Building a roasting box


2018.07.01 08:49 founderneo ContentBoxOfficial

The first blockchain technology built for the digital content industry starting with #podcasts. Building a protocol for @castbox_fm

2014.12.29 07:21 PM_ME_Y0UR_B00B5 Drink and Build

Drink and Build! Pour a glass, crack open a bottle, open a box, and start building!

2013.06.02 10:53 Aratec Cigar Box Guitars

For builders and players of cigar box guitars and other cigar box instruments.

2024.06.09 12:30 Past-Fig-6046 Windows 11 install problem

Apologies if this has been asked a thousand times in the last minute but I couldn't find anything relevant in the search.
I've just recently finished building my first PC and have come to installing Windows (11 Home). I used the option "Create Windows 11 Installation Media" and put it on a formatted USB stick
So the pc boots up and setup begins and once I get past the language select screen, the "choose which operating system...." box appears, which gives me the choice of.........Windows 11 Pro.
And that's it.
After that it's the agreement page and then it wants to proceed to install - which I've stopped.
I spent several hours last night trying various things; I have reset my motherboard in case I'd been sold a pre-owned board and the previous owner's Windows key was still in the board. That didn't work. I tried creating a ei.cfg file and placing it in the Sources folder on the install USB stick - that didn't work either.
So, now I'm completely stuck - I genuinely don't know what else to try.
If anyone has ANY suggestions (other than "use Pro"), I'd be etremely grateful.
submitted by Past-Fig-6046 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:07 Deanzyne Noob Looking at picking up FPV as a hobby to push me outdoors more. Suggestions welcome

I would really like to pick up a hobby that pushes me to spend more time outdoors by myself and with other people , hence looking into FPV
I recently started a new job and would like to save up for a freestyle fpv done to have fun with in my spare time and push me outside more
My budget is 300-500 dollars but I do always try aim for best value for money even if it means bumping up my budget
Would appreciate your guidance to start (I 3D CAD and 3D print for a living if that helps me in any way)
I don't know much about electronics but I'm open to learning
I asked chatGPT to give me advice and this is what it gave me:
Getting into FPV (First-Person View) drone flying can be an exciting venture. It offers a mix of technology, skill, and adrenaline, whether for recreation, professional videography, racing, or exploring new perspectives. Here’s a detailed guide to help you understand the different categories and components involved in FPV drone flying, along with their best use cases.

Categories of FPV Drones

  1. Racing Drones
    • Description: Built for speed and agility, designed to maneuver through complex race courses.
    • Use Case: Drone racing competitions, high-speed flight practice.
    • Features: Lightweight frame, powerful motors, responsive controls.
  2. Freestyle Drones
    • Description: Designed for acrobatic maneuvers and tricks.
    • Use Case: Performing stunts, freestyle flying, aerial acrobatics.
    • Features: Robust build, flexible flight control, durability to withstand crashes.
  3. Cinematic Drones
    • Description: Focused on capturing high-quality video and photography.
    • Use Case: Professional videography, cinematic shots, content creation.
    • Features: Stabilized cameras, smooth flight, longer battery life.
  4. Long-Range Drones
    • Description: Built for extended flight times and distances.
    • Use Case: Long-range exploration, mapping, search and rescue.
    • Features: High-capacity batteries, efficient motors, GPS systems.

FPV Components

  1. Drones (Frames and Builds)
    • Frame Types:
      • 5-inch Frames: Standard for racing and freestyle.
      • 7-inch Frames: Used for long-range flights.
      • Cinewhoop Frames: Smaller, ducted frames for indoor flying and cinematic shots.
  2. Flight Controllers
    • Purpose: The brain of the drone, managing flight stability and control.
    • Popular Models: Betaflight, KISS, INAV.
    • Features: Gyroscopes, accelerometers, firmware customization.
  3. Motors and Propellers
    • Motors:
      • Brushless Motors: Preferred for their power and efficiency.
      • Kv Rating: Higher Kv for speed (racing), lower Kv for torque (cinematic/long-range).
    • Propellers:
      • 2-Blade: More efficient, less thrust.
      • 3-Blade: Balanced thrust and efficiency.
      • 4-Blade: Maximum thrust, less efficiency.
  4. Electronic Speed Controllers (ESCs)
    • Purpose: Regulate power to the motors.
    • Types: BLHeli, DShot.
    • Features: Current rating, firmware options.

FPV Headsets (Goggles)

  1. Analog FPV Goggles
    • Description: Traditional and widely used.
    • Popular Models: Fat Shark, Eachine.
    • Features: Lower latency, more budget-friendly, but lower resolution.
  2. Digital FPV Goggles
    • Description: Newer technology with higher resolution.
    • Popular Models: DJI FPV Goggles, Fat Shark Byte Frost.
    • Features: High-definition video feed, better range, but higher cost.
  3. Box Goggles
    • Description: Larger, more affordable option.
    • Popular Models: Eachine EV800D.
    • Features: Comfortable fit, larger screen, but bulkier.

Controllers (Transmitters)

  1. Standard Transmitters
    • Popular Models: FrSky Taranis, Spektrum DX6.
    • Features: Reliable signal, customizable switches, telemetry feedback.
  2. Compact Transmitters
    • Popular Models: Jumper T-Lite, TBS Tango 2.
    • Features: Portability, ease of use, modern ergonomics.

Best Combos for Different Use Cases

  1. Racing Setup
    • Drone: 5-inch racing frame with high-Kv brushless motors.
    • Flight Controller: Betaflight.
    • ESCs: 4-in-1 ESC with DShot.
    • Goggles: Analog FPV goggles for low latency.
    • Controller: FrSky Taranis.
  2. Freestyle Setup
    • Drone: 5-inch freestyle frame with mid-Kv motors.
    • Flight Controller: KISS.
    • ESCs: Individual ESCs with BLHeli.
    • Goggles: Analog or digital depending on preference.
    • Controller: TBS Tango 2.
  3. Cinematic Setup
    • Drone: Cinewhoop frame with ducted props.
    • Flight Controller: INAV.
    • ESCs: Reliable 4-in-1 ESC.
    • Goggles: Digital FPV goggles for high-definition video.
    • Controller: Spektrum DX6.
  4. Long-Range Setup
    • Drone: 7-inch frame with low-Kv motors.
    • Flight Controller: INAV with GPS.
    • ESCs: High-efficiency ESCs.
    • Goggles: Digital FPV goggles for better range.
    • Controller: Long-range transmitter like the Jumper T-Lite.

Putting It All Together

To get the best combo for your specific needs: 1. Identify Your Primary Use Case: Determine if you’re more interested in racing, freestyle, cinematography, or long-range flying. 2. Choose Compatible Components: Ensure that your drone frame, motors, ESCs, flight controller, goggles, and transmitter are all compatible and suited for your chosen use case. 3. Build and Test: Assemble your drone, calibrate the components, and perform test flights to fine-tune the settings. 4. Join the Community: Engage with FPV communities online and locally for advice, troubleshooting, and to participate in events.

Additional Tips

  • Learn the Basics of Drone Assembly: Understanding how to solder, connect components, and program your flight controller is crucial.
  • Practice in a Safe Environment: Start in open spaces or with simulators to build your skills without risking damage.
  • Stay Updated with Firmware and Regulations: Ensure your components are running the latest firmware, and be aware of local drone flying regulations.
FPV drone flying is a dynamic and rewarding hobby that combines technology, creativity, and skill. By understanding the different categories and components, you can tailor your setup to your specific needs and enjoy the full potential of this exciting activity.
submitted by Deanzyne to fpv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:00 MrGosh13 Are the CSM from Shadowspear discontinued?

I came across an awesome model on pinterest that inspired me to maybe build a little Iron Warriors army. After a bit of researching I found out it was a model from the Shadowspear box from 2019. But I cannot seem to find those models (besides the venomcrawler and the Master of Possessions which is in the combat patrol) available. Have they been discontinued already?
submitted by MrGosh13 to Warhammer40k [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:55 sameed_a how to improve creativity with lateral thinking?

Stepping off the bus, I found myself in front of an imposing office building that was home to the marketing firm where I worked. Already dreading the long day ahead, I noticed something on the pavement that caught my eye. An oddly shaped piece of trash. A crinkled paper bag lay about. Unremarkable at first glance, until I saw the potential in its shape - a majestic, tattered wing of a mythical creature. I found myself thinking about how I could use this unique shape in our latest advertising campaign. And bam! A whole new concept started forming - recycling and creativity! It was strange, a paper bag inspiring me on a Monday morning, who would've thought?
Here's the thing: creativity often comes from out-of-the-box ideas, about looking at the ordinary and seeing the extraordinary. This is where lateral thinking comes in. It's like the mental equivalent of looking at a paper bag and seeing a dragon’s wing. It’s about stepping away from the usual linear thought process, and instead, enabling newer, more random connections between different pieces of information. The result? Fresh, innovative ideas!
Sweetening my morning coffee later that day, I thought about other ways lateral thinking could enhance creativity at work. We could do something radical: replace our weekly team meetings with brainstorming sessions! I expressed this idea to my team, and they loved it. Every Monday, we came together with intriguing prompts – from “How would you market color to a colorblind person?” to “How would you sell a fridge to an Eskimo?” You wouldn't believe the wacky yet brilliant ideas that came out of these sessions.
Fast forward six months, and we've become the most innovative team in the company. All thanks to that crinkled paper bag and a shift in perspective. We’ve opened our minds to new ideas, embracing the lateral thinking process to enhance our creativity.
P.S. While the crumpled paper bag dragon isn’t real (the office building was more of a townhouse, if I'm honest), the power of lateral thinking certainly is. You never know what might spark your next big idea. So, start looking at things differently, and add a dash of creativity to your mundane Monday mornings too! Happy innovating!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:54 Beam_Me_Up_Scotty__ Was 'The Blaze' an American White Birch Tree?

This is just a loose 20 minute ago theory, but when i pieced it together it was quite compelling, so i'd thought i share.
This was my train of thought/research..
'the answers i already know', F spoke widely about grammar and punctuation so how about 'the answer's i already know', meaning 'the answer IS i already know'. Had he left out the apostrophe? So i thought about it and came up with KNOW to KNEW.
I toyed with KNEW, new and old, turnover a log, thought about how the unintended clue was in the preface of one of his books where he was towing a boat on The Madison. and then thought how about CANOE?
Give the poem to a child... the answer's i already KNOW - KNEW - K-NEW - CANOE.
So i looked up CANOE, and one of the derived terms is CANOE BIRCH, so i went to that page and it says 'The Native Americans used the bark of this tree for building canoes.'
So i thought ok let's go with this... one of the other definitions of BIRCH was
'A stick, rod or bundle of twigs made from birch wood, used for punishment. Synonyms: makepeace, switch'
The STICK was in the chest photo.
ROD is a fishing rod.
The BUNDLE OF TWIGS was when he didnt have anything to light a fire so he wadded the map.
He spoke about corporal PUNISHMENT from his father.
MAKEPEACE which is another name for a bundle of twigs, relates to 'go in peace' in the poem.
And SWITCH was what his father punished him with.
That's quite a positive collection right there.
The birch tree is WHITE, and it's long been thought that the blaze could be white, and it would 'anything that stands out' in a forest full of pine.
What if we meant to be looking for an AMERICAN WHITE BIRCH tree in a forest full of pine? (or even his actual turned over dugout CANOE that looks like any other log?)
If you've been wise and found the blaze - if you KNOW/KNEW and found the blaze.
Let's look at what evidence we have, the picture with the downed logs over the chest don't appear to be a BIRCH tree and neither do the others around it. However we don't know for sure that it's as simple as being directly under the blaze, what if there's a BIRCH tree further up the hill and we have to look quickly downhill to find the treasure? He did say he wasn't sure it pointed in any of the cardinal directions so downhill can't be fully ruled out. He also said 'i KNOW it's still there'.
The pine tree that fell over the chest doesn't completely satisfy the answer to the blaze, and there is doubt, which in turn opens up other possibilities, such as this.. an AMERICAN WHITE BIRCH or more romantically his hypothetical OLD dugout CANOE that he made and left back there each year. Roll over a log. Plus in some tribes Chiefs were buried in their canoes to escort them to the afterlife. (beam me up)
I like it, it ticks many boxes and it was fun researching again like the good ole days,
What's your thoughts? Please be as brutal or nice as you like. Cheers.
edit: added ROD, other thoughts and typos as usual.
submitted by Beam_Me_Up_Scotty__ to FindingFennsGold [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:53 Chafaris_DE Question on Strike Force Kill Team

Hey folks,
I‘m starting with Grey Knights and my first shot is a kill team (which will be expanded to a full fletch army someday).
So I bought a Strike Force box and would like to know from you how I should build them. Any recommendations or tips?
Last question if it makes sense to buy other minis as well or if anything is supposed to get an update soon. Just would like to know if I should wait before buying them or if the current models are „new“ and safe to buy.
submitted by Chafaris_DE to Grey_Knights [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:39 Atagor Please suggest an affordable gym with a punching bag in DIFC that does not require a one-year membership

I need to find a gym with punching boxes in there to do some basic boxing training (alone). Ideally in the DIFC area. However, all the gyms here (Fitness First and Gymnation) ask for a 1-year subscription, otherwise it costs around 100AED per visit, which I can't afford to pay each time.
Are there any affordable places here in DIFC? Or maybe there's a gym with a punching bag in a building I can freely visit?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Atagor to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:30 MarsupialCommon1706 Finished my first 'budget' water cooler build !

Finished my first 'budget' water cooler build !
Hi y'all
Finished my first watercooling build that I thought I'd share ! Is GPU only.
I started on this journey as I wanted my 7900xtx to run cooler with the GPU getting to 70c and the hotspot getting to around 85c on air (Sapphire pulse model)
I tired to keep costs low although all the parts + tools ended up costing me around $350 USD.
I went with a open box EK D5 pump that came from a display system new for a good deal.
For the pump housing+ Res I went with Freezemod stuff from Ali express.
The block is a Bryski 7900xtx nitro block from Ali express, the radiator(Barrow 360mm) + fans, tubing were also all from Ali express.
I got the some EK fittings secondhand for a good deal, all O-rings were replaced prior to install.
For coolant I went with 30% automotive coolant mixed with distilled water.
Overall I leant a lot and even though it looks like some sketchy shit from 2008 it works really well and I am really happy with the temp difference. While gaming my gpu now sits around 35c with the hotspot getting to 50c max.
submitted by MarsupialCommon1706 to watercooling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:29 ProcessReasonable639 3 white loading dots on quest 3

I am having an issue while trying to make a game for meta quest 3 using ue5.3.
When i package the game into the apk and install it on the quest 3 its just all black with 3 loading dots.
This issue wasn't there when i accidentally unchecked the build for meta quest devices box in the settings, but it was in a window and i wasn't able to interact with it.
If anyone knows what could be causing the issue of the game just always loading PLEASE HELP ME.
submitted by ProcessReasonable639 to UnrealEngine5 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:26 Skressinmajor Breakdown of initial investment getting back into MTG and MH3 Speculation.

Hey yall, longtime lurker checking in.
I just got back into MTG after a 12 year hiatus and decided that Modern Constructed was for me. I am aiming to build up a collection and invest smartly while developing 1-2 competitive Modern Constructed decks. I love MH3's roster and decided now was the time! I played two events and won two packs both times, for a total of 16 opened play boosters + 2 promo foils. Day one I pulled fetches and had garbage deck, overall happy with value, 1-2. Great deck with less value day two, 2-1.
Cost Breakdown 2x 100$ Entry Fees 1x 35$ Playmat 1x 25$ Dice Set 1x 18$ Trusty Pack of Dragon Shield Sleeves 1x 18$ Trusty Hard Plastic Deck Box for Value Cards. 3x 4$ Trusty Redbulls from the LGS fridge to get me through. ______________________________________________________________________
=300$ Invested in the weekend I decided to throw my life away on paper crack again. Had so much fun playing Pre-Release.
Link is what I went home with after day two (Minimal Trades)
Pull Value Breakdown
1x Azlask, the Swelling Scourge (Borderless) - 10$ 2x Abstruse Appropriation - 6$ 1x Command of Kozilek (Foil) - 8$ 1x Abstruse Appropriation (Foil) -4$ 1x Herigast, Erupting Nullkite - 10$ 1x Echoes of Eternity - 12$ 2x Sink into Stupor - 4$ 2x Consign to Memory - 2$ 1x Triton Wavebreaker - 1$ 1x Triton Wavebraker Foil -2$ 1x Laelia, the Blade Forged -3$ 1x Phelia, Exuberant Sheperd - 5$ 1x Detective's Phoenix - 2$ 1x Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student - 25$ 1x Prismatic Ending (Borderless) - 10$ 1x Spymaster's Vault - 2$ 1x Urza's Cave - 3$ 1x Monumental Henge (Foil) -3 $ 1x Bloodstained Mire - 10$ 1x Flooded Strand - 12$ 1x Polluted Delta - 10$ 2x Snow-Covered Wastes - 3$ 2x Cephalid Coliseum - 3$ ______________________________________________________________________
For a total value of 150$ (20% taken off of website retail prices, and another dollar shaved off here and there to be conservative on cards I think are gonna tank hard, dollar uncommons etc.) Verrrrrrry happy with my value here as even with how powerful the set was a lot of people around me were opening up 100% bunk. Thank you RNGesus. ________________________________________________________________________
Trade Breakdown It was pretty dry for trades, but I traded 2 Cephalid Coliseum for a playset of 'Master of the Pearl Trident", and picked up a Foil Vexing Bauble in exchange for a Foil Command of Kozilek. Not Bad. People traded me some Full Art lands in exchange for the new tokens, and I felt pretty good about all three minor trades. Trade value profit of about 3$.
I know this is a finance sub, but I will include that I am developing merfolk and a red/white energy brew to play competitively in Modern Constructed and I think both these decks will see some new tech explode with some time. Playing competitively and winning packs is part of my finance strategy and so I thought including speculation of the meta may be relevant as it both directly and indirectly effects the meta. Black White Scam is very strong and Cthulu Eldrazi archetypes have yet to be tapped into fully.
Going up: Eldrazi, Strong Commander Candidates such as Laelia/Phelia/Azlask, Abstruse Appropriation is underrated currently and will find a place in meta I think.
Going down: Dollar Uncommons are only so due to short supply.
TLDR - Made most of my entry costs back on fetch, Planeswalker and uncommon value LMAO. Let me know if I fucked up on my valuations, or you think my speculations are whack. I just got back into the game and would welcome all feedback on how I move towards the cards I need for Modern Constructed. (Staples such as Multavaults, Gemstone Caverns, Merfolk Staples ETC).
submitted by Skressinmajor to mtgfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:20 Substantial-Ice-6876 Fake news, misinformation, and the future of news; how can we help stop misinformation and bring innovation to the News? (demographic 18-60)

Link to Questionnaire:
We are a small team in Europe who think there has not been any innovation in the digital news space in a long time. We see that there is a need for a better way to make sense of what's going on in the world, and we want to build something that goes beyond simply summarizing news with AI.
We plan to bring a platform to an international audience, so we want to hear from you wherever you are based in the world.
What do you need the news for? How can we minimize misinformation? What are you missing today? We want to help.
Please share any ideas you have and feel free to think outside of the box -- what is the relationship between misinformation, filter bubbles, information overload, and what solutions are missing to help address your specific concerns?
Thank you for your time and feedback.
submitted by Substantial-Ice-6876 to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:20 Perkelton Weekly Crowdfunding Roundup: June 9 2024 29 ending soon (incl. Rebirth, Feudum) & 28 new this week (incl. Grimcoven, Return to the 7th Citadel)

What is this?

This is a weekly crowdfunding roundup of new projects launched last week and projects that end the coming week.

Google Docs

As an alternative format, the lists are now also available as a Google Docs found here: Weekly Crowdfunding Roundup


Expect new lists every Sunday between 00:00 and 23:59 CEST on the following platforms:
Reddit: /boardgames

Selection criteria

The criteria for the lists are as follows:

Ending soon

Newly launched

Notable filtered projects


🎉: Staff pick/featured
💰: Funded
🔥: More than average 200 backers/day
🌱: Creator's first project
🌳: Creator's >5th project
🔄: Money back guarantee (Read more)


I live in El SalvadoCanada/Colombia/USA, why are you posting on a Saturday?!
Because I'm writing this from Europe in the future where it's already Sunday. Timezones be crazy.
Why are there a bunch of non-board games in the board game list?
Because the Tabletop games category on Kickstarter includes anything remotely related to board games and sometimes things slip through my filters.
Why is this future award winning board game and literal saviour of humanity missing from your list?
Sometimes my filters get a bit overzealous and discard actually valid projects. If you feel something is missing for this reason, leave a comment and I'll add it (maybe).
Can I donate all my money to you?
Can you help me promote my game?
Please no. I make lists. Nothing more.
Your list is full of errors and now I cnat spel amymor!
Indeed, this fine piece of code runs purely on single malt whisky, so anything can happen. Leave a comment and I'll see what I can do.

Ending soon (29)

Name Description Backers Pledged Ends Information Tags BGG
Rebirth: Limited Edition A brand new, tile-laying game from Reiner Knizia, set in a lush and hopeful future. 5552 €265,854.00 (1329%) in 19 days 2024-06-12 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 45-60 min. 🎉💰🔥🌳 BGG
Feudum Game-of-the-year winner, Feudum is back with the 7th anniversary collector's edition featuring an exclusive clockwork behemoth! Grrrrrrrrrr. 2679 $354,257.05 (1417%) in 26 days 2024-06-14 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑5 players ⏱️ 150 min. Area Control 💰🌱
Hex Effects: A Spellbinding Card Game Hex Effects is a “take that” card game that involves beautiful artwork and easy-to-pick-up gameplay. From the makers of Side Effects! 1413 $55,457.00 (462%) in 24 days 2024-06-14 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑8 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 20-40 min. 🎉💰 BGG
How to Save a World Three desperate plans. One small chance... to save a world. 1216 CA$114,038.00 (190%) in 19 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 60-90 min. 🎉💰🌳 BGG
Village Pillage: Big Box + New Expansion Magic makes its way to Village Pillage in the fourth and final expansion to the critically acclaimed game! 1090 $60,172.00 (301%) in 19 days 2024-06-15 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑5 players ⏱️ 15-30 min. 💰🌳 BGG
BERSERKERS : Chaos Extension by Alone Editions Berserkers is Back ! 972 €26,872.00 (413%) in 24 days ⚠️ 2024-06-09 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Big Sur, Grand Central Skyport, Sand Art, & Wine Cellar Mix and match your pledge from four new games across a variety of styles, themes, and player counts to elevate your next game night. 893 $42,936.00 (429%) in 12 days 2024-06-14 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🌳
🍁 Masters of Maple Syrup & Downstream 🛶 Manage a maple farm and explore the riverbank in these cozy, pocket-sized games for two! 835 CA$47,616.00 (595%) in 19 days 2024-06-10 💸 Kickstarter 💰
Greenlight A game for people who will never make it in Hollywood. 829 $45,269.00 (453%) in 33 days 2024-06-10 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Thorgal: The card game Thorgal: Card Game, where strategy meets destiny in a thrilling card-based adventure 761 €40,864.00 (409%) in 19 days 2024-06-11 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 45-90 min. 💰 BGG
The Big Bad Wolf Based on The 3 Little Pigs! Secretly pass the "Big Bad Wolf" then Entice & Persuade players into flipping it, to Blow Down their house! 570 $12,768.00 (365%) in 26 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 15-35 min. 🎉💰🌱 BGG
Catstronauts: The Board Game The cooperative boardgame based on the hit graphic novels! 492 $31,506.00 (630%) in 26 days 2024-06-14 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 30 min. 💰🌳 BGG
TOOTHEAD Let's Get Ready To Rumble!!! Sneaky moves and a lot of fighting in an innocent setting. A family-friendly game, also great for parties! 448 €29,744.00 (372%) in 33 days 2024-06-10 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑8 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 40-180 min. 🎉💰🌱 BGG
Amsterdam Board Game Design - season 1 Three fun card games by different members of ABGD: Bable, Grachtenpand, & TimeZoo. May this be the first season of many! 419 €11,900.00 (397%) in 27 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Guns of the Old West Players compete in solo/co-op play or as a team with over 100 campaign paths. Each playthrough is a unique cinematic experience offering endless replayability. Players make strategic decisions and interact with each other to achieve their group and secret individual objectives, some of which involve… 299 £53,400.50 (107%) in 26 days 2024-06-11 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑8 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 45-90 min. Card Game Wargame Dice Game Area Control Cooperative 💰🌱 BGG
DVG - Mustang Leader The WWII Air War Over Europe Solitaire Game! 284 $54,294.00 (271%) in 19 days 2024-06-12 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
GotchaCards: a rock-paper-scissors card game! a thrilling RPS dueling card game for all ages by Pat Casao & pabloKM 278 $15,972.00 (86%) in 31 days 2024-06-15 💸 Kickstarter 🌱
EXPENDABLE EMPLOYEES A Cooperative Miniature Skirmish-Extraction Game Inspired by Lethal Company, Content Warning & Helldivers 2! 269 CA$6,390.00 (256%) in 24 days 2024-06-15 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Dabba Walla The famous Dabba Walla invite everyone to join them on their daily journey through Mumbai! 250 $14,400.00 (288%) in 5 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 30-45 min. 🎉💰🌳 BGG
The Thinning Veil Cormac Mac Airt on the Other Side of Midnight A solo dungeon crawl now featuring a 2 player mode set in the world of The Thinning Veil, and featuring Cormac Mac Airt, High King of Inis Fael! This game is the first in the Thinning Veil line and the Cormac series. 243 £34,126.74 (1706%) in 26 days 2024-06-11 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑2 players ⏱️ 90 min. Dice Game 💰
Freak War: A Card Game A fun and simple pick-up-and-play card game—with unhinged rules and a hidden layer of intense strategy. 227 $15,544.00 (155%) in 26 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 6+ ⏱️ 15-60 min. 🎉💰 BGG
Dice Tales: Knight's Adventures Become mighty Knight, live exciting adventures in this solo sandbox print and play roll and write board game with a dose of strategy. 226 €3,030.00 (3030%) in 10 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1 player 👶 10+ ⏱️ 20-30 min. 💰🌱 BGG
One Hour World War II A fast playing game of all of World War II for 2 players. Actions and Reactions drive the game. Plays in....wait for it.....1 hour. 224 $20,955.00 (1080%) in 8 days 2024-06-15 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
The 7 Seas: A New Start Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of The 7 Seas. Explore, trade, and fight to become a legend! 218 €20,600.20 (206%) in 24 days ⚠️ 2024-06-09 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑5 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 30-90 min. 💰 BGG
The Dream of Gods: An Interactive Mystery Game Speak with gods. Solve puzzles. Uncover secrets. An interactive mystery book with audio, puzzles and visuals. 201 €12,151.00 (608%) in 25 days 2024-06-14 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Of Popes & Plagues The Game of Plague & Pestilence in the Middle Ages 183 $7,890.00 (158%) in 33 days ⚠️ 2024-06-09 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑6 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 20-60 min. 💰🌱 BGG
Scare BnB - Spooky family fun for all ages! Help guests flee from a Bed and Breakfast run by monsters! 142 $2,938.00 (94%) in 19 days 2024-06-11 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 5+ ⏱️ 15-30 min. 🌱 BGG
El Camino de Belén (The Journey to Bethlehem) The game that brings families together. Up to 4 teams, the first to get to Bethlehem wins! The game comes in English and Spanish. 111 $10,384.00 (103%) in 30 days ⚠️ 2024-06-09 💸 Kickstarter 💰
WARLINE x Dragons War Design the battlefield. Design your army. Design custom tactics. Craft your own path to victory in this sandbox fantasy warfare game. Now, Warline's head-to-head "Strategicraft" gameplay is bolstered with the new solo or cooperative army-versus-dragon expansion—Dragons War. 99 $10,085.15 (81%) in 10 days 2024-06-16 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑4 players ⏱️ 45 min. Wargame Cooperative

New this week (28)

Name Description Backers Pledged Ends Information Tags BGG
Grimcoven Discover our new boss battler game for 1-4 players, set in a dark Victorian universe where only the hunt matters. In the unique tactical gameplay of Grimcoven, you take up the role of a hunter fueled by Lament. 9366 $1,795,810.67 (3592%) in 3 days 2024-06-27 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 90-270 min. Cooperative 💰🔥🌳 BGG
RETURN TO THE 7th CITADEL. Explore, build, YOU are the hero! Get ready for new adventures in the Collapsing Lands! 1000+ minutes of exploration and adventure for 1 to 4 slave-gardeners. 8031 €837,720.00 (1077%) in 5 days 2024-06-19 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🔥
🧁 Apothebakery - The Culinary Alchemists Forage resources, brew elixirs and bake cakes of salvation to heal adventurers on the brink of doom in this game for 1 – 4 players. 3870 £286,958.00 (820%) in 5 days 2024-06-28 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 60-90 min. 🎉💰🔥🌱 BGG
Mythic Battles: Isfet Explore Ancient Egypt or Norse Mythology, commanding gods, heroes, monsters and troops in this 2-4 player skirmish adventure game! 3288 €627,108.00 (314%) in 5 days 2024-06-21 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 60-90 min. 🎉💰🔥🌳 BGG
Mine Turtle: It’s a blast! An explosive game of truth or dare. 2655 £98,122.00 (981%) in 6 days 2024-07-03 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🔥
Secret Villages & Santa's Workshop (+Related Story Puzzles!) The first expansion to Merchants of the Dark Road, plus a deluxe edition of Santa's Workshop and our first two story-driven puzzles! 2289 $146,525.00 (488%) in 5 days 2024-06-22 💸 Kickstarter 💰🔥🌳
Agemonia Reprint + New Heroes! From the publisher of Eclipse, a fully co-operative board game with challenging moral choices, set in an epic campaign for 1-4 players! 1924 €161,398.00 (461%) in 5 days 2024-06-21 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 60-120 min. 🎉💰🔥 BGG
Yokai Septet Pocket Edition Fan favorite trick-taking game is back with a smaller footprint and an official inclusion of 2-player mode! 945 $15,535.00 (518%) in 5 days 2024-06-21 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Port Royal A Miniature Skirmish Game set in the Searover's Caribbean 558 $72,324.00 (482%) in 4 days 2024-07-05 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Pillars of Heracles - Awaken the Legends! Lead your city-state through a monumental adventure in Ancient Greece in this epic civilization board game for 1-4 players. 517 $42,151.00 (211%) in 5 days 2024-06-24 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 90-120 min. 💰 BGG
Imperfect Crimes: Pop-Up Escape Book Solve an immersive, 3D PopUp Book crime escape game. Find clues, solve puzzles and explore each crime scene filled with hidden secrets. 463 €44,896.00 (180%) in 4 days 2024-07-08 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Operation Barclay Operation Barclay is a two-player game of low/medium complexity about the intelligence war between the Allies and their Abwehr counterparts in the Mediterranean theater in 1942-1943. 461 €15,244.85 (191%) in 3 days 2024-07-04 💸 Gamefound 👥 2 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 25-40 min. Card Game 💰🌳 BGG
2GM Tactics 🔥 France & Total War 2GM Tactics series expansions. Fight in World War II! And become the best General. 368 €20,878.00 (418%) in 5 days 2024-06-28 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Fluffy Dragons A bluffing game, where you'll use the force of the elements to fight your Fluffiest enemies to collect the most gems! 357 $16,827.00 (224%) in 5 days 2024-06-29 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Bunny Boom Bunny Boom is a strategic game of bunny infestation! Manage actions, place cards, and pass the bunnies to your opponents to end the game with the fewest bunnies! 🐰💥 310 CA$28,728.43 (144%) in 5 days 2024-06-27 💸 Gamefound 👥 2‑4 players 👶 12+ ⏱️ 15-45 min. Card Game 💰 BGG
Cyberpunk RED: Combat Zone™ - RePrint and Vehicle MAYHEM An introduction of vehicles to the Combat Zone featuring the Zetatech Herakles, sleek cyber-bikes, and more! 310 $83,971.00 (280%) in 4 days 2024-06-28 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🌳
Clash - D-Day Special edition Get ready for an immersive World War II experience, during the D-Day landings in Normandy, 1944. 'Clash - D-Day Special edition' is an accessible, turn-based, tile-laying board game for 2 players. You and your opponent will have to fight for every beachhead to win this war. This special 80th commem… 308 €25,105.99 (279%) in 6 days 2024-07-03 💸 Gamefound 👥 2 players ⏱️ 45 min. Wargame Area Control 💰🌱
The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow for Liminal Horror The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow is a sandbox investigation for Liminal Horror. 285 $12,340.00 (123%) in 5 days 2024-07-05 💸 Backerkit 💰
Dabba Walla The famous Dabba Walla invite everyone to join them on their daily journey through Mumbai! 250 $14,400.00 (288%) in 5 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 30-45 min. 🎉💰🌳 BGG
CASSETTE DUNGEONS! A compact rogue-like dungeon crawl board game through a realm of metal and madness packed in a cassette tape case! 196 $2,955.00 (197%) in 6 days 2024-07-03 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1 player 👶 13+ ⏱️ 5-45 min. 💰🌱 BGG
X: Seekers of Fortune | An Action-Packed Adventure Card Game Hunt for lost relics and legendary sites while performing heroic feats to outfox your rivals in this tcg-like strategy card game. 191 $12,328.00 (123%) in 5 days 2024-07-01 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 20-40 min. 🎉💰🌱 BGG
NAWALLI: The Aztec Card Game (Second Edition) A strategic lane battle game based on Aztec mythology - become a Nawalli Sorcerer summoning Nawals and Spells to dominate the Arena! 129 $8,198.00 (410%) in 3 days 2024-07-06 💸 Kickstarter 💰
Paw of Duty Command a kitty squad to regain control of a war-torn city. 102 $2,832.00 (189%) in 5 days 2024-07-04 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
TomeBound The Game of Strategic Sorcery 77 $4,686.00 (134%) in 2 days 2024-07-07 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Order of the Day: Normandy A boardgame of the D-Day invasion, June 6, 1944, playable by inexperienced or veteran boardgamers. 60 $2,744.00 (62%) in 3 days 2024-07-06 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑2 players 👶 12+ ⏱️ 45-120 min. 🌳 BGG
Wrestling Cubes A unique abstract strategy game about pinning your opponent's cubes. 51 $2,102.00 (42%) in 2 days 2024-07-07 💸 Kickstarter
Fantasy Adventure Game LIGHT AND DARKNESS Embark on a journey full of dangers, random locations, random encounters, watch out for traps, hunt animals, heal the sick, pay for services, trade. Enter the darkness and explore ruins, caves, or undergrounds. Keep your team in mind and meet their basic needs of thirst, craving, and sleep. 19 PLN 5,227.50 (7%) in 6 days 2024-08-03 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑3 players ⏱️ 180 min. 🌱
Top Line Hockey A fast paced table top hockey game that fits on a piece of paper. 18 $605.00 (151%) in 1 days 2024-07-08 💸 Kickstarter 💰

Notable filtered projects (4)

Name Description Backers Pledged Ends Information Tags
DC20 The Next Great Evolution in Fantasy TTRPGs: A Fresh System with Epic Combat, Intuitive Gameplay, and Characters as Unique as Your Group 10643 $1,109,228.00 (5546%) in 5 days 2024-07-02 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🔥
Blade Runner RPG: Replicant Rebellion & Asset Pack Fight back against Replicant oppression in this major expansion to the award-winning BLADE RUNNER RPG from Free League Publishing. 4134 SEK 3,612,769.00 (1445%) in 12 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🔥🌳
Mörderin by John Blanche John Blanche presents a new range of 32mm grimdark femmes miniatures based upon his artwork. 1733 £53,911.00 (2696%) in 4 days 2024-06-12 💸 Kickstarter 💰🔥🌱
Mörk Borg Action Figure w/ Zine by Stockholm Kartell Dread Risen - A fully articulated Mörk Borg Action Figure w/ Zine by Johan and Pelle of Stockholm Kartell 1199 $104,799.00 (210%) in 40 days 2024-06-11 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🌳
submitted by Perkelton to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:14 velckright Slasher team changes?

Slasher team changes?
Hey all, been trying to build a slasher team just wondering should I swap anything out from current team with box. Thanks
submitted by velckright to OnePieceTC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:14 Scary_Reputation_464 New player advice. Imperial guard.

So I tried getting into 40k back in 2017, bought a huge amount of Imperial guard old Cadian stuff back then which is still largely boxed and unpainted.
I've recently had the flair to get back into Warhammer and Kill team seems like a good starting point. I'd like to build a starter team of the compendium guard using my old cadians as a guard fire team and my old metal kasrkin as a Scion fire team. The question is, would it be better to run a guardsmen sergeant as leader or kasrkin sergeant as a tempestor? It seems like I need a guardsmen sergeant to give guardsmen orders to my team.
submitted by Scary_Reputation_464 to killteam [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:13 _Triple_ [STORE] 900+ KNIVES/GLOVES/SKINS, 100.000$+ INVENTORY. BFK Lore, Gloves Amphibious, Skeleton Fade, Bowie Emerald, BFK Auto, Gloves MF, Talon Doppler, Gloves POW, Bayo Tiger, Gut Sapphire, Stiletto MF, M9 Ultra, Ursus Doppler, Flip Doppler, M9 Stained, Nomad CW, Paracord CW, AK-47 X-Ray & A Lot More

Everything in my inventory is up for trade. The most valuable items are listed here, the rest you can find in My Inventory

Feel free to Add Me or even better send a Trade Offer. Open for any suggestions: upgrades, downgrades / knives, gloves, skins / stickers, patterns, floats.

All Buyouts are listed in cash value.


★ Butterfly Knife Lore (Factory New), B/O: $7194.77

★ Butterfly Knife Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2025.74

★ M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $557.87

★ M9 Bayonet Stained (Well-Worn), B/O: $529.41

★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $465.39

★ Talon Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $1295.27

★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth (Minimal Wear), B/O: $746.28

★ Karambit Bright Water (Field-Tested), B/O: $688.15

★ Flip Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $547.93

★ Flip Knife Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $476.69

★ Flip Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $278.18

★ Flip Knife Black Laminate (Well-Worn), B/O: $258.83

★ Flip Knife Urban Masked (Field-Tested), B/O: $181.64

★ Stiletto Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $686.04

★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $665.41

★ Stiletto Knife, B/O: $601.39

★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $418.25

★ Stiletto Knife Night Stripe (Field-Tested), B/O: $227.80

★ Stiletto Knife Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $194.96

★ Stiletto Knife Safari Mesh (Field-Tested), B/O: $192.79

★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $518.11

★ Nomad Knife Scorched (Field-Tested), B/O: $169.78

★ Nomad Knife Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $166.88

★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Blue Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $335.79

★ Skeleton Knife Stained (Well-Worn), B/O: $442.05

★ Skeleton Knife Urban Masked (Minimal Wear), B/O: $426.24

★ Skeleton Knife Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $314.03

★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Fade (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2361.28

★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Urban Masked (Field-Tested), B/O: $376.53

★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $557.12

★ Ursus Knife, B/O: $471.42

★ Ursus Knife Blue Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $212.37

★ Ursus Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $187.66

★ Ursus Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $178.18

★ Ursus Knife Ultraviolet (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $155.13

★ Ursus Knife Boreal Forest (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $124.26

★ Huntsman Knife Black Laminate (Minimal Wear), B/O: $204.83

★ Huntsman Knife Black Laminate (Field-Tested), B/O: $184.50

★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Lore (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $224.11

★ Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $2142.02

★ Bowie Knife, B/O: $230.44

★ Bowie Knife Damascus Steel (Factory New), B/O: $209.20

★ Bowie Knife Ultraviolet (Minimal Wear), B/O: $180.51

★ Bowie Knife Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $131.03

★ Falchion Knife Night (Field-Tested), B/O: $132.54

★ Falchion Knife Urban Masked (Well-Worn), B/O: $112.81

★ Falchion Knife Scorched (Field-Tested), B/O: $108.81

★ Falchion Knife Forest DDPAT (Field-Tested), B/O: $107.82

★ Falchion Knife Safari Mesh (Field-Tested), B/O: $107.46

★ StatTrak™ Falchion Knife Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $143.08

★ Paracord Knife Crimson Web (Minimal Wear), B/O: $486.48

★ Paracord Knife Blue Steel (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $163.12

★ Survival Knife Blue Steel (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $138.26

★ Survival Knife Night Stripe (Field-Tested), B/O: $131.03

★ Gut Knife Sapphire (Minimal Wear), B/O: $1127.79

★ Gut Knife Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $286.17

★ Gut Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $246.55

★ Gut Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $240.77

★ Gut Knife, B/O: $210.49

★ Gut Knife Lore (Field-Tested), B/O: $194.22

★ Gut Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $151.51

★ Gut Knife Blue Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $124.94

★ Gut Knife Rust Coat (Well-Worn), B/O: $118.99

★ Gut Knife Boreal Forest (Minimal Wear), B/O: $109.80

★ StatTrak™ Gut Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $237.96

★ Shadow Daggers Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $264.92

★ Shadow Daggers Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $253.03

★ Shadow Daggers Tiger Tooth (Factory New), B/O: $237.22

★ Shadow Daggers Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $153.40

★ Shadow Daggers Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $144.42

★ Shadow Daggers Blue Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $105.20

★ StatTrak™ Shadow Daggers Damascus Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $150.46

★ Navaja Knife Fade (Factory New), B/O: $365.99

★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $228.93

★ Navaja Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $227.43

★ Navaja Knife Slaughter (Factory New), B/O: $209.06

★ Navaja Knife, B/O: $203.16

★ Navaja Knife Case Hardened (Well-Worn), B/O: $132.57

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Factory New), B/O: $121.69

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $109.95

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $100.41

★ StatTrak™ Navaja Knife Fade (Factory New), B/O: $369.01

★ StatTrak™ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $109.95


★ Sport Gloves Amphibious (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2394.67

★ Sport Gloves Omega (Well-Worn), B/O: $572.33

★ Sport Gloves Bronze Morph (Minimal Wear), B/O: $338.88

★ Sport Gloves Big Game (Field-Tested), B/O: $323.66

★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade (Minimal Wear), B/O: $1652.07

★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike (Field-Tested), B/O: $599.14

★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web (Well-Worn), B/O: $231.57

★ Specialist Gloves Buckshot (Minimal Wear), B/O: $126.21

★ Moto Gloves POW! (Minimal Wear), B/O: $996.99

★ Moto Gloves POW! (Field-Tested), B/O: $383.31

★ Moto Gloves POW! (Well-Worn), B/O: $276.00

★ Moto Gloves Turtle (Field-Tested), B/O: $180.28

★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! (Minimal Wear), B/O: $502.29

★ Hand Wraps Giraffe (Minimal Wear), B/O: $180.73

★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $178.32

★ Driver Gloves Queen Jaguar (Minimal Wear), B/O: $181.01

★ Driver Gloves Rezan the Red (Field-Tested), B/O: $101.66

★ Broken Fang Gloves Jade (Field-Tested), B/O: $127.88

★ Broken Fang Gloves Needle Point (Minimal Wear), B/O: $124.55

★ Bloodhound Gloves Guerrilla (Minimal Wear), B/O: $127.94

★ Hydra Gloves Case Hardened (Field-Tested), B/O: $102.55


AK-47 X-Ray (Well-Worn), B/O: $478.95

AUG Hot Rod (Factory New), B/O: $425.83

StatTrak™ M4A1-S Hyper Beast (Factory New), B/O: $413.95

M4A4 Daybreak (Factory New), B/O: $309.51

StatTrak™ AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge (Factory New), B/O: $305.43

AK-47 Case Hardened (Well-Worn), B/O: $196.38

StatTrak™ M4A4 Temukau (Minimal Wear), B/O: $174.64

P90 Run and Hide (Field-Tested), B/O: $167.03

AWP Asiimov (Field-Tested), B/O: $153.33

Souvenir SSG 08 Death Strike (Minimal Wear), B/O: $140.00

M4A1-S Printstream (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $124.70

StatTrak™ M4A1-S Golden Coil (Field-Tested), B/O: $117.48

AWP Asiimov (Well-Worn), B/O: $115.97

StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Printstream (Minimal Wear), B/O: $112.96

StatTrak™ AK-47 Asiimov (Minimal Wear), B/O: $110.85

Souvenir M4A1-S Master Piece (Well-Worn), B/O: $102.42

AK-47 Bloodsport (Minimal Wear), B/O: $100.53

Trade Offer Link - Steam Profile Link - My Inventory

Knives - Bowie Knife, Butterfly Knife, Falchion Knife, Flip Knife, Gut Knife, Huntsman Knife, M9 Bayonet, Bayonet, Karambit, Shadow Daggers, Stiletto Knife, Ursus Knife, Navaja Knife, Talon Knife, Classic Knife, Paracord Knife, Survival Knife, Nomad Knife, Skeleton Knife, Patterns - Gamma Doppler, Doppler (Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4, Black Pearl, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald), Crimson Web, Lore, Fade, Ultraviolet, Night, Marble Fade (Fire & Ice, Fake FI), Case Hardened (Blue Gem), Autotronic, Slaughter, Black Laminate, Tiger Tooth, Boreal Forest, Scorched, Blue Steel, Vanilla, Damascus Steel, Forest DDPAT, Urban Masked, Freehand, Stained, Bright Water, Safari Mesh, Rust Coat, Gloves - Bloodhound Gloves (Charred, Snakebite, Guerrilla, Bronzed), Driver Gloves (Snow Leopard, King Snake, Crimson Weave, Imperial Plaid, Black Tie, Lunar Weave, Diamondback, Rezan the Red, Overtake, Queen Jaguar, Convoy, Racing Green), Hand Wraps (Cobalt Skulls, CAUTION!, Overprint, Slaughter, Leather, Giraffe, Badlands, Spruce DDPAT, Arboreal, Constrictor, Desert Shamagh, Duct Tape), Moto Gloves (Spearmint, POW!, Cool Mint, Smoke Out, Finish Line, Polygon, Blood Pressure, Turtle, Boom!, Eclipse, 3rd Commando Company, Transport), Specialist Gloves (Crimson Kimono, Tiger Strike, Emerald Web, Field Agent, Marble Fade, Fade, Foundation, Lt. Commander, Crimson Web, Mogul, Forest DDPAT, Buckshot), Sport Gloves (Pandora's Box, Superconductor, Hedge Maze, Vice, Amphibious, Slingshot, Omega, Arid, Big Game, Nocts, Scarlet Shamagh, Bronze Morph), Hydra Gloves (Case Hardened, Emerald, Rattler, Mangrove), Broken Fang Gloves (Jade, Yellow-banded, Unhinged, Needle Point), Pistols - P2000 (Wicked Sick, Ocean Foam, Fire Element, Amber Fade, Corticera, Chainmail, Imperial Dragon, Obsidian, Scorpion, Handgun, Acid Etched), USP-S (Printstream, Kill Confirmed, Whiteout, Road Rash, Owergrowth, The Traitor, Neo-Noir, Dark Water, Orion, Blueprint, Stainless, Caiman, Serum, Monster Mashup, Royal Blue, Ancient Visions, Cortex, Orange Anolis, Ticket To Hell, Black Lotus, Cyrex, Check Engine, Guardian, Purple DDPAT, Torque, Blood Tiger, Flashback, Business Class, Pathfinder, Para Green), Lead Conduit, Glock-18 (Ramese's Reach, Umbral Rabbit, Fade, Candy Apple, Bullet Queen, Synth Leaf, Neo-Noir, Nuclear Garden, Dragon Tatto, Reactor, Pink DDPAT, Twilight Galaxy, Sand Dune, Groundwater, Blue Fissure, Snack Attack, Water Elemental, Brass, Wasteland Rebel, Vogue, Franklin, Royal Legion, Gamma Doppler, Weasel, Steel Disruption, Ironwork, Grinder, High Beam, Moonrise, Oxide Blaze, Bunsen Burner, Clear Polymer, Bunsen Burner, Night), P250 (Apep's Curse, Re.built, Nuclear Threat, Modern Hunter, Splash, Whiteout, Vino Primo, Mehndi, Asiimov, Visions, Undertow, Cartel, See Ya Later, Gunsmoke, Splash, Digital Architect, Muertos, Red Rock, Bengal Tiger, Crimson Kimono, Wingshot, Metallic DDPAT, Hive, Dark Filigree, Mint Kimono), Five-Seven (Neon Kimono, Berries And Cherries, Fall Hazard, Crimson Blossom, Hyper Beast, Nitro, Fairy Tale, Case Hardened, Copper Galaxy, Angry Mob, Monkey Business, Fowl Play, Anodized Gunmetal, Hot Shot, Retrobution, Boost Protocol), CZ75-Auto (Chalice, Crimson Web, Emerald Quartz, The Fuschia is Now, Nitro, Xiangliu, Yellow Jacket, Victoria, Poison Dart, Syndicate, Eco, Hexane, Pole, Tigris), Tec-9 (Mummy's Rot, Rebel, Terrace, Nuclear Threat, Hades, Rust Leaf, Decimator, Blast From, Orange Murano, Toxic, Fuel Injector, Remote Control, Bamboo Forest, Isaac, Avalanche, Brother, Re-Entry, Blue Titanium, Bamboozle), R8 Revolver (Banana Cannon, Fade, Blaze, Crimson Web, Liama Cannon, Crazy 8, Reboot, Canal Spray, Night, Amber Fade), Desert Eagle (Blaze, Hand Cannon, Fennec Fox, Sunset Storm, Emerald Jörmungandr, Pilot, Hypnotic, Golden Koi, Printstream, Cobalt Disruption, Code Red, Ocean Drive, Midnight Storm, Kumicho Dragon, Crimson Web, Heirloom, Night Heist, Mecha Industries, Night, Conspiracy, Trigger Discipline, Naga, Directive, Light Rail), Dual Berettas (Flora Carnivora, Duelist, Cobra Strike, Black Limba, Emerald, Hemoglobin, Twin Turbo, Marina, Melondrama, Pyre, Retribution, Briar, Dezastre, Royal Consorts, Urban Shock, Dualing Dragons, Panther, Balance), Rifles - Galil (Aqua Terrace, Winter Forest, Chatterbox, Sugar Rush, Pheonix Blacklight, CAUTION!, Orange DDPAT, Cerberus, Dusk Ruins, Eco, Chromatic Aberration, Stone Cold, Tuxedo, Sandstorm, Shattered, Urban Rubble, Rocket Pop, Kami, Crimson Tsunami, Connexion), SCAR-20 (Fragments, Brass, Cyrex, Palm, Splash Jam, Cardiac, Emerald, Crimson Web, Magna Carta, Stone Mosaico, Bloodsport, Enforcer), AWP (Black Nile, Duality, Gungnir, Dragon Lore, Prince, Medusa, Desert Hydra, Fade, Lightning Strike, Oni Taiji, Silk Tiger, Graphite, Chromatic Aberration, Asiimov, Snake Camo, Boom, Containment Breach, Wildfire, Redline, Electric Hive, Hyper Beast, Neo-Noir, Man-o'-war, Pink DDPAT, Corticera, Sun in Leo, Elite Build, Fever Dream, Atheris, Mortis, PAW, Exoskeleton, Worm God, POP AWP, Phobos, Acheron, Pit Viper, Capillary, Safari Mesh), AK-47 (Steel Delta, Head Shot, Wild Lotus, Gold Arabesque, X-Ray, Fire Serpent, Hydroponic, Panthera Onca, Case Hardened, Vulcan, Jet Set, Fuel Injector, Bloodsport, Nightwish, First Class, Neon Rider, Asiimov, Red Laminate, Aquamarine Revenge, The Empress, Wasteland Rebel, Jaguar, Black Laminate, Leet Museo, Neon Revolution, Redline, Frontside Misty, Predator, Legion of Anubis, Point Disarray, Orbit Mk01, Blue Laminate, Green Laminate, Emerald Pinstripe, Cartel, Phantom Disruptor, Jungle Spray, Safety Net, Rat Rod, Baroque Purple, Slate, Elite Build, Uncharted, Safari Mesh), FAMAS (Waters of Nephthys, Sundown, Prime Conspiracy, Afterimage, Commemoration, Dark Water, Spitfire, Pulse, Eye of Athena, Meltdown, Rapid Eye Move, Roll Cage, Styx, Mecha Industrie, Djinn, ZX Spectron, Valence, Neural Net, Night Borre, Hexne), M4A4 (Eye of Horus, Temukau, Howl, Poseidon, Asiimov, Daybreak, Hellfire, Zirka, Red DDPAT, Radiation Hazard, Modern Hunter, The Emperor, The Coalition, Bullet Rain, Cyber Security, X-Ray, Dark Blossom, Buzz Kill, In Living Color, Neo-Noir, Desolate Space, 龍王 (Dragon King), Royal Paladin, The Battlestar, Global Offensive, Tooth Fairy, Desert-Strike, Griffin, Evil Daimyo, Spider Lily, Converter), M4A1-S (Emphorosaur-S, Welcome to the Jungle, Imminent Danger, Knight, Hot Rod, Icarus Fell, Blue Phosphor, Printstream, Master Piece, Dark Water, Golden Coil, Bright Water, Player Two, Atomic Alloy, Guardian, Chantico's Fire, Hyper Beast, Mecha Industries, Cyrex, Control Panel, Moss Quartz, Nightmare, Decimator, Leaded Glass, Basilisk, Blood Tiger, Briefing, Night Terror, Nitro, VariCamo, Flashback), SG 553 (Cyberforce, Hazard Pay, Bulldozer, Integrale, Dragon Tech, Ultraviolet, Colony IV, Hypnotic, Cyrex, Candy Apple, Barricade, Pulse), SSG 08 (Death Strike, Sea Calico, Blood in the Water, Orange Filigree, Dragonfire, Big Iron, Bloodshot, Detour, Turbo Peek, Red Stone), AUG (Akihabara Accept, Flame Jörmungandr, Hot Rod, Midnight Lily, Sand Storm, Carved Jade, Wings, Anodized Navy, Death by Puppy, Torque, Bengal Tiger, Chameleon, Fleet Flock, Random Access, Momentum, Syd Mead, Stymphalian, Arctic Wolf, Aristocrat, Navy Murano), G3SG1 (Chronos, Violet Murano, Flux, Demeter, Orange Kimono, The Executioner, Green Apple, Arctic Polar Camo, Contractor), SMGs - P90 (ScaraB Rush, Neoqueen, Astral Jörmungandr, Run and Hide, Emerald Dragon, Cold Blooded, Death by Kitty, Baroque Red, Vent Rush, Blind Spot, Asiimov, Trigon, Sunset Lily, Death Grip, Leather, Nostalgia, Fallout Warning, Tiger Pit, Schermatic, Virus, Shapewood, Glacier Mesh, Shallow Grave, Chopper, Desert Warfare), MAC-10 (Sakkaku, Hot Snakes, Copper Borre, Red Filigree, Gold Brick, Graven, Case Hardened, Stalker, Amber Fade, Neon Rider, Tatter, Curse, Propaganda, Nuclear Garden, Disco Tech, Toybox, Heat, Indigo), UMP-45 (Wild Child, Fade, Blaze, Day Lily, Minotaur's Labyrinth, Crime Scene, Caramel, Bone Pile, Momentum, Primal Saber), MP7 (Teal Blossom, Fade, Nemesis, Whiteout, Asterion, Bloosport, Abyssal Apparition, Full Stop, Special Delivery, Neon Ply, Asterion, Ocean Foam, Powercore, Scorched, Impire), PP-Bizon (Modern Hunter, Rust Coat, Forest Leaves, Antique, High Roller, Blue Streak, Seabird, Judgement of Anubis, Bamboo Print, Embargo, Chemical Green, Coblat Halftone, Fuel Rod, Photic Zone, Irradiated Alert, Carbon Fiber), MP9 (Featherweight, Wild Lily, Pandora's Box, Stained Glass, Bulldozer, Dark Age, Hot Rod, Hypnotic, Hydra, Rose Iron, Music Box, Setting Sun, Food Chain, Airlock, Mount Fuji, Starlight Protector, Ruby Poison Dart, Deadly Poison), MP5-SD (Liquidation, Oxide Oasis, Phosphor, Nitro, Agent, Autumn Twilly), Shotguns, Machineguns - Sawed-Off (Kiss♥Love, First Class, Orange DDPAT, Rust Coat, The Kraken, Devourer, Mosaico, Wasteland Princess, Bamboo Shadow, Copper, Serenity, Limelight, Apocalypto), XM1014 (Frost Borre, Ancient Lore, Red Leather, Elegant Vines, Banana Leaf, Jungle, Urban Perforated, Grassland, Blaze Orange, Heaven Guard, VariCamo Blue, Entombed, XOXO, Seasons, Tranquility, Bone Machine, Incinegator, Teclu Burner, Black Tie, Zombie Offensive, Watchdog), Nova (Sobek's Bite, Baroque Orange, Hyper Beast, Green Apple, Antique, Modern Hunter, Walnut, Forest Leaves, Graphite, Blaze Orange, Rising Skull, Tempest, Bloomstick, Interlock, Quick Sand, Moon in Libra, Clean Polymer, Red Quartz, Toy Soldier), MAG-7 (Copper Coated, Insomnia, Cinqueda, Counter Terrace, Prism Terrace, Memento, Chainmail, Hazard, Justice, Bulldozer, Silver, Core Breach, Firestarter, Praetorian, Heat, Hard Water, Monster Call, BI83 Spectrum, SWAG-7), M249 (Humidor, Shipping Forecast, Blizzard Marbleized, Downtown, Jungle DDPAT, Nebula Crusader, Impact Drill, Emerald Poison Dart), Negev (Mjölnir, Anodized Navy, Palm, Power Loader, Bratatat, CaliCamo, Phoenix Stencil, Infrastructure, Boroque Sand), Wear - Factory New (FN), Minimal Wear (MW), Field-Tested (FT), Well-Worn (WW), Battle-Scarred (BS), Stickers Holo/Foil/Gold - Katowice 2014, Krakow 2017, Howling Dawn, Katowice 2015, Crown, London 2018, Cologne 2014, Boston 2018, Atlanta 2017, Cluj-Napoca 2015, DreamHack 2014, King on the Field, Harp of War, Winged Difuser, Cologne 2016, Cologne 2015, MLG Columbus 2016, Katowice 2019, Berlin 2019, RMR 2020, Stockholm 2021, Antwerp 2022, Paris 2023, Swag Foil, Flammable foil, Others - Souvenirs, Agents, Pins, Passes, Gifts, Music Kits, Cases, Keys, Capsules, Packages, Patches

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2024.06.09 11:00 WaveOfWire This is (not) a Dungeon - Chapter 3

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PRs: u/anakist & u/BroDogIsMyName
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It had been a few weeks since Altier was brought to the run-down shack that his black-scaled companion likely called home, and he could now comfortably say he was accustomed to the…household’s routine. The kobold typically left at the crack of dawn, returned a little after noon, and occasionally left again to forage until nightfall. When the weather was bad or there wasn’t a particular need for something, they half-heartedly chased their rabbit around for a bit, which usually ended with a bout of quiet petting while everyone got ready for the night. It was always amusing to see the energetic side of what he had come to know as a relatively lazy loaf of an animal. As for the routine of the ferrorabbit in question… Well…it was at least more interesting than expected.
Hoppit would begin his own series of activities as soon as his caretaker left—the first of which being a check of every nook and cranny in the shed. He sniffed at anything that caught his interest, varying from morning to morning, but he gave every object or corner its due attention. Once he was satisfied with that, he would eat some of the ragged plants that made up most of his diet, take a drink from his bowl, then jump onto the tro— table and plop himself down, his ears pivoting towards the door. It was hard to say if the lounging spot had been established before Altier’s arrival, but it was somewhat amusing to pretend that the little rabbit was standing guard over his core—if it wasn’t for one particular part of the morning ritual, that is.
Indeed, the ferrorabbit had a habit of licking the obsidian orb that sat in the middle of the room, which thankfully didn’t seem to perturb the system enough to give Altier a headache. He was confused when it first happened, but it was commonplace enough now that he barely acknowledged it. A part of him liked that he was getting attention as a core, even if it was delivered via a strange grooming method. The closest he got to being acknowledged as something other than ‘the dungeon’ was through an unfortunate misunderstanding that he could never properly rectify. He supposed that was hardly worth thinking about now, though; too much time had passed for there to be anyone left to correct. The little oddity of his mornings would have to suffice.
There wasn’t much to comment on as far as the rest of the day’s happenings. Hoppit would end his loafing by shaking his head and ears in a way that filled the silence with soft clacks, give the core a customary tongue bath, then jump off the table to nose his way out of the shed through a hole that was hidden by the storage cart against the wall. Where the rabbit went was anyone’s guess, but he always returned before anyone noticed he was gone, and often did so while covered in small cuts and scratches. Any blood from the lacerations was quickly licked off before it could be seen by the kobold, and in the event that the scaly caretaker happened to return earlier than expected, Hoppit would scurry over to the bundles of blankets to finish the cleanup in secret.
Today looked to be following the usual pattern. The kobold left bright and early with various gardening tools and a wooden pail, and Hoppit had since set off into the great unknown for one reason or another. Hopefully, he returned less injured than usual. It was frustrating to admit that Altier had begun to grow rather fond of the fluffy creature, and seeing the thing come back hurt was bothersome. Was it off looking for food? There wasn’t a whole lot given to it, so that was a possibility, and it could be getting into fights over whatever it found. That still didn’t explain why the animal was so thin, and Altier didn’t have enough to go off of to think of a potential solution. He wanted to help it in some way, like by summoning a creature to act as an escort, or maybe just by manifesting something edible like he once could. No, he could only stare at the ‘Synchronizing…’ that occupied his menu, wishing he had more information to work with.
He never thought he would miss the bombardment of notifications and their lingering presence that filled the edge of his mental vision; at least with that he could surmise enough to hazard some kind of action. Even knowing why the menu was acting the way it did would be a start. Yet, try as he might, there wasn’t a history for him to reference anymore, and he had nothing to work with. He was confident the last message had asked him to ‘accept’ something, then took his befuddled ponderance as an answer, but he was no closer to an explanation for what it wanted, nor why it prompted him in the first place. He just didn’t have another experience to compare against, since nothing like that had ever happened before. Not that he was ever in much of a position to allow it.
The entire purpose of having Altier inhabit a core was for him to become a dungeon of Decay, which entailed all the skeletons, poisons, acids, and whatever else came to mind when one pictured the concept. ‘Living’ creatures were something he only had the chance to experiment with near the beginning of his new existence, though he never dabbled past the first few insects before transitioning to the mindless undead. Having a thinking, feeling, breathing entity touch his core was a rite reserved only for the adventurers and soldiers that bested his trials, and that was usually a painful experience. Now, he had spent what he could only guess was hours being held by a kobold, followed by having a rabbit bump against him, and neither felt like what he came to expect. Instead, both had led to a completely novel reaction from the system. The strange circumstances put him at a bit of a loss as to what it all meant for him.
Sure, he could dismiss the deluge of errors from his companion’s involvement by pointing to the numerous ‘corrupted’ messages before it, and Hoppit was a part of mostly unexplored territory, but the lack of clarity nagged at the back of his mind constantly. Being exposed to activity after potential decades or centuries of unchanging solitude made him despise the informational dead end. If he couldn’t make sense of the rabbit’s circumstances, then he didn’t have much hope of deciphering the reason for why his system was misbehaving so terribly. He also didn't know much about the one who owned the decrepit holdings he was housed inside.
He still wasn’t sure what drove the kobold to take him from the cave. His suspicion of becoming traded goods fell flat after the first week or so, and he hadn’t noticed any cult-like behaviour, which was promising. Granted, a lack of nefarious behaviour didn’t mean there was a lack of nefarious intent, but he didn’t get the impression his companion held that either. The kobold itself didn’t seem quite settled on an opinion of his core, though it was up for debate if the hesitation was due to knowing what he was or not. They seemed to mull something over before bed each night, yet never reached a satisfactory conclusion, staring at the obsidian orb through weary grey eyes until they eventually forced themselves into sleep.
Whatever the underlying reasoning for his abduction was, he had observed enough to know that the kobold didn’t deserve to live in destitution. As beaten as the shed might be, they cared for it as best they could, and did so without a single groan or grimace of complaint. The floors were cleaned with a tattered rag and fresh water, dust was removed regularly, and any stray mess that Hoppit made was dealt with promptly. They even took the time to wipe off his core, which was possibly where the ferrorabbit got the idea to start licking him. The only time Altier had seen discontent from the kobold was when they didn’t find much during their foraging, and thus couldn’t give any treats to the excited and bouncy herbivore.
He wasn’t aware that a creature’s face could make such a painfully broken expression, and he was quick to decide that he never wanted to see it again.
Vexingly, his metaphorical hands were tied; a dungeon could only influence their Domain, and given the state of his system, not even that option was available to him. All he could do was glare at the rotting wooden beams that held up the roof and remember when such an issue didn’t exist. It would have taken a mere flicker of thought and a paltry sum of mana to mend the struts when he was a proper dungeon. He could even outright reinforce the structure by weaving in other materials, leaving the appearance as it was while making everything stronger than iron. Well, he once could. Working with other affinities was something that came to him after absorbing the coloured motes left behind by adventurers, and the accursed stone that stole his mana had taken that ability as well.
An attempt was made anyway, his will ordering the deteriorated wood to absorb any trace metals from the ground, but it was no use. He couldn’t feel the iron or stones beneath the shed like he would have been able to before, all but confirming his suspicion that his connection to the Earth element had slipped away. Nature was much the same; the only way he knew when Hoppit had returned most days was from the subtle noise and the essence of injury. The other attributes—Air, Flame, Luma, Shadow, and so on—were ones he never experimented with to any real extent, so it was less noticeable when he lost his grasp on them. Perhaps they faded early. Either way, all he had left was a waning cognizance of his own alignment, and that wasn’t of much use to him. If he had any appreciable mana income, then perhaps he could do something, but he wasn’t even sure what the upkeep of his current Domain might be. It was entirely possible that he was running on a deficit, which would offer a reason for why his system had been so—
[Do#$@n Ex@#d$%^&d! CRe@#r H-H-H-HoPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP—]
[Creeee-tu— Hoppit ha@$ esttttb-hed terrrrrrr-ity f^#% t$e dun@&$n!]
- - - - -
Well then,” he mumbled to himself, taking in the strange scene behind the shed. For one, he could actually view a small distance beyond the structure now, and two, there was a rather proud-looking Hoppit sitting on his haunches before a pair of significantly less prideful examples of the species. They looked quite a bit bigger than the lazy loaf Altier had come to know, yet they were more cut up and dejected than his furry friend. That answered where the injuries had been coming from, he supposed. Hoppit was probably running off to bash heads with whatever animal population existed here beforehand, and they had only just reached a consensus on who was in charge. Impressive.
One of Hoppit’s ears turned back towards the shed, his head following suit as he gave a lagomorph’s approximation of a ‘Look what I did!’ smile. Altier blanked out mentally, but didn’t have time to question anything before the new leader of the local rabbits imperiously pointed a paw towards the surrounding forest, which was equally surreal to witness. Most surprising of all, the…subordinates? The other ferrorabbits did as commanded, keeping their forms small as they took off into the foliage. Soft clacks came from Hoppit’s pleased shake of his head, then he too left the area with only a slightly lopsided bounce to his stride.
The man-turned-core could only gape at what he saw. Were animals always so…expressive? Had Hoppit heard him? What in the world was happening? Why had Hoppit’s personal conquest led to Altier’s Domain expanding?
He lamented not having fingers, nor temples to rub with them. His system was a garbled mess of errors and inconsistent messages, his residence was falling apart at the seams, his companion was someone who abducted him from the dungeon, yet never did anything past that, and his first real experience with an animal was turning out to be more confusing than he thought possible.
All of this was after an unknown amount of time spent commanding legions of undead to strengthen the very people who he would later learn had lied to and manipulated him, making him into a nightmarish entity just to bolster the power of their forces. He almost missed the days spent gazing out of a mossy window. At least then he knew what to expect.
Nothing made sense anymore.
= = = = =
The soft sound of roots ripping free from soil suddenly stopped, only to be followed by a dull thud of Ceele’s palm slapping against the ground to catch her fall before she landed on her rear. She righted herself with her tail and tossed the stubborn weed into a pile with the others. No matter how many mornings she did this, they always seemed to replace themselves faster than she could remove the pesky things. A sigh slipped from her muzzle as she set about grabbing the next one embedded in the vegetable garden.
Aches and spreading stiffness flared up, but went ignored as she neared the end of her duties, though she was well aware that they would come back with force once she tried to settle down for the day. The impending soreness was an inevitable byproduct of spending so much time working. Still, she knew that if it wasn’t for the kindly old couple that allowed her to call their shed home, she would still be sleeping beneath the stars while making sure nothing tried to get at her Hoppit. Even if it was just a part of the deal, they were owed this much in return, and she would see it done properly.
The sun bore down on her back as she did her usual tasks, which was a departure from the slightly overcast weather as of late. It looked somewhat promising when she checked in the wee hours of the morning, yet as her gardening duties dragged on, so too did the intensity of such a clear sky. A disappointed glance at the empty wooden bucket on the edge of the field was quickly corrected. She hadn’t thought to refill it at the river after watering the crops, and her parched throat was making its protests known, while also reminding her that there wasn’t much water left at home either. One more thing to take care of when she was done.
A gruff cough brought her attention towards the old kobold resting his back against a tree some distance away, safely shaded from the unforgiving rays beaming down. Her displeasure at having yet more to do was hastily wiped away. She was undecided on what to think of the detached audience, but looking so sour while upholding her side of the agreement wouldn’t reflect well on her. Hopefully, he hadn’t seen it. Not that she could tell if he did; he always had the same expression when he watched her work. The elder kobold’s arms were crossed, a finger tapping absently against his bicep, while his tail sat motionless on the grass, the muddy red colour of his scales standing out amongst the greens and browns. ‘Makis,’ was his name, assuming her memory served.
Makis had taken to observing her every so often, usually propping himself against this or that at a distance, the unwavering scowl being as unnerving as it was belying of his age. Somewhat loose skin sagged a bit around his jowls and neck, yet the rest of his face was still taut from how much time he spent examining red-hot metal, and his arms were marred with countless burns and cuts from his profession. He held an oppressive aura, though the crinkles around his eyes and muzzle suggested he smiled as frequently as he glowered, even if Ceele was yet to see the former. There was only the same judgmental expression aimed at her when he was around. She could only hope that he didn’t take offence to some unintended slight, but she didn’t know him well enough to say what might be considered one.
They hadn’t spoken since she took up residence on the outskirts of his land. His wife was the one to introduce them, but it was quickly established that he had no intention of being a chatty individual. He led Ceele to the shed hidden amongst the trees on the edge of the property, then dismissed her with only a grunt coming from the elderly kobold. She supposed that it was for the best. Her experience in socializing was centred around convincing others to employ her, and there hadn’t been much of an opportunity to expand her horizons while living a life on the road. If that had been the end of their interactions, she would have swiftly written the terseness off, but he appeared every few days, taking up residence beneath the shade as he watched her work, never speaking a single word. At least he didn’t openly protest her presence, yet she figured that would be easier to manage. He wouldn’t be such an enigma then.
There wasn’t a whole lot she knew about him besides his penchant for ‘supervision,’ and anything beyond that was what his wife had volunteered during the rare opportunity they had to chat. She was told that Makis worked the smithy out front, and although he had retired from doing so in an official capacity, she could still regularly hear his hammer as she tended to the garden, so she figured he kept himself busy most days. It made her wonder what was so interesting about a vagrant like herself, but when there was so little else to do, she could see how anything could be made worth the attention. It was just him and his wife living in the once bustling home, after all; the couple’s children had long since grown up and made families of their own.
She noticed his gaze shift elsewhere as she tugged yet another stubborn intruder from the soil, his arms falling from across his chest and the perpetually worn displeasure melting to that of curiosity. He wandered off shortly after, and she had to make an effort not to fall onto her tail as the pressure on her shoulders unexpectedly evaporated. Did something happen?
Ceele shook her head free of the distracting thought. It wasn’t her business if he grew bored with watching her work. As long as no one voiced any complaints, she could only assume that she was doing a satisfactory job. Maybe he finally decided that he didn’t need to be so watchful because she was doing well! That could be it, right?
A glance at the somewhat sloppily maintained garden erased the false confidence from her face, but she was just as quick to focus on finishing up, unwilling to allow darker musings to fester. Thankfully, there didn’t seem to be anything else that needed her intervention. The weeds were all uprooted, the soil was appropriately dampened, and her check for pesky insects or wildlife turned up nothing to worry about. She was free for the rest of the day!
…Or she would be free—as soon as she finished the last of her tasks, anyway.
The black-scaled kobold got up from her crouch unsteadily, shivering and wincing from the pins and needles in her legs. She would have to remember to stretch more often; it was far too easy to forgo that kind of thing just to make the overall work go slightly faster. Her hand reached out to grab the pile of weeds and put them into the bucket as she ran through what needed to be done before she could properly relax. Hoppit’s food needed to be washed, she needed to bathe, and they were running low on water anyway, so she would have to visit the river. Just the thought of dragging herself into the forest again made her muscles protest, but she wouldn’t have the energy to do it later. She forced the smile that had started to fall and took the first of many steps.
- - - - -
The river wasn’t too far away, only taking a few minutes of traipsing through the dense woodlands until she reached her destination. It was an idyllic little spot. The trees thinned out to allow a grassy bank along the water, and there was an appreciably gentle slope from shallows to depths, making for a convenient place to take care of various needs. She had discovered this place during her travels, and it was where a kind older woman found her.
Ceele was washing off at the time, with Hoppit safely taking shelter from the outside underneath the bundled blankets while he waited. The trickle of the stream brushing against rocks covered the sound of footsteps, so she was rather surprised when an aged voice called out to ask if she was okay. Her first reaction was to distance herself and apologize—the why didn’t matter, but she had learned that most people were more lenient of her presence if she seemed apologetic for it, and she usually was. The elderly kobold just laughed at her scrambling, tacking on an assurance that there was no need for modesty. The woman was blind, apparently, which explained how Ceele’s blackened colours hadn’t deterred her.
Strangely enough, there was a comforting sense of ease around the one who introduced herself as Hira. It was a sort of presence that Ceele could only vaguely remember, and it drew her close enough to speak as she finished bathing. The conversation wasn’t anything profound, of course—they hardly delved deeper than surface-level small talk—but Hira lost her smile as she listened to the younger kobold. By the end of it, the old woman posed a series of questions with a dark inflection to her voice, and Ceele struggled to find an answer.
‘Are you tired of looking for something that only slips away? Are you tired of running? Do you really want to be scared and alone?’
If the silence bothered Hira, then it didn’t show. She had simply held out a hand and offered Ceele a way of life that didn’t involve wondering where she would be spending the night, nor entailed cowering in the brush while fearsome predators roamed freely. It would be a simple existence of few fortunes, but it was safe, and it was honest. All she had to do was say yes.
Ceele denied it at first, partially because she knew most people despised Hobbit's species, and partially because she couldn’t shake the offer being too good to be true. Hira was quick to propose a compromise; Ceele could take residence in the gardening shed that had fallen from use, and to satiate the nagging sense of an unfair deal, she would be put in charge of maintaining the garden itself. All Hira wanted was to ‘see’ her favourite space bloom again, since she couldn’t take care of it anymore. The black-scaled kobold stared longingly at where Hoppit was, his little body shivering from the prolonged cold and fear that he would be hurt if he left the blankets hiding him. It was with a heavy guilt that she accepted Hira’s offer, keeping quiet about her true reason for doing so.
That was in the past, however, though she thought about it every time she stopped by and saw the smooth rocks where she and Hira first met. Eventually, she might gather the courage to admit that she was housing a ‘pest’ and beg for forgiveness. Until then, she would just work her hardest to prove it wasn’t a mistake to give her a home. That her endless efforts weren’t meaningless. That Hoppit deserved to be more than a ‘pest.’
That Ceele was more than something she had no control over being.
She cleared her head a bit and started on the reason she came all this way. Her dress was rather easy to wash in the meandering water, and the trees provided a suitable place for it to dry in the sunlight and light breeze. The weeds were fine with a thorough rinse near in the shallows, but taking care of her own hygiene required her to wade farther in, though it only came up to her chest in the middle of the rill. Still, she could scrub off the soil and grime, which was all she really needed. Perhaps some simple soaps would help rid her of the pervasive black that stained her skin and scales, but that was beyond her meagre means for the time being, as well as being mere wishful thinking.
She worked past the dreary mindset that settled in when she allowed it, focusing on how serene the river was. The soft birdsong from the trees helped make for a peaceful experience, and she could feel the somewhat chilled liquid basically pour into the aches and pains throughout her body, washing away the stiffness from spending so long under the unerring sun. It was nice to escape reality and let thoughts drift while held buoyant by calmer waters.
Yet the bliss was short-lived. Even if winter was gone, spring was still far from warming the waters enough for her to laze about for too long. She dragged herself from the soft current and fetched her dress from the low-lying branch she left it to dry on. It was still a touch damp, but it wasn’t anything a bit of time in front of the fireplace wouldn’t fix.
Ceele was only a short distance away from home when she heard a gravelly male voice, but it was the flicker of sight between the trees that made her drop what was in her arms and lunge into a sprint.
Makis stood just outside the gardening shed, a ferrorabbit held at arm’s length by rusty crimson hands placed on the scruff and haunch, the rabbit’s little ears flattened as fear filled its tiny face. Her eyes widened further when she noticed the small stains of blood in his light brown fur. They found out about him. Ephemeral claws of blackness clutched at her soul, ripping the very fabric she was made of as an unseen beast smiled, eager to take yet one more thing from her. Her Hoppit. Her baby. Her everything.
Hoppit!” she shrieked, her words all but tearing out of her throat in desperation. Frozen blood coursed through her veins, yet poured into exhausted limbs. She broke through the treeline with no regard for the branches slashing against her flesh, panic making each sting fade before it could be processed. The grizzled glare of the older kobold snapped towards her, his usual scowl picking up an actual air of intensity that she never thought could be absent, the promise of violence lurking in his eyes. She skidded to a stop a few paces away, the lump in her throat threatening to clog her airway. “S-stop hurting him!”
“Didn’t,” he barked back, his tone even yet firm. “Cuts ain’t me. I’d’a done worse if’a had ta mind ta.”
The blatant declaration snapped her from blind panic, although his apparent anger didn’t do her fear any favours. “B-but… Then how…”
“‘Hoppit.’ Named it, did’cha?” he grunted, ignoring her confusion and bobbing the rabbit to get her attention again. His gaze shifted back to the animal, the flames of ire cooling slightly. “I was wonderin’ why yer plots ain’t dead yet. Suppose this critter’s why.”
One of her hands hesitantly reached out until she pulled it back, while the other clutched at her chest to stop her heart from hammering against her ribs. She couldn’t act rashly. Not while her baby was in his arms. “I—”
“Soft thing, ain’t it,” the elder kobold commented curiously, cutting her off.
“Y-yes?” she returned reluctantly, struggling to stop herself from lashing out to reclaim the ferrorabbit in his grasp.
“Like fine silk.” Makis tipped and tilted the animal, inspecting this and that with a deep-seated frown, all while Hoppit silently looked to her for help. The pit in her stomach grew. She needed to get him back, but how?
Ceele swallowed the dense dread as she tried to formulate some sort of plan, stumbling over her words and forced smile. “I-it’s nice! Isn’t it nice?”
His eyes snapped back to burrow into her own with hatred. “Wasn’t a compliment, girly.”
“B-but you—”
He released Hoppit’s lower half to jab a claw at the various spikes around his body, plying them with minimal force. “Look. See this? These’r suppose ta break bone. ‘Specially when he’s stiff like this. Ain’t no way I should be able ta bend ‘em. He’s barely more than a walkin’ carcass—all skin ‘n stick. He’s gonna get picked up by a wandering pecker if he keeps pissin’ about out ‘ere. It’s a wonder he’s still kickin’. What’cha feeding ‘em?” His gaze dropped from her face to the rest of her, disgust curling his muzzle into a snarl. “N’ver mind. I can guess.”
She felt the dampness build at the edges of her vision, unprepared to not only worry for Hoppit's immediate health, but also to face such harsh criticism while she was so vulnerable. “I… I try to make sure he has…”
Makis crouched to release the ferrorabbit onto the ground, Ceele dropping to her knees the moment he did. The terrified lagomorph wasted no time, bolting towards his adoptive mother and leaping into her arms, shaking uncontrollably. The rust-coloured ‘bold stared as she started soothingly stroking the animal’s back.
“Yer given’ em the weeds, aren’t ya?” he stated rather than asked. She gave a teary nod when her voice wouldn’t respond for her. The old kobold drew a breath, letting it go in an exasperated sigh as he stood back up, his expression becoming more impatient than antagonistic. “What else?”
“I— Um…”
“What. Else?”
“W-whatever I c-can find!” she sputtered out. Hoppit tried to hide against her neck, prompting her to tighten her hold. She couldn’t stop herself from shrinking, the guilt and confusion pulling her head down. “R-roots, vegetables, fruits… I give them as often as I can.”
His glare continued unimpeded, his cadence cold. “That it?”
There were a million things Ceele wanted to say. A part of her wanted to beg him not to kick them out of the first safe place she had in longer than she could remember, but she couldn’t find the words. She wanted to deny the judgmental tone that stabbed into her insecurity surrounding how good of a job she was doing with Hoppit, but the deadened void in her chest swallowed her pride whole. She knew he was right to critique her. That she was failing in the only thing that mattered anymore. That the feeling of loss would return.
“I try,” she whispered through the beginnings of a sob. “I try to find more, but he needs someone around, and I have to work the garden, so there’s only so much time I can spend looking. He won’t even eat all of what I bring back…” Tears dripped off her cheeks as she aimed a desolate smile at her furry friend. “He wants to make sure I have some too.”
“Yer killin’ em,” Makis pointed out plainly, crossing his arms. “He’ll be dead ‘fore the summer at this rate.”
I know!” she shouted, forcing back the memories of insidious murmurs that lurked in the back of her mind, eager to creep into her ears again. The hate-filled stares that followed her, the rumours that arrived in towns before she had the chance to make an impression, and the guilt that loomed over her like an executioner's axe… “I know I am… I just… I don’t know what he needs. I don’t know how to make him happy…but I try. I’m trying…”
“…Yer an idiot, girly.”
She looked up to see the elder kobold walking away without another word. Her eyes fell to Hoppit, the ferrorabbit pressing himself against her as much as he could. He was small, thin, soft, and growing weaker by the day, but he never let it keep him down for long. No, he always showed his best for her, giving her joy that wasn’t provided anywhere else. She saw the thin cuts and dried blood, though she didn’t know where they came from, nor how he got out of the shed in the first place. But that was okay. Hoppit was okay, and she had Hoppit, so everything was okay, right?
…But how much longer would everything stay okay? How much longer until her efforts weren’t enough, and she was left desperately reaching for fading memories of what once was? How much longer until she killed her baby too?
How much longer until she was alone again?
Soft footsteps drew near, pulling her from the spiralling thoughts that threatened to gnaw at her soul. Damp, blurry eyes fell on Makis returning with a small wooden crate, the older kobold stopping a few steps away. He dropped the box, a deep, rattling thud produced as it impacted the ground, making Hoppit flinch in her arms. Ceele blinked as she kept him calm, then blinked again, looking up at the man for answers.
“The name, girly,” he spat in irritation. “Ferrorabbit. Ther’ Earth aligned creatures; they need metals. They don’t care where they get it, but they need lots of it. Iron, copper, tin, lead—raw crystal, if they can find it. You name it, they’ll take a chunk out of it. It's why they bother farmers so much; the best soil’s usually top’a gem deposits, ‘n the little bastards have no issue burrowing deep to get it. Dries up the element’s energy ‘n makes the crops weak.”
Ceele’s mouth opened and closed, each unsuccessful attempt to speak making her feel smaller and smaller. More and more lost. Why was he telling her this? How did he know? What was in the—
He kicked the crate with the side of his foot. “Scraps. Don’t’cha look at me like that. I’m a smith, girly. I might be old and retired, but I still work a forge. Now, this ain’t anything pure—it’s just slag and hunks—but I’m sure the critter won’t mind. Your little gardenin’ project pays off, ‘n I’ll see which of my contacts can get in some better ore.”
She ripped her eyes away from the box and met the perpetual scowl of the old kobold, seeing a warmth behind the hostility that she had never noticed before. “…Why?”
He scoffed in amusement, which looked somewhat menacing on such a hardened expression. “Yer a touch stupid, girly, but the missus adores ya, ‘n yer a good worker.” A shadow of a smile formed on his face. “Hira spent more evenings asking ‘bout how the plots are doin’ than I got time in the day. She’d bite my head off if I noticed a critter like that sufferin’ and didn’t lend a hand. ‘Specially when it’s obvious you ain’t tryin’ ta hurt the thing.”
“B-but the garden… Isn’t he a problem?”
Makis rolled his eyes, turning with a dismissive wave of his hand. “If he was, he’da killed it by now. I’d say he’s been keepin’ the others clear ‘n got scratched up for the trouble. That’s more reason to feed ‘em right in my eyes; pay the poor bastard his dues.” He paused after a few steps, shooting her one last incredulous glance. “‘N the rabbit’s right. You’re not much better off than he is. Eat. Before the missus takes my head, preferably. I ain’t need ta hear her worryin’ over you more than I already do.”
And with that, he walked off back to the house, leaving Ceele to sit stunned on the ground with Hoppit quietly nuzzling into her.
The ferrorabbit perked an ear and gently licked her collar. Fresh tears ran rivulets down her face, yet they didn’t weigh her down. They felt freeing. She adjusted her hold on the rabbit and held him out, taking in the small cuts and numerous other injuries she had never noticed before. He stared back at her with worried eyes.
“You’ve been busy, huh?” she cooed quietly, doing her best to keep her voice from cracking. He shrunk in her hands. “I told you to stay home, baby. What if something happened to you? I wouldn’t know where you went, and…”
Her protests died out as she saw what was unmistakably guilt on his little face. She brought him back to her chest and cleared her throat.
“It’s alright, Hoppit. If… If you want to help momma, then we can work together, okay? Just…please don’t go off getting hurt… I don’t know what I’d do without you…” The rabbit didn’t reply, and she was pretty sure she had never heard him make any sounds that weren’t his happy little ear clacks, but she chose to interpret the nuzzling as an agreement. “Such a smart boy…”
She took a breath and wiped off the excess moisture from her cheeks, setting Hoppit down on the ground. “Let’s bring Mr. Makis’ gift in, and then I need to go get more water so we can clean you up, okay?”
He bounced his way to the door of their home, waiting patiently for her to lug the surprisingly heavy crate into the shed. He was even still behaving himself by the time she returned from picking up the things she dropped in her haste. There wasn’t a single protest from the ferrorabbit as she washed over his wounds with warm water, nor when she asked him to wait as she cut up a small salad for him using an extra portion of her rationed vegetables. Finally, once everything else was gone, she tentatively sifted through the box until she found a chunk of something that didn’t look so sharp, then offered it to Hoppit skeptically.
As startling as it was to see him bite through metal without issue, she couldn’t help but tear up again at how pleased he looked with the bizarre addition to his diet. He munched through the first piece, then stared at the box while pawing at the air, asking for more. She obliged through wet laughs, feeling lighter than she had since he first gazed at her from his burrow, alone and afraid, just like she was.
Her little baby was happy, and that made it okay.

A/N: Thank you to my Patrons, new and returning! No Thanks, Emmanuel, and Megathor join the others who get to read 1 chap ahead!
submitted by WaveOfWire to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:52 Count-Daring243 Best Floating Record Players

Best Floating Record Players
Discover the latest innovative designs in the world of vinyl records with our Floating Record Players roundup. These cutting-edge turntables elevate your listening experience with their mesmerizing floating records, bringing together old school charm and modern technology. Our collection features the best options on the market, helping you choose the perfect floating record player for your home or office. Dive into our top picks and embark on a journey of sound that transcends time.

The Top 18 Best Floating Record Players

  1. 3-in-1 Jensen Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo Speakers - The Jensen JTA-475 3-Speed Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo offers versatile music playback with excellent sound quality, portability, and ease of use. However, some users may experience minor build quality concerns.
  2. Modern Vinyl Record Player Stand with Bluetooth - Experience the perfect blend of retro design and modern features with the Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player Stand, a 3-speed turntable that lets you stream your music wirelessly or play vinyl with ease, all in a stylish Espresso finish.
  3. Audio Technica Fully Automatic Vinyl Record Turntable - The Audio-Technica AT-LP60X-GM Fully Automatic 2-Speed Belt-Drive Turntable provides a nostalgic vinyl listening experience with its automatic features, stereo sound, and high-quality components, making it an attractive addition to any home audio setup.
  4. Pro-Ject's Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable - The Pro-Ject Artist Series Dark Side of the Moon turntable is a meticulously crafted piece of audiophile equipment, blending iconic album design with top-tier components, creating a stunning visual and sonic experience that transcends time.
  5. Victrola Retro 3-Speed Record Player - The Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player, boasting built-in speakers, delivers high-quality vinyl sound plus the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity, USB recording, and an adaptable, compact design.
  6. Crosley Cruiser Plus Bluetooth Suitcase Turntable in Tourmaline - Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable - A compact, stylish, and portable 3-speed record player with built-in Bluetooth, adjustable pitch control, and full-range stereo speakers for enhancing your vinyl and digital music listening experience.
  7. Bluetooth Vinyl Turntable with 40W Stereo Speakers - The Arkrocket Cassini Vinyl Turntable offers a perfect blend of vintage charm and modern technology, featuring Bluetooth connectivity, sleek walnut finish, and 40Watt bookshelf speakers for a powerful, immersive listening experience.
  8. Sony Automatic Bluetooth Record Player - Experience the timeless vinyl sound with the Sony PS-LX310BT, a sleek and portable record player featuring automatic playback, Bluetooth connectivity, and a quality build for immersive listening experiences anywhere in your home.
  9. Fuse Vertical Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and FM Radio - The Fuse VERT Vertical Vinyl Record Player with an Audio Technica cartridge, Bluetooth, and FM radio offers exceptional sound quality, sleek design, and versatile functionality for an unbeatable vinyl listening experience.
  10. Stylish Modern Sleeper Chair with Linen Fabric - The Victrola Stream Onyx is a sophisticated turntable verified by the Works with Sonos program, providing rich, vivid sound and seamless integration with your Sonos system for an unparalleled listening experience.
  11. Crosley Coda Modern Vinyl Record Player - Black - The Crosley Coda Shelf System - Black is a vintage-inspired, high-performance turntable with a 3-speed belt-driven system, Bluetooth receiver, and fully manual tone arm, perfect for enjoying both vinyl and digital music in a stylish and compact package.
  12. Victrola Acrylic Bluetooth Turntable - 40W, 12-Hour Battery Life, Wireless Streaming, 2-Speed Turntable (33 1/3 and 45 RPM), Metal Tone Arm, Built-In Rechargeable Battery - Experience the perfect balance of classic vinyl sound and modern technology with Victrola's sleek, acrylic Bluetooth turntable, featuring True wireless floating speakers and up to 12 hours of playtime.
  13. Aiho Modern Single Sleeper Chair with Linen Fabric - Pro-Ject's VT-E BT Black Vertical Turntable combines sleek design, easy setup, and Bluetooth connectivity for a premium audiophile experience.
  14. Stylish Turntable & Speakers Package - T1 Phono SB, A2+ White - Experience immersive audio with the Pro-Ject T1 Phono SB turntable and Audioengine A2+ speakers, expertly crafted for premium sound and design, seamless connectivity, and easy setup.
  15. Stylish Floating Vinyl Turntable and Sonos Five Speaker Package - Experience the perfect combination of high-quality vinyl and immersive streaming with Pro-Ject: T1 Phono SB Turntable and Sonos Five - the ultimate high-definition audio package.
  16. Crosley T160 Record Player with Bluetooth & Floating Design - The Crosley T160 Shelf System - Grey offers a stunning balance of style, functionality, and performance, providing a captivating vinyl listening experience with its sleek design, built-in Bluetooth, adjustable pitch control, and crisp sound quality.
  17. The stylish and modern JBL Spinner Bluetooth Turntable with a high-quality moving magnet cartridge pre-installed. A stunning vinyl record player that brings you closer to your music while offering the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity. - The JBL Spinner Bluetooth Turntable - Black/Orange offers 5-star sound quality with its Bluetooth capability and high-quality components, creating an intimate listening experience with your favorite vinyl records.
  18. Pro-Ject T1 Phono Permanent Magnetic Tonearm Wireless Bluetooth Enabled Record Player - White - Experience premium audio with the Pro-Ject T1 Phono SB Turntable, featuring a dense, plastic-free plinth, belt drive design, and vibration-absorbing feet for optimal performance.
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🔗3-in-1 Jensen Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo Speakers
I recently got the Jensen 3-speed turntable CD radio, cassette, and AM/FM set and I can't express how happy I am with my purchase. I remember using my dad's old turntable and the nostalgia it brings back is just priceless. This one is a modern twist to the classic turntable - it plays not only vinyl records but also CDs and cassettes. Plus, it has an AM/FM tuner so I can listen to my favorite radio stations.
What I love about this product is that it is versatile. The turntable allows me to play 3-speed records, which gives me a variety of options. The CD player accepts both regular and rewriteable discs, while the cassette deck, although it looks a bit fragile, still works perfectly fine. This device also comes with features such as repeat of songs and tracks, skip/search forward and backward and random play.
The blue back-lit LCD display and programmable memory adds a nice touch to the whole setup. It's super user-friendly; even my grandma could figure it out! And let's not forget about the stereo headphone jack, perfect for those late-night listening sessions without disturbing anyone.
However, one downside I noticed is that the build quality isn't top-notch. It feels a bit plasticky and might not hold up over time. Another thing is that the speakers lack bass. But hey, considering how affordable this product is, these are minor quibbles.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a nostalgic music player that combines old school charm with modern convenience, the Jensen 3-speed turntable CD radio, cassette, and AM/FM set is definitely worth checking out. Just remember to handle it with care due to its somewhat delicate build.

🔗Modern Vinyl Record Player Stand with Bluetooth
First of all, let me tell you about my experience with this Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player. The moment I set my eyes on it, I was thrilled. Its retro design, available in on-trend colors, instantly captured my fascination. The built-in features like the CD player, FM radio, and USB player made it a versatile piece of entertainment. Plus, the ability to record from vinyl directly to USB without using a computer was intriguing.
The unit stands tall with four long legs and four short rubber feet. This unique design not only adds to its charm but also provides two different decorative options. The dimensions are just right - measuring 17.10 x 15.70 x 11-in and weighing 14.68 lbs. It's easy to move around and fits perfectly into any space.
While the sound quality is commendable, filling the room with a rich, full tone, the construction could use some improvement. The turntable feels a bit flimsy, especially the auto-stop button that sometimes fails to work. Also, there's a little wobbling when a record is on, but not enough to cause any skipping.
In terms of usability, setting up this record player is a breeze. Even someone who's new to vinyl could get it up and running in no time. The included instructions are concise and clear.
However, I did encounter a few issues with the build. First, it seems like there hasn't been much care about handling during shipping. The packaging was good, but it's not enough to prevent some minor damages. Second, I wish the legs could be secured better to ensure they don't pop out from under the record player.
Overall, despite its drawbacks, I believe the Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player does offer a blend of vintage charm and modern convenience. It performs well, especially for its price point, and it's a nice addition to any room's décor. If you're looking for a stylish and functional record player that won't break the bank, I'd recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Audio Technica Fully Automatic Vinyl Record Turntable
Discover the joy of vinyl with the Audio Technica AT-LP60X-GM automatic turntable. I've been using this product for a while now and it's been a game-changer. The fully automatic belt-drive operation with two speeds, 33-1/3 and 45 RPM, ensures smooth playback of your favorite vinyl records.
One of the standout features of this turntable is its anti-resonance, die-cast aluminum platter. This not only adds to the aesthetics but also significantly reduces vibrations and noise during playback, enhancing the overall listening experience. The redesigned tonearm base and headshell have also made a noticeable difference in improved tracking and reduced resonance.
The integral Dual Magnet phono cartridge with a replaceable diamond stylus (ATN3600L) provides rich audio quality, promising hours of listening pleasure. The AC adapter manages AC/DC conversion outside of the chassis, effectively reducing noise in the signal chain.
What I particularly love about this turntable is its portability and compact design. It's easy to move around and fits seamlessly into any room setting. However, the hinged detachable dust cover could be a bit sturdier to better protect my vinyl records.
In terms of performance, this turntable performs exceptionally well, especially given its attractive price point. While it may not impress the audiophiles, it's a perfect introductory turntable for vinyl enthusiasts or anyone looking to explore the world of vinyl.
So, if you're in search of a reliable, easy-to-use turntable that won't break the bank, I highly recommend the Audio Technica AT-LP60X-GM automatic turntable. You won't be disappointed!

🔗Pro-Ject's Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable
I've been using Pro-Ject's The Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable for a couple of months now, and I must say it's truly an audiophile's dream. The first thing that caught my attention was its striking design, which pays homage to Pink Floyd's iconic album cover. That, combined with the high-quality materials, makes it a standout piece in any home.
The sound quality is simply phenomenal. The flat silicon belt connecting to the AC motor ensures stable speeds, while the low-resonance tonearm in black aluminum and acrylic creates a captivating visual appeal. I love how the included Pick it PRO Special Edition delivers the rich sound expected from a Dark Side Of The Moon turntable, which is enhanced by the dimmable LED rainbow backlight.
However, there have been some hiccups along the way. One issue was the subpar power supply provided, which caused a buzzing noise in the speakers. I had to purchase an additional alim with a terrestrial to resolve this problem, adding extra expense to an already hefty price tag.
Another minor inconvenience was the non-included prism element from the video promotional material, an optional accessory that costs another 100€. It wasn't mentioned in the initial purchase, which caught me off guard.
Additionally, the support for the arm and the RGB backlight needed to be hand-tightened due to their lack of stability, but this wasn't a major setback.
In summary, if you're a music enthusiast who's ready to delve into the world of vinyl, Pro-Ject's The Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable may just be the perfect addition to your collection. Its exceptional sound quality and striking design make it worthy of a high-end turntable. Just be prepared for a few extra expenses along the way.

🔗Victrola Retro 3-Speed Record Player
I recently got my hands on the Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player with Built-in Speakers, and it's been quite a nostalgic journey for me. This record player is a perfect blend of old-school charm and modern convenience. The three-speed turntable (33 1/3, 45, 78 RPM) plays all my favorite vinyls, transporting me back to the days when music was a tangible experience.
One feature that really stands out is the ability to record your favorite music directly to a USB, no computer needed. It's like having a personalized mixtape from the past. Plus, its Bluetooth compatibility lets me stream music wirelessly from my smart device, making it versatile for both old and new tunes.
However, there are some downsides too. The build quality feels a bit flimsy, and the tone arm can be quite slow to lower, which might annoy some users. Additionally, the sound quality isn't top-notch compared to higher-end models, but considering the price point, it's quite reasonable.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a budget-friendly record player with a touch of vintage charm, the Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player might be worth considering. But if you demand impeccable sound and robust build quality, you might want to explore other options.

🔗Crosley Cruiser Plus Bluetooth Suitcase Turntable in Tourmaline
Once a vinyl enthusiast, always a vinyl enthusiast. That's my motto ever since I got my hands on the Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable - Tourmaline. It just blends old school music with modern technology seamlessly. When I first unboxed it, I was instantly charmed by its charming suitcase-style shell. It gave off a vintage vibe that I absolutely loved. Plus, the built-in Bluetooth receiver and stereo speakers took the convenience factor up a notch.
Navigating through the Turntable is a breeze. The adjustable pitch control and 3-speed feature (33 1/3, 45 & 78 RPM) gave me the flexibility to play any vinyl record I wanted. And don't even get me started on the Bluetooth in/out capability. It was like having a digital music player and a vinyl record player all wrapped into one device.
One day, I had the brilliant idea of connecting my phone to the turntable and playing some of my favorite vinyl-to-digital remastered tracks. The sound quality was phenomenal, a perfect blend of digital clarity and analog warmth. Now, if only it didn't skip randomly sometimes. . .
Despite the occasional skip, the Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable has been a reliable and enjoyable companion on my vinyl adventure. It's portable, easy to use, and best of all, it beautifully blends the charm of old school vinyl with the convenience of modern technology.

🔗Bluetooth Vinyl Turntable with 40W Stereo Speakers
As a music enthusiast, I've had my fair share of turntables, but the Arkrocket Cassini has truly stood out. Upon receiving it, I was blown away by its stunning walnut finish and sleek design. The ease of setup was impressive, making it truly user-friendly. However, what truly captured my attention was the sound quality this turntable delivers.
It uses a moving magnet cartridge system, which offers a stable playback, allowing my vinyls to be enjoyed in all their glory. This turntable also supports Bluetooth, giving me the flexibility to connect with wireless speakers or headphones when I want. The included 40Watt bookshelf speakers are a cherry on top, providing clear and powerful sound.
The only con I noticed was that the turntable is a bit on the heavier side, making it a little less portable than some other options. However, this is a minor inconvenience for the incredible listening experience it provides. Overall, I highly recommend the Arkrocket Cassini for anyone looking to enhance their vinyl listening experience.

🔗Sony Automatic Bluetooth Record Player
I recently got my hands on the Sony PS-LX310BT, a sleek and functional record player that's revolutionizing the vinyl listening experience. The first thing that impressed me was its easy setup. Unlike some turntables that can be a real pain to assemble, this one was up and running in no time.
One of the standout features of this record player is its Bluetooth connectivity. This allows me to play my vinyl collection on my wireless speakers, giving me more freedom and flexibility when listening to music. Plus, the auto-start function means I can simply press a button and let the music flow, without having to manually lower the tonearm onto the record.
Despite its minimalist design, the PS-LX310BT is built to last. Its sturdy construction and smooth operation make it a reliable choice for vinyl lovers, and its attractive appearance makes it a welcome addition to any room.
However, I did run into a few issues. For instance, the player's tonearm wasn't always able to pick up the record grooves, leading to some skipping and stuttering. Additionally, the player's built-in pre-amplifier wasn't as powerful as I'd like, making it difficult to get the full range of sound out of my vinyl.
Overall, I'm quite happy with my purchase. The Sony PS-LX310BT is a solid record player that combines modern technology with the classic sound of vinyl. While it's not perfect, it's definitely worth considering if you're in the market for a new turntable.

🔗Fuse Vertical Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and FM Radio
I recently purchased the Fuse Vert Vertical Vinyl Record Player that comes with Bluetooth and FM radio, and boy, am I impressed! The sleek vertical design is perfect for my modern apartment, and it's a great conversation starter when friends come over.
One of the standout features of this record player is its ability to play 33-1/3, 45, & 78 vinyl records. The ceramic cartridge with a diamond needle delivers a rich mid-end and beautiful upper-range sound. The built-in FM radio, alarm clock, and Bluetooth connectivity make it a versatile device that can be used in different scenarios, like playing MP3s and tuning in to my favorite radio stations.
As for the cons, I did face some minor issues with the setup process. The instructions could have been more detailed, but with a little patience, I managed to get it up and running. Additionally, the internal speakers aren't as powerful as I would like, so if you're looking for premium sound quality, you might need to connect it to an external speaker system.
Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with the Fuse Vert Vertical Vinyl Record Player. Its unique design, combined with its versatile features, has made it a valuable addition to my home entertainment setup. If you're in the market for a stylish and functional record player, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Stylish Modern Sleeper Chair with Linen Fabric
I recently got my hands on the Victrola Stream Onyx, a modern turntable that seamlessly integrates with my Sonos system at home. This sleek black beauty was easy to set up - all it took was a quick scan of the provided QR code, and I was off to the races with the intuitive Victrola app.
The first thing that stood out for me was the sturdy, high-quality build of the turntable. It looks like a piece of art in my living room, and the matte black finish pairs perfectly with the rest of my Sonos setup. But let's talk sound quality; it's simply fantastic. Listening to vinyl through my Sonos system is an experience I don't want to miss now, whether it's playing old classics or exploring new indie gems.
One standout feature I absolutely love is the turntable's automatic tone arm lift function. It makes switching tracks so much easier, and you never have to worry about leaving the needle on a record when you're done playing. The illuminated control knob is also a welcome touch, allowing me to control my entire Sonos system right from the turntable itself.
However, no product is perfect, and the Onyx does have its drawbacks. I occasionally experience some dropped connections with my Sonos setup, which can be frustrating if you're in the middle of playing a record.
All in all, the Victrola Stream Onyx has been an excellent addition to my vinyl collection and Sonos system. Its sleek design and superior sound quality make it worth the investment, and it's the perfect companion for vinyl enthusiasts who want to stream their favorite records throughout their home.

🔗Crosley Coda Modern Vinyl Record Player - Black
Using the Crosley Coda Shelf System has completely transformed my listening experience. Right from unboxing, its sleek black design made me think of a classic timeless piece. The process of setting it up was an absolute breeze, and in no time, I was spinning my first vinyl on its belt-driven 3-speed turntable, which flawlessly plays 33 1/3, 45, and 78 RPM records.
One thing that stood out for me was its Bluetooth receiver. Streaming my digital playlists straight to the included stereo speakers was a super convenient feature, making this system perfect for both analog and digital media. The built-in FM radio added to its versatility, enabling me to tune into my favorite local stations.
The manual tone arm with a pre-mounted moving magnetic cartridge and adjustable counterweight ensures a smooth and accurate vinyl playback. I also appreciated its compatibility with the NP-15 needle, which I found easy to replace and adjust for optimal sound quality.
Despite its compact size, the Crosley Coda Shelf System packs a powerful punch. The vintage-inspired design includes an aluminum platter and a clear dust cover, adding to its aesthetic appeal.
However, one little inconvenience I had was the packaging of the slipmat. It arrived folded, affecting the sound quality initially. But with a solution like ironing it flat, this issue was quickly resolved.
All in all, the Crosley Coda Shelf System has rekindled my love for vinyl music and its vintage charm. The combination of its fantastic sound quality, stylish design, and versatile functions make it an absolute must-have for music lovers.
My only minor gripe – the speakers are somewhat small, and although they provide clear sound, I wouldn't mind if they were just a tad louder. However, this doesn't deter from the overall excellence of the product. So, if you're in the market for a high-quality, stylish, and versatile turntable system, look no further than the Crosley Coda Shelf System. You won't regret it!

Buyer's Guide

Floating record players offer a unique and stylish way to enjoy your vinyl collection. These innovative devices use magnetic levitation technology to create the illusion of a floating vinyl record as it spins. This not only adds a touch of futuristic flair to your home audio setup, but it also ensures smooth, quiet playback. If you're in the market for a floating record player, there are several factors to consider to ensure you choose the best option for your needs.

Features to Look for in Floating Record Players

  • Magnetic Levitation: The core feature of a floating record player is the use of magnetic levitation to create the appearance of the vinyl record floating in the air. This not only looks stunning but also minimizes vibrations and noise for improved audio quality.
  • Audiophile-grade Components: For the best sound performance, look for floating record players that use high-quality components like precision tonearms, durable cartridges, and premium speakers or amplifiers.
  • Compatibility: Make sure the floating record player you choose is compatible with a wide range of vinyl record sizes, including 7", 10", and 12" records. Some models may also support 45 RPM records for maximum versatility.

Important Considerations

  • Budget: Floating record players come in a wide price range, with some models costing several thousand dollars. Determine your budget beforehand and prioritize features and performance over price.
  • Size and Space: Consider the dimensions of the floating record player and ensure it will fit comfortably in your desired location without overcrowding or obstructing other elements of your home audio setup.
  • Ease of Use: While floating record players are primarily focused on their appearance, it's essential to choose a model that is easy to set up, operate, and maintain for long-term enjoyment.

General Advice for Floating Record Player Buyers

When shopping for a floating record player, do your research and read customer reviews to get a sense of performance, build quality, and overall satisfaction. Make sure to visit stores or dealers that carry a variety of models, so you can see and hear them in person before making a purchase. Finally, invest in high-quality vinyl records to truly experience the full potential of your new floating record player.


Who is this article for?

This article is for music enthusiasts, especially lovers of vinyl records, who are interested in innovative and unique records players. The floating record players featured in this article offer a captivating and futuristic design that adds a new dimension to the listening experience.

What is a floating record player?

A floating record player is a type of turntable that elevates or "floats" the vinyl record from the platter, creating an illusion of weightlessness. This design, made famous by the [U-Turn Orbit Special Edition](https: //www. gofloating. com/), adds an aesthetic appeal to the player and offers a unique record listening experience.

How do floating record players work?

Floating record players use a combination of magnetic forces and specially designed components to levitate the vinyl record above the platter. This not only creates an attractive visual effect, but also helps reduce friction and vibrations, potentially improving sound quality. However, it is important to note that not all floating record players may achieve significant improvements in sound quality compared to traditional record players.

What are the advantages of using a floating record player?

  • Visually appealing design with a futuristic and artistic appearance
  • Potential benefits of reduced friction and vibrations that may lead to improved sound quality
  • Offers a unique listening experience with the record "floating" above the platter

Are there any disadvantages to using a floating record player?

  • Higher price point compared to traditional record players
  • Some users may not perceive significant improvements in sound quality
  • The floating mechanism adds complexity to the turntable, which could increase the risk of mechanical issues

What should I consider before buying a floating record player?

  1. Budget: Consider how much you're willing to spend on a floating record player, as they can be more expensive than traditional record players.
  2. Features: Compare the features of different floating record players, such as manual or automatic operation, built-in pre-amplifiers, and the availability of replacement parts.
  3. Brand reputation: Research the brand and its reputation to ensure quality and customer support.
  4. Sound quality: Although floating record players may offer some advantages, make sure to review audiophile opinions and read reviews to assess the sound quality of a particular model.

What are some popular floating record players on the market?

Some popular and well-regarded floating record players include the [U-Turn Orbit Special Edition](https: //www. gofloating. com/), the [Fluance RT85](https: //www. vinylrecordplayers. org/best-floating-record-player), and the [Pro-Ject Debut Carbon EVO](https: //www. pro-ject. com/en/products/turntables/turntable-the-box-essential-iii/).

How do I maintain a floating record player?

Floating record players should be maintained like any other high-quality record player. Ensure that belts are replaced periodically, the stylus is cleaned and replaced when necessary, and the playing surface is kept free of dust. Additionally, always handle records with care, and ensure that your floating record player is placed on a stable and level surface to prevent vibrations.

Do floating record players require a specific type of vinyl record?

No, floating record players are designed to play standard vinyl records. However, it is advisable to use high-quality vinyl records to ensure optimal sound performance and preserve the longevity of the record player.

How do I set up a floating record player?

Setting up a floating record player is similar to setting up a traditional record player. Connect the player to your amplifier or preamplifier, place the vinyl record on the platter, and gently lower the stylus onto the record. Ensure that the floating mechanism functions properly and that the record is not touching the platter or other surfaces.

What is the difference between manual and automatic operation in floating record players?

Manual operation in a floating record player requires the user to manually lift and lower the stylus onto the vinyl record. Automatic operation, on the other hand, utilizes a motorized mechanism to lift and lower the stylus automatically. Both types of operation can provide satisfying performance, and the choice between them ultimately comes down to personal preference.

How long do floating record players typically last?

The longevity of a floating record player depends on a number of factors, such as proper maintenance, usage frequency, and the quality of the components used in the player. Well-maintained floating record players can last for many years, but it is crucial to replace belts and styli as needed to keep the player in optimal condition.

How can I prevent my floating record player from shaking during use?

To prevent shaking in a floating record player, ensure that the player is placed on a stable and level surface and minimize external sources of vibration. For example, avoid placing the player near heavy traffic or a washer and dryer, and consider using a record weight to keep the vinyl record flat on the platter.
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2024.06.09 10:32 Substantial-Curve-51 Few questions for starfield?

hey all i would appreciate a few quick answers here before i decide to get it and spend time the next few weeks on this
submitted by Substantial-Curve-51 to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:27 Wooleyty I met the Dogman at Raven's Nest and it took my sister. [Part two]

As if in response to his words, the rain began to pour down in torrents. I scanned the area frantically, searching for shelter from the deluge. My eyes landed on a nearby gazebo, its roof providing a semblance of protection from the elements. I pointed it out to Lily and Mark, and without hesitation, we hurried over and huddled together beneath its flimsy shelter.
As we stood there, trying to formulate a plan, I couldn't help but notice the water cascading down from the mountaintop, converging into streams that flowed ominously toward the town below.
"It's going to flood," I stated, my voice trembling with uncertainty. I racked my brain, desperately trying to devise a course of action in the face of impending disaster.
Lily shot me a look of concern, her brows furrowed with worry, while Mark's head whipped around in my direction, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief.
"What? How do you know?" Mark demanded, his voice cracking with anxiety.
"Look," I replied, pointing towards the only road leading in and out of the town situated atop the mountain.
As Lily and Mark turned to follow my gaze, their eyes widened in horror. The road had transformed into a raging torrent, resembling more of a waterfall than a thoroughfare.
"Fuck," Mark muttered under his breath, his voice heavy with dread.
"We have to find somewhere elevated, away from the ground," I insisted, scanning our surroundings for potential refuge.
"There!" Lily exclaimed suddenly, pointing towards the Library, which was not far in the distance. Perched on the side of the mountain, it was accessible only via a flight of stairs. Its elevated position promised some degree of safety from the rising waters, and its sturdy roof offered protection from the relentless downpour.
"Okay, let's go!" I declared, breaking into a sprint towards the Library. The building was within reach after just a few minutes of brisk running. As I reached the steps, water cascaded down from above, creating a makeshift waterfall that made the climb treacherous but manageable. Determinedly, I ascended the stairs, each step bringing me closer to safety.
As I reached the top of the stairs and glanced back down, my heart sank at the sight of Lily and Mark still struggling to reach safety. "Let's go! Hurry!" I shouted over the din of the storm, my voice barely audible amidst the howling winds and pounding rain.
Lily dashed towards me with determination, but Mark remained rooted in the spot, paralyzed by fear.
"Mark, come on! Let's go!" I urged, my voice tinged with urgency. But just then, a deafening roar echoed through the valley, freezing us all in our tracks. It was the same roar we'd heard earlier. Still, now it was closer and had a chilling amalgamation of animalistic cries and human-like roars, resonating with an eerie intensity.
Breaking free from the spell of terror, I shouted again, "Come on, Mark! You're almost here!"
As Lily struggled against the rising tide of the cascading water coming down the stairs, I reached out to her, my hand extended in a desperate attempt to pull her to safety. She stumbled, but I managed to grasp her arm and haul her up the rest of the steps.
Glancing down, I saw Mark finally lurch into motion, his movements labored as he fought against the now ankle-deep water. With every step, he seemed to expend what little energy he had left.
"Mark, you can do it! Just a little further!" Lily's voice echoed through the storm, urging him on.
But as Mark neared the stairs, the water flowing down the steps surged with newfound force, threatening to sweep him away. With a burst of adrenaline, he pushed himself forward, his fingers grazing mine for a fleeting moment before the current overwhelmed him.
Helplessly, Lily and I watched as Mark was carried downstream, his screams of terror echoing through the valley. And then, as if summoned by the chaos, a monstrous figure appeared out of the shadows in the street.
Standing tall and menacing amid the storm, it was like something out of a nightmare. A grotesque fusion of man and beast, its black fur matted and patchy, its human-like face contorted into a snarling, canine visage.
As the creature locked eyes with Mark, it lunged forward with terrifying speed, its massive form crashing down upon him in a flurry of claws and fangs. Mark's screams pierced the night air, a haunting symphony of agony and despair that sent shivers down my spine.
Unable to bear the horror unfolding before us, Lily turned away, her face twisted in anguish as she fought back tears. As the creature dragged Mark into the darkness, I felt a cold chill run down my spine, a chilling reminder of the darkness within the heart of the Raven's Nest.
As I watched in horror, the creature tore into Mark's body with savage ferocity, reducing him to nothing more than a bloody mass of flesh. Its eyes met mine for a fleeting moment, sending a chill down my spine as it snatched up what remained of Mark and vanished into the darkness.
With trembling hands, Lily pulled me into the Library and hastily barricaded the door with a bookcase. My mind reeled with shock and disbelief, unable to process the gruesome scene that had just unfolded before my eyes.
"Rory, Rory, snap out of it!" Lily's voice pierced through the fog of my mind, her words a distant echo as I struggled to regain my composure. Her soothing touch and gentle words slowly brought me back to reality, the weight of what had just transpired crashing down upon me like a tidal wave.
I found myself hyperventilating, gasping for air as panic threatened to overwhelm me. Lily held me close, her arms a lifeline amid the chaos, calming my racing heart and guiding me back from the brink of despair.
It wasn't the first time I had experienced such a paralyzing reaction to trauma. The memories of our parents' passing flooded back, the pain and grief still raw after all these years. And now, faced with the brutal reality of Mark's demise, I felt myself slipping into that familiar state of shock once again.
Lily's tears mingled with mine as we huddled on the cold library floor, seeking solace in each other's embrace. The distant sounds of the monster devouring its prey served as a grim reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond our makeshift barricade.
In that moment of despair, all we could do was hold onto each other, finding strength in our shared grief and determination to survive. But deep down, I knew that the nightmare was far from over and that the horrors of the Raven's Nest had only begun.
Lily drifted off into sleep relatively quickly. She needed the rest; despite being twenty-seven, she was still young, and the day's events had taken their toll on her. I couldn't help but reminisce about our childhood memories when I used to affectionately refer to her as "Lil Sister." Those memories brought a sense of comfort amidst the chaos, and as I dwelled on them, I felt myself being pulled into the embrace of sleep.
Before long, I, too, succumbed to exhaustion, the weight of the day finally catching up with me. As I drifted off into slumber, memories of simpler times danced through my mind, mingling with the events of the present in a surreal dreamscape. And as the tendrils of sleep enveloped me, I found solace in the fleeting moments of tranquility amidst the chaos of the Raven's Nest.
I bolted awake at the sound of crashing, instantly alert and searching for Lily in the darkness. My eyes hadn't yet adjusted, so I fumbled in my bag for a flashlight, my heart pounding with anxiety. As the beam of light pierced the darkness, I swept it around the room, desperately seeking any sign of my sister. Then, another crash echoed from the direction of the basement stairs, labeled ominously in the dim light.
Normally, I'd have hesitated to descend into such a foreboding place, but with Lily missing, I had no choice. Slowly, cautiously, I made my way down the stairs, the beam of light casting eerie shadows on the damp walls.
The sound of running water grew louder with each step, and when I rounded the corner, I was met with the sight of the flooded basement. Something stirred in the murky depths, a figure moving in the dim light at the room's far end. My heart raced as I approached, the water sloshing around my ankles with each step. And then, in the faint glow of the flashlight, I saw her: Lily, struggling against an unseen force, her movements frantic and desperate.
I waded through the waist-deep water, my movements sluggish against the pressure, trying to reach Lily as she struggled against something unseen. The rustling and grunting ceased as I pushed forward, the urgency building with each step.
"Lily, what's going on?" I called out, my voice strained with concern.
"Rory?" Lily's voice came from the other end of the room, surprisingly calm.
Finally reaching her, I found Lily hidden behind a stack of boxes, her attention fixed on a metal ammunition box she'd uncovered.
"What the hell are you doing?" I whispered urgently.
"Maybe there's something in here we can use against... whatever the fuck that thing is," Lily replied, her voice tinged with desperation as she attempted to pry the box open, to no avail.
"Bring it upstairs, and maybe we can find something to open it," I suggested in a hushed tone, my nerves on edge as I scanned our surroundings for any sign of danger.
Lily's frustration seemed to dissipate into resignation as she met my gaze. Together, we began to wade back through the flooded basement, our senses heightened by the impending danger. Suddenly, the tranquility of our surroundings shattered as the front door upstairs, our only means of escape out of the building, sounded like it was violently torn from its hinges, the sound echoing through the basement like a harbinger of doom.
The heavy, ominous footsteps of the creature reverberated through the air, accompanied by the unsettling growl of its breath. It was clear that our presence had been detected, and the beast was now descending into the basement, drawing closer with each passing moment. Panic seized me as I realized the gravity of our situation - we were trapped, with nowhere to run and the relentless pursuit of the unknown closing in on us.
"Shh..." I hushed urgently, motioning for Lily to hide behind the boxes with me as the ominous sound of the creature's approach grew nearer. Despite the impending danger, Lily remained fixated on the ammunition box, her determination evident in her efforts to unlock it quietly.
"Stop," I whispered with growing frustration, attempting to draw her attention away from the futile task. However, it seemed as though she was wholly absorbed in her mission, impervious to my attempts to redirect her focus. Desperation gnawed at me as I realized the precariousness of our situation, with the creature closing in and Lily oblivious to the imminent threat, likely due to the shock of the day's events.
The monster's presence in the basement sent a chill down my spine as I peered cautiously from behind the boxes, taking in its imposing figure. Despite the water being waist deep for me, the creature waded through effortlessly, its massive form towering over us. Its keen senses were evident as it sniffed the air, detecting our presence with unsettling accuracy.
As Lily's persistent efforts finally paid off and the box squeaked open, her triumphant expression quickly shifted to one of realization and dread as the monster roared in response. The deafening sound reverberated through the basement, causing me to instinctively cover my ears in a futile attempt to block it out. Amidst the roar, I could discern an underlying tone that chilled me to the core—a human-like cry buried within the beast's primal roar, as if someone were pleading for mercy.
With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I lunged to the side, pulling Lily with me as we narrowly avoided the charging monster. For a moment, I thought we had escaped unharmed, but my relief turned to horror when Lily's scream pierced the air. Glancing down, my heart sank as I witnessed the gruesome sight—her leg had been violently torn from her body, leaving a trail of blood that tainted the water around us, a vivid crimson. The agony etched on her face mirrored the shock and helplessness I felt at that moment.
The sight before me was a nightmare made real. My mind recoiled at the grotesque spectacle unfolding as the monster tore into Lily's severed leg with savage abandon. Blood sprayed in every direction, mingling with the water to create a chilling tableau of horror. Each crunch and tear of flesh echoed in the cramped basement, a grotesque symphony of violence.
For a moment, I was frozen in shock, unable to comprehend the sheer brutality of what I was witnessing. It felt like time had slowed to a crawl, trapping me in this macabre scene of primal savagery. The monster's inhuman appetite seemed insatiable as it devoured Lily's flesh from her forcefully amputated leg, indifferent to her screams of agony as she lay not even fifteen feet away from it, screaming in pain.
As I watched in horrified fascination, a sickening realization dawned on me: we were not dealing with a mere beast but a predator driven by an insatiable hunger for flesh. And if I didn't act fast, Lily wouldn't be the only victim of its ravenous appetite.
With grim determination, I focused on the task at hand. Ignoring the nauseating sight of Lily's mangled leg, I reached for her, gripping her arm tightly. She cried out in pain as I hoisted her out of the water, her screams echoing in the basement.
"Come on, Lily, we need to go," I urged, my voice tinged with urgency. Ignoring the searing pain in her eyes, she nodded weakly, her face contorted in agony.
Together, we staggered towards the stairs, every step a Herculean effort against the overwhelming tide of fear and despair. The monster continued its grisly feast behind us, the sounds of its feasting driving us forward with a renewed sense of urgency.
I stumbled over an unseen obstacle beneath the water's surface, sending Lily and me plunging into the cold, dark depths. The shock of the fall stole my breath, and for a moment, disorientation clouded my senses as we struggled to regain our footing.
Frantically, I reached out in the darkness, my hands grasping for Lily's form as water rushed into my nose and mouth. With a surge of panic, I managed to find her, clutching onto her tightly as we resurfaced, coughing and sputtering.
As we gasped for air, I felt the weight of Lily's body in my arms, and with every ounce of strength I could muster, I began to drag her toward the stairs as she floated.
Struggling to hoist her up, I noticed the severity of Lily's injury more clearly. Her left leg was missing from the knee down, torn off in a gruesome manner. Each time I dragged her up a step, her bloody stump thudded against the hard surface, eliciting agonizing screams from her. Finally, we reached the corner of the stairs, where I adjusted her position to navigate the new angle.
As we turned the corner and I struggled to hoist Lily onto the first step of this new and longer set of stairs, the thunderous approach of the monster echoed through the basement, intensifying with each passing moment. Though I couldn't see it, the sound of its sprinting footsteps through the water and heavy breathing grew louder, signaling its imminent arrival. Fueled by adrenaline, I tugged harder on Lily's collar, the urgency of escape overriding any concerns about her injury. All that mattered now was getting her to safety before the creature reached us.
As we ascended, almost halfway now, I caught sight of the creature turning the corner. Its rapid pace caused it to collide with the wall, the force denting the cement as it rebounded. The sight filled me with a surge of terror, propelling me to pull Lily with renewed urgency. For a moment, she felt weightless in my grasp as I almost dragged her completely up the stairs, driven by sheer determination. Yet, as my grip faltered, I felt her slipping from my hold.
The moisture from the rain and flooding had made my hands slippery. Everything seemed to unfold in agonizing slow motion as Lily tumbled down the stairs, her descent helpless and inevitable. In the blink of an eye, the monster pounced upon her, its ferocious hunger driving it to begin devouring her without hesitation. Frozen at the top of the stairs, I watched in horror, my gaze alternating between the gruesome spectacle unfolding below and my wet, pruned hands, feeling utterly powerless to intervene.
The monster's gaze briefly flickered toward me as if acknowledging my presence for the first time since it began its grisly meal. Another thunderous roar erupted from its throat, prompting me to instinctively cover my ears. Again, I could have sworn I heard a desperate man screaming when the thing roared.
With a surge of adrenaline, I dashed up the final step and slammed the door shut behind me, shutting out the horrifying scene below.
As I fled through the unlit and dark town, I encountered areas still very submerged by the flooding, forcing me to swim through the murky waters in a desperate bid for escape. As I sprinted through the town, the absence of rainfall struck me. How long had it been since the downpour ceased? How long had I been asleep? Time seemed distorted, the day's events blending into a surreal blur. I pressed on, my only focus now: finding a way out of this nightmare.
After what felt like an eternity of navigating through the flooded streets, with every step weighed down by the relentless rainwater, I finally reached the end of the main paved road, where it transitioned into the dirt path leading to the mine—the sole exit out of town. The dark, murky, muddy path stretched ahead, promising a treacherous journey. The thick sludge threatened to swallow any misstep, making each footfall precarious.
As I stood there, catching my breath and surveying the daunting path ahead, the distant echo of the monster's roar pierced the eerie silence. It was a chilling reminder that danger lurked nearby, urging me to push forward despite the obstacles ahead.
By the time I reached Lily's jeep, I had lost both my shoes to the road and was caked in the thick, clinging mud. I swung open the jeep door, my heart racing with the anticipation of escape, only to be met with the realization that I didn't have the key. Frustration boiled over, and I cursed loudly, slamming the door shut in a fit of anger.
Then, a flicker of memory illuminated my mind: Lily's old jeep, a '95 Jeep Wrangler. We had discovered soon after she bought it that, true to its shoddy nature, it could be started with nothing more than a screwdriver in the ignition.
In a frantic search, my eyes darted around the muddy surroundings, desperate for any sign of a tool or implement that could help me start Lily's jeep. The sound of the monster's roar reverberated in the air, closer now, sending shivers down my spine. Every second felt like an eternity as I scoured the area, my heart pounding with fear and adrenaline.
Peering down the muddy road, I spotted the lumbering figure of the monster struggling to ascend. Its massive form sank into the mud with each step, hindering its progress as its feet and hands became mired in the thick, sticky terrain. Relief washed over me as I realized this bought me precious moments, a brief respite in my frantic escape.
I decide to look inside the car as I frantically rummage through the cluttered middle console of the car, my heart pounding against my ribcage. Every second felt like an eternity as I searched desperately for anything that could start the engine. Amidst the chaos of scattered items—a map, an old CD case, a jumble of charging cables—I felt my fingers close around something solid.
Pulling it out, I found a weathered Swiss Army knife, its metal casing worn and scratched from years of use. I unfolded the blade with trembling hands and positioned it carefully within the ignition. The familiar weight of the blade grounded me amid panic as I turned it, hoping against hope that it would work.
The engine sputtered to life after a few tense moments, its roar filling the confined space of the jeep. Relief flooded through me, mingled with uncertainty about what lay ahead. As I glanced up, I caught sight of the approaching monster, its massive form looming closer with each passing second.
With a quick intake of breath, I slammed the car into reverse, the tires spinning in the thick mud before gaining traction. The jeep lurched backward, leaving deep tracks in its wake as I raced away from The Raven's Nest.
The memories of that fateful day haunted me for years, a constant reminder of the horrors that lurked within The Raven's Nest. I tried to seek justice and warn others of the danger lurking in that cursed town, but each attempt fell on deaf ears.
As the years passed, I became increasingly disillusioned with my futile attempts to bring the truth to light. It wasn't that no one believed me; I knew too much. The secrets of The Raven's Nest ran deep, intertwined with the very fabric of the town's existence.
Authorities dismissed my claims as the ramblings of a troubled mind, unwilling or unable to acknowledge the darkness that permeated every corner of that forsaken place. And so, I resigned myself to the fact that some truths were better left buried, that the secrets of The Raven's Nest were meant to remain hidden.
In the quiet moments of solitude, I ponder the events of that harrowing day, eight years distant yet still vivid in my memory. I often wonder about those cameras we had installed, silent sentinels bearing witness to the horrors of The Raven's Nest. Do they still perch in their hidden alcoves, their lenses trained on the dormant secrets within those cursed streets?
The temptation to return, to retrieve that footage and unveil the truth to the world, is a constant tug at the edges of my consciousness. If only I could lay my hands on that evidence, undeniable proof of the malevolent forces that lurk in the shadows. But with each passing thought, a shiver courses down my spine, a reminder of the dread that still clings to the very mention of that forsaken place.
And so, the footage remains abandoned, lost to time and neglect, much like the town itself, swallowed by the unforgiving embrace of the valley. Perhaps some mysteries are best left buried, their secrets guarded by the silent guardians of the past.
I find myself consumed by a profound sense of guilt, particularly regarding Mark's tragic fate. I remember vividly the day we met at the museum, his genuine curiosity and eagerness to explore the town's history. Little did he know the peril that awaited us all. I can't help but feel responsible for leading him into that nightmare. It was a gruesome scene, etched into my memory with agonizing clarity. I watched in horror as the creature pounced on him, its razor-sharp claws tearing through flesh and bone with merciless efficiency. The sound of his screams still echoes in my ears, a chilling symphony of agony that pierces through the silence of my nightmares. At that moment, I was powerless to save him, gripped by a paralyzing terror that rendered me immobile. His death is a burden I carry with me always, a heavy weight that serves as a constant reminder of the price we paid for venturing into the heart of darkness.
I often find myself wondering about our parents' untimely departure, leaving behind a chasm filled with unanswered questions and aching longing. In the quiet of the night, I ponder how they would have reacted to my tale—of Lily's tragic end, of the nightmares we encountered in that desolate town. Would they have believed my words? Would they have comprehended the depth of my sorrow, the burden of guilt for failing to shield their cherished daughter?
In my heart, I carry the weight of my dear sister Lily's untimely demise. Her laughter, warmth, and unwavering spirit are now lost to the darkness that enveloped that cursed town. Each day, I long to see her smile once more, to hear her voice echoing in the halls of our shared memories. Yet, I know she is gone, forever lost to the merciless jaws of that insatiable beast. The memory of her screams, the sight of her torn body, they etch themselves into my soul, a painful reminder of the fragility of life and the cruelty of fate.
Lily's injury and her agonizing screams echo incessantly in the corridors of my mind, haunting me like a relentless specter. The memory of that moment is etched into my consciousness with vivid, excruciating detail—the sight of her torn leg, the gushing crimson of her blood staining the murky waters, and the raw, visceral sound of her screams reverberating through the air. Each time I close my eyes, I am transported back to that harrowing scene, unable to escape the overwhelming sense of helplessness that washed over me. Her pain, her fear, her desperation—all of it lingers like a scar on my soul, a constant reminder of the horrors we endured in that forsaken place.
submitted by Wooleyty to ZakBabyTV_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:23 bennettyboi My thoughts on the game after 30 hours +getting the true ending

-combat is excellent and is essentially a very successful translation of sekiro-style combat to the second dimension. for those unaware of the differences and try to play the game like hollow knight you will die FAST, hollow knights combat is about positioning yourself, and being as aggressive as possible, in Nine sols heavy emphasis is placed on timing, and knowing when to counter attack, parrying is king
-the bosses, especially the main bosses are great, With special attention being drawn to the 4th through 9th sols
-This game has one of the best final boss in a video game that I have played in a long time
-art, the game is beautiful* with the occasional fully animated cut scene
-the world building, the game describes itself as taopunk which is cyberpunk mixed with Taoist mythology, I would love to see this setting explored more
-this is a rare souls-like with an actual difficulty option, I beat the game on regular difficulty but I appreciate that the option was there for the people who wanted one.
-*I couldn't help but feel that some areas didn't meaningfully differentiate from each other, (you will spend a lot of time in this game in dark blue-green metal corridors) some areas looked close to identical to each other or were a simple color swap, however there are enough unique areas that this isnt that bad.
-hit-boxes, I'm not someone who generally notices these things so Imagine how bad some of these have to be for me to take note of it, for example I can be blatantly out of a grab attack and be teleported 10 feet right into into the attack, some attacks I can be very clearly outside of and still get hit. however 99% of the time the hit-boxes are actually really good, its only a few examples on some of the larger enemies that I actually noticed
-fast travel currently requires you to go to the pavilion first before going to another node which feels really unnecessary especially because you already have multiple reasons to go back there even without the mandatory visit, if you were allowed to teleport to any node it would save a loading screen.
-the game is relatively linear for a metroidvainia with only a bit of open ended exploration towards the end of the game
-the reusing of mini-bosses, I'm not against the idea but most were re-used twice or even three times
-no boss rush, but I hear they will add that in eventually.
This is an excellent game, I would recommend it to people who enjoyed Sekiro style combat, Hollow knight fans and people who enjoy hard games generally. Red Candle games knocked it out of the park in there first attempt at a metroidvainia and I for one am looking forward to what they do next. And if you play this game, PLEASE, leave a positive review to support these devs, they really deserve it.
submitted by bennettyboi to NineSols [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:49 bee_burr_wzz German Grenadiers vs Heer Starter Kits

Hi I’m going to build my first army and can’t decide between these two kits. I also have the Germans from the base game but mostly wondering whether you think the vehicles are more superior / effective in one box vs the other. Sorry for the ultra noob question. I generally have a more aggressive playstyle than defensive in war games if that helps.
submitted by bee_burr_wzz to boltaction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:40 OmegaDhruv CPU temperature 100C in BIOS

I've just got a new PC PC Specs: i5 14400F Cooler Master Master Liquid 360L core argb RTX 3080 gpu MSI B760M Bomber Wifi mobo Cooler Master MWE Bronze v2 650 psu
This is the first time starting up my PC and it automatically entered in BIOS as there's no window installed and after starting my PC temp went up to 100 C from 45 C in just 2 minutes. All the parts in my pc is new except my gpu as i'm using it from my old pc. And i'm a beginner in PC building that's why i got it built from a shop where i bought all these parts from.
submitted by OmegaDhruv to PcBuild [link] [comments]