Lisa sheridan gallery


2016.12.23 23:31 Textual_Aberration Exhibit_A(rt)

Curated art exhibits distilled from the weekly contributions of the community. Dive in and explore the art and stories which define each week's theme. Discuss and contribute to these topics or even propose your own for the community to pursue. When all is said and done, the resulting explorations will be joined into a short, concise gallery which will be more immediately accessible to a wider audience.

2012.07.20 19:19 CornishBin TOmaps: Mapping Toronto

Historical, futuristic, transit, real estate, topographic, demographic, infographic, geographic, photographic, scenographic, idiographic—if map & pertain to Toronto, submit. Venn diagrams welcome.

2017.03.17 21:35 ArKan1aN The Art of Shoemaking

Resources and information on shoemaking.

2024.05.30 13:30 readingrachelx Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - May 30th, 2024

Links to this week's episode discussion posts:
submitted by readingrachelx to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:47 Different_Horse6239 5 wonderful nights in Paris - with (lots of) pictures

To start - the photo album -
I'm a little bit late writing this up, some things won't be relevant any more, apologies. This itinerary is for someone who likes to be out doing stuff all day every day, most people will find it way too full on. If you are also like this, though, I'd say it was well-planned, I never felt overly rushed, though I could've maybe done with an extra half hour here and there (this is more a problem with Paris' need to book everything a month in advance with a specific timeslot than my planning). I found the people to be very friendly, and never had any trouble communicating - though my French is passable, most people switched to English quite quickly, and not just customer-facing staff but even people I stopped to ask for directions from.
Wednesday 25th October Finished work slightly early to get the Eurostar at 18:01 from London St Pancras. 2.5 hour train (and lose an hour to time zones). The hotel was near Place de la Republique, so walkable from Gare du Nord (Hotel Mimosa - cheapest hotel available when we booked. No complaints, nice staff, really clean, didn't try the breakfast). Only had time to check into our hotel and have a quick drink nearby (the end of the PSG game was on).
Thursday 26th October Disney! I wasn't sure about it since it was the middle of French school holidays, and there were certainly some long queues, but my friend insisted and I'm glad we did (although only because I went twice as a kid, if you don't have the nostalgia I don't think it's worth it on a busy day - one year I spent Christmas eve/day here with my mam and had Christmas dinner at the Cinderella inn). We went to Gare du Nord early to buy Navigo Decouverte passes (even though the week runs Mon-Sun and we arrived midweek it's still the best option, no faff with the little paper ticket booklets, covers as far as Disney/Versailles, and is pretty cheap), got the metro over and made it for almost gates opening. Got really lucky and managed to book a table for 2 at Bistrot Chez Remy (the Ratatouille themed restaurant) for the evening whilst on the train there (do this on the Disneyland app), even then the restaurant is only about a 6.5/10 but it's amazing compared to your walk-up options, I'd suggest trying to book one of the better ones a few weeks in advance (be aware of prices though!). The main park is exactly as I remember with one or two Star Wars things shoehorned in, the Studios park is completely different though - before it was all "behind-the-scenes" type stuff, now it's "everything we own that isn't Disney" (so half the park is painted Marvel, half of it is painted Pixar). Particularly sad the Armageddon experience is gone, as well as the statue of Mickey holding Walt Disney's hand. Last time I was here, Crush's Coaster had just opened so was 2 hour queues and I never got to ride it, and somehow 17 years later they haven't shortened. Maybe next time? Rides close at 10 but we stayed for the fireworks, was quite late getting back.
Friday 27th October Slightly later start, easy morning finding somewhere for breakfast, didn't have to be at the Louvre until 11:30. We tried the side entrance that I've seen mentioned on here a few times, don't think it works any more though. The queue to get in even for timed tickets is enormous, thought we'd be stuck there for hours but dead on 11:30 it started moving, and we were past security and into the main hall in about 20 minutes. Made a beeline for the Mona Lisa, having read about a lengthy queue we'd discussed just getting a drive-by/glimpse of it rather than waste the day, but actually there were about 50 people in the pen ahead of us (which is about 10 people wide) and we were at the front in maybe 5 minutes? My photo of it is timestamped 12:02. Saw the Winged Victory, didn't see Liberty Leading the People as it was down for restoration, but it should be back by the time you're reading this. The place is huge and I definitely missed loads (forgot to try and find Napoleon's apartment). I do like art but I found lots of this to be a drag - I like colourful/interesting stuff, but find portraits of old generals and paintings of Jesus incredibly tedious after a while. Glad I went, not sure I'll return though. I budgeted 3 hours which was pretty much perfect for me. Next stop Saint-Chapelle - the windows are as beautiful as you imagine. I've seen a lot of people saying it's a waste of time and money - it is very expensive for what it is, it is just the one room, depending on your budget it might not be for you, but if like me you're happy to chuck money at stuff when on holiday it's absolutely worth the time. I think we stopped at a cafe at this point? One of the typical Parisian ones, where you sit facing out onto the street. Afterwards we walked over to see Notre Dame (still closed due to the fire) and then down into the Latin Quarter. We stumbled upon a free street art exhibition just across from the Pantheon which I really enjoyed, then started looking around for an early dinner - which turns out to be quite challenging in Paris, nowhere opens before 7 it seems, but we did find an Italian place nearby. We needed to get to the Stade de France for 9 so the plan was to be south of the city to make sure we get onto the metro before it gets into the centre and fills up - needn't have bothered though, lots of trains, never got too packed, as organised as any other modern stadium, just aim to be at least 30 minutes early and you can't go wrong. Rugby World Cup 3rd place game - England beat Argentina 26-23, looked like it might be a walkover early on but it turned into a really tight game, great warmup for the main event. Second dinner at Au Pied du Cochon, the 24hr restaurant that gets mentioned on here a lot.
Saturday 28th October Started at Musee d'Orsay, 10:30 entry. This museum is much more to my taste, and a manageable size. The impressionist stuff is all up on the 5th floor and is spectacular, I have never before (and will probably never again) go to a gallery where I instantly recognise so many things! This was a particularly incredible experience as they also had a Van Gogh exhibition on at the time (focused on his works at the end of his life, when he was living in France and his work was becoming very sinister - sadly no longer on) and I'd just recently taken my mam to the immersive Van Gogh experience in Edinburgh as part of her 60th. The other exhibition was Louis Janmot's Poem of the Soul (a really long poem and a load of paintings to accompany each segment) which I can't claim to have heard of before, I wish I'd had a bit more time to enjoy it fully but I had other plans so only had time to look at the pictures. Catacombs were booked for 14:30 - interesting experience, I'd say worth doing but not a must. It's good to have something planned other than museums. Afterwards, had time to see Jardin du Luxembourg and Montparnasse cemetery (didn't take any pictures in here, feels wrong somehow, didn't find anyone famous anyhow), before finding dinner in Montparnasse. Then the World Cup final - South Africa v New Zealand, another very tense game! I seem to have a habit for picking rugby finals with early red cards.
Sunday 29th October Trip to Versailles, 12:00 ticket, full access. This is the one place where, even with a timed ticket, you have a long wait to get in. I got in at 12:40, and I was fairly early so near the front of the queue for my timeslot. The palace itself is fine, bit nicer than my house but not worth the trip on its own, the gardens are stunning though, I spent over 2 hours in them, and still pressed on to see the other areas. My favourite was Marie-Antoinette's hamlet, the pictures don't really do it justice but it felt like I was in a fairytale. I headed back to Paris and got to the Eiffel tower just in time to see it twinkle at 7pm (it does so every hour on the hour after dark). Walked over to Trocadero (the best place to view the Eiffel tower), then along to the Arc de Triomphe and down the Champs Elysee. Took the metro up to Montmartre to go into Basilica Sacre-Coeur (free entry, and by this time no queue at all - they ask for no photographs so there's nothing in my album from inside, but there's plenty online). Ate nearby then had tickets for Moulin Rouge at 11.30 - like Saint-Chapelle, it's quite expensive, but a good time if you do decide to go. This was my most tiring day, over 35000 steps.
Monday 30th October Final day in Paris. I'd managed to get a spare ticket for Musee de l'Orangerie on an site called Headout (usually you would have to book this a while in advance, like most things in Paris, I guess someone returned one last minute? Could only get one, don't think my friend particularly wanted one anyway), 12:00 entry. I picked a route to pass a couple of landmarks - Opera Garnier, Madeleine, Obelique du Louxor. Monet's water lillies are, as you'd expect, absolutely gorgeous, and the only reason this museum exists really. There's some good stuff in the permanent collection in the basement though - I think I remember seeing a Picasso down there? I don't remember what the temporary exhibitions were at the time but I remember being unimpressed. Went back to the Eiffel tower to see it in the daylight, and stumbled upon Musee du Quai Branly. I'm not sure exactly how to describe it, it's a collection of objects created by humanity when in a loosely "tribal" period? Which happened at vastly different time periods for each continent. And also there's some samurai stuff, even though Japan had a fairly well developed civilisation by the time they came around. The more you think about it the more it falls apart really, basically it's a museum full of really cool stuff. Had to rush this a little bit to catch the Eurostar (train at 17:00), was also panicking because I couldn't make contact with my friend, who had my luggage.
submitted by Different_Horse6239 to ParisTravelGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:58 Sudden-Throat-4247 Tell me why one of the Beggar Days crew is modding for Lisa Richard now ?

Tell me why one of the Beggar Days crew is modding for Lisa Richard now ?
She’s not even undercover ? Interesting
submitted by Sudden-Throat-4247 to BeggarDaysSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 15:50 gorgonzolamcdonalds Solo adventure in Paris - 6 days packed with activities!

I (19M) just came back from a very eventful and eye-opening trip to Paris, in fact my first time traveling alone.
Having lived in London and Hong Kong, I'm a pretty impatient person and when I'm on vacation I don't prefer big crowds, so most of my trip highlights actually took place outside of the main touristy areas. Still, the architecture and vibe of inner Paris is astonishing and I felt like I could walk the streets for weeks! Speaking of which, I thought the streets were a lot cleaner than the streets of London (albeit not as clean as Hong Kong). The self-cleaning public toilets were also a pleasant surprise - it should be a thing in every country!
I wanted to save money so most of my meals were from supermarkets or boulangeries, and I stayed at an AirBnb near Fort d'Aubervilliers on the Line 7. The area was not fancy but it felt safe even at midnight. I noticed that locals seem to stay up quite late, a stark contrast to Hong Kong where the suburban streets are usually empty by 12.
I spent around 690 euros in total for the trip.
Detailed trip report:
Took the Eurostar to Gare du Nord arriving 2pm then dropped off stuff at AirBnb, got groceries, and headed out for sightseeing. I basically walked around the Iena/Trocadero area and took lots of pictures of the Eiffel Tower. I entered the Palais de Tokyo but was met with terrible attitude from not one but two staff members, I decided to leave right after that incident so I didn't actually see anything inside.
I also rode the famous section of the Line 6 from Passy to Bir-Hakeim and of course took pictures of the Bir-Hakeim bridge itself as it was featured in Inception! I spent the next few hours walking around the Eiffel Tower and taking lots of selfies.
I took an early train out to Provins which I mentioned earlier in my highlights. At around 3pm I headed back into Paris to visit Montmatre and Sacre-Coeur. I didn't spend too much time there because it felt too touristy for me and the neighborhood didn't seem that interesting to me. Instead, I took the metro to Le Marais and walked around for a bit before heading into the Centre Pompidou. I wasn't able to see the exhibits as they had already closed, but since they open late on Thursdays I was able to sit and watch the sun go down on the Eiffel Tower on the 6th floor terrace. Then I rode the metro to see the Louvre at dark (really pretty!) and also up close at the Eiffel Tower.
After visiting the Air and Space Museum mentioned earlier, I went to the Museum of Arts Decoratifs. Imo, it was just okay but the top few floors were the highlight for me. Maybe I'm just a sucker for modern art as they tucked it away on the highest levels :P
Then I headed for the Arts et Metiers Museum which was huuuuge. I feel like the museum was average and didn't really have enough English explanations or signage. But there was a interesting room with lots of old cars, so if you're into that, this is a great museum for you!
I started the day off at Saint-Chapelle, and luckily I did! The line seemed very long after I left... The stained glass was very pretty and captivating, but the whole experience will take a maximum of 15 minutes because the chapel is all there is to it. I headed next door to the Conciergerie which I think was one of the best main touristy attractions I visited. I entered just as they opened at 9:30 so I had the whole place pretty much to myself. There were these histopads which were free to rent - I really liked that and hope more museums had offered it. When I left the Conciergerie maybe an hour or so later, the line was suuuper long outside. So my advice is to arrive at Saint Chapelle and Conciergerie early in the day! And you also do need to book these in advance, I believe.
Afterward I headed out to Château de Fontainebleau, which I preferred much more over Versailles (more on that later). There was no queue, and it was very quiet. The garden was very charming and there were plenty of places to sit and enjoy the nice weather.
I headed back into Paris and visited Bercy Village before heading to Belleville. In my opinion, skip Bercy Village and go to Belleville. There's not really anything to do in Bercy other than the street with restaurants. As mentioned earlier, Belleville was the highlight of my trip and I think even if the open gallery wasn't ongoing, the neighborhood would still be fun to walk around.
I visited the Orsay Museum and the Orangerie. The Orsay was excellent but I had a shit experience with the Orangerie - quite literally, because a bird pooped on my head when I was queuing to enter. Jokes aside, the Orangerie was underwhelming besides the water lilies. There was an exhibit in the basement where the whole thing was just blank canvasses... not a form of art that I appreciate, honestly!
After that, I went to the Pantheon which I thought was pretty cool, especially the underground section. I was almost inclined to go to the Panoramique section until I learned it was a guided tour that happened every 30 minutes and I would have to wait a whole 25 minutes for the next one, so I skipped that.
I then took the train out to Versailles and ... honestly I don't remember much. I only came for the sake of the name Versailles and taking a few pictures of Louis XIV's room and portraits. The whole experience was way too crowded and far too touristy for my liking. As I left near closing, the train station was a nightmare with the RER and TERs packed to the rim with tourists. I made a spontaneous decision and headed west, further out of Paris, to Rambouillet instead. I sat in the park by the chateau and enjoyed the peace and quiet, munching on some pastries from a nearby boulangerie. Side note: there were so many geese here!
I started the day off at Pere-Lachaise, visiting some of the famous tombstones, before heading to the City of Architecture and Heritage museum. After that was the Louvre. Oh god. I read online that it would be huge but I didn't quite grasp how MASSIVE the Louvre was. I think after 2.5 hrs I just gave up as my brain and feet could no longer process the amount of art! Of course I went and took a peek at the Mona Lisa which was way way too overcrowded, but what can you expect from the most famous painting in the world?
After the Louvre I headed to the Villette Park and sat by the river and also gazed at the incredible architectural structure of the Philharmonic building. A short tram ride dropped me off at Porte de Vincennes where I made my way over to the Chateau Vincennes. I admit I really enjoyed walking through the Vincennes area as it felt very clean and charming, not to mention the French flag waving on the fortress was certainly a sight.
I ended my day, and my trip, at the Arc de Triomphe where I watched the sun set on the Eiffel Tower one last time. It was magical, but also very crowded! Seemed like everyone wanted to take a picture of the tower sparkling, but I don't think it ever did.
Issues/safety in Paris
I had only two encounters with rude people, once on my first day at the Palais du Tokyo and the second in a gift shop when the woman rolled her eyes at me for asking "pardon?" and only one lunatic encounter near Passy. Beggars were not uncommon on trains but nothing I'm not used to after living in London.
In general, Paris felt very safe even at night. I did not get pickpocketed a single time despite wearing a tote bag and taking the metro/RERs many times. The key is to be vigilant and not flash valuables. I was ticket-checked by RATP control officers twice, once on the train from Provins and once at Franklin D Roosevelt metro station while changing lines. The first time, they were very respectful, I suspect because the line is used almost exclusively by commuters and residents. The second time, they were aggressive up until I showed my Navigo with my picture, at which point their tone became a lot nicer... I assume they thought I was a local.
Overcrowding was also often an issue on the metro returning to my AirBnb at night, but nothing I'm unfamiliar with having lived in Hong Kong.
Overall thoughts
Paris really exceeeded my expectations! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit and I think I'll come back in the next few years. Yes, it felt very touristy at times, but there were also so many places that felt very authentic and local, which was exactly what I was looking for. I was amazed by how efficient the transit network is in Paris, especially with so many options to go from point A to B. I recognize that the metro and many of the monuments are quite historical, so stairs will always be inevitable, but it's something to keep in mind if you're someone with reduced mobility. There were times where I saw people carrying wheelchair users up/down stairs because the lift was broken! And Paris was definitely a lot more walking than I expected - I totaled over 100km during my trip!
submitted by gorgonzolamcdonalds to ParisTravelGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:48 DannyLumpy Summer Events Denver 2024!

I'm trying to make a list of all of the things to do in Denver for this summer. Does anyone know of anything I should add?

Music Festivals

Culture Festivals

Food / Drink Festivals

Art / Crafts / Shopping Festival

Other Festivals

Farmers Markets

Saturdays List of Farmers Markets


Great List of Free / Cheap Concert Series by Day of the Week
Free Outdoor Concerts
Outside Paid Venues
Paid Indoor Venues
Concert Lists (by Genre, Search, Etc)

Parks / Nature

National Parks
State Parks
City Parks

Water Activities

Splash Parks
Water Parks


Theme Parks / Roller Coasters
Themed Festivals

Outdoor Movies

Local Projections
Drive Ins

Theatre / Opera / Symphony / Dance / Burlesque Shows

Denver Center for the Performing Arts Big Performing Arts Complex with Several Auditoriums for Plays, Concerts, Symphonies, Shows, and More 1350 Curtis Street, Denver, CO 80202
Miners Alley Playhouse Local Children’s Theatre 1224 Washington Ave, Golden, CO 80401
Adams Mystery Playhouse Full-time Murder Mystery Theatre 2406 Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80211
Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities Local Playhouse for Concerts and Plays 6901 Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada, CO 80003
Vintage Theatre Local Play House Specializing in Revival and Contemporary Musicals and Play 1468 Dayton St, Aurora, CO 80010
Firehouse Theatre Company at The John Hand Theatre Performance Art Group 7653 E 1st Pl, Denver, CO 80230
Curious Theatre Company Cutting Edge Theatre 1080 Acoma St, Denver, CO 80204
• **06/11-08/13 Colorado Shakespeare Festival 972 Broadway, Boulder, CO, 80302
07/18-07/20 Colorado Burlesque Festival - 7PM Doors; 8PM Show Prices TBD 18+ Burlesque, Drag, Aerial, & Variety Performance Ophelia’s Electric Soapbox, 1215 20th St, Denver
• 06/29-08/04– Central City Opera’s 2024 FestivalOpera Shows including The Pirates of Penzance, The Girl of the Golden West, and Street Scene Central City Opera House
Theatres to Keep an Eye on
The Source Theatre Company Local Performing Arts Theatre 721 Santa Fe Dr, Denver, CO 80204
Lone Tree Arts Center Contemporary Center Which Hosts Plays, Concerts, and Events 10075 Commons St, Lone Tree, CO 80124
Cherry Creek Theatre Performance Art Center 350 S Dahlia St, Denver, CO 80246
05/18-06/04 Control Group Productions Immersive Dance Theatre Shows 1801 Brentwood St., Lakewood, CO 80214

Museums / Exhibits / Gardens

Science / Nature

Things to Do Year Round

Other Resources

General Compilations
submitted by DannyLumpy to Denver [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:56 LegitimateStar7034 Itinerary.

After pouring over many different website, blogs, boards, and looking at maps, I put together a tentative itinerary. I would love some input. I tried to keep it in or around the same arrondissements but not knowing anything makes it a bit difficult to know if I’m doing way too much and a map isn’t the same as information from people who live there.
Our trip is July 18-23. We will get to Paris around 1 pm on the 18th. Our hotel is in the 13th
We still aren’t sure about the Louvre (dates are blocked out but the website still says the only days in July that are closed is the 25-26, I had read it’s closed for opening ceremonies preparation). If we do get Louvre tickets, we’re planning to spend 4-5 hours there. We know we will never see even half of it so see Mona Lisa, Venus, and then pick a few rooms to visit. I’m not going lie, I’ll be disappointed if I finally get to Paris and can’t go inside the Louvre, but whatever, I’ll get over it. Least I’ll see the outside. 😊
A day- Arc de Triomphe ,Champs Elysses ,Palace de La Concorde, Palais Garnier
A day- The Louvre (🤞), Palais Royal, Catacombs, Saint Chapelle, Notre Dame
A day- Montmatre, Sacre Coeur, Galleries Lafayette ( I just want to see the dome)
A day- Eiffle Tower, Musee d’Orsay, Rue Cler Market, Seine Cruise, Maybe Latin Quarter
A day- day trip to Riems.
submitted by LegitimateStar7034 to ParisTravelGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 13:01 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - May 26th

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - May 26th
1979 - On their Destiny tour, The Jackson's play Fair Park Coliseum in Beaumont, Texas
1990 - Billboard's Music Of The '80s Poll honored Michael with:
  • Pop Album Of The Decade -Thriller
  • Black Artist Of The Decade
  • Black Album Of The Decade -Thriller
  • Black Single Of The Decade -"Billie Jean"
1994 - Michael secretly marries Lisa Marie Presley, 20 days after her divorce was finalized, in a ceremony in the Dominican Republic away from the prying lens of the paparazzi. Both wore all black. Eva Darling, a friend of Lisa Marie's & Darling's husband, Thomas Keough (Lisa Marie's former brother-in-law) were the witnesses.
“They lasted longer than I thought they would,” Judge Hugo Francisco Alvarez Perez, who officiated the wedding, later told Entertainment Weekly. “I gave them a year. They lasted a year and a half.”
1995 - Michael Jackson & Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson celebrate their 1st wedding anniversary by renting an entire amusement park in Los Angeles with Lisa's 5 year old daughter Danielle (Riley)
2000 - Michael escorts Dame Elizabeth Taylor to a tribute concert in her honor at the Albert Hall in London. They sit in a first-tier box located near the stage. After they return to the Dorchester Hotel, before going to their suites, they spend some time in the hotel shopping gallery, looking at the jewelry showcases.
2005 - Trial Day 61
Michael goes to court with Katherine & Randy. The judge denied the prosecution's request to display photographs of Michael's penis in the courtroom.
2007 - Michael attends the 25th birthday party of Prince Azim, the son of the Sultan of Brunei, at the Stapleford Park Country House Hotel in Great Britain
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 17:04 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 417

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 417

I had suspected it all along, but I silently bided my time.

I was waiting for the inevitable moment when they would reveal their true intentions.

"I'm actually confident."



A smirk tugged at the corners of my lips, a spontaneous reaction as I finally unleashed the accusation I had suppressed for so long.

"I'm confident that you bastards are more interested in stabbing me in the back than the Arch Lich."



Their stunned silence marked the end of this brief charade.


Lee Jeong-Ryong halted abruptly.


Then, a sudden surge of air pressure exploded from behind me — three precise bursts targeting my vital points.

Without needing to look, I sensed the trajectory of the flying daggers hurled by Wu Hei-Xing and knew exactly how to counter.


The daggers, aimed with lethal precision at my neck, spine, and right arm, sliced through the air, missing their intended targets.

'No, not quite.'

Was it due to my heightened senses? Everything around me seemed to move in slow motion.

As one dagger narrowly missed my right arm, I seized its handle in a fluid motion, twisting my waist and swinging my arm with the speed of lightning.



Wu Hei-Xing, who had charged forward in attack, reacted instinctively, his blade cutting through the air as he tried to counter.


The clash emitted a dull thud, and he staggered backward, his expression contorted in frustration. He prepared to lunge again, but a firm voice halted him.


「Mr. Lee, why…!」

“You’re not his match. Just wait.”

Lee Jeong-Ryong's gaze locked onto mine with an intensity that bore no room for argument.

"You're quite perceptive, aren't you?"

The sudden shift in his tone drew a snicker from me.

"For an old man who thinks he knows everything, you keep saying obvious things. If I lacked even this level of insight, I'd have died long ago."

"When did you figure it out?"

I answered without hesitation.

"From the very first moment we met."

That day, when I had boldly entered the Myeongdong Guild alone. From then, Lee Jeong-Ryong and I were irrevocably past any point of reconciliation.

It was set in motion the day that bastard, Park Ji-Hwang, ordered the Black Hunter to sever Mr. Rough Guy’s arms.

"That was just excessive loyalty from my subordinates. If you're going to spout such bullshit, you might as well roll your tongue back in your mouth."

"Hardly. I only regret it."

"What do you regret? Your future of smelling incense from behind a picture frame?" [Note: In Buddhism and many Asian cultures, families will have altars in their homes devoted to dead family members. Usually, photographs of the deceased will be placed upon these altars as a physical representation of their presence and influence on the living family. Incense is lit in front of these altars to invite the spirit of the deceased to join offerings and to carry prayers and messages to the afterlife.]

Lee Jeong-Ryong shook his head, a trace of genuine sentiment in his eyes.

"I quite liked you, actually."

"Then you shouldn’t have had my man's arms cut off."

"It was a light warning. I wanted to wake up Choi Min-Woo. Back then, Jin Tae-Kyung, the newbie, wasn’t significant enough to warrant my attention."

"And now?"

Lee Jeong-Ryong answered with a gentle smile.

"I came here myself. Does that answer your question?"

"That’s more than enough."

I leaned back against the cracked concrete debris, White Flames resting beside me.

To the left stood Wu Hei-Xing; to the right, Lee Jeong-Ryong. Both were ten meters away — a gap that could be bridged in a heartbeat.

"But this is unexpected. I thought you would make your move after dealing with the Arch Lich."

「Ha! You stupid bastard!」

Wu Hei-Xing's laughter shattered the tense air, his scorn echoing around us.

Just a few days ago, this guy couldn't even meet my eyes, and now he spoke confidently.

「The fight with the Arch Lich is all yours, Jin Tae-Kyung.」

"What nonsense… Ah."

A sudden realization dawned on me, and an involuntary, sardonic laugh escaped my lips.

I couldn't help but marvel; truly, their cunning was beyond any I had imagined.

"I wouldn't have believed that you bastards were this clever."

「Do you understand now? What situation you're in?」

"So... you never intended to fight the Arch Lich?"

Wu Hei-Xing curled his lips into a sneer.

「Why should I take such a risk?」


「Today's battle will be recorded as a defeat. And at the top of the list of the fallen, your name will be written. I've even decided on the epitaph for your tombstone."

Wu Hei-Xing spread his hands theatrically.

「A bangzi from Korea, killed by the Arch Lich. What do you think? Isn't it good?」

His words hung in the air, heavy and mocking. I blinked, momentarily stunned, my mind a blank slate as chills raced across my skin.

Was it the shock of his betrayal?

No, it was his haunting question that echoed in my mind.

'Why should I take such a risk?'

It felt like a physical blow, a harsh reminder of the brutality I had witnessed over the past month.

Scenes of despair flashed before me.

A young parent clutched their child, bracing for the end; an elderly person, too weak to escape, consumed by a monster; and a pregnant woman cradling her belly in her final breath.

And yet...

'I vowed on the day I became a Hunter that I would fight monsters until my very last breath. That vow still holds.'

There were those like Lei Fei who stood their ground to the bitter end, and the five hundred valorous souls of the Public Security Force Hunters who rose to fight despite overwhelming odds.

And there were those like Mr. Choi and Shao Shen, who had bound their hands to their sword hilts, determined to fight to their last.

'Really, why did they all take such risks? Idiots.'

Each courageous face haunted me. My gut seethed as if ablaze, each breath I exhaled scorching hot.

Centering myself, I focused on one individual.

"Tell me."

"What do you want to know?"

"Do you think the same as him?"

"It's different. Very different. That guy fears the Arch Lich, but..."

Lee Jeong-Ryong's words flowed with an eerie smoothness.

"I see it as an opportunity. The longer this war drags on, the more benefits I can gain."

A moment of silence passed before I nodded slightly, understanding dawning.

"I see, that's how it is."

I surged up from the rubble, the Scorching Yang Qi boiling through my veins like molten lava, igniting the air around me. The blade of White Flames flickered with ethereal blue flames.

"Let me ask one more thing."


"'A good Chinese is a dead Chinese', and 'Fuck you, Jeong-Ryong'. How do you like those epitaphs?" [Note: "a good Chinese is a dead Chinese" originated from a different use for Native Americans in the Indian Wars. The original quote is from General Philip Sheridan, who said "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." This term was adapted by Koreans as a hate expression for Chinese people.]



Wu Hei-Xing’s face twisted in shock, and Lee Jeong-Ryong’s eyes narrowed into amused crescents.


A brilliant burst of light erupted around us.

* * *

Lee Jeong-Ryong had resolved himself for what was necessary.

'Complacency is forbidden. I must kill him at all costs.'

Even a lion doesn’t hold back when hunting a rabbit, much less a formidable wolf like Jin Tae-Kyung.

Though he fancied himself a lion, Lee Jeong-Ryong was well aware of the wolf’s fangs.


With a swift step, almost imperceptible, Lee Jeong-Ryong’s movements blurred.

His long sword, enveloped in dazzling flashes of light, unsheathed in a swift, direct thrust.

Which was aimed at Jin Tae-Kyung.


This strike, unprecedented in its ferocity, was delivered with lethal precision by Lee Jeong-Ryong.

Wu Hei-Xing, though not as powerful as Jin Tae-Kyung, was still an S-rank Hunter wielding an Aura Blade, ready to join the fray.


As Wu Hei-Xing’s battle cry rang out, his eyes ablaze with fury, Lee Jeong-Ryong saw it clearly.

The fluid, graceful dance of Jin Tae-Kyung, his spear blade wreathed in blue flames.


The collision of two swords and one spear unleashed a Qi wave that exploded with a deafening roar.

Buildings were obliterated and the concrete beneath them was pulverized.

Boom! Booooom!

It was like a bomb had gone off.

The ground sank, and a massive tremor swept through hundreds of meters around.

But this was merely the beginning of what was to follow.


With a hiss like slicing silk, dozens, then hundreds of strikes whipped through the air. Lee Jeong-Ryong's blade, a blur too swift to track, assaulted Jin Tae-Kyung relentlessly.

He was convinced of his superiority, his sword a flawless extension of his will.

That belief held firm until Jin Tae-Kyung, with a dismissive swipe of his palm wreathed in flames, repelled Wu Hei-Xing and shifted his stance.


A superheated gust scorched the atmosphere.

Jin Tae-Kyung's spear, having absorbed the dense fog and the day’s moisture, hurtled towards Lee Jeong-Ryong with the force of a tempest.

It struck with the ferocity of a dragon’s claw descending from the heavens.

'What is this...?'

Lee Jeong-Ryong's brow furrowed in consternation.

Charging through with unstoppable momentum, Jin Tae-Kyung's spear annihilated his aura, spreading out evenly like a protective barrier.

The searing heat was suffocating, his muscles tensing in reaction.

The young man before him, barely a step into his thirties, was a far cry from the novice Lee Jeong-Ryong thought he knew.

'How could he have progressed this far in such a short time...?'

Taken aback by Jin Tae-Kyung’s unexpected prowess, Lee Jeong-Ryong nonetheless was no ordinary adversary; he stood among the elite of S-rank hunters.

Reacting instinctively, he positioned his sword horizontally in a parry.


Jin Tae-Kyung's spear hit with unexpected ferocity, challenging Lee Jeong-Ryong's preparedness. Yet, Lee Jeong-Ryong was equally unyielding.

Swoosh, sssss!

In the fraction of a heartbeat, spear and sword collided, sparking lightning and thundering clashes.

As Jin Tae-Kyung bore down, pressing Lee Jeong-Ryong’s blade back with his spear, he reached forward.

Just as his Divine Palm of Fire nearly scorched Lee Jeong-Ryong's chest, Lee’s fist, like a bolt from the blue, met his attack.


The clash expelled a burst of compressed air, forcing both men to stagger.

And for Lee Jeong-Ryong, the outcome was unnerving.

While he had been pushed back two full steps, Jin Tae-Kyung had barely moved one. [Note: as a reminder, way back in novel chapter 284, during their first encounter, the MC was pushed back three steps and Lee Jeong-Ryong was essentially unaffected when they traded the same moves being used here.]

'Was I really pushed back?'

Lee Jeong-Ryong had amassed immense power over decades.

Yet here stood a man not yet thirty, who had just outmatched him.

The transformation Jin Tae-Kyung had undergone in just over a month bordered on the miraculous.

'But that's not all.'

His power and speed, the fluidity of his movements... all were beyond words, utterly astonishing.

Just like this moment.

Whoosh! Swoosh!

Lee Jeong-Ryong snapped his head around just in time. The spear blade that had nearly touched him twisted in midair.


A scorching sensation trailed by a spray of blood.

Gritting his teeth against the pain — a sensation unfamiliar after so many unchallenged years—Lee Jeong-Ryong countered with a swing of his sword.


Their weapons met with a resounding clash. Beyond the gleaming spear blade, he locked eyes with the fiery gaze of the younger man.

From between clenched teeth, Jin Tae-Kyung's voice was ice-cold.

"You're... fucked."

The moment Lee Jeong-Ryong heard Jin Tae-Kyung's chilling words, he realized he needed to revise his earlier assessment.


He had underestimated Jin Tae-Kyung. The young man was not merely a wolf.

He was a lion — one poised to usurp the aging alpha and claim the throne.

Crack, bang!

An overwhelming force sent the older lion reeling back.

As Lee Jeong-Ryong somersaulted in midair to regain his footing, the first sight that met his eyes was Jin Tae-Kyung, his hand clamped around the throat of Wu Hei-Xing, who had lunged in a desperate sneak attack.

「Gah! My father is one of the Princelings...!」

"I don't care."

「Spare me, and I will surely repay you! Please!」

"Me? Spare you? You just tried to kill me."

His gaze burned into Wu Hei-Xing.

Then a familiar phrase slipped from his lips.

"Why should I take such a risk?"


Crack! [Note:]

Previous Table of Contents Next
submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 06:24 ScienceStyled When Picasso Met the Matrix: VR Art Adventures in the Zany Digital Wilderness

Gather 'round, you glorious goblins of the internet, and strap in for a wild ride through the insane circus of pixels, polygons, and pure pandemonium we call Virtual Reality (VR) Art. Imagine Salvador Dalí snorting pixie dust while binge-watching "Black Mirror" – that’s where we’re headed, folks. Let’s dive into the vortex where technology and art have a raucous rave party, leaving no cerebral cortex unjazzed.
First off, let's clear the air: VR art is not just your average Bob Ross painting sesh where happy little trees magically pop out. Oh no, my darlings, VR art is like stepping into a Salvador Dalí painting on acid, where those happy little trees start doing the Harlem Shake and singing "Bohemian Rhapsody." It’s art, Jim, but not as we know it. Strap on your VR headset, and suddenly, you’re not just a spectator – you’re freaking Neo in "The Matrix," dodging digital paint splatters like bullets, sculpting with virtual chisels that would make Michelangelo weep into his marble soup.
Now, if you’re thinking VR art is just for those who can afford the fanciest gadgets, think again! The future is here, and it's more inclusive than a Comic-Con afterparty. Take Tilt Brush, for example. Google’s baby lets you paint in three dimensions, swirling your brush through the air like you’re wielding a wand from "Harry Potter." But instead of “Expelliarmus,” you’re shouting, “Look, ma, no canvas!” You become an artistic maestro, creating masterpieces that float in mid-air. You can finally live out your dreams of being a cyber-age Da Vinci without having to invent flying machines or fight off Dan Brown.
Consider the mind-boggling installations that take this tech wizardry to the next level. Imagine walking into a gallery, putting on a VR headset, and suddenly you’re in a room where the walls are melting, the floor is lava, and you’re riding a giant pixelated unicorn. That’s not just an acid trip, my friends – that’s a VR art installation. Take a look at the work of someone like Marina Abramović. Her VR piece "Rising" makes you stand face-to-face with rising sea levels, reminding you to recycle your damn plastic and stop using the ocean as your personal dumpster. It's like if Greenpeace had a baby with "Ready Player One."
Speaking of wild and wacky, let’s talk about VR sculpting. Ever tried carving a turkey with a laser sword? No? Well, that’s kind of what VR sculpting feels like, minus the burnt giblets. With tools like Oculus Medium, you can mold and shape virtual clay as if you were Patrick Swayze in "Ghost," but with less pottery and more polygons. Artists create mind-blowing 3D sculptures that you can walk around, under, and through. Picture a gigantic statue of Baby Yoda made entirely of digital marshmallows – because why not?
The significance of VR art in our chaotic, meme-infested world cannot be overstated. It’s like the difference between watching "The Lion King" on your grandma’s VHS player and experiencing it in 4D with Simba practically sneezing in your face. VR art offers a dimension of interaction and immersion that makes traditional art look like a flipbook animation. It’s an art form that says, “Why just look at art when you can live it?” It’s a brave new world where you don’t just admire the Mona Lisa’s smile – you step inside it and find out what’s really going on behind those enigmatic eyes. Spoiler: she’s probably judging your taste in Netflix shows.
But let’s not forget, my digital disciples, that with great power comes great responsibility. As we plunge headfirst into this VR art wonderland, we must remember to keep our virtual ethics in check. No one wants to end up in a dystopian nightmare where artists are enslaved by their VR headsets, forced to create endless loops of dancing cats for some overlord's amusement. We need to make sure that VR art remains a tool for expression and innovation, not a means for corporate overlords to control our minds. Cue the dramatic "Twilight Zone" music.
In the grand, er, massively awesome scheme of things, VR art is the next evolutionary leap in the love story between technology and art. It’s like the weird yet wonderful offspring of a cyborg and a Renaissance painter, fusing digital prowess with creative genius. It’s an arena where artists are not just pushing the envelope – they’re tearing it up, turning it into a paper plane, and flying it straight into a virtual sunset.
So, dear aficionados of the absurd and devotees of the digital, let us embrace this brave new artistic frontier with the enthusiasm of a squirrel on a sugar high. Let us paint, sculpt, and create in dimensions previously confined to our wildest imaginations and Hollywood blockbusters. Let’s make art that doesn’t just hang on walls but swirls around us, making our senses tingle and our hearts race. Because in the world of VR art, anything is possible, and the only limit is how much caffeine we can consume before our heads explode.
And now, as promised, it’s time for an interpretive floss dance. Join me, won’t you? Let’s celebrate the glorious chaos of VR art with moves so sharp they could cut through a digital dreamscape. Remember, in this wild ride of technology and art, we’re all just pixels in the grand, uh, super spectacular mosaic of creativity. Keep it wacky, my friends.
submitted by ScienceStyled to u/ScienceStyled [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 14:49 ScienceStyled Galactic Brushstrokes: When Space Art Goes Full Space Cadet

Ladies and gents, gather 'round and prepare to have your minds blown like a Death Star exploding in a fireworks factory! Today, we’re blasting off on a cosmic odyssey through the wild, wacky world of space-inspired visual arts. Buckle up, because this journey through the final frontier is going to be wilder than a raccoon on Red Bull piloting the Millennium Falcon. We’re talking about the kind of art that makes you wonder if the artist was channeling their inner Spock or simply had one too many mojitos while binge-watching "Interstellar." So, without further ado, let's dive into the interstellar insanity of paintings, sculptures, and installations that evoke the sheer vastness and wonder of our universe.
First up, let's talk about paintings. Picture this: you're standing in front of a canvas that looks like Bob Ross got zapped by a gamma ray and started seeing stars, literally. These aren't just any stars, though; they're more vibrant than a Lisa Frank folder on acid. Take for instance, the works of Chris Foss, a legend in the space art world. His spaceships are so colorful and detailed that they make the USS Enterprise look like it was drawn with a crayon by a kindergartener. Foss's masterpieces transport you to a universe where color theory and physics had a wild night out and decided to break all the rules.
Now, let’s meander over to sculptures. If Michelangelo's David took a wrong turn at the Andromeda Galaxy and ended up on Mars, we'd get something close to what contemporary artists are cooking up today. Enter Björn Dahlem, the mad scientist of the art world whose sculptures look like they were constructed by a particularly ambitious bunch of extraterrestrial toddlers. His "Black Hole (M-Spheres)" isn't just a sculpture; it's a mind-bending tribute to the infinite loop of existence, kind of like the endless scroll of your Instagram feed but with more existential dread. Dahlem’s creations are so bizarrely magnificent, they make you question whether gravity is just a suggestion and not a law.
Now, if you're into art installations that are as immersive as a VR headset on steroids, let’s talk about Random International’s "Rain Room." Imagine strolling through a downpour in the middle of an art gallery without getting even a smidge damp. This isn't just a clever use of technology; it's a full-blown, in-your-face metaphor for the human condition. It’s like the artists were saying, "Hey, we’re all just trying to navigate this crazy universe without getting drenched by the chaos around us." Or maybe they just really like the idea of indoor rain. Who knows?
And while we're on the subject of installations, we cannot overlook the work of Yayoi Kusama. Her "Infinity Mirrors" are like stepping into a wormhole where reality and illusion blur faster than the plot of a Christopher Nolan movie. These rooms are decked out with mirrors and LED lights, creating a kaleidoscopic effect that makes you feel like you’re floating in a nebula of pure, unadulterated trippiness. Kusama’s work is a hypnotic tribute to the cosmos that makes you feel simultaneously minuscule and monumental, kind of like how you feel when you realize how many unread emails you have after a week off the grid.
Of course, no discussion of space-inspired visual arts would be complete without mentioning those wizards of whimsy at NASA. Their Hubble Space Telescope images have inspired a generation of artists to create works that are out of this world—literally. These celestial snapshots (I know, I know, I promised not to use that word, but it fits!) have been the muse for everything from fashion lines to furniture. It's like the cosmos itself has become the ultimate Pinterest board, and everyone’s pinning away like there’s no tomorrow.
Speaking of fashion, have you seen the designs inspired by space? It’s like Star Wars and haute couture had a fabulously glamorous baby. Designers are using prints of galaxies, stars, and even astronauts to create outfits that are more lit than a supernova. We’re talking dresses that look like they were stitched together from the fabric of space-time itself. Remember when Lady Gaga wore that orbit-inspired outfit? Yeah, that was just the beginning. Nowadays, it’s all about bringing the cosmos to the catwalk. I mean, why settle for basic when you can go full-on astrophysical fabulous?
So, what’s the deal with all this space-inspired art? Why are artists so obsessed with the final frontier? Well, my dear space cadets, it’s because space is the ultimate muse. It’s vast, mysterious, and full of possibilities—kind of like the internet, but with fewer trolls and more black holes. In a world where our daily lives are bogged down by the mundane (hello, laundry and taxes), space offers an escape, a chance to dream big and think even bigger. It’s a reminder that we’re just tiny specks in an ever-expanding universe, which is both humbling and exhilarating.
But let's not get too philosophical here. The real reason space-inspired art is so captivating is that it's just plain cool. Whether it’s a painting that makes you feel like you’re gazing into the eye of a galaxy, a sculpture that defies the laws of physics, or an installation that transports you to another dimension, this art is all about pushing boundaries and breaking norms. It’s about taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary, which is pretty much the definition of art, right?
In conclusion, space-inspired visual arts are like the love child of Einstein's theories and Warhol's eccentricities. They’re bold, brash, and unapologetically imaginative. So next time you’re wandering through an art gallery or scrolling through an art blog, keep an eye out for those pieces that make you feel like you've been launched into orbit. And remember, in the world of astronomy and art, the only limit is the artist's imagination. So, to all the artists out there dreaming of the stars, keep creating, keep imagining, and above all, keep being delightfully, unapologetically weird. After all, the universe is a pretty weird place, and that’s what makes it so wonderfully fascinating.
submitted by ScienceStyled to u/ScienceStyled [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 15:16 LisaandNeil Lateral thinking for fun marketing opportunities. (warning includes mild Rick Astley)

* Prompted by a great photo of a UK Bride ( shot by u/cameragoclick) enjoying a Greggs (It's a much beloved baked goods shop in UK for those outside this sceptic isle).
There's plenty of doom and gloom around about bookings, some of it with good reason too, but keeping your business busy and getting booked is influenced by a heap of things. The biggest is your thought process.
Whilst nobody wants to be the social media monkey and always feeling like you have to perform to get noticed...we are all creatives and have a sense of humour and fun. If we see something that makes us smile, it's reasonable to imagine it'll make your couple smile and the public too.
So 4/5/24 Lisa's with the Bride and they're early in travelling to the venue. Everyone agrees to stop at a roadside Costa to grab a drink and use the facilities. They make some photos for giggles and agree nobody will tell the Groom so he has a surprise when the photos are delivered.
The gallery was delivered by the following Friday (11th May) so the couple could enjoy their 1 week anniversary. When they'd fed back that they were happy we mentioned BoredPanda - turns out the Bride is a big fan.
Article appears on BoredPanda on the 15th May. We smile, the Bride is chuffed to bits.
So, these weren't award winning photos and really just an example of having fun at our jobs with the clients - and the link is 'NF' so that's a shame - but the concept and the outcome is all positive and fun to share.
TLDR - Keep looking for stuff you can do to get noticed, after time it all adds up
submitted by LisaandNeil to WeddingPhotography [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:41 10YearSecurityGuard Caged Soup Night #54 : Chilled Melon and White Wine Soup

Caged Soup Night #54 : Chilled Melon and White Wine Soup
Caged Soup Night #54 : Chilled Melon and White Wine Soup
This was great as a dessert or even summer lunch soup. It was very "melon" and not super sweet. The lemon is nice, but I recommend using less/not enough to really taste it, but still provide a subtle sharpness. You can't go wrong with more Crème Fraîche though. Play with the amounts, and it's hard to go wrong. Texture was a little like applesauce, but only a little as it was not nearly as thick. Also, light/air(y) almond cookies were a great companion.
submitted by 10YearSecurityGuard to soup [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:01 UnnaturalGeek First quiz to be hosted in the sub! Big news as well, this is last time I will be hosting the quiz, after today it will be handed over to the very capable u/Phildog28 🥜🥜

First quiz to be hosted in the sub! Big news as well, this is last time I will be hosting the quiz, after today it will be handed over to the very capable u/Phildog28 🥜🥜
Disclaimer: Can't edit the post so will comment once all questions are answered! Please read the rules before commenting! Want this to be fun but fair!
Welcome to The Naturally Unknown Quizventure!
The prize pool will stay as it is because over in TNU we want to maintain as much of our resources as possible for our future token NUTS. If any questions remain unanswered then the Cone will be added into the next prize pool!
Only ONE question per person and you can only have ONE attempt.
Make sure you put the number of the question you are guessing in your comment.
Each question is first come first serve with the correct answer.
Each question is worth 12663 Cones
Every comment will have a chance to win a copy of "An Emerging Coo D'etat" in 24-hours time! So, even when all the questions have been answered still comment!
The Quiz
Good luck!
  1. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is on display in which Paris museum?
  2. In which century did da Vinci paint The Last Supper?
  3. Florence's Accademia Gallery houses which well-known Michelangelo renaissance sculpture?
  4. The Creation of Adam is one of nine scenes featured on the ceiling of which Rome landmark?
  5. The bronze sculpture 'The Thinker' was created by which French sculptor in the early twentieth century?
  6. Which Vincent van Gogh painting was the inspiration for the Don McLean song 'Vincent'?
  7. What was the surname of Edvard, the creator of The Scream, a name which also features in a well-known brand of crisps?
  8. The Aphrodite of Milos, the Greek statue believed to be the work of Alexandros of Antioch, is better known by which name?
  9. Which famous artist best known for the striking and bizarre images in his surrealist work was born in Figueres, Catalonia in May 1904?
  10. Complete the name of the world-famous Greek sculpture completed in approximately 450 BC - The Diskobolus of...?
submitted by UnnaturalGeek to TheNaturallyUnknown [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:21 Significant-Notice- Friday assorted links

  1. Sriram Krishnan, memos.
  2. Making students compete against GPT for writing assignments.
  3. Is the northern Italian city of Lecco the background for the Mona Lisa?
  4. In America, more and more girls’ names are ending in the letter “a.”
  5. More on the anti-cavity thing, this guy is very skeptical.
  6. How frames can change pictures.
The post Friday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.


]( - In reply to Anyone surprised by 4?. Oddly specific literary M - 5. Booo! Booo! The FDA is completely broken. They don't Reason - 6 straussian for the king chaz bloody diss-articulated head Freudian Bill - 2. Sounds like an attempt at “embrace extend extinguish”. Reason - #4: Probably all inspired by the popularity of a girl whose M - Plus 5 more...

submitted by Significant-Notice- to marginal [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:53 AutomaticFreedom3459 [FS] [WW] Gucci Shoes and Gallery Dept Jeans

Paypal Invoice Only.
Tagged Photo and Timestamp :
Looking to sell my Gucci Shoes and Gallery Dept Jeans
1.) Gucci Shoes in Black from Lisa. Worn. 30 € and 25.50€ Shipping Workdwide
2.) Gallery Dept Size 34. 35€ and 25.50€ Worldwide
submitted by AutomaticFreedom3459 to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:18 CamelProfessional847 Pick Your Favorite TV Moms of the 90s

Marge Simpson from The Simpsons
Roseanne Conner from Roseanne
Jill Taylor from Home Improvement
Peg Bundy from Married With Children
Claire Huxtable from The Cosby Show
Norma Arnold from The Wonder Years
Estelle “Mama” Winslow from Family Matters
Aunt Viv #1 from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Harriette Winslow from Family Matters
Carol Foster Lambert from Step by Step
Annie Camden from 7th Heaven
Jill Brock from Picket Fences
Gail Leery from Dawson’s Creek
Jerri Peterson from The Parent’Hood
Kitty Forman from That 70s Show
Amy Matthews from Boy Meets World
Fran Phillips Sinclair from Dinosaurs
Maggie Seaver from Growing Pains
Lisa Landry From Sister, Sister
Elizabeth Lubbock from Just the Ten of Us
Sophia Pertillo from The Golden Girls
Becky Donaldson Katsopolis from Full House
Cybill Sheridan from Cybill
Dee Mitchell from Moesha
Grace Burdette Kelly from Grace Under Fire
Murphy Brown from Murphy Brown
Angela Robinson Bower from Who’s the Boss?
Mona Robinson from Who’s the Boss?
Rachel Crawford from Family Matters
Hilda and Zelda Spellman from Sabrina, The Teenage Witch
Yvonne Hughley from The Hughleys
Debra Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond
Marie Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond
Peggy Hill from King of the Hill
Joyce Wrigley from The Adventures of Pete and Pete
Janet Darling from Clarissa Explains it All
Patty Chase from My So-Called Life
Joyce Summers from Buffy, The Vampire Slayer
Kitty Montgomery from Dharma & Greg
Abby O’Neil from Dharma and Greg
Jean Weir from Freaks and Geeks (1999)
Camela Soprano from The Sopranos (1999)
Abby Bartlett from The West Wing (1999)
Amy Gray from Judging Amy (1999)
Maxine Gray from Judging Amy (1999)
Nikki Parker from The Parkers (1999)
Lois Griffin from Family Guy (1999)
submitted by CamelProfessional847 to 90s [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:55 rheidtr Happy Monday CW 20 🌟 - Video Collection for Power Apps and Power Automate

Happy Monday CW 20 🌟 - Video Collection for Power Apps and Power Automate
🌟 Kickstart Your Week! 🚀 Dive into the latest from the #Microsoft365 & #PowerPlatform community on YouTube! Check out 🔟 new tutorials meticulously crafted to supercharge your productivity and sharpen your skills! 🎥✨
🟣 Power Platform
✅ 4 New Copilot features for Power Apps by Shane Young
✅ Convert Excel to Power Apps Quickly: Step-by-Step Guide by Reza Dorrani
✅ Power Apps - Containers vs Galleries Showdown by Daniel Christian [MVP]
✅ Quick Guide to Fixing Delegation Issues in Power Apps by Andrew Hess
✅ Invoice Processing: AI Builder vs Azure Document by Damien Bird
✅ Power Apps Left Nav Menu: Step-by-Step by April Dunnam
✅ Ultimate Guide: Getting Started with Microsoft Copilot by Lisa Crosbie
submitted by rheidtr to MicrosoftFlow [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:55 rheidtr Happy Monday CW 20 🌟 - Video Collection for Power Apps and Power Automate

🌟 Kickstart Your Week! 🚀 Dive into the latest from the #Microsoft365 & #PowerPlatform community on YouTube! Check out 🔟 new tutorials meticulously crafted to supercharge your productivity and sharpen your skills! 🎥✨
🟣 Power Platform
✅ 4 New Copilot features for Power Apps by Shane Young
✅ Convert Excel to Power Apps Quickly: Step-by-Step Guide by Reza Dorrani
✅ Power Apps - Containers vs Galleries Showdown by Daniel Christian [MVP]
✅ Quick Guide to Fixing Delegation Issues in Power Apps by Andrew Hess
✅ Invoice Processing: AI Builder vs Azure Document by Damien Bird
✅ Power Apps Left Nav Menu: Step-by-Step by April Dunnam
✅ Ultimate Guide: Getting Started with Microsoft Copilot by Lisa Crosbie
submitted by rheidtr to PowerApps [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 09:56 Fluffy_Future_7500 Louvre Guided Tour Review / 2024 !

Louvre Guided Tour Review / 2024 !
A not so glamorous photo of the most impressive art gallery / museum in the world! In our opinion of course.. We visit the Louvre every time we are in Paris and can never get enough of the place.
Our favourite paintings in the Louvre are.. Mona Lisa, Liberty leading the people and the Coronation of Napoleon. All must sees. Honestly though.. we can easily spend hours walking around all art is perfectly placed and well thought out in this magnificent art gallery!
After having such a good experience with skip-the-line guided tours at the Catacombs we opted to book online for the Louvre too.. This saved us so much time. We felt like after visiting the Louvre so many times before, a guide would help to expand our knowledge. This worked out perfectly for us :)
AGAIN the guide we had (Angelo) was extremely professional, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Although a tad more serious ;) .. which I guess is fitting for a art gallery/museum.
  • Meet at the skip the line entrance
  • guided tour
There are over 38,000 art works in the building.. so your guide is obviously not going to go through everything.. he/she will however highlight the more famous pieces. Highly recommend booking in advance for skip the line access on the day. I'll leave a link below.
GYG LINK Louvre Museum Guided Tour:
For a more detailed review on our Paris trip check out our trip report below :)
submitted by Fluffy_Future_7500 to Louvre [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:51 PigeonBod Guys, did you know?

Guys, did you know?
What in the PMK is this article? How much did she pay for this? A real player? And the sub-story ‘Why she’ll never return to RHOBH’… It’s giving total, and utter, delusion.
submitted by PigeonBod to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:39 como365 For the Love of Locals opens today! 22 local musicians perform today 2-4. Scroll to see some of the paintings and photos on sale.

For the Love of Locals opens today! 22 local musicians perform today 2-4. Scroll to see some of the paintings and photos on sale.
One of our most popular exhibits returns!
You’re invited to attend an artistic & musical extravaganza! Jane Mudd, Jeff Rogers, Amy Stephenson, Lisa Bartlett and Kevin Dingman bring you images of local favorites.
The exhibit depicting fabulous Artists, musicians and writers will also include a reception like no other! These represented COMO darlings will perform a short program for us! 20 or so short performances will prevail.
FOR THE LOVE OF LOCALS For the Love of Locals” is not only a celebration of the artistic talent present in Columbia but also a testament to the power of art in fostering human connection. The exhibition showcases the diversity of creative expressions and invites viewers to engage with the artwork on a personal and emotional level. Through the collective vision of these local artists, the exhibition serves as a reminder of the beauty and importance of supporting and celebrating the local cultural scene.
We hope you can come to our opening reception showcase where the subjects will be the show, as well as the art.
Montminy Gallery Director Boone County History and Culture Center Weekly hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 3801 PONDEROSA STREET COLUMBIA, MISSOURI (573) 443-8936
Our list of performers so far:
Here’s our lineup for Saturday. I can’t be more humbled or appreciative for all the folks that are going to come out and entertain us at the reception. You come to.
2:00 Meredith Shaw – 1:50 front 2:10 inside Pippa 2:15 Jellybean 2:20 Dylan McCord 2:30 Ronna Birenbaum, Sara Cleaveland and Mark Satterwhite 2:40 Anand Prahlad 2:45 David Pruitt 2:50 Pete Szkolka, Kevin & Sean Hennessy 3:00 Marley Magner 3:05 Allie O’Neill. 3:10 lee ruth 3:15 Benjamin Hinkebein 3:20 John Slight 3:25 Brett Dufur 3:30 Lionel Miller 3:35 Dillinger Steele 3:40 Tony lotven 3:45 Dave Dearnley Scott McCullough, Dave Angle, Tony Lotven
submitted by como365 to columbiamo [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 17:01 PrestigiousSide3388 En iyi 600 Porno Yıldızı (Bence)

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  1. angela white
  2. christy mack
  3. rachel starr
  4. nicole aniston
  5. kendra lust
  6. ava addams
  7. ariella ferrera
  8. madison ıvy
  9. mia malkova
  10. asa akira
  11. alexis texas
  12. alexis fawx
  13. lisa ann
  14. jayden james
  15. abella anderson
  16. autumn falls
  17. megan rain
  18. gina valentina
  19. kelsi monroe
  20. britney amber
  21. courtney cummz
  22. angelina valentine
  23. naomi russel
  24. jenaveve jolie
  25. rebecca linares
  26. jada stevens
  27. eva lovia
  28. gianna nicole
  29. august ames
  30. phoenix marie
  31. shyla stylez
  32. madelyn marie
  33. esperanza gomez
  34. audrey bitoni
  35. gianna michaels
  36. jynx maze
  37. juelz ventura
  38. eva angelina
  39. brooklyn chase
  40. kagney linn karter
  41. pristine edge
  42. jessa rhodes
  43. savannah sixx
  44. luna star
  45. raven hart
  46. reagan foxx
  47. makayla cox
  48. chanel preston
  49. lexi luna
  50. nikki benz
  51. cherie deville
  52. kayden kross
  53. francesca le
  54. romi rain
  55. tasha reign
  56. brandi love
  57. rachael cavalli
  58. ısabelle deltore
  59. jessica jaymes
  60. holly sampson
  61. rachel roxxx
  62. teanna trump
  63. harley dean
  64. bethany benz
  65. jill kassidy
  66. abigail mac
  67. casey calvert
  68. kimmy granger
  69. sydney cole
  70. tori black
  71. peta jensen
  72. jenna haze
  73. lela star
  74. ısabella taylor
  75. tia cyrus
  76. katana kombat
  77. katrina moreno
  78. canela skin
  79. victoria june
  80. ısis taylor
  81. nina elle
  82. lauren phillips
  83. sophie dee
  84. harley jade
  85. paige turnah
  86. ıvy lebelle
  87. eva long
  88. jamie jackson
  89. sienna west
  90. alison tyler
  91. bridgette b
  92. gina lynn
  93. mercedes carrera
  94. nicolette shea
  95. vanessa cage
  96. savannah bond
  97. yurizan beltran
  98. mikayla mendez
  99. jasmine caro
  100. layla london
  101. mischa brooks
  102. reena sky
  103. kenzie taylor
  104. destiny dixon
  105. veronica rodriguez
  106. jaye summers
  107. adriana chechik
  108. aidra fox
  109. athena faris
  110. emma hix
  111. cali carter
  112. kiki minaj
  113. aalivah hadid
  114. sarah banks
  115. bree olson
  116. kimber lee
  117. gracie glam
  118. dani daniels
  119. gianna dior
  120. lexi diamond
  121. janice griffith
  122. trisha parks
  123. allie nicole
  124. vienna black
  125. lana rhoades
  126. abella danger
  127. aj applegate
  128. anikka albrite
  129. bailey brooke
  130. ashly anderson
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  132. amirah adara
  133. lily love
  134. priya rai
  135. jaclyn taylor
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  137. devon
  138. silvia saige
  139. ashley fires
  140. nikki brooks
  141. xev bellringer
  142. lola foxx
  143. karlee grey
  144. stephanie cane
  145. mandy muse
  146. lanny barbie
  147. black angelika
  148. anissa kate
  149. havana bleu
  150. gia dimarco
  151. moriah mills
  152. osa lovely
  153. alexis monroe
  154. alanah rae
  155. aubrey sinclair
  156. carmen caliente
  157. lilly hall
  158. samantha saint
  159. capri cavanni
  160. kayla kayden
  161. august taylor
  162. katie morgan
  163. melina mason
  164. olivia austin
  165. maya bjiou
  166. nina north
  167. gia milana
  168. alina lopez
  169. remy lacroix
  170. tiffany watson
  171. kristina rose
  172. violet starr
  173. tanner mayes
  174. ashley sinclair
  175. ann marie rios
  176. melanie rios
  177. ariana marie
  178. jessie volt
  179. dana wolf
  180. sheena ryder
  181. cameron canada
  182. micah moore
  183. daisy stone
  184. jessica bangkok
  185. christiana cinn
  186. diamond jackson
  187. skin diamond
  188. nyomi banxxx
  189. cassidy banks
  190. anya ıvy
  191. kennedy leigh
  192. kenna james
  193. charity crawford
  194. alina li
  195. morgan lee
  196. vina sky
  197. jasmine grey
  198. jade nile
  199. aria lee
  200. uma jolie
  201. lily jordan
  202. avi love
  203. hime marie
  204. cameron canela
  205. dakoda brookes
  206. rahyndee james
  207. amy reid
  208. lexi belle
  209. faye reagan
  210. elsa jean
  211. kali roses
  212. alix lynx
  213. alex grey
  214. naomi woods
  215. victoria valentino
  216. madison parker
  217. valentina nappi
  218. candice dare
  219. jenna presley
  220. kimmy olsen
  221. sensual jane
  222. richelle ryan
  223. cory chase
  224. brooke banner
  225. tanya tate
  226. vanessa blue
  227. monique alexander
  228. ındia summer
  229. brett rossi
  230. dani jensen
  231. holly halston
  232. diamond foxxx
  233. carmen valentina
  234. zoey holloway
  235. rebecca more
  236. jewels jade
  237. veronica avluv
  238. kissa sins
  239. lexi davis
  240. kylie page
  241. tiffany tyler
  242. jillian janson
  243. kenzie madison
  244. ındica monroe
  245. bella reese
  246. mason moore
  247. amia miley
  248. franceska jaimes
  249. megan sage
  250. whitney wright
  251. dylan ryder
  252. kortney kane
  253. breanne benson
  254. devyn cole
  255. bella bellz
  256. anna bell peaks
  257. kleio valentien
  258. brittney white
  259. holly michaels
  260. katie banks
  261. ella milano
  262. nikki sexx
  263. desiree dulce
  264. tiffany brookes
  265. rose monroe
  266. serena santos
  267. daisy marie
  268. kelly devine
  269. cristal caraballo
  270. alexa vega
  271. nina milano
  272. coco blue
  273. haley ryder
  274. melissa lynn
  275. amber cox
  276. stacy jay
  277. adriana lynn
  278. mulan rivera
  279. sofia nix
  280. halle hayes
  281. nia nacci
  282. nikki delano
  283. lady fyre
  284. sativa rose
  285. ella knox
  286. violet myers
  287. valerie kay
  288. nikita von james
  289. julianna vega
  290. victoria summers
  291. kiara mia
  292. codi bryant
  293. becky bandini
  294. jessica kyle
  295. alexa thomas
  296. alyssia kent
  297. tegan james
  298. khloe kapri
  299. haley reed
  300. molly mae
  301. stella cox
  302. madelyn monroe
  303. zoey monroe
  304. adriana maya
  305. jamie marleigh
  306. kesha ortega
  307. sheila ortega
  308. alexis rodriguez
  309. london keyes
  310. jayden lee
  311. kianna dior
  312. chanell heart
  313. gia paige
  314. kirsten price
  315. lena paul
  316. raven bay
  317. alexis tae
  318. nicole bexley
  319. jade jantzen
  320. alexis brill
  321. marsha may
  322. naomi swann
  323. valentina jewels
  324. gianna gem
  325. amy brooke
  326. ıvy winters
  327. christie stevens
  328. krystal boyd
  329. brandy aniston
  330. ashlynn brooke
  331. cassidy klein
  332. madison chandler
  333. brianna brooks
  334. alexis adams
  335. maryjane johnson
  336. dava foxx
  337. harmony wonder
  338. katya rodriguez
  339. jasmine byrne
  340. scarlit scandal
  341. abbey brooks
  342. jasmine jae
  343. mila marx
  344. savannah gold
  345. rharri rhound
  346. briella bounce
  347. charley chase
  348. april o'neil
  349. jennifer white
  350. karter foxx
  351. sofie reyez
  352. ava taylor
  353. natasha nice
  354. leah gotti
  355. bella rose
  356. rikki six
  357. liya silver
  358. jada fire
  359. giselle palmer
  360. marley brinx
  361. alexa aimes
  362. karmen karma
  363. kalina ryu
  364. sharon lee
  365. macy cartel
  366. alexis ford
  367. lyra law
  368. kiara kai
  369. jayna oso
  370. shaiden rogue
  371. cadence lux
  372. vivianno milano
  373. cindy starfall
  374. josephine jackson
  375. abby cross
  376. victoria white
  377. carolina sweets
  378. abigaile johnson
  379. emily willis
  380. alexis love
  381. cecillia lion
  382. amara romani
  383. eliza ıbarra
  384. vicki chase
  385. alex tanner
  386. gabbie carter
  387. candice nicole
  388. gia vendetti
  389. lilly ford
  390. sophie lynx
  391. anastasia knight
  392. nekane
  393. evelin stone
  394. jelena jensen
  395. keisha grey
  396. alektra blue
  397. emily addison
  398. demi lopez
  399. skylar snow
  400. avery adair
  401. addie andrews
  402. sarah jessie
  403. lilith lust
  404. julie kay
  405. kira noir
  406. zoe parker
  407. kendall karson
  408. noelle easton
  409. aria alexander
  410. nickey huntsman
  411. kendra spade
  412. bonnie rotten
  413. hadley viscara
  414. ella hughes
  415. alexis andrews
  416. ryan smiles
  417. jade amber
  418. whitney westgate
  419. dillion harper
  420. kendra sunderland
  421. darcie dolce
  422. jayden cole
  423. celeste star
  424. vanessa veracruz
  425. ryan ryans
  426. mindi mink
  427. jenna sativa
  428. sienna milano
  429. malena morgan
  430. kendra james
  431. capri anderson
  432. sheridan love
  433. jessica lynn
  434. lacey duvalle
  435. aaliyah love
  436. skyla novea
  437. marta lacroft
  438. susi gala
  439. alena croft
  440. vicky vette
  441. puma swede
  442. tara holiday
  443. syren de mer
  444. aletta ocean
  445. julia ann
  446. stormy daniels
  447. teagan presley
  448. diamond kitty
  449. kayla carrera
  450. catalina cruz
  451. nina mercedez
  452. tabitha stevens
  453. carmel moore
  454. joslyn james
  455. crissy moran
  456. janet mason
  457. sybil stallone
  458. tera patrick
  459. raylene
  460. aubrey black
  461. jenna jameson
  462. gemma massey
  463. anna lovato
  464. amber lynn
  465. amy anderssen
  466. chase dasani
  467. lena the plug
  468. sara luvv
  469. lily labeau
  470. samantha rone
  471. natalia starr
  472. natasha starr
  473. piper perri
  474. val dodds
  475. sheena shaw
  476. aspen ora
  477. kaylani lei
  478. georgia peach
  479. natalie monroe
  480. kate england
  481. rebel lynn
  482. alexa grace
  483. kenzie reeves
  484. veronica leal
  485. alli rae
  486. kira perez
  487. natalie lust
  488. alexis crystal
  489. layla price
  490. britney shea
  491. sheridan love
  492. carmella bing
  493. maddy o'reilly
  494. sasha foxxx
  495. carter cruise
  496. katrina jade
  497. dylan daniels
  498. joseline kelly
  499. allie haze
  500. lily adams
  501. kristen scott
  502. moka mora
  503. lana roy
  504. jessie rogers
  505. little caprice
  506. staci carr
  507. ashley adams
  508. heather vahn
  509. crystal rae
  510. anya olsen
  511. scarlett sage
  512. angel dark
  513. holly hendrix
  514. sunny leone
  515. ava devine
  516. angel wicky
  517. julie cash
  518. cherokee d'ass
  519. bunny colby
  520. hannah hays
  521. ania kinski
  522. kayla green
  523. jessica drake
  524. morgan rain
  525. lupa fuentes
  526. ryder skye
  527. krissy lynn
  528. riley star
  529. kiara cole
  530. nina rotti
  531. adria rae
  532. karla kush
  533. liza rowe
  534. tina kay
  535. tory lane
  536. nancy a
  537. nikita bellucci
  538. raven riley
  539. sarah vandella
  540. katie kox
  541. angel rivas
  542. veronica vain
  543. daisy dukes
  544. karlie montana
  545. apolonia lapiedra
  546. texas patti
  547. charlee chase
  548. jasmine webb 549 holly heart
  549. tessa lane
  550. lucie wilde
  551. kristina sweet
  552. mea malone
  553. briana banks
  554. danni cole
  555. ıce la fox
  556. aryana adin
  557. brooklyn rose
  558. angel del rey
  559. riley steele
  560. kristy black
  561. abbie cat
  562. samantha ryan
  563. melissa moore
  564. brooke wylde
  565. dahlia sky
  566. jesse jane
  567. Annen
  568. ava dalush
  569. misty stone
  570. cassandra nix
  571. whitney stevens
  572. britney stevens
  573. lasirena69
  574. allie jordan
  575. daphne rosen
  576. penny pax
  577. gina gerson
  578. mona wales
  579. crystal lust
  580. alura jenson
  581. victoria cakes
  582. olivia o'lovely
  583. pinky
  584. nina hartley
  585. deauxma
  586. taylor vixen
  587. connie carter
  588. sophia castello
  589. molly jane
  590. gabriella fox
  591. harper hempel
  592. kim kardashian
  593. skylar vox
  594. mandy flores
  595. sasha grey
  596. mia khalifa
  597. sara jay
  598. riley reid
  599. ember snow
submitted by PrestigiousSide3388 to KGBTR [link] [comments]