Period after ivf

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2019.10.20 12:22 JuiceBoxedFox POILife

This is a community for anyone who for one reason or another is going through menopause early. We're here to be a safe and supportive place to talk about living with premature ovarian insufficiency (and surgical menopause). Other terms sometimes used for POI include primary ovarian failure, and diminished ovarian reserve before age 40. Please read our wiki before posting.

2014.08.19 01:29 LetterBoxx Crushing it with reddit karma

This is a group for laughing at and mocking the awkward, ridiculous, and sometimes painful things we endure while trying for a baby. Trollingforababy is for people who are trying to conceive, and are not currently pregnant. Please look at our complete list of rules before participating.

2024.05.15 18:07 No_Builder_862 3rd period missing after a failed IVF

Anyone experiencing late or missing period after a failed IVF? My period has been like a clock for years, even surgeries and IVFs doesn’t effect the clock (unfortunately), but I had 2 normal periods after my last IVF in Feb, 3rd period is late for 14 days, I got bloodwork done my OB said everything looks normal…now I’m doing acupuncture to hope to get my period back…anyone experienced this before?
submitted by No_Builder_862 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:05 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 14 2024

DAY: MAY 14, 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:50 No-Customer-9172 Infertility: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Certainly, here's a comprehensive overview of infertility, covering its types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options:
Types of Infertility:
  1. Primary infertility: When a couple has never been able to conceive despite regular, unprotected intercourse for at least a year.
  2. Secondary infertility: Occurs when a couple has previously conceived and given birth, but is unable to conceive again after a year of trying.
Causes of Infertility:
  1. Ovulation disorders: Irregular or absent ovulation can be caused by hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders, or stress.
  2. Fallopian tube damage or blockage: Conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), endometriosis, or previous pelvic surgery can cause scarring or blockage of the fallopian tubes, hindering the fertilization process.
  3. Uterine or cervical abnormalities: Structural issues in the uterus, such as fibroids, polyps, or congenital anomalies, as well as cervical mucus abnormalities, can affect fertility.
  4. Male factors: Low sperm count, poor sperm motility, abnormal sperm morphology, or blockages in the male reproductive tract can contribute to infertility.
  5. Age: Advanced maternal or paternal age can reduce fertility due to declining egg and sperm quality.
  6. Lifestyle factors: Factors such as obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, and exposure to environmental toxins can negatively impact fertility.
  7. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, cancer, or sexually transmitted infections, can affect fertility.
Symptoms of Infertility:
  1. Inability to conceive: The primary symptom of infertility is the inability to conceive after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse (or six months for women over 35).
  2. Irregular menstrual cycles: Irregular or absent menstrual periods may indicate ovulation disorders or hormonal imbalances.
  3. Painful periods or intercourse: Conditions such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease can cause painful periods or discomfort during intercourse.
Diagnosis of Infertility:
  1. Medical history and physical examination: Healthcare providers will inquire about the couple's medical history, lifestyle factors, and sexual habits, and conduct a physical examination to identify any potential causes of infertility.
  2. Ovulation testing: Ovulation can be assessed through methods such as tracking menstrual cycles, basal body temperature charting, ovulation predictor kits, or blood tests to measure hormone levels.
  3. Semen analysis: A semen analysis is performed to evaluate sperm count, motility, morphology, and other parameters of sperm quality.
  4. Imaging tests: Ultrasound, hysterosalpingography (HSG), or hysteroscopy may be used to assess the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries for abnormalities.
  5. Hormone testing: Blood tests can measure hormone levels such as estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and thyroid hormones to assess hormonal balance and ovarian function.
  6. Diagnostic procedures: Procedures such as laparoscopy or hysteroscopy may be performed to directly visualize and diagnose abnormalities in the reproductive organs.
Treatment of Infertility:
  1. Lifestyle modifications: Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, weight management, and avoiding harmful substances, can improve fertility.
  2. Medications: Fertility medications such as clomiphene citrate, letrozole, or gonadotropins may be prescribed to induce ovulation or improve egg quality.
  3. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART):
  1. Surgery: Surgical procedures may be performed to correct structural abnormalities in the reproductive organs, remove blockages, or treat conditions such as endometriosis or fibroids.
  2. Alternative therapies: Some couples may explore alternative or complementary therapies such as acupuncture, herbal supplements, or stress reduction techniques to improve fertility, although evidence supporting their effectiveness is limited.
The appropriate treatment for infertility depends on the underlying cause, the duration of infertility, the age of the individuals involved, and personal preferences. It's important for couples experiencing infertility to seek evaluation and guidance from a fertility specialist or reproductive endocrinologist to explore their options and develop a personalized treatment plan.
submitted by No-Customer-9172 to u/No-Customer-9172 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:07 BreviBravate Catamenial Epilepsy + Pregnancy

Hi! 33F, TTC. Apologies in advance for the long post...I was diagnosed with Catamenial Epilepsy in 2019 after experiencing 5 years of undiagnosed auras/partial seizures that led to the first (and hopefully last) TC seizure. Between a combo of birth control + Keppra (500ML 2x daily), I have been living without any seizures or issues at all for four years. My seizures always occurred around the time of menstruation, so I was nervous to get off birth control last year as it felt like I was removing a layer of protection. Nothing bad happened, but I also did not get a period naturally for over a year. Fast forward to fertility specialist has begun treating me for PCOS with Metformin + and I am working on fixing hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) by increasing my calories. Suddenly, my hormones seem to be raging...still no period but all the PMS symptoms (physical and emotional) are back and sure enough, my auras are back too. Dr. has been rather unhelpful, but obviously, I am starting to get nervous about being pregnant with epilepsy. Also, I'm trying to avoid IVF or IUI and instead get my hormones back to normal but now I'm worried that by doing that, my seizures will come back even worse. Has anyone else experienced similar issues w/ hormones, ovulation issues, and epilepsy? Or any advice from those who are pregnant or have been? Any insight (or even words of encouragement) would be appreciated!!
submitted by BreviBravate to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:37 NOKO_4167 Start ivf, looking for recommendations - Los Angeles

After a long period of preparation for pregnancy, we still had no child. So we were going to start doing IVF.
We selected four centers out of many. Has anyone tried this?
California Center for Reproductive Health Dr. Eliran Mor
Reproductive Health and Wellness Center Dr. Marcus Rosencrantz
Southern California Center for Reproductive Medicine Dr. Robert Anderson
Ember Fertility Center Dr. William Freije
submitted by NOKO_4167 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:42 jmoneysmall Wait for SHG after D&C

Hi all- looking for advice/opinions here. I just had a D&C for a missed miscarriage at 9 weeks 4/9. This is my third miscarriage in the past 8 months (other two were chemicals). I had a SHG in February with an RE and then got pregnant again right after that. Now I’m looking to start IVF as my last miscarriage was triploidy. The RE told me I have to wait two cycles and then have another SHG after the second period I get before we go any further. Is this normal after a D&C to have to wait so long to do anything? I understand not starting egg retrieval right away, but I don’t see why I can’t get the SHG with my next cycle. My period is taking forever to come (6 weeks out today and still not here) so I don’t want to be delayed even more waiting for TWO cycles. Does anyone know of a reason she would want to wait? I would ask my RE, but to be frank she is kind of not the nicest and I don’t want to push on her without a reason. Thanks!
submitted by jmoneysmall to recurrentmiscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:27 futuremom92 Is it possible to have endo with above average AMH and low estrogen?

We have been trying for our 2nd for the past year (currently on my 9th tracked cycle with good timing) with no success except for a few chemicals and miscarriages (5 weeks, 4 weeks, 7 weeks of twins after normal scan with heartbeat, and 4.5 weeks). Our first was conceived relatively quickly (3rd cycle with a 5 week loss on the 1st cycle).
We have some mild male factor involved but it’s debatable how much of an impact this has (low rapid progressive motility at 4%, and low morphology at 2%). Not sure why we are otherwise having trouble getting and staying pregnant but MIL and husband’s stepmom also went through infertility and miscarriages but we’ve had doctors all disagree on how much of an impact sperm issues are having in our difficulties. The typical RPL testing (autoimmune, clotting, karyotype, etc) have come back negative but I do have very well-managed Hashimoto’s. We are awaiting testing on sperm DNA fragmentation.
I’ve heard that people with endo tend to have a lower than normal AMH (or have rapid declines in AMH) and higher amounts of estrogen. My AMH (4.5 ng/ml) is on the higher side for my age (31). My estrogen is on the low side on CD3 (26) and using Inito, my estrogen has been on the low side of their reference range (125 at peak when reference range is 100-600). I don’t seem to have estrogen dominance either as my progesterone is high post ovulation (20+) but my estrogen remains low (< 100).
I don’t have particularly painful periods (maybe a few hours on the first day and only ocasionally needing Tylenol) and they are on the shorter and lighter side (only 1 day of heavy bleeding with 2 days of very light flow). But after my 7 week miscarriage they have been more painful and I’ve been passing some clots, but the pain goes away quickly. No ovulation pain or pain during sex but my BM have always been a bit variable (which I’ve attributed to IBS or food sensitivities). I’ve had pelvic ultrasound and MRI and they didn’t find anything that would point towards endo but as I know only severe cases would show up on imaging. One thing that may predispose me to endo is that I had early Menarche (around 11.5 years old).
Is it likely that I don’t have endo? I’m worried because I’ve heard of a lot of unexplained/mild MFI infertility and RPL cases are due to endo even though I don’t really have any overt signs of it. My RE doesn’t recommend a lap since I have very minimal pain for only a few hours once a month and it likely won’t lead to an improved outcome fertility-wise (we will likely need IUI or IVF anyway).
submitted by futuremom92 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:15 IrisTheButterfly Lupron suppression prior to transfer IVF

While I wait for a response from my clinic, I am looking for info re Lupron 3.75 mg as a treatment for adenomyosis prior to IVF transfer. I was panicked when I saw an approval from my insurance for a period of 6 months of this injection, when my doc originally said we would use three months absolute maximum after my successful egg retrieval (which hasn't happened yet). Is this generally because they want to cover the bases for the time period of 6 months so he doesn't have to get approval again later? I can't imagine this would be safe for anyone to take that long. I also don't want to pay for that many injections if I don't use it. I have adenomyosis (the extent of it is unknown until he analyzes my MRI) but I have no symptoms.
He did not say we would use Lupron during egg retrieval. He only mentioned using it in the months leading up to my transfer, one to three times max.
I've heard this shot is the devil's juice and I definitely don't want to take it any longer than absolutely necessary.
submitted by IrisTheButterfly to adenomyosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:02 SeniorFlatworm5 Any experience with late periods on letrozole/femara?

Hi everyone. I am trying to conceive after years of infertility and a loss 10 months ago. That pregnancy happened with the help of letrozole and was kind of a big deal because the doctors don’t think my tubes are in the best condition (after testing). Obviously I also have pcos, so late and irregular periods are nothing new to me. Anyway, I am a day late (which never happens to me on letrozole on the current dose).I know the obvious thing is to test, but I really can’t take another negative test as it may be too early. So I decided to wait a couple of days and see if anything happens. Has anyone experienced late periods on letrozole and weren’t pregnant? Is it a thing with that medication? Ps. I am extremely burnt out with all the disappointment, all the doctor visits, all the treatments so I don’t go to check my ovulation monthly as I used to. I am kind of winging it, while my partner and I prepare for IVF as an ultimate option for having a family, so please be kind :)
submitted by SeniorFlatworm5 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:12 Tbone389z Looking for answers/reassurance

A little background: I’m 34 and been TTC for almost a year. Prior to this I had an IUD for about 8 years and had no periods. After the IUD was removed, my periods have been very regular, but very light and only last 1-2 days.
My TTC timeline:
I got pregnant my first regular cycle after my IUD removal and it ended up being chemical. Had another chemical two months later. Saw a fertility specialist and had ALL the tests and everything looks perfect.. with the exception of my uterine lining. On day 8 of my cycle it was 2mm which they said was thin but also it maybe should be thin at that point? It was never rechecked after that because they said it doesn’t matter (but they check it for IUI and IVF so riddle me that).
Since then I have not been able to get pregnant. I did one cycle with oral estrogen, clomid, and progesterone with no luck. I had another doctor tell me that progesterone actually prevents implantation which is why I didn’t get pregnant. I was also concerned the clomid would thin my uterine lining more but the doc said the estrogen would make up for that. Have not been able to get an RX for estrogen outside of this.
I’m now on my second cycle unmedicated after clomid. I’ve tried everything they say to do: eat healthy, exercise, pomegranate juice, fertility tea, vitex, acupuncture, castor oil, heating pad. Heck I’ve even used astrology charts to time sex! At this point I feel like doctors won’t help because everything is “normal” so it just won’t happen for me. I worry if I am pregnant this cycle I will just lose it anyway.
submitted by Tbone389z to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:07 hannahneedle I was expecting a fight but I got approved for a bisalp

I'm not 30 yet but I got approved by pre-op for a bisalp.
I want this, I think. In my mind, it should be more difficult for me to get a child than a PhD, especially since I still want to go back to school for my PhD and a paid MFA. Children are expensive and I think after all the years of helping with my brothers, seeing how some children turn out from working with them, and known issues with me passing on my genes, I can say I don't want kids, I want a bunch of cats.
That being said, I've always been scared of regret. I understand that I can still do IVF and I can adopt if I truly want (I feel like it'll never come to this, I love sleeping in), so why am I scared? In my mind, I don't want kids. I see some of the teenagers in my city and it scares me to think something that ruined my already fucked up body could turn out like that.
I'm also scared about my period because I haven't had a "normal" period since I was 15. I've been on some sort of birth control since then and this surgery was prompted because my IUD is starting to expire. I have no idea what my period might be like, or if the copper iud wasn't the reason I bleed like a bad 80s horror film.
My surgery isn't for another 3 months but I'm still scared. I've never had a major surgery. The worst thing I've done was wisdom teeth. I've never had doctors poking around major organs. I don't even know what it costs!
I'm also really scared for this country (US) One of the reasons I'm getting this is so I never have to worry about getting an abortion, but is there a chance the country might start people who "self-mutilated" for the sake of fertility?
Anyone who's had a bisalp in their 20s, can you share your experiences?
submitted by hannahneedle to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:31 My_Inner_Soul Spotting after cancelled IVF cycle

Hello, I'm very new in my IVF journey (based in Scotland) and started my first cycle at the end of April. My hormone levels weren't where they needed to be so my dose of injections was increased half way through the week but after my final blood work and scan the decision was made to cancel this cycle.
Soon after i started to get tender breasts so thought the next period was due (even though it wasn't time) After just under 2 weeks I started to spot and continued to spot for around 4-5 days with no actual period and also during that time, fatigue hit me like a tone of bricks I was basically asleep for the whole week. Based on my fertility calender my normal period should be due tomorrow but they haven't been as regular recently.
Is this normal and has anyone else experienced this after a cancelled cycle and stopping the hormone injections?
submitted by My_Inner_Soul to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:07 Beneficial-Pop5591 Navigating the 'what ifs'

After dealing with and treating my fibroids for five years while trying to get pregnant, I'm scheduled for a hysterectomy in June. Before going to my appointment in March I kind of had made up my mind: after trying to conceive naturally for 1.5 years, 3 ivf attempts, lots of medication, 2 hyteroscopic myomectomies it was time to not only close the fertility chapter. My uterus hadn't proved her use, so why keep her and do a myomectomy or UFE if the bastards keep coming back anyway? And it was clear pregnancy was/is not in the cards for me. I mean after 4 years of trying and treatments you would expect at least a positive pregnancy test right?
And even though rationally I know this is al correct, my mind has been playing a very annoying game of 'what ifs'. What if a myomectomy would be an option and my uterus would be a healthy organ, maybe then I could get pregnant? So freaking annoying. I know this is just a fantasy. And I want closure. I want to never have to worry about my periods from hell ever again. My uterus will never be healthy. If I could have gotten pregnant I would have already. But still, that fantasy is so attractive, and just keeps popping up the closer I get to my hysterectomy. It's not fair that I could never try without worrying.
FYI: 37 y/o, first small fibroids when I was 28, at 32 a uterus riddled with them (24 week pregnancy sized uterus). Massively diminished after use of Esmya. Last year another growth spurt and back at the 24 weeks...
submitted by Beneficial-Pop5591 to Fibroids [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:08 Natural_Candle_4929 am i going crazy or am i pregnant

i’ve been having the weirdest symptoms and overall just a really strong feeling, which i realize sounds ridiculous but it’s almost a trippy feeling. i have PCOS and was told a few months back i was likely infertile, would require IVF and possibly a surrogate. my husband encouraged me to take a trip to europe to visit my family so i went on vacation by myself for 2 weeks, feeling more myself and happier than ever. got home and obviously did the deed, and then went off on another excursion for a girls weekend. now it’s been almost 2 weeks since i got home from europe and i’ve had this very intense feeling i’m pregnant…
symptoms have included: - 3-4 days of dark brown spotting (i have PCOS, last period was in march but i track ovulation and it’s about 5/6 days after i ovulated) - LOTS of discharge— like i had my husband run out and buy tampons because i keep thinking im getting my period but its just discharge (watery, white, but not as thick as when im ovulating) - VERY vivid dreams, wildly vivid for about a week. 3-4 of them a night - eyes have been really watery even with allergy meds for some reason - i’ve been an insomniac/on sleeping medication all my life and suddenly my head hits the pillow and im out like a light without meds. my oura ring tells me it’s averaging 7 minutes the past few days - generally bloated but not in a gassy way or a crampy way
tested yesterday and say a vvvvvvvvvfl, then again this morning and still a vvvvvfl (but less faint i think?). i feel like ive stared at enough evap lines to know the difference but maybe im just hallucinating!
submitted by Natural_Candle_4929 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:13 Natural_Candle_4929 am i going crazy or am i pregnant

am i going crazy or am i pregnant
i’ve been having the weirdest symptoms and overall just a really strong feeling, which i realize sounds ridiculous but it’s almost a trippy feeling. i have PCOS and was told a few months back i was likely infertile, would require IVF and possibly a surrogate. my husband encouraged me to take a trip to europe to visit my family so i went on vacation by myself for 2 weeks, feeling more myself and happier than ever. got home and obviously did the deed, and then went off on another excursion for a girls weekend. now it’s been almost 2 weeks since i got home from europe and i’ve had this very intense feeling i’m pregnant…
symptoms have included: - 3-4 days of dark brown spotting (i have PCOS, last period was in march but i track ovulation and it’s about 5/6 days after i ovulated) - LOTS of discharge— like i had my husband run out and buy tampons because i keep thinking im getting my period but its just discharge (watery, white, but not as thick as when im ovulating) - VERY vivid dreams, wildly vivid for about a week. 3-4 of them a night - eyes have been really watery even with allergy meds for some reason - i’ve been an insomniac/on sleeping medication all my life and suddenly my head hits the pillow and im out like a light without meds. my oura ring tells me it’s averaging 7 minutes the past few days - generally bloated but not in a gassy way or a crampy way
tested yesterday and say a vvvvvvvvvfl, then again this morning and still a vvvvvfl (but less faint i think?). i feel like ive stared at enough evap lines to know the difference but maybe im just hallucinating!
submitted by Natural_Candle_4929 to lineporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:55 sername1111111 Women over 30, what other health issues should we prepare for 35+?

36/f and part of this cohort, maybe it's because I'm not close with my mother or any female relatives or super unlucky myself - but the last 3 years have been eventful to say the least.
I had no idea any of these things could happen to me and it's left me wondering what else I should be on the watch for or take proactive steps towards now?
So women of reddit, what else should I be on the lookout for or take proactive steps towards? Anything else you wish you knew?
submitted by sername1111111 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:12 Katie_Dub PMDD and egg freezing / IVF

Hi all
I’ve just completed one egg freezing cycle and have been having the most intense mood / up & down feelings since the egg retrieval.
My (fake) period came and it was really hard but I’m due my next one now and my PMDD is worse than ever. Did anyone have experience with egg freezing or IVF? After your first and second periods, did it get better?!
Thank you 🙏
submitted by Katie_Dub to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:10 seau_de_beurre A comprehensive guide to pregnancy acronyms

Since many of us are new to this world, in this post we're going to try to collect all the various pregnancy-related acronyms for easy reference.
If we are missing any, please add them in the comments below.


FTM, STM, TTM - first/second/third time mom
TTC - trying to conceive
TFA, TTCA - trying for another, trying to conceive another
EDD - estimated due date
DPO - days past ovulation
CD - cycle day
LMP - last menstrual period
GA - gestational age (usually in weeks+days)
BC - birth control
BFP, BFN - big fat/fuckin' positive/negative
VFL - very fine line (often styled "vvvvfl" or similar)
HPT - home pregnancy test
FMU, SMU - first/second morning urine
OB, OBGYN - pregnancy doctor
CNM, CPM - certified nurse midwife, certified professional midwife
GP, PCP - general practitioner, primary care physician
MFM - maternal-fetal medicine (high-risk pregnancy doctor)

Infertility and Loss

RE, REI - reproductive endocrinologist (fertility doctor)
RI - reproductive immunologist (fertility doctor)
PAL - pregnant/pregnancy after loss
IVF - in-vitro fertilization
IUI - intrauterine insemination
FET - frozen embryo transfer
ICSI - intracytoplasmic sperm injection
DPT, DP5DT - days past embryo transfer, days past 5-day embryo transfer
PIO - progesterone in oil (injection)
RPL - recurrent pregnancy loss
CP - chemical pregnancy
MC - miscarriage
MMC - missed miscarriage
TFMR - termination for medical reasons
IUFD - intrauterine fetal demise
D&C, D&E - dilation and curettage, dilation and evacuation


SCH -subchorionic hematoma
RLP - round ligament pain
Pre-e - preeclampsia
GHT - gestational hypertension
GDM, GD, DM - gestational diabetes
HG - hyperemesis gravidarum
GTT, GCT - glucose tolerance/challenge test
PUPPPs - pruritic urticarial papules and plaques
Beta, Beta HCG - quantitative blood test of pregnancy hormone HCG
PROM, PPROM - premature rupture of membranes
IUGR, FGR - intrauterine/fetal growth restriction
LGA, SGA - large/small for gestational age
NIPT - non-invasive prenatal testing
NT scan - nuchal translucency scan
NST - non-stress test
BPP - biophysical profile
CS - cesarean section
VBAC - vaginal birth after cesarean
TOL, TOLAC - trial of labor after cesarean


PP - postpartum
BF - breastfeeding
FF - formula feeding
PPD - postpartum depression
PPA - postpartum anxiety
PPOCD - postpartum OCD
PPP - postpartum psychosis
PPMAD - postpartum mood and anxiety disorder
LC - lactation consultant
IBCLC - international board-certified lactation consultant


🌈 - loss, pregnancy after loss
💙 - male baby
💖 (and variants) - female baby
💚 - baby of unknown sex/gender
👼 - angel baby (loss, stillbirth, infant/child death)
🏳️‍🌈 - lgbtq
submitted by seau_de_beurre to December2024Bumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:02 Silent_System6884 I am so afraid my 5 month old baby may be autistic (PPD or intuition?)

I know autism is such a broad spectrum and it’s just about a different way of processing things. I know autistic people can lead fulfilling lives. I don’t mean no insult. I think I am neurodivergent myself.
I keep reading these stories about parents to non-verbal agressive autistic children and how difficult life is for them. Ever since my baby (my only baby that I had through IVF due to years of struggling with infertility) was 4 months old…I kept noticing some things. And I know it’s early and diagnosis comes after 18-24 months of age with first more clear signs showing at 1 year. I know babies are babies…and yet, I don’t know how a baby supposed to be since I never was around one for longer periods.
I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach every day that my baby might be autistic. It may be PPD or it may be intuition. It doesn’t help that parents of autistic children say that they just felt their baby was autistic in infancy. I honestly just have this fear that all I dreamed of doing with my child - going places, showing him things, having conversations, him making friends …will just not be possible anymore. I don’t know if I would be strong enough to take care of a special needs child and further adult…I have a fear he will be non-verbal and with agressive tendencies and all my life I would have to devote all my efforts to him and that I may have no glimpse of my former life. I imagine getting divorced to my husband because we won’t make it and I feel I pushed IVF to him a bit. Will I have my career?…
Is the things my baby is doing or not doing developmentally typical? I don’t know.
Am I right seeing thing or is it just a form of postpartum depression creeping in that makes me read into stuff? I don’t know.
If he will be diagnosed autistic…how is it going to be? Will I know how to parent him?
I have fears…I have my fears…all kinds of fears and this is one of mine.
But most of all…the worst thing for me is not getting to experience what I dreamed of when I thought about having a child - the interactions and the relationship. I’ll have to rethink all of it…to adapt my dreams to his needs.
I don’t know, man…I just want the best life for my baby and for him to thrive…
submitted by Silent_System6884 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:56 seau_de_beurre A comprehensive guide to pregnancy acronyms

Since many of us are new to this world, in this post we're going to try to collect all the various pregnancy-related acronyms for easy reference.
If we are missing any, please add them in the comments below.


FTM, STM, TTM - first/second/third time mom
TTC - trying to conceive
TFA, TTCA - trying for another, trying to conceive another
EDD - estimated due date
DPO - days past ovulation
CD - cycle day
LMP - last menstrual period
GA - gestational age (usually in weeks+days)
BC - birth control
BFP, BFN - big fat/fuckin' positive/negative
VFL - very fine line (often styled "vvvvfl" or similar)
HPT - home pregnancy test
FMU, SMU - first/second morning urine
OB, OBGYN - pregnancy doctor
CNM, CPM - certified nurse midwife, certified professional midwife
GP, PCP - general practitioner, primary care physician
MFM - maternal-fetal medicine (high-risk pregnancy doctor)

Infertility and Loss

RE, REI - reproductive endocrinologist (fertility doctor)
RI - reproductive immunologist (fertility doctor)
PAL - pregnant/pregnancy after loss
IVF - in-vitro fertilization
IUI - intrauterine insemination
FET - frozen embryo transfer
ICSI - intracytoplasmic sperm injection
DPT, DP5DT - days past embryo transfer, days past 5-day embryo transfer
PIO - progesterone in oil (injection)
RPL - recurrent pregnancy loss
CP - chemical pregnancy
MC - miscarriage
MMC - missed miscarriage
TFMR - termination for medical reasons
IUFD - intrauterine fetal demise
D&C, D&E - dilation and curettage, dilation and evacuation


SCH -subchorionic hematoma
RLP - round ligament pain
Pre-e - preeclampsia
GHT - gestational hypertension
GDM, GD, DM - gestational diabetes
HG - hyperemesis gravidarum
GTT, GCT - glucose tolerance/challenge test
PUPPPs - pruritic urticarial papules and plaques
Beta, Beta HCG - quantitative blood test of pregnancy hormone HCG
PROM, PPROM - premature rupture of membranes
IUGR, FGR - intrauterine/fetal growth restriction
LGA, SGA - large/small for gestational age
NIPT - non-invasive prenatal testing
NT scan - nuchal translucency scan
NST - non-stress test
BPP - biophysical profile
CS - cesarean section
VBAC - vaginal birth after cesarean
TOL, TOLAC - trial of labor after cesarean


PP - postpartum
BF - breastfeeding
FF - formula feeding
PPD - postpartum depression
PPA - postpartum anxiety
PPOCD - postpartum OCD
PPP - postpartum psychosis
PPMAD - postpartum mood and anxiety disorder
LC - lactation consultant
IBCLC - international board-certified lactation consultant


🌈 - loss, pregnancy after loss
💙 - male baby
💖 (and variants) - female baby
💚 - baby of unknown sex/gender
👼 - angel baby (loss, stillbirth, infant/child death)
🏳️‍🌈 - lgbtq
submitted by seau_de_beurre to January2025Bumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 15:37 CarelessVariation728 Poi? Hypo Hypo? Help.

Hi All!
I’m 29 and got married in October. I got off HBC in December after being on it for 10 years. I have not had a period since. Went to OB who said I likely needed more time to regulate. All hormone levels were surpressed, but not concerningly low. OB recommended seeing an RE to be safe. RE tested AMH and turns out it’s really low at 0.49. AFC is around 8. Given my age and that I’m not ovulating, RE recommended IVF.
My most recent numbers are AMH: .49 FSH: 8.6 LH: 9.6 E2: 9.2
Is this Hypo Hypo? POI? I have no answers 😭
submitted by CarelessVariation728 to DOR [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 01:54 Teeny_Sheep 23 Years of hell in my body, finally coming to an end.

23 Years of hell in my body, finally coming to an end.
32F, first period was age 9. Within a couple months of onset, I began having extremely heavy bleeding and debilitating pain. As a child I vividly remember laying in a ball and involuntary screaming into a pillow, helpless.
As this continued into my teenage years, the pelvic pain began extending beyond my periods and became constant. I was ready to end my life. I was taken to the ER multiple times as no over the counter medicine, heating pad, stretches or exercise came close to touching the pain. I've been given opioids and anti-spasmodics my entire teenage and adult life to handle it.
At 16 I began searching desperately for a surrogacy program that might allow me to participate as a carrier via IVF because some of the gynecologists suggested that "sometimes childbirth resolves bad cramps", but no program would accept a female with no prior live births, let alone a teenager.
I tried a presacral nerve block, and it provided relief whilst off my period. I then underwent a permanent presacral neurectomy to alleviate pain. The periods and pain from hell still continued. I went to college to become a surgical technician, and 3/4 of the way through the degree program I had to drop out because pain was so bad I couldn't stand long enough to see the operations through, and being high on opioids in the OR would NOT have been an option. One of the surgeons I did clinical work with had a very new gynecologic practice, she invited me to set up an exploratory laparoscopy in hopes of finding the cause.
The results were inconclusive except being diagnosed with a bicornuate uterus. Not all of these were performed at once, but on the list of diagnostics: D&C's inconclusive. Ultrasounds inconclusive. Colonoscopy inconclusive. No abnormal paps. No STDs. NOBODY has been able to tell me what's causing this absolute hell.
Over the years I have seen so many gynecologists, tried oral contraceptives, depo shots, patches, an IUD, even LUPRON to make my periods cease. After x amount of time, my body has overridden every single method I've tried to stop this with.
I have begged and begged for a hysterectomy and the answer was always "you're too young and don't have any kids, it's unethical. Let's try this birth control instead." I've been with my same partner for 14 years, we are both on the same page that this has to come out. This April alone, I bled from the 4th to the 25th, 21 freaking days. It stopped for 7 days, and started right back up on May 3rd. I'm calling off left and right because I can't focus on my work, all I do is cry in pain. When I'm not in pain I am consumed by anxiety and dread that the pain will be back in x number of days and I'm back to a point where not being alive is a better option than enduring this anymore.
I recently went to see what is probably my 11th gynecologist and begged him to listen. He was very reluctant for the same reason; "you're so young, I hate to do this if theres another way to fix this". I gave him my entire history. My husband proceeded to initiate appointments for a vasectomy to get the point across that we are not going to have children and this is what we WANT.
This. Doctor. Listened.
I am scheduled for my partial hysterectomy (just uterus/tubes unless necessity dictates additional removal) on May 20th, and I am counting down the days for this perpetual hell to end.
I've purchased the following in absolute elation to prepare for this:
Strap on abdominal pillow Extra loose shirts and shorts Abdominal wrap Extended grabby claw C-section sky-high waisted briefs Postpartum pads Squatty potty stool No-rinse cleanser And, as pictured, a wonderful farewell shirt from Amazon to send this demon back to hell in. 🥹
Please, if there's anything I've missed, let me know! And if you like, share your own exorcism stories and/or advice!
submitted by Teeny_Sheep to hysterectomy [link] [comments]