Homemade electo stim devices

My son has been diagnosed with celiac disease, but apart from medical evidence, everything is very complicated. Is it gluten or casein that causes this?

2024.06.01 22:07 nilarzu My son has been diagnosed with celiac disease, but apart from medical evidence, everything is very complicated. Is it gluten or casein that causes this?

(I definitely don't want medical help or diagnosis, I'm just curious about your opinions. Our doctor has already made the diagnosis.)
He is my wind, he is my sunlight, my dear son who is 10 years old and has been diagnosed with celiac disease. I feel like I’ve been pulled into a black hole’s gravitational field. When he was just 5 years old, questioning the universe, he said, “Mom, who knows, maybe our world is inside a black hole…”
He has always been a fun-loving and life-loving child. When he was 5, I took him to a pedagogue to learn about his cognitive profile, and the pedagogue said his cognitive age was 3 years older and that such children might develop attention deficit disorder and what we could do for his development. How could I have known that his distraction could have been due to celiac disease in the following years?
He loves eating, especially pasta, pastries, and other junk foods like other kids. I managed to protect him from junk food until he was almost 5 years old. Even if there were tricks, you only realize this after starting school and you can’t stop it (this is the point where I blame myself the most). I always cooked at home, everything was made at home with vegetables and meat. These should have been the rules of healthy eating for me, and even though eating out has increased a bit in the last year, this hasn’t changed; I still cook homemade meals. I am a vice-principal at a school, which requires me to be at school 5 days a week, including summer holidays. I’ve been doing this job for almost eight years. And now I’ve decided to resign and switch to teaching because I know I need to cook more homemade meals at home and pay attention to cross-contamination. I have a 5-year-old daughter, her tests came back negative, and I think I need to be home to protect her (another point where I blame myself is that I should have been home).
Rüzgar generally didn’t have any issues after meals. All my observations showed this except for milk. Whenever he went through a heavy milk-drinking phase, his stomach pain would increase. Like every child, we thought it was an infection he caught from school when he had diarrhea. Actually, maybe he had diarrhea 5-6 times in his life, but we had to go to the emergency room a few times due to stomach pain and gas pain. He was generally a very healthy child. In the last few years, he mentioned a few times that he had numbness in his hands and legs, usually when he stayed in the same position for a long time, and we interpreted it that way (but maybe because I was very worried as a mother, I took him to the doctor and everything was said to be normal). We went to orthopedics because of leg pain and had an X-ray taken. It was said that his legs were growing and this was normal. When he said he had headaches, we went to the doctor again and came back with the explanation that everything was normal. I didn’t listen to those who said I was exaggerating and didn’t stop taking him to the doctor, but no doctor listened to the mother either. Maybe if they had, the diagnosis could have been made earlier (when I reviewed past records, I found that the emergency doctor diagnosed him with gastroenteritis colitis in 2022 when we went for gas pain. But he said gas and sent us home. Now I blame myself for not looking back on this).
(Rüzgar’s peers usually complained about the same issues; headaches, leg pain, numbness, we witnessed these, and this was always considered normal by the mothers, even if I didn’t find it normal and visited doctors.)
And the date is February 20, 2024. Rüzgar had a three-day, non-feverish diarrhea. No vomiting, generally fine, but stomach pain and diarrhea lasted three days. On the third day, we went to the pediatrician and the diarrhea had subsided. I explained all the previous symptoms, but the diarrhea was like all other children and the doctor was going to give us probiotics and send us home (actually, his sister also had diarrhea on the fourth day). Rüzgar loved eating, but didn’t eat much, his weight and height were in the 95th percentile, but he had a slight belly. I expressed my concern and asked for his liver enzymes to be checked and the doctor agreed. I asked the doctor to check these values for Rüzgar because his father and aunt had thyroid disease. Suddenly, the doctor thought of something and said if there is an autoimmune disease in the family, the child might have another celiac disease, let’s check. (But every time blood was taken, I would say these things for Rüzgar and have them checked, no doctor would think of this). And of course, the value came out to be 200 (tissue transglutaminase reference: <20) and then we were referred to gastroenterology. The gastroenterologist gave us the anti-gliadin antibody test: negative, EMA: positive, and performed endoscopy + biopsy. When we found out it was Mars 3b (stage 3b), we were in shock. Rüzgar’s vitamin and mineral values were good, liver enzymes were normal, iron was at its highest level, thyroid and sugar were normal.
On the day of the endoscopy, my son and 4-5 other children were going to have an endoscopy for celiac disease, and I talked to their families. When they saw Rüzgar, they were all very surprised and said it was impossible because Rüzgar was almost twice the size of all the other children (some were older and some were the same age). When Rüzgar saw the children, he turned to me and said, “Mom, I guess I’m an exceptional case.” Even then, he made me laugh.
Everything happened so fast that, as Rüzgar said, I feel like I’m being pulled into a black hole.
After getting the celiac screening results on February 23rd and reading all the scientific articles (I think all the available articles are crazy), I gave him more gluten than usual until April 26th to avoid disrupting the endoscopy. I used to feel very sad about his belly, I wouldn't make pasta unless he wanted it and I would limit bread. Until the endoscopy, he ate pasta, ravioli, pastries, sandwiches, etc. every day. Even though he ate so much gluten, he didn't experience a single headache or stomach ache. In fact, her belly shrank and her bloating decreased. We went to the doctor on May 7 with the biopsy and gene result (HLA-DQ2: positive) and the diagnosis was made. The doctor talked to Rüzgar, gave a diet list, and explained what we needed to do: Switch to a gluten-free diet and check the values ​​again after two months (he was a very gracious and good doctor). My husband and I were devastated. I almost couldn't look at Rüzgar for two months. I cried every time I saw him. However, the day I was diagnosed, I was unresponsive, too unresponsive to understand anything. And I was trying to understand that I had to be strong.
The doctor said we could consume dairy products but it should be lactose-free for a few weeks. And we did as he said after the diagnosis, Rüzgar started drinking lactose-free milk, I completely changed and cleaned the kitchen, bought new pans, cutting boards, and gluten-free products, and baked the bread myself. I had enough knowledge to prevent cross-contamination, but something wasn’t right. Since Rüzgar started drinking milk, almost 9 days have passed, and his stomach has been hurting for 3 days, and his belly is more bloated than ever. I feel very confused. If gluten bothers him, he ate more gluten for a month and a half; yet he wasn’t bothered at all when I removed milk. He is currently on a gluten-free diet and is very uncomfortable because he drinks milk. I don’t know if I should consider that Marsh 3b grade damage could affect serology due to casein protein. I explained the situation to the doctor, and he said it was no longer necessary to question celiac disease and that he could consume dairy products, but we should stop milk. In two months, we will see if the strict gluten-free diet has worked. I won’t know which one is the reason.
On the day of diagnosis, the doctor referred us to measure bone mineral density with a bone mineral densitometer. The measurement was done with a device, and the specialist who performed the measurement said, “Your son has the healthiest bones I’ve ever seen. What kind of celiac is this?” He consoled me because I was very upset. He said he did not think it was celiac, but that I should still trust the doctor.
For the past three days, the middle part of his chest has been hurting just like when he drank milk (we took him to the cardiology professor the day after the diagnosis, and he said everything was fine).
Intelligent children may have attention deficit disorder, right? I didn’t give up on this, and the doctor I saw in September said it was normal and recommended fish oil. In the past, he had small itchy rashes on his scalp, and we took him to the doctor for this. Medications were given for eczema, and when we went again, they suggested changing the shampoo.
Celiac patients can develop sensitivities to many foods due to intestinal damage, but since gluten is the main trigger in these patients, they primarily react to it. However, we are on the 25rd day of a strict gluten-free diet, and Rüzgar’s belly is still swollen and hurting. He is currently consuming dairy products except for milk. Despite having a Marsh 3 score, Rüzgar always reacted to casein, not gluten, and this contradiction confuses me.
(Please forgive me as this is a very long post.)
submitted by nilarzu to Gluten [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:40 quirky-enby Social advice for going to a bonfire?

A friend invited me to a bonfire tonight. I know they are very neurodivergent-affirming and have a bunch of stim toys and such, and tend to pick folks with similar views.
I just am very nervous about the fact that I don’t really know any of their other friends, and since I’m hard of hearing I most likely won’t be able to understand many of them since it’d be outside in dim/dark lighting. My friend knows ASL and their two housemates are picking up on signs, but also I have anxiety about only sticking to the hosts. I have met the majority of them twice now from the two previous house parties I went to, so I’ve a general gist of who tends to flock to who although I also can’t remember anyone’s names.
Everone’s in their late 20s-early 30s. I do plan on bringing small crafting project with me (it’s something I’ve always done to keep my hands busy), and I’m thinking of charging up my microphone device that bluetooths to my hearing device (cochlear implant) so that if needed I can pass it off to whoever’s talking to me. Just still nervous about how little I know still about folks, and how to start conversations or show I’m present in listening to someone else’s dialogue since I tend to freeze up/get reduced verbal ability.
It’s helped a bit now that I’ve typed this all out, but does anyone have any other tips or social tricks for going to an event like this? I know overall I’ll be okay and I’ll end up having fun, and they’re super okay with me always being the first person to leave after a couple hours since I’ve got an early bedtime routine usually (their events start at 8pm, which is usually when I shut off everything to lay down in silence but I usually last until 10pm)
submitted by quirky-enby to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:29 Aussie_Endeavour Curing Malpractice [Ficnapped!]

Hello! This is my Ficnapping of Curing Malpractice by u/Cummy_wummys, which can be found Here!
Writing my own take on their novel about Novel was quite the novel experience. Hope you enjoy!
Also I'm going to collapse into bed the second I upload this, so apologies if I don't respond to any comments for several hours.
Memory Transcription Subject: Novel, Eager Kolshian Scientist
Date {standardized human time}: October 20th, 2136

Maybe I shouldn’t have stayed up that late into my rest claw. Sometimes I just can’t help it, I get so absorbed in one little avenue of research that the claw begins to slip past. I check the time a while later and, what do you know, the heat death of the universe is drawing just that little bit closer. Was it a bad idea to waste so much time learning about the history of Human clothing? Probably. Was it ever so slightly traumatizing, especially the earlier history? You bet it was. Will I probably do something similar in the near future? Absolutely.
I won’t let my moderately sleep-deprived state stand in the way though, for I have been invited to partake in a Human tradition this paw. It is an honour, one that I must take seriously, and approach with reverence. It is a sign that the Humans have come to trust me, welcoming me into their herd. Of course, I already had my own herd with Ada, Sindre and Hailey, and I’d had pleasant interactions with others such as Bella and Max, but I mean the Humans as a whole! To be fair, it’s probably been apparent that the Humans have been warming up to me for some time… if their insistence of suffocating me with photos of their children was anything to go by.
I shiver at the thought. Never again.
I push that train of thought aside as I approach the security checkpoint to the refugee centre, finding Ledo in his usual place. The Jaur security guard is half slumped over in his chair, absentmindedly scrolling through something on his holopad. I give him a friendly sway of my tail as I approach the checkpoint, and he barely seems to muster up the energy to turn an ear my way.
“Good paw, Ledo. Are you alright?”
He places his holopad down and rubs one of his eyes with a paw.
“Just running on empty over here. My break paws can’t come fast enough.”
I sign my sympathy as I grab my visitor’s badge.
“You’re doing a great job, top notch security officer, really. You’ve earned your rest, and then some.”
He covers his mouth with a paw as he yawns.
“Thanks… enjoy the whole predator watching thing, or whatever it is you do in that place.”
“Thank you! Enjoy your shift… as much as you can.”
With a slightly awkward chuckle, I waste no time in heading into the refugee centre. Just to be safe though… I push open the doors and quickly dash to the side, expecting something to come flying at me like what usually happens. This time though, my precautions seem unnecessary. The lobby is empty, devoid of the children and adults that typically mingle around in it at this time. As I take a few tentative, confused steps inside as the doors close behind me, I realize the reason why. Ada said that the activity I’d been invited to partake in took place outside, in the small courtyard I’d heard mentioned here and there around the centre. Everyone must simply already be outside. Following that notion, I pick up my pace as I walk through the hallways, finding the back door that leads to the courtyard soon enough.
My presumption had been right, as when I go outside I’m greeted with the sound of Human laughter, specifically the moderately pitched squeals and giggles of Human children. The courtyard wasn’t all that large, but by no means cramped, with many children and adult Humans alike enjoying the fresh Venlilian air. Scanning the area, I quickly locate Ada, who is currently engaged in quite an odd-looking activity with Sindre. They are standing on opposite sides of what appears to be a bedsheet suspended between two poles, ties at its four corners so that it's stretched almost flat. They are both holding objects that seem vaguely familiar to me, and which I soon recognize as ‘rackets’, which I’d come across before when researching Human activities on the internet.
“Sindre! Ada!”
They turn to look at me as I rush over to them, faces soon breaking out into wide smiles. Sindre walks towards the bed sheet, bending over to pick up a small yellow ball laying in the grass, while Ada walks over to meet me.
“Heya Nov’, glad you decided to join us today.”
“Well, I couldn’t deny an invitation to be involved in a Human tradition!”
She smirks at my response.
“Tradition? Yeah sure, guess tennis counts as one.”
Information acquired: A name for this event.
“Tennis… It sounds fascinating!”
By now, Sindre has walked over to join us. He lightly taps the racket and yellow ball together, which upon closer inspection seems to be strangely fuzz, with a white line running around it in a wavy pattern.
“You made it just as we were about to start another rally. I’m not the best at tennis, so it’d probably be best for Ada to show you the ropes.”
As he says this, Sindre offers the racket out to me. My eyes go wide and my tail flicks with excitement at the gesture, and I securely wrap two of my tentacles around the handle, making sure that it won’t slip from my grip.
“Ooooo! What do I do with this?”
Ada steps away, back towards the suspended bed sheet.
“You go stand where Sindre just was, I’ll walk you through it. Oh, and don’t mind the bed sheet. We don’t exactly have a proper net.”
I rush over to stand in the spot assigned to me, while Ada mirrors my position on her side of the bed sheet. Sindre tosses the yellow ball her way, and to my surprise she easily catches it with one hand. Well, that was certainly a lucky catch, and an accurate throw from Sindre. Before I can dwell on it though, Ada calls out again.
“Lets just start with the basics. In tennis, you use the rackets to hit the ball when it comes to your side of the court, er- bed sheet. You want to hit it so that it flies over the net and lands on my side, where I’ll try and hit it back to you, repeating until one of us either misses the ball or hits it into the net. If that happens, your opponent gets a point.”
I try and emulate the Human ‘nodding’ expression while listening to Ada. That sounds like an interesting activity… there is just one problem.
“Um, alright. How exactly are we supposed to hit the ball?”
“Just make sure to angle the racket so that the ball shoots back to my side, alright? Since you’re new to this, I’ll go easy on you and just start simple.”
That… didn’t really answer my question. I’m unsure how I’m expected to reliably position my racket to make contact with the yellow ball. Even so, I won’t question the Human. I’ve been invited to partake in this ‘tennis’, so I will accept the opportunity with gusto. Ada shifts her stance slightly, before lightly tossing the ball into the air. As it comes back down, she lifts the racket to meet it, and the ball is sent up and forwards. Alright, here goes nothing.
I lift the racket up into the air and rush towards the bed sheet. As the ball sails over the makeshift barrier, it hits the plastic edge of my racket and falls back down onto Ada’s side. I hear a snicker coming from Sindre, and I lower the racket again as Ada retrieves the ball, my tail wagging.
“Did I do that right?”
Before Ada can respond, Sindre buts in.
“If it worked against Ada, it must be a viable strategy.”
The German briefly glared at him before clearing her throat.
“Well Nov’, running at the net with your racket above your head isn’t going to work in a proper game. You need to figure out where the ball is heading, move there, and then hit it with the racket with the right amount power at the right angle to send it back.”
Oh, sure, might I extinguish the sun while I’m at it? Cure every disease along the way? Of course, I don’t voice these thoughts out loud. Instead, I simply give Ada another nod. She repeats her previous ritual of tossing the ball up into the air before bringing the racket up to meet it. This time, the ball doesn’t come straight on, but veers off to the right. I take a couple hurried steps that way and hold out the racket in the hopes that I judged the ball’s movement correctly. To no one’s surprise, I did not, and the ball thuds into the grass.
“No worries Nov’, let’s try again.”
After I haphazardly throw the ball back to her (and she effortlessly catches it with one hand), Ada hits the ball my way again. This time, the ball veered slightly to the left. A mirror of what happened last time, the ball misses my racket by a considerable margin. In my periphery, I vaguely register Sindre wearing a face of mild concern, though my focus is too homed in on not letting my frustration show to dwell on it. I’m making a fool of myself in front of the Humans.
“Sorry, I’ll hit it next time.”
The next time comes, and I unfortunately can’t stay true to my word. A similar thing happens again and again. Sometimes I just try to shove the racket below where I think the ball will go, other times I try waving it around madly in the hopes that it’ll make contact. It never does.
“One more time! I swear I’ll get it!”
They invited me to take part in this. The least I can do is not be a complete failure. Ada stops tossing to me, concern etched into her features.
“Are you alright Nov’? We don’t have to do this if you can’t-”
“No no, I can. It’s just- I’m a novice. You can’t expect me to just know how to calculate projectile motion in my head… I just need practice.”
Ada’s face morphs into one of confusion.
“Projectile motion… Novel, it’s not that complicated.”
I gawk at the Human incredulously. Before I can formulate a response though, a sigh coming from my left draws my attention back to Sindre. He’s rubbing his forehead with his hand, and sighs in realization.
“Eye placement. Depth perception.”
Ada’s eyes go wide at that, and a hand comes up to cover her mouth.
“Oh crap… Sorry Nov’, I didn’t really uh- consider that…”
I look back over to her, my brain still trying to piece together what Sindre meant. I recall how easily the Humans tossed and caught the ball with stunning accuracy, and how Ada seemed to be able have complete control over the ball with her racket while I struggled to even make contact…
Depth perception…
That… makes sense.
I can’t help but gurgle a little in laughter. So predatory eyes were useful for things outside of hunting… like tennis! I need to jot that down, and make sure to investigate that a little more later on.
“Hey Novel, you ok there?”
I’m snapped out of my thoughts by Sindre’s voice. I give him a friendly tail wag and walk over to him.
“Of course, I’m fine. I’m sorry that I’m incapable of taking part in this.”
I offer the racket back to him, which he takes with a little hesitation when he sees the mucus covering the handle. Ada walks over to the two of us, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment.
“Sorry for all that Novel, we should’ve chosen something else to show you.”
I quickly turn to her and wave my tentacles in a placating manor.
“No, don’t be sorry! I’m honored that you wished to share the wonders of tennis with me. You two go ahead and enjoy it, I’ll just sit off to the side and make notes on the uses of binocular vision outside of hunting.”
I feel myself deflate slightly. I had been excited to play a part in a Human tradition, but it seems that I just… can’t. Not on my own volition, at least. Perhaps the Humans can sense my disappointment, because Sindre and Ada share a glance before the former speaks up.
“Nov’, you don’t have to-”
I interrupt him by wrapping a tenacle around both their backs and lightly nudging them towards their respective sides of the bed sheet.
“I insist! Don’t worry about me, I’m a graceful loser.”

Memory Transcription Subject: Novel, Sore Loser
Date {standardized human time}: October 21st, 2136

The Venlil I pass on the street are giving me odd looks, all the while I hold my head up high with pride as many of them turn around to do a second take of what I am wheeling behind me. It may be a teensy, tiny bit more complicated than some of the other things I’d previously brought with me to the shelter, but that was only because I had put my tentacles to good use. The splinters I had gotten in the process were testament to that. Should I have focused on getting a little more sleep during my rest claw? Maybe. Is this thing being held together by nothing but hope and super glue? Only the very best. Would the absolute joy that it’ll put on the Humans’ faces be worth it? You bet it will be!
As I wheel my creation past the security checkpoint, I find Ledo staring at his holopad with his head resting on his paws, eyelids drooping. When he spots me approaching, his ears perk up slightly, only for him to raise his head upon seeing my creation. He puts down his holopad and sits up in his chair, trying to get a better view of it.
“Hello Ledo! How are you? Have you gotten some rest?”
For a moment he doesn't respond, only for him to shake his head and rub his eyes.
“Novel, do I even want to know what that thing is?”
“It’s what will allow me to stand on par with the Humans and engage with them on an even playing field. I spent some of my last rest claw building it.”
Ledo looks back over to me.
“And uh, how much is ‘some’, exactly?”
I wave a tentacle dismissively.
“Irrelevant detail. Trust me, it’ll all be worth it. When I leave the shelter later this paw, I’ll tell you all about it.”
Ledo leans back in his chair with a sigh.
“Well, at least it’d be something other than binging movies. You’re a bit of a weirdo, have I told you that yet?”
“Why thank you! Have a nice shift.”
I bid farewell to the Jaur and my final approach to my destiny begins. Victory is so close I can almost taste it.
The lobby is empty again this paw, so I head right on through while towing my creation behind me. I pass a couple Humans along the way, who I give friendly greetings to as they marvel at my ingenious solution to the problem that had plagued me last paw. Since I’ve arrived a little later this paw (courtesy of a productive rest claw), I waste to time in heading directly to the back of the centre and out onto the grassy courtyard that had been the location of last paw’s utter failure. I will not allow that to happen again!
“Ah, welcome to the courtyard Nov-… Uh, what’s that you got behind you?”
Max’s friendly tone gives way to curiosity, and I feel the pride already beginning to swell just a little more. He was just in the middle of a round of the dreaded ‘tennis’ with Ada, who is on the opposite side of the makeshift net, which she leans over once she spots me.
“Novel… why do you have a catapult?”
It seems that my wonderful creation is also garnering interest from many of the children as well, who briefly stop their various running games to watch me. I finish wheeling the mini catapult into place and take out a tennis ball from my bag (turns out I had already purchased one, thanks past me!) while I finally answer Ada.
“So that I may properly partake in your Human traditions, of course! How can I study them if I can’t even participate? This little thing will allow me to successfully serve a ball to you in just a moment, no depth perception required! Watch and see.”
I place the tennis ball into the cup and begin cranking the lever to wind up the device. Max starts looking a little nervous as I do so.
“Um, Nov’? Are you sure that thing is going to work? Is it even safe?”
The homemade gears turn with a slight clacking sound, which tells me that it’s working just as expected… though Max does make me wonder briefly if I should’ve done a test run of this first… oh well, too late for that.
“Don’t worry, I know precisely what I’m do-”
I’m cut off by the rather disconcerting sound of splintering wood. I only have enough time to faintly register that the sound came from my creation, and that said realization is very bad. A resounding SNAP and the disappearance of the tennis ball at approximately Mach 5 tells me that I did not know the tensile strength of Venlilian wood as well as I thought. The rest of the world has gone silent, and I slowly turn my gaze in the direction the ball had preemptively flown, finding Max standing as still as a statue with the tennis ball resting on the ground in front of him. The silence is broken as the Human lets out a whining sound higher pitched than even the smallest of Dossur can produce, before falling to his knees and grasping his groin in obvious agony.
Some of the slightly older kids cringe in sympathy.
Ada tries not to laugh.
Max steadily raises his hand, pointing a shaky digit at me. His voice comes out squeaky, and pained.
“K-kids… avenge me…”
The children’s eyes lock onto me. I learn what true fear feels like.
All at once, the children let out their war cries, and began rushing over to me. I let out a shriek of my own as I turn back towards the refugee centre and start running like my life depends on it because it probably does! I don’t dare look back at the pack of predators pursuing me, I simply run through the back doors of the centre and sprint down the corridor as fast as I physically can. Even so, I know for a fact that it is not fast enough. I’ve studied Humans enough to know that they are built for chasing prey. Right now, that prey is me!
I try to lose the children by utilizing the building’s layout as best I can. I turn past several corners without slowing down, run up the stairs and even hide behind a pot plant at one point, startling an adult Human as I do so, who quickly rushes back inside their room. I make a mental note to apologize to them later, and file it right under ‘RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! GO GO GO!’
I hear it, the sound of light but determined footsteps plonking their way up the stairs. They’ve found me. This pot plant isn’t going to help me at all! I abandon my frankly pathetic hiding spot and dash further down the hallway, determining that my best shot at survival will be to get back to the main lobby and run out through the front do-
A dead end.
Oh no…
The sound of footsteps grows closer. Just a single pair, but that is more than enough to seal my fate. I push myself against the wall, terror coursing through my mind. This was supposed to be a showcase of how much I respected Humans, I didn’t mean to injure one! Is this really it? Is this really how it all ends? Sought out and killed to avenge the fallen? I-I never got to publish my completed study on Human traditions… or binocular vision… or diets or facial express- a whole lot of things actually!
The footsteps pause, and the sound of giggling breaks me out of my mental spiral. There, standing before me, grinning ear to ear, is a familiar Human child.
“Found you!”
Still grinning, the young boy reaches out a hand towards me. I push myself as far against the wall as I can go.
“W-wait, David! I-I-I thought we got along well! We watched that horrible movie together, remember? We can read that book about cattle again if you want! Or-or anything you want, really! P-please, don’t d-do this!”
I close my eyes tightly, and prepare myself for the end…

A hand lightly taps one of my tentacles, then retracts.
“Tag! You’re it.”
I crack open an eye.
David is already running away from me, giggling again. As he reaches the stairs, he calls out as loud as he can, voice carrying further into the refugee centre.
“Guys! I got her! Novel’s it now!”

submitted by Aussie_Endeavour to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:51 LurkingSuspicion Long Read: Is this business possibly running a scam right out of my own home?

Sorry for the long read but I've got a lot of info to put out here. Hope you find it at least sort of interesting as well as providing me with your opinion. I'll let Reddit decide if I need to either take off my tin foil hat and go to Crazy town or if I'm actually on to something.
My fiancé signed up online to take part of a company's (TVision Insights) program about 2 years ago. Not to be confused with TVision by TMobile. They say they perform TV & ad measurement through CTV. Compare to the idea of Nielssen if you will. They send you a $15 gift card of your choice every month (pretty lame). Anything from Amazon to restaurants to a prepaid Visa. Other than their website, there is not much info about them out there.
So anyway, he qualified to be a "panelist" and they sent us an Intel Nuc (a full blown computer for free) to attach to the our main TV. It's connected to our home network and has a Logitech webcam facing us at all times along with some lousy homemade looking stapled instructions. It's used in conjuction with an app you download on Play Store called Panelist Connect which does nothing more than alert you immediately if an internet connection is not getting to the NUC.
I never thought much of TVision at the time or really until now, but here are some strange things that have occured that may or may not be related if you don't think it's already fishy yet:
-TVision claims to do their business out of two offices - one in New York and the other in Massachusetts. I looked both addresses up and their current tenants. TVision (they don't have a parent company) is not and seems to have never been listed as a tenant.
-They also have TVision Japan and TVision India on the bottom of their site. My fiancé and I constantly get Japanese sites we never signed up for (ex. A Japanese XMPP server used through Xabber.com with several contacts with hacker images saved who are all out of Japan) saved to our Google Password Managers with our normally used credentials. Our search histories contain Japanese and Indian sites we've never heard of. Our YouTube suggestions consist almost ENTIRELY of videos from India and you guessed it..Japan.
-Their site claims they do business with NBC, The Weather Channel...many other huge companies.. and claim to work in these crazy executive suites and have millions of dollars, BUT the Pannelist Connect app you have to use has only 1000 lifetime downloads..so they make their money and do this big business how? They barely have any customers..
-Their staff on LinkedIn have odd histories and some go right back to being based out of Japan even though it's supposed to be an MIT fresh out of college startup. I promise I have nothing against the country of Japan or its people, guys. Hope it doesn't sound that way.
-The only real people I've found talking about this company whatsoever are on Facebook and they (sorry) are people who seem like the textbook definitions of people who would fall for scams. Half of them are actually crying "scam!" in the comments and the other half are desperately begging for their late $15 gift card or asking how much money you get.
-BBB and other sites say they've been around for 7 years, 10 years...but they started up in 2021.
-The computer on the TV always sounds like it is working overtime even when the TV isn't on or there isn't any activity in the room. It's rarely at a normal quiet level.
-They make it their biggest point to say how private they are and how your data is not used for anything other than what they say and one of their FB slide style videos even says "we are never watching you" which I find ominous.
-I have a VERY unique first and last name combination. I've never found anyone else with it. There are fake profiles for me all over LinkedIn saying I work at a company I can't find anywhere on the internet. The address it lists for it? On the same street as the TVision "New York location" less than two minutes away.
So what do you think, Reddit? Weird or lots of coincidences? I've done my best to provide simply facts as you already know my opinion.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by LurkingSuspicion to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:36 SpeedyAzi Dark Fluid Mission Tips

The overwhelming numbers and the BS spawns from under the Tectonic Device are not very democratic (this is a general tip list but add more if Liberty pleases.
Here are some tips to try and survive so we can destroy Meridia.
  1. You will probably not extract. Get the mission done, at least it will count for something for the war effort.
  2. This mission highlights the necessity for Crowd Control and Stuns. Sentries and Mines have now become your best friend - but they can destroy the device so place them far, also they aggro Titans and Chargers which will help you isolate the heavies to kill them.
  3. Gatling and Machine gun and EMS Mortar are the sentries you will need to use (at least one of them). They clear the swarms, distract heavies, and have less chance of destroying the Device.
  4. Cook with fire, electricity and gas:
More democracy below...
  1. Boosters: You will die a lot, so the increased Reinforcement Budget may prove useful as you won't get to maximise the benefits of Stamina. Bring Motivational Shocks or Muscle Enhancement to resist stuns and slows.
  2. Resupply any chance you get, spam them on the point the moment they are available. You will need to Stim and Grenade spam.
  3. The Dark Fluid backpack is a JETPACK that KILLS EVERYTHING AROUND IT. Use it to get out of jail, it even recharges faster and jumps higher than our Standard SE Jetpack.
  4. Have 1 man dedicated (no more than 2, you need the CC or you will die) to the "shit hits the fan" stratagems. The Precision Strike, Orbital Laser and 500kg Bombs should be used for the immense Titan spawns that become frequent near the end - the Railcannon strike is useless and will shoot into the huge mountains of bug terrain instead of the targets.
  5. Bring ammo effective weapons and Support weapons - Hence flamethrower, Stalwarts, Arc Blitzer, Breaker Incendiary, Sickle. Your default META guns like Scorchers and Dominators will not work as well as before as the sheer horde size will deplete your ammo too fast.
  6. The Extraction phase spawns infinite Shriekers Starship Troopers style.
submitted by SpeedyAzi to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:16 Count-Daring243 Best 90 Gram Co2 Cartridges

Best 90 Gram Co2 Cartridges

Are you in search of the perfect CO2 cartridge for your paintball gun or airsoft rifle? Look no further, as we've compiled a roundup of the top 90-gram CO2 cartridges on the market. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the features, benefits, and drawbacks of each product, helping you make an informed decision and elevate your gaming experience.

The Top 9 Best 90 Gram Co2 Cartridges

  1. Disposable CO2 Cylinder Replacement for Aquascaping and Aquatics - Revitalize your plants with ease and safety using these disposable Ista CO2 cylinders, containing 3x95g of pressurized liquid CO2 with TUV approval, perfect for aquatics, aquascaping, or any CO2 supplementation needs.
  2. Efficient 90-gram CO2 Cartridges for Multiple Uses - Experience the power of endless shots with Air Venturi's Pre-Filled 90-gram CO2 Tanks - Disposable 2pk, designed for outstanding performance and perfect compatibility.
  3. Pre-Filled 90-gram CO2 Tank for Increased Shot Capacity - Discover increased accuracy and consistency with Air Venturi's pre-filled, disposable 90-gram CO2 tank, offering up to 400 shots on one tank and the same dimensions as an 88-gram cartridge.
  4. High-Quality CO2 Soda Chargers - 8-Gram Pack of 10 - Mosa CO2 Soda Chargers, Pack of 10 - Laser sealed, non-refillable, food-grade CO2, ideal for making soda water at home, compatible with various siphons, 8 grams of CO2 per charger.
  5. Fluval Pressurized CO2 Cartridge Replacement - 95 Gram - Revitalize your plants with the high-quality Fluval Pressurized 3 Pack CO2 Disposable Cartridge, delivering the perfect CO2 supplement for your planted aquarium!
  6. JT 90g CO2 Tank Prefilled for Paintball Markers - Experience the ultimate paintball performance with the JT 90gram CO2 Tank - Prefilled, offering 300 shots in a single use and compatible with most paintball markers.
  7. Easy-to-Use CO2 Supply Set for Optimal Aquarium Performance - Boost your planted freshwater aquarium's growth with Ista's Basic 95g CO2 Disposable Supply Set, featuring a convenient pressure regulator, bubble counter, and check valve, plus a Mini UFO CO2 diffuser, air line, and air line holder.
  8. Efficient CO2 Cartridges for Precision Insecticide Application - Efficient, safe, and hassle-free application of VetGun CO2 Cartridge 90 GM 2 Pack, making insecticide treatment a breeze for cattle owners.
  9. High-Capacity CO2 Cartridges for Paintball Markers - Experience intense paintball action with JT Paintball's 90g CO2 tanks, featuring fast refill capabilities and compatibility with various paintball markers and air guns. A reliable and effortless choice for your paintball adventure!
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🔗Disposable CO2 Cylinder Replacement for Aquascaping and Aquatics

Imagine the convenience of not having to refill your CO2 cylinder regularly for your fish tank or aquascaping. The Ista Disposable Co2 Cylinder is the answer to your CO2 supplementation needs. With a capacity of 3 times the usual 95g CO2 cartridges, you are getting the best value for your money.
I've had my fair share of experience with these cartridges, and I must say, they are a lifesaver when it comes to maintaining my fish tank. The disposable design ensures that they are not only easy to install, but also effortless to replace when they run out. And let's not forget the compact size, which is perfect for fitting into tight spaces.
In addition to these convenience factors, the Ista Disposable Co2 Cylinder is a TUV approved product, ensuring safety is guaranteed. It is also full weight of pressurized liquid CO2, which I found to be invaluable in my daily maintenance routine.
However, while these cartridges excel in many aspects, they do seem to have a shorter lifespan than expected. I found myself replacing them more frequently than I anticipated, which can be a minor drawback. But overall, the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
So, if you're in the market for a reliable and convenient CO2 supplementation system for your fish tank or aquascaping, look no further than the Ista Disposable Co2 Cylinder - you won't be disappointed!

🔗Efficient 90-gram CO2 Cartridges for Multiple Uses

I recently gave Air Venturi's pre-filled 90-gram CO2 tanks a try, and I must say, they're a game-changer for air gun enthusiasts. These disposable tanks offer impressive performance and convenience. As I was using my SIG SAUER MCX, I noticed that the tank provided remarkably consistent 2-3 inch groupings, even at 25 yards. But the best part is they can handle a hefty 700 FPS!
Of course, no product is without its drawbacks. One downside I encountered was that after approximately 400 rounds, the tank started to show signs of wear and my accuracy was affected. But overall, I found these CO2 tanks delivered solid performance and ease of use. I'm glad I gave them a try and would highly recommend them to fellow air gun users.

🔗Pre-Filled 90-gram CO2 Tank for Increased Shot Capacity

I recently had the chance to give the Air Venturi, Pre-Filled, Disposable, 90-gram CO2 Tank a try, and let me tell you, it didn't disappoint. This powerful little tank allows me to unleash up to 400 shots, ensuring that I don't run out of ammo in the middle of a fun target shooting session. With its large CO2 reservoir, I'm able to enjoy increased accuracy and consistency that I've never experienced before.
On the downside, the product didn't meet my expectations when it came to the dimensions. I discovered that it had the same external measurements as an 88-gram cartridge, making it a bit confusing to use. But overall, I have to say that I'm pretty impressed with the performance of this 90-gram CO2 Tank.

🔗High-Quality CO2 Soda Chargers - 8-Gram Pack of 10

Lately, I've been experimenting with making my soda at home, and I've come across these Mosa CO2 Soda Chargers. What I love most is their laser sealed packaging that promises a longer shelf life. Of course, these are non-refillable, and since I've tried them, I've only used them for making soda water. They're not for reusing, so don't get the wrong idea.
One of the biggest highlights of these chargers is their 8-gram capacity, which I think has been just the right amount to give my homemade soda the perfect fizz. The gas has been food grade, pure, and free from any additives, which has been a real game-changer for me.
There's also been a slight downside, though. I've noticed that after using these chargers, there's a discard after use instruction that I've needed to follow, which might be a little inconvenient for some people. But hey, it's all part of the process, right?

🔗Fluval Pressurized CO2 Cartridge Replacement - 95 Gram

As someone who's dabbled in aquascaping for a while now, I can tell you that maintaining proper CO2 levels in an aquarium is crucial for plant health. I recently tried out the Fluval 3-Pack Pressurized CO2 Disposable Cartridges and I was pleasantly surprised by the results.
Each cartridge packs a punch at 95 grams, which I found to work wonderfully with my Fluval Pressurized CO2 Kit. Once installed, my aquarium plants started thriving as if I had unlocked some secret formula to happiness.
However, the cartridges do come with their drawbacks. There's a certain inconsistency in the lifespan of each bottle - some lasted just a few days, while others managed to hold out for a couple of weeks. I suspect that the pressure might be affected by temperature during shipping, as suggested by other reviews.
All in all, these cartridges, while pricey compared to some alternatives, prove to be a lifesaver if you're serious about keeping your planted aquarium healthy. But you'd better brace yourself for sticker shock, as the cost seems to be steadily climbing over time. Despite this, I plan on stocking up as long as they continue to keep my aquascapes thriving.

🔗JT 90g CO2 Tank Prefilled for Paintball Markers

I've been using the JT 90 gram CO2 Tank from JT Toxins for my paintball sessions lately, and I must say, it's been a game changer. The prefilled tanks, which come in a pack of two, are perfect for those seeking convenience. Each tank can get up to 300 shots, making it a reliable choice for my paintball games.
However, I noticed that it's not refillable, which means I have to buy new ones every time I run out. But, it's a small inconvenience considering its performance. Additionally, the use of the JT 90 gram CO2 tank adaptor is a must, as mentioned in the product description. Overall, this CO2 tank has been a valuable addition to my paintball gear, and it's worth the investment for those looking to enhance their paintball experience.

🔗Easy-to-Use CO2 Supply Set for Optimal Aquarium Performance

The Ista Basic 95g CO2 Disposable Supply Set has been a game-changer for my freshwater planted aquarium. I was pleasantly surprised by the ease of installation and the immediate positive impact on my tanks.
The Mini UFO CO2 diffuser produced super fine bubbles, and my plants saw a remarkable turnaround in growth within just a few days. The pressure regulator has been crucial in ensuring there's no back pressure, while the bubble counter and check valve provide accurate control.
The disposable 95 gram CO2 cartridge is a breeze to replace when needed, and it's perfect for tanks up to 40 gallons. Overall, I highly recommend this product for anyone looking to optimize their planted freshwater aquarium.

🔗Efficient CO2 Cartridges for Precision Insecticide Application

The VetGun CO2 Cartridge 90 GM 2 Pack has become my go-to for managing insects on our farm. These cartridges are a game-changer, as they eliminated the need for additional labor and handling of the cattle. I can easily treat a large number of animals in a short amount of time, saving us hours in the process.
One of the most impressive features of these CO2 cartridges is the ability to treat the animals without them even being aware of it. There's no need to handle cattle to treat them for insects, reducing the risk of injuries not just for the cattle but also for the ranchers. Plus, they're incredibly efficient; one cartridge lasts for 80-100 shots, and the 2-pack provides more than enough doses for our farm.
What really stands out is that these CO2 cartridges work right out of the box. The 14 oz empty refillable CO2 tank arrives empty, but it comes with enough shots to treat a large number of cattle. And, the best part is that the cartridges are compatible with the VetGun insecticide applicator gun, making the whole process seamless and efficient.
However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. These CO2 cartridges can be a bit difficult to find in local stores, and we've had to order them online. But it's a small price to pay for the convenience and efficiency it provides. We're very happy with our investment in the VetGun CO2 Cartridge 2 Pack, and it has become a valuable tool in our fight against pests on our farm.

🔗High-Capacity CO2 Cartridges for Paintball Markers

I recently had the chance to try out the JT Paintball 90g CO2 air cartridges, and I have to say, they have made a significant difference in my paintball game.
One of the first things I noticed was how lightweight they are, making them easy to store and carry around during long-range skirmishes. I also appreciated that they fit most standard paintball markers, providing a reliable source of airpower during intense battles.
However, there were a couple of downsides to using these cartridges. For one, they are not refillable, which means I have to go through the hassle of recyling them after each use. Additionally, they can be a bit pricey compared to other options in the market.
Overall, I had a great experience using the JT Paintball 90g CO2 air cartridges and would definitely recommend them for paintball enthusiasts in need of a reliable, durable, and easy-to-carry air source.

Buyer's Guide

Choosing the right 90 Gram CO2 cartridge can be a daunting task, especially when there are so many options available in the market. This buyer's guide will help you navigate through the process by highlighting the essential features and considerations you should look for while making your purchase.


Features to Look For

  1. Compatibility: Ensure that the CO2 cartridge is compatible with your specific firearm or airgun. Each brand may have various dimensions, so choose one that fits your device.
  2. Safety: Always prioritize your safety and that of others when handling or shooting the firearm. Check for cartridges with safety seals, reliable igniters, and precise pressure ratings to minimize risk.
  3. Performance: Opt for cartridges with consistent firing cycles, appropriate power levels, and uniform dispersion to achieve optimal accuracy and velocity.
  4. Durability: Look for cartridges with sturdy construction, corrosion-resistant materials, and protective finishes to ensure longevity and performance under various conditions.

Factors to Consider

  1. Intended Use: The type of shooting you plan to do - hunting, sport, self-defense, or recreational - will influence your choice of 90 Gram CO2 cartridge. Some may be better suited to specific applications, so consider this when making your selection.
  2. Budget: CO2 cartridges come at different price points depending on the brand, quality, and features. Establish a budget beforehand and choose a cartridge that offers the best value for your money.
  3. Reliability: Always invest in reliable cartridge brands that have a track record of consistently providing high-quality products. They may cost a bit more, but it will save you from headaches and unnecessary replacements later on.


Tips for Purchasing

  1. Consult a Reliable Source: When in doubt, seek advice from firearms experts or retailers who can guide you towards the best 90 Gram CO2 cartridges for your needs.
  2. Read Reviews: Do your research and read reviews from other users who have tried various 90 Gram CO2 cartridges. This can provide valuable insights into the cartridge's performance, reliability, and durability.
  3. Buy in Bulk: Purchasing multiple cartridges at once can be more cost-effective and convenient, especially from established brands.
Finding the perfect 90 Gram CO2 cartridge may take a bit of research and patience, but with this buyer's guide, you're well on your way to making an informed decision. Remember to prioritize safety, performance, and reliability in your search, and you're sure to find a cartridge that suits your specific needs and preferences.



What are 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges?

90 Gram CO2 Cartridges are reusable compressed gas cartridges that can be used to power a variety of tools and equipment, such as airbrushes, nail guns, and pneumatic tools. They are widely popular due to their high pressure and long-lasting performance, which make them a cost-effective alternative to disposable cartridges.

How do 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges work?

Once charged with CO2, 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges store the compressed gas under high pressure. When connected to the tool's air compressor, the cartridge releases the compressed gas through an air compressor valve, allowing the tool to function. The cartridge can be refilled with CO2 multiple times, reducing the need for frequent replacements.


What are the benefits of using 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges?

  • Cost-effective: 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges can be refilled multiple times, leading to significant savings compared to disposable cartridges.
  • High pressure: These cartridges offer higher pressure levels, allowing for increased performance and faster operation of the tool.
  • Reusable: The reusable nature of 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges reduces waste, making them more environmentally friendly than disposable options.

Can I use any tool with 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges?

While 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges can be used with a wide range of tools, it is essential to ensure that the tool is compatible with the cartridge. Compatibility can vary depending on the specific tool and its design, so it is best to refer to the manufacturer's instructions or guidelines for compatibility.

What are the safe practices when handling 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges?

  • Do not overcharge the cartridge: Overcharging can lead to gas leakage and potential safety hazards.
  • Store cartridges in a cool, dry place: Extreme temperatures can affect the performance and safety of 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges.
  • Avoid inhaling gas from a leaking cartridge: If a cartridge is leaking, it is crucial to address the issue promptly and take necessary precautions to avoid inhaling gas.

How long do 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges typically last?

The lifespan of a 90 Gram CO2 Cartridge depends on various factors, such as the tool's requirements, the frequency of usage, and the condition of the cartridge. Generally, well-maintained cartridges can last for several years, while heavy usage or improper handling may reduce their lifespan.

Where can I purchase 90 Gram CO2 Cartridges?

90 Gram CO2 Cartridges are readily available at many hardware stores, home improvement centers, and online retailers. To find the best deals and options, it is recommended to search for "90 Gram CO2 Cartridges" on popular online marketplaces or through reputable retailers specializing in tools and equipment.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 23:50 Visconti753 The good ending

The good ending submitted by Visconti753 to balkans_irl [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:10 prophetofbrokenomens Miner Spacey Niner

Account from the squad leader of SH'azz squad on advanced long range assault scout mission in the Tz'urgal system. 3rd moon of the 3rd planet in system. Colony of "Deltamist" pirates.
Race: Inagoor, who are known as separatists. Noted for high crimes to include piracy, kidnapping, smuggling, murders and assassinations.
This is the true, and unredacted, original account.
SEC level set as Black 8 tier 12 restricted.
Account reads:

Journal log entry: T'zk 72:31 G'az 8
2nd leader, Expeditionary Assault Scouts: SH'azz squad.
We landed the stealth assault class (S.A.C) skiff 12 mektreks* from the pirate settlement with the determination to make final approach on claw, and from under cover of night with full stealth masking knowing that the Inagoor would easily spot the mirage haze and light warping of our stealth fields during the day. The gravity of the moon is comparable to ours, if slightly less, so it seemed like it would be an easy trek. I determined that only 2 rest stops would be needed instead of three. Our landing distance assisting in our stealth attempt, and thus adding to our chances of successful surprise attack.
Our intel determined that the pirates had recently raided the Tau shipping lanes, and had taken hostages for the purposes of ransom and slave sales. Our unit was tasked with forward observation and intel gathering of the pirates before termination of their operation, and to report all intel direct to command via secured subspace micro-pulse.
The Flora and Fauna scans determined that this moon was a Class 4 temperate world with no signs of natural life forms rated as sentient.
At our first predetermined rest location we discovered a burn mark cutting a path through the foliage as though a small vessel of some kind had made a controlled emergency landing. Scanners indicated that the craft was emitting power output signals, and was only a short distance from our location. We proceeded to rest and recuperate under the cover of the stealth fields with both live, and drone perimeter guards for security. The rest cycle was extended to insure that the guards could rotate so that all were rested and ready. I had decided that the investigation of the small craft could wait until after our main mission was complete when one of our forward scout drones sent my linkpad some images flagged for immediate review.
The images were of an Inagoor corpse. It was...dismembered. Torn limb from limb and the barrel chested, fur covered torso had chunks ripped out of it. (Images in file listed SET 1) The closeups of the
torso showed that the gaping rents and holes were not impact points of a projectile weapon nor were they of a beam, or energy weapon. No charring of flesh or fur, and no melting or blast marks on their suits armor plating. It simply looked as though an appendage had been grabbed and pulled off. The armor, as well as the flesh underneath, was simply torn off of the main corpse. The dismembered limbs were in the same condition, and save one other notable clue which was that there were obvious "gripping points" where the armor was crushed, and the bone beneath these areas was pulverized. The Inagoor's infra Red pulse rifle was found partially embedded in the trunk of a tree. Its "combat rated" frame had been crushed and wadded up as though it was a piece of waste paper. Its power cell was ruptured and leaking. The scout drone had marked it as a hazard zone out to 30 pace lengths and labeled as "lethal chemical hazard". I informed my second in command, and we reviewed the images together. He was as dumbfounded as I. What native beast could have done this kind of damage to powered assault armor?
The Drone was unable to locate the Inagoor's head in the immediate area.
(Addendum ends:)
My second and I resolved to scout this issue as a priority. We did not want to engage our current mission only to have an unknown element interfere and compromise mission success. As per command prerogative, I shared the drones information with the rest of the squad personnel, and reformed mission parameters around this element. Mission AI rated a 92% agreement with my assessment. Well within command parameters. We arrived at the location of the drones discovery in 4 hours. Our visors highlighted the chemical hazard of the leaking power module, and its set perimeter was also highlighted by our personal visor AI, and we all gave it a wide berth. The Inagoor was indeed scattered everywhere as the drones images had relayed with one exception. The smell was horrendous, and sickening. The stench of the Inagoor's "parts" indicated that it had been killed only 2 day/night rotations ago, and already some sort of fungus growth had begun to creep into the strewn dismembered parts and pieces. On every life bearing world, nature always has a cleanup crew. On closer examination of the "parts" we determined that the only explanation of this incident was that some creature had simply grabbed the Inagoor and ripped him apart, flinging the pieces in random directions in the process. The Inagoor's armor was their combat rated class, which is their equivalent to our front line infantry armor, powered of course. It was just torn apart as if it was a Tk'turka wedding veil. Armor that can withstand a pulse from an infra Red rifle at close range, or the puncture of a ballistic needler at point blank range had been torn apart, as if it were made of nothing sturdier than plant filament.
The grip points visible on the appendages did indeed look squeezed/crushed, and the separation points showed signs of literally being "pulled" apart. Not cut. Not chopped, but PULLED apart. The Inagoor are from level 9 temperate worlds and are thus pretty tough, and considered very strong even to a majority of other sentient species. Yet something far, FAR, stronger just pulled them apart. My visor AI showed the majority of my squad running "weapon ready" checks, and a few more scout drones were tossed into the air to begin new stealth patrols.
It wasn't long before another Inagoor corpse was found in the direction of the unidentified craft that
had "seemingly" crash landed.
This Inagoor's corpse was simply pinned to a tree. Its back was against the trunk, and the Inagoor's pulse rifle was pushed through its torso and into the tree trunk thus pinning it a pace off of the ground. Whatever creature did this to the Inagoor, had used the butt of the rifle to penetrate completely through the Inagoor's chest cavity, and further into the tree trunk, thus pinning the Inagoor. My visor AI noted more "Weapons Ready Checks" as well as one of the newer members of the squad using a dose of Stimcalm. My visor AI noted the dose as well within regulation, and I chose to flag it for review for his after mission performance evaluation. (Noted in File marked VA1. attached) I was actually considering using a dose of Stimcalm myself, as my second reoriented the stealth drones to a new scout pattern. Rather than taking the stim I began reviewing database information for "nearest Deathworld locations” from current location, and the AI promptly informed me that none were reachable within a standard week of FTL travel at NOK* 6 speed. I relayed this information to my second, and he reciprocated with a listing of the most dangerous lifeforms on this moon. None were capable of this level of violence by orders of magnitude.
I also noted that there were many burn holes in the vegetation in this area. Obviously the discharge of the pulse rifle was futile in halting the violence that occurred even if the Inagoor had made direct hits. The updated drone orientation revealed a new element to this mystery soon after. The visor alert from the drone was not unexpected, but still caught me off guard. I opened up the video footage, and saw a scene of carnage that staggered my rational mind. Many, MANY Inagoor corpses were strewn about a small clearing in the vegetation. All of them were not merely killed but ripped apart and scattered just like the first corpse we encountered. I am not ashamed to admit that I was so visibly sickened that my second inquired as to my health and mental state. As is my command authority to do so I relayed the drones footage to him. Then I too, took a regulation dosage of Stimcalm. As is noted in the file attached I also ordered my second to share the footage from the drone to the rest, and pre-authorized them to also take a regulation dose of Stimcalm, IF they felt they needed it after reviewing the drones footage.
Upon closer examination of the footage we could see the "fin" of a craft sticking up from the other side of a nearby hill. The site of the visceral carnage was a short distance from the crafts resting position. I, and my second reviewed the footage a few more times, and weighed the pros and cons of sending the drone over the rise, and within full sight of the downed vessel. I came to the conclusion that the possible loss of a stealth drone was far less costly, and far more prudent, than the loss than a squad member, and so I authorized the reroute. What the drone showed us next was intriguing to say the least.
The drone's path was kept slow and close to the foliage line so as not to expose too much of a blur signature, but, as it came into line of sight of our objective we saw that the craft was indeed, of some strange alien design. Its structure and air frame looked almost completely undamaged. Boxy though, and clumsy in appearance it had long airfoils sticking out from its sides and a tall one sticking straight up from its reatail. An enormous alien who was twice our height and bipedal was working on some component in an opened hatch in the side of the craft, and there were other aliens assisting it. A Craxx was handing it a tool of some kind, and a Piryllek was holding some illumination device next to it so that the enormous alien could see what it was doing. A Moorkha, with its brightly colored feathers, was working with a blue-green scaled Sithys. Together, they were making preparations for a meal of some sort. A black furred Glerff suddenly stood on its hind legs and looked straight at the drone. its yellow feather-patterned antennae quivering. We had been spotted!
The aliens that we could name registered in the operational AI as the abductees from the afore mentioned recent raids on the shipping lanes, and when the Glerff alerted the others they all stopped what they were doing, and started chattering wildly at the giant, who then reached for some sort of computational device and began fiddling with it. It did not look as the giant was concerned overly, but, simply curious. The suit it was wearing was scorched in many areas, and the hide that showed through the holes in its clothing was light brown with red splotches. These were definitely wound sites on the unidentified alien. If these were the wounds suffered from the infra Red pulse rifle fire, then they likely only caused this creature some mild irritation and inconvenience. Its face was hairy, as was its head, and the left mandible, hair burned away was swollen and blistered. A pulse rifle shot to his face perhaps? There were obvious signs of it being shot all over it’s limbs and torso, and yet it was still alive and breathing? Impossible! What was this thing?
It was apparent from the drone video that this alien was over twice our height. It stood head and shoulders taller than the Moorkha, and with triple its mass. The Moorkha quieted the others, and began cooing at the giant, making a visible sign to breathe deeply and calmly while stroking the giants fore appendages and digits, as we witnessed this process via the live feed. The fur above one of its ocular organs (it had 2, side by side, and front facing.) rose a bit but it otherwise seemed to relax and looked in the direction of the drone that the Glerff was still pointing at.
Based on this evidence I chose to drop the cloak on the drone and send it slowly to the Glerff as it was the closest. When the drone was within verbal communication distance I sent my voice through the drone to introduce myself.
"I am Ak'kik. Leader of SH'azz squad. We have come to investigate, and rescue you and your fellow abductees. Do you require assistance?", I said with as much authority in my tone as I am capable of. "Most assuredly Ak'kik, though we are no longer in danger thanks to our new friend that rescued us. Although I do not believe that he did so intentionally. The pirates that abducted us attacked it as soon as it’s craft crash landed. The pirates made the mistake of shooting it. That failed to kill it, and only made it angry. When they persistently kept shooting it, it subsequently became enraged." The Glerff shuddered, but seemed to regain control of its emotions quickly.
"The pirates are no more. The pirates that attempted to flee were pursued, and exterminated. The base the pirates held us in was likewise cleansed of the pirates by our rescuer. Our rescuer is very, very fast and very, very strong. Please do NOT shoot it. You would not survive should you do so. Also, it seems to be an omnivore. PLEASE! Do not anger it. I beg you!"
I responded with calm. "Please tell it that we will be there shortly and that we have no intentions of violence. We only wish to rescue the abductees."
"I can't." The Glerff replied quickly. "None of us speak its language and it does not know ours. We have no Data AI's to link to its technology to work out language algorithms. I think the aliens technology is also damaged. It keeps having to go to its’ ships control station to check for power readings.
Communicating with it has been a challenge, though oddly pleasant. It is quite patient and amenable, when it is not killing pirates in an excessively psychotic state. As terrified as I am of this creature, I cannot help but be curious about it. I am sure you will find it to be a pleasant, and respectful entity if you approach calmly, and with no hostility."
I thought for a moment. "Please try to keep it calm and we will try to make our approach as calmly, and respectfully as possible. We will endeavor at all costs, not provoke it."
"I should think not!" said the Glerff showing some alarm. “Since the extermination of the pirates I have personally observed it lifting enormous amounts of weight without strain. Seen it consume it’s rations which looked to be a combination of vegetable, AND meat with vigor. Much of which I am confirming was poisonous using an analyzer that once belonged to the pirates. The analyzer shows that some of its’ rations would be considered lethally poisonous to every species that I know of."
He held the analyzer screen to the drone for confirmation, as he continued speaking. "I am not an expert in the field of chemistry, so I would strongly suggest you scan whatever food he offers you before you eat it. Please note that refusing his "gift" of food does not insult him. Just hand it back to him if it is inedible, and then he will eat it himself."
The alien approached the drone that the Glerff was speaking to, and then picked up a silvery pouch from the makeshift table that the Moorkha was working over. It peeled the top off, and it ate the dark brown bar in 3 bites, then nodded to the drone, and went back to it’s repairs.
"What he just ate, by the way..." The Glerff said turning back to the drone. "...the analyzer states contains some alarming chemical chains. Theobromine, Phenylethylamine which look to be nearly lethal stimulants. Massive amounts of caffeine, Taurine, and Niacin as well. Oh dear, uh. By the nesting Gods! Leader Ak'kik, What it just ate could poison a small colony just on the amount of caffeine alone. But the amount of Capsaicin he just ate is even worse, FAR worse. PLEASE, please, refrain from angering it." he was still scanning the data in astonishment. "And, er, and this is most important, your weapons would be useless against it. It is incredibly fast, and can quite literally jump across this glade in a single bound. I think it came from a very high gravity planet. Maybe even a Deathworld. I vehemently recommend caution, and I strongly feel it necessary to reiterate, do NOT anger it, or incur its’ ire! Oh, and by the way, I did use the analyzer on it, it allowed me to do so, actually. the Analyzer data shows that there is probably nothing on this moon that it cannot eat, including us."
I replied, not through the drone this time as I was close enough in my approach that I no longer needed it. "Leader Ak'kik, at your service. Whom am I addressing?"
"Ah, apologies, I am professor Roonoomoo, and this is service master EEG'lix. That one there is Vorvert, and over there is D'rrr, and Higuv is just to the left of the table, and the two who are helping our rescuer are Woosk, and Rakk'n. It is a pleasure to meet you in return Leader Ak'kik."
"So you were saying some of the items on the table surface are actual foods that it eats? This is its’ food that it brought?" I said looking at the multitude of pouches and containers on the table.
“Oh yes. We made eating motions when we were trying to establish communications with it, to ask it for food, and he brought us this trove. He opened a package for us, and offered it, but, Woosk went into near panic when he saw that it was animal meat of some sort. After that he just spread everything out, and made a motion for us to inspect it for ourselves. All of us ate what the analyzer said was safe but that was not much of a variety. It turns out that there were only 2 packages all of us could eat. We saved the empty packages to show the alien what we ate once he is finished working. So that we do not risk angering it, you understand. Woosk and Rakk'n decided to offer what assistance they could after they ate, and have been doing so since then."
"May I be introduced to the alien now? I may have some tech that could help. If you will be so kind as to bring it here to us, as I would not want to trespass on its established area of operations, and be mistaken as hostile. We are obviously carrying weapons, and us approaching it...and its ship seems a questionable choice, at best."
"Very wise, Leader Ak'kik, I will see what I can do. I won't be but a moment. “Uh, er, you might want to hold on to that”, indicating the analyzer “and use it before you decide to touch anything on this table.", he said as he handed me the analyzer.
Professor Roonoomoo went to the alien ,and gently patted the joint in the middle of its lower appendage. The alien looked at professor Roonoomoo, who was pointing at us, and trying to explain us with hand signals and gestures, that we wished an introduction. When the alien looked at us we all, as a squad, showed it out empty hands as our weapons had been placed on the ground by our sides. it simply made a wave of one of its upper appendages, as if to say, “come here”. We approached with our empty hands plainly visible. As we approached it, it knelt. Not in surrender, or in supplication, but rather to level our mutual eye line. I realized that it was making an attempt to be polite.
I SLOWLY patted a stow pouch on my utility harness, and it nodded as though it seemed to understand, and motioned me to proceed. I held out the translator AI slate, "TAIS" and it took it, and then touched it to a device it wore on the wrist of its upper arm. (note that I am assuming proper body anatomy, based off of our own, although there are few similarities.) This alien was not only one of the largest I have seen, but also must be of a quite dense mass. As in its anatomy, and not its mental state, for it shook the ground around it with every step.
After a few moments there was a "chirping" sound from his device, and our coms alerted us to a new language file available. I allowed the exchange through my visor, and we were suddenly speaking to each other. I chose to make introductions first.
"I am Ak'kik. Leader of SH'azz squad. We have come to investigate and rescue these abductees. Do you require assistance?"
It held out it's hand as it spoke. "Bartholomew Wane Hatfield. Friends call me Bart." this aliens voice boomed at us.
"I was mining the asteroid belt in this system, when I caught a rogue asteroid right in the nads. Power plant was having a conniption fit after that so I figured I better set her down where I could patch her up. flying this old girl by wire is a bitch but, we got a thing so…"
This was the literal translation we initially received. As you can imagine, we were all quite confused.
"I beg your pardon unknown alien species, but the translation unit seems to be malfunctioning. We do not quite understand all of your words, we have no equivalent in our language for some, even though we seem to be communicating."
The sides of it’s facial orifice turned upward, revealing a multi-functional set fangs. Some pointed and some chisel shaped. Making it obvious it was an omnivore. Our visor AI stated that it “perceived” it was amused. It spoke into it’s wrist device, and it chirped in response. A second later our visor registered a "receive transmission" request. I allowed it, and this is what the visor AI showed us by way of "corrected translation".
"Bartholomew Wane Hatfield. Friends call me Bart.”
“I was mining the asteroid belt in this system when I caught a rogue asteroid, right in the nads.”
“Power plant was having a conniption fit after that so I figured I better set her down where I could patch her up.”
“Flying this old girl by wire is a bitch but, we got a thing so..."
I replied with, "AH, thank you for the subtext. Bart. I can see that your language has a vernacular art to it. I am culturally fascinated by such a language. Polite request. What is your power plant, and what is its power source? We may be able to assist with our spare component sets. Please feel free to not detail your technology to us, if it is security bound. We will not be insulted."
The alien again showed its fangs with a deep resonating, yet pleasant, vocal repetition. [LAUGHTEAMUSED]
"It's old tech stuff, by about 20 generations or so, but it's cheap, and reliable, common knowledge, and easy to repair. It’s a paired enriched uranium atom cracker.”
"Chasing blinking lights mostly. When the asteroid hit, the core spiked, and caused a number of shorts and jumps."
I nodded my understanding to the alien Bart. I then asked the engineer of my squad if he would be willing to assist. Corporal Zi'Kict accepted the challenge, though it looked as though anxiety, and fear
of "Bart" might overwhelm his current Stimcalm dose. "This is Corporal Zi'Kict. He is our designated engineer, and he has agreed to assist you. You can decline with no insult incurred."
He flashes us his fangs again. [HAPPY] His species, whatever it was, seemed to be fond of showing their teeth often.
"Hell, I never turn down a helpin' hand. Grab whatever it is y'all use, and let's get to chasin’ sparks."
"Uh, Bart. I must ask, what are your intentions with those that we were designated to rescue? If there is good will between us I would like to ensure that we, my crew and I, be given liberty return them to their families, and respective worlds. Will this be acceptable to you?"
"You go on right ahead, bless yer’ heart."
“I'll miss these 'uns. Their nice and friendly."
"Not like those other jackhole fecktards."
{insult "jackhole" refers to anal orifice. "Fecktards" derogatory reference to mentally damaged or deranged individuals with severely limited mental capacity that act inappropriately.}]
"I understand and concur with your insult of the pirates, and thank you for your understanding, your patience, and your friendship. With your permission I would like to redirect my ship to your encampment so our medtech device can confirm their current health. If it is not offensive, I would like to offer our medtech device to scan you as well, and determine if it is capable of repairing your injuries also. Refusal will not be considered an insult. My squad engineer will will assist you as needed, and our spare components are at your disposal. Friend Bart."
"Well bless yer heart, that would be dandy with me. Much obliged!"
I bowed to the alien I now called friend Bart, and went to co-ordinate the rescue operation, and sent the AI to bring the ship to my location. Since my priority was the health and safety of the of the abductees I spent the majority of my remaining time with them.
The alien required only a single spool of CronWire, and a span of shielded conduit, a simple enough repair. The abductees were tended to medically, fed, and shown to their racks. We allowed the abductees to contact their loved ones through our secured communications net. The alien allowed our medtech device to repair its burns, but it was unable to regrow the lost hair on its face. Friend Bart removed the rest of the hair around its mandible orifice with a small device, saying that he had to keep the balance. The squad medic timidly requested a full scan of Friend Bart, and Friend Bart was amenable to this.
We left Friend Bart, and watched him take off from orbit a few hours later. My squad medic started pouring over the MedTech device scans of Friend Bart, and quickly went into a fit of panic, and it took a questionable dose of Stimcalm to calm him down. I admit that I glanced at the data, but I am not trained as a medic so I understood nothing. The squad engineer simply handed me a collated list of intel he gathered while working with Friend Bart. They had a lengthy converse, and the engineer had actually formed a bond with Friend Bart. The list is as follows.
Name: Bartholomew Wane Hatfield
Species: Human
Origin: city of Austin in the state of Texas in the country of the United States of the planet Terra of the Sol star system
(system is far past the outer edge of our empire on the frontier side, opposite of coreward.)
Gravity: home normal +4 (4 times greater than our own gravity!)
Planet notes: frequent earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, tornadoes.
Planet has multiple biosphere, and terrain hazards that are lethal.
Plague level viruses, and bacteria, Multiple predators in every biosphere.
(See files freely given by Friend Bart) [FILESTORE- FriendBart01a]
NOTE: great white shark, alligator, saltwater crocodiles, king cobra, wolf, pit bulls, and other canines, polar bears, poison dart frog, hippopotamus, killer whale, rhinoceros, box jellyfish, cone snail, hyena, stone fish, black mamba, grizzly bears, puffer fish, komodo dragon, death stalker scorpion, lions, leopards, brown recluse spider, black widow spider, Brazillian wandering spider, electric eel, etc.
Please note that this list is merely a VERY small fraction of the actual list. My understanding is that the home planet of Friend Bart is at least a level 10-12 Deathworld. He also states that many of the species on this list are kept as pets by his fellow humans.
The squad engineer states he will send in a request for allowance of continued discourse with Friend Bart, but understands if this request is denied. After careful deliberation with the squad medic, we strongly recommend that the details of this mission be put to the SEC level at Black 8 tier 12 restricted, or higher, if there is a level higher than Black 8 tier 12 restricted.
Captain Ak'kik. Leader of SH'azz squad
mektreks*Aprox. One Terran kilometer equivalent.
NOK* Measurement of warp travel. 1NOK = speed of light
submitted by prophetofbrokenomens to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:47 Ok_Room4484 5G setup with antenna

I'm looking to setup a 5G connecten to my ubiquity network. Which device can you recomwnd that can handle 5G and what antenna should I use with it? I'm mainly using this at home with my airbnb guests and for some homemade iot devices. Any suggestionw? thank you!
submitted by Ok_Room4484 to TeltonikaNetworks [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:40 Allen261973 Experience with Estrogen based shea butter

1000g of 0.2% shea butter-based gel (1mg estrogen per 0.5g dose) - 2g raw estradiol powder 44g orange oil (d-limonene is a good penetration enhancer) 44g olive oil (contains a lot of oleic acid) 100g propylene glycol (solvent and penetration enhancer) 800g of shea butter or a possible premade cream (solvent and base) 500g of 0.2% estradiol gel (1mg estrogen per 0.5g dose of shea butter. The little problem is to calculate the dosage. I guess a pump bottle or dilution or experimenting to see what was best for each of us should be enough)
I tested the estrogen-based butter on myself choosing to jump the gun and for one day to not use my homemade gel. I haven’t been able to do blood tests yet but there had been periods before where simply because of laziness or other things, I didn't use my gel and in return my body made me pay for it with tiredness, headaches and sometimes hot flashes. It wasn’t the case this time. I felt more than fine. It's just had been a day but it already seems promising. My next blood tests will be in three months but even without them, I feel like my hormones are probably at the levels I wish they were if not more. I honestly think that using Shea butter itself with a hormone and maybe a little bit if any penetration enhancer would be enough due to the fact that Shea butter is mostly made of acids naturally acting as penetration enhancers.
I'm sure a lot of people will still doubt but even science shows that it is possible. We first have to acknowledge the fact that Shea butter is a fat (also a natural emollient ) mostly made of Oleic acid and Stearic acid, two skin penetration enhancers (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shea_butter). The typical levels of the major fatty acids present in shea butter are – oleic acid (C18:1) 34 to 62%, stearic acid (C18:0) 20 to 55.7%, palmitic acid (C16:0) 1.9 to 10% and linoleic acid (C18:2) 1 to 11% (https://kumarmetal.com/shea-butter-properties-applications/#:~:text=The%20typical%20levels%20of%20the,2)%201%20to%2011%25.).
-Oleic acid is widely studied and has been shown to disrupt the stratum corneum lipids, enhancing skin permeability. - Linoleic acid has been reported to increase skin permeability by altering lipid organization in the stratum corneum. - Stearic and palmitic acids have also been noted for their ability to modify the lipid bilayers of the skin, thereby enhancing drug penetration Effectiveness of Oleic Acid**:(Badran, M. M., Kuntsche, J., & Fahr, A. (2009). Skin penetration enhancement by a microneedle device (Dermaroller®) in vitro: dependency on needle size and applied formulation. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 72(3), 511-523.
Linoleic Acid Studies**: - Godin, B., & Touitou, E. (2007). Transdermal skin delivery: predictions for humans from in vivo, ex vivo and animal models. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 59(11), 1152-1161.
Stearic Acid as Enhancer**: - Osborne, D. W., & Henke, J. J. (1997). Skin penetration enhancers cited in the technical literature. Pharmaceutical Technology, 21(11), 58-68.
Palmitic Acid**: - Williams, A. C., & Barry, B. W. (2004). Penetration enhancers. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 56(5), 603-618..)
There is also substantial evidence that lipid-based formulations, including those with fats and oils, can be effective for transdermal drug delivery when properly formulated. These formulations often include a combination of oils, emulsifiers, and penetration enhancers. - Example: Various commercial transdermal products use lipid-based carriers with added penetration enhancers to ensure effective delivery. - Reference: Hadgraft, J. (2004). Skin, the final frontier. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 285(1-2), 3-12. This review discusses the potential of various formulation strategies for transdermal drug delivery, including lipid-based systems.
Secondly, Steroid hormones (SHs) like Estradiol, Estriol, Estrone, even testosterone are lipophilic molecules (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10874567/#:~:text=Steroid%20hormones%20(SHs)%20are%20lipophilic,oestrogens%20and%20progestagens%20or%20progestins). ) which means that they can dissolve in fats and oils, which includes shea butter.
There are probably a lot of other proofs that could be used but in clear, it is possible to use shea butter as a way to deliver drugs transdermally. Last if not least, I chose shea butter originally because more than having a lot of it around that I wasn’t using, Shea is one of the only if not the only butter that is both hydrating (https://www.laroche-posay.fl-acide-ferulique-un-anti-oxydant-puissant-pour-la-peau---la-roche-posay/quels-sont-les-bienfaits-du-beurre-de-karite.html#:~:text=Des%20propri%C3%A9t%C3%A9s%20nourrissantes%20et%20assouplissantes&text=Le%20beurre%20de%20karit%C3%A9%20est%20un%20excellent%20hydratant%20et%20%C3%A9mollient,pr%C3%A9venir%20et%20att%C3%A9nuer%20les%20vergetures. https://www.byrdie.com/shea-butter-skin-care-benefits-and-beauty-recipes-2442773 ) and moisturizing. I think it would only be beneficial to use a shea butter-based cream than an alcohol-based one when alcohol based cream particularly when used on the private parts under for better absorption can sting.
Depending on the dose and the formulation, an estrogen-based Shea butter could be used for skin care ( already made a post about it yesterday) or for delivery of transdermal drugs. I'm going to continue to apply it in the long term to have more data. I hope others here could join me or try to do other similar things. It could be fun and interesting
PS: here is a study showing the effectiveness of different oils as penetration enhancers( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6264261/)
PSS: I based this recipe on the one of deathmetaltransbian. She's the true MVP here. Not sure if she's gonna see it but thank you for what you did. I would have never have thought about doing what I'm actually doing without the seeds planted by you and so many other cool people
PSSS: the best shea butter is the one that is raw, unrefined because most of the time, refined Shea butter lacks the things and the vitamins that make it great and is often modified by the people seeking it in some ways
submitted by Allen261973 to estrogel [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 15:00 benfahohneh DIY Iontophoresis with a pulsed current - A summary

DIY Iontophoresis with a pulsed current - A summary
Hi everyone, like I've said in a previous post I was suffering from severe sweating on my forehead and decided to build my own Iontophoresis device with a little circuit in order to incorporate pulsed current into the procedure, as I've heard that most professional ionto devices utilize that to some extent.
Please read the post about this setup first, as mine is heavily based on that.
This took me some time to figure out, so I thought I'd make a tutorial for everyone who's a bit versed with electronics. Please keep in mind that I'm not an electrical engineer of some sort, all of this stems from YouTube tutorial knowledge about electrical engineering! Also, if anyone finds mistakes in the things I provide or said, feel free to let me know! You also have to have some soldering skills in order to recreate the circuit I built!
All iontophoresis devices utilize a small DC current flowing through one's body. This was the first thing I've learnt while looking this up. I also found this basic setup which utilizes a 12V battery to do iontophoresis with, which my setup is heavily based on. My issue though was that the setup above only used aluminum trays for hands, which wasn't really what I needed for my forehead. So I opted to buy this electrode which was specifically made for an iontophoresis device for about 90€ (which is funnily the most expensive part from this setup). In order to connect the forehead electrode to my circuit, I also needed to buy a 4mm male banana plug connector, as this was the fitting connector for the end of the forehead electrode.
The other thing I wanted to implement into my DIY iontophoresis device was a pulsed current with a frequency of 10kHz, as I've mentioned above. A pulsed current basically means that the flow of energy is turned on and off at a certain frequency, in this case 10kHz, which I've built using an Arduino and a MOSFET transistor.
Also, in order to control the current that flows through my body, I've purchased a buck-boost converter, which can regulate the voltage to go above or below 12V, which in this case also controls how much current in mA flows through your body. A nice thing about the convert I bought is that it has a small display where you can read the voltage and current currently flowing, so this is ideal for reading

List of things needed:

Please keep in mind that I will also list things I bought on German sites. Still, these things may give you an idea of what alternative you could buy in your country.
Also you need a soldering iron and some solder and some jumper wires.
This is a basic circuit diagram of how I've built my setup. This may look very complicated, but is actually easy to understand. The battery is hooked up to the buck-boost converter, which has its own display for displaying the voltage and the current which is currently flowing. You are referred to as "LOAD", and the cable coming in and from the load is the aluminum tray and the forehead electrode. The weird looking thing in the middle left is a N-channel MOSFET transistor, which activates if +5V are supplied from Pin 5 of the Arduino (which is done at a frequency of 10kHz). The 10k ohm resistor is a pull-down resistor needed in order to remove any unwanted charge, leaving the MOSFET in a flowing state all the time. The Arduino GND and the converter's GND (also referred to as Vout-) need to be connected in order to form a common ground.
Here is the Arduino Sketch: https://pastebin.com/r1N6kDAd
This post is WIP, I will also be images showing my setup.
submitted by benfahohneh to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:20 LordRicardios Any issues with my load order? I am constantly crashing after a few seconds on the main menu, and i have reinstalled and redownloaded both the game, and all these mods at least six times. Thanks for any help.

0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
254 FE 0 ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor.esl
254 FE 1 ccfsvfo4001-modularmilitarybackpack.esl
254 FE 2 ccawnfo4001-brandedattire.esl
254 FE 3 cctosfo4001-neosky.esm
254 FE 4 ccBGSFO4115-X02.esl
254 FE 5 ccBGSFO4116-HeavyFlamer.esl
254 FE 6 ccBGSFO4110-WS_Enclave.esl
254 FE 7 ccBGSFO4096-AS_Enclave.esl
254 FE 8 ccacxfo4001-vsuit.esl
254 FE 9 ccFSVFO4007-Halloween.esl
7 7 cctosfo4002_neonflats.esm
254 FE a ccBGSFO4046-TesCan.esl
254 FE b ccSBJFO4003-Grenade.esl
254 FE c ccOTMFO4001-Remnants.esl
8 8 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
9 9 ArmorKeywords.esm
10 a WorkshopFramework.esm
254 FE d XDI.esm
254 FE e PPF.esm
11 b SS2.esm
12 c SS2_XPAC_Chapter2.esm
13 d SS2_XPAC_Chapter3.esm
14 e AmericaRising2.esm
254 FE f Arbitration - Resources.esm
254 FE 10 Automatron Special Defense Assembly.esl
254 FE 11 Munitions - An Ammo Expansion.esl
15 f InstituteTechnologyOverhaul.esm
16 10 CWPointLookoutFO4.esm
254 FE 12 JamaicaPlainPathing.esm
254 FE 13 Skb_MachinegunsRebirth.esl
254 FE 14 Zapgun.esl
254 FE 15 SSTRagsPirates.esl
254 FE 16 SSTTomsBruisers.esl
254 FE 17 SelectRevolver.esl
254 FE 18 CWPointLookoutFO4Patch.esl
254 FE 19 Balisong.esl
254 FE 1a CROSS_VertibirdFlightsuit.esl
254 FE 1b DanseHelmet.esl
254 FE 1c F4MS.esl
254 FE 1d FOLON_ChinesePistol.esl
254 FE 1e FOLON_Lewis.esl
254 FE 1f SelectAssaultRifle.esl
254 FE 20 SelectPowerArmor.esl
17 11 Games.esm
18 12 BarstoolGames.esm
19 13 Homemaker.esm
254 FE 21 IDEKsLogisticsStation2.esl
254 FE 22 ImmersiveTeleportation.esl
254 FE 23 Munitions - Vanilla Ammo Addon.esl
254 FE 24 NPSShopping.esl
254 FE 25 PickaxeWeapon.esl
20 14 Retro_Style.esm
21 15 Robot Home Defence.esm
254 FE 26 RunningWithHandsAnim.esl
254 FE 27 SelectBlaster.esl
22 16 SettlementKeywords.esm
254 FE 28 SwimmingAnims.esl
23 17 TacticalReload.esm
24 18 EthreonMasterPlan.esm
254 FE 29 Tenpines Buff A fortified village.esl
254 FE 2a The Mechanist's lair - Robco's rebirth.esl
254 FE 2b TheCircleSS2.esl
254 FE 2c ThrowMoneyAtSS2.esl
254 FE 2d UNDRCVR_SimplySettledMechanistLair.esl
254 FE 2e WarwickHomesteadContestBuildTake2FGen.esl
254 FE 2f WG Point Lookout Stlmts Pack ESL.esl
254 FE 30 ZJ PerfPlan - Sanctuary.esl
254 FE 31 PPF-NeonFlats-CR.esm
254 FE 32 PPF-HeavyFlamer-CR.esm
254 FE 33 SS2 Fortress Commonwealth - Croup Manor Lvl3 ESL .esl
254 FE 34 sanctuaryWG.esl
254 FE 35 Reina_Vault88-SS2.esl
254 FE 36 Reina_Starlight2022Masters.esl
254 FE 37 RedRocketFoundry.esl
254 FE 38 MurkFactory.esl.esl
254 FE 39 MechaTown_CityPlan_MechanistLair.esl
254 FE 3a Marina.esl.esl
254 FE 3b Home plate.esl
254 FE 3c Holy Sanctuary.esl
254 FE 3d HangmansvaultSS2.esl
254 FE 3e Gris- Hangmans Alley Outpost (Fort Halley).esl
254 FE 3f GavMan_Zimonja_Cityplan.esl
254 FE 40 GavMan_Vault88_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 41 GavMan_RedRocket_Outpost_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 42 Gavman_MurkTreesMAY21_Cityplan.esl
254 FE 43 GavMan_LongfellowsJun21_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 44 GavMan_Egret_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 45 GavMan_CroupMar21_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 46 GavMan_CastleMar22_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 47 FortSomerville.esl
254 FE 48 FortifiedCroupManorHub.esl
254 FE 49 Fort Starlight V1.0.esl
254 FE 4a CSC_NoirPenthouse_Base.esl
254 FE 4b CSC_NeonFlats_Base.esl
254 FE 4c Castle Restoration Project.esl
254 FE 4d BunkerHillbyWG.esl
254 FE 4e Bunker Hill Mega City.esl
254 FE 4f Abernathy Stronghold.esl
254 FE 50 Dank_ArmorOverrides.esp
25 19 BeastWhisperer.esp
26 1a Phase4DLC.esp
27 1b SS2Extended.esp
254 FE 51 IHO - Immersive Hunting Overhaul.esp
28 1c RED.esp
29 1d SuperMutantRedux.esp
30 1e OutcastsAndRemnants.esp
31 1f virgil.esp
32 20 Depravity.esp
254 FE 52 CombinedExpansion4.1.esp
33 21 Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp
34 22 0BVB_OLD_V1.esp
35 23 Eli_MarlboroughHouse.esp
36 24 AA FusionCityRising.esp
254 FE 53 WCLI_North_Point_Park.esp
254 FE 54 StoryWealth-SS2-DEP-Patch.esp
37 25 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
38 26 An Office Fit For A Mayor.esp
39 27 Relic Space Marine.esp
40 28 The Space Marine.esp
41 29 Vertibird Faction Paint Schemes.esp
42 2a PhaserLaserGun.esp
43 2b CombinedArmsNV.esp
44 2c CombinedArmsEXPack.esp
254 FE 55 Dank_LEO.esp
45 2d Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment.esp
46 2e g2m_Workshop_Nexus.esp
47 2f InstituteSettlements2.esp
48 30 RD_Technologies.esp
49 31 Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment_GunForHire_Addon.esp
254 FE 56 GunForHire-eXoPatch.esp
50 32 MilitarizedMinutemen.esp
51 33 Snappy_HouseK.esp
52 34 Backpacks of the Commonwealth.esp
53 35 functionalobjects_vanilla.esp
54 36 M2_Flamethrower_2.2.esp
55 37 tdow_lc.esp
254 FE 57 BuildingGroundFix.esp
254 FE 58 Dank_ECO.esp
254 FE 59 Fallout 4 AI Overhaul.esp
56 38 SKKSynthVision.esp
57 39 InstituteTechnologyOverhaul - FULL.esp
58 3a SS2_FDK_TinyLiving.esp
59 3b Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
254 FE 5a CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit.esp
60 3c MW1Mike4.esp
61 3d 1CAS_ServiceRifle.esp
62 3e AEWS.esp
63 3f Fleshsmith.esp
64 40 battletech.esp
65 41 ProjectValkyrie.esp
254 FE 5b GrayGardenIdles.esp
254 FE 5c FPVertibird.esp
254 FE 5d FPV_Armored.esp
254 FE 5e MechLairPathfindingFix.esp
66 42 0006___SkyLight_Bunker - PV2.esp
254 FE 5f 3dscopes-wmsr.esp
67 43 3dscopes.esp
68 44 [BFV]Kar98k.esp
69 45 AttachPack.esp
254 FE 60 CROSS_MojaveManhunter.esp
70 46 CROSS_PlasRail.esp
71 47 M1918nv.esp
72 48 SPR300.esp
73 49 MK18.esp
74 4a SS2-Jampads2.esp
75 4b PoliceWeaponPack.esp
76 4c M1Garand.esp
77 4d SS2WastelandVenturers.esp
78 4e UniquePAFrames.esp
79 4f [SS2 Addon] SimSettlements SuperStructures.esp
80 50 BerettaM9FS.esp
81 51 LeeEnfieldNo4MkI.esp
82 52 GtN_SettlersatPlay.esp
83 53 Cho1_SS2_Encv_Plots.esp
84 54 DakVintageRepeater.esp
85 55 DakGrenadeAPW.esp
86 56 DakSwedishK.esp
254 FE 61 Firelance1.0.1.esp
87 57 DakBAR.esp
88 58 DakWin1907.esp
89 59 InstituteArsenalOverhaul.esp
90 5a RU556.esp
91 5b MTs255.esp
92 5c DT_MercOutfitPack.esp
254 FE 62 Mercenary Outfit Extreme Overhaul.esp
93 5d ALSID.esp
94 5e DakPoliceShotgun.esp
95 5f F4NVSingleActionArmy.esp
96 60 DakFAL.esp
254 FE 63 Castle Helipad.esp
254 FE 64 SS2-Ch2-CR-NeonFlats.esp
97 61 DakRugerRifles.esp
98 62 DakFR2.esp
99 63 DakSW59.esp
100 64 WestTek.esp
101 65 DakHomemadeVityaz.esp
102 66 PigAAMDeag.esp
103 67 PigAAMBeretta.esp
104 68 DakDeagle.esp
105 69 DakM202.esp
106 6a AranLaserCarbine.esp
254 FE 65 CROSS_BreakActionLaser.esp
107 6b Dak20mm.esp
108 6c InfiltratorSMG.esp
109 6d Disruptor.esp
110 6e DakBowieKnife.esp
111 6f SS2_Addon_NWE.esp
112 70 SelectRapidMG.esp
113 71 SS2_STRA_Support_Buildings.esp
114 72 SS2_STRA_Buildings_and_Skins.esp
115 73 SS2_ruined_simsettlement_addonpack.esp
116 74 SS2_Addon_R2R.esp
117 75 Cho1_ss2_Barmod_Conversion.esp
254 FE 66 SS2_Addon_Favelabulous.esp
118 76 GavM_SS2Addon_Buildings.esp
254 FE 67 DownTime2_SS2_Addon_Des.esp
254 FE 68 SS2_ruined_plotapalooza_messhall.esp
119 77 SS2_Addon_PSC_Plots.esp
120 78 SS2_Addon_FHE.esp
121 79 BMW_ALA.esp
122 7a JunkTownTwo.esp
123 7b GarageHomesAndSensibleSecurity.esp
124 7c DZK_1x1_Pack.esp
125 7d SS2-PraRandomAddon.esp
126 7e Schotel22.esp
127 7f tumba_CaravanSecurityArmor.esp
128 80 tumba_bountyhunter.esp
254 FE 69 tumba_SynthCourserArmor.esp
254 FE 6a Sten.esp
129 81 Kar98k.esp
254 FE 6b Springfield M1903.esp
130 82 AX50.esp
131 83 DaksCombatRifle.esp
254 FE 6c ODW - Winchester Model 1873.esp
132 84 WWII - SOV Nagant Revolver.esp
133 85 G43.esp
134 86 IFC Complete.esp
254 FE 6d TacticalReloadVanilla.esp
135 87 P90.esp
136 88 Cyberpunk 2077 Malorian Arms 3516.esp
254 FE 6e [BFV]P08.esp
254 FE 6f AdvBubbleTurretSet.esp
254 FE 70 AdvBubbleTurretSet-RHDSKPatch.esp
254 FE 71 AdvSettleTurretSet.esp
137 89 AEAR01.esp
254 FE 72 AEWS_NukaWorldPatch.esp
254 FE 73 AFT_Allow_Piper_Face_Presets.esp
138 8a MilitarisedMinutemen_PatchesAddon.esp
254 FE 74 AFT_Allow_Preston_Face_Presets.esp
254 FE 75 AFT_Allow_X688_Face_Presets.esp
254 FE 76 AFT_Alt_Names_Pack1.esp
254 FE 77 AFT_Use_Original_Spouse.esp
254 FE 78 AFTSpouseTweaks.esp
254 FE 79 AlexSleevePatcher.esp
254 FE 7a AmazingFollowerTweaks_XDI_FIX.esp
254 FE 7b AnotherMoleratDiseaseCure.esp
139 8b AR2 Attachment Pack Patch.esp
254 FE 7c Bullet in the Chamber.esp
254 FE 7d Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp
140 8c AssaultPhaser.esp
141 8d Archimedes-II.esp
254 FE 7e Attach Pack Mod Description Fixes.esp
254 FE 7f RemoteExplosives.esp
142 8e AutoMines.esp
143 8f autoweapons.esp
254 FE 80 AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp
144 90 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
145 91 BarstoolGames_FH.esp
146 92 BarstoolGames_NW.esp
254 FE 81 Bastion.esp
147 93 battletechfootstep.esp
254 FE 82 BeastWhispererTreats.esp
148 94 BetterSettlers.esp
254 FE 83 Live Dismemberment - BrutalNoHeadshots.esp
254 FE 84 Live Dismemberment - LiebermodeNoHeadshots.esp
254 FE 85 Live Dismemberment - RegularNoHeadshots.esp
254 FE 86 Below-the-belt.esp
254 FE 87 Better_Notes.esp
254 FE 88 BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
254 FE 89 Lots More Facial Hair.esp
254 FE 8a Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp
254 FE 8b Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
254 FE 8c BS NS BFS Merged Patch - Mortal.esp
254 FE 8d BetterSettlersMortalPack.esp
254 FE 8e BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
149 95 BogartNick - Hazel Stubble.esp
254 FE 8f CBBE.esp
150 96 CF_AtomicWarlord.esp
151 97 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
254 FE 90 CGOsoundsplugin.esp
152 98 SKKFastMinutemen.esp
153 99 Colt1911.esp
154 9a Companion - Chris Fathom.esp
254 FE 91 CovenantCitadelLayoutV1.6.esp
254 FE 92 CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon.esp
254 FE 93 CROSS_CoA.esp
254 FE 94 CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp
155 9b CROSS_GoreCrits.esp
254 FE 95 CROSS_GoreCrits_FarHarborPatch.esp
254 FE 96 CROSS_ReducedLaserSmoke.esp
254 FE 97 D13SynthSpyDetectionElimination.esp
254 FE 98 DakFR2-TR.esp
254 FE 99 Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCCoast.esp
254 FE 9a Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCNukaWorld.esp
254 FE 9b Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCRobot.esp
254 FE 9c Dank_ECO-INNR.esp
254 FE 9d Dank_ECO_DLCCoast.esp
254 FE 9e Dank_ECO_DLCNukaWorld.esp
254 FE 9f Dank_ECO_DLCRobot.esp
254 FE a0 Dank_INNRoverride.esp
254 FE a1 Dank_LEO-Automatron.esp
254 FE a2 Dank_LEO_ChipCraft_Free_ECO.esp
254 FE a3 Dank_LEO_DLCCoast.esp
254 FE a4 Dank_LEO_DLCNukaWorld.esp
254 FE a5 Dank_ECO-LEO.esp
156 9c DarkestHourRemastered.esp
157 9d Deeper Male Protagonist Voice - Type A3 - DLC1-Automatron.esp
158 9e Deeper Male Protagonist Voice - Type A3.esp
159 9f Deeper Thoughts - Expressive Curie.esp
254 FE a6 Edit_Hancock.esp
254 FE a7 BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp
160 a0 ESPExplorerFO4.esp
254 FE a8 F4NVSingleActionArmy_TR.esp
161 a1 Family Mauser.esp
162 a2 FineZoom.esp
163 a3 Flashy_CommonwealthFishing.esp
164 a4 Flashy_CommonwealthFishingFarHarborAddon.esp
254 FE a9 Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment_CrossMM_Patch.esp
254 FE aa Flashy_GunForHire_NamesPatch.esp
254 FE ab FPVCorrectMinigunAmmo.esp
254 FE ac FPVBoSPilot.esp
254 FE ad FPV-Paintjobs.esp
254 FE ae FPVTrackingModule.esp
254 FE af FPVPilotCommands.esp
254 FE b0 FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp
165 a5 FunctionalDisplays.esp
254 FE b1 FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL.esp
254 FE b2 FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp
254 FE b3 GammaGunRedux.esp
166 a6 Gammaremesh_AttPackPatch.esp
254 FE b4 GhastlyHancock.esp
254 FE b5 GunForHire-AmericaRising2.esp
254 FE b6 Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
254 FE b7 Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
254 FE b8 FPV_IHO_Loot_Patch.esp
254 FE b9 Dank_ECO-IHO.esp
254 FE ba ImmersiveAnimationFramework.esp
254 FE bb IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp
254 FE bc ImmersiveTeleportation_lessPower.esp
254 FE bd ImmersiveTeleportation_lessRads.esp
254 FE be ImmersiveTeleportation_quickstart.esp
254 FE bf Infiltrator - Lockpicking Overhaul.esp
167 a7 KSHairdos.esp
168 a8 KSHairsFemsheppingRadbeetle.esp
254 FE c0 3dscopes-leeenfield.esp
254 FE c1 lewismunitions.esp
254 FE c2 LongerPowerLinesInf.esp
169 a9 WeaponDisarm.esp
170 aa PIP-Pad.esp
171 ab LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
254 FE c3 LooneyLongfellow.esp
172 ac M1 Carbine.esp
254 FE c4 M14.esp
254 FE c5 3dscopes-m14.esp
254 FE c6 M1Garand-2xDMG.esp
173 ad M1Garand - AWKCR.esp
174 ae ManufacturingExtended.esp
175 af ManufacturingExtendedFH.esp
176 b0 MG69.esp
254 FE c7 MilitarisedMinutemen_ScarvesFix.esp
254 FE c8 MMSREP.esp
254 FE c9 MMSREP_PatchesAddonCompatibilePatch.esp
254 FE ca MilitarizedMinutemenImmersionFix.esp
254 FE cb MinutemenEnforcer.esp
254 FE cc EnforcerCrafting.esp
254 FE cd MiscHairstyle.esp
177 b1 Modern Military Pack.esp
178 b2 Mosin.esp
254 FE ce 3dscopes-mosin.esp
254 FE cf Munitions Manufacturing.esp
254 FE d0 Munitions-Additional Ammo.esp
254 FE d1 Munitions Manufacturing - Additional Ammo Expansion.esp
254 FE d2 Nability - IAF Fusion City Rising Patch.esp
254 FE d3 no_pipboy_light.esp
179 b3 OCDecorator.esp
254 FE d4 OMEGA - CommonwealthFishing IAF Patch.esp
254 FE d5 OMEGA - IAF CoA Overhaul Patch.esp
254 FE d6 OMEGA - IHO IAF Patch.esp
254 FE d7 Nability - IAF Outcasts And Remnants Patch.esp
254 FE d8 Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment_OAR_Depravity_Patch.esp
180 b4 Ozzys_MCPR-300.esp
254 FE d9 Ozzys_MCPR300_TRPatch.esp
254 FE da P90NPC.esp
254 FE db PAUP_TargetingHUD.esp
254 FE dc PAVertibirdDockFix.esp
254 FE dd Backpacks of the Commonwealth - FPV Patch.esp
254 FE de personalvertibird.esp
181 b5 PhotonDisruptor.esp
254 FE df PIP-Pad_LMCC.esp
254 FE e0 PlatinumCurieV2.1.esp
182 b6 PWR.esp
254 FE e1 PWR_SKE.esp
183 b7 RED-CAP.esp
184 b8 Relic Space Marine - Raven Guard.esp
254 FE e2 40K_Relic_Space_Marine_Craftable_Armor.esp
254 FE e3 40k RSM Carcharadons Paint.esp
185 b9 Remote Explosives CTD fix in Workshop.esp
186 ba Retro_Style_World_Distribution.esp
254 FE e4 3dscopes-ru556.esp
187 bb SelectMarksman.esp
254 FE e5 SelectPhoton_ITOinjectPatch.esp
188 bc SettlementMenuManager.esp
189 bd HomemakerMenuFixer.esp
254 FE e6 SexyHancockEveryHancockDepravity.esp
190 be CabinInTheWoods.esp
254 FE e7 SimpleAttackReactions.esp
254 FE e8 SimpleCombatGrabs.esp
254 FE e9 SimpleFinishersRE.esp
191 bf SimpleSmokes.esp
192 c0 Skitarii.esp
193 c1 SKKRESystemManager.esp
194 c2 SKKSettlementAttackSystem.esp
254 FE ea SpotlightFix-300-Shadow.esp
254 FE eb SPR300_LvlList.esp
254 FE ec SPR300_TacticalReload.esp
195 c3 TacticalMods.esp
254 FE ed TacticalModsDLC.esp
254 FE ee TacticalReloadDLC.esp
196 c4 The Eyes of Beauty Looking Stranger.esp
197 c5 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
254 FE ef HCFB_Maccready_smooth.esp
254 FE f0 The Ultimate Piper - nexus release.esp
198 c6 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
254 FE f1 TheKite_Railroad_Handmaiden.esp
254 FE f2 TheKite Handmaiden - Triggermen.esp
199 c7 Thematic and Practical.esp
200 c8 Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp
254 FE f3 There It Is x Perfectionist.esp
201 c9 tumba_SynthCombatArmor.esp
202 ca tumba_EnclaveCombatArmor.esp
254 FE f4 tumba_mysterious_stranger.esp
254 FE f5 Ultimate Cait.esp
203 cb United Security Contractor.esp
204 cc Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul.esp
205 cd VertiBirdRetextureProject.esp
254 FE f6 WCLINPP_FastTravelFix.esp
254 FE f7 WeaponDisarm - Dismemberment+Groin.esp
254 FE f8 Dank_ECO-WestTek.esp
206 ce WestTekTacticalOptics.esp
254 FE f9 Wireless Workshop Items.esp
207 cf WorkshopPointLookout.esp
254 FE fa TheRedoubt.esp
208 d0 SS2WastelandReconstructionKit.esp
254 FE fb SS2CityPlanGunForHireModOfficeofRelaxation.esp
209 d1 SS2CaravanSnatex.esp
254 FE fc SS2C2PoliceWeaponsPatch.esp
254 FE fd SS2AOP_VaultTecTools.esp
254 FE fe SS2Addon_MS_BareEssentials.esp
254 FE ff SS2_XDI Patch.esp
254 FE 100 SS2_WestTek.esp
210 d2 SS2_WastelandDefense.esp
211 d3 SS2_SIMPDDDD.esp
212 d4 SS2_MsB_PlainPlans.esp
213 d5 SS2_CityPlanPack_RiseOfTheCommonwealth.esp
254 FE 101 ss2_caravanshipment.esp
254 FE 102 SS2_AFT.esp
254 FE 103 SS2_Addon_ShazbotsCots.esp
214 d6 SS2_Addon_BrickNClay.esp
254 FE 104 SS2-AUR-HangmansAlleyCityPlan.esp
215 d7 SS2 Settlement Management Terminal.esp
254 FE 105 SS2 Sanctuary Green Hills.esp
254 FE 106 SS2 Junk Storage Capacity.esp
216 d8 SS2 Excess Resource Manager.esp
254 FE 107 SS2 Better Outfits.esp
254 FE 108 SimSettlements2_AddOnPack_ApocalypticAdditions_SirLach.esp
254 FE 109 SimHomestead2.esp
254 FE 10a Sim Settlers 2 Go Shopping.esp
254 FE 10b Reina_SS2_Plotapalooza_SigTrg.esp
254 FE 10c ProjectValkyrie-SS2-Patch.esp
254 FE 10d PrasPlotapaloozaEntry.esp
217 d9 ohSIM_Sim2_Settlements_Scrappers_Addon.esp
254 FE 10e Murkwater Manor.esp
254 FE 10f MS SS2 Camera Takes Screenshots.esp
254 FE 110 Lyudw_NorthPointPark_CityPlan.esp
254 FE 111 JunkTown2 - EXTREME.esp
254 FE 112 JunkTown-FENCES2.esp
254 FE 113 IT_SS2.esp
254 FE 114 IDEKsLogisticsStation2_SS2_Patch.esp
218 da GtN_SettlersatWar.esp
254 FE 115 CountryCrossing.esp
219 db Cho1SS2FlagsMod.esp
254 FE 116 [SS2] BBVault 88.esp
254 FE 117 [SS2] Ad Vic.esp
254 FE 118 WW2SmockEN.esp
254 FE 119 WWII - German Smock - v1.0.esp
254 FE 11a WWII - USA Paratrooper Uniform.esp
254 FE 11b WWII - USSR Coat Uniform - v1.0.esp
220 dc WWM Gear Pack.esp
254 FE 11c zz_Automatron_Robots.esp
254 FE 11d Crafting Ammunition.esp
254 FE 11e Crafting Components.esp
254 FE 11f Crafting vanilla chems and drinks.esp
254 FE 120 Crafting vanilla grenade and syringe batch sizes.esp
254 FE 121 Crafting vanilla signal.esp
254 FE 122 Grenades - No sort and weightless.esp
254 FE 123 New Chems - No sort and weightless.esp
254 FE 124 New Devices - No sorting.esp
254 FE 125 Syringer Ammunition - DI - No sort and weightless.esp
254 FE 126 Syringer Rifles and Pistol.esp
221 dd SKKFastStartNewGame.esp
222 de WorkshopRearranged.esp
223 df Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul Redux.esp
254 FE 127 PRP.esp
254 FE 128 Thuggysmurf_Optimization.esp
254 FE 129 OCsV81TradeCamp.esp
254 FE 12a OCsV81TradeCampGrassReduced.esp
254 FE 12b WCLINPP_Previs.esp
254 FE 12c OCsv81TradeCampInstantUnlock.esp
254 FE 12d PRP-SS2.esp
254 FE 12e GavMan_V81TC_CityPlan.esp
224 e0 Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - AiO.esp
225 e1 Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp
226 e2 Mechanist Lair Overhaul SEC.esp
254 FE 12f Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
254 FE 130 PIP-Pad_Pip-BoyFlashlight.esp
submitted by LordRicardios to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:04 prophetofbrokenomens Miner Spacey Niner

Account from the squad leader of SH'azz squad on advanced long range assault scout mission in the Tz'urgal system. 3rd moon of the 3rd planet in system. Colony of "Deltamist" pirates.
Race: Inagoor, who are known as separatists. Noted for high crimes to include piracy, kidnapping, smuggling, murders and assassinations.
This is the true, and unredacted, original account.
SEC level set as Black 8 tier 12 restricted.
Account reads:

Journal log entry: T'zk 72:31 G'az 8
2nd leader, Expeditionary Assault Scouts: SH'azz squad.
We landed the stealth assault class (S.A.C) skiff 12 mektreks* from the pirate settlement with the determination to make final approach on claw, and from under cover of night with full stealth masking knowing that the Inagoor would easily spot the mirage haze and light warping of our stealth fields during the day. The gravity of the moon is comparable to ours, if slightly less, so it seemed like it would be an easy trek. I determined that only 2 rest stops would be needed instead of three. Our landing distance assisting in our stealth attempt, and thus adding to our chances of successful surprise attack.
Our intel determined that the pirates had recently raided the Tau shipping lanes, and had taken hostages for the purposes of ransom and slave sales. Our unit was tasked with forward observation and intel gathering of the pirates before termination of their operation, and to report all intel direct to command via secured subspace micro-pulse.
The Flora and Fauna scans determined that this moon was a Class 4 temperate world with no signs of natural life forms rated as sentient.
At our first predetermined rest location we discovered a burn mark cutting a path through the foliage as though a small vessel of some kind had made a controlled emergency landing. Scanners indicated that the craft was emitting power output signals, and was only a short distance from our location. We proceeded to rest and recuperate under the cover of the stealth fields with both live, and drone perimeter guards for security. The rest cycle was extended to insure that the guards could rotate so that all were rested and ready. I had decided that the investigation of the small craft could wait until after our main mission was complete when one of our forward scout drones sent my linkpad some images flagged for immediate review.
The images were of an Inagoor corpse. It was...dismembered. Torn limb from limb and the barrel chested, fur covered torso had chunks ripped out of it. (Images in file listed SET 1) The closeups of the
torso showed that the gaping rents and holes were not impact points of a projectile weapon nor were they of a beam, or energy weapon. No charring of flesh or fur, and no melting or blast marks on their suits armor plating. It simply looked as though an appendage had been grabbed and pulled off. The armor, as well as the flesh underneath, was simply torn off of the main corpse. The dismembered limbs were in the same condition, and save one other notable clue which was that there were obvious "gripping points" where the armor was crushed, and the bone beneath these areas was pulverized. The Inagoor's infra Red pulse rifle was found partially embedded in the trunk of a tree. Its "combat rated" frame had been crushed and wadded up as though it was a piece of waste paper. Its power cell was ruptured and leaking. The scout drone had marked it as a hazard zone out to 30 pace lengths and labeled as "lethal chemical hazard". I informed my second in command, and we reviewed the images together. He was as dumbfounded as I. What native beast could have done this kind of damage to powered assault armor?
The Drone was unable to locate the Inagoor's head in the immediate area.
(Addendum ends:)
My second and I resolved to scout this issue as a priority. We did not want to engage our current mission only to have an unknown element interfere and compromise mission success. As per command prerogative, I shared the drones information with the rest of the squad personnel, and reformed mission parameters around this element. Mission AI rated a 92% agreement with my assessment. Well within command parameters. We arrived at the location of the drones discovery in 4 hours. Our visors highlighted the chemical hazard of the leaking power module, and its set perimeter was also highlighted by our personal visor AI, and we all gave it a wide berth. The Inagoor was indeed scattered everywhere as the drones images had relayed with one exception. The smell was horrendous, and sickening. The stench of the Inagoor's "parts" indicated that it had been killed only 2 day/night rotations ago, and already some sort of fungus growth had begun to creep into the strewn dismembered parts and pieces. On every life bearing world, nature always has a cleanup crew. On closer examination of the "parts" we determined that the only explanation of this incident was that some creature had simply grabbed the Inagoor and ripped him apart, flinging the pieces in random directions in the process. The Inagoor's armor was their combat rated class, which is their equivalent to our front line infantry armor, powered of course. It was just torn apart as if it was a Tk'turka wedding veil. Armor that can withstand a pulse from an infra Red rifle at close range, or the puncture of a ballistic needler at point blank range had been torn apart, as if it were made of nothing sturdier than plant filament.
The grip points visible on the appendages did indeed look squeezed/crushed, and the separation points showed signs of literally being "pulled" apart. Not cut. Not chopped, but PULLED apart. The Inagoor are from level 9 temperate worlds and are thus pretty tough, and considered very strong even to a majority of other sentient species. Yet something far, FAR, stronger just pulled them apart. My visor AI showed the majority of my squad running "weapon ready" checks, and a few more scout drones were tossed into the air to begin new stealth patrols.
It wasn't long before another Inagoor corpse was found in the direction of the unidentified craft that
had "seemingly" crash landed.
This Inagoor's corpse was simply pinned to a tree. Its back was against the trunk, and the Inagoor's pulse rifle was pushed through its torso and into the tree trunk thus pinning it a pace off of the ground. Whatever creature did this to the Inagoor, had used the butt of the rifle to penetrate completely through the Inagoor's chest cavity, and further into the tree trunk, thus pinning the Inagoor. My visor AI noted more "Weapons Ready Checks" as well as one of the newer members of the squad using a dose of Stimcalm. My visor AI noted the dose as well within regulation, and I chose to flag it for review for his after mission performance evaluation. (Noted in File marked VA1. attached) I was actually considering using a dose of Stimcalm myself, as my second reoriented the stealth drones to a new scout pattern. Rather than taking the stim I began reviewing database information for "nearest Deathworld locations” from current location, and the AI promptly informed me that none were reachable within a standard week of FTL travel at NOK* 6 speed. I relayed this information to my second, and he reciprocated with a listing of the most dangerous lifeforms on this moon. None were capable of this level of violence by orders of magnitude.
I also noted that there were many burn holes in the vegetation in this area. Obviously the discharge of the pulse rifle was futile in halting the violence that occurred even if the Inagoor had made direct hits. The updated drone orientation revealed a new element to this mystery soon after. The visor alert from the drone was not unexpected, but still caught me off guard. I opened up the video footage, and saw a scene of carnage that staggered my rational mind. Many, MANY Inagoor corpses were strewn about a small clearing in the vegetation. All of them were not merely killed but ripped apart and scattered just like the first corpse we encountered. I am not ashamed to admit that I was so visibly sickened that my second inquired as to my health and mental state. As is my command authority to do so I relayed the drones footage to him. Then I too, took a regulation dosage of Stimcalm. As is noted in the file attached I also ordered my second to share the footage from the drone to the rest, and pre-authorized them to also take a regulation dose of Stimcalm, IF they felt they needed it after reviewing the drones footage.
Upon closer examination of the footage we could see the "fin" of a craft sticking up from the other side of a nearby hill. The site of the visceral carnage was a short distance from the crafts resting position. I, and my second reviewed the footage a few more times, and weighed the pros and cons of sending the drone over the rise, and within full sight of the downed vessel. I came to the conclusion that the possible loss of a stealth drone was far less costly, and far more prudent, than the loss than a squad member, and so I authorized the reroute. What the drone showed us next was intriguing to say the least.
The drone's path was kept slow and close to the foliage line so as not to expose too much of a blur signature, but, as it came into line of sight of our objective we saw that the craft was indeed, of some strange alien design. Its structure and air frame looked almost completely undamaged. Boxy though, and clumsy in appearance it had long airfoils sticking out from its sides and a tall one sticking straight up from its reatail. An enormous alien who was twice our height and bipedal was working on some component in an opened hatch in the side of the craft, and there were other aliens assisting it. A Craxx was handing it a tool of some kind, and a Piryllek was holding some illumination device next to it so that the enormous alien could see what it was doing. A Moorkha, with its brightly colored feathers, was working with a blue-green scaled Sithys. Together, they were making preparations for a meal of some sort. A black furred Glerff suddenly stood on its hind legs and looked straight at the drone. its yellow feather-patterned antennae quivering. We had been spotted!
The aliens that we could name registered in the operational AI as the abductees from the afore mentioned recent raids on the shipping lanes, and when the Glerff alerted the others they all stopped what they were doing, and started chattering wildly at the giant, who then reached for some sort of computational device and began fiddling with it. It did not look as the giant was concerned overly, but, simply curious. The suit it was wearing was scorched in many areas, and the hide that showed through the holes in its clothing was light brown with red splotches. These were definitely wound sites on the unidentified alien. If these were the wounds suffered from the infra Red pulse rifle fire, then they likely only caused this creature some mild irritation and inconvenience. Its face was hairy, as was its head, and the left mandible, hair burned away was swollen and blistered. A pulse rifle shot to his face perhaps? There were obvious signs of it being shot all over it’s limbs and torso, and yet it was still alive and breathing? Impossible! What was this thing?
It was apparent from the drone video that this alien was over twice our height. It stood head and shoulders taller than the Moorkha, and with triple its mass. The Moorkha quieted the others, and began cooing at the giant, making a visible sign to breathe deeply and calmly while stroking the giants fore appendages and digits, as we witnessed this process via the live feed. The fur above one of its ocular organs (it had 2, side by side, and front facing.) rose a bit but it otherwise seemed to relax and looked in the direction of the drone that the Glerff was still pointing at.
Based on this evidence I chose to drop the cloak on the drone and send it slowly to the Glerff as it was the closest. When the drone was within verbal communication distance I sent my voice through the drone to introduce myself.
"I am Ak'kik. Leader of SH'azz squad. We have come to investigate, and rescue you and your fellow abductees. Do you require assistance?", I said with as much authority in my tone as I am capable of. "Most assuredly Ak'kik, though we are no longer in danger thanks to our new friend that rescued us. Although I do not believe that he did so intentionally. The pirates that abducted us attacked it as soon as it’s craft crash landed. The pirates made the mistake of shooting it. That failed to kill it, and only made it angry. When they persistently kept shooting it, it subsequently became enraged." The Glerff shuddered, but seemed to regain control of its emotions quickly.
"The pirates are no more. The pirates that attempted to flee were pursued, and exterminated. The base the pirates held us in was likewise cleansed of the pirates by our rescuer. Our rescuer is very, very fast and very, very strong. Please do NOT shoot it. You would not survive should you do so. Also, it seems to be an omnivore. PLEASE! Do not anger it. I beg you!"
I responded with calm. "Please tell it that we will be there shortly and that we have no intentions of violence. We only wish to rescue the abductees."
"I can't." The Glerff replied quickly. "None of us speak its language and it does not know ours. We have no Data AI's to link to its technology to work out language algorithms. I think the aliens technology is also damaged. It keeps having to go to its’ ships control station to check for power readings.
Communicating with it has been a challenge, though oddly pleasant. It is quite patient and amenable, when it is not killing pirates in an excessively psychotic state. As terrified as I am of this creature, I cannot help but be curious about it. I am sure you will find it to be a pleasant, and respectful entity if you approach calmly, and with no hostility."
I thought for a moment. "Please try to keep it calm and we will try to make our approach as calmly, and respectfully as possible. We will endeavor at all costs, not provoke it."
"I should think not!" said the Glerff showing some alarm. “Since the extermination of the pirates I have personally observed it lifting enormous amounts of weight without strain. Seen it consume it’s rations which looked to be a combination of vegetable, AND meat with vigor. Much of which I am confirming was poisonous using an analyzer that once belonged to the pirates. The analyzer shows that some of its’ rations would be considered lethally poisonous to every species that I know of."
He held the analyzer screen to the drone for confirmation, as he continued speaking. "I am not an expert in the field of chemistry, so I would strongly suggest you scan whatever food he offers you before you eat it. Please note that refusing his "gift" of food does not insult him. Just hand it back to him if it is inedible, and then he will eat it himself."
The alien approached the drone that the Glerff was speaking to, and then picked up a silvery pouch from the makeshift table that the Moorkha was working over. It peeled the top off, and it ate the dark brown bar in 3 bites, then nodded to the drone, and went back to it’s repairs.
"What he just ate, by the way..." The Glerff said turning back to the drone. "...the analyzer states contains some alarming chemical chains. Theobromine, Phenylethylamine which look to be nearly lethal stimulants. Massive amounts of caffeine, Taurine, and Niacin as well. Oh dear, uh. By the nesting Gods! Leader Ak'kik, What it just ate could poison a small colony just on the amount of caffeine alone. But the amount of Capsaicin he just ate is even worse, FAR worse. PLEASE, please, refrain from angering it." he was still scanning the data in astonishment. "And, er, and this is most important, your weapons would be useless against it. It is incredibly fast, and can quite literally jump across this glade in a single bound. I think it came from a very high gravity planet. Maybe even a Deathworld. I vehemently recommend caution, and I strongly feel it necessary to reiterate, do NOT anger it, or incur its’ ire! Oh, and by the way, I did use the analyzer on it, it allowed me to do so, actually. the Analyzer data shows that there is probably nothing on this moon that it cannot eat, including us."
I replied, not through the drone this time as I was close enough in my approach that I no longer needed it. "Leader Ak'kik, at your service. Whom am I addressing?"
"Ah, apologies, I am professor Roonoomoo, and this is service master EEG'lix. That one there is Vorvert, and over there is D'rrr, and Higuv is just to the left of the table, and the two who are helping our rescuer are Woosk, and Rakk'n. It is a pleasure to meet you in return Leader Ak'kik."
"So you were saying some of the items on the table surface are actual foods that it eats? This is its’ food that it brought?" I said looking at the multitude of pouches and containers on the table.
“Oh yes. We made eating motions when we were trying to establish communications with it, to ask it for food, and he brought us this trove. He opened a package for us, and offered it, but, Woosk went into near panic when he saw that it was animal meat of some sort. After that he just spread everything out, and made a motion for us to inspect it for ourselves. All of us ate what the analyzer said was safe but that was not much of a variety. It turns out that there were only 2 packages all of us could eat. We saved the empty packages to show the alien what we ate once he is finished working. So that we do not risk angering it, you understand. Woosk and Rakk'n decided to offer what assistance they could after they ate, and have been doing so since then."
"May I be introduced to the alien now? I may have some tech that could help. If you will be so kind as to bring it here to us, as I would not want to trespass on its established area of operations, and be mistaken as hostile. We are obviously carrying weapons, and us approaching it...and its ship seems a questionable choice, at best."
"Very wise, Leader Ak'kik, I will see what I can do. I won't be but a moment. “Uh, er, you might want to hold on to that”, indicating the analyzer “and use it before you decide to touch anything on this table.", he said as he handed me the analyzer.
Professor Roonoomoo went to the alien ,and gently patted the joint in the middle of its lower appendage. The alien looked at professor Roonoomoo, who was pointing at us, and trying to explain us with hand signals and gestures, that we wished an introduction. When the alien looked at us we all, as a squad, showed it out empty hands as our weapons had been placed on the ground by our sides. it simply made a wave of one of its upper appendages, as if to say, “come here”. We approached with our empty hands plainly visible. As we approached it, it knelt. Not in surrender, or in supplication, but rather to level our mutual eye line. I realized that it was making an attempt to be polite.
I SLOWLY patted a stow pouch on my utility harness, and it nodded as though it seemed to understand, and motioned me to proceed. I held out the translator AI slate, "TAIS" and it took it, and then touched it to a device it wore on the wrist of its upper arm. (note that I am assuming proper body anatomy, based off of our own, although there are few similarities.) This alien was not only one of the largest I have seen, but also must be of a quite dense mass. As in its anatomy, and not its mental state, for it shook the ground around it with every step.
After a few moments there was a "chirping" sound from his device, and our coms alerted us to a new language file available. I allowed the exchange through my visor, and we were suddenly speaking to each other. I chose to make introductions first.
"I am Ak'kik. Leader of SH'azz squad. We have come to investigate and rescue these abductees. Do you require assistance?"
It held out it's hand as it spoke. "Bartholomew Wane Hatfield. Friends call me Bart." this aliens voice boomed at us.
"I was mining the asteroid belt in this system, when I caught a rogue asteroid right in the nads. Power plant was having a conniption fit after that so I figured I better set her down where I could patch her up. flying this old girl by wire is a bitch but, we got a thing so…"
This was the literal translation we initially received. As you can imagine, we were all quite confused.
"I beg your pardon unknown alien species, but the translation unit seems to be malfunctioning. We do not quite understand all of your words, we have no equivalent in our language for some, even though we seem to be communicating."
The sides of it’s facial orifice turned upward, revealing a multi-functional set fangs. Some pointed and some chisel shaped. Making it obvious it was an omnivore. Our visor AI stated that it “perceived” it was amused. It spoke into it’s wrist device, and it chirped in response. A second later our visor registered a "receive transmission" request. I allowed it, and this is what the visor AI showed us by way of "corrected translation".
"Bartholomew Wane Hatfield. Friends call me Bart.”
“I was mining the asteroid belt in this system when I caught a rogue asteroid, right in the nads.”
“Power plant was having a conniption fit after that so I figured I better set her down where I could patch her up.”
“Flying this old girl by wire is a bitch but, we got a thing so..."
I replied with, "AH, thank you for the subtext. Bart. I can see that your language has a vernacular art to it. I am culturally fascinated by such a language. Polite request. What is your power plant, and what is its power source? We may be able to assist with our spare component sets. Please feel free to not detail your technology to us, if it is security bound. We will not be insulted."
The alien again showed its fangs with a deep resonating, yet pleasant, vocal repetition. [LAUGHTEAMUSED]
"It's old tech stuff, by about 20 generations or so, but it's cheap, and reliable, common knowledge, and easy to repair. It’s a paired enriched uranium atom cracker.”
"Chasing blinking lights mostly. When the asteroid hit, the core spiked, and caused a number of shorts and jumps."
I nodded my understanding to the alien Bart. I then asked the engineer of my squad if he would be willing to assist. Corporal Zi'Kict accepted the challenge, though it looked as though anxiety, and fear
of "Bart" might overwhelm his current Stimcalm dose. "This is Corporal Zi'Kict. He is our designated engineer, and he has agreed to assist you. You can decline with no insult incurred."
He flashes us his fangs again. [HAPPY] His species, whatever it was, seemed to be fond of showing their teeth often.
"Hell, I never turn down a helpin' hand. Grab whatever it is y'all use, and let's get to chasin’ sparks."
"Uh, Bart. I must ask, what are your intentions with those that we were designated to rescue? If there is good will between us I would like to ensure that we, my crew and I, be given liberty return them to their families, and respective worlds. Will this be acceptable to you?"
"You go on right ahead, bless yer’ heart."
“I'll miss these 'uns. Their nice and friendly."
"Not like those other jackhole fecktards."
{insult "jackhole" refers to anal orifice. "Fecktards" derogatory reference to mentally damaged or deranged individuals with severely limited mental capacity that act inappropriately.}]
"I understand and concur with your insult of the pirates, and thank you for your understanding, your patience, and your friendship. With your permission I would like to redirect my ship to your encampment so our medtech device can confirm their current health. If it is not offensive, I would like to offer our medtech device to scan you as well, and determine if it is capable of repairing your injuries also. Refusal will not be considered an insult. My squad engineer will will assist you as needed, and our spare components are at your disposal. Friend Bart."
"Well bless yer heart, that would be dandy with me. Much obliged!"
I bowed to the alien I now called friend Bart, and went to co-ordinate the rescue operation, and sent the AI to bring the ship to my location. Since my priority was the health and safety of the of the abductees I spent the majority of my remaining time with them.
The alien required only a single spool of CronWire, and a span of shielded conduit, a simple enough repair. The abductees were tended to medically, fed, and shown to their racks. We allowed the abductees to contact their loved ones through our secured communications net. The alien allowed our medtech device to repair its burns, but it was unable to regrow the lost hair on its face. Friend Bart removed the rest of the hair around its mandible orifice with a small device, saying that he had to keep the balance. The squad medic timidly requested a full scan of Friend Bart, and Friend Bart was amenable to this.
We left Friend Bart, and watched him take off from orbit a few hours later. My squad medic started pouring over the MedTech device scans of Friend Bart, and quickly went into a fit of panic, and it took a questionable dose of Stimcalm to calm him down. I admit that I glanced at the data, but I am not trained as a medic so I understood nothing. The squad engineer simply handed me a collated list of intel he gathered while working with Friend Bart. They had a lengthy converse, and the engineer had actually formed a bond with Friend Bart. The list is as follows.
Name: Bartholomew Wane Hatfield
Species: Human
Origin: city of Austin in the state of Texas in the country of the United States of the planet Terra of the Sol star system
(system is far past the outer edge of our empire on the frontier side, opposite of coreward.)
Gravity: home normal +4 (4 times greater than our own gravity!)
Planet notes: frequent earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, tornadoes.
Planet has multiple biosphere, and terrain hazards that are lethal.
Plague level viruses, and bacteria, Multiple predators in every biosphere.
(See files freely given by Friend Bart) [FILESTORE- FriendBart01a]
NOTE: great white shark, alligator, saltwater crocodiles, king cobra, wolf, pit bulls, and other canines, polar bears, poison dart frog, hippopotamus, killer whale, rhinoceros, box jellyfish, cone snail, hyena, stone fish, black mamba, grizzly bears, puffer fish, komodo dragon, death stalker scorpion, lions, leopards, brown recluse spider, black widow spider, Brazillian wandering spider, electric eel, etc.
Please note that this list is merely a VERY small fraction of the actual list. My understanding is that the home planet of Friend Bart is at least a level 10-12 Deathworld. He also states that many of the species on this list are kept as pets by his fellow humans.
The squad engineer states he will send in a request for allowance of continued discourse with Friend Bart, but understands if this request is denied. After careful deliberation with the squad medic, we strongly recommend that the details of this mission be put to the SEC level at Black 8 tier 12 restricted, or higher, if there is a level higher than Black 8 tier 12 restricted.
Captain Ak'kik. Leader of SH'azz squad
mektreks*Aprox. One Terran kilometer equivalent.
NOK* Measurement of warp travel. 1NOK = speed of light
submitted by prophetofbrokenomens to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:01 kylesdrywallrepair We need to address ADHD

Or any mental Nueordivergence. If your child is autistic , putting him in his brothers care is not the answer. No his teacher did not psychologically torture him, he stims to calm down. No the ADHD child is not a lazy harami just because they dance to music to get there assignments done 😂. I swear parents expect us to be athletic , study , work and be religious all the time yet make life simultaneously harder. We are neurodivergent yelling, threatening deen trying to take there devices away and beating them will only make problems worse. From an ADHD bro who been a shunned to all my neurodivergent homies , let’s try to do this better lol
submitted by kylesdrywallrepair to MuslimCorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:28 slboat THS-G2 Some Features

THS-G2 Some Features
Although there are already too many temperature and humidity sensors out there, that's almost the most common sensor out there, we're still happy to have one of these sensors for the following reasons:
  • The use of the TLSR8253 processor, the years-long research on these chips by pvvx and others, the complete conversion of many commercial sensors to homemade, open-source firmware, optimised for power savings, etc., and the fact that these firmwares are excellent for learning these protocols as well as being a good place to start.
  • Open source firmwares, no cluttered broadcast packages, no extras, they are very pure.
  • Larger coin cell batteries, as Zigbee typically requires more broadcast data than the latest BLE protocols, the power consumption increases accordingly, larger batteries help to keep the batteries running for more than a year while retaining a very high refresh rate. The default is roughly once every 30 seconds. measured once every 10 seconds.
  • With reset button, long press can reset the Zigbee data, when you are not satisfied with it in a certain Zigbee gateway, use not to delete the Z2M configuration information at the same time to reset the device, you can let it to join the specified sensors (by turning on the join permission of the corresponding gateway device)
  • The back has a magnet adsorption function, which can be adsorbed to metal objects.
  • Comes with two bracket attachments, wall mount to and desktop placement.
  • Ability to measure temperatures up to -9 degrees.
submitted by slboat to screekworkshop [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 20:40 Cautious-Salad Demonstration of the Overunity Generator based on the power of a faucet!

Demonstration of the Overunity Generator based on the power of a faucet!
James Hardy invented a device that uses a water pump to provide kinetic energy for a flywheel.
The flywheel then supplies kinetic energy to the generator through the motion transmission mechanism.
As a result, overunity occurs, meaning that the power generated by the generator is greater than the capacity of the water pump.
Currently, there are many improved versions of James Hardy's device, including a mechanism with two rotating wheels (flywheels) that are affected by the water discharge nozzle.
Of course, there is still a water pump, but the improvement includes two rotors (flywheels) that are affected by the water tap.
Basically, this improvement retains the essence of James Hardy's 2007 invention but does not need to extract power at the output to supply the pump.
Demonstration of the Overunity Generator - Free-Energy: Power from a Water Pump:
The free energy generator uses the power of an improved faucet
Learn more: Power from a Water Pump
The Overunity Generator: Harnessing the Power of a Faucet
Homemade Generator - Ultimate Technology ▶️ Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand 🔹 Version from Nikola Tesla's "Magnifying Transmitter" 🔹 The "tension" for "electricity fractionation" to occur is the Earth's Potential Potential. To be precise, it is the tension of the Ether, and the electricity is the dynamic polarization of the Ether. 🔹 During "Electricity segment", the magnetic field collapses several times in short periods of time. That leads the voltage V = Φ/t to reach infinity (V → ∞) when t → 0
V - The electromotive force which results from the production or consumption of the total magnetic induction Φ (Phi). The unit is the “Volt”. Where t is the time of magnetic field collapse from maximum to complete collapse.
Research scholars also call it Tesla's technology called Radiant Energy from Electronic Circuits, Impulse Technology.
submitted by Cautious-Salad to Ultimate_Energizer [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:43 Cautious-Salad The Overunity Generator: Harnessing the Power of a Faucet

The Overunity Generator: Harnessing the Power of a Faucet
In the realm of energy generation, the concept of overunity—where a device produces more energy than it consumes—has long been a subject of intrigue and skepticism. James Hardy's invention, dating back to 2007, offers a fascinating approach to overunity through the innovative use of kinetic energy derived from water flow. By leveraging the kinetic power of a water pump, Hardy's device powers a flywheel, which in turn drives a generator. Over time, advancements on this basic design have led to even more efficient mechanisms, further enhancing the potential of overunity generators.

The Original Invention

James Hardy's original device cleverly utilized the kinetic energy from a water pump to drive a flywheel. The flywheel, a heavy rotating wheel used to smooth out the delivery of power, then transmitted this kinetic energy to a generator. The result was the generation of electricity, purportedly greater in output than the energy consumed by the water pump. This remarkable claim of overunity sparked interest and debate within the scientific community, given that it seemingly defied the conventional laws of physics, specifically the law of conservation of energy.

Advancements and Improvements

Building on Hardy's foundational design, numerous improvements have emerged over the years. A notable enhancement involves the incorporation of two rotating wheels, or flywheels, each influenced by the discharge from a water nozzle. This dual-flywheel system, while still relying on a water pump, optimizes the transfer of kinetic energy, potentially increasing the efficiency and output of the generator.
In these improved models, the flywheels are strategically placed to maximize the impact of the water flow, ensuring that the kinetic energy is captured and transferred with minimal loss. This configuration not only improves the stability and consistency of the energy transfer but also allows for a more robust and reliable generation of power.
Improved James Hardy's Power from a Water Pump invention

Mechanism and Operation

The essence of Hardy's invention lies in the transformation of water flow into mechanical motion and subsequently into electrical energy. The water pump initiates this process by creating a continuous flow of water, which strikes the flywheel(s) with force. The flywheels, in turn, convert this kinetic energy into rotational motion. Through a motion transmission mechanism—typically involving gears or belts—this rotational energy is transferred to a generator.
The improved models with dual flywheels benefit from the increased rotational inertia and balanced distribution of kinetic energy. The water nozzles are positioned to ensure that both flywheels receive an optimal amount of water flow, thereby maintaining a steady and potent energy conversion process.

The Overunity Phenomenon

The claim of overunity remains the most controversial aspect of Hardy's generator. According to proponents, the improved efficiency and refined mechanisms allow the device to produce more electrical energy than the input energy required by the water pump. This apparent surplus of energy is attributed to the effective utilization of the flywheels' kinetic energy, which, when properly harnessed, can indeed create a powerful and sustained rotational force.
Critics, however, argue that any perceived overunity effect is likely due to unaccounted variables or measurement inaccuracies. The scientific principle of conservation of energy dictates that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. Thus, any true overunity device would necessitate a fundamental revision of current physical laws.

Practical Implications and Future Prospects

Despite the ongoing debate, the advancements in Hardy's generator design present intriguing possibilities for renewable energy generation. If the principles behind the overunity generator can be validated and refined, such devices could revolutionize the way we produce and consume energy. The reliance on water—a readily available and renewable resource—adds to the appeal of this technology as a potential solution for sustainable power generation.
Future research and development will be crucial in determining the viability and scalability of Hardy's invention. Rigorous testing, peer-reviewed studies, and transparent documentation of results are essential to either substantiate or refute the claims of overunity. Should these devices prove effective, they could pave the way for a new era of energy technology, characterized by efficiency and sustainability.

Learn more: Free-Energy: Power from a Water Pump

James Hardy's overunity generator, with its innovative use of water-induced kinetic energy, represents a fascinating intersection of engineering and physics. The subsequent improvements, particularly the dual-flywheel mechanism, demonstrate the potential for enhanced efficiency and greater energy output. While the concept of overunity remains contentious, the ongoing advancements in this field highlight the importance of continued exploration and innovation in the quest for sustainable energy solutions. Whether or not Hardy's invention ultimately defies the laws of physics, it undeniably contributes to the broader discourse on renewable energy and technological ingenuity.
Homemade Generator - Ultimate Technology ▶️ Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand 🔹 Version from Nikola Tesla's "Magnifying Transmitter" 🔹 The "tension" for "electricity fractionation" to occur is the Earth's Potential Potential. To be precise, it is the tension of the Ether, and the electricity is the dynamic polarization of the Ether. 🔹 During "Electricity segment", the magnetic field collapses several times in short periods of time. That leads the voltage V = Φ/t to reach infinity (V → ∞) when t → 0
V - The electromotive force which results from the production or consumption of the total magnetic induction Φ (Phi). The unit is the “Volt”. Where t is the time of magnetic field collapse from maximum to complete collapse.
Research scholars also call it Tesla's technology called Radiant Energy from Electronic Circuits, Impulse Technology.
Related: Unraveling the Mysteries of Water-Based Energy Generation
submitted by Cautious-Salad to Alternate_Energy [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 14:30 mrpeapeanutbutter Our friends, our drinks, we get inspired 🥃

Our friends, our drinks, we get inspired 🥃
Blowing shit up with homemade d-d-d-dynamite 🧨💥
submitted by mrpeapeanutbutter to SoundTripPh [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 12:00 Stage-Piercing727 Best Crossbow Press

Best Crossbow Press

Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey through the latest and greatest in the world of presses! In this roundup article, we present to you the top picks in the Crossbow Press lineup. From sleek designs to powerful capabilities, we've got it all. So buckle up, gear up, and discover the marvels of Crossbow Press!

The Top 19 Best Crossbow Press

  1. Grizzly T1184 2-Ton Ratcheting Arbor Press - High-Precision Assembler - Grizzly T1184 2-Ton Ratcheting Arbor Press: The ultimate precision and durability for efficient press work, with a 2-ton capacity, 7.5" throat, 8.25" working height, and 67 lb. weight.
  2. Easy-to-Use Bench-Mounted Bow Press with Patented Finger System - Experience smooth, easy bow press with the Last Chance Archery EZ Green, featuring a patented finger system and draw stop finger for ultimate functionality and accommodating most compound bows.
  3. Quick and Easy Compound Bow Press with Patented Finger System - Experience easy and precise bow setup with the Last Chance Archery EZ Press Deluxe, designed to accommodate all compound bows without causing extra pressure or torque; perfect for those in a hurry.
  4. Powerful 12-Ton Bow Press for Precise Work - Experience the power of compound leverage with the Dake Corporation 903005 Arbor Press, a versatile and durable workhorse for your workshop.
  5. EZ Press Bench Mount for Efficient Compound Bow Adjustments - The Last Chance Archery EZ Press Bench Mount is a manual press, designed for effortless setup for all compound bows up to 70 lbs draw weight, boasting smooth machined components and optional floor stand and wall mount.
  6. Portable Bow Press for Precise Adjustments - The Bow Medic Field Press is a portable, durable, and easy-to-use device for adjusting your bow's string and length, perfect for both standard limb and past parallel bows.
  7. Compact Bow Press for Quick Adjustments and Repairs - The Bow Medic Portable Bow Press is a lightweight and compact solution for all your bow adjustment and repair needs, offering full capabilities of a full-size press, now featuring a 6" bolt and additional adjustment nuts on the cable.
  8. Dake 1-3/4 3-ton Side Mounted Ratchet Leverage Press for Versatile Work Comfort - Experience the ultimate in comfort and efficiency with the Dake 902007 3-ton Ratchet Leverage Arbor Press, designed to work in the most comfortable position for you.
  9. High-Quality Hydraulic Press for Tea and Flower Compression - The Monster Press: Crush Tea, Compress Flowers, and Create Custom Blends with Unrivaled Pressing Power - Ideal for Tea MGFs, Health Food Stores, and Craftsmen Alike!
  10. Heavy-Duty Arbor Press for Crossbow Hunting - The Dake 901004 Arbor Press provides smooth, precise ram control with a wear-resistant shimmed ram cap, making it ideal for efficient crossbow press work.
  11. Dake 903003 6-Ton Arbor Press for Heavy Duty Use - Experience efficient logging with Dake Corporation Arbor Press, a versatile 6-ton crossbow press designed to tackle heavy loads.
  12. Comfortable 5-Ton Arbor Press for Easier Crossbow Pressing - The Dake 4M Ratchet Leverage Arbor Press, with a 5-ton capacity, offers a comfortable and efficient way to work, utilizing ratchet leverage and a convenient counterweight system.
  13. Powerful 3-Ton Crossbow Press for Professional Applications - The Dake 902002 Arbor Press is a robust, 3-ton press perfect for broaching or pressing large items, equipped with a counterweight for efficient handle return and a side-mounted handwheel for quick ram advance - ideal for your crossbow press needs.
  14. Versatile Hand-Operated Hydraulic Press for Heavy Duty Work - Unlock the potential of Dake 50H Hand-Operated Hydraulic Press, delivering 50 tons of force for precise and powerful applications.
  15. Dake 3-Ton Crossbow Press for Comfortable Lever Use - The Dake 902003 Arbor Press offers a 3-ton capacity, comfortable lever operation with a ratchet drive and convenient counterweight return, making it a top choice for efficient and hassle-free tree-related tasks.
  16. 25 Ton Heavy Duty Machine Shop Press - The Blackhawk BH8202 25 Ton Shop Press with Hand Pump is a versatile and durable tool, perfect for a wide range of automotive press jobs, with a capacity of 25 tons, a 6-inch ram stroke, and a multi-position bed for work height adjustment.
  17. Dake Corporation 1-1/2 Ratchet Leverage 3-Ton Arbor Press with Hand Wheel - The Dake Corporation 902001 Arbor Press offers a versatile, 3-ton capacity design, making it the perfect choice for easy, comfortable use in any woodworking project.
  18. Air 50-Ton Hydraulic Press: Sturdy Bench for Efficient Pressing - The Dake Corporation 906450 Hydraulic Press, Air, 50 Tons is a powerful and efficient 50-ton press that features air operation for seamless production and a sturdy cast iron frame with a high-quality air cylinder.
  19. High-Power Spring-Return A-Frame Shop Press - Bring your vehicle service to the next level with the Black Bull 6 Ton A Frame Shop Press, featuring a hydraulic jack, adjustable table, and a sleek, durable steel construction perfect for hobbyists and automotive shops alike.
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🔗Grizzly T1184 2-Ton Ratcheting Arbor Press - High-Precision Assembler

I've had the pleasure of using the Grizzly T1184 Ratcheting Arbor Press in my daily life, and it has been a true game-changer. This 2-ton press is built like a tank, featuring a heavy-duty cast-iron construction that promises years of reliable performance. The reversible steel ram is a major highlight, offering the versatility of accepting dies, inserts, and other tooling for custom work. One of my favorite aspects, however, is the ratcheting system that allows for maximum leverage and convenience while working.
While assembling the press, I did encounter a minor issue with the workmanship of the ram. It wasn't cut square on the ends, which made starting some tasks a bit difficult. But with a quick adjustment using my mill, I was able to overcome this hurdle. Aside from this, the T1184 has proven to be a fantastic addition to my tool collection – just be prepared to do a little work to make it function at its best.

🔗Easy-to-Use Bench-Mounted Bow Press with Patented Finger System

When I was looking for a reliable, user-friendly bow press, I came across the Last Chance Archery EZ Green Press. The first thing that caught my attention was its patented finger system designed to accommodate most compound bows, making it a perfect fit for me.
Handling the press felt smooth and sturdy, thanks to its well-constructed design. It comes with a bench mount, making it a great addition to my home shop. The hand crank made the process of pressing my bow much easier, and the fast movement was a bonus. The draw stop finger included in the package was also a nice touch.
One of the things that stood out to me was its ability to press bow limbs from 25" to 48" in length, making it a versatile tool that can handle a wide range of compound bows.
However, the press had some drawbacks as well. I think the instruction manual could use some improvement, as the safety sheet provided wasn't very clear about the best way to get the bow limbs seated in the fingers. Additionally, the press is not portable, and its weight makes it difficult to move around.
Despite these minor setbacks, the EZ Green Press has proven to be a valuable addition to my bow maintenance routine. Its ease of use, quality construction, and versatility have made it an essential tool for any archery enthusiast. Overall, I'd say the benefits of this bow press outweigh the drawbacks.

🔗Quick and Easy Compound Bow Press with Patented Finger System

As an avid archery enthusiast, I've been using the Last Chance Archery EZ Press Deluxe Bench Mount for quite some time. This ingenious device has made the process of setting up and adjusting my compound bow a true breeze. The exclusive pivot system that seamlessly transitions from horizontal to vertical access has been a game changer, allowing me to effortlessly complete every setup.
The handy manual handwheel allows for smooth and convenient adjustments, accommodating bow axle lengths ranging from 28" to 48". With the EZ Press Deluxe, I can press the bow with unparalleled precision, as if it was truly being drawn back, all without applying any excessive pressure to my limbs.
One of the standout features of this press is the patented finger system, which ensures my bows remain secure throughout the compression process. The device expertly minimizes the risk of applying extra torque to the riser, even when working with bows weighing up to 80lbs.
Overall, my experience with the Last Chance Archery EZ Press Deluxe Bench Mount has been nothing short of exceptional. It has truly streamlined my archery experience and made the sometimes-tedious task of setting up my bow feel effortless.

🔗Powerful 12-Ton Bow Press for Precise Work

Spending a day in the workshop, I knew I needed the Dake Corporation 12 Tons Arbor Press. Its compound leverage was a game-changer - it allowed me to apply great force with minimal effort. The heat-treated spindle and ram made sure it was smooth and durable.
However, the single leverage option would have been nice to have. Overall, it was a reliable addition to my tool collection, proving itself as the perfect workmate for tough jobs.

🔗EZ Press Bench Mount for Efficient Compound Bow Adjustments

As an archery enthusiast, I recently found myself needing a reliable and sturdy bow press for my collection of compound bows. After a quick search for the perfect tool that could easily mount on my bench, I stumbled upon the Last Chance Archery EZ Press Bench Mount. Eager to try it out, I eagerly set up the press, and it was surprisingly simple. The smooth and effortless operation made it a delight to use.
One of the most notable features of this press was its ability to accommodate compound bows with higher draw weights of over 70 lbs. In my experience, it was perfect for handling my professional-grade bows while ensuring a precise and accurate setup. Additionally, the machined components made the operation of the press smooth and easy.
However, it did have its drawbacks. The lack of floor and wall mount options made it a bit limited in terms of compatibility for different shooting setups. I also found that it wasn't the best when it came to working on bows with shorter limbs, as the press needed extra support.
In conclusion, the Last Chance Archery EZ Press Bench Mount was a valuable addition to my archery setup. It's a smooth, versatile, and reliable tool that makes the maintenance and adjustment of compound bows a breeze. While it has some limitations, I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for an effective and easy-to-use bow press.

🔗Portable Bow Press for Precise Adjustments

I've been using the Bow Medic Field Press for a while now, and let me tell you, it's a game changer. This portable press is incredibly durable and easy to use, making adjustments on the go a breeze. I love how it allows me to change my bowstring, tie in a peep, and adjust draw length positions without any hassle. Plus, the dual position ratchet strap makes pressing and un-pressing the bow a breeze.
On the flip side, I did run into an issue when I tried to use it on my older BowTech bow. The press wasn't safe to use, and I had to send it back. The customer service at Bow Medic was great, though, and they even covered the return shipping costs. Overall, the Field Press is a solid product, but make sure you have the right type of bow before giving it a try.

🔗Compact Bow Press for Quick Adjustments and Repairs

I recently tried out the Bow Medic Portable Bow Press and found it to be a convenient and reliable tool for archers. Weighing significantly less than a full-sized press, this lightweight device packs all the necessary capabilities for a range of adjustments and repairs right into your pocket. The Bow Medic Press now features a 6-inch bolt and even more adjustment nuts on the cable.
Using it for the first time was a breeze, and I appreciated its portability. Set up was quick and easy with the ability to use it virtually anywhere. However, I discovered that it works best when a 5/8 socket wrench is employed to tighten the device, as the handle can be quite tough to turn by hand. Still, a small inconvenience in comparison to the product's overall performance.
As someone who isn't an expert archer, I was initially concerned about the quality of this tool. But it proved to be quite durable, built with sturdy materials that weren't cheap. When I first received it, I had no idea how often this tool would come in handy. Now, I'd consider it a must-have in any archer's arsenal.
One downside, though, is that this portable press might not be compatible with all types of bows. For instance, I had some trouble using it on a parallel limb bow. Fortunately, I found an inexpensive solution to this problem, and now the Bow Medic Press works like a charm for me.
In summary, the Bow Medic Portable Bow Press is an excellent investment for any archer. Its lightweight and compact design make it perfect for those on the go. Although it's not an all-encompassing solution for every type of bow, this tool has proven itself invaluable for my archery endeavors. Overall, I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a convenient and reliable portable bow press.

🔗Dake 1-3/4 3-ton Side Mounted Ratchet Leverage Press for Versatile Work Comfort

The Dake 902007 Arbor Press, with a mighty 3-ton capacity, is a game-changer for those who crave the comfort of a truly ergonomic experience. This clever design works by your side, adapting to your needs for seamless leverage, all thanks to its innovative ratchet drive mechanism. The counterweight makes quick work of that heavy load, while the handwheel ensures a smooth and swift return for the ram.
But hold on, there's more! This convenient arbor press can be bolted onto nearly any vertical surface, making it a popular addition to the Dake Dura-Press lineup. It's like having your own personal assistant, ready to take on even the toughest tasks. So go ahead, upgrade your workshop with the Dake 902007 Arbor Press and experience the difference comfort makes.

🔗High-Quality Hydraulic Press for Tea and Flower Compression

The Monster Press truly lives up to its name, boasting an impressive capacity of 8-tons or 16,000 lbs of hydraulic force. As a firm believer in high-quality tools, I couldn't help but give this one a try in my daily life. From compressing blocks of tea for convenient travel to pressing flowers for homemade greeting cards, the versatility of this press is unmatched. The durable American-made materials and labor used in its construction lends a sense of trustworthiness and reliability, perfect for the occasional gardener to the professional florist.
However, weighing in at a hefty 39.6 lbs, it can be a bit of a challenge to move and store this beast when not in use. And, while it does offer high-quality, durable construction, it comes at a premium price. Despite these small drawbacks, the Monster Press has proven to be a valuable addition to my arsenal of gardening and crafting tools.

🔗Heavy-Duty Arbor Press for Crossbow Hunting

Imagine my excitement when I first heard about the Dake single-leverage press! This little wonder has become a handy companion in my toolshop. One thing that stood out to me right away was the shimmed ram cap, which ensures a smooth and steady operation even with potential wear. I love how it allows me to make precise adjustments with its adjustable handle, making it a breeze to use for various tasks.
The crossbow press feature has proven invaluable for my daily work, and the slotted table makes it easy to adapt to different materials. And don't get me started on the friction brake! It's such a smart addition that adds an extra layer of safety and control. However, there's one aspect that could use some improvement - the size. It's a tad smaller than what I'm used to, so I have to be more careful in handling it. All in all, this little tool has quickly become an essential part of my tool collection.

🔗Dake 903003 6-Ton Arbor Press for Heavy Duty Use

I recently purchased a Dake Arbor Press, and I must say it has been a game-changer for my tree trimming needs. As someone who needs a reliable and sturdy arbor press, I was particularly drawn to this 903003 model from Dake Corporation.
What stood out to me right away was the 6-ton capacity this press offers, making it perfect for handling some of the bigger tasks. The construction is top-notch, with a reinforced build that guarantees durability and stability.
However, I did notice a slight drawback – the weight. While the 6-ton capacity is fantastic, it also means the press is quite heavy to maneuver. This may not be an issue for someone working on a large property, but for those tackling smaller projects, it might be worth considering a lighter model.
Overall, the Dake 903003 Arbor Press has proven to be a solid choice for my tree trimming needs. Its sturdy construction, combined with its impressive 6-ton capacity, speaks to Dake Corporation's commitment to building reliable arbor presses.

🔗Comfortable 5-Ton Arbor Press for Easier Crossbow Pressing

The Dake 4M Ratchet Leverage Arbor Press is like a trusty sidekick in the world of gardening. With a 5-ton capacity, this arbor press really hits the nail on the head when it comes to comfort and efficiency. Its ratchet leverage design makes it easy to use in any position, while its counterweight ensures that the lever swiftly returns after each downstroke. Plus, with handwheel convenience, the ram effortlessly returns to its start height.
This handy tool can be your new go-to for all your pruning and planting needs. While it might look like a crossbow press to some, it's so much more than that. It's a game-changer in the garden and an essential addition to any greenthumb's toolbox.
Of course, like any tool, it's not perfect. But overall, the Dake 4M Ratchet Leverage Arbor Press outshines the other arbor presses in its category. It's easy to use, efficient, and most importantly, comfortable. So, if you're looking for a reliable arbor press that'll make your gardening life a breeze, then you've come to the right place.

🔗Powerful 3-Ton Crossbow Press for Professional Applications

As I tested the Dake 902002 Arbor Press, a 3-ton force monster, I couldn't help but notice the speed and precision it offered. From working on heavy timber projects to pressing large items with consistent force, it never failed to impress. The counterweight feature offered a swift handle return, while the side-mounted handwheel enabled a quick ram advance, making my workflow smoother than ever.
Despite its impressive performance, I did encounter some challenges. The rotating table's four slots sometimes required a bit of tweaking to ensure an accurate fit. Nonetheless, the Dake 902002 Arbor Press remains a worthy companion for those seeking power and efficiency in their projects.

🔗Versatile Hand-Operated Hydraulic Press for Heavy Duty Work

When I first laid eyes on the Dake 50H hand-operated hydraulic press, I was impressed by its sheer size standing at almost 85 inches tall. Upon use, I found it to be sturdy and easy to operate. The 20 3/4 inch workhead travel made it perfect for both big and small presses.
However, the 4 inch ram travel was somewhat limiting, as it took a few tries to get the desired results. Despite this minor drawback, the powerful 50-ton force made it an efficient addition to my workshop.

Buyer's Guide

When shopping for a crossbow press, there are several important features to consider. These features will help ensure that you get the best value for your money and that the press meets your specific needs.

Build Quality and Durability

A high-quality and durable crossbow press should be able to withstand repeated use without breaking or showing signs of wear and tear. Look for a press that is made from heavy-duty materials and has a sturdy design. This will help ensure that your press can handle the rigors of regular use without fail.

Ease of Use

Crossbow presses come in a variety of designs, but the best ones are those that are easy to use and setup. Look for a press that has a simple and intuitive design, with clear and easy-to-understand instructions. This will help make the process of setting up and using your press as straightforward and hassle-free as possible.


A versatile crossbow press is one that can be used for a wide range of tasks, from loading bullets to cleaning and maintaining your crossbow. Look for a press that comes with a variety of attachments and accessories, as well as one that can be easily customized to meet your specific needs.


Safety Features

Safety is a top priority when using any kind of press, and this is especially true when it comes to crossbow presses. Look for a press that comes with a variety of safety features, such as automatic shut-offs and locking mechanisms, that will help ensure your safety while using the press.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Like any other tool, a crossbow press will require regular maintenance and cleaning to keep it in top condition. Look for a press that is easy to clean and maintain, with parts that can be easily replaced or repaired if necessary.

Compatibility with Your Crossbow

Finally, make sure that the crossbow press you choose is compatible with your specific crossbow model. Look for a press that has been designed to work with a wide range of crossbow brands and models, or one that can be easily adapted to fit your specific crossbow.
By taking these factors into consideration, you can find a crossbow press that will meet your specific needs and provide you with the best value for your money.


What is a crossbow press?

A crossbow press is a tool designed to assist in the maintenance, cleaning, and loading of crossbows. It helps users to efficiently load bolts, clean the crossbow after usage, and maintain the overall performance of the weapon.


Who can benefit from using a crossbow press?

Anyone who owns or uses crossbows for hunting, sporting events, or recreational purposes can benefit from using a crossbow press. It can be especially helpful for those who frequently use their crossbows and want to ensure proper maintenance and performance.

What are the key features of a good crossbow press?

  • Adjustable tension settings to accommodate various bolt types and crossbow models
  • Durable construction for long-lasting use
  • Safety mechanisms to prevent accidental discharges or injuries
  • Ergonomic design for comfortable use
  • Portable and easy to store

How does a crossbow press work?

A crossbow press generally consists of a base, a loading arm, and a tension adjuster. To use the press, the user places the crossbow onto the base with the bolt chamber facing the loading arm. They then adjust the tension lever, ensuring that it matches the recommended setting for the type of bolt being used. Afterward, they load the bolt into the chamber and release it, preparing the crossbow for use.

Should I purchase a crossbow press?

Consider purchasing a crossbow press if you frequently use your crossbow and want to ensure its optimal performance. A good press can also save you time and effort compared to manually loading bolts and cleaning the crossbow. However, if you rarely use your crossbow or don't mind spending more time on maintenance, a crossbow press might not be essential for you.

Are there any safety precautions to follow when using a crossbow press?

Never point the crossbow, press, or any part of the assembly towards yourself or others when adjusting or operating the press. Make sure the press is on a stable surface and away from flammable materials. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines provided with the crossbow press.
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2024.05.26 06:31 svedal Mech Controls AREN'T Hardcoded: the Controls Config and You

PC divers, in your steam userdata directory is the controls config file, and it's the best documented and most capable controls config I've ever seen. A lot of controls that aren't exposed in the game's ui can be found in a bloody markdown file on an ArrowHead website.
You can easily bind an action to more than one key just by duplicating an input section. You can supposedly also use Overlap = 0.2 or a Chain statement to require multiple inputs (the one containing Overlap and the one immediately following) to trigger an action, but there aren't any examples in the defaults. (even with the uncertainty, it's still amazing).

I've reproduced important sections below.

The input settings file can be edited in any text editor. If you have cloud saves enabled it is here: [Steam install directory]\userdata\[userid]\553850\input_settings.config If you do not, then it is here: %APPDATA%\Arrowhead\Helldivers2\saves\[steamid]_input_settings.config Check the cloud save folder first, it is most likely there.
Make a backup of the file before you start making changes, so you can revert more easily without losing your settings. Should you get stuck and be unable to boot the game, please report this (and attach your settings file) so we can make this more robust. Then delete the file to revert to defaults. You may need to briefly disable cloud saves if a broken file has been uploaded.

Settings in this file

Verbatim from the documentation.
The available settings values are (and defaults): ``` // Number of frames over which to smooth mouse input (zero means no smoothing). Note that this applies to the _movement_, not the position! mouse_smoothing_frames = 3 // If set (per axis) the look axis is inverted _when aiming down sights_ for gamepads. gamepad_scope_inverted_x = false gamepad_scope_inverted_y = false // If set (per axis) the look axis is inverted _when aiming down sights_ for mice. mouse_scope_inverted_x = false mouse_scope_inverted_y = false // If set (per axis) the look axis is inverted for gamepads gamepad_inverted_x = false gamepad_inverted_y = false // If set (per axis) the look axis is inverted for mice mouse_inverted_x = false mouse_inverted_y = false // Gamepad look sensitivity in first component, vertical multiplier in second. // Range is any valid real value. gamepad_sensitivity = [5 0.6] // Mouse look sensitivity, range is any valid real value. mouse_sensitivity = [0.072 0.072] // If zero or exactly one, no acceleration is applied. // Otherwise, mouse movement is scaled by the following formula: // movement = movement_after_sensitivity ^ acceleration // Settings menu shows this value offset by 1, so the settings range of [0, 3] maps to [1, 4], // essentially cutting off the deceleration part of the curve. mouse_acceleration = 1.0 // The first value is the speed at which we accelerate. Zero means we do not apply acceleration at all. // The second value is the exponent applied to the acceleration rate. gamepad_acceleration = [0.7 3.0] // Multiplier of sensitivity while aiming gamepad_aim_sensitivity = 0.5 // Multiplier of sensitivity while aiming down sights gamepad_scope_sensitivity = 0.5 // Sensitivity of PlayStation controller touchpad when using this to move the map cursor ([0,1] range) touchpad_map_sensitivity = 0.5 // Multiplier of sensitivity while aiming mouse_aim_sensitivity = 1.0 // Multiplier of sensitivity while aiming down sights mouse_scope_sensitivity = 1.0 // Multiplier of sensitivity while scrolling map mouse_map_sensitivity = 1.0 // Size of gamepad deadzone (lower bound, absolute value, [0,1] range). deadzone = 0.1 // Disables the Steam input in-game warning when connecting a DualSense or DualShock controller while Steam input is ON. dont_warn_about_steam_input = false // Veteran mode toggle + scale (percentage of max observed input, [0,1] range). veteran_mode = false veteran_mode_scale = 0.8 // How much stickyness should there be to aiming with controllers when looking at enemies controller_sticky_aim = 0.5 // How strong the Dualsense adaptive triggers should be. [0,1] range, where 0 is disabling all trigger feedback. trigger_effect_strength = 1.0 // How strong the Dualsense haptics or conroller rumble should be. [0,1] range, where 0 is disabling all feedback. haptics_rumble_strength = 1.0 ``` 

Default Controls

These include controls that are not exposed by default. Copying this section into the controls file will replace your binds with the defaults for all platforms, but lets you change them all in the file.
I massaged the formatting because sue me. The original is in the markdown file I linked at the top of this post, which ArrowHead saints linked at the top of the config file. You can remove the bindings for controllers you don't use, but this does unbind those controls for those devices!
Since I did technically make changes, I tested this by launching the game. It didn't crash. Caveat emptor, refer to the markdown file if you have doubts!
Menu = { Up = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "up", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 },{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "w", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 } ] Down = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "down", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 },{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "s", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 } ] Left = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "left", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 },{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "a", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 } ] Right = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "right", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 },{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "d", trigger = "RepeatInterval", threshold = 0.2 } ] Back = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "escape", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 },{ device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] Select = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 },{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "space", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 },{ device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "enter", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] Social = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "o", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ExtraOption1 = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "tab", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ExtraOption2 = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "r", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ExtraOption3 = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "t", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ExtraOption4 = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonMiddle", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] CategoryNext = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "e", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] CategoryPrev = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "q", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SubcategoryNext = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "c", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SubcategoryPrev = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "z", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] Rotate = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonMiddle", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ReadyUp = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "enter", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.2 } ] Zoom = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 } ] ZoomIn = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.5 } ] ZoomOut = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.5 } ] Scroll = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 } ] WarbondOverviewScroll = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 } ] ScrollHorizontal = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "X", threshold = 0.2 } ] MouseScroll = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y", threshold = 0.2 } ] MoveCursor = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Any", threshold = 0.0 } ] MouseCursorAbsolute = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseCursor", trigger = "Any", threshold = 0.0 } ] InspectItem = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "left ctrl", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ItemInfo = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "tab", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ToggleMenu = [ // main menu { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "backspace", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] KeyboardToggleMenu = [ // also main menu "for technical reasons" { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "escape", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] CloseWheelMenu = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SelectHeaderTab1 = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "1", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SelectHeaderTab2 = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "2", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SelectHeaderTab3 = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "3", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SelectHeaderTab4 = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "4", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SelectHeaderTab5 = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "5", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SelectHeaderTab6 = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "6", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SelectHeaderTab7 = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "7", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SelectHeaderTab8 = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "8", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] OpenChat = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "enter", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, ] InvitePopupAccept = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "y", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, ] InvitePopupDecline = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "n", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, ] AxisUp = [] // default directional menu for controller AxisDown = [] AxisLeft = [] AxisRight = [] CursorRight = [] // Directly moves the cursor? CursorLeft = [] CursorUp = [] CursorDown = [] RotateRight = [] // rotates the Inspect Item model? RotateLeft = [] RotateUp = [] RotateDown = [] InvitePopupModifier=[] // ??? } Map = { MoveRight = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 } ] MoveLeft = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 } ] MoveUp = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 } ] MoveDown = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 } ] ZoomIn = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 } ] ZoomOut = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 } ] PlaceMarker = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] } Avatar = { MoveLeft = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "a", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] MoveRight = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "d", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] MoveForward = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "w", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] MoveBack = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "s", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] LookRight = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 } ] LookLeft = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 } ] LookUp = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 } ] LookDown = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 } ] Aim = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonRight", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] Fire = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonLeft", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] Reload = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "r", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 } ] Use = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "e", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] Crouch = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "c", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] Prone = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "z", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] Climb = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "space", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] Sprint = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "left shift", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] Dodge = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "left alt", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] Melee = [ // Patriot Parry { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "f", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] QuickStim = [ // a control so handy they { // yote what it's quicker than device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "v", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ChangeEquipmentQuickGrenade = [ // press to throw { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "g", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] ChangeEquipmentPrimary = [ // Change to primary weapon { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "1", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ChangeEquipmentSecondary= [ // Change to secondary weapon { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "2", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ChangeEquipmentSupport = [ // Change to support weapon { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "3", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ChangeEquipmentGrenade= [ // equip then fire to throw { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "4", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SwitchAimMode = [ // between ADS and 3rd person { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonMiddle", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] CameraSwitchSide = [ // from shoulder to shoulder { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButton4", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] Map = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "tab", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] WeaponFunctionUp = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 } ] WeaponFunctionDown = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseWheel", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 } ] WeaponFunctionLeft = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonLeft", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] WeaponFunctionRight = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonRight", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] BackpackFunction = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "5", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 }, ] WeaponFunctionOpen = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "r", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 } ] DropOpen = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "x", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] ChangeEquipmentContextSensitiveShort=[] ChangeEquipmentContextSensitiveLong=[] } Player = { NagForRespawn = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "space", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] CommunicationWheelOpenBasic = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "q", trigger = "LongPress", threshold = 0.2 } ] Emote = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "b", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] CommunicationSpot = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "q", trigger = "Tap", threshold = 0.2 } ] RadialMenuRight = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X+", threshold = 0.0 } ] RadialMenuLeft = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "X-", threshold = 0.0 } ] RadialMenuUp = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y-", threshold = 0.0 } ] RadialMenuDown = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Axis", input = "MouseMovement", trigger = "Y+", threshold = 0.0 } ] DialogueSkip = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "space", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] VoicePushToTalk = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "caps lock", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] SpectateNext = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "d", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] SpectatePrevious = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "a", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] } Stratagem = { Start = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "left ctrl", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] Left = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "a", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] Right = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "d", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] Up = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "w", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] Down = [ { device_type = "Keyboard", input_type = "Button", input = "s", trigger = "Press", threshold = 0.0 } ] } Vehicle = { FireDualWieldLeft = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonLeft", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] FireDualWieldRight = [ { device_type = "Mouse", input_type = "Button", input = "MouseButtonRight", trigger = "Hold", threshold = 0.0 } ] } 
submitted by svedal to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 03:12 ArmyOfMemories Threatening letter goes viral because it's allegedly written by local Australian Jewish families, targeting a Muslim. People think it's fake, but something like this already happened. A FB group called 'Jews of Sydney' doxxed a guy who flew a Palestinian flag, then someone sent them a bomb threat.

Threatening letter goes viral because it's allegedly written by local Australian Jewish families, targeting a Muslim. People think it's fake, but something like this already happened. A FB group called 'Jews of Sydney' doxxed a guy who flew a Palestinian flag, then someone sent them a bomb threat. submitted by ArmyOfMemories to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 23:20 thewanderingway Random Stratagem idea...

Random Stratagem idea... submitted by thewanderingway to Helldivers [link] [comments]
