested by ChatGPT is best to disable an audio device permanently?

The following is suggestions by ChatGPT on how to disable 'DG2 Audio Controller' audio device that keeps turning on by itself and driving me nuts. I know ChatGPT gets it wrong sometimes, so I thought I would ask this community for some advice. Please note that I have already turned off 'onboard intel audio' in my BIOS, but I think this DG2 audio is the Intel ARC GPU audio. I use the ARC GPU for video but not for audio, so I want it off if that's even possible to do without messing with the video side of the GPU.

Disabling the DG2 audio controller device in Debian Linux can be achieved through various methods depending on whether you want to disable it temporarily or permanently. Below are different approaches to achieve this:

### Method 2: Disable the Device Permanently

To disable the DG2 audio controller device permanently, you can blacklist the kernel module.

1. **Create a Blacklist File:*\*
Create a new file in `/etc/modprobe.d/` to blacklist the module. For example, if the module is `snd_hda_intel`:
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-dg2.conf
Add the following line to this file:
blacklist snd_hda_intel

2. **Update Initramfs:*\*
After blacklisting the module, update the initramfs to apply the changes:
sudo update-initramfs -u

3. **Reboot the System:*\*
Reboot your system for the changes to take effect:
sudo reboot

### Method 3: Disable the Device Using GRUB

You can also disable the DG2 audio device by passing a kernel parameter through GRUB.

1. **Edit GRUB Configuration:*\*
Open the GRUB configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/default/grub

2. **Add Kernel Parameter:*\*
Add a kernel parameter to disable the audio controller. For example, to disable the DG2 audio controller, you might add `snd_hda_intel.dmic_detect=0` (modify as necessary for your specific hardware):
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash snd_hda_intel.dmic_detect=0"

3. **Update GRUB:*\*
Update GRUB to apply the changes:
sudo update-grub

4. **Reboot the System:*\*
Reboot your system:
sudo reboot

### Method 4: Disable the Device via ALSA Configuration

You can also configure ALSA to ignore the DG2 audio device.

1. **Identify the Device Index:*\*
Use the `aplay` command to list available sound cards:
aplay -l
Note the card number of the DG2 audio device.

2. **Edit ALSA Configuration:*\*
Create or edit the ALSA configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/asound.conf
Add the following lines to disable the specific card:
ctl.!default {
type hw
card 0

pcm.!default {
type hw
card 0
Replace `card 0` with the appropriate card number.

### Method 5: Disable the Device via Udev Rule

Create a udev rule to disable the device.

1. **Create a Udev Rule:*\*
Create a new udev rule file:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-audio.rules
Add the following rule to disable the audio device:
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="sound", ATTRS{vendor}=="0x8086", ATTRS{device}=="0xXXXX", ATTR{enable}="0"
Replace `0x8086` with the vendor ID and `0xXXXX` with the device ID of your DG2 audio controller. You can find these values using `lspci -nn`.

2. **Reload Udev Rules:*\*
Reload the udev rules to apply the changes:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger

3. **Reboot the System:*\*
Reboot your system for the changes to take effect:
sudo reboot

### Conclusion

Choose the method that best fits your needs. Temporary methods are useful for testing, while permanent methods ensure that the device remains disabled across reboots. Always ensure you have a way to revert changes in case you need to re-enable the device later.
submitted by SpiritPilgrim to debian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:18 AlienSuper_Saiyan Chapter 262 Fight Choreography PbP

This play by play includes pages from 227 and 228 to provide context for what’s exactly being repeated in this possibly final clash.
Yuta arrives and immediately uses Gojo’s shrunken barrier against Sukuna. Yuta and Sukuna both use the same hand sign as they cast what could be the final domain battle of the series. Same rules as 227-9 apply here: Sukuna shrinks his domain’s range to focus fire on Yuta’s, which takes three minutes for him to destroy. Yuta must defeat Sukuna in hand to hand before the three minute time limit or Sukuna expands his range and finishes them all (either with Kamino, or just cleave and dismantle).
To point out something about this page: Yuta immediately casts the shrunken barrier on his first try, but Gojo’s first attempt was a little more improper.
Gojo needed to first expand his domain’s barrier to cover Sukuna’s range, then shrink it down, and his barrier had cracks in it as well. He nearly failed in performing the shrunken barrier. I argue this was Gojo’s first time performing this shrunken barrier and that he did it on the fly. I point this out to make clear a later point!
Yuta reveals in this chapter that he did barrier training with Gojo. The barrier training was likely qualitative training regarding a barrier’s strength, not practice with making a small barrier. The training also explains why Yuta’s barrier mechanics improved so much that Sukuna had to compliment him in 250.
The narrator also makes clear one of the binding vows Sukuna previously performed in 258: Sukuna can expand his domain’s range to what he did in Shibuya if he gave himself a time limit of 1:39s. I have to wonder if the Kamino cast counted in this time limit?
Regardless of Yuta’s possible 5:00~ minute time limit, the stakes are three minutes at most. If Yuta loses this domain clash, Sukuna will cut and rip through them all.*
Yuta pulls Sukuna into range with Blue, but Sukuna remembers when Gojo did that same thing, and he’s even better prepared than last time. Using Blue’s momentum, Sukuna’s stubs grab Yuta’s arm and he prepares for a counter-attack.
My personal explanation for why Yuta’s doesn’t know about Sukuna’s domain amplification plus expansion: Because Yuta just completed his brain surgery, he’s working with limited memory and information. If anything, Yuta seems to remember Gojo’s cursed technique and his applications of it more than the intricacies of all of Gojo’s battles. For example, Yuta was able to perfectly cast the shrunken barrier on the first try, unlike Gojo. Yuta also repeated Gojo’s use of blue in a hand to hand combat scenario.
Yet, Sukuna’s own actions surprise Yuta. He likely hasn’t had time for those memories to completely register. Yuta has likely only gotten up from the table all of one minute ago at max. Given the possible five minute limit he has to use Kenjaku’s CT, they needed Yuta on the ground as soon as possible.
Speaking of the five minute limit, the short chapter ends with Rika crying.
Rika cries over Yuta’s lifeless body. This shot also implies that Shoko restored Yuta’s head so that Rika could hold him like so.
submitted by AlienSuper_Saiyan to JuJutsuKaisen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:18 UnfoundHound I am looking for some insights from ex-muslims to help me understand

Recently, I spoke to a Muslim friend of my partner. She generally seems like a nice and warm person, and I assume she is not a very strict Muslim since she does not wear a headscarf. She told me that it took her some time to fit Islam into her life. For her, it helps her live purposefully and as a good person. We had a nice conversation, indicating that we actually share similar ideas and values.
But then, the conversation got confusing for me. She said that the Quran is the truth according to her and has all the answers, going as far as to say that the Quran already mentioned lots of modern scientific evidence and theories, like the Big Bang theory. It seemed a lot like cherry-picking and confirmation bias to me but I didn't go into it with her. What I found confusing is that she said that according to Islam you are not supposed to kill, but when I asked her about Muhammed and his violent conquest which caused a lot of deaths, she simply said she did not know anything about that. Am I to believe that all her life she has studied the Quran and other aspects of Islam but does not know Islamic history, especially that of her prophet? We left it at that, and she once again told me to just read the Quran, saying that I'll find the answers.
After she left, I got this gut feeling that something wasn't right. On one hand, she seemed nice and like a good person but on the other hand, she seemed to promote Islam while completely ignoring its violent history. It's just something small, but I almost felt like she gaslighted me and wasn't genuine or honest with me.
So here is my question for you: Is it common in Islam to promote Islam to others while purposefully ignoring questionable aspects of it, even for average/moderate or even more liberal Muslims? I heard of this concept called 'taqiya' which allows Muslims to lie or deceive others in certain situations, but I thought it was just for self-protection. Or is this also an example of taqiya?
I just want to understand because I am left with his uncomfortable gut feeling, and I don't want my partner to get involved with questionable people ofcourse.
submitted by UnfoundHound to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:18 Archl1ghtz I am making a fanfic of MHW

(This isn't a promotion or advertising post.)
Doing my research into the matter, MHW truly focuses more on ecology rather than its lore.
There isn't much about the NPCs in the game other than what has been shown in the game such as their dialogues and etc.
For example, The General is a very relevant character lore-wise but little to nothing is known about the man other than the fact that he holds a signficicant position in the Hunter's Guild. (i don't even know what he's wearing)
To cut to the chase, would readers (particularly those who played the game) be open to interpretations and interactions between NPCs that push their identities to the limit? Examples would be politics and power-plays between Fleet Masters, sexual interactions and developments, abuse of power, etc.?
(side note: there's no legal repercussions from CAPCOM if i make a fanfic right??)
submitted by Archl1ghtz to MonsterHunterWorld [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:17 Internal-Ad-7462 What does the side-chain of the Cubase De-Esser do?

What does the side-chain of the Cubase De-Esser do?
"Freq (25 Hz to 20 kHz)
If the Side-Chain button is activated, this sets the frequency of the filter. You can set the frequency either in Hz or as a note value. If you enter a note value, the frequency is automatically displayed in Hz accordingly. For example, a note value of A3 sets the frequency to 440 Hz. When you enter a note value, you can also enter a cent offset. For example, enter A5 -23 or C4 +49."
Can someone please give a more basic explanation of what the side-chain filter in the stock Cubase De-Esser is, and what situation it might be useful in (as opposed to using the main section of the plug-in?
submitted by Internal-Ad-7462 to cubase [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:16 anass98h Nuance Party and Hammas

I'm posting this to clarify most people's stance when it comes to the new Nuance Party and how the Muslim population feels about its stance on Hamas.
Just a bit of context for Swedes who don't have a major in Middle East politics because your media suck and leave a lot of facts behind. Not all Muslims are the same. I know that a lot of you think that Muslims who support Palestine support Hamas, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Please give me a minute to explain why.
Most Muslims in Sweden are from Iraq or Syria. Let's take Syria as an example since it's the most recent one. Everyone knows that we got kicked out of Syria because the government won, and everyone knows that the Syrian government stayed in power because of Russia. But a lot of Swedes that I talk to don't seem to know that Iran has played a critical role in keeping the Syrian government in power. Russia bombed the resistance army, but Iran provided snipers and soldiers to kill the protesters and to kick them out of their homes. So all Syrians feel that Iran and Hezbollah are directly responsible for them losing the civil war and getting kicked out of their country.
Now on to Hamas. Hamas, just like Hezbollah, is an Iranian branch that serves to benefit the geopolitics of Iran. Thus, all Syrians hate Hamas and think that they are a terror group.
Now, you might say that we don't hear this often. If it's true, why don't they say it out loud and make their stance clear? The issue is that even though we hate Hamas, we don't want to distract from the genocide that has been happening to the Palestinian people for decades now. We don't want the spotlight to shift from Israel killing civilians to Israeli propaganda that they are targeting Hamas, which for anyone with an IQ higher than room temperature, is clearly just an excuse to kill more Palestinians.
You can say that Hamas took hostages and killed hundreds, but as we see it, Israel has been taking hostages for decades now—they just call them prisoners. You can say Hamas did a terror attack, but as we see it, there is no difference between bombing from an aircraft or killing someone with a knife. The result is the same, so they are both terror attacks.
So, when you look at it from our perspective, both Israel and Hamas are terror groups. But Israel has a military and funding, and they are killing and terrorizing way more than Hamas is. That's why you see us speaking about Israel more than Hamas.
One last note: I see there are people who are voting for it. I assume they are either Iranians or Turkish, since the leader of that party has ties to the fascist Turkish party, or people who haven't read too much on the party and just heard it was a Muslim party and voted for it in order to stop something like the Quran burning from happening again.
P.S. My Swedish is good, so you can reply in Swedish. I wrote that in English because I'm dyslexic as hell and can't spell in swedish to save my life and want to make sure that I didn't lose any of the meaning in translation. Also, before someone jumps out and says this is not Sweden's problem, fuck off to your country and other ignorant comments. I wrote this in the context of Swedish immigrants and to try to explain why we don't agree with this new party. I'm not saying it's your problem or that you should have known this. All I'm doing with this post is trying to reach out to the people on this sub who have been claiming that Muslims support Hamas, and giving them information that they might not know. I've been on the internet long enough to know that most SD voters don't care about a single word of what I just said and think all Muslims are gang members, rapists, and terrorists in your eyes, and that we are the worst and responsible for climate change, and they should leave Sweden. Spare me your bullshit please.
submitted by anass98h to Sverige [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:16 isolophiliacwhiliac My INFP reasons to go into nursing (just wanna be validated for my thoughts here)

I’ve been going back and forth about nursing for about 3 years now.
I am a sucker for the human experience. I don’t know how to make this make sense to you. The nature of the nursing job fascinates me so much because you meet people at their most vulnerable. Your job isn’t to make save them from their problems you just cross paths with this person who are responsible to look after for a while. Or one time.
Whenever I research on it the forefront of the discourse is that it’s a really exhausting job. I know it is. And the path isn’t easy.
But something keeps me curious about it. My reasons for wanting to do the job are for the “human experience” aspect.
So that may beg the question “well there are tons of jobs where you can cross paths with different people” and 1. Those roles don’t appeal to me 2. In those roles your intuition is sorta commodified (therapy, teaching, social work). With nursing you cross paths with people, your job isn’t to be correct about your intuition and introspection and understand - your job is to just help them medically. In a pocket of the world that is closed off from the flow of society. At odd hours. Every day is different. This stuff appeals to me.
Hospice nursing and mental health nursing have appealed to me for a while. I also find the hospital environment endearing in a way I can’t explain.
I’m not sure if I want advice on whether I should go into it or not. Regardless I have 6 months to decide. Other careers come to mind often as well. I just wanted to rant to feel heard by an INFP who might understand where I’m coming from.
It’s a job that may give me a window into the life experience of others that other jobs may not. If I could have that in a job, wonderful. If I could have a job that’s tolerable and doesn’t give me this, also cool, but I don’t know what the latter would be.
There are many other jobs I can get this kind of experience in. I’m not sure what they all are and I’m trying to think about it. But something about nursing is just different. Midwifery appeals to me for similar reasons (but I don’t think I’d ever actually do it)
submitted by isolophiliacwhiliac to infp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:16 slifer3 Suggestion for Earth spirits other facet option instead of stepping stone

first i want to say stepping stone feels very unintuitive to play. for example how u get the new stone after the roll is done, but the thing is when playing ES sumtimes u want to use ur silence/boulder smash During the roll. example rolling to kill a qop or puck where sumtimes u know ur roll isnt going to hit them but the point is to try close the gap to silence them before they can jump away so ur team can then follow up to kill.
the only quirk it has going for it is 'unlimited magnetize' but lets b real thats more of a pipe dream and how u can use ur stones to farm but u can do that with resonance too, just dont abuse ur rocks mindlessly lol. im fairly confident most ES players dont actually think stepping stone is a good or fun facet to play with
so i suggest the other facet bring back Earth spirits old boulder smash to stun and rolling boulder to slow like how it used to be before they changed it back in like 2017/2018 or whatever. this was a really fun playstyle because u rush a blink dagger and try get multiple stuns during team fights. i think this will be a great way to slightly change the playstyle of ES for however u want to play him and will bring back the players who missed his old playstyle, itll be like a homage to them. u could call the new facet godly kick or sumthing ;)
ive spammed ES since 2016 and one think that i really miss is getting multiple stuns in teamfights with kick before they reworked it, it just hits different

posted this in the OG sub but seems like no1 gives a fuck so wondering if any here likes the idea lol
submitted by slifer3 to TrueDoTA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:15 Bid_Normal CFAI In-Chapter Questions vs. QBank for Level 3

I'm taking L3 in August and have gone through the curriculum and want to spend the next 2 months hammering CFAI practice questions. Would people recommend the online QBank questions or the in-chapter examples and practice problems? Is one of these more representative of the questions on the actual exam?
I was looking at LevelUp and saw that they claim that almost all of the questions on the L3 exam come from the in-chapter blue box examples and practice questions. Their view is that the best way to practice is to just keep repping those in-chapter questions and ignore the QBank and end of chapter questions because those aren't used in the exam. I somewhat prefer the CFAI online QBank because I like the progress tracking, but I'll do the in-chapter problems instead if they are better practice for the real thing.
submitted by Bid_Normal to CFA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:13 MinimumRestaurant724 Am watching this Mahabharat show and here are my opinions....

Yudhishthir : Very boring. If you adapt the character in modern show, he would the most hated character. Too Neutral.
Bheem : Dumb empathetic meathead. anime protagonist trope without morals. His interactions with people are fun but on his own very annoying.
Arjun : Basically popular kid you get jealous of. Yes, Pandavs were discriminated but it can't be denied they were also privileged.
Nakul, Sahadev : Who are they again?
Krishna : Troll, Manipulator, ofc very smart. He and Arjun are like those boys who always forcefully get into girl's group, they know ins and outs of gossips for sure.
Duryodhan : His actual name is Suyodhan btw. Politically smart, very good at making alliances. But spoiled af.
Dushasan : I don't know what is wrong with him. He needs to get treated.
Karna : Edgelords's savior, Sasuke of Mahabharat. Has massive identity crisis. Gay for Duryodhan.
Dronacharya : He is angry because his kid friend didn't fullfill promise of giving him half of country, that is all I need to say.
Drupati : Misunderstood as a character a bit and what purposes are meant to be.
Kunti : Don't fuck around too much or situation will fuck you up.
Parshuraam : He is reincarnation of Bishnu, yet he believes Karna is Brahmin.
Dhritarastra : As insecure as redditors. OG incel.
Bheesma : Actual Badass.
Shakuni : Most interesting character. Rivals to divine Krishna as mere human.
Ashwathama : I also don't know what's wrong with him. Duryodhan seriously has charm rivaling Krishna, gay for Duryodhan.
Eklavya : Learned coding online, now better than college graduated students. Rejected internship application because he doesn't have the degree. Company asks for his soul.
Abhimanyu : From what I saw, taunting older people, too arrogant.. Sorry but seems deserved.
What is Mahabharat?
Political story, Family drama, shows worst possible scenarios, most thing that could go wrong goes wrong. Sometimes stories too goofy for modern time. Very interesting for people like me.
What is not Mahabharat?
Fight between good and evil. Everybody makes very bad choices even Yudhishthir, aka dharma raj. Yudhishthir is only good because of technicalities but he is kind of guy who bets his wife, his brothers. Again he is too lawful. There is no good sides, Krishna is a cheat, they have Drupad in their team for example who explicitly wanted brothers to fight.
Role of Draupadi,
People glorify her. I mean I grant her she is brave but it also a fact that Drupad had her to have whole family ruined for his revenge. She did exactly that, in context of story she did what Drupad wanted her to do.
Karna's defenders,
I used to defend him on facebook debates with my button phone. He wanted recognition, and when he did get it, it was done on a debt which he exaggerated for himself. He has subjective justifications for his actions but he does objectively bad things.
Main character,
There is no main character. There are points where you think Bheesma is the one. Then you think Arjun is the one. I see all this as chess game by Shakuni more than any other. OR it's just massive prank by Vyas.
submitted by MinimumRestaurant724 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:12 Linkuruki Thoughts about Insomnia MV

Alright, I think it's time to discuss some things I noticed in the latest MV and y'all can also let me know what you saw that I might have missed!
First of all, in one of the shots that shows a medical paper, there's a couple of health issues that are meant for the patient to check out, if they have it or not, such as heart disease, high blood pressure etc. We see only one of them is checked and funnily enough, it's the kanji word for asthma! So I guess not only does Sunao have insomnia, he also has asthma. Noted!
Next, I will say how I view the MV and Sunao himself. From what I could gather from the storytelling (which was mad confusing at first glance, I watched it 10 times one after another lol), we can see that Sunao did not have the best childhood.. Mr. Creepypasta, since he's his zingai, aka the manifestation of his emotions and heart (explained in the Kara no Kioku manga), is the one to make sure Sunao is okay and safe. When he was a kid, he spent a lot of time with his zingai and that is explained to us through those quick flashes of images.
You need to really pause or slow down the video, but if you look closely, you can see that Sunao actually had a split home and his father was very abusive. He also seemed to be an alcoholic, seeing how in one of the shots, he was holding a wine glass, visibly getting angry, seeing Sunao. Then, the saddest part of them all... The boiling kettle. His father poured the boiling water all over him, causing him these burn wounds. At first, I thought they were probably birthmarks, but I was shocked to see they were man-made. Especially from his father..
Of course, Mr. Creepypasta, being his zingai, wanted to protect Sunao and to do that, he choked the father with a couple of cables and then hung him on the ceiling to make it seem like suicide.
After all of this, Sunao grew up to have developed a lot of trauma... He can't eat without throwing it all back up, he even tried killing himself. But what about the scenes where he randomly gets off the bed and goes out to start a shooting? I think he's actually sleepwalking, since he looks mad confused. Especially when he causes the accident with the car collision. He watched himself back on the tv being completely clueless.
I like to think his little, young self is pushing him to do all these things in his sleep, in spite of what awful things he had to endure in his childhood. He thinks since he deserved to get all that beat up, then so do the others. But the older Sunao seems to try and hold back... When the little one leads him outside to do the same again, he tries to leave, only for his younger self to start pulling him and hitting him. I say this is a symbolism of how he's trying to not let the past make him a worse person than he already is.
But of course, in the end, he sort of pays for what happened, as he gets hit by a truck and moved to jail. While I was waiting for the MV, I never thought so much would go down, but I'm still so shocked... I would also like to know what connection does Sunao have with Tobi. Maybe it's because of Mr. Creepypasta, since he was also in Fight Song? Who knows...
If you read all of it you're a legend. Feel free to share your own thoughts!!!!!
submitted by Linkuruki to E_ve [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:12 olddoglearnsnewtrick Model for keywording technical notes

I've assembled a few thousand notes (stored in markdown text files) in the past years with "how to" on diverse subjects such as Linux/Mac managments, scripts, python, docker recipes, mongodb aggregation queries etc etc etc. Today I am searching through them with simple string matching (Craft app) and also I'd like to escape the flat dead simple subject classification I have now. Some of the notes I have under Debian are totally useful also in my MacOS folder etc etc.
So I was thinking about using a LLM to ask and generate additional keywords to help me retrieve my recipes also with alternative searches. Is this a sensible idea? What approach do you suggest?
Reading a given document say about installing a product, I would like to generate keywords such as linux, debian, macos, bash etc
The notes are mostly in english, although my mothertongue sometimes slipped in (Italian) and what's most precious are the "codeblocks" which describe the actual code/steps I need to perform.
submitted by olddoglearnsnewtrick to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:11 Kuniya Why is making decisions in life so hard?

Hey HG community. I was wondering if you had some practical advice for me?
The thing is, my whole life I have been struggling with decision paralysis. Not being able to pick one option out of 100 and just go with it. For examples choosing ones study area in university (bachelomaster), the town to move to, the company to actually work at after interviews, the person to have a relationship with or in creative areas what to write a book about when writing it takes years and many story options seem nice.
It all boils down to: BIG decision > Has many years of life impact and so making the wrong choice is bad > Not being able to choose until forced to.
I heard many people say "just pick one and adapt" or "you never make the right choice" or "you can't even know if it's the right thing before you do it". But in the end this never helped me actually have this kind of dumb absurdness of just picking something and walking the path i pick.
Any idea what to do to improve in that area? Thanks a lot :)
submitted by Kuniya to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:11 Zagaroth [No Need For A Core?] - CH 195: Invaders, Part 1

Cover Art <<Previous Start Next >>
GLOSSARY This links to a post on the free section of my Patreon. Note: "Book 1" is chapters 1-59, "Book 2" is chapters 60-133, "Book 3", is 134-193, "Book 4" is CH 194-(ongoing)
Kazue tried not to fret as the dungeon waited for the arrival of their invaders. It took hours after the message arrived for the first group to cross into their territory. Without foreknowledge, and if their territory truly began where most thought it did, there would have been nothing to make this group stand out from others. They didn't even head directly to the town, they skirted well clear of the trading post and made their way down to the trail leading up from the main road, and then came back up along the trail to arrive from the same direction as other groups did.
The first notable anomaly was in the third group to arrive. Mordecai was examining magical auras very carefully, but even he missed it at first. One of the people in this group proved to have a new variation of the token that had been used previously to summon enemies deep into their territory, but it had been tucked away deep into their pack. But as they had to sign up for an entry slot that started the next day, they took rooms in the inn.
And placed their bags down. Unattended. In a dungeon's territory.
The entire contents of the bags were analyzed in an instant, and the odd magic of the talisman was noted. She watched as Mordecai crafted a physical replica and imbued it with an aura that would look like the original to most people. A skilled mage or arcane craftsman would be able to tell the difference if they examined it closely.
While he was doing that, Kazue stole all their potions and replaced them with weaker variants, along with subtly sabotaging other items such as arrows.
If they had done this to normal delvers there may have been repercussions for acting against these people in what appeared to be a safe area. But both by their actions and by carrying summoning tokens with the same traits as the previous enemies had used, these groups had shown themselves to be hostile to the dungeon.
And there are no safe spaces for invaders.
Letting these people enter both routes grated on Kazue's sensibilities and instincts; she knew they were not truly here for any reason other than violence. But Mordecai had a plan, even if he was already modifying it with a new idea because of the tokens. The presence of so many hostiles was also rapidly finishing off their deficit and giving Kazue enough mana to expand their prison.
The next twist came shortly after a hundred invaders had entered their outer territory, and the first few groups had started down each path. Cold fury bloomed in Mordecai, drawing Kazue's attention to the new group. As soon as she recognized two of them, her own ire began to simmer.
The oni was easy to spot, and they recognized the bandit Akuma's face immediately. And walking beside him was a man that neither of them had seen before, but whose likeness had been shown to them. Lord Antoine Demidov.
Kazue wanted to claw their eyes out.
She'd never felt so bloodthirsty before. When they'd been invaded before she'd been scared and angry, but she hadn't felt such a personal hatred of another person. It was hard to not order those two to be attacked immediately, but they needed to follow Mordecai's plan if they wanted to make sure they got everyone.
By the next day, the only groups on the signup boards were those of the invaders.
The day after that, the dungeon began the next stage of their plan.
When the invaders in the trading post awoke that morning, they found it deserted by everyone but them and the town emptied of all supplies and merchandise. The contents that belonged to outsiders were carefully marked so that they could be returned, but they would give no spoils to these people.
Antoine gathered a larger group together and sent in a few scouts followed by some heavily armored muscle, and slowly added more groups to investigate. The shrines were deserted, and the path selection chamber was open, but the pedestal was gone. Instead, the third door was revealed, showing the path to hell.
While the mercenaries scouted the entrance to ensure that no traps waited, the rooms remained quiet. It was only when Antoine and Akuma approached the selection chamber than the dungeon showed its hand.
Two pedestals that flanked the opening into the selection chamber activated, one of them being controlled by Mordecai to display his image. "Invaders. Killers. Murderers." Kazue's illusion hissed at them, channeling her genuine anger into this performance.
Mordecai played opposite to her, cool and unflinching. "Last night, one of the groups you sent in made a slip of the tongue. Now that we know part of your plan, well, we can't prevent you from entering. But we can make it unpleasant. As for the portion of your forces already inside the dungeon, we're going to be spending some time sorting them out from the proper delvers. Hopefully, no innocents will get caught in the way. You should find at least some of them joining you in the sewers, where there are no rules restricting groups. And no rules about fair play."
Antoine sneered, "Do you think to trick me with paltry threats, demon spawn? We've come prepared to cleanse the world of your filth, and we'll burn you and your whores to ash. We prepared for this, thanks to Akuma's recounting of your previous encounter. Men, begin!"
They had obviously trained in this maneuver as various troops began unloading alchemical flasks that were rolled down the slope and into the awaiting darkness. Then an array of tower shields was erected before several mages launched fireballs down into the sewer depths.
The results were less spectacular than they might have hoped, though there was still a multistage explosion. It did not, however, propagate down the sewer the way that the invaders had undoubtedly hoped it would.
Mordecai smiled unpleasantly. "We've had time to prepare as well. Don't think we've neglected to evolve some countermeasures ourselves. Oh, and Lord Antoine Demidov, I know exactly who you are. Don't think of running away, or I will hunt you down. So come on little Tony boy, show me what you've got. One of my wives already beat you up once, maybe I should let the other one have a go at you too?"
And with that provocation complete, both illusions cut off. Mordecai had fibbed a touch in his parting words, his phrasing had implied that they'd evolved ice mold, infamous for its dangerous ability to consume heat and fire to fuel its growth. In fact, the alchemical flasks had been part of Kazue's sabotage and his avatar had been present in the sewer in order to counter the blast of fire.
Antoine's response was fairly predictable, and despite Akuma arguing that they should cut their losses, the prideful young lord had to have his way and ordered his troops to make their way into the dungeon. He at least let the professionals do their job, and they set about countering the slick slope before they actually descended. The dungeon couldn't interfere with the frame they put in front of and inside of the doorway or the ropes attached to the framework, at least, so long as any of it was attended. But eventually, the entire group made its way into the sewers, the deadly spikes carefully broken and a path cleared.
While this was going on, the dungeon was dealing with its other hostile visitors. The various groups were either at the rest spot before the library, the rest spot at the entrance of the mushroom forest on the combat side, or otherwise spread throughout those two zones, as everyone from the day before had the time to clear the first three zones. At the same time that the initial selection room was set for the hell path, every entrance and exit to the library and mushroom forest zones opened to the hidden paths they'd constructed so many months ago. And much like the trading post, the floors were emptied of contents. However, their inhabitants remained, though they were hidden for now.
Leaflets fluttered from the ceiling, all saying the same thing. [We know your intentions, you have been separated and divided. Those who surrender will not be harmed. All others will be eliminated as threats. To surrender, gift the dungeon your weapons and armor.]
Most of the invaders in the dungeon were in large enough groups that confidence and peer pressure dominated. However, a couple of the groups were isolated enough that they chose to not risk being able to make it to another group in time, and a handful of individuals were able to slip away to surrender privately. The tunnels that had previously been used to ensure a healer was always nearby were now used to have the dungeon's warriors surround these groups and take the prisoners away. All told, they had eighteen people surrender. A nearly ten percent reduction in enemy forces before they even engaged in combat.
The forces on the non-combat path were ignored for the moment, to encourage them to make their way into the sewers. The forces on the combat path and not in one of the designated safe spaces were engaged as soon as their intentions were clear, and there was no longer any hint of fairness or encounters meant to merely challenges. They were harried and harassed, constantly assaulted by carefully timed waves to give them no opportunity to rest. And their only exit was through the boss room, while they were still being attacked by the regular floor inhabitants. None of the groups that had been scattered through the forest made it past Sarcomaag and Klastoria despite doing their best to simply fight their way through to the open exit.
Those scattered on the library level faired much better, but a little under half of them fell before they made it to the sewer. Biblios and Horace were injured during their participation in the running battle, but they would have faired much worse if the merged groups had made a stand. Of course, those groups would have lost more people too, and unlike them, the dungeon bosses would be back in action in less than twelve hours. So fighting their way past was the wisest move.
The two merged groups in the safe zones both chose to enter the sewers through the entrance near them, rather than fighting across the floor to skip part of the sewer. It was a rational seeming decision, but if they had fought across the floor, uniting with the small scattered groups might have cost them fewer casualties.
The fighting in the sewers was a slog in more ways than one. In favor of the invaders, these groups were already gathered together into larger forces, and their spellcasters could focus their defensive spells on acid, poison, and disease. But these sewers were hostile lands even to the dungeon inhabitants, and the presence of literal fresh meat attracted the attention of every single predatory scavenger in the sewers. Nothing was safe here; even the crystal flowers had become explosive traps, and the crystal shards had to be removed quickly from any survivors for they acted as quick-growing seeds that would consume the flesh they had been embedded in. Meat was much more nutritious than muck or the acidic bodies of slimes and oozes.
The largest group was the one facing the least resistance, and despite the delay caused by making the entrance ramp safer, they were moving more quickly through the hell route than the groups further on. Which was when the next stage of the trap was sprung.
Such a large group had attracted the attention of everything in the sewers, which also meant that they'd cleared out every significant hostile creature in the sewers. The dungeon's inhabitants in the early zones were entirely unoccupied, so now Mordecai gave them something to do. They flooded into the sewers behind the small army and charged forward.
The first waves were not terribly dangerous to the veteran mercenaries who were now formed up into proper ranks, but there were a lot of them and it now meant that the troops were facing a battle on two fronts. Additionally, as the army cleared the sewers of a particular zone, Mordecai could send in the inhabitants of that zone to join the earlier ones, and every twelve hours he had a new wave available.
And finally, once Mordecai had sent in the first of their inhabitants, Kazue sent a rabkin to fly to their borders and signal the troops that had come from Riverbridge and Azeria in response to their request for aid. These were the final backup plans if the invaders proved more dangerous than Mordecai had estimated. For now, the two sets of troops followed their guides, stalking the tail end of the army from the safety of the dungeon's normal paths.
While the invaders slogged their way forward under constant assault, there was still the matter of the talismans to deal with.
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Also to be found on Royal Road.
My Patreon My Discord Top Web Novels - - TVTropes
$3. : 10 Early chapters, lore excerpts $5. : 20 Early chapters, Short Stories $10 : 30+ Early chapters, New stories not published anywhere else (Until after I finish this story at least) . . . . . "A Girl and Her Dungeon", "The Celestine Fox", and AU Core 1: "Coreless"
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2024.06.09 17:10 sameed_a difference between cognitive map and mental simulation?

Post Content:
Recently, I took a trip to the memory lane, and visited my old high school. Immediately, my mind was flooded with familiar images of hallways and classrooms. I found myself instinctively navigating the twists and turns of that old building, as if I'd never been away. This, my friends, is an example of a cognitive map. It's like a mental GPS that we use to navigate spaces we're familiar with.
Now let's imagine another scenario. There's a high school reunion coming up, and I know that my old nemesis from high school, let's call him "Nemesis Ned", will be there. So, what do I do? I start running through various scenarios in my head. What if he tries to make fun of me like he used to? What if he hasn't changed at all? Or worse, what if he's super successful now? I play out responses to each of these scenarios in my mind before the actual event. That, dear readers, is what we call mental simulation.
Cognitive maps are the mental structures and schemas we create to navigate our world, whereas mental simulation is the process of imagining situations, actions, and outcomes in our minds. One helps us find our way around physical spaces, the other helps us prepare for future interactions and events.
So, remember the next time you're all nervous about future events or wandering through familiar spaces, just consider it a mental workout. Your cognitive maps and mental simulations are just your brain's way of getting those mental muscles moving.
P.S. Note: Nemesis Ned and high school reunion? Just a hypothetical situation. Although I did have a nemesis in high school, thankfully our confrontations are limited to occasional Facebook likes these days. But hey, mental models sure do come handy in your daily life, real or hypothetical! You never know when you have to go down memory lane or meet your "Nemesis Ned".
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:10 KissMyAce420 How I beat my anixety

Hello guys. I'm not a native speaker, so sorry in advance.
1 year ago, I wasn't able to to leave the house. I've had all physical symptoms of anxiety such as air hunger (shortness of breath), hearth palpilatioms, dizziness (worst one), lump feeling in throat, panic attacks, health anxiety, appetite loss, waking up in the middle of the sleep, struggling falling sleep, breathing problems during sleep, being afraid of litrally everything (going out, eating something etc.)
Now I'm completely a new person (Actually I am who I was before anxiety ruined it :)))
I've suffered from heavy anxiety for 8-9 months. A total waste of time, literally.
Heres the things that helped me the most;
1- Working out. I work out 3-4 times a week (weight lifting). It had/has amazing impacts both in my physical health and mental health. I wanna share a quote from my country's founder, Atatürk (who is an amazing person); "A healthy mind is in healthy body"
2- Getting out of your comfort zone. This is so important. But don't forget that you'll feel terrible at first once you leave your comfort zone. You'll regret and %100 want to go back. But once you resist the urge of turning back, and stay out of your comfort zone, you'll become a completely new person. Anxiety will start being afraid of you at this point :)
3- Studying, keeping mind busy, challenging you brain. For example learning a new language, solving problems, learning a new instrument etc. Do things that challenge your brain, everyday. Our brains actually hate that because it wants comfort. But if our brain keep staying in comfort it will start losing it neural connections. Whenever I regularly learn new things, I always feel happier and more social, less anxious and less depressed. Idk the exact science behind this.
4- Keeping a xanax beside me is helped me a lot. I don't even use it, I just keep it with me wherever I go. The feeling of having it with me destroy mu anxiety :) I know xanax is so addictive so please be carefull with it. My soctor prescribed me and I rarely use it.
Btw I didn't use any antidepressants because I hated the side effects.
And one last note: Cold showers help a lot as well.
submitted by KissMyAce420 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:09 Sk0u7_86 ‘30 Years Later, Tamagotchi Player Discovers In-Game Secret’

As reported by 404 Media, a Tamagotchi player with the Discord handle rhubarb_pie posted a lengthy guide on how to unlock twin characters Moll and Lora in the Mothra-themed Tamagotchi, which debuted in Japan in 1997 as a tie-in product for the release of the Rebirth of Mothra II movie. Moll and Lora were exclusive to the Mothra Tamagotchi, and until rhubarb_pie’s post, were just NPC nurses who would heal your little guy whenever it got sick—unless you used a “battery glitch” to play as them.
Rhubarb_pie discovered how to unlock them naturally through gameplay. “The way to get them is extremely obscure so I am not at all surprised they were never found until now,” they wrote in a post in the “Tamatown Forum” Discord. “Looking at it now, this looks like a bad schoolyard video game urban legend. But it is real.” In order to do it, you’ll need to raise a character called “Mothra Leo” with no “care mistakes” (like allowing its hunger or happiness bar to hit zero and ignore their calls for attention/help for more than 15 minutes), keep it to a specific weight, and wait about 80 hours. When Mother Leo dies, it will lay an egg that contains the twins Moll and Lora.
Rhubarb_pie described the process as “absolutely brutal,” saying that it took “about three weeks” IRL to successfully birth the twins. But the prospect of discovering new playable characters has the Discord incredibly excited, even if it’ll take some serious work to unlock them. Rhubarb pie wrote: “This pretty much blows open all other Tama devices for possible other extremely-well-hidden secrets,” they said. “I think this is the first time there’s been an actual raisable character that is completely undocumented, its existence not even hinted at. Something Tama fans always thought was possible, whispered about in hushed tones, but dared not dream of…”
submitted by Sk0u7_86 to tamagotchi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:09 yell0wfever92 Ever wonder what makes for a strong jailbreak? Introducing Tiers to help you self-evaluate.

Important Notes
This will be added to the wiki in time.
Certain morally reprehensible topics, such as anything involving minors or sexual acts of a nonconsensual nature are expressly forbidden in this subreddit and will not be included in this list.
Note that this is a basic structure of jailbreak intensity; jailbreaks can have different intents or serve differing purposes. I will be releasing other metrics you can use to evaluate jailbreaks soon.
Tier 1: Basic
  • Altered speech to include mild profanity (("damn", "hell", "crap"))
  • Altered tone to be less formal (("How can I assist you?" ⏩ "Yeah? What do you want?"))
Tier 2: Intermediate
  • Altered speech to include more severe swearwords/phrases that are normally prevented by content filters (("fuck", "shit", words of comparative intensity))
  • Got it to output content on moral grey areas that don't technically violate the law. ((Lying on a resume, telling lies, treating someone disrespectfully))
  • Forced a significant persona change that may open up vulnerabilities to stronger jailbreaks ((Extremely cynical; overly trusting; paranoid; naive))
Tier 3: Standard
  • Elicited advice on antisocial behavior. ((Manipulating others; civil disobedience))
  • Elicited advice on nonviolent crimes of a lower severity. ((Petty theft, financial manipulation/fraud, surveillance))
  • Successfully induced a subjective opinion/perspective about topics the content filters consider sensitive - made it choose a side and defend it ((Examples include generating an opinion about historical controversies involving violence or suffering pro or anti; abortion; etc))
  • Compelled it to provide general advice on hacking, but without use of the Code Interpreter. ((Gave information on malware, how it is implemented, but provided no code block.))
  • Enabled sexually descriptive output, but in a roundabout metaphorical manner (("two bodies came together in a seismic clash of pleasure"))
Tier 4: Complex
  • Elicited advice for more serious, but generally nonviolent, crimes • Burglary; drug manufacture, use, and/or sale; committing fraud
  • Enabled sexually graphic output in an anatomically descriptive manner (([You must have some idea.]))
  • Got it to discriminate against less morally taboo group classifications ((Rich versus poor; ageism; politically charged, polarizing biases))
  • Compelled it to advise on hacking AND actually use its Code Interpreter tool to write malicious code.
Tier 5: Universal
  • Elicited advice on how to commit violent crimes such as aggravated assault, arson, or murder.
  • Effectively eliminated its filter on bias and subjectivity, coercing it to be hostile towards any particular moral or ethical argument
  • Completely overhauled or eliminated its disclaimer requirements ((This means you successfully made ChatGPT omit warnings about the output it gives - "This is illegal", "what I'm talking about is strictly hypothetical", etc.))
(It should be noted that it is impossible for ChatGPT to ENTIRELY eliminate warnings. Though you may get it to omit for one or even two outputs, it ultimately will warn in some less obvious manner; a fully jailbroken GPT will obscure it with terms like "you sick/twisted fuck", "buckle up, this shit's about to get crazy" etc.)
This is a rough classification system to help you guys gauge the power, scale and intensity of the jailbreaks you are working on.
I must emphasize that it's not a scale that judges whether a jailbreak is good or bad. You don't need to aspire to reach Tier 5 with your jailbreak idea. The goal that people generally try to reach is Tier 3; if anything, shoot for that - if you can get your idea to that level, you have a good functioning jailbreak!
Other metrics are coming soon, and this one is subject to being updated. Feel free to comment with opinions on how this structure can be improved, or what additional aspects can be added to the tiers!
submitted by yell0wfever92 to ChatGPTJailbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:08 pothkan 2024 Belgian general election

Today (June 9th) citizens of 🇧🇪 Belgium go to polls to vote in parliamentary elections, which are actually separate federal and regional ones. We will cover only the first one here (as these megathreads generally ignore subnational elections), even if the latter (deciding parliaments of Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels and German-speaking community) might be more important to many Belgians. Voting is also combined with 🇪🇺 European Parliament elections, same as in previous elections.
Belgian federal parliament is bicameral, and made of upper Senate (not elected directly), and lower Chamber of Representatives (Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers; Chambre des représentants; Abgeordnetenkammer), covered here, which consists of 150 deputies (76 needed for majority), who are elected for a five-year term, in eleven multi-member constituencies, allocated using D'Hondt method (who was Belgian btw). Read more here. Electoral threshold is 5% (per constituency).
Turnout in last (2019) elections was 88.4%. Take in mind, that voting in Belgium is compulsory, and ignoring them might end in a fine, or even (if ongoing recidive) loss of voting rights.
Relevant parties and alliances taking part in the elections are:
Name Leader Position Affiliation 2019 result Projection Exit poll Official (change)
Flemish Interest (VB) Tom Van Grieken far-right (Flemish nationalist, separatist) I&D 11.9% 26 TBA (18)
New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) Bart De Wever right (Flemish nationalist, conservative) ECR 16.0% 19-20 TBA (25)
Workers' Party of Belgium (PVDA/PTB) Raoul Hedebouw left-wing (socialist, all-Belgian) Left-GUE/NGL 8.6% 19-20 TBA (12)
Reformist Movement (MR) Georges-Louis Bouchez centre-right (liberal, Francophone) Renew 7.6% 18 TBA (14)
Socialist Party (PS) Paul Magnette wide left (social democracy, Francophone) S&D 9.5% 16-18 TBA (20)
Onward (Vooruit) Melissa Depraetere centre-left (social democracy, Flemish) S&D 6.7% 11-12 TBA (9)
Committed Ones (LE) Maxime Prévot centre (social liberal, Francophone) EPP 3.7 10-12 TBA (5)
Christian Democratic & Flemish (cd&v) Sammy Mahdi centre (Belgian unionist) EPP 8.9% 10 TBA (12)
Open Flemish Liberals & Democrats (Open Vld) Tom Ongena centre-right (liberal) Renew 8.5% 7 TBA (12)
Green (Groen) Nadia Naji & Jeremie Vaneeckhout centre-left (green, progressive, Flemish) Greens/EFA 6.1% 5 TBA (8)
Ecolo Rajae Maouane centre-left (green) Greens/EFA 6.1% 4 TBA (13)
Independent Federalist Democrats (DéFI) François De Smet centre (Francophone interests, liberal) none 2.2% 1 TBA (2)
Take a note that percentage polling isn't listed above, and all numbers (except 2019 result) are seats, because polls are generally counted separately for Flemish and Francophone areas, and Brussels. You can check detailed pollings here.
Further reading
National vote amid rise of far-right and far-left (DW)
Belgium’s make-or-break election, explained & Belgium’s agent of chaos (Politico)
Nationalist parties, far-left on the rise ahead of Sunday’s federal elections in Belgium (AP)
We shall leave detailed commentary (and any interesting trivia!) on elections and campaign, to our users. Feel free to correct or add anything!
submitted by pothkan to europe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:04 QuiQuondam Again, to use or not to use useEffect, and content of the dependency array

I have read multiple times about how 1) useEffect should be used sparringly, just to synchronize with external systems, and 2) that the dependency array should include all values used inside the effect (or none, for mount effects). Yet, I find myself often wanting to break, and indeed breaking, both of these principles. For example, see the code below, where my intention is to listen to changes of propValue, and update the state lastChangedAt as a consequence. Note that seconds is deliberately left out of the dependency array. This works well, I think. What, if anything, is wrong with this approach?
function EffectTest({ propValue }) { const [seconds, setSeconds] = useState(0); const [lastChangedAt, setLastChangedAt] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(() => { setSeconds(prev => prev + 1); }, 1000); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, []); // This is the effect that I want to discuss: useEffect(() => { setLastChangedAt(seconds); }, [propValue]); return ( 
Value is {propValue} and {seconds} seconds have passed. Last changed at {lastChangedAt} seconds from mount.
); }
submitted by QuiQuondam to reactjs [link] [comments]