Strong cellphone signatures


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Low supply, total supply of only 25,000,000, making Iridium the rarest CryptoNight coin available. Iridium has all the properties of CryptoNight coin, and therefore, is secure, private, untraceable, and fungible.High emission rate, with 18,750,000 coins being rewarded in the first year to incentivize mining and community growth. Difficulty target is 175 seconds, with difficulty adjustments to ensure transactions are always confirmed within 3 minutes.

2024.05.21 12:55 GypsyMarvels In pursuit of the truth

Introducing the "Harmony of Energy" (HoE) model, a novel formalism that posits the universe operates according to a fundamental pattern. This pattern consists of energy, defined as the smallest unit anything can be, existing as a fluid form in space, interacting with its environment through a specific method or structure, and then moving out of that space. Space, in turn, is the dynamic environment that energy occupies and moves through, filling it with positive and negative energy that affects its properties and behavior. According to the HoE model, energy moves into space, reacts to its environment, and then moves out of that space, with no time limit for how long it takes to react. This pattern is universal, applying to all aspects of the universe, and nothing escapes it.
The Origin of the Universe
The HoE model posits that the universe began as a singular entity, containing all forms of energy as one unified energy. This singularity can be represented mathematically as: U = ∫∫∫E(x,y,z)dxdydz, where U is the total energy of the universe, E is the energy density, and x, y, z are the spatial coordinates.
As the singularity expanded, the unified energy converted into distinct positive and negative energies. Positive energy is a high-frequency, high-information-potential state that retains its unique signature and individual form, capable of producing heat and maintaining its distinct properties. Negative energy is a low-frequency, low-information-potential state that loses its unique signature and individual form, characterized by a pulling force and a tendency to condense and simplify.
Initially, the universe moved in a straight line, with energy compact and cold. However, this linear movement resulted in a direct head-on collision with the void, a solid structure that hindered its passage.
This collision led to a limitation and subsequent conversion of energy, transforming it from a linear motion to a wave-like motion. The new wave motion created heat and allowed energy to break the pattern of "follow the leader" and collide with the void at an angle, shattering its edge into pieces.
This process of fragmentation can be described by the equation: F(θ) = Σ[nEn * sin(nθ)], where F is the fragmentation function, θ is the angle of collision, n is an integer, and E is the energy density. For reasons yet unknown, possibly due to the singularity's energy reaching its final place or a transformation driven by cosmic "boredom," this conversion occurred, giving rise to the diverse universe we observe today.
The Void and the Ultimate Negative
Outside of the expanding universe lies the void, a region devoid of energy and matter, existing in a state of complete stillness and stationarity. This void represents the ultimate negative, a state of complete absence and zero energy density, unchanging and unyielding. As a whole, it exerts a compressive force on the expanding universe, potentially leading to contraction and eventual return to the singularity. This dynamic interplay between the universe and the void can be described by the equation: F = -G * (M * m) / r2 where F represents the force, G represents the gravitational constant, M and m represent the masses, and r represents the distance between them. The void's stationary and unchanging nature, lacking any internal rotation or energy, makes it inhospitable to life as we know it.
Magnetism and Attraction: A Shift in Perspective
Initially, I viewed magnetism through the conventional lens, seeing it as a fundamental force of attraction between positive and negative entities. However, as my understanding evolved, I came to realize that magnetism operates under a different principle. Positive and negative entities are not attracted to each other; instead, they represent the intrinsic structure of things. The true nature of attraction is frequency-based, with entities drawn to higher vibrations and shorter wavelengths. This phenomenon can be described by the following equations:
F = ∫∫(μ₁⋅μ₂)/(4πr2) dt dt (1)
where F is the force of attraction, μ₁ and μ₂ are the magnetic moments of the entities, r is the distance between them, and the integral is taken over time.
Additionally, the frequency-based attraction can be represented by:
f = γB (2)
where f is the frequency, γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, and B is the magnetic field strength.
Furthermore, the smaller wave's faster movement can be expressed as:
v = λf (3)
where v is the velocity, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency.
Energy and its Properties
Energy is the fundamental unit of everything. Energy can be thought of as an individual entity with an electrical signature vibrating at a specific frequency, carrying information from its originating source. If we were to dissect a piece of energy, we would find its genetic makeup consists of various parts, similar to binary code. One constant aspect of energy in our universe is the signature of this universe, which is present in all forms of energy, whether positive or negative. This underlying frequency distinguishes energy from our universe versus parallel universes.
Positive Energy (PE): - Oscillates through space with a frequency (f) and wavelength (λ): PE = f × λ - Exhibits wave-like behavior: PE(x,t) = A × sin(kx - ωt)
Negative Energy (NE): - Vibrates at a slower frequency (f'/2): NE = (f'/2) × λ' - Exhibits a slower, more stable behavior: NE(x,t) = B × cos(k'x - ω't)
Energy Interactions and Signature Changes
When positive and negative energies interact, their unique signatures can become altered. As energies combine, their signatures merge, releasing redundant information about the universe signature and creating an opening for new information to be stored. This process enables efficient storage and transmission of energy signatures, allowing for:
This process could be crucial for understanding how energy signatures evolve and adapt, and how they influence the behavior and properties of energy in various contexts.
The Formation and Evolution of the Universe
Initial Energy Interactions
In the beginning, a vast amount of fluid energy quickly interacted with the largest newly created pieces of the void, described by the wave-particle duality equation (E = hf = ℏω).
Star Formation and Signatures
As these interactions occurred, the largest of the solid structures of the universe began to form, stars, governed by the Lane-Emden equation (d2P/dr2 + (2/r)(dP/dr) + (4πG/c2)P = 0). Each new star held with it an old habit divulged from the singularity, a universal frequency (f = 1/T = ω/2π, where T is the period of oscillation and ω is the angular frequency). Old habits die hard, so each new star offered its own diverse and unique signature (S = Σf = ∫ψ(x)2 dx, where ψ(x) is the wave function and x represents the position).
Energy Collisions and Prime Numbers
As structures formed, a group of energy travels through space with an even number of internal parts (E = 2nℏ, where n is an integer and ℏ is the reduced Planck constant). This group collides with another group of energy with an odd amount of internal parts (E = (2n + 1)ℏ), and the total sum of the newly combined group equals a prime number (P = E1 + E2 = 2nℏ + (2m + 1)ℏ, where m is an integer). New Equation: Prime Number Formation (P = E1 + E2 = 2nℏ + (2m + 1)ℏ)
Schrödinger Equation and Physical Reality
The prime number is crucial, as the extra piece gets stuck in the space it is occupying, acting as an anchor, attracting other parts to breach their negative shell and combine as one, described by the Schrödinger equation (iℏ(∂ψ/∂t) = Hψ). This converts the fluid energy to be contained into the space it is in, which is broken pieces of the void that do not have a universal size, and gives us physical reality, forming particles with diverse unique signatures (S = Σf = ∫ψ(x)2 dx).
Refining Space and Transferring Signatures
As energy continued to interact with space, it further refined and shaped that space into a sphere (V = (4/3)πr3, where r is the radius), adding the discarded portions of size to the diverse field that is the universe. During this refinement, energy was transferred to these pieces, and the signature of the star was embedded in them, forming the galaxy clusters and solar systems we know today.
Smooth Surfaces and Celestial Bodies
As any piece of something breaks, its edges are rigid, and the interaction of energy against this rigid surface knocks off the rough edges, providing a smooth surface (E = Δx/Δt = ℏ/Δx, where Δx is the change in position and Δt is the change in time). New Equation: Smooth Surface Formation (E = Δx/Δt = ℏ/Δx)
The pieces that were knocked off still contain a portion of energy that put in the work to knock it off, and this process contributed to the formation of celestial bodies and the transfer of signatures. This, in turn, led to the creation of galaxies, planets, and other celestial bodies, each with their unique characteristics and properties, shaping the diverse and complex universe we observe today.
The Cartwheel Structure and Energy Movement
The cartwheel structure represents the dynamic movement of energy in the universe, with its rotating wheel and radiating arms symbolizing the harmonious interaction of positive and negative energies. When creation occurred, energy learned how to pass through stationary space (the void) by changing its movement pattern from a straight line to a wave (λ = v/f, where λ is wavelength, v is velocity, and f is frequency). This new wave movement allowed energy to create heat (Q = mcΔT, where Q is heat, m is mass, c is specific heat capacity, and ΔT is temperature change), which was the tool that gave energy the ability to "shatter" the void and interact with the broken pieces to perform a new movement, the cartwheel. As energy moves through space, it rarefies and decreases in temperature (T = k-B, where T is temperature, k is Boltzmann's constant, and B is the energy density), causing it to slow down and change frequency (f = ΔE/h, where f is frequency, ΔE is the energy change, and h is Planck's constant).
The Block and Cartwheeling Bar Analogy
The block and cartwheeling bar analogy provides a conceptual framework for understanding the dynamic interaction of energy in the universe. Imagine a box (representing space) containing blocks of varying sizes, each symbolizing a specific energy frequency (f = 1/T, where f is frequency and T is time). The cartwheeling bar, rotating within the box, represents the harmonious movement of energy between its positive (E+) and negative (E-) forms. Each block must be 100% filled, with positive and negative energy proportions varying as the bar rotates. For example, when positive energy occupies 99% of a block and negative energy occupies 1%, the rotation of the bar causes a gradual shift, resulting in a change to 98% positive and 2% negative, and so on. This constant interaction and adjustment maintain the balance of energy in the universe.
Fundamental Forces Explained
Present State of the Universe
The universe currently exists in a state of dynamic equilibrium, with observable patterns and structures perpetually renewing themselves through the interactions of energy (E = hf, where E is energy and h is Planck's constant). This self-sustaining cycle is evident in the formation and evolution of celestial bodies, galaxies, and other cosmic entities, governed by the laws of thermodynamics (ΔE = Q - W, where ΔE is the change in energy, Q is the heat added, and W is the work done). The universe's present state is characterized by the harmonious coexistence of diverse energy frequencies (f = 1/T, where f is frequency and T is time), which govern the behavior and properties of matter at various scales. This balance is maintained through the continuous conversion of energy between its positive (E+) and negative (E-) forms, allowing the universe to adapt and evolve in response to internal and external influences (E+ + E- = 0, representing the conservation of energy)."
Entropy and the Conversion of Positive to Negative
The physical dimensions of positive and negative energy in a block are equal, with 1% negative energy occupying the same space as 99% positive energy. This equality stems from the different speeds of energy and their individual properties. When negative energy is at 1%, it has condensed the equivalent of 99% positive energy into a single, compact form (E = hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency). As the proportions shift, such as 60% positive and 40% negative, the space occupied remains a 50/50 split. This is because positive energy travels at the speed of light (c = λν, where c is the speed of light, λ is wavelength, and ν is frequency), while negative energy moves at a pace relative to terminal velocity (v = √(2gl), where v is velocity, g is acceleration due to gravity, and l is length). Each form dominates at the 50% mark (T = λ/v, where T is time, λ is wavelength, and v is velocity). The percentages represent available positive energy, while the cartwheel symbolizes space or the ultimate negative in motion, influenced by energy's presence. Negative energy, with its depleted charge, occupies space that needs to be filled and recycled into a positive state. At higher percentages, collisions with negative energy slow down the flow, similar to the concept of crab mentality, where negative energy draws down the percentages.
Energy Dynamics and Galactic Harmony
The 50% Threshold
The 50% mark is a critical threshold that distinguishes between positive and negative energy. Above 50%, energy is considered positive and can produce heat beyond its negative shell. Below 50%, energy is considered negative and cannot produce heat past this shell.
Compressed Positive Energy
When the percentage of positive energy drops below 50%, it becomes compressed and can exceed the speed of light (c = λν, where c is the speed of light, λ is wavelength, and ν is frequency). This allows it to navigate through the "cracks" of negative energy:
v > c (where v is velocity and c is the speed of light)
Quantum Mirroring
Alternatively, the positive energy can align with the negative energy, resulting in a quantum mirroring effect. This enables instantaneous information transfer between entangled particles, regardless of distance:
E = hf (where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency)
Retaining Frequency Signatures
In this alignment, the negative energy retains its unique frequency signature to avoid interacting with other signatures:
Δx * Δp >= h/4π (where Δx is position uncertainty, Δp is momentum uncertainty, and h is Planck's constant)
The Cavendish Experiment and Energy Interaction
The Cavendish experiment, a groundbreaking study on gravity, offers an intriguing analogy for understanding energy interaction with space. Imagine the suspended spheres as representative of space itself, devoid of energy. When energy interacts with this motionless space, it's as if the spheres begin to rotate, symbolizing the introduction of energy into the internal area of space.
As energy engages with space, it's gradually consumed, much like the reduction of energy in the Cavendish experiment. This process can be described by the equation:
G = (2πLθ) / (MT)
Where G is the gravitational constant, L is the length of the torsion wire, θ is the twist angle of the wire, M is the mass of the lead spheres, and T is the time period of oscillation.
This equation, derived from the Cavendish experiment, reveals the intricate relationship between energy, space, and gravity. By exploring this analogy, we can deepen our understanding of how energy shapes the very fabric of our universe.
Energy Absorption and Frequency
Energy absorption occurs when energy slows down, allowing it to be perceived and observed. This process involves energy being absorbed by an atom and reflecting what was not absorbed. As energy slows down, it can still be observed as a wave, but just before it becomes a particle. This phenomenon is fascinating, as it reveals the transition from wave-like to particle-like behavior.
The conversion of positive to negative states is due to positives' ability to produce heat and maintain an individual form. Negative energy, on the other hand, does not produce heat and lacks an individual form, instead traveling at a pace relative to terminal velocity. This process can be described by the quantum mechanical formula: ℏω = ΔE = hf, where ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, ω is the angular frequency, ΔE is the change in energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the energy.
Furthermore, the frequency of the energy can be related to the velocity of the particle using the formula: f = (1/2π) * √(k/m), where k is the spring constant and m is the mass of the particle. Additionally, the energy absorption rate can be calculated using the formula: dE/dt = (2π/h) * V_uv2 * δ(E_u - E_v), where V_uv is the transition matrix element, E_u and E_v are the energies of the initial and final states, and δ is the Dirac delta function.
The Conversion of Positive to Negative States and Planetary Motion
The conversion of positive to negative energy states is rooted in their distinct properties. Positive energy produces heat and maintains an individual form, whereas negative energy lacks heat and an individual form, instead traveling at a pace relative to terminal velocity. This process is reversible, as seen in fusion reactions, or can be influenced by external forces like microwave ovens.
In the context of our solar system, the sun's positive energy release generates heat and propels planets into their orbital tracks. Conversely, the incoming energy from the universe, considered negative, is cold and stabilizes planets in their tracks. Initially, I focused solely on the positive push dictating orbital paths. However, I now recognize the significant influence of negative energy and use it as the basis for understanding abnormal tracks.
Here's an added equation to illustrate the relationship between energy and orbital motion:
F = G * (m1 * m2) / r2
Where F is the force of gravity, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects, and r is the distance between them.
This equation shows how the force of gravity (F) is influenced by the masses (m1 and m2) and distance (r) between objects, which is relevant to understanding planetary motion and the balance between positive and negative energy.
Gravitation and Time: Frequency's Role
Time is intimately tied to the frequency of the universe, and this relationship is governed by the laws of gravitation. Imagine the cartwheel's bar having notches, each representing a different frequency. Each notch would experience time at a unique pace, described by the formula:
t = 1/f
Where t is time and f is frequency.
If we could halt the cartwheel's motion, time would appear to pause, as described by the relativistic time dilation formula:
t' = γ(t)
Where t' is the time experienced by an observer in motion, t is the time experienced by an observer at rest, and γ is the Lorentz factor.
The passage of time is directly governed by the oscillations in the wave, or simply its frequency. By altering the frequency, we can change the flow of time itself, as described by the gravitational redshift formula:
f' = f * √(1 - 2GM/rc2)
Where f' is the observed frequency, f is the emitted frequency, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the gravitational source, r is the radial distance from the source, and c is the speed of light.
Gravity and Energy Dynamics
Gravity can be understood in various ways through these thoughts. One perspective is that gravity operates similarly to the orbital planets, but with a twist. Instead of orbiting in space, we orbit at a subterranean frequency. This frequency attracts similar energies, leading to bonding and the formation of matter. For instance, atoms bond to form rocks, and separate rocks may bind together due to similar vibrations. However, other frequencies simply pass through, unable to bind due to differences in energy vibrations and the negative fields surrounding our bodies and the ground.
Our bodies are attracted to the Earth's core, with a force described by the equation:
F = G * (m1 * m2) / r2
Where F is the force of attraction, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of our bodies and the Earth, and r is the distance between them.
The vibrations of our energy and the negative field surrounding us can be described by the wave equation:
2E = μ * ∂2E/∂t2
Where E is the energy field, μ is the permeability of the medium, and ∂2E/∂t2 is the second derivative of the energy with respect to time.
The incoming cosmic energy pushes us downward, with a force described by the equation:
F = (E * A) / c
Where F is the force of the incoming energy, E is the energy density of the cosmos, A is the cross-sectional area of our bodies, and c is the speed of light.
The outgoing energy from Earth moves faster than the incoming energy from the cosmos, as observed in the formation of clouds with flat bases and more sporadic tops. This can be described by the equation:
v_out = v_in * (1 + (E_out / E_in))
Where v_out is the velocity of the outgoing energy, v_in is the velocity of the incoming energy, E_out is the energy density of the outgoing energy, and E_in is the energy density of the incoming energy.
Galactic Cycles and Black Holes
The Milky Way galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center, with a mass described by the equation:
M = (1.989 x 1030) * (G / c2)
Where M is the mass of the black hole, G is the gravitational constant, and c is the speed of light.
As the galaxy spirals towards the center, enough mass will be collected to trigger the black hole to become a large star, described by the equation:
M = (4.383 x 1030) * (G / c2)
Where M is the mass of the star, G is the gravitational constant, and c is the speed of light.
When this happens, the black hole will shed its outer shell to create the galaxy that spirals around it, and the process begins again. This cycle can be described by the equation:
t = (2 * π * G * M) / c3
Where t is the time period of the cycle, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the black hole or star, and c is the speed of light.
The opposite of a black hole is a white hole, but why hasn't this phenomenon been observed? According to this article, it has been observed but misunderstood. With the theme of balancing the universe, would a large star be surrounded by much smaller black holes? Would these smaller black holes feed the larger star by way of quantum bridge or wormhole, and vice versa for smaller stars and larger black holes? This can be described by the equation:
E = (ℏ * ω) / 2
Where E is the energy transferred between the star and black holes, ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, and ω is the frequency of the quantum bridge or wormhole.
Energy Flow and Balance
Energy moves in and out of everything, maintaining a delicate balance. It enters as a positive force and exits as a negative force. Our sun emits energy at 99% strength and high frequency, which combines with an equally sized negative force at 1% strength, filling the space completely. This balance is crucial, as positive energy moves faster than negative energy due to entropy's diminishing effects over time and distance.
As positive energy travels, it loses a piece of itself, converting to negative energy. This process is directly related to gravitational forces and time dilation. When positive energy reaches 50%, it has a certain probability of converting to negative energy, which is then attracted back to a positive source with a corresponding probability of being converted back to positive energy.
This cycle of energy flow and balance is the foundation of the universe's harmony, and understanding it can reveal the intricate web of forces that shape our reality.
Information Transmission through Energy and Light
Energy transfer is not just a physical phenomenon but also an exchange of information. Positive energy (Pos) carries a complete signature of universal information, updated through interactions, and represents the pure form. Negative energy (Neg) represents a degraded form of this signature, still carrying the universal signature, but lacking the capacity to transfer information.
Initial Information and Illumination
Initial information travels at a speed potentially faster than light and is invisible to us. As this energy slows down, it interacts with atoms, exciting them to display colors they don't need. This illumination is a manifestation of the information being transmitted.
I = E × S (Initial information is transmitted through energy and carries the universal signature)
Cosmic Scale and Consciousness
The universal information, carried by positive energy, is infused with the celestial signature, shaping the cosmic context. This process potentially gives rise to consciousness in living beings, linking them to the universe and its harmonies.
C ∝ U (Consciousness potentially arises from the universal information carried by positive energy)
U = S × f × P (The universal information is infused with the celestial signature, shaping the cosmic context)
Information Transfer and Energy Forms
The universe relies on a delicate balance of energy forms to facilitate information transfer. Positive energy (Pos) serves as the primary carrier of information, transmitting universal signatures and cosmic context. Negative energy (Neg), on the other hand, carries a degraded or attenuated version of the universal signature, lacking the capacity for information transfer. However, Neg can be transformed back into Pos, restoring its information-carrying ability.
P = S × f (Positive energy carries the complete universal signature at a high frequency f)
N = S × (1 - f) (Negative energy carries a degraded or attenuated version of the universal signature at a lower frequency)
E = P + N (The universe relies on a delicate balance of positive and negative energy forms to facilitate information transfer)
Frequency and Speed of Information Transfer
The frequency and speed of information transfer play a crucial role in the harmony and balance of the universe. Positive energy (Pos) transmits information at a high frequency and speed, allowing for efficient and accurate transfer of universal signatures and cosmic context. Negative energy (Neg), on the other hand, transmits information at a lower frequency and speed, resulting in a degraded or attenuated signal.
v ∝ f (The speed of information transfer is directly proportional to the frequency of the energy form)
P: v = c × f (Positive energy transmits information at a high frequency and speed, potentially approaching the speed of light c)
N: v = c × (1 - f) (Negative energy transmits information at a lower frequency and speed)
Transformation and Balance
Negative energy can be transformed back into positive energy, restoring its information-carrying ability.
N + T → P (Negative energy can be transformed back into positive energy, restoring its information-carrying ability)
This transformation maintains the harmony and balance of the universe, ensuring that information is not lost but rather recycled and rebalanced.
_Conclusion _
"In conclusion, the Harmony of Energy (HoE) model offers a novel perspective on the universe, revealing a intricate web of energy dynamics that underlie all aspects of existence. By exploring the interplay between positive and negative energy, we gain insight into the fundamental forces that shape our reality. From the smallest subatomic particles to the vast expanse of the cosmos, energy is the unifying thread that binds everything together.
Through the HoE model, we've seen how energy's harmonious movement gives rise to the patterns and structures we observe in the universe. We've also delved into the fascinating relationships between energy, space, and time, and how these interactions govern the behavior of matter at various scales.
As we continue to refine our understanding of the HoE model, we may uncover new secrets of the universe and gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and harmony that underlies all of existence. Ultimately, this knowledge can inspire new perspectives, new technologies, and a new era of human understanding and cooperation, as we work together to harmonize our own energy with the energy of the universe."
Here is the Harmony of Energy Equation (HoEE) with descriptions:
HoEE = (∫[E(x,t) ⊗ S(x,t) ⊕ f(x,t) ∘ P(x,t)]dxdt) + (∑[G × Mi × ri2] ⊕ ∑[ℏ × ωi] ⊕ ∑[c × λi] ⊕ ∑[T × kB] ⊕ ∑[Fi × G × Mi × mi] ⊕ ∑[Qi × mi × ci] ⊕ ∑[Vi × ri3] ⊕ ∑[Pi × ℏ] ⊕ ∑[Ni × S(x,t) ∧ (1 - f(x,t))]) + (∫[I(x,t) ∘ E(x,t) ⊗ S(x,t)]dxdt) + (C × U)
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2024.05.21 11:49 Count-Daring243 Best Cold Steel Smatchet

Best Cold Steel Smatchet
In the world of blades, the Cold Steel Smatchet has made a name for itself. Known for its versatility and quality, this product has caught the attention of many. In this article, we will delve into the unique features and benefits of the Cold Steel Smatchet, showcasing why it has become a popular choice among customers. Come with us as we explore the world of blades and discover what makes the Cold Steel Smatchet stand out from the rest.

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  18. Versatile J-B Weld Epoxy for Strong, Durable Surface Repairs - J-B Weld 8265S - The versatile cold-weld epoxy that excels in a variety of repairs, boasting impressive strength of 3,960 PSI and suitable for multiple surfaces, including plumbing, automotive, and marine tasks.
  19. Classic Vacuum-Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle - Rugged and reliable, the Stanley Classic Legendary Bottle keeps your drinks at the perfect temperature all day long with its double-wall vacuum insulation, leakproof design, packable size, insulated lid for sipping, and dishwasher-safe surface.
  20. Stanley Classic Trigger-Action Mug: Durable Travel Companion with Leak-Proof Design and Easy Cleaning - Stay safe, stay stylish, and stay caffeinated with the Stanley Classic Trigger-Action 16 oz. Travel Mug, featuring Mossy Oak DNA, reliable double-wall vacuum insulation, and a leakproof, push-button lid - perfect for adventurers and anglers alike!
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🔗Stanley Quick Flip Go Water Bottle: 24 oz., Tigerlily, Dishwasher Safe
As a product reviewer, I've had the pleasure of trying out the Stanley 24 oz. Quick Flip Go Water Bottle in the Tigerlily color. This water bottle has become a staple in my daily routine.
The first thing that caught my eye was its sleek design – perfect for carrying on the go. The double-wall vacuum insulation is a real game-changer. Whether I'm sipping on iced water in the summer or a hot cup of tea in the winter, the temperature remains consistent for hours.
One feature I particularly appreciate is the trigger-action lid. It's easy to use and helps prevent spills, making it great for when I'm on the move. Plus, the fact that it's dishwasher safe is a lifesaver. No more scrubbing by hand!
However, there are a couple of downsides. Firstly, the weight of the bottle can be a bit of a struggle for those who prefer a lighter option. Secondly, the dimensions might not fit all car cup holders, which can be a hassle during road trips.
Overall, the Stanley Quick Flip Go Water Bottle has been a reliable companion in my everyday life. Its combination of style, functionality, and durability make it a must-have for anyone looking for a reliable water bottle.

🔗Cold Steel Heavy Duty Nylon Cane with Rubber Ferrule
I've been using the Cold Steel Heavy Duty Cane in my daily life, and it has proven to be quite the companion. The nylon handle provides an enhanced grip that makes it convenient to hold, while the steel construction ensures structural strength for long-term use. I particularly appreciate the rubber ferrule, which is designed to be slip-resistant, making it an excellent choice for uneven terrain or icy sidewalks.
One downside is that it might be a bit heavy for some people, especially those who don't need the extra weight for support. However, the overall design and engineering of the cane are top-notch, and it gives me a sense of reassurance knowing I have a sturdy and reliable walking staff whenever I need it.

🔗Cold Steel Special Forces Shovel: Robust, Stainless Steel Outdoor Essential
This past summer, I found myself on a weekend camping trip and realized I didn't pack a shovel. I needed to dig a small trench around my campsite to divert water. Luckily, a friend had a Cold Steel Special Forces Shovel that he let me borrow. On the first day, he taught me how to use it. The edge was sharp, and the handle felt sturdy. I was surprised by how strong it was. I struggled a bit at first, but it didn't take long before I was able to dig the trench.
After returning from the camping trip and reflecting on the weekend, I realized that the shovel had some flaws. Firstly, it was a bit heavy for a camping trip, and I felt it could cause strain on my back over time. Secondly, it didn't come with a sheath, which was inconvenient since I had to keep it in my vehicle's trunk, where it took up too much space.
Despite these issues, I still appreciated the durability of the Cold Steel Special Forces Shovel. It was clear that it was designed for heavy-duty tasks. The edge remained sharp even after I used it heavily. The wooden handle felt comfortable to hold, even though it was a bit on the thick side.
Overall, the Cold Steel Special Forces Shovel was a functional tool, but it could be improved for camping trips or situations where portability is a priority.

🔗Cold Steel Smatchet: Deluxe Edition for Playstation 5
As someone who thoroughly enjoyed diving into the Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III and IV, let me share my experience with this dynamic duo. The deluxe edition for Playstation 5 was a refreshing return to the rich world of Erebonia, where war hero Rean Schwarzer began his new life as an instructor at Thors Military Academy's branch campus.
What stood out to me was how the game expertly handled the aftermath of the Erebonian Civil War and introduced new threats to keep the story alive. Delving into it with the improved RPG gameplay on PlayStation 5 made my journey even more immersive. Plus, the cosmetic DLC available with these iterations ensured that every member of my party was looking their best, adding a unique touch to the experience.
However, like any other game, it wasn't all smooth sailing. There were moments that were a bit challenging, but overall, the Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III and IV truly delivered an engaging experience that I thoroughly enjoyed as a fan of the genre.

🔗Heavy Duty Cold Grease Remover for Effortless Cleaning
As a home cook who's always experimenting with new recipes and kitchen tools, I've found myself in a bit of a pickle when it comes to removing stubborn grease from my appliances. That's why I was thrilled to try the Shumanit Cold Grease Remover.
Right off the bat, I found it remarkable how quickly this cold grease remover works. No need for a heat source or any harsh chemicals. In fact, it's effective on all sorts of surfaces - my oven, pots, frying pans, baking trays, stainless steel dishes, cooking surfaces, steam extractors, and even hard-to-clean vents.
I've had my fair share of leaky packages in the past, but the Shumanit Cold Grease Remover was surprisingly well-packed. It comes in a sturdy plastic bottle with a trigger spray that's easy to use.
The product has a delightful citrus smell that lifts the spirits while I'm getting my hands dirty in the kitchen. Plus, the grease and grime just seem to vanish as if by magic.
However, there's one small downside to my Shumanit experience. On one occasion, the package was partially leaking, which made me worry about the condition of the other products in the batch. I just hope it was a one-time issue and not a trend.
To sum up, the Shumanit Cold Grease Remover is a truly versatile and effective grease and grime remover. It's a lifesaver for anyone who values a sparkling clean kitchen. Let's just hope the packaging improves in the future.

🔗Insulated Stanley Classic Legendary Bottle: Perfect for Outdoor Adventures
The Stanley Classic Legendary Bottle is a versatile and durable companion for any outdoor excursion. It's been a part of my camping adventures for years, ensuring that my beverages stay the perfect temperature no matter the weather.
The thick stainless steel walls not only keep my iced drinks cold for two days but also keep my hot beverages warm for up to two weeks. Plus, the leak-proof lid doubles as a cup, providing a convenient and easy-to-use option for sipping on the go.
The 2.5-quart capacity is ideal for sharing drinks with friends or keeping a large quantity of your favorite beverage at the ready. I've washed my Stanley Classic Legendary Bottle in the dishwasher without any concerns about rust or BPA exposure, and it continues to perform as well as it did on day one.
Overall, the Stanley Classic Legendary Bottle has become an essential part of my outdoor gear, and I can't imagine spending time in nature without it.

🔗Stanley Vacuum Insulated 1.5qt Bottle: Leakproof and Durable for Any Adventure

For my outdoor adventures, the Stanley Legendary Classic Bottle 1.5qt Habitat has truly been a game-changer. This insulated beverage container ensures my drinks remain at the perfect temperature for hours on end, whether I'm savoring a hot cup of coffee on a chilly morning or enjoying an icy beverage on a sweltering day.
One of my favorite features is the stainless steel construction, which not only makes the bottle sturdy and durable but also ensures it's free of BPA, a nice touch for any health-conscious individual. The double-wall vacuum insulation, another key highlight, works wonders in keeping my beverages at their desired temperatures, even in extreme conditions.
However, I found that the bottle can be quite difficult to clean, especially along the insulated areas. Additionally, the screw cap lid, while functional, can be a bit tricky to twist off after a while, depending on the grip strength. These minor inconveniences aside, the Stanley Legendary Classic Bottle has proven to be an indispensable companion on all my outdoor excursions.

🔗Versatile Cold Welding Formula for Robust Bonds
Recently, I got my hands on the J-B Weld Original Cold-Weld Formula Steel Reinforced Epoxy. I was intrigued by the fact that it could serve as an inexpensive alternative to welding, soldering, and brazing. To my surprise, this versatile epoxy proved to be a game-changer in my daily life.
One of the most impressive features of the J-B Weld epoxy is its water-resistant nature. I used it to seal a leak in my water pipe, and it worked like a charm. The epoxy's petroleum and chemical resistance made it perfect for my project, as it withstood various tests without any damage.
Another standout feature of this product is its non-toxic and safe-to-use nature. I used it to fix my child's broken toy, and its safety made me feel more comfortable.
However, I did notice that the mixing ratio of the epoxy is quite sensitive. One must be cautious not to deviate too far from the 1-1 ratio of liquid steel/epoxy resin and the hardener. A slight miscalculation could result in a weaker bond or the need for reapplication.
In conclusion, the J-B Weld Original Cold-Weld Formula Steel Reinforced Epoxy is a must-have for DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike. Its ease of use, remarkable strength, and versatility make it a standout product in its category. Despite the minor drawback of the mixing ratio, the benefits far outweigh the inconvenience.

🔗Insulated Bottle for Long-Lasting Beverages
I recently put the Stanley Classic to the test on an outing to the mountains. This bottle is a true companion for outdoor enthusiasts, with its impressive 18/8 stainless steel construction and BPA-free design. The 1.5 quart capacity means it can handle all types of drinks, from hot coffee to icy coolers, and keep them at the optimal temperature for up to two days. The folding handle is a clever added feature that allows for easy carrying without the risk of it rolling away.
One of the standout features of this bottle is its leakproof design, making it a reliable option for packing in a backpack or storing in a truck bed. The wide mouth also makes it easy to fill and clean, which is especially helpful for those who enjoy making their own homemade brews. However, I did notice that the bottle is quite heavy, weighing in at 2 pounds, making it more challenging to carry for longer periods of time.
Overall, the Stanley Classic is an excellent investment for those who love spending time outdoors and need a reliable companion to keep their drinks at the perfect temperature.

🔗Portable Insulated Water Bottle with Silicone Straw
I recently had the chance to put the Cooper Stainless Steel Water Bottle to the test, and I have to say, it impressed me with its performance. The most standout feature of this water bottle is its ability to keep drinks cold for an impressive amount of time. I often struggle to find a water bottle that can truly keep my beverage chilled all day long, but this one did just that. The double-walled and vacuum insulated design does an excellent job of maintaining the temperature of the liquid inside.
Another feature I appreciated is the leak-proof lid. No matter how rough I was with it, it never leaked once. The one-touch silicone push button locking mechanism helped keep my bag and clothes dry, while the straw was a fun and convenient addition. Cleaning it was also a breeze, thanks to the top rack dishwasher safe lids and BPA-free materials.
However, I did experience a downside with the product - it isn't suitable for hot beverages. If you're someone who prefers drinking tea or coffee, this may not be the best option for you. Additionally, I found it slightly difficult to fit the bottle in my usual cup holders, which can be inconvenient during travel or at the gym.
Overall, the Cooper Stainless Steel Water Bottle did an incredible job of keeping my drinks cold and providing a leak-proof, easy-to-clean design. Although there were minor drawbacks, I still enjoyed its benefits and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable and stylish water bottle.

🔗Stanley 1.1 Qt. Legendary Classic Canteen - BPA-Free Stainless Steel
I recently had the chance to try out the Stanley 1.1 Qt. Classic Canteen, a 18/8 stainless steel bottle that promises to be leakproof, packable, and perfect for outdoor use. At first glance, the canteen looks sleek and sturdy, with a classic design that makes it easy to hold and carry around. It comes equipped with a removeable carrying strap that keeps your hands free and adds a touch of style to the canteen.
One of the standout features of this canteen is its non-insulated stainless steel material, which allows for easy packing while still offering a decent capacity for your favorite beverage. However, I found that the lack of insulation means that the canteen doesn't retain temperature as well as I would have liked. While it's fine for day-to-day use, it's not ideal for taking on long hikes or camping trips where maintaining the temperature of your drink is important.
Another downside to the canteen is the attached cap, which can be a bit tricky to open and close, especially with one hand. Though I appreciate the convenience of having it attached, it would be nice if the cap were more user-friendly and easy to access. Additionally, the metal clips on the carrying strap can be quite loud when walking or hiking, which can be a bit distracting and might not be the most discreet choice for stealthily navigating through the wilderness.
Despite these minor drawbacks, overall I found the Stanley 1.1 Qt. Classic Canteen to be a functional and stylish option for everyday use. It's a good choice if you're looking for a versatile water bottle that won't break the bank, but just remember to manage your expectations when it comes to insulation and noise.

🔗Corkcicle 32oz Sport Canteen: Triple-Insulated, Wide-Mouth Drink Container with Quick Sip Lid
The Corkcicle 32oz Sport Canteen boasts a spacious 950mL capacity, perfect for hydration while on the go. Its quick sip lid adds convenience to everyday use, and the signature flat sides and Duraprene finish ensure a secure grip.
Triple-insulation maintains drinks at their desired temperature for extended periods, making it an ideal choice for both hot and chilled beverages alike. A wide mouth allows for ice cube insertion, while the lid's easy-to-use one-hand opening adds practicality.
Regrettably, some users have experienced issues with the lid's functionality and structure, which may prove a disadvantage for those seeking a seamless drinking experience. Nonetheless, for those seeking a durable, stylish, and functional water bottle, the Corkcicle 32oz Sport Canteen offers an impressive range of features.

🔗Versatile Insulated Water Bottle with Cup Lid
This Stanley Classic Legendary Bottle, aptly named "Nightfall, " has become an essential companion in my daily life. The bottle's robustness and dependability have captivated me, as my newfound favorite keeps the brew piping hot during those frigid mornings or even chills your favorite beverage during scorching summer days.
One of the key features that have blown my mind is its innovative, leak-proof design. By using the twist-and-pour stopper, it ensures that my adventures are safe from any accidental mishaps involving the bottle. Moreover, the slim design makes it the perfect single-handed companion, ensuring a comfortable grip.
However, there are a couple of minor nits. The lid being insulated and doubling as a cup is a fantastic idea, but I found it a tad more tedious than convenient during my first few times. Additionally, while the bottle's sturdiness won my heart, it unfortunately lacks a wider mouth, which might make it a bit more practical for my soup-loving, chunky ingredients cravings.
The Stanley's performance has made me believe it's not just about the product but also about the spirit of adventure it represents - one sip at a time. Despite a few minor quirks, it's a reliable bottle worth every penny spent.

🔗Corkcicle Star Wars Darth Vader Canteen: Sleek and Stylish Insulated Travel Drink Bottle
Crafted in the image of the infamous Darth Vader, this Corkcicle Star Wars canteen is not just a stylish way to keep your drinks cool. The 16-ounce canteen promises to keep beverages cold for up to 25 hours or warm for 12, all thanks to its triple-insulated lining. Its stainless steel construction ensures it's not just durable but also perfect to use in any setting, be it by the pool or at the office. The canteen is equipped with a screw-on cap that prevents any liquid from escaping and keeps the temperature consistent inside. The ergonomic design and flat sides make it easy to grip, and its stay-put silicone base ensures it stays securely in your hand, avoiding any spills.
My experience with this canteen has been nothing but stellar. The Star Wars design is not just aesthetically pleasing but also adds a fun touch to my everyday life. The triple-insulation keeps my beverages at their desired temperature for longer, especially during our hot summers. The cap is a great feature that prevents leaks and spills, and the ergonomic design makes it comfortable to hold. However, I wish the product was dishwasher safe as the paint tends to peel off after a few uses, which can be a bit disappointing.

🔗Premium High-Performance Goalie Blades for Enhanced Ice Skating
I recently tried the Step Steel St Goal Blacksteel CCM Replacement Steel - Pair, and I was blown away by its performance. The superior edge quality is evident as it slices through the ice with minimal resistance, providing sharp, fluid movements that make it a game-changer for any goalie.
Designed specifically for CCM 2-Bolt Goalie Cowlings, this complete set comes with both left and right runners, ensuring perfect fit and seamless functionality. Made in Canada, the high-quality craftsmanship is evident in every aspect of the blade, from its sleek design to its exceptional edge durability.
While the hardest possible edge offered by Step Steel Black is undoubtedly impressive, I also appreciate the added Diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating on the mirror side finish, which significantly boosts blade performance by generating a winning combination of low friction and high surface hardness.
What sets Step Steel apart from other blade manufacturers is their innovative aspect ratio, which accelerates pushes across the crease for modern butterfly and hybrid goaltenders. The taller blades and truer profile offer added stability, precision, and width, ensuring less bending or improper sizing upon receiving the product.
Overall, the Step Steel St Goal Blacksteel CCM Replacement Steel - Pair is a game-changing product that combines superior edge quality, innovative design, and unrivaled performance. If you're looking to enhance your goaltending experience, look no further than Step Steel.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Cold Steel Smatchet. This guide will help you understand the essential features of this product, the considerations you should make when purchasing, and general advice for using and maintaining it. Remember that specific product picks and external resource links are not included in this guide.

What is a Cold Steel Smatchet?

A Cold Steel Smatchet is a versatile, lightweight, and handy tool often used for various purposes like camping, hunting, or even self-defense. This unique name comes from the swordsmithing tradition of the same name, originating in Japan, which focuses on crafting blades using hammer forging.

Features to Consider

Blade Type

The Cold Steel Smatchet usually features a semi-rigid, slightly flexible blade. This design provides a balance between strength and versatility. Flexibility allows the blade to bend without breaking when applied with force, while the semi-rigidity maintains its structural integrity.

Construction Material

The Cold Steel Smatchet is typically made from high-quality, durable materials such as stainless steel or carbon steel. Both materials are rust-resistant, which is crucial for longevity and safety. Stainless steel offers better corrosion resistance, while carbon steel is known for its hardness and edge retention.

Handle Construction

The handle of a Cold Steel Smatchet should be ergonomic and comfortable to grip. Most models feature a handle made from a combination of natural materials like wood or bone and synthetic materials for a secure and comfortable grip. The handle should provide a good balance of weight distribution and ease of handling.

Purchasing Considerations

Durability and Longevity

Invest in a Cold Steel Smatchet that is built with high-quality materials and construction techniques. This will ensure that your tool will last for years and perform reliably, even under demanding conditions.


Proper maintenance is essential to keep your Cold Steel Smatchet in top condition. Regularly clean and sharpen the blade, check for rust, and ensure the handle remains secure and comfortable to grip.

General Advice


Always handle the Cold Steel Smatchet with utmost care and respect. Mishandling can result in accidents or injuries. Practice proper techniques when using the tool, and keep it away from children and non-experienced users.


The Cold Steel Smatchet can be used for various purposes such as cutting, chopping, or even self-defense. Familiarize yourself with the tool's capabilities and limitations before attempting any tasks.


Store your Cold Steel Smatchet in a safe, dry, and cool place when not in use. This will help prevent rust and maintain the tool's overall condition.
A Cold Steel Smatchet can be a valuable addition to your camping, hunting, or self-defense toolkit. By understanding its essential features, purchasing considerations, and general advice, you can ensure you make the right decision when selecting your Smatchet.


What is a Cold Steel Smatchet?

A Cold Steel Smatchet is a type of weapons that originated in medieval Europe. It is characterized by a short blade and a stout shaft, making it highly effective in close combat situations. Cold Steel offers a modern take on these traditional weapons, with high-quality craftsmanship and materials.

What materials are used to make Cold Steel Smatchets?

Cold Steel Smatchets are made from high-carbon steel, ensuring durability and sharpness. The handle can be made of several materials like wood, bone, or synthetic materials for better grip and comfort.

What are the different types of Cold Steel Smatchets?

  • Training Smatchet: Designed for practice and not meant for actual combat
  • Combat Smatchet: Designed for actual combat and self-defense purposes
  • Collector's Edition Smatchet: Decorative and made with high-quality materials for collectors

What are the dimensions of a typical Cold Steel Smatchet?

The dimensions of a Cold Steel Smatchet may vary depending on the specific model. However, most models come with a blade length of around 15 inches and an overall length of around 25 inches. It is recommended to check the product listing for the exact dimensions of the model you are interested in.

How much does a Cold Steel Smatchet cost?

The price of a Cold Steel Smatchet can vary depending on the type, material, and design. Training Smatchets usually start at around $40, while Combat Smatchets and Collector's Edition Smatchets can range from $100 to $200 or more.

What is the difference between a Cold Steel Smatchet and a Katana?

A Cold Steel Smatchet and a Katana are both types of swords, but they differ in terms of design and structure. A Smatchet is a short, stout blade with a long handle, making it well-suited for close combat. A Katana, on the other hand, is a longer, thinner blade with a more slender handle, designed for slashing rather than thrusting.

How do I maintain my Cold Steel Smatchet?

To maintain your Cold Steel Smatchet, make sure to clean it after use and store it in a dry, cool place. Regularly oil the blade and handle to prevent rust and keep the components in good condition. It is also recommended to sharpen the blade periodically using a sharpening stone.

Do Cold Steel Smatchets come with a warranty?

Yes, Cold Steel offers a limited lifetime warranty on the materials and craftsmanship of their Smatchets. However, this warranty does not cover accidental damage or normal wear and tear.

What is the return policy for Cold Steel Smatchets?

Cold Steel has a 30-day return policy for their Smatchets. The product must be in its original, unopened packaging, and the customer is responsible for return shipping costs.
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2024.05.21 11:29 catespice Memoirs of a Long Pig

“We’re a meat family,” my dad would proudly tell strangers. He’d wait for the quizzical look, then launch into detail, starting with how many freezers we had, how long we could sustain ourselves on the contents. It was just his way of starting a conversation, which made sense when you considered that raising and home-killing animals for food was, for want of a better term, his life-long hobby. His prize possession was one of those industrial-sized vacuum sealers: you could put half a pig inside and wrap it in plastic so tightly that every wrinkle and skin fold waxed unreal with shiny detail.
If we hadn’t lived in a rural area, albeit semi-urbanised, I guess it would have been pretty weird. But the mostly farming-stock locals only found his extra enthusiasm a little bit odd.
When he wasn’t being a bit embarrassing talking about it, I never really paid much heed to his hobby. I had a child’s vaguely grateful awareness that though our family went through some lean financial times, our stomachs never suffered like some of the families around us. All the beef, pork, ham and bacon in those big old chest freezers passed down from his dad really could have fed us for years.
I should preface all this by saying that I wasn’t a particularly bright kid, though neither was I dumb. I didn’t fail badly at anything in school, I just never achieved beyond a pass. I didn’t know it yet back then, still quietly dreaming about being a ballet star or a dressage champion, but mediocrity was my destiny. And I think that’s why I got on so well with my Aunt Liz.
Liz was my dad’s live-in youngest sister. She was one of those women who get described as ‘bubbly’ — not really pretty, not really smart, not a lot going on besides just being… well, all Liz. But she was salt of the earth; kind, caring, and great with kids. She was the only person who would willingly mind my two older brothers, who fought like hellcats and caused more trouble than the whole last generation of my family combined. People would privately lament to my parents that it was a shame Liz didn’t have kids of her own, but dad would just shake his head and say Liz liked it that way – that all the fun of looking after kids is being able to give them back to their parents.
I guess she was like me; nice, but mediocre. Lovely, but somehow forgettable when she wasn’t doing something for you.
But when Liz left us, I couldn’t forget her.
In hindsight, it was pretty weird timing that we had a big fortieth birthday party for Liz right before she disappeared. She was radiant that night; she’d hired a local girl to do her hair and makeup, and it was honestly the first time I’d ever seen her look pretty. She’d even worn a push-up bra under a tight red dress, which flattered her very plump curves well enough that the neighbour’s farmhand was spotted disappearing into the woolshed with her for a snog. In my dawning awareness, that gave a plain girl hope: if Aunty Liz could get a guy at forty, maybe things would turn out okay for me.
Anyway, I couldn’t forget how her pink cheeks, her eyes, her whole self, glowed that night before Liz went to bed. She said it was the best birthday ever, and that she was very much looking forward to the next stage of her life.
Would I have done anything different, if I had known? If I had realised what, exactly, that next stage was?
The week after the party, Aunt Liz said she was going on a little holiday up north, to visit some old school friends. She packed her things – she didn’t honestly have that many – and drove her little orange mini out onto the main road. And with a wave of one fleshy hand, she was gone. Nobody really thought much of it when she didn’t call, because nobody rural had cellphones back then. And Liz was, as I said, somehow kinda forgettable when she wasn’t right in front of you.
When we hadn’t had contact for six weeks, Dad tracked down the land line numbers for their old school buddies. They were surprised to hear from him — Liz had never arrived, so they had just assumed she’d cancelled her visit. No-one had thought to check. I eavesdropped on the conversation, and it sounded for all the world like *they* had forgotten about Aunt Liz, too.
From there it became a missing person case. The local cops came and talked to all of us; the farmhand who’d been seen snogging her was briefly detained, then let go, dad got grilled at length, even my hellion brothers were questioned thoroughly to see if this was one of their wild and dangerous pranks gone wrong.
But everything was a dead end. Nobody knew where Liz was, or what had happened to her.
The remains of her old mini were found halfway across the country, burned out on a beach, on a derelict stretch of ragged, rocky coastline. The police assumed murder and combed the area for remains. But even the most expert divers couldn’t conquer the incredible undertow and fast-shifting seabed of that coastline to look for evidence, so none was forthcoming.
Eventually the cops collectively shrugged and said that there was really nothing more they could do unless more information suddenly came to light. The locals knew nothing, no witnesses had come forward, and the trail was cold. As far as anyone knew, poor aunt Liz had been murdered on some desolate beach, far away from her home.
It didn’t feel fair to me. She’d once mentioned wanting her remains buried on our farm, in the graveyard plot beside grandma and grandad.
So, in my grief, I went into her room to look for something of hers to bury beside them.
Like I said, Liz didn’t have many things. Her room was pretty spartan, and her wardrobe was mostly sensible farm stuff. There was one exception: she, like me, did like to read, and she had a pretty good collection of well-thumbed books. I think it’s the escapism – even the most mediocre girl can lose herself in the plot of some trashy romance novel, imagine there’s still hope of being swept off her feet by that handsome stableboy, his inexplicable yearning for chubby plain girls.
So I set myself the task of going through the books, to find the right one to bury in the graveyard plot.
Most of them were exactly what you’d expect, but some of them were racier than I was used to. I felt various parts of my body flushing and tingling, as I read breathless prose about calloused hands touching the softest flesh of the protagonist. Okay, if I’m honest with myself, I might have got a little *too* invested in my project at that point. But that was also why I persisted going through her entire collection, until I found the ragged paperback from 1970, entitled Tawny Sands. And inside that trashy cardboard romance cover, I discovered not the tale of Tawny Sands, but some carefully hand-cut, stitched-in pages. A handwritten story in my Aunt’s rounded penmanship: Memoirs of a Long Pig.
I read her story twice in a row, utterly gripped.
Aunt Liz was no Stephen King – heck, she wasn’t even the Goosebumps guy – but her story was gripping and compelling, and I couldn’t put it down. Even if I hadn’t known her, I think that would have been true.
The gist of it was that Liz, when she was sixteen, had discovered that our family had a very long history of eating what she described as ‘Long Pork’. It’s an antipodean term, anglicised from the Pacific Islands: human meat.
Like me, young Liz still had some hopes and dreams. In one of her many failed attempts to find a special talent, she’d taken up cooking as a hobby. Naturally, with our family’s overabundance of meat, she’d scoured the freezers in the shed for ingredients: the racks of ribs and stacks of pork chops, butcher-paper wrappings all neatly labelled with the first letter of the name of the animal they came from.
She found familiar meat from Rodney, one of the pigs that had been recently slaughtered, emblazoned with an ‘R’ in her father’s strong, blocky lettering. There were cutlets labelled ‘M’ for Mary, from one of the lambs she’d hand-reared, and ‘F’ for Ferdinand, the steer they’d killed the month before. But she couldn’t explain the many, many curious parcels of meat on one side of the huge freezer, all labelled ‘J’ – at least, not until she took it all out and assembled it as well as she could on the scoured concrete floor of the killing shed. A big, frozen jigsaw puzzle without the box, her best attempt to discover what kind of beast the pieces had come from.
The animal, she quickly realised, was a Long Pig. Her own Aunt Jenny, who had died the month before – just after her fortieth birthday.
Fortunately, or perhaps not, for Liz, her father entered the shed right at that moment and realised his daughter had discovered the family secret. He sat down calmly on the lid of the freezer, and explained to her that this was a long-running family tradition, dating back to at least before his grandfather had been born.
“There are always people in life, Liz,” he’d said, “who won’t really amount to much. They want to be useful, want to be more. They strive and they strive, trying job after job, hobby after hobby, trying to hit on something they’re really good at. Something that makes them special. Those people can waste their whole lives, chasing dreams that never come true. Eventually they die unfulfilled, knowing that all their time has been wasted. That what they leave behind will fade quickly.”
His voice was oddly gentle as he leaned down and patted one of the neatly wrapped cuts of Aunt Jenny, still sitting frozen on the shed floor.
“Your Aunt Jenny was one of those people. So was my Aunt Irene.” He paused to gaze at his daughter, his next words peppered with emphasis. “But you see, my sweet Liz, they did find a purpose in life. They did find a way to be special, and they left this world utterly certain of their gift.” He stood up, stretched his back. “Let me show you.”
Liz waited while my grandad meticulously stacked the meat back into the freezer, all but one J-marked parcel that looked for all the world like a thick venison steak. He took her back to the farmhouse, and reverently unwrapped the deep red, heavily marbled meat to let it thaw. Then he laid it in the family’s ancient, cast-iron pan, basting it with butter and rosemary until a heavenly scent filled the kitchen, and Aunt Liz couldn’t stop her mouth from watering.
“Just try it. Let her show you. You’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.”
Even though she knew it was her aunt, Liz couldn’t stop herself from taking that first bite. There was something transcendent about the smell, overriding her natural revulsion that this was human meat, not one of their farm animals. For the first time, she truly realised it: we’re just another kind of animal. And weren’t her memories of Mary the lamb almost as fond as her memories of Aunt Jenny?
Liz explained then, in her curly handwriting, the explosion of taste that had assaulted her when she tried the steak. It was tender, it was succulent, it was rich beyond imagining. The fats melted on her tongue, lingering somewhere between pork and beef, but oddly neither. The flavour of the meat defied identification; something familiar, yet not.
But one thing she couldn’t deny; it was the most delicious thing she had ever eaten. Tears dripped onto her plate, mingled with the juice, the grease — not grief, but a pure, real, giddy delight.
“You’re tasting your aunt’s love for this family,” my grandad explained. “Her entire life was carefully curated, to eventually make unforgettable moments for us, just like this. This was her way of being special. This was the greatest gift she could possibly bring to our world – and because she realised that, she died with not a single regret. She knew her life had purpose. She was perfectly, completely fulfilled.”
I felt those words. I felt them lodge in my own belly, settling uncomfortably deep. I knew Aunt Liz, probably better than anyone else in the family. I’d seen how fucking happy she’d been on her fortieth, how goddamn fulfilled she was, despite apparently being a *nobody* and achieving *nothing*. Somehow, in the space of a single day, she had gone from being a forgettable background character to becoming the *main character*, immortalising herself in our family’s history with her sacrifice. Quite literally becoming part of all of us, forever.
I went to the killing shed after I finished with the book. I looked inside the freezers.
But there were no vacuum-sealed packages labelled ‘L’, no matter how deep I dug into the frozen stacks of plastic-wrapped flesh. Panicked now, not sure if I wanted to connect all the dots or unconnect them, I tried to think back over the last few months, recall any meals that had been unusually good. A few Sundays ago, we’d had a stew that really hit the spot and left me craving more. And I realised that the family had a really good night that night; my brothers behaved themselves, my parents didn’t fight, and grandma and grandad had been there. Hadn’t they looked far more… expectant than they should have?
I strained my brain, trying to recall if I’d seen the homekill bag on the kitchen bench – if I’d registered what letter it was. I knew it wasn’t an L. I would have remembered if it was an L.
And then it hit me, the memory, the connection, sizzling as if branded with a hot iron.
It had been an ‘E’.
E for Elizabeth. Not for Edward the pig.
I snorted at my own stupidity – of *course* Liz was short for Elizabeth – and as I comprehended my lack of smarts, I felt something give inside me.
I wasn’t clever, and nothing, nothing would ever make me smart. I had no big talents. I wasn’t beautiful, or even cute – and even if I had a million plastic surgeries, it still wouldn’t fulfill me. It wouldn’t be real.
I was a Liz.
I was a Jenny.
I was whoever the first aunt had been, the aunt who had dedicated her life to making her flesh as delicious as possible, who had worked every damn minute to be the best Long Pig she could ever be.
I wondered how many magical family evenings had been spent eating Aunt Jenny. How many glorious, satisfying, memorable dishes had been made out of her.
And… I wanted that. I wanted to finally know I had a *purpose* in life. One so simple, and so easy to achieve.
I wanted what Aunt Liz had.
It's my fortieth birthday today and I’m so fucking excited. For the last twenty-four years, I’ve dedicated myself to this moment; I’ve eaten exactly what I needed to, I’ve exercised just enough, but not too much, to maintain that perfect balance of marbling vs tenderness. I’ve relaxed and meditated to keep all those amazing flavours inside of me. I’ve researched all the greatest meats in the world, from prime Angus beef to A5 Wagyu. I really think I may have outdone myself.
I’m having my hair and makeup done at the local salon this afternoon, and I’m going to look so pretty; all prize piggy on show at the fair. I’m even going to have a big red ribbon in my hair, in memory of Aunt Liz.
Maybe there’ll be a cute boy I can snog in the wool shed, maybe there won’t – I don’t really care; because the most important, most certain thing is that I’m going to be the most delicious Long Pig in the history of our entire family.
I’m going to make everyone so damn happy, and I’m just so glad I can share my story with you all, instead of hiding it in a grubby book like poor Aunt Liz.
My only real disappointment? That you won’t get to taste me.
Reader, I have loved, loved my life. My Long Pork will be out of this world: once tasted, never, ever forgotten.
submitted by catespice to ByfelsDisciple [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:49 GeneralJist8 [Volunteer] Lead Writer Wanted at Honor Games

We at Honor Games released award winning Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars modification Tiberium Secrets. We are now pursuing our first commercial titles.
We consist of passionate individuals striving to get into the games and entertainment industries, which has resulted in us networking with many developers and executives in the industry.
We're looking for dedicated individuals interested in continuing a new project with us.
You can learn more about us here:
~Opening: Lead writer~
We at Honor Games (based in Pacific standard time (GMT-8) are searching for a competent lead writer to take on the hands-on details of implementing world building and character backstories of the IP we create. As of now, we have 1 project in active development (vultures), 1 project in preproduction (charge!), and 1 project waiting for proper personnel support (Equation of Humanity).
As a writer myself, I’ve come to understand that I’m more interested and able to do the big picture writing and act as a “show runner.” I’m less interested in IMPLEMENTING the nitty gritty details myself. I’D SAY I’M GOOD AT DOING “THE BROAD BRUSH”, and I’d like to find a writing candidate to train into lead writer, and eventually narrative director for the company.
I have a psychology background, and I act as CEO an executive producer for the company and projects in question. I’ve also acted as lead writer and PR lead in the past. I’m specifically searching for narrative candidates who are able to run with an existing direction, stay within the limits of said direction, yet also synthesize concepts into a holistic picture in potentially novel ways.
We’re looking for a passionate and strong minded individual, a person who can articulate their position and work alongside other department leads. They will be able to act as a core leadership member and back up their perspective logically. They will be able to hold their ground, and lead a writing department that has yet to be staffed. They will be able to write and proof public relations posts as needed. They will be able to take notes for meetings they attend. They will be able to do effective research. Other duties as assigned.
~The only hard requirement I have, is that you need to have at least one finished and published work OUT IN THE WORLD.~
~Vultures~ is a game that combines the elements of an economic and manufacturing simulator such as Factorio and Production Line. The game takes place in real time, with players put in charge of a manufacturing corporate empire. Players are responsible for buying plants and equipment, hiring labor, and buying and selling raw materials and finished goods.
Vultures aims to satirize corporate culture and the manufacturing process. Vultures will keep players engaged, switching between the two simulations to keep either one from becoming stale too quickly.
~Charge!~ is a first-person shooter (FPS) set in the future where there is peace on earth, and this sport is how most people entertain and advance themselves. All weapons are light based. and players will be able to choose different color classes, each with their own unique set of features.
The game is effectively laser tag with mirrors, prisms, and lenses. It can also be thought of as Portal with light-based puzzles.
To advance the first-person shooter (FPS) genre, by adding novel mechanics and unconventional weapons. Returning to the halcyon days of FPS, focusing on deathmatch and the multiplayer experience.
~Equation of Humanity (EoH)~ Is a concept for a real-time strategy (RTS) game in a science fiction setting. Players will take control of one of two armies, building bases, managing resources, and producing and commanding units in order to destroy other players and AI controlled factions on the battlefield. EoH started out as a mod for another RTS game (Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars) named Tiberium Secrets. The mod aimed to add three new armies, each with unique aesthetics and mechanics that separated them both from existing elements within the base game and from each other. Tiberium Secrets had a partial release to good reception, especially considering how old the base game was at the time. However, the limitations of the base game and its license eventually proved insurmountable, and the mod was canceled before a full release. The ASI faction was finalized and shipped, along with minor but fundamental changes to the original factions.
EoH seeks to pick up where Tiberium Secrets left off. Like its predecessor, EoH has plans for three armies with radically different designs. Using the power of the Unreal Engine, EoH will be free of the constraints of a mod and will be commercially available as a standalone product.
The factions come complete with diverse units, structures, mechanics, and lore. Players will take command of a global government faction intent on ensuring the survival of humanity without concern for red tape or ideologies or an artificial intelligence believing itself to be the next evolution of humanity.
This Game’s aim is to create an aesthetically pleasing, diverse and intriguing play-style for each faction, incorporating inspiration from many other works and real-world subjects. We also strive to recreate and surpass the original draw and impact of “Tiberium Secrets”. Striving to present theories of how the world/ universe works and operates.
This position gives the great chance to not only gain experience in your fields, but to also work together with highly motivated individuals in a team. It is required to give and take constructive criticism and simply push the designs to the limits to give the player the best gaming experience possible. In addition, we are focusing on creating high quality across the board, which means that you'll get great video material to publish on your blogs/websites to showcase your work. You can expect a solid foundation and work done in every area of development, since this is not our first project. The team leader may be a reference for future work relationships.
Professional networking and development opportunities are also critical to our success and if you invest in us, we will invest in you, both on a personal and professional level. As long as your committed to our core values and share knowledge and resources.
Required Time:
This position will require 10-15 hours per week. It is very important that you can react to emails and inquiries via smartphone or any other devices. We also have regular team meetings, which are required. Many of us have day jobs in addition to this commitment. You will be responsible for logging and reporting your hours, which will be regularly audited, for the purpose of determining fair Revenue share when the game ships.
We use Google Drive, Jira, Slack, Zoom and Email for the exchange of data and information. Further information can be given upon request.
Interested in working with us?

To Apply

If you’re interested and able Please email me [](
Include: 1. Time zone 2. Portfolio/ writing samples 3. Introduction 4. name of your published work, and your biggest lesson learned
submitted by GeneralJist8 to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:26 Apprehensive-Act-784 Mesmerizing Examples Of Leaflet Distribution Dorset

Leaflet distribution dorset can be an effective marketing strategy for reaching local audiences, and using creative and strategic approaches can maximize its impact. Here are some mesmerizing examples and tips for successful leaflet distribution in Dorset:

1. Targeted Distribution

2. Creative Design

3. Compelling Content

4. Strategic Timing

5. Personalization

6. Effective Distribution Channels

7. Tracking and Analysis

8. Eco-Friendly Options

Example Campaigns

1. Local Restaurant Launch

2. Fitness Center Promotion

3. Seasonal Garden Center Sale

By implementing these creative and strategic approaches toleaflet distribution in Dorset, you can increase engagement, attract more customers, and enhance the overall success of your marketing campaigns.
View Poll
submitted by Apprehensive-Act-784 to blogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:36 ConsistentAd7469 Which mid hero i suppose to pick

i had an AM, Zeus, Timber, Mirana, WW in enemy team and i had last pick. i picked nature's prophet. hes my signature hero and i was so confused what to pick and did this dumb decision.
I want strong and mobile hero pls suggest me something. For know i have a some signatures like Axe, Ursa, NP, Dazzle, Pudge.... 3600mmr
submitted by ConsistentAd7469 to learndota2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:11 A_Flying_Frying_Pan Being transphobic to my boyfriend i see? Time to feel my big gay wrath…

Me (16m) and my boyfriend (16m) have a really good SE teacher and he decided that we could be moved to the same class. One day, when we got a new seating chart, someone I was placed near noticed how I was talking to my boyfriend. He turned around and gave me a dirty look, you know the kind of look that says “just shut up and we can all be cool.” I took the hint and then shut up. Turns out that using sign language to communicate not only was picked up by his ears, but he told us to shut up again.
after class, I heard him clearly making my boyfriend uncomfortable and I listened to their conversation without intervening, dont want to get The wrong idea. I heard him say “so you used to be a girl?” not in a genuine way, but more condescending. I walked closer and asked my boyfriend what they were talking about. He isn’t deaf but were both in the sign language club and he told me what was wrong in a terrible way, like engrish. It was like “help boy make me uncomfortable” so I told him to back off and to “keep it in your pants, okay? He’s mine”
and that’s when I started getting death threats. Mhm. Probably 12 different signatures in different handwriting with the main idea of “kill yourself, faggot.” The fun part happens now! I brought all 12 or so notes to the principal of my school and began gathering up my posse to write back to them. this didn’t stop either. Every day there were more notes than the last. By the end of the year there were about 50 different strongly worded notes with such vile wording I have no idea what to even say. 50 notes EVERY DAY.
this was when the principal got some of the staff members to write notes. Now obviously I would probably get sent to jail for what was in those letters but the staff couldn’t see. The kid ended up coming to school with bruises all across his body (probably from his abusive parents) the next day. He moved and I never saw him again. me and my boyfriend are now happily together stronger than ever and yes, we did pass SE class. this is my first homosexual relationship and I know that usually the guy proposes marriage but were both men so like… help
submitted by A_Flying_Frying_Pan to traumatizeThemBack [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:45 herozorro "I hereby authorize the employer to deduct from my earnings and to transmit to SEIU 1021 membership dues, fees, and/or contributions, at rates determined by the Union."

This is the Union group suing to remove Prop 22.
This is the real reason why
To deduct from every drivers 'payroll' their cut.
Union wants to tax drivers. lol
I designate SEIU 1021 to represent me regarding terms and conditions of my employment. I hereby authorize the employer to deduct from my earnings and to transmit to SEIU 1021 membership dues, fees, and/or contributions, at rates determined by the Union. This authorization will remain in effect unless revoked in writing, signed, via U.S. mail to SEIU 1021 headquarters. If such payments are not made by payroll deduction and forwarded to the Union each month, it is the obligation of the employee to make the payment directly to the Union. Contributions or gifts to SEIU 1021 are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. However, they may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.
Employee Signature*
The entire AB5 Prop22 battle is between a union that wants to bring in millions of desperate drivers (the saviours!!) against an abusive gig monopoly. And you dear driver are their pawn
How about the union taking your new ubereats driving paycheck?
submitted by herozorro to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:23 Haunting-Milk-2510 My First Ever Competitive Team for VGC Reg. G

I made this account purely because I've gotten this sudden urge of interest to try my hand at competitive Pokemon, and after watching some of the recent metas that rose during the Pokemon Championship in Indianapolis and too many wolfe glick videos, I think I've found a team I want to try :)
Team Link:
My first mon is Hydrapple, I wanted to use this Pokemon because of its vast versatility moveset and ability wise , currently I've been running Hydrapple with the ability Supersweet syrup, Im not sure if the ability is popular, but I want to use it for the moves I run on it. I have Draco Meteor, Hydro Pump, Leaf storm and Protect. Protect is a pretty obvious choice, but I want to be able to abuse this pokemons crazy SpA with incredibly strong and versatile moves that usually have a certain risk to it, be completely irrelevant to me when I use SuperSweet Syrup. And I also am holding white herb to take away the stat drops from leafstorm and draco meteor. My biggest fear is ofcource Ice, So im thinking of running either Fairy or Fire Tera. While I have been using Fairy which is a very good type, I do think poison with be a threat to non and tera hydrapple.
Next My Restricted Legend is Zamazenta. Observing the new Metas that popped up, 3 pokemon really stood out to me during the Indianapolis Regional Championship. Calyrex- I/S and Zamazenta. Before covering the pokemon that impressed me, I wanted to talk about other popular choices, Firtsly Groudon and Kygore I just feel too inexpirenced to use and Miradon wasn't really the theme I wanted to go with throughout the team. And I feel like I have a good Dragon and Fighting type coverage in the rest of my team. This reason I chose Zama was for the bulky physical attacker option. I was originally gonna build this entire team around a tanky, but powerfull pokemon like Hydrapple. But I feel that all teams are there to support the one restricted legend, And the added on factor of of attacks like body press and heavy slam are just perfect for the team Im trying to make. The overall moveset is just basic and I haven't dipped my toes into diverse movesets, mostly because I think this is probably the best way to use Zama, Overall a really solid base for the team and with tera grass to resist spore hes almost unstoppable besides the fighting weakness which I believe I have covered.
The aforementioned cover for Zama is Galarian Moltres, Ofcourse when playing Reg G, you just have to run a dark type to counter Shadow Caly. Beside that, the flying type coverage deffo helps out when dealing with urshifu close combat. He also fits in well in the team with another bulky, but SpA offensive attacker, this guy runs Taunt, Air Slash, Fiery Wrath and Tailwind. This Pokemon is most likely a for sure start for games as he nullifies Trick room which all of my team except Hydrapple are very against it. Tailwind is really there incase I start off with hydrapple or to double counter the opponents tailwinds. I dont really have any ideas for Teras, I've been thinking steel since I want to completely resist fairy and a neutral to electric. Tbh the weakness of lossing the flying is a risk for ground type moves, but I haven't really seen anyone try ground moves because of the unexpected tera. I could go ground but basically the same applies except the types and what they do to Moltres reversed. Ive got Safety Goggles on to ignore amonguss threats.
Gouging Flame from what Ive seen is a very inconsistent choice atleast from the top teams who usually have incineroar on the team with many teams being similar with the swap between the two. I still want to hold out hope on the potential of Gouging Flame since its gonna be a swap in start when I can't have key players like Zama starting off. Holding Booster Energy, The Moveset has the likes of Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Flare Blitz and Earthquake. Having this thing side by side with Zama is just a joy to watch and play with, two bulky tanks that take hits like a champ and dishes them out ten fold. Setting up with dragon dance is also an ease since Flame can take attacks. However there are easy, but extremely difficult counters to beat and overcome, Such as the big ground weakness. Ive thought about an air baloon, but the booster energy 1.5x speed is just too easy to give up. Ive been thinking about instead using tera flying, but Im honestly not sure. Teras tbh are a weakness to me because there are so much more complexities and Its something I really need advice and help on inorder to improve. Another thing is Intimidate, this single move can cripple 4 out of my 6 pokemon and I heavily doubt Im gonna try starting off with the duo of Hydrapple and Moltres (thinking back at this, tera fairy and hydro pump could be a good counter) But nonetheless, this is a pokemon that Im willing to change, I already know Chi-yu shouts are incoming and I honestly might have to start listening!
Now we have Urshifu, more specifically Rapid Strike Form. I chose Rapid Strike over the highly used Single Strike because 1. I have a dark type which im pretty proud to be running and 2. I really need a water type pokemon since I really dont want to rely on Hydrapple and insta terra so that I can get off a hydropump. I think Urshifu is probably one of the more common sides of choosing, I dont really have an idea on what item I'll be running it with. It would probably be between the Life orb or Choice Scarf. The moves I run on it are Surging Strikes, Close Combat, Uturn and Protect. This moveset is inspired off of Neil Patels Urshifu except switching aqua jet for uturn which I may change back because I have the move on another Pokemon. This pokemon is WAY less bulkier than the others on the team, but picks up for it in its attack and signature move again, no sure fire tera on this mon yet.
Finally we have Rillaboom. Running Grassy Terrain with Fake out, Grassy Glide, Wood Hammer and U-turn. This pokemon plays a similar role to urshifu, but also the traditional Rillaboom role of being faster and able to hit hard as well. Grassy Terrain also works well with Zama by its side to regain health. I run it with Assult Vest which seems pretty common use. I also want to run this with Tera Water
This is the team and my random thoughts about them so far, I've only tested these in showdown and I have just put in simple/random EVs and Natures. Please be as harsh or as critical as you like because Im letting bias of pokemon I believe in too much to cloud my judgement. My pokemon style is really clear to see here (bulky hard hitting attackers with some good speed) so make sure to keep that in mind as thats the playstyle Im most in my element in. If you have any toubles with the link, pls lmk and thank you :)
submitted by Haunting-Milk-2510 to VGCRateMyTeam [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:18 Syrius121 Rose Technics Star City 5 Pro

Rose Technics Star City 5 Pro
Hello everyone 👋🤗 I hope you all are having a great day! I want to share with you my review of the Rose Technics Star City 5 Pro which is now live on MBA site! 🔥 In my opinion it brings a great value for the money. I hope you enjoy the read and find this review useful. 😊❤️
"The Star City 5 Pro impresses with its exceptional unboxing experience, which really made me say, “Wow, you get this for just $75.99?!”. It is definitely the best unboxing experience I’ve had at a sub-$100 price, and it offers a great selection of high-quality accessories that enhance the overall value of the product. The distinctive and stylish design, coupled with the ergonomic fit and comfortable wear for even all day long, contribute to a pleasant and enjoyable experience.
In terms of sound performance, the Star City 5 Pro delivers a balanced and engaging sound signature, with a focus on detailed midrange, realism, and natural sound without coloration. While the sub-bass could benefit from a slight rise, the mid-bass provides warmth and punch without muddying things. Vocals, both female and male, and instruments are well-represented and separated, showcasing the IEM’s capability to handle different genres with finesse.
Technical aspects such as detail retrieval may suffer because of the treble roll-off, but separation, soundstage, and layering are commendable, offering a cohesive and immersive soundscape. The mid-centric tonality may not appeal to all listeners, especially those seeking a more pronounced sub-bass or treble extension.
Overall, the Star City 5 Pro stands out as a strong contender in its price range, and it has an exceptional value, combining excellent build quality, great accessories, comfortable ergonomics, and good sound for the asking price. I really think that those IEMs deserve to be much more known and loved."
Pros: 💚
• Exceptional unboxing experience with high-quality accessories.
• Distinctive and stylish design.
• Comfortable ergonomics for extended listening sessions.
• Balanced, natural, and uncolored sound signature.
• Good technical performance, especially layering and soundstage.
• Well-separated vocals and instruments.
• Amazing value for $75.99.
Cons: 💔
• Sub-bass could benefit from a slight rise for added depth.
• Treble rolls off too early.
• Mid-centric tonality may not appeal to those seeking pronounced sub-bass or treble extension.
• The cable could have been thicker.
• There is no balanced option.
For the full review:
submitted by Syrius121 to mobileaudiophile [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:16 SuperPalangi [WTS] GOLD/SILVER: Your choice - below spot or premium! Gold proof AGE, gram gold, Star Wars silver

Kitco spot gold $2427.80, silver $32.13. Prices valid with gold under $2447 and silver under $33.13
Perth Mint 1 oz gold bar, in assay. $2410
Pamp Suisse 1 oz gold bar, in assay. $2410 - Two available
Austrian 100 Corona, gold (melt 2379.73). $2310
First Majestic 100oz silver bar. $ 3195
Credit Suisse bar, 10 grams .9999 fine. $799
1/2 oz AGE Proof 70-DCAM, slabbed. $1799
2002 Niue Beskar Silver 1oz bars. Lot of 5 bars. $200
Buy all 25 and get the custom box. Multiple available.
Shipping is $10 Priority. Sig confirmation/insurance at cost.
**No trades.** **No international shipments.**
PAYMENT: Zelle greatly preferred. Also accept Venmo FF, CashApp, US Postal money order. No PayPal. Please no notes with any online payment (for Venmo use a period.)
MIDDLEMAN: Happy to use a middleman (u/HalfDeafYeller). Buyer covers additional costs.
SHIPPING: I pack well with sufficient packing and lots of tape. Unless otherwise requested will ship via USPS flat rate. I can add signature delivery and insurance at cost. I will hand the package directly to a counter worker at USPS and get a receipt.
RESPONSIBILITY: Once handed off to the carrier my responsibility ends, but if there is a problem I will help however I can. If you have a problem with porch pirates I strongly recommend signature confirmation.
AUTHENTICITY: If possible to do so, I will verify each item via Sigma.
SECURITY: I do not give out passwords. I have secured my login with 2FA and suggest you do the same.
submitted by SuperPalangi to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:33 ExZiByte Question about on call laws in Illinois

I have a coworker who lives half an hour from work. The company is wanting him, who is an hourly employee, to take a cellphone home to recieve breakdown calls (big rig mechanic). I found in the laws that once he gets called he has to be paid, he obviously has to respond in person, and that requires driving, so can't drink alcohol, so I assume that he has to be paid the moment the phone rings, to at least when the repair is completed and he is on his way home. Could someone verify that this correct. I don't want him getting screwed on pay for this because the company has a history of trying to strong arm people into doing what they want for pay or not.
submitted by ExZiByte to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:18 Worst_Artist The Best SEO Plumber Guide From an Industry Expert

The Best SEO Plumber Guide From an Industry Expert
Every month “plumbers near me” is searched up to 850,000 times globally.
To thrive, your plumbing business needs to be visible where most potential customers are searching, Google.
This guide will provide you with top Plumber SEO tips to enhance your plumbing business’s online visibility.
First, what is Plumber SEO?
Plumber SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of affecting local search engine rankings for plumbers.
Why You Should Do Plumber SEO
Plumber SEO is crucial because it helps your plumbing service appear in search results when potential customers in your target area look for the services you offer.
A cool 54% of all clicks go to the top three organic search results.
If you’re not effective with SEO you’re invisible organically.
Can You Do Plumber SEO Yourself?
Yes, you can certainly get started with the basics of Plumber SEO, but advanced SEO, with some elements of Technical SEO, may require a specialist.
The most accessible way to stay abreast of updates is through reputable sources like Barry Schwartz and Lily Ray.
Learn useful techniques by following experienced Local SEO professionals like Joy Hawkins and Darren Shaw.

1. Optimize Your Google Business Profile

Google Local Map Pack
To appear in Google’s local search results, including the Map Pack, start with your Google Business Profile (GBP).
Claim and Set Up Your Google Profile. If you’re not on the map already, add your business name and category. Choose a primary category such as “Plumber” and you can add more later for more specific services like Gas Installation Service, Drainage Service, or Bathroom Remodeler.

Complete Your Profile Details

Review Darren Shaw’s Whitespark Local Search Ranking Factors to see how you should prioritize your time.
If you’re here doing pre-research before you even start a plumbing business take advantage of the knowledge that the keywords in your business name and the proximity to the location you want to rank in are top-ranking factors.
Set up your service area and you can choose up to 20 locations, but the guideline is that it must be no longer than a 2-hour drive from where your business is based.

2. Local NAP Citations

Most business directories list your business name, address, and phone number. These listings are known as NAP citations.

Local Data Aggregators

You can either use a data aggregator service like Data Axle and Foursquare to list you on multiple directories.
There’s also Whitespark who offer customizable citations and connections to large data aggregators.

Get Listed with Free Local Directories

You can also take care of some of the free ones first.
Once you’re verified for Google Business Profile you can import your business onto Bing as well with a few clicks.
Don’t forget to get listed on Yelp as well since Apple Map searches rely on data from Yelp. Facebook, X (Formerly Twitter), LinkedIn Business and Instagram also allow you to put your address.
YellowPages, Better Business Bureau, Nextdoor and Manta are some free ones to get listed on as well.

Paid Plumber Directories

Consider paid services for citations such as Angi’s List, HomeAdvisor, and your local Chamber of Commerce.

Put Your Address on Your Site

Place your address at the bottom of your footer exactly how it’s shown on Google and embed the map to help customers easily access leaving you a review.

3. Boost Your Reviews

Reviews not only enhance your credibility but also improve your SEO rankings. Here are some effective ways to gather more reviews:
  • Use Google’s Business Profile Manager to manage and respond to reviews.
  • Get a QR Code that uses a link from GBP to request a review and a Business Card or Fridge Magnet to leave for customers with your website on it.
  • Follow-Up Contact Requesting Feedback.
  • Email Signature with your website link and a link to leave a review.

4. Keyword Research

Understanding what potential customers search for helps tailor your website content to meet their needs. Effective keyword research is the foundation of successful SEO.

List Your Services

Start by making a comprehensive list of all the plumbing services you offer. Think about every specific service you provide, no matter how niche.
A detailed list might include: Drain unblocking, Burst pipe repair, Drain Cleaning, Toilet installation, Water heater repair, Sewer line inspection and repair.

Use Keyword Tools

Once you have your list of services, the next step is to use keyword research tools to find relevant keywords that potential customers are searching for.
Google Keyword Planner
Google Keyword Planner
Google’s Keyword Planner is an ultimate keyword research tool that’s free and can help you find keywords, helpful insights, and discover new keywords.

Enter Your Services

Discover New Keywords Google Keyword Planner
Input the list of services you created into the tool. For example, if you offer “drain cleaning” enter this term into the Keyword Planner Discover New Keywords followed by your target city.

Analyze Keyword Suggestions

The tool will generate a list of related keywords, showing their search volumes and competition levels. Look for keywords with a high search volume and low to medium competition. These are the sweet spots that can drive significant traffic to your site.

Include Local Geographic Modifiers

Add local modifiers to your keywords to target searches in your service area. For example, “drain cleaning near me” or “emergency plumber [your city].” This helps attract customers who are looking for services in specific locations.
Now I’ve found a low competition keyword that’s a longtail keyword (keyword phrase with 3+ words) “24 hour emergency plumber Atlanta”.
Check out Keyword Surfer from Matt Diggity to get even more keyword data for free. You can also see the estimated monthly traffic a website domain gets.

5. Website Content & Optimization

Plumber Website Example

Create Service Specific Pages

By creating dedicated, optimized pages for each service, you can attract more targeted traffic and convert visitors into customers. These pages not only improve your SEO but also provide valuable information to potential clients, helping them choose your services with confidence.

Unique Selling Points

Highlight what makes your service unique. This could be your experience, certifications, special equipment, or customer satisfaction guarantees.
Include positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. This builds trust and credibility with potential clients.

Contact Page

Make it easy for visitors to get in touch with you. Throughout your site link to a contact page. Provide your phone number, email address, and a web form for inquiries with your address shown and your service area. Including a call-to-action (CTA) encourages potential customers to take the next step.

Craft Compelling Content

Each service page should clearly describe the service, its benefits, and why customers should choose you. Include certifications, unique selling points, and customer testimonials to build trust.
Create engaging and informative content such as blog posts, FAQs, and plumbing tips to attract and retain visitors. Demonstrate your expertise and authority with pictures from job sites and speak from first-hand knowledge.

6. Build a Strong Link Profile

Guest blogging and engaging in community participation are free ways to build high-quality backlinks and establish your authority in the plumbing industry.

Identify Target Blogs

Find blogs in the plumbing, home improvement, and DIY niches that accept guest posts. Look for blogs with a good reputation and engaged audiences. Use search queries like “plumbing blogs accepting guest posts” or “home improvement write for us.”
Reach out to the blog owners with well-crafted pitches. Propose topics that are relevant to their audience and showcase your expertise. Ensure your pitch is concise and highlights the value you can provide to their readers.
Write well-researched, informative, and engaging articles. Focus on providing valuable insights and practical advice. Include relevant keywords naturally and ensure the content aligns with the blog’s style and tone.
In your author bio, include a brief description of yourself and your plumbing business, along with a link back to your website. Some blogs may also allow you to include a link within the content itself. Ensure these links are relevant and add value to the article.

Join Relevant Communities

Participate in forums and online communities related to plumbing, home improvement, and DIY. Websites like Reddit, Quora, and specialized plumbing forums like are great places to start.
Offer helpful and knowledgeable answers to questions. Avoid blatant self-promotion and focus on providing genuine value. Share your expertise and build a reputation as a helpful professional.

HARO (Help A Reporter Out)

HARO connects sources with journalists looking for expert quotes. This can lead to high-quality backlinks from reputable sites.
Sign up for a free HARO account as a source. You will receive daily emails with journalist requests categorized by industry. Plumbing-related requests might fall under Home & Garden.
Monitor the HARO emails for requests related to plumbing, home maintenance, or small business operations. Respond promptly with concise, informative answers. Highlight your expertise and provide useful insights.
When responding, be detailed and professional. Include your full name, title, business name, and a link to your website. Journalists are more likely to use your quotes if they are well-articulated and relevant to their article.

Replicate Competitors’ Links

Analyzing your competitors’ backlinks can help you discover new link-building opportunities.
Identify your top competitors by searching for your target keywords in Google. Note the websites that consistently appear at the top of the search results.
Use tools like SEMrush or SpyFu to analyze your competitors’ backlink profiles. Enter their domain into the tool to see a list of websites linking to them.
Assess the quality of these backlinks by looking at metrics like organic traffic. Focus on high-quality backlinks from reputable sites.
Look for backlinks that you can replicate. These might include mentions in articles. Reach out to these websites with a similar pitch to get your site linked as well.

Reclaim Lost Links

Reclaiming lost links involves identifying and fixing broken or redirected links pointing to your site.
Use tools like Ahrefs or Google Search Console to identify broken links pointing to your website. These tools can help you find 404 errors and other issues.
Identify links that are redirected to other pages or domains. Ensure that the redirects are still relevant and pointing to the correct pages.
Reach out to the webmasters of the sites linking to your broken URLs. Politely ask them to update the link to the correct page. Provide the exact URL to make it easier for them.
If you have moved content to a new URL, set up 301 redirects from the old URLs to the new ones. This ensures that any backlinks pointing to the old URL still pass on link equity to the new page.

7. Technical SEO & Website Performance

Technical SEO ensures that search engines can find, understand, and index your pages.

Plan Your Site Structure

Plumber SEO Site Structure Example
A well-organized site structure helps visitors navigate your website and allows Google to find all your pages.

Internal Links

Include relevant internal links (links on one page to another on your site) throughout pages to help users easily navigate to important pages.

Concise URL-friendly Slug

SEO Unfriendly URL Slug Example
When making slugs for URLs (characters at the end of the URL, shown above) make sure they’re short and to the point. It’s recommended to be under 70 characters total, that’s including the entire URL. However, it’s important to note that Google is known to truncate URLs depending on devices.
For instance, notice the cut-offs in the below image.
SEO Unfriendly URL Slug Example
With Yoast or Rankmath you’ll be able to see how your page will appear in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Write Compelling Titles

Your titles should be engaging and accurately describe the content. Use power words and numbers to make your titles more compelling. For example, “10 Easy Tips for Fixing a Leaky Faucet” or “How to Unclog Any Drain in 5 Simple Steps.”
Aim to keep your titles 50 to 55 characters (580px length to be exact, which free meta length checkers can help you with) to ensure they are fully displayed in SERPs and not cut off.
For a blog post on drain cleaning, a compelling title could be: “How to Clean a Clogged Drain: 7 Effective Methods”
Google is known to automatically change the title of your page in search results if it doesn’t match relevance. Follow best title practices to influence the result.

Keep the Meta Descriptions Concise

Clearly summarize what the page is about. Include the most important points that users should know before clicking. For a drain cleaning service page, you might write: “Get expert drain cleaning services in [City]. Our plumbers are available 24/7 to handle any blockage. Call [number] for a free quote.”
Try to keep your meta descriptions concise and within the 160-character limit (920 pixels to be precise) to ensure the full text is visible.
Include your phone number in the meta description as this is clickable on mobile.

Use Clear Headings and Subheadings

Heading Tag Structure Example
Organize your content with clear headings (H1, H2, H3) and subheadings. This not only improves readability but also helps search engines understand the structure of your content.
Break down information into bullet points and numbered lists where appropriate. This makes your content more scannable and user-friendly.

Key Pages to Make

Home Page, About Us, Contact Us
Service Pages
Service Locations (Be careful on this one and follow Google’s guidelines on Doorways)
Service Location City Page
Blogs for Informational Articles and How-To’s

Create and Upload Your Sitemap

Install a Plugin like Yoast or Rankmath to give you some useful SEO tools and create a sitemap to submit to Google and Bing.


HTTPS is a secure way for visitors to access web pages. Check if your website uses HTTPS by looking for a lock icon in the browser’s search bar.

Monitor Your SEO Health

Regularly monitor your website’s SEO health using tools like Google Search Console. These tools can help you identify and fix common SEO issues. Key metrics to track include organic traffic, keyword performance, and site health score.

Responsive Design

Responsive design refers to a web design approach that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. It ensures that your website looks and functions correctly on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Optimize Images

Large images can slow down your website, leading to a poor user experience, especially on mobile devices with slower internet connections. Optimizing images ensures faster loading times, which can improve both user experience and SEO.
Use a site like TinyJPG to compress images for free.

Simple Layout

A simple, uncluttered layout improves user experience by making it easier for visitors to navigate your site and find the information they need. It also ensures that your site loads faster, as there are fewer elements to load. You can find highly optimized plumber templates that you can use with WordPress.

Click-to-Call Buttons

Click-to-call buttons are crucial for mobile users, allowing them to contact your business with a single tap. This convenience can increase conversion rates and improve customer satisfaction.

Advanced Technical SEO

If you’re savvy on the technical side you can use free diagnostic tools like webpagetest and Google’s PageSpeed Insights to get more details on how to improve your loading speed and other technical optimizations.
Another step is installing and configuring a free caching plugin like WP Super Cache.


You can use breadcrumbs to help Google understand the hierarchy of your site and may help users on their journey through your site.

Local SEO Schema

Add Plumber schema to important pages like the home page, contact, and service pages. You can use Schemantra to create the code to place on your site for free.

8. SEO Content Marketing

Creating valuable content can attract traffic and customers from organic search.

Topic Keyword Research

Finding the right topics to write about is crucial for attracting organic traffic.
Begin with broad keywords related to plumbing, such as “leak repair,” “drain cleaning,” or “water heater maintenance.” Enter these into keyword research tools like Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, Google Keyword Planner, or SEMrush.
Use these tools to find related keywords and phrases that people are searching for. Look for questions and long-tail keywords (phrases with three or more words) that indicate specific user intents.
Instead of just “drain cleaning,” look for “how to clean a clogged drain” or “best drain cleaning services in [city].”
Evaluate the search volume and competition level for each keyword. Ideally, seek keywords with high search volume but low to medium competition. This increases the chances of ranking well without facing too much competition.
When reviewing these keywords go after transactional keywords as these will typically bring you more conversions. “Emergency plumber near me” is a transactional keyword because it has a higher likelihood of the potential customer seeking service. Compare this to an information keyword such as, “What’s the history of plumbing?”.
Analyze the search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords to see what type of content is ranking.
Look for featured snippets, people also ask boxes, and top-ranking articles to understand the type of content Google favors. Keep in mind that when using standard browser settings you’ll see personalized results.
You can use tools like AnswerThePublic for free to find more of what people are asking about a given topic.

For Blogs Use Questions and Informational Keywords

Blogs focus on questions and informational keywords, such as “how-to” guides, tutorials, and tips. Good content written on this tends to attract more engagement and backlinks.

Publish Optimized Blog Posts

Analyze the top-ranking pages for your target keywords to understand the user intent behind the searches. Are people looking for how-to guides, detailed articles, or quick answers? Align your content with what users intend to find.
Ensure your content fully addresses the search query. If users are looking for a guide on fixing a leaky faucet, provide a step-by-step tutorial with images, videos, and troubleshooting tips.
Include Images and Videos
Use relevant images, infographics, and videos to enhance your content. Visual elements can help explain complex topics and keep readers engaged.
Having an embedded YouTube video with a person speaking on the topic or pointing out common plumbing parts can set you apart from many competitors.

9. Promote Your Content

Share your blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Tailor your posts to each platform’s audience and use engaging visuals and descriptions to attract attention.
Participate in relevant Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, and online communities related to plumbing and home improvement. Share your content when appropriate if it adds value to the discussion.

10. Tracking SEO Progress

Tracking your SEO efforts is essential to understanding what’s working and what needs improvement.

Google Business Profile Performance

Monitoring your Google Business Profile (GBP) performance is crucial for understanding how well your business is performing in local search results.

Check Profile Performance

Log into your Google account and search for your business name. This should bring up your Google Business Profile. Click on the “See profile performance” button to access detailed metrics about how your profile is performing.

GBP Metrics

Views: The number of times your business profile has been viewed. This gives you an idea of how visible your business is in local searches.
Search Queries: The specific queries that led users to your business profile. This helps you understand what terms potential customers are using to find your business.
Customer Actions: This includes actions like visits to your website, requests for directions, calls to your business, and bookings. Tracking these actions helps you understand how effective your profile is at converting views into interactions.
Photo Views: The number of times your business photos have been viewed. High-quality photos can attract more attention and engagement.

Search Console Metrics

This report provides an overview of your site’s performance in Google Search.
Total Clicks: The number of times users clicked on your site in search results.
Total Impressions: The number of times your site appeared in search results.
Average Click-Through Rate (CTR): The ratio of clicks to impressions, showing how effective your site is at attracting clicks.
Average Position: Your site’s average ranking position for the tracked queries.
Search Queries: This section shows the specific queries that users are entering to find your site. Analyze which keywords are driving the most traffic and consider creating more content around those terms.
Pages: Identify which pages on your site are performing best in search. This can help you understand what type of content resonates most with your audience.
Devices: Understand how users are accessing your site (desktop, mobile, tablet). This helps you ensure your site is optimized for all devices, most importantly mobile.

Optimize Based on Insights

Use the data from GSC to optimize your site’s SEO strategy. If you notice that certain pages have a high number of impressions but a low CTR, consider updating the meta descriptions and title tags to be more compelling.
If specific keywords are performing well, create supplemental content around those topics to capture additional traffic.
submitted by Worst_Artist to PlumberSEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:39 Cumsabit I'm 32 Years old married + 1 amazing child, im wheelchair bound since October 2022 - Never got a diagnosis.

Im in a relation with my wife since High School, since 2010 or so, we both went to the Military first her than me cause im 2 years younger, when she finished i started my journey, during that time in the military it was really hard for me to depart from her, i love and loved her the same since we've met during a school trip abroad, i think for both of us it was a love from the first sight. Since than she was my second half, i can't live without her, can't imagine a day waking up without her hy my side, we had some ups and some downs especially when we were younger, but never seperated for a moment, we had a very strong relationship, we welcomed our son in 2016, it was my happiest moment of my life after our marriage, we married in Prauge, and when we came back home we made another weeding for our friends and family.. At the beginning we had some financial struggle like many other young couples We worked 6/7 days a week, we started to save up, and when i started to notice the stress she experience on her work place i decided to change her life for good, cause such an amazing person like her deserves more than that, so meanwhile i was working at my place i was allowed a smartphone / laptop, and iv started creating our own niche business, worked 8 hours a day + 10 more on our current side project barley slept, ate, lost weight from 90 kilo to 54, i haven't had time to prep meals, but i grinded my ass out, in 2016 we officially staryed making sustainable amounts of money to keep me home to do it full time, and thats when our kiddo was born, so she also had enough financial freedom to stay at home and take care of our child without having all that burden of going to work, nannies, early kindergartens etc.... She stayed at home for the next 5 years raising our child and taking care of him. Since i was working from home i started to drink here and there some whisky, some beers, but not something crazy, i work from home i earn enough money, and she decided to get a small job as extra to save up some money for travelling and buying our first home, we had months with over $100,000 of income, at around late 2018 everything was going up hill, and all of a sudden, our payment methods placed a big halt over our business, and its the first time my life went downhill, I've lost clients, payments were all on hold, for a second my life was at its peak next second felt like im down in the dumps, had to figure out what to do next, had countless hours of research how to sort it out, called every possible banking institution world wide starting from United Stated, endingin Dubai, and thankfully light shined on us, and we made a deal with out local Visa/ and bank to let us accept further payments, we got our first SIP, we starrted to earn again, and life went on perfectly up until my father was diagnosed with throat cancer, where i had to work 24/7 alone on my project and somehow take care of my father, take him to chemo, radiations, countless doctor visits, he won his battle, he came out cancer free and it was a big day for all of us! We were certain that this battle was over, yet a month after he finished his treatment he cold me early morning and said something is wrong, he cough blood, and asked me to rush him to the hospital, dressed up rush on max allowed speed, picked him and my mom up, wife stayed at home with my kiddo, and we went to the emergency room in a hospital 40 Kilometers away from our little town, there he was placed to the emergency room, and we've beem told to wait until a throat doctor will be available to check on him, we wait for over an hour, while i went to speak to the doctors my mom shouted to come help, me and the docots when i approached him, he was holding this toilet thingy where people pee and it was all full of blood, he couldn't take a single breath, he was dying, he tried to stand ip and grasp some air while drowning in his own blood, there was blood everywhere, he was covered in it a huge pool beneth him, at some point he just fainted and me and my mom were the old people around him, while doctors were to afraid tovget closer to him, it was a horror movie, they placed him under few surgeries, his main arthary was punctured and his brain stopped getting oxyen and blood supply, a week later he passed away, while we were giving hope for his survival, one second he was the most happiest men in the world for beating his fight against that horrible thing, next second his helpless eyes knowing he is about to did, trying to ask me for help, it was an traumatic experience for me and my mom, during that year i had horrible nightmares, i heard him gurgle when felt a sleep, i saw blood everywhere, i was depressed that i lost my father in such a horrible way, and during that time my only support was my wife and mom, me and mom helped each other to keep sainity, and here i staryed to drink a bit more, work hard and drink, never fainted never faught or argued with my wife, she was fine with that, and im not talkig about a bottle of whisky a day or something but yeah 6/8 bottles of beer, listened to music while i was doing my job for my clients at this moment she was starting her job at a special store for home stuff, so i took care of my son, fed him, went to the park so he would play with friends, and when she came back home she made meals, some house stuff, showered him, placed him to sleep, and i was her light station before sleep, we talked stuff up, she tried a lil to help me coup with my dads passing, bit she never were able to understand the pain i went through, stuff started to get little better, more Family BBQ partirs, we finally started to laugh, and my mom was shininv, cause she saw me there happy, she saw our kiddo, and she were thankful to her husband that she has us now to fully support her and help her, at this point my mother in law also decided to move from a big city to iur little town to "be closer to her daughter" not really, she started to rent a house a mile away from us, and i was happy that my wifes mother also living near to us, and that my wife will be see her more often, she also become part of our family after years living far away from us, when she came her husband (boyfriend) also started to get sick so she basically dumped him, and he passed away due to unknown reason (its important) we all went to the funeral it was another hit, after my dad he was for me like a second father i could talk too, few month after his passing her my wife grandmother who was living with my wife mom, started to stumble, stopped walking and was bed bound her cognetive functions also went downhill ina month she couldnt recognize her clise ones which was a hard moment for my wife, so she found an elderly house a care home so people will take care of her, while she is keeping all her social security money, a year later the grandmother passed away, i staryed to suspect that something ain't right, first her husband than her mother, but never put enough accent on that, in 2022 around September i started to feel really really ill, i started puking 4-6 times a day,, couldn't hold food, couldn't hold fluids i went to the Emergency place in our city and they gave me pills to stop me from puking, and now i started to stumble, fisr i felt at home when trying to get me some water, next fall occured on my way to the store, and another time when her mom asked me to help her with the computer, it lasted few more days untill i was unable to stand, use my hands i all become stiff my hands stopped worked and finally i was rushed to the hospital after a whole month of hell, when i arrived the Hospital i had memory issues, i couldn't tell what day it is, short memory is gone, i could recognize, wife, mom and kiddo, but i couldn't recall what i ate today, i could say good morning 10 tjmes a day to my wife, my eyes were running left and right that what i was told, i did all checkups at the hospital, they thought a brain injury or tumor, they took spinal fluids, blood work, urine tests, nailz, and hair tests, they couldn't find anything besides one drug test they ran randomly on me, they found around 870 mg of Benzodiaziapm in my blood test, i never even knew what that thing wmis, until my doctor started asking me question about that substance, if i ever took those pills, and i said no, i have no idea what that is and where it came from, when my cognitive functuons started to get better on week 4, i was in the Intensive care, monitors to keep me checked so i wont have lung failure, i asked my wife randomly to check her mom house for those pills, and guess what? She found that same pill box in her kitchen drawer, while she was on vacation with her friend, so we immediately started to suspect her mom, her mom was about go lose her current house and she knew i have a very good business that my wife also helping me earning money, she staryed to ask wierd questions which my friends confirmed, she always asked my wife if she kniws how to run the business, when i heard about that, i was proud of my wife that she finally can help me out at home dealing with clients, thats when my mother in law started to work on a plan to get rid of me, as she did in the past, she pisioned me during september on my 29th Birthday, thats right when i started to feel ill, after i was released from the hospital i left disabled in a wheelchair, my wife had to shower me, help me dress up, and feed me, i was peeing in containers and i couldn't even go number 2 cause from my chest down i lose all muscle control, i couldnt lift arms, legs, poop, and do simple day to day stuff, thankfully i was approved as a disabled person 110%, and since than im 2 years trying to recover, my legs still dont work, i cant feel heat, always numbbess, tingling sensation below wasted, and neurological pain which i try to coop with without and pills, crying at nights, alot, hard for me to get sleep, im always cold, i feel uselss, worthless, i feel like a burden on my wife, so last 26 of April i had a friend who came to visit we had some booze, nothing too crazy, we had some good time, laughed and i went to bed, while my wife downed two bottles of whisky with my friend, he noticed she got too drunk so he started to emoty her glass when she wasn't looking, after that she came to the room staryed shouting on me, mentally abusing me and telling that im stuff about she wants to leave me and son and start living her own life without us, she had enough of marriage, on the morning she couldn't remember that night at all, my friend helped me to get from wheelchair in bed, and than left her in the kitchen alone, where she continued to drink, i woke up arounx 7 AM she was missing from home, went to grab more liquor or beers i have no idea and the argument continued so i asked her to go get some sleep, and she thankfully did, when she woke up she had a good laugh about her behavior and i slipped on that as a one time occurance, i agreed to never have booze again at home, especially with her cause she cant handle it, on the 9th of may its a victory day for me, cause my grandfathers fought world war two, i bought few beers to raise a glass, for the celebration, and instead to be with me while we watch the Victory day parade, she suddenly decided to go for a walk, i left home alone my mom was with my kid, all went smooth up until 1 AM when i tried to call her, she answered and told me that she will be home soon, and afterwards stopped responding to my calls, my mom talked to her, and she said that she is near the neighborhood and will arrive soon, but she never arrived i started to worry, called her dozens of times she havent oicked up the phone, she ended up staying a night at her moms place for no particular reason, in the morning she came back told me that she wants a divorce cause she is young and want to travel thebworld and live a normal life and not stay like a jurse with me, she had enough of me beign sick, and usless (note im still the only one who brings income home) and she said she dont care about the kid anymore andi can have him (PS she also started ozempic course 6 weeks prior) so her therapist said she must stop using this stuff cause it cause mental problems, its 3rd week now she havent had a single shot, and all what happend became a bad dream for both of us, she regrets the stuff she said to me, and everything staryed to settle down, and today she broke again and startrd doing that again with the same demands she wanna leave after someone told her i was eating in a restaurant with my kid and i had a 300 cc beer on the table, i came back home all was great until today, when she was told about that beer, and it triggerdd her so hard that she want my signature and divorce, i love her, i need her and that she and our son is my only reason to live, and i cant let her go cause she is all of my life, and she doesn't care anymore.... She just want to leave me a disabled man with an 7 year old son, and kove to her mom. I haven't said anything bad to her, i didnt had an argument, never raised my arm on her, never done anything wro g to her especially with my conditikn where i barley hold a glass of water. I never thought about suicide cause i value my life and my mother, and son, i would never do harm to myself, but i feel like im lost, i lost everything in my life even though she is snoring right besides me when i write this, its feels like she enoys inflicting pain on me, mental pain she laughs when i cry, if feels like it give her pleasure, she was never like that before, and it hurts even more, since she started ozempic she started to say "she hopes she dies, she dont wanna live anymore, she had enough of been a mom, and a wife" stuff like that which she never said before, nor there was a real reason for thay, im not an abuser, i never done anything to her, and again im helpless man who is now disabled from chest and down, and im fighting to recover even 35% of body cobtrol would be huge for me, and instead lifting my soirit taking me in my wheelchair for walks outside, cooking me food instread of me ordering every god damn mill, i still lover her, i still want her to be with us, but it seems she already decided long ago that she doesn't love me anymore but never said that until she lost 30 kg with this hellish drug she injected.
Im lost i have no one to tell that, no one would really want to hear me talking about my struggles and a falling apart relationship with the best person i met in my life, my best friend, my wife, the mither of our child, my angel who changed ke for good, who found potential in, who inspired me to do better than i ever did before, i can't lose her, i won't lose her, i pray every night so she will change her mind! I really need her, im afraid to stay alone, im afraid to raise my kid in this state alone, and i dont want my kid to grow with only one parent because his mom dcided she wants to quit on us.
Uf anybody have anything warn to say, support ke, or kaybe an advise to approach her and try to fix that, the whole situatuon statlrted on the 26/27th of April and we are going through that until now, its getting better last few days as she let ke to hug her, and she aloowed ke ro give her a kiss on her cheek and after yesterday meal with my kid and that 300cc bottled beer, she at it again ;(
Sorry about this crazy block of text i doubt anyone gonna read that, but i would appriciate anything.
Thank you so much, George.
submitted by Cumsabit to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:27 Impressive-Math-2206 Beware of Shady Practices at Nissan Dealership in Totowa, NJ

Beware of Shady Practices at Nissan Dealership in Totowa, NJ
Finally have time to address this issue that happen in Decemeber because I have time now.
Hey everyone,
I wanted to share my frustrating and disappointing experience with the Nissan dealership in Totowa, NJ, to warn others about their shady business practices. I hope this post helps anyone considering doing business with them.
A while back, I discovered that my lease contract had been forged. The dealership altered various details on the contract, including the numbers and my signature. They initialed everything they changed with "KA" and a star. I have attached pictures as proof. Despite reaching out to the dealership multiple times and contacting Nissan directly, I felt like a ping pong ball being bounced back and forth with no resolution in sight.
When I visited the dealership to inquire about a new lease, they couldn't initially find my paperwork in their system. Suspiciously, they "found" the paperwork a week later, which matched their altered numbers. That's when I realized the numbers were wrong and called Nissan to open a case of forgery. They also promised to extend my lease for three months, explicitly stating it was an extension, not a rental. Unfortunately, I later discovered this extension couldn't be applied to my residual value to lower the final amount.
Additionally, the forged document was uploaded blurry, which I believe was done on purpose. With the technology we have nowadays, for a document to come out that blurry seems intentional to me. I tried my best to get the clearest picture I could.
In a desperate attempt to resolve the issue, I left a detailed Yelp review. The owner of the dealership reached out to me via email but then failed to follow through with any meaningful action.
The dealership promised to honor the original deal I had on paper, leading Nissan to close my case. However, the dealership never honored that promise, especially since I secured my own financing and didn't use their services. When I called Nissan again to inform them, I was once again bounced around with no resolution.
I strongly advise anyone considering this dealership to think twice. Their lack of integrity and professionalism has caused me significant stress and financial inconvenience. Avoid this place at all costs!
If anyone has faced similar issues or has advice on how to handle this, please share your experiences.
Stay safe out there!
[Attached: Pictures of the Original & forged contract. The clear phots is the original and blurry one is the forged contract.]
Will defintely be contacted the Attorney General of the State
submitted by Impressive-Math-2206 to Nissan [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:23 Wooleyty The Dogman Ripped My Friends To Shreds During Our Camping Trip, My Journal Tells All

September 25th, 2023 Phoenix, Arizona
It's been fifteen years since I made it away from the creature in Manistee National Forest. My therapist said that I need to write about it, but every time I do, I don't know how to start. She told me to go through some old things from that time in my life and see if it starts any gears moving in my mind. I found a journal I kept that I'd completely forgotten about. I flipped to that day of the camping trip 15 years ago and wrote an entry for all the days we were out there.
I'd just graduated with a bachelor's in Journalism and mass communications. It'd been years since I'd seen my best friends and we decided to go camping. I'd write in my journal every day. I would write at the end of my day or a few days later if I didn't have time the night before.
My hand is shaking just writing this part, and I haven't gotten to the actual meat of the story. Ugh, Meat. That word makes me shutter.
I'll type the journal entries here:
September 25th, 2008, Manistee National Forest, Michigan
It's a beautiful day here in Manistee National Forest. The sun is shining through the leaves of the trees, and a light breeze is rustling the leaves. The scent of pine needles is strong in the air, and the sound of a nearby creek adds to the moment's serenity.
We've set up camp, and our tents are scattered about, creating a small community amid this natural wonderland. My friends, Remy and Will, are already starting a fire, laughing and joking as they work together to build a blaze. I feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me as I watch them, remembering the countless times we've been on adventures like this one.
I look around, taking in the beauty of our surroundings. The trees are tall and robust, their branches reaching up towards the sky like reaching arms. The underbrush is a patchwork of ferns and wildflowers, swaying gently in the breeze. There's a small creek not far from our campsite, its water clear and calm, perfect for swimming or washing up.
I make my way over to the fire, joining Remy and Will. "Hey, guys," I say, my voice filled with excitement. "This place is unbelievable."
Remy looks at me, his signature grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, man. I can't believe you talked us into this. You know how Will here hates camping." We both laugh while Will just rolls his eyes.
"Well, I figured it'd be a great way to reconnect," I say, glancing at Will. "You know, since graduation and all." An awkward silence hangs between us for a moment, and I can feel the tension that's always there whenever we're together. There's this invisible barrier we can never entirely break through since I left for college.
Remy leans in close, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "So, Landon, have you heard from anyone else? You know, old friends and whatnot?" He glances knowingly at Will, who shifts uncomfortably beside the fire.
I feel my cheeks flush red as I look at Remy. "Well, uh, not really. You know how it is. We all sort of went our separate ways after high school." I change the subject to focus on something other than the tension between us. "So, have you guys been out here before?"
"Nah, this is Will's first time," Remy says, nudging him playfully. "But I've been wanting to bring him out here for ages. I've heard these woods are teeming with wildlife. You know, bears and shit like that." He laughs, but there's a slight edge to his voice.
Will looks unconvinced. "Yeah, right. Bears in these woods? You just want to scare me."
"No, seriously," Remy insists, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "There are black bears out here. We could even go on a hike and find some. You know, get up close and personal with nature."
I glance at Will and then look back at Remy. We should stick to the campsite for now. You know, just enjoy the weekend and relax." Will says.
"Ah, come on," Remy whines. "This is the perfect opportunity. You might never get another chance to see a bear in the wild." He looks challengingly at Will as if daring him to refuse.
I decide to change the subject again, not wanting the tension between them to ruin our weekend. "Hey, guys, you want to help me gather some wood for the fire?" I ask, gesturing toward a fallen tree nearby.
Will looks relieved at the change of topic. "Sure, I can help with that." He stands up and follows me to the log while Remy remains by the fire.
We spend the next hour chopping wood and stacking it by the fire. The air is filled with the rhythmic thud of axes striking wood and the sounds of nature around us. The sunsets cast the forest in a warm, golden light. It's a beautiful sight, and for a moment, it feels like we're all part of something larger than ourselves.
Will and I continue to work in companionable silence, our minds drifting to our thoughts. It's odd how things change after high school. We used to be inseparable, but now our lives have gone in such different directions. I can't help but wonder if we'll ever find our way back to that closeness we once shared.
As the sun dips below the horizon, we join Remy by the fire. He sees the wood we've stacked with approval and pulls a few logs from the pile to keep the fire going. The flames leap to life, casting flickering shadows across our faces and dancing along the tree limbs overhead.
"So, Landon," Remy says, his voice taking on a more casual tone now that gathering wood is done. "How's life been treating you?"
"Oh, you know. Work's been good." I pause momentarily, trying to find the words to explain how different our lives have become. "It's just weird, you know...we don't see each other as much anymore. Our lives have taken us in different directions, you know?"
Remy nods, his expression somber. "Yeah, I know what you mean. It's hard to keep up with old friends sometimes, especially when you're both so busy." He glances at Will, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "But it's good to have you both here together, even if it is just for the weekend."
I feel a pang of guilt as I look between them. I've been neglecting them, focusing too much on my life and career. I've always considered them my best friend, but maybe that's changed over the years.
We decide to go to sleep after hours of reminiscing around the campfire. The stars twinkle above us, and the sounds of the forest lull us into a peaceful slumber. As I lay in my sleeping bag, I can't help but wonder about the weekend ahead. I feel a sense of camaraderie with Will and Remy, but there's also an underlying tension that I can't quite put my finger on.
Suddenly, I heard what I assumed was an animal moving just outside the campsite. I stood up quick and looked around but saw nothing. Will and Remy were asleep, their breathing slow and steady. The air felt tense, and the forest seemed to whisper secrets that I couldn't quite make out.
I decide to walk over to the edge of the campsite to see if I can spot anything. As I step carefully through the underbrush, I notice another noise like before, like something moving fast. I look up, trying to catch sight of it, but I can only get a blur moving out of sight. It moves so fast that it's hard to see where it went.
I return to the campsite, shaken by the experience. Will and Remy are still asleep. The air feels tense, and the forest seems to whisper secrets I can't quite make out.
I decided to get back into my sleeping bag and hoped it was just my eyes playing tricks on me. But as I close them, I feel the same sense of unease creeps back in. The air feels thick like something is watching us, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. I can't help but wonder if there's something or someone out there that we should be worried about.
I'm going to try to get back to sleep.
September 26th 2008
We woke up and made some eggs and bacon that we'd brought in a cooler. The air was cool and crisp, and the forest took on a different hue since last night. There was an edge to it, a tension that we couldn't quite shake. As we ate, we talked about our plans for the day.
After breakfast, we packed our camp and started hiking deeper into the woods. The trees grew thicker, and the underbrush more dense. The air felt heavy with the scent of pine and damp earth. I couldn't tell if it was my paranoia about last night, but I could've sworn I kept seeing something darting just in the corner of my eye. I sighed in relief when Will mentioned it, too.
"Are you guys seeing that?" Will asks in a shaky voice.
My head quickly turns to him, and we make eye contact, a silent understanding of our fears.
"What are you talking about?" Remy snapped
"I keep seeing something dart out of my vision," I say
"That's what I'm seeing too!" Will says in an excited relief that quickly turns to fear once again.
We kept hiking silently as the woods grew denser and the air grew heavier. I could feel the tension in my shoulders, my muscles tensing up.
"I swear to god something is following us." Will whispers as he looks over his shoulders.
Remy laughs, trying to sound more confident than he feels. "Guys, come on. There's nothing out there; it's just nerves." But the way his eyes dart around, I can tell he's not entirely convinced.
We continue to hike deeper into the woods, the air growing heavier with each step. The underbrush is so dense that it's hard to see more than a few feet in front of us. I can feel the sweat starting to bead on my forehead.
We find a small clearing and set up camp again. We brought some firewood with us, so Remy started a fire immediately. The sun is beginning to set and I can tell Will is still on edge about what we saw while hiking. Remy keeps himself busy with the fire, and I can tell Will's uncertainty makes him weary.
"I'm going to take a shit over here so no one disturbs me," Will says as he points toward some bushes and gets up.
"Need any help?" Remy asks playfully, but Will does not react.
Remy and I silently sit by the fire before I ask, "Will seems a little on edge. Is everything okay?"
Remy looks at me, his eyebrow arches in confusion, "Do you not know?"
I stare at him in silence, shaking my head, confused.
"Dani and Will broke up last month. He's not really doing great right now." Remy informs me
The news shocks me. Will and Dani were inseparable in high school, almost annoyingly so. We would never be able to hang out with Will by himself. Dani made his way into our friend group by force through Will.
"Oh shit. I had no clue." I say
Will walks over as he rubs hand sanitizer between his hands. "What's for dinner, boys?"
Remy pulls out the cooler and opens it. He rummages a little bit before pulling out an ice pack. He looks confused and flustered as he frantically tries to find something in the cooler.
"It's empty," Remy says as he slowly looks up at us.
"Stop fucking around-" Will begins to say before we hear the rustling on the outskirts of the clearing, we all quickly turn our heads toward the direction.
There's a sudden silence as we all realize what's happening. Something, or someone, is stalking us.
Will stands up and screams, "Who the fuck is there? Come out, you fucking coward!"
Silence fills the forest as all animals and wind stop suddenly. Will's face melts into fear. We all sit in silence as we wait for something to happen. When nothing happens after a few minutes, Will turns around slowly and makes eye contact with me. Suddenly, something large, like a black wolf but far more significant and almost human as it stood on only two legs, quickly jumps out behind Will and digs its large knife-like claws into both his collar bones. It pulls Will back into the forest, and we hear his cries fade the further he is dragged.
Remy and I stare at the empty space that once held Will in horror. My heart is pounding out of my chest, and I feel like I can't breathe. Remy turns to me, his eyes wide with fear, "We have to go now. We have to leave."
I nod in agreement, unable to find my voice. We both stand up and quickly gather our things, looking around wildly as we decide which direction to go.
As we grabbed things, I heard a large thud outside the clearing where Will stood. Afraid to look, I signal for Remy as he stares at something in horror behind me. I'm still too scared to look, but I force myself. I couldn't tell what it was at first. There, tossed carelessly, lay a pile of skinned human limbs, a torso, and a head. The fleshless appendages were jumbled together in a chaotic mess, bones jutting out at odd angles and sinew glistening in the dim light. The head, stripped of its skin, bore vacant, eyeless sockets, its teeth bared in a permanent, macabre smile. The sight was horrifyingly surreal as if a butcher had gone mad in some twisted nightmare. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, a stench so overwhelming it made me gag. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the ghastly scene, every detail etching itself into my memory with sickening clarity.
Before we could say anything, a loud, lion-like roar filled the forest and echoed into my skull. I swear I felt the vibrations of the sound inside my head.
Remy grabs my arm, and we start running deeper into the woods. I can hear the beast behind us, getting closer with each passing second. My heart is racing, my lungs burning for air. I don't know what's chasing us, but I know we have to keep running.
We run for hours through dense forests and across open fields. The sun begins to set, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. I try to keep my bearings, but I'm disoriented and terrified. Remy trips over a fallen log and lands hard on the ground, wincing in pain.
"Keep going," he gasps, struggling to get back up. "We have to keep going."
I don't want to leave him to limp, but I know we can't stay here. I nod, taking a deep breath to steady my racing heart and force myself to keep running. Behind me, I can hear Remy pushing himself up, his footsteps scrambling over the leaves and dirt.
We continue through the forest, the shadows growing longer and darker around us. The trees seem to close in, forming a dense, impenetrable wall that traps us within. I try to remember the way back to the car, but I'm so disoriented now that I'm not sure I could find it even if I tried.
I stop hearing the Monster behind us, so I stop to catch my breath. Remy runs up behind me, limping. He falls onto a rock, sitting down as he struggles through wheezing breath. He pulls out his inhaler, takes three big puffs, and holds it in. He struggles until he finally releases and coughs. I look at him, and he glares back at me. He's scared.
"I don't know where we are," I whisper. "I don't know where to go."
"We have to keep moving," Remy says, still slightly wheezing from his asthma attack. He pulls himself up onto his feet and offers me a hand, but I look away, still needing to catch my breath.
"I don't know where to go," I whisper, my voice barely audible over the sound of my racing heart.
Remy hesitates for a moment, his brow furrowed in thought. "Listen," he says, his voice quiet but steady. "If we stay here, we're dead. We have to keep moving."
He takes my hand and pulls me to my feet. I can feel the warmth of his skin, and it somehow grounds me. We walk again through the dense underbrush, our footsteps muffled by leaves and dirt. The darkness around us is almost complete now, but I can still see Remy's figure as I check on him behind me.
"Do you even know where we are going?" I ask
Remy stays silent as he continues to limp behind me. I focus on the sounds around us, hoping to find some clue as to where we are or where we should go. The forest presses in on us from all sides, blocking any possible escape. My heart is still racing, my breath coming in short, ragged gasps.
"Okay, we have to stop." I hear Remy say behind me. I look back and see that he's already sitting on the ground, carefully taking the shoe off the hurt foot.
He winces in pain as he struggles to get the hiking boot off. When he finally gets it off, he peels the sock off to expose his swollen ankle.
"Ah fuck!" Remy says in pain as he realizes his injury is worse than he thought.
I walk over to him as he rests his head back onto a rock in defeat, "I can't keep going."
I sit beside him, hopefully comforting him, but he looks offended.
"You can't stay with me, Landon. At least one of us has to get out of here." Remy says between breaths.
I ignore him and rest my head on the rock next to his. Before I knew it, he was snoring. I knew the pain wouldn't let him sleep for long, but he needed it. I also drifted off eventually.
September 27th, 2008
I was awoken by Remy's winces as he tried to sleep. I looked at my watch, and it was 3am. I knew we were both exhausted, but I couldn't help but feel restless. I decided to stand up and stretch, wincing as my sore muscles protested. I looked around, trying to find some sign of civilization, but the forest seemed to stretch endlessly in all directions.
I nudged him gently. "Hey, let's keep going," I said softly. He opened his eyes blearily and looked at me. He looked around for a second in confusion and then remembered the day prior as he let out a long sigh.
I put his arm around my shoulder and lifted him so we could keep walking. The pain in his foot was unbearable, but I knew we couldn't stop. After what felt like hours, we stumbled across a dirt road. It was faint in the moonlight, but we could make out the tracks from a car or truck.
I slowly let Remy down to sit as I decided to follow the road to try and find help. It was still pitch black all around me, but the moon lit the road.
After assuring Remy that I would be back, I went on my way. The dirt road wound through the dense forest, the trees pressing in on either side like they were trying to keep the light away from me. I tried to focus on putting one foot in front of the other, but my mind kept drifting back to Remy, wondering if he would be okay.
I was so lost in thought for what must've been hours as the sun started rising. I didn't notice the sound of something big following me from the forest edge. My mind must've been racing so much that I didn't notice. I couldn't hear the giant footsteps when I stopped. Only when I started walking again did the Monster continue to follow from the tree line.
I turned toward it, my mind tired and exhausted as I screamed, "What the fuck do you want?! Come get me; I'm right here!" I was too tired, both physically and mentally, to fight or run anymore as I accepted the same fate as Will.
I heard it move some more, and I closed my eyes and braced myself for what was coming. I heard something quickly leave the tree line and land before my feet. I waited, but nothing happened, so I slowly opened my eyes and looked down at my feet.
I saw another human body, limbs, head, and torso torn apart. I could see Remy's shirt torn within what I can only describe as 'Meat.'
I screamed as I realized this was Remy's remains. I fell back onto my butt and frantically scooted myself backward, away from the Monster that I knew hid behind the brush in front of me.
The creature slowly stands from a squat, fully revealing itself. It must have been over seven feet tall, jet black, leather skin and fur. Its face was like a wolf, but its teeth went on forever like a great white shark. It stood there, breathing heavily, staring me down. I didn't know what to do. I sat there forever, thinking about the pain I was about to be in. I thought about Will's screams as he was yanked into the forest.
Suddenly, a loud bang from a rifle fills my ears from behind me. I close my eyes, and my ears start to ring. I've never felt more disoriented in my life. Moments seemed to slow down as I opened my eyes and saw the Monster gripping its shoulder as it roared in my direction and ran further into the forest, away from the edge.
Time is still moving slowly. I look back and see an older man with a short military-grade buzz. It was white with age, and his full but kempt beard still had sprinkles of pepper.
Suddenly, time returned to normal as I observed my surroundings. I saw the pile of meat that Remy once inhabited, and I quickly made my way to my feet, backing away from the man with the rifle.
He cocks his head, looking at me curiously as I approach him cautiously. "Are you... okay?" he asks, lowering the rifle slowly to his side.
I stare at him in disbelief, unable to make myself say anything. He looks at me with understanding eyes and then gestures for me to follow him. I do as he says, walking slowly behind him as he starts back down the dirt road.
I look behind me at Remy's pile and stop, "I can't leave him here like this." I say, "We have to at least bury him."
The man lets out a sigh of annoyance but comes around after a few seconds and helps me bury Remy off to the side of the road.
I stand in silence in front of the pile of dirt as the man waits impatiently a few feet away. I start to think of all the memories all three of us had. I wished I could return to get Will, or at least whatever remained of him, and give him a semi-proper burial like Remy.
"We'd all met in fourth grade," I say out loud to the man waiting for me.
He looks back at me in surprise.
"We had Ms. Birtch. She was so mean, we called her Ms. Bitch." I chuckle to myself.
"Look, we gotta get out of here now. I know you just lost your friend, but we can come back later to reminisce." The man says as he looks at me, annoyed.
I look up and realize he's right. I kneel and place my hand on the dirty pile before getting up and following the man further down the dirt road.
We walked for about 30 minutes, and the sun glared in our eyes as it rose. The old man's name was Steve, and he seemed to be a former soldier, but he didn't talk about it much. He had a way of making me feel safe and protected. He led me to a small cabin nestled in the trees off the dirt road. The cabin was quaint and well-maintained, with a small garden out front and a few chickens scratching around in the dirt.
"This is my home," he said as he opened the door and gestured for me to enter. "Please, make yourself comfortable."
I enter the home and immediately ask, "Do you have a phone? Mine doesn't have service out here."
He shakes his head, but I follow him as he enters the kitchen. He opens the old white fridge door and pulls out a milk carton. He places it on the dining table and fetes a glass from above the sink. He grabs another one and gestures it toward me. I look down at the milk and shake my head no. He only grabs one glass and sits at the table as he pours himself a glass of milk. He takes a long gulp and places the glass back down. He gestures for me to sit, so I do.
"I don't have a phone here," he says, "but I know where we can get to a radio to get you out of here." The man says as he takes another sip of the milk.
I look at him, confused. "What do you mean get me out of here?" I ask, still sitting down at the table.
He looks past me, so I turn around and see a picture on the wall. It's the man but much younger. He was surrounded by three children and a woman. It must be his family.
"Does your family live here too?" I ask
He stops, moves his gaze back to me, sits back in his chair, and sighs.
"They used to." He says in his grizzly voice.
I waited for him to expand, but he never did.
"Did that... monster... get them?" I ask hesitantly, not wanting to offend the man who saved my life.
He gets up from the chair and goes to the window above the sink. He stares for a long time before speaking. "I guess technically they're still here."
I get up and stand next to him, looking into his backyard. It seems overgrown, as if it has not been tended to in years. The grass was growing between brick paths, and bushes reached across the path like thick underbrush. Everything was unkempt except for one square. In that square, there were four headstones. The man's family.
"Yes," the man says as I look at him, "that monster got them."
I helped the man do chores for the rest of the day until the sun went below the mountains.
The rest of the night was spent planning how to get to the radio tomorrow morning. He said it was in an old radio tower up in the mountains.
The man told me I'd need to rest for tomorrow, but as I slept in the cot in the living room, I couldn't stop dreaming about the Monster and what it did to Will and Remy or what it would do to me.
September 28th 2008
As expected, I didn't get much sleep, but when the man shook me awake, it was still dark out. He told me to dress warm, as the radio tower was a ways up the mountain and the air would be cold. I dressed quickly in the clothes he had laid for me, and we set off into the darkness. The stars were visible, twinkling above us as we hiked through the woods. The man led the way, moving silently through the darkness, his hand resting on a walking stick.
The man was more talkative today as if he hadn't had anyone to talk to in years. I learned his name is Gary, and he and his family lived in Boston. They decided to take a no-technology vacation out here four years ago. They rented the cabin he brought me to, which Gary now owns. He came from money, so that was never the problem.
When I asked why he lived out here, he paused briefly before saying, "I can't leave my family." That was the last thing he said before we reached the tower.
It took about an hour and a half to make it to the tower. It was overgrown, and Gary told me it had been years since he'd last climbed it. When we reached the top, the first rays of sunlight began to peak over the horizon. The radio tower was ancient and rusty, and the steps leading up to it were rickety at best.
"So, what's the plan?" I asked as I carefully made my way up the steps.
The man stayed silent and kept climbing the winding stairs. Something seemed off like the man had changed.
Gary looked down at the tree line below us. I looked too and only caught a blur as the creature ran off and the bushes swayed in its place. Gary grins and looks at me, "Go down."
Surprised, I stare at him, confused. He grabs me by the shirt and pulls me closer, "Go. Down." His hot, stinky breath envelops my face. He pushes me back, forcing me to grab the railing to keep myself from falling. When he sees that he failed in pushing me, he snarls and continues climbing the stairs faster, skipping a step.
I hear the Monster's roar right below us as I see it climbing up through the metal grate. I freeze, not knowing what to do. Then I hear Gary's voice over a PA system. It rings loud into my ears before he talks, "Kid, I said get the fuck down. You don't need to be another victim of this thing!"
Still frozen, even more confused by his words, I look down again and see the Monster climbing the metal poles that held the structure up. I watched the creature scale the radio tower with an eerie, almost unnatural agility. Each movement was swift and precise, powerful claws gripping the metal rungs effortlessly. The tower seemed to shudder under its weight, a low creaking sound accompanying each ascent. I could see its eyes glowing with a feral intensity, focused on something far above. The sight was both mesmerizing and terrifying, a primal fear gripping me as I watched this Monster get closer and closer to me.
Finally, I snap out of it when Gary's voice fills the sky again, "Let's fucking go, you mangey half-breed!"
The creature seemed to move faster at his voice like it knew him personally. As it finally made it to me, it leaped toward me on the stairs, but I could move to the side and almost dodge it completely. It jumped so far that it nearly flew off the side of the tower. As it reached for the railing to save itself from falling, it snatched onto my elbow, slicing it so bad I could see the bone.
Grabbing onto my wound, trying to keep my skin from peeling completely off, I started running back down the stairs. The Monster looks down at me, and I can tell it's about to pounce on me, but Gary's voice distracts it again, "You don't want that little shit, you mutt! Come get some seasoned meat!" The Monster starts climbing toward Gary again.
Gary starts laughing. A laugh only a person who has given up on everything could. It slowly turned to sobbing as I heard his last words, "I love you, Mary, Lilly, and little Amber. Margaret, I'm sorry, but I can't live without you-" Just then, the Monster made it to the top, where Gary was in a little structure attached to the tower.
Everything was silent. I started sprinting down the stairs, almost to the bottom, when my hearing went and I only heard a ringing. Again, things moved in slow motion as I looked up and saw an enormous explosion coming from the structure Gary was in. The ground started to rumble as things went back to average speed, and I tried to make it down in time before the whole rickety structure collapsed.
It must've been adrenalin that got me out in time. The tower began to crumble and toppled in the opposite direction of me.
I stood there, waiting for the Monster to emerge, but it never did. I sat down, still holding my wound as it seeped warm blood all over me. I sat there, knowing help was not coming, accepting my imminent death for what felt like hours.
I must've passed out because the next thing I remember was having water thrown onto my face as I lay on the ground. A man and a woman were tending to my elbow wound and, in my delirium, snatched my arm away and began running from the rescue team. I ran for what felt like hours before passing out. I later learned that I ran only about 50 feet before passing out. Now I'm in the hospital tending to my elbow.
How will I ever live with this? How could I go on?
September 25th, 2023
I only remember a little after that. I remember telling authorities about the Monster and how it mauled Will and Remy. I also told them about Gary, and they were able to find all three bodies, well, what was left of them. They never saw any sign of the Monster, though.
After telling them the unbelievable story, I have to admit, I would have a hard time believing I was a suspect in all their murders. After years of trying, they could never find any evidence against me.
After many attempts to end my life, I decided I wouldn't let that Monster win; even after it was out of my life, I refused to let it be the reason I go.
submitted by Wooleyty to ZakBabyTV_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:17 DiscoverDurham Things to do in Durham this week!

If you’d like to add an event to our calendar, submit an event here. Please check with the event organizers to see if events change due to weather. Have a great week!
See the full weekly calendar on our website.

Noteworthy Events

The Lion King at DPAC
Durham Bulls vs Memphis at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
The Patio Dance Parties : Clueless Fridays at Unscripted Durham
Taste of Soul NC at Durham Central Park
Durham Underground Market at Durham Central Park
Sweet Tea: A Sunday Tea Dance Presented by Stormie Daie! at The Velvet Hippo Bar & Lounge

Multi-Day Events

Historic Buildings Open House at West Point on the Eno Park
Movies at The Carolina Theatre

Monday, May 20

9:30 a.m.
Discovery Paddle at Eno River
2 p.m.
Board Game Night at The Glass Jug in Downtown Durham
5 p.m.
Arts & Drafts at Fullsteam Brewery
6 p.m.
Disc Golf Putting League at The Glass Jug in RTP
6:30 p.m.
Silent Book Club at DSSOLVR Durham
Trivia Night at Ponysaurus Brewing Company
7 p.m.
We Still Skating Adult Skate Class at Durty Bull Brewing Brewing Company
Community Board Game Night at Moon Dog Meadery
8 p.m.
Monsoon at Rubies on Five Points

Tuesday, May 21

Events at Boxyard RTP
Events at Durty Bull Brewing Brewing Company
Events at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in Downtown Durham
Events at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in RTP
5:30 p.m.
Thomas Taylor's Third Tuesday Jam: The Music of Dizzy Gillespie at Sharp 9 Gallery
6 p.m.
Queer Talent Show at Arcana
Pints & Pups at Ponysaurus Brewing Company
Bring Your Own Vinyl with Jaffar at Rubies on Five Points
Dancing With The Carolina Stars Fundraiser at The Carolina Theatre
Women on the Wall at Triangle Rock Club - Durham
6:30 p.m.
Trivia at Durham Food Hall
6:35 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Memphis at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
7 p.m.
Trivia at Beer Study Durham
King Trivia Tuesdays at Boxcar Bar + Arcade
Not Rocket Science Trivia at DSSOLVR Durham
Tuesday Blues Jam at The Blue Note Grill
7:30 p.m.
Eloquent Soul - Open Mic Night hosted by Dasan Ahanu at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
8 p.m.
Jeremy 'Bean' Clemons Trio at Kingfisher
Julia Holter at Motorco Music Hall

Wednesday, May 22

Events at Boxcar Bar + Arcade
Events at Boxyard RTP
Events at ZincHouse Winery & Brewery
2 p.m.
Film Screening — "Temple Grandin" at Durham County Main Library
3 p.m.
Durham Farmers’ Market at Durham Central Park
Seeing Without Eyes: Walking the Tightrope between Doubt and Belief at Rhine Research Center ~ Online
4 p.m.
Whiskey Wednesdays at Alley Twenty Six
5 p.m.
Free Wednesday Wine Tasting at Beer Study Durham
5:30 p.m.
"Take Tea Like a Bridgerton" Experience at JB Duke Hotel
6 p.m.
Figure Drawing and Tarot with Heiltje at Arcana
6:30 p.m.
Trivia Night with Pickle at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in RTP
6:35 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Memphis at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
7 p.m.
My Hero Academia TCG Girl Power Prerelease at Atomic Empire
Hammered Trivia at Hi-Wire Brewing
Karaoke Night at Mavericks Smokehouse
Music Bingo at Ponysaurus Brewing Company
Brett Chambers Open Mic at The Blue Note Grill
8 p.m.
Trivia Night at Bull McCabe's
Karaoke at Moon Dog Meadery
Queer Country Night w/ Line Dancing + Country Karaoke at The Pinhook
10 p.m.
World Goth Day All Vinyl Dance Party at Rubies on Five Points

Thursday, May 23

Events at Durty Bull Brewing Brewing Company
12 p.m.
Taking Back Thursday: Mysti Mayhem at Boxyard RTP
1 p.m.
Botany Spotlight: Bamboo at Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Meet the Keepers at Sarah P. Duke Gardens
3 p.m.
Guided Museum Tour at 21c Museum Hotels Durham
5 p.m.
Night Market at American Tobacco Campus
Thirsty Thursdays at Dashi
5:30 p.m.
World Turtle Day Celebration at Piedmont Wildlife Center
Walking Club with Bull City Strollers at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in Downtown Durham
6 p.m.
Dyke Night and Tarot with Rene at Arcana
Dungeons n' Drafts at DSSOLVR Durham
Vinyl Night with DJ Deckades at Gizmo Brew Works
“Rhythms of the Rumba” Dance Class at Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club
6:15 p.m.
Pony Run at Ponysaurus Brewing Company
6:30 p.m.
Line Dance Classes at Mystic Farm and Distillery
Sacred Traditions: Exploring African-Based Spirituality at Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University
Boulders & Brews Meetup at Triangle Rock Club - Durham
DIY Charcuterie Class at Weldon Mills Distillery
6:35 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Memphis at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
7 p.m.
Trivia Night at Beer Tooth Taproom
Bring Your Own Vinyl Night at Congress Social Bar
Sound Bath at Duke Memorial United Methodist Church
Summer Jazz Jam (Curated by Al Strong) at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
Community Board Game Night at Moon Dog Meadery
Periodic Tables: Beyond HIPAA – Mental Health Apps, Health Data, And Privacy at Motorco Music Hall
7:30 p.m.
Trivia Night with Big Slow Tom at Clouds Brewing Brightleaf Square
8 p.m.
Weekly Single Mingle at Boxcar Bar + Arcade
Trivia at Fullsteam Brewery
Megayacht / Hypnic Jerk at The Pinhook
9:30 p.m.
Karaoke Night at The Tavern

Friday, May 24

Events at Durty Bull Brewing Company
10 a.m.
Tasting at Ten at Counter Culture Coffee
12 p.m.
Co-Working Social at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in Downtown Durham
5 p.m.
Food Truck Friday at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in RTP
5:30 p.m.
Friday Night Live: Emily Musolino at Boxyard RTP
6 p.m.
Jo & Lee Tarot with Emily at Arcana
Friday Night Makes at Durham Arts Council
Yonder at The Blue Note Grill
The Patio Dance Parties : Clueless Fridays at Unscripted Durham
6:35 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Memphis at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
7 p.m.
Negativland + Sue-C Present "We Can Really Feel Like We're Here" at Motorco Music Hall
Tim Wells & Les Bons Temps — Cajun Dance Party at Succotash Southern & Creole Kitchen
7:30 p.m.
Recital: Spring Star-tacular at Barriskill Dance Theatre School
Members-Only Rose` Party at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
Keith Waters/Jon Metzger Quartet at Sharp 9 Gallery
8 p.m.
Stereo Reveries at DSSOLVR Durham
Karaoke! at Fullsteam Brewery
9 p.m.
Hush Hush at Mettlesome
Leo Album Release Party! at Moon Dog Meadery
Lip Sync 4 Ur Life + PHK Karaoke at The Pinhook

Saturday, May 25

Events at Atomic Empire
Events at Boxyard RTP
Events at Durty Bull Brewing Company
Distillery Tours and Tastings at Liberty & Plenty
Events at Mettlesome
Events at Moon Dog Meadery
Events at The Blue Note Grill
Guided Walking Tours with Triangle Adventures
8 a.m.
Durham Farmers' Market at Durham Central Park
parkrun Durham at Southern Boundaries Park
9 a.m.
South Durham Farmers' Market at Greenwood Commons Shopping Center
9:30 a.m.
Women's Introduction to Standup Paddleboarding at Falls Lake
10 a.m.
Party for the Planet at Museum of Life and Science
Flower Portraits at Sarah P. Duke Gardens
12 p.m.
Crafternoons at Gizmo Brew Works
3 p.m.
Taste of Soul NC at Durham Central Park
4 p.m.
Mystic Medieval Knights at Mystic Farm & Distillery
5 p.m.
Opening Reception - Renzo Ortega "Acts of Serenity" at Craven Allen Gallery
6 p.m.
Tarot with Heiltje at Arcana
Doodle Jam at Lonerider Distillery and Taproom
6:30 p.m.
Blackhawk Quintet at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
6:35 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Memphis at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
7 p.m.
The Lofi Lounge at American Underground
7:15 p.m.
Sunset Float at Falls Lake
7:30 p.m.
Full Moon Fever Bike Ride at American Tobacco Trail
Recital: Spring Star-tacular at Barriskill Dance Theatre School
MOSS: Theo Bleckmann, Peter Eldridge, Lauren Kinhan, Jo Lawry, Kate McGarry at Sharp 9 Gallery
9 p.m.
Blackhawk Quintet at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
Boston 168 at The Fruit
10 p.m.
House of Black Dance Party at The Pinhook

Sunday, May 26

10 a.m.
Jazz Brunch at Lula & Sadie's
10:30 a.m.
Al Strong Presents Jazz Brunch at Alley Twenty Six
11 a.m.
Durham Underground Market at Durham Central Park
12 p.m.
One Piece TCG Tournament at Atomic Empire
Sunday Dollar Bin Sale for Charity at Rumors Durham
Farmers Market at ZincHouse Winery & Brewery
12:15 p.m.
Public Tour at Duke Chapel
2 p.m.
Soul Sunday w/ DJ Soul at Congress Social Bar
Hammered Trivia with Casey at Durty Bull Brewing Company
Hillandale Golf Beginner Clinic at Hillandale Golf Course
4 p.m.
IAR Adopt-a-Dog Fundraiser at Boxcar Bar + Arcade
Sweet Tea: A Sunday Tea Dance Presented by Stormie Daie! at The Velvet Hippo Bar & Lounge
5:05 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Memphis at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
6 p.m.
Ann Arader and Tarot with Rene at Arcana
6:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night at Moon Dog Meadery
8 p.m.
Beloved Presents: Innerworlds at Rubies on Five Points

Running Art Exhibits

Constellations: 40 Years of Explorations within Sacred Geometry by Steven Ferlauto at Horse & Buggy Press and Friends
Cameron Elyse's Divine Nine Legacy Memoir Exhibition at Hayti Heritage Center
It Ain’t All Black And White at DAG Truist Gallery
María Magdalena Campos-Pons: Behold at Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University
Ley Killeya: Solitary Women at 5 Points Gallery
Counterpoints at Durham Bottling Co.
submitted by DiscoverDurham to bullcity [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:15 FelicitySmoak_ Monday, May 20, 2013 - Jackson v. AEG Live Day 14

Monday, May 20, 2013 - Jackson v. AEG Live Day 14
Trial Day 14. Week 4
Katherine, Rebbie and Trent Jackson were at court.
Before testimony starts, Judge Yvette Palazuelos admonished the audience that no one is allowed to talk to jurors. Someone approached one of them. Apparently someone (person wasn’t identified) spoke with a juror, which is a big no-no. Could lead to a mistrial.
Julie Hollander Testimony
AEG cross
"Each member of the crew, dancers, musicians had an agreement as to weekly payment", Hollander explained
Hollander said AEG never paid Dr. Conrad Murray because the contract had not been fully executed. Based on the contract, Hollander said payment for Dr. Murray should be to GCA, the doctor's employer
Dr. Murray represented he's licensed cardiologist practicing in Las Vegas and that he acts as the Artist's general practitioner
Hollander says Dr. Murray could only be paid after the contract was fully executed, including the signature of MJ, due to the personal nature of the service. AEG attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina went over part of Conrad Murray’s contract related to how he would have been paid. Julie Hollander testified she was told not to pay Murray until the contract was signed by all parties, including AEG and Jackson. Hollander said last week that she was told not to pay Murray until Jackson’s signature was on the contract
Hollander said she has never seen an agreement where the artist had to sign off on a contract for services. Hollander said last week that she was told not to pay Murray until Jackson’s signature was on the contract. AEG exec Julie Hollander re-iterated last week’s testimony that Murray’s contract was the only one she saw requiring MJ’s signature.
Hollander explained that budget is a tool where you plan your future expenses. The book documents the actual expenses incurred. Bina showed Hollander the report she prepared on 10/21/09 that was sent to MJ's Estate with the costs incurred as advances for the This Is It tour.
Next document Bina showed a comparison of Budget v. Actual expenses as of Oct. 2009. Julie Hollander told a jury the tally involved expenses compiled through October 2009, roughly three months after Michael's death. Budget documents shown in the courtroom show the production was more than $2 million over budget, and that AEG made no payments to Conrad Murray

  • Budget Total: Budget: $22,228,000 /Actual: $24,835,011
  • Management Medical Budget: $300,000/ Actual: Zero
  • Public Relations Budget: $18,000 /Actual: Zero
  • Rehearsal Per Diems: Budget: $175,000 /Actual: $89,751
  • Rehearsal Facilities: Budget: $871,000/ Actual: $1,553,558
Jackson re-direct
In re-direct, Panish asked Hollander if it was true that public relations was not paid $18,000 because MJ died. She said no
Panish: Do you know what that $18,000 is for?
Hollander: No
Panish: Budget and actual payment for rehearsals per diem were different because Mr. Jackson died, correct?
Hollander: No
Hollander didn't know the per diem schedule, so she said she didn't know the answers
Panish: You didn't pay Dr. Murray, did you?
Hollander: No
Panish: That's why it's not there (on doc shown)
Hollander: Yes
"But all the estimates include payment for Dr. Murray?", Panish asked
"That's what shows in this paper," Hollander responded.
Promoter shall make advanced to cover mutually-approved production costs up to but not exceeding $7.5 million
Panish shows Dr. Murray's contract and asked Hollander if anywhere in the agreement is says this was a draft agreement.
"In my experience, a draft is a term used to describe an agreement that has not been signed by all parties involved", Hollander explained.
Panish: Is it your experience people sign draft agreements?
Hollander: My experience is that until everyone signs, it can be changed. If this version had been signed by everybody, would've been final
The contract was from 5/1/09 until the end of the This Is It tour
I was told it was put in there at the request of the artist, Hollander said
Panish asked if MJ had to approve $150K payment for Dr Murray
"I've never been involved in a tour where AEG hired a doctor", Hollander said. "It's never happened before. I know in my experience it's not typical for a promoter or producer to hire a doctor"
Panish questioned Hollander about Dr. Murray's company and she said it was a LLC in Nevada.
"Do you know what GCA is? Does it sell popcorn?"
Panish asked Hollander if there was a written policy against someone working for AEG without an executed contract. She said she isn't aware of any. Hollander said there's a policy against paying people without fully executed contract.
Hollander said tour promoters don't get involved in what it takes to actually put the show together. The artist does. AEG Live is more promoter than producers of shows, Hollander said. They promoted upwards of 100 tours, produced only a few, she testified.
"Acting as producer you get more money than just as promoter, right?", Panish asked
Hollander agreed, saying they have earning potentials
Hollander said the Michael Jackson Estate approved the cost of the tour expenses incurred by AEG
Panish: You don't know whether the artist was supposed to approve the cost while it was incurred and not after his death, correct?
Panish asked Hollander how it was that she testified last week she worked in 20 concerts and today she said it was more than 100. Hollander said she looked through materials at work and it refreshed her recollection. Panish said he wants to see the list of tours. "My estimate was 20 tours up until 2009", Hollander said. "From 09 to today, she said it's upward of 100"
Panish: "Do you have any understanding whether Dr. Murray expected to get paid?"
Hollander: "Only along those lines, yes"
Julie Hollander was then excused subject to recall if needed.
Shawn Trell Testimony
Jackson Direct
Katherine Jackson's attorneys called Shawn Trell as next witness. Brian Panish doing questioning, Trell is an adverse witness
Shawn Trell is the Senior Vice President and General Counsel for AEG Live for 10 years. He's been with the company for 13 years
Trell said he met with defendants' attorneys for a few hours Saturday and Sunday, reviewed documents to refresh his recollection
"I'm the client's representative in the court", Trell said
Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish asked Trell about his relationship with AEG’s trial counsel, Marvin Putnam. Putnam and Trell went to law school together, but Trell said he’s only known Putnam for three or four years. Marvin Putnam and Trell went to Georgetown Law School together, but only realized they went to the same school after the trial started
Attorney Shawn Trell was the one who drafted & edited Michael Jackson’s contract with AEG Live.
Panish: Did you enter in a contract with Mr. Jackson for the This Is It tour?
Trell: Yes
Trell said he was involved in drafting the agreement, but in his deposition, he said he had drafted it himself
Panish also asked Trell about his knowledge of Michael Jackson’s interest in producing movies with an AEG film group. Trell said he knew Jackson wanted to produce movies, but he wasn’t aware that MJ wanted to work specifically with AEG. Trell said he's aware MJ wanted to produce films and Anschutz has a film company. Trell said he never heard that Randy Phillips spoke with DreamWorks about producing a MJ movie.
Trell said he never discussed with Tim Leiweke, former AEG's CEO, about MJ. Leiweke is no longer with AEG, Trell said
Trell was interviewed by LAPD.
"I think they were interested in what we knew about Dr. Murray"
Trell said he produced all the materials LAPD asked of him. Panish asked if he turned over only one email, and he said he didn't recall
Trell said he's confident he turned over all the material requested of AEG Live. Outside the presence of the jury, Jessica Stebbins Bina said there are about 200,000 pages of documents. Panish said Trell has been designated in 24 categories as having knowledge and being the most qualified to speak on behalf of AEG. Panish said the witnesses he will spend most time on are Randy Phillips, Paul Gongaware and Shawn Trell
Panish asked if AEG Live sent a letter to MJ's Estate after he died trying to recoup money. Trell said he didn't recall. Panish showed an AEG Live letter written to MJ's Estate with costs incurred for the tour. It was signed by AEG's CFO.
"This report was sent to the Estate as an accounting and an effort to recoup the money based on the agreement," Trell said.
The report indicated around $30 million had been spent on the production of the tour. The report included $300K to pay Dr. Murray. Panish noted that the report was sent to MJ's Estate to recoup money "spent." AEG never paid Dr. Murray.
"To me, it was a mistake," Trell said about including payment to Dr. Murray
Trell, testifying Monday in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial, also said his company's chief financial officer made another major error by classifying Dr. Murray's fees as "production costs" and not "advances" in all of the budgets for Jackson's This It It tour.
"Mistakenly, yes," Trell said. Despite these "mistakes," Trell called the CFO "a very detailed-oriented guy"
MJ was given $5 million in advance:
  • $3 million was to pay settlement of a lawsuit
  • $100,000/month for Carolwood house lease
Trell said MJ was already in the house at Carolwood when they entered into the agreement. AEG was to assist MJ to get $15 million in credit line, or would advance the money, so MJ could buy a house in Las Vegas, Trell testified
Trell said Tohme Tohme was acting as MJ's manager at the time and was to be paid no more than $100,000. Panish asked if AEG Live ever had a contract that included pay for artist's personal manager's salary:
"I don't recall one. This was the only time we paid a personal manager", Trell testified.
AEG Live's producer's fee: 5% of net tour income
Panish asked if Dr. Murray was listed in every budget after May 8, 2009:
"He was listed incorrectly as production cost," Trell said
After lunch break, Panish asked Trell is AEG was getting 5% as producer and 10% as promoter of the show, and he said yes. Panish shows a document with AEG Mission Statement. One of the bullet points is "to create land maximize revenue streams"
As of June 2009, Trell said AEG was not sure the extent of Jackson's assets to secure the interests of the company.
"There's an inherent risk in any commercial undertaking," Trell said.

"It wasn't a sure thing that AEG would get back the $35 million spent. By the time they spent $35 million, tickets were already been sold", Trell said and they knew the tour was sold out. "The development of a tour is a fluid thing, there were conversations between our side and MJ's side all the time", Trell said. "I don't know when I became aware the production cost exceeded $7.5 million," Trell testified.
As to non-appearance insurance, Trell said he got insurance for $17.5 million

Panish: After MJ died, you drafted an agreement to approve productions costs?
Trell: Yes
The letter was drafted on June 28, 2009, 3 days of MJ's death.
"I wouldn't characterize it as trying to get the monies back," Trell said.
Panish explained the letter was to get confirmation of all the money spent so AEG could recoup the money spent. Trell said there was nothing in writing saying Mr. Tohme was an officer of MJ's company. He said Mr. Tohme verbalized it to him, though.
"I had nothing in writing," Trell said about Tohme representing MJ. "Presumably they could've objected if they felt it wasn't true."
Trell said Mr. Tohme represented to him he was representing MJ.
"I had no reason not to believe him"
He was also asked about a letter he sent to Tohme Tohme, MJ’s onetime manager. Jackson’s agreement with AEG Live called for Tohme to be called $100,000 a month, but Tohme was never paid. Trell said he drafted the agreement that Mr. Tohme was going to be paid by AEG as part of production cost.
"We were making that payment"
Trell said he didn't know who came up with the $100K figure to pay Mr. Tohme.
"AEG was facilitating an agreement between MJ and Dr. Tohme."
Tohme was not paid.
"That was because there were some conditions in the agreement not met"
Shawn Trell testified that he found out after the contract was signed that Jackson didn’t authorize Tohme’s payments.
"Subsequently, I learned Mr. Jackson had not approved the payment. MJ didn't authorize, so it wasn't going to get paid," Trell said, explaining he learned it either from Randy Phillips or Frank DiLeo.
On 5/5/09, MJ wrote:
"At my direction and effective immediately, Dr. Tohme Tohme is no longer authorized to represent me in any capacity"

Panish: are you license to practicing law in CA?
Trell: no, not in all aspects
Trell is registered as in-house counsel for AEG. He's never taken the CA bar test
Bob Taylor is an insurance broker, Trell said, and Lloyds of London is one of the underwriters of the type of insurance they were seeking. Panish shows a document where MJ was required to have a physical exam so broker could take the results to the insurance companies. Trell said he asked the question why insurance broker had chosen Dr. Slavit in NY and not a doctor in LA. The payment of the doctor was going to be 50/50 between the insurance broker and AEG, Trell said. Trell testified that it was the broker's belief that without physical exam there would be no way to get insurance. An email shows Trell inquired if it was really necessary to incur $10K in expense to get the medical exam completed. Trell said he never saw Dr. Slavit's report, or any other report, regarding MJ's physical exam; didn't know what kind of doctor he was. Trell said he learned through Taylor they wanted to get a number of years of MJ medical history.
"They were concerned he had skin cancer" "The policy was otherwise issued, but this was to add illness"
They required 2nd examination in London; wanted to see rehearsal. Trell said he never saw a request for a second medical exam in any tour. Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish also questioned Trell extensively about concert cancellation insurance for Jackson. An insurance broker was pressing AEG for a medical examination of Jackson before agreeing to write the policy. Emails between Trell and the broker showed there were concerns by insurers in London about Jackson’s health. One of the emails said Jackson was getting “mauled” by tabloid press over health concerns. Trell said concern was Jackson had skin cancer. Trell and the broker went back-and-forth a lot over in Jan. 2009 which doctor would do the exam. In the end, a NYC doc examined Jackson. Trell said he never saw the results of the medical examination. In March, insurers wanted another exam of Jackson in London. The second examination would cover illness, but insurers wanted another med exam and to attend full dress rehearsal, Trell said.
Panish: the insurance wanted additional medical exams because they were concerned, weren't they?
Trell: I have no idea
Panish showed email from the insurance broker to AEG execs with several question: details of coverage required, if artist had doctor on tour. Trell said he doesn't know whether this email with the requests was ever sent to MJ's people. Trell said Dr. Murray was asked later to help with these answers.
"It was thought that he might be of some help."
Panish asked if Trell sought life insurance on MJ where they would be the beneficiaries.
"An inquire of that was made to Mr. Taylor. We have no coverage against MJ sickness unless and until MJ submits to another medical in London. It was important to get that medical done"
He said policy would kick in on death, but not illness.
Panish: You were working on getting insurance on the day MJ died, weren't you sir?
Trell: I don't recall
Given the hour MJ died, Trell said he thinks he was not on the phone with Bob Taylor negotiating more insurance for MJ. Panish showed email from Gongaware to the insurance broker on June 24, 2009:
"Dr. Murray can comment on the availability of the records"
Panish said the amount of coverage was the maximum the underwriters were willing to cover, Trell agreed; it was effective April/early May. Two days before MJ died, Trell asked broker for longer insurance coverage:
"Term insurance is a reference to a form of life insurance"
Trell said he was looking for other options to cover the gap for what had already been spent
AEG made a claim on the insurance, Trell said.
Panish: You made the claim the night MJ died, didn't you?
Trell: I don't recall the date; it wasn't Jun 25th when I sent letter to Taylor
Panish: Were you speaking with Taylor about MJ being sick on the day he died?
Trell: I don't recall speaking with Mr. Taylor on the 25th
Panish asked if Trell discussed w/ Taylor about recouping Dr. Murray's production cost. He said they'd typically pass along the costs.
Trell said he spoke with Randy Phillips about MJ's health and physical condition, as well as Phillips' interaction with Dr. Murray.
Panish: Did Mr. Phillips tell you MJ was in bad shape prior to June 25?
Trell: Yes, on June 19
Trell said there were no AEG employees at rehearsal on June 19. He learned about MJ's feeling ill during the executive management meeting. Trell said he never spoke with Dr. Murray about MJ's condition. Randy Phillips learned about MJ's physical condition through Kenny Ortega, the tour director for This Is It, Trell said.
Panish: Within one week of MJ's death, the executive management was told about MJ poor physical condition?
Trell: The events on June 19, yes
The tour's director Kenny Ortega was being paid based on an agreement laid out solely in emails, AEG General Counsel Shawn Trell told jurors.
"Ortega's contract was a series of emails between us" Trell said. "He didn't have agreement of the nature as other people had on the tour"

Trell: "I don't recall, but I know initially it was more informal agreement. He (Ortega) was being paid based on the email agreement"
Dr. Murray was an independent contract, Trell said. An agreement is a term of conditions, not only agreement on compensation.
"He was rendering services to Mr. Jackson; he had not been engaged for This Is It tour," Trell testified.
Panish: And Dr. Murray had an agreement with AEG based on the emails?
Trell: No, Dr. Murray didn't have an agreement with AEG
In court, attorneys for Katherine Jackson displayed emails sent to Murray a month before the death of MJ in which Murray's contract terms were laid out. Trell said those emails did not demonstrate an employment relationship. Trell acknowledged, however, that Ortega was paid for his work on the shows despite working under terms laid out only in a series of emails.
"Kenny Ortega is different from Conrad Murray," Trell testified.
Panish said Ortega didn't have a memorialized agreement.
Email from Dr. Murray to Wooley on May 29, 2009:
"I have performed and continue to fulfill my services to the client in good faith. Therefore, I am asking you to deposit my fee for May in reciprocity of good faith on your part as per our agreement the usual and customary date for deposit is around 15th of each month, by today's date we're 13 days beyond my monthly fee.”
Trell said they had agreed on the compensation for Dr. Murray, but needed to memorialize the deal in an agreement. Email from Wooley to Murray on May 8, 2009 details terms of the contract:
  • contracting company
  • mode of travel
  • living arrangements in London
    Another email shows Wooley asking Dr. Murray for a cancelled check for direct deposit of his monthly compensation.
Email from Gongaware to Brother Michael on 5/6/09 regarding Dr. Murray:
"Done at $150K per month, per MJ."
Trell said Gongaware was authorized to negotiate with Dr. Murray, but he was still subject to an AEG contract. Another email said executive Paul Gongaware informed others that Murray would be "full time" on the tour by mid-May
Panish asked if before a contract is written, the "meeting of the minds" is necessary. Trell agreed

Panish: And Dr. Murray was working for AEG Live in May of 2009
Trell: No, I would totally disagree with that statement
Plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish asked Trell to agree with a statement that Murray was working for AEG.
"I would totally disagree with that statement," Trell said, noting that Ortega and Murray were considered independent contractors
Trell testified that five days before Jackson's death, top AEG executives were informed that he was in poor health. By that point, Ortega had sent executives an email titled "Trouble at the front" detailing Jackson's problems
Email from Ortega to Phillips on 6/20/09
Trouble at the Front
"I honestly don't think he's ready for this based in his continued physical weakening and deepening emotional state. It is reminiscent if what Karen, Bush, Travis and I remembered just before he fainted causing the HBO Concerts to be canceled. There are strong signs of paranoia, anxiety and obsessive-like behavior. I think the very best thing we can do is get a top Psychiatrist in to evaluate him ASAP. It’s like there are two people there. One (deep inside) trying to hold on to what he was and still can be and not wanting us to quit him, the other in his weakened and troubled state … I honestly felt if I had encouraged or allowed him on stage last night he could have hurt himself. I believe we need professional guidance in this matter."
Phillips turned down the request for a psychiatrist. In emails previously published by The Times, Phillips wrote:
"It is critical that neither you, me or anyone around this show become amateur psychiatrists or physicians."
Trell said Phillips did not contact a psychiatrist, doctor or any other medical provider, but they had a meeting that same day.
"I think someone took it seriously," Trell said.
He was not present at the meeting, but it was with Dr. Murray. Trell said the company’s response was to hold a meeting that day with Jackson and his doctor, Conrad Murray. “…so I think they took it seriously,” he said
Shawn Trell will continue to testify and is expected to last all day on the witness stand. Paul Gongaware is next witness. He'll be at the courthouse first thing on Wednesday, assuming they finish with Trell by then.
Julie Hollander Transcript
Shawn Trell Transcript
Rebbie Jackson leaving court
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:36 randomredhead10 Looking for input on what to do about a debt I am not able to pay, and the legal advice I have already received…

Last year, my husband and I started a business and sought out a business loan with BHG financial…this loan was supposed to be under our business, but seems to be a personal loan instead. (The lawyer I spoke to said, make no mistake it is technically still a business loan, but they put it on under us not the business itself) my husband is listed as a co borrower on the documents but he never signed the loan documents…we also did not physically sign these documents it was all done over the phone, and then a quick docusign, but there is not hard copy document with my actual signature on it which the lawyer pointed out is also abnormal for funding like this.
The loan was for $20,000 we only received $18,900 after origination fees etc…and that should have honestly been the first red flag but we were newbies and quite niave to the process…we made regular monthly payments toward the loan for the first 7 months, and then I was in a car accident and discovered I was also pregnant at the same time…we were unable to continue with our business for the remainder of the year, as my health was severely impacted, I also wasn’t able to work my day job as often, so we became reliant on a single income. I attempted to work out some sort of hardship repayment plan initially, but their proposed repayment plan was going to end up increasing the debt to a point where we would never be able to pay it off and it would’ve trapped us in an endless cycle of repaying something that would never go away and only continue to grow. I declined signing the arrangement because it was clearly very scammy, and not a realistic repayment plan for somebody requesting hardship assistance.
I contacted a lawyer who told me it was a great move to not sign that which I agree with, however the rest of his advice I’m questioning and I’m just looking for a second opinion. This lawyer advised me to just ignore the debt collector, knowing that we can’t pay this debt. That many pop-up debt collection companies use aggressive and scam worthy tactics to try and squeeze as much money out of people as they can, but these companies pop up and fold within the first few years of existing, they can’t get anybody to repay on their terms. so this lawyers advice was to ignore the problem and wait and see what happens. He told me I am very unlikely to get sued, because it would cost them more money to bring a lawsuit to me in a different state, and if they did sue me, I have the option of filing for bankruptcy, contesting it or accepting a default judgment, which would still leave me owing less than the debt collector is asking for to settle which would not benefit them. He said most of these debt collectors threaten to take people to court, but don’t always do so when the cost of doing so is not worth what they’ll actually get. He told me if I do get sued to give him a call back and we can go from there, but that he does not believe I will get sued.
My question is was the advice I was given good advice? This has been hanging over my head for months and I’ve spent months trying to come up with a settlement that will work However, this company has not sent me any documentation in letter form. It’s all been through email which this lawyer also said is a red flag on the collector… they also are not reporting this debt or any of the payments to any of the credit bureaus which is also very strange to me…they have used high stakes, high-pressure tactics to continue to stress me out when I’m clearly trying to negotiate with them. Is it realistic to just cease contact and hope it goes away? To me that seemed like really odd advice to receive from an attorney who specializes in handling cases like this… BHG financial apparently only has jurisdiction in two states. The state that I live in is not one of them, and the debt collection company they are using seems to be associated to them, though I don’t know what their jurisdiction is. They would still have to serve me out of state, and I still believe I have a strong argument if it did go to court to say that I have been trying to negotiate this all year so that gives me some hope that I can avoid a harsh default, but I find it hard to believe if I just ignore the problem it’ll go away. All I know is I feel like I’m in over my head on this.
submitted by randomredhead10 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:42 Sweet-Count2557 Best Brunch in Lakewood Oh

Best Brunch in Lakewood Oh
Best Brunch in Lakewood Oh Are you ready to indulge in the best brunch experience in Lakewood, OH? Look no further, as we've got you covered.Imagine starting your day with a mouthwatering plate of fluffy pancakes topped with fresh berries and a side of crispy bacon. Or perhaps you prefer a savory eggs Benedict smothered in hollandaise sauce. Whatever your brunch cravings may be, our comprehensive guide will lead you to the most delicious and satisfying brunch spots in Lakewood.Get ready to treat yourself to a memorable dining experience.Key TakeawaysPier W is a renowned seafood restaurant with lake views and offers an outstanding bottomless brunch with a rotating menu.Forage Public House is a hip gastropub with a seasonal menu and unique brunch cocktails, making it a casual-elegant weekend brunch spot.Joes Deli & Restaurant Rocky River is a long-running deli offering traditional sandwiches and Lebanese cuisine, providing a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.Barroco Grill is a Latin American restaurant with vibrant flavors and a lively atmosphere, offering a diverse menu with vegetarian and gluten-free options.Top-rated Brunch Spots in LakewoodWe have compiled a list of 15 top-rated brunch spots in Lakewood, each offering unique flavors and dishes to satisfy our brunch cravings. From upscale dining establishments to cozy cafes, Lakewood has a diverse range of options for brunch enthusiasts.Pier W is a renowned seafood restaurant with breathtaking lake views. They offer an exquisite selection of seafood and gourmet dishes, making it a perfect choice for a special occasion. Forage Public House is a hip gastropub that emphasizes fresh, locally-sourced ingredients. Their seasonal menu offers an eclectic mix of dishes that cater to both vegetarians and meat-lovers.If you're in the mood for a classic deli experience, Joes Deli & Restaurant Rocky River is a must-visit. They offer traditional sandwiches and Lebanese cuisine, adding a touch of Lebanese and European flair to their menu. Barroco Grill is another great option, with unique flavors and dishes inspired by Colombian cuisine. Their vibrant and lively atmosphere adds to the overall dining experience.Deagan's Kitchen & Bar is a gastropub known for its creative and innovative menu. With a farm-to-table concept and locally-sourced ingredients, they offer a cozy and rustic atmosphere for brunch-goers. Georgetown Restaurant is a family-owned establishment that serves classic American breakfast dishes with friendly and attentive service.Whether you're looking for a quaint cafe or an eclectic eatery, Lakewood has it all. Root Cafe focuses on organic and locally-sourced ingredients, while Melt Bar and Grilled is famous for its gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. The Proper Pig Smokehouse offers hearty Southern-inspired dishes, while Buckeye Beer Engine provides comfort food classics with a twist.For those craving Mexican flavors, Barrio Lakewood is the place to be. Their build-your-own tacos and colorful decor create a lively ambiance. Salt+ Restaurant offers an upscale dining experience with a contemporary American menu, perfect for a special brunch outing.If you prefer a cozy cafe atmosphere, The Place To Be and Rooted Juicery & Kitchen are excellent choices. The Vegan Doughnut Company offers delicious vegan doughnuts, while Bar Italia Lakewood combines Italian dishes with a New York City twist.Unique Brunch Experiences in LakewoodWhen it comes to brunch in Lakewood, there are several unique experiences that stand out. From creative menu options that showcase the flavors of the region to lively and vibrant atmospheres that make brunch feel like a celebration, these brunch spots offer something special.Many of these establishments also place a strong emphasis on using local ingredients, ensuring that each dish is fresh and bursting with flavor.Creative Menu OptionsI love exploring unique brunch experiences in Lakewood, especially when restaurants offer creative menu options that showcase their innovative culinary skills.One standout brunch spot in Lakewood is Forage Public House. This hip gastropub combines craft beer with a seasonal menu that emphasizes fresh, locally-sourced ingredients. Whether you're a vegetarian or a meat-lover, Forage Public House has an eclectic mix of dishes to satisfy your cravings.One of their highlights is the build-your-own bloody Mary, where you can customize your drink with a variety of unique ingredients.Another great option is Deagan's Kitchen & Bar, a gastropub that prides itself on its creative and innovative menu. They follow a farm-to-table concept, using locally-sourced ingredients to create delicious brunch offerings. From their cozy and rustic atmosphere to their extensive beer selection, Deagan's Kitchen & Bar is a must-visit for brunch lovers in Lakewood.Lively and Vibrant AtmosphereForage Public House creates a lively and vibrant atmosphere with its hip gastropub setting and eclectic mix of dishes. Here's what sets Forage apart and makes it a must-visit spot for brunch:Ambiance:The restaurant exudes a trendy and energetic vibe, with modern decor and an open layout that encourages socializing.The space is filled with natural light, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.The lively chatter of diners and the energetic buzz of the bar make for a dynamic dining experience.Menu:Forage offers a diverse range of dishes, from classic brunch staples to unique creations that showcase their commitment to seasonal and locally-sourced ingredients.Vegetarians and meat-lovers alike will find plenty of options to satisfy their cravings.The build-your-own bloody Mary bar and unique brunch cocktails add an extra element of fun and creativity to the dining experience.Service:The staff at Forage is attentive, knowledgeable, and friendly, creating a welcoming and relaxed environment.Whether you're a regular or a first-time visitor, you can expect top-notch service and a memorable dining experience.Overall, Forage Public House is a go-to destination for those seeking a lively and vibrant brunch experience.Emphasis on Local IngredientsWe love how many brunch spots in Lakewood, OH emphasize local ingredients, creating unique and flavorful dining experiences. These establishments understand the importance of supporting local farmers and businesses, and they showcase the best that the region has to offer.By sourcing their ingredients locally, these brunch spots ensure freshness and quality in their dishes. They take pride in using seasonal produce, artisanal cheeses, and locally-raised meats, which adds depth and complexity to their menus.From farm-to-table gastropubs to cozy cafes, each brunch spot has its own distinct style and approach to showcasing local ingredients. Whether you're craving traditional American breakfast dishes or exploring international flavors, the emphasis on local ingredients elevates the dining experience and connects patrons to the community.Must-Visit Brunch Restaurants in LakewoodLet's check out the must-visit brunch restaurants in Lakewood and savor delicious dishes and unique flavors.Pier W: Renowned seafood restaurant with lake views, exquisite selection of seafood and gourmet dishes, outstanding bottomless brunch with rotating menu, traditional, white tablecloth setting.Forage Public House: Hip gastropub with craft beer and seasonal menu, emphasis on fresh, locally-sourced ingredients, eclectic mix of dishes for vegetarians and meat-lovers, build-your-own bloody Mary and unique brunch cocktails, casual-elegant weekend brunch spot.Joes Deli & Restaurant Rocky River: Long-running deli offering traditional sandwiches and Lebanese cuisine, comforting deli classics and American fare, casual and welcoming atmosphere, mom-and-pop restaurant with cozy setting, touch of Lebanese and European flair in cuisine.These brunch spots in Lakewood offer a diverse range of dining experiences.Pier W stands out for its stunning lake views and exquisite seafood dishes.Forage Public House is perfect for those who appreciate craft beer and a menu that highlights fresh, locally-sourced ingredients.Joes Deli & Restaurant Rocky River is a charming deli that serves up comforting deli classics and Lebanese cuisine with a touch of European flair.Whether you're in the mood for elegant dining or a cozy, casual atmosphere, these brunch restaurants in Lakewood have something to offer everyone.Hidden Gems for Brunch in LakewoodOne of our favorite hidden gems for brunch in Lakewood is Buckeye Beer Engine. Located in the heart of Lakewood, Buckeye Beer Engine offers a lively and energetic atmosphere, perfect for a casual brunch experience. The menu features a variety of mouthwatering dishes that are sure to satisfy any craving. From their signature Buckeye Benedict with crispy bacon and creamy hollandaise sauce to their fluffy buttermilk pancakes served with warm maple syrup, there's something for everyone to enjoy. But what sets Buckeye Beer Engine apart is their extensive selection of craft beers on tap. Whether you prefer a hoppy IPA or a smooth stout, they've a beer that will perfectly complement your meal. With its welcoming atmosphere and delicious food and drinks, Buckeye Beer Engine is a must-visit spot for brunch in Lakewood.Now, let's move on to some of the local favorites for brunch in Lakewood.Local Favorites for Brunch in LakewoodWhen it comes to local favorites for brunch in Lakewood, there are a few beloved eateries that always come to mind.Borderline Cafe is known for its scrumptious dishes and welcoming atmosphere, offering a cozy and comforting brunch experience.Deagans Kitchen & Bar is another popular choice among the local community, with its creative menu and rustic ambiance.These two spots have earned their reputation as go-to brunch destinations in Lakewood.Beloved Brunch SpotsWe can't wait to try out the beloved brunch spots in Lakewood, OH, such as Pier W and Forage Public House, known for their exquisite dishes and eclectic menus. Here's a taste of what to expect at these and other top brunch spots in Lakewood:Pier W: Renowned seafood restaurant with stunning lake views and a traditional, white tablecloth setting. Their bottomless brunch features a rotating menu of gourmet seafood dishes that are sure to impress.Forage Public House: This hip gastropub offers a seasonal menu with an emphasis on fresh, locally-sourced ingredients. Whether you're a vegetarian or a meat-lover, their eclectic mix of dishes has something for everyone. Don't miss their build-your-own bloody Mary and unique brunch cocktails.Joes Deli & Restaurant Rocky River: A long-running deli that offers traditional sandwiches and Lebanese cuisine. The cozy and welcoming atmosphere, combined with their comforting deli classics and American fare, gives this mom-and-pop restaurant a special touch.These are just a few examples of the incredible brunch options available in Lakewood, OH. With a variety of cuisines and atmospheres to choose from, there's something for every palate and preference.Scrumptious Dishes and Welcoming AtmosphereBorderline Cafe and Deagans Kitchen & Bar are beloved eateries in the community, known for their scrumptious dishes and welcoming atmosphere, making them top choices for a satisfying brunch experience.Borderline Cafe offers a cozy and inviting ambiance, with a menu that features classic breakfast dishes with a twist. Their signature dishes include fluffy pancakes, hearty omelets, and mouthwatering breakfast sandwiches. The cafe prides itself on using fresh, locally-sourced ingredients to create flavorful and satisfying meals.Deagans Kitchen & Bar, on the other hand, offers a more innovative and creative brunch menu. From their famous avocado toast to their indulgent brunch cocktails, Deagans Kitchen & Bar provides a unique culinary experience. The rustic and cozy atmosphere adds to the overall charm of the restaurant, making it a popular choice among locals and visitors alike.Whether you're in the mood for traditional breakfast fare or something more adventurous, both Borderline Cafe and Deagans Kitchen & Bar have something to satisfy your brunch cravings.Local Community FavoritesThe Proper Pig Smokehouse and The Vegan Doughnut Company are two of our favorite local community brunch spots in Lakewood, offering their own unique and delicious dishes.The Proper Pig Smokehouse: Nestled in the heart of Lakewood, The Proper Pig Smokehouse serves up mouthwatering BBQ brunch options. From their tender smoked meats to their savory Southern-inspired dishes, every bite is packed with flavor. The casual and laid-back atmosphere adds to the charm of this local favorite. Don't forget to pair your meal with one of their craft beers or a selection from their bourbon menu.The Vegan Doughnut Company: For those seeking a plant-based brunch experience, The Vegan Doughnut Company is a must-visit. Their assortment of delicious vegan doughnuts will satisfy any sweet tooth. With creative flavors and toppings, these doughnuts are a treat for both vegans and non-vegans alike. The cozy and inviting atmosphere makes it the perfect spot to enjoy a specialty coffee or tea alongside your doughnut delight.Whether you're craving BBQ or vegan treats, these local community favorites have something to satisfy every brunch craving.Trendy Brunch Places in LakewoodOne of the trendy brunch places in Lakewood that we love is Forage Public House. It offers a hip gastropub experience with craft beer and a seasonal menu. Located in Lakewood, Ohio, Forage Public House is known for its fresh, locally-sourced ingredients and eclectic mix of dishes that cater to both vegetarians and meat-lovers alike.The menu at Forage Public House is constantly changing to reflect the seasons, ensuring that every visit offers a unique culinary experience. Whether you're in the mood for classic brunch fare like eggs Benedict or something more adventurous like avocado toast with a twist, Forage Public House has something to satisfy every palate.In addition to its delicious food, Forage Public House also boasts an impressive selection of craft beer, making it the perfect place to relax and unwind with friends. From IPA's to stouts, there's a beer for every beer lover at Forage Public House. And if you're in the mood for a brunch cocktail, be sure to try their build-your-own bloody Mary or one of their unique brunch cocktails.Overall, Forage Public House is a must-visit brunch spot in Lakewood. With its hip atmosphere, delicious food, and extensive craft beer selection, it's no wonder why it's become a favorite among locals and visitors alike.Outdoor Brunch Options in LakewoodWe should consider exploring the outdoor brunch options in Lakewood because the weather is beautiful and it would be a great way to enjoy our meal.First, we could visit Pier W, a renowned seafood restaurant with breathtaking lake views. They offer an exquisite selection of seafood and gourmet dishes, and their bottomless brunch with a rotating menu is outstanding. The traditional, white tablecloth setting adds an elegant touch to the dining experience.Another option is Forage Public House, a hip gastropub with a seasonal menu and emphasis on fresh, locally-sourced ingredients. They've an eclectic mix of dishes for both vegetarians and meat-lovers, and their build-your-own bloody Mary and unique brunch cocktails are a hit. It's the perfect spot for a casual yet elegant weekend brunch.If we're in the mood for a cozy and welcoming atmosphere, we can head to Joe's Deli & Restaurant Rocky River. This long-running deli offers traditional sandwiches and Lebanese cuisine, with a touch of Lebanese and European flair in their dishes. It's a mom-and-pop restaurant with a cozy setting and comforting deli classics.Exploring these outdoor brunch options in Lakewood won't only allow us to enjoy the beautiful weather, but also indulge in delicious food and create lasting memories.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some Unique Brunch Experiences in Lakewood?Some unique brunch experiences in Lakewood include:Pier W, known for its exquisite seafood dishes and stunning lake views.Forage Public House, a trendy gastropub with a craft beer selection and seasonal menu.Joes Deli & Restaurant offers a cozy atmosphere with traditional sandwiches and Lebanese cuisine.Barroco Grill serves Latin American-inspired dishes in a vibrant setting.Deagan's Kitchen & Bar is a popular gastropub with a creative menu using locally-sourced ingredients.These brunch spots offer diverse flavors and atmospheres for a memorable dining experience.Are There Any Hidden Gem Brunch Spots in Lakewood?There mightn't be any hidden gem brunch spots in Lakewood, but there are plenty of amazing options to choose from.From the renowned seafood and gourmet dishes at Pier W to the hip gastropub experience at Forage Public House, there's something for everyone.Don't forget about the comforting deli classics at Joe's Deli & Restaurant Rocky River or the creative menu at Deagan's Kitchen & Bar.What Are the Local Favorites for Brunch in Lakewood?Local favorites for brunch in Lakewood include Borderline Cafe and Deagan's Kitchen & Bar.Borderline Cafe is beloved for its scrumptious dishes and welcoming atmosphere, serving homestyle breakfast classics.Deagan's Kitchen & Bar offers a creative and innovative brunch menu with locally-sourced ingredients, creating a cozy and rustic ambiance.Both establishments provide exceptional taste and a delightful dining experience.Where Can I Find Trendy Brunch Places in Lakewood?When it comes to trendy brunch places in Lakewood, there are a couple of options worth checking out.Summer House and Juneberry Table are popular spots known for their contemporary atmosphere, delicious food, and great service.Whether you're looking for a unique brunch experience or want to try something new, these trendy spots have you covered.From their stylish decor to their flavorful dishes, Summer House and Juneberry Table are sure to satisfy your brunch cravings.Are There Any Brunch Restaurants in Lakewood With Outdoor Seating?Yes, there are brunch restaurants in Lakewood with outdoor seating.Borderline Cafe and Juneberry Table are two popular spots that offer outdoor seating for brunch.Enjoy a delightful meal surrounded by the beautiful environment.These establishments provide a pleasant and enjoyable dining experience, combining delicious food with the refreshing ambiance of the outdoors.It's the perfect way to start your day and savor the flavors of Lakewood.ConclusionIn conclusion, our exploration of the best brunch spots in Lakewood, OH has revealed a delightful array of options.From elegant seafood restaurants with stunning lake views to cozy cafes with locally-sourced ingredients, there's a brunch experience to suit every taste.Whether you're craving traditional favorites or innovative dishes, the diverse culinary scene in Lakewood has you covered.So, indulge in a memorable and delicious brunch outing in this charming city.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:10 jvpts11 Is he worth nowadays?

Well, i play this game since 2021, and somehow i still didn't got him. If i had him in like 2021 my early game would be a lot easier. Anyways, today i'm an Arlecchino main and well, she is great but i have Diluc's signature weapon and i would love to have him today as an alternative DPS and as another option to clear the abyss (also i always wanted this character but my lost 50/50 always got to Keqing).
So, is he still worth in 2024? How strong is diluc today? Which teams can he be fit into beyond vaporize?
As for the characters i have, i don't have xianyun neither Yelan but i have bennett c4, xinqiu, kokomi, Baizhu, Nahida, but i don't know which other supports may work with him.
submitted by jvpts11 to DilucMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:34 smileyy_mee Doctors are the only govt employees I have had good experience with :)

Today I went to PGIMS Rohtak with my mom. My parents usually visit govt hospitals, but they always come home and say daactar sahab ne yahi dawai di hai bas. I always inquire them that more than those meds, actual talking to doctor about your problems is most important. I ask aapne doctor ko sab bataya ? Then they are like - doctor ke paas itna time nahi hota, vo bahar nikaal dete hain. Vo baat nahi karte jyada and all. Vo "Sarkari" daactar hain, jyada care nahi karte.
Fortunately I have had experiences to visit govt hospitals for several times, but other than one bad experience (that too not verbally but negligence of doctor which was fatal btw but still there are goods and bads in every profession)
Other than one, I have always found doctors to be most polite, time giving, caring, understanding. I remember I went to my university's office once and damn I had to move one room to another for literally 2 hrs, everyone saying iss window pe jaao, yahan nahi hoga.
And govt courts, you just don't ask only. Those government baabus will make sure you die before you get a sign on a paper if you don't feed them money. Police is same again.
On the other hand, I feel so good today. I talked to doctor for like 15 mins straight about my mom's illness and yes, the doctor was not even a bit angry or avoiding me. He was answering my every concern . I felt really in heaven today. My parents said tumko knowledge hai na, that's why he was nice, which might be true. But man, I have never seen any government employee talking so politely to a 19 year old guy.
The same happened with me in mamc wala loknayak hospital, there one guy in derma dept was in std clinic. I had sex for the first time(protected). But since I was just 18 and very innocent and naive. I went straight to doctor fearing i might have STD. I was so surprised by the way that doc interacted with me for like straight 20+ minutes. I guess he was not some senior doctor coz other docs on the same floor were talking to him in an authoritative way. I will always remember that doctor for my life. I wanna meet him and thank him personally, but I can't understand his signature. Otherwise I would have traced him on insta and thanked him.
Although one common experience I have had is the other staff in govt hospitals is reallllllyyyyy reallllyyyy bad. Be it OPD wale employees, test reports distribution wali nurses/ sisters idk, gate ke bahar name announce karne Wale and all. They would not wait for one even one minute after their time to care about anyone. Even if you ask them, ye department Kahan hai? Iss room me kis chiz ke doctor hain? Opd kitne baje Tak hogi? And any such basic question since a new person who visits the hospital for first time is unaware. They would either talk to you so disrespectfully or will give you wrong information and directions. Now I am highly sure they give you wrong information willingly. Coz how can they be so wrong all the time?
But folks with white coat roaming/ doing their work in corridors mostly interns/ docs i guess will go am extra mile to help you. Idk it's just me but I feel so good when I see any government employee, that too such highly qualified doctor who has studied too much willing to talk to me . It's just so unexpected for me.
Finally I wanna say, I am feeling so good today and wanna say doctors are the only govt employees who are caring and doing their job, in fact so much more than their job. I would always be thankful for such docs .
I feel the less educated you are, the more god complex you have. I was surprised seeing some nurse/ sister roaming and gossiping with her friend for like 45 minutes while we were waiting for our lab reports. Even after calling her several times, she was acting as if she is doing some godly work to give us our reports for the work she is paid. I strongly stand against this behaviour of such fools who think they are the kings coz they have this govt job. The system should straightaway fire them right away. Until they keep thinking noone can remove us from our job, they won't do a shit.
submitted by smileyy_mee to indianmedschool [link] [comments]